2016 Lenten Holy Land Pilgrimage


2016 Lenten Holy Land Pilgrimage
A ☼ Lenten ☼ Journey ☼ of ☼ Faith
Thurs. Mar. 3rd – Sun. Mar. 13th, 2016 (eleven days)
With your Spiritual Director:
Fr. John Vandenakker of the Companions of the Cross
Thurs. March 3rd: Departure
Afternoon departure from Ottawa or Montreal via Toronto for a direct flight to Israel.
Fri. Mar. 4th: Arrival / Tel Aviv
Afternoon arrival in Tel Aviv where we will be met and assisted through customs by our
local tour guide. Transfer to our hotel in Tel Aviv (Metropolitan Hotel). Time to rest and
freshen up. We will celebrate Mass in our hotel. Dinner and over night in Tel Aviv.
Sat. Mar. 5th: Caesarea / Mount Carmel
Departing Tel Aviv we drive north through the beautiful valley of Sharon until we reach
Caesarea, an ancient port city built by Herod in 22 B.C. Here St. Peter baptized the
Roman soldier Cornelius after he had received the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:1-48). St. Paul
was imprisoned here for several years and gave an eloquent defense of his faith before
King Agrippa (Acts 23:23-26:32). We continue on to Mount Carmel, site of the Prophet
Elijah’s challenge to the pagan prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:1-40) and where St. Simon
Stock in the 12th century had a vision of the Blessed Mother giving him the Brown
Scapular. Here we will celebrate Mass in a Carmelite monastery at Muhraqa, which has a
breathtaking view of the entire valley of Jezreel - described by St. John the Evangelist as
the future site of Armageddon (Rev. 16:14-16). Then on to Tiberias, where we will have
dinner and overnight by the shore of the Sea of Galilee (Nof Ginosar Hotel).
Sun. Mar. 6th: Sea of Galilee / Capernaum / Mount of Beatitudes
We begin our day with a splendid boat ride on the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias). Here
Jesus called his first disciples while they were fishing (Mt. 4:18-22), calmed the storm
(Lk. 8:22-25), and walked on the water (Mt. 14:22-32). Once back ashore we will visit
Tabgha, site of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes (Mk. 6:30-44) and Capernaum,
where Jesus preached in the synagogue and healed many people (Mk. 1:21-34). We will
celebrate Mass on the scenic Mount of Beatitudes, site of our Lord’s Sermon on the
Mount (Mt. 5:1-7:28). Dinner and overnight on Lake Tiberias (Nof Ginosar Hotel).
Mon. Mar. 7th: Mount Tabor / Nazareth / Cana
After we ascend to the top of Mount Tabor, we will celebrate Mass in the church of the
Transfiguration (Lk. 9:28-36). Then on to Nazareth, home of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
(Lk. 2:39-40). Here we will visit the church of the Annunciation (Lk 1:26-38) and see
Mary’s well. In the afternoon we will visit nearby Cana, where Jesus performed his first
public miracle by changing the water into wine during a wedding feast (Jn. 2:1-11).
Dinner and overnight on Lake Tiberias (Nof Ginosar Hotel).
Tues. Mar. 8th: Jordan River / Jericho
After morning Mass we will go and renew our Baptismal vows in the Jordan River (bring
your bathing suits!), where Jesus came to be baptized by John the Baptist (Mt. 3:13-17).
Then it’s on to Jericho, where Joshua blew the trumpet and the walls fell down (Joshua
6:1-27). Here Jesus healed a blind man and encountered the tax collector Zacchaeus,
who had climbed up a Sycamore tree to catch a glimpse of him (Lk. 18:35-19:10).
Nearby, we will behold the Mount of Temptation, site of Jesus’ temptation in the
wilderness (Mt. 4:1-11). We will then drive alongside the Dead Sea and make our way to
the desert resort town of Ein Bokek (Leonardo Privilege Hotel - Dead Sea).
Wed. Mar. 9th: Masada / Dead Sea
Travel from Ein Bokek to Masada. Ascend by cable-car to this mountain fortress, which
was held by Jewish rebels in the revolt against Rome in 73 A.D. From up top one has a
stunning view of the entire Dead Sea region, which is the lowest place on earth below sea
level. Ezekial describes his famous vision of a river flowing out from the Temple in
Jerusalem into the Dead Sea, making its salt water fresh (Ezek. 47:1-12). In the afternoon
we will return to our resort for a free half-day of leisure (swim, spa, etc.). Evening Mass
at our Hotel. Dinner and overnight in Ein Bokek (Leonardo Privilege Hotel Dead Sea).
Thurs. Mar. 10th: Jerusalem
Depart Ein Bokek for our journey to Jerusalem. Along the way we travel along the road
mentioned by Jesus as the setting for his parable of the Good Samaritan – Lk. 10:25-37).
After lunch we will visit the following sites in Jerusalem: the Upper Room – the
traditional site of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), Dormition Abbey, the Western (Wailing) Wall,
and the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac
(Gn. 22:1-14), and which was the site of the Second Temple, where Jesus often preached
and ministered. Evening Mass at our Hotel. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (Hotel St.
Fri. Mar. 11th: Jerusalem
Our day begins on the Mount of Olives, with its panoramic view of the old city of
Jerusalem. Following a visit to the chapel of the Ascension and the Pater Noster church,
we will descend the Mt. of Olives by foot via the “Palm Sunday Road,” stopping to
celebrate Mass in Dominus Flevit chapel (where Jesus wept over Jerusalem Lk. 13:31-
35). We will continue on to the Garden of Gethsemane, site of the Agony in the Garden
(Mt. 26:36-46). After lunch we will pray the Stations of the Cross by walking along the
Via Dolorosa in the old city, ending up at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the holiest
site in all of Christianity, where Our Lord was crucified, died, buried nearby in a tomb,
and then rose to life again (Jn. 19:1-20:30). Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (Hotel St.
Sat. Mar. 12th: Bethlehem / Bethany
Morning visit to nearby Bethlehem. Celebrate Mass in the Church of the Holy Nativity,
traditional site of Jesus’ birth (Mt. 2:1-12). Time to shop for souvenirs afterwards in
Manger Square. Then on to nearby Shepherd’s Field, where shepherds heard the angels
sing “Glory to God in the Highest” at the birth of Jesus (Lk 2:1-20). On our return to
Jerusalem will stop at Bethany, home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, and site of Jesus’
raising of Lazarus from the dead (Jn. 11:1-44). Remainder of the day free in Jerusalem.
Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem (Hotel St. George).
Sun. Mar. 13th: Return Home
Embark upon our return flight to Ottawa or Montreal (via Toronto).
Terms & Conditions
(based on a minimum of 20 participants)
Cost: $3,929 CDN or $3,002 U.S.
(based on double occupancy)
Rate includes:
- Superior accommodation with half-board daily (breakfast & dinner).
- Round trip airfare with taxes from Ottawa or Montreal to Toronto and on to Israel.
- Assistance upon arrival and departure.
- Services of an English-speaking Christian guide.
- Deluxe motor coach transportation as per itinerary (with free WiFi).
- Entrance fees as per program.
- Tips for Guide, Driver, & Hotel Staff.
Rate does not include:
- Lunches
- Travel & Health Insurance
- Personal expenses
Hotel Info (available online):
Hotel Metropolitan (Tel Aviv – 1 night)
Nof Ginosar Hotel (Sea of Galilee – 3 nights)
Leonardo Privilege Hotel (Dead Sea – 2 nights)
St. George Hotel (Jerusalem – 3 nights)
For information on how to register for this pilgrimage please contact:
Dennis Kam
JBC Travel
286 Kent Street
Ottawa Ontario K2P 2A4
Call toll free from Canada or the U.S.A.: 888-206-3075 (Ext 103)
E-mail: dennis@jbctravel.ca
Note: if there is sufficient interest for travelers from Michigan, an optional minibus
providing return transportation between Detroit and Pearson International Airport in
Toronto will be arranged (with Fr. John Vandenakker accompanying the group).