Laboratorio di Meccatronica
Laboratorio di Meccatronica
Laboratorio di Meccatronica Prof. G. Conte Meccatronica La meccatronica è la scienza che studia il modo di far interagire tra loro le discipline dell’Ingegnaria Industriale e dell’Ingegneria dell’Informazione al fine di potenziare l’automazione nei sistemi artificiali a struttura meccanica (sistemi di produzione, robot, veicoli, eccetera) per accrescerne le prestazioni e semplificarne l’impiego. La meccatronica nasce originariamente dalla necessità di creare un know-how nell'ambito della modellistica, simulazione e prototipazione dei sistemi di controllo, orientandosi prevalentemente all’ambito dei sistemi di controllo del movimento (Motion Control). I principali campi di applicazione sono l’automazione industriale, la robotica, l’automotive, l’home automation. Meccatronica Il corso di Laboratorio di Meccatronica è un corso di Problem Solving. Obiettivi: – acquisire la capacità di formalizzare un problema ingegneristico con rilevanti aspetti progettuali – acquisire la capacità di individuare e analizzare le risorse utili alla soluzione del problema – acquisire la capacità di pianificare e organizzare il proprio lavoro e svolgerlo nell’ambito di un team, rispettando le consegne e le scadenze – acquisire la capacità di progettare e realizzare soluzioni valide utilizzando le proprie competenze nelle discipline di base dell’Ingegneria. Meccatronica La modalità di svolgimento del Corso prevede di gestire la “commessa” di un impianto, dispositivo o sistema meccatronico, del quale vengono indicate le specifiche di massima, mediante la progettazione e realizzazione di un prototipo, costruito utilizzando in prevalenza componenti standard, attraverso un lavoro di gruppo. Nel corso dell’attività, l’enfasi è equamente distribuita sulla qualità del prodotto finale (prototipo), sulla efficacia ed efficienza del processo di progettazione e realizzazione e sulla misura e bontà del coordinamento e dell’integrazione del gruppo di lavoro. Laboratorio di Meccatronica A mechatronic system organization includes: • • • • • • • • central processing unit, actuators, sensors, instrumentations, communication system, user-operation interface, and power supply unit. Basically, the major function in a mechatronics system is the capability of sensing the change of the environment to assist mechatronic systems implementing their desired actions. Laboratorio di Meccatronica The mechatronic design is an iterative and integrated process that includes different kinds of the domain specific engineering (e.g., mechanical, electrical, electronic, information, automation, and multidisciplinary). The design step is the starting and most important procedure: objectives, applications, requirements, functions, active structure, shape and behavior should be considered. The implementation and inspecting step include the distribution of interdisciplinary task, the use of sensors and actuators, the electronic architecture, the software architecture, the controller design, and system validation resulting in totally desired functions. The development scheme is represented in the form of a V-model, which distinguishes between the mechatronics system design and integration, as shown in Figure. Meccatronica Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes. It integrates the following disciplines]: • mechanical systems – mechanical elements, machines, precision mechanics; • electronic systems – microelectronics, power electronics, sensor and actuator • information technology – systems theory, automation, software engineering, AI The word “mechatronics” was born in the middle of 1970s. In February of 1976, a magazine whose name is “Mechatronics” was published in Japan. Mechatronics of 1970s meant the design concept for making machines of which mechanisms are simplified and of which ability is raised by using the electronic circuits (mechanical systems with increasingly automatic control and digital and process computers). The following decades saw accelerated application with miniaturization and integration of the process and micro computers (advances of technological bases for IT and decision making). Integration of different fundamental domains caused mechatronics to differentiate into - conventional mechatronic - micromechatronic systems – MEMS (classical mechanics and electromechanics) - nanomechatronic systems – NEMS (quantum theory and nanoelecctromechanics) Meccatronica Standard Industrial Guideline for Mechatronic Product Design - Vasilije S. Vasić, Mihailo P. Lazarević FME Transactions (2008) 36, 103-108 Meccatronica Working principle. The basis of many mechatronic systems is the mechanical part, which converts or transmits the mechanical process. Information on the state of the mechanical process has to be obtained by measuring generalized flows or electrical currents or potentials. Together with the reference variables, the measured variables are the inputs for an information flow, which the digital electronics convert into manipulated variables for the actuators or for monitored variables to display. The addition and integration of feedback information flow to a feed forward energy flow in the mechanical system is one of the characteristics of mechatronic systems. Meccatronica Many of these potentials for market success could be divided into technical and commercial parts, which are coupled and presented in the graphs below (Fig. 3). Meccatronica V model industrial guideline for mechatronic product design VDI 2206 • To overcome classical sequential product design procedures and domain isolated product development (s.c. over-the-wallsyndrome) with substantial cost and time reduction; • To integrate existing, well-established domain-specific methods into a methodology for complex mechanical products in a holistic way; • To promote concurrent engineering. VDI – VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE (Association of German Engineers) VDI 2206 - The objective of this guideline is to provide methodological support for the cross-domain development of mechatronic systems. The main aspects here are intended to be the procedures, methods and tools for the early phase of development, concentrating on system design. The result of system design is the assured concept of a mechatronic system. This is understood as meaning the solution established in principle and checked by verification and validation. Depending on the application and risk assessment, different vaidation accuracies are required: the validation of the concept may be performed on the virtual prototype, on the partly real prototype or on the completely real prototype. Meccatronica After a general problem solving procedure on the micro level and the determination of all necessary requirements, there is need to enter s.c. V model (adopted from software engineering and adapted for mechatronics requirements). The aim is to establish a cross-domain solution concept which describes the main physical and logical operating characteristics of the future product. The overall function of the system is broken down into subsystems or even components to which suitable operating principles or solution principles are assigned. Domain-specific design, system integration and properties assurance has to be accompanied with modeling and model analysis. Meccatronica Meccatronica Meccatronica A complex mechatronic product is generally not produced within one-macro cycle, but within many macro cycles as a continuous macro cycle. The term “end product” means not only the finished product, but increasing concreteness of the future product in terms of product maturity e.g. laboratory specimen, functional specimen and pilotrun product. These products represent a certain degree of product maturity, which need to be interacted and adjusted among themselves. Part of process module is made out of system design, modeling and model analysis, domain specific design, system integration and assurance of properties. Meccatronica A complex mechatronic product is generally not produced within one-macro cycle, but within many macro cycles as a continuous macro cycle. The ultimate goal is making the process more concrete and forming solution variants into the principle. Since the ideas worked out for solution are usually not concrete enough to stipulate the final cross domain concept, instead other issues have to be taken into account – e.g. fault susceptibility, weight, service life. The final assessment of end-solution variants are always subjected to technical and commercial criteria. Meccatronica
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