MATCALS Sundown Ceremony at MCAS Yuma


MATCALS Sundown Ceremony at MCAS Yuma
The Official Publication of the Marine Air Traffic Control Assoc. Inc.
Volume 22
Number 3
July , 2015
MATCALS Sundown Ceremony at
Published four
times yearly.
Mailed free to
MATCA members.
Editors and
Skip & Jackie
Send submissions,
comments and
change of
address to:
Skip Redpath
808 W. Avalon
Phoenix, AZ 85013
(602) 253-6517
Gunnery Sgt. Richard Kellmel, the ATC Detachment Charlie radio chief
for Marine Air Control Squadron 1, based at MCAS Yuma, Ariz.,
addresses the squadron’s retirement of the Marine Air Traffic Control
and Landing System (MATCALS) during last August’s MACS-1’s 71st
birthday ceremony.
Send Historical
material to:
MATCA Historian
Buddy Wyatt
PO Box 675
Vinyard Haven, MA
All forms
may be
In the background the AN/TPS-73, the CCS and the AN/TPN-22
precision approach radar can be seen
The MATCA Hotline
July , 2015
MATCALS Sundown Ceremony
at MCAS Yuma
MATCALS Sundown Ceremony . . . 1-2
Roster Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MATCA Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3
Registration for Cape Cod . . . . . 3
Presidents Message &
Editors Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Board Members Message . . . . . . . . . 5
2015 Reunion Hotel Mail in
Reservation Request Form . . . . . . . 6
2015 Reunion Registration Form. .7
2015 Reunion Golf
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Welcome from Buddy Wyatt . .. . 9-10
Weapons, tactics course . . . . . . . . 11
2014 General Membership Mtg.
Minutes (Draft) . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 12-13
2014 MATCA Balance Sheet . . .. . 14
2014 Board Meeting Minutes. . . . 15
Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Little Known WWII Facts. . . . . . . . .17
Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Membership Application &
Renewal Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
MATCALS sundown ceremony was
conducted at Cannon Air Defense
Complex in Yuma, AZ., site of the last
legacy MATCALS system the Marine
Corps had in service. It was replaced by
the newest model of the ATNAVICS, the
AN/TPN-31(v)7 which includes range extension over the previous AN/TPN-31(v)5.
The Corps began implementing the
MATCALS in the late 1980s as its primary
air traffic control communications system.
“The MATCALS and the Marines that were
tasked with its maintenance and employment have been placed in dirt from
around the globe and rained on with
waters from every hemisphere,” Gunnery
Kellmel said during the ceremony. “They
have endured sandstorms in Iraq, snow
storms in the mountains of Utah, wildfires in California, and flood waters at
Point Mugu. Although the technology
maybe of old, it has lived up to the Marine
Corps standard of operating in every
climate and place.”
Cover story by Defense Video & Imagery Distribution
System (DVIDS) and:
MGYSgt George J. “Skip” Rollins II
9632 Jacks Creek Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Captain Nick Meier
Detachment Commander
ATC Detachment C
Marine Air Control Squadron 1 (REIN)
A Thanks to Steve Hulland for passing on to the
Hotline this info and page 11 pictures
Capt. Anthony R. Shaw, Jr.
5138 Napoli Run
Bradenton, FL 34211-2143
Back Page
Sgt. Geovanni Cruz celebrates Independence Day .
Cruz is a motor transportation mechanic with Marine
Wing Support Squadron 471.
Image credit: Staff Sgt. Clinton USMC.
Woody Wingfield
(361) 215 – 5266
The MATCA Hotline
July , 2015
Registrations for Cape Cod - 2015
Applebury Rose & Leach Ben
Ashenbramer, Barbara
Bobell, Terry & Becky
Branstetter, Merrell
Brindamour, Lynda
Clark, Ken & Mary
Coleman, James
Emmes, David
Fodor, Frank & Marcella
Furtek, Ed & Kathy
Gale, Earl & Janice
Gibbs, John & Patricia
Grigg, Cathy
Gummersheimer, Donald
Hanebutt, Roger & Linda
Hansard, John
Hill, Leo & Rebecca
Hulland, Steve & Melissa
Kearley, Arthur
Kenoyer, Phil
Keyfauver, Roger & Linda
Lesser, Danny & Rossana
McIntosh, Roger & Carole
McKenna, Leon (Mac) & Judith
Medico, Joseph & Lorraine
Moyers, Hermon & Rita
Mutter, Jim and Carol
Newton, James
Oliver, Lance & Rosalie
Redpath, Skip & Jackie
Runyan, Bill & Nancy
Schrader, Ernest
Showalter, William
Southwell ,Edward
Terrell, Terry & Sue Katnik
Trosper, John & Barbara
Walczak, Daniel
Wallace Jim & Arlene
Ward, Gary & Margie
Wingfield, Woody
Wyatt, Buddy
03 Robert Hashimoto
04 Gary Fitzgerald
04 Barbara Reinhart
06 Carl Cullison
15 Rosalie Oliver
16 Mike Pannone
16 Russell Sinclair
17 John Rego
18 Debbie Walczak
20 Bob Switzer
21 Martha Cole
22 Lois Pahl
23 Carole Burgard
23 Del Harman
24 Rena Huber
25 Richard Calcaterra
26 Bill Murdock
28 Richard Szuba
31 Jim Rector
01 Elaine Gummersheimer
03 Clara Newton
05 Tracy Rosgen
08 James E. Coleman
08 Curtis Wolfe
17 Milas Turney
19 Rebecca Hill
23 Quinton Brown
24 Don Carman
25 James Newton
01 Jean Szuba
01 Cathy Griggs
01 Mark Duran
02 Frank Fodor
07 Jim Wallace
09 Nancy Hopkins
09 Patrick Owen
10 Gary Mc Elveen
10 Polly Pettipas
11Nancy Niven
12 Mike Cherioli
14 Janice Edwards
14 Bill Nosal
15 Corinne Bayne
17 Dennis Bradford
18 John Trosper
21 Robert Olson
22 Rossana Lesser
24 Richard Preston
25 Millie Rush
25 Joyce Turney
28 Robert Boudewyne
29 Gary Bryan
30 Skip Redpath
30 Jim Dargan
The MATCA Hotline
July, 2015
This reunion is also another vote for two board
member positions; 1st Vice President and Treasurer.
I will let you all know that Phil Kenoyer, LtCol,
USMC Ret., has been nominated for 1st VP, and has
accepted the nomination. Also, Jerrold Fisher, Capt.
USMC Ret. has been nominated for Treasurer, and
accepted said nomination. If anyone wants to make a
nomination to either office, please contact 2nd VP
John Trosper with their name. Be sure to confirm
with them that they will accept the nomination
before passing it on to John.
Here we go ..… into the final stretch for the Falmouth,
MA 2015 MATCA Reunion!
This issue of the Hotline will be the last edition with
all the helpful reunion and registration information
before the actual reunion date. If you haven’t already
signed up, please do it ASAP, for our numbers are
really down this year. If these low numbers continue,
it will be more and more difficult to gain reasonable
prices and deals with site locations. So…if you have
been delaying, procrastinating, whatever…let’s get this
done and sign up. We know the hotel is a little more
difficult to deal with because it is NOT a nationwide
chain and they do not have on-line registrations to
utilize. Use the information on the Mail In Reservation Request on page 6 to book your room, and do it
now. If you wait till after the registration deadline, you
may find yourself at one of the “close by” locations
and not the main reunion location.
Let’s get ready for Falmouth, MA. We will all have a
great time and there is plenty to do. It’s like old
home week for me, for this is where my parents
lived since 1989! Buddy has planned a great time for
us all.
On a personal note, Jackie and I just completed our
“River Seine – Normandy to Paris” river cruise. The
highlight for me was the Memorial Peace Museum,
Normandy National Cemetery, and Omaha Beach.
I’ve seen documentaries on D-Day as well as several
Hollywood movies, read the history, and even saw
“Saving Private Ryan”, but nothing can compare to
seeing it up close and personal. Especially the 9,387
graves at the Cemetery and 1,557 names on the
Memorial Wall of those who died and no remains
were ever found. Looking down from the German
installations toward the ocean and beach, then on
the beach looking up at the German bunkers…. I
don’t know how those brave soldiers and sailors did
it. They ALL were heroes, counterparts to our
Marines in the Pacific. It was a very emotional visit.
Then, get the MATCA Registration Form on page 7
completed and sent off to Buddy with your check
made out to MATCA. Golfers, make sure you register
using the MATCA Annual “Duffers Open” form on
page 8 and also get that mailed to Buddy.
Try as we might, it appears that this year we will NOT
have the support from HQMC with a speaker to fill us
in on current Marine Air Traffic control within the
Corps. With severe budget cuts from the current
Administration, funds are just not there to support
such a trip. Rest assured, however, your Board will
come up with an innovative replacement that will be
enjoyable to all. (Or to most).
See you in Falmouth. SEMPER FI
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
convinced my boss to let me leave early to
catch the reunion.
I headed down to the hotel on
Wednesday, not being familiar with the
early bird concept. Upon arriving I, of
course, headed directly to the hospitality
room. Entering the room, I immediately
saw two people who I had known at Beaufort in 1964. Having been retired for about
ten years at that time, it was amazing to
me to be able to reconnect with so many
people from ten, twenty, even thirty years
before. Too many names to mention but
there were an assortment of friends, people I had worked closely with, those I had
worked for, and of course a myriad of
people I had never met even if I knew them
by reputation.
Hello to all members reading this third
installment from the board members. I
would just like to echo some of the
previous statements made regarding how
fortunate we are to have this organization
and to add how grateful we all should be
to Joe Medico for not only coming up with
the idea, but following through with the
organization process. No matter how
many times we thank Joe for his efforts
it’s probably not enough.
When MATCA was founded I was
living outside the country and completely
unaware of its existence. An early treasurer, Jim Tetzlaff, with whom I had served
at Marble Mountain, had a contact and
was able to obtain some permanent
mailing addresses of retirees and found
mine which was a stateside address. The
welcome package was sent to that address
and subsequently forwarded to me on
Wake Island where I was employed. This
being 1995 the Hotline was still in its
infant stage, but none the less intriguing.
I figured what the heck and joined.
Since my first reunion I have been
fortunate enough to make every one since,
seeing old friends, making new ones, and
sadly remembering those who can no
longer be with us. To those you reading
this, who have never attended a reunion, I
would suggest that you set aside you
reluctance and give it a try. You may find
that the experience stirs up some feelings
that you weren’t aware were there.
See many of you in Cape Cod.
Jerry Fisher
In that package was the information
for the reunion to be held in San Diego in
September. My contract was not up until
November, but since my daughter, Denise,
was living in San Diego and I had planned
to spend some time there anyway, so I
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
US Marine Air Traffic Control Reunion Reservation Form
MAIL-IN RESERVATION REQUEST for September 23-27, 2015
Reservations/inquiries by mail, email or fax, please.
Due to group details, only written reservations/inquiries may be confirmed.
NAME__________________________________________# guests____ Email________________________
ZIP __________________
2015 (4 PM check-in) DEPART:________Sept______2015 (11AM checkout)
____$75.00 Per Room Deposit check enclosed or CC #_____________________________________ EXP. ______
We plan to arrive by: __car
__air into Boston __air into Providence __other _____________________
Please place your reservations early indicating your preferred room selection below. Rooms are assigned on a firstrequested-first reserved basis. For requests that cannot be accommodated at ShoreWay Acres Inn, alternate
accommodations will be available at the Inn’s sister property located just 3.5 miles away.
The following MATCA Rates will be extended for reunion dates and for up to five nights prior to and following the
reunion. Rates include lodging, taxes and service. Breakfast is complimentary.
Superior/Deluxe Room – spacious room w/one king or two double or queen beds and sitting area
____ $615.00 total per couple for four nights ($307.50 per person)
____ $154.00 total per couple per night for extra nights or stays of less than four nights
____ $595.00 total per single for four nights
____ $149.00 total per couple per night for extra nights or stays of less than four nights
Standard Rooms: moderate size room w/ one queen or two double beds
____ $570.00 total per couple for four nights ($285.00 per person)
____ $143.00 total per couple per night for extra nights or stays of less than four nights
____ $550.00 total per single for four nights
____$138.00 total per couple per night for extra nights or stays of less than four nights
Petite Rooms: w/ one double or queen bed (ideally suited for one guest)
____ $525.00 total per couple for four nights, Wed-Sat, 09/23-09/26 ($262.50 per person)
____ $132.00 total per couple per night for extra nights or stays of less than four nights
____ $505.00 total per single for four nights, Wed-Sat, 09/23-09/26
____ $127.00 total per single per night for extra nights and for stays of less than four nights
Extra Person(s) sharing a double room with two guests or more (using existing beds)
_____$49.00 per person for four nights x ______ persons
_____No charge for children age 18 & under. Number of children ______
MATCA ROOM BLOCK OPEN FOR RESERVATIONS beginning October 01, 2014 through
September 01, 2015. Please reserve early to ensure selection of accommodations. Please return this form
accompanied by a $75.00 per room deposit to: SHOREWAY ACRES INN, P.O. Box 907, Falmouth MA 02541.
Form may also be faxed with credit card number to 508-540-9337.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Written notice required at least 15 days prior to Reunion. A $25.00
cancellation fee will apply. Short notice (14 days or less) will result in forfeit of deposit
ShoreWay Acres Inn & Cape Cod Lodging, P.O. Box 907, 59 Shore St, Falmouth, MA 02541
fax: 508-540-9337
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
MATCA Reunion 2015 - Falmouth, Massachusetts
September 23 - 27, 2015
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Annual "Duffers Open"
September 24th, 2015
Falmouth Country Club, Falmouth MA.
NOTE: Golf and the Deep Sea Fishing are the same Day… Golf or Fish, but not both.
Format: Scramble Time: 0730
Teams will be determined based on the number of entrants in the tournament.
Please enter the following golfer(s) in the 2015 MATCA Annual "Duffers Open"
Player 1: ________________________________________*HDCP: _______________________________________
Player 2: ________________________________________*HDCP: _______________________________________
*If you do not have a handicap enter your average score for 18 holes.
If you desire to play with any particular person, please indicate. Attempts will be made to pair those
desiring to play together. Pairings will ultimately depend on the number of players and the
individual’s handicap. Pair me/us with:
Entry Fee (includes cart, greens fee, and prizes): $75.00
_____ Golfers @ $75.00 per golfer = $__________
Please mail this form with a check payable to Buddy Wyatt to:
Buddy Wyatt
PO Box 675
Vineyard Haven, MA. 02568-0675
PHONE: (508) 627-3556 E-MAIL:
No entries will be accepted after September 20, 2015. Pairings, starting times and instructions will
be available at reunion and tournament check-in.
Falmouth Country Club is a challenging 27-hole, year-round public golf course not far from the Atlantic
beaches, cranberry bogs, and all that is Cape Cod. Walk or ride our championship 18 hole, par 72 course,
or the 9 hole, par 37 "Talon" course. Flat terrain, lush fairways and our immaculate greens will bring out
the best in your game. Sprays of beach grass garnish the bunkers at the 12th hole while a majestic pair of
ospreys patrol the water from their nest on the 10th hole. Falmouth Country Club is certified as
a Cooperative Sanctuary by Audubon International. The course is committed to Protecting our local
environment, conserving natural resources, and providing wildlife habitats.
Dress code: No tank tops or cutoffs. Season: Open all year
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Brothers and sisters of MATCA....
Just a few more months and we will meet again for our annual reunion in
Falmouth, Massachusetts located on Cape Cod. As of this HOTLINE there have only
been 39 members/spouses/guests register with me with your meal request and
activities. As you notice from the Hotel list there have been over 80 register. As the
host of our upcoming reunion it is my request that you get your registration for the
reunion into me as soon as you can. I have a deadline I have to reach with the
Hotel on our meals and activities. Please get those into me soon. The only concern I
have right now is the fact that only 2 people have signed up for the golf tournament.
I understand the hassle of bringing golf clubs these days with the cost involved in
airline fees and shipping and I must say I don't blame you if you don't play. I
realize we have 2 events on Thursday and the choice of fishing or golfing is tough
but if you do plan on golfing please drop me an email and let me know for
planning purposes.
Below are some other suggestions for recreation and sightseeing:
Martha's Vineyard Ferries at Falmouth Harbor are located one mile from the Inn.
Sailing time to the Vineyard is approximately 40 minutes. Cost for the trip is
$17.00 round trip. Among some of the many popular Cape Cod attractions are:
The Beaches - Falmouth offers more public beaches than any other Cape
Cod Town. Surf Drive beach is just a ten minute walk to the end of the street.
Schooner Sailing - Capt. Chris Teitje. 508-548-2626
Museums on the Green - Historical House Museums on Falmouth's Village
Historic Highfield Hall Arts and Cultural Center - House tours, exhibits,
culinary workshops, music events. Annie Dean 508-495-1878
Village of Woods Hole - home to the scientists who discovered the Titanic
Hyannis Harbor Cruise - Includes view of Kennedy Compound. Hyline Cruises,
Dee Forand 508-778-2600
Kennedy Museum - dedicated to JFK's life on Cape Cod
Whale Watching Cruises - From Barnstable Harbor and Provincetown.
These are just a few of the things MATCA members can do to pass the time away.
As you walk down Main Street in Falmouth shopping please look for a "Welcome
MATCA members" in the store windows for each shop. Those shops will be giving
discounts or prizes to our members that shop there.
(Continued )
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
All breakfasts are free at the Inn and lunch and dinners can be had at a
number of restaurants and cafes located on Main Street all within walking distance.
My favorite place to eat when in Falmouth is the Quarterdeck. It's a very nice
restaurant. Located on Main Street it’s full of Marine Corps motif. The Quarterdeck
does not accept reservations but the time of the year we will be there should not be
a problem if groups of people want to eat there.
Feel free to send me an email if you have questions about anything before you
get here. There really are so many things to do in such a short period of time that a
separate list will be in your welcome aboard package.
Looking forward to seeing you all in September,
Buddy Wyatt
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Photos from Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course 1-15 October 2014
MACS-1 ATC Detachment C site setup at Laguna
Army Airfield. In the foreground, the tan HMMWV
is part of the Meteorological Mobile Facility Replacement Next Generation (METMF(R) NEXGEN).
Marines of MACS-1 ATC Detachment C prepare for
a tactical flight check with a C-130J at STOVAL
airfield near Dateland, AZ.
Marines of MACS-1 ATC Detachment C stand in formation as
MSgt Jason Poracky reports to Capt Nick Meier for the
promotion of one ATC Maintenance Marine to Corporal on 1
October 2014. (photo credit - 1stLt Daniel A. Lee Kim)
VMFAT-401 "Snipers" conduct practice approaches with
the Marines of MACS-1 (REIN) ATC Detachment C just
one day after the ATNAVICS Det passed an FAA flight
certification of the AN/TPN-31's precision approach
radar at Laguna Army Airfield (Yuma Proving Ground).
The sun sets over the AN/TPN-31 at Laguna Army Airfield.
Unless otherwise noted, photos and all information
submitted by Captain Nick Meier, Detachment
Commander, ATC Detachment C , Marine Air Control
Squadron 1 (REIN)
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
SEPTEMBER 13, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota
Board Members Present: Buddy Wyatt, President; Jerold Fisher, Treasurer; Steve Hulland, Secretary: Cathy Griggs ,
1st Vice President; John Trosper, 2nd Vice President
General Members Present: See 2014 Rapid City, South Dakota Reunion Roster of Attendees for a list of members
present during the reunion and annual meeting
Guests Present: Howard (Skip) Redpath – Hotline Editor & Ex Facto Member of the board
Meeting called to order at: 09:01 by Buddy Wyatt
Opening Prayer: Josepy Medico provided the opening prayer.
Pledge of Allegiance: Buddy Wyatt lead the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
New Members Present: No New Members Present.
Presidents Comments: Buddy Wyatt thanked Bob and Marlene Young for their excellent work setting up and
managing the Rapid City South Dakota. This is Bob's and Marlene's second time hosting the reunion at Rapid City
and they have done a great job both times.
Treasurers Report: Jerry Fisher provided each member with a copy of the September 5, 2014 Marine Air Traffic
Control Association Summary Balance Sheet. The September 5, 2014 Summary Balance Sheet, as approved by the
Board of Directors during their Board of Directors Meeting held on September 11, 2014 in Rapid City, South Dakota
is attached to these minutes. Jerry Fisher presented the same Financial Report that he provided the Board Of
Directors during their meeting on September 11, 2014. John Gibbs made a motion to accept the Treasurers report
as written in the BOD's meeting minutes. Roger McIntosh 2nd the motion. The motion was approved by voice vote.
Secretaries Report: Steve Hulland provided the membership with a draft copy of the Marine Air Traffic Control
Association September 28, 2013 Annual General Membership Meeting minutes, as approved during the September
11, 2014 BOD's meeting, for final approval by the General Membership. Skip Redpath made a motion to accept the
MATCA September 28, 2013 Annual General Membership minutes. Terry Bobell 2nd the motion. The motion was
approved by voice vote.
Steve Hulland provided each member with a Draft and Corrected copy of the September 11, 2014 MATCA BOD
Meeting Minutes. After allowing everyone time to read the September 11, 2014 BOD Meeting Minutes, Steve asked
the membership if there were any comments or questions. There were no comments or corrections. Skip Redpath
made a motion to accept the corrected September 11, 2014 BOD Meeting minutes. John Gibbs 2nd the motion. The
motion ws approved by voice vote.
First VP Report: Cathy Griggs advised the membership that this years reunion was doing well financially and may
need little, if any, financial assistance from the general funds. The membership agreed that MATCA does have the
funds to help finance the reunion if needed. Additional reunion funding is a normal function of the BOD's and does
not need concurrance and/or approval from the general membership.
Second VP Report: John Trosper reported that two nominations for prospective members of the board have been
received. They are:
President – Howard “Skip” Redpath – Two Year Term ending during the 2016 Annual Meeting
2nd Vice President – John Trosper – Two Year Term ending during the 2016 Annual Meeting
Secretary – Steve Hulland – Two Year Term ending during the 2016 Annual Meeting.
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Roger McIntosh made a motion to close the nominations. John Gibbs 2nd the motion. The motion was approved by
voice vote. Roger McIntosh made a motion to approve all nonimations by acclamation. John Gibbs 2nd the motion.
The motion was approved by voice vote.
Unfinished Business:
1. MATCA 2015 Reunion – Buddy Wyatt presented the membership with an excellent overview concerning the
2015 MATCA Reunion that will be held in Fallmouth Massachusetts from September 23, until September 27th, 2015.
Early bird rates are effective on September 20, 2015. Buddy reminded everyone to get their reservations in ASAP to
ensure that they will have a room in the main building, vs. an outlining locations. Those who arrive via Motor Home or
Travel Trailer will be accomadated a short distance from the main building. There will be a “real” clambake, deep sea
fishing, tour of Martha's Vinyard and a host of other activities. Folks should consider flying into Providence RI vs
Boston, depending on what airline they use.
2. MATCA By-Law Revisions – Buddy Wyatt reminded everyone that the proposed MATCA By – Law revisions were
published in the last Hotline and provided everyone with a copy of the proposed changes. Buddy asked the members
if they had any comments or additional suggested changes. There were no comments or additional suggested
changes. The membership approved the MATCA By-Law revisions as presented by voice vote. (Both my notes and
recorder are garbled here, so I am not sure who made the motion or 2nd. If you remember doing so, or how made the
mitions, please email me as soon as you can so I can correct this draft copy of the minutes).
MATCA 2016 Reunion – Cathy Griggs presented the membership with an excellent overview concerning the 2016
MATCA Reunion that will be held in Branson, MO. Cathy will present the membership with additional details during
the 2015 reunion. (Here again I have the same problem with a garbled recorder. If you remember doing so, or who
made the motion to approved holding our 2016 reunion in Branson, MO, please advise me via email so I can correct
this draft copy of the minutes).
New Business: There were no new items brought up that required a vote by the membership.
1. Reunion Book/CD – Skip Redpath reminded everyone that the order sheet for the reunion book/CD were in their
packet and that it would speed up the process if everyone could fill out the form early.
Miscellaneous Items Owned by MATCA – John Tosper has agreed to keep and maintain the various items owned by
MATCA and used during our reunions.
Motion To Adjourn ______________________ made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by ___________________. All
Approved. The meeting was adjourned at 09:42. (Same issue with my recorder. If you remember who made the
motions, please advise me via email so I can correct this draft copy of the minutes). Note, I will have a new and
better micraphone this year.
Steven R. Hulland, Secretary
These minutes have been reviewed and know corrections made by the BOD's at the BOD's Meeting to be held in
Fallmouth Massachusetts during September 2015
These minutes have been reviewed and approved by the General Membership at the MATCA Annual Meeting to be
held in Fallmouth, Massachusetts during September 2015.
Motion To Approve ______________________________
2nd by _________________________________
Howard Redpath , President
Steven R. Hulland, Secretary
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
90th Birthday Carl Cullison
On July 6, 2015 Carl Cullison USMC (Ret) and
long-term MATCA Member, reaches the venerable
age of 90.
Carl was born in Blytheville, Arkansas in 1925.
He enlisted in the Corps in December 1942 at the
age of 17 and received Basic Training at Parris
Island. After Basic, he was retained at Parris Island
for Personnel Classification School. Notable during
his War service was the Battle for Peleliu in 1944
where he was the OPS NCO at the airfield . He
bivouacked in the power house during the hell-fire
action. His next job was Yontan Airfield, Okinawa…
or what was left of it after the Marines, Army and
Japanese were done with their dance. He knows war.
MGySgt Cullison retired from the Marine Corps
at MCAS El Toro in 1973 as the Wing Electronics
Chief. The intervening years of duty stations and
entries into his SRB can only show the framework of
his military career and not the substance of his
dedication to duty. He entered his second career of
21years Civil Service at El Toro, retiring for the
second time in 1995 as Head of Radar and NavAids
Branch. “I was always very lucky, even from the start.
I worked with really good people.” He inspired respect and admiration from those who worked for him,
according to Richard Furbee who had an adjoining
desk from ’76-’95.
Carl and his bride Patty moved to North Las Vegas,
Nevada in 1995 from California. His passion for
STAMPS , talking, trading, collecting and selling, has
kept him ‘lively’, sharp, and vital. He is husband,
f ather, grandfather, friend, gentleman, American
Patriot. At age 90, he remains a real Marine….One of
the Few, the Proud. Semper Fidelis!
(Submitted and written by Jan Gale)
Marriage - Bill Behan
“On January 10th I married Ann Gallegos, who many
met at the Rapid City reunion. We recently travelled
to Denver had a great visit with Bette Morehead and
attended Ann's 44 year old daughter Jen's body competition. We enjoy spending many happy hours here
in Hot Springs Village with Linda & Roger Hanebutt”.
*Celebrating a Milestone in your life? Be sure to let us
know so we can include it in the Hotline.
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Little Known WWII Facts
Submitted by JJ Dargan
You might enjoy this from Col D. G. Swinford, USMC, Ret and history buff. You would really have to dig
deep to get this kind of ringside seat to history:
1. The first German serviceman killed in WW II was killed by the Japanese ( China, 1937), The first
American serviceman killed was killed by the Russians ( Finland 1940); The highest ranking American
killed was Lt Gen Lesley McNair, killed by the US Army Air Corps.
2. The youngest US serviceman was 12 year old : Calvin Graham, USN. He was wounded and given a
Dishonorable Discharge for lying about his age. His benefits were later restored by act of Congress.
3. At the time of Pearl Harbor, the top US Navy command was called CINCUS (pronounced 'sink us');
The shoulder patch of the US Army's 45th Infantry division was the swastika. Hitler's private train was
named 'Amerika.' All three were soon changed for PR purposes.
4. More US servicemen died in the Air Corps than the Marine Corps. While completing the required 30
missions, an airman's chance of being killed was 71%.
5. Generally speaking, there was no such thing as an average fighter pilot. You were either an ace or a
target. For instance, Japanese Ace Hiroyoshi Nishizawa shot down over 80 planes. He died while a
passenger on a cargo plane.
6. It was a common practice on fighter planes to load every 5th round with a tracer round to aid in aiming.
This was a big mistake. Tracers had different ballistics so (at long range) if your tracers were hitting the
target 80% of your rounds were missing. Worse yet tracers instantly told your enemy he was under fire and
from which direction. Worst of all was the practice of loading a string of tracers at the end of the belt to tell
you that you were out of ammo. This was definitely not something you wanted to tell the enemy. Units that
stopped using tracers saw their success rate nearly double and their loss rate go down.
7. When allied armies reached the Rhine, the first thing men did was pee in it. This was pretty universal
from the lowest private to Winston Churchill (who made a big show of it) and Gen. Patton (who had
himself photographed in the act).
8. German Me-264 bombers were capable of bombing New York City, but they decided it wasn't worth the
9. German submarine U-120 was sunk by a malfunctioning toilet.
10. Among the first 'Germans' captured at Normandy were several Koreans. They had been forced to fight
for the Japanese Army until they were captured by the Russians and forced to fight for the Russian Army
until they were captured by the Germans and forced to fight for the German Army until they were captured
by the US Army.
(Continued on page 18)
The MATCA Hotline July, 2015
Officer Shannon Distel was killed in a motorcycle
accident while on patrol on Van Buren Blvd. near
Dauchy Avenue, in Riverside County. A pickup
truck pulling a trailer turned left in front him
causing a collision. Officer Distel's motorcycle
became wedged in between the truck and trailer
and he was thrown 50 yards. He was transported
to Riverside County Regional Medical Center
where he succumbed to his injuries. Officer
Distel had been employed with the California
Highway Patrol for 6 years, and had previously
served with the United States Marine Corps. He
is survived by his wife, four children, parents,
brother, and sister. Shannon Distel was a Marine
Controller at MCAS El Toro, later a DOD controller at El Toro.
Roy Gerald Newton Jr. (MGySgt, USMC Retired),
57, died on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015, at the Vidant
Medical Center in Greenville. NC. He is survived by
his wife of 38 years, Judith "Jill" Newton; two sons,
Shane Newton and Seth Newton, both of Havelock;
his mother, Shirley Ann Griffith of Ohio; one
brother, Donald Newton of Ohio; and two sisters,
Debora Harmen and Angela Kahrig, both of Ohio.
Services were provided by Woodbridge Funeral
Home, Havelock, NC.
( Little Known WWII Facts - Continued from page 17)
11. Following a massive naval bombardment, 35,000 United States and Canadian troops stormed ashore
at Kiska, in the Aleutian Islands. 21 troops were killed in the assault on the island....... It could have
been worse if there had actually been any Japanese on the island.
12. The last marine killed in WW2 was killed by a can of spam . He was on the ground as a POW in
Japan when rescue flights dropping food and supplies came over, the package came apart in the air and
a stray can of spam hit him and killed him.
Ladies Raffle
Annual “Duffers Open”
Deep Sea Fishing
The MATCA Hotline July, 2014
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Secretary - Steve Hulland
Renewing members: Please include personal data
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Traffic Control Squadron, Marine Air Traffic Control Detachment, or a
Marine Air Station or Air Facility Air Traffic Control Facility wherein
my reporting senior was/is the Air Traffic Control Officer or the
Electronics Officer responsible for ATC and Air Navigation Equipment.
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The Official Publication
of the
Marine Air Traffic
Control Association
Board of Directors
Skip Redpath
808 W. Avalon Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85013
1st Vice President
Cathy Griggs
4214 Culpeper Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
2nd Vice President
John Trosper
9430 Canyon Lake Ln
Orangevale, CA 95662
Steve Hulland
2111 W. Dove Way
Amado, AZ 85645
Jerrold R. Fisher
3670 Avocado Village Ct.
#35 La Mesa, CA 91941
808 W. Avalon
Phoenix, AZ.