professional audio systems
professional audio systems
PR O F E SSI O NAL AU D I O SYS TE MS P R O D U C T C ATA L O G THE IAC BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY, NY INTEGRATOR: McCANN SYSTEMS EFFECTIVE APRIL 2014 PRODUCT OFFERINGS AUDIA ® NEXIA ® CONTROLS SOFTWARE MIXERS AMPLIFIERS MICROPHONES FUNCTIONALITY Headquarters BIAMP SYSTEMS 9300 S.W. Gemini Drive Beaverton, OR 97008 +1.503.641.7287 800.826.1457 (US and Canada) SALES Ron Camden Vice President, Global Sales OUR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE INCREASE THE LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE WITH EACH NEW PRODUCT AND DECREASE YOUR INSTALLATION COST Whatever your next installation challenge, you’ll find the solutions right here — everything from Biamp’s revolutionary digital audio platforms to our dependable analog mixers and amplifiers. Biamp products continue to set the standard in nearly every environment — courtroom, government, business, education, houses of worship, healthcare, transportation and recreation. MARKETING Patrick Prothe Marketing Communications Director Australia/New Zealand EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE Europe East Now Biamp is helping you tap into new markets by adding to the array of products you can offer to new and existing clients. Check out our advanced conferencing and paging applications that you can install with little or no additional training or equipment. Europe West Europe Central Greater China INNOVATION AND RELIABILITY From insanely good sound distribution to our Biamp SonaTM AEC technology, the benefits of Biamp’s advanced technology always comes through loud and clear. Biamp equipment is RoHS compliant and 100% tested, resulting in the industry’s lowest out-of-the-box failure rates. All of our DSP products are covered by our unique 5-year extended warranty. While other companies are outsourcing, Biamp keeps expanding our in-house support. Around the globe and around the clock, our applications engineering staff is happy to assist you with design, installation or troubleshooting. Call us any time. Central America South America Middle East & Africa India & SAARC Member Nations Southeast Asia A SOUND APPROACH TO THE FUTURE OF AUDIO INSTALLATION Biamp is currently developing technologies for the advancement of Networked Media Systems in commercial applications. These new methods of audio integration hold the promise of improved system control, remote monitoring, simplified installation, lower costs, and improved sound quality. APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING Kiley Henner Education & Applications Manager CONTACT SUPPORT For more information, product details and case studies, visit our website: To order product catalogs and other supporting literature, visit our Literature Ordering Link Online (LOLO). Go to, click on My Account and look for the Order Literature (LOLO) link in the right hand column. Or, to inquire about orders contact: MEMORIAL HEALTH SYSTEM, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO USA CONSULTANT: TECHNOLOGY PLUS INTEGRATOR: BEACON COMMUNICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS THE LINE UP OF BIAMP PRODUCTS AUDIA®[4-6] Biamp’s revolutionary Audia® Digital Audio Platform seamlessly integrates powerful hardware and intelligent software for unheard of design and networking potential. In fact, Biamp is one of the first manufacturers to make use of CobraNet® by integrating it into our Audia DSPs, pioneering its use in high profile installations. A single Audia unit can provide the power of an entire rack of processors at your fingertips. Imagine what you can do with multiple Audia units, configured and networked to conquer the most challenging environments. NEXIA® [7] The entire Nexia® lineup is designed with a network-friendly open architecture to help you create economical, intuitive solutions. You’ll save time, effort and, ultimately, money. The internal system design is completely user definable via PC software, and can be controlled via dedicated software screens, RS-232 control systems, and/or a variety of optional remote control devices. Multi-unit Nexia systems can be created utilizing Ethernet and NexLink digital audio linking. AUDIA, NEXIA & DAVINCI SOFTWARE [8] Designing your ultimate system is easy and intuitive using Audia and Nexia software. Select the components you want to use, and they’re automatically integrated. Powerful signal processing, routing matrices and room combining are yours for the asking. ® ® daVinciTM software lets you design end-user controls with all the features and flexibility needed. CONTROLS - AUDIA AND NEXIA[9] Biamp controls will compliment your installations, making them quicker and easier. MIXERS[10] Biamp’s specialty mixers evolved from the large-scale mixing consoles we were famous for 20 years ago. Today’s designs are ultra streamlined, offering three, six or eight channels. AMPLIFIERS [11] Count on Biamp for amplifiers built with superior quality and thoughtful engineering. CONTROLS - ANALOG[12] MICROPHONES [13] Miniaturized condenser microphones with a fully integrated preamp designed with very high sensitivity for distance miking. FUNCTIONALITY OVERVIEW [14 - 15] PRO D U C T CATALO G • P4 AUDIA AUDIAFLEX ® DIGITAL AUDIO PLATFORM • AudiaFLEX gives you unprecedented control of your system with the ultimate flexibility in design • Up to 24 inputs/outputs, in any combination of channel pairs by card type, including wideband AEC inputs 100-240V 50/60Hz • Optional CobraNet® module ~ 150 Watts Installation Instructions: Telephone Interface TI-2 CAUTION Serial Control Port BIAMP SYSTEMS BIAMP SYSTEMS MODEL TI-2 US:6RMBR00BAUDIATI2 IC:3184A-AUDIATI-2 This device must be installed by qualified, trained personnel. Connections to the telephone network must be made with #26 AWG solid copper wire for continued safety. RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. designed and assembled in the USA In 23 In 21 In 19 In 17 In 15 In 13 In 11 In 9 In 7 In 5 In 3 In 1 Out 1 In 24 Out 3 In 22 Out 5 In 20 Out 7 In 18 Out 9 In 16 Out 11 In 14 Out 13 In 12 Out 15 In 10 Out 17 In 8 Out 19 In 6 Out 21 In 4 Out 23 In 2 Out 2 Out 4 Out 6 Out 8 Out 10 Out 12 Out 14 Out 16 Out 18 Out 20 Out 22 Out 24 CobraNet® connections only primary secondary in use / conductor link / activity LEDs U.S. pat. no. 4,922,536 C UL 24VDC 1.5A US R • On-screen display of the total audio design • Configuration/control via PC/laptop • Third-party control via RS-232 LISTED 52SJ link Ethernet term hi lo Remote Control Bus class 2 wiring YELLOW connectors = AMP OUTPUTS BLACK connectors = OUTPUTS ORANGE connectors = AEC INPUTS • Remote control panels for level, presets, etc. GREEN connectors = INPUTS • Built-in diagnostic tools • Remote function control via Ethernet AUDIAVOIP • Event scheduling • AudiaVOIP is an all-in-one VoIP teleconferencing solution that’s designed to be easy to set up and use • Includes Biamp’s SonaTM AEC technology delivering true 20Hz to 20kHz wideband AEC, tail length up to 300ms and a convergence rate up to 100dB/second ~ 100-240V 50/60Hz BIAMP SYSTEMS CAUTION Serial Control Port primary Made in USA, US and Imported Parts RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. In 21 150 Watts In 19 In 17 In 13 In 11 In 9 In 7 In 5 In 3 In 1 Out 9 In 16 Out 11 In 14 Out 13 In 12 Out 15 In 10 Out 17 In 8 Out 19 In 6 Out 21 In 4 Out 23 In 2 Out 10 Out 12 Out 14 Out 16 Out 18 Out 20 Out 22 Out 24 link/act CobraNet® connections only secondary In 15 in use / conductor link / activity Out 3 In 22 LEDs Out 5 In 20 Out 7 In 18 full duplex U.S. pat. no. 4,922,536 VoIP 24VDC 1.5A 52SJ Model: Audia link Ethernet Out 4 term hi lo Remote Control Bus Out 6 Out 8 class 2 wiring YELLOW connectors = AMP OUTPUTS N24138 BLACK connectors = OUTPUTS ORANGE connectors = AEC INPUTS • Built-in VoIP functionality • 4 channels of mic/line input • 12 channels of acoustic echo cancellation • 4 channels of mic/line output GREEN connectors = INPUTS • 2 channels of powered output • Comes preloaded with a DAP file AUDIAFUSION • Optional daVinci control panel is available • AudiaFUSION allows you to load up to 8 amp modules into a single frame • Amp modules have software configurable power levels/ load options of 100 to 600 watts @ 4 or 8Ω, 70 or 100 volt operation • CobraNet Interface (16 channels in/16 channels out) 1 AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE 2 AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE 3 AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE 4 AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE 5 AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE 6 • TCP/IP Network controllable • LED Indication for signal present, peak present, clip present, heatsink temperature fault, amp failure, fan stuck-rotor • Internal amplifier module failover mode Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT Class 2 Wiring OUTPUT YEL: In use / Conductor GRN: Link / Activity LEDs Secondary 52SJ AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE Ethernet CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. 7 Primary 110-120/220-240V~ 50/60Hz 2500WATT AM-600 AMPLIFIER MODULE Logic I/O 1 2 3 4 Class 2 Wiring DESIGNED IN OREGON USA ASSEMBLED IN USA / INDIA MODEL AUDIA FUSION 8 CobraNet® connections only SERIAL CONTROL PORT BIAMP SYSTEMS 9 NM-1 NETWORK MODULE 10 • Entire device failover mode • 2400 watts of power in 3 rack spaces • Event scheduling PRO D U C T CATALO G • P5 • Two channels of acoustic echo cancellation and background noise reduction • Dedicated wideband processing on each input • Includes Biamp’s SonaTM AEC technology delivering true 20Hz to 20kHz wideband AEC, Tail length up to 300ms and a convergence rate up to 100dB/second • On-board DSP, does not use AudiaFLEX resources IP-2 IP-2 Dual-Channel Mic/Line Input Cards • Each card provides 2 mic/line input channels • Balanced inputs on plug-in barrier strip connectors • 0~66dB gain range for microphone or line sources OP-2e OP-2e Dual-Channel Mic/Line Output Cards • Each card provides 2 mic/line output channels • Balanced outs on plug-in barrier strip connectors • -100~+12dB level fader range for volume control • Selectable ref level for best interface/performance PA-2 PA-2 Dual-Channel Power Amplifier Cards • Directly powers 4, 6, or 8Ω speakers • Software configurable from 5 to 30 watts dual-channel and from 10 to 60 watts mono-bridged • Upgraded AudiaFLEX power supply provides 120 watts of power, for up to twelve PA-2 cards TI-2 TI-2 Dual-Channel Telephone Interface Cards • Initiate outgoing calls including: DTMF tone dialing, speed-dialing, redial, flash • Detect and answer incoming calls • Line-echo cancellation • Continuous line-status and fault monitoring VoIP-2 VoIP-2 Dual-Channel Voice Over Internet Protocol Cards • Two channels of VoIP interface per card • Enables conferencing over VoIP directly from AudiaFLEX • Caller ID, SIP Protocol, auto-answer, speed dial, hold capability, and direct dialing on each line • Create redundancies within a conferencing system when combined with the TI-2 Card and/or CODEC • Up to 6 VoIP-2 Cards can be installed into a single AudiaFLEX unit AUDIAFLEX / AUDIAVOIP AEC-2HD Dual-Channel Wideband Acoustic Echo Cancellation Input Cards CARD OPTIONS AEC-2HD PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 6 AUDIA ® NETWORKED PAGING STATION – 1 NETWORKED PAGING STATION EXPI & EXPO DIGITAL AUDIO PLATFORM • CobraNet audio/control plus power on single cable • Power Over Ethernet (PoE) or external supply • 16 simultaneous pages allowed per AudiaFLEX unit • 32 programmable microphone button operations • 16 priorities, with override and lock-out functions • A convenient and cost-effective way to expand the power of an Audia system even further • 8 mic/line analog inputs on plug-in barrier strips BIAMP SYSTEMS mic/line inputs designed and assembled in the USA logic inputs primary GND in use/ conductor secondary 7 8 5 6 4 3 2 • Front panel input level controls and peak indicators 1 link/activity DC Power Class 2 wiring or LPS LEDs • 24-bit A/D converters with 48kHz sample rate,922,536 24V - + 25W CobraNet® connections only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • 8 channels of digital audio output via CobraNet • 8 channels of digital audio input via CobraNet • 24-bit D/A converters with 48kHz sample rate • 8 line level analog outputs on plug-in barrier strips BIAMP SYSTEMS line outputs designed and assembled in the USA logic inputs GND primary secondary 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 • Front panel adjustable analog output level controls link/activity DC Power Class 2 wiring or LPS LEDs,922,536 24V - MINI-EXPANDERS in use/ conductor 8 + 25W CobraNet connections only ® 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mic/line DC Power Class 2 or LPS Power + Data 4 in 3 in 4 inputs 3 2 EXPI-4 Input Expander 1 2 in • May be used to add inputs to a centralized Audia system or in remote locations 1 in 18-24 + 13W link/act PoE 802.3af Class 3 Peak Class 2 Wiring • Half-rack-width format • Power over Ethernet (PoE) or external supply • 4 mic/line analog audio inputs • 4 channels digital audio output via CobraNet mic/line DC Power Class 2 or LPS Power + Data 18-24 + 13W link/act PoE 802.3af Class 3 4 outputs 3 2 1 EXPO-4 Output Expander • May be used to add outputs to a centralized Audia system or in remote locations Class 2 Wiring • Half-rack-width format • Power over Ethernet (PoE) or external supply • 4 channels digital audio input via CobraNet • 4 mic/line analog audio outputs mic/line outputs DC Power Class 2 or LPS Power + Data 18-24 + 13W PoE link/act 802.3af Class 3 2 mic/line inputs 1 2 2 in 1 in Peak Class 2 Wiring 1 EXPI/O-2 Input/Output Expander • May be used to add inputs to a centralized Audia system or in remote locations • Half-rack-width format • Power over Ethernet (PoE) or external supply • 2 channels digital audio output and input via CobraNet • 2 mic/line analog audio inputs and outputs PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 7 DIGITAL AUDIO PLATFORM NEXIA ® •6 balanced mic/line outputs on plug-in barrier strips •Ethernet port for software configuration/control NEXIA CS •10 balanced mic/line inputs on plug-in barrier strips CONFERENCING SYSTEM DSP •Nexia CS is intended for a variety of conference applications such as presentation halls, courtrooms and council chambers •Serial port for third-party RS-232 remote control •3 stereo (6 mono) balanced line outputs •Ethernet port for software configuration/control NEXIA PM •4 mic/line inputs & 6 stereo (12 mono) line inputs PRESENTATION MIXER DSP •Nexia PM is intended for multi-media presentation applications requiring both microphone and program content •Serial port for third-party RS-232 remote control •8 balanced outputs on plug-in barrier strips •Ethernet port for software configuration/control NEXIA SP •4 balanced line inputs on plug-in barrier strips SPEAKER PROCESSOR DSP •Nexia SP is intended for speaker processing applications requiring line inputs feeding a larger number of discrete outputs •Serial port for third-party RS-232 remote control •8 balanced wideband AEC mic/line inputs with the Biamp SonaTM AEC technology •2 standard balanced mic/line inputs •4 balanced mic/line outputs •Telephone interface, line and set connections •Ethernet and serial ports for configuration and control •8 balanced wideband AEC mic/line inputs with the Biamp Sona AEC technology •2 standard balanced mic/line inputs •4 balanced mic/line outputs •Codec interface, line input and output •Ethernet and serial ports for configuration and control NEXIA VC •Nexia VC is designed specifically to provide crisp, clear audio in video conferencing applications VIDEO CONFERENCING DSP VC NEXIA TC •Nexia TC is designed specifically to provide crisp, clear audio in teleconferencing applications TELECONFERENCING DSP TC PRO D U C T CATALO G • P8 SOFTWARE AUDIA AND NEXIA Audia, Nexia and daVinci Software Features: • Birdseye viewer for easy panning and zooming of large layout files • Workspace state saved at program shutdown • Fully dockable Menu and Toolbar support • User configurable data file and Processing Library catalog • Easy-to-use object attribute controls for; colors, line widths, hatching, text font, size, style & alignment, border widths, etc. • Multiple simultaneous line (wire) drawing without special editing modes • Fully supported multiple layers within a drawing • Support of Clipboard operation AUDIA SOFTWARE • Programmable presets Audia® software is designed for the quick and easy configuration of even the most complex installations. Its intuitive, user-friendly interface has a host of features that allow you to take a real bite out of your programming time. Open the software and enter system parameters. Then hit the ”compile button” and the Audia software provides a list of all the hardware that you need for the entire system. Configuring your signal chain is as easy as dragging and dropping each component’s icon. Powerful signal processing, routing matrices, and room combining are just a few clicks away from completion. NEXIA SOFTWARE • Special text block object to enter freeform text and label information • Fully supported object drag-and-drop between Catalog and view The entire Nexia® product line includes an intuitive drag-and-drop software that allows for easy configuration with maximum flexibility. You’ll have a complete view of your design, which makes it easy to adapt, revise, and rework as you fine-tune the system design. To simplify things even further, Nexia units come with pre-loaded sample NEX files that will get you started right out of the box. DAVINCI SOFTWARE • Fully customizable Processing Library bar stores default/custom DSP objects • Easy-to-use tools for object alignment, sizing, packing, spacing & centering daVinci’s graphic control screen software makes creating an end user interface brilliantly simple. It’s part of the genius built into our Audia and Nexia audio design files. Simply paste Audia or Nexia audio components into daVinci to create complete room layouts — including master controls, stations, or individual zone controls. The function and appearance of the graphic control interface can be tailored to the exact needs of the user and daVinci lets you group or ungroup the control blocks at a level of granularity you have to see to believe. PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 9 AUDIA AND NEXIA CONTROLS DIALER APP • Use an iPad®, iPhone® or iPod touch® to manage phone calls • Dial directly from your Contacts • Allows control of incoming and outgoing levels Use your iPhone® or iPad® to scan code for more information RED-1 & RED-1F •Control of a combination of 32 selectable system volumes and actions •Volumes can be any individual or grouped system levels, including inputs, outputs, matrix cross-points, etc. •Actions can be any individual or grouped system operations, including presets, source selection, mutes, ducking, combining, etc. image of RED-1F VOLUME 8 • Adjustment of eight selectable volumes. Volumes are any individual or grouped levels within Audia or Nexia. Volumes include inputs, outputs, matrix cross-points, etc. LOGIC BOX • 20 programmable logic inputs/ outputs for control of/by Audia or Nexia. •Control functions are programmed in the Audia® and Nexia® system design software and can change with presets •Capacitive touch technology eliminates protruding parts to increase reliability and longevity while simplifying cleaning •High contrast display with wide viewing angle •Surface or flush-mounts to any wall; multiple mounting options for international back boxes SELECT 8 • Initiation of eight selectable actions. Actions are any individual or grouped operation within Audia or Nexia. Actions include presets, mutes, ducking, combining, etc. VOLTAGE CONTROL BOX • 4 Analog and 4 Logic connections for control of/by Audia or Nexia. VOLUME/ SELECT 8 • Combines Volume 8 & Select 8 functions. Control functions programmed within Audia or Nexia system design. Control functions can be made to change along with presets. RCB HUB • Remote Control Bus Hub for ‘multi-branch’ wiring of control network. PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 1 0 trim trim 2 trim 5 active release master e active aux -20 on ON channel 4 input ON channel 3 input ON channel 2 input ON input ON • Last mic on, hpf, off-attenuation and 48V phantom selectable • Pre/post automix assignment to main, aux, and direct outputs channel 1 d. out input d. out ON channel 5 • Channel 1 ‘override’, plus channel 8 ‘ducking’ and ‘mix-minus’ pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre input d. out ON channel 6 pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre input d. out ON pad ungated phantom aux off d.out pre expansion channel 7 pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre input d. out channel 8 stack in aux slave -12dB hp filter last mic aux post logic outputs 16W autoTWO threshold 8 active pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre outputs main ON 24V active 7 autoTWO DC Power class 2 wiring or LPS GND trim trim 6 active d. out designed and assembled in the USA trim 4 active pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre BIAMP SYSTEMS trim 3 active d. out active pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre 1 d. out trim active pad ungated phantom duck ch8 d.out pre AUTOTWO AUTOMATIC MIC/ LINE MIXER MIXERS pad threshold 8 +10 +10 aux bass treble master –20 • 6 electronic balanced mic/line input channels • 30dB rear panel pad switch on each input channel • 40dB screwdriver-adjust trim on each input channel • +10dB Peak LED indicator on each input channel • Remote control of main out level via external port (RP-L1) channel 1 trim 7 +10 pad phantom phantom pad phantom pad pad phantom phantom pad phantom trim 6 channel 2 • 3 electronic balanced mic/line input channels • 30dB rear panel pad switch on each input channel • 40dB screwdriver-adjust trim on each input channel • +10dB Peak LED indicator on each input channel • Remote control of main out level via external port (RP-L1) 801i • 8 mic/line inputs, plus one auxiliary line input • Channel 1 override via signal present on limit channel 8 input ON channel 7 input ON channel 6 input ON channel 5 input ON channel 4 input ON channel 3 input d. out input ON d. out • Aux input ‘ducking’ via signal present on channels 1-8 input ON aux pad phantom +10 channel 3 input ON channel 2 pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter designed and assembled in USA ON trim 5 channel 4 on input pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter L R ON +10 channel 5 601 m mit limit d. out input remote v c trim 4 channel 6 master +20 + input pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter +10 801i 24V 16W + - DC Power Class 2 wiring or LPS trim 3 +10 input d. out stack in enable threshold treble bass pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter main out enable input on input + + 6 +10 0 301 limit 0 0 d. out BIAMP SYSTEMS trim 2 input ch 6 duck 5 d. out +10 remote v c +10 0 master --20 channel 1 trim 4 +10 0 treble input pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter GND trim 1 pad priority sum hp filter trim +10 + 7W patch in out designed and assembled in USA trim pad 601 main out stack in 3 +10 slave tone out override remote 801i MIC/LINE MIXER GND 24V - trim d. out 2 threshold + bass channel 2 pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter +10 0 BIAMP SYSTEMS DC Power Class 2 wiring or LPS remote trim ch 5 ch 4 ch 3 ch 2 ch 1 1 input channel 3 0 + 3 +10 phantom trim +10 0 ch 3 duck enable ch 1 enable d. out trim remote v c patch designed and assembled in USA ch 2 + 7W remote 24V - pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter GND 301 patch in out patch main out stack in 0 trim 2 +10 d. out BIAMP SYSTEMS DC Power Class 2 wiring or LPS 1 phantom trim +10 pad trim pad priority phantom duck aux hp filter 301 & 601 MIC/LINE MIXER • Stacking of two units for increased system input capability channel 1 • Remote control of main out level via external port (RP-L1) PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 1 1 AMPLIFIERS input 4 outputs level input level 2 outputs input 3 level signal / peak level input 5 OFF OFF OFF level 1 2 HPF BRIDGE HPF outputs signal / peak 6 3 signal / peak level input Designed in Oregon, U.S.A. Assembled in India OFF OFF OFF input 7 • Optional transformers for 25/70/100V speakers BIAMP SYSTEMS 4 HPF BRIDGE HPF level signal / peak outputs OFF OFF OFF 8 signal / peak level input 5 6 HPF BRIDGE HPF 115 7 8 signal / peak MCA 8050 CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. US 52SJ signal / peak R LISTED OFF OFF OFF O UL C HPF BRIDGE HPF CAUTION: Risk of fire replace fuse only with same type 115V: F 10 A H 250 V 230V: T 4 A L 250 V signal / peak FUSE FUSE • Rear panel level controls and high-pass filter switches MCA8050 • Channels may be bridged in pairs for combined power MULTI-CHANNEL AMPLIFIER • 8 channels of 50W each input 1 Class 2 Wiring ~115/230VAC 50-60Hz 900 Watts • Rear panel level controls and high-pass filter switches • Optional transformers for 25/70/100V speakers MCA 8150 CAUTION Designed in Oregon, U.S.A. Assembled in India outputs input 7 6 outputs input 5 4 outputs input 3 level 2 outputs level signal / peak 1 2 input OFF OFF OFF level signal / peak level signal / peak 3 4 input OFF OFF OFF level signal / peak level signal / peak 5 6 input HPF BRIDGE HPF 8 level OFF OFF OFF level signal / peak 7 8 input HPF BRIDGE HPF 115 BIAMP SYSTEMS US signal / peak 52SJ OFF OFF OFF R LISTED HPF BRIDGE HPF O C UL HPF BRIDGE HPF CAUTION: Risk of fire replace fuse only with same type 115V: F 15 A H 250 V 230V: T 6.3 A L 250 V signal / peak FUSE FUSE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. MCA8150 • Channels may be bridged in pairs for combined power MULTI-CHANNEL AMPLIFIER • 8 channels of 150W each input 1 Class 2 Wiring ~115/230VAC 50-60Hz 1800 Watts • TDT100 — 100W transformer for 25/70/100V systems (MCA8050 — bridged) • TDT150 — 150W transformer for 25/70/100V systems (MCA8150 — per channel) • TDT300 — 300W transformer for 25/70/100V systems (MCA8150 — bridged) • Signal/peak & temp/fault indicators on front & rear panels • Balanced/unbalanced input selector on rear panel • Available in 120V only MPA250 • Internal transformer (8Ω, 70V, 25V, & 25V-CT outputs) MULTI-PURPOSE AMPLIFIER • 250 watts at all outputs (4Ω direct & transformer) MULTI-CHANNEL AMPLIFIER ACCESSORIES • TDT50 — 50W transformer for 25/70/100V systems (MCA8050 — per channel) PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 12 RP-L1 CONTROLS ANALOG • One 25kΩ linear level control. Control mounted on light grey ‘decorator’ style cover plate. RP-L2 RP-L1 • One or two 25kΩ linear level control. Control mounted on light grey ‘decorator’ style cover plate. RP-S4 RP-L2 • 4 double-pole/double-throw push-button switches. Jumpers allow latching or momentary switch action. 1 2 3 4 RP-S4 PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 1 3 MICROPHONES • • • • • • • • • • • • High output for distance miking Optimized for voice recognition Immunity from RF interference Operates on 18-52 volts phantom power Point and shoot directivity Miniaturized integrated preamp circuitry No external power adapter needed 12 mm gold vapor diaphragm Extremely low noise, high sensitivity Available with a cardioid or supercardioid capsule Optional junction box available Covered by 3-year warranty CM1-6W AND CM1-6WS The CM1-6W and CM1-6WS are miniaturized condenser microphones with a fully integrated preamp designed with very high sensitivity for distance miking. They have complete immunity from RF interference caused by cell phones and GSM devices. A cardioid capsule (CM1-6W), or a supercardioid capsule (CM1-6WS) is available, allowing these microphones to be used in a wide variety of applications. PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 14 FUNCTIONALITY AUDIA Digital Products INPUTS/ OUTPUTS AudiaFUSION AudiaFLEX 16 CobraNet ins/outs. Up to 8 amp modules can be loaded in a single frame. Amp module power levels/load options, 100-600W @ 4 or 8Ω, 70 or 100V operation Up to 24 channels per chassis (I/O card options: IP-2, AEC-2HD, TI-2, OP-2e, PA-2, VoIP-2), plus 4 & 8-channel analog expanders DIGITAL AUDIO DISTRIBUTION AudiaVOIP 12 AEC inputs, 4 mic/line inputs, 4 mic/line outputs, 2 amplified outputs, 2 VoIP lines 64 channels via CM1 module ROUTERS EVENT SCHEDULING CAPABILITY 56 x 56 56 x 56 Yes Yes Yes NEXIA Digital Products Nexia CS Nexia PM Nexia SP Nexia TC Nexia VC INPUTS/ OUTPUTS 10 mic/line inputs, 6 mic/line outputs 4 mic/line inputs, 6 stereo (12 mono) inputs, 3 stereo (6 mono) outputs 4 line inputs, 8 line outputs 8 wideband AEC mic/ line inputs, 2 standard mic/line inputs, 4 mic/ line outputs, telephone interface 8 wideband AEC mic/line inputs, 2 standard mic/ line inputs, 4 mic/line outputs, codec interface DIGITAL AUDIO DISTRIBUTION 16 channels 16 channels 16 channels 16 channels 16 channels ROUTERS 32 x 32 32 x 32 32 x 32 32 x 32 32 x 32 All Digital Products Have the Following: NETWORK CONTROL CROSSOVERS METERS Ethernet 2, 3 and 4-way Signal Present, Peak, RMS MIXERS DYNAMICS GENERATORS Standard, Matrix, Auto, Room Combiner, Mix-Minus Combiner EQUALIZERS Parametric EQ (1 ~ 16 band); Graphic EQ (1/3, 2/3 and 1 octave); Feedback Suppressor (1 ~ 16 band) FILTERS High Pass, Low Pass, High Shelf, Low Shelf, All-Pass (1 ~ 16 band) Leveler, Ducker, Noise Gate, Comp/Limiter, ANC DELAYS 0 to 2000ms CONTROLS Levels, Invert, Mute, Preset, Remote Presets, Logic Gates (NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, Flip Flop, Logic State), Logic Delay, Command String, Volume 8, Select 8, Volume/Select 8, Logic Box, Voltage Control Box, RCB Hub. Event scheduler available in AudiaFLEX and AudiaVOIP. Tone, Pink Noise, White Noise DIAGNOSTICS Transfer Function SPECIALTY Pass Through, Split Pass Through CUSTOM BLOCKS Create, store and reuse in future layouts. Also, ability to have password protected. PRO D U C T CATALO G • P 1 5 MICROPHONES Model Transducer Type Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio Dynamic Range Output impedance Power Requirements Polar Pattern Housing CM1-6W CONDENSER 37mV / Pa @ 1kHz 72dB 108dB 150 Ohm 18 – 52 V Cardioid Powdercoated Copper and Steel CM1-6WS CONDENSER 37mV / Pa @ 1kHz 72dB 108dB 150 Ohm 18 – 52 V Supercardioid Powdercoated Copper and Steel Audio Outputs Patch Points Additional Products Audio Inputs Amplifier* Power @ 4Ω Amplifier Outputs Extension Connection VCA Inputs Logic Inputs Logic Outputs 1 override 8 channels AMPLIFIERS MCA8050 8 line 50W / channel 8 direct (opt. xfmrs) MCA8150 8 line 150W / channel 8 direct (opt. xfmrs) 8 ch MPA250 1 line 250W 1 direct (25/70/8Ω) 8 ch MIXERS autoTWO 2 line 2 line, 8 direct 301 3 mic/line 1 line 1 master stack in 1 master 601 6 mic/line 1 line 1 master stack in 1 master 801i 8 mic/ line, 1 line 1 line stack in 1 master *See product details for 8Ω power ratings stack in P R O D U C T C ATA L O G 9 3 0 0 S .W. G E M I N I D R I V E | B E AV E R T O N , O R E G O N | 9 7 0 0 8 | U S A | + 1 . 5 0 3 . 6 4 1 .7 2 8 7 | 8 0 0 . 8 2 6 .1 4 5 7 ( U S A N D C A N A DA ) | W W W. B I A M P.C O M
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