AML Broch 2 - Allegheny Millwork Lumber
AML Broch 2 - Allegheny Millwork Lumber
Allegheny Millwork and Lumber’s Moulding Collections Catalog was designed as an inspirational resource for those desiring a home or workplace beyond the ordinary. With our incredible selection of in-stock mouldings, we have stepped back in time to assemble period-correct millwork packages that accentuate attention to detail in proportion and style. Our goal in creating these styles is to help simplify the selection process – in what otherwise could be a rather daunting task. These styles are proven winners, all gathered from our research in architectural catalogs and actual homes in our region. From the clean, sophisticated lines of painted trim to the timeless quality of solid wood, mouldings are the final touches that enhance any room with a finish that expresses your personal style. Choose a pure collection, or combine mouldings to create a custom look that is as unique as you are. Table of Contents The Manchester Collection 3 4 5 6 The Belmont The Linwood The Schenley The Sheffield The Traditional American Collection 7 8 9 The Madison The Rebecca The Spangler The Craftsman Collection 10 11 The Rosslyn The Rosslyn Wainscot The Manchester Collection STAFT BEAD AMI #F3845 3/4" 2-1/2" S4S TRIM 3/4" x 2-1/2" 3/4" 2-1/2" 15-1/4" 5/8" 3/4" (CR-4) CROWN AMI #G3104 F3845 (POPLAR) 3/4" x 3/4" STAFT BEAD F1405 (PINE) 5/8" x 2-1/2" CHAIRRAIL ROSETTE AMI #W3101 5" x 5" 3/4" S4S TRIM 3/4" x 2-1/2" 2-3/8" 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 5-PANEL DOOR (CR-5) CASING AMI #G3105 5" 2-5/16" 1-1/8" G3004 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 3-3/8" (CR-4) CROWN 80" 96" 11/16" 7/8" ROSETTE W3103 (POPLAR) 5" x 5" 11/16" 4-13/16" 10" 2-3/4" 7-1/16" CHAIRRAIL AMI #F1405 G3301 (POPLAR) 7/8" x 2-3/4" (BC-1) BASE CAP (BC-1) BASE CAP AMI #G3301 1/2" SHOE AMI #F3812 30" 15-3/4" 3/4" (B-1) BASE AMI #G3218 3/4" PLINTH AMI #W2904 5" WIDE SOLID OAK 1-1/2" WALL BASE PLATE 14-1/4" 61-1/2" G3218 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 7-1/16" (B-1) BASE F1812 (PINE) 1/2" x 3/4" SHOE PLINTH BLOCK W2904 (POPLAR) 1-1/8" x 5" x 10" G3105 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 4-13/16" (C-5) CASING B 1.3 ELEVATION 16" 4-1/2" 16" 1-1/2" 15-3/4" 30" 14-1/4" 1-1/2" 61-1/2" A 1.3 PLAN THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION The Belmont Style The symmetrical design of our Belmont casing moulding was popular for a long period, from about 1880 to the 1930s. The plinth and rosette give the Belmont style a more informal, cottage-like feeling. It is equally striking in painted poplar or stained and varnished oak. INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION | 3 The Manchester Collection 3/4" x 9-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE ROSETTE AMI #W3102 5" x 5" 5" 4-33/64" 2-1/2" 15-1/4" CROWN AMI #F5026 3/4" 4-33/64" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" x 13" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE F1405 (PINE) 5/8" x 2-1/2" CHAIRRAIL 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 3-PANEL DOOR F5026 (MDF) 1" x 6-3/8" CROWN 1-1/8" 7/8" ROSETTE W3101 (POPLAR) 5" x 5" CHAIRRAIL AMI #F1405 INSTALLED @ 36" A.F.F 96-3/4" 95-1/4" 80" 2-5/8" (CR-5) CASING AMI #G3107 11/16" G3306 (POPLAR) 7/8" x 2-5/8" (BC-6) BASE CAP 4-3/4" 7-1/16" 10" 11/16" (BC-6) BASE CAP AMI #G3306 15-1/4" 30" 3/4" PLINTH AMI #W2904 5" WIDE (B-1) BASE AMI #G3218 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 14-1/4" 60-1/2" PLINTH BLOCK W2904 (POPLAR) 1-1/8" x 5" x 10" 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK 20" B 1.4 ELEVATION G3218 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 7-1/16" (B-1) BASE G3107 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 4-3/4" (C-7) CASING 20" 4-1/2" The Linwood Style 1" 15-1/4" 30" 60-1/2" A 1.4 PLAN 14-1/4" THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION Our Linwood mouldings feature rosettes and molded plinths that are sized for ceilings at least eight feet high. This style was popular between about 1880 and 1910. Linwood mouldings are most effective painted, which accents the shapes and curves of the casings and plinths. 4 | INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION The Manchester Collection 3/4" x 8" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 3/4" " /16 5-1 2-1/16" 15-1/4" /32 " " 9/16 (CH-200) FRIEZE BOARD 1/2 of AMI #F3409 3- 9 3/4" 3/4" x 11-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE (CR-3) CROWN AMI #G1003 BEADBOARD PANELING AMI #CUSTOM 9/16" x 3-5/16" PICTUREMOULD AMI #F1943 1" R 5/16" MOD-G1304 (PINE) 3/4" x 2-1/16" BC-4-MOD 4-13/16" 11/16" CHAIRRAIL AMI #CUSTOM 3/4" X 2-1/4" INSTALL @ 42" A.F.F 9-1/4" 7-5/16" 96-3/4" 95-1/4" (C-17) CASING AMI #G3117 G3117 (POPLAR) 1" x 4-13/16" C-17 9/16" 80" 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 2-PANEL DOOR BEADBOARD PANELING AMI #CUSTOM 9/16" x 3-5/16" 9/16" 1-1 /8" G3117-BACKBAND (POPLAR) 9/16" x 9/16" " CUT OUT OF BEADBOARD PLINTH AMI #CUSTOM 1-1/8" x 5-1/16" x 9-1/4 G3235 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 7-5/16" B-4 (BC-4-MOD) BASE CAP AMI #MOD-G1304 3/4"" x 2-1/16 1" 11/16" 1-57/64" 30" 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK 4-1/2" 20" B 1.2 ELEVATION 20" A 1.2 PLAN CHAIRRAIL AMI #CUSTOM 3/4" x 2-1/4" 2-1/8" G1003 (PINE) 11/16" x 2-9/16" CR-3 1/2 of F3409 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 2-1/8" CH-200 PICTUREMOULD F1943 (PINE) 11/16" x 1-3/4" The Schenley Style 5-1/16" 15" 2-1/4" 3/4" 1" 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 14-1/4" 60-1/2" 1-3/4" 15-1/4" 1-47/64" 11/16" PLINTH AMI #CUSTOM 1-1/8" x 5-1/16" x 9-1/4" (B-5) BASE AMI #G3235 30-1/4" 60-1/2" 14-1/4" 1" THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION Our Schenley mouldings feature bold, sharp profiles commonly used in buildings constructed between about 1900 and 1940. Very often they were painted. If they are to be stained and varnished, we recommend a strong-grained wood such as oak or ash. The baseboard is designed to be used as either one or two pieces, depending on the ceiling height. Suitable for ceiling heights of eight foot or higher. INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION | 5 The Manchester Collection 3-1/4" (CR-1) CROWN AMI #G3001 7/8" 2-15/16" 2-3/8" 16" (B-2) FRIEZE BOARD AMI #G3226 5-1/4" G3001 (POPLAR) 1-1/16" x 3-3/4" CR-1 1/2" (C-3) CASING AMI #G3103 WITH BACKBAND AMI #F3950 3/4" G3402 (POPLAR) 7/8" x 2-15/16" CH-2 7/8" F1812 PFJ 1/2" x 3/4" 11/16" G3226 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 5-1/4" B-2 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 4-PANEL DOOR 1-9/32" 29/32" 3/4" 80" G3301 (POPLAR) 7/8" x 2-3/4" BC-1 1/2" 96" 11/16" (CH-2) CHAIRRAIL AMI #G3402 F3950 (POPLAR) 3/4" x 1-9/16" 1-13/32" 7-1/16" 29/32" (C-3B) PLINTH AMI #PB3B (B-1) BASE AMI #G3218 SHOE AMI #F1812 3-11/16" 4-7/16" (BC-1) BASE CAP AMI #G3301 1-1/2" 12-3/4" 11-1/4" 36" 6-1/2" PB3B (POPLAR) 1-13/32" x 4-7/16" B 1.1 ELEVATION G3218 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 7-1/16" B-1 G3103 (POPLAR) 29/32" x 3-11/16" C-3 16" 4-1/2" 16" The Sheffield Style The gentle curves of our Sheffield mouldings make them very effective as painted profiles, 12-3/4" A 1.1 PLAN 36" 61-1/2" 11-1/4" 1-1/2" THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION or stained and varnished in woods with an even grain, such as cherry or mahogany. This style was most popular from 1870 to 1900. Mouldings are sized for ceilings eight feet or higher. 6 | INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE MANCHESTER COLLECTION The Traditional American Collection 3/4" x 9" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 64" MAX. HOLD F 5.1 31/32" 11/16" 3/4" 5-1/4" 15-1/4" CROWN AMI #F5009 F5408 (MDF) 1" x 3" CHAIRRAIL 36" A.F.F. 3" 3/4" x 13" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE G3226 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 5-1/4" (BC-2) BASE CAP 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR 80" (RB-3) CASING AMI #G3118 95-1/4" 96-3/4" F3811 (POPLAR) 1/2" x 3/4" SHOE C 5.1 BASE ASSEMBLY F5009 (MDF) 11/16" x 4-5/8" CROWN 3-33/64" CHAIRRAIL AMI # F5408 INSTALLED @ 36" A.F.F. D 5.1 CHAIRRAIL 3" E 5.1 D 5.1 DOOR JAMB AND STOP F 5.1 CROWN ASSEMBLY G3118 (POPLAR) 1" x 3-7/16" (RB-3) CASING SHOE AMI #F3811 (PBRB3) PLINTH – 5-3/4" TALL 30" 56" 12-1/2" 12-1/2" 1" 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 3/16" PLINTH BLOCK RB-3 (POPLAR) 1-1/4" x 3-3/4" x 5-3/4" 3-7/16" 1/8" 3-3/4" 1/8" E 5.1 CASING/PLINTH ASSEMBLY 20" B 5.1 ELEVATION 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR 1-1/4" 63/64" C 5.1 3/4" (B-2) BASE AMI #G3226 20" 4-1/2" The Madison Style 12-1/2" 30" 56" 12-1/2" 1" A 5.1 PLAN THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION- PLAIN This style, with a mix of both bold and light profiling, truly represents a pleasant choice of early American architecture. The Madison works well with 9- and 10-foot ceilings with the simple addition of a crown apron and picture mould. This is a timeless look that gives a home a feeling of longevity and duration. INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION | 7 The Traditional American Collection 3/4" x 9" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 64" MAX. HOLD 7/8" 11/16" 31/32" 3/4" F 6.1 F5408 (MDF) 1" x 3" CHAIRRAIL 9-13/16" 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR TRUSTILE #TS6030 3" G1302 (PINE) 7/8" x 2-15/16" (BC-2) BASE CAP 36" A.F.F. CROWN AMI #CUSTOM F5409 (MDF) 11/16" x 4-1/4" (CH-200) CHAIRRAIL BACKER 4-1/4" 15-1/4" 3/4" x 13" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE D 6.1 CHAIRRAIL W/BACKER 4-1/8" G3218 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 7-1/16" (B-1) BASE (RB-3) CASING W/BACKBAND AMI #G3118 & #F3947 80" CHAIRRAIL W/BACKER AMI #F5408 & #F5409 INSTALLED @ 36" A.F.F. D 6.1 4-5/16" 95-1/4" 96-3/4" E 6.1 CUSTOM (MDF) 7/8" x 6" CROWN F3811 (POPLAR) 1/2" x 3/4" SHOE C 6.1 BASE ASSEMBLY F 6.1 CROWN ASSEMBLY DOOR JAMB AND STOP (RB-3 W/BACKBAND) PLINTH – 10" TALL 13-1/2" G3118 (POPLAR) 1" x 3-7/16" (RB-3) CASING F3947 (POPLAR) 1-5/8" x 1-7/16" BACKBAND 30" 56" 11-1/2" 3/4" x 5" 1" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK B 6.1 ELEVATION 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR 1-13/16" 1-5/8" (B-1) BASE AMI #G3218 SHOE AMI #F3811 C 6.1 3/4" (BC-2) BASE CAP AMI #G1302 PLINTH BLOCK RB-3 (POPLAR) 1-13/16" x 5" x 10" 1/8" 4-3/4" 5" 1/8" 1/8" E 6.1 CASING/PLINTH ASSEMBLY 4-1/2" 20" The Rebecca Style 20" This style was found in estates built in the 1700’s through the early 1800’s. The mouldings are classical and evenly proportioned. 13-1/2" 30" 56" 11-1/2" 1" A 6.1 PLAN THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION - FANCY Multiple-piece crowns featuring aprons and picture moulds, wainscot paneling, and properly scaled mouldings work in a harmonizing arrangement to bring forth the character of the home. 8 | INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION The Traditional American Collection F3409 (POPLAR) 11/16" x 4-1/4" (CH-200) CHAIRRAIL BACKER 3/4" 15-1/4" 11/16" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" x 12-1/4" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 7-1/4" 80" A.F.F. 4-1/4" CROWN W/APRON AMI #F5008 & #G3903 2-3/4" 64" MAX. HOLD F 7.1 3/4" x 15-3/4" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR TRUSTILE #TS4020 F3429 (POPLAR) 3/4" x 2-3/4" (CH-201) CHAIRRAIL F5212 (MDF) 5/8" x 7-1/4" BASE D 7.1 CHAIRRAIL W/BACKER CASING W/BACKBAND AMI #G3111 & #F3945 2-7/8" 2-3/16" 96-3/4" F5008 (MDF) 9/16" x 3-5/8" CROWN 2-1/2" D 7.1 95-1/4" 80" C 7.1 BASE ASSEMBLY G3903 (POPLAR) 5/8" x 2-1/2" CROWN APRON 1-3/4" E 7.1 CHAIRRAIL W/BACKER AMI #F3409 & #F3429 INSTALLED @ 36" A.F.F. 5/8" F3811 (POPLAR) 1/2" x 3/4" SHOE F 7.1 CROWN ASSEMBLY DOOR JAMB AND STOP F3945 (POPLAR) 1-3/16" x 1-9/16" BACKBAND 10-7/8" 1" 10-7/8" 30" 52-3/4" 3-3/8" 20-7/8" 3-1/4" 20-7/8" 3/4" 20" 20" A 7.1 PLAN 30" 52-3/4" 1/8" 1/8" E 7.1 CASING/PLINTH ASSEMBLY The Spangler Style 4-1/2" 10-7/8" 1/8" 3-3/8" 2-1/2" 3/4" PLINTH BLOCK (POPLAR) 1-7/16" x 5-9/16" x 7-3/4" TALL 5-5/16" 5-9/16" 3/4" x 8-7/8" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK B 7.1 ELEVATION 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 6'8" 6-PANEL DOOR 1-7/16" 1-5/16" SHOE AMI #F3811 3/4" PB 11B PLINTH 7-3/4" TALL BASE AMI #F5212 G3111 (POPLAR) 3/4" x 4" (C-11) CASING 3/4" C 7.1 10-7/8" 1" THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION - SPANGLER Pulled from classical Southern millwork reproductions, the Spangler represents an elegant and formal presentation that is easy to live within. The classic styling and generous proportions make this collection one of our best sellers. A complementary wainscoting (not shown) is also available. INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN COLLECTION | 9 The Craftsman Collection 3/4" x 7-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 3-1/4" PICTURE RAIL AMI #F3944 1-3/4" C 8.2 12" 3/4" 1-3/4" F 8.2 5/8" F3944 PICTURE RAIL G3027 3/4" X 4-5/8" CROWN C 8.2 PICTURE RAIL 7-7/16" E 8.2 DOOR LINTEL 3/4" x 5-1/2" FLAT TRIM AMI #G3090 TOP CAP AMI #G1853 BOTTOM 2-13/16" 5/8" 3-5/8" F 8.2 CROWN ASSEMBLY DOOR JAMB AND STOP F1227 CHAIRRAIL B 8.2 CHAIR RAIL 108" 109-1/2" 1/8" D 8.2 3/4" 1/8" FLAT TRIM 1" 1/8" D 8.2 CASING/PLINTH ASSEMBLY B 8.2 7-1/4" CHAIRRAIL AMI #F1227 5/8" x 3-5/8" 5/8" 84" 96" CASING 3/4" x 3-1/4" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 7'0" 3-PANEL DOOR PLINTH BLOCK (POPLAR) 1" x 3-1/2" x 7-3/4" 5-1/2" 7-3/16" 1" 3/4" CASING 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 7'0" 3-PANEL DOOR G3090 TOP CAP 1-1/16" 2-1/4" BASE 1-5/16" DOOR JAMB AND STOP G1853 BOTTOM TRIM 1/4" CROWN AMI #G3027 64" MAX. HOLD 3-1/4" 3/4" x 11-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE 1-3/8" x 2'6" x 7'0" 3-PANEL DOOR 36" E 8.2 DOOR LINTEL ASSEMBLY A 8.2 BASE ASSEMBLY A 8.2 BASE 3/4" x 7-1/4" 13-1/4" 30" 57-1/2" 3/4" PLINTH 7-3/4" TALL 13-1/4" 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 1" 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK B 8.1 ELEVATION The Rosslyn Style 20" C 8.1 4-1/2" In a style unique to mid-20th century architectural movements, these mouldings 13-1/4" 30" 20" B 8.1 13-1/4" 1" 57-1/2" A 8.1 PLAN THE CRAFTSMAN COLLECTION are inspired by the Arts and Crafts, Bungalow and Prairie periods. In a renunciation of the excesses of the Victorian and Colonial eras, this style gives a feeling of homemade versus machine-made. Featuring simple square lines with rounded edges, the mouldings from the Craftsman Collection are elegant in their simplicity; less is more, if you will. 10 | INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE CRAFTSMAN COLLECTION The Craftsman Collection 64" MAX. HOLD 3/4" x 7-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) PAINT GRADE 1-1/16" 3-1/4" 7-3/4" 3 pc. CROWN 3/4" x 1-1/2" 3/4" x 3-1/2" 3/4" x 7-1/4" 1-1/2" 2-1/4" G 8.3 PLATE RAIL AMI #G3090 3/4" 7-1/4" 3-1/4" 3/4" 3-1/4" 3/4" x 11-1/2" TOP PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) PAINT GRADE 3/4" CHAIRRAIL 3 PC CROWN 40-3/4" C 8.3 CHAIR RAIL CAP 3/4" 3/4" 109-1/2" 108" 11" B 8.3 3/4" CHAIR RAIL 3-1/4" CHAIRRAIL 3/4" x 3-1/4" G 8.3 CROWN ASSEMBLY B 8.3 3-1/4" C 8.3 CHAIRRAIL 3-1/4" 1-1/16" PLATE RAIL AMI #G3090 34-3/16" D 8.3 E 8.3 BASE 60" 7-1/4" BATTEN STRIP AMI #F1227 5/8" x 3-5/8" F3811 (POPLAR) 1/2" x 3/4" SHOE (WHEN USED) F 8.3 A 8.3 BASE ASSEMBLY A 8.3 SHOE AMI #F3811 3-5/8" 22-13/16" 3-5/8" 22-13/16" 3-5/8" 5/8" 56-1/2" 3/4" 7-1/4" BASE 3/4" x 7-1/4" 3/4" x 5" BASE PLATE (@ 1" RETURNS) SOLID OAK 3/4" x 8-1/2" BASE PLATE (@ 4-1/2" CENTER WALL) SOLID OAK C 8.1 ELEVATION THE CRAFTSMAN COLLECTION 5/8" The Rosslyn Wainscot F1227 BATTEN D 8.3 BATTEN OUTSIDE CORNER 3-5/8" 5/8" F1227 BATTEN E 8.3 BATTEN INTERMEDIATE decades, this offering emphasizes clean, simple design and detailed workmanship, making 3-5/8" 3-5/8" 3-5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 3-5/8" Reviving the craftsmanship from earlier F 8.3 BATTEN INSIDE CORNER F1227 BATTEN these mouldings versatile to complement a variety of homes. Taken from the Shaker and 5/8" Cottage traditions, the simplicity of this twothirds-high paneling makes it a popular choice. INTRODUCING OUR NEW MOULDING COLLECTIONS | THE CRAFTSMAN COLLECTION | 11 Mouldings at Allegheny Millwork The finishing touch to every authentic restoration or other professionally detailed job is the right moulding. Allegheny Millwork offers complete moulding services to architects, designers, contractors, specifiers, and do-it-yourselfers alike. In addition to our collections, we carry over 300 versatile moldings. We have been making our own mouldings since our very beginnings on Belmont Street in the Manchester section of Pittsburgh. Today we are located just off the 10th Street Bridge in the South Side. While our location has changed, our commitment to meeting our customers’ need remains as strong as ever. 412.431.4224 | Fax: 412.431.3295 1001 Muriel Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 M O U L D I N G Y O U R L I F E