11.12 Newsletter copy - Immaculate Heart of Mary School
11.12 Newsletter copy - Immaculate Heart of Mary School
heart november, 2012 of mary school Term 1, Progress Reports Report Cards are being sent home Friday, November 23. The Progress Reports provide information regarding a student’s academic achievement, attendance and social development. Included in the envelope with the Report Card will be information on how parents can review the Report Card with their child. The Progress Report should be signed in the appropriate place and returned (in the envelope provided) at the time of the parent / teacher conference. Parent / Teacher Conferences The Parent/Teacher Conference is an opportunity for teachers and parents to engage in conversation about the student’s progress. Teachers, parents and students will share ways they can work together to support the achievement of the agreed upon goals for improvement. Parent / teacher conferences are scheduled for the week of November 26-30. During this week appointments are made with teachers before, or after classes, up to 5:00 P.M.. On Thursday, November 29 appointments can be made until 8:00 P.M.. On Friday, November 30 appointments can be during the day (there are no classes). During the conference parents will meet individually with their child’s teacher(s) to: 1) review achievement relative to grade level standards, 2) set goals for the next term, 3) identify ways to support the student at home and at school. 650 flora avenue winnipeg, manitoba 204.582.5698 ihms@ihms.mb.ca www.ihms.mb.ca Parent Teacher Conference Forms will be sent home on November 15 for parents to request a conference time. If more time is required with the teacher at the end of the conference, parents should request the teacher to schedule an additional appointment. To respect everyone’s time, it’s important to honour the schedule. Please take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your child’s teacher and to strengthen the home / school partnership. Grade 1 Home Reading Program Information Evening ... On Monday, November 12, beginning at 5:00 P.M., all parents of Grade 1 students are invited to attend a home reading information session. The session will be organized by Mrs. Cambly (Grade 1 Teacher). The session will last approximately 45 minutes. It is intended to inform parents of how the Grade 1 Home Reading Program works. Information will also be presented on helpful tips for reading at home with your child. Peanut / Nut Nut Free School Policy As part of the ongoing safety awareness at Immaculate Heart of Mary School, tree nuts and peanuts are excluded from the school site, based on the ingredient list of any food product. This includes all school-related activities. In response to the growing number of food sensitivities reported for members of our school community, and in recognition of the severe consequences of a peanut / nut exposure to individuals, Immaculate Heart of Mary School is implementing a plan to go peanut / nut free on the school premises. Adults and children need to be mindful of any products containing peanuts / nuts when preparing and bringing food onto the school site. The immediate impact of a peanut / nut exposure to an individual with peanut / nut allergy can be life threatening and require medical intervention or hospitalization. The support of all school families and staff is appreciated. Volleyball Action Congratulations to all four of the school’s volleyball teams on the great seasons they are having! Not only are they successful on the court, but they are representing themselves and the school in a very positive light with their display of superb sportsmanship. All home volleyball games are listed on the November Calendar. Come on out and cheer on the Spirit!! Thank you to the parent chaperones that drive the students to all the tournaments, games and practices. Girls Developmental Team Coaches: Mr. Tokariwski & Mr. Dedio Kylie Tokariwski, Nicole Misiak, Tiana Werbeniuk, Rachel Ann Pera, Olivia Woloshyn, Natalia Werbeniuk, Marta Tkaczyk, Kendra Sturgess, Antonnette Cruz, Catherine Woloshyn, Taylor Domanski, Gillian Malchuk, Samarah Fangmann Boys Developmental Team Coach: Mr. Crooks Brady Dolinski, Nathan Jacinto, Andrij Deneka, Andriy Bobelyak, Nicholas Szun, Joshua Terin, Collin Argo, Raphael Cabeliza, Illya Ryhan Girls Competitive Team Coach: Mr. Dedio Bhavana Garg, Kaitlyn Hanson, Breanna Hlady, Lily McCarvill, Illeana Fawcett, Maddalena Jacobson, Jeanny Villordon, Marysa Fosty, Veeta Zakrevsky, Camryn Hannesson Boys Competitive Team Coach: Mr. Picklyk Nykola Shpurko, Karnvir Brar, Michael Lee, Russell Cabeliza, Darian Picklyk, Hunter Tycholis, Kendrick Amoyo, Gabriele Pawlyshyn, Brandon Pimentel, Michael Krawchuk november, 2012 A Remembrance Day Service Winter Storm Day The week of November 5-11 will be Remembrance Day Awareness Week. A Remembrance Day Service will be held on Friday, November 9 at 9:00 A.M., in the gymnasium. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Poppies will be available for the students at the school. Students are encouraged to make a contribution to the poppy box through their homeroom teacher before November 9. This year as part of the ceremony a guest speaker from Veteran Affairs Canada will be present. On rare occasions the school may be closed due to severe snowstorm conditions. If there is a snowstorm blowing please tune into the radio stations CJOB-680 and CBC-990 on the AM dial, and as well, check the school’s website. If Winnipeg School Division is closed because of a storm, then IHMS will also be closed. There may be rare occasions when IHMS is closed for a given day due to other reasons ... power outage, water main break ... not affecting Winnipeg Division Schools. This would be announced on the above radio stations. IHMS Calendar on Website Did you know you can print the monthly calendar off of the website? On the home page, see the graphic of the monthly calendar on your right. Click on ‘See Full Calendar’. The calendar will pop up and then print it! IHMS Uniform Shop News Is there anything your child needs from the Uniform Shop? The next Shop Open Day is Wednesday, November 14th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM. There will NOT be a Shop Open Day in December. The first one in the New Year is on January 16, Fund Raising Raffle - Wednesday, November 28 As indicated in the Fund Raising section of the Immaculate Heart of Mary School Handbook ... one of the fund raising events for this school year is the 2012 Fund Raising Raffle. This year the Fund Raising Dinner and Fund Raising Raffle will be two separate events. The Raffle will be held on Wednesday, November 28 in the IHMS Gymnasium, and the Dinner on Saturday, March 9 at Holy Eucharist Parish Centre. Each volunteer family is allocated 2 Raffle Tickets to sell, valued at $50.00 each. Tickets were distributed on October 10. The ticket stubs and money are due back in the school office on Tuesday, November 13. Annual School Tea It’s never too early to start preparing for the Annual School Tea. It will be held on Sunday, February 3, 2013. Anyone that would like to make a contribution to the main or side raffles are encouraged to do so. Your donation can be left at the school office. Annual School Tea - Grade 8 Parents Attention Parents of Grade 8 students: If you are planning to make a monetary donation towards a prize for the Annual School Tea (from the Graduating Class of 2012) please do so by November 9th. Donations, can be forwarded to Ms. DiPiero or the school office. Thank you for your support. Bingo Volunteers For those families that signed up to work bingo’s during the 2012- 2013 school year ... notices requesting your assistance were sent home on September 25. The next two bingo dates are Friday, November 16 and Wednesday, December 19. Mrs. Dolly Dmytryk (IHMS Bingo Coordinator) will be in contact with you if your assistance is required. Do not show up to work a bingo unless you are called by Dolly. Thank you in advance for your help. Koubassa & Cheese for Sale The IHMS Parents’ Guild will be selling rings of koubassa and New Bothwell Cheese during the month of November. Order forms will be sent home on Thursday, November 8. The order deadline will be Thursday, November 29. Orders will be distributed on Monday, December 17 ... just in time for the Christmas season! Don’t forget to take an order form to work and sell these delicious food items to your colleagues! IHMS Parents’ Guild Meeting Selecting a High School for Your Child?? All parents/guardians who have children attending Immaculate Heart are members of the IHMS Parents’ Guild and you are invited to the monthly meetings. The Guild has a vital role in our school community and we need you to become a part of this process. Information regarding school events and activities is shared, as well as, updates on the school relocation project. The next meeting of the Parents’ Guild will be on Monday, November 5 at 7:00 P.M.. A child care service is provided free of charge for parents that will be bringing their children. The IHMS Parents’ Guild will be meeting on Monday, November 5 at 7:00 P.M.. At the beginning of the meeting Mr. Picklyk will make a presentation on the process of selecting a high school. This information will be of high relevance, especially for families with children in grades 7 & 8. What are the options for selecting a high school? What is involved with filling out an application? What are the admission requirements? What are the tuition fees? All of these questions will be answered during the presentation. A child care service is provided for those families that wish to attend the meeting and are bringing their children. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop ..... Nykyta Budka. Did you know ... his work focused mainly on visiting the faithful, strengthening them in their faith and organizing new parish communities. He directed much of his effort to building educational institutes and organizing parochial schools and catechism instruction for Ukrainian children. Of great assistance to the bishop were the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate who had arrived in Canada ten years earlier. Volunteers at the Book Fair We request volunteer assistance with the Book Fair. Helping hands are required to process sales during Book Fair hours. If you’re able to spare a couple hours and can be a ‘helping hand’ please call the school office (582-5698) and leave your name and phone number. november, 2012 Pylypivka or St. Philip's Fast Ukrainian Catholics refer to the pre-Christmas fast period as Pylypivka or St. Philip's Fast, as it always begins on the feast of St. Philip the Apostle, November 15. Pylypivka is a time of preparation before Christmas. The Church offers this time to remind us of the great celebration of God’s love that we will soon be observing as we again focus on His birth among us. Parents, family and friends are invited to join us as we bring focus to this special time of year with Prayer Services on Friday, November 23 at 9:00 A.M. in the school gymnasium. As well, IHMS will be selling Mary’s Angels again. More information on the theme that is being developed for Pylypivka, and an order from for Mary’s Angels, will be sent home in mid-November. Look for more information on the For more information on St. Philip’s Fast go to: www.archeparchy.ca/liturgy/philip_fast.htm Lunch Lady Hot Lunch The Lunch Lady is a hot lunch caterer who provides a choice of healthy, hot meals for students to enjoy at school. The meals are delivered hot and ready to serve by the Lunch Lady staff. Everything is well organized and very tasty! As a bonus, it is a modest fund raiser for the school. The money raised goes directly towards paying for buses on school field trips. The next Lunch Lady, hot lunch will be on December 3. Order forms will be sent home on November 12 and are due on November 20. NO CLASSES ... in November November 11 - Remembrance Day Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the official end of World War I on that date in 1918, as the major hostilities of World War I were formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month". November 16- Professional Development Day Teachers will be attending an Educators Conference organized by the Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools on the topic of technology. November 19- Assessment Day Teachers will be collating assessment data and preparing first term Progress Reports for each of the students. November 30 - Parent / Teacher Conferences Teachers set the full day aside to meet with parents regarding their child’s progress. ‘All Star Book Fair’ - IHMS Annual Book Fair The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to IHMS!! The Book Fair will be open to buy books on the following dates: Tuesday, November 20: 3:00pm - 5:00pm open to public Wednesday, November 21: 9:00 AM - 3:00PM classroom visits (closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM for lunch) 3:00pm - 5:00pm open to public Thursday, November 22: 9:00 AM - 3:00PM classroom visits (closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM for lunch) 3:00pm - 5:00pm open to public At the above times students must have an adult with them to purchase books. During school hours, students will have a chance to preview the books with their classes. Students will be able to purchase books during a specified class time on November 21 or 22. when they will go with their teacher. The students will also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of contests to have a chance at winning coupons to use at the Book Fair. Families may enter the Family Event Draw where you could win $25 worth of books for the your personal library, and $25 worth of books for their child’s classroom library. Only the official ballots will be accepted. Students will only be given one ballot. By purchasing books and supporting the IHMS Book Fair, you enable our school to obtain new resources for the school and classroom libraries. The Book Fair will accept cheques (made payable to IHM School), Visa, MasterCard and American Express. For more information about the ‘To the Book Fair and Beyond’ Book Fair visit: www.scholastic.ca/bookfairs See you at the book fair! Way to go ... !!! ... Edie Kazmierczak, for taking on the role as the new Parents’ Guild Treasurer. ... Diane Harik, our past Parents’ Guild Treasurer who did a fantastic job for many years. Diane’s children have now graduated from IHMS so she is passing the Treasurer’s torch to Edie Kazmierczak. ... Sandra Copp, for taking on the role of Secretary for the IHMS Uniform Shop Executive Committee. ... Julie Skromeda, our past Secretary for the IHMS Uniform Shop Executive Committee, who did an outstanding job for many years. Julie’s children have now graduated from IHMS so she is passing the Secretary’s torch to Sandra Copp. ... Anna Radawetz (Grade 5), for her wonderful performance as Stella in Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s recent production of The Princess and the Goblin! ... Lily McCarvill (Grade 8) and Mary McCarvill (Grade 6) are both representing Canada at the World Dance Championships in Europe at the beginning of December ... the Student Council for organizing a fantastic Halloween Extravaganza and Halloween Sock Hop. ... Thank you to all those families that were able to sell Entertainment 2013 Books and purchase Rice Krispie squares. The Grade 8’s appreciate your support. A total of $434.00 was raised towards the grade 8 graduation! ... Natalka Hutsulak, our Volunteer Coordinator, for lining up parent volunteers at the school ... Deb Hanson for instructing the IHMS Baby Sitters Course. ... Barb Pichlyk and Jane McCarvill for coordinating the Main Raffle for the Annual School Tea ... Kathy Romaniuk for assisting at the IHMS Immunization Clinic on October 4. ... Barb Pawlyshyn for organizing the Koubassa & Cheese Fundraiser. ... Maryna Mikawoz and Julie Argo for coordinating the hot dog days. ... Colleen Chubenko, Sandra Copp, Tammi Shymko, Garry Shymko, Donna Nowosad, Christina Sikorsky, Kathy Walkow, Elaine Capar, Candice Skromeda and Mavis Kaluzny for volunteering at the October hot dog lunches.