Project "ART RECYCLED" Plastic artist: Gilberto Vieira Mendes CONTACT: +5512997650804OR+551299179986| CONTACT +55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Whatsapp:+5512997650804| Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes PROJECT “ART RECYCLED - AR INTRODUCTION The world has facing considerable changes, according to the UN: "We reached a point in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world, with greater attention to the environmental consequences. Through ignorance or indifference we can do massive and irreversible damage to the environment, of which our life and wellbeing depend. On the other hand, through greater knowledge and wiser action, we can achieve a better life for ourselves and for posterity, with an environment in keeping with human needs and hopes ... " "To defend and improve the environment for present and future generations has become a key goal for humanity." UN Conference Declaration of excerpts on Environment (Estocolmo, 1972), paragraph 6 Source: Within this global problem, our proposal to work is the search for smart solutions to issues related to electronic waste, technological waste or ewaste, the definition is as follows: electronic waste is an electronics conglomerate that are no longer useful, for being faulty or obsolete and is composed of different materials. These tailings contain a high concentration of heavy metals in electronics, contaminates both humans during manufacturing and after its use. These materialswhen discarded incorrectly, contaminating the soil and reaching the groundwater, affecting the quality of water sources. If the water comes to be used, then the human race would be dangerously affected. Let us now relate some notes linked to ewaste. Data from the Ministry of Environment shows that: "Brazil has the National Solid Waste Policy. The Law No. 12,305 / 10, establishing the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS) is very current and contains important tools to allow the necessary progress to the country in facing the major environmental, social and economicproblemsresultingfrominadequatemanagementofsolidwaste". Source: "According to the House of Representatives" The volume of waste produced in the country grew from 213,000 tons per day in 2007 to 273,000 tons per day in 2013 ". Source: In the search for solutions to the problem of electronic waste our proposal is to use art as a tool. A Organização das Nações Unidas ONU: “14.11.2013 UNESCO Office in Brasília: The creative industries boost the economies and CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes development, according to the UN report. The global trade in creative goods and services reached the milestone record of 624,000 million dollars in 2011 and doubled between 2002 and 2011. At the same time, creativity and culture also have a nonsignificant monetary value that contributes to the development inclusive social dialogue and understanding between peoples ". Source: "PROJECT RECYCLED ART began in April 2011, with developing art, environmental education, science, social inclusion and development." The proposal is to use art to raise awareness of people in the conservation of the environmental. The designation of Art term comes from the Latin Ars artis 'way of being or acting, natural or acquired skill, technical knowledge' can also mean ability. Art stimulates creativity that comes from the Greek term creatus, which literally means to create. It is a characteristic of who is inventive, intelligent, has ingenuity. It is creative one who has innate talent or acquired to create, invent and innovate. Therefore, practicing art makes us more creative, best artists, a cycle that is renewed and shows new paths for daily innovation. Among the huge range of competence required for a professional from the twentyfirst century to overcome the major challenges that faces you.The AR project does not pretend to solve all the world's problems, but propose to use art and technological waste as raw material to educate and raise awareness. The Schedule of the AR Project: CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes The AR Project develops artwork through visual arts to stimulate people's creativity and help with troubleshooting. Within this premise the project uses the concept of creating works of art as a tool to stimulate the creative economy. By using raw materials in the construction works of the recycled material, the project promotes environmental education during presentations. Made attractive in a creative and unique way. Robots made with technological waste, two meters tall, solar-powered, controlled by mobile and communicating through a screen audio and video with translation Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRA. Applies the same concept of creation in science education as constructions of physics experiments and mathematics from recycled material, using creativity plus knowledge of the artist in robotics and automation to control these experiments remotely in real time. Can be used by schools that do not have laboratories or distance learning courses. The concept of creation has no limits, when stimulated, well directed, can be used in many other areas of knowledge. The AR project is concerned with the environment and the welfare of society. Always adds social value in all its events, promoting exhibitions with accessibility for everyone. Part of the profits from presentations, sales work and paychecks, are donated to charities. The AR project is also interested to share the developed technique for the communities so that they can produce and explore the commercialization of the works and thus help in the entrepreneurial development of your audience. The main goal of AR project is to awaken the public's creativity through art and the results are unlimited and individual, promoting education and the social, cultural and environmental site so that it happens improvements in the quality of life and environment. AR project's target audience are people of all ages and social classes, seeking to improve the quality of life and preservation of the environment. The project is targeted at the public CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes and private institutions. By associating the concept of AR project can promote ecomarketing the institution, company or brand to society. According to information from a Brazilian institute for statistics (UNESCO) UIS: “Statistical Data on Brazil:According to information from a Brazilian institute for statistics (UNESCO) - UIS: The UNESCO Institute for Statistics [UNESCO Institute for Statistics UIS] responds by statistical studies of UNESCO, created in July 1999 with the objective to collect a wide range of quality statistical information to help Member States in the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness of their programs and to inform their policy decisions, as well as interpret and report on the overall situation with regard to education, science and technology, culture and communication, including in Brazil." Source: The subject deals with worrying information regarding economy and quality of life in the world and mainly in Brazil. Experiencing difficulties and changes that require creativity to findurgentsolutionstoproblematicenvironmentalpartner.Bymonitoringsituationsthat requiresustainablechanges,theARprojectseekstohelppeopletothinkdifferentlytoachieve sustainableresults.Duringtheactivities,participantslearntounlearntemporarilytorelease themindandthusobtaindifferentresults.Theprojectencouragestheemergenceofnewideas leadingtosolutionsandeveninnovation.Inadditiontomotivatingandeducatingpeople,AR projectpromotessocialinclusion,addsbenefitstosocietyandtheenvironment;Itisafavorable proposaltobothsides. The AR project exists since April 2011 and has made presentations in seven Brazilian states (MA, BA, Brasília_DF, MA, MG, RJ and SP). The public could be informed of the work through the website, social network (Facebook and Instagram) and traveling exhibitions that are promoted in partnership with some companies from São José dos Campos or on permanent display maintained by Capgemini cultural space. Every message needs to call public attention before being transmitted, and the AR Project is no different. The public AR contagion occurs during exhibitions, when the artist is present in a presentation or during the lectures and workshops, where the public can interact more with the creator. Today, with so much technological appeal to attract people's attention, the artist has managed to attract public attention to their works that transmit motivational messages, stimulating creativity and educational reinforcement. Steps that occur in each process: a) Attracting attention of people through the works on display during the lectures or workshops b) As the works are made of recycled material, has pleased the audience with creativity of the artist. In each work, each object used in its creation is identified. c) In assessing the artistic side of the work, the artist begins to interact with the public on the ideas and creation of each work, makes creative economy approach, design thinking about the environment CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes and recycling, creative concept of employment in education and how can we apply solutions to problems of everyday life. d) During the lectures the public know better about the artist. They may have an overview of AR project developer side through: presentation of some of the 400 works created; approach to educational messages of environmental conservation; applying the concept of creation in early childhood education at the middle level, at the university level and for employees of companies; the results achieved; and a demonstration of how social inclusion happens e) The workshops occur with the material provided by: the artist himself, the contractors or the participants themselves. The artist makes a challenge to the participants: "Construction of a work of art made by participants themselves." Putting some limitations as the very type of material to be used and that the case is recycled material. By sharing the workplace, tool between participants and the limited time interval, the goal is to make the participant's mind work under pressure. With the help and guidance of the artist, the participant is encouraged to think differently than are used, the term called to unlock the mind, and produce a work of art in these conditions. All approach, methodology and content is tailored to age and every type of audience. Improving the methodology for each event. TheexhibitionsoftheARdesignisforallagesandsocialclasses.ThetalkoftheARProjectlasts for15minutesto1andahalfhour,dependingontheavailabilityoforganizingtheevent.The workshops are recommended for groups of up to eight people and children over 08 years (below this age, accompanying an adult is recommended), each workshop may last from 20 minutes to 01 hours depending on the orientation of the event organizers . During the workshops,itistaughtartswiththestimulusofcreativity,emphasison environmental education and teaching the science that occurs during the workshops and lectures. The AR project may last from one to thirty days. But the main message that the artist wants to spend during your work is the concept of creation can be applied in many other areas of knowledge, helping to solve problems. The cost of participation of the AR project varies according to the size of the event, location, efficiency between cost and number of people reached or benefited. Generally, the values are charged according to: a) Individual means of transport, collateral and presented works numbers. The cost depends on the distance from the city of Sao Jose dos CamposSP, Brazil and the type of transport used. b) Hosting, storage of materials and presentation space. c) Shuttle transportation to the venue. d) Meal Plan e) Support Material f) Cachet (Money Paid) Negotiable depending on the situation. CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Plastic artist Gilberto Vieira Mendes City: São José dos Campos – SP | Brazil Graduation: Management of Information of Technology | Universidade Paulista | UNIP Function|Company: Public Agent |Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA - DCTA. "PROJECT RECYCLED ART began in April 2011, with developing art, environmental education, science, social inclusion and development," Gilberto Mendes. Graduated in Technological Information Management, Gilberto Mendes started working in 1977 as an electronics technician. Acting professionally for several generations of technology, Gilberto realized he needed to do something to reduce the negative effects generated by the disposal of material to each technological transition. It started in April 2011, when Gilberto's daughter had to do for science class a school project. The work was the model of an oil rig. As a father the artist helped her finish the project to be delivered the next day. It was Sunday afternoon and the trade is closed, it was then that the first challenge showed up. With the material he had at home, Gilberto and her daughter began to initiate the model using recycled material, computer parts and carton of milk. Since that day, from necessity and difficulty, the first two arts: a helicopter and a boat. And then the project "Arte com Reciclável". "In my life, I lacked achieve personal fulfillment. Always worried about the preservation of the environment and a desire to help society. On that Sunday, I could join these two wills, then traced a strategic plan of action to make the project "complete Gilberto. CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes The “Arte Reciclável” Project is environmentally friendly, economically viable, socially just and culturally acceptable " Gilberto Mendes. Contacts in the social network: Website: Facebook: Fanpage: Youtube: Google+ Gilberto Vieira Mendes LinkedIn: Twitter: @artecomreciclav Instagram: All sales of the works or services provided by Arte Reciclável Project has added the social value, beyond the voluntary work. SIGE 2015: TETO 2015: CCA 2014: SIGE 2014: ICEA 2013: SIGE 2013: (access 22-01-2016) CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Thank you so much! Gilberto Vieira Mendes. CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Contact Telephone: (+55) 12 99765 0804 (Vivo) aceita (Hangouts, Viber ou Whatsapp) (+55) 12 9917 9986 (Claro) E-mail: ou Site: "I have nothing but what all people have, the only difference between me and others is that I believe in God's presence in my life and always put in front of my actions!" (Source - CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Clipping Creating multiplying agent and valuing the local artist # 1 1) (26-12-2015) ThemeetingofDenizalMeloandGilbertoVieiraMendesatareceptionat theComfortHotel,Manaus/AM.ZappeandoprogramoftheAmazonNetworkdocumentedthe meetingofartistswhotransformtrashintoart.Objectivewastopromotethelocalartist. Fonte - , 04-01-2016) Workshop #1 1) (27-02-2015) Company: Capgemini Lectures, exhibition and workshops.. (access 02-03-2015) Workshops #10 10) (18 a 20- 04- 2015) IT Fórum 2015 in Salvador – BA. (acesso 24-04-2015) 9) II Engineering Week – II SENGE , The Solution for the Northeast at the Universidade Federal Maranhão – UFMA.. (access 26-01-2016) 8) (13 a 19-10-2014) Nacional week of science and technology at Brasília 2014. FAB MIL.,-simuladordo-Gripen-e-nanossat%C3%A9lite-est%C3%A3o-no-espa%C3%A7o-da-FAB , (access 20-10-2014) 7) (19-08-2014) Casimiro Montenegro Filho School. ,, acesso 22-08-2014) e ( 27-08-2014) 6) (26-03-2014) ITA DCTA Humanities Division of Teachers. , , (access: 26-01-2016) 5) (21-10-2013) National week of science and technology at Brasília 2013., , , (access 30-10-2013) 4) (22-02-2013) Exhibition lecture and workshop for the homeless of Living Center Santana unitatSãoJosédosCampos–SP. 0896863670899/?type=1&theater (access 01-05-2014). 3) (16 a 21-10-2012) Workshop demonstration, closed groups with eight participants and parents and children in the "National Week of Science and Technology" in the park of the city of Brasilia. (Has more than 800 children by the workshops during the day). (access 09-052014) CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes 2) (18-07-2012) "Waste Workshop" given to employees of Recyclable Cooperative St. Vincent materials. In order to motivate members and add value to recycled products market. (access dia 08-09-2012) 1) (11-06-2012 a 13-06-2012) Demonstrative workshop on Company Embraer through Sdrifs Corporate Events Company.., (access 09-03-2016) Lectures #28 28) (13-11-2015) Senac – São José dos Campos – SP Thematic Social Entrepreneurship and Technology..,,s electEvent&template=946.dwt&event=3112&ad=emk (access 13-11-2015) 27) (20-10-2015) Instituto Federal São Paulo – IFSP – Campus Jacareí (Access 09-03-2016) 26) (11-06-2015) Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (access 09-10-2015) – UNIVAP , 25) (11-06-2015) Technology Park in the International Forum on Solid Waste., (access 02-07-2015) 24) (20-04-2015) Aerospace Museum – MUSAL - Rio de Janeiro access (02-07-2015) 23) (27 a 29-04-2015) Univerdade Paulista – UNIP unit São José dos Campos – SP acesso (02-07-2015) 22) (11-11-2014) Presentation to the public of IT Forum 2015 in Salvador – BA. (access 24-04-2015) 21) (11-11-2014) Presentation for investors president of (ExAssociation students from ITA AEITA and exstudents from ITA, 1964 class) 20) (19-11-2014) I managed lecture at the Hotel Othon for teachers who accompany the winning students of XI Space Day. (access 24-11-2014) 19) Educational Sustainable Art Show:, (access 0903-2016) 18) II Engineering week – II SENGE , Solution to the Northeast Federal University of Maranhão – UFMA.. (access 26-01-2016) 17) (25-10-2014) Technology Week 2014 at SENAI Santos Dumont, São José (access 30-10-2014) dos Campos SP. 16) (24-07-2014) Lecture number 27 Cultural Winter UFSJ,, menu event guide page 11 at 15h00 (access 24-07-2014) 15) (16-07-2014) Lecture Social Work and care "Father Bonafé" CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes 14) (01 e 07 – 06-2014) Anthropology Museum (access 05-06-2014) of (26-05-2014) Lecture "Motivation for new employees of (access 12-06-2014) Jacarei. the ITA" 13) (01-04-2014) Lecture "Sustainable Creativity" for students of the first year of the ITA. 12) (31-03-2014) Lecture "Sustainable Creativity" at the Federal University of Itajubá for undergraduate students of Physics. 26-01-2016). 11) (25-03-2014) Talk to Professor Amy Smith of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT. (access 01-05-2014).. 10) (26-02-2014) SORRI Lecture at São Paulo – São José dos CamposSP. (09-11-2013) Lecture UNIVAP 9) (16-09-2013) Lecture "Speak Your Talent" sphere School.!/photo.php?fbid=517641481663103&set=a.517641448329773.1 073741840.275833069177280&type=1&theater (access 23-09-2013) 8) (23-03-2013) Lecture for college UNITAU in the Taubaté Family School event. (a access 26-01-2016) 7) (22-02-2013) TalktothehomelessofLivingCenterUnitSantanadaprefeituraofSãoJosé dosCampos–SP 6) (30-10-2012) UNIP – SJC for Biology students. (access 06-12-2012) 5) Lecture at SASI event on IEAv – DCTA. 4)16to21October2012)"NationalWeekofScienceandTechnology"intheparkofthecityof Brasilia. 3) (25-08-2012) "Working Sustainability" Cultural Center Esplanade Street Vasconcelos Teopompowww. e (access 08-09-2012) 2) (18-07-2012) Lecture and "Workshop Trash" given to employees of Recyclable Cooperative St. Vincent materials. In order to motivate members and add value to recycled products market. (access 08-09-2012) 1) (14-04-2012) Lecture"EnvironmentalEducationthroughArt"managedtostudentsfrom10 to13yearsofschoolMonteiroLobato, (access 26-01-2016) Television Channel Interviews #18 18) (17-12-2015) Gshow from Rede Globo, Rede Amazonica programa (access 22-01-2016) Zappeando. CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes 17) (21-11-2015) TV Record 15&titulo=Feira%20de%20rob%C3%B4s%20desperta%20curiosidade (access 22-01-2016) 16) (14-06-2015) TV Record %C3%B3rum%20discute%20tratamento%20de%20res%C3%ADduos (access 15-06-2015) 15) (01-06-2015) TV Aparecida (access 15-06-2015) 14) (26-02-2015) TV Vanguarda, ou, (access 15-06-2015) 13)(14-10-2014) National Week of Science and Technology in Brasilia in 2014. FAB MIL,simulador-do-Gripen-e-nanossat%C3%A9lite-est%C3%A3o-no-espa%C3%A7o-da-FAB , (access 20-10-2014) 12) Brazilian Space (access 20-10-2014) 11) Imirante Globo (access 20-10-2014) 10) NBR (access 20-10-2014) 9) NBR (access 20-10-2014) 8) (18-07-2014) Recyclable Route Documentary. 16-09-2014). 7) (08-01-2014) TV Canção Nova (access 09-01-2014). 6) (21-10-2013) NationalWeekofScienceandTechnologyinBrasiliain2013. e (access 30-10-2013) 5) (08 e 09-06-2013) Environment Week 2013 Interview to Educom Fundhas (access 09-06-2013) 4) (18-05-2013) Programa Planeta Vanguarda from Rede Globo,‐vanguarda‐ sp/planeta‐vanguarda/t/veja‐tambem/v/planeta‐vanguarda‐lixo‐eletronico/2584394/ OU‐na‐tv/lixo‐eletronico‐tv‐vanguarda.aspx (access 20-05-2013) 3) (23-03-2013) TV Cidades Taubaté, (access dia 26-01-2016) 2) (03-03-2012 e 05-03-2012) Jornal da TV Band Vale News. (access dia 08-09-2012) 1) (06-05-2011) Planeta Vanguarda Program from REDE GLOBO, a partir de 1:05 minuto (access 01-05-2014) CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Radio Interview #1 1) (06-03-2012) São Paulo Rio FM Radio, (acess 01272016) Media Interview #12 12) (09-09-2015) Escola Particular Magazine n°210 (access 10-09-2015) 11) (13 to 19 Oct2014) Brasília City Park – DF. .,‐10‐2014) 10) (28-09-2014) Portal G1 Vale Paraíba e Região Vanguarda (acesso 03-102014) 9) (24-09-2014) Brazilian Defense Ministry Fonte,-pesquisadores-e-ind%C3%BAstria (access 26-09-2014). 8) (10-06-2014) Diário tecnologico/ (access 31-072014) da terra 7) (10-2013) Interview to Notaer News -, http://www.cta.intraer/noticia.php?id=721 (access 06-12-2013) 6) (20-06-2013) Interview to Liderança & Cia Magaine – entrevistado Gilberto Vieira (access 06-12-2013) Mendes 5) (16to21Oct2012)Interview"NationalWeekofScienceandTechnology"intheparkofthe cityofBrasilia. notimpol , , %20da%20Semana%20de%20Ci%C3%AAnci a%20e%20Tecnologia%20em%20Bras%C3%ADlia (access 20-06-2013) 4) (04-2012) Publication in the Journal FCCR April 2012 fonte (acesso dia 08-09-2012) 3) (23-022012) Reportagem no Jornal “OVALE”. Fonte -‐um‐novo‐destino‐para‐o‐ lixo‐hi‐tec‐1.223136 (access 06-03-2012) 2) (27-02-2012) Report on the website and newspaper in the city of São (access 08-09-2012) José dos Campos. 1) (09-2011) Report to Sindict Magazine (JORNAL DO SINDICATO CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA). Fonte 08-09-2012) CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes Expositinons #60 60) (22-01-2016) Itinerant Exhibition at the headquarters of the Company of cleaning the city of São José dos CamposURBAM. (access 22-01-2016) 59) (03 e 04 -10-2015) Open the Gates of DCTA. ,, (access 09-10-2015) 58) (29 a 30-10-2015 e 01-10-2015) Participation in Operational Applications Symposium in Defense Areas SIGE , , (access 0910-2015) 57) (01-09-2015) Participation on the Week of Environmental Engineering USP – Lorena SP.;FxKjPywnUSqRcFeBQO2H epmDP3RlmrGfG~_Zr4Xvd9A4uFEDs~.bps.a.907956049298309.1073741871.275833069177280/907956069298307/?type=1&theater (access 10-09-2015) 56) (15-08-2015) Participation and support for Robotics and Citizenship Project:!embranco/c1ayp , (access 17-08-2015) 55) (11-08-2015) Exhibition at Shopping Center at São José dos Campos – SP 104916835815308920977 (access 12-08-2015) 54) (10 a 13-06-2015) 6th International Forum on Solid Waste – Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos – SP. , , %C3%B3rum%20discute%20tratamento%20de%20res%C3%ADduos (access 02-07-2015) 53) (27 a 29-04-2015) Univerdade Paulista – UNIP unidade São José dos Campos – SP (access 05-05-2015) 52) (11-11-2014) Presentation to the public of (access 24-04-2015) the IT Forum 2015 2015 em Salvador – BA 51) (22-11-2014) Recycled Robot Exhibition of the Company Tekno in Guaratingueta., (access 01-12-2014) 50) (22-11-2014) Exhibition Shows in Educational, (access 28-11-2014) Sustainable 49) (21-11-2014) Exhibition at the XI Space Day inITA (acesso 21-11-2014) – Art: DCTA. 48) (11 a 13-11-2014) 47) Exposição na Feira Internacional de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade 2014 – FIMAI, pelo Intituto Cosmos. (access 26-012016) CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm| Project "Art Recyclable" | Gilberto Mendes 47) (13to19Oct2014)ExhibitionintheparkofthecityofBrasilia–DF. ,,-simulador-do-Gripen-e-nanossat%C3%A9lite-est%C3%A3o-noespa%C3%A7o-da-FAB , (access 20-10-2014) 46) (20-09-2014) Exhibition at CCR Nova Dutra in Graal Resende post‐sustentavel‐promove‐exposicao‐seguranca‐no‐transito‐ faca‐sua‐parte?id=541 (access 07-09-2014) 45) (23 a 25-09-2015) Symposium on Operating applications in the areas of defense – XVI SIGE. Fonte,-pesquisadores-e-ind%C3%BAstria (access 26-09-2014). 44) (18 e 19-08-2014) School Casimiro Montenegro Filho. ,, acesso 22-08-2014) e (access 27-08-2014) 43) OngoingnewexhibitionCCR–NovaDutra,theme"RoadsafetyDoyourpart!!!". (access 07-08-2014) 42) (09-09-2014) Ongoing Exhibition at Capgemini space, place Barueri– SP‐ capgemini/responsabilidade‐corporativa/espaco‐cultural‐capgemini, (access 26-01-2016). 41) (24-07-2014) Cultural Exhibition 27º (access 26-01-2016) Winter UFSJ, 40)(23-06-2014 a 31-07-2014) Exhibition at headquarters CCR – Nova Dutra Graal and gas station in Guaratingueta.‐vieira‐mendes‐a‐bola‐e‐nossa?id=382 (acesso 12-07-2014). 39)01 to 08 June2014) Exposure MAV – Jacareí‐06‐2014) 38) (01-04-2014) Exposure to the students of the first year of ITA. 344656759451/?type=1&theater (access 12-06-2014). 37) (31-03-2014) Exhibition at the Federal University of Itajubá for Physics undergraduate students. 36) (25-03-2014) Exposure to Professor Amy Smith of Massachusetts Institute of Technology– MIT. (access 12-06-2014). 35) (26-02-2014) Exposure SORRI São Paulo – São José dos Campos SP. 34) (08-112013) Exposure Universidade Paulista do Vale do Paraíba - UNIVAP 33) (07-11-2013) Institute of Tecnology Jacareí 32) (21-10-2013) NationalWeekofScienceandTechnologyinBrasiliain2013 , (access 30-10-2013) 31) (21 a 27 outubro 2013) (21 to 27 October 2013) Exhibition at the National Week of Science & Technology 2013 in CONTACT+55 12 99765 0804 WHATZAPP| +55 12 9917 9986 | Skype:gilbertovm|