the Saratoga Special - This is Horse Racing
the Saratoga Special - This is Horse Racing
Year 16 • No. 31 Friday, September 2, 2016 The aratoga Roller Girl Coasted cruises home in P.G. Johnson MADE YOU LOOK WINS WITH ANTICIPATION • WHO MADE YOUR PICNIC TABLE? • ENTRIES & RESULTS Tod Marks Saratoga’s Daily Newspaper on Thoroughbred Racing since 2001 2 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 here&there... at Saratoga BY THE NUMBERS 6: Training runs on the 5-mile trail at the Saratoga Spa State Park for The Special’s Joe Clancy and Tom Law in August in preparation for Saturday’s Run for the Horses 5K. Depending on how you look at it, they’re probably over the top, they might bounce or they could need a race. And rabbits won’t help them. Lots: Of slots available in Saturday’s Run for the Horses 5K at Saratoga Spa State Park. Check out at for more information. 19: Cases of empty Corona bottles stacked outside a dorm room Wednesday morning. 2:30: Time writer Dave Grening’s alarm clock went off Wednesday morning so he could get to Saratoga from home and still see morning training. LICENSE PLATES OF THE DAY SHAVINGS: New York. EASYGOER: New York. NAMES OF THE DAY Bermuda Triangle, 10th race. The 3-year-old gelding is by Stormy Atlantic. Crackerjack Jones, ninth race. Chester and Mary Broman’s 6-year-old, who runs in the Evan Shipman Stakes, is by Smarty Jones out of Confidently. Two Pump, eighth race. The 5-year-old mare is by Second In Command out of Lite My Pumpkin. Feels Like Fall. Check that calendar, it’s September people. Connie Bush Have you seen Sense? No stallion standing for less than $75,000 can top Street Sense’s percentage of G1 horses from starters. Darley STREET SENSE Street Cry – Bedazzle (Dixieland Band) 859-255-8537 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 3 QUOTE OF THE DAY “Welcome to one of the great cathedrals of Thoroughbred racing around the world.” NYRA’s Jason Blewitt, opening the in-house show Wednesday here&there... at Saratoga WORTH REPEATING “I never get banged at the draw. Nobody wants to ride my horses.” Jockey, Wednesday morning “The first, the second and the 13th. Guess I’ll take a nap.” Jockey Dylan Davis, going over his Travers Day assignments “Second best place to be on Travers Saturday.” Former Special writer Quint Kessenich, as he sat at the Maryland State Fair in Timonium Saturday 800-523-8143 “Can we institute a countdown number on the handicappers’ page – the daily (current) number needed for John Shapazian to win the contest?” Suggestion from dedicated reader Don Reed. (somebody figure out the magic number) NAME OF THE DAY “John Shapazian is the Arrogate of Saratoga handicappers.” Dedicated reader Jerry Wisniewski, echoing the sentiments of Reed and many others Belle Et Bete, fifth race. The 4-year-old filly is by Big Bad Bob out of Petite Cherie. Her name – Beauty and the Beast in French – is the title of the original French fairytale. “I’m giving my head a break.” Kevin “The Brooklyn Cowboy” Cox, who did not wear a cowboy hat to the races Wednesday YOUR SOURCE FOR NY-BREDS Phone: (518) 423-2028 “You’re only as good as your horses. As long as I’ve got horses like that I’m in good shape.” Trainer Arnaud Delacour, who won two Grade 1s at the meet with A. P. Indian “It’s all about food on the corner.” Mike Balfe, Mayor of Balfe’s Corner, presiding over a debate about the merits of chowder, pizza, a sandwich and placing a wager Thursday afternoon Building Speed for the Future... DAAHER Awesome Again – Irish Cherry, by Irish Open ALBERTUS MAXIMUS Kent Barnes, Stallion Manager 859-224-4585 Editors/Publishers Sean Clancy: (302) 545-7713. Joe Clancy: (302) 545-4424. Managing Editor Tom Law: (859) 396-9407. Writers/Handicappers: Charles Bedard, Gaile Fitzgerald, Teresa Genaro, Ben Gowans, Annise Montplaisir, John Shapazian, Michael Smith, Chad Summers, Shayna Tiller, Brandon Valvo. Photographers: Tod Marks, Dave Harmon, Connie Bush, Susie Raisher. Layout/Design: Linzay Marks. Distribution: Jack Clancy, Nolan Clancy, Gabe McGarry. 4 Albert the Great – Chasethewildwind, by Forty Niner The aratoga 112 Spring Street, Suite 205 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Published Wednesday through Sunday* during the racing season. Every day of Sales Week Aug. 8-14. *No edition Aug. 11, Sept. 1 The Saratoga Special The Saratoga Special, Thoroughbred Racing Calendar, The Best of The Saratoga Special. Call us about your editorial needs. Home Office: 364 Fair Hill Drive, Suite F, Elkton, MD 21921 (410) 392-5867 • Fax (410) 392-0170 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Sport of Kings Opens its Doors to All. 2017 TRD r SE H OR R AC I NG ’ S P R E M I E R C ON V E N T IO ESTD N r MRK MMXV The first-ever international horse-racing convention, trade show and fan festival. AU G U S T 1 3 - 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 S A R AT O G A S P R I N G S , N Y #EQcon17 | | @equestricon Friday, September 2, 2016 Equestricon @EQconvention The Saratoga Special 5 here& Saratoga “Yeah, I thought I got away with something, didn’t you?” Jockey Mike Smith on Drefong’s opening quarter-mile of :23.11 en route to winning the King’s Bishop WORTH REPEATING “I should have just rented a place here and flown back there to ride on the weekdays.” Smith, after winning his fourth Grade 1 stakes at Saratoga “There’s no sense going to the Bugatti dealership if all you can afford is a Hyundai.” Trainer Clovis Crane, on shopping at Keeneland September after Book 1 “Any press is good press.” Owner Tom Gallo, dispensing media advice “I kid them, ‘We’re only 28 behind.’ ” Trainer Shug McGaughey, about making the trainers’ race interesting “When he was young and would come up here, I’d go home and want to rest. He’d say, ‘Drop me off at the front gate’ and he’d go to the races all day.” McGaughey, on his son Reeve who is working in the barn this summer with eyes on becoming a trainer Maggie Kimmitt Railkids. Two young racing fans wonder what happened to their horse – and to their summer – on the backside last week. Raising and Selling Racehorses ® and its affiliate ® Contact: Headley c: 859.221.5108 Price c: 859.321.5117 Mill Ridge Moments 6 NICOMA John Stephen Hockensmith © The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 The Chief . . . Day 31 Building two-year-olds one individual at a time (859) 312-3414 | “I always had my pony and a working pony. I bought that old white pony, Whitey, for $425 from a cowboy in California. He had a nice little way of going, you could sit to his trot, I got to liking him so I bought him. Sure enough, my pony boy clips him and I go to get on him the next day. He was only 4 at the time, he had that little round back, the saddle wasn’t quite tight, I put my foot in the stirrup and it kind of turned a little bit and he went to crow hopping, it wasn’t three minutes and it was all over Santa Anita, how the cowboy (screwed) Allen Jerkens, sold him a bronc. If he knew I was going to still have him 20 years later, he would have asked more than four and a quarter.” Proud to support Thoroughbred aftercare Fore Furlongs. – Trainer Allen Jerkens 1929-2015 The New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association | 516.488.2337 visit us on Facebook Connie Bush (859) 224-2756 of the day Visit our website or call 518.388.0174 to learn about the advantages of breeding a registered NY-BRED. | 518.587.0777 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 7 with Phil Serpe Every day at Saratoga, The Special presents an exclusive Stable Tour with a Saratoga trainer. For more, see Training hours were finishing up on the main track as the final horse to train out of Phil Serpe’s barn Thursday morning cooled out in a walking ring under a sign that reads Blue Heaven and hangs high on a telephone pole. “Blue Heaven is actually a little restaurant in Key West, a cool little spot, you would love it,” Serpe said, sitting at a table under a big shade tree that kept half of Barn 22 covered at that point of the morning. “It’s in an old house but you sit out back and there’s chickens running around, stuff like that, typical Key West. They make great Floridian dishes. We don’t drink, but you can sit there and have a mimosa or orange juice and they’ll have music. They had this cool threepiece band one time from Tennessee or something, two guys and a girl, and one guy is playing the banjo, the harmonica and he’s playing the drum with his heel. They were playing something, sounded like mountain music. It was great. “We love Blue Heaven. And this is our Blue Heaven. Sometimes up here people say, ‘I can’t wait to go home.’ No way. I love it here.’ This is a great place for man and beast. If you don’t 8 love Saratoga you’re in the wrong business. Sure you get tired but so what.” Serpe’s 17-member Saratoga string is bedded down in one of the green barns that parallel the backstretch. You can see the his barn from the grandstand, though it’s a world away. Serpe oversees morning training from a director’s chair along the white board fence next to the horse path and his assistant and girlfriend Lisa Bartkowski breezes, gallops and jogs most of the horses in the barn. They’ve won two races from 17 starts at the meet and hope for more as Monday’s Closing Day looms. Multiple stakes winner Weekend Hideaway provided one of the wins, taking a state-bred allowance Aug. 22 for his 11th win from 33 starts. Weekend Hideaway races for the Red and Black Stable of Mike Hoffman, who bought the 6-year-old as a yearling at a dispersal of horses owned by the late Carl Lizza and his Flying Zee Stable in 2011. Hoffman is one of several clients that helped build Serpe’s barn back in the years following Lizza’s death in July 2011, along with Hilly Fields Stable, Drawing Away Stable and more recently Chester and Mary Broman and Daniel Burke “Just getting a few horses for Mr. Broman has been a big plus for us,” Serpe said. “He’s such a good guy and the same thing as with Mr. Lizza, when you get those guys it’s an opportunity. He’s got a lot of trainers and he’s got a lot of nice horses. He’s taken the New York-bred thing to its highest level. “The Jerkenses, Jimmy and his father (the late Hall of Famer Allen Jerkens), both trained for Mr. Burke and Jimmy recommended he come over here.” Serpe took some time after training and before putting in entries for the final two cards of the meeting to talk about some of his Saratoga string with The Special’s Tom Law. Undertherain: Four-year-old daughter of Warrior’s Reward finished fourth in $40,000 claiming race on the grass Aug. 12. “She’s pretty much a $40,000, $50,000 claiming horse that we have for the Hilly Fields guys, who also have Lady Joan. She likes to finish second when she runs big, she never really likes to win. She’s supposed to run Closing Day (and got in the fifth race). Hopefully she’ll do us some justice.” Lady Joan: New York-bred filly by Coura- geous Cat finished sixth in Thursday’s P. G. Johnson Stakes. “We like her. You saw her in the paddock the other day. Is she a New The Saratoga Special York-bred? Yes, but I don’t know if anybody’s noticed, New York-breds are winning an awful lot of big races the last few years.” Preying Mantis: Broman homebred daughter of Medaglia d’Oro finished fourth in Lynbrook Stakes in career debut last year and is 0-for-9 lifetime. “She got rained out unfortunately. Jimmy Jerkens, we’re like brothers, he had the horse. Chester sent him some other horse so Jimmy sent the horse over to us with Chester’s permission. She finished second the first time we ran her and I think we ran her back a little quickly. She ran fourth and was in last weekend but the race was rained out.” Shadow Of A Doubt: Broman homebred 2-year-old by Noonmark is second foal out of Storm Cat mare Rumors Of Glory and is half-brother to two-time winner and $134,320-earner earner Thirst For Glory. He’s in Sunday’s sixth race sprinting on the turf. “He ran in an off-the-turfer, finished eighth and didn’t do too good. He just needs experience.” Disavow: The Bromans purchased son of Mission Impazible as a weanling for $24,000 at 2014 Fasig-Tipton Saratoga fall mixed sale. “Another nice one Chester sent us. He’s by Mission Impazible, who’s doing well. We’re excited about him. He was just about ready to run and he wrenched his ankle in the stall the night we had the big storm, a couple Saturdays ago. The lightning hit right over there, the horses were going crazy and the next day his leg was all filled up. He’s fine now and he’s about to breeze again but he won’t get to run here. He’ll run down at Belmont. Friday, September 2, 2016 Stable Tour – Continued from page 8 Indygita: Drawing Away’s 4-year-old Indygo Shiner filly finished second in Thursday’s seventh race, a starter allowance on the grass, after a fifth in similar race Aug. 7. “She’d been knocking on the door, got kind of a rough trip last time. She’s been a good honest horse for us.” Get them back on track Front: Fifth in state-bred allowance race on the grass won by Orino Aug. 20, he’s won six times, including three on the grass at Belmont. “Another one Jimmy used to have. He’s just a good old codger. He’s 6 years old. We train some horses for Drawing Away Stable and they claim some horses. Again, with the void of not having the Flying Zee horses anymore, we’re just trying to get some horses, get on track, get some wins. He seems like he’s pretty fond of the turf course down at Belmont so we’re excited to get him back down there.” FAIR HILL EQUINE THERAPY CENTER Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Conditioning Unnamed filly by First Samurai-Regal Ruby, by Rubiano: Bay filly soaks up some sun and poses as Jane Burke snaps a photo. “There she is, she’s a pretty nicely made filly. She’s nowhere near race ready, just worked a couple three eighths for us and that’s it. She looks the part, just not far enough along for us to know how good she is. We’re pretty excited and Mr. Burke actually bred a couple horses that broke their maidens here this meet. He’s a smaller breeder. We just met them up here and they’re really nice people.” for the Equine Athlete Fair Hill Equine Therapy Center is a state-of-the-art facility that houses the latest in technological equipment, designed to promote a safe and rapid advancement for horses recovering from injury or returning from a rest. Artie Crasher: Fifth in waiver claiming race Aug. 19, 5-year-old son of Artie Schiller won and was claimed by Serpe for $35,000 last November at Aqueduct. “We claimed him for Drawing Away Stable. We were just getting ready to run him on the turf down at Gulfstream and he was injured. He came back here off a nine-month layoff and he ran fifth. We were going to try and get him in a race here but there aren’t any for him.” Weekend Hideaway: “Like Sean wrote he’s the last of the Flying Zee horses that we bred for the Lizzas. He’s a great horse. If he needs a little break he comes back running. If he runs a bad race he comes back running. He really is a good horse when you consider he’s 6 years old and he’s won races every year. He’s a personality horse and people like him. Mike wants to run him in a big race next; I just like winning races with him. Winning races is good for people and it’s good for horses, too. Those horses that are good horses, proud horses, it takes a little notch out of them when they get beat sometimes. He’s gone in his little cycles, but again, you freshen him up a little and he comes back for you. He’s been a real Godsend for us. We’ll keep going, see what happens.” Friday, September 2, 2016 visit our website for comprehensive videos NEW Aqua Pacer Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Cold Salt Spa Dry Salt Vapor Therapy Vibration Therapy Solarium Fair Hill Training Center 721 Training Center Drive, Elkton, Maryland 21921 Bruce Jackson Cell: 610-496-5080 • Office: 410-620-2175 • Fax: 410-620-2176 • The Saratoga Special 9 State-bred Showdown Veteran Royal Posse bids for second stakes win of meet Royal Posse looms large in today’s Evan Shipman for trainer Rudy Rodriguez. 10 Tod Marks BY TOM LAW & LINZAY MARKS EVAN SHIPMAN STAKES PREVIEW Fourth in the trainer standings with 11 wins, Rudy Rodriguez is in the midst of a career meet at Saratoga. The same can be said for Charlton Baker, with nine victories and tied with six others for the sixth spot on the same list. Something’s got to give in today’s $100,000 Evan Shipman Stakes for New York-breds and perhaps it’s the man with two slots in the starting gate with the advantage. Rodriguez holds that distinction and sends out Royal Posse, a winner over open company in the Alydar Stakes Aug. 7, and Good Luck Gus, winner of the Haynesfield in February at Aqueduct and third last time out in the Saginaw at Belmont Park July 8. Baker goes with Saginaw winner Wake Up In Malibu, fourth in his Continued On Page 12 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 oks o B ntry t E e Pr ne a onli dMi n a l Mar y Horses by these stallions, who were conceived in Maryland and fully nominated/certified to the Maryland Million program, are eligible to run in Maryland Million races. Aaron’s Concorde Admiral Alex Ameri Valay Amerrico’s Bullet Appealing Skier Awad Bishop’s Other Boy Bowman’s Band Bullsbay Call Again Cal Nation Cat Country Cherokee’s Boy Citidancer Country Only Crowd Pleaser Cruisin’ Dixie Crypto Star Cuba Dance With Ravens Deputed Testamony Deputy Storm Diamond Disco Rico Domestic Dispute Dr. Best Dumyat Eastern Echo Elusive Charlie Etched Eternal Star Fantasticat Fleet Foot Friesan Fire Gators N Bears Go for Gin Goldmember Great Notion Greek Sun Gyrfalcon (GB) Hawk in Flight Java Royal Jazz Club Ken Doll Knight of Ireland Ladinos Bambino La Reine’s Terms Larrupin’ Lion Hearted Lord Concorde Louis Quatorze Love of Money M Eighty Makin Money Marciano McKendree Meadow Monster Medallist Mogador Mojave Moon Money’s Star Mr. Shoplifter Nicanor No Armistice Not For Love One Golf Sierra Ops Smile Oratory Orientate Outflanker Parker’s Storm Cat Partner’s Hero Perfecting Polish Miner Polish Payola Precious Marque Pulverizing Purple Passion Que Man Redeemed Regal American Rinka Das Rock Slide Root Boy Rush Bay Same Day Delivery Scipion Seeking Daylight Smart Guy Standing Room Only St Averil Sticks and Bricks Street Magician Swear by Dixie Tomahawk Lake Touch ‘n’ Fly (Ire) Trevor Trial Prep Trim Account Two Punch Unbridled Jet Unbridled Mate Waquoit Wayne County (Ire) Who’s Your Daddy Yarrow Brae Over $1 million! IN PURSES AND NOMINATOR AWARDS For Condition Books and more information contact Racing Office at 800.638.1859 or Maryland Million Ltd. at 410.252.2100 Georganne Hale, Racing Secretary/Coleman E. Blind, Stakes Coordinator Laurel Park 1.800.638.1859 or fax 301.725.4561 • PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2016 The above list shows nominated stallions with horses of racing age. Stallion must have been nominated for the specific year the horse was conceived. If the race does not have 6 Maryland Million-eligible horses at entry time, not including cross-entered horses, the race will be opened up to registered Maryland-breds that were pre-entered. Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 11 Evan Shipman – Continued from page 10 prep going 7 furlongs in the slop Aug. 10. Royal Pose is 4-for-6 at Saratoga and the 8-5 morning-line favorite for owners Michael Dubb, Bethlehem Stable and Gary Aisquith. “He’s a nice horse, he loves Saratoga,” Rodriguez said during training hours Monday. “He came back from the (Alydar) very good and you know, he’s ready to go so we are just going to see how it goes. We know he likes Saratoga, we know he likes a mileand-an-eighth. He’s been here training very good. So far so good.” Royal Posse tracked the early speed of Touchofstarquality while racing inside in the early stages of the Alydar before inching close at the quarter pole. The 5-year-old son of Posse engaged Touchofstarquality inside the eighth pole and finally put that rival away inside the final sixteenth under Irad Ortiz Jr., who rides the gelding back in the Evan Shipman. Rodriguez, who won the Saratoga Dew with Jules N Rome and Cab Calloway division of the New York Stallion Series with Uno Emayo at the meet, expects Royal Posse to be in a similar spot in the Shipman. “Royal Posse is going to be placed a lot more forward, hopefully he gets himself in a good spot,” the trainer said. Good Luck Gus’ style compliments the favorite 12 he comes from farther back. The 4-year-old son of Lookin At Lucky, winner of the Albany Stakes last summer at Saratoga, closed from last in the Haynesfield and put in a big run from far back in an allowance race in the mud on Preakness Day at Pimlico when second to Cat Fiftyfive. “Good Luck Gus, he usually comes from way out of it,” Rodriguez said. “He’s another one, a very solid horse for us. He always tries. I think we are in a good spot. Only five horses in the race, so hopefully somebody chases (the speed).” The speed figures to be Wake Up In Malibu, although he could get company on the front from the other two in the field, John Morrissey runner-up Crackerjack Jones and Ostrolenka, who was effective running at or near the lead at times as a 2- and 3-yearold. Good Luck Gus will look to be closing late. Wake Up In Malibu, a 5-year-old son of Malibu Moon Baker described as a mellow horse in the stall who can get a little hyped up on the racetrack, prepped in the slop in his first Saratoga appearance this season. He won for a $35,000 tag here last summer and was claimed by John Parisella. Tod Marks Parisella quit training this year and owners Saul and Max Kupferberg sent Wake Up In Malibu to Baker. His first two starts for Baker were a second to eventual Curlin Stakes winner Connect in an allowance race Continued On Page 13 From start to finish...30 years running! Saturday, October 8, 2016 Post Time 7:05 PM TV Coverage on Fox Sports Network, Comcast Mid-Atlantic & TVG2 12 Featuring the West Virginia Breeders Classics, Ltd. • P.O. Box 1251 • Charles Town,WV 25414 • 304-725-0709 And the Breeders Classics Races CAROL HOLDEN - PRES. • THERESA BITNER - EXEC. SEC. SAM HUFF - CHAIRMAN EMERITUS West Virginia Breeders Classic The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 Evan Shipman – Continued from page 12 Belmont Stakes Day and a 2 1/4-length win over Royal Posse in the Saginaw. “He’s a better two-turn, distance horse,” Baker said. “We tried to sprint him … but I don’t really think that’s his thing. His last race was a good race, he just got rushed off his feet a little bit. He likes to settle into a nice good pace, that’s his thing.” Wake Up In Malibu is the 5-2 second choice on the morning line and Manny Franco, who rode the gelding in his last two starts, gets the return call. After finishing a late-running third behind Moonlight Song and Ostrolenka in the John Morrissey, Crackerjack Jones returns to Saratoga from Finger Lakes. Chris Progno breezed the 6-year-old Smarty Jones gelding twice at his home base and likes his chances stretching out after a good effort sprinting. Crackerjack Jones won going long after sprint preps in 2014 and 2015, the first time winning a 1-mile and 70-yard allowance after a runner-up finish going 6 furlongs and the second winning going 1 mile after a third going 6 furlongs. “He loves the first time stretching out after a sprint,” Progno said Thursday as he watched the field for the finale in the paddock. “Every time I’ve done that he’s won. It’s been at Finger Lakes mind you but he’s done it. First time routing is his thing. “Most of the time when he comes here people think of him as a 6-, 6 1/2-furlong horse but routing is his thing. If you want to go back in the stats there are only two races he’s been defeated routing. One was at Presque Isle Downs, on Tapeta, and he hated that track. The Tapeta really tore him up bad and a month later I ran him in the Genessee Valley on an off track and he finished second. Then he rebounded in the Fio Rito at a mile and an eighth and he won that.” Ostrolenka is the 3-1 third choice for trainer Todd Pletcher. A 4-yearold son of Musket Man, who breeder and co-owner Eric Fein campaigned to thirds in the 2009 Kentucky Derby and Preakness, Ostrolenka won the Sleepy Hollow at 2 and Mike Lee at 3. He lost seven straight after his Mike Lee victory until an allowance score at Belmont June 25. Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 13 FRIDAY SARATOGA ENTRIES Friday, September 2. 1ST (1:00PM). $25,000, CLM $12,500, 3 YO’S & UP, F & M , 7F Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Pic 5, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............Aix En Provence.............. J. Ortiz.............................. G. Gullo......................... 5-2 2 ..... 2.............Hold Me Down................ I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... A. Ronen....................... 3-1 3 ..... 3.............Chickaletta...................... L. Saez.............................. J. Englehart................... 7-2 4 ..... 4.............The Lost Tigress............. S. Camacho, Jr................. C. Baker......................... 5-1 5 ..... 5.............Silver Silence.................. E. Esquivel........................ R. D’Alessandro.......... 12-1 6 ..... 6.............My Jimmy Chew Girl....... J. Alvarado....................... G. Matties.................... 12-1 7 ..... 7.............Spectacular Flash............ R. Santana, Jr................... G. Contessa................... 8-1 8 ..... 8.............Light Years Away............ J. Torres........................... P. Kelly........................ 20-1 2ND (1:33PM). $50,000, MCL $40,000, 3 YO’S & UP, F & M , 1 1/16M (INNER TURF) Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Pic 4, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............O K by Me....................... L. Saez.............................. B. Brown..................... 12-1 2 ..... 2.............Freckle de Freck.............. J. Lezcano........................ J. Hertler....................... 8-1 3 ..... 3.............Dream a Little.................. M. Franco......................... D. Donk......................... 8-1 4 ..... 4.............Shineady......................... D. Davis............................ M. Friedman................ 30-1 5 ..... 5.............Itsthemoney.................... E. Cancel........................... J. Antonucci................ 20-1 6 ..... 6.............Messy Moon................... F. Geroux.......................... A. Rawles.................... 30-1 7 ..... 7.............Sneaky Fudge Face.......... M. Luzzi............................ P. Kelly........................ 12-1 8 ..... 8.............Weekend Hottie............... K. Carmouche................... K. Streicher................... 5-1 9 ..... 9.............Rossezza......................... J. Ortiz.............................. L. Rice........................... 7-2 10..... 10...........Munchkin Money............ J. Castellano..................... C. Brown....................... 9-5 11..... MTO.......Three Eighty Eight........... J. Ortiz.............................. L. Rice........................... 4-1 12..... MTO.......Zeppole........................... . Rider TBA....................... H. Bond......................... 8-1 3RD (2:06PM). $51,000, CLM $50,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/16M (TURF) Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............Completely Bonkers........ M. Franco......................... G. Contessa................... 9-2 2 ..... MTO.......Core Portfolio.................. . Rider TBA....................... R. Violette, Jr................. 9-2 3 ..... MTO.......Nominal Dollars.............. J. Ortiz.............................. G. Gullo......................... 7-2 4 ..... 4.............Hirschbein....................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... N. Esler....................... 12-1 5 ..... 5.............Sly Tom........................... J. Rosario......................... J. Sharp......................... 5-1 6 ..... 6.............Dujac............................... J. Castellano..................... C. Brown....................... 8-5 7 ..... 7.............Matador.......................... J. Ortiz.............................. M. Maker....................... 3-1 8 ..... 8.............Tree Shaker..................... A. Arroyo.......................... R. Persaud.................. 20-1 9 ..... 9.............Snow Trouble.................. K. Carmouche................... J. Lawrence, II............... 8-1 4TH (2:40PM). $39,000, MCL $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 7F Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............Buckwellspent................. R. Santana, Jr................... S. Asmussen................. 6-1 2 ..... 2.............Blarney Stones................ I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... G. Contessa................... 3-1 3 ..... 3.............Majority........................... L. Saez.............................. R. Violette, Jr................. 8-1 4 ..... 4.............Longisland Express......... J. Castellano..................... G. Sciacca................... 20-1 5 ..... 5.............Celtic Scout..................... A. Arroyo.......................... C. Englehart................... 4-1 6 ..... 6.............Cold Revenge.................. M. Franco......................... D. Cannizzo................. 12-1 7 ..... 7.............Chosen One Elijah........... J. Torres........................... E. Jones...................... 30-1 8 ..... 8.............No Tanx Blue Chip........... J. Rosario......................... B. Levine....................... 6-1 9 ..... 9.............Kenyan............................ J. Ortiz.............................. M. Hushion................... 7-2 5TH (3:14PM). $50,000, CLM $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, F & M , 1 1/16M (INNER TURF) Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Pic 6, Daily Double 1 ..... MTO.......Lutheran Miss................. J. Ortiz.............................. J. Servis........................ 5-2 2 ..... 2.............Belle Et Bete (IRE)........... J. Lezcano........................ A. Avila.......................... 4-1 3 ..... MTO.......Kate Is a Ten................... J. Davis............................. J. Parker........................ 8-1 4 ..... 4.............Luckystrikedelcoco......... J. Castellano..................... D. Ryan......................... 5-1 5 ..... 5.............Porvoo............................ J. Torres........................... E. Jones...................... 30-1 6 ..... 6.............Marabea (GB).................. J. Ortiz.............................. H. Motion...................... 2-1 7 ..... 7.............Electro Peg...................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... J. Servis........................ 7-2 8 ..... 8.............Shakesperian Dream....... J. Alvarado....................... G. Sciacca................... 20-1 9 ..... 9.............One Penny Piece (GB)..... R. Santana, Jr................... P. Serpe......................... 8-1 10..... 10...........Stroke Play...................... K. Carmouche................... D. Gargan...................... 6-1 6TH (3:48PM). $83,000, MSW, 2 YO, F , 5 1/2F (TURF) Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Pic 5, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............Happy Motoring.............. E. Wilson.......................... G. Contessa................. 12-1 2 ..... 2.............Bellavais.......................... M. Franco......................... J. Toner......................... 8-1 3 ..... 3.............Take a Stroll.................... L. Saez.............................. K. Ritvo....................... 12-1 4 ..... 4.............Orecchiette...................... J. Castellano..................... T. Pletcher..................... 7-2 5 ..... 5.............Spanker........................... R. Santana, Jr................... D. Cannizzo................. 20-1 6 ..... 6.............Two Hot Betty.................. J. Rosario......................... A. Adsit....................... 20-1 7 ..... 7.............Black Canary................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... M. Casse....................... 2-1 8 ..... 8.............Foreign Affair.................. J. Lezcano........................ C. Martin....................... 8-1 9 ..... 9.............K J Warrior...................... F. Geroux.......................... S. Asmussen................. 4-1 10..... 10...........Matinee Babe.................. E. Cancel........................... D. Cannizzo................. 20-1 11..... AE..........Accepting........................ J. Velazquez...................... J. Jerkens...................... 6-1 12..... AE..........Elite Heir......................... K. Carmouche................... J. Ryerson................... 12-1 13..... AE..........Yorkiepoo Princess......... J. Torres........................... E. Barker....................... 8-1 14..... AE..........Fly Swift.......................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... C. Clement.................... 7-2 15..... AE-MTO..Worthy One..................... K. Carmouche................... M. Trombetta................. 8-1 16..... AE-MTO..In It for the Gold.............. . Rider TBA....................... R. Rodriguez................. 5-2 7TH (4:24PM). $78,000, AOC $40,000, 3 YO’S & UP, F & M , 6 1/2F Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Pic 4, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............First Service.................... J. Castellano..................... C. Brown....................... 9-5 2 ..... 2.............Wonder Gal..................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... L. Gyarmati................... 7-5 3 ..... 3.............Bella Joy......................... J. Alvarado....................... R. Nicks......................... 6-1 4 ..... 4.............Legally Bay...................... J. Davis............................. M. Coffey.................... 15-1 5 ..... 5.............Sweet Sway..................... R. Santana, Jr................... M. Salazar................... 20-1 6 ..... 6.............Splendid Gold................. M. Franco......................... C. Englehart................... 7-2 8TH (5:02PM). $50,000, CLM $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, F & M , 5 1/2F (TURF) Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pic 3, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............You Lie............................ M. Franco......................... C. Englehart................. 15-1 2 ..... 2.............More Than Rainbows...... A. Arroyo.......................... L. Miranda................... 15-1 3 ..... 3.............Goodbye Sorrow............. J. Velazquez...................... W. Ward........................ 3-1 4 ..... 4.............Awesome Quick.............. L. Saez.............................. M. Miceli..................... 12-1 5 ..... 5.............Flaring............................. E. Cancel........................... J. Mazza...................... 20-1 6 ..... 6.............Sunrise Kitty................... J. Ortiz.............................. J. Servis........................ 7-2 7 ..... 7.............Angie’s Prim Lady........... J. Rosario......................... A. Stall, Jr...................... 8-1 8 ..... 8.............Two Pump....................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... D. Jacobson.................. 4-1 9 ..... 9.............Simple Love.................... J. Lezcano........................ G. Contessa................... 5-1 10..... 10...........Gagaoveryou................... K. Carmouche................... D. Gargan.................... 10-1 11..... AE..........Katie O............................ J. Torres........................... J. Toscano, Jr................ 6-1 12..... AE..........Uncle Southern............... J. Ortiz.............................. L. Rice........................... 5-2 9TH (5:40PM). $100,000, STK - THE EVAN SHIPMAN, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/8M Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Daily Double 1 ..... 1.............Crackerjack Jones........... J. Ortiz.............................. C. Progno...................... 4-1 2 ..... 2.............Wake Up in Malibu.......... M. Franco......................... C. Baker......................... 5-2 3 ..... 3.............Royal Posse.................... I. Ortiz, Jr.......................... R. Rodriguez................. 8-5 4 ..... 4.............Good Luck Gus............... J. Castellano..................... R. Rodriguez................. 5-1 5 ..... 5.............Ostrolenka....................... J. Velazquez...................... T. Pletcher..................... 3-1 10TH (6:17PM). $45,000, MCL $40,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/16M (INNER TURF) Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta 1 ..... 6.............Twenty Four Seven.......... J. Rosario......................... D. Gargan...................... 8-1 1a ..... MTO.......Noble and True................ . Rider TBA....................... D. Gargan...................... 8-1 2 ..... 1.............Kitten’s Dilemma............. J. Ortiz.............................. C. Brown....................... 3-1 3 ..... 2.............Bourbon City................... J. Alvarado....................... D. Romans.................. 20-1 4 ..... 3.............Astute Warrior................. J. Bravo............................ E. Kenneally................... 7-2 5 ..... 4.............Archangel Rose............... F. Geroux.......................... S. Asmussen............... 10-1 6 ..... 5.............Arch Contender............... L. Saez.............................. J. Toscano, Jr................ 8-1 7 ..... 7.............Core Competency............ J. Castellano..................... C. Brown....................... 4-1 8 ..... 8.............Bermuda Triangle............ K. Carmouche................... J. Sharp....................... 20-1 9 ..... 9.............Means............................. J. Torres........................... W. Ward...................... 10-1 10..... 10...........He’s One Wild Dude........ M. Luzzi............................ L. Lewis....................... 10-1 11..... AE..........Rediscover...................... K. Carmouche................... K. McLaughlin............... 5-2 12..... AE..........Mojo Rising..................... A. Arroyo.......................... J. Kimmel.................... 15-1 13..... AE..........Abstract Cape.................. M. Franco......................... G. Weaver..................... 6-1 14..... AE..........Fried Baloney.................. L. Saez.............................. N. Zito......................... 20-1 15..... AE..........Dark Gemini (IRE)........... J. Alvarado....................... G. Weaver..................... 5-1 Copyright 2016 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 14 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 the Power grid John Shapazian Gaile Fitzgerald Tom Law Chad Summers Charles Bedard Hold Me Down Chickaletta Aix En Provence Munchkin Money Rossezza Freckle de Freck Dujac Matador Hirschbein Kenyan Celtic Scout Blarney Stones Marabea Belle Et Bete Electro Peg Black Canary K J Warrior Orecchiette Wonder Gal First Service Splendid Gold Uncle Southern Two Pump Goodbye Sorrow Royal Posse Wake Up In Malibu Ostrolenka Rediscover Astute Warrior Twenty Four Seven Aix En Provence Hold Me Down The Lost Tigress Munchkin Money Weekend Hottie Dream A Little Nominal Dollars Dujac Sly Tom Blarney Stones Kenyan Buckwellspent Lutheran Miss Marabea Belle Et Bete Black Canary Orecchiette K J Warrior Wonder Gal First Service Splendid Gold Sunrise Kitty Goodbye Sorrow Simple Love Royal Posse Wake Up In Malibu Good Luck Gus Astute Warrior Archangel Rose Kitten’s Dilemma Chickaletta The Lost Tigress Hold Me Down Rossezza Munchkin Money Sneaky Fudge Face Dujac Snow Trouble Matador Cold Revenge Buckwellspent Kenyan Belle Et Bete Marabea Electro Peg Black Canary K J Warrior Bellavais Wonder Gal First Service Bella Joy Goodbye Sorrow Sunrise Kitty Two Pump Royal Posse Crackerjack Jones Ostrolenka Kitten’s Dilemma Means Core Competency Aix En Provence Hold Me Down Spectacular Flash O K By Me Weekend Hottie Dream A Little Dujac Sly Tom Matador Buckwellspent Blarney Stones No Tanx Blue Chip Belle Et Bete Luckystrikedelcoco Electro Peg Bellavis Happy Motoring Black Canary Wonder Gal First Service Bella Joy Goodbye Sorrow Angie’s Prim Lady Sunrise Kitty Royal Posse Wake Up in Malibu Ostrolenka Means Archangel Rose Core Competency Chickaletta Hold Me Down Aix En Provence Three Eighty Eight Munchkin Money Weekend Hottie Dujac Snow Trouble Sly Tom Kenyan Chosen One Elijah Blarney Stones Marabea Lutheran Miss One Penny Piece In It For The Gold Orecchiette Black Canary Wonder Gal First Service Splendid Gold Sunrise Kitty Two Pump Simple Love Good Luck Gus Royal Posse Wake Up In Malibu Midwest entry Rediscover Astute Warrior 119/353 103/353 95/353 79/353 92/353 Race # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2016 Records: High Five Racing Stables Andrew J. Mollica,Esq. Attorney and Counselor at Law “World Class Excitement” Dedicated to protecting the rights of Horsemen. General and of of Law General andEquine EquinePractice Practice Law 20 Middleton Middleton Road, Road, Garden Garden City, City, NY NY 11530 11530 20 516 528-1311 cell · 516 352-6853 office 516 528-1311 cell • 516 352-6853 office Licensed New New York York and and New New Jersey Jersey Licensed All Aspects of Immigration Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special Want to join a fun, affordable, well-run racing partnership? We buy and race, primarily in the Mid-Atlantic, with leading trainer Graham Motion. Jay Sloan, Managing Partner (703) 869-8742 15 P.G. JOHNSON STAKES RECAP Rolling Home Coasted roars away with Thursday feature BY TOM LAW Jeff Treadway likes to dig deep when he shops yearling and 2-year-olds in training sales. Not too deep into his pockets mind you, but into the pedigrees of the potential racing prospects to add to his Treadway Racing Stables operation. When he looked at the female family of Hip 1373 at last year’s Keeneland September yearling sale – a filly out of Malibu Pier, a multiple graded stakes winner on the grass in Southern California Continued On Page 18 Coasted bounds home to win Thursday’s P.G. Johnson Stakes for 2-year-old fillies. Tod Marks W HY DO YOU SUPPORT NEW VOCATIONS? “ New Vocations is essential to any owner. I’ve been impressed with the quality of service they provide for my retired racehorses and that is very important to me. — Mike Repole, Owner Rehab. Retrain. Rehome. Serving over 400 horses a year. To make a contribution or to donate a horse, visit or contact 16 The Saratoga Special Adam Coglianese Photo “ Having an aftercare program that you can trust like Friday, September 2, 2016 TOD MARKS PHOTO $150,000 Lonesome Glory Handicap (Gr. 1) Belmont Park on Thursday • September 22 $350,000 Grand National (Gr. 1) Far Hills, N.J. on Saturday • October 15 $90,000 International Gold Cup The Plains, Va. on Saturday • October 22 $150,000 For more information, please contact Bill Gallo Jr., Director of Racing Marion duPont Scott Colonial Cup (Gr. 1) 410.392.0700 or Camden, S.C. on Saturday • November 19 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 17 P. G. Johnson – Continued from page 16 from a French family of stakes winners – Treadway saw grass. Buying fillies with a female family that appealing to buyers who race and buyers who race and breed isn’t easy, even out of Book 3 at the September sale. Thankfully the filly was by Tizway – the Tizway of September 2015 is a far cry from the Tizway of September 2016, but Treadway still needed to dig in. He bought the filly for $210,000. “It was a huge reach,” Treadway said of buying the Tizway filly Coasted that day at Keeneland. “Tizway, he’s really come on this summer, especially on the turf. But then he wasn’t where he is now. “She was in Book 3 and her full-sister was working for George Weaver at the time lights out on the dirt. She’s got that beautiful female family underneath. To be honest with her physical and the female family, to be able to afford her I needed her to be by some out-of-fashion stallion. It fit perfectly for us. It was a reach but she was beautiful, really a cut above looks wise.” Coasted proved a cut above as the most expensive of 35 Tizway yearlings that sold at the sale and a few more cuts above Thursday winning the $100,000 P. G. Johnson Stakes at Saratoga Race Course. Coasted improved to 2-for-3 with her rail-riding 1-length victory over Noble Ready in the 1 1/16-mile turf stakes for 2-yearold fillies. Coasted, a 6-length winner of a maiden race going the same distance on the grass Aug. 7, is the second stakes winner in the last four days at Saratoga for Tizway following Our Way who won Monday’s Better Talk Now. The bay filly with the white blaze shaped sort of like a seahorse gave Treadway and trainer Leah Gyarmati plenty of worry in the P. G. Johnson. The 7-10 favorite off her maiden win with Jose Lezcano on the return call, Coasted brushed with Noble Ready leaving the gate and then shuffled back when Bahama Halo came in slightly after running less than 50 yards. Lezcano grabbed Coasted up Continued On Page 19 Tod Marks Coasted gears down late with her second win in three starts. Reach for the Stars It’s Not Too Late... to join in the next generation of Stars! 2016 Saratoga Yearling Purchases Starlight Racing is Dedicated to Competing & Winning at the Highest Level Take Charge Indy – Lilah filly Eskendereya – Miz United States filly Ghostzapper – Rutledge Ballado colt Into Mischief – Villano colt Contact: Donna Barton Brothers | | 502.645.2232 | w w w. S t a r l i g h t R a c i n g . c o m 18 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 P. G. Johnson – Continued from page 18 of Majestic Bonnie, who was 1 1/2 lengths clear of the maiden European import Naifah in the field of seven. Coasted’s two victories at Saratoga followed a close fifth in a 5 1/2-furlong maiden race on the dirt at Belmont Park July 2. Gyarmati hoped to get the filly started in a grass race before that but she was scratched after acting up in the gate. Even though Coasted’s pedigree screams grass, her dam also finished second in the Grade 1 La Brea going 7 furlongs on the dirt late in her 3-yearold season. “I would have been perfectly happy to run her on the dirt, too,” Gyarmati said. “She’s bred grass. We started her on turf, she got scratched and then we put her on the dirt, but sprinting. She still ran a big race. I don’t know, if we could have stretched her out on the dirt who knows, she might be just as good. But we’re here now on the grass and we’ll stay.” Treadway said he hoped the filly would show up next in the Grade 3 Miss Grillo at Belmont Oct. 2 followed by an even bigger prize to end the season. “On to the next thing, Miss Grillo next and knock on wood she’ll go to the Breeders’ Cup,” he said. “She looks like that kind of quality.” again going into the first turn as Bahama Halo came in slightly again. They were last entering the backstretch but settled as the maiden Mo Promise set the pace ahead of Noble Ready, Lady Joan and Bahama Halo. “That was horrible,” Gyarmati said when asked what it was like to watch. “There were a lot of things that happened in that race where I’m like, ‘why are we there, why are we there? Why are we so far back? … OK, you’re that far back, let’s find a spot where you know you can get through or out,’ then we didn’t.” As Treadway and Gyarmati watched, Coasted made steady progress heading into the far turn and raced into third position, just to the inside of Bahama Halo and behind the dueling leaders Mo Promise and Noble Ready. Manny Franco made a four-wide move with Majestic Bonnie around the bend, her momentum carrying Lady Joan just to her inside and Coasted was back to fifth. Mo Promise couldn’t hold the inside coming into the stretch and Lezcano dove for the inside. As quickly as he did the door shut. Irad Ortiz Jr. guided Noble Ready past the pacesetter and to the front while Majestic Bonnie continued to cut into the lead. Lezcano never panicked and Coasted never faltered, coming through a tight opening inside the sixteenth pole and proved much the best. “It was very tight but the filly in front started tiring and coming back and I got through,” Lezcano said. “She took it very good. She’s never shied away from another horse. She could go through that little spot.” Lezcano took Coasted in hand at the finish and she won in 1:43.25. Noble Ready finished three-quarters of a length in front Coasted (left) tangles with Noble Ready at the start. Friday, September 2, 2016 Success is no Accident... NYQUIST GUN RUNNER CUPID IRONICUS TAMMY THE TORPEDO PENWITH DAYATTHESPA PALACE MALICE COMPETITIVE EDGE MARCH KOBE’S BACK RELOAD And the story continues... Niall Brennan Stables Ocala, Fl (352) 732-7459 Tod Marks The Saratoga Special 19 New School Hood helps Hardrock Eleven take down 2016 steeplechase finale Hardrock Eleven (and his hood) head for the finish Thursday. Tod Marks Paul Fout was an old-school horse trainer who found success over jumps with 1975 champion Life’s Illusion and others, and on the flat with the likes of Grade 1 winner Colstar. But he was not one for tricks or shortcuts, and neither is his son. Except maybe this one time. “I don’t believe in gimmicks, but I’ll tell you that titanium hood works,” said Doug Fout, Paul’s son, who won his second steeplechase of the meet when Hardrock Eleven scored in Thursday’s first. “My dad would say, ‘You’ve done lost your mind, son.’ I can hear him now, but it’s made a difference with this horse. I’m a believer. It’s the only goofy thing I use.” Goofy or not, the hood – essentially blinkers without eye cups and made of fabric containing liquid titanium – Sunrise Stallion SHEETS s Congratuf ClaOtiMoAnNDANTE, ons o to the connecti th race Wednesday at 6 winner of the by Ben Mondello and ned Saratoga. Ow Cannizzo, the 6-year-old id v trained by Da t gelding was bred by Frost Gian & Partners. IEAH Stables THURSDAY RACING RECAP was in the winner’s circle Thursday and Fout was paying it full credit. Liquid titanium produces negative ions, which are supposed to generate a sense of calm in horses – and humans, too. Owned by Gigi Lazenby, Hardrock Eleven can use all the calm he can get. “I was warned up front that he was tough,” Fout said. “He’s tough to gallop at home. He can’t stay here because he gets too wound up. He gets turned out at home and that helps him. That’s the part he likes the most. And in the mornings you can hold him, but you can’t fight with him.” Thursday, the 6-year-old son of Continued On Page 21 Picks of the Day BIG BROWN • FROST GIANT • HEAVY BREATHING LONGISLAND EXPRESS 4YO Gelding by Frost Giant Friday, Race 4 Long Island Racing Stables, Owner Robert Castelli & Sunset Stables, Breeders Gary Sciacca, Trainer Sunrise Stallions – Standing dual classic winner and champion Big Brown and Heavy Breathing at Dutchess Views Farm in Pine Plains, N.Y.; and Frost Giant at Keane Stud in Amenia, N.Y. Eric Bishop | | 516-606-9768 20 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 Thursday – Continued from page 20 Rock Hard Ten jumped up front with the Fout-trained Secret Reward, then took over leaving the last fence on the backside and won by 3 1/4 lengths for apprentice Brendan Crowley. Castle Hill finished second with Blue Atlantic third in the $65,000 first-level allowance hurdle going 2 1/16 miles. Hardrock Eleven improved to 2-for11 over fences, and completed a comeback from some problems left over from spring starts in April and May. “He twisted a shoe real bad in April and it went up into his frog, and then we had some trouble with his hind end because of all that,” said Fout of a pull-up at Charlotte April 30. “He jumped so bad to the right that day, which he kind of wants to do anyway and was all messed up. He hurt his sacroiliac and it took us a couple months to get him over that and get him back going the right way.” Hardrock Eleven started his career by winning his second start at Delta Downs as a 2-year-old – going 7 1/2 furlongs on the dirt – for Lazenby and her brother, trainer David Banks. At 3, the gray gelding placed in a stakes at Sam Houston and even took a swing a the big time when last of 11 in the Grade 2 Risen Star at Fair Grounds and ninth of 11 in the Grade 2 Rebel at Oaklawn Park (behind Will Take Charge and Oxbow among others) in 2012. Banks died in 2014 and Lazenby’s flat stable – based mainly in Louisiana – is now trained by his former assistant Oscar Modica. The potential steeplechasers, including Aug. 24 Saratoga winner Help From Heaven, moved to Dwight Hall in Tennessee for early lessons and then on to Fout. “Dwight gets them started over poles and things and then they come to me,” Fout said. “Gigi is great to train for. I feel bad that she missed both of the wins up here because her husband has been ill, but she’s great, she never gets mad, never gets disappointed. It makes it so much more comfortable to train a horse that way.” – Joe Clancy • Antonio Arriaga came to Saratoga with one horse. When he arrived, he had four wins to his credit as a Friday, September 2, 2016 Saratoga Leaders TRAINERS..........................1ST Chad Brown...................................36 Todd Pletcher.................................27 Kiaran McLaughlin.........................13 Rudy Rodriguez.............................11 Steve Asmussen............................10 George Weaver................................9 David Jacobson................................9 Mike Maker......................................9 Charlton Baker.................................9 Linda Rice........................................9 Jeremiah Englehart..........................9 Bill Mott...........................................8 Graham Motion................................7 Shug McGaughey.............................7 Jason Servis....................................7 JOCKEYS...........................1ST Jose Ortiz.......................................54 Irad Ortiz Jr....................................48 Javier Castellano............................46 John Velazquez..............................41 Luis Saez........................................27 Joel Rosario...................................25 Manny Franco................................19 Jose Lezcano.................................18 Ricardo Santana Jr.........................13 Junior Alvarado..............................11 Florent Geroux.................................9 Kendrick Carmouche........................7 Julien Leparoux................................6 HARVEY’S restaurant & Bar Saratoga’s Most Popular Rooftop Terrace Through Thursday trainer from 115 starts in his career. He’ll leave with nearly twice that after a perfect Saratoga of three starts and three wins. Two of the victories came from the 4-year-old Harlington filly Mastic, winner for a $16,000 tag Aug. 20 and for a $25,000 tag in Thursday’s second. In between, Sevenfleethumor, who Arriaga claimed for $20,000 at Saratoga July 31, won a 1 1/8-mile claimer Wednesday. Arriaga teamed up with owner The Players Group for all three wins. “Is that 3-for-3? You’re still perfect,” a winner’s circle attendant shouted to Arriaga after Thursday’s win. Although he’s been here for over a decade, riding in the morning for two regulars on the New York circuit, Arriaga didn’t expect this kind of success when he showed up this summer. “Hard to believe it, right? I’ve been training for the last six years or five Fan-Voted Best Bar Overall! Continued On Page 22 The Saratoga Special Best Wings! | Best Pub Fare! 14 Phila St,. Saratoga Springs NY, 12866 518.583.0003 21 Thursday – Continued from page 21 years,” he said. “I worked with Rudy (Rodriguez) and Todd Pletcher. They helped me out. You need two trainers to sign you up as a trainer, so I worked with them in the morning. I ride for them and for myself, too.” R. D. M. Racing Stable took Sevenfleethumor out of Wednesday’s race for the $16,000 tag. Despite the limited number in his stable, Arriaga enjoys playing the claiming game and plans on getting more horses this fall. “I only have this one right now,” Arriaga said after Mastic won Thursday. “The other one got claimed. This is the only horse I have right now. Hopefully we’ll get some more. I’m going to claim something over the weekend or at Belmont. No rush. In the claiming business, you have to be very careful. You can’t just claim horses, you have to really study each horse.” Before he looks ahead, Arriaga will try savoring the moment and hoping he doesn’t wake from his dream. “I’ve been here every year,” he said. “I normally bring one or two. This is the first time (I’ve won). It feels great, hard to believe it.” – Brandon Valvo • Rachel’s Wall’s last trip to the winner’s circle before Thursday’s fifth, a 1 1/2-mile allowance-optional on the inner turf course, came after a 10-length win in allowance company in June 2015 at Delaware Park. Mastic pulls away in Thursday’s second race. 22 Although she crossed the wire first Thursday, her connections weren’t guaranteed a winner’s circle picture. A stewards’ inquiry focused on her actions in the stretch and jockey Jose Lezcano, aboard fifth-place finisher Bishop’s Pond, lodged an objection. Trainer Graham Motion stood watching Rachel Wall walk circles on the track. Hands behind his back, binoculars in his hands, he listened to jockey Jose Ortiz while his eyes remained on his horse. If he snuck a peak at the judge’s view of the inquiry looping on the infield video board, he hid it well. After a few minutes, the inquiry sign came down and Rachel Wall stayed up. Ortiz climbed back aboard and got his picture taken for the second of four times on the day’s card. “That was a little cruel,” Motion said after the race. “I didn’t really see it, to be honest. I don’t know why it took so long, really.” Rachel Wall stalked the pace in the marathon, following Daring Dutchess a few lengths behind moderate fractions before taking aim at the leader turning for home. While Rachel Wall ran in the clear down the lane, she drifted in slightly just as Daring Dutchess shifted out a path or two. Caught in the middle, rival Bishop’s Pond lost momentum. Out of trouble, Rachel Wall kicked home to a halflength win. Rachel Wall’s victory follows a second at 23-1 last out in a 1 3/8-mile turf route at Saratoga Aug. 4. Motion saw that she liked the added distance and targeted Thursday’s race. “Coming up here, we thought Tod Marks General Downs (right) edges Tale Of Mist in Thursday’s fourth. we’d try and run her a little further,” he said. “She acted like she’d go this trip. I thought she ran great last time and we just sat and waited for this race. She ran beautifully today.” Although Rachel Wall started her summer at Motion’s home base at Fair Hill Training Center in Maryland, he decided to leave her in Saratoga between races. “She’s handled it well,” he said. “I decided to keep her up here because she’s pretty straightforward in the morning. She’s done well up here, I was looking forward to running her today.” Rachel Wall gave Motion his seventh win of the meet from 32 starts, along with nine placings. “Across the board we’ve been very strong,” he said. “I don’t know if we’ll have as many winners as we’ve had before, but I think this is the most competitive we’ve probably ever been up here across the board.” – Brandon Valvo • West Point Thoroughbreds – along with trainer Dallas Stewart – celebrated with the usual enthusiasm after General Downs won the fourth. With only one previous race, the 3-year-old gelding was a determined winner of the 1 1/8-mile maiden. “Winning at a mile and an eighth here after only one start is pretty good. I couldn’t be happier,” Stewart said. Jockey Kendrick Carmouche hustled General Downs out of the gate from his outside No. 7 post. After stalking in third down the backstretch, the son of Mineshaft took a slim lead at the top of the stretch and showed heart in the final stages to win by a head, holding off an outside chal- The Saratoga Special Tod Marks lenge by runner-up Tale Of Mist and an inside bid by third-place T R Crew. Tale Of Mist drifted in late, bumping General Downs. “Look at how his ears are pinned back,” said West Point’s Tom Bellhouse, as the West Point group saw the photo finish flash onto the NYRA simulcast. West Point’s Terry Finley detailed the up and down process of getting General Downs to the races. The $300,000 Saratoga yearling of 2014 rewarded the patience of West Point and Stewart. “He was actually our most precocious 2-year-old last spring. All of a sudden, he went through a funky stage. He couldn’t work faster than 1:03,” Finley said. “We gave him some time and had him ready to run at the Fair Grounds, but he came up with a problem in a hind ankle and had to have surgery.” After being outrun early in his career debut, General Downs never made an impact finishing seventh in the 6-furlong maiden. Finley wasn’t quite sure what to expect in General Downs’ second start. “When we ran here, I thought it was a decent race. We kept going back-and-forth for about 10 days if we wanted to run him back here. I was tentative, but Dallas felt stronger than I did. I don’t like to run horses two turns off of one race,” Finley said. “Kudos to him, because I probably wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. I would’ve waited for Churchill and run him seven-eighths or a mile and then go two turns. That’s why we’re a good team, we’ve been together 20 years and we test each other all the time.” – Ben Gowans Friday, September 2, 2016 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 23 Help protect your sport’s integrity If you suspect or know of any wrongdoing within the racing community, send us an email or call toll-free. All emails and calls are treated confidentially and you may remain anonymous. Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau Integrity Hotline 410-398-3647 Email: También disponsible en español Allan Lavin Bloodstock ALLAN G. LAVIN, JR. (502) 773-0043 THURSDAY SARATOGA RESULTS Thursday September 1. FIRST $65,000, ALLOWANCE, 4 YO’S & UP, 2 1/16M 7 Hardrock Eleven B. Crowley $11.00 $4.50 $3.90 2 Castle Hill G. Galligan $2.70 $3.20 5 Blue Atlantic P. Young $4.00 Gr/ro G 2010, by Rock Hard Ten - Stark Beauty by Unbridled’s Song Owner: Virginia Lazenby Racing Stable LLC. Trainer: Doug Fout. Breeder: Farm III Enterprises & Off The HookPartners LLC (FL). Late Scratches: Willow U, Reporter Time: 3:46.63 Exacta (7-2), $36.80; Superfecta (7-2-5-9), $730.00; Trifecta (7-2-5), $121.50 SECOND $50,000, CLAIMING $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 6 1/2F 4 Mastic J. Ortiz $8.90 $5.60 $3.40 3 Lady Paradime M. Franco $9.40 $4.90 2 Sweetrayofsunshine F. Geroux $2.80 B Filly 2012, by Harlington - Mosaic by Storm Cat Owner: The Players Group. Trainer: Antonio Arriaga. Breeder: Eugene Melnyk (ON). Claimed: Sweetrayofsunshine claimed by Rodriguez, Rudy for $25,000 Time: 1:17.10 Daily Double (7-4), $56.50; Exacta (4-3), $67.00; Quinella (3-4), $37.80; Superfecta (4-3-2-5), $2,787.00; Trifecta (4-3-2), $248.50 THIRD $56,000, MAIDEN CLAIMING $75,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/16M 3 Warranty J. Castellano $6.30 $4.10 $2.60 8 More Than a Legend J. Ortiz $16.00 $5.50 1 Stormy Alexis (IRE) M. Franco $2.20 Dk B/ Br Filly 2013, by Artie Schiller - Shoppers Return by Put It Back Owner: Klaravich Stables, Inc. and Lawrence, William H.. Trainer: Chad Brown. Breeder: Craig L. Wheeler (FL). Late Scratches: Say Cin Cin Time: 1:43.44 Daily Double (4-3), $31.40; Exacta (3-8), $111.50; Superfecta (3-8-12), $613.00; Trifecta (3-8-1), $269.50; Pic 3 (7-4-3), $207.50 FOURTH $83,000, MAIDEN SPECIAL WEIGHT, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/8M 7 General Downs K. Carmouche $38.40 $11.60 $5.50 5 Tale of Mist L. Saez $5.00 $3.20 1 T R Crew A. Arroyo $2.70 B Gelding 2013, by Mineshaft - Plaid by Deputy Commander Owner: West Point Thoroughbreds. Trainer: Dallas Stewart. Breeder: Dixiana Farms, LLC (KY). Time: 1:51.43 Daily Double (3-7), $157.00; Exacta (7-5), $208.00; Quinella (5-7), $88.00; Superfecta (7-5-1-4), $3,895.00; Trifecta (7-5-1), $714.00; Pic 3 (4-3-7), $877.00 FIFTH $90,000, AOC $62,500, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/2M 3 Rachel Wall J. Ortiz $12.80 $6.20 $3.50 6 Evidently J. Alvarado $5.30 $3.80 7 Daring Duchess J. Velazquez $5.80 B Filly 2012, by Blame - Ocean Moon by Malibu Moon Owner: Crager, Bill. Trainer: H. Motion. Breeder: Stone Farm & John H. Adger (KY). Late Scratches: Spa Town Parade Time: 2:27.66 Daily Double (7-3), $393.50; Exacta (3-6), $65.50; Superfecta (3-6-75), $1,606.00; Trifecta (3-6-7), $509.00; Pic 3 (3-7-3), $1,182.00 SIXTH $50,000 MDN CL ($40,000) NYB 3&UP F&M, 1 1/16M TURF 8 Bareeqa I. Ortiz Jr. 5.40 3.50 2.40 5 Aussie Awakening J. Alvarado 5.30 3.80 3 Octacato A. Arroyo 2.90 B. F. 2013, Girolamo-Arabic Dancer, Woodman. Breeder: Sequel Thoroughbreds (NY). Owner: Midwest Thoroughbreds. Trainer: Danny Gargan. Exacta $28.80. Trifecta $84.00. Pick 3 $1,274. Pick 4 $3,887.00. Pick 5 $18,683.00. Double $37.60. Superfecta $849.00. Time: 1:43.41. SEVENTH $55,000 STARTER ALLOW 3&UP F&M, 1M TURF 9 Game Girl J. Ortiz 15.20 8.00 4.70 5 Indygita I. Ortiz Jr. 5.60 4.00 3 Hudson River Gal J. Castellano 2.70 Dk. B./Br. F. 2013, Congrats-Grand Lioness, Lion Heart. Breeder: Redmon Farm (KY). Owner: Aron Yagoda. Trainer: Linda Rice. Exacta $87.00. Trifecta $263.00. Double $42.80. Pick 3 $297.00. Superfecta $970.00. Time: 1:34.70. EIGHTH $90,000 ALLOW OPTIONAL CLM. 3&UP F&M, 6F 4 So You Say J. Ortiz 12.80 6.40 6 Know It All Anna L. Saez 5.90 7 Callista I. Ortiz Jr. Dk. B./Br. F. 2012, Flatter-Hurricane Hannah, Southern Halo. Breeder: Elco Stable (KY). Owner: Gainesway Stable. Trainer: Steve Asmussen. Exacta $58.50. Trifecta $252.00. Pick 3 $397. Double $61.50. fecta $546.00. Time: 1:11.21 4.40 3.50 3.20 Super- NINTH $100,000 P.G. JOHNSON STAKES. 2YO F, 1 1/16M TURF 4 Coasted J. Lezcano 3.40 2.70 2.20 3 Noble Ready I. Ortiz Jr. 10.40 4.90 7 Majestic Bonnie M. Franco 3.40 B. F. 2014, Tizway-Malibu Pier, Malibu Moon. Breeder: Spendthrift Farm (KY). Owner: Treadway Racing Stable. Trainer: Leah Gyarmati. Time: 1:43.25. Exacta $35.00. Trifecta $137.50. Grand Slam $21.40. Pick 3 $198.00. Double $25.40. Superfecta $521.00. TENTH $73,000 NYB MDN SPECIAL WGT 2YO 5 1/2F 2B Haul Anchor J. Alvarado 3.80 2.30 2.50 1 Mo Maverick M. Franco 4.90 4.10 2 Can You Diggit A. Arroyo 3.80 2.30 2.50 B. c. 2014, Bernardini-Whichwaydidshego, Storm Cat. Owner/Breeder: Chester and Mary Broman (NY). Trainer: Kiaran McLaughlin. Exacta $16.80. Trifecta $67.00. Superfecta $241.00. Double $6.70. Pick 3 $63.00. Pick 4 $476.50. Pick 6 (5 correct) $72.50. Pick 6 $6,168.00. Time: 1:04.65. Copyright 2016 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. 24 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 THURSDAY SARATOGA RESULTS PHOTOS BY TOD MARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 25 WITH ANTICIPATION STAKES RECAP Looking Good Pletcher runner rules Wednesday turf stakes BY BRANDON VALVO Trainer Todd Pletcher is all over the pedigree of promising 2-year-old runner Made You Look. The dark bay colt’s sire is More Than Ready, a key horse in Pletcher’s early career who won four graded stakes in 1999 and 2000, including Saratoga’s Grade 2 Sanford and the Grade 1 King’s Bishop. Pletcher also trained Made You Look’s dam, Continued On Page 27 Made You Look surges toward the finish line in Wednesday’s feature. Tod Marks When the racing tack comes off for good, good things happen. The trip to the Fort Christopher’s Racing Stable winners circle starts here... Experience the unmatched feeling of excitement in owning a thoroughbred r acehorse. Debby Thomas/Animal Art And Photography For over 30 years, the TRF has given ex-racehorses second careers as show horses, trail horses, and teachers in TRF Second Chances, its innovative prison program. Support compassionate aftercare and second chances for horses and people with a gift to the TRF today. Racing Partnerships Now Forming, Join Us Today in the Winners Circle! Fort Christopher’s thoroughbreds is proud to offer the following services: Boarding • Layups • Rehabilitation • Sales • Bloodstock Services • Horse Transportation Fort Christopher’s thoroughbreds, LLC 3093 County Route 46 • Fort Edward, New York 12828 (15 min. to Saratoga Race Track) Inquiries to Owner: Christopher M. shelli 518-858-1790 • email: 26 (518) 226-0028 The Saratoga Special Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Friday, September 2, 2016 With Anticipation – Continued from page 26 Night And Day. She only raced once, finishing ninth in a maiden special going a mile on the turf. Her claim to fame is her dam, 1995 champion 3-year-old filly Serena’s Song, who was part of the barn when Pletcher worked for Hall of Fame trainer D. Wayne Lukas. “It was an easy pedigree to like, easy colt to like at the yearling sales,” Pletcher said Wednesday afternoon, moments after Made You Look became a stakes winner with a 2-length triumph in Saratoga’s $200,000 With Anticipation. “More Than Ready’s been good to us for a long time. I’ve had a lot of success with him and his offspring so it was sort of a natural fit for us.” Owned by Let’s Go Stable and Three Chimneys Farm, Made You Look lived up to his pedigree in the Grade 2 With Anticipation for 2-yearolds at 1 1/16 miles on the inner turf. He took a spot running at the rail just behind leaders Gemologister, Monsoon K S A and Keep Quiet in the early stages. With the pacesetters three across and My Bo Chop to his outside, Made You Look rode the rail all the way up the backstretch and around the far turn behind fractions of :24.26, :49.34 and 1:14.14. In the lane, Javier Castellano saw a narrow opening at the fence inside Gemologister. The jockey faced a decision – shoot the gap or lose time swinging outside. Castellano chose the former and his mount responded, rocketing away from the field to win the $200,000 stakes by 2 lengths in 1:43.12. Keep Quiet finished second after getting caught wide on both turns, and Bird’s Eye View rallied for third. “Turning for home, I didn’t have any more room to go, I decided to go inside on the rail because I could go around but I had a couple horses outside,” Castellano said. “The hole was a tiny hole inside at the rail. When you ask, especially a 2-year-old to go first time two turns, sometimes they get spooked a little bit, but he did it. He did it the right way. He went through, took off and he finished very well. I like that.” Made You Look’s rider in all three starts so far, Castellano has felt the colt progress. He finished second in his debut going 5 furlongs on the turf at Belmont Park in May, won at 6 furlongs in June and handled everything about the longer, two-turn start Wednesday. “I’m very impressed,” Castellano said. “Every single race, he gets better and better and better and I thought he was going to be a sprinter horse, but the way he’s developing right now, today was a good test of how far he can go. He did it the right way. I think he’s going to be another level horse, he’s The Let’s Go Stable team filled up the winner’s circle Wednesday. Friday, September 2, 2016 HELPING CLIENTS CLEAR EIR EGAL HURDLES Representing owners, trainers, breeders, jockeys, drivers and horsemen associations in business transactions and matters before the New York State Gaming Commission and in the federal and state courts ndrew J. urro, sq. Chair, Equine & Racing Law 516-741-6565 | Attorney Advertising 990 STEWAT VEUE, GADE CIT, NEW YOK 11530 LBA | GADE CIT | NEW YOK CIT | AHITO, .C. Continued On Page 28 Tod Marks The Saratoga Special 27 With Anticipation – Continued from page 27 going to step up and be a graded stakes horse.” Pletcher thought about the past afterward. “I’ve always said there are really two horses early in my career that got us jump started. Jersey Girl (who won three consecutive Grade 1 stakes in 1998) was one and More Than Ready would be the colt,” Pletcher continued. “He won significant races, the kind of races people take note of. He’s a horse that’s been good to us, good to me and my family, good to the Scatuorchio family for a long time.” Racing for James Scatuorchio, More Than Ready won seven of 17 starts for Pletcher – including five in a row to start his career and then adding the King’s Bishop in 2000. The son of Southern Halo stands at WinStar Farm for $50,000 and has sired more than 100 stakes winners including Let’s Go Stable runners Verrazano and Daredevil. Scatuorchio’s son Kevin and Bryan Sullivan formed Let’s Go Stable in 2006 and joined forces with Three Chimneys to buy Made You Look for $360,000 as a yearling at Keeneland September last year. “We were going to bid on him at Keeneland September and we saw Mr. Torrealba who owns Three Chimneys was also in the back ring,” said Sullivan. “He asked us if we liked the colt and he said, ‘I’d love to split him with you guys. Go ahead and buy Made You Look turns heads in the paddock. Tod Marks him, we’ll split him,’ so that’s why we partnered up and split him together.” Let’s Go Stables brought a large contingent to the winner’s circle to celebrate Wednesday. Although there are about 14 partners in Made You Look, 30 to 40 supporters showed up to see him run and Made You Look gave them their first graded stakes win in Saratoga. “It’s pretty cool. Anytime you can win up here is special,” Sullivan said. “Tracks like Saratoga, Keeneland, Belmont. It’s always nice, but here is the mother of all tracks. It’s special, it’s tough to win a maiden special weight let alone a graded stakes race, so we’re excited and it’s why you’re in the game, to win these races.” Bred by the Robert and Beverly Lewis Trust, Made You Look is the second foal out of Night And Day, who made her only start for the Lewis Trust in 2011. The daughter of Unbridled’s Song is out of champion, Hall of Famer and $3.2 million earner Serena’s Song and thus part of a deep female family that includes Sophisticat, Grand Reward, Harlington, Serena’s Tune and Honor Code among others. All that history can weigh on an owner trying to manage expectations. “It’s fun, it’s nerve-wracking,” Sullivan said. “A lot of people are kind of new to the game, they don’t know what to expect. They think we’re going to win and you just try and do your best and at the top of the stretch I thought we had a chance to win. I’m just happy that he exploded and went through the hole and Javier gave him a great ride. To celebrate with friends and family is great.” As for Made You Look’s next start, Pletcher is eyeing the Breeders’ Cup, but isn’t sure whether he’ll train up to the championship or make another start at Belmont in the Grade 3 Pilgrim Stakes Oct. 1. “We have Breeders’ Cup aspirations,” he said. “I guess the question is whether we have a start between now and then.” Winners are made in the morning. Bona Venture Stables, Offering Affordable Racing Partnerships. “Made in the Shade” by Christine M. Cancelli, Oil on Wood Panel, 12” x 16” Thank you for a great season. See you next year! Christine M. Cancelli For information contact: or visit us on the web at: © Bona Venture Stables 2016 28 235 Kent Road, Howell, NJ 07731 Tel: (732) 367-5233, Cell: (732) 503-7944 Email:, Website: Facebook & Twitter Photo: © Adam Mooshian 2016 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS™ Advanced Equine Nutrition Hallway Feeds has been at the forefront of equine nutrition for more than fi ft y years by continually investing in research, extensive product development and state-of-the-art equipment to fuel the success of horses around the world. Visit to learn more. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Special Skills (right) jumps early in his handicap win Wednesday. Tod Marks Jumping Up Congratulations to longtime clients NEWMAN RACING Injured in fall at Parx in July, Young scores with Special Skills Paddy Young thought Saratoga 2016 was over before it started. The 40-year-old jump jockey fell at Parx, breaking his right arm and cracking his pelvis July 12. On the way home, Young called leading trainer Jack Fisher and told him he better make other plans for Schoodic in the A. P. Smithwick and others during the meet. But jump jockeys don’t stay down for long. With a plate in his right forearm and a crack in the middle of his pelvis, Young was back riding in 10 days and back riding races by Aug. 4, when he took a spin on veteran Spirit Of Shankly, just for a test run. Twenty-seven days after that test run, Young was back in the winner’s circle after guiding the Fisher-trained Special Skills to win a hurdle handicap Wednesday. Owned by Sheila Williams and Northwood Stable, the son of Bernstein drew off to win by 2 Friday, September 2, 2016 Tod Marks WEDNESDAY RACING RECAP lengths over favorite Top Striker and on the success of Rudyard K. Bouncing back from a New York-bred third earlier in the meet, Special Skills Femalevictory. Sprinter finalist earned his third career hurdle Young settled Special Skills inside in seventh of the eight-horse field but lost that slot as the field turned down the backside for the first time. Special Skills grabbed the bit and ran up behind Rudyard K, forcing jockey Jack Doyle into defense mode, as the duo ripped through the field. By the time the field left the backside, Orchestra Leader led Rudyard K and Special Skills, who had done a cannonball into the field. Turning into the stretch the second time, Special Skills pulled Young into the back of Orchestra Leader, clipping heals and bobbling for a stride. ∏ Tricky Zippy Continued On Page 30 Barrel of Dreams Wins Wednesday Breaking • Training • Sales Donna Freyer Camden, SC 803-243-4848 Donna Freyer P. O. Box 2254 Camden, SC 29020 (803) 243-4848 The Saratoga Special 29 Experienced, Expert Care in Camden, South Carolina 16-0233 STPub CustomCareEq NYTB Program.indd 1 3/24/16 11:56 AM Wednesday – Continued from page 29 “They didn’t go that quick today, he settled nicely and then everything stopped in front of him and he got keen, I got up on Jack Doyle and set him off,” Young said. “He clipped heals, it was probably the best thing to happen, it made him pay attention a bit more.” Special Skills continued to stalk, flew the two hurdles on the backside, slipped out on the turn and won easily as Young merely slapped Special Skills on the right shoulder. Young finished the Saratoga season with a win, a second aboard Andi’amu in the New York Turf Writers Cup and two thirds from six rides. “Everything I’ve ridden here has run well, bar one horse, so I wasn’t disappointed how things were going, I’m lucky I’m even here after Philadelphia Park, so anything’s a bonus,” Young said. “When Andi’amu ran well last week, I thought maybe that’s as good as it gets, but the more I looked at this horse, the better I thought his chances were.” Special Skills won three races on the flat, including a two-other-than allowance at Parx, for Alan Goldberg before being purchased by Fisher in his annual fall shopping spree of Goldberg’s turf horses who aren’t paying their way. Last season, Special Skills broke his maiden over jumps at Suffolk and won an allowance in his next start. This year, he was winless in four tries before Wednesday. Young had never ridden the Sierra Farm-bred 6-year-old and certainly didn’t think he would be riding him at Saratoga back in July. “I called Jack on the way home because I was supposed to ride Schoodic up here and told him he better find someone else, no chance of being back. After a couple of days, when the swelling went down, I was always able to move my fingers and in about a week, I was able to get moving pretty good, in about 10 days I was back riding out,” said Young who helps train a string of horses with his wife Leslie. “Once you’re back on a horse, the healing is so much quicker, I knew unless I fell, the arm was fine, it was welded together in a sense. It was just a matter of how much you really still want to do it.” At 40 years old, with five-champion jockey trophies on his mantel, Young has thought about slowing down but has yet to take his foot off the gas. “When you school something good, you’re always thinking if you have a superstar at home, you’ll come back for him. You question comebacks all the time, you do think about it, but I’ve been lucky, I know I’ve had a fair few injuries but bones mend,” Young said. “As long as you can get up and get moving, there’s always a Tod Marks The father/son duo of owner Liam F. Benson (left) and trainer Liam D. Benson lead in Not So Quiet Man after Wednesday’s third chance and there’s always someone worse off than me. This (comeback) was never really in doubt, but still, I look at my birthdate and think I’m 40, but every jump jockey wakes up sore, every morning. There’s no sense complaining.” As for riding for Fisher, Young won a race called the Legacy Chase for him back in 2003, it was the Irishman’s first big break in this country. “I started with him and I’ll finish with him,” Young said. – Sean Clancy • Trainer Michael Dini smiled as he watched Creaky Cricket leave the winner’s circle and walk down the track after the fifth race, but worried that he hadn’t heard which horses were claimed for the $25,000 tag. Creaky Cricket was claimed, taken by Gumpster Stable and trainer Bruce Levine. Dini looked disappointed, but the smile came back soon enough. “We’ll get him back,” he said. Creaky Cricket is Dini’s first winner at the meet. From just three prior starters, Dini saddled two second-place finishers, including one from Creaky Cricket, who was the runner up in a claimer at 28-1 Aug. 5. Later on Wednesday’s card, Dini sent Ballybrit Stable’s Bird’s Eye View to a third in the Grade 2 With Anticipation. “I’ve had a lot of luck at Saratoga, 30 The Saratoga Special I don’t know why,” Dini said. “I lost $100,000 (Coronation Cup) the other day by a nose, this horse ran second, the other horse just had a bad trip and now (Creaky Cricket) won.” Although Creaky Cricket’s last race came as a surprise to Dini, he expected a win Wednesday. The only horse the trainer worried about was Don’t Be So Salty, who dropped in for a tag after nine straight stakes tries. “I thought the last race was tough,” he said. “He liked the distance, but I didn’t know he’d run that good. That’s why when I brought him back I thought he’d win because the four horses they claimed all finished behind him. Except (Don’t Be So Salty), dropping out of stakes. But being a trainer, you’re like, that’s a 10-class drop. He can’t be 100 percent. We were mad early because he was ahead of us and he got a spot, but that’s how racing is.” Creaky Cricket won the 5 1/2-furlong turf sprint by 2 1/4 lengths from favored Don’t Be So Salty at 7-1 after a rail-skimming run. “I love it. Everything’s good,” Dini said. – Brandon Valvo • Most people frown on students playing hooky, but Liam Benson managed to make his time away from the classroom pay off. Continued On Page 31 Friday, September 2, 2016 Wednesday – horse. Now he’s just strong, learned to control it, a bit more mature.” Benson may run one more horse at Monmouth before packing up the barn and heading back to Churchill for the fall. Following his first Saratoga winner to the test barn Benson summed up his day in three words. “That was wild,” he said. – Linzay Marks Continued from page 30 “Yeah, I actually missed class for this. Missing my finance class right now,” Benson, a senior at the University of Louisville, said after saddling his first Saratoga winner with Not So Quiet Man in the third. Benson is a bit of a one-man show when he comes to Saratoga – leading the horse over, wearing the number pinnie, leading the horse while legging up the rider, toting the cooler, channel, bucket and sponge back to the barn. He even plays van driver. “I drove him up (Wednesday) morning,” said Benson who keeps his five-horse stable at Monmouth Park in the summer. “Drove back from Kentucky (Tuesday), got in about 9 o’clock. Slept for about three hours, went to the barn, loaded up the trailer and brought him in myself.” Benson, 21, is due to graduate in December. To make juggling school and training easier, he moves his string to Churchill Downs for the fall. Benson left Not So Quiet Man with Derek Ryan last fall, hoping the son Arella Rockstar streaks home in Wednesday’s last race. of Freud could pick up a New Yorkbred win before getting the winter off. Not So Quiet Man didn’t win in four starts to end his 2-year-old season and his win Thursday came in his fifth start of 2016. Benson hadn’t lost faith despite the gelding’s 0-for-10 record. “I knew I would get it done with him eventually, just didn’t know if it Tod Marks would be here or Belmont,” said Benson, who trains for his father Liam F. Benson. “It’s really nice that it was here.” “To be honest this win is going pay a lot of bills. Mostly the worker’s comp he’s racked up. As a baby he was wild. He put a couple exercise riders in the hospital. He was a tough little • Debut winner Arella Rockstar gave Ralph Nicks his first win of the meet in the finale, a 6-furlong maiden claimer for 2-year-old fillies. The daughter of Astrology rolled to a 2 3/4-length win for Nicks and owner J Stables, which paid $13,000 for the filly at last year’s Keeneland September yearling sale. “I felt she got away good and got a good trip, so it gave her a chance,” Nicks said. “I thought we were in the right position with her.” Arella Rockstar, who was claimed out of the race for $50,000 by Rudy Rodriguez for e Five Racing Thoroughbreds, got Nicks in the win column after an 0-for-12 start with three seconds and a third. – Linzay Marks YOUR 1/4% IS 100% APPRECIATED You can help horse racing by contributing to the NTRA ¼% Check-off program when you buy or sell horses at any major domestic sale company. Your participation, and that of your peers, funds the NTRA’s federal legislative effort for horse racing in Washington, D.C. Nearly 900 industry members from around the world supported the ¼% Check-off program last year by giving $2.50 for every $1,000 in a horse’s sale price. For more information, contact Joe Bacigalupo, NTRA director of government relations and membership development, at or 859-422-2677. Proud Supporters of the NTRA Legislative Team F ,S 2, 2016 16-290-084 LAC 1-4 100 SaratogaSpecial_9.5x4.5.indd 1 riday eptember The Saratoga Special 31 8/4/16 11:49 AM WEDNESDAY SARATOGA RESULTS Wednesday August 31. FIRST $70,000, HANDICAP HURDLE, 4 YO’S & UP, 2 1/16M 1 Special Skills P. Young $11.00 $5.10 $3.20 3 Top Striker B. Dalton $3.80 $2.70 2 Rudyard K J. Doyle $4.70 Dk B/ Br G 2010, by Bernstein - Kentucky Whisper by Southern Halo Owner: Williams, Sheila J. and Northwood Stables. Trainer: Jack Fisher. Breeder: Sierra Farm (KY). Late Scratches: Overwhelming Time: 3:54.09. Exacta (1-3), $27.80; Superfecta (1-3-2-7), $676.00; Trifecta (1-3-2), $112.50 SECOND $37,000, MAIDEN CLAIMING $20,000, 3 & UP, 1 1/8M 1A Musical Comedy J. Castellano $6.50 $2.90 $2.10 5 Vilma J. Ortiz $2.50 $2.10 6 Pontastic I. Ortiz, Jr. $2.30 Ch Colt 2013, by It’s No Joke - Musical Touch by Touch Gold Owner: Klaravich Stables, Inc. and Lawrence, William H.. Trainer: Chad Brown. Breeder: Frank Hopewell Runner’s Dream Farm (PA). Claimed: Musical Comedy claimed by Bulger, Joseph for $20,000, Pontastic claimed by Asmussen, Steven M. for $20,000, Active Management claimed by My Purple Haze Stables for $20,000 Time: 1:51.75 Daily Double (1-1), $29.60; Exacta (1-5), $12.20; Quinella (1-5), $5.30; Superfecta (1-5-6-7), $113.00; Trifecta (1-5-6), $22.40 THIRD $45,000, NY-BRED MDN CLM $40,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 5 1/2F 10 Not So Quiet Man J. Ortiz $10.80 $5.20 $3.60 4 Colonel Andy K. Carmouche $8.10 $5.20 9 Hopper Dropper J. Torres $8.20 Gr/ro Gelding 2013, by Freud - Quiet Julia by Silver Ghost Owner: Benson, Liam, F.. Trainer: Liam Benson. Breeder: J. P. Delaney (NY). Late Scratches: Chosen One Elijah, Irish Hope, Enchanted Forest. Time: 1:03.06 Daily Double (1-10), $46.40; Exacta (10-4), $71.00; Superfecta (104-9-1), $5,240.00; Trifecta (10-4-9), $783.00; Pic 3 (1-1-10), $141.00 FOURTH $32,000, CLAIMING $16,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/8M 4 Seventhfleethumor A. Arroyo $19.20 $8.80 $4.60 1 Lucky Lotto E. Cancel $6.00 $4.30 2 Castaway J. Ortiz $3.40 B Colt 2012, by Afleet Alex - Fleeting Humor by Distorted Humor Owner: The Players Group. Trainer: Antonio Arriaga. Breeder: Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY). Claimed: Seventhfleethumor claimed by R. D. M. Racing Stable for $16,000, Marriage Fever claimed by Flying P Stable for $16,000, Cousin Stephen claimed by Geesey, Kathy L. for $16,000 Time: 1:51.69 Daily Double (10-4), $118.50; Exacta (4-1), $116.50; Quinella (1-4), $53.00; Superfecta (4-1-2-6), $644.00; Trifecta (4-1-2), $261.50; Pic 3 (1-10-4), $403.00 FIFTH $50,000, CLAIMING $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 5 1/2F 2 Creaky Cricket J. Lezcano $16.60 $5.90 $4.10 10 Don’t Be So Salty J. Ortiz $3.10 $2.80 9 Gran the Man L. Saez $4.60 Dk B/ Br Colt 2012, by Yesbyjimminy - Serene Lake by Meadowlake Owner: Ballybrit Stable, LLC. Trainer: Michael Dini. Breeder: Bridlewood Farm (FL). Late Scratches: Stay Determined, Alpha Slew Claimed: Creaky Cricket claimed by Gumpster Stable LLC for $25,000, Don’t Be So Salty claimed by Reyana and Reya Racing for $25,000, Latigo Trail claimed by Whisper Hill Farm for $25,000 Time: 1:02.41 Daily Double (4-2), $167.50; Exacta (2-10), $53.00; Superfecta (2-109-11), $4,039.00; Trifecta (2-10-9), $318.50; Pic 3 (10-4-2), $1,027.00 32 The Saratoga Special SIXTH $50,000, NY-BRED CLAIMING $25,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 6F 3 Comandante I. Ortiz, Jr. $5.40 $3.00 $2.40 6 Uncharted Course M. Franco $3.20 $2.50 4 Sidearm R. Santana, Jr. $2.60 B Gelding 2010, by Frost Giant - Slew Motion by Slew Gin Fizz Owner: Mondello, Ben. Trainer: David Cannizzo. Breeder: Andrew Cohen, IEAH Stables & Partners (NY). Claimed: Uncharted Course claimed by Mitre Box Stable for $25,000 Time: 1:10.36. Daily Double (2-3), $50.50; Exacta (3-6), $18.00; Superfecta (3-6-4-7), $129.50; Trifecta (3-6-4), $35.40; Pic 3 (4-2-3), $487.50; Pic 4 (10-4-2-3), $3,522.00; Pic 5 (1-10-4-2-3), $13,148.00 SEVENTH $47,000, WCL $40,000, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/16M 2 King of Spades F. Geroux $14.00 $7.00 $4.00 8 Task Force Glory L. Saez $9.90 $4.50 10 Circus Performer J. Castellano $2.90 Dk B/ Br G 2012, by Street Cry (IRE) - Dynamite Lass by Dynaformer Owner: Brewster, Clark, O.. Trainer: Steven Asmussen. Breeder: Adena Springs & Mark & Inez Corrado (KY). Time: 1:42.20 Late Scratches: D. S. Boyd, Parting Gift, Holy Week, American Phantom, Dixie Runner, Know Your Customer, Tom’s Vision Claimed: Circus Performer claimed by Cloonan, Michael P. for $40,000, Araqeel claimed by Asmussen, Steven M. for $40,000, Gunlock claimed by Check Mark Stables for $40,000. Daily Double (3-2), $41.60; Exacta (2-8), $146.50; Superfecta (2-8-10-11), $1,789.00; Trifecta (2-8-10), $548.00; Pic 3 (2-3-2), $371.00 EIGHTH $75,000, NY-BRED ALLOWANCE, 3 YO’S & UP, 1 1/16M 3 Barrel of Dreams J. Velazquez $5.20 $2.90 $2.30 7 Table for Six J. Castellano $4.00 $2.80 4 Weather Girl I. Ortiz, Jr. $3.30 B Filly 2012, by Not For Love - Wide Barrel by Broad Brush Owner: Newman Racing. Trainer: Charlton Baker. Breeder: Tri-County Stables (NY). Time: 1:42.33 Late Scratches: Saratiago, Queen of Castle, Young Anna Lee, Razia Sultana, Lovely Lanie. Daily Double (2-3), $35.60; Exacta (3-7), $18.40; Superfecta (3-7-4-2), $448.40; Trifecta (3-7-4), $46.40; Pic 3 (3-2-3), $139.00 NINTH $200,000, STAKES - WITH ANTICIPATION S., 2 YO, 1 1/16M 2 Made You Look J. Castellano $5.30 $3.00 $2.20 7 Keep Quiet (FR) F. Geroux $3.10 $2.50 8 Bird’s Eye View I. Ortiz, Jr. $5.40 Dk B/ Br C 2014, by More Than Ready - Night and Day by Unbridled’s Song Owner: Let’s Go Stable and Three Chimneys Farm. Trainer: Todd Pletcher. Breeder: The Robert & Beverly Lewis Trust (KY). Time: 1:43.12 Daily Double (3-2), $11.00; Exacta (2-7), $14.60; Superfecta (2-7-8-5), $957.00; Trifecta (2-7-8), $136.50; Pic 3 (2-3-2), $99.00; Grand Slam (3/4/6-2/8/10-3/4/7-2), $12.40 TENTH $50,000, MAIDEN CLAIMING $50,000, 2 YO, 6F 5 Arella Rockstar M. Franco $26.00 $10.80 $6.70 4 Honor Way J. Velazquez $7.10 $5.80 13 Banty’s Girl D. Davis $5.80 B Filly 2014, by Astrology - Story Untold by Old Fashioned Owner: J Stables. Trainer: Ralph Nicks. Breeder: Machmer Hall (KY). Late Scratches: Twilight Owl, Woundwithhereyes, Tiz All Behind Us, Buy Low Sell High, Promise Me Tiz, Murrell’s Belle Claimed: Arella Rockstar claimed by e Five Racing Thoroughbreds for $50,000, Loose claimed by Blue Stork Stables for $50,000, Hexameter claimed by Gatsas Stables for $50,000, Jax claimed by Miuccio, Antonino for $50,000. Time: 1:11.73 Daily Double (2-5), $95.50; Exacta (5-4), $179.00; Superfecta (5-4-138), $7,725.00; Trifecta (5-4-13), $1,541.00; Pic 3 (3-2-5), $277.50; Pic 4 (2-3/11/12/13/14-2-5), $1,655.00; Pic 6 (2-3-2-3/11/12/13/14-2-5), $700.00; Pic 6 (2-3-2-3/11/12/13/14-2-5), $49,772.00 On Track Handle: 2,328,891. Inter-State Handle: 8,407,502 Copyright 2016 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Friday, September 2, 2016 WEDNESDAY SARATOGA RESULTS PHOTOS BY TOD MARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Help Wanted Riverdee Stable is now hiring a barn manager for their Middleburg, Virginia farm operation. Responsible for the care of lay-ups from the track and assisting trainer with the re-schooling of OTTB for sport horse careers. Perfect for an experienced horseman, who might want a break from the track. A background with race horses and show horses is helpful. Ability to ride is ideal but not mandatory. Enthusiasm, attention to details and patience required. Small stable so will be asked to do all duties with the help of a full time groom. RIVERDEE STABLE Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special Email Sean Clancy at or Anne Clancy at 33 Table Toppers Unlimited Potential supplies track, others with quality work BY TERESA GENARO Every Travers day, the most valued piece of real estate at Saratoga Race Course is a picnic table in the backyard. About 8 feet long, all 850 of them are snatched up within minutes of the gates opening at 7 a.m., by people who have been waiting in line since the wee hours of the morning for the chance to run like hell to the backyard and plant a flag – sometimes literally – at a favorite spot and spread out food, drinks, and past performances. While Travers Day is the apotheosis of the hunt for picnic tables, they are in demand on pretty much every day of the meet, so much so that in recent years the New York Racing Association began charging for the right to reserve one, at first only on Travers day; last year, that practice extended to every day of the meeting, with 100 tables available to people who’d prefer to pay than to get up early to reserve one in person. While the number of tables available to reserve was reduced by about 10 percent this year, the overall number of tables in the backyard increased, with another 100 added before this summer’s meet began. And numbers like that are music to Brien Hollowood’s ears. Hollowood is the executive direcContinued On Page 36 Connie Bush Local company Unlimited Potential makes tables for the track and other customers. Private Training Facility in aiken , south carolina Direct access to the one mile Aiken Training Track as well as adjacent to the new Bruce’s Field horse show grounds. Legendary home to world class thoroughbreds and Eclipse award winners, the property has over 8 acres, 43 stalls, 6 horse covered EquiGym, bunkhouse and 4 bedroom brick home, former home of Mack Miller. Suzy Haslup • 803.215.0153 For more inFormation please visit: 34 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 35 Tables – Continued from page 34 tor of Unlimited Potential, which has sold picnic tables to the track for more than 16 years. Located on Cady Hill Boulevard, a 10-minute drive from the track, Unlimited Potential has for more than three decades offered support, training, employment and recreational opportunities to people diagnosed with mental illness. Unlimited Potential was established in 1979, setting up shop at first downtown, founded by people whose children had mental health issues. “The children were aging out of the youth system,” said Hollowood, “and there was nothing to help them with employment. Unlimited Potential was started to help people find work in the community and to bring them to a sheltered workshop and training facility.” Now serving about 78 clients, Unlimited Potential operates out of a 27,000 square foot facility that includes offices, workspaces and a warehouse. The workshop offers paid, minimum-wage employment to clients unable to work in the larger community. On a recent morning, one client was individually shrink-wrapping locally made dog biscuits. Another was sifting peat that would be used in the manufacturing of high-quality paper. The woodworking shop was quiet, but in the afternoons, Rick Marshall, the woodwork supervisor, comes in to cut wood supplied by Curtis Lumber and begins to assemble Adirondack chairs, picnic tables, and other wood products Unlimited Potential’s clients will later complete. Clients range in age from 18 to their 60s, diagnosed with illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. As they age out of the work force, they can join the on-site Golden Club for clients 55 and older to discuss current events, watch movies, play computer games and engage in physical exercise and field trips. Unlimited Potential has a staff of 13, down from 18 due to New York State budget cuts, which has led Hollowood, reluctantly, to close programs in Connie Bush With its white Unlimited Potential tag, this picnic table was ready to greet some racegoers.. addition to reducing staff. State funding is the organization’s main revenue stream, and Hollowood has recently had to raise prices on the items the company produces to help make up the shortfall. Still, the products are reasonably priced. Unlimited Potential delivers in the Capital Region, and Hollowood routinely gets phone calls from people who have seen the company’s name on a picnic table at the track and want to order one for the backyard. Prices start at $145 for a 6-foot pine table and go up to $250 for a 12-foot pressure-treated one. Also available for sale are shrub covers and Adirondack chairs in a variety of sizes, the latter of which can be custom-painted. Unlimited Potential clients also work in the greater community, at places like the Wesley Community, which offers senior care and apartments; the Holiday Inn, at which Hollowood’s wife Cindy works as the general manager; and Price Chopper. Breeders’ Cup Package Raffle On sale all summer! Sponsored by Xpressbet 36 “We hired a job-development person in November, and she’s already found work for over 30 people in the community,” said Hollowood. “One of the strong points of being in Saratoga is that it’s such a place that likes to do things for other people in the community.” In 2015, NYRA hired its first Unlimited Potential client to work the Saratoga meet, as a whitecap. This year, another client was hired as a parking attendant. “Unlimited Potential is an invaluable resource for Saratoga and beyond,” said NYRA spokesperson Pat McKenna. “If NYRA can contribute to that, if we can strengthen the organization in some small way through commissioning tables each season, or providing a pathway to seasonal jobs at the track, we feel proud of that relationship and hope to continue it. It reflects our commitment to partnering with the local community and this non-profit doing vital work in Saratoga and upstate New York.” Unlimited Potential is a 501c3 charity that accepts donations—“the bigger, the better,” said Hollowed with a laugh—and is always on the lookout for businesses with which it can partner to create opportunities for clients. In early 2017, Hollowood will get the order for next summer’s picnic tables from NYRA, and then the staff at Unlimited Potential will get to work, assembling the furniture that will be so highly prized at next summer’s racing meeting. As NYRA finds tables that have begun to weaken or degrade, they pull them from the inventory and order replacements. “Unfortunately, they last forever,” joked Hollowood. “We do too good a job. We wish they’d break down a lot sooner.” Quality products, created by the efforts of people whose lives are enriched by Unlimited Potential, in turn enrich the experiences of people who come to the backyard at Saratoga year after year, and of people across the state and the country, and around the world, who contract Unlimited Potential’s services or purchase their work. “Good work, great results is kind of our motto,” said Hollowood. “It’s been working that way for all these years now.” Win a trip for two for Breeders’ Cup weekend (Thursday, November 3rd through Sunday, November 6th) at Santa Anita Park in California! Enjoy airfare for two, a three-night stay in Pasadena, two days at the races with hospitality, a $500 betting voucher and $500 spending money for both Friday and Saturday. Tickets are $100 (cash-only) and may be purchased at the Front Desk. You will also receive free admission to the Museum with the purchase of a raffle ticket. The drawing will be held on September 8th at noon. The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 Loyalty. Service. Consistency. “ “ When I was first approached by Tracy back in 2002 with her idea for a management program, I was beta-testing for another company with a similar idea. I quickly realized that TLore was going to cut to the chase and create a much-needed system for keeping track of the many minute details that need attention when training a stable of race horses. – David Donk TLore is a Thoroughbred Racehorse Management Service. For more information contact Tracy Attfield (954) 647-3220 | TLore SARATOGA’S BEST BETS Come join us for the same good breakfast you have been missing! For 28 years Equine Partnerships • Licensing Matters Litigation 8am-2pm Daily (518) 430-0005 • (855) 677-5155 Todd Engel • Saratoga Syracuse 256 Milton Ave. Ballston Spa, NY (518) 885-2848 Garden City Protect your sport’s integrity Saratoga’s largest selection of rentals. It’s not too early to book for next year. If you suspect or know of wrongdoing within the racing community, contact us. Emails & calls are treated confidentially. You may remain anonymous. Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau Integrity Hotline 410-398-3647 • Email: También disponsible en español “Troy Mulligan saves me hours of work and days of worry. Now, I can watch the horses again.” FREE Saratoga Picks DAILY! 102 Lincoln Ave. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518.584.1648 Lyrical Ballad Bookstore Antiquarian Booksellers More than 100,000 books and old prints all sound and ready. – Sean Clancy, Riverdee Stable Troy H. Mulligan, CPA 7-9 Phila Street 518-584-8779 Lexington, KY • (859) 233-4146 Specializing in books on the history of Thoroughbred racing and breeding. YOUR business here! Just $800 for the ENTIRE SARATOGA SEASON! Email for info Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 37 cupofcoffee BY SEAN CLANCY The Salvation Army rings its bell. A woman in a slinky black dress and six-inch heals unfolds a baby carriage, while holding an infant, bumps her arm and shows it to her man, he kisses it gently, they walk into the races. A security guard waits in the shade. Louie, who played catcher on the last softball team I played on, tells me about a photo he took of a bathing cat. Chad Brown wins another race. A grandmother takes a photo of granddaughter and grandfather, the grandfather takes a photo of granddaughter and grandmother, then an EMT steps in and takes a photo of all three together, they smile and thank him. A young couple walks in, hand-in-hand, the sky’s the limit for the day, for their lives. Jimmy Dintino walks in and Bill Higgins walks out. Loretta Lusteg limps to her car. A trash cart, needing grease on its wheels, teeters past. Three boys and my college roommate walk out of the far gate near the paddock chute and flag me down. Paul Wasserman had the summer off back in 2001, he came to Saratoga to help launch The Saratoga Special. He was single, out of work and crazy enough to believe this thing could work. He’s now married, three kids, works for himself and is sane enough to make a day trip to Saratoga every summer. This year, he brought two of his boys, 11-yearold Nolan and 9-year-old Robbie, and their friend, Ryan, 11. Boys of Summer “This is Jimbo,” I say, asking a bay pony to come see the boys. Wasserman does the same clucking noise he’s been doing since the first time I took him to Fair Hill Training Center back in 1990. The horses have yet to respond to the city kid’s attempt at bonding. “Is that really his name?” Wasserman asks. “Of course.” I have no idea what his name is but people like knowing horses’ names. “Is he a racehorse?” Nolan asks. I flip his lip to check for a tattoo. “Why’d you do that?” Ryan asks. “To see if he has a tattoo.” “A tattoo?” Nolan asks. “Why would he have a tattoo?” I try to explain and realize it’s going nowhere. “Let’s bet the next race.” I read the names to the boys and they yell out numbers like a bingo announcer. We drive the golf cart to the betting window and just get the bets down before the field for the fourth breaks on the other side of the infield. Nobody has General Downs at a big price, but one of us hits Tale Of Mist to place. As long as we’re cashing, everybody’s happy. We hop back in the golf cart and tour past Clare Court and Greentree. I ask if they want to be paperboys next summer. They’re not convinced. I offer them lunch. They decide they’d rather eat Fresh off a couple of winning $1 place bets, they in town. hop in the golf cart and the annual tour begins. We wait for the mile-and-a-half filly and mare al“Can we see Circus?” Nolan, 11, asks. lowance, landing on five of the seven starters. I think of Allen Jerkens and his old standby, Cir“I tried to buy the Form last night, I went to two cus, who we used to visit every summer. stores and couldn’t find it,” Wasserman says, as he “Was Circus a racehorse?” Nolan asks. reads my Form, explaining Beyer Figures. “This “No, just a pony,” I say. “A great pony.” one’s trending up, this one’s trending down.” We roll to the backside, stopping near the stalls Wasserman tries to teach the boys how to read of the pony barn near the Morning Line Kitchen. the Form. “What’s this L 122 mean?” he asks. “The L means Lasix and the 122 is the weight he’s carrying, the jockey and his tack.” “What’s Lasix?” Nolan asks. I try to explain, “It’s a medication.” “For what?” Nolan asks. I stammer. “So, every horse is carrying the L medication,” Nolan says. I change the subject. John Velazquez rides past. “How many pairs of goggles do the jockeys wear?” Ryan asks. “Several,” I say. “They pull them down as they get dirty.” “So they throw them off?” We bet the fifth, again hitting $1 place bet. We’re rolling. We drive back to the front side, Wasserman handing off the three kids to me while he makes a phone call. “Let’s go to the Big Red Spring.” The boys fill three cups, unsure, but willing to try. “Salty,” Ryan says. “It’s like seltzer,” Robbie says. “It’s bad every year,” Nolan says. We walk away, laughing. We bet the sixth, hit another place horse and Wasserman divvies up the money. Time to go, I drive them to the Union Avenue gate near the Hall of Fame and they pile out of the golf cart. Robbie climbs a tree, walking his feet up the trunk while holding a branch. Ryan tries it and laughs. Robbie throws a tennis ball in the air. Wasserman comes up with a game, “Hit the geek.” A tennis ball sails past my ear. We say goodbye for another year. BROWN ADVISORY IS PROUD TO SUPPORT RACING AT SARATOGA BALTIMORE BOSTON CHAPEL HILL LONDON NEW YORK WASHINGTON,DC WILMINGTON (800) 645-3923 38 The Saratoga Special Friday, September 2, 2016 The Triple Crown. Royal Ascot. Deauville. Saratoga. Del Mar and beyond... The road to racing’s golden opportunities begins at KEENELAND SEPTEMBER. 35 GRADE 1 WINS Donn H. (G1) Santa Anita H. (G1) Florida Derby (G1) Toyota Blue Grass S. (G1) Santa Anita Derby (G1) Central Bank Ashland S. (G1) Arkansas Derby (G1) La Troienne S. (G1) Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S. (G1) Kentucky Derby (G1) Humana Distaff S. (G1) Preakness S. (G1) Gamely S. (G1) Vanity Mile S. (G1) Shoemaker Mile S. (G1) Acorn S. (G1) Just a Game S. (G1) Belmont S. (G1) Ascot Gold Cup (G1) Triple Bend S. (G1) Gold Cup at Santa Anita S. (G1) Eclipse S. (G1) Mother Goose S. (G1) Belmont Oaks Invitational S. (G1) Delaware H. (G1) Haskell Invitational S. (G1) Bing Crosby S. (G1) Test S. (G1) Del Mar Oaks (G1) Prix Morny (G1) Travers S. (G1) King’s Bishop S. (G1) AND MORE CATALOG AVAILABLE Friday, September 2, 2016 The Saratoga Special 39 More than $1.5 million in purse money was paid on Saratoga Showcase Day with a full card for NY-breds, including six stakes races. SHOWCASE DAY STAKES WINNERS: HIT IT ONCE MORE $250,000 Albany S. Breeder: JMJ Racing Stables, LLC Owner: August Dawn Farm Trainer: Gary Sciacca SUPER SURPRISE $200,000 Fleet Indian S. Breeder: Allen C. Hallett Owner: Repole Stable Trainer: Todd Pletcher KING KREESA $150,000 West Point S. Breeder: Horse Partners Owner: Gerald and Susan Kresa Trainer: David Donk FOURSTAR CROOK $150,000 Yaddo S. Breeder: Kathleen M. Feron Owner: Michael Dubb, Bethlehem Stables LLC and Gary Aisquith Trainer: Chad Brown SYNDERGAARD $200,000 Funny Cide S. | 518.587.0777 Breeder: Burleson Farms Owner: Eric Fein, Christopher McKenna, Harris Fein, Guri Singh and Jerry Walia Trainer: Todd Pletcher IRON MIZZ $200,000 Seeking the Ante S. For more information visit our website or call 518.388.0174 Breeder: Stonewall Farm Owner: Barry K. Schwartz Trainer: Todd Pletcher
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