Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 212 - September 2007
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web:
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Es gibt Tage, da wünscht man sich,
mit mindestens fünf Armen und
mehr als nur zwei Hirnhälften geboren zu sein. Denn das würde die
tägliche Arbeit sicherlich wesentlich einfacher machen. Als enthusiastischer Filmfanatiker vermutet
man natürlich schon lange, dass
irgendwo auf der Welt in einem
kleinen, total unauffälligen Labor
inmitten einer Wüstenlandschaft
bereits mit genmanipulierten Menschen experimentiert wird, die genau die eingangs erwähnten Charakteristiken aufweisen. Und vermutlich laufen diese grausamen
Experimente just in dieser Minute
komplett aus dem Ruder, was wiederum Agenten wie Maulder und
Scully auf den Plan ruft. Bis es
also soweit ist, dass brauchbar mutierte Arbeitswillige einsatzfähig
sind, wird es wohl noch einige Zeit
brauchen. Und bis dahin heisst die
einzig sinnvolle Alternative
”Kompromiss”. Einen dieser Kompromisse betrachten Sie momentan
auf Ihrem Monitor oder halten ihn
in gedruckter Form in Händen. Natürlich meinen wir unseren
Newsletter damit, den wir Ihnen
dieses Mal in richtig spartanischer
Ausstattung überlassen. Spartanisch deshalb, weil wir auf eine
grafische Gestaltung fast vollkommen verzichtet haben. Am
Informationsgehalt indes ändert
sich dadurch selbstverständlich
überhaupt nichts. Ganz im Gegenteil: Mit nahezu 100 Seiten USANeuankündigungen dürften auch
die hartgesottensten Leser fast erschlagen werden. Hätten wir nun
noch alle deutschen und auch die
japanischen Neuheiten mit hineingepackt, so wären dadurch lässig
200 Seiten geworden. Aber wir
wollen ja nicht übertreiben. Und so
haben wir uns dazu entschlossen,
die Informationen aufzuteilen.
Wenn Sie also im vorliegenden
Newsletter vergebens nach deut-
schen und japanischen DVDs Ausschau halten, dann dürfen Sie sich
schon auf die Ausgaben 213 und
214 freuen. Diese werden wir so
bald wie möglich publizieren. Leider erfordert das Einpflegen neuer
Titel in unsere Datenbank gerade
bei deutschen DVDs sehr viel mehr
Zeit als bei Übersee-Releases. Und
Sie können sich kaum vorstellen,
was sich seit Beginn unserer Sommerpause alles angesammelt hat!
Man merkt deutlich, dass wir uns
bereits auf das Herbst- und Wintergeschäft zubewegen. Also jener
Jahreszeit, in der Heimvideosektor
förmlich mit Neuerscheinungen
überschwemmt wird. Viel Arbeit
also, die uns seit der Rückkehr aus
unserem wohlverdienten Urlaub in
Atem hält. Das Erfassen der neuen
Titel ließ uns bislang auch keine
Zeit, um das hinter uns liegende
Fantasy Filmfest redaktionell aufzuarbeiten. Wir wissen, dass viele
unserer Leser besonders an diesem
Erlebnisbericht interessiert sind.
Aber keine Sorge: Wir arbeiten natürlich schon längst daran. Aber gut
Ding braucht eben Weile oder mindestens vier Arme und drei Hirnhälften. Und dazu noch eine Portion Geduld von unserer Leserschaft.
Trotzdem möchten wir Ihnen natürlich vorenthalten, welche Filme für
uns die persönlichen Highlights des
Festivals waren: MR. BROOKS,
SHADOWBOXER und FIDO. Allesamt Filme, die wir unserer privaten DVD-Sammlung hinzufügen
werden, sobald diese verfügbar
sind. Ein paar der Titel werden Sie
vermutlich bereits in diesem
Newsletter ausfindig machen.
Selbstverständlich gelten bei allen
Vorbestellungen, die bei uns spätestens eine Woche vor dem Erstverkaufstag der US-DVDs eintreffen,
günstigere Pre-Order-Preise, die
automatisch berücksichtigt werden.
Fragen Sie einfach danach.
Nach den in diesem Jahr bereits
absolvierten Filmfestivals
”Widescreen Weekend” (Bradford),
”Bollywood and Beyond” (Stuttgart) und ”Fantasy Filmfest” (Stuttgart) steht am ersten Oktoberwochenende das vierte Highlight
am Festivalhimmel an. Nunmehr
bereits zum dritten Mal lädt die
Schauburg in Karlsruhe zum
”Todd-AO Filmfestival” in die badische Hauptstadt ein. Das diesjährige Programm wurde gerade eben
offiziell verkündet und das wollen
wir Ihnen unter keinen Umständen
vorenthalten. Zu sehen gibt es wieder atemberaubende Raritäten im
70mm-Format in historischen Kopien, die dafür teilweise eigens aus
dem Ausland eingeflogen werden.
Dazu gibt es wie immer ein interessantes Rahmenprogramm, das in
stilvollem Ambiente präsentiert
wird. Wie bereits im vergangenen
Jahr werden auch wir wieder unseren Beitrag zu dieser deutschlandweit einmaligen Filmschau beisteuern und die Filme mit kurzen Einführungen versehen. Das Programm
im Einzelnen haben wir auf den
folgenden Seiten für Sie zusammengestellt. Bei weiteren Fragen
hierzu können Sie sich jederzeit
vertrauensvoll an das Team der
Schauburg oder das Team der Laser
Hotline wenden. Wahre Filmfans
sollten sich diese Gelegenheit nicht
entgehen lassen, große Filme auf
der noch größeren Leinwand zu
erleben. Auch wenn die ein oder
andere dort gezeigte Filmkopie aufgrund von Alterung
Farbverfälschungen aufweist, so
kann dies die grandiose Bildwirkung der Großformatfilme auf
der gekrümmten Cinerama-Bildwand nicht wesentlich schmälern.
Nicht umsonst ist das Motto der
Schauburg in diesem Jahr ”Big!
Bigger! Schauburg!” Also - wir sehen uns!
Seite 2
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007
12:00 Uhr
USA 1961
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Panavision Anamorphic (35mm Negativfilm)
Englische Originalfassung / 122 Min.
Produktion: Harold Hecht
Regie: J. Lee Thompson
Buch: Waldo Salt, Karl Tunberg
Buchvorlage: Nikolai Gogol (Erzählung )
Kamera: Joseph MacDonald
Musik: Franz Waxman
Schnitt: William Reynolds, Gene Milford, Eda Warren
Darsteller: Tony Curtis (Andrei Bulba), Yul Brynner (Taras
Bulba), Christine Kaufmann (Natalia Dubrow), Sam Wanamaker
(Filipenko), Brad Dexter (Shilo), Guy Rolfe (Fürst Grigory)
Der Kampf des Kosakenführers Taras Bulba im 16. Jahrhundert
gegen die Polen - und gegen den eigenen rebellischen Sohn - in
einer Neuverfilmung der Erzählung von Nikolaj Gogol. Inszeniert
als aufwendiges Kolossalgemälde einer heldischen Zeit, das Barbarismus und Verworrenheit, Banalität und Pathos oberflächlich
effektvoll verbindet. Eindrucksvoll in den Massenszenen (Quelle:
14:30 Uhr
KAISERLICHE VENUS (OT: Venere Imperiale / Venus Imperiale)
Italien / Frankreich 1962
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Super Technirama 70 (35mm Negativfilm / 8Perf horizontal)
Deutsche Fassung / 140 Min.
Produktionsfirma: Royal/France Cinema/Gaumont
Regie: Jean Delannoy
Buch: Jean Aurenche, R.M. Arlaud, Leo Benvenuti, Jean
Delannoy, Heriat, John Michael Hayes, Piero de Bernardi
Kamera: Gabor Pogany
Musik: Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Darsteller: Gina Lollobrigida , Stephen Boyd , Raymond Pellegrin
, Micheline Presle , Gabriele Ferzetti
Die Herzensangelegenheiten von Napoleons lebenslustiger Schwester Paolina in einem Historienfilm, der die zeitgenössische Weltgeschichte und ihre Konflikte lediglich als Kulisse benutzt (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
17:15 Uhr
PATHFINDER (OT: Ofelas / Veiviseren)
Norwegen 1988
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Dolby (A) Stereo Magnetton
September 2007
Aufgenommen in Panavision Anamorphic (35mm Negativfilm)
Norwegische Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln / 86 Min.
Produktion: John M. Jacobsen
Regie: Nils Gaup
Buch: Nils Gaup (, nach der lappländischen Legende „Der Pfadfinder und die Kerze“ )
Kamera: Erling Thurmann-Andersen
Musik: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää, Marius Muller, Kjetil Bjerkestrand
Schnitt: Nils Pagh Andersen
Darsteller: Mikkel Gaup (Aigin), Inger Utzi (Schwester), Svein
Scharffenberg (Tschuden-Häuptling), Ingvald Guttorm (Vater),
Ellen Anne Buljo (Mutter)
Ein 16jähriger Junge verliert in der eisigen Kälte Lapplands seine Familie durch mordgierige und plündernde Mitglieder eines
feindlichen Volksstammes und muß erkennen, daß er auf seine
persönliche Rache zugunsten des Wohls seines Volkes verzichten
muß. Vor grandioser Naturkulisse angesiedelter spannender, in
einzelnen Szenen recht drastischer Abenteuerfilm nach einer alten
samischen Legende. Klassische Genre-Elemente werden mit ethnischer Genauigkeit und einem Plädoyer für ein friedfertiges Dasein in der Gemeinschaft verbunden. (Fernsehtitel: „Die Rache
des Fährtensuchers“) (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
19:30 Uhr
USA / Großbritannien 1965
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Ultra Panavision 70 (65mm Negativfilm)
Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause
Deutsche Fassung (optisch korrigierte Cinerama-Kopie) / 134
Produktion: Julian Blaustein
Regie: Basil Dearden
Buch: Robert Ardrey
Kamera: Edward Scaife, Harry Waxman
Musik: Frank Cordell
Schnitt: Fergus McDonell
Darsteller: Charlton Heston (General Charles Gordon), Laurence
Olivier (Mahdi), Richard Johnson (Colonel J.D.H. Stewart), Ralph
Richardson (Pemierminister Gladstone), Alexander Knox (Sir
Evelyn Baring)
Aufwendige Schilderung des Versagens englischer Kolonialpolitik
im Sudan; General Gordon verteidigt die Hauptstadt Khartoum
vergeblich gegen den „heiligen Krieg“ des Mahdi. Abenteuerfilm,
der mit viel Kampfgetümmel, einigen sentimentalen Episoden und
großartigen Landschaftsaufnahmen vom Nil unterhält, die politischen Hintergründe jedoch vereinfacht (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Im Anschluss an den Film gibt es wieder das beliebte ”Get
Together” mit Hoepfner-Bier vom Fass. Zeitgleich wird das Fotobuch ”Deutsche Roadshowkinos” von Dieter Connemann präsentiert.
Seite 3
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
Und zu später Stunde sind alle Dauerkartenbesitzer zu einer 2kDLP-Projektion des Western-Klassikers RIO BRAVO eingeladen.
RIO BRAVO wird in der englischen Originalfassung auf der gekrümmten Bildwand des Schauburg-Kinos zu sehen sein.
Samsatg, 6. Oktober 2007
10:00 Uhr
THE KING AND I (DT: Der König und ich)
USA 1956 (133 min)
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in CinemaScope 55 (55mm Negativfilm / 8-Perf
vertikal )
Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause
Englische Originalversion (Grandeur 70) / 133 Min.
Produktion: Charles Brackett
Regie: Walter Lang
Buch: Ernest Lehman
Buchvorlage: Richard Rodgers (Musical ), Oscar Hammerstein II
(Musical )
Kamera: Leon Shamroy
Musik: Richard Rodgers
Schnitt: Robert Simpson
Darsteller: Yul Brynner (König), Deborah Kerr (Anna
Leonowens), Rita Moreno (Tuptim), Martin Benson (Kralahome),
Terry Saunders (Lady Thiang), Rex Thompson (Louis Lenowens),
Carlos Rivas (Lun Tha), Alan Mowbray (Botschafter)
Eine junge britische Witwe, um 1860 als Erzieherin an den Hof
des despotischen, aber zivilisationsfreudigen Königs von Siam
berufen, gewinnt dessen Achtung und Zuneigung und in gleichem
Maße Einfluss auf seine Lebenseinstellung und seine Regierungsmethoden. Geprägt von naiver Demokratiegläubigkeit, bietet das
mit künstlerischer Sorgfalt verfilmte, witzige Musical beste Unterhaltung. (Remake des erfolgreichen, auf einem autobiografischen
Roman von Margaret London fußenden Films „Anna und der König von Siam“, 1946) (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Ausgezeichnet mit 5 Oscars (Best Actor in a Leading Role: Yul
Brynner; Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color: Lyle R.
Wheeler, John DeCuir, Walter M. Scott, Paul S. Fox; Best
Costume Design, Color: Irene Sharaff; Best Music, Scoring of a
Musical Picture: Alfred Newman, Ken Darby; Best Sound,
Recording: Carlton W. Faulkner (20th Century-Fox SSD))
12:45 Uhr
USA 1959
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,76) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Camera 65 (65mm Negativfilm, anamorph)
Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause
Deutsche Fassung / 222 Min.
Produktion: Sam Zimbalist
Regie: William Wyler
September 2007
Buch: Karl Tunberg
Buchvorlage: Lewis Wallace (gleichnamiger Roman )
Kamera: Robert Surtees
Musik: Miklos Rozsa
Schnitt: Ralph E. Winters, John Dunning
Darsteller: Charlton Heston (Ben Hur), Stephen Boyd (Messala),
Jack Hawkins (Quintus Arrius), Haya Harareet (Esther), Hugh
Griffith (Scheich Ilderim), Martha Scott , Sam Jaffe , Cathy
O’Donnell , Finlay Currie , Frank Thring , Ferdy Mayne
Der 1880 erschienene Roman des amerikanischen Rechtsanwalts
und Bürgerkriegsgenerals Lewis Wallace in einer dreieinhalbstündigen Neuverfilmung, die an kolossalem Aufwand alles bis
dahin Gedrehte übertraf. 365 Sprecherrollen, 50000 Komparsen,
über 1 Mio. Requisiten, 16,2 Mio. Dollar Kosten. Bewunderter
Höhepunkt (wie schon des Stummfilms): das Quadrigarennen im
Zirkus, mit dem der römische Tribun Messala und der unterjochte
israelische Prinz Ben Hur ihren jahrelangen Kampf zwischen Despotie und Freiheitsgeist beenden (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Ausgezeichnet mit 11 Oscars (Best Actor in a Leading Role:
Charlton Heston; Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Hugh Griffith;
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color: William A. Horning;
Edward C. Carfagno; Hugh Hunt; Best Cinematography, Color:
Robert Surtees; Best Costume Design, Color: Elizabeth Haffenden; Best Director: William Wyler; Best Effects, Special
Effects: A. Arnold Gillespie (visual), Robert MacDonald (visual),
Milo B. Lory (audible); Best Film Editing: Ralph E. Winters, John
D. Dunning; Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy
Miklós Rózsa; Best Picture: Sam Zimbalist; Best Sound: Franklin
Milton (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer SSD))
17:00 Uhr
BRD / Italien / Frankreich 1965
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in MCS 70 Superpanorama (65mm Negativfilm)
Deutsche Fassung / 151 Min.
Produktion: Aldo von Pinelli
Regie: Géza von Radványi
Buch: Fred Denger
Buchvorlage: Harriet Beecher-Stowe (Roman )
Kamera: Heinz Hölscher
Musik: Peter Thomas
Darsteller: O.W. Fischer (Mr. Saint Claire), Mylène Demongeot
(Harriet), Thomas Fritsch (George Shelby), Herbert Lom (Simon
Legree), Gertraud Mittermayr (Eva Saint Claire)
Bunte Breitwandverfilmung eines Romans von 1852 gegen die
Sklavenherrschaft am Beispiel eines grenzenlos liebenden und
leidenden Schwarzen in Amerika. Der Film nimmt den romantisch-sentimentalen Stil des Buches zum Anlaß, vordergründige
Episoden idyllisch auszumalen, wobei das ehrenwerte Anliegen
der Vorlage in den Hintergrund rückt (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Seite 4
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
20:00 Uhr
EISSTATION ZEBRA (OT: Ice Station Zebra)
USA 1967
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Super Panavision (65mm Negativfilm)
Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause
Deutsche Fassung / 148 Min.
Produktion: Martin Ransohoff, John Calley
Regie: John Sturges
Buch: Douglas Heyes, Harry Julian Fink
Buchvorlage: Alistair MacLean (Roman )
Kamera: Daniel L. Fapp
Musik: Michel Legrand
Schnitt: Ferris Webster
Darsteller: Rock Hudson (Commander Ferraday), Ernest Borgnine
(Boris Waslow), Patrick McGoohan (David Jones), Tony Bill (Lt.
Russell Walker), Jim Brown (Capt. Leslie Anders), Lloyd Nolan
(Admiral Garvey), Alf Kjellin (Col. Ostrowsky)
Ein amerikanisches Atom-U-Boot soll die in der Arktis niedergegangenen Filmaufnahmen eines sowjetischen Spionagesatelliten
bergen, was russische Agenten und Fallschirmjäger zu verhindern
suchen. Geschickt inszenierter, spannender Abenteuerfilm (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
23:00 Uhr
Großbritannien 1982
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Dolby (A) Stereo Magnetton mit Split Surround
Aufgenommen in Panavision Anamorphic (35mm Negativfilm)
Englische Originalfassung / 95 Min.
Produktion: Alan Marshall
Regie: Alan Parker
Buch: Roger Waters
Buchvorlage: Pink Floyd (gleichnamiges Schallplatten-Album )
Kamera: Peter Biziou
Musik: Roger Waters, David Gilmour
Schnitt: Gerry Hambling
Darsteller: Bob Geldof (Pink), Kevin McKeon (Pink als Junge),
Christine Hargreaves (Pinks Mutter), James Laurenson (Pinks
Vater), Eleanor David (Pinks Frau), Bob Hoskins (Manager), David Bingham (Pink als Kind)
Grell-monströse Illustrationen zum gleichnamigen Rock-Oratorium der englischen Popgruppe „Pink Floyd“: Ein Rockmusiker
durchlebt in einem Hotelzimmer in Los Angeles Stationen seiner
tristen Kindheit, seines gescheiterten Privatlebens und seiner
steilen Karriere. Die visionären Fragmente seines Deliriums fügen sich zu einer Mauer, die ihn in völliger Kommunikationsunfähigkeit einschließt. Auf optische wie akustische Reizüberflutung angelegt und mit unausgegorenen Symbolismen überladen,
September 2007
beeindruckt der wirre Film allein durch die konsequente Verbindung von Musik und Bild im Stil moderner Videoclip-Ästhetik
(Quelle: Film-Dienst)
Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007
10:00 Uhr
„The Wonderful World of Film Formats“
Eine Präsentation von Thomas Hauerslev (
10:30 Uhr
Demonstration: AS GOOD AS IT GETS (USA 2006) in 70mm
sowie Trailershow, Specials und Surprises
11:30 Uhr
Die Restaurierung von PLAY TIME
Ein Vortrag von Jean-Rene Faillot (Gulliver/Ariane Kopierwerk,
12:30 Uhr
PLAY TIME (DT: Playtime - Tatis herrliche Zeiten)
Frankreich / Italien 1965
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:1.80) / 6-Kanal DTS Sound
Aufgenommen in Mitchell 65mm (65mm Negativfilm)
Mehrsprachige Originalfassung / 126 Min.
Produktion: René Silvera
Regie: Jacques Tati
Buch: Jacques Tati, Jacques Lagrange, Art Buchwald
Kamera: Jean Badal, Andréas Winding
Musik: Francis Lemarque
Schnitt: Gerard Pollicand
Darsteller: Jacques Tati (Monsieur Hulot), Luce Bonifassy ,
Nathalie Jam , Valérie Camille , Rita Maiden , Reinhard
Jacques Tatis aufwendig in Szene gesetzte Satire auf die Hektik
und Vermassung des modernen Menschen in der Großstadt, auf
seinen Kampf mit den Auswüchsen einer bis zur Gesichtslosigkeit
normierten Zivilisation und den Tücken des Objektes. Wie ein
roter Faden leitet Tatis Kunstfigur „Monsieur Hulot“ durch das
generalstabsmäßig gestylte Haus seiner Schwester und ein gläsernes Büro- und Ausstellungsgebäude, das von amerikanischen Touristen besichtigt wird, bis es in einem kaum fertiggestellten
Nobelrestaurant zu einer unerwartet fröhlichen Feier kommt. Ein
von melancholischer Herzlichkeit geprägtes Welttheater, organisiert wie ein filmisches Ballett, das keiner Geschichte bedarf,
sondern nur Bewegungen und Begegnungen als Initialzündung
braucht. Ein bisweilen etwas betulicher, stets aber intelligent
unterhaltender Spaß von hohem ästhetischem Reiz. (Alternativtitel: „Playtime - Tatis herrliche Zeiten“) (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
15:30 Uhr
USA / Italien 1961
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Seite 5
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
Aufgenommen in Super Technirama 70 (35mm Negativfilm / 8Perf horizontal)
Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause
Deutsche Fassung / 182 Min.
Produktion: Samuel Bronston, Anthony Mann
Regie: Anthony Mann
Buch: Philip Yordan, Fredric M. Frank
Kamera: Robert Krasker
Musik: Miklos Rozsa
Schnitt: Robert Lawrence
Darsteller: Charlton Heston (Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar/El Cid), Sophia Loren (Jimena), Raf Vallone (Graf Ordonez), Geneviève Page
(Königin Urraca), John Fraser (König Alfonso), Gary Raymond
(Prinz Sancho), Herbert Lom (Ben Yussuf), Massimo Serato
(Fanez), Douglas Wilmer , Frank Thring , Hurd Hatfield , Ralph
Truman , Andrew Cruickshank , Michael Hordern , Carlo Giustini
, Fausto Tozzi
Der schauprächtige Abenteuerfilm schildert das edle, opfervolle
und tapfere Leben des altspanischen Helden, der um 1080 aus
dem Volke zum Schwertführer des Königs aufstieg und, der Legende nach, mit Edelmut und Tapferkeit alle Querelen seines Königshauses überwand. Das kampfreiche Geschehen erweckt durch die
großartige Massenregie Interesse (Quelle: Film-Dienst)
19:30 Uhr
The Wild Bunch)
USA 1968
Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2,21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Aufgenommen in Panavision Anamorphic (35mm Negativfilm)
Deutsche Fassung / 134 Min.
Produktion: Phil Feldman
Regie: Sam Peckinpah
Buch: Walon Green, Sam Peckinpah
Kamera: Lucien Ballard
Musik: Jerry Fielding
Schnitt: Lou Lombardo
Darsteller: Ernest Borgnine (Dutch Engstrom), William Holden
(Pike Bishop), Robert Ryan (Deke Thornton), Edmond O’Brien
(Sykes), Warren Oates (Lyle Gorch), Jaime Sanchez (Angel), Ben
Johnson (Tector Gorch), Emilio Fernández (Mapache), Strother
Martin (Coffer), L.Q. Jones (T.C.), Albert Dekker (Pat Harrigan),
Bo Hopkins (Crazy Lee), Jorge Russek (Lt. Zamorra), Alfonso
Arau (Herrera), Aurora Clavel (Aurora), Sonia Amelio (Teresa)
Ein verwilderter Haufen ehemaliger Soldaten überfällt Stationen
der Eisenbahngesellschaft in Texas und verschachert die Beute an
das Militärregime in Mexiko. Ein meisterhafter Western über die
Verhältnisse am Rande der mexikanischen Revolution (1913).
Extrem krass in den Gewaltszenen, doch mit überzeugender ästhetischer Kraft werden Korruption, Gewalt und Missbrauch von
Gesetz und Macht geschildert. 1996 kam erstmals die ungekürzte
Version dieses bedeutenden Westerns in die deutschen Kinos.
September 2007
Deutlich wird, dass seinerzeit keine explizit drastischen Sequenzen der Schere zum Opfer fielen, sich die Kürzungen vielmehr auf
jene Rückblenden beschränken, die die Hintergründe der beiden
Hauptfiguren beleuchten, sowie auf einige Handlungsdetails ohne
wesentlichen Rückschluss auf die Gesamtkonstruktion (Quelle:
Während des Festivals wird es auch eine kleine Ausstellung geben, in der
es seltene Kamera- und Projektionsobjektive der Widescreen-Ära zu sehen gibt (z.B. Technirama-Kameravorsatz, CinemaScope 55 Kameraobjektiv, usw.). Und alle Dauerkartenbesitzer dürfen sich wieder am
Samstag- und Sonntagmorgen auf das exzellente und reichhaltige ”all you
can eat” ”Large Format” Schauburg-Frühstück freuen.
Generelles zu den Vorführungen:
Alle Filme werden im 70mm-Format auf die gekrümmte Leinwand der
Schauburg projiziert. Beim Projektor handelt es sich um eine Philips
DP70 (sphärisches 70mm) bzw. Philips DP75 (für 70mm Ultra
Panavision) Maschinen, ausgestattet mit einer nagelneuen SchneiderOptik, einem brandneuen 6-Spur Magnettonkopf deutscher Fertigung und
nach Vorgaben der Schauburg (der Kopf berücksichtigt die bei alten
70mm-Archivkopien einsetzende leichte Schrumpfung durch angepasste
Lage der Köpfe) und einem DTS-Reader für 70mm-Film. Der Ton von
70mm-Kopien mit DTS-Track werden mittels eines DTS XD 10 Cinema
Media Player decodiert und extern in einen Dolby CP650 XO Prozessor
eingeschleust. Die sechs Tonkanäle von 70mm-Kopien mit Magnetton
werden über einen Dolby CP200 Prozessor mit modifiziertem Dolby
MPU-1 Vorverstärker korrekt aufbereitet. Wiedergabeder UltraPanavision 70 Kopie BEN HUR in reduzierter Bildhöhe, verlängerter
Grundbrennweite und unter Vorschaltung eines authentischen "UltraPanavision" Anamorphoten. Als Endstufen sowie Bühnenlautsprecher
dienen Geräte der Firma ”d&b audio”. Die Schauburg verfügt sowohl
über das klassische Todd-AO-Layout mit fünf Frontkanälen sowie einem
Surroundkanal sowie dem heute gebräuchlichen Digitalton-Layout mit
drei Frontkanälen, zwei Surroundkanälen und einem Subbasskanal. Vorgeführt wird mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 24 Bildern/Sekunde. Präsentiert werden die Filme in echtem ”Roadshow”-Ambiente, d.h. mit Ouvertüre, Pause, Intermezzo sowie Exit Music (sofern vom Regisseur so vorgesehen).
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten, jedoch nicht beabsichtigt.
Allgemeine Informationen zum Filmfestival:
Preise: Einzelticket: EUR 9,- / Einzelticket Studenten: EUR 6,Dauerkarte: EUR 80,- / Dauerkarte Studenten: EUR 65,Es besteht freie Platzwahl. Die Dauerkarte berechtigt zum freien Eintritt
in alle Vorstellungen des Festivals und beinhaltet die folgenden Zusatzleistungen: Frühstücksbüffet am Samstag +Sonntag jeweils um 09:00 Uhr
im Foyer / Imbiss am Samstag- und Sonntagnachmittag / Einladung zum
”Get Together” am Freitagabend mit badischen Bierspezialitäten der lokalen HOEPFNER Brauerei / Festival-Broschüre / Bonus-Screening RIO
Tickets und Weekend-Pässe können direkt bei der Schauburg angefordert
werden: Filmtheater Schauburg, Marienstr. 16, 76137 Karlsruhe, Tel.:
0721-3500018, Web:, E-Mail:
Für Anreisende hat die Schauburg einen speziellen Deal mit dem in
unmittelbarer Nähe des Filmtheaters gelegenen NOVOTEL (Dorint)-Hotel
vereinbart. Das Doppelzimmer für Festivalteilnehmer kostet EUR 82,-,
das Einzelzimmer EUR 69,- pro Übernachtung (jeweils ohne Frühstück).
Bei Reservierung unter 0721-35260 unbedingt die ”Schauburg Festivalrate” verlangen.
Seite 6
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
experiences, but are they keys to solving his family’s
secret or is life just passing him by like the clouds above
his head? Volume 3 of this charming anime is full of
fantasy and beautifully drawn landscapes from the famed
Kyoto Ani Studios.
.hack / / Roots - Vol. 4
Based on the .HACK//G.U. videogame, this inventive
anime fuses the world of video game landscapes with our
own. In the year 2017, after the online game the World
has been destroyed, a new version has been created full
of all the Player Killers and battling Guilds of the first one.
In this volume, the Twilight Brigade has been dismantled
and Tabby roams the World looking to help new players
while Haseo tries to hunt the Tri-Edge responsible for
Shino’s disappearance. Can the Twilight Brigade rise
again in a place where video game reality is the only one
that matters?
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069911
009-1 - Vol. 3
This is volume 3 of the series that asks the question,
„What if the Cold War never ended?“ It’s the distant future
and the world has been divided into West Block and East
Block forces, which are in a constant struggle to come up
with new and deadly technological advances to wipe each
other out. A group of special cyborg agents from the
West, known as the Number Nine Group, are assigned
only the most difficult and top-secret missions. They’ve
got weapons, but more importantly, they’ve got sex
appeal. Hi-tech gadgets, espionage, and tight outfits are
all a part of this sci-fi anime.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069853
Adventures of Aquaman - The
Childrens, Animated FF M 264min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069205
Ah! My Goddess - Season Two:
Flights of Fancy - Vol. 3
Comedies 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068683
Air Gear - Vol. 5: A Battle of
This is the final volume of this high flying anime series,
where street gangs take to the skies on high powered
flying skates and partake in a sport called Air-Trek. For
one tough youth on the wrong path, flying above the
skyline has changed his life and turned him in a new
direction. But will he be able to rise to the top of the sport,
or will his past keep him grounded?
Dramas 2004 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069854
Alvin and the Chipmunks Holiday Gift Set
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF 208min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069123
Angelina Ballerina - A Star
Based on the extremely popular children’s books by
Katharine Holabird (with illustrations by Helen Craig),
ANGELINA BALLERINA follows the adventures of a
pleasant young mouse with a remarkable desire to
become a Prima Ballerina. With her headstrong,
passionate determination and humorous tendencies,
Angelina Ballerina is a character children will love for
generations to come. This collection features the volumes
„Rose Fairy Princess,“ „Angelina in the Wings,“ and
„Lights, Camera, Action!“
Childrens, Animated 2003
Hit Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068930
Angelina Ballerina - The Silver
Another installment of adventures from everyone’s
favorite little ballerina mouse, Angelina, a feckless,
passionate, and headstrong character with whom children
identify strongly. Angelina is dismayed to realize that she
has lost „The Silver Locket“ that she borrowed without
permission from her mother, and which was very precious.
On the verge of confession, an unexpected intervention
comes to Angelina’s aid. Then, in „Show and Tell,“ poor
Angelina has lost something else, and this time its her
baby sister Polly! Angelina thought that Polly would make
the perfect „Show and Tell“ exhibit, but when her sister
gets lost, Angelina becomes frantic to find her. In „The
Proposal,“ Angelina’s beloved dance teacher has a new
suitor, and Angelina disapproves. She thinks Miss Lilly
could do better, and undertakes to prove her supposition;
Mr. Operatski, however, surprises little Angelina with a
very unexpected proposal! Finally, the new statue of the
Queen is missing its head, and Angelina and her friends
must make a new one in time for the unveiling. They can’t
wait to find out if their creation will please Queen
Childrens 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S 130min.
Hit Entertainment 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068929
Angel’s Feather
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069301
Arthur & the Invisibles /
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070524
Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales Vol. 3: The Goblin Cat
Horror/Suspense 2006 FF DD 2.0 72min.
Geneon Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069597
Baby Road Trip - Boxed Set
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF
WEA 11.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069452
Barney - Sharing & Caring
This Barney set contains the individual releases BARNEY:
Childrens, Animated Ltbx 150min.
Hit Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068932
Basilisk - Box Set
Action/Adventure 2005
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 23.10.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070050
Basilisk - Vol. 1: Scrolls of Blood
This action anime features a love affair of the most starcrossed kind, as two ninja clans struggle to end years of
feuding to determine the outcome once and for all. In the
midst of this two lovers attempt to maintain their love,
until they are forced to come face to face on the
Action/Adventure 2005
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070051
Basilisk - Vol. 2: The Spoils of
This action anime features a love affair of the most starcrossed kind, as two ninja clans struggle to end years of
feuding to determine the outcome once and for all. In the
midst of this two lovers attempt to maintain their love,
until they are forced to come face to face on the
battlefield. This collection includes episodes 5-8.
Air TV - Vol. 2
When Show Hamura, ANGEL’S FEATHER’s central
protagonist, is transferred to Yusei Gakuen School, he
bumps into his long lost younger brother, Kai. However,
Kai suffers from amnesia and Show realizes that he has
inherited his brother’s memory. The supernatural
occurrences at the school point to the existence of a
magical world, filled with intrigue and monsters. When
their classmate Nagisa disappears, the two brothers enlist
the help of their friends Anri, Chris, Shion, and Sena to
track down the missing schoolboy.
Dramas 2004 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068684
Dramas 2006
Media Blasters 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069542
Childrens, Animated FF S
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069766
Air TV - Vol. 2 (Limited Edition)
Animated Family Favorites 3
Movie Collection
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad Vol. III
Childrens, Animated 1986 FF DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070227
Dramas 2004 FF 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069411
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 125min.
ADV Films, Inc. 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069851
Dramas 2004 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068685
Air TV - Vol. 3
Yukito has an unusual family tradition: Searching for a
mysterious girl with wings who lives in the clouds. While
alive, his mother never found her, but Yukito is determined
not to let his dream of uncovering the mystery of the sky
go unsolved. He makes his way through life by performing
in town to town until he stumbles across a sleepy seaside
community where he meets an odd girl named Misuzu.
Soon he’s introduced to a host of unusual women and
It is just after the savagery that was World War III. Terrorist have targeted the beautiful city of Olympus, and only
Duenan and her cyborg partner Briareos can stop
them.(Central Park catalog)
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1997
Action/Adventure 2005
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070052
Batman: The Complete Fourth
Best Student Council - Vol. 6:
Don’t Go! Hello
Comedies 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068682
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 7
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Black Lagoon - Vol. 3
thought she was a typical teenager, but a little soul
searching reveals that she is really the reincarnation of
Kushinada, an ancient princess who defeated the
Aragami. Soon she’s caught in a battle for the fate of all
humanity that will involve a secret government agency,
monsters from hell, and Momiji’s supposedly dead twin
sister. It’s a complex story that fuses the imagery of
Japanese mythology with a modern setting in an anime
where ancient demons are out to take back the world
unless one schoolgirl can stop them.
futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly
carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a
shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed
Police of Tokyo) actively encourages the violence in order
to profit from the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a
quartet of scantily-clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy,
and Meg, who attempt to bring a sense of order and
justice to the lawless land with their gunslinging ways and
leather chaps. Violent and sexy, this volume continues the
anime series with four more episodes.
Dramas 2006 DD 5.1 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069105
Horror/Suspense DD 2.0 750min.
ADV Films, Inc. 16.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069856
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069418
Black Lagoon - Vol. 3 (Limited
Blue’s Clues - Blue’s Room:
World Travelers
Dramas 2006 DD 5.1 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 18.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069106
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF S 100min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069624
Bleach - Box Set 1
Bob the Builder - Bob’s Ultimate
Adventure Collection
Betsy Bubblegum’s Journey
Through Yummiland
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069530
Action/Adventure 2004 FF S 440min.
Viz Media, LLC. 30.10.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069735
This Bob the Builder set contains the individual releases
Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma /
When a war soaks the earth with the blood of fallen
warriors, demons called the Yoma are summoned by its
smell. Now a ninja named Hikage is the only hope against
these creatures from hell who are determined to wipe out
humanity. It’s going to be an epic battle, especially since
they’ve enlisted Hikage’s dead best friend and former
fellow ninja, Marou, to defeat him. How can this brave
warrior save the living when the dead are being used to
build their demon army? In the spirit of NINJA SCROLL
and TOKYO REVELATION comes this mystical anime
Horror/Suspense DD 2.0 125min.
ADV Films, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069859
Childrens, Animated Ltbx 105min.
Hit Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068931
Bolek & Lolek Are Going Camping
Childrens 2007
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068866
Bolek & Lolek Combo Pack
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068867
Blood: The Last Vampire
On an American military base in Japan, a new kind of
vampire emerges: Teropterids. They are monstrous
shape-shifting creatures that can only be killed with
special swords. A mysterious girl named Saya is the last
„original,“ the only person capable of dealing with the
menace of these monsters. Posing as a student at the
base’s school, Saya races to hunt down the beasts before
they turn an ordinary Halloween bash into a bloody
massacre. Production IG, known for their pioneering
digital effects, describes BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE as
a full digital animation movie, which means that even
though many sequences were animated using pencil and
paper, the artwork was digitally scanned. Inking and
coloring were completed by computer, as were several
other special effects. Hiroyuki Kitakubo was chosen to
direct the project because of his digital experience (he
oversaw the movie sequences in the GHOST IN THE
SHELL game for the Sony PlayStation.) The film is also
notable for the participation of screenwriter Mamoru Oshii,
who helmed GHOST IN THE SHELL and has written a
novel that takes place in BLOOD’s universe. Desp
Horror/Suspense 2000
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069297
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068865
Bolek & Lolek On Vacation
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068864
Bratz - Bratz Super Babyz
Childrens, Animated 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069527
Burst Angel - Vol. 1: Death’s Angel
Blue Gender: The Warrior
In this feature film based on the popular anime series
BLUE GENDER, Yuji Kaido revives after more than two
decades in stasis, only to find that he, and he alone, is
responsible for the fate of humanity. For years, an aliens
species known only as the Blue has replaced humans as
the ruling species on Earth. Some theories postulated that
the Blue are the result of experiments of weapons of mass
destruction, but whatever their origin, they have chased
humans into space, and, but for the actions of Yuji, reign
unimpeded on Earth.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002 FF DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070044
Blue Seed - Mitama Collection
Momiji Fujimiya lives in ignorant bliss about the demons of
Shinto mythology, but that’s all about to change when the
monsters known as Aragami begin trying to kill her. She
Bolek & Lolek In the Wild West
The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends
sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti
Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In a
futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly
carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a
shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed
Police of Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to
profit from the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a
quartet of scantily-clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy,
and Meg, who attempt to bring a sense of order and
justice to the lawless land with their gunslinging ways and
leather chaps. Violent and sexy, this volume introduces
the anime series with the first four episodes.
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069417
Burst Angel - Vol. 2: A New Tokyo
The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends
sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti
Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In a
Burst Angel - Vol. 3: East Meets
The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends
sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti
Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In a
futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly
carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a
shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed
Police of Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to
profit from the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a
quartet of scantily-clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy,
and Meg, who attempt to bring a sense of order and
justice to the lawless land with their gunslinging ways and
leather chaps. Violent and sexy, this volume continues the
anime series with four more episodes.
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069419
Burst Angel - Vol. 4: Hired Gun
The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends
sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti
Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In
futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly
carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a
shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed
Police of Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to
profit from the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a
quartet of scantily-clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy,
and Meg, who attempt to bring a sense of order and
justice to the lawless land with their gunslinging ways and
leather chaps. Violent and sexy, this volume continues the
anime series with four more episodes.
Television, Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD
5.1 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069420
Burst Angel - Vol. 5: Line in the
The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends
sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti
Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In
futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly
carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a
shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed
Police of Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to
profit from the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a
quartet of scantily-clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy,
and Meg, who attempt to bring a sense of order and
justice to the lawless land with their gunslinging ways and
leather chaps. Violent and sexy, this fifth volume
continues the anime series with four more episodes.
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070047
Burst Angel - Vol. 6: Guardian
The genre-bending anime series Burst Angel blends sci-fi,
action, comedy, and even a touch of spaghetti Western
into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In futuristic
Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly carry guns
has actually led to an increase in crime, and a shadowy
organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed Police of
Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to profit from
the chaos. Into this anarchic milieu stride a quartet of
scantily clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy, and Meg,
who attempt to bring a sense of order and justice to the
lawless land with their gunslinging ways and leather
chaps. Violent and sexy, this sixth volume continues the
anime series with four more episodes.
Action/Adventure 2004
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 8
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070048
Care Bears - Carousel of Dreams
Television, Childrens, Animated 1985-1987
FF S 44min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068896
Care Bears - Magical Moments
Childrens, Animated 1985-1986 FF S
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068897
Action/Adventure 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069412
Desert Punk - Vol. 2: The Desert
Care Bears - Oopsy Does It
In this Care Bears volume, the Care Bears must go up
against their enemy Grizzle. Oopsy bear surprises
everything by rising to the challenge.
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF S 71min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068878
Le Chevalier D’Eon - Vol. 5: Volteface
On the eve of the French Revolution young women across
Paris are mysteriously disappearing. When one of the
members of King Louis XV secret police’s sister becomes
a victim things get a little bit strange. While conducting his
investigation her soul takes over his body and the two of
them merge to do battle with a Gargoyle brought to life by
a spell casting poet. This is Volume Five of a Gothic
period piece anime that fuses real historical characters
and events with a touch of the mystical and the bizarre.
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069857
Christmas Time in South Park
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069628
Craziest Christmas Collection
This collection of animated titles includes plenty of
seasonal cheer. The following titles are included:
Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069227
Creature Comforts America - The
Complete Season One
Television, Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069374
Curious George / Babe
James Cromwell, Magda Szubanski, Will
Ferrell, Joan Plowright, David Cross,
Eugene Levy, Drew Barrymore - Dir. Jun
Falkenstein, Chris Noonan
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069557
Desert Punk - Vol. 1: Enter the
The action anime series DESERT PUNK gleefully
celebrates bad behavior with the criminal misadventures
of its eponymous antihero. In the wake of a futuristic MAD
MAX-like apocalypse, Japan has been turned into a vast
desert wasteland overrun by mercenaries, thieves, and
other unsavory characters. Chief among them is Kanta
Mizuno (aka Desert Punk), a diminutive bounty hunter who
never fails at a job—until he runs into a buxom beauty,
Junko, whose siren-like sensuality threatens to destroy
his very livelihood. Sexy and action-packed, the anime
series kicks off with this first volume of episodes.
The action anime series DESERT PUNK gleefully
celebrates bad behavior with the criminal misadventures
of its eponymous antihero. In the wake of a futuristic MAD
MAX-like apocalypse, Japan has been turned into a vast
desert wasteland overrun by mercenaries, thieves, and
other unsavory characters. Chief among them is Kanta
Mizuno (aka Desert Punk), a diminutive bounty hunter who
never fails at a job—until he runs into a buxom beauty,
Junko, whose siren-like sensuality threatens to destroy
his very livelihood. The hardscrabble adventures continue
in the second volume of the DESERT PUNK series.
Action/Adventure 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069413
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist:
The Complete Series
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070387
Dora the Explorer - Puppy Power
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069622
Dragon Ball Z - Season 3
This popular anime series follows the skilled warrior Goku
and his band of Z-fighters as they search for the powerful
Dragon Balls. The adventures continue with every episode
from the series’ third season.
Action/Adventure 1989 DD 5.1 790min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 18.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069401
Ducktales - Volume 3
Childrens, Animated FF 546min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069957
Eragon / The Pagemaster
Macaulay Culkin, Edward Speleers, Jeremy
Irons, John Malkovich - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier, Joe Johnston, Maurice Hunt
ERAGON: Based on the first novel in Christopher Paolini’s
popular INHERITANCE trilogy, ERAGON is a classic story
of a quest driven by destiny and set in a land where elves,
magicians, and humans live side by side, the battle
between good and evil, innocence and cynicism, is taken
up once again. John Malkovitch camps it up as the evil
King Galbatorix, a former guardian of peace who long ago
went over to the dark side. He now rules over a land from
which dragons have all but disappeared, until humble farm
boy Eragon (newcomer Edward Speelers) happens upon a
mysterious blue object that turns out to be a dragon egg.
Eragon befriends the charming dragon cub, Saphira, and
becomes her rider, designating him as the principal
warrior in the fight against evil. Jeremy Irons steals the
show as the wise and mysterious old man who becomes
Eragon’s mentor, guiding him through the tasks of saving
a princess battling an evil sorcerer, and fending off hordes
of the hideous Urgals.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1994-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070064
Ergo Proxy - Vol. 6: Deus Ex
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070337
Family Guy - Freakin’ Party Pack
Television, Comedies 1999-2007
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068889
Fate / Stay Night - Vol. 6: The
Holy Grail
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069596
Fate / Stay Night - Vol. 6: The
Holy Grail
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 09.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069599
Felix the Cat: Golden Anniversary
Childrens, Animated 1958-1959
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069360
Freedom - Vol. 2 (HD DVD)
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 5.1
Geneon Entertainment 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069594
Fruits Basket - A Great Transformation?
A curse to secure purity has vexed the Sohma family—the
family members cannot come into physical contact with
the opposite sex or they will turn into characters of the
Chinese Zodiac! To complicate matters, they have just
taken in a stray young girl whom they are shielding from
the hex. Will the stranger discover the family’s secret and
blow their cover? This unusual anime series is based on a
manga by Takaya Natsuki.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070041
Fruits Basket - Puddles of
A curse to secure purity has vexed the Sohma family—the
family members cannot come into physical contact with
the opposite sex or they will turn into characters of the
Chinese Zodiac! To complicate matters, they have just
taken in a stray young girl whom they are shielding from
the hex. Will the stranger discover the family’s secret and
blow their cover? This volume collects episodes 13-19 in
the unusual anime series based on a manga by Takaya
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2003 FF
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070042
Fruits Basket - The Clearing Sky
A curse to secure purity has vexed the Sohma family—the
family members cannot come into physical contact with
the opposite sex or they will turn into characters of the
Chinese Zodiac! To complicate matters, they have just
taken in a stray young girl whom they are shielding from
the hex. Will the stranger discover the family’s secret and
blow their cover? This volume collects the final episodes
of the unusual anime series based on the manga by
Takaya Natsuki.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 9
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2003 FF
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070043
Fruits Basket - What Becomes of
A curse to secure purity has vexed the Sohma family—the
family members cannot come into physical contact with
the opposite sex or they will turn into characters of the
Chinese Zodiac! To complicate matters, they have just
taken in a stray young girl whom they are shielding from
the hex. Will the stranger discover the family’s secret and
blow their cover? This volume collects episodes 7-12 in
the unusual anime series based on a manga by Takaya
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069403
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1:
Part 1
This Season One box set contains the first 16 episodes of
the action anime series.
Dramas 2003 FF 420min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 18.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069422
Fullmetal Alchemist - Vol. 1: The
The action anime series FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST
explores epic themes of hubris, personal transformation,
and spiritual quests through the tragic story of two
grievously wounded siblings. While attempting to resurrect
their dead mother through the forbidden art of alchemy,
brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric suffer a terrible
accident that severs two of Edward’s limbs and traps
Alphonse within a suit of armor. In a desperate bid at
healing their injuries, Eric joins the state army with the
hope that his travels will help him discover the fabled
Philosopher ’s Stone, a mythic artifact with the power to
restore life. FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST chronicles the
brothers’ dangerous journeys through an innovative blend
of action, science-fiction, and drama, captured here in this
collection of the series’ first episodes.
Television, Action/Adventure 2004 FF DD
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070049
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069332
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte
Cristo - Complete Collection
Dramas DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 16.10.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070340
Garfield Gets Real
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF M 70min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070070
Ghost in the Shell
Another visually sensational animated film from the
producers of the acclaimed „Akira.“
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1995
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069295
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone
Complex - Laughing Man
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007 DD 5.1
Anchor Bay Entertainment 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069836
Girl’s High - Vol. 3: Happy Ending
Comedies 2006
Media Blasters 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070215
Godzilla: The Original Animated
Series - Volume 3
The 1954 Japanese film classic GODZILLA forms the
basis of this action-packed 1978 cartoon series. Produced
by the classic team of Hanna-Barbera, the cartoon
fashions a kindler, gentler version of the giant, firebreathing lizard as he and his young charge, Godzooky,
help the crew of an oceanic research vessel battle natural
disasters and a wild assortment of sea monsters. Fun and
nostalgic, this collection presents the series’ third volume
of episodes.
Futurama the Movie: Bender’s
Big Score
Classic Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069359
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070071
Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
- The Complete Season One
Gakuen Heaven: Boys Love Hyper - Vol. 4: A Traitor Revealed
Dramas 2006
Media Blasters 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069544
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka Second Semester
Galaxy Angel AA - Vol. 3
The Angel Brigade continues their quest across the galaxy
for the lost technology needed to save humanity. While
they sometimes find unusual and powerful artifacts from
the past, the results are always surprising and hilarious.
In this volume they uncover something that has the power
to destroy the universe unless they can defuse it with a
word game. And if that doesn’t work, they’ll need the help
of their time-traveling turtle to get things back to normal
again, if things can ever be normal in an anime where rice
cookers can transform into monsters and the crew
responsible for the fate of the universe aren’t even
responsible for themselves.
Comedies 2002-2003 DD 2.0 75min.
Bandai Entertainment 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069913
Galaxy Angel Rune - Episode 3
Comedies 2007
Geneon Entertainment 09.10.2007
Television, Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069196
Onizuka is a former member of a motorcycle gang who
has decided to become a teacher to put his somewhat
troubled past behind him and impart what he has learned
to the younger generation, and, perhaps just a bit,
because of the girls. However, Onizuka soon finds that
dealing with teenagers can be even more dangerous that
grappling with rival gangs as he endures teenage
seductresses and would-be blackmailers as well as the
scrutiny of his distrustful colleagues. This set contains
volumes 6-10 of the series in a collector’s box.
Comedies 2000 FF 600min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 30.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069431
Gunslinger Girl - Vol. 1:
Ragazzine Piccole, Armi Grandi
(Little Girls, Big Guns)
Despite its girls-with-guns storyline and doe-eyed
characters dressed in schoolgirl outfits, the action anime
series GUNSLINGER GIRL eschews its genre’s typically
breezy comedy style for a dark and brooding exploration
of female childhood. Set in Italy, the series centers on a
little girl named Henrietta, who is taken in by a seemingly
benevolent social welfare agency after her entire family is
murdered in a massacre. But the organization is really a
front for a secret government program that adopts
terminally ill or orphaned girls, erases their memories, and
endows them with implanted cybernetic devices that
transform them into perfectly conscience-free assassins.
As part of the reconditioning process, the girls are
partnered with older male agents who not only provide
them with professional instruction but act as their
surrogate older brothers. Moody, stylish, and violent, the
series chronicles Henrietta’s training with her partner Jose
with equal parts high-octane action sequences and
poignant character studies of the pair ’s evolving
relationship. The anime kicks off with this first volume of
Television, Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069424
Gunslinger Girl - Vol. 2: Vita,
Passione e Pistole (Life,
Happiness, and the Gun)
Despite its girls-with-guns storyline and doe-eyed
characters dressed in schoolgirl outfits, the action anime
series GUNSLINGER GIRL eschews its genre’s typically
breezy comedy style for a dark and brooding exploration
of female childhood. Set in Italy, the series centers on a
little girl named Henrietta, who is taken in by a seemingly
benevolent social welfare agency after her entire family is
murdered in a massacre. But the organization is really a
front for a secret government program that adopts
terminally ill or orphaned girls, erases their memories, and
endows them with implanted cybernetic devices that
transform them into perfectly conscience-free assassins.
As part of the reconditioning process, the girls are
partnered with older male agents who not only provide
them with professional instruction, but also act as their
surrogate older brothers. Moody, stylish, and violent, the
series chronicles Henrietta’s training with her partner Jose
with equal parts high-octane action sequences and
poignant character studies of the pair ’s evolving
relationship. The anime continues with four more
Television, Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD
5.1 125min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069425
Gunslinger Girl - Vol. 3: Il
Silenzio delle Stelle (The Silence
of the Stars)
Despite its girls-with-guns storyline and doe-eyed
characters dressed in schoolgirl outfits, the action anime
series GUNSLINGER GIRL eschews its genre’s typically
breezy comedy style for a dark and brooding exploration
of female childhood. Set in Italy, the series centers on a
little girl named Henrietta, who is taken in by a seemingly
benevolent social welfare agency after her entire family is
murdered in a massacre. But the organization is really a
front for a secret government program that adopts
terminally ill or orphaned girls, erases their memories, and
endows them with implanted cybernetic devices that
transform them into perfectly conscience-free assassins.
As part of the reconditioning process, the girls are
partnered with older male agents who not only provide
them with professional instruction but act as their
surrogate older brothers. Moody, stylish, and violent, the
series chronicles Henrietta’s training with her partner Jose
with equal parts high-octane action sequences and
poignant character studies of the pair ’s evolving
relationship. The anime continues with four more
Television, Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069423
Guyver: The Bio-Boosted Armor Vol. 6: Pandemonium’s Ransom
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068680
El Hazard OVA 2 - Vol. 3
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD 2.0
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 10
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Geneon Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070345
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068781
Hello Kitty Stump Village - Vol. 6:
Work Together!
Childrens, Clay Animation 2006 FF DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069595
Hellsing Ultimate - Vol. 3
Horror/Suspense 2006
Geneon Entertainment 16.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070334
Horror/Suspense 2006
Geneon Entertainment 16.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070335
Innocent Venus - Vol. 2: Blood of
Betrayal (Limited Edition)
Hentaipalooza - Collection 1
This Hentai collection offers a virtual film festival of erotic
anime, with over two hours of thrilling action.
JapanAnime 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070129
Holly Hobbie - Best Friends
In the future, after massive hurricanes have sent
Japanese society into chaos, a military force called the
Phantoms is responsible for keeping order. But unlike the
peaceful democracy that existed before the storms, this
new culture has returned to a strict class system mirroring
that of 19th century feudal rule. Now two soldiers have
abandoned the Phantoms to help form a resistance
against this new harsh new elite, who see those beneath
them as nothing but worms. A blend of 3-D and other
computer animation techniques give this anime about life
after the apocalypse a unique look that fits to its gripping
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 16.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069855
Childrens FF 44min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068780
Chuck Jones Collection
Holly Hobbie & Friends Christmas Wishes
Created in the 1970s, the iconic Holly Hobbie doll gets a
modern-day makeover in a cartoon series that ditches the
trademark bonnet and rag-dress for more fashionable
attire without losing any of the wholesome charm that
made the original such a success. This volume presents
the full-length holiday episode „Christmas Wishes,“ which
features the vocal stylings of guest star LeAnn Rimes.
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF 44min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068783
Childrens, Animated FF 150min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070211
Kaleido Star: New Wings - True
Dramas 2004 DD 2.0 650min.
ADV Films, Inc. 04.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068679
Kamichu! - Complete Collection
Holly Hobbie & Friends - Secret
Created in the 1970s, the iconic Holly Hobbie doll gets a
modern-day makeover in an animated series that ditches
the trademark bonnet and rag-dress for more fashionable
attire without losing any of the wholesome charm that
made the original such a success. This volume presents
the full-length episode „Secret Adventures,“ which finds
Holly and her best friends, Amy and Carrie, gathering sap
for homemade maple syrup while learning a valuable
lesson about keeping secrets.
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF 44min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068782
Holly Hobbie & Friends - Surprise
Created in the 1970s, the iconic Holly Hobbie doll gets a
modern-day makeover in an animated series that ditches
the trademark bonnet and rag-dress for more fashionable
attire without losing any of the wholesome charm that
made the original such a success. This volume introduces
the cartoon series with the full-length episode „Surprise
Party,“ which finds Holly and her best friends Amy and
Carrie preparing for a birthday party and learning a
valuable lesson about bossiness and teamwork.
In the future, after massive hurricanes have sent
Japanese society into chaos, a military force called the
Phantoms is responsible for keeping order. But unlike the
peaceful democracy that existed before the storms, this
new culture has returned to a strict class system mirroring
that of 19th century feudal rule. Now two soldiers have
abandoned the Phantoms to help form a resistance
against this new harsh new elite, who see those beneath
them as nothing but worms. A blend of 3-D and other
computer animation techniques give this anime about life
after the apocalypse a unique look that fits to its gripping
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069852
Hellsing Ultimate - Vol. 3
Childrens, Animated 2005 FF 44min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Innocent Venus - Vol. 2: Blood of
Dramas 2005 DD 2.0 400min.
Geneon Entertainment 25.09.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070339
Kappa Mikey - Lost in
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069294
Karas: The Revelation
Action/Adventure 2007 FF 90min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069823
Karin - Vol. 3: Thicker Than Blood
Comedies 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069104
Karin - Vol. 4: Human or Vampire
Comedies 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070338
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl - Vol.
3: Bittersweet Decisions
follows the adventures of Hazumu, a sensitive boy, who
after being killed by an alien spaceship is brought back to
life as a girl. She is now part of a complicated love
triangle with her two girlfriends, tomboyish Tomari and the
beautiful Yasuna. In the third volume, „Bittersweet
Decisions,“ Yasuna and Tomari have decided to keep their
feelings for Hazumu quiet, so the three girls can remain
friends. When a series of misunderstanding leads Tomari
to reveal her love to Hazumu, Yasuna is distraught when
she catches her two friends kissing.
Dramas 2006
Media Blasters 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069540
Kurau: Phantom Memory - Vol. 4:
Mirror Image
When it comes to deadly martial arts and swordplay,
Kurau is a mercenary whose skills can not be topped.
She’s a one woman wrecking machine, but deep inside
she hides a secret that threatens to tear her apart. It
seems that Kurau is not only a gun for hire, but a host to
two alien lifeforms—one living a parallel life to her and the
other waiting to be born.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069850
Kyo Kara Maoh! - God (?) Save
Our King! - Season 2: Volume 7
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070336
LilyMu was once Japan’s most popular animated show,
but its ratings have fallen. To bring it back to the top
they’re holding a scratch card contest to find their new
star and the lucky card holder is Mikey Simon. But can an
American cartoon actor star in a Japanese series when
they are drawn in different styles? Full of references to
American and Japanese pop culture, Kappa Mikey is a
humorous look at the clash between the two societies and
the cartoons that come from them.
Kyo Kara Maoh: God ?) Save Our
King! - Season 1
Television, Childrens, Animated 2007
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069305
Land Before Time
Karas: The Prophecy
Tatsunoko Productions presents KARAS: THE
PROPHECY, an anime featuring the voices of actors Piper
Perabo, Matthew Lillard, and Jay Hernandez. Jam-packed
with fighting sequences, and with music by the Prague
Symphony Orchestra, KARAS: THE PROPHECY takes
place in a fictional version of Tokyo, where humans and
demons coexist. As the city’s guardian, it is Karas’s
responsibility to keep all these different forces in balance,
a task that proves manageable enough until the powerhungry Eko intervenes at all of Tokyo’s expense.
Comedies 2005 Ltbx DD 2.0 975min.
Geneon Entertainment 09.10.2007
207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069600
From its lush, dreamlike opening sequence to its epic
landscapes, Don Bluth’s THE LAND BEFORE TIME is an
enchanting prehistoric adventure. Littlefoot (Gabriel
Damon), a little bracheosaurus, finds himself lost and on
his own while he and his family journey to the lush feeding
grounds of the Great Valley. Littlefoot, along with several
baby dinosaur pals, must set out across barren,
dangerous terrain to reach the Great Valley, encountering
perils and adventures along the way. THE LAND BEFORE
TIME is a triumph in animation, using traditional methods
to create colorfully detailed scenes and character
movement. The film serves as an excellent introduction
for small children to the fascinating world of dinosaurs.
Childrens, Animated 1988 DD 5.1 69min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069548
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 11
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069405
Law of Ueki - Vol. 9: The Cold
Survival Game
My Classmate’s Mother
Comedies 2005 FF DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069103
Legend of the Dog Warriors: The
Hakkenden - Vol. 3
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1990 FF DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069601
Littlest Light on the Christmas
Award-winning actors Jane Seymour and James Naughton
lend their voices to the heartwarming holiday fable THE
in 3D computer animation, the story opens as eight-yearold Timmy finds an abandoned Christmas tree lightbulb
who doesn’t believe in himself. But when a violent
snowstorm causes a town blackout, the little bulb ends up
saving the day by lighting the way to safety. A positive
lesson in self-esteem a la RUDOLPH THE REDNOSED
REINDEER, this magical tale of friendship and wonder is
enhanced by eight original musical numbers.
Childrens, Animated 2005 FF DD 2.0
Inspired Corporation 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069112
Looney Tunes Spotlight
Collection Vol. 5
Propelled by the creative genius of Tex Avery, Chuck
Jones, and Friz Freleng, Warner Brothers’ LOONEY
TUNES introduced the world to some of the greatest
cartoon characters to ever grace the animated cel: Bugs
Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite
Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Speedy Gonzalez, Pepe LePew,
Wile E.Coyote, Road Runner, Tweety, Sylvester, Marvin
the Martian, Tasmanian Devil, and many more. This fifth
volume honors Warner Brothers’ golden age of animation
with another selection of cartoon shorts remastered and
restored to their original, uncut versions.
Childrens, Animated FF M
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069202
Looney Tunes: Golden Collection
Vol. 5
Propelled by the creative genius of Tex Avery, Chuck
Jones, and Friz Freleng, Warner Brothers’ LOONEY
TUNES introduced the world to some of the greatest
cartoon characters to ever grace the animated cel: Bugs
Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite
Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Speedy Gonzalez, Pepe LePew,
Wile E.Coyote, Road Runner, Tweety, Sylvester, Marvin
the Martian, Tasmanian Devil, and many more. This fifth
volume honors Warner Brothers’ golden age of animation
with 30 more cartoon shorts remastered and restored to
their original, uncut versions.
The adult anime MY CLASSMATE’S MOTHER tells the
story of Jun, a student at Seikyo School. His classmate,
Sai, has a crush on him but Jun secretly desires his
schoolteacher Keiko, who happens to be Sai’s mother.
Jun doesn’t know that he is about to experience a sexual
awakening with both his school friend and her uninhibited
Dramas 2007
Media Blasters 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069543
Natural Obsessions 2 - Vol. 4
Making up for lost time, curvaceous Ezaki corners her
longtime crush in a motel for a frenzy of wild and
depraved sexual experimentation. For mature audiences
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Adult Source Media 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069331
Night B4 Christmas
An elf named Elvin, who harbors dreams of being a pop
star, takes his girlfriend, Jell-O, a gnome, and a dog
named Pup and sets out to make a name for himself. He
hits a bump in the road in the form of a greedy producer,
but decides that he has a higher purpose when he hears
that Christmas has been endangered by Santa catching a
virus. Elvin and his crew then set out for the North Pole in
order to save the holiday. The streetwise THE NIGHT B4
CHRISTMAS was created by SunWoo, the animation
studio behind RUGRATS.
Childrens, Animated 2003 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069067
Night Shift Nurses Experiment Vol. 2
After agreeing to test a new virility drug, Sora gets a
tantalizing surprise when the hospital’s sex-crazed nurse
asks him to participate in a few experiments of her own...
For mature audiences only.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Adult Source Media 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069901
Night Shift Nurses Kranke - Vol. 2
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Adult Source Media 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069329
Ninja #6
This climactic final episode has the gorgeous Shinobi
warriors once more battling their enemies—and their own
tumultuous desires!
Childrens, Animated FF M
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069198
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Adult Source Media 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069330
Lupin the 3rd - The Fuma
Ninja Scroll
Childrens, Animated 1987 FF S 73min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069972
MÄR - Vol. 3: The Second War
Comedies 2005 FF S 92min.
Viz Media, LLC. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069731
The Koga Ninja Team is sent to investigate a mysterious
epidemic in the village of Shimoda. It turns out that the
Devils of Kimon have sabotaged the water supply to kill
off all the villagers and have the freedom to search for
stolen gold that was hidden in the town. At one time, the
Shogun of the Dark had planned to use this treasure to
return the House of Toyotomi to Power. Then, the evil
Gemma took it from him in hopes of creating a group of
ninjas who would rule by terror. But when the ship
carrying the gold got caught in a storm, somehow the
precious cargo got lost...
Action/Adventure 1993
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069296
Mushishi - Vol. 2
Dramas 2005 Ltbx
No Money - Vol. 1
Based on the Shonen-ai manga of the same name, the
first volume of the NO MONEY series depicts the tale of
Yukiya Ayase, a naive university student whose world falls
apart when his cousin sells him at an auction. The highest
bidder is Somuku Kanou, a loan shark, who tells Ayase he
can repay his debt by sleeping with him. Although defiant
at first, Ayase soon realizes that feelings are starting to
develop between him and Kanou.
Dramas 2007
Media Blasters 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069539
Noddy - Noddy’s Taxi Service
Childrens, Animated FF 70min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 08.02.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069428
Noein: Volume 5 - The Final
Few works of fiction, let alone cartoons, have tackled the
issues put forth by contemporary quantum physics, but
NOEIN is a colorful exception. In this final volume of the
anime series that combines Einstein and teenage
melodrama, the fight is taken deep into the heart of
Shangri-la where the mysteries of its parallel structure to
La’cryma are hidden. In a universe where reality is
created by observation, can the Dragon Cavalry keep its
fabric held together or will Noein’s anguish tear it apart?
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007
Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 125min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069293
One Piece - Vol. 11: Tony Tony
Action/Adventure 1999 FF 120min.
Viz Media, LLC. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069732
Paniponi Dash! - Vol. 6: Chaos
Cum Laude
Becky Miyamoto is an 11-year-old genius who graduated
from M.I.T. and has just got her first professional
assignment—teaching the 10th grade. Sure she knows
her equations, but can she deal with bad behavior, emotional outbursts, and gossiping teens? And what might be
worst, and certainly strangest of all, she’s being observed
by aliens! This is Volume 6 of this charming anime that
mixes teenage drama and pop culture parody.
Comedies 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069849
Peppa Pig Muddly Puddles
Mark Baker - Dir. Neville Astley
A hit with children and skeptical parents alike, this
interesting children’s program features quirky animation
and short five-minute episodes. Episodes contained here
include „The Playgroup,“ „Mummy Pig At Work,“
„Gardening,“ and several more.
Childrens, Animated 2003 FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069044
Perfect Blue
A surprisingly thoughtful analysis of the Japanese pop
icon phenomenon. Mima is an ex-pop idol who was
worshipped by the masses before fashion dictated
otherwise. In order to salvage her career, she decides to
drop music and pursue acting. A soap opera role is
offered but Mima’s character is less clean cut than
desired. Regardless, she agrees and events take a turn
for the worse. She begins to feel reality slip. She
discovers (imagines?) her identical twin, a mirror image
that hasn’t given up singing. Internet sites appear
describing every intimate detail of her life and a figure
stalks her from the shadows. Her friends and associates
are threatened, and killed, as Mima descends into a
dangerous world of paranoid delusion. She fears for her
life and must unravel fact from illusion in order to stay
Dramas 1997
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069299
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 12
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Phoenix - Vol. 1: Persistence of
Based on the comics by Osamu Tezuka, the anime series
PHOENIX consists of a collection of stories that take
place in different eras, but are tied together by their
characters’ quests for immortality. The morality of the
tales is that the desire for eternal life is absurd and will
only result in horrific suffering, whereas the never-ending
cycle of reincarnation is presented as a new beginning.
Dramas 2004 DD 5.1 125min.
Media Blasters 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069541
Pink Panther: A Pink Christmas
Based on a short story by O. Henry. In 1890’s New York
City, our cold and hungry hero determinedly and vainly
searches for a meal - until the spirit of Christmas comes
to his rescue.
Childrens, Animated 1989 FF M 81min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070246
Pixar Short Films Collection Vol. 1
Ms.Yomiko Readman, a Library Special Operations officer
known as Agent Paper, is on the trail of one of the most
nefarious criminals she has ever faced. Determined to
locate a long lost Beethoven manuscript, this unknown
criminal has cloned some of history’s most extraordinary
people to help him find the manuscript. Now, Readman
must not only contend with a ruthless criminal, but also
Tokugawa-era scientist Gennai Hiraga, aviation pioneer
Otto Lilienthal and 19th century entomologist Jean-Henri
Fabre as she tries to stop a plot that could potentially
destroy the Earth.
Action/Adventure 2003
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069298
Dramas 2003
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069402
La Reina De La Nieve
Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai 7 - Vol.
1: Search for the Seven
Childrens, Animated 2000
Vanguard Cinema 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070541
Rescue Me: Mave-Chan
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069848
With astounding animation, inspirational messages, and
endearing characters, Pixar Animation Studios (THE
INCREDIBLES, CARS) and Walt Disney Pictures have
whipped up something special with RATATOUILLE. A rat
named Remy (Patton Oswalt) lives in Paris with a dream
(and the talent) to be a chef. Opting to raid the kitchens of
Paris rather than the garbage cans and sewers of the city
with his family, Remy is inspired by the philosophy of one
of the city’s most legendary chefs, the late Gusteau (Brad
Garrett). One night, Remy can’t resist practicing his skill
in Gusteau’s restaurant. While his guard is down, Remy is
discovered by a klutzy young man, Linguini (Lou
Romano), who cleans the kitchen. Together Remi and
Linguini become a culinary duo, with Remy playing puppeteer by concealing himself under Linguini’s chef’s hat.
Remy pulls Linguini’s hair to direct his hands, helping to
bring Remy’s creations to life. Soon Gusteau’s restaurant
becomes the talk of the town—but would it still be the
toast of Paris if everyone knew a rat was running the
Childrens, Animated 2007 DD 5.1 111min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069954
Read or Die
Rumbling Hearts - Box Set
Childrens, Animated 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070512
Prince of Tennis - Box Set:
Volume 3
It’s the postwar period in a place resembling the
devastated Europe of the 1940s, and bandits and thugs
have become a perpetual problem for a society without
much food or hope. In order to help bring order to the
chaos, a division of the military known as the „Pumpkin
Scissors“ has been called to duty. Unfortunately, the
operation does not run smoothly, and the aristocratic
officers who make up the division are a joke among the
people—that is, until one man enters the picture to bring
respect and peace to the land. This is the first volume of
an anime that takes a fantastical approach to the images
of post-WW II and twists them to create a unique series
with strong characters and an addictive story line filled
with comic touches.
Dramas 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069598
Dramas 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068677
Childrens, Animated
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069953
Pumpkin Scissors - Vol. 1: Honor
& Blood
Rozen Maiden Träumend - Vol. 1:
Puppet Show
Four high school friends must reconsider the meaning of
life when one of them is involved in a terrible accident and
sent into a coma. The hole left by Haruka’s absence is
hard to fill, but Haruka’s boyfriend and her friend Mitsuki
eventually try to move on, embarking on a romance of
their own. When three years later Haruka wakes up,
everyone tries to pretend that no time has gone by. But no
one can deny everything has changed. This set contains
all 14 episodes from the anime series.
Red Garden - Vol. 1: Live to Kill
The Queen of Snow is so mesmerizing, she is able to pull
even energetic young boys like Kay into her spell. Making
the boy forget his family and friends, she lures him into a
frozen world filled with temptations he cannot resist. But
when Kay’s friend Gerda finds the boy, he starts to
remember all he’s left behind, and wonders if the Queen
will ever let him go.
Dramas 2001 FF S 275min.
Viz Media, LLC. 23.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069734
Geneon Entertainment 11.09.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069334
Every anime fan fantasizes about crossing the barrier
between their lives and the animated world they see on
the screen, and Rei Sugiyama is about to have that dream
become a reality. Soon the fate of a strange world, as well
as every anime ever created, will be in his hands. Can an
average guy find the courage to become a character
himself and save the fictional realm he’s entered as well
as the future of anime for fans everywhere?
Comedies 2005 DD 2.0 30min.
Bandai Entertainment 02.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069912
Royal Space Force - The Wings of
Honneamise (Blu-ray)
THE WINGS OF HONNEAMISE, one of the best animated
films ever made (it won three separate best animated
picture prizes in 1987), is an epic tale set in an alternate
universe, somewhat similar to our own. In it, human
civilization is on the verge of travelling into space, though
no one is taking any real serious steps to get there, and
The Royal Space Force is no exception. More a
government publicity stunt than a viable space program,
its recruits are often ridiculed and demeaned by both the
public and the government. However, when one recruit,
Shiro Lhadatt, meets a young woman who encourages him
to kick-start the program, he organizes a haphazard team
of scientists and pilots who race to be the first into space.
Action/Adventure 1987 Ltbx DD 5.1
Geneon Entertainment 11.09.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069333
Royal Space Force - The Wings of
Honneamise (HD DVD)
THE WINGS OF HONNEAMISE, one of the best animated
films ever made (it won three separate best animated
picture prizes in 1987), is an epic tale set in an alternate
universe, somewhat similar to our own. In it, human
civilization is on the verge of travelling into space, though
no one is taking any real serious steps to get there, and
The Royal Space Force is no exception. More a
government publicity stunt than a viable space program,
its recruits are often ridiculed and demeaned by both the
public and the government. However, when one recruit,
Shiro Lhadatt, meets a young woman who encourages him
to kick-start the program, he organizes a haphazard team
of scientists and pilots who race to be the first into space.
Action/Adventure 1987 Ltbx DD 5.1
Based on Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa’s legendary
martial-arts epic SEVEN SAMURAI, the action-packed
anime series SAMURAI 7 offers an anachronistic spin on
the film’s famous parable of vigilante justice. This time
around, the story takes place in a futuristic feudal society
ravaged by years of brutal warfare, where the lawless
bandits terrorizing the rural countryside are a terrifying
mutant amalgam of man and machine. One particularly
poverty-stricken village decides to battle the mechanical
menace by hiring a band of nomadic samurai for
protection, resulting in a ragtag assemblage of masterful
swordsmen with their fair share of personality quirks.
Atmospheric and stylish, SAMURAI 7 does Kurosawa
justice with topnotch storytelling and gorgeous animation
rendered in a muted palette that evokes the source
material’s black-and-white cinematography yet remains
completely vibrant and visionary. This collection kicks off
the innovative anime with the series’ first four episodes.
Television, Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD
5.1 105min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069408
Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai 7 - Vol.
2: Escape from the Merchants
Based on Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa’s legendary
martial-arts epic SEVEN SAMURAI, the action-packed
anime series SAMURAI 7 offers an anachronistic spin on
the film’s famous parable of vigilante justice. This time
around, the story takes place in a futuristic feudal society
ravaged by years of brutal warfare, where the lawless
bandits terrorizing the rural countryside are a terrifying
mutant amalgam of man and machine. One particularly
poverty-stricken village decides to battle the mechanical
menace by hiring a band of nomadic samurai for
protection, resulting in a ragtag assemblage of masterful
swordsmen with their fair share of personality quirks. This
second volume continues the anime series with four more
Television, Action/Adventure 2005
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069409
Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai 7 - Vol.
3: From Farm to Fortress
Based on Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa’s legendary
martial-arts epic SEVEN SAMURAI, the action-packed
anime series SAMURAI 7 offers an anachronistic spin on
the film’s famous parable of vigilante justice. This time
around, the story takes place in a futuristic feudal society
ravaged by years of brutal warfare, where the lawless
bandits terrorizing the rural countryside are a terrifying
mutant amalgam of man and machine. One particularly
poverty-stricken village decides to battle the mechanical
menace by hiring a band of nomadic samurai for
protection, resulting in a ragtag assemblage of masterful
swordsmen with their fair share of personality quirks. This
third volume continues the anime series with four more
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 09.10.2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 13
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070045
Akira Kurosawa’s Samurai 7 - Vol.
4: The Battle for Kanna
Based on Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa’s legendary
martial-arts epic SEVEN SAMURAI, the action-packed
anime series Samurai 7 offers an anachronistic spin on
the film’s famous parable of vigilante justice. This time
around, the story takes place in a futuristic feudal society
ravaged by years of brutal warfare, where the lawless
bandits terrorizing the rural countryside are a terrifying
mutant amalgam of man and machine. One particularly
poverty-stricken village decides to battle the mechanical
menace by hiring a band of nomadic samurai for
protection, resulting in a ragtag assemblage of master
swordsmen with their fair share of personality quirks. This
fourth volume continues the anime series with four more
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070046
School Rumble - Vol. 1 (Limited
Enter the world of high school, where crushes are often
unrequited if ever confessed at all. For Tenma, the act of
actually telling her classmate she likes him proves
impossible, with one embarrassing attempt to confess
followed by another. If only Tenma had any idea that
there’s a boy with a secret crush on her!
Comedies 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 28.08.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069426
School Rumble - Vol. 1
Enter the world of high school, where crushes are often
unrequited if ever confessed at all. For Tenma, the act of
actually telling her classmate she likes him proves
impossible, with one embarrassing attempt to confess
followed by another. If only Tenma had any idea that
there’s a boy with a secret crush on her!
Comedies 2004
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069427
Sea Tales Volume 3: The Ugly
Duckling / The Selfish Giant
Childrens 2007 FF 45min.
First Look Home Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069920
Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a
Clue: Volume 1
Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 90min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069194
She-Ra: Princess of Power Season 2
He-Man was big and strong, but his sister She-Ra the
Princess of Power was just as impressive. With her Sword
of Protection that could transform into a variety of
amazing shields and weapons, she could always put up a
fight against the magical powers that threatened her. This
collection includes all 28 episodes from the second
season of this classic ’80s animation, which started as a
spin-off of the Masters of the Universe toy collection and
blossomed into a hugely popular after-school cartoon. In
these final encounters with the tyrant Hordak, She-Ra
battles her away across the screen to the final showdown
with the Evil Horde. Luckily she won’t be alone as her big
brother and the rest of the gang from the planet Etheria,
including Bow, Princess Glimmer, and Twiget with her
talking broom are here to help free their planet from its
sinister oppressor.
Television, Childrens, Animated
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069344
Sherlock Holmes the Bakerville
Childrens, Animated 1993
Goldhil Entertainment 31.12.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068918
SpongeBob SquarePants - Atlantis SquarePantis
Sherlock Holmes Un Estudio En
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF S 77min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069627
Childrens, Animated 2007
Goldhil Entertainment 31.12.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068919
Shonen Onmyoji - Volume 3
Dramas 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070341
Shrek the Third (Full Screen)
In the third installment of the wildly popular SHREK series
of computer-animated movies, everyone’s favorite
hygienically challenged green ogre (voiced by Mike
Myers) faces both parental and royal responsibility when
his wife, Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz), finds out that
she is pregnant and that her father, King Harold (John
Cleese), is on his death bed. The shock of these
revelations leads Shrek on a journey with his loyal
companions Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and Puss in Boots
(Antonio Banderas) to seek out another heir to the throne—an awkward young boy named Artie Pendragon
(Justin Timberlake). Waiting in the wings is the scheming
Prince Charming (Rupert Everett), who sees the perfect
opportunity to make his own bid for power and rallies a
villainous crew to attack the castle.
Spooktacular New Adventures of
Casper Volume 1
Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 107min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069055
Squidbillies - Volume One
Somewhere out in the mountains of north Georgia there’s
an inbred family of trashy, beer drinking, fist fighting folk
who are as American as apple pie, except for one thing—
they’re squids. That’s OK though, because it’s not going
to stop these dirt poor sea animal rednecks from robbing
liquor stores, running from the sheriff, or getting a little
hillbilly nooky. Here is the complete first season of this
hilarious and absurd cartoon made by the same people
GHOST COAST TO COAST. It’s an often surreal and
always funny animated series that is sure to join the ranks
of other adult cartoon hits.
Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070558
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070382
Story of Saiunkoku - Vol. 1
Shrek the Third (Widescreen)
Story of Saiunkoku - Vol. 2
In the third installment of the wildly popular SHREK series
of computer-animated movies, everyone’s favorite
hygienically challenged green ogre (voiced by Mike
Myers) faces both parental and royal responsibility when
his wife, Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz), finds out that
she is pregnant and that her father, King Harold (John
Cleese), is on his death bed. The shock of these
revelations leads Shrek on a journey with his loyal
companions Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and Puss in Boots
(Antonio Banderas) to seek out another heir to the throne—an awkward young boy named Artie Pendragon
(Justin Timberlake). Waiting in the wings is the scheming
Prince Charming (Rupert Everett), who sees the perfect
opportunity to make his own bid for power and rallies a
villainous crew to attack the castle.
Childrens, Animated 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070360
Shrek Trilogy
Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz Dir. Andrew Adamson
Comedies 2001-2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2007
84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070384
Slayers - OVA Collection
This program contains six SLAYERS episodes in two
separate volumes of anime. Part one includes „Book of
Spells“ and follows Lina Inverse and Naga on an early
quest where they must defeat a chimera who wants to use
Lina as one of its heads. Part two, „Slayers Excellent,“
introduces the origins of Lina and Naga’s partnership as
they take on a vampire, get hired as bodyguards, and face
off in a fashion war. This is the perfect collection of
SLAYERS OVA that takes a trip back in time to show how
these two dragon fighting rivals got their start.
Comedies DD 2.0 150min.
ADV Films, Inc. 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069860
Spider Riders - The Oracle Keys
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF 168min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069404
Dramas 2006 DD 2.0 125min.
Geneon Entertainment 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070342
Dramas 2006 DD 2.0 125min.
Geneon Entertainment 16.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070343
Strawberry Shortcake - Let’s
Loveable children’s character Strawberry Shortcake
teaches viewers how to dance in this instructional release.
Childrens, Animated 1950 FF S 45min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068879
Street Fighter Alpha
The immensely popular STREET FIGHTER series,
probably best known for its appearance on gaming
consoles, has also become a first rate anime. Here, Ryu
and Ken find themselves unhappily reunited as they meet
up after the death of their master. Ryu’s life is turned
upside down even more when Shun, a boy claiming to be
his long lost brother, presents himself. Doubtful, Ryu
begins to believe the veracity of Shun’s claim when he
sees the boy fight in a martial arts competition.
Unfortunately, the boy is soon kidnapped by the
Shadowlaw organization forcing Ryu to undergo a painful
journey just as his confidence is waning.
Action/Adventure 2000
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069300
Super Powers Team: Galactic
Television, Action/Adventure 1985 FF M
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070557
Super Robot Wars - Original Generation: The Animation
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 85min.
Geneon Entertainment 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069914
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 14
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Surf’s Up (Blu-ray)
This animated mock documentary directed by Chris Buck
(TARZAN) and Ash Brannon (TOY STORY 2) follows
penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf) from his
hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the other
penguins think he’s a surfing fool, to the „Big Z Memorial
Surf Off“ on Pen Gu Island. This teenage penguin is
determined to win the most important competition in the
world of penguin surfing in honor of „Big Z,“ a deceased
surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. But
the waves in Pen Gu are different than in Shiverpool, and
the competition is steep. The current champ, egotistical
Tank Evans (Diedrich Bader), isn’t about to let this little
penguin knock him from first place without a fight. When
Cody wipes out and encounters Geek (Jeff Daniels), a
recluse living in the jungle, he learns some important
lessons about life and surfing, and even teaches Geek a
thing or two.
Childrens, Animated 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069364
Surf’s Up (Full Screen)
This animated mock documentary directed by Chris Buck
(TARZAN) and Ash Brannon (TOY STORY 2) follows
penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf) from his
hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the other
penguins think he’s a surfing fool, to the „Big Z Memorial
Surf Off“ on Pen Gu Island. This teenage penguin is
determined to win the most important competition in the
world of penguin surfing in honor of „Big Z,“ a deceased
surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. But
the waves in Pen Gu are different than in Shiverpool, and
the competition is steep. The current champ, egotistical
Tank Evans (Diedrich Bader), isn’t about to let this little
penguin knock him from first place without a fight. When
Cody wipes out and encounters Geek (Jeff Daniels), a
recluse living in the jungle, he learns some important
lessons about life and surfing, and even teaches Geek a
thing or two.
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069369
This animated mock documentary directed by Chris Buck
(TARZAN) and Ash Brannon (TOY STORY 2) follows
penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf) from his
hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the other
penguins think he’s a surfing fool, to the „Big Z Memorial
Surf Off“ on Pen Gu Island. This teenage penguin is
determined to win the most important competition in the
world of penguin surfing in honor of „Big Z,“ a deceased
surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. But
the waves in Pen Gu are different than in Shiverpool, and
the competition is steep. The current champ, egotistical
Tank Evans (Diedrich Bader), isn’t about to let this little
penguin knock him from first place without a fight. When
Cody wipes out and encounters Geek (Jeff Daniels), a
recluse living in the jungle, he learns some important
lessons about life and surfing, and even teaches Geek a
thing or two.
Childrens, Animated 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069363
Suzuka - Vol. 3
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 125min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069406
Television, Childrens, Animated FF
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069956
Teen Titans - The Complete
Fourth Season
with the news of a new toy shop! The train gang from The
Island of Sodor are back and ready for new adventures
and lessons as they chug on down the rails.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1: Part 2
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2007 FF
DD 2.0 50min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069309
Childrens, Animated 2003 FF 308min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069414
Thomas & Friends - Thomas and
the Toy Workshop
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Fast Forward - Vol. 2
After an accident lands the Turtles in 2105, they pick up
where left off with their crime-fighting adventures in New
York City. In this volume of the animated series, the
foursome takes on the evil Sh’Okanabo and his plans to
invade the earth. As if that weren’t enough to deal with,
they continue to battle Darius and his band of „Dark
Turtles.“ This volume features 13 more episodes of the
action show.
Childrens, Animated 2006
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069415
This animated saga is based on the serial manga „Black
and White“ by Taiyo Matsumoto. In it, two gangs of
orphans compete for territory on the mean streets of
Treasure Town.
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2007 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 111min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068768
Tekkonkinkreet (Blu-ray)
This animated saga is based on the serial manga „Black
and White“ by Taiyo Matsumoto. In it, two gangs of
orphans compete for territory on the mean streets of
Treasure Town.
Surf’s Up (Widescreen)
Talespin - Volume 2
Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 297min.
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069765
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068772
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki - OVA 3:
Box Set
Comedies 2003 FF 295min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069416
Tenjho Tenge - Complete MultiCase Collection
Comedies 2004 FF DD 2.0 650min.
Geneon Entertainment 02.10.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069602
In these adventures Percy becomes the subject of a
famous artist, Thomas finds out that friends are more
important than gold, and all of Knapsford station is abuzz
with the news of a new toy shop! The train gang from The
Island of Sodor are back and ready for new adventures
and lessons as they chug on down the rails.
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2007 FF
DD 2.0 50min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069310
The Toys that Rescued Christmas
This charming animated Christmas special follows
Smuckey, a sock monkey with a sharp tongue, as he
endeavors to save toys everywhere from the fate that
befalls them over the holidays. With the aid of an emotional train and a slick toy car, the toys of Christmas past will
not be forgotten this year! Colorful animation and catchy
songs make this adventure an instant holiday classic and
a sure kid-pleaser.
Childrens, Animated 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068969
Los Tres Reyes Magos
While on their way to visit the the baby Jesus, the Three
Wise Men hit a dangerous obstacle in the form of Satan,
Prince Olbaid, and his demon, Mauricio. This sparks a
game of wits in which the Wise Men continually trump the
evil trio. This animated musical comedy presents the
Biblical story to children in a fun and memorable way.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068808
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie 4 Banquet of Time, Dreams &
Comedies 2004 DD 2.0 50min.
ADV Films, Inc. 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068687
Ugly Duckling and Me - Yard Party
Childrens 2007 FF 75min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069889
Ugly Duckling and Me
Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye,
Vol. 2: Tending Wounds
Childrens, Animated 2007 FF 75min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068705
Action/Adventure 2007 DD 5.1 100min.
BayView Entertainment 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069251
Utawarerumono - Vol. 6: A Song
for Posterity
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World Complete Collection
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 18.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068678
Thomas & Friends - Thomas and
the Toy Workshop
In these adventures Percy becomes the subject of a
famous artist, Thomas finds out that friends are more
important than gold, and all of Knapsford station is abuzz
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068681
We Are the Strange
Childrens, Animated 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070468
Welcome to the N.H.K. - Vol. 1:
1st Conspiracy
Rare as it might be, there are people all over the world
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
who refuse to leave their homes, earning them the label of
„shut-ins.“ But in Japan the phenomena has become so
big that a new label, „hikikomori,“ has been coined to
describe an entire generation of people in self-exile.
Ironically this issue is often associated with manga and
anime such as WELCOME TO THE N.H.K., which is what
makes this story a unique approach within the genre.
Tatsuhiro Sato is one such hikkikomori who, after years of
unemployment, convinces himself that the largest TV
network in Tokyo is somehow responsible for his situation.
That is until he meets Misaki, who’s determined to help
him lose his paranoia and leave his house. Volume One is
an addictive introduction to an unusual anime that
confronts the psychology of people who might be too in
love with unreality and as a result find it slipping away
from them.
Comedies 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069858
Unlike the sci-fi or fantastical elements found in the
majority of anime released in the West, YUGO THE
NEGOTIATOR is grounded firmly in reality. Yugo Beppu is
a master at striking a deal, regardless of who is on the
other side of the table. Terrorists, criminals, kidnappers—
he’s dealt with them all using his multiple language skills
and sharp psychology. This collection includes the
complete episodes of Yugo’s exploits in Pakistan and
Russia, where his wits are the only weapons he can use
to get the people he’s been hired to free out of danger.
Based on the manga by Shinji Makari and Shu Akana, this
is a globetrotting anime adventure in which the characters
rely on their intelligence rather than mechanized battle
Dramas 2004 DD 2.0 325min.
ADV Films, Inc. 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069847
When They Cry: Higurashi no
Naku Koroni - Vol. 3
Zatch Bell! - Vol. 12: Rumble in
the Snow
Dramas 2006 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070344
Childrens, Animated 2003 FF S 88min.
Viz Media, LLC. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069733
Winx Club - Season 2: Vol. 2 Battle for the Codex
Zegapain - Vol. 1
Fashion, fun, and, of course, saving the universe all go
hand-in-hand in this magical adventure with the Winx club.
In this volume, school is back in session. But that doesn’t
mean the action is over. Bloom and her pals must help the
fairy Layla get her power back as they enter a war with
Lord Farkar.
Childrens, Animated 2004 FF 308min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069421
Witchblade - Vol. 1
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069430
Witchblade - Vol. 1 (Limited Edition)
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 25.09.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069429
Xenosaga - Vol. 1: Enter the
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068688
Is Kyo Sogoru the unpopular captain of his high school
swim team or the pilot of Zegapain—a giant robot used to
battle the forces of destruction in another universe? What
is real, his enthusiasm for the deep chlorinated blue of the
pool, or the mechanized arms and lasers he controls from
inside the huge machine? In this anime that questions the
line between fantasy and reality, Kyo is going to find out
that the truth might be even more bizarre than his inability
to distinguish fact from fiction.
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 125min.
Bandai Entertainment 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069909
Zegapain - Vol. 1 (Limited Edition)
Is Kyo Sogoru the unpopular captain of his high school
swim team or the pilot of Zegapain—a giant robot used to
battle the forces of destruction in another universe? What
is real, his enthusiasm for the deep chlorinated blue of the
pool, or the mechanized arms and lasers he controls from
inside the huge machine? In this anime that questions the
line between fantasy and reality, Kyo is going to find out
that the truth might be even more bizarre than his inability
to distinguish fact from fiction.
Action/Adventure 2006 DD 2.0 125min.
Bandai Entertainment 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069910
12 Days of Terror
Jenna Harrison, Colin Eggsfield, John
Rhys-Davies, Mark Dexter
Xperimental Eros
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068863
12 DAYS OF TERROR is based on a real incident that
occurred in New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th
century. A spate of shark attacks bloodied the usually
placid New Jersey shore, terrifying residents and creating
a panic that inspired author Peter Benchley to write
JAWS. This dramatization stars John Rhys-Davis and
Colin Eggsfield in lead roles.
Yu Yu Hakusho - Seven Sins:
Episodes 85-98
Action/Adventure 1994 FF 300min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 09.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069410
Horror/Suspense 2006
Allumination Film Works LLC 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069326
12:08 East of Bucharest
Mircea Andreescu, Teo Corban, Ion
Sapdaru - Dir. Corneliu Porumboiu
Yu-Gi-Oh!: GX - Vol. 4: The
School Duel
It’s an epic clash of cards in this Yu-Gi-Oh adventure.
Chazz is back, and ready for the biggest fight of his life.
Childrens, Animated 2004 FF 176min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069407
Yugo the Negotiator - Complete
Set 16 years after the revolution, this Romanian drama
centers around a local Bucharist television station that
invites several residents to reflect on their memories of 16
years prior. As several eccentric individuals share their
stories, they must answer questions from viewers who
doubt the event ever took place.
Dramas 2007
Tartan Video 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069712
1408 (Full Screen)
John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary
McCormack, Tony Shalhoub - Dir. Mikael
The PG-13 rating given to 1408 belies this film’s truly
terrifying effects on its audience. Though it’s far less gory
than its peers, it has frightening moments and a creepy
mood throughout. John Cusack (IDENTITY) plays Mike
Enslin, a gifted writer who has turned his talents to
paranormal travel books. His stays in haunted hotels
never shake him, but he’s intrigued by New York’s Dolphin
Hotel. Room 1408 has been the site of dozens of deaths,
and this is a selling point for the skeptic in Mike. Despite
the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson,
BLACK SNAKE MOAN), Mike resolves to stay in the
haunted room. No one has lasted more than an hour in
1408, and Mike has his work cut out for him.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070511
1408 (Special Edition)
John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary
McCormack, Tony Shalhoub - Dir. Mikael
The PG-13 rating given to 1408 belies this film’s truly
terrifying effects on its audience. Though it’s far less gory
than its peers, it has frightening moments and a creepy
mood throughout. John Cusack (IDENTITY) plays Mike
Enslin, a gifted writer who has turned his talents to
paranormal travel books. His stays in haunted hotels
never shake him, but he’s intrigued by New York’s Dolphin
Hotel. Room 1408 has been the site of dozens of deaths,
and this is a selling point for the skeptic in Mike. Despite
the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson,
BLACK SNAKE MOAN), Mike resolves to stay in the
haunted room. No one has lasted more than an hour in
1408, and Mike has his work cut out for him.
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx
Weinstein Company/Genius 02.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070536
1408 (Widescreen)
John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary
McCormack, Tony Shalhoub - Dir. Mikael
The PG-13 rating given to 1408 belies this film’s truly
terrifying effects on its audience. Though it’s far less gory
than its peers, it has frightening moments and a creepy
mood throughout. John Cusack (IDENTITY) plays Mike
Enslin, a gifted writer who has turned his talents to
paranormal travel books. His stays in haunted hotels
never shake him, but he’s intrigued by New York’s Dolphin
Hotel. Room 1408 has been the site of dozens of deaths,
and this is a selling point for the skeptic in Mike. Despite
the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson,
BLACK SNAKE MOAN), Mike resolves to stay in the
haunted room. No one has lasted more than an hour in
1408, and Mike has his work cut out for him.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070510
2 Days In The Valley
Danny Aiello, Jeff Daniels, Teri Hatcher,
Glenne Headly, Peter Horton, Marsha
Mason, Paul Mazursky, James Spader, Eric
Stoltz, Charlize Theron, Greg Cruttwell,
Keith Carradine, Louise Fletcher, Austin
Pendleton, Michael Jai White, Lawrence
Tierney, Micole Mercurio - Dir. John Herzfeld
L.A.’s much-vilified San Fernando Valley is the setting for
the chaotic goings-on in this multi-plotted comedic thriller
featuring a murderous insurance scam perpetrated by
sadistic double-crossers, a bumbling, love-struck hit man,
a kidnapped, gallstone-suffering art dealer, a washed-up,
suicidal screenwriter, a pair of burnt-out undercover cops,
and one of the best catfights ever filmed. Guilty fun.
Dramas 1996 Ltbx DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070356
2 Hitmen
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
discover that mom might not be quite as dead as they
originally thought. Chaos follows, with the sadistic military
and the forlorn
Comedies 2006
York Entertainment 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070613
2103: The Deadly Wake
Malcolm McDowell, Michael Paré, Heidi Von
Though he was once a great mega-tanker captain, Sean
Murdoch (A CLOCKWORK ORANGE’s Malcolm McDowell)
has let himself disintegrate into a wrecked alcoholic since
his last failed assignment. However, when the huge
corporation Proxate asks Murdoch to captain the megatanker Lilith, Murdoch agrees, not realizing that Lilith is a
prison tanker with a crew of violent and insane men. Once
aboard, chaos and action ensue, leaving Murdoch fighting
for his life.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1997 FF
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069077
28 Days Later / 28 Weeks Later
Robert Carlyle, Imogen Poots, Mackintosh
Muggleton, Harold Perrineau, Cillian
Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher
Eccleston - Dir. Danny Boyle, Juan Carlos
This two-pack features both the original and sequel to
Christopher Boyle’s well regarded post-apocalyptic thriller.
Horror/Suspense 2003-2007 Ltbx
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068899
28 Weeks Later (Full Screen)
Mackintosh Muggleton, Imogen Poots, Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner,
Harold Perrineau, Catherine McCormack,
Idris Elba - Dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Danny Boyle’s surprise 2003 hit, 28 DAYS LATER, gets
the sequel treatment here. Few elements from the first
film remain—actor Cilian Murphy doesn’t return, and
Boyle and screenwriter/novelist Alex Garland take
producer credits this time out. In their places step
director/co-writer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (INTACTO) and
actor Robert Carlyle (TRAINSPOTTING), who bring the
original story to its next logical step. The zombies (again
referred to as „the infected“) from the first film have died
out and England is ready for repopulation. The American
military are slowly bringing British citizens back to London,
where a heavily guarded community is picking up the
pieces and trying to return to normal life. Carlyle plays
Don, a man who has lost his wife but is reunited with his
children, Andy (Mackintosh Muggleton) and Tammy
(Imogen Poots), near the start of Fresnadillo’s film. The
two kids soon escape from the heavily guarded
community, go off searching for their childhood home, and
discover that mom might not be quite as dead as they
originally thought. Chaos follows, with the sadistic military
and the forlorn
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF DD 5.1 113min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068890
28 Weeks Later (Widescreen)
Mackintosh Muggleton, Imogen Poots, Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner,
Harold Perrineau, Catherine McCormack,
Idris Elba - Dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Danny Boyle’s surprise 2003 hit, 28 DAYS LATER, gets
the sequel treatment here. Few elements from the first
film remain—actor Cilian Murphy doesn’t return, and
Boyle and screenwriter/novelist Alex Garland take
producer credits this time out. In their places step
director/co-writer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (INTACTO) and
actor Robert Carlyle (TRAINSPOTTING), who bring the
original story to its next logical step. The zombies (again
referred to as „the infected“) from the first film have died
out and England is ready for repopulation. The American
military are slowly bringing British citizens back to London,
where a heavily guarded community is picking up the
pieces and trying to return to normal life. Carlyle plays
Don, a man who has lost his wife but is reunited with his
children, Andy (Mackintosh Muggleton) and Tammy
(Imogen Poots), near the start of Fresnadillo’s film. The
two kids soon escape from the heavily guarded
community, go off searching for their childhood home, and
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068891
Los 3 Cielos
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069727
3:10 to Yuma
Van Heflin, Glenn Ford, Felicia Farr, Richard Jaeckel, Leora Dana, Robert
Emhardt, Henry Jones - Dir. Delmer Daves
two features the third disc of the first season.
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069545
30 Years of Fun
Buster Keaton, Harry Langdon, Douglas
Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Greta Garbo,
Tom Mix, Snub Pollard, King Vidor, Billy
Bevan, Charlie Chaplin
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070274
4 Film Favorites: Children’s
When stubborn farmer, Dan Evans (Ven Heflin), attempts
to bring wanted criminal, Ben Wade (Glenn Ford) to the
authorities in Yuma and collect the reward, he’s in for
quite a challenge. Desperate, the captive criminal offers
the poor farmer $10,000 to set him free. While waiting for
the train, the two men engage in a brutal battle of wills
and as Evans eludes Wade’s gang of miscreant thugs, he
must fight his own moral battle and catch the 3:10 to
Yuma. A poignant and chilling western, 3:10 TO YUMA
evokes more thought and emotion with its timing and
clever scripting than most traditional shot gun-riddled
Westerns ever achieve. Director Delmer Daves teams up
with pulp writer Elmore Leonard (who would go on to
script GET SHORTY and JACKIE BROWN) to deliver this
sharp and biting western classic.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069213
Westerns 1957 Ltbx 16x9 M 92min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068777
Action/Adventure 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069212
30 Rock: Season 1 Volume 1
Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, Jane Krakowski,
Tracy Morgan, Scott Adsit, Judah
Friedlander, Jack McBrayer
4 Film Favorites: Classic Comedy
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069224
4 Film Favorites: Classic Horse
4 Film Favorites: Draculas
Horror/Suspense 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069220
Art imitates life in this smart comedy starring SATURDAY
NIGHT LIVE alums Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, and frequent
host Alec Baldwin. In addition to writing and executive
producing 30 ROCK, Fey plays Liz Lemon, the head writer
on a variety series called „The Girlie Show.“ But the new
Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave
Oven Programming, Jack Donaghy (Baldwin), decides to
shake up the show, adding crazy actor Tracy Jordan
(Morgan) to the cast and changing the name. A critical hit,
30 ROCK garnered a Golden Globe win for Baldwin and
Emmy nods in its freshman season for its brand of
comedy that ably straddles intelligence and silliness. This
single-camera sitcom also features Jane Krakowski (ALLY
Judah Friedlander. But with such a deep bench of talent,
the show’s secret weapon is Kenneth, played by Jack
McBrayer (ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT), whose naiveté is
a hilarious contrast to the rest of the characters. Volume
one features the first two discs of the first season.
4 Film Favorites: Family
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069546
Horror/Suspense 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069221
30 Rock: Season 1 Volume 2
4 Film Favorites: John Wayne
Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, Jane Krakowski,
Tracy Morgan, Scott Adsit, Judah
Friedlander, Jack McBrayer
Art imitates life in this smart comedy starring SATURDAY
NIGHT LIVE alums Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, and frequent
host Alec Baldwin. In addition to writing and executive
producing 30 ROCK, Fey plays Liz Lemon, the head writer
on a variety series called „The Girlie Show.“ But the new
Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave
Oven Programming, Jack Donaghy (Baldwin), decides to
shake up the show, adding crazy actor Tracy Jordan
(Morgan) to the cast and changing the name. A critical hit,
30 ROCK garnered a Golden Globe win for Baldwin and
Emmy nods in its freshman season for its brand of
comedy that ably straddles intelligence and silliness. This
single-camera sitcom also features Jane Krakowski (ALLY
Judah Friedlander. But with such a deep bench of talent,
the show’s secret weapon is Kenneth, played by Jack
McBrayer (ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT), whose naiveté is
a hilarious contrast to the rest of the characters. Volume
Action/Adventure 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069214
4 Film Favorites: Family
Comedies 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069225
4 Film Favorites: Horror
John Wayne
Action/Adventure 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069217
4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 127min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069223
4 Film Favorites: Martial Arts
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069226
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
4 Film Favorites: New Line
Allumination Film Works LLC 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069323
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070302
5 Girls
Dramas 2001 FF 120min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069997
4 Film Favorites: New Line
Romantic Comedy
7 Kilos
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070303
Brenda Estrella Rojas, Cliff Weeks, Manuel
Garcia, Brent Bratton
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069516
4 Film Favorites: Romance
Dramas 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069197
7th Heaven - The Complete Fifth
Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Jessica
Biel, David Gallagher, Mackenzie Rosman,
Barry Watson
Television, Dramas FF 1200min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070354
4 Film Favorites: Romantic
Comedies 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069222
4 Film Favorites: Stephen King
Horror/Suspense 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069218
4 Film Favorites: Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069216
A Ritmo de Twist / Con Quien
Andan Nuestros Locos
Manuel „Loco“ Valdes, Maria Rubio,
Elizabeth Campbell, Rosa Carmina,
Roberto Ramirez Garza - Dir. Benito
Comedies 1961
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068965
Abbott & Costello - Funniest
Routines: Vol. 1
4 Film Favorites: Sylvester
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070194
Sylvester Stallone
Action/Adventure 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069215
Abbott & Costello - Funniest
Routines: Vol. 2
4 Film Favorites: Thrillers
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069219
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070195
Kon Ichikawa’s 47 Ronin
Kiichi Nakai, Rie Miyazawa - Dir. Kon
Foreign Films, Japanese 1994 Ltbx 16x9
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068697
Abbott & Costello - The
Christmas Show
4th Floor
Abbott & Costello Comedy
Artie Lange, Shelley Duvall, William Hurt,
Juliette Lewis - Dir. Josh Klausner
Jane (Lewis) has inherited a rent-controlled brownstone
apartment from her aunt, and, despite her boyfriend’s
(Hurt) appeals, has decided to move in and live on her
own for the first time. Almost immediately she is
introduced to the pleasures of living in an apartment
building, as she quickly draws the ire of her downstairs
neighbor (on the titular 4th floor), who pounds on his
ceiling to let her know that her furniture moving is
disturbing him. The next morning, she finds a warning
note on her door, which she quickly dismisses. However,
as more drastic actions seem to be taken against her,
such as infestations of mice and cockroaches, and even
break-ins, Jane begins to suspect that her neighbor wants
her out. Determined to stand her ground, Jane ignores her
boyfriend’s pleading and decides to stick it out. But when
she is attacked in her home, Jane decides to take action
Horror/Suspense 1999
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
Television, Comedies
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070193
Kevin Scott Allen, Michael Bolten, Eric
Clarke, Noah Crawford - Dir. Henri Charr
Childrens 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068951
Absolutely Fabulous: White Box
Nathan Lane
Comedies 2007
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068732
Addams Family - Complete Series
Carolyn Jones, John Astin, Jackie Coogan,
Ted Cassidy, Ken Weatherwax, Lisa Loring
Television, Comedies 1964 M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070245
Adventures of Young Indiana
Jones - Volume 1
Sean Patrick Flanery, Corey Carrier,
George Hall
Television, Action/Adventure FF 649min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070370
An Affair to Remember
Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Cathleen
Nesbitt, Neva Patterson, Richard Denning,
Fortunio Bonanova - Dir. Leo McCarey
Leo McCarey’s lighthearted romance combines with
tragedy to tell the tale of two lovers who long to be
together but are engaged to others.
Dramas 1957 Ltbx M 119min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069432
After Hours with Daniel
Television, Comedies
Infinity Entertainment Group 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070115
Against Her Will / Wounded Heart
Paula Devicq, Carol Burnett, Carrie
Hamilton, Annette Bening, Clark Johnson Dir. Peter Levin, Vic Sarin
Dramas 1989
Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069664
Antonio Aguilar - Action
Antonio Aguilar
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069729
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069092
Antonio Aguilar - Comedy
Abbott & Costello Comedy Pack
Antonio Aguilar - Western
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070307
Antonio Aguilar
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069728
Abe & Bruno
Antonio Aguilar
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069730
Alex Rider: Operation
Stormbreaker / Lovewrecked
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Amanda Bynes, Chris Carmack, Fred
Willard, Lance Bass, Kathy Griffin, Ewan
McGregor, Alex Pettyfer, Mickey Rourke,
Bill Nighy, Alicia Silverstone - Dir. Geoffrey
Sax, Randal Kleiser
Based on the bestselling teen adventure series, ALEX
story an adolescent James Bond, Alex Rider (Alex
Pettyfer), who has been trained since birth for a career as
a spy. The only problem is, he doesn’t know it. When his
beloved uncle (Ewan McGregor) dies, Alex learns of his
intended purpose in life and is taken under the wing of
Britain’s secret intelligence service. There, Alex is sent on
a mission which could save or cost millions of lives. As
Alex embarks on his greatest challenge yet, he learns all
is not what it seems, with the lines blurring between his
obvious enemies and those who are supposedly on his
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070529
Alexander Revisited: Final Cut
Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer,
Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Anthony
Hopkins - Dir. Oliver Stone
Director Oliver Stone chalks up an ambitious entry on his
biopic résumé (past entries include films about Jim
Morrison, Richard Nixon, and JFK, among others) with this
cinematic treatise on the life of the mighty Alexander the
Great. Despite his early death at 32, Alexander packed
some unimaginable conquests into his limited years, ruling
over a huge chunk of the globe. Stone draws on a voiceover narration provided by Anthony Hopkins, in the
character of Ptolemy, one of Alexander’s generals, to
describe some of the battles. Thus, Stone shifts the
weight of the film to focus on the personality of Alexander
(Colin Farrell), a man who is stricken by overwhelming
personal insecurities that contrast with his bold
achievements. Complex dealings with his mother (Angelina Jolie) and father (Val Kilmer) plague him, as does his
turbulent relationship with his wife, Roxane (Rosario
Dawson). His connection with his best friend, Hephaestion
(Jared Leto), is ambiguous, with Stone touching on their
vaunted homosexuality via some shared tender moments.
As these personal battles are played out, Ptolemy fills the
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069749
Alexander Revisited: Final Cut
Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer,
Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Anthony
Hopkins - Dir. Oliver Stone
Director Oliver Stone chalks up an ambitious entry on his
biopic résumé (past entries include films about Jim
Morrison, Richard Nixon, and JFK, among others) with this
cinematic treatise on the life of the mighty Alexander the
Great. Despite his early death at 32, Alexander packed
some unimaginable conquests into his limited years, ruling
over a huge chunk of the globe. Stone draws on a voiceover narration provided by Anthony Hopkins, in the
character of Ptolemy, one of Alexander’s generals, to
describe some of the battles. Thus, Stone shifts the
weight of the film to focus on the personality of Alexander
(Colin Farrell), a man who is stricken by overwhelming
personal insecurities that contrast with his bold
achievements. Complex dealings with his mother (Angelina Jolie) and father (Val Kilmer) plague him, as does his
turbulent relationship with his wife, Roxane (Rosario
Dawson). His connection with his best friend, Hephaestion
(Jared Leto), is ambiguous, with Stone touching on their
vaunted homosexuality via some shared tender moments.
As these personal battles are played out, Ptolemy fills the
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 213min.
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069748
prime suspect when a policeman is killed during a
robbery. The detective squad does everything in their
power (legal and illegal) to bring him to justice. Stunning
production design and an ingenious use of sound make
this mandatory viewing for anyone interested in film noir
and expressionism.
Action/Adventure 1929 FF 84min.
Kino on Video 04.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070190
Alice, Sweet Alice
Brooke Shields, Tom Signorelli, Lillian Roth
- Dir. Alfred Sole
After 10 year-old Karen (Brooke Shields) is killed in
church on the occasion of her first communion in 1960s
New Jersey, Alice, her seemingly innocent 12-year-old
sister, becomes the prime suspect. Matters are
complicated when more of Alice’s family members turn up
dead along with residents of her apartment building. Is a
twelve year-old girl capable of such mayhem, or is she too
obvious a suspect? Shot in Paterson, New Jersey, ALICE,
SWEET ALICE features a surprising amount of
bloodletting along with a heavy dose of Catholic
iconography mixed in with the horrific proceedings. This
was the first (abeit brief) screen appearance for Shields.
Horror/Suspense 1977 Ltbx 107min.
Hens Tooth Video 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070111
All In
Dominique Swain, Louis Gossett, Rene
Russo, Michael Madsen
Dramas 2006
MTI Home Video 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069581
Alla En El Rancho Grande
Tito Guizar, Esther Fernandez, Rene
Cardona - Dir. Fernando de Fuentes
Comedies 1936 FF M 100min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068861
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069510
Almost Brothers
Dramas 2004
First Run Features Home Video 20.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070028
Alone in the Dark
Christian Slater, Tara Reid, Stephen Dorff,
William Sanderson, Ed Anders, Robert C.
Bruce, Daniel Cudmore, Darren Shahlavi,
Francoise Yip - Dir. Uwe Boll
Investigating a supernatural force, Edward Carnby (Christian Slater) finds himself on the toughest case of his
career. With an archaeologist (Tara Reid) helping him to
trace his findings back through time for centuries, the
mystery only gets more complicated the further they delve
into it.
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 99min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069042
Alta Tension
Juan Manuel Bernal, Maria Rojo, Maria
Colla, Jesus Ochoa, Ernesto Gomez Cruz
A beautiful female reporter has recently lost the love of
her life, but comes up with a scheme to win him back
through a clever news feature. But as she begins her
story, she is plunged into one family’s series of intrigues
and heartbreak, having to deal with her lover’s parents
even while continuing to pursue him. ALTA TENSION
(HIGH TENSION) is a romantic drama directed by Rodolfo
de Anda, and was nominated for two Ariel Awards.
Dramas 1997 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069071
Allegro - A Film By Christoffer
Amateur Porn Star Killer
Foreign Films FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068992
Horror/Suspense 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070151
Allegro / Gille’s Wife
Amazing Mrs. Pritchard
Foreign Films
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068995
Jane Horrocks
Television, Comedies
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069902
American Movie Musicals
Collection - Vol. 2
Robert Forster, Perry Lang, Michael V.
Gazzo, Robin Riker, Dean Jagger, Sydney
Lassick, Jack Carter, Henry Silva - Dir.
Lewis Teague
A vicious alligator named Ramon, who was flushed into
the city sewer as a baby, survives to become a 32-footlong menace who devours animals and people alike.
Ramon’s so huge because of the steady diet of dead pets
- treated with growth hormones - that he’s fed on for 12
years. Now the tremendous brute is angry and looking for
revenge. Only detective David Madison knows of Ramon’s
existence, and it is his task to prove to the rest of the city
that a tropical beast lives in their midst. Veteran
screenwriter Sayles’ script finds the perfect blend of
comedy and horror, making this an entertaining romp
through the sewers of Chicago.
Horror/Suspense 1980 Ltbx DD 5.1 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069032
Chester Morris, Harry Stubbs, Mae Busch Dir. Roland West
Hermanos Almada - 4-Pack
America’s first expressionistic crime film. Morris plays
Chick Williams, a Prohibition era gangster who reteams
with his mob after getting out of prison. He becomes the
EL ULTIMO CARTUCHO: Led by the ruthless El Figurin, a
band of outlaws forcefully takes over the land and
operations of local farmers in a bid to extort money for the
use of their own water for irrigation. But when Captain
Austucia catches wind of the diabolical plan, he is more
than willing to defend the working man and do away with
the bad guys once and for all.
Mario Almada, Fernando Almada
Treat Williams, John Savage, Beverly
D’Angelo, Nell Carter, Kevin Kline, Ashley
Judd, Michael Douglas, Alyson Reed,
Cameron English, Jan Gan Boyd, Audrey
Landers - Dir. Richard Attenborough, Irwin
Winkler, Milos Forman
Musical fans need look no further than this extensive
collection containing the popular musicals DE-LOVELY,
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1979
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069568
American Silent Horror Collection
Kino on Video 09.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070192
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 19
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Amicus Collection - Asylum, The
Beast Must Die, Now the
Screaming Starts
Horror/Suspense 2007
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069079
Amityville Collection Triple Feature
Horror/Suspense 1992 FF DD 2.0 284min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070209
Amores Cruzados
Television, Dramas 2004 FF DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069476
And Never Let Her Go
Mark Harmon, Rachel Ward, Kathryn
Morris, Steven Eckholdt, Paul Michael Glaser, Olympia Dukakis - Dir. Peter Levin
Dramas 2001
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069671
And, There You Are
Roy Kirkland, Harrison Simon, Danielle
Lalk, Davey Sheffield - Dir. Doug Sebastian
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 105min.
TLA Releasing 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070503
Angel - Collector’s Set
David Boreanaz, Charisma Carpenter,
Glenn Quinn, Alexis Denisof, J. August
Richards, James Marsters, Andy Hallet
Television, Horror/Suspense 1999-2004
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068888
Angel De Fuego
Lilia Aragon, Marta Aura, Farnesio de
Bernal, Noe Montealegre, Gina Morett - Dir.
Dana Rotberg
13-year-old Alma ekes out a living as trapeze artist and
firebreather in a circus on the outskirts of Mexico City.
When she gets pregnant, she is fired from her job. She
becomes homeless, but finds hope and seeks redemption
in a group of travelling, religious puppeteers.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1992 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068787
Queta Lavat, Maria Antonienta Pons, Lilia
Prado, Enrique Bermúdez, Armando Calvo,
Eduardo Casado, Daniel „Chino“ Herrera Dir. Victor Urruchúa
A writer’s work suffers due to an unhealthy romantic
obsession in the Mexican drama ANGEL O DEMONIO. As
soon as Gabriel, an aspiring writer, arrives in Mexico City,
he meets the beautiful and inscrutable Blanca, whom he
quickly falls in love with. They begin a passionate affair,
and the relationship inspires Gabriel to write a grand
novel. But when Blanca inexplicably stops seeing Gabriel,
his pen runs dry, and he searches the city for her. Even if
he finds her, is that any guarantee that events will not
become even worse for him?
Vicellous Shannon, Conrad Dunn - Dir.
Ryan Combs
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068923
Annie Oakley
Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster, Melvyn
Douglas, Andy Clyde, Moroni Olsen, Pert
Kelton - Dir. George Stevens
George Stevens’ semi-fictional biography of the famed
sharpshooter stars Barbara Stanwyck in the title role.
After arriving in Cincinnati from rural Ohio in the late 19th
Century, she gets into a shooting contest with Toby Walker (Preston Foster), the ace sharpshooter of the New
York vaudeville circuit. Both Toby and the crowd are awed
by her marksmanship, but Annie decides to deliberately
throw the match, afraid of alienating her opponent, to
whom she finds herself strongly attracted. Jeff Hogarth
(Melvyn Douglas), one of the partners in Buffalo Bill
Cody’s Wild West Show, impressed with Annie’s shooting
and taken with her charms, offers her a job. When Toby
becomes aware of Cody’s dissatisfaction with Annie’s
showmanship, the sharpshooter begins to teach her some
new tricks, and she soon becomes a star in her own right.
Press agent Ned Buntline (Dick Elliot) decides to cook up
a „feud“ between the two sharpshooters to enhance the
show’s drawing power, but, like the film, it has little to do
with the truth. An enjoyable, elaborately produced, and
well-made biopic with a terrific Stanwyck, ANNIE OAKLEY
Westerns 1935 FF M 90min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069736
Apartment 1303
Eriko Hatsune, Yuka Itaya, Naoko Otani Dir. Ataru Oikawa
Horror/Suspense 2007
Tartan Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069713
Konstantin Lavronenko, Claudia Harrison,
Avtandil Makharadze, Lev Prygunov, Alexei
Diakov, Daniel Craig, Gabriel Macht,
Yakaterina Rednikova, Yervant
Arzumanyan, Valery Chernyak - Dir. Jon
Fluke Kelso (Daniel Craig) is getting ready to leave
Russia behind him when an impromptu visit from a former
Soviet officer convinces him to stick around.
Dramas 2006 FF 120min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069887
Asi Del Precipicio
Dramas FF 99min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070208
Angel O Demonio
Dramas 1947
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070252
Animal 2
Jorge Martinez De Hoyos, Ignacio Lopez
Tarzo - Dir. Mario Hernandez Sepulveda
Foreign Films, Spanish 1987
Desert Mountain Media 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068832
Michel Aumont, Jean-Claude Dreyfus,
Dinara Drukarova, Samuel Dupuy, Irène
Jacob, Laurent Lucas - Dir. Ra’Up McGee
A French film with an American director, AUTOMNE
centers around the reunion of three women and a man
who were childhood friends but drifted apart as adults. All
three have slipped into the seedier side of life, and are
pursuing criminal careers, leading to some fascinating
interplay between the three characters.
Dramas 2004 FF 110min.
Passion River 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069136
Autumn Moon
Masatoshi Nagase - Dir. Clara Law
Tokio, a young Japanese man, travels to Hong Kong and
meets Wai, a fifteen-year-old girl living with her ill
grandmother. Wai’s parents and older brother are
immigrating to Canada, and plan to have her join them.
Since Tokio is without a place to stay and a decent meal,
Wai takes him home. Soon, the two begin a friendship that
grows stronger as the time draws closer for Wai to leave
the country.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1992
Image Entertainment, Inc. 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069453
Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 3: Fire - Vol. 1
Television, Action/Adventure 2007 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069126
Avenging Angel
Betsy Russell, Susan Tyrrell, Rory Calhoun,
Ossie Davis - Dir. Robert Vincent O’Neil
This follow-up film to „Angel“ finds the ex-prostitute, Molly,
returning to the streets undercover to avenge her
guardian’s murder.
Action/Adventure 1985
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070421
Avioneta Colombiana
Luz Maria Guizar, Javier Montano, Jorge
Alberto, Mario Almada, Roberto „Flaco“
Guzman - Dir. Jorge Aruajo
The Mexican action film AVIONETA COLUMBIANA pits
ordinary people against a group of ruthless terrorists. The
terrorists have stolen radioactive material from a nuclear
power plant, but the plane used to make their escape is
damaged in the process. Posing as a regular flight, they
land at a private air field and hold the family that runs it at
gunpoint. After forcing the family to repair the plane, they
are then taken aboard as hostages. Knowing the fate of
many lives may be at stake, the family careful and
surreptitiously plans to escape and foil the terrorists’ plot.
Action/Adventure 2002 FF 94min.
Vanguard Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069819
Away From Her
Julie Christie, Olympia Dukakis, Gordon
Pinsent, Michael Murphy, Wendy Crewson,
Alberta Watson, Kristen Thomson - Dir.
Sarah Polley
Canadian actress Sarah Polley makes an impressive
directorial debut with AWAY FROM HER, a film adapted
from the Alice Munro story „The Bear Came Over The
Mountain.“ The plot concerns the way in which the 50year marriage of Grant (Gordon Pinsent) and Fiona (Julie
Christie) deteriorates with the progression of Fiona’s
Alzheimer ’s disease. Rich scenery, intimate
cinematography, and familiar songs like Neil Young’s
„Helpless“ create a private world of two people enviably in
love. Fiona and Grant have carved out a piece of the
world for themselves, and have lived together happily in
their later years until Fiona’s memory started to wane.
The harmony in their lives is lost when Fiona decides
she’s reached the point of no return and enters a
retirement home in order to take the burden off Grant,
though he can think of nothing worse than being away
from her. After dropping Fiona off, Grant is forced to not
visit for 30 days, which, as he fears, ends up feeling much
longer in the mind of a person who is losing her memory.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 110min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069036
Azul Tequila
Barbara Mori, Mauricio Ochmann, Rogelio
Guerra - Dir. Humberto Zurita
Director Humberto Zurita helms this Spanish-language
drama about a woman who is forced into marrying the
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
brother of the man whom she truly desires.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2006 FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069029
Bad Blood
Jack Thompson, Carol Burns, Dennis Lill,
Donna Akersten - Dir. Mike Newell
This is the true story of one of the greatest manhunts in
history. Stanley Graham is a farmer driven over the edge
by his financial problems, who went on a monstrous killing
orgy that finally ended with his own capture, death, and
ultimate legend.
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070294
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Tartan Video 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069178
Foreign Films, Italian Ltbx 16x9 617min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069829
Fanny Brice, Robert Armstrong - Dir.
Thornton Freeland
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1930
FF 66min.
Kino on Video 04.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070188
Beast Within / The Bat People
Bad Reputation
Angelique Hennessy, Jerad Anderson,
Danielle Noble
Shy and withdrawn, Michelle Rosen thinks her luck has
changed when she’s invited to a party thrown by her
school’s most popular sports star. Instead, she is gangraped and branded the school slut. Rather than deny the
rumors, Michelle embraces her bad reputation, using her
reputed promiscuity to snare those who victimized her into
a sadistic and deadly trap.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Maverick Entertainment 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069586
Stewart Moss, Marianne McAndrew, Ronny
Cox, Bibi Besch, Paul Clemens - Dir.
Philippe Mora, Jerry Jameson
Things are bound to get spooky with this terrifying double
Horror/Suspense 1974-1981
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070235
Beat the Drum
Lucille Ball Collection
Lucille Ball, Gale Gordon, Vivian Vance
This 5-disc box set collects episodes of Lucille Ball’s
hilarious television series The Lucy Show. Following on
the heels of I Love Lucy, the series ran for 6 seasons
(1962-1968) and followed the adventures of the wacky
redhead as she navigated widowhood and worked as
secretary to demanding bank president Mr. Mooney (Gale
Gordon). Guest appearances included John Wayne,
George Burns, Jack Benny, Milton Berle, and Robert
Television, Comedies 1962 FF 246min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070314
Barry Lyndon
Ryan O’Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick
Magee, Hardy Kruger, Steven Berkoff, Gay
Hamilton, Marie Kean, Murray Melvin, Andre
Morell, Leonard Rossiter, Philip Stone - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick’s unique spectacle tells the picaresque
tale of Redmond Barry, a rougish youth who starts his
foray into the world as a likable Irish lad and ends up a
rakish gambler. After a jealous Barry shoots his beloved
cousin’s fiancé in a duel, he is forced to flee Barryville. He
embarks on a journey that leads him to the continent as a
soldier—a job he finds less than pleasant. But he survives
and, hardened by his stretch in the army, makes his way
into the highest gambling circles of Europe, where his
newly acquired ruthlessness stands him in good stead—
until he soon finds himself on the edge of utter ruin.
Dramas 1975
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069787
Owen Sejake - Dir. David Hickson
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070095
Tony Jaa
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1997 Ltbx
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070554
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070392
Best of MGM Musicals
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 2007
Ltbx 16x9
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069064
Best of the Colbert Report
Stephen Colbert
Television, Comedies 2007 FF S 160min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070390
Best of United Artists Gift Set Vol. 1
Dramas 1960
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069569
Best of United Artists Gift Set Vol. 2
Faye Dunaway, Steve McQueen, James
Garner, Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer,
Sylvester Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Carl
Weathers - Dir. John G. Avildsen, Robert
Wise, Jerome Robbins, John Sturges,
Norman Jewison
This United Artists gift set features the following feature
individual titles for descriptions.
Dramas 1961 Ltbx M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069570
Beautiful Washing Machine
Comedies 2004
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068862
Bella Ciao
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070491
Best of United Artists Gift Set Vol. 3
Dirk Bogarde, Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Kirk
Douglas, Adolphe Menjou - Dir. Stanley
Kubrick, Sidney Lumet, Stanley Kramer,
Richard Attenborough
This United Artists gift set features the following dramas:
See individual titles for descriptions.
Jack Benny Collection
Jack Benny
This 5-volume set collects the very best of The Jack
Benny Show, featuring Jack and his merry cast of
regulars—including Mary Livingston, Don Wilson, Rochester Anderson, Dennis Day, Frank Nelson, and Mel
Blanc—performing the hilarious parodies and sketch
comedy that made this one of the most beloved programs
in television history.
Dramas 1957 Ltbx M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069571
Beverly Hillbillies Collection
Television, Comedies 2004 FF 261min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070316
Buddy Ebsen
Television, Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070315
Milton Berle Collection
Beverly Hills 90210 - Season 3
Milton Berle
Tori Spelling, Jason Priestly, Luke Perry,
Jennie Garth, Brian Austin Green, Ian
Ziering, Gabrielle Carteris
Television, Dramas FF 1371min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070363
This 5-volume set collects the very best of Milton Berle’s
Texaco Star Theatre, featuring the famous jokes and sight
gags that earned him the nickname „Mr. Television“ and
made him one of the first stars of the then-new medium.
Battle Warrior
Bava Box Set: Vol. 2
Be Yourself
Bad Blood
Battlestar Galactica: Razor
Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell,
Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff - Dir. Felix
Enriquez Alcala
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007
Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 04.12.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070225
Television, Comedies 2004 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070318
Beverly Hills 90210 - Seasons 1
Thru 3
Best of Crank Yankers
Television, Comedies 2007 FF
Tori Spelling, Jason Priestly, Luke Perry,
Jennie Garth, Brian Austin Green
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Television, Dramas FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070372
Bewitched Housewives
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Infinity Entertainment Group 07.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070418
Big Hand for the Little Lady
Henry Fonda, Joanne Woodward, Jason
Robards, Charles Bickford, Burgess
Meredith, Kevin McCarthy, Robert Middleton
- Dir. Fielder Cook
Great cast elevates film based on TV version of story. A
homesteader and reformed gambler passing through town
learns of the annual high-stakes poker match about to
take place. He recklessly throws the family fortune into
the pot but soon must turn over his chair to his wife who
manages quite well to handle the cardsharps across the
Comedies 1966 Ltbx 95min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070570
stian Berkel, Michiel Huisman, Peter Blok Dir. Paul Verhoeven
Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven made his name in Hollywood with films such as ROBOCOP, BASIC INSTINCT,
and STARSHIP TROOPERS. But Verhoeven got his start
in the industry by making films (the acclaimed SPETTERS
and SOLDIER OF ORANGE among them) in his native
country, and it’s to Holland that he returns for BLACK
BOOK—his first Dutch film in 20 years. The story is set
during the final days of World War II in Holland, and
follows a Jewish singer named Rachel Stein (Carice Van
Houten). Rachel attempts to avoid the Nazis and remains
in quiet hiding until her family is brutally slain, causing her
to join up with a resistance movement. On a subsequent
undercover mission, Rachel crosses paths with a smitten
German general named Ludwig Muntze (Sebastian Koch),
with whom Rachel begins a relationship in order to feed
vital information back to her colleagues in the resistance.
But as the action and bloodshed escalate, Rachel realizes
that she has genuine feelings for Muntze, and soon she is
in enormous danger.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 146min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068767
Black Book (Blu-ray)
Big Job
Sidney James, Sylvia Sims, Dick Emery,
Joan Sims, Lance Percival, Jim Dale - Dir.
Gerald Thomas
Sidney James, Dick Emery, and Lance Percival make up
the cast of this hilarious crime story from the British
CARRY ON film series. Before serving a 15-year
sentence, the gang is smart enough to hide a fortune. But
in the 15 years since they got locked up, a police station
has been built on the country estate where they buried the
stolen goods, making its retrieval quite the challenge.
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070296
Big Sombrero
Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Elena
Verdugo - Dir. Frank McDonald
Autry plays the foreman of a ranch in Mexico, trying to
protect the boss lady from a man who wants to marry her
and steal her land.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068945
Carice Van Houten, Sebastian Koch, Thom
Hoffman, Derek De Lint, Halina Reijn, Christian Berkel, Michiel Huisman, Peter Blok Dir. Paul Verhoeven
Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven made his name in Hollywood with films such as ROBOCOP, BASIC INSTINCT,
and STARSHIP TROOPERS. But Verhoeven got his start
in the industry by making films (the acclaimed SPETTERS
and SOLDIER OF ORANGE among them) in his native
country, and it’s to Holland that he returns for BLACK
BOOK—his first Dutch film in 20 years. The story is set
during the final days of World War II in Holland, and
follows a Jewish singer named Rachel Stein (Carice Van
Houten). Rachel attempts to avoid the Nazis and remains
in quiet hiding until her family is brutally slain, causing her
to join up with a resistance movement. On a subsequent
undercover mission, Rachel crosses paths with a smitten
German general named Ludwig Muntze (Sebastian Koch),
with whom Rachel begins a relationship in order to feed
vital information back to her colleagues in the resistance.
But as the action and bloodshed escalate, Rachel realizes
that she has genuine feelings for Muntze, and soon she is
in enormous danger.
Dramas 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068778
Black Lace
Patti D’Arbanville - Dir. David Hamilton
Sabrina Rose, Lux Kassidy, Zoe Britton,
Charlie Laine, Jamie Lynn, Cassia Riley
Famed female photographer David Hamilton directed this
beautifully sensual study of the awakening sexuality of a
young schoolgirl.
Peering into a lingerie catalogue, Sabrina unleashes a
fantasy world of dazzling beauties who are desperate to
fulfill her most tawdry desires in BLACK LACE.
Dramas 1977
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070265
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069098
Bird of Prey / Bump in the Night
Black Mass
Meredith Baxter, Christopher Reeve, Wings
Hauser, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Jennifer Tilly,
Boyan Milushev, Richard Chamberlain, Robert Carradine, Lesley Ann Warren - Dir.
Temistocles Lopez, Karen Arthur
Dramas 1991
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069662
Dischordia, Mary Magdeline, Morrigan Hel,
Cherry Forever, Morgana, Belladonna Dir. Nigel Wingrove
Horror/Suspense 2007
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070448
Black Night
Dramas 2004 Ltbx 90min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069960
Bitter Sweet
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2004
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069151
Black Roses
Horror/Suspense 1988 Ltbx M 84min.
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069176
Black Sabbath
Boris Karloff, Mark Damon, Suzy Anderson,
Michele Mercier - Dir. Mario Bava
Boris Karloff hosts this trilogy of supernatural tales: „A
Drop of Water“, „The Telephone“, and „The Wurdalak“.
The latter story, about a blood-thirsty vampire, features
Karloff himself.
Horror/Suspense 1963 Ltbx 16x9 92min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069825
Black Sheep
Nathan Meister, Danielle Mason, Peter
Feeney, Tammy Davis - Dir. Jonathan King
This blood-soaked horror comedy is the story of Henry
Oldfield (Nathan Meister), a New Zealander with an
unfortunate phobia...of sheep. When Henry was a boy, his
father was killed in a herding accident on the land, and
Henry fled to the big city. Now, years later, he has
returned to sell his half of the farm and—at the behest of
his therapist—to face his fears. Meanwhile, Henry’s
sadistic older brother Angus (Peter Feeney) has taken
over the family business, and become widely known for
his controversial genetic experiments on the animals.
When two animal activists release one of Angus’s
genetically-altered lambs, Henry’s trip quickly turns into
his worst nightmare, as the lamb’s zombie-like bite turns
sheep and people into vicious flesh-eaters. Henry joins
forces with one of the animal activists (Danielle Mason),
and together they try to escape the sheep and find an
antidote for the virus.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070513
Black Sunday
Barbara Steele, John Richardson, Andrea
Checchi, Ivo Garrani - Dir. Mario Bava
Buxom B-movie queen Barbara Steele stars in this
beautiful, atmospheric film about the long dead evil
Princess Asa and her brother who are accidentally
brought back to life. Asa goes on a quest to murder her
twin descendent, Princess Katia (also played by Steele),
and seduces many unknowing victims along the way.
Director Tim Burton often cites this film as his favorite
horror movie.
Horror/Suspense 1960 Ltbx 16x9 87min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069826
Blade Runner - Complete
Collector’s Edition
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James, Joseph Turkel, Kao Thompson - Dir.
Ridley Scott
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069750
Blade Runner - Complete
Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray)
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James, Joseph Turkel, Kao Thompson - Dir.
Ridley Scott
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069781
Black Book
John Martin, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams,
Carla Gerrigno, Sal Viviano, Carmine
Appice, Vincent Pastore - Dir. John Fasano
Blade Runner - Complete
Collector’s Edition (HD DVD)
Carice Van Houten, Sebastian Koch, Thom
Hoffman, Derek De Lint, Halina Reijn, Chri-
When the sleepy town of Mill Basin is invaded by a sleazy
band of hard rockers the town’s normal mid-western kids
begin to turn bad, in fact they begin to turn into monsters.
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James, Joseph Turkel, Kao Thompson - Dir.
Ridley Scott
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069780
Blade Runner - The Final Cut
Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah, William
Sanderson, Brion James, Edward James
Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh, Sean Young,
Harrison Ford - Dir. Ridley Scott
Director Ridley Scott’s hauntingly prescient vision of the
not-too-distant future stars Harrison Ford as Rick
Deckard, a retired police assassin, or „blade runner.“ The
Los Angeles of 2019 is a dark, polluted, overcrowded
dystopia dominated by cloud-piercing buildings and
looming neon billboards, the air dense with acid rain and
flying traffic. World-weary Deckard has been called out of
retirement to liquidate four escaped „replicants“—
genetically derived androids of great strength,
intelligence, and nearly-human emotion who serve as
slaves and prostitutes in the off-planet colonies. Led by
Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), they’ve come to Los Angeles to
confront their designer, Eldon Tyrell (Joe Turkel), with
their unhappiness about the brevity of their four-year life
span. In the course of his search, Deckard becomes
romantically entwined with Tyrell’s lovely assistant,
Rachael (Sean Young), and must eventually confront
Batty in an unforgettable rain-soaked sequence.
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069751
Blade Runner - Ultimate
Collector’s Edition
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James - Dir. Ridley Scott
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1982 Ltbx DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070559
Blade Runner - Ultimate
Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray)
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James - Dir. Ridley Scott
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069779
Blade Runner - Ultimate
Collector’s Edition (HD DVD)
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah,
Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh,
Sean Young, William Sanderson, Brion
James - Dir. Ridley Scott
Warner Home Video 18.12.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069778
Blame it on Fidel
Nina Kervel, Benjamin Feuillet, Julie
Depardieu, Stefano Accorsi - Dir. Julie
Bliss - Season 3
Border Cafe
Dramas 2005
First Run Features Home Video 20.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070029
Blood Monkey
F. Murray Abraham, Laura Aikman, Sebastian Armesto - Dir. Robert M. Young
Horror/Suspense 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070420
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg - Dir.
Jean-Luc Godard
Blood Shed
Terry M. West, Mike Lane, Katherine
O’Sullivan, Zoe Daelman Chlanda, Alan
Rowe Kelly - Dir. Alan Rowe Kelly
Horror/Suspense 2006
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070113
Bloodhounds of Broadway
Mitzi Gaynor, Scott Brady, Mitzi Green,
Marguerite Chapman, Michael O’Shea - Dir.
Harmon Jones
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1952
FF M 90min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070073
Bloodrayne 2
Horror/Suspense 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069723
Blow Dry
Helen Madigan, Jamie Gillis, R. Bolla
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1976
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070462
Blue Rose
Daniel Baldwin, Dee Wallace Stone, Danny
Two chance meetings lead to a romance between Vince
and Andrea in this disquieting drama. Vince’s drug
addiction soon reveals itself to Andrea’s horrified eyes,
but their future together appears doomed when she gets a
taste for his habit.
Dramas 2004
Westlake Entertainment Group 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069262
Boardwalk Poets
Daniel Baldwin, James Oliver, Bree Michael
Warner - Dir. John Bevilacqua
Dramas 2005
York Entertainment 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069269
Bobby / Breaking & Entering
Young actress Nina Kervel makes her debut in this French
film set in 1970. Kervel plays Anna, a nine-year-old girl
whose normal life is thrown into chaos by the arrival of
her communist relatives.
Foreign Films, French 2007 Ltbx 16x9
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070140
Peter Wingfield, Sebastian Spence, Claude
Besson, Jessica Greco
MTI Home Video 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069577
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070527
Former „Cahiers du Cinéma“ critic Jean-Luc Godard threw
everything he had learned from years of movie watching
into his debut feature—creating an enormously influential
film and a seminal study of existential longing and
betrayal. Within the first few minutes, Michel (Belmondo),
a foul-mouthed Parisian who idolizes Humphrey Bogart,
shoots a police officer and immediately becomes a fugitive
on the run. He visits an ex-girlfriend and while casually
charming her, he steals her money. He then gallivants
through the marvelous streets of 1940s Paris, pursuing
Patricia (Seberg), a blond pixie-like American selling the
New York Herald Tribune on the Champs-Elysees. Michel
is childlike as he pouts and whines in his fruitless
attempts to seduce Patricia, then turns cold as ice as he
curses her out, racing off to steal a car or meet up with
some other thugs. Meanwhile, Patricia seems to seduce
everybody with her youth and naivety. She is just 20years-old, possibly pregnant, and despite the few
scattered assignments she does for the paper, she is
dreamy and directionless. Even so, she does not refuse
Michel, tho
Foreign Films, French 1959 FF M 90min.
Criterion Collection 23.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069454
Broadway Bound
Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Frank Sinatra,
Bing Crosby
Ten musicals are included on this collection. The titles
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals
Mill Creek Entertainment 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069977
Heather Graham, Jeremy Sisto
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 97min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070014
Broken English
Parker Posey, Melvil Poupaud, Drea de
Matteo, Justin Theroux, Gena Rowlands,
Peter Bogdanovich - Dir. Zoe Cassavetes
Known mainly for playing quirkily comic characters, Parker
Posey shows she can tackle a serious role just as skillfully
in Zoe Cassevetes’s moving film. BROKEN ENGLISH
stars Posey as Nora Wilder, a thirtysomething whose
disastrous dating experiences in the Big Apple have put
her on the verge of giving up all hope when it comes to
love and happiness. Constant comparisons to her best
friend Audrey’s (Drea de Matteo) seemingly perfect
marriage, and her overbearing mother ’s (Gena Rowlands)
fixations on her single status wear on Nora, making her
vulnerable to even the slightest hint of male attention, like
the advances she gets from a sexy and famous actor
(Justin Theroux) who begins bunking at the chic hotel
where she works. After a string of equally failed attempts,
Nora starts to wonder if there’s something wrong with her.
It’s at this ultimate low when a visiting Frenchman (Melvil
Poupaud) swoops in with charm and aggressively woos
Nora, who, despite being filled with reluctance, cannot
shake the feeling that this one might be different.
Comedies 2007
Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069072
Bubba Ho-Tep
Lorne Greene, Michael Landon
Television, Westerns FF M
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070328
Ossie Davis, Bruce Campbell, Reggie
Bannister, Ella Joyce, Bob Ivy, Larry
Pennell, Daniel Roebuck - Dir. Don
Don Coscarelli’s BUBBA HO-TEP finds Elvis Presley
(Bruce Campbell) alive but not so well, living in a small
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Texas nursing home. Although he’s preoccupied with his
ailments and his memories, the elderly Elvis befriends
another resident who thinks he’s John F. Kennedy (Ossie
Davis) when they both begin to suspect that their
neighbors aren’t dying of natural causes. Their
investigation leads to the discovery of an evil mummy with
a fondness for cowboy gear and an appetite for the souls
of senior citizens. Armed with little more than a walker
and a wheelchair, the King and JFK must take on this
ancient evil.
on the period of Lord Byron’s life involving his incestuous
affair with his half sister Augusta and the complicated
mess of sex and love triangles that followed. His exploits
and partying during these hedonistic adventures ultimately
ends with a self imposed exile in Greece where he died
fighting for that country’s independence. It’s a story about
celebrity and image in a time before tabloids and mass
media, and while Byron’s life may sound decadent, it took
a heavy toll on his heart, which is captured elegantly in
this film’s images and performances.
Horror/Suspense 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069065
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069915
Caballito Volador
Buenos Aires 100KM
Blanca Guerra, Roberto Sosa
Ignacio Perez Roca, Emiliano Fernandez,
Alan Ardel, Hernan Wainstein, Juan Pablo
Bazzini - Dir. Pablo Jose Meza
Dramas 2004
Strand Releasing 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069710
This mythical Mexican tale follows a young boy and his
flying pony on a fantastic journey as they search for a way
to save his family’s farm. Entertaining for kids and adults
alike, EL CABALLITO VOLADOR offers fun for all ages.
Cain and Abel
Lynn Collins, Harry Connick, Ashley Judd,
Brian F. O’Byrne, Michael Shannon - Dir.
William Friedkin
Flavor Flav, Shane Woodson, Terrence
Ashley Judd stars as a lonely waitress in this study in fear
and paranoia from director William Friedkin. Aggie lives a
largely solitary life in Oklahoma, haunted by a sad past
and hounded by her ex-con ex-husband (Harry Connick,
Jr., WILL & GRACE). When a female friend and
occasional lover introduces Aggie to Peter (Michael
Shannon, WORLD TRADE CENTER), it seems she has
found her match. The pair enters into a cautious romance,
but their dark natures fuel more than just passion. Peter
reveals that he was a victim of government
experimentation that left blood-hungry aphids crawling
under his skin, and the couple begins to obsess over the
idea that they could be infected by the insects.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 102min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069037
Buried Alive
Leah Rachel, Erin Lokitz - Dir. Robert
Horror/Suspense 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070514
George Burns & Gracie Allen
Buddy-cop films are a dime a dozen, but here’s one that’s
sure to break the mold. It might be 2007, but Malcolm
Caine and John Abel are in a ’70s state of mind. They’re
not just bad boys with a taste for the ladies, they’re bad
cops with a taste for breaking the laws they’re supposed
to uphold. But their boss is fed up and he’s putting them
on a case he thinks will get them out of his hair for good
by assigning them to bring down the gangster with the
golden wheelchair. Flavor Flav co-stars in this wacky
comedy about two funky cops who see their badges not
as a way to defend peace and order, but to pick up
women and gamble their way through the streets of L.A.
Maverick Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070299
Call Me Mike
A corrupt police officer steals drugs from a group of
smugglers and is sent to prison, where he is severely
beaten and receives serious head injuries. When he
awakens, he believes he is „Mike,“ the detective
protagonist from an American crime novel, and escapes
prison for the purpose of fighting a communist group
pursuing him.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1982
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068809
Calzonzin Inspector
George Burns, Gracie Allen
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069093
Alfonso Arau, Pancho Cordova, Carmen
Salinas, Lina Montes - Dir. Alfonso Arau
Busty Kittens
Whitney Wonders, Sarah Jane Hamilton,
Jasmine Aloha, Letha Weapons, Stephanie
The voluptuous Whitney Wonders stars in this titillating
wet t-shirt extravaganza, joined by an array of curvaceous
cohorts. Ready to burst from their tight, clingy clothes,
these well-endowed beauties hit the showers and hot-tubs
to show off their amazing assets.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069588
Jonny Lee Miller
Few names in literary history have quite the legendary
status as Lord Byron. A key figure in the Romantic
Movement, which changed literature forever, he led a life
that was as passionate and as compelling as his poems.
In this biopic, Johnny Lee Miller (TRAINSPOTTING) stars
as the sensual man behind some of the world’s most
notable verses. Miller’s performance captures not only the
spirit of the poet but the time he lived in. The film focuses
Foreign Films, Spanish 1982
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068803
Based on the comic strip „The Super- Machos,“ Alfonso
Arau’s (LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE) film takes place
in the town of San Garabato, Mexico. A stranger arrives in
town, only to have everyone mistakes him for a federal
inspector whom they have been waiting for. The
townspeople make him a hero because they want him to
do good things for the town, but the government wants to
get rid of him, offering a wealth of bribes.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1973
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068798
Camp Burlesque
Dramas 2007 FF 30min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070485
Jose Carlos Ruiz, Carlos Bracho, Milton
Rodriguez - Dir. Marcela Fernandez
Based on a true story, CANANEA details the expedition of
Colonel William Greene across the Sonora Desert. On his
journey, he discovers the most profitable mine in Mexico,
which is full of copper. All is well until poor mining
conditions lead to a strike, which leads to one of the
bloodiest battles in Mexican history—and the Mexican
Foreign Films, Spanish 1977
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068810
Una Cancion A La Virgen
Luis Aguilar, Rosita Quintana, Alicia Caro
Originally released in 1949, this classic Spanish film
follows the attempts of a young man from Guadalajara,
Mexico to become a successful singer. His journey begins
during a procession to visit the Virgin of Guadalupe upon
meeting a lovely young woman with whom he falls in love.
This relationship is cut short however, when the young
man is introduced to his girlfriend’s friend, a well-known
singer. The young man is blinded by the pursuit of fame,
and lets his ambition get the best of him, going off with
the singer and leaving his faithful lover in the dust. It is
not until much later that the he realizes his mistake,
understanding finally that success does not necessarily
equate to happiness.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1949
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069070
Salvador Sanchez, Carlos Chávez, Jaime
Garza, Ernesto Gomez Cruz, Enrique
Lucero, Manuel Ojeda, Roberto Sosa - Dir.
Felipe Cazals
Based on true events that transpired on September 14,
1968, CANOA tells the story of five employees of Puebla
University who set out on a hiking trip to the Mexican town
of San Miguel Canoa. There, they are mistaken for radical
communists by a fanatical local priest who incites the
townspeople to riot, resulting in the murders of several of
the men from the University.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1975
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068797
Elisha Cuthbert, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Laz
Alonso, Daniel Gillies, Michael Harney,
Mark Damon - Dir. Roland Joffé
Another unsettling contribution to the torture genre
spawned by films like SAW and HOSTEL, CAPTIVITY
treads similar terrain while bringing something new to the
table. Elisha Cuthbert (THE GIRL NEXT DOOR) is
Jennifer, a celebrated runway model who leads a
relatively lonely life. One night, after being stood up at a
club, she’s drugged and wakes up much later in an
intricately constructed dungeon. The captor is a
mysterious presence who has clearly done this before. As
time goes on, the taunting and torture reach nearly
unbearable proportions. But before she gives up all hope,
Jennifer discovers Gary (Daniel Gillies), another victim,
who is determined to break them both out of their horrific
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 85min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070212
Cara Cortada
Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer,
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Loggia
- Dir. Brian De Palma
SCARFACE is splattered with so much adrenaline and
blood it’s a virtual Hawaiian shirt of machismo. A Cuban
hustler who immigrates to Miami in the infamous 1980
refugee boatlift wills his way to the top of a cocaine cartel
by being more violent than anyone else can possibly
imagine—the same drive that leads him to the top
ultimately causes his downfall.
Dramas 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 170min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069552
Anthony Quinn, Michael Sarrazin, Christopher Lee, Joseph Cotten, Muhammad Ali
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070279
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Carlos Ruiz - Dir. Raul Araiza
Carga De Tunas
Lorenzo de Monteclaro, Victor Valenzuela Dir. Carlos Mendez
When a small plane crashes near the Mexican town of
Zacatecas, local farmers are in for a surprise: the plane
carries an illegal cargo, and when the pilot dies, it is up to
them to dispose of the drugs. With his dying words the
pilot explains that he was attempting to sell the drugs to
raise money for his daughter’s heart transplant, and the
farmers, touched, decide to carry the operation through.
They load the cargo into boxes made of cactus fruit called
„tunas,“ and head for California. Will they succeed in their
mission and save the girl’s life, or will the lure of riches,
not to mention the authorities, divert them from their goal?
Foreign Films, Spanish 2003 FF 88min.
Vanguard International Cinema 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069817
Carlito’s Way (HD DVD)
Al Pacino, Sean Penn, Penelope Ann Miller,
John Leguizamo, Ingrid Rogers, Luis
Guzmán, James Rebhorn, Joseph Siravo,
Viggo Mortensen, Richard Foronjy, Jorge
Porcel, Frank Minucci, Adrian Pasdar - Dir.
Brian De Palma
Drug kingpin Carlito Brigante vows to go straight when he
is released from prison. As a host of vengeful former
cronies and young thugs out to prove themselves come
after him, somehow he must find a way to hold on to his
newfound integrity.
Dramas 1993 Ltbx DD 5.1 145min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069554
Carlito’s Way: Rise To Power (HD
Onika Day, Jay Hernandez, Raquel Alessi,
Jewlisa Bermuda, Diddy, Tony Cucci - Dir.
Michael Scott Bregman
An all-star cast is featured in this prequel of CARLITO’S
WAY, originally a Brian dePalma film starring Sean Penn
and Al Pacino. Set in Spanish Harlem, this version stars
Jay Hernandez, in a star-making performance, as Carlito,
who is on a comet-like ascent to the top of a successful
crime ring. But being a kingpin takes a lot of support and
the loyalty of a posse of complicated and violent friends,
played by seasoned actors Mario Van Peebles, Luis
Guzman, and the multi-talented P.Diddy, who proved his
fine acting chops in the Broadway play, A RAISIN IN THE
Dramas 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 94min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069555
Carolina Moon
Claire Forlani, Oliver Hudson, Josie Davis,
Jonathan Scarfe - Dir. Stephen Tolkin
Stephen Tolkin directs Oliver Hudson, Josie Davis, and
Claire Forlani in this drama based on the book by Nora
Roberts. It is the tale of a woman who returns to her
hometown after receiving frightening psychic visions.
What she finds there will both enchant and endanger her.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069967
Carver’s Gate
Michael Paré, Kevin Stapleton
When environmental destruction strips Earth to a parched
husk of a planet, the human denizens seek refuge in a
virtual reality game called Afterlife, in which humans battle
demons and hideous monsters. But when an engineer
tries to meld the Afterlife realm with actual reality, the
game’s villains spill out into the world, and it’s up to a
heroic „Dream Breaker“ to stop them.
Action/Adventure 1995 FF 97min.
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069076
A socially conscious filmmaker sets out to document the
deplorable treatment of the Lacandon Indians in Chiapas,
going against the wishes of his TV station, which is being
pressured by an alliance of government and business
Foreign Films, Spanish 1978
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068830
Casino Royale
Peter Sellers, Geoffrey Bayldon, Bernard
Cribbins, Daliah Lavi, Deborah Kerr,
William Holden, John Huston, Terence
Cooper, George Raft, Barbara Bouchet,
Charles Boyer, Woody Allen, Jean-Paul
Belmondo, Joanna Pettet, Orson Welles,
Peter O’Toole, Ursula Andress, David Niven
- Dir. Joseph McGrath, Robert Parrish, Ken
Hughes, Val Guest, John Huston
This stupendous spoof of James Bond films tells of the
super agent’s plans for retirement. When he relinquishes
his authority to this bungling nephew, the results are
Comedies 1967 Ltbx DD 5.1 130min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070242
Kumiko Aso - Dir. Kauzuaki Kiriya
Japanese music video director Kazuaki Kiriya tackles his
first feature-length film with the fantasy war epic
CASSHERN. Set in the late 21st century, the story takes
place in Eurasia, a place resulting from 50 years of war
between Europa and the Eastern Federation.
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070361
Sergio Jimenez, Ernesto Gomez Cruz, Jose
Foreign Films, Italian 1971 Ltbx DD 2.0
Blue Underground 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068748
Cat People (HD DVD)
Nastassja Kinski, Malcolm McDowell, John
Heard, Ed Begley, Annette O’Toole, Scott
Paulin, Frankie R. Faison, John Larroquette
- Dir. Paul Schrader
CAT PEOPLE is Paul Schrader ’s eroticized, graphically
violent remake of the 1942 horror classic. Reunited with
her long-lost brother in New Orleans, a sexually
repressed young woman discovers that she and her
sibling belong to a strange race, half-cat, half-human.
During sex the creatures revert to their feline form, and
only by killing can they reverse the process. Physically
awakened for the first time, the woman finds herself prey
to her own terrifying animal nature—and to her brother’s
incestuous desires.
Horror/Suspense 1982 Ltbx DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069050
El Castillo de la Pureza
Jozef Nowak, Stanislaw Milski, Zbigniew
Skowronski, Teresa Szmigielowna - Dir.
Jerzy Kawalerowicz
Dramas 1953 FF 120min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070009
Maria Rojo, Diana Bracho, Claudio Brook Dir. Arturo Ripstein
Center of the Web
Based on a true story, this claustrophobic drama follows a
man who keeps his family locked in their house for 18
years in order to protect them from the world’s corruption.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1973 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068784
Ulrich Muhe, Susanne Lothar, Frank
Giering, Felix Eitner, Andre Eisermann,
Nikolaus Parvia - Dir. Michael Haneke
Dramas 1997
Kino on Video 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069014
Cat and the Canary
Laura Laplante, Creighton Hale, Tully Marshall, Forrest Stanley, Gertrude Astor - Dir.
Paul Leni
In this silent horror classic, young Anabelle West is set to
inherit a fortune from her eccentric relative — if she can
prove that she is sane! In the event that she cannot
inherit the money, another relative, whose identity is kept
secret, will step in to take her place. Needless to say,
shortly after the reading of the will, chaos breaks loose
when the family attorney disappears and Anabelle finds
herself the target of a murderous killer with the claws of a
Horror/Suspense 1927
Kino on Video 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070191
Cat O’ Nine Tails
effort (and the centerpiece of the „animal trilogy“ of
giallos—or mystery/thrillers—which includes BIRD WITH
VELVET) is a suspenseful murder mystery infused with
the filmmaker ’s trademark graphic violence. Karl Malden
stars as a blind man with a talent for solving puzzles who
teams-up with reporter Carlo Giordani (James Franciscus)
to launch a private investigation into a string of peculiar
murders, all of which seem to involve a dubious genetic
research facility. The killer soon becomes wise to the
duo’s plans and will do whatever it takes to stop them
from reporting to the police.
Karl Malden, James Franciscus, Catherine
Spaak, Pier Paolo Capponi, Horst Frank,
Rada Rassimov - Dir. Dario Argento
Tony Curtis, Charlene Tilton, Bo Hopkins,
Robert Davi, Charles Napier - Dir. David A.
John Phillips is in an unenviable situation: he’s been
mistaken for a professional hitman. He has just survived
an attempt on his life, but that surely won’t be the last
one. John’s predicament immerses him into a deadly web
of intrigue involving both the mafia AND the CIA. Unable
to trust anyone, John must be very careful — or he’ll be
very dead...
Action/Adventure 1992 FF 92min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069108
Comedies 2007 FF 84min.
Arts Alliance America 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068933
Jackie Chan Collection
Jackie Chan
THE JACKIE CHAN COLLECTION assembles five films by
the hilarious, and dexterous, action star. In FANTASY
MISSION FORCE Chan plays a member of an elite squad
assigned to rescue a group of allied generals in order to
save the world from global domination, one of his most
bizarrely entertaining films. In MASTER WITH CRACKED
FINGERS Jackie wants to learn Kung Fu but his uncle
disapproves. Jackie trains secretly until he has to reveal
his skills to defend his uncle’s restaurant. In EAGLE
SHADOW FIST, Chan’s first martial arts film, he plays a
famous actor in the Chinese Theatre, who becomes a
legendary resistance fighter against the Japanese. In
YOUNG TIGER Jackie plays the ruthless leader of a gang
who needs to find the purse of an ex-gang member before
someone else does. Also included here is the hard-to-find
Action/Adventure 1973 FF S 390min.
Italian master of horror Dario Argento’s second directorial
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Madacy Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069535
Misty Mundae, Julian Wells, Andrea Davis,
Darian Caine, Julie Strain, Shelly Jones Dir. Tony Marsiglia
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070451
Chaplin: The Legend Lives On
Charlie Chaplin
Comedies 1914 FF S 540min.
Madacy Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069537
Chappelle’s Show - The Series
Dave Chappelle
Comedies 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070362
Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John
Huston, John Hillerman, Burt Young, Perry
Lopez, Diane Ladd, Darrell Zwerling, Roy
Jenson, Joe Mantell, Bruce Glover, Richard
Bakalyan, James Hong, Beulah Quo, Jerry
Fujikawa, Roy Roberts, Noble Willingham,
Rance Howard - Dir. Roman Polanski
Many films from the 1970s allow even the most gripping
narratives to flow with the consequences of real life.
CHINATOWN is a classic film whose intrigues and
adventures culminate in life-changing moments for its
protagonist, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson).
Geraldine McEwan
Television, Dramas
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 09.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068725
Christmas at Water’s Edge
Keshia Knight Pulliam, Tom Bosley, Pooch
Hall, Richard Lawson, Earl Billings - Dir.
Lee Davis
Dramas 2004 FF DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069471
Christmas Card
Edward Asner, Brian Robinson, Alice Evans,
John Haymes Newton, Lois Nettleton, Peter
Jason - Dir. Stephen Bridgewater
Dramas 2006 FF DD 5.1 84min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069675
A Christmas Carol
Kathleen Harrison, Hermione Baddeley,
Jack Warner, Alastair Sim - Dir. Brian Desmond Hurst
In this adaptation of the Charles Dickens’ classic, „A
Christmas Carol,“ a remake of the 1938 film, miser
Ebenezer Scrooge learns the true meaning of Christmas
and reforms his heartless and money-grubbing ways after
being visited on Christmas Eve by four Ghosts: his old
business partners Jacob and Marley, the Ghost of
Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Dramas 1951 Ltbx 86min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 01.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070549
Dramas 1974 FF DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069614
Christmas Comedy Collection
Chinese Film Classics Collection:
A Spray of Plum Blossoms / Two
Stars in the Milkyway
CHRISTMAS STORY, and ELF are the three Christmasthemed movies contained on this collection.
This collection features two black-and-white silent films—
MILKYWAY—from China.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070150
Chinese Torture Chamber Story
Yvonne Yung, Lawrence Ng, Tommy Wong,
Yuen King-Tan - Dir. Bosco Lam
A Hong Kong „Category 3“ (exploitation) classic set during
the Sung Dynasty, as a corrupt magistrate subjects a
lovely, innocent young bride to inconceivable physical
punishments after „convicting“ her of killing her husband
(by causing his penis to explode, of course). Plenty of
raunch and unintentional humor. Viewer discretion
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1994
Ltbx S 88min.
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069973
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070569
Christmas Miracle at Sage Creek
David Carradine, Irene Bedard, Wes Studi,
Michael Parks, Brian Libby - Dir. James
Westerns 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min.
Universal Studios Home Video 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069056
Christmas Miracle of Jonathan
Tom Berenger, Joely Richardson - Dir. Bill
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069444
Christmas Television Favorites
The following Christmas-themed titles feature on this
Chip Factor
Professor Grif
Dramas 2007 FF
York Entertainment 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070611
Agatha Christie’s Marple - Series
Will Ferrell, James Caan, Peter Billingsley,
Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo - Dir.
Jeremiah Chechik, Bob Clark, Jon Favreau
Television, Childrens
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070566
CIA: Exiled
William L. Petersen, George C. Scott - Dir.
Carl Schultz
Dramas DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069558
Cilantro Y Perejil
Demian Bichir, Arcelia Ramirez - Dir. Rafael
This gentle Mexican comedy looks at love and
relationships from the perspectives of three women in the
same family. Susana decides to leave Carlos after being
with him for a decade. Meanwhile, Susana’s younger
sister, Nora, films every aspect of their breakup for a
school project, while trying to decide whether or not to
stay with her musician boyfriend Jorge. At the same time,
the girls’ grandmother meets and falls for an older
Foreign Films, Spanish 1995
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068786
Cine de Epocas - Coleccion de
los ’70s: Vol. 1
Gregorio Casal, Andres Garcia, Claudia
Islas, Alicia Juarez, Arsenio Campos
This collection of classic Mexican cinema presents a trio
of action-packed crime dramas from the 1970s: EL SIETE
VIDAS (1980), DISCOTEC FIN DE SEMANA (1975), and
LA PACHANGA (1981). All are presented in Spanish
without subtitles.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1975-1981 FF
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068742
Cine de Epocas - Double Feature
70’s: Vol. 1
Gregorio Casal, Andres Garcia, Arsenio
Campos, Claudia Islas
This collection of classic Mexican cinema presents a
double feature of action-packed crime dramas from the
1970s: DISCOTEC FIN DE SEMANA (1975) and LA
PACHANGA (1981). Both are presented in Spanish
without subtitles.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1975-1981
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068744
Cine de Epocas - Double Feature
80’s: Vol. 1
Gilberto De Anda, Carlos East, Hugo
Stiglitz, Cruz Infante, Fernando Casanova
This collection of classic Mexican cinema presents a
double feature of action-packed crime dramas from the
PISTOLEROS FAMOSOS III (1985). Both are presented in
Spanish without subtitles.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1985
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068745
Cine de Epocas - Double Feature
80’s: Vol. 2
Gilberto De Anda, Jorge Reynoso, Sergio
Goyri, Lina Santos
This collection of classic Mexican cinema presents a
double feature of action-packed crime dramas from the
1980s: LA NOCHE DE LA BESTIA (1988) and LAS
BRACERAS (1981). Both are presented in Spanish without
Foreign Films, Spanish 1981-1988
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
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Seite 26
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068747
City Loop
Ryan Johnson, Kellie Jones, Brendan
Cowell, Hayley McElhinney, Megan Dorman,
Sullivan Stapleton - Dir. Belinda Chayko
This romantic comedy, set in a Brisbane pizza parlor,
follows a night in the life of a group of confused youths
whose lives are falling apart. From a virgin who’s
determined to change that to a girl whose crush might
actually be gay to a paranoid coworker, CITY LOOP
presents a series of comic, yet sincere, situations, that
capture just how difficult it is to make the transition into
Comedies 2000
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069283
Ciudad Juarez Tan Infinito Como
El Desierto
Lumi Cavazos, Jesus Ochoa
A journalist and her boyfriend search for a missing woman
and uncover a widespread kidnapping and murder racket
in this shocking drama.
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069264
Civic Duty
Peter Krause, Khaled Abol Naga, Richard
Schiff, Kari Matchett, Ian Tracey - Dir. Jeff
A nervy, claustrophobic look at post-9/11 anti-terrorism
hysteria, CIVIC DUTY asks the difficult question: What
would you do if you thought you next-door neighbor might
be a terrorist? Our proxy in this rapid slide into paranoia is
Terry Allen (Peter Krause, SIX FEET UNDER) a newly
unemployed accountant. With large amounts of free time,
Terry finds himself glued to cable news channels and their
constant updates of homeland security and threat of jihad
from Muslim extremists. After noticing that Gabe (Khaled
Abol Naga), the new neighbor across the courtyard in his
apartment complex, is Middle Eastern and is often
carrying boxes into his apartment with other Middle
Eastern men, Terry becomes suspicious. After he notifies
an FBI agent (Richard Schiff) of Gabe’s possibly
dangerous activities, Terry’s own behavior becomes
increasingly manic and dangerous, threatening both his
marriage and his sanity.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068880
A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, based on the prescient novel
by Anthony Burgess, is director Stanley Kubrick’s
masterful satire on crime and punishment in an
ultraviolent future.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1971 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069802
A Clockwork Orange (Special Edition)
Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee,
Adrienne Corri, Aubrey Morris, James
Marcus, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke, Carl
Duering, John Clive, David Prowse - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, based on the prescient novel
by Anthony Burgess, is director Stanley Kubrick’s
masterful satire on crime and punishment in an
ultraviolent future.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1971 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069800
Closing Escrow
Peter Jacobsen, Hillary Macella, Richard
Billoti - Dir. Armen Kaprelian
Mockumetaries have tackled the worlds of dog shows,
Hollywood, and folk singers. But with CLOSING ESCROW,
they go where no man has gone before: the cutthroat
world of real estate.
Comedies 2007
Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069574
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 80min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068776
Club Eutanasia
Comedies 2005 Ltbx 100min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070022
La Clave 7 - Vol. 1 & 2
Jorge Reynoso, Fernando Saenz
Action/Adventure 2003
Vanguard Cinema 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070540
Code of the Devil
Jorge Reynoso, John Solis, Maribel Palmer
- Dir. Javier Montano
Clerks 2 / Scary Movie 4
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070518
A Clockwork Orange (Blu-ray)
Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee,
Adrienne Corri, Aubrey Morris, James
Marcus, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke, Carl
Duering, John Clive, David Prowse - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, based on the prescient novel
by Anthony Burgess, is director Stanley Kubrick’s
masterful satire on crime and punishment in an
ultraviolent future.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1971
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069755
A Clockwork Orange (HD DVD)
Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee,
Adrienne Corri, Aubrey Morris, James
Marcus, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke, Carl
Duering, John Clive, David Prowse - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
This action-packed thriller from Mexico concerns a
dangerous man, Carlos, who is trying to orchestrate a
system where he can smuggle large amounts of uranium
across the Mexico border into the United States. While
everything appears to be in order, he must find an
unsuspecting person to do the actual dirty work. He
settles on Arturo, a friend of the family, but when Arturo
realizes what he’s gotten himself into, he must figure out a
way to break free from Carlos before his own family
become victims of Carlos’s wrath.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2002 DD 5.1
Vanguard International Cinema 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069816
Coen Brothers Gift Set
John Turturro, John Goodman, John Getz,
Frances McDormand, Dan Hedaya, M.
Emmet Walsh, William H. Macy, Steve
Buscemi, Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney,
Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter - Dir. Joel Coen
Five of the Coen Brothers’ most popular films are
gathered here. Beginning with 1984’s classic love triangle
tragedy BLOOD SIMPLE, the collection brings on the
laughs with RAISING ARIZONA, then moves on to
MILLER’S CROSSING, BARTON FINK, and the critically
acclaimed FARGO. See individual titles for details.
Comedies 1984 Ltbx M 520min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070244
Coffee Date
Wilson Cruz, Sally Kirkland, Jonathan Bray,
Jason Stuart, Debbie Gibson, Elaine
Hendrix, Jonathan Silverman, Judy Dixon,
Maggie Wagner - Dir. Stewart Wade
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 94min.
TLA Releasing 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070501
Jackie Di Crystal
Action/Adventure 2007 FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069028
Comedy Legend: Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton
Comedies FF M
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070323
Commuter Husbands
Gabrielle Drake, Robin Bailey, Jane
Cardew, Heather Chasen, Dick Haydon,
Claire Gordon
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070269
Comodas Mesualidades
Juan Carlos Colombo - Dir. Julian Pastor
Foreign Films, Spanish 1990
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068818
The Company
Neve Campbell, Malcolm McDowell, James
Franco - Dir. Robert Altman
With THE COMPANY, maverick director Robert Altman
brings his idiosyncratic vision to Chicago and the
acclaimed Joffrey Ballet. Neve Campbell is Ry, an aspiring
performer who gets her chance to shine when a fellow
dancer is injured. Stepping into the spotlight, Ry finally
reaches her true potential, impressing the company’s
artistic director Alberto Antonelli (Malcolm McDowell). As
the company prepares for their performance of „Blue
Snake,“ Ry finds herself falling in love with the goodnatured, handsome chef Josh (James Franco).
Meanwhile, backstage dramas continue to develop at an
exhausting pace. Having studied ballet with the National
Ballet of Canada, Campbell easily glides into her role,
performing all of her own dance routines with the skill of a
true professional.
Dramas 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 286min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069375
The Company (Blu-ray)
Neve Campbell, Malcolm McDowell, James
Franco - Dir. Robert Altman
With THE COMPANY, maverick director Robert Altman
brings his idiosyncratic vision to Chicago and the
acclaimed Joffrey Ballet. Neve Campbell is Ry, an aspiring
performer who gets her chance to shine when a fellow
dancer is injured. Stepping into the spotlight, Ry finally
reaches her true potential, impressing the company’s
artistic director Alberto Antonelli (Malcolm McDowell). As
the company prepares for their performance of „Blue
Snake,“ Ry finds herself falling in love with the goodnatured, handsome chef Josh (James Franco).
Meanwhile, backstage dramas continue to develop at an
exhausting pace. Having studied ballet with the National
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Ballet of Canada, Campbell easily glides into her role,
performing all of her own dance routines with the skill of a
true professional.
Dramas 2003
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069378
A beautiful deaf girl falls into a tumultuous relationship
with a handsome young boy, and an older blind man, in
the romantic film EL CORAZON DE LA NOCHE.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1984 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068823
Company Policy
Corrido de Valente Quintero
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Peach DVD 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069101
Juan Valentin, Hugo Stiglitz
This corrido involves two men fighting over a beautiful
woman from the hill country. Juan Valentin leads the cast.
Complete Black Books
Dylan Moran, Bill Bailey, Tamsyn Greig
Bernard Black (Dylan Moran) hates his job, his life, and
his friends. In fact, there’s not much Bernard doesn’t hate,
except for a glass of red wine and the chance to torment
his coworker Mani (Bill Bailey). Bernard runs Black Books,
a dusty secondhand bookstore whose customers he
loathes; Mani is employed in the first episode to help
Bernard rid himself of the interminable duties that clutter
up his day. Fran (Tamsyn Grieg) works in a New Age shop
next door and frequently pops in for a glass of wine and a
chat. This release presents every episode from the three
series’ of the show, with 18 half-hour episodes that
deserve to rub shoulders with the very best U.K. sitcoms
to have emerged over the years.
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068736
Foreign Films, Spanish
Woodhaven Entertainment 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069240
Cosby Show - Season 5
Bill Cosby
Television, Comedies 1988 FF 550min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070017
Cosby Show - Season 6
Bill Cosby
Television, Comedies 2007 FF 550min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070018
El Costo de la Vida
Rafael Sanchez Navarro, Alma Delfina - Dir.
Rafael Montero
Ali Larter, Eugene Byrd, Melissa
Chessington Leo, William Sadler
Tapping into the modern obsession with surveillance,
CONFESS revolves around a talented computer hacker
who uses hidden cameras to get back at his enemies.
Dramas 2005
MTI Home Video 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069082
Confessions of a Teenage Peanut
Butter Freak
Jennifer Mason, Rex Roman, John Holmes Dir. Gerald Graystone
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1976
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070461
Miguel (Rafael Sanchez Navarro) and Patricia (Alma
Delfina) are a young Mexican couple who both lose their
jobs. As their finances quickly dwindle, they decide that
their only way to survive is to commit robbery. Their
actions lead to a series of events that will change their
lives forever.
Vincent Price, Ian Ogilvy, Rupert Davies,
Hilary Dwyer - Dir. Michael Reeves
Set in 17th century England during the violent early days
of Cromwell’s rule, THECONQUEROR WORM is Michael
Reeves’ dark, violent tale of the infamous 17th century
witchhunter, Matthew Hopkins (Vincent Price). A failed
lawyer, Hopkins practiced his wicked trade throughout the
British countryside for nearly a decade, capitalizing on the
instability and tumultuous upheavals created by the
English Civil War. After years of unchallenged torture and
sadistic murder, the witchfinder finally meets his match
when until he runs afoul of an army officer who vows
Horror/Suspense 1968 Ltbx 86min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069061
The frantic Latin sounds of La Conquista are best
experienced live, so this entry in the En Vivo series
captures them in full flow as they perform on stage and
talk about their career in some additional behind-thescenes footage.
Foreign Films, Latin 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068949
Ian Bannen, David Kelly, Paul Giamatti,
Thomas Haden Church, Virginia Madsen,
Sandra Oh, Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello,
Adam Brody, Zach Braff, Natalie Portman,
Ian Holm, Peter Sarsgaard, Method Man Dir. Zach Braff, Jason Reitman, Alexander
Payne, Kirk Jones
Dramas 1998-2005
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068894
Crooks Anonymous
Leslie Phillips, Julie Christie, James
Robertson Justice, Michael Medwin
When a crook tries to turn his life around by joining an
AA-like rehabilitation program, he finds himself tempted
by his job placement in a department store full of
glistening objects and attractive shop keepers.
Crossed Swords
Nora Baring, Uno Henning - Dir. Anthony
Dramas 1929
Kino on Video 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070187
Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Ernest
Borgnine, George C. Scott, Rex Harrison Dir. Richard Fleischer
Action/Adventure 1978 Ltbx DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069526
Samantha Noble, Damon Gameau - Dir.
Rohan Michael Hoole
Crown Prince
Dramas 2007 FF 85min.
WEA 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070112
Omar Sharif, Klaus Maria Brandauer,
Vittoria Puccini, Christian Clavier, Julia
Jentsch, Max Von Thun - Dir. Robert Dornhelm
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 181min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070144
Coward of the County
Crown Witness
Kenny Rogers, Largo Woodruff, Frederic
Lehne, Mariclare Costello - Dir. Dick Lowry
Pawel Malaszynski, Robert Wieckiewicz,
Malgorzata Foremniak, Urszula Grabowska
- Dir. Jacek Filipiak, Jaroslaw Sypniewski
Action/Adventure 2007 FF 97min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070010
This disturbing thriller, set in an unrelentingly urban nearfuture Australian dystopia where mass executions are
rote, centers around a group of disaffected young people
who commit murder. Heightened color values and Hong
Kong-influenced cinematography enliven this viscerally
enjoyable film.
Television, Dramas 1981 FF 95min.
WEA 07.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069181
CSI: 7 Season Pack
Cracker: A New Terror
El Corazon de la Noche
Critics’ Picks
Cottage on Dartmoor
Robbie Coltrane
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068723
Pedro Armendariz - Dir. Jaime Humberto
Tanith Fiedler, William Decoff, Heather
Christine, Andrew Vellenoweth - Dir. Richard Griffin
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx 86min.
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070454
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070267
A young man who promised his dying father that he would
never fight, finds it excruciatingly difficult to keep his word
when his girlfriend is raped. Made for television.
La Conquista - En Vivo
Creature From the Hillbilly
Foreign Films, Spanish 1988
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068789
Court of Lonely Royals
Conqueror Worm
Reiko Aylesworth, Bruno Campos, Marla
Sokoloff, Meat Loaf, JoBeth Williams
Dramas 2005
MTI Home Video 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069578
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
George Eads, Gary Dourdan, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle
Television, Dramas 2000-2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
541,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070373
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation:
The Complete Seventh Season
Gary Dourdan, Marg Helgenberger, William
L. Petersen, George Eads, Jorja Fox, Eric
Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070386
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070232
ADV Films, Inc. 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068686
Dawn of the Dead
Cut Sleeve Boys
Chowee Leow, Steven Lim, Gareth Rhys
Davies - Dir. Ray Yeung
Two gay men decide to throw caution to the wind and
experiment with cross-dressing and open relationships in
Sarah Polley, Ving Rhames, Jake Weber,
Mekhi Phifer, Ty Burrell, Michael Kelly,
Kevin Zegers, Lindy Booth - Dir. Zack
A high school is terrorized by a crazed axe murderer in
this tongue-in-cheek slasher film. Though the school’s
resident nutcase is the obvious suspect, one
compassionate classmate isn’t so sure. The girl tries to
help her fellow student prove his innocence, but in the
process, her own boyfriend begins to look more and more
First-time director Zack Snyder remakes zombie master
George A. Romero’s classic 1978 gore-fest DAWN OF
THE DEAD, wisely replicating only the basic elements of
Romero’s movie, instead sticking to his own vision of a
world overrun by undead flesh-eating creatures. The
action begins with nurse Ana (Sarah Polley) waking up to
discover her boyfriend has become a tasty midnight snack
for a formerly cute neighboring kid. To her horror, she
realizes that the whole town is in a similar state of
ghoulishness, until she runs into still-alive cop Kenneth
(Ving Rhames); the levelheaded Michael (Jack Weber);
and Andre (Mekhi Phifer), a rebel with a pregnant wife in
tow. As in Romero’s original, the group heads for the local
mall where they barricade themselves inside. More
survivors surface, while in the outside world the zombies
go about their day by slowly taking over the planet.
Undeterred by the odds against them, the survivors plot,
scheme, and enjoy their mall paradise. As they plan their
escape, some incredibly gruesome special effects are
deployed, often with a dash of wry humor added for light
Dramas 1988 Ltbx 91min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070206
Horror/Suspense 2004 FF DD 5.1 101min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069549
Dama De Noche
Day Night Day Night
Arturo Beristain, Bruno Rey, Hector Ortega
Rafael Sanchez Navarro, Cecilia Toussaint
- Dir. Eva Lopez Sanchez
CUARTALEZO dramatizes one of the most violent
passages of Mexican history, the La Decena Trágica („The
Ten Tragic Days“), in which President Madero and Vice
President were assassinated under the orders of a
scheming General Huerta. These episodes of brutal
murder are contrasted with scenes of General Huerta’s
elegant and luxurious lifestyle.
Luisa Williams, Josh Phillip Weinstein,
Gareth Saxe, Nyambi Nyambi, Tschi Hun
Kim, Annemarie Lawless, Frank Dattolo Dir. Julia Loktev
Foreign Films, Spanish 1993
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068795
CSI: Miami: The Fifth Season
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Johnathan
Togo, Rex Linn, Eva La Rue
The heat moves from Miami to Rio de Janeiro in this
action-packed, sizzling fifth season of CSI: MIAMI. Horatio
(David Caruso) and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) are out for
revenge on the streets of Rio, but what they’re about to
discover will both shock them and lead to tragedy. Of
course, these guys are too tough and smart to back down
even as two drug lords, Riaz and Diago Matos stand in
their path towards avenging the death of Horatio’s wife.
But putting these thugs away will also reveal Horatio’s
nephew’s involvement in a conspiracy to ship heroin back
to the U.S. Police work and family life cross over in the
show that keeps viewers enthralled by blazing guns, hot
scenery, and cool characters. This release includes every
episode of the drama’s fifth season.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069621
Foreign Films, Spanish 1977 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068833
This foursome of sexy comedies combines the best of
laughter and love. LOS CUATES DE RISA includes
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069521
Cujo (Special Edition)
Ed Lauter, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Christopher
Stone, Dee Wallace Stone - Dir. Lewis
In a bizarre case of nature versus humanity, a Saint
Bernard infected with rabies by a diseased bat attacks a
mother and her son. When the family becomes trapped in
their car, they must depend on their wits to defeat the
crazed canine.
Horror/Suspense 1983 Ltbx DD 2.0 95min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069038
Curse of Alcatraz
Alex A. Quinn, Jessie Camacho, Jose
Solano - Dir. Daniel Zirilli
Horror/Suspense 2006 DD 5.1 87min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069035
Curse / The Curse 2: The Bite
Jill Schoelen, Jamie Farr, Bo Svenson, Wil
Wheaton, John Schneider, Claude Akins Dir. David Keith, Fred Goodwin
Things are bound to get spooky with this terrifying double
Cutting Class
Donovan Leitch, Jill Schoelen, Brad Pitt,
Roddy McDowall, Martin Mull, Brenda Lynn
Klemme, Mark Barnet, Robert Glaudini,
Logan Clarke - Dir. Rospo Pallenberg
A depressed, failing writer in Mexico comes to the aid of
his ex-girlfriend, who is morning the death of her lover in
the city of Veracruz.
Dance to the Music of Time
Los Cuates De Risa - 4-Pack
Horror/Suspense 1987
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 90min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070213
James Purefoy, John Gielgud, Miranda
Richardson, Edward Fox, Zoe Wanamaker,
Eileen Atkins
Television, Dramas 1997
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 28.08.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068718
Without offering any information about motive apart from
visual clues, this tense film follows a young girl during the
day and night preceding her planned suicide mission in
Times Square.
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069459
Day of the Triffids
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068731
Danny Roane: First Time Director
Doris Day Show - Season 5
Andy Dick - Dir. Andy Dick
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx 84min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070210
Doris Day
Television, Comedies FF 690min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070258
Dark Shadows - The Beginning 2
- Episodes 36 to 70
Doris Day Today
Joan Bennett, Louis Edmonds, Nancy
Barrett, Mitchell Ryan
Television, Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069074
Dark Storm
Stephen Baldwin, Rob LaBelle - Dir. Jason
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070200
Dark Water / The Princess Blade
Yumiko Shaku, Hideaki Ito, Hitomi Kuroki,
Rio Kanno, Mirei Oguchi - Dir. Hideo
Nakata, Shinsuke Sato
Foreign Films, Japanese 2002-2003 DD
5.1 195min.
Doris Day
Television, Comedies 1975 FF 65min.
First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070259
Day Watch
Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov,
Valery Zolotukhin, Maria Poroshina, Galina
Tunina, Victor Verzhbitsky - Dir. Timur
This sequel to the Russian film NIGHT WATCH centers on
an epic battle between forces of good and evil. An uneasy
truce has kept the armies at bay for centuries, but that
peace is about to end, and it will pit vampires, psychics,
and witches against one another. Both factions, the Day
Watch and the Night Watch, have beings of extraordinary
power called „Great Others,“ and if these two people
meet, a supernatural war will begin. Anton Gorodetsky
(Konstantin Khabensky) finds himself torn between his
son, the dark side’s Great Other, and the woman he loves,
the champion for the Light Others.
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
body. This proves unscientificly sound as the undead girl
begins murdering people, and the junior inventor has to
stop her.
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070053
Day Watch / Night Watch
Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov,
Valery Zolotukhin, Maria Poroshina, Galina
Tunina - Dir. Timur Bekmambetov
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070069
Days of Heaven
Richard Gere, Brooke Adams, Sam
Shepard, Linda Manz, Bob Wilke, Stuart
Margolin, Timothy Scott, Jackie Shultis Dir. Terrence Malick
Terrence Malick’s second film is a lyrical screen poem
about life in America at the turn of the century. When a
Chicago steel-mill worker is fired after a fight with his
supervisor, he hops a train for the Great Plains with his
girlfriend and his younger sister. The trio join itinerant
workers following the farming season and find a place
with a quiet, lonely landowner. As the year passes and the
harvest nears, a fateful love triangle develops, with fiery
consequences. The performances match the moody
compositions in this elegy for the premodern prairie, which
now stands firmly as one of the most beautiful motion
pictures of all time.
Dramas 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min.
Criterion Collection 23.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069456
Los De Abajo
Eric Del Castillo - Dir. Servando Gonzalez
This tale of the Mexican Revolution follows the peasant
hero Demetrio Macías and his band of outlaws as they go
up against the federales.
Dramas 1978 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069381
Luis De Alba - 4-Pack
Luis De Alba
Mexican funnyman Luis De Alba stars in these four
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069512
Dead One
Wilmer Valderrama, Joel Moore, Tony
Plana, Michael Parks, Maria Conchita
Alonso, Angie Cepeda - Dir. Brian Cox
Dramas 2007
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069109
Deadliest Catch - Season Two
Television, Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069477
Deadwood Park
William Clifton, Lindsey Luscri - Dir. Eric
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 117min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070135
Dear Pillow
Rusty Kelley, Viviane Vives, Gary Chason Dir. Bryan Poyser
Dramas 2004
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070114
Emmanuelle Chriqui, Luke Mably, Jon Abrahams, Joe Pantoliano - Dir. Matthew Cole
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 92min.
ThinkFilm 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069182
Deck the Halls
Matthew Broderick, Danny DeVito, Kristin
Davis, Kristin Chenoweth, Alia Shawkat,
Dylan Blue, Kelly Aldridge, Sabrina
Aldridge, Fred Armisen, Gillian Vigman,
SuChin Pak, Ryan Devlin, Jorge Garcia,
Gary Chalk - Dir. John Whitesell
A slapstick holiday heart-warmer in the tradition of HOME
ALONE, DECK THE HALLS boasts an excellent cast that
includes both seasoned actors and promising stars.
Matthew Broderick (FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF) stars
as Steve Finch, an optometrist in the postcard town of
Cloverdale, Massachusetts, who does double duty as the
town’s „Christmas Guy.“ Steve was raised as an army
brat, and as an adult looks to make up for his childhood’s
lack of Yuletide cheer, organizing Christmas around a
strict regimen of maximum celebration efficiency. Because
Steve finds his kids turning out a little weirder than he
would like—10-year-old Carter (Dylan Blue) is suffering a
midlife crisis and teenage Madison (Aliyah Shawkat,
ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT) is a loner with a bad
attitude—he deems them in need of heightened holiday
cheer. Steve’s hopes for the perfect Christmas are
disturbed, however, when new neighbors move in across
the street. Car salesman Buddy Hall (Danny DeVito, BE
COOL), his wife Tia (Kristen Chenoweth, RUNNING WITH
SCISSORS), and their blonde-bombshell twin daughters
(Sabrina and Kelly Aldridge) are a
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 93min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070059
Delivery Boy Chronicles
Shawn Mullins, Ralph Price, Kelly Hobbs,
Ray Stoney
Comedies 2007 FF DD 2.0 96min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068835
Deadly Breaking Sword
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1979
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070120
Delta Farce (Blu-ray)
Deadly Friend
Matthew Laborteaux, Kristy Swanson, Michael Sharrett, Anne Twomey, Anne
Ramsey - Dir. Wes Craven
In this unusual tale of the dead returning to the world of
the living, a teenaged girl is killed by her abusive father.
Her grief-stricken friend implants his robot’s brain into her
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1986 Ltbx M
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069237
their daily lives. But with the military’s forces depleted by
the no-end-in-sight Iraq War, they turn to their reservists.
Bill, Larry, and Everett are thrown into whirlwind bootcamp sessions, led by the commanding powerhouse Sgt.
Kilgore (Keith David), to prepare for their upcoming
deployment to Iraq. On their overnight flight to the Middle
East, a thunderstorm threatens the cargo carrier, and
equipment fitted with parachutes is dumped to lighten the
load. Unfortunately, this includes the three bumbling
friends, who sought refuge in an all-terrain vehicle to
catch up on some sleep. They wake up in the desert,
confused and disoriented, and assume they’ve reached
the mission destination. But it turns out they aren’t anyw
Comedies 2007
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 04.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069040
Delta Farce (Full Screen)
Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, DJ
Qualls, Marisol Nichols, Danny Trejo, Keith
David - Dir. CB Harding
Blue Collar Comedy Tour veterans Larry the Cable Guy
and Bill Engvall team up in DELTA FARCE, a militaryspoof comedy featuring their southern red-neck stand-up
schtick. Bill and Larry, along with their scrawny friend
Everett (played by DJ Qualls), are weekend warriors in
the Army reserves. Not only have they not trained, but
they see the weekend as a getaway from the pressures of
their daily lives. But with the military’s forces depleted by
the no-end-in-sight Iraq War, they turn to their reservists.
Bill, Larry, and Everett are thrown into whirlwind bootcamp sessions, led by the commanding powerhouse Sgt.
Kilgore (Keith David), to prepare for their upcoming
deployment to Iraq. On their overnight flight to the Middle
East, a thunderstorm threatens the cargo carrier, and
equipment fitted with parachutes is dumped to lighten the
load. Unfortunately, this includes the three bumbling
friends, who sought refuge in an all-terrain vehicle to
catch up on some sleep. They wake up in the desert,
confused and disoriented, and assume they’ve reached
the mission destination. But it turns out they aren’t anyw
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069034
Delta Farce (Widescreen)
Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, DJ
Qualls, Marisol Nichols, Danny Trejo, Keith
David - Dir. CB Harding
Blue Collar Comedy Tour veterans Larry the Cable Guy
and Bill Engvall team up in DELTA FARCE, a militaryspoof comedy featuring their southern red-neck stand-up
schtick. Bill and Larry, along with their scrawny friend
Everett (played by DJ Qualls), are weekend warriors in
the Army reserves. Not only have they not trained, but
they see the weekend as a getaway from the pressures of
their daily lives. But with the military’s forces depleted by
the no-end-in-sight Iraq War, they turn to their reservists.
Bill, Larry, and Everett are thrown into whirlwind bootcamp sessions, led by the commanding powerhouse Sgt.
Kilgore (Keith David), to prepare for their upcoming
deployment to Iraq. On their overnight flight to the Middle
East, a thunderstorm threatens the cargo carrier, and
equipment fitted with parachutes is dumped to lighten the
load. Unfortunately, this includes the three bumbling
friends, who sought refuge in an all-terrain vehicle to
catch up on some sleep. They wake up in the desert,
confused and disoriented, and assume they’ve reached
the mission destination. But it turns out they aren’t anyw
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069039
Gerard Depardieu Collection
Gérard Depardieu
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070139
Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, DJ
Qualls, Marisol Nichols, Danny Trejo, Keith
David - Dir. CB Harding
Derailed / The Gathering
Blue Collar Comedy Tour veterans Larry the Cable Guy
and Bill Engvall team up in DELTA FARCE, a militaryspoof comedy featuring their southern red-neck stand-up
schtick. Bill and Larry, along with their scrawny friend
Everett (played by DJ Qualls), are weekend warriors in
the Army reserves. Not only have they not trained, but
they see the weekend as a getaway from the pressures of
In the tense thriller DERAILED, ad executive Charles
(Owen) and financial analyst Lucinda (Aniston) meet on a
commuter train one morning in Chicago and have an
immediate connection. A lunch meeting later leads to a
rendezvous in a sleazy motel, where the adulterous
lovebirds suddenly find themselves at the mercy of a
Christina Ricci, Jennifer Aniston, Clive
Owen - Dir. Mikael Håfström, Brian Gilbert
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
sadistic thief (Vincent Cassel). Because of their
relationship’s illicit nature, the two are unable to go to the
cops, and are thus virtually powerless to their attacker’s
every whim, leaving themselves open to blackmail as he
threatens their families and lives.
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070528
Derailed / Unknown
Jennifer Aniston, Clive Owen, Joe
Pantoliano, Jim Caveziel, Jeremy Sisto,
Bridget Moynahan - Dir. Simon Brand,
Mikael Håfström
DERAILED: In this tense thriller, ad executive Charles
(Owen) and financial analyst Lucinda (Aniston) meet on a
commuter train one morning in Chicago and have an
immediate connection. A lunch meeting later leads to a
rendezvous in a sleazy motel, where the adulterous
lovebirds suddenly find themselves at the mercy of a
sadistic thief (Vincent Cassel). Because of their
relationship’s illicit nature, the two are unable to go to the
cops, and are thus virtually powerless to their attacker’s
every whim, leaving themselves open to blackmail as he
threatens their families and lives.
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070517
Deserted Seas
Veronica Merchant, Arturo Rios, Dolores
Heredia - Dir. Jose Luis Garcia Agraz
One of the most celebrated Mexican films of the 1990s,
of three Ariels (the Mexican Academy Award) in 1994:
Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Original Story.
The film centers around the figure of a veteran filmmaker,
with three other people circling around the pivotal
character. While trying to finish his latest film, the director
must cope with the losses in his life—a recently deceased
father, and a wife who has left him—that have driven him
to drink. But when a beautiful young filmmaker enters his
life, he sees in her the chance to get his life and film back
on track. DESERTED SEAS was directed by José Luis
García Agraz, a critical and awards darling in Mexico.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1995
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068812
ties and his love becomes obsessive. Runt, meanwhile,
attempts to spread her wings as she flirts with a bartender
who seeks her affection. This violent depiction of powerful
love is the directing debut of Kristen Sheridan, the
daughter of director Jim Sheridan, whose portraits of
Ireland include MY LEFT FOOT.
Dramas 2001 Ltbx 16x9 93min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069284
Ian McKellen
Action/Adventure 2006
MTI Home Video 16.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069580
Dr. No
Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Jack Lord,
Joseph Wiseman, John Kitzmiller, Bernard
Lee, Lois Maxwell, Zena Marshall, Eunice
Gayson, Anthony Dawson - Dir. Terence
With DR. NO, the first of the James Bond films, director
Terence Young and leading man Sean Connery set the
precedent for what would become one of the most
popular, influential, and long-lasting series ever made.
Bond makes his first famous introduction, „Bond, James
Bond,“ in an upscale casino, to a saucy brunette named
Slyvia Trench (Eunice Gayson), who he promptly coaxes
into a dinner date. Back at Secret Service Headquarters,
M (Bernard Lee) assigns Bond to a mission in Jamaica.
An agent who was investigating strange activity with
nuclear weapons in Cape Canaveral has disappeared, and
Bond is to take up where he left off. His contact, CIA
operative Felix Leiter (Jack Lord) reminds Bond that his
title, „007,“ means he has license to kill, not be killed. This
advice comes in handy in Jamaica as assassins
relentlessly emerge from the woodwork, desperately
trying to bring Bond down. Bond makes his way to Crab
Key Island to find evil scientist Dr. No (Joseph Wiseman),
the primary suspect. There he is met with the obstacle of
Honey Ryder (Ursula Andress), a deadly beauty who
emerges from the sea in a tiny
Action/Adventure 1963 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069057
Diagnosis Murder - Season 1 thru
Doctor Who - Arc of Infinity
Barry Van Dyke, Dick Van Dyke, Scott Baio,
Victoria Rowell, Michael Tucci, Delores Hall
Dramas FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070376
An evil, anti-matter alien attempts to bond with a Time
Lord and enter the primary dimension gateway, the Arc of
Infinity, thus destroying all existing dimensions. Former
Doctor Colin Baker appears as Time Lord Security
Commander Maxil in this four-part adventure from the
long-running sci-fi series.
Diagnosis Murder - The Third
Dick Van Dyke, Barry Van Dyke, Victoria
Rowell, Charlie Schlatter
Dramas FF 730min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070364
Dirt: The Complete First Season
Courteney Cox, Ian Hart, Josh Stewart,
Laura Allen, Jeffrey Nordling, Alexandra
Breckenridge - Dir. Matthew Carnahan
Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069357
Disco Pigs
Elaine Cassidy, Cillian Murphy - Dir. Kristen
Born at the same hour at the same hospital in Dublin, Pig
(Cillian Murphy) and Runt (Elaine Cassidy) possess a
similar bond akin to the closeness only known by twins.
As they grow into adolescence, Pig cannot let loose these
Peter Davison, Colin Baker
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1983
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068734
Doctor Who - Time-Flight
Peter Davison
The fifth Doctor, Peter Davison (ALL CREATURES GREAT
AND SMALL), stars in this adventure from the longest
running science fiction series in television history. Here
the Doctor finds that his time- and space-ship, the Tardis,
has been directed to Heathrow Airport in London against
his directions, and that somehow a Concorde jet has
disappeared in the process.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1982
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068735
Doctor Who: The Complete Third
David Tennant
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069919
Action/Adventure 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070515
Dog the Bounty Hunter: The Arrest
Duane „Dog“ Chapman
With an impressive record of captures to his name, Duane
„Dog“ Chapman is a bounty hunter with a superb
reputation. His mission is to travel the United States and
make it a safer place for everyone to live in, joining up
with a fearsome posse to bring miscreants to justice, and
add to his list of captures in the process. But in this
special show Dog ends up on the wrong side of the law
after capturing a serial rapist, and finds himself doing
some jail time. THE ARREST includes full details on Dog’s
detainment and his eventual release.
Television, Action/Adventure
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068692
Dog’s Breakfast
David Hewlett, Christopher Judge, Rachel
Luttrell, Kate Hewlett, Paul McGillion - Dir.
David Hewlett
Marilyn has it all: a great job and a great guy. But when
she brings her fiancé home to announce their engagement
to her family, the news pushes her eccentric brother
Patrick to the limits of sanity. Things get even worse when
Patrick thinks he’s discovered Marilyn’s soon-to-be-groom
has some loose marbles of his own.
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070240
Dog’s Life - 3-Pack
Jesse Bradford, Bruce Davison, Jeff Daniels, AnnaSophia Robb, Chevy Chase,
Benji, Jane Seymour - Dir. Joe Camp,
Wayne Wang, Phillip Borsos
Animal lovers should feel quite at home while watching
these three family films: „BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE,“
DOG,“ and „OH, HEAVENLY DOG!“ See individual titles for
Comedies 1980
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070055
Will Stewart, Stepfanie Kramer, Tony Todd,
John Randolph, Allan Rich, Walter Jones,
Cress Williams, Nicki Lynn Aycox, Stacey
Williams, Carol Gustafson, Tony Carreiro,
Gabriel Dell - Dir. Paul Duran
Jerry Cooper (Will Stewart) is a down-on-his-luck Los
Angeles schemer who spends his days on the sun-soaked
streets of Hollywood and his nights in his car. One day,
Jerry’s luck changes drastically when he rescues an
elderly matron, Alma (Carol Gustafson), who has been
knocked down by Lucky, her misbehaving bull mastiff.
Jerry, uncharacteristically, takes Alma to the hospital and
upon meeting her desperate daughter Helene (Stepfanie
Kramer), lands an unexpected job as Alma’s caretaker
and dog walker. In between athletic romps with Lucky and
card games with Alma and her eccentric suitors, Jerry
fends off the amorous advances of Helene and her
seductive teenage daughter (Nicki Aycox). Quickly, he
realizes that his new job is more than he can handle alone
and moves in three of his drifter pals (Tony Todd, Cress
Williams, and Walter Jones) to help care for Alma’s cardplaying cronies—and to help Jerry plot an elaborate
burglary of his new home. Writer-director Paul Dugan, a
Los Angeles native, poetically captures the soulful beauty
of the city and its aimless, beach-bum inhabitants. This
eccentric, charact
Comedies 2002
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069281
Dog Bite Dog
Las Doñas - 4-Pack
Edison Chen, Sam Lee, Suet Lam - Dir.
Cheng Poi-Shui
Pedro Infante, Mauricio Garces
The biggest names of classic Mexican actors grace the
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
marquee for this quadruple feature. LAS DOÑAS includes
Foreign Films, Spanish
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069511
This three-disc set is packed with male bonding. Films
individual descriptions for details.
Don’t Open Till Christmas
Edmund Purdom, Caroline Munro, Belinda
Mayne - Dir. Edmund Purdom
A psychotic killer dampens holiday cheer by singling out
victims wearing Santa Claus suits.
Horror/Suspense 1985
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070287
Comedies Ltbx
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070058
Dunston Checks In
Jason Alexander, Faye Dunaway, Eric
Lloyd, Rupert Everett, Pee-Wee Herman,
Glenn Shadix, Graham Sack - Dir. Ken
Los Dos Hermanos
Jorge Rivero, Gregorio Casal, Nadia Milton,
Sergio Jimenez, Tito Junco
Foreign Films, Spanish 1971 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069017
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Blu-ray)
Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Keanu
Reeves, Cary Elwes, Anthony Hopkins,
Sadie Frost, Richard E. Grant, Tom Waits,
Bill Campbell - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
Vlad the Impaler (Gary Oldman), a count and fierce
warrior, goes off to fight in the Crusades. Falsely hearing
of his death, his beloved wife Elisabeta kills herself. Upon
returning home and finding her, Vlad renounces God and
becomes Count Dracula, embracing Satan in exchange for
immortality. Flash forward to 1897 London. Jonathan
Harker (Keanu Reeves) leaves fiancée Mina (Winona
Ryder) and journeys to Transylvania to meet Count
Dracula (Gary Oldman) to complete a real estate
transaction. After seeing a photo of Mina, whom he
believes to be his wife reincarnated, Dracula keeps
Jonathan as a prisoner in his castle while he travels to
London to meet his long lost love.
Horror/Suspense 1992
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068761
Widower Robert Grant is the manager of the tony Majestic
Hotel, where he’s raising his two sons. Robert’s very
nervous, because an inspector from a distinguished travel
guide is due to arrive shortly, so everything MUST be
perfect. But things go awry when a thief named Rutledge
arrives at the hotel, and is mistaken for the inspector.
Even more chaos ensues when Rutledge’s assistant
Dunston — an adroit orangutan — escapes from his cruel
owner and befriends Robert’s young son Kyle. With
mistaken identities and simian hijinks turning the hotel
upside-down, Robert’s worst nightmare has just been
Comedies 1995 Ltbx DD 5.1 89min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068873
Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Keanu
Reeves, Cary Elwes, Anthony Hopkins,
Sadie Frost, Richard E. Grant, Tom Waits,
Bill Campbell - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
Vlad the Impaler (Gary Oldman), a count and fierce
warrior, goes off to fight in the Crusades. Falsely hearing
of his death, his beloved wife Elisabeta kills herself. Upon
returning home and finding her, Vlad renounces God and
becomes Count Dracula, embracing Satan in exchange for
immortality. Flash forward to 1897 London. Jonathan
Harker (Keanu Reeves) leaves fiancée Mina (Winona
Ryder) and journeys to Transylvania to meet Count
Dracula (Gary Oldman) to complete a real estate
transaction. After seeing a photo of Mina, whom he
believes to be his wife reincarnated, Dracula keeps
Jonathan as a prisoner in his castle while he travels to
London to meet his long lost love.
Horror/Suspense 1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069361
Dream Slashers
Irwin Keyes
A group of provocative women take to the night and cause
havoc in the brutal horror movie DREAM SLASHERS.
Westlake Entertainment Group 31.07.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069261
Dudes - 3-Pack
Tom Green, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Drew
Barrymore, Allen Covert, Shirley Knight,
fight for the man she desires in this drama based on the
novel by Marcia Davenport.
Dramas 1949 FF M 108min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069797
Eat My Dust
Ron Howard, Christopher Norris, Warren
Kemmerling, Corbin Bernsen - Dir. Charles
B. Griffith
Two young men who have an unbridled passion for race
car driving, steal an automobile, and wreak havoc in a
small community. Included in the action is one of the
wildest car chases ever filmed.
Action/Adventure 1976 FF DD 5.1 89min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068754
Edward II / All Over Me / Twelfth
Tilda Swinton, Andrew Tiernan, Tara
Subkoff, Alison Folland, Helena BonhamCarter, Ben Kingsley, Imogen Stubbs, Nigel
Hawthorne - Dir. Derek Jarman, Alex Sichel,
Trevor Nunn
Dramas 1991
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068960
DVD Bookshelf - War of the
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007 Ltbx S
Ryko Distribution 31.07.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068839
Dynamite Jim
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Special
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller - Dir. Rawson
Marshall Thurber, Nicholas Goossen, Tom
Luis Davila, Fernando Sancho, Rosalba
Neri, Aldo Sambrell - Dir. Alfonzo Balcazar
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070281
East of Sunset
Emily Stiles, Jimmy Wayne Farley
Built up in a stylistically minimal fashion around covers of
Tom Waits songs from between 1973 and 1983, EAST OF
SUNSET tells of the understated romance that unfolds
between a young pill-popping teacher and a bartender
who is just getting over a heroin habit—sort of. Carley
(Emily Stiles) is a young LA woman still grieving over her
father’s death; she finds solace in the arms of Jim (Jimmy
Wayne Farley). Their time together brings each a kind of
redemption, while their relationship remains plagued by
the perils of addiction. Carley becomes Jim’s muse, but
when he begins to receive recognition for his work, he
teeters on the brink of relapse. The moody score features
artists such as Lydia Lunch, Pete Shelley, Alex Chilton,
The Wedding Present, Dave Alvin, Drugstore, and many
Dramas 2004
Westlake Entertainment Group 14.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069258
East Side Kids Collection
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070325
East Side, West Side
Barbara Stanwyck, James Mason, Ava
Gardner, Van Heflin, Cyd Charisse, Gale
Sondergaard, William Frawley, Nancy Davis
- Dir. Mervyn LeRoy
A gracious society matron desperately wants to save her
marriage, but the ex-mistress is back in town and ready to
Simon Yam, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Louis Koo,
Nick Cheung - Dir. Johnny To
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 89min.
Tartan Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070499
Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 104min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070551
Elvis Blue Suede Collection
Elvis Presley
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069767
Elvis Collection
Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley stars in the four films featured on this
collection. The titles included are GIRL HAPPY,
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069790
La Emboscada Mortal
Antonio Aguilar, Fernando Soto - Dir. Manuel Munoz
Foreign Films, Spanish 1962 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069021
En Busca de un Muro
Ignacio Lopez Tarzo - Dir. Julio Bracho
EN BUSCA DE UN MURO chronicles the fascinating life of
famed Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco. Set
during his New York City period, the film follows Orozco
as he recounts the high and low points of his fabled
career to a local newspaper reporter.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068785
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Entourage: Season 3 - Part 2
Adrian Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Kevin Dillon,
Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068927
Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will
Patton, Maury Chaykin, Ving Rhames - Dir.
Jon Amiel
Sparks fly as Catherine Zeta-Jones, an insurance agent,
charms her way into doing business with Sean Connery,
an aging thief. In preparation for their latest heist,
Connery has her suffer through a rigorous training camp.
Promises begin to blur and dwindle as romance
introduces itself into the picture, building up to a payoff
that’s sure to disappoint one of the involved parties.
Action/Adventure 1999 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069434
Entre Ciclones
Foreign Films 2004
Vanguard International Cinema 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069724
Epic Movie / Date Movie
Kal Penn, Jennifer Coolidge, Alyson
Hannigan, Adam Campbell - Dir. Aaron
Seltzer, Jason Friedberg
This collection packs in two spoofs from Jason Friedberg
and Aaron Setzer.
traded in the news desk for a post in Washington as a
congressman. Though his campaign was based on the
idea of changing the world, Evan drives a gas-guzzling
SUV and spends more time trimming his nose hair than
with his three sons. When he has a strange encounter
with God (Oscar winner Morgan Freeman, reprising his
role from the first film), God tells him to build an ark, just
as Noah did thousands of years ago. Though Evan is
skeptical, he finally accepts the task after being hounded
by dozens of animals that follow him, two by two. By
obeying God, Evan risks his family, career, and sanity—
but will a flood actually come and prove him right?
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1 96min.
Universal Studios Home Video 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070222
Evan Almighty (Widescreen)
Wanda Sykes, Jimmy Bennett, Steven
Carell, John Goodman, Morgan Freeman,
Lauren Graham, Steve Oedekerk, John
Michael Higgins, Molly Shannon, Jonah Hill,
Ed Helms - Dir. Tom Shadyac
In this sequel to BRUCE ALMIGHTY, newscaster Evan
Baxter (Steve Carrell, THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN) has
traded in the news desk for a post in Washington as a
congressman. Though his campaign was based on the
idea of changing the world, Evan drives a gas-guzzling
SUV and spends more time trimming his nose hair than
with his three sons. When he has a strange encounter
with God (Oscar winner Morgan Freeman, reprising his
role from the first film), God tells him to build an ark, just
as Noah did thousands of years ago. Though Evan is
skeptical, he finally accepts the task after being hounded
by dozens of animals that follow him, two by two. By
obeying God, Evan risks his family, career, and sanity—
but will a flood actually come and prove him right?
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min.
Universal Studios Home Video 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070221
Comedies 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070072
Erik the Conqueror
Michael Cunningham (author of THE HOURS) lends his
screenwriting skills to Lajos Koltai’s EVENING. This time,
Cunningham adapts a book by Susan Minot for the big
screen. Vanessa Redgrave plays Ann Grant, who in her
last hours retells the highlights of her life to an audience
made up of her daughters, with Claire Danes playing a
younger version of the protagonist.
Vanessa Redgrave, Natasha Richardson,
Toni Collette, Claire Danes, Patrick Wilson,
Meryl Streep, Glenn Close - Dir. Lajos
Foreign Films, Italian 1963
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069830
Lando Buzzanca, Lionel Stander, Laura
Antonelli, Agostina Belli, Anita Strindberg Dir. Lucio Fulci
Comedies 1972 Ltbx M 109min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070426
Claudio Brook, Jose Carlos Ruiz, Cecilia
Tijerina - Dir. Sergio Olhovich
ESPERANZA recounts the life of Russian émigré Vladimir
Olhovsky (director Sergio Olhovich’s grandfather), who
fled to Mexico during the Russian Revolution.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 117min.
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070223
Ever After: A Cinderella Story
Drew Barrymore, Anjelica Huston, Dougray
Scott, Jeanne Moreau - Dir. Andy Tennant
Danielle (Drew Barrymore), orphaned by her father’s
death, is raised by a wicked and snotty stepmother
(Anjelica Huston) and her two daughters. When she
accidentally stumbles onto Prince Henry (Dougray Scott),
the future King of France, the two inspire one another to
resolve their respective troubles at home in this romantic
Foreign Films, Spanish 1989 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068827
Dramas 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 121min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069435
Everest: Beyond the Limit
Eric Stevens - Dir. Rick L. Winters
Horror/Suspense 2005
York Entertainment 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069270
Television, Dramas FF DD 2.0 237min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069473
Everybody Loves Raymond - The
Complete Ninth Season
Evan Almighty (Full Screen)
Wanda Sykes, Jimmy Bennett, Steven
Carell, John Goodman, Morgan Freeman,
Lauren Graham, Steve Oedekerk, John
Michael Higgins, Molly Shannon, Jonah Hill,
Ed Helms - Dir. Tom Shadyac
In this sequel to BRUCE ALMIGHTY, newscaster Evan
Baxter (Steve Carrell, THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN) has
Brad Garrett, Patricia Heaton, Doris Roberts, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano
Ray Barone (Ray Romano) enjoys a successful career as
a sportswriter and has a stable, happy family life with a
loving wife and three great kids. Unfortunately for Ray, he
can’t shake the attention of his overbearing parents who
live across the street, but spend so much time at the
Barone family residence that they might as well live there.
Ray’s parents love to meddle in his affairs, often with
hilarious consequences. Meanwhile, his loser brother,
Robert (Brad Garrett), also loves to drop by Ray’s place
to complain about his life, a habit that exasperates
everyone else in the beleaguered family. A hugely popular
in 1996, and the ratings soon soared, placing the show
among the Top 10 most watched shows in the country.
The ninth season is collected here in its entirety.
Television, Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068926
Everybody Loves Raymond Giftset
Ray Romano, Patricia Heaton, Brad
Garrett, Doris Roberts, Peter Boyle
Ray Barone (Ray Romano) enjoys a successful career as
a sportswriter and has a stable, happy family life with a
loving wife and three great kids. Unfortunately for Ray, he
can’t shake the attention of his overbearing parents, who
live across the street but spend so much time at the
Barone family residence that they might as well live there.
Ray’s parents love to meddle in his affairs, often with
hilarious consequences. Meanwhile, his loser brother,
Robert (Brad Garrett), also likes to drop by Ray’s place to
complain about his life, a habit that exasperates everyone
else in the beleaguered family. A hugely popular sitcom
1996, and the ratings soon soared, placing the show
among the Top 10 most-watched shows in the country.
This release collects all nine seasons of the show.
Television, Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
411,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070110
Everything’s Jake
Ernie Hudson, Lou Rawls, Robin Givens,
Debbie Allen
Two homeless men—one a veteran of the New York City
streets, the other a bewildered newbie—meet and bond in
the touching drama EVERYTHING’S JAKE. The movie
features a lead performance from Ernie Hudson
(GHOSTBUSTERS II) who is supported by an impressive
cast that includes Robin Givens and signer Lou Rawls
among its ranks.
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 95min.
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070575
Evil Aliens
Christopher Adamson, Norman Lovett,
Emily Booth, Jodie Shaw, Samuel Butler,
Peter O’Connor - Dir. Jake West
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069463
Executive Action
Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, John
Anderson, Will Geer - Dir. David Miller
A group of men from the government, military, and
industry conspire to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, out of concern that JFK might pull US forces out of
Dramas 1973 Ltbx M 91min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069768
Executive Suite
William Holden, June Allyson, Barbara
Stanwyck, Fredric March, Walter Pidgeon,
Shelley Winters, Paul Douglas, Louis
Calhern, Dean Jagger, Nina Foch, Tim
Considine, John Houseman - Dir. Robert
Based on the novel by Cameron Hawley, EXECUTIVE
SUITE is one of the first films to deal with the corporate
rat race and all its power business and politics. After the
sudden death of its president, a giant furniture company’s
board members battle for control. Surveying the
candidates for the executive position is Julia Tredway
(Barbara Stanwyck), the daughter of the firm’s founder,
the mistress of the recently deceased company president,
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
and the company’s chief stockholder. The candidates are
competitive, particularly Loren Shaw (Fredric March), who
is so ruthless in his quest to reach the top that he begins
to blackmail Josiah Dudley (Paul Douglas) and George
Caswell (Louis Calhern) into supporting him. Perhaps the
only candidate not actively campaigning is the more
honorable McDonald Walling, who simply wants to live a
good home life with his wife and child. The drama of
EXECUTIVE SUITE unfolds with witty, provocative
dialogue and brilliant cinematic intercutting among the
many characters, which gives the film action even within
the confines of its corporate-office setting. The film has no
music s
Dramas 1954 FF M 104min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069792
Tunde Adebimpe, Nic Mevoli, Ben Bartlett,
Mary Christmas, Maya Alexander - Dir.
Esther Bell
Dramas 2004
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070424
Experiment in Torture
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 81min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069529
Experiments in Terror 2
This second collection of short films spans several
decades in an attempt to bring some of the best avantgarde horror efforts to the screen: „The Mesmerist,“ „The
Early 70s Horro Trailer,“ „Psych-Burn,“ „Between 2
Deaths,“ „Amor Peligrosa,“ „Hold My Scissors,“ „Opus 5,“
„The Fear,“ and „She Sank on Shallow Bank.“
Horror/Suspense 2007
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070000
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070523
Dramas 1999
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069756
Falcon Beach - The Complete
First Season
Eyes Wide Shut (HD DVD)
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack, Leelee Sobieski, Vinessa Shaw, Rade
Serbedzija, Todd Field - Dir. Stanley
Stanley Kubrick’s final film is a mature, highly intelligent,
thrilling masterpiece of sexual obsession and marital
(in)fidelity. Tom Cruise stars as Bill Harford, a doctor who
becomes obsessed with a sexual fantasy that his wife,
Alice (Nicole Kidman), confesses to him. Although the
fantasy (involving a naval officer) occurred only in Alice’s
mind, Bill can’t get it out of his own head; his obsession
leads him through a series of potential sexual encounters,
each one surrounded by the specter of death. His whole
world threatens to unravel as he falls deeper and deeper
into a web of mystery, lies, and deceit.
Dramas 1999 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069806
Face / Buddy Boy / Let Him Have
Christopher Eccleston, Robert Carlyle,
Aidan Gillen, Emmanuelle Seigner, Susan
Tyrell - Dir. Peter Medak, Antonia Bird,
Mark D. Hanlon
Dramas 1991
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068956
Face / Off (Special Edition)
Eyes of a Stranger
Lauren Tewes, Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir.
Ken Wiederhorn
A maniac watches his victims, stalks them and calls them
in the night with threats of nightmares worse than death.
The usual fare.
Dramas 1981 Ltbx M 90min.
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069238
Eyes Wide Shut
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack, Leelee Sobieski, Vinessa Shaw, Rade
Serbedzija, Todd Field - Dir. Stanley
Stanley Kubrick’s final film is a mature, highly intelligent,
thrilling masterpiece of sexual obsession and marital
(in)fidelity. Tom Cruise stars as Bill Harford, a doctor who
becomes obsessed with a sexual fantasy that his wife,
Alice (Nicole Kidman), confesses to him. Although the
fantasy (involving a naval officer) occurred only in Alice’s
mind, Bill can’t get it out of his own head; his obsession
leads him through a series of potential sexual encounters,
each one surrounded by the specter of death. His whole
world threatens to unravel as he falls deeper and deeper
into a web of mystery, lies, and deceit.
Dramas 1999 Ltbx DD 2.0 159min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069801
John Travolta, Lisa Boyle, Linda Hoffman,
Danny Masterson, Michael Rocha, Megan
Paul, Mike Webb, Tom Reynolds, Steve
Hytner, Myles Jeffrey, Carmen Thomas,
Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, Alessandro
Nivola, Gina Gershon, Dominique Swain,
Nick Cassavetes, Harve Presnell, Colm
Feore, John Carroll Lynch, CCH Pounder,
Robert Wisdom, Margaret Cho, Jamie Denton, Matt Ross, Tommy Flanagan Trio,
Dana Smith, Romy Walthall, Paul Hipp, Kirk
Baltz, Chris Bauer, Thomas Jane, Lauren
Sinclair, Ben Reed, Del Zamora - Dir. John
The ordeal of superheroic, singularly dedicated FBI agent
Sean Archer (John Travolta) is only beginning after finally
capturing his archnemesis, Castor Troy (Nicholas Cage),
an elusive, maniacal terrorist who claimed the life of
Archer ’s son. While Troy languishes in a coma, Archer
surgically „borrows“ Troy’s face in an attempt to gather
evidence about Troy’s last bomb—which is currently
ticking away in a Los Angeles office building. Trouble
ensues when Troy wakes up faceless, borrows Archer ’s
visage, and makes a mess of Archer ’s life; all the while,
both men struggle to adapt to their new identities while
struggling to blow each other away. Another balletically
filmed, thematically complex action smorgasbord from
Hong Kong vet Woo. Academy Award Nomination: Best
Sound Effects Editing.
Action/Adventure 1997 Ltbx 16x9 140min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069119
Eyes Wide Shut (Blu-ray)
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack, Leelee Sobieski, Vinessa Shaw, Rade
Serbedzija, Todd Field - Dir. Stanley
Stanley Kubrick’s final film is a mature, highly intelligent,
thrilling masterpiece of sexual obsession and marital
(in)fidelity. Tom Cruise stars as Bill Harford, a doctor who
becomes obsessed with a sexual fantasy that his wife,
Alice (Nicole Kidman), confesses to him. Although the
fantasy (involving a naval officer) occurred only in Alice’s
mind, Bill can’t get it out of his own head; his obsession
leads him through a series of potential sexual encounters,
each one surrounded by the specter of death. His whole
world threatens to unravel as he falls deeper and deeper
into a web of mystery, lies, and deceit.
Factory Girl / Transamerica
FACTORY GIRL tells the true story of Edie Sedgwick
(Sienna Miller), a dazzling young socialite who finds
herself at the apex of the pop art scene in 1960s New
York. Discovered by artist Andy Warhol (Guy Pearce), the
waifish rich girl rapidly becomes known for her unique
style, and the fashion industry taps her as its very first „It“
girl. But when Edie happens to meet the Bob Dylan-esque
„Folksinger“ (Hayden Christensen), it causes a disastrous
fallout with Andy. Fueled by drug addiction, Edie’s life
begins to spin perilously out of control, her star burning
out as quickly as it rose...
Summer is hot, especially on Falcon Beach, where
tension between the locals and rich tourists is just a bikini
string away from boiling over. Here is the complete first
season of a show where the innocence of summer is
threatened by land developers who want to take away the
peaceful charm of a beach that represents more than just
sun tans and waves. The beach is the center of life for
both those who live there year round and the vacationers
who settle in each season when the mercury rises. When
the two worlds meet, the sun won’t be the only thing
heating up the sand.
Television, Dramas
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069348
Falling Like This
Patricia Clarkson, John Diehl, Megan
Wilson, Brian Vaughan - Dir. Dani Minnick
Dani Minnick’s FALLING LIKE THIS depicts a tumultuous
life in the summer of two young lovers. Katie (Megan
Wilson) is a middle-class teenager who falls head over
heels in love with the troubled Boyd (Brian Vaughan).
Determined to conquer the seemingly hopeless
circumstances that torment them, Katie and Boyd reach
within themselves to prove that, in their situation, love will
conquer all.
Dramas 2000
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069280
Fallout / Survival on the
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069663
Family Affair - Season 4
Television, Comedies 2007 FF 700min.
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069075
Feast of Flesh
Horror/Suspense 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070154
Female Demon Ohyaku
Junko Miyazono, Tomisaburo Wakayama,
Kunio Murai - Dir. Yoshihiro Ishikawa
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1968 Ltbx
M 90min.
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070493
Vicente Fernandez - 4-Pack Vol. 1
Vicente Fernandez, Alejandro Fernandez,
Lucia Mendez
MI QUERIDO VIEJO: Real-life father and son Vicente and
Alejandro Fernandez team up in this tear-filled drama
about a father ’s wish to have his son follow in his
successful footsteps.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069507
Vicente Fernandez - 4-Pack Vol. 2
Vicente Fernandez
TU CAMINO Y EL MIO: The voice and beautiful songs of
Vicente Fernandez frame this love drama and give life to a
romantic film.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069508
Filthy Rich Girls 2
Vicente Fernandez - 4-Pack Vol. 3
Charlie Laine, Karlie Montana, Lux Kassidy,
Sabrina Rose, Tiffany Brookes
Vicente Fernandez
small town with the intent of getting revenge, a suspicious
man interrupts the lives of the local men and women by
summoning their deepest fears and desires.
Foreign Films, Spanish
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069519
In this sizzling second volume, these privileged princesses
shed their opulent attire to display their penchant for
erotic excess.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069097
Fire Bulls
Vicente Fernandez - 4-Pack Vol. 4
Vicente Fernandez
EL ARRACADAS: Mariano Landeros has sworn to his
mother that he will track down and kill his father ’s
assassin. Using an earring as a clue, Mariano goes on his
way to find his victim, encountering love, hate, and
violence along the way.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 126min.
Inspired Corporation 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069113
Firestorm / Scorpio One
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069522
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069659
Vicente Fernandez - 4-Pack Vol. 5
Flame and the Arrow
Vicente Fernandez
Burt Lancaster, Virginia Mayo, Aline
MacMahon, Nick Cravat, Robert Douglas,
Frank Allenby, Lynne Baggett, Gordon
Gebert, Norman Lloyd, Victor Kilian,
Francis Pierlot, Robin Hughes - Dir.
Jacques Tourneur
Mexican actor Vicente Fernandez makes leaps from
musical to melodrama in this set that includes a variety of
genres. The four films featured are JUAN
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069520
Lancaster returns to his circus-acrobat roots (with his
vaudeville partner Cravat in tow) as Dardo the Arrow, the
leader of a fearless band of rebels in medieval Italy.
Mostly interesting for early Lancaster appearance and his
obvious joy in doing his own acrobatic stunts.
A Few Good Men (Blu-ray)
Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise,
Kevin Bacon, James Marshall, J.T. Walsh,
Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Pollak, Wolfgang
Bodison, Cuba Gooding, David Bowe - Dir.
Rob Reiner
In Rob Reiner ’s A FEW GOOD MEN, the military hires a
young defense attorney to handle a controversial case.
However, when a headstrong lieutenant commander joins
the proceedings, the tension dramatically rises.
Dramas 1992
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068769
Billy Connolly, Tim Blake Nelson, Dylan
Baker, Henry Czerny, Carrie-Anne Moss Dir. Andrew Currie
Lying somewhere between PLEASANTVILLE and NIGHT
OF THE LIVING DEAD, FIDO is a zombie buddy pic/love
story set in a picture-perfect, technicolored 1950s suburb.
With the world still recovering from a zombie war that
broke out several decades prior, the town of Willard has
found a way to keep the peace. The world beyond the
gates may be overrun by zombies, but fortunately a huge
corporation called ZomCom has managed to domesticate
the undead, turning them into faithful servants of the
human race. Director Andrew Currie’s movie follows a
young boy named Timmy (K’Sun Ray) as he develops a
friendship with the zombie (Billy Connolly) his mother
purchases to impress the new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs.
Bottoms, when she finds out Mr. Bottoms (Henry Czerny)
just happens to be the head of ZomCom itself. Naming his
new friend Fido and initially treating him like a poorlybehaved dog, Timmy soon confirms what he always
secretly suspected – that zombies can have feelings too.
No one is more surprised by this than Timmy’s mom,
Helen (Carrie-Anne Moss), who, as an escape from of her
rude, zombie-phobic husband (Dyla
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 92min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070201
Films of Michael Haneke
Horror/Suspense 1989-2001 Ltbx
Kino on Video 21.08.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069015
Action/Adventure 1950 FF M 88min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069769
Carlos Saura’s Flamenco Trilogy
Foreign Films, Spanish 1959
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069282
The Flying Scotsman
Jonny Lee Miller, Laura Fraser, Billy Boyd,
Brian Cox, Steven Berkoff, Andy Griffith,
Morven Christie - Dir. Douglas Mackinnon
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN follows the standard blueprint
for a sports film: underdog overcomes obstacles to
become a champion—but adds the element of the hero’s
real-life mental illness to make an engaging drama. Jonny
Lee Miller (TRAINSPOTTING) plays Graeme Obree, a
Scottish cyclist who is seemingly past his prime. He has
gone from winning races to running a losing bike shop,
but he can’t be called a quitter. When he learns his old
rival will race for a record, Graeme decides to get back in
the game. His wife (Laura Fraser, A KNIGHT’S TALE), a
fellow avid cyclist (Billy Boyd, THE LORD OF THE RINGS:
THE RETURN OF THE KING), and a friend (Brian Cox,
RUNNING WITH SCISSORS) all join him in his quest.
Though his opponent’s bike boasts $500,000 in
engineering, Graeme builds his from scratch, even
dismantling a washing machine to make the perfect bike.
In addition to his lack of a designer cycle, Graeme also
struggles with a mental illness that makes it difficult for
him to get out of bed, much less try for a world record.
But despite his troubles, Graeme is stubborn and driven,
and Miller ably captures th
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069059
For the Love Of Nancy
Tracey Gold, Jill Clayburgh
Dramas 1994 FF 100min.
Direct Source 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069971
Antonio Gades, Laura Del Sol - Dir. Carlos
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals Ltbx
M 275min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069455
Forest for the Trees
Dramas 2003 Ltbx DD 2.0 81min.
Film Movement 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070023
Samuel Boidin, Adelaide Leroux, Henri
Cretel, Jean-Marie Bruveart - Dir. Bruno
Bruno Dumont follows up the controversial TWENTYNINE
PALMS with this tale of a group of young soldiers who go
off to war and experience some life-changing events.
FLANDRES won the Grand Prix prize at the 2006 Cannes
Film Festival.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 91min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070141
Flash Gordon
Action/Adventure FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070326
Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069088
Flor de Mayo
Jack Palance, Maria Felix, Pedro
Armendariz, Carlos Montalban - Dir.
Roberto Gavaldon
Jack Palance gives a strong performance—in Spanish—in
this stunningly photographed tale of an American in
Mexico who is reunited with a lover from years ago. She is
now married to a fisherman, who begins to believe that
the child their child was actually fathered by foreigner.
Ilona Schulz, Robert Schupp, Eva Loebau
In this engaging German drama from impressive first-time
director Maren Ade, Melanie Pröschle (Eva Loebau) is a
young, idealistic, and somewhat naive teacher just
starting her first job in a rough city school who, despite
her best intentions, can’t seem to make things go
smoothly, either personally or professionally.
Four Sheets To The Wind
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 81min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070016
Foursome - Season 1, Part 1
This original series from Playboy locks two sultry
beauties, and two hot studs, in a Hollywood Hills mansion
for a steamy 24-hour blind date. In this luxurious locale
known for its debauchery anything can, and will, happen!
More importantly, FOURSOME is completely uncensored,
showing all the action, and every inch of flesh, as these
hot bodies let loose for wild action in the bedroom and
Television, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Image Entertainment, Inc. 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070329
Foursome - Season 1, Part 2
Television, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069096
Fox Horror Classics
Ivor Novello, Marie Ault, June, Malcolm
Keen, John Howard, Laird Cregar, Linda
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 35
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Darnell, George Sanders, Alan Napier,
James Ellison, Heather Angel - Dir. John
Brahm, Alfred Hitchcock
Horror/Suspense 1926-1945 FF M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068882
lived to share their stories.
This program presents a double feature of hardhitting
Mexican crime dramas fueled by cowboys, outlaws, and
the border drug trade: LA FUGA DE CARRASCO (1987)
Christopher Trunell, Larisa Polonsky, Artie
Pasquale, Cordelia Reynolds, Carl
Tarcangeli - Dir. Danuta Klosowski
Horror/Suspense 2007
York Entertainment 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069271
La Fuga de Carrasco / Durazo: La
Verdadera Historia
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068746
Full House - The Complete Series
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 126min.
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069073
Frasier - The Complete Series
Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, John
Mahoney, Jane Leeves, Peri Gilpin
Television, Comedies FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070377
Frasier - The Complete Tenth
Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, John
Mahoney, Jane Leeves
Picking up the slack from the departure of CHEERS from
American television in 1993, smart sitcom FRASIER
centers on pompous psychiatrist and former Cheers
regular Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammer) as he packs up
and starts anew as a radio talk show host in his hometown
of Seattle. The series’ brilliant ensemble cast includes his
prim and proper brother, Niles (David Hyde Pierce); their
retired cop father, Martin (John Mahoney); a live-in home
care assistant, Daphne (Jane Leeves); a brassy radio
producer, Roz (Teri Gilpin); and a charismatic Jack
Russell terrier named Eddie, ensuring that Frasier ’s life is
populated with at least as many colorful characters as he
was surrounded by back east.
Comedies FF 480min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070365
Frog Song
Konatsu, Rinako Hirasawa - Dir. Shinji
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2005 Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070447
From Beyond the Grave
David Warner, Donald Pleasence, Ian
Carmichael, Margaret Leighton, Peter
Cushing - Dir. Kevin Connor
Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, John Stamos,
Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Candace
Cameron, Jodie Sweetin
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069740
Full House: The Complete Eighth
Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, John Stamos,
Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Candace
Cameron, Jodie Sweetin
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069739
Full Metal Jacket (Blu-ray)
Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, R. Lee
Ermey, Ed O’Ross, Arliss Howard, Dorian
Harewood, Kevyn Major Howard, Vincent
D’Onofrio - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Based on Gustav Hasford’s novel THE SHORT TIMERS,
Kubrick’s unusual answer to the 1980s spate of Vietnam
MOPIC, etc.) actually seems like two films in one. The
first half focuses on the training of a squad of Marine
grunts on Parris Island, and more specifically on the
troubled relationship between the brutal drill sergeant
(Ermey) and an oafish misfit (a brilliant D’Onofrio) who
just happens to be a sharpshooter. Post-training, we
follow the grunts to battle of Hue City, the climactic battle
of the 1968 Tet Offensive and the turning point of the
Vietnam War, seeing mostly through the eyes of a cynical
reporter nicknamed Joker (Modine). As a Vietnam War
film, Kubrick’s is notable for focusing on urban, rather
than jungle, battlefields—with snipers hiding behind every
bombed-out building.
Dramas 1987
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069784
Full Metal Jacket (HD DVD)
When some curious customers enter a curio store called
Temptations Ltd., they get an unpleasant surprise — the
shop’s mysterious owner sends each „guest“ on a
supernatural and scary journey.
Horror/Suspense 1975 Ltbx M 98min.
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069239
La Frontera
Immigrants from Mexico have complicated reasons for
risking their lives to cross the border into the United
States, but these are rarely covered by the evening news.
Instead the media focuses on statistics, economics, and
the political pressures rather than the individual stories of
those who have chosen to take the ultimate risk for the
chance at a better life and sending money back home to
take care of their families. Their stories are collected here
in this moving and insightful portrait of the real lives of
Mexicans who have made it across the border and have
Dramas 2007
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069347
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069783
Bobby Diamond, Peter Graves
Starring Fury, „the king of the wild stallions,“ this
television show aired between 1955 and 1960, and
blended action, adventure, and human drama. This
release contains five complete episodes of the show.
Contemporary fans, especially young children and animal
lovers, will still enjoy FURY, but it is sure to bring a spark
of nostalgia to anyone who saw the show during its original programming.
Television, Dramas
Total Content 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070507
Una Gallega En Mexico
Foreign Films, Spanish 1949 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069026
Ava Gardner Collection
Ava Gardner, Gregory Peck, Bela Lugosi
GHOSTS ON THE LOOSE: The Bowery Boys (the East
Side Kids) end up in comedic horror when they try to
renovate a crumbling house for Glimpy’s newlywed sister
and her husband. When they arrive at the address, they
mistakenly start to work on the house next door—which is
rumored to be haunted! Instead of ghosts, however, the
Boys find a group of Nazi spies, led by Bela Lugosi.
Dramas FF
St. Clair Entertainment Group 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070473
Maria Antonienta Pons, Joaquin Cordero,
Dagoberto Rodriguez - Dir. Raúl de Anda
Beautiful island dwelling Barbara (Maria Antonieta Pons)
is set to marry her sailor boyfriend. But while he is out to
sea, trouble arrives in the form of a handsome painter.
When he asks Barbara to pose for him, they immediately
fall in love, embarking on an idyllic affair. While
enraptured with each other, they forget that the sailor will
soon return.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1955 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070250
Gay Deceivers
Kevin Coughlin, Larry Casey, Brooke
Bundy, Jo Ann Harris - Dir. Bruce Kessler
In order to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War, two
heterosexual guys pretend to be gay. These boys think
they’ve got it made till the Colonel starts spying on them,
which prompts them to check into a swanky, all gay LA
apartment complex where they try to put up a fruity
facade and end up getting into all sorts of misadventures
dealing with their families, girlfriends and such without
getting found out.
Comedies 1969 FF 91min.
First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070261
Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, R. Lee
Ermey, Ed O’Ross, Arliss Howard, Dorian
Harewood, Kevyn Major Howard, Vincent
D’Onofrio - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
General Santa Ana
Based on Gustav Hasford’s novel THE SHORT TIMERS,
Kubrick’s unusual answer to the 1980s spate of Vietnam
MOPIC, etc.) actually seems like two films in one. The
first half focuses on the training of a squad of Marine
grunts on Parris Island, and more specifically on the
troubled relationship between the brutal drill sergeant
(Ermey) and an oafish misfit (a brilliant D’Onofrio) who
just happens to be a sharpshooter. Post-training, we
follow the grunts to battle of Hue City, the climactic battle
of the 1968 Tet Offensive and the turning point of the
Vietnam War, seeing mostly through the eyes of a cynical
reporter nicknamed Joker (Modine). As a Vietnam War
film, Kubrick’s is notable for focusing on urban, rather
than jungle, battlefields—with snipers hiding behind every
bombed-out building.
Director Felipe Cazal’s film focuses on the last three days
in the life of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna—who
fought to become the president of Mexico in 1833 only to
reveal himself as a power-hungry dictator—as he
remembers the events of his life. Leading an army against
the Texas rebellion of 1836, Santa Anna defeated the
American fighters at the Alamo. He won government office
five time through either his heroic reputation or
underhanded political dealings. He was eventually exiled,
but allowed back shortly before his death.
Dramas 1987 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
Alejandro Parodi, Ana Bertha Espin, Blanca
Guerra, Pedro Armendariz, Jose Carlos
Ruiz - Dir. Felipe Cazals
Foreign Films, Spanish 2000
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068816
Georgia Rule (Full Screen)
Lindsay Lohan, Felicity Huffman, Jane
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 36
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Fonda, Dermot Mulroney, Cary Elwes,
Garrett Hedlund - Dir. Garry Marshall
Gary Marshall’s GEORGIA RULE brings together Lindsay
Lohan, Jane Fonda, and Felicity Huffman to play three
generations in need of one another’s guidance in
Dramas 2007 FF DD 5.1 113min.
Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069048
Georgia Rule (Widescreen)
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
383,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069774
Gilmore Girls: The Complete
Seventh Season
Lindsay Lohan, Felicity Huffman, Jane
Fonda, Dermot Mulroney, Cary Elwes,
Garrett Hedlund - Dir. Garry Marshall
Gary Marshall’s GEORGIA RULE brings together Lindsay
Lohan, Jane Fonda, and Felicity Huffman to play three
generations in need of one another’s guidance in
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 113min.
Universal Studios Home Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069052
Getaway (HD DVD)
Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, Jennifer Tilly,
James Woods, Michael Madsen, Richard
Farnsworth, Burton Gilliam, Philip Seymour
Hoffman - Dir. Roger Donaldson
A high-powered remake of Sam Peckinpah’s 1972 version
of the Jim Thompson crime novel. Bank robber Doc
McCoy, is sprung from a Mexican jail, through the efforts
of his wife Carol, for services to be rendered in a
complicated heist. However, the job turns out be a doublecross, and the two are forced to keep one step ahead of a
mobster ’s hired gun in order to make it across the border
into Mexico for safety.
Action/Adventure 1994 Ltbx DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069051
Ghost Hunters Season 3 - Part 1
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068740
Ghost Hunters: Live from the
Shining Hotel
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068741
Ghost School Trilogy
Horror/Suspense 1999
Tartan Video 09.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069714
Gideon’s Trumpet
Henry Fonda, José Ferrer, John Houseman,
Fay Wray - Dir. Robert Collins
A poor Florida convict, jailed for a crime he didn’t commit,
fights his conviction and takes his case all the way to the
Supreme Court. Based on a true story.
Dramas 1979
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068721
Gilmore Girls: The Complete
Series Collection
Liza Weil, Lauren Graham, Kelly Bishop,
Sean Gunn, Alexis Bledel, Scott Patterson,
Melissa McCarthy, Keiko Agena, Yanic
Set in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut,
GILMORE GIRLS is a charming television drama that tells
the story of a 30-something single mother, Lorelai Gilmore
(Lauren Graham), and her precocious teenage daughter,
Rory (Alexis Bledel), as they navigate their way through
the shifting tides of daily life. Lorelai and Rory’s
relationship is one built on friendship as much as maternal
love, allowing for more drama and depth than most family
shows. This release is a perfect way for fans to remember
why they fell in love with the show in the first place, and
allows latecomers to discover Lorelai and Rory for the
very first time. All seven seasons of the show are included
in this collection.
Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel
Television, Dramas FF DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069747
Girl Friday
Joanna Lumley
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070266
Girl Next Door
Dan Dailey, June Haver, Dennis Day, Billy
Gray, Cara Williams - Dir. Richard Sale
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1953
FF 92min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070060
Girl with the Sex Ray Eyes
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Infinity Entertainment Group 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070417
Girls Gone Wild - Summer
Nobody knows the meaning of summer like the GIRLS
GONE WILD team. Always ready to spice things up, the
producers are back with another roundup of girls having
fun in the sun.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Mantra Films, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070350
Girls Will Be Girls Collection
Lindsay Lohan, Chris Pine, Parminder
Nagra, Keira Knightley, Emma Roberts,
Sara Paxton, Joanna „JoJo“ Levesque - Dir.
Elizabeth Allen, Gurinder Chadha, Donald
Comedies 2003
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068892
the generals’ domestic lives in the intervals between the
harrowing battle scenes. While a little on the long side,
the end result should serve as an invaluable document for
Dramas 2003
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069742
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon /
Colossus and the Amazon Queen
Infinity Entertainment Group 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070416
Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. - The
Complete Third Season
Jim Nabors, Frank Sutton
This spin-off of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW featured
beloved mechanic Gomer Pyle entering the Marine Corps.
Jim Nabors played Pyle, resurrecting the character’s
catchphrases, including „Surprise, surprise, surprise!“ and
„Shazam!“ said in Pyle’s trademark Southern drawl. His
genial goofiness often clashed with the brashness of Sgt.
Vince Carter (Frank Sutton), providing much of the show’s
Television, Comedies FF 1800min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070366
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. 1 thru 3
Jim Nabors, Frank Sutton
This spin-off of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW featured
beloved mechanic Gomer Pyle entering the Marine Corps.
Jim Nabors played Pyle, resurrecting the character’s
catchphrases, including „Surprise, surprise, surprise!“ and
„Shazam!“ said in Pyle’s trademark Southern drawl. His
genial goofiness often clashed with the brashness of Sgt.
Vince Carter (Frank Sutton), providing much of the show’s
Television, Comedies FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070378
Gonk Go Beat
Kenneth Connor, Frank Thornton, Pamela
Brown, Terry Scott
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070286
A Good Year / A Walk in the
Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, Keanu
Reeves, Aitana Sanchez-Gijon - Dir. Alfonso
Arau, Ridley Scott
This double feature is packed with romance and drama.
Dramas 1995-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070062
Gods and Generals (Blu-ray)
Good-Bye Momo
Jeff Daniels, Stephen Lang, Robert Duvall,
Mira Sorvino, Kevin Conway, C. Thomas
Howell, Frankie R. Faison - Dir. Ronald F.
Dramas 2005 FF 100min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069999
This epic film from writer-director Ron Maxwell chronicles
the early events of the American Civil War. It’s a prequel
to his earlier GETTYSBURG, with some of the same cast,
and is part of a planned trilogy. Stephen Lang plays
Thomas „Stonewall“ Jackson, the famous (and deeply
religious) Confederate general who, along with fellow
General Robert E. Lee (Robert Duvall), must weigh the
mighty consequences of his actions, as each battle costs
the lives of thousands of men. Over on the Union side
there’s Jeff Daniels as Colonel Joshua Chamberlain, who,
like Jackson and Lee, is fond of making long, poetic
speeches to his troops. Beginning with the start of the war
and ending with Jackson’s death, the film chronicles the
three main battles leading up to Gettysburg, using their
actual locations and thousands of actual Civil War reenactors as extras. Maxwell pays careful attention to
authentic period detail as he chronicles the minutiae of
Gorilla at Large / Mystery at
Monster Island
This double feature delivers the chills with the following
Horror/Suspense 1954-1981 FF 167min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068877
Gothika (Blu-ray)
John Carroll Lynch, Bernard Hill, Kathleen
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Mackey, Halle Berry, Robert Downey,
Penélope Cruz, Charles S. Dutton - Dir.
Mathieu Kassovitz
GOTHIKA stars Halle Berry as Dr. Miranda Grey, a
psychiatrist who becomes a patient in her own mental
hospital after she is accused of murdering her husband
(Charles S. Dutton). Grey’s only initial memory of the
incident involves a chilling encounter with a distraught girl
(Kathleen Mackey) on a rain-soaked road. The
incarcerated and medicated Grey is now haunted by the
same apparition, and she must convince her former
colleague Pete Graham (Robert Downey Jr.) that she is
not insane or guilty of murder. Meanwhile, the seemingly
mad ramblings of Chloe (Penelope Cruz), one of Grey’s
former patients, now make more sense, and Grey must
throw aside clinical logic to solve the supernatural murder
Horror/Suspense 2003
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069757
Gothika (HD DVD)
John Carroll Lynch, Bernard Hill, Kathleen
Mackey, Halle Berry, Robert Downey,
Penélope Cruz, Charles S. Dutton - Dir.
Mathieu Kassovitz
GOTHIKA stars Halle Berry as Dr. Miranda Grey, a
psychiatrist who becomes a patient in her own mental
hospital after she is accused of murdering her husband
(Charles S. Dutton). Grey’s only initial memory of the
incident involves a chilling encounter with a distraught girl
(Kathleen Mackey) on a rain-soaked road. The
incarcerated and medicated Grey is now haunted by the
same apparition, and she must convince her former
colleague Pete Graham (Robert Downey Jr.) that she is
not insane or guilty of murder. Meanwhile, the seemingly
mad ramblings of Chloe (Penelope Cruz), one of Grey’s
former patients, now make more sense, and Grey must
throw aside clinical logic to solve the supernatural murder
Horror/Suspense 2003 Ltbx 98min.
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069758
Andrew Shue, Elisabeth Shue, Dermot
Mulroney, Carly Schroeder, Julia Garro Dir. Davis Guggenheim
Academy-Award nominated actress Elisabeth Shue
(LEAVING LAS VEGAS) is known primarily for her wideranging film work. But Shue was also a pioneer of sorts in
the 1970s as a teenage soccer player who helped pave
the way for girls to play high-school soccer. GRACIE is
loosely based on Shue’s life in suburban New Jersey, and
stars Carly Schroeder (FIREWALL) as Gracie Bowen, a
woman with a passion for soccer. But Gracie is
overlooked by her domineering father (Dermot Mulroney),
a former soccer star who feverishly coaches her three
brothers, mostly focusing on the oldest sibling, Johnny
(Jesse Lee Soffer). Johnny is the captain of Columbia
High’s soccer team and Gracie’s biggest supporter and
mentor, but his superstardom is tragically ended when he
dies in a car accident. Since her high school does not
have a girls’ soccer team, Gracie decides to honor her
brother’s legacy by trying out for the boys’ team, hoping
to take her brother’s place. Appalled by her outlandish
suggestion, her family does not support her dream, and
as a result she becomes reckless and defiant, hanging
with the wrong crowd an
Dramas 2007
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069087
choose in a conflict between the company he works for
and the tribes there—people whose lives are being
destroyed by it. Lush landscapes and scenery accompany
this tale about a battle for one man’s soul and the lives
that are caught in the middle.
Dramas 2007 FF 94min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069603
Grounded for Life - Season 5:
The Final Season
Donal Logue, Megyn Price
The comedy about Irish American life on Staten Island
comes to an end with these final episodes. Claudia’s
pregnant and the bar is just not paying bills, so Sean tries
to dig up work at a ridiculous Irish family restaurant.
Jimmy takes the meat loving family by surprise when he
tells them that he’s a vegetarian, and Walt shocks them
even more when they find out he is engaged to his
cleaning lady. The show with the unique approach to
storytelling and a realistic look at blue collar life in New
York City wraps it up with season five.
Television, Comedies 2007
Anchor Bay Entertainment 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069306
La Guerra Santa
Jorge Luke
A peaceful farmer is forced to join a holy war and
participate in the atrocities that are part of such actions.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1979 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068828
This second volume features the multitalented Joaquin
Pardave and well-known Mexican actor Eulalio Gonzalez
Comedies 1942-1955 FF 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070205
Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Katharine Houghton, Sidney Poitier, Isabel
Sanford, Cecil Kellaway, Roy Glenn, Beah
Richards, Virginia Christine - Dir. Stanley
A liberal white couple (Katharine Hepburn and Spencer
Tracy, in Tracy’s last appearance) put their platitudes to
the test. They always taught their daughter (Katharine
Houghton, Hepburn’s niece) that all people are created
equal, regardless of race or religion... until she
unexpectedly brings home a black doctor (Poitier) and
announces that they’re engaged. Academy Award
Nominations: 10, including Best Picture, Best Director,
Best Actor—Spencer Tracy.
Dramas 1967 Ltbx 16x9 107min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069371
Guy X
Jason Biggs
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 101min.
First Look Home Entertainment 27.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070015
Guyana Tragedy - The Story of
Jim Jones
The Jonestown tragedy gets the docudrama treatment
here with an interesting cast. Powers Boothe’s
performance as the deranged, adulterous self proclaimed
prophet who induces almost 1,000 of his followers to
commit suicide with him won him an Emmy.
Green Sails
Dramas 1980 FF 189min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069191
Marcus Graham, Alexandra Paul, Thomas
Will Patterson is a talented, driven executive for a multinational corporation. He’s got his life in the palm of his
hand until he uncovers a secret about his company that
forces him to re-examine everything he thought was true.
Now he must travel to Indonesia to uncover what side he’ll
Hallowed Ground
Jamie Alexander, Brian McNamara, Chloe
Grace Moretz, Nick Chinlund, Hudson
Leick, Ethan Phillips - Dir. David Benullo
Horror/Suspense 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069442
Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, P.J.
Soles, Nancy Loomis, Charles Cyphers,
Kyle Richards, Arthur Malet, David Kyle,
Nick Castle - Dir. John Carpenter
The film which ushered in the modern age of horror
stands well above its many sequels and clones because
John Carpenter ’s taut direction makes it truly scary. Jamie
Lee Curtis, in her debut role, plays a babysitter who must
protect herself from the deadly Michael Myers, a mental
institution escapee who killed his sister on Halloween
fifteen years earlier. Called „the most successful independent motion picture of all time,“ HALLOWEEN is also one
of most frightening films ever made.
Horror/Suspense 1978 Ltbx 16x9 92min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 14.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068674
Hamlet / King Lear
Dramas 1964
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070008
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
Powers Boothe, Ned Beatty, Veronica
Cartwright, Irene Cara, James Earl Jones,
Diane Ladd, Randy Quaid, LeVar Burton,
Brad Dourif - Dir. William A. Graham
Grandes Comediantes - Vol. 2
Wolfe Video 18.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069267
Dreya Weber, Andrew Ableson, Addie
Yungmee, John Lee Ames - Dir. Ned Farr
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
The Hand
Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovicci, Annie
McEnroe, Bruce McGill - Dir. Oliver Stone
Although not the genre for which he’s known, Oliver Stone
has always had an affection for horror films and, on
occasion, produced them. This early effort stars Michael
Caine as talented but autocratic cartoonist Jonathan
Lansdale. When his drawing hand is severed in a car
accident, his career is destroyed, putting additional
pressure on his already rocky marriage. Since he still
retains the rights to his strip, his wife, Anne (Andrea
Marcovicci), begs Lansdale to hire David (Charles Fleischer) to replace him, knowing it would help the couple
financially. In his arrogance, he refuses, which further
damages their relationship. Stressed by these events,
Lansdale begins to have blackouts, during which damage
is done to his property, but its source is a mystery.
Suddenly, one by one, some of the many people
Lansdale doesn’t like start to disappear. Has the artist’s
unrecovered hand returned to carry out his wishes? Caine
gives an excellent performance in his only known
appearance in the vengeful hand genre.
Horror/Suspense 1981 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069209
Hannah Montana: Life’s What You
Make It
Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus
Comedies 2007
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068758
Hard Justice / Outside the Law /
Quiet Cool
David Bradley, Charles Napier, Vernon
Wells, Yuji Okumoto, Anna Thomson,
Ashley Laurence, Bill Moseley, Joey Sagal,
Chris Mulkey, Jared Martin, James Remar,
Nick Cassavetes, Daphne Ashbrook, Adam
Coleman Howard - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Boaz
Davidson, Clay Borris
Action/Adventure 1986
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 38
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068961
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070121
Histeria de Todos - Eps 3 & 4
Herman USA
Michael Wright, Raekwon - Dir. Jon Stu
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 98min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070207
Michael O’Keefe, Kevin Chamberlin, Enid
Graham - Dir. Bill Semans
Dramas 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 100min.
Warner Home Video 07.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069231
Television, Dramas 2005
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070544
Harmony’s Honeys
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070301
Chiara Conti, Carolina Crescentini, Claire
Falconer, Anapola Mushkadiz - Dir. Alex
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Tartan Video 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070498
Haunted Histories Collection
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068690
Hetty Wainthropp Investigates The Complete Collection
Patricia Routledge, Dominic Monaghan,
Derek Benfield, John Graham-Davies
Television, Dramas 1996-1998
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 04.09.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068720
Hideout in the Sun
Director Doris Wishman’s (NUDE ON THE MOON) debut
feature from 1960 is presented here. The movie, which
has been re-edited by Wishman, follows a pair of robbers
who hide out in a naturist colony.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1960 Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070452
La Hija De Camelia
Foreign Films, Spanish 1997 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069016
Haunting of #24
Stuart Laing
MTI Home Video 11.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069579
Benny Hill: Complete and
Unadulterated: The Complete
Collection Megaset
Havoc 2: Normal Adolescent
Benny Hill
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069864
Amber Tamblyn
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069589
Hired Help
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Peach DVD 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069100
Heartland Horrors - Season 1
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068841
His Majesty O’Keefe
Heavens Fall
Timothy Hutton, Anthony Mackie, Leelee
Sobieski, David Strathairn
Dramas 2007 FF 105min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069888
Henry V
Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Paul
Scofield, Judi Dench, Emma Thompson,
Christian Bale, Robbie Coltrane, Ian Holm Dir. Kenneth Branagh
Crowned at a young age, Henry V becomes determined to
be a decisive leader. After being insulted by a French
envoy, he asserts a hereditary claim to France, gathers
his army, and marches toward the miraculous Battle of
Agincourt. HENRY V is a sweeping and exhilirating
achievement by first time director Kenneth Branagh.
Burt Lancaster, Joan Rice, Benson Fong,
Philip Ahn, Grant Taylor, Andre Morell,
Abraham Sofaer, Archie Savage, Charles
Horvath - Dir. Byron Haskin
Burt Lancaster plays David O’Keefe, a daring American
sea captain whose mutinous crew dumps him
unceremoniously into the ocean. The trusty mariner
manages to stay alive and lands ashore on a Polynesian
island. The resourceful O’Keefe decides to make the best
of his predicament by embarking on a career as a coconut
oil trader. He employs the services of the Island’s natives,
and „goes native“ himself, taking a local woman as his
wife. In order to make his fortune, however, O’Keefe must
first battle hostile tribal chiefs who want to keep control of
their island’s wealth. This was the first movie ever shot in
the beautiful Fiji islands.
Action/Adventure 1953 FF M 90min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069770
Histeria de Todos
Dramas 1989
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069559
Television, Dramas 2005
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070542
La Heredera
Television, Dramas 2005
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070543
Television, Dramas 2004 FF DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
Histeria de Todos - Eps 5 & 6
Television, Dramas 2005
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070545
Alfred Hitchcock Presents:
Season Three
Television, Dramas 1957-1958 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 09.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069046
Hitler the Rise of Evil
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069002
Richard Gere, Michael J. Burg, Julie Delpy,
Hope Davis, Marcia Gay Harden, Alfred
Molina, Stanley Tucci, Eli Wallach, Stuart
Margolin - Dir. Lasse Hallstrom
Richard Gere gives one of the best performances of his
career in Lasse Hallström’s vastly entertaining THE
HOAX, based on true events. Gere stars as Clifford Irving,
a struggling writer desperate to be a famous bestselling
author. After his novel gets rejected, he concocts a crazy
plot in which he convinces McGraw-Hill that he has been
contacted by Howard Hughes in order to tell the official
life story of the reclusive billionaire. With the help of his
friend, nervous writer Dick Suskind (Alfred Molina), and
Irving’s artist wife, Edith (Marcia Gay Harden), he
attempts to get away with one of the greatest literary
hoaxes of the 20th century. He goes to elaborate lengths
to pull the wool over the eyes of his editor, Andrea Tate
(Hope Davis), as well as his publisher, Shelton Fisher
(Stanley Tucci), and the managing editor of Life magazine,
Ralph Graves (Zeljko Ivanek), who is offering big bucks to
serialize the book. As Irving gets deeper and deeper into
the lies, he begins to embody Hughes, mimicking the way
he looks and talks. The film features excellent
performances all around, including star turns by
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 115min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068752
Holiday on the Buses
Reg Varney, Bob Grant, and the whole Buses crew once
again turn their beloved British television comedy into a
full-length feature film. Stan gets fired after an incident
involving three crashed buses, but at least Jack and
Inspector Blakey were fired as well. Stan and Jack both
find jobs at a Welsh holiday camp, only to discover that
Blakey has been hired as none other than Camp Security
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070291
Shirley Boone, Michael Bergin - Dir. H. M.
A group of eight friends head to a mountainside retreat for
a vacation, only to find themselves in great danger as a
vicious killer starts murdering them. HOLLA firmly sticks to
slasher movie conventions but adds a dash of dark humor
as it reveals all its gory delights.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 85min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069525
Histeria de Todos - Eps 1 & 2
Hollow Man
Mary Randle, Kevin Bacon, Josh Brolin,
Elisabeth Shue, Joey Slotnick, William
Devane, Kim Dickens, Greg Grunberg,
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 39
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Rhona Mitra - Dir. Paul Verhoeven
Washington D.C. scientist Sebastian Caine (Kevin Bacon)
is under contract with the U.S. government to formulate a
serum which will render human beings invisible. When his
test serum makes a laboratory gorilla disappear and then
successfully brings her back, Caine decides that it is time
for him to be the next guinea pig. He and his team are
ecstatic when the serum work. When the antidote fails to
work as it did on the gorilla, however, Caine finds himself
in the initially enviable, but ultimately horrifying
predicament of being permanently undetectable to the
human eye. Faced with the opportunity to perpetrate any
crime he desires without fear of apprehension, Caine
gives in to his basest desires. But when he learns that his
that his ex-girlfriend and assistant, Linda McKay (Elisabeth Shue), is involved with their fellow co-worker Matt
Kensington (Josh Brolin), Caine goes over the deep end,
and is willing to kill anyone who tries to stand in his way,
including his trusted fellow researchers. Director Paul
Verhoeven (BASIC INSTINCT) puts a contemporary spin
on the classic INVISIBLE MAN tale, turning it
Homie Spumoni
Whoopi Goldberg, Donald Adeosun Faison,
Paul Mooney, Joey Fatone, Jamie-Lynn
Sigler, Tony Rock - Dir. Mike Cerrone
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 84min.
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069753
Hong Kong History X
YoYo Mung - Dir. Kenneth Lau
In a nod to AMERICAN HISTORY X, this film follows
notorious gangster 15 (Anthony Wong) as he pursue a
normal life after being released from prison. However, his
adopted brother B interferes with his plans by refusing to
extricate himself from the underground mob life. When B
eventually commits a serious crime, 15 must make a
decision that forever will affect his life.
Horror/Suspense 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069376
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin 2000
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070547
Hollow Man (Blu-ray)
Bob Hope
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070306
Mary Randle, Kevin Bacon, Josh Brolin,
Elisabeth Shue, Joey Slotnick, William
Devane, Kim Dickens, Greg Grunberg,
Rhona Mitra - Dir. Paul Verhoeven
Washington D.C. scientist Sebastian Caine (Kevin Bacon)
is under contract with the U.S. government to formulate a
serum which will render human beings invisible. When his
test serum makes a laboratory gorilla disappear and then
successfully brings her back, Caine decides that it is time
for him to be the next guinea pig. He and his team are
ecstatic when the serum work. When the antidote fails to
work as it did on the gorilla, however, Caine finds himself
in the initially enviable, but ultimately horrifying
predicament of being permanently undetectable to the
human eye. Faced with the opportunity to perpetrate any
crime he desires without fear of apprehension, Caine
gives in to his basest desires. But when he learns that his
that his ex-girlfriend and assistant, Linda McKay (Elisabeth Shue), is involved with their fellow co-worker Matt
Kensington (Josh Brolin), Caine goes over the deep end,
and is willing to kill anyone who tries to stand in his way,
including his trusted fellow researchers. Director Paul
Verhoeven (BASIC INSTINCT) puts a contemporary spin
on the classic INVISIBLE MAN tale, turning it
Horror/Suspense 2000
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069373
Horror/Suspense FF M 540min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069033
Home of the Brave
Samuel L. Jackson, 50 Cent, Jessica Biel,
Christina Ricci, Chad Michael Murray - Dir.
Irwin Winkler
The Vietnam War provided plenty of cinematic ruminations
on the futility of battle and the struggle of returning
soldiers to adjust to normal life. With HOME OF THE
BRAVE director Irwin Winkler (THE NET) applies similar
concepts to the Iraq War of the early 21st century,
positing actors Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Biel, Brian
Presley, and 50 Cent (credited here under his real name,
Curtis Jackson) in the roles of army recruits who tussle
with the mundanity of life after war. The action begins
during the heat of battle, with an ambush that leaves
many of its victims either dead or wounded. Winkler
subsequently transports the action to the struggles his
characters endure once safely back home, with
alcoholism, prosthetic limbs, parental abuse, and a
hostage crisis all causing innumerable problems, none of
which are helped by a military that remains uninterested in
their frantic pleas for help and guidance.
Horror Rises From the Tomb
Paul Naschy, Emma Cohen, Vic Winner,
Helga Line, Betsabe Ruiz - Dir. Charles
Scotland Yard begins an investigation that is so terrifying
in its outcome, it nearly brings the venerable organization
to its knees. It begins with the inquiry into the murder of a
young girl and soon evolves into a case surrounding a
long forgotten crime, a madman, and zombies.
Horror/Suspense 1973
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069935
Jan Vlasak, Eythor Gudjonsson, Jay
Hernandez, Derek Richardson, Lenka
Vlasakova, Shane Daly - Dir. Eli Roth
Hollywood Monsters
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070233
Bob Hope Comedy Pack
The hallowed tradition of the post-college European
backpacking trip turns into an unimaginable nightmare for
two unsuspecting American 20-somethings in Eli Roth’s
(CABIN FEVER) sensational second outing. Paxton (Jay
Hernandez) and Josh (Derek Richardson) have embarked
upon a hedonistic tour of the continent, and somewhere
along the way they picked up an Icelandic lunk named Oli
(Eythor Gudjonsson). In Amsterdam the trio partakes of
the pastimes most dear to frat boys everywhere: weed,
prostitutes, and nightclubs. But when a fellow traveler
tells these thrill-seekers about the decadent scene that
awaits them in Bratislava, they find themselves unable to
resist its lures; enticed by the promise of a hostel full of
beautiful girls who love Americans, they set out for the
remote areas of Eastern Europe. There, the sex farce to
which the film’s first half is devoted slowly turns ominous,
as the boys hook up immediately with the gorgeous
Natalya (Barbara Nedeljakova) and Svetlana (Jana
Kaderabkova), whose eagerness masks more sinister
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069964
Hostel 2
Jay Hernandez, Bijou Phillips, Roger Bart,
Lauren German, Heather Matarazzo, Richard Burgi, Milan Knazko - Dir. Eli Roth
With only one film under his belt and the endorsement of
Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth became a virtual horror brand
with HOSTEL (2005), a yarn about a group of thrillseeking American college dudes backpacking through
Europe, only to be seduced into a Slovakian money-fortorture ring where they became the prey. The sequel
begins right where that film left off, filling us in on the
whereabouts of lone survivor Paxton (Jay Hernandez)—
but before long, we see that gender roles are reversed
and we are traveling with sensible Beth (Lauren German),
hedonistic Whitney (Bijou Phillips), and virginal Lorna
(Heather Matarazzo, a real trouper). After tussling with a
gaggle of shifty men on a train, they meet Axelle (Vera
Jordanova), a gorgeous woman who persuades them to
follow her to a rejuvenating spa in Slovakia.
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069366
Hostel 2 (Blu-ray)
Jay Hernandez, Bijou Phillips, Roger Bart,
Lauren German, Heather Matarazzo, Richard Burgi, Milan Knazko - Dir. Eli Roth
With only one film under his belt and the endorsement of
Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth became a virtual horror brand
with HOSTEL (2005), a yarn about a group of thrillseeking American college dudes backpacking through
Europe, only to be seduced into a Slovakian money-fortorture ring where they became the prey. The sequel
begins right where that film left off, filling us in on the
whereabouts of lone survivor Paxton (Jay Hernandez)—
but before long, we see that gender roles are reversed
and we are traveling with sensible Beth (Lauren German),
hedonistic Whitney (Bijou Phillips), and virginal Lorna
(Heather Matarazzo, a real trouper). After tussling with a
gaggle of shifty men on a train, they meet Axelle (Vera
Jordanova), a gorgeous woman who persuades them to
follow her to a rejuvenating spa in Slovakia.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069367
Hottest State
Mark Webber, Catalina Sandino Moreno,
Laura Linney, Sonia Braga, Michelle
Williams - Dir. Ethan Hawke
Ethan Hawke directs this adaptation of his own novel
about a young actor in New York who finds—and
inevitably loses—love with a beautiful singer (Catalina
Sandino Moreno, MARIA FULL OF GRACE).
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 117min.
ThinkFilm 04.12.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069719
House Arrest
Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Pollak, Jennifer
Tilly, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ray Walston,
Kyle Howard - Dir. Harry Winer
When his parents announce they’re getting divorced,
teenage Grover takes the drastic step of locking them in
the basement, and refusing to release them until they
reconcile. This starts a trend, as three of Grover’s friends
do the same thing to their marriage-impaired parents. Will
Grover ’s unique plan work? If not, he and his friends are
going to be in BIG trouble...
Comedies 1996 Ltbx DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070355
How I Met Your Mother - Season 2
Jason Segel, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson
Hannigan, Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders
This multiple Emmy winner stars Josh Radnor as Ted
Mosby, a bachelor who gets a wake up call when his best
friend Marshall (Jason Segal) announces his plans to
marry his longtime girlfriend. Told in flashback, the story
follows Ted as he sets about finding his perfect match,
armed with the less-than-reliable advice of his friend
Barney (Neil Patrick Harris, DOOGIE HOWSER, M.D.).
When he meets Robin (Cobie Smulders), he’s sure he’s
found the one, but somehow, things don’t seem to be
going as planned. The romantic adventures and pitfalls
continue with this complete set of episodes from the
show’s second season.
Television, Comedies 2006 FF 484min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068884
Humor de Héctor Suárez - Vol. 1
Héctor Suárez
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
For more than four decades, Mexican superstar Hector
Suarez has entertained Spanish-speaking audiences as
both a comedic and dramatic actor in television, movies,
and theater. This collection compiles some of the funniest
performances in Suarez’s 40-year career.
Television, Comedies 2004
Navarre Corporation 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069340
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
(Ultimate Edition)
Lon Chaney, Patsy Ruth Miller, Ernest
Torrence, Tully Marshall - Dir. Wallace
A disfigured outcast from society, Quasimodo shows his
humanity by rescuing a fair maiden marked for death. In
the star-making gothic classic, the noble hunchback gives
his life for the love of a young woman.
Dramas 1923
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069462
This double feature boasts laughs, drama, and romance.
Dramas 1995
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070066
I Was Nineteen
Jaecki Schwarz, Alexej Liwanow, Wassili
Liwanow - Dir. Konrad Wolf
Set during the final days of WWII, as the Soviets are
advancing into a defeated Germany, I WAS NINETEEN is
the story of a German born Soviet soldier named Gregor
Hecker who sees his birthplace for the first time marching
through the defeated country. As he marches through and
begins conversations with Germans he meets, Gregor
begins to realize that these people are his countrymen
and that he is both one of the victors and one of the
Foreign Films, German 1967
First Run Features Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069400
Hunting of Man
Douglas Spain
Joe Menendez’s portrait of a family at odds with one
another and the law is a stylish and gripping film that was
a crowd pleaser across the film festival circuit. It’s the
story of two brothers on opposing paths who are forced to
come together when an act of violence changes
everything. Told in an untraditional style that starts in the
future and works its way back, HUNTING OF MAN is a
mesmerizing work of independent cinema.
Maverick Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070300
Icons of Horror Collection
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069377
Identidad Desconocida
Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Clive Owen,
Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, Gabriel Mann,
Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje, Julia Stiles Dir. Doug Liman
Scott A. Martin, Jim Meredith, Greg Mason Dir. Scott A. Martin
Horror/Suspense 2006
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069149
I Believe in Santa Claus
Karen Cheryl, Armand Meffre, Baye Fall,
Emeric Chapius
Childrens 1984
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069465
I Love Lucy: The Complete Series
Desi Arnaz, Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball,
William Frawley, Vivian Vance
Television, Comedies 2007 FF 4394min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
301,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069116
I Love New York: The Complete
First Season
Tifanny Patterson
Who loves New York? A lot of people might say they do
until they find out this question is not about the city but a
woman: Tiffany „New York“ Pollard, to be specific. As it
turns out, love and Tiffany do not travel so harmoniously
through the night. In fact, she has the unenviable honor of
being rejected by Flavor Flav during his bizarre reality
show THE FLAVOR OF LOVE. Now Tiffany’s been given
not only a second chance, but also her own TV series, so
viewers can find out what it’s going to take to get her a
man. A mansion, her mother, and 20 single men are the
ingredients to this wild ride, which may or may not have
one of the bachelors singing, „I Love New York.“
Television, Comedies 2007 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069623
I Think I Love My Wife / Waiting
to Exhale
Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett, Lela
Rochon, Loretta Devine, Chris Rock, Gina
Torres, Kerry Washington - Dir. Forest
Whitaker, Chris Rock
As THE BOURNE IDENTITY begins, a man who may or
may not be Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is found floating
in the Mediterranean Sea and is hauled onto a fishing
boat. When the ship’s doctor examines the unconscious
castaway, he discovers two bullet wounds and an
implanted device that displays a Swiss bank account
number. With nothing but this code, the amnesiac Bourne
travels to Zurich and gains access to a safe-deposit box
containing a gun, thousands of dollars in various
currencies, and valid passports from numerous
countries—each listing a different identity. Within minutes,
Bourne is on the run from a seemingly ever-present
agency, relying on language and fighting skills he didn’t
even know he possessed. Offering $20,000 for a ride to
Paris, Bourne gains the reluctant help of the nomadic
Marie (Franka Potente). Meanwhile, the shadowy
organization, headed by a tough-talking bureaucrat (Chris
Cooper), sends numerous assassins (including the Professor, played by Clive Owen) after Bourne and Marie. As
their situation grows more perilous, the two strangers
struggle to find out who Bourne really is and why t
Action/Adventure 2002 FF DD 5.1 119min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069550
I’ll Cry Tomorrow
Susan Hayward, Richard Conte, Jo Van
Fleet, Eddie Albert, Don Taylor, Ray Danton, Margo, Virginia Gregg, Don „Red“
Barry - Dir. Daniel Mann
The life of Broadway’s Lillian Roth, who sank into
alcoholism and then recovered. based on Mrs. Roth’s
autobiography. Academy Award Nominations: 4, including
Best Actress—Susan Hayward.
Dramas 1955 Ltbx M 119min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070581
El Imperio de la Fortuna
Ernesto Gomez Cruz, Blanca Guerro,
Alberto Estrella - Dir. Arturo Ripstein
Based on a short story by Juan Rolfo, EL IMPERIO DE LA
FORTUNA tells the story of Dionosio Pinzon, a Mexican
peasant living with his mother. Born with a deformed
hand, and living a very meager life, Dionosio’s luck turns
around when he is given a losing gamecock which he
nurses back to health. He trains the bird for fighting,
begins to make money, and begins a relationship with a
gold-digging singer. As he makes money, though, he
begins to become more and more corrupt—and it
becomes apparent that his winning streak will not last.
This story was also filmed by Roberto Gavaldon in 1965
Foreign Films, Spanish 1986
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068788
In a Day
Evan Richards, Lorraine Pilkington, Finlay
Comedies 2006
Ryko Distribution 28.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069148
In Her Shoes
Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, Shirley
MacLaine - Dir. Curtis Hanson
IN HER SHOES: In this screen adaptation of Jennifer
Weiner ’s bestselling novel, Toni Collette (MURIEL’S
WEDDING) is Rose Feller, an overweight, overworked,
and painfully undersexed lawyer who fills an emotional
void with pints of Haagen-Dazs and a closetful of expensive shoes that she never wears. Little sis Maggie (an
always radiant Cameron Diaz), who is prone to public
drunkenness, one-night stands, and wearing lingerie as
outerwear, is as lacking in career prospects as her sister
is in romantic ones. When her irresponsible behavior gets
her kicked out of her father ’s house by her spiteful
stepmother, Maggie has nowhere to crash but her elder
sister ’s couch. But, after she ignites a series of disasters
ranging from the minor to the catastrophic, Maggie is cast
out by her angry older sibling, with no job, no money, and
no one to take her in. She finds a stash of hidden letters
in her father ’s desk drawer that enable her to track down
her estranged grandmother (the wonderfully centered
Shirley MacLaine) in a Florida retirement community,
hoping to use her impressive skills of manipulation and
false char
Dramas 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 130min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069436
In My Father’s Den
Matthew MacFadyen, Emily Barclay,
Miranda Otto - Dir. Brad McGann
From New Zealand comes this intriguing and multilayered
story of an unlikely pair of friends: Paul, a burned-out war
correspondent, and Celia, his student and admirer. On a
recuperative trip home to his father ’s ostrich farm, Paul
decides to stay in town and teach at the local high school,
where he meets Celia, a promising young writer. Their
relationship is frowned upon, and when Celia disappears,
Paul is the prime suspect in her disappearance. This crisis
inspires him to confront his past and shape his future.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 122min.
Tartan Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070497
In the Dark
Matt Cinquanta, Atom Gorelick, Slater
Kane, Mara Marini - Dir. Slater Kane
Horror/Suspense 2004
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069154
In the Lake of the Woods
Peter Strauss, Kathleen Quinlan, Peter
Boyle, Nancy Sorel, Ken Pogue, Richard
Anderson, Hrothgar Mathews - Dir. Carl
Dramas 1996
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069670
In the Spider’s Web
Lance Henriksen, Emma Catherwood, Jane
Perry, Mike Rogers, Michael Smiley - Dir.
Terry Winsor
Horror/Suspense 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070419
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Incredible Hulk Returns / How to
Draw Comics Marvel Way
Bill Bixby, Eric Allan Kramer, Jack Colvin,
Tim Thomerson, Charles Napier, Lee
Purcell, Steve Levitt, Lou Ferrigno
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069835
deal with a hostage situation at a bank in lower Manhattan. Dalton Russell (Clive Owen) is a masked man holding
a number of people hostage in the bank while its
chairman, Arthur Case (Christopher Plummer), worries
about a secret document he has hidden in a safety
deposit box in the vaults. Madeline White (Jodie Foster) is
a sassy power broker who Case hires to enter the melee
in order to get his mysterious object out of the box and
out of the bank.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 129min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069553
Indian Cowboy
Intimate Apparel
Sheetal Sheth, Nikhil Kamkolkar, Deep
Comedies FF 84min.
Passion River 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070393
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Peach DVD 14.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069102
William Shatner, Frank Maxwell, Beverly
Lunsford - Dir. Roger Corman
Pedro Infante - 4-Pack Vol. 2
Pedro Infante, Maria Felix, Lilia Prado
Pedro Infante pairs with a variety of beauties in this fourpack of films featuring TIZOC, EL MIL AMORES, LOS
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069517
Pedro Infante - 4-Pack Vol. 3
Pedro Infante, Silvia Pinal, Sarita Montiel
womanizer, Martin Corona is also the poor ’s advocate and
the hoodlums’ worst nightmare. His girlfriend, on the other
hand, is very pretentious and aspires to bring Martin down
to her feet. But there’s a small problem, Martin is
committed first and foremost to the wellbeing of his
people. She wants him for herself and is not willing to take
any risks, so before getting married she asks Martin one
thing: to swear that he will not get involved in anyone
else’s problems. Will Martin give in?
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069518
El Infierno de Todos
Manuel Ojeda, Diana Bracho, Delia Casanova, Jorge Humberto Robles - Dir. Sergio
A struggling writer succumbs to drugs, alcohol, and his
personal demons in INFIERNO DE TODOS. Later,
interned in a mental hospital, an uprising among the
patients may provide the key to his salvation.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1980 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068824
Adam Cramer (Shatner) is a young white man who rails
against the evils of integrating the races in the early
1960s, when school desegregation was being ordered by
the government. Eventually his rallying develops into an
out-of-control mob situation. Roger Corman directed from
a script by Charles Beaumont, one of the writers of THE
Dramas 1961 FF DD 5.1 83min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068755
Justin Chatwin, Marcia Gay Harden, Maggie
Ma, Michelle Harrison, Chris Marquette,
Margarita Levieva - Dir. David S. Goyer
The spirit of a semi-dead boy makes good in this WBnetwork-flavored tale, which is an adaptation of the
young-adult novel by Swedish author Mats Wahl. A
privileged and not very well-liked senior in his Seattle high
school, brooding poet Nick (Justin Chatwin) winds up
fingered for ratting out tough girl Annie (Margarita Levieva) to the cops for a jewelry heist. Soon his spirit is
running loose trying to connect with the people around
him, but only animals seem to notice; everyone else just
goes about their business. Meanwhile, his body is lying
concealed in a sewer tunnel and Annie is the only one
„invisible“ enough to understand his pain.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 98min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068753
Invisible (Blu-ray)
Justin Chatwin, Marcia Gay Harden, Maggie
Ma, Michelle Harrison, Chris Marquette,
Margarita Levieva - Dir. David S. Goyer
Inherit The Wind
Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Gene Kelly,
Florence Eldridge, Dick York, Donna
Anderson, Harry Morgan, Elliot Reid - Dir.
Stanley Kramer
This gripping adaptation of the Jerome Lawrence-Robert
E. Lee play examines an issue that still causes great
controversy: the role religion should play in the schools.
Dramas 1960 Ltbx 16x9 M 127min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069560
The spirit of a semi-dead boy makes good in this WBnetwork-flavored tale, which is an adaptation of the
young-adult novel by Swedish author Mats Wahl. A
privileged and not very well-liked senior in his Seattle high
school, brooding poet Nick (Justin Chatwin) winds up
fingered for ratting out tough girl Annie (Margarita Levieva) to the cops for a jewelry heist. Soon his spirit is
running loose trying to connect with the people around
him, but only animals seem to notice; everyone else just
goes about their business. Meanwhile, his body is lying
concealed in a sewer tunnel and Annie is the only one
„invisible“ enough to understand his pain.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 98min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068756
Inside Man (HD DVD)
Clive Owen, Denzel Washington, Jodie
Foster, Willem Dafoe, Chjwetel Ejiofor,
Christopher Plummer - Dir. Spike Lee
His time as a director may have seen Spike Lee gently
creep away from the controversial material that made his
name, but he hasn’t lost his eye for creating an
entertaining spectacle; INSIDE MAN is a deliriously
constructed crime caper designed to keep audiences
guessing right up until the final moments. The plot, written
by Russell Gewirtz, works from a devilishly simple premise
and spins off on a number of interesting and creative
tangents. Detective Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington)
and his partner Bill Mitchell (Chiwetel Ejiofor) are sent to
Ironside: Season 2
Television, Dramas
Universal Music & Video Distribution
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069167
It Crowd - Version 1.0
Chris O’Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine
From producer Ash Atalla (THE OFFICE) and writer
Graham Linehan (BLACK BOOKS) comes this British
comedy about the murky life of the people who fix viruses,
set up email accounts, and generally have a bad attitude
about the computer illiterates who clog up their days. The
lives of Roy (Chris O’Dowd) and Moss (Richard Ayoade),
two geeks working out of the basement of Reynholm
Industries, are about to get shaken up by Jen (Katherine
Parkinson), their new manager, who doesn’t know a hard
drive from a hole in the wall. The three will have to find
away to get along even though the people in their
department, which is responsible for the efficiency of the
company’s computers, couldn’t care less about the sanity
of their workspace.
Television, Comedies
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069349
Italian Stallion
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068979
It’s A Wonderful Life Colorized /
James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel
Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Travers, Beulah Bondi, Frank Faylen, Ward
Bond, Gloria Grahame - Dir. Frank Capra
A good but slightly ineffectual man tries to off himself
after an error that really wasn’t his fault. In A CHRISTMAS
CAROL fashion, his crusty-but-lovable guardian angel
shows up to give him a tour of what the world would be
like without him in it, and it isn’t a pretty place. Moral
courage, small-town American life, civic cooperation, and
family love are glorified; corporate greed and selfinvolvement are vilified. And at the end, a blanket of snow
like spun sugar makes everything pure and clean—like
redemption itself.
Dramas 1946 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070383
Jack’s Big Music Show: Let’s
Childrens 2007 FF S 95min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069127
James Bond Monster Box
Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger
Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan,
Daniel Craig
Action/Adventure 1964
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
352,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070243
The Jazz Singer
Warner Oland, Al Jolson, May McAvoy - Dir.
Alan Crosland
The film that started a lasting craze — the talking picture.
Dramas 1927 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069234
Jean de Florette / Manon of the
Daniel Auteuil, Gérard Depardieu, Elisabeth
Depardieu, Emmanuelle Beart, Hippolyte
Girardot, Yves Montand - Dir. Claude Berri
Jean de Florette“: In a small village in the Provençal
region of France, where water is scarce and the earth dry,
only one piece of property possesses an underground
spring to irrigate the soil — and the wily, greedy César will
do anything to get hold of it. And his dreams seem on the
verge of coming true when the owner (with a little help
from César) dies unexpectedly. But then Jean de Florette,
an outsider who inherits the farm, arrives with the
intention of settling down and cultivating the land; César
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
and his nephew Ugolin secretly decide to stop up the
spring so his plans will fail.
Foreign Films, French 1986 Ltbx 234min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069066
Jericho - The First Season
Skeet Ulrich, Ashley Scott, Gerald
McRaney, Pamela Reed
Television, Dramas 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070369
Jim Thorpe - All American
Burt Lancaster, Charles Bickford, Steve
Cochran, Phyllis Thaxter, Dick Wesson,
Alfonso Mejia, Nestor Paiva, Jim Moss,
Billy Gray, Edwin Max - Dir. Michael Curtiz
Burt Lancaster delivers a powerful performance as Jim
Thorpe, a Native American athlete who succeeded as an
Olympian, on the gridiron and in the diamond.
Dramas 1951 FF M 105min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069771
Caroline Distribution 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069991
Uh Oh! It’s Christmas Eve, and Howard Langston has just
realized that he’s forgotten to buy his son „Turbo Man,“
the hottest, coolest, action figure on the market. The
problem is, the coveted toy has been sold out of stores
for weeks! Howard’s search for a Turbo Man sends him on
a VERY frenzied odyssey throughout the city, filled with
enough misadventures to drive even the most grounded
parent insane. Furthermore, Howard’s main competitor for
the plaything is Myron, an obnoxious postal worker who
gleefully antagonizes Howard every step of the way.
Gabriel Byrne, Deborra-Lee Furness, John
Howard, Leah Purcell, Stelios Yiakmis,
Alice Garner, Simon Stone, Eva Lazarro,
Sean Rees-Wemyss, Tatea Reilly, Betty
Lucas, Chris Haywood, Laura Linney - Dir.
Ray Lawrence
While on his annual fishing trip with friends, Stewart
(Gabriel Byrne) discovers a dead woman (Tatea Reilly)
floating in a mountain river. Deciding that there’s nothing
they can do to help her at this point, Stewart, Carl (John
Howard), Rocco (Stelios Yiakmis), and Billy (Simon Stone)
continue their weekend, calling the police only after
they’ve finished fishing and come down from the
mountain. When they return to their small town of
Jindabyne in New South Wales, they’re surprised when
their families and the community treat them with anger
and hostility for their selfish, callous behavior. Stewart’s
wife, Claire (Laura Linney), is particularly disillusioned,
calling into question her entire relationship with Stewart
and their young son, Tom (Sean Rees-Wemyss), who
himself has been getting into dangerous situations
hanging around with a slightly older, troubled girl, CaylinCalandria (Eva Lazzaro). And tensions are even higher
because the murdered woman was a member of a nearby
Aboriginal community, sparking cries of racism. Inspired
by the Raymond Carver short story „So Much Water So
Close to Home,“ JIN
Dramas 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068766
Jingle All the Way
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ruth Afton
Hjelmgren, Caroline Kaiser, Samuel B.
Morris, Shawn Hamilton, Lewis Dauber, Bill
Schoppert, Courtney Goodell, George Fisher, Chris Parnell, Patrick Richwood, Kate
McGregor-Stewart, Marcus Toji, Steve
Hendrickson, Mo Collins, Peter Syvertsen,
John Rothman, Christopher Slater, Robert
Southgate, Allison Benner, Hayley Benner,
Sandra K. Horner, Phyllis Wright, Marvette
Knight, Danny Woodburn, Bruce Bohne,
Paul „The Giant“ Wight, Ron Gene Browne,
Robert Tee Clark, James Riddle, Bill
Wilson, Alan Blumenfeld, Traci Christofore,
Sandy Thomas, Martin Ruben, Nick La Tour,
freedom when their homeland becomes uninhabitable.
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069443
Journey to Lasta
Dramas 2006
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070546
Judge Judy - Justice Served
Dramas 2007 FF 105min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068704
El Juicio de Martin Cortes
Gonzalo Vega, Soledad Acosta, Claudio
Obregon, David Reynoso - Dir. Alejandro
Comedies 1996 Ltbx DD 2.0 109min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068881
During a performance of MARTÍN CORTÉS, THE FIRST
MEXICAN, the play’s lead actor kills his character ’s
adversary in the drama. In the court case that follows, the
actor ’s lawyer aims to prove—by showing the play in
court—that his client was motivated by the character ’s
deep-seated feelings of anger and shame.
Joe Santa Claus / The Orphan’s
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068822
Dramas FF
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069257
Junior Defenders
Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board
Peter Breitmayer, Marianne Muellerleile,
Phil Morris, Amy Pietz, Judy Sladky, Walter
von Huene, Steve Van Wormer, Curtis
Armstrong, Jim Meskimen, Martin Valinsky,
Rochelle Vallese, Deena Driskill, Spencer
Klein, Danny Pritchett, Sinbad, Phil
Hartman, Rita Wilson, Robert Conrad,
James Belushi, Martin Mull, Jake Lloyd,
E.J. De La Pena, Harvey Korman, Laraine
Newman, Justin Chapman, Richard Moll,
Daniel Riordan, Jeff L. Deist, Nada
Despotovich - Dir. Brian Levant
Brandon Baker, Jake T. Austin, CaryHiroyuki Tagawa, Robyn Lively, Mary Page
Keller, Yuji Okumoto, Andrew James Allen,
Phil Brown - Dir. Eric Bross
Directed by Eric Bross (STRANGER THAN FICTION), this
sequel to the Disney channel original movie JOHNNY
TSUNAMI introduces the sport of dirtboarding into the
surfing and snowboarding sensation Johnny Kapahala
(Brandon Baker) returns home to Hawaii for his
grandfather, Johnny Tsunami’s (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa),
wedding. Johnny quickly finds out that he has a new 12year-old uncle, Chris, the son of his grandfather’s wife.
Chris is part of the Dirt Devils, a dirtboarding team, and
he gets Johnny involved in a conflict between local surfers
and mountain boarders. More trouble ensues when the
Dirt Devils and a rival shop owner want to shut down
Johnny Tsunami ‘s surf shop.
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1 92min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068757
Angelina Jolie Triple Feature
Angelina Jolie
Action/Adventure 2002-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 638min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069114
Spike Jones - Spike Jones the
Television, Dramas
Infinity Entertainment Group 30.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070489
Journey From The Fall
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 82min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070578
Jupiter Moon: The New Frontier
Fay Masterson, Jason Durr, Christopher
Simon, Dominic Arnold
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1990
FF DD 5.1 867min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069469
Andy Kaufman: I’m From Hollywood
Andy Kaufman, Marilu Henner, Tony Danza,
Robin Williams
This bizarre video features late comedian Andy Kaufman
in his heyday as a performer in big-time wrestling
matches. Initially wrestling only women, Kaufman’s
behavior angers Southern Champion Jerry Lawler, who
launches a feud with the overmatched comic. Includes
comments from Andy’s friends such as Tony Danza, Marilu
Henner, and Robin Williams. As seen on Comedy Central.
Comedies 1989
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070463
Sean Patrick Flannery, Rod Taylor, Stephen
McHattie, Kristin Booth - Dir. Sheldon
Sean Patrick Flanery and Rod Taylor star in this horror
film inspired by the classic THE BIRDS. When bloodthirsty ravens suddenly take over a small town, life
suddenly becomes a daily battle for survival.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069965
Kieu Chinh, Long Nguyen, Diem Lien,
Nguyen Thai Nguyen, Jayvee Mai The Hiep,
Khanh Doan, Cat Ly - Dir. Ham Tran
Killer Me
With its harrowing tale of a Vietnamese family’s
experiences following the fall of Saigon in 1975,
JOURNEY FROM THE FALL depicts a side of the Vietnam
War that has seldom been depicted on the screen.
Foregoing much explanation of the country’s political
turmoil, director Ham Tran (who also wrote and edited)
instead chooses to dwell on the emotionally fertile ground
of an anti-communist family’s efforts to reunite and find
Two disturbed individuals, both dwelling on the outskirts of
society, find one another in one of the more bizarre
relationships portrayed in independent cinema. The film
follows Joseph (George Foster), who is haunted by a past
he can’t fully comprehend. His shattered memory and the
visions in his head turn Joseph to murder and nightly
George Foster, Christina Kew - Dir. Zachary
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
searches for victims. Attempting to understand his rage,
he studies criminology, but his psychotic rampage remains
unable to be controlled. The killer becomes a victim,
however, when he is stalked by Ana, a mentally stunted
woman who seeks to make a connection with Joseph. As
the audience begins to understand the psychoses of the
protagonists, the pair develop a loving relationship in this
horrifying, yet tender feature. Shot by BLAIR WITCH
PROJECT cinematographer Neal Fredericks.
Horror/Suspense 2001 Ltbx 16x9 80min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069277
Killer Wave
Angus MacFadyen, Tom Skerritt, Stephen
McHattie, Christopher Heyerdahl, Karine
Vanasse, Vlasta Vrana, Bruce Dinsmore Dir. Bruce McDonald
Television, Action/Adventure 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069667
Killing Kind
Ann Sothern, John Savage, Cindy Williams,
Ruth Roman - Dir. Curtis Harrington
Forced by friends to engage in gang rape, Terry (John
Savage) spends two years in a reformatory. When
released, he is a different man. Terry heads for Selma‘s
(Ann Southern), his mom‘s boarding house where, at first,
Terry seems to be fine—but the gruesome deaths of
several female boarders proves this assumption in error
however. Terry has become a psychopath, seeing women
as the perpetual cause of his problem.
Dramas 1973 FF 95min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070260
Killing Spree
A jealous husband murders his wife’s lovers, only to be
terrorized by their bloodthirsty,
Horror/Suspense 1987
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070132
Kingdom of the Vampire - Double
Anastasia Kimmett - Dir. Brett Kelly, J.R.
Director J.R. Bookwalter scored a B-movie cult hit with his
1991 horror flick KINGDOM OF THE VAMPIRE, which
follows a mild-mannered liquor-store clerk/vampire who
comes into conflict with his sadistic vampire mother when
she goes after the girl he likes. This double feature
presents both Bookwalter’s original film and Brett Kelly’s
made-for-video 2007 remake.
Horror/Suspense 1991 FF DD 2.0 151min.
Tempe Video 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069715
Kino - The Legend of the Black
Enrique Rocha, Rodolfo De Anda, Manuel
Ojeda - Dir. Felipe Cazals
Nominated for 11 Mexican Academy Awards, KINO takes
place in 1861, and tells the story of Padre Kino (Eusebio
Francisco Kino), a man sent by Queen Isabella to
navigate the New World. The inspiring tale follows Kino in
his travels, as he comes head to head with not only his
own determination, but Indians, Spanish soldiers, and the
Catholic Church.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1993
Desert Mountain Media 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068819
Kisses In The Dark
Jennifer Rubin, James Wilder, Dana
Four disparate independent shorts. Includes „Coriolis
Effect,“ which shows how love can make people a little
crazy; „Solly’s Diner,“ where a hold-up is undermined by a
homeless man; „Looping,“ in which an egotistical
filmmaker gives his current project the axe in midproduction; and „Joe,“ about a psychiatric patient whose
tightly controlled world is disrupted by a visitor.
Comedies 1996 FF 80min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069287
Knights of the South Bronx
Willam Shakespeare’s King Lear
Frederick Warde
This 1916 silent version of the Shakespeare classic is
fully restored. It stars stage actor Frederick Warde as
King Lear himself and features a fresh soundtrack.
Dramas 1916
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070273
King of Queens - The Complete
Ninth Season
Kevin James, Leah Remini, Patton Oswalt,
Victor L. Williams, Jerry Stiller, Gary
The hilarity of the Heffernan household continues into the
ninth and final season of this popular sitcom. Kevin James
Heffernan, a UPS delivery man who lives in Queens with
his shopaholic wife, Carrie (Leah Remini). The couple’s
life together is turned upside down when Carrie’s
eccentric father, Arthur (Jerry Stiller, SEINFELD), moves
in with them, taking over Doug’s cherished TV room and
usurping his sports-watching habits. The unusual family
continues its attempts to live harmoniously in this season
which brings the popular series to an end.
Television, Comedies 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068773
Kingdom of the Mob
Anthony Wong, Chen Hui-Min
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2000
Vanguard Cinema 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070548
Ted Danson, Keke Palmer, Malcolm David
Kelley - Dir. Allen Hughes
Directed by Allen Hughes (MENACE II SOCIETY),
KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTH BRONX is based on the true
story of an inner-city elementary school teacher. Ted
Danson (CHEERS) stars as Richard Mason, who
transforms his students’ lives by teaching them the game
of chess. Against all odds, he becomes a mentor to these
underprivileged children and inspires them to better
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1 133min.
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070216
Knocked Up (Special Edition)
Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen,
Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill,
Katherine Heigl, Martin Starr - Dir. Judd
Katherine Heigl (GREY’S ANATOMY) and Seth Rogan star
in this hilarious and touching comedy as two mismatched
people brought together by a one-night-stand that results
in an accidental pregnancy. Using many of the same
actors from his previous film, THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN,
and his cult television series’ UNDECLARED and FREAKS
AND GEEKS, director Judd Apatow once again finds fresh
humor in relationships and sex. Young, bright, and
talented, Alison (Heigl) has everything going for her. After
being promoted to an on-camera role at E! Television,
Alison goes out to celebrate with her older sister, Debbie
(Leslie Mann). Not long into the evening Debbie is called
home to her kids, leaving Alison in the eager company of
charming slacker Ben (Rogen). In the dark of the
nightclub and in the ensuing drunk hours, Ben seems like
a great guy. But in the sober light of day, Alison quickly
discovers the man in her bed is nothing more than an
overgrown child with no job, no money, and the social
habits of a teenager. Brushing him off politely as a onetime affair, Alison goes on with her life, until two months
later she
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 133min.
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070218
Knocked Up (Widescreen)
Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen,
Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill,
Katherine Heigl, Martin Starr - Dir. Judd
Katherine Heigl (GREY’S ANATOMY) and Seth Rogan star
in this hilarious and touching comedy as two mismatched
people brought together by a one-night-stand that results
in an accidental pregnancy. Using many of the same
actors from his previous film, THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN,
and his cult television series’ UNDECLARED and FREAKS
AND GEEKS, director Judd Apatow once again finds fresh
humor in relationships and sex. Young, bright, and
talented, Alison (Heigl) has everything going for her. After
being promoted to an on-camera role at E! Television,
Alison goes out to celebrate with her older sister, Debbie
(Leslie Mann). Not long into the evening Debbie is called
home to her kids, leaving Alison in the eager company of
charming slacker Ben (Rogen). In the dark of the
nightclub and in the ensuing drunk hours, Ben seems like
a great guy. But in the sober light of day, Alison quickly
discovers the man in her bed is nothing more than an
overgrown child with no job, no money, and the social
habits of a teenager. Brushing him off politely as a onetime affair, Alison goes on with her life, until two months
later she
Dramas 2006 FF 90min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069322
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 133min.
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070217
Knocked Up (Full Screen)
Stanley Kramer Box Set
Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen,
Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill,
Katherine Heigl, Martin Starr - Dir. Judd
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069372
Katherine Heigl (GREY’S ANATOMY) and Seth Rogan star
in this hilarious and touching comedy as two mismatched
people brought together by a one-night-stand that results
in an accidental pregnancy. Using many of the same
actors from his previous film, THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN,
and his cult television series’ UNDECLARED and FREAKS
AND GEEKS, director Judd Apatow once again finds fresh
humor in relationships and sex. Young, bright, and
talented, Alison (Heigl) has everything going for her. After
being promoted to an on-camera role at E! Television,
Alison goes out to celebrate with her older sister, Debbie
(Leslie Mann). Not long into the evening Debbie is called
home to her kids, leaving Alison in the eager company of
charming slacker Ben (Rogen). In the dark of the
nightclub and in the ensuing drunk hours, Ben seems like
a great guy. But in the sober light of day, Alison quickly
discovers the man in her bed is nothing more than an
overgrown child with no job, no money, and the social
habits of a teenager. Brushing him off politely as a onetime affair, Alison goes on with her life, until two months
later she
The L Word - Four Season Pack
Jennifer Beals, Pam Grier, Leisha Hailey,
Laurel Holloman
Television, Dramas 2007
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069118
The L Word - The Complete
Fourth Season
Jennifer Beals, Pam Grier, Leisha Hailey,
Laurel Holloman
Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069125
Television, Comedies 2007 FF 603min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070358
Lady 9 Flower
Lady Nine Flowers was the star pupil at the Lian Fung
Combat School, but she didn’t make many friends while
training there. Now she needs their help to save the
leader of her clan who has been taken prisoner by the
rival warlord who killed her brother. Can she convince
their top student to join her quest to save her master and
avenge her brother’s death?
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin Ltbx 16x9
Inspired Corporation 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070352
Lagrimas de Cristal
Ernesto D’ Alessio, Roberto Ballesteros
The Mexican Western LAGRIMAS DE CRISTAL tells the
story of Marco, a poor young man who is in love with
Laura, the wife of the powerful Fausto Rodriquez. When a
horse belonging to Marco wins a race on which Fausto
had bet a fortune, he decides to eliminate Marco. Will
Laura be able to protect her true love and stop her
husband’s wicked plans?
Foreign Films, Spanish 2007 FF DD 5.1
Laguna Films 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070197
Peter Stickles, David Moretti, Dylan Vox Dir. Fred Olen Ray
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069531
Burt Lancaster: The Signature
Burt Lancaster
Five films featuring screen legend Burt Lancaster are
included on this collection. The titles featured are
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069764
Las Vegas - Season 4
James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox,
Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims, James Lesure
Television, Dramas 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 726min.
Universal Studios Home Video 11.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069054
Leading Ladies Collection - Vol. 2
Diane Keaton, Sandy Dennis, Susan
Hayward, Joanne Woodward, Jacqueline
Bisset - Dir. George Cukor, Paul Newman,
Daniel Mann, Robert Mulligan, Alan Parker
Foreign Films, Spanish 1978
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068806
Susan Hayward, Joanne Woodward, and Jacqueline
Bisset are among the leading ladies whose talents shine
on this collection. The titles included are I’LL CRY
Like A Bride
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070564
Legally Blonde
Reese Witherspoon, Victor Garber, Jennifer
Coolidge, Matt Davis, Selma Blair, Ali
Larter, Luke Wilson, Holland Taylor, Alanna
Ubach, Osgood Perkins, Linda Cardellini,
Raquel Welch - Dir. Robert Luketic
In the sharply funny LEGALLY BLONDE, Reese
Witherspoon gives a glittering performance as Elle
Woods, the natural blonde sorority queen who enrolls at
Harvard Law School. When she first appears, Elle seems
to be no more than the bright cousin of CLUELESS’s
Alicia Silverstone. Expecting her boyfriend Warner
Huntington III (Matthew Davis) to propose, she is mortified
when instead he says he needs somebody serious as his
wife. When Elle discovers Warner ’s brother is engaged to
a law student, she decides to go to Harvard. She studies
for the LSATs, submits a video essay—in which she
appears in a sequined bikini—and, miraculously, is
accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell
(Holland Taylor) and is the target of snide comments from
other students. But, gradually, it becomes clear that Elle
is no fish out of water—she is smarter, more driven, and
more likely to survive in the rarefied Harvard atmosphere
than anyone else.
Comedies 2001
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070247
Action/Adventure 1978
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070276
Leyenda De Una Mascara
Hector Bonilla, Damián Alcázar, Hector
Following the death of popular wrestler El Angel
Enmascarado („The Masked Angel,“ played by Hector
Bonilla), a sports journalist, Olmo Robles (Damián
Alcázar), investigates the hero’s true identity.
Action/Adventure 1991
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068802
Laverne & Shirley - The Complete
Third Season
Penny Marshall, Cindy Williams, Michael
McKean, David L. Lander
Leanne Rowe, Catherine Tyldesley, Kerrie
Hayes, Brian McCardie, Stephen Moyer
Television, Dramas 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 11.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068717
Little Britain - The Complete
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069338
Little Britain Abroad
Little Magician
A tender romance develops between an attractive young
woman and a famous race car driver who lives incognito
after supposedly being killed in an auto accident.
Produced by the publishers of Harlequin Romance novels.
Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Jason
Statham, Qi Shu, Howie Long, Scott Glenn Dir. Dean Selmier, Corey Yuen, Tony Scott
Action/Adventure 1998
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070057
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070322
Foreign Films, Spanish 1993
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068814
Keir Dullea, Jeremy Kemp, Kenneth More,
Susan Penhaligon - Dir. Gerry O’Hara
Lethal 3-Pack
Laurel & Hardy: Alone and
In early 1960s Mexico, two young Jewish girls—Oshinica
(Claudette Maille) and Refke (Maya Mishalska)—
experience the life-changing events of their teen years
against the turbulent backdrop of the decade. As they fall
in love, attend Zionist day camps, and flirt with radical
politics, they find themselves constantly caught between
the traditions of their heritage and the ever-changing face
of Mexican society. LIKE A BRIDE was the winner of five
Ariel Awards, including Best Supporting Actress and Best
Leopard in the Snow
Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
Comedies 1921 FF 316min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070311
Claudette Maille, Angelica Aragon, Miguel
Couturier, Emilio Echevarria, Maya
Mishalska - Dir. Guita Schyfter
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069337
Laurel & Hardy Collection
This 5-DVD set collects six classic Laurel and Hardy
comedies—THE LUCKY DOG (1921), BE BIG! (1930),
(1955), and the 2003 special LAUREL AND HARDY AT
THE MOVIES. See individual titles for details.
Ex-convict „El Tarzan“ Lira’s plan to give up his criminal
lifestyle and life on the straight and narrow is derailed
when he is blackmailed by a corrupt policeman and is
forced to return to a life of crime. CADENA PERPETUA
was the 1979 winner of Ariel Awards for Best Picture, Best
Director, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting
Life Sentence
Pedro Armendariz, Narciso Busquets,
Ernesto Gomez Cruz, Angelica Chain - Dir.
Arturo Ripstein
Childrens 2007 FF 94min.
K.C. Sales 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070163
Little Miss Sunshine / Raising
Toni Collette, Steven Carell, Abigail Breslin,
Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, John Goodman,
William Forsythe - Dir. Joel Coen, Jonathan
Dayton, Valerie Faris
LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE: Picked up after a well-received
showing at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival, LITTLE
MISS SUNSHINE is a low-budget comedy about a family
road trip from Albuquerque to California. The story begins
when young Olive (Abigail Breslin) is given a shot at the
Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant, and manages to
coerce her family into driving west in their worn-down VW
van. Olive’s father, Richard (Greg Kinnear), takes charge
of the trip, while her mother, Sheryl (Toni Collette), brother Dwayne (Paul Dano), uncle Frank (Steve Carell), and
eccentric grandfather (Alan Arkin) all come along for the
ride. What follows resembles a budget-stricken version of
endless (and hilarious) mishaps befall the family as they
wind their way across the country. Couple this with the
witty interplay between a well-drawn set of dysfunctional
characters, and that’s the LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE
formula in a nutshell; all the audience needs to do is sit
back and enjoy the ride.
Comedies 1987-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070063
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Little Rascals Collection
Beloved Depression Era tykes The Little Rascals return
for a collection of their greatest adventures in this 5volume set that includes favorites Spanky, Alfalfa,
Buckwheat, Porky, and Darla—as well as earlier stars
Jackie Cooper, Farina, and Joe Cobb.
Television, Comedies FF 480min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070319
The year is 2274, civilization exists under a huge dome,
and everyone is encouraged to lead a pleasure-filled
lifestyle. There’s just one hitch: no one is allowed to live
past the age of 29. This doesn’t sit well with three friends,
who decide to escape from their domed (and doomed)
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1976 DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 27.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070584
Little Women
Meredith Baxter, Eve Plumb, Susan Dey,
William Shatner, Dorothy McGuire, Greer
Garson - Dir. David Lowell Rich
Television, Dramas 1978 FF 170min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069490
The Lives of Others (Blu-ray)
Thomas Thieme, Hans Uwe Bauer, Volkmar
Kleinert, Mathias Brenner, Martina Gedeck,
Ulrich Muehe, Sebastian Koch, Ulrich Tukur
- Dir. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
In East Berlin in 1984, the secret police, known as the
Stasi, are gaining more and more control, spying on
German citizens, and recruiting thousands of them to spy
on each other. Captain Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) has
been ordered to find something on playwright Georg
Dreyman (Sebastian Koch), so he sets up a surveillance
room and listens closely as Dreyman, his actress
girlfriend, Christa-Marie Sieland (Martina Gedeck), and
various suspected radical friends gather in their
apartment. But when Wiesler discovers that culture
minister Bruno Hempf (Thomas Thieme) cast suspicion on
Dreyman only so he can have his way with Sieland, the
master interrogator and torture teacher starts taking a
long look at just what it all is about.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 138min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068763
James Mason, Shelley Winters, Peter
Sellers, Sue Lyon, Jerry Stovin, Gary
Cockrell, Diana Decker, Marianne Stone,
William E. Greene, Shirley Douglas, Lois
Maxwell - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Humbert Humbert, a middle-aged professor, becomes
totally infatuated by Lolita, a nubile and flirtatious teenage
girl. His infatuation grows into sexual fixation, leading him
to woo Lolita’s mother, Charlotte, in an effort to be near
the object of his desire. Dating culminates in marriage,
but Lolita’s mother eventually learns the truth about
Humbert’s affections for her daughter.
Dramas 1962
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069791
Long-Term Relationship
Thomas Thieme, Hans Uwe Bauer, Volkmar
Kleinert, Mathias Brenner, Martina Gedeck,
Ulrich Muehe, Sebastian Koch, Ulrich Tukur
- Dir. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
In East Berlin in 1984, the secret police, known as the
Stasi, are gaining more and more control, spying on
German citizens, and recruiting thousands of them to spy
on each other. Captain Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) has
been ordered to find something on playwright Georg
Dreyman (Sebastian Koch), so he sets up a surveillance
room and listens closely as Dreyman, his actress
girlfriend, Christa-Marie Sieland (Martina Gedeck), and
various suspected radical friends gather in their
apartment. But when Wiesler discovers that culture
minister Bruno Hempf (Thomas Thieme) cast suspicion on
Dreyman only so he can have his way with Sieland, the
master interrogator and torture teacher starts taking a
long look at just what it all is about.
Dramas 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068774
Lo Que Importa Es Vivir
Gonzalo Vega, Maria Rojo, Ernesto Gomez
Cruz - Dir. Luis Alcoriza
A handsome young drifter in search of a purpose in life
heads toward the Mexican coast. En route, he stops at a
ranch inhabited by a disillusioned lawyer and his alcoholic
wife, leading to a series of events that none of them could
have predicted.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1987
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068796
Lost World
Bessie Love, Wallace Beery, Lewis Stone,
Lloyd Hughes - Dir. Harry Hoyt
A zoology professor leads an expedition into the jungles
of South America to find a lost world of prehistoric beasts.
In order to prove his claims, he transports one of them, a
brontosaurus, to London, where it breaks loose from its
cage and terrorizes the city.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1925 Ltbx
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068874
Lottery Bride
Jeanette MacDonald, John Garrick, Joe E.
Brown, ZaSu Pitts - Dir. Paul Stein
An early and rare film starring Jeanette MacDonald, the
only feature film ever produced by Arthur Hammerstein. A
„must have“ for avid MacDonald fans.
Lord of the Flies
Television, Comedies 1971-1972 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070367
Adapted from the William Golding novel. This
Americanized 1990’s version pits the young boys,
survivors of a plane crash against nature and eventually
each other. The consensus that rules should be
maintained in the wilderness is soon forgotten as one boy
threatens the group’s coexistence and even the very lives
of the individuals when he begins to draw members into a
separate group.
Dramas 1990 Ltbx 16x9 S 90min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069561
Lost - The Complete Third
Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Dominic
Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Naveen Andrews,
Josh Holloway, Terry O’Quinn, Daniel Dae
Kim, Yoon-jin Kim, Emilie de Ravin, Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje
More suspense, secrets, and fear are uncovered in these
23 episodes about the most mysterious setting in
television history. The puzzle pieces of the Others, the
Dharma Project, and how the island seems to know the
survivors of the plane crash are all part of what keeps
fans glued to their sets. This collection includes even
more vital background information and clues that take
viewers deeper into the mystery. Never-before-seen
flashback sequences, interviews with the cast and
creators, and a look at life on set are also included to help
uncover what’s hidden in the jungle.
Television, Dramas 2006-2007
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069952
Corey Feldman, Jami Gertz, Corey Haim,
Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Billy Wirth
- Dir. Joel Schumacher
Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Peter Ustinov,
Horror/Suspense 1987 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069775
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1930
FF 65min.
Kino on Video 04.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070189
Lost Boys
Logan’s Run
with the town’s bad kids: a bike-riding, Jim Morrisonworshipping gang of blood-sucking vampires. Her younger
son Sam and his buddies, the Frog brothers, are the only
ones who recognize the signs of vampirism in Michael,
and they plot to battle the legions of the night before they
take over the entire town.
Matthew Montgomery, Windham Beacham,
Artie O’Daly, Jeremy Lucas - Dir. Rob
Comedies 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070214
Balthazar Getty, Christopher Furrh, Danuel
Pipoly, Badgett Dale - Dir. Harry Hook
The Lives of Others (Special Edition) (Blu-ray)
Richard Jordan, Farrah Fawcett, Roscoe
Lee Browne - Dir. Michael Anderson
When newly-divorced Lucy moves her sons to her father’s
house in Santa Clara, California — „the murder capital of
the world“ — her teenage son, Michael, quickly falls in
Love American Style Season 1,
Volume 1
Love Scenes - Volume 1
Jesse Garcia, Paula Revee, Danny Celaya,
Michelle Carelli
Four super romantic fantasies designed especially for
couples. The men are hunks, the women feminine, the
action softcore. Winner of AVN’s Best Alternative Video
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1992 FF DD
2.0 102min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069111
Lovers of the Arctic Circle / Passion in the Desert / Esmeralda
Fele Martinez, Najwa Nimri, Ben Daniels,
Michel Piccoli, Maria Rojo - Dir. Julio
Medem, Jaime Humberto Hermosillo,
Lavinia Currier
Dramas 1997
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068958
Luces de la Noche
Hector Bonilla, Demian Bichir, Helena Rojo
- Dir. Sergio Munoz Guemes
After finding a photo of his lost love, Tina, distinguished
judge Eduardo begins thinking about what could have
been if they had stayed together. He sets out to find her,
only to make the discovery that she has married a noted
mob boss. Her life has become a world of danger and
confusion that she longs to leave behind.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1994
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068811
Lucky Number Slevin / Matador
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070526
Lucky You
Dramas 1999 Ltbx S
Warner Home Video 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069085
Eric Bana, Drew Barrymore, Debra Messing, Robert Duvall, Jean Smart, Kelvin
Han Yee, Charles Martin Smith, Horatio
Sanz - Dir. Curtis Hanson
Director Curtis Hanson (L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, WONDER
BOYS) raises the stakes and takes on Las Vegas in
LUCKY YOU. Huck Cheever (Eric Bana) plays poker for a
living, using every opportunity that arises in daily life to
hone his skills and test the odds. He is fueled by both a
compulsion to win and the desire to do better than his
father, L.C. Cheever (Robert Duvall), who is a
championship poker player. Huck’s skills come naturally,
but he lacks patience. When he meets Billie Offer (Drew
Barrymore), an earnest, honest girl from Bakersfield
pursuing her dream of being a singer, he sees the
possibility of a real relationship for the first time. But
Huck’s habits are hard to break, and he’ll have to make
some changes if he wants to make this relationship work.
Director Paul Thomas Anderson’s sprawling epic
concerning a day in the life of many San Fernando Valley
residents is an ambitious, highly emotional effort.
Magnum P.I. - The Complete
Seventh Season
Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Roger E.
Mosley, Larry Manetti
Television, Action/Adventure DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 30.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069045
Mala Noche
an independent young woman traveling to a job of her
own. When he arrives, the Texan is immediately plunged
into danger, and it seems that Teresa is somehow
involved. MANUEL SALDIVAR, EL TEXANO is an action
packed Western starring De Anda, the Mexican Clint
Foreign Films, Spanish 1969 FF 175min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070254
Goya Toledo, Iain Glen, Carmelo Gomez,
Mirta Ibarra, Jose Manuel Cervino - Dir.
Antonio Jose Betancor
Set during the Spanish Civil War on the island of
Lanazarote in the Atlantic, MARARIA is the story of Dr.
Fermin, a young man who finds himself stuck as the
island’s only doctor who soon finds himself falling in love
with Mararia, a beautiful young woman, who herself is in
love with a travelling Englishman. The result is an explosive love triangle with no winners.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 124min.
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069233
Tim Streeter, Ray Monge - Dir. Gus Van
Dramas 1985 FF M 78min.
Criterion Collection 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069457
Paul Lynde Halloween Special
Malabimba - The Malicious Whore
India Maria - 4-Pack Vol. 1
Paul Lynde, KISS, Margaret Hamilton, Tim
Conway, Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond,
Billy Barty
Television, Comedies 1976
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069482
Maria Angela Giordano, Marina Hedman,
Katell Laennec - Dir. Andrea Bianchi
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1979 Ltbx M
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069152
Maria Elena Velasco
Man Push Cart
Sam Worthington, Victoria Hill, Lachy
Hulme, Steve Bastoni, Gary Sweet - Dir.
Geoffrey Wright
Leticia Dolera, Charles Daniel Sandoval,
Ahmad Razvi, Ali Reza - Dir. Ramin Bahrani
With his fourth film, Australian director Geoffrey Wright
attempts to contemporize a Shakespeare classic.
Featuring Elizabethan dialogue in the midst of an urban
and violent modern-day setting, MACBETH stars Sam
Worthington as the title character.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 110min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069320
Dramas 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068993
Man Push Cart / Combination
Mafia en Chicago
Jorge Reynoso
Foreign Films, Spanish 2007
Laguna Films 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069523
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068996
Magic Hour
Angelica Aragon, Francisco Gattorno, Lumi
Cavazos - Dir. Oscar Blancarte
Minerva (Angelica Aragon), an author attempting to write
her masterwork, returns to her small Mexican hometown
for inspiration. There, she uncovers a series of facts
that—had she known them when she was younger—would
have changed her life considerably.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1999
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068813
Magical Winter Tales / A
Christmas Carol
William L. Petersen, Kim Greist, Brian Cox,
Dennis Farina, Stephen Lang, Joan Allen,
Tom Noonan, Brian Kelly, Chris Elliott,
Frankie R. Faison - Dir. Michael Mann
Based on the Thomas Harris novel RED DRAGON,
MANHUNTER has all the ingredients of a great thriller.
Will Graham is a former FBI agent who has the uncanny
ability to enter the minds of psychopaths. When a maniac
begins killing entire families, Will is drawn out of
retirement to use his skill once again—but at great
personal cost.
Action/Adventure 1986
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070234
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069351
Manuel Saldivar El Texano /
Arriba Las Manos Texanos
John C. Reilly, Julianne Moore, Philip Baker
Hall, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tom Cruise,
Jason Robards, Melora Walters, William H.
Macy, Michael Bowen, Melinda Dillon,
Jeremy Blackman, Luis Guzmán, Alfred
Molina, Michael Murphy, April Grace,
Felicity Huffman - Dir. Paul Thomas
Ramin Bahrani’s film examines the difficult life of Ahmad,
a Pakistani immigrant (and former pop star) whose
demeaning job as a coffee vender makes him feel invisible
and nearly hopeless.
Manuel „El Texano“ Saldivar, Rodolfo De
Anda, David Silva, Eric Del Castillo
MANUEL SALDIVAR EL TEXANO: Popular Mexican actor
Rodolfo de Anda stars in MANUEL SALDIVAR, EL
TEXANO, directed by versatile and prolific genre director
Alfredo Crevenna. The wealthy patrons of the town of Oro
Fino have hired the skilled gunslinger known only as the
Texan to ward off bandits that have attacked their
interests. As he heads into town, the Texan meets Teresa,
Foreign Films, Spanish 1998
New Yorker Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069814
EL MIEDO NO ANDA EN BURRO: This funny Mexican film
tell the tale of a family who will do anything to get rid of
the rich old lady who sits at the head of the clan. All the
hilarious members want a piece of the very lucrative
inheritance money. What they don’t know, however, is that
grandma has left all of the money to her trusty kitten.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069509
Mariana, Mariana
Pedro Armendariz, Elizabeth Aguilar, Saby
Kamalich - Dir. Alberto Isaac
At his father ’s funeral, Carlos revisits his feverish
childhood infatuation with his friend’s mother, Mariana.
She was the lover of a politician and, he shockingly
learns, later killed herself...
Foreign Films, Spanish 1988 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069382
Married With Children - The
Complete Seventh Season
Ed O’Neill, Katey Sagal, David Faustino,
Christina Applegate, Amanda Bearse, Ted
McGinley, Buck
The Bundy saga continues with the seventh season of this
long-running, trend-setting sitcom. Staunchly
underachieving, antisocial, and utterly hilarious, the
Bundy family is headed up by shoe salesman Al (Ed
O’Neill), who fondly looks back upon his better days as a
high-school superstar. His wife, Peg (Katey Sagal), is a
curvaceous shopaholic, daughter Kelly (Christina
Applegate) is a blonde bombshell with a low IQ, and her
brother Bud’s (David Faustino) anomalous intelligence
doesn’t prove helpful with the ladies. The adventures
continue with this seventh collection of episodes.
Television, Comedies 1993 FF S 624min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068762
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis When TV Was Fun Volume 2
Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin
THE COLGATE COMEDY HOUR featured some of the
biggest names in the business when it first aired in September 1950. With a revolving door policy taken towards
the host of the show, many famous names came on board
for a spot at introducing the acts. Dean Martin and Jerry
Lewis were two of the biggest, brightest names to enliven
the show, and some of the highlights of their appearances
are included here.
Television, Comedies 2004 FF 433min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070320
Master With Cracked Fingers
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis
This 5-disc box set captures all the hilarity and screwball
antics of one of the best-known comedy duos of all time,
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Includes 7 full episodes of
their 1950s television series Colgate Comedy Hour, the
complete 1950 movie AT WAR WITH THE ARMY, and a
retrospective of their entire film career, including original
theatrical trailers.
Television, Comedies FF 300min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070312
McHales Navy - Season Two
As a child, Jackie (Jackie Chan) is fascinated by kung-fu,
but has been forbidden by his father to learn it. Later,
after his father is killed, he learns the „snake fist“
technique as a means for vengeance. This was Jackie
Chan’s first film as a leading man.
Tim Conway, Gavin MacLeod, Joe Flynn
Television, Comedies 1963
Universal Music & Video Distribution
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069682
Action/Adventure 1971
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069345
Masters of Ground Fighting
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis: Still
Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070321
Jean Jacques Machado
Action/Adventure FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070160
Masters of Horror - Brad
Anderson: Sounds Like
Laura Margolis, Chris Bauer - Dir. Brad
Martin: The Complete Seasons 13
Martin Lawrence, Tichina Arnold, Tisha
Campbell, Carl Anthony Payne, Garrett
Martin Payne (Martin Lawrence) is a loudmouth whose job
as a radio and television personality fits him like a glove.
MARTIN focuses on Payne’s relationship with his longsuffering girlfriend Gina (Tisha Campbell) and the wide
variety of crazy friends he surrounds himself with, most of
whom are also played by Lawrence. This complete
collection of episodes from the first, second, and third
seasons of the show finds Payne getting into further
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070108
Larry’s job is to listen. As the head of a tech-support
company, he has to keep tabs on the conversations
between the customers and his employees. But when his
son tragically dies, his sensitivity to sound gets turned
up—all the way up. He can hear things crawling in the
walls, internal organs swishing, and eyeballs moving, but
he can’t turn any of it off. Instead it brings him closer and
closer to the brink of insanity, and that’s when the real
horror begins. Chris Bauer (THE WIRE) stars in this story
about what happens when the world’s noise moves inside
the mind.
Television, Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069302
Masters of Horror - Peter Medak:
The Washingtonians
Johnathon Schaech, Saul Rubinek - Dir.
Peter Medak
Martin: The Complete Third
Martin Lawrence, Tichina Arnold, Tisha
Campbell, Carl Anthony Payne, Garrett
Martin Payne (Martin Lawrence) is a loudmouth whose job
as a radio and television personality fits him like a glove.
MARTIN focuses on Payne’s relationship with his longsuffering girlfriend Gina (Tisha Campbell) and the wide
variety of crazy friends he surrounds himself with, most of
whom are also played by Lawrence. This complete
collection of episodes from the third season of the show
finds Payne getting into further mishaps.
Television, Comedies FF
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070101
What if George Washington was a blood thirsty maniac
who chopped up more than just cherry trees? Or worse,
what if he used those wooden teeth to snack on human
flesh? The history books would have to be re-written and
the image of an entire nation would fall into a dark new
light. This is not something the historians who uncovered
the gory truth want to see and so they will carve their own
path of flesh to make sure it doesn’t happen. Director
Peter Medak (THE CRAYS, SPECIES II) takes a
revisionist look at American history here, and it’s one with
a bloody aftertaste.
Television, Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069303
Masters of Horror - Tobe Hooper:
Damned Thing
Marx Brothers Collection
Chico Marx, Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx,
Zeppo Marx, Marx Brothers
down memory lane. Rare television and film footage from
one of America’s first comedy teams is included.
Comedies FF 270min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070313
Sean Patrick Flanery, Marisa Coughlan Dir. Tobe Hooper
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 60min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069824
Hector Bonilla, Manuel Ojeda, Armando
Martin Martinez, Rodolfo Chavez Martinez Dir. Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
Mary and Tim / Ronnie and Julie
Joshua Jackson, Margot Finlay, Teri Garr,
Candice Bergen, Thomas McCarthy, Richard Kiley - Dir. Glenn Jordan, Philip Spink
Dramas 1997
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069665
Jackie Chan, Cheung Lung - Dir. Chin Hsin
Two young Mexican boys cut school to go see a matinee
at their local theater, but are caught and nearly expelled.
When they wind up hitching a ride with a truck driver who
is hijacked by a gang of thieves, they find themselves
involved in an adventure suitable for a movie of its own.
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo’s children’s adventure film is
exciting and richly layered, with distinct 1970’s grit and
Foreign Films, Spanish 1977
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068804
McLeod’s Daughters - The
Complete Fourth Season
Jack Thompson, Bridie Carter, Lisa
Chappell, Simmone Jade MacKinnon,
Jessica Napier, Aaron Jeffrey, Myles
Pollard, Tammy McIntosh, Kym Wilson
Television, Dramas 2004
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070142
Melrose Place - Season 1-3
Dramas FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069619
Melrose Place - The Third Season
Heather Locklear, Marcia Cross, Courtney
Television, Dramas 1994 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069615
Memoirs of a Geisha (Blu-ray)
Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe, Gong Li, Michelle Khan, Koji Yakusho, Mako - Dir. Rob
Arthur Golden’s blockbuster bestseller, MEMOIRS OF A
GEISHA, has been brilliantly brought to the big screen by
Oscar-nominated director Rob Marshall (CHICAGO). The
film opens in a remote Japanese fishing village in 1929,
where two sisters, Chiyo and Satsu, are sold by their
troubled father to people who place Chiyo in a classy
geisha house known as an okiya in Gion and Satsu in a
much more vulgar and dangerous district. Chiyo becomes
a maid to Hatsumomo, a cold, controlling, and calculating
geisha who is instantly jealous of Chiyo’s unusual,
beautiful eyes and childish innocence. Chiyo is befriended
by Pumpkin, another maid at the okiya, but the two are
soon driven apart. Chiyo is shown compassion by the
Chairman and another, more successful geisha, Mameha,
who takes her under her wing as her „little sister,“
furthering the battle between Chiyo, now called Sayuri,
and Hatsumomo. As Sayuri is trained in the art of being a
geisha, learning how to walk, talk, dance, and serve (up
to a point) in order to please and honor her distinguished
male clients, World War II looms on the horizon,
threatening to upend
Dramas 2005
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068775
Cher, Bob Hoskins, Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci, Michael Schoeffling, Caroline
McWilliams, Jan Miner - Dir. Richard Benjamin
MERMAIDS is the story of the turbulent relationship
between a flamboyant, outrageous mom (Cher) and her
two daughters (Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci) who
just want a normal, stable life. Socially rebellious and
provocative, the mother is reluctant to settle down, even
at the request of her two daughters (one of whom, despite
being Jewish, longs to enter a convent). The unusual
family has moved 18 times in the last 15 years, usually
whenever Mrs. Flax senses she might have to commit to a
relationship. But this time the girls hope the family will
stay put, and their conflicting desires lead to a final, neartragic result.
Comedies 1990
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070249
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Metal Skin / Blue Murder
Richard Roxburgh, Tony Martin, Ben
Mendelsohn, Tara Morice - Dir. Geoffrey
Wright, Michael Jenkins
Television, Action/Adventure 1994-1995
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069146
El Metiche
Gaspar Henaine, Monica Serna, Armando
Acosta, Carolina Barret, Jorge Casanova Dir. Gilberto Martinez Solares
Women, husbands, police, children and everybody
searches for this man. He likes to butt in everybody’s
lives. His name is Capulina.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1972 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069019
Michael Moore Hates America
Dramas 2007 FF 95min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068706
Midnite Movies Double Feature The House on Skull Mountain /
The Mephisto Waltz
Alan Alda, Curt Jurgens, Jacqueline Bisset,
Curt Lowens, Victor French, Janee Michelle, Jean Durand - Dir. Ron Honthaner,
Paul Wendkos
This double feature delivers the chills with the following
horror films.
MGM Best Picture Gift Set
Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Sylvester
Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers,
Talia Shire, Charlie Sheen, Willem Dafoe,
Tom Berenger, Kevin Costner, Mary
McDonnell, Graham Greene - Dir. Kevin
Costner, Oliver Stone, John G. Avildsen,
Jonathan Demme
This set of award-winning films features the following:
DANCES WITH WOLVES. See individual titles for
Dramas 1976 DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069567
Horror/Suspense 1971-1974 Ltbx 204min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068876
Midnite Movies Double Feature The Phantom From 10,000
Leagues / The Beast With
1,000,000 Eyes
Kent Taylor, Kathy Downs, Michael Whalen,
Paul Birch, Lorna Thayer, Dick Sargent Dir. Dan Milner, Lou Place, David
THE PHANTOM FROM 10,000 LEAGUES: Another of the
world’s teeming supply of mad scientists manages to
rouse a horrible monster out of the ocean using
radioactivity. It attacks the coastline viciously, and must
be stopped at all costs! Fortunately, a shrewd scientist
and his partner in investigation, a government sleuth,
manage to track the creature’s insane inventors down.
Mi Reino Por Un Torero
Maria Antonienta Pons, Luis G. Barreiro,
Consuelo Guerrero de Luna, Roberto
Canedo, Carlos Arruza
Matador Carlos Arruza stars in the classic Mexican
musical comedy MI REINO POR UN TORERO (MY
KINGDOM FOR A BULLFIGHTER). Carlos has fallen in
love with the lovely Maria, but discovers that dealing with
her overbearing father is more difficult than battling the
rampaging bulls. This comic romance is highlighted by a
number of specialized performances, including singing,
dancing, and of course, bullfighting from Arruza.
Comedies 1944
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070253
Horror/Suspense 1955
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070237
Midnite Movies Double Feature The Return of Dracula / The Vampire
Francis Lederer, Norma Eberhardt - Dir.
Paul Landres
This set contains two horror films from director Paul
Horror/Suspense 1958
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070238
Miami Ink - Season 1
Television, Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069446
Midsomer Murders - Set 9
Miami Vice: The Complete Series
Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, John Diehl, Martin
One of the most popular television shows of the 1980s,
MIAMI VICE helped define the fashion and music of the
period while simultaneously maintaining a high quality
police drama standard. The show is famous for its pastel
colors and bright south Florida settings, which serve to
counteract the sleaze its main characters often had to
deal with. Sonny and Rico are two cops who work
undercover for the Miami Police Department. They must
balance their myriad personal problems with the difficulty
of being undercover in some of Miami’s most rotten
criminal businesses. Luckily, upbeat ’80s music, and their
own personal sense of cool, help. MIAMI VICE made a
short-lived star out of Don Johnson, who eventually won a
Golden Globe for his portrayal of Sonny, and supporting
star Edward James Olmos (as a police captain) won both
the Golden Globe and an Emmy. This collection includes
all five seasons of the show.
Television, Action/Adventure 1984 FF DD
Universal Studios Home Video 13.11.2007
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070226
John Nettles, Jason Hughes, Jane Wymark,
Barry Jackson
Television, Dramas 2005
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 25.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068724
Mighty Heart
Angelina Jolie, Dan Futterman, Will Patton,
Archie Panjabi, Irrfan Khan, Denis O’Hare Dir. Michael Winterbottom
Prolific director Michael Winterbottom (24-HOUR PARTY
PEOPLE) takes an unusual turn by helming A MIGHTY
HEART—a studio picture starring none other than Angelina Jolie. Jolie stars as Mariane Pearl, the widow of WALL
STREET JOURNAL reporter Daniel Pearl. Daniel was
kidnapped and executed in Pakistan in 2002, and
Winterbottom’s film centers on the frantic activities
leading up to his death. Fellow journalist Mariane revs
into action as soon as the disappearance of her husband
is announced, calling on the FBI and experts in terrorism
to help in the desperate search. With the media circling
around the story like hawks, Mariane endures a very
public display of grief, and her plight is perfectly captured
by the unlikely alliance of Winterbottom and Jolie. The
film was shot mostly in Karachi and uses locations that
Daniel was known to have visited, adding a heady dose of
authenticity to the proceedings. Winterbottom uses shaky,
hand-held cameras, which add to the feeling of chaos as
multiple organizations descend on Pakistan in the quest to
find Daniel; fortunately the director uses some muchneeded on-screen
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070385
Million Dollar Mellons
Marilyn Mellons
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069587
Mind of Mencia - Uncensored
Season 3
Carlos Mencia
Carlos Mencia’s part-stand-up, part-sketch-comedy show
keeps up the insane laughs with season three. No one is
safe from Mencia’s reach, not even the audience, as he
skewers, pokes fun, and offends in his unique approach to
humor. Mencia doesn’t pull any of his punches as he jabs
at pop culture figures, politicians, and teenagers.
Carlosaurus Rex, Barato, and Beaner Man are just some
of the characters that find their way into this collection of
14 uncensored episodes. See what didn’t make it on the
air, either because it was too offensive, too repulsive, or
just too Mencia.
Television, Comedies 2007 FF S 188min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069626
Ministry of Sex
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070283
Misery (Special Edition)
Kathy Bates, James Caan, Richard
Farnsworth, Frances Sternhagen, Lauren
Bacall - Dir. Rob Reiner
In this chilling adaptation of a Stephen King story, a
romance novelist loses control of his car during a
snowstorm and is rescued by a nurse who happens to be
his „number one fan.“ Recovering in her home, he turns
from patient to prisoner as his savior proves to be
psychotically deranged.
Horror/Suspense 1990 Ltbx
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069062
Miss B’s Hair Salon
Johann John Jean, Tiny Lister - Dir. Albert
Comedies Ltbx 84min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070576
Miss Potter / Mrs. Henderson
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070521
Mission: Impossible - The
Complete Third Season
Peter Graves, Peter Lupus, Greg Morris
Television, Action/Adventure 1968-1969
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070368
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Mission: Impossible Season 3
Mork & Mindy: The Complete
Third Season
Peter Graves, Martin Landau, Barbara Bain,
Greg Morris, Peter Lupus
Television, Dramas 1966-1969 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070374
Robin Williams, Pam Dawber
Television, Comedies 1979-1980 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070359
The Most Dangerous Game
Mr. Brooks
Kevin Costner, William Hurt, Demi Moore,
Dane Cook, Jason Lewis, Marg
Helgenberger - Dir. Bruce A. Evans
Kevin Costner stars as Earl Brooks, a man whose
seemingly perfect family and status in the community hide
an ugly secret. Brooks constantly says the plea of an
addict—the Serenity Prayer—but he’s not in the grip of
drugs or alcohol. Instead, his neat little bow tie belies a
man with an urge to kill. Though he’s staved off that
desire for two years, it has returned thanks to the efforts
of his evil inner voice (William Hurt, A HISTORY OF
VIOLENCE). He is caught in the act by a man who calls
himself Mr. Smith (Dane Cook, EMPLOYEE OF THE
MONTH), but Mr. Smith doesn’t want to turn Brooks in.
The smarmy amateur photographer wants to learn from
Brooks’s methodical ways and become a killer himself.
Meanwhile, a tough cop (Demi Moore, BOBBY) hunts for
the man responsible for deaths all over Portland while she
deals with issues in her own life.
Dramas 1976 Ltbx DD 5.1 120min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070241
Leslie Banks, Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Noble Johnson, Hale
Hamilton, Steve Clemente - Dir. Irving
Pichel, Ernest B. Shoedsack
Count Zaroff, a megalomaniac big game hunter, bored
with shooting animals, has turned his attentions to other
prey: human beings. He has yet to lose one of his unfair
competitions (his less-than enthusiastic participants are
armed with only a knife, while the Count is allowed a highpowered rifle) and eagerly waits for the next unfortunate
soul to get shipwrecked on the small island he calls home.
However, the Count doesn’t expect to meet a man like
Robert Rainsford, who proves to be more than a worthy
match for the mad hunter.
Horror/Suspense 1932
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069505
Motocross Zombies From Hell
Horror/Suspense 2007
Westlake Entertainment Group 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070601
Moulin Rouge
Juan Ferrara, Helena Rojo - Dir. Marcela
Fernandez Violante
Nicole Kidman, John Leguizamo, Ewan
McGregor, Jim Broadbent, Richard
Roxburgh, Natalie Mendoza, Kylie Minogue,
David Wenham - Dir. Baz Luhrmann
Fact and fiction merge in the suspenseful MISTERIO, as
an actor in a telenovela starts to confuse himself with his
Television, Foreign Films, Spanish 1981 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069384
Moby Dick
Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart, Orson
Welles, Leo Genn, Harry Andrews, Bernard
Miles, Mervyn Johns, Noel Purcell,
Frederick Ledebur, James Robertson
Justice - Dir. John Huston
John Huston’s adaptation of Melville’s symbolic and
allegorical masterpiece about one man’s obsession with
battling one of nature’s most powerful creatures.
Action/Adventure 1956 FF M 115min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069562
Monarch of the Glen - The
Complete Series 7
Susan Hampshire, Alastair Mackenzie, Richard Briers, Julian Fellowes, Lloyd Owen,
Alexander Morton, Tom Baker, Kirsty
Combining romantic drama, lush photography, an
attractive cast, and a biting wit, MONARCH OF THE GLEN
has become one of the most beloved British television
series. This collection includes every episode from the
show’s seventh and final season, in which a few surprising
twists and turns keep viewers guessing as the members of
the Macdonald family find their lives changing in
unexpected ways.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069918
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 2001
Ltbx DD 5.1 128min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069437
Mouse Hunt / Paulie 2 Pack
Nathan Lane, Gena Rowlands, Cheech Marin - Dir. Gore Verbinski
This double feature contains the comedies MOUSEHUNT
and PAULIE. See individual titles for details.
Comedies Ltbx 192min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 11.12.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070379
Mouth to Mouth
Ellen Page, August Diehl, Eric Thal - Dir.
Alison Murray
Monarchy - Set 2
David Starkey
Television, Dramas 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069908
Cross LA BOHÈME with CABARET, throw in a little bit of
RENT, and you might almost begin to describe Baz
Luhrmann’s visually opulent, fast-paced, funny,
heartrending MOULIN ROUGE. The film, which premiered
as the opener to the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, is a
musical set in 1899 Paris at the notorious Montmartre
cabaret club, the Moulin Rouge. Directed by Luhrmann
STRICTLY BALLROOM), the movie stars Nicole Kidman
as the high-kicking courtesan, Satine; Ewan McGregor as
the sensitive poet, Christian; and John Leguizamo as the
flamboyant artist and matchmaker, Toulouse-Lautrec.
Luhrmann’s use of eclectic lighting and saturated color,
the fast zooms and quick cuts of his camera, and his
magnificent costumes and sets perfectly capture the
excess and freneticism for which the Moulin Rouge was
famous. Beautifully led by McGregor and Kidman, the
flawless supporting cast brings to life the culture of belle
époque Paris with magical realism. Above all, the
anachronistic, energetic contemporary soundtrack is what
drives MOULIN ROUGE, with popular songs by L’il Kim,
Inspired by director Alison Murray’s experience of leaving
home at the age of 15, MOUTH TO MOUTH explores the
mind-controlling appeal that a cult called SPARKS (Street
People Armed With Radical Knowledge) has for a young
girl on the run (Ellen Page).
Dramas 2006
Strand Releasing 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070490
Movin’ Too Fast
Matthew Glave, Marquita Terry, Layla Alexander
A road trip goes horribly wrong for two female students in
this fast-paced thriller. A police car ends up pursuing them
through the desert, and its driver is most definitely on the
wrong side of the law. Fans of THE HITCHER (1985)
should find much to enjoy here.
Action/Adventure 2005
MTI Home Video 14.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069083
Elvin Bibiloni, J. Fabian
There’s plenty of comedy when two friends are distracted
from moving out of their apartment by debauched
groupies, an insane girlfriend, and—the police.
Comedies 2007 FF 100min.
Phoenix Entertainment Group 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070600
La Mujer de Benjamin
Eduardo Lopez Rojas, Arcelia Ramirez,
Malena Doria, Eduardo Palomo, Ana Bertha
Espin - Dir. Carlos Carrera
In this saga of desire in a small Mexican town, Arcelia
Ramirez is Natividad, a beautiful young woman who
desperately wants to escape her humble origins. She has
two immediate choices to help her out of her predicament:
handsome delivery man Leandro, or middle-aged and
less-than-brilliant Benjamin. Benjamin, however, has a
secret infatuation with Natividad, and after listening to his
friends’ dubious advice, he kidnaps her in hopes of
making her love him. LA MUJER DE BENJAMIN was the
recipient of 3 Mexican Ariel Awards, that country’s
equivalent of the Oscar.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1991
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068792
La Mujer de Todos
Maria Felix, Arturo Soto Rangel, Armando
Calvo - Dir. Julio Bracho
Foreign Films, Spanish 1946 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069025
Murder Game
Steve Polites, Katie Sirk, Samuel Klein
Warner Home Video 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069232
Murder Party
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 80min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070257
Murder She Wrote - The Complete
Seventh Season
Angela Lansbury
Dramas 1990-1991 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 09.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069053
Mustang Sally’s Horror House
E. G. Daily, Mark Parrish, Lindsey Labrum
A whorehouse holds some murderous surprises for a
bunch of college friends who decide to take advantage of
the ladies who work within its walls in MUSTANG SALLY’S
Horror/Suspense 2006
MTI Home Video 07.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069081
My Best Friend
Julie Gayet, Daniel Auteuil, Dany Boon,
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Jacques Mathou, Olivier Dazet - Dir. Patrice
Daniel Auteil sheds the dramatic character of Michael
Hanneke’s CACHÉ to star in this light French comedy.
Auteil plays François, an antiques dealer who finds it far
easier to locate an Art Deco rarity than a true friend. He
has plenty of professional contacts, but an utter lack of
people skills leaves him alone after office hours. His
business partner bets an expensive vase that he can’t
produce a friend within 10 days, and François struggles to
pick out a best friend in an address book full of
acquaintances and childhood chums. He keeps running
into fellow loner Bruno (Dany Boon, THE VALET), who is
friendly but can’t trust anyone. Bruno teaches him to be
„sympathique“ (sociable) as François continues his
prostitute, is a woman of two worlds trying to find
redemption in a world controlled by men. Relocated to
Grantville, a suburb where everyone is artificially decent,
she soon turns into Mother Teresa, quotes Goethe and
teaches cripples to walk. The infiltration goes smoothly
until she discovers a shocking murder scene and her
cover begins to unravel. Fuller also manages to break
traditional filmmaking manners by employing jump cuts,
long inner monologues, and one of the most questionably
placed and maudlin musical numbers ever filmed.
Dramas 1964 FF
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069190
Comedies 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069460
Narcos Y Perros
My Reputation
NARCOS Y PERROS provides a glimpse into the intense
world of drug trafficking in Mexico. An incredibly lucrative
business, drug dealing is also one of the most dangerous
forms of employment. Fernando Duran explores this
theme with a sprawling, dramatic narrative that serves as
a warning to the impressionable youngsters who are
considering stepping into the game. Featuring music by
Los Tiranos Del Norte, as well as Los Razos, who provide
the film with its musical theme.
Fernando Saenz, Rafael Goyri, John Solis,
Vanessa Del Rocio, Horacio Almada - Dir.
Fernando Duran
Barbara Stanwyck
Dramas FF M 94min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069798
My So-Called Life: The Complete
Television, Dramas
Universal Music & Video Distribution
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069681
National Lampoon’s Christmas
Jackie Chan’s The Myth
Jackie Chan - Dir. Stanley Tong
This wild tale showcases Jackie Chan’s skills and charm
as he plays both Meng Yi, a Qin Dynasty general, and as
the same character’s reincarnation, Jack Lee. Lee is an
archaeologist, but spends much of his time experiencing
strange memories from his past life. With an unusual and
complex plot that interweaves many disparate elements,
this is certainly a departure from Chan’s typical work.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069968
Charles Porter, Wilson Jermaine Heredia,
Sam Sarpong - Dir. Adrian O’Connell
Horror/Suspense 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068968
Naked Brothers Band - Battle of
the Bands
Created by actress Polly Draper (THIRTYSOMETHING),
Nickelodeon’s THE NAKED BROTHERS BAND plays like a
surprisingly clever and kid-friendly take on THIS IS IS
movie, the charming sitcom centers around an all-kid rock
band led by a pair of brothers, nine-year-old Nat and sixyear-old Alex (Nat and Alex Wolff, Draper ’s real-life sons),
who comically struggle with child-musician pratfalls like
creative differences, soda-pop addictions, and 20-year-old
babysitters. This volume presents the series’ first
collection of episodes.
Television, Comedies 2007 FF 70min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069625
Naked Kiss
Constance Towers, Anthony Eisley, Virginia
Grey, Betty Bronson, Michael Dante, Patsy
Kelly, Linda Francis, Barbara Perry - Dir.
Samuel Fuller
Sam Fuller ’s full blown pulp melodrama is straight off the
pages of dime-store crime magazines. His use of arty
compositions and artificial dialogue prove once again that
people only talk like this in his movies. This, his
seventeenth film, takes place when all the women were
dames and all the men were heels. Kelly, a former
Foreign Films, Spanish DD 5.1
Vanguard International Cinema 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069815
Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Randy
Quaid, John Randolph, Diane Ladd, E.G.
Marshall, Doris Roberts, William Hickey,
Juliette Lewis, Johnny Galecki - Dir.
Jeremiah Chechik
The third in the series of National Lampoon’s ‘Vacations ‘
films, this sequel concerns the Griswold family’s holiday
get-together. This time they’re trying to have a picture
book, old-fashioned Christmastime — even though all the
in-laws are dropping by, including Clark’s redneck cousin,
Eddie. Looks like it’s going to be a real holly-jolly holiday
— if they can make it through.
Whalen, Jessica Alba, Molly Shannon - Dir.
Raja Gosnell
Drew Barrymore gets what others only dream about in this
charming, fun comedy: a second chance to right the
wrongs of high school! At 25, Josie Geller is the youngest
copy editor at the Chicago Sun-Times, and the obvious
choice to go undercover on a story about what the „cool
kids“ of high school are up to. A dorky teen dubbed
„Grossie Josie“ the first time around, this time Josie is
required to make friends with the popular kids in order to
deliver on her assignment. Unfortunately, now that Josie
has come into her own as an intelligent young woman with
a career and a brain in her head, those aren’t the people
she’s interested in; as she begins to develop feelings for a
teacher she’s been ordered to portray badly, things start
to get really complicated! Will Josie redeem herself from
the mistakes she made in her high school years, or will
she find herself repeating them all over again?
Comedies 1999 Ltbx DD 5.1 107min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069438
Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel,
Thomas Kretschmann, Tory Kittles, Peter
Falk - Dir. Lee Tamahori
In the years since his novel DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF
ELECTRIC SHEEP? was brought to the screen as BLADE
RUNNER (1982), Philip K. Dick’s paranoid, futuristic works
have frequently made the same leap—sometimes as
brainy puzzlers (OPEN YOUR EYES, A SCANNER
DARKLY), but more often as star-powered action vehicles
(TOTAL RECALL, PAYCHECK). NEXT (based very loosely
on Dick’s short story „The Golden Man“) falls squarely in
the latter category, with always-game Nicolas Cage as
Cris Johnson, a man with the ability to see two minutes
into the future. Afraid that all sorts of frightening demands
will be made on him if the true scope of his ability
becomes known, Johnson limits the use of his powers to a
hokey, third-rate Vegas stage show and reading slot
machines to gauge their payouts. Meanwhile, terrorists
have imported a nuclear device into the U.S., with the
intention of detonating it in a major metropolitan area, and
F.B.I. agent Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) has discovered
that Cris’s ability is no fake and that he might be able to
prevent the disaster. Unfortunately for Cris, he has just
met Liz Cooper (
Comedies 1989
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070562
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069124
Next (Blu-ray)
Maria Rojo - Dir. Jaime Humberto
Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel,
Thomas Kretschmann, Tory Kittles, Peter
Falk - Dir. Lee Tamahori
While her son is off at sea, his devoted mother speaks of
him so often that her young roommate, Leticia, starts to
fall in love with the sailor.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1978 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069386
NCIS - The Complete Fourth
Mark Harmon, Lauren Holly, David
McCallum, Michael Weatherly
Television, Dramas 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069115
NCIS: Four Season Pack
Mark Harmon, Lauren Holly, Michael
Weatherly, David McCallum
Television, Action/Adventure 2003-2007
Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
316,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069117
Never Been Kissed
Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Michael
Vartan, Leelee Sobieski, Jeremy Jordan,
Garry Marshall, John C. Reilly, Sean
In the years since his novel DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF
ELECTRIC SHEEP? was brought to the screen as BLADE
RUNNER (1982), Philip K. Dick’s paranoid, futuristic works
have frequently made the same leap—sometimes as
brainy puzzlers (OPEN YOUR EYES, A SCANNER
DARKLY), but more often as star-powered action vehicles
(TOTAL RECALL, PAYCHECK). NEXT (based very loosely
on Dick’s short story „The Golden Man“) falls squarely in
the latter category, with always-game Nicolas Cage as
Cris Johnson, a man with the ability to see two minutes
into the future. Afraid that all sorts of frightening demands
will be made on him if the true scope of his ability
becomes known, Johnson limits the use of his powers to a
hokey, third-rate Vegas stage show and reading slot
machines to gauge their payouts. Meanwhile, terrorists
have imported a nuclear device into the U.S., with the
intention of detonating it in a major metropolitan area, and
F.B.I. agent Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) has discovered
that Cris’s ability is no fake and that he might be able to
prevent the disaster. Unfortunately for Cris, he has just
met Liz Cooper (
Action/Adventure 2007
Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069121
Next (HD DVD)
Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel,
Thomas Kretschmann, Tory Kittles, Peter
Falk - Dir. Lee Tamahori
In the years since his novel DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF
ELECTRIC SHEEP? was brought to the screen as BLADE
RUNNER (1982), Philip K. Dick’s paranoid, futuristic works
have frequently made the same leap—sometimes as
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
brainy puzzlers (OPEN YOUR EYES, A SCANNER
DARKLY), but more often as star-powered action vehicles
(TOTAL RECALL, PAYCHECK). NEXT (based very loosely
on Dick’s short story „The Golden Man“) falls squarely in
the latter category, with always-game Nicolas Cage as
Cris Johnson, a man with the ability to see two minutes
into the future. Afraid that all sorts of frightening demands
will be made on him if the true scope of his ability
becomes known, Johnson limits the use of his powers to a
hokey, third-rate Vegas stage show and reading slot
machines to gauge their payouts. Meanwhile, terrorists
have imported a nuclear device into the U.S., with the
intention of detonating it in a major metropolitan area, and
F.B.I. agent Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) has discovered
that Cris’s ability is no fake and that he might be able to
prevent the disaster. Unfortunately for Cris, he has just
met Liz Cooper (
Action/Adventure 2007
Paramount Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069122
Jack Nicholson Two Pack - Chinatown / The Two Jakes
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 287min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069617
Night at the Museum / Cheaper
by the Dozen
Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt, Ben Stiller,
Owen Wilson - Dir. Shawn Levy
These family comedies from director Shawn Levy will keep
children and their parents entertained.
Comedies 2003-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070065
Night Junkies
Giles Alderson
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 90min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 31.07.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068702
Night Trap
Michael Ironside, Robert Davi, John Amos,
Mike Starr
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 93min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070346
Nine Lives
Dennis Christopher, John Ganun, Dean
Howell, Michael Kearns, Debra Wilson - Dir.
Dean Howell
Dramas 2004
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069533
El Nino del Tambor
Andres Garcia, Jorge Sanz, Diana Bracho Dir. Jordi Grau
A group of young boys living in wartime struggle to save
their parents and their town in EL NINO DEL TAMBOR.
Dramas 1982 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068829
No Sleep ‘Til Madison
Jim Gaffigan, Ian Brennan, Jed Resnik Dir. David Fleer
This affable comedy stars Jim Gaffigan (SUPER
TROOPERS) as Owen Fenby, a 30-year-old going on 16.
Unable to grow up and leave behind his fascination with
high school hockey, Owen goes against his girlfriend’s
wishes and makes his yearly pilgrimage to the Wisconsin
High School Hockey Tournament. But when he realizes
that his traveling buddies are well on the way to adulthood
themselves, Owen must face up to the inevitable.
Comedies 2002
Mill Creek Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068837
Noches Secretas
Marino Mase, Francoise Perrot, Sirpa Lane,
Tito Garcia - Dir. Roberto Montero
Night of the Demons 2
Bobby Jacoby, Amelia Kinkade, Zoe Trilling
- Dir. Brian Trenchard-Smith
It’s Halloween — the time for all bad demons to strike
Horror/Suspense 1994 FF DD 2.0 96min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069041
This erotic Spanish drama takes place in 1506. King
Philippe sends the Duke of Riveira y Fuentes to Rome in
order to meet with the Pope, but along the way, he’s
kidnapped by bandits. Seizing on this opportunity, head
bandit Duccio steals the Duke’s identity and makes his
way to Rome. Once there, he seduces the sultry Masked
Lady, Lucrecia Borgias. Eventually the real Duke arrives,
sending Duccio on his way. Meanwhile, Lucrecia Borgias
tries to come to terms with the shocking realization that
she allowed herself to be seduced by a common thief.
Joshua DesRoches, Johanna Black, Greg
Travis, Sid Haig, Brianna Brown - Dir. Jeff
Foreign Films, Spanish 1982 DD 5.1
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069278
Director Jeff Broadstreet fashions a 3D remake of George
Romero’s 1968 horror classic about an army of zombies
converging upon a small group of survivors holed up in an
isolated farmhouse.
Northern Exposure: The
Complete Series Giftset
Night of the Living Dead 3D
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 80min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069528
Night on Earth
Gena Rowlands, Winona Ryder, Rosie
Perez, Roberto Benigni, Giancarlo
Esposito, Armin Mueller-Stahl - Dir. Jim
NIGHT ON EARTH presents a variety of delightful
vignettes that take place one night in different taxis all
over the world. The cities—Los Angeles, New York, Paris,
Rome, and Helsinki—are filled with interesting characters
who are at turns funny, sad, and poignant. In expanding
his palette to the rest of the world, Jim Jarmusch once
again delivers a memorable portrait of modern life, with
his own original vision.
Comedies 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 128min.
Criterion Collection 30.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068934
Rob Morrow, Barry Corbin, John Corbett,
Janine Turner, John Cullum, Darren E.
Burrows, Cynthia Geary, Elaine Miles, Peg
Television, Comedies 1990 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 13.11.2007
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070220
Not For or Against
Action/Adventure 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069172
O Lucky Man!
Malcolm McDowell, Ralph Richardson, Arthur Lowe, Rachel Roberts, Helen Mirren Dir. Lindsay Anderson
In O LUCKY MAN!, young Mick Travis, a trainee sales rep
for a coffee company, earnestly begins his journey up the
ladder of success, and has a wild series of misadventures
along the way. Travis becomes a political scapegoat for
his girlfriend’s father, and almost gets mutilated when a
surgeon tries to use him as a human guinea pig in a
questionable scientific experiment. Then Travis finds
religion and goes on another ill-fated mission to save
souls. But, in the end, he falls on his feet again, and
realizes that he’s a very lucky man indeed, just to be
Comedies 1973 Ltbx M
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069788
O.C. - The Complete Series
Mischa Barton, Adam Brody, Kelly Rowan,
Peter Gallagher, Benjamin McKenzie
Warner Home Video 27.11.2007
265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069773
October 22nd
Tate Donovan, Ernie Hudson, Michael Paré
Michael Pare, Tate Donovan, and Amanda Plummer star
in this thriller that takes place over the course of one day.
OCTOBER 22ND follows several people, each of whom
lives in quiet—or not so quiet—desperation. Their stories
intertwine as the tension of the film builds, resulting in a
dramatic and violent catharsis.
Dramas 1998
Allumination Film Works LLC 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069324
October Road: The Complete
First Season
Television, Dramas DD 2.0
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069358
Of Mice and Men
John Malkovich, Gary Sinise, Ray Walston,
Casey Siemaszko, Sherilyn Fenn - Dir. Gary
Horton Foote’s adaptation of John Steinbeck’s tragic tale
about two migrant farmworkers in Depression-era
California. Lennie, a sweet-natured, mentally-retarded
man who doesn’t realize his own crushing strength, and
George, his companion and protector, befriend an aging
farmhand on the ranch where they work as wheat
harvesters. The three men resolve to buy a farm together
and escape their down-trodden existence as itinerant
laborers. But their dream is shattered when the child-like
Lennie accidentally strangles the flirtatious wife of the
ranch owner ’s son and George and Lennie are forced to
run for their lives.
Dramas 1992 Ltbx 16x9 M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069563
Okatsu the Fugitive
Junko Miyazono, Tatsuo Umemiya - Dir.
Nobuo Nakagawa
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1969
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070495
On the Buses
Reg Varney, Bob Grant, Doris Hare, Anna
Karen, Stephen Lewis, Michael Robbins
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070290
On the Silver Globe
Andrzej Seweryn, Jerzy Trela, Grazyna
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Dylag, Waldemar Kownacki, Krystyna Janda
- Dir. Andrzej Zulawski
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1987
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068860
FF M 736min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069566
Once Upon a Time: A Storybook
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070094
Opus n’ Bill in A Wish for Wings
That Work
.......... 2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070224
Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, Frances Sternhagen, Kika Markham, James B. Sikking Dir. Peter Hyams
Sometime in the future, an upstanding federal marshal
arrives at a space colony located on one of Jupiter’s
moons. Alarmed by the strange and violent behavior of
the miners who work for the colony’s giant mining
corporation, the marshal decides to investigate. When he
discovers that the general manager of the corporation is
supplying the workforce with a dangerous, mind-altering
amphetamine, the lawman prepares to battle it out with
the villainous manager in a „High Noon“-like showdown.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1981
Warner Home Video 27.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070571
Other Conquest
Damián Delgado, Elpidia Carrillo, Jose Carlos Rodriguez - Dir. Salvador Carrasco
This Mexican historical drama stars Damian Delgado as
Topilzin, the illegitimate son of Emperor Montezuma. After
the arrival of Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortes in
1519, Topilzin must fight for his Aztec civilization before it
is destroyed.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 105min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069837
The Other Side
Nathan Mobley, Jaimie Alexander - Dir.
Gregg Bishop
Horror/Suspense 2006 FF 95min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068701
Outer Limits - Season Two
Howard Da Silva, Arlene Martel, June
Havoc, Eddie Albert, Sandy Kenyon, Ted
Knight, Robert Duvall, James Shigeta,
Dewey Martin, Adam West, William
Shatner, Robert Culp - Dir. Byron Haskin,
Leon Benson, Felix Feist, Gerd Oswald
The science fiction series OUTER LIMITS had a brief run
of only two seasons in the 1960s, but its influence on
television is undeniable. Its huge cult following would
eventually spawn a new OUTER LIMITS series in the
1990s. This collection comprises the second season of
the original series and includes guest stars such as Ted
Knight, James Shigeta, Robert Duvall, June Havoc,
William Shatner, and many other recognizable faces.
Among the highlights of this season is the episode
„Demon with a Glass Hand,“ which won science fiction
writer Harlan Ellison a Writers’ Guild award. Other classic
episodes included are „I, Robot,“ „The Duplicate Man,“
„The Probe,“ and „Behold, Eck!“
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 19641965 FF M 736min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070228
Outer Limits - The Original
Series: Vol. 3
Catherine McLeod, William Shatner, Geraldine Brooks, James Doohan, Robert Culp,
June Havoc, Adam West, Dabney Coleman,
Marianna Hill, Robert Duvall, Constance
The science fiction series OUTER LIMITS had a brief run
of only two seasons in the 1960s, but its influence on
television is undeniable. Its huge cult following would
eventually spawn a new OUTER LIMITS series in the
1990s. This collection comprises the second season of
the original series and includes guest stars such as Ted
Knight, James Shigeta, Robert Duvall, June Havoc,
William Shatner, and many other recognizable faces. This
third volume presents another set of episodes.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1964
Outlaw Trail - The Treasure Of
Butch Cassidy
Ryan Kelley, Arielle Kebbel, Dan Byrd,
Brent Weber
Set in 1951 Utah, the western OUTLAW TRAIL depicts the
adventures of Butch Cassidy’s grandnephew, sixteenyear-old Roy Parker (Ryan Kelley). After discovering a
treasure map carved on an old belt buckle that once
belonged to Butch, Roy sets off to discover his great
uncle’s fortune. When an evil museum curator discovers
the existence of the map, Roy and his friends Jess (Dan
Byrd), Martin (Brent Weber), and Ellie (Arielle Kebbel),
must get to the treasure first.
Westerns 2006 FF
Allumination Film Works LLC 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069321
Pagnol - The Fanny Trilogy
This program contains the classic French love stories by
director Marcel Pagnol „MARIUS,“ „FANNY,“ and
„CESAR.“ Please see individual titles for complete
Foreign Films, French 1931 FF
Kino on Video 25.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069502
Paradise Under the Stars
Vladimir Cruz, Amparo Munoz, Daisy
Granados, Thais Valdes - Dir. Gerardo
Sissy, a beautiful young dancer, wants to go to the
Tropicana, the famous Cuban nightclub, but her father
objects. Things are made more complicated when her
father accidentally injures a young man, Sergito, and
takes him in to recover from his wounds. Sergito and
Sissy begin to fall in love, but there are more surprises in
store for everybody.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1999
Facets Video 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068858
Paris, Je T’aime (Special Edition)
Miranda Richardson, Willem Dafoe, Natalie
Portman, Gérard Depardieu, Bob Hoskins,
Nick Nolte, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Elijah
Wood, Gena Rowlands, Emily Mortimer,
Rufus Sewell, Steve Buscemi, Juliette
Binoche - Dir. Gus Van Sant, Joel Coen,
Alexander Payne, Olivier Assayas, Frederic
Auburtin, Gérard Depardieu, Christoffer
Boe, Gurinder Chadha, Sylvain Chomet,
Ethan Coen, Isabel Coixet, Wes Craven,
Chris Doyle, Vincenzo Natali
Eighteen different directors and a slew of indie actors
come together for PARIS, JE T’AIME, a cinematic homage
to the City of Light. Each director presents his or her own
short story set in a different Parisian quarter, each one
featuring a different cast of characters. The pieces vary in
length, with some of them striving to tell a fully developed
tale—no matter how simple the plot—while others are
more abstract, content to rely on sparse dialogue and
vivid imagery. With directors such as Gus Van Sant,
Alexander Payne, Wes Craven, and the Coen brothers
participating, the tales are as varied and oddball as one
might expect. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a lonely actress
with a fondness for her hash dealer. Elijah Wood
encounters a seductive vampire on a moonlit street. Steve
Buscemi is a flustered tourist. Natalie Portman falls for a
deaf Frenchmen. Each tale is markedly unique, and
specific to the quirky style of its director, and the film is a
veritable Who’s Who for indie buffs. The end product is a
bit uneven, with some of the narratives sparkling and
others starting strong, then falling flat. But in th
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2007 Ltbx DD
2.0 110min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070012
Paris, Je T’aime
Miranda Richardson, Willem Dafoe, Natalie
Portman, Gérard Depardieu, Bob Hoskins,
Nick Nolte, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Elijah
Wood, Gena Rowlands, Emily Mortimer,
Rufus Sewell, Steve Buscemi, Juliette
Binoche - Dir. Gus Van Sant, Joel Coen,
Alexander Payne, Olivier Assayas, Frederic
Auburtin, Gérard Depardieu, Christoffer
Boe, Gurinder Chadha, Sylvain Chomet,
Ethan Coen, Isabel Coixet, Wes Craven,
Chris Doyle, Vincenzo Natali
Eighteen different directors and a slew of indie actors
come together for PARIS, JE T’AIME, a cinematic homage
to the City of Light. Each director presents his or her own
short story set in a different Parisian quarter, each one
featuring a different cast of characters. The pieces vary in
length, with some of them striving to tell a fully developed
tale—no matter how simple the plot—while others are
more abstract, content to rely on sparse dialogue and
vivid imagery. With directors such as Gus Van Sant,
Alexander Payne, Wes Craven, and the Coen brothers
participating, the tales are as varied and oddball as one
might expect. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a lonely actress
with a fondness for her hash dealer. Elijah Wood
encounters a seductive vampire on a moonlit street. Steve
Buscemi is a flustered tourist. Natalie Portman falls for a
deaf Frenchmen. Each tale is markedly unique, and
specific to the quirky style of its director, and the film is a
veritable Who’s Who for indie buffs. The end product is a
bit uneven, with some of the narratives sparkling and
others starting strong, then falling flat. But in th
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2007 Ltbx DD
2.0 110min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070013
La Pasion Segun Berenice
Martha Navarro, Blanca Torres, Emma
Roldan, Manuel Ojeda - Dir. Jaime
Humberto Hermosillo
Young Berenice (Martha Navarro) is a mystery to her
fellow townspeople. A recent widow, she lives with her
godmother and has a scar across her face. She and her
sickly godmother, a money lender, leave their home only
on Sundays and then only to go to church and to the
movies. Through a chance meeting, however, Berenice
meets Rodrigo, a handsome young doctor who awakens
her dormant passions. As they begin an affair, it becomes
clear to him that Berenice harbors some secrets. Director
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo film, which won a handful of
1976 Ariel Awards, weaves a unique web of passion and
Foreign Films, Spanish 1976
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068793
Patch Adams (HD DVD)
Monica Potter, Philip Seymour Hoffman,
Bob Gunton, Peter Coyote, Robin Williams Dir. Tom Shadyac
Tom Shadyac’s (ACE VENTURA) film tells the true story
of Hunter „Patch“ Adams (Robin Williams), an aspiring
doctor in the 1970’s who attempted to treat his patients
with a medicine that modern science had totally
disregarded: humor. After a stint in a mental hospital
where he discovers his need to help others, a young
Patch enters medical school. There he develops his own
methods of reaching patients as an antidote to the the
pomposity he witnesses in his instructors and fellow
students. While his patients and fellow staff members
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Seite 53
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
appreciate his approach, the powers-that-be frown upon
his „unschooled“ methods and attempt to prevent him
from practicing. Philip Seymour Hoffman (MAGNOLIA)
and Monica Potter (ALONG CAME A SPIDER) co-star in
this crowd pleaser based on a book by Adams.
Dramas 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 116min.
Universal Studios Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069049
Peach Obsession - Erika
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070437
Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1
ThinkFilm 27.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069717
Pirates of the Caribbean: At
World’s End
Erika Jordan
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Peach DVD 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070331
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira
Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, YunFat Chow, Tom Hollander, Stellan
Skarsgaard, Kevin McNally, Jack
Davenport, Naomie Harris, Mackenzie
Crook - Dir. Gore Verbinski
Pedro Infante 4 Pack
Pedro Infante
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069027
Roberto Ballesteros, Carlos Cardan - Dir.
Christian Gonzalez
Foreign Films, Spanish 2007 FF
Laguna Films 07.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069031
MAN’S CHEST, anti-hero Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is
trapped in the netherworld of Davy Jones’s locker.
Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) has returned from the dead to
aid Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann
(Keira Knightley) in their quest to rescue the beloved
captain. They journey to Singapore to ask for help from
notorious pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat), and with this
new alliance, they travel to the edge of the earth to find
Jack. Then they will join forces with the world’s most
powerful pirates to unite against Lord Brackett (Tom
Hollander) and the East India Company.
Perry Mason - The Second
Season Volume 2
Action/Adventure 2007
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069352
Television, Dramas FF 744min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070389
Pirates of the Caribbean: At
World’s End (Blu-ray)
Pie in the Sky / Man of the
Century / Roadside Prophets
Josh Charles, Anne Heche, John Goodman,
Christine Lahti, Susan Egan, Adam
Horovitz, David Carradine, Timothy Leary,
John Cusack, Don Cheadle - Dir. Bryan
Gordon, Adam Abraham, Abbe Wool
Comedies 1992 Ltbx DD 2.0 267min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068955
Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman
Timothy Spall, Juliet Stevenson, Eddie
Marsan, James Corden, Christopher
Fulford, Tobias Menzies, Tim Woodward Dir. Adrian Shergold
Timothy Spall (Professor Pettigrew from the Harry Potter
movies) gives a magnificently multilayered performance
as the protagonist in PIERREPOINT: THE LAST
HANGMAN. Spall plays Albert Pierrepoint, a grocery
deliveryman who decides to apply for his father ’s old job—
a hangman for the British courts. Soon he is perfecting
the execution procedure, fulfilling his duties in record time
and with no problems whatsoever. Though proud of his
success, Pierrepoint prefers to keep it to himself, not
even telling his wife, Anne (Juliet Stevenson), what he
does when he leaves the house for days at a time. But
when General Montgomery himself (Clive Francis) asks
Pierrepoint to execute dozens of Nazis who have been
sentenced to death, for the first time Pierrepoint starts
questioning what he does, and soon his relatively calm,
quiet world is turned upside down. Based on a true story,
PIERREPOINT: THE LAST HANGMAN is a gripping period
drama, bathed in grays by cinematographer Danny Cohen
and production designer Candida Otton. Spall is
mesmerizing as Pierrepoint, his slow walk and penetrating
eyes filling the screen. Ste
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069461
Thomas Jay Ryan, Robert Longstreet, David Sherrill, Joe Lo Truglio - Dir. Sergio
Horror/Suspense 2005
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira
Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, YunFat Chow, Tom Hollander, Stellan
Skarsgaard, Kevin McNally, Jack
Davenport, Naomie Harris, Mackenzie
Crook - Dir. Gore Verbinski
MAN’S CHEST, anti-hero Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is
trapped in the netherworld of Davy Jones’s locker.
Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) has returned from the dead to
aid Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann
(Keira Knightley) in their quest to rescue the beloved
captain. They journey to Singapore to ask for help from
notorious pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat), and with this
new alliance, they travel to the edge of the earth to find
Jack. Then they will join forces with the world’s most
powerful pirates to unite against Lord Brackett (Tom
Hollander) and the East India Company.
Action/Adventure 2007
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069355
Pirates of the Caribbean: At
World’s End (Special Edition)
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira
Knightley, Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, YunFat Chow, Tom Hollander, Stellan
Skarsgaard, Kevin McNally, Jack
Davenport, Naomie Harris, Mackenzie
Crook - Dir. Gore Verbinski
MAN’S CHEST, anti-hero Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is
trapped in the netherworld of Davy Jones’s locker.
Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) has returned from the dead to
aid Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann
(Keira Knightley) in their quest to rescue the beloved
captain. They journey to Singapore to ask for help from
notorious pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat), and with this
new alliance, they travel to the edge of the earth to find
Jack. Then they will join forces with the world’s most
powerful pirates to unite against Lord Brackett (Tom
Hollander) and the East India Company.
Action/Adventure 2007
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069353
Jeff Goldblum stars as Jeff Goldblum in this half real, half
fake mockumentary about the clash between Hollywood
celebrity life and the small time Pittsburgh theater scene.
The production he’s chosen? THE MUSIC MAN. The
reason? To get his real life Canadian fiancé a green card.
To add to the absurdity, Goldblum enlists a host of
celebrity friends to help him get the show running,
including Ed Beagly Jr. and Ileana Douglas. Art and life
continuously roll back and forth in this comedy that
documents Goldblum’s real experience with musical
theater and his ability to poke fun at life in the limelight.
Comedies 2006
Anchor Bay Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069292
Place Called Okavango
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068997
Place Called Okavango - More
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068998
Planet Terror
Freddy Rodriguez, Michael Biehn, Bruce
Willis, Nicky Katt, Josh Brolin, Naveen
Andrews, Tom Savini, Quentin Tarantino,
Rose McGowan - Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Director Robert Rodriguez (SIN CITY) pays homage to
his favorite B-movies with PLANET TERROR, an oldfashioned zombie film that’s infused with enough gore and
giggles to please even Peter Jackson (BAD TASTE). Rose
McGowan (CHARMED) plays Cherry, a go-go dancer
whose night is interrupted by a vicious zombie attack that
leaves her missing a leg. Her ex-boyfriend, Wray (Freddy
Rodriguez, SIX FEET UNDER), takes charge, fashioning
her a new leg from a machine gun and killing zombies
along the way. PLANET TERROR plays as a pleasing ode
to the horror and exploitation films that once played in
grimy grindhouses across the country. Rodriguez splashes
plenty of blood, guts, and gore across the screen, while
also taking the plot into some wonderfully bizarre territory.
PLANET TERROR was originally released as part of the
GRINDHOUSE double feature with Quentin Tarantino’s
Horror/Suspense 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070509
Gina Maria Destra, Evy Lutzky, Nicole
Nocintino, Chris Cannon, Nicholas Joseph
Kattar, Paul Marron, Adam Ratcliffe, Michael Tranzilli - Dir. Stephen Stahl
Dramas 2006
TLA Releasing 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070505
Poison For the Fairies
Ana Patricia Rojo, Elsa Maria Gutierrez,
Rita Macedo - Dir. Carlos Enrique Taboada
In 1965 Mexico City, Fabiola, a wealthy yet lonely young
schoolgirl, befriends Graciela, a young orphan girl who
has an unhealthy fascination with witchcraft. Fabiola is
convinced that she, herself, is a witch by Graciela, who
then uses the fear that she’s put into her new friend to get
Fabiola to carry out her orders. As their games grow more
serious, the two girls find themselves involved in murder.
Carlos Enrique Taboada’s grim, moody 1984 thriller is
regarded by many to be one of the finest horror films ever
to emerge from Mexico.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1984
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068807
Poison Friends
Malik Zidi, Thomas Blanchard, Dominique
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Seite 54
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Blanc, Natacha Regnier, Jacques Bonnaffe
- Dir. Emmanuel Bourdieu
When college friends Eloj and Alexandre meet
charismatic, brilliant thinker Andre, their lives begin to
change. Wooed by his attention, the young students lose
outside perspective and put themselves in a vulnerable
position by catering to his every whim, never considering
the possibility that he might eventually desert them.
Dramas 2007
Strand Releasing 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069171
Police Story / Police Story 2
In Jackie Chan’s POLICE STORY, Kevin (Chan), a heroic
cop with the Hong Kong Police Department, is assigned to
guard a key witness in the trial of a mobster he singlehandedly captured. But the tables are turned when Kevin
is duped by the comely witness. The drug boss is then
released for lack of evidence, and Kevin is framed for
murder. This entertaining action film pawned a successful
franchise and is widely considered to be one of Chan’s
best movies.
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070530
Polish Kitsch Project...Counter
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 88min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070011
Craig T. Nelson, Dominique Dunne, Oliver
Robbins, Heather O’Rourke, JoBeth
Williams - Dir. Tobe Hooper
Frisky poltergeists put a little excitement into the daily
routine of the Freeling family’s humdrum lives by moving
furniture and communicating with their youngest daughter,
Carol Anne, through the television set. Unfortunately,
harmless pranks quickly turn nasty and the previously
friendly ghosts kidnap Carol Anne, trapping her in the
spirit world. To win the child back, the family calls in a
team of parapsychologists and a midget psychic who
conduct an elaborate exorcism.
Horror/Suspense 1982 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070580
Poolside Heat
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Peach DVD 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070330
Pride and Prejudice
Rosamund Pike, Jena Malone, Claudie
Blakley, Kelly Reilly, Matthew MacFadyen,
Pip Torrens, Sabrina Matthews, Roy Holder,
Tom Hollander, Judi Dench, Penelope
Wilton, Peter Wright, Moya Brady, Keira
Knightley, Donald Sutherland, Brenda
Blethyn - Dir. Joe Wright
This version of Jane Austen’s fiercely beloved novel has
the daunting task of living up not only to the classic book,
but also to the excellent 1995 miniseries of the same
name. Yet 2005’s PRIDE & PREJUDICE is up to the task,
thanks to lively pacing, a witty script, an excellent cast,
and clever direction from British newcomer Joe Wright.
The surprisingly still-relevant story follows the five Bennet
sisters as they deal with suitors and love, as their mother
desperately schemes to marry them off advantageously.
Sweet-tempered beauty Jane (Rosamund Pike) develops
feelings for the equally amiable and extremely wealthy Mr.
Bingley (Simon Woods), but forces conspire to keep them
apart—while Lizzie (Keira Knightley) finds herself first
appalled by, but gradually drawn to, Bingley’s aloof,
intelligent, and socially awkward friend, Mr. Darcy
(Matthew MacFayden). The movie, at just over two hours,
is forced to cut and condense a number of the book’s
subplots, and at times it tries to heighten the drama of
certain scenes. But, for the most part, it’s as faithful to the
spirit of the original as time and cinemat
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 129min.
Universal Studios Home Video 13.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070219
Por Si No Te Vuelvo a Ver
Ana Bertha Espin, Zaide Silvia Gutierrez,
Max Kerlow, Blanca Torres - Dir. Juan Pablo
Four elderly men escape from a nursing home to pursue
their collective dream of being professional musicians. In
their journey to find a paying gig, they encounter
obstacles of every time—the police, drug lords, nursing
home authorities, their families, and more. They find work
as a backup band in a strip club, but their adventures
don’t stop there. This touching comedy won 6 1997 Ariel
Awards, the Mexican equivalent of the Oscar.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1997
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068794
Female twins take advantage of their status in this
feature-length drama. Outgoing twin Lucie is offered a
recording contract despite the fact that she can’t sing, so
she persuades her talented (yet introverted) sister, Marie,
to take her place. Marie pretends to be Lucie, but can the
twins keep their role reversal a secret?
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068826
Project Runway - The Complete
Third Season
Television, Dramas 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070533
Prostitution Pornography U.S.A.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070136
Protecting the King
Tom Sizemore, Matt Barr, John Bennett
Perry - Dir. David Stanley
Dramas FF 90min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070347
Protector / Born to Fight
Eve Best, Stephen Tompkinson, Tom Bell,
Frank Finlay, Robert Pugh, Helen Mirren Dir. Philip Martin
Television, Dramas 2006
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068722
PROTECTOR, a sequel to 2005’s ONG-BAK: THE THAI
WARRIOR, sees director Prachya Pinkaew returning to
tell an action-packed story that revolves around a missing
elephant that turns up in Australia.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070520
Princes in the Tower
Mark Umbers, Nadia Cameron-Blakely,
Nicholas Rowe - Dir. Justin Hardy
Television, Dramas 2005 FF 120min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070143
Jennifer O’Neill, Marc Porel, Gianni Garko Dir. Lucio Fulci
Once upon a time, a feisty old grandfather told his
bedridden grandson a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale... In the
mythical kingdom of Florin, farm boy Westley rides off one
day to make his fortune, leaving his true love, Buttercup,
waiting patiently behind. Unfortunately, his ship is beset
by pirates, and Buttercup grieves for many years,
believing Westley dead. She reluctantly agrees to marry
Prince Humperdinck, knowing that she will never love him.
Humperdinck has his own plans for the marriage,
however—he intends to have Buttercup kidnapped and
murdered in order to set off a border war that will
strengthen his power. But she is eventually rescued by a
mysterious pirate, who turns out to be Westley in
disguise. Their reunion does not last long, though, and the
pair must face numerous obstacles before they can live
happily ever after.
Comedies 1987 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069572
Pretty Things
A young Mexican aristocrat returns home from abroad and
confronts the violent legacy of his politician father in EL
PRINCIPO DEL SIGLO, prompting him to join the
Prime Suspect 7
Peter Falk, Mandy Patinkin, Carol Kane,
Billy Crystal, Chris Sarandon, Cary Elwes,
Robin Wright, Fred Savage, Christopher
Guest, Wallace Shawn, Mel Smith, André
the Giant - Dir. Rob Reiner
Foreign Films, Spanish 1950 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069018
Martinez Ortega
Tony Jaa, Petchthai Wongkamlao, Panna
Rittikrai - Dir. Panna Rittikrai, Prachya
The Princess Bride
Por la Puerta Falsa
Dramas 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069175
El Principo del Siglo
Lucha Villa, Narciso Busquets, Fernando
Balzaretti, Andres Garcia - Dir. Gonzalo
From Italian schlock-horror master Lucio Fulci (THE
BEYOND, THE GATES OF HELL), starring Jennifer O’Neill
(SUMMER OF ’42) as a clairvoyant who experiences
frightening premonitions about a murder she believes to
be in the past. Her investigations lead her to Italy, where
she learns in a surprise twist that what she envisioned
was in the future. Features less gore than Fulci fans are
accustomed to.
Horror/Suspense 1978 Ltbx M 97min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070427
Pueblo de Madera
Angelica Aragon, Gabriela Roel, Ignacio
Guadalupe, Mario Almada - Dir. Juan Antonio La Riva
PUEBLO DE MADERA captures the rhythms of daily life in
a small timber town, portraying its people as they sweat
through their grueling manual labor jobs and strive for
Foreign Films, Spanish 1991 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069379
Pulse / Black Christmas
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070519
Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud
Lance Henriksen, Amy Manson, Bradley
Taylor - Dir. Michael Hurst
Horror/Suspense 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068770
El Que Con Ninos Se Acuesta
German Valdes - Dir. Rogelio A. Gonzalez
Foreign Films, Spanish 1959 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069022
Que Hombre Tan Sin Embargo
Eulalio Gonzalez, Enrique Rambal, Lucy
Gallardo, Hilda Aguirre, Julissa - Dir. Julian
Foreign Films, Spanish 1967 FF 95min.
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069023
Queer as Folk: The Complete
time, as she realizes being naive, adorable, blonde, unpierced, and un-tattooed means being ostracized in this
too-cool musical community. Luckily, John Corbett, a
sympathetic music teacher, is there to help, and there’s
time for romance to bloom with a British classmate (Oliver
James). Before this little star can truly blossom though,
she still has to cope with the trauma of losing her brother
in a car accident (it’s left her terrified of bright lights, a
real problem for a stage performer). And then there’s the
matter of telling the truth to her furious father. Duff’s
effortless charisma lifts this sturdy, c
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069086
Rapid Eye Movement
Kansas Carradine
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
York Entertainment 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070612
Rapido Y Furioso Reto Tokio
Hal Sparks, Michelle Clunie, Thea Gill, Robert Gant
Television, Dramas 2000-2003 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
309,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070371
Quick-Draw Okatsu
Junko Miyazono, Tomisaburo Wakayama,
Ko Nishimura - Dir. Nobuo Nakagawa
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1969 Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070494
Racing Stripes / Kangaroo Jack
Frankie Muniz, Jerry O’Connell, Anthony
RACING STRIPES: A cute zebra foal gets separated from
his circus and is adopted by a horse trainer (Bruce
Greenwood) in this live action talking-animal tale. Stripes
(voiced by Frankie Muniz) is adopted by the trainer ’s
tomboy daughter (Hayden Panettiere)—an aspiring
jockey—who subsequently wants to race him in the big
leagues. Setbacks include her dad’s over-protectiveness
(he lost her mom in a horse-racing accident), and the fact
that Stripes is a zebra and not a normal horse. Though all
the other thoroughbreds turn up their noses at this oddlooking interloper, a wizened old pony (Dustin Hoffman)
steps in as trainer, and it’s time to start prepping for the
big race. Other animal characters include a mob „hitpelican“ (voice of Joe Pantoliano), a nurturing goat (voice
of Whoopi Goldberg), a rooster (voice of Jeff Foxworthy),
and a hound (Snoop Dogg). Mandy Moore does the voice
of Stripes’ comely mare love interest. Steve Harvey and
David Spade are a pair of trash-talking horseflies. Adults
will cherish some sly references to older movies, while the
kids should get a lot out of the mix of real anima
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069228
Lil Bow Wow, Lucas Black, Sung Kang,
Zachery Ty Bryan, Kario Salem, Nathalie
Kelley, Brian Tee, Brian Goodman - Dir.
Justin Lin
The third in the wildly popular FAST IN THE FURIOUS
series—a hybrid of fast cars, hot teens, and fetishized
technology—gets a new jolt of energy and style courtesy
of young hotshot director Justin Lin, who won raves at
Sundance in 2002 for his look at Asian-American teens in
BETTER LUCK TOMORROW. Leading man in training
Lucas Black stars as sensitive rebel Sean Boswell, who,
despite hailing from the poor section of town, vamps up
his used car to drag race against the best of them. After
numerous racing challenges won—including one against
his high school’s popular, wealthy quarterback—Boswell
gets in trouble with the law one too many times. To
escape confinement to a juvenile detention center,
Boswell’s military father ships him all the way across the
world, to that most futuristic, tech-savvy of cities, Tokyo.
There, he meets his match in the powerful, cruel D.K.
(Brian Tee), who is not only the car racing star of the
Japanese underground, but also related to several
dangerous Yakuzas (gangsters). Complicating matters is
Sean’s undeniable (and mutual) attraction to D.K.’s
gorgeous girlfriend Neela
Action/Adventure 2006 FF DD 5.1 105min.
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069551
Robert Oppel, Debbie Rochon, John Bloom
- Dir. Kamal Ahmed
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 16x9 S 95min.
TLA Releasing 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070502
Raw Nerve
Glenn Ford, Sandahl Bergman, Traci Lords,
Jan-Michael Vincent, Randall „Tex“ Cobb Dir. David A. Prior
Seven women, murdered. A terrified public. Two cops
clutching at straws. A reporter eager to find the truth.
Raices De Sangre
Ernesto Cruz
A group of chicanos, known as „Barrio Unido“ bravely
struggle to bring to light instances of prejudice and
brutality on the part of both exploitative businesses and
the police.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Desert Mountain Media 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069974
Horror/Suspense 1991 FF 87min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070349
Real McCoys - Season #2
Television, Comedies
Infinity Entertainment Group 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070117
Raise Your Voice / How To Deal
David Keith, Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore - Dir.
Sean McNamara, Clare Kilner
RAISE YOUR VOICE: Terri Fletcher (Hilary Duff) is your
typical sweet-hearted, small-town girl and she always
obeys her intensely overprotective dad (David Keith), but
when she gets accepted to a summer program at a
prestigious Los Angeles music school and he forbids her
to go, she realizes it’s time to break away. With the help
of her cool aunt (Rebecca De Mornay), Terri figures out a
ruse to sneak off to LA and seize the chance to fulfill her
musical dreams. But when she gets there, it’s wake-up
The Reaping
Hilary Swank, David Morrissey, AnnaSophia
Robb, Idris Elba, Stephen Rea - Dir.
Stephen Hopkins
In this thriller from director Stephen Hopkins (LOST IN
SPACE, UNDER SUSPICION), Oscar winner Hilary Swank
is Katherine Winter, a college professor who refutes
mysteries and so-called miracles with scientific evidence.
When science teacher Doug Blackwell (David Morrisey)
invites Katherine and her former teaching assistant/
current colleague, Ben (Idris Elba), to his hometown of
Haven, Louisiana, to investigate a river whose water has
turned blood-red following the mysterious death of a local
boy, the cynical professor is forced to find her own faith.
The river of blood is just the first in a series of strange
occurrences in Haven. It seems that each of the 10
plagues from Exodus is being manifested, in order. The
citizens of this Bible Belt town are convinced that 12-yearold Loren McConnell (AnnaSophia Robb) is responsible
for her brother ’s death and for the strange events. Soon,
Katherine finds herself questioning everything as
memories from her past suddenly infiltrate the present in
her search for the truth.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min.
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069795
The Reaping (Blu-ray)
Hilary Swank, David Morrissey, AnnaSophia
Robb, Idris Elba, Stephen Rea - Dir.
Stephen Hopkins
In this thriller from director Stephen Hopkins (LOST IN
SPACE, UNDER SUSPICION), Oscar winner Hilary Swank
is Katherine Winter, a college professor who refutes
mysteries and so-called miracles with scientific evidence.
When science teacher Doug Blackwell (David Morrisey)
invites Katherine and her former teaching assistant/
current colleague, Ben (Idris Elba), to his hometown of
Haven, Louisiana, to investigate a river whose water has
turned blood-red following the mysterious death of a local
boy, the cynical professor is forced to find her own faith.
The river of blood is just the first in a series of strange
occurrences in Haven. It seems that each of the 10
plagues from Exodus is being manifested, in order. The
citizens of this Bible Belt town are convinced that 12-yearold Loren McConnell (AnnaSophia Robb) is responsible
for her brother ’s death and for the strange events. Soon,
Katherine finds herself questioning everything as
memories from her past suddenly infiltrate the present in
her search for the truth.
Dramas 2007
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069807
The Reaping (HD DVD)
Hilary Swank, David Morrissey, AnnaSophia
Robb, Idris Elba, Stephen Rea - Dir.
Stephen Hopkins
In this thriller from director Stephen Hopkins (LOST IN
SPACE, UNDER SUSPICION), Oscar winner Hilary Swank
is Katherine Winter, a college professor who refutes
mysteries and so-called miracles with scientific evidence.
When science teacher Doug Blackwell (David Morrisey)
invites Katherine and her former teaching assistant/
current colleague, Ben (Idris Elba), to his hometown of
Haven, Louisiana, to investigate a river whose water has
turned blood-red following the mysterious death of a local
boy, the cynical professor is forced to find her own faith.
The river of blood is just the first in a series of strange
occurrences in Haven. It seems that each of the 10
plagues from Exodus is being manifested, in order. The
citizens of this Bible Belt town are convinced that 12-yearold Loren McConnell (AnnaSophia Robb) is responsible
for her brother ’s death and for the strange events. Soon,
Katherine finds herself questioning everything as
memories from her past suddenly infiltrate the present in
her search for the truth.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 99min.
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069803
Jill Marie Jones, Joe Torry, Jenifer Lewis,
Chris Spencer, Terry Vaughn, Reginald
Ballard, Rodney Perry, Kenny Young - Dir.
Kenny Young
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min.
First Look Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070539
Reign Over Me (Blu-ray)
Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett,
Liv Tyler, Saffron Burrows, Donald
Sutherland, Mike Binder - Dir. Mike Binder
Demonstrating the same understanding of the
complexities of human relationships that characterized his
2006 film, THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, and his short-lived
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 56
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
director Mike Binder once again taps into the same fertile
ground in this story of one man’s difficulty reconnecting
with the world after experiencing a great tragedy. In
another role showcasing his relatively untapped talent for
dramatic roles, Adam Sandler is Charlie Fineman, a New
York dentist whose post-traumatic stress caused by the
loss of his wife and children on 9/11 sees him regressing
to a sort of second childhood dominated by videogames,
record collecting, and riding his motor scooter around the
city. A chance run-in with his former college roommate,
fellow dentist, and family man Alan Johnson (Don
Cheadle) spurs Charlie’s first attempts at remembering his
past. But though Alan is genuinely glad to try and help
Charlie, it will take more than the company of a good
friend to get Charlie back to the world.
Dramas 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069365
Demonstrating the same understanding of the
complexities of human relationships that characterized his
2006 film, THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, and his short-lived
director Mike Binder once again taps into the same fertile
ground in this story of one man’s difficulty reconnecting
with the world after experiencing a great tragedy. In
another role showcasing his relatively untapped talent for
dramatic roles, Adam Sandler is Charlie Fineman, a New
York dentist whose post-traumatic stress caused by the
loss of his wife and children on 9/11 sees him regressing
to a sort of second childhood dominated by videogames,
record collecting, and riding his motor scooter around the
city. A chance run-in with his former college roommate,
fellow dentist, and family man Alan Johnson (Don
Cheadle) spurs Charlie’s first attempts at remembering his
past. But though Alan is genuinely glad to try and help
Charlie, it will take more than the company of a good
friend to get Charlie back to the world.
Dramas 2007 FF DD 5.1 124min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069368
Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett,
Liv Tyler, Saffron Burrows, Donald
Sutherland, Mike Binder - Dir. Mike Binder
Demonstrating the same understanding of the
complexities of human relationships that characterized his
2006 film, THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, and his short-lived
director Mike Binder once again taps into the same fertile
ground in this story of one man’s difficulty reconnecting
with the world after experiencing a great tragedy. In
another role showcasing his relatively untapped talent for
dramatic roles, Adam Sandler is Charlie Fineman, a New
York dentist whose post-traumatic stress caused by the
loss of his wife and children on 9/11 sees him regressing
to a sort of second childhood dominated by videogames,
record collecting, and riding his motor scooter around the
city. A chance run-in with his former college roommate,
fellow dentist, and family man Alan Johnson (Don
Cheadle) spurs Charlie’s first attempts at remembering his
past. But though Alan is genuinely glad to try and help
Charlie, it will take more than the company of a good
friend to get Charlie back to the world.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 124min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069362
Remember Me
Kelly McGillis, Michael T. Weiss, Stephen
McHattie, Cotter Smith, Shanna Reed - Dir.
Michael Switzer
Dramas 1995
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069669
La Republica del Exilio
Mario Ivan Martinez - Dir. Raul Busteros
A politician’s death in LA REPUBLIC DEL EXILIO results
in a great deal of soul-searching among his friends and
Foreign Films, Spanish 2000 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068831
An ordinary middle-class marriage is torn apart by
domestic violence in RETRATO DE UNA MUJER CASADA.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1982 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069380
Rika Aoki
Knife-wielding Rica (Rika Aoki) is back and she wants
revenge. The child of a Japanese prostitute who was
raped by American GIs, Rica was raised in a violent,
seedy underworld. When several people linked to a
mysterious boat turn up dead, Rica decides to investigate.
With the help of a detective, she uncovers a drug cartel
and makes full use of her deadly karate skills in a violent
final showdown.
Dramas 1973
Media Blasters 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069538
Jacqueline Bisset, Candice Bergen, David
Selby, Hart Bochner, Meg Ryan - Dir.
George Cukor
A sensitive film dealing with the long standing friendship
of two women. When one of them achieves sudden
success, jealousy and its complications threaten their
Dramas 1981 Ltbx M 117min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070582
Return to House on Haunted Hill
Victor Garcia, Erik Palladino, Cerina
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 2.0 81min.
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070565
Reunion / Secrets
Veronica Hamel, Richard Kiley, Marlo Thomas, Peter Strauss, Frances Sternhagen,
Leelee Sobieski - Dir. Lee Grant, Jud Taylor
Dramas 1994
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069666
Chris Robinson, Sidney Blackmer, Joe E.
Ross, John Lodge, Willie Pastrano
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070285
Revenge of the Teenage Vixens
From Outer Space
No director or stars take „credit“ for this one. Three sex
starved women from another planet travel to Earth where
they soon make male friends. When the young men fail to
meet their expectations, the alien women turn them into
carrots, zucchinis and other vegetables.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1985 FF
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070456
Rica 2: Lonely Wanderer
Rich and Famous
Revenge is My Destiny
Reign Over Me (Widescreen)
A ruthless criminal kingpin has taken control of the
Gonzalo Vega, Alma Muriel - Dir. Alberto
Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett,
Liv Tyler, Saffron Burrows, Donald
Sutherland, Mike Binder - Dir. Mike Binder
Michael St. Gerard, Brigitte Bako, Ned
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1994 FF
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069078
Retrato de una Mujer Casada
Reign Over Me (Full Screen)
Replikator - Cloned to Kill
technology to replicate people and a veteran street cop
and his two cyberpunk friends must stop him.
Reventa De Esclavas
Rich In Spirit
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 77min.
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070579
El Rincon de la Virgenes
Carmen Salinas, Alfonso Arau, Rosalva
Brambilla - Dir. Alberto Isaac
When a group of women try to persuade a junk dealer to
appeal for the sainthood of a noted citizen, he instead
regales them with the shocking, and hilarious, truth about
the revered holy man.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1973 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068825
Ringing Sword
Fan Ling
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 88min.
Inspired Corporation 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069613
Rise: The Blood Hunter
Lucy Liu, Michael Chiklis, Carla Gugino,
James D’Arcy, Mako, Marilyn Manson,
Samaire Armstrong - Dir. Sebastian
Lucy Liu stars in this slick action-packed thriller from
writer/director Sebastian Gutierrez. After waking up in a
morgue, reporter Sadie Blake (Liu) realizes she is no
longer human, and must manage her newfound,
unstoppable desire for blood. Taking an active role in this
predicament, she goes straight to the source vampire who
caused her transformation.
Carlos Sampelayo, Silvia Pinal, Antonio
Aguilar, Oscar Pulido, Aurora Segura - Dir.
Jose Diaz Morales
Foreign Films, Spanish 1954 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069020
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069370
Reyna Del Sur
Tex Ritter
Pedro Infante - Dir. Carlos Mendez
Pedro Infante Jr., son of the famous Mexican actor and
singer, became a star in his own right after appearing in
many Latin American action films, including REYNA DEL
SUR (QUEEN OF THE SOUTH), directed by Carlos
Mendez. Drug smuggling and a corrupt political system
set the table for a series of action sequences in this tale
of crime and punishment.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2003 FF
Vanguard Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069818
Tex Ritter Roundup
THE TEX RITTER ROUNDUP includes 15 films full of
musical charm and dusky Western landscapes. Among the
many highlights is Ritter ’s first screen appearance from
Westerns FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069091
Robin of Sherwood - Set 2
Michael Praed, Jason Connery, Ray
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Winstone, Clive Mantle, Phil Rose, Judi
Trott - Dir. Alex Kirby
Television, Dramas 1985
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 09.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069905
attraction to the unsuitable George.
Robinson Crusoe on Mars
Helena Bonham-Carter, Maggie Smith, Daniel Day-Lewis, Denholm Elliott, Julian
Sands, Judi Dench, Simon Callow, Fabia
Drake, Patrick Godfrey, Rupert Graves Dir. James Ivory
Paul Mantee, Adam West - Dir. Byron
In this innovative retelling of Daniel Defoe’s classic, the
intrepid adventurer is a marooned astronaut who crash
lands on Mars with his pet monkey in tow. He meets a
runaway slave from an exotic planet, and the three use all
their ingenuity and resources available to stay alive.
Comedies 1986 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068730
A Room with a View (HD DVD)
Kumiko Ota, Machizo Machida, Yuko Ueno,
Oto, Gô Rijû, Shigeru Muroi - Dir. Masashi
E.M. Forster’s 1908 novel, A ROOM WITH A VIEW, is
adapted for the screen by director James Ivory in this
beautifully lighthearted tale of Edwardian manners. Helena Bonham Carter stars as a young Englishwoman, Lucy
Honeychurch. When Lucy and her spinster chaperone,
Charlotte Bartlett (Maggie Smith), travel to Florence, they
meet an unconventional Englishman, Mr. Emerson (Denholm Elliott), and his romantically unhappy son, George
(Julian Sands). After George makes the grievous mistake
of kissing Lucy during a picnic in the Florentine hills,
Charlotte rushes her back to England. Safely home, Lucy
becomes engaged to the stiff, very proper Cecil (Daniel
Day-Lewis), but after finding out the Emersons have
moved close by, Lucy has a hard time ignoring her
attraction to the unsuitable George.
Loosely based on the story of ROBINSON CRUSOE, this
evocative drama follows a girl drawn into a vivid and
overwhelming fantasy world inside a group of strange
ruins located outside of Tokyo.
Comedies 1986
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068729
Dramas 1987
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 23.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070003
Roots - The Next Generations
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1964 Ltbx 16x9 M
Criterion Collection 30.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068937
Robinson’s Garden
Dramas Ltbx M
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069199
Dramas 2005 FF 74min.
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069133
Roots: The Complete Collection
Rome: The Complete Seasons 1
James Purefoy, Kerry Condon, Kevin
McKidd, Lindsay Duncan
A generously budgeted show jointly produced by HBO and
the BBC, ROME takes viewers back to 52 B.C. for a
chance to relive the reign of Julius Caesar. Details have
been painstakingly researched to ensure accuracy, so
both history buffs and viewers less versed in the ways of
Caesar should find something to enjoy here. The show
also contains intricately woven plots, fine acting, and
stunning recreations of the ancient city. This release
contains the first two seasons of the show.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 28.08.2007
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070109
Rompe del Alba
Tony Plana, Maria Rojo - Dir. Isaac Artestein
An ex-soldier in Pancho Villa’s army moves north to Los
Angeles, where he becomes a pioneer in Latino radio.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1988 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069385
Roseanne - The Complete Ninth
Season - The Final Season
Roseanne, John Goodman, Sara Gilbert,
Laurie Metcalf, Michael Fishman, Sarah
Chalke, Johnny Galecki, Martin Mull,
Estelle Parsons, Glenn Quinn
Television, Comedies 1996 FF 552min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 16.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069828
Helena Bonham-Carter, Maggie Smith, Daniel Day-Lewis, Denholm Elliott, Julian
Sands, Judi Dench, Simon Callow, Fabia
Drake, Patrick Godfrey, Rupert Graves Dir. James Ivory
E.M. Forster ’s 1908 novel, A ROOM WITH A VIEW, is
adapted for the screen by director James Ivory in this
beautifully lighthearted tale of Edwardian manners. Helena Bonham Carter stars as a young Englishwoman, Lucy
Honeychurch. When Lucy and her spinster chaperone,
Charlotte Bartlett (Maggie Smith), travel to Florence, they
meet an unconventional Englishman, Mr. Emerson (Denholm Elliott), and his romantically unhappy son, George
(Julian Sands). After George makes the grievous mistake
of kissing Lucy during a picnic in the Florentine hills,
Charlotte rushes her back to England. Safely home, Lucy
becomes engaged to the stiff, very proper Cecil (Daniel
Day-Lewis), but after finding out the Emersons have
moved close by, Lucy has a hard time ignoring her
Foreign Films, Spanish 1994
New Yorker Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069813
Rick Johnson, Ashley Johnson, Shawn
Weatherly, Zachery Ty Bryan, Michael
Papajohn, Meat Loaf - Dir. Rick Johnson
Rick Johnson directs and stars in this small town drama
about a man who is forced to confront some
uncomfortable issues when his past comes back to haunt
him. Billy Stagen (Johnson) appears to have it all. A
former pro football player, Billy has returned to his
hometown of Rustin, Alabama, to become the town’s
sheriff. But when a mysterious teenager arrives in town,
Billy’s perfect world begins to crumble. Well aware that he
has made plenty of mistakes in the past, Billy also
recognizes that underneath his strong external facade is a
troubled man who doesn’t consider himself to be the hero
that the rest of the community thinks he is. Johnson’s
tender drama is well-acted, thoughtful, and thoroughly
Dramas 2001 DD 5.1 100min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069279
Ruth Rendell Mysteries - Set 2
James D’Arcy, Honeysuckle Weeks, Alexis
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069906
Saddle Club - Horse of a Different
Dramas 2007 FF 70min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 07.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068699
Saddle Club - Storm and Pine
Dramas FF 70min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 07.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068700
Saint Lucifer
Jim Varney, Mimi Rogers, Chad Everett,
Maxine Stuart, Hoyt Axton - Dir. E.W.
Ramon Abasca, Ignacio Lopez Tarso,
Rafael Cortes
Wyatt Earp’s descendants are causing trouble at a town
carnival, but they don’t mean to... This bumbling family
just can’t help it. Real trouble comes, however, when a
gang of the „Claytons“ decides to see what the Earps are
made of.
Comedies 1990
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070284
A Room with a View (Blu-ray)
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069204
out orders for a terrorist bombing campaign, but when he
settles into an apartment and meets his impoverished
neighbors, including a beautiful young woman, Charo, he
begins to think twice about his actions. A thoughtprovoking political thriller from one of Spain’s most
popular and controversial filmmakers.
Royal Faceoff
York Entertainment 11.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069811
Run & Coke
Comedies 2007
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069726
Running Out Of Time
Javier Bardem, Candela Peña, Karra
Elejaide, Ruth Gabriel, Carmelo Gomez Dir. Imanol Uribe
Antonio is a young man committed to the cause of Basque
independence from Spain. He travels to Madrid to carry
Religious interpretations clash in the Mexican drama
SANTO LUZBEL, the debut feature from the Nahuatl
Theater Company. A group of Indians spark controversy
when they ask to stage a performance that the local
Catholic priest finds blasphemous. The Indians, who are
devoutly religious but practice a different type of
Christianity than the Catholics, lock themselves in the
church to protest. This sparks a conflict that threatens to
turn ugly rapidly. SANTO LUZBEL offers a fascinating
glimpse into the cultural practices of Mexican Indians, and
was nominated for eight Ariel (Mexican Academy) Awards.
Dramas 1997
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068817
Laszlo Gorog, Robert Koltai, Judit Pogany,
Eva Kerekes, Andor Lukats - Dir. Robert
Comedies 1995
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068868
Satanic Sluts
Dischordia, Morgana, Chelsea Chainsaw,
Poisoned Venus, Tiara Tart - Dir. Nigel
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
real people rather than caricatures.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070449
Dramas 1989 Ltbx DD 5.1 100min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069439
Satan’s Baby Doll
Jacqueline Du Pre, Maria Angela Giordano,
Aldo Sambrell
Horror/Suspense 1982
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069153
Savage Streets
Linda Blair, Linnea Quigley, John Vernon,
Robert Dryer - Dir. Danny Steinmann
Ted Vernon, Michael Simms, Richard Vidan
- Dir. William Wesley
Bank robbers on the lam end up in a cornfield infested
with scarecrows possessed by supernatural forces.
Horror/Suspense 1988
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070230
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069356
Season of Hope / Seasons of the
JoBeth Williams, Stephen Lang, Lee Grant,
Carol Burnett, George Segal - Dir. Marcus
Dramas 1994
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069661
Secret Garden
Brenda transforms herself from saucy sweater-girl to
hardcore vigilante when her sister, Heather, is violently
gang-raped by a local ruffians.
Scary Movie 4 / School For
Dramas 2007
Ryko Distribution 05.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069988
Action/Adventure 1983
Music Video Distributors 04.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070295
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070516
Secret World of Alex Mack Season 1
John Schneider’s Collier & Co.
Hot Pursuit
Tobin Bell, Angus MacFadyen, Dina Meyer,
Shawnee Smith, Alan Van Sprang, Costas
Mandylor, Barry Flatman, Lyriq Bent, Bahar
Soomekh, Franky G, Donnie Wahlberg - Dir.
Darren Lynn Bousman
In 2004, a low-budget horror film about a man who put
people with moral failings into grisly, murderous situations
became a huge hit. In 2005, the sequel scored again,
upping the body count and the terror. In 2006, the
franchise continued, with plenty of gore as well as an
emotional story line that delved into the psychological
makeup of the main characters. As SAW II concluded,
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) was dying. But that doesn’t mean his
penchant for playing games of torture and violence is
ending. In SAW III, the murders start occurring again, and
Kerry (Dina Meyer) is back on the case, although she
thinks this time it might be the work of a copycat. She’s
only partly right: Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the only
victim to have survived both movies, has joined Jigsaw as
his apprentice, leading the way through a terrifying game
involving Lynn (Bahar Soomekh), a doctor in an unhappy
marriage, and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a distraught man
who is having trouble getting over the loss of his son
(Stefan Georgiou) at the hands of a drunk driver. Amanda
has captured Lynn and placed her in a neck brace that is
linked to
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070202
Saw Trilogy
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 306min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070203
Say Anything
John Cusack, Ione Skye, John Mahoney,
Lili Taylor, Loren Dean, Pamela Segall,
Jason Gould, Jeremy Piven, Polly Platt,
Bebe Neuwirth, Eric Stoltz, Chynna Phillips,
Lisanne Falk, Joan Cusack, Lois Chiles,
Don „The Dragon“ Wilson - Dir. Cameron
John Cusack plays Lloyd Dobler—an average guy with a
penchant for kickboxing—in Cameron Crowe’s (SINGLES,
JERRY MAGUIRE) first film. There is only one thing that
all-around nice guy Lloyd wants for his high school
graduation: a date with beautiful valedictorian Diane Court
(Ione Skye). Lloyd’s dream comes true when Diane
accepts his invitation to a graduation party. Diane falls for
Lloyd, whose goal is to spend as much time with her as
possible. Their budding romance is put to the test when
Diane has to choose between pursuing her academic
dreams and spending time with him. John Mahoney is
first-rate as Diane’s father, a single parent who wants only
the best for his brilliant daughter but who harbors a
serious secret that the IRS is investigating. Like John
Hughes’s classic films of the 1980s (PRETTY IN PINK,
THE BREAKFAST CLUB) that dealt with the trials and
tribulations of being a teenager, Crowe’s intelligent script
and film cut through stereotypes and portray teenagers as
John Schneider
Hot cars burn rubber in this fast-paced thrill ride, which
features a lead performance from John Schneider (THE
DUKES OF HAZZARD). Schneider plays J.R. Collier, a
former race car driver who now runs a used car company.
But one of Collier’s cars becomes hot property after a
group of criminals leave something valuable in its trunk,
leading to an action-packed finale.
Westlake Entertainment Group 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069263
Schoolgirl Report Vol. 2 - What
Keeps Parents Awake at Night
Frederick von Thun
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1971 Ltbx
16x9 90min.
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069147
Sci-fi Classics 100 Movie Pack
Gene Autry, Bela Lugosi, Anthony Perkins,
Rock Hudson, Stacy Keach, James Earl
Jones, Brandon Lee, Pia Zadora, Raymond
This package contains 100 science-fiction films. Among
the titles are cult favorites such as FROZEN ALIVE,
Larisa Oleynik, Jessica Alba, Darris Love
Television, Comedies 1994
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069672
Secrets Of The Heart
Carmelo Gomez, Charo Lopez, Andoni
Erburu, Sylvia Munt, Alvaro Nagore - Dir.
Montxo Armendariz
Javi is a nine year old living in a small town in the early
1960s. He becomes fascinated by the idea that he can
hear ghosts, especially in the room where his father died.
Javi begins to investigate his family life and learns a great
deal about his mother, uncle, and aunts. A delicate story
of childhood, nominated for the Academy Award for Best
Foreign Film.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1997
New Yorker Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069812
Secuestro de un Pesado
Jorge Vargas, Luis Gatica
Foreign Films, Spanish 2007 FF
Laguna Films 14.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069030
Seducing Maarya
Mohan Agashe, Ryan Holliman, Nandana
Sen - Dir. Hunt Hoe
Sci-Fi Trash-O-Rama
Maarya, (Nandana Sen) the beautiful daughter of a
Canadian-Indian family, struggles to find her own identity
and clashes with her traditional family in this
compassionate tale of matters of the heart. Maarya’s
father arranges for her to marry the son of a successful
restaurant owner. The daughter strongly objects and this
is before she discovers her would-be husband is gay and
that his father is smitten with the young bride. More family
trouble ensues when Maarya’s brother, a loose cannon,
returns home. A timeless tale full of rich characterizations
and an understanding of many different cultures.
Infinity Entertainment Group 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070415
Dramas 1999
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069290
See How They Fall
Seymour Hicks, Maurice Evans, Donald
Calthrop - Dir. Henry Edwards
Action/Adventure 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069173
Mill Creek Entertainment 28.08.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069978
An early English film interpretation of „A Christmas Carol“
by Charles Dickens in which miser Scrooge changes his
ways after being visited by three ghosts on Christmas
Dramas 1935 FF 78min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069504
Scrubs - The Complete Sixth
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9
See Jane Run
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068980
Seed of Chucky (HD DVD)
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Seite 59
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Brad Dourif, Billy Boyd, Redman, Hannah
Spearritt, Jennifer Tilly - Dir. Don Mancini
Everyone’s favorite plastic slasher doll, Chucky (voiced by
Brad Dourif), returns for a fifth installment of this popular
horror series. Apparently Chucky and his equally
murderous bride, Tiffany (voiced by Jennifer Tilly), had a
child, which has grown up in a cage as part of a heavymetal ventriloquist act in England. Eventually it (one never
learns its exact gender) escapes to Los Angeles to revive
mom and pop, whose doll corpses are being used for a
movie based on their previous killing spree. Jennifer Tilly
shows up as herself, and she’s great—hamming it up as a
floozy actress so desperate for the part in rapper
Redman’s latest film that she lures him home for a casting
couch tryst, with hilarious (and fatal) results. Meanwhile,
the child of Chucky is horrified by the violent murders its
parents are so fond of committing and, with a little help
from a 12-step book, tries to help them kick the homicide
habit. Of course it’s hard when there are so many
deserving targets around, including John Waters as a
scuzzy paparazzi. In sum, this is one crazy sequel; it’s got
a refreshing lack of morals, a light
Horror/Suspense 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069556
Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos, Jon
Seda, Constance Marie, Jacob Vargas,
Lupe Ontiveros, Jackie Guerra, Rebecca
Lee Meza, Richard Coca, Panchito Gomez,
Ruben Gonzales, Pete Astudillo, Sal Lopez,
Victoria Elena Flores, Leon Singer, Rafael
Tamayo, George Perez - Dir. Gregory Nava
A celebration of the life of Tejano princess Selena
Quintanilla Perez, the rising star who was gunned down by
the president of her own fan club in 1995. Amid the racial
tensions and economic hardships of 1980’s south Texas,
the daughter of a Mexican immigrant (himself a failed doowop singer) grow up to be a sensation in the blossoming
Tejano scene before meeting a tragic end. Light on
insight, this biopic revels rather in Selena’s on-stage
achievements. Selena’s father is credited as an executive
producer to this film.
Dramas 1997
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069206
Danny Dyer, Laura Harris, Tim McInnerny,
Toby Stephens, Claudie Blakely, David
Gilliam, Andy Nyman, Babou Ceesay - Dir.
Christopher Smith
A team-building exercise goes horribly wrong in this horror
comedy, where HOSTEL meets OFFICE SPACE. A group
of Brits (and a single, sexy American blonde played by
Laura Harris of DEAD LIKE ME) travels through the
forests of Hungary to a remote lodge in order to mix
business with pleasure. Led by their manager, Richard
(Tim McInnerny, BLACKADDER), the co-workers soon
realize that their trip is less about trust falls and rope
courses than it is about death and destruction. Someone
has targeted the team, and begins to take down the
cubemates one by one.
Comedies 2007
Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069575
Sex Movie
What happens when a group of co-workers from the adult
entertainment industry get together for a relaxing after
hours party? Naturally the conversation soon turns to sex,
but quite a few personal revelations unfold as the evening
progresses, making for an entertaining and sometimes
startling feature film.
Ariztical Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069900
Housewife reveals all!“ This sick sixties sexploitation
shocker pretends to expose the sordid world of nude
modeling, but it’s really just an excuse to display a bunch
of naked women...
Murder and revenge drive the narrative of the Mexican
action film SENDERO MORTAL. The police are either
unable or unwilling to solve a string of murders that have
all taken place along a single road. One man becomes
unhinged by the death of his brother, one of the victims of
the unsolved murders. He undertakes his own
investigation of the crimes, drawing a beautiful student
into his inquiry, and sending both into conflict with the
police and the sinister murderer.
Action/Adventure 1999 FF 90min.
Vanguard Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069821
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1965
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070453
Sexy West - 3 Pack
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Peach DVD 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070333
Shadow Falls: Volume 1
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068842
Sensuous Selections
Erika Jordan, Tiffany Brookes
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Peach DVD 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070332
Shanghai Kiss
Seres Humanos
Rafael Sanchez Navarro, Clarissa
Malheiros, Osvaldo Benavides - Dir. Jorge
SERES HUMANOS revolves around the members of a
Mexican family. The movie follows them as they discuss a
past tragedy which has affected their lives in many different ways.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2003 FF
Desert Mountain Media 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069975
Sergeant Preston - The Complete
Childrens 1974
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070486
Jackie Miller, Gigi Darlene - Dir. Al C. Rubin
Mario Almada, Arturo Peniche, Kate Del
Castillo - Dir. Javier Montano
Sesame Street Old School - Vol.
2: 1974-1979
Sendero Mortal
Infinity Entertainment Group 30.10.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070116
Hayden Panettiere, Ken Leung, Kelly Hu,
Joel Moore
Comedies 2007
Anchor Bay Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069833
Shaolin Legend
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070438
Shark - Season 1
James Woods, Danielle Panabaker,
Sophina Brown, Sarah Carter, Samuel
Page, Carlos Gomez - Dir. Spike Lee
Television, Dramas 2006 Ltbx
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068885
Shattered City
Vincent Walsh, Shauna MacDonald, Tamara
Hope, Zachary Bennett - Dir. Bruce Pittman
Dramas 2003
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069668
Sherlock Holmes and the Baker
Street Irregulars
Jonathan Pryce, Bill Paterson, Anna
Chancellor, Michael Maloney - Dir. Julian
Television, Dramas 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 04.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068716
The Shining (Blu-ray)
Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman
Crothers - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
When Jack Torrance finds a job as a caretaker for an old
abandoned hotel during the winter, he thinks of it as the
perfect place to focus on his writing. Even his son’s
misgivings about the move don’t deter him. But soon after
the Torrances arrive, strange things start happening...and
it looks as if the spooky hotel has a plan of its own for
Jack and his family.
Horror/Suspense 1980
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069759
The Shining (HD DVD)
Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman
Crothers - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
When Jack Torrance finds a job as a caretaker for an old
abandoned hotel during the winter, he thinks of it as the
perfect place to focus on his writing. Even his son’s
misgivings about the move don’t deter him. But soon after
the Torrances arrive, strange things start happening...and
it looks as if the spooky hotel has a plan of its own for
Jack and his family.
Horror/Suspense 1980 Ltbx 144min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069805
The Shining (Special Edition)
Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman
Crothers - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
When Jack Torrance finds a job as a caretaker for an old
abandoned hotel during the winter, he thinks of it as the
perfect place to focus on his writing. Even his son’s
misgivings about the move don’t deter him. But soon after
the Torrances arrive, strange things start happening...and
it looks as if the spooky hotel has a plan of its own for
Jack and his family.
Horror/Suspense 1980
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069793
Shinobi No Mono 1
Action/Adventure FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068698
Shogun Assassin 3 - Slashing
Blades Of Carnage
The third installment in the Shogun Assassin series finds
Lone Wolf returning to his murderous ways. SLASHING
BLADES OF CARNAGE follows Lone Wolf as he tracks
down a deadly female assassin while fending off
numerous warriors in increasingly inventive ways.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2007 Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068696
Shoot the Moon
Diane Keaton, Albert Finney, Peter Weller,
Karen Allen, David Landsberg, Tina Yothers
- Dir. Alan Parker, Michael Seresin
The problems of a married couple whose relationship is
falling apart are compounded by the fact that they have a
large family.
Dramas 1981 Ltbx 124min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070583
Shut Up and Sing / Wordplay
SHUT UP AND SING captures the female country-andwestern group the Dixie Chicks in performance around the
U.S. and London between the years 2003 and 2006. While
performing in 2003, singer Natalie Maines ignited redstate outrage when she declared—from a London stage
on the eve of the Iraqi conflict—that she was ashamed
that President George W. Bush was from her home state
of Texas. When a rabidly right-wing group picked up on it,
the band found themselves at the center of controversy
regarding the nature of patriotism, freedom of speech,
feminism, and the split between pro- and anti-war
Americans. Through the crises, the Chicks keep their
sense of humor and sisterhood, not backing down from
their liberal stance, and turning the backlash into a
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070522
Siam Sunset
Danielle Cormack, Linus Roache - Dir. John
Perry (Linus Roache), an executive with a British paint
company is terminal trouble. Everywhere he touches
seems to have disastrous consequences. Absorbed in his
job, Perry believes he can put an end to his troubles by
creating the perfect paint color and surrounding himself in
it. He travels to the deserts of Australia where he
searches for the calming color that he will call Siam
Sunset. On his journey, he encounters Grace (Danielle
Cormack) who introduces him to entirely new outlook as
sparks fly between them. Having found one another, this
pair must now find a way to survive the Australian
Dramas 2002 Ltbx 16x9 91min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069285
Season (Blu-ray)
Foreign Films, Spanish 2004
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068820
Television, Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069201
Sarah Silverman Program Season One
Television, Comedies 2007 S
Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069128
Gene Simmons Family Jewels The Best of Season 1 & 2
Gene Simmons
Larger-than-life Kiss icon Gene Simmons lives with his
girlfriend, former Playboy model Shannon Tweed.
Simmons and Tweed have two kids—Nick and Sophie—
and the four live an idyllic existence in an impressive
OSBOURNES-style reality show about the Simmons
family, with camera crews tracking their every move as
they perform both remarkable and mundane everyday
tasks. A selection of episodes from seasons one and two
of the show are included here.
Gary Oldman, Chloe Webb, Drew Schofield,
David Hayman, Courtney Love, Sy
Richardson, Circle Jerks - Dir. Alex Cox
Director Alex Cox’s acclaimed second feature tells the
bleak, heroin-filled story of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious
and his catastrophic love affair with the self-destructive
Nancy Spungen. Masterfully portrayed by Gary Oldman
and Chloe Webb, the two lovers exhibit a childlike
tenderness with each other that contrasts sharply with
their bleak, violent nihilism. The result is an oddly
romantic view of the early days of the punk era and a
visually stunning tale of punk rock, drugs, devotion, and
inevitable early death.
Dramas 1986 Ltbx 16x9 110min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069063
Silent Bloodnight
Robert Cleaner, Vanessa Vee, Mike Vega,
Christine Dune - Dir. Elmar Weihsmann,
Stefan Peczelt
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx 16x9 84min.
Brain Damage Films 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070602
Silent Love
Noel Burton, Susana Salazar, Vanessa
Bauche - Dir. Federico Hidalgo
In this sophisticated romance, Norman (Noel Burton), a
Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones, Jensen Ackles, Erica
Durance, John Glover, Allison Mack, Annette O’Toole
The young Clark Kent (Tom Welling) is once again faced
with innumerable problems in this fifth season of
SMALLVILLE. The first show begins with Clark facing a
difficult decision in the Fortress of Solitude, as he is given
the choice of saving Chloe’s (Allison Mack) life or saving
the planet. As the program progresses Clark finds himself
undergoing life-changing challenges as he is stripped of
his powers, possessed by the spirit of a girl, and forced to
face up to Lana’s (Kristin Kreuk) new relationship. As
ever, Clark manfully struggles to keep his superhero
identity a secret throughout while also facing growing
pains familiar to teenagers across the globe. This release
contains every episode from the sixth season of the show.
Smallville - The Complete Sixth
Season (HD DVD)
Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones, Jensen Ackles, Erica
Durance, John Glover, Allison Mack, Annette O’Toole
The young Clark Kent (Tom Welling) is once again faced
with innumerable problems in this fifth season of
SMALLVILLE. The first show begins with Clark facing a
difficult decision in the Fortress of Solitude, as he is given
the choice of saving Chloe’s (Allison Mack) life or saving
the planet. As the program progresses Clark finds himself
undergoing life-changing challenges as he is stripped of
his powers, possessed by the spirit of a girl, and forced to
face up to Lana’s (Kristin Kreuk) new relationship. As
ever, Clark manfully struggles to keep his superhero
identity a secret throughout while also facing growing
pains familiar to teenagers across the globe. This release
contains every episode from the sixth season of the show.
Television, Dramas
New Video Group, Inc. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068689
Television, Action/Adventure
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069200
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Snap Decision
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068711
Mare Winningham, Felicity Huffman - Dir.
Alan Metzger
Sissi Collection
Sid & Nancy (Special Edition)
middle-aged Canadian professor, meets a young Mexican
woman, Gladys (Vanessa Bauche of AMORES PERROS),
through an Internet dating service. The two meet in
Mexico. Norman proposes and, a bit tentatively, Gladys
agrees, but with one stipulation: her widowed mother,
Fernanda (Susana Salazar), must be allowed to come
back to Canada with them. Soon, the intricacies of the
non-virtual world begin to trip up the married couple:
Gladys wonders if Norman had „help“ writing his charming
emails, and Norman suspects Gladys of using him to get a
green card. The intelligent and beautiful mother-in-law
does her best to mend the fraying edges of the
relationship, but slowly she becomes the greatest
obstacle of all because Norman finds himself falling in
love with her, and she with him. Under the sure hand of
director Federico Hidalgo and with rich and nuanced
acting by the three leads, this film, which easily could
have been a contrived or situation-driven story, delves
deeply into the complex emotional lives of the characters
as they strive for companionship and l
Romy Schneider
Foreign Films 1954-1962 FF 574min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068994
Red Skelton Collection
Red Skelton
This 5-volume set collects the very best of comedian Red
Skelton’s classic television variety show, featuring the
famous pantomimes and slapstick that made him one of
the world’s most beloved entertainers. Includes the
episodes „Lord Beaverhead,“ „Freddie and the Spies,“
„Mr. Lasagna,“ „Deadeye and the Indians,“ „Vinnie the P,“
„Freddie’s Masterpiece,“ „Halloween Show,“ „Thanksgiving
Episode,“ „Cop and the Anthem,“ „and Freddie and the
Yuletide Doll.“ Also includes Skelton’s stint as host of the
Look Awards and a retrospective of his career entitled
„Hollywood Remembers Red Skelton.“
Television, Comedies FF 300min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070317
Slit-Mouthed Woman
Horror/Suspense 2005
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070445
Smallville - The Complete Sixth
When Jen Bradley allowed her childhood friend, Carrie
Dixon—a professional photographer—to take some
snapshots of her two beautiful daughters, Jen never
expected to be sitting in a courtroom defending herself
against accusations of child pornography and abuse.
Based on a true story.
Dramas 2001
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070480
Snowy River - The McGregor
Saga: A Different Breed Of Cowboy
Guy Pearce
Dramas 2007 FF 135min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068703
Sobre el Muerto las Coronas
Amparo Arozamena, Antonio „Clavillazo“
Espino, Marina Camacho - Dir. Jose Diaz
Foreign Films, Spanish 1961 FF
Laguna Films 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070196
Some Folks Call It A Sling Blade
(Special Edition)
Billy Bob Thornton, Molly Ringwald, J.T.
Walsh - Dir. George Hickenlooper
The haunting story of a man about to be released from an
insane asylum after serving a 25-year sentence for a
double murder. This original short film served as the basis
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
for the Oscar-winning feature SLING BLADE.
Dramas 1993 FF 50min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069288
Someone’s Watching Me
Lauren Hutton, John Carpenter, David
Birney, Adrienne Barbeau, Charles Cyphers
Horror/Suspense 1978
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069236
Sometimes They Come Back
Tim Matheson, Brooke Adams, Chris
Demetral, Robert Hy Gorman, William
Sanderson - Dir. Tom McLoughlin
Jim Norman’s return to his hometown to teach high school
after a 20-year absence may be the ultimate nightmare.
Horror/Suspense 1991
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070231
Son of the Dragon
David Carradine, John Reardon - Dir. David
Action/Adventure 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069673
Sopranos - Season 6: Part 2
James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Jamie-Lynn
Sigler, Lorraine Bracco, Michael Imperioli,
Robert Iler, Steven Van Zandt, Tony Sirico,
Vince Curatola, Steve Schirripa, John
Ventimiglia, Dominic Chianese, Frank
The personal and professional adventures of Tony
Soprano (James Gandolfini) continue in this sixth, and
final, season of episodes. As the show builds to its climax,
Tony finds his life in danger as Phil Leotardo (Frank
Vincent) assumes control of the Mafia following the death
of Johnny Sack (Vince Curatola). As the tension escalates
even Tony’s faithful henchmen, Christopher (Michael
Imperioli), Paulie (Tony Sirico), and Silvio (Steve Van
Zandt) find their lives in danger. Meanwhile, the various
story arcs concerning Tony’s family—Anthony Jr. (Robert
Iler), Meadow (Jamie Lynn Sigler), and Carmela (Edie
Falco)—all build towards the show’s controversial ending.
As always, the ever-reliable Dr. Melfi (Lorraine Bracco) is
on hand to beat off Tony’s advances and steady his
nerves through her therapy sessions. The final set of
episodes from season six of the show are included here.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069449
James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Jamie-Lynn
Sigler, Lorraine Bracco, Michael Imperioli,
Robert Iler, Steven Van Zandt, Tony Sirico,
Vince Curatola, Steve Schirripa, John
Ventimiglia, Dominic Chianese, Frank
The personal and professional adventures of Tony
Soprano (James Gandolfini) continue in this sixth, and
final, season of episodes. As the show builds to its climax,
Tony finds his life in danger as Phil Leotardo (Frank
Vincent) assumes control of the Mafia following the death
of Johnny Sack (Vince Curatola). As the tension escalates
even Tony’s faithful henchmen, Christopher (Michael
Imperioli), Paulie (Tony Sirico), and Silvio (Steve Van
Zandt) find their lives in danger. Meanwhile, the various
story arcs concerning Tony’s family—Anthony Jr. (Robert
Iler), Meadow (Jamie Lynn Sigler), and Carmela (Edie
Falco)—all build towards the show’s controversial ending.
As always, the ever-reliable Dr. Melfi (Lorraine Bracco) is
on hand to beat off Tony’s advances and steady his
nerves through her therapy sessions. The final set of
episodes from season six of the show are included here.
Sopranos - Season 6: Part 2 (HD
James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Jamie-Lynn
Sigler, Lorraine Bracco, Michael Imperioli,
Robert Iler, Steven Van Zandt, Tony Sirico,
Vince Curatola, Steve Schirripa, John
Ventimiglia, Dominic Chianese, Frank
The personal and professional adventures of Tony
Soprano (James Gandolfini) continue in this sixth, and
final, season of episodes. As the show builds to its climax,
Tony finds his life in danger as Phil Leotardo (Frank
Vincent) assumes control of the Mafia following the death
of Johnny Sack (Vince Curatola). As the tension escalates
even Tony’s faithful henchmen, Christopher (Michael
Imperioli), Paulie (Tony Sirico), and Silvio (Steve Van
Zandt) find their lives in danger. Meanwhile, the various
story arcs concerning Tony’s family—Anthony Jr. (Robert
Iler), Meadow (Jamie Lynn Sigler), and Carmela (Edie
Falco)—all build towards the show’s controversial ending.
As always, the ever-reliable Dr. Melfi (Lorraine Bracco) is
on hand to beat off Tony’s advances and steady his
nerves through her therapy sessions. The final set of
episodes from season six of the show are included here.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069450
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069060
Species’ Odyssey
This set contains both episodes from the A SPECIES’
WORLD CONQUEST takes viewers back eight million
years to when the Great Rift Valley was first formed and
to when the first differentiation could be found between
the apes and the first pre-humans. Travel with the species
which would eventually become the human up through
EPISODE 2: FROM THE DISCOVERY OF FIRE TO MODERN HUMANS, which examines the first-known tombs
and the development of the species’ Java Man and
Neanderthal Man, who would later have to confront the
Homo sapiens. The program takes viewers through the
entire period known as prehistory.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070198
Species: The Awakening
Ben Cross, Dominic Keating, Adam Wylie,
Helena Mattsson, Marco Bacuzzi - Dir. Nick
College Professor Miranda Hollander ’s career is in
jeopardy after a mystery blackout leaves her a suspect in
a horrible murder. Worse yet, she discovers from her
uncle that she is a half-human, half-alien clone! Seeking
answers in Mexico, the two begin a battle against hybrids
like Miranda herself.
South Sea Woman
Burt Lancaster, Virginia Mayo
Dramas FF M 98min.
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069772
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069565
Southern Fried Chicks
Etta May, Trish Suhr, Sonya White, Beth
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069481
Spider-Man 1,2,3
Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, J.K.
Simmons, James Franco - Dir. Sam Raimi
Spiderman fans should be in for a treat with this pack
containing the first, second, and third chapters in the
comic book saga.
Reb Brown, James Ryan, John Phillip Law,
Cameron Mitchell - Dir. David Winters
Action/Adventure 2002-2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069970
A brave crewmember takes charge when a mutinous
revolt threatens his spacecraft. He leads the rest of the
crew in a battle against evil space pirates.
Spider-Man 3
Space Mutiny
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1988 FF
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069604
Spanking the Monkey / Simple
Men / Lucky Stiff
Sopranos - Season 6: Part 2 (Bluray)
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069451
Robert John Burke, William Sage, Jeremy
Davies, Alberta Watson - Dir. Hal Hartley,
Anthony Perkins, David O. Russell
Comedies 1988
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068954
Natasha Henstridge, Ben Kingsley, Forest
Whitaker, Michael Madsen, Marg
Helgenberger, Alfred Molina - Dir. Roger
A team of scientists decide they must gas to death a
young girl named Sil. Why? Because she is the result of
an experiment in which human DNA was mixed with that of
a (possibly nefarious) alien race. But Sil has plans of her
own, so she breaks out of the gas chamber and escapes.
This prompts Fitch, the head scientist, to gather a team to
track the child down. Unfortunately, they may have trouble
recognizing their prey, because Sil has turned herself into
a lethal, sexy, adult woman... whose goal is to procreate
as soon as possible. The fetching mutant embarks on a
number of sexual encounters — most of which have
gruesome results for her partners.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1995 FF
Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Thomas
Haden Church, Topher Grace, James Franco, Dylan Baker, James Cromwell, Bryce
Dallas Howard, Rosemary Harris, J.K.
Simmons - Dir. Sam Raimi
The Marvel comics hero returns for more high-flying fun in
this third installment in the series. Peter Parker (Tobey
Maguire) is up to his usual Spidey tricks, attending
university classes as an awkward geek, then quickly
slipping into his red-and-blue suit to save New York City
from various villains. And there are villains aplenty. Thomas Hayden Church blows in as the Sandman, an
escaped convict whose molecular structure is destroyed in
a particle accelerator. The freak accident gives him the
ability to form and reform from piles of dust. While the
Sandman sifts through the city streets robbing banks,
Spidey must also contend with his onetime friend, Harry
(James Franco), who has taken up where his father, the
Green Goblin, left off. Harry chases Spider-Man down on
his goblin glider, hurling pumpkin bombs. But SpiderMan’s biggest battle is perhaps within himself, when he is
taken over by meteorite ooze—a substance that gives him
great power, but also turns him into a vengeful, selfish
jerk. Throw into the mix Peter’s new competition at the
Daily Bugle—the ambitious, sneaky Eddie Brock (Topher
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069963
Spider-Man 3 (Special Edition)
Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Thomas
Haden Church, Topher Grace, James Fran-
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
co, Dylan Baker, James Cromwell, Bryce
Dallas Howard, Rosemary Harris, J.K.
Simmons - Dir. Sam Raimi
The Marvel comics hero returns for more high-flying fun in
this third installment in the series. Peter Parker (Tobey
Maguire) is up to his usual Spidey tricks, attending
university classes as an awkward geek, then quickly
slipping into his red-and-blue suit to save New York City
from various villains. And there are villains aplenty. Thomas Hayden Church blows in as the Sandman, an
escaped convict whose molecular structure is destroyed in
a particle accelerator. The freak accident gives him the
ability to form and reform from piles of dust. While the
Sandman sifts through the city streets robbing banks,
Spidey must also contend with his onetime friend, Harry
(James Franco), who has taken up where his father, the
Green Goblin, left off. Harry chases Spider-Man down on
his goblin glider, hurling pumpkin bombs. But SpiderMan’s biggest battle is perhaps within himself, when he is
taken over by meteorite ooze—a substance that gives him
great power, but also turns him into a vengeful, selfish
jerk. Throw into the mix Peter’s new competition at the
Daily Bugle—the ambitious, sneaky Eddie Brock (Topher
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
DTS 139min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069969
Comedies 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070431
Stargate SG-1 - The Complete
Stargate SG-1 Series Collection
Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks,
Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Don
S. Davis, Corin Nemec, Beau Bridges, Ben
Browder, David Hewlett, Claudia Black
All 214 episodes from all 10 seasons of the series are
included here. The fantasy action and adventure that
began with the Roland Emmerich movie STARGATE
continues in the thrilling syndicated television series. Grab
your map of the galaxy’s scattered Stargates, and step
through to new worlds of adventure and danger!
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1997
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
485,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069573
Stargate: Atlantis - Season 3
Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Rachel
Luttrell, David Hewlett, Paul McGillion
A team of scientists and military personnel is dispatched
to a far-off galaxy to explore the remnants of the Lost City
of the Ancients—also known as Atlantis—in this
STARGATE SG-1 spin-off series. The Ancients were an
advanced human race that initially created the Stargate
network, and diplomat Dr. Elizabeth Weir (Torri Higginson)
and pilot Major John Sheppherd (Joe Flanigan) head the
international squad that is sent to investigate. The team
arrives at Atlantis to find the city abandoned and their ship
permanently stranded, unless they can find a power
source to get themselves home to earth. They make
contact with a brave but primitive native civilization as well
as with the evil Wraith species. This collection gathers
each episode from the third season.
Spiritual Exercises
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069961
Splatter Beach
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069009
Tom Sizemore, Edward James Olmos,
Resmine Atis, Enrique Almeida, Noel
Guglielmi, Delilah Cotto, Emilio Rivera - Dir.
Michael Olmos
Action/Adventure 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068943
Stalking Laura
Brooke Shields, Richard Thomas
Shields, no stranger to stalkers herself, plays real-life
victim Laura Black, who was harrassed and stalked by a
maniacal, murderous co-worker.
Dramas 1995
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070293
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 20062007 Ltbx DD 5.1 1048min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070239
Starter Wife
Joe Mantegna, Judy Davis, Anika Noni
Rose, Miranda Otto, Stephen Moyer, Aden
Young, Chris Diamantopoulos, Ursula
Brooks, Gigi Edgley, Debra Messing - Dir.
Jon Avnet
Television, Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069047
Stealing God
Comedies 2005 FF 93min.
Passion River 31.07.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069140
Barbara Stanwyck Collection
Barbara Stanwyck
Six films featuring screen star Barbara Stanwyck are
included on this collection. The titles featured are ANNIE
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069752
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 31.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070553
Star Trek: The Original Series Season One
Stories of Lost Souls
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy - Dir. Donald R. Beck
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070381
Candis Cayne, Gus Mattox, RuPaul - Dir.
Mike Ruiz
Hugh Jackman, Keira Knightley, James
Gandolfini, Billy Boyd, Cate Blanchett
STORIES OF LOST SOULS compiles six intriguing,
sometimes unsettling vignettes of human will and
courage. An all-star cast that includes Cate Blanchett,
Hugh Jackman, and Paul Bettany appear in this collection
of short films shot in an indie style.
Dramas 2005
Allumination Film Works LLC 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069325
Richard Edson, John Lurie, Eszter Balint,
Cecilla Stark - Dir. Jim Jarmusch
Beginning in New York City and ending up in Florida, Jim
Jarmusch’s STRANGER THAN PARADISE is a highly
original comedy that has greatly influenced a new
generation of filmmakers (most notably, Kevin Smith and
Finland’s Aki Kourismaki). Willie (John Lurie) is annoyed
to learn that his younger cousin, Eva (Eszter Balint), is
flying in from Hungary and plans on staying with him for
ten days. When she arrives, she and Willie waste their
days doing nothing. Eventually, Eva gets bored and leaves
New York in order to visit her Aunt Lotte in Cleveland.
When Willie and his friend Eddie (Richard Edson) get into
trouble while cheating in a poker game, they decide to hit
the road and track down Eva. Cleveland is even less
exciting than New York, so the trio decide to take the
plunge and journey to Florida, where they dream of
winning an enormous amount at the track. Unfortunately,
the reverse occurs, forcing them to confront the gravity of
their situation head-on. Jarmusch fuses his love of
European cinema with a New York hipness to create one
of the decade’s most influential films. Photographed in a
static b
Comedies 1984 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min.
Criterion Collection 30.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068935
Strawberry Roan
Gene Autry, Gloria Henry, Jack Holt, Pat
Buttram - Dir. John English
STRAWBERRY ROAN, Gene Autry’s first color picture,
focuses on a wild stallion, falsely charged with being a
killer, and the courageous cowboy who races to save its
life from a gun-toting posse. This exciting adventure tale
is rounded off with five delightful songs.
Westerns 1948
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068946
Stray Cats
Two best friends, one gay and one straight, fall in and out
of love with their respective partners in this romantic tale,
which is set in the Philippines.
Ariztical Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068713
Street Thief
This fictional film follows a petty thief, named Kaspar
Carr, on his daily routine. Carr ’s thievery knows no
bounds, and he’s soon breaking into a safe and stealing
from grocery stores. STREET THIEF is based on the
experiences of its director Malik Bader (who also plays
Carr) and successfully attempts to blur the lines between
documentary and fictional filmmaking.
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068695
Strictly Business
Tommy Davidson, Joseph C. Phillips, Halle
Berry, David Marshall Grant - Dir. Kevin
Waymon Tinsdale III, a soon-to-be partner at a real estate
firm, has fallen in lust with a cute restaurant hostess
named Natalie. Too bad Waymon’s a stiff-necked
workaholic who’s got little in the way of rhythm or soul,
and no clue as to how to get her attention. Rather than let
this buxom black beauty slip away, he seeks the advice of
wise-cracking, fast-talking, mail room employee Bobby
Johnson, an old friend of Natalie’s from around her way.
For tongue-tied Waymon, meeting Natalie is the easy part,
he’ll have difficulty with everything thereafter. But if
Waymon gets Bobby into the management training program he’s longed for, he’ll make the deal he needs to get
the woman he wants.
Comedies 1991 Ltbx S 83min.
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069203
El Suavecito
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069069
Stranger Than Paradise
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Seite 63
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Suburban Wives
Eva Whishaw, Timothy Parkes, Robin
Culver, Ian Sinclair, Mia Martin, Gabrielle
Drake, Claire Gordon, Maggie Wright, Peter
May, James Donnelly
Timothy Parkes, Eva Wishaw, and Robin Culver star in
this steamy collection of stories about extramarital affairs.
All told from the woman’s point of view, each tale is
packed with suspense, drama, and lust.
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070268
Television, Comedies 2006 FF DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069354
Superbug Rides Again
Subway Stories
Craig McKay, Seth Zvi Rosenfeld, Patricia
Benoit, Christine Lahti, Bonnie Hunt, Lili
Taylor, Denis Leary, Mercedes Ruehl, Rosie
Perez, Sarita Choudhury, Anne Heche,
Gregory Hines, Danny Hoch, Bill Irwin, Mike
McGlone, Ajay Naidu, Michael Rapaport,
Jerry Stiller, Steve Zahn, Taral Hicks, Israel
Horovitz, Kris Parker, Zachary Taylor - Dir.
Ted Demme, Abel Ferrara, Craig McKay,
Julie Dash, Alison Maclean, Lucas Platt,
Bob Balaban, Jonathan Demme
SUBWAY STORIES presents a series of 10 short films
about people braving New York City’s famous (and
infamous) subway system.
Dramas 1997
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068925
Sucesos Distantes
Angelica Aragon - Dir. Guita Schyfter
When husband discovers a nude photograph of his
actress wife, and a letter written in Russian, it propels him
on a jealous quest to uncover the secrets lurking in his
wife’s past.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1996 FF
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069383
Such Is Life
Carlos Chávez, Patricia Reyes Spíndola,
Rafael Inclan, Luis Felipe Tovar, Leticia
Valenzuela, Alejandra Montoya, Eligio
Meléndez, Ernesto Yáñez - Dir. Arturo
Arturo Ripstein’s contemporary adaptation of the Greek
tragedy MEDEA is the first commercially released film
from Latin America to be shot on Digital Video. Ripstein’s
camera roves impatiently through a dark and surreal
landscape of dingy corridors and tiny apartments occupied
by the self-absorbed characters of this atmospheric
drama. An abortionist named Julia (Arcelia Ramirez)
spends most of her time in her clausterphobic apartment
with her young children. Her husband, Nicolas (Luis Felipe
Tovar), abandoned her for a younger woman, Raquel
(Francesca Guillen)—the daughter of the powerful and
vile slumlord known as Pig (Ernesto Yanez). While Julia
plots her revenge on her husband, Nicolas divides his
time between the gym, where he trains as a professional
boxer, and his girlfriend’s apartment, where he lies in bed
and thinks about his upcoming wedding to her. As Julia
becomes more embittered, Nicolas decides he needs to
take his children away from her, but not without
catastrophic consequences.
Dramas 2001
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070007
Gerd Duwner - Dir. Jim Brown
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070275
Gaiam 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068924
La Supremacia Bourne
Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox,
Julia Stiles, Karl Urban, Gabriel Mann, Joan
Allen - Dir. Paul Greengrass
Matt Damon returns as amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne
in this fast-paced follow-up to 2002’s THE BOURNE
IDENTITY. Forced out of hiding as the result of an attempt
on his life, Bourne fulfills his earlier promise to wreak
vengeance on his former CIA employers, some of whom
may be in league with murderous Russians. Brian Cox and
Joan Allen are both great as warring agency chiefs
convinced Bourne orchestrated the murder of two of their
own in a deal gone bad. Thanks to tense, gritty direction
by Paul Greengrass (BLOODY SUNDAY), the plot stays
tight, the characters believable, and suspense and thrills
flow steady. Moody photography enhances the urban
European locations, which—combined with handheld
camerawork and fast editing—keeps the action realistic
and CGI-free. Vividly capturing the fatalist flavor of Robert
Ludlum’s original novel, this is „globalism noir“ at its
finest. Franka Potente and Julia Stiles are back from the
original, and the always dependable Marton Csokas
shows up as one of Bourne’s deadly fellow operatives. A
rousing car chase through Moscow may outdo the ones in
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069547
El Tarasco de Michoacan / Que
Me Entierren Con La Banda
Agustin Bernal, Manolo Cardenas
This release presents a double-feature of Mexican action
films: in EL TARASCO DE MICHOACAN (2001), a hardboiled cop uses a drug dealer’s girlfriend to get to the
wanted criminal; and in QUE ME ENTIERREN CON LA
BANDA (1994), travelling musicians engage in adventure,
romance, and camaraderie as they hit the road to play
engagements ranging from parties to bullfights.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1994-2001
Navarre Corporation 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068743
Tarzan King of the Jungle
This collection includes THE NEW ADVENTURES OF
THE TRAPPERS. See individual titles for details.
Action/Adventure 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070324
Suite Life of Zack and Cody Sweet Suite Victory
Cole Sprouse, Dylan Sprouse, Kim Rhodes,
Phill Lewis
In this popular Disney sitcom, 11-year-old identical twins
Zack and Cody (Dylan and Cole Sprouse) are sure they’ve
gone to heaven: their mother (Kim Rhoades) has landed a
job as a singer at the Tipton hotel, and they all get to
move into a suite on the top floor. The boys have a ball
with room service, the swimming pool, and an everfluctuating cast of characters, while Mom tries to keep
them in line—and out of the hair of hotel manager Mr.
Moseby (Phill Lewis). In the three competition-filled
episodes in SWEET SUITE VICTORY, Zack and Cody run
against each other in the race for class president, London
and Maddie turn their Sweet 16 parties into a rivalry, and
a battle of the bands turns into a war between friends.
Catherine Tate Show - Season
Catherine Tate
Television, Comedies 2004
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069497
Tax Day
Kathleen Monteleone, Donna Sorbello - Dir.
Laura Colella
Dramas 2007 FF DD 2.0 75min.
Passion River 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070394
Taxi Driver
Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Peter
Boyle, Jodie Foster, Diahnne Abbott, Victor
Argo, Albert Brooks, Harvey Keitel, Peter
Savage, Ralph S. Singleton, Charles
Scorsese - Dir. Martin Scorsese
This brutal vision of urban decay and malaise has
justifiably become one of Martin Scorsese’s most
celebrated films. Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle, a
cabdriver and Vietnam vet whose mind slips even further
into insanity after being rejected by an attractive
campaign worker (Cybill Shepherd). As he plots the
assassination of her party’s candidate, he finds himself
trying to rescue a 13-year-old prostitute (Jodie Foster)
from her vicious pimp (Harvey Keitel). Scorsese and De
Niro once again team up to bring Paul Schrader’s
powerful script to life with this classic psychological
Dramas 1976 Ltbx DD 5.1 114min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068764
Jack Scalia, Scarlet Chorvat, Joan
Dramas 2007 FF
York Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070609
Teen Mania
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070425
Teen Mothers
Timothy Wead, Mary Cannon
As the result of an unwanted pregnancy two teenagers
are forced to leave their family homes and attempt to
make a life for themselves in the city. A touching tale of
passion and young love.
Dramas 1980
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070280
Tell Me No Secrets / When Time
Lori Loughlin, Bruce Greenwood, Richard
Grieco, Cynthia Geary, Mark Hamill - Dir.
David Bourla, Bobby Roth
Dramas 1997
Genius Productions, Inc. 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069660
Shirley Temple Classic Pack
Shirley Temple
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069590
Shirley Temple Collection
Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple’s sunny effervescence was a balm to
Depression-era moviegoers and continues to charm
audiences of today. This 5-volume set celebrates the
ringleted child star ’s eternal appeal with a sampling of her
most beloved feature films and a collection of rare shorts.
Comedies 2004 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069592
Tender Loving Care
Three sexy nurses share an apartment while working at a
large city hospital. They really know how to cheer up the
male patients.
Comedies 1973
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070292
Comedies 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 119min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069440
Comedies 1934-1936
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069966
These Ruins That You See
Three Stooges Comedy
Fernando Lujan, Blanca Guerra, Pedro
Armendariz - Dir. Julian Pastor
Terror Y Encajes Negros
Gonzalo Vega, Maribel Guardia, Claudio
Obregon, Jaime Moreno, Claudia Guzman Dir. Luis Alcoriza
When beautiful young Isabel dons black lingerie in
preparation to meet her lover she doesn’t expect the she
will actually be meeting a psychotic maniac with a hair
fetish. With her locks set in his sights, she is forced to
flee for her life.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1985
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068805
When distinguished university professor, Paco Aldebaran
(Fernando Lujan), meets up with a beautiful former
student (Bianca Guerra)—who just happens to be
engaged—their passion for each other gets them both in
trouble. This sexy Mexican bedroom farce was based on
the novel by Jorge Ibarguengoitia.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1978
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068790
This Is England
Stephen Graham, Frank Harper, Vicky
McClure, Andrew Shim, Joe Gilgun, Jack
O’Connell, Kieran Hardcastle, Andrew Ellis,
Thomas Turgoose - Dir. Shane Meadows
That 70s Show - Season 7
Topher Grace, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis,
Ashton Kutcher, Wilmer Valderrama,
Kurtwood Smith, Debra Jo Rupp, Danny
Fondly commemorating and gently poking fun at the
trends, fashions, and attitudes that made the decade of
the 1970s so distinct, THAT 70s SHOW chronicles the
rites of passage of a group of teens growing up in the
Wisconsin suburbs. Eric Forman (Topher Grace) lives with
his parents, his no-nonsense dad, Red (Kurtwood Smith),
and his somewhat loopy mother, Kitty (Debra Jo Rupp),
and hangs out with his sometimes girlfriend, Donna (Laura
Prepon), cheerleader Jackie (Mila Kunis), hunky Kelso
(Ashton Kutcher), conspiracy theorist Hyde (Danny
Masterson), and clueless exchange student Fez (Wilmer
Valderrama). The show revolves around the ever-shifting
social dynamics of the teens and their families, and
despite the silliness of the sitcom situations, the show
touches on serious issues (absent fathers, marital
problems), and at times creates a surprising poignancy. In
the seventh season, Donna goes blonde, Kelso becomes
a dad, Red opens his own shop, and more. This next-tolast season features 25 episodes and also features guest
appearances from Lindsay Lohan, Brooke Shields, Luke
Wilson, Jenna Fischer, Shannon
Television, Comedies 2004-2005 FF DD
2.0 550min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068886
Thelma & Louise
Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey
Keitel, Christopher McDonald, Brad Pitt,
Michael Madsen, Timothy Carhart - Dir.
Ridley Scott
In Ridley Scott’s THELMA & LOUISE, two Arkansas
women take off for a simple weekend free of men and
wind up outlaws blazing a cathartic trail across America.
Dramas 1991
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070248
Based on incidents from his own childhood, writer-director
Shane Meadows’s THIS IS ENGLAND is a stunning, brutal
look at 1983 Britain, during the conservative Margaret
Thatcher regime and the controversial Falklands War.
Twelve-year-old Shaun (Thomas Turgoose) is a tough
little kid who is street-smart beyond his years despite
being short for his age. He falls in with a group of older
boys, led by Woody (Joe Gilgun), who hang out at a local
coffee shop, like to commit minor acts of anarchy, and
adopt Shaun as one of their own—especially Smell (Rosamund Hanson), an overly made-up teenager who dresses
like Boy George and develops a cute romantic interest in
the complicated boy. But when skinhead Combo
(SNATCH’s Stephen Graham) gets out of jail, he returns
to the gang, eager to take over the reins and lead them
on a nationalistic battle to get rid of the immigrants who
are stealing their jobs and to defend England to the death.
Shaun, whose father died in the Falklands, must choose
between staying with Woody and his friends or joining
Combo on his violent quest to protect the homeland.
Turgoose, in his act
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070119
Thomas & Friends - Ultimate
It’s a Christmas adventure with Thomas, Percy, and the
rest of the rail-road gang from the Island of Sodor.
Knapsford Station is all aglow with holiday cheer as
everyone learns the true spirit of the holidays.
Childrens, Live-Action 2007 FF 60min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069831
Thomas & Friends - Ultimate
Christmas (with Toy)
It’s a Christmas adventure with Thomas, Percy, and the
rest of the rail-road gang from the Island of Sodor.
Knapsford Station is all aglow with holiday cheer as
everyone learns the true spirit of the holidays.
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069591
Threepenny Opera
Lotte Lenya, Reinhold Schunzel - Dir. G.W.
This classic musical tells the story of a debonair gangster
and his cohorts. Often voted by European audiences as
one of world cinema’s shining achievements, THE
THREEPENNY OPERA was directed by famous director
G.W. Pabst, composed by the legendary Kurt Weill, and
stars Weill’s wife, the incomparable and sleekly sexy
cabaret singer Lotte Lenya.
Foreign Films, German 1931 FF M
Criterion Collection 30.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068938
Thrills & Chills 3-Pack
Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland, Leelee
Sobieski, Paul Walker, Emilie de Ravin,
Kathleen Quinlan - Dir. Alexandre Aja, John
Dahl, Joel Schumacher
This edge-of-your-seat three-pack contains JOY RIDE,
individual titles for detailed descriptions.
Horror/Suspense 2001
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070054
Seong Hyeon-ah, Ha Jung-Woo - Dir. Kim
Kim Ki-duk directs this disturbing story about how far one
woman goes for love. When her boyfriends starts showing
disinterest, an emotionally distraught woman locks herself
away for months, leaving her lover to believe he’s been
abandoned, while she secretly goes under the knife so
she can be transformed into a woman he’ll love.
Dramas 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070134
Tin Soldier / Rumplestiltskin
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069534
Childrens, Live-Action 2007 FF 60min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069832
Tintorera - Tiger Shark
There’s Something About Mary
Three of Cups
Richard Jenkins, Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz,
Matt Dillon, Chris Elliott, Khandi Alexander,
Sarah Silverman, Jeffrey Tambor, Markie
Post, Keith David, Lee Evans, Lin Shaye,
Harland Williams, W. Earl Brown - Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Humberto Zurita, Alejandro Camacho,
Gabriela Roel - Dir. Felipe Cazals
Mexican shark hunters Steven and Miguel are vacationing
in a tropical paradise and romancing several women when
the horribly mauled bodies of swimmers begin to wash
ashore. The two men then decide to make it their mission
to find the aquatic beast responsible for the deaths. This
Mexican-made grindhouse JAWS clone has developed a
cult following through the years based on its liberal
servings of both nudity and gore. Susan George (STRAW
DOGS), Fiona Lewis (THE FURY), and Priscilla Barnes
(TV’s Three’s Company) star.
THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY is a no-holdsbarred comedy tour-de-force in which 30-something Ben
Stiller locates and courts his high school dreamgirl
(Cameron Diaz), unwittingly enlisting the help of some of
her more hilariously psychotic suitors. In-your-face sight
gags and unapologetic raunchiness disguise a riotously
funny love story that is actually very sweet. Be amazed at
the impeccable casting and stellar performances of the
supporting players.
At the end of Mexico’s Reform War, Pedro and Damian,
two mercenaries raised as brothers, find themselves in a
downward spiral involving gambling, robbery, murder, and
a beautiful woman named Casilda.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1986
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068800
Three Stooges Collection - 19341936
Made up of 19 shorts, this collection contains „Woman
Haters,“ „Punch Drunks,“ „Hoi Polloi,“ „Ants in the Pantry,“
„Slippery Silks,“ and more.
Susan George, Fiona Lewis, Hugo Stiglitz,
Priscilla Barnes, Jennifer Ashley - Dir. Rene
Horror/Suspense 1978
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068815
Tivoli: Uncut and Uncensored
Alfonso Arau, Lyn May, Pancho Cordova,
Carmen Salinas - Dir. Alberto Isaac
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 65
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Acclaimed Mexican director Alberto Isaac helms the
comedic, bawdy, and nostalgic TIVOLI. Set in the 1940s
and 50s in Mexico City, the film chronicles the people and
culture surrounding the infamous Tivoli Theater. At the
Tivoli, citizens of the city could see performances ranging
from comedians to burlesque dancers. However, the
moralizing politicians in the city see the theater as a
threat, and begin efforts to close its doors and tear it
down, despite the resistance of performers and customers
alike. Starring actor-director Alfonso Arau, TIVOLI
examines a lost era of nightlife in Mexico City.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068791
Horrific violence perpetrated by a family of killers terrifies
the Mexican countryside in LOS TRES MALDITOS
(THREE BASTARDS), which is inspired by true events. A
group of assassins, all members of the same family, turn
on each other when one of them breaks the unspoken rule
of their trade. The factions begin battling each other,
terrorizing innocents with their behavior, until one of them
(Javier Montano, also the director) loses his wife in the
melee. Swearing revenge and an end to the conflict, the
violence spreads until the townspeople wonder if it will
ever end. Featuring Mexican action star Jorge Reynoso,
LOS TRES MALDITOS is a commentary on the inexorable
way that violence begets violence.
To Please A Lady / Jeopardy
Clark Gable, Barbara Stanwyck
Dramas 1950 FF M 160min.
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069799
Tomb of Terrors
This incredible package contains 50 horror movies full of
gore and mayhem. Among the titles included are BARELY
Mill Creek Entertainment 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069976
Los Tres Malditos
Jorge Reynoso, Fernando Saenz, Leticia
Leon - Dir. Javier Montano
Action/Adventure 2002 FF 87min.
Vanguard Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069820
Tropical Heat: Sweating Bullets Season 1
Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn, Ian Tracey
Toros, Amor Y Gloria
Maria Antonienta Pons, Sara Garcia, Carlos
Lopez Moctezuma - Dir. Raúl de Anda
A young man from a poor family works his way up from
being a chauffeur to a renowned bullfighter. While he
basks in the glory of having achieved his dream and made
something of his life, his beloved mother is tortured every
time he gets in the ring, worrying about his safety and
saying a prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Another side
of the sport of bullfighting is revealed in this classic of
Mexican cinema.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1944 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070251
Completely cheesy but undeniably fun, this early 1990s
crime drama stars Rob Stewart as the hunky Nick
Slaughter, a former DEA agent who sets up a detective
agency with a new no-nonsense partner named Sylvie
Girard (Carolyn Dunn) in a small—yet oddly crimeinfested—Florida town. Their pseudo-MOONLIGHTING
banter gives the series much of its charm, along with the
lovely tropical scenery and Key Mariah’s population of
likable oddballs.
Television, Dramas 1991
Tango Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070506
Troy (Director’s Cut)
Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Brian
Cox, Sean Bean, Brendan Gleeson, Peter
O’Toole, Rose Byrne, Saffron Burrows - Dir.
Wolfgang Petersen
Touched By An Angel - The
Fourth Season: Vol. 2
Roma Downey, John Dye, Della Reese
Television, Dramas 1997 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070391
Touched By An Angel - Seasons 1
Thru 4
Roma Downey, John Dye, Della Reese
Dramas FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070375
Toy Castle Magic Box
Enjoy all the imagination and fun of the stories in THE
TOY CASTLE with this six-volume set. This collection
individual titles for synopsis information.
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069652
With soaring photography that circles from above then
swoops in for the action, TROY is Wolfgang Petersen’s
majestic presentation of the classic Greek legend. It tells
the story of an epic battle over Helen (Diane Kruger), the
queen of Sparta, who is kidnapped by her lover Paris
(Orlando Bloom), the prince of Troy. This infuriates
Helen’s husband Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), whose
brother Agamemnon (Brian Cox) convinces him to invade
Troy and kill Helen. They recruit Achilles (Brad Pitt), the
best warrior in Greece, whose bravery, quick feet, and
remarkable swordsmanship (not to mention tan biceps,
short kilts, and blond locks) have earned him a reputation
that is almost as impressive as his ego. Achilles agrees to
fight for Sparta, if only for the fame it will bring him. Even
Achilles’ mother, in a touching scene, advises him to
forget mortal achievements and become a hero who will
be remembered throughout history. Along with the
invasion of Troy, a series of duals must also be fought:
Paris, who is heartbreaking in his lovestruck naivety, must
go up against the enraged Menelaus; and Achilles must
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069207
Krystyna Stypulkowska, Jutta Hoffmann,
Manfred Krug, Eberhard Esche - Dir. Frank
Dramas 1966
First Run Features Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069399
psychological thriller where sex is as fatal as murder.
Dramas 2007
Maverick Entertainment 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070298
Turistas / Wrong Turn
Eliza Dushku, Desmond Harrington, Melissa
George, Josh Duhamel - Dir. John
Stockwell, Rob Schmidt
TURISTAS: A group of international tourists seeking fun
and adventure in Brazil get a lot more than they bargained
for in this suspenseful horror film. Written by first-time
screenwriter Michael Arlen Ross and directed by John
Stockwell (BLUE CRUSH), TURISTAS, the first American
film to be shot completely in the South American nation, is
set in the Brazilian mountains, where Alex (Josh
Duhamel); his sister, Bea (Olivia Wilde); and her best
friend, Amy (Beau Garrett), are preparing for an eco-tour.
But when their bus crashes, they are stranded with a
group of locals as well as a handful of other tourists. In
the middle of nowhere, they find a little oasis in a surprise
sandy bar, where they party until they wake up the next
morning, having been drugged and robbed, with all
remnants of the bar gone. They walk into an unfriendly
town, but the only person offering any help might not
exactly be leading them to safety. TURISTAS is a wellpaced thriller that features brutal torture, violence, and a
terrific, breathless underwater chase through some very
cool caves. The film also succeeds as an examination of t
Horror/Suspense 2003-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070067
TV Graffiti
Jackie Gleason, Kirk Douglas, Jack Benny,
Fred MacMurray, Dick Powell, Stu Erwin,
Eddie Anderson, Dan Dailey, Tony Martin,
Hattie McDaniel
Television, Comedies 1949
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070464
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Dan Aykroyd, Albert Brooks, Scatman
Crothers, John Lithgow, Vic Morrow, Kevin
McCarthy - Dir. Joe Dante, John Landis,
Steven Spielberg, George Miller
In this film adaptation of Rod Serling’s classic sci-fi TV
show, four eerie stories are presented, paying homage to
the master. In the spine-chilling prologue, Dan Aykroyd
and Albert Brooks are driving down a dark and winding
road listening to „Midnight Special“ at top volume when
the tape suddenly cuts short and they are forced to find a
new form of road-trip entertainment: scary stories.
Suddenly the road trip isn’t as fun anymore as the driver
and the passenger try to outscare one another. In the first
segment (directed by John Landis), a bitter and cynical
racist receives a major dose of his own medicine. Steven
Spielberg’s segment is a retelling of the „Kick the Can“
episode, in which a group of elderly people try to
recapture their childhood. Joe Dante updates the classic
episode that starred Billy Mumy as a monster who
controls a small town. Finally, George Miller takes on the
fabulous episode „Terror at 40,000 Feet,“ in which John
Lithgow has a flight to remember. (The part was originally
played to perfection by William Shatner on the television
Horror/Suspense 1983 Ltbx DD 1.0
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069804
Troy Ultimate Collector’s Edition
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069208
Trace of Stones
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070577
Twilight Zone: The Movie (Bluray)
Chris Ferry, Marc Forget, Natalia Mclennan
Dan Aykroyd, Albert Brooks, Scatman
Crothers, John Lithgow, Vic Morrow, Kevin
McCarthy - Dir. Joe Dante, John Landis,
Steven Spielberg, George Miller
When a married couple having problems heads out to the
mountains, an unexpected visitor becomes a threat to
their relationship and to their lives. Trapped by a
snowstorm, they find themselves in the company of a man
who’s not who they think he is. Soon the three of them are
involved in a game of sex and danger that forces them to
confront themselves and what they are capable of. It’s a
In this film adaptation of Rod Serling’s classic sci-fi TV
show, four eerie stories are presented, paying homage to
the master. In the spine-chilling prologue, Dan Aykroyd
and Albert Brooks are driving down a dark and winding
road listening to „Midnight Special“ at top volume when
the tape suddenly cuts short and they are forced to find a
new form of road-trip entertainment: scary stories.
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Suddenly the road trip isn’t as fun anymore as the driver
and the passenger try to outscare one another. In the first
segment (directed by John Landis), a bitter and cynical
racist receives a major dose of his own medicine. Steven
Spielberg’s segment is a retelling of the „Kick the Can“
episode, in which a group of elderly people try to
recapture their childhood. Joe Dante updates the classic
episode that starred Billy Mumy as a monster who
controls a small town. Finally, George Miller takes on the
fabulous episode „Terror at 40,000 Feet,“ in which John
Lithgow has a flight to remember. (The part was originally
played to perfection by William Shatner on the television
Horror/Suspense 1983 Ltbx DD 1.0
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069763
Twilight Zone: The Movie (HD
Dan Aykroyd, Albert Brooks, Scatman
Crothers, John Lithgow, Vic Morrow, Kevin
McCarthy - Dir. Joe Dante, John Landis,
Steven Spielberg, George Miller
In this film adaptation of Rod Serling’s classic sci-fi TV
show, four eerie stories are presented, paying homage to
the master. In the spine-chilling prologue, Dan Aykroyd
and Albert Brooks are driving down a dark and winding
road listening to „Midnight Special“ at top volume when
the tape suddenly cuts short and they are forced to find a
new form of road-trip entertainment: scary stories.
Suddenly the road trip isn’t as fun anymore as the driver
and the passenger try to outscare one another. In the first
segment (directed by John Landis), a bitter and cynical
racist receives a major dose of his own medicine. Steven
Spielberg’s segment is a retelling of the „Kick the Can“
episode, in which a group of elderly people try to
recapture their childhood. Joe Dante updates the classic
episode that starred Billy Mumy as a monster who
controls a small town. Finally, George Miller takes on the
fabulous episode „Terror at 40,000 Feet,“ in which John
Lithgow has a flight to remember. (The part was originally
played to perfection by William Shatner on the television
Horror/Suspense 1983 Ltbx 101min.
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069762
Twin Peaks - The Definitive Gold
Box Edition
Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean,
Madchen Amick, Lara Flynn Boyle, Sherilyn
Fenn, Warren Frost, Peggy Lipton - Dir.
David Lynch
Television, Dramas 1990-1992 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070380
This sequel to „Chinatown“ opens in the postwar boom of
1948 as developers rapaciously exploit the natural
resources of Southern California. With his small, dingy
practice expanded into a thriving operation, Private
Investigator Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson) is now a cardcarrying member of the bourgeoisie and engaged to be
married. He still does a divorce case occasionally,
however, and it is just such a case that draws Gittes into a
complicated web of intrigue and corruption involving the
mysterious daughter of the dead Evelyn Mulwray. When
the husband of an adulterous wife Gittes is investigating
murders his wife’s lover, it first appears to be a simple
crime of passion. But as the case unfolds, it turns out that
the victim was actually the husband’s real-estate partner
and the murder may have been committed in order to gain
control of a lucrative property development. In his effort to
solve the mystery, Jake is forced to re-examine the painful
events of his past — specifically, his love affair with
Evelyn Mulwray.
Dramas 1990 Ltbx DD 5.1 137min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069620
Two Weeks
Sally Field, Ben Chapman, Clea DuVall,
Tom Cavanagh, Julianne Nicholson, James
Murtaugh, Michael Hyatt, Jenny O’Hara,
Glenn Howerton - Dir. Steve Stockman
In STEEL MAGNOLIAS, which, like this film, stars Sally
Field, one of the characters says, „Laughter through tears
is my favorite emotion.“ Like that tearjerker, TWO WEEKS
is a bittersweet film that manages to make the audience
alternately laugh and cry. Field stars as Anita Bergman, a
mother whose impending death from cancer draws her
family together. Julianne Nicholson (FLANNEL PAJAMAS)
plays her only daughter, Emily, who meets her oldest
brother Keith (Ben Chaplin, THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS
AND DOGS) at the airport with a self-help book in hand.
The responsible brother, Barry (Tom Cavanagh, ED), and
the baby of the family, Matt (Glenn Howerton, IT’S
ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA), soon arrive at their
mother ’s bedside as well.
Comedies 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 99min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069058
Two’s Company - The Complete
Elaine Stritch, Donald Sinden
Television, Comedies 1975
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 28.08.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068719
The Ultimate Collection: Jaime
Jaime Hammer
Twisted Terror Collection
This ULTIMATE COLLECTION showcases the enigmatic
beauty of Peach Film’s Jaime Hammer, a lusty brunette
whose naturally endowed figure, and undeniable sexual
charisma, make her one of the most sought-after models
on the planet.
Horror/Suspense 2007
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069211
Twister (Special Edition)
Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Cary Elwes, Jami
Gertz, Lois Smith, Philip Seymour Hoffman,
Alan Ruck, Sean Whalen, Scott Thomson,
Zach Grenier - Dir. Jan de Bont
This special effects-laden blockbuster chronicles one day
in the life of a band of gung-ho „storm chasers,“ who track
and follow twisters and tornadoes. The group, led by the
gutsy Jo and her macho, soon-to-be-ex Bill, have invented
„Dorothy,“ a tank containing sensors that can provide
much-needed info about these mysterious, severe
weather conditions.
Action/Adventure 1996 DD 5.1 113min.
Warner Home Video 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070614
The Two Jakes
Jack Nicholson, Harvey Keitel, Meg Tilly,
Madeleine Stowe, Ruben Blades, Eli Wallach, Frederic Forrest, David Keith, Tracey
Walter, Richard Farnsworth - Dir. Jack
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Peach DVD 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069099
Ultimate Force
Mirko Filipovic
He made a name for himself in cage fights and the UFC
circuit, now Mirco Cro-Cop Filipovic is taking his martial
arts skills to the big screen in his debut feature. Filipovic
plays a highly trained deadly assassin code-named
Sphinx, a man who always hits his target. That is until he
unexpectedly fails a secret mission, and in his classified
circle of the government a mishap like this usually ends in
death. But the Sphinx is too valuable a player, and his
superiors have something else in mind. They’ve decided
to send him to an island prison with five other operatives
who have been sent there for various reasons. In order to
survive this little game, he’s going to need every one of
his deadly skills, and the same tactics that made him a
superstar in the ring translate to this action-packed film
where refusing to fight is not an option, it’s a death
S 90min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069941
Ultimate Heroes Collection
Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan,
Jennifer Garner, Hugh Jackman, Patrick
Stewart, Ian McKellen, Ioan Gruffudd,
Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Michael Chiklis Dir. Tim Story, Bryan Singer, Rob Bowman,
Mark Steven Johnson
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2000-2005
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068893
Unaccompanied Minors
Rob Corddry, Lewis Black, Dyllan Christopher, Wilmer Valderrama, Tyler James
Williams, Brett Kelly, Teri Garr, Tony Hale Dir. Paul Feig
A Midwest-wide blizzard strands passengers at an airport
on Christmas Eve in this family comedy. Security corrals
the kids traveling without parents into a large, windowless
room. Sans supervision, the area quickly descends into a
sugar-fueled LORD OF THE FLIES frenzy, with food fights
substituting for any real violence. Five kids attempt to
escape: awkward-but-normal teen Spencer (Dyllan Christopher), Harvard-bound brain Charlie (Tyler James
Williams), gentle giant Beef (Brett Kelly), rebel Donna
(Quinn Shephard), and rich girl Grace (Gina Mantegna).
Thwarted by the holiday-hating head of passenger
relations (Lewis Black) and an unlucky underling (Wilmer
Valderama), the kids try to salvage their Christmas
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 90min.
Warner Home Video 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069741
Under the Volcano
Albert Finney, Jacqueline Bisset, Anthony
Andrews, Katy Jurado - Dir. John Huston
John Huston’s screen adaptation of Malcolm Lowery’s
powerful meditation on self-destruction and personal
despair. The hero is Geoffrey Firmin, an alcoholic exBritish consul living in Mexico on the eve of World War II.
Tormented by his wife’s infidelity, Firmin celebrates the
Day of the Dead by drinking himself to death despite his
wife and her lover ’s efforts to save him.
Dramas 1984 Ltbx 16x9 M 112min.
Criterion Collection 23.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069458
Underworld (Blu-ray)
Kate Beckinsale, Danny McBride, Scott
Speedman, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen,
Shane Brolly, Erwin Leder, Robbie Gee,
Sophia Myles, Kevin Grevioux - Dir. Len
In UNDERWORLD, a dark and Gothic monster action
movie, vampires and lycans—an ancient form of
werewolf—are at war. While the vampires inhabit a
gigantic castle that houses their ancestor’s tombs, the
lycans live underground in a dilapidated sewer cave. Both
teams are equipped with big guns, and they are constantly
innovating deadlier bullets to gain advantage over each
other. On the vampire side, the leather-clad death agent
Selene (Kate Beckinsale) delegates teams of vamps to
attack the lycans. But when she discovers that the lycans
have kidnapped a human medical student, Michael Corvin
(Scott Speedman), she knows the worst is on its way.
Against the orders of her superior, Kraven (Shane Brolly),
who is obsessively in love with Selene, she awakens the
most powerful vampire of all time, Viktor (Bill Nighy) and
prepares for a massive feud against lycan leader Lucian
(Michael Sheen).
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2003
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068779
Adrienne Barbeau, Nicholas Brendon, Siri
Baruc, Joseph McKenna
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 67
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
War breeds horrors, but does it also breed supernatural
evil weapons to add to the devastation? A teenage girl’s
suicide leads to an investigation into another sinister side
of the experiments conducted by the Nazis and the
conspiracy to cover them up by the U.S. government.
Nicholas Brendon (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER) and
Adrienne Barbeau (SWAMP THING and CREEPSHOW)
star in this story about the boundless evil behind the most
unholy of weapons.
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069314
Up The Down Staircase
Patrick Bedford, Eileen Heckart, Ruth
White, Jean Stapleton, Sorrell Booke, Roy
Poole, Sandy Dennis - Dir. Robert Mulligan
The forerunner to such films LEAN ON ME and STAND
AND DELIVER, this hilarious, heartwarming tale follows
the efforts of an idealistic young teacher (Sandy Dennis)
hired to teach English to inner-city high school students.
Soon she finds herself going head to head with the
administration in order to better educate her students.
Dennis and her kids form the core of this film that
explores with sympathy and humor the issues that hobble
the American public school system and champions the
teachers who throw themselves on the line every day they
go to work. Based on Bel Kaufman’s best selling novel.
Dramas 1967 Ltbx M 124min.
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070563
Us or Them? 3-Pack
Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Ed Harris,
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, James Caan,
Mandy Patinkin - Dir. Graham Baker, James
Cameron, Alex Proyas
This three-disc set packs in the action with the following
individual titles for descriptions.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1988
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070056
German Valdez „Tin Tan“ - 4-Pack
German Valdez
Vampire Conspiracy
Violet Perfume
Adrian M. Price, Ron Mazor, Christiane
Garcia - Dir. Marc Morgenstern
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx 16x9 90min.
Brain Damage Films 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070603
After her stepbrother arranges to have her raped, Yessica
becomes caught in a tide of events that threatens to tear
her and her best friend apart. This searing true story of
friendship, betrayal, and silence is set in Mexico City.
Foreign Films 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069716
Dick Van Dyke Collection
Dick Van Dyke
Television, Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070327
Vicar of Dibley: A Holy Wholly
Happy Ending
Dawn French, Gary Waldhorn, John Bluthal,
Emma Chambers, James Fleet, Roger
Lloyd Pack, Trevor Peacock
Two special episodes of the acclaimed British comedy
series THE VICAR OF DIBLEY are included on this
collection. The show is based around a new vicar, who
arrives in the small English village of Dibley. Instead of a
typical representative of the cloth, it’s the zany Reverend
Geraldine Boadicea Granger (Dawn French), who teaches
the village’s skeptical inhabitants a new way to appreciate
love, life, and religion. The show is produced by the
always reliable BBC network.
Virgin and the Gypsy
Joanna Shimkus, Franco Nero, Honor
Blackman, Mark Burns - Dir. Christopher
Dramas 1975
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070282
Voluptuous Life
April Flores, Kimberly Kane - Dir. Carlos
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070430
Volver Al Infierno
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069916
Roberto „Flaco“ Guzman
Action/Adventure FF 79min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070020
Vicar of Dibley: The Immaculate
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Season 3: Vol. 2
Dawn French, Gary Waldhorn, John Bluthall, Emma Chambers, James Fleet, Roger
Lloyd Pack, Trevor Peacock
David Hedison, Richard Basehart, Terry
Becker - Dir. Irwin Allen
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 19661967 M 663min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068887
The first three seasons of the acclaimed British comedy
series THE VICAR OF DIBLEY are included on this
collection. The hilarity begins when a new vicar arrives in
the small English village of Dibley. Instead of a typical
representative of the cloth, it’s the zany Reverend Geraldine Boadicea Granger (Dawn French), who teaches the
village’s skeptical inhabitants a new way to appreciate
love, life, and religion. The show is produced by the
always reliable BBC network.
Wailer II
SOY CHARRO DE LEVITA: Slapstick great Tin-Tan stars
in this hilarious romp. Tin-Tan, along with his sidekick
Marcelo, are put in charge of taking care of Carmelita’s
baby. But when the three of them are hired to run a stand,
the hijinks begin!
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069917
Horror/Suspense 2007
Laguna Films 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069515
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069514
La Vida Conyugal
Waiting for the Man
Alonso Echanove, Socorro Bonilla, Demian
Bichir - Dir. Carlos Carrera
John Covert, John Harriman, Elyse Mirto,
Kendra Jaymes - Dir. John Covert
Dramas 1996 Ltbx S 80min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070432
La Valentina
Maria Felix, Jose Elias Moreno
A carefree smuggler has one last debt to pay, that of
kidnapping a beautiful revolutionary who has no intention
of making life easy for her naive captor.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1966 FF
Laguna Films 31.07.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069024
A young couple marries, sure that they will spend the rest
of their lives together. But when infidelity rears its ugly
head as the man begins stepping out with other women,
his wife decides that murder is the only way to remedy the
situation. This black comedy is a Spanish production from
director Carlos Carrera.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1974
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068801
Vidas Errantes
Gad Elmaleh, Daniel Auteuil, Kristin Scott
Thomas, Richard Berry, Virginie Ledoyen,
Michel Aumont, Philippe Magnan, Irina
Ninova, Alice Taglioni, Dany Boon, Michel
Jonasz, Laurent Gamelon, Patrick Mille,
Michele Garcia, Jean-Yves Chilot - Dir.
Francis Veber
This wry comedy finds a lowly valet parking attendant
thrust into the spotlight when he becomes embroiled in a
lie spun by a billionaire who is trying to cover up an affair.
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 85min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068765
Eugenia D’Silva, Jose Carlos Ruiz, Ignacio
Guadalupe - Dir. Juan Antonio de la Riva
Loosely based on the life of director Juan Antonio de la
Riva, VIDAS ERRANTES tells the story of aging Francisco
and his young assistant Guillermo, two men bound
together by their unadulterated love of the cinema. Living
in a small town, the two men project their films, which are
often the only form of entertainment for the townspeople.
They also travel from town to town, showing the films for
money. When they finally make enough profit, Francisco
and Guillermo build their own cinema, but unbeknownst to
them, their actions will trigger a series of unexpected
events. de la Riva’s film, a sort of Mexican CINEMA
PARADISO, pulsates with a true love of film.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1984
Desert Mountain Media 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068799
Waiting Game
Will Arnett, Debbon Ayer, Dwight Ewell,
Eddie Malavarca, Terumi Matthews, Daniel
Riordan - Dir. Ken Liotti
A group of struggling young actors work at Peter’s
Backyard, a popular New York City restaurant, to pay the
bills. As sexual tensions arise, artistic crises develop,
triggering comedic situations that uncork themselves at an
outrageous pace. In addition to these troubles, each
individual must battle a series of day-to-day problems at
the same time. Liotti’s film is an engaging feature that
proves a solid script is far more important than a big
budget any day of the week. Also features the neverbefore-seen „Spirit of the Stairs“ by Neil Finn.
Comedies 1999
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069286
Walk in the Clouds
Keanu Reeves, Aitana Sanchez-Gijon,
Anthony Quinn, Giancarlo Giannini - Dir.
Alfonso Arau
A young soldier, returning to California’s wine country
following WWII, discovers he no longer loves his wife. He
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
befriends a pregnant girl on a bus and fatefully agrees to
pose as her husband to help her avoid her vineyard-owner
father ’s wrath. A romantic fantasy from the director of
Dramas 1995 Ltbx DD 5.1 102min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069433
Walking Tall
Joe Don Baker, Elizabeth Hartman, Noah
Beery, Gene Evans, Pepper Martin, John F.
Brascia, Bruce Glover, Arch Johnson - Dir.
Phil Karlson
Based on the true story of Tennessee sheriff Buford
Pusser, who won fame by cleaning up his backwoods
county. But when Pusser suffers a personal tragedy, his
high-minded crusade against the local gambling and
moonshine rings degenerates into violent, vigilante
Action/Adventure 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070357
Walking Tall: Lone Justice
Kevin Sorbo, Yvette Nipar - Dir. Tripp Reed
Action/Adventure 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068771
Wanted: Dead of Alive - Season 3
Steve McQueen, Wright King
Steve McQueen got his first break in the industry when he
starred in the popular Western-themed television show
WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. Playing bounty hunter Josh
Randall, McQueen was a kindly soul who brought
criminals to justice, and helped out the needy by donating
a portion of his fee to charitable causes. A rugged, softlyspoken enigma, Randall perused the Old West for likely
wrong doers, making sure to always utter his catchphrase,
„Let’s Go,“ at every opportunity. This collection includes
every episode from the third season of the show.
Television, Westerns
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069940
War and Peace
Anthony Hopkins, Alan Dobie
A BBC version of Leo Tolstoy’s literary masterpiece.
Television, Dramas 1973-1974
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069004
Jeremy Irons, Jennifer Jason Leigh,
Matthew Broderick, Spalding Gray, Gwyneth
Paltrow, Campbell Scott, Heather Graham Dir. Alan Rudolph, Stephen Gyllenhaal, Nick
Dramas 1992
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068959
John Waters: This Filthy World
Comedies 2007 FF 86min.
MPI Home Video 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069080
John Wayne Collection - 5 DVD
Box Set
John Wayne
Westerns FF S 840min.
Madacy Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069536
Weird Cinema: 15 Freaky Flicks
Horror/Suspense FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070308
Welcome to Paradise
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068869
What Your Eyes Don’t See
Gianfranco Brero, Gustavo Bueno, Paul
Vega - Dir. Francisco J. Lombardi
A masked gunman hunts down and murders a powerful
editor of a political magazine. The mysterious identity of
the killer is hinted at from vastly varying interpretations
delivered by business associates, family, and the lover of
the deceased. The mystery unfolds to a pulsating Latin
musical beat in this thrilling Argentinian whodunit.
Dramas 1999 FF 90min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069289
Where Angels Fear to Tread / The
Winter Guest / Eat the Rich
Warner Home Video Director’s
Series: Stanley Kubrick
Five feature films from master director Stanley Kubrick
feature on this collection. The titles included are 2001: A
ORANGE. Please see individual titles for synopsis details.
Also included is a documentary on Kubrick titled STANLEY
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069782
Paul McCartney, Helen Mirren, Helena
Bonham-Carter, Judy Davis, Jennifer
Saunders, Robbie Coltrane, Emma
Thompson, Miranda Richardson, Bill
Wyman, Dawn French, Rik Mayall, Robert
Graves - Dir. Peter Richardson, Charles
Sturridge, Alan Rickman
Dramas 1987
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068957
Whiskey School
Watch Me When I Kill
A young nightclub dancer witnesses a horrific murder
when she stops by a drugstore during a robbery attempt.
She doesn’t see the killer’s face, but his rasping voice
haunts her memory.
Horror/Suspense 1977 Ltbx 16x9 95min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070552
Waterland / Monster in a Box /
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious
Olympia Dukakis, Mary Stuart Masterson,
Lainie Kazan
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069195
White Christmas
Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Dean Jagger,
Vera Ellen, Rosemary Clooney, Mary
Wickes, John F. Brascia - Dir. Michael
Director Michael Curtiz (CASABLANCA, CAPTAIN BLOOD,
MILDRED PIERCE) changes directions with this holiday
classic. Two talented song-and-dance men team up after
the war to become one of the hottest acts in show
business. The film includes a veritable treasury of Irving
Berlin classics: „Sisters,“ „Blue Skies,“ and of course
„White Christmas.“ Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye are a joy
to watch. Academy Award Nominations: Best Song
(„Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep“.)
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1954
Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 120min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069120
White Palms - Young Student &
Dramas 2007
Pacific Media Entertainment 11.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069711
Who’s Your Caddy?
Antwan Andre „Big Boi“ Patton, Terry
Crews, Tamala Jones, Andy Milonakis,
Faizon Love, Finesse Mitchell, Sherri
Shepherd, Jeffrey Jones, Lil Wayne, Tony
Cox - Dir. Don Michael Paul
Hip-hop hilarity ensues when millionaire rap star C-Note
(Outkast’s Antwan Andre Patton) decides to apply for
membership at the snooty Carolina golf and polo club
where his dad once worked as a caddy. Club president
Mr. Cummings (Jeffrey Jones) seethes with hostility but
his nymphomaniac wife (Susan Ward) takes a shine to CNote’s buddy, Big Large (Faizon Love) and Cumming’s
portly rap loving son is thrilled, encouraging C-Note to
”beat my dad.” Romantic potential surfaces with a cute
African American lawyer (Tamala Jones), hired by
Cummings to find legal ways to deny C-Note
membership. Later, Cummings employs a little person
assassin named Big Willie Johnson (BAD SANTA’s Tony
Cox) to get rid of C-Note, „permanently.“ Devotees of cult
golf comedy CADDYSHACK (1980) will feel most at ease
over this bumpy course, especially when Garrett Morris—
a compatriot of CADDYSHACK star Bill Murray in the
original SNL— shows up in a hilarious bit as a flashy
reverend-lawyer. Before the big final golf match there’s
time for a bootylicious cook-out, a cruise in C-Note’s
pimped-up, no2-powered golf cart
Comedies 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 27.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070534
Why Did You Pick On Me?
Bud Spencer, Cary Guffey, John Bartha,
Carlo Reali - Dir. Michele Lupo
Foreign Films, Italian 1981
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070297
Wild and Wooly
Douglas Fairbanks, Eileen Percy - Dir. John
Fairbanks plays a man versed in the lore of the West who
outsmarts Indians and bandits. Silent.
Westerns 1917
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070278
The Wild Bunch (Blu-ray)
William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert
Ryan, Warren Oates, Jaime Sanchez, Ben
Johnson, Edmond O’Brien, Bo Hopkins,
Emilio Fernandez, Strother Martin, Alfonso
Arau - Dir. Sam Peckinpah
Pike Bishop is the leader of a small clan of outlaws
confronting the closing American frontier. The year is
1913, and the prairie crew, disguised as US soldiers, ride
into a dusty Texas town and rob the railway office. A
bloodbath ensues with innocent people caught in the
crossfire. The gang leaves town but the railroad boss’
hired gunmen pursue them.
Westerns 1969
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069743
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
The Wild Bunch (HD DVD)
William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert
Ryan, Warren Oates, Jaime Sanchez, Ben
Johnson, Edmond O’Brien, Bo Hopkins,
Emilio Fernandez, Strother Martin, Alfonso
Arau - Dir. Sam Peckinpah
Pike Bishop is the leader of a small clan of outlaws
confronting the closing American frontier. The year is
1913, and the prairie crew, disguised as US soldiers, ride
into a dusty Texas town and rob the railway office. A
bloodbath ensues with innocent people caught in the
crossfire. The gang leaves town but the railroad boss’
hired gunmen pursue them.
Westerns 1969 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069744
Wild Wild West - The Complete
Third Season
Charles Aidman, Robert Conrad, Michael
Dunn, Doug Henderson
Action/Adventure 1967-1968 FF 1211min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070388
Wings - Seasons 1-5
Timothy Daly, Steven Weber, Crystal
Bernard, Thomas Haden Church, Tony
Television, Comedies 1990 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
214,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069618
Wings - The Fifth Season
Timothy Daly, Steven Weber, Crystal
Television, Comedies 1993 FF
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069616
Witching Hour
Horror/Suspense FF M 106min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070444
Based on the Guy de Maupassant novel „Pierre et Jean, „
Luis Bunuel’s A WOMAN WITHOUT LOVE tells the story
of a woman married to an ailing antiques dealer who has
an affair with a young engineer, but refuses to leave her
husband. A quarter of a century after the tryst, one of the
woman’s sons inherits the riches of a wealthy Argentinian.
This seemingly happy bequeathment marks the beginning
of the family’s disintegration.
Foreign Films, Spanish 1951 FF M 91min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069998
Women on Top Collection
Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer
Aniston, Jay Mohr, Kevin Bacon, Melanie
Griffith, Sigourney Weaver, Harrison Ford Dir. Mike Nichols, Glenn Gordon Caron,
David Frankel
Comedies 1988-2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068895
Would I Lie to You?
A misunderstanding leads to a change in fortunes for an
impoverished man in the feature film WOULD I LIE TO
Comedies 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069174
Wrong Turn 2
Erica Leerhsen, Henry Rollins, Texas
Battle, Daniella Alonso, Steve Braun - Dir.
Joe Lynch
WRONG TURN 2 takes similar backwoods horror flicks
HAVE EYES as its inspiration, providing visceral thrills
aplenty, and the requisite amount of dumb teenage
characters. The sequel focuses on the inbred mother and
father characters who are parents to the villains of the
first film. In this installment, the creepy duo plague the
contestants of a SURVIVOR-like reality series when they
get lost in the dreaded backwoods.
Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 93min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068875
With a Song in My Heart
Susan Hayward, Rory Calhoun, David
Wayne, Thelma Ritter - Dir. Walter Lang
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1952
FF 117min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070061
Wolf Creek / Feast
Balthazar Getty, Henry Rollins, John
Jarratt, Nathan Phillips, Cassandra
Magrath, Kestie Morassi - Dir. Greg
McLean, John Gulager
WOLF CREEK: Set in Australia’s outback, this grim and
disturbing horror film follows two British girls traveling with
their Aussie friend, Ben, to Wolf Creek, the remote
location of a giant meteor crater. When their car breaks
down, a jovial, Crocodile Dundee-type offers to tow them
to his even more remote auto camp. What happens next
ensures, among other things, that surviving audience
members will never think of Crocodile Dundee in quite the
same happy way again.
Weinstein Company/Genius 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070525
Wrong Turn / Wrong Turn 2: Dead
End (Unrated)
Eliza Dushku, Desmond Harrington, Henry
Rollins, Erica Leerhsen, Texas Battle - Dir.
Joe Lynch, Rob Schmidt
Revisiting the teenage slasher movies of the 1970s and
1980s, 2003’s WRONG TURN is a tense, suspensepacked horror film starring Eliza Dushku (BUFFY THE
VAMPIRE SLAYER). When Chris (Desmond Harrington) is
late for a job interview, he drives speedily through a
backwoods dirt road, and winds up in a head-on collision
with a group of teenage campers. As the cars are totaled,
the group has no option but to trek through the woods and
seek help. Stumbling upon a mysterious cabin, the
unhappy campers soon realize they are in grave danger
when they happen upon a mixture of grotesque oddities
and body parts, soon followed by the return of the
freakish inhabitants of the disgusting abode. The intensity
builds as the inbred, kill-crazy cabin dwellers go after
Chris and the campers, leading to some grisly scenes in
the dense woodland, and a series of brutal, bloody setpieces from director Rob Schmidt.
Horror/Suspense 2003-2007 Ltbx 16x9
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068898
Wuthering Heights
Woman Without Love
Rosario Granados, Julio Villarreal, Tito
Junco, Joaquin Cordero, Javier Loya, Elda
Peralta, Jaime Calpe, Eva Calvo, Miguel
Manzano - Dir. Luis Buñuel
Timothy Dalton, Anna Calder-Marshall, Harry Andrews, Judy Cornwell, Pamela Brown,
Rosalie Crutchley, Hugh Griffith - Dir. Robert Fuest
This adaptation of Emily Bronte’s tragic and romantic 19th
century novel stars Timothy Dalton as the dark and
passionate Heathcliff, and Anna Calder-Marshall as his
beloved Catherine.
Dramas 1970 Ltbx 16x9 S 208min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069564
Wyatt Earp (Blu-ray)
Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene
Hackman, Jeff Fahey, Mark Harmon, Michael Madsen, Catherine O’Hara, Bill Pullman,
Isabella Rossellini, Tom Sizemore, Mare
Winningham, JoBeth Williams - Dir.
Lawrence Kasdan
Epic biography about legendary cowboy Wyatt Earp. The
film spans Earp’s life, from his youth, when blood and
gore made him deeply uncomfortable, to his role in the
famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral, to his becoming a
rigid, by-the-book sheriff.
Westerns 1994
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069745
Wyatt Earp (HD DVD)
Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene
Hackman, Jeff Fahey, Mark Harmon, Michael Madsen, Catherine O’Hara, Bill Pullman,
Isabella Rossellini, Tom Sizemore, Mare
Winningham, JoBeth Williams - Dir.
Lawrence Kasdan
Epic biography about legendary cowboy Wyatt Earp. The
film spans Earp’s life, from his youth, when blood and
gore made him deeply uncomfortable, to his role in the
famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral, to his becoming a
rigid, by-the-book sheriff.
Westerns 1994 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069746
X-Files - Ultimate Collection
Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch
Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, Tom
Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund,
Nicholas Lea, William B. Davis
This super collection contains all nine seasons of the
series, the X-FILES movie, and the Mythology featurettes.
Packed with special features, this awesome set is aimed
at the ultimate X-FILES fan.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1993
Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
485,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070068
Yongary, Monster From The Deep
/ Konga
Michael Gough, Margo Johns - Dir. Yugi Oh,
Dhungim Nam, John Lemont
appears to be earthquakes turns out to be a monster
burrowing under the Earth’s surface. Feeding on raw
energy, scientists believe a chemical solution may defeat
the monster. Time runs out as the monster runs amok.
Horror/Suspense 1961-1967
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070236
You Kill Me
Ben Kingsley, Téa Leoni, Luke Wilson,
Dennis Farina, Bill Pullman - Dir. John Dahl
Cinematic hit men are dual-edged characters who can
easily slip into the role of hero or villain, making them an
attractive proposition for directors looking to pack an
emotional punch. YOU KILL ME stars Ben Kingsley (SEXY
BEAST) as Frank Falenczyk, a hit man whose work for the
Buffalo-based Mafia has been hampered by his hopeless
alcoholism. Director John Dahl (THE LAST SEDUCTION)
sends his lead character off to San Francisco where
Alcoholics Anonymous awaits, as does Dave (Bill
Pullman), who helps Frank get an apartment and a job in
a mortuary. The job introduces Frank to Laurel (Téa
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Leoni), whom he begins a relationship with while
occasionally falling off the wagon and attending AA
meetings. Luke Wilson makes an appearance as a fellow
alcoholic who mentors Frank through the program.
Dramas 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070118
Ab Quintanilla III Presents the
Kumbia Kings - Greatest Hits
Twelve music videos from the Kumbia Kings feature on
this GREATEST HITS package. The group combines
various genres, including hip-hop and traditional Latin
music, to create a unique and highly successful style.
Shannon Lucio
Dramas 2007 FF
York Entertainment 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070610
Alfonso Zayas - 4-Pack
Rafael Inclan, Sasha Montenegro, Alfonso
Zayas - Dir. Victor Manuel Castro
EL REY DE LAS FICHERAS: Spending too much time
vacationing on the sands costs Rigo his longtime job as
star of the cabaret club back home. Intent on reclaiming
his title as the „king,“ Rigo devises an unusual plan for
getting his career back on track.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069513
Jenny Seagrove, Vanessa Zima, Gordon
Tootoosis, Kim Greist - Dir. Deborah
Teenager Zoe is feeling isolated in her Detroit suburb. Her
all white surroundings and sterile atmosphere cause Zoe
to convince two friends in joining her on a cross-country
road trip where Zoe hopes to encounter a link to her
Cherokee roots. Drifting aimlessly westward, this trio of
girls encounters an older English woman who has been
wandering through the west on a quest to scatter her
mother ’s ashes. All the women feel they have been
brought together by some fateful force as they all seek
something with deeper meaning on their westerly treks.
Dramas 2000 Ltbx 16x9 92min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069275
Alain Delon, Stanley Baker, Cristina Raines,
Moustache, Adriana Asti - Dir. Duccio
The legendary masked hero Zorro returns in this actionpacked adventure film. His chief nemesis is Huerta, a
crooked military leader who is terrorizing Latin American
peasants. Behind the mask, Zorro is actually a foppish
nobleman who can’t bring himself to stand up to the
villain. But once he dresses up as Zorro, he defends the
rights of the oppressed, fighting Huerta and his
henchmen. Will he be able to defeat the bad guys once
and for all?
Action/Adventure 1974
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070289
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070099
Vanguard Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069725
Across State Line
Anita Baker - Rapture: Live
The underground film ACROSS STATE LINES
demonstrates what it takes to stay alive and survive the
streets of Houston, Texas. The feature includes
interviews, skits, and live performances from Bun B and
Pimp C, better known as the southern hip hop duo UGK.
Lil’ Keke and Lil’ Flip, members of the rap collective
Screwed Up Click, also demonstrate their freestyling
Anita Baker
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070153
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070460
All My Loving
Cream, Jimi Hendrix - Dir. Tony Palmer
The vibrant 1960s music scene is given a thorough
examination in this documentary. ALL MY LOVING was
shot in 1968 and includes fascinating footage of artists
such as Pink Floyd, the Beatles, and the Who.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music 1968
Music Video Distributors 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070288
GG Allin - Hated: Special Edition
The popular Todd-Phillips-directed documentary is
presented here in special edition form. GG Allin fans will
delight in rare, painfully honest footage of the artist while
in his heyday.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069582
Fernando Arau - ¡En Vivo!
Fernando Arau
Kenny Johnson, Robyn Cohen, Ryan Fox Dir. Richard Halpern
Horror/Suspense 2007 FF 81min.
Passion River 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069130
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF DD 2.0
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070407
Fernando Arau - ¡En Vivo!
Fernando Arau is a legend in Mexican comedy. From his
stand-up days, or as the character Chicho on the TV
series CACHUN CACHUN RA RA, he’s kept audiences in
stitches. While eventually moving to Miami to host
DESPIERTA AMERICA, one of the highest rated Spanish
language TV shows in history, his live appearances in
Mexico City remain some of the funniest moments of his
career. This program includes those rare performances of
his nightly show recorded back in 1994 and is pure
Fernando, with all his charisma and hilarious routines.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Navarre Corporation 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069938
Arctic Monkeys Behind The
Asia - Fantasia: Live In Tokyo
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069994
Fernando Arau
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069350
Zorro: Return to the Future
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068988
R&B star Anita Baker exudes smooth soul in this live set
at Washington’s Constitution Hall, filled with songs from
her 1987 album, RAPTURE. Also included here is a
candid interview with the singer, as well as rare backstage
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
MSI Music 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070125
Bob Baldwin - Memoirs from the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069655
Banda Arkangel R-15 - La
Historia, De La Mera, Mera
Footage of eight rare performances makes this a stellar
collection from the legendary Mexican musicians. „Voy A
Pinter Mi Raya,“ „Tu Nueva Vida,“ „El Onceavo
Mandamineto,“ and many other hits are included by a
band that has spanned generations of Latin music history.
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069705
The Bangles - Return to
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 95min.
Sony Music Distribution 14.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069168
Syd Barrett - Up Close and Personal
Syd Barrett
Former Pink Floyd frontman Syd Barrett garnered a cult
following thanks to his incredible ear for a tune. Sadly,
there was a downside to Syd’s willful surrender to the
1960s’ flourishing drug culture, including increasingly
bizarre onstage behavior. He ultimately became a recluse
who lived out his final years in modest surrounding in
Cambridge, England, dying of diabetes at 60. This entry in
the Up Close and Personal series examines Syd’s life and
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068986
Beatles - I Want to Hold Your
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070168
Beatles Up Close And Personal
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068984
Beyond Elvis’ Memphis
Bee Gees - Stayin’ Alive
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069897
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070171
Solomon Burke delivers a stunning performance at AVO
Session Basel. The artists plays 18 of his most popular
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069583
Beyond Elvis’ Memphis
Beef IV
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068950
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069898
Myron Butler & Levi - Stronger
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069387
Blackfield - NYC Live In New York
Bellydance - Tribal Fusion NYC
Learn the timeless and evocative movements of Tribal
Fusion belly dance with this instructive release.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 60min.
StratoStream 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069640
Clint Eastwood Presents Tony
Bennett: The Music Never Ends
Clint Eastwood, Tony Bennett
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070572
Best of JDI Volume 1
JDI Records’ best-selling artists perform their hit gospel
songs in this soulful live collection.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070396
Best of JDI Volume 2
JDI Records’ best-selling artists perform their hit gospel
songs in this soulful live collection.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070397
Best of JDI Volume 3
JDI Records’ best-selling artists perform their hit gospel
songs in this soulful live collection.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070130
Blessed - Voices of
Contemporary Gospel
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 5.1 74min.
Immortal Records 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070127
David Byrne - Live From Austin,
David Byrne
This live release features former Talking Heads frontman
David Byrne originally aired on the PBS Austin City Limits
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 90min.
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070400
Los Caminantes - La Historia: Lo
Más Chulo, Chulo, Chulo
Fans of hit-making latin music staples Los Caminantes will
be pleased to own this music video release.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068947
Foreign Films, Latin 2006 FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069701
Blood Rose
Candlemass - 20th Anniversary
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Caroline Distribution 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069390
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070148
Routines from a selection of hit Bollywood musicals are
used in this energetic and healthy workout program.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Navarre Corporation 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069339
David Bowie - Glass Spider
Celtic Colours Festival
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068872
Century Overload
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068847
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070398
David Bowie
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
EMI Video 31.07.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068855
Best of the Johnny Cash Show
British Beat Live!: Best of the
Go on a mesmerizing journey through the seven Chakras
as instructors Darshan and Mariyah demonstrate easy-todo dance movements and refreshing yoga postures that
nurture body, soul, and spirit.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069692
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 85min.
StratoStream 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069643
Best of the Johnny Cash Show
Broadway’s Best at Pops
Johnny Cash
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070487
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals
WGBH Boston Video 02.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070074
Chicago Mass Choir - Just
Having Church Live
Johnny Cash
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 18.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069697
Jimmy Buckley - Live In Concert
Best of the Statlers
The Statler Brothers began their careers as backup
singers for Johnny Cash (their voices can be heard on
songs like „Daddy Sang Bass“) then went on to become
one of country’s most popular and enduring vocal acts.
Their music reached the top of the charts for over 20
years, after which they still remained a popular live act.
This release combines their singing talents and their
comedy skits, with 18 tracks included.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069993
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068838
Solomon Burke - The King Live at
Avo Session Basel
Solomon Burke
Chakra Dance Flow
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069709
Chi-Lites - Live in Concert
The Chi-Lites perform some of their greatest tunes in this
live 2006 concert recording featuring original members
Robert Lester and Marshall Thompson.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DD 7.1 60min.
Innovative Distribution Network 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068941
Eric Clapton - After Midnight Live
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
FF DD 5.1 110min.
Immortal Records 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069686
Dorinda Clark-Cole: Live From
Houston - The Rose Of Gospel
Good Gospel music moves the soul and makes fans want
to jump up and feel the spirit, and Dorinda Clark sparks
this holy feeling with her sweet voice. This program
contains the footage of her sensational concert in Houston, Texas, formerly available only as an audio
recording. Now along with the songs that stirred the spirit
are the images that capture the electricity of that night.
Navarre Corporation 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069005
Dancing Like the Pros
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Navarre Corporation 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069341
Charlie Daniels - Volunteer Jam
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069689
Charlie Daniels
Pop Music, Musical & Performing Arts 2007
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069657
Classic Rock
Miles Davis - Live in Germany
Doors, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Allman
Brothers, Aerosmith
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 5.1 77min.
Immortal Records 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069688
Miles Davis
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
FF DD 2.0 100min.
Immortal Records 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070122
Concise Queen’s London
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068710
Contemporary Bellydance and
Yoga Conditioning
Instructor Ariellah teaches belly dance and yoga routines
designed to increase overall body strength and muscle
control in this fun release. Also included here are three
full dance performances.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 150min.
StratoStream 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069641
Covenant - In Transit
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Alternative Distribution Alliance 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069843
Cowboy Jack Clement - Shakespeare Was A Big George Jones
Country music has a lot of characters, but perhaps none
as gregarious or larger than life as the writer and
producer Cowboy Jack Clement. While his name doesn’t
ring the same bells as the seminal performers he’s
worked with and wrote songs for, such as Jerry Lee
Lewis, Dolly Parton, and Charley Pride, Cowboy Jack is
as much part of the Memphis country music scene as Sun
Records or Elvis. But perhaps more memorable than the
songs he wrote or the stars he helped to create, is his
personality which is captured in the numerous home
movies he’s made over the years and compiled here by
filmmakers Morgan Neville and Robert Gordon. This is a
rare glimpse into one of the most important names in rock
and country music history, as well as a candid look at his
fun-loving and over-the-top interactions with musical
legends such as Bono and Johnny Cash.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069690
Cradle of Filth - Heavy Left
Handed & Candid
Live concert footage from controversial British metal band
Cradle of Filth is included here, along with several music
videos, a horror movie trailer, and a „shlockumentary“
featuring members of the band.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 5.1 60min.
Deep Purple - In Concert with the
London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Mann
Deep Purple
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070408
Deftones - The Complete Story
Experimental superstars The Deftones are profiled in this
extensive program featuring rare live footage, interview
material, and more.
his life and work are explicated in loving detail.
Musical & Performing Arts 2005 FF
Burnside Distribution Corporation
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070263
Dilated Peoples - The Release
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Caroline Distribution 31.07.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068854
Elvis’ Memphis
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Ltbx 180min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069896
Ralph Emery Country Legends
Vol. 1
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068851
Ralph Emery Country Legends
Vol. 2
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068852
Esclavo del Rocanrol
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2003
Desert Mountain Media 28.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068821
Essential Afrojazz
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Music Video Distributors 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069584
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070457
Dells - Live In Concert From NYC
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070443
Recorded live in New York in 2006, this concert shows the
indelible R&B group, the Dells, singing some of their
classic songs including „Oh What a Night,“ „Stay In My
Corner,“ and „A Heart Is A House For Love.“
Essential Afropop
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DD 7.1 60min.
Innovative Distribution Network 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068939
Essential World Music
Nathaniel Dett Chorale - An Indigo Christmas Live
Estradasphere - Palace of Mirrors
This program features Canada’s 20-member Nathaniel
Dett Chorale, a talented, spirited group with a focus on
Afrocentric music, performing their Indigo Christmas
concert at Toronto’s Church of St. George the Martyr,
along with impressive guests including jazz pianist Joe
Sealy and renowned gospel singer Jackie Richardson.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070414
Musical & Performing Arts 2005
Burnside Distribution Corporation
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070264
Nathaniel Dett Chorale - Carry Me
The music of influential African-American piano and choral
composer R. Nathaniel Dett receives expert interpretation
by this chorale dedicated to his work, which is the subject
of Liam Romalis and Gerald Packer’s documentary. The
20-member vocal group is led by Brainerd Blyden-Taylor,
and their accomplished delivery breathes life into the work
of the Canadian composer, as well as other AfricanAmerican artists. Through interviews with jazz pianist Ellis
Marsalis, conductor/ composer Moses Hogan, Canadian
singer Mary Lou Fallis, and Grammy-winning musicologist
Rob Bowman, Dett’s legacy and influence is explored, and
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070458
Eternal Maria Callas
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
EMI Video 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069989
Exotic Dance Workout
These sultry dance moves let viewers bump and grind
themselves to increased self-confidence and improved
physical fitness. Once acquainted with the workout’s sexy
basics—found in the sections „Exotic Dance,“ „Floorwork,“
and „Chair“—viewers are free to design their own
liberating routines, or strut their stuff in free-form
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF
StratoStream 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069644
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 73
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Marianne Faithfull - Dreaming My
Marianne Faithfull
Marianne Faithfull is, quite simply, one of the definitive
faces of the 1960s music scene. Born in London, Faithfull
broke out as a rock singer in her teenage years and
quickly became a primary player in the infamously wild
party that was „Swinging London.“ Her story is as
fascinating as her songs are beautiful, compelling, and
catchy. This hour and a half rockumentary follows the
story of her entire life through the 1990s and contains six
of her classic tunes.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1999
FF DD 5.1 60min.
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070409
Vicente Fernandez - Mis Duetos
Vicente Fernandez
The king of ranchera is captured here in his prime in rare
video clips and film footage. In addition to the music by
one of Mexico’s greatest singers are a host of extra
features, including a photo gallery accompanied by the
music that exemplifies the soul and history of Mexico.
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069698
Flamenco - You Can Do It!
Heavy Metal Parking Lot
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
EMI Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069388
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1986
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070467
Bill & Gloria Gaither - How Great
Thou Art
Gloria Gaither, Bill Gaither
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
EMI Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069389
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
EMI Video 31.07.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068853
Marvin Gaye - Greatest Hits Live
in ‘76
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1976
FF S 60min.
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070410
Absorb the invigorating, and healthful, moves of this
traditional Spanish dance with Flamenco experts Puela
Lunaris and the Sevillanas.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 60min.
StratoStream 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069638
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070488
Flatt & Scruggs TV Show - Vol. 3
Ray Goodman Brown
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069156
This 2006 concert recording of Ray, Goodman & Brown
(better known as The Moments) captures the hit group in
top form, belting their chart-topping classics „Love On A
Two Way Street,“ „Special Lady,“ „Look at Me (I’m In
Love),“ „Sexy Moma,“ and more.
Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069157
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 60min.
Innovative Distribution Network 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068942
Gospel Music of Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
EMI Video 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069992
Tommy Flemming - Journey
Al Green - Gospel Concert
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069979
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
FF DD 5.1 61min.
Immortal Records 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070126
Ana Gabriel - En La Plaza De
Toros Mexico
Issac Hayes - Live At Montreux
Ana Gabriel
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2005
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069656
This live release presents for you the reason Ana Gabriel
has enchanted millions of listeners worldwide. Multiplainum album sales have seen her crowned the queen of
Mexican music, and all her hits are included in this
stunning live performance. Ana writes all her own songs,
and also presided over this release, taking control over all
aspects of her career to make sure her fans are always
treated well. Sincere, passionate, and emotional, Ana
Gabriel is a true star, as this release undoubtably proves.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2002
FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069696
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 5.1
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070405
T.D. Jakes - The Storm Is Over
Bill & Gloria Gaither - Revival
David Gilmour - Remember That
Night - Live at the Royal Albert
Flatt & Scruggs TV Show - Vol. 4
Roger Hodgson - Take The Long
Way Home
Heaven And Hell - Live From Radio City Music Hall
Black Sabbath
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 2.0 150min.
Rhino Home Video/Records 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069677
T.D. Jakes, Beverly Crawford, Donnie
Pastor-gospel performer-entrepreneur T.D. Jakes is one
of America’s premier releaser of gospel videos. THE
STORM IS OVER, a concert video featuring some of the
biggest stars of the genre, is a testament to his important
position in the world of gospel. Filmed live from his own
church in Dallas, Texas, the performance features the
considerable voices of Beverly Crawford, Donnie
McClurkin, D’Atra Hicks, plus the 130 member Potters
House Mass Choir. Eleven new songs are performed.
Religious 2001
WEA 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069678
Jamiroquai - Live At Montreux
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF DD 5.1
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070413
Elton John - Someone Like Me
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF S 141min.
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070411
George Jones - Live in Concert
George Jones
Country music legend George Jones can wrap his singular
voice around a song like no other artist. With a career
spanning over 40 years, his turbulent life and incredible
recording career have made him a bona fide icon. Here,
Jones is seen performing 14 songs in front of a wildly
appreciative audience. Songs include „If Drinkin’ Don’t Kill
Me (Her Memory Will),“ „He Stopped Loving Her Today,“
„White Lightnin’,“ „She Thinks I Still Care,“ and more.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2004
Music Video Distributors 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069585
Paul Jones & Dave Kelly - An
Evening with...
Paul Jones, Dave Kelly
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070436
Jose Jose - Mis Duetos
Also known as „The Prince of Song,“ Jose Jose is one of
Mexico’s most beloved singers. This collection contains
rare footage of his wondeful ballads, including „Tiempo,“
„Por Ella,“ and „La Nave Del Olvido.“
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069703
Junior Reid - Live in Berkeley
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069654
Bill & Gloria Gaither - Amazing
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
R. Kelly - Trapped in the Closet
Chapters 13-22
R. Kelly
R. Kelly’s „Hip-Hopera“ continues with chapters 13-22. All
new characters, all new adventures, and the same
singing/storytelling style keep this legendary narrative
flowing. There are no parallels to what R. Kelly has done
with the music video format and his soap opera about
infidelity and lies shows no signs of slowing down. The
only question is, where can Kelly go next with this project
which keeps fans fascinated and wanting more with each
chapter? As with the earlier releases, the behind-thescenes look at the production and Kelly’s take on the
themes are included and essential to enjoying this evertwisting tale that has been hailed as both genius and
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069694
Montreux 1974-1984
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF S
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070412
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069006
Marilyn Manson - Lord of
Metal Shop - Volume 2
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Caroline Distribution 31.07.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068845
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070157
Bob Marley - I Shot the Sheriff
Metal Shop - Volume 3
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070170
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070158
B.B. King and Friends - A Night
of Red Hot Blues
Bob Marley & Others - Reggae’s
Got Soul
Etta James, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton,
Chaka Khan, Albert King, Gladys Knight,
Billy Ocean, Stevie Ray Vaughan, B.B. King
Bob Marley, Linton Kwesi Johnson
These stars share the stage to pay homage to the master
of blues.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1987
Immortal Records 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069685
Kiss - Kissology Vol. 2 1978-1991
Heavy metal legends Kiss open up their video vaults once
again for this second volume in their Kissology series. The
period covered here charts their incredible rise to fame,
with vintage concert footage and television appearances
combining to tell the tale. Also included is an unedited
full-length movie from 1978, titled KISS IN ATTACK OF
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069183
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF 48min.
Immortal Records 11.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070124
Martha Graham: Dance on Film
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance 1957 FF
Criterion Collection 30.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068936
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
- Live at Radio City Music Hall
Radio City Musical Hall was one of the stops on a brief
early 2007 tour undertaken by Dave Matthews and Tim
Reynolds. This memento of the show includes the entire
27-song set from the pair.
Kool & The Gang - Videology
Kool & the Gang
With a style that spanned jazz, funk, and R&B, Kool & The
Gang was one of the most influential groups of the 1970s
and ’80s. This video release features several of their most
beloved hits.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070538
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 14.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069170
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
- Live at Radio City Music Hall
Radio City Musical Hall was one of the stops on a brief
early 2007 tour undertaken by Dave Matthews and Tim
Reynolds. This memento of the show includes the entire
27-song set from the pair.
Kung Faux - Boxed Set
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070138
Paul Lamb - Journey Through the
Blues with Harmonica
Paul Lamb
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070435
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Live At
Mindless Self Indulgence - Our
Pain Your Gain
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 90min.
Alternative Distribution Alliance 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069846
Mocedades - Eres Tu, Todos Los
Grandes Exitos
From the 1960’s and on, Mocedades has been putting out
Spanish folk music with hits such as „Eres Tu“and
„Pangue Lingua.“ Some of the greatest Latino singer/
songwriters have performed and worked with them,
including Jose Luis Perales, Sergio Y Estibaliz, and
Placido Domingo. This collection contains rare video
footage of them performing their signature songs.
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069695
Monsters of Death - Vol. 2
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Caroline Distribution 14.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068846
Monsters of Death - Vol. 5
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Caroline Distribution 14.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068844
Rudolph McKissick Jr. - Intimate
Movie Songs Live
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070434
The 1980s Puerto Rican boy band Menudo set the
standard for later teenybopper phenoms like New Kids on
the Block and the Backstreet Boys—and served as a
career launcher for international superstar Ricky Martin.
This collection revisits Menudo’s starmaking history with
music videos for 10 of their greatest hits, including „Donde
Esta Tu Amor“ and „No Te Reprimas.“
Ray Price
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068691
Steve Miller Band
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070149
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069169
Menudo - La Historia
Last of the Breed - Live in
Twelve videos for classic reggae tracks are contained on
this compilation. Among them are „Could You Be Loved“
by Bob Marley and „Boops (Here We Go)“ by Sly and
Steve Miller Band - Live in Chicago
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069691
Music for the Movies - Bernard
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069492
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069699
Music for the Movies - Georges
Metal Shop - Volume 1, Extreme
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069493
Music for the Movies - Toru
Queen’s London
Los Panchos - Eternamente, La
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Ltbx 180min.
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068709
While their line-up may have changed over the years
since their inception in the 1940s, Los Panchos have
always been an essential part of the Latin music
landscape. Collected here are performances from across
their storied career, including „Contigo,“ „Sin Ti,“ and „Lo
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069494
Musical Quartet
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
First Run Features Home Video 23.10.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070024
Musical Yuletide Celebration with
The Serendipity Singers
Serendipity Singers
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070152
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069700
Pepper - Live
Filmed over the course of two energetic, sold-out 2004
performances at L.A.’s Troubador, this concert film
captures Hawaiian trio Pepper at their best, playing 18
engaging songs in front of an enthralled, appreciative
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2004
Alternative Distribution Alliance 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068676
Perfect In Ten: Dance, 10-Minute
Instructor Ayshe shows viewers how to dance their way to
a toned and sculpted body, and more tranquil mindset.
Nuclear Assault - Radiation
Nuclear Assault
The band plays the Hammersmith Odeon. Songs include
„Betrayal,“ „Stranded in Hell,“ „Justice“ and more.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069679
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance 2007 FF
StratoStream 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069642
Plastic Soul Review
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069084
O Samba - Popular Music of
Baden Powell - Dir. Jean-Paul Guiter
Exploring Brazilian samba music, this documentary
introduces a wide range of influential musicians and
schools, with informative background provided by
knowledgeable historians. Born in the early 20th century
in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Bahia,
samba—an infectious sound that captures the soul of
Brazil—was created as music to dance to. Here, samba
schools such as Mangueira, Portela, Salgueiro, and
Imperio Serrano lend their expertise, while live
performances by legendary guitarists Baden Powell and
Roberto Menescal allow a glimpse into samba’s history.
Each style of samba is represented, and historians
Fernando Faro and Almir Chediak provide further
contextualization. This lively, spirited documentary is a
perfect vehicle for an introduction to a vital music form, as
well as an entertaining meditation on its role in Brazilian
life and culture.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1997
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070492
Opera Stories: An In-Depth Look
at Ten of the World’s Favorite
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069495
OverKill: Live - Wrecking
Everything An Evening In Asbury
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 2.0 219min.
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070403
Polyphonic Spree - Live From
Austin, Texas
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 2.0 54min.
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070401
Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070169
Primal Scream - Riot City Blues
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Alternative Distribution Alliance 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069838
Ramones - Videobiography
The Ramones were one of New York City’s most
influential bands, and helped kick-start the punk rock
revolution that swept through the late-1970s music scene.
This documentary on the group includes rare performance
and interview footage.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068982
Red Hot Chili Peppers - In Performance
Punk-funk pioneers the Red Hot Chili Peppers make an
entry into the In Performance series with this release. The
band has its career dissected by experts, while footage of
the Chili Peppers in performance is also included.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068981
Keali’i Reichel - Live in Concert
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Alternative Distribution Alliance 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069842
Rhapsody of Fire - Visions From
the Enchanted Lands
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070439
Andre Rieu - Radio City Music
Hall Live in New York
Acclaimed violinist Andre Rieu performs live at Radio City
Music Hall on this concert recording. Rieu is backed by
the Harlem Gospel Choir, and together they perform 27
songs, some of which are exclusive to this release.
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF
WEA 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070585
Chris & Rich Robinson - Brothers
Of A Feather
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF DD 5.1
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070404
Prodigy DVD & Book Set
Rock Milestones The Police Regatta De Blanc
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068989
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068987
Quartetto Gelato - A Concert in
Wine Country
Jose Luis Rodriguez - La Historia
Del Puma
This concert was shot for a PBS special and showcases
the unique talents of the chamber ensemble Quartetto
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
FF 116min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069012
With his joyous delivery and swinging arrangements,
Venezuelan singer Jose Luis Rodriguez (nicknamed El
Puma) has been one of the premier vocalists of salsa
music since the late 1970s. LA HISTORIA DEL PUMA
offers an overview of Rodriguez’s musical output,
including video clips of classics like „Dueño de Nada,“ „De
Punta a Punta,“ and „Poquita Fe.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 76
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Latin rap and hip-hop artists feature prominently in this
magazine-style program from the Sickmix production
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069702
Rolling Stones - Just for The
Rolling Stones
With a running time of over 5 hours, this extensive, indepth documentary has been released to coincide with the
Stones 40th anniversary. A vast array of friends, family,
fellow musicians, biographers, and managers recollect the
amazing career of the band in old and new interview
neither endorsed nor authorized by The Rolling Stones.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2002
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070310
Uli Jon Roth - Historic
Performances Vol. I & II
A legend in many ways, the multi-talented Uli Jon Roth
made waves as the lead guitarist of the Scorpions before
blazing his own path as a solo artist. Roth’s talents don’t
end with the guitar, however: a multi-instrumentalist, he
has also built his own instrument, the 6-octave Sky guitar,
and he writes poetry, paints, and directs videos as well.
This collection contains some of this seminal artist’s best
performances from the 1980s. Songs include „Virgin
Killer,“ „What is Love,“ and „Polar Nights.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1978
Ryko Distribution 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069680
S.P.I.T. Squeeze Punks In
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Caroline Distribution 14.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068843
Doug Sahm - Live From Austin,
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF DD 2.0
RED Distribution 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070402
Brian Setzer Orchestra - One
Rockin’ Night: Live in Montreal
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Alternative Distribution Alliance 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070586
Sex Pistols Rock Case Studies
DVD & Book Set
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 140min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069007
El Simbolo - Grandes Videos
Ten songs by Mexican pop band El Simbolo feature on
this entry into the Grandes Videos Musicales series.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069184
Simply Hip Hop And Funk For
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF 40min.
BayView Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069244
Simply Swing Dance for Absolute
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF DD 2.0 40min.
BayView Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069243
Simply Tap Dance for Absolute
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2007 FF DD 2.0 55min.
BayView Entertainment 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069246
Sickmix Latin DVD Magazine
The Song Remains the Same
(Limited Edition)
John Bonham, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page,
John Paul Jones - Dir. Peter Clifton, Joe
The best of Led Zeppelin’s legendary 1973 appearances
at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the
concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1976
Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069808
Songs That Changed the World:
Madonna - Like a Virgin
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069501
Songs That Changed The World:
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Songs That Changed the World:
Run DMC & Aerosmith - Walk
This Way
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF 60min.
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069707
The Song Remains the Same
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1976
Ltbx DD 2.0 138min.
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069794
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069000
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1976
Ltbx DD 2.0 138min.
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069761
Hard-living Javier Solis wanted to be a professional boxer,
but luckily his voice carried him to the top instead, making
him one of Mexico’s most loved bolero ranchera stars. In
this collection, five of Solis’s most popular songs are
captured in rare performance footage, including „Las
Rejas no Matan,“ „Sombras,“ and „Esta Tristeza Mia.“
Show Yourself Mighty
Music videos and interview footage combines on this
magazine-style program, which features some of the
brightest stars of West Coast hip-hop.
The best of Led Zeppelin’s legendary 1973 appearances
at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the
concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the
Javier Solis
Javier Solis - Para Siempre
John Bonham, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page,
John Paul Jones - Dir. Peter Clifton, Joe
Sickmix DVD Magazine - Vol. 2
John Bonham, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page,
John Paul Jones - Dir. Peter Clifton, Joe
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069498
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069488
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069962
The Song Remains the Same (HD
The best of Led Zeppelin’s legendary 1973 appearances
at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the
concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the
The Song Remains the Same
John Bonham, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page,
John Paul Jones - Dir. Peter Clifton, Joe
The best of Led Zeppelin’s legendary 1973 appearances
at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the
concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1976
Ltbx DD 2.0 138min.
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069760
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069500
Songs That Changed the World:
The Ramones - I Wanna Be
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069499
Soundies - A Musical History
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Alternative Distribution Alliance 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069839
Stereophonics - Rewind
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Alternative Distribution Alliance 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069840
Rod Stewart - In Performance
Rod Stewart
The career of Rod Stewart is discussed on this entry into
the In Performance series. Rare and archival footage of
Stewart is also included.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 77
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 65min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068985
Musicales series.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069185
Steve Vai - Visual Sound Theories: Live with the Holland Metropole Orkest
Sutherland, Horne and Bonynge Gala Concert
Top Latino Vol. 2
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069658
Joan Sutherland, Marilyn Horne, Richard
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069491
Lee „Scratch“ Perry, Rickie Lee Jones, Pete
Austin, Texas, is the destination for music fans when the
annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival rolls around.
This release includes highlights from the 2007 incarnation
of the festival, which took place in a variety of venues
across Austin. Among the performers featured here are
the Polyphonic Spree, Pete Townsend, and the Bravery.
Hits like Reik’s „Que Vida La Mia,“ Ricky Martin’s „Déjate
Llevar,“ and Ednita Nazarios’s „Ni Héroes Ni Vencido“
make this music video collection a lively treat for fans of
the genre.
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069706
Top Latino Vol. 3
More salsa, more meringue, and more bomba keep this
video collection hot. TOP LATINO VOL. 3 includes great
titles like Camilla’s „Todo Cambio,“ Reyli’s „Perdonome En
Silencio,“ and Franco De Vita’s „Tengo.“
Foreign Films, Latin 2007 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069708
Gloria Trevi - La Historia
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
Sony Music Distribution 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069693
Gloria Trevi
T.Rex Up Close And Personal
Foreign Films, Latin 2006 FF
Sony Music Distribution 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069704
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068983
Temptations Review Featuring
Dennis Edwards - Live in Concert
With original Temptations singers Dennis Edwards and
Ollie Woodson on hand, this review group performs some
of the Temptation’s classic songs, including „My Girl,“
„Treat Her Like A Lady,“ and „My Papa Was a Rolling
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF DD 7.1 90min.
Innovative Distribution Network 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068940
Tha Dogg Pound - The Saga
Ike Turner & Tina Turner - Rollin’
With Ike And Tina Turner
Ike Turner, Tina Turner
Soul legends Ike and Tina Turner may have endured an
acrimonious split, but they made some music together that
has touched millions of fans across the globe. ROLLIN’
WITH IKE AND TINA TURNER is a chance to see the duo
performing live.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1960
FF DD 2.0
Immortal Records 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069687
U2 - Popmart: Live from Mexico
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069010
This is 80’s Hair Metal
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
FF 80min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069487
This Is Soul
James Brown, Gladys Knight, Ben E. King,
Maxine Nightingale, Jerry Butler, Percy
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
FF DD 5.1 71min.
Immortal Records 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070123
Tlapehuala Show - Grandes Videos Musicales
Ten music videos from Mexican artists Tlapehuala Show
are included on this entry into the Grandes Videos
Videos of Latin pop singer Gloria Trevi’s greatest hits are
compiled in LA HISTORIA. This collection features songs
from her early career, like her first hit, „Dr. Psiquiatra,“ as
well as later offerings like, „Que Bueno Que No Fui Lady
Since becoming wildly popular in the 1980s, Irish band
U2’s sound has grown from a raw, soulful rock to a more
electronica-tinged, experimental brand of pop. In line with
this, U2’s stage act has grown into a showcase of lavish
special effects, cutting-edge sound, and spectacular
multimedia enhancement. POPMART features Bono and
the band performing live in Mexico City in support of their
1997 album, POP. Performing 24 old and new tracks, U2
puts on a concert that is a stunning spectacle.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1998
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069186
UFO Videobiography
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068990
Maxim Vengerov - Living the
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
EMI Video 18.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069990
Tom Verlaine & Jimmy Rip Music for Experimental Film
Tom Verlaine, Jimmy Ripp
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kino on Video 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070186
Wasted Orient
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF
Alternative Distribution Alliance 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069845
We Love Ella
Ella Fitzgerald, Patti Austin, Natalie Cole,
Quincy Jones, Ruben Studdard, Nancy
Wilson, Stevie Wonder
The stars come out for this PBS special, which celebrates
the magic of Ella Fitzgerald. The eclectic roster of artists
stepping up to pay tribute to Ella includes Natalie Cole,
Ruben Studdard, and Quincy Jones.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069187
Who - Up Close and Personal
DVD & Book Set
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069489
S Winwood, J Walsh, P Townsend
- Dear Mr. Fantasy
Steve Winwood, Joe Walsh, Pete Townsend
Musical & Performing Arts 2007 FF
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070406
Worlds Greatest Albums Jimi
Hendrix Smash Hits
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068991
Underoath - 777
Follow Christian metalcore band Underoath in this
collection of thrilling performances from the Vans Warped
Tour, Taste of Chaos International, and many other
shows. Also included in this release is a music video for
their song „You’re Ever So Inviting,“ and a making-of
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007
EMI Video 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068856
Special Interest
10 Minute Solution - Dance it Off
& Tone Up
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 78
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ravaged nation that is determined to prosper again.
FF 57min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069834
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2002 FF 60min.
Vanguard International Cinema 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069276
10 Minute Solution - Slim &
Sculpt Pilates
Efficient, effective Pilates exercises that focus on getting
that sculpted look are contained on this program. Each
workout is only 10 minutes long, so finding time is no
longer an issue to get a health club-quality Pilates
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 54min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069315
10 Questions for the Dalai Lama
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
Monterey Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069576
2001 - A Space Odyssey (Special
This Discovery University Production examines the making
of a true cinema classic, the Stanley Kubrick-directed,
Arthur C. Clarke-penned 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. An
eerie and intense prediction of the future, the 1968 film
brought Clarke’s sci-fi vision to the big screen in epic
proportions. In this program, film historians and artificial
intelligence experts discuss the film’s production and
legacy. Clips from the film take on new meaning as
biographers of Clarke and Kubrick offer commentary on
the pair ’s collaboration, and the technical challenges that
came into play during the film’s creation. 2001: A SPACE
Odyssey also features interviews with Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069796
2007 Wimbledon Official Film
Sports/Recreation, Tennis
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070181
4-Pack Religious Movies
See the life of Christ from birth to resurrection with these
four Spanish-language films: JESUS EL NIÑO DIOS;
Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069506
Abby Singer
Mill Creek Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068834
Absconding - Buxom & Bound
Restraint is lacking and at the heart of these gloriously
over-the-top bondage films, featuring unlikely but alluring
scenarios that leave their stunning starlets bound and
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069608
Afghan Stories
When the United States responded to the September 11th
attacks by invading Afghanistan and ousting the ruling
Taliban, it was only another year of strife in a land that
had undergone two consecutive decades of war and
struggle. This documentary by Taran Davies and Walied
Osman puts faces on the pain by introducing viewers to
members of the Afghanistan population, including a
generation who have never known peace but have not lost
hope. Interviews with Afghan royal family members who
were tortured by the Taliban, aid workers, and peace
activists are only some of the proud people of this
Africa’s Wildlife Collection Giftset
Six titles from National Geographic’s AFRICA’S WILDLIFE
television series are included on this collection. The
shows featured are „Elephants,“ „Gorillas & Apes,“
„Lions,“ „Predators & Hunters,“ „River & Ocean Dwellers,“
and „Zebras & Rhinos.“
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070465
Assault On Iwo Jima
Education/General Interest, American
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069866
Assume the Position with Mr.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070076
Robert Wuhl
Television, Education/General Interest FF
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070106
Aircraft of the Luftwaffe
Attack of the ‘80’s
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2004 FF 435min.
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068712
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Music Video Distributors 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070270
Alive Day Memories: Home From
Australia to the Max
Education/General Interest, World History/
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070105
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069649
Baby Einstein: Lullaby Time
Jeff Allen - Happy Wife, Happy
Life Revisited
The award-winning BABY EINSTEIN series introduces
babies over the age of one month old to the multi-sensory
world, using classical music, colorful animation, and
interactive games. This lullaby program is designed to
provide soothing and entertaining music for your baby.
Comedies 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068999
Childrens 2007 FF 31min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069955
American Assassin
Back Care Basics
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070428
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet
WGBH Boston Video 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070075
American Gangster - The
Complete First Season
Baggin with Ralphie May
Dramas 2007 FF 180min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069129
Ralphie May
Comedies 2007
Well Go USA, Inc. 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069241
Animal ER
Barack Obama
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069865
Education/General Interest, Biography
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069867
AquaOdysseas: Catalina - 3D
Interactive Travel Guides
Basics Of Billards
Journey to beautiful Santa Catalina Island, located just off
the coast of southern California, with this 3D interactive
travel release that allows viewers to explore its stunning
landscapes, and learn some fascinating facts about this
relaxing vacation spot.
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2007 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069132
As Smart As They Are: The
Author Project
Dave Eggers, Jonathan Lethem, Paul Auster, Jonathan Ames, Myla Goldberg, One
Ring Zero - Dir. Joe Pacheco
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
THE BASICS OF BILLIARDS offers both newcomers and
old hands a painless way to improve their billiards game.
Here viewers will be introduced to the rules, terminology,
and winning techniques of pool—including how to strike
the ball and how to set up advanced shots.
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069137
Battle of Okinawa
Education/General Interest, War/Military
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069886
Battle Tank
You will be in the turret of today’s modern western tanks
complete with live firings, this is essential viewing for
anyone interested in modern land warfare.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 79
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Education/General Interest, War/Military
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069894
BBC Atlas of the Natural World:
Africa / Europe
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069335
Becoming the Author of Your Life
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Passion River 04.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069632
Bible Battles
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069869
Bible Stories from the Old Testament
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069982
Bishop T.D. Jakes - Live From
The Potter’s House
Behind The Da Vinci Code
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069868
Belly Dancing
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070031
Best Of Chikara
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069932
Best Of The Jimmy Dean Show
Jimmy Dean
Charismatic country crooner Jimmy Dean hosts this 1960s
variety show that launched the careers of future HEE
HAW host Buck Owens and beloved Muppet Rowlf the
dog. Before his days starring in ads for his breakfast
sausage, „the Dean of Country Music“ was best known for
his singing talent and his easygoing way with the many
guests on his show. This collection from THE JIMMY
DEAN SHOW includes performances from Owens, Eddy
Arnold, Molly Bee, and more.
Television, Comedies 1963 FF 58min.
WEA 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069180
Beyond Belief: Fact of Fiction Season 1
BEYOND BELIEF is a show that asks if it’s fact of fiction
by presenting viewers with unusual tales of the
supernatural, the bizarre, and the seemingly downright
impossible. Are ghosts real? Do the dead make telephone
calls? Can a bullet kill its intended target years after it
was fired? What’s real or fake is revealed at the end of
every episode and the results are often surprising.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Strange Phenomena 1997 FF DD 2.0
Anchor Bay Entertainment 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068675
T.D. Jakes
Religious 2007 FF S 60min.
WEA 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070422
Blood Diamonds
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069870
Blue Planet: Sea of Life - Special
David Attenborough
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068726
Bob & Tom Comedy All Stars Tour
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068967
Bodog Fight: St. Petersburg
Sports/Recreation 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070155
Bondage Collaboration & The
Many Moods of Bondage
These two films are jam-packed with sultry beauties
caught in tight situations (usually involving rope, duct
tape, and ball gags).
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069606
Boys in Love Collection Vol. 1
Jay Wong, James Marks, Steve Braun,
Larry Sullivan, Matt Fentiman, Michael
Chase - Dir. Mark Swain, Bill Marchant,
Todd Wilson
Beyond The Golden Compass:
The Magic of Philip Pullman
UNDER ONE ROOF: Daniel (Jay Wong) is a young, gay,
closeted Chinese-American man living in San Francisco.
But when he finds himself falling in love with Robert
(James Marks), the new tenant in his mother’s apartment
building, Daniel learns how important it is and how
rewarding it can be to be true to yourself. This breezy
romantic comedy garnered attention on the American
festival circuit in 2002.
Concepts developed in Philip Pullman’s book THE GOLDEN COMPASS are discussed and analyzed in this film.
BEYOND THE GOLDEN COMPASS has been released to
coincide with the big-budget film adaptation of Pullman’s
Education/General Interest, Sex/Sexuality
TLA Releasing 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069179
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070147
British Open Championship: The
2007 Official Film
Sports/Recreation, Golf 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070184
Budokon: Flow and Flexibility
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 80min.
BayView Entertainment 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069250
Budokon: Power and Agility Yoga
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 80min.
BayView Entertainment 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069249
Budokon: Strengtha and Balance
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 80min.
BayView Entertainment 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069248
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069871
Bully 911: Stop Being a Victim
Education/General Interest, Self-Defense/
Home Security 2007 FF 86min.
BayView Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070587
The Camden 28
Anthony Giacchino’s suspenseful, tautly constructed
documentary THE CAMDEN 28 recounts one of the 20th
Century’s most fascinating trials. In 1971, a group of
Camden, New Jersey, residents who opposed the war in
Vietnam, decided to take action. The group, consisting of
many religious figures in the local community—including
four Catholic priests—became known as the ”Catholic
left.” Their target: the local draft board office, where they
intended to destroy as much vital paperwork as possible.
But during their assault, authorities barged in and stopped
them in their tracks. Clearly, they had been set up. The
ensuing trial sparked a passionate court room debate,
where justice and the law didn’t seem to connect.
Dramas 2007 FF S 83min.
First Run Video 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069396
Joseph Campbell - Mythos I
Education/General Interest 1997
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 09.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069903
Canciones de Cuna - Songs For
Childrens 2005 FF 26min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070484
Cantos y Rimas - Nursery Songs
& Rhymes
Childrens 2005 FF 24min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070482
Capoeira Workout
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007
StratoStream 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069144
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 80
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Cardio Blast
Christmas Truce
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070030
Education/General Interest, Biography
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069872
Christoga: Faith in Fitness
Phil Carson Collection #3 Beautiful Women In Bondage
Janine Turner
This third collection of films by bondage auteur Phil
Carson features the usual array of alluring and submissive
beauties, ensconced in rope restraints, silencing gags,
and skintight spandex!
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069607
Cash Poker - The Complete First
Television, Sports/Recreation, Games/
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070309
Passages from the Bible are used to help Christoga yoga
practitioners focus as they follow the basic lessons
presented on this program.
Religious 2007
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069260
Cities of the Underworld: The
Complete Season One
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069863
Comedians of Comedy - Live at
the Troubador
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2007 FF 171min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070348
Patton Oswalt, Brian Posehn, Maria
Bamford, Zach Galifianakis, Sarah
Silverman, David Cross, H. Jon Benjamin,
Bob Odenkirk, Dana Gould, Andy Kindler,
Eugene Mirman
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069475
China to the Max
Comedy Express Presents BT
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069651
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068944
Chicken Soup: Conversations for
the Golfer’s Soul
Deepak Chopra - Body, Mind &
Soul: Part 2
Deepak Chopra examines various stages of perception,
the relationship between the body and spirit, and the ageold question of whether or not souls really exist.
Comedy Jump Off - The Latino
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Alternative Distribution Alliance 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069844
Joey Vega, Andres Fernandez, Rich
Ramirez, Jason Andors, Mark Viera
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069474
Christian Classics
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070271
Peter Coyote - Dir. Jonathan Berman
The Black Bear Ranch plays host to a Northern California
commune set up in the spirit of similar institutions
established during the 1960s. This documentary presents
an overview of communal living with a particular focus on
the Black Bear Ranch crew.
Christian Classics Vol. 2
Music Video Distributors 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070272
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
First Run Features Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069397
Christmas at Home: Sounds &
Sights of the Season
Complete Definition Workout
Series Plus Bonus Abs
Childrens, Special Interest 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069980
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet
2007 FF 110min.
BayView Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069247
Truman Capote’s A Christmas
Crazy Love
Geraldine Page, Donnie Melvin
Southern-born writer Truman Capote tenderly recollects
his rural Depression-era boyhood in this Emmy Awardwinning television essay.
Television, Education/General Interest,
American History/Culture 1966
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069676
Dan Klores’s documentary takes viewers inside a
relationship made famous by tabloid reports back in the
summer of 1959. Burt Pugach and Linda Pugach met
when Burt was already married but Linda was a young
single woman. Embarking on a passionate affair, the two
never guessed they’d land on the cover of magazines and
newspapers later on when Burt blinded Linda in an act of
jealousy. With the cooperation of its subjects, CRAZY
LOVE examines this violent, stormy relationship, while
exploring larger themes of obsession, cruelty, insanity,
forgiveness, and loyalty.
Dramas 2007 FF 92min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070255
Crunch - Belly, Butt & Thighs
Boot Camp
Crunch goes to war against fat and extra inches on this
program. This high energy, take no prisoners approach
tones and slims down the body without any boring or
mundane movements. Crunch has put together another
great way to attack those difficult areas where fat likes to
hang out. These exercises and cardio intervals do more
than the average workout.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 41min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069316
Crunch - Cardio Go-Go Dance
The calories will come off with this fun fast paced cardio
workout. These sexy moves that will tone and sculpt the
body by using techniques taken straight from the 1960’s
go-go scene.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 44min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069317
Crusty Demons Decade of Dirty
Sports/Recreation FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069068
Dark Water Rising
DARK WATER RISING chronicles the predicament faced
by New Orleans’ pets following Hurricane Katrina. Not
allowed to take their pets with them, residents left nearly
50,000 dogs and cats stranded in this waterlogged city;
those not killed by flooding, lacking adequate food and a
clean water, face a nearly certain death. This moving and
often hard-to-watch documentary chronicles the heroic
teams of volunteers that scour the ruins of New Orleans—
battering down doors and risking their lives—to rescue
nearly 10,000 animals.
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070459
Gregory Davis / Bryan Daly - Islam What the West Needs To
Education/General Interest, World History/
EMI Video 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068848
Days of Majesty
The glamour and pageantry of Royal ceremonies in Britain
are here presented, including footage of Queen Elizabeth
II’s 1953 coronation, behind-the-scenes preparations for a
41-gun salute in Hyde Park, and an interview with the
flagman who hoists the Royal Standard at the precise
moment the Queen enters the palace.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070173
Deal or No Deal - Interactive DVD
Game Show
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2006
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069392
Dear Jesse
A young gay filmmaker from North Carolina journeys back
to his home state, where he interviews people about their
attitudes towards Senator Jesse Helms, homosexuality,
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
and other social issues. A touching look at how people
think about politics in modern America. Also features
interview footage of Matthew Shepard.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 1998 FF S 82min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070455
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069882
Dell-Marie Day - 5 Minute
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070133
Desperate Generation
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069165
Devil Came On Horseback
This documentary dives into the Darfur, Sudan genocide
from the perspective of an unarmed military observer with
the African Union.
Dramas 2007
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070305
Dialogue - Jose Rivera
In this insightful conversation, Oscar-nominated
screenwriter Jose Rivera (THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES)
discusses his career as a playwright, how it led to his
work in film, and coping with the intense pressures of the
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069142
Education/General Interest, Biography FF
Xenon Pictures, Inc. 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069268
Dialogue - Callie Khouri
Callie Khouri
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Passion River 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069636
Dialogue - David Goyer
Screenwriter David Goyer (DARK CITY, BATMAN BEGINS,
BLADE) offers his advice, and shares his experiences, on
working in the screen trade in this enlightening interview.
In it, the sometime comic book author discusses his
working method, where he gets his ideas from, and tips on
braving the innumerable obstacles of Hollywood.
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069134
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069141
FIGHT CLUB scribe Jim Uhls shares his experiences, and
advice, on working in the screen trade in this enlightening
conversation. In it, the screenwriter discusses his working
method, where he gets his ideas from, and offers tips on
negotiating the many obstacles of Hollywood.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Media Arts
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068952
Divine Nectar - Female
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069605
Dialogue - Scott Rosenberg
After breaking into Hollywood with his script for THINGS
TO DO IN DENVER WHEN YOU’RE DEAD, Scott Rosenberg went on write everything from action films like CON
AIR, to superb, character-driven dramedies like HIGH
FIDELITY and BEAUTIFUL GIRLS. In this insightful
conversation, Rosenberg shares his views on plot, writing
while intoxicated, and (this is not a typo) Winnie the Pooh.
Docurama Film Festival IV
New Video Group, Inc. 10.09.2007
339,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069090
Dreams to Remember: The
Legacy of Otis Redding
In this enlightening conversation, Hollywood screenwriter
shares his experiences in the screen trade, where he gets
his ideas from, and his thoughts on the writing process.
Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Dir. Aleksandr
Dramas 1999
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068859
Diana: Life Through a Lens
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070178
Diana: Portrait of a Princess
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070176
Diana’s Rock
Dialogue - Jim Uhls
The Discovery Channel’s hit TV series Dirty Jobs, hosted
by Mike Rowe, explores the dirtiest jobs in America,
featuring the episodes „Bat Cave Scavenger,“ „ Worm
Dung Farmer,“ „Roadkill Cleaner,“ and more.
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2001 FF 52min.
Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069177
Dialogue - Lowell Ganz and
Babaloo Mandel
Education/General Interest 2006
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069629
Dirty Jobs - Collection 1
This entry in the DISCOVER CHINA series explores that
most famous of Chinese culinary phenomenons, Dim Sum.
Dialogue Series-Ted Griffin
One of the strangest rock’n’roll stories is that of 80’s rock
band INXS’ lead singer Michael Hutchence. After living the
lead singer life for many years and being adored around
the world, he was mysteriously found dead of asphyxiation
in a hotel room. Many different stories tried to explain the
circumstances, but perhaps he was just another in the
long line of ‘too fast too live and too young to die’ wild
men of rock.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070137
Discover China - Dim Sum
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069143
Devil Inside: The Michael
Hutchence Story
Dialogue - John Hamburg
John Hamburg
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Passion River 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069637
Decoding the Past - Templar
Code: Parts 1 & 2
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069135
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070177
Dinosaurs Vs. Apes - Double Feature
Otis Redding
Dramas 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070537
Annie Dukes’ Texas Hold’em Super Course - Limited Edition
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2007
FF 200min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069921
Jeff Dunham - Spark of Insanity
Jeff Dunham
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068966
George Eliot - Life & Literature
Education/General Interest, Biography FF
DD 5.1 60min.
Ryko Distribution 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068708
Enchanted Pacific to the Max
See the beauty of the Pacific with Rudy Maxa, the host of
PBS’s SMART TRAVELS. This collection features
See individual titles for synopsis information.
Television, Sports/Recreation, Travel 2007
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069645
Engineering an Empire: The
Collector’s Edition
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 82
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Actor Peter Weller (ROBOCOP) hosts this History
Channel presentation, which uses computer technology to
imagine what it was like to see civilizations emerge and
develop in countries such as England, Greece, Persia,
and Russia.
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068694
Engineering Diasters: New Orleans
Education/General Interest
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069873
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068913
Education/General Interest, Science/
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068915
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068911
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068907
ESPN Classic Ringside - Top 10
Sports/Recreation, Boxing
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069391
ESPNU Honor Roll: The Best of
College Football - Collector’s Set
Sports/Recreation, Football
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.11.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069996
ESPNU Honor Roll: The Best of
College Football - Vol. 3
Sports/Recreation, Football
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069995
Ever Again
Actor Kevin Costner narrates this documentary about the
alarming rise of anti-Semitism across Europe.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Anchor Bay Entertainment 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069311
Explore Your Mind: Animals
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068910
Explore Your Mind: Best of National Geographic
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068912
Explore Your Mind: Exploration
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068908
Explore Your Mind: History &
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068909
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2007
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069394
Fat Blasting Bootcamp
Explore Your Mind: Nature &
Explore Your Mind: News &
Engineering Egypt
Explore Your Mind: Inside Series
Explore Your Mind: War & Military
Education/General Interest, War/Military
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068906
Fabulously Fit Moms - Lower
Body Burn
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070146
Fabulously Fit Moms - Super
Energized Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070145
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Goldhil Entertainment 23.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070079
Roger Federer Vs. Pete Sampras:
The Changing of the Guard
Roger Federer, Pete Sampras
Sports/Recreation, Tennis
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070185
Hysterical behind-the-scenes documentary of the 1992
presidential election, which features key candidates
captured before the satellite feeds went on the air. An
impromptu highlight is a shot of Jerry Brown picking his
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 1992
First Run Features Home Video 20.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070025
Female Ejaculation For Couples
Sex educator Deborah Sundahl discusses the ins-andouts of female ejaculation, how to trigger it, and its
relation to the famous G-spot.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069612
Fire Yogi
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069158
First Kings of Comedy Collection
Facing Death: Elisabeth KulberRoss
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069674
Dramas 2002
First Run Features Home Video 20.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070026
Fit Dance Jam
Fahrenheit 9 / 11
Academy Award-winning director Michael Moore examines
the Bush administration’s financial ties to Saudi Arabia
and the bin Laden family in FAHRENHEIT 9/11, a wellresearched, fast-paced, highly controversial, and
important documentary that won the Palme d’Or at the
2004 Cannes Film Festival. Using actual footage and
declassified documents, Moore takes a detailed look into
political events both before and after the attacks on the
World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, beginning
with the polarizing Supreme Court decision that ultimately
gave the state of Florida and the 2000 election to George
W. Bush. Moore reveals how the U.S. government helped
the bin Laden family return to Saudi Arabia immediately
after September 11, when all other flights were still
grounded; and examines military recruiting techniques in
such poor areas as his own hometown of Flint, Michigan.
He even attempts to get congressmen to enlist their own
sons and daughters into the military. The writer-director
also visits with the troops, including at a VA hospital
where soldiers are having second thoughts about
America’s involvement i
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2004
Weinstein Company/Genius 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068922
Family Feud - 3rd Edition DVD
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070035
Fitness with the Pros
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Navarre Corporation 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069342
Flock of Dodos
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 10.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069089
Friday Night Phenoms - Vol. 1
Sports/Recreation, Football 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070097
Friends of God: A Road Trip with
Alexandra Pelosi
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Education/General Interest, American
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070103
Grandes Directores
This documentary takes a close look at the work of
Mexican directors Luis Bunuel and Emilio „El Indio“
Future Weapons - Season 1
Television, Childrens, Special Interest 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069479
Tierney Gearon: The Mother
Education/General Interest, Photography
2006 FF 70min.
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069273
Get Real Fit: Advanced Strength
Training with Lynn Hahn
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
BayView Entertainment 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070594
Get Real Fit: Basic Strength Training with Lynn Hahn
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 30min.
BayView Entertainment 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070595
Gettysburg and Stories of Valor Civil War Minutes III
Narrated by Keith Carradine, this third installment in the
CIVIL WAR MINUTES series delves into the history of the
battle at Gettysburg, one of the most bloody, horrific, and
strategic battles of the US Civil War. Topics include
Colonel Strong Vincent’s defense of Little Round Top, the
cryptic „Devil’s Den“ photographs, Confederate General
Lewis Armistead’s secret call for help, the medical and
surgical history of the war, and much more.
Education/General Interest, War/Civil War
2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 56min.
Inecom Entertainment Company 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070128
Ghosts of Cite Soleil
This documentary takes viewers inside a Haitian slum of
Cite Soleil, where poverty and violence are an everyday
part of life. While presenting one family’s story, a love
triangle, and a war, all against a musical backdrop by
Wyclef Jean, the filmmaker examines gang life from the
inside out.
Dramas 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 85min.
ThinkFilm 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069718
Gladiators of World War II
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Warner Home Video 16.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068737
Rob Glick’s Hi-Lo Fusion
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 49min.
BayView Entertainment 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070590
Gospels & Acts
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069986
Dramas FF 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070204
Grandes Muralistas
This pack contains two artist biographies first shown to
television audiences. The first film focuses on Diego
Rivera’s controversial commissioned work for the
Rockefeller Center from 1933. Next up is David Alfaro
Siqueiros, whose works often explored the Mexican Revolution.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Media Arts 2004 FF 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070199
Grey Wolves - Box Set
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069892
Gulf War
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069884
Guys Next Door # 3
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069327
Half Pint Brawlers - Vol. 1
Puppet the Psycho Dwarf
Join Puppet the Psycho Dwarf for a descent into madness
the likes of which have never been captured on film
before. The Psycho Midgets wrestling crew are definitely
not for the sensitive or the politically correct, but they are
hilarious and utterly insane. After numerous TV
appearances, the Midgets now offer this document of their
hardcore wrestling tour, which features midgets going
totally wild, both in and out of the ring. Uncensored and
totally unbelievable, you’ll see these little people go at
each other with thumb tacks, staple guns, broken bottles,
and trash cans. Outside the ring, the guys get drunk, jump
into a mall fountain, and get naked while hitchhiking.
Finally, think midgets don’t get girls? Think again, as here
you’ll find plenty of hot midget groupies taking off their
clothes for the camera.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069942
Hamlet: A DVD Study Guide
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070084
Tom Hanks: The Luckiest Man In
The World
Education/General Interest, Biography
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069883
Leisa Hart: Sexy Abs Waist
Trimming Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 52min.
BayView Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070591
Leisa Hart: Sexy Arms Upper
Body Toning Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 43min.
BayView Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070598
Leisa Hart: Sexy Buns Aerobic
Dance Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 48min.
BayView Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070592
Leisa Hart: Sexy Legs Ballet
Dance Fat Burning Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF DD 2.0 64min.
BayView Entertainment 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070599
Having a Ball with ABC: Ball
Choreography with Patrick
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070596
Hawaii to the Max
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069648
HD Environments’ Living Landscapes Collection (HD DVD)
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069609
Phill Hellmuth’s Texas Hold’em
Supercourse - Limited Edition
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2007
FF 210min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069922
Heroes and Weapons of World
War II
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068739
Heroes of the Bible
Hardcore Forever - Limited Edition
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069983
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069925
Hip Hop For Beginners
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 25.09.2007
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 84
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070037
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069253
Hip Hop Unleashed
Holiday Favorites Vol. 3
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070036
„Santa’s Surprise,“ „Snow Foolin’,“ „Winter Draws On,“
„Jerky Turkey,“ „Hector ’s Hectic Life,“ „The Toyland
Caper,“ and „Silent Night - The Story of Christmas“ are
the seven family films featured on this holiday-themed
Historias Biblicas del Antiguo
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069985
Holiday Favorites Vol. 4
„The Christmas Visit,“ „The Christmas Visitor,“ „The Night
Before Christmas,“ „Christmas Comes But Once A Year,“
„The Candle Maker,“ and „Christmas Journey“ are the six
family films featured on this holiday-themed collection.
Historias Biblicas del Nuevo
Childrens FF 60min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069255
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069984
Holiday Favorites Vol. 5
History Makers of World War II Churchill
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070471
History Makers of World War II Eisenhower
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069155
History Makers of World War II Hitler
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070472
History of Indiana Basketball
„Santa Claus’ Punch & Judy,“ „The Home of Santa Claus,“
„The Little Match Girl,“ „The Music Album—Christmas
Carols,“ „A Collection of Carols,“ and „Christmas Fairy
Tale“ are the six family films featured on this holidaythemed collection.
Childrens FF
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069256
Holiday on Ice: Under the Desert
Nancy Kerrigan, Brian Orser
Sports/Recreation, Ice Skating 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069483
Hooked on a Dream: America’s
Education/General Interest, American
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069874
Hot Buns & Thighs
Sports/Recreation, Basketball
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070567
History of Kentucky Basketball
Sports/Recreation, Basketball
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070568
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070034
Hot Core Moves
Hitler: A Career
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 1977
First Run Features Home Video 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070027
Holiday Favorites Vol. 1
„Silent Night,“ „Starlight Night,“ „Star of Bethlehem,“ and
„Brightest Night,“ are the four family films featured on this
holiday-themed collection.
Childrens FF 60min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069252
Holiday Favorites Vol. 2
„The Shanty Where Santy Lives,“ „Somewhere in
Dreamland,“ „The Kids in the Shoe,“ „Jack Frost,“ „Jingle
Bells,“ „The Snowman,“ „Mr. Piper and the Story of the Tin
Soldier,“ and „The Wizard of Oz,“ are the eight family films
featured on this collection.
Childrens FF
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
Childrens FF 60min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069254
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070032
Hot Rod TV - Hot Rod Superstars
Television, Education/General Interest,
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070161
How to Tell a Story...That Will
Scare Ben’s Socks and Shoes Off
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Passion River 05.02.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069635
D.L. Hughley: Unapologetic
D.L. Hughley
Warner Home Video 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068928
I Am An Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and Peta
Childrens, Special Interest Ltbx
Warner Home Video 20.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070104
I Have Never Forgotten You
Trained in architecture but responsible for finding some of
history’s most dangerous war criminals, Nazi hunter
Simon Wiesenthal is the focus of this documentary. Nicole
Kidman narrates.
Dramas 2007
Anchor Bay Entertainment 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069312
I Was Wrong
Dramas 2007 FF 30min.
Vision Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070555
I Worked for Stalin
Through the use of eyewitness testimony and rare
archival film and photographs, director Aranovitch gives
viewers an unexpurgated view of the behind-the-scenes
power struggles between Russian dictator Joseph Stalin
and his frequently contentious cabinet. Focusing on those
who held the highest positions of power in the Soviet
state, Aranovitch uncovers some surprising truths about
the individuals who controlled the fate of millions. Part
three of the „Stalin: By Those Who Knew Him“ trilogy.
Foreign Films, Russian 1990
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070002
Illuminated Manuscripts
Animator John S. Banks and composer Fritz Heede lend
their respective talents to the stunning virtual video
ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. Set to Heede’s pulsating
ambient soundtrack, Banks’s artful blend of high-tech
computer animation and photographic imagery of ancient
ruins, natural landscapes, and Eastern spiritual texts
creates a mindbending kaleidoscopic effect that
simultaneously soothes and invigorates for a truly meditative experience.
Education/General Interest, Animation/
General 2005
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070156
IMAX - Bugs! A Rainforest
Using special cameras to boost these creepy crawlers to
over 250,000 times their normal size, BUGS! is a
groundbreaking IMAX film that lets viewers see the world
from a bug’s perspective. And what a strange world it is!
Blades of grass tower into the sky, and raindrops plummet
like bombs! This entertaining and awe-inspiring film is
sure to delight young and old viewers alike, as it follows
the intricate, sometimes brutal lives of these mesmerizing
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Image Entertainment, Inc. 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069466
IMAX - Galapagos (Blu-ray)
The Galapagos Islands, scattered across the equator, are
the subject of this cinematic expedition. Still widely
unexplored, these islands feature a stunning array of
wildlife, vast wilderness, and stately volcanoes. This
Smithsonian Institute production was originally screened
in the IMAX format.
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068727
IMAX - Galapagos (HD DVD)
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
The Galapagos Islands, scattered across the equator, are
the subject of this cinematic expedition. Still widely
unexplored, these islands feature a stunning array of
wildlife, vast wilderness, and stately volcanoes. This
Smithsonian Institute production was originally screened
in the IMAX format.
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068728
IMAX In Space Collection
Eight space-themed IMAX films feature on this collection.
The titles included are SPACE STATION, MISSION TO
Education/General Interest, Space Exploration
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069738
IMAX Into The Wild Collection
The eight films featured on this collection were originally
shot in the IMAX format. The titles included are DEEP
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069737
IMAX Ultimate Collection
Twenty movies originally shot for the stunning IMAX
format are included on this collection. The titles featured
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069789
In The Pit
Juan Carlos Rulfo’s documentary feature explores the
work of the men building Mexico City’s „Second Deck,“ an
11-mile freeway which will transform the city and the dayto-day lives of its inhabitants.
Dramas 2007
Kino on Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069013
Inferior Corporal
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069160
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068916
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070466
Italian Fascism in Color
Jack Kerouac: King of the Beats
Benito Mussolini’s rise to power and his subsequent rule
are covered in this documentary film, which includes rare
color footage.
Jack Kerouac’s novel ON THE ROAD and its stream-ofconsciousness style of poetry greatly influenced both the
literary and rock music worlds. During his time Kerouac
was essentially a fringe artist, but long after his death he
became one of the most widely read writers in America.
This documentary studies the beat poet and his
controversial life, including the experiences that inspired
his greatest works.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070474
JCW Wrestling - Slam TV:
Episodes 1 Thru 9
Ordinary wrestling fans will be left shocked or spellbound
by this nine episode collection of extreme wrestling action
from Juggalo Championship Wrestling (JCW), the
brainchild of rappers Insane Clown Posse.
Television, Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
2007 FF S
RED Distribution 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070399
Jesse James - Legend, Outlaw,
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068964
Journey Into Buddhism - Box Set
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
WGBH Boston Video 04.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068900
Journey Into Buddhism - Dharma
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
WGBH Boston Video 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068903
Journey Into Buddhism - Prajna
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
WGBH Boston Video 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068902
Journey Into Buddhism - Vajra
Sky Over Tibet
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
WGBH Boston Video 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068904
Inside Hockey
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068972
Jujitsu 2
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070508
Inside the FBI
Julius Caesar: A DVD Study
Education/General Interest, American
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069875
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070085
Inside the Green Berets
Kama Sutra - Essentials for
Lasting Intimacy
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Ryko Distribution 10.11.2007
Education/General Interest, Biography 2002
Goldhil Entertainment 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069274
King Lear: A DVD Study Guide
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070086
King of the Cage - Big Stars, Best
The title of this collection says it all. Whether they’re in
the Muay Thai clinch, an arm lock, or throwing a good old
fashioned right cross, this footage captures every move
and technique leading to a devastating knockout. Some of
the biggest names in the sport are featured here in an
event where two men enter a cage, and often only one
leaves on his two feet.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF S
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069937
Robert Klein - The HBO Specials:
Robert Klein
Television, Comedies 1975
Kultur Films Inc. 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069496
Stanley Kubrick: A Life In
entertaining look at master director Stanley Kubrick, made
by the people who loved him most and knew him best. Jan
Harlan, who worked with Kubrick for more than 30 years,
put the film together with the help of Kubrick’s widow,
Christiane Kubrick, so it includes fabulous home movies of
Kubrick as a young boy, as well as shots of the
photographs he took when he worked for Look magazine
before beginning his stellar film career. The documentary
examines each of Kubrick’s films, from the early short
interviewing people associated with each project. Harlan
also sheds light on some of Kubrick’s unfinished works,
including ARYAN PAPERS, NAPOLEON, and A.I., which
Kubrick wanted Spielberg to direct—and after Stanley’s
death, Spielberg did indeed make the film, with Harlan
serving as a producer. Clips are shown from each film,
along with behind-the-scenes footage, both as stills and
live action, showing Kubrick on the job, illuminating his
work process and revealing him to be more of
Education/General Interest, Biography 2001
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069785
Latin Rhythms
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070039
Latin Salsa
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070033
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 86
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Latin Salsa for Beginners
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070040
LBZ - Quatros Locos
Extreme sports pioneer LBZ has been around since the
early 1980s, and QUATROS LOCOS, originally released in
1996 on VHS, was finally released on DVD in 2006.
Packed into the disc’s 60 minutes are dazzling feats of
hardcore Quad action, featuring four-wheeling stunts,
jumps, and tricks to boggle the mind. Music by Pennywise,
Guttermouth, Bone Crusher, and others adds excitement
to the already breathtaking stunt footage.
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 2006
Ventura Distribution 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069926
LeMans 2007 Official Film
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070087
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070001
Mad Fabricators Society - Volume
Man Vs. Wild
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Starlight Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069162
Bear Grylls
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068953
Mad Fabricators Society - Volume
Mike Marino - New Jersey’s Bad
Boy of Comedy
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069166
Mike Marino
Comedies 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 02.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069468
Mad Fabricators Society - Volume
Married in America 2
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Starlight Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069164
Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070167
Leyendas del Cine Mexicano Volumen 2
Maria Felix, Pedro Armendariz - Dir. Luis
Television, Education/General Interest,
Media Arts 2004 FF DD 2.0 90min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069043
Little People Big World - Season
Television, Dramas 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 02.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069447
Little Rock Central High: 50 Years
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture Ltbx
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070107
Mad Fabricators Society - Volume
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069163
Magic Frank’s Lesson In Magic Combo Magic 4 Fun
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
K.C. Sales 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070164
Magic Frank’s Lessons In Magic Even More Magic 4 Fun
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
K.C. Sales 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070165
Magnificent Desolation: Walking
on the Moon 3D
Live to Tell About It: Self Defense
Education/General Interest, Self-Defense/
Home Security 2007 FF 55min.
BayView Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070588
Lost Years of Jesus
A film dealing with the evidence that Jesus made a long
pilgrimage to India and Tibet. Contains controversial
subject matter.
Religious 1976 FF 93min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069189
Jenny Lynn: The Harder I Work,
the Luckier I Get at Bodybuilding
Sports/Recreation, Bodybuilding 2007 FF
BayView Entertainment 16.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070589
This 3-D IMAX presentation cuts no corners when it
comes to its mission, recreating—down to the most
precise detail—the experience of landing on the moon. An
educational extravaganza, the unique film allows viewers,
behind their enormous 3-D glasses and comfortably
seated in front of an enormous screen, to experience a
moonwalk in its closest approximation. The film begins by
noting the fascination that the moon has held for people
over the centuries, and looking at their fantasies about
what they might find there. Proceeding on to the
astronauts who made the trip and the years of preparation
that made it possible, the film shows what the lunar
landings looked like, using sets that recreate the moon’s
surface with painstaking fidelity. The film provides a brief
overview of some of the experiments the astronauts were
sent to perform, capturing the gravity of the venture as
well as the joy they experienced. As they explore the
surface of the moon both by foot and by car, the
perspective of the audience becomes that of the
astronauts, creating a giddy sensation not unlike the
optical illusions the space
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070100
MacBeth: A DVD Study Guide
Magnificent Obsession: Frank
Lloyd Wright’s Buildings &
Legacy in Japan
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2005
Television, Education/General Interest,
American History/Culture
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070304
MaximumMMA Presents: Cage
Rage 16 - Critical Condition
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069933
Meerkat Manor - Season One
Television, Education/General Interest,
Nature/Wildlife 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069448
Mente y Cuerpo - Introduction A
Practicas de Yoga
Childrens, Special Interest 2007
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070481
Mexico to the Max
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069647
Mr. Conservative - Goldwater on
Julie Anderson, who is the granddaughter of former U.S.
Senator Barry M. Goldwater, directs this HBO feature on
the life of a man who sharply divided the country.
Goldwater ran for president in 1964 after making his name
first as a businessman and then as a senator. Although he
never made it to the Oval Office, and Goldwater’s
conservative values may have been ahead of their time,
his supporters were delighted when Ronald Reagan took
many of Goldwater ’s beliefs and turned them into a
successful run for the presidency. To tell this fascinating
tale, Anderson’s film draws on rare archival material,
including home movies and interview footage with a broad
range of influential figures.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2006
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 31.07.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069272
Mobile Warfare
Education/General Interest, War/Military
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069895
Modern Marvels - Welding
Education/General Interest
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 87
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069861
Modern Masters - In the Studio
With George Perez
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
2007 FF 120min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070475
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Warner Home Video 04.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069230
NBA Player Profile: Dwyane Wade
Sports/Recreation, Basketball FF DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 04.12.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070560
Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty
Body modification is studied in this documentary, which
speaks to a group of people who have taken the practice
to the very limits of human endurance.
Education/General Interest
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068914
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Westlake Entertainment Group 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069259
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070174
Michael Moore Live
Michael Moore
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Weinstein Company/Genius 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070532
Move ‘N Groove Kids - Vol. 3: Go
to the Park
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069630
Move ‘N Groove Kids Vol. 2
This children’s fitness program incorporates live action
and animated sequences. By presenting educational
lessons in an entertaining, playful format, the Move ‘N
Groove series makes learning fun.
Childrens 2007 FF 23min.
Passion River 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069139
Sports/Recreation, Baseball FF DD 2.0
Inspired Corporation 25.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070353
New York Yankees - Team of the
Sports/Recreation, Baseball
Razor Digital Entertainment 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070470
New Zealand to the Max
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069650
Newsreel History of the Third Volume 11
Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage
Television, Education/General Interest,
Science/Technology 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069478
Natural Obsessions 2 - Vol. 3
A mysterious stranger teaches a lonely widow to love
again through steamy sex and a little bit of bondage in the
third volume of this erotic anime series.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Adult Source Media 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069328
Naughty Art - Volume 1
Education/General Interest, Art 2005 FF
Passion River 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069631
NBA Champions 2006-2007
Sports/Recreation, Hockey
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069776
NHL Greatest Moments in Stanley
Cup History
Sports/Recreation, Hockey
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069786
NIV - The Listener’s Bible on DVD
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069981
No End in Sight
In his directorial debut, Charles Ferguson explores the
reasons behind the chaos of the war in Iraq. NO END IN
SIGHT features interviews with U.S. soldiers, Iraqis, and
experts on the issue, including former Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2007 FF 102min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070256
No Limit
Newsreel History of the Third
Reich - Volume 10
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069646
Newsreel History of the Third
Reich - Volume 12
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069891
NFL America’s Game I-XL
Collector’s Edition
The America’s Game series offers an exclusive look at a
series of Super Bowl winners. Each documentary is
packed full of exclusive footage, interviews, and match
highlights. This collection includes entries from giants of
the game such as the Dallas Cowboys, the Miami
Dolphins, the Washington Redskins, the San Francisco
49ers, and the New England Patriots.
Sports/Recreation, Football
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070561
Sports/Recreation, Football
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070573
NBA Champions 2007: San Antonio Spurs
NHL Greatest Games in Pittsburgh Penguins History
Dramas 2007 FF 87min.
Passion River 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069131
NFL Complete Game Set: 1985
Chicago Bears
Sports/Recreation, Basketball FF S
Warner Home Video 30.10.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069777
Sports/Recreation, Football
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070574
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069890
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007 FF 87min.
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068707
Mythbusters - Collection 2
New Play Ball! - Training Pack
NFL Games Archives: Buffalo
Bills vs. Houston Oilers 1993 AFC
Northwest to the Max
Jim Norton: Monster Rain
Jim Norton
Television, Comedies Ltbx
Warner Home Video 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070102
Nova - Earthquake
Take a deep look at possible predictions of the world’s
most frightening natural occurrence.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Science/Technology 1990
WGBH Boston Video 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068901
Nova - Earthquake: The Science
Behind The Shake
Television, Education/General Interest,
WGBH Boston Video 06.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068905
Numeros y Figuras - Numbers &
Childrens 2005 FF 26min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070483
Nutcracker on Ice
Tai Babilonia, Randy Gardner, Linda
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 88
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sports/Recreation, Ice Skating 1998
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069484
NWA Pro Wrestling - Fiesta Lucha
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069928
Odyssey: A DVD Study Guide
Education/General Interest, Study Aids
2005 FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070088
On And Off The Rails
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068970
Play with Me Sesame: Goodnight
Pez Universe Interactive
Childrens 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069684
Designed to serve a taste treat with a mere nod of its
shiny bobble head, PEZ has become a hit worldwide. PEZ
UNIVERSE INTERACTIVE examines the legacy of these
fun candy dispensers with an extensive library of
information that should bowl over PEZ enthusiasts, and
convert the rest of us. Included here are detailed views of
hundreds of classic PEZ dispensers, PEZ’s history from
1949 to 2006, and a challenging trivia game.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068971
Phonics 4 Babies: Baby’s First
Mallory Lewis hosts this adorable introduction to language
with words and phrases that build a strong foundation for
infant speech. Lewis, who has written numerous children’s
books and has kept the spirit of Shari Lewis’s Lamb Chop
alive, is the perfect voice to help children find their own.
Childrens, Special Interest 1951 FF
Kino on Video 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069503
Childrens, Educational 2005 FF DD 2.0
Anchor Bay Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069304
One Stone and Two Birds
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069467
Pilates for Fat Burning
Play with Me Sesame: Playtime
with Grover
Childrens 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069683
Playboy - Naked Happy Girls /
New York Babes Uncovered
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069593
Playboy - Naked Happy Girls /
Sexy in the City
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069095
Oprah Unauthorized
This fat-burning workout video features certified trainer
Alanna Zabel.
Playboy Tryouts
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068973
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Goldhil Entertainment 07.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068921
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 18.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069094
Pilates for Indie Rockers
Positive Teaching
Methods...Working with At-Risk
Education/General Interest, War/World War
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069893
Planet Earth / The Blue Planet:
Seas of Life
Passion of Jesus Christ
Education/General Interest, Biography 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068975
Payback - Volume 2
Television, Education/General Interest,
Media Arts 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070159
Perfect in Ten: Stretch, 10-Minute
These easy-to-do stretching exercises are designed to
eliminate tension, reduce muscle aches and lead to
improved posture and flexibility. All it takes is 10 minutes
a day!
Education/General Interest, SelfImprovement 2007
StratoStream 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069639
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 02.10.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068733
Plasma Window - Panoramic
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
2007 FF 60min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070476
Plasma Window - TV Light Box
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
2007 FF 131min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070478
Plasma Window :Art Plasma Vol 3
- DaVinci
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
2007 FF
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070479
Pez Universe
Designed to serve a taste treat with a mere nod of their
shiny bobble heads, PEZ dispensers have become a hit
worldwide. PEZ UNIVERSE delves into the fascinating
history of these classic candy appliances, showing how
they are manufactured, offering interviews with devoted
„PEZheads,“ and speaking with the man behind it all—
PEZ’s president.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070440
Plasma Window: Art Plasma Vol 2
- Masters of Impressionism
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
FF 6043min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070477
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Passion River 01.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069634
Power Breathing
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
Turtle Press 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069722
Press Your Luck - Interactive
DVD Game
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2006
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069393
PRIDE Fighting Championships PRIDE Legacy: Volume 5
The Pride Fighting Championships held at the Tokyo
Dome are legendary events in the world of Mixed Martial
Arts and this massive collection features over 14 hours of
exciting bouts. Whether it’s Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,
or wrestling, there are few techniques or styles that are
forbidden once these warriors step into the ring. The
biggest names in the sport are all here, including Fedor
Emelianenko, Renzo Gracie, and Kazushi Sakuraba.
Every strike and submission is captured as the toughest
men in the world battle to for victory, fame, and, above all,
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF S
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069939
PRIDE Grand Prix - 2003
Not since ancient times has a sport come along that truly
tests the limits of an athlete’s courage and spirit as mixed
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
martial arts. The Pride Grand Prix is the premier event of
this exciting sport, where only the most elite fighters in
the world get to enter the ring. The warrior spirit is alive
with these brave gladiators, in a competition where almost
nothing is forbidden, except giving up. 2003 was an
amazing year for the Grand Prix and this collection
includes legends in the sport such as Chuck Liddell,
Kazushi Sakuraba, and Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. When
these giants of the martial arts world put on their
fingerless gloves and step on to the canvas, only the best
will survive.
program traces their history throughout the ages,
accompanied by real pirate ship footage and firsthand
includes chapter summaries, thoughtful and detailed
analysis, and quizzes to ensure that viewers will
remember the pertinent facts.
Dramas 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070131
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070091
Really Big Things
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2003
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069346
Childrens, Special Interest 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068963
Rocketbook Presents - Frankenstein
Red Bull X-Fighters
Prince of Poker
Westlake Entertainment Group 11.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069266
Education/General Interest, American
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069877
Princess Diana Collection
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070179
From tales told in hashish dens came the Greek „Urban
Blues“ called „Rembetiko,“ which colorfully illustrate the
story of modern Greece.
Foreign Films, Greek 1983
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070004
Research...Finding the Heart of
the Story
Pro Bull Riders - 8 Second
Heroes: They Survived
Sports/Recreation, Rodeo 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068948
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Passion River 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069633
ProElite Presents Elite XC:
Revolucha: Dia De Los Muertos
Television, Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
2007 FF 240min.
First Look Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069927
Progressive Power Yoga Trilogy
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet FF
BayView Entertainment 04.09.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069242
Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
Dramas 2007 FF 139min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070262
Cherry Ridez - Volume 3
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Image Entertainment, Inc. 09.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069472
Psalms & Proverbs
Religious 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069987
Ritual Path
Qi Gong Fire & Water
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069904
Queen - Behind the Mask
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070172
Real Heroes: Inspirational Stories
Of Giving
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068974
Gentle music and visuals combine to create a relaxing
experience on RITUAL PATH.
Education/General Interest, Animation/
General 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070162
Rocketbook Presents - 1984
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines George Orwell’s 1984,
and includes chapter summaries, thoughtful and detailed
analysis, and quizzes to ensure that viewers will
remember the pertinent facts.
Education/General Interest, Study Aids
2007 FF 105min.
Goldhil Entertainment 28.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070080
Rocketbook Presents - Beowulf
Real Pirates of the Caribbean
Laura McKenzie
Sensationalized in movies and swashbuckling stories,
pirates once ruled the high seas in a very real way, and
this documentary seeks the truth behind the legend. The
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 02.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069929
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines BEWOULF, and
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines Mary Shelley’s
FRANKENSTEIN, and includes chapter summaries,
thoughtful and detailed analysis, and quizzes to ensure
that viewers will remember the pertinent facts.
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070082
Rocketbook Presents - Incidents
In The Life Of A Slave Girl
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines Harriet Jacobs’s
chapter summaries, thoughtful and detailed analysis, and
quizzes to ensure that viewers will remember the pertinent
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070093
Rocketbook Presents - Pride &
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines Jane Austen’s PRIDE &
PREJUDICE, and includes chapter summaries, thoughtful
and detailed analysis, and quizzes to ensure that viewers
will remember the pertinent facts.
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070092
Rocketbook Presents - The
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines Arthur Miller’s THE
CRUCIBLE, and includes chapter summaries, thoughtful
and detailed analysis, and quizzes to ensure that viewers
will remember the pertinent facts.
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070081
Rocketbook Presents - The Great
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines F. Scott Fitzgerald’s
THE GREAT GATSBY, and includes chapter summaries,
thoughtful and detailed analysis, and quizzes to ensure
that viewers will remember the pertinent facts.
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070083
Romantic Inns of America California
Enjoy California’s diverse range of accommodations for
the amorously inclined, from scenic mountain cabins to
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
seashore escapes.
thoughtful and detailed analysis, and quizzes to ensure
that viewers will remember the pertinent facts.
Sports/Recreation, Travel 1997
Goldhil Entertainment 21.08.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069441
Rome: Engineering an Empire
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068693
Romeo & Juliet: A DVD Study
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070089
Route 66: The Series
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Infinity Entertainment Group 23.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070423
Royals Collection
Education/General Interest, World History/
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070175
Rush to War
Education/General Interest, War/Military
2007 FF 86min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069107
Saddam’s Secret Tunnels
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069878
Sandfloor Cathedral
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
2007 Ltbx 16x9 44min.
Vision Video 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070556
Leslie Sansone - 3 Mile Weight
Leslie Sansone takes the road to weight loss with more of
her effective walking routines. These workouts target
every part of the body to slim it down and get it toned,
without boring repetitions. Sansone provides enough
variety and challenges to ensure that walking becomes an
intense cardio vascular experience.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 45min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069319
Clive Cussler’s The Sea Hunters
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 23.10.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069907
Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Education/General Interest, Science/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069880
Secrets of the Golden Compass
Philip Pullman - Dir. Nick Tucker
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2007 Ltbx 81min.
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069899
Secrets of World War I
Education/General Interest, War/World War
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069881
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069879
Rocketbook offers stylish, interactive study guides
carefully designed to help high school and college
students visualize and better understand great works of
literature. This program examines Nathaniel Hawthorne’s
undisputed classic THE SCARLET LETTER, which tells
the story of Hester Prynne, a Puritan woman who’s
ostracized and marked as an adulteress following a
scandalous affair. Included here are chapter summaries,
Michael Moore - Dir. Michael Moore
America’s most incendiary filmmaker, Michael Moore,
returned in 2007 with this health-care-industry exposé.
SICKO tackles material as controversial as the topics
explored in Moore’s other films, yet does so in a way that
places the focus on ordinary Americans affected by the
nation’s health-care crisis. After providing some historical
background on how our nation’s medical care system
became so ravaged and unfair, Moore interviews a series
of individuals and families who have had their lives all but
destroyed by the denial of care in the service of profit.
While there are two sides to the gun-control debate and
even a legitimate discourse for how to best wage the war
on terror, it’s simply impossible to justify how a baby girl
can wind up dead because her mother’s health insurance
wasn’t accepted at a nearby hospital. Moore smartly
allows this and other stories to be told with little or no
interference, conjuring strong feelings of empathy, rage,
and deep sadness.
Comedies 2007
Weinstein Company/Genius 06.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070531
Sign of the Beaver
This enhanced video for grades 4-7, is a compelling
survival story that explores the relationship between the
white settlers and the Indians in the 1700’s. 1984 Honor
Book Award. Elizabeth George Speare, author.
Childrens, Teaching Aids 1987 FF
Questar, Inc. 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069145
Secrets of World War II
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2007
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068738
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
Anchor Bay Entertainment 11.09.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069313
Simply FOBulous
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2005 S 91min.
Passion River 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070395
Comedies 2007
Mill Creek Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068836
Self - Trim and Tone Fast
Nacho Vidal - Dir. Vicente Perez Herrero
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069008
Self - Ultimate De-Stress Yoga
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069001
Skin for Sale
This provocative documentary goes behind the scenes of
Barcelona’s thriving adult film business, giving viewers a
look at the real lives of the industry’s actors and
actresses, both on and off the set.
Dramas 2007 FF S
TLA Releasing 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070500
Sofia Smallstorm - 911 Mysteries
Part 1: Demolition
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
EMI Video 14.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068850
Sherman’s March
Show Business: The Road to
Scarlet Letter: A DVD Study
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Education/General Interest, World History/
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069862
Saturday Night Live
Education/General Interest, Study Aids FF
Goldhil Entertainment 24.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070090
Genius Productions, Inc. 09.10.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069532
Kristin Chenoweth, Alan Cumming, Boy
George, Idina Menzel, Rosie O’Donnell Dir. Dori Berinstein
SHOW BUSINESS is an ambitious documentary that
follows four Broadway musicals all the way from initial
rehearsals to the nervewracking opening night.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Smooth Jazz and Art
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Metaphysical 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070433
Something to Scream About
Ariauna Albright, Denice Duff, Judith O’Dea,
Debbie Rochon, Lilith Stabs, Julie Strain
Brinke Stevens hosts this amusing documentary which
takes a look at the careers of nine actresses who are
known primarily for their work in B-films and/or horror
films. Knowing that they may never get a role which
requires more of them than to simply scream and/or
remove their clothes, these women nevertheless manage
to happily carve successful careers out of the lucrative B-
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
movie market. From Debbie Rochon to Lilith Stabs to Julie
Strain, SOMETHING TO SCREAM ABOUT will let you
know exactly what makes these women tick.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2003 FF S 65min.
Tempe Video 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069822
Spalding Basketball Basic - Learn
From The Pros
Sports/Recreation, Basketball
Warner Home Video 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069754
Splatter Rampage Wrestling
The Masked Mauler. Skulls. Puppy Lover. These are but
three of the twisted members of the WRC Wrestling
Federation. Violent and hilarious, SPLATTER RAMPAGE
WRESTLING is a look into their twisted world, as they
fight for your entertainment with everything from
thumbtacks to cheese graters
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2003 FF S
Tempe Video 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069291
Sports/Recreation 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068978
Street Stars: The Larry Davis Story
Documentary filmmaker Troy Reed offers insight into the
case of former crack dealer Larry Davis with this film
about the young criminal’s life. Davis’s remarkable story
reached a violent peak as the police opened fire on him
and ultimately jailed the former drug peddler after an
exhaustive search.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
S 59min.
Warner Home Video 14.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069235
Streets - NYC
Sports/Recreation, Skateboarding 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069958
Max Strom - Learn To Breathe
Sportskool Soccer with Mia
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Metaphysical 2007 FF
RED Distribution 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069653
Sports/Recreation, Soccer 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070096
Superior Corporal
Sportskool Streetball with Main
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070098
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Starlight Home Entertainment 21.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069159
Tactical Paintball
Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World
of Orgasm
Tamara Apted, Gary Robert
Annie Sprinkle
Westlake Entertainment Group 21.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069265
Speaking with 26 orgasm authorities, adult film star and
sexpert Annie Sprinkle offers some invaluable insights on
the big O, mapping out the plethora of tantalizing
orgasmic experiences available to us all.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069610
A diverse array of paintball and airsoft weapons are
discussed in this program.
Tai Chi for Life - Yang Style
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF
Turtle Press 18.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069720
Star of Bethlehem
Dramas FF S 63min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069445
Step Up with Patrick Goudeau
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 02.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070597
Stereophonics - Language, Sex,
Violence, Other?
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Alternative Distribution Alliance 09.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069841
Stories From the Road: Sturgis
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2007 Ltbx
Passion River 21.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069138
Street Anarchy Presents - MMA
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070006
Tantric Journey to Female
Sex expert Deborah Sundahl presents this instructional
guide for women that demonstrates the physically and
emotionally healing benefits of female orgasm through
such techniques as G-spot massage and female
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2003 FF
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069611
Terrorstorm: 2nd Edition Updated
and Expanded
Education/General Interest, World History/
Caroline Distribution 31.07.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068849
Top Tens
Education/General Interest, War/Military
Image Entertainment, Inc. 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068962
Total Body Sculpt
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Goldhil Entertainment 23.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070078
Transform Yourself with
Jivamukti Yoga
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068715
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2006 FF DD 2.0 88min.
TLA Releasing 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070504
Treasures from American Film
Archives III: Social Issues in
American Film
Dramas 1930
Image Entertainment, Inc. 16.10.2007
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069470
Trout Grass
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069011
True Story of the Nativity
Roger Moore hosts this television documentary about
Jesus’ birth. Presented in Spanish, the program
reexamines the nativity story.
Religious 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069486
Trulli Love
Finland loves winter sports, and that country has
produced many athletes who excel in the Winter Olympic
Games. The documentary film TRULLI LOVE follows eight
Finnish snowboarders, known as the Trulli Clan, as they
attempt to make a career out of the sport, and rise to the
Olympic level that so many of their fellow Finns have
reached. The group are a close-knit bunch, and TRULLI
LOVE highlights both their professional achievements and
their seemingly unshatterable bond.
Sports/Recreation, Snow Sports 2005
Caroline Distribution 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069959
UFC 71: Liddell vs. Jackson
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
First Look Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068870
UFC 72: Victory
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
First Look Home Entertainment 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068871
UFC 73: Stacked
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 20.11.2007
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September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070019
Education/General Interest, Self-Defense/
Home Security 2007 FF 96min.
BayView Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069245
Ultimate 3 Volume Backyard
Three programs are included on this set, which is full of
bone-crunching wrestling action. The titles featured are
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF S
Pacific Media Entertainment 21.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069110
Ultimate Blackjack Tour - The
Complete First Season
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069923
Ultimate Dinosaur Collection
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 13.11.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069336
Ultimate Fighter - Season 1
Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture
THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER assembles the best mixed
martial arts fighters from throughout the Americas, pitting
them against one another for the coveted title. The
contenders share the dream of being the best, and each
sports a formidable background in a wide range of fighting
arts, including karate, Jiu-Jitsu, boxing, wrestling, Judo,
and kickboxing. Convening at the UFC Center in Las
Vegas and divided into two teams, the contestants
undertake the most grueling training regime of their lives.
Each team is guided by one of the two most accomplished
UFC fighters: UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Randy
Couture, and UFC Light Heavyweight #1 Contender Chuck
Liddell. Over the course of season one, the weak are
weeded out weekly, until only the strong are left standing.
Television, Sports/Recreation 2005 FF
Navarre Corporation 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069934
Sports/Recreation 2007 FF 75min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070021
Unborn in the USA: Inside the
War on Abortion
Filmmakers Stephen Fell and Will Thompson dive into the
controversies surrounding abortion and the pro-life
movement in this documentary. Featuring over 70
interviews with major pro-life figures, the film builds on
previously unseen archival footage in order to expose
fresh truths and insights on an always hot topic.
Dramas 2007
First Run Features Home Video 23.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069398
Unlocking Ancient Secrets of the
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068977
Urban Belly Dance Workout
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 60min.
Repnet 25.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070038
Vegan Cooking for Animal Lovers
Education/General Interest, Cooking/
Beverages 2007
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070441
Veggie Tales - Very Silly Songs
Ultimate Fighter - Season 2
THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER assembles the best mixed
martial arts fighters from throughout the Americas, pitting
them against one another for the coveted title. The
contenders share the dream of being the best, and each
sports a formidable background in a wide range of fighting
arts, including karate, jiujitsu, boxing, wrestling, judo, and
kickboxing. This collection presents the series’ second
season in its entirety.
Sports/Recreation, Boxing 2007 FF S
Navarre Corporation 18.09.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069343
Religious 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069192
VeggieTales - End of Silliness
Religious 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 18.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069193
VeggieTales: The Wonderful
Wizard of Ha’s
Ultimate Flexibility
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2007 FF
Turtle Press 18.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069721
Warner Home Video 09.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069229
Vietnam: Homecoming
Ultimate Kickboxing: Kbox II
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 54min.
BayView Entertainment 16.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070593
Education/General Interest, War/Vietnam
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069885
Vintage Erotica Anno 1960
Ultimate Pandas
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068840
Ultimate Self Defense Workout:
Fit 2 Fight
Ultimate Ultimate Knockouts
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007
Cult Epics 25.09.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068759
Vintage Erotica Collection
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1920-1970
Ryko Distribution 25.09.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068760
War & Civilization
The Learning Channel presents this eight video set,
defining the term „war“ and the effect it has had on
civilization throughout the history of time.
Television, Education/General Interest,
War/Military 1998 FF 416min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069003
John Wayne - American Legend
John Wayne
Education/General Interest, Biography
New Video Group, Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069876
Comedies 1925-1928
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069188
Who The Hell Is Juliette?
Yuliet Ortega, Fabiola Quiroz, Jorge Quiroz,
Salma Hayek, Obdulia Fuentes, Yolanda
Barajas, Victor Ortega - Dir. Carlos
A absolutely stunning documentary from Mexico, WHO
THE HELL IS JULIETTE interweaves the story of Juliette,
a 16 year-old Mexican prostitute with that of the Mexican
model Fabiola Quiroz. The two could be twins, and their
family lives are similarly anarchic; Juliette never knew her
father, and Fabiola’s mother can’t quite recall who her
father is. Curiously, the two were brought together during
a music video shoot (by this film’s director), and have
been friends since. Decidedly nonlinear, the film throws
together a number of disparate elements such as clips
from soap operas, fashion shows, and music videos that
combine to paint a portrait of Juliette. Stylish and
frequently hilarious, WHO THE HELL IS JULIETTE stands
out as one of the best documentaries of the 90s.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 28.08.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068857
Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? Interactive DVD Game
Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2007
First Look Home Entertainment 09.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069395
Who Was Kafka?
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2005 FF 96min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 25.09.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070005
Wild and Wacky Christmas
Television, Comedies 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068976
William Jefferson Clinton President of the United States
Childrens, Special Interest 2007 FF
K.C. Sales 25.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070166
Wimbledon 1975 Final: Ashe Vs.
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Seite 93
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Genius Productions, Inc. 23.10.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069810
Arthur Ashe, Jimmy Connors
Sports/Recreation, Tennis
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070182
Wimbledon 2001 Final: Rafter Vs.
Patrick Rafter, Goran Ivanisevic
Sports/Recreation, Tennis
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070180
Wimbledon 2007 Final: Federer
Vs. Nadal
Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal
Sports/Recreation, Tennis 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 30.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070183
WWE - Royal Rumble Anthology:
Vol. 1
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Goldhil Entertainment 23.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070077
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070604
Your Body Breakthrough: Your
Best Body Circuit
WWE - Royal Rumble Anthology:
Vol. 2
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Razor Digital Entertainment 28.08.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070469
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.11.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070605
WWE - Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.11.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070606
World at Waste
Starlight Home Entertainment 25.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069161
World Wrestling Network
Presents: FIP - Big Year One
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 11.09.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069931
World Wrestling Network
Presents: Shimmer 5
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 16.10.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069930
This documentary about animal activism from director
Curt Johnson features interviews with Hollywood stars
including Katharine Heigl, Moby, Jessica Biel, and more.
The film examines recent accusations by the FBI that
categorize animal-rights movement leaders as potential
Dramas 2007
Ryko Distribution 13.11.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070442
WWE - Unforgiven 2007
Zona Rosa
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.10.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069809
ZONA ROSA gives a revealing look at male strippers in
Mexico City. This stimulating documentary focuses on
both the nude dancers’ assets and their lives. Director
Dan Castle (THE VISITOR) also explores the gay history
and culture of the country’s capital, as well as the
government’s reaction to the nightclubs.
WWO - Volume 2
Dramas 2004
TLA Releasing 28.08.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070351
It’s Lucha Libre time with Tito Santana, Evil Clown,
Warlock and a wide host of all the Mexican wrestling
superstars. Over the years W.W.O has become the
premier sponsorship for the best and most charismatic
Luchas. Every slam, every punch, every crazy mask are
all captured in this hard-hitting collection with 25 fighters
and 8 events.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF S
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069936
YOGA BOOTY BALLET is not the average yoga workout.
These exciting moves get participants into a yoga groove
that will tone and tighten. With great music and professional health club instructions, this program is lively, fun,
and, most importantly, effective.
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Warner Home Video 23.10.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068917
Wrestling Society X - The
Complete First And Last
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
First Look Home Entertainment 13.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069924
WWE - John Cena: My Life
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070608
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 62min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 04.09.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40069318
Yoga for Indie Rockers
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Ryko Distribution 30.10.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070429
Yoga Pregnancy: Pre- & PostNatal Workouts
Two yoga workouts are included on this release: one
geared towards staying fit and healthy during pregnancy,
and one for new mothers who want to get back in shape
and release tension.
WWE - No Mercy 2007
Booker T.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.11.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40070607
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Goldhil Entertainment 07.08.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068920
WWE - Rey Mysterio
Yoga to the Rescue
Rey Mysterio
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 11.09.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40068714
Rey Mysterio is one of the WWE’s top wrestlers - witness
the power of the man in this awesome DVD.
Your Mommy Kills Animals
Yoga Booty Ballet: Master Series
- Goddess Abs / Am Latte
World’s Last Great Places
Collection Giftset
Wrestling, Sports/Recreation 2003
Yoga Total Body Makeover
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 94
Newsletter 15/07 (Nr. 212)
September 2007
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Telefonische Bestellannahme:
Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
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Am 5. und 8. Oktober 2007
bleibt unser Geschäft
Newsletter 15 / 07 (Nr. 212)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2007) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision.
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