Table of contents - language learning software
Table of contents - language learning software
Table of contents For 18 only Find the words: Common things Common people Feeling blue? Feeling cool? Gotta bitch? Sing their praises Let's talk about Sex, baby Body Language Get the Buzz Other side of the Law In Action Name Calling Super Rude pg. 1 - 2 pg. 2 - 4 pg. 5 - 6 pg. 7 - 8 pg. 9 - 10 pg. 11 - 12 pg. 13 - 14 pg. 15 - 16 pg. 17 - 18 pg. 19 - 20 pg. 21 - 22 pg. 23 - 24 pg. 25 - 26 Brought to you by Bueno, entonces... the greatest, rudest, realest, fastest, funniest Spanish class in the world. Just like candy we'll give you some here for free © Copy Right 2012 by GeneralLinguistics. All Rights Reserved Did you know? There are approximately 100,000 words in Spanish, and depending on how you count them, 42 different verb tenses. With Bueno, entonces... you'll learn 30,000 new words in just 30 classes, all spelled out in both English and Spanish. There are also road signs to help you understand all the verbs subtextually. The Common Cosas Pileta pool Ananá pinapple Plata money Birome pen Pollera skirt Bombacha women's underwear Pornoco zit Bondi bus Pullover sweater Fulbo football Vereda sidewalk Guita money Villa shantytown Joda joke Laburo job Llantas tennis shoes Luca one thousand pesos Luca verde one thousand American dollars Machete cheatsheet Mango money Morondanga worthless Nafta gasoline Ojota flip flop sandal Pico kiss (on the mouth) Page 1 Now SAY it! Chabón! Necesito un mango para la nafta! Man! I need some cash for gas! Penelope Cruz, por favor, solo un pico. Penelope Cruz, please just one kiss. Siempre llevo una bombacha extra. I always carry an extra pair of underwear. See what people are saying about Bueno, entonces... Love it !! this is so hilarious I keep laughing most of the lesson, and the Pizarra Magica is simply MAGIC !! I learned a whole song on youtube with in only 3 days :) . You are a revolution in the history of linguistics ! - Moonti Amani Ahmed I have tried other methods, and they are either as boring as High School Spanish, or too basic like Dora the Explorer. I think most people will enjoy being educated like an adult for once. - Charlie B. Totally love the course! So long I've been trying to learn spanish but at the end of all my uny classes I just couldnt sit through anotherone.. now I am actually studying spanish during my study breaks cause its so much fun with "Bueno, entonces...”, Gracias Jimena y David! - Marta Simoni Page 2 Latin America has an estimated population of more than 590 million. Peru, with 1.47 million people of Asian descent, has one of the largest Chinese communities in the world, with nearly one million Peruvians being of Chinese ancestry. Latin America Did you know? COMMON PEOPLE also has millions of tri-racial people of African, Amerindian, and European ancestry. Point? Doesn't matter what you look like, you can fit in if you speak Spanish. Pibe a young boy Pipón to be full from overeating Bombón pregnant belly, big drum Piquetero/a demonstrator, picketer Bostero/a fan of Boca Juniors Soccer team Timbero player for money Carucha a particular or unusual facial expression Tipo a guy Chanta smoothe talker, bullshitter Xeneize Boca Juniors Soccer fan Chata flat-chested person Flaca girl Flaco guy Gallina fan of River Plate, hen Now use it... Mi jermu es un ñoqui My woman is a person who earns money without working Hinchada a group of sports fans Jermu woman Lungo/a a tall, thin person Machazo very masculine, macho Mina chick Morocho/a dark haired Quedé pipón I am sooo full from overeating Uy no, otra vez los piqueteros Oh no, here come the demonstrators again Bueno, entonces... is ADDICTIVE. Ñoqui someone who earns money without working Piba young girl Page 3 Once you start, you can't stop. Bueno, entonces... is the best selling language learning app on iTunes because people keep coming back for more. The 30-class series (about 40 min. each) follows a jackass British student and his spicy latina teacher as he learns Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In each class, as their relationship becomes more complicated, you learn more and more Spanish as you follow the story. And you'll see that culture clash can provide a super engaging backdrop for learning a language. Page 4 South American Etiquette: When smoking, offer a cigarette to everyone. Chileans have a saying for those who neglect to share: "Did you learn to smoke in jail?" In Colombia Group waves are extremely unacceptable and It is considered improper and Did you know? FEELING BLUE slightly immature for adult men to wear shorts (except in recreational areas, such as parks, the beach, or pools). In Mexico, Dominican Republic and in other parts of Latin America, when an invitation is issued (such as to go to dinner or to a bar), invitees typically assume that everything will be paid for. Mufa bad luck, a bad omen Pabada/ Pavada something stupid or pointless Pachorra laziness Papelón an embarrassing situation Quilombo a mess Vacilar to doubt Zafarrancho a mess, disorder Bajón a downer Bárbaro/a ; Bardo crazy, choas, mess Boleado/a to be dizzy Cacerolazo protest Cagarse to be afraid of, to shit on oneself Despelote a mess, disorder Embole something that is very boring Fiaca tiredness, laziness Fusilado/a tired, depressed Garcha something that really sucks, dick ¡Eso es una garcha! Garrón problem Uf, quiero hacer paja todo el día Grasa of poor taste/ quality Hacer paja to be lazy Hecho/a mierda tired, sick Page 5 Now use it... Ese examen fue una pavada That test was so pointless Man, that sucks! Blah, I want to be lazy all day Ese documental fue un tremendo bajón That documentary was certainly a downer Page 6 Phrases like "in America" or "I'm from America" when referring to the United States is confusing to Latin American people as America is a continent, not just the United States. Therefore, all people born in the American continent are Americans. Did you know? Feeling Cool People from the United States of America are referred to by their nationality, "estadounidense"or "Norte americano" (lit. "United-Statian" or "North-american”). Check out ALL the ways to say Bárbaro/a cool Cachar to get, understand Chabón dude Copado/a Cool De Fierro really good Flash cool, awesome Flashear to imagine, to dream Joya awesome Macanudo/a cool, good Masa awesome Onda vibe Piola cool Posta the best "Cool/Rad/Wicked/Awesome/Nifty/Shweet/Sick/Great/etc..." A todo dar!! A toda madre! bacán Bacano Bakanisimos!!! Buenisimo! Canchero!! Cheveration Cheveres... Cheverisimo Chido Chingon:) De pelos De peluches! De huvisimos! De puta madre Del putas! Espectacular Está de más! Estan de pelos! Excelente! Fabulosos! FENOMENAL ¡Filete! Geniales! Grandioso Impresionante Increible Maravilloso Mortal Que guay! (That's sick) Que grandeeeeeeee! Que mortaaaaaaaal! Que padre! Salvaje Terrible Tremendos Zarpados A Special Thanks to all our Facebook Fans who contributed to our latest, greatest, most up to date Slang Dictionary! Alex Sitten, Blanca Sanchez, Juge Fumagalli, Divia Corrales Narvaez, Arie Pollak, Bruno Yemini, Brian Langer, Carolina Zapata Monroy, Matias Cavelli, Kevin Land, Hernan Pons, Fabian Diaz, Michiko Yamada, Kyla Kathryn Tully, Cristel Gina, Cesar Marin, Monica Johnson, Evelien Meyer, Jesse NBlack, Vince Lane, Abigail Plumley, Debora Gisele Gianmarco, Carol Camacho Enriquez, Thomas Jerome Newton. Getting the most from Bueno, entonces? Join us! Now use it... Ugh, tiene cero onda Ugh, he has zero vibe Chuck Norris es la posta Chuck Norris is the best Become a Facebook fan here: Become a Twitter fan here:!/Bueno_Entonces Follow our Blog here: Buy the DVD and/or Instant download here: Chabón, ¿donde está mi auto? Dude, where's my car? Page 7 Page 8 Spanish is one of the world's most phonetic languages. If you know how a word is spelled, you can almost always know how it is pronounced (although the reverse isn't true). The main exception is recent words of foreign origin, which usually retain their original spelling. Did you know? Gotta Bitch Boleta a lie "Sos boleta" "You're dead" or "Your caught" Boludo/a Cabreado/a Cheto/a Chivo Codito/a Cornudo/a idiot Cursi Denso/a in bad taste, cheese Despistado/a Guarango/a Hueco/a Imbancable Jodido/a Locachi Maraca Pedorro/a Pelado/a Pelotudo Page 9 mad snobby body odor, baby goat stingy having little horns (if a person is cheating on their spouse) dense, thick, someone who is boring to the point of being annoying. vague, absentminded, disoriented That's why with Bueno, entonces... all the words are written out in both English and Spanish on the Magica Pizarra, so you can learn how to say and write the word at the same time. Pesado/a Pijotero/a Pirucho/a Plaga Plomo Pocilga Queruso/a obnoxious Rompepelotas Sacado/a Sopapo Tarado/a Trucho/a Zafado/a Zapato/a ball breaker cheapskate crazy annoying a boring person a dirty, disgusting place something/someone of lower quality,cheap removed, intensely crazy a slap in the face dumb fake inadequate stupid gross, disgusting hollow, stupid unbearable Now use it... difficult ¡Mi vieja es una rompepelotas! a bit crazy My old lady is such a ball breaker! effeminate No puedo creer que ella haya dicho eso, ¡Qué sopapo! of poor quality I can't believe she said that- what a slap in the face! bald, without money Desafortunadamente, el era un zafado Unfortunately, he was very inadequate idiot Page 10 Did you know? South American Hand Gestures: The American 'come chin signifies "I don't know" and one finger under the eye means 'watch out'. here' gesture (palm upwards with fingers curled back) ...BUT when body language fails, make sure you can speak can be considered a romantic solicitation. Flicking one's fingers under their Sing their Praises Now use it... Bacán someone with expensive taste Bocho/a smart, quick witted Bombón attractive man/woman, chocolate candy Canchero/a another way. Learn Spanish with Bueno, entonces... Ey fachero, ¿en qué andás? Hey Good looking, what are you up to? Ese es un buen lomo Now that's a nice body No me importaría comerme ese bombón I never mind eating chocolate candy well versed in a certain subject Sos una persona zarpada Capo/a - a a powerful/popular person, a good guy Fachero/a good looking Groso/a genius, cool person Lomo a cut of beef, a nice body Pilas batteries, refers to the energy of a person Zarpado/a extraordinary You are an extraordinary person Sex & Vocabulary Words having genders (the chair is FEMALE??) is kind of a strange concept for a lot of English-speakers. Bueno, entonces... helps you out with color-coded illustrations so that you will understand and use genders intuitively. Notice how the words are blue for masculine and pink for feminine? These images are burned into your brain so you remember vocabulary easily and instantly. So go ahead and check out Bueno, entonces... and get $50 off the instant download or DVD. Page 11 Page 12 All the ways to refer to Spanish profanity: lenguaje soez (low language), maldiciones (curse words), malas palabras (bad words), insultos (insults), vulgaridades (vulgarities), juramentos (oaths — swearing), palabrotas (lit.: "big words"), tacos (in Spain), palabras sucias (dirty words in Panama), lisuras (in Peru), puteadas (in Peru, Chile, Did you know? Let's talk about Sex, baby... Argentina and Uruguay),desvergue in El Salvador, majaderías or maldiciones in Mexico, garabatos (gibberish or shootings/firings in Chile), or groserías (impolite words or acts). With Bueno, entonces... we teach you both the good words and the bad words from around the Spanish speaking world. Pisar to have sex (literally: to step on) Ponchar to fuck (Mexico), also: to pinch, to strike out Abrochar to button up, to get with Correrse Ponerla to have sex (literally: to put it) to get off, to have an orgasm. Cojer Telo a sex hotel to fuck. Comer Torta a lesbian, cake to eat, to eat her out Cualquiera/ Cualquiera Tortillera a lesbian whatever a person for a one night stand Trola easy woman Culear to get ass Trolo gay man Engancharse to get hooked Yegua naughty girl, a very sexy girl Enroscar to screw Galán winner, ladies man Hacerse una paja to masturbate Levantar to pick up Levante smooth talking skills Malco/a someone who is in a bad mood, because they aren't getting laid Mámalo suck it Pajearse to masturbate Pajero/a a jackoff, a wanker Picar to have sex (literally: to sting) Piropo compliment, pick-up line Now use it... Me comí a esa mina Literally: "I ate her", metaphorically: "I ate her out". Hoy la puse I had sex today Lindos zapatos, ¿Queres culear? Nice shoes, you want to fuck? ¿Conocés un buen telo por acá? Know a nice sex hotel around here? No molestes a Rolando, es un malco... Don't bother Rolando, he's not getting laid... Uff, mi jefe es un pajero Oh my boss, he's a wanker Page 13 Page 14 The word PEDO (fart) has many uses. For instance, EN PEDO means extremely drunk, AL PEDO signifies that someone is lazy and A LOS PEDOS translates to being in a hurry. Did you know? That's what's awesome with Bueno, entonces... it teaches you Spanish for the street, not the test! Also, your professors are native Spanish speakers, so you know both what's up and how to say it correctly. Shout it out... Body Language Bola testical Bulto package, masculine sexual organ Trabajás en el Federal Express...? Porque pensé que me mirabas el paquete You work at Fedex? Because I thought you were looking at my package Chucha de tu madre. Cachucha vagina Vagina of your mother. Chila penis ¡La concha de la lora! Concha shell, vagina Cotorra vagina, parrot Culo ass Gomas boobs Lolas boobs Ojete anus Orto ass Pelotas balls, testicles Pija penis Pico penis Pito penis Traste ass Page 15 The Vagina of a parrot! Doctor, me duele el culo. Doctor, my ass hurts me. Tip from Bueno, entonces... In Spanish, body parts are never possessive, you use the context to tell whose body parts are being referenced. That’s why, in the phrases above it’s “EL culo” and not “mi culo” as it would be in English. Bueno, entonces... caters to both Visual and Audio learners. You'll see every word on-screen so you can watch the spelling while hearing it pronounced AND the English translation shows you how sentence structure changes from one language to the other. Want to get the comprehensive and witty 30 class course for $50 cheaper? Then click here to take advantage of the Bueno, entonces... special deal: Page 16 When the Spanish arrived in South America, most at first ignored aboriginal claims that the Coca leaf (which contains cocaine) gave them strength and energy, and declared the practice of chewing it the work of the Devil. But after discovering that these Did you know? GET YOUR BUZZ ON claims were true, they legalized and taxed the leaf, taking 10% off the value of each crop... and no, Bueno, entonces... does not suggest chewing Coca leaves while studying Spanish. Porro joint Pucho cigarette Bicho rave drugs Resaca hungover Birra beer Trago cocktail Boliche discotech Cachengue party/mess Chupar to drink large qualities of alcohol Now use it... Ayer a la noche me agarré un pedo terrible Man, I was soooo drunk last night En Pedo drunk Escabiar to get drunk Escabio an alcohol beverage Faso cigarette/ joint Limado/a burn out Milonga a dance, tango bar Pachanguear to party Paco (pasta base) street drug made from Cocaine residues Papear to talk shit/ take drugs Bueno, entonces… packs comprehensive Spanish Levels I & II into just 30 lessons that you can conveniently download straight to your iPhone, iPod, Blackberry, Android, laptop, whatever and learn Spanish wherever you like! Patovica bouncer Just head to iTunes to download it today: Page 17 Mierda, me quedé sin bicho Shit! I'm out of bicho (I don't have anymore) ¿Dónde está el mejor boliche? Where is the best discotech/club in town? Quiero pachanguear toda la noche I want to party all night long El desayuno perfecto: Un escabio y un faso The perfect breakfast: an alcoholic beverage and a cigarette Now Get Your Spanish On... On The Go! Page 18 With 329 million native speakers, Spanish ranks as the world's No. 2 language in terms of how many people speak it as their first language. It is slightly ahead of English (328 million) but far behind Chinese (1.2 billion). Did you know? If you add the second language Spanish speakers, there are around 500 million people in the world who can converse in Spanish. Be one of them! Learn Spanish today with Bueno, entonces.... The other side of the Law Afanar Barra brava Cana to rob, steal police Zafar to make it by, escape Zarpar to steal hooligans police, jail Chorear to steal Chorro/a burglar Colimba a military conscript Curro scam, fraud Gato high end prostitute Hurtar to steal, rob Punga burglar Putañar to have sex with a prostitute Transar to french kiss, make illegal deal Tumbera/Tumbero inmate Page 19 Yuta Now use it... No sabía que ella era un gato I didn't know she was a prostitute Algo para zarpar? Anything there we can steal? Agarren a ese tipo que me robó! Catch that man who stole from me! Los barrabravas estuvieron muy violentos en el partido The hooligans were very violent at the game Guardá eso que viene la yuta Put it away the police are coming Page 20 The Atacama desert in northern Chile is considered the driest place in the world. Most places in this dessert only get .004 inches of rainfall a year and some places haven't seen any rain for over 400 years. Did you know? In Action... Now use it... Bancar to tolerate, bear Bronca to tell off someone Cacerolear to protest Caretear to act falsely Chamuyar to bull shit, to sweet talk Hinchar to bother, to pester, to be a fan of Laburar to work Manducar to eat quickly Morfar to eat Puñetazo fist punch Puñete fist punch Rajar to crack, to tear, to leave Rascarse to not do anything Reventar to break open Trompada a punch in the mouth Page 21 While in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, 31 rivers meet at high speed to form over 200 separate waterfalls called Iguazu Falls. Want to see either of them? Learn Spanish for the street, not the test, with Bueno, entonces... No me chamuyes que se nota... Don't bullshit me! I can see through you... Bajá un cambio, te vas a manducar el plato Slow down, you will eat your plate Si no te callás te vas a ligar una trompada If you don't shut up, you'll get a punch in the mouth ¡Apenas puedo bancarme a esa chica! I can barely tolerate that girl! The Five Best things about Bueno, entonces... EFFECTIVE: It's the only full-featured Spanish program that combines engaging dialog with compelling visuals to teach you conversational Spanish, fast. FUN: Bueno, entonces... is fast-paced and always entertaining; you'll be smiling AND learning without even realizing it. GOES ANYWHERE: Works on any mobile digital device, smart phone, or computer! Macs, PCs, iPods, iPhones, Blackberry, Android, you name it! AFFORDABLE: You get 30, forty-minute sessions for 1/3 less than the lowest cost of other language learning programs. GUARANTEED: Try Bueno, entonces... risk-free for 90 days. Get a prompt, full refund if you're not 100% learning and loving it. Page 22 To the people who speak it, Spanish is sometimes called español and sometimes castellano (the Spanish equivalent of Castilian). The labels used vary from region to region and sometimes according to political viewpoint. Did you know? Name calling Bueno, entonces... has several Native Spanish speakers from different countries to make sure that you learn the differences within Spanish, from Español or Castellano. Mamerto/a complete idiot Nabo/a idiot, fool Amarette cheapskate Pancho hot dog, stupid guy Aparato strange, eccentric person Pendejo a young kid, pubic hair Atorrante lazy bum Plomo a boring person Bagayo an ugly person Salame an idiot, fool Banana some who thinks they are very cool, but aren't taken seriously by other Sanatero bull shitter Tacaño a cheapskate Cascote someone who is hard headed Turro inept guy Catrasca a clumsy thing Zaparrastroso/a someone who is poorly dressed Chanta smooth talker, bullshitter Zoquete an idiot, fool Chupamedias ass kisser, brown-noser Ciruja a bum Colgado/a a distracted person Gil an idiot Guaso/a a rude and tasteless person Lacra scum, bottom feeder Larva worthlessly lazy, very thin/ little guy My mother in law is a worthless person Loco/a young guy, crazy guy My boss is an idiot Page 23 Now use it... No me jodas más, pendejo Get out of my hair, young kid Mi ex es un lacra My ex is a scum Mi suegra es un larva Mi jefe es un gil Page 24 Bueno, entonces... in no way suggests you should say these words and phrases to Spanish speakers. These are more for you to know if you hear them in a film, song or in a bar. We also advise not punching people immediately as sometimes there can a Before you read Super Rude - Not to use, just to know different meaning in a specific country. For instance, 'Macha', a vulgar word for 'dyke' is understood in Costa Rica as "blondie" or European. 'Pinche fresa' means "fucking fag", although in Mexico it also means "preppy". Manflor dyke Mierda shit! Boludo numbnuts Ojete asshole (literally: eyelet) Bosta horseshit Pendejo jackass Cabrón prick / motherfucker (literally: "big goat"), Pinche fresa fucking faggot Cagar to shit. It also means to screw (something) Puñeta Shit! (literally: to yank off / to jerk off) Chamuyo bullshit Puto male prostitute, faggot Chingar to fuck, to make a mistake (cf. English to fuck up). Clavar to nail something, to screw Cojer to fuck ¡Demonios! demons! Hell! Fifar to fuck Garchar to fuck Gonorrea a very bad person Hijo de puta literally: son of a whore Joto homosexual man, faggot (literally a "jack" or a "knave") Me hice una puñeta I jerked off ¿Dónde puñeta has estado? Where the fuck have you been? Me cago en vos I shit on you (prevalent in Argentina) ¡Te cagaste los pantalones! You shit your pants! La clavé I nailed her Me la clavaron They screwed me up / I was screwed Maricón faggot Macha lesbian/dyke Page 25 Now use it... ¡Qué demonios! What the hell! Page 26 What you'll learn with Bueno, entonces... Tens of thousands of color-coded vocabulary words (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, articles and pronouns) and their uses. What iS Bueno, entonces... ? Thousands of verb conjugations (complete with root verb, pronoun and tense indicator). How to interpret spoken and written Spanish in varying contexts. How to introduce yourself and others, and how to ask and answer personal questions. Bueno, entonces... is a revolutionary new way to learn Spanish quickly and How to understand and utilize familiar everyday expressions and phrases. conversationally. Combining the best of existing language-learning audio books How to express feelings, emotions, and how to exchange opinions. and software programs with fresh audio/visual tools developed by leading Pronunciation from native speakers of 3 different countries. linguists, General Linguistics has created a totally new method to learn a second Slang words, phrases, and customs from multiple Latin American countries. language. Designed so that students look forward to and are engaged by their How to engage in real conversations! language classes, Bueno, entonces… is "as comprehensive as Rosetta Stone ® but in an addictive, engaging and beloved format: a TV show.” All in 30 classes of Spanish language and Latin American cultural immersion! The first foreign language program from General Linguistics, Bueno, entonces… brings you inside 30 private, 1-on-1 Spanish lessons, almost like learn-Spanish Buy today at get 50$ off the Instant Download or 6 DVD set reality-TV. The classes are challenging and fast-paced, yet entertaining, as they’re developed to keep you engaged. The teacher and student, both trained You can also get all 30 courses online at the iTunes store! actors, will keep you locked-in, laughing and guessing what is going to happen Call someone an Idiot Anywhere in Latin America... next. Check out Bueno, entonces... here: Gilipollas / Cojonudo Güevón Cabreado / Pelado Bueno, entonces... fulfills all requirements set forth by the American Council for Teaching a Foreign Language. at Spanish levels 1 & 2, as well as by the Common European Framework Reference for Languages – Spanish 1A/1B. These two organizations provide well-respected, internationally-recognized guidelines for language learning. However, due to the conversational (rather than academic) nature of Bueno, entonces…, you will also learn more advanced Spanish concepts usually limited to upper-level academic courses. Weón Boludo Gafo / Pavoso II ! I & est t sh ni the m a t Sp o .co n t, n ics r e a t Le stre uis . . e g . es th llin nc for era o t n en ish .ge , n no pa ww ue S w B rn p:// a tt Le h
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