traducere prezentare judetul Braila
traducere prezentare judetul Braila
BRAILA COUNTY HISTORY Documentary attested at 20th January 1368, Braila, placed in a generous natural frame, in the close proximity of the Danube River, had become famous, in a short time, as a very important trade center, a connection place where the products transported by the ships of the harbors of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea coasts meet the western products sailed here, especially by the Brasov merchandisers. This fact is mentioned also by the Greek chronicler Laonic Chancocondil in 1462, with the occasion of the Mahomet the Second’s expedition against to Vlad Tepes – the Ruler of Wallachia, when he wrote about Braila “as a Dacian people city, where these Dacian people trade more than in all the country’s cities”. The importance of the great Danube’s harbor is also proved by the fact that the numerous commercial ways which connect it to the different areas and cities in Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, were named “the Braila’s road or Braila’s way”. Great economic center, the Braila locality was entered in the Ottoman Empire’ expansion area, as a result of its special strategically position, being in border area between the two Romanian countries; More than that, it could be established a connection bridge with the Dobrudja – a territory being under Ottoman domination, and the presence here of a military garrison would discouraged the independence intensions of the Romanian leaders. After that, in 1538, occasioned by the expedition against to Petru Rares – the Moldavia sovereign, Braila is occupied by the Turks and two years later, and as a results of a polish document – in this place was built a brick-wall fortress. Although, being under the Ottoman monopoly, the economic life continued to evolve, Braila becoming the supplies point for the Empire capital, and the increased incomes obtained from the different commercial activities did not fill the country treasury but amount to the sultan and his high officials. After 289 years of ottoman domination, Braila is reintegrated to Wallachia, as a result of the Russian-Turkish War between 1828-1829, agreed by signing the Treaty of Peace from Adrianopole - 2/14 September 1829. The development document of the V treaty’s article stipulates that the Turkish fortresses placed on the left side of the Danube River, together with the islands afferent of this bank, will be returned to Wallachia, the Danube thalweg following to become the border with the Ottoman Empire. Also, by this treaty was mentioned the sailing liberty on the Danube River and the Black Sea, that means the removal of the Ottoman domination on the Romanian 1 merchandises. As a consequence, from the economic point of view, Braila locality plunged more than ever in its history, advancement also sustained by the getting of Porto- Franco statute in 1836. The intensive commercial transactions in the harbor as well as the possibility to achieve an increased and rapid incomes attracted many foreign merchandisers Bulgarians, Macedonians, Albanians, Greeks but also French, Belgium, Austrians, Italians, Jews and many others Transylvanian people, Braila becoming thus a multiethnic entity. In short time, Braila was able to adjudge the challenge with its neighbor – Galati city, and more than that, to compete with Odessa, due to, one hand, its special profile - the cereals export and the other hand to its clever capability to develop the railway network. A part of the incomes provided by the commercial activities was used both for reconstruction and modernization of the city and also for the extension of the harbor capacity by the city authorities. Although, the Porto-Franco Statute was eliminated, the harbor continuities its ascendant evolution, registering, in 1911, the highest export value, because of the large modernization works of harbor equipment and the docks construction, that included a whole entire complex of quays, berths, silos and storages, oil tanks, railways, roads, as well as a roadstead for winter time. In 1830, was registered the first rehabilitation plan of the city, its limits being marked along of the actual Al.I.Cuza boulevard. Also, in 1898, was published the Braila locality town-planning by J.Dufour – the Chief Engineer of the city. Between these periods of time, we can notice that Braila extended to the Dorobantilor Boulevard. The specific norms used for buildings construction (- the buildings had to be achieved only in accordance with the approved plans, in the central areas the buildings had to be exclusively from brick and to have a specific façade), the public parks and markets’ marking, streets pavement, the achievement of sewerage network and drinking water supply system, innovation of a modern means of transport – the electrical tram (Braila was the first Romanian city to have electric trams), solving the problem of the street and domestic enlightening by electrical network, all of these mentioned facts are only a few achievements of the local authorities, Braila of the XX century’s beginning being as a city of European dimensions. 2 Geography a) Location Braila County is placed in south-eastern part of Romania, in the Romanian Plain, having an area of 4,765.8 km2, which represents 2% of Romania’s total surface and including a part of the Inferior Siret River meadow, a part of the Baraganului Plain, a small parts of the Salcioara Plain and The Buzau Plain. In the East part, Braila County includes the Great Island of Braila. Coordinates: 28o 10’ eastern longitude: extreme point – Frecatei commune; 27o 5’ western longitude: extreme point – Galbenu commune; 45o 28’ northern latitude: extreme point – Maxineni commune; 44o 44’ southern latitude: extreme point – Ciocile commune. • • • • The Braila County is bordered by: Galati County in the Northern side, Tulcea County in the Eastern side, Ialomita County at the Southern side and the Buzau County in the Western side. Braila county surface is about 4.766 km2, its capital being the Braila Municipality. The localities network comprises: Braila Municipality, three towns – respectively: Faurei, Ianca, Insuratei and also 40 communes as follows: • Baraganul, Bertestii de Jos, Bordei Verde, Chiscani, Ciocile, Ciresu, Cazasu, Dudesti, Frecatei, Galbenu, Gemenele, Gradistea, Gropeni, Jirlau, Marasu, Maxineni, Mircea Voda, Movila Miresii, Racovita, Rimnicelu, Romanu, Rosiori, Salcia Tudor, Scortaru Nou, Silistea, Surdila-Gaiseanca, Surdila-Greci, Şutesti, Tichilesti, Traian, Tudor Vladimirescu, Tufesti, Ulmu, Unirea, Vadeni, Victoria, Visani, Viziru, Zavoaia. b) RELIEF • The Braila County, being placed in plain, has a relief generally homogeneous, the only ground variations in level being the running waters, tablelands and lacustrian depressions. 3 • • • • • • • • • The Braila hydrographical network is characterized by a temperate-continental climate and the relief formed by field’s relative plate that contains large valleys and closed depressions, with temporary or permanently lakes. The most important hydrographical resource of the county is the Danube River, with two main branches: Macin Branch (Old Danube) towards Dobrudja and Cremenea Branch, towards Braila’s plain, closing in the middle the Former Braila’s Pond, that today is dyked. The Danube has a very economic importance, both from Braila’s municipality water supply point of view and of the irrigations systems. • The Siret River bordered the northern part of Braila County to Galati County, on a length of 50 kilometers. On the right side, at Voinesti, has as tributary the Buzau River that flows the Braila county territory on a length of 126 kilometers. • Between Jugureanu and Gura Calmatui, on a length of 84 kilometers, The Calmatui River flows in the Braila county territory, which is, most of it, arranged for irrigations. In Braila county, are present both steppe lakes and river meadow lakes. A first category is that of the lakes cantoned in the large loess settlement depressions or tablelands (Ianca -332 hectares, Plopu -300 hectares, Lutul Alb-357 hectares). Another category of lacustrian basins is formed by the river limans (Jirlau -1086 hectares, Caineni -74 hectares, Ciulnita -92 hectares). The meander lakes and that of abandoned branch are present especially in the Danube river meadow (Blasova -400 hectares, Japsa Plopilor -76 hectares), on the Calmatui terrace (Sarat Batogu, Bentu Batogu) as well as in the vicinity of Braila (Lacu Sarat). The waters of the following lakes: Lacu Sarat - Braila, Sarat Batogu, TataruCiineni and Movila Miresii, have therapeutically effects, Lacu-Sarat and Ciineni being declared watering and climatic resorts. The lakes Jirlau, Ciulnita, Lutul Alb, Plopu, Ianca and Blasova are arranged for pisciculture. In Braila County there are also artificial lakes used for fishing or irrigations: Maxineni, Gradistea, Insuratei, Ulmu and Brotacelul. Also, there are accumulation lakes as: Galbenu and Satuc lakes in the Valea Boului River, as well as Mircea Voda on Buzoel Nord, its water are used for irrigations. c) CLIMATE • • • • • • Climate is temperate-continental, slightly excessive in the west and moderate in the Siret River Meadow and Great Island of Braila. Being placed close to the Black Sea, Braila county has an annual average temperatures about 10oC (1.5oC higher then the rest of the plain). The annual average temperature is about 10.5 oC, maximum value registered in 1951, being of 44.5 oC, and the minimum value decreasing to - 30 oC (in 1942). The annual relative humidity of the air reaches to over 72%, in the winter exceeding 80%, while in the summer it represents 65%. The annual rainfall is reduced (with an average of 456 l of water/m2) and in the summer it has a torrential character. The annual quantity of rainfall does not cover the necessary quantities to get increased agricultural productions, the water deficit being covered by irrigations. 4 d) NATURAL RESOURCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • The underground resources are formed by the liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons’ resources contains in: Ianca, Bordei Verde, Ulmu and Jugureanu areas. Loess deposits constitute the raw material for inferior ceramics and the therapeutically mud of the salty lakes are the basis of the balneal treatment. Chernozem soils represent 75% of Braila county surface. In the plane areas, where the water stagnated as a result of the hydrostatical level increasing, were formed depression zones with swamps that by draining works were introduced gradually to agricultural sector in order to arrange natural pastures. There were dammed the following areas: Calmatui-Gropeni, BrailaDanube-Siret, Maxineni, Great Island of Braila, those surfaces are more than over 119.000 hectares. Only the Great Island of Braila has 60.160 hectares, ground saved to the periodically floods of the Danube. The agricultural lands form over 84% from the whole surface of Braila County. Braila county has a flora specific to the plain area (95% cultures and small surfaces of pastures). The arborescent vegetation is relatively less represented. The forests are spread on a surface of 22.600 hectares, most majorities being river meadow forests. Thus, in the Small Island of Braila- more than 5460 hectares, we can see willow and poplar forests. In the interior river meadows, on about 1500 hectares, there are forests formed by poplars, willows and acacia trees, oaks and other species of trees. The county flora is completed with halophyte vegetation (salty sedge, Halimane pedunculata, small salty vegetation) specific to the salty soils, as well as with underwater vegetation found especially in the ponds and lakes of the Danube flooded areas. • Fauna is represented by animals and sedentary birds and also migratory birds. • In the natural reservation from Small Island of Braila found a specific delta fauna: different species of ducks, geese, herons, seagulls, lapwings, small snipes, woodcocks, moor hens, swans. Ichthyofauna is represented by native fishes (carps, sheat fishes, pike perches, tench, pikes, crucian carps, barbels, bleaks, popes) as well as migratory fishes that are multiplied in the Danube River (sturgeons, Huso huso, sterlets, mackerels). In the present, flora and fauna specific to the steppe area, that are dominant in the Baraganului Plain, are extremely modified. In these conditions, were protected some areas, placed on the Calmatui River’s bank, a part of Lacu Sarat, Movila Miresii Salty Lake, places where the natural ecosystems will be preserved in the specific conditions. With the same purpose, The Small Island of Braila was declared natural reservation. Here and also in the Blasova Lake surroundings, we can observe many birds that in the past form the Braila Pond’s ornithofauna, species of birds preserved now a days, as follows: white small egret, spoonbill, red heron, grey heron. 5 • • In the northern-eastern part of Braila Pond’s, is placed "Popina Blasova", with a height of 45 m, formed by old formations, identically with those from the northern Dobrudja. On this rock that was declared in 1994 as a natural monument are found flowers similar with those from Macin Mountains (bell flowers, milfoil with yellow flowers and others). Also, Viisoara Forest will be preserved, especially for grey oak tree. Population At the 1st of July 2005, the population of Braila county was about 385.066 inhabitants (1.8% from the Romania’s population) with a density of 81.5 inhabitants/km². Main nationality of Braila’s inhabitants is Romanian, together with: Macedonians 0,034%, Macedo-romanians 0,01%, Gypsies 1,1%, Lipovanians 0,55%, Greeks 0,1% and other nationalities such as: Bulgarians, Magyars, Germans, Turks and Jews. From entire population, 66% is concentrated in the city area. The employee’s number estimated at the end of the November 2005 was about 71.5 thousands persons, out of which 53.8% in constructions and industry, 39.8% in servces and 6.4% in agriculture and silviculture. The unemployed registered number was about 8,451 persons. The unemployment rate was 6.3%, exceeding with 0.6% the unemployment rate at the national level. Religion Main religion of Braila County, similar to the Romania country, is the Orthodox religion; almost 90% from entire population belongs to it. The rest of 10% of population belongs to Romano-Catholic Church, Greek-Catholic Church, Protestant Church (Reformed Church and Gospel Church) and Neo-Protestant Church (Adventist and Baptist Church), Mosaic and Moslem Religion. Industry The number of economic agents with integral or majority state capital is classified thus: state companies 14; trade companies 132 from: • • • • with integral state capital 121 with state capital + private capital 7 with state capital + foreign capital 3 with state capital + foreign capital + Romanian private capital 1 The economic agents with private capital are: - with Romanian integral private capital 3.116 - with foreign integral capital 8 - with Romanian private capital + foreign capital 74 6 The structure of main economical sectors of the Braila County The structure of the turnover provided by the Local Active Units, on main activities, between 2002-2004 -%No. crt. 2002 Turnover provided by the local active units - TOTAL 1 Industry – total, thus: 2 3 4 5 6 7 a) Extractive industry b) Processing industry c) Electrical and thermic energy, gases and water Constructions Trade Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and mail Real transactions Other activities 2003 2004 100, 0 x 100, 0 x 41,2 100,0 39,9 100,0 4,0 74,5 21,5 7,1 41,7 1,1 5,6 2,6 0,7 100,0 34,6 2,2 66,3 31,5 6,4 42,4 0,9 7,1 2,6 0,7 x 100,0 1,2 68,3 30,8 5,6 49,0 0,9 6,7 2,3 0,9 The evolution of the commercial exchanges* between 2000-2005 2000 Activity 2001 2002 -thousands dolari- 2003 2004 2005 - thousands euro- Import (FOB) 73315 94218 157064 183680 136438 175875 Export (CIF) 96945 116004 194702 213467 193021 215842 *) after the importer/ exporter agent’s headquarter 7 Top of the enterprises with foreign contribution of capital (the firsts 28), in decreasing order of the turnover achieved in the fiscal year 200 Enterprise Year Fiscal Code Turnover (thousands ROL) Domain Capital identity private (local+foreign) AKER BRAILA SA 1991 2244532 844959971 AGRIMON SRL 1999 11940410 559340167 SOROLI - COLA SA 1993 4116530 455871289 TRACON SRL 1991 2266522 284895701 MISTRAL DUE SA ARTEFERRO BRAILA SA 1994 6674044 187696109 1998 10678362 171603119 RO - CONF SRL DORIA CONFEZIONI SRL 2001 13708794 132790303 Ships building Breeding of the horses, asses and mules Production, processing and conservation of the meat (exclusively the fowl) Construction workings, inclusively art working Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) Production of primary and semimanufactured products of iron metal Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) 1991 2266026 130905489 Production of the body-linen articles private (local+foreign) CARVAL TRANS SRL 1999 11664195 126267405 Road transports of the goods private (local+foreign) Production of primary and semi-manufactured products of iron metal LAMINORUL SA 1991 2266948 118074703 LINPAN IMPEX SRL SHORT PROD COM SRL 1997 9273969 114235964 1994 5563846 106805228 REMAT SA 1991 2268035 106029657 TURK ROM SAN SA 1995 7963920 101476017 BLAZER SRL 2002 2834436 95479230 DIANA FASHION SRL BUREAU VERITAS ROMANIA CONTROLE INTERNATIONAL SRL ECE LEGUME FRUCTE SRL 1999 12138792 93040878 1998 10400438 85464405 Processing and preservation of the fruits and vegetables Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) Recovering of the metal recyclables wastes Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) Production of the body-linen articles Production of the textile articles (exclusive the clothing and the bodylinen) private (local+foreign) private (local+foreign) private (local+foreign) private foreign 100% private (local+foreign) foreign private 100% mixed (state + local private + foreign private) foreign private 100% foreign private 100% private (local+foreign) private (local+foreign) foreign private 100% foreign private 100% Testing activities and technical analysis foreign private 100% Processing and preservation of the fruits and vegetables 2003 12571620 80314231 foreign private 100% ROMINSEM SRL 2000 12664800 67624522 BRAILACT SA ENTERPRISES ET CO BUCURESTI SRL FILIALA BRAILA 1991 2268000 63924329 Cereals crops Production of the dairy products and cheese products 1998 11245030 61970191 Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) POLYINVEST SRL 2004 7053746 55888775 Motor vehicles trade SANCO SA 2000 13523486 52914795 Metals treatment and covering private (local+foreign) ENTER 2 SA 2001 13933753 44085670 private (local+foreign) MASSIWER SRL 2001 14241530 42984768 Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) Cereals crops private (local+foreign) foreign private 100% foreign private 100% private (local+foreign) private (local+foreign) private (local+foreign) foreign private 100% COMCEREAL SA 1996 8261265 38340558 Retail trade of the cereals, seeds and fodders UNITEX COM SRL 2002 14906340 35561685 Production of other clothing articles (exclusive body-linen) 8 State of the enterprises having foreign contribution of the registered capital, grouped after the respective country, the foreign capital resulting only from the contribution of the foreign legal entities Enterprise Country RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL (LLC) GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT & ENTERPRISES LTD ISRAMCO INVESTMENTS INC SC THE WHITE CLOUD GRAIN COMPANY INC SRL MUSICBOX NETWORK L.L.C. CODA UK LIMITED CEMEX ASSOCIATES LTD. ILK UMUT INSAAT SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI SA ALKE INSAAT SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI S.A MERONA HOLDING AG I.F.P. INTERMONEY FINANCIAL PRODUCTS SA ZEFIR SA S.C. GRAWIL SRL SCANDINOR AS S.C. BREVIK ENGINEERING A.S. SC BREVIK CONSTRUCTION A.S. SC SCANDINOR A.S. AKER BREVIK AS GEFONZO B.V. SRL ALTIN FASHION B.V. SRL ORLI BEHEER B.V. OAK TRADING & OILFIELD SERVICES B.V. ALTIN FASHION B.V. S.C. DE HAAS-VAN ROOTSELAAR BEHEER B.V. COTONELLA INTERNATIONAL BV SERA EUROPE B.V. SRL HELDER & MAY BV OLANDA JOLO HANDELSONDERNEMING B.V. GIBSIDE HOLDING B.V. F.C.P. EFITEC SRL CHIRCEVA-GHIANEA SRL VALFIN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ASPAR TRUST ASPAR TRUST SRL OMC SAS CECCOLIN MARIO & C MILANO INDIA SPA SWECO S.P.A. SANECO SRL AGROALIMENTARE DEI FRATELLI MONALDI FINEST S.P.A. ECO & PARK SRL M 2000 SRL M&G IND.I.A. SPA RISO SCOTTI SA EUROFIDA SRL 9 840 Foreign contribution of the registered capital (RON) 9,940.00 840 840 840 840 826 826 200.00 190.00 200.00 160.00 199,037.50 439,530.00 792 6,624.20 792 756 756 674 616 578 578 578 578 578 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 486 486 470 438 438 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 9,936.30 6,649,698.60 3,600.00 2,367,170.00 10,800.00 41,602,540.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 2,450,000.00 3,400.00 410.00 40,325.42 306.25 7,140.00 80.00 13,891.18 1,875.00 766.68 2,250.00 190.00 480.00 190.00 3,419,585.73 1,265,058.92 3,600,000.00 806.00 63,949,425,000.00 797,875.00 83,490.00 1,942,200.00 14,280.00 110.00 23,750.00 2,560.00 841,828.40 363,687.06 147,439.80 Citizenship name American American American American American British British Turkish Turkish Swiss Swiss San Marinos Polish Norwegian Norwegian Norwegian Norwegian Norwegian Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch Moldavian Maltese Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian LEMN-LEGNO ITALIA SRL S.M.D SUD ELETTRONICA SRL SWECO SPA ITALIA STARWOOD SRL STARWOOD SRL ASFALTRONTO SRL IRRILAND INTERNATIONAL SRL GEAC IMPIANTI SRL ATHENA SA MANULI STRETCH SPA SA SC ATHENA SA TUBMAN (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED SEBASTIAN DAXEDER BAUUNTERNEHMUNG GMBH SEBASTIAN DAXEDER BAUUNTERNEHMUNG,GMBH ASYA KULLUK & CO GMBH KLUCKAS MINERAL PROCESSING SRL DONAU STAR SCHIFFAHRTS -UND SPEDITION GMBH PRE VISION SAS BUREAU VERITAS SA CONFECTION SEVRE VENDEE SA EURO ARD'AISNE SARL PSV-METALLI OY OY MMP-ENGINEERING LTD. FPP LIMITED SRL WINWEST LTD BROADHURST INVESTIMENTS LIMITED SARELS OVERSEAS LIMITED WESTERN COMBINE CORPORATION PLASTICS AND MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIES SA (P.M.T. SA) 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 300 300 300 292 200.00 12,030.00 4,900.00 26,640.00 180.00 200.00 20,000.00 120.00 578,290.00 289,260.00 100.00 4,786,450.24 Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Greek Greek Greek Gibraltar 280 240.00 German 280 280 280 240.00 790.00 1,630.00 German German German 280 250 250 250 250 246 246 196 196 196 196 124 3,384.00 4,000.00 47,836.10 6,425.00 60,839.00 8,681.28 100.00 318,002.50 2,900.00 312,787.50 1,900,000.00 8,867.70 56 337,120.00 Successful business and investments S.C. BRAICONF S.A. – an well performed exemple of applied strategy Among the representative industries of the Braila County there is also the clothing industry, the standard unit being S.C. „Braiconf” S.A. • S.C. „ Braiconf” S.A. is situated on the first place in Romania with its shirts and blouses production, in 2003 achieving 470,252,484 thousands ROL – total incomes from running activity, a gross profit of about 77,265,188 thousands ROL and a clear profit of 65,963,375 thousands ROL. Because 90% from the turnover is achieved by the exports activity (from lohn and semi-lohn activities), the enterprise can be mentioned as having the features of a unit destined mainly to the export. Generally speaking, we can appreciate that S.C. „ Braiconf” S.A. practices a quality management, having a performant managerial organizational culture, which represents a strong premise to develop a sustainable and viable strategy. 10 German French French French French Finnish Finnish Cypriot Cypriot Cypriot Cypriot Canadian Belgian • The point of view of this enterprise’s leadership targets the following strategical directions: • Strengthening of the leadership position on the Romanian market’s clothings; • Development both of the lohn’s export and of the export under the own brand; • Diversification of the geographical area of the exports; • Improvement and diversification of the distribution network on the Romanian territory. • Regarding the quality of the products achieved by S.C. BRAICONF S.A., has to be mention that in this enterprise are made products for the famous brands: Kenzo, Givenchi, Rochas, Scherrer, Versace Sport, Peter Hadley, Sisley, Marella, Cerutti, Gianfranco Fere, Valentino, Thomas Pink. Agriculture and silviculture • • • • • • • • • • • Agriculture has an important role in the Braila County’s economy. Braila County has a total surface of 381,278 hectares, of which: 336,672 hectares arable land; 34,417 hectares of pastures; 380 hectares of grass lands; 1,457 hectares of orchards; 8,352 hectares of vineyards. The forests and other lands with forest vegetation occupied 23,223 hectares, waters and pools 37,735 hectares, the rest forms others surfaces 34,340 hectares. The irrigated surface is about of 379,579 hectares. The main agricultural vegetable products, in Braila County, are: wheat and rye, barley and two-row barley, corn, sugar beet, potatoes, fruits, grapes. Also, the Braila county agriculture is famous due to the remarkable results obtained in zoo technical sector, namely: breading of horned cattle, swine, sheep, caprinae and birds for meat and eggs. The forest fund of Braila County is formed by Euro-American and white poplar trees, white selection willow, acacia and less oak and elm. • The Braila’s silviculturists assure annually important quantities of planting material not only for Braila County but for many other counties from country. Among the trade companies from agriculture, with preponderant state capital, we can distinguish S.C. "INSULA MARE A BRAILEI". Known under the name of Braila’s Pond, the territory is arranged with complex workings of land melioration and represents the largest enterprise having an agricultural zootechnical profile from Romania. The Great Island comprises a surface of 76,700 hectares. The soil is alluvial and has a very good permeability. The area’s climate is characterized by cool springs, high winds, dry summers, long and droughty autumns, cold winters with cool winds without snow. Hydrological regime is under the permanent influence of the Danube waters and less of the rainfall. The soils are less affected by salting on surface and on restricted areas, from year to year, function of the climatic and hydrological factors. There were achieved hydrological land management workings, as follows: 11 • • • • • Damming on 720,000 hectares, the whole length of the dyke being of 154 kilometers. Draining on a surface of 69,241 hectares, with 1,362 kilometers of canals. Aspersion irrigations on 68,285 hectares, water supplying being achieved from the Danube River through 6 electrical pumping stations and 43 putting under pressure stations. The arable surface is about 60,000 hectares, being served for exploitation of a roads network totalizing 1,192 kilometers, thus: 65 km of asphalted roads, 127 km of paved roads and 1,000 km of pressed ground roads. The land exploitation and animals breeding are realized in 56 vegetable production farms and in 19 livestock farms. Infrastructure • This area has accessible transport network roads, Braila County being placed at the intersection of two European transport corridors – IV and IX. As concerns land transport we can mention the European roads E 60 and E 577. Being situated on the left bank of the Danube, the county also benefits from the advantages of river navigation. • Railways length from Braila County comprises 168 km, having a density of almost 36 km/ 1,000 km2. • County road traffic is achieved on a roads network of 1,189 kilometers, thus: 266.189 km of national roads; 596.025 km of county roads and 326.685 km commune roads. • Drinking water supply’s network at the Braila county level comprises 2,500 km out of which: 1,730 km in rural environment and 770 km in urban environment. • Methane gas supply’s network, in whole county, is about 500 km, out of which: 350 km in urban environment and 150 km in rural environment. • Existence of an airport, in the North-West side of Ianca city, at about 50km far away from Braila city, having 4 hangars, a flight strip of 2,800x80m, a block of flats with 72 apartments to accommodate the administrative stuff. • Braila is the last maritime harbour to the Danube River and is placed at about 200 km far away from Constanta, the greatest harbour to the Black Sea. Telecommunications • • • • The first automatic telephone exchange, in the Braila Municipality, was established by “Societatea Anonima Romana de Telefoane” in 1936, for a number of 600 of telephone users. Now, the whole number of telephone users in the Braila County is about 35,685, thus: 28,522 users in Braila Municipality and 7,163 users in the county cities and communes. Telephone connections are assured by 6 automatic telephone exchanges and 37 manual telephone exchanges in the rural area. Also, was put into operation a digital electronic exchange with international direct access for a number of 15,000 of users. 12 Trade Trade activity in Braila County is achieved within a number of 2,810 commercial units, thus: • 766 State capital units • 1,978 Private capital units • 66 Cooperative profile units After its profile, these units are: 249 with food profile, 258 with non-food profile, 2,003 with universal and mixed profile, 212 of public food, 41 kiosk and 7 other profiles. Services a) In Braila county run 5 research and informatics units. b) Regarding the services units, there are grouped as follows: • • • • • 65 industrial services enterprises; 1 constructions services enterprise; 11enterprises of postal services and telecommunications; 5 services enterprises of communal husbandry; 1 service enterprise of locative husbandry. Urban transport is assured by 70 trams and 70 buses. • Urban traffic is achieved on 21 lines, as follows: 14 lines of buses, 7 lines of trams, totalizing 244 km that means 0.98 km of lines / 1,000 inhabitants. • Transport capacity assured by the local transport company, at rush hours, is about 18,000 passengers/ hour/ line. Communal husbandry In Braila County a number of 55 localities benefit from drinking water network, a number of 8 localities have natural gases network and 4 localities have public sewerage network. Regarding the dwelling fund, we can mention that there are a number of 137,000 residences, thus: • • 35,000 residences of state property; 102,000 residences of private property. Health protection Medical care of the Braila county population is assured by 5 hospitals having over 2,700 beds and ambulatory care by 99 health units: 39 village surgeries, 10 policlinics and 21 drugstores. Sanitary units from Braila County are served by 639 medicine man and 2,000 medical assistants. In the county are 11 nurseries, 3 units of adult’s protection, 9 units of children protection and one canteen for social assistance. 13 Culture and Art • • In the cultural field, Braila County has a specialized institutions network. There are 215 libraries, 5 cultural clubs, 96 cultural centres, 7 cinemas, 2 theatres and an institution with musical profile. In the Braila’s cultural life, a very important role are played by the "Maria Filotti" Dramatic Theatre, Puppets Theatre, Popular School of Art and Braila’s Museum that have a special fund of historical and archeological collections, considered as being one of the greatest cultural center of this type from Romania. The Braila’s personalities A very important harbour, the Braila Municipality was a special place for many ethnical groups - Greeks, Turks, Russians, Bulgarians, Jews, Armenians, Saxons living in Transylvania – which live together in peace and those traditions, customs and regions were integrated in the cultural and spiritual life of the city. Remarkable personalities of the science and culture, some of them of international fame, were well-known the city’s name, becoming thus the pride of its citizens. Here, in 1861, was born Haricleea Darclee, became one of the greatest soprano of the world. As gratitude shows to this famous artist, at 14th January 1900, she was invited to play on the Scala’s Opera in Milano, in the first performance’s opera named "Tosca", amazing as every time the audience, irrespective of the meridian where she played. Also, in 1884, in Braila was born Panait Istrati, the Romanian writer of French expression, author of some reference working studies: “Codin”, “Haidicii” -“Outlaws”, “Nerantula”, “Ciulinii Baraganului”“Baraganului’s thistles” and especially the two masterpieces recognized by the European culture: “Chira Chiralina” and “Spovedania unui invins”. In 1929, at the aniversary of 100 years from the Braila’s releasing under the Turkish domination, the greater engineer Gh. T. Marinescu published "Analele Brailei" - “The Braila’s Annals”. Other remarkable personalities of the city were: Panait Cerna (1881-1813), a writer recognized as the bard of the moral beauties, of a rare sensibility and of a profound reflection; Ana Aslan (1897-1988) - the academician woman of that products from Gerovital H3 and Aslavital range, fights against the ageing’s effects and there are among the most appreciated in the world; Maria Filotti (1883-1956), the temperamental actress became the artist of the people. In the literature domain, among the personalities related by the Braila city, we can mentioned: Anton Bacalbasa, Fanus Neagu, Dumitru Panaitescu-Perpessicius, Mihail Sebastian, Gh. Banea, George Baronzi, Theodor Constantin, Mihail Crama, Tinu Dinu, Mihu Dragomir, Gabriel Dimisianu, Iuliu Cezar Savescu, Mircea Stefanescu, Ilarie Voronca and many others. 14 In the music area, need to be notice the following: George Niculescu-Basu, Petre Stefanescu-Goanga, Elena Teodorini, Ionel Perlea, Petre Marcu, George Cavadia, Olimpia Marculescu, Maxim Vasiliu, Alexandu Enaceanu, Elena Patrichi, Johnny Raducanu and Nicu Alifantis. Also, the fine arts had in Braila famous representatives: Arthur Gauromin Verona (1868 -1946) - that painted the oldest pictures of the Braila’s harbour, Ion Theodorescu-Sion (1882-1930), Max Herman-Maxy (1895 -1971), Gheorghe Naum (1907 -1968), Mihail Gavrilov (1899 -1968) and Octav Angheluta (1904 -1978). Education • In those 44 administrative-territorial units of Braila county (Braila Municipality, Ianca, Faurei and Insuratei cities as well as 40 communes) run 388 education centers that include 185 kindergartens, 170 primary and gymnasium schools, 23 school groups and theoretical high schools, 4 children clubs, 4 orphanages and 2 schools for disabled. • These education centres comprise 2,355 classrooms, labs and school cabinets with about 72,810 students trained by a number of 4,710 teachers. Also, run 13 professional and apprentice schools, 5 post specialty and technical secondary schools as well as two superior education institutions. Traditions and handcraft trades As it is mentioned in the treaty achieved between 1975-1977, under the guiding of the Center for Sustaining of the Popular Creation and of the Artistic Mass Movement – Ethnographical and Folklore Studies the Braila’s area - „the main occupations specific to the Braila’s Plain were equally the animals breeding and the agriculture, and then beekeeping, silkwarmes breeding, textile plants culture: the hemp and the flax, the fishing (...)”. The village’s microzone from the Danube’s embankment (ex. Tufesti and Gropeni commnunes) was remarked, beginning with the second half of the XIX century, through a development of a women handcrafts trades, especially the weaving mills. From the wools weaving category specific to this area, we can mentioned: the leaflets, the rug, the carpet, the counterpane, the home-spun wall carpet, ticks and bad-sheets, the towels and floss silk curtains. 15 A special mark of this microzone is given by the seams of the popular costumes made with dyed cotton thread and coloured wool in different original geometrical models and specific working techniques such as: „the pearl barley” and „the midge”. For these popular costumes there is a larger and larger demand from the Romanian families from Diaspora but also from the young people in the country which are very interested in the folklorique values and in the clothing originality. Sports activity • In Braila Municipality are 9 sports clubs, 74 sports associations, 2 Olympic levels’ sections (swimming and kayakcanoe), 6 international level sections (box, kayak-canoe, motorcycles, weight lifting, football and volleyball), 36 national level sections and 17 teams in the national leagues (league A, league B and juniors league). • Sports activity is supported by 85 trainers, coaches and 421 referees. • Now, there are 45 sports centres among 8 having the possibility to organize international contests. • It has to be noticed the sports activity of the women handball team "Dunarea" Braila, which ranked on the eighteenth place in the competition superleague. The Braila Municipality Local Council together with The Braila County Council joined with the Braila’s team and thus the team name becomes “Handbal Club Municipal Dunarea Braila”. Tourism • The Braila County offers to the travel amateurs many possibilities to know new and picturesque places specific to the plain area and also those generously offered by the Danube landscape. A travel on the Danube River, with halts in the Small Island of Braila, on Macin branch or closer, at the Corotisca point, offer the possibility to have a direct and tonic contact with the river. • In the Lacu Sarat Resort are found not only balneal waters but also beautiful landscapes placed in the middle of the nature. • Other ways show the Cabana Stejarilor (placed on 4 km of Braila, on Buzaului Road, in a leafy oak forest, offering a camping place, possibility to accommodate, restaurant opened all the year), Dropia and Brotacelul camps as well as the Vultureni, Jirlau and Maxineni piscicultural basins. • In Braila Municipality are places, buildings and even whole streets that maintain the all-present stamp of the multicentury history of the "Danube Scaffolding". • For accommodation, there are in Braila county 2,824 beds, out of which: 1,280 beds in hotels, 65 beds in road-houses, 214 beds in halts, 880 beds in school camps and 381 beds in villas. 16 Braila, county and city together, is the proper place for those people that, being tired of mountains, want the silence of a green boundlessness and of the plate and dry air, of the barren wind or contrarily of the high whistle of it. The natural and picturesque places of the Baraganului Plain, the Danubian landscape, the vestiges of people perenniality in these places, are important proves of the Romanian creative genius as well as of the pieces of ancient culture of that people from abroad, which were established here, all along the history. A travel on the Danube River, with halting places in the Small Island of Braila, on the Macin’s branch, or closer, in front of the Braila city at the Corotisca point (on the right bank of the Danube River, at 70’s mile, in the Great Island of Braila), offers the possibility to have a direct connection with the nature generated by the millenial river. In the Lacu Sarat Resort, both the sick people and simple tourist found not only the cured water but also objectives of its construction joined the architect’s originality and hospitality warming assured by the modern comfort standards. Other routes lead to the following camps: “Cabana Stejarului” (placed at 4 km of Braila Municipality, on Buzaului Road, into a rich oak trees forest, offering camping place and also a restaurant opened all the time), “Dropia” or “Brotacelul”, to the Caineni and Movila Miresii lakes, or also to the piscicultural basins Vultureni, Jirlau or Maxineni. Also, the sails on the Danube River offer beautiful landscapes of the river banks and of the bank settlements. The Great Island of Braila keeps many water meanders and bunches of reed and willows. At the Popina-Blasova, placed of 45 quota, the eyes can admire the Braila’s Pond panorama, a place where is arranged a tourist centre for national and international contests. The Small Island of Braila, together with the Old Danube Branch, Filipoiu Canal and Japsa Florilor and Blasova lakes, offer those who visit them really deltaic views. The Danube as well as the county rivers and lakes are preferred by professionals or amateur fishers but also by those that appreciated the fish specialties foods prepared “to the stirrup cup”. Tourist attractions Reservations and nature monuments o The Small Island of Braila – complex reservation, declared natural protected area (17 529 hectares), where are coexist many and various rare species of plants and animals and also where nest varied birds species. o Viisoara Forest – forest reservation of about 1,897.8 hectares (placed on Braila-Slobozia road to Insuratei locality and then 25 km in south-east on a unmodernized road, towards Spiru Haret commune), that comprises grey oak samples, raised here, in full steppe, due to the optimum climate conditions. o Jirlau Lake – an eutrophic lake, less deep, with typical vegetation of permanent pond, with preponderant associations of reeds, mace reed and shave grass, having a surface of 838.66 hectares. The lake assures the necessary biotope for passage, feeding and nesting for many species of migratory and sedentary birds specifically to the wet land. 17 o Camnita Natural Reservation – has a surface of 1.2 hectares, is placed in Ramnicelu commune and comprises the Camnita Forest, forest that includes about 550 hectares, preponderantly forms by acacia, white and black poplar and also willow. The forest is a natural brush of ash tree – hybrids of Pennsylvania ash tree, mixed with acacia of unknown origin of about 45 years. The forest was declared as reservation because the ash tree, being majoritary, can be considered as pure ash tree’s brush, that constitutes a very rare situation for the Braila county landscape. Balneal climatic resort LACU SARAT RESORT It is a permanent balneal climatic resort (25m altitude) placed in the northern-eastern of the Baraganului Plain, surroundded by a natural park of 40 hectares (30 hectares of forest and 10 hectares of green area), that tones down the steppe climate, offers a special picturesque frame both by its monumentality and its age and also functions from the beginning of XIX century. The lake bottom is covered by a therapeutically mud having a very high degree of mineralization and is considered that of one the most value sapropelical mud in Romania. The natural cure factors are: Mineral Water Lake has concentrated chloride, sulphated and magnesic properties; sapropelical mud of the lake; excitant bio climate characteristic of the steppe area. The Lacu Sarat Resort constitutes a really green area having benefic results on human body. Therapeutically properties: articular rheumatic diseases; inflammatory articular rheumatic diseases; abarticulary rheumatic diseases; post traumatically diseases; external neurology diseases; gynecological diseases. A pleasant and bracing resting time is assured by this resort placed “… in the ancient park that is laying far away having narrow alleys and bushes that, in the summer night would have been filled by a delightful mystery" (N. Iorga). The access ways are: railways with railway stations: Lacul Sarat or Braila on Bucuresti-Faurei-Galati route, road ways -DN 2 from Buzau or from Galati, DN 21 from Slobozia, DN 22 from Rm. Sarat. A tram line assures the connection between Lacul Sarat Resort and Braila locality. 18 Religious monuments The Greek Church (1863-1872), having value stained glass windows and frescos painted by Gheorghe Tatarescu; "Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavril" Church, a former mosque (XVII century), was transformed in 1831, after the Adrianopolis Treaty of Peace, into an orthodox church. The building still maintains oriental elements of architecture, being one of the few churches in Romania that has no spires. Maxineni Monastery – placed on 35 kilometers of Braila Municipality, on the Focsani route, at the confluence of Buzau and Siret rivers, there are the Holly Maxineni Monastery’s ruins from Braila County, a place where Matei Basarab established one of the greatest and beautiful monasteries of Wallachia in 1637. Lacu Sarat Monastery – a construction made entirely from wood, situated in Lacu-Sarat Resort, an important religious and missionary centre, established for the numerous pilgrims, arrived from entire country. Monuments and statues Braila’s Horologe (1909) - on its basement is marked a sail ship a symbol of the fishers harbour. In Sf. Arhangheli Square, situated in the ancient centre of the city, there is placed from 1906 the Traian statuary group, achieved by the sculptor Tache Dimo-Pavelescu, occasioned by the celebration of 1800 years since the Dacia conquering. Ecaterina Teodoroiu statue from Braila city – achieved in the memory of the young woman that sacrificed herself for the country defending, in the Marasesti battles, in the First World War. Museums and theatres Braila’s County Museum -The Braila’s museum institution, given rise in the same time and at the same date with the public library of Braila city, was established at the beginning of 80’ of XIX century, being one of the greatest museum in the country, having masterpieces belonging to the following painters and sculptors: Nicolae Grigorescu, Stefan Luchian, Octav Bancila, Camil Ressu, Henri Catargi (sculpture). 19 Museum sections: 1. Braila’s Museum Headquarter. The Archeology, History and Art sections; "Istros" Publishing House; 2. “Nicăpetre” Cultural Centre; 3. Ethnography and Popular Art Section; 4. "Panait Istrati” Memorial House; 5."D. P. Perpessicius" Memorial House;6. Sciences of Nature’s Section. “Maria Filotti” Theatre - Among the cultural objectives stands out the “Maria Filotti’s” Drama Theater. Built in the middle of XIX century and restored in the 80s, the building of the theatre is distinguished by its architectonical value and the artistical skillfulness of the curtain, a real master piece, considered unique in Europe because of its special style used when it was made (the glass pearl seam with golden wires representing the sun, the moon, the laughter and the weeping). You could also observe the huge stained-glass from the monumental hall of the theatre’s building. A proof of the value of this monument is its inclusion in the UNESCO album, together with the most representative edifices in Europe destined to the human being intellectual nature. The theatre, as a cultural manifestation at Braila exists since from the beginning of the XIXth century. Since 1969, it was named Maria Filotti, in the memory of the Braila’s famous actress. The theatre has an Italian style house, having a number of 369 sits of which 265 in stalls, 37 in boxes and 67 at the balcony. The Great Hall of the theatre, the Studio Hall and the Conference Room are endowed with air conditioning and ventilation system. In foyers can be organized meetings, exhibitions, concerts and also can be used as renting spaces. Emilia Dumitrescu’s Art Galeries - Established inside an architectural monument built in 1912, in an eclectic style, these galleries comprise the Emilia Dumitrescu’s donations, formed by pictures, graphics, engravings and universal decorative art’s pieces collected by the artist. The Art Collection House - The first intention to achieve a public art collection house, in Braila, belongs to Anastase Simu. In 1928 he was donating to its “beloved native city Braila” about 30 art pieces which were exposed for a long time in the inside of the Braila’s City Hall. In the Art Collections House, among the 3000 decorative art pieces, there can distinguished remarkable art workings signed by: Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Theodor Pallady, Nicolae Tonitza, Henri Catargi and others. Leisure places The Public Garden – a real vegetation oasis of the Braila city, where are located not only the ruins of the former Braila’s fortress, but also one of entrances in the underground channels of the city, a real network of tunnels know under the name of Braila’s underground caves, having entrances through the old houses cellars or towards the Danube River, as it is the one from the Public Garden, blocked with a metallic gate and bricked up. Unfortunately, it was not decided 20 yet the tunnels destination, which were used by the Turks to escape from the Stefan cel Mare’s armies, being large enough to enter on horseback man. In park we can visit the „Panait Istrati“Memorial House (borned here in 1884), and also the Ethnography Museum. In the Garden also ran an interesting rotative restaurant, placed in the top of a tower-building with elevator and winding stairs that now is temporary closed. The building is known under the name of „Water Castle“, reffering to its initial destination that was built in 1912. Monument Park - with a surface of about 90 hectares, the Monument Park offers a real relaxing silence moments in the middle of a crowded city, being an excellent recreation place for all the age categories. Braila Harbor, having ancient silos (1888-1889) constructed in accordance with the plans of Romanian engineer Anghel Saligny, spaces made from reinforced concrete prefabricated for the first time in the world. Danube Embankment – a modern construction with a length of 7 kilometers, has a rich art monuments’ collection (sculptures collection). Kinetic Artesian Well - is placed in the civic centre of the city, being the working art of the famous sculpture Constantin Lucacci. Named by a lot of people “The second Brancusi” Lucaci remains, before all, the sculptor of non-oxidable steel. The elements that define the vigorous lively sculpture of the artist, are the material: – inalterable stainless steel -, the lightening vibrations exploring the polished surface, the movement, the resonance but also the project itself – the one of a sculpture of urban integration. The charming mobile well of the artist combines the Antique tradition, the Renaissance one and the Enlightenment of the water games. Neoconstructivism, kinetic art, optical art, programmed art, new materials, all of that mentioned work towards to achieve a sculpture with large dimensions and also a monumental working art that we may pass by every day. Mihai Eminescu Street - represents The Old Royal Street, which today has a same name as the Luceafar’s authors. It constitutes the Braila’s promenade. The old architecture of the city tries to survive: columns, little attics, gables, windows, balconies, iron works in such a real diversity so that the mind carries on you, with pride, to the recent city’s statute of town-planning reservation.Although was renovated in most part, it still maintains the cosmopolite time perfume of the XIXth century beginning. 21 Strength points of the business environment: • the geo-climatic position of the county, favourable to develop a performing agriculture; • an increased agricultural-alimentary potential; • a significant piscicultural potential; • a stimulative factors of the light industry’s development (especially the textile industry); • Braila city’s position as harbour at the Danube River; • establishment, running and the possibilities to use the Free Zone; • achievement and the development perspectives of the Industrial Park; • the natural elements that stimulate the tourism development; • a high level degree of education; experience and a high level degree of the labour force’s training in different areas; • the presence of an institutional favourable frame to develop all activity sectors; • the existence and running of certain consulting institutions for Small and Medium Enterprises; • the transport and telecommunication’s infrastructure less developed, especially in the urban environment; • facilities generated by the establishment of the Technical-Scientifically Braila’s Park (soft park). Opportunities of the business environment: • a rapid adapting of the county’s industries at the requirements and exigencies of the national and international market; • supporting the initiatives and abilities creating in order to use the financial available funds existent at national level; • the possibility to use some available funds of the European Union, in order to support the area’s development; • the possibility to revitalize some traditional agricultural activities (rice cultures, valorizations by leasing of the river lakes, etc.); • the stimulation of the establishment of Small and Medium Enterprises having as main activity object: production and services; • the existence of a proper conditions to produce ecological foods for export; • a better using of the facilities provide by the Free Zone; • the special opportunities to develop the ecological tourism in the Small Island of Braila; • the development of the tourism leisure on the Danube River ; • the increasing of the consulting activities in order to sustain, to initiate and to develop the business area; • the possibility to establish an urban concentration between Braila and Galati counties, as an amplification element of the local economic activities; • the improvement of the transport infrastructure by the achievement of the Bridge across the Danube River; • using the facilities provided by the establishment of the Braila’s TechnicalScientifically Park and of the Soft Park; • rehabilitation of the biggest piscicultural arrangements; • improvement of the agricultural crops’ structures in accordance with the natural potential (inclusively by rice fields’ establishment); • rehabilitation of the irrigations systems; 22 BRAILA FREE ZONE Braila Free Zone - was established by the Decision no. 330/ 1994 of the Romanian Government (changed and completed by the Decisions no. 478/ 1999 and no. 535/ 2000 of the Romanian Government), in order to promote the international exchanges and to attract the foreign capital for introduction of the new technologies as well as for the using possibilities’s increasing of national economy’s resources. Braila Free Zone has 4 perimeters, also having a harbour area: Site no. 1 - covering a 67.8 hectares area, directly opened to the maritime Danube and to the railway system, is located in the downstream berth area. Ideally, it can be developed as a grain or container terminal, probably the only one of this type on the Danube between Wien and the Black Sea. The seagoing ships that land or operate at this front have an 8,750 dwt average capacity. The operating sector has five-ton shore-cranes, storage and processing platform. The rail access is ensured from the switch yard which serves the whole port area. The site is meant for industry activities: food processing, woodworks, textiles, footwear, construction materials, finishing and packing operations for metalware, crude and fuel oil storage, etc. Now, in these perimeter run (storage and production) two enterprises: S.C. ROMANEL INTERNATIONAL GROUP S.A. and S.C. TRACON S.R.L., having leased a surface of about 71,000 m2, on a period of time of 50 years. Site no. 2 - with a total surface of 272.000 sqm, placed in tha Varsatura area, and is totally under concession of SC LEX CONSULTIG SRL. In this site an important plant (flouring mill and bread manufacturing), aiming at S-E Romania market, is currently under construction. Site no. 3 - with 7.01 ha area, is located right in the heart of Braila city, between the Harbour Station and the Fishery where the sea-going ships berths operate. The platform has a rail network disposed between the Debarcaderului Street and the quay serves the berth operation fronts from the dock basin. Cargo work of sea-going/river ships and waggons is carried out either by floating equipment or by mobile equipment on the access platform to the ships. The site provided with modern facilities offers for offices, covered warehouses and platforms for container storage. Light industry, storage services, wholesale and retail trade, catering and banking operations are the main activities carried out in this site. By the effective presence of Braila Free Zone representative, Frontier Police, and General Department of Customs, the access inside the perimeter is possible round the clock. 23 Site no. 4 - covers 4.18 hectares’ areas and it is located in the maritime berth area. The access is facilitated through several transport ways: maritime and river due to the opening to the Danube, rail and road due to the proximity of 22 National Road from Tulcea to Braila and Ramnicu Sarat and 2B National Road from Bucharest to Braila and Galati. This site is fully leased by SNP PETROM Braila branch and it is meant to activities such as fuel and oil products storage, fuel supply to river and sea - going ships, etc. SNP PETROM has spaces to let for oil products storage. Strengths of the Braila’s Free Zone: • joining of many categories of economic activities; • facile access for maritime and fluvial ships through the Danube bank’s placement; • placement in the close proximity of a large agricultural area of increased productivity; • multiple possibilities to storage the products on platforms or deposits; • modern possibilities to operate the goods; • prompt and accessible services of technical and vamal consultancy. Facilities assured by the free zone: vamal, fiscal and commercial facilities. Vamal facilities: - (art.13 from the Law no. 84/1992) Means of transport, commodities and other goods from abroad or destined to other countries, that are introduced in or are removed from the free zones, are excepted from the payment of custom duties; - (art.17 from the Law no. 84/1992) Romanian materials and accessories, that are introduced in the free zones and are used to produce some goods, are duty-free in accordance with the achievement of the export formalities; - (art. 18 from the Law no. 84/1992) Romanian goods that are used to construct, to repair and to maintain the objectives placed inside of the free zones, are duty-free; - (art.19) Goods within a free zone can be transported in other free zone without the payment of custom duties. These goods can be in transit on the Romania’s custom territory, in accordance with the legal regulations. Fiscal facilities: (there are reffered on goods and activities) • For goods (art.13) - "means of transport, commodities and other goods from abroad or destined to other countries, that are introduced in or are removed from the free zones, are excepted from the payment of....... duties"; • For activities (art. 14) - "for activities achieved in the free zones, the economic agents are exempted from payment of VAT, excises and profit tax on whole period of time of activity implementation. Commercial facilities: • “Lands and constructions can be leased or rented to the Romanian and foreign legal entities and natural persons" - in accordance with the Romanian laws in force; • “Profit’s transfer in abroad is achieved in accordance with the Romanian laws in force. “Braila Free Zone” represents the ambition of the Braila’s inhabitants concerning the revival of this urban tradition, impatient to transform the city (as it happened between the two world wars period of time) in one of the biggest harbors in Romania and an important European center. Becoming a real “oasis” for the foreign investments, the Free Zone offers the best conditions to improve the production and commercial activites. 24 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN BRAILA COUNTY Braila County is an area that offers multiple business opportunities for the Romanian and foreign investors: The promoting of the following projects: “Bridge across the Danube River”, “The Infrastructure of the area enclosed between Braila and Galati cities”, “Ianca Airport” and “Zonal Water Supply System for the localities placed in the Southern side of Braila County”, will allow both the development of a business core for the Romanian and foreign investors and also the establishment of the necessary conditions for the economic activity of the industrial engineering enterprises, transportation companies, food and trade enterprises. 1. Bridge across the Danube River in Braila • Proposed location: Vadeni Commune (left bank, Braila County) - Smirdan Commune (right bank, Tulcea County) For the achievement of a permanent passage across the Danube River, several studies of placement and solutions were elaborated, respective: a) The study from 1986, regarding the assuring of a railway and road connection between Braila and the Great Island of Braila, in which 4 placements were analyzed: A placement - situated in the Northern part of Braila Municipality, downstream the area of the actual point of crossing by ferry from Vadul Ghecetului to Smirdan; B placement - situated in the central part of Braila Municipality, in the Stanca Factory area at the downstream end of AKER Shipyard; C placement - situated in the Southern part of Braila Municipality, in the area of Chiscani - Tichilesti localities; D placement - situated in the Southern limit of Braila Municipality, in front of the crossing point of the bypass road with National Road 21, at the limit of the Municipality; b) Prefeasibility Study from 1996 - “Bridge across the Danube River in Braila”, which was based on the study elaborated in 1986 and where 3 placements were analyzed: A placement - from 1986 D placement - from 1986 E placement - downstream Braila Municipality, where the route follows the present National Road 2B Braila-Galati, separates from it after the Northern limit of Brailita district and crosses the Danube in the area of 165 kilometer + 800 and enters in the National Road 22 Braila -Tulcea in the North of Jijila Locality; 25 Bridge characteristics: Viaduct of left bank access l1 =660 meters; Main suspended bridge l2 =1,520 meters; Viaduct of right bank access l3 = 360 meters; Total length Lt=l1+l2+l3= 2,540 meters; Bridge width = 23.40 meters. c) Prefeasibility Study from 1997 - “Bridge across the Danube River in Braila”, an updating of the study elaborated in 1996, in order to be included in the Arrangement Plan of the Braila County Territory; d) The study from 2001 - the construction of a new bridge across the Danube River in Braila area, elaborated by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), in cooperation with S.C.IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, in order to get a loan from Japanese State. e) The Feasibility Study from 2003 - the construction of the suspended bridge across the Danube River in Braila area, elaborated by S.C. IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, on E placement, designed in accordance with the Romanian regulations, on the basis of the Japanese study. Finally, there was selected the E placement of the feasibility study elaborated in 2003 by S.C. IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, for which were obtained the following accords and approvals: - Urbanism Certificates of Braila and Tulcea County Councils; The Approvals of Braila, Macin, Vadeni, Smirdan and Jijila Townhall; - The approval of National Ministry of Defense - General Staff; The approval of Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Department of Logistics; The Approval of Romanian Enquiry Department; - The utilities owners Approval of S.C. Electrica S.A., Oil National Society - Petrom S.A., S.C.Petrotrans S.A., Romtelecom, National Company for Transport – Transelectrica, R A Apa Braila; - The approval of General Department of Maritime Transport on the Danube and Waterways within the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism; - The Approval of Technical-Economic Board of National Administration of Roads; The Approval of Technical-Economic Board of Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism; The Approval of Interministerial Board of Endorsement the Public Works of National Interest and Dwellings. The placement area of the bridge across the Danube River 26 2. The Infrastructure of the Area enclosed between Braila and Galati Cities Project description: - it is expected the achievement of a road interconnection highway with 4 traffic lanes between Braila and Galati; - it is expected the achievement of a roadway for heavy transport and of an utilities network for the area of activities: water/sewerage, electrical power, gases, communications, transport. The objective position will allow the placement and the easy access to the area of activities without disturbing the traffic between Braila and Galati and in the same time the connection to the utilities system. The population Municipality = inhabitants of Braila 221,370 The population of Galati Municipality = 300,500 inhabitants Project justification: the achievement of the primary infrastructure system in order to support the establishment of economic activities (urban development). Expected results: - Elimination of the malfunctions regarding the sustainable development of the identified area by plans of territorial arrangement for Braila-Galati-Tulcea area. - Achievement of the objectives established by the strategies of regional economic development; - Increasing of the economic interest and the strengthening of the polarizing role of the area. Project impact on the Environment: - the achievement of the infrastructure system will have an insignificant impact on the environment; - the objective will be achieved without clearing planted areas, deviation of water flows, changes of relief or landscape etc; - in what concerns the objective placement, there will be followed the restrictions imposed by the specific regulations. Estimative prices necessary for these investments achievement: Highway with 4 traffic lanes between Braila and Galati = 100,000,000 Euro Land total surface = 4206 hectares = 42,060,000 sqm Total estimative value = 4,206,000,000 Euro 27 3. Ianca Airport Ianca Airport is situated in the S-SV part of Braila County, at a distance of 50 km from Braila County residence, on the DN 2B route- km. 61. It is equidistant compared to the localities from the border counties: Galati, Buzau, Ialomita, thus: TECUCI FOCSANI 95 95 R SARAT GALATI 66 58 50 50 BRAILA 62 MACIN IANCA BUZAU 70 SLOBOZIA By the modernization of Ianca Airport’s infrastructure, having a length of 2,500 meters, a width of 80 meters and with concrete track, it is intended to facilitate the commercial traffic of passengers and cargo. The airport has of its own railway, with grade for cargo - which derives from railway line CF 700 Galati - Faurei, Dedulesti station placed at 10 km, at 2 km from the DN 2B, at 53 km from DN2. The social-economic development of Braila County and of the border counties, also the fact that in 2007 our country will be a member of the European Union, determine to us to take action regarding the airport infrastructure that may become the air gate of the Eastern limit of EU, assuring possibilities of economic and tourist exchanges. The financial support is necessary for the bringing of Ianca Airport according to the regulations of the International Organization of Civil Aviation, by building the following: - modern airport building; the rehabilitation of take off - landing track of the runways and the track lengthening with 1.000 meters x 80 meters width; - the achievement of new platforms of: airship parking; passengers traffic; cargo traffic; airships repairing; auto, etc; - the rehabilitation and the construction of buildings specific to airport such as: watch tower; passengers terminal; cargo terminal; electric plant; hangars for the ships maintenance and the repairing; remises for ambulances, airport maintenance, airships defrosting and others; fuel deposit; - constructions and endowments for related services for attending passengers and cargo traffic; - the endowment with constructions and equipment for the processing and recycling the airport waste; the arrangement of surroundings and greenswards. The estimative budget: 150,000,000 Euros. 28 4. Zonal Water Supply System for the localities placed in the Southern side of Braila County Braila county territory is very poor by the meaning of drinking water supply resources. Underground water resources, both the phreatic ones and those placed in the small and medium depth does not satisfy the potability conditions established by STAS 1342. The areas where were identified underwater drinking water resources supplies, most the time, small debits (1-3 dm3/s). The exceptions are only the drilling systems placed at the confluence of Danube River and Siret River, at the confluence of Calmatui River with Danube River, those situated in the Jirlau Lake’s area and also those from the Northern-Eastern side of the Great Island of Braila, with various debits between 610 dm3/s. In order to know the potential of the underground water resources from the Braila County area, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology elaborated, between 1987 –1989, a hydrogeologycal global study, inventorying all drilled or digged wells in phreatic or depth horizon, executed across the years. Studying the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology’s study, that confirms, in 95% of cases, the real situation in the field, we conclude that, for the studied area, the underground resources can not assure the necessary water supplies for the localities placed in the Southern part of Braila County. Compared with the presented situation, results that the only safe source for water supply of the 24 localities, situated in the Southern limit of Braila county, is the Danube River, within a mini-zone system, made of: - catching from the Danube River, at km. 228 + 300 (closed to the confluence of the main branch of the Danube with the secondary branch Manusoaia and also with the Calmatui River); - water treatment station, placed on a platform situated in the joint area of the defense dam against the flooding from the Danube – Gura Calmatui sector till the Spiru Haret terrace; - main adduction; - secondary adduction. Due to the localities placement, to the served consumers’ structure (population and animals) as well as of the ground level differences (between the water treatment station CTS = 11,00M and Ciocile commune CTN = 50,0M), the drinking water transportation will be accomplished in two stages: I - water treatment station = Baraganu complex II - Baraganu complex - Ciocile - Dudesti - Zavoaia The distribution networks from the localities conected to this zone minisystem, will be executed of PEHD pipes, Pn. 6, with Dn. 110 (Di=90). Total length of these networks is about 95.5 km. The achievement of the zonal water supply system South – Braila, requires an important investment effort. Without the necessary water for the ordinary human activities, the area is convicted to stagnation and regress. Investment value - January 2006: RON : 132,089,288.759 EURO : 36,364,191.377 / January 2006 info euro exchange rate of 3.6671 RON/Euro 29 Investment stages: Stage I - 12,306,844 EURO (44,711,670 RON) Stage II - 12,302,754 EURO (44,696,631 RON) Stage III- 11,754,593 EURO (42,680,988 RON) DETAILS REGARDING THE INVESTMENT STAGES: STAGE I: catching - treatment execution from the Danube -Gura Calamatui; adduction network untill Mihai Bravu and also the following localities water supply: Bertestii de Sus, Gura Calmatui and Mihai Bravu. STAGE II: Mihai Bravu - Tataru’s adduction achievement and water supply in the following localities: Victoria, Bărăganul, Tataru, Polizesti, Stanca, Dudesti STAGE III: Tataru - Jugureanu’s adduction achievement and also the water supply in the following localities: Roşiori, Coltea, Pribeagu, Ciocile, Jugureanu, Bertestii de Sus, Odaeni, Chioibasesti, Chichinetu, Florica, Vultureni, Scarlatesti, Liscoteanca, lonesti, Dudescu. NOTE: In this way, there will beneficiate of the drinking water a number of 24 localities, with a whole population about 35,000 inhabitants. STAGE I DE : Gura Calmatui’s catching - treatment station L= 7 Km DJ 212: Bertestii de Jos - Bertestii de Sus - Mihai Bravu L= 8 Km DC23 : Gura Calmatui - DJ 212 L= 2 Km Total 17 Km, out of which: 8 Km asphalted, 2 Km paved and 7 Km of ground STAGE II DCI5 : Stanca - Polizesti - Bertestii de Jos L= 8,5 Km DJ211B : Mihai Bravu - Victoria - Baraganu - Tataru L= 27,6 Km DJ211 : Tataru - Dudesti L= 7 Km Total 43,1 Km, out of which: 35 Km asphalted and 8,5 Km paved ETAPA III DJ211 : Zavoaia - Liscoteanca L= 8 Km DJ 203R : Ionesti - Liscoteanca L= 4 Km DJ 203 : Vultureni - Zavoaia L= 11 Km DJ 211: Tataru - Roşiori L= 6 Km DC 29 : Rosiori-Coltea - Pribeagu L 12 Km DJ211C :Coltea -Ciocile L= 10 Km DC26 : Chichinetu - Chioibasesti L= 4 KM DC28 : Ciocile - Jugureanu L= 15 Km DC54 : Odaieni - DC28 L= 2 Km DE : Dudesti - Bumbacari - Zavoaia L= 12 Km Total 84 Km, out of which: 41 Km asphalted, 31 Km paved and 12 Km of ground 30 Near by the above mentioned infrastructure projects, the Braila county also offers many other investment possibilities: INDUSTRY - the development of the industry of paper and plastic packing; this kind of industry is in accordance with the new tendencies, that of recipients with unique using, and the raw material for the paper products is made at Celhart Donaris S.A. Braila, on the same platform existing unused areas; - leisure and service boats construction; Braila Shipyard owns the necessary production capacities and also the specialized labor force that permit the development of such an activity; - the production of agricultural equipment for small and medium land surfaces; the technological process of S.C. PROMEX S.A could be adapted in order to produce such equipment, here existing an important designing center of the necessary specialized labor force. - garment and fabrics production; - bricks and store tiles production; the loess's existence in the area, the main raw material for these products means low production costs; - leather industry: now, in the area, the leathers resulted from slaughtering are not processed, while the breeding activity is continuously developing and the leather processing is not integrated into the production process; - re-establishment of the osier cultures and the wickerwork’s revival and also the production of small osier and club rush furniture. AGRICULTURE Through its own agricultural potential (the existence of the biggest agricultural surface in Romania, situated in the Great Island of Braila, having a land surface of about 60,000 hectares, entirely irrigated), the Braila County offers many investment opportunities: - breeding: the production valorization is favorable, on the internal and external market; there are modern but unused buildings, in the field of suine and cow breeding; - horticulture development, mainly the ecological one; the establishment and the development of gross market for the horticultural products; - restructuring and development of fishing activities: in the county territory there are many lakes and ponds that could be rearranged as piscicultural exploitations: the seed beds Maxineni and Jirlau, the fishing lakes: Movila Miresii, Plopu, Gradistea, Vultureni, Zavoaia, Batogu, Chioibasesti, Coltea and Tataru; - vegetables, fruits, milk and cereals’ processing activities and also the establishment of a terminal for cereals; - briquetting of the waste cereals (their transforming into a fuel with high caloric power); 31 - the establisment of small stocking and processing capacities for fodders; - the breeding of exotic or rare birds and animals (pheasants, quails, ostriches); - silkworm breeding - an activity extremely profitable that supposes the re-stablishment of mulberry plantations on the existing salt soils, Braila County having an important tradition in this field of activity; - mushrooms cultures; this product is not sufficient; the demand on the market being partially covered, at high prices; -establishment of green houses for vegetables and flowers; - the valorization of the thermal springs and other thermal resources. TOURISM Braila County, although it is not placed in a region of great tourist importance, it still offers various possibilities to develop of some active partnerships, due on the one hand to its natural resources and, on the other hand, to its opening to the Danube River. Thus, the following investments are considered to be necessary: - reentering the Caineni Bai Resort in the tourist circuit, a resort of county interest, located in the Visani commune’s area; - including the Movila Miresii’s lake in the tourist circuit; this lake is placed at 30 km from Braila municipality, next to the commune with the same name; - valorization of the Blasova and Zaton lakes, both of them being placed in the Great Island of Braila. “ZATON” LAKE The project description: - development of the Braila touristic potential, based on the existent natural resources, through the environment preservation; - development of the integrated complementary activities generated by the lake’s area (tourism, unpolluting services, sports and recreation ); - employment, improvement and diversification of the labor force on specific domains; - integration in the protection and monitoring system for the Danube River’s course, from the springheads until to the flowing into the Black Sea. Purpose: The development of the leisure and sports activities, through the equilibration of the tourism infrastructure in Zaton Lake’s area. Domain: 1. 2. 3. 4. Improvement of the regional and local public infrastructure; Supporting the diversification of the local and regional economies; Development of the local and regional tourism; Sustaining the urban regeneration. 32 Project justification: the unicity of the proposed area consists in the natural beauty generated by the existance of a meander lake having a specific flora and fauna. The project will answer to the following identified needs: - inexistance of a proper access way; - inexistance of the urban water supply networks, electrical power and communication systems; - inexistance of the specific arrangements for a leisure resort; - lack of the area promotion. Now, Zaton Lake is used for fishing, only by the local inhabitants. The projects idea is based on the fact that the surrounding area of the Zaton Lake (450 hectares) has been passed in the public property of the Braila County Council by the Decision no. 2158/ 9.12.2004 of Romanian Government, doing possible the infrastructure’s rehabilitation. The project proposes: - achievement of the access infrastructure and the of the utilities network (access roads of 11 km) on the route DC 62; access roads inside of the resort; alleys; water supply system; sewerage; electrical power; communications; - arrangement of the fishing pontoons; - landing fittings; - camping platform arrangemets. Expected results: - diversification of the leisure offer for Braila county population; - attracting the tourism investments and connected activities for the tourism; - introducing of this area in the local and national touristic circuit. Environmental impact of the project: The project is oriented on the ecological tourism development, with a big accent on the keeping safe of the natural patrimony. Investment cost = 4,800,000 Euros “BLASOVA” LAKE The project description: - development of the Braila touristic potential, based on the existent natural resources, through the environment preservation; - development of the integrated complementary activities generated by the lake’s area (tourism, unpolluting services, sports and leisure); - employment, improvement and diversification of the labor force on specific domains; - achievement of the generating profit centres in order to contribute to the future development; - integration in the protection and monitoring system for the Danube River’s course, from the springheads until to the flowing into the Black Sea. 33 Purpose: Increasing the number of local and foreign tourists, through the development and equilibration of the tourism infrastructure in Blasova resort’s area. Domain: 1. Improvement of the regional and local public infrastructure; 2. Supporting the diversification of the local and regional economies; 3. Development of the local and regional tourism; 4. Sustaining the urban regeneration. Project justification: The unicity of the proposed area consists in the natural beauty generated by the existance of a meander lake having a specific flora and fauna. In the same time, Blasova Lake and its surroundings (Popina Blasova) have a natural potential for the developing of the fishing, hunting and nautical sports activities (especially canoeing). The project will answer to the following identified needs: - high degree of degradation of the access road; - old and reduced urban infrastructure’s capacity; - lack of the modern arrangements and endowments for fishing and nautical sports The projects idea is based on the fact that the surroundings area of the Zaton lake (684,87 hectares) has been passed in the public property of the Braila County Council by the Decision no. 2118/ 09.12.2004 of Romanian Government, doing possible the infrastructure’s rehabilitation. The project proposes: - achievement of the access infrastructure and the of the utilities network (access roads 9 km) on the route DC 59; access roads inside of the resort; alleys; water supply system; sewerage; electrical power and communications systems; - putting of the fishing pontoons; - landing fittinngs; - arrangement of the camping platforms and of the leisure area. Expected results: The project is oriented to develop the touristic component of Braila’s economy and also on the regional component. The different leisure possibilities - sports and fishing activities, could stimulate and attract many economic enterprises with related tourism ativities. Regarding the nautical sports, on Blasova Lake could be organized national and international contests, the lake’s length beeing optimal for such manifestations. The investments achieved through the project would lead to the introduction of this area in the regional and national touristic circuit. Environmental impact of the project: The project is oriented on the ecological tourism development for the regional and Braila’s local economy. Investment cost = 6,500,000 Euros 34 “MOVILA MIRESII” SALTY LAKE The project description: The projects purpose is higher valorification of the touristic and therapeutic potential represented by the salt water of the lake, lake having the highest mineralisation degree from the country. Domain: 1. Improvement of the regional and local public infrastructure; 2. Supporting the diversification of the local and regional economies; 3. Development of the local and regional tourism; 4. Sustaining the urban regeneration. Project justification: Balneary component of the resort addresses directly to the health domain and the different kinds of leisure could stimulate and attract different economic agents with tourism connected activities: commerce, transports, and telecommunications. The investments achieved through the project will lead to the development of the tourism activity in Braila County and in the South-East Region, increasing the Romanian tourist’s interest for this touristic area. The project proposes: - bordering of the toristic area; - arrangement of cold establishment with a beach area and two solars; - placement of about 20 little houses with 2-4 beds each of them; - achievement of a P+1 construction for the balneal complex, that will include: treatment base, accommodation places and public alimentation. Expected results: The project implementation will lead to develop the tourism infrastructure in accordance with the European standards and to integrate the resort into the national leisure and balneary circuit. Environmental impact of the project: The project is oriented to develop the touristic component of Braila’s economy and the regional one. Also, involves the developing of the environment survey system. Investment cost = 3,000,000 Euro 35 “CAINENI BAI” SALTY LAKE The project description: The projects purpose is higher valorization of the touristic and therapeutical potential represented by the salt water and mud of the lake, those therapeutical qualities being similar with the ones of the “Lacu Sarat” Braila. Domain: 1. Improvement of the regional and local public infrastructure; 2. Supporting the diversification of the local and regional economies; 3. Development of the local and regional tourism; 4. Sustaining the urban regeneration. Project justification: Balneary component of the resort addresses directly to the health domain and the different kinds of leisure could stimulate and attract different economic agents with tourism connected activities: commerce, transports, and telecommunications. The investments achieved through the project will lead to the development of the tourism activity in Braila County and in the South-East Region, increasing the Romanian tourist’s interest for this touristic area. The project proposes: - bordering of the toristic area; - arrangement of cold establishment with a beach area and two solars; - placement of about 20 little houses with 2-4 beds each of them; - achievement of a P+1 construction for the balneal complex, that will include: treatment base, accommodation places and public alimentation. Expected results: The project implementation will lead to develop the tourism infrastructure in accordance with the European standards and to integrate the resort into the national leisure and balneary circuit. Environmental impact of the project: The project is oriented to develop the touristic component of the area, by the preservation of the natural resources. Also, involves the developing of the environment survey system. Investment cost = 3,000,000 Euro 36 GENERAL INFORMATIONS LOCAL PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS OF GENERAL INTEREST 1. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION I. PREFECT INSTITUTION OF BRAILA COUNTY (IPJB) County: BRAILA; Locality: BRAILA; Street: PIATA INDEPENDENTEI No.1, Postal Code: 810217 Phone: 0239/693957; Fax: 0239/693737; E-mail: Web: Prefect – NICOLAE MITROI II. BRAILA COUNTY COUNCIL (CJB) County: BRAILA; Locality: BRAILA; Street: PIATA INDEPENDENTEI No.1; Postal Code: 810217 Phone: 0239/ 619945; Fax: 0239/ 611765; E-mail Web: President - GHEORGHE BUNEA STANCU III. BRAILA MUNICIPALITY CITY HALL (PMB) County: BRAILA; Locality: BRAILA; Stret: PIATA INDEPENDENTEI No.1; Postal Code: 810217 Phone: 0239/61.91.80; Fax: 0239/69.23.94; E-mail: Web: Mayor – CONSTANTIN SEVER CIBU 37 2. NATIONAL EMPLOYERS’ CONFEDERATIONS WITH BRANCHES IN BRAILA COUNTY AND PRODUCERS ASSOCIATIONS a) General Union of the Manufacturers from Romania – Braila Branch (U.G.I.R.) President - IULIAN ZAMFIR Address: Eremia Grigorescu Stret no.5, Postal Code: 810051 Braila Phone: 0239/617031; Fax: 0239/617030; E-mail: b) General Union of the Manufacturers from Romania - 1903 / Braila Branch (U.G.I.R.-1903) President - MIHAI MANEA Phone: 0239-611.588; Fax: 0239-613.929; E-mail: c) National Councils for Small and Medium Private Enterprises from RomaniaBraila Branch (C.N.I.P.M.M.R.) President - GHEORGHE CARUZ Address: Baldovinesti Stret, no. 36, Braila Phone: 0040239 611544, Fax: 0040239 614441; d) Employers’ Confederations from Romania’s Industry - Braila Branch (C.O.N.P.I.R.O.M.) President - COSTEL SPIRIDON e) Romanian National Employers’ - Braila Branch (P.N.R.) President - NICOLAE STANCIULESCU f) National Confederation of Romanian Employers’ - Braila Branch (C.N.P.R.) President - VIOREL BALCAN g) Romanian Association of Constructions Enterpreneurs (ARACO) – Constanta Branch President - TUDOREL CIOARAMANDRA 38 Organization name Address Bovidae Breeders Association County Association of the Animals and Poultry Breeders Association of the Producers, Processors and Merchants Agricultural Producers Association Association of the Private Merchants and Producers Agricultural Producers Union Phone Ramnicu Sarat Street no 125 0239-611448 Poporului Street no. 3 0239-614155 Calea Calarasilor no. 58 Calea Calarasilor no. 58 Docks Premises no. 1 0239-610933 Calea Calarasilor no. 58 0239-613907 3. BRAILA GENERAL COMMODITY EXCHANGE Director: Catalina Barbu Address: Traian Square no.14, Braila, Braila County Phone: 0239-611.522 Fax: 0239-611.880 Site: 4. BRAILA’S CUSTOM OFFICE Custom Office’s Chief - STEFAN DUMITREL Address: Vadul Ghecetului Street no.6, Braila, Braila County Phone: 0239 -611858; 0239- 614800 Fax: 0239- 614275 5. BRAILA’s TRADE REGISTER OFFICE Address: Braila, Independentei Boulevard no.18, Block B6, Postal Code: 810003 Phone: 0239 / 612.388; Fax: 0239 / 612.388; E-mail: Director - Veronica Gabriela TUTA Website: 6. BRAILA’s CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE Address: Braila, Pensionatului Street no. 3 Phone: 0239.613.716; 0239.613.172; 0239.614.324; E-mail: Executive Director - Ioan Chiriacescu Website: 39