Erosion and Sediment Control
Erosion and Sediment Control
Geovic Cameroon PLC Nkamouna Project Environmental and Social Assessment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan April 29, 2011 prepared for: Geovic Cameroon PLC Rue 1,793 BP 11555 Yaoundé Cameroon Telephone: + 237 22 21 4518 Facsimile: + 237 22 21 1802 prepared by: Knight Piésold and Co. 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203-1512 USA Telephone: (303) 629-8788 Facsimile: (303) 629-8789 E-mail: KP Project No. DV302.00009.13 KP Doc. No. DV-11-0265 Rev. No. Date Description Knight Piésold Client 0 April 29, 2011 Issued in Final Jaye Pickarts Roger Kouokam Geovic Cameroon PLC Nkamouna Project Environmental and Social Assessment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Table of Contents Page Section 1.0 - Introduction .......................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Design Features ............................................................................................................................ 1-1 SEDCAD Modeling Results ........................................................................................................ 1-2 Construction Cost.......................................................................................................................... 1-2 Limitations and Disclaimer ............................................................................................................ 1-3 Contributors and Contacts ............................................................................................................ 1-3 Section 2.0 - Project Description .............................................................................. 2-1 2.1 2.2 Background ................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Facilities Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Mine Panels ...................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.2 Ore Stockpiles................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.3 Haul and Access Roads ................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.4 Plant Site........................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2.5 Waste Fill Stockpile .......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.6 Reclaimed Mine Box Cuts ................................................................................................ 2-2 Section 3.0 - Design Approach ................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Sizing of Sediment Control Structures .......................................................................................... 3-1 Sizing of Channels and Culverts ................................................................................................... 3-2 Sediment Pond/Rock Check Dam Sediment Trap Design Elements ........................................... 3-2 3.3.1 Sediment Ponds ............................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.2 Rock Check Dam Sediment Traps ................................................................................... 3-3 Cleanout of Sediment Ponds and Rock Check Dam Sediment Traps ......................................... 3-4 Waste Fill Stockpile and Mine Box Cuts ....................................................................................... 3-4 3.5.1 Waste Fill Stockpile .......................................................................................................... 3-4 3.5.2 Initial Mine Box Cuts ......................................................................................................... 3-4 Section 4.0 - Hydrologic and Sedimentation Estimates .......................................... 4-1 4.1 4.2 Hydrology and Climatology ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Drainage Basins ............................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Time of Concentration ...................................................................................................... 4-2 4.1.3 Runoff Curve Numbers ..................................................................................................... 4-2 Sedimentology .............................................................................................................................. 4-2 Section 5.0 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for Nkamouna .......................... 5-1 5.1 Plant Site Area .............................................................................................................................. 5-1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 i 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Ore Stockpiles ............................................................................................................................... 5-1 Haul and Access Roads ................................................................................................................ 5-1 Mine Box Cut Panels..................................................................................................................... 5-2 Waste Fill Stockpile ....................................................................................................................... 5-2 Analysis of Sediment Control Efficiency ....................................................................................... 5-2 Section 6.0 - Construction Cost Estimates .............................................................. 6-1 Section 7.0 - Recommended Erosion Control Practices......................................... 7-1 Section 8.0 - References ............................................................................................ 8-1 Section 9.0 - Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................. 9-1 Tables Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 5.6 Construction, Operations, and Maintenance Cost Summary Construction Cost Estimate Channel Design Results Culvert Design Results Sediment Pond Design Results Rock Check Dam Sediment Trap Design Results Approximate Sizes of Reclaimed Box Cuts by Year Sediment Loading Figures Figure 2.1 Typical Pit Advance and Concurrent Reclamation Figure 2.2 Typical Haul Road Cross-Section Figure 4.1 Typical and Design Surface Soil Particle Size Distribution Drawings Drawing No. Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3 Drawing 4 Drawing 5 Drawing 6 Drawing 7 Rev No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Title Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Erosion and Sediment Control Plan North of Main Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Northern Limit Typical Sections and Details – Sheet 1 of 4 Typical Sections and Details – Sheet 2 of 4 Typical Sections and Details – Sheet 3 of 4 Typical Sections and Details – Sheet 4 of 4 Appendix A Appendix B Surface Soil Particle Size Distribution Data and Analyses SEDCAD Computer Program Input and Output B-1 SEDCAD Computer Program Input B-2 SEDCAD Computer Program Output Appendices G:\302\00009.13\Deliverables\Reports Specs\ESAP\ESCP\Rev0\Text\ESCPText.doc Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 ii Geovic Cameroon PLC Nkamouna Project Environmental and Social Assessment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Section 1.0 - Introduction 1.1 Background The Nkamouna Project (the Project) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) was developed to meet the Equator Principles and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability and associated guidelines. The ESCP addresses the sediment control facilities for the life-of-mine (LOM) (2011 through 2037) and the planned concurrent reclamation by Geovic Cameroon PLC (GeoCam). Specifically, the ESCP describes the feasibility-level design for control of erosion and sediment discharge at the Project site, as well as the design criteria and preliminary layouts and designs of sediment control structures for construction. The feasibility-level design is based upon widely accepted, contemporary methods of engineering analyses. Final design of ESCP facilities will be based upon further geotechnical and hydrologic investigations, and on additional sedimentation characteristics of the Project site. The primary objective in developing the ESCP for the Project is to reduce the production and transport of sediment from land disturbance related to mining activities. These activities include: Mine box cut areas Ore stockpile areas Haul roads on the mine site Mill site Waste pile Related infrastructure 1.2 Design Features Erosion and sediment control measures that were used in the design of the ESCP to achieve this objective are described below. Diversion channels are located upgradient of disturbed areas to limit runoff from undisturbed areas onto disturbed areas and/or into sediment ponds. Channels are also located downgradient from disturbed areas to collect runoff and sediment from these areas and to convey this sediment-laden runoff to sediment ponds or other sediment control facilities. Channels are sized to convey runoff from the 25-year/24-hour storm event. Culverts are located as necessary to convey runoff under road embankments and other infrastructure. Culverts are sized to convey the 25-year/24-hour storm event without overtopping the road embankment or other infrastructure. Runoff from disturbed areas is directed to sediment ponds, rock check dam sediment traps, or managed with other Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as silt fences or grass filter strips. Some runoff from Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 1-1 undisturbed areas also may be directed to sediment ponds, where excess pond capacity is available, or where local topography and drainage patterns do not permit diversion around the ponds. There will be two types of sediment ponds: (1) embankment sediment ponds which have engineered earthfill embankments, perforated pipe risers with discharge culverts through the embankment, and emergency spillways to prevent overtopping of the embankment during a storm event; and (2) rock check dam sediment traps which are located within open channels, along haul roads, and at the toes of some material storage embankments. Rock check dams must be cleaned of their accumulated sediment after each storm event. These traps do not necessarily have perforated pipe risers, but may have riprap spillways to prevent overtopping of the sediment trap during a storm event. Sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps have been designed with adequate volume to promote settling of suspended sediment. Perforated pipe risers, culverts, and spillways are used to dewater the sediment ponds but leave behind a majority of the eroded sediment. Sediment ponds are designed to completely store the sediment and runoff from the 2-year/24-hour storm event, and to safely pass the runoff from the 25-year/24-hour storm event without overtopping the sediment pond embankment. Rock check dam sediment traps are designed to store the sediment eroded during the 2-year/24-hour storm event but these traps must be cleaned after every storm event and will not store excess water or sediment. 1.3 SEDCAD Modeling Results Surface water hydrology and sedimentology were evaluated for this ESCP at the Nkamouna Project site utilizing the Sediment, Erosion, Discharge by Computer Aided Design (SEDCAD) 4 (Warner, Schwab, and Marshall, 1998) computer program. Inputs to this program include drainage basin runoff variables, storm precipitation depth and distribution, eroded sediment gradations, and hydraulic facility (channel, ponds, and culvert) geometries. This information was used to develop a feasibility-level sediment control plan for the Project that includes the following sediment control structures: Channels (10.2 kilometers [km]) divert storm runoff around disturbed areas (diversion channels) and also collect sediment-laden water from disturbed areas and direct it to sediment ponds (collection channels). These channels have a minimum bottom width of 3.7 meters (m) and range in depth from 0.54 to 1.85 meters (including freeboard). Five culverts direct flow from undisturbed and disturbed areas beneath various infrastructure including haul roads and access roads. The culverts range in diameter from 1,650 to 1,950 millimeters (mm). Nine sediment ponds ranging in embankment height from 3 to 18 meters. The total capacity of these sediment ponds is approximately 198,000 cubic meters (m3). Thirty-four rock check dam sediment traps located in open channels, along haul roads, or at the toes of material storage embankments. The total capacity of these sediment traps is approximately 1,360 m3. The trap efficiencies of the sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps were analyzed by comparing the sediment inflow and outflow sediment loads. The typical target for sediment pond and trap efficiencies is 80 percent as measured by the difference in inflow minus outflow sediment load divided by inflow sediment load. 1.4 Construction Cost The estimated construction, operations, and maintenance cost of the erosion and sediment control system presented in this report, including open channels, culverts, sediment ponds, and rock check dam sediment traps is US$4.9 million. Tables 1.1 and 1.2 present the estimated costs for construction and implementation of the erosion and sediment control measures described in this Plan. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 1-2 Section 2.0 - Project Description 2.1 Background Drawing Nos. 1 through 3 show the proposed Project layout. As part of the normal evolution of any project, additional engineering continues until project commencement. The updated engineering designs, as identified below, have resulted in certain improvements to increase efficiency in the Project performance and improve the general layout and operating description. Drawing No. 1 also shows the locations of physically upgraded (PUG) facility, counter-current decanting (CCD) facility, Glauber Salt storage pad, the plant site, ore stockpiles, haul road locations, and the mine panels. Drawing Nos. 2 and 3 of the Project show the mine panels and haul roads to the north of the major facilities for the Project. 2.2 Facilities Descriptions 2.2.1 Mine Panels The current mine plan still envisions concurrent reclamation so that no more than 60 hectares of mine panels would be open at any given time. Figure 2.1 shows the proposed typical pit advance and concurrent reclamation for the Project. A result of this mining method is that overburden from the mine panels will be stacked on the upgradient side of the box cuts and will not contribute runoff or sediment to the environment (Personal Communication, Andrew Lovato, August 16, 2010). Therefore, sediment control facilities for the box cut overburden are required only for the first reclaimed mine panel in each yearly advance. Panels will be actively mined during years 2014 through 2024 as shown on Drawing Nos. 1 through 3. 2.2.2 Ore Stockpiles As shown on Drawing Nos. 1 and 2 there are 15 ore stockpiles located north and east of the plant site. These stockpiles (Nkamouna, Emergency, and Mada) have a range of volumes from approximately 500,000 m3 to over 7,000,000 m3. These ore stockpiles are assumed to be disturbed for purposes of the ESCP and the gradation of the materials on the surfaces of the ore stockpiles are assumed to be the same as the surface soils described below, that is, Laterite soil textures. These stockpiles have a combined footprint area of approximately 1,536,500 square meters (m2) (154 hectares). 2.2.3 Haul and Access Roads Haul roads could be a major source of sediment during mining. The conceptual locations of the proposed haul roads for the various mine panels by year are shown as straight lines (by GeoCam) on Drawing Nos. 1 through 4. Figure 2.2 shows a typical haul road cross-section. Cut and fill slopes for the haul roads were not supplied by GeoCam and these disturbances were not included in the erosion calculations or the sediment control structures. The sediment from the haul roads will be controlled by the use of rock check dam sediment traps on both sides of the haul road to account for the 2 percent cross-slope as shown on Figure 2.2. The unit area (area per meter of haul road length) for each half of the typical haul road is 23 m2 per meter (Figure 2.2). The spacing of rock check dam sediment traps should be re-evaluated during haul road design. 2.2.4 Plant Site The plant site pad is shown on Drawing No. 1 and has an approximate disturbed footprint area of 650,000 m2 (65 hectares). It was assumed that the total plant footprint would be disturbed over the LOM. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 2-1 2.2.5 Waste Fill Stockpile Approximately 3.6 million m3 of cut material at the Nkamouna mine site will be wasted during construction. Whereas this material will come from various locations around the site, it will eventually be placed in a waste fill stockpile somewhere in the Napene Creek catchment. This stockpile surface will be reclaimed with native vegetation to control long-term erosion. Silt fences and fiber rolls will be used to prevent erosion during initiation of vegetative growth. 2.2.6 Reclaimed Mine Box Cuts As shown on Figure 2.1, concurrent reclamation will be conducted on the mine box cuts. It is assumed that the initial box cut during each year will be reclaimed the following year. Future box cuts in the same year will utilize the downgradient reclaimed box cut as a “grass filter” BMP for sediment control. Therefore, a generic box cut BMP was designed utilizing silt fences in the first year of reclamation and then assuming this reclaimed box cut will act as a grass filter in subsequent reclamation years for upgradient reclaimed box cuts. Each first reclaimed box cut is assumed to have a typical unit area of 30 m2 per meter of box cut reclaimed length. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 2-2 Section 3.0 - Design Approach The primary objective in developing an ESCP for the Project is to reduce the production and transport of sediment resulting from land disturbance related to mining activities. Operational goals for the control of sediment production center on efforts to prevent erosion and keep eroded soil transport to a minimum. Scheduling and sequencing of construction activities, concurrent reclamation, revegetation, and site grading to control runoff quantity and velocity are important elements of the overall ESCP. Erosion control strategies and practices are discussed in Section 7.0 of this report. Development and operation of the open cut mine panels at the Project will result in areas of disturbance that cannot be reclaimed or revegetated in the near term. The mine panels, overburden disposal areas, roads, ponds, and related infrastructure will require comprehensive sediment control measures. With this objective in mind, the following design goals were identified for development in the ESCP: Sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps should be located as close to the sediment source as practical to limit the volume of runoff and sediment that needs to be directed into the ponds or traps. Diversion channels should be located upgradient from disturbed areas to collect and divert runoff from these areas and discharge it to adjacent stream channels. Collection channels should be located downgradient from disturbed areas and runoff from these areas directed to sediment ponds and traps for sediment removal prior to discharge. Structures should be designed to store the sediment volume associated with the selected design storm and to safely pass storm runoff up to the selected extreme storm event. Whenever practicable, sediment structure access roads should be located upgradient, within existing areas of disturbance in order to limit the need to include additional sediment control related to access road construction and maintenance. The design of sediment control structures should include sufficient flexibility to allow for modifications during field installation and operation. The installation of sediment control structures themselves necessitates additional disturbances and increased erosion potential. Because of the limited information available regarding the depths of unconsolidated site materials and local site topography, field fitting and modifications to the designs of the structures may be warranted as more information is gathered during construction. To increase the overall efficiency of site sediment control, the following additional goals should be incorporated into the construction and operation of the sediment control structures: Construction of sediment control structures should be limited to the dry seasons (approximately November through February) to reduce construction-related erosion and sediment transport. The areal extent of disturbance should be minimized and, wherever practicable, the disturbed areas reclaimed and revegetated prior to the onset of the next wet season (approximately March through October). 3.1 Sizing of Sediment Control Structures Sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps at the Project are designed to retain the potential sediment load associated with surface disturbance resulting from mining, and where feasible, the background sediment load for the basin of interest. Because the sediment control structures are seldom ever 100 percent efficient, retention of some background sediment load usually makes the whole mine site neutral in terms of its contribution of eroded sediment offsite. Design parameters for elements of the sediment control system are discussed below. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 3-1 3.2 Sizing of Channels and Culverts Diversion channels are located upgradient from disturbed areas to limit runoff from these areas onto disturbed areas and, consequently, into sediment ponds. Collection channels are located downgradient from disturbed areas to collect runoff and sediment from these areas and convey this flow to the sediment ponds and traps. The following guidelines were utilized to design the diversion and collection channels: Channels are sized to pass the peak discharge from the 25-year/24-hour storm event. Channels are trapezoidal in shape with a minimum bottom width of 3.7 meters (to allow dozer access) and maximum sideslopes of 2H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). When cut into steep topography or rock, a steeper sideslope is used. The maximum longitudinal channel slope is 10 percent. Constructed channels on the mine site are lined with riprap as the lateritic soils in which the channels will be constructed will easily erode under low flow velocities (typically about 1 m per second). Alternative methods of channel protection such as grass-lining may be feasible if the longitudinal slope is less than 3 percent. Riprap or grouted riprap also may be used if suitable rock materials are available on site, as this may reduce construction costs. Natural drainage-ways are assumed to be lined where utilized to convey diverted runoff from one channel to a second channel or to a sediment pond. Natural drainage channels are riprap lined downgradient of pond and culvert discharge points for distance of 50 meters. Culverts are located as necessary to convey water and sediment under road embankments or other facilities. This includes discharges in natural channels as well as constructed channels. The following guidelines were utilized to design culverts: Culverts are sized to pass the 25-year/24-hour storm event without overtopping the associated embankment. A minimum of 2 m of fill is placed as cover on the culverts at road embankment crossings. Culverts are designed of corrugated steel pipe. Flow through the culverts is assumed to be governed by inlet conditions. Inlets are protected by grouted riprap. Plunge pool or grouted riprap energy dissipaters and downstream channel protection are assumed at the discharge points from culverts. 3.3 Sediment Pond/Rock Check Dam Sediment Trap Design Elements To trap sediments prior to discharge of water off site, runoff from disturbed areas is directed to sediment ponds or traps. Additionally, runoff from undisturbed areas where erosion is occurring also may be directed to sediment ponds or rock check dam sediment traps where excess capacity is available or where the local topography and drainage patterns do not allow diversion. The sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps are designed to include adequate volume to promote settling. Perforated pipe risers and spillways are used in sediment ponds allowing for sufficient capacity to store sediment as it settles from the water. Rock check dam sediment traps utilize uncontrolled overflow spillways to provide capacity for sediment storage. Guidelines utilized for sizing sediment ponds and traps are based on consideration of the storm event volumes versus dam safety as described in the following sub-sections. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 3-2 3.3.1 Sediment Ponds Sediment ponds are designed to completely store the sediment and runoff from the 2-year/24-hour storm event. The ponds are designed to pass the runoff from the 25-year/24-hour storm event through pipe risers or emergency spillways without overtopping the embankment. Sediment ponds are designed with sufficient capacity to allow for adequate settling of the sediment. Settling characteristics are based on the particle-size distribution of the site material obtained from insitu materials from test pits and test borings, and from overburden materials. Sediment pond embankments have upstream and downstream slopes of 2.5H:1.0V and a minimum crest width of 5 m. The elevation of the top of the perforated pipe riser is based on the settled depth of the sediment from the 2-year/24-hour storm event and is a minimum of 0.3 m above the sediment stage. Sediment pond footprints will be cleared and grubbed and topsoil removed, stored and protected for reclamation at this site and/or other sites. A blanket drain and underdrain pipe system will be included to dissipate ground water pressure beneath the embankment. If the embankment is also used for water supply or water storage for an extended period of time, a filter and drain downstream of the seal zone is needed that connects to the blanket drain. Access to the sediment pond embankment areas is provided for maintenance of the spillway and for sediment removal. Sediment ponds will be routinely observed and maintained. Sediment that accumulates in the pond will be excavated annually or when the sediment storage is onehalf the total storage. Removed sediment will be relocated and stored in areas where it will not erode. 3.3.2 Rock Check Dam Sediment Traps Sediment traps are designed to contain the water and sediment from the 2-year/24-hour storm event. Trap should be sized to accommodate a settling zone and sediment storage zone with recommended minimum volumes of 20 m3 and 10 m3/hectare of contributing drainage area, respectively. In many cases, the size of an individual sediment trap is limited by available space. Multiple traps or additional volume may be required to accommodate specific rainfall, soil, and site conditions. Sediment traps may only be utilized where the drainage area is less than 2 hectares. Sediment trap side slopes are 3H:1V or less. Sediment traps have uncontrolled spillways designed to pass the peak flow from the 2-year/24-hour storm event. Riprap or vegetation is used to protect the trap outlets against scour. The area under the embankment, as well as the pool area, must be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of vegetation and root mat. The fill material for the embankment must be free of roots or other woody vegetation as well as oversized stones, rocks, organic material, or other objectionable material. Construction equipment may be used to compact the embankment. When an earth or stone outlet is used, its crest elevation should be at least 0.3 m below the top of the embankment. Access is provided for maintenance of the sediment trap. Use of vegetation will be considered as an alternative to riprap as a sediment filtration medium. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 3-3 3.4 Cleanout of Sediment Ponds and Rock Check Dam Sediment Traps Sediment will need to be excavated from the sediment ponds and traps on an annual basis. This material will be hauled to storage areas where it will be protected from surface erosion by wind, rainfall, and runoff. Storage areas will be regraded to divert runoff around these stockpiles. If the sediment is stored through the next wet season, the stockpiles will be covered or revegetated with fast-growing species to promote surface stability and limit erosion. The implementation of planned concurrent reclamation at the site will reduce the need for long-term stockpiles and the corresponding need for stockpile maintenance. During development of the mine panels, overburden disposal areas, roads, ponds, and related infrastructure, topsoil will be reclaimed, stored, and protected in a similar manner as the sediment. Stockpiled topsoil will be used for concurrent reclamation and to support revegetation of disturbed areas. Where needed, stockpiled sediment may be used for reclaiming disturbed areas and for construction of low-permeability caps on overburden or tailings disposal areas. Where possible, sediment and topsoil storage will be located near the sediment ponds or adjacent to or within the overburden and tailings disposal areas to reduce haul distances when cleaning out the sediment ponds and traps, and during reclamation and capping. These materials also can be stored on top of overburden stockpiles when sufficient space is available. 3.5 Waste Fill Stockpile and Mine Box Cuts 3.5.1 Waste Fill Stockpile For calculation of the cost to reclaim the waste fill stockpile, it is assumed that the stockpile would be square with base dimensions of 615 m by 615 m, would be 10 m in height with 3H:1V sideslopes, and have top dimensions of 585 m by 585 m. The critical reclamation time is during construction and immediately after construction but prior to establishment of native vegetation to control erosion. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 2010) provides design criteria, effectiveness results, and estimated unit costs for erosion control BMPs. Review of the available erosion control BMPs for reclaimed stockpile surfaces indicated that both silt fences and fiber rolls would be acceptable for stockpile reclamation. Silt fences are more expensive but fewer are needed per down gradient length of reclaimed slope. More fiber rolls are required per down gradient length but this erosion control BMP is typically four times less expensive per foot of length than silt fences. Both of these BMPs were considered for reclamation of the waste fill stockpile in the Napene Creek catchment. These BMPs would only be used on the sideslopes of the stockpile, with the top erosion controlled only by vegetation at the time of reclamation. The design criteria for silt fences provides that the upgradient distance between silt fences should not be more than 30 m (USEPA, 2010). For fiber rolls on a 3H:1V slope, the design criteria is one roll for every 10 m of up gradient distance. Detailed design and installation criteria for these two erosion control BMPs can be found in USEPA (2010). Typical installation schematics for silt fences and fiber rolls are shown on Drawing No. 7. Given that the slope length for the stockpile along the 3H:1V slope is approximately 32 m, this translates to 1 line of silt fence at the toe of the slope; and 3 lines of fiber rolls, one located at the toe of the slope and the other two about 10 and 20 m up the slope, respectively. The total length of 1 line of silt fence and 3 lines of fiber rolls was calculated from the geometry of the stockpile. The results were that the perimeter length of silt fence was 2,460 m and the perimeter length of fiber rolls was 7,280 m. 3.5.2 Initial Mine Box Cuts For the mine box cut reclamation, silt fences are assumed for the first year of reclamation. After vegetation is established in the first year, it is assumed that the box cut reclaimed area will behave as a Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 3-4 30-m wide grass filter strip for sediment control when the next up-gradient box cut is reclaimed. The assumed slope of the typical box cut reclaimed area is 4 percent. Applying the same criteria to the 30-m wide box cut reclamation results in various lengths of silt fence for each year of mining. In all cases, only one silt fence at the toe of each first-year reclaimed box cut for each mine panel is required. Alternatively, if fiber rolls are utilized, the distance between rolls on a 4 percent slope is greater than 30 m, and thus, only one fiber roll at the toe of the reclaimed box cut is required. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 3-5 Section 4.0 - Hydrologic and Sedimentation Estimates 4.1 Hydrology and Climatology Discrete drainage subbasins are evaluated based on the relative locations of disturbed areas, the local topography and drainage patterns, and the proposed locations of sediment control structures. The runoff volume and peak discharge calculations for each drainage basin for the design storm events are completed using SEDCAD 4 (Warner, Schwab and Marshall, 1998). This computer program develops runoff hydrographs for design storm events for a series of drainage subbasins based on the input drainage area, the time of concentration, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, 1985) curve number (CN). A Type II storm curve is used to represent the rainfall distribution with time over the duration of the storm event. 4.1.1 Drainage Basins Drainage basin and subbasin areas, lengths, and slopes are estimated using a 2-meter contour map with the proposed facilities superimposed on it. The locations of the Project facilities and the original 2-meter contour map were provided by GeoCam. The proposed ESCP facilities are shown on these 2-meter contour maps (Drawings 1 through 4). The NRCS unit hydrograph methodology (NRCS, 1985) uses the lag time (in hours) as an input parameter to compute the runoff hydrograph, where lag time is calculated as 0.6tc, where tc is defined as the time from the center of mass of rainfall to the peak of the unit hydrograph. A Type II 24-hour precipitation distribution and the 24-hour precipitation values for the 2-year and 25-year return periods are used in the SEDCAD modeling to calculate the runoff volumes and peak discharges for these return periods. Precipitation values are taken from the Nkamouna Project Preliminary Climatological Data Analysis Report (Knight Piésold, 2007, updated in Knight Piésold, 2008) and are as presented in the following table: Summary of Design 24-Hour Precipitation Values for the Nkamouna Project Return Period (years) 24-Hour Precipitation (mm) 2-year 130 10-year 253 25-year 318 100-year 415 Source: Knight Piésold (2007) as updated in Knight Piésold (2008). Because of the short period of record used to calculate these design precipitation values, the upper 95 percent confidence interval values are used for the design precipitation values (Knight Piésold, 2008). Additionally, the large depths of 24-hour rainfall calculated from a very short period of record (Knight Piésold, 2008) results in very large structures. Therefore, the philosophy of designing for the more frequent events (e.g. the 2-year storm event) is utilized to control these frequent events and still have reasonably sized sediment control structures. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 4-1 4.1.2 Time of Concentration The NRCS lag equation is used to calculate the time of concentration for each subbasin. This equation is: tc = 0.0526L0.8[(1000/CN)-9]0.7 Y0.5 where, L = hydraulic length of watershed (longest flow path), feet CN = NRCS runoff curve number Y = average watershed slope, percent tc = time of concentration in minutes The time of concentration is defined as the time it takes water to flow from the hydraulically most remote point in a basin to the basin outlet. 4.1.3 Runoff Curve Numbers Due to the lateritic soils and underlying saprolites, the infiltration rates at the Project site are considered to be low. Knight Piésold (2008) estimated an NRCS CNs for undisturbed surface conditions of 85. This report adopts that same CN, and in addition the following CNs are estimated for other surface conditions: Summary of Design NRCS Runoff Curve Numbers for the Nkamouna Project Surface Condition NRCS CN Undisturbed 85 Haul and Access Roads 98 Disturbed 95 Source: Knight Piésold (2008). 4.2 Sedimentology The sediment loads for each discrete subbasin are also calculated using the SEDCAD 4 model. For storm-event sediment loads, the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) subroutine is utilized. This method integrates the peak discharge and runoff volume for a given storm event into the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to obtain storm-event sediment loads. Annual sediment yields are calculated using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE as documented in Toy and Foster, 1998). RUSLE is used as a pre-model to establish sedimentology input variables to SEDCAD prior to applying the MUSLE sediment load method. For the design of sediment control structures, SEDCAD requires the input of the eroded sediment particle sizes. Because no eroded sediment particle size distributions are available at the Project site, actual surface soil particle size distributions are used. These distributions are taken from the Nkamouna Project Napene Creek Tailing Storage Facility, NCTSF Stage 1 West Dam Final Design Report (Knight Piésold, 2008) and are assumed to be representative of the entire Project site. Typical surface soil particle size distributions for individual samples are shown and tabulated in Appendix A and are plotted on Figure 4.1. The average (mean) distribution tabulated as follows: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 4-2 Mean Particle Size Distribution Used in the SEDCAD 4 Model(1) Median Diameter (mm) Percent Passing 9.52 100.0 4.76 99.8 2.00 94.8 0.84 89.0 0.42 85.2 0.246 80.6 0.149 75.9 0.074 71.0 0.0458 70.0 0.0330 67.8 0.0212 65.1 0.0153 62.7 0.0093 58.3 0.0044 53.3 0.0023 48.0 0.0010 44.5 (1) Mean of Upper Laterite samples from test pits (see Figure 4.1 and Appendix A). Water and sediment routing, sizing and design of the sediment control structures, sizing and design of culverts, and outlet and channel protection are determined using SEDCAD 4. Elevation-area-capacity curves for the sediment ponds and rock check dam sediment traps are estimated directly from the 2-meter contour maps provided by GeoCam. Input hydrology and sedimentology data for the SEDCAD 4 program is included in Appendix B-1. Outputs from the SEDCAD computer program are attached for the diversion and collection channels, the sediment ponds, the culverts, the generic rock check dam sediment traps, and the generic box cut reclamation in Appendix B-2. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 4-3 Section 5.0 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for Nkamouna The ESCP for the Project site is presented on Drawing Nos. 1 through 3. The main sediment control structures contained in the Plan include a series of connected channels, culverts, sediment ponds, rock check dam sediment traps, and first reclamation mine panel box cut BMPs. Channels are designated as D1 through D3 for diversion channels, and C1 through C7 for collection channels on the drawings, and their design results are summarized in Table 5.1. A typical channel cross section is shown on Drawing 5. Culverts are used to direct discharge under roadways and into natural drainage channels. Culverts are designated as V1 through V5 on the drawings and their design details are summarized in Table 5.2. Sediment ponds are designated on the drawings as S1 through S9 and their capacities and other design details are summarized in Table 5.3. Other sediment control facilities such as rock check dam sediment traps are generically designated as T, and their design details are summarized in Table 5.4. The generically designated first reclamation box cut BMPs are summarized by year in Table 5.5. Typical sections and construction details of these sediment control structures are shown on the drawing details (Drawing Nos. 4 through 7). Diversion channels have already been designed for the PUG facility and the results of this design can be obtained from the report entitled Nkamouna Project, Napene Creek Tailing Storage Facility, NCTSF Stage 1 West Dam Final Design Report (Knight Piésold, 2008). The ESCP was developed for each major Project area as described below. 5.1 Plant Site Area Sediment control structures associated with the plant site area are shown on Drawing Nos. 1 and 2. The Plan includes the following elements for the plant site area: a diversion channel (D3) to route runoff from undisturbed areas around the plant, collection channels (C4 and C5) to transport runoff from disturbed plant site areas to a sediment pond (S1), and a series of culverts to pass runoff beneath the haul roads. A sedimentation pond (S1) is located downgradient of the plant site. Captured sediment will be allowed to settle out before runoff is discharged. Structure details for these facilities are shown on Drawing Nos. 4 through 7. 5.2 Ore Stockpiles Sediment control structures for the Nkamouna, Emergency, and Mada ore stockpile areas are also shown on Drawing Nos. 1 and 2. The Plan includes the following elements for the ore stockpiles: two diversion channels (D1 and D2) to route runoff from undisturbed areas around the ore stockpiles, collection channels (C1, C2, C3, C6, and C7) to transport runoff from disturbed ore stockpile areas to the nine sediment ponds. Nine sediment ponds (S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, and S9) are located downgradient of the ore stockpiles. Captured sediment will be allowed to settle out before runoff is discharged. Structure details for these facilities are shown on Drawing Nos. 4 through 7. 5.3 Haul and Access Roads Sediment control structures associated with the haul and access roads are shown on Drawing Nos. 1 through 3. Generic rock check dam sediment traps are spaced at approximately every 870 meters on both sides of the road. These traps will collect sediment from the top and sideslopes of the haul roads, reducing the sediment load to the environment and reducing the flow velocity in the roadside channels. Reducing channel flow velocity further minimizes erosion. Rock check dam sediment traps will be cleaned out after each storm event. A typical design for a rock dam sediment trap is shown on Drawing No. 6. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 5-1 5.4 Mine Box Cut Panels The box cut surface will be reclaimed with native vegetation to control long-term erosion. A combination of hydroseeding and the use of silt fences and fiber rolls will be used to minimize short term (one year or less) erosion potential. BMP erosion control facilities are designed for the first reclaimed box cut for each mine panel to minimize sediment discharge after reclamation. The concept is to utilize silt fencing or fiber rolls at the toe of each reclaimed box cut in each mine panel. The approximate lengths of silt fence, or alternatively fiber roll, by year are shown in Table 5.5. A typical silt fence BMP design is shown on Drawing No. 7. After one year of vegetation growth, the reclaimed box cut will serve as a grass buffer strip to capture sediment from future upgradient box cuts at the same mine panel. A typical grass buffer strip design is also shown on Drawing No. 7. 5.5 Waste Fill Stockpile Waste material from mine construction will be placed in a waste fill stockpile at a location to be determined within the Napene Creek catchment. The stockpile surface will be reclaimed with native vegetation to control long-term erosion. A combination of hydroseeding and the use of silt fences and fiber rolls will be used to minimize short term erosion potential. 5.6 Analysis of Sediment Control Efficiency The sediment pond and rock check dam sediment trap designs are based on the hydrology and sedimentology characteristics of the associated drainage basins, the calculated sediment yields for the 2-year and 25-year/24-hour storm event water volumes, and the sediment loads for the various basins. The design sediment loads for storm events are computed using the SEDCAD 4 model. The sediment loads into and out of the sediment control structures are summarized in Table 5.6 along with the trap efficiency for each BMP. The minimum sediment trap efficiency for all sediment control structures was 9.1 percent, and the maximum efficiency was 62.0 percent. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 5-2 Section 6.0 - Construction Cost Estimates Based on the designs presented on the Drawings, the construction, operations, and maintenance cost of the sediment control structures on the Project site is approximately US$4.9 million. A summary of these construction costs is presented in Table 1.1. Cost for additional sediment control structures such as roadside rock check dam sediment traps, rock fill drains, or additional channel protection past the 50-meter design limit downstream from structure discharge points are not included in this estimate. Construction costs for the sediment control structures are estimated based on the designs shown on the Drawings in this report. The estimated quantities and unit costs for each cost item are listed in Table 1.2 and are based on vendor quotes, Knight Piésold’s previous work similar to the project, or by the client. The unit rates have been adjusted, as deemed necessary, to account for site and project-specific conditions. Generally, the unit rates for earthwork are based on borrow sources and stockpiles used in the construction process that are located in the vicinity of the sediment control structures. No overall contingency costs have been included in the cost estimate to avoid duplication of overall project contingencies that may be added. Unit rates are inclusive of equipment, operator, and material costs unless otherwise noted in Table 1.2. Mobilization and demobilization costs and indirect costs also have been included in the estimates. The following items are included with indirect costs: engineering effort to develop final designs; field investigations and laboratory testing programs to support the final design effort; construction drawings, specifications and bid documents; technical oversight and construction quality control and quality assurance for construction of the facility; surveying for facility layouts; and the construction report and “asbuilt” drawings. For purposes of this cost estimate, indirect costs (engineering design, mobilization/demobilization, etc.) are estimated as 10 percent of the construction (direct) costs as shown in Table 1.2. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 6-1 Section 7.0 - Recommended Erosion Control Practices In conjunction with the sediment control structures described in the previous sections, additional erosion control practices will be considered for implementation at the Project site to limit the extent and severity of erosion related to disturbances as a result of mining activities. Suggested additional erosion control practices follow: Protecting natural drainage channels downstream from sediment ponds and discharge points using rock check dam sediment traps. The installation of channel protection will aid in dissipating the energy of high discharges and may reduce channel bed and bank scour related to these high flows or increased flows due to drainage basin changes during mining. Implementing rapid stabilization of disturbed areas to reduce erosion and sediment transport. Practices such as the application of organic mulches, erosion mats, and chemical stabilizers on disturbed surfaces (especially slopes) may increase the efficiency of revegetation. Discouraging local agricultural practices such as “slash and burn” in order to promote the development of a healthy vegetative cover on undisturbed areas. Destruction of vegetative cover results in decreased surface stability, reduced infiltration rates, and increased runoff and sediment yields. Implementing physical methods of soil stabilization, especially on steep slopes. Practices such as surface roughening (scarification), use of silt fences, cross-slope barriers (fiber rolls, wattles or brush), and use of surface mats have all been shown to be successful and effective in reducing erosion and sediment transport from disturbed surfaces. Recovering soil from the mine panels, the overburden disposal areas, and the sediment pond areas during construction and stockpiling this soil for future reclamation. This practice should be used in conjunction with the establishment of a short-term vegetative cover consisting of fast-growing plant species to protect against erosion. Attempting to establish a vegetative cover prior to the onset of the next wet season will help prevent excessive erosion and sediment transport. Implementing physical methods of surface stabilization and containment of overburden stockpiles should be considered if revegetation proves ineffective. Implementing rapid revegetation of disturbed areas such as embankment fill slopes and waste stockpiles. Utilizing local vegetation species that grow rapidly in order to maximize the development of a self-sustaining vegetative cover is important. A vegetative cover protects the surface against erosion and is a successful long-term stabilization method. Maintaining reclaimed areas for several years after reclamation or until long-term surface stabilization is achieved. Annual maintenance may include repairing and revegetating erosional features (rills and gullies) that develop on newly reclaimed slopes. The addition of channel protection in natural drainageways located downgradient from sediment control facilities may be needed if channel scour is present. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 7-1 Section 8.0 - References Knight Piésold and Co., 2007, Preliminary Climatological Data Analysis, Technical Memorandum, May 23. Knight Piésold and Co., 2008, Nkamouna Project, Napene Creek Tailing Storage Facility, NCTSF Stage 1 West Dam Final Design Report, August 22. Knight Piésold and Co., 2010, Geovic Cameroon, PLC, Nkamouna Project, Environmental and Social Assessment, 2010 Update, March 31. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 1985, National Engineering Handbook–Section 4– Hydrology, Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Agriculture. Toy, T.J. and G.R. Foster, 1998, Guidelines for the Use of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Version 1.06 on Mined Lands, Construction Sites, and Reclaimed Lands, August, Denver, Colorado, Office of Surface Mining, U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2010, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control,, May 28. Warner, R.C., P.J. Schwab, and D.J. Marshall, 1998, SEDCAD™ 4, Design Manual and User’s Guide, Ames, IA, Civil Software Design, August, 126 p. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 8-1 Section 9.0 - Acronyms and Abbreviations BMP CCD CN CN ESCP GeoCam IFC km Knight Piésold LOM m m2 m3 mm MUSLE NRCS Project PUG RUSLE SEDCAD USEPA USLE Best Management Practice counter-current decanting curve number curve number Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Geovic Cameroon PLC International Finance Corporation kilometer Knight Piésold and Co. life-of-mine meter square meters cubic meters millimeters Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation Natural Resources Conservation Service Nkamouna Project physically upgraded Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation Sediment, Erosion, Discharge by Computer Aided Design United States Environmental Protection Agency Universal Soil Loss Equation Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Rev 0 9-1 Tables Figures Drawings Appendix A Surface Soil Particle Size Distribution and Analyses Particle Size Distributions for Upper Laterite Soil Samples Particle Size Distribution Analyses Appendix B SEDCAD Computer Program Input and Output B-1 SEDCAD Computer Program Input B-2 SEDCAD Computer Program Output Appendix B-1 SEDCAD Computer Program Input Appendix B-2 SEDCAD Computer Program Input SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S1 (With Emerg. Splwy), Diversion Channels D1 and D3 Plant Site J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Channel #1 ==> #4 0.000 0.000 Collection Channel C4 Channel #2 ==> #4 0.000 0.000 Collection Channel C5 Pond #4 ==> #6 0.000 0.000 Sediment Pond S1 Channel #5 ==> #6 0.000 0.000 Diversion Channel D3 Channel #6 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Diversion Channel D1 #5 Chan'l #2 Chan'l #1 Chan'l #4 Pond #6 Chan'l Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) #5 115.900 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 115.900 436.30 82.76 2,340.1 35,730 0.61 0.35 #2 75.850 75.850 465.53 56.63 4,097.5 98,301 18.65 9.81 #1 122.820 122.820 530.72 91.52 5,151.2 72,373 4.39 2.46 0.000 198.670 887.40 148.14 9,248.7 81,934 9.65 5.29 804.17 148.14 8,330.6 62,673 2.80 1.95 134.000 448.570 1,827.19 325.32 12,958.1 44,801 2.15 1.53 #4 In Out #6 Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #5 (Diversion Channel D3): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 0.0740 100.000% 0.0458 100.000% 0.0330 100.000% 0.0212 100.000% 0.0153 100.000% 0.0093 96.703% 0.0044 88.409% 0.0023 79.618% 0.0010 73.813% Structure #2 (Collection Channel C5): Size (mm) Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 96.467% 0.0740 90.239% 0.0458 88.968% 0.0330 86.172% 0.0212 82.740% 0.0153 79.690% 0.0093 74.098% 0.0044 67.743% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Size (mm) In/Out 0.0023 61.007% 0.0010 56.558% Structure #1 (Collection Channel C4): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 0.0740 100.000% 0.0458 100.000% 0.0330 100.000% 0.0212 100.000% 0.0153 97.012% 0.0093 90.204% 0.0044 82.468% 0.0023 74.267% 0.0010 68.852% Structure #4 (Sediment Pond S1): Size (mm) Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 100.000% 0.1490 98.435% 100.000% 0.0740 95.675% 100.000% 0.0458 95.112% 100.000% 0.0330 93.874% 100.000% 0.0212 92.353% 100.000% 0.0153 89.337% 99.183% 0.0093 83.068% 92.223% 0.0044 75.944% 84.314% 0.0023 68.392% 75.930% 0.0010 63.405% 70.393% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Structure #6: Size (mm) Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 0.0740 100.000% 0.0458 100.000% 0.0330 100.000% 0.0212 99.268% 0.0153 98.119% 0.0093 91.905% 0.0044 84.023% 0.0023 75.668% 0.0010 70.151% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Structure Detail: Structure #5 (Riprap Channel) Diversion Channel D3 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 4.7 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 436.30 cfs Depth: 2.48 ft 3.48 ft Top Width: 22.07 ft 26.07 ft Velocity: 10.27 fps X-Section Area: 42.47 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 1.827 ft Froude Number: 1.30 Manning's n: 0.0470 Dmin: 5.00 in D50: 9.00 in Dmax: 12.00 in Structure #2 (Riprap Channel) Collection Channel C5 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 2.0:1 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 Slope (%) 5.0 Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 465.53 cfs Depth: 2.53 ft 3.53 ft Top Width: 22.26 ft 26.26 ft Velocity: 10.70 fps X-Section Area: 43.50 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 1.855 ft Froude Number: 1.35 Manning's n: 0.0470 Dmin: 5.00 in D50: 9.00 in Dmax: 12.00 in Structure #1 (Riprap Channel) Collection Channel C4 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 3.3 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 530.72 cfs Depth: 2.97 ft 3.97 ft Top Width: 24.01 ft 28.01 ft Velocity: 9.90 fps X-Section Area: 53.63 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 2.111 ft Froude Number: 1.17 Manning's n: 0.0450 Dmin: 5.00 in D50: 9.00 in Dmax: 12.00 in Structure #4 (Pond) Sediment Pond S1 Pond Inputs: Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Initial Pool Elev: 2,225.00 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 0.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 29.00 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 4.00 0.0240 2,253.50 350.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 50.00 2,253.70 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,256.55 ft H'graph Detention Time: 3.32 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 1.25 days Trap Efficiency: 9.93 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,224.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,225.00 0.003 0.000 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 2,225.50 0.010 0.003 0.297 0.50 2,226.00 0.022 0.011 0.420 0.25 2,226.50 0.039 0.026 0.812 0.30 2,227.00 0.060 0.051 1.014 0.35 2,227.50 0.087 0.088 1.476 0.35 2,228.00 0.119 0.139 1.742 0.40 2,228.50 0.155 0.207 2.262 0.40 2,229.00 0.195 0.294 2.583 0.45 2,229.50 0.241 0.403 3.154 0.45 2,230.00 0.292 0.536 3.522 0.45 2,230.50 0.348 0.696 4.139 0.55 2,231.00 0.408 0.884 4.551 0.50 Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 11 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,231.10 0.420 0.926 4.760 0.10 2,231.50 0.429 1.096 5.210 0.40 2,232.00 0.441 1.313 5.663 0.50 2,232.50 0.452 1.536 6.361 0.45 2,233.00 0.464 1.765 6.852 0.45 2,233.50 0.476 2.000 7.586 0.35 2,234.00 0.488 2.241 8.112 0.40 2,234.50 0.500 2.489 8.881 0.35 2,235.00 0.513 2.742 9.441 0.35 2,235.50 0.525 3.002 10.243 0.30 2,236.00 0.538 3.268 10.834 0.30 2,236.50 0.551 3.540 11.668 0.30 2,237.00 0.564 3.819 12.290 0.30 2,237.50 0.577 4.104 13.153 0.25 2,237.60 0.580 4.162 13.290 0.05 2,238.00 0.613 4.400 13.805 0.20 2,238.50 0.655 4.717 14.697 0.30 2,239.00 0.699 5.056 15.377 0.25 2,239.50 0.745 5.417 16.297 0.30 2,240.00 0.791 5.801 17.005 0.25 2,240.50 0.840 6.209 17.951 0.30 2,241.00 0.889 6.641 18.685 0.30 2,241.50 0.940 7.098 19.658 0.25 2,242.00 0.993 7.581 20.418 0.30 2,242.50 1.046 8.091 21.416 0.30 2,243.00 1.102 8.628 22.200 0.30 2,243.50 1.158 9.193 23.223 0.30 2,244.00 1.216 9.787 24.032 0.30 2,244.20 1.240 10.032 24.525 0.15 2,244.50 1.276 10.409 25.079 0.15 2,245.00 1.336 11.062 25.911 0.35 2,245.50 1.398 11.746 26.981 0.30 2,246.00 1.461 12.461 27.837 0.30 2,246.50 1.526 13.207 28.929 0.30 2,247.00 1.592 13.987 29.808 0.35 2,247.50 1.659 14.800 30.923 0.30 2,248.00 1.728 15.647 31.823 0.35 2,248.50 1.799 16.528 32.959 0.35 2,249.00 1.870 17.446 33.881 0.35 2,249.50 1.943 18.399 35.039 0.35 2,250.00 2.018 19.389 35.982 0.35 2,250.50 2.094 20.417 37.161 0.45 2,250.80 2.140 21.052 37.748 0.45 Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 12 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,251.00 2.180 21.484 38.125 0.35 2,251.50 2.282 22.600 39.324 0.90 2,252.00 2.386 23.767 40.308 0.90 2,252.50 2.492 24.986 41.528 0.85 2,253.00 2.601 26.259 42.531 1.00 2,253.50 2.712 27.587 43.771 1.35 Spillway #1 2,253.70 2.757 28.134 44.190 0.95 Spillway #2 2,254.00 2.825 28.971 70.163 2.20 2,254.50 2.941 30.413 156.210 1.55 2,255.00 3.058 31.912 275.470 0.75 2,255.50 3.178 33.471 420.896 0.30 2,256.00 3.301 35.091 592.223 0.25 2,256.50 3.426 36.773 782.145 0.30 2,256.55 3.440 36.958 804.171 0.05 Peak Stage 2,257.00 3.553 38.517 988.984 2,257.30 3.630 39.595 1,120.681 Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 2,224.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,225.00 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,225.50 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,226.00 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,226.50 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,227.00 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,227.50 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,228.00 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,228.50 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,229.00 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,229.50 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,230.00 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,230.50 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,231.00 2.00>4.551 0.000 4.551 2,231.10 4.760 0.000 4.760 2,231.50 5.210 0.000 5.210 2,232.00 2.00>5.663 0.000 5.663 2,232.50 6.361 0.000 6.361 2,233.00 2.00>6.852 0.000 6.852 2,233.50 7.586 0.000 7.586 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 13 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 2,234.00 2.00>8.112 0.000 8.112 2,234.50 8.881 0.000 8.881 2,235.00 2.00>9.441 0.000 9.441 2,235.50 10.243 0.000 10.243 2,236.00 2.00>10.834 0.000 10.834 2,236.50 11.668 0.000 11.668 2,237.00 2.00>12.290 0.000 12.290 2,237.50 13.153 0.000 13.153 2,237.60 13.290 0.000 13.290 2,238.00 2.00>13.805 0.000 13.805 2,238.50 14.697 0.000 14.697 2,239.00 2.00>15.377 0.000 15.377 2,239.50 16.297 0.000 16.297 2,240.00 2.00>17.005 0.000 17.005 2,240.50 17.951 0.000 17.951 2,241.00 2.00>18.685 0.000 18.685 2,241.50 19.658 0.000 19.658 2,242.00 2.00>20.418 0.000 20.418 2,242.50 21.416 0.000 21.416 2,243.00 2.00>22.200 0.000 22.200 2,243.50 23.223 0.000 23.223 2,244.00 2.00>24.032 0.000 24.032 2,244.20 24.525 0.000 24.525 2,244.50 25.079 0.000 25.079 2,245.00 2.00>25.911 0.000 25.911 2,245.50 26.981 0.000 26.981 2,246.00 2.00>27.837 0.000 27.837 2,246.50 28.929 0.000 28.929 2,247.00 2.00>29.808 0.000 29.808 2,247.50 30.923 0.000 30.923 2,248.00 2.00>31.823 0.000 31.823 2,248.50 32.959 0.000 32.959 2,249.00 2.00>33.881 0.000 33.881 2,249.50 35.039 0.000 35.039 2,250.00 2.00>35.982 0.000 35.982 2,250.50 37.161 0.000 37.161 2,250.80 37.748 0.000 37.748 2,251.00 2.00>38.125 0.000 38.125 2,251.50 39.324 0.000 39.324 2,252.00 2.00>40.308 0.000 40.308 2,252.50 41.528 0.000 41.528 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 14 Combined Broad- Elevation (ft) Perf. Riser (cfs) Total crested Weir (cfs) Discharge (cfs) 2,253.00 2.00>42.531 0.000 42.531 2,253.50 43.771 0.000 43.771 2,253.70 44.190 0.000 44.190 2,254.00 44.794 25.368 70.163 2,254.50 45.756 110.454 156.210 2,255.00 46.675 228.795 275.470 2,255.50 48.133 372.763 420.896 2,256.00 53.814 538.409 592.223 2,256.50 58.950 723.194 782.145 2,257.00 63.674 925.310 988.984 2,257.30 66.347 1,054.334 1,120.681 Structure #6 (Riprap Channel) Diversion Channel D1 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 15.00 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 4.4 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 1,827.19 cfs Depth: 5.06 ft 6.06 ft Top Width: 35.25 ft 39.25 ft Velocity: 14.36 fps X-Section Area: 127.21 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 3.379 ft Froude Number: 1.33 Manning's n: 0.0490 Dmin: 12.00 in D50: 15.00 in Dmax: 24.00 in Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 15 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #5 1 Σ #2 Σ #4 (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 115.900 0.960 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 86.200 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 115.900 1 #1 Time of Conc SWS Area 75.850 0.364 0.000 0.000 89.700 M 75.850 1 122.820 0.793 0.000 0.000 89.800 M 436.30 82.762 436.30 82.762 465.53 56.627 465.53 56.627 530.72 91.516 Σ 122.820 530.72 91.516 Σ 198.670 887.40 148.143 620.60 94.418 1,827.19 325.323 #6 1 Σ 134.000 0.657 0.000 0.000 85.000 M 448.570 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #5 1 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 425.00 S (%) 7.70 C 0.2180 P 1.0000 PS # 1 (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 2,340.1 35,730 0.61 0.35 2,340.1 35,730 0.61 0.35 4,097.5 98,301 18.65 9.81 4,097.5 98,301 18.65 9.81 5,151.2 72,373 4.39 2.46 Σ 5,151.2 72,373 4.39 2.46 Σ 9,248.7 81,934 9.65 5.29 2,287.4 31,954 3.05 1.69 12,958.1 44,801 2.15 1.53 Σ #2 1 0.145 800.00 4.00 0.7870 1.0000 1 Σ #1 #4 Sediment 1 #6 1 0.145 0.145 Σ Filename: S1YD1D3System.sc4 600.00 200.00 4.00 8.25 0.7870 0.2180 1.0000 1.0000 1 1 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Culverts V1 and V2 Diversion Channel D3 J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: V1-V2.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Filename: V1-V2.sc4 Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Culvert #1 ==> #2 0.000 0.000 Culvert V1 Culvert #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Culvert V2 #1 Culvert #2 Culvert Filename: V1-V2.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: Filename: V1-V2.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #1 84.250 84.250 352.05 59.29 #2 100.560 184.810 730.74 130.07 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Culvert) Culvert V1 Culvert Inputs: Length (ft) 140.00 Slope (%) 3.62 Manning's n 0.0240 Max. Headwater (ft) Tailwater (ft) 6.60 Entrance Loss Coef. (Ke) 1.50 0.90 Culvert Results: Design Discharge = 352.05 cfs Minimum pipe diameter: 1 - 120 inch pipe(s) required Structure #2 (Culvert) Culvert V2 Culvert Inputs: Length (ft) 150.00 Slope (%) 3.50 Manning's n 0.0240 Max. Headwater (ft) Tailwater (ft) 7.00 Entrance Loss Coef. (Ke) 1.50 0.90 Culvert Results: Design Discharge = 730.74 cfs Minimum pipe diameter: 1 - 0 inch pipe(s) required Filename: V1-V2.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Σ #2 SWS Area (ac) 84.250 Time of Conc (hrs) 0.790 Musk K (hrs) 0.000 Musk X 0.000 Curve Number 85.000 UHS M 84.250 1 Σ Filename: V1-V2.sc4 100.560 184.810 0.920 0.000 0.000 85.000 M Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) 352.05 59.286 352.05 59.286 384.42 70.784 730.74 130.070 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Culverts V3and V4 Collection Channel C5 J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: V3-V4.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Filename: V3-V4.sc4 Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Culvert #1 ==> #2 0.000 0.000 Culvert V3 Culvert #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Culvert V4 #1 Culvert #2 Culvert Filename: V3-V4.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: Filename: V3-V4.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #1 40.030 40.030 240.85 29.58 #2 51.640 91.670 501.25 67.83 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Culvert) Culvert V3 Culvert Inputs: Length (ft) 140.00 Slope (%) 3.86 Manning's n 0.0240 Max. Headwater (ft) Tailwater (ft) 6.60 Entrance Loss Coef. (Ke) 1.50 0.90 Culvert Results: Design Discharge = 240.85 cfs Minimum pipe diameter: 1 - 84 inch pipe(s) required Structure #2 (Culvert) Culvert V4 Culvert Inputs: Length (ft) 150.00 Slope (%) 3.86 Manning's n 0.0240 Max. Headwater (ft) Tailwater (ft) 7.00 Entrance Loss Coef. (Ke) 1.50 0.90 Culvert Results: Design Discharge = 501.25 cfs Minimum pipe diameter: 1 - 0 inch pipe(s) required Filename: V3-V4.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Σ #2 SWS Area (ac) 40.030 Time of Conc (hrs) 0.385 Musk K (hrs) 0.000 Musk X 0.000 Curve Number 89.000 UHS M 40.030 1 Σ Filename: V3-V4.sc4 51.640 91.670 0.547 0.000 0.000 89.200 M Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) 240.85 29.584 240.85 29.584 270.69 38.248 501.25 67.832 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Culvert V5 Collection Channel C4 J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: V5Y25.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Filename: V5Y25.sc4 Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Culvert #1 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Culvert V5 #1 Culvert Filename: V5Y25.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 Filename: V5Y25.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 39.530 39.530 Peak Discharge (cfs) 321.72 Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 33.46 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Culvert) Culvert V5 Culvert Inputs: Length (ft) 150.00 Slope (%) 5.42 Manning's n 0.0240 Max. Headwater (ft) Tailwater (ft) 7.00 Entrance Loss Coef. (Ke) 1.50 0.90 Culvert Results: Design Discharge = 321.72 cfs Minimum pipe diameter: 1 - 108 inch pipe(s) required Filename: V5Y25.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Σ Filename: V5Y25.sc4 SWS Area (ac) 39.530 39.530 Time of Conc (hrs) 0.270 Musk K (hrs) 0.000 Musk X 0.000 Curve Number 85.800 UHS F Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) 321.72 33.455 321.72 33.455 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S2 (With Emerg. Splwy) New Ore Stockpile J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Channel #1 ==> #5 0.000 0.000 Collection Channel C3 Channel #4 ==> #5 0.000 0.000 Collection Channel C2 Pond #5 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Sediment Pond S2 #4 Chan'l #1 Chan'l #5 Pond Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #4 #1 #5 In Out Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 25.140 25.140 34.420 34.420 0.000 59.560 Peak Discharge (cfs) 174.37 Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) 18.94 501.8 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 36,904 8.45 24VW (ml/l) 4.41 171.37 25.73 592.5 31,034 3.58 1.94 323.33 44.67 1,094.3 33,082 5.54 2.99 108.83 44.67 862.0 22,311 0.28 0.19 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #4 (Collection Channel C2): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 95.711% 0.1490 90.130% 0.0740 84.311% 0.0458 83.124% 0.0330 80.511% 0.0212 77.305% 0.0153 74.455% 0.0093 69.230% 0.0044 63.293% 0.0023 56.999% 0.0010 52.843% Structure #1 (Collection Channel C3): Size (mm) Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 0.0740 100.000% 0.0458 100.000% 0.0330 96.936% 0.0212 93.075% 0.0153 89.644% 0.0093 83.353% 0.0044 76.205% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Size (mm) In/Out 0.0023 68.627% 0.0010 63.623% Structure #5: Size (mm) Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 98.033% 100.000% 0.1490 95.474% 100.000% 0.0740 92.806% 100.000% 0.0458 92.262% 100.000% 0.0330 89.405% 100.000% 0.0212 85.844% 100.000% 0.0153 82.679% 100.000% 0.0093 76.877% 97.595% 0.0044 70.284% 89.225% 0.0023 63.295% 80.353% 0.0010 58.680% 74.494% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Riprap Channel) Collection Channel C2 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 9.4 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 174.37 cfs Depth: 1.31 ft 2.31 ft Top Width: 17.38 ft 21.38 ft Velocity: 9.02 fps X-Section Area: 19.33 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 1.074 ft Froude Number: 1.51 Manning's n: 0.0530 Dmin: 5.00 in D50: 9.00 in Dmax: 12.00 in Structure #1 (Riprap Channel) Collection Channel C3 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 2.0:1 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 Slope (%) 3.9 Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 171.37 cfs Depth: 1.52 ft 2.52 ft Top Width: 18.22 ft 22.22 ft Velocity: 7.43 fps X-Section Area: 23.07 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 1.218 ft Froude Number: 1.16 Manning's n: 0.0450 Dmin: 3.00 in D50: 6.00 in Dmax: 9.00 in Structure #5 (Pond) Sediment Pond S2 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,100.84 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) 36.00 Riser Height (ft) 10.00 Barrel Diameter (in) 36.00 Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 4.50 0.0240 2,109.84 213.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,120.07 ft H'graph Detention Time: 1.99 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.92 days Trap Efficiency: 21.23 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 9 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,099.84 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.003 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,100.84 0.010 0.003 0.000 2,101.34 0.022 0.011 0.297 1.30 2,101.84 0.039 0.027 0.420 0.55 2,102.34 0.061 0.051 0.812 0.50 2,102.84 0.088 0.089 1.014 0.50 2,103.34 0.120 0.140 1.476 0.50 2,103.84 0.156 0.209 1.742 0.50 2,104.34 0.198 0.298 2.262 0.55 2,104.84 0.244 0.408 2.583 0.55 2,105.34 0.296 0.543 3.154 0.60 2,105.84 0.352 0.704 3.522 0.55 2,106.34 0.413 0.895 4.139 0.60 2,106.40 0.420 0.920 4.192 0.10 2,106.84 0.454 1.113 4.551 0.55 2,107.34 0.495 1.350 5.210 0.55 2,107.84 0.537 1.608 5.663 0.60 2,108.34 0.581 1.887 6.361 0.55 2,108.84 0.627 2.189 6.852 0.60 2,109.34 0.674 2.515 7.586 0.60 2,109.84 0.724 2.864 8.112 2.40 2,110.34 0.775 3.239 10.330 3.65 2,110.84 0.827 3.639 29.217 2.55 2,111.34 0.882 4.066 41.684 0.25 2,111.84 0.938 4.521 48.133 0.20 2,112.34 0.996 5.005 53.814 0.20 2,112.84 1.056 5.517 58.950 0.15 2,112.96 1.070 5.645 60.117 0.05 2,113.34 1.106 6.058 63.674 0.10 2,113.84 1.153 6.623 68.070 0.15 2,114.34 1.202 7.212 72.199 0.15 2,114.84 1.252 7.825 76.105 0.15 2,115.34 1.302 8.463 79.819 0.15 2,115.84 1.354 9.127 83.369 0.10 2,116.34 1.406 9.817 86.773 0.15 2,116.84 1.460 10.534 90.048 0.15 2,117.34 1.515 11.278 93.209 0.15 2,117.84 1.570 12.049 96.266 0.20 2,118.34 1.627 12.848 99.228 0.15 2,118.84 1.685 13.676 102.105 0.20 2,119.34 1.744 14.533 104.903 0.20 2,119.53 1.766 14.867 105.947 0.10 Low hole SPW #1 Spillway #1 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 10 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,119.84 1.786 15.417 107.628 0.20 2,120.07 1.801 15.826 108.835 0.20 Peak Stage 2,120.34 1.819 16.319 110.286 2,120.84 1.853 17.237 112.676 2,121.34 1.886 18.171 113.593 2,121.84 1.920 19.123 114.503 2,122.34 1.954 20.092 115.406 2,122.84 1.989 21.077 116.302 2,123.34 2.024 22.081 117.191 2,123.84 2.059 23.101 118.073 2,124.34 2.094 24.140 118.949 2,124.84 2.130 25.196 119.818 2,125.34 2.166 26.270 120.681 2,125.84 2.202 27.362 121.538 2,126.08 2.220 27.893 121.947 Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) Perf. Riser (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) 2,099.84 Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.000 0.000 2,100.84 2.00>0.000 0.000 2,101.34 0.297 0.297 2,101.84 2.00>0.420 0.420 2,102.34 0.812 0.812 2,102.84 2.00>1.014 1.014 2,103.34 1.476 1.476 2,103.84 2.00>1.742 1.742 2,104.34 2.262 2.262 2,104.84 2.00>2.583 2.583 2,105.34 3.154 3.154 2,105.84 2.00>3.522 3.522 2,106.34 4.139 4.139 2,106.40 4.192 4.192 2,106.84 2.00>4.551 4.551 2,107.34 5.210 5.210 2,107.84 2.00>5.663 5.663 2,108.34 6.361 6.361 2,108.84 2.00>6.852 6.852 2,109.34 7.586 7.586 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 11 Combined Elevation (ft) Perf. Riser (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 2,109.84 8.112 8.112 2,110.34 10.330 10.330 2,110.84 29.217 29.217 2,111.34 41.684 41.684 2,111.84 48.133 48.133 2,112.34 53.814 53.814 2,112.84 58.950 58.950 2,112.96 60.117 60.117 2,113.34 63.674 63.674 2,113.84 68.070 68.070 2,114.34 72.199 72.199 2,114.84 76.105 76.105 2,115.34 79.819 79.819 2,115.84 83.369 83.369 2,116.34 86.773 86.773 2,116.84 90.048 90.048 2,117.34 93.209 93.209 2,117.84 96.266 96.266 2,118.34 99.228 99.228 2,118.84 102.105 102.105 2,119.34 104.903 104.903 2,119.53 105.947 105.947 2,119.84 107.628 107.628 2,120.34 110.286 110.286 2,120.84 112.676 112.676 2,121.34 113.593 113.593 2,121.84 114.503 114.503 2,122.34 115.406 115.406 2,122.84 116.302 116.302 2,123.34 117.191 117.191 2,123.84 118.073 118.073 2,124.34 118.949 118.949 2,124.84 119.818 119.818 2,125.34 120.681 120.681 2,125.84 121.538 121.538 2,126.08 121.947 121.947 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 12 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #4 1 Σ #1 #5 Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 25.140 0.193 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 25.140 1 34.420 0.613 0.000 0.000 90.000 M 174.37 18.943 174.37 18.943 171.37 25.729 Σ 34.420 171.37 25.729 Σ 59.560 323.33 44.672 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #4 1 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 (tons) (ml/l) 501.8 36,904 8.45 4.41 501.8 36,904 8.45 4.41 592.5 31,034 3.58 1.94 Σ 592.5 31,034 3.58 1.94 Σ 1,094.3 33,082 5.54 2.99 Σ #1 #5 Sediment 1 Filename: NewS2Y.sc4 0.145 650.00 2.00 0.7870 1.0000 1 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S3 (With Emerg. Splwy) New Ore Stockpile J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Pond #6 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Sediment Pond S3 #6 Pond Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #6 In Out Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 49.110 49.110 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 328.15 37.07 1,040.3 38,923 8.45 4.43 293.49 37.07 811.0 29,728 1.69 0.91 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #6: Size (mm) Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 97.732% 100.000% 0.1490 92.033% 100.000% 0.0740 86.092% 100.000% 0.0458 84.879% 100.000% 0.0330 82.212% 100.000% 0.0212 78.938% 100.000% 0.0153 76.028% 97.521% 0.0093 70.692% 90.678% 0.0044 64.629% 82.901% 0.0023 58.203% 74.658% 0.0010 53.959% 69.214% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #6 (Pond) Sediment Pond S3 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,100.84 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 10.00 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 7.00 0.0240 2,109.84 245.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 15.00 2,116.53 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,119.09 ft H'graph Detention Time: 0.49 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.61 days Trap Efficiency: 22.04 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,099.84 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.001 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,100.84 0.003 0.001 0.000 2,101.34 0.006 0.003 0.297 0.35 2,101.84 0.011 0.008 0.420 0.15 2,102.34 0.017 0.015 0.812 0.15 2,102.84 0.025 0.025 1.014 0.15 Low hole SPW #1 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 7 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,103.34 0.034 0.040 1.476 0.15 2,103.84 0.045 0.060 1.742 0.15 2,104.34 0.056 0.085 2.262 0.15 2,104.84 0.070 0.117 2.583 0.15 2,105.34 0.084 0.155 3.154 0.15 2,105.84 0.100 0.201 3.522 0.20 2,106.34 0.118 0.256 4.139 0.15 2,106.40 0.120 0.263 4.192 0.05 2,106.84 0.127 0.317 4.830 0.15 2,107.34 0.135 0.383 5.321 0.20 2,107.84 0.143 0.452 6.044 0.20 2,108.34 0.151 0.525 6.555 2.45 2,108.84 0.160 0.603 7.305 1.00 2,109.34 0.169 0.685 7.845 0.80 2,109.84 0.178 0.772 8.625 1.10 2,110.34 0.187 0.863 10.330 1.50 2,110.84 0.197 0.959 29.217 3.60 2,111.34 0.207 1.060 41.684 0.15 2,111.84 0.217 1.166 48.133 0.10 2,112.34 0.227 1.277 53.814 0.05 2,112.84 0.237 1.393 58.950 0.05 2,112.96 0.240 1.421 60.117 2,113.34 0.280 1.520 63.674 0.05 2,113.84 0.338 1.674 68.070 0.05 2,114.34 0.401 1.859 72.199 0.05 2,114.84 0.469 2.076 76.105 0.10 2,115.34 0.543 2.329 79.819 0.05 2,115.84 0.622 2.620 83.369 0.10 2,116.34 0.707 2.952 86.773 0.10 2,116.53 0.740 3.089 88.031 0.05 2,116.84 0.786 3.326 98.043 0.10 2,117.34 0.862 3.738 126.969 0.15 2,117.84 0.943 4.189 165.698 0.15 2,118.34 1.026 4.681 211.991 0.10 2,118.84 1.114 5.216 264.683 0.10 2,119.09 1.159 5.502 293.491 0.10 Peak Stage 2,119.34 1.205 5.795 323.026 2,119.53 1.240 6.027 346.554 Spillway #1 Spillway #2 Detailed Discharge Table Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 2,099.84 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.84 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,101.34 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,101.84 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,102.34 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,102.84 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,103.34 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,103.84 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,104.34 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,104.84 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,105.34 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,105.84 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,106.34 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,106.40 2.00>4.192 0.000 4.192 2,106.84 4.830 0.000 4.830 2,107.34 2.00>5.321 0.000 5.321 2,107.84 6.044 0.000 6.044 2,108.34 2.00>6.555 0.000 6.555 2,108.84 7.305 0.000 7.305 2,109.34 2.00>7.845 0.000 7.845 2,109.84 8.625 0.000 8.625 2,110.34 10.330 0.000 10.330 2,110.84 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,111.34 41.684 0.000 41.684 2,111.84 48.133 0.000 48.133 2,112.34 53.814 0.000 53.814 2,112.84 58.950 0.000 58.950 2,112.96 60.117 0.000 60.117 2,113.34 63.674 0.000 63.674 2,113.84 68.070 0.000 68.070 2,114.34 72.199 0.000 72.199 2,114.84 76.105 0.000 76.105 2,115.34 79.819 0.000 79.819 2,115.84 83.369 0.000 83.369 2,116.34 86.773 0.000 86.773 2,116.53 88.031 0.000 88.031 2,116.84 90.048 7.995 98.043 2,117.34 93.209 33.760 126.969 2,117.84 96.266 69.433 165.698 2,118.34 99.228 112.763 211.991 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 2,118.84 102.105 162.578 264.683 2,119.34 104.903 218.123 323.026 2,119.53 105.947 240.608 346.554 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #6 1 Σ Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 49.110 0.235 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 328.15 37.074 328.15 37.074 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 49.110 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #6 1 Σ Filename: NewS3Y.sc4 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 1,040.3 38,923 8.45 4.43 1,040.3 38,923 8.45 4.43 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S4 (With Emerg. Splwy) New Ore Stockpile J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Pond #4 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Sediment Pond S4 #4 Pond Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #4 In Out Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 65.680 65.680 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 336.92 49.14 1,242.5 34,234 4.33 2.33 237.38 49.14 1,100.5 27,142 1.14 0.70 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #4: Size (mm) Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 100.000% 0.0740 99.828% 100.000% 0.0458 98.422% 100.000% 0.0330 95.329% 100.000% 0.0212 91.532% 100.000% 0.0153 88.158% 99.526% 0.0093 81.971% 92.542% 0.0044 74.941% 84.605% 0.0023 67.489% 76.192% 0.0010 62.568% 70.637% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Pond) Sediment Pond S4 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 1,985.16 ft Initial Pool: 2.87 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 10.00 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 4.00 0.0240 1,985.16 180.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 15.00 1,991.85 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 1,993.90 ft H'graph Detention Time: 0.60 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.66 days Trap Efficiency: 11.42 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) 1,975.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,975.60 0.003 0.000 0.000 1,976.10 0.010 0.003 0.000 1,976.60 0.022 0.011 0.000 1,977.10 0.039 0.026 0.000 1,977.60 0.060 0.051 0.000 1,978.10 0.087 0.087 0.000 Dewater Time (hrs) Top of Sed. Storage Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 7 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 1,978.60 0.118 0.138 0.000 1,979.10 0.154 0.206 0.000 1,979.60 0.194 0.292 0.000 1,980.10 0.240 0.401 0.000 1,980.60 0.290 0.533 0.000 1,981.10 0.345 0.692 0.000 1,981.60 0.405 0.879 0.000 1,981.72 0.420 0.929 0.000 1,982.10 0.450 1.094 0.000 1,982.60 0.490 1.329 0.000 1,983.10 0.532 1.584 0.000 1,983.60 0.576 1.861 0.000 1,984.10 0.621 2.160 0.000 1,984.60 0.668 2.482 0.000 1,985.10 0.717 2.829 0.000 1,985.16 0.723 2.872 0.000 1,985.60 0.768 3.200 8.526 7.60 1,986.10 0.820 3.597 26.625 4.80 1,986.60 0.874 4.020 40.841 0.35 1,987.10 0.930 4.471 47.405 0.25 1,987.60 0.988 4.951 53.164 0.20 1,988.10 1.047 5.460 58.357 0.20 1,988.29 1.070 5.661 60.214 0.05 1,988.60 1.099 5.997 63.125 0.10 1,989.10 1.147 6.558 67.557 0.20 1,989.60 1.195 7.144 71.716 0.15 1,990.10 1.245 7.754 75.646 0.15 1,990.60 1.295 8.389 79.382 0.20 1,991.10 1.347 9.049 82.950 0.20 1,991.60 1.400 9.736 86.371 0.25 1,991.85 1.426 10.089 88.031 0.15 1,992.10 1.453 10.449 95.449 0.15 1,992.60 1.508 11.189 122.911 0.35 1,993.10 1.563 11.957 160.617 0.25 1,993.60 1.620 12.753 206.075 0.15 1,993.90 1.655 13.250 237.381 0.20 Peak Stage 1,994.10 1.678 13.577 258.043 1,994.60 1.736 14.431 315.738 1,994.85 1.766 14.869 346.554 Spillway #1 Spillway #2 Detailed Discharge Table Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 1,975.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,975.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,976.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,976.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,977.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,977.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,978.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,978.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,979.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,979.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,980.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,980.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,981.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,981.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,981.72 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,982.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,982.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,983.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,983.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,984.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,984.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,985.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,985.16 0.000 0.000 0.000 1,985.60 8.526 0.000 8.526 1,986.10 26.625 0.000 26.625 1,986.60 40.841 0.000 40.841 1,987.10 47.405 0.000 47.405 1,987.60 53.164 0.000 53.164 1,988.10 58.357 0.000 58.357 1,988.29 60.214 0.000 60.214 1,988.60 63.125 0.000 63.125 1,989.10 67.557 0.000 67.557 1,989.60 71.716 0.000 71.716 1,990.10 75.646 0.000 75.646 1,990.60 79.382 0.000 79.382 1,991.10 82.950 0.000 82.950 1,991.60 86.371 0.000 86.371 1,991.85 88.031 0.000 88.031 1,992.10 89.661 5.788 95.449 1,992.60 92.835 30.076 122.911 1,993.10 95.904 64.713 160.617 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 1,993.60 98.877 107.198 206.075 1,994.10 101.764 156.279 258.043 1,994.60 104.571 211.167 315.738 1,994.85 105.947 240.608 346.554 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #4 1 Σ Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 65.680 0.578 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 336.92 49.136 336.92 49.136 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 65.680 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #4 1 Σ Filename: NewS4Y.sc4 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 1,242.5 34,234 4.33 2.33 1,242.5 34,234 4.33 2.33 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S5 (With Emerg. Splwy) New Ore Stockpile J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Channel #1 ==> #4 0.000 0.000 Collection Channel C1 Pond #4 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Sediment Pond S5 #1 Chan'l #4 Pond Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 #4 In Out Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 68.280 68.280 0.000 68.280 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 398.85 51.16 1,395.6 37,793 6.53 3.43 398.85 51.16 1,395.6 37,793 6.53 3.43 104.36 51.16 1,085.8 24,640 0.27 0.18 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1 (Collection Channel C1): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 99.229% 0.0740 92.823% 0.0458 91.515% 0.0330 88.639% 0.0212 85.109% 0.0153 81.972% 0.0093 76.219% 0.0044 69.682% 0.0023 62.753% 0.0010 58.178% Structure #4: Size (mm) Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 100.000% 0.1490 99.229% 100.000% 0.0740 92.823% 100.000% 0.0458 91.515% 100.000% 0.0330 88.639% 100.000% 0.0212 85.109% 100.000% 0.0153 81.972% 100.000% 0.0093 76.219% 97.968% 0.0044 69.682% 89.566% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Size (mm) Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 In Out 0.0023 62.753% 80.660% 0.0010 58.178% 74.779% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Riprap Channel) Collection Channel C1 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 2.0 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 398.85 cfs Depth: 2.73 ft 3.73 ft Top Width: 23.07 ft 27.07 ft Velocity: 8.29 fps X-Section Area: 48.10 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 1.975 ft Froude Number: 1.01 Manning's n: 0.0400 Dmin: 3.00 in D50: 6.00 in Dmax: 9.00 in Structure #4 (Pond) Sediment Pond S5 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,100.84 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Riser Diameter (in) 8 Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 10.00 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 3.50 0.0240 2,109.84 280.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 15.00 2,123.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,121.87 ft H'graph Detention Time: 2.07 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.93 days Trap Efficiency: 22.20 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,099.84 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.003 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,100.84 0.010 0.003 0.000 2,101.34 0.022 0.011 0.297 1.30 2,101.84 0.039 0.027 0.420 0.50 2,102.34 0.061 0.051 0.812 0.55 2,102.84 0.088 0.089 1.014 0.45 2,103.34 0.120 0.140 1.476 0.55 2,103.84 0.156 0.209 1.742 0.50 2,104.34 0.198 0.298 2.262 0.55 2,104.84 0.244 0.408 2.583 0.55 2,105.34 0.296 0.543 3.154 0.55 2,105.84 0.352 0.704 3.522 0.60 2,106.34 0.413 0.895 4.139 0.60 2,106.40 0.420 0.920 4.192 0.05 2,106.84 0.454 1.113 4.551 0.55 2,107.34 0.495 1.350 5.210 0.60 2,107.84 0.537 1.608 5.663 0.55 2,108.34 0.581 1.887 6.361 0.60 2,108.84 0.627 2.189 6.852 0.55 2,109.34 0.674 2.515 7.586 0.55 Low hole SPW #1 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 9 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,109.84 0.724 2.864 8.112 0.65 2,110.34 0.775 3.239 10.330 4.85 Spillway #1 2,110.84 0.827 3.639 29.217 2.80 2,111.34 0.882 4.066 41.684 0.30 2,111.84 0.938 4.521 48.133 0.20 2,112.34 0.996 5.005 53.814 0.15 2,112.84 1.056 5.517 58.950 0.15 2,112.96 1.070 5.645 60.117 0.05 2,113.34 1.106 6.058 63.674 0.10 2,113.84 1.153 6.623 68.070 0.15 2,114.34 1.202 7.212 72.199 0.15 2,114.84 1.252 7.825 76.105 0.15 2,115.34 1.302 8.463 79.819 0.15 2,115.84 1.354 9.127 83.369 0.10 2,116.34 1.406 9.817 86.773 0.15 2,116.84 1.460 10.534 90.048 0.15 2,117.34 1.515 11.278 93.209 0.10 2,117.84 1.570 12.049 96.266 0.15 2,118.34 1.627 12.848 98.406 0.15 2,118.84 1.685 13.676 99.271 0.15 2,119.34 1.744 14.533 100.130 0.15 2,119.53 1.766 14.867 100.454 0.05 2,119.84 1.786 15.417 100.980 0.10 2,120.34 1.819 16.319 101.824 0.15 2,120.84 1.853 17.237 102.661 0.20 2,121.34 1.886 18.171 103.490 0.20 2,121.84 1.920 19.123 104.314 0.45 2,121.87 1.922 19.174 104.357 0.05 Peak Stage 2,122.34 1.954 20.091 105.131 2,122.84 1.989 21.077 105.941 2,123.00 2.000 21.396 106.199 2,123.34 2.023 22.080 115.929 2,123.84 2.058 23.100 143.199 2,124.34 2.094 24.138 180.170 2,124.84 2.130 25.194 224.704 2,125.34 2.165 26.268 275.663 2,125.84 2.202 27.360 332.309 2,126.09 2.220 27.913 362.593 Spillway #2 Detailed Discharge Table Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 2,099.84 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.34 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,100.84 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,101.34 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,101.84 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,102.34 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,102.84 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,103.34 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,103.84 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,104.34 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,104.84 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,105.34 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,105.84 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,106.34 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,106.40 4.192 0.000 4.192 2,106.84 2.00>4.551 0.000 4.551 2,107.34 5.210 0.000 5.210 2,107.84 2.00>5.663 0.000 5.663 2,108.34 6.361 0.000 6.361 2,108.84 2.00>6.852 0.000 6.852 2,109.34 7.586 0.000 7.586 2,109.84 8.112 0.000 8.112 2,110.34 10.330 0.000 10.330 2,110.84 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,111.34 41.684 0.000 41.684 2,111.84 48.133 0.000 48.133 2,112.34 53.814 0.000 53.814 2,112.84 58.950 0.000 58.950 2,112.96 60.117 0.000 60.117 2,113.34 63.674 0.000 63.674 2,113.84 68.070 0.000 68.070 2,114.34 72.199 0.000 72.199 2,114.84 76.105 0.000 76.105 2,115.34 79.819 0.000 79.819 2,115.84 83.369 0.000 83.369 2,116.34 86.773 0.000 86.773 2,116.84 90.048 0.000 90.048 2,117.34 93.209 0.000 93.209 2,117.84 96.266 0.000 96.266 2,118.34 98.406 0.000 98.406 2,118.84 99.271 0.000 99.271 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 11 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 2,119.34 100.130 0.000 100.130 2,119.53 100.454 0.000 100.454 2,119.84 100.980 0.000 100.980 2,120.34 101.824 0.000 101.824 2,120.84 102.661 0.000 102.661 2,121.34 103.490 0.000 103.490 2,121.84 104.314 0.000 104.314 2,122.34 105.131 0.000 105.131 2,122.84 105.941 0.000 105.941 2,123.00 106.199 0.000 106.199 2,123.34 106.746 9.184 115.929 2,123.84 107.544 35.655 143.199 2,124.34 108.337 71.834 180.170 2,124.84 109.123 115.581 224.704 2,125.34 109.905 165.759 275.663 2,125.84 110.680 221.628 332.309 2,126.09 111.066 251.527 362.593 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 12 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 #4 1 Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 68.280 0.429 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 398.85 51.159 Σ 68.280 398.85 51.159 Σ 68.280 398.85 51.159 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 #4 1 Soil K 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 (tons) (ml/l) 1,395.6 37,793 6.53 3.43 Σ 1,395.6 37,793 6.53 3.43 Σ 1,395.6 37,793 6.53 3.43 Filename: NewS5Y.sc4 0.145 L (ft) Sediment Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S6 J. Kunkel Filename: NewS6.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS6.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Channel #1 ==> #2 0.000 0.000 Channel C7 Pond #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Sediment Pond S6 Musk. X Description #1 Chan'l #2 Pond Filename: NewS6.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 #2 In Out Filename: NewS6.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 87.370 87.370 8.640 96.010 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 513.87 65.50 4,185.9 86,847 15.20 8.02 529.06 73.13 4,219.5 84,507 14.89 7.30 521.23 73.13 3,666.3 71,786 6.07 3.09 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1 (Channel C7): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 98.848% 0.0740 92.467% 0.0458 91.165% 0.0330 88.299% 0.0212 84.783% 0.0153 81.657% 0.0093 75.927% 0.0044 69.415% 0.0023 62.513% 0.0010 57.955% Structure #2: Size (mm) Filename: NewS6.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 99.882% 100.000% 0.2460 99.846% 100.000% 0.1490 98.666% 100.000% 0.0740 92.296% 100.000% 0.0458 90.996% 100.000% 0.0330 88.137% 100.000% 0.0212 84.627% 97.395% 0.0153 81.507% 93.804% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Size (mm) Filename: NewS6.sc4 In Out 0.0093 75.787% 87.222% 0.0044 69.287% 79.741% 0.0023 62.398% 71.812% 0.0010 57.848% 66.576% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Riprap Channel) Channel C7 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 1.9 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Steep Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 513.87 cfs Depth: 3.18 ft 4.18 ft Top Width: 24.87 ft 28.87 ft Velocity: 8.73 fps X-Section Area: 58.89 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 2.233 ft Froude Number: 1.00 Manning's n: 0.0400 Dmin: 3.00 in D50: 6.00 in Dmax: 9.00 in Structure #2 (Pond) Sediment Pond S6 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,146.80 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Filename: NewS6.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Riser Diameter (in) 8 Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 15.00 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 6.00 0.0240 2,161.18 250.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 25.00 2,162.18 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,165.42 ft H'graph Detention Time: 0.88 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.70 days Trap Efficiency: 13.11 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS6.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,145.80 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,146.30 0.001 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,146.80 0.002 0.001 0.000 2,147.30 0.005 0.003 0.297 0.35 2,147.80 0.009 0.006 0.420 0.10 2,148.30 0.015 0.012 0.812 0.15 2,148.80 0.021 0.021 1.014 0.10 2,149.30 0.029 0.034 1.476 0.10 2,149.80 0.038 0.051 1.742 0.15 2,150.30 0.048 0.072 2.262 0.15 2,150.80 0.059 0.099 2.583 0.10 2,151.30 0.072 0.132 3.154 0.15 2,151.80 0.085 0.171 3.522 0.15 2,152.30 0.100 0.217 4.139 0.15 2,152.80 0.120 0.272 4.551 0.15 2,153.30 0.141 0.337 5.210 0.15 2,153.80 0.164 0.413 5.663 0.15 2,154.30 0.189 0.502 6.361 0.20 2,154.80 0.216 0.603 6.852 0.20 Low hole SPW #1 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 9 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,155.30 0.244 0.717 7.586 0.20 2,155.80 0.274 0.847 8.112 0.20 2,156.30 0.306 0.992 8.881 0.20 2,156.80 0.340 1.153 9.441 0.20 2,157.30 0.375 1.332 10.243 0.20 2,157.80 0.412 1.529 10.834 0.25 2,158.30 0.451 1.744 11.668 0.25 2,158.80 0.492 1.980 12.290 0.25 2,158.90 0.500 2.030 12.539 0.05 2,159.30 0.521 2.234 13.153 0.25 2,159.80 0.548 2.501 13.805 0.65 2,160.30 0.575 2.782 14.697 1.35 2,160.80 0.603 3.076 15.377 1.10 2,161.18 0.625 3.310 16.113 0.75 2,161.30 0.632 3.385 16.297 0.25 2,161.80 0.662 3.708 17.005 1.80 2,162.18 0.684 3.964 29.217 3.05 2,162.30 0.692 4.047 37.849 0.95 2,162.80 0.722 4.400 81.008 1.10 2,163.30 0.754 4.769 141.047 0.50 2,163.80 0.786 5.154 214.238 0.40 2,164.30 0.819 5.555 298.360 0.10 2,164.80 0.852 5.973 392.066 0.15 2,165.30 0.886 6.408 494.421 0.10 2,165.42 0.895 6.518 521.235 0.05 Peak Stage 2,165.50 0.900 6.586 537.612 Spillway #1 Spillway #2 Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS6.sc4 2,145.80 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,146.30 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,146.80 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,147.30 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,147.80 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,148.30 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,148.80 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,149.30 1.476 0.000 1.476 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) 2,149.80 Filename: NewS6.sc4 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,150.30 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,150.80 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,151.30 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,151.80 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,152.30 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,152.80 2.00>4.551 0.000 4.551 2,153.30 5.210 0.000 5.210 2,153.80 2.00>5.663 0.000 5.663 2,154.30 6.361 0.000 6.361 2,154.80 2.00>6.852 0.000 6.852 2,155.30 7.586 0.000 7.586 2,155.80 2.00>8.112 0.000 8.112 2,156.30 8.881 0.000 8.881 2,156.80 2.00>9.441 0.000 9.441 2,157.30 10.243 0.000 10.243 2,157.80 2.00>10.834 0.000 10.834 2,158.30 11.668 0.000 11.668 2,158.80 2.00>12.290 0.000 12.290 2,158.90 12.539 0.000 12.539 2,159.30 13.153 0.000 13.153 2,159.80 2.00>13.805 0.000 13.805 2,160.30 14.697 0.000 14.697 2,160.80 2.00>15.377 0.000 15.377 2,161.18 16.113 0.000 16.113 2,161.30 16.297 0.000 16.297 2,161.80 17.005 0.000 17.005 2,162.18 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,162.30 34.636 3.213 37.849 2,162.80 43.321 37.687 81.008 2,163.30 49.557 91.490 141.047 2,163.80 55.092 159.146 214.238 2,164.30 60.119 238.241 298.360 2,164.80 64.757 327.309 392.066 2,165.30 69.085 425.337 494.421 2,165.50 70.741 466.871 537.612 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 11 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 (ac) 1 Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 87.370 #2 Time of Conc SWS Area 0.421 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 513.87 65.500 513.87 65.500 79.85 7.631 529.06 73.131 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 87.370 1 8.640 0.083 0.000 0.000 85.000 M 96.010 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 Soil K 1 0.145 L (ft) 600.00 S (%) 4.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 #2 1 Filename: NewS6.sc4 0.145 200.00 2.00 0.2180 1.0000 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 4,185.9 86,847 15.20 8.02 4,185.9 86,847 15.20 8.02 33.5 5,831 1.85 1.02 4,219.5 84,507 14.89 7.30 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S7 J. Kunkel Filename: NewS7.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS7.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Pond #1 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Sediment Pond S7 #1 Pond Filename: NewS7.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 In Out Filename: NewS7.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 133.640 133.640 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 886.77 96.08 1,383.0 19,981 4.39 2.31 867.20 95.94 1,106.5 15,998 1.25 0.74 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1: Size (mm) Filename: NewS7.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 97.330% 100.000% 0.1490 91.655% 100.000% 0.0740 85.737% 100.000% 0.0458 84.530% 100.000% 0.0330 81.873% 100.000% 0.0212 78.613% 98.257% 0.0153 75.715% 94.635% 0.0093 70.401% 87.994% 0.0044 64.363% 80.447% 0.0023 57.963% 72.448% 0.0010 53.737% 67.165% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Pond) Sediment Pond S7 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,244.70 ft Initial Pool: 0.14 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 8.80 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 1.00 0.0240 2,253.05 200.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 50.00 2,254.05 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,257.04 ft H'graph Detention Time: 1.29 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 1.81 days Trap Efficiency: 19.99 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS7.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,244.20 0.260 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,244.70 0.281 0.135 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 2,245.20 0.304 0.282 0.297 5.96* 2,245.70 0.327 0.439 0.420 5.35 2,246.20 0.351 0.608 0.812 3.45 2,246.70 0.375 0.790 1.014 2.40 2,247.20 0.401 0.984 1.476 1.90 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 7 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,247.70 0.427 1.191 1.742 1.60 2,248.20 0.455 1.411 2.262 1.30 2,248.70 0.483 1.646 2.583 1.20 2,249.20 0.512 1.894 3.154 1.05 2,249.70 0.542 2.157 3.522 0.95 2,250.20 0.572 2.436 4.139 0.90 2,250.70 0.604 2.730 4.551 0.80 2,250.80 0.610 2.791 4.760 0.15 2,251.20 0.665 3.045 5.210 0.65 2,251.70 0.737 3.396 5.663 0.75 2,252.20 0.812 3.783 6.361 0.80 2,252.70 0.891 4.208 6.852 0.75 2,253.05 0.949 4.530 7.411 0.55 2,253.20 0.974 4.674 7.586 0.25 2,253.70 1.061 5.183 15.308 0.70 Spillway #1 2,254.05 1.123 5.565 29.217 7.00 2,254.20 1.151 5.736 44.985 2.35 Spillway #2 2,254.70 1.244 6.334 124.586 1.85 2,255.20 1.342 6.981 240.230 0.30 2,255.70 1.443 7.676 382.514 0.30 2,256.20 1.547 8.424 546.963 0.10 2,256.70 1.655 9.224 730.835 0.10 2,257.04 1.732 9.804 867.204 0.10 Peak Stage 2,257.20 1.767 10.080 932.218 2,257.30 1.790 10.258 974.505 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit. Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS7.sc4 2,244.20 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,244.70 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,245.20 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,245.70 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,246.20 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,246.70 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,247.20 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,247.70 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,248.20 2.262 0.000 2.262 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS7.sc4 2,248.70 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,249.20 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,249.70 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,250.20 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,250.70 2.00>4.551 0.000 4.551 2,250.80 4.760 0.000 4.760 2,251.20 5.210 0.000 5.210 2,251.70 2.00>5.663 0.000 5.663 2,252.20 6.361 0.000 6.361 2,252.70 2.00>6.852 0.000 6.852 2,253.05 7.411 0.000 7.411 2,253.20 7.586 0.000 7.586 2,253.70 15.308 0.000 15.308 2,254.05 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,254.20 36.027 8.958 44.985 2,254.70 43.718 80.868 124.586 2,255.20 49.904 190.326 240.230 2,255.70 55.404 327.110 382.514 2,256.20 60.405 486.558 546.963 2,256.70 65.023 665.812 730.835 2,257.20 69.334 862.884 932.218 2,257.30 70.165 904.340 974.505 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 133.640 0.219 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 86.200 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 886.77 96.080 886.77 96.080 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 133.640 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Filename: NewS7.sc4 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.3510 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 1,383.0 19,981 4.39 2.31 1,383.0 19,981 4.39 2.31 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S8 J. Kunkel Filename: NewS8.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS8.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Pond #1 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Sediment Pond S8 #1 Pond Filename: NewS8.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 In Out Filename: NewS8.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 77.220 77.220 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 408.24 55.59 766.5 18,811 2.67 1.43 313.33 53.91 631.5 12,878 0.19 0.14 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1: Size (mm) Filename: NewS8.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 100.000% 0.0740 97.490% 100.000% 0.0458 96.117% 100.000% 0.0330 93.096% 100.000% 0.0212 89.389% 100.000% 0.0153 86.093% 100.000% 0.0093 80.052% 97.168% 0.0044 73.186% 88.834% 0.0023 65.909% 80.001% 0.0010 61.103% 74.168% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Pond) Sediment Pond S8 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,343.10 ft Initial Pool: 0.23 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Riser Diameter (in) Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 5.60 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 6.00 0.0240 2,348.20 250.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 15.00 2,349.20 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,352.23 ft H'graph Detention Time: 2.99 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 2.97 days Trap Efficiency: 17.61 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS8.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,342.60 0.410 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,343.10 0.506 0.228 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 2,343.60 0.610 0.507 0.297 11.35* 2,344.10 0.725 0.841 0.420 9.60* 2,344.60 0.850 1.234 0.812 5.87* 2,345.10 0.985 1.692 1.014 5.47* 2,345.60 1.129 2.221 1.476 4.33* Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 7 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,346.10 1.283 2.823 1.742 4.55 2,346.60 1.448 3.506 2.262 4.15 2,347.10 1.622 4.273 2.583 3.80 2,347.60 1.807 5.130 3.154 3.65 2,348.10 2.001 6.081 3.522 3.45 2,348.20 2.040 6.283 3.722 0.65 2,348.60 2.203 7.132 7.395 2.10 2,349.10 2.416 8.287 24.952 8.60 Spillway #1 2,349.20 2.460 8.530 29.217 0.55 2,349.60 2.495 9.521 51.994 1.15 Spillway #2 2,350.10 2.540 10.780 86.461 0.60 2,350.60 2.585 12.062 129.445 0.50 2,351.10 2.631 13.366 179.246 0.30 2,351.60 2.676 14.692 234.940 0.25 2,352.10 2.723 16.042 295.911 0.20 2,352.23 2.735 16.408 313.331 0.10 Peak Stage 2,352.50 2.760 17.138 348.170 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit. Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS8.sc4 2,342.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,343.10 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,343.60 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,344.10 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,344.60 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,345.10 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,345.60 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,346.10 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,346.60 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,347.10 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,347.60 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,348.10 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,348.20 3.722 0.000 3.722 2,348.60 7.395 0.000 7.395 2,349.10 24.952 0.000 24.952 2,349.20 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,349.60 40.273 11.721 51.994 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS8.sc4 2,350.10 46.916 39.546 86.461 2,350.60 52.729 76.716 129.445 2,351.10 57.961 121.285 179.246 2,351.60 62.759 172.181 234.940 2,352.10 67.215 228.696 295.911 2,352.50 70.577 277.593 348.170 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Time of Conc SWS Area (ac) Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 77.220 0.518 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 86.700 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 408.24 55.586 408.24 55.586 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 77.220 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Filename: NewS8.sc4 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.4070 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 766.5 18,811 2.67 1.43 766.5 18,811 2.67 1.43 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Sediment Pond S9 J. Kunkel Filename: NewS9.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: NewS9.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Channel #1 ==> #2 0.000 0.000 Channel C6 Pond #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Sediment Pond S9 Musk. X Description #1 Chan'l #2 Pond Filename: NewS9.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 #2 In Out Filename: NewS9.sc4 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 67.310 67.310 15.680 82.990 Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 323.78 50.35 1,231.9 32,707 3.35 1.83 389.48 61.60 1,301.5 29,659 3.25 1.69 367.22 61.60 1,183.4 24,931 1.06 0.66 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1 (Channel C6): Size (mm) In/Out 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 0.2460 100.000% 0.1490 100.000% 0.0740 100.000% 0.0458 100.000% 0.0330 98.823% 0.0212 94.888% 0.0153 91.389% 0.0093 84.976% 0.0044 77.688% 0.0023 69.963% 0.0010 64.862% Structure #2: Size (mm) Filename: NewS9.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 100.000% 100.000% 2.0000 100.000% 100.000% 0.8400 100.000% 100.000% 0.4200 100.000% 100.000% 0.2460 99.722% 100.000% 0.1490 99.426% 100.000% 0.0740 99.118% 100.000% 0.0458 99.055% 100.000% 0.0330 97.803% 100.000% 0.0212 93.908% 100.000% 0.0153 90.446% 99.474% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Size (mm) Filename: NewS9.sc4 In Out 0.0093 84.099% 92.493% 0.0044 76.886% 84.561% 0.0023 69.241% 76.152% 0.0010 64.192% 70.599% Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Riprap Channel) Channel C6 Trapezoidal Riprap Channel Inputs: Material: Riprap Bottom Width (ft) Left Sideslope Ratio 12.14 Right Sideslope Ratio 2.0:1 2.0:1 Slope (%) Freeboard Freeboard Depth (ft) % of Depth 0.8 Freeboard Mult. x (VxD) 1.00 Riprap Channel Results: PADER Method - Mild Slope Design w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge: 323.78 cfs Depth: 2.87 ft 3.87 ft Top Width: 23.61 ft 27.61 ft Velocity: 6.32 fps X-Section Area: 51.26 sq ft Hydraulic Radius: 2.053 ft Froude Number: 0.76 Manning's n: 0.0330 Dmin: 2.00 in D50: 3.00 in Dmax: 4.50 in Structure #2 (Pond) Sediment Pond S9 Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,330.50 ft Initial Pool: 0.00 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *No sediment capacity defined Perforated Riser Filename: NewS9.sc4 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Riser Diameter (in) 8 Barrel Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) 36.00 12.10 Barrel Length (ft) 36.00 Barrel Slope (%) Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) 6.00 0.0240 2,341.60 250.00 Number of Holes per Elev 4 Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 25.00 2,342.60 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,345.09 ft H'graph Detention Time: 1.62 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.99 days Trap Efficiency: 9.08 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Filename: NewS9.sc4 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,329.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,330.00 0.002 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 2,330.50 0.008 0.003 0.000 2,331.00 0.018 0.009 0.297 1.05 2,331.50 0.031 0.021 0.420 0.40 2,332.00 0.049 0.041 0.812 0.45 2,332.50 0.071 0.071 1.014 0.35 2,333.00 0.096 0.112 1.476 0.45 2,333.50 0.125 0.167 1.742 0.40 2,334.00 0.158 0.238 2.262 0.40 2,334.50 0.195 0.326 2.583 0.45 2,335.00 0.236 0.434 3.154 0.45 2,335.50 0.281 0.563 3.522 0.50 2,336.00 0.330 0.716 4.139 0.45 2,336.10 0.340 0.750 4.227 0.10 2,336.50 0.379 0.893 4.551 0.40 2,337.00 0.430 1.095 5.210 0.50 2,337.50 0.485 1.324 5.663 0.55 2,338.00 0.543 1.581 6.361 0.50 Low hole SPW #1 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 9 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 2,338.50 0.604 1.868 6.852 0.50 2,339.00 0.669 2.186 7.586 0.55 2,339.50 0.737 2.537 8.112 0.55 2,340.00 0.808 2.923 8.881 0.55 2,340.50 0.882 3.346 9.441 0.55 2,341.00 0.960 3.806 10.243 0.65 2,341.50 1.041 4.307 10.834 0.70 2,341.60 1.058 4.412 11.078 0.25 2,342.00 1.125 4.848 11.668 3.65 2,342.50 1.212 5.432 24.942 4.65 2,342.60 1.230 5.554 29.217 0.65 2,343.00 1.292 6.059 59.786 1.20 2,343.50 1.372 6.725 112.795 0.95 2,344.00 1.455 7.431 180.553 0.35 2,344.50 1.540 8.180 260.062 0.20 2,345.00 1.627 8.972 349.681 0.20 2,345.09 1.644 9.120 367.217 0.15 Peak Stage 2,345.50 1.717 9.807 448.324 2,345.90 1.790 10.508 533.179 Spillway #1 Spillway #2 Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: NewS9.sc4 2,329.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,330.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,330.50 2.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 2,331.00 0.297 0.000 0.297 2,331.50 2.00>0.420 0.000 0.420 2,332.00 0.812 0.000 0.812 2,332.50 2.00>1.014 0.000 1.014 2,333.00 1.476 0.000 1.476 2,333.50 2.00>1.742 0.000 1.742 2,334.00 2.262 0.000 2.262 2,334.50 2.00>2.583 0.000 2.583 2,335.00 3.154 0.000 3.154 2,335.50 2.00>3.522 0.000 3.522 2,336.00 4.139 0.000 4.139 2,336.10 4.227 0.000 4.227 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Combined Elevation (ft) BroadPerf. Riser (cfs) crested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) 2,336.50 Filename: NewS9.sc4 2.00>4.551 0.000 4.551 2,337.00 5.210 0.000 5.210 2,337.50 2.00>5.663 0.000 5.663 2,338.00 6.361 0.000 6.361 2,338.50 2.00>6.852 0.000 6.852 2,339.00 7.586 0.000 7.586 2,339.50 2.00>8.112 0.000 8.112 2,340.00 8.881 0.000 8.881 2,340.50 2.00>9.441 0.000 9.441 2,341.00 10.243 0.000 10.243 2,341.50 2.00>10.834 0.000 10.834 2,341.60 11.078 0.000 11.078 2,342.00 11.668 0.000 11.668 2,342.50 24.942 0.000 24.942 2,342.60 29.217 0.000 29.217 2,343.00 40.269 19.517 59.786 2,343.50 46.913 65.882 112.795 2,344.00 52.726 127.827 180.553 2,344.50 57.959 202.103 260.062 2,345.00 62.757 286.924 349.681 2,345.50 67.213 381.111 448.324 2,345.90 70.575 462.604 533.179 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 11 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 (ac) 1 Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 67.310 #2 Time of Conc SWS Area 0.655 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 323.78 50.346 323.78 50.346 108.44 11.251 389.48 61.597 Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc 24VW (mg/l) (ml/l) 67.310 1 15.680 0.170 0.000 0.000 85.000 M 82.990 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 Soil K 1 0.145 L (ft) 650.00 S (%) 2.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 #2 1 Filename: NewS9.sc4 0.145 425.00 2.00 0.2180 1.0000 1 Sediment (tons) (ml/l) 1,231.9 32,707 3.35 1.83 1,231.9 32,707 3.35 1.83 69.6 8,607 2.02 1.06 1,301.5 29,659 3.25 1.69 Printed 04-08-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Generic Sediment Trap for Haul Roads J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 2 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 5.100 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Pond #1 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X Description 0.000 Sediment Trap #1 Pond Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #1 In Out Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 5.000 Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 Peak Discharge (cfs) 5.000 Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 19.14 1.88 23.7 16,711 5.31 2.92 20.56 1.88 15.9 11,822 1.07 0.56 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #1: Size (mm) Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 100.000% 2.0000 94.800% 100.000% 0.8400 89.000% 100.000% 0.4200 85.200% 100.000% 0.2460 80.600% 100.000% 0.1490 75.900% 100.000% 0.0740 71.000% 100.000% 0.0458 70.000% 100.000% 0.0330 67.800% 100.000% 0.0212 65.100% 96.610% 0.0153 62.700% 93.049% 0.0093 58.300% 86.519% 0.0044 53.300% 79.099% 0.0023 48.000% 71.233% 0.0010 44.500% 66.039% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #1 (Pond) Sediment Trap Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev: 2,204.00 ft Initial Pool: 0.04 ac-ft *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft Dead Space: 20.00 % *Sediment capacity based on Average Annual R of 0.0 for 0 year(s) Broad-crested Weir Weir Width (ft) Spillway Elev (ft) 10.00 2,204.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation: 2,204.74 ft H'graph Detention Time: 0.02 hrs Pond Model: CSTRS Dewater Time: 0.52 days Trap Efficiency: 32.62 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) 2,200.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,200.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 2,201.00 0.002 0.001 0.000 2,201.50 0.004 0.002 0.000 2,202.00 0.007 0.005 0.000 2,202.50 0.011 0.009 0.000 2,203.00 0.016 0.016 0.000 2,203.50 0.021 0.025 0.000 2,204.00 0.028 0.037 0.000 2,204.50 0.035 0.053 10.914 2,204.74 0.039 0.062 20.560 2,205.00 0.043 0.073 30.870 2,205.50 0.053 0.096 56.712 Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 Dewater Time (hrs) Top of Sed. Storage Spillway #1 12.00 0.40 Peak Stage Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC Elevation 2,206.00 7 Area Capacity Discharge (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) 0.063 0.125 Dewater Time (hrs) 87.314 Detailed Discharge Table Combined Elevation (ft) Broadcrested Weir (cfs) Total Discharge (cfs) Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 2,200.00 0.000 0.000 2,200.50 0.000 0.000 2,201.00 0.000 0.000 2,201.50 0.000 0.000 2,202.00 0.000 0.000 2,202.50 0.000 0.000 2,203.00 0.000 0.000 2,203.50 0.000 0.000 2,204.00 0.000 0.000 2,204.50 10.914 10.914 2,205.00 30.870 30.870 2,205.50 56.712 56.712 2,206.00 87.314 87.314 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 (ac) 1 Σ Time of Conc SWS Area Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 5.000 0.083 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 95.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 5.000 19.14 1.881 19.14 1.881 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #1 1 Soil K 0.146 L (ft) 75.00 Σ Filename: Generic Sediment Trap.sc4 S (%) 2.00 C 1.0000 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 23.7 16,711 5.31 2.92 23.7 16,711 5.31 2.92 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP GenericGrass Silt Fence Generic Filterfor forBox BoxCut CutReclamation Reclamation J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Silt Fence #3 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X 0.000 Description Generic Silt Fence for Box Cut Reclamation #3 Silt Fence Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #3 Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) In Out Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 1.000 Peak Discharge (cfs) 1.000 Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 9.43 0.94 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 8.74 0.94 9.2 14,970 0.00 0.00 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #3: Size (mm) Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 100.000% 2.0000 94.800% 100.000% 0.8400 89.000% 100.000% 0.4200 85.200% 100.000% 0.2460 80.600% 100.000% 0.1490 75.900% 100.000% 0.0740 71.000% 100.000% 0.0458 70.000% 100.000% 0.0330 67.800% 100.000% 0.0212 65.100% 100.000% 0.0153 62.700% 100.000% 0.0093 58.300% 100.000% 0.0044 53.300% 100.000% 0.0023 48.000% 92.031% 0.0010 44.500% 85.321% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #3 (Silt Fence) Generic Silt Fence for Box Cut Reclamation Silt Fence Inputs: Fence Flow Rate (gpm/sq ft) Width along contour (ft) 10.0 Land Slope (%) Height (ft) 444.0 3.0 Tie-back distance (ft) 4.00 75.0 *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft *No sediment capacity defined Silt Fence Results: Peak Fence Stage: 0.84 ft Peak Water Stage: 0.84 ft Dewater Time: 0.50 days Trap Efficiency: 47.84 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Stage-Capacity-Discharge Table Fence Stage Water Stage Area Capacity Discharge (ft) (ft) (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.001 0.995 11.40 0.20 0.20 0.051 0.005 2.001 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.076 0.011 3.018 0.15 0.40 0.40 0.102 0.020 4.046 0.05 0.50 0.50 0.127 0.031 5.086 0.05 0.60 0.60 0.153 0.045 6.136 0.05 0.70 0.70 0.178 0.062 7.198 0.05 0.80 0.80 0.204 0.081 8.271 0.84 0.84 0.215 0.090 8.744 0.90 0.90 0.229 0.103 9.355 1.00 1.00 0.255 0.127 10.450 1.10 1.10 0.280 0.154 11.556 1.20 1.20 0.306 0.183 12.674 1.30 1.30 0.331 0.215 13.802 1.40 1.40 0.357 0.249 14.942 1.50 1.50 0.382 0.286 16.093 1.60 1.60 0.408 0.326 17.255 1.70 1.70 0.433 0.368 18.428 Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 Top of Sediment 0.01 Peak Stage Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Fence Stage Water Stage Area Capacity Discharge (ft) (ft) (ac) (ac-ft) (cfs) 1.80 1.80 0.459 0.412 19.612 1.90 1.90 0.484 0.459 20.808 2.00 2.00 0.510 0.509 22.014 2.10 2.10 0.535 0.561 23.232 2.20 2.20 0.561 0.616 24.461 2.30 2.30 0.586 0.673 25.701 2.40 2.40 0.612 0.733 26.952 2.50 2.50 0.637 0.796 28.214 2.60 2.60 0.663 0.861 29.488 2.70 2.70 0.688 0.928 30.772 2.80 2.80 0.713 0.998 32.068 2.90 2.90 0.739 1.071 33.375 3.00 3.00 0.764 1.146 34.693 Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 Dewater Time (hrs) Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #3 (ac) 1 Σ Time of Conc SWS Area Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 1.000 0.083 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 1.000 9.43 0.938 9.43 0.938 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #3 1 Soil K 0.145 Σ Filename: Generic Silt Fence.sc4 L (ft) 98.00 S (%) 4.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 Nkamouna ESCP Generic Grass Filter for Box Cut Reclamation J. Kunkel Knight Piesold Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 12.500 inches Particle Size Distribution: Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 Size (mm) Average PSD 9.5200 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 2.0000 94.800% 0.8400 89.000% 0.4200 85.200% 0.2460 80.600% 0.1490 75.900% 0.0740 71.000% 0.0458 70.000% 0.0330 67.800% 0.0212 65.100% 0.0153 62.700% 0.0093 58.300% 0.0044 53.300% 0.0023 48.000% 0.0010 44.500% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Networking: Type Stru # Grass Filter #2 (flows into) ==> Stru # End Musk. K (hrs) 0.000 Musk. X 0.000 Description Generic Grass Filter for Box Cut Reclamation #2 Grass Filter Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Summary: #2 In Out Immediate Contributing Area Total Contributing Area (ac) (ac) 1.000 Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 Peak Discharge (cfs) 1.000 Total Runoff Volume Sediment (tons) (ac-ft) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc. (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 9.43 0.94 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 8.42 0.38 6.7 14,335 0.00 0.00 Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #2: Size (mm) Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 In Out 9.5200 100.000% 100.000% 4.7600 99.800% 100.000% 2.0000 94.800% 100.000% 0.8400 89.000% 100.000% 0.4200 85.200% 100.000% 0.2460 80.600% 100.000% 0.1490 75.900% 100.000% 0.0740 71.000% 100.000% 0.0458 70.000% 100.000% 0.0330 67.800% 100.000% 0.0212 65.100% 100.000% 0.0153 62.700% 100.000% 0.0093 58.300% 100.000% 0.0044 53.300% 100.000% 0.0023 48.000% 94.794% 0.0010 44.500% 87.965% Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #2 (Grass Filter) Generic Grass Filter for Box Cut Reclamation Grass Filter Inputs: Roughness Coefficient Grass Height (in) Hydraulic Spacing (in) 11.8 0.96 0.0117 Infiltration Rate (iph) 1.00 Stiffness Factor (N-sq m) 100.000 Filter Length (ft) 98.0 Filter Width (ft) 444.0 Filter Slope (%) 4.0 Grass Filter Results: Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 Total Infiltration Volume: 0.5582 ac-ft Filter Infiltration Rate: 1.0072 cfs Peak Flow Depth: 0.196 in Critical Prone Velocity: 1.2295 fps Wedge Location: 0.86 ft Sediment Depth in Zone D: 0.0248 in Trap Efficiency: 62.0 % Printed 03-22-2011 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # #2 (ac) 1 Σ Time of Conc SWS Area Musk K (hrs) (hrs) 1.000 0.083 Curve Musk X 0.000 UHS Number 0.000 90.000 Peak Discharge Runoff Volume (cfs) (ac-ft) M 1.000 9.43 0.938 9.43 0.938 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS # #2 1 Soil K 0.145 L (ft) 98.00 Σ Filename: Generic Grass Filter.sc4 S (%) 4.00 C 0.7870 P 1.0000 PS # 1 Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. Peak Settleable Conc (mg/l) (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 17.7 25,044 7.96 4.37 Printed 03-22-2011
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