Bangladeshi festival is an all weekend celebration of culture
Bangladeshi festival is an all weekend celebration of culture
! ! • Expanding Police Patrols In Our Neighborhoods • Improve Services for Seniors and Children • Continue Programs to Bring New Jobs to Waayne County • Protect Vital Programs From Budget Cuts • Support Efforts to Demolish Abandoned Homes • An End to Insurance Redlining • Expanded Protections for Consumers • Taax Credits for Job Creation in Waayne County • Expanded Adult Educational Opportunities P Paid aid for b byy the Committee to E Elect lect M Martha artha G. Scott, Wayne Wayne ayn a County Commissioner Commissioner,, D District istrict 375, Rhode IIsland, sland, H Highland ighland P Park, ark, MI 48203, 3, www w.mar 3020 Caniff, Hamtramck, MI 48212 • (313) 874-2100 Volume 2 No. 27 July 2, 2010 50¢ With Shack Potatoes, Roll & Cranberry Sauce HAMTRAMCK 11401 Joseph Campau • email (313) 365-1400 City ramps up tax fight with Detroit — HAMTRAMCK'S NEWSPAPER OF RECORD — Bangladeshi festival is an all weekend celebration of culture Quick Hits This Sunday is The Fourth of July -- also known as Independence Day -- and as usual there are plenty of places in town to shop for legal fireworks. Just in case you wonder what fireworks are considered illegal, it’s basically anything most people consider fun. But seriously, anything that explodes or goes up in the air is illegal. Getting illegal fireworks is pretty easy around the area and most folks ignore the law. Police always say they will crack down on illegal fireworks but judging by the number of mini-explosions going on around town, there’s not much effort being made. Which makes us question why those fireworks are still illegal if so many people thumb their nose at the law. This week in history • Some say Hamtramck hasn’t been the same since. Back in 1997, a tornado ripped through town, causing significant damage to houses and buildings as well as knocking down over 500 trees. • Hamtramck’s own “Peaches” Bartkowicz won the Wimbledon championship in 1964. • Cars, cars, cars. In 1947 there were so many that more parking was being planned. Source: Hamtramck Historical Commission By Ian Perrotta For the second year in a row, the Bangladeshi Festival on Conant Ave. was a smashing success. About 5,000 people attended the three-day event, which was organized by the Bangladesh Association of Michigan. The festival featured lively entertainment that included games for the community, the musical stylings of several local groups and even a performance by a Bangladeshi pop star. Also on hand were a number of vendors selling a variety of toys, trinkets and other merchandise. A handful offered traditional Bangladeshi dishes. Some meals were prepared on the spot, but judging by the satisfied looks on the faces of all of the people eating, they all definitely hit the spot. Fortunately for the organizers and festivalgoers alike, the weather cooperated throughout the weekend, as did those in attendance. Unlike other area festivals that sometimes become breeding grounds for fights, there were no reports of trouble despite the presence of uniformed police officers only on Sunday night. The only real problem was trying to get the festival to shut down, as organizers and attendees alike both wanted to keep it going late into the night. The success and safety of the festival is a testament to the strength of the Bangladeshi community, a fact that was not lost on City Councilmember Mohammed Hassan. Addressing the crowd, he told them they played an important role in shaping the city’s future, one that he hopes will only grow larger – along with the city of Ham- tramck. “There are many Bangladeshis that live outside of the city,” he said. “I want to annex the area south of Carpenter to Davidson to bring us together.” Thousands of festivalgoers celebrated Bengali culture during last week’s Bangladeshi Festival on Conant. Mayor says city faces uncertain times Medical marijuana club isn’t about getting stoned By Ian Perrotta Medical marijuana has come to Hamtramck. Beginning last month, The Hamtramck Compassion Club (THCC) began holding bimonthly meetings to educate the community on the impact that the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act can have on them. Voters passed the legalizing legislation in November of 2008 and the law went into effect in April of 2009. The club was started by Gregg Black, who was living in New York and working as a public relations consultant when the Michigan law was passed. A longtime resident of both Detroit and Hamtramck, Black decided it By Charles Sercombe With Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and his City Council fighting about finances, Hamtramck City Councilmember Cathie Gordon saw an opportunity. “Why not strike while the iron’s hot?” is how she described her plan to step up Hamtramck’s dispute with Bing’s administration over tax revenues from GM’s Poletown plant. First some background: Hamtramck and Detroit share tax revenue from the plant, with Hamtramck receiving about $2 million a year. But last year, Bing’s administration said the agreement ended in 2006. Continued on page 7 would be a good time to come back and do something he enjoyed in an environment he was comfortable with. And when he found out that the city had no active organization, he knew what he had to do. “Since there weren’t any compassion clubs in Hamtramck, I felt there was a need to help educate,” Black said. “Especially after some conversations with people who only had a vague or superficial understanding of the law.” Another problem that Black found was that many of the existing organizations in and around the Detroit area were not taking the law seriously and were either using it for a recreational or commercial benefit. Additionally, some clubs were giving advice that was not legally sound, which is something the THCC is strictly against. Black says that the THCC looks at the law as black-and-white and stays away from the gray areas. “We want to be completely within the law. We’re not doing what they don’t say we can’t do, we’re doing what they do say we can do,” he said. During their meetings, the Compassion Club goes into great detail on a range of topics that include the history of marijuana use, who is eligible for medical marijuana certification, how to find or become a caregiver, and the actual process of growing the plant. One thing, however, is conspicuously absent – the actual smoking of marijuana. “This isn’t about recreating Woodstock or throwing some kind of party,” says Black. “It’s about finding a healthy alternative for people so they can get off prescription drugs that can cause addiction and central nervous damage.” Meetings for The Hamtramck Compassion Club are held every first and third Wednesday of each month at The Painted Lady, located at 2930 Jacob Street. For more information, visit By Ian Perrotta On Sunday (June 27) Mayor Karen Majewski gave the annual State of the City address, and let’s just say it was a good thing everyone was sitting down. Though attendance was considerably less than in years past, the importance of the speech was significantly Mayor Karen Majewski said Hamtramck has made major improvements during the past several months but warned tough economic times still face the city. greater. Unlike the 2009 address, which painted a more rosy and bright picture of Continued on page 2 Early diagnosis can prevent heart attacks and strokes! Fuad F. Katbi ~ Cardiologist Diplomat, American Board of Cardiovascular Disease, American Board of Nuclear Cardiology, American Board of Internal Medicine. Patio is Open! • Tightness in your chest • Shortness of breath • Heaviness or pain in your legs u mpa 974-6365 . Ca (313) Jos 10005 Jos. Campau Hamtramck 3236 Caniff St. • Hamtramck ant Con iff Can 5 I-7 Heart and Vascular Disease is the Number One Killer of Men and Women • High blood pressure • Dizziness • Smoking (313) 872-9454 (313) 872-9456 Fax: (313) 872-9455 2 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 Friday, July 2, 2010 Mayor says city faces uncertain times Hamtramck’s future, this year’s speech was ominously darker. But first, the good news. Over the past year, the city has experienced many achievements, a fact that was duly noted by Majewski. “It is no small thing, with the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression staring us in the face, that we’ve been able to accomplish so much,” she said. Specifically, Majewski noted the completion of the new Department of Human Services building on Jos. Campau, the traffic light replacement project along Caniff, and the sidewalk replacement currently underway on Brombach and throughout the city. She also praised the Master Plan revision process, which should be completed sometime in late summer or early fall. Additionally, the mayor spoke of several grants awarded to the city, including a $400,000 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant to test for hazardous materials, a $1 million EPA grant to set up a revolving loan fund to help fill financing gaps in redevelopment projects, and $1.4 million Neighborhood Stabilization Funds (NSP1) – as well $15.4 million in NSP2 funding – to be used to help settle the longstanding R-31 housing discrimination lawsuit. In the coming months there will be even more projects and improvements. The city’s Community and Economic Development Department will begin working on re-establishing and expanding the Hamtramck Shuttle, and it will continue to work with companies interested in opening new businesses in Hamtramck. Majewski also pointed out the benefits of living in the city, citing a lower cost of living coupled with a higher level of governmental efficiency. “We’ve been paying down our debt, performing at a par with other financially stable communities, and passing audits with no major issues, all while our property taxes were kept lower than those of surrounding neighbors like Detroit, Highland Park, and Harper Woods,” she said. “That does not happen through mismanagement or short-sightedness, but through sound and balanced management.” Perhaps the highlight of the speech – it certainly was for the mayor – was the announcement that the city had finally found in PLAV 1 Hall a location for its long-awaited Historical Museum. Like last year, the mention of this brought tears to her eyes. Unfortunately, they weren’t Block Club Corner … First Thursdays, 4 Cs Neighborhood Watch (if you live or have a business between Carpenter, Conant, Caniff, and Campau), 7 p.m. Hamtramck Recreation Center, 1135 Charest, lower level Second Mondays, Eastside Block Club (if you live or have a business East of Conant) 7 p.m. Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, Activity Center, entrance on Harold Street Second Wednesdays, 3 C7 Neighborhood Watch (if you live or have a business between Carpenter, Campau, Caniff, and I-75) People's community Services Senior Center on Caniff, across from the Public Library Third Wednesdays, Midtown Neighborhood Watch (if you live or have a business between Caniff, Campau, Holbrook and I75) 6:30 p.m. in the Convent of St. Florian's Church, on Florian Street tional E x llen ma el op me n io at educ al nt ce Globa l uca ce Ed Fourth Thursdays, Southend Neighborhood Watch 6:30 p.m. in the People's Community Center on Joseph Campau and Danforth, for all residents and businesses south of Holbrook. The Central Neighborhood Watch (Caniff, Conant, Holbrook, Campau) will soon set up regular meeting dates. For more information, go online to The Hamtramck Housing Commission Neighborhood Watch is not meeting at this time. If you would like to help start these groups, call the Weed and Seed office at (313) 281-8150. Neighborhood Watch meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. If additional information is needed contact the Weed and Seed office at (313) 281-8150. nag dd ement an Community. Involvement. Impact. the only tears she shed. After highlighting the accomplishments of the past year, the speech focused on the coming year and the many potential pitfalls that lie ahead. Most notably, the dispute between the city and Detroit over tax revenue from the Poletown plant has caused the city to adopt a fiscal strategy that taps into its emergency funding, a plan that Majewski says could lead to the state taking back control of Continued from front page Hamtramck – and soon. “That is an unsustainable strategy, which by best estimate will deplete the fund and send us into deficit spending – and thus into receivership – by the first quarter of 2011,” she said. Though the overall future of the city is uncertain, Majewski did say that one thing was sure: the upcoming year will be an important one for the city. Ending her speech with a call to action, she urged Hamtramckans to get involved with city and to help make it a better place for all. “There is a whole lot going on here, and even more that needs to happen,” she said. “You know what those things are. You may even have an idea of how to make them happen. Now is the time when your ingenuity, good will, and drive are most needed.” This week at the library... ESL Summer Reading Program - Mondays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesdays 3-5 p.m., & Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This special program is funded by the American Library Association and will continue throughout the summer months. Free to participants. Computer Class for ESL Beginners - Friday, July 2 at 10 a.m. ESL students will start with one hour hands-on experience on computers followed by 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. instruction class with instructor, Christine Templin. Math Club Meeting - Tuesday, July 6 at 4 p.m. Mr. Nuo is the instructor for the math club and math tutoring program. Meeting of the Library Board - Thursday, July 8 at 6 p.m. Regular meeting of the Library Board will be held in the auditorium. The meeting is open to the public. Movie Wednesday - Wednesday, July 7 at 3:30 p.m. Every Wednesday is movie day at the library. Come and enjoy our feature presentation including popcorn and snacks. ESL Class for Beginners - Monday, July 12 at 10 a.m. Christine Templin is the instructor for the ESL class for beginners. Free to the public. ESL Summer Reading for Adults - Tuesday, July 13 at 3 p.m. Reading program for adults sponsored by the ALA, prepared and conducted by several staff members to accomodate various levels of reading skills. Free to the public. Animal Show - Wednesday, July 14 at 1 p.m. This week’s Summer Reading Program for children will feature a lecture and animal show. It will be followed by 3D aquarium collage workshop and up- dating reading journals. All children are invited. Friends of the Library Meeting - Thursday, July 15 at 6 p.m. FHPL President Kathy Kristy and Treasurer George Gorday invite all members and volunteers to participate in the regular monthly meeting and election meeting of the FHPL. Historic Post Card of Hamtramck - Thursday, July 15 at 7 p.m. Greg Kowalski, chairman of the Historical Commission, will present an interesting program featuring historic postscards of Hamtramck. Everyone is invited. Refreshment will be served. Community Garden - Saturday, July 3 at 11 a.m. Volunteers willing to help with the community garden will meet on Saturday to plan improvements and make preparations for planting the garden. Jeopardy at the Library - Thursdays at 4 p.m. Sign up and participate in Jeopardy games held in Thursday at the library. Compete against friends, win prizes and have fun developing your knowledge skills. Canoeing with Doc Fletcher - Tuesday, July 27 at 6 p.m. Doc Fletcher will present a program on his canoeing and kayaking adventures through Michigan and Wisconsin. Everyone is invited. Hamtramck Emergency Task Force - Registration for training to become part of the Hamtramck Emergency Task Force continues at the Library. Training classes will be conducted by Ms. Margalski. For more information please call the Library at 365-7050. Special Thanks for Donations - to Lidja Berishaj, Ralph Rinaldi, Patricia Muszynski and John Stockpoole. For more information about events at the library call (313) 365-7050, or visit our website at where you can also access our online catalog. Hamtramck Housing Commission ev Frontier International Academy # % ' ' % &'( " '& 2619 Florian St. , Hamtramck, MI 48212 , (313)887.7500 Respect. Alternative Education Classes for Students 16-19 Years of Age Monday-Thursday 12:30pm-3:00pm ~ Limited Seating ~ Housing Commission Residents & Qualified Residents Responsibility. (Adults 20+ who meet the State of Michigan criteria for high school completion classes may also apply) Integrity. Honesty. For more information call: (313)887-7500 or visit: , , ! && + & , " % & $ % ' , # # ) % % # % !& , '% # " && &' " , ( " % #! " ' # % " # % & , % $ # (% & & , " " # (% & & , % ' * ( ' 3 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 Friday, July 2, 2010 Second Front Page On any given night, there’s music in the air By Ian Perrotta Hamtramck is a great place to catch some live music. And if you want to play some live music? Well, it turns out it’s a good city for that, too. Whether it’s rhythmic blues, a quiet acoustic set, or even karaoke, Hamtramck has something for everyone. On practically any night of the week, you can check out the wide variety of homegrown music that the city has to offer. On the first Sunday night of every month (except in July because of the holiday), the Attic Dwellers Acoustic Club keeps it unplugged at Paycheck’s Lounge while playing blues, pop, folk, jazz and all sorts of other musical styles. The laid back atmosphere is casual, and everyone from beginners to seasoned veterans can join in on the circle jams that make this monthly event one to look forward to. Tuesday has two sites to play at, but fortunately you don’t have to pick and choose. On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, Ken Marten and Jaye Thomas host an open mic session at Café 1923. Running from 7 to 9 p.m., the coffee house brings an eclectic array of talent to the stage, including poets, comedians, folk singers and other musicians. After Café 1923’s jam, you can head on over to Skipper’s Hamtown Bar at the corner of Conant and Evaline. Every Tuesday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Rachel Taylor runs the stage as Skipper tends the bar and mixes up some mean drinks. A special feature of the night – aside from some great drink specials – is the presence of local artists there to “Show and Sell” their goods. If you’re looking to rock on Thursdays, then 7 Brothers Bar is the place to be. Though it began just a few weeks ago, this open mic session has proven to be a popular spot. Hosted by Bill McGettigan – father of bartender Sean – this low-key affair is the perfect way to start an early weekend. Finally, if you’re in the mood for some food with your music, then check out Kelly’s Bar every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Along with your juicy burger you can enjoy the sounds of 7th Veil, Blues in the City and Paul Carey’s Funk as they open up the stage for a bluesy jam session. For those who don’t play an instrument but can sing a mean note – and even for those who can’t – there is always karaoke. On Mondays, you can head to Small’s for Karaoke with Squid and Jared. On Wednesday, the Belmont offers Rock and Roll Karaoke with The Millionaire, which features over 80,000 songs to choose from. Hamtramck’s big night for karaoke is Thursday, when Motor City Sports Bar, the New Dodge Lounge and Atlas Bar all host their own events. Finally, on Friday and Saturday, DJ Chuck E spins tunes and offers a chance to karaoke at PLAV 10. Metro news … view the top five developments that occurred so far. Here’s my take: It’s said that whatever happens to Detroit, so goes Hamtramck. If you were to rely solely on the local mainstream media, you’d think Detroit is no more than a crime-infested wasteland. Well, we’re here to say that isn’t so. Our friends over at and have been reporting on fascinating development projects for the past few years. With their permission, here is a round-up of their reports from the past week. By Kelli B. Kavanaugh It's been half a decade since Model D committed to documenting the big (Westin Book Cadillac Hotel) and the small (Mudgie's outdoor seating, which we wrote up just last week) in Detroit development each and every week. So it’s appropriate to re- 1. Park Avenue: In the heart of it all Let's start Downtown. There's been some notable busts in our Central Business District -- Cadillac Centre, The Griswold, a new Quicken Loans HQ -- and some huge, huge successes, like Campus Martius, the Detroit RiverWalk, Fort-Shelby Doubletree and the Boll Family YMCA. But when forced to pick one for this piece, I took a stroll down Park Avenue. This short stretch of street between Grand Circus Park and I-75 started its rebirth back in 1996, with the opening of Sean Harrington's Town Pump Tavern, which, when I was a University of Continued on page 6 A professional pharmacy serving your needs. Chet Kasprzak, Pharmacist • We accept most insurance policies • Our prices are very competitive • We carry a large selection of natural products, Polish medicines and cosmetics 10300 Jos. Campau (Corner of Trowbridge, across from Wendy’s) Hamtramck Community Initiative “W eeding outcrim e,seeding positive action for clean and safe neighborhoods.” (313) 281-8150 The Hamtramck Community Initiative is seeking an individual for the position of Community Recruiter. The Community Recruiter wiill canvas Hamtramck in search of new members for area Neighborhood Watch groups throughout the city. One year experience in community organizing preferred. Please send a resume with a cover letter to: Ron Orr at View crime maps and more at Krakus Restaurant & Bar Mon-Thurs 11a-7p Fri & Sat 11a-8p Dancing Saturday 9p-1:30a Special Home Made Food -- Complete Carry Out Service 313.368.4848 12900 Jos. Campau / Detroit, Mi 48212 Friday, July 2, 2010 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 4 Out on the Town Belmont Bar: Sundays – Sunday Bloody (Mary) Sunday and movie night w/ TaitNucleus, $3 mix your own Bloody Mary. No Cover. Mondays – Mademoiselle Monday featuring martini & manicure specials all night, w/ DJ Mike Alonso. No Cover. Tuesdays – Punk Fitness followed by DJ Spinny; $1 PBR all night; No Cover to drink; Wednesdays -Rock and Roll Karaoke with The Millionaire. Over 80,000 songs to choose from! No cover;10215 Jos. Campau (313) 871-1966 Free WIFI. every day, best char-grilled burgers, hands-down put us to the test, karaoke every Thursday, 9122 Jos. Campau (313) 875-4710. Painted Lady: Mondays – $1 beer night w/ Todd. Tuesdays – B-movie Night. Wednesdays – Opium Den; Thursdays – Honky Tonk/Ladies Night, $2 wells; 2930 Jacob; (313) 874-2991 Small’s: Sundays - Nurse your weekend hangover with Dave and Melody, $1 off everything. Acoustic performances on select nights. Mondays - Karaoke with Squid and Jared! Tuesday Trivia Night! Game starts at 9 p.m. with tons of great prizes and cheap drinks; 10339 Conant, (313) 8731117. Free WIFI. 7 Brothers Bar: Hamtramck’s hippest hangout Shadow Bar: Thursdays: for actors, 11831 Jos. Camdoors open at 10 p.m., pau; (313) 365-6576. Ladies free till 10:30 pm 21 Atlas Bar: One of the last and over only. FM 98 WJLB with DJ Fingers; Business neighborhood bars, come Capo Lounge: No Cover Man dress Code In affect; shoot pool. $1 domestic Charge. Tuesdays – Friday: Back Door Jam. beer specials until 7 p.m. Karaoke, Thursdays are Doors open at 8:00 pm. and $1 Black Label & Thirsty Thursdays Ladies Free Cover before 9pm. 21 Schlitz until 8 p.m., 2363 Night live DJ; Dress to Im- and OVER welcome. Dress Yemans. press. Fridays and Satur- to Impress, Cover after 9 is Carbon Lounge: 11474 days – Live DJs. Sunday is $10!! Valet parking availSEXY SUNDAY live DJ able; Live broadcast on Mix Joseph Campau. 11625 Jos. Campau (313) 92.3 from 7pm- Midnight. Celina’s Sports Bar: Lots 365-CAPO (2276). Saturday: Ladies free till 10:30 pm; Wear what ever of TV’s, sports and hot Motor City Sports Bar: you want. Hot 102.7 Live women, 11667 Jos. CamGreat burgers and beer – Broadcast with BIG GREG pau; (313) 365-4194. $1 domestic beers every and DJ Chandler. Valet ParkHead Coach: A HamTuesday, draft beer $1 every ing available; tramck tradition; 12001 Coday, $2 well mixed drinks nant; (313) 366-6317. get u o y n a c n here in tow Characters Always Welcome! L O O P F O E M A BEER & A G W A for only a BUCK! Only at Jean’s. Only on Wednesdays & Thursdays. Call (313) 874-2100 to Place You r Ad in Out on the T own! Suzy’s Bar: Chat with owner Suzy – one of the best local bar owners; 2942 Evaline; (313) 8729016; Free WIFI. Dart s! ble Ta ool P Turtle & Inky’s Place: Small and cozy 2656 Carpenter; (313) 365-9863. Mon-Sat 7am-2am Sun Noon-2am “Biggest” Little Bar in Town! 12001 Conant • Hamtramck 313-366-6317 Hippo’s: Friendly service and plenty of smiles; Beer $2.25, Jagar Bombs $3.00, Jello Shots always; Open Wednesday - Saturday 3 p.m. till close; 11641 Conant; (313) 893-5633. PATIO IS OPEN! Jeans: As they say, characters are welcomed. 12002 Jos. Campau; (313) 8929689. Skipper’s Hamtown: Hamtramck’s newest neighborhood “almost dive” bar. Skipper’s offers a wide selection of bottled beer as 6/14/10 12002 Jos. Campau • (313) 892-9689 well as six non-alcoholic beverages. Stop by for a good drink and a great time, drink specials: Monday: $1 Cans, $2 Jameson shots; Tuesday: $1.50 all Bud and Miller bottles; Wednesday: 50 cents off Motor City, Bell's, and Founders; Thursday: 50 cents off wine by the glass. Merlot, Cabernet, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio; Open to 2 a.m. Monday-Saturday; 9735 Conant at Evaline. Hamtramck’s #1 Neighborhood Bar Since 1971 Food • Fun • Drinks Coney Island RESTAURANT I-75 Service Drive & Holbrook Join us for a Nice • Clean • Safe • FUN! • Atmosphere Become a POST 10 Supporter STEAK-OUT DINNER Sat. July 26th 1 p.m. til 6 p.m. ★ Full Service Bar ★ Daily Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials (313) 365-9494 $1.25 Beers 11941 Jos. Campau St. Mon-Tue-Wed 2-7pm Enjoy a New York Strip with Corn, Baked Potato, Garlic Bread & our Salad Bar - All for a $10 donation Come play new Club Keno in our air-conditioned, clean clubroom Karaoke every Fri. & Sat. Nights 9 p.m. til 1:45 a.m. 10% Discount for Review Readers Lunch or Dinner. Excludes Ribs. During Tiger Games $2.79 Domestic Beer & Hot Dog Introducing: Three Star's Half-Baked Ribs Enjoy our Famous Ribs at your next Bar-B-Que! $ Sun 12pm-12am • Mon 1pm-12am T-F 1pm-2am • S 12pm-2am 11824 Jos. Campau • 313-893-1355 Quick Pick-up • Call Ahead Only 12 99 313-875-3000 or 313-875-4508 Special Coneys 99¢ ~ No Limit ~ Famous Corn Beef Stacked High It’ll keep you coming back for more! Br d Anytime! eakfast ServeGrandy’s Breakfast Special 2 X-large eggs, hasbrowns or grits, with your choice of ham, bacon or sausage, toast & jelly. Everyday from 5am-11am. After 11am $4.89 + tax. 3 $ 35 +tax Open 24 Hours • Drive-Thru • Closed Sunday & Holidays Coming Events • Coming Events • Coming Events • Coming Events MONDAY, July 12, 5-9pm -- The St. Theresa Guild of St. Florian Church hosts their annual Ice Cream Social & Spaghetti Dinner. Grab Bag of Prizes, Raffles and Fun. Dinners $8, Sundaes $2.50 at St. Florian Social Hall 2626 Poland St. MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, Through July 29, from 3-5 p.m. - Workshops will focus on skills development and ACTION in the community. Everyone is welcome, and young people between the ages of 14 and 26 are strongly encouraged to register. Please call Cheri or Whitney at (313) 875-1750, People's Community Services (8625 Jos. Campau Avenue). TO REGISTER: Please contact Cheri or Whitney at (313) 8751750, or FRIDAY,SATURDAY, June 25 (9-5 p.m.) and June 26 (9-3 p.m.) – Rummage sale at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Activity Center, enter from Harold St. The Hamtramck Drug Free Community Coalition meets the second Thursday of every month from 11 a.m.-noon at the Piast Institute, 11633 Jos. Campau. To allow for summer planning sessions, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 9. Meetings are open to the public. SECOND MONDAY of each month, through Dec. 13, 12:302:30 p.m. – A Wayne County program, food program for lowincome families, at People’s Community Services, 8625 Jos. Campau. To qualify you must be a Hamtramck resident and had picture ID and proof of income. Volunteers are needed to unload supplies, etc. To volunteer, show up at 10:30 a.m. Friday, July 2, 2010 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 5 Review: Opinion Page Taxpayers getting a good soaking by Rec. Dept. ticular example of the right intentions but the wrong decisions by management. In our opinion, taxpayers got soaked on this one. After spending $115,000 for a spit-sized slab of concrete, Recreation Director Craig Daniels limits the hours of use from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. throughout the week – denying kids a chance to cool off during the day. In other cities kids are allowed to use the pads throughout the day without the need of supervision. Daniels insists on having a lifeguard on duty, which is why there are extremely limited hours for use. We asked a playground supervisor at Pulaski Park, where the pad is located, what kids can do to cool off and we were told that lawn sprinklers are available. Why did the department even bother to build a Hamtramck taxpayers deserve answers about how their money is being spent by the Hamtramck Recreation Department. It’s outrageous that the department collects $1 million a year and spends half of it -- $500,000 – on salaries and benefits. Good grief, a small city like Hamtramck should have a recreation program that costs NO MORE than half a million dollars a year. What do we get for the money? Looking at past audits, it doesn’t appear to be too much. It hasn’t been until the last year or so that the department went on a spending spree, buying playscapes and building a splash pad. The department offers some measly programs during the year and several subsidized field trips for kids and adults. The splash pad is a par- splash pad if the only option for kids to cool off is to use sprinklers? The department could have saved taxpayers a boatload of money by just setting out several sprinklers for kids to run through. It’s becoming increasingly clear that there is no oversight of the department. Daniels has reacted with hostility and an exaggerated sense of being picked on when School Boardmembers dare to question him. He has snapped at us, saying he has no obligation to answer our questions. Someone needs to remind Daniels that he indeed owes answers to taxpayers and those who represent their best interests. It all just makes you wonder what is going on over there. Letters • Letters 1925, and has been the PLAV home since then. How many buildings can claim that in Hamtramck – to have one owner for 85 years and be used for the same purpose all those years? Having been a member of Post I for over 30 years, I am thrilled that it will now be preserved for future history as well as past. When the need arises, these caring professionals are ready to help. John J. Skupny FUNERAL HOME FRED HIKADE, DIRECTOR CATHERINE HIKADE, DIRECTOR Serving the community for 90 years Two locations to serve you Hamtramck and Centerline 313-891-2978 11405 Conant • Hamtramck (1 blk. North of Caniff) Cremation Services Jurkiewicz & Wilk Funeral Home MICHAEL A. WILK, DIRECTOR ROBERT A. WILK, DIRECTOR 2396 Caniff at Brombach | 313-365-9600 2687 Caniff, Hamtramck Accessible from I-75 or Mound Road (313) 365-5240 $895 Congrats … The Kresge Arts of Detroit recently announced the winners of its annual arts awards. Hamtramck is well represented in this year’s awards. Steve Hughes, Vievee Francis, Matthew Olzmann and Timmy “Vulgar” Lampinen – all of Hamtramck – each won a $25,000 award. Way to go Hamtramck. Grilling … The Central Block Club, which includes those who live in the area bounded by Caniff to Holbrook, between Jos. Campau and Conant, is throwing a barbecue this Saturday (July 3) at Zussman Park. The cookout starts at 1 p.m. And it’s not just about hamburgers and hotdogs, vegetarian dishes will also be served up. Continuously owned and operated by the Krot Family since 1935 Alexandra Krot, Manager David A. Krot, Public Relations ✝ Joan V. Krot 1909-1998 Special meeting … The city’s ongoing financial crisis will be the subject of discussion during a special City Council meeting being held next Tuesday (July 6) in City Hall at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to sit in. Feed the children … Through the City of Detroit Health Department, People’s Community Services is able to provide free breakfasts and lunches to community youth during the summer when there is no access to school food programs. All youth up to the age of 18 are welcome. Participation in other programs or activities at PCS is not required. Breakfast will be served Tuesday through Thursday, from 9AM - 10AM. Lunch will be served Monday through Friday, from 12PM 2PM. There will be no child care between 10AM - 12PM so children will need to be picked up between meals. This is a meal-only program. Published every Friday 3020 Caniff, Hamtramck, MI 48212 Phone: 313-874-2100 Fax: 313-874-2101 • email Editor/Publisher: John Ulaj • Editor: Charles Sercombe • Copy Editor: Ian Perrotta This newspaper is not responsible for mistakes in advertising beyond the cost of the space involved. A HUD High Performer Joan Barrios Hamtramck FUNERAL DIRECTORY ✝ It’s shaping up to be an exciting night, and heck, with free beer available how can you go wrong? Public Pool is located 3309 Caniff, and the show starts at 9 p.m. For more information, contact 313.587.9572 or e-mail m. The Hamtramck Review Former veteran hall is in good hands now The purchase of PLAV Post 1 Hall by the Hamtramck Historical Commission couldn’t be more appropriate. This building is historical in itself. It was built by World War I veterans in Pool’s open … Hamtramck’s hippest new gallery, Public Pool, has another smash up presentation. On July 10, Metro Times Editor and Hamtramck resident Michael Jackman will show his collection of Super 8 films he shot while living in New York City in the mid-90s. Jackman said he only recently looked at the films and was surprised how over the years the films took on a much different meaning. “When I shot this stuff, I didn’t think it was very distinguished,” Jackman says. “But, as time goes on, it begins to look historic. The cars are older, the streets are grittier, and that place was still the Bowery, not ‘NoLiTa.’ And, though I didn’t know it at the time, this was the last decade in New York when you could really shoot freely in public. Only after I was done with Super 8 did they start enforcing all these restrictions on shooting in public.” Also accompanying the films will be a sound piece composed by another Hamtramck resident, Jennifer Paull. • Heat & Water Included • Individual Kitchens • Income Based Rent • 24 Hour Security • Recreation Areas • On Site Mail • Exercise Room • Air Conditioned • Library Hamtramck Housing Commission (HHC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap or familial status Hamtramck Senior Plaza 2620 Holbrook St • Hamtramck • (313) 873-7878 6 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 NYC fashion world comes calling for HHS grad Street Life Polish politics play out on Jos. Campau (Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) Friday, July 2, 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president Lech Walesa recently said that it would be a "disaster" for Poland if Kaczynski won. "Kaczynski is an irresponsible and dangerous politician," said Mr. Walesa on Polish radio RMFFM. "We could pay a high price if he wins." Walesa's biting critique is not surprising. Both Kaczynski twins accused Walesa of working for the communistera secret police, trying to strip him of his legacy as one of the 20th century's most celebrated freedom fighters. Walesa co-founded the Soviet era's first trade union at the Gdansk Shipyards and was involved in dissident and human rights activities beginning in the late 1960s until he was elected Poland's first post-communist president in 1990. Another former president, Aleksander Kwasniewski, who succeeded Walesa, has also come out strongly against By Walter Wasacz worse when Poles start There is a major, highly conbranding global hero Walesa tentious election coming up "a communist" collaborator, in Hamtramck this weekend. which is what you might hear Rhetoric and rumors are rich if you prick up your ears at a with historical significance. casual meeting at the Polish But this one involves no local, American Congress. The state or federal offices. Not in same tag has been placed on the U.S., that is. Komorowski -- who in truth is Eligible Polish voters in left of Kaczynski but still conMichigan are helping to desidered pro-business and cencide the president's race in ter-right on the political Poland. They will be voting spectrum. Saturday at the Polish AmeriThe problem with Kocan Congress on Jos. Cammorowski, according to the pau. Voters in Poland will go Polish right, is that he is too to the polls Sunday, July 4. European (a similar tag was The election is necessary placed on the multilingual after interim president BronisKwasniewski), less cozy with law Komorowski failed to win the Catholic Church (which 50 percent of the vote in eleccasts a huge shadow over tions held last month. He rePolish politics) and has ceived about 41 percent of stated he wants to scale back the popular vote, while Poland's military presence in Jaroslaw Kaczynski -- the twin Afghanistan. brother of President Lech He was Parliament Speaker Kaczynski, who died in a before the death plane crash in of Lech Kaczynski Russia in April and was elevated along with over 90 by law to the inother officials on terim presidency. their way to a He has worked efcommemorative fectively with likeevent in the Katyn minded Prime forest -- received Minister Donald 36 percent. Tusk (both are In voting at PAC, members of the however, KaczynCivic Platform ski more than Party, essentially doubled Koconservative morowski's vote Christian Democtotal: 343 to 168. rats and ecoIt may seem like nomic liberals) much ado about and Polish governnothing in Poland, ment has, in a a nation of 39 miljust a few lion people and mil- Former Polish President Lech Walesa is an outspoken months, resumed critic of Poland’s new conservatives who are vying to win lions of voters. civil relations with leadership positions. But symbolically its German neighit speaks volumes bors and others about how a majority of Poles Kaczynski. That's not at all who'd been derided by the here lean on political, social, shocking. Kwasniewski, co- Kaczynskis Poland-first-andcultural and economic issues. founder of the Democratic only rhetoric of their Law & To the right -- make that the Left Alliance, has often been Justice Party. far right. vilified by conservative Poles. We'll see how Poles in They supported a candidate He is now a distinguished Michigan vote this Sunday. whose slogan roughly trans- scholar at Georgetown Univer- Chances are Kaczynski will lates into "Poland is most im- sity's Edmund A. Walsh score big on Jos. Campau portant," which on the School of Foreign Service and (his campaign poster can be surface sounds innocent lectures each year at the Uni- found at Pope Paul II Park and enough. But dig deeper and versity of Michigan. But his elsewhere on the avenue). you see the roots of ultra-na- appearances there draw the The latest polling in Poland tionalism, mistrust of full par- ire of Detroit Polish radio shows Komorowski now leadticipation in the European commentators, who have ing with over just over 50 perUnion, paranoid disregard for urged Polish parents to not cent of the vote. That's good liberalization initiatives and send their children to U-M be- news for Poland and Europe, gender equality for women cause of the university's rela- even if venomous nationalists and Poland's sizable LGBT tionship with Kwasniewski. and absurd revisionist historicommunity. However ignorant and silly ans here and there bitterly Former Solidarity leader, that may be, it looks even disagree. New Patient Special $ 69 $70 Includes Comprehensive Exam, Full Mouth Xrays, Oral Cancer Screening, Gum Evaluation, Complete Treatment Plan, Consultation. Children’s Special (14 and under) Includes Exam, Cleaning, Fluoride, Xrays • Full Cosmetic Dentistry Available • Orthodontics (braces) • Root Canals • Extractions • Oral Surgery • Implants • IV Sedation available • Oral Cancer screenings • Zoom Whitening • Vizilite Plus Walk-ins Welcome On Tues and Thurs Dawlat G. Hasso, D.D.S., P.C. Implants, Cosmetics, and Sedative Dentistry Exceptional Care for Confident Smiles 12008 Jos. Campau By Omar Thabet Special to The Review Not many 19-year-olds know exactly what they want to do with their future. Thats not the case for Hamtramck’s Mohamed Zindani who can boast that he’s already “lived up to his dream,” as he would say, by getting accepted into CB United. CB United is an international fashion design house that Zindani was introduced to during his sophomore year. How he got interested in fashion also coincided with school. “Waking up every morning and matching clothes that I was going to wear to school made me interested in fashion,” Zindani said. “The more I looked into the field, the more I loved it. The success and support from my family and friends made me realize this is what I wanted to do.” Zindani has had a taste of sweet success. He has been interviewed by People Magazine and attended parties Metro news … hang out for a few hours at Grand Circus Park and watch Kales residents walking their dogs, peek in and see the standing-room-only crowds at Moth StorySLAM night at Cliff's, observe the intersection of ball caps and fashion at Centaur, or take on a World Cup match at Park Bar. Detroit Mercy student in the mid '90s, was one of the few bars Downtown that I was wont to take suburban friends. Flash forward to the present tense, and those few short blocks boast a hopping apartment building, the Kales, as well as the stunningly restored jazz club Cliff Bells, the neighborhood-pubexcept-when-there's-a-Tigersgame Park Bar, Romanian schwarma flying off the Bucharest Grill, and Harrington's Iodent Building, which houses modern lofts and the art deco-inspired Centaur Bar and, lest we forget, was briefly the home of the ahead-of-its-time retail happening Hugh. The Colony Club across the street's has also been restored, although it's only used for special occasions, but the sum total is a pretty happening avenue taking a stand right down the middle of Ilitch Holdings country. These investors decided to stop waiting to see if there will or will not be a new Joe Louis in the vicinity and, instead, spent millions on restoring several examples of Detroit's phenomenal historic architecture. If you doubt the import, where he rubbed elbows with hip-hop stars The Dream and Keri Hilson. Not only does he plan to be a fashion designer, he also created his own fashion line called “OZ.” He created the OZ logo sort of by happy accident. 2. Eastern Market: Rethinking a landmark Eastern Market has been a functioning market neighborhood since 1891 but, since 2007, has undergone significant, even major, changes. It's no coincidence that's the year operation and management of the cityowned property was assumed by the Eastern Market Corp. The organization's singular focus and nonprofit status has without a doubt energized the entire area, most visibly in the complete rehab of Sheds 2 ($1.3 million) and 3 ($5.5 million), with improvements for Shed 5 next on the drawing board. It's also worth noting that the strategic diversification of products sold under the sheds to include more locally produced and grown goods has elevated the quality of the Saturday market -without alienating existing “I was just messing around with my name and my good friend Omar’s name. I put the O and the Z together and it just looked great,” he said. Visits to New York City to meet with his fashion advisor have kept Zindani on track toward his path to success. He plans to release his “OZ Designs” after attending school, which will take another two years. That doesn’t mean he has not been put to work. “I've worked on different kinds of designs, like dresses, cardigan sweaters, and vintage suits,” Zindani said. “I've also given my advisor ideas of what I want to do in the future. I will be making clothes for ladies and the gentlemen. I want to go casual in my designs, like sweater vests for the guys and cardigans for the girls.” customers. As EMC president Dan Carmody said in a 2008 interview, "The Eastern Market is mostly about food for Detroiters, and it might become more compelling as a tourist attraction, but only if we artfully hone its grittiness and retain its profound sense of authenticity." So far, so good. 3. CCS' Taubman Center: Expansion of an anchor institution When General Motors pulled out of the New Center area in 1996, things didn't look so hot for the neighborhood. But the State of Michigan quickly relocated its Detroit operations into its HQ building and, last year, the College for Creative Studies completed a $145 million redevelopment of GM's massive former design center, the 760,000-squarefoot Argonaut Building. This newly named A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education includes CCS' graduate programs, meeting space, student housing, an arts-oriented high school and, hopefully soon, ground floor retail. It not only plugs the biggest remaining hole GM left in the district, it significantly diversifies the Continued on page 9 Friday, July 2, 2010 Hamtramck Review City ramps up tax fight with Detroit NOTICE To all property owners, agents and occupants, notice is hereby given to all persons owning or occupying property within the City of Hamtramck, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2008-5 of the City Code, it shall be the duty of the owners or occupants to keep all grass, weeds and vegetation cut below a height of eight inches on properties and free from noxious weeds, between April 1 and October 31. All properties shall include the abutting street rightof-way lying between the curb and sidewalk or the drainage course paralleling the street where there is no curb abutting the properties. If the provisions of this ordinance are not complied with, the city shall cause the grass and weeds to be cut or destroyed, and the actual cost of cutting or destruction plus 25% for inspection and/or other additional costs incurred shall be charged to the property owner and, if necessary, collected as a tax lien against the property. BUYING ANTIQUES & ART One Item to entire estate! Fair Dealings Since 1983 Call Alan Phone (313) 874-2100 Cos opp son, John and great-grandchiliew dren, John and Kalyn. Three Funeral arrangements were tramck made by Krot Funeral Home, played and funeral services will be season held on July 2 at Holy Cross School Polish National Catholic District Church. Burial will be at For- ndale E est Lawn Cemetery. But a LOBART Genevieve C. Lobart, 88, were unaware of Hamdied June 28, 2010. tramck’s dispute and seemed Mrs. Lobart was retired to be sympathetic. from Palace Quality Canning Gordon said she made an and was a member of the Memotional “pitch” to the DeK Society, P.T.O., United Ladies troit Council and warned them Choir Melodia and United that if Hamtramck doesn’t get Choirs. the money, “the city will go She was preceded in death belly-up.” by her husband, William. Cooper was invited back on Mrs. Lobart is survived by Wednesday to speak with the her daughters, Dianne and council’s finance committee. Margaret (John) Telek; grandIn a Channel 7 interview with Bing on Tuesday evening, Bing S claimed he was unaware of the dispute with Hamtramck. Cooper said that’s “unJune 29, 2010 true.” If roses grow in Heaven Lord, Please pick a bunch for me; “That raises some quesPlace them in my husband’s arms tions in my mind,” he said. And tell him they’re from me. “We met with the special asTell him I love home and miss him, And when he turns to smile, sistant of Bing and met with Place a kiss upon his cheek Bing.” And hold him for a while. Detroit’s City Council could Because remembering him is easy, decide to override Bing and I do it every day; But there is an ache within my heart, restore the payments. The That will never go away. council has already rejected Love, Your Family Bing’s recent budget proposal 60 years married to his loving wife, saying the mayor failed to Margaret make enough cuts. trict To the tea nents 1 narrow golden Ed Skawski 5/21/11 313-972-1010 248-515-8815 Buy • Sell • Trade Continued from front page Hamtramck officials say that if the agreement does end — which they say it doesn’t — it would end in 2014. In the meantime, Detroit has withheld last year’s money as well as this year’s payment. Hamtramck is seeking $3 million from Detroit. City Manager Bill Cooper has met with Bing’s adminisThis simtration, as well as Bing himp self, to discuss the matter. Bing has ordered an audit of the agreement, which is due by the end of July. But Hamtramck can’t wait that long, city officials say. Cooper said that Hamtramck will go bankrupt by next January and will then likely be placed under state receivership. Councilmember Gordon suggested going to the Detroit City Council on Tuesday since Detroit councilmembers are already upset about Bing’s budget proposal. Detroit councilmembers told Hamtramck officials they 7 Dr. Myron Lederman • Heel Pain • Corns, Calluses • Hammer Toes • Bunions • Ingrown Nails • Foot and Ankle Injuries Thinking of buying or selling your business or home? Senior and Diabetic Foot Care Dan Rojek, Realtor® Over 30 Years Experience 9731 Jos. Campau • Hamtramck M-T-F 9am-5pm W - closed Th - 9am-1pm • Sat - 9am-12pm JULY 11, 2010, ST. ALBERTUS HISTORIC CHURCH WILL HAVE A MASS AT 11:00 A. M. AFTER THE MASS WILL BE AN ALUMNI AND FRIENDS PICNIC WITH FOOD AND PRIZES. FOOD AT A MODEST CHARGE. JULY 25, 11:00 MASS: PRAY FOR GRANDPARENTS JULY 31, 2:00-10:00 ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL: SATURDAY, MULTIPLE BANDS, FOOD, DRINKS. CALL TERRY (313) 527-9321 OR JEAN (313) 664-0257 Get Yourself NOTICED! Place an ad today. (313) 874-2100 BARBER SHOP 11915 Fleming, Hamtramck - 2 story single family, 4 BR, large yard w/garage. $26,900- Price Reduced! 653 Holbrook, Detroit - 4 Bedroom 2 family home w/ additional lot. Great Investment. Short-Sale Only $10,000 5011 Trowbridge-Hamtramck - 2 Family Home w/ 5 Bedrooms, Finished Basement, 2 Car Garage w/ Driveway $59,900 2060 Norwalk, Hamtramck - “Portage Garage”- 3 bay auto repair facility, including the 2 family home at 2054 Norwalk. $75,000 - New Price! 29409 Maurice, Chesterfield Twp. Townhouse Condo Near 23 mile & I-94 2 BR, 1st floor laundry, All Appliances $79,900 8430 Superior - Centerline, Near 10 mile & Van Dyke. Brick home w/ 5 BR, LR, DR, Original Refinished Hardwood Floors, Full finished basement w/ summer kitchen, 2 ½ car garage. 76’ x 238’ lot (.42 acres). $20K in recent updates $109,900 - New Price! 12020 St. Aubin - 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, half-basement, garage $12,900 3105 Holbrook, Hamtramck - 2-Story, 7,500 sq. ft., Full Brick Commercial Building w/parking lot. $175,000 2348 Zinow – Hamtramck - 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, completely remodeled. $44,900 2323 Pulaski, Hamtramck - 5 BR, 2 Family w/custom updates. By appointment. $69,900. Book To ent Your Ev 9632 Conant • Hamtramck Broker/Owner A HUD Certified Agent For Sale: Kelly’s Bar 2403 Holbrook, Hamtramck $119,900 Make Offer All fixtures included, along with liquor license. Extra lot, and parking. 2600 Norwalk, $42,000 (Bank Owned, Short Sale) Hamtramck Native/Specialist Land Contracts Available on Many of my properties! Multi-Million Dollar Producer • Full-Time Realtor Formerly Knights of Columbus Call Bill • 313-871-8888 Sultana • 313-449-1179 John Ulaj Leanne Zaliwski-Conger 2290 Geimer - $49,900 2633 Casmere - $89,900 12080 Klinger - $39,900 Groups up to 450 Specializing in bank owned properties, short sales Now offering free copies of Homes Magazines. 8 We Cater For All Purposes and Ethnicities 248-866-1110 4 bedroom single-family, art studio, 1,200 sq. ft. master loft. $ 50 $ 50 Newly Renovated Hall Under New Management 31800 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 200 F Farmington Hills, MI 48334 2 11509 Lumpkin-Hamtramck - Full Brick Ranch- 3 Bedrooms, Full finished basement, central air, 2 car garage, all appliances. $42,000 24301 Kelly Rd., Eastpointe - 2 BR condo, w/appliances & furniture. $28,500 Cash Only - New Price! Men’s Cut Weddings ~ Graduations ~ Birthdays ~ Parties ~ Meetings ~ All Occasions HUD 0;=4140/ Search For all Homes at 313-875-8972 Lowest Prices in Town 7 & ASSOCIATES 586-997-9900 9517 Jos. Campau • Hamtramck MEN’S HAIRCUTS Seniors (60+) VILLA REALTY Multi-Family homes: 3150 Belmont-two family well kept home $44,900 New Price! 2265 Poland-two family, short sale app needed $34,900 New Price! 5057 Carpenter-three units-39,900 2244 Florian-$57,900 3404 Comstock-$35,000 11372 Nagel - $39,900 New Price! 3321 Yemans - $40,000 11358 Nagel - $49,900 New Price! 12043 Moran - $39,900 New Price! 3251 Yemans - $64,900 11650 Gallagher - $69,899 3451 Comstock, $49,900 New Price! 2413 Florian - SOLD! 2428 Casmere - SOLD! Brick 4 unit w/ two car gar & full bsmt 1939 Trowbridge - $79,900 Town & Country Single Family homes: 5128 Evaline-$25,000 11650 Nagel - $29,900 dbl lot! 12080 Lumpkin - $34,900 New Price! 5128 Sobieski - $39,500 12630 Charest - $34,900 New Price! 12105 McDougall - $44,900 New Price! 11602 Nagel - $59,900 dbl lot! 12108 Gallagher, Lrg brick home - $49,900 New Price! 2233 Florian - $59,900 - SOLD! 3901 Trowbridge - Double lot $39,900 New Price! 2344 Andrus - SOLD! 2667 Whalen-Large, beautiful full brick home w/ full bsmt-$89,900 - SOLD! 2358 Botsford - $34,900 Warren: 4340 Frazho-bank owned-$44,800 - SOLD! 27035 Lorraine-bank owned $64,800 - SOLD! Commercial: 8490 St. Aubin - 4500 sq foot building has 2 bath, kit, 4 offices (approx 10 x 12), zoned heating/cooling and a wet bar w/ bev cooler. $49,900 New Price! 15116 Telegraph-Commercial retail bldg in Redford Five Star REO Certified Agent currently handlong foreclosures. w/large warehouses and several offices $249,900 New Price! 380 W. Tienken- Rochester Hills. Currently a rental home, can also be office, near other businesses$159,900 11831 Conant-store front w/two residential units and a garage-$52,800 bank owned - SOLD! Five Star Certified Short Sale Specialists on staff! Rochester Hills: 2759 Hickory Lawn - $159,900 Shelby Township 54840 Franklin-Spectacular Lake Front 4 (or 5) BR w fin. Walk-out bsmt$247,500 - SOLD! NEW CONSTRUCTION! 11489 Dyar- Already built, Also available: “to be built” homes-pick your style, carpet & paint colors & upgrades Hurry! Still time to get $8,000 tax credit! Four different style options avail. Three, four, and five Bedrooms homes avail. $24,000 County grant for down pymt. *Attention Garret vs. City of Hamtramck Lawsuit Plaintiffs-Ask about additional. $35k toward down pmt (if eligible). Also, “NEZ Zoning”-huge discount on property taxes, ask for more information. 586-214-HOME (4663) Call for more information on how you can sell your home using the Short Sale process. Looking to do a Short Sale on your home? I have a Short Sale Specialist on staff! WWW.LEANNECONGER.COM Please visit my website to view pictures & get details on these homes and all other homes currently for sale. • 8 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 Friday, July 2, 2010 Hamtown’s movers and shakers... By Mike Murphy New Weed and Seed Site Director Barbara Stachowski is a specialist in Asian Community Relations who believes that Hamtramck, with its many and diverse ethnic groups, epitomizes the concept of community. Stachowski, a Hamtramck native and the oldest of eight children, also has a passionate respect for family. She earned her M.A. in social justice from Marygrove College, which is among the first colleges in the world to offer the degree. Stachowski has begun attending local Neighborhood Watch meetings to hear resident concerns for public safety, youth initiatives and neighborhood restoration agendas. Please explain the Weed and Seed Program. Weed and Seed is a community-based strategy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice. It is an innovative, comprehensive, multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. The Hamtramck Community Initiative supports the Weed and Seed program and collaborates with local and regional law enforcement leaders and Hamtramck residents dedicated to “weeding out crime” and “seeding” positive, proactive programs to reduce crime and violence in Hamtramck. As a liaison between the city's ethnic groups and the police, how do you intend to bring more unity and better understanding to Ham- tramck? I am an experienced project manager and program organizer with extensive experience working with culturally diverse groups including the Arab American, Asian American, Native American, Latino, African American and European American communities in a variety of professional, interfaith, and community service capacities. I will use my enthusiasm and unique leadership abilities to complement the Weed and Seed mission to develop relationships across community and law enforcement sectors. What is the current level of participation in the city's Neighborhood Watch groups and how can that be improved? The Neighborhood Watch groups have been working diligently to recruit members and maintain a presence in their respective neighborhoods. As Site Director, I look forward to working with each group to determine the specific needs and challenges they face. Engaging trusted leaders and elders to communicate the importance of neighborhood unity and commitment to watching out for each other is key to instilling in each resident the importance of developing a community that looks out for our neighbors. There are six Neighborhood Watch block clubs in Hamtramck. These groups are gaining momentum and welcome everyone’s participation. Please call the Weed and Seed office at (313) 2818150 if you would like to find out the time and location of Hamtramck. The Neighborhood Watch groups have been actively engaged in many neighborhood restoration projects that involve graffiti removal, community clean-up, and grass cutting. Residents can contact the Weed and Seed office to sign out various restoration supplies including paint and other equipment. Ideally, as more residents support the block clubs, restoration will include increased community pride and spirit. the Neighborhood meetings. Watch How do you plan to engage Hamtramck's ethnic groups? To successfully engage the various ethnic groups in Hamtramck, I will continue to develop relationships with the trusted leaders and elders of the diverse communities and faith-based organizations. Again, people are open to organizing and community improvement when a trusted member of their community can relate to them the important messages of building community. It is crucial that the residents hear of the Weed and Seed strategy in their own language and in culturally sensitive ways. My responsibility as Site Director is to empower each community so that solutions are proposed in ways that they can relate to both culturally and spiritually. Scope of Benefits Physician services • Home health care • Inpatient hospital services • Outpatient services • Emergency health services • Ambulance services • Prescription drug services • Diagnostic lab and x-rays • Out of area emergency health services Supplemental Riders Outpatient physical therapy • Durable medical equipment • Vision exams and glasses • Dental • Supplemental hospitalization • Inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation services HealthChoice Providers ~ Community Care Associates, Inc., Midwest Health AKM, Pro Care Plus, Inc. YOUR CHOICE: Making affordable health coverage a reality for businesses located in Wayne County. Why HealthChoice is the Right Choice for You HealthChoice keeps employees healthy. Keeping medical conditions under control cuts down on sick days - and the long absences that come with serious illnesses - which results in a reduction in operating costs for your business. Health benefits make a workplace work better. By offering HealthChoice, you can reduce employee turnover and lower your training costs. Employees think twice before leaving a job with health care coverage. HealthChoice is the Right Choice and the Right Price for You The program is simple: HealthChoice premiums are low. You pay one-third of the cost of basic coverage for each employee enrolled in HealthChoice. The employee also pays one-third of the cost, and HealthChoice pays up to one-third, depending on a graduated income scale. Your employees can access an exclusive network of metro Detroit’s best-known and most respected physicians and hospitals. Who Qualifies for HealthChoice? Employer Premiums HealthChoice welcomes small businesses that: • Are located in Wayne County Individuals qualify for HealthChoice if they • Employ at least two people who are eligible are: for coverage • Ineligible for other health programs • Have more than half the employees earning • Work an average of 20 hours per week or $14.50 per hour or less more • Have not provided health benefits for the • Are planning to work for more than five months past three months In what other ways will you direct your work to young people in the community? We can best influence our young people to make positive choices in life by providing them with alternatives to negative behavior. In 2007– 2008, juvenile offenders represented 25 percent of all arrests for violent crime in Hamtramck. My experience with young people has taught me that our youth, especially those in immigrant communities, are savvy ambassadors. Many young people are adept at navigating in their daily school environments where they work to fit into American culture and then going home to assist their families with translation and other cultural issues. This experience helps build valuable leadership skills and Hamtramck is interested in allowing our youth to develop those skills in a number of ways. Currently, youth leaders are convening to develop a youth council that will allow young people to strategize ways to creatively develop opportunities for youth to be positive role models in our City. Mentoring is one of the best and most cost effective methods to prevent juvenile delinquency. Hamtramck Weed and Seed and the Hamtramck Community Initiative Steering Committee will be sponsoring Camp DEFY (Drug Education for Youth), a program sponsored by the U.S. Attorney’s Office that provides mentoring and overnight camp at Camp Copneconic in Fenton, Michigan for kids ages 9-12. The camp will be held August 16-20, 2010. Weed and Seed is also looking for people that can commit to significantly impacting a young person’s life by becoming a Camp DEFY mentor and we have 10 schol- arships available for interested adults. Mentor training will be held on July 27, 2010 from 9 am to 3 pm. You have mentioned your desire to enhance the city's form of retributive justice with a form of restorative justice. Could you please explain the difference? Today, the practical application of punishment in the U.S. has focused on retribution and incarceration. The retributive approach emphasizes punishment by authorities and the separation of offenders from community and society. Retributive justice offers offenders minimal chance of understanding the personal and social impact of their crimes. Restorative justice is based on redefining crime as an injury to the victim and community rather than a crime against authorities. Restorative justice advocates seek to build sustainable partnerships between the key stakeholders including schools, police, parents, courts and civic groups. When we educate the community that criminal actions hurt everyone, we have an opportunity to humanize the results of violent behavior. We need to have residents feel they have value within the community. Typically, restorative justice encourages a relationship between the community, the victim, and the perpetrator so as to create understanding of how one’s actions can affect those around us. This process takes time and building strong neighborhood watch groups and establishing a Restorative Justice Elder Council are critical pieces to achieving a restorative justice atmosphere. Could you explain the neighborhood restoration agendas you have in mind for How do you think your work with the Hmong community will complement your work with Hamtramck's various ethnic groups? I received my master’s degree in Social Justice from Marygrove College and completed a thesis and documentary about the Hmong community and their stories of escape from Laos during the Vietnam Era. Some people may be familiar with the Hmong from seeing Clint Eastwood’s movie Gran Torino. In filming my documentary “hmongspeak” I learned that each and every person has a unique story to tell. Hamtramck is home to many people who can relate to this story of immigration. A remarkable transformation happened during my journey to know and understand the tenacious Hmong community: I have come to know and understand myself. And this is the miracle the Hmong helped me realize: when we authentically see the humanness in each other, we discover ourselves because we are all of one heart and mind. The Hmong have experienced enough pain and loss for many lifetimes but they have never identified as themselves victims and have kept their humanness. Young persons valiantly face the challenges of living in two worlds as traditional Hmong and contemporary Americans but they remain strong and focused for the sake of family. As an adoptive mother of a Korean-born son (Zack) and the biological mother of a biological son (Scott) and daughter (Erin), I have been blessed with the appreciation in knowing that we are really all of the same human family. We all want the same for our families: we want our children to be safe. We want to be able to feed our families and allow them to grow, learn, and work in a safe and nurturing environment. 2008 Rates The basic cost per month for each covered employee is: $58 paid by the employer + $58 paid by the employee + Up to $67 paid by HealthChoice Celebrating ! Our 88th Year (depending on hourly income) Family members can be covered for a higher premium. Riders can be purchased at an additional minimal cost for other services, such as vision and dental care from quality HealthChoice providers. Best Prices in Detroit! BIG TIRE SALE YOUR CHOICE Making affordable health coverage a reality for businesses located in Wayne County. Call 800-WELL NOW (800-935-5669) ALL MONTH LONG! New Tires • Used Tires • Factory Wheels • Custom Wheels Fleet / Commercial Accounts Welcome. 3641 E. Davison at Conant Hours M-F 8-5 Sat. 8-3 Friday, July 2, 2010 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 9 APARTMENTS & FLATS FOR RENT APARTMENTS & FLATS FOR RENT APARTMENTS & FLATS FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hamtramck flat, 313-5509205. 7/9 Hamtramck, 3 Br. upper, hardwood floors throughout, 313580-5671. 7/2 Hamtramck, upper, studiostyle, large kitchen and front room, $475/month, ideal for couple or single person, 586582-0311, 586-530-6872 (cell). 7/16 2 Br., lower, nice and clean, appliances included, full basement, washer-dryer, nice area, 11370 Gallagher, Hamtramck, $450/month + $450 security, 586-604-0029. 7/9 2 Br., appliances, clean, senior citizens or couple preferred, $550/month + security, 313-580-3771, 313871-0189. 7/23 LOTTERY Hamtramck, 2264 Edwin, lower 2 Br., clean, living, dining, no pets, utilities not included, $450/month + $450 deposit, 313-729-7760. 7/9 Hamtramck, lower 2 Br., new bathroom, two people only preferred, a cat is welcome, $500 + deposit, 313-4928302. 7/9 Hamtramck, newly remodeled, 2 Br., new stove, new fridge, call after 11 a.m., 313368-9326. 7/2 Clean, large 3 Br. upper, 11358 Nagel, $500/month + security, no pets, 586-5306872, 586-582-0311. 7/9 Hamtramck, 2 apartments, both upper 1 Br. each, appliances included, John 586943-8814. 7/9 Hamtramck, 3 Br. upper, totally remodeled, 586-7395860, please leave message. 7/23 Move-in ready, furnished, 2 Br. upper, all utilities included, $600/month + security deposit, seniors or adult couple preferred, no pets, 313-3503207. 7/9 11413 Jos. Campau, 1 Br., living, kitchen, bathroom, free water, free heat, $450/ month, 313-402-4488. 7/2 Hamtramck, 11448 Sobieski, 2 Br. lower, common basment, freshly painhted, new carpet, fenced-in backyard, $500/month + $500 security, 248-336-0540. 7/9 Hamtramck upper, 1 Br., includes everything, no pets, 313-632-5566. 7/9 3281 Hanlet, 2 Br., stovefridge, new carpet. Also, 11400 Moran, 3 Br., stovefridge, new carpet, 313-5757411. 7/2 Hamtramck, Jos. CampauEvaline, if you are looking for a nice, furnished 1 Br. apartment in a well-maintained, clean, quiet building. Check out move-in ready apartment 3. Close to everything, $640/month, includes all utilities, no pets, 313-872-5516. 7/2 Hamtramck, 2 Br. upper, lots of closet space, heat included, very clean, $525/month, security + reference, 248-214-9573. 7/2 Hamtramck, Danforth St., 2family flat, upper and lower, $450/month + one month’s rent for security, 313-7126021. 7/2 Hamtramck studio apartments, good location, immediate occupancy, 248229-4295, 248-229-4297. 7/2 Hamtramck upper, 1 Br., includes everything, no pets, 313-632-566. 7/2 Upper, $550/month + 1st month's rent for security, appliances and water included, safe, well-lit area, large backyard, 313-301-0594. 7/16 Hamtramck, 2089 Belmont, 2 apartments, $475/month + security, 586-764-5018. 7/9 ROOM FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished, separate entrance, $250/ month, 14393 Strathmoor, Detroit, 415-572-3963. 7/16 HOUSE FOR RENT Hazel Park, 3 Br., brick, living room, kitchen, $700/month + $700 security, Section 8 or working folks, 586-945-0317. 7/9 Hamtramck 3 Br., nice and clean, no pets, security deposit, 313-739-5721. 7/2 12404 Klinger, Detroit, 2 Br., living, dining, kitchen, $525/ month, 313-523-5851. 7/16 2 Br. single family house, $400/month, 313-610-8371. 7/2 Hamtramck, 2 Br., very clean, full basement, appliances, garage, $575 + security + references, 248-214-9573. 7/2 Freshly painted, clean, appliances, large yard, nice area. 2BR/1BA. 313-220-8961 Clean, remodeled 1 & 2 Bedrooms 313-570-4242 248-866-1110 LEONE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC Current Rentals Available: 2 Bedroom flats starting at $475 3 Bedroom flats starting at $525 Appliances included • Section 8 welcome June Special: 2 Weeks FREE Rent! Call 586-354-5380 We Repair & Install • Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioners BROTHERS ROOFING & SIDING FREE ESTIMATES Full Line of Handyman Services TOP QUALITY WORK AT LOW PRICES Ask for Frank or Jerry Family Owned & Operated and Located in Hamtramck • Licensed & Insured Financing Available 313-365-4913 Ask for Details Senior Discount Available! Call for Details Family Owned & Operated Since 1964 HEATING & 11360 Jos. Campau COOLING 892-2122 Radio Dispatched • Licensed & Insured • Residential & Commercial HELP WANTED MOVING SALE Cleaning Company has a few openings for residential cleaning. Experienced; honest and reliable. Valid work authorization required. 5662 Caniff, Detroit, in basement, everything must go. Great sale! Must see to believe. Great prices, ready to deal. 7/2 Call (313) 884-0721 11/19/10 PSYCHIC READINGS Readings $15 on Fridays, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Regular price for reading, $25. Also free crystal class on Sundays at noon, located in booth 313 in the Russell Bazaar, 1600 Clay. 2998 Jacob, Everything must go! Great prices! Extraordinary antiques (piano, dining table set), call me 313-8741124. 7/2 Your Ad Here (313) 874-2100 Downey’s Plumbing All types of plumbing repairs, sewers and drains cleaned with electric machine. Senior discount. We dig broken sewers. 24 hour service, 7 days. Serving Hamtramck for 25 years. Mastercard, Visa, Discover accepted. * Senior Rates available* BISAGA PLUMBING & HEATING (313) 365-8630 Best Way Siding • Vinyl Siding • Roofing • Windows • Porches Hamtramck License #1092 State License #8106883 All Home Repairs 586-775-2441 586-582-0311 586-530-6872 CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING Mention this ad & receive 15% OFF LABOR Offering 32 years experience in: • Personal Injury • Criminal • Probate • Traffic • Juvenile • Divorce • Real Estate Fast Same Day Service 10% OFF Interviews available at home, hospital, clinic or at two office locations Not to be combined with any other offer. WAYNE COUNTY LAW OFFICES 10211 Jos. Campau • Hamtramck, MI 48212 Wayne County Macomb County Labor on Any Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning or Sewer Cleaning Job Installation or Repair for next week is Thursday at Noon Classifieds ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR We specialize in all phases of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Sewer Cleaning & Excavation. Service • Installation • Repairs Deadline for classifieds Nice Hamtramck area, Lehman St., new roof (2007), full basement with kitchen and bathroom, 2004 sq. ft, 2car garage, asking $76,500, serious inquiries only, call 313-377-4411. 7/9 ATTORNEY Frank M. Frontczak P 29184 Proudly Serving Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties since 1965. HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER PLUMBING ROOFING HEATING & COOLING FOR RENT 1000 s.f. Apt., 2 BR, completely remodeled, brand new appliances, oak flooring throughout, laundry facilities part of complex. $575/mo + dep. References, qualifications include good credit, previous landlord. (12/10) service directory Hamtramck, single family home, 3 Br., prime location, recently remodeled, $600/ month + security deposit, 248-953-7858, 248-7236984. 7/16 Recruit Club Members Must leave ID# Z-1835 for FREE Information 877-526-6957 or Call 313-438-1756 Call 586-781-0700 • Interpreters Available Specializing in Remodeling • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Basements • Fire Restoration We serve all your needs Licensed & Fully Insured • Call Vince PAINTING 25% Discount for Seniors Interior • Exterior Residential • Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 313-663-5944 Specializing in: • Damaged Plaster & Cracks Installing Drywall • Window Puttying & Caulking • Leak Damage Free Estimates • Power Washing • Fire Damage 313-891-0369 Cell: Metro news … crowd pounding the pavement in the uptown business district. New Center Council is hoping its new New Center Park (which debuts this week, as a matter of fact) draws on this new energy, making the area more dynamic and livable all year long. 4. Studio One Apartments: What Midtown should be With a bank, bar and grill, coffee shop, art supply store and the ubiquitous Radio Shack, the ground floor retail at Studio One Apartments -- and its packed rear-facing parking lot -- is a great ad for there being a relatively robust commercial market in Midtown. Studio One is mixed use, it's attractive to students and professionals (although, we've had quibbles with its 586-246-2189 design and wish they'd opted for something more modern), and its occupancy rate and traffic are promising to the overall health of the area. 5. Honey Market: Really? There're no grocery stores in Detroit? It's true there are no chain grocery stores in Detroit. It's true there are large swaths of the city with less-than-ad- Interior & Exterior 11356 McDougall equate access to fresh food. But to paint the entire city with one wide brushstroke shows well, a lack of nuance and personal familiarity that we've come to expect from Metro Detroit as a region. And that's a big part of the reason that Model D exists, to fine-tune that brush a bit. And on that note, the expansion of Honey Bee La Colmena is a perfect example of a nuanced develop- 10yd, 20yd. 30yd, 40yd, open tops 10, 20, rubberwheel trailers ★ Best rates in Michigan ★ Volume discounts are applicable if you order more than 2-cans per week Visit us at or call 586-612-9003 ment that gets its neighborhood. The meticulous grocery store has a range of goods for its Mexican clientele, but also carries products like Great Lakes Coffee and Calder Dairy, making it a weekly stop for gringos from Hubbard Farms and Corktown. And both groups appreciate the quality fresh produce and stellar meat counter. It's not about one-size-fits- all, it's about scale, product selection, and knowing your community. Honeybee does it right and, frankly, I'd rather see another dozen independent operators than an equivalent number of chains that tend to set up one shop just like another no matter the demographics. 10 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATES, INC. Gardener’s Corner … A Wayne County HealthChoice Provider Affordable Health Coverage Basic cost per person is: 11648 $ Office Visit Co-Pays $10 Specialist Co-Pays $20 MO. Friday, July 2, 2010 Our Customers: Hamtramck Hardware, American European Market, New Peking Restaurant, Ponderosa, 7- Eleven, Maria’s Comida Restaurant, Dunkin’ Donuts, Tormina, China Gold, China Star, Dearborn Golden Bakery, Dearborn Satellite, Park Rite, Airport Lodge, Marathon, BP, CITGO and more…. Prescription Drug Generic Co-Pay ......................$10 Brands Co-Pay ......................$15 evening works best for you and your garden. The sun is not your friend unless you take precautions. A good sunscreen, a straw hat, light, loose clothing, sunglasses and drinking lots of liquid will ensure against heat exhaustion and sun damage. By Kathleen Wojcinski Hydration is so important in this hot weather for plants. A soaker hose works best to water the roots of plants like tomatoes. Watering during the heat of the day can cause grass and leaves to burn as the water evaporates. Early morning or Cell: 313-218-9068 Office: 313-961-3100 Don’t forget to mulch around plants to help lock in moisture. Keep water around for birds but don’t forget butterflies as well. A low saucer type tray with sand, gravel or small pebbles filled with just a trickle of water will attract them for a drink. Tip: Freeze a damp kitchen towel into a u-shape and put around your neck or buy a gel-filled sport wrap that can be frozen. Cooling off the pulse points at your wrists, temples, back of neck and back of knees will help on a hot day. CCW/CPL 8hr gun courses available: $75 per person Lunch (cash/money order) included $65 per person groups of 4 or more Renewal CCW/CPL 4 hr courses also available 10 Call to register (248)824-3441 Hamtramck Review Phone (313) 874-2100 5 Roses 20 Kg Bag standard services are available in Hamtramck! $ Dr. Sami Bilani ■ Family & Cosmetic Dentistry ■ Veneers & White Fillings ■ Surgical Removal of Wisdom Teeth ■ Crowns & Bridges 10 LB Idaho 99 $ 12 99 $ 59 39 2 Limit 1 Mon-Sat. 6am-11:30pm NYU Graduate • 15 Years of Creating Gorgeous Smiles in an Ultra Modern, High Tech Facility Custom Treatment for Sleep Apnea & Snoring Bulgarian 1/2 Can FETA CHEESE POTATOES FLOUR why go to New York when New York Vine Ripened SeniorsGreen Michigan ONIONS CABBAGE TOMATOES 3 Lbs. 20% ¢ off FREE ■ Root Canals TEETH 10212 WHITENING Jos. Campau ■ Orthodontic Treatment (Zoom) Call for Details! ■ Dentures ■ Implants ¢ ¢ 29 79 49 Carrots 3 lb. $1.69 Bananas 49¢ lb. • Hamtramck between 3 pm - 5pm. 313.871.6222 Lb. Lb. r e n n i D & Cosmos soccerilteam outscore opponents in excit h c n u L y a D Specials! Open Mon-Sat 9-8 • Sun 10-7 St. Florian om Br We speak your language: ch ba more exciting. Becauset. the team will only lose five seniors Lu S m ok to graduation, it willroremain largely intact. Additionally, about pk b l in o H a dozen players from Kosciuszko Middle School’s soccer St . team, which was this year’s champion of the Dearborn Florian Dental League, have already committed to joining the Cosmos. 2460 Florian English, Polish, Russian, Lithuanian, Bosnian, Arabic Across from St. Florian’s Church Stir Fry Pastas • Greek Specialties • Seafood • Pastas • Subs • Burgers • And More! Hamtramck, MI 48212 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm • Fri-Sat 10am-2pm DALE’S PARTY STORE Holbrook @ McDougall (313) 872-3219 SALE NOW thru July 10th! While Quantities Last! Special! Corona or Lite 3$Pk Bud $ Heineken 2/$ Special! $999 Bud 40 Oz. Royal Rice 24 oz. Bottle + tax + dep 5 99 11 4/ 24 5Oz. $ 99 Juices 1 Liter 3 Limit 4 Natural Egyptian Flavors 24-12 oz. cans Your Cost after $5 Mail-in Rebate + tax + dep + tax Special! + dep $Bud 15 99Pk Bottle Old English, Colt 45, Milwaukee’s Best 25 Lb. Bag 6-Pack Radensko 10 Lb. Bag Ice, Mickey’s Mineral Water Domino Sugar 1.5 Liter Bottle Ope+ntax 2/$ 12 oz. cans All + tax + dep + tax + dep 7 Day+sdep IT ! FRU H S E R F Apples • T A E M Gallon Milk Wonder Classic Budweiser FRESH & VEGETABLES! Special! 40$Oz. 99 Beer Sale! 4 2/$ 5 2/$ 3 “The young talent we have in the soccer program is amazing,” said Hamtramck’s Athletic Director Adam Mused. “They live, breathe and eat soccer. And the team is a microcosm of the city. They may be from different countries but on the field they all speak the same language.” For those who weren’t following the team throughout the season, here are some final statistics: Hamtramck High School JV/Varsity Soccer 2009 Hamtramck vs. DCC W 5-0 Hamtramck vs. Detroit Western T 1-1 Hamtramck vs. Lutheran North L 0-3 Hamtramck vs. Cranbrook Kingswood L 0-5 Hamtramck vs. Clarenceville L 1-4 Home of the Original OPEN Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Hamtramck vs. Harper Woods W 5-0 NOW SERVING 99¢ TacoW Hamtramck vs. Chili! Romulus 4-0 Homemade Tuesdays & Thursdays Hamtramck vs. Manoogian Southfield W 4-0 Hamtramck vs. Redford Union W 7-1 Metro Conference Tournament Hamtramck vs. Harper Woods W 8-1 Hamtramck vs. Cranbrook Kingswood with L Every 2-4 Complimentary House Made Dine-In Hamtramck vs. Clarenceville L 2-4 Meal District Tournament Hamtramck Redford Thurston For delivery, a $10 min. vs. order is needed and delivery is only available from 11-8:30pm Mon-FriW & 11-3pm on 8-1 Sat Hamtramck vs. Hazel Park W 6-1 11411 Jos Campau ❊ Hamtramck Hamtramck vs. Ferndale L 0-1 Team Roster Amir Ribic Alex Mitaj Mosad Nagii 14 $ 1059 4 $ 59 2 Full Line of Groceries Limit 2 European & or 2/$ Limit 2 Middle Eastern 5 MARIA’S COMIDA A TASTE OF MEXICO Chips & Salsa (313) 733-8406 ¢ 89 $559 Co C For (3 G .:@>.:08 LB. 6 pk 16 oz. Cans. Limit 2 Moh Bojg Leo Nam Dan + tax + dep <;.;@ B2 Open Every Day• Good 11am-11pm • We Take the Bridge Card! Wide Open Aisles Parking LOW COMPETITIVE PRICES 3201 Holbrook Support Your Local Between Gallagher & Jos. Campau Businesses - Get Out 313-972-8001 on the Hamtown! Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm • Sat-Sun 8am-11pm FREE ESTIMATES wy Chrysler F au Caniff 15 Most Cars Plus FREE 10 Point Safety Inspection Jos Camp r Carpente Oil Change $ 95 BRAKE SERVICE 59 $ with Major Tune-Up! 19 95 Over 30 HD Includes 1 lb Plasma of Freon TVs 2 Floors $ 4500 1 Block N. of Carpenter Most Cars with 11am-5pm All Major $2 Repairs Beers $3 Mixed We Offer Drinks 2929 Carpenter FR E Drop-Off a E Hamtramck nd P (Just east of Jos. Campau) Computer Diagnosis WE NOW SELL NEW FREE TOWING 12449 Conant Happy Within 5 miles Hour & USED TIRES 95 Monday-Friday 11:30am-2:00pm Min. $20 Purchase FREE Hamtramck DELIVERY Review 4 To Place Your Ad A/C Check $ CCC .9.116;?C22@ 0<: We Accept: We Accept: FREE OIL CHANGE C ick-up Se rvice! M-F 8am-6pm Sat 9am-2pm ~ Detroit We also do ~ 313-366-GOGO repairs/balance 4 6 4 6 FREE DELIVERY in Hamtramck! H ( Call 313.874.210 Top female entertainment the city has to offer By Ia Wh Afte comm ices pr years new Ham progr grees ical Mich Juris good does for th earni Work sity. mie r abou he is 762 #'/)5 #)48-( O &) ))6 24 )'6 N FRD PHARMACY R E Vpm at EVALINE Just North of Holbrook CONANT C9811O til 8 871-1115$% 4 $1199 $ Mon-Sat 11am-2am Sunday 7:00pm-2am Newly Remodeled Inside & Out 256 '45 Generics 30-Day Supply %!# * Over 300 drugs available. Open Mon-Fri 9-6pm Sat 9-2pm Generics 90-Day Supply $10 Gift Card Just For Signing Up! Act Now! Limited time offer. # FREE MEDICATION REVIEW Schedule an appointment today for a one-on-one review of all of your medications with our Pharmacy Expert. Limit one per family. Some restrictions may apply-see store for details. 20% Discount * Over 300 drugs available. Can be redeemed at any participating Sav-Mor Store. on all 256 '45 GET A GIFT JUST FOR ASKING! Quality Choice OTC Products with Rewards Club Card. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Ask our Pharmacy Expert about the Rewards Club! Hurry in! While Supplies Last! No Phone-Ins, please. ONLY $10 one-time enrollment fee for you and your entire family! < %A@ %; @52 #)%,$ " " So scrip “Th gathe Scho these dress throu
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The Hamtramck Review 01/07/11
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which is financially unstable –
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