Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre welcomes two new full
Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre welcomes two new full
P etawawa Your Friendly Furniture Appliances - Electronics Store In The ♥ Of Petawawa SOLO NOW IN STOCK ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS! 3435A Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-5574 “Your Community Newspaper” 14 November, 2006 Volume 62, Number 45 St Francis of Assisi remembers ... Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre welcomes two new full-time doctors Negotiations also underway for construction of a larger, second site for Family Health Team. by Lisa Brazeau At a time when primary health care providers are at a premium, the Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre has secured the services of two new full-time doctors to complement a health team that includes two part-time doctors and two nurse practitioners. Dr Rosemary Christinck moved her practice and her patients to the centre in August, and last month, Dr Declan Rowan and his wife, Nurse Practitioner Sharon MacDonald, joined the team. Despite the current physician recruitment environment, "by some stroke of wonderful luck we were able to secure the services of two full-time doctors," said PCFHC board president Treena Lemay, acknowledging the ongoing support of the board, the centre staff, its doctors and nurse practitioners whose combined efforts have served the needs of 1,200 Petawawa residents who had no access to a family physician. continued on page three Inside this edition of the Petawawa Post... Here Comes Santa Claus! Pembroke Santa Parade Pages 14-15 Family Resource Centre.......... Sports & Rec......................... Puzzles.................................. What’s Happening................. Chapels................................. Classifieds............................. Women In Business.............. 16 18-19 21 22 23 24-25 27 Visit us on-line at St Francis of Assisi students (above) Nathan Clarke and Mercy Faulkner were among representatives from each grade who laid a wreath or cross during the school’s Remembrance Day Ceremony on Wednesday, November 8. The s e rvice included special military guests, poems, songs, readings, a powerful slide presentation and several videos of p e rsonal recollections from war veterans. At the conclusion of the ceremony, students placed a poppy on a large cross at the entrance to the gymnasium. The special event was organized by Grade 4 teacher Melody Roberts. RANGERS RANGERS RANGERS MURPHY 1341 Pembroke St. W., 613-735-6861 12 Ford Rangers To Choose From Starting at $12,900. FREE TRADE APPRAISALS FREE VEHICLE HISTORY FINANCE, TEST DRIVE, PURCHASE Petawawa Post, Page 2, 14 November 2006 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL S U P P O RT AGENCY Visit FITNESS • FAMILY • FUN AGENCE DE SOUTIEN DU PERSONNEL DES FORCES CANADIENNES DISCOVER THE INCREDIBLE OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY: CAC Partner Discounts Are Offered At: COMMUNITY DEPLOYMENT NETWORK Join us at Reich w a l d Mess on Nov. 22 at 6:30 p.m. as we discuss forming a CFB Petawawa Community Deployment Network. The goal of the committee is to have spousal reps from each unit, the Deployment Support Centre and the PMFRC work together to advocate the needs and servicing of the deployed family. ALL FOR THE ANIMALS AUCTION: November 18th at Festival Hall. For more information call the OSPCA shelter in Petawawa at 613-588-4508. See PSP Website For Discount Details IS YOUR BUSINESS INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CAC PARTNER? CONTACT: Mr. Michael Barber Personnel Support Programs Marketing Coordinator C F B Petawawa, 57 Festubert Blvd, Unit P-118 Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3 Phone: (613) 687-5511 ext 4008 Fax: (613) 588-7500 Email: Fall & Winter Hours In Effect Golf Club & Banquet Facility Golf Specials For 2007 Are Ava i l a ble By Calling 613-687-5331 Book Yo u r Functions By Calling 613-687-5331 A Membership Would Make A Great Christmas Gift ✔ Daily Lunch Specials 10:30 AM - 2 PM ✔ Fish & Chips Fridays... Only $5.95 Golf Season Is Over But Our Restaurant & Banquet Facility Is Still Open Come Join Us Thursday & Friday For Specials! Petawawa Post, Page 3, 14 November 2006 PetawawaCentennial Family Health Centre welcomes two new full-time doctors ... continued from front page 2006 RIO • 110 hp advanced fuel-efficient CVVT engine • Dual airbags • 4-speaker CD stereo with MP3 player 46 MPG 2006 ROX EX model shown MSRP $13,595* Welcoming two new full-time doctors, Dr Rosemary Christinck (front centre) and Dr Declan Rowan (front second from left) are (back left to right) Petawawa Centennial Family Health Centre Board Director of Infrastructure and Management Maj Brian Mumford, ex officio member and Town of Petawawa Mayor Bob Sweet, Director of Operations Ed Chow, President/Director of Programs and Community Relations Treena Lemay, Health Team manager Wendy Grimshaw, Treasurer/Director of Financial Management Tom Mohns, ex officio member and CFB/ASU Petawawa Commander LCol Dave Rundle, Dr Stephan Boyle (front left), Dr Mike Crouzat (front second from right) and Dr Jim MacLean of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (front right). "For those of you siastic efforts of the board and the Pembroke Regional was the enthusiasm and proinvolved in health care, or I am quite convinced that next Hospital, continue for the fessionalism of everyone are aware of the current sit- year we will be here to give third physician to meet the involved in Petawawa's uation in most provinces, you all a tour of the new facil- budgeted quota. Family Health Team. Petawawa is currently suf- ity," said Lemay. Although Dr Christinck "I was attracted to the fering from a shortage of The PCFHC serves resi- is not accepting any new family health team concept doctors in the local area dents in the Town of patients, she said her move because I enjoy working in a and many military and Petawawa and military fam- to Petawawa was "mutually team-based approach with civilian families are in need ily members, and has beneficial" - with part-time other physicians and nurse of primary healthcare ser- approximately 4,600 doctors Mike Crouzat and practioners," he said. "This vices," she said. "We have patients on file with an addi- Stefan Boyle, she could is a very beautiful location found two doctors relative- tional 1,700 patients on a offer support for the centre's and I look forward to workly close together and we are waiting list. nurse practitioners and help ing in the community." delighted that they decided The PCFHC board has the board achieve its current As one of the first to join us." made application to the min- goal of three full-time physi- Family Health Teams (FHT) CFB Petawawa and the istry through a five-year busi- cians, while allowing her to approved for funding by the Town of Petawawa, partners ness plan for an eventual move from a solo practice to ministry, the FHT model is a in the PCFHC project, jointly complement of six doctors, a group setting of "dedicat- cooperative of family physiannounced the good news last four nurse practitioners, and ed, motivated people." cans, nurse practitioners, week, and Lemay added other allied health care Dr Rowan, who moved nurses, and a range of other favourable negotiations are providers including regis- from Prince Edward Island health care professionals also underway for the design tered nurses, pharmacists, to Petawawa this fall, who work together to proand construction of a new, dieticians and social workers. expects a new patient load at vide comprehensive, acceslarger health centre that will For the budget year the PCFHC of about 1,700 sible, coordinated family better accomodate the Family 2006-2007, they have people. health care services to a speHealth Team concept set out received guaranteed funding Like Dr Christinck, he cific population. by the Ministry of Health and for three doctors, a health said that although he and his To see that vision evolve Long Term Care. team manager, a half-time wife were initially attracted from idea to reality, said "It's an ambitious project dietician and a half-time to the area and the outdoor Town of Petawawa Mayor but I have tremendous confi- social worker. Recruitment opportunities it had to offer, Bob Sweet, has been a very dence in the superb and enthu- efforts in conjunction with what sold him on Petawawa rewarding experience, one that would not have been CORRECTIONS: possible without partnerThe Petawawa Post wishes to extend an apology to the family and friends ships, particularly those with of Sgt Darcy Tedford and Cpl Matthew Dinning for unintentional CFB Petawawa and the Province of Ontario. errors in our recent Remembrance Day section. continued on page ten We sincerely regret the errors. PURCHASING FINANCING $1,595 DOWN PAY M E N T MONTHLY FINANCE PAYMENT $152* $161* $157* 6.2 L/100 KM highway fuel consumption* $147 * PER MO./60 MOS. DOWN PAYMENT REMAINING PRINCIPAL $1,195 $495 $0 $3,623 $3,828 $3,972 0.9% FINANCE APR* REMAINING P R I N C I PAL OF $3,506 DUE AT END OF T E R M 2007 SPORTA G E • 16" alloy wheels • 4-wheel anti-lock b ra kes (ABS) • 6 airbags • Electronic Stability P r o gram (ESP) • Traction Control System (TCS) • Cruise control • AM/FM/CD with p o rt a ble MP3 p l ayer inputs PURCHASING FINANCING $2,495 DOWN PAY M E N T 36 MPG 2007 Sportage V6 Model shown. MSRP $13,595* MONTHLY FINANCE PAYMENT 7.8 L/100 KM highway fuel consumption* $257* $268* $276* $244 * PER MO./60 MOS. DOWN PAYMENT REMAINING PRINCIPAL $1,495 $595 $0 $6,048 $6,318 $6,496 1.9% FINANCE APR* REMAINING P R I N C I PAL OF $5,748 DUE AT END OF T E R M *Based on an MSRP of $13,595/$21,695 on 2006 Rio EX MT (RO5426)/2007 Sportage (SP5517) with annual purchase financing interest rate of 0.9%/1.9%. Monthly payment is $147/$244 for 60 months, amortized over an 84-month period with $1,595/$2,495 down payment. Estimated remaining principal balance of $3,506/$5,748 plus applicable taxes due at end of 60-month period. MSRPs and purchase financing offers exclude delive ry and destination of $1,250/$1,495. Licence, registration, insurance, dealer administration fees and taxes are not included, unless otherwise stated. Dealers are free to set individual prices. P rices subject to change without notice. †Featured models are not exactly as illustrated. Images contain available accessories. >Fuel consumption for 2006 Rio EX MT (RO5426) is 45.6 mpg (6.2 L/100 km)/2007 Sportage (SP5517) is 36.2 mpg (7.8 L/100 km) Highway. These estimates are based on the Gove rnment of Canada’s approved cri t e ria and testing methods. The actual fuel consumption of these vehicles may va ry. Refer to the Government of Canada publication EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. ?Kia Rio/Rio 5 received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among subcompact cars in a tie in the propri e t a ryJ.D. Power and Associates 2006 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 63,607 U.S. new-vehicle owners, measuring 251 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Propri e t a rystudy results are based on ex p e riences and perceptions of owners s u rveyed in February-April 2006. Your ex p e riences may va ry. Visit ?Kia’s “Worry-Free Comprehensive” warranty covers most vehicle components against defects under normal use and maintenance conditions. Price, availability and specifications are subject to changes without notice. Info rmation in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of print. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. Petawawa 3504 Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa 613-687-5592 Email: ** see dealer dealer for details. Petawawa Post, Page 4, 14 November 2006 “Soldier’s Soul” offers more than just greetings from home New line of all-occasion cards tailor-made for military families, friends and supporters. by Lisa Brazeau than 30 all-occasion cards Treasures in Cobden. purpose," she said. "I think When Lynn Hall's and 24 Christmas cards for They were in Petawawa it's wonderful that we were spouse Don Keachie would military families, supporters recently as part of their able to hit so closely to the travel, Lynn would tuck and friends to send to their Ontario launch that included sentiments these spouses, messages into his luggage so loved ones overseas, or to a visits to bases in Trenton, families, parents, children or he would have a personal friend or family member Kingston and Borden. loved ones are feeling." connection to her, and to his whose spouse is deployed. "We've had such amazThe idea to create the life back home. The couple, who own ing community support cards was not a calculated "I felt so much more Beams Publishing out of St here," said Lynn. one, admitted Don. "It just connected, more attached to Catherines, initially intro"Cheryl (Jordan) at the popped into my head," he him, and I think it made him duced the cards locally at Country Cupboard said she said. feel one day closer to The Country Cupboard, and can't keep them in stock, and There were, however, a home," said Lynn. have since found a niche at she told us she's had women number of factors that made That personal touch is CANEX Retail, at The standing at the rack, crying it a good fit for the couple. one of the cornerstones of Hallmark Store in as they read these cards - I Lynn is a successful freeLynn and Don's new line of Pembroke, and at O'Reilly's think they're really serving a lance greeting card writer greeting cards, "Soldier's Soul", a collection of more BCE Motorcycle ride raises $780 for United Way LOOKING FOR PRESCRIPTIONS & MORE; THEN COME TO Mulvihill Drug Mart WEST END: Pembroke St. West At Crandall 735-1079 OPEN: Mon - Fri 9 - 9 Sat 9 - 5 & Sun 11 - 4 LORRAIN WING: 201 Deacon St., Pembroke 735-0161 MONCION GROCERS EAST 735-6559 MONCION GROCERS PETAWAWA 687-7607 The Base Construction Engineers’ Motorcycle Ride for the United Way, organized by BCE Utilities Team Leader Steve Laird (second from right) raised a total of $780.25 for this year’s campaign. Accepting the cheque is CFB/ASU Petawawa Commander LCol Dave Rundle (left), CFB/ASU Petawawa United Way rep Maj Stu Gallagher (second from left), and BCEO Maj Brian Mumford (right). Don Keachie and Lynn Hall. for Blue Mountain Greeting couple plan to continue to Cards, the pair have their add to it; they are looking at own publishing company cards that Canadian Forces which already produces sev- Personnel Support Agency eral lines of cards, and Don outlets can stock in theatre has 22 years of military so serving military personexperience and numerous nel can send them home to deployments from which to friends and family. draw on. There are currently about "Having served myself, 123 different designs in the I know how awesome it is to works; "they're endless," get any mail and I think Lynn said with a smile. "It knowing that had something obviously was a need, a very to do with creating these emotional need, and it feels cards," he said. good to know that we're The line is still in its helping to fill that." infancy, he added, and the continued on page six Moncion Grocers Petawawa Market 3025 Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa Remember Moncion Grocers Petawawa Market for all your holiday entertaining and gift giving needs. • Fruit Baskets • Specialty Cakes • Deli Trays • Gift Certificates We were voted Daily Observer Readers Choice 2006 winner for Favourite Selection Grocery Store! We Support “Moncion Grocers Petawawa Market where service, quality & Our Troops! value are #1” 687-5511, Ext 5386/6265 Fax 588-6966, E-Mail: This publication is issued under the authority of LCol D.A. Rundle Commander CFB/ASU Petawawa with 7700 copies published every Tuesday. EDITORIAL BOARD Chief Executive Officer - Mr. E.W. Gagnon Editor - Ms. Carol Bullied Public Affairs Adviser - CFB/ASU Petawawa - Capt Scott Spurr Public Affairs Adviser - 2CMBG - 2Lt K.M. Stachura Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Commander or the Editorial Board. They are not to be considered an official expression of the Department of National Defence. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any editorial or advertising material. Furthermore, the Board cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of photos and articles submitted for publication. ADVERTISING: Errors or corrections must be brought to the attention of the Editor the day after the first insertion. The advertisers agree that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DEADLINE: Tuesday 1200 hrs to Editor for following Tuesday edition. Bldg P106, 687-5511, Ext. 5386. B a nya n : +Petawawa Post@CFBPetawawa SUBSCRIPTION: $53.50 a year in Canada. $69.55 foreign CFB/ASU Petawawa, Ontario, K8H 2X3 Cette publication est émise sous l’autorité du lcol D.A. Rundle, commandant de la BFC/USS Petawawa et est publiée chaque mardi. (7700) Comité de la Rédaction Directeur général - E.W. Gagnon Rédacteur en chef - Ms. Carol Bullied Conseiller en affaires publiques - BFC/USS Petawawa, capt Scott Spurr Conseiller en affaires publiques - 2e GBMC, 2lt K.M. Stachura Les opinions qui y sont exprimées sont celles de l’auteur et ne sont pas nécessairement celles du commandant ou du comité de la rédaction. Elles ne doivent pas être considérées comme des expressions officielles du Ministère de la défense nationale. Le comité de la rédaction réserve le droit de rejeter tout matériel publicitaire ou éditorial. De plus, le comité ne peut être tenu responsable de la perte ou dommage aux photos et articles soumis pour publication. Publicité : Les erreurs ou corrections doivent être mentionnées au Rédacteur en chef le lendemain de la première parution. L’auteur de l’annonce accepte que le Rédacteur en chef ne soit pas tenu responsable des dommages qui pourraient survenir suite à des erreurs dans les annonces en plus du montant payé pour l’espace occupé par cette portion de l’annonce au-delà du montant payé pour l’annonce. Date d’échéance : Le mardi à 12 h 00 au Rédacteur en chef, édifice P-106, 687-5511, poste 5386. Courriel (Intranet): +PetawawaPost@CFB Petawawa Abonnement : 53,50$ par année au Canada. 69,55$ à l’étranger. Petawawa Post, Page 5, 14 November 2006 Algonquin College grads will take students to top of Kilimanjaro by Lisa Brazeau In partnership with industry, media and several Ontario school boards, Algonquin College is taking primary and secondary students to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro to literally bring 'higher learning' into classrooms across Eastern Ontario. As part of "Expedition Africa", Cameron Dube, a graduate of the Outdoor Adventure Program at Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley, has been speaking with local schools about his part in an upcoming expedition in Africa which he embarked on last Friday, November10. Just days before his departure, Dube visited Grade 7 students at Our Lady of Sorrows who, through the use of innovative technology, will be taking part in the educational component of "Small World Big Picture" - Expedition Africa. Through curriculumbased classroom materials, educators from participating schools, including those under the direction of the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board, will engage students in the 'adventure' as well as the challenges, opportunities and realities facing the people of Africa. "Students call follow the expedition all through Africa and through these learning materials, teachers can integrate that into their classroom learning," said Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley Manager of Community and Student Affairs Jamie Bramburger. "I think it's a really good idea because instead of Cameron being just a guest speaker, he is a physical link between the school and the project, and students can follow him while they learn." Offering a small taste of what students and teachers can expect from "Small World Big Picture", Dube's talk about his upcoming trip incorporated geography, mathematics, geology, and earth sciences. Students also had the opportunity to log on to the interactive website, listen to Ben Webster's audio diary of Expedition Africa, and check out some of the Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley graduate Cameron Dube (left) displays some of the equipment he and a porter will carry up the highest summit of Mount Kilimanjaro as part of Expedition Africa. resources that will become part of their regular classroom itinerary. Teachers in participating schools are given a password to access relevant materials aimed at creating a long-term understanding of Africa, actively involving students in lifestyles and conditions very diff e r e n t from their own. Small World Big Picture was launched on September 14 in Cairo, Egypt, and the project will involve thousands of students at the elementary and secondary level for a total of 20 weeks. Dube and fellow graduate Ben Shillington of Barry's Bay were invited by Algonquin College to take part in the Kilimanjaro climb after training a group of students from Elmwood Private School in Ottawa for the trip. There will be a group of about 30 people ascending Kilimanjaro's highest peak, Kibo, including team leader Ben Webster of Canadian Adventure Productions. Webster is one of the world's most accomplished expedition leaders; over the past 25 years he has led more than 30 major expeditions on six con- tinents. "It's the experience of a lifetime, one of those 'do not turn down' experiences from every aspect," said Dube. Each person taking part in the climb will be accompanied by a resident 'porter' who earns a livelihood carrying gear up the mountain. "It's their job, their profession, and by hiring them we're contributing to community development," said Dube, who plans to leave most of his gear with the porters, who often climb in sandals and without proper warm clothing. The Elmwood students will also help build a school at the foot of the mountain with assistance from an Algonquin College student in the construction program. Expedition Africa will wrap up in January, 2007; the core expedition team is travelling to nine African countries ending in Cape Town, South Africa. From late November to late December, the team will be in Tanzania, where Dube and his group will join them for the Kilimanjaro climb. For more information, visit Creative Design & Bridal Retail, Custom, Alterations, Tailoring & Sew much more! • Military Mess Dress to NDHQ Specifications • Evening wear to Bridal Gowns 613-638-5622 Pembroke From Poutine to Lobster... Danny’s Is Here For YOU! DAILY SPECIALS Wings with any Jug of Draft $5.95 Lunch Specials Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-6211 Petawawa Post, Page 6, 14 November 2006 Warden’s Banquet “Timely” donation to PMFRC Crisis Fund Investors Group Pembroke makes corporate donation of $1,000 to assist military families facing unexpected and often critical financial difficulties. The Corporation of the County of Renfrew cordially invites you to attend The Warden’s Banquet in honour of Warden Robert (Bob) Sweet on Friday, November 24, 2006 to be held at the CFB Petawawa Normandy Officers’ Mess, 44 Lens Road, Petawawa, ON RSVP by: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 to Rose Gruntz at the County Administration Building, 9 International Drive, Pembroke (613) 735-7288, Fax (613) 735-2081 Email: Tickets: $20.00 per person Please make cheque payable to: The County of Renfrew and mail payment to Rose Gruntz at the County of Renfrew, 9 International Drive Pembroke ON K8A 6W5 Cocktails: 6:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Lapointe’s Brand Spanking Used 2004 JEEP TJ UNLIMITED: 6 Cylinder, Hard & Soft Top, Automatic, Kakki Colour & 16,000 Kms. Stock # 06145A. 2004 JEEP L I B E R T Y: Automatic, Air, Power Windows & Locks, Maroon Colour, Alloy Wheels Stock # P2213 YOU CHOOSE $18.939.00 or $162.39 Bi-Weekly *Payment Does Not Include Tax, Admin Free, Or Lic. Based On 72 Months @ 9% O.A.C. See Dealer For Details. LAPOINTE’S BRAND SPANKING USED 613-732-8500 1398 Pembroke St. We s t Next to Smitty’s Home Hard w a re • Go to • Pick a car then call 613-735-0634 • Ask for Lynn • Fill out a confidential Credit Application • Drive car away O.A.C. DEADLINE FOR POST SUBMISSIONS: NOON TUESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY Malcolm, Deavitt & Binhammer FUNERAL HOME CFB/ASU Petawawa Commander LCol Dave Rundle (fourth from left), RenfrewNipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski (third from right) and Renfrew-NipissingPembroke MP Cheryl Gallant’s representative Karen MacDonald (right) were on hand as Investors Group Pembroke, represented by office manager Tracy Sullivan (left), Financial Consultant Ken Bertrand (second from left) Investors Group Ottawa Regional Director Mary Lennox (fourth from right) and Senior Financial Consultant Mark Jennings (second from right), presented the Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre, here represented by Executive Director Theresa Sabourin (third from left) with a corporate donation of $1,000 for the PMFRC’s Crisis Fund. by Lisa Brazeau Since deploying in August, 12 A $1,000 corporate donation from Petawawa-based soldiers have lost their Investors Group is a timely contribution to a lives in Afghanistan; there are currently fund that, in terms of potential need, has grown about 1,600 in theatre serving with Task from a projected $8,000-$12,000 last year to Force Kandahar Roto 2. $10,000-$16,000 this year, said Petawawa "This is a very important and sizeable Military Family Resource Centre (PMFRC) donation towards meeting those needs," Executive Director Theresa Sabourin. Sabourin added. The PMFRC's Crisis Fund provides oneAs a military spouse with past involvetime financial support to military families ment in other MFRCs, Investors Group who find themselves facing monetary short- Pembroke office manager Tracy Sullivan falls due to family illness, marital break- said the local branch serves a large military downs, medical travel needs or other unex- clientele and as a result, is responsive to the pected yet critical expenses. needs of Canadian Forces members and "It is intended to be non-recurring, one- their families. time-only expenses, and if people are expe"Our branch has a hands-on appreciation riencing ongoing difficulties, we are also due to having a military spouse as an there to act as a bridge to connect them to employee, and members and spouses as other community services," noted Sabourin. clients," she said. "As a business communi"The military environment is changing, ty, we all benefit from the military being our soldiers are being deployed on more here and we wanted to give back and help dangerous, unsafe, though very worthwhile raise awareness that some PMFRC services, deployments ... people are not being posted like the Crisis Fund, are funded through as frequently, and as a result, there are new donations." and emerging requirements in family supThe need for support, she added, will not port and the services we provide to military disappear when the rotation ends in March. families," she explained. continued on page ten • Pre-Arranged Funerals • Serving All Faiths “Built On A Tradition Of Excellence For More Than 100 Years!” 141 Renfrew Street, Pembroke, Ontario 613-732-3637 Petawawa Post, Page 7, 14 November 2006 Fall 2006 MLOC and Computer Training D Sqn, HQ & Sig Sqn Hello again from HQ and Sig Sqn, Delta Troop. It has been awhile, so to start off, we would like to welcome all the new arrivals to the troop. Starting with Sgt Mercure and MCpl Corbett who came from Trenton, MCpl Greene from 1 Cdn Fd Hospital, MCpl Hoskins who came from Ottawa, MCpl Lynch from 1 RCR, MCpl Nobles from the LCIS section in Support Tr o o p , and Cpl Buchanan from 2 RCHA. They were just in time to join in on the flurry of fun fall activities. We would also like to take this time to welcome back Cpl Melnyck who, although was injured in Afghanistan, is still the life of the party, as always. To Cpls Burchell, Nickerson, and Pelletier who are currently in Afghanistan, you guys are always in our thoughts. Keep your heads down. This fall, the troop was scattered all over the place with running a C7 range, running 9mm range as well as trying to get qualified again on all the required MLOC training. That gas hut still leaves a bitter taste in all of our mouths. During the past few months, the troop has been a little thinned out with sending personnel off to Gagetown for EX ROYAL ARCHER II as well as to Wainwright for EX MAPLE GUARDIAN 0604. To add to the chaos there were some soldiers that needed to get their computer skills up to date, so off they went. These courses included SQL Server 2000, Computer Systems and Networking, Windows 2003 Server, DAGR, and Centrix. That’s enough talk from the tech side. Now a few words from the most important people in Delta Troop: the Line Sect. We’d like to welcome some new members to the section, Sgt Stephens who had a short term as Sect Comd, now he has graciously taken over as Assistant Brigade LCF. There is also Sgt Jones, who thanks to his promotion is our new Sect Comd, and no, he will not be leaving any time soon (sorry Sarg e ) ! Finally, there is MCpl Dillon and Cpl Keeping, welcome to one and all. Kaddywonkers gifts & crafts CHRISTMAS HAS ARRIVED! We have Gift Certificates and Gift Baskets for everyone on your list! CHRISTMAS HOURS: Sun. 12 - 4 p.m., Mon. - Wed. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 576 Boundary Rd, Pembroke 613-735-5579 It was a busy time in the shop, 2 members (Parent and Hennigar) received their promotion to corporal. There were two fun-filled days and evenings working as BUTT party for the ranges (lovely field craft training), oh, and my personal favourite, the BFT. The Section was also engaged in the CO’s Challenge. Pte Dubois showed an outstanding per- formance by pumping off one hundred continuous pushups for his team. All that work and effort and the troop still had no success…maybe next year? I’d also like to give a pat on the back to the old man in the shop, Cpl David, who completed the IRONMAN Competition. The line section was also involved in the previously mentioned exer- cise in Gagetown. A small crew was attached for CARFOR setup and line support. They were then off to Wainwright to help out with ranges and general duties! And we can’t forget to give a shout out to the Line members serving in Afghanistan: MCpl Evans, newly promoted Cpl Keegan, Cpl London and Pte Demeurichy. Stay sharp and come home safe. Time is getting short in the year, Halloween has passed, and Remembrance Day came fast around the corner. This year as in other years was very special for a lot of soldiers and families all over this great nation. Soldiers past and present have given us the supreme sacrifice in order to protect our rights and freedoms as Canadians. May we honour them with the utmost respect and dignity they deserve, you are in our hearts and minds. Petawawa Post, Page 8, 14 November 2006 PRT refurbishes school in Panjwayi Bazaar Camp Nathan Smith, Kandahar, Afghanistan – The Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team, based here, completed a $30,000 project recently to repair and improve the Shams-EDinkar High School in Panjwayi Bazaar. Shortly after the school reopened for its 900 students after being closed due to fighting in the Panjwayi District. The work was completely conducted by a local contractor using workers from the Panjwayi Bazaar area. External repairs and improvements to the school included replacing all broken windows and doors and installing window screens, as well as repairing several broken concrete walkways. Significant repairs and improvements were made to the school’s plumbing including repairs to the cistern, the installation of a new water pump, the installation of taps close to the classrooms to allow children ready access to water, repairs to stopped-up toilets and the replacement of broken toilets and sinks. The PRT also provided 1300 backpacks for students, each containing school supplies such as notebooks, pens and pencils. “Many of the repairs and improvements are subtle, but important,” said Warrant Officer Dean Henley, a member of the Reserve Force who is a school teacher by profession. “They will make things better and easier for the kids who go to school here.” Speaking to the assembled elders of the community at the school, PRT Deputy Commander Maj Steve Murray said “The people of Panjwayi can be proud of “We Sell Confidence” Canadian soldiers and Afghan elders load 1,300 backpacks full of school supplies prior to the reopening of Shams-E-Dinkar High School, Panjwayi District Centre, Bazaar-IPanjwayi, Afghanistan, 1 November 2006. Canadian Forces photo by Capt Dave Muralt. WO Dean Henley with one of the most visible improvements to the Shams-E-Dinkar High School, one of the water taps that was installed for the students, one for every four classrooms. Prior to this installation, students got water from the cistern in one corner of the school compound. Canadian Forces photo by Capt Dave Muralt this, because this is their achievement. The elders of Panjwayi recognize that education is important and placed a priority on the school. People in Panjwayi were employed to make the repairs and improvements, and, as a result, on Saturday the children will return to school.” “We service what we sell” COMPLETE BUMPER TO BUMPER SERVICE Including New Car Service Maintenance (Most Makes & Models) 820 Pembroke St. East 613-735-1891 1 year free oil changes with vehicle purchase The PRT consists of Canadian Forces members, a civilian police contingent led by the RCMP, representatives of the Department of Foreign A ffairs and International Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency. The PRT conducts coordinated interdepartmental operations Financing Available to promote good governance and assist the Government of Afghanistan to extend its authority in the province of Kandahar, to facilitate the development of a stable, secure and self-sustaining environment for the Afghan people. Feature Vehicle 2005 Montana Van Certified, Balance of Factory Warranty “Hockey Special” Seven Passenger, Room For Gear. Power Windows, Locks, A/C, Extra Clean, White Ext. & Grey Interior. DVD, Rear Air, Very Low Mileage - Only 17,000 Kms. Petawawa Post, Page 9, 14 November 2006 Second Annual Kandahar Boys’ Soccer Tournament CAMP NATHAN SMITH, Kandahar, Afghanistan – The Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team, based here, provided the Kandahar Director of Education with $20,000 worth of assistance for the second annual Kandahar Boys’ Soccer Tournament to be held at the Kandahar soccer stadium. More than 1100 schoolboys of all ages on 82 teams will participate in the 14-day tournament. The PRT is providing food and water, medical supplies to treat minor injuries and purchased uniforms, running shoes, goalie’s gloves, soccer balls, medals and prizes. Coaches also received uniforms. As well, the PRT provided the materials for a girls’ arts and crafts competition that will run concurrently with the soccer tournament. “We provided the kids with regular running shoes instead of soccer cleats,” explained Lt. Jordan Spoelstra who led the assistance effort. “That way they’ll be able to use the shoes after the tournament is over.” The Director of Education built on the success of last year’s tournament and organized a greatly expanded schedule that grew from 5 days to 14. “Some horrific events took place at the Kandahar soccer stadium during the time the Taliban were in power,” said PRT comman- der Lt.-Col. Simon Hetherington. “Hopefully these boys will have nothing but good memories of this place.” STONE CHIP REPAIR Offer to all Military Personnel Fix That Chipped Glass Now! Reg $50.00 SALE $35.00 352 Biesenthal Road, Pembroke, Ontario We Support Our Troops 613-732-9167 Lt Jordan Spoelstra chats with players at the Kandahar Boys’ Soccer To u r n a m e n t , K a n d a h a r soccer stadium. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS - THEY SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER An impromptu soccer game before the opening ceremonies at the Kandahar Boys’ Soccer Tournament, Kandahar soccer stadium, Kandahar City, Afghanistan, 4 Nov. 06. Canadian Forces photos by Capt Dave Muralt “A Full House Of Gold & Diamond Jewellery” WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS 100%! & Florists Name Brand Canadian Diamonds ~ Polar Ice, Maple Leaf & More ~ INCREDIBLE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS (NEW EXPANDED INVENTORY HAS ARRIVED!) Awesome Citizen Eco-Drive*, Pilot & Divers W atches At Fantastic Prices. Special Exclusive Feature 1.00 tcw Diamond Cluster State Of The Art Repair Dept Offering The Latest In Jewellery Repair Techniques & Using “OLD WORLD CRAFTSMANSHIP” (*No Battery Required, Runs Off Light) 4 Hour Ring Sizing 700 Pembroke St. E., Pembroke (Across from McDonalds) ~ Largest Jewe l l e ry Selection Within 100 Kms ~ 5 Full-Time Jewellery Specialists Are Waiting To Show You All Of Our Gorgeous Jewellery Styles. Extended Christmas Layaway Now Available Almost 100 Years Of Family Jewellery Business! 613-735-G(4O6L53D) Petawawa Post, Page 10, 14 November 2006 “Soldier’s Soul” offers more than ... continued from page four The creative process is a truly collaborative effort Lynn comes up with content, and Don will then take what she writes and create composite photos to compliment the sentiments of each card. "We've already been asked by Dianne (Collier) to create cards to send to those who are left at home, those who need extra support and friendship, so we've been able to add more based on feedback and personal requests," Lynn noted. Collier, an avid supporter of military families and spouses and the role they play in the military lifestyle, accompanied Don and Lynn to various potential outlets, championing a product she said "will bring pleasure to so many people. I don't know anyone who wouldn't be thrilled to receive any one of these cards. It's not a card you're going to read and throw away - you're going to keep them." The three initially connected through one of Dianne's books; after reading it, Lynn emailed the local author to express her gratitude. They have since corresponded, and had the opportunity to spend time together during their recent trip. "It's been a wonderful experience," noted Collier. "Their cards were accepted wherever we went - people were buying them before we'd even set up the racks. That's a good indicator that they're going to be a huge success." The couple's long-term plans include branching out They’ve Gone Loonie At Home Furniture Pembroke! across Canada, and to the United States and the United Kingdom. For now, they are busy keeping up with an already growing demand. "We're not supporters of conflict, but we do realize that if anyone needs a boost and to have someone let them know they're cared for, the military is it, especially considering what they do and the sacrifices they make," said Don. “It’s a small piece of mail,” agreed Lynn, “but it can make such a difference.” Petawawa Centennial Family Health Team welcomes ... continued from page three "We are delighted to have both doctors join our community," he said, offering his thanks to everyone involved in "ensuring that the area will have quality health care that is so essential to everyone in this community." By helping to address the number one quality of life issue in Petawawa, said CFB/ASU Petawawa Commander LCol Dave Rundle, the centre has essentially "made a huge difference to our military families as well as the citizens of Petawawa. "For our soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, one thing they don't need to deal with is having to worry about their families back home having access to health care," he said. "We've really come a very long way in a very short time." As an avid supporter of Petawawa's FHT, Dr Jim MacLean of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care echoed LCol Rundle's remarks, noting that when the minister envisioned the concept of FHTs, "this is truly what he had in mind. Your team is the poster child of community Family Health Teams." With close ties to Petawawa, Dr MacLean who also practices in a small Family Health Team in Brighton, said the ministry will continue to offer its support as the PCFHC moves forward. "We are so delighted to be able to do this for you given the sacrifices this community has made in Afghanistan," he said. "We look forward to many more successes for Petawawa's Family Health Team." “Timely” donation to PMFRC Crisis Fund ... continued from page six "This is not short term - there will be Petawawa soldiers deploying in the next rotation, and a lot leaving next fall, and I think it's important that people understand that," she said. "This will be a long term need." Investors Group is a founding member of Imagine Canada, a program of the Canadian Centre of Philanthropy, and as one of Imagine's "Caring Companies", it has committed to donating at least one per cent of its average pre-tax income--several million dollars per year--to charitable and other non-profit organizations in communities across the country. "I'm a babyboomer, and I recognize that I've never been exposed to death with regards to our military ... so I see this as very valuable," said Investors Group Ottawa Regional Director Mary Lennox. "It is a small donation, but a mighty one to the Military Family Resource Centre." As CFB/ASU Petawawa’s Base Commander, LCol Dave Rundle said he is committed to providing the best quality of life possible for military members and their families, and the PMFRC is valuable and valued component. "The resource centre provides important services to our community ... and at this difficult time, this (donation) is very timely," he 2 Service Battalion Retirement JIM’S HOME FURNITURE TO DOWNTOWN PEMBROKE X TO QUEBEC TURNOFF 12,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom OLD HIGHWAY 17 EAST DRIVE-IN ROAD WALMART LOCATED JUST EAST OF WALMART & Appliances Audio Video Unlimited HOME FURNITURE PEMBROKE 1197 PEMBROKE ST. E., PEMBROKE 613-732-4090 Open Monday - Thursday 9 - 5:30 PM, Friday 9 - 9 PM & Saturday 9 - 5 PM Cathy Peplinski, CO Secretary for 2 Service Battalion retirement party. Left to right: CWO Froment, RSM 2 Svc Bn, CathyPeplinski, and LCol Kennedy, CO 2 Svc Bn. Petawawa Post, Page 11, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Legion Branch 517 Awards Night The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 517 Petawawa will be holding a General Meeting and an ‘Awards’ Night at the branch on November 20th at 7 p.m. All members are invited to come out. There will be a light lunch and coffee. The bar will be open. Awards will be presented to members in the categories listed: Senior Awards Lloyd Behnke, 50 yr Medal & Pin + 35 yr Past President Pin. Joseph Charbonneau, 55 yr Pin + 35 yr Past President Pin. L.G. Perrin, 55 yr Pin + 35 yr Past President Pin. Past President Pins Ambrose Dwyer, 35 yr Past President Pin + Second or more Terms Bar. Robert Seaman, 35 yr Past President Pin. Gordon Strathy, 35 yr Past President Pin + Second or more Terms Bar. Kenneth (Ken) Whitlock, 35 yr Past President Pin. John Vandyken, 35 yr Past President Pin. William (Bill) Ramsey, 35 yr Past President Pin. William (Bill) Lilly, 25 yr Past President Pin + Second or more Terms Bar + Membership Bar. Harry (Jr) Warrington, 25 yr Past President Pin, 30 yr Member Pin, + Second or more Terms Bar. Your Branch Executive Murray Remus, Past President Medal and Bar, 25 yr Past President Pin + Second or more Terms Bar. Janet Bouthillier, Past Officer Medal, Executive Bar and Secretary Bar. Robert Howell, Past Officer Medal, Executive Bar and Sgt at Arms Bar. Branch Executive cont’d Marty Ryan, Past Officer Medal, Executive Bar, Housing Officer. Robert (Bob) Lescombe, Past Officer Medal, Executive Bar and Youth Education Bar. Glenn Mohns, 2nd Vice President Bar, Youth Education Bar Poppy Bar, Sport Bar and 35 yr Pin. Ralph Kenderick, Sports Bar. Service Pins Ordinary Legion Members 10 Years: Clyde Dearman, Howard Kochanski, Keith Pyne, Bryan Somerville. 15 Years: Trevor Badour, John Collins, BRY Johnson, Wayne Peddle, Wayne Russel. 20 Years: Victor Balkan, H.E. Janes, Peter Jenkins, George Heath, Arthur Naugle, Philip Simpson, George Wadden, Victor T. Parro. 25 Years: Andre Chaput, Clarence Densmore, G. Gagne, James Northwood, M. Perreault, Robert Summersgill. 30 Years: J.W.M. Arnold, Ron Bain, M.E. Blondin, J.N. Hollett, Damien L. Larouche, G.L. Meister, L. Proctor, Bud Richardson, M.J. Sweeney, Bill Wheatley, Allan Hennessey. 35 Years: Sam Best, J.E. Rawnsley, Peter Sims, Russell Murphy. 40 Years: Graham Nash, Donald Watson. 45 Years: Frederick McKinnon, Robert Seaman. 55 Years: Walter Leeder. THE SHANTY RESTAURANT in beautiful Pine Ridge Park & Resort Casual, Fine Dining in a Quaint, Rustic Setting Breakfast Brunch Sundays 10 A.M. - 2 P.M Now Booking Christmas Parties (large & small) Call 613-732-8071 for Reservations 3 9. .... CAMRY L.E. COROLLA C.E. Service Pins Associate Members 10 Years: Lynn Davenport, Blair Deveaux, Wallace Mielke 15 Years: Grant Raglin, Jeremy Whitlock. 20 Years: Emily Ralph, F.J. Webb, Earla Watson. 25 Years: Joan Alexander, Julene Chandler, Roland Munn. 30 Years: Roger Selby, Doris Strathy (Life Member). 2 Service Battalion members take part in Remembrance Ceremony in Clayton MATRIX YA R I S SEDAN November 4th in the town of Clayton. 2 Svc Bn Admin Coy was asked to do a Remembrance Day Parade. Attending the parade was the Minister of National Defence. Photo: Minister of National Defence, Gordon O'Connor, and members from 2 Svc Bn Admin Coy. It’s your home ... not PAT CLEATOR just another house! CELL: 613-639-6352 Call Pat first for all your buying Sales Representative N eville Realty Ltd. 613-687-1687 C E N T U RY 21 CENTURY 21 CENTURY 21 and selling needs! Up To 36 Months On Select 2007 Models YARIS HATCHBACK COROLLA CE SPECIAL EDITION Check out our Service Department for Great Deals on Winter Wheels! PETAWAWA TOYOTA Toyota Direct: 613-735-1717 1406 Pembroke Street W., Pembroke s a l e s @ p e t awawa . t oyo t a . c a Petawawa Post, Page 12, 14 November 2006 “Great to be in Petawawa” Declaring it was “great to be in Petawawa”, 2 Area Support Group HQ Commander Colonel David Erickson toured the facilities of 2 ASG Signal Squadron on October 26, and took time out to address the members and staff of the unit. Along with 2 ASG Sig Sqn Commander Major Jim Greengrass, Col Erickson recognized 27 years of dedicated public service by Mr. Dave Shillington, who was in the military for 22 years and then has worked the last five as a civilian lineman in the Squadron. Mr. Shillington was presented with a commemorative plaque and a gift (though apparently not the chainsaw he was hoping for). Col Erickson also promoted both Jeffrey D. Wilson and A. Reuben Yadav from Lt to Captain. Captain Yadav is the Squadron’s Operations & Red’s Garage & Auto Parts Planning Officer and Captain Wilson is Detachment (Pet.) OC. Finally, Col Erickson presented a commendation on behalf of Land Force Central Area Commander Brigadier General Guy R. Thibault to Mr. Warren Sloan for his part in rolling out the new National Operating System across LFCA. Mr. Sloan was instrumental in ensuring that any negative impact to over 13,000 users in LFCA was minimal. BGen Thibault recognized Warren’s outstanding contribution and technical leadership Mr. Dave Shillington *Mail-in rebate with the purchase of four (4) BFGoodrich® tires: Winter Slalom®:$30 (from October 15 to December 15, 2006) See claim form for details. PostScript Picture ALL01_FCOLORTAGLIBW.eps “Where You Buy 3, 4th Is Free” 3169 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa 613-687-5538 Roadside Assistance Plan offered here Left to right: Major J.M. Greengrass, Captain A.R. Yadav, Colonel D.T. Erickson. throughout the three-year project. Mr. Warren Sloan Left to right: Capt J.D. Wilson, Col D.T. Erickson. Planning A Christmas Party? Why Not Have It With Great Food In A Great Atmosphere With Great Home Of The 20 Oz.T-Bone People? NEW HOURS: Continuing the Tradition of Fine Dining! Open Thursday, Fri d ay, Saturday, Sunday Evenings & Available For Special Bookings Upon Request! Call Now For Reservations 819-689-2762 We support our troops! Petawawa Post, Page 13, 14 November 2006 AECL’s Firefit team heads to World Championships highlights: Dean Bourque finished 13th in the “Over 40” class and 122nd overall with a time of 1:54.94. And, personal best times were recorded by Mark Lalonde (2:02.63 including a twosecond penalty for a missed stair) and Lee Dennique (2:04.91). “We’re very excited about this achievement”, said Chalk River Laboratories’ Fire Chief, Rudy Cronk. “The team is determined and focused and I know they’ll be giving the competition their absolute best as both Ottawa Valley and Canadian representatives”. Chalk River Ontario, 2006 October 11: The Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) Firefit team of Dean Bourque, Lee Dennique, Scott Morphy, Josh Labre and Mark Lalonde has earned its place at the upcoming Scott Firefit World Championships in November in Las Vegas, Nevada in the Wildcard position. “I’ve been competing on an individual basis for a number of years”, said Team Captain, Dean Bourque, “but this was the first year for us to enter a team and to be able to show what we can do as a solid unit. I’m really proud of our guys”. The team of Chalk River Laboratories’ Firefighters did well at all of the qualifying events that led to the Scott Firefit National Championships in Niagara Falls from September 17 – 21, 2006. Appropriately dubbed “Fire meets Water”, the event was by all accounts a great success with personal bests and strong finishes recorded in both the team and individual events. The Scott FireFit Championships is a competition based on fire fighting tasks commonly performed in emergency situations: stair climbing, victim rescue, hose hoists, forcible entry and fire hose advance. Competitors range from seasoned 10-year veterans to first time rookies, with both men and women firefighters in a wide range of age categories. All competitors wear full turnout gear (helmet, coat and pants with liners, boots and gloves) and wear but do not breathe from an SCBA oxygen tank. With Josh dragging the 175 lbs Rescue Randy dummy, Dean hauling the 20-kilogram “donut” hose coil, Mark on the “Kaiser” hammer, Lee pulling for the hose advance and Scott running the stairs; the CRL Fire and Emergency Services team finished 8th out of 21 teams in the Relay Event. Notably, Dennique was able to quickly recover from a fall during the Hose Advance section, and helped the group record a “team best” time of 1 minute, 23 seconds. Among the individual Victoria Rose Tea Room & Fine Dining Now Open Fri & Sat Evenings For Dinner Join us for an Intimate Evening Of Jazz featuring DRIVE YOUR WAY with YOUR TICKET TO RIDE 2007 $ SANTA FE G.L. 60 Month Term 389 .00 2007 $ SONATA G.L. 60 Month Term 299.00 0% Interest~No Payments for 1 Year 2007 ACCENT G.S. 3 Door 189 $ 60 Month Term .00 0% Interest 2007 ELANTRA G.L. 4 Door 219.00 $ 60 Month Term 84 Months on selected 2007’s Annette and Pierre Five course dinner served throughout the evening Saturday Nov 18th & 25th 6:30 p.m. Reservations Required Now Licensed By LLBO 613-732-1213 193 Victoria Street, Pembroke, ON $45 per person (excluding tax & gratuity) Hope you can join us! 2007 ENTOURAGE $ G . L . 60 Month Term 387 .00 2007 $ TUCSON G.L. 60 Month Term 299.00 All Payments Quoted ~ Leased To Own, With No Down Payment ~ See Dealer For Full Details! Amigo Motors 1945 Petawawa Blvd. Pembroke 613-735-5636 “All trademarks owned by Hyundai Auto Canada, a division of Hyundai Motor America and used under license” Petawawa Post, Page 14, 14 November 2006 Just A Reminder That The Pembroke Royal Canadian Legion Santa Cla Branch 517 - Petawawa Invites Everyone To Come Out & Enjoy The Santa Claus Parade Is Sunday November 19th, This Sunday, In Person, Meet YOUR NEIGHBOUR Invites You To Enjoy The Parade! Season’s Greetings After The Parade Have At The Civic Centre. Be There For His ~ Food & Toy Donations 3025 Petawawa Boulevard, Petawawa Join Us For The Pembroke Petawawa Lions Club Santa Claus Parade Sunday, November 19th 1:00 p.m. Food & Toy Donations Will Be Collected At The Civic Centre & Along The Parade Route, Which Starts At The Petawawa Plaza And Winds Up At The Petawawa Civic Centre. This Ye a r’s Theme Is “Holiday Greetings from the Homefront”. For Details Call Larry At 613-687-5020 Register Your Float Now! Everyone Bring The The Spirit Of Christmas Lives In The Hearts Of Children. Petawawa Post, Page 15, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Lions Club us Parade 2006 Beginning At 1 P. M . The Legend Face To Face! Some Hot Chocolate & Candy Canes Upstairs PLUS Live Music While You See Santa. Arrival & Experience This Yearly Event! Will Be Collected Along The Parade Route ~ Hey Kids; Come In For 2 FREE TIM BITS After The Parade At Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa 613-687-7097 “Enjoy The Santa Claus Parade” OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! PETAWAWA PIZZERIA Jimmy Aronis Enjoy The Parade PICK UP AND DELIVERY AVA I L A B L E ! 613-687-4553 613-687-5112 613-687-8648 Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa Welcome; Family! PRE-CHRISTMAS SAVINGS Wed Nov 15th - Sun Nov 19th WE PAY THE TAXES NO PST NO GST (See Store For Details) Enjoy The Parade Mayor Bob Sweet Council & Staff New... Chocolates... Fudge... Toffee... Peanut Brittle... BOYDS BEARS Christmas Collection Show BOYDS 2007 Calenders Special $10.00 BOYDS Special Purchase FREE ♥ to ♥ BEAR With Every $100 Purchase Book Now For Your Christmas Parties • 2 Banquet Menus • Celebrate With Groups Up To 100 People • Casual Or Fine Dining • Something For Everyone Call Chris Or Katina For Details All Major Credit Cards Accepted. (While Quantities Last) 3221 PETAWAWA BLVD., PETAWAWA 613-687-4729 Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-6211 Petawawa Post, Page 16, 14 November 2006 North Side - 10-16 Regalbuto Ave. Côté nord - 10 - 16 ave Regalbuto 613-687-1641 ADULT & PARENTING PROGRAMS Operational Stress Injury Presentation – Nov. 18. 3 to 6 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. A presentation to help you understand the emotional and/or psychological impact traumatic events can have on you and your family. Open to all. Childcare is available. Register by Nov 16. For more information, please contact Shannon, Quality of Life Coordinator at 613-687-1641 ext 2239. A Grieving Community - Nov. 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (register by Nov. 17) or November 22, 1 to 3 p.m. (register by Nov. 20) at the South Side Community Centre. A presentation for parents to help them discuss death and loss with their children. Childcare is available. For more info or registration, contact Shannon at 613-6871641 ext 2239. Children Fi rst – Nov. 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. The Children First Program provides divorcing parents the opportunity to learn about and discuss the effect that divorce and changing family situations have on children. Although it is recommended that both parents attend the program, each partner will attend a separate session. For info call 613-687-2104. PROGRAMMES D’ADULTE ET HABILITÉ PARENTALE Séance d’information sur les traumatismes liés au stress opérationnel – le 18 nov. 15h à 18h au Centre communautaire du côté sud. Une présentation afin de vous aider à comprendre les impacts émotionnels et/ou psychologiques qu’un événement traumatisant peut avoir sur vous et votre famille. Ouvert à tous. Service de garde disponible. S’inscrire pour le 16 nov. Communiquer avec Shannon, au 613-687-1641 poste 2239. Les enfants d’abord – Le 21 novembre de 18h30 à 20h30 au Centre communautaire du côté sud. Le programme « Les enfants d’abord » offre aux parents l’occasion de prendre conscience et de discuter des effets d’un divorce ou d’un changement dans la situation familiale sur les enfants.Il est souhaitable que les deux parents participent au programme, mais chaque parent participera à une séance distincte. Pour information, contactez le 613-687-2104. Visit our website: Vérifiez notre site web: Deployment / Deploiement (Information available at Thursday Night Activities – Every Thursday night, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the South Side Community Centre. Available for all families who have a military member away more than 30 days. November 16: Parent/Child Board Games Night, Nov 23: Info Session* & Nov 30: Family Night Movie (Cars). * Free childcare available on programs for adults. For further details or registration, please call 613-687-2104. D e p l oyment R & R, November 18, 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. Available for all families who have a military member away more than 30 days. Do you need a few extra hours to relax, pamper yourself, watch a movie, catch up on your reading, do the shopping? An opportunity for deployed families to get 3 hours of special deployment children’s activities for 0 – 12 years old. FREE. Register by November 16, please call 613-687-2104. Activités du jeudi soir: Tous les jeudis soirs, de 18h à 20h, au Centre communautaire du côté sud. Accessible à toutes les familles militaires qui ont un membre absents en fonction militaire ex : exercice, cours, mission de plus de 30 jours, etc. 16 novembre : Soirée de jeux parent/enfant, 23 nov : Soirée d’information* et le 30 nov: Cinéma familial (Cars). Service de garde gratuit pour les programmes d’adulte. Pour PARENTS & CHILDCARE PROVIDERS Caregiver Network Meeting ––Nov. 20, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. Anyone providing childcare will be interested in attending this monthly peer session. Exchange ideas and issues. For more information and details on the Caregiver Training and Meetings being offered at the PMFRC, please contact Linda at 613-687-1641 ext 2226. PARENTS ET GARDIENNES D’ENFANTS Réseau de gardiennes – le 20 nov, de 18h30 à 20h au Centre communautaire du côté sud. Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur ce programme ou sur les occasions de perfectionnement professionnel, communiquez avec Linda au 613-6871641 ext 2226. PMFRC Annex 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 18 Regalbuto Ave. Petawawa (613)687-1717 D eployment program Volunteer: Meet and Greet TOMORROW, Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. Connect with fellow volunteers and deployment staff. Rediscover the various deployment programs PMFRC delivers and new volunteer opportunities. C o ffee and refreshments. Register TODAY at 613-687-2104. Volunteer Orientation Workshop – Tuesday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., at the North Side PMFRC Annex. Please contact Sherry, Volunteer Services Coordinator at 613-687-1641 ext 2271 to register. BÉNÉVOLAT Atelier d’accueil des bénévoles – Mardi le 22 novembre à 10 h & 18:30 h, à l’Annexe du côté nord du CRFMP. Veuillez communiquez avec Sherry, Coordonnatrice des bénévoles au 613-687-1641 ext 2271 afin de vous inscrire. South Side Community Centre - 1578 Wolfe Ave. Centre communautaire du côté sud - 1578 ave Wolfe 613-687-2104 plus d’information ou pour vous inscrire, contactez le 613687-2104. Déploiement R&R – Samedi le 18 novembre de 12h30 à 15h30, au centre communautaire du côté sud. Accessible à toutes les familles militaires qui ont un membre absents en fonction militaire ex : exercice, cours, mission de plus de 30 jours, etc. Vous pouvez donc maintenant profiter de quelques heures pour vous reposer, prendre soin de vous, regarder un film, plonger dans un livre ou faire les courses. Une opportunité pour les familles déployées d’avoir 3 heures d’activités spéciales pour les enfants de 0 à 12 ans. GRATUIT. S’inscrire pour le 16 novembre. Pour obtenir plus de détails, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre communautaire du côté sud, au 613687-2104. Programme de jumelage (6 à 11 ans) – samedi le 25 novembre, à 13h15. Venez regarder le film « Flushed Away » au cinéma de Troie. Ces activités donnent aux enfants l’occasion de rencontrer d’autres jeunes qui ont un parent absent pour plus de 30 jours en raison d’une fonction militaire ex : exercice, cours, mission etc. S’inscrire pour le 22 novembre. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, contactez le Centre communautaire du côté sud au 613-687-2104. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Employment Readiness Workshop – Monday to Friday, November 20 to November 24 inclusive, 9 a.m. to noon at the PMFRC Annex. Participate in our five half-days Employment Readiness Workshop. Together we work through many questions regarding employment, labour market information, and education. For further details and registration, please contact Sylvie at Employment Assistance Services at 613-687-1717. SERVICE À L’EMPLOI Atelier sur l’employabilité - Du lundi au vendredi, 20 au 24 novembre, de 9h à 12h, à l’annexe du CRFMP. Participez à notre atelier de cinq demi-journées sur l’employabilité. Ensemble, nous aborderons de nombreuses questions touchant l’emploi, l’information sur le marché du travail, et les études. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements ou pour s’inscrire, communiquez avec Sylvie au Programme d’aide à l’emploi au 613-687-1717. YOUTH Teen Council – Nov. 27, 6 – 8 p.m. at the South Side Community Centre. Stand up and be heard, make a difference and have input about teen activities. For further details, please contact Patty, Youth Services Coordinator at 613-687-2104. Ultimate Survivor Cook-Off – Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12 & 19, from 5 to 8 p.m., at the South Side Community Centre. For youth ages 10+. It is a cooking blow out. Learn kitchen baking tips, bake cookies to take home. Supper, dessert and drinks are provided. For further details and registration, please contact Patty, Youth Services Coordinator at 613-687-2104 or email her at POUR LES ADOS Conseil des jeunes – le 27 nov. de 18h à 20h au Centre communautaire du côté sud. Fais valoir tes idées, sois porteurs de changements, aie une influence sur les activités des ados. Pour de plus amples informations communique avec Patty, Coordonnatrice des Services à la jeunesse au 613-687-2104. Cours ultime sur comment « survivre dans la cuisine » – Les 28 nov. 5, 12 et 19 déc., de 17h à 20h, au centre communautaire du côté sud. Pour les jeunes de 10 ans et plus. Passe 4 soirées à préparer de la bouffe. Apprend des trucs utiles pour la cuisson au four et confectionne des biscuits que tu peux rapporter à la maison. Nous fournissons le souper, dessert et boissons. La date limite d’inscription est le 24 novembre. Pour obtenir plus de renseignements ou pour t’inscrire, communique avec Patty, coordonnatrice des services à la jeunesse au 613-687-2104 ou par courriel à Petawawa Post, Page 17, 14 November 2006 The Rotary Club of Petawawa - Lead the Way by Arnold Lawrence, Public Relations Chair Rotarians and guests gathered at the Lions Hall recently to recognize three individuals for their contributions to the growth of Rotary. The recognitions were in the form of Paul Harris Fellowships. The Rotary Club of Petawawa has always considered the Paul Harris Fellowship its highest award. Originally they were conferred upon Rotarians who served a successful year as club president. Later, individual community members whose volunteer efforts sup- Left to Right. Rotarian Ross Barkell (presenter), Agnes Branecki (wife of Mark Branecki), Mark Branecki (Paul Harris recipient), Rotarian Arnold Lawrence (presenter), Marie Syrie (Paul Harris recipient), Rotarian Ron Syrie, Rotarian Glen MacGillivray(presenter). Missing from photo Myra Lovisa (Paul Harris recipient). Silver Threads News by Marie Arnold Public Relations Officer The Silver Threads Seniors Club will host its General Meeting and Elections, Nov. 23, at 3 p.m. This event is for members only, and will consist of the meeting and elections, followed by supper for those who attended the meeting. Afterwards, The River Belles, a ladies Barbershop Group will provide entertainment. All club members will be contacted by phone or e-mail in the very near future to determine attendance. Tickets will go on sale to members on Nov. 20 for the Christmas Dinner/Dance, on Friday, Dec. 15. Tickets will be available to the public on Nov. 27. Winners at the Nov. 3 Euchre Party were: 1st: Doug port the ideals of Rotary were recognized. This year marks a new direction for our club as we recognize individuals for their efforts as “Friends of Rotary”. These are individuals who have come out to work fundraisers or have participated in blood donor clinics, roadside cleanups, Relay for life and other events. As a result of their efforts we have been able to achieve goals not possible with a small club. Our first Fellowship went to Myra Lovisa for many years of supporting Rotary Fellowship. Rotarians have met at the Lovisa home for many Christmas fellowship evenings and Myra has contributed to the success of the events. Andy and Myra have also hosted many of the exchange students who have come to our area for the year. Our second recipient was Marie Syrie. Marie has been involved in every club event requiring assistance, since her husband Ron became a member of the Petawawa Rotary Club. She may not be one to join organizations but by Helene Hahn, Public Relations Officer increasing its membership base and to the successful completion of several major projects. Congratulations to the three new Paul Harris Fellows as your efforts have helped The Petawawa Rotary Club achieve its goals at home and abroad! Gingrich, John Hollett and Rose. 2nd: Doris McCutcheon, Lisa Bourque, and Dalton Biggs. 3rd: Jimmy Ragelis, Phyllis Carroll, Kay Saunders, and Yvonne Dickson. Consolation winner was Jessie Munn. Most loners was Gloria Biggs. Thank you to all who have provided information for this week’s article. NEW LISTING! Royal Canadian Legion Br. 517 News Monday Nov. 20th is the General Meeting. Members are encouraged to attend. This is your branch and if you are interested in what is happening or have something to bring up this is the time and place. This is also Honours and Awards evening as well. Pins for years of service and various other awards will be given out then. Please be seated by 6:55 p.m. A light lunch will follow meeting. Have you paid your dues yet? If you pay by Nov. 30th your name goes into the draw for 1 of 2 free memberships for 2007. Dues can be paid at the bar during normal hours of operation. If you want to participate in Zone sports, dues must be paid by 31 December. This includes both branch and LA. Sunday euchre continues. It is a single player format so no partners required. If you would like to join them be at the branch Sunday between 1-1:30 p.m. to register. Play starts at 1:30. November 5th results: 1st Karen St Amour 88-2, 2nd Jerry Raymond 83-4, and 3rd Mark Miller 79-4. Low scorer was Heidi Raymond with 42-0. she definitely knows how to support them! Our third Paul Harris went to Mark Branecki in recognition of his successful year as club president during Rotary’s centennial year in 2004-05. Mark spoke of his pride in having led the club to Realty Inc. Real Estate Brokerage 3468E Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa Four unit investment property! 2 - 2 bedroom apartments, 1 bachelor unit and 1 -1 bedroom. Brick building with forced air gas heating, located in centre town Pembroke, in need of some attention. Fully rented. MLS 649253 1-800-350-9473 LOG HOME! For all your Real Estate needs give us a OPEN HOUSES! SUNDAY, NOV. 19th 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. “NEW” AVON HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION Cockcroft Crescent, Deep River CALL . . . 613-687-1234 or give us a CLICK ... Gorgeous, 4 bedroom, Petawawa home. Over 1700, Sq. Ft., vaulted ceiling, fireplace, oak and pine flooring throughout, 3 bedrooms plus master bedroom loft, inviting soaker tub and a dream garage / wo rkshop 28’ X 32’. MLS 642294 WATERFRONT! Military IRP Approved! Hazel Ladouceur Broker of Record 613-639-7011 MAKE YOUR Kevin Geue Broker 613-732-3525 NEXT Nick Jackson Sales Rep. 613-401-5112 “A WISE MOVE”! 3 Models Are Now Available To View! STARTING AT $243,427 FULLY FINISHED. MOVE... 200 Feet of sandy beach on the Ottawa River surrounded by your ve ry own 8 pri vate acres. This secluded bu n g a l ow has livingroom fireplace, central air, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, main floor family room and 3 bay garage. MLS 644120 YOUR NEW HOME IS READY! Marty Murphy Sales Rep. 613-401-7178 Directions: Take Hwy 17 West to Deep River, turn right onto Thomas St, right onto Avon Road and “Avon Heights” is on the left. Petawawa Post, Page 18, 14 November 2006 MOVIE RENTALS 2 1 MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS DVD - Lots Of Copies CRIGER’S GROCERY Reservations 687-4044 2 Mohns Ave. Petawawa SPORTS & RECREATION GYM SHORTS Dundonald Hall Noon Fitness Classes: Join us now for our noon fitness classes. Schedules are available at the front desk. For more info, contact Keri @ Tools, Equipment, Party Goods (613) 735-0338 1403 Pembroke St. W. Pembroke, Ontario 4806 or radford.kmr@forces. Swimming Lessons: For more information contact Jes at local 7129 or Military Sports: The Fall sports season will soon be kicking off and we need to fill some key positions. We need Base Team Coaches for the following sports: Bowling, Basketball, Curling, Women’s, Men’s and OT’s Hockey, Men’s and Women’s Volleyball, Badminton and Squash. If you are interested in volunteering stop by the Military Sports Dept at DDH. For more information, contact Andrea McIntyre at 7176. Unit Fitness Classes/ Testing Information: Start your fitness training off right! Book your unit for a variety of physical training classes or book a seminar. Seminars available: Warm-up/Cooldown, Women & Weights, Safe Running, Core and Army Fitness. Call or e-mail Becky soon! Loc 7113 or Silver Dart A re n a : For bookings or more info on the rinks, contact Mike, at Loc 6999 Sports Stores: Sports Stores hours of operation Mon-Fri 0700-1600hrs. For info on This Fall Score Big With Fresh Cold Milk! Processed By Local People, Right Here In The Ottawa Valley, Our Dairy Products Will Have You Getting The Most Out Of Life! Pick Up Brum’s Milk And Other Products At Your Local Retailer. Our Dairy Bar Is Still Open! BRUM’S DAIRY LTD. Phone 613-735-2325 L o c a l ly Owned & Operated At 631 Bruham Av e. , Pe m b ro k e, O n t a r i o your sports stores requirements, contact John at 7002 or Supplementary and Remedial PT – Extra physical training to increase your fitness level to that of others in your unit. Fitness instructor led classes Mon, Wed and Fri 07000800hrs. Call Carole at 7322 or DDH Contact Numbers Front Desk Reception – 7114 Sports Facilities – 4634 Supplementary PT – 7322 Fitness Coordinator – 7113 Sports Stores – 7002 Noon Fitness -4806 Military Sports – 7176 Aerobic Excellence – 4806 Ass’t fitness coord - 7129 Molson Canadian 8 Ball League as of November 2nd ‘06 Team Ttl Pts Turcotte Contracting 45 Robinson’s Auto 42 Santa Fe 40 Twin River’s Dentistry 39 Mac Tools 37 Creo S.O.T. 31 Shot’s 31 Tom’s Decks & Fencing 27 VBR 26 GCW 25 Londoneers 24 Team Mojo 23 True Centre 23 For Your Eyes Only 21 John’s Glass 18 Behnke Logging 17 Greco Pizza 17 Men’s High Average Bob Perkins - 9.48 Todd Ingram - 9.30 Ladies High Average Katrina Lapierre 8.41 Stacey London - 7.71 Most 50’s Men - Todd Ingram 4 Ladies - Jan Cole 1 Tabitha Logan 1 Greater Petawawa Civitan Club BINGO Petawawa Civic Centre Sunday Nights at 7 p.m. * Super Jackpot $2,000 in designated #’s * $1,000 Jackpot to Go * 2 Sets of 4 Flash Games starting at 6:30 p.m. * Lowest Canteen License # M485341 Prices In Area BI N O G Tai Chi Club holds Workshop Volunteer teachers of the U.O.V.T.C.C. in postures of the Yang Style Tai Chi Form: (back row) Suli Adams, Ed MacDonald, Ken Chaplin, Dave Barrett, Janet LeBarr and Wanda Burgess. (front row) Cristina Barry, Irene MacDonald, Janna Clarke and Dan Graham. Missing from photo are Gary and Earlene Card, Cindy Sell, Barry Wyatt Submitted Photo and James Clarke. The Upper Ottawa Valley Tai Chi Club held a Saturday workshop for it's members recently. Grandmaster John Oliver Peel, who is a second generation student of Yang Chen Fu, along with his wife, Sifu Valerie Houston, were in Pembroke to demystify and help students reach a higher level of benefit in their martial art of Tai Chi. Sigong John and Sifu Valerie worked with the U.O.V.T.C.Club teachers to further explore their understanding of the Dao (Force), including awakening the spirit with push hands exercises to develop sensitivity through partner work. He also touched on some self-defence applications of the 108 move Yang Style Tai Chi form. The U.O.V.T.C. Club holds classes 3 nights a week in Petawawa and Pembroke. For more info please call Janet LeBarr 613-638-5501. Health and fitness are the excellent side-effect of practicing Tai Chi Chaun. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 517 DARTS Standings - November 8, 2006 - Round 1 1st 2nd 3rd V.I.’s Team 4 G-Rated 68 wins 63 wins 62 wins INDIVIDUAL STANDINGS Mens High Score Ladies High Score Men’s High Finish Ladies High Finish Men’s Most Finishes Ladies Most Finishes Terry Townes Jennette Nieman Kye Keeping Denise MacLean Craig Penney Jean Hoffman/Jennette Nieman 177 160 102 78 55 16 Men’s Most 100+ Ladies Most 100+ Mike Mullin Jennette Nieman 180 CLUB: Kerry Caines / George McKay / Tim Mitchell 21 8 Petawawa Post, Page 19, 14 November 2006 SPORTS & RECREATION NEXT IN REC Check out the web site at WANTED VOLUNTEERSLooking for volunteers: Fall/Winter Rec Ball-Youth Basketball program and for Teen Scene Petawawa Youth Centre. Please call Tr i s h @613-687-2932 or email AEROBIC PROGRAMS! Check out the fall schedule at the Rec Plex. PARENT & TOT WRECK drop in play group is now running. Program is FREE. Mon/Wed SSCC & Tues/Thurs Rec Plex 10:30 - 11:30 for ages up to 5 years. AQUATICS Open swims are Mon to Fri 7-8 p.m./ Sat & Sun 1-3 p.m. Instructional programming has started with registration ongoing at the Rec Plex. Splash into fun at Dundonald Hall Pool! TEEN SCENE - We’re open Mon-Thurs 6-9 p.m. & FriSat 6 p.m.-12 a.m. at the South Side Community Centre. Tues. & Thurs. are pre-teen nights. Into the Underground part II (benefit concert in support of our troops) Nov. 24 at SSCC. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Teen Council Meeting Nov. 27th 6 p.m. at SSCC. Stand up and be heard. All 13 - 18 year olds welcome. Shopping Trip Dec 1. Space is limited. Minimum numbers required. New Year’s Eve Party - Video Dance Dec. 30th 8:30 - 12:30 for 13 - 18 year olds. Community Hours needed for school? Come see Trish at the Rec Plex - she can help. Check out the web site at Rec Plex 613-687-2932 SSCC 613-687-2104 Petawawa Gentlemen’s Hockey League Overall Standings Nov 4, 06 Team W L T Pts GF GA GP Clouthier’s 6 1 0 12 67 20 7 Yogis Sports Bar 6 1 0 12 50 25 7 Century 21 Bruins 5 3 0 10 44 22 8 Turcotte’s Contracting 3 4 0 6 32 36 7 Shaq Financial 0 6 1 1 20 61 7 Keuhl Contracting 0 5 1 1 21 71 6 TOP 5 SCORING LEADERS Name, Team G A PTS Corey King, Clouthiers 16 13 29 Dan Venne, Clouthiers 15 13 28 Vince Laporte, Yogis 6 15 21 Sean Quinn, Clouthiers 14 6 20 Ken Belanger,Century 21 11 8 19 PIM 0 0 4 0 0 GP 6 6 7 4 7 Relationship Enhancement Program launched Dana Lawson Health Promotion Director Strengthening the Forces Health Promotion Office in partnership with Base Mental Health Department is about to launch their latest program, Basic Relationship Training (BRT). Based on the Premarital Relationship Enhancement Program developed at the University of Denver, this program has proven so effective in recent years that it has been featured on 20/20, 48 Hours, Oprah, and in many print media articles. Participants will have the opportunity to work on enhancing their existing relationship and preventing relationship breakdown. Current divorce rates have prompted a new kind of strategy; relationship education, where couples learn ways to communicate and resolve diff e r e n c e s before a meltdown occurs. Modules include recognizing danger signs, determining when a relationship is at risk, talking without fighting, problem-solving, sensuality and sexuality, understanding expectations, and preserving friendship. Erika Lefebvre, DFHP Social Wellness Educator and National BRT program Coordinator, notes that, “this is not couples therapy”, and that the program provides “the CF member and his or her partner the skills needed to deal with the day-to-day issues, which may include deployments, postings and reintegration”. The first workshop is scheduled for November 21, 23 and 25. Space is limited so register early by calling the Health Promotion Office at 687-5511 ext 4685. Petawawa Athletes of the Week This week’s CANEX Athlete of the Week is Lt Jean-François Moreau from 2 Service Battalion who recently represented Canada at the World Taekwondo Championship in Seoul Korea in the Bantam weight category. Jean also teaches at the Black Bear Taekwondo at the Petawawa Civic Centre. Petawawa Post, Page 20, 14 November 2006 SERVING PETAWAWA, PEMBROKE AND AREA BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Bookkeeping Lady • • • • • • In house services Payroll • AP/AR • GST/PST Remittances • Monthly Statements N OW OIL UNDERCOAT I N G ! 613-687-8126 Board Your Dog In Comfort! Optometrist Where your pet has as great a vacation as you do! Alder Creek Kennels is a high class, caring, family-run kennel. C.A. REICHE & SONS LIMITED Lumber & Building Supplies RR #4 (Hwy 41 S.) Pembroke Ont. Guinevere Esthetics Studio * 10 Years Experience * Versailles Academy Professional * Facial, Pedicure & Waxing Expert • Air Conditioned in Summer! • Pets exercised daily. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day 495 Biesenthal Rd., R. R. #6 Pembroke Competitive Rates Licensed Mechanics Complete Mechanical Serv i c e s Motor Vehicle Inspection Station Used Auto Pa rts For Sale We Buy & Sell Used Ve h i c l e s Corner of Petawawa Blvd/Airport Rd. 613-687-8125 or Tel: 613-732-8151 Cell: 613-633-1270 DAN’S AUTOMOTIVE S e rving The Community For Over 20 Ye a r s Be organized before going to the accountants 732-3414 PETAWAWA’S ONLY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 210 John St. Eganville, Ontario K0J 1T0 (613) 628-2611 1121 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario K8H 2E6 (613) 687-5566 Jennifer Pickering McGrath 30 Roy St., Petawawa 613-687-4477 Choice of English Facial or Classic Pedicure… ONLY $20 with this ad (Exp.02/07) Send A Message To Canadian RYAN’S Troops Serving in CAMPSITE & GIFTS 613-584-3453 MyAfghanistan FM has taken the For A Different Gift... • Moccasins • Sheep Skin Slippers • Fleece Jackets • Coats • Fur Hats • Collector Knives • Books • Native Jewellery • Rots of Rocks “YOUR FULL LINE RENOVATIONS CENTER” • PAINT • FLOORING • KITCHEN CABINETS POWER TOOLS & ACCESSORIES (613) 735-4104 (613) 735-4104 FAX: FAX: (613) (613)735-0924 735-0924 4 K West Of Deep River On Hwy. 17 initiative to set up a web page for the community to send messages to troops in theatre. Go to: AU TO REPORT Sponsored this week by: Deni’s Automotive Repair Our Business is Built on Service • Bilingual Staff • Safety Inspections 3416B Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa (613) 687-8556 PRESSURE PROBLEM Question: I have a 1988 pickup with dual fuel tanks. Sometimes the oil pressure gauge is very high and sometimes it is very low. Also, the fuel gauges will not come off full until the tank is below 1/4 tank. If I switch the tank from front to rear the oil pressure gauge will go up and down. I am worried that this will be a very expensive repair. Answer: It sounds like you may have a problem in the ground circuit of the instrument panel. If one accessory affects another, you need to look at what they share in common. In most cases it’s usually the ground circuit. MOHNS AVE VETERINARY SERVICES Dr. R. Hobart Dr. S. Sims Dr. L. Crerar Dr. G. Charette Dr. A Seely Dr. M. Sprake HOURS: 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Saturdays 58 Mohns Ave. Petawawa 687-6901 SKIPPER NEEDS A HOME - Skipper is a 6 year old male black lab. He is quiet, friendly and easy to walk. He will make a great companion. Skipper is just one of the hundreds of great dogs brought to the Ontario SPCA animal shelter each year. If you are looking for an addition to your family, please consider THE ADOPTION OPTION! Our 2nd annual All for Animals Auction will take place on Nov 18th at the Pembroke Festival Hall. Preview at 1:00pm. Auction starts at 2:00pm. This is a great onestop-shopping spot for all your Christmas gifts to pamper your family and friends. The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Renfrew County Branch Shelter features pets looking for a new home each week. If you are interested in providing a home for one of these pets, the shelter is open 7 days a week 8:30 to 10 a.m. and 12 to 4:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sat. and 12 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sun. Please call 588-4508. Petawawa Post, Page 21, 14 November 2006 Canadiana Crossword Kids Korner By Bernice Rosella and James Kilner Make something for your pets Personalized Pet Bowl This was a fun bowl to create for my dog. It looks great too! This project is easy to do. You will need: Plastic food bowl for your pet; Assorted colors of "Painters" paint markers. How To Make It Use the paint markers and decorate your pet's food bowl. Write your pet's name on the bowl. Decorate the inside of the COUTURIER’S COLLECTION Personalized Pet Dishes bowl too. Let the bowl dry thoroughly before filling with food or water. Beware of Dog Sign Parental supervision is recommended with cutting the corrugated plastic. It can be sharp if cut to a point, please be careful. Be sure to round all corners. You Need: White corrugated plastic; Black "Painters" paint marker; Bone stencil, die cut, or cookie cutter; Letter stencils, if desired; Pen; Plastic cable ties (locking plastic ties); Extremely sharp scissors and a Ruler How To Make It Use the letter stencils and the pen to draw the letters on the corrugated plastic. Be sure to start the letters in a bit on all sides so you have room to trace the bone stencils. Use the bone stencils and the pen to draw the bones on the corrugated plastic. Use your ruler to measure and draw straight lines around the sign. Cut out carefully! Use the paint marker to fill in the letters and draw the bone. Let dry. Poke holes in the sign where it needs to hang on your fence. Use plastic cable ties (available at home improvement stores) to tie the sign on the fence. Be sure to tie down the bottom of the sign as well. Corrugated plastic is also known as Stratocore or Coreplast. It can also be purchased from a signage store. 1 2 3 4 12 5 6 7 13 15 10 11 22 23 41 42 17 19 20 25 21 26 27 29 28 30 32 31 33 35 34 36 37 38 43 9 14 16 18 24 8 44 39 45 40 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ACROSS 1 That woman 4 Leading lady 8 Carangid fish 12 Hill 13 Askew 14 Newfoundland's ____ Charles 15 Out of date 17 Laundry item 18 Savory dish 19 Pea plant part 20 Plus 21 Cottons 24 Nova Scotia's ______ Island 27 Hawaiian welcomer 28 Cheerful 29 Door sign 30 Church bench 31 Greensward 32 Crude metal 33 Alberta's Medicine ____ 34 Nervous 35 Eye part 37 Yank 38 The Gardiner, for one 39 Quinella 43 Turn a summersault 45 Sponge 47 Charged particles 48 Lemon or orange part 49 Malaysian isthmus 50 Anger 51 Child's toy 52 Receptor DOWN 1 Halt 2 Tramp 3 Formerly 4 Salty 5 _____ Ontario 6 Illustration 7 Whiskey 8 Descendant 9 _____ Prince Edward Island 10 Mil. Address 11 Lair 16 Libran birthstones 19 Littlest prov. 21 Condensatiom 22 Mouths 23 Auld lang ____ 24 Newfoundland's ____ Point 25 Eagle's roost 26 Reproducing 27 Allow 30 Bachelor's abode 31 Lawful 33 That guy 34 _____ Manitoba 36 Slipup 37 Wee 40 Soft drink, slangily 41 O’Hara's milieu 42 Jewish month 43 Saskatchewan's ____ Mountain 44 Bantu language 45 Saute 46 Metropolis, to Manuel Solution on following page Community Access Card Visit for details of discounts Offered by the Employee Assistance Services of Health Canada in partnership with the Canadian Forces 1-800-268-7708 1-800-567-5803 member_assist_program_home_e.asp Local Businesses Offering CAC Discounts: • • • • • • • • • • Purvis Gallery & Framing G’Days Casual Bar & Restaurant Liberty Tax Service Goldstream Jewellers Beyond Nutrition Calabogie Peaks Kelsey’s Petawawa Jubilee Lodge Marina The New Twin Rivers (Golf) Black Bear/Kiska Beach Campgrounds • • • • • • • • • • Tennis Teaching Services M&R Feeds & Farm Supplies Bulls-Eye Hockey School Serenity Woods Scrollsown Gifts Blok Pools & Spas OK Tire/Murray’s Wheel Alignment Service Nutrition House Astrolabe Hockey School National Car Rental Round Lake Invasion Paintball & Golf Driving Range • • • • • • • • • Valley Meats-Seafood Deli Town & Country Men’s Shop Holiday Inn Plaza la Chaudiere Gatineau-Ottawa Hotel Logos Land The Ottawa Branch of the CAA Tichbourne Knives Liquidation World (Petawawa) Mind Benz Tattooing Valley Paintball If you’re coasting, your going downhill! Petawawa Post, Page 22, 14 November 2006 NOTICE We Work Hard To Meet The Needs Of All Our Buyers & Sellers! Judy DeGeer Elaine Markell Broker/Owner Sales Representative Tel: 613-687-2020 Toll Free: 1-888-377-8977 Pembroke Realty Ltd. 3584 Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa, ON W h a t ’s Hap p e n i n g ? COMPLETE MEDICAL COVERAGE OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL (WITH M.O. REFERRAL) For Notices Of Club Meetings, Bazaars, Fun Fairs, Concerts, School Events, And Other Non-Profit Events Happening In The Community. Please Submit Your Notice To: The Petawawa Post, Bldg. P-106, CFB Petawawa, Ontario K8H 2X3, Fax To 588-6966 or email: Family Acupuncture & Homeopathic Centre DEADLINE FOR WHAT’S HAPPENING IS TUESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY EDITION! 732-8878 BOTTLE DRIVE: The OSPCA Beer Bottle Drive is set to kick off. Empty bottles and cans can be dropped off at the shelter in Petawawa or at Turbo Graphics in Pembroke. Save an Empty, Save a Life! BIRTHDAY PARTY: Pinewood Retirement Residents will celebrate November birthdays on Nov. 15th at 1:30 p.m. with cake and ice cream. Everyone is welcome to come. CARD PARTY: Pinewood Retirement Residence on Wed. Nov. 15th at 7 p.m. Sponsored by the Alexandra Club. Everyone welcome. MEET author Ruth Latta on Wed. Nov. 15th at 7 p.m. at the Petawawa Public Library. Join her as she reads from her mystery series in an evening entitled “How to Grow a Mystery Series”. COMMUNITY FESTIVAL OF PRAISE featuring children’s choirs, vocal solos, quartets, instrumentalists. Fri. Nov. 17th at 7 p.m. at the Pembroke Pentecostal Tabernacle Hwy 41 & 17. Free will donation to the Pregnancy Support Services of the Upper Ottawa Valley. ALL FOR THE ANIMALS AUCTION: November 18th at Festival Hall. For more information call the OSPCA shelter in Petawawa at 613-588-4508. Deployment Support Centre FALL BAZAAR: All Saint’s Anglican Church Saturday Nov. 18th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at All Saint’s Church on Victoria St. Petawawa. Hall, 503 Alfred St. Sponsored by Bereaved Families of Ontario Pembroke. For details call 613-732-7894. UOVGG - Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group will hold a meeting Nov. 18th at 10:30 a.m. at Pembroke Legion. Tour the Legion Archives and Museum will be conducted. Visitors welcome. BENEFIT CONCERT: In aid of the PMFRC will be held at General Panet High School, 14 Ypres Blvd. on Sat. Nov. 25 at 6 p.m. Donations accepted at the door. Featuring CHRI 99.1 FM HIS S E ASON. Special guests The Challenger Trio. Door prizes including Senators Tickets. For more info call Jerry Novack 613-687-0677. UNITED WAY 13th Annual Curling Funspiel: Sat. Nov. 18th at 9 a.m. at the Pembroke Curling Club. For info call 613-735-0436. CRAFT FAIR: The Chalk River & Area Lions Club are hosting their 2nd Annual Craft Fair on Nov. 19th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A n y o n e wishing to put in a craft table please contact 613-589-2546 for info. BINGO: Pinewood Retirement Residence on Mondays Nov. 20 & 27 at 1:30 p.m. Free admission with 50/50 draw. Everyone welcome. MAKE A XMAS CARD: Mon. Nov. 20th from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Petawawa Library. Create a unique card to send to family and friends. Bring approximately 6 photos and leave with the finished card. Call the Petawawa Library at 613-687-2227 for info. COMMUNITY DEPLOYMENT NETWORK: Join us at Reichwald Mess on Nov. 22 at 6:30 p.m. as we discuss forming a CFB Petawawa Community Deployment Network. The goal of the committee is to have spousal reps from each unit, the Deployment Support Centre and the PMFRC work together to advocate the needs and servicing of the deployed family. Everyone is welcome to attend. HAND MADE BATH SALTS & OILS: Thurs. Nov. 23 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Create your own to take home. Call the Petawawa Library at 613-687-2227 for info. CFB PETAWAWA 1(877)218-9993 (Toll Free) CAN’T FIND TIME HOLIDAY HELP: For those grieving the death of a loved one Friday Nov. 24th at 7 p.m. St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, Jubilee NOTICE In your busy schedule during the week to wrap your packages for loved ones overseas NO PROBLEM The Deployment Support Centre - Bldg. L-108, after Nov. 23, 06 - Bldg. N-105 (former 2 Svc Bn HQ) is now open on Weekends ... THAT’S RIGHT! Come and wrap till your hearts content... we will provide the wrapping paper, scissors, and even tape. Saturday & Sunday from 0800 - 1200 hrs. COME ON IN!! If you are a spouse or primary next of kin of a military member that is away on tour in Afghanistan and you are planning to be away from your normal residence for an extended period of time or just visiting family, please notify the Deployment Support Centre with the following info: • Time that you will be away • Address while away and Telephone Number Call the DSC toll free at 1-877-218-9993 or locally 613-588-4507 or email CANEX PLAZA CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE HOURS: Monday 7:00 - 10:15 A.M. 2:00 - 5:15 P.M. Tuesday 7:00 - 10:15 A.M. 2:00 - 5:15 P.M. Wednesday CLOSED Thursday 7:00 - 10:15 A.M. 2:00 - 5:15 P.M. Friday CLOSED 298 Pembroke St. E. Pembroke ON K8A 3K3 613-687-4673 Email: Website: Health. Well-Being. Vitality. Dr. Denis Mahoney Are You Ready? D i rect Billing For DVA & Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON, BAKE AND CRAFT SALE will be held at Petawawa Presbyterian Church, 24 Ethel St. on Sat. Nov. 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come and enjoy. HOME TOUR & Art Show - Tour five homes in Renfrew, the Renfrew Corporate Centre and the Recess Café Art Gallery on Nov. 26th from 1 - 5 p.m. during Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxiliary House Tour. Tickets include a festive Christmas Tea at Café Victoria at the hospital. Tickets may be reserved by calling 613-432-2448. PA DAYS at the Library. Come to the Petawawa Library on Thursday Nov. 30th from 1 - 3 p.m. to match wits with other board game players. Everyone is welcome. No registration required. Call Janet 613-687-2227 ext. 22 for information. - Is your partner deployed? - Gone on a course or tasking for more than 30 days? If you need assistance, CFB PETAWAWA 1(877)218-9993 (Toll Free) info or to pass a message Deployment Support Centre Call or Drop in Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The DSC is located in Bldg. L-108 (across from the Base Museum, at the northeast corner of Montgomery and Menin Rd.) Long Distance (Toll Free N America) Direct Dial Line: Base Access Line (687-5511) 1 (877) 218-9993 (613) 588-4507 ext 4507 After Hours and weekends: The above numbers will forward to the Garrison Duty Centre or call DSC Duty Cellular (613)281-0859 DSC POINTS OF CONTACT: Note: For individuals deployed from units not men tioned you will be assigned a representative by calling the DSC Reception Desk. 2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn / 2 MP RCD 2 RCHA 2 CER RCR 2 SVC BN (NSE) 1 FD Hosp / 2 Fd Amb (CMED & 1 Dental) MID-TOUR BRIEF Location: 1 RCR Bldg Y-101 Date & Time: 22 Nov 06 - 1800hrs Babysitting available by PMFRC. For info please call: Deployment Support Centre 613-588-4507 Base Local 4450 Base Local 4451 Base Local 4562 Base Local 4878 Base Local 4454 Base Local 4455 Base Local 4457 SOLUTION - COUTURIER’S COLLECTION S H E S T A R S C A D T O R A W R Y C A P E E I R O N O B S O L E P O T P I E A N D S A B L E H E R S O R E E Y E L I D A M F L I P F R I O N S R I R A P T O D N D E L E I E W H A T G E P I M S G A Y L A W N N S E T E T U G E X A C T A E E L O A D N D K R A Y O Y O E R D A Petawawa Post, Page 23, 14 November 2006 St. Francis of Assisi Chapel (RC) Chapelle St. François d’Assise (CR) CFB/BFC Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3 (Q-104) 613 - 687-5511 ext. 5434 FAX: 613-588-7524 MASSES /MESSES Mass/Messe 09h30 - messe dominicale 11:00 a.m. - Sunday English Mass All sacraments are offered to military members, military status civilians and government employees under military contract. CONFESSION - done before Mass or by appointment CONFESSION - avant la messe ou par rendez-vous BAPTISM - done the last Sunday of each month BAPTÊME - célèbrer le dernier Dimanche de chaque mois WEDDING - Six months (6) notice is required. A Marriage Preparation Course is mandatory. MARIAGE - Nous demandons six (6) mois d'avis. Un cours de préparation au mariage est obligatoire. CATECHISM PROGRAM - Catholic schools offer students sacramental preparation. St. Francis of Assisi Chapel offers sacramental preparation for public school students through Catechism classes on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. starting September, at the north side Rec Plex. Interested parents of public school students are to register their child prior the end of Sept. (preferably in early Sept. Program will run from September to May). Welcome to our community! Bienvenue dans notre communauté! Community Churches 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH - 210 Mary St. Pembroke, 613-735-0866, Rev. Clarke Dixon Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10:30 a.m. ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH - 46 Victoria Street, Rev. R.G. Mackenzie, 613-687-2218; Sunday Service 11:15 & Sunday School 11:00 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 567 Melton Ave., Pembroke. Phone 613-735-5293. Pastor Ernie Brubacher, Affiliated with FEBCC CALVIN UNITED CHURCH - 276 Church St., Pembroke; Accessible to all; 613-732-8763, Rev. Richard Hall, Sunday Worship & School 10 am CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, 516 Airport Rd at Doran, Petawawa. Rev. Michael S. Meleg, 613-687-6971; Sunday Service 9:30 a.m.(all year) Website: <> CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS - Civic Centre Road & Laurentian Drive, 613-687-2237 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH - Pastor Carl Morgan, 182 MacKay St., Pembroke, 613-735-1584 (corner of Pembroke St. W. & MacKay St. beside cenotaph; parking behind town hall) Sun. 10 a.m., 11 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH - Avon Road, Deep River, 613-584-4090; Sunday Service 10 am, Pastor David Metzger FIRST EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH - 39 Shalom St. Pembroke, ON. K8A 6W8. Sunday worship celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Alan Epp. Tel: 613-735-5391. HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH - 68 Renfrew St. Pembroke 613-732-4658; Rector: Archdeacon Tim Parent - The Holy Eucharist: Wed. at 10 a.m., Sunday 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Contemporary Praise 6:30 p.m. MOUNT ZION UNITED CHURCH - Corner Old Hwy 17 & B-Line Rd., Everyone Welcome - Worship & Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Toddler Prg available; Rev Ed McCaig, 613-735-0234, Church Office 613-732-9493 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH - 2777 Petawawa Blvd. Rev. Eric Strachan, 613687-6219; Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m. Nursery, ministries for all the family! OUR LADY OF SORROWS 11 Mohns Ave. 613-687-4764 Masses: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Check out our website - or our Sunday Bulletin for on-going programs for all ages. PETAWAWA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Rev Seung-Rhyon Kim 24 Ethel St. 613-687-4052 (Church) Sunday Service 11 a.m. Sunday School available. PINE RIDGE FAMILY CHURCH - Christian & Missionary Alliance, 27 Brumm Road, Pembroke, Pastor Art Cooke, 613-735-1241 Sunday School, all ages 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m. ST. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH - 40 Joseph St, Chalk River, Rev. Laurie Ann Storring. Worship Sunday 10:30 a.m. Everyone welcome, 613-589-2312. ST. BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH - 80 Glendale Ave, Deep River, 613-584-4131 Rev. Lee Lambert, Sunday services of Holy Eucharist 8 and 10 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH - 605 Black Bay Rd, Petawawa, Rev. Dr. Beverley A. Nitschke. Office: 613-687-6187. Sunday Service - 10 a.m. Sunday School 9 - 9:45 a.m. Social Hour 11:00 a.m. THE SALVATION ARMY - 484 Pembroke St. W. 613-735-5601. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. WESLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH - 210 Renfrew St. Pembroke. Rev. Herb Van Essen 613-732-2488; Sunday Family Bible Hour 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship & Children’s Church 11 a.m. Evening Rally at 6:30 p.m. WESLEY UNITED CHURCH - 275 Pembroke St. E (at William) 613-735-6132, Rev. Suzanne Nadon & Rev Rick Metcalfe, Sunday School & Worship 10 a.m. web: ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCIC) - 454 Miller St. Pembroke 613-732-8792; Pastors: Martin Malina & Debra Johnston. Services: Sat. 7 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion. Supervised Nursery and Sunday School at Sunday Service. Petawawa Chaplains Phone 613-687-5511 + Ext. Padre C. Ryan 6412 Padre M. Dion 6105 Padre K. Klein 6362 Padre G. Legault 5434 Padre G. Bailey 6498 Rev. P. Elford 6185 Padre Jean Johns 6485 Padre Joe Johns 5536 Padre Z. Jonczyk Deployed Padre Lambert 5750 Padre J. Laudenorio 5434 Padre R. Lauder Deployed Padre Lavoie 6104 Padre A. Murphy 6402 Padre F. Tachie Deployed Padre D. Wright 7168 Office 5434 Duty Chaplain 613-687-5511 /5611 (after hours) St. George’s Chapel (P) CFB Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3 613 - 687-5511 ext. 5434 FAX 613-588-7524 Worship Services 10:30 a.m. - Sunday Divine Service • Coffee & Fellowship following service • Sunday School (children 3 - 12 years old) held concurrently with the Worship Service. • Nursery for toddlers under 3 years old. • Quiet Room & Wheel Chair accessible 3rd Sunday of each month • Baptisms 4th Sunday of each month • Holy Communion at 10:30 a.m. service If you are planning for a wedding, baptism, child dedication or other Christian celebration, please contact us at least 3 months prior to the event, so we may best facilitate your needs! St. George’s and St. Francis of Assisi chapels are open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 (noon) and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. the Chaplains’ Administrative office is located in Building Q-104 (RC Chapel). For after hours assistance, dial the Base Duty Centre 687-5511/5611 and they will reach the Duty Chaplain. St. George’s Chapel Guild News by Hilda Young St. George's Chapel Guild joined all the Protestant Guilds across Canada in celebrating the o rganization by preparing and leading the service on the 4th Sunday in October. At the beginning of the service the present executive was installed by Rev. Patricia Elford. President is Maggie Jacques, vice-president Heather LaFroy, secretary Thelma Hanshaw and treasurer Kori Klein. This year the Children's Time was led by Maggie Jacques,who talked about the Sunday School mission focus for this year, which is the Stephen Lewis foundation. She suggested the Guild motto “Faith, Fellowship and Service” can be applied to this foundation by the children and the congregation who donate to the Sunday school “heart” at times of celebration. The Guild years of service pins were given out to Cindy Walsh and Doris Graves -15 years and Maggie Jacques for 20 years. The meditation this year was given by Frankie Jane Petawawa Catholic Women's League Submitted by Vel Leblanc, Communications Petawawa CWL November General Meeting has been cancelled and there will be no December General meeting. Meetings will resume in the New Year. Our biggest fundraising event of the year which is our Christmas TEA and BAZAAR will take place on Sunday December 3rd from Noon to 3 p.m., at Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall in Petawawa. Besides the tea there are tables of Baking, Crafts, Santa's Shop, Religious Articles and a large Raffle table. On Monday December 11th we will have a CWL Potluck Supper at 5:30 p.m., Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall, Petawawa. Members are requested to bring along a small gift for a newborn baby, size six to twelve months. The gift basket will be presented to the Pembroke Regional Hospital. CWL Memberships renewed by December 3rd are eligible to be entered into a draw which will be drawn at the Sunday December 3rd Tea/Bazaar. The prize is a twenty-five dollar gift certificate from our CWL Religious Store. For information on memberships call 613-687-2717. Giller who spoke about the “measure of a man” through “their servant leadership”. All chapel guilds function to serve their chapel in some way. For example in past years guild members have provided dinners for families in stressful situations, lunches at funerals and hampers at Christmas. On an ongoing basis our guild looks after the altar linens and supports chapel activities. This year our guild contributes to local missions such as the Bernadette McCann House and St. Joseph's Food Bank. The Guild has decided to adopt a unit at the Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre of 38 men and two ladies as a wider mission. In November the guild members will be collecting small gifts suitable for nursing home residents such as denture tablets, socks, mouthwash and creams and lotions to donate. Currently there are 17 active members of our guild who take turns at meetings supporting the group by following the motto: Faith Fellowship and Service. The faith is demonstrated as various members lead the monthly devotions. The guild meets first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at St. George's Chapel. If anyone has any further questions please contact Maggie Jacques at 613-687-8189. Murphy FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL John Huff. Sandra Huff. Gene Murphy. Caring For Our Community Since 1963 296 Isabella Street, Pembroke E-Mail: 613-735-5711 Website: Serving the unique traditional requirements of the military and their families. Specializing in repatriation and military protocols. Petawawa Post, Page 24, 14 November 2006 ✍ Classified ✍ FOR SALE BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS 1988 Ford LTD Crow n Victoria - Excellent condition - new tires - auto start and power package. Selling (as is) - Asking $850. 1988 Lincoln Town Car Needs some repairs - good motor and tires. Selling (as is) - Asking $350. Contact Churck at 613-687-5941 ( E a rly AM, Noon or after 6 p.m.) New to Petawawa Strollin A Hound Pet Services. Will get your dog out for much needed exercise when you can’t! Tanya 613-687-7199 Reasonable rates! SEWING MACHINE DOCTOR - Tune-ups, Repairs to all makes including Sergers. Same day tune-up serv i c e, most machines. Reconditioned Sewing Machines for sale. Call Ken at 613-735-4801 anytime. PETAWAWA U STORE-IT: U Store It, You Keep Key. 2645 Petawawa Blvd. Blue Buildings. Call 613-735-0634. Mang-O 54 Mohns Ave. Petawawa 613-687-1344 Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Fri, Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Spend $50. receive $5.00 off. ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERY with 40 yrs experi e n c e, recovering, remodeling & r e p a i ring modern & antique f u rn i t u r e. 5 year guara n t e e d workmanship. Free estimates. Call Nick at 613-687-8500. Ford Rims & Tires. Cragar Chrome Rims & BF Goodrich Radial T/A 21570R14. Will fit 5 bolt Ford. $500.00 OBO. 613-687-8389. UN PRAYER Prayers - MAY THE Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be praised, adored and glorified every day throughout the world forever. Amen. Say this prayer six times a day for the next nine days and your prayer will be granted. Also promise the publication. AB SACK LIVESTOCK & CUSTOM MEATS: Golf Course Rd. Pembroke Your “Country Butcher” providing beef packs, hamburger packs, sides of beef or pork and much more. Open Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 noon or call 613-735-5906 anytime. LAURIE ANNE’S ELECTROLYSIS: Owned and operated for 8 years. Certified Electrologist. C e n t rally located in Petawawa. Competitively priced. Comfo rt a ble private surroundings. Free Consultation & Sample Treatment, D i s p o s a ble Probes. Phone 613-687-7017. E2W PETAWAWA POST CLASSIFIED AD RATES: ONE INSERTION: 24¢/word, Minimum charge of $5.75 per classified (25 words or less). All classified ads must be received by 3 p.m. Thursday for the following Tuesday edition. HAIR N’ GONE Electrolysis & Waxing Studio Pembroke. Daytime/Evening appointments. Complimentary sample treatment. Look Good, Feel Great. Call Penny at 613-589-4147 or 613-735-5740. STOP SMOKING / Weight Loss Program with Laser Therapy. Safe, painless, effective. 17 years experience. Call for appointment. Family Acupuncture & Homeopathic Centre. 613-732-8878. Insurance Coverage. FRAN’S BARBER & HAIR STYLING - Specializing in perms & cuts - men’s & women’s military cuts. Perms for $40. Kids haircuts for $5.50 and men’s military cuts for $7.50. Fran & Joyce. 3467 Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-0559 For more information 613-735-7537 ANNUAL LUNCHEON Thursday, November 16, 2006 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. First Presby t e rian Church - 257 Pembroke St. W. (beside Runges) Homemade soup, sandwiches and pie. NOTICES FOR RENT HELP WANTED Two bedroom duplex (between Petawawa and Pembroke) Newly renovated including 4 appliances. Nice backyard, lots of parking space. $700./mth + utilities. No smoking or pets. Available Dec. 1st. Call 613-687-2425. PEMBROKE: C e n t rally located, large, clean 1, 2 & 3 b d rm apts close to base. Parking & Laundry. Call Velma 613-735-3116 between 7 - 10 p. m . or Sophie 613-732-4781 or leave message. UN PETAWAWA: Bachelor Apts starting at $435./mth; 1 bdrm MEDALS PARADE: For the quickest and best quality in medal mounting. Call Ashlee Gingras 613-687-8557. Apts at $445./mth; 2 bdrm Apts at $540./mth. No dogs. Immediate occupancy. Fridge, stove and park i n g . BOUDENS GARDENS Lots of apples.Macs, Empire, Cortland, Spartan, Royal Gala, and Mutsu. (Macintosh on special for $15.95 per bushel). Also 50 lbs Yukon Gold Potatoes. 613-735-0940. INSTANT CASH for valuables.I buy complete or partial household contents Cars, trucks, ATV, sleds, tractors, motorcycles, etc. No junk please. 613-638-2786 Competition #06/07-18 (Assigned to the Pre School Speech & Language Program) (Pembroke Office) Position Description: The successful applicant will provide screening, parent and community education, assessment and direct treatment to pre-school clients in Renfrew County. Qualifications: Possess a degree in Speech Language Pathology from a recognized institution Must be a member in good standing with the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario. Demonstrate an ability to exercise independent professional judgement and function well in a multi disciplinary team centered environment. Have recent clinical experience, preferably in a community setting. 613-639-4950. CHRISTMAS FARMERS’ MARKET Fri . Nov. 17, 2 - 8 p.m., Sat. Nov. 18, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. A great selection of Baking, Jams, Pickles, Gifts for everyone. We’ll be serv i n g meals & refreshments as we l l as our famous pies. To book a table to sell your products phone 613-628-7878. Part Time Speech Language Pathologist UN 3 Bedroom duplex, private driveway, yard fenced, completed ceramic hardwood kitchen, 3 appliances, dining, patio doors, deck, 21/2 bathrooms, rec room. Quiet dead end street. Information 613628-3478. Available now. N28 CHILDCARE Je recherche une gardienne/garderie Francophone pour 3 filles (agèe 17 mois, 2 ans, 3 ans) du lundi - vendredi (temps plein) à partir du mois de décembre/janvier. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez appeller Cynthia 687-2194. Merci. Proficiency in French would be an asset. Requirements: A valid Ontario driver’s license. A vehicle and use it routinely in the performance of duties. A working knowledge of computers. Ontario Education Services Clearance Criminal Reference Check (completed after hire) Hourly Rate: $32.85 - $38.16 (OPSEU Local 481 Professional Unit)) Submit resume and cover letter by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 24, 2006 to: Confidential - Human Resources Renfrew County Community Care Access Centre 1100 Pembroke Street East PEMBROKE, ONTARIO K8A 6Y7 Fax: (613) 732-9552 Internal/External Posting: All postings are subject to ongoing operational review We thank all applicants, but advise that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRES (CCACS) The Community Care Access Centres of Ottawa, Eastern Counties, Renfrew County and a portion of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville are collectively recruiting four Managers of Client Services. The positions will transfer to the Champlain CCAC on January 1, 2007. ORTHOTIC SOLUTIONS We are currently seeking health care leaders who will be pivotal in the alignment of CCAC services. “We Fix Feet!” Full - time continuous - one bilingual required, two preferred SORE FEET? You will join the management team in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating designated client care programs and services. You are a member of a professional regulatory college with knowledge of current principles and practices of in-home health care, placement services, and the health care delivery system in Ontario. With solid management experience, you will provide leadership, direction, and supervision to designated staff of the CCAC. These positions will be located in four different locations. THERE’S STILL TIME Check your medical coverage before year end. Orthotics with a biomechanical report. Lakeside Medical Centre 735-4007 MANAGER OF CLIENT SERVICES On behalf of the 4 CCACs, please apply to Kathryn Desai, Ottawa Community Care Access Centre 100-4200 Labelle Street, Ottawa, ON K1J 1J8 Fax: 613-745-1422 E-mail: Petawawa Post, Page 25, 14 November 2006 CARD OF THANKS WO RICHARD NOLAN I would like to thank everyone who has showed us your support during this tragic time. There are just too many to individually thank, whether it was a phone call, sent flowers, sent sympathy cards, providing us with more than enough food or even just to pop in for a hug. I would like to send out a special thank-you to those who have cared for my family during my transition back to Canada. I would also like to thank the Military for all of the support and guidance that they have provided. Rick was a devoted father, loving husband and a true friend. He will be sadly missed. Rick was forever loving and forever loved. There will come a day when our tears of sorrow will softly flow into tears of remembrance, and our hearts will begin to heal. Grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy and we will hear the whispers of hope. Kelly and Kirstyn Dove Ricky, Jamie, and Rodney Nolan Classified HELP WANTED Looking for a Pizza Maker for evening and night shift. E x p e rience an asset, t raining availabl e. Stop by from 11 a.m. 5 p.m. 3477 Petawawa Blvd. 2-4-1 Pizza continued from previous page Check out the PETAWAWA POST online at Schmidt’s Catering is looking to hire ex t ra staff to help out during the Christmas rush. E x p e rience welcome but not ncessary. A positive attitude is essential. For more information or an interv i ew call Bonnie at 613-735-5691. 2-4-1 Pizza Pembroke and Petawawa are looking for adult pizza maker and driver. Training available. Apply in person between 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. to 100 Pembroke St. W. or 3477 Petawawa Blvd. WO FRANK MELLISH We will remember you, Frank Today as a soldier Tomorrow as a Dad, Husband, Son, Brother, and Godfather Forever as a Friend Always in our thoughts The Jobe Family CAC to Recreation at CFB Petawawa Call 687-2932 today to find out how to get your KEY! SEPARATING? DIVORCING? FREE MEDIATION SERVICES CONFLICT MANAGEMENT CENTRE “Family Mediation Services for the Military Community” Separation/Divorce Agreements Parenting Information Resources Cohabitation Agreements Neighbourhood Disputes Parent -Teen Conflicts Lawyer Referrals Assessment and Referral Conciliation Services Office Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 Monday to Friday 5 Reichwald Crescent, Suite 4 - North Townsite, CFB Petawawa Telephone: (613) 687-1588 E-mail: Petawawa Post, Page 26, 14 November 2006 Call Us First, You’ll Be Glad You Did! Neville Realty Ltd. 613-735-0103 613-687-1687 Pembroke Petawawa Neville Realty Ltd. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Well cared for 4 bedroom, 2 baths, spacious living room, eat-in kitchen with lots of cupboards newly renovated family room, updated windows, furnace, central air above ground pool. Call Gloria Neville $167,500! MLS 649433 4 Unit plaza in Petawawa. Fully leased, lots of p a rking in front of building and in rear. Great potential Call Laurie or Jim $285,000! MLS 649771 OPEN HOUSE ~ Tri Rom Homes Sat Nov 18, 2006 12 - 4 PM & Sun Nov 19, 2006 12- 4 PM BONUS BONUS BONUS Purchase a TRI-ROM home through Natalie Frodsham by Nov 30, 2006 and receive a $500.00 Home Depot Gift Certificate. Boundary to Willow to Fairv i ew. Come pick up your plans starting at $179,900! Presented by Natalie Frodsham. MLS 639766 PETAWAWA BUSINESS FOR SALE NEW PRICE LIVE FREE NEW PRICE R e t i ring? Excellent family business in the heart of Petawawa Low investment with high return. Call Arnie Jantz for details. $30,000! MLS 650002 3 bedroom, 2 storey home with double garage, paved laneway, new flooring in kitchen & dining room. Must see! Call Heather Fuller. $129,900! MLS 644140 This centrally located property has a duplex + separate third unit, all rented so you can keep it as income or live free in one of the units & rent the other. Call Izett. $129,900! MLS 645483 Front & back duplex close to the Hospital, in great shape. Live in one unit & let the other pay your mortgage. Call Kim Habra ken today. $114,900! MLS 645635 P E TAWAWA SPLENDOR FA M I LY WA N T E D ! NOTHING TO DO BUT MOVE IN!! AFFORDABLE Custom bungalow in popular neighbourhood. Designer stone ex t e ri o r, interl o ck dri veway, triple garage, 3 +1 bdrm, 3 baths, hardwood & ceramic, jacuzzi tub & gas fireplace. Call Bart for more $334,900! MLS646735 Very solid 3 bedrm family home in central Pembroke with parquet floors, large dining rm, single garage & all appliances. Call Kim Habraken. $79,000! MLS 641672 Extensively renovated including new flooring in living room, new 100 amp service, roof maintenance, paint and more. Must see! Call Arnie today. $99,900! MLS 648290 Well kept end unit town home with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, generous size rooms, C/A, gas heat, nicely decorated & landscaped. Call Ernest Labelle $129,500! MLS 646810 PRIME OFFICE OR RETAIL INCOME PROPERTY PRICED RIGHT! IN THE HEART OF PETAWAWA ! Central Pembroke Street location, features 1100 sq ft storefront, full basement & 2 bdrm apartment on 2nd floor. Good unique building or ideal if you need it for yourself. Call Izett. $109,000! MLS 646730 Well maintained, 3 unit apartment building & featuring storage. Within walking distance to downtown. Call Jim or Laurie to view. $129,900! MLS 647655 All brick bungalow close to hospital. Hardwood f l o o r s, updated baths, newly landscaped, fenced lot & enclosed carport. Call Mike Neville. $149,500! MLS 645657 Solid bungalow. 3 + 1 bedrooms spacious living room & dining room, hardwood flrs, large rec rm with wood stove & fenced yard. Call Bart Neville $148,900! MLS 640986 AGENTS FEATURED THIS WEEK: Bart Neville Gloria Neville Mike Neville Kim Habraken Jim Ryan Natalie Frodsham Laurie Fletcher Broker Of Record Broker Sales Rep. Sales Rep. Broker Sales Rep. Sales Rep. Izett McBride Arnie Jantz Broker Ernest Labelle Broker Heather Fuller Sales Rep. Sales Rep. w w w. c e n t u ry 2 1 n e v i l l e . c o m Petawawa Post, Page 27, 14 November 2006 We can make Christmas wishes come true! New Christmas Stock Arriving NEW! WE CARRY WEBKINZ Robeez, Italian Charms & Gro-Group Products Under New Ownership At 12 Matthews Ave., Pembroke w w w. k i d s s t o r e a n d m o r 613-735-9126 The Delfi Group Helping people and organizations impro v e Human Resources Consulting, Training & Coaching Gail Richardson Senior Associate 1900 Lapasse Rd. Beachburg, K0J 1C0 Ph. (613) 587-4470 or (613) 735-0103 Cell: (613) 639-7692 Fax (613) 587-4107 or (613) 735-2702 A Pa g e Designed Fo r Successful Women In Local B u s i n e s s. Women In Business November 14, 2006 Realty Inc. Brokerage 3468E Petawawa Blvd., Petawawa, ON, K8H 1X3 1-800-350-WISE IRP-DND Approved Bus: (613) 687-1234 or (613) 584-3025 HAZEL LADOUCEUR, Cell: (613) 639-7011 Broker of Record Professional Photography Book Your Family Portrait For Christmas! Call For Packages 613-735-4870 F eature of the Month The Diff e re n c e M a rlene Schardt/Connie Lance Owner/Opera t o r s After both successfully operating their own salons for many years, Connie Lance and Marlene Schardt merged and have been operating The Difference for fifteen years. They have renovated and expanded three times to make way for the many services the public now demands. The shop offers barbering, two tanning beds and a large retail line on one level. The second level caters to all of your hair care needs followed by a day spa which provides estheticians, registered massage therapists and a laser hair removal specialist. We also specialize in wedding parties because of our shop size, experience and ability to provide the endless array of services required on that special day. We have spa packages at competitive prices, some including lunches. Marlene and Connie have been in Petawawa for a very long time starting out as school friends at General Panet High School. While both fathers served in the military, THE DIFFERENCE Pe t awawa Blvd. 687-8222 • Hair Colouring • Spa • Lazer Hair Removal • Tanning • Registered Massage Therapist • Barbering • Gift Certificates 20% Off Body Wraps, Chocolate, Mud Wraps & Salt Glows Gift Certificates Available For These Discounts Also. Marlene Schardt Proprietor Our Estheticians Jennifer & Kathy Look Forward To Serving You! 613-687-8222 Connie Lance Proprietor DEBBIE & PATRICIA OFFER YOU BFG, MICHELIN & UNIROYAL TIRES Buy 3 Get 4th One Fr e e ! Red’s Garage & Auto Parts they have a great deal in common with their military clients and their dependants.They have over the many years provided the residents of this community with their expertise in the form of attending bridal shows, Debbie Cameron Patricia Cameron 3169 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa, Ont 613-687-5538 fashion shows, educational talks at local schools, small demonstrations for clubs, and given endless support for worthy fundraisers. Marlene and Connie have both continued to extend their educational abilities in the way of Master Colour Courses with Wella, Nail Courses, Cutting Seminars and Long Hair Courses. “One can never stop learning in this Remy Schmitt Owner F E AT U R I N G : business”, said Marlene and “to share with others is especially rewarding. Quality Supplements ~ V i t a m i n s Protein Powders ~ Sport Nutri c i a n L ow Carb Products N a t u ral & Organic Fo o d s, Herbs, Bodycare Products & More. To have been in this business for so long and to still love doing it and 3468A Petawawa Blvd. (Right At The Bridgeway Mall) 613-687-4335 coming in to work each day is a reward in itself.” She said it has to do with the loyal and wonderful people we get to meet each day. We share their happiness and sorrows and take care of their needs at the same time. Connie and Marlene have been able to do that together and succeed with the help of very capable and loyal people along side of them. That has made The Difference as successful as it has become today. Petawawa, Ontario 613-687-7013 w w w. d i g i t a l gra p h i c s. c a of Majorettes & Dance Classes available in: Baton Twirling - Tap - Jazz - Ballet - Hip Hop Vocal Drama, and Social Dance including Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Swing etc. Open from ages 2 and up. For information Call 613-732-8605 Twirl’n Dance to Excellence Christie St. Animal Hospital Digital Graphics & Design Tanis Recoskie Web Site & Graphic Design “Let The Web Work For You!” Julia’s School LISA A. MORATZ Independent Sales Director 11148 Highway 60 - PO Box 136 Golden Lake, ON K0J 1X0 613-625-1601 1-888-838-7606 Dr. Sharon Bell Speciality in laser surgery to reduce pain, bleeding and improve healing 160 Christie St., Pembroke, Ontario K8A 4R1 Tel.: ((613) 735-0032 Fax: (613) 735-2675 Petawawa Post, Page 28, 14 November 2006 Call Us Direct At 613-687-6305 ~ ~ Call Us Direct At 613-687-6305 Paul & Debb i e Proudly Selling Petawawa One Family At A Time! PAUL McGUIRE DEBBIE Sales CLARK Representative Broker We Support Our Troops! “We’re Not #1...You Are” NEW HOMES ON SCHWANZ BUILT BY TERRY WAITO IN ASSOCIATION WITH DURANT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. HOMES BUILT BY TERRY WAITO IN ASSOCIATION WITH DURANT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. OPEN HOUSE: SUN NOV 19, 2006 12 - 2:00 P.M. Fact: Lowest Priced New Bungalow on the Market! Fact: Well constructed by local trades! Fact: Paved driveways! Fact: Fully serviced lots! STARTING AT $154,900! Similar to photo 1959 GREENWOOD ROAD: $139,900! 167 MURPHY ROAD: $154,900! Well maintained 2 bedroom brick bungalow. Large livingroom, spacious kitchen / dining area. Updated flooring in 2006. Large private treed to & double garage. MLS 649861 3 Main floor bedrooms, updated laminate floori n g , detached garage & large pri vate lot. MLS 647888 87 B-LINE ROAD: $49,500! 39 SPRUCE ST: $269,900 245 GUTZMAN: $289,900! W hy pay rent? 3 bedrooms & large lot. Great fo r the handyman. MLS 648396 Large bedrooms, open concept kitchen livingroom/diningroom with gorgeous maple hardwood floors. Main bath w/corner soaker jet tub. Two fireplaces, central air, fenced & landscaped. Double garage. MLS 648848 Gorgeous side split custom built home with oak hardwood in living/dining and 3 upper bedrooms. Ceramic foyer, kitchen & main bathroom. Lower level features rec room, 2 extra bedrooms and full bathroom. Attached double garage. 7 year Ta rion warranty. MLS 643125 15 HARRY STREET: $139,900! 1 MOHNS AV E .: $144,900! 18 JAN: $179,900! With finshed Rec. room and 4 piece bathroom on lower level. $199,900 $185,900 GST Included! GST Included! 3 bedrooms, ceramic entrance, cathedral ceilings, designer kitchens, efficient gas heat, attached garage, huge lots... 2 styles to choose from. (Similar to photo.) NEW GARDEN HOMES 1704 BARRON CANYON RD: $89,900! SOLD 9.16 ACRES In a great Pe m b r o ke location. 3 bedrooms, 2 b a t h r o o m s, paved dri veway, sodded front ya r d , choice of interior colours, upgrades ava i l a bl e. Fall occupancy. . . . s t a rting at $160,000! P E TAWAWA WAT E R F R O N T: Hunt Camp or recreational. 3 outbuildings 14 X 12.6 camp, 22 X 16 garage, 14.4 X 7.7 drive in/out snowmobile shed & 28 X 16 storage shed. MLS 647529 754 CROOKED RAPID RD, EGANVILLE: $199,900! SOLD 30 ACRES Spectacular Custom Built Home on the Ottawa River. 5 large bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, double garage, and an absolutely breathtaking view. MLS 644500 O ve r s i zed bu n g a l ow with many updates including, kitchen cupboards, furn a c e, central air, oil tank and water pump. Many apple trees and raspberry bu s h e s. Must be seen! MLS 646822 Affordable bungalow within walking distance to Catwalk. 3 main floor bedrooms & 2 lower level bedrooms. Updated flooring, gas heat & central air. MLS 647884 C e n t rally located office building with 2nd floor a p a rt m e n t . MLS 648007 Great location! Close to Pe t awawa Point Beach. H a r d wood floors in livingr o o m . Rec Room with wo o d s t ove, central air, fenced yard & quiet s t r e e t . MLS 647005 3225 PETAWAWA BLV D .: $169,900! 12 RUSSELL: $174,500! 19 ROY STREET: $319,900! 393 BIESENTHAL: $149,900! 2301 STAFFORD 3RD LINE: $269,900! Retail property located on Petawawa Blvd. 2nd floor contains a one bedroom residential apartment. Property contains 4 storage units. MLS 648008 Great family home with many updates. O a k kitchen with ceramic floors. Re-shingled in Ju l y 2006. Wo o d s t ove with brick hearth on lower level. Fenced ya r d . Walking distance to all amenities. MLS 647335 98 ACRES We’re Sold On Petawawa! Ve ry large unique home in Petawawa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, central air, attached garage...many updates including: roof, furnace, chimney, flooring, sunroom.... must be seen to be appreciated. MLS 642645 R u ral Pe t awawa, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, low m a i n t e n a n c e. f l o o r s. MLS 624790 98 acre farm, 23 acres bush, 25 acres pasture and 50 acres farmland. 3 bedroom with hardwood in living/dining. Many outbuildings. MLS 626504 Riding The Leading Edge Of The Petawawa Real Estate Market! 613-687-7425 Call Us Direct At 613-687-6305 ~ ~ Call Us Direct At 613-687-6305 Petawawa Post, Page 29, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 30, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 31, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 32, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 33, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 34, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 35, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 36, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 37, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 38, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 39, 14 November 2006 Petawawa Post, Page 40, 14 November 2006
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