Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Dr. Bijan Bidabad


Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Dr. Bijan Bidabad
Curriculum Vitae of Bijan Bidabad
Update: February 2015
Personal Information .................................................................................................................................... 2
Degrees ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Major Fields of Experiences ......................................................................................................................... 3
Complementary Educations and Degrees ..................................................................................................... 3
Working Experiences.................................................................................................................................... 4
Research Projects Management and Supervision ......................................................................................... 6
Computer Experience ................................................................................................................................... 9
Teachings ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Dissertation Supervision ............................................................................................................................. 11
Publications in Farsi Language ................................................................................................................... 12
Writing in Macroeconometric Model of Iran .......................................................................................... 24
Writing in Cement Economics ................................................................................................................ 26
Writing in Islamic Banking, Finance and Insurance ............................................................................... 28
Writing in Ethic Economics .................................................................................................................... 37
Writings in Sufism-Gnosticism (Farsi) ................................................................................................... 38
Country Survey (Farsi)............................................................................................................................ 41
Publications in English language ................................................................................................................ 41
L1 Norm Econometrics ............................................................................................................................ 44
Macro-Econometric Model of Iran ......................................................................................................... 45
Ethic Economics ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Law and Sufism-Gnosticism ................................................................................................................... 46
Islamic Banking and Finance .................................................................................................................. 48
Personal Information
Family name: Bidabad
Birth date:
Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran
Address: Bijan Bidabad, No.2, 12th St., Mahestan Ave., Shahrak Gharb, Tehran 14658-33658, Iran.
Mobile: +98.912.1090164
General reference: Summary of biography has been printed by:
• Who's who in the World, 16th ed., January, 1999, USA.
• Who's who in the World, 17th ed., USA.
• Dictionary of International Biography, 28th ed., International Biographical Center, UK.
Diploma in Mathematics
Forsat High School, Tehran, Iran, 1969-1975.
Scores average: 16 out of 20. (I received my diploma when I was 16 years old).
BA. in Political Science
School of Political and Social Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 1975-1978.
Scores average: 3.02 out of 4. (I received my B.A. degree when I was 19 years old).
MS. in Economics
Major: Economic Development & Planning.
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 1979-1983.
Scores average: 3.78 out of 4.
Prima distinguished graduate.
Ph.D. in Economics
Major: Econometrics.
Minor: International Economics.
Islamic Azad University, Tehran Iran.
With cooperation of Neuchatel University, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1985-1989.
Scores average: 18 out of 20.
Prima distinguished graduate. Full four years scholarship.
Post-Doctoral in Economics
Major: Economics.
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).
Athens, Greece, 2014.
Major Fields of Experiences
International finance and trade
Monetary theory and policy
Economic planning
Economic development
Quantitative methods and mathematical modeling
Operation research
Mathematical statistics
Multivariate statistics
Numerical analysis
Mathematical programming
Mathematical-Statistical computer software
Government fiscal policy
Islamic Banking
Islamic Economics
Islamic Law
Islamic Sufi Philosophy
Complementary Educations and Degrees
English Language
Davies's School of English, London, England, 1976.
Linear programming
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1983.
Score: 93 out of 100
Project control systems
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1983.
Score: 93 out of 100
A Comprehensive course in demography
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1983.
Average score: 97 out of 100
Systems of national accounts,
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1983.
Score: 95 out of 100
Principle of computer science
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1984.
Score: 95 out of 100
Principle of computer programming
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1984.
Score: 90 out of 100
Computer job control language (JCL)
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1984.
Score: 19 out of 20
Advanced operation research
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1984.
Score: 60 out of 100
10. FORTRAN programming
Plan and Budget Ministry, Tehran, Iran, 1985.
Score: 91 out of 100
11. Financial programming
International Monetary Fund (IMF), course held at Tehran, Iran, 1991.
12. Joomla (CMS) Web Design
Reza Charity Organization, Tehran, Iran, 2012.
Working Experiences
Planning expert
Plan and Budget Bureau of Arak Province, Arak, Iran, 1982-1983.
Supervisor of research department
Plan and Budget Bureau of Arak Province, Arak, Iran, 1982-1983.
Senior expert of planning
Regional Planning Bureau, Plan & Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1983-1990.
Economic advisor
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1989-1995.
Assignee of Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs
at the Supreme Committee for Computerization of Taxation System, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1990-1992.
Supervisor of Computer Center
Economic Affairs Deputy, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1989-1995.
Assignee of Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs
at the Committee for Assessment of Fiscal Position of Social Security Organization Ministry of Finance
and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
Economic Advisor and Member of Senior Economists Sessions
Research Center of the Parliament, Tehran, Iran, 1994-1995.
Economic Advisor
Deputy of Economics and Technology, Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, Tehran. Iran,
10. Editor
Domestic economic Editor of the Journal "Tazehaye Eghtesad" (Economic Novels), A monthly review of
science, economics and banking; Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran,
Tehran, Iran, 1998-1999.
11. Supervisor of Government Budget Desk
Research Center of the Parliament, Tehran, Iran, 1998-1999.
12. Financial Analyst and Production Consultant
Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001-2002.
13. Consultant of research project:
Territory management of the influence region of South Pars Gas Domain. Gueno Consulting Engineers.
Tehran, Iran 2002.
14. (Research) Professor of Economics and Director of Foreign Exchange and International Researches
Monetary and Banking Research Academy of Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2002-2005.
15. Financial Consultant
Construction and Industry Holding Company affiliated to Bank Melli Iran Holding Company, 2004.
16. Economic Consultant
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2010.
17. Finance Consultant
Bank Maskan Research Institute, Bank Maskan, Tehran, Iran, 2006-2007.
18. Finance Consultant
Post Research Institute, Ministry of ICT, Tehran, Iran, 2006-2007.
19. Finance Consultant: Designing Profit and Loss Sharing Islamic Banking
Bank Melli Iran Planning and Research Institute, Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2007- ….
20. Economic Consultant
International Institute for Energy Studies, Tehran, Iran, 2010- ….
21. Economic Consultant
Planning and Establishment of Strategic Management System of Mellat Bank. Yase Arqavani Consulting
Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 2010-2011.
22. Finance Consultant: Designing Saving Bond Certificate
Bank Qarzul-Hasaneh Mehr Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2011- ….
23. Member of Supreme Council of Sciences, Researches and Technology
Supreme Council of Sciences, Researches and Technology, Tehran, Iran. 2011-…
Research Projects Management and Supervision
24. Designer of statistical model in research project:
Measuring Mental Disasters Caused by Iran-Iraq War.
Psychology Institute and the Commission for Measuring the Damages of Imposed War, Plan and Budget
Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1985.
25. Director of the 1st stage of the 6th phase of research project:
Identification of Deprived Areas of Iran.
Deputy of regional affairs, Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1986.
26. Director of the 2nd stage of the 6th phase of research project:
Identification of Deprived Areas of Iran.
Deputy of regional affairs, Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1987.
27. Designer of the mathematical model of the research project:
Simultaneous Computation of Preferred Prices and Number of Land Pieces in Non-Beneficial Land
Preparation Project of the Country of Astara.
Noy Consulting Engineering Company. Ministry of Construction, Tehran, Iran, 1988.
28. Designer of mathematical model of research project:
Determining Desired Number of Cinemas for Iran Urban Regions.
Naghsh Consulting Engineering Company, Farabi Cinema Foundation. Ministry of Culture, Tehran, Iran,
29. Director of research project:
Iran Macro-Economic Data Bank.
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1991-1993.
30. Co-director of research project:
Appropriate Monetary Policy for Economic Stabilization in Iran.
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, Phase I, 19911992.
31. Co-director of research project:
Appropriate Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy for Economic Stabilization in Iran (Emphasizing
Adjustment Policies).
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, Phase II, 19921993.
32. Co-director of research project:
Introducing Value Added Tax (VAT) System for Iran.
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1992-1993.
33. Co-director of research project:
Projective Transformation in Riemannian Spaces and its Application in Economic Planning.
School of Mathematics and Computer, Amir-Kabir Industrial University, Tehran, Iran, 1992-1993.
34. Supervision on research project:
Estimating Economic Effects of Military Expenditures in the World.
Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
35. Director of research project:
Assessment of 1375 (1996) Government Budget Proposition Bill to the Parliament. Organization for
inspection and supervision on prices and distribution of goods and services, Ministry of Commerce,
Tehran, Iran, 1995.
36. Director of quantitative section team of research project:
Foreign Trade Models and the Effects of Joining World Trade Organization in Industrial Sector of Iran.
Industrial Management Institute, Ministry of Industry, Tehran, Iran, 1995-1996.
37. Supervision on research project:
Assessment of Price Control Policies in Iran.
Economic Research Institute of Tehran University, Organization for inspection and supervision on prices
and distribution of goods and services, Ministry of Commerce, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
38. Director of research project:
Iran Macro-Econometric Model.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
39. Director of research project:
Revision, Computerization, Adjustment and Reconciliation of the Iran's National Income Accounts for
Period 1959-1995.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
40. Director of research project:
Revision, Computerization and Reconciliation of the Iran's Monetary Accounts for Period 1959-1995.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
41. Director of research project:
Defining Economic Indices. Parliament Research Center, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
42. Consultant of the research project:
Development Strategy for Informatics in Iran.
Amir-kabir Technology University, Tehran, Iran, 1999.
43. Director of the research project:
Modeling for Simulating the Situation of Cement Production of Fars-Khuzestan Cement Company.
Fars-Khuzestan Cement Company, Tehran, Iran, 1999.
21. Director of the research project:
Determination of Better Exporting Markets for Iran’s Gas and its Pricing and the Optimal Gas
Consumption at Domestic Economy.
Institute for International energy studies, 2000.
44. Director of research project:
Analytical-Financial Evaluation for Increasing Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Company Capital.
Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
Director of research project:
Policies for Improvement of Economic and Organizational Structure of Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills
Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
46. Director of research project:
Parallel Exchange Market Control by Monetary Targeting and Complementary Policies.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
47. Director of research project:
Iran Macro-Econometric Model, version 5. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of
Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2002-2004.
48. Director of research project:
Iran Macro-Econometric Model prepared to link to the United Nations LINK project.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2002-.
Director of research project:
Effects of Joining World Trade Organization on Cement of Iran.
Cement Research and Planning Center, Amir-Kabir Industrial University, Fars-Khoozestan Cement
Company, Tehran, Iran, 2005. Tehran, Iran, 2003-2004.
50. Director of research project:
Economics of Iran’s cement price,
Fars-Khuzestan Cement Co., Tehran, Iran, 2004.
51. Scientific director of the seminar:
Economics of Iran’s cement,
Amir-Kabir Industrial University, Cement producers Association, Tehran, Iran, 27, September, 2005.
52. Director of the project:
Calendar analysis of some main commodities price fluctuations. Case study: Monthly data analysis of
meat, chicken and egg prices.
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
53. Director of the project:
Iran and world trade outlook. A part of the project: Design of long-term strategies for management of
territory in commerce sector.
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
54. Director of the project:
Iran's competitive advantages and regional competitors.
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
55. Director of the project:
Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking, Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2005-.
56. Director of the project:
Economic, political and social survey of selected countries. International Corporation of Consultants and
Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
57. Designer and Superintendent of the project:
Financial Integrated Model of Mellat Bank. Yase Arqavani Consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 20102012.
Computer Experience
1. Working experience on mainframe computers networks with different operating systems of OS/VS,
MVS since 1979 up today.
2. Working experience on personal computers with different operating systems of DOS, OS/2 and
Windows and networks since 1981 up today.
3. Working experiences on many mainframe and PC languages and packages with different versions as:
• ABC-Flowchart
• E78+
(Terminal Emulation Program)
• EinPack
(Eigen System Packages)
• EViews
(Econometric Views)
(FORmula TRANsformation)
(Integrated System Programming Facility)
(Job Control Language)
• LinPack
(Linear System Package)
• Mainframe utilities
• MathCAD
(Mathematical Computer Aided Design)
(Mathematical Laboratory)
• Micro-TSP
(Time Series Processor for personal computers)
(Mathematical Programming System Extended)
• MS-Office
(Micro-Soft Office)
• Adobe Suite CS3
(Statistical Package for Social Sciences for mainframe computers)
• SPSS-pc
(Statistical Package for Social Sciences for personal computers)
(Scientific Subroutine Package)
• StatGraph
(Statistical Graphic System)
(Time Series Processor for mainframe computers)
• TSP-386
(Time Series Processor for personal computers)
(HyperText Markup Language)
Applied mathematics for engineering.
BS. level, electronic engineering, Arak Institute of Technology, Arak, Iran, 1983.
Applied mathematics for economics.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1987.
Applied mathematics for economics.
BS. level, economics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, 1989.
Time series analysis, forecasting and control.
MS. level, industrial engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1991.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran, 1992.
BS. level, economics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, 1993.
Microeconomic theory I.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, 1993.
Microeconomic theory II.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, 1993.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, 1994.
10. Microeconomic theory II.
MS. level, economics, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, 1995.
11. General Econometrics I.
MS. level, economic development, Islamic Azad University, School of graduate studies, Tehran, Iran,
12. General Econometrics II.
MS. level, economic development, Islamic Azad University, School of graduate studies, Tehran, Iran,
13. Econometrics I.
MS. level, systems planning, Islamic Azad University, School of graduate studies, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
14. Econometrics II.
MS. level, systems planning, Islamic Azad University, School of graduate studies, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
15. Econometrics.
Ph.D. level, Economics, Payame Nour University, School of graduate studies, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
16. Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking.
Training Office, Bank Melli Iran. Tehran, Iran, 2010.
17. Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking.
Training Office, Bank Melli Iran. Tehran, Iran, 2011.
18. Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking.
Workshop, Amirkabir Industrial University. Tehran, Iran, 2010.
19. Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking.
Workshop, Bank Sina. Tehran, Iran, 2010.
20. Rastin Banking.
Workshop, Refah Bank. Tehran, Iran, 2011.
21. Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking.
Workshop, Maskan Bank. Tehran, Iran, 2011.
22. Rastin Banking.
Tejarat Bank. Tehran, Iran, 2013.
23. Rastin Banking.
Workshop, Ansar Bank. Tehran, Iran, 2013.
24. New Contracts and Financial Instruments in Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing Banking.
Workshop, Novin Pajoohan Research Institute, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank
of Iran. Tehran, Iran, 2014.
25. Visiting Professor of Economics.
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral and Graduate Department of
Economics), Tehran, Iran.
Dissertation Supervision
Estimating aggregate investment demand for Iran regarding different production functions. F.
Savabi Asl, MS. Dissertation, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
Estimating aggregate private saving function for Iran. F. Arbabi, MS. Dissertation, Islamic Azad
University, Tabriz, Iran, 1994.
Estimating aggregate private consumption function for Iran. D. Naeemi, MS. Dissertation, Islamic
Azad University, Tabriz, Iran, 1994.
Constructing econometric model to estimate cereals production functions of Iran. M. Sarafzadeh,
MS. Dissertation, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
Examining the effect of price change on one sector on cost of production of other sectors by using
Input-Output table technique. S. Rezatehrani, MS. Dissertation, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,
Dual exchange markets in Iran and monetary policy. S. Khoshnevis Yazdi, Ph.D. Dissertation,
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral and Graduate Department of
Economics), Poonak, Tehran, Iran, 1999.
Iran’s strategy confronting inflation, considering its causes and roles in national security. S. S. M.
Ameliyan, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of strategic management, University of National Defense, Tehran,
Iran, 2001.
Comparative survey of traditional and electronic banking services in Iran. M. Allahyari, M.S.
Dissertation, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 2003.
Substituting Dollar by Euro in foreign transactions on Iran’s foreign trade. A. Zamani, M.S.
Dissertation, Faculty of Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral
and Graduate Department of Economics), Poonak, Tehran, Iran, 2004.
Forecasting world oil price. K. Peykarjou, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Economics, Islamic Azad
University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral and Graduate Department of Economics), Poonak,
Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Relation of interest rate and exchange rate in Iran. By M. Rabiei, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of
Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral and Graduate Department
of Economics), Poonak, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Economic synchronization in OPEC’s countries. B. Shayegani, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of
Economics, Al-Zahra University. Tehran, Iran, 2007.
Effects of inflation on income distribution in Iran. M. Shirijian, MS. Dissertation, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
Generalization of Markowitz theory for stock basket optimization. F. Savabi Asl, Ph.D.
Dissertation, Faculty of Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research School, (Doctoral
and Graduate Department of Economics), Poonak, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
Relation between Liquidity growth and inflation in Iran, during the years: 1966-2006. S. F.
Alhossainee, MS. Dissertation, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran,
Iran, 2008.
Publications in Farsi Language
Bijan Bidabad, Analysis of taxonomy (method of classifying homogeneous groups) in
classification of regions for regional planning, Plan and Budget Bureau of Central Province, Arak, Iran,
Bijan Bidabad, Discorrelation of provincial development budget allocations with deprived indices,
Plan and Budget Bureau of Central Province, Arak, Iran, 1983.
Bijan Bidabad, Analysis of principal components in creating development indices for regional
planning, Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1983.
Bijan Bidabad, Goal programming (process of optimal decision making with different priorities)
and its computer based solution, 1st print by Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget Organization,
Tehran, Iran, 1984; 2nd print by Roodaki Publisher, (book) 1990.
Bijan Bidabad, Zero-One programming (process of optimal decision making with bivalent
variables) and its computer based solution, 1st print by Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget
Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1984; 2nd print by Roodaki Publisher, (book) 1990.
21) Bijan Bidabad, Industrial location analysis for the year 2002 by using goal programming method,
Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1984.
22) Bijan Bidabad, Growth and development alternatives model of Iran, 1986-2002 prospects,
Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1985.
23) Bijan Bidabad, Dynamic model of population (mathematical model of analysis and forecasting
demographic changes in Iran), Regional Planning Bureau of Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran,
24) Bijan Bidabad, Mathematical model of simultaneous computation of preferred prices and number
of land pieces in non-beneficial land preparation projects. Economics and Management Journal, Islamic
Azad University, vol. 2, summer 1989, pp. 38-49.
Bijan Bidabad, Dual exchange markets, budget deficit and economic stabilization, Economics and
Management Journal, Islamic Azad University, vol. 4, Spring 1990, pp. 23-29, Tehran Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Micro-Macro analysis of migration and trade, Economics and Management Journal,
Islamic Azad University, vol. 7, Winter 1991, pp. 59-68, Tehran Iran.
27) Bijan Bidabad, Discrete and continuous L1 norm regressions (proposition of discrete
approximation algorithms and continuous smoothing of concentration surface), Ph.D. dissertation,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1989, Farsi Translation, reprinted by School of graduate studies,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1990.
Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Difference equations and dynamic stability of equilibrium.
Bijan Bidabad, Monetary roots of inflation in Iran and accessibility of the goals of the "Iran's Five
Years Economic Plan" in monetary sector. Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of
Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1991. Reprinted in Economic Journal, Deputy of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, vol. 1, pp. 25-46, vol. 2 pp. 13-25, vol. 3, pp. 2-16, 1993.
Bijan Bidabad, Accessibility of the goals of the "Iran's 1st Five Years Economic Plan" in foreign
trade sector. Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1991.
Reprinted in Economic Journal, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
vol. 4, pp. 33-40, vol. 5 pp. 9-26, vol. 6, pp. 25-33, 1993.
Akbar Komijani, Bijan Bidabad, Roya Tabatabaee, Yousof Faraji, Firoozeh Shekarabi, Kouroush
Madelat. Appropriate monetary policy for economic stabilization in Iran. Research project no. 111.
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, Phase I, 1992.
Reprinted (book) by Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, 1994.
Reprinted in Economic Journal, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
vol. 4, pp. 2-14, vol. 5 pp. 2-12, vol. 6, pp. 2-9, vol. 7 pp. 2-7, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, The effects of exchange rate adjustment and cutting subsidies on consumer price
index and government budget in Iran. Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic
Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1992.
Bijan Bidabad, Proposition of general organizational structure for the safety net Program in Iran.
Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1992.
34) Akbar Komijani, Bijan Bidabad, Zahra Abedi, Fariba Fahim Yahyaee, Mohammad Isazadeh,
Fariba Shirkhani. Introducing value added tax system for Iran. Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1993. Reprinted (book) by Deputy of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, 1996.
35) Akbar Komijani, Bijan Bidabad, Roya Tabatabaee, Javeed Bahrami, Kouroush Madelat, Firoozeh
Shekarabi. Appropriate monetary and exchange rate policy for economic stabilization in Iran
(emphasizing adjustment policies). Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Affairs, Tehran, Iran, Phase II, 1993. Reprinted (book) by Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Affairs, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, The effect of inflationary finance on prices and government fiscal structure in Iran
(measuring the previous years effects and analyzing scenarios of the 2nd economic, social and cultural
development plan of Islamic Republic of Iran); Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and
Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1994. Reprinted in Economic Policies Researches Journal, Deputy of
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, vols. 1,2, pp. 72-94, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, Accessibility of the goals of the "Iran's 2nd Five Years Economic Plan" in
government sector. Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Tehran,
Iran, 1994.
38) Changes in Iran's banking system for one decade. Parliament and Research, Journal of Research
Center of the Iran's Parliament, No. 9, 2nd year, pp. 17-52, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
Bijan Bidabad, Analysis of built models for appropriate monetary policy for economic stabilization
in Iran, Parliament and Research, Journal of Research Center of the Iran's Parliament, No. 9, 2nd year, pp.
59-95, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
Bijan Bidabad, A long-run macroeconometric model for Iran to evaluate the 2nd five years plan.
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1995.
Bijan Bidabad, Relationship of details of sources and uses accounts of banks with monetary, fiscal
and foreign sectors and discrepancies in the economic report and balance sheet of the Central Bank of
Iran. Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 1994.
Bijan Bidabad, Economic certainty and investment barriers in Iran. Research Center of the Iran's
Parliament, report no. 2400617, Tehran, Iran, 1995.
43) Bijan Bidabad, Some discrepancies in monetary, fiscal and foreign sectors accounts in the
economic report and balance sheet of the Central Bank of Iran. Deputy of Economics and Technology,
Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, 1995.
44) Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the position and performance of the Strategic Studies Center, Deputy of
Economics and Technology, Strategic Studies Center, Office of President, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, Does deficit financing by seigniorage finance government budget deficit? Report
no. 1 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology, Center for Strategic
Studies, Office of President, 1995. Reprinted under the title: The results of deficit financing by
seigniorage; Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 12-15. no.
73, September 1998. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Does inflation reduction due to money targeting cause reduction in Iran's economic
growth? Report no. 2 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology,
Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, 1995. Reprinted under the title: Relation of level of
liquidity and production in Iran; Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic and
banking, pp. 6-8. no. 74, January 1999. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
47) Bijan Bidabad, Does inflation of Iranian economy have any other basic causes rather than money
expansion? Report no. 3 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology,
Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, 1995. Reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly
review of science, economic and banking, pp. 4-7. no. 76, May 1999. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Do monetary instruments of the Central Bank of Iran suffice to control the level of
liquidity? Report no. 4 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology,
Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, 1996. Revised and Reprinted under the title: “Central
Bank monetary instruments and liquidity level control” in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of
science, economic and banking, pp. 8-11. No. 80, September 1999. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
49) Bijan Bidabad, Is continual increase of foreign exchanges rates caused by continual increase in
liquidity? Report no. 5 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology,
Center for Strategic Studies, Office of President, 1996. Reprinted under the title: Relation of level of
liquidity and foreign exchange rate in Iran; Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic
and banking, pp. 46-49, no. 78, July 1999. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of
Bijan Bidabad, Is flight and leakage of capital from Iran negligible? Report no. 6 of the
macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology, Center for Strategic Studies,
Office of President, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, Does the education sector of Iran need to be replaned? Report no. 7 of the
macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology, Center for Strategic Studies,
Office of President, 1996. Reprinted under the title: The need of education sector of Iran to re-planning,
part i, Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 13-16. No. 74,
January 1999, part ii, pp. 11-15, May 1999. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of
52) Bijan Bidabad, Without economic certainty can we expect to increase private investment? Report
no. 8 of the macroeconomic problems of Iran, Deputy of Economics and Technology, Center for Strategic
Studies, Office of President, 1996.
53) Bijan Bidabad, Analyzing Iran government budget for the year 1996 from view point of the effect
of inflationary finance on prices and fiscal structure of government. Organization for inspection and
supervision on prices and distribution of goods and services, Ministry of Commerce, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, Quantitative analyses of the effects of joining World Trade Organization in
industrial sector of Iran, Industrial Management Institute, Ministry of Industry, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
Bijan Bidabad, The inflation targeting policy for Iran. Proceeding of the 6th conference of monetary
and exchange rate policies, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, pp. 21-57,
1996. Some parts of it reprinted under the titles: "Price control by inflation targeting" and "Experience of
some countries on inflation targeting policy"; Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science,
economic and banking, pp. 10-14. 22-27, no. 79, August 1999. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Defining economic indices. Parliament Research Center, Office of economic
surveys, report no. 2401652, Tehran, Iran, 1996.
57) Bijan Bidabad, On foreign exchange exception notes in government budget bill for the year 1997,
Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1996. Revised and reprinted
partially under the title: A glance at the untransparencies of Iran budgeting process; Tazehaye Eghtesad,
the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 6-9. no. 75, March 1999. Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
58) Bijan Bidabad, Economic uncertainty and capital flight in Iran. Parliament Research Center, Office
of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1996. Reprinted partially under the title: The role of economic
certainty in growth of investment; Tazehaye Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic and
banking, pp. 7-11. No. 73, September 1998. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at note 29 of the 1998 budget proposal about foreign exchange problems.
Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 1602767, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the fundamentals of a budget document, in sight of 1998 budget
proposal. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 1602912, Tehran, Iran,
1997. Revised and reprinted under the title: "some problems of budgeting in Iran" in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 10-15 no. 78, July 1999. Monetary
and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the instructions to prepare 1998 budget proposal. Parliament Research
Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 1602966, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
Bijan Bidabad, About the deficit of the 1997 government budget. Parliament Research Center,
Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the foreign exchange problems of the 1998 budget proposal. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 1602990, Tehran, Iran, 1997. Revised and
reprinted partially under the title: "Necessity of giving the details of monetary, exchange, fiscal and
economic accounts for analyzing government budget", in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of
science, economic and banking, pp. 17-19 no. 77, June 1999. Monetary and Banking Research Academy,
Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Comparison of the 1998 budget proposal and bill about foreign exchange problems.
Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
65) Bijan Bidabad, Foreign exchange notes of the 1998 budget proposal. Lecture at the research
conference of Parliament Research Center, Printed at the Journal of Parliament and Research, no. 23, pp.
191-197, Tehran, Iran, 1997.
Bijan Bidabad, The unsuccessful roots of the 1st and 2nd five-year economic plans. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 2403859, Tehran, Iran, 1998. Revised and
reprinted under the title: "The main problems of the 1st and 2nd plans", in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the
monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 8-12, No. 77, May 1999. Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Methodology of studying the "Iran's 3rd Five Years Economic Plan". Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report number 2403314, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
68) Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the president lecture during giving the 1999 government budget to the
parliament and prediction of economic condition of Iran. Parliament Research Center, Office of
Economic surveys, report number, Tehran, Iran, 1998.
Bijan Bidabad, The coming year of 1378 (1999), a year with more economic problem for Iran, The
journal of "Payam Emrooz", no. 29, March 1999, Tehran, Iran. Revised and reprinted under the title: "A
glance at Iran’s economic situation and future outlook", in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of
science, economic and banking, pp. 4-7, No. 80, September 1999. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Topics on a systemic approach to vulnerability of political system. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 2404382, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and
reprinted under the title: "Vulnerability of political systems, from a systemic point of view", in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 72-75, No. 85, February 2000.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Financial Breakdown of Political Systems. 2000.
72) Bijan Bidabad, Analyzing the policy of sale of foreign currency in unofficial exchange market.
"Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 4-6, No. 84, January
2000. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Cooperative sector and its role in Iranian economy. Parliament Research Center,
Office of Economic surveys, report no. 2404615, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 8-10, No. 87, Mars 2000. Monetary
and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
74) Bijan Bidabad, Iran’s non-oil export trend and some of its problems. "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the
monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 52-54, No. 81, October 1999. Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the structure of 3rd five years plan of Iran and comparison with previous
plans. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and
reprinted under the title: “Proposal of the 3rd five years plan and the laws of previous plans” in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 6-9, No. 83, December 1999.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the administration structure of the 3rd five years plan of Iran. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted under the title:
“Administration structure reform in 3rd five years plan” in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of
science, economic and banking, pp. 6-9, No. 83, December 1999. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Non-oil export in the 3rd five years plan of Iran. Parliament Research Center, Office
of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly
review of science, economic and banking, p. 58, No. 85, February 2000. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Some new characteristics and certain points of the proposal of the 3rd five years
plan of Iran. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and
reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 4-5, No. 85,
February 2000. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Economic security in the 3rd five years plan of Iran. Parliament Research Center,
Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the
monthly review of science, economic and banking, p. 5, No. 89, May 2000. Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at the system of provincial income-expense in the 3rd five years plan of
Iran. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, report no. 5404920, Tehran, Iran, 1999.
Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking,
pp. 6-7, No. 85, May 2000. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A model for parallel foreign exchange markets for Iran. Proceeding of the 9th
conference of monetary and exchange rate policies, pp. 187-208, Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, Central Bank of Iran. Reprinted in “Foreign exchange policies (3)”, spring 2000, pp. 247-270,
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Comparison of incomes and expenditures and the structure of the 2000 government
bill proposal with budget law of 1999. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran,
Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted under the title: “Incomes and expenditures and the structure of the 2000
government bill proposal” in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and
banking, pp. 6-8, No. 86, March 2000. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Survey of public budget and the budget of government’s enterprises in proposal of
government budget of 2000. Parliament Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran,
1999. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and
banking, pp. 4-5, No. 86, March 2000. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Irans’s industry after globalization, growth or collapse? Iran economy magazine,
economic, financial and international monthly journal; special report, 2nd year, no. 12, January 2000, pp.
Bijan Bidabad, General direction of economic approvals in Iran’s 5th legislation period. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran, Iran, 2000. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 4-5, No. 89, May 2000. Monetary
and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at some features of underground economy. "Tazehaye Eghtesad", the
monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 11-13, No. 87, April 2000. Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Bijan Bidabad, Iran’s economy rubber. Iran economy magazine, economic, financial and
international monthly journal; 2nd year, no. 14, March 2000, pp. 4-7.
Bijan Bidabad, For some Dollars. Iran economy magazine, economic, financial and international
monthly journal; 2nd year, no. 16, May 2000, pp. 41-42.
89) Bijan Bidabad, Decision making by the power of money. Iran economy magazine, economic,
financial and international monthly journal; 2nd year, no. 16, May 2000, pp. 42-45.
90) Bijan Bidabad, A procedure for analyzing multi-monthly fiscal report of government budget.
Parliament Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
Bijan Bidabad, Interest-free banking operations and fiscal indisiplinary in Iran’s budgeting system.
Bank and Economy Magazine, no. 11, September 2000, pp. 16-22.
Bijan Bidabad, A glance at subsidies an economic and Islamic point of view.
93) Bijan Bidabad, Farzin Arbabi, The provincial income-expenditure system in government budget
proposal for the year 2001 (Comparison of the 3rd development plan law with government budget
proposal of 2001). Parliament Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
Bijan Bidabad, Mojallal, Controlling monopolies and competetizing economic activities in
government budget proposal for the year 2001 (Comparison of the 3rd development plan law with
government budget proposal of 2001). Parliament Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran,
Iran, 2000.
Bijan Bidabad, Mojallal, Privatization of stocks and management of government enterprises in
government budget proposal for the year 2001 (Comparison of the 3rd development plan law with
government budget proposal of 2001). Parliament Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran,
Iran, 2000.
Bijan Bidabad, Panahi, Reorganizing government enterprises in government budget proposal for
the year 2001 (Comparison of the 3rd development plan law with government budget proposal of 2001).
Parliament Research Center, Office of Plan and Budget, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
Bijan Bidabad, Analytical-financial evaluation for increasing Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills
Company capital. 1st edition. Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
Bijan Bidabad, Analytical-financial evaluation for increasing Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills
Company capital. Revised 2nd edition. Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
Bijan Bidabad, Peyman Ghorbani, Shahrooz Abolhosseini, Afshin Javan, Determination of better
exporting markets for Iran’s gas and its pricing and the optimal gas consumption at domestic economy.
Institute for International Energy Studies, 2001.
100) Bijan Bidabad, Production, economic and organizational structure of Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills
Company and proposing executive solution to increase productivity and cost decrease. Volume 1,
General arguments and slab cutting sector. Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
101) Bijan Bidabad, Production, economic and organizational structure of Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills
Company and proposing executive solution to increase productivity and cost decrease. Volume 2, oxygen
preparation and weight measurement sectors. Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2001.
102) Bijan Bidabad, Five-years production plan of Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Company. 1st edition,
Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2002.
103) Bijan Bidabad, Five-years production plan of Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Company. 2nd edition,
Ahwaz Rolling & Pipe Mills Co., Ahwaz, Iran, 2002.
104) Bijan Bidabad, Technical – economic appraisal of light double stratums sewages and gas sediment
pipes project, Mazandaran, Iran, 2002.
105) Bijan Bidabad, Evaluating previous plans and a glance to the 4th plan, Proceeding of the 4th
development plan conference. Tarbiat Modarres University, pp 85-120. 26 August 2004.
106) Bijan Bidabad, Non-tariff barriers in WTO (World Trade Organization) and their inconsistencies in
Iran's foreign trade, 2003. Aghaz, Monthly review, 1st year, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 28-44.
107) Bijan Bidabad, Problems of macroeconomic policy making in Iran, collection of 40 articles of the
author, 2003.
108) Bijan Bidabad, Typology of financial institutions and economic decision making kernels in Iran
economic structure, Proceeding of the 13th conference of monetary and exchange rate policies, pp. 391446. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2003.
109) Bijan Bidabad, Quantitative effects of Iran Accession to World Trade Organization (WTO) on
Industry Subsectors of Iran. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran,
Iran, 2003.
110) Bijan Bidabad, Employment generating sectors and Iran's employment increase targeting.
Agricultural economics and development, Quarterly journal of Agricultural Planning and Economic
Research Institute (APERI), Vol. 12, No. 2 (46) summer 2004, pp. 107-135. Tehran, Iran, 2003.
111) Bijan Bidabad, Iran's industrial development strategy debates and motive industry in Iran's
economy. Proceeding of the research workshop on critics of industrial development strategy. Office of
Special Advisor, Center for Strategic Studies. Commission of Expedience of Iran. 30 November 2003,
Tehran, Iran. Reprinted in "Rahbord", Journal of Commission of Expedience, No. 30, winter, 2003,
112) Bijan Bidabad, Financial analysis and economic evaluation of Mouj construction investment
project. Construction and Industry Holding Company affiliated to Bank Melli Iran Holding Company,
113) Bijan Bidabad, Financial analysis and economic evaluation of Dibaji construction investment
project. Construction and Industry Holding Company affiliated to Bank Melli Iran Holding Company,
114) Bijan Bidabad, Financial analysis and economic evaluation of Bokharest construction investment
project. Construction and Industry Holding Company affiliated to Bank Melli Iran Holding Company,
115) Bijan Bidabad, Economic evaluation of Southern Star Brokerage co. and Islamic Republic of Iran's
Rail-ways Organization in joint venture of purchasing open top wagons. Southern Star Brokerage co.,
April 2004.
116) Bijan Bidabad, (book) Parallel Exchange Market Control by Monetary Targeting and
Complementary Policies. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran,
117) Bijan Bidabad, Parallel Exchange Market Control by Monetary Targeting and Complementary
Policies. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2004.
118) Bijan Bidabad, The of effects of loan’s interest rate decrease on Iran’s economy: Bank va Eghtesad
(Bank and Economics), A monthly review of banking and economics, No. 58, May 2005, pp 45-52.
Revised and reprinted in proceeding of the first expertise conference of challenges and opportunities of
national industry, Tehran, 13-17 May 2005, pp. 41-63, Tehran, Center for Strategic Research.
119) Bijan Bidabad, Theoretical methodology and executive implementation of territory management
with emphasis on large scale regional investment projects. Gueno Consulting Engineers. Tehran, Iran
120) Bijan Bidabad, A.Jafar. Samimi and Rouhallaj Mohammadi. Fuzzy dummy variables in
econometric models. Tehran, Iran, 2006.
121) Bijan Bidabad, Kambiz Peykardjou. Simulation and forecast of world oil price. Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Economic Research Review Quarterly, Economic Research Institute (ERI) Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2008,
pp. 83-117.
122) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) World Trade Organization (WTO) and Iran's accession (economicstructural reform prerequisites), 2008.
123) Bijan Bidabad, Globalization and World Trade Organization (WTO), 2008.
124) Bijan Bidabad, World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, 2008.
125) Mahnaz Rabiei, Bijan Bidabad, The relation between interest rate and exchange rate (Reappraisal
and expansion of quantity theory of money). Pajooheshnameh Eqtesadi (Economic Research Letter),
Spring 2009, No. 9, 32(1), pp. 67-96.
126) Bijan Bidabad, Abolfazl Delghandi, The important factors affecting on sources and uses of Bank of
Maskan, (2nd part). Research and Development Center, Bank of Maskan, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
127) Bijan Bidabad, Rahman Saadat, Jamshid Einali, Zahra Aghajani, Elham Pirouz, Samira Golkaran
Moghadam, Hediyeh Vojdani Tehrani, Bita Nouroozi, Bahram Amirahmadian. Commercial needs of
Iran’s provinces (Strong, Weak, Opportunities, Threats). Institute for Trade Studies and Research,
Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
128) Bijan Bidabad, Subsidy incidence, Iran economy magazine, economic, financial and international
monthly journal; 8th year, no. 95, January 2005, p. 17.
129) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Technical-economical evaluation of 500000 tons rolling factory of
Gamberon Steel Company. Barsoo Engineering Consulting Co., 2006, Tehran.
130) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Risk management of ATM machines. Proceeding of the
First E-banking Summit, 14-15 May 2007, Tehran, Iran.
131) Bijan Bidabad, Evaluating the interest rate reduction policy. Institute for Strategic Research, Office
of President, June 2007, Tehran, Iran. Reprinted in: Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and Economics), Monthly
Review of Banking and Economics, October 2007, No. 85, pp. 18-37.
132) Bita Shayegani and Zahra Afshari, Bijan Bidabad, Synchronization of Opec’s country business
cycles. Economic Research Review Quarterly, Economic Research Institute (ERI) Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer
2008, pp. 153-180. Tehran, Iran.
133) Bijan Bidabad, Rouhollah Mohammadi (Book) Iran and world trade outlook. A part of the project:
Design of long-term strategies for management of territory in commerce sector. Institute for Trade
Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
134) Bijan Bidabad, Arash Ghashami. Building energy auditing system with emphasis on Iran's
governmental building. Proceeding of Correcting Consumption Pattern Conference. Institute for Trade
Studies and Research, Ministry of Commerce, pp. 515-541. 26 July 2010, Tehran, Iran.
135) Bijan Bidabad, General appraisal of Fifth Plan Proposal from planning-methodology view.
Parliament Research Center, 2010. Tehran, Iran.
136) Bijan Bidabad, Theoretical investigation of productivity and extra work. Institute for Trade Studies
and Research, Ministry of commerce, Tehran, Iran, 2010.
137) Bijan Bidabad, Electromagnetic radiations impacts on productivity and immunization methods.
Towsaeh Tasisat va Tajhizat, (Journal of the Iranian Syndicate of M & E and Industrial
Contractors/ISMEIC. Part 1: No. 28, spring 2011, pp. 64-79. Part 2: No. 29, summer 2011, pp. 54-57.
138) Bijan Bidabad, The causes and effects of unemployment phenomenon of construction industry
corporations. Towsaeh Tasisat va Tajhizat, (Journal of the Iranian Syndicate of M & E and Industrial
Contractors/ISMEIC. Part 1: The problem comes from the economic infrastructure of Iran, No. 22,
autumn 2009, pp. 26-31. Part 2: Forecasting stagflation for Iran, No. 23, winter 2010, pp. 23-25.
139) Bijan Bidabad, Testing the theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in Iran, 2013, Tehran.
140) Bijan Bidabad, Targeted Subsidies Policy and exchange rate increments in Iran, 2013, Tehran.
141) Bijan Bidabad, Sacrifice of Sovereignty and Revival of Government, an Executive-Policy
Packages, 2013, Tehran.
142) Bijan Bidabad, Executive Policies to Reform Public Sector of Iran (Organization, Public Finance,
Plan, Budget and Supervision), 2013, Tehran.
143) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Risk management of ATM machines, (2013 calculations).
2014, Pajooheshnameh Bank Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank. Tehran,
Writing in Macroeconometric Model of Iran
144) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 1.00, Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1996.
145) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 2.00, Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1996.
146) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric models of Iran, version 3.00, Vol. i, main document,
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1996.
147) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 3.00, Vol. ii, simulation and
forecast, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1996.
148) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 4.00, descriptive document,
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1996.
149) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 4.00, simulation and forecast,
Model Building for Iranian Economy Meeting, Central Bank of Iran, 1997. Reprinted in Iran’s economy
Modeling, Central Bank of Iran, 1997.
150) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 4.00, Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 1997.
151) Bijan Bidabad, Critics on the macroeconometric model of the 3rd five years plan of Iran. Parliament
Research Center, Office of Economic surveys, Tehran, Iran, 1999. Revised and reprinted in "Tazehaye
Eghtesad", the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 4-7, No. 87, April 2000. Monetary
and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
152) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Data banks of United Nations’ LINK project for Iran. Spring 2003.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
153) Bijan Bidabad, Structured Data bank of System of National Accounts of Iran
154) Bijan Bidabad, Structured Data bank of Balance of Payments of Iran
155) Bijan Bidabad, Structured Data bank of Monetary Accounts of Iran
156) Bijan Bidabad, Structured Data bank of Government Budget of Iran
157) Bijan Bidabad, Data bank for Macro-econometric Model of Iran
158) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 5.00, Main document. Monetary
and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2004.
159) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Macro econometric model of Iran, version 5.00, Descriptive document.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2004.
160) Bijan Bidabad, A glance at macro econometric model of Iran, version 5.00. Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2004.
161) Bijan Bidabad, Summary of macro econometric model of Iran, version 5.00. Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran. Presented at monthly conference of Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, 12, May, 2004. Tehran.
162) Bijan Bidabad, Effects of loan’s interest rate decrease on Iran’s economy (macroeconometric
model of Iran simulation). Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2004.
163) Bijan Bidabad, A scheme of the macro econometric model of Iran, version 6.0. Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran. Presented at 11th monthly conference of Monetary and
Banking Research Academy, 1, March, 2005. Tehran, Iran. MBRA monthly conferences (2004-2005),
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, pp. 271-309. Summarized in: Tazehaye
Eghtesad, the monthly review of science, economic and banking, pp. 109-122. no. 106, March 2005.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran.
Writing in Cement Economics
Bijan Bidabad, Comprehensive study of the economic structure of the Abyek Cement Factory,
Fars-Khuzestan Cement Co. November 1999.
165) Bijan Bidabad, Economic structure and production cost in Abyek cement company. Proceeding
of Tehran Cement International Conference. Tehran Cement Company. 3-4 October, 2004, Tehran, vol.
2, pp. 581-600.
166) Bijan Bidabad, Methodology of economic analysis of a cement company. Proceeding of Tehran
Cement International Conference. Tehran Cement Company. 3-4 October, 2004, Tehran, vol. 2, pp.503531.
Bijan Bidabad, Economics of Iran’s cement price, Fars-Khuzestan Cement Co., November 2004.
Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, published by Geeti-Noor Cultural-Artistical Institute,
Tehran, Iran, 2006.
168) Bijan Bidabad, The effect of Iran’s accession to World Trade Organization (WTO) on her cement
industry, Cement Research and Planning Center, Amir-Kabir Industrial University, Fars-Khoozestan
Cement Company, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Volume 1: Economic structure of cement industry.
169) Volume 2: World cement.
170) Volume 3: World Trade Organization (WTO) and Iran.
171) Volume 4: Countries’ cement and World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international
172) Volume 5: Tariff, non-tariff and custom barriers to Iran’s cement foreign trade and World Trade
Organization (WTO).
173) Volume 6: Quantitative effect of Iran’s accession to WTO on cement industry.
174) Volume 7: Summary, conclusions and policy recommendations regarding cement industry in
accession of Iran’s accession to WTO.
Bijan Bidabad, The economics of Iran and world cement, Association of Cement Producers
Entrepreneurs, published by Geeti-Noor Cultural-Artistical Institute, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Bijan Bidabad, Environment and cement industry in Iran and Europe. Proceeding of the 1st Iran's
cement economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial University,
Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 317-350, printed by
Bijan Bidabad, Dynamic disequilibrium adjustment model (DDAM) in analyzing the tariff
reduction effects on cement foreign trade of Iran. Proceeding of the 1st Iran's cement economics seminar,
Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial University, Association of Cement
Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 245-266, printed by Elme-Omran.
Bijan Bidabad, Financial liquidation of cement projects. Proceeding of the 1st Iran's cement
economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial University,
Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 299-316, printed by
Elme-Omran. Reprinted: Cement Monthly, (Scientific, Technical, Economic Monthly Review), 13th year,
No.106, July 2007, pp. 72-80.
Bijan Bidabad, Domestic resource cost of cement production. Proceeding of the 1st Iran's cement
economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial University,
Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 267-294, printed by
Bijan Bidabad, Supply and demand of cement in Iran. Proceeding of the 1st Iran's cement
economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial University,
Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 29-78, printed by
181) Bijan Bidabad, Econometric simulation of cement price liberalization in Iran. Proceeding of the
1st Iran's cement economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial
University, Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 121-144,
printed by Elme-Omran. Reprinted: Cement Monthly, (Scientific, Technical, Economic Monthly
Review), 12th year, No.102, February-March 2006, pp. 50-59.
Bijan Bidabad, Investment productivity and price of cement interrelationship. Proceeding of the
1 Iran's cement economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial
University, Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 179-177,
printed by Elme-Omran.
183) Bijan Bidabad, Domestic and international cement transportation economics. Proceeding of the
1st Iran's cement economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial
University, Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, pp. 351-396,
printed by Elme-Omran.
Bijan Bidabad, Proceeding of 1st Iran's cement economics seminar, editor, proceeding of the 1st
Iran's cement economics seminar, Cement Planning and Research Bureau of Amirkabir Industrial
University, Association of Cement Producers Entrepreneurs, September, 27th 2005, Tehran, printed by
Farhad Savabi Asl, Bijan Bidabad, Hamid Shahrestani. The Development of Markowitz –
Sharpe's Theory and New Efficient Frontier: The Case of Large Cement Corporations in Tehran Stock
Exchange Market. Quarterly journal of growth and sustainable development (Economic Research), 10th
year, no. 2, summer 2010, pp.43-60.
Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Rohollah Mohammadi, A Financial Model for Economic
Analysis of Cement Factory, 2014.
Writing in Islamic Banking, Finance and Insurance
187) Bijan Bidabad, Religious-economic analysis of usury in consumption and investment loans and
shortages of contemporary jurisprudence in finding the rules of religion legislator. Monetary and Banking
Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2003. Republished in Bank va Eghtesad (Bank and
Economics), A monthly review of banking and economics: No.106: June 2010 pp: 38-42; No.108:
August 2010 pp: 38-42; No.109: September 2010 pp: 36-41; No.111: November 2010 pp: 34-38; No.112:
December 2010 pp: 42-44.
188) Bijan Bidabad, Non-usury bank Corporation and contemporary usury and non-usury banking
operations. Proceeding of the 3rd biennial Islamic economics conference (Islamic economic theory and
Iran’s economy), pp. 193-224, Economic Research Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,
24-25 December 2003.
189) Bijan Bidabad, Religious-economic analysis of insurance and characteristics of Islamic
government. Proceeding of the 8 biennial Islamic economics conference (Ethic in Islamic economic and
Iran’s economy), pp. 193-224, Economic Research Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 7
March 2014.
190) Bijan Bidabad, Tax rate and base in Islamic finance and wise-based view point to religiousjurisprudence principles. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2003.
191) Bijan Bidabad, One-tenth in Islamic finance, Proceeding of Islam and Economic Development
Conference (Components and Principles), 22 February 2005, Tehran, Iran. pp. 405-484.
192) Bijan Bidabad, Islamic Public Finance, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank
of Iran, 2003.
193) Bijan Bidabad, Expenditures in Islamic public finance, Proceeding of the 4th biennial Islamic
economics conference (Iran's economy debates and Islamic solution), pp. 303-364, Economic Research
Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 15-16 November 2005. Tehran, Iran. Reprinted in
Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and Economics), Monthly Review of Banking and Economics, Year 2006, March
(No. 68, pp. 55-59), April (No. 69, pp. 62-66), May (No. 70, pp. 66-72), June (No. 71, pp. 68-74).
194) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Review of hardware infrastructure for e-commerce and ebanking. 2005.
195) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Hardware infrastructure for e-commerce and e-banking in
Iran. Ravand, the scientific-professional journal of Central Bank of Iran, 15th year, no. 47 winter,
pubblished May 2006, pp. 63-100.
196) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Software infrastructure for e-commerce and e-banking in
Iran. April, 2004.
197) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Mark-up prices of traditional and modern banking
services (Bank Melli Iran). Proceeding of the 3rd e-commerce conference, developments, constrictions,
strategies, 31 May - June 1, 2005, pp. 331-357, Deputy of planning and economic affairs, Ministry of
commerce. Calculations for 2002:
198) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Mark-up prices of traditional and modern banking
services (Bank Melli Iran). Calculations for 2004.
199) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Effects of modern banking on productivity and mark-up
prices on banking services (The case of Bank Melli Iran). Calculations for 2006.
200) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Information and communication technologies in
establishment of Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of New Economy and
Commerce, vol. 1, No. 3, winter 2006, pp. 1-37. Reprinted in Proceeding of National Conference of
Money and Banking Management Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran.
201) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Efficiency of Assets and Liabilities Management in
Islamic Banking. Quarterly Journal of New Economy and Commerce, vol. 3, No. 12, Spring 2008, pp.
202) Bijan Bidabad, Jina Aghabeigi, Mahasti Naeemi, Azarang Amirostovar, Saeed Salehian, Saeed
Nafisi Saraee, Alireza Mehdizadeh Chelehbari, Bijan Hossainpour, Saeed Sheikhani, Mahmoud
Allahyarifard, Mohammad Safaeepour, Nadia Khalili Velaee. Detailed design of Profit and Loss Sharing
(PLS) banking. Office of Research and Planning, Bank Melli Iran. 2008, Tehran.
203) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Operational Mechanism of Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing
(PLS) Banking, Financial innovations of Mosharekeh (Partnership) Certificate and Pazireh (Subscripted)
Certificate with international financial efficiency. Presented at the second conference of Banking services
and export, Bank of export development, 18 October 2008, Tehran, Iran. Reprinted in Proceeding of
National Conference of Money and Banking Management Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar
Bank, Tehran, Iran.
204) Bijan Bidabad, Mohammad Safaeipour. The Electronic Market for Transaction of Mosharekeh
(Partnership)/Pazireh (Subscripted) Certificates. Fifth Conference of E-commerce, 23-24, November
2008, Ministry of Commerce, Tehran, Iran.
205) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Gradual Promotion of Modern Banking Productivity and
the Effects of Unsuccessful Transaction (A case Study of Bank Melli Iran). Presented at the third
conference of E-Banking, 9-10 August 2009, Tehran, Iran.
206) Bijan Bidabad, Non-Usury banking versus economic crises. Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and
Economics), Monthly Review of Banking and Economics, December 2009, No. 103, pp. 22-27.
207) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking Accounting.
Proceeding of National Conference of Money and Banking Management Development, 27-28 January
2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran.
208) Bijan Bidabad, Stabilizing Business cycles with Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking and Ethic
Economics. Proceeding of the Conference on Analyzing the Development and Extensions of Financing
Methods with Emphasis on the Roles of Bank, Insurance and Capital Market, pp. 134-167, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Affairs, Payame Nour University, Bank Melli Iran, 19 July 2011, Tehran, Iran.
209) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. IT Based Usury Free Financial Innovations. 2011.
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on development of financing system in Iran with
cooperation of center for Technology Studies of Sharif University and IRTI of IDB. 19-20 February,
2011, pp. 69-89. Reprinted in Proceeding of National Conference of Money and Banking Management
Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran.
210) Bijan Bidabad, Jina Aqabeigi, Azarang Amirostovar, A. Hezaveh, A. Shafiei, S. Nafisi
Zobdehsaraei, A. Mehdizadeh, A. Hayatdavoodi, B. Hussainpour, S.A. Hussaini, A. Shali, M. Kashefi,
M. Allahyarifard, M. Safaeipour, A. Kosari, B. Einollahzadeh, M. Naeimi, N. Khalilivelaei, Shakeri.
Detailed design of Modarebah Financial Sharing (MFS), a sub-system of Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing
(PLS) banking. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2010.
211) Bijan Bidabad, J. Aqabeigi, A. Amirostovar, A. Hezaveh, A. Shafiei, S. Nafisi Zobdehsaraei, A.
Mehdizadeh, A. Hayatdavoodi, B. Hussainpour, S.A. Hussaini, A. Shali, M. Kashefi, M. Allahyarifard,
M. Safaeipour, A. Kosari, B. Einollahzadeh, M. Naeimi, N. Khalilivelaei, Shakeri, M. Naseri. Detailed
design of Joaleh Financial Sharing (JFS), a sub-system of Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) banking.
Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2010.
212) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Mahnaz Rabiei. Usury-Free Bonds (in Domestic Money
and Foreign Exchange) and Islamic Central Banking Monetary Instruments. Proceedings of the 3rd
international conference on development of financing system in Iran with cooperation of center for
Technology Studies of Sharif University and IRTI of IDB. 19-20 February, 2011, pp. 517-540.
213) Bijan Bidabad, Insurance and Bankruptcy Chain Theory, 2010.
214) Bijan Bidabad, Economic-Juristic Analysis of Obligatory Insurance, 2010.
215) Bijan Bidabad, Economic-Juristic Analysis of Social Security Insurances, 2010.
216) Bijan Bidabad, A. Siahpoush, M. Mirzaei Qazi, S. Aljabouri, H. Nasrollahi, Z. Qolami, A. Sharifi,
Amir Shams, Sh. Akbarzadeh. Detailed Design of Qarzul-Hasaneh Saving Certificate (Bond), Bank
Qarzul-Hasaneh Mehr Iran. 2011.
217) Bijan Bidabad, A glance at Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) and the subsystems of Modarebah
Financial Sharing (MFS) and Joaleh Financial Sharing (JFS). Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and Economics),
Monthly Review of Banking and Economics, August 2011, No. 114, pp. 20-26.
218) Bijan Bidabad, Legal and Juridical Analysis of Usury-Free Bonds. Proceeding of the National
Seminar on the Role of Islamic Banking in Providing Finance with Special Emphasis on Interest-Free
Benevolent Loan (Qarzulhasaneh) Financing, 13 December, 2011. Bank of Qarzulhasane Mehr Iran and
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
219) Bijan Bidabad, Saving Qarzolhasana Cerificate (SQC). Proceeding of the National Seminar on the
Role of Islamic Banking in Providing Finance with Special Emphasis on Interest-Free Benevolent Loan
(Qarzulhasaneh) Financing, 13 December, 2011. Bank of Qarzulhasane Mehr Iran and Tarbiat Modares
University, Tehran, Iran.
220) Bijan Bidabad, Preventing oscillations and cyclical economic crises by new financial instruments
and banking structure reform, 2011.
221) Bijan Bidabad, M. Safarzadeh and J. Aghabeigi, Organization of Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS)
Banking in Bank Melli Iran. Bank Meli Iran, 2011.
222) Bijan Bidabad, Modarebah Finance Sharing (MFS), 2011. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh
Bank Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
223) Bijan Bidabad, Joaleh Finance Sharing (JFS). Pooyesh: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of
Maskan Bank, Second year, No. 6, Summer 2013, pp: 98-121.
224) Bijan Bidabad, Change Strategy for Banking Structure. Proceeding of the Conference on
Analyzing the Development and Extensions of Financing Methods with Emphasis on the Roles of Bank,
Insurance and Capital Market, pp. 93-132, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Payame Nour
University, Bank Melli Iran, 19 July 2011, Tehran, Iran.
225) Bijan Bidabad, Interest Free Treasury Bill, Proceeding of the 24th Monetary and Exchange Policies
Conference, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Central Bank of Iran, 16-17 June, 2014. Tehran,
226) Bijan Bidabad, M. Mahan, M. Azadani, F. Mohammadi, M.A. Barati, P. Qorbani Moghadam, G.
Behtaji. Construction of Time Series Integrated Database of Mellat Bank. Yase Arqavani Consulting
Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 2010-2011.
227) Bijan Bidabad, M. Mahan, M. Azadani, F. Mohammadi, M.A. Barati, P. Qorbani Moghadam, G.
Behtaji. Time Series Integrated Database of Mellat Bank. Yase Arqavani Consulting Engineers, Tehran,
Iran, 2010-2011.
228) Bijan Bidabad, M. Mahan, M. Azadani, F. Mohammadi, M.A. Barati, P. Qorbani Moghadam, G.
Behtaji. Analysis of Long-term Trends of Financial Statements Items and Indices of Mellat Bank. Yase
Arqavani Consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 2010-2011.
229) Bijan Bidabad, M. Mahan, M. Azadani, F. Mohammadi, M.A. Barati, P. Qorbani Moghadam, G.
Behtaji. Model Building for Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) of Mellat Bank,
(Financial Integrated Econometric Model of Mellat Bank). Yase Arqavani Consulting Engineers, Tehran,
Iran, 2010-2011.
230) Bijan Bidabad, Fardin Mohammadi. Financial Integrated Econometric Model of Mellat Bank. Yase
Arqavani Consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran, 2012.
231) Bijan Bidabad, Marketing for Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS), Pooyesh: Scientific-Applied
Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank, Second year, No. 7, Winter 2014, pp: 88-99.
232) Bijan Bidabad, Rouhollah Mohammadi and Tahereh Norasteh, Credit Classification of Bank
Customers. Tehran, 2011.
233) Bijan Bidabad, A. Siahpoush, M. Mirzaei Qazi, S. Aljabouri, H. Nasrollahi, Z. Qolami, A. Sharifi,
Amir Shams, Sh. Akbarzadeh. Detailed Design of Qarzul-Hasaneh Saving Certificate (Bond) with
Certificate of Loan Points Right, Bank Qarzul-Hasaneh Mehr Iran. 2011.
234) Bijan Bidabad, Detailed design of Installment Financial Sharing (IFS), a subsystem of Rastin Profit
and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2011.
235) Bijan Bidabad, Detailed design of Rent Financial Sharing (RFS), a subsystem of Rastin Profit and
Loss Sharing (PLS) banking. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2011.
236) Bijan Bidabad, Installment Financial Sharing (IFS), 2011. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh
Bank Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
237) Bijan Bidabad, IT-Based Sub-Systems of Rastin Banking. Proceeding of National Conference of
E-Service new change in sustainable development, 21-22 November, 2011. Al-Zahra University, Tehran,
238) Bijan Bidabad, IT-Based Security of Banking Transactions in Rastin Banking System. Bank va
Eghtesad (Bank and Economics), A monthly review of banking and economics: No.116: December 2011
pp: 37-40.
239) Bijan Bidabad, R. Mohammadi, Rastin Social Takaful and Qarzul-Hasaneh Banking, 2011.
240) Bijan Bidabad, Rent Financial Sharing (RFS), 2012. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh Bank
Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
241) Bijan Bidabad, Financial Transparency, Governance and Public Disclosure for Banks in Rastin
Banking System and Proposition for Necessary Regulations to Improve them. Bank va Eghtesad (Bank
and Economics), A monthly review of banking and economics: No.117: February 2012 pp: 24-34.
Reprinted in Proceeding of National Conference of Money and Banking Management Development, 2728 January 2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran. Reprinted in Hoqooq va Eghtesad (Law and Economics)
Humanistic Science Monthly, No. 2, March 2014, pp. 58-77.
242) Bijan Bidabad, Mmohammad Safaeipour. Components of the Integrated System of Rastin Profit
and Loss Sharing Banking System, Operations and Processes Management Approach. Proceeding of The
First International Conference on Electronic Banking and Payment Systems, Vol. 1, Persian papers, pp.
76-126, 19-20 February, 2012, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran,
243) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Interbank Withdrawal Protocol (IWP) in Rastin Banking.
The 4th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2012), Faculty of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Babol Noshiravani University of Technology. May 22-24, 2012.
244) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Detailed Design of Rastin Social Takaful (RST), A subsystem of Rastin
Profit and Loss Sharing Banking System. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2012.
245) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Social Takaful (RST), 2012. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh Bank
Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
246) Bijan Bidabad, Mortgage Securitization System (MSS) in Rastin Banking, 2012.
247) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Detailed Design of Bail Financial Sharing (BFS), A subsystem of Rastin
Profit and Loss Sharing Banking System. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2012.
248) Bijan Bidabad, Bail Financial Sharing (BFS), 2012. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh Bank
Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
249) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Detailed Design of Rastin Personal Security (RPS), A subsystem of Rastin
Profit and Loss Sharing Banking System. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2012.
250) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Personal Security (RPS), 2012. To be appeared in Pajooheshnameh Bank
Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank.
251) Bijan Bidabad, Joint Stock Company with Variable Capital, 2012.
252) Bijan Bidabad, Method of Preventing Squandering of Banking Resources in Rastin Banking, 2012.
253) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing Base System (PLS), Pajooheshnameh Bank
Maskan: Scientific-Applied Quarterly Journal of Maskan Bank, Year 1, No. 4, Summer 2012, pp 25-63.
254) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Banking, A Bird's Eye View, Bank va Eghtesad (Bank and Economics), A
monthly review of banking and economics: No.119: September 2012 pp: 18-32.
255) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Banking, General Characteristics, 2012.
256) Bijan Bidabad, Saeed Abdullahi, Azarang Amirostovar, Eskandar Pordel, Mahmoud Allahyarifard,
Maryam Heidari, Alireza Shafiei. Proposition of Regulations for Execution of the Content of Bank's
Executable Documents in Rastin Banking. Bank Melli Iran. 2012. Proceeding of National Conference of
Money and Banking Management Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran.
257) Bijan Bidabad, Azarang Amirostovar, Saeed Abdollahi, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Eskandar Pordel,
Maryam Heidari, Alireza Shafiei, Mohammad Ali Pourbehrouz, (Book) Draft of Rastin Banking Bill,
Bank Melli Iran, 2012.
258) Bijan Bidabad, Azarang Amirostovar, Saeed Abdollahi, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Eskandar Pordel,
Maryam Heidari, Alireza Shafiei, Mohammad Ali Pourbehrouz, (Book) Draft of Rastin Banking
Executive Regulation, Bank Melli Iran, 2012.
259) Bijan Bidabad, Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Iran. Presented at Graduates Community
of Economics, School of Economics, Tehran University, 1, October, 2012, Tehran, Iran. Printed in Bank
va Eghtesad (Bank and Economics), A monthly review of banking and economics: No.123: June 2013
pp: 18-32.
260) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Detailed Design of Money Laundering Detection System (MLD), A
complementary system of Rastin Banking System. Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2013.
261) Bijan Bidabad, Money Laundering Detection System (MLD), Tehran, 2013.
262) Bijan Bidabad, Necessary Complementary Projects of Rastin Banking to Reform Iran's Banking
System, Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2013.
263) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Banking, New Operational Islamic Banking System (A bird's eye view),
264) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Certificate Market (RCM), Complement System of Rastin Banking System,
265) Bijan Bidabad, Change Management of Banking Structure by Rastin Banking (Knowledge
Management in Cut and Paste of Processes and Apprenticeship), 2013.
266) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Swap Bonds (RSB) operations, 2013.
267) Bijan Bidabad, Distribution of Musharakah profit between depositor and entrepreneur based on
Euler theorem in Rastin Banking. Proceeding of National Conference of Money and Banking
Management Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar Bank, Tehran, Iran.
268) Bijan Bidabad, New derivatives and bonds financial instruments in Rastin banking. Proceeding of
National Conference of Money and Banking Management Development, 27-28 January 2014, Ansar
Bank, Tehran, Iran.
269) Bijan Bidabad, Insurance in Rastin banking, 2014.
270) Bijan Bidabad, M. Allahyarifard, Rastin Musharakah Accounting. 2014.
271) Bijan Bidabad, Operational Ethic Banking in Rastin Banking (Professional Ethics, Auditing,
Inspection, Control, Monitoring and Maintenance of Operations), 2014.
272) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Rastin banking, Vol. 1: Theoretical subjects, Novin Pajoohan Institute,
273) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Rastin banking, Vol. 2: Applied subjects, Novin Pajoohan Institute, 2014.
274) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Rastin banking, Vol. 3: Operational subjects, Novin Pajoohan Institute,
275) Bijan Bidabad, Jurisprudential and legal analyses of non-usury banking regulations in Iran and
proposing legal bill and executive regulation for Rastin Banking. Proceeding of the first seminar of the
series of professional seminars on criticizing Iran’s banking system rules and laws with Islamic approach,
with the title: “Laws and regulations in relation to banking operations” Novin Pajoohan Institute and
Monetary and Banking Research Institute of Central Bank of Iran. Tehran, 18, June 2014.
276) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Eskandar Pordel, Saeed Abdullahi, Shahram Mehrpooya,
Ali Hosseinipour, Masoumeh Khalesian (Book) Detailed Design of Rastin Crowd Funding (RCF). Bank
Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
277) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Eskandar Pordel, Saeed Abdullahi, Shahram Mehrpooya,
Ali Hosseinipour, Masoumeh Khalesian (Book) Detailed Design of Rastin Group Funding (RGF). Bank
Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
278) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Crowd Funding (RCF). Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
279) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Group Funding (RGF). Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
280) Bijan Bidabad, Serial Commitment Clearance in Rastin Banking. Tehran, 2015.
281) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Swap Deposit. Tehran, 2015.
282) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Swap Card. Tehran, 2015.
Writing in Ethic Economics
283) Bijan Bidabad, Prodigality in ethic economics. Proceeding of Correcting Consumption Pattern
Conference. Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of commerce, 26 July 2010, pp. 49-76.
Tehran, Iran.
284) Bijan Bidabad, Prodigality and ethic economics. Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and Economics), Monthly
Review of Banking and Economics, October 2008, No. 94, pp. 61-64.
285) Bijan Bidabad, Equilibrium in ethic economics
286) Bijan Bidabad, Social former and ethic economics
287) Bijan Bidabad, Sustainable development and over-consumption in ethic economics. Proceeding of
Correcting Consumption Pattern Conference. Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Ministry of
Commerce, pp. 377-400. 26 July 2010, Tehran, Iran.
288) Bijan Bidabad, Mystical foundation of science methodology, 2009.
289) Bijan Bidabad, World phenomenon of hunger and food squandering. Bank va Eqtesad (Bank and
Economics), Monthly Review of Banking and Economics, February 2010, No. 104, pp. 59-63.
290) Bijan Bidabad, Equilibrium in ethic economics and neoclassical economics
Writings in Sufism-Gnosticism (Farsi)
291) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Rastin Memorandum, regarding the 100th anniversary of Haj Mohammad
Khan Rastin, a sage of the Nimatollahi Gonabadi Sultanalishahi Sufi order. 1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed. 2002,
Tehran, Iran.
292) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Biography of Haj Mohammad Khan Rastin, a sage of the Nimatollahi
Gonabadi Sultanalishahi gnosis order. 2002, Tehran, Iran.
293) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Biography of Haj Shaykh Emad-e-din Hakeemelahi Sabzevari, a sage of the
Nemat-o-llahi Gonabadi Sultanalishahi Sufi order. 2002, Tehran, Iran.
294) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Biography of Haj Yusef Mardani, a sage of the Nimatollahi Gonabadi
Sultanalishahi Sufi order. 2002, Tehran, Iran.
295) Bijan Bidabad, The moral-mystical advices of the leaders of the Nimatollahi Gonabadi
Sultanalishahi Sufi order in the previous century. 2002, Tehran, Iran.
296) Bijan Bidabad, Nouralishah the 2nd and the theory of infinity in contemporary mathematics, 2002,
297) Bijan Bidabad, Nouralishah the 2nd and the theory of relativity in contemporary physics, 2002,
298) Bijan Bidabad, Comarision of the Nouralishah the 2nd and contemporary physics and mathematics
theories, 2004, Tehran.
299) (Book) Sufi foundations of Islamic economic, Usury, Banking, Insurance, Finance, a theosophy
approach. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, 2003.
300) (Book) Sufi Foundations of Islamic international relations, public international law, foreign policy
and diplomacy, a theosophy approach, 2005.
301) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Sufi Foundations of Political Science in Islam, Politics, Government,
Velayat, a theosophy approach, 2009.
302) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Sufi Foundations of Law in Islam, Comparative Law, Legal Systems,
Criminal Law, a theosophy approach, 2009.
303) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Sufi Foundations of Constitutional Law in Islam, Law Philosophy,
Individual rights, Public Law, a theosophy approach, 2009.
304) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Sufi Foundations of International Trade in Islam, Analyzing World Trade
Organization’s Agreements, a theosophy approach, 2011.
305) Bijan Bidabad, Foundations of International Relations: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
306) Bijan Bidabad, Public International Law Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
307) Bijan Bidabad, Foreign Policy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
308) Bijan Bidabad, Diplomacy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
309) Bijan Bidabad, Public Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
310) Bijan Bidabad, Individual Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
311) Bijan Bidabad, Philosophy of Law. 2010.
312) Bijan Bidabad, Criminal Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
313) Bijan Bidabad, Retribution (Hudood) in Islamic Criminal Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
314) Bijan Bidabad, Retaliation, Blood Money and discretionary punishment in Islamic Criminal Law:
An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
315) Bijan Bidabad, Politics and Government: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
316) Bijan Bidabad, Religion and Government: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
317) Bijan Bidabad, Guardianship (Welayat) and Government: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
318) Bijan Bidabad, Public Administration: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
319) Bijan Bidabad, Social Changes: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
320) Bijan Bidabad, Historical Phenomenon of Messengers, Mystics and Sufis Homicide. 2010.
321) Bijan Bidabad, Intellect and Theosophy: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
322) Bijan Bidabad, The Style of Islamic Government. 2010.
323) Bijan Bidabad, Proposition for an International Trade Convention, an Islamic Sufi Approach. 2011.
324) Bijan Bidabad, M. Tabatabaei, Slavery in Islam, an Islamic Sufi Approach. 2011.
325) Bijan Bidabad, (Book) Summary of International Relations Principles; An Islamic Sufi Approach
(Public International Law, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy). 2012.
326) Bijan Bidabad, Ownership, an Islamic Sufi Approach. 2013. Shortened published in Hoqooq va
Eghtesad (Law and Economics) Humanistic Science Monthly, No. 1, December 2013, pp. 54-57.
327) Bijan Bidabad, Proposition of Public Finance International Convention, an Islamic Sufi Approach.
328) Bijan Bidabad, A Draft for International Relation Declaration based on Islamic Sufi Teachings,
Country Survey (Farsi)
329) Bijan Bidabad, Rohollah Mohammadi, (Book) Economic, political and social survey of Sierra
Leone. International Corporation of Consultants and Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
330) Bijan Bidabad, Rohollah Mohammadi, (Book) Economic, political and social survey of Botswana.
International Corporation of Consultants and Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
331) Bijan Bidabad, Rohollah Mohammadi, (Book) Economic, political and social survey of Gabon.
International Corporation of Consultants and Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
332) Bijan Bidabad, Rohollah Mohammadi, (Book) Economic, political and social survey of Trinidad
and Tobago. International Corporation of Consultants and Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
333) Bijan Bidabad, Rohollah Mohammadi, (Book) Looking through African Development Bank.
International Corporation of Consultants and Contractors, ICON, Tehran, 2010.
Publications in English language
334) Bijan Bidabad, The new international scholastic order (an essay in political economy of science),
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 1980.
335) Bijan Bidabad, Estimation of the Engel's curves for Iran (urban & rural), M.S. dissertation, Shiraz
University, Shiraz, Iran, 1981.
336) Bijan Bidabad, Functional form for estimating the Lorenz curve, Australasian Econometric
meeting, Australian National University, Australia, 1989.
337) Bijan Bidabad, Dependence of research methodology to laboratory tools in economics, Methodus,
Bulletin of the International Network for Economic Method, Vol. 3, No. 1, June 1991, pp. 129-130.
338) Bijan Bidabad, Behrouz Bidabad, Nikos Mastorakis, Complex probability and Markov stochastic
processes, Proceeding of the 1st Iranian Statistics Conference, Isfahan University of Technology, 1992.
Advances in Applied and Pure Mathematics, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Pure
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Methods (PMAMCM 2014), Santorini Island,
Greece, July 17-21, 2014. PP. 198-201.
339) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, General monetary equilibrium. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing,
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, ISBN: 978-3-659-54045-5, Spring 2014.
340) Bijan Bidabad, Nikos Mastorakis, Money-Transaction-Income Process (Quatification of Quantity
Theory of Money). Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Economics, Political, Law and
Fiscal Sciences (EPLS '14), World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).
Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania, pp. 213-220, June 26-28, 2014.
341) Bijan Bidabad, Nikos Mastorakis, Triangular Causality in Controlling Parallel Exchange Market by
Monetary Targeting and Anti-Inflationary Policies, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on
Economics, Political, Law and Fiscal Sciences (EPLS '14), World Scientific and Engineering Academy
and Society (WSEAS). Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania, June 26-28, pp. 120-131,
342) Bijan Bidabad, Macroeconomics needs fresh methodology of theorization,
343) Bijan Bidabad, The proposed administrative system for safety net program, Ministry of Finance
and Economic Affairs, Deputy of Economic Affairs, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
344) Bijan Bidabad, Nahid Kalbasi Anaraki. Inflation targeting in Iran. The 2nd Hallescher workshop:
Monetary and Financial Economics. The Halle Institute for Economic Research and Department of
Economics at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. 12-13 February 2004.
345) Bijan Bidabad, Nahid Kalbasi Anaraki. Effects of Iran's WTO accession on the cement industry.
Effects of Iran's WTO accession on the cement industry. European Cement Conference 2004
proceedings, 4th conference and exhibition for the trends, the environment, emissions trading, markets,
production and processing technology of cement in Europe, 15-16 March 2004, Barcelona, Spain, pp.3.13.8, Pro Publications International Ltd.
346) Bijan Bidabad. Iran's industrial development strategy debates and motive industry in Iran's
economy. National Interest, Journal of the Center for Strategic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, winter 2005, pp.
133-158. Tehran, Iran.
347) Bijan Bidabad. Controlling Parallel Exchange Market by Monetary Targeting and Anti-Inflationary
Policies. Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
348) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi. Measuring Efficiency of Production
and Cost in Abyek Cement Factory Using Operational and Efficient Production Functions. International
Conference on Business Strategy and Social Sciences (ICBSSS), Asian Economic and Social Society
(AESS), Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Universiti Tun Hussein onn Malaysia and
Pak Publishing Group. 16-17 August, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
349) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi. A Financial Model for Economic
Analysis of Cement Factory. International Conference on Business Strategy and Social Sciences
(ICBSSS), Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS), Faculty of Technology Management and
Business, Universiti Tun Hussein onn Malaysia and Pak Publishing Group. 16-17 August, 2014, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
350) Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati. Relation of Resource Curse and Grey
Economy in Iran, Indian Journal of Scientific Research, 5 (1): pp. 179-184, 2014.
351) Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad. Barriers to E-Commerce in SMEs of
Iran, Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture, (JASA), 9(6) May 2014, pp.: 2591-2599.
352) Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati. Good Governance, Economic Growth
and Human Resource Development in Iran, Indian Journal of Scientific Research, 5 (1): pp. 321-326,
353) Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad. Financial Ratios and Systemic Risk in
Tehran Stock Exchange, 2014.
354) Roohollah Mohammadi, Mahshid Sherafati, Bijan Bidabad. Information Sharing and Advanced
Planning in Performance of Saipa Diesel Company Supply Chain, a SCOR Approach, Journal of Applied
Science and Agriculture, (JASA), 9(6) May 2014, Pages: 2687-2691.
355) Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad. Effect of Information Quality on
Liquidity Risk of Tehran Stock Exchange Companies. International Journal of Current Life Sciences,
Vol. 4, Issue, 12, pp. 11906-11911, December, 2014.
356) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati. Mesoeconomics of Migration and Trade, 2014.
357) Mahshid Sherafati, Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad. Efficiency of Domestic and Foreign
Maintenance Checks in Mahan Airline Planes, 2014.
358) Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati. Evaluation of LMS Quality Based on
ISO-9126, A Partial Least Squares Path Modelling Approach, 2014.
L1 Norm Econometrics
359) Bijan Bidabad. Least absolute error estimation I, The 1st International Conference on Statistical
Data Analysis Based on the L1 Norm and Related Methods. Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1987.
360) Bijan Bidabad. Least absolute error estimation II, The 1st International Conference on Statistical
Data Analysis Based on the L1 Norm and Related Methods. Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1987.
361) Bijan Bidabad. A proposed algorithm for least absolute error estimation I, Proceedings of the 3rd
Analysis Seminar, May 18-19, 1988, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, pp. 24-34.
362) Bijan Bidabad. A proposed algorithm for least absolute error estimation II, Proceedings of the 3rd
Analysis Seminar, May 18-19, 1988, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, pp. 35-50.
363) Bijan Bidabad. Discrete and continuous L1 norm regressions (proposition of discrete
approximation algorithms and continuous smoothing of concentration surface), Ph.D. dissertation,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 1989.
364) Bijan Bidabad. L1 norm based computational algorithms.
365) Bijan Bidabad. L1 norm solution of overdetermined system of linear equations.
366) Bijan Bidabad. L1 norm based data analysis and related methods.
367) Bijan Bidabad. New algorithms for the L1 norm regression.
368) Bijan Bidabad. Comparative study of the L1 norm regression algorithms.
369) Bijan Bidabad. Continuous L1 norm estimation of Lorenz curve.
370) Bijan Bidabad. Estimating Lorenz curve for Iran by using continuous L1 norm estimation,
Economics and Management Journal, Islamic Azad University, No. 19, winter 1993, pp. 83-101.
371) Bijan Bidabad. Continuous L1 norm estimation of Lorenz curve when probability density function
is known.
372) Bijan Bidabad. USA Income distribution counter-business-cyclical trend (Estimating Lorenz curve
using continuous L1 norm estimation). First meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality
(ECINEQ), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 20-22, 2005.
373) Bijan Bidabad, Hamid Shahrestani. An implied inequality index using L1 norm estimation of
Lorenz curve. Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings. Mercedes Jalbert, managing
editor, ISSN 1931-0285 CD, ISSN 1941-9589 Online, Volume 3, Number 2, 2008, The Institute for
Business and Finance Research, Ramada Plaza Herradura, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 28-31, 2008, pp.
Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2010, pp.29-45.
374) Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid sherafati. Iran’s Industrial Import Demand, 2014.
Macro-Econometric Model of Iran
375) Bijan Bidabad, Small Macro-Econometric Model of Iran. Monetary and Banking Research
Academy, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
376) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, Macroeconometric model of Iran's economy, Version 5.0, Brief technical
document, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, February
377) Bijan Bidabad, Country report: Iran. (based on macroeconometric model of Iran version 6.0),
Prepared for the United Nations Project LINK Fall Meeting, New York, November 2004. Reprinted in:
The Journal of Money and Economy, Spring-Summer 2005, vol.3, no. 4,5, pp. 243-256. Monetary and
Banking Research Academy (MBRA), Central Bank of Iran.
378) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, Macroeconometric Model of Iran version 6.0, general technical document.
Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran, December 2006.
379) Bijan Bidabad, Country report: Iran, Project LINK Spring Meeting, Prepared for the United
Nations Project LINK 2005 Spring Meeting, Mexico City, May, 16-20.
380) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, Macroeconometric Model of Iran, version 6.1, technical document. Lap
Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, ISBN: 978-3-659-14252-9, Winter
Ethic Economics
381) Bijan Bidabad, Squandering in Ethic Economics (Consumer and Producer Behaviors Analysis).
382) Bijan Bidabad, Overconsumption in Ethic Economics and Sustainable Development. 2010.
383) Bijan Bidabad, Global phenomenon of hunger and food squandering.
384) Bijan Bidabad, Equilibrium in ethic economics. 2010.
385) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Disposition (Shakilah) of Society and Ethic Economics. 2014.
386) Bijan Bidabad, Ethic Economics, Fair Economy, New Economy, Sustainability and other Related
Disciplines. In Dominique de Courcelles, Editor, “Actes pour une économie juste”. June 2015.
Law and Sufism-Gnosticism
387) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, Mystical (Sufi) foundation of international relations in Islam, public
international law, foreign policy and diplomacy, a theosophy approach based on Islamic Sufi teachings.
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-659-62906-8.
388) Bijan Bidabad, Foundations of International Relations: An Islamic Sufi Approach. International
Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 53 No. 5, 2011, pp. 313-339, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
389) Bijan Bidabad, Public International Law Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part I.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 53 No. 6, 2011, pp. 393-412, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
390) Bijan Bidabad, Public International Law Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part II.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 54 No. 1, 2012, pp. 5-25, Emerald Group Publishing
391) Bijan Bidabad, Foreign Policy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part I.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 54 No. 2, 2012, pp. 97-124, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
392) Bijan Bidabad, Foreign Policy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part II.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 54 No. 3, 2012, pp. 173-196, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited.
393) Bijan Bidabad, Diplomacy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part I.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 54 No. 4, 2012, pp. 253 – 273.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
394) Bijan Bidabad, Diplomacy Principles: An Islamic Sufi Approach, Part II.
International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 54 Iss: 6, 2012, pp.422 – 442.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
395) Bijan Bidabad, Philosophy of Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2010.
396) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, International Relations Principles, an Islamic Sufi Approach: Public
International Law, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy, a Theosophical Approach Based on Islamic Sufism
Teachings. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, ISBN: 978-3659-63502-1.
397) Bijan Bidabad, Mehdi Tabatabaei, Slavery in Islam, An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2012.
398) Bijan Bidabad, Public Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2012.
399) Bijan Bidabad, Individual Law: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2012.
400) Bijan Bidabad, Public Administration: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2012. edareh-omoore-omoomi-en.pdf
401) Bijan Bidabad, Social Changes: An Islamic Sufi Approach. 2012. edareh-omoore-omoomi-en.pdf
402) Bijan Bidabad, A Convention for International Trade (Based on Islamic Sufi Teachings). To be
appeared in International Journal of Law and Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014.
403) Bijan Bidabad, A Draft for International Relation Declaration based on Islamic Sufi Teachings,
Islamic Banking and Finance
404) Bijan Bidabad, Economic-juristic analysis of usury in consumption and investment loans and
contemporary jurisprudence shortages in exploring legislator commandments. Proceeding of the 2nd
International Islamic Banking Conference. Monash University of Malaysia. 9-10 September 2004.
Reprinted in: National Interest, Journal of the Center for Strategic Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, winter 2006,
pp. 72-90. Tehran, Iran.
405) Bijan Bidabad, Non-Usury Bank Corporation (NUBankCo), The Solution to Islamic banking,
Proceeding of the 3rd International Islamic Banking and Finance Conference, Monash University, KL,
Malaysia, 16-17 November, 2005.
406) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. IT role in fulfillment of Profit & Loss Sharing (PLS)
mechanism. Proceeding of the 3rd International Islamic Banking and Finance Conference, Monash
University, KL, Malaysia, 16-17 November, 2005.
407) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Implementing IT to Fulfill Profit & Loss Sharing
Mechanism. Islamic Finance News (IFN), Vol. 3, Issue 3, 6, February 2006, pp. 11-15.
408) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Assets and Liabilities Management in Islamic Banking.
Prpceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Islamic banking and Finance. Bidakara, Jakarta,
Indonesia, 23 -26 February, 2010. Risk Management, Regulation and Supervision, pp. 396-413.
409) Bijan Bidabad. Non-Usury Banking Fits to Obama's Change Strategy, the Solution to Revive the
410) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. The Executive Mechanism of Profit and Loss Sharing
(PLS) Banking. 2009.
411) Bijan Bidabad, Roohollah Mohammadi, Ahmad Jafari Samimi. Simulation of Continuous
Qualitative Variables in Econometric Models Using Fuzzy Functions and Numbers. Australian Journal of
Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(10): 4780-4791, 2010.
412) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. IT-Based Usury-Free Financial Innovations. Proceeding
of ECDC 2010, 5th International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: with focus on eBanking & e-Insurance. ECDC 2010, 15-16 September 2010.
413) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Usury-Free Bonds and Islamic Central Banking Monetary
Instruments. 2010.
414) Bijan Bidabad. Stabilizing Business Cycles by PLS Banking and Ethic Economics. 2010.
415) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. Accounting Procedures for Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS)
Banking. 2010.
416) Bijan Bidabad, Nikos Mastorakis. Insurance and chain bankruptcy theory. Proceeding of the 3rd
International Conference on Economics, Political, Law and Fiscal Sciences (EPLS '14), World Scientific
and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania,
pp. 258-261, June 26-28, 2014. Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry,
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment, Development and Economics
(EEDS 2014), Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014. pp. 51-54.
417) Farhad Savabi, Bijan Bidabad, Hamid Shahrestani. Generalization and Combination of
Markowitz–Sharps Theories and New Efficient Frontier Algorithm. Proceeding of 2009 European
Applied Business Research Conference to be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 8-11, 2009.
Reprinted: African Journal of Business Management, (AJBM), Vol. 6(18), pp. 5844-5851, 9 May, 2012.
418) Bijan Bidabad, Abul Hassan, Ben Ali Mohamed Sami, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. InterestFree Bonds and Central Banking Monetary Instruments. International Journal of Economics and Finance.
Vol. 3, no. 3, August 2011, pp. 234-241.
419) Bijan Bidabad, Fluctuations and Business Cycles Prevention by New Financial Instruments and
Banking Structure Reform. 2011.
420) Bijan Bidabad, Mudarebah Financial Sharing (MFS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and
Finance, JIEBF, Volume - 10, Number - 1, January - April 2014, pp. 56-68.
421) Bijan Bidabad, Joaleh Finance Sharing (JFS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance,
422) Bijan Bidabad, Interest-Free Treasury Bonds (IFTB), 2011.
423) Bijan Bidabad, Interest-Free Treasury Bonds (IFTB), Islamic Finance and Legal Clarifications,
424) Bijan Bidabad, Abul Hassan, Ben Ali Mohamed Sami, Mahmoud Allahyarifard. InterestFree Bonds Financial Innovation, A Monetary Instrument for Economy at Crisis. Journal of Economic
Cooperation and Development (JECD). 32, 1, 2011, 55-70.
425) Deposits and Loans Interest Rates Lag Structure and Business Cycles (Case Study of United
States), 2011.
426) Bijan Bidabad, Installment Financial Sharing (IFS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and
Finance, 2014.
427) Bijan Bidabad, Abul Hassan, Does Interest Rate Form Business Cycle, 2011.
428) Bijan Bidabad, Rent Financial Sharing (RFS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance,
Vol. 10 No. 2, pp.: 38-53, April-June 2014.
429) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Social Takaful (RST). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance,
430) Bijan Bidabad, Mortgage Securitization System (MSS), Complementary System of Rastin
Banking,. 2012.
431) Bijan Bidabad, Bail Financial Sharing (BFS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance,
432) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Personal Security (RPS). Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and
Finance, 2014.
433) Bijan Bidabad, (2014) "Joint stock company with variable capital (JSCVC)", International Journal
of Law and Management, Vol. 56 Iss: 4, pp.302 – 310.
434) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Base System. Journal of Islamic Economics,
Banking and Finance, pp. 32-57, Vol. 9 No. 4, Oct - Dec 2013.
435) Bijan Bidabad, Money Laundering Detection System (MLD), Complementary System of Rastin
Banking, 2013.
436) Bijan Bidabad, Nikos Mastorakis, General Characteristics of Rastin Banking. Proceeding of the 3rd
International Conference on Economics, Political, Law and Fiscal Sciences (EPLS '14), World Scientific
and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS). Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania,
June 26-28, pp. 145-155, 2014.
437) Bijan Bidabad, A Glance at Rastin Banking, 2013.
438) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Banking, New Operational Islamic Banking System (A bird's eye view).
Islamic Finance News (IFN), Vol. 10, Issue: 28, 17, July, 2013, pp. 16-18.
439) Bijan Bidabad, Islamic Monetary Policy, 2013.
440) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Certificate Market (RCM), Complementary System of Rastin Banking,
441) Bijan Bidabad, Sovereign Wealth Fund Asset and Liability Management by Rastin Banking
Financial Instruments (Rastin Certificates and Rastin Swap Bonds), First National Development Fund of
Iran (NDFI) International Conference (NIC2013) - Sovereign Wealth, Asset Allocation and Risk
Management, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, NIC 2013, 27-28 October 2013.
442) Bijan Bidabad, Mahmoud Allahyarifard, Interbank Withdrawal Protocol (IWP), Complementary
System of Rastin Banking 2013.
443) Bijan Bidabad, Roohollah Mohammadi; Mahshid sherafati. Social Takaful and Qard ul-Hassanah
Banking Convergences (A Functional Approach), Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture, (JASA),
9(1) January 2014, pp.: 285-291.
444) Bijan Bidabad, Banking System Change Management through Rastin Banking (Knowledge
Management, Empowerment, Prune and Graft, and Apprenticeship), 2014.
445) Bijan Bidabad, Insurance Products in Rastin Banking, 2014.
446) Roohollah Mohammadi, Bijan Bidabad, Tahereh Nourasteh, Mahshid Sherafati, Credit Ranking of
Bank Customers (An Integrated Model of RFM, FAHP and K-means). European Online Journal of
Natural and Social Sciences 2014; Vol.3, No.3 pp. 564-571.
447) Roohollah Mohammadi, Mahshid Sherafati, Bijan Bidabad, Fragility Prediction in Banking Sector,
An Ordered Probit Model, 2014.
448) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, New Operational Islamic Banking System, Volume One, Theoretical
Foundations, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, ISBN: 978-3659-54463-74.
449) (Book) Bijan Bidabad, New Operational Islamic Banking System, Volume Two, Application
Issues, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-65955210-6.
450) (Book), Bijan Bidabad, New Operational Islamic Banking System, Volume Three, Legal Issues,
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, 2015.
451) Bijan Bidabad, Abul Hassan, Nikos Mastorakis, Dynamic Lag Structure of Deposits and Loans
Interest Rates and Business Cycles Formation. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on
Economics, Political, Law and Fiscal Sciences (EPLS '14), World Scientific and Engineering Academy
and Society (WSEAS). Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania, June 26-28, pp. 86-98,
452) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Crowd Funding (RCF). Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
453) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Group Funding (RGF). Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, 2014.
454) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Financial Transparency, Governance and Information
Disclosure of Banks in Rastin Banking, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
455) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, Proposed Regulations for Enforcement of Purports of Binding
Banking Documents in Rastin Banking, Tehran, 2015.
456) Bijan Bidabad, Mahshid Sherafati, How to Avoid Squandering Bank Resources in Rastin Banking,
Tehran, 2015.
457) Bijan Bidabad, Serial Commitments Clearance (SCC) in Rastin Banking, Tehran, 2015.
458) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Swap Deposit. Tehran, 2015.
459) Bijan Bidabad, Rastin Swap Card. Tehran, 2015.

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