Introduction to the Marcellus Shale
Introduction to the Marcellus Shale
M A R C E L L U S S H A L E • I S S U E N U M B E R 1 • M AY 2 0 1 1 Introduction to the Marcellus Shale An introduction to the geological characteristics and considerations of the Marcellus Shale, as well as its cultural history and major topics of scientific interest. What is the Marcellus Shale? Shale is a sedimentary rock formed from fine, clay-like particles deposited in low energy water environments and compressed into rock. Fig. 1. The Marcellus Shale is exposed at Earth’s surface north of the Finger Lakes region, New York. Note the dark, charcoal black color of the shale. The Marcellus Shale is a dark shale, sedimentary rock, and permeability commonly called a black shale, that is the ability of anything trapped can be found in parts of Ohio, West between grains in a sedimentary rock Virginia, Pennto flow between sylvania, and pores. When natImportant properties New York. It ural gas is trapped of all sedimentary was deposited in in a sedimentary what was a shalrock with high rocks are their porosity low sea around porosity and perand permeability. 390 million meability, like a years ago dursandstone, it has ing the Devonian period. Marcellus the ability to flow through the rock Shale is mostly located deep beneath to pockets of relatively low pressure. Earth’s surface, but because the layers When natural gas is trapped in a of rock are tilted toward the south, sedimentary rock with low porosity the Marcellus is deeper in the south and permeability, like the Marcellus and is exposed at the surface near the north end of the Finger Lakes region. Shale is only one type of sedimenMUSEUM OF THE EARTH tary rock in the Hamilton Group. Important properties of all sedimentary rocks are their porosity and 1259 Trumansburg Road permeability. Porosity is the amount Ithaca, New York 14850 of space available between grains in a AT T H E PA L E O N T O LO G I C A L R E S E A R C H I N S T I T U T I O N v1.1 Marcellus Shale • Issue Number 1 • November 2011 / 1 DID YOU KNOW? • Geological features are usually named after a nearby town, river, or other topographical feature. The Marcellus Shale was named after Marcellus, NY, where it can be seen in hillside rock exposures. The • Marcellus is the lowest layer of a group of shales called the Hamilton Group, known more commonly in New York for its abundant fossils, including trilobites, clams, and coral. • The first natural gas well was shallow, and powered lights in the town of Fredonia, NY in 1825. Shale, the gas is effectively trapped and cannot flow, which is why some call these “tight shales.” basins, and create shallow seas. New York, as well as Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, were all covered by a shallow sea around 390 million years ago, and this sea deposited Marcellus Shale and many other rock units. Rivers and streams fed into this basin, and brought with them small quantities of clay-like sediments. Algae and other planktonic organisms inhabited the surface waters of this sea, and, as they died, sank to the bottom and mixed with the sediment. The Marcellus Shale’s characteristic dark color and natural gas abundance is due to the high concentration of organic matter trapped with the sediment that eventually became rock.1 The deepest part of this sea was located in the eastern part of the basin, so more sediment and organic matter was able to accumulate eastward. As a result, the Marcellus Shale AC A DIA N MO UN TA I NS Marcellus Shale Origins Sea levels have risen and fallen throughout geologic history. When they rise they encroach on the lowlying areas of continents, called SHALLOW SEA Fig. 2. During the Devonian, parts of the eastern U.S. were covered by a shallow sea. The Marcellus Shale is the result of deposition on the floor of this sea. 2 / Marcellus Shale • Issue Number 1 • November 2011 Low Permeability & Porosity High Permeability & Porosity Fig. 3. Porosity and permeability are important characteristics of sedimentary rocks. In shale, sediments are platy and stack like cards, effectively closing pathways between pores. In sandstone, sediments are more rounded, which allows connection between pores and results in higher permeability. today is thickest in the east and thins westward. Because of the quantity of organics in the shale, where the Marcellus Shale is thicker it is likely to contain a large amount of natural gas and be of the most interest for economical extraction. Natural Gas in a Tight Shale The natural gas in the Marcellus Shale is a type of fossil fuel, like coal and oil. While coal is formed from the concentration of fossilized land plant material, oil and gas are formed by the concentration of vast numbers of tiny, ocean-dwelling organisms like zooplankton, phytoplankton and algae. In all cases, organic tissues become fossil fuels because they were buried by sediment before they decomposed. Over long periods of time, the trapped carbon compounds from the organic material were subjected to heat and pressure, creating coal, oil, or natural gas. Natural gas from Devonian shales is usually composed primarily of methane (80-95%), with a small v1.1 mix of ethane and propane (3-15%) which require processing before commercial sale. When natural gas and other fossil fuels are burned to produce energy, the amount of energy produced is measured in BTUs (British thermal units) per standard cubic foot (scf ), with higher BTUs indicating greater energy production. One BTU is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 pound of water by 1˚ F. Because of the composition of the natural gas varies, the potential energy production from Devonian natural gas ranges from 900-1300 BTUs per scf.2 What is an Unconventional Natural Gas Resource? The Marcellus Shale is referred to as an unconventional source of natural gas because of the way natural gas is trapped within the rock. Conventional sources of natural gas are often found in permeable, porous rocks (like sandstones), where natural gas or oil flows toward an area of lower pressure and eventually can consolidate the resource in ‘pools’ or ‘pockets.’ Extracting conventional resources requires locating a pocket and removing the oil or gas. In unconventional resources like the Marcellus Shale, the natural gas is stored within the pores of the shale and unable to flow because of the very low permeability of the shale. Therefore, extracting unconventional resources requires both horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to create pathways that increase the porosity and permeability of the shale, and allow the natural gas to travel to the wellbore. Because natural gas trapped in the Marcellus Shale has v1.1 not migrated outside of the shale, gas companies drilling into the Marcellus are guaranteed to drill into commercial quantities of natural gas, however the extraction methods are more expensive and labor intensive. Gas drilling activity in the Marcellus has emerged rapidly in our region due to three separate, coincident developments: rising natural gas prices and increased commercial demand, revised estimates of the amount of natural gas stored in the Marcellus The Reason for the Boom Shale basin, and advances in drilling Scientists have been aware of the technology. Around 2000, natural natural gas in sedimentary rocks of gas prices began to rise dramatically, the Appalachian Basin for over 150 and have remained relatively high years. Fredonia, NY began to run to date. Considering that national gas-powered streetlights and to power predictions expect the demand for local establishments natural gas in the in town as early as U.S. to rise by 20% National predictions 1825. Geographiby 2035, finding an expect that natural cally, the Marcellus economical way to gas consumption in Shale gas basin is extract natural gas the largest in the contained in unconthe U.S. will increase U.S. However, beventional resources 20% by 2035. cause of the lower became more imporpermeability and tant to oil and gas porosity of the Marcellus, the natural companies. gas has been impossible to extract in In 1980, the National Petroleum commercial quantities with convenCouncil estimated that, on average, tional technology. For this reason, it gas content in the Marcellus Shale was not considered a potential source was about 0.5 trillion scf (standard for fossil fuel extraction until recentcubic feet).3 In 1988, this estimate ly, and is called an “unconventional” was dramatically revised to 26.5 trilresource. lion scf 4, and in 2008 the estimate Commercial prices for Natural Gas ($) per MMBtu 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Fig. 4. Commercial natural gas prices have dramatically increased in the last ten years from around $4-$5 per MMBtu to around $10 per MMBtu. (EIA citation) Marcellus Shale • Issue Number 1 • November 2011 / 3 21 increasingly important to understand the scientific issues associated with development. This is the first issue in a series of papers addressing Marcellus Shale natural gas origins, distribution, exploration and removal, and the associated environmental impacts. 20 References Forecast for Future Natural Gas Consumption (in tcf) 26 25 24 23 22 1. Arthur, J.D., B. Bohm, and M. Layne, 2008, Hydraulic fracturing considerations for natural gas wells of the MarFig. 5. Forecast of Future Natural Gas Consumption. National energy plans predict that natucellus Shale, ALL Consulting. ral gas consumption in the U.S. will increase 20% by 2035.7 2. Moore, B.J., and S. Sigler, 1987, Analyses of natural gases, 1917-1985, U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular, 9129. fracturing is a method of cracking rose again to about 50 trillion scf.5 3. National Petroleum Council, 1980, the rock with high volumes of water Most recently, based on actual proUnconventional gas sources, volume along the well bore to release the duction data in the Marcellus Shale III: Devonian Shale: Report prepared for the U.S. Secretary of Energy, June, natural gas from the shale, a process gas play, the amount of natural gas 1980, National Petroleum Council, sometimes called “stimulation.” Water estimated to be extractable in the Washington, D.C., 252 pp. Marcellus increased again to 363 tril- used in hydraulic fracturing contains 4. Soeder, D.J., 1988, Porosity and permechemicals that play an important role lion scf.6 ability of eastern Devonian gas shale, in the extraction of the natural gas, Concurrently with the increasing Society of Petroleum Engineers Formation Evaluation, Society of Petroleum price of natural gas and the exponen- and a large quantity of water (3 to 5 Engineers, 3:2, p. 116-124. million gallons) is used per well durtial growth of estimated gas extrac5. Engelder, T., and G. Lash, 2008, Maring the process. Together, the process tion potential in the Marcellus, two cellus shale play’s vast resource potential separate existing drilling technologies is called high-volume, slickwater hycreating stir in Appalachia, American – hydraulic fracturing and horizontal draulic fracturing. Oil and Gas Reporter, 51:6, p. 76-87. 6. Esch, M., 2008, Estimated gas yield drilling – began to be successfully from Marcellus shale goes up, InterSummary combined for extracting natural gas national Business Times, November 4, Considering the rapid pace of Marfrom low permeability, ‘tight’ shales 2008. like the Marcellus. Horizontal drilling cellus Shale development in Pennsyl- 7. United States Energy Information Asallows a well to be drilled along nearly vania, and of unconventional resourcsociation, 2010, accessed www.eia.doe. gov, June, 2010. es throughout the U.S., it is becoming horizontal layers of rock. Hydraulic 36 20 34 20 32 20 30 20 28 20 26 20 24 20 22 20 20 20 18 20 16 20 14 20 12 20 20 10 19 Partnering Organizations include Funded by NSF GEO No. 1016359. Cornell Cooperative Extension (naturalgas.cce.cornell edu), New York State Water Resources Institute (, Cornell University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, and Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Authored by Trisha A. Smrecak and the PRI Marcellus Shale Team Illustrations by J. Houghton unless otherwise attributed. 4 / Marcellus Shale • Issue Number 1 • November 2011 v1.1