Annual reject water production
Annual reject water production
2011. 05 목 차 1 DynaFilter EcoWash 1. EcoWash™ 2. DynaFilter 의 구성 3. DynaFilter 운전현황 4. 제품현황 5. 적용분야 용 및 처리효율 6. 제품의 특장점 7. 적용실적 8. 국.내외 보고서 Aqua To Energy 1. DynaFilter EcoWash™ Filter 1.1 적용 용 ☞ 처리수 재이용 ☞ 공업용수 처리설비 ☞ 총인(T-P)제거 총인(T P)제거 ☞ 총질소(T-N)제거 ☞ 색도제거 ☞ BOD, COD, SS제거 Aqua To Energy 1.2 개발목적 ☞ 운전 및 유지관리비 절감 및 최소화 ☞ 고품질의 수질확보 ☞ 배출 및 역세수량 절감 : 약 2% ☞ 약품사용량 절감 ☞ 에너지효율 증대 ☞ 녹생성장 지향적인 기술개발 ☞ 다양한 오염물질의 제거에 적용 ☞ 자동화를 통한 운전의 용이성 확보 Aqua To Energy 1.3 DynaFilter의 구조 A. 유입부 B. 유입배관의 구성 방사형 형 분배관 C. 방 D. 여재층(Sand bed) E. 여과수 F AIRLIFT PUMP F. G. AIRLIFT배출 H. 분리배출부 : 역세수 & Sand I. 여재(Sand) 세정부 J. 최종처리수 K. 역세수 배출부 L. 배출라인 Aqua To Energy 1.4 여과 및 역세공정의 원리 ☞ 원수유입 : 여과기 상부 ☞ 방사형 유입관을 통하여 분산 유입됨 ① ① ☞ 여재층 내부에서 상향류로 여과되어짐② ☞ 유/무기성의 오염물질들은 여재에 의해 제거됨 ③ ② ③ ☞ 오염된 여재는 AIRLIFT PIPE내부로 유입④ ☞ AIRLIFT PIPE내부로 유입된 여재는 상호충돌 작용등으로 자동 세정됨 ④ ☞ 차압을 이용한 선택적 자동역세운전으로 역세수 감소 Aqua To Energy ④ 1.5 EcoWash 원리 ☞ 여재의 정상적인 역세 및 이동 감시 ☞ 연속적인 여과기의 차압 점검 ☞ 차압에 따른 조건별 역세운전 ☞ AirLift System의 성능개선 ☞ 운전 조건별 자동운전 ☞ 원격제어를 통한 연속운전이 가능 Aqua To Energy 2. DynaFilter EcoWash™ 2.1 일반적 구성 성 지별 공기조정 판넬 Main Control Panel 차압 감시설비 배출수 저감벨브 여재상태 감시부 유입수로 처리수로 Aqua To Energy 2.2 AIRLIFT PUMP 하부 ☞ 공기에 의한 강력한 모래 세정 ☞ 46m/min이상의 역세속도 ☞ 공기소요량 : 73.5ℓ/min ☞ 차압에 의한 자동역세운전으로 ☞ 역세수량 최소화 : 약 2%내외 Aqua To Energy 2.3 AIRLIFT & WASHER ☞ 여재는 세정, Floc은 배출 ☞ 역세수량 : 처리수의 약 2% ☞ 최종여과수는 연속적으로 상부에서 배출되어짐 Aqua To Energy 3. EcoWash 운전 3.1 DynaFilter 운전개요 ☞ 세정되어진 정 여재(Sand)가 ( ) 여재층 층 상부로 다시 유입되는 동안에도 오염물질은 제거되어지고 세정작업은 유지됨 Aqua To Energy 3.2 EcoWash 운전모드 정 상 운 전 정상운전 • Airlift 가동 • 여재 유동상태 감시 • 배출벨브 Open 여재의 유동이 없을 경우 • 공기공급 중단 • 배출벨브 Closed • 여재 배출이 없음을 확인 운 전 방 법 차압계 조정 • 유입과 배출부의 수위측정 • 운전값에 도달시 AirLift/배출 시작 • 차압이 발생될때까지는 정상운전 • 여재세정주기를 확인 Timer 조정 • Timer에 의한 여제세정 • 차압에의한 제어가 우선됨 • 운전자에 의한 조작이 가능 Aqua To Energy 3.3 DynaFilter EcoWash™ 장점 배출량 : 70-90% 감소 • 에너지 소비량 : 70-90% 감소 • 고품질의 처리수생산 • Airlift수명 연장 • Air compressor system 최적화 • 약품사용량 감소 : 단일 약품사용(PAC) • 운전 및 유지관리에 소요되는 시간 및 비 Annual reject water production 100 80 Million Gallons • 60 40 20 용 최소화 Aqua To Energy 70 – 90% less Confidential and Proprietary to Parkson Corporation 0 Today's sand filter DynaSand EcoWash Filter 13 4. DynaFilter 종류별 현황 Aqua To Energy 5. DynaFilter 적용분야 및 처리효율 5.1 공정비교 5.2 적용분야 ☞ 접촉여과 - 고품질의 처리수를 얻기위해 응집과 응 결반응은 여과기 전단에서 진행됨 - 깊은 여재층은 오염물질의 제거를 위해 충분한 시간을 제공한다 ☞ 적용분야 - 조류제거 - 지표수 처리 : 공업용수 - 철/마그네슘 제거 - RO전처리 - 인제거, 탈질 - 공업용수 재생공정 Aqua To Energy 5.3 처리효율 ◈ DynaFilter D1 type Aqua To Energy 항 목 유 입 처리수 고도처리 < 50ppm SS <5 ppm SS 탁도(음용수) < 30NTU < 0.5NTU 색도(음용수) < 120CU < 5CU 공업용수 < 30NTU < 0.5NTU 0 5NTU Metal Finishing < 50pps SS < 5ppm SS Steel Mill Scale < 300ppm SS < 10ppm SS 인 제거 < 2ppm TP < 0.1ppm TP 조류제거 < 100ppm < 20ppm SS 탈질 < 15ppm TN < 3ppm TN 오일제거 < 50ppm < 5ppm ◈ DynaFilter D2 type Aqua To Energy 항 목 MF D2 type 회수율 90% 95% 역세수량 6~16% 1% 가동중지율 10% 0.1% 응집제 2.8~9.8ℓ/일 11.0ℓ/일 탁도 <0.1 <0.1 BOD/TSS <1.0 <1.0 인 제거율 < 0.1ppm TP < 0.01ppm TP Cryto 제거 6.47 Log 7Log 5.4 Plan View ◈ 적용예 : 10,000㎥/일 Aqua To Energy 6. DynaFilter 특장점 ☞ 차압에 차압 의한 자동 여재 세정방식 ☞ 역세수량 최소화 : 2% 내외 ☞ 단일약품(Alum or PAC) 사용으로 사용량 최소화 가능 ☞ 세정 및 이송 등에 필요한 별도의 구동부가 없음 ☞ 상향류 운전 ☞ 고부하에 적용이 가능함 ☞ 단일 여재층(Single Media) ☞ 별도의 보조장비 불필요 : 역세 펌프 및 반응조 ☞ 유지관리 필요한 수중장비(Submerged parts) 불필요 ☞ 정상적인 여과공정 진행중에 통상적인 유지관리 활동 병행이 가능함 Aqua To Energy 7. DynaFilter 적용실적 Aqua To Energy PARKSON CORPORATION DYNASAND® FILTER DynaSand D2™ Advanced Filtration System Partial Installation List Village of Stamford, NY WTP Equipment: (1) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 0.4 MGD In operation since: 1998 Contact: Gary Payne – Chief Operator Phone: 607 652 3172 Filtrate Turbidity Level: <0.03 NTU Village of Stamford, NY WWTP Equipment: (9) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 2.3 MGD In operation since: 2002 Contact: Gary Payne – Chief Operator Phone: 607 652 3172 Filtrate Phosphorus Level: <0.01 mg/l Village of Delhi, NY WWTP Equipment: (9) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 2.3 MGD In operation since: 2002 Contact: David L. Curley – Superintendent of Public Works Phone: 607 746 3638 Filtrate Phosphorus Level: <0.05 mg/l Village of Walton, NY WWTP Equipment:: (5) Two-stage DSF 200 filter cells Design Capacity: 4.7 MGD In operation since: 2002 Contact: Andy Serreo – Chief Operator Phone: 607 865 6993 Filtrate Phosphorus Level: 0.00 mg/l (no detectable) City of Glens Falls, NY WTP Equipment: (5) Two-stage DSF 200 filter cells Design Capacity: 8.6 MGD In operation since: 2003 Page 1 of 3 Head Office: 1401 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: 954 974-6610 Fax: 954 974-6182 PARKSON CORPORATION DYNASAND® FILTER DynaSand D2™ Advanced Filtration System Partial Installation List Contact: Sam Serrano – Plant Superintendent Phone: 518 793 3211 Filtrate Turbidity Level: <0.025 NTU Village of Port Henry, NY WTP Equipment: (2) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 0.72 MGD In operation since: 2003 Contact: Chip Perry Phone: 518 546 8635 Filtrate Phosphorus Level: Village of Wilmington, NY WTP Equipment: (2) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 0.72 MGD In operation since: 2003 Contact: Ed Orsi – Plant Superintendent Phone: 518 524 0380 (Cell) Filtrate Turbidity Level: < 0.04 NTU Watchtower Educational Center & Hotel WWTP, Patterson, NY Equipment: (3) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 0.65 MGD In operation since: 2002 Contact: Charles Roberts – Chief Operator Phone: 845 306 1000 Filtrate Phosphorus Level: < 0.1 mg/l The following projects are still under construction Camp Machne Tashbar, NY WTP Equipment: (2) Two-stage DSF 7 filter units Design Capacity: 0.04 MGD In operation since: Kleinburg, ON CAN WWTP Equipment: (8) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 1.55 MGD Page 2 of 3 Head Office: 1401 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: 954 974-6610 Fax: 954 974-6182 PARKSON CORPORATION DYNASAND® FILTER DynaSand D2™ Advanced Filtration System Partial Installation List In operation since: Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority, AR WTP Equipment: (32) Two-stage DSF 50 filter units Design Capacity: 3.6 MGD In operation since: Page 3 of 3 Head Office: 1401 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: 954 974-6610 Fax: 954 974-6182 PARKSON CORPORATION DYNASAND FILTER ® ONTARIO MUNICIPAL TERTIARY FILTRATION INSTALLATIONS - CONCRETE BASIN DESIGN Customer/ (Consultant) Angus STP, Twp of Essa Req'd P (mg/L) 0.2 Qty Model Total flow (m³/d) 9 DSF-50 DBTF 5,511 6 DSF-50 TF 6,498 WWTP Contact Start-up Ship/05 (R.G. Robinson & Assoc.) Arthur WPCP (Triton Engineering) Tom Letson 01/91 519-848-5595 3 Ballantrae WWTP DSF-50 TF 3,758 (Thorburn Penny) Nancy Kodousek 05/00 905-634-9494 Birch Glen Treatment Plant 2 DSF-38 DBTF 1,675 24 DSF-50 DBTF 31,277 Ship/05 (Stantec Consulting) Bradford-W. Gwillimbury 0.10 (Ainley & Associates) Casino Rama STP 0.15 (Marshall Macklin Monaghan) Dutton STP 0.15 2 1 DSF-50 DBTF DSF-50 DBTF 2,100 1,052 4 DSF-25 DB 1,097 (Proctor & Redfern) Elmvale STP 0.15 4 DSF-50 DB 4,770 (AWS Engineering) An Axel Johnson Inc. Company Roy Symes 07/96 705-325-3611 x 1640 Brad Reive 12/94 Matt Tracy 07/94 705-429-2525 0.30 4 DSF-50 DBTF 3,598 (Proctor & Redfern) Horseshoe Valley WWTF 02/98 519-768-1998 (Ainley & Associates) Forest WPCP Rick Way 905-776-3252 Terry Rands 08/96 519-899-2289 0.3 1 DSF-50 TF 1,298 Alex Wilson 09/02 705-835-3420 2727 NW 62 Street/PO Box 408399 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33340-8399 954 974-6610 FAX: 954 974-6182 Customer/ (Consultant) Req'd P (mg/L) Ilderton Police Village Qty 1 Model DSF-50 Total flow (m³/d) 903 (Dillon Consulting) Ilderton Police Village WWTP Contact Start-up Bob Turow 09/94 519-660-0092 0.2 3 DSF-50 DBTF 1 DSF-50 3,799 03/04 (MIG Engineering) Ilderton Sr Citizens 903 (Dillon Consulting) Innisfil WPCP 0.10 16 DSF-50 DBTF 20,002 3 DSF-50 TF 4,218 (Proctor & Redfern) Mitchell WWTP 0.04 1 1 DSF-12 DBTF DSF-12 SBTF 305 0.10 0.10 2 3 DSF-50 DBTF DSF-50 DBTF 1,610 2,524 0.15 10 DSF-50 DBTF 12,625 (Henderson Paddon) 0.10 5 DSF-50 DBTF 2,040 New Tecumseth 0.15 6 DSF-50 DBTF 7,948 (KMK Consultants Ltd) 0.30 2 DSF-50 TF 2,592 2 DSF-25 1,159 (CH2M Gore & Storrie) 0.3 1 DSF-12 TF 302 0.15 10 DSF-50 DB 13,635 02/97 Start-up/05 Stan Zydaclewski 01/98 Holly Arsenault 09/01 Peter Biffis 12/94 Clay Dockstader 08/01 Mark Charlebois 05/94 705-549-8784 0.20 2 DSF-50 DBTF 2,220 (CH2M Gore & Storrie) (Proctor & Redfern) John Wilson 519-652-9560 (Reid & Associates) Rodney PCC 519-941-5331 12/00 08/03 416-364-5068 (First Nations Engineering) Port Severn Dave Arsenault 519-319-2319 Nottawasaga Inn Penetanguishene 06/04 705-435-0621 (KMK Consultants Ltd) Oneida Nation on the Thames Marc Charboneau 04/91 519-348-4940 Mount Albert WPCP (RV Anderson) Newbury, Village of 07/96 905-893-1741 (Marshall Macklin Monaghan) (CH2M Gore & Storrie) Jim Squires 705-456-6946 Kleinburg STP Mapleton WWTP, Drayton 09/94 519-660-0092 (Ainley & Associates) Manotick STP Bob Turow Geoff Bache 08/97 705-645-2231 0.15 4 DSF-25 DB 1,097 Brad Reive 519-768-1998 12/94 Customer/ (Consultant) Req'd P (mg/L) Sutton WPCP Qty Model Total flow (m³/d) 0.10 6 DSF-50 DBTF 7,779 0.3 3 DSF-50 TF 3,715 WWTP Contact Start-up 07/03 (Azurix North America) Wabaseemoong Ind Nation (First Nations Engineering) Wasaga Beach Jerry McDonald 11/01 807-927-9948 0.10 32 DSF-50 DBTF 39,750 (Ainley & Associates) Matt Tracy 06/97 705-429-2525 Westshore Wtr (Twp of Severn) 0.3 4 DSF-50 DBTF 4,770 Start-up/05 6 DSF-50 DBTF 5,675 Start-up/05 (R.G. Robinson & Assoc.) Wiarton Sewage Lagoons 0.3 (Henderson Paddon Assoc Ltd) All filters are upflow. TF=Top Feed; standard bed depth=1m; DB=2m deep bed; DSF-25=25 ft² filtration area/module; DSF-50=50 ft² filtration area/module; TF is the current standard design for all filters, both concrete-basin modules and free-standing steel or FRP units. The standard concrete basin module is 50 ft². 03/18/05 본 가이드북은 “인처리시설 설치사업” 관련 업무의 참고서로 활용하시기 바랍니다. ○ Walton Wastewater Treatment Plant EPA 910-R-07-002 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water and Watersheds Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle WA 98101 Alaska Idaho Oregon Washington April 2007 Advanced Wastewater Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Acknowledgements EPA is very grateful to the operators and managers of the wastewater treatment plants included in this evaluation. Without their time and assistance this project would not have been possible. A special thank you goes to Magali Prevost who donated her time to help EPA Region 10 staff conduct the evaluation and complete this report. EPA also expresses appreciation to the following individuals who assisted by providing facility information or review of the project report: Dave Pincumbe, EPA-Region I Ken Merrill, Washington Department of Ecology Laurie Mann, EPA-Region 10 Ken Kosinski and Robert Wither, New York Department of Environmental Conservation Jon Gasik and Tim McFetridge, Oregon Department of Environment Quality Dr. Remy Newcome, University of Idaho, Moscow and Bluewater Technologies Inc. Bonnie Beavers, Center for Justice Kathleen Suozzo, Delaware Engineering Project Manager And Report Writer David Ragsdale, Engineer EPA Region 10, Office of Water & Watersheds Web Posting Jeff Philip, Webmaster EPA, Region 10 Cover Page Christopher Moffett, Graphic Designer EPA Region 10 Photos All photos by report writer unless otherwise noted For Additional Information About This Report: David Ragsdale, Engineer EPA Region 10, Office of Water & Watersheds (360) 407-6589 Email: -2- Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Stamford Wastewater Treatment Plant Contact Information: Village of Stamford Wastewater Treatment Plant Railroad Avenue Stamford, New York 12167 Telephone: 607-652-3172 Operated by: Delaware Operations NPDES Permit No. NY0021555, expiration date JUL-01-2009 Receiving water: West Branch Delaware River Watershed Stamford WWTP Treatment Process: Coagulant (PASS) Aerated tank / secondary clarifier Wastewater Influent chlorine Dechlorination Two-stage DynaSand Æ Filters headwork Reject water clarifier polymer Secondary sludge Dual Sand sludge Aerated sludge digester Plant Effluent Belt filter press Solids to landfill Stamford WWTP Performance Information: Parameter NPDES Limitation Average of monthly averages Range of monthly averages Maximum individual measurement Reporting period Phosphorus 0.2 mg/l *<0.011 mg/l <0.005 to < 0.06 mg/l 0.06 (11/05) 2/03 to 5/06 N-NH3 2.5 mg/l *<0.98 mg/l <0.03 to 0.63 mg/l 0.63 (7/05) 7/04 to 5/06 TSS 30 mg/l *<3.3 mg/l < 2 to 8 mg/l 8 (3/03) 2/03 to 5/06 CBOD 25 mg/l *<4.5 mg/l <3.5 to 8 mg/l 8.5 (8/04) 7/04 to 5/06 - 34 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 * Almost all measurements were reported as less than (<) values Design Treatment Capacity: 0.5 MGD (requested certification for 0.7 mgd pending @ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Monthly household sewer use fee: $10 /month Note about sewer fees: The costs of construction, operation and maintenance of any and all unit processes (which are in excess of New York State standards at this and other WWTPs discharging into the Delaware River watershed) are subsidized by the City of New York. The Stamford WWTP unit processes funded by the City of New York include the chemicallyenhanced tertiary filtration, redundant disinfection, dechlorination systems, emergency stand-by power generation, telemetry and alarm systems, and sludge dewatering. The incremental O&M cost increase of these unit processes, as well as additional operations staffing and accounting personnel, are funded annually by the City of New York. Facility Description: The Village of Stamford wastewater treatment plant (Stamford) receives municipal wastewater from residences and a number of businesses in this community. Delaware Operations is contracted to operate this facility for Stamford. Discharge of treated effluent from Stamford is into the 2,000 square mile New York City Watershed, including the Delaware River watershed, which is a primary drinking water supply for the City of New York. To protect the quality of this receiving water, the City of New York provides funding for municipal dischargers in the watershed to construct and operate advanced wastewater treatment. In return for this financial assistance, these municipalities must maintain and operate their facilities to produce high quality effluent. Design criteria for tertiary treatment and NPDES permit limitations are established by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Wastewater treatment at the existing Stamford WWTP was upgraded and became fully operational in 2003. Treatment consists of grit removal and screening; extended aeration and secondary clarification (in combined aeration basin/clarifier); chemical addition for flocculation using PASS and filtration through two-stage Dynasand filters. Removed solids are routed to an aerobic digester. Waste solids are dewatered in a belt press and sent to a landfill. There are also large equalization basins available to which raw wastewater may be routed for storage during times of high influent flow. - 35 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Combined aeration basin and clarifier (in center of unit) at Stamford WWTP The DynaSand filters installed at Stamford were obtained from the Parkson Corporation. Both the first stage and the second stage filters operate as continuous backwashing, upflow, sand media filters. There are nine sets of first and second stage filters, each with an approximate surface area of fifty square feet. The sand media in the two meter deep first stage filter has an average diameter of 1.3 millimeters. The second stage sand media is 0.9 millimeters. Secondary treated wastewater is pumped to a distribution header from which it flows by gravity through the first and then the second stage filters. Influent to the first stage filters is chlorinated to inhibit biological growth. Because PASS hydrolyzes so quickly, this flocculant is added to the influent of each first stage filter, rather than being mixed in the distribution header. The reject stream from the filters is routed to a small clarifier and the overflow is returned mixed with influent to the first stage filter. Solids removed in the reject clarifier are routed to a new aerobic digester, into which secondary solids are also mixed, and then dewatered in a newly installed 1.0 meter belt press. - 36 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Generic diagram of two stage DynaSand filtration system (courtesy of Parkson Corporation). Note: the Stamford WWTP uses a concrete clarifier in lieu of a lamella settler. Operational Considerations: • Analyses for phosphorus, BOD and TSS in the final effluent are conducted using EPAapproved testing methodologies by a NYS-certified laboratory. For data quality control purposes, samples of final effluent are routinely split and sent to a state certified contract laboratory which specializes in achieving extremely low reporting levels for phosphorus. Nevertheless, most of the sample results are reported as less than values (<) on the monthly discharge monitoring. These results routinely demonstrate the effluent as being significantly below permit limitations but do not necessarily accurately characterize the very low phosphorus concentrations in the effluent. • A correlation between pathogens and turbidity in the effluent was established for municipal dischargers in the watershed. Continuous monitoring of turbidity is a closely watched NPDES permit requirement. Treatment plant operation is optimized to achieve very low effluent turbidity. The excellent removal of other pollutants such as phosphorus, is primarily a by-product of WWTP operation focused on maintaining low turbidity in the final effluent. • The design hydraulic loading rate specified by New York City for the Parkson Dynasand filters is 3.36 gallon/square foot/minute (g/ft²/min). Operators report the best performance has been achieved at Stamford with a filter loading rate of between 4.0 and - 37 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 4.5 gpm/sq. ft. but stated that the filters continue to perform very well up to loading rates of over 5.0 gpm/sq.ft. • The filters in use are routinely rotated based on the amount of time they have been in service. There are nine (9) filter trains at the Stamford WWTP; under typical operating conditions, only 2 filters are running. • PASS is obtained from the Eaglebrook Company (phone number 450.652.0665) at an approximate cost of $4/gallon. Stamford operators say the addition of PASS is flow paced at a rate of about 30 gallons per one half mgd of wastewater treated. This equates to a cost of approximately $240/day/per mgd for flocculant. • There is essentially no sand lost from the DynaSand filters during operation. • The reject rate from the filters is designed and operated to be about 10 percent of the total flow. The percent reject decreases at higher loading rates. • The overflow rate from each DynaSand filter can easily be adjusted by inserting different size plastic weirs. Plastic weirs used for adjusting overflow rate from DynaSand Filters • The turbidity of the effluent was 0.053 NTU at the time of EPA’s site visit. Turbidity is closely monitored as it has been determined to be a good surrogate for measuring pathogens potentially present in the discharge. The NPDES permit limit for turbidity is 0.5 NTU. - 38 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Walton Wastewater Treatment Plant Contact Information: Walton Wastewater Treatment Plant 54 South Street Walton, New York 13856 Phone Number (607) 865-6993 Operated by: Delaware Operations NPDES Permit No. NY0027154, expiration date Feb 2008 Receiving water: Delaware River Watershed Design Treatment Capacity: 1.55 mgd (average daily flow) Treatment Process Diagram: Coagulant AlCl DualSand filters Dechlorination Chlorine Influent Plant Effluent Headwork Aerated equalization tank Aerobic tank Secondary clarifier Secondary sludge Landfill Aerobic digester Gravity thickener - 39 - Belt filter press Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Walton WWTP Performance Information: Parameter NPDES Limitation Average of monthly averages Range of monthly averages Maximum individual measurement Reporting period Total P 1 0.2 mg/l <0.01 mg/l <0.005 to < 0.06 mg/l <0.06 mg/l (3/06) 2/03 to 3/06 N-NH3 2 8.8 mg/l 0.24 mg/l <0.05 to 1.4 mg/l 1.4 mg/l (6/05) 6/03 to 6/06 TSS 30 mg/l <3.5 mg/l <2.6 to <4.9 mg/l <4.9 mg/l (12/05) 2/03 to 3/06 CBOD 25 mg/l <3.7 mg/l <2.5 to <4.5 mg/l <21 mg/l (7/04) 2/3 to 3/06 1 Almost all phosphorus measurements were reported as less than (<) a specified detection value. The reported detection value was used for summarizing performance, although the actual concentration is lower. 2 There are seasonal limitations for ammonia nitrogen and performance is summarized for the period when this limitation applies. Monthly household sewer use fee: $10 month plus charges based on water usage. (Note: the costs of construction, operation and maintenance of this and other WWTPs discharging into the Delaware River watershed are subsidized by the City of New York.) Facility Description: The Walton Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) receives municipal wastewater from residence and a number of businesses in this community plus a significant amount of wastewater from a nearby dairy creamery. Wastewater from the creamery constitutes about 80 percent of the organic loading and 40 percent of the flow into the WWTP. The influent to the WWTP would be characterized as high strength with an average BOD concentration of 350 mg/l. Discharge of treated effluent from Walton is into the 2,000 square mile Delaware River watershed, which is a primary drinking water supply for the City of New York. To protect the quality of this receiving water, the City of New York provides funding for municipal dischargers in the watershed to construct and operate advanced wastewater treatment. In return for this financial assistance, these municipalities must maintain and operate their facilities to produce high quality effluent. Design criteria for tertiary treatment and NPDES permit limitations are established by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Wastewater treatment at the existing Walton WWTP was upgraded and became fully operational in 2003. Treatment consists of grit removal and screening; extended aeration and secondary clarification; chemical addition for flocculation using aluminum chloride (added to the wastewater at both the secondary clarifiers and the distribution header for the DynaSand filters); and filtration through two-stage Dynasand filters; disinfection with chlorine and dechlorination with sulfur dioxide. Chlorine is added to the filter influent to control biological growth in the filters. Removed solids are routed to an aerobic digester. Waste solids are dewatered in a belt press and sent to a land fill. The DynaSand filters installed at the Walton WWTP were obtained from the Parkson Corporation. Both the first stage and the second stage filters operate as continuous backwashing, upflow, sand media filters. There are five sets of first stage and second stage filter modules. - 40 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 Each module contains four DynaSand filters which have an approximate surface area of two hundred square feet (or eight hundred square feet per module). So, there is total of 40,000 square feet surface area of primary filters and the same amount of secondary filter surface area. The sand media in the two meter deep first stage filters has an average diameter of 1.3 millimeters. The second stage filters are one meter deep and contain sand media of 0.9 millimeter average diameter. The number of filters in use is adjusted as needed to accommodate flow through the plant. The filter modules in use are routinely rotated according to time in service. Secondary treated wastewater is pumped to a distribution header where aluminum chloride and chlorine is added and from which it flows by gravity through the first and then the second stage filters. The reject stream from the filters is routed to the headworks of the plant. Mixing tank 1st stage filter 2nd stage filter DynaSand Filters at Walton WWTP The above picture shows a side view of the distribution header (far right), first stage and second stage DynaSand filters installed at the Walton WWTP. Flow through the filters is by gravity from the distribution header. The people shown in this picture are standing on grating above the second stage filters. This building houses twenty (2 meter deep) first stage and twenty (1 meter deep) second stage DynaSand filters which have a combined total surface area of about 80,000 square feet. The installation is configured to create five banks of filters which are rotated into - 41 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 use on a time basis. At the time of this visit, two of the five filter banks were being used to treat the entire wastewater flow at this plant. View into top of DynaSand filter at Walton WWTP. This picture shows sand being returned from washer at top of lift tube in a second stage filter. These filters are designed to wash sand continuously (without any backwash cycle). Operational Considerations: • About 80 percent of the loading and 40 percent of the wastewater flow into the Walton WWTP comes from the Kraft Dairy operation. • Analyses for phosphorus, BOD and TSS in the final effluent are conducted using EPA approved testing methodologies. For data quality control purposes, samples of final effluent are routinely split and sent to a state certified contract laboratory which specializes in achieving extremely low reporting levels for phosphorus. Nevertheless, most of the sample results are reported as less than values (<) on the monthly discharge monitoring. These results routinely demonstrate the effluent as being significantly below permit limitations but do not necessarily characterize the excellent quality of the effluent. - 42 - Advanced Treatment to Achieve Low Concentration of Phosphorus EPA Region 10 April 2007 • The turbidity of the effluent was 0.062 NTU at the time of EPA’s site visit. Turbidity is closely monitored as it has been determined to be a good surrogate pollutant for measuring the pathogens potentially present in the effluent. The NPDES permit limit for turbidity is 0.5 NTU. • The maximum treatment capacity of the plant is 3 mgd. The DynaSand filters are not the limiting factor as this flow can be treated by using only 3 of the 5 filter modules. • Total phosphorus concentrations in the secondary effluent typically range between 1 to 2 mg/l. • The cost of aluminum chloride to the Walton WWTP was reported to be $4.64/gallon. A streaming current meter (which measures the negative charge of particles in the water) is used to control aluminum chloride dosing. Approximately 50 to 60 gallons of aluminum chloride are used each day which equates to a daily cost of about $250/day at this 1.5 mgd facility. • The filter press is operated 3 times a week to dewater solids from the aerobic digester. Solids are sent to a landfill and removed liquid is returned to the plant headworks. Operators reported observing no changes in treatment plant performance caused by the solids handling return streams. • The design hydraulic loading rate specified by New York City for the Parkson DynaSand filters is 3.36 gallon/square foot/minute (g/ft²/min). Operators report they typically run filters at hydraulic loading rate of between 4.0 and 4.5 g/ft²/min but stated the filters would continue to perform very well up to loading rate of 5.0 g/ft²/min. • The filters in use are routinely rotated based on the amount of time they have been in service. • There is essentially no sand lost from the DynaSand filters during operation. • The reject rate from the filters is designed and operated to be about 10 percent of the total flow. • The overflow rate from each DynaSand filter can easily be adjusted by inserting different size plastic weirs (pictured in Stamford WWTP description). - 43 - DynaSand EcoWash Filter ® –– Reduces Reject (Backwash) –– Reduces Operation & Maintenance Costs –– Improves Energy Efficiency –– Improves Performance with Filtrate Quality A Breakthrough in Filtration Benefits Features –– Reduces reject water production: 60-90% less –– Savings from reduction in cost of reprocessing reject Sand Movement Verification System –– Programmed dual air burst operation Why this product has been developed Differential Pressure Controlled Mode –– Reduces energy requirement: 60-90% less Throughout the past three decades, the DynaSand® continuous –– Inlet/outlet levels measured –– Increases airlift life –– Remote monitoring ability backwashing filter has been successfully applied to thousands –– Airlift/reject starts at programmed point –– Reduces maintenance on air compressor system Reject Water Reduction Process Control –– Reduces pretreatment chemical usage –– Programmed differential pressure control –– Minimal maintenance and operator attention –– Programmed time control of installations, providing optimum performance and filtrate quality while offering minimal operator attention and maintenance requirements. A major perception in the industry is that continuous –– Operates until differential is reduced to either minimum point or for a set period of time –– Timer override to assure periodic sand washing filters like the DynaSand Filter produce significantly more total ® reject (backwash) than intermittent backwashing filters. Customers desire better quality to meet legislative and effluent requirements while minimizing total reject. The cost of reprocessing excess reject is a major concern as well. This product has been developed to –– Operator programs timer –– Timer initiates sand washing CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL WITH HMI –– Ethernet communication with plant SCADA system CELL AIR CONTROL PANEL –– Ethernet TCP/IP to communicate with other plant PLCs over the network –– HMI equipped with data logger and remote monitoring capability –– Reduce operation and maintenance costs Cell Air Control Panel DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MONITORING –– Improve energy efficiency –– Improve filtrate quality The DynaSand EcoWash Filter allows continuous operation while –– Automatic reject control valve –– PLC based electrical control panel equipped with a touch screen HMI Timer Controlled Mode –– Reduce reject/ backwash rate ® Sand Movement Verification System Central Control Panel –– Differential pressure overrides timer How the EcoWash works –– No sand movement alarm –– Solenoids to control dual airburst, and normal airlift operation –– Solenoid to control reject valve SAND MOVEMENT VERIFICATION SYSTEM –– Air pressure regulator and pressure gauge –– Back pressure gauge, and airflow meter utilizing timed or programmable sand circulation and washing to reduce the amount of backwash water being produced. One factor that has made such operation difficult in the past has been that Annual reject water production continuous filters can suffer from a decrease in filtrate quality whenever the washing operation is restarted. The DynaSand EcoWash Filter ® overcomes this phenomenon so that filtrate quality is stable and remains within guidelines, and on an average EcoWash produces The DynaSand® EcoWash Filter uses a reliable sand movement detection that is tied to an alarm and monitored in the control room. Through modifications to the airlift design and operation, consistent sand movement REJECT WATER REDUCTION CONTROL VALVE is assured. Reject (backwash) water reduction is accomplished by automatic closing of reject line during the no backwash period. operation can be adjusted based on individual plant’s influent conditions. 60 - 90% less EFFLUENT Backwashing is controlled by one of the two modes chosen by the operator. The frequency and the length of time for backwashing Million Gallons better quality filtrate than the traditional continuous backwash method. INFLUENT Today’s sand filter DynaSand® EcoWash Filter 16 Filters (50 sqft), 5.76 MGD facility, typical reject 10 gpm/filter What does this mean to the end user? Most important to plant operations, City of Pompano Beach OASIS Reuse Water Utilities DynaSand® EcoWash Filter Full Scale Testing – Operating Parameters The DynaSand® EcoWash filter provides superior performance DynaSand® EcoWash Filter Test Cell Plant Filter’s Standard Operation Cell –– Reduces operator and maintenance personnel attention Flow Rate 3.5 GPM/sqft 3.5 GPM/sqft Air Flow/Pressure 80 SCFH @ 8 PSI 80 SCFH @ 8 PSI –– No need to check sand movement during each shift Typical Turbidity 1.29 NTU 1.50 NTU –– The filter signals when a check is required Average Reject Flow 1.8 gpm/50 sqft filter 18.0 gpm/50 sqft filter –– Reduces the amount of reject (backwash) generated by 60-90% Annual Power Consumption 23,400 kW-h* 234,000 kW-h* Annual Power Consumption Cost $1,750** $17,500** –– Significantly reduces capacity loss and the costs associated with reprocessing backwash water *Based on plant’s 75 HP Air Compressor **Average Florida Industry Cost - $.075 per kW-h –– Energy requirement is 60-90% less than any continuous backwashing sand filter DynaSand® EcoWash Filter Turbidity (NTU) Plant`s Target Plant Filter`s Standard operation DynaSand® EcoWash Filter Time Programmed Time Control Backwash Fort Lauderdale Phone: 888.PARKSON Chicago Fax: 1.954.252.3775 Montreal Dubai Applications for the DynaSand D2 Advanced Filtration System include: The Parkson Pilot Program ® • Municipal drinking water and wastewater • A broad range of industrial applications including boiler feed and cooling water • Wastewater recycle and reuse • High quality pre-filtration for membrane processes and desalination • Enhanced nutrient removal U.S. Patent No. 6,426,005 Mobile pilot units are available to demonstrate the DynaSand D2® System’s ability to process site-specific source waters. The pilot units are equipped with full monitoring and reporting capabilities and demonstrate the ease of operation of the DynaSand D2® Advanced Filtration System. Fort Lauderdale ISO 9001:2000 Certified Quality Management System AN AXEL JOHNSON INC. COMPANY Chicago Montreal Dubai 1.888.PARKSON 1.954.974.6610 FILT-D2020109 ©2009 Parkson Corporation 감사합니다 서울시 은평구 불광동 613-2 한국환경산업기술원 환경벤쳐센터 A204호 20226 7074e-Mail e Mail: info@atecorp co kr l 02 855 4070 Fax Tel. 02-855-4070, Fax.02 02-382-4073, Aqua To Energy