Pr oD cr u c E T A I N ITA sP TIV s I D I L r su Es IA A TY sT Ig Ns TIo AIN NE TY N AB rs LE LE 16 Sustainable eco collection world Designers 25 year of Philippe Starck Products your business close to hand Independent and franchising The best international salons selected for you B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 1 16 index 102 Traditionally innovative 30 ProDucTs crEATIVITY INsPIrATIoN ITALIANsTYLE DEsIgNErs susTAINABLE B&D 2012 10 004 On the crest of a wave 142 The salon of the Future 140 Business in the salon 012 The infinite salon 030 Independent Salon 102 Academies 112 Franchising 028 Accessories & Design 020 Young, beautiful... and low cost 010 Giovannoni Design 018 Christophe Pillet 024 Philippe Starck 014 Green First Collection 012 Alu Green Collection 018 Eco Fun Collection INDEX 3 LIFT WASH OREGON Lavatesta regolabile in altezza per evitare dolori posturali e rendere migliore il lavoro della coiffeuse. Alzagambe elettrico. Oregon Plus: alzagambe manuale. Oregon Comfort: pulsantiera integrata e alzagambe elettrico. Oregon Massage: pulsantiera integrata, alzagambe elettrico e massaggio shiatsu. Oregon AIR Massage: pulsantiera integrata, alzagambe elettrico e massaggio ad aria linfodrenante. Height adjustable wash unit, preventing postural stress and improving the work of the hairdresser. Electrical leg lifting device. Oregon Plus: manual leg lifting device Oregon Comfort: integrated controls and electrical leg lifting device Oregon Massage: integrated controls, electrical leg lifting device and Shiatsu massage Oregon AIR Massage: integrated controls, electrical leg lifting device and air massage with lymph-draining effect CROMO WASH Telecomando per regolazione alzagambe elettrico, cromoterapia e massaggio ad aria linfodrenante. Electrical leg lifting device with remote control, colour therapy and air massage with lymph-draining effect. wash unit REVENGE Revenge Plus: alzagambe manuale. Revenge Comfort: pulsantiera integrata e alzagambe elettrico. Revenge Massage: pulsantiera integrata, alzagambe elettrico e massaggio shiatsu. Revenge AIR Massage: pulsantiera integrata, alzagambe elettrico e massaggio ad aria linfodrenante. specialists on the crest of a wave Revenge Plus: manual leg lifting device Revenge Comfort: integrated controls and electrical leg lifting device Revenge Massage: integrated controls, electrical leg lifting device and Shiatsu massage Revenge AIR Massage: integrated controls, electrical leg lifting device and air massage with lymph-draining effect LUXOR HAIR SPA Luxor Hair-SPA: lavatesta con cromoterapia, musica, massaggio shiatsu. Luxor Hair-SPA Aria: massaggio ad aria linfodrenante. Luxor Hair-SPA: wash unit with colour therapy, music, shiatsu massage. Luxor Hair-SPA Aria: air massage with lymph-draining effect. 330 330 Comfort con alzagambe elettrico. 330 AIR Massage con alzagambe elettrico e massaggio ad aria linfodrenante. Disponibile anche in versione BiColor. 330 Comfort with electrical leg lifting device. 330 AIR Massage with electrical leg lifting device and air massage with lymph-draining effect. Available in two-tone. B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 5 sustainable luxury Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products GREEN FIRST COLLECTION ® Comunica alle tue clienti e al tuo mercato di riferimento il tuo salone come un “salone verde”, scrivi chiaramente quanta acqua e quante emissioni di CO2 vengono risparmiate ogni giorno grazie agli accorgimenti che avrai adottato. La tua clientela è già molto sensibile a questi temi e non mancherà di premiare il tuo salone con nuovi e maggiori passaggi! Tell your clients and your market that your salon is a “green salon”, clearly indicate how much water and CO2 emissions are saved every day by the measures you have adopted. Your customers are already sensitive to these issues, and are sure to reward your salon by coming back again and again! 8 susTAINABLE B&D 2012 Adottare criteri di ecosostenibilità in un salone conviene perché consente di abbattere i consumi di acqua, di elettricità e di ottenere così risparmi sulle voci di costo più significative Adopting eco-sustainable criteria in a salon is worth it as it reduces water and electricity consumption and allows savings in the most important costs B&D 2012 susTAINABLE 9 IL Lusso sosTENIBILE Presence Paris, in collaborazione con L’Oreal Produits Professionnels, ha sviluppato tre linee di mobili per saloni con un basso impatto ambientale: GREEN FIRST® collection e ALU GREEN® Collection progettate da Giovannoni Design ed ECO FUN® Collection progettata da Christophe Pillet. PresenceParis, scegliendo di affidare la progettazione di queste linee a due fra i più noti studi di design del panorama internazionale, ha voluto esprimere con forza quella che è la sua filosofia e la sua tradizione che, anche nel momento in cui vengono abbracciati con convinzione criteri di produzione ecosostenibili, continua ad ispirarsi a valori quali bellezza, design e stile che ne hanno da sempre contraddistinto i prodotti e che ne hanno decretato il successo mondiale. Il tuo salone può essere facilmente convertito in un “salone verde” Your salon can easily be converted into a “green salon” susTAINABLE LuXurY In collaboration with L’Oreal Produits Professionnels, Presence Paris has developed its first three salon furniture ranges with low environmental impact: GREEN FIRST® Collection and ALU GREEN® Collection designed by Giovannoni Design and ECO FUN® Collection designed by Christophe Pillet. Choosing to appoint one of the most famous design firms on the international scene to design this range, PresenceParis aims to express the strength of its own philosophy and tradition which, even in a time which strongly embraces criteria of environmentally sustainable production, continues to be inspired by the values of beauty, design and style which have always underlined their products and confirmed their global success. Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products Stefano ed Elisa Giovannoni e l’ecodesign 10 B&D 2012 l’immagine della linea Alu Green® affidata al genio di Oliviero Toscani... Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products The image of the Alu Green® range the work of the genius Oliviero Toscani ... OLIvIeRO TOSCANI Sarà Oliviero Toscani, maestro di immagine e di provocazione, a pensare l’immagine di ALU GREEN® Collection, l’ultima creature dello studio Giovannoni Design... In uscita ai primi di ottobre nel nuovo catalogo Presenceparis e su tutte le riviste di design, la nuova immagine sarà una sorpresa che come sempre farà discutere operatori e pubblico. Per Maletti, che ha già presentato la linea al Cosmoprof 2012, sarà la conferma di una leadership anche dal punto di vista della comunicazione. 1. ALU WASH wash unit 2. ALU CHAIR styling chair 12 susTAINABLE B&D 2012 B&D 2012 Oliviero Toscani, the master of image and provocation, will be dreaming up the image of ALU GREEN® Collection, the latest creature from Giovannoni Design... Out in early October in the new Presenceparis catalogue and on all the design magazines, the new image will be a surprise that, as usual, will get operators and the general public talking. For Maletti, who already presented the line at Cosmoprof 2012, it will confirm the company’s leadership position also in terms of communication. Figlio del primo fotoreporter del Corriere Della Sera, è nato a Milano nel 1942 e ha studiato fotografia e grafica all’Università delle Belle Arti di Zurigo dal1961 al 1965. Conosciuto internazionalmente come la forza creativa dietro i più famosi giornali e marchi del mondo, creatore di immagini corporate e campagne pubblicitarie attraverso gli anni per Esprit, Chanel, Fiorucci, Prenatal, Jesus, Inter, Snai, Toyota, UNIC, Ministero del Lavoro, Artemide, Woolworth e altri. Tra gli ultimi progetti: la collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Salute,e alcune campagne di interesse e impegno sociale dedicate alla sicurezza stradale, all’anoressia, alla violenza contro le donne, e contro il randagismo. Son of the first photo-reported of the Corriere Della Sera, he was born in Milan in 1942 and studied photography and graphics at the University of Fine Arts in Zurich from 1961 to 1965. Internationally acclaimed as the creative force behind the world’s most famous brands and newspapers, corporate image and advertising campaign creator for years for companies like Esprit, Chanel, Fiorucci, Prenatal, Jesus, Inter, Snai, Toyota, UNIC, Ministero del Lavoro, Artemide, Woolworth and others. His latest projects include the collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Health, and some social campaigns dedicated to road safety, anorexia, violence against women and stray animals. susTAINABLE 13 Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products GreenFirst Collection ® Green First® è in fase di certificazione Carbon Zero Green First® is currently awaiting Carbon Zero certification 1. 2. La ricerca progettuale di Stefano Stefano and Elisa Giovannoni’s ed Elisa Giovannoni è approdata design research has led to a ad una collezione caratterizzata collection which features curved dal legno curvato e dalla tridimen- wood and three-dimensional sionalità delle sedute che non chairs which have no “back”, as hanno un “retro”, nel senso che they are designed to be freely sono state pensate per essere positioned anywhere in the room. liberamente posizionate nell’ The two work chairs have 3D ambiente. curved wooden frames which Il dettaglio di giunzione contain the padding. The tra il legno curvato e joint between the two l’ imbottitura è ispimaterials is inspired Con Green First® rato alle poltrone by traditional leail lusso diventa tradizionali in ther chairs, making sostenibile pelle ed uno dei them domestic and ® With Green First particolari che comfortable. luxury becomes le rende domesustainable stiche e confortevoli. 14 susTAINABLE B&D 2012 B&D 2012 3. 1. GReeN CLIP chair 2. GReeN HUG chair 3. BOOMeRANG chair L’imbottitura è in BIOH®, un nuovo materiale, un poliuretano espanso flessibile dalle eccellenti caratteristiche tecniche composto da polioli di soia e da un quantitativo molto ridotto di materie non rinnovabili. Padding: BIOH® is a new flexible polyurethane foam material which has excellent technical characteristics, and is made from a compound of soya polyols and a very small quantity of non-renewable materials. susTAINABLE 15 Il lavaggio ha una concezione nuova, è stato progettato per creare nel fruitore una sensazione di esclusività e confort, senza ostentazioni gratuite. Si tratta di una poltrona dalla struttura in legno che contiene la ceramica per il lavaggio e molti accessori che ricordano quelli delle cabine degli aerei; la si può collocare senza limiti nell’ambiente come un arredo domestico, senza ostacolare il lavoro dell’operatore facilitato da una generosa codetta. Di grandi dimensioni e con cornice in legno la specchiera ha un design elegante che ricorda gli specchi delle eleganti sartorie artigianali. 1. The wash unit comes with a new concept, designed to create a feeling of exclusivity and comfort in the user, with no superfluous ostentations. This chair has a wooden structure which contains the ceramic wash basin and 2. many accessories, and is reminiscent of an air plane cabin; it can be placed anywhere in the salon, like a piece of domestic furniture, without hindering the operator’s work, which is made easier by the generously sized washbasin. The large, wooden-framed mirror has an elegant design, reminiscent of elegant tailor’s mirrors. Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products 16 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 1. WELCOME GREEN reception desk La retroilluminazione viene effettuata tramite led che consentono un notevole risparmio di energia elettrica e un minor surriscaldamento dell’ambiente. 2. GREEN FIRST CLASS wash units Il legno della struttura utilizzato per la produzione proviene da una silvicoltura a km zero ed è certificato FSC ( e PEFC ( 1. WELCOME GREEN reception desk With backlit by LEDs which offer great savings on electrical energy and less environmental heating. 2. GREEN FIRST CLASS wash units The wood used to produce the frame will come from zero-mileage forestry zero and is certified FSC ( and PEFC ( SUSTAINABLE 17 Exclusively developed with L’Oréal Professional Products ECOFUN I like recycle ® Christophe Pillet firma la sofisticata ed alternativa linea ecosostenibile Il salone alternativo: un design essenziale che lascia spazio alla creatività. La nuova tendenza è arredare con materiali di recupero uniti a prodotti di alto design. Giovane, colorata e divertente, anche questa linea fa parte del grande progetto ECOLLECTION by Maletti. Christophe Pillet firma il design di poltrona, lavaggio e mensola. Plastica riciclata per imbottiture e alluminio riciclabile per basi e strutture, sono i materiali che la sezione R&D Maletti ha selezionato per i tre prodotti di ECO FUN®. Fun: divertirsi ad arredare rispettando l’ambiente... Per anime leggere e cuori giovani. Christophe Pillet designed the sophisticated, alternative eco-sustainable range The alternative salon: an essential design that leaves room for creativity. The new trend is furnishing with recycled materials together with high design items. Young, coloured and fun, this range is also part of the great ECOLLECTION by Maletti. Christophe Pillet designed the chair, was unit and styling unit. Recycled plastic for the padding and recyclable aluminium for the frames and bases, these are the materials that the Maletti R&D department selected for the three ECO FUN® products. Fun: have fun and furnish, respecting the environment... For light souls and young hearts. Divertirsi ad arredare rispettando l’ambiente Have fun and furnish, respecting the environment 18 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 susTAINABLE 19 1. Salonitaly: una realtà per giovani talenti Salonitaly: a reality for young talents belli, giovani... e low cost Young, beautiful... and low cost 20 ProDucTs B&D 2012 Guardare al futuro vuol dire pensare giovane, vuol dire avere energia e concentrarla sui grandi cambiamenti della moda e della società. I giovani vestono in jeans e guardano diretti negli occhi, hanno idee nuove e ci chiedono di seguirli. I loro saloni si trasformano in spazi per party sofisticati, in passerelle per sfilare, in salotti dove incontrare quattro amici... Salonitaly è un’azienda gestita da giovani che si propone al mondo dei giovani con un’ampissima gamma di prodotti per soddisfare ogni esigenza, anche la più spregiudicata. Looking to the future means thinking young, it means having energy and concentrating it on the great changes in fashion and in society. Young people wear jeans and look you straight in the eye, they have new ideas and ask you to follow them. Their salons become places for sophisticated parties, catwalks to parade on, lounges to meet a few friends in... Salonitaly is a company managed by young people which talks to the world of young people, supplying a wide range of products to satisfy every need, even the wildest. 1. RAveLLO wash unit 2. RIALTO stilyng chair 3. CARUSO stilyng chair TRevI stilyng unit B&D 2012 2. 3. ProDucTs 21 Tradition Design Technology Madre wash unit with massage and water column MADRE all-round experience... Una vera e propria esperienza sensoriale che associa la piacevolezza del massaggio a pressoterapia integrale con effetti linfodrenanti e anticellulite alla possibilità di avere tre diverse posizioni di lavaggio: • operatore in piedi, cliente seduto; • operatore in piedi, cliente sdraiato; • operatore seduto, cliente sdraiato. Le vostre clienti potranno così abbandonarsi completamente sdraiate al massaggio tonificante e linfodrenante mentre un’operatrice, comodamente seduta, potrà indugiare in trattamenti e in massaggi alla cute. Una volta provata questa esperienza le vostre clienti non vorranno più tornare al lavaggio tradizionale e molte nuove clienti entreranno nel vostro salone attratte dal passaparola. 22 PRODUCTS B&D 2012 B&D 2012 A veritable sensorial experience, associating the pleasure of a integral pressotherapy massage with lymphatic draining and anti-cellulite effects with the possibility of three different washing positions: • operator standing, client sitting; • operator standing, client lying down; • operator sitting, client lying down; Your customers can let themselves relax completely, lying down for a tonic, lymphatic draining massage while the operator, sitting comfortably, can apply hair treatments and scalp massages. Having tried this experience, your customers will never want to return to a traditional wash unit again, and many new customers will come to your salon having heard about the experience on the grapevine. PRODUCTS 23 + timeless design nel cuore di Milano, in Via Monte di Pietà, dove moda e design sono di casa... in the heart of Milan, in Via Monte di Pietà, where fashion and design are at home... 25° Compie 25 anni “Basic”, la prima seduta disegnata da Philippe Starck “Basic” celebrates its 25th birthday, the first chair designed by Philippe Starck Philippe Starck Nel 1989 Philippe Starck concepiva la prima collezione firmata di mobili di arredamento professionale per parrucchieri. Da questa data storica è cambiato radicalmente il modo di concepire il Beauty Design. Non più semplici poltrone o specchiere, ma opere d’arte contemporanea. Elementi di un sistema in cui ciascun prodotto possiede un’anima, restituendo al salone la sua vocazione primaria, cioè essere un luogo di incontro tra un Creativo e la sua Cliente. A partire dal 1989 Philippe Starck ha firmato poi altre tre collezioni complete per PresenceParis, diventando un grande classico del Beauty Design riconosciuto in tutto il mondo. In 1989 Philippe Starck designed the first designer collection of professional hair salon furniture. Since that historical moment, the way of conceiving the world of Beauty Design has changed radically. No longer simple chairs or mir- 24 rors, but contemporary works of art. Elements of a system in which each product has a soul, restoring the primary vocation of the salon, to be a meeting place between the creative and their customers. From 1989 Philippe Starck designed three other complete collections for PresenceParis, becoming a great classic of Beauty Design, recognised throughout the world. B&D 2012 All’interno di un elegante cortile, il raffinatissimo salone Beautick esprime il meglio dell’interior design per hairstylist. Eleganza, sobrietà, atmosfera glamour, per una clientela ricercata che ama il design. B&D 2012 In an elegant courtyard, the super-sophisticated Beautick salon expresses the best in interior design for hairstylists. Elegance, sobriety, a glamour atmosphere, for a sophisticated customer who loves design. DEsIgNErs 25 Beautick Milan - Italy Classic styling unit limited edition for Beautick by Philippe Starck Classic styling chair Classic wash unit by Philippe Starck 26 DEsIgNErs B&D 2012 B&D 2012 DEsIgNErs 27 1. accessori design & Accessories & Design Stefano Giovannoni firma un nuovo phon per UKI Stefano Giovannoni designs a new hairdryer for UKI Dal phon al carrello, dalla spazzola al tavolo “colore”, UKI produce tutti gli accessori per saloni, spa e centri estetici, investendo su giovani emergenti e affermati designer. L’ultima novità è il phon Bang light disegnato da Stefano Giovannoni che ha colpito al cuore tutti i giovani talenti hairstylist. From the hairdryer to the trolley, from the brush to the “colour” table, UKI produces all salon, spa and beauty centre accessories, investing in young, emerging and famous designers. The latest product launched in the Bang light hairdryer designed by Stefano Giovannoni, which has gone straight to the heart of young and talented hairstylists. 2. a sinistra: BANG LIGHT by Giovannoni Design 1. ON LINe LOve by Mauro Burani 2. MICRO PHON by Profilo Design 3. JOY by Bicube Design 4. UP GRADe MIX by UKI 5. MINI WAve by Bicube Design 3. 28 ProDucTs B&D 2012 B&D 2012 4. 5. ProDucTs 29 independent salons ÁLVAro FuroL EsTILIsTAs - Arévalo (Ávila) - Spain ATELIEr BrALIzz - Paris - France ALTosENso - Moscow - Russian Federation Ar - Terni - Italy BEAuTIck - Milan - Italy FABrIzIo BoschELLI ArT - Rende (Cosenza) - Italy BLLIIs BY rAVIssANT - New Delhi - India FrANk BosshAMMEr - Kassel - Germany LuIgI cALcE - Foligno (Perugia) - Italy cAsA cAPELLo - DIE FrIsEurE - Baden - Germany cELEBrITY - Moscow - Russian Federation DEsANcho EsTILIsTA - Valencia - Spain ArThè - Carpi (Modena) - Italy hAArDEsIgN DogAN - Mainz-Bischofsheim - Germany ErNEsTo & FrANco - Turin - Italy Ego - Tuglie (Lecce) - Italy ForMA E coLorE - Gubbio (Perugia) - Italy FrANcA FErruccI - Livorno - Italy FrANcA FErruccI - Pontedera - Italy gorAN VILEr hAIr sPA - Trieste - Italy LA rosA - Turin - Italy hAIr FAshIoN MITTNE - Nierstein - Germany hAIr sTuDIo MArchINI - Sarzana (La Spezia) - Italy NATurE LIFEsTYLE - Lana (Bolzano) - Italy hAArwELT TINA NEBEL - Obernburg - Germany BEAuTY roEsELArE - Bruxelles - Belgium ruBErTELLI hAIr & BEAuTY - Milan - Italy PIATTELLI - Chiesina Uzzanese (Pistoia) - Italy IsArTorAzzI - Ala (Trento) - Italy MAssIMo sErINI - hAIr & BEAuTY - Rome - Italy TArEq - Amman - Jordan TIzIANA - La Spezia - Italy zIzzo PArrucchIErI - Francavilla Fontana (Brindisi) - Italy woLF’s FrIsEurE - Weinheim - Germany Auro hAIr & BEAuTY - Verona - Italy EsPELAND hårDEsIgN - Haugesund - Norway ELAN hAIr DEsIgN - Aberdeenshire - UK MArco gENTILE - Parioli - Rome - Italy urBAN rETrEAT AT hArroDs - London - UK 32 33 34 35 26 36 38 42 43 44 46 48 49 50 53 56 57 58 60 62 64 65 66 68 72 73 74 76 78 82 86 88 89 90 94 95 96 98 138 Álvaro Furol Estilistas Arévalo (Ávila) - Spain Atelier Bralizz Paris - France Luxor wash unit by Matta e Varaschin Look styling chair by Didier Gomez Retrolight 2 back wash Drop footrest Ubi styling unit by Maletti Creative Team Luxor wash unit Angelina styling chair Accademia styling unit by Matta e Varaschin Morpheus styling chair eclipse 2 styling unit by Maletti Creative Team 32 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 33 Altosenso Moscow - Russian Federation Ar Terni - Italy Paloma styling chair Shiatsu wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Modern styling chair Modern eL wash unit by Philippe Starck 34 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 35 Fabrizio Boschelli Art Rende (Cosenza) - Italy Marie reception desk Dauphin technical table Louise 1 styling unit Pompadour styling chair Chakra wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Caadre styling unit by Philippe Starck Styling chair expressly made by Maletti for Fabrizio Boschelli Art Glamour massage bed Downtown stool by Christophe Pillet for Nilo 36 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 37 Blliis by Ravissant New Delhi - India Sport Grooming Bar technical table Sporting barber chair by Maletti Creative Team Green Hug styling chair Atelier styling unit by Giovannoni Design Luxor wash unit Angelina styling chair by Matta e Varaschin Tecnicolor 2 technical table by Maletti Creative Team 38 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 39 Foot Spa by Nilo - The SPA Industry Shirodhara Tray Service Spa Vip by Nilo - The SPA Industry 40 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 41 Frank Bosshammer Kassel - Germany Luigi Calce Foligno (Perugia) - Italy Angelina styling chair Luxor wash unit by Matta e Varaschin SpecificHairWaterSystem by Maletti Creative Team Basic styling chair by Philippe Starck Frida Glam wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 42 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 43 Casa Capello - Die Friseure Baden - Germany Boomerang styling chair Green First wash unit by Giovannoni Design 44 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 45 Celebrity Moscow - Russian Federation Look styling chair by Didier Gomez All Black wash unit TT footrest by Maletti Creative Team 46 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 47 Arthè Carpi (Modena) - Italy Dot pouf Marie reception desk by Maletti Creative Team Desancho Estilista Valencia - Spain Angelina styling chair Luxor wash unit Just styling unit by Matta e Varaschin Tell Me 2 technical table Salon Relax 3 waiting sofa by Didier Gomez Louise 2 styling chair versailles styling chair Hal footrest Dauphin 4 technical table Dauphin Mirror mirror 330 Bicolor wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 48 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 49 Haardesign Dogan Mainz-Bischofsheim Germany Paloma styling chair Paloma What wash unit Technicolor 3 technical table expo Alaska by Maletti Creative Team 50 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 51 Ernesto & Franco Turin - Italy Angelina styling chair by Matta e Varaschin Technicolor 6 technical table by Maletti Creative Team 52 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 53 Angelina styling chair by Matta e Varaschin Modern with Micromist by Philippe Starck Oregon wash unit Madre wash unit Soft Light back wash by Maletti Creative Team Ayurveda massage bed Fast massage bed by Nilo - The SPA Industry 54 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 55 Ego Tuglie (Lecce) - Italy Modern styling chair by Philippe Starck 56 INDIPENDENT Revenge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Nails table manicure by Nilo - The SPA Industry B&D 2012 Forma e Colore Gubbio (Perugia) - Italy Look styling chair Privacy wash unit by Didier Gomez Camelia rec. styling chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Technicolor 2 technical table by Maletti Creative Team B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 57 Franca Ferrucci Livorno - Italy Modern styling chair by Philippe Starck Manhattan trolley Tell Me 3 technical table by Didier Gomez village styling unit by Christophe Pillet Oregon wash unit Retro Light 4 back wash by Maletti Creative Team 58 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 59 Franca Ferrucci Pontedera - Italy 60 INDIPENDENT Foot Dream footrest by Ross Lovegrove Louise 2 Consolle Pompadour styling chair by Maletti Creative Team Dauphin technical table Dauphin Mirror mirror Oregon wash unit Retro Light 6 back wash by Maletti Creative Team B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 61 Goran Viler Hair Spa Trieste - Italy Look styling chair by Didier Gomez Madre wash unit Drop footrest by Maletti Creative Team Cindy trolley by Claudio Silvestrin 62 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 63 64 INDIPENDENT La Rosa Turin - Italy Hair Fashion Mittne Nierstein - Germany Green Hug styling chair Atelier styling unit by Giovannoni Design Revenge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Foot Dream footrest by Ross Lovegrove Angelina styling chair Luxor wash unit by Matta e Varaschin You stool by Didier Gomez Jelly Fish trolley Roly Poly trolley by UKI B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 65 Hair Studio Marchini Sarzana (La Spezia) Italy Marie reception desk versailles styling chair Louise 1-2 styling unit by Maletti Creative Team Foot Dream footrest by Ross Lovegrove 66 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 67 Nature Lifestyle Lana (Bolzano) - Italy Welcome Green reception desk Atelier styling unit Green Footrest footrest Boomerang styling chair by Giovannoni Design Oregon wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 68 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 69 Atelier styling unit Green Footrest footrest Boomerang styling chair Green First wash unit by Giovannoni Design Lavanda Well massage bed All in One pedicure Special stool by Nilo - The SPA Industry 70 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 71 72 Haarwelt Tina Nebel Obernburg - Germany Beauty Roeselare Bruxelles - Belgium Louise 2 styling unit versailles styling chair Déluge 2 wash unit Hal footrest by Maletti Creative Team Look styling chair You stool Privacy wash unit by Didier Gomez INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 73 Rubertelli Hair & Beauty Milan - Italy Welcome Green reception desk Green Hug styling chair Green First wash unit Atelier styling unit Green Footrest footrest Retro Green back wash by Giovannoni Design 74 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 75 Piattelli Chiesina Uzzanese (Pistoia) Italy Relookage styling chair Shiatsu wash unit Pompadour styling chair Déluge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Foot Classic electric pedicure by Nilo - The SPA Industry 76 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 77 iSartorazzi Ala (Trento) - Italy Boomerang styling chair Welcome Green reception desk by Giovannoni Design 78 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 79 Boomerang styling chair Welcome Green reception desk Green First Class wash unit by Giovannoni Design Oregon wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 80 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 81 Massimo Serini Hair & Beauty Rome - Italy eva styling chair by Claudio Silvestrin Revenge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 82 83 Beverly massage bed Olis massage bed by Nilo - The SPA Industry Eva styling chair by Claudio Silvestrin Madre wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 84 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 85 Tareq Amman - Jordan Angelina styling chair east side styling unit Just Screen styling unit Luxor wash unit by Matta e Varaschin Look styling chair by Didier Gomez Camelia rec. styling chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Modern styling chair by Philippe Starck 86 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 87 Zizzo Parrucchieri Francavilla Fontana (Brindisi) Italy Tiziana La Spezia - Italy Tao desk reception desk Chakra wash unit Katy styling chair by Maletti Creative Team Camelia styling chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Dominus styling unit Plexi styling chair Louise 2 Consolle Oregon wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 88 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 89 Wolf’s Friseure Weinheim - Germany Alfa barber chair Madre wash unit SpecificHairWaterSystem by Maletti Creative Team Boomerang styling chair Atelier styling unit by Giovannoni Design 90 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 91 Atelier styling unit Green Hug styling chair by Giovannoni Design Déluge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 92 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 93 Espeland Hårdesign Haugesund - Norway Angelina styling chair by Matta e Varaschin Shiatsu wash unit Sigma barber chair by Maletti Creative Team Auro Hair & Beauty Verona - Italy Photo by Giancarlo Pradelli Oregon wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Modern styling chair by Philippe Starck 94 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 95 Elan Hair Design Aberdeenshire - UK Green Hug styling chair Green First Class wash unit by Giovannoni Design Classic styling chair by Philippe Starck 96 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 97 Marco Gentile Parioli - Rome - Italy Luxor wash unit Spring fall by Maletti Creative Team 98 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 99 Déluge 1 wash unit Louise 1 styling unit Pompadour styling chair Azalea styling chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Woman Chair styling chair by Ross Lovegrove limited edition for Marco Gentile Dominus styling unit Madre wash unit Madre Stool stool SpecificHairWaterSystem Retro Light 4 back wash by Maletti Creative Team 100 INDIPENDENT B&D 2012 B&D 2012 INDIPENDENT 101 academies& AccADEMIA L’oréAL - Turin - Italy AccADEMIA L’oréAL - Santiago - Chile AccADEMIA Bh sALoN - Salerno - Italy AccADEMIA cAMILLE ALBANE - Milan - Italy AccADEMIA DEssANgE - Milan - Italy 104 106 108 109 110 franchising rossANo FErrETTI - London - UK rossANo FErrETTI - Beverly Hills - Los Angeles - USA rossANo FErrETTI - Four season- Maldive rossANo FErrETTI - New York - USA curLETTo uNITED - Padova - Italy coMPAgNIA DELLA BELLEzzA - Acireale (Catania) - Italy coMPAgNIA DELLA BELLEzzA - Bovalino (Reggio Calabria) - Italy coMPAgNIA DELLA BELLEzzA - Arona (Novara) - Italy cAPELLIMANIA - Palermo - Italy sEMPrE IN TEsTA PArrucchIErI - Galliate (Novara) - Italy JEAN LouIs DAVID - Verona - Italy FErBEr - Redange Sur Attert - Luxemburg DucA’s - Vanzaghello Barsizio (Varese) - Italy DucA’s - Orio Al Serio (Bergamo) - Italy DucA’s - Corbetta (Milan) - Italy DucA’s - Corsico (Milan) - Italy ANDrEA JoskoVA - Praga - Czech Republic INsTITuT rENè FurTErEr - Paris - France MAurIzIo sErrETTI - Lucca - Italy TAgLIATI PEr IL succEsso - Pescantina (Verona) - Italy ToNY & guY - EssENsuALs hAIrDrEssINg - London - UK 112 113 114 115 116 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 126 127 127 128 130 132 134 135 104 B&D 2012 Photo by A. Ferrero Accademia L’Oréal Turin - Italy Green Hug styling chair by Giovannoni Design Ray styling unit Soft Light back wash Business Class wash unit by Maletti Creative Team AcADEMIEs 105 Accademia L’Oréal Santiago - Chile Green Hug styling chair Green Clip waiting chair by Giovannoni Design Privacy wash unit by Didier Gomez 106 AcADEMIEs B&D 2012 B&D 2012 AcADEMIEs 107 Accademia BH Salon Salerno - Italy Accademia Camille Albane Milan - Italy Styling chairs, reception desk, wash units and back wash cabinets expressly made by Maletti for BH Salon Styling chairs, reception desk, wash units and back wash cabinets expressly made by Maletti for Camille Albane 108 AcADEMIEs B&D 2012 B&D 2012 AcADEMIEs 109 Accademia Dessange Milan - Italy Styling chairs, reception desk, wash units and back wash cabinets expressly made by Maletti for Jacques Dessange 110 AcADEMIEs B&D 2012 B&D 2012 AcADEMIEs 111 H A I R S P A Rossano Ferretti London - UK H A I R S Giano styling unit Frida styling chair Frida Glam wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Modern styling chair Modern wash unit by Philippe Starck 112 FrANchIsINg P A Rossano Ferretti Beverly Hills Los Angeles - USA Modern styling chair Modern wash unit by Philippe Starck B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 113 H A I R S P A Rossano Ferretti Four season - Maldive H A I R S FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 Rossano Ferretti New York - USA Modern styling chair Modern wash unit Modern styling unit by Philippe Starck Modern styling chair Modern wash unit by Philippe Starck Foot Spa pedicure by Nilo - The SPA Industry 114 P A B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 115 Curletto United Padova - Italy Photo by Paolo Draghetto Oregon wash unit Retro Light 4 back wash Louise 2 Consolle by Maletti Creative Team Look styling chair by Didier Gomez 116 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 117 Compagnia della Bellezza di Salvo Filetti e Roberto Napoli Acireale (Catania) - Italy Modern styling chair by Philippe Starck Manhattan trolley by Didier Gomez Luxor wash unit SpecificHairWaterSystem by Matta e Varaschin Shiatsu wash unit ???? wash unit ???? styling chair vanity styling unit by Maletti Creative Team 118 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 119 Compagnia della Bellezza di Iemma Franco Bovalino (Reggio Calabria) Italy Caadre styling unit by Philippe Starck Angelina styling chair by Matta e Varaschin Technicolor 2 technical table Globe styling chair Shiatsu wash unit Retro Light 3 back wash by Maletti Creative Team 120 Compagnia della Bellezza di Cristina Donato Arona (Novara) - Italy Gidesk reception desk vanity styling unit Striptease styling chair Bahamas wash unit Madre wash unit Soft Light back wash by Maletti Creative Team B&D 2012 121 Sempre in testa Parrucchieri di Francesco Morlino Galliate (Novara) - Italy Modern styling chair Caadre styling unit by Philippe Starck Shiatsu wash unit Madre wash unit SpecificHairWaterSystem Niagara fall by Maletti Creative Team Capellimania Palermo - Italy Tao Desk reception desk Pompadour styling chair Louise 1 styling unit Chakra wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Camelia rec. styling chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Manhattan trolley by Didier Gomez 122 B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 123 Jean Louis David Verona - Italy Ferber Redange Sur Attert Luxemburg Pompadour styling chair Super Lion Plus wash unit by Maletti Creative Team Angelina styling chair Luxor wash unit by Matta e Varaschin expo Light 2 expo by Maletti Creative Team 124 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 125 Duca’s Vanzaghello Barsizio (Varese) - Italy Duca’s Corbetta (Milan) - Italy Duca’s Orio Al Serio (Bergamo) - Italy 126 FrANchIsINg Modern styling chair Modern wash unit by Philippe Starck Duca’s Corsico (Milan) - Italy B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 127 Andrea Joskova Praga - Czech Republic Green First Class wash unit Boomerang styling chair by Giovannoni Design Madre Stool stool SpecificHairWaterSystem by Maletti Creative Team 128 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 129 Institut Renè Furterer Paris - France Azalea waiting chair by Maurizio Macciocchi Spring fall by Maletti Creative Team Welcome Green reception desk Atelier styling unit Green Footrest footrest Boomerang styling chair Green First Class wash unit by Giovannoni Design 130 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 131 Maurizio Serretti Lucca - Italy Paloma styling chair Katy styling chair by Maletti Creative Team Caadre styling unit by Philippe Starck 132 FrANchIsINg B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 133 Tagliati per il Successo Pescantina (Verona) - Italy Tony & Guy Essensuals hairdressing London - UK Modern styling chair Caadre styling unit by Philippe Starck Revenge wash unit by Maletti Creative Team 134 FrANchIsINg Paloma styling chair Paloma what wash unit by Maletti Creative Team B&D 2012 B&D 2012 FrANchIsINg 135 Un’ora di relax in downtown, in pausa pranzo o durante una visita ai gioielli della capitale... An hour of relax in downtown, on lunch break or during a visit to London’s architectural treasures... “BEAUTY WILL SAVE THE WORLD” F. Dostoevskij voglia di relax a New Delhi un giorno fra massaggi e design the desire to relax in New Delhi a day of massage and design In pieno centro città questa Beauty Farm elegante e raffinata ricorda a cittadini e turisti il piacere di rilassarsi in un ambiente accogliente in qualsiasi ora del giorno. Dal lettino da massaggio con materasso ad acqua alle nuovissime poltrone per pedicure e manicure, si può scegliere tra una vastissima gamma di trattamenti professionali ad altissimo livello. Right in the city centre this elegant and sophisticated Beauty Farm reminds local people and tourists of the pleasure of relaxing in a welcoming setting, any time of the day. From the massage bed with water mattress to the brand new pedicure and manicure chairs, you can choose from a wide range of high quality professional treatments. 136 sPA & DEsIgN B&D 2012 NILO P.le G. Maletti, 1 - 42019 Scandiano - RE Tel. +39 0522 7631 Fax +39 0522 983344 London: nails at Harrods All’ultimo piano del più famoso magazzino del mondo un open space per manicure e pedicure tra uno shopping e l’altro On the top floor of the world’s most famous store, an open space for manicures and pedicures between one shopping experience and another Urban Retreat at Harrods - London - UK Sandali vertiginosi in estate ed in inverno obbligano le patite del total look ad avere le unghie sempre perfette. E allora perchè non fare un salto da Harrods, sceglirere le scarpe, scegliere lo smalto in tono, rilassarsi bevendo una tisana e riprendere lo shopping... senza scordarsi delle mani. Super-high heeled sandals in summer and in winter force total look fans to keep their nails perfect all year round. So why not pop into Harrods, choose your shoes, choose your matching varnish, relax with a herbal tea and then get back to shopping ... and don’t forget your hands. 138 sPA & DEsIgN B&D 2012 B&D 2012 sPA & DEsIgN 139 Un o, ol io picc serviz ato nde gra pprezz tela... a clien no ma ce a i l d l da rtata e servi l o a p reat litt iated A g apprec ers... m d n usto by c e to ha clos il tuo business 140 BEAuTY MAGIC Tavolo manicure compatto laccato bianco opaco, completo di sgabello integrato a scomparsa. Spazio espositivo per smalti con illuminazione a LED. Piano di lavoro girevole in vetro bianco temperato con lampada a LED. Compact matt white painted manicure table, complete with integrated slide-out stool. Nail varnish display space with LED lighting. White tempered glass rotating work top with LED lamp. B&D 2012 You’ll be spoiled for choice. From the table with display that allows the costumer choose the nail colour of the day, to the table with incorporated stool, which takes a tight space but inside has a lot of compartments for everything you need. a portata di mano Basta un piccolo spazio per aumentare il fatturato nel tuo salone. Generalmente situato vicino all’attesa diventa un piccolo grande servizio a portata di mano che la clientela apprezza e richiede sempre di più All you need is a small space to increase the turnover in your salon. Generally located near the waiting area, it becomes a great little service, close to hand, which customers appreciate and continue to demand more and more often LOveLY Tavolo manicure attrezzato con espositore luminoso per smalti, piano di lavoro in stoneglass ad alta resistenza ai prodotti chimici dotato di lampada a LED. Manicure table equipped with lit display unit for nail varnishes, stone-glass work top (highly resistant to chemicals) fitted with LED lamp. C’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta. Dal tavolo con espositore a vista che lascia tempo alla cliente di pensare al colore di smalto indicato alla giornata, al tavolo con lo sgabello incorporato che occupa poco spazio ma che all’interno ha un sacco di vani per tutto il necessario. BABY Sgabello compatto multifunzione per manicure in plastica bianca opaca resistente ai prodotti chimici. Compact multi-purpose manicure stool in matt white plastic, resistant to chemicals. B&D 2012 Comodissimo per evitare alle clienti di spostarsi c’è lo sgabello “multitask” su ruote. Si sposta rapidamente e contiene tutti gli accessori necessari ad una perfetta manicure. So handy, preventing customers from having to keep moving, is the “multitask” stool on castors. If moves around the salon rapidly, and holds all the accessories you need to provide a perfect manicure BEAuTY 141 Dal rilievo, al progetto in pianta, al rendering... al TUO SALONE From measurements to floor plans, to the rendering... to YOUR SALON il salone RENDERING FLOOR PLANT del futuro... the salon of the future... Scegli il TUO SPAZIO, raccontaci i tuoi sogni... e noi faremo il resto. Dal salone classico al franchising di tendenza, dalla Accademia blasonata alla giovane scuola, dal grande centro benessere, alla piccola spa interna all’hotel, fino alla vip room interna al salone, Maletti vi segue costantemente in ogni fase della progettazione e vi da assistenza professionale a 360°. Choose YOUR SPACE, tell us your dreams... and we’ll do the rest. From the classic salon to the trendy franchising, from the accoladed Academy to the new school, from the large well-being centre to the small spa in a hotel, to vip rooms inside the salon, Maletti follows your project all the way, from design to implementation, providing all-round professional assistance. FLOOR PLANT IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION RENDERING 142 BEAuTY B&D 2012 B&D 2012 BEAuTY 143 beLLeZZA A 360° Lo spazio dedicato alla cura del corpo, pedicure e manicure sono un punto di forza nei nuovi saloni. Con questi servizi il salone acquista in competitività e professionalità. 360° BEAUTY The space dedicated to body care, pedicure and manicure is a point of strength for any new salon. With these services, your salons will grow in competitive performance and professionalism Qualcuno la chiama sala VIP, altri personal service, ma il concetto è lo stesso: uno spazio riservato, possibilmente due, uno per le signore con la mensola da trucco e uno per i signori con l’intramontabile “barber’s chair”. Some call it the VIP room, others the personal service, but the concept is the same: a reserved space, or possibly two, one for the ladies with a make-up unit and one for the men with the evergreen barber’s chair. special è vincente se ha tutto!!! only those offering all services will be winners! SPORTING barber chair DOMINUS styling unit hair stylist Il lavaggio con cromoterapia è il pezzo forte dello spazio dedicato ai capelli. Meglio se affiancato dalla colonna che depura l’acqua e da una cascata che rilassa la vista. Mensola e poltrona, in sequenza o centrali devono avere una distanza ergonomica per l’operatore e per il cliente. Massima attenzione all’illuminazione. The wash unit with colour therapy is the strong point of the hair space. Better if fitted with a column that purifies the water and a waterfall to relax the eyes. Styling units and chairs, in rows or in central islands, must be spaced at an ergonomic distance for both operator and customer. And pay great attention to the lighting. LUXOR HAIR SPA wash unit SPeCIFICHAIRWATeRSYSTeM pedicure ure Sedute su un trono come delle regine: si chiama FOOT SPA questa comodissima poltrona polifunzionale. Sitting on a throne like a queen: this multi-purpose, comfy chair is called FOOT SPA. LOveLY manicure MAGIC manicure manicure ma Occupa uno spazio minimo ed è indispensabile. Pùò essere situato nelle cabine vip o vicino alla zona attesa o può essere messo in batteria dove gli spazi lo permettono. In piccoli spazi comodissimo il tavolino con sgabello incorporato. It takes up very little room and is indispensable. It can be used in a vip cabin or near the waiting room, and can be placed in line if you have enough space. In tight spaces, the table with incorporated stool is very handy. 144 BEAuTY wellness FOOT SPA pedicure veNUS WeLL bed B&D 2012 B&D 2012 Dal lettino ad acqua allo shirodara lo spazio wellness deve essere accogliente e dedicato alla cura del corpo, dal massaggio alla richiestissima ceretta. Con una particolare attenzione alla musica. From the water bed to the shirodara, the wellness area must be welcoming, and dedicated to body care, from massages to the popular waxing. And with special attention to the music. retail Sono luminose le pareti dello spazio retails, per dare visibilità ai prodotti in vendita come shampoing, creme o accessori di ogni tipo... Massima attenzione a tenere i prodotti esposti sempre in ordine. The walls of the retail space are well lit, to ensure visibility for the products on sale, shampoos, creams and all kinds of accessories... Make sure you keep the displayed products nice and tidy. eXPO MISTRAL expo BEAuTY 145 In questa rivista abbiamo pubblicato i nostri arredi in 20 stati differenti. Contatta il concessionario più vicino ed anche il tuo negozio verrà pubblicato. Entra anche tu nel grande mondo Maletti In this magazine we have published our furnishings in 20 different countries. Contact your nearest dealer, and your store can be published too Come and be part of the great Maletti world the best designers design and technology easy life young people MALeTTI HeADQUARTeR p.le G. Maletti, 1 42019 Scandiano RE - Italia tel. +39 0522 7631 fax +39 0522 983344 B&D time line MALeTTI MILANO Via Savona, 97 - zona Tortona 20144 Milano Tel. 02 4236590 366 5894477 Da Starck a Giovannoni 25 anni di storia di beauty-design raccontati nei 16 numeri della nostra rivista. Centinaia di saloni pubblicati, le novità dalle fiere di tutto il mondo, il design di tendenza e molto ancora vi attende nei prossimi numeri. IMPERDIBILI From Starck to Giovannoni, 25 years of beauty-design history, told in the 16 issues of our magazine. Hundreds of salons published, news from the trade fairs around the world, trendy design and much more is waiting for you in the next issues. NOT TO BE MISSED MALeTTI FRANCe 9 Rue Royale 75008 Paris Tel. +33 1 45615378 Tel. +33 1 45615377 Fax: +33 1 49530013 MALeTTI UK 56 Ayres Street, London, SE1 1EU Tel: 0203 207 2032 Fax. 0207 357 8434 MALeTTI CABO HORN Rua Charles Darwin 256 Bairro: Vila Santa Caterina Sao Paulo - Cep. 0437 060 55 11 5677 1088 B&D copertina 2010 B esteri.indd 1-2 148 TIME LINE 30-03-2010 13:09:58 B&D 2012 aNGOLA Afro Hair Cabelo e Estetica Luanda 00244 925561332 australia Hair and Beauty Furniture Dandenong, Victoria 0061 0397017113 austRia a.j. neubauer Wien 00431877427311 S-Design Innerarchitectur Haiming 0043 664 2004946 bahrAin Nazih Trading Est Manama +973 17535853 belarus Eurosalon Ltd. Minsk 00375 17 287 67 00 belgium j.j. maes Bruxelles 0032 2 7267107 BRASIL Maletti Cabo Horn Rua Charles Darwin 256 Bairro: Vila Santa Caterina Sao Paulo Cep. 0437 060 55 11 5677 1088 150 DEALERS bulgaria iliada eood Sofia 00359 29768449 canada Lanvain Design St-Laurent 001 514 7454302 Takara Company Canada Mississauga 001-905-8222755 COSTA RICA SIEMPRE BELLA S.A. 100 metros Norte de la Bomba Chury San Ramon - Alajuela COSTA RICA Tel: 50624470545 croatia Top Stil LMS d.o.o Zagreb 00388 1 6554 665 cyprus arvo trading co ltd Nicosia 00357 22 374818 denmark bellavista as Silkeborg 0045 8 6804811 dominican republic Sebastian del Caribe Santo Domingo Tel: +001 809 540 7773 Fax +001 809 5344358 ecuador Crisol Comercial S.A. Quito Tel. 00593 2509874 Fax (593-2) 2229993/2509874 EGYPT AL SAGHEER COSMETICS Cairo 00 202 33444874 c.a.c. 69 Villeurbane c.a.c. 02-59-62-80 Villeneuve - D’Ascq 0033 3 20611818 Cap Agencement 75-77-78-91-92-93-94-95 Paris 0033 1 43710123 eire SALLY salon services Dublin 00 3531 4609960 / 0044 07932 112661 finland HENKEL NORDEN OY Helsinki 00358 40 9011408 Parfumerie Gautier 32-40-64-65 Bayonne Cedex 0033 5 59590100 hairland 15-19-23-63-42-43 Clermont Ferrand 0033 4 73279797 Distri Coiff & Beauté 14-22-27-28-29-35-3744-49-50-53-56-61-72-76 Laval 0033 2 436601218 france MALETTI France 9 Rue Royale 75008 Paris Tel. +33 1 45615378 Tel. +33 1 45615377 Fax: +33 1 49530013 c.a.c. 08-10-51-52-54-55-57-6768-88-90 Moulins Les Metz 0033 3 87600600 c.a.c. 01-03-18-21-23-25-36-3958-70-71-89 Chalon Sur Saone 0033 3 85485270 B&D 2012 B.C.B 9-16-17-24-31-33-46-4779-81-82-85 Merignac 0033 557922535 0033 557922531 BeautyCa Caprice Selection 86-87 Migné-Auxances 0033 5 49377777 DI.ME.PAR 04-05-06-83 La Farlede 0033 4 94201528 B&D 2012 Gouiran 11-12-30-34-48-66-26-3873-74-07-84 Montpellier 0033 40 67922270 SARL MF DIFFUSION 20 Ajaccio - Corse 0033 4 95108061 GEORGIA NATALI LTD Tbilis 99532454593 GERMANY Bertz gmbh & Heppenheim 0049 6252 99550 oed objekteinrichtungsdesign Chemnitz 0049 371 6446424 panzer shopconcept Erbendorf 0049 9682 1880 baer gmbh Achern-Onsbach 0049 784121075 As Friseurbedarf Hamburg 0049 40890 5263 Opus The Art Of Design Koln 0049 221 93398810 info@opus-artofdesign-de greece Papageorgiou Athens 0030 210 5246910 Nederland Broekhuizen B.V. Geldermalsen 0031 345 581977 hungary Hajas Budapest 003613142627 india Beauti Shape Mumbai 0091 22 2674 4047/48 indonesia evy soenardy salon/emary beauty line Surabaya 0062 31 5660603 ISRAEL GIDON COSMETICS LTD Tel-Aviv 00972 36963018 Berlin 0049 30 6911021 DEALERS 151 italy maletti spa H.Q. Scandiano (RE) 0522 7631 Parma - Rovigo Maletti Milano Via Savona, 97 - zona Tortona 20144 Milano Tel. 02 4236590 366 5894477 Milano - Pavia Abitare Nel Tempo Studio di architettura 030 732231 Monza - Cremona - Lodi a&g progetti La Spezia 349 5009879 340 3484470 a.gherardi@a& La Spezia - Massa Carrara Akorj Progetti SRL Bergamo 349 5149072 Brescia - Mantova sas Mestre (VE) 041 975637 Venezia beauty arreda srl Torino 011 2222311 Torino - Aosta - Asti Bonaccini Donata Reggio Emilia 347 8044667 Reggio Emilia - Modena caporali arredamenti srl Foligno (PG) 0742 320813 Perugia - Terni 152 DEALERS conte simona sas di Conte Simona Genova 010 8448167 366 1888588 Genova Cosmetics Services Bergamo Srl Bergamo 035 345540 335 6758880 Bergamo Cristiani Gabriele Andora (SV) 0182 698492 335 6037170 Savona - Cuneo - Imperia d.d.a. srl Altavilla (VI) 0444 348191 0444 348863 Vicenza Design & Company – SRL Roma 06 7016842 - 7016581 Roma - Rieti - Viterbo MONTI ARREDAMENTI di Monti Ernesto Contrada Spagnola, 340 Marsala (TP) 0923 745378 348 7273745 Trapani e Provincia fapam srl Pescara 085 4211291 Abruzzo Geometrie Srl Trieste 040 44686 Trieste - Udine - Gorizia Pordenone - Padova - Treviso Hair Service di Giorgio Candeago Limana (BL) 0437 967050 335 7081955 Belluno I Belli Design s.r.l. Falciano 0549 908166 335 1216988 Rep. San Marino - Rimini - Forlì - Cesena - Pesaro Urbino i gabbiani arredamenti srl Olbia (SS) 0789 595010 Sassari - Nuoro ir 77 srl Olgiate Comasco (CO) 031 946206 Como - Sondrio - Lecco Varese provincia est Kezy Corporate Lucca 0583 462056 Lucca - Pistoia - Pisa Livorno - Grosseto orsi arreda srl Bologna 051 321092 Bologna - Ferrara pagano raffaele sas Garnica (TN) 0461 842496 337 459237 Trento - Bolzano Palmeri Srl Napoli 081 7645045 - 081 7645655 081 3604104 Napoli - Caserta - Benevento Avellino - Salerno - Potenza Matera Progetto Arredo Design Catania 095 7892085 Catania - Messina - Siracusa Reggio Calabria - Ragusa progetto snc di d’ambrosio Oliviero Silvi Marina (TE) 085 9353180 Campobasso - Isernia - Foggia l.c. studios srl Campi Bisenzio, Firenze 055 8953849 Firenze - Prato - Siena L.L. Sas di Eros Azimi & Co. Piacenza 0523 385024 0523 453161 335 302896 Piacenza lia progetti srl Canicattì (AG) 0922 853018 Agrigento - Enna - Caltanissetta luxor srl Verona 045 529488 340 3471269 Verona openspace srl Faenza (RA) 0546 46921 Massimo Ceroni 348 3913013 Sara Dallari 347 5620392 Ravenna B&D 2012 Rossi & Rossi Srl Palermo 091 6824505 393 9088257 Palermo re e regine di Romei Dea F. Arezzo 0575 366211 338 8602330 Arezzo sagos srl Quartu Sant’Elena (CA) 070 825563 Cagliari - Oristano s.r. progetti srl Novara 0321 623326 Novara - Alessandria - Vercelli Biella - Verbania Varese centro e provincia ovest B&D 2012 Scrimieri Arredamenti Srl Martina Franca (TA) 080 4856280 Bari - Barletta - Brindisi - Lecce - Taranto Catanzaro - Cosenza Crotone - Vibo Valentia stil marche snc di Marinelli & C. Torrette (AN) 071 882444 338 8793061 Fermo - Ancona - Macerata Ascoli Piceno Zodiaco Cosmetici Srl Colleferro (RM) 06 9782944 Frosinone - Latina lithuania uab hair net Kaunas 00370 37 313543 uab Framesta Kaunas 00370 685 68180 mexico letmex sa de cv Mexico D.F. 0052 555 541 5332 mOrocco japan Belmont Corporation Osaka 0081 6 621335945 Cherrat Groupe Casablanca 00212 5 22470 968 norway KAZAKHSTAN BEAUTYPROF Almaty 007 327 2699720 kuwait Nazih Int’I General Tarding W.L.L Qurtubah 00965 4333308 Latvia Sia Realata Riga 00371 26458344 EveryHair Norge as P.B. 129-3401 Lier 0047 32 81 33 00 0047 47203020 oman Al Nazih Beauty Supplies L.L.C Muscat 00968 24693817 PANAMA DP DESAROLLO CARIBE S.A. Calle 58 con Abel Bravo Ed.Titina er Piso Obarrio Ciudad Panama Tel. +507 214 7069 lebanon Nazih TrAding Co.L.L.C Beirut 00961 1545402 poland capillaris Krakow 0048 12 4162980 DEALERS 153 portugal a presencaparis Lisbona 00351 21 7951558 LVM Porto 00351 22 9812423 qatar Al Nazih Trading Co.W.L.L. Doha 00974 44373644 Czech Republic Beauty Servis Group S.R.O Prague 00420 7777 14244 rumania top line management Bucharest 0040 21 3352643 russia Nord Line Moscow 007 495 9170253 KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Nazih Group Company For Cosmetics Al Khobar 00966 3 8692244 SERBIA MONTENEGRO N PRO Belgrado 381113229759 154 DEALERS slovenia trimuzijat Miren 0038653954282 south africa L’OREAL SUD AFRICA Sandton 27112860700 spain Adela Caicoya Canarias 0034 928 241 184 DISPELEST Cadiz 0034 956093367 GMD S.L. 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