TCS Series Brochure
TCS Series Brochure
UJ 0 z UJ !:: TCSSERIES INCARTONATRICI I FARDELLATRICI WRAP AROUND MACHINES I SHRINK WRAPPING KARTONVERPACKUNGSMASCH/NEN I BUNDELMASCHINEN PRASNIAnC~ Robotic Automation P/1. 1300 552 333 AETNA GROUP •• ArTNA GROUP producr. e commercla 1 zz, a l1vello Plomliale macchme avvoly1tnc1 per I confez,oncunento e lunballayg1o ccn film estens1b1l~ fardellatncl, confeziOIJatriCI co1 film terworetrmhiiE', 1ncartom,tnc1 e na<;tratnr.J II gruppo •:onta p1u d, 400 dipenc.f.rt• di cu1 oltre 80 tr. r1c1 1r1pegnati nel servim d1 po.)t vend1a, con m fattt rrto <ln!JL&O el 81i mil d ruro Cmuue sor o qh stabilnnPnll cl1 prodL 11one per 14 rn. rei• co'TimercJal, ROBOPAC, ROBOPAC SISTEMI, DIMAC E PRASI\MTIC, CO'l una rete di oltre 450 agcrt. n d1stnhuton 0 6 f1 all p•ese 1t1 II' Franc1a, Gran B f!agnn, Gern'a111a, Stat1 UP II, Russ.n e Cmn Con oltre 100 000 rr.1c rh ne v •n Jut P 1stal a•l 11 t Jtto ·I mondo, AETNA GROJP ' grado d1 offnre vast•ssima gamma d1 soiJZIOnl e Sl rv111 p •r le pill sva•1at •s1g wze 'l •I settore del pack1gmg PRASMATIC •• PRASMATIC entr. ta eli •ec.mtll a far parte elf. gruppo Aetna e un', ZJe 1da 1tahana fondata nel 977 sp"Ciahzzata 'lelia progettazJO'lE', costruz10ne e wskll, zone dillllplalltl per II coPfeliC'l rnento e l'unbal, gq1 s1 111 fdm termoretraiblh ere 111, destind, a settori food, beverage, dairy, hor1r 1nd pcrsorn ra•e, ec c L1 prernqat V!l pru ana d1 PRAS\IlNIC e sr.mpre st1ta quella d1 realizza•e soluz1on pr :·,rn.JallagqJo seronrlo le e'>J(Jenze del chrn•e, L.ner·d Tecnologia .:! Creativita, qt.esto In permes'>C d1 creare e rendere d1spon bile, una vast gam na d1 appl!cazJolll c11e possc!lo sodd1sfare le moltepl c1 r·vl'leste del cl·e'lt ne1 var1 setton eel esaud1re le spec1f1Cile tci•JeStiJ dell' area 1tarketJ'lg, c~e cons1derc 'upoallo sempre pitl HTJportante ~orne pP:no c;trurnento d I"OrlOZiorw del prodotto HSW Series MSWSeries a ·c t-llatr ct a 1Ad < v~;;l em'! Medium speed shrink wrapping machines High speed shrink wrapping machines 11 i •/ (; I 1Jtwlgeschwh10Jgl(eJt5 Bundelmasc/uoen AETNA GROUP produces and sells on a worldwide basis stretch film wrapping machinery, bundlers, shrink film wrappers, carton ing and taping machines. The Group counts over 400 employees of which 80 servicemen engaged in the After Sales Department with a yearly turnover of over 85 million Euros. Five production plants for 4 commercial brands: ROBOPAC, ROBOPAC SISTEM I, DIMAC and PRASMATIC, an international network of over 450 Agents and Distributors, and 6 subsidiary located in France, Great Britain, Germany, United States, Russia and China. With over than 100,000 machines sold and installed worldwide, the AETNA GROUP can offer a wide range of solutions and services to meet a variety of requirements in the packaging sector. IJ.ETNA GROUP produz1ert und vertre1bt weltwmt Verpackungsmasclunr!ll iir d1e Verpackw,g nut Stnlchfo/w, Biindelmaschmen, S'chrumpffolt&IIVr.rpacklll,gsmaschttwn, /<.artonverpackaltgstrmsclmten md Bandwtckelmasclunen Die Gruppe beschafttgt uher 400 Mttarbettel, dar•mter mehr a/s 80 Techmker, dte tm AN~'~r-Sales-Servtce tiitig smd, mit einem Jahresumsatz von 85 Mto Euro S1e verftigt t'iber 5 ProduktJOnswetke ftir4 Handelsmarken ROBOPAC, ROBOPAG SfSTEM/, DIMAG UNO PRASMATIG, 1111t emem Netz von iiber 450 Vertretem rmd Vertneb~iliindlem und 6 Fi/18/en m Frankrmch, GroBbritanmen, Oeutschl.7nd, d"n USA, Russ/and und G/,ma Mtt t'iber TOO 000 wdtwelt verkallften tmd mst.11/1ert n Masctunen 1st rfm AETNA GROUP 111 rler Laq&, e,na <;&/lr hre1le Pa/elt& an Losungen und S&rvtce/P.Istungen fi1r die ullterscluadfic!Jsten Anforderungen un Packaging B~?retch zu bieten PRASMATIC, which recently joined the Aetna group, is an Italian company founded in 1977. It specializes in the design, construction and installation of equipment, to package and wrap products both in shrink film and cardboard, for the food, beverage, dairy, home and personal care sectors, etc. PRASMATIC's main prerogative has always been to create packaging solutions according to customer requirements, combining TECHNOLOGY and CREATIVITY. This has allowed us to create and make available a wide range of applications that can meet the multiple demands of customers in various fields and also fulfill specific marketing requirements, which considers the packaging increasingly important as the first tool for promoting the product. PRASMATIC, erst sell kurzr:un Te1f der Aetna Gruppe, tst em tt.. IJert~sches Unfqrnehmen 191/ gegrundet und spe7!al!sll~rt aut dw Plan11ng, /<.onstmkMn und lnstallatton von Anlagen fiir dte Verpackung sowoltl mit Schrumpffol!ll a/s dUCII 111 Kartons tur d1e Beretche Food, Beverage, Oa,ry, Home und Personal Care, usw. Das nnmare l!e/ der F11111a Prasmat,c 1st es se1t 1eher, auf dte Bedurtmsse 1es Kunden zugeschfllttenf- Ve'fJ8ckungslusungen zu blet~;.n tmd 11erbe1 TECHNOLOGIE und I<.RE..ATIV/TAT zu komb1meren, dtes !tat es ermdgl1cht eme breltA Palette an Anwendungen zu kre~eren und verfagbar zu m"chen, dte dw vw/faclten KwJdet.anfc-!derungen 111 den unterschJediJchefl Warenbere1chen gerecht werden und daru/Jer /lmaus dill spezd1scftqn Anforderungen dP.r Market111gbra1'c-he erfullen, cl!e der Verpt~ck•mg umner mel1r Bedeutung ZU/11/sst und cliese als erstes lnstrumwt fur d1e Verkaufsforderung des Produktes anstGht TC Series lncartonatnc1 wraparound e fardellatnc1 Wrap around machines- Shrink wrapping machines Wraparound Kartonverpackungsmasch111en TCS Series Fardellatnc1 o mcartonatnc1 flessibll1 e compatte Compact and flexible shrink wrapping or wraparound full case tray packer machines Biindelmaschinen oder flexible und kompakte Kartonverpackungsmasc!Jinen La gamma della serie TCS rappresenta l'insreme delle soluzio111 dr Prasmatrc per produzroni dr media velocita nel confe7ronarnento dr fine linea. La TCS Ia sene di confezionatncr Prasmatrc principalmente dedicate aile industrie del food e del dairy dove l'esigenza primaria di grande affidabilita si coniuga con Ia necessita dr un elevato numero dr soluzronr d'imballaggro ed II rispetto dr altr standard qualitatrvr e d'rgrene. Le caratteristiche principali sono: l'ergonorllla, Ia modulanta, Ia flessibilita e Ia semplicita di conduzione queste caratteristiche rendono questa sene di macchrne un prodotto che risponde rnmodo essenzrale alia realizzazrone dr rnolteplicr soluz10n1 di unballaggro realizzabili 1n cartone ondulato e film tennoretrarbrle. Le dimensionr estremarnente compatte, consentono un facile adattamento aile piu svariate esigenze di layout. In funzione dell'allestimento questa sene dr rnacchrne oltre a tutte le t1pologre class1che del packaging d1 fine lmea graz1e aile molteplic1 soluz1on1 tecnrche rnstallabili puo realizzare confezioni d1 packag1ng specrah. The TCS series represents Prasmatic's solutions for medium speed production of in line final packaging. Prasmatic's TCS series of packaging machines is mainly dedicated to the food and dairy industries where the primary requirement of reliability is combined with the need for a large number of packaging solutions, as well as compliance with the high standards of quality and hygiene. The main features are ergonomics, modularity, flexibility, and the ease of implementing these features, which make this series of machines a product that essentially responds to the realization of various packaging solutions consisting of corrugated cardboard and shrink film. The extremely compact dimensions allow you to easily adapt to various layout requirements. Depending on how they are set-up, this machines series can pack products in special packaging in addition to all the classic types of end line packaging, thanks to the many technical solutions which can be installed. Die neue Produktpa/ette der TCS Baureihe srellt die Gesamtheit der Prasmatic Losungen fiir Produktionen mitt/erer Geschwindigkeit bei der Lmienendverpackung dar. Die TCS ist die Baureihe der Prasmatic Verpackungsmaschinen, die hauptsachliche der Lebensmittel- und Milchindustrie gewidmet sind, wo die primare Anforderung der /when Zuverlassigkeit mtt der Notwendigkett einer grofSen Anzaf11 von Verpackungslosungen und der Einhaltung von hohen Qualitiits- und Hygienestandards kombiniert wird. Die Hauptmerkmale sind. die Erg anomie, die Modularitat, die Flexibi/ilat und die einfache Bedienung. Diese Eigenschaften machen aus dieser Maschinenbaureihe ein Produkt, das auf essentielle Weise der Rea/istenmg vielzahliger Verpackungslosungen entspncht. dte nut Wellpappe und Schrumpffolie er.zielt werden konnen. Dte extrem kompakten Abmessungen er/auben eme fetchte A Jasstmg an die unterschiedlichsten Lavout-Bediirfntsse ch der Ausfiillrung kann diese Maschinenbaureihe sowo 7assischen Arten der Endfi'nienverpackung dank der vtel.z lnstallations/osungen a/s auch Spezialverpa e •• TCS 310 COMPACT INCARTONATRICI I FARDELLATRICI WRAP AROUND MACHINES I SHRINK WRAPPING 1\ • - 1-1LKUNGSMASCHJNEN I BUNDELMASCHINEN TCS310 PRASMAnc~ YouTube TCS 310 SERIES DAIRY SOLUZIONI Dl PACKAGING/ MODELLI PACKAGING SOLUTIONS/ MODELS PACKAGING-LOSUNGEN/ MASCHINENM 0 DELL£ ·~ A -· ·- LINEA IN-LINE FEEDING 1-11 v/,_, v~.-JF-L. II ''-"' v ~ c cw * SOLUZIONI DEDICATE D'IMPIEGO DEDICATED PACKAGING SOLUTIONS ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE U-LID •IJPZ \, c OPTIONAL IHLFRtl LA SFRIETCS PREVEDE LF SEGUENT: SOLUZIONI DIIMP'EGO - Fa·delh CG'l solo frlm (C) - J:ardelh con vnsso o P. film (CW) - Co'lfezromrr vasso c <;ttrdard e a tutt'rltazza (T) - Cc'1fezromu• c rtc'1e wr. p arounc: 'W) TRAY-LID THE TCS SERIES ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING USE OPTIONS: - Bundles with film only (C) - Bundles with tray and film CW) - Standard tray and full-height tray packages (T) - Wraparound carton packages (W) ,...r ~- o~-cGONALE ORTHOGONAL FEEDING Rc~, 1;w..rvKL/Gc ZUFUHRUNG I I I ..,. : • • • • * • TRAY WITH SHOULDERS V-PAD DIE TCS SERlE SIEHT DIE FOLGENDEN ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE VOR - Packungen nur nut Fol1e (C) Packungen rmt Scflale und Folif' (CW) - Packungen m Standardschale und Schale m Vollhofle (T) Wrap aroL1F1d Karton PacktrncJP-11 (W) - c cw TCS 310 C T TCS 310 T w TCS 310W COMB I TCS 310 Combi TCS 310 CW TCS 310 SERIES FOOD SOLUZIONI Dl PACKAGING/ MODELLI PACKAGING SOLUTIONS/ MODELS PACKAGING-LOSUNGEN/ MASCHINENMODELLE IN-LINE FEEDING . ~ JF L (c cw * * SOLUZIONI DEDICATE D'IMPIEGO DEDICATED PACKAGING SOLUTIONS ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE U-LID LA SERlE" CS PRt:VtoF Lr S~GJE"'\IT SOLUZIONI 01 MP EGO a 1 Ill 'v "" 7 OPTIONAL T THE TCS SERIES ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING USEOPTIONS: · Bundles with film only (C) - Bundles with tray and film CW) - Standard tray and full-height tray packages (T) - Wraparound carton packages (W) SHELF -I ·- - }NALE ORTHOGONAL FEEDING I '""'-'-"' I , "tf I I VI '---' ' - " ' ' - - " ' - - ' - ' ' '-'' II ~UNG • • • • * • :LF READY WRAP SHELF READY WRAP 1XN 0/F TCS SERIF SIEHT 01£ FOL GENOfN ANWENOUNGSGEBIE::TE VOR TRAY-LID PROMO BUNDLES c cw TCS 310 C T TCS 310 T w TCS 310W COMB I TCS 310 Combi TCS 310 CW TCS 310 SERIES ICE CREAMS SOLUZIONI Dl PACKAGING/ MODELLI PACKAGING SOLUTIONS/ MODELS PACKAGING-LOSUNGEN/MASCHI NENM 0 DELL£ I ..,.. z·o IN LINEA IN-LINE FEEDING LINIENZUFUHRUNG ~* ~~------------------~ * SOLUZIONI DEDICATE D'IMPIEGO DEDICATED PACKAGING SOLUTIONS ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE U-LID • OPZION. oLE OPTIONAL l AlfLFR£t LA SERlE TCS PREVEDE LE SEGUENTI SOLUZIONI OIIMPIEGO. - Fardelh con solo film (C) - Fardelli con vassoto P. ltlm (CW) - Confezioni in vassoio standard e a tutt'altezza (T) • Confeztomm cartone wrap-around (W) THE TCS SERIES ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING USE OPTIONS: - Bundles with film only (C) - Bundles with tray and film CW) - Standard tray and full-height tray packages (T) - Wraparound carton packages (W) AI I FNTA710NE ORTOGONALE ORTHOGONAL FEEDING RECHTWINKLIGE ZUFUHRUNG • * TRAY-LID TRAY WITH SHOULDERS DIE TCS SERlE SIEHT DIE FOLGENDEN ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE VOR: - Packungen nur mit Folie (C) - Packungen mit Schale und Folie (CW) - Packungen in Standardschale und Scllale in Vollhiihe (T) - Wrap-around-Karton-Packungen (W) c cw TCS 310 C T TCS 310 T w TCS 310W COMBI TCS 310 Combi TCS 310 CW TCS 310 SERIES FROZENS SOLUZIONI Dl PACKAGING/ MODELLI PACKAGING SOLUTIONS/ MODELS PACKAGING-LOSUNGEN/ MASCHINENMODELLE 010 ,- ~·""; E VERTICAL PRODUCT VERT/KALES PROOUt<T * SOLUZIONI DEDICATE D'IMPIEGO DEDICATED PACKAGING SOLUTIONS ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE U-LID OPTIONAL rl t LA SERIETCS PREVEDE Lf SEGUENT' SOLUZIONI 01 MP EGO - '·a dr.lh c" 1 solo film,Cl <vrl •Ill C"'l vass~ ') • him ((;WI - ~~ 1fez•om1r va'is~ o 'c ri 1rd e a utt'< It zz 1 T ": liO 1111 rt n V'1r 1' 'l' unC' W THE TCS SERIES ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING USE OPTIONS: - Bundles with film only (C) - Bundles with tray and film CW) - Standard tray and full-height tray packages (T) - Wraparound carton packages (W) P0 0DOTTO ORI7ZONTA LE HORIZONAL PRODUCT HORIZONTALES PRODUKT * * TRAY-LID TRAY WITH SHOULDERS DIE TCS SERlE SIEHT Dl£ FOI GFNDEN ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE VOR Pack,mger, nur mrt frJflc (C) Par.konger1 rntt Scfli'ile und f1JI1e (CW) Parktmgen m St;mrhrdsch!l{P llf1d "cl,ale •r, Vollhdho (T} Wr, tJ arrwnd Kc>rton Packunq n fW) c cw TCS 310 C T TCS 310 T w TCS 310W COMBI TCS 310 Combi TCS 310 CW ALIMENTAZIONE IN LINEA IN-LINE FEEDING LINIENZUFUHRUNG TCS310C TCS 31Qff TCS~10W TC$310 PRASMAnc,. II 0 -= 0 -= b I~ 6000mm NOTA DIMENSIONIINDICATIV NOTE:APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS HINWE/S: UNGEFAH/IEABMESSUNGEN ~ • CARTONS 5200 mrr Omm TCSSERIES SOLUZIONI Dl LAYOUT LAYOUT SOLUTIONS ..-.\cJEN l TCS 310 CW TCS 310 COMB/ ~ • HOT MELT ' - ------.! r I 0 ... HOTMELT ... CARTONS ... ... FILM '------ '----- 8400 mm 0 FILM } ALIMENTAZIONE ORTOGONALE ORTHOGONAL FEEDING RECHTWINKLIGE ZUFOHRUNG TCS310C TCS 31Qff TCS~10W 1' 1 1 -~ ® FILM I I- ® - ~ l HO! _ ELT SOOOmm ,_______ _ 4700mm nm TCSSERIES SOLUZIONI Dl LAYOUT LAYOUT SOLUTIONS L.MI TCS 310 CW TCS 310 COMB/ ~~ CARTONS 0 0 mB [ m~ ' . 8000mm HOT MELT I ' am mq Ill lU IIilJHII III I 11111111111 I I CA! NJ P · · P L c'"' :,cnERISTICHE MAIN FEATURES ,'-/1\L), , MLhK!'vlAL_,_:_ 1 DIVISOI=!~ AL TO'VIATICC IVIULTIF ILc Questo drsoos rvo collocanlle m mgresso alia 'T'acchma consente dr • hr•1entare e distnbture su p i file prodottr singoh o cor·feZIOm dr prcdottc orovenrentt cia l r nastro unrfilare I drvtsorP e clrspo.1, 111e rn varr mocle:li e conftgurazrori 111 f.Frzione dtlla vrloc t~ dr produzrone de1'1 I 'le'J ')del tipCJ dr prodo~to, £. partt.:olarmente ,n.J ::ato per proc!Jttt di fo rna rrregolare. 1. AUTOMATIC MULTILANE DIVID ER This device, which can be placed at the machine inlet, allows you to feed and distribute, on multiple rows, single products or product packs arriving from a single-row belt. This divider is available in different models and configurations depending on the line's production speed and type of product, and is especially suitable for irregularly shaped products. 1. AUTOMAT/SCHER MEHRBAHNIGER LINIENVERTEILER Dtese Vomchtung kann am Em/auf der Maschine posttiontert werden und mtt ihr konnen einzelne Produkte oder Produktpackungen, die von emem einbahnigen Band kommen, aufmef1reren Batmen verteilt und zugeflihrt.Nerden. Der Vertei/er Jsttn versc.luedenen Modellen und KonfiguratJO!WI erhiiltlich,Je nach der Produktionsgesc/,illltndlgkeit der Lmie und der Produktart. Er 1st besonders geeignet fur Produkte mit Lmregelmti/Jiger Form 2 '1LCTA BR C'( Questa disposttivo co locablie a ingre<>so del nastro dr a tmefltazrone ccnse'lte dr ruotare eli 180 il sinco.:l prodotto sui iJropno asse vertrcalr Ne a confez one rrnale 1tapf. c.e, pror.o•tc vengono conlrappostr. questa soluzron( confert~ce ur·a maggror r stabrl :a de' 4i!rdellc durante le oper az10nr ur palletrzzaztone. Questa con doppra alirwntazione 1 hgressr:: consente di r·cevere conternpor<~nearnerJtt'l il prodotto proven e'1t8 da due rier"'ptt•tcr senza perderne a traccrabil a, of re ro Lre nspJtto <lllfl soiL•zronr st< l'd1lrd notevo' vantaggr dr layout rn qu:lllto apphcatJtle ·1 spazt estremamente ndort1. 2. ROTATION BRICK DEVICE This device. which can be placed at feeding belt inlet, allows rotating the individual product by 180° on its own vertical axis. In the final package the products' caps are opposed: this solution gives the bundle greater stability during the palletizing operations. Th is solution with dual feeders at infeed allows to received from two fillers at the same time without losing product traceability, also offering considerable layout advantages compared to standard solutions with limited space. 2 BRIK DREHVORRICHTUNG D1ese Vornc/mmg kann am Em/auf de.~ ZufuhrurJgsbandes nosi(lomert were/en und ermbgltc/Jt dte Dreflw,g vom MIZ~Inen Produktllt/1 die etgene vertlk/Jie Acltse 1111/ 7so~ In der Fndverpa ckung werden die Sc/mwbverschliisse des Produktes entgegengesetzt, dtese Ldsung btetet der './erpackung graBere Stabtlttdtwahrend der Palettterarbetten. D1ese LosuFJg mit doppelter Zufiihmng tm Ein/auf ermogltcf7t den Erha/t des Produktes gletcllzeittg von zwei Fiillmasctu'nen, ohne die Riickverfolgbllrkeit zu verlieren, sie bietet dariiber hinaus auch erhebllche Layout- Vorteile 1111 Vergletch zrt den Standardlosunyen, da titese Ldsung auch m sebr kleine11 Rawnen at,gewendet werden kann. 3 SEPARArOR~ RCTAWE Questo disposrtrvo consent<~ dr scpa•we wuppi dr iHOd-:Jtto o confelloru dr prodotto dr varre trpolo, 10 proverunntr da un nastro di aiir·wr tazione o togor a a II seo trnt~re &composto <Ia un gruppo drS(;. f.Zrone el pro lotto J d un disposrtrvo a .~ar e rotantr azrcrato trar'lrte rnotorrzzaz•o11e brusl' ess par 'rnserunento de p•od.Jttr rn 1Pacch11,a II gruppo del p•odott separat. p~.;:l essere sLJddrvrso e rnser rto 111 'T'acchina" prO rrprese rrcavando raggrupparnentl dtvers, pe• tl realizzo del a confezrone. 3. ROTATING SEPARATOR This device allows you to separate groups of product or product packs of various types arriving from an orthogonal feeding belt. This separator is made up of a unit, which sorts the product, and a device fitted with rotary bars, operated by brushless motors. for placing the products into the machine. The group of separate products can be divided and placed into the machine at different times so as to obtain the different groupings required to make the package. 3. DREHTRENNVORRICHTUNG Mtt d1eser Vornchtung konnen Produktgruppen oder Produktpackungen verscluedener Arten getretmt werden, dte von emem reclltwinkligen Zufuhrrmgsband kommrm. Dte Trennvomclnung besteht aus einer ProduktauswRhlgmppe und dervon emem Servo· Motor angerneiJerren OreltstaiJvomcltttJr•g filr d1e Em full rung der Produkte Ill dte Maschme Dte Gruppe der getrenntPn Produkte karm unterteilt werdentrnd tn dmsen Untertetlungen tn dte Maschme emgefilhrt werden, sodass verscluedene Grttppterungen fur dte Realtsterung der Verpac.kung erhalten werden 4 SEPARATORE 'JRTDGONAL E Ouesto d1spos1t vo co se1te d1 separare grupp1 d1 p odotto c contez v'il d1 prodotto d1 vane t1polog1e prove·11ent1 da ur nastrc di al1r1entazione o'1ogonale, e particolamente 1nd1cato pe· basse v 'JC tri e prod'Jttl cor forma regolare o rregolare QL ah vrsch ltte, tan1che ecc I sepa•atore e composto da un g·uppo d1 selez1ore del prodotto e da uno spmtore ortogo'lale per l'ms<>r menta de prodott1 m 'nacchl a Lo sp r>tore e dotato d1 U'lcl pal etta lh srulante a comando penumat co, Ia f'10VI11e'l!a?lone su guida I reare e controllata tra 1'111 1'1otomzaZIO'lt. brust•less 4. ORTHOGONAL SEPARATOR This device allows you to separate groups of product or product packs of various types arriving from an orthogonal feeding belt and is especially suitable for low speeds and products with regular or irregular shapes such as ice cream tubs, tanks, etc. This separator is made up of a unit that sorts the product and an orthogonal pusher that places the products into the machine. The pusher is equipped with a pneumatically-controlled swinging blade wh ilst the movement on a linear guide is contro lled through brushless motors. 4. RECHTW/NKL/Gt IRf:NNVORRICHTUNG Mtt dwser Vornchtung komtet, Produktyrttppen odf'r Procfuktpackungen verscl>wdener Arten getu:'nnt werd~n, du• von emem roct1twmkftgen lufuhrungsbafld kommen SIP JSI besunders gee,gnet fur meclrt!Je Ges~h.vmdJgkellen und Prurlukte nut rege rnaB,ger Furrn uder unrtJt1eimiif3Jger Form, w1e z Bsp. Schalen, Kamster usw. Ote Tffmnvorrichtung besteht aus eir11.1r Produktauswah/gruppe und emer rechtwmkltyen Sc/uebevamc.htuflg fur tile EudJhrung der Pror.lukte m rite Masclune O•e Sctuebevomc/Jttmg besteftt aas emer /uftgesteU(;;(tetl Schwmyschaufe/, d1e Bewegung auf der /, warer Fiihmng wtrd vr,n emmn Servo Motur gesreuen. 5. PICK AND PLA:;E 0Jesto d1spos1t vo conscnttl d1 separare prodott prove'l ent1 a un rastro ch a imentnz O'l ortogoni'IIE' o 1n lme>a. EpartlvO arr'1entr 11d ca•o per 1·ouQttl d fo·mr lr'E'gl)lare r. msta01 t' 1n spec1a modo flacor1 d sa s, o detergent . 11 separatore e corrposto da L'l gruopo ar selt Zlone del prodot+o e da un o rza a pres a m Jf•1p a per 1 pre IE'VO e '1nsenmento de1 prodott <;eparatl r macch11a La p1 za e COI"landata o1eu rat1camente e Ia r'lOVItliPntazlo'le su !JUidt: I Pear e co Jtrol ata tram te motonzzaz10ne brush ess La st ss, soluziore puo esse·e appilcata ad ali'l'~>ntaz1one h mea sfrJttardc I Jlr1'1Cipl0 deiJJilSSO del peJJeg•1nO 5. PICK AND PLACE This device is designed to separate the products arriving from an orthogonal feeding belt or in line. It is especially suitable for irregularly shaped and unstable products, especially bottles containing sauces or detergents. This separator is made up of a unit, which sorts the product, and a multiple gripper that picks up and places the separate products into the machine. The gripper is pneumatically controlled whilst the movement on a linear guide is controlled through brushless motors. The same solution can be applied to line feeding by exploiting the pilgrim step principle. 5. PICK AND PLACE M1t dieser Vorwhtunq konnen Produkte getrPnnt werden, die von emem rechtwmkltger1 ZufiilmmgslJand oder von eumm Limenzufiihnmgsband kornrnen. Ste tst besanders gee1gnet f1ir Produkte m't unrege/maf3iger oder mstahtler Form, rnsbesontfere Saucenflaschen oder Reintgungsmittef Ote Trennvorrichtung besteht aus emer Produktwswah/gruppe und emem Mellrf<1cfJgreifer fur d1e AufnafJme und Einfiilmmg der getreltllten Produkte m dte M schme Der Greifer ist luttgesteuert und dte Bewequng auf der lmearen Filtmmq w1rd von emNn Servo-Motor gesteuert Die gletche Losung kann auch bel Linienzufiihrung unrer Au:mutzung des PJ/gersc.lmtt-Pr'tJZtps angewandt werder J" :r JTERISTICHE MAIN FEATURES I , \Ur-I rv;L-,c.,I/,V!fJ.f_~ TPAD AI fr•Je dr p·oteggerf~ I brJ[ k gab n top Prasr'latrc propol'e l'rnse•rmento ne 'l onfezro1e re lrzz,.ta con frlm ermoretrarb "drL a faloa vertrcale dr cartone, ;:Jregata all estre 111ta a forrra dr t• lngolo I TPAl e rl drsposrtrvo rl·e consente Ia formazro.1e serm ''.1t zzc dr co. cl e l'rnse· 11ento dr qt.esta falda tra dUe ~rle dr b uk. II drsposrt vo e no·rnaln tJnte ilbbrn to ad ur· s 'pa•atore rtogonale TPAO In order to protect the brick gable tops, Prasmatic proposes inserting a vertical cardboard pad, the end of which is folded in the shape of a triangle, into the pack made with shrink film. TPAD is the device that features the formation without the use of glue and the insertion of the aforesaid pad between two rows of bricks. This device is normally combined with an orthogonal separator. TPAD lum Sclwtzder Top Gable Bnkfuhrt Prasme~ttc eme verttkaleKartonpappe, dte an emem Ende zu eme'lt Dreteck gefdltet tsl, Ill •lie nut Sc/Jrumpffolte realisterte V'irpackung em M11 der TPAD Vomcnt,mg kann dtr•se Pappe olme dte Verwendung von Leun geformt and zwtscllell dte belden Bnk-Rr:~hen emgefullrt were/en Normalerweise w1rd dil'se Vomc/ltung nut einer rechtwmkligen Trennvomcltwng kombtmert. SEPARATOR£ A PINZA OOPPIA :J.Jesto o spos I vo t.onse'l r> dr sepc r 1re gruppr d. prodotto rn o rtrcola•e astL cc o br•ck prove'lrentr d~ ur 'la<>t•o dr a1rmentazrone ortogonflle I separatore e cornposto Ja una doppra prnza a ror'lando pneumatico che hcJ Ia ~unzronE did vrdere LJlterrormtJn•e r prodott £ pred sporl ptlr rl trattame•Jto rn doppr .. prst<~ at..r· nte l'rnsenmento rn nacc'lr a L mov,·rer>tazrone su gu :Ia In eare cont·ollata t·arnrte 'T'otor zzazr'lne brushless DOUBLE-GRIPPER SEPARATOR This device allows you to separate groups of products, specifically cartons or bricks, arriving from an orthogonal feeding belt. This separator is made up of a pneumatically-controlled double gripper that further divides the products and prepares them to be processed in a double lane during their insertion into the machine. The movement on a linear guide is controlled through brushless motors. DOPPELTE GREIFERTRENNVORRICHTUNG M1t d1eser Vomc!ttung konnm, Produktgruppen, Jnsbesonuere Schachteln oder Brik-Verpackungen, dre von emem rechtwmkligen Zufitlmmysband kommen, getrwm wertJen D1e Tr/Jimvomchtung beste/lt aus emem doppelten /uftgesteuerter Gre1fer; der dte Funktion hat, die Produkte weiterhm zu unterteJ1en und diese fiir dw Anordmmy auf doppe/ter Bahfl wahrend der Emfiilmmg m d1e Maschme vorzubererten. Ore Beweguny auf der lmearer Fuhrung w1rd von emem Servo-Motor gesteuert. SEPARATORE A PINZA DIAGONALE Q •sto d spos t vo conse'lte d1 separare grupp1 ell ~· o otto P par+rco a•e astucc p·ovementr da ur 'last•o d a tr'lentaz ore ortogonale, e part co amente i1d1ca•o oua'ldo sr ha e necessJta dr noP ar•estare rra 1 nastro dr al mentazlo'le perche 1 prodotto vrene al11nentato d cortrwo II separators e composto da Ul a pr11za a comaNto pneuMatrco e Ia tras az O'le dr gonale c11e perr'lette l'mserim nto de prodott rn macchr'la serza arresto e con ro lata tram te roto·1zzaz o'le b ushless DIAGONAL GRIPPER SEPARATOR This device allows you to separate groups of products, specifically cartons, arriving from an orthogonal feeding belt, and is especially suitable when you need to never stop the feeding belt because the product is fed continuously. This separator is made up of a pneumatically-controlled gripper whilst the diagonal translation that places the products into the machine without stopping is controlled through brushless motors. 0/AGONALE GREIFER-TRENNVORRICHTUNG Mtt d1eser Vomchlllng kdnnen Produktgruppen, msbesondere Schuchtefn, dte von emem rechtwmkltgen Zutulmmgsband kommen, getrenntwerden Ste ist /Jesonders geeigne~ wenn dte Notwendigkeit besteht, das Zufiihrungsband memals zu stoppen, da c/as Produkt kontmwerltch zugefuhrt wtrd. Dte Trermvomchtung besteht aus emem tuftgesrwerten Greifer und der Olngonalversc.htebung, die dte Emfuhrung der Produkte trl d1e M11schme a/me Stopp ermog/tcht. S1e wird von emem Bmshless Motor gesteuert. SEPARATORE A PINZA CO'\ lfVPI~ATDRE 0Jesto drsposltrvo a pl'lZa cor tr lata tramlt~ moto rzznz. ne br 1shless consente dt separare ern segJ to 011mp1 ar su pr~ strati grJPPI d p·oaotto prove'1 ert1 da un nastro d1 alcr rtaz1one m I 'lea, Ia soluz1one e part "O arr'1ente 1nd1cnta PN succ1 GRIPPER SEPARATOR WITH STACKER This gripping device controlled through brushless motors allows you to separate groups of products arriving from a line feeding belt and then stack them in multiple layers. This solution is especially suitable for cartons. o or aes euerten Gre 1fer Vnmchtung Lror ,t,em Ltmenzuflihrungsband 1 e d fl/1 Phre en Scf,tcMen gestapelt ders qeetgnet fiir Schachteln. GRUPPO ACCOMPAGNAMENTO PRODOTTO Part colarwente mdrcato p r prodott• or format regolarP con sca•sa stabrhta qL esto drspos1trvo ha Ia funzrone dr gara1trre un co·retto e prectso accoppiar'lent? del prodotto al fuste'lato II gruppo cortroll~to rar tte r'lOtG izzazrone brushless puo e<;scr'l utihzzato anche per 11 rasfenmento del prodotto dalla 1racchma al tunnel dr retrazro 1e PRODUCT TRANSFER UNIT Especially suitable for irregularly shaped products with poor stability, the task of this device is to ensure the correct and precise coupling of the product to the blank. This unit, controlled through brush less motors, can also be used to transfer the product from the machine to the shrink tunnel. PRODUKTBEGLEITUNGSGRUPPE Besonders gee1gnet fiir Produkte mit unregelmii6JgP.r Form und germger Stabtlitiit, l1at dtese Vornchtung die Funktwn, eme korrekte 'Jnd praztse Kopplung von Produkt und faltschachtGI zu garant1eren Ote Gruppe Wtrd von eml'm Servo Motor gesteuert und kann auc/1 fiir die Beforderur,g des Produkts von der Maschino zum Sclmrmpftunnel verwencfet werden. - -· FILM REELS Drve se s... uz10ni di pas z 0'1amento de e bobme del film so·w drsponrbrlr, partrcolaw1ente curato I'aspetto erg wmrc.o Ur r1rglior accesso per le ope·azronr dr car'lhro formato e Ia saldatura della bobma Aorser·tono U'l'ottrma nterazrone operatore-mncc'l 1a Co'l l'opzror•e llobrne ester re drsporrhlle II t.Hmb bobme If' automat 0 CAMBIO AJTOMATICO BOB INA I srster 1<1 pem ette dr effett,Jare Ia s ldatl ra taglio del filr1 '1 moda t, completal'le'lte auto1lttrcc> senza I rntervento dell'operatore questa opzrone co'lserte di no'l arrestare Ia svolgrtura dol fr 11 e 1 crc o prodt.ttrvo ~a predrsposmone dell:~ bobrPa • wrene d parte de l'operc~tore c.on semplrc.r operaz 01 II. e e Several solutions for positioning the film reels are available. Great care was used in the ergonomic design. Improved access for size changeover and reel sealing operations allow good man-machine interaction. The external reel option is available with automatic reel change. AUTOMATIC REEL CHANGE: The system allows you to seal and cut the film fully automatically, without operator intervention. This option permits continued machine operation without the need to stop the production cycle or film unwinding. The operator prepares the reel by means of simple manual operations. fs <;tehen verschJqdene LfJS'mgen fur dJe PoS!t/omerung der Fo/lenroflen zur Vqrfrigung, besond••m Aufm•nksamk(•ft w1rd dem ergunotmschen Aspekt gesclumkt D11~ Arbe1tsschntte fur den Formatwec/lsel und das Schwmf3en der FolteNolfe werden dun! &llte/1 bessPren Zugang <>rlmchtert und rfws nrmoglu..M eme r,pt1male lnterakt1un BedumerMaschme M1t der Opt1on der exte1nen Foltenro/lerr JSt der automot,scfre fo/JetrwechseJ erhaltlich AUTOMAT/SCHER FOLIENWECHSEl M1t dem System k~nn dm SchwmBung und der Sc!Jmtt der Folie auf vo/fkommen aulOI11<1tJsche WeTS£• a/me den Emgnff de~ Bodwners durcf,gefuhrt werden M1t dmsv OptiOIIISt &S ntcllt erfordf!rltcll, £118 Fntlmlabwlcklung 'lfld den PtoduktiOnszyk/us zu stoppen. 01e Vorbere1ttm{l der Foltenrolle erfolgt settens des Bed11mers nut lelcllt•m mauuellen Arbettssc!JMten R I J -r I ILE EXTRACTABLE FILM UNIT ,.,USL..._.-f~nh~ /C!_/,_, JGRUPPE I srstema permette dr accedere ll gruppo film r modo aqevol., ronsente 1do t.r lavoro r.r f"larutenzrore eel ere ed effll'ace Questa applrcazr~r·e rrsulta partrco arme l'P rndit at.Joer 1s~tto 1der prodottl I o.lJ d, qJalr 1 darry e r' Jever.Jge, rl cr...r H'lb·ll· ~gro pr ma 10 p<HJ ro PPers, compromettNlC!O a p 1 z a de fr m The system allows easy access to the film unit for quick, effective maintenance work. This application is especially suitable for liqu id products such as those of the dairy and beverage industries, where the primary pack may rupture and cause contamination of the film. Oas System ermbgltcllt den leic:hten Zuqpff auf d1e Foltenralle und son"t sclmelle und Wlfksame Wartungs1:1rbetten. Dtese Vamchtung 1st besonders fur die FfL,sstgpraduktbereJcl!e gee1gnet (Mtlch und Getrankemdustne), deren PrifTliirverp<'lckung Ieicht kaputt gehen lind somrt dte Sauberkett der Folie beeintrachttgen kann Blanks magazine capacity 450 deoendina to thickness Max blank lenath 1100 mm Max blank width 600 mm 500 mm Max reel diameter Max reel width 680 mm Max reel _weight -1-~0 l$g_ _8yerag!L_sizfLch ange qve r tLme 10 -;- 15 mi11. according to the fllilChine mod~ I Extremely co1m~act dimensions Brushless servomotor drives Fewer and simplified maintenance operations Low noise level Modular construction. easy accessibility and complete visibility ofthe production cycle Large and easily accessible in line or lateral blanks magazine Touch screen control panel THE MACHINE CAN BE EQUIPPED/INTEGRATED WITH : ... Automatic Multilane Distributor for non-cylindrical products Automatic size changeover Stacker unit Entirely made of A lSI 304 stainless steel and anti-corrosive materials Device tor managing printed film Extractable film unit Fully accessible film reels Automatic reel change Allen-Bradley control system Wash down execution t'El HNI ;n ... DATEN UNO EIGENSCHAFTEN DERTCS BAUREIHE Antnebt! mil Bwshless-Motoren Rerltlllerte tmd vl!re.nfdciltt Wartunqsarbeift>l• To,lchscnerr KolltrouschJittaf&, DIE MASCHINE KANN MIT DEN FOLGENDEN VORRICHTUNGEN AUSGESTATTET UNDIODER ERGANZTWERDEN: Stanelam e Vomchtunq fur r/u> Verwenduno 1md /P.ntnommq berlrtlf'Kter Fn/JP. Atltnmatl'inl•er 1-ollellrnliHIIWecllsel Allen Bradley Konrrollsystem l ~ ~ J: ~ 1..L 1.. j: t. !: I THE CONTENTS OF THIS CATALOG WERE VERIFIED BEFORE PRI NTING. PRASMATIC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CH ANGE THE TECHNICAL CHARACTER! ST!CS OF THE PRODUCTS ANDACCE SSORIES ILLUSTRAT ED IN THISDOCUMENT ATANYTIME. -, ' -· ,J LC R urn y