May 2015 - Gulf Coast Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors


May 2015 - Gulf Coast Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors
Gulf Coast PHCC News
April 2015
Board of Directors
2nd Annual Service Truck Competition
Was a great event!
President, Stephen Jones
Raven Mechanical
Vice President, Josh Hollub
Modern Plumbing
Secretary, Doug Turner
Doug Turner Plumbing
Treasurer, Phillip Johnson
Air-Care Southeast
Eddie Hollub
Modern Plumbing
Todd Iocco
Epic Services
Karen Havens
Pickett Plumbing
Sean Giuliani
Wedgeworth Plumbing
George Johnson
Katy Plumbers
Associate Representatives:
Jim McStravock
Pepco Sales
Glenn Fuller
Texas Plumbing Supply
Inside this issue:
State Focus
Legislative Update
Truck Show Photos
Upcoming Events
Due to our great sponsors
and participants in the 2nd
Annual GCPHCC Truck
Competition, we had an
Incredible event. Our members were able to view the
trucks on display from both
our sponsors and participants. Members were able
to view new models from
Dodge and Mercedes. Our
members also got to “tour”
the competition’s trucks and
vans to get ideas on organization, tools and supply inventory. We had some great trucks in the competition and the winners took home great prizes! The competition was stiff and
Doug Turner Plumbing took home the grand prize by ONE point and won the
“Best Overall” trophy and prize package. Modern Plumbing won “ Best Organized”, Raven Mechanical won “ Most Unique”, Milton Frank Plumbing took
the trophy for “Best Graphics” and Katy Plumbing left with the award for
“Sponsor’s Choice”. Our prize packages included trophies, cash prizes,
PHCC coolers and tools donated by Milwaukee Tools. Best Overall prize
package included a Texas Round-up registration donated by PHCC-TX.
Thank you to all who made this a GREAT event!
Gulf Coast PHCC News
State Focus
“State happenings shared locally”
By Alicia Dover, CAE
Executive Director
May 2015
Have you registered for the PHCC-TX Annual Conference?
It’s only a few weeks away: Thursday, June 11—Friday, June 12.
There are still spots available.
This year our conference is meeting in sunny Galveston Island
at the Moody Gardens Resort. Click here for details and registration form!
May 2015
Education Opportunities for 2015
Education is one of the great PHCC traditions. There are many
opportunities to gain your continuing education hours and other classes
you need to be successful in the industry. Classes are held around the
state. You can register on-line and see a full listing of available
educational opportunities at
“Year Round classes are generously discounted for
members and their employees”
First 3 days include Backflow Recertification
Instructor: JOE HALL
May 28, 2015 through May 31, 2015
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
145 Trademark Dr.
Buda, TX 78610
or call
Texas Legislative News – May 15, 2015
Status of TCA High Priority Legislation
Consolidated Insurance Programs
HB 1206 by Representative Dan Huberty (R-Humble) was on the House Local & Consent Calendar for Friday, May 15. SB 1081
by Senator Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), the companion bill to HB 1206, was eligible for consideration by the House and replaced HB 1206 on the House Local & Consent Calendar. The House then passed SB 1081. The bill will need to return to the
Senate for its concurrence with the House amendments.
Consolidated insurance programs (CIPs) are insurance programs in which a principal, usually an owner or general contractor, provides insurance coverages that are bundled into one insurance program for a single construction project or multiple construction
projects. They are also known as WRAPS, OCIPS, CCIPS, and ROCIPS. The program typically provides coverage for each entity on the project, from the general contractor to the subcontractors and their employees, for general liability and workers' compensation.
The CIP bill provides that the CIP principal must furnish crucial information about the CIP prior to a contractor entering into
a construction contract. It also requires the principal to furnish promptly a copy of the insurance policies under the CIP.
For more information, please visit:
Lender Notice
HB 1208 by Representative Cecil Bell, Jr. (R-Magnolia) died in the House Calendars Committee by House Rules.
Currently, a lender is not under any obligation or duty to inform a general contractor and subcontractor that the bank will no longer
fund a construction loan. Thus, the construction team continues to work on a project not knowing whether compensation will be
paid for labor and materials furnished after the suspension or cessation of disbursements for the project. In many cases where construction continues after the lender has determined that it will suspend or cease disbursing funds, the lender gets a completed project and the contractors and subcontractors are left holding the bag.
This bill would have required the lender to provide notice to the contractor when the lender accelerates a loan or declares the
loan in default.
For more information, please visit:
Worker Classification
HB 434 by Representative Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston) died in the House Business & Industry Committee by House Rules.
An employer is required by law to classify its workers on construction projects as employees or independent contractors. It is becoming increasingly prevalent that companies are not classifying properly. By not classifying properly, a company does not pay
its fair share of taxes. Employers who misclassify their workers have a competitive advantage in bidding for jobs and divert work
from employers who do pay taxes, overtime and workers’ compensation premiums for their workers. Because the penalties for not
classifying properly are limited to payment of back taxes owed, plus nominal interest and tiny penalty, the consequences for violating the law are not strong enough to deter employers from not classifying properly.
This bill would have provided a penalty for a construction company that fails to properly classify a worker as an employee or
independent contractor. It would have provided protections for those companies that use independent contractors legitimately.
For more information, please visit:
Gold sponsor:
Mac Haik Commercial
Silver sponsors:
Milwaukee tool
Blackmon mooring
Mercedes - sugar land
Spartan tools
Bronze sponsors:
Pepco sales
Gulf Coast PHCC News
We love when members submit news articles and stories from around the
state. This can be special news about your business or
sharing interesting articles you have found.
Please submit your Member News to Jennifer Wilkins
CELL# 832-689-1399
OFF# 281-310-9558
FAX# 713-909-2686
May 2015
More Photos from the Service Truck Competition Dinner:
Truck Entry
Todd Iocco , Owner
Epic Services
Truck Entry
Modern Plumbing
Winner of “Best
Organized” Category
Truck Entry
Katy Plumbing
Winner of “Sponsor’s
Choice” Award
Gulf Coast PHCC News
Service Truck Competition, Photos of Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors: MacHaik Dodge Commercial
Bronze Sponsors: Emergency Services Restoration
Silver Sponsors: Milwaukee Tools
Bronze Sponsor: PEPCO Sales
May 2015
Sponsor, Chris Shockley—Spartan Tool
Sponsor, TJ Johnson— Mercedes Sugarland
Truck Entry
Milton Frank
Winner of “Best
Graphics” Category
Service Truck
Prize Table
Gulf Coast PHCC News
May 2015
Gulf Coast PHCC News
May 2015
Upcoming Events
There are many upcoming exciting PHCC
Events for our members. We have local
events as well as events put on by the
PHCC-TX state office. Be sure to check
the websites for a full listing of events.
You can also visit our other local
Our monthly member lunches are
usually held the 2nd Wednesday of
each month (with the exception of
one or two events). We host the
lunch meetings at
Saltgrass Steakhouse located at :
1803 Shepherd Dr.
Houston, TX 77007
You can pre-register and pay for
your lunch on our website events
June 11—June 12—TEXAS ROUND UP CONVENTION, Galveston
July 15th—Lunch Meeting—Charles Alvarez, Focal Point Coaching
Topic: “Unify: How to Create Your Simple and Easy to Use One-Page Plan
to Get Everyone on the Same Page, Leverage Your Time, and Expand Your
August 12—TBA
September 9th—Lunch Meeting—Bennett Cromer, Federated Insurance Topic:”Distracted Driving 2015”
November 11th—Give Thanks Luncheon
MEMBERS…we want your NEWS!
Send us your events, industry news
articles or company announcements.
We will include them in the next
upcoming issue of our newsletter.
Please e-mail submissions to by the
5th of each month.