Newsletter 130 - Christison Rare Books


Newsletter 130 - Christison Rare Books
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Newsletter 130
Illustration from item 44, Carruthers & Arnold:
The Life and Work of Thomas Baines
ART (37-62)
HUNTING (63-81)
TRAVEL (88-89)
Illustration from item 54, Marriott:
Christison Rare Books
Postal address: P O Box 24093, Bay West, 6034, South Africa
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number: 62302206017; Branch: Metlife Mall; Branch code: 250655)
Anonymous: Aircraft of the South African Airforce.
Command Information / Vliegtuie van die Suid Afrikaanse Lugmag.
Bevelsinformasie (Pretoria: Air Force Gymnasium, no date) 295 x 210
mm; side-stitched brown card wrappers, with squadron crest to upper
cover; unpaginated; printed recto's. Wrappers creased; staples rusty;
bottom fore-corner of upper cover and several leaves creased. Good.
Uncommon. Twenty-two contemporary aircraft illustrated and outlined,
with nose-on, side-on, and overhead line illustrations of each, plus
mention of squadron, base and role, in each case. A further six museum aircraft receive
similar treatment. Included are South African Bush War "specials" such as the Bosbok
and Kudu. The Air Force Gymnasium of the SAAF is tasked with the basic training of
new airforce members. Between 1959 and 2009, it was based at Valhalla in Pretoria,
but has since relocated to Hoedspruit. R270
Anonymous: South African Defence Force Hymnal /
Kerksangbundel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (Pretoria: South
African Defence Force, 1968) The cover subtitles read: "For use by all
denominations in the South African Defence Force" / "Vir gebruik deur
alle kerke in die Weermag". 135 x 94 mm; blue card wrappers;
unpaginated. Bilingual text: Afrikaans from one end and Afrikaans from
the other. Very good condition. "The South African Defence Force
Hymnal contains 325 selected Hymns and Psalms comprising:- 150
Hymns (used by the English speaking Churches) and 50 Psalms, 50 Gesange, 50
Hallelujaliedere, 25 Evangelie-liedere (used by the Afrikaans speaking Churches.) This
bilingual Hymnal is printed in separate sections according to language groups, but where
a Hymn is known to be used in both languages a cross-reference is made. The National
Anthem is included at the end of each section in either language." R150
Butterfield, Paul H.: War and Peace in South Africa 1879 - 1881
(Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1986)
Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000
copies, signed by the publisher. 4to; original
red leatherette, lettered in gilt on spine and
upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour;
spine with raised bands; top edge gilt; linen
marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xxx) + 246;
some monochrome illustrations; tables;
map. Near fine condition. "This book,
published for the first time, is based on the
letters of Major Philip Anstruther and the
journal of Edward Essex, discovered by Dr
Butterfield. It deals in part with the Zulu
wars and for the rest with the first Anglo-Boer War.
Major Anstruther was killed at the Battle of
Bronkhorstpruit where the Boers wiped out the British
force in a matter of minutes. The book ... gives a clear
insight into political and social conditions in the Transvaal, apart from vivid descriptions
of battles like Majuba." R810
4. Carter, Thomas Fortescue: A Narrative of the Boer War: Its Causes and Results
(Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1985) Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000 copies,
signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on spine and upper
cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised bands; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xiv)
+ viii + 574 + (ii); some monochrome illustrations; tables; map. Near fine
condition. Larger-format text facsimile of the John Macqueen edition of
1900. The first edition is listed in Mendelssohn I, p. 305. 'The best work
which has been published on the Boer War of 1880-1881 up to date.
The volume is divided into four Parts: (I.) The British in the Transvaal.
(II.) The Battlefields. (III.) The Peace. (IV.) A Journey through the
Transvaal. In dealing with the "indirect causes" of the war, Mr. Carter
asserts that "there can be little doubt that an outbreak of hostilities was
precipitated by one flagrant act of injustice on the part of the government
at Pretoria." Colonel Lanyon's arbitrary and injudicious methods appear
to have thoroughly incensed and disgusted the Boers, and the author
confirms Lady Bellairs' statement that they believed the Administrator to
be "a nigger", which helped to increase his unpopularity, while his
despotic tendencies served to alienate even the loyally inclined
inhabitants. "He showed a facility of making himself disagreeable to the
Boers. ... He tried to command the Transvaal, when he failed to govern it or manage it;
having no sympathies for the Boers ... he despised them and theirs as an inferior
creation, &c." On the other hand, the author was of opinion that "If promises made by Sir
T. Shepstone at the time of the
annexation - promises which there is
every reason to believe
that he
intended to carry out - had been
fulfilled, the late disastrous war would
never have happened." As regards
the annexation, it is pointed out that
although "the Free State, the Cape,
condemning this act, the Daily News
and other London Liberal journals
gave approval to it; and reference is
made to a work published in 1870,
entitled Herinneringen uit Zuid Africa,
by "an author devoid of British
prejudices" ... who, in discussing the
state of the Transvaal, remarks on "the
confusion in the authority of the State; the stupid unwillingness of the Boers to assist in
any way, &c. &c." Mr. Burgers, the President, is also quoted, and his remarks would
serve to show that he, at all events, believed in the charge of slavery against the Boers,
as he told his Volksraad, "You have ill-treated the natives, you have shot them down, you
have sold them into slavery, and now you have to pay the penalty."' - Mendelssohn.
Clarke, J. B.: Rhodesian Map-Reading. Book One.
An Introduction to Map-Reading with Exercises
(Salisbury: Oxford University Press, 1967) 218 x 280 mm;
blue card wrappers; pp. (iv) + 30; full-page colour map
sheets, with accompanying questions. Wrappers soiled and
curled, with "Army Headquarters ... May 1968" ink stamp and
some pen notations to upper cover; some foxing; some pen
annotations. Fair condition. Contents: A Comparison of
Rhodesian and Federal map keys; Federal key, map references and scale; Starting on
maps; Scales; The Grid System; Direction; Relief and Contours; Map extract (Shabani,
Lake Kyle, Heany Junction, Kariba, Buhwa, Domboshawa, Chiconyora, Lake McIlwaine);
Rhodesian key, map references and scale. R120
Davitt, Michael: The Boer Fight For Freedom (Johannesburg:
Scripta Africana, 1988) Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000 copies,
signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on
spine and upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised
bands; linen marker; top edge gilt; pp. (xxiv) + xii + 607, incl. index;
photographs in text; endpaper map. Fore-edges of slipcase a little sunned;
some fox spots to fore- and bottom edges. Near fine condition. Largerformat text facsimile of the Funk & Wagnalls edition of 1902, with some
introductory material. The original edition is listed in Mendelssohn I (p.
422) and Hackett (pp. 2, 140). "The author embarked on a fact finding tour
of South Africa late in
He travelled
extensively through the
Boer Republics and
northern Natal gauging
public opinion in regard to the crisis.
He met many republican leaders and
was officially assisted in his journey
through Boer lines. The volume
affords a full account of military
operations to the end of May 1900
when the author returned home.
Throughout the narrative Boer
conduct is acclaimed and Britain
reviled for prosecuting an unjust war.
Concluding chapters comprise a
diary of the campaign from June
1900 to March 1902." - Hackett R900
De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf: Three Years' War (Johannesburg:
Scripta Africana, 1985) Number 687 of an edition limited to 1000 copies,
signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on
spine and upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised
bands; linen marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (x) + x + (vi) + 448, incl.
index; frontis. portrait; battle plans in text; folding map loosely inserted.
Fore-edges of slipcase very slightly sunned. Near fine condition. 'Right to
the last, speaking at Vereeniging, De Wet remarked, in a speech of
considerable vigour, "We must fight on, no matter how long, until our
absolutely secure,"
and there appears
no reason to doubt
that he was fully
continue the conflict,
acquiesced with the views of the
majority of the delegates. Severe
reprobation is accorded to the
"National Scouts," to whose
actions is attributed the final
downfall of the Boer cause, and
heavy censure is bestowed on
Generals Prinsloo, Vilonel, and
others, who surrendered to the
British forces. ... Attention is repeatedly drawn to the overwhelming strength of the British
... and there is ample evidence that the courage and resourcefulness of De Wet were
counteracted by the difficulties which he had to contend with owing to the insubordination
of his men.' - Mendelssohn R720
Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Great Boer War (Johannesburg: Scripta
Africana, 1987) Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000 copies, signed by
the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on spine and
upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised bands; top
edge gilt; linen marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xii) + 575, incl. index;
photographs not appearing in the original edition. Fore-edges of slipcase
very slightly sunned, else fine. Larger-format text facsimile of an early
edition, with new introductory
material and photographs.
The original edition is listed in
Mendelssohn I (p. 484), and
Hackett (p. 142). 'At the time
the volume was issued, the
author, in common with many
other people, including some
of the highest military authorities, considered
that the fighting was practically over, and
there is a chapter at the close of the book on
"The End of the War," nearly two years
before the guerilla tactics of Botha, Delarey
and De Wet were at last exhausted by the
persistence of the British.' - Mendelssohn
9. du Plooy, Sakkie: Wonderwerke op die grens (Cape Town: Lux Verbi,
1985) 212 x 137 mm; pictorial wrappers; pp. 56; photographs. Wrappers
a little rubbed; trace of damp-stain to wrappers, endpapers and some
leaves. Fair to good. Afrikaans text. Uncommon. Religious take on
anecdotes from South Africa's Border War. "In die nag in die koeëlreën
by Katima Mulilo; anderkant die grense by Chetequera; op kronkelende
voetslaanpaaie waar landmyne grondlangs dreig en die vyand se visier
op 'n weerlose rug … Ook dáár is Hy - die Getroue Kameraad." R135
Hillegas, Howard C.: With the Boer Forces (Johannesburg:
Scripta Africana, 1987) Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000 copies,
signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on
spine and upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised
bands; all edges gilt; linen marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xxiv) + 318;
plates. Near fine condition. Larger-format text facsimile of the Methuen
edition of 1900, with new foreword and additional photographs. The
original edition is listed in Hackett (p.
153), and in Mendelssohn I (p. 713).
'Much stress is laid on the lack of
discipline among the Boers: and it is
stated that, owing to the fact that "family
influences, party affiliations, and religion
had a strong bearing on the election of
the commandants, the best men were
not always chosen as leaders." Many
examples are given of occasions when the Krijgsraad
overruled the advice of the Generals, whilst at other times the commandants refused to
obey the instructions of the Krijgsraad, often to the great detriment of military operations.
Reference is made to the systematic manner in which the Republicans were prepared for
the struggle, and it is said that they possessed plans on which "was a representation of
every foot of ground in the Transvaal, Free State, Natal, and Cape Colony," but the
author asserts that although Steyn, Reitz, and the Dutch of the Cape Colony may have
had visions of Dutch supremacy in South Africa, Kruger did not make war to gain it.' Mendelssohn. R720
Kruger, Paul, as told to H. C. Bredell and Piet Grobler: The
Memoirs of Paul Kruger (Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1987) Number
86 of an edition limited to 1000 copies, signed by the publisher. Two
volumes in one. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on spine and
upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised bands; top edge
gilt; linen marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xxxiv) + 319, incl. index; some
monochrome illustrations. Fore-edges of slipcase a little sunned, else fine.
Prepared with the assistance of Kruger's private secretary H. C. Bredell,
and Piet Grobler, the former Under Secretary of State for the Z.A.R., these
volumes present the President's life in detail, explaining his family's trek
from the Colesburg district to the Magaliesburg, his rise to prominence in
the affairs of the fledgling
Boer republic, his part in war
and peace, the first AngloBoer War, and events leading
up to and including the second Anglo-Boer
War until the proclamation of peace in
1902. 'It is asserted that, "the attempt
upon the independence of the Republic"
having failed, Chamberlain prepared to
attain his object by a "gigantic British Raid,"
and at this stage the Republic determined
to prepare for emergencies by purchasing
ammunition, rifles, and guns. There is a
despatches, and correspondence with
Chamberlain, and of the conference with
Sir Alfred Milner, who is described as "the typical Jingo, autocratic beyond endurance,
and filled with contempt for all that is not English." ' - Mendelssohn R630
Lawson, Richard: Strange Soldiering (London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1963) 8vo; original pale grey boards, lettered in gilt on spine;
price-clipped laminated pictorial dustwrapper; endpaper map; pp. 176;
plates. Dustwrapper somewhat edgeworn, with lamination partially
lifting; sporadic foxing. Good condition. "In the Congo there were nearly
as many armies as there were political parties; none were controlled, all
were mutinous. Ragged groups of troops murdering each other,
murdering civilians and murdering those U.N.O. doctors and officials who
were attempting to help them, ranged through a country lacking any central authority,
any police or any public services. ... It was the duty of Major Lawson and his colleagues
in the U.N.O. force to which he was attached, to bring peace to such a country and to
deal, themselves unarmed and often single-handed, with these terrorists. That he and
his colleagues succeeded is not only remarkable, but is a pointer for the future. How
Major Lawson himself succeeded provides one of the most exciting stories of our time."
Little, Eric H.: The Luck of H.M.S. Dragon (Cape Town: Stewart
Printing Company, 1944) 8vo; original red cloth, lettered in black on spine
and upper cover; endpaper map; pp. 93; plates. Cloth partially sunned,
and fishmothed; hinges just starting; a little foxing. Fair to good condition.
Subtitle reads: A South African's Thrilling Sea Story containing numerous
incidents of the War in the Far East .. including the Evacuations of
Singapore and Batavia. R180
14. Norton, [Norman Ogilvie] 'Pompey': Letter written while on active service in German
East Africa, 1916 (Morogoro, 1916) Two lined sheets of
notepaper (253 x 202 mm), with one horizontal and two
vertical folds; pencil manuscript; in the original envelope (94 x
154 mm), which has the address of Mrs J. D. Norton, Prince
Alfred Street, Grahamstown, and a "Passed by Censor" stamp.
Envelope somewhat foxed and worn; a few fox spots to the
letter, which is in very good condition. At the time of writing
this letter to his mother, Pompey Norton (1881-1968) had
played a test match for South Africa against the M.C.C. in
Cape Town during the 1909/10 season, when he took the
wickets of Jack Hobbs and Frank Woolley. He was a lawyer
by profession; the Judge Graham referred to in his letter is Sir
Thomas Lyndoch Graham, who had also been a fine cricketer in his early years. The
letter is particularly interesting in relating certain details of the campaign against General
Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck's German forces, as experienced by the men in the field: "You
will never really know what hardships we had during Aug, Sep & part of Oct. but the rest
has done me good and I am quite fat again. My responsibility is I think rather too much
for me now as I have been given two more machine guns and I am at present the only
officer in charge of 8 guns - rather a responsibility is it not?" Mrs Norton is asked to
share with Judge Graham an amusing anecdote about the Germans' ploy to curb
deserting among their Askaris: "As you know their Askaris are deserting in large
numbers and the other day they captured 42 of our men and as they could not feed them
they let them go the next day and told the Askaris that they had made an agreement with
us that they would release all their prisoners and we were going to hand over all their
deserters. Of course you know what they would do to their deserters if they ever got
them into their hands." The South African forces in East Africa were ill-prepared for the
experience of warfare in the tropics. Smuts "drove his men hard, but speed was
necessary to make good the delays caused by incessant rain, trackless bush and forest,
and the huge toll of malaria." - DSAB I, p. 743. Norton may well have been referring to
such hardships in his letter from Morogoro. R540
15. Pottinger, Brian: The Foreign Volunteers. They fought for the Boers
(1899-1902) (Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1986) Number 86 of an
edition limited to 1000 copies, signed by the publisher. 4to; original red
leatherette, lettered in gilt on
spine and upper cover, in
slipcase of similar colour; spine
with raised bands; linen marker;
pictorial endpapers; top edge
gilt; pp. xxxi + (i) + 340, incl.
index; plates.
Slipcase foreedges slightly sunned; some fox
spots to fore-edge. Near fine
condition. "Among them was a
French nobleman who had once
commanded the Foreign Legion,
a half dozen of Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, a Russian Prince who brought his own
Cossacks, a hero of the Apache wars, a group of Filipinos, a Junker escaping
professional disgrace, the brother of Vincent van Gogh, an anarchist, Irish
revolutionaries, an Algerian Muslim and a nephew of the Pope. ... This book is in honour
of the Foreign Volunteers so that their place in history will not be forgotten." R900
16. Rhodesia Army: Counter Insurgency Aide Memoire (no place: Rhodesia Army, no
date) "Restricted". 140 x 108 mm; saddle-stitched blue card wrappers;
pp. 23; diagrams. Name and code in pen to upper cover; slightly
rubbed. Good condition. Contents: Patrol Orders; Patrol De-Brief;
Ambush Orders; Interrogation of Captured Terrorists; Supply Demand
Code; Medical Request Code; Incidence Report Code; Dimensions of
DZs and LZs. The Rhodesian Bush War, sometimes referred to as the
Second Chimurenga or the Zimbabwe War of Liberation, ran from July
1964 to December 1979. This handbook appears to be from the height
of the conflict, or shortly before. The instructions on "Interrogation of
Captured Insurgents" are particularly interesting. R270
17. Rhodesia Army: Mortar Operational Orders. Attack. Defence. Withdrawal (no place:
Rhodesia Army, no date) 140 x 102 mm; concertina-fold, 10-page card pamphlet. Light
soiling and small nick to top edge of front page. Good to very good condition. Ops
Orders for mortar deployment during the Rhodesian Bush War. R135
18. [Rhodesian Army]: Aide Memoire for Battle Gp and Cbt Team Comds (no
place: Rhodesian Army, no date) "Restricted". 150 x 84 mm; concertina-fold
blue card pamphlet; pp. (i) + 11. Very slightly soiled. Very good condition.
Pocket memory aid for battle group and combat team commands during the
Rhodesian Bush War. R180
[Rhodesian Army]: Aide Memoire for Sec Comds (no place:
Rhodesian Army, no date) "Restricted". 150 x 84 mm; concertina-fold buff
card pamphlet; pp. (i) + 11. Very slightly soiled. Very good condition. Pocket
memory aid for section commands during the Rhodesian Bush War. R180
20. Rhodesian Army: Counter Insurgency Aide Memoire (no place: Army
Headquarters, 1975) "Restricted". 178 x 128 mm; saddle-stitched blue
card wrappers; pp. 44; diagrams. Name of a lieutenant to upper cover;
slightly rubbed. Very good condition. Contents: Patrol Orders; Patrol
Debrief Proforma; Ambush Orders; Op Orders; Location of Tracks
Report; Interrogation of Captured Terrorists; Contact and Incident
Report Messages; Casevac and Medcas Report Messages; Helicopter
Landing and Aircraft Dropping Zones; Ground Air Control Procedures.
The Rhodesian Bush War, sometimes referred to as the Second Chimurenga or the
Zimbabwe War of Liberation, ran from July 1964 to December 1979. This handbook is
from the height of the conflict. The instructions on "Interrogation of Captured Insurgents"
are particularly interesting. R270
21. Rhodesian Army: Range Tables for 60-mm Mortar (no place: Rhodesian
Army, 1976) "Restricted". 150 x 85 mm; concertina-fold green card pamphlet;
pp. (x). A little rubbed, with some soiling. Good. Range tables for mortar
deployment during the Rhodesian Bush War. R120
22. Schoeman, Roelf: Weermagstories. Dienspligtiges verbreek die stilte (Cape Town:
Lux Verbi, 2014) 210 x 136 mm; laminated pictorial wrappers; pp. 192, incl. index;
photographs; map. Very good condition. Afrikaans text. Study of post-traumatic stress
in national servicemen who experienced South Africa's border conflict, with
recommendations for rehabilitation. "Roelf Schoeman, self oud-dienspligtige wat in die
Kaprivi en in Ovamboland ontplooi is, het post-traumatiese stres vir sy meestersgraad
ondersoek. Hy is besig om saam met 61 Meg aan 'n model te werk wat dienspligtiges
wat PTSD ervaar kan ondersteun. Hy is tans betrokke by die Sentrum vir Kontekstuele
Bediening by die Teologie-fakulteit van die Universiteit van Pretoria." R180
School of Infantry, Rhodesia Army: Aide Memoire for Company
Commanders: Operation Orders (Gwelo: Government Printer, 1966)
'Restricted'. 237 x 100 mm; concertina-fold, 8-page kraft card pamphlet.
Central horizontal fold. Very good condition. The Rhodesian government
under Ian Smith issued its Unilateral Declaration of Independence (U.D.I) on
November 11th 1965, by which time the conflict that came to be known as the
Rhodesian Bush War was already under way. This document provides the
template for all operations of the Rhodesian infantry, covering everything from
a description of the mission, through Attack, Defence and Withdrawal. R180
24. Slocum, S. L'H., and Carl Reichmann: Boer War Operations in South Africa 18991901. Extracts from the Reports of Captain S L'H Slocum and Captain Carl
Reichmann. A facsimile reproduction with new foreword and rare historical
pictures (Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1987) Number 86 of an edition limited to 1000
copies, signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered in gilt on spine and
upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with raised bands; linen
marker; pictorial endpapers;
top edge gilt; pp. (xxiv) + 325;
photographs; maps and battle
plans; tables. Slipcase foreedges slightly sunned; edges
and outermost leaves a bit
foxed. Very good condition.
The original publication is
listed in SABIB 4, p. 583, and
in Hackett, p. 148. "The ninth
Africana series ... contains
the intelligence reports on the
Second Anglo-Boer War of
two American military attaches - one
travelled with the Boer forces and the other with the British. The war is, therefore, seen
from both sides by highly trained observers. ... The two authors were Captain S L'H
Slocum of the Eighth Cavalry, who accompanied the British troops, and Captain Carl
Reichmann of the Seventh Infantry, who went with the Boers because he could speak
Dutch." R900
25. South African Army Headquarters: Eksterne Na-Opleiding Evaluasie:
Tein Plattelands (Pretoria: South African Army Headquarters, 1978)
"Beperk" [Restricted]. 150 x 104 mm; side-stitched mustard-coloured
wrappers; unusual pagination. Staples slightly rusty; wrappers a little
creased. Good condition. Afrikaans text. "Alhoewel hierdie dokument
opgestel is vir eksterne na-opleiding evaluasie van tein eenhede deur
hierdie hoofkwartier moet dit ook deur kmdmte vir hulle jaarlikse interne
evaluasie gebruik word." R180
26. Union of South Africa. Department of Defence: General Management and Care of
Horses and Treatment of Their Common Ailments (Cape Town: Cape Times Ltd.,
Printers, 1914) Squarish 16mo; original brown cloth, lettered in black
on upper cover; pp. (ii) + 103; a few diagrams in text. Cloth somewhat
worn and soiled; earlier owner's name signed on front free endpaper;
binding slack; archival tape reinforcing to hinges and between two
gatherings; moderate foxing throughout. Fair condition. Horses
continued to be used extensively by the Union Defence Force during
the campaigns in German South West Africa and Tanganyika. This
little manual served as a guide for horsemen of the Force. Uncommon:
OCLC finds only the University of Cape Town copy. R270
Various: 2AA Regt Reunion 17 June. 50 Anniversary / 2LA
Regt Reunie 17 Junie. 50 Herdenking (no place: publisher not stated,
1990) 210 x 148 mm; saddle-stitched pale blue card wrappers; pp. 22.
Trace of fishmothing to wrappers. Good condition. Programme for the
fiftieth anniversary luncheon of the South African Defence Force's
Second Anti-Aircraft Regiment (earlier named the Second Anti-Aircraft
Brigade), established in 1940. "There was a wonderful response to the
request for anecdotes. ... A selection has been made to cover four
periods: Early Days, East Africa, North Africa and PoW Camps." Despite the bilingual
title, the booklet is entirely in English, with the exception of a song relating to the
campaign in Abyssinia ("Daar vlieg 'n bommer oor Selassie se land ..."). R90
28. Waters, W.H.H., and Hubert Du Cane: The German Official Account of
the War in South Africa. Two Volumes published in One
(Johannesburg: Scripta Africana, 1986) Number 86 of an edition limited to
1000 copies, signed by the publisher. 4to; original red leatherette, lettered
in gilt on spine and upper cover, in slipcase of similar colour; spine with
raised bands; top edge gilt; linen marker; pictorial endpapers; pp. (xxiv) +
218 + (vii), incl. index; some photographs, tables and diagrams;
accompanied by red card map-folder, housing eighteen largely folding,
coloured maps. Leading edge of map folder and slipcase fore-edges
sunned. Near fine condition. "An account of military operations in South
Africa prepared by the General Staff, Berlin. Part I of the volume concerns
the campaign in Natal up to and including
the battle of Colenso, with an account of
Lord Methuen's campaign in the west
Magersfontein. Part II relates to operations in the
western theatre from the assumption of command by
Lord Roberts until the surrender of Cronje at
Paardeberg. With appendices to each section." Hackett. 'The contest is stigmatised as having been
carried out between opponents of whom one was bound
by "rigid formulas," and the other characterised by
"untrammelled healthy common sense," and it is
maintained that, with regard to the British army, "The
rigid fettering with forms and rules, to which a false system of peace-training condemned
leaders, avenged itself bitterly during the South African War. In this experience, so
pregnant of warning for the future, is contained the most important lesson of the whole
war." ' - Mendelssohn R1080
Deist, Ferdinand: Pofadder en Peddelford. Strandveldstories
(Pretoria, van Schaik, 1987) 8vo; laminated pictorial boards; pp. (vi) + 81.
Earlier owner's name signed on front free endpaper. Very good condition.
Afrikaans text. "Hierdie oud-Strandvelder is 'n gesoute storieman en sy
vertellings in Pofadder en Peddelford is sappig soos dié wêreld se vygies,
droog soos die halfwoestyn. Sy karakters is groots soos hul omgewing, of
klein en dwaas soos mense ook maar is." R110
30. Kotzé, Willem D.: Kalaharijoernaal (Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 2006) 216
x 137 mm; laminated pictorial wraps; pp. 225; map. As new. Afrikaans
text. "Dit is veral die mense van Aranos se wêreld wie se stemme in
Kalaharijoernaal gehoor word, die mense wat in die ongenaakbare wêreld
langs die Nossobrivier 'n bestaan gemaak het. Maar daar is ook die
sagter geluide van die Kalahari se wild, die springbokke, die groot elande
en koedoes, die kiewiete, die sandpatryse en die sonbesies wie se skril
stemme oor die rooi sand bewe. Vir dié wat soek, wag daar immers 'n
verrassing after elke duin, só leer die Kalaharikind vroeg al." R135
31. Sangiro [Andries Albertus Pienaar]: Rolprentavonture (no place: Voortrekkerpers,
1951) 8vo; original blue papered boards; pp. 287; photographs. Boards
a little splayed; some foxing to page edges. Good. Afrikaans text.
Although Rolprentavonture saw several printings, it is probably the
hardest of Sangiro's works to find. The origins of Sangiro's move from
hunting and journalism to wildlife filmmaking are described thus in P. J.
Nienaber's 'Hier is ons Skrywers': 'Terwyl hy in Duitsland was, het die
UFA-filmmaatskappy hom genader met die versoek om 'n filmekspedisie na Tanganyika te lei. Gedurende 1924 het hierdie ekspedisie
plaasgevind en sommige van die ondervindings wat hy toe opgedoen het, word in sy
boek Simba beskryf. Nadat hy weer 'n tyd in Duitsland deurgebring het, het hy na SuidAfrika gekom om die rolprent "Kilimandjaro" te vertoon. In 1928 is Sangiro weer na
Tanganyika, waar hy en sy broer Danie die rolprent "Shaitani" vervaardig het. Sommige
van die ervarings wat hulle met daardie ekspedisie opgedoen het, word ook in Simba
beskryf. Hy het die film na Duitsland geneem om 'n afdruk daarvan te laat maak en het
in 1931 na Suid-Afrika teruggekeer." R180
32. Sienaert - van Reenen, Marilet: Die Franse bydrae tot Africana-literatuur 1622-1902
(Cape Town: Human & Rousseau, 1989) 8vo; laminated pictorial
boards; pp. 286; facsimiles. Regular, light browning; slight bump to
head of spine. Very good condition. Afrikaans text. A fascinating
survey of the French contribution to the literature of South Africa up to
the end of the Anglo-Boer War. "Deur die eeue het talle Franse na
die suidpunt van Afrika gekom. Hulle het gewissel van seevaarders,
skipbreukelinge, wetenskaplikes, avonturiers en jagters wat betreklik
kort vertoef het, tot immigrante wat hulle permanent in Suid-Afrika
gevestig het. Die meeste het op die een of ander manier skriftelik
rekenskap gegee van hul verblyf en dié geskrifte word vandag ook as
Africana gereken.
Marilet Sienaert-van Reenen het dié talryke Franse tekste
geindentifiseer en vertaal, en die resultaat is Die Franse Bydrae tot Africana-literatuur - 'n
merkwaardige versameling anekdotes, briewe, dagboeke, verklarings, jagavonture,
reisbeskrywings, poësie, prosa en toneelstukkies. Die bydraes is ook nie beperk tot die
17de-eeuse volkstigtingsperiode nie; die vroegste is in 1622 geskryf, terwyl die meeste
ontstaan het tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899 tot 1902. Kultuur-histories is die
boek van groot belang. Dit gee die leser insig in die vroeë bande tussen Europa en
Afrika, verskaf inligting oor Suid-Afrika en sy inwoners, en werp lig op die aktiwiteite en
gesindhede van die Franse." R225
33. Snyman, Adriaan: Siener van Rensburg - die laaste loopgraaf (Mossel Bay: VaandelUitgewers, 1997) 210 x 137 mm; laminated pictorial wrappers; pp. 122 +
(i). Very good condition. Afrikaans text. "Siener van Rensburg - die
laaste loopgraaf, is Adriaan Snyman se nuutste en waarskynlik ook die
heel opwindendste toevoeging tot sy reeks uitgebreide publikasies oor
ons eie Boereprofeet se visioene oor sy volk se eindbestemming. En
hier maak die skrywer veral gebruik van nuwe verklarings wat betrekking
het op gebeure soos prinses Diana se dood; die 'Duitse Patriotte' se
oorlogsverklaring, en die Boere se staatsgreep. Daarna beskryf hy ons
Derde Vryheidsoorlog en die inswering van ons eerste ware president
van die nuwe Boererepubliek." R135
34. Spies, Jan: Poort deur die koue (Vertellings 2) (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1984) 8vo;
original papered boards; dustwrapper; pp. (xii) + 113. Dustwrapper very
slightly rubbed; gift inscription to front free endpaper. Very good
Afrikaans text.
"Wanneer Jan Spies vertel van 'n
leerlingverpleegster se slim planne met 'n emmer vol kunstande of van 'n
bobbejaan wat hom spook in die plek van 'n afgestorwe boervrou, van 'n
groot-eet in 'n gemsbokpark of 'n oud-stryder se taalprobleem op die
paradebaan, slaan hy 'n poort deur die koue van die moderne bestaan.
Want in dié stories toon hy dat die lewe meer as kompers, video's en
hidro's is, dat mense tóg na mekaar kan uitreik, dat vreugde ook in die eenvoudige te
vinde is. Hier wag op die leser die warmte van humor en menslikheid, dikwels met 'n
tikkie nostalgie daarby. Poort deur die koue is 'n tweede keur uit Jan Spies se
onnabootsbare bydraes tot die Afrikaanse radiodiens se vroeëmôreprogram Monitor."
35. Spies, Jan: Profeet met kondensmelk (Vertellings 3) (Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1985)
8vo; papered boards; dustwrapper; pp. 119.
Dustwrapper slightly
edgeworn, and scuffed to lower panel; spine panel sunned, with short tear
at head; slight bump to top fore-corner; gift inscription to front free
endpaper. Very good condition. Afrikaans text. "Baasjagters en
voorsingers, spoke en spekskieters, tandesoekers - hulle is almal hier in
Profeet met kondensmelk. Saam met die tante wat die duiwel een
Nagmaalsnaweek sy hele bose gedagte laat wegskrik het, vindingryke
kinders wat maak dat Spreuke Levitikus word, Openbaring Hábakuk, en 'n
ou dokter wat 'n reusekrat boerebeskuit en moskonfyt oor see en land
karwei - agter 'n niksnuts aan. En vir dié wat dit so oor en oor wil hoor, is hier ook: Jan
Spies se hulde aan die wonderlike diere wat ons land help oopmaak het, sy unieke
donkiestories. Profeet met kondensmelk is Jan Spies se derde bundel heuglike
vertellings. Dit volg op Pilatus tot molshoop en Poort deur die koue." R135
36. Steyn, Fritz: Die Wêreld wat was (Cape Town: Nasionale Boekhandel,
1961) Illustrations by A.A. Telford. 8vo; original yellow boards; pictorial
dustwrapper; pp. 170; line drawings. Dustwrapper a little rubbed and
worn; some foxing. Afrikaans text. "Fritz Steyn plaas ons met hierdie
boek terug in die tyd toe die hele laeveld en boswêreld nog kon behoort
aan 'n swerwerjagter met sy muilkar en sy geweer. Dit is 'n boek vir oud
en jonk; vir die oues, wat die groot stilte en die skielike geweld ken van 'n
dreigende nag onder die oop sterre in die hartjie van die wildernis,
voordat plase afgebaken en permitte uitgedeel was - en vir die jonges, wat te laat gebore
is. Want so voel 'n jong mens wanneer hy hierdie boek lees - dat hy te laat gebore is on
deel te neem aan die dramatiese oerstryd om lewe en dood. So voel hy wanneer hy
slegs deur sy motorruit kan kyk hoe 'n leeumannetjie hom uitstrek oor die netjiese pad
van 'n wildtuin. Jan Blom was 'n swerwerjagter van daardie tyd, maar hy moes sien hoe
die trekplek min word in sy leeftyd." R135
37. Amshewitz, Sarah Briana: The Paintings of J. H. Amshewitz R.B.A. (London: B. T.
Batsford, 1951) 4to; original red cloth, lettered in gilt on spine; printed dustwrapper with
pictorial onlay to upper panel; pp. xiv + 66; plates, some of which in
colour. Price-clipped dustwrapper (housed in removable protector)
rather foxed and edgeworn, with some archival tape repairs to reverse;
earlier owners' names to front endpaper; old tape mark to rear free
endpaper; old tape repair to bottom edge of one plate leaf; quite foxed.
Good condition. "The numerous colour and black and white illustrations
to this book give a representative selection from Amshewitz's life work.
Ten of the plates are in full colour and there are more than 80
monochrome reproductions of murals, portraits, drawings, water-colours and paintings.
These reproductions form a particularly impressive record of Amshewitz's work in South
Africa, an aspect of his oeuvre which is comparatively little known in England. The text,
by the painter's wife, gives an intimate and fascinating account of J. H. Amshewitz's life,
his struggles and successes, and his many friends. The whole book will provide a
valued record of Amshewitz's work for the many admirers of his art." R270
38. Arnold, Marion: Irma Stern: A Feast for the Eye (Cape Town: Rembrandt van Rijn Art
Foundation, in association with Fernwood Press, 1995) 4to; original grey boards;
laminated pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 156; lavishly illustrated
with examples of the artist's work, some photographs of
Stern and her studio. Dustwrapper ever so slightly rubbed,
with trace of crease to lower panel; a little spotting to top
edge; faint foxing to endpapers. Very good condition. "Irma
Stern, a major South African artist, is a woman whose
personality, life and work cannot easily be separated. In
this lavishly illustrated volume, Dr Marion Arnold explores
Stern's fifty-year career and evaluates its significance. ...
Controversial in her lifetime, Stern is one of the most
interesting South African painters to consider from a late
twentieth-century perspective.
Her extensive oeuvre
encapsulates the white South African dilemma of
acknowledging a European cultural heritage and an African environment. She saw
Africa through a lens of expectation and romanticized the people and places she
encountered in her extensive travels. ... Stern's paintings offer a feast for the eye in their
luxuriant colour and energetic brushwork. They also speak eloquently of an artistic quest
for connections between the self and an external world shaped by the artist's restless
wanderings in both Africa and Europe. Irma Stern: A Feast for the Eye is a glowing
tribute to a great artist. Here, beautifully reproduced, are familiar paintings, as well as
less well-known ones from private collections, which have not been seen publicly." R810
39. Berman, Esmé: Art & Artists of South Africa. An illustrated biographical dictionary
and historical survey of painters, sculptors & graphic artists since 1875 (Cape
Town: A A Balkema, 1983) 4to; original dark blue cloth, lettered in gilt on spine and with
publisher's gilt device to upper cover; dustwrapper; pp. xviii + 545, incl. index; profusely
illustrated, with full-colour plates and monochrome pictures in text. Dustwrapper
edgeworn and rubbed, with original lower flap missing; a little fishmothing to head of
backstrip and top edge of lower board; some fox spots. Good condition. "ART &
ARTISTS OF SOUTH AFRICA is the most comprehensive reference
work on South African art yet published. Its record-breaking First
Edition, released in 1970, has been acknowledged nationally and
internationally as the standard reference work on the subject. This
NEW ENLARGED EDITION expands prodigiously on the original,
scholarly foundation. Its ... pages encompass updated information
on every facet of South African art during the past century. In
addition to more than 400 biographies on individual artists - 210 of
them in depth - there are over 100 articles on museums and
institutions, art groups and associations, styles and media,
exhibitions and events." R720
40. Booyens, B., and Otto Schröder (introduction):
Solomon Caesar Malan. Aquarelles / Akwarelle.
Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (Cape Town:
Human & Rousseau, 1971) Oblong 4to; original
coarse cream cloth, lettered in black to spine and
upper cover; pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 24 + (xxxvi);
full-page colour reproductions of Malan's watercolours
of Cape scenes. Dustwrapper a little foxed, and
edgeworn, with archival tape repairs to reverse of
edges; a little foxing. Good to very good condition.
Introduction in Afrikaans, English and French. Malan
was born at the Cape in 1812, and studied at Oxford.
His Cape views were made during the course of a
visit to the Cape in 1839. R225
41. Breytenbach, Breyten: Painting the Eye. Compiled for his first one-man exhibitions
in South Africa. With contributions by Marilet Sienaert, Georges Marie Lory, John
Miles and Breyten Breytenbach (Cape Town: David Philip, 1993) 219 x
148 mm; laminated pictorial wrappers; pp. 78; reproductions, several
of which in full colour, of the artist's works. Near fine. "Although is
paintings have been exhibited all over Europe since 1964, in South
Africa Breyten Breytenbach has been more celebrated as a writer.
Now for the first time in the country of his birth, one-man exhibitions of
his work, 'Painting the Eye', will be shown at the South African
Association of Arts, Cape Town, and at the UNISA Art Gallery,
Pretoria. This book celebrates these auspicious occasions through
articles specially contributed by Georges Marie Lory, the French
translator of his poems; Marilet Sienaert, Senior Lecturer in the Arts faculty of the
University of Durban-Westville; and John Miles, Professor of Afrikaans at the University
of the Witwatersrand; with a concluding article by Breyten himself." R135
42. Brink, André: Jan Vermeiren. A Flemish artist in South Africa (Tielt: Lannoo / Cape
Town: Tafelberg and Human & Rousseau, 2000) Signed by the artist on the half-title.
Text in English and Dutch (Dutch translation by Rob
van der Veer). 4to; original papered boards, with title in
blind to spine and upper cover; no dustwrapper; pp.
133 + (ii); liberally illustrated with photographs of the
artist and his associates, and with reproductions of his
work, in monochrome and full colour. Fine condition,
though lacking dustwrapper. "When facing a painting
by Jan Vermeiren, one often has the curious sensation
- both unnerving and exhilirating - of being sucked into
the vortex of another world, a world in which colour is not a property or an attribute but a
physical reality, and a theme in its own right. It is a colour so rich with darkness, and at
the same time so luminous with mystery, that it would seem the night itself has bled upon
the canvas. This night is infinitely ambiguous, conjuring up a remote North, of tundras
and steppes, of medieval monsters, of myths of Good and Evil, its blues - ultramarine
and prussian and cerulean and the occasional touch of cobalt, infused with pruples and
greens - suggestive of both pagan rites and the stained-glass windows of Chartres. But
at the same time it is a night of the deepest South, a night of Africa, throbbing with
subliminal sound and the shadows of lithe or ponderous predators." R450
Burnett, Ricky (pictures), and Richard Beynon (text):
Resurrection Cycles & On Skin (Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch
Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery, 2009) 199 x 199 mm;
laminated pictorial wrappers; pp. 28; colour portfolio of the artist's
work, with interpretive essay. Fine condition. "Ricky Burnett was
born in Birmingham, England in 1949. He has spent most of his
life in South Africa, with occasional lengthy sojourns in both the
U.K. and the USA. He has been active as a teacher, writer, curator
and artist. As a curator his ground-breaking exhibitions of the 1980's, Tributaries and a
retrospective of Jackson Hlungwani are of particular note. He currently runs a private
teaching studio in Johannesburg. He is also represented by the Everard Read Gallery in
Johannesburg." R135
44. Carruthers, Jane, and Marion Arnold: The Life and Work of Thomas Baines (Cape
Town: Fernwood Press, 1995) Oblong
4to; original green boards, lettered in gilt
on spine, and with gilt device to upper
cover; laminated pictorial dustwrapper;
pp. 184, incl. index; sumptuously
illustrated with full-colour reproductions
of the artist's work; maps. Trace of
foxing to reverse of dustwrapper. Near
fine condition. " 'The desire of travel
once roused within my heart was not so
easily to be lulled to rest'. Born in 1820
in King's Lynn, Baines left England at
the age of 21. He travelled extensively
in Africa and Australia before he died in
Durban in 1875. The name of Thomas
Baines is well known today, but this is
the first comprehensive evaluation of his
life and work. His journals meticulously record his encounters with the people and
landscapes of South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
From the
perspective of the late twentieth century, Baines emerges as a talented and interesting
Victorian artist conditioned by his British heritage, but influenced by the spacious African
continent. His work is the confluence of his cultural values and the way he translated his
experiences into visual language.
This fresh interpretation provides a deeper
understanding of the man and his art." R1260
45. Crocquet, Pierre: On Africa Time (Cape Town: Bell-Roberts, 2003) Signed by the
photographer on the title page. 4to; laminated pictorial boards, and laminated pictorial
dustwrapper housed in protector; unpaginated:
photographs, several of which also have
commentary by the photographer. Near fine
A beautiful book, celebrating
outstanding moments from the photographer's travels throughout the 'Bright Continent'.
'While bleak associations with Africa continue, there is another face to the continent. An
elegant, humorous, dignified, reflective and spiritual
Africa exists.
These uplifting elements are often
overlooked or ignored. On Africa Time is an attempt to
portray the lesser-known Brighter Africa. Images of
daily life captured show a continent with its own identity
and style, distinct from the new creature known as
"global culture". Life is lived differently here and the
continent has its own interpretation of time - Africa time.
First impressions of the phrase assume it to mean that
time is of no consequence. Perhaps the exact opposite
is true - how can one enjoy time if one is continually
preoccupied with not wasting it?' R720
46. De Villiers, Simon A.: Otto Landsberg 1803-1905: 19th Century South African Artist
(Cape Town: Struik, 1974) 4to; original brown boards;
laminated pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 120, incl. index; frontis.
portrait; reproductions of the artist's works in colour and
monochrome: picture on recto and accompanying text on
facing verso. Dustwrapper slightly edgeworn, with some
discreet archival tape reinforcement to reverse of edges;
earlier owner's name on front pastedown; old tape marks to
rear free endpaper and reverse of spine panel; trace of
foxing to edges and endpapers. Very good condition. "This
is a fascinating study of a multi-faceted and gifted man.
Born in Germany in 1803, he immigrated with his parents
and brothers to South Africa in 1818 and died in the Cape in
1905. In his lifetime of more than a century he was simultaneously artist, art teacher,
musician and successful snuff merchant. As late as 1952 an art historian wrote that
none of Otto Landsberg's paintings had been traced and, had it not been for the
generous bequest by his grandson Auguste d'Astre of more than 70 of his grandfather's
paintings to the Potchefstroom Museum in 1956, Otto Landsberg's achievements as an
artist might well have been forgotten. This is an attempt to put his art back into the
perspective which it clearly merits. His canvases depicting early South African life,
scenery and personalities are of particular interest to the Africana collector and to those
interested in South African art." R270
Duffey, Alex, with Gerard de Kamper and Daniel
Mosako (text): Anton van Wouw (1862 - 1945) (Pretoria:
University of Pretoria, 2010) 200 x 200 mm; laminated
pictorial wrappers; pp. 80; full-colour photographs with
descriptive and explanatory text. As new. The essential
guide to the doyen of South African sculptors. An eyecatching presentation. "This Anton van Wouw (18621945) retrospective exhibition aims to bring together for
the first time, not only the most complete collection of all
the sculptures of South Africa's most important historical
sculptor, but also to publicly display the most exceptional
bronze casts of each of his individual works." R270
48. Fischer, Hannelore (text): Käthe Kollwitz (Cape Town: Rembrandt van Rijn Art
Foundation for the Käthe Kollwitz exhibition, 1997) 210 x 210 mm; pictorial wrappers; pp.
80; full-page photographs of artworks; text in English and Afrikaans. Some fox spots to
cover. Very good condition. "Käthe Kollwitz ranks among the outstanding German
artists of the classical modern school. The life and work of this
remarkable woman are closely intertwined. ... Käthe Kollwitz's
artistic accomplishments are the evidence and focus of her legacy:
an art that is strongly expressive, humane and also feminine,
consolatory, but above all, great art." R135
Fransen, Hans: S.A. printmakers: Works from the S.A. National
Gallery / S.A. grafiese kunstenaars: werke van die S.A. Nasionale
Kunsmuseum (Cape Town: S.A. National Gallery, 1979) 250 x 165 mm;
saddle-stitched printed wrappers; pp. 32; monochrome illustrations. Near
fine. Annotated exhibition catalogue. " ... the Gallery's collections of
South African art are in all departments the most comprehensive in the
country. Of these, the collection of South African graphic art is the most
representative. Much of it has been shown in recent years as part of
exhibitions of particular artists, of certain themes, of new acquisitions or just of random
selections. This collection has now developed to the stage where it is possible to select
about eighty works - the optimum number for a substantial exhibition but little over ten
percent of the total print holdings - which together present a picture of South African
printmaking since the beginning of this century. ... The exhibition includes work by most
major graphic artists in the country, but has also been so selected that it illustrates the
main techniques and trends of their work. It is hoped that the exhibition, with the
accompanying notes, will contribute to the appreciation of what is the most popular, but
also the least really understood of all art media." R180
50. Harmsen, Frieda (editor): Cecil Skotnes (no place: Privately published in conjunction
with the 1996 Cecil Skotnes Retrospective exhibition, 1996) 238 x 335 mm; laminated
pictorial wrappers; pp. 240; lavishly illustrated in full colour and monochrome. Small,
faint scuff to lower cover, and small bump
to spine. Near fine condition. "Disciplined
by his sympathy with the obdurate material
into which he drew, he began to simplify
his earlier stylized images and, slowly, to
symbols. By a subtle process of allusion,
bred of his acute awareness of the
character and mood of his surroundings,
these forms acquired the elusive but
indisputable imprint of Africa." - Berman:
Art & Artists of South Africa (1983), p. 426
51. Holloway, Victor: Cecil Higgs (Cape Town: Struik, 1974) Bookplate of Pieter A. Duminy
to front pastedown. A volume in the South African Art
Library series. Oblong 4to; original light brown boards;
pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 64, incl. index; frontis. portrait;
profusely illustrated with the artist's works, largely in full
colour. Dustwrapper a little rubbed and edgeworn. Very
good condition.
"Cecil Higgs is probably the most
important colourist in South African art. A long study
period and subsequent visits overseas have given her the
opportunity to observe and absorb the painting trends of
the present and past centuries. From this she has distilled
her own style, one which shows no direct influence by any painter or school. Through
half a century this style has evolved, but, as is the case with every fine artist, she has
produced major works in every period of her career. Cecil Higgs' latest paintings are as
vibrant as any she has ever made." R180
52. Loedolff, Cecile, and Eunice Basson (compilers): ABSA Groep Korporatiewe
Kunsversameling 1900-1997/ ABSA Group Corporate Art Collection 1900-1997 (no
place: ABSA Group, 1997) 4to; laminated pictorial boards; laminated pictorial
dustwrapper; pp. (ii) + 110; large, full-colour
reproductions of the original paintings. Dustwrapper
very slightly sunned to spine panel, with some foxing to
reverse side; a few fox spots to top edge and to
endpapers. Very good to near fine condition. Bilingual
text (English and Afrikaans). This book, produced in an
edition of five thousand copies, considers South African
art in the twentieth century in three distinct periods, each
of which has an informative introduction. Works by J H
Pierneef, W H Coetzer and the sculptor Anton van
Wouw are particularly well represented in The ABSA
Group Corporate Art Collection. R540
53. Mackintosh, Theresa-Anne (artworks), and Carine Zaayman
(text): Menagerie (Johannesburg: Gallery MOMO & TheresaAnne Mackintosh, 2007) 190 x 200 mm; laminated pictorial
wrappers; pp. 48; portolio of the artist's work (sculptures and
prints), with interpretive text and interview. Fine condition. The
allusion may, or may not, be to the Tennessee Williams play, but
Carine Zaayman finds, in her accompanying essay, a parallel
between Theresa-Anne Mackintosh's works and the final scene
of The Glass Menagerie, "the insight that no matter how hard one tries to protect oneself,
there is ultimately no escape from hurt." R135
54. Marriott, Rosemarie (artworks), and Wilhelm van Rensburg (text): Genus
(Johannesburg: Art on Paper Gallery, 2008) 268 x 209 mm; saddle-stitched card
wrappers; unpaginated (pp. 16). Introductory text and full-page
reproductions of the artist's exceptionally detailed charcoal drawings of
moths, showing a mastery of texture. Wrappers very slightly rubbed.
Very good condition. "The structural elements of Marriott's moth
drawings expand the boundaries of conventional drawing techniques.
Her concern seems to be less about rendering a realistic impression of
a three-dimensional moth in two-dimensional form; she is more
interested in the relationship between various moth forms, entangled
and attached to other, seemingly natural structures. The images are
created by making incisions with a blade into white board. These incisions create a
network of fine ribbon-like strands, which Marriott then 'blackens' by rubbing them with
charcoal. These incisions resemble strands of 'hair' that fall this way and that way
across the picture plane, evoking the strong tactile sense of a moth, or of the 'hair' on her
'moth' sculptures." R135
55. Martienssen, Heather (introduction), and others: Suid-Afrikaanse
kuns van die twintigste eeu / Twentieth century South African art
(Cape Town: Human & Rousseau, in co-operation with the Rembrandt
van Rijn Art Foundation,1966) Bookplate signed by patron, Anton
Rupert, on front free endpaper. Folio; original coarse oatmeal cloth,
lettered in gilt on spine; pictorial dustwrapper; slipcase; pp. xvii + (i) +
133 + (v), incl. index; lavishly illustrated in colour and monochrome.
Slipcase a little rubbed; some light foxing to edges and endpapers,
occasional fox spot elsewhere; shadow on pages adjacent to tipped-in colour plates.
Very good condition. A loosely inserted booklet provides the introductory material in four
languages. "There is little doubt that Twentieth Century South African Art is, and will
remain by far the most comprehensive and luxurious visual record of South African art in
our time." R270
Meintjes, Julia, and Gaynor Pettitt (compilers): The
Standard Bank National Drawing Competition / Die Standard
Bank se Nasionale Tekenkompetisie (Grahamstown: Standard
Bank National Arts Festival, 1987) 180 x 200 mm; saddlestitched pictorial wrappers; pp. 58 + (i); illustrated catalogue, with
biographical details. Central crease to upper cover. Good to
very good condition. "Much of the content in the works is
concerned with disquietude and unease. In a country where so
many uncertainties and insecurities exist it is predictable that art reflects and even
comments directly on this condition. What may be highly unnerving for the individual
living in a society of change can also be highly productive for the artist as reflector,
private recorder, visionary or predictor." R135
57. Nesbit, Alice: A Study of Helen Martins and the Formulation of a Conservation
Policy for the Owl House in Nieu Bethesda (Port Elizabeth: Bachelor of Technology in
Fine Arts thesis [Port Elizabeth Technikon] in unpublished form, 2002)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Baccalaureus
Technologiae in Fine Arts degree, Department of Fine Arts, Port Elizabeth
Technikon. 4to; original green rexine, lettered in gilt on spine and upper
cover; pp. (ix) + 76 (printed recto's); colour photographs in text; film plates
with coloured card backgrounds. Fine condition. A very tastefully-produced
dissertation. Very uncommon: OCLC does not fine any repositories holding
this work, an important study of one of South Africa's cultural landmarks. 'Her
obsession with light was stimulated by exposure to Christian religion and
Eastern mythology and specifically the poetry of William Blake and
Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubaiyat by the Arabian Omar Khayyam. She worked
intensely and compulsively until 1976, when, with failing eyesight and painful arthritis,
she committed suicide by swallowing caustic soda. The Owl House and its yard stood
exposed to the elements, neglected and deteriorating until, in 1996, a local group of
individuals, the "Friends of the Owl House" and the local Municipality, together with PPC
cement formed "The Owl House Foundation", a Section 21 non-profit organization.
Discussions, between representatives of the Owl House Foundation and the Sculpture
Department of the Faculty of Art and Design of the Port Elizabeth Technikon, concluded
that a suitable Conservation Policy document would be essential before embarking on a
physical programme of conservation. This document defines Helen Martins and The Owl
House and presents an interpretation of her work, influences and intentions. Research
of International and National conservation policies and practices has resulted in the
formulation of a specific conservation policy for the restoration and conservation of the
Owl House.' - From the author's Abstract. R540
Nettleton, Anitra, and David Hammond-Tooke (editors):
African Art in Southern Africa. From Tradition to Township
(Johannesburg: Ad. Donker, 1989) 4to; original red boards, lettered
in white on spine; laminated pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 252; liberally
illustrated in monochrome and full colour. Dustwrapper sunned on
spine panel and a little foxed to reverse, with small archival tape
repair to reverse of lower panel's top edge; light foxing to edges;
bottom edges of boards a little shelf-rubbed. Very good condition.
"This is the first comprehensive book to cover many important
aspects of black South African art, from the traditional to Township Art. It is dedicated by
the authors to all artists of Africa, past and present, who have sought to express the
significance of things in objects of great beauty. Completely up to date, it contains
sections on San Rock Art, Venda Court Art, Ndzundza Wall Decorations in the
Transvaal, Images of Township Art, Street Art in the Townships and the Polly Street Art
Centre. As the work of black artists is sought by collectors here and overseas, more
people become aware of symbols and themes used; serious students add constantly to
the sum of this knowledge. The future will bring an even greater depth of insight into the
evolution of the African artistic tradition to which this book will have contributed." R720
Oxley, John: Stained Glass in South Africa (Johannesburg:
William Waterman, 1994) Ownership inscription of Hunter Nesbitt,
whose work is the subject of one of the book's chapters. 4to; original
grey boards, lettered in white on spine; laminated pictorial
dustwrapper; pp. xv + (i) + 111, incl. index; photographic illustrations,
very largely in full colour. Merest trace of edge-wear to dustwrapper;
bottom edges of boards very slightly shelf-rubbed. Very good
condition. "This book sets out to stimulate an appreciation of stained
glass in South Africa and to record something of this segment of the
country's evolution, as well as attempting to broaden interest in an art
which is becoming increasingly popular as it develops an idiom of its own." R135
60. Skawran, Karin M (text): Standard Bank Young Artists Award Winner for Fine Art.
Marion Arnold: "Encounters" (no place: Standard Bank Limited, [1985]) 220 x 245
mm; saddle-stitched wrappers; unpaginated (pp. 8, excluding
wrappers); full-page depictions of the artist's work, with
accompanying essay. Wrappers a little rubbed. Very good
condition. "Marion Arnold's paintings are strong and energetic,
but they are never tough. They reveal a vulnerability, a
delicacy and a wistful sense of humour which have been
acquired through introspection and empathy. Reality cannot
change, but Marion Arnold in her work has changed the eyes
that see reality. In her transformations of the banal into
metaphors of personal significance, she has created private icons which invite silent
contemplation and which offer a world of richer harmonies." R135
Stevenson, Michael, and Deon Viljoen (text): Christo
Coetzee. Paintings from London and Paris 1954-1964
(Cape Town: Fernwood Press, 2001) 4to; original rustcoloured boards, lettered in gilt on spine and with gilt device
to upper cover; laminated pictorial dustwrapper; decorative
endpapers and flyleaves; pp. 79 + (i), incl. index; generously
illustrated with photographs and depictions of the artist's
work. Dustwrapper ever so slightly rubbed, with short closed
tear to bottom edge of lower panel. Near fine condition, in a
very good dustwrapper. "In bringing these paintings to the
public eye for the first time in decades, this book re-evaluates the artist's innovative work
from this challenging period of European art. The accompanying essay delves into the
forces that shaped Coetzee's art - from his breakthrough years in post war London to the
formative influences of Spanish art and culture, and his productive association with
French, Italian and Japanese contemporary artists. It illustrates lavishly many of the
provocative and imaginative canvases produced by Coetzee between 1954 and 1964,
and includes photographs that contextualise his life and art in these years." R270
62. Stevenson, Michael, and Deon Viljoen (text): Christo Coetzee. Paintings from London
and Paris 1954-1964 (Cape Town: Fernwood Press, 2001) 4to; original rust-coloured
boards, lettered in gilt on spine and with gilt device to upper cover; laminated pictorial
dustwrapper; decorative endpapers and flyleaves; pp. 79 + (i), incl. index; generously
illustrated with photographs and depictions of the artist's work. Trace of spotting to top
edge. Near fine condition. R270
63. Akeley, Mary L Jobe: Restless jungle (London, Harrap, 1937) Original green
cloth, a little worn and marked, pp. 317, plates. Some foxing. Binding a little
slack. Fair condition. Signature of author Carel Birkby on the half-title-page.
Includes hunting for American Museum of Natural history. Visits to Zululand
and Swaziland. R90
Buckley, William: Big Game Hunting in Central Africa (New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1988) A volume in the 'Peter Capstick
Adventure Library', the series editor of which is Peter Hathaway
Capstick. 8vo; original brown boards, lettered in gilt on spine; priceclipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (viii) + viii + 268, incl. index;
photographs. Dustwrapper very lightly rubbed and a little sunned on
spine panel; merest trace of spotting to edges. Very good condition.
"Buckley was nearly everywhere and had done almost everything when it
was actually happening, before Africa was sanforized and supposedly civilized. Best
known for his ivory hunting, he struck up friendships with the better-chronicled of that
most dangerous trade and earned a chink in the ragged wall of African hunting that was
every bit as distinguished as the places occupied by his better-known colleagues." R270
65. Dollman, Guy, and J. B. Burlace (editors): Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.
African and Asiatic Sections. Giving the Distribution, Characteristics, Dimensions,
Weights, and Horn & Tusk Measurements (London: Rowland Ward, 1935) Tenth
Edition. Large, squarish 8vo; original coarse brown cloth, lettered in gilt
on spine and upper cover; no dustwrapper; pp. xiii + (i) + 408 + (vi);
numerous photographs of trophies. Cloth a little rubbed; corners turned;
ownership labels and hand-stamp to front free endpaper and fly-leaf;
sporadic light foxing.
Good condition.
Earliest of the famous
guidebooks focused specifically on Shikar and Safari in the most
rewarding foreign locales for European hunters. "For the first time in the
history of this publication measurements of African and Asiatic
specimens only are included." R900
Finaughty, William: The Recollections of William Finaughty,
Elephant Hunter 1864-1875 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991) A
volume in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series editor of
which is Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original green boards, lettered
in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (x) + 242. Text
facsimile of the Harrison printing of 1916, which was limited to 250
copies. A little light spotting to edges; dustwrapper flaps and reverse
lightly tanned. Very good condition. 'Taken from the years well before
and during the Anglo-Boer War, one of the great, early ivory hunters told his adventures
to a friend who owned the pioneer paper The Rhodesian Journal. Adventurer, rogue,
and hunter extraordinaire, William Finaughty survived the death that awaited many early
elephant hunters, bagging over five hundred tuskers in five years, as well as living
through the intrigues with which the early South Africa was fraught. "Bill" Finaughty even
shot five elephants with four bullets, a feat that is typical of this book. That he hunted
entirely with a muzzle-loading rifle adds a great deal of zest to this classic tale of which
only 250 copies were printed, and less than half survive today.' R225
Foran, W. Robert: Kill or Be Killed: The Rambling
Reminiscensces of an Amateur Hunter (New York: St. Martin's Press,
1988) A volume in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series
editor of which is Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original brown cloth,
lettered in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (vi) + 320,
incl. index; photographs. Spine very slightly cocked; suggestion of foxing
to top edge. Very good condition. 'Major W. Robert Foran once killed a
lion while "garbed in dinner clothes and patent leather shoes" in the days
when it was still possible to meet simba in the streets of Nairobi. He hunted the big five
of dangerous game, experiencing many close shaves in the process. Buckley served in
the Boer war, and in the British East Africa Police, a paramilitary group that blazed a
rough trail through Kenya's early days. He survived injury and disease, and covered
Theodore Roosevelt's famous safari for the Associated Press. His vigorous book is an
extremely rare and pungent look at a side of wildest Africa that no longer exists.' R360
68. Gillmore, Parker: The Hunter's Arcadia (London: Chapman and Hall, 1886) First
edition. 8vo; original brown cloth, lettered in gilt on spine and upper
cover, with gilt springhare to upper cover and gilt leopard to spine;
pp. xvi + 300; plates. Corners bumped; backstrip fragile, frayed at
extremities, with a little loss at head, starting at tail of lower joint (with
archival tape strengthening); slight scar from removed bookplate to
front pastedown; hinges a little tender; some leaves (as often) brittle
at gutters, particularly at plates' mounting points; occasional discreet
archival tape strengthening; two small library stamps in text. Good.
(Czech, p. 106; Hosken, p. 81; Mendelssohn I, p. 603) "A trek
through Bechuanaland mostly after small game and birds, but with
some incidents of hunting leopard, springbok and kudu. Gillmore speaks highly of his
Tolley .500-bore rifle." - Kenneth Czech, An Annotated Bibliography of African Big Game
Hunting Books, 1785-1999. 'Sketches of sporting adventures in Bechuanaland. Mr.
Gillmore remarks, "If there is an Eden on the face of this earth it is 'Kooruman' 'Kooruman,' that has been represented by Moffat and Mackenzie as a residence unfit for
white men, and only one grade better than the Sahara Desert." The work possesses
some notes on the flora and fauna of the country, more especially with regard to the
game animals, birds and ferae generally, and there are a number of interesting
illustrations, together with hints to sportsmen intending to hunt in this part of South
Africa.' - Mendelssohn I R720
Kittenberger, Kalman: Big Game Hunting and Collecting In
East Africa, 1903-1926 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989) A volume
in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series editor of which is
Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original brown boards, lettered in gilt on
spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (vi) + xix + (iii) + 348;
photographs; map. Trace of spotting to top edge. Near fine condition.
"Kalman Kittenberger was a humorous, intrepid Hungarian huntercollector. When he was mauled by a lion, this great African character
proved his courage, and wit, by calmly amputating his own mauled finger and shipping it
home in preservative, along with his other specimens. The nobleman's book is one of
the most heart-stopping, charming, and funny accounts of adventure in the Kenya
Colony ever penned - a diamond of reality in a field full of sensationalist writing." R270
70. Letcher, Owen: Big Game Hunting in North-Eastern Rhodesia (New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1986) A volume in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series editor of
which is Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original purple boards, lettered
in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (viii) + 266, incl.
index; photographs. Bump to bottom fore-corner of upper board; spine a
little cocked; edges lightly sunned. Very good condition. 'Owen
Letcher's classic, Big Game Hunting in North-Eastern Rhodesia, is one
of the very few to concentrate on this fascinating area, now Zambia: a
region that today is still very much safari country. Letcher, a gentleman
adventurer who was one of the first writer-hunters to advocate the
principles of "fair chase," recounts in fascinating detail adventures in such places as the
Luangwa Valley. Lucid observations are made on the region's game and its hunting, and
particular attention is paid to the "big five" game animals.' R270
71. Makepeace, Gordon: Safari Sam (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1933) Demy 8vo;
original blue cloth; no dustwrapper; pp. 254; frontis. portrait.
Cloth irregularly sunned and a bit worn at extremities; forecorners a little turned; spine somewhat cocked; archival
tape strengthening to hinges; sporadic foxing. Fair to good.
(Czech [2011], p.
179) 'Makepeace, a
journalist, recorded the experiences of "Safari Sam" during
a long interview. Sam evidently spent much time in the
Northern Rhodesian brush country and relates incidents of
encounters with rhinoceros, lion, leopard and crocodile, as
well as conversation with a veteran elephant hunter. The
frontispiece and plates reveal a bright-eyed Sam in various
poses." - Kenneth Czech: An Annotated Bibliography of
African Big Game Hunting Books 1785-1999 R360
McLellan, Isaac: Haunts of Wild Game; or Poems of Woods,
Wilds and Waters (no place [USA]: Scholar Select, no date) Text
facsimile of the Library of Congress copy of the 1896 New York edition,
published by Charles Barker Bradford. 8vo; glacé boards; pp. 207 +
original publisher's adverts.; some illustrations. Fine condition. Field and
Stream, St. Paul, Minn.: "Charles Barker Bradford will issue what will
prove, perhaps, the last and best of the works of Isaac McLellan, 'Haunts
of Wild Game.' It is with the keenest and most pleasurable expectation
that we await the publication of this new volume. Its author is a grand example of the
preservative element in a life in sun and shade, fanned by the breeze and calmed and
smoothed beside the freshening brook. Few men put forth such vigorous sentiment to
glorify Nature as that displayed in the advance sheets of this work." R180
Melliss, C. J.: Lion-Hunting in Somaliland. Also, an Account of
"Pigsticking" the African Wart-hog (New York: St. Martin's Press,
1991) A volume in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series
editor of which is Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original brown boards,
lettered in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (xii) +
186; plates. Dustwrapper spine panel a little sunned, and tanned to
reverse side; trace of spotting to top edge. Near fine condition.
'Somaliland, today the Somali Democratic Republic, was once a favorite
hunting ground for British officers stationed there or in Aden. A captain in the 9th
Bombay Infantry, C. J. Melliss was a pioneer of those professional soldiers of the Thin
Red Line of Empire on Indian duty who found new areas of sport here. Ranging well
inland despite the risk of irregulars of the Mahdi ... Melliss was able to hunt lions and
"pigstick" warthogs, replacing the Indian sports of tiger and wild boar hunting. He tells in
his book of a day long gone when gentlemen holding the King's commission could pit
their rifles against lions in the most primitive of conditions, as well as try their hand at
warthogs with a bamboo and steel lance.' R270
Patterson, J. H.: The Man-Eaters of Tsavo and Other EastAfrican Adventures (London: Macmillan, 1963) 8vo; original crimson
cloth, lettered in gilt on spine; pictorial dustwrapper, housed in removable
protector; pp. xv + (i) + 351; photographs; map; facsimile of address
presented to the author. Dustwrapper tanned, with some fox spots, and
tape remnants to flaps; earlier owner's small book label to front
pastedown. Excellent copy. "The 'man-eaters' were two lions who for
nine months waged a savage warfare against the railway and all
connected with it at Tsavo, and indeed in the end actually succeeded in putting a
complete stop to the railway works for a period of three weeks. Colonel Patterson
eventually succeeded in shooting them both, but not until they had managed to carry off
and devour an almost incredible number of the railway workmen. Terrible and pathetic
stories are also told of tragedies due to other man-eating lions, while descriptions of the
most exciting character are given of many lion-hunts in the ordinary way of sport and of
the author's experiences among wild animals of all kinds which abound in British East
Africa." R450
75. Rall, Henk (compiler): Jagtye. 'n Keur van jagervarings uit Suider-Afrika (Cape Town:
Human & Rousseau, 1991) 8vo; laminated pictorial boards; pp. 141. Light
foxing to endpapers; edges lightly browned. Very good condition.
Afrikaans text. "Jagtye is 'n bloemlesing van ervarings uit die SuiderAfrikaanse jagvelde. Die vroegste stukke dateer uit die 19de eeu, die
laaste eietydse verhaal is nog nie voorheen gepubliseer nie. Saam bied
vertelling en verhaal insae in tye, tradisies en avonture wat al haas
vergete geraak het, én 'n blik op die verwording van die jagervaring soos
in die samesteller se eie bydrae 'n Bongo vir Lois Yohonn. Deurgaans is
daar egter verwondering oor die dierelewe van Afrika wat die bloemlesing laat aansluit
by vandag se bewustheid van die waarde van wild vir 'n gesonde ekologie. Die
lyntekeninge is deur Zakkie Eloff, een van die voorste kunstenaars hier te lande wat op
dierelewe konsentreer." R130
Sánchez-Ariño, Tony: Claws and Fangs (Long Beach: Safari
Press, 2011) Number 869 of an edition limited to 1000 copies, signed by
the author. 8vo; original blue cloth, blocked in gilt to spine and upper
cover, housed in matching slipcase; pp. xvii + (i) + 332; photographs in
colour and monochrome. Fine condition. "There are few names as
enduring in the field of African big-game hunting as that of Tony SánchezAriño. Not only has he been hunting on the African continent for over five
decades, but he is also one of the very few left who actually had
significant hunting experience in Africa prior to the departure of the colonial powers.
What other hunter can recall gorillas still being shot legally, and who else has twentyeight elephants to his name with tusks of 100 pounds or greater? This book is a highly
eclectic mix of the old and the new—reminiscences of his early days and African hunting
as it is today." - From the publisher's website R720
77. Smith, S.J. (editor): Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game. XXII Edition (San
Antonio: Rowland Ward Publications, 1989) No. 286 of an edition limited to 2000 copies.
4to; original blue cloth, with silver gilt lettering to spine and publisher's device in silver gilt
to upper cover; pp. xvi + 796, incl. index; diagrams; illustrations of horns, antlers, skulls;
colour maps; ribbon marker. Marker a little frayed. Near fine condition. "This, the
Twenty-second Edition of the Records of Big Game, represents a milestone in the annals
of modern record keeping, being the first Edition, since the Ninth was published in 1928,
to cover all the Big Game species from all the continents of the world. Recent
editions have reflected changes in methods of measurement which have
assessed trophies on a 'points' system; whilst this most certainly has its
merits, the Editors have responded to the overwhelming wishes of Sportsmen
throughout the world for a reversion to the simpler, traditional systems." R450
78. Stigand, C. H.: Hunting the Elephant in Africa (New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1986) Text facsimile of the Macmillan edition of 1913, excluding
the chart which appeared in the original. Foreword by Theodore
Roosevelt. Editor's note for reprint edition by Peter Hathaway Capstick.
8vo; original blue boards, lettered in gilt on spine; price-clipped
dustwrapper, housed in removable protector; pp. (x) + xv + (iii) + 379,
incl. index; plates. Near fine condition. 'A preeminent elephant hunting
title, this details Stigand's big game hunting efforts primarily in British
East Africa, North Eastern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and the Lado Enclave.
He includes chapters on hunting rhinoceros, buffalo and lion, but relates his encounters
with elephants with particular verve. As he states in Chapter 1: "There is something so
fascinating and absorbing about elephant hunting that those who have done much of it
can seldom take any interest again in any other form of sport." ' - Kenneth Czech, An
Annotated Bibliography of African Big Game Hunting Books, 1785-1999 R360
79. Stigand, C. H.: Hunting the Elephant in Africa (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986) A
volume in the 'Peter Capstick Adventure Library', the series editor of which is Peter
Hathaway Capstick. Text facsimile of the Macmillan edition of 1913, excluding the chart
which appeared in the original. Foreword by Theodore Roosevelt. 8vo; original blue
boards, lettered in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (x) + xv + (iii) +
379, incl. index; plates. Dustwrapper very slightly rubbed; some minor spotting to edges.
Very good condition. R315
80. Stockley, Lieut.-Colonel C. H.: African Camera Hunts (London: Country Life Limited,
1948) 4to; original dark green cloth, lettered in gilt on spine and upper
cover; no dustwrapper; pp. ix + (i) + 182; plates. Backstrip slightly
frayed at head and tail; corners turned; cloth a little rubbed and stippled;
gift inscription to front free endpaper; moderate foxing throughout;
archival tape reinforcing to tail of upper hinge. Good condition. (Czech
[2011], p. 270) "While most of this work details the author's treks in the
African bush to photograph big game, there is mention of hunting
elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, etc." - Kenneth Czech: An Annotated
Bibliography of African Big Game Hunting Books 1785-1999 R120
81. Von Blixen-Finecke, Bror: African Hunter (New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1986) A volume in the 'Peter Capstick Library', the series editor
of which is Peter Hathaway Capstick. 8vo; original green boards,
lettered in gilt on spine; price-clipped pictorial dustwrapper; pp. (xvi) +
284 + viii, incl. index; photographs. Dustwrapper ever so slightly
rubbed; merest trace of foxing to top edge. Near fine condition.
"Although perhaps best remembered today as the husband of novelist
Isak Dinesen, Bror von Blixen was a brilliant and courageous big game
hunter in his own right, and - as this spellbinding book proves admirably
- a highly accomplished storyteller. Here, in witty and conversational prose, Baron Blixen
describes his years in Africa, provides fascinating insights into his own domestic life, and
recounts heart-stopping tales of hunting lion, elephant, buffalo, and other big game in
pre-World War II Africa. A lavish assortment of period photographs complements the
absorbing text." R360
Anderson, T. A.: The Story of Pacaltsdorp and Some
Reminiscences (Port Elizabeth: Long & Co., for the author, [foreword
dated 1957]) 8vo; original red boards, lettered in black on spine and upper
cover; pp. 123; frontis. Cover lightly rubbed; earlier owner's name signed
on front free endpaper; endpapers foxed, with old tape marks; scattered
moderate foxing. Good. "Pacaltsdorp. Village 8 km south of George. It
was founded as a station of the London Missionary Society under the
name Hooge Kraal in 1818. In 1886 a village management board was
instituted. The name was changed to Pacaltsdorp in honour of the German missionary
Carl August Pacalt (1773-1818) who laboured there from 1813 to 1818." R315
83. [Cape Theatre]: Odd-Fellows' Hall, Plein Street. Mrs. Carlisle-Carr's
Grand Concert. Under the Distinguished Patronage and in the
Presence of His Excellency The Governor Sir Henry Brougham Loch
and Lady Loch (Cape Town, no date [ca 1896]) 205 x 130 mm;
pamphlet; pp. 4. Some foxing. Good to very good. Henry Brougham
Loch (1827-1900) was appointed high commissioner of South Africa in
December 1889. During his earlier governorship of Victoria, he had been
noted for his support of cultural projects, and this Cape colony
programme demonstrates that he retained an involvement in the arts.
The programme includes the words of two songs, 'My Faithful Fair One', and 'My Nut
Brown Maiden'. R135
Grahamstown Gymkhana Club: Grahamstown Gymkhana Club.
Races on Saturday, June 7th, 1913, Commencing at 2 p.m., on the
Grahamstown Race Course (Grahamstown: Grocott & Sherry, 1913)
185 x 122 mm; saddle-stitched card wrappers; pp. 8. Some foxing. Good
to very good condition.
Race card for this early-20th century
Grahamstown race meeting. R135
85. Middelburg Agricultural Society: Special Show of Ostrich Feathers, and Poultry, to be
held at Middelburg, on Wednesday, 18th October, 1911 (Middleburg:
Middelburg Agricultural Society, 1911) 212 x 138 mm; side-stitched paper
wrappers; pp. 12; some adverts. Light vertical fold; some foxing; staples
rusty. Good to very good condition. This outline for the Middelburg
Agricultural Society Show dates from the height of the second ostrich
feather boom, which started after the Anglo-Boer War, and peaked in
1913, at which time the plumes ranked among South Africa's four most
important exports. The collapse occurred in 1914, when changes in
fashion brought the virtual disappearance of ostrich-feather hats. R180
86. Hawthorne, Peter, and Barry Bristow: Historic Schools of South Africa. An Ethos of
Excellence (Cape Town: Pachyderm Press, 1993) Photographs by Laura Jeannes and
Kevin Rudham. 4to; original salmon-coloured cloth, with spine lettered in gilt; laminated
pictorial dustwrapper and matching laminated pictorial slipcase; pp. 241 + (iv); lavishly
illustrated in full colour and with some monochrome period pictures. Spine panel slightly
sunned. Near fine condition. Twenty-three of the most celebrated schools in South
Africa appear in this prestigious book, their histories traced through the terms of their
successive headmasters. The architecture of each school is discussed - a fascinating
aspect of their stories, with many schools having had more than one (and some many)
homes during their existence. The text celebrates the achievements of the schools'
outstanding pupils, following them through their schooldays
and noting their later contributions to society - Rhodes
Scholars, Nobel prizewinners, international sportsmen,
politicians and war heroes, and other Old Boys who have
achieved prominence, at home and abroad. An outstanding
portfolio of original full-colour photographs shows the schools
in their environments, highlighting various aspects of the
architecture and day-to-day school life. These are juxtaposed
with black-and-white archival pictures recalling the schools'
historic eras and the personalities of bygone days. Each
chapter opens with a spectacular double-page full-colour
photograph depicting the school at its finest. The selected
schools include Dale College, the Diocesan College (Bishops),
Durban High School, Glenwood Boys' High School, Grey College in Bloemfontein, Grey
High School in Port Elizabeth, Hilton College, Jeppe High School for Boys, Kimberley
Boys' High School, King Edward VII School, Kingswood College, Maritzburg College,
Michaelhouse, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Pretoria Boys' High School, St Patrick's Christian
Brothers' College, Queen's College, Rondebosch Boys' High School, Selborne College,
the South African College Schools, St Andrew's College, St John's College and Wynberg
Boys' High School." R495
Sidwell, H. B.: The Story of South Africa. An Outline of South
African History (Capetown: J. C. Juta & Co., 1901) Eleventh edition.
12mo; original pale cloth, lettered in black to upper cover; pp. xvi + 155,
incl. index. Cloth somewhat rubbed and a little soiled; front free endpaper
missing; ownership inscription of "Annie Pöhl 7/4/1902" to front
pastedown; interesting pencilled doodles and annotations scattered
throughout, likely by the young learner; some foxing. Fair condition.
(Mendelssohn II, p. 316 [1897 edition]) "The work was compiled from
notes originally drawn up for the use of senior classes at the Albert Academy,
Burghersdorp, and although it has been written mainly for school purposes, the contents
are so concisely arranged that it can serve as a
text-book for those who have not the leisure to
study the more lengthy productions of other
authors. There is a list of important events in
South African history, arranged in chronological
order, as also a list of the commanders and
governors of South Africa from 1652 to the
present date." - Mendelssohn. Henry Bindley
Sidwell (1857-1936) was the first person born in
South Africa to become an Anglican bishop. "As a
bishop Sidwell devoted much of his energies to
educational work, including the maintenance of
church schools in his diocese, and also to work
among the Cape Coloureds, by whom he was much loved. He was the author of a short
school textbook, The story of South Africa, and was largely instrumental in founding the
Anglican mission in Ovamboland, for which he raised a great deal of the necessary
money." - DSAB I, p. 722 R270
88. Burton, William F. P.: Mudishi, Congo Hunter (London: Victory Press, 1947) 8vo;
original pale grey cloth, lettered on spine; pictorial dustwrapper; pp. 193;
plates. Dustwrapper somewhat rubbed and edgworn, with archival tape
reinforcing to reverse of edge-tears; moderate foxing throughout;
ownership inscription to recto of frontis. Good condition. From the
dustwrapper blurb: 'Says the Author: - "Let me introduce you to the
brown-skinned natives of Lubaland ... listen to the wind in the palms, and
to the songs of the boys and girls around the evening camp-fires, the
throb of the sorcerer's drum and the hoarse cries and roaring fires of the
hunt ... We shall face furious, drink-sodden crowds, as they hem in the helpless little
band of christians, and we shall see false religion persecuting the true, as Cain hated
Abel, and Saul sought the life of David." ' R180
89. Port Elizabeth Automobile Club: Official Road and Handbook 1922-3 (Port Elizabeth:
Port Elizabeth Automobile Club, 1922) Catalogue title from upper cover. 8vo; original
coarse tan cloth, blocked in black to covers; pastedown endpaper
adverts.; pp. 8 + (106) + [62-72]; fifty-two route maps and a key map,
these printed recto only. Cloth lightly soiled; archival tape reinforcing to
hinges; earlier owner's name signed on front free endpaper and
elsewhere; edges of front free endpaper and first printed leaf a little
fishmothed; scattered, light foxing. Good to very good condition. The
route maps largely cover the Cape province, including the Karoo and
Transkei, but also include places further afield, such as Bloemfontein,
Kimberley and Durban. The concluding section, with a slightly odd
pagination, includes registration marks for Cape towns, a brief list of recommended
hotels in main towns of the Eastern Cape and Little Karoo, plus an outline of the Port
Elizabeth Automobile Club, affiliated to the R.A.C., and its constitution. This is an
exceedingly rare and early route guide for this region of South Africa, not found by
OCLC, though the 1919 and 1927 editions are located in a few repositories. (SABIB 3,
p. 708) "In presenting the Second Edition of the Club Road Book, my Committee have
been greatly encouraged by the reception of its initial publication. Very few complaints of
inaccuracies in the maps (most of which are again included in this edition) have been
received. The scope of the book has been increased to include maps of the Main
Routes to Bloemfontein, Kimberley and Durban, also of additional much-needed routes
in this Province." - From the Club Secretary's introduction R810