23 Abrasives - Hanes Supply, Inc.
23 Abrasives - Hanes Supply, Inc.
Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com SECTION INDEX SECTION 23 Abrasives aDapTErS Type 1 and 27 Wheels ...................23-10–11, ..................................................23-43, 23-52 baCk paDS Diamond Disc........................................23-12 Fiber Disc .......................23-28, 23-43, 23-52 Flexible Grinding/Blending ....................23-52 Hook and Loop......................................23-53 Pressure Sensitive ................................23-52 Quick Change .................................23-52–53 Spiralcool...............................................23-28 Surface Conditioning.............................23-53 Velcro ....................................................23-53 bElTS Abrasives ...........................23-6–8, 23-13–21 Cleaning Sticks ..........................23-19, 23-53 Deburring ............................................23-6–7 Narrow Belts....................................23-13–18 Pump Sleeves .......................................23-19 Sander.................................................23-7–8 Surface Conditioning ...................23-8, 23-33 Wide Belts .......................................23-19–21 bENCh Grinder Wheels .....................................23-51 brICk Rubs...........................................23-37, 23-51 brIGhT-buFF Belts .............................................23-8, 23-33 Hand Pads .........................23-1–2, 23-31–32 Quick Change Discs ..........23-4–5, 23-32–33 Rolls .........................................23-1–2, 23-32 Sheets..........................................23-2, 23-32 Velcro Discs .............................23-5–6, 23-33 brISTlE Discs ..............................................23-4, 23-6 bruShES Flap Surface Conditioning.....................23-12 CarTrIDGE Rolls ................................................23-23–24 ClEaN aND STrIp Cup Wheel ............................................23-10 Discs ............................................23-6, 23-11 Web .......................................................23-11 CONES aND pluGS .......23-24, 23-47, 23-51 CrOCuS ClOTh ......................................23-2 CrOSS Pad ..................................................23-25–26 Cup Stones (Grinding)............23-37, 23-47, 23-50 CuT aND pOlISh Wheels ..................................................23-10 CuTTEr Fiber Disc ..............................................23-28 CuTTING Wheel, Abrasive.............23-36–39, 23-41–49 DIamOND Abrasives ..............................................23-12 DISC hOlDErS Diamond Abrasives ...............................23-12 Quick Change ...................23-5–6, 23-26–27, ............................................23-32–33, 23-53 Roloc ...........23-5–6, 23-27, 23-32–33, 23-53 Spiralcool...............................................23-28 Surface Conditioning ........23-5–6, 23-32–33, .............................................................23-53 Velcro ...............................................23-23-33 DISCS Fiber ......23-3–4, 23-26–28, 23-42–43, 23-50 Bristle .............................................23-4, 23-6 Clean and Strip ............................23-6, 23-11 Coating Removal.....................................23-6 Diamond ................................................23-12 Flap .................................................23-39–40 Hook and Loop (Velcro)...........23-5–6, 23-33 Pressure Adhesive (PSA) ..........23-43, 23-51 Quick-Change ...................23-3–6, 23-26–27, ............................................23-32–33, 23-50 Roloc ...........23-3–4, 23-26–27, 23-32, 23-50 Surface Conditioning...............23-4–6, 23-11, .......................................................23-32–33 Type P, R & S ...................23-3–4, 23-26–27, ..................................................23-32, 23-50 Velcro Back ..............................23-5–6, 23-33 EmEry ClOTh..............................23-2, 23-30 FIbEr DISCS Backing Pads..................23-28, 23-43, 23-52 Cutter ....................................................23-28 Discs......23-3–4, 23-26–28, 23-42–43, 23-50 Quick Change.........23-3–4, 23-26–27, 23-50 Quick Change Holder ...........23-5, 23-26–27, ..................................................23-50, 23-52 FIlES Diamond ................................................23-12 Flap Brushes, Surface Conditioning .............23-12 Discs ...............................................23-39–40 Wheels Adapters .............................23-22–23 Wheels, Mounted .......................23-11, 23-22 Wheels, Unmounted..............................23-23 FlOOr Rubs...........................................23-37, 23-51 GarNET papEr.....................................23-30 GrINDING Bench Wheels .......................................23-51 Cotton Laminate ........................23-37, 23-50 Cup Stones .....................23-37, 23-47, 23-50 Discs, Fiber.......................23-3–4, 23-26–28, ............................................23-42–43, 23-50 Semi-Flexible ..................23-36, 23-42, 23-45 Wheels (Type 27) .........23-34–36, 23-40–41, ......................................23-44, 23-47, 23-49 Wheels (Type 28) .....23-34–35, 23-45, 23-49 “Z” Wheels (Type 29) .................23-42, 23-45 haND Rubs...........................................23-37, 23-51 Pad Holder ...................................23-2, 23-32 Pads, Surface Conditioning ...............23-1–2, .......................................................23-31–32 hOlDErS Hand Pads ...................................23-2, 23-32 hOOk aND lOOp (VElCrO) Disc ..........................................23-5–6, 23-33 Holder ..........................................23-6, 23-33 – continues – WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - A 23 abrasives abraSIVES Belts ...................................23-6–8, 23-13–21 Bench Grinder .......................................23-51 Brick, Block and Masonry Saw .............23-49 Bristle Disc .....................................23-4, 23-6 Cartridge Roll ..................................23-23–24 Chop Saw/Miter Saw .....................23-38–39, ..................................................23-42, 23-46 Circular Saws .................23-38, 23-45, 23-49 Cleaning Stick ............................23-19, 23-53 Cones and Plugs ............23-24, 23-47, 23-51 Cotton Laminate ........................23-37, 23-50 Cross Pads......................................23-25–26 Cup Stones .....................23-37, 23-47, 23-50 Cut-Off Saw ..............................23-38, 23-42, ............................................23-45–46, 23-49 Cutting Wheels ..............23-36–39, 23-41–49 Cutting/Notching/Grinding.........23-35, 23-41, ............................................23-44–45, 23-48 Depressed Center (Type 27) .........23-34–37, .....................23-40–41, 23-44-45, 23-47–50 Diamond ................................................23-12 Die/Straight Grinders ................23-37, 23-41, ..................................................23-43, 23-48 Fiber Disc Cutter ...................................23-28 Fiber Discs........................23-3–4, 23-26–28, ............................................23-42–43, 23-50 Flap Discs .......................................23-39–40 Flap Wheels .........................23-11, 23-22–23 Gas and Electric Saw ...............23-38, 23-42, ............................................23-45–46, 23-49 Grinding Wheels (Type 27) ............23-34–36, .....................23-40–41, 23-44, 23-47, 23-49 Grinding Wheels (Type 28) ............23-34–35, ..................................................23-45, 23-49 Hand/Floor Rubs .......................23-37, 23-51 Mounted Points...............23-24, 23-47, 23-51 Pressure Adhesive Discs (PSA) ..........23-43, .............................................................23-51 Quick-Change ...................23-3–6, 23-26–27, ............................................23-32–33, 23-50 Rolls............................23-2, 23-28–29, 23-31 Roloc Discs.......................23-3–4, 23-26–27, ..................................................23-32, 23-50 Semi-Flexible (Type 27 and 29) ..........23-36, ..................................................23-42, 23-45 Sheets....................................23-2, 23-29–31 Square Pad ...........................................23-25 Stationary Saws..............23-39, 23-46, 23-49 Street Saw.............................................23-49 Surface Conditioning ............23-1–2, 23-4–6, ........................................23-8–12, 23-31–33 Velcro Back ..............................23-5–6, 23-33 “Z” Wheels (Type 29) .................23-42, 23-45 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com SECTION INDEX SECTION 23 Abrasives abrasives 23 maNDrElS Cartridge Roll ........................................23-24 Cone Point ............................................23-24 Cross Pad .......................................23-25–26 Flap Wheel ............................................23-23 Scotch Brite Wheels ......................23-10–11 Square Pad ...........................................23-25 Surface Conditioning..............23-2, 23-10–11 Trim-Kut.................................................23-28 Type 1 Abrasive Wheel ..............23-43, 23-52 TM paDS, abraSIVES Cross ...............................................23-25–26 Diamond Disc........................................23-12 Hand, Surface Conditioning ...............23-1–2, .......................................................23-31–32 Holder, Hand ................................23-2, 23-32 Sanding .................................................23-31 Square...................................................23-25 prESSurE aDhESIVE Backing Pads ........................................23-52 Discs ..........................................23-43, 23-51 rOllS, abraSIVES Aluminum Oxide ....................23-2, 23-28–29 Cartridge .........................................23-23–24 Crocus Cloth ...........................................23-2 Emery Cloth ............................................23-2 Handy ....................................................23-28 Plumbers ...............................................23-29 Production Cloth ..........................23-2, 23-29 Sand Screen .........................................23-31 Shop ......................................................23-29 Silicone Carbide.........................23-29, 23-31 Surface Conditioning ...............23-1–2, 23-32 rubS Brick ...........................................23-37, 23-51 SaNDpapEr............................23-2, 23-29–31 SCOTCh-brITE Belts .............................................23-8, 23-33 EXL Wheels .............................23-4, 23-9–12 Pads...................................23-1–2, 23-31–32 Quick Change Discs ..........23-4–5, 23-32–33 Stars ......................................................23-12 Velcro Discs .............................23-5–6, 23-33 Web .......................................................23-11 ShEETS, abraSIVES Aluminum Oxide ....................23-2, 23-29–31 Drywall ..................................................23-31 Emery...........................................23-2, 23-30 Flint Paper.............................................23-30 Garnet ...................................................23-30 Silicone Carbide.....................23-2, 23-30–31 Surface Conditioning ...................23-2, 23-32 SquarE Pad ........................................................23-25 STarS Surface Conditioning.............................23-12 SurFaCE CONDITIONING Backing Pads ........................................23-53 Belts .............................................23-8, 23-33 Clean and Strip ............................23-6, 23-11 Combi Wheel.........................................23-12 Cutting and Polishing ............................23-11 Disc Holders ...........23-5–6, 23-32–33, 23-53 Flap Brushes .........................................23-12 Hand Pads ...............................23-1–2, 23-31 Hook and Loop (Velcro)...........23-5–6, 23-33 Performance Advantages........................23-1 Quick Change Discs ..........23-4–5, 23-32–33 Rolls .........................................23-1–2, 23-32 Shanked Discs ........................................23-6 Sheets......................................23-1–2, 23-32 Stars ......................................................23-12 Velcro Disc Holder .......................23-6, 23-33 Velcro Discs .............................23-5–6, 23-33 Web .......................................................23-11 Wheels ..............................................23-9–12 VElCrO Disc ..........................................23-5–6, 23-33 Holder ..........................................23-6, 23-33 23 - B WWW.haNESSupply.COm WaTErprOOF Sand Paper ............................23-2, 23-30–31 WEb Surface Conditioning .............................23-11 WhEElS, abraSIVES Adapters/Reducing Bushings .........23-10–11, ..................................................23-43, 23-52 Bench Grinder .......................................23-51 Brick,Block and Masonry Saw ..............23-49 Chop Saw/Miter Saw ..........23-38–39, 23-42, .............................................................23-46 Circular Saws .................23-32, 23-45, 23-49 Clean and Strip Cup..............................23-10 Combi ....................................................23-12 Cotton Laminate ........................23-37, 23-50 Cup Stones .....................23-37, 23-47, 23-50 Cut and Polish.......................................23-10 Cut-Off Saw ..............................23-38, 23-42, ............................................23-45–46, 23-49 Cutting Wheels ..............23-36–39, 23-41–49 Cutting/Notching/Grinding (Type 27)......23-35, 23-41, 23-44–45, 23-48 Depressed Center (Type 27) .........23-34–37, ....................23-40–41, 23-44–45, 23-47–50 Die/Straight Grinders ................23-37, 23-41, ..................................................23-43, 23-48 Flap ......................................23-11, 23-22–23 Gas and Electric Saw ...............23-38, 23-42, ............................................23-45–46, 23-49 Grinding Wheel (Type 27) ..............23-34–36, .....................23-40–41, 23-44, 23-47, 23-49 Grinding Wheels (Type 28) ............23-34–35, ..................................................23-45, 23-49 Multi-Finishing .......................................23-10 Scotch-Brite EXL......................23-4, 23-9–11 Semi-Flexible (Type 27 and 29) ..........23-36, ..................................................23-42, 23-45 Stationary Saws..............23-39, 23-46, 23-49 Street Saw.............................................23-49 Surface Conditioning.........................23-9–12 “Z” (Type 29) ..............................23-42, 23-45 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives performance advantages Over Competitive products Surface Conditioning products mineral, resin and Fiber: building blocks for Scotch-briteTm Surface Conditioning products Cleaning • Leaves No Metal Fines • No Carbon Contamination on Surface • Work Piece Protected • Consistent Finish • Resists Loading • Removes all Surface Contaminants • Doesn't Fling Wires Sandpaper: Sheets, Rolls, Belts & Flap Wheels Wire Brushes Buff & Compound Tampico & Bristle • Faster • Thorough Cleaning • Won't Damage Piece • Faster Files, Burrs & Scrappers Set-Up Wheels Sand Blasting • No Airborn Particles to be Contained • Cleaner Finish • Faster Rubber Bonded Wheels Abrasive Fiber Resin hand pads Product 5440 (4" x 6") 7440 7440B Color Tan Tan Tan 7445 White 7446 Gray 7445B 7446B White Gray 7447 Maroon 7448 Lt. Gray 7447B 7448B Maroon Lt. Gray Pkg. 10 pads/box 4 boxes/case 10 pads/box 4 boxes/case 40 pads/box bulk pack 20 pads/box 3 boxes/case 60 pads/box bulk pack 10 pads/box 4 boxes/case 40 pads/box bulk pack 20 pads/box 3 boxes/case 60 pads/case bulk pack 20 pads/box 3 boxes/case 60 pads/case bulk pack UPC. No. 048011-16983 048011-04050 048011-18451 A select group of Scotch-Bright webs cut into 6" x 9" (the #5440 are 4" x 6") sheets available in a variety of grades ranging from light duty cleansing to heavy duty. 048011-16976 048011-18453 048011-04029 7448 048011-14049 7447 • Spring action • Cleaner/Faster • Less Set-Up Time Work Surface production hand pad No. 8447 This Scotch-Bright pad delivers higher cut, longer life and a better finish. Use on aluminum, stainless steel, plastics, wood and fiberglass. Ideal for paint preparations, surface blending and scuffing. 3M’s patented perforated pad tears easily into two convenient 4-1/2" x 6" pads. Product Color 8447 Maroon Pkg. 20 pads/box 3 boxes/case UPC. No. 048011-24037 Scotch-Bright Cut & Polish Rolls outlast and outperform ordinary emery cloth & utility rolls around angles, odd shapes, inside & outside diameters. Applications: Stropping pipe ends for sweat soldering or welding, general cleaning and deburring odd shaped materials. Color: Tan 048011-04028 Size Pkg. UPC. No. 20 sponges/case 048011-20688 bulk pack Finer Finish Less Aggressive Hand Pads for Cleaning 7445 Finer Finish Less Aggressive • Cleaner Finish • Faster 23 • Cleaner/Faster Cut & polish rolls 048011-04229 Starting Point • 7447 • Cleaner Finish • Faster • Consistent Finish • Resists Loading • Work Piece Protected Can be used for hand cleaning, blending, finishing. Can be cut to desired length for oscillating sanders. Color: Type A - Maroon, Type S - Gray, Type F - White 048011-04051 Consist of Scotch-Bright material laminated to a 3-1/2" x 6-1/4" cellulose sponge. Hand Pads for Finishing • Cleaner/Faster • Less Set-Up Time Finishing • Leaves No Metal Fines • No Oil Contamination Clean & Finish rolls 048011-17637 Sponge laminates Product Color 74 Yellow/ Green • Won’t Damage Piece • Faster • No Undercutting • Cleaner Abrasive Particles 3-Dimensional Open Web Scotch-briteTm hand pads and rolls Scotch-BriteTM Products Deburring Polishing • Leaves No Metal Fines • No Carbon Contamination on Surface • Work Piece Protected • Work Piece Protected • No Secondary Burrs • No Secondary Burrs • Uniform Radius • Complete Burr Removal • Doesn't Fling Wires • Uniform Radius • Cleaner/Fastener • Cleaner/Fastener • Better Radiused Edge abrasives Synthetic fibers and abrasive particles are combined and bonded to form a conformable, threedimensional, open web material. The exceptional performance characteristics of this open web technology have been demonstrated time after time in countless factories and shops. • Controlled abrasive action helps prevent undercutting or gouging so there is less chance of disturbing critical tolerances. • Fresh abrasive is continually exposed to the work surface to deliver consistent, uniform results and to provide long product life. • Uniform, close-tolerance construction results in smooth running wheels, reducing operator fatigue. • The open web allows air to circulate for cool operation so there's less risk of warping or discoloring the part. • The open web resists loading to provide consistent surface preparation, finishing action and long product life. • Conformable action of the web allows the wheels to follow contours and edges, and to maintain uniform contact with the surface. • Synthetic fibers eliminate the danger of loose flying wires commonly associated with wire brushes. Competitive Product Steel Wool Rolls/ Case A CRS A MED A FIN A VFN F SFN S MED S FIN S VFN S SFN S ULF T Clean & Finish Rolls 2" x 30 ft. 6 00292 00291 00260 3" x 30 ft. 4 00296 00261 00299 4" x 30 ft. 3 00302 00264 00265 00266 00263 05170 00269 00270 00267 00268 00262 7446 7440 Coarser Finish More Aggressive 5440 Coarser Finish More Aggressive 5" x 30 ft. 6" x 30 ft. 2 2 Cut & Polish Rolls 1" x 30 ft. 12 2" x 30 ft. 6 4" x 30 ft. 6" x 30 ft. 00273 00306 00274 00275 00276 00307 3 2 04085 05206 05207 09024 05733 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering WWW.haNESSupply.COm 00278 00308 00277 00252 23 - 1 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives Sheet rolls Coated Abrasive Sheets & Rolls (continued) Multi-Flex Abrasive Sheets. A tough, highly conformable, sharp cutting, nonwoven abrasive for cleaning & finishing surfaces by hand. Color: A VFN - Purple, S ULF - Gray abrasives 23 Size (in) 8" x 4" 3mTm 3mTm 3mTm 3mTm 3mTm 3mTm Grade & UPC No. A VFN S ULF 07521 07522 Sheets/ Roll 60 ROLLS *Add Prefix 051131- to UPC No. when ordering. accessories – hand pads & rolls Size 1" x 50 yds. pad holders No. 961 Holders/Case 10 UPC No. 048011-09493 3mTm mini mandrel No. 935 Use with 1" x 1-1/2" pieces of Scotch-Brite material to fit into tight areas. The overall mandrel length is 2-7/8" with a 1/4" shank. Product Mandrels/Case UPC No. 935 5 048011-04020 Coated abrasive Sheets & rolls: Tough aluminum oxide mineral bonded to cloth with 3M's heat resistant Resinite system. This special bonding technique allows for a more uniform coating. Your advantage is a consistent scratch pattern. Get the “TRUE BLUE” advantage in all operations: Contour sanding, strapping, deburring, rust removal, cut-down prior to polishing, all general maintenance work. TM 3mTm 241k Three-m-iteTm Elek-Tro-CutTm X Wt. 3mTm 211k Three-m-iteTm Elek-Tro-CutTm Cloth J Wt. These products have many uses in both production and maintenance jobs. They have a flexible cloth backing and are coated with aluminum oxide mineral. 3mTm 001k Crystal bayTm Crocus Cloth For very fine metal finishing. 3mTm 011k Crystal bayTm Emery Cloth Glue bond, closed coat, for non-technical use by hand in sheet form. 9 x 11 241K/211K 50/250 9 x 11 001K 50/250 9 x 11 011K 20/250 180J 02456 36X 02414 180J 02406 36X CRS 02433 40X 02463 220J 02455 40X Grade & UPC No.* 50X 60X 80J 100J 02462 02461 02460 02459 240J 280J 02454 02453 220J 02405 50X 60X 80J 100J 02412 02411 02410 02409 240J 280J 320J 400J 02404 02403 02402 12501 MED 02432 FIN 02431 40X 02435 *Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering 23 - 2 40X 50X 05143 05142 180J 220J 05136 05135 2" x 50 yds. 341T/311T 1/5 1" x 50 yds. 241K/211K 1/5 2" x 50 yds. 3mTm 341T 3m blue Grit utility Cloth X Wt. 3mTm 311T 3m blue Grit utility Cloth J Wt. 36X 60X 80J 05111 05110 240J 280J 05104 05103 1-1/2" x 50 yds. 241K/221K 1/5 maximum Operating rpms: 14,000 Sheets Min. Size Prod. Pkg./ (in) I.D. Case 9 x 11 341T/311T 50/250 Min. Prod. Pkg./ I.D. Case 40X 50X 341T/311T 1/5 05112 180J 220J 05106 05105 1-1/2" x 50 yds. 341T/311T 1/5 The Twist-Lok Pad Holder No. 961 can be used with hand pads & roll material cut to 4" x 6". Product 961 341T 3m blue Grit utility Cloth X Wt. 311T 3m blue Grit utility Cloth J Wt. 241k Three-m-iteTm Elek-Tro-CutTm X Wt. 211k Three-m-iteTm Elek-Tro-CutTm Cloth J Wt. 001k Crystal bayTm Crocus Cloth 001k Crystal bayTm Emery Cloth 100J 05109 120J 150J 05108 05107 100J 05124 120J 150J 05123 05122 60X 80J 05141 05140 240J 280J 05134 05133 100J 05139 120J 150J 05138 05137 180J 220J 05006 05005 60X 80J 05011 05010 240J 280J 05004 05003 60X 80J 05051 05050 240J 280J 05044 05043 100J 05029 320J 05022 120J 150J 05008 05007 400J 500J 05001 05000 36X 50X 05054 05052 180J 220J 05046 05045 60X 80J 05031 05030 240J 280J 05024 100J 05009 320J 05002 100J 05049 320J 05042 120J 150J 05048 05047 400J 500J 05041 05040 40X 50X 05127 180J 220J 05121 05120 40X 50X 40X 50X 05032 180J 220J 05026 05025 *Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. 60X 80J 05126 05125 240J 280J 05119 05118 120J 150J 05028 05027 400J 500J 05021 05020 9" x 11" WetordryTm abrasive Sheets 3M Wetordry sheets use a silicon carbide abrasive for efficient cutting and high wear resistance. They feature a waterproof resin-over-resin bond that resists heat and holds the abrasive particles more firmly than conventional glue or resin-over-glue bonds. Because the sheets are resistant to oil and water, they can be used with a lubricant to reduce clogging, extend abrasive life, and improve finish. TM 3mTm 413q Wetordry Tri-m-ite paper a Wt. 3mTm 431q Wetordry Tri-m-ite paper C Wt. Size (in) 9 x 11 Prod. I.D. 413Q Min. Pkg./Case 50 slv/500 50 slv/250 120J 150J 02458 02457 120J 150J 02408 02407 500J 12500 241K/211K 1/5 Grade & UPC No.* 431Q 50 slv/500 50 slv/250 60 80 240 280 60 80 60 240 320 360 400 02004 02003 02002 100 120 150 320 360 400 80 100 120 150 280 320 10697 360 400 10695 240 280 02006 02005 60 02019 240 10699 Grade & UPC No.* 100 120 150 180 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 180 220 180 220 80 100 120 150 180 02018 02017 02016 02015 02014 280 320 360 400 * Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. 220 02007 220 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Fibre Discs 3M Abrasives rolocTm Discs 3mTm TN quick Change Fibre Discs TN “Quick Change” is a system in which each disc has its own mounting nut hardware (5/8" - 11) thread & can be mounted directly on the tool with the proper accessory backup system. This enables the operator to change the product in a very efficient manner, and there is no need for a retainer nut or spanner wrench. This system is compatible with 3M Disc Pad Hubs and Face Plates as well as other backup systems Size Prod. Min. (in) I.D. Pkg./Case 36 50 60 4-1/2 381C 25/100 88847 88848 88849 381C 25/100 88853 88854 88855 7 4-1/2 785C 25/100 88778 88779 88780 7 785C 25/100 88829 88830 88831 4-1/2 984C 25/100 88835 88836 88837 7 984C 25/100 88841 88842 88843 *Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. Grade & UPC No.* 80 88850 88856 88826 88832 88838 88844 P100 88827 88833 88839 88845 100 88851 88857 P120 88828 88834 88840 88846 120 88852 88858 rolocTm Discs 3m Tm 3m Tm 963G regalTm resin bond Cloth yN Wt. Grades 24–80 XF Wt. Grades p100 and p120 3mTm 984C regalTm resin bond Fibre all 4" products 3M’s Cubitron ceramic aluminum oxide on a polyester backing for grinding and deburring carbon steel & aluminum. Min. Pkg./ Case 50/500 50/500 50/200 50/200 50/200 50/200 25/100 50/500 50/500 50/200 50/200 50/500 50/500 50/200 50/200 24 36 40 11450 11113 11112 83587 11108 11105 83590 83696 82114 Grade & UPC No.* 50 60 11422 11428 11449 11448 11111 11110 83588 11104 11103 83591 83697 83698 82121 82118 82122 82119 82123 80 *Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. Kut stock items 82135 82161 P100 P120 11427 11425 11455 11454 11453 11109 11107 11106 83589 11102 11101 11100 83592 83699 82126 82127 82136 82131 Size Dia. Prod. Min. (in) I.D. Pkg./Case Roloc Discs 2 983C 50/200 983C 50/200 3 Roloc TS Discs 983C 50/200 2 3 983C 50/200 Roloc TP Discs 2 983C 50/200 3 983C 50/200 24 Grade & UPC No.* 36 40 50 60 80 22352 22349 22353 22354 22350 22351 82096 82097 82098 82099 82101 23 P100 82105 * Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. rolocTm Discs 3mTm 361F Three-m-iteTm resin bond Cloth yF Wt. Grades 24–150, XF Wt. p180–p320 General purpose grinding, blending and deburring on all metals: aluminum oxide on tough, polyester backing. 977F regalloy resin bond Cloth Size Dia. Prod. (in) I.D. Roloc Discs 1 963G 1-1/2 963G 2 963G 2 977F 3 963G 3 977F 4 984C Roloc TS Discs 1 963G 1-1/2 963G 2 963G 3 963G Roloc TP Discs 1 963G 1-1/2 963G 2 963G 3 963G Grades 36, 60 & 80 Cubitron mineral coated on a 30 mil fibre backing for aggressive applications where reduced edgewear and firm support is desired. abrasives 3mTm 381C Three-m-iteTm Type “C” 3mTm 785C regaliteTm polycut Fibre 3mTm 984C regalTm resin bond Fibre 3mTm 983C regalTm resin bond Fibre 82142 Size Dia. Prod. (in) I.D. Roloc Discs 1 361F Min. Pkg./ Case 50/500 24 36 11413 11412 P150 P180 1-1/2 361F 50/500 24 36 11452 22396 P150 P180 2 361F 50/200 3 361F 50/200 24 36 11000 22398 P150 P180 14559 13873 4 361F 25/100 82090 Roloc TS Discs 82093 82094 82095 1 361F 1-1/2 361F 2 361F 3 361F Roloc TP Discs 50/500 50/500 50/200 50/200 1 1-1/2 2 3 50/500 50/500 50/500 50/200 361F 361F 361F 361F Grade & UPC No.* 24 36 22392 22393 P150 P180 82244 24 36 76429 P150 P180 24 36 40 50 60 80 P100 P120 11411 11417 11416 11415 11414 P240 P320 40 50 60 80 P100 P120 11137 22397 22407 22408 22409 P240 P320 40 50 60 80 P100 P120 22399 22400 22401 22402 22403 P240 P320 11419 40 50 60 80 P100 P120 22394 22395 22404 22405 22406 P240 P320 11418 40 50 P240 P320 40 97669 50 36 76798 76799 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 80 P120 P100 P120 60 80 P100 P120 76804 76808 77114 82400 76809 82401 76802 76806 76810 77115 76778 82402 76803 76807 76811 77116 *Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. 40 60 P100 76789 76790 76794 97681 76791 76795 80051 97680 97686 24 97691 60 80 11421 11420 50 23 - 3 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives roloc Tm Discs 3m 461F Tri-m-ite Cloth yF Wt. Tm 3M Abrasives Tm EXl rolocTm unitized Wheels Roloc unitized wheels are strong, efficient products for edge deburring and finishing. They perform well in a variety of metal working applications and on intricate machined parts where close tolerances are important. The Roloc, Roloc TS or Roloc+ holding systems make changing unitized wheels quick & easy. resin bond Tri-M-ite Resin Bond Cloth Roloc Discs are silicon carbide on a polyester backing for grinding glass, titanium & non-ferrous materials. abrasives 23 Size Dia. Prod. Min. (in) I.D. Pkg./Case Roloc Discs 461F 50/200 2 3 461F 50/200 24 Grade & UPC No.* 36 40 50 12958 * Add Prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering Kut stock items 60 80 12956 12954 12957 12955 rolocTm Surface Conditioning Discs Scotch-Bright Roloc discs provide a burr-free surface suitable for painting or coating. These discs can also be used for removal of light rust, oxides, and coatings. Color: A VFN - Blue, A MED - Maroon, A CRS - Brown, S SFN - Gray Compatibility of rolocTm Disc attaching System 3m (1/2 Turn off & on) Screw On press On Roloc Roloc+ Roloc TP Roloc TS N/A N/A N/A Quick Change Type III N/A Power Lock Type II Type R Type S Type P rolocTm rolocTm TS rolocTm Tp arbOr TypES Max. Oper. Discs/ Size RPMs Case Roloc 1" x NH 30,000 200 1-1/2" x NH 30,000 200 2" x NH 25,000 200 3" x NH 18,000 100 4" x NH 12,000 100 Roloc TS 1-1/2" x NH 30,000 200 2" x NH 25,000 200 3" x NH 18,000 100 Roloc TP 2" x NH 25,000 200 3" x NH 18,000 100 15393 08764 05528 05532 12954 15392 08765 05527 05531 12953 15391 08766 05523 05530 12952 13249 13253 13257 13250 13254 13258 13251 13255 13259 13237 13241 13238 13242 13239 13243 TM 08767 05522 05529 TM 13256 13260 23 - 4 Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No.* A CRS A MED 25,000 18,000 12,000 200 25 25 18081 18082 18243 25,000 18,000 200 100 18085 18086 25,000 18,000 200 100 18083 18084 Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* Size Wheels/ Max. Oper. RPMs 8 A CRS 8 A MED 6 A MED 6 S FIN 2 A MED 2 S FIN Dia.(in) Case EXL Roloc Unitized Wheels 2 60 22,100 17194 17192 17190 17187 17185 17183 40 15,100 17195 17193 17191 17189 17186 17184 3 EXL Roloc TS Unitized Wheels 2 60 22,100+ 17198 17848 17202 17846 17844 17842 3 40 15,100+ 17199 17849 17203 17847 17845 17843 3M Roloc Bristle Discs are ideal for safety cleaning and stripping a wide variety of substances off of metal. The 3M Bristle Disc will easily cut through hardened enamel paint, thick dried adhesive & layers of corrosion without destroying the underlying metal or compromising your safety. In addition, the 3M Bristle Disc does not clog-up with the substances you are trying to remove, giving you a consistent finish throughout the life of the disc. 3M Bristle Discs come in sizes from 1 inch Roloc to 7 inch x 5/8-11 thread. For hard to reach areas, try the 3 inch Radial 3M Bristle Disc. Most 3M Bristle Discs come in grades 50, 80 and 120. Color: 50X - Green / 80X - Yellow / 120X - White mineral: Regalite Mineral Scotch-Brite “SE” surface conditioning products feature a coarser, tougher and more aggressive and abrasive impregnated web construction than regular Scotch-Brite surface conditioning products. Use for heavier deburring, cleaning and finishing applications. Grade Front Color Back Color A CRS Brown Blue A MED Maroon Blue Size Roloc SE 2" x NH 3" x NH 4" x NH Roloc TS SE 2" x NH 3" x NH Roloc TP SE 2" x NH 3" x NH lettering Orange Orange Red Green Black Purple rolocTm bristle Discs rolocTm SE Surface Conditioning Discs Max. Oper. Discs/ RPMs Case Color Tan Tan Tan Gray Gray Gray * Add Prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering. Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering Wheel 8A CRS 8A MED 6A MED 6S FIN 2A MED 2S FIN 18471 18472 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering Size Trim Min. Max.Oper. Dia.(in) (T=Tapered) Pkg/Case RPM's 1 5/8" 20/80 30,000 2 1/2" 10/40 25,000 5/8"T 10/40 25,000 3 1/2" 10/40 18,000 5/8"T 10/40 18,000 4.5 5/8"-11 Thread 5/10 12,000 7 5/8"-11 Thread 5/5 6,000 Grade & UPC No.* 50 80 120 18698 18706 18710 18537 18730 18732 18733 18535 18538 18734 18736 18737 24241 24242 24243 07577 07578 * Add prefix 048011to UPC No. when ordering rolocTm radial bristle Discs 3M Radial Bristle Discs are abrasive-filled products with unique features designed to increase productivity in the following applications: • Remove adhesive, paint and other coatings, discoloration, heavy oxides, and surface contaminants. • Deburr and blend. • Clean & prepare surfaces before and after welding. Flexible bristles conform to the part and clean without removing base material reducing damage and rework. The unique bristle pattern reaches tight or awkward areas such as grooves and along 90O angles. Size Trim Min. Max.Oper. Dia.(in) (T=Tapered) Pkg/Case RPM’s 3 10/40 25,000 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Grade & UPC No.* 50 80 120 24276 24277 24278 * Add prefix 048011to UPC No. when ordering Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives aCCESSOrIES–roloc Tm Discs 3M Abrasives Surface Conditioning Discs: Surface conditioning discs and Roloc discs and wheels can be used on right angle grinders and die grinders. Rubber back-up pads are available in different diameters & degrees of hardness for varying grinding applications. Pads are female threaded to receive any standard 1/4"–20 thread shaft. Dia. Max. Oper. Hardness RPM’s (in) 1 Med. 30,000 1-1/2 Hard 30,000 1-1/2 Med. 30,000 1-1/2 Soft 30,000 Extra Hard 25,000 2 2 Hard 25,000 2 Med. 25,000 2 Soft 20,000 3 Extra Hard 20,000 Hard 20,000 3 3 Med. 18,000 3 Soft 15,000 4 5/8"-11 Hard 12,000 4 Med. 12,000 1/4" Threaded Shaft UPC No. 051144-45101 051144-45100 051144-45099 051144-45098 051144-45097 051144-45096 051144-45095 051144-45094 051144-45093 051144-45091 051144-45092 051144-45090 051144-83489 051144-45179 051144-45102 For use with 3M TS grinding discs & “screw on” abrasive discs. Max. Oper. RPM's 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 18,000 15,000 12,000 UPC No. 051144-77724 051144-77728 051144-77729 051144-77733 051144-14212 051144-14211 051144-77737 051144-14216 051144-14215 051144-77738 051144-77740 051144-45102 3mTm rolocTm Tp Disc pads Max. Oper. RPM’s 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 18,000 15,000 12,000 UPC No. 051144-77723 051144-77725 051144-77726 051144-77727 051144-14198 051144-14197 051144-77732 051144-77735 051144-14202 051144-14201 051144-77736 051144-77739 051144-45102 Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN 04118 04122 04275 04126 07458 07459 04276 04127 04120 04124 04277 04128 07450 007451 04278 04129 14101 14100 14099 14102 00750 00643 04303 00647 16047 00644 03927 03928 04304 00751 00645 04305 00648 00752 00670 04306 00649 *Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering. Minimum Operating RPM’S 1-1/2" dia. – 25,000 5" dia. – 10,000 2" dia. – 23,000 6" dia. – 8,000 3" dia. – 20,000 7" dia. – 6,000 4" dia. – 13,000 8" dia. – 6,000 4-1/2" dia. – 13,000 The lower of the disc or the disc pad MOS rating must always be used Surface Conditioning Discs: SE Surface Conditioning Discs (hook & loop) For use with 3M TP grinding discs and with press on type abrasive discs. Dia. (in) Hardness 1 Med. 1-1/2 Hard 1-1/2 Med. 1-1/2 Soft 2 Hard 2 Med. 2 Soft 3 Extra Hard 3 Hard 3 Med. 3 Soft 4 Med. 1/4" Threaded Shaft Scotch-Brite Surface conditioning Discs are best for finishing, cleaning and light deburring on flat metal surfaces. Used on right angle (high speed and low speed), orbital, and dual action power hand tools. Color: A CRS - Brown / A MED - Maroon / A VFN - Blue / S SFN - Gray Size Discs/ (in) Case 1-1/2 X NH 200 200 2 x NH 3" x NH 100 4" x NH 100 4-1/2 x NH 50 5 x NH 50 50 5 x 7/8 6 x NH 50 7 x NH 25 8 NH 25 3mTm rolocTm TS Disc pads Dia. (in) Hardness 1 Med. 1-1/2 Hard 1-1/2 Med. 2 Extra Hard 2 Hard 2 Med. 3 Extra Hard 3 Hard 3 Med. 3 Soft 4 Med. 1/4" Threaded Shaft Surface Conditioning Discs (hook & loop) “SE” Surface Conditioning Discs feature a coarser, tougher, more aggressive web construction than our regular surface conditioning discs for heavier deburring, cleaning & finishing applications. Color: A CRS - Brown / A MED - Maroon / A VFN - Blue / S SFN - Gray Size Discs/ (in) Case 2 x NH 200 3 x NH 100 4 x NH 100 4-1/2 x NH 50 5 x NH 50 6 x NH 50 7 x NH 25 8 x NH 25 Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN 18473 18474 18021 18475 18079 18476 18080 18919 19658 17866 18477 17239 *Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering Maximum Operating RPM’S 1-1/2" dia. – 25,000 5" dia. – 10,000 2" dia. – 22,000 6" dia. – 8,000 3" dia. – 18,000 7" dia. – 6,000 4" dia. – 13,000 8" dia. – 6,000 4-1/2" dia. – 13,000 WWW.haNESSupply.COm The lower of the disc or the disc pad MOS rating must always be used 23 - 5 abrasives 23 3mTm rolocTm Disc pads Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives Surface Conditioning Discs Coating removal Discs (hook & loop) The coating Removal Disc features our popular Clean & Strip web for right angle tools. This rugged open web is virtually non-loading to make surface preparation faster & easier. Aggressively tackles your toughest cleaning jobs. abrasives 23 Size Discs/ Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No. (in) Case SXCS 40 048011-18481 4 x NH 4-1/2 x NH 40 048011-18482 40 048011-18483 5 x NH 7 x NH 20 048011-18485 Recommended Operating RPM’S: 5" dia. – 4,200–6,300 4" dia – 5,000–8,000 4-1/2" dia. – 4,700–7,000 7" dia. – 3,000–4,500 3M Bristle Discs are abrasive-filled products with unique features designed to increase productivity and promote safety in the following applications: • Remove adhesive, paint & other coatings, stains, heavy oxides, and surface contaminates. • Clean and prepare surfaces before & after welding • Scuff surfaces prior to painting Description Bristle Disc 50 - green Bristle Disc 80 - yellow Bristle Disc 120 - white UPC No. 048011-24241-5 048011-24242-2 048011-24243-9 Clean & Strip Discs Max. Oper. Speed 12,000 12,000 12,000 Discs Per Box 5 5 5 Boxes Per Case 2 2 2 Handle tough cleaning & stripping jobs with an extra coarse, open web. Designed to work faster & safer than wire brushes. Scott-Brite Clean & Strip discs are surface conditioning web cut into circular discs to the customer’s diameter and center holes specifications. Discs can be used single or multiple loaded onto a spindle and used on edge. Applications: Stripping paint Max. Mineral Type/Grade from metal surfaces, inspecting Discs/ Oper. UPC No. welds, removing coatings & Size Case RPM's S XCS preparing surfaces for recoating, 2 x 1/4" 100 12,000 00931 cleaning concrete molds and 3 x 1/4" 50 8,500 00935 forms, general plant maintenance. 3 x 1/2" 50 8,500 00937 4 x 1/4" 25 6,000 07460 Color: Black 4 x 3/8" 4 x 1/2" 4 x 5/8" 5 x 1/2" 6 x NH 6 x 1/4" 6 x 3/8" 6 x 1/2" 6 x 5/8" 6 x 7/8" 7 x 5/8" 7 x 7/8" 8 x 1/2" 8 x 5/8" 25 25 25 25 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 3,500 3,000 3,000 00940 00941 00942 00943 00945 00946 00947 00948 00949 00950 00954 00955 00957 00958 A VFN 00666 00665 00673 00672 *Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering 23 - 6 Dia. (in) 1-1/2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 5 7 7 HubMax. Oper. Shank RPM's 1/4" M 25,000 1/4" M 23,000 1/4" M 20,000 1/4" M 13,000 1/2" - 13F 13,000 5/8" - 11F 13,000 M14 - 2.0F 13,000 1/2" - 13F 13,000 5/8" - 11F 13,000 M10-1.25F 13,000 M14 - 2.0F 13,000 5/16" - 24M 10,000 1/2" - 13F 10,000 5/8" - 11F 10,000 M14 - 2.0F 10,000 5/16" - 24M 8,500* 5/8" - 11F 10,000 5/8" - 11F 6,000 5/8" - 11F 6,000 5/16" - 24M 12,000 5/8" - 11F 6,000 M14 - 2.0F 6,000 * 10,000 on Random Orbital Sanders M = Male Threaded - F = Female Threaded Pads/ Case 10 10 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Disc Pad Holder No. 922 UPC No. 048011-04130 048011-07494 048011-04132 048011-07492 048011-05673 048011-05674 048011-05677 048011-14110 048011-14111 048011-14112 048011-14114 048011-09448 048011-05679 048011-05680 048011-05681 048011-09449 048011-05682 048011-09450 048011-09451 051144-13625 051144-13627 051131-07394 rolocTm + holders This holder is made of durable plastic for less critical grinding & surface conditioning applications. Use with EXL Roloc Unitized Wheels. Dia. Max. Oper. Holders/ Prod. (in) Use With RPM’s Case UPC No. 1 1 EXL Roloc Unitized Wheels 25,000 5 048011-15408 2 1-1/2 1-1/2" dia. Roloc Discs 25,000 5 048011-15409 3 2 2" dia. Roloc Discs 25,000 5 048011-15410 4 3 3" dia. Roloc Discs 20,000 5 048011-15411 Deburring belts – portable Tool *Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering mED: Very conformable. For finishing using bench motors, horizontal grinders or drill motors. applications: Antique finishing or highlighting, satin finishing aluminum extrusions, oxide and light coating removal, stainless steel finishing. Color: Type A – Maroon VFN: Designed for light deburring work. A built-in lubricant provides longer life. Very comfortable and excellent for finer antique finishing. applications: Light gear deburring, keyway and o-ring slot edge radiusing, antique finishing builders hardware. Color: Type A – Maroon / Type S – Brown Size 6 x 1/4" 6 x 1/2" 8 x 1/4" 8 x 1/2" 8 x 3/4" Prod. 9215 922 923 924 914 914 914 9145 9145 9145 9145 905 915 915 915 906 916 917 918 945 947 947M Disc Pad Holder No. 917 Please call for additional information Scotch briteTm high Strength Discs Discs/ Max. Oper. Case RPM's A MED 100 4,000 100 4,000 04188 50 3,000 50 3,000 03992 50 3,000 3mTm Disc pad holders (hook & loop) Disc Pad Holder No. 905 3mTm bristle Discs 3M Bristle Discs, 4.5" aCCESSOrIES – Surface Conditioning Discs & Intro. packs S VFN 16777 16778 16780 05304 3M offers a complete line of coated abrasive belt constructions to meet all of your grinding, deburring and sanding needs. 3mTm 777F regaliteTm polycutTm resin bond Cloth yF Wt. The product is a combination of 3M Cubitron mineral and special aluminum oxide minerals coated on a firm Y wt. synthetic backing. It also incorporates a grinding aid to provide optimum performance on stainless steel and nickel alloy off-hand and medium pressure grinding applications. TM 3mTm 741E regaliteTm resin bond Cloth XE Wt. 3mTm 751E regaliteTm resin bond Cloth XE Wt. Unique combination of Cubitron and aluminum oxide minerals on strong rayon backing. 3mTm 241E Three-m-iteTm resin bond Cloth XE Wt. Grades 50 & Finer 3mTm 251E Three-m-iteTm resin bond Cloth Type hO XE Wt. Grades 36 & 40 A high performance aluminum oxide mineral coated on a firm synthetic backing, providing superior aggressiveness and edge wear resistance. – continues – WWW.haNESSupply.COm Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Deburring Belts – Portable Tool (continued) 3m 240D Three-m-ite resin bond Cloth Open Coat X Wt. 3mTm 241D Three-m-iteTm resin bond Cloth X Wt. Tm Tm Aluminum oxide X-weight cloth. Prod I.D. 1/8 x 24 241E 1/4 x 24 241E/251E 1/2 x 12 1 x 12 1/2 x 18 50/200 50/200 241E/251E 50/200 241D 50/200 241E/251E 1/2 x 24 241E/251E 1/2 x 42 241E 3/4 x 20-1/2 241E/251E 1 x 30 Min. Pkg/Case 241E/251E 1 x 42 241E 1 x 42 241D 1 x 42 240D 1-1/2 x 18-15/16 241D 36 40 Grade & UPC No.* 50 60 80 150 180 220 40 50 180 220 40 50 60 180 #31074 220 40 50 240 #32398 180 220 36 150 36 150 36 150 #30290 #26730 #71053 240 60 #26733 240 #32417 #26895 #31170 36 40 50/200 #77632 #72226 150 180 50 220 60 26884 240 60 #72227 240 100 P120 #81064 100 120 100 120 100 120 320 80 #26894 #26983 #26892 320 80 26881 320 100 80 100 120 36 40 50 60 150 180 220 240 50/200 36 150 40 50 180 #32160 220 40 50 60 180 220 240 320 80 #34176 100 Size (in) 3 x 18 3 x 21 3 x 24 4 x 24 Size (in) 3 x 18 3 x 21 80 †32090 320 50 60 80 150 180 220 240 320 36 26822 150 40 50 60 26820 26819 220 240 Prod. I.D. 761D 761D 761D 761D Min. Pkg/Case 5/25 5/25 5/25 5/25 Prod. Min. I.D. Pkg/Case 241D** 10/40 240D 10/50 241D** 10/40 240D/240A 10/50 441D 100 120 80 26818 320 100 100 120 120 26816 10/50 3 x 23-3/4 241D** 10/40 60 80 100 120 #33911 #33912 #32157 #32158 240 320 40 * Add Prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. † Filmlok - #Fabrilok - Kut stock Items Silicon carbide mineral coated on a cloth backing. 320 36 180 26814 3mTm 441D Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth X Wt. 120 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 50/200 #26614 #26612 #31823 #26609 †31774 †26606 †33795 150 180 220 240 320 †26602 †26601 †26600 †26599 †26597 10/50 An aluminum oxide, resin bonded open coat construction on an X-weight drills cloth backing, exhibiting greater flexibility than the closed coat version. 120 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 50/200 #26784 #26783 #26782 #26781 #26780 #26779 #26778 150 180 220 240 320 #26776 36 50/200 #32161 150 3mTm 240D/240a Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth Open Coat X Wt. #72228 #14754 #72229 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 50/200 #32375 #26726 #26725 #26723 #26720 #26719 #26717 150 180 220 240 320 26716 26715 26714 32399 26713 50/200 The new 3M 761D portable belts are revolutionary step in the advancement of coated abrasive belt sanding for portable belt applications. 3M's standard aluminum oxide X-weight cloth. #26732 #32407 #26731 #26729 3mTm 761D y Wt. 3mTm 241D Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth X Wt. 320 80 The product selection for portable belts ranges from our standard aluminum oxide to our premium 761D product, which is a blend of 3M’s proprietary Cubitron mineral and premium aluminum oxide. These belts deliver a fast cut which means a time savings for you! 240D/240A 10/50 3 x 24 241D** 10/40 240D/240A 10/50 441D 10/50 50 81393 81399 81410 81429 24 120 01421-7 24 Grade & UPC No.* 60 80 P100 81394 81395 81396 81400 81401 81402 81411 81412 81413 81430 81431 81432 36 01416-3 150 36 Grade & UPC No.* ** 40 50 60 01417-0 180 220 240 40 50 71512 220 60 240 P120 81397 81403 81414 81433 P150 81398 81404 81415 81434 80 100 01419-4 01420-0 320 80 30639 320 100 120 150 180 240 71785 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 02679-1 01422-4 01423-1 01424-8 01425-5 01426-2 01427-9 120 150 180 220 240 320 01428-6 01528-3 01529-0 02689-0 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 27501 27500 27499 27498 27497 27496 120 150 180 220 240 320 27495 32943 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 220 24 40 50 120 36 02645-6 150 180 220 24 36 40 27483 180 50 180 220 320 60 80 26740-8 02648-7 240 320 60 27481 240 80 27480 320 240 320 100 100 27479 120 150 220 27478 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 02681-4 01429-3 01430-9 01431-6 01432-3 01433-0 01434-7 120 150 180 220 240 320 01435-4 01536-8 02657-9 02659-3 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 27477 27476 27475 27474 27473 27472 27471 120 150 180 220 240 320 27470 27469 27468 71521 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 – continues – WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 7 23 abrasives Prod Min. Grade & UPC No.* I.D. Pkg/Case 36 40 50 60 80 #13280 741E/751E 50/200 #13276 741E 50/200 #80551 #80232 777F 50/200 #13733 741E 50/200 #77408 #77065 #77491 777F 50/200 #77643 1/2 x 24 #13272 741E/751E 50/200 #13268 3/4 x 20-1/2 741E 50/500 #77407 1 x 30 777F 50/200 #82252 741E/751E 50/200 †76527 †77512 1 x 42 777F 50/200 Size (in) 1/4 x 24 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 18 Size (in) belts – portable Sanders 3M Abrasives Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives portable Sander belts (continued) Size (in) abrasives 23 Prod. I.D. Grade & UPC No.* ** 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 24 36 40 50 60 80 100 10/40 †77290-2 †26860-3 •02661-6 †26858-0 †26857-3 †26856-6 †26853-5 Min. Pkg/Case 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 241D** 4 x 21 241D 10/40 240D 10/50 220 240 320 50 80 320 120 150 180 220 60 01575-7 240 24 36 40 150 180 60 27494 240 80 27493 320 100 120 74349 24 50 31412 220 36 40 60 80 100 120 02677-7 24 150 180 50 02669-2 220 240 320 36 40 120 27485 24 241D** 10/40 02685-2 120 01442-2 24 240D/240A 10/50 27467-3 120 27460 150 180 50 27489 220 60 27488 240 80 27487 320 4 x 21-3/4 241D** 10/40 240D 4 x 24 120 150 180 •02663-0 26851-1 •02665-4 24 36 40 10/50 36 40 50 01436-1 01437-8 01438-5 150 180 220 01539-9 36 40 50 27466-6 27465-9 27464 150 180 220 27459-8 27458 100 100 27486 60 80 100 01439-2 01440-8 01441-5 240 320 60 27463 240 80 27462 320 100 27461 * For product I.D. 240A, 240D & 441D, add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering ** For Product I.D. 241D, add prefix 078-91040- to UPC No. when ordering † Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering • Add prefix -078-91040- to UPC No. when ordering Kut stock Items Scotch-briteTm Surface Conditioning belts Scotch-Brite surface conditioning belts are used worldwide to finish, polish and buff metal, wood and plastic surfaces. recommended Operating Speeds: Generally, low speeds are recommended for generating very uniform satin finishes, finishing aluminum alloys w/o lubricants, & woodworking applications. Higher speeds are recommended when removing imperfections prior to buffing, High belt speed will result in faster cut along with finer finishes. Application Decorative Finishing Wood Sanding Deburring Cleaning & Conditioning Oxide Removal Recommended SFPM 500 - 3,000 SFPM 1,200 - 2,700 SFPM 5,000 - 6,500 SFPM 2,000 - 5,000 SFPM 4,500 - 6,500 SFPM SFPM = Surface Feet Per Min. polishing: fewer steps Scotch-Brite surface conditioning belts refine rough surfaces with little or no dimensional change to the workpiece – and they can finish the job in fewer steps than conventional products, while generating a uniform scratch pattern. – continues – 23 - 8 Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Belts (continued) TM Grindline conditioning: fast & easy Grindlines, milling marks or microburrs left by cutting tools or other abrasives can be quickly and easily conditioned with Scotch-Brite belts, leaving a consistent & burr-free surface. The belts will also blend scratches & blemishes so they won't show through most paint systems. Surfaces conditioned with Scotch-Brite belts are easy-to-clean and easyto-coat, reducing production steps and costs. Satin Finishing: quick & consistent With Scotch-Brite belts on your automatic equipment or portable power tools, you can quickly produce consistent satin finishes on a variety of metals. And using Scotch-Brite belts in tandem with 3M coated abrasive discs & belts on stainless steel, you can match #3 & #4 finishes. Scotch-briteTm Surface Conditioning belts Surface Conditioning belts A reinforced non-woven nylon material spliced into belt form provides a more consistent, more appealing finish in decorative finishing applications. Resists loading & reduces heat build-up, increasing life & improving performance. Designed for cleaning, finishing & light deburring operations using standard abrasive belt equipment. V VFN - Blue, A MED - Maroon, A CRS - Brown, S SFN - Gray SE Surface Conditioning belts New Scotch-Brite brand “SE” surface conditioning products feature a more aggressive mineral in this non-woven nylon abrasive impregnated web construction than regular Scotch-Brite surface conditioning belts. A CRS - Front Color = Brown / Back Color = Blue A MED - Front Color = Maroon / Back Color = Blue Size Belts/ (in) Case 1/4 x 18 20 1/4 x 24 20 1/2 x 12 20 1/2 x 18 20 1/2 x 24 20 3/4 x 18 20 1 x 18 10 1 x 30 10 1 x 42 10 2 x 18-15/16 10 2 x 34 10 2 x 48 10 2 x 60 10 2 x 72 10 2 x 132 5 2-1/2 x 60 10 2-3/4 x 15-1/2 10 3 x 10-11/16 10 3 x 18 10 3 x 21 10 3 x 24 10 3 x 72 10 3 x 132 5 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 10 4 x 24 10 4 x 90 10 4 x 132 5 4 x 168 5 6 x 48 5 SE 1/4 x 18 20 1/4 x 24 20 1/2 x 18 20 1/2 x 24 20 3/4 x 18 20 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 10 A CRS 13290 13132 08858 05741 13639 14278 08887 08889 05020 05021 05022 05820 14284 08880 05023 05016 05018 05019 18495 18496 18087 18088 19697 18089 Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* A MED A VFN S SFN T 14276 13131 13287 17515 19688 08857 08856 08855 03998 04299 17516 15899 14543 15898 14398 17517 08898 08920 04189 04190 08905 08915 08916 00580 03999 00581 05227 05783 14285 08906 00583 14548 00568 05228 00585 00570 00589 00590 18480 18479 18478 *Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering WWW.haNESSupply.COm 04295 08922 00579 04297 09650 14550 04298 04289 05643 04281 04283 08893 05644 15879 14121 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Scotch-brite Tm Wheels Scotch-briteTm EXl unitized Deburring Wheels 3M Abrasives Scotch-Brite EXL wheels are unmatched in production & maintenance operations. Use them on portable power tools, bench motors, floor lathes and automatic or semi-automatic equipment to clean, deburr, blend, finish or polish all types of metals, composites or plastics. an Extensive range of applications Technical Information: Maximum Operating Speed: Wheels must be operated at or below specified maximum operating speeds (M.O.S.) Replace these conventional products: • Steel Wool Application Recommended SFPM • Hand Files Decorative Finishing 500 - 3,000 SFPM • Carbide Burrs Composite/Wood Sanding 1,200 - 2,700 SFPM • Handknives & Scrapers Cleaning & Conditioning 2,000 - 5,000 SFPM • Sand Blasting Prepolishing 2,000 - 7,000 SFPM Oxide Removal 4,500 - 6,500 SFPM • Wire Brushes Deburring 5,000 - 6,500 SFPM • Tampico & Bristle Brushes Blending/Polishing 6,000 - 8,000 SFPM • Buffs & Compounds Cutdown Prior to Buffing 7,000 - 8,500 SFPM • Rubber Bonded Wheels SFPM = Surface Feet Per Min. • Set-up Wheels Scotch-briteTm EXl Deburring Wheels Color Gray Gray Gray Gray Tan Gray Max. Oper. Density/Mineral Type /Grade /UPC No.* RPM's 8A MED 8S MED 8S FIN 9S FIN 6,000 13616 18277 09548 05790 6,000 13617 18278 09549 05132 6,000 18186 6,000 13618 05133 4,500 14791 4,500 17459 14629 05791 4,500 13619 18279 09551 05135 4,500 13620 09552 05136 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering. accessories: Use with 3M Flange Adapters No. 3 or 5 or 3M Flanges No. 355 or 356 Lettering Purple Maroon Black Pink Blue Green Size (in) Wheels/ Dia. x W x AH Case 2A MED 120 1/2 x 1/8 x 1/8 1 x 1/8 x 1/8 1 x 1/4 x 1/8 1 x 1 x 3/16 1 x 1 x 3/16 100 100 50 50 1-1/2 x 1/8 x 3/16 80 1-1/2 x 1/4 x 1/8 Available with either silicon carbide or aluminum oxide minerals, EXL wheels help manufacturers of hightolerance parts meet increasingly stringent product quality and production efficiency requirements. aggressive and smooth running – EXL wheels run smoothly providing greater operator comfort, safety and control... especially beneficial when working with valuable parts. Cool operation protects delicate parts –The open web construction of EXL wheels allows air to circulate across the work surface. This helps prevent overheating that causes discoloration and warping of thin and delicate materials. long life saves money – Extensive customer tests show that EXL wheels last much longer than other non-woven products while maintaining consistent performance and uniform wheel wear. More production parts per wheel means money saved. Clean and safe – Nuisance dust from expended abrasive is greatly reduced compared to other types of non-woven wheels. And, there are no flying wires to endanger operators as with wire wheels. New EX2 and EX3 Deburring and Finishing Wheels can provide additional value in many applications. Ask your 3M sales representative or distributor for additional information. Size Wheels/ (in) Case 6 x 1/2 x 1 4 6x1x1 3 6 x 1-1/2 x 1 2 6x2x1 2 8 x 3/8 x 3 4 8 x 1/2 x 3 4 8x1x3 3 8x2x3 2 Wheel 2 S FIN 2 S VFN* 2 A MED 3 S FIN* 4 A FIN 4 S FIN 80 1-1/2 x 1/4 x 3/16 80 2 x 1/8 x 3/16 2 x 1/4 x 1/8 2 x 1/4 x 3/16 2 x 1/4 x 1/4 2 x 1/2 x 1/4 3 x 1/8 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 x 3/8 3 x 1/2 x 1/4 3 x 1/2 x 3/8 3 x 3/4 x 1/4 3 x 1 x 1/8 4 x 1/4 x 1/4 6 x 1/4 x 1/2 6 x 1/2 x 1/2 6 x 1/2 x 5/8 6 x 1/2 x 1 6 x 1 x 1/2 – continues – 60 60 30 40 40 40 20 20 10 20 8 4 4 4 2 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 2S FIN Color Tan Gray Tan Tan Tan Brown (40,100) 15517 15527 14746 accessories: Use with 3M mandrels * Kut Items 15864 (35,100) 13734 (25,100) Lettering Blue Green Red Orange Orange Green UPC No.* (Max. Operating RPM's) 4A FIN 6A MED 6S FIN 8A MED 8A CRS 15519 15518 (30,100) 13713 14063 (30,100) (35,100) 15516 (35,100) (35,100) 15859 (35,100) (35,100) 13753 13752 (35,100) (35,100) 15515 (30,100) 13714 (20,000) (20,100) 60 60 Wheel 6 A FIN 6 S FIN 6 A MED 8 A MED 8 A CRS 8 A XCRS* 15512 15511 (22,100) 13736 (22,100) (16,100) 15529 (16,100) 15513 (16,100) 13932 13755 (16,100) (22,100) 13715 (16,100) 15531 13716 14067 13764 13763 (12,100) (12,100) (12,100) (12,100) (18,100) (18,100) (18,100) (18,100) (18,100) (10,000) (10,000) 16054 15532 24358 (9,000) 17498 14750 13717 13739 (8,500) 13741 (4,500) (5,000) 16545 14752 14753 13766 13767 (15,100)* 13718 (5,000) (4,500) 15118 (18,100) (18,100) (10,000) (4,500) 15534 14751 (18,100) 15462 (18,100) 13719 13777 (7,500) 15831 (5,000) 14379 (5,000) 13742 (5,000) 23 - 9 23 abrasives EXL wheels can be used on many types of metal to create a uniform, burr-free surface. • Deburring – Stamped parts (ferrous, non-ferrous, special metals); aircraft components; surgical instruments; aluminum extrusions; machined metal components. • Edge radiusing – Formed wire; cutlery; aluminum extrusions; machined parts; turbine blades. • blending & Finishing – Contours; grindlines; brazed surfaces; airfoils of turbine blades; compressor shafts; control panels; nameplates. • polishing – Gun barrels, valve spools; machined shafts; golf club heads; other machined parts prior to plating or other subsequent operations. applications: • Scotch-Brite EXL unitized wheels are excellent for deburring and polishing titanium, special alloys, composites and plastics. They are specially designed to minimize heat buildup on the work surface. • Fine finishes on precision tooled pieces • Aerospace, automotive, electronics and medical instrument manufacturers. • Cool Running – Operators can apply more pressure to these wheels because they are less sensitive to heat buildup at the work surface. • Safe & Clean – Synthetic fiber and resin construction eliminate danger of loose flying wires commonly associated with wire wheels. And, they are cleaner to use than buffs and compounds. • Choose from a wide range of densities and grades for use on a variety of jobs from deburring precision threads to polishing welds. Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives Scotch-Brite EXL Unitized Deburring Wheels (continued) TM Size (in) Dia. x W x AH 6x1x1 8 x 1/4 x 1/2 8 x 1/2 x 1/2 abrasives 23 8 x 1/2 x 3/4 8 x 1/2 x 1 Wheels/ Case 2A MED 2 16544 8 (4,500) 4 (5,000) 15827 (7,500) (4,000) 4 4 2S FIN 13743 UPC No.* (Max. Operating RPM's) 4A FIN 6A MED 6S FIN 8A MED 8A CRS 13788 15844 (4,000) 16546 (3,500) 15824 (4,000) 15823 (4,000) * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering. Stock sizes by Grade. Other grades and sizes available. Clean and Strip Cup Wheels Cup Wheels will fit a wide range of right angle grinders (3" & 4" diameter sizes have the convenient spin-on feature) with a broad selection of thread sizes. application: Aggressive, long lasting, cleaning and coating removal & other though MRO uses. Size Wheels/ Dia. x Thd. Case 5 3" x 3/8 - 24 4" x 3/8 - 24 4 4 4" x 1/2 - 13 4" x 5/8 - 11 4 4" x M10 - 1.25 4 4" x M10 - 1.5 4 4" x M14 4 2 6" x 7/8"** Max. Oper. RPM’s 18,100 12,100 12,100 12,100 12,100 12,100 12,100 7,000 Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* S XCS 04151 04217 04152 04153 05519 04218 04154 04237 multi-Finishing Wheels The Wheel for producing uniform grain finishes on stainless steel & other metals – Multi-Finishing wheels are highly conformable, soft wheels that create uniform and attractive final finishes on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Tough enough to finish edges and welds and soft enough to final finish large, flat surfaces. Wheels/ Density/Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* Case 2S CRS 2S MED 2S FIN 3 13170-2 13171-9 13172-6 2 13176-4 13177-1 13178-8 1 13179-5 13180-1 13181-8 1 13358-4 3 13182-5 13183-2 13184-9 2 13185-6 13186-3 13187-0 Cut & polish Wheels heavy duty wheels for aggressive blending & finishing – Long-lasting and aggressive, Cut and Polish wheels perform well on all kinds of tough blending and finishing jobs. They produce uniform results quickly and easily, and are often used to replace conventional abrasives such as rubber bonded wheels, set-up wheels, abrasive flap wheels and belts. Size (in) Dia. x W x AH 6 x 1/2 x 1 6x1x1 6x2x1 8 x 1/2 x 3 8x1x3 8x2x3 Wheels/ Case 4 3 2 4 3 2 23 - 10 * Add prefix 048011to UPC No. when ordering Note: Additional sizes available as stock or made-toorder. Used to reduce 1" internal diameter core size, flange size or wheel size to fit shafts smaller than 1" diameter. This item is a stamped & formed sheet metal product. Prod. 3 3 3 3 3 Size (in) 1 x 3/8 1 x 1/2 1 x 5/8 1 x 3/4 1 x 7/8 Sets/Case 1 1 1 1 1 UPC No.* 09151 09152 09153 09154 09155 3mTm Flange adapter No. 5 Telescoping wheel adapters 1" and 1/2" wide to reduce 1" wheel center holes to fit 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", or 7/8" shafts. Use with a set of flat or cupped washers 1/3 the diameter of the wheel for side support. 3mTm Flange No. 356 UPC No.* 16859 16860 Used to reduce wheel cores and internal diameters to fit smaller shaft sizes. This product spans a range of sizes. Manufactured of spun aluminum, it has a taper locking feature to automatically center the flange inside the core of the wheel. Prod. 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 Size (in) 3 x 1/2 3 x 5/8 3 x 3/4 3 x 7/8 3x1 3 x 1-1/4 3 x 1-1/2 Sets/Case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3mTm Flange No. 365 UPC No.* 03896 03897 03898 18407 03899 03900 04307 This flange was specifically designed for use with wheels that are 1/2" wide & have a 3" diameter center hole. (For wheels wider than 1/2", use 3M Flange no. 365). The flange no. 365 is used to reduce the wheel core internal diameter to fit smaller shaft sizes. This product spans a range of sizes. It is made of spun aluminum and has a taper locking feature to automatically center the flange inside the core of the wheel. Prod. 356 365 365 365 365 365 Size (in) 3 x 1/2 3 x 5/8 3 x 3/4 3 x 7/8 3x1 3 x 1-1/4 Sets/Case 1 1 1 1 1 1 UPC No.* 18410 18411 18412 18413 18414 18415 * Add prefix 048011 to UPC No. when ordering accessories – Scotch briteTm Wheels 3mTm mandrels Mandrels are corrosion protected and machined to industrial standards of thread size & shaft diameters. They are designed for use with ScotchBrite Unitized Wheels. Mandrels are furnished complete with washers to fit available wheel sizes. TM Density/Mineral Type/Grade UPC No.* 7A CRS 7A MED 7A FIN 7Z VFIN 5A FIN 05182-6 03263-4 03262-7 03270-2 03269-6 02960-3 03272-6 02972-6 05183-3 03276-4 03275-7 02965-8 03282-5 03281-8 02967-2 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering Note: Additional sizes available as stock or made-to-order. 3mTm Flange adapter No. 3 Size (in) Sets/Case Prod. 5 1 x 1/2 x 1/2 1 1 x 1 x 1/2 1 5 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering accessories: Use 6" diameter cup wheel with the 3M Flap Disk Holder Kit T27, UPC 051144-88769-9. The lower of the wheel of holder MOS rating must always be used. Size (in) Dia. x W x AH 6x1x1 6x2x1 6x3x1 6x4x1 8x1x3 8x2x3 accessories – Scotch briteTm Wheels Mandrel No. 931, 932, 933 Mandrel No. 936 & 946 Mandrel No. 934 Mandrel No. 991 Mandrel No. 990 – continues – WWW.haNESSupply.COm Mandrel No. 992 & 994 Mandrel No. 996 & 998 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives 3M Abrasives 3M™ Mandrels – continued Prod. 931 Length Shank (in) Size (in) Use With Max. Oper. RPM 1/8 2 1/4 13/16 20,000 2 1/4 1 14,000 3-1/16 1/4 2-1/2 936 Unitized Wheels (Plastic) 1" x 1" x 3/16" 2-1/16 1/4 N/A 12,000 w/3" dia. 8,500 w/4" dia. 6,000 w/6 dia. 1-3/4" 1/4" 990 Unitized Wheels 1" x 1" x 3/16" Unitized Wheels / 2"–3" dia. x 1/8"–1/2" wd* x 3/8" CH 1-3/4" 1/4" 1/2" Hex Nut Dia. 991 Unitized Wheels / 2"–3" dia. x 1/2"–1" wd** x 3/8" CH 1-7/8" 1/4" none 992 Unitized Wheels / 1"–1-1/2" dia. x 1/8"–1/2" wd* x 3/16 CH 1-1/2" 1/8" none 1-1/2" 1/4" none Unitized Wheels / 1/2" - 3/4" dia. 1/8" x 1/4" wd x 1/8" CH 1-11/16" 1/8" none 1-11/16" 1/4" none 933 934 946 (Steel) 994 996 998 Unitized Wheels / 1-1/2", 2" dia. x 1/4", 1/2" wd x 1/4" CH Note: 5/16" CH is recommended for wheels 6 density or harder Unitized Wheels / 2", 2-1/2", 3" dia. x 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1" wd x 1/4" CH Note: 5/16" CH is recommended for wheels 6 density or harder Unitized Wheels / 3"–6" dia. x 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1" wd x 1/2" CH Unitized Wheels / 1"–1-1/2" dia. x 1/8"–1/2" wd* x 3/16" CH Unitized Wheels / 1/2"–3/4" dia. x 1/8"–1/4" wd x 1/8" CH 1/2 22,200 none Mandrels/Case 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 UPC No.* 13966 13967 13968 04021 04018 13928 05726 Prod. 990 990 Bulk 991 992 994 996 998 * Add prefix 048011- to UPC No. when ordering pGTm Wheels 35,200 25,200 w/2" dia. 22,200 w/2-1/2 dia. 18,200 w/3" dia. 25,200 w/2" dia. 22,200 w/2-1/2" dia. 18,200 w/3" dia. 35,200 w/1" dia. 30,200 w/1-1/2" dia. 35,200 w/1" dia. 30,200 w/1-1/2" dia. 40,200 w/ 1/2" & 3/4" dia. 40,200 w/ 1/2" & 3/4" dia. * These mandrels come with two caps, one silver for 1/8" & 1/4" wide wheels & one black for 3/8" & 1/2" wide wheels. ** The 991 mandrel comes with two caps, one silver for 3/4" wide wheels & one black for 1" wheels. Prod. 931 932 933 934 936 944 946 13,000 Mandrels/Case 5 60 5 5 5 5 5 UPC No.* 15012 15015 16847 15013 16848 15014 16849 1 x 1/2 x 1/4 244E 241E 1 x 1 x 1/4 244E 241E 1-1/2 x 1/2 x 1/4 244E 241E 1-1/2 x 1 x 1/4 244E 241E 2 x 1/2 x 1/4 244E 241E 2 x 1 x 1/4 244E 241E 2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 244E 2-1/2 x 1 x 1/4 244E 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 244E 3 x 1/2 x 1/4 244E 241E 3 x 1 x 1/4 241D 244E 241E 3 x 2 x 1/4 244E 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25,000 40 60 Grade & UPC No.* 80 96800 96801 100 120 96802 150 180 240 96803 96804 35475 35476 35477 96806 22,000 96808 96809 96810 96811 96812 22,000 35472 35473 49636† 96815 20,000 14611 96818 49633† 96820 96821 20,000 14623 14624 14625 96823 20,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 96825 49626† 96829 14643 96826 14640 96830 14644 96827 14641 96831 14645 14655 14656 14657 49635† 49630† 49634† 18,000 b 23 C Clean and Strip Discs CSD1-r, CSD1-S, CSD2-r, CSD2-S Either one Clean & Strip Disc (CSD1) or two Clean and Strip Discs (CSD2) mounted to a shaft. These products are excellent for heavy duty cleaning of rusts, oxides, paints, and coatings. Cleans much faster & safer than wire brushes. Color: Black Max. Prod. Brushes/ Oper. Size (in) I.D. Case RPM's 4 x 1/2 CSD1-R 10 8,000 4x1 CSD2-R 10 8,000 4 x 1/2 x 1/4 CSD1-S 10 8,000 4 x 1 x 1/4 CSD2-S 10 8,000 Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No. S XCS 048011-14592 048011-14784 048011-14579 048011-14780 accessories: Roloc + Holder No. 2 for CSD1-R and CSD2-R Clean and Strip web in convenient disc form. Used extensively in maintenance type applications for removing oxides, scale and rust as well as weld conditioning and cleaning. The modern efficient alternative to wire brushes and scrapers. A tough cleaning product. Provides much longer life than CSD1 products with slightly less conformability. Color: Gray 25,000 18,000 96835 a hpCSD1-r, hpCSD1-S Out standard aluminum oxide PG wheels with durable rayon or cotton drills backing. Min. Max. Prod. Pkg./ Oper. I.D. Case RPM's When portable power tools are used in bench area operations, 3M helps keep things moving with a full line of money saving, quality boosting coated abrasives & surface conditioning products. Each is designed to deliver outstanding results and speed up time-consuming jobs such as grinding, deburring, blending, cleaning, and finishing of flat and irregular surfaces, as well as hard-to-reach areas. A) Scotch-Brite high performance flap brushes (CFFB) provide consistent finishes. Shown here with the 3M Roloc + holding system. B) Scotch-Brite spindle mounted ganged discs provide a high degree of conformability. C) Scotch-Brite stars mount singly or in combination for efficient I.D. cleaning and polishing operations. a complete grinding & surface conditioning system – Used individually or as part of a complete grinding and surface conditioning sequence, each 3M product maximizes results in your bench area operations. Often, the combination of 3M coated abrasives and Scotch-Brite surface conditioning products can eliminate the need for intermediate grinding or blending steps. Clean and Strip Web 3mTm 244E Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth XE Wt. 3mTm 241E Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth XE Wt. 3mTm 241D Three-m-iteTm rb Cloth X W Size (in) Dia. xW xShk bench area products abrasives 1-1/2 932 Unitized Wheels / 1", 1-1/2" dia. x 1/4" wd x 1/8" CH Wash. Dia. (in) 96828 96832 96833 96836 320 96805 96807 96813 96816 96822 96824 96834 96837 * Add prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering - † Add prefix 051111- to UPC No. when ordering Kut stock items Max. Prod. Brushes/ Oper. Size (in) I.D. Case RPM's 3 x 1/2 HPCSD1-R 10 10,000 4 x 1/2 HPCSD1-R 10 8,000 3 x 1/2 x 1/4 HPCSD1-S 10 10,000 4 x 1/2 x 1/4 HPCSD1-S 10 8,000 Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No. S XCS 048011-14591 048011-14777 048011-14782 048011-14785 accessories: Roloc + Holder No. 2 for HPCSD1-R Cutting and polishing Scotch briteTm Web CpD5-r, CpD5-S Five discs of tough Cutting and Polishing Scotch-Brite Web ganged together on a shaft. Use for satin or antique finishing as well as light to medium duty cleaning applications. Color: Tan Max. Prod. Brushes/ Oper. Size (in) I.D. Case RPM's 3 x 1-1/4 CPD5-R 10 10,000 4 x 1-1/4 CPD5-R 10 8,000 3 x 1-1/4 x 1/4 CPD5-S 10 10,000 4 x 1-1/4 x 1/4 CPD5-S 10 8,000 Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No. A MED 048011-14594 048011-14590 048011-14593 048011-14779 accessories: Roloc + Holder No. 2 for CPD5-R WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 11 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Scotch brite Tm CpFb-r, CpFb-S 3M Abrasives 3mTm Flexible Diamond products Flap brushes Flaps of heavy duty Cutting and Polishing web. Will leave a uniform surface while removing handling marks and surface imperfections. A long-life flap brush. Color: Tan abrasives 23 Prod. I.D. Size (in) CPFB-S 2 x 1 x 1/4 3 x 1-3/8 CPFB-R 3 x 1-3/4 x 1/4 CPFB-S Discs/ Unit 25 10 10 Max. Oper. RPM's 12,000 8,000 8,500 Mineral Type/ Grade UPC No. A MED 048011-16622 048011-14588 048011-05974 accessories: Roloc + Holder No. 2 for CPFB-R. CFFb-r, CFFb-S S SFN 048011-14783 048011-14781 Stars Scotch-Brite Stars are the perfect choice for cleaning and polishing I.D. of pipe & tubing. Their unique shape allows the star tips to provide constant outward pressure on the walls of parts made of steel, aluminum or plastic so you can quickly get a smooth, consistent cleaning action. Scotch-Brite Stars are available in a variety of sizes and grades and are designed to work with the 3M Brand Mandrel No. 944. They can be used with power bench tools such as die grinders, straight-shaft grinders or electric drills. Color: A VFN = Blue, A CRS = Brown TM Size (in) 1-1/2 2 3 4 4-1/2 Stars/ Unit 100 100 50 50 50 Max. Oper. RPM's 24,000 24,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 accessories: Mandrel No. 944. Mineral Type/Grade UPC No. A VFN 048011-13800 048011-13803 048011-13802 048011-13804 048011-13801 S CRS 048011-13370 048011-13371 048011-13372 048011-13373 048011-13374 From tough grinding applications through fine finishing operations, 3M Roloc Flexible Diamond Discs can do the job quickly with consistent, predictable results. Can be used on right angle and straight air tools as well as flexible shaft grinders. Must be used with proper 3M Roloc disc pad hardware. Disc Dia. (in) 1 1-1/2 2 3 Discs/ Case 10 10 10 5 M250 84398 85238 85246 85254 Micron Grade & UPC No.* M125 M74 M40 M20 84399 85232 85233 85234 85239 85240 85241 85242 85247 85248 85249 85250 85255 85256 85257 85258 * Add Prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. M10 85235 85243 85251 85259 R30 85236 85244 85252 85260 R10 85237 85245 85253 85261 3mTm Diamond Files • Diamond files are highly versatile – great for many uses: grind hard-tocut materials, fine-finish delicate surfaces, bevel edges, remove burrs, sharpen tools. • Use wet or dry. For better results, use with water or an oil lubricant. • Available in sets of 4 file sizes & a choice of 3 grades, from 125 micron to 20 micron. • The different micron grades are conveniently color coded. packaging: SETS: Consist of 4 files, one of each size. All files in a set are the same grade. FILES: Min. package = 10 files per box. 5 boxes/unit. Files may not be assorted within a box. * Add Prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. accessories–Flexible Diamond products 3mTm COmbI-r (RolocTM + Shaft) Pkg. Product I.D. Min./Unit UPC No. Roloc+ Holder No.1 5/cs 048011-15408 Roloc+ Holder No. 1 40/cs 048011-14586 23 - 12 Micron Grade & UPC No.* M125 M74 M40 M20 M10 84374 84375 84376 84377 84378 84382 84383 84384 84385 84386 80190 80191 80192 80193 84397 Micron Grade/Color/UPC No. M125 M74 M40 M20 Size (in) (Black) (Red) (Yellow) (White) 1-1/2 x 3/4 80829 80830 80831 80832 1-3/4 x 1/2 80833 80834 80835 80836 1-3/4 x 1/2 half round 80837 80838 80839 80840 2-1/2 x 1/4 08041 08042 80843 80844 Sets Assorted 80130 80131 80132 80133 3mTm COmbI Wheels These unique wheels are a combination of aluminum oxide coated abrasive & Scotch-BriteTM Brand material. They are designed for a variety of surface finishing & blending operations on a large variety of workpieces. M250 84373 84381 80189 3mTm 6234J TG Discs Mineral Type/Grade UPC No. accessories: Roloc + Holder No. 2 for CFFB-R. Discs/ Case 10 10 5 * Add Prefix 051144- to UPC No. when ordering. Scotch-Brite high performance finishing web made into a flap brush. The high performance web outlasts conventional webs while giving a longer scratch pattern ideal for decorative finishing and light deburring applications. Color: Green, Grade: A-CRS Color: Gray, Grade: S-SFN A CRS 048011-14587 048011-05975 Aggressive, clean-cutting and long lasting. Ideal for finishing, touch-ups or repair of hard to grind materials: ceramics, composites, glass, carbide, stone, marble and fiberglass. Excellent for polishing dies & molds. Hook and Loop backing makes changing discs easy, just pull off the disc in use & press on another. Intended for use with 3M Hookit Roloc Disc Pad, Type J. Disc Dia. (in) 1 1-1/2 3 Scotch briteTm Flap brushes Max. Prod. Brushes/ Oper. I.D. Case RPM's Size (in) 3 x 1-3/8 CFFB-R 10 7,500 3 x 1-3/4 x 1/4 CFFB-S 10 8,500 3mTm 6002J qrS Discs 3mTm COmbI-r (Spindle Mount) rolocTm+ holder No.1 3mTm hookitTm rolocTm Disc pad, Type J This resilient, conformable pad is ideal for use on shaped & contoured surfaces. Hook material attached to neoprene foam which provides a resilient base for Flexible Diamond QRS discs. Makes grade changes easy. Pads must be used with proper 3M Roloc disc pad hardware. Size Dia. (in) 1 1-1/2 2 3 Qty. 10 5 5 1 UPC No* 82564 82565 82566 82567 * Add Prefix 051144 to UPC No. when ordering WWW.haNESSupply.COm Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives arc abrasives NarrOW bElTS 1/2 x 12 Std. Pk.-50 1/2 x 18 Std. Pk. -50 1/2 x 24 Std. Pk. -50 Grit Material Size Item No. 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kit AO/X Standard AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kit ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70058 70058-1 70058PM 70059 70059-3 70059PM 7138305-2 70060 70060-3 70060PM 7138306-2 70061 70061-3 70061PM 70062 70062-3 70062PM 70064 70064PM 36 36 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70081802 70081802PM 70081805 70081805PM 714051805-2 70081806 70081806PM 714051806-2 70081807 70081807PM 70081808 70081808PM 70081810 70081810PM 36 36 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 36 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70072 70072PM 70075 70075PM 71404-2 70076 70076PM 71405-2 70077 70077PM 70078 70078PM 70080 70080PM 70084 70084-1 70084-3 70084PM 70084-2 71406-1 70087 70087-1 70087-3 70087PM 70087-2 69107 69107-1 69107-2 71409-2 70088 70088-1 70088-3 70088PM Grit 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 Material AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard 3/4 x 20-1/2 36 AO/X Standard Std. Pk.- 50 36 AO/X Economy 36 AO/X Premium 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 AO/X Plus 36 ZA/Y Standard 60 AO/X Standard 60 AO/X Economy 60 AO/X Premium 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 60 AO/X Plus 60 ZA/Y Standard 80 AO/X Standard 80 AO/X Economy 80 AO/X Premium 80 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 80 AO/X Plus 80 ZA/Y Standard 100 AO/X Standard 100 AO/X Economy 100 AO/X Premium 100 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 100 AO/X Plus 120 AO/X Standard 120 AO/X Economy 120 AO/X Premium 120 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 120 AO/X Plus 180 AO/X Standard 180 AO/X Economy 180 AO/X Premium 180 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 240 AO/X Standard 240 AO/X Economy 240 AO/X Premium 240 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 3/4 x 77 180 AO/J Plus Std. Pk.-50 180 AO/J Premium 180 AO/J Standard 180 AO/J Glue Bond 220 AO/J Plus 220 AO/J Premium 220 AO/J Standard 220 AO/J Glue Bond 240 AO/J Plus 240 AO/J Premium 240 AO/J Standard 240 AO/J Glue Bond Item No. 70088-2 69108 69108-1 69108-2 71410-2 70089 70089-1 70089-3 70089PM 70089-2 69109 69109-1 69109-2 70090 70090-1 70090-3 70090PM 70090-2 69110 69110-1 69110-2 70092 70092-1 70092-3 70092PM 69112 69112-1 69112-2 70093 70093-1 70093-3 70093PM 69114 69114-1 69114-2 70126 70126-1 70126-3 70126PM 70126-2 71421-2 70129 70129-1 70129-3 70129PM 70129-2 71424-2 70130 70130-1 70130-3 70130PM 70130-2 71425-2 70131 70131-1 70131-3 70131PM 70131-2 70132 70132-1 70132-3 70132PM 70132-2 70134 70134-1 70134-3 70134PM 70135 70135-1 70135-3 70135PM 6916810 6916810-1 6916810-2 6916810-3 6916811 6916811-1 6916811-2 6916811-3 6916812 6916812-1 6916812-2 6916812-3 Narrow Belts (continued) Size 1 x 12 Std. Pk.-50 1 x 30 Std. Pk.-50 1 x 42 Std. Pk.-50 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Grit 320 320 320 320 400 400 400 400 500 500 Material AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/J Glue Bond AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/J Glue Bond AO/J Premium AO/J Glue Bond Item No. 69169 69169-1 69169-2 69169-3 69170 69170-1 69170-2 69170-3 6917016-1 6917016-3 36 36 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70150 70150PM 70153 70153PM 71429-2 70154 70154PM 71430-2 70155 70155PM 70156 70156PM 70158 70158PM 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly PZ/Y Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/Y Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus 70162 70162-1 70162-3 70162PM 70162-2 7254202 71431 71431-1 71431-2 71431-3 70163 70163-1 70163-3 70163PM 7254203 71432 71432-1 71432-2 71432-3 70164 70164-1 70164-3 70164PM 70164-2 7254204 71433 71433-1 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Standard ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Standard ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium 701602 701602-1 701602-3 701602PM 714302 701605 701605-1 701605-3 701605PM 6917705-2 714305-2 714305-3 701606 701606-1 701606-3 701606PM 6917706-2 714306-2 714306-3 701607 701607-1 701607-3 701607PM 6917707-2 701608 701608-1 701608-3 701608PM 6917708-2 701610 701610-1 701610-3 23 - 13 23 abrasives Size 3/8 x 13 Std. Pk.-50 Narrow Belts (continued) Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Narrow Belts (continued) Size Size abrasives 23 Narrow Belts (continued) Grit 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 240 240 Material ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard 1 x 77 320 AO/J Plus Std. Pk.-50 320 AO/J Premium 320 AO/J Standard 320 AO/J Glue Bond 400 AO/J Plus 400 AO/J Premium 400 AO/J Standard 400 AO/J Glue Bond 500 AO/J Premium 500 AO/J Glue Bond 1-1/2 x 60 Std. Pk.-10 23 - 14 36 AO/X Standard 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 ZA/Y Standard Item No. 71433-2 71433-3 70165 70165-1 70165-3 70165PM 70165-2 69180 69180-1 69180-2 7254205 71434 71434-1 71434-2 71434-3 70166 70166-1 70166-3 70166PM 70166-2 69181 69181-1 69181-2 7254206 71435 71435-1 71435-2 71435-3 70167 70167-1 70167-3 70167PM 70167-2 69182 69182-1 69182-2 7254207 7143607-1 70168 70168-1 70168-3 70168PM 70168-2 69183 69183-1 69183-2 7254208 7143608-1 70170 70170-1 70170-3 69185 69185-1 69185-2 70171 70171-1 70171-3 69187 69187-1 69187-2 69195 69195-1 69195-2 69195-3 69196 69196-1 69196-2 69196-3 69197-1 69197-3 70246 70246PM 71466-2 1-1/2 x 72 Std. Pk.-10 2 x 48 Std. Pk.-10 2 x 60 Std. Pk.-10 Grit 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 36 36 36 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 240 240 240 36 36 36 40 40 40 50 Material AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard Item No. 70249 70249PM 71469-2 70250 70250PM 71470-2 70251 70251PM 70252 70252PM 70254 70254PM 70258 70258PM 7147202-2 70261 70261PM 7147205-2 70262 70262PM 7147206-2 70263 70263PM 70264 70264PM 70266 70266PM 70318 70318-1 70318PM 70318-2 71496 71496-2 70319 70319-1 70319PM 71497 71497-2 70320 70320-1 70320PM 70320-2 71498 71498-2 70321 70321-1 70321PM 70321-2 725564805 71499 71499-2 71499-3 70322 70322-1 70322PM 70322-2 725564806 71500 71500-2 71500-3 70323 70323-1 70323PM 70323-2 725564807 70324 70324-1 70324PM 70324-2 725564808 70326 70326PM 725564810 70327 70327PM 725564812 70330 70330PM 71501-2 70331 70331PM 71502-2 70332 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Narrow Belts (continued) Size 2 x 72 Std. Pk.-10 2 x 132 Std. Pk.-10 Grit 50 50 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 240 240 36 36 36 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 24 24 24 24 24 24 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Material AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/X Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly Item No. 70332PM 71503-2 70333 70333PM 71504-2 70334 70334PM 71505-2 70335 70335PM 70336 70336PM 70338 70338PM 70339 70339PM 70342 70342PM 71506-2 70343 70343PM 71507-2 70344 70344PM 71508-2 70345 70345PM 71509-2 70346 70346PM 71510-2 70347 70347PM 70348 70348PM 70350 70350PM 70377 70377-1 70377-3 70377PM 71520 71520-2 70378 70378-1 70378-3 70378PM 70378-2 725613202 71521 71521-1 71521-2 71521-3 70379 70379-1 70379-3 70379PM 725613203 71522 71522-1 71522-2 71522-3 70380 70380-1 70380-3 70380PM 70380-2 725613204 71523 71523-1 71523-2 71523-3 70381 70381-1 70381-3 70381PM 70381-2 70381-4 70381-5 69310 69310-1 69310-2 725613205 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Narrow Belts (continued) Size Narrow Belts (continued) Size Material PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard Item No. 71524 71524-1 71524-2 71524-3 70382 70382-1 70382-3 70382PM 70382-2 70382-4 70382-5 69311 69311-1 69311-2 725613206 71525 71525-1 71525-2 71525-3 70383 70383-1 70383-3 70383PM 70383-2 70383-4 70383-5 69312 69312-1 69312-2 725613207 71526-1 70384 70384-1 70384-3 70384PM 70384-2 70384-4 70384-5 69313 69313-1 69313-2 725613208 71527-1 70385 70385-1 70385-3 70385PM 69314 69314-1 69314-2 725613209 70386 70386-1 70386-3 70386PM 69315 69315-1 69315-2 725613210 70387 70387-1 70387-3 70387PM 69317 69317-1 69317-2 725613212 70388 69318 69318-1 69318-2 725613214 7038815 2-1/2 x 60 Std. Pk.-10 2-1/2 x 72 Std. Pk.-10 400 400 400 400 600 Material AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly SC/X Poly Item No. 69319 69319-1 69319-2 725613215 725613217 36 36 36 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70426 70426PM 71541-2 70427 70427PM 71542-2 70428 70428PM 71543-2 70429 70429PM 71544-2 70430 70430PM 71545-2 70431 70431PM 70432 70432PM 24 24 24 24 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 70449 70449PM 71550 71550-2 70450 70450PM 71551 71551-2 70451 70451PM 71552 71552-2 70452 70452PM 71553 71553-2 70453 70453PM 71554 71554-2 70454 70454PM 71555 71555-2 70455 70455PM 70456 70456PM 24 24 24 24 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 3 x 18 36 AO/X Standard Std. Pk. - 10 36 AO/X Economy 70437 70437PM 71601 71601-2 70438 70438PM 71545601 71545601-2 70439 70439PM 71547 71547-2 70440 70440PM 71548 71548-2 70441 70441PM 71549 71549-2 70442 70442PM 7154906 7154906-2 70443 70443PM 70444 70444PM 70510 70510-1 Narrow Belts (continued) Size Grit 36 36 36 36 36 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 3 x 21 36 Std. Pk. - 10 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 3 x 24 36 Std. Pk. - 10 36 36 36 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Material AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus Item No. 70510PM 70510-2 70510-4 7157202-2 7157202-3 70512 70512-1 70512PM 70512-2 70512-4 7157204-2 7157204-3 70513 70513-1 70513PM 70513-2 70513-4 7157205-2 7157205-3 70514 70514-1 70514PM 70514-2 70514-4 7157206-2 7157206-3 70515 70515-1 70515PM 70515-2 70515-4 70516 70516-1 70516PM 70516-2 70516-4 70522 70522-1 70522PM 70522-2 71576-2 71576-3 70523 70523-1 70523PM 70523-4 71577-2 71577-3 70524 70524-1 70524PM 70524-2 70524-4 71578-2 71578-3 70525 70525-1 70525PM 70525-2 70525-4 71579-2 71579-3 70526 70526-1 70526PM 70526-2 70526-4 71580-2 71580-3 70527 70527-1 70527PM 70257-2 70527-4 70528 70528-1 70528PM 70528-2 70528-4 70546 70546-1 70546PM 70546-2 23 - 15 23 abrasives Grit 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 320 320 320 320 320 400 2-1/2 x 48 Std. Pk.-10 Grit Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Narrow Belts (continued) Size Size abrasives 23 Narrow Belts (continued) Grit 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 Material ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat 3 x 120 36 AO/X Standard Std. Pk. - 10 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 AO/X Plus 36 ZA/Y Standard 40 AO/X Standard 40 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 40 ZA/Y Standard 50 AO/X Standard 50 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 50 AO/X Plus 50 ZA/Y Standard 60 AO/X Standard 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 60 AO/X Plus 60 ZA/Y Standard 80 AO/X Standard 80 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 80 AO/X Plus 80 ZA/Y Standard 100 AO/X Standard 100 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 100 AO/X Plus 120 AO/X Standard 120 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 120 AO/X Plus 3 x 132 Std. Pk.-10 23 - 16 24 24 24 24 24 36 36 36 AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium Item No. 71586-2 71586-3 70547 70547-1 70547PM 70547-4 71587-2 71587-3 70548 70548-1 70548PM 70548-2 70548-4 71588-2 71588-3 70549 70549-1 70549PM 70549-2 70549-4 71589-2 71589-3 70550 70550-1 70550PM 70550-2 70550-4 71590-2 71590-3 70551 70551-1 70551PM 70551-2 70551-4 70552 70552-1 70552PM 70552-2 70552-4 70630 70630PM 70630-2 71616-2 70631 70631PM 71617-2 70632 70632PM 70632-2 71618-2 70633 70633PM 70633-2 71619-2 70634 70634PM 70634-2 71620-2 70635 70635PM 70635-2 70636 70636PM 70636-2 70641 70641-1 70641PM 7162001 7162001-2 70642 70642-1 70642-3 Grit 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 Material AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat AO/Y OC Washable AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium Item No. 70642PM 70642-2 72692 71621 71621-1 71621-2 71621-3 70643 70643-1 70643-3 70643PM 72693 71622 71622-1 71622-2 71622-3 70644 70644-1 70644-3 70644PM 70644-2 72694 71623 71623-1 71623-2 71623-3 70645 70645-1 70645-3 70645PM 70645-2 70645-4 70645-5 69430 69430-1 96430-2 72695 71624 71624-1 71624-2 71624-3 70646 70646-1 70646-3 70646PM 70646-2 70646-4 70646-5 69431 69431-1 69431-2 72696 71625 71625-1 71625-2 71625-3 70647 70647-1 70647-3 70647PM 70647-2 70647-4 70647-5 69432 69432-1 69432-2 72697 7162507-1 70648 70648-1 70648-3 70648PM 70648-2 70648-4 70648-5 69433 69433-1 69433-2 72698 7162508-1 70649 70649-1 70649-3 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Narrow Belts (continued) Size 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 Std. Pk.- 10 4 x 21 Std. Pk.- 10 Grit 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 320 320 320 320 320 400 400 400 400 400 600 36 36 36 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 Material AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/J Plus AO/J Premium AO/J Standard SC/X Poly SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut Item No. 70649PM 69434 69434-1 69434-2 72699 70650 70650-1 70650-3 70650PM 69435 69435-1 69435-2 76700 70651 70651-1 70651-3 70651PM 69437 69437-1 69437-2 72702 70652 69438 69438-1 69438-2 72704 7065215 69439 69439-1 69439-2 72705 72706 70690 70690-1 70690PM 70691 70691-1 70691PM 70692 70692-1 70692PM 70693 70693-1 70693PM 70694 70694-1 70694PM 70695 70695-1 70695PM 70696 70696-1 70696PM 70714 70714-1 70714PM 70715 70715-1 70715PM 70715-4 70716 70716-1 70716PM 70716-4 70717 70717-1 70717PM 70717-4 70718 70718-1 70718PM 70718-4 70719 70719-1 70719PM 70719-4 70720 70720-1 70720PM 70720-4 70721 70721-1 70721PM Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Narrow Belts (continued) Size Narrow Belts (continued) Size 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 Material AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat 4 x 24 36 AO/X Standard Std. Pk. - 10 36 AO/X Econo 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 ZA/Y Standard 36 ZA/X Economy 40 AO/X Standard 40 AO/X Econo 40 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 40 AO/X Open Coat 40 ZA/Y Standard 40 ZA/X Economy 50 AO/X Standard 50 AO/X Econo 50 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 50 AO/X Open Coat 50 ZA/Y Standard 50 ZA/X Economy 60 AO/X Standard 60 AO/X Econo 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 60 AO/X Open Coat 60 ZA/Y Standard 60 ZA/X Economy Item No. 70721-4 70722 70722-1 70722PM 70722-4 70726 70726-1 70726PM 71651-2 71651-3 70727 70727-1 70727PM 70727-4 71652-2 71652-3 70728 70728-1 70728PM 70728-4 71653-2 71653-3 70729 70729-1 70729PM 70729-4 71654-2 71654-3 70730 70730-1 70730PM 70730-4 71655-2 71655-3 70731 70731-1 70731PM 70731-4 70732 70732-1 70732PM 70732-4 70733 70733-1 70733PM 70733-4 70734 70734-1 70734PM 70734-4 70738 70738-1 70738PM 71656-2 71656-3 70739 70739-1 70739PM 70739-4 71657-2 71657-3 70740 70740-1 70740PM 70740-4 71658-2 71658-3 70741 70741-1 70741PM 70741-4 71659-2 71659-3 4 x 36 Std. Pk.- 10 4 x 54 Std. Pk.-10 Material Item No. 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat 70742 70742-1 70742PM 70742-4 71660-2 71660-3 70743 70743-1 70743PM 70743-4 70744 70744-1 70744PM 70744-4 70745 70745-1 70745PM 70745-4 70746 70746-1 70746PM 70746-4 36 36 36 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard 70786 70786PM 71676-2 70787 70787PM 71677-2 70788 70788PM 71678-2 70789 70789PM 71679-2 70790 70790PM 71680-2 70791 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Econo AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat Narrow Belts (continued) Size Grit 4 x 118 60 AO/X Standard Std. Pk. - 10 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 60 ZA/Y Standard 80 AO/X Standard 80 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 80 ZA/Y Standard 100 AO/X Standard 100 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 120 AO/X Standard 120 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 4 x 132 Std. Pk.- 10 70762 70762-1 70762PM 71666-2 71666-3 70763 70763-1 70763PM 70763-4 71667-2 71667-3 70764 70764-1 70764PM 70764-4 71668-2 71668-3 70765 70765-1 70765PM 70765-4 71669-2 71669-3 70766 70766-1 70766PM 70766-4 71670-2 71670-3 70767 70767-1 70767PM 70767-4 70768 70768-1 70768PM 70768-4 70769 70769-1 70769PM 70769-4 70770 70770-1 70770PM 70770-4 4 x 168 Std. Pk.-10 24 24 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Material 100 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 120 AO/X Standard 120 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/ X Open Coat AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/ X Open Coat AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy Item No. 70791PM 70792 70792PM 70865 70865PM 71711805-2 70866 70866PM 71711806-2 70867 70867PM 70868 70868PM 7170501 7170501-2 70882 70882PM 70882-2 71706-1 71706-2 71706-3 70883 70883PM 71707-1 71707-2 71707-3 70884 70884PM 71708-1 71708-2 71708-3 70885 70885PM 70885-2 70885-4 72855 71709-1 71709-2 70886 70886PM 70886-2 70886-4 72856 71710-1 71710-2 70887 70887PM 70887-2 70887-4 72857 71711-1 70888 70888PM 70888-2 70888-4 72858 71712-1 70889 70889-4 70889PM 70859 70890 70890-4 70890PM 70860 70891 70891PM 70862 70918 70918PM 71721 71721-1 71721-2 71721-3 70921 70921PM 71724-2 71724-3 70922 70922PM 71725-2 71725-3 23 - 17 23 abrasives 4 x 21-3/4 Std. Pk.-10 Grit 150 180 180 180 180 Grit Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Narrow Belts (continued) Size abrasives 23 Narrow Belts (continued) Size 6 x 48 Std. Pk.- 10 23 - 18 Grit 100 100 120 120 24 24 24 24 24 24 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 Material AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Open Coat SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/Y Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/X Premium AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Open Coat SC/X Poly AO/X Standard Item No. 70923 70923PM 70924 70924PM 70989 70989-1 70989PM 728701 71745 71745-2 70990 70990-1 70990-3 70990PM 70992-2 728702 71746 71746-2 71746-3 70991 70991-1 70991-3 70991PM 70991-4 728703 71747 71747-2 71747-3 70992 70992-1 70992-3 70992PM 70992-2 70992-4 728704 71748 71748-2 71748-3 70993 70993-1 70993-3 70993PM 70993-2 70993-4 72871 71749 71749-2 71749-3 70994 70994-1 70994-3 70994PM 70994-2 70994-4 72872 71750 71750-2 71750-3 70995 70995-1 70995-3 70995PM 70995-2 70995-4 72873 70996 70996-1 70996-3 70996PM 70996-2 70996-4 72874 70997 6 x 48-5/16 Std. Pk.-10 6 x 60 Std. Pk.-1 0 6 x 300 Std. Pk.- 10 7 x 164 Std. Pk. - 10 Grit 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 240 240 240 240 Material AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Economy AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly Item No. 70997-1 70997PM 72875 70998 70998-1 70998PM 72876 70999 70999-1 70999PM 72878 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 120 100 100 120 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus 71005 71005PM 71005-2 7175205-2 7175205-3 71006 71006PM 71006-2 7175206-2 7175206-39 71007 71007PM 71007-2 71008 71008PM 71008-2 80 80 100 100 120 120 150 150 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat 710730006PM 728830006 710730007 710730007-4 710730008 710730008-4 710730009 710730009-4 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly PZ/X Pure Zirconia ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static 7 x 335 80 AO/X Standard Std. Pk. - 10 80 AO/X Open Coat 80 AO/E E-WT Open 80 AO/F F-WT Anti-Static 100 AO/X Standard 71026 71026PM 71026-2 71766 71766-2 71027 71027PM 71767 71767-2 71028 71028PM 71028-2 71768 71768-2 71029 71029PM 71029-2 728796005 71769 71769-2 71030 71030PM 71030-2 728796006 71770 71770-2 7107716406 7107716406-4 660716406-1 660716406 7107716407 7107716407-4 660716407-1 660716407 7107716408 7107716408-4 660716408-1 660716408 7107716409 7107716409-4 660716409-1 660716409 7107733506 7107733506-4 660735506-1 660735506 7107733507 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Narrow Belts (continued) Size Grit Material 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/X Open Coat AO/E E-WT Open AO/F F-WT Anti-Static 36 36 40 40 50 50 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 8 x 107 24 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut Std. Pk. - 10 24 SC/Y Poly 24 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 24 ZA/Y Standard 36 AO/X Standard 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 SC/Y Poly 36 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 36 ZA/Y Standard 40 AO/X Standard 40 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 40 SC/Y Poly 40 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 40 ZA/Y Standard 50 AO/X Standard 50 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 50 SC/Y Poly 50 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 50 ZA/Y Standard 60 AO/X Standard 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 60 SC/X Poly 60 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 60 ZA/Y Standard 80 AO/X Standard 80 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 80 SC/X Poly 80 PZ/X Pure Zirconia 80 ZA/Y Standard 100 AO/X Standard 100 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 100 SC/X Poly 120 AO/X Standard 120 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 120 SC/X Poly 150 AO/X Standard 150 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 150 SC/X Poly 180 AO/X Standard 180 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 180 SC/X Poly 240 AO/X Standard 240 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 240 SC/X Poly 10 x 70-1/2 Std. Pk.- 10 Item No. 7107733507-4 660735507-1 660735507 7107735508 7107735508-4 660735508-1 660735508 7107735509 7107735509-4 660735509-1 660735509 71085PM 72884 717809 717809-2 71086 71086PM 72885 71781 71781-2 71087 71087PM 72886 71782 71782-2 71088 71088PM 7288604 71783 71783-2 71089 71089PM 72887 71784 71784-2 71090 71090PM 72888 71785 71785-2 71091 71091PM 72889 71092 71092PM 72890 71093 71093PM 7289009 71094 71094PM 7289010 71095 71095PM 7289012 71206 71206PM 71207 71207PM 71208 71208PM 71209 71209PM 71210 71210PM 71211 71211PM 71212 71212PM Note: Additional sizes & grits are available upon request. Please call for any size not listed. Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives pump Sleeves Arc Advantage Belts – continued Size Width/ Length (in) 3 x 18 Size Width/ Length (in) 2 x 9 (9 x 7-15/32) Std. Pk.-10 4 x 9 (9 x 13-3/4) Std. Pk.-10 6 x 9 (9 x 20) Std. Pk.-10 8 x 9 (9 x 26-5/16) Std. Pk.-10 10 x 9 (9 x 32-7/8) Std.Pk.-10 Material 60 80 120 AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium 60 80 120 AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium 60 80 120 60 80 120 60 80 120 60 80 120 AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium AO/J Premium Item No. 69908 69909 69911 69920 69921 69923 69932 69933 69935 69944 69945 69947 69956 69957 69959 69980 69981 69983 belt Cleaning Sticks Size Width/ Length (in) 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 8 2 x 2 x 12 3 x 21 3 x 23-3/4 3 x 24 Item No. 68026 68027 4 x 21-3/4 arc advantage belts Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond – Advantage open coat available upon request Size Width/ Length (in) 1 x 30 1 x 42 2 x 48 4 x 24 Grit Material Std. Pkg. 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 67442 67443 67444 67445 67446 67447 67448 67449 67450 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 67422 67423 67424 67425 67426 67427 67428 67429 67430 67482 67483 67484 67485 67486 67487 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 50 50 50 50 50 50 6 x 48 Material 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 67582 67583 67584 67585 67586 67587 67588 67589 67590 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 67488 67489 67490 67602 67603 67604 67605 67606 67607 67608 67609 67610 67622 67623 67624 67625 67626 67627 67628 67629 67630 67642 67643 67644 67645 67646 67647 67648 67649 67650 67662 67663 67664 67665 67666 67667 67668 67669 67670 67682 67683 67684 67685 67686 67687 67688 67689 67690 67722 67723 67724 67725 67726 67727 67728 67729 67730 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Note: Advantage Belts must be ordered in standard packages only. Partial packages are not available. Belts will be made from Arc's choice of aluminum oxide resin bond Xwight cloth. Specific material may not be requested; however all belts in a single box will be produced from the same material. Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm WIDE bElTS Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond – Butt Joint Size Grit 14 x 107 Std. Pkg.-3 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 14 x 86 Std. Pkg-3 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 Material AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard 14 x 113-1/4 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut Std. Pkg.-3 36 SC/Y Poly 36 ZA/X Plus 36 ZA/Y Standard 40 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 40 SC/Y Poly 40 ZA/X Plus 40 ZA/Y Standard 15 x 127-1/2 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut Std. Pkg.-3 36 SC/Y Poly 36 ZA/X Plus 36 ZA/Y Standard 40 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 40 SC/Y Poly 40 ZA/X Plus 40 ZA/Y Standard 18 x 85 Std. Pkg.-3 18 x 85 Std. Pkg.-5 19 x 48 Std. Pkg.-3 19 x 48 Std. Pkg.-5 Item No. 71248602PM 71248602-06 71248602-09 71248602-10 71248603PM 71248603-06 71248603-09 71248603-10 7124810702PM 7124810702-06 7124810702-09 7124810702-10 7124810703PM 7124810703-06 7124810703-09 7124810703-10 7124811302PM 7124811302-06 7124811302-09 7124811302-10 7124811303PM 7124811303-06 7124811303-09 7124811303-10 712512702PM 712512702-06 712512702-10 712512702-11 712512703PM 712512703-06 712512703-10 712512703-11 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard 71944 71944PM 71944-02 71944-06 71944-10 71947 71947PM 71947-02 71947-07 71947-10 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/Y Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard 71966 71966PM 71966-02 71966-06 71966-10 71969 71969PM 71969-02 71969-07 71969-10 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly 80 AO/X Standard 80 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut – continues – 71948 71948PM 71948-02 71948-07 71948-10 71949 71949PM 71949-02 71949-07 71950 71950PM 71950-02 71950-07 71970 71970PM 23 - 19 23 abrasives 3 x 9 (9 x 10-5/8) Std. Pk.-10 Grit Grit Std. Pkg. Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Wide Belts (continued) Size Size abrasives 23 Wide Belts (continued) 25 x 48 Std. Pkg. 3 25 x 48 Std. Pkg.-5 25 x 60 Std. Pkg.-3 25 x 60 Std. Pkg.-5 25 x 75 Std. Pkg.-3 23 - 20 Grit Material 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 AO/X Plus SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus SC/X Poly 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weigh Anti- Static 24 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 36 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut Item No. 71970-02 71970-07 71970-10 71971 71971PM 71971-02 71971-07 71972 71972PM 71972-02 71972-07 72142 72142PM 72142-05 72142-10 72143 72143PM 72143-05 72143-10 72144 72144PM 72144-05 72144-10 72145 72145PM 72145-05 72145-10 72146 72146PM 72146-05 72147 72147PM 72147-05 72149 72149PM 72149-05 72152 72152PM 72152-02 72152-05 72155 72155PM 72155-02 72155-05 662506005-1 662506005 72156 72156PM 72156-02 72156-05 662506006-1 662506006 72157 72157PM 72157-02 72157-05 662506007-1 662506007 72158 72158PM 72158-02 72158-05 662506008-1 662506008 72160 72160PM 72160-05 662506010-1 662506010 72162PM 72163PM 25 x 75 Std. Pkg.-5 30 x 103 Std. Pkg.-3 30 x 103 Std. Pkg.-5 36 x 60 Std. Pkg.-3 36 x 60 Std. Pkg.-5 36 x 75 Std. Pkg.-3 36 x 75 Std. Pkg.-5 Grit 36 36 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 150 150 180 180 Material AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard 72167PM 72167-05 72167-10 72168PM 72168-05 72169PM 72169-05 72170PM 72170-05 72171PM 72171-05 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard ZA/X Economy AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X PLUS AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 72191PM 72191-02 72191-05 72191-10 72191-11 721917 721917PM 721917-02 721917-05 72192 72192PM 72192-02 72192-05 72193 72193PM 72193-05 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 7222606PM 7222606-05 7222607PM 7222607-05 7222608PM 7222608-05 7222610PM 7222610-05 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/X Standard 36 36 60 60 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 80 80 100 100 120 120 180 180 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 72163-05 72163-10 72166PM 72166-05 72166-10 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/Y Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 36 36 36 36 60 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 Item No. 72187 72187PM 72187-02 72187-05 72190 Size 37 x 60 Std. Pkg.-3 7222602PM 7222602-05 7222605PM 7222605-05 AO/X STANDARD 72229 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 72229PM AO/X Plus 72229-02 AO/Y OC Washable 72229-05 ZA/X Plus 72229-09 ZA/Y Standard 72229-10 AO/X Standard 72230 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 72230PM AO/Y OC Washable 72230-05 ZA/X Plus 72230-09 ZA/Y Standard 72230-10 AO/X Standard 72231 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 72231PM AO/X Plus 72231-02 AO/Y OC Washable 72231-05 ZA/X Plus 72231-09 ZA/Y Standard 72231-10 AO/X Standard 72232 AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 72232PM AO/X Plus 72232-02 AO/Y OC Washable 72232-05 AO/E E Weight Open 663607505-1 AO/F F Weight Anti- Static663607505 SC/X Poly 72232-07 ZA/X Plus 72232-09 ZA/Y Standard 72232-10 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static Wide Belts (continued) 72233 72233PM 72233-02 72233-05 663607506-1 663607506 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 37 x 60 Std. Pkg.-5 37 x 75 Std. Pkg.-3 Grit Material Item No. 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/F F Weight Anti-Static 72233-07 72233-09 72233-10 72234 72234PM 72234-02 72234-05 663607507-1 663607507 72234-07 72235 72235PM 72235-02 72235-05 663607508-1 663607508 72235-07 72237 72237PM 72237-05 663607510 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Wt. Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff KUT AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly 72285 72285PM 72285-02 72285-05 663706006-1 663706006 72285-07 72285-09 72285-10 72286 72286PM 72286-02 72286-05 663706007-1 663706007 72286-07 72287 72287PM 72287-02 72287-05 663706008-1 663706008 72287-07 72289 72289PM 72289-05 663706010-1 663706010 72289-07 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 36 36 36 36 36 36 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/ X Plus AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard 72281 72281PM 72281-02 72281-05 72281-09 72281-10 72282 72282PM 72282-05 72282-09 72282-10 72283 72283PM 72283-02 72283-05 72283-09 72283-10 72284 72284PM 72284-02 72284-05 663706005-1 663706005 72284-07 72284-09 72284-10 72304 72304PM 72304-02 72304-05 72304-09 72304-10 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Wide Belts (continued) Size Wide Belts (continued) Size 50 x 75 Std. Pkg.-3 50 x 75 Std. Pkg.-5 50 x 103 Std. Pkg.-3 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Material AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Ant-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard Item No. 72305 72305PM 72305-05 72305-09 72305-10 72306 72306PM 72306-02 72306-05 72306-09 72306-10 72307 72307PM 72307-02 72307-05 663707505-1 663707505 72307-07 72307-09 72307-10 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 AO/X STANDARD AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly 72308 72308PM 72308-02 72308-05 663707506-1 663707506 72308-07 72308-09 72308-10 72309 72309PM 72309-02 72309-05 663707507-1 663707507 72309-07 72310 72310PM 72310-02 72310-05 663707508-1 663707508 72310-07 72312 72312PM 72312-05 663707510-1 663707510 72312-07 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 180 180 180 AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static 7239106-05 665007506-1 665007506 7239107-05 665007507-1 665007507 7239108-05 665007508-1 665007508 7239110-05 665007510-1 665007510 52 x 75 Std. Pk.-3 52 x 75 Std. Pk.-5 60 AO/Y OC Washable 7239105-05 60 AO/E E Weight Open 665007505-1 60 AO/F F Weight Anti-Static 665007505 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable SC/Y Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut 72392 72392PM 72392-05 72392-06 72392-10 72395 72395PM 52 x 103 Std. Pkg.-3 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 Material AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA//Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly 72396 72396PM 72396-05 665010306-1 665010306 72396-07 72396-10 72397 72397PM 72397-05 665010307-1 665010307 72397-07 72398 72398PM 72398-05 665010308-1 665010308 72398-07 72400 72400PM 72400-05 665010310-1 665010310 72400-07 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly 72441 72441PM 72441-02 72441-05 665207506-1 665207506 72441-07 72441-10 72442 72442PM 72442-02 72442-05 665207507-1 665207507 72442-07 72443 72443PM 72443-02 72443-05 665207508-1 665207508 72443-07 72445 72445PM 72445-05 665207510-1 665207510 72445-07 36 36 36 36 36 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable SC/Y Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/Y Standard 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 Item No. 72395-05 665010305-1 665010305 72395-07 72395-10 72437 72437PM 72437-02 72437-05 72437-06 72440 72440PM 72440-02 72440-05 665207505-1 665207505 72440-07 72440-10 72448 72448PM 72448-02 72448-05 72448-06 72448-09 72448-10 72449 72449PM 72449-05 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Size 52 x 103 Std. Pkg.-5 Grit 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 Material SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable SC/Y Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly ZA/X Plus ZA/Y Standard AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/X Plus AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly AO/X Standard AO/Y Premium Tuff Kut AO/Y OC Washable AO/E E Weight Open AO/F F Weight Anti-Static SC/X Poly Item No. 72449-06 72449-09 72449-10 72450 72450PM 72450-02 72450-05 72450-06 72450-09 72450-10 72451 72451PM 72451-02 72451-05 665210305-1 665210305 72451-07 72451-09 72451-10 72452 72452PM 72452-02 72452-05 665210306-1 665210306 72452-07 72452-09 72452-10 72453 72453PM 72453-02 72453-05 665210307-1 665210307 72453-07 72454 72454PM 72454-02 72454-05 665210308-1 665210308 72454-07 72455 72455PM 72455-05 665210309-1 665210309 72455-07 72456 72456PM 72456-05 665210310-1 665210310 72456-07 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. 23 - 21 23 abrasives 37 x 75 Std. Pkg.-5 Grit 50 x 103 Std. Pkg.-5 Grit Wide Belts (continued) Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives mounted Flapwheels 1/4 Shank abrasives 23 Mounted Flapwheels 1/4-20 Shank (Spin-On) (continued) Size - Dia./ Width (in) 1 x 5/8 1/4–20 Shank Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Cloth • The special X-Flex material easily conforms to contours • Blending, finishing & deburring on the exterior or interior of a part • Works great on non-ferrous & ferrous metals • Cleans burrs & threads Size - Dia./ Width (in) 1 x 5/8 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 38,200 1x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 38,200 1-1/2 x 1/2 1/4 Shank Max. PRM's 23,800 1-1/2 x 3/4 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’S 23,800 1-1/2 x 1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 23,800 2 x 1/2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 19,000 2 x 3/4 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 19,000 2x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 19,000 2 x 1-1/2 1/4 Shank Grit 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 Item No. 11156 11157 11159 11161 11163 11165 11169 11170 11172 11174 11176 11178 11208 11209 11211 11213 11215 11217 11221 11222 11224 11226 11228 11230 11234 11235 11237 11239 11241 11243 11260 11261 11263 11265 11267 11269 11273 11274 11276 11278 11280 11282 11286 11287 11289 11291 11293 11295 60 11299 80 11300 120 11302 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Size - Dia./ Width (in) Max. RPM’s 19,000 2-1/2 x 1/2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 16,100 2-1/2 x 1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 16,100 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 16,100 3 x 1/2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 11,800 3 x 3/4 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 11,800 3x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 11,800 3 x 1-1/2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 11,800 3x2 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 8,900 mounted Flapwheels 1/4-20 Shank (Spin-On) Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Cloth • Great for piece work and production • The special X-Flex mateial easily conforms to contours • Blending, finishing, and deburring on the exterior or interior of a part • Works great on no-ferrous and ferrous metals • Cleans burrs & threads – continues – 23 - 22 Max. RPM’s 38,200 Grit 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 Item No. 11304 11306 11308 11312 11313 11315 11317 11319 11321 11338 11339 11341 11343 11345 11347 11351 11352 11354 11356 11358 11360 11364 11365 11367 11369 11371 11373 11377 11378 11380 11382 11384 11386 11390 11391 11393 11395 11397 11399 11403 11404 11406 11408 11410 11412 11416 11417 11419 11421 11423 11425 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1x1 1/4–20 Shank Grit 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 Max. RPM’s 38,200 1-1/2 x 1/2 1/4–20 Shank 60 80 120 180 240 320 Max. RPM’s 23,800 1-1/2 x 1 1/4–20 Shank 60 80 120 180 240 320 Max. RPM’s 23,800 2 x 1/2 1/4–20 Shank Item No. 12137 12138 12140 12142 12144 12146 12150 12151 12153 12155 12157 12159 12163 12164 12166 12168 12170 12172 12189 12190 12192 12194 12196 12198 60 12215 80 12216 120 12218 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Size - Dia./ Width (in) Max. RPM’s 19,000 2x1 1/4–20 Shank Max. RPM’s 19,000 2-1/2 x 1/2 1/4–20 Shank Max. RPM’s 16,100 3 x 1/2 1/4–20 Max. RPM’s 11,800 3x1 1/4–20 Max. RPM’s 11,800 Grit 180 240 320 Item No. 12220 12222 12224 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 60 80 120 180 240 320 12267 12268 12270 12272 12274 12276 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 60 80 120 180 240 320 12241 12242 12244 12246 12248 12250 12319 12320 12322 12324 12326 12328 12345 12346 12348 12350 12352 12354 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Standard mounted Flapwheels 1/4 Shank Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Cloth • Blending, finishing, and deburring in very tight areas (exterior and interior) • Works on non-ferrous and ferrous metal • Cleans burrs and threads Size - Dia./ Width (in) 1x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 38,200 Grit 60 80 120 180 1-1/2 x 1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 23,800 60 80 120 180 Item No. 11604 11605 11607 11609 11624 11625 11627 11629 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Size - Dia./ Width (in) 2x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 19,000 3x1 1/4 Shank Max. RPM’s 11,800 Grit 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 Item No. 11644 11645 11647 11649 11664 11665 11667 11669 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 mounted Flapwheel adapters 1/4–20 Shank Size 1/4 Shank Ext. 1/4 Shank Ext. 1/4 Shank Ext. 1/4 Shank Ext. Length 1 4 6 8 Item No. 50931 50932 50933 50934 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 mandrel mounted & Spin-On Flapwheel kits/Grinder • Here's the ideal way to determine your exact needs • Includes 9 wheels in popular sizes and grits • Spin-on Kit includes one threaded shank adapter Mandrel Mounted Flapwheel Kit Spin-On Flapwheel Kit Straight Die Grinder WWW.haNESSupply.COm Item No. Std. Pkg. 50681 1 50682 50705 1 1 Mandrel - 1/4 Shank shown Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives unmounted Flapwheels Straight Cartridge rolls 3-1/2 x 1-1/2 5/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 10,000 3-1/2 x 2 5/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 10,000 4x1 5/8 A.H. Max.RPM’s 8,600 4 x 1-1/2 5/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 8,600 4x2 5/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 8,600 6x1 1 A.H. Max. RPM’s 5,700 6 x 1-1/2 1 A.H. Max. RPM’s 5,700 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 100 120 180 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 320 40 50 60 80 100 120 Item Std. No. Pkg. 10103-ARC 10 10104-ARC 10 10106-ARC 10 10108-ARC 10 10109-ARC 10 10123-ARC 10124-ARC 10126-ARC 10128-ARC 10143-ARC 10144-ARC 10146-ARC 10148-ARC 10163 10164 10166 10168-ARC 10183 10184 10186-ARC 10188-ARC 10203 10204 10205-ARC 10206 10208-ARC 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249-ARC 10250-ARC 10261 10262-ARC 10263 10264 10265-ARC 10266 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Size - Dia./ Width (in) 6x2 1 A.H. Max RPM’s 5,700 6x3 1 A.H. Max. RPM’s 5,700 8x1 1 A.H. Max. RPM’s 5,200 8x2 1 A.H. Max. RPM’s 5,200 10 x 1 1-3/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 4,300 10 x 2 1-3/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 4,300 12 x 1 1-3/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 3,400 12 x 2 1-3/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 3,400 Item Std. Grit No. Pkg. 180 10268-ARC 5 240 10269-ARC 5 320 10270-ARC 5 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 320 10281 10282 10283 10284 10285-ARC 10286 10288 10289-ARC 10290-ARC 50 60 80 120 10322-ARC 10323-ARC 10324-ARC 10326-ARC 40 60 80 120 180 10341-ARC 10343 10344 10346 10348 60 80 120 180 10383 10384 10386-ARC 10388-ARC 60 80 120 180 10423-ARC 10424-ARC 10426-ARC 10428-ARC 60 80 120 180 10463-ARC 10464-ARC 10466-ARC 10468-ARC 60 10491-ARC 80 10492-ARC 120 10493-ARC 1/4 Shank 1/4 Shank Wheel Dia. 3-1/2 4, 5, 6, 8 Item No. 50935 50937 Std. Pkg. 1 1 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/4 6&8 6&8 6&8 6&8 6&8 10 10 Item No. 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 Std. Pkg. 1 pr. 1 pr. 1 pr. 1 pr. 1 pr. 1 pr. 1 pr. 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3/16 x 3/4 3/32 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 3/16 x 1 3/32 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 1/4 x 3/4 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 1/4 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 1/4 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 5/16 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 5/16 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 Max. RPM’s 26,000 Arbor Hole Reducing Bushings Wheel Dia. 3 3 3 3 3 Max. RPM’s 26,000 3/8 x 1 1/8 A.H. unmounted Flapwheel Size 5 5 5 5 60 10494Z2-ARC 2 80 10494Z3-ARC 2 120 10494Z4-ARC 2 unmounted Flapwheel Shank adapters Size 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Size - Dia./ Length (in) 1/8 x 1 5/64 A.H. 3/8 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. 3/8 x 2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 Grit 80 100 120 180 240 80 100 120 180 240 80 100 120 180 240 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 320 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 60 80 100 120 180 240 320 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 240 320 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 60 80 100 120 180 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Item No. 21115 21116 21117 21119 21120 21129 21130 21131 21133 21134 21136 21137 21138 21140 21141 21151 21152 21153 21154 21156 21157 21158Z9 21159 21160 21161 21162 21163 21164 21165 21166 21167 21168 21169 21170 21171 21172 21173 21211 21212 21213 21214 21216 21217 21218 21224 21225 21226 21228 21229 21270 21271 21272 21273 21274 21275 21276 21277 21278 21282 21283 21284 21285 21286 21288 21289 21295 21296 21297 21298 21300 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 500 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Size - Dia./ Length (in) 1/2 x 3/4 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 1/2 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max.RPM’s 26,000 1/2 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 1/2 x 2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 5/8 x 1 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 5/8 x 1-1/2 3/16 A.H. Max.RPM’s 18,000 5/8 x 2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 3/4 x 1 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 3/4 x 1-1/2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 – continues – Dia. Grit 60 80 100 120 180 240 Item No. 21319 21320 21321 21322 21324 21325 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 180 220 240 320 21340 21341 21342 21343 21344 21345 21346 21347 21348 21348GR 21349 21350 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 320 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 21329 21330 21331 21332 21333 21334 21336 21337 21338 21354 21355 21356 21357 21358 21360 21361 21438 21439 21440 21441 21442 21444 21445 21450 21451 21452 21453 21454 21456 21457 21462 21463 21464 21465 21466 21468 21469 21522 21523 21524 21525 21526 21528 21529 21534 21535 21536 21537 21538 21540 21541 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 23 - 23 23 abrasives Max. RPM’s 10,000 Grit 60 80 120 180 240 Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Cloth “Silicon Carbide, Zirconia Alumina & Glue Bond available upon request” • Ideal for finishing operations • Irregular concaves, contours, dead-end holes, channels • Deburring, blending tool mark removal • Flash removal length Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Cloth • Use on stationary & portable grinders • Blending & finishing insides of large vats (Brewery, Pharmaceutical, Nuclear) • Finishes flat & contour surfaces • Excellent performance on non-ferrous & ferrous metals Size - Dia./ Width (in) 3-1/2 x 1 5/8 A.H. arbor hole Arc Abrasives Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Straight Cartridge Rolls (continued) Size - Dia./ Length (in) 3/4 x 2 3/16 A.H. Max.RPM’s 118,000 abrasives 23 3/4 x 1-1/2 1/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 1x1 1/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 15,000 Grit 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 120 180 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 Item No. 21546 21547 21548 21549 21550 21552 21553 21618 21619 21620 21622 21624 21678 21679 21680 21681 21682 21684 21685 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Arc Abrasives Size - Dia./ Length (in) 1 x 1-1/2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM's 15,000 1 x 1-1/2 1/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 15,000 1x2 1/4 A.H. Max. RPM’s 15,000 Grit 60 80 120 180 36 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 Item No. 21787 21788 21790 21792 21796 21798 21799 21800 21801 21802 21804 21805 21918 21919 21920 21921 21922 21924 21925 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Full Taper Cartridge rolls Grit 60 80 120 180 Item No. 23105 23106 23108 23110 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 Length Sidewall Dia/Lgth. (in) RPM 3/8 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 Diameter Half Taper Sidewall Full Taper Size - Dia./ Width (in) 3/4 x 1-1/2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 Item No. 23405 23406 23408 23410 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 1/2 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 60 80 120 1800 3/4 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 60 80 120 180 23213 23214 23216 23218 100 100 100 100 3/4 x 2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 60 80 120 23549 23550 23552 100 100 100 1/2 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. 60 80 100 120 180 240 320 23321 23322 23323 23324 23326 23327 23328 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 23585 23586 23588 23590 100 100 100 100 5/8 x 1 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 3/8 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,000 Max. RPM’s 26,000 5/8 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 3/4 x 1-1/2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 23 - 24 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 23141 23142 23144 23146 23177 23178 23180 23182 23285 23286 23288 23290 23357 23358 23360 23362 23393 23394 23396 23398 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1/2 x 2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 26,00 Grit 60 80 120 180 3/4 x 2 1/8 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 1x1 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 1 x 1-1/2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 1 x 1-1/2 1/4 A.H. Max. RPM's 18,000 1x2 3/16 A.H. Max. RPM’s 18,000 60 80 120 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 180 60 80 120 60 80 120 180 23465 23466 23468 23537 23538 23540 23542 23609 23610 23612 23614 23621 23622 23624 23626 23633 23634 23636 23657 23658 23660 23662 From 1/2" – 1" diameter Shank Length Pilot Length Shank Diameter Pilot Diameter Drawings are not actual size & are to be use for reference purposes only. How to Order Cartridge Roll Materials • Choose a mandrel with a shank diameter to fit your power tool collet or chuck. • Check the diameter of the mandrel pilot on which the cartridge roll or spiral is mounted. • A 1/8" diameter pilot is used for cartridge rolls up to and including 1/2" in diameter. • For safe operation, use 3/16" or 1/4" diameter pilots for cartridge rolls. Use Cartridge Roll Lengths Pilot Length (in) (in) 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 1 1-1/2 2 Cone points Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Silicon Carbide, Zirconia Alumina, Glue Bond available upon request Features & Benefits • Excellent for deburring holes & finishing those hard to reach areas • Especially effective for close tolerance work • All mandrels have 1/4" diameter shank, except K-110 which has 1/8" shank Half Taper & Sidewall Taper Available Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Silicon Carbide, Zirconia Alumina - Glue Bond available upon request • Ideal for finishing operations • Irregular concaves, contours, dead-end holes, channels • Deburring, blending tool mark removal • Flash removal Cartridge roll mandrels 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 a-10 b-20 E-50 Dia/Lgth. (in) RPM A10 O 5/16 x 1 x 15 B20 O 5/16 x 1-1/2 x 5 C30 O 3/8 x 2 x 5 D40 O 7/16 x 2-1/2 x 5 E50 O 1/2 x 1-1/2 x 15 C-30 F-60 G-70 I-90 Grit 60 80 120 Item No. 24202 24203 24205 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 36 60 80 120 24218 24221 24222 24224 100 100 100 100 60 80 120 24243 24244 24246 100 100 100 60 80 120 60 80 120 24210 24211 24213 24232 24233 24235 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cone point mandrels Description A-10 B-20 C-30 D-40 E-50 Item No. 50650 50651 50652 50653 50654 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 1 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm D-40 h-80 k-110 Size - Dia./ Width (in) F60 O 5/8 x 1-1/2 x 18 G70 O 3/4 x 1-1/2 x 22 H80 O 1 x 1-1/2 x 30 I90 O 3/4 x 2-1/2 x 9 K110 O 3/16 x 1 x 2-1/2 Description F-60 G-70 H-80 I-90 K-110 Grit 60 80 120 Item No. 24254 24255 24257 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 60 80 120 24276 24277 24279 100 100 100 60 80 120 60 80 120 60 80 120 240 24265 24266 24268 24287 24288 24290 24295 24296 24298 24301 Item No. 50655 50656 50657 50658 50659 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 1 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Square pads Cross pads Size (Square Thickness) Grit 1 x 1, 4 Ply 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 25,000 120 1 x 1, 6 Ply 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 25,000 120 60 1 x 1, 8 Ply 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 25,000 120 60 1-1/2 x 1/4 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 120 1-1/2 x 3/8 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 120 1-1/2 x 1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 100 120 2 x 1/4 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 120 2 x 3/8 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 120 2 x 1/2 60 1/2-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 23,000 120 2-1/2 x 1/4 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 18,000 120 Item No. 26390 26391 26393 26401 26402 26404 26412 26413 26415 26423 26424 26426 26434 26435 26437 26445 26446 26447 26448 26456 26457 26459 26467 26468 26470 26478 26479 26481 26500 26501 26503 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Glue Bond Available upon request • Multi-ply abrasive pad • Exposes new cutting surfaces as each layer wears • Three sizes of eyelets available in center of cross pad • 3-48 • 8-32 • 1/4-20 • Eyelet allows quick on & off of cross pad applications: • Deburring & cleaning the interior of a tube • Blending small radii Size (Square Thickness) Grit 2-1/2 x 3/8 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 18,000 120 2-1/2 x 1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet Max.RPM’s 18,000 60 80 120 3 x 3/8 1/4-20 Eyelet Max.RPM’s 14,000 60 80 120 3 x 1/4 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 14,000 120 3 x 1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 14,000 120 3-1/2 x 1/4 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 14,000 120 3-1/2 x 3/8 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 14,000 120 3-1/2 x 1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 14,000 120 4 x 1/4 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 12,000 120 4 x 3/8 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM's 12,000 120 4 x 1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 Max. RPM’s 12,000 120 Item No. 26511 26512 26514 26522 26523 26525 26533 26534 26536 26544 26545 26547 26555 26556 26558 26566 26567 26569 26577 26578 26580 26588 26589 26591 26599 26600 26602 26610 26611 26613 26621 26622 26624 Cross & Square pad Spin-On mandrels Hardened Steel Mandrel with Plated Finish • Designed to fit most power tools • Allows for fast changeovers Eyelet Mandrel 3-48 TH 1/4 SH 8-32 TH 1/4 SH 1/4-20 TH 1/4 SH Item No. 50328 50329 50330 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Size (Dia. Grit Width) 3/4 x 3/8 60 3/48 Eyelet 80 8 Ply 100 Max. RPM’s 25,000 120 Item No. 27728 27729 27730 27731 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 Size (Dia. Grit Width) 60 2-1/2 x 3/4 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 18,000 Item No. 27904 27905 27907 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 2-1/2 x 3/4 60 80 8-32 Eyelet 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 18,000 27915 27916 27918 100 100 100 1-1/2 x 1/2 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27750 27751 27753 100 100 100 60 2-1/2 x 1 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 120 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 18,000 27926 27927 27929 100 100 100 2-1/2 x 1 60 80 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 18,000 27937 27938 27940 100 100 100 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 120 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 18,000 27948 27949 27951 100 100 100 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 18,000 27959 27960 27962 100 100 100 3x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 14,000 27970 27971 27973 100 100 100 3x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 14,000 27981 27982 27984 100 100 100 3 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM's 14,000 27992 27993 27995 100 100 100 3 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’S 14,000 28003 28004 28006 100 100 100 3-1/2 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM's 14,000 28014 28015 28017 100 100 100 3-1/2 x 1-1/2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 14,000 28025 28026 28028 100 100 100 3-1/2 x 2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM's 14,000 28036 28037 28039 100 100 100 3-1/2 x 2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 14,000 28047 28048 28050 100 100 100 4x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelets 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 12,000 28058 28059 28061 100 100 100 28069 28070 28072 100 100 100 1 x 3/8 60 3-48 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 100 Max. RPM’s 25,000 120 180 27739 27740 27741 27742 27744 100 100 100 100 100 1-1/2 x 1/2 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27761 27762 27764 100 100 100 60 2 x 1/2 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27772 27773 27775 100 100 100 2 x 1/2 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27783 27784 27786 100 100 100 2 x 3/4 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27794 27795 27797 100 100 100 2 x 3/4 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27805 27806 27808 100 100 100 2x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27816 27817 27819 100 100 100 2x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM's 23,000 27827 27828 27830 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 1/2 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27838 27839 27841 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 1/2 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27849 27850 27852 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 3/4 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27860 27861 27863 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 3/4 60 8-32 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27871 27872 27847 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 27882 27883 27885 100 100 100 27893 27894 27896 100 100 100 2-1/4 x 1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 23,000 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 4x1 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 12,000 – continues – 23 - 25 23 abrasives Aluminum Oxide Resin Bond Glue Bond Available upon request • Layered construction of material formed as a square • Chatter-free grinding • Intermittent strokes of pad corners improves visibility • Corners very aggressive in the beginning until edges round • When corners are round – good for polishing applications: • Excellent for blending welds inside of pipes • Dairy & brewery vats, and faucet manufacturers • Removing weld on flat surfaces Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Cross Pads (continued) abrasives 23 Arc Abrasives Size (Dia. Width) Grit 60 4 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 120 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 12,000 Item No. 28080 28081 28083 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 28091 28092 28094 100 100 100 60 4x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 120 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 12,000 28102 28103 28105 100 100 100 4-1/2 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 8-Ply Max.RPM’s 12,000 4 x 1-1/2 60 80 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 12,000 4x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max.RPM’s 12,000 60 80 120 28113 28114 28116 100 100 100 60 80 120 28124 28125 28127 100 100 100 4-1/2 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max.RPM’s 12,000 60 80 120 28135 28136 28138 100 100 100 4-1/2 x 2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 8-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 12,000 28146 28147 28149 100 100 100 28157 28158 28160 100 100 100 4-1/2 x 2 60 1/4-20 Eyelet 80 10-Ply 120 Max. RPM’s 12,000 Size (Dia. Width) 5 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 Grit 60 80 120 Item No. 28168 28169 28171 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 60 80 120 28179 28180 28182 100 100 100 5x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 60 80 120 28190 28191 28193 100 100 100 5x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 6 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 60 80 120 120 60 80 120 28201 28202 28204 28204 100 100 100 100 6 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 60 80 120 28223 28224 28226 100 100 100 60 80 120 28234 28235 28237 100 100 100 6x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 60 80 120 28245 28246 28248 100 100 100 5 x 1-1/2 1/4-20 Eyelet 10-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 6x2 1/4-20 Eyelet 8-Ply Max. RPM’s 7,500 Solid rubber Drums • For use with Arc Abrasive’s No Lap Bands • Balanced for maximum performance regular • Made from 60 durometer live rubber Drum for controlled expansion also available: • Type 27 Motor Shaft: available in the Type 30 following arbor sizes: 1/2, 5/8, 3/4 • Type 30 Motor Shaft: available in the following thread sizes: 3/8 - 16, 3/8 - 24, 7/16 -14, 1/2 - 13, 1/2 - 20, 1/2 - 24, 5/8 - 11 Dia./Width/ Shank 1/4 x 1/2 x 1/8 3/8 x 1/2 x 1/8 3/8 x 1 x 1/8 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/8 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/4 1/2 x 1 x 1/4 1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 1/2 x 2 x 1/4 3/4 x 1/2 x 1/4 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/4 3/4 x 1 x 1/4 3/4 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 3/4 x 2 x 1/4 1 x 1 x 1/4 1 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 Item Std. Max. No. Pkg. RPM's 50503 1 30,000 50504 1 30,000 50505 1 18,000 50506 1 30,000 50507 1 30,000 50510 1 15,000 50511 1 10,000 50512 1 12,000 50521 1 14,000 50523 1 24,000 50524 1 19,000 50525 1 10,000 50526 1 9,000 50533 1 18,000 50534 1 10,000 Aluminum Oxide – Type “S” • Ideal for blending flat surface blemishes • Great for contours & deburring • Ferrous metals • Aircraft, appliances, metal fabricators & food equipment manufacturers 23 - 26 100 100 100 Type 27 Size/ Diameter 1 Grit 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 1-1/2 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 Item No. 31414 31415 31416 31417 31418 31419 31420 31422 31423 31438 31439 31440 31441 31442 31443 31444 31446 31447 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Size/ Diameter 2 3 Grit 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 Item No. 31450 31451 31452 31453 31454 31455 31456 31458 31459 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Grit 50 60 80 Item No. 31537 31538 31539 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 Grit 60 80 Item Std. No. Pkg. 319035 100 319036 100 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 quik-lok Discs – blue arc Zirconia Alumina – Type “S” • Great on inconel, titanium & composites • The more pressure, the better the performance • Jagged welds • Great for contour areas & flat surfaces Size/ Diameter 1-1/2 Grit 36 40 50 60 80 2 36 40 Item No. 31523 31524 31525 31526 31527 31535 31536 quik-lok Discs Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Size/ Diameter 3 36 40 60 80 31462 31463 31464 31465 31466 31467 31468 31470 31471 31547 31548 31550 31551 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Zirconia Plus – Type “S” • Great on inconel, titanium & composites • The more pressure, the better the performance • Great for contour areas & flat surfaces Dia./Width/ Item Std. Max. Shank No. Pkg. RPM's 1 x 2 x 1/4 50535 1 8,000 1-1/4 x 1 x 1/4 50537 1 14,000 1-1/2 x 1/2 x 1/4 50540 1 16,000 1-1/2 3/4 x 1/4 50541 1 15,000 1-1/2 x 1 x 1/4 50542 1 14,000 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 50543 1 10,000 1-1/2 x 2 x 1/4 50544 1 7,000 2 x 1 x 1/4 50547 1 11,000 2 x 1-1/2 x 1/4 50548 1 8,000 2 x 2 x 1/4 50549 1 6,000 3 x 1 x 1/4 50549Z9 1 7,000 3 x 1 x 3/8 50550 1 7,000 3 x 2 x 3/8 50552 1 4,000 3 x 3 x 1/4 50553 1 3,000 3 x 3 x 3/8 50554 1 3,000 quik-lok Discs – red arc – continues – 28212 28213 28215 Quik-Lok Discs – Red Arc (continued) Size/ Diameter 1-1/2 Grit 36 40 50 60 80 2 36 40 50 Item Std. No. Pkg. 319022 100 319023 100 319024 100 319025 100 319026 100 319032 319033 319034 quick-lok kits Size/ Diameter Red Arc Type “S” Item No. 31400 Blue Arc Type “S” 31500 Size/ Diameter 3 36 40 50 60 80 100 100 100 319042 319043 319044 319045 319046 50 50 50 50 50 Std. Pkg. 1 1 quick-lok Disc holders Type “S” Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 3/4 x 1/4 1 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 Item Grade No. Med 50250 Med 50251 Med 50252 1-1/2 x 1/4 Soft 2 x 1/4 Med 2 x 1/4 Firm Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 50252SF 1 50253 1 50253FM 1 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM's 40,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 Item Std. Grade No. Pkg. Soft 50253SF 1 Med 50254 1 Firm 5025FM 1 Soft 50254SF 1 Max. RPM's 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives quick-lok Discs-red arc quick-lok Discs – red arc Aluminum Oxide-Type “P” • Ideal for blending, flat surfaces (blemishes) • Great for contours and deburring • Ferrous metals • Aircraft, appliances, metal fabricators and food equipment manufacturers Aluminum Oxide – Type “R” • Ideal for blending, flat surfaces (blemishes) • Great for contours & deburring • Ferrous metals • Aircraft, appliances, metal fabricators and food equipment manufacturers Size/ Diameter 1 1-1/2 36 50 60 80 100 120 2 36 40 50 60 Item No. 31614 31616 31617 31618 31638 31640 31641 31642 31643 31644 31650 31651 31652 31653 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Size/ Diameter Grit 80 100 120 180 240 3 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 100 100 100 100 quick-lok Discs – blue arc Grit 36 40 50 60 80 Item No. 31718 31719 31720 31721 31722 quick-lok Discs Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 Size/ Diameter 3 31662 31663 31664 31665 31666 31667 31668 31670 31671 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Grit 36 40 50 60 80 2 36 40 50 Item Std. No. Pkg. 319122 100 319123 100 319124 100 319125 100 319126 100 319132 319133 319134 quick-lok kits Size/ Diameter Red Arc Type “R” Blue Arc Type “R” Item No. 31600 31700 Grit 36 50 60 80 Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 1 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 Grade Med Med Soft Med Firm Item No. 50257 50258 50258SF 50259 50259FM Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 1 1-1/2 Grit 60 80 3 36 40 50 60 80 100 100 100 Item No. 31726 31728 31729 31730 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 Item Std. No. Pkg. 319135 100 319136 100 319142 319143 319144 319145 319146 50 50 50 50 50 2 31226 31227 31228 31229 31230 31231 31232 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 31238 Size/ Diameter Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 3/4 x 1/4 1 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 100 Item No. 31200 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 1 Item No. 31239 31240 31241 31242 31243 31244 31246 31247 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 31250 31251 31252 31253 31254 31255 31256 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Std. Pkg. 1 31300 Item Grade No. Med. 50263 Med. 50264 Med. 50265 Med. 50266 Firm 50266FM Grit 40 50 60 80 100 120 180 240 3 1 quick-lok Disc holders Max. RPM's 40,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Type “P” Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 Grade Soft Med. Firm Soft Item No. 50266SF 50267 50267FM 50267SF Premium Aluminum Oxide-Type “A” Applications: • High production on blending welds, i.e. door frame and utility box manufacturing • Fiberglass, plastics, and ferrous metals • High performance for an aluminum oxide disc Size/ (Dia./A.H.) 4 x 5/8 1 Type “R” Size/ (Dia./ Shank) 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 36 Blue Arc Type “P” 4-1/2 x 7/8 Std. Pkg. 1 Max. RPM's 40,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 Item No. 31214 31215 31216 31217 31218 31219 31220 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 Max. RPM's 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 resin Fibre Discs Size/ Diameter quick-lok Disc holders Grit 36 40 50 60 80 100 120 Size/ Diameter Red Arc Type “P” Zirconia Plus – Type “R” • Great on inconel, titanium & composites • The more pressure, the better the performance • Great for contour areas & flat surfaces Size/ Diameter 1-1/2 Size/ Diameter 1 quick-lok kits Zirconia Alumina – Type “R” • Great on inconel, titanium & composites • The more pressure, the better the performance • Jagged welds • Great for contour areas & flat surfaces Size/ Diameter 2 Item No. 31654 31655 31656 31658 31659 Item Grade No. Soft 50259SF Med 50260 Firm 50260FM Soft 50260SF Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 Max. RPM's 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 5 x 7/8 Grit 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 Item No. 37101 37102 37103 37104 37105 37106 37107 37108 37109 37110 37111 37112 37113 37114 37115 37116 37117 37118 37119 37120 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Size/ (Dia./A.H.) 7 x 7/8 9-1/8 x 7/8 Grit 60 80 100 120 Item No. 37121 37122 37123 37124 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 37133 37134 37135 37136 37137 37138 37139 37140 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm 37125 37126 37127 37128 37129 37130 37131 37132 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 - 27 23 abrasives Grit 36 50 60 80 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Trim-kut Grinding Discs resin Fibre Discs-Standard Aluminum Oxide-Type C Applications: • Flat surface grinding on ferrous metals • For removing and blending welds Size/ (Dia. / A.H.) 4 x 5/8 abrasives 23 4-1/2 x 7/8 5 x 7/8 Grit 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 Item No. 36901 36902 36903 36904 36905 36906 36907 36908 36909 36910 36911 36912 36913 36914 36915 36916 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 36917 36918 36919 36920 Size/ (Dia. / A.H.) 7 x 7/8 9-1/8 x 7/8 25 25 25 25 Grit 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 16 24 36 50 60 80 100 120 Item No. 36921 36922 36923 36924 36925 36926 36927 36928 36929 36930 36931 36932 36933 36934 36935 36936 36937 36938 36939 36940 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 resin Fibre Discs Zirconia Alumina (Blue) Applications: • High performance on blending welds i.e. door frame and utility box manufacturers • Works extremely well on stainless steel • Aggressively attacks the more exotic metals (inconel, stainless, titanium and tool steel) Size/ Diameter 4-1/2 x 7/8 5 x 7/8 Grit 24 36 50 60 80 24 36 50 60 80 Item No. 37202 37203 37204 37205 37206 37208 37209 37210 37211 37212 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Size/ Diameter 7 x 7/8 9-1/8 x 7/8 Grit 24 36 50 60 80 24 36 50 60 80 F500 5 R500 5 H500 5 F700 7 R700 7 H700 7 F900 9 Flexible Medium Rigid Flexible Medium Rigid Flexible 23 - 28 50403 50404 50405 50409 50410 50411 50414 1 10,000 1 10,000 1 10,000 1 7,000 1 8,500 1 8,500 1 6,500 Size/ Diameter 3 Coarse Grit 36 Item No. 31801 Std. Pkg. 25 Fine 120 31803 25 Medium Max RPM’s 28,000 31802 Trim-kut Test kit Item No. 31805 25 Std. Pkg. 1 Trim-kut mandrel Item No. 31804 Size/ Diameter Grit Disc Cutter Upper Blade Lower Blade Item No. 37214 37215 37216 37217 37218 37220 37221 37222 37223 37224 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 Std. Pkg. 1 25 25 25 25 25 50601 50602 50603 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 Aluminum Oxide Cloth Applications: • Multi-purpose maintenance and machine shop use • Deburrs, cleans and polishes metal surfaces • Great for hand polishing both flat and contour surfaces 1 x 50 yds. Item Std. No. Pkg. 50415 1 50416 1 102 5/8-11 Center Nut 50418 1 103 Center Nut 50418Z1 1 Spanner 50419 1 Wrench for 102 Center Nut Item No. handy rolls Size - Width (in) Length (yds) Description Diameter R900 9 Medium H900 9 Rigid 60 arc rounder Disc Cutter Spiralcool backing pad/accessories Description Item Std. Max. Diameter No. Pkg. RPM's H400 Rigid/Smooth 50401 1 12,000 Pads for 4-1/2" discs are available upon request. (The tool make, model, & thread size is required) Aluminum Oxide Applications: • Cleaning light imperfections • Blending light welds • Edge grinding Max. RPM's 6,500 6,500 1-1/2 x 50 yds. Grit 36X 40X 50X 60J 80J 100J 120J 150J 180J 220J 240J 280J 320J 400J 500J Crocus 36X 40X 50X 60J 80J 100J 120J 150J Item No. 73131 73132 73133 73134 73135 73136 73137 73138 73139 73140 73141 73142 73143 73144 73145 73193 73146 73147 73148 73149 73150 73151 73152 73153 Std. Pkg. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 2 x 50 yds. Grit 180J 220J 240J 280J 320J 400J 500J Crocus 36X 40X 50X 60J 80J 100J 120J 150J 180J 220J 240J 280J 320J 400J 500J Crocus Item No. Std. Pkg. 73161 73162 73163 73164 73165 73166 73167 73168 73169 73170 73171 73172 73173 73174 73175 73195 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73154 73155 73156 73157 73158 73159 73160 73194 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives utility Cloth rolls Production Cloth Rolls-J-Flex (continued) J-Weight Aluminum Oxide Grit Range: 60–500 grit Applications: • Multi-purpose maintenance, machine shops and production uses • Deburrs, cleans and polishes metal surfaces • Great for hand polishing both flat and contour surfaces Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 2-1/2 x 50 yds. 60 80 120 180 240 60 80 120 180 240 Item No. 74905 74906 74908 74910 74912 Std. Pkg. 2 2 2 2 2 74985 74986 74988 74990 74992 2 2 2 2 2 Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 4 x 50 yds. 6 x 50 yds. Industrial Shop rolls 3 x 50 yds. 6 x 50 yds. Grit 60 80 120 180 240 60 80 120 180 240 Item No. 75185 75186 75188 75190 75192 Std. Pkg. 2 2 2 2 2 75315 75316 75318 75320 75322 2 2 2 2 2 Applications: • Multi-purpose maintenance and machine shop use • Deburrs, cleans and polishes metal surfaces • Great for hand polishing both flat and contour surfaces Size Width/Length 1 x 50 1-1/2 x 50 Grit 80 100 120 150 180 220 240 320 400 80 100 120 150 180 Item No. Std. Pkg. 0610006 0610007 0610008 0610009 0610010 0610011 0610012 0610014 0610015 0615006 0615007 0615008 0615009 0615010 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 x 50 yds. 6 x 50 yds. Grit 80 120 240 60 80 120 Item No. 73483 73485 73489 Std. Pkg. 73527 73528 73530 2 2 2 2 2 2 – continues – 07805 07806 07808 07812 Std. Pkg. 2 2 2 2 08135 08136 2 2 Size Width/Length 2 x 50 Grit 220 240 320 400 80 100 120 150 180 220 240 320 400 Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 12 x 50 yds. Grit 240 60 80 120 240 Item No. 0620006 0620007 0620008 0620009 0620010 0620011 0620012 0620014 0620015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Size - Width (in) Length (yds) Grit 1-1/2 x 25 yds. 120 1-1/2 x 10 yds. 120 73534 73572 73573 73575 73578 2 1 1 1 1 60 80 120 240 08138 08142 Std. Pkg. 2 2 08235 08236 08238 08242 1 1 1 1 23 Item No. 73645 Std. Pkg. 1 73646 1 Item No. Std. Pkg. 35501 35503 35505 35506 35508 35508Z11 35508Z12 35508Z13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Size - Width (in) Length (ft) 3-7/16 x 75 ft. Grit Item No. Std. Pkg. Grit Item No. Std. Pkg. 180 240 320 400 600 800/2400 1000/3000 1200/4000 35509 35511 35513 35514 35516 35516Z11 35516Z12 35516Z13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aluminum Oxide Cloth Sheets - 9 x 11 Grit Range: 36–500 grit Applications: • Hand operation • Use on ferrous and non-ferrous metals • Wood and fiberglass Grit 36X 40X 50X 60J 80J 100J 120J 150J Item No. 74101 74102 74103 74104 74105 74106 74107 74108 Std. Pkg. 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 Size Width/Length 180J 220J 240J 280J 320J 400J 500J Crocus 74109 74110 74111 74112 74113 74114 74115 74116 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Cut Cloth Sheets Aluminum Oxide Cut to fit hand, orbital & palm sanding requirements Grit Range: 36–500 grit Applications: • Ideal for hand, orbital and palm sanders • Use on ferrous and nonferrous metals • Wood, fiberglass and plastics Size Width/Length 3-2/3 x 9 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. Grit 180 240 320 400 600 800/2400 1000/3000 1200/4000 9 x 11 Std. Pkg. 120 240 Item No. Crankshaft rolls Size Width/Length Item No. 12 x 50 yds. Grit Aluminum Oxide Cloth Applications • Excellent for cleaning and preparing pipe ends • Deburrs, cleans and polishes metal surfaces Std. Pkg. 0615011 0615012 0615014 0615015 Size - Width (in) Length (yds) plumber’s rolls 3 x 75 ft. production Cloth rolls-J-Flex Aluminum Oxide Grit Range: 60–500 grit Applications: • Production use • Multi-purpose applications • Metals, fiberglass and wood 60 80 Size - Width (in) Length (ft) production Cloth rolls – X-Weight Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 60 80 120 240 Item No. Silicon Carbide Waterproof - C Wt. Applications: • Engine remanufacturing • Crankshaft polishing and smoothing 1 1 1 1 1 Aluminum Oxide Grit Range: 24–400 grit Applications: • Paper mills • Production use • Multi-purpose applications • Metals, fiberglass and wood Grit abrasives 3 x 50 yds. Grit Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 Grit 80 120 180 80 120 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Item No. 73694 73696 73698 73730 73732 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 500 Size Width/Length 4-1/2 x 11 Grit 180 80 120 180 Item No. 73732Z10 73765 73765Z08 73765Z10 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 23 - 29 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Garnet Cabinet paper Sheets - 9 x 11 Emery Cloth Sheets - 9 x 11 Coarse: 60 grit, Medium: 80 grit, Fine: 120 grit Applications: • Hand operation • Cleaning and polishing metal surfaces • Wood surfaces Size Width/Length abrasives 23 9 x 11 Grit Fine Medium Coarse Item No. 74117 74118 74119 Grit Range: 40–150 Grit Applications: • More aggressive applications • Fiberglass, cabinet shops and wood industry • Ideal for flat sanding versus contour sanding Std. Pkg. Size Width/Length 50 50 50 9 x 11 aluminum Oxide Cabinet paper Sheets - 9 x 11 Grit Range: 40–150 grit Applications: • Cabinet shops • More aggressive sanding • C-weight is medium flexibility - some contours • D-weight is low flexibility - mostly for flat sanding Size Width/Length 9 x 11 Grit 40D 50D 60D 80D Item No. 74191 74192 74193 74194 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 Size Width/Length 9 x 11 Grit 80A 100A 120A 150A 180A 74194AW 74195AW 74196AW 74198 74199 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100 Size Width/Length Grit 100C 120C 150C Item No. 74195 74196 74197 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 3-2/3 x 9 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 Grit 60D 80D 120C 180A 60D 80D 73708 73709 73709Z2 73709Z5 73733 73734 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 500 500 Size Width/Length 4-1/2 x 11 Size Width/Length 9 x 11 3-2/3 x 9 Grit 220A 240A 280A 320A Item No. 74200 74201 74201GR 74202 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 Grit 120C 180A 60D 80D 120C 180A Item No. 73736 73750Z1 73751 73752 73754 73755Z10 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 Grit 80A 100A 120A 150A Item No. 74213 74215 74217 74219 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 100C 120C 150C Item No. 74214 74216 74218 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 9 x 10 500 500 500 500 500 500 Grit 180A 220A 240A Item No. 74220 74221 74222 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 Grit 60D 80D 120C 220A 60D 80D Item No. 73702 73703 73705Z08 73706Z11 73737 73737Z1 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 Size Width/Length 500 500 4-1/2 x 11 Grit 120C 220A 60D 80D 120C 220A Item No. 73738Z1 73738Z11 73769 73770 73772CW 73772Z11 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 500 500 500 Applications: • Fiberglass, cabinet shops and wood industry • Used most for finishing applications • Ideal for contours and flexible areas Size Width/Length Std. Pkg. Size Width/Length Flint paper Sheets - 9 x 10 Grit Coarse Medium Fine Item No. 74230 74231 74232 Std. Pkg. 50 50 100 Silicon Carbide Waterproof paper Sheets - 9 x 11 Grit Range: 60–600 grit Applications: • 60 to 80 grit in C-weight - use for more aggressive applications • 100 and finer grit - use for finishing applications • Lacquer, wood and fiberglass finishing Size Width/Length 9 x 11 23 - 30 Grit Cut paper Sheets Garnet Cabinet/Finishing Size Width/Length Grit Range: 36–240 Grit Applications • Ideal for hand, orbital and palm sanders • Fiberglass, cabinet shops and wood industry • A-weight is for finishing and highly contoured areas • C- and D-weight is for some contours but mainly flat surfaces Item No. 50 50 50 50 Grit Range: 40–240 grit Applications: • Great for hand sanding needs aluminum Oxide Cabinet/Finishing Cut paper Sheets Size Width/Length 74209 74210 74211 74212 Size Width/Length Grit Range: 80–240 grit Applications: • Fiberglass, cabinet shops and wood industry • Used most for finishing applications • Ideal for contours and flexible areas Grit Range: 80–320 grit Applications: • Fiberglass, cabinet shops and wood industry • More finishing applications • Ideal for contours and folding the sheet Item No. 40D 50D 60D 80D Std. Pkg. Garnet Finishing paper Sheets - 9 x 11 aluminum Oxide Finishing paper Sheets - 9 x 11 Size Width/Length Item No. Grit Grit 60C 80C 100C 120C 150C 180C 220A Item No. 74121 74122 74123 74124 74125 74126 74128 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Size Width/Length Grit 240A 280A 320A 400A 500A 600A Item No. 74129 74130 74131 74133 74134 74135 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 50 50 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasives Sandscreen Waterproof Sheets - Silicon Carbide 9 x 11 Cut Sheets Silicon Carbide Waterproof Grit Range: 60C–180C, 220A–600A, 800C–1200C Applications: • Ideal for hand, orbital and palm sanders • 60 to 80 grit in C weight-use for more aggressive applications • 100 and finer grit-use for finishing applications • Lacquer, wood and fiberglass finishing Size Width/Length 3-2/3 x 9 Grit 240A 320A Item No. 73710Z4 73710Z5 Std. Pkg. 500 500 Size Width/Length Grit 400A 600A 73710Z6 73710Z8 9 x 11 Grit 100A 120A 150A 180A Item No. 74173 74174 74175 74176 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 Size Width/Length Grit 220A 280A 320A 500 500 Item No. 74177 74179 74180 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 Cut paper Sheets aluminum Oxide Stearate Grit Range: 80–400 grit Applications: • Ideal for hand, orbital and palm sanders • Used most for finishing applications • Contour surfaces, wood, metal and fiberglass • Body work and painting Size Width/Length 3-2/3 x 9 Grit 80A 120A 220A Item No. 73711AW 73712AO 73713 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 Size Width/Length 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 Grit 80A 120A 220A Item No. 73744 73746 73748 Grit Range: 80–400 grit Applications: • Finishing applications • Contour surfaces, wood, metal and fiberglass • Body work and painting 9 x 11 Grit 100A 120A 150A 180A Item No. 74150AW 74151AW 74153 74155 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 100 Size Width/Length Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 Grit 220A 280A 320A Item No. 74156 74158 74159 Grit Range: 80–400 grit Applications: • Ideal for hand, orbital and palm sanders • Used most for finishing applications • Contour surfaces, wood, metal and fiberglass • Body work and painting 3-2/ 3 x 9 Grit 80A 120A 220A Item No. 73711SC 73712SC 73713SC Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 Size Width/Length 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 9 x 11 60 80 100 120 Item No. Grit 80A 120A 220A Size Width/Length Std. Pkg. 74080 74081 74082 74083 25 25 25 25 Item No. 73744SC 73746SC 73748SC Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. 150 180 220 320 Item No. 74084 74085 74086 74088 Std. Pkg. Grit Item No. Std. Pkg. Grit Silicon Carbide - For Pole & Pad Sanders Applications: • Ideal for drywall and plaster sanding • No equipment necessary Size Width/Length Grit 4-3/16 x 11 80 100 120 Item No. Std. Pkg. 74006 74007 74008 Sandscreen rolls Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 1 x 25 yds. 1-1/2 x 25 yds. Grit 80 100 120 180 320 80 100 120 Size Width/Length 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 150 220 74009 74011 100 100 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 Std. Pkg. 500 500 500 Item No. 75602 75603 75604 75606 75610 75612 75613 75614 Std. Pkg. 6 6 6 6 6 Size - Width (in) Length (yds) 2 x 25 yds. 4 4 4 Grit 180 320 80 100 120 180 320 Item No. 75616 75620 75622 75623 75624 75626 75630 Std. Pkg. 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 Flexible Sanding pads Smooth or Serrated Cut paper Sheets Silicon Carbide Stearate Size Width/Length Grit Silicon Carbide – Grit Range: 60 grit through 400 grit Applications: • Ferrous and non-ferrous metals • Hand use for paint and wood paper Sheets Silicon Carbide Stearate - 9 x 11 Size Width/Length Size Width/Length Sandscreen Drywall Sheets Grit Range: 60–600 grit Applications • Used most for finishing applications • Contour surfaces, wood, metal and fiberglass • Body work and painting Size Width/Length Std. Pkg. Size Width/Length 4 x 2-3/4 x 1 Smooth Smooth Serrated Serrated Grit Item No. Std. Pkg. Fine/Med. Med./Coarse Fine/Med. Med./Coarse 39150 39151 39152 39153 24 24 24 24 bright-buff hand pads Applications: • Use by hand, hand pad holder or with vibratory sanders • Cleaning, finishing, light deburring of metals and plastics • Defuzzing wood, paint and lacquer scuffing • Ideal replacement for steel wool, emery cloth and wire brushes Width/Length Mineral Color Type & Grade 6 x 9 Maroon 6 x 9 Maroon A VFN A VFN Item No. Pallet 07447-100 100 Cases 07447-50 50 Cases Case 6 x 9 Maroon A VFN 07447 1-Case/60 6 x 9 Gray S ULF 07448 1-Case/60 6 x 9 Black S MED 07460 1-Case/40 6 x 9 Green GP AL Silicate 07450 1-Case/60 6 x 9 Green HD AL Silicate 07451 1-Case/36 6 x 9 White Non-Abrasive 07444 1-Case/60 6 x 9 Tan A MED 07440 1-Case/40 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 abrasives paper Sheets aluminum Oxide Stearate - 9 x 11 Item No. Applications • Ideal for drywall, body filler and fiberglass • Marble and ceramic industry 23 - 31 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasive hand pad holder Width/Length 3-1/4 x 5-1/2 53923 bright-buff Sheets abrasives 23 bright-buff premium quick-lok Surface Conditioning Discs Std. Pkg. Item No. Applications: • Premium surface conditioning Quick-Lok disc material performs a wide variety of tasks including deburring, flat finishing and finishing on edges • Used on portable tools in conjunction with Quick-Lok Holders • Great product for metal finishing and blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel • Used on a variety of different metals 1 Item Width/Length Mineral Color Type & Grade No. Clean & Finish Sheets 4 x 4 Maroon A VFN 07041 A FIN 07042 4 x 4 Maroon 4 x 4 Maroon A MED 07043 9 x 11 Maroon A VFN 07091 9 x 11 Maroon A FIN 07092 9 x 11 Maroon A MED 07093 Clean & Cut Sheets 4 x 4 Tan A MED 07049 9 x 11 Tan A MED 07099 Std. Pkg. 100 100 100 25 25 25 100 25 bright-buff rolls Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Premium Surface Conditioning Material – Type “S” Button Other grades & sizes available upon request 4 x 30 Ft. Maroon 4 x 30 Ft. Maroon 4 x 30 Ft. Maroon 4 x 30 Ft. Gray 4 x 30 Ft. Gray 4 x 30 Ft. Gray 6 x 30 Ft. Maroon 6 x 30 Ft. Maroon 6 x 30 Ft. Maroon Mineral Item Std. Type & Grade No. Pkg. A MED A FIN A VFN S MED S VFN S ULF A MED A FIN A VFN 53046 53047 53048 53049 53050 53051 53058 53059 53060 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 bright-buff Standard quick-lok Surface Conditioning Discs Width/Length Color S MED S VFN S ULF A MED A FIN A VFN S MED S VFN S ULF 53061 53062 53063 53077 53078 53079 53081 53082 53083 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type “S” Shown Applications: • Standard surface conditioning material is best suited for flat finishing applications • Used on parable tools in conjunction with Quick-Lok Holders • Great product for metal finishing and blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel • Used on a variety of different metals Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Std. Pkg. 3/4" Brown 3/4" Maroon 3/4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 53434 53435 53436 50 50 50 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 53440 53441 53442 50 50 50 Standard Surface Conditioning Material – Type "S" Button 1" Brown 1" Maroon 1" Blue 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue 3" Brown 3" Maroon 3" Blue 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53437 53438 53439 53443 53444 53445 53446 53447 53448 53449 53450 53451 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 Standard Surface Conditioning Material – Type “R” Button 3/4" Brown 3/4" Maroon 23 - 32 A CRS A MED 53467 53468 50 50 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Std. Pkg. 1" Brown 1" Maroon 1" Blue 50 50 50 3/4" Blue A VFN 53469 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 53473 53474 53475 50 50 50 A CRS A MED A VFN 53479 53480 53481 25 25 25 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue 3" Brown 3" Maroon 3" Blue 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53470 53471 53472 53476 53477 53478 53485 53486 53487 Standard Surface Conditioning – Type “P” Button 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue 3" Brown 3" Maroon 3" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53410 53411 53412 53413 53414 53415 A CRS A MED A VFN 5349201 50 5349202 50 5349203 50 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 5349221 50 5349222 50 5349223 50 1-1/2" Gray 2" Brown 2" Maroon Mineral Item Std. Type & Grade No. Pkg. 6 x 30 Ft. Gray 6 x 30 Ft. Gray 6 x 30 Ft. Gray 12 x 30 Ft. Maroon 12 x 30 Ft. Maroon 12 x 30 Ft. Maroon 12 x 30 Ft. Gray 12 x 30 Ft. Gray 12 x 30 Ft. Gray 3/4" Brown 3/4" Maroon 3/4" Blue 1" Brown 1" Maroon 1" Blue Applications: • Use by hand or with vibratory sanders • Cleaning, finishing, light deburring of metals and plastics • Defuzzing wood, paint and lacquer scuffing • Ideal replacement for steel wool, emery cloth and wire brushes Width/Length Color Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 25 25 2" Blue 2" Gray 3" Brown A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN A CRS A MED 5349211 50 5349212 50 5349213 50 5348823 50 5349241 50 5349242 50 A VFN S SFN A CRS 5349243 50 5348843 50 5349261 25 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 5349281 25 5349282 25 5349283 25 3/4" Brown 3/4" Maroon A CRS A MED 5349301 50 5349302 50 3" Maroon 3" Blue 3" Gray A MED A VFN S SFN 5349262 25 5349263 25 5348863 25 Premium Surface Conditioning Material – Type “R” Button Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 3/4" Blue A VFN Std. Pkg. 5349303 50 1" Brown 1" Maroon 1" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 5349311 50 5349312 50 5349313 50 1-1/2" Gray 2" Brown 2" Maroon S SFN A CRS A MED 5348923 50 5349341 50 5349342 50 3" Maroon 3" Blue 3" Gray A MED A VFN S SFN 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue 2" Blue 2" Gray 3" Brown A CRS A MED A VFN A VFN S SFN A CRS 5349321 50 5349322 50 5349323 50 5349343 50 5348943 50 5349361 25 5349362 25 5349363 25 5348963 25 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 5349381 25 5349382 25 5349383 25 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue 3" Brown A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS 5349141 5349142 5349143 5349161 Premium Surface Conditioning Material – Type “P” Button 3" Maroon 3" Blue A MED A VFN 50 50 50 25 5349162 25 5349163 25 bright-buff premium quick-lok Surface Conditioning Discs 5/8 - 11 Center Fastener Applications: • Premium surface conditioning Quick-Loc discs perform a wide variety of tasks including deburring, flat finishing & finishing on edges. • Used on right angle grinders for metal finishing & blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel. Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 5" Brown 5" Maroon 5" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 532851 532852 532853 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 7" Brown 7" Maroon 7" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 532871 532872 532873 bright-buff quick-lok Finishing Discs Applications: • Ideal for decorative finishing on flat surfaces • Used on portable tools in conjunction with Quick-Lok Holders • Used on a variety of different metals Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Std. Pkg. Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Std. Pkg. 2" Maroon 2" Maroon 2" Maroon 50 50 50 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 2" Maroon 2" Maroon Type “S” Button A MED A FIN A VFN A MED A FIN A VFN 53343 53344 53345 53346 53347 53348 Type “R” Button A MED A FIN 53376 53377 25 25 25 50 50 2" Maroon 2" Maroon 2" Maroon 2" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon 3" Maroon A VFN 50 53379 53380 53381 25 25 25 A MED A FIN A VFN 53310 53311 53312 50 50 50 Type “P” Button A MED A FIN A VFN Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm 53378 A MED A FIN A VFN 53313 53314 53315 25 25 25 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Arc Abrasive quick-lok Disc holders Size - Dia./ Shank Grade 3/4 x 1/4 1 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 Med Med Med Soft Med Firm Soft Med Firm Soft Std. Max Pkg. RPM’s Type S 50250 50251 50252 50252SF 50253 50253FM 50253SF 50254 50254FM 50254SF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 50257 50258 50258SF 1 1 1 40,000 25,000 25,000 Type R bright-buff Standard Surface Conditioning VelcroTm Discs Size - Dia./ Shank Grade 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 Med Firm Soft Med Firm Soft 3/4 x 1/4 1 x 1/4 1-1/2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 Med Med Med Med Firm Soft Med Firm Soft Item No. 50259 50259FM 50259SF 50260 50260FM 50260SF Type P 50263 50264 50265 50266 50266FM 50266SF 50267 50267FM 50267SF Std. Max Pkg. RPM’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 23,000 23,000 23,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40,000 40,000 25,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Use with Velcro Holders Applications: • Standard surface conditioning material is best suited for flat finishing applications • Used on die grinders and right angle grinders in conjunction with Velcro Holders • Great product for metal finishing and blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel • Used on a variety of different metals Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 3" Brown 3" Maroon 3" Blue 4-1/2" Brown 4-1/2" Maroon A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED 53201 53203 53205 53207 53209 53211 53213 53215 53217 53219 53221 53223 53224 53224Z1 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. Std. Pkg. 5" Brown 5" Maroon 5" Blue 10 10 10 4-1/2" Blue A VFN 53224Z2 6" Brown 6" Maroon 6" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 53231 53233 53235 7" Brown 7" Maroon 7" Blue 8" Brown 8" Maroon 8" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53225 53227 53229 53237 53239 53241 53243 53245 53247 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 bright-buff premium Surface Conditioning VelcroTm Discs New & Improved Premium Material - Use with Velcro Disc Holders Applications: • Premium surface conditioning material performs a wide variety of tasks including deburring, flat finishing and finishing on edges • Used on die grinders and right angle grinders in conjunction with Velcro Holders • Great product for metal finishing and blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel • Used on a variety of different metals Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 1-1/2" Brown 1-1/2" Maroon 1-1/2" Blue 1-1/2 Gray 2" Brown 2" Maroon 2" Blue 2" Gray 3" Brown 3" Maroon 3" Blue 3" Gray 4" Brown 4" Maroon 4" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN A CRS A MED A VFN 56001 56002 56003 5610153 56004 56005 56006 5610202 56007 56008 56009 5610303 56010 56011 56012 Std. Pkg. 50 50 50 502 50 50 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 4" Gray 4-1/2" Brown 4-1/2" Maroon 4-1/2" Blue 4-1/2" Gray 5" Brown S SFN A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN A CRS 5610403 56013 56014 56015 5610453 56016 Std. Pkg. 25 25 25 25 25 10 50 50 25 5" Maroon 5" Blue 5" Gray A MED A VFN S SFN 56017 56018 5610503 10 10 10 25 25 25 6" Gray S SFN 5610603 10 25 25 25 6" Brown 6" Maroon 6" Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 56019 56020 56021 10 10 10 New and Improved Premium Material Use with Velcro Disc Holders Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 7" Brown 7" Maroon 7" Blue 7" Gray A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN 56022 56023 56024 5610703 Std. Pkg. 10 10 10 10 Mineral Item Size - Dia./ Color Type & Grade No. 8" Brown 8" Maroon 8" Blue 8" Gray A CRS A MED A VFN S SFN Std. Pkg. 56025 56026 56027 5610803 10 10 10 10 Note: Course, Medium and Very Fine grades available immediately. Note: Check with our customer service representative for S SFN grit availability bright-buff VelcroTm Disc holders New and Improved Velcro Hook For use with surface finishing and general duty Velcro discs Applications: • Used with surface finishing or general duty Velcro discs • Used on air or electric grinders Mineral Item Size - Dia./ Color Type & Grade No. 1-1/2 x 1/4" 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 4 x 1/4 4 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 53901 53902 53903 1 1 1 53904 1 53904SH 1 53904Z3 1 Std. Pkg. 20,000 20,000 18,000 10,000 4,800 10,000 Size - Dia./ Mineral Item Color Type & Grade No. 5 x 5/16-24 5 x 5/8-11 6 x 5/16-24 6 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 8 x 5/8-11 bright-buff Standard Surface Conditioning belts 53905 1 53905Z1 1 53906 1 53906SH 1 53907 1 53908 1 Std. Pkg. 10,000 4,800 10,000 4,800 6,000 4,800 Surface Conditioning Material Standard Scrim Applications: • Standard surface conditioning material is best suited for flat finishing applications • Used on back-stand grinders and portable tools • Great product for metal finishing and blending, surface preparation work, gasket removal, weld cleaning, #3 & #4 finishing on stainless steel • Used on a variety of different metals Size Width/Length Color Mineral Type & Grade 1/2 x 24 Brown 1/2 x 24 Maroon 1/2 x 24 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 1/2 x 18 Brown 1/2 x 18 Maroon 1/2 x 18 Blue 3/4 x 18 Brown 3/4 x 18 Maroon 3/4 x 18 Blue 2-3/4 x 15-1/2 Brown A CRS 2-3/4 x 15-1/2 MaroonA MED 2-3/4 x 15-1/2 Blue A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53532 20 53533 20 53534 20 A CRS A MED A VFN 2 x 60 Brown 2 x 60 Maroon 2 x 60 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 2 x 132 Brown 2 x 132 Maroon 2 x 132 Blue 53524 20 53525 20 53526 20 53512 20 53513 20 53514 20 1 x 42 Brown 1 x 42 Maroon 1 x 42 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 2 x 72 Brown 2 x 72 Maroon 2 x 72 Blue Size Width/Length Color A CRS A MED A VFN 3/4 x 20-1/2 Brown A CRS 3/4 x 20-1/2 Maroon A MED 3/4 x 20-1/2 Blue A VFN 2 x 48 Brown 2 x 48 Maroon 2 x 48 Blue Item Std. No. Pkg. A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 53535 20 53536 20 53537 20 53556 10 53557 10 53558 10 53660 10 53661 10 53662 10 53668 10 53669 10 53670 10 53676 10 53677 10 53678 10 53696 53697 53698 5 5 5 2-1/2 x 60 Brown 2-1/2 x 60 Maroon 2-1/2 x 60 Blue 3 x 24 Brown 3 x 24 Maroon 3 x 24 Blue 3 x 132 Brown 3 x 132 Maroon 3 x 132 Blue Mineral Type & Grade 53728 10 53729 10 53730 10 A CRS A MED A VFN 53752 10 53753 10 53754 10 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 Brown A CRS 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 MaroonA MED 3-1/2 x 15-1/2 Blue A VFN 4 x 24 Brown 4 x 24 Maroon 4 x 24 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 4 x 168 Brown 4 x 168 Maroon 4 x 168 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN 4 x 132 Brown 4 x 132 Maroon 4 x 132 Blue 6 x 48 Brown 6 x 48 Maroon 6 x 48 Blue A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN Additional sizes and grits are available upon request. Call for any size not listed. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Item Std. No. Pkg. A CRS A MED A VFN A CRS A MED A VFN 23 abrasives 1 x 1/4 Med 1-1/2 x 1/4 Med 1-1/2 x 1/4 Soft Item No. bright-buff premium Surface Conditioning VelcroTm Discs 53736 10 53737 10 53738 10 53772 53773 53774 5 5 5 53788 10 53789 10 53790 10 53800 10 53801 10 53802 10 53824 53825 53826 5 5 5 53856 53857 53858 5 5 5 53832 53833 53834 5 5 5 23 - 33 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels Flexovit Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels abrasives 23 For Grinding Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering mETal, STaINlESS: a30S - Fast Grind - Aggressive grinding with good life. The A30S performs well on a broad range of metals, including stainless and other hard alloys. An excellent 'all-purpose' grinding spec. a24/30T-heavy Duty - Often copied, but never equaled, A24/30T is the most rugged wheel in the industry. Flexovit’s A24/30T delivers the longest life of any aluminum oxide wheel without sacrificing aggressive grinding action. Your best choice for tough applications such as beveling and edge or flame cut grinding. This durable wheel can dramatically reduce your abrasives cost. CONCrETE: C24/30p - heavy Duty - Made with silicon carbide grain, C24/30P is designed for all concrete and masonry applications. Also offers fast grinding action on nonferrous metals. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 3 x 1/4 x 3/8 4 x 1/4 x 3/8 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 6 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 5/16 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 9 x 5/16 x 7/8 Max RPM 20,000 15,000 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 8,600 8,600 8,600 6,800 6,800 6,800 Metal, Stainless Fast Grind A30S A0054 A0390 A0414 A1236 A1236H A2236 A2236H A3236 A3236H A5356 A5356H – A8353 A8353H – Heavy Duty A24/30T – A0395 A0406 A1226 A1226H A2226 A2226H – – A5301 A5301H A5551 A8301 A8301H A8619 Type 27 Concrete Heavy Duty C24/30P – – A0396 A1257 A1257H A2239 A2239H – – A5446 A5446H – A8446 A8446H – Type 27 Spin-On Box/ Crt. Qty. 25/100 25/100 25/100 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 10 25 25 10 25 Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels For Grinding Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance alumINum: a24alu-load resistant - A non-loading wheel for grinding on aluminum and other nonferrous materials. STaINlESS: a30q-Free Grind - Specially formulated for grinding stainless steels and other alloy metals. A30Q wheels deliver smooth and fast grinding. IrON: Ca24r - Foundry - A special blend of silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. Perfect for removing burned-in sand from castings, as well as ductile, malleable and cast iron. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8 -11 23 - 34 Aluminum Stainless Max. Load Resistant Free Grind RPM A24ALU A30Q 15,000 A0403 A0391 13,300 A1203 A1231 13,300 A1203H A1231H 12,000 A2220 A2231 12,000 A2220H A2231H 8,600 A5237 A5331 8,600 A5237H A5331H 6,800 A8241 A8331 6,800 A8241H A8331H Type 27 Iron Foundry CA24R – – – – – A5435 A5435H A8435 A8435H Type 27 Spin-On Box/ Crt. Qty. 25/100 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 10 For Grinding Only • Zirconia Abrasive • Aggressive Action • Premium Performance mETal, STaINlESS, allOyS: Za24p - Fastest Grind - Fastest stock removal rate of any zirconia wheel. Za20q - Fast Grind - Excellent for grinding on flat or broad surfaces. Za24S - heavy Duty - Maximum life. Best choice for beveling and edge grinding. Type 27 Za16u - Foundry Snag - Fast stock removal in rough foundry applications. Dimensions Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 3 x 1/4 x 3/8 4 x 1/4 x 3/8 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 6 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 Metal, Stainless, Alloys Max. Fastest Grind Fast Grind RPM ZA24P ZA20Q 20,000 – – 15,000 – A0344 15,000 – A0444 13,300 A1224 A1244 13,300 A1224H A1244H 12,000 A2224 A2244 12,000 A2224H A2244H 10,000 – A3244 10,000 – A3244H 8,600 A5224 A5444 8,600 A5224H A5444H 6,800 A8224 A8444 6,800 A8224H A8444H Type 27 Spin-On Heavy Duty Foundry Snag Box ZA24S A0034 A0334 A0434 A1234 A1234H A2234 A2234H A3434 A3434H A5434 A5434H A8434 A8434H ZA16U – – – – – – – – – A5354 A5354H A8354 A8354H Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 28 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels For Grinding Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering mETal, STaINlESS: a30S-Fast Grind - Aggressive grinding with good life. The A30S performs well on a broad range of metals, including stainless and other hard alloys. An excellent 'all-purpose' grinding spec. a24/30T-heavy Duty - Often copied, but never equaled, A24/30T is the most rugged wheel in the industry. Flexovit’s A24/30T delivers the longest life of any aluminum oxide wheel without sacrificing aggressive grinding action. Your best choice for tough applications such as beveling and edge or flame cut grinding. This durable wheel can dramatically reduce your abrasives cost. CONCrETE: C24/30p-heavy Duty - A 'must' for every contractor’s toolbox. For grinding and smoothing concrete and masonry products. Use C24/30P Type 28 as an economical alternative to diamond or abrasive cup wheels. Dimensions Dia.xThk.xArbor 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 5/16 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 8,600 8,600 8,600 6,800 6,800 Metal, Stainless Fast Grind A30S A1237 A1237H A2237 A2237H A5360 A5360H – A8360 A8360H Heavy Duty A24/30T A1227 A1227H A2227 A2227H A5302 A5302H A5617 A8302 A8302H Concrete Heavy Duty C24/30P A1258 A1258H A2240 A2240H A5447 A5447H – A8462 A8462H Type 28 Type 28 Spin-On Box/ Crt. Qty. 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 25 10 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Type 28 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels Flexovit For Grinding Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance STaINlESS: a30q - Free Grind - Specially formulated for grinding stainless steels and other alloy metals. Provides for smooth and fast grinding. Stainless Max Free Grind RPM A30Q 12,000 A1232 12,000 A1232H 10,000 A2232 10,000 A2232H 8,600 A5332 8,600 A5332H 6,800 A8332 6,800 A8332H Box/ Crt. Qty. 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 10 Type 28 Type 28 Spin-On Type 28 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels For Grinding Only • Zirconia Abrasive • Aggressive Action • Premium Performance mETal, STaINlESS, allOyS: Za24S-heavy Duty - Maximum life. Best choice for beveling and edge grinding. Za16u-Foundry Snag - Fast stock removal in rough foundry applications. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8 -11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8- 11 Metal, Stainless, Alloys Box/ Max Heavy Duty Foundry, Snag Crt. RPM ZA24S ZA16U Qty. 12,000 A1334 – 10 12,000 A1334H – 10 10,000 A2334 – 10 10,000 A2334H – 10 8,600 A5404 A5254 10 8,600 A5404H A5254H 10 6,800 A8404 A8254 10 6,800 A8404H A8254H 10 Type 28 Type 28 Spin-On Type 27 Depressed Center Combination Wheels For Cutting, Notching & Light Grinding • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering mETal, STaINlESS: a30S - Fast Cut, Grind - Fast cutting/grinding with good life. Performs well on a broad range of materials, including stainless and other hard alloys. An excellent “all purpose” spec. a24/30T - heavy Duty - Often copied, but never equaled, A24/30T is the most rugged wheel in the industry. Flexovit’s A24/30T delivers the longest life of any aluminum oxide wheel without sacrificing aggressive cutting/grinding action. Type 27 CONCrETE: C24/30p - heavy Duty - Made with silicon carbide grain; C24/30P is designed for all concrete and mason- Type 27 Spin-On ry applications. Also offers fast cutting/grinding on nonferrous metals. Dimensions Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 5/8 4 x 3/16 x 3/8 4 x 3/16 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 3/16 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 3/16 x 5/8-11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8 -11 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 6 x 1/8 x 5/8 -11 – continues – Metal, Stainless Concrete Max Fast Cut, Grind Heavy Duty Heavy Duty RPM A30S A24/30T C24/30P 15,000 A0274 A0276 – 15,000 A0264 A0255 – 15,000 A0331 – – 15,000 A0337 – A0341 13,300 A0736 A0722 – 13,300 A0736H A0722H – 13,300 A0936 – – 13,300 A0936H – – 12,000 A1737 A1722 – 12,000 A1737H A1722H – 10,000 A2736 A2721 – 10,000 A2736H A2721H – Box/ Crt. Qty. 25/100 25/100 25/100 25/100 25/100 10 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 Dimensions Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 3/16 x 7/8 7 x 3/16 x 5/8 -11 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 9 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 9 x 3/16 x 7/8 9 x 3/16 x 5/8- 11 Concrete Metal, Stainless Max Fast Cut, Grind Heavy Duty Heavy Duty RPM A30S A24/30T C24/30P 8,600 A4250 A4177 A4341 8,600 A4250H A4177H A4341H 8,660 A586 A4426 – 8,600 A4586H A4426H – 6,800 A7250 A7177 A7300 6,800 A7250H A7177H A7300H 6,800 A7539 A7426 – 6,800 A7539H A7426H – Box/ Crt. Qty. 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Type 27 Depressed Center Combination Wheels For Cutting, Notching & Light Grinding • Job Focused • Peak Performance STaINlESS: a30q - Free Cut, Grind - Specially formulated for cutting/grinding stainless steels and other alloy metals. Smooth and fast grinding. pIpElINE: a30r - Smooth Grind - Developed for the pipeline industry, A30R is the #1 choice in the fabrication of pipelines and pressure vessels. Whether the job calls for cutting, notching, or root pass grinding, this wheel meets the challenge. Smooth, chatter-free performance. IrON: Ca24r - Foundry - A special blend of silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. Perfect for cutting gates and risers from castings, as well as cutting/grinding ductile, malleable and cast iron. Dimensions Dia. x Thk. xArbor 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 6 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 3/16 x 7/8 7 x 3/16 x 5/8 - 11 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 9 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 Stainless Pipeline Iron Max Free Cut/Grind Smooth Grind Foundry RPM A30Q A30R CA24R 13,300 – A0780 – 13,300 – A0780H – 12,000 – A1780 – 12,000 – A1780H – 10,000 – A2730 – 10,000 – A2730H A3270H 8,600 A4231 A4330 A4270 8,600 A4231H A4330H A4270H 8,600 – A4580 – 8,600 – A4580H – 6,800 A7231 A7280 A7270 6,800 A7231H A7280H A7270H Type 27 Depressed Center Combination Wheels Type 27 Type 27 Spin-On Box/Crt. Qty. 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 For Cutting, Notching & Light Grinding • Zirconia Abrasive • Aggressive Action • Premium Performance mETal, STaINlESS: Za24S - Long life coupled with fast material removal; the ZA24S is an excellent choice for beveling. pIpElINE: Za30T - The perfect premium zirconia wheel for cutting, notching and root-pass grinding in pipeline and pressure vessel fabrication. Smooth, chatter-free performance. Wears evenly, never “out-of-round” Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 3 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 6 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 7 x 1/8 x7/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 9 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max Metal, Stainless RPM ZA24S 20,000 A0014 15,000 A0134 15,000 A0234 13,300 A0734 13,300 A0734H 12,000 A1734 12,000 A1734H 10,000 A2434 10,000 A2434H 8,600 A4434 8,600 A4434H 6,800 A7434 6,800 A7434H Pipeline ZA30T – – – A0714 A0714H A1714 A1714H A2414 A2414H A4414 A4414H A7414 A7414H 23 abrasives Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 5 x 1/4 x 5/8 -11 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 7 x 1/4 x 5/8 -11 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 9 x 1/4 x 5/8 - 11 Type 27 Depressed Center Combination Wheels (continued) Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 27 Type 27 Spin-On 23 - 35 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit Type 27 Thin Depressed Center Cutoff Wheels Type 27 Depressed Center Cutoff Wheels For Cutting Only • Razor Sharp • Cool, Fast Cuts • Angle Grinder Compatible abrasives 23 mETal, STaINlESS: a60SST-27-Ex Fast Cut - The razor thin .045" profile makes this the fastest cutting choice for metal, stainless and alloys. Unmatched wheel life for any product in its class. Available for 4-1/2" and 5" angle grinders. a24/30T-heavy Duty - For exceptionally long life in any cutting Type 27 application, and for tough jabs such as sheet metal, this 3/32" thick wheel is ideal. Type 27 Spin-On STaINlESS: a30q-Extra Fast Cut - For stainless steel jobs where the thicker 3/32" wheel is preferred; A30Q offers a fast, free cutting action. Dimensions Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4 x 3/32 x 5/8 4-1/2 x .045 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 5/8 - 11 5 x .045 x 7/8 5 x 3/32 x 7/8 5 x 3/32 x 5/8- 11 6 x 3/32 x 7/8 6 x 3/32"x 5/8-11 7 x 3/32 x 7/8 7 x 3/32 x 5/8 - 11 The recessed Type 27 wheel allows for flush cutting w/o protruding machine spindle & locking nut. Metal, Stainless Stainless Max Extra Fast Cut Heavy Duty Extra Fast Cut Box/Crt. RPM A60SST-27 A24/30T A30Q Qty. 15,000 – A0265 A0221 25/100 13,300 A0481 – – 50/200 13,300 – A0575 A0711 25/100 13,300 – A0575H A0711H 10 12,000 A1581 – – 50/200 12,000 – A1765 A1711 25/100 12,000 – A1765H A1711H 10 10,000 – A3175 A2711 25 10,000 – A3175H – 10 8,600 – A4175 A4111 25 8,600 – A4175H A4111H 10 *Some grinders are not equipped with flanges that permit proper tightening of thin wheels. For most 4-1/2" and 5" angle grinders, Flexovit offers a compatible, reusable adapter flange (part #Z0303), or contact machine manufacturer for adapter parts. Type 27 Depressed Center Cutoff Wheels For Cutting Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering mETal, STaINlESS: a30S - Fast Cut, Grind - Fast cutting with good life. Performs well on a broad range of materials, including stainless and other hard alloys. An excellent 'all purpose' spec. a24/30T - heavy Duty - Often copied, but never equaled, A24/30T is the most rugged wheel in the industry. Flexovit’s A24/30T delivers the longest life of any aluminum oxide wheel without sacrificing aggressive cutting action. CONCrETE: C24/30p-heavy Duty - Made with silicon carbide grain; C24/30P is designed for all concrete and masonry applications. Also offers fast cutting on nonferrous metals. Dimensions Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 3 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 6 x 1/8 x 5/8 -11 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 9 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 23 - 36 Max RPM 20,000 15,000 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 8,600 8,600 6,800 6,800 Metal, Stainless Fast Cut A30S A0017 A0273 A0261 A0735 A0735H A1736 A1736H A2751 A2751H A4086 A4086H A7086 A7086H Heavy Duty A24/30T – – – A0721 A0721H A1721 A1721H – – A3928 A3928H A6930 A6930H Concrete Heavy Duty C24/30T – – A0290 A0761 A0761H A1741 A1741H – – – – – – Type 27 Type 27 Spin-On Box/Crt. Qty. 25/100 25/100 25/100 25/100 10 25/100 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 For Cutting Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance STaINlESS: a30q - Specially formulated for smooth, free cutting on stainless and other alloy materials. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 Max RPM 13,300 13,300 12,000 12,000 Stainless Free Cut Box/Crt. A30Q Qty. A0731 25/100 A0731H 10 A1731 25/100 A1731H 10 Type 27 Type 27 Spin-On Type 27 & Type 29 Semi-Flexible Wheels For Grinding & Finishing • Grind & Finish with One Wheel • No Loading or Glazing mETal, STaINlESS, alumINum: a-Fine - Produces a great finish. Comparable to 50-120 grit sanding discs. a-medium - The “all-around” wheel for metal grinding and finishing. Comparable to 24-60 grit sanding discs. a-Coarse - An aggressive grinding and finishing wheel, providing finish comparable to 12-36 grit sanding discs. CONCrETE, FIbErGlaSS: C-Coarse - Extremely aggressive. Excellent choice for concrete, masonry and fiberglass. Comparable to 12-36 grit sanding discs. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor Type 27 4 x 1/8 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 1/8 x 7/8 5 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 - 11 Type 29 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 5 x 1/8" x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8- 11 ® Must be used at a minimum 15O angle DO NOT use flat Type 27 Type 29 Type 27 Spin-On Type 29 Spin-On Metal, Stainless, Aluminum A-Fine A-Medium A-Coarse 50-120 24-60 12-36 Concrete C-Coarse 12-36 Max RPM Grit Finish Grit Finish Grit Finish Grit Finish Box/Crt. Qty. 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 12,000 8,600 – S6920 S6920H S7420 – S7920H S6400 S6900 S6900H S7400 S7400H S7900H – S6880 S6880H S7380 – S7880H – – – – – S7890H 25/100 25/100 10 25/100 10 10 13,300 13,300 12,000 8,600 8,600 S6740 S6740H S7220 S7720* S7720H S6700 S6700H S7200 S7700* S7700H S6790 S6790H S7180 S7680* S7680H – – – – S7690H 25/100 10 25/100 50 10 *7" x 1/8" x 7/8" Type 29 wheel must be mounted with a reusable back-up pad. One pad is included in each box. NOTE: This semi-flexible wheel must be used like a depressed center wheel with a machine guard. WWW.haNESSupply.COm Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit Type 27 Depressed Center Cotton laminate Wheels Type 1 Small Diameter Abrasive Wheels (continued) For Grinding, Blending & Finishing • Grind, Blend & Finish • Cool, Cushioned Action • Load Resistant mETal, STaINlESS, allOyS, alumINum a24mX - The coarse grit and tough bond of the A24MX wheel make it an excellent choice for stock removal and deburring. a36GX - A general-purpose wheel, the A36GX is excellent for grinding, finishing and blending. a54GX - A finer grit than the A36GX, this wheel works well for the final stages of finishing, blending and polishing. hand rubs Metal, Stainless, Alloys, Aluminum A24MX A36GX A54GX 20115 20116 20118 20185 20186 20188 20325 20326 20328 Type 27 Box. Qty. 25 25 25 For Concrete Finishing • For quick concrete removal and touch up • Easy grip handle CONCrETE: C16 - This aggressive, extra coarse hand rub is perfect for removing concrete form marks and getting into difficult to reach areas. C24 - A coarse rub, the C24 grit quickly delivers stock removal and is ideal on large surface areas. Grit Size Dimensions (in) Box Dia. x Thk. x Arbor C16 C24 Qty. 6x3x1 X2004 – 1 8 x 3-1/2 x 1/2 – X2005 1 Type 11 Flaring Cupstones For Grinding mETal, STaINlESS: a16qb - Ideal for snagging and cleaning of castings, and offhand grinding on flat surfaces. Za16pb - Premium zirconia grain provides extra fast stock removal on all ferrous metals. Za20pb - A zirconia spec, for extremely long life on all ferrous metals. CONCrETE, maSONry: C16pb - For grinding and cleaning of concrete, masonry and stone. NONFErrOuS: aC16qb - A special grain mix intended for grinding cast iron and aluminum. Type 11 Standard back Concrete, Non Metal, Stainless Masonry Ferrous Dimensions (in) Max Dia.xThk.xArbor RPM A16QB ZA16PB ZA20PB C16PB AC16QB 4 x 2 x 5/8- 11 9,072 N4250* N4255* 5 x 2 x 5/8 -11 7,258 N5250* N5265 N5255* N5253 6 x 2 x 5/8-11 6,048 N6250* N6265 N6270 N6255* N6253 * These cupstones also available with full steel backing. Add “S” to end of standard part number. Type 11 Steel back Box Qty. 10 10 10 Type 1 Small Diameter abrasive Wheels For Cutting & Grinding • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-art Engineering mETal, STaINlESS, allOyS Type 1 a60T, a46T, a36r - These reinforced wheels are designed for fast, burr-free cutting and notching, and work especially well on thin walled tube and pipe. The thinner the wheel, the faster the cut. a36r, a36q - For a variety of surface preparation jobs including weld grinding, burr removal and smoothing of steel and alloys. – continues – *Also available w/a 1/4" arbor A60T F0010 F0110* – – – – – – F0210 – – – – – – – F0310* – – – – – – F0410* – – – – – – – Metal, Stainless, Alloys A46T A36R A36Q – – – – – – F0120* – – – F0140* – – F0149 – – – F0159* – – F0169 – – F0179* – – – F0220* – – F0230 – – – F0240* – – F0249 – – – F0259 – – F0269 – – F0279 – – – F0320* – – – F0340* – – F0349 – – – F0359* – – F0369* – – F0379 – – – F0420* – – F0430 – – – F0440* – – F0449 – – – F0459* – – F0469 – – F0479 Type 1 Thin angle Grinder Cutoff Wheels Box Qty. 100 100 50 25 25 20 20 20 100 50 25 25 25 20 20 20 100 50 25 25 20 20 20 100 50 25 25 25 20 20 20 23 abrasives Max Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor RPM 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 13,500 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 13,300 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 8,500 Max RPM 61,115 30,558 30,558 30,558 30,558 30,558 27,120 27,120 24,446 24,446 24,446 24,446 24,446 24,446 21,696 21,696 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,372 20,372 18,080 18,080 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 15,278 15,278 13,560 13,560 Dimensions (in) Dia.xThk.xArbor 1 x .035 x 1/8 2 x .035 x 3/8* 2 x 1/16 x 3/8* 2 x 1/8 x 3/8* 2 x 3/16 x 3/8 2 x 1/4 x 3/8* 2 x 3/8 x 3/8 2 x 1/2 x 3/8* 2-1/2 x .035 x 3/8 2-1/2 x 1/16 x 3/8* 2-1/2 x 3/32 x 3/8 2-1/2 x 1/8 x 3/8* 2-1/2 x 3/16 x 3/8 2-1/2 x 1/4 x 3/8 2-1/2 x 3/8 x 3/8 2-1/2 x 1/2 x 3/8 3 x .035 x 3/8* 3 x 1/16 x 3/8 3 x 1/8 x 3/8* 3 x 3/16 x 3/8 3 x 1/4 x 3/8* 3 x 3/8 x 3/8* 3 x 1/2 x 3/8 4 x .035 x 3/8* 4 x 1/16 x 3/8* 4 x 3/32 x 3/8 4 x 1/8 x 3/8* 4 x 3/16 x 3/8 4 x 1/4 x 3/8* 4 x 3/8 x 3/8 4 x 1/2 x 3/8 For Cutting Only • Razor Sharp • Cool, Fast Cuts • Angle Grinder Compatible mETal, STaINlESS: a60SST, a60Tb, a46rb50 - Extra Fast Cut-Razor thin profiles make these the fastest cutting specs for metal, stainless and alloys. a36Tb38 - heavy Duty - For heavy duty metal and stainless applications, this 3/32" thick product delivers exceptionally long life and cool, free cutting action. ShEET mETal: a30Vb39 - heavy Duty - This specification is tough enough to resist the sharp edges of sheet metal products. Extremely long life in any metal application. CONCrETE, maSONry: C30ub64 - heavy Duty - Excellent performance in all concrete and masonry applications. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 4 x .040 x 5/8 4 x 1/16 x 5/8 4 x 3/32 x 5/8 4-1/2 x .045 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 5 x .045 x 7/8 5 x 3/32 x 7/8 6 x .040 x 7/8 6 x 1/16 x 7/8 7 x 1/16 x 7/8 7 x 3/32 x 7/8 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 9 x 3/32 x 7/8 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 Metal, Stainless Type 1 Sheet Metal Concrete Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Extra Fast Cut Max RPM A60SST A60TB A46RB50 A36TB38 A30VB39 C30VB64 19,000 – F1005 – – – – 19,000 – F1010 – – – – 19,000 – – – F1041 – – 13,300 F1207 – – – – – 13,300 – – – F1243 – – 12,000 F1407 – – – – – 12,000 – – – F1445 – – 10,186 – F1705 – – – – 10,186 – F1710 – – – – 8,600 – – F2012 – – – 8,600 – – – F2170 – – 8,600 – – – – F2311 L2312 6,800 – – – F3165 6,800 – – – – F3300 L3318 Box/Crt. Qty. 50 50 50/250 50/200 25/100 50/200 25/100 50 50 25 25 25 50 50 *Type 1 Cutoff wheels must be mounted between properly relieved flanges of equal diameter and matching bearing surfaces. Such flanges must be at least 1/4 the wheel diameter. Right angle grinders may not come equipped with Type 1 flanges as standard equipment. Do not mount with Type 27 style flanges. Refer to A.N.S.I. Safety Code B7.1 for detailed information on proper mounting and guarding of Type 1 cutoff wheels. WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 37 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit Type 1 Circular Saw Wheels Type 1 High Speed Gas & Electric Saw Wheels (continued) For Cutting Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering abrasives 23 Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 12 x 1/8 x 20mm 12 x 1/8 x 7/8 12 x 1/8 x 1 14 x 1/8 x 20mm 14 x 1/8 x 7/8 14 x 1/8 x 1 mETal, STaINlESS: a36Tb38 - Fast Cut - A general purpose wheel, ideal on carbon or stainless steel shapes or profiles. Provides fast cutting action. Type 1 CONCrETE: C30ub64 - heavy Duty - A general purpose concrete wheel, C30UB64 gives quick cuts on concrete, brick, block and other masonry products. Dimensions (in) Dia.xThk.xArbor 6 x 3/32 x 5/8 6 x 1/8 x 5/8 6-1/2 x 3/32 x 5/8 (dia) 6-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8 (dia) 7 x 3/32 x 5/8 7 x 3/32 x 5/8 (dia) 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 (dia) 8 x 3/32 x 5/8 8 x 3/32 x 5/8 (dia) 8 x 1/8 x 5/8 8 x 1/8 x 5/8 (dia) Metal, Stainless Concrete Fast Cut Heavy Duty Box Max RPM A36TB38 C30UB64 Qty. 10,000 F1751 – 25 10,000 – L1845 25 8,600 F1952 – 25 8,600 – L1950 25 8,600 F2155 – 25 8,600 F2171 – 25 8,600 – L2307 25 8,600 – L2311 25 7,500 F2670 – 25 7,500 F2672 – 25 7,500 – L2822 25 7,500 – L2826 25 A30VB39 – F2300 F2312 – F2790 F2791 A46RB50 Type 1 high Speed Gas & Electric Saw Wheels F2010 – – F2510 – – Box Qty. 25 25 25 25 25 25 Type 1 prESTrESSED CONCrETE: C30Sb - heavy Duty - Designed for extra fast cutting in prestressed concrete. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 12 x 1/8 x 20mm 12 x 1/8 x 7/8 12 x 1/8 x 1 12 x 5/32 x 20mm 12 x 5/32 x 7/8 12 x 5/32 x 1 14 x 1/8 x 20mm 14 x 1/8 x 7/8 14 x 1/8 x 1 14 x 5/32 x 20mm 14 x 5/32 x 1 16 x 1/8 x 1 Sheet Metal Rail Track Ductile Ashphalt Prestressed Decking Cast Iron Gr. Concrete Concrete Long Life Extra Fast Cut Heavy Duty Long Life Heavy Duty Box Max RPM A24TB A30PB AC24SB C16UB C30SB Qty. 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 5,460 5,400 5,400 5,460 5,400 4,500 – – – F5293 F5299 F5314 – – – F5693 F5614 – – – F5098 – – – – – F5681 – – F6681 L5017 L5018 L5019 – – – L5617 L5618 L5619 – – – – – – L5330 L5332 L5334 – – – L5710 L5712 – For Cutting Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering STEEl: a24/30Sb - heavy Duty - A durable, hard Type 1 working blade for a variety of metal cutting applications on the job site. Excellent for rebar, steel pipe, sheet metal and structural steel or stainless. CONCrETE: C30ub - heavy Duty - The contractors' choice for all-around performance when cutting concrete and masonry products, including brick, block and pipe. Also cuts PVC and ductile iron pipe (for best results on ductile, see Specialist AC24SB-Ductile, Cast Iron). 23 - 38 For Cutting Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance Type 1 Chopsaw/miter Saw Wheels For Cutting Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-art Engineering – continues – Type 1 high Speed Gas & Electric Saw Wheels aSphalT, GrEEN CONCrETE: C16ub - long life - Made of extra coarse silicon carbide; C16UB provides aggressive free cutting action, in a wide range of aggregates. Type 1 Sheet Metal Stainless Steel Long Life Free Cut Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 DuCTIlE, CaST IrON: aC24Sb - heavy Duty - For sewer and water construction and maintenance. Cuts ductile iron, cast iron and concrete lined pipe. STaINlESS STEEl: a46rb50 - Free Cut - The A46RB50 provides fast and cool cutting on stainless steel. The 1/16" thickness maximizes performance. Max RPM 8,600 8,600 8,600 7,500 7,500 7,500 Concrete Heavy Duty C30UB L5315 L5316 L5317 L5703 L5708 L5727 raIlTraCk: a30pb - Extra Fast Cut - Designed for rail cropping. Straight, fast cuts on all sizes and weights of rail. ShEET mETal: a30Vb39 - long life - The A30VB39 was developed for thin metal cutting, where sharp edges can cause faster wheel wear. This specification delivers maximum wheel life on sheet metal, siding and roof decking. Dimensions (in) Dia.xThk.xArbor 7 x 1/16 x 5/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 7 x 1/8 x 5/8 (DIA) 8 x 1/16 x 5/8 8 x 1/8 x 5/8 8 x 1/8 x 5/8 (DIA) Steel Heavy Duty A24/30SB F5078 F5286 F5292 F5653 F5650 F5687 ShEET mETal, DECkING: a24Tb - long life - Built to withstand the wear of sharp metal edges; this blade stands up to sheet metal, roof decking and auto dismantling jobs. Type 1 Circular Saw Wheels For Cutting Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance Max RPM 6,300 6,300 6,300 5,460 5,400 5,400 L5310 – L5312 – – – – – – – – – mETal, STaINlESS: a30rb - Fast Cut - An optimum mix of cutting speed and wheel life make this an Type 1 excellent “general purpose” wheel for profiles and solids in carbon or alloy steels. a30Sb - long life - Extended wheel life, particularly for lighter gauge cutting in steel and alloys. C30ub - heavy Duty - Excellent for cutting tiles, concrete blocks and brick. Dimensions (in) Dia.xThk.xArbor 10 x 3/32 x 5/8 10 x 1/8 x 5/8 12 x 3/32 x 1 14 x 3/32 x 1 16 x 3/32 x 1 Max RPM 6,112 6,112 5,092 4,365 3,820 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Metal, Stainless Concrete Fast Cut Long Life Heavy Duty Box A30RB A30SB C30UB Qty. F3579 10 F3941 L3818 10 F4818 F4808 10 F5521 F5527 10 F6521 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit Type 1 Chopsaw/miter Saw Wheels Type 27 & 29 Super Flap Discs For Cutting Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance For Grinding & Finishing • Efficient • Versatile • Easy to Use STaINlESS: a30qb - Free Cut - When cutting stainless or other hard alloys, or for getting through large solids without bogging down in the cut, use this exceptionally fast cutting specification. Type 1 DryWall STuD a30Tb - Clean Cut - Stands up to the wearing action of sharp metal edges. This wheel cuts more drywall bundles per dollar than any other product. Max RPM 5,092 4,365 4,366 3,820 Stainless Free Cut A30QB F4819 F5523 Drywall Stud Clean Cut, Max Life Type 1 Stationary Saw Wheels A30TB F5528 F6579 Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Max ZA40 Dia. x Arbor RPM 4-1/2 x 7/8 13,300 ZA532F mETal, STaINlESS a30rb - multi purpose - This fast cutting wheel is ideal on solids, structural steel, bar stock and other profiles in steel, stainless steel or other alloys. a30Sb - long life - For higher horsepower machines, this wheel is the best choice for cutting lighter solids and profiles in carbon, stainless steel or other alloys. Max RPM 6,112 6,112 6,112 6,112 5,092 4,365 3,820 3,396 3,066 3,066 3,066 3,066 2,460 2,260 2,080 ZA80 ZA542F Box. Qty. 10 Type 27 Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate For Cutting Only • Maximum Productivity • Exceptional Value • State-of-the-Art Engineering Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 10 x 3/32 x 5/8 10 x 3/32 x 1 10 x 1/8 x 5/8 10 x 1/8 x 1 12 x 1/8 x 1 14 x 1/8 x 1 16 x 5/32 x 1 18 x 3/16 x 1 20 x 1/8 x 1 20 x 3/16 x 1 20 x 7/32 x 1 20 x 7/32 x 40mm 22 x 3/16 x 1 24 x 1/4 x 1 26 x 1/4 x 1-1/2 ZA60 ZA537F Metal, Stainless Multi Purpose Long Life Box A30RB A30SB Qty. F3579 10 F3583 10 F3941 10 F3966 10 F5231 F5241 10 F5836 10 F6861 F6873 10 F8371 10 F9241 10 F9242 F9232 10 F9010 10 F9011 10 F9300 5 F9791 5 F9911 5 Type 1 Dim. (in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8- 11 Max RPM 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 8,600 8,600 ZA24 Z4001F Z4501F Z4501FH Z5001F Z7001F Z7001FH ZA40 Z4000F Z4500F Z4500FH Z5000F Z7000F Z7000FH ZA60 Z4005F Z4505F Z4505FH Z5005F Z7005F Z7005FH ZA80 Z4010F Z4510F Z4510FH Z5010F Z7010F Z7010FH Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8 - 11 Max RPM ZA24 15,000 Z4025F 13,300 Z4525F 13,300 Z4525FH 12,000 Z5025F 8,600 Z7025F 8,600 Z7025FH ZA40 Z4030F Z4530F Z4530FH Z5030F Z7030F Z7030FH ZA60 ZA80 Z4035F Z4040F Z4535F Z4540F Z4535FH Z4540FH Z5035F Z5040F Z7035F Z7040F Z7035FH Z7040FH Zirconia alumina with aluminum backing plate Dim. (in) Dia.xArbor 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8- 11 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8- 11 Max RPM 13,300 13,300 8,600 8,600 ZA24 Z4501 Z4501H ZA40 Z4500 Z4500H Z7000 Z7000H ZA60 Z4505 Z4505H Z7005 Z7005H ZA80 Z4510 Z4510H Z7010 Z7010H Type 29 Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 ZA120 ZA020F Z4520F Z4520FH Z5020F Z7020F Z7020FH Type 27 Box ZA120 Qty. Z4045F 10 Z4545F 10 Z4545FH 10 Z5045F 10 Z7045F 10 Z7045FH 10 Type 29 ZA120 Z4520 Z4520H Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 Type 1 Stationary Saw Wheels For Cutting Only • Job Focused • Peak Performance mETal, STaINlESS TubE a24Tb - long life - Best choice on thin walled metals and tubing. Type 1 IrON, NONFErrOuS aC24pb - This load resistant cutting wheel gives superior performance on nonferrous metals such as bronze, brass and aluminum. Free and easy cutting. Dimensions (in) Dia. x Thk. x Arbor 16 x 3/16 x 1 16 x 5/32 x 1 20 x 7/32 x 1 Max RPM 3,820 3,820 3,066 Metal, Stainless Steel Long Life A24TB F6579 Iron, Nonferrous AC24PB F6501 F9255 Box Qty. 10 10 10 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 39 23 abrasives Dimensions (in) Dia.xThk.xArbor 12 x 3/32 x 1 14 x 3/32 x 1 14 x 3/32 x 1 16 x 5/32 x 1 prEmIum Zirconia alumina - Our most productive and efficient super flap disc. Ideal for high production grinding, blending, deburring and finishing. Performs well on a variety of materials, including carbon, stainless steel, aluminum and fiberglass. Resists loading and outlasts aluminum oxide grain by 2:1. Select the new Zircomax extra thick, high-density disc for long life. Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Flexovit/ Metabo Type 27 & 29 Super Flap Discs metabo Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels For Grinding & Finishing abrasives 23 hIGh pErFOrmaNCE Zirconia alumina - Recommended for medium to high production applications. Works very well on both ferrous and nonferrous metals. Provides aggressive stock removal rates. aluminum Oxide - Good for finishing and jobs that do not require extensive material removal. HIGH PERFORMANCE Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate Dim.(in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8 - 11 Max RPM ZA24 15,000 Z4201F 13,300 Z4701F 13,300 Z4701FH 12,000 Z5201F 8,600 Z7201F 8,600 Z7201FH ZA40 Z4200F Z4700F Z4700FH Z5200F Z7200F Z7200FH Type 29 ZA60 ZA80 ZA120 Z4205F Z4210F Z4220F Z4705F Z4710F Z4720F Z4705FH Z4710FH Z4720FH Z5205F Z5210F Z5220F Z7205F Z7210F Z7220F Z7205FH Z7210FH Z7220FH Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8 - 11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8 - 11 Max RPM ZA24 15,000 Z4225F 13,300 Z4725F 13,300 Z4725FH 12,000 Z5225F 8,600 Z7225F 8,600 Z7225FH ZA40 ZA60 Z4230F Z4235F Z4730F Z4735F Z4730FH Z4735FH Z5230F Z5235F Z7230F Z7235F Z7230FH Z7235FH Max RPM 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 8,600 8,600 A24 Z4555F Z4555FH Z7055F Z7055FH A40 Z4060F Z4560F Z4560FH Z5060F Z7060F Z7060FH ZA80 ZA120 Z4240F Z4245F Z4740F Z4745F Z4740FH Z4745FH Z5240F Z5245F Z7240F Z7245F Z7240FH Z7245FH A60 Z4065F Z4565F Z4565FH Z5065F Z7065F Z7065FH Max RPM 15,000 13,300 13,300 12,000 8,600 8,600 Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 29 A80 Z4070F Z4570F Z4570FH Z5070F Z7070F Z7070FH aluminum Oxide with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8-11 Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 27 aluminum Oxide with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Dia. x Arbor 4 x 5/8 4-1/2 x 7/8 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 5 x 7/8 7 x 7/8 7 x 5/8-11 a 36 O – Aluminum oxide wheel specially formulated for harder metals such as stainless steel. Good stock removal. Good wheel life. a 2a N – Aluminum oxide general purpose wheel for grinding steel and other ferrous metals in normal working conditions. High stock removal. Shorter wheel life. a 24 r – Aluminum oxide general purpose wheel for heavier working conditions for steel and other ferrous metals. Good stock removal. Longer wheel life. a 24 T – Aluminum oxide general purpose wheel for steel and other ferrous metals. Extremely long wheel life. Za 24 T – Zirconia alumina wheels for steel and stainless steel applications. Very aggressive stock removal. Extremely long wheel life. a 36 m – Aluminum oxide wheel formulated for aluminum grinding applications. Good stock removal. Good wheel life. Non clogging capability. C 2a N – Silicon carbide general purpose wheel for stone, concrete, cast iron, ductile iron, masonry materials, non-ferrous metals, brass, bronze, etc. High stock removal. Good wheel life. A120 Z4575F Z4575FH Z5075F Z7075F Z7075FH Type 27 A24 A40 A60 A80 Z4080F Z4085F Z4090F Z4095F Z4580F Z4585F Z4590F Z4595F Z4580FH Z4585FH Z4590FH Z4595FH Z5085F Z5090F Z5095F Z7080F Z7085F Z7090F Z7095F Z7080FH Z7085FH Z7090FH Z7095FH A120 Z4097F Z4597F Z4597FH Z7097F Z7097FH Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Box Qty. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 27 & 29 Super Flap Discs For Grinding & Finishing STaNDarD Zirconia alumina - An economically priced product; Zircotex Standard is ideal for all ferrous and nonferrous grinding/ finishing applications. STANDARD Zirconia alumina with Fiberglass backing plate Dim. (in) Max Dia. x Arbor RPM 4-1/2 x 7/8 13,300 4-1/2 x 5/8- 11 13,300 7 x 7/8 8,600 7 x 5/8 -11 8,600 23 - 40 ZA24 Z4601F Z4601FH Z7101F Z7101FH ZA40 Z4600F Z4600FH Z7100F Z7100FH ZA60 Z4605F Z4605FH Z7105F Z7105FH Type 29 ZA80 Z4610F Z4610FH Z7110F Z7110FH Box ZA120 Qty. Z4620F 10 Z4620FH 10 Z7120F 10 Z7120FH 10 Order Size No. (in) Spec. Application Aluminum Oxide - Small Grinders 3 x 1/4 x 3/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel 16.325 16.735 4 x 3/16 x 5/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel 4 x 1/4 x 3/8 A 24 R Steel 16.339 16.745 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 A 24 N Steel 16.330 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 A 24 R Steel 16.726 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 N Steel 55.726 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 N Steel 16.307 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 R Steel 55.307 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 R Steel 16.275 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 T Steel 55.275 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 T Steel 16.739 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel 16.730 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 N Steel 55.730 5 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 N Steel 16.308 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 R Steel 55.308 5 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 R Steel 16.747 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel 16.486 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 T Steel 16.554 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 N Steel 55.554 6 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 2A N Steel 16.319 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 R Steel 55.319 6 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 R Steel 16.604 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel Aluminum Oxide - Steel & Stainless Steel - Large Grinders 16.560 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 N Steel 55.560 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 N Steel 16.782 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 R Steel 55.782 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 2A R Steel 16.277 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 2A T Steel 55.277 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 T Steel 16.610 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 0 Stainless Steel 55.610 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 36 0 Stainless Steel 16.572 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 24 N Steel 55.572 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 N Steel 16.784 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 2A R Steel 55.784 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 24 R Steel 16.279 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 2A T Steel 55.279 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 2A T Steel 16.622 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 O Stainless Steel 55.622 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 36 O Stainless Steel Zirconia Alumina - Steel & Stainless Steel - Small Grinders 16.791 4 x 1/4 x 3/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.797 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.785 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.785 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.786 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.786 5 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.787 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.787 6 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel Zirconia Alumina - Steel & Stainless Steel - Large Grinders 16.788 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.788 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.789 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.789 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg 20,500 15,300 15,300 15,300 15,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15,300 15,300 13,300 13,300 12,300 12,300 10,200 10,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Type 27 Depressed Grinding Wheels (continued) Type 27 pipeline Cutting and light Grinding Wheels a 24 T – Aluminum oxide general purpose wheel for steel and other ferrous metals. Extremely long wheel life. Za 24 T – Zirconia alumina wheels for steel and stainless steel applications. Very aggressive stock removal. Extremely long wheel life. Order Size No. (in) Spec. Application Aluminum Oxide - Steel & Stainless Steel - Small Grinders 16.281 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.281 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 2A T Steel / Stainless Steel Aluminum Oxide - Steel & Stainless Steel - Large Grinders 16.282 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.282 7 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.284 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.284 9 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel Zirconia Alumina - Steel & Stainless Steel - Small Grinders 16.793 4 x 1/8 x 3/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.792 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.792 4-1/2 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.794 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.794 6 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 ZA 2A T Steel / Stainless Steel Zirconia Aluminina - Steel Stainless Steel - Large Grinders 16.795 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.795 7 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 16.796 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel 55.796 9 X 1/8 x 5/8-11 ZA 24 T Steel / Stainless Steel Type 27 Depressed Center Cutting Wheels Max. Pcs/ RPM Pkg 13,300 25 12,300 25 10,200 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6.600 10 10 10 10 15,300 13,300 13,300 12,300 10,200 25 25 25 25 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 Size Order No. (in) Spec. Application Aluminum Oxide - Steel & Stainless Steel - Large Grinders 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 30 R Steel 16.300 55.300 7 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 30 R Steel 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 30 P Stainless Steel 16.299 55.299 7 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 30 P Stainless Steel 16.302 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 30 R Steel 9 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 A 30 R Steel 55.302 Silicon Carbide - Masonry & Non-Ferrous - Small Grinders 16.306 4 x 3/32 x 5/8 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.728 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 5 x 3/32 X 7/8 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.312 55.312 5 x 3/32 x 5/8-11 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous Silicon Carbide - Masonry & Non-Ferrous - Large Grinders 16.301 7 x 1/8 x 7/8 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 7 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 55.301 16.303 9 x 1/8 x 7/8 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous 55.303 9 x 1/8 x 5/8-11 C 30 S Masonry / Non-Ferrous Max. Pcs/ RPM Pkg 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 10 10 19,000 13,300 12,300 12,300 25 25 25 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 23 Type 1 “SlICEr” Cutting Wheels 60 TZ – Aluminum oxide wheel for steel and other ferrous metals. Extremely fast rate of cut. Good wheel life. 36 TZ – Aluminum oxide wheel for steel and other ferrous metals. Fast rate of cut. Longer wheel life. Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg 13,300 13,300 25 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 15,300 13,300 13,300 10,200 10,200 25 25 25 25 25 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 10 10 10 10 a 30 p – Aluminum oxide wheel specially formulated for harder metals such as stainless steel. Good rate of cut. Good wheel life. a 30 r – Aluminum oxide general purpose wheel for heavier working conditions for steel and other ferrous metals. Very fast rate of cut. Good wheel life. C 30 S – Silicon carbide general purpose wheel for stone, concrete, cast iron, ductile iron, masonry materials, non-ferrous metals, brass, bronze, etc. Good rate of cut. Good wheel life. Order Size No. (in) Spec. Application Aluminum Oxide - Steel Stainless Steel - Small Grinders 16.305 4 x 3/32 x 5/8 A 30 R Steel 16.328 4 x 3/32 x 3/8 A 30 R Steel 16.727 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 A 30 R Steel 55.727 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 5/8-11 A 30 R Steel 16.737 4-1/2 x 3/32 x 7/8 A 30 P Stainless Steel 16.310 5 x 3/32 x 7/8 A 30 R Steel 55.310 5 x 3/32 x 5/8-11 A 30 R Steel 16.313 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 30 R Steel 16.314 6 x 1/8 x 7/8 A 30 P Stainless Steel – continues – Type 27 Depressed Center Cutting Wheels (continued) abrasives Order Size (in) Spec. Application No. Aluminum Oxide - Aluminum - Small Grinders 16.748 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 M Aluminum 16.749 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 M Aluminum 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 M Aluminum 16.754 Aluminum Oxide - Aluminum - Large Grinders 16.760 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 M Aluminum 55.760 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 36 M Aluminum 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 A 36 M Aluminum 16.763 55.763 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 A 36 M Aluminum Silicon Carbide - Masonry & Non-Ferrous - Small Grinders 16.746 4 x 1/4 x 5/8 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.729 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 7/8 55.729 4-1/2 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.731 5 x 1/4 x 7/8 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.654 6 x 1/4 x 7/8 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous Silicon Carbide - Masonry & Non-Ferrous - Large Grinders 16.660 7 x 1/4 x 7/8 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 55.660 7 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 16.672 9 x 1/4 x 7/8 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 9 x 1/4 x 5/8-11 C 24 N Masonry / Non-Ferrous 55.672 Metabo Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg 19,000 19,000 13,300 13,300 13,300 12,300 12,300 10,200 10,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Order Size Max. Pcs/ No. (in) Spec. Application RPM Pkg Aluminum Oxide - SLICER Wheels - Steel & Stainless Steel - Small Grinders 55.316 3 x .040 x 1/4 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.317 3 x .040 x 3/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.318 3 x 1/16 x 1/4 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.358 3 x 1/16 x 1/4 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.320 3 x 1/16 x 3/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.321 3 x 1/16 x 3/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 25,000 100 55.322 4 x .040 x 1/4 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 22,000 50 55.323 4 x .040 x 3/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 22,000 50 55.324 4 x .040 x 5/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 22,000 50 55.325 4 x 1/16 x 1/4 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.326 4 x 1/16 x 1/4 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.327 4 x 1/16 x 3/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.328 4 x 1/16 x 3/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.329 4 x 1/16 x 5/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.330 4 x 1/16 x 5/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 19,000 100 55.331 4-1/2 x .040 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 15,000 100 55.332 4-1/2 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 15,000 100 55.333 4-1/2 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 15,000 100 55.334 5 x .040 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 12,225 50 55.335 5 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 12,225 50 55.336 5 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 12,225 50 55.999 6 x .040 x 3/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 14,000 50 55.338 6 x .040 x 5/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 50 55.339 6 x .040 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 50 55.342 6 x 1/16 x 5/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 25 55.343 6 x 1/16 x 5/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 25 55.344 6 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 36 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 25 55.345 6 x 1/16 x 7/8 A 60 TZ Steel / Stainless Steel 10,200 25 Combo Mandrel 55.168 1/4 x 1/4 and 3/8 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 41 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Metabo Type 1 Cutting Wheels high Speed Saws abrasives 23 a 24 N – Aluminum oxide wheels general purpose for steel and other ferrous steels. Fast rate of cut. Good wheel life C 24 N – Silicon carbide general purpose wheel for stone, concrete, cast iron, ductile iron, masonry materials, non-ferrous metals, brass, bronze, plastic, etc. Fast rate of cut. Good wheel life. aC 24 r – Aluminum oxide and Silicon carbide combination wheel specially formulated for ductile iron. Excellent rate of cut. Excellent wheel life. Smooth and chatter free cutting. Size Max. Pcs/ Order No. (in) Spec. Application RPM Pkg Aluminum Oxide - Steel - High Speed Saws 16.136 12 x 1/8 x 20mm A 24 N Steel 6,400 10 12 x 1/8 x 1 A 24 N Steel 6,400 10 16.137 16.139 14 x 1/8 x 20mm A 24 N Steel 5,400 10 16.140 14 x 1/8 x 1 A 24 N Steel/Rail Track 5,400 10 Silicon Carbide - Masonry/Asphalt/Non-Ferrous Metals - High Speed Saws 16.156 12 x 1/8 x 20mm C 24 N Masonry/Non-Ferrous 6,400 10 16.157 12 x 1/8 x 1 C 24 N Masonry/Non-Ferrous 6,400 10 16.164 12 x 1/8 x 20mm C 16 N Asphalt 6,400 10 16.158 12 x 1/8 x 1 C 16 N Asphalt 6,400 10 C 24 N Masonry/Non-Ferrous 5,400 10 16.160 14 x 1/8 x 20mm 16.159 14 x 1/8 x 1 C 24 N Masonry/Non-Ferrous 5,400 10 16.165 14 x 1/8 x 20mm C 16 N Asphalt 5,400 10 16.161 14 x 1/8 x 1 C 16 N Asphalt 5,400 10 Aluminum Oxide/Silicon Carbide Combination - Ductile Iron - High Speed Saws 16.168 12 x 1/8 x 20mm AC 24 R Ductile Iron 6,400 10 16.138 12 x 1/8 x 1 AC 24 R Ductile Iron 6,400 10 16.142 14 x 1/8 x 20mm AC 24 R Ductile Iron 5,400 10 16.149 14 x 1/8 x 1 AC 24 R Ductile Iron 5,400 10 Type 1 Cut-Off Wheels Chop Saws a24m – Aluminum oxide wheels general purpose for steel and other ferrous steels on larger chop saw applications. Excellent rate of cut. Good wheel life. 30 r – Aluminum oxide wheels general purpose for steel and other ferrous steels. Good rate of cut. Good wheel life. 30 S – Aluminum oxide wheels specially formulated for dry wall stud applications. Good rate of cut. Good wheel life. Order Size No. (in) Spec. Application Aluminum Oxide - Steel & Stainless Steel - Chop Saws 16.337 12 x 3/32 x 1 A 30 R Steel/Stainless Steel 16.338 14 x 3/32 x 1 A 30 R Steel/Stainless Steel 16.146 14 x 3/32 x 1 A 30 S Steel/Dry Wall Stud 16.327 14 x 7/64 x 1 A 30 R Steel Stainless Steel 16.340 14 x 3/32 x 1 A 24 M Steel Stainless Steel 16.215 16 x 3/32 x 1 A 24 M Steel Stainless Steel Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg 5,100 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 3,820 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 29 “Z” Wheels The “Z” wheel is a semi-flexible grinding and blending wheel for right angle grinders. It provides excellent grinding and finishing capabilities in one wheel. It flexes to follow contour surfaces and removes material smoothly with no gouging or loading. For use on all ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and plastics. Choose A24 or A36 for faster stock removal and a smooth finish. Choose A60 or A 100 for good stock removal and an even smoother finish. Note: For proper performance the appropriate, specially designed “Z” wheel backing pad must be used. Order Size Max. Pcs/ (in) Spec. Application RPM Pkg No. Aluminum Oxide - All Ferrous Non-Ferrous Metals & Plastic - Small Grinders 55.085 4-1/2 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 36 Steel/Plastic 13,280 25 55.086 4-1/2 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 60 Steel/Plastic 13,280 25 55.087 4-1/2 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 100 Steel/Plastic 13,280 25 Aluminum Oxide - All Ferrous Non-Ferrous & Plastic - Large Grinders 55.088 7 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 24 Steel/Plastic 8,600 25 55.083 7 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 36 Steel/Plastic 8,600 25 55.084 7 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 60 Steel/Plastic 8,600 25 7 x 5/32 x 7/8 A 100 Steel/Plastic 8,600 25 55.089 “Z” Wheels Backing Pads with Nut 4-1/2" “Z” Wheel Backing Pad with M14 Nut 55.095 55.091 4-1/2" “Z” Wheel Backing Pad with 5/8-11 Nut 7" “Z” Wheel Backing Pad with 5/8-11 Nut 55.092 55.094 M14 “Z” Wheel Backing Pad Nut 55.093 5/8"11 “Z” Wheel Backing Pad Nut resin Fiber abrasive Discs Order Size No. (in) Spec. Aluminum Oxide for Small Grinders 24.135 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 16 24.136 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 24 24.137 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 40 24.144 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 50 24.138 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 60 24.139 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 80 24.140 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 100 24.141 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 120 24.142 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 150 24.143 4-1/2 x 7/8 A 180 24.223 5 x 7/8 A 16 24.218 5 x 7/8 A 24 24.219 5 x 7/8 A 40 24.217 5 x 7/8 A 50 24.220 5 x 7/8 A 60 24.221 5 x 7/8 A 80 24.222 5 x 7/8 A 100 24.224 5 x 7/8 A 120 24.225 5 x 7/8 A 150 24.226 5 x 7/8 A 180 Aluminum Oxide for Large Grinders 24.103 7 x 7/8 A 24 24.104 7 x 7/8 A 40 24.102 7 x 7/8 A 50 24.105 7 x 7/8 A 60 24.106 7 x 7/8 A 80 24.107 7 x 7/8 A 100 24.227 9 x 7/8 A 24 24.228 9 x 7/8 A 40 24.237 9 x 7/8 A 50 24.229 9 x 7/8 A 60 24.230 9 x 7/8 A 80 24.231 9 x 7/8 A 100 – continue – 23 - 42 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Application Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Resin Fiber Abrasive Discs (continued) Application Max. RPM Pcs/ Pkg Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 12,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 backing pads backing pads for use with abrasive Discs Cat. No. 23.274 23.279 Dia. (in) 4-1/2 4-1/2 23.278 5 23.283 4-1/2 23.284 23.275 23.281 23.282 5 7 7 9 Backing Nut Use On M8 Metabo AG500 M14 Metabo 4-1/2" grinders and other small grinders w/M14 spindle 5/8"-11 Metabo 4-1/2" grinders and other small grinders w/5/8"-11 spindle M14 Metabo 5" grinders and other small grinders w/M14 spindle 5/8"-11 Metabo 5" grinders and other small grinders w/5/8"-11 spindle M14 Metabo EW9150 5/8"-11 Metabo 11050 and 7" or 9" sander/grinders w/5/8"-11 spindle 5/8"-11 Metabo and other 9" sander/grinders w/5/8"-11 spindle Max RPM 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,500 8,500 6,600 replacement backing pad Nuts Cat. No. 34.113.006 34.113.021 34.113.016 34.113.017 Nut M14 5/8"-11 M14 5/8"-11 Pad Dia. (in) 4-1/2 & 5 4-1/2 & 5 7 7&9 pressure Sensitive Discs (pSa) aluminum Oxide Size Order Dia.(in) 56.400 5 56.401 5 56.402 5 56.403 5 56.404 5 56.405 5 56.406 5 56.407 5 56.408 6 56.409 6 56.410 6 56.411 6 56.412 6 56.413 6 56.414 6 56.415 6 Spec. A 80 A 100 A 120 A 180 A 220 A 240 A 320 A 400 A 80 A 100 A 120 A 180 A 220 A 240 A 320 A 400 Application Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Steel/Stainless Steel Pcs/ Pkg 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 m.k. morse “hummer” abrasive Wheels “hummer” Type 1 resin bond Wheels - boxed Features: Advantages: • Resin Bond • Fast Metal Removal • Aluminum Oxide Grain • Resists Breakage • Double Fiberglass Reinforcement • Holds Grains Longer • Special Formulation • More Fractures per Grain • Helps Clean Kerf Benefits: • Fast Cutting and Grinding • Increased Production Rates • Safe Operation • Longer Life • Cleaner Cuts Applications: • Automotive, aircraft or ship building. • Pipe welding and fabrication. • For cut-off or grinding in high speed air or electric die grinders. • Power plant construction and maintenance. • General purpose metal removal. • Available in two grades: Standard BBR fast cutting (not available in 1/16" and 1/32"). Hard - BRR long life. Desc. Std. Desc. Std. (in) Pack RPM (in) Pack RPM 1 x 1/32 25 61,115 2 x 1/32 25 30,558 1 x 1/16 25 61,115 2 x 1/16 25 30,558 1 x 1/8 25 61,115 2 x 1/8 25 30,558 2 x 1/4 10 30,558 1 x 1/4 10 61,115 10 27,120 10 54,240 2 x 3/8 1 x 3/8 1 x 1/2 10 54,240 2 x 1/2 10 27,120 2-1/2 x 1/32 25 24,446 1-1/4 x 1/32 25 48,892 2-1/2 x 1/16 25 24,446 1-1/4 x 1/16 25 48,892 1-1/4 x 1/8 25 48,892 2-1/2 x 1/8 25 24,446 2-1/2 x 1/4 10 24,446 1-1/4 x 1/4 10 48,892 2-1/2 x 3/8 10 21,696 1-1/4 x 3/8 10 43,392 1-1/4 x 1/2 10 43,392 2-1/2 x 1/2 10 21,696 3 x .035 25 20,372 1-1/2 x 1/32 25 40,744 3 x 1/32 25 20,372 1-1/2 x 1/16 25 40,744 1-1/2 x 1/8 25 40,744 3 x 1/16 25 20,372 3 x 1/8 25 20,372 1-1/2 x 1/4 10 40,744 3 x 1/4 10 20,372 1-1/2 x 3/8 10 36,160 1-1/2 x 1/2 10 36,160 3 x 3/8 10 18,080 3 x 1/2 10 18,080 2 x .035 25 30,558 “Hummer” abrasive wheels are available in the followihg arbor hole sizes: 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 7/8" Desc. Std. (in) Pack 3-1/2 x 1/32 25 3-1/2 x 1/16 25 3-1/2 x 1/8 25 3-1/2 x 1/4 10 3-1/2 x 3/8 10 3-1/2 x 1/2 10 4 x .035 25 4 x 1/32 25 4 x 1/16 25 4 x 1/8 25 4 x 1/4 10 4 x 3/8 10 4 x 1/2 10 4-1/2 x 1/16 25 4-1/2 x 1/8 25 4-1/2 x 1/4 10 4-1/2 x 3/8 10 4-1/2 x 1/2 10 RPM 17,462 17,462 17,462 17,462 15,497 15,497 15,279 15,279 15,279 15,279 15,279 13,560 13,560 13,581 13,581 13,581 12,053 12,053 “hummer” Wheel mandrels - boxed Features: • Two Styles Available • Precision Machined Shank and Body Dimensions Advantages: • Match Mandrel to Application • Guaranteed Concentricity Benefits: • Increased Productivity • Faster Cutting • Safer Operation Shank Arbor Prod. Size Hole No. (in) Size (in) Flush-Type* HMANF15 1/4 3/8 HMANF250-S 1/4 1/4 HMANF250-L 1/4 1/4 HMANF375-S 3/8 3/8 HMANF375-L 3/8 3/8 HMAN40 Mandrel Kit 1/4, 3/8 1/4,3/8 Nut-Type HMAN15 1/4 3/8 HMAN250 1/4 1/4 HMAN375 3/8 3/8 Applications: • For use with “Hummer” die grinding wheels. • Nut-type for general purpose cutting, slotting or grinding applications. • Flush-type for special access applications such as flush cuts or corner cuts. Fits Wheel Thkns (in) 1/32 - 1/4 1/32 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/32 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/32 - 1/4 1/32 - 1/4 1/32 - 3/8 1/32 - 1/2 Nut Type Flush Type hmaN40 kit * Flush Mandrels include extra 1" flanges for use with wheels of 3" diameter & larger. WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 43 23 abrasives Size Order No. (in) Spec. Zirconia Alumnia for Small Grinders 56.350 4-1/2 x 7/8 ZA 24 56.351 4-1/2 x 7/8 ZA 36 4-1/2 x 7/8 ZA 50 56.352 56.353 4-1/2 x 7/8 ZA 60 4-1/2 x 7/8 ZA 80 56.354 56.355 5 x 7/8 ZA 24 56.356 5 x 7/8 ZA 36 5 x 7/8 ZA 50 56.357 56.358 5 x 7/8 ZA 60 5 x 7/8 ZA 80 56.359 Zirconia Alumnia for Large Grinders 7 x 7/8 ZA 24 56.360 56.361 7 x 7/8 ZA 36 7 x 7/8 ZA 50 56.362 56.363 7 x 7/8 ZA 60 56.364 7 x 7/8 ZA 80 56.365 9 x 7/8 ZA 24 56.366 9 x 7/8 ZA 36 9 x 7/8 ZA 50 56.367 56.368 9 x 7/8 ZA 60 56.369 9 x 7/8 ZA 80 Metabo/ M.K. Morse Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 27 aluminum Grinding Wheels SaIT - united abrasives, Inc. Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels (metal Grinding) abrasives 23 a46N aluminum (Non-Ferrous metals) • Aluminum oxide grain • Soft bond for aggressive removal of material w/o loading • Outlasts competition by as much as 40% • Primary application: Non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, brass, etc.) - Specialty Cutting & light Grinding Wheels - Specialty Cutting/Notching Wheels Z24r (Sait Z-tech) • Tough zirconium grain • High performance for the toughest applications m - Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds) S - Stainless steel, high tensile alloys A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 Size (in) B Width 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,200 10,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. Z24R 22599 22600 22610 22602 22612 22603 22613 22604 22614 22606 22616 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 7 9 6 10 6 15 10 24 14 39 20 *5/8-11 Super-Lock Hub A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 TM Aluminum oxide grain Our most popular wheel For general purpose grinding Longer life for fewer wheel changes Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) a24T Size (in) B Width 3/16 1/4 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 23 - 44 C Bore 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 18,000 18,000 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,200 10,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Grades Available Part No. A24N A24R A24T 20001 – – 20002 – – 20010 – – 20012 – – 20015 20013 – 20050 – – 20150 – – 20060 20063 20065 20160 20163 20165 20070 20073 20075 20170 20173 20175 20078 20079 – 20178 20076 – 20081 20080 20285 20085 20086 20185 20091 20090 20295 20095 20096 20195 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 7 9 6 10 6 24 14 39 20 So unique it has a patent pending Thin .045 width Special aluminum oxide grain Hard bond for extremely long life Fast, burr free cutting Primary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Aluminum oxide grain Thin .045 width Soft bond for aggressive cutting without loading Primary application: Non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, brass, etc.) A Dia. 4 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 a24r A Dia. 3 3 4 4 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 Part No. A46NT 20018 20062 20162 20072 20172 20083 20088 20093 20098 a60S • • • • • Aluminum oxide grain • Soft bond for fast stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Secondary application: Low-grade stainless steel • Aluminum oxide grain • Hard bond designed for edge and bevel grinding and other applications where a harder wheel is preferred • Longer life for fewer wheel changes • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 a46N aluminum (Non-Ferrous metals) a24N • • • • • C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Type 27 Depressed Center .045 Cutting Wheels • • • • • • Type 27 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels Size (in) B Width 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Size (in) B C Width Bore .045 5/8 .045 5/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 Max. RPM 19,000 19,000 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,200 10,200 8,500 8,500 Part No.Qty. A60S – 22011 – 22021 – 22071 – 22047 – 22053 A46N 22340 – 22345 – 22350 – 22360 – 22370 – Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lbs. Per Ctn. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Per Box 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 7 - Wheels can be mounted to right angle grinders with standard Type 27 flanges - Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 and Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available. Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 3 4 5 7 7 8 6 8 6 10 6 15 10 24 14 39 20 Type 27 Depressed Center Cutting Wheels a24r • • • • Aluminum oxide grain For general purpose, low cost cutting only Combines fast cutting and long life Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) A Dia. 3 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 7 7 9 9 Size (in) B Width 1/8 1/8 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 1/8 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 C Bore 3/8 3/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM 18,000 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. A24R 22000 22010 22020 22120 22070 22170 22045 22056 22057 22066 22067 Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 10 25 10 25 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 100 40 100 40 100 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 2 3 5 7 6 7 25 14 9 22 12 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 1 high Speed Cut-Off Wheels for portable Saws .045 Thin Wheels Type 27 Specialty Cutting & light Grinding Wheels pipeline • Aluminum oxide grain • For the pipeline industry • Designed and manufactured to perform both cutting and light grinding • Long life • Primary application: Ferrous metals (steel, cast iron, etc.) Size (in) B Width 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Part No. Max. RPM Pipeline 13,500 22015 13,300 22030 13,300 22130 12,200 22040 12,200 22140 10,200 22042 10,200 22046 8,500 22055 8,500 22052 6,600 22065 6,600 22062 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Type 28 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 3 7 5 6 5 10 7 14 9 22 12 Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 and Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available. a24N • Aluminum oxide grain • Medium bond for longer life and fewer wheel changes • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) C Bore 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 13,300 13,300 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Grades Available Part No. A24N A24R 21020 21021 21025 21026 21001 21000 21004 21005 21011 21010 21014 21015 Qty. Per Box 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 9 6 22 13 34 19 Challenger • Aluminum oxide grain • Open pattern on wheel for cool grinding and bending w/o loading • Safe for use in the nuclear industry because it does not contain pyrite • Primary application: Steel, iron, aluminum, brass, bronze • Secondary application: Stainless steel • Also for use on plastic, fiberglass, masonry Max. RPM 13,280 12,200 8,600 24 – – 22310 Part Numbers/Grits Challenger 36 60 100 22300 22301 22302 22306 22307 22308 22311 22312 22313 13,280 12,200 8,600 – – 22410 22400 22406 22411 22401 22407 22412 22402 22408 22413 Size (in) B C Width Bore .045 5/8 .045 5/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 5/8 .045 5/8 A Dia. 4 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 Max. RPM 19,000 19,000 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,200 10,200 8,500 8,500 Grades Available Part No. A60S A46N – 23304 23099 – – 23314 23101 – – 23315 23103 – – 23316 23106 – – 23317 23107 – Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Qty. Per Ctn. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lbs. Per Box 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 7 a24r Type 29 Challenger Flexible Grinding/blending Wheels Size (in) A C Dia. Bore 4-1/2 7/8 5 7/8 7 7/8 TM Blue Line 4-1/2 7/8 5 7/8 7 7/8 • Aluminum oxide finish • Soft bond for aggressive cutting w/o loading • Use w/reusable 5/8-11 adapter to fit right angle grinders • Primary application: Non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, brass, etc.) Type 1 high Speed Cut-Off Wheels for portable Saws a24r Size (in) B Width 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 a46N aluminum (Non-Ferrous metals) - Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 and Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available. • Aluminum oxide grain • Soft bond for fast stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Secondary application: Low grade stainless steel A Dia. 4-1/2 4-1/2 7 7 9 9 • Thin .045 width • Use with reusable 5/8-11 adapter to fit right angle grinders • Extremely fast cutting with long life • Primary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Qty. Per Box 50 50 50 Lbs. Per Box 6 10 19 10 10 10 1 2 4 • Provides consistent performance with long life • Primary application: Ferrous metals (steel, angle iron, rebar) a30S • Fast, non-binding cutting • Primary application: Ferrous metals • Secondary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys A Dia. 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6-1/2 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 Size (in) B C Width Bore 5/64 7/8 3/32 7/8 5/64 Dia (5/8) 5/64 7/8 3/32 Dia (5/8) 5/64 Dia (5/8) 5/64 7/8 3/32 5/8 3/32 Dia (5/8) 3/32 7/8 3/32 Dia (5/8) 3/32 7/8 3/32 5/8 3/32 Dia (5/8) 3/32 7/8 3/32 7/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1 1 7/8 7/8 20mm 20mm 1 1 20mm 20mm WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 10,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 6,600 Grades Available Part No. A24R A30S – 23102 23100 – – 23226 – 23224 23222 – – 23242 – 23240 23230 – 23234 – 23232 – – 23246 – 23244 23254 – 23258 – 23256 – – 23248 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 5,400 5,400 5,460 5,460 23410 – 23400 – 23420 – 23450 – 23455 – – 23430 – 24431 – 23432 – 23440 – 23441 Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Qty. Per Ctn. 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Lbs. Per Box 4 5 5 5 8 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 19 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 13 14 14 14 14 14 19 19 17 19 14" (20mm) Now w/higher RPM rating for STIHL saws 23 - 45 23 abrasives A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 a60S Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 1 Wheels for Stationary Cut-Off Saws Type 1 Specialty high Speed Cut-Off Wheels for portable Saws a24N brute abrasives 23 • Aluminum oxide grain • General purpose • Soft bond for fast stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, cast iron, etc.) • Secondary application: Low grade stainless steel • Long life • Extremely hard bond for cutting metals that present a very sharp edge to the wheel • Primary application: Thin metal, sheet metal, decking, other ferrous metals hObO® • For use on high horsepower machines • Rugged fiberglass reinforcement for maximum safety • Excellent for the railroad industry • Primary application: Mainline, secondary, spur rail steel • Also for use on heavy sections of ferrous metals (I-beams, bar stock, etc.) Ductile • Combination aluminum oxide and silicon carbide formulation • Primary application: Ductile pipe (very hard steel casing enclosing a cement lining), water mains, etc. • Secondary application: Combination metal/concrete, cast iron, hard metals, concrete coated steel, etc. A Dia. 12 12 14 14 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/8 1 1/8 20mm 1/8 1 1/8 20mm Max RPM 6,300 6,300 5,400 5,460 14 16 1/8 1/8 1 1 5,400 4,800 12 12 14 14 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1 20mm 1 20mm 6,300 6,300 5,400 5,460 Part No. Brute™ 23412 23422 23452 23457 HOBO® 23501 23502 Ductile 23415 23425 23453 23458 Qty. Per Box 10 10 10 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 20 20 Lbs. Per Box 15 14 22 18 10 10 20 20 22 30 10 10 10 10 50 50 20 20 15 15 22 22 Type 1 Chop Saw Wheels 14" (20mm) Now w/higher RPM rating for STIHL saws Max. RPM 6,100 6,100 5,100 4,400 3,800 3,400 3,000 3,150 Grades Available Part No. A24N A24R A36R 24001 24000 24002 24005 24004 – – 24020 – – 24040 24042 24071 24070 24072 24081 24080 24082 24091 24090 24092 24101 24100 24102 Type 1 Thin high Speed Cut-Off Wheels Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 10 10 5 5 5 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 15 Lbs. Per Box 23 23 14 19 29 22 27 49 a60S • Thin .045 width • Use w/ reusable 5/8-11 adapter to fit right angle grinders • Extremely fast cutting w/long life • Primary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals (Iron, steel, welds, etc.) a60T • Hard bond for smooth cutting • For use in nuclear, aerospace, automotive, foundry industries, & plant maintenance • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Secondary application: High tensile metals Saitech Steel WorkerTm New & Improved Formula for 14" Formulated w/3M Cubitron grain Extremely fast, burr free cutting Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys Secondary application: Ferrous metals (steel, iron,welds, etc.) - Note: 1/4" Shank adapters available Non-Ferrous metals (aluminum) • Aluminum oxide grain • Special non-loading formulation • Primary application: Non-ferrous metals (aluminum, bronze, brass, etc.) 23 - 46 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/8 5/8 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 5/32 1 3/16 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 A Dia. 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 • Aluminum oxide grain • Hard bond for aggressive cutting on rough applications • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Secondary application: Stainless steel • Aluminum oxide grain • Fast cutting • Excellent for use on angle iron, channel iron, heavy rebar and other ferrous metals • Primary application: Structural metal applications Grades Available Part Numbers S.K. I.W. SaitechTM 24035 – – 24030 24031 – – – 24033 24050 24051 – – – 24053 – – – 24010 24011 – – – 24013 • Aluminum oxide grain • A finer grit for burr free finish • Primary application: Ferrous metals (metal, tubing, etc.) • Secondary application: Stainless steel, high tensile steel a36T Iron WorkerTm Max RPM 6,100 5,100 5,100 4,400 4,400 4,400 3,700 3,700 a36r • Aluminum oxide grain; General purpose, long life • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Aluminum oxide grain • General purpose cool cutting on thin metals • Burr free finish • Primary application: Metal studding, thin rebar, light gauge metals Size (in) A B C Dia. Width Bore 10 3/32 5/8 12 3/32 1 12 3/32 1 14 3/32 1 14 3/32 1 14 3/32 1 16 3/32 1 16 3/32 1 • Aluminum oxide • General purpose, long life • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, angle iron, etc.) a24r Stud king® • • • • a24r Alum. – – – – – 24052 – – Qty. Per Box 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 Lbs. Per Box 20 11 11 16 16 16 23 23 A Dia. 2 2 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Size (in) B C Max Width Bore RPM 1/16 1/4 30,558 1/16 3/8 30,558 .035 1/4 30,558 .035 3/8 30,558 1/16 1/4 24,446 1/16 3/8 24,446 .035 1/4 24,446 .035 3/8 24,446 1/16 1/4 25,000 1/16 3/8 25,000 .035 1/4 25,000 .035 3/8 25,000 1/8 3/8 20,372 1/16 1/4 19,000 1/16 3/8 19,000 –continues – WWW.haNESSupply.COm A24R – – – – – – – – – – – – 23060 – – Grades Available Part Numbers A36T A60S 23004 – 23002 – 23012 – 23010 – 23022 – 23020 – 23032 – 23030 – 23042 – 23040 – 23052 – 23050 – – – 23067 – 23065 – A60T 23005 23003 23013 23011 23023 23021 23033 23031 23043 23041 23053 23051 – 23068 23066 Qty. Per Box 50 50 100 100 50 50 100 100 50 50 100 100 25 50 50 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 100 100 50 50 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 50 50 Lbs. Per Box 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 1 Thin High Speed Cut-Off Wheels (continued) C Bore 5/8 1/4 3/8 5/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 7/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 5/8 7/8 1-1/4 5/8 1-1/4 5/8 5/8 1-1/4 Max RPM 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 15,278 13,300 12,200 10,186 10,186 10,186 10,186 10,186 10,200 8,732 8,732 8,732 8,500 7,640 7,640 Grades Available Part Numbers A24R A36T A60S – 23061 – – 23071 – – 23069 – – 23063 – – – 23099 23075 – – – – 23101 – – 23103 – 23202 – – 23200 – – 23206 – – 23210 – – 23204 – – – 23106 – 23250 – – 23265 – – 23252 – – – 23107 – 23275 – – 23277 – Qty. Per Box 50 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 25 50 50 A60T 23062 23072 23070 23064 – – – – 23203 23201 23207 23211 23205 – 23251 23266 23253 – 23276 23278 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 100 100 100 25 100 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 25 50 50 Type 11 Cup Wheels a16 • Aluminum oxide grain • Coarse grit wheel for tough grinding applications • Excellent for cleaning castings, mold marks, removing flashing • Primary application: Ferrous metals - Available w/optional metal backing A Dia. 4 5 6 Size (in) B A1 Dia. Width 3 2 4 2 4-3/4 2 C Bore 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 Max. RPM 9,050 7,250 6,050 Part No. 26000 26010 26020 Metal Backing No. 26003 26013 26023 Type 16, 17,18 Cones & plugs • Aluminum oxide grain • For grinding & snagging in hard to reach areas • Fast stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • Packaging: 10 per box Size (in) A B C Grade Dia. Length Bore Available Type 16 Cone 1-1/4 3 3/8-24 A16 2 3 3/8-24 A16 2 3 5/8-11 A16 2-3/4 3-1/2 5/8-11 A16 Type 17 Cone 1-1/2 2-1/2 3/8-24 A20 1-1/2 2-1/2 5/8-11 A20 1-1/2 3 3/8-24 A16 1-1/2 3 5/8-11 A16 2 3 3/8-24 A16 2 3 5/8-11 A16 Type 18 Plug 1-1/2 2-1/2 3/8-24 A20 1-1/2 2-1/2 5/8-11 A20 1-1/2 3 3/8-24 A16 1-1/2 3 5/8-11 A16 2 3 3/8-24 A16 2 3 5/8-11 A16 Type 18R Plug 1-1/2 2-1/2 3/8-24 A20 1-1/2 2-1/2 5/8-11 A20 1-1/2 3 3/8-24 A16 1-1/2 3 5/8-11 A16 2 3 3/8-24 A16 2 3 5/8-11 A16 Qty. Per Box 12 6 5 Lbs. Per Box 18 17 18 Lbs. Per Box 5 5 5 5 2 4 2 2 8 8 5 5 5 2 12 6 4 2 7 7 resin bonded mounted points a36q • Aluminum oxide grain • For deburring & finishing • Fast stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds) • Shank length 1-1/2" a1 - a3 a4 a5 a11 a38 b52 “W” Shapes “O” = 1/2" “A” shapes are designed for offhand applications “B” shapes are designed for light deburring applications “W” shapes are for med. to heavy stock removal Mandrel overhang “O” must always be the lowest possible. Maximum speeds given refer to overhang “O” equal to 1/2" Type A1 A3 A4 A5 A11 A38 B52 W179 W189 W204 W208 W220 W222 W236 Size (in) Dia. 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 7/8 1 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1-1/2 Shank Dia. (in) 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Length 2-1/2 2-3/4 1-1/4 1-1/8 2 1 3/4 1-1/4 2 3/4 2 1 2 1/2 Part “O” = 1/2" No. Max RPM 27401 19,800 27402 16,100 27403 30,560 27404 45,000 27405 19,860 27406 34,500 27407 81,000 27408 45,750 27409 24,000 27410 42,750 27411 18,750 27412 25,500 27413 15,900 27414 25,470 Qty. Per Box 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type 27 Saitech Grinding Wheels Saitech attackerTm Max RPM Part No. Qty. Per Box Lbs. Per Box 29,000 18,100 18,100 13,200 25000 25005 25006 25008 10 10 10 10 3 6 7 13 24,100 24,100 24,100 24,100 18,100 18,100 25101 25102 25103 25104 25105 25106 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 4 6 5 24,100 24,100 24,100 24,100 18,100 18,100 25201 25202 25203 25204 25205 25206 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 6 10 11 24,100 24,100 24,100 24,100 18,100 18,100 25301 25302 25303 25304 25305 25306 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 6 6 8 9 • Extremely fast stock removal on hard metals with minimal pressure • Primary application: Stainless steel and other high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Saitech ultimate performanceTm (New & Improved Formula) • Combines fast stock removal with long life • Primary application: Stainless steel and other high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) - Now available with 3/8" arbor A Dia. 3 3 4 4 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 Size (in) B Width 3/16 1/4 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 C Bore 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Grades Available Part Numbers Max. RPM AttackerTM SaitechTM 18,000 – 20101 18,000 – 20102 13,500 – 20103 13,500 – 20112 13,500 20041 20014 13,300 20046 20064 13,300 20146 20164 12,200 20047 20074 12,200 20147 20174 8,500 20048 20084 8,500 20148 20089 6,600 20049 20094 6,600 20149 20099 Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 3 4 5 7 8 10 8 13 8 24 14 40 20 23 - 47 23 abrasives Size (in) B A Dia. Width 1/16 4 4 .035 4 .035 .035 4 4 .045 1/8 4 4-1/2 .045 5 .045 6 1/16 6 1/16 .035 6 6 .035 6 .035 6 .045 7 1/16 1/16 7 7 .035 .045 7 8 1/16 8 1/16 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Type 27 Saitech .045 Cutting Wheels SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 28 Depressed Center Saitech Grinding Wheels Saitech ultimate performance™ Saitech .045 abrasives 23 • Exclusive formula with patented 3M Cubitron grain • Combines maximum material removal with long life • Primary application: Stainless steel • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) • So unique it has a patent pending • Thin .045 width • Wheel can be mounted to right angle grinders with standard Type 27 flanges • Fast cutting with long life • Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 and Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available A Dia. 4 4-1/2 5 6 7 Size (in) B C Width Bore .045 5/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 Max. RPM 19,000 13,300 12,200 10,200 8,500 Part No. Saitech .045 22068 22072 22073 22082 22088 Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 Type 27 Saitech Cutting Wheels Qty. Per Ctn. 25 25 25 25 25 Lbs. Per Box 2 2 3 4 7 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Part No. Max. RPM SaitechTM 13,500 22014 13,300 22064 13,300 22069 12,200 22074 12,200 22079 8,500 22084 8,500 22089 6,600 22094 6,600 22099 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 3 7 5 7 5 18 10 21 11 • Designed and manufactured to perform both cutting and light grinding • Long life combined with versatility for the pipeline industry • Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) 23 - 48 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. S Pipe 22214 22264 22269 22274 22279 22284 22289 22294 22299 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Box 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 22 13 34 19 Type 1 Saitech Cut-Off Wheels for portable Saws Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 A Dia. 4 4-1/2 5 6 7 Size (in) B C Width Bore .045 5/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 7/8 .045 5/8 Part No. Max. RPM SaitechTM 19,000 23172 13,300 23174 12,200 23177 10,200 23182 8,500 23184 Qty. Per Box 25 25 25 25 25 Qty. Per Ctn. 25 25 25 25 25 Lbs. Per Box 2 2 3 4 7 Type 1 Saitech Thin high Speed Cut-Off Wheels Saitech ultimate performanceTm • Combines fast cutting with extremely long life • Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals SaitechTm pipeline (S pipe) Size (in) B Width 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 5/32 Part No. 21084 21089 21094 21099 Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 & Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" & a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available Type 27 Saitech Cutting & light Grinding Wheels A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 Max. RPM 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 • Thin .045 width • Use with reusable 5/8-11 adapter to fit right angle grinders • Combines fast cutting with extremely long life • Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals • Combines fast cutting with extremely long life for tough cutting applications • Ideal for foundry applications (gates, risers) • Primary application: Stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Ferrous metals (iron, steel, welds, etc.) Size (in) B Width 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/4 7/8 1/4 5/8-11 1/4 7/8 1/4 5/8-11 Saitech .045 Saitech ultimate performanceTm A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 A Dia. 7 7 9 9 - 1/4" shank adapters available Type 1 Saitech Thin High Speed Cut-Off Wheels (continued) Lbs. Per Box 7 7 5 6 5 13 8 21 11 A Dia. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/16 1/4 1/16 3/8 .035 1/4 .035 3/8 1/16 1/4 1/16 3/8 1/16 5/8 .035 1/4 .035 3/8 .035 5/8 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Part No. Max. TM RPM Saitech 25,000 23142 25,000 23140 25,000 23152 25,000 23150 19,000 23167 19,000 23165 19,000 23161 19,000 23171 19,000 23169 19,000 23163 Qty. Per Box 50 50 100 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 100 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 Lbs. Per Box 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. Type 1 high Speed Cut-Off Wheels for portable Saws Type 27 Grinding Wheels C24N • • • • Silicon carbide grain Soft bond for fast stock removal Primary application: Masonry, concrete, stone Secondary application: Cast iron & other ferrous metals Size (in) B Width 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. C24R 22017 22061 22161 20071 22171 22082 22087 22092 22097 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 7 8 6 10 6 24 14 39 20 • Silicon carbide grain • Long life • Primary application: Stone, brick, soft aggregate, masonry, concrete big m.a.C. • Special silicon carbide grain • Superior cutting action • 40% longer life than general purpose concrete wheels • Primary application: Masonry, Asphalt, Concrete Size (in) Part No. Qty. Qty. B C Max. Per Per Width Bore RPM C24R Box Ctn. 3/32 Dia (5/8) 10,500 23223 25 50 3/32 7/8 8,500 23233 25 50 3/32 Dia (5/8) 8,500 23235 25 50 3/32 5/8 8,500 23231 25 50 3/32 7/8 7,600 23257 25 50 3/32 Dia (5/8) 7,600 23259 25 50 3/32 5/8 7,600 23255 25 50 C24R *with Pinhole 1/8 1 6,300 23413 10 50 12 12 1/8 7/8 6,300 23402 10 50 1/8 20mm 6,300 23423 10 50 12 14* 1/8 1 5,400 23451 10 20 14 1/8 20mm 5,460 23456 10 20 M.A.C *with Pinhole 12 1/8 1 6,300 23460 10 50 12 1/8 20mm 6,300 23462 10 50 14* 1/8 1 5,400 23463 10 20 14 1/8 20mm 5,460 23464 10 20 A Dia. 6-1/2 7 7 7 8 8 8 Type 27 Cutting Wheels C24r • Silicon carbide grain • General purpose cutting, hard bond for long life • Primary application: Masonry, concrete, stone • Secondary application: Certain cast iron applications A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 Size (in) B Width 1/8 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 C Bore 5/8 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 7/8 5/8-11 Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 13,300 12,200 12,200 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. C24R 22017 22025 22125 22041 22141 22050 22051 22060 22061 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 100 100 40 100 40 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 3 5 7 7 5 14 9 22 12 Note: Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 & Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" available Type 28 Depressed Center Grinding Wheels • Silicon carbide grain • Soft bond for fast stock removal • Primary application: Masonry, concrete, stone A Dia. 7 7 9 9 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/4 7/8 1/4 5/8-11 1/4 7/8 1/4 5/8-11 Max. RPM 8,500 8,500 6,600 6,600 Part No. C24N 21002 21006 21012 21016 Qty. Per Box 25 10 25 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 40 50 40 Lbs. Per Box 22 13 34 19 Lbs. Per Box 7 9 9 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 16 15 14 14 18 18 14" (20mm) Now with higher RPM rating for STIHL saws Type 1 Wheels for brick, block, & masonry Cut-Off Saws C24r • • • • Silicon carbide grain General purpose, long life Square cutting Primary application: Masonry, concrete, stone, brick A Dia. 10 10 12 14* 16* 18 C24N 23 abrasives A Dia. 4 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5 7 7 9 9 C24r Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/8 5/8 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 5/32 1 3/16 1 Max. RPM 6,100 6,100 5,100 4,400 3,800 3,400 Part No. C24R 24003 24007 24023 24043 24073 24083 Qty. Per Box 25 25 10 10 10 5 Qty. Per Ctn. 50 50 50 20 20 20 Lbs. Per Box 23 23 14 19 29 22 *with Pinhole Type 1 Cut-Off Wheels for Street Saws C16 • Silicon carbide grain • Fast, free cutting • Primary application: Green concrete, asphalt C24r • Silicon carbide grain • Long, life • General purpose • Primary application: Masonry, concrete, block Street WalkertmTm • Silicon carbide grain • Hot pressed wheel • Combines fast cutting with long life • Primary application: Concrete, green concrete, asphalt A Dia. 14 14 14 14 14 Size (in) B C Width Bore 1/8 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 All wheels have pinhole WWW.haNESSupply.COm Max. RPM 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,365 4,365 Grades Available Part No. C16 C24R S.W. 24045 – – 24061 24060 – 24066 24065 – – – 24120 – – 24121 Qty. Per Box 10 5 5 10 10 Qty. Per Ctn. 20 10 10 50 50 Lbs. Per Box 19 12 16 27 36 23 - 49 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives Type 11 Cup Wheels SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. SaITblENDTm Discs (Cotton reinforced†) C16 a36F • Silicon carbide grain • Coarse grit for tough grinding applications • Excellent for cleaning castings, mold marks, and removing flashing • Primary application: Masonry, concrete, stone abrasives 23 • Aluminum oxide grain • Open pattern on wheel allows for cool blending & finishing w/o loading • A medium grit for finishes equal to an 80 grit coated disk • Flexible for smooth blending & finishing • Primary application: Stainless steel • Secondary application: Aluminum & non-ferrous materials. Ca16 • Combination of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide grains • Excellent for cleaning castings, mold marks, and removing flashing • Primary application: Use on combination of ferrous metals and/or concrete materials - Available with an optional metal backing A Dia. 4 4 5 5 6 6 Size (in) A1 B Dia. Width 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4-3/4 2 4-3/4 2 C Bore 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 Max. RPM 9,050 9,050 7,250 7,250 6,050 6,050 Grades Available C16 CA16 C16 CA16 C16 CA16 Metal Part Backing No. No. 26001 26004 26002 26005 26011 26014 26012 26015 26021 26024 26022 26025 a54F Qty. Per Box 12 12 6 6 5 5 Lbs. Per Box 17 18 15 15 16 18 Type 27 Grinding/blending Wheels a24 ua-mTX • Aluminum oxide grain • UA-MTX tough resin combined with coarse grit • Excellent for light or medium weld removal • Primary application: Grinding aluminum and other non-ferrous/ferrous materials • Secondary application: Stainless steel a54 ua-GFX • UA-GFX latex bond for weld blending & finishing • Primary applications: Stainless steel • Secondary application: Aluminum, non-ferrous materials † Cotton reinforced abrasive products are laminates of non-woven abrasive cotton fiber impregnated with abrasive grain. The abrasive grains and fibers are impregnated by a special process that provides superior bonding & consistency. Max. RPM 13,500 13,300 8,500 8,500 Max. RPM 13,300 8,500 Grades Available Part No. A36F A54F 29270 29271 29277 29278 Qty. Per Box 10 10 Lbs. Per Box 2 5 SAIT-LOK-R discs are made of multiple layers of cotton fiber abrasive impregnated material. These quick change discs produce a smooth finish in one step TM UA-GFX latex bond for weld blending Resilient for use on contours, non-loading Primary application: Stainless steel Secondary application: Aluminum, ferrous and-or non-ferrous materials Grades Available Part No. A24 A36 A54 29200 29201 29202 29206 29207 29208 29212 29213 29214 29222 29223 29224 TM † Cotton reinforced abrasive products are laminates of non-woven abrasive cotton fiber impregnated with abrasive grain. The abrasive grains and fibers are impregnated by a special process that provides superior bonding & consistency. SaIT-lOk-rTm Cotton Fiber Discs (Cotton reinforced†) a36 ua-GFX Size (in) A B C Dia. Width Bore 4 1/4 5/8 4-1/2 1/4 7/8 7 1/4 7/8 7 1/4 5/8-11 SAITBLEND™ discs combine the long life and durability of a bonded Type 27 wheel w/ the flexibility & finishing capabilities of a coated disc. There is no need to change discs to go from blending to final finishing. A single disc will quickly blend your weld & finish equivalent to an 80 grit resin fiber disc, & the SAITBLEND disc will outlast the fiber disc 20:1 Size (in) A C Dia. Bore 4-1/2 7/8 7 7/8 (Cotton reinforced†) • • • • • Aluminum oxide grain • A finer grit for finishes equal to a 100 grit coated disc • Primary application: Finishing stainless steel • Secondary application: Finishing aluminum Qty. Per Box 10 10 10 10 Lbs. Per Box 3 3 9 13 a24m • Aluminum oxide grain • Coarse grit w/medium flexibility for aggressive action • Primary application: Blending on stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Aluminum, ferrous and/or non-ferrous materials a36F • Medium grit w/higher flexibility for smoother action • Primary application: Blending on stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Aluminum, ferrous and/or non-ferrous materials a54F • Fine grit for higher flexibility for finishing • Primary application: Blending on stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Aluminum, ferrous and/or non-ferrous materials a80F • Finer grit for ultimate finishing • Primary application: Blending on stainless steel, high tensile alloys • Secondary application: Aluminum, ferrous and/or non-ferrous materials † Cotton reinforced abrasive products are laminates of non-woven abrasive cotton fiber impregnated with abrasive grain. The abrasive grains and fibers are impregnated by a special process that provides superior bonding & consistency. Size Dia. (in) 2 3 23 - 50 Max. RPM A24M 30,000 50300 20,000 50308 WWW.haNESSupply.COm Part Numbers A36F 50301 50309 A54F 50302 50310 A80F 50303 50311 Qty. Per Box 25 25 Lbs. Per Box 1 2 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives hand and Floor rubs SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. • Removes form marks • Primary application: Concrete • Configurations available: plain - For cleaning castings & dressing bench grinding wheels Fluted - For extra shearing action handle - For extra comfort & working overhead Scored - Breaks into two 4 x 2 x 2 floor rubs Width 2 2 2 3 3-1/2 2 2 2 Height 2 2 2 1 1-1/2 2 2 2 Part Desc. Grade No. Plain C24R 25010 Fluted C24R 25020 Fluted C24R 25030 Handle C24R 25040 Handle C24R 25050 Scored C10R 25060 Scored C24R 25061 Scored C80R 25062 a60r • Aluminum oxide grain • For deburring & finishing • Primary application: Ferrous metals • Shank length 1-1/2" Qty. Per Box 6 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 a12 Lbs. Per Box 7 10 12 10 19 14 14 14 - Type 1 bench Grinding Wheels • Aluminum oxide grain • General purpose • For sharpening tools & light stock removal • Primary application: Ferrous metals (carbon steel, steel, iron, forgings, etc.) GC • • • • Green silicon carbide grain Extremely sharp grain for faster, burr free cutting Use on carbide tipped tools, cast iron Primary application: Ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals Reduction bushings enclosed with each wheel 6", 7" 3/4, 5/8, 1/2 8" 3/4, 5/8 10" 1, 3/4 12", 14" 1-1/4, 1 A Dia. 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 12 14 Size (in) B Width 1/2 3/4 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 1 1-1/2 2 2 C Bore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 Max. RPM 4,138 4,138 4,138 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 2,483 2,483 2,069 1,773 A24 – – – – – – – – – 28060 28070 A Dia. 6 6 7 8 10 10 12 14 Size (in) B Width 3/4 1 1 1 1 1-1/2 2 2 C Bore 1 1 1 1 1-1/4 1-11/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 Max. RPM 4,138 4,138 3,600 3,600 2,483 2,483 2,069 1,773 Grades Available Part Numbers GC60 GC80 GC120 28100 28101 28102 28103 28104 28105 28113 28114 28115 28123 28124 28125 28140 28141 28142 28150 28151 28152 28160 28161 28162 28170 28171 28172 Green Silicon Carbide Grades Available Part Numbers A36 A46 A60 28003 – 28004 28000 – 28001 28006 – 28007 28010 – 28011 28013 – 28014 28020 28021 28023 – 28024 28040 28043 28041 28050 28053 28051 28063 28061 28062 28073 28071 28072 Wt. (lbs) 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3-1/2 6-1/2 10 19-1/2 28 A80 28005 28002 28008 28012 28015 28022 28025 28042 28052 – – Lbs. Per Box 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 4-1/2 7 10 19-1/2 28 a4 a5 a36 a11 a25 a38 b52 b111 b121 “A” shapes are designed for offhand applications “B” shapes are designed for light deburring applications “W” shapes are for medium to heavy stock removal Mandrel overhang “O” must always be the lowest possible. Maximum speeds given refer to overhang “O” equal to 1/2" Type A1 A3 A4 A5 A11 A12 A21 A25 A36 A38 B52 B111 B121 W160 W177 W189 W196 W204 W208 W215 W220 W222 W225 W236 a aluminum Oxide a1 a3 a21 Size (in) Dia. 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 7/8 11/16 1 1 1-5/8 1 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 Length 2-1/2 2-3/4 1-1/4 1-1/8 2 1-1/4 1 Round 3/8 1 3/4 11/16 1/2 1/4 3/4 2 1 3/4 2 1/8 1 2 1/4 1/2 Shank Dia. (in) 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Part No. 27010 27020 27030 27035 27040 27050 27060 27070 27086 27088 27110 27120 27130 27308 27310 27327 27329 27320 27330 27338 27360 27340 27350 27349 pressure Sensitive adhesive paper Discs Stearate "O" = 1/2" Max RPM 19,800 16,100 30,560 45,000 19,860 48,000 34,500 35,620 23,520 34,500 45,370 33,750 45,370 81,370 33,750 24,000 35,250 42,750 18,750 38,200 25,500 15,900 30,560 25,470 Qty. Per Box 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 “W” Shapes “O” = 1/2" • • • • Open coat structure prevents loading Use dry only Excellent for automotive body work For removing varnish from wood or sanding fiberglass in the marine industry • Primary application: Body filler, paint, fiberglass, etc. • Secondary Size Part Nos. Part Nos. application: Ferrous (in) Grit w/o Vaccuum Holes w/Vaccuum Holes &/or non-ferrous 5" 80D 36500 36510 materials (5 Vacuum 100B 36501 36511 • Available in weights: Holes) 120B 36502 36512 “b” - light weight, 150B 36503 36513 high flexibility 180B 36504 36514 220B 36505 36515 “D” - heavy weight, low flexibility 240B 36506 36516 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 6" (6 Vacuum Holes) 320B 400B 80D 100B 120B 150B 180B 220B 240B 320B 400B 36508 36509 36600 36601 36602 36603 36604 36605 36606 36608 36609 36518 36519 36610 36611 36612 36613 36614 36615 36616 36618 36619 23 - 51 23 abrasives Type Length 4 HR202 HR241 6 HR242 8 HR252 6 HR250 8 8 FR521 FR521 8 FR521 8 Size (in) Vitrified mounted points Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives SaIT aCCESSOrIES SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. backing pads for resin Fiber Discs • Spiralcool backing pads’ exclusive rubber, fabric, and fiber board construction provide extra strength and reliability • Spiral ribs provide contact points and form channels for air flow extending disc life 30% to 50% • Each pad is supplied with a nut as indicated • For the 10mm arbor pad specify nut: #95044 for 1.5 nut or #95043 for 1.25 nut TM Size (in) 4 4-1/2* 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 7 7 9 abrasives 23 NOTE: This backing pad is not to be used SAIT-LOKTM quick change fiber discs Arbor 5/8-11 Thread 5/8 1/2 10mm 14mm 5/8 5/8-11 Thread 5/8-11 Thread 5/8-11 Thread Grade Available Part No. Soft Med. Hard – 95010 – – 95011 – – 95012 – – 95013 – – 95015 – – 95016 – 95017 – – – 95018 95019 95020 95021 95022 Max. RPM 12,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 10,000 7,000 8,500 6,500 * 95011 also used on SAITBLEND discs TM SaIT-lOkTm backing pads for resin Fiber Discs • • • • Smooth face backing pad for SAIT-LOC fiber disc Minimizes change-over downtime No additional mounting hardware required Each pad is supplied with nut and washers TM NOTE: SAIT-LOKTM disc must be used with threaded backing pad Size (in) *4-1/2 x 5/8-11 4-1/2 x 5/8-11 *5 x 5/8-11 5 x 5/8-11 7 x 5/8-11 9 x 5/8-11 Part No. 95023 95025 95024 95026 95027 95028 *Low profile for short spindles Center Nuts • For attaching fiber discs to backing pad and tool • Use small* for 4", 4-1/2", 5" diameter pads • Use large* for 7", 9" diameter pads Description 5/8-11 Small* 5/8-11 Large* 1/2-13 M10 x 1.25 M10 x 1.5 M14 x .0 Part No. 95040 95041 95042 95043 95044 95045 Type 1 Cut-Off adapters • For use with Type 1 Thin High Speed Cut-Off wheels only Shank Arbor 1/4 x 1/4 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 23 - 52 Part No. 95002 95003 95004 Type 27 reusable adapter kit • For use with Type 27 wheels on 7" and 9" 5/8-11 spindle grinders • Alternative to a throwaway hub Description Reusable Adapter Kit Part No. 95000 Type 1 & 27 reusable 5/8-11 adapter • Reusable 5/8-11 adapter for use on Type 1 and Type 27 reinforced wheels with a 7/8 arbor, a max. diameter of 5" and a wheel thickness of .045 to 1/8" Part No. Description 5/8-11 Reusable Adapter 95055 Type 1 Cut-Off Wheel reducing bushings • For use with Type 1 Cut-Off wheels • Reduces wheel arbor size • Skin packaged in quantities of 10 per pkg. Size Part No. 95030 1-5/8 1-20mm 95031 95032 1-7/8 1-3/4 95033 7/8-5/8 95034 Dia. 5/8 95035 Dia. 1/2 95036 1/2-3/8 95037 pSa backing pads • For use with PSA adhesive backed sanding discs • 1/4" Shank pads • Threaded pads for dual action/random orbital sanders and right angle grinders/sanders Size (in) 1-1/2 x 1/4 2 x 1/4 3 x 1/4 4 x 1/4 5 x 1/4 Part No. 95060 95061 95062 95063 95064 7 x 5/8-11 8 x 5/8-11 95068 95067 5 x 5/16-24 5 x 5/16-24 5 holes 6 x 5/16-24 6 x 5/16-24 6 holes 95065 95085 95066 95086 Challenger backing pad • For use with Challenger flexible grinding/blending wheels • Set includes 5/8-11 nut and pad Description Pad for 4-1/2 & 5" Challenger Pad for 7" Challenger WWW.haNESSupply.COm Part No. 95039 95038 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com Abrasives hook & loop backing pads for paper Discs SAIT - United Abrasives, Inc. SaIT-lOk-rTm backing pads (Type r) for laminated, Surface Conditioning & Cotton Fiber Discs • For use with SAIT-LOK-R laminated surface conditioning discs, cotton fiber discs • Nylon threaded hub of disc twists into backing pad for secure fit • Minimizes change-over downtime • 1/4" shank • For use with Hook & Loop backed paper discs • Available in 5/16-24 thread Description 5 x 5/16-24 5 x 5/16-24 5 holes 5 x 5/16-24 8 holes 6 x 5/16-24 6 x 5/16-24 6 holes TM Part No. 95047 95057 95058 95046 95056 Size (in) 1-1/2" Medium 2" Medium 3" Medium for laminated & Surface Conditioning Discs • For use with SAIT-LOK laminated & surface conditioning discs • Disc twists into metal threaded center of backing pad for fast and easy disc changes • 1/4" shank TM Size (in) 1" Medium 1-1/2" Medium 2" Medium 3" Medium Part No. 95165 95166 95167 95165 23 abrasive Cleaning Stick abrasives SaIT-lOkTm backing pads (Type S) Part No. 95171 95172 95173 • • • • For removing loaded material from sanding belts Increases abrasive life 100% natural rubber; environmentally safe Lasts twice as long as conventional (crepe) belt cleaners and will not cause gummy residue • Size: 1-5/8" x 1-5/8" x 8" Description Part No. Abrasive Cleaning Stick 95083 WWW.haNESSupply.COm 23 - 53 Complete Contractor and Industrial Supplier • Sling and Rigging Specialist Since 1930 Visit us online at www.hanessupply.com NOTES abrasives 23 23 - 54 WWW.haNESSupply.COm
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