diversity in depth - Royal Australian Navy


diversity in depth - Royal Australian Navy
Newsletter for the deep thinker - EDITION 2, 2016
Unheard We Work, Unseen We Win
THIS EDITION: Awards, achievements and overseas news...as well as much more!
MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR GENERAL SUBMARINES..................................................................... 3
MESSAGE FROM COMMANDER SUBMARINE FORCE..................................................................... 5
MESSAGE FROM SUBFOR SWO.................................................................................................... 6
NEWLY QUALIFIED....................................................................................................................... 7
INNOVATION SOLUTIONS BOOST SUBMARINE FLEET..................................................................... 9
HMAS RANKIN BIBBULUM TRACK FUNDRAISER FOR BEYOND BLUE............................................. 11
PROMOTIONS, ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS............................................................................. 12
REMEMBERING THE FALLEN - U.S. MEMORIAL DAY..................................................................... 14
ASC - FOSTERING THE SKILLS OF THEIR WORKFORCE................................................................ 15
FLSE SUBS - WORKING TOGETHER............................................................................................. 16
SUBMARINERS AT BASTILLE DAY 2016...................................................................................... 18
PERISHER QUALIFIED - MEETING OUR NEWEST SUBMARINE CAPTAINS....................................... 20
TORPEDO MAINTENANCE FACILITY - HMAS STIRLING................................................................. 21
SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET............................................................................................ 23
I TOLD YOU I WAS JOINING THE NAVY......................................................................................... 24
THE ODD THINGS SUBMARINERS DO FOR FUN............................................................................ 25
ULTRA MAN - “STYR LABS BADWATER 135”............................................................................... 27
GROWING UP A POSTER CHILD FOR DEFENCE............................................................................ 28
THE START OF AN EXCITING JOURNEY........................................................................................ 29
WOW, THAT WENT QUICKLY....................................................................................................... 31
RANKIN’S COMMANDING OFFICERS LUNCHEON......................................................................... 33
A STORY THAT NEEDS TO BE TOLD............................................................................................ 35
CHANGING OVER....................................................................................................................... 38
Expand and EvolveChallenges for the
Submarine Enterprise
A Message from CDRE P.M.J. Scott, CSC, RAN
Director General Submarines
Submarine Program Sponsor
Head of Submarine Profession
Navy Strategic Command
Nowhere has progress been more clearly
evident than in the expansion of the uniformed
submarine workforce. Whilst it is true that
the workforce remains under-strength and
fragile, it is equally true that unprecedented
growth has occurred - with annual targets for
qualifications, net growth and total strength
all being exceeded. The introduction of the
Submarine Arm Deliberately Differentiated
Package is clearly bearing fruit, with better
retention of both Officers and Sailors of
all ranks. As a result, the health of each
Branch and Category is improving, building
on the momentum and confidence generated
through several successive years of growth.
FRENCH CULINARY - CLOSE UP & PHOTO CAPTION COMPETITION.............................................. 42
IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT........................................................ 43
HMAS DECHAINEUX EXMOUTH EXPEDITION................................................................................ 44
RENSHAW RACING UTE.............................................................................................................. 46
STILL ROCKING THE BOAT & NEW PT GEAR................................................................................ 48
DECHAINEUX’S 15TH BIRTHDAY................................................................................................. 50
HMAS FARNCOMB: ANOTHER SUCCESS STORY OF THE COLES REVIEW....................................... 53
HMAS RANKIN - AE1 SERVICE.................................................................................................... 54
HMAS RANKIN, ANZAC DAWN SERVICE...................................................................................... 55
IT “IS” JUST CRICKET................................................................................................................. 56
RANKIN BACK FROM THE LONG HAUL........................................................................................ 57
TOP OF THE “ENGINEERING” CLASS........................................................................................... 59
A VIEW OF THE ‘SUBMARINE ENTERPRISE’ FROM A SUBMARINE CREW....................................... 60
Contributions are always welcome. Articles should be approximately 1000 words, submitted in Microsoft Word format and be
accompanied by high-resolution, digital photographs in JPEG format. This and previous editions of The Trade magazine can be
found online at www.navy.gov.au/media-room/publications/the-trade
Please direct all submissions and enquiries to:
The Editor, The Trade
Building 80, HMAS STIRLING
PO Box 2188
Rockingham DC
Western Australia 6958
Phone: 08 9553 3064
Mobile: 0457 539 697
E-mail: andrew.bujdegan@defence.gov.au
Front Cover:
Commander Submarine Force, Captain Matthew
Buckley, RAN, inspects a platoon during CN’s
Ceremonial Divisions held at HMAS Stirling on 01
August 2016. Image by LSIS Bradley Darvill.
Mario Cicivelli - Defence Publishing Service
Phone: 03 9256 4080
E-mail: mario.cicivelli@defence.gov.au
Courtesy of the RAN Image Archive at http://images.navy.gov.au/fotoweb/
DISCLAIMER: The Trade is published to entertain, inform and inspire serving members, potential
recruits, the Submarine Squadron, wider submarine community including family and friends, the
RAN and ADF. The views expressed in The Trade are not necessarily those of the RAN or Defence.
If you no longer wish to receive your copy of The Trade and wish to be taken off the distribution list,
please e-mail the editor: andrew.bujdegan@defence.gov.au
It was around three years ago that I wrote
my first foreword for The Trade. At that
time, having spent much of the previous
decade in roles not directly associated with
the Submarine Enterprise, I was delighted
to observe that the phenomenal dedication,
passion and professionalism evident
across the Submarine Arm was much as I
remembered from my previous submarine
I also commented that many of the
challenges we faced were familiar; workforce
shortfalls, lack of submarines, an unforgiving
sea and the inevitable demands and sacrifice
associated with service. Three years on, one
might say that nothing much has changed.
One would be wrong! While the challenges
remain, the progress achieved across the
Submarine Enterprise through these past
several years has been astonishing, and all
those who have contributed can be justifiably
proud of our collective achievements.
Having established HMAS Farncomb’s
Delivery Crew early in 2016, Navy will now
establish billets in mid 2017 to enable the
progressive formation of HMAS Collins
Delivery Crew and her timely egress from
Full Cycle Docking in mid 2018. This will
be a most significant step towards the
achievement of Milestone Three of the
Submarine Workforce Growth Strategy in
mid 2019, which will see us achieve the
workforce strength required to sustainably
meet current Force-in-Being requirements.
Another factor clearly contributing to
workforce growth is the continued
improvements in submarine availability,
reliability and capability. Notwithstanding
some serious fragility around obsolescence
and supportability issues, we are now
meeting Navy’s availability requirements.
The recurring pattern of timely delivery
of submarines out of major maintenance
periods, in a robust material state, has
enabled the consistent availability of two
deployable submarines throughout much
of the past year. Crucially, the availability
of seaworthy and battleworthy submarines
is enabling more and more deployments;
once again expanding the horizons of the
Submarine Arm and adding substantially to
the experience base of those operating the
Force, as well as those supporting it!
Earlier this year, Mr John Coles carried out
a further review of Enterprise performance
in submarine sustainment. In his report,
he describes a ‘collegiate, collaborative
and well functioning Enterprise’ and
concluded that the Enterprise could achieve
performance ‘beyond the international
benchmark, whilst maintaining regional
superiority and reducing sustainment costs’.
Noting that Navy’s availability requirements
are now being met, and in moving ‘beyond
benchmark’, the Submarine Enterprise Board
is driving a deliberate and progressive shift
in emphasis from availability to reliability
and capability. The evolution to an era of
increased assurance around availability
and deployability will be achieved through
the continued treatment of obsolescence
and supportability risks, and the ongoing
execution of the Submarine Capability
Upgrade Program.
Further evolution is also required to ensure
that benchmark cost for sustainment is
achieved by 2022. This will require ongoing
improvements in industry efficiency to further
reduce sustainment costs. Substantial
development of the submarine yard at
Henderson in Western Australia, similar to
the improvements made in Adelaide in recent
years, are scheduled for completion this
year. Importantly, they will realise expanded
capacity and significant efficiencies in
the yard where the vast majority of major
scheduled maintenance periods are being
Looking further ahead, we have now
commenced Life of Type Extension (LOTE)
studies to determine the potential scope
and cost of extending a number of Collins
EDITION 2, 2016
platforms beyond their current Planned
Withdrawal Dates. These studies, to be
conducted over the next year, will also inform
deliberations and decisions on the re-location
of Full Cycle Dockings to Western Australia,
to meet the Chief of Navy’s requirements that
Fleet units be sustained from where they are
operated, and the basing of submarines on
the East coast of Australia.
The LOTE studies will be complemented by
the work of an ‘Independent Examination
Panel’; a select group of experts recently
formed to consider the prospect of a
submarine capability gap, including the
cost and risk of options to address any
potential shortfalls. I expect that their
research and ensuing advice will be a crucial
input to Enterprise efforts to enable Force
continuity and continued regional superiority
as we manage the transition to a multi-class
submarine fleet that is double its current
Of course, the Government’s selection in
April of France as our partner nation for
the design and build of the next class of
submarine signals further evolution, with
DCNS set to become an integral member
of an evolved Submarine Enterprise in future
years. In other ways, the transition to a multiclass submarine fleet has already begun,
with the mobilisation and design phase
gaining momentum and impacting numerous
areas. Within my Submarines Branch, the
Development Directorate has been reformed
to include Systems, Design, Requirements
and Support Cells; with the Requirements
Cell re-locating to Cherbourg, France from
early next year. Their role will be to ensure
Navy’s needs and requirements drive the
design of our next submarine and that Navy
is prepared for ongoing design reviews.
The First Principles Review is also driving
further evolution; particularly as the Services,
including Navy, resume greater accountability
for capability. As such, I have now assumed
the mantle of ‘Submarine Program Sponsor’
and the development of a ‘Submarine
Program Strategy’ - a seminal strategic
policy document to direct the trajectory and
expansion of the submarine capability over
the next thirty years - is now under way. This
Strategy will, of course, be classified, but
I can tell you it is being written around the
Submarine Program priorities of: enabling
Force continuity; promoting Program
efficiency; assuring regional superiority;
managing the transition to a multi-class
submarine fleet; managing the Collins Class
to withdrawal; and expanding the Submarine
Enterprise workforce.
One of my most satisfying duties today is
to prepare advice from the Chief of Navy to
the Minister for Defence and Government on
the performance of the Submarine Enterprise
and the Submarine Force. It is remarkably
s a t i s f y i n g b e c a u s e w e a re re p o r t i n g
exemplary performance and remarkable
success, both at sea and ashore, emerging
from the most demanding circumstances and
Message from
Commander Submarine Force,
CAPT Matt Buckley, CSC, RAN
Whilst t he pur pose a nd rol es of our
Submarine Force will persist, we need to
both expand and evolve to keep pace with a
changing world and substantial shifts in the
national power bases of our Nation, allies,
neighbours and potential adversaries.
The pattern of expansion and evolution is set.
Our challenge over future decades will be
to maintain the superb momentum that has
been generated by the Submarine Enterprise
and keep our regionally superior Submarine
Force in the vanguard of the Royal Australian
Navy and the Australian Defence Force, as
the Nation’s principal strategic deterrent.
Yours Aye,
Peter Scott
Submarines Branch,
Navy Strategic Command,
Welcome to our second edition of the Trade for
2016, which focuses on the vital importance of
you, ‘our people’, to the submarine capability.
Many of you would have heard me talk about
the need for ‘Deep Specialists’ right across
the Submarine Enterprise as essential to the
delivery of an enduring and potent national
strategic deterrent. I am pleased to say
that what I am seeing at the waterfront is a
genuine devotion to achieving the professional
excellence necessary to achieve this objective
at all levels. Moreover, it is apparent that we
are raising the bar a few centimetres each time
we achieve a key milestone; this will ensure
we are always looking for improvement. We
must continue in this vein if we are to find
those extra couple of percentage points
necessary to remain amongst the world’s
best Submarine Forces. In this Trade you
will learn a little bit more about some of
the dedicated and talented people within
our unique community that are making this
Also in this edition you will see that with the
return of HMAS Farncomb to service in the
Fleet we have achieved our key objective for
2016 of realising a Five Boat Force. Sea-riding
Farncomb for their MSE in August was a
watershed moment for the Submarine Force
achieved through an integrated Enterprise
effort sustained over several years and we
should be very proud of this achievement. In
this same period we welcomed HMAS Rankin
back to HMAS Stirling from a very successful
nine-month deployment. This was one of the
longest ever conducted by an RAN submarine
EDITION 2, 2016
and included an extended period operating
from Fleet Base East and an extensive Theatre
Deployment to Northeast Asia. At the time
of writing HMAS Sheean remains on an
extensive deployment into the Indo-Pacific,
doing precisely what it is we need our boats
to do in Theatre. We also welcome HMAS
Dechaineux back into operational service
from a successful Intermediate Docking at
Henderson that was once again achieved
within benchmark levels of performance
through a collective effort. It is important to
acknowledge the last six months has not
been without a few hurdles. The return of
HMAS Waller to operational service from an
extensive period of maintenance and repair
has been challenged by two complex defects.
What has been very pleasing however is that
our Enterprise has been able to respond
by pulling together and through teamwork
and innovation delivered the boat back into
operational service as soon as could be
practically achieved. This sort of Enterprise
resilience is precisely what is required if we
are to consistently deploy and sustain our
submarines into the Indo-Pacific Theatre.
On the escape and rescue front we are in the
final stages of preparation for Exercise BLACK
CARILLON 2016 where we will be proving the
next advancement in our Submarine Escape
and Rescue Capability. This year’s BC is the
largest we have hosted since 2013 and will for
the first time incorporate both our Escape and
Rescue Gear Ships MV Besant and MV Stoker
working together. We will also be trialling the
new Transfer Under Pressure Unit. Continued
improvement in this part of our capability
keeps us at the leading edge of submarine
escape and rescue globally.
With all of this activity underway I appreciate
that many of you will be finding that yet
another step up in our rate of effort for 2016
requires your full attention and I thank you for
rising to meet this challenge. Importantly, this
is what each of us needs to do in order to
deliver a Force that routinely deploys into the
Indo Pacific for extensive periods in Theatre.
It is for this reason that we must continue
to encourage innovation at all levels and to
consolidate our skills at every level through
living our ‘Good Submarine Practice’ program.
I have greatly appreciated your enthusiasm
and feedback on how we can consolidate
this grass roots program as an enduring part
of our DNA. I am certainly seeing evidence
of this in our submarines at sea and in our
supporting organisations ashore, which is
very pleasing so keep up the good work.
Doing the little things right is what keeps us
safe and underpins our capacity to operate
at the leading edge in complex environments
and for this reason I see our GSP program as
something we must carry forward.
In this Trade very much focussed on our
people, it is important to acknowledge that our
numbers continue to expand. We qualified
over 100 submariners in the last fiscal year
and also retained a greater percentage of
our workforce. Many of you have directly
contributed to this achievement and I ask
that you continue to do so as we are not yet
where we need to be to sustainably deliver the
Force in being and to be ready to meet the
challenge of a multi-class capability. We also
need to embrace diversity and strive to create
a culture that attracts and retains the very
best performers from the full breadth of our
society. In support of this aim I have invited
some of you to help develop a program that
will assist us to become a career of choice for
the brightest and best female candidates and
those spanning the full range of backgrounds
from across our community. You will hear
more about this in coming months and I ask
for your ongoing support in generating an
optimised culture for everyone.
Finally, in writing my final Trade introduction
as COMSUB, I would like to thank those I
have worked with for your ongoing support
and friendship. Many of you will know that
I have undertaken this appointment with my
family on the other side of the country, and
the fact that I complete this role as the most
rewarding I have had in the Navy is reflective of
the shared enthusiasm from the wonderful and
eclectic people that comprise our community.
I ask each of you to remember that whatever
your role in submarines, uniformed or civilian,
you are what makes our capability and your
contribution is what ensures we continue to
serve as an effective strategic deterrent for
our nation.
Yours Aye,
Matt Buckley
EDITION 2, 2016
Message from the
if I have not already done so. I will however,
provide you with updates and information
from my perspective on how I believe we are
shaping up and evolving as a Force through
my observations and feedback received whilst
I am out and about.
Since taking over as SUBFOR SWO, I have the
opportunity to sea ride in HMA Submarines
Sheean and Waller, attend Divisional Meetings
along with Fireside Chats in the HQ, FLSESubs and SSG. I have also attended a number
of qualification ceremonies at STSC; which I
personally think are fantastic. I have been very
impressed with what I have observed to date
and the attitudes of the people I have met and
spoken with along the way, however, we as a
capability still have a bit of work ahead of us.
Hello and welcome to edition two of the Trade
for 2016.
It is great to be back in the Submarine Force
after quite some time away. For those of you
who do not know, I was previously appointed
SUBFOR SWO for a short period in 2012 and
I must admit the Submarine Force is looking
much healthier than it did back then. It is a
very exciting time to be in submarines with five
boats back in the water, the announcement
of the next generation submarine, recently
completed submarine deployments and the
health of the submarine workforce. This is no
doubt attributable to a great deal of hard work
and determination by all.
As with my predecessor, I do not intend to use
this article to tell you about myself; that can
be done over a brew when I head your way,
Some of the strategies and incentives I
have been involved with includes but is not
limited to the Workforce Growth Strategy,
SUBFOR Campaign Plan, Five Boat Force
Strategy, Diversity in Depth Initiative, Women
in Submarines Strategy, Good Submarine
Practice and the Submarine Mentoring
Program. I will also be involved with SUBFOR
Cultural Surveys and a Diversity Champions
Workshop in the latter part of this year; so as
you can see there is a fair bit going on. I ask
that you take the time to understand these
strategies and incentives; all of which in some
shape or form emerge out of the wider navy
strategy and to meet the overall intent of Plan
On taking up this position, COMSUB also
directed me to reinvigorate what was formerly
known as the Warrant Officer Advisory Group
which I have done and renamed the SUBFOR
Warrant Officer Counsel. The Warrant Officer
Counsel formed so that submarine qualified
and non qualified Warrant Officers can do
more to ensure that an effective solutions
based management/reporting regime exists
and is maintained for our submariners’ welfare
and that of the wider submarine community.
The Warrant Officer cohort will convene
quarterly and I as the SWO will present all
issues and concerns that are raised at these
meetings to COMSUB directly and unfiltered.
Newly Qualified
Welcoming all newcomers to the silent service
Other duties I will perform during my tenure
will be to monitor the Divisional System
across SUBFOR and I remind all personnel
that Divisional responsibilities are not and
should not be a secondary task; it is most
important that we look after our personnel
appropriately. I will monitor and report IR and
MAAT compliance directly to COMSUB and
again I remind all personnel that it is up to you
to ensure you do not lapse in any component
of either.
A. French
3 Dec
J. Baker
10 Dec
N. Vaca
15 Dec
D. Sheppard
H. Draman
18 Dec
B. English
18 Dec
L. Morrow
18 Dec
I will avail myself to take part in Awards
Ceremonies, Divisional Meetings and
Discussion Workshops as required and
continue to get out and about to meet
and speak with all submariners and those
personnel supporting submarines. Please also
feel free to drop in and have a chat if you are
in the vicinity of SUBFOR HQ; I will be more
than happy to build you a brew.
W. McDougall
Take care and stay safe.
R. Eley
02 May
D. Sutton
03 May
D. Mahon
04 May
L. Kaine
06 May
M. Garcia
06 May
B. Kempster
06 May
J. Van Der Heyden
06 May
E. Ollington
06 May
M. Niven
31 Jan
17 May
22 Jan
22 May
A. Parmenter
24 May
C. Bennett
8 Feb
C. Wilson
26 Feb
D. Martin
26 Feb
M. Hutchinson
26 Feb
B. Walsh
26 Feb
MARCH 2016
EDITION 2, 2016
JUNE 2016
03 Jun
03 Jun
03 Jun
03 Jun
03 Jun
07 Jun
D. McCall
08 Mar
09 Jun
S. Merritt
09 Mar
11 Jun
D. Robertson
14 Mar
13 Jun
R. Moreira
15 Mar
16 Jun
17 Mar
16 Jun
Z. Glenister
17 Mar
26 Jun
D. Scerri
20 Mar
29 Mar
APRIL 2016
MAY 2016
ABETSM S. Guganovic 11 Aug
S. Price
08 Apr
11 Aug
R. Fatchen
08 Apr
11 Aug
R. Brooks
08 Apr
ABMTSM C. Sutton
11 Aug
M. Currell
08 Apr
J. Makin
08 Apr
26 Apr
M. Darroch
27 Apr
J. Williams
28 Apr
29 Apr
EDITION 2, 2016
Submarine Force
Personnel Support –
Looking after our people
Solutions Boost
Submarine Fleet
Systems and Governance –
PO ML-P Natasja Tozer
key shore based positions. That’s a brilliant
• Act as the first POC for all pay related
Like any innovative solution, all of those
involved in managing the Submarine
workforce had to remain flexible and patient,
as they took their proposal up the chain.
CAPT Buckley says both Fleet Commander
and the Chief of Navy were very receptive.
‘This openness to innovation from our SLG
has flowed through into the Forces at the
waterfront and I am seeing some tremendous
initiatives now filtering up from the boats from
within departments,’ CAPT Buckley said.
‘Innovation is also being embraced by our
supporting elements ashore because our
people appreciate the importance of what we
are achieving by thinking outside the square.’
• Salary/allowance check on post in/out
• Payment of subsistence and allowances
for port visits
• Act as Defence Travel Card account
holder/supervisor for personnel posted
to Submarines
• Audit and maintain MWOD Transitional
Food Allowance, and
• Audit of ADFPAY and PMKeyS anomalies.
Mrs Deborah Paterson
The SUBFOR Personnel Department Team.
(L to R) CPO Mark Austin, Mrs Debra Paterson, PO Natasja Tozer and LEUT Dean Taylor.
Personnel Support generates and shapes
the Navy workforce and its ability to deliver
Defence capability as well as contributes to
the support of operationally deployed forces.
Operational personnel support provides
the deployed commander confidence that
the deployed workforce are prepared for
their specified and implied tasks while
tactical personnel support contributes to the
maintenance of the body, mind and spirit of
both service personnel and their families.
The Personnel Department within the
Submarine Force Headquarters is responsible
to COMSUB through DCOMSUB for the
delivery of personnel support.
The SUBFOR Personnel Department is a
relatively small Department for the number
of people it manages, comprising of four
people: Staff Officer Personnel (SO2 Pers),
Assistant Staff Officer Personnel (ASO Pers),
Systems and Governance Officer, and a
Human Resources Officer (HRO).
• Input into Submarine workforce strategies
(Plan Delphinus)
• Provision of advice to Command on
Personnel related issues
• Provision of Administration support to
RAN personnel on exchange
• Management of SUBFOR Reserves
• Management of COMSUB Medical
Waiver Process
• Assist and support the delivery of
procedural, operational and administrative
tasks for SUBFOR and other Defence
• Act as a liaison between Submarines at
sea and families, and
• Act as one of three Australian Submarines
ForceNet administrators
Ultimately, Navy’s Submarine capability to
‘fight and win at sea’ is delivered through
people. What gives a Defence Force the
edge in Defence capability is not only the
hardware but a workforce composed of
highly skilled and dedicated people.
• Co-ordinate Personnel reporting practices
and procedures and
• Co-ordinate Personnel response to
SUBSAR incidents.
ASO Pers –
CPO AWASM Mark Austin
• Manage the SUBFOR PDR service
• Organise Op-Relief travel arrangements
• Leadership of the Personnel Department,
ensuring the day-to-day running of the
Department and provision of Personnel
• C o - o rd i n a t e M a r i t i m e A l l o w a n c e
submissions for Submariners, and
• Co-ordinate and manage the Familygram
• Act as a SUBFOR Objective Workgroup
• Production of on-demand PMKeyS
EDITION 2, 2016
• Manage and maintain various personnel
• Act as Senior Equity Advisor and
COMTRAK co-ordinator
SO2 Pers –
LEUT Dean Taylor, RANR
• Collect and consolidate PMKeyS data for
reports and correspondence for internal
and external stakeholders
• Assist COBs with personnel management
when deployed.
The Submarine Force Personnel
Department can be contacted by email:
AB Warren-McCarthy - innovation manifests in many forms.
Innovation has been credited with increasing
the capability of Australia’s Submarine Force
with a fifth crew generated from thinking
outside the square. The win comes as
submariners of all ranks gathered at HMAS
Stirling earlier this month to re-enforce their
positive approach towards creative problem
The group of 23 sailors and officers left their
ranks at the door for the innovation seminar,
which was one of several held across Fleet
in recent months. The seminar focused
on tackling issues through teamwork and
creative thinking. Among them was AB
Natalie Warren-McCarthy. ‘Brainstorming is
always a good friend,’ AB Warren- McCarthy
said later. ‘The key to innovation is working
together to come up with new and improved
ideas.’ It’s that positive attitude which the
Commander of the RAN’s Submarine Force
CAPT Matt Buckley says is now increasingly
common across his command. ‘Innovative
approaches to challenges can be applied at
all levels,’ CAPT Buckley said. ‘Importantly,
they don’t have to be linked to an increase in
resources. Fundamentally innovation allows
us to harness the ideas and experience of a
highly trained workforce such as we have in
the RAN.’
C A P T B u c k l e y p o i n t s t o t h e re c e n t
resurgence in submarine capability as proof
that his team is thinking increasingly outside
the square. The 'Five Boat Force' (5BF)
program came in response to the Submarine
Force’s increase in available platforms while
workforce shortages still exist.
‘In essence the 5BF program adopted a
different crewing model for our Submarines
in long term maintenance in WA as well as
those being delivered from Full Cycle Docking
in Adelaide,’ CAPT Buckley said. ‘When
we put our heads together we realised that
these boats didn’t need the same construct
as a full deployable crew. The result was
the generation of a fifth submarine crew
in January this year while maintaining the
integrity of the remaining crews and our
Back at the innovation forum, sailors like AB
Warren McCarthy were keen to embrace
further innovation challenges.’ In the end
not every idea has to be a new idea,’ AB
Warren-McCarthy said. ‘Just spend some
time thinking outside the box.’
Q: What did you think of the innovation
A: A very fun environment which makes you
confident to speak out loud your ideas.
Q: What did you learn from the experience?
A: Not every idea has to be a new idea.
Think outside the box, we may have already
established the idea before within defence.
COMSUB’s 5 points to innovation
1. Have a think about what the source of the problem is and give some
consideration to the full range of solutions.
2. Consult widely within your work group and more broadly once you have
narrowed down some options.
3. Be sure to let your supervisor know that you are working up options to
solving the particular challenge and give yourself a realistic time frame to
provide proposed solutions.
4. Frame your proposal. Putting things into words will assist you in testing your
own solution sets.
5. Be flexible and be patient! Once you have put forward your options,
remember some things do take some time to implement.
EDITION 2, 2016
Q: How difficult can it be to be innovative
in Navy?
A: Sometimes you feel like it’s hard to be
innovative when Navy has already come up
with so many new ideas, however I thought
I was able to think outside the box with this
Q: What is the key to successful innovation?
A: Brainstorming is always a good friend.
Working together to come up with new and
improved ideas.
Q: What is your advice to others who have an
issue requiring an innovative solution?
A: Brainstorm and work together.
Q: What was your message to the forum?
A: My key message to the forum is that we
are in the midst of a remarkable increase
in capability and activity for Navy and that
in order for us to meet this challenge with
the resources that we have CN has given
all of us a license to innovate in the way
we do business. I made the point that in
the case of the Submarine Force the last
five years has seen remarkable change and
with it a series of challenges. We have not
only increased our numbers of crews from
three to four and now five but we have also
significantly increased the scale and scope
of our deployments. While our workforce is
expanding at an unprecedented rate, the
growth is uneven and in several areas still lags
our overall requirements. Additionally many of
our people are newly qualified and while very
well trained are still building their experience
base, all of this is being undertaken in the
context of a more complex and contested
Indo-Pacific region. To assure we safely and
effectively serve as the nation’s principal
strategic deterrent capability we require all of
our people to embrace innovation especially
at the waterfront.
Q: In a profession full of rules and regulations,
what can be the challenges of thinking
A: A key challenge here is that our processes
and structure may appear to limit the scope
for our people to innovate, especially at
the working level at sea and in waterfront
environments. The important thing here is
to appreciate that while there will always
be a need for adherence to process in
some cases such as in following the initial
responses to an emergency, there is also
scope to challenge these norms through
using a well thought through and debated
submission after the fact. I use the example
of the proactive OHSIR as a powerful means
of drawing attention to a problem along with
a potential solution in the safety domain.
Q: What are the benefits of innovation?
A: Innovative approaches to challenges can
be applied at all levels and in most scenario’s
they are not necessarily linked to an increase
in resources. Fundamentally innovation allows
us to harness the ideas and experience of a
highly trained workforce such as we have in
the RAN. As we discussed at the innovation
forum, it will be the application of innovative
solutions to challenges that will enable us
to maintain a war fighting advantage over
potential adversaries now and into the future.
The example I provided here is that the way
we approach Submarine Warfare is principles
rather than rules based. This enables the
crew to fight the submarine in a flexible
and agile manner. Innovative solutions can
be recommended and accepted by the
Command as the situation develops and
as new information comes to hand with an
iterative approach to fighting and winning.
Q: Can you give an example of an innovative
concept or idea which benefited submariners
(or Navy in general)?
A: The Submarine ‘Five Boat Force’ (5BF)
program is our innovative solution to the
specific challenge that increased submarine
availability is leading submarine workforce
growth. In essence the 5BF program has
adopted a different crewing model for our
SM’s in long term maintenance in WA and
those being delivered from Full Cycle Docking
in Adelaide, recognising that these boats
don’t need the same construct as a full
deployable crew. This program, generated
within the Force with significant input from
the workforce at the waterfront has resulted
in the generation of a fifth crew in Jan
2016 while maintaining the integrity of the
remaining crews and our key shore based
positions. When presented with this program
back in late 2014 both FC and CN were
very receptive to this innovative approach
that didn’t follow our usual way of doing
business. This openness to innovation from
our SLG has flowed through into the Forces
and I am seeing some tremendous initiative
filtering up from the boats and departments
ashore that reflect our people appreciate we
are committed to this endeavour.
Q: What is your advice to those confronted by
a problem or practice in need of a solution?
A: Have a think about what the source of
the problem is and give some consideration
to the full range of solutions. Consult widely
within your work group and more broadly
once you have narrowed down some
options. Be sure to let your supervisor know
that you are working up options to solving
the particular challenge and give yourself
a realistic time frame to provide proposed
solutions. Finally, spend some time framing
your proposal, putting things into words will
assist you in testing your own solution sets.
Finally be patient, once you have put forward
your options, remember some things do take
some time to implement. Importantly your
options may not be adopted exactly as you
have put them forward but may in fact serve
as the catalyst for something that is much
bigger than you had originally envisaged.
The important think to remind yourself about
innovation is that it is a team sport and
ideas as they are germinated will very often
form just one element of something much
HMAS Rankin Bibbulmun
Track Fundraiser for
Please help support our effort to raise $10,000 for beyondblue
HMAS Rankin will be walking the Bibbulmun Track end to end
during September. That’s 1000km in one month with a crew
of less than 60 people.
That’s $10 for every 1km walked. Please help us reach our goal
and raise awareness for those suffering from anxiety
and depression.
Follow our trek on Face book from 05Sep16 @HMASRANKIN
we are endeavouring to push ourselves to
the limit in an effort to help prevent such
devastating events impacting on other
families like ours.
The challenge that the crew have set for
themselves is to walk the 1000km Bibbulmun
Track from Kalamunda to Albany in less than
one month.
HMAS Rankin have committed to walking
the Bibbulmun Track during the month of
September in an effort to raise awareness
and $10,000 for beyondblue.
Over the past 18 months Rankin has lost two
crew members to the effects of depression
and anxiety. Due to the significant impact the
loss of our shipmates has had on the crew,
EDITION 2, 2016
Divided into teams of four, each group will
take on a section of the track in a relay
fashion and attempt to conquer the lengthy
You can follow our progress from 05
September 2016 on Face book @
HMASRANKIN. Donation to the beyond blue
foundation can be made by going to https://
We hope you enjoy watching our progress
as we take on one of the world’s great long
distance walk trails. 
Rankin will be holding a number of
fundraising events throughout August and
September and hope that you will support
our cause and watch us succeed in bettering
ourselves and building a stronger team, and
to help us reach our goal.
EDITION 2, 2016
and Awards
ASM with clasp Special OPs - AB McGill and CAPT Buckley.
Promotion - LS Goward and CAPT Buckley.
Bronze Level Commendation - LEUT Higgins.
CPO Parsons - Level 4 Engineering Authority.
Promotion - LS Zanki and CAPT Buckley.
Promotion - PO Elliott.
CPO Priddy - 20 Years RAN.
PO Crouch - 25 Years as a submariner.
Promotion - PO Tisdall and CAPT Buckley.
Promotion to Mid Shipman Semple.
EDITION 2, 2016
EDITION 2, 2016
Remembering the Fallen –
U.S. Memorial Day
ASC - fostering the
skills of their workforce
by: FT1(SS) Jean McKinney (USN)
By Jeremy Roberts
With warm rays of sun shining through the
clouds at the Princess Royal Fortress Military
Museum in Albany, Western Australia, the
master of ceremonies calls the attendees
to the attention of the national anthems
for both Australia and the United States of
America. The anthems are a representation
of two proud nations that have had brave
and courageous men and women make
the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy
the freedoms we do today. The ceremony
was attended by serving United States and
Australian submariners, their families, exsubmariners, and distinguished guests. On
this day they pay their respects to those
brave souls that will forever remain on eternal
patrol watching over American and Australian
Submariners every time we submerge in the
waters of the unknown.
For Tamara White and Neil Chaplin, working
for ASC as part of the Submarine Enterprise
is more than a job.
“I understand the hardships the crews go
through at sea or when they are alongside
waiting for a repair. If I can do that little bit
extra to make their lives easier then I will,”
Neil said. He was a Royal Australian Navy
submariner for two decades before starting
with ASC in Perth.
Submarine engineer Tamara, 27, has a
personal connection to the Submarine
Force. Her partner, LEUT James Bolton,
is a submariner and set to go back to sea
next year.
“I have a heightened personal interest in the
integrity of the submarine. I am intensely
aware of what it would mean if we got
anything wrong,” Tamara said.
The tolling of the bells is a remembrance
ceremony for the 52 USN Submarines and
the 3,505 men that were lost during WWII.
Their names and sacrifice forever etched in
history making way for more peaceful times.
As the names are read off by STS1(SS) Jake
Pendergrass (USN) and the bell is tolled
by FT1(SS) Jean McKinney (USN), all in
attendance grow to understand the sacrifice
made by American Submarines in WWII.
However they didn’t make that sacrifice
ASC employs more than 350 people in
Western Australia, known as ‘ASC West’, at
its Henderson maintenance facility and at the
Submarine Training School at HMAS Stirling.
As the Submarine Enterprise transitioned to
the 10+2 usage-upkeep cycle it will be ASC
West which is called upon to do more indepth maintenance activity, keeping five out
of six Collins Class submarines in the west.
Almost 75 years ago, the Australians reached
out to the United States in its greatest hour
of need. Commander Richard Salazar, USN,
made mention that US Submariners found
parts, provisions, industrial facilities, and
the assistance of those who trusted the
United States could turn the tide of the war.
American submarines launched 521 patrols
from Australia and sank a total of 1,722,000
tons of shipping thanks to the courage,
bravery, and resolve of the Australians. Of
the 52 submarines lost during WWII, 16 had
sailed from Australia. The acts from that time
have forged a bond that remains strong to
this day.
ASC’s CCSM Transition Project Manager,
Simon Rusiti, said the strategy was
succeeding, with submarine sustainment
performance and submarine availability
seeing big improvements on historical levels.
Lest we forget.
Tamara was promoted to be ‘lead engineer’
for the Intermediate Docking of HMAS
Dechaineux, considered a key stepping
stone towards more senior engineering
positions in the Submarine Enterprise.
“The next challenge is for the Submarine
Enterprise to go ‘beyond benchmark’ in
coming years, consolidating the reforms of
the Coles Review,” said Simon.
Tamara studied chemical engineering at
Adelaide University and moved from ASC
in Osborne, South Australia, to ASC West
in 2014.
FT2(SS) Jean Mc Kinney Tolls the bell for lost submariners.
EDITION 2, 2016
Tamara was excited about the future, with
ASC ready to play a key role in the Future
Submarine project in Adelaide while also
ensuring a seamless transition to a multiclass fleet with the Collins Class submarines
expected to continue operating into the
Neil and Tamara with HMAS Rankin.
“It’s an exciting time in WA to be involved in
submarines as the Future Submarine project
takes shape in Adelaide and WA is relied
upon more and more for Collins Class fleet
work,” said Tamara.
She is currently working on a project to
use wearable technology, such as handsfree video communication, to improve the
efficiency of maintenance inspections for
in-service submarines.
“WA is the perfect place to be for a young
submarine engineer – there is so much
growth happening and expected to continue.”
While Tamara and Neil may appear an ‘odd
couple’ – their diverse backgrounds are
being harnessed to solve the engineering
challenges faced at ASC West.
“I’ve learnt a lot from Neil in my time here,
such as new ways of looking at problems
and overcoming challenges – based on his
experience at sea,” said Tamara.
“In the west we are expected to come up
with solutions to problems quickly, because
we are on very tight time frames as in-service
submarines are on a very tight maintenance
With 23 years in the Royal Australian Navy,
including two decades in the Submarine
Force, Neil brings a wealth of experience to
ASC and the Submarine Enterprise.
“I was on the commissioning crew of the first
Collins Class submarine HMAS Collins and
worked my way up the chain of command
to become Deputy Marine Engineering Officer
on submarines,” said Neil.
Even when he resigned from the RAN to
join ASC in July 2011, he didn’t lose all
connections with the RAN. He is married to
RAN Warrant Officer Patrisha Chaplin, and
they have two teenage sons, with the eldest
also considering a life in the Navy.
Neil has seen a significant improvement in
submarine sustainment.
“The Enterprise is improving every year – I
wish I had this sort of support when I was
on submarines!” said Neil.
“ T h e re a re re a l l y g o o d re l a t i o n s h i p s
between Enterprise partners, as well as with
subcontractors,” said Neil.
Both Tamara’s and Neil’s expertise will be
put to good use in the Intermediate Docking
(ID) of HMAS Rankin, which recently returned
to ASC West for scheduled maintenance
after what was the longest deployment by a
Collins Class submarine.
EDITION 2, 2016
Working Together
Fleet Logistics Support Element Submarines,
better known as FLSE SUBS, is now three
years old, providing dedicated logistics
support to the Submarine Force. FLSE
SUBS was stood up in July 2013, as one
of the outcomes of the Logistic Stream
Implementation Project (LSIP) which was part
of the Submarine Capability Improvement
Project (LSIP). As the organisation has
evolved, so too has the working relationship
between personnel within FLSE SUBS and
Submarine crews.
FLSE SUBS aims to enable good submarine
(SM) practice through the provision of
effective maritime logistics and supporting
the Submariner Maritime Logistics personnel
onboard. Good SM practice can be defined
as “well established and documented
techniques, methods, processes, activities,
incentives or rewards that are more effective
at delivering a particular outcome than any
other technique, method or process.” The
overarching intent of good SM practice is to
ensure the continued safety and well being of
submarines and their crews while operating
at an optimal and sustainable level, whilst
remaining undetected and achieving the
operational intent.
AB ML-SC Scott Partington (Waller Support Cell)
handing over stores to AB ML-SC Christian
Moyers (Waller)
The team at FLSE SUBS celebrates their third birthday with a BBQ and cake.
SC) who is the cell manager, a LSML-SC
who is the cell supervisor, and two ABMLSC sailors. There are also a food services
and a support operations cell, who oversee
catering and hotel services onboard the
AB Warren-McCarthy working in FLSE SUBS
LEUT Gilkinson, MLO Dechaineux at Fleet Base West to
see HMAS Dechaineux departure for commencement of
her Sea Release Assurance Program.
EDITION 2, 2016
LEUT Crannage, MLO Sheean and AB ML-SC Boonrod
(Sheean cell member) on location supporting Sheean’s
Self Maintenance Period underway at Subic Bay,
FLSE SUBS, the organisation, came into
being just over three years ago. However, it
is the people within FLSE SUBS and onboard
the boats, working together, that has enabled
the timely and effective provision of logistics
support to the Submarines. Together this
has enabled the Submarines to continue
to achieve operational intent as a strategic
AB ML-SC Christian Moyers issuing stores to PO Steven
Robinson onboard Waller.
However, it is the relationship between each
of the FLSE support cells and the submarine
crew that has been the key to the success
of the re-structured organisation. The MLO
acts as a ‘head of department’ for the
Submarine, and the Cell members liaise
with their counterparts onboard to ensure
enabling high quality logistics support to each
of the boats.
FLSE SUBS has also been a Submariner
‘recruiting’ source. Some junior sailors
have requested postings to FLSE SUBS to
‘get a feel’ for Submarine Service before
volunteering. HMAS Waller offered to take
a FLSE SUBS member for a short period,
and AB Christian Moyers volunteered to
go. Following his brief sea ride in Waller AB
Moyers nominated for Submarine Service.
Right: Members of Sheean Support cell within
FLSE SUBS: LS ML-SC Grace Ransley and
AB ML-SC Shane Vaisey.
FLSE SUBS is structured to provide dedicated
logistics support to five submarines. Each
Submarine is supported by a logistics
support cell within FLSE SUBS. Each cell
has a LEUT Maritime Logistics Officer (MLO),
a PO Maritime Logistics Supply Chain (ML-
As some Submarine maintenance is carried
out at ASC in Adelaide, FLSE SUBS has had
the challenge of providing remote support
from Fleet Base West. This year, FLSE
SUBS sent a number of personnel across to
Adelaide, for short periods, to support both
HMA Submarines Farncomb and Waller.
FLSE SUBS was also lucky to maintain a
full-time presence in Adelaide through RAAF
Reservist FSGT Dominic Dempsey, who
is currently employed on Continuous Full
Time Service as the HMAS Farncomb Cell
Supporting deployments is a very important
part of FLSE SUBS role, and FLSE SUBS
personnel regularly deploy to various port
visit locations in order to support their
submarine. Submarines are now starting to
conduct two-week Self Maintenance Periods
(SMP) in other ports, including overseas. The
SMPs also require a FLSE SUBS ML-SC
sailor on site to provide inventory support
to the Submarine for the duration of these
maintenance activities.
“Working at FLSE SUBS is a challenging, fast
paced environment. There are many different
roles throughout FLSE SUBS that you can
work in, such as: the warehouse, the office
and the Submarine Distribution Point (located
on the Submarine Wharf at Fleet Base West)
to name a few. With so many jobs, it can
become a little difficult sometimes, though
due to having so many “Storbies” in the
one work place, you will always have the
knowledge, support and experience to help
get you through your tasks. Over my time at
FLSE SUBS, I have gained lots of experience
and skills, but most importantly, I have made
many lifelong friends” said ABML-SC Natalie
FSGT Dempsey, with his daughter Michelle, at Australian Submarine Corporation, Adelaide SA.
EDITION 2, 2016
Submariners at
Bastille Day 2016
Story by ABEWSM Tawhi “Tuffy” Eru
Images SGT Janine Fabre
Firstly, I would like to express how thankful I am
for being selected for this opportunity. With the
help of my divisional chain, a nomination was
submitted for my initial expression of interest.
With only a few personnel being chosen for
this privilege, the selection criteria was strict.
Overall, only four submariners were chosen
to represent the submarine force. Those who
were selected were a mixture of personnel from
across the navy, currently serving in various
roles within the ADF.
A total of 140 members across Army, Air
force and Navy made the transit to Randwick
Barracks in Sydney to complete necessary
briefs, uniform checks and a recap on parade
drill. Initially, it appeared that a small number
of people had probably not performed parade
drill since recruit school; nevertheless, the next
two weeks provided an ample amount of time
to achieve a high level of drill standard for the
2016 Bastille Day Parade.
Following all checks and rehearsals we
commence our travel to Darwin, Ali Mithi airbase
in Abu Dhabi then onto Paris. On arrival in Paris
we were once again briefed on local customs
and protocol. With a motorcade escort, we
made out way to the Jules Hardouin Military
Academy School in Saint Cyr I’École 20kms
outside of the Paris city limits.
While upholding Navy values both in and out of
uniform we were granted leave to explore the
sights of Paris. Many made the commute to the
city via train with an eager sense of adventure,
visiting the beautiful and wonderful sights of
la tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower), Notre Dame, the
catacombs and the Louvre just to name a few.
With the high level of military presence it didn’t
deter the hundreds of tourist populating these
famous sights.
The Submariner Contingent L-R: LSMTSM Ryan Wilson, LCDR Daniel Booth, ABEWSM Tawhi Eru,
POCISSM Kim Durbin in front of Jules Hardouin Military Academy School in Saint Cyr I’École.
The following days would be a large focus on
drill, firearms and parade training conducted at
the parade ground and on De-Champs Elysees.
This was to insure that all tri-service personnel
were performing to the highest standard of drill
for the event.
Being exposed to working in a tri-service
environment presented a unique opportunity to
expand working relationships. Performing duties
as an ADF contingent and representing Australia
on an international platform.
We took the opportunity to experience both
French culture and French military history
through organised group tours. We visited
places such as The Palace of Versailles (King
Louis XIV summer house.) and the Église
Saint-Louis-des-Invalides. (King Louis XIV final
resting place.)
Bastille Day commenced with an early morning
start; drawing weapons for the parade, final
uniform inspections and the commute to the
city. This day was truly like our ANZAC Day,
an event that unites the nation. There was a
huge sense of honour, pride and French flags
lining the city for this very special occasion. As
Australia was the nation of honour, this marked
a once in a four generation opportunity for the
ADF. It may be a while before Australia may be
in this position again and it was an honour to be
in Paris and march in their Bastille Day Parade.
Once again this was a unique opportunity and a
fantastic way to represent the Submarine Force,
Navy and the Australian Defence Force.
It’s a Submariner’s badge. When you earn the right to wear it, you earn the right to be a part of the Navy’s deep
elite. It means you join a very select group who go where few can and do what few dare. Are you ready to rise to
the challenge and become a Submariner? Call 13 19 01 or go to defencejobs.gov.au/submariners today.
submariners. the deep elite.
EDITION 2, 2016
EDITION 2, 2016
Perisher Qualified – Meet our
newest Submarine Captains
Torpedo Maintenance
Facility-HMAS Stirling
By LCDR Barry Carmichael
The RAN gained two new submarine
command qualified officers in LCDR Barry
Carmichael and LCDR Dan Sutherland on
the 23 April when the Dutch submarine
HNLMS WALRUS surfaced in the vicinity
of Glasgow, Scotland on completion of the
2016 Netherlands Submarine Command
Course (NLSMCC).
The Torpedo Maintenance Facility (TMF),
located at HMAS Stirling, was built in 1996
and commissioned in 1997, following the
RAN Submarine Force relocation from HMAS
Platypus to Stirling. This new facility was
built to provide for torpedo support in the
vicinity of the predominant torpedo user, the
Submarine Force; with torpedoes for aircraft
and ships, not based in WA, being shipped
to the East. It was initially responsible for the
preparation and maintenance of a multitude
of weapons; including the Mk48 Mod 4
Heavyweight torpedo (HWT), Mk46 Mod 1
& 5 Lightweight torpedoes (LWT) and the
Encapsulated Harpoon Certification and
Training Vehicle (EHCTV). It also undertook
maintenance of the RNZN Mk46 Mod 2 LWT.
The workforce numbered approximately 70
staff, comprising retired ex-service personnel
and APS, with three original staff transferring
f ro m t h e R A N To r p e d o M a i n t e n a n c e
establishment at Orchard Hills, NSW.
The course proved to be a challenging few
months for all the potential candidates who
were put through their paces in all aspects
of submarine operations. Activities included
Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti Surface
Warfare (ASUW), Special Forces Operations
and shallow water operations including
bottom contour navigation.
Run from the combined Netherlands and
Belgium Operations School (NLBEOPS) in
Den Helder; the NLSMCC, or Perisher as it
is more commonly known, is a sixteen week
program split into two shore-sea phases
focussed on safety and tactical objectives.
The course is designed to test the student’s
mental fortitude, resilience and tactical
proficiency as well as their ability to train
and lead their team in a variety of war-like
situations when under pressure and fatigued.
The ‘safety’ phase is four weeks of simulator
assessment followed by one week at sea
in the Norwegian fjords. The students
demonstrate that they are able to maintain
safety on multiple contacts at periscope
depth. This phase is as much about Teacher
gaining trust in his students as it is the
students gaining trust in their own abilities.
Commander Submarine Force, CAPT Matt Buckley is flanked by the RAN’s newest Submarine Command Qualified
Officers, LCDR Barry Carmichael (left of photo) and LCDR Dan Sutherland (right of photo).
Over the years TMF has been modified and
extended to accommodate both APS and
uniform engineering and logistic staff, moving
away from being solely a maintenance facility.
TMF currently operates under the direction
of Navy Guided Weapons System Program
Office – West (NGWSPO-W). The current
Sustainment Director for NGWSPO-W is
Captain Ljiljana Bradley RAN.
TMF is the only facility, resident in Australia,
with the ability to maintain and prepare the
Collins Class Submarine’s Mk 48 ADCAP
Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar
System Heavy Weight Torpedo (HWT). The
TMF is in transition to support and maintain
the Mk 54 LWT (the replacement for the Mk
46 torpedo), which can be delivered from
the MH60 Romeo helicopter and the new P8
Poseidon Maritime patrol aircraft. THALES
Australia work alongside the TMF staff to
maintain the new EUROTORP torpedo the
MU90, for the RAN surface fleet.
T h e f a c i l i t y c u r re n t l y h a s 5 6 c i v i l i a n
APS employees, three uniformed RAAF
personnel (working in LWT maintenance
and engineering positions), and 17 Navy
personnel; employed on permanent or
temporary duty. The Navy personnel are
employed in torpedo maintenance and
logistics, utilising their Navy training; and
gaining valuable experience in fields outside
of their standard category of employment.
This broadened work scope is expected to
enhance uniform staff skills, competence
and confidence, that will translate to
improved outcomes when they return to
ship, submarine, or squadron employment.
The Navy personnel are employed under the
direction of Mr Richard Lowe who believes
that the sailors are performing in roles that
support torpedo and EHCTV availability for
the fleet. Mr Lowe states “for each sailor
trained as a Weapon Maintainer, within the
Authorised Maintenance Organisation, they
provide approx 1130 maintenance hours
each per year. This equates to approx 2.5
Mk 48 practice weapons per person per
year, as the average end to end process
for turning an Mk 48 torpedo is approx 450
man-hours”. He further adds that “sailors
are offered J standard soldering courses, EO
courses and weapon theory courses on an
opportunity basis.”
This additional training not only enables the
RAN maintainers to be more effective in
the TMF but also offers the opportunity to
develop technical mastery in these weapons.
The Navy technical supervisor was POET
Brown who had been posted to TMF for
almost three years. Prior to his recent posting
to HMAS Perth he was responsible for the
technical supervision of four ABETSM’s,
four ATV’s and three ABET's. POATV Cace,
who joined in early 2016, has assumed the
responsibility for technical supervision.
PO Brown deems this posting to be a
fantastic challenge both technically
and administratively. He states “We are
On return to the NLBEOPS four more weeks
are spent on the “tactical’ sea phase. The
students complete a number of inshore
operations, ASW runs, Zero-Gyro angle
attacks, underwater looks and bottom
contour navigation operations. On successful
completion of the shore phase students are
taken to sea once again for the real thing,
operating as “Duty CO” of a Dutch submarine
in waters off the UK.
The course culminated on 23 April back
in the Firth of Clyde where Commander
Submarine Force, CAPT Matt Buckley met
his successful candidates.
“I am very proud of the efforts of the two
RAN Graduates who demonstrated great
resilience, leadership and tactical acumen
EDITION 2, 2016
….. and still time for a brew.
over an extensive period of intense training
and assessment. Perisher is an important
career milestone for these Officers who
are now qualified to Command an RAN
submarine, CAPT Buckley said.
The finalisation of the course occurred on the
following day with the now traditional Perisher
Breakfast where LCDRs Carmichael and
Sutherland were welcomed “to the club”.
Navy Guided Weapons Systems Program Office-West staff group photograph at HMAS Stirling.
EDITION 2, 2016
change in my working environment and
enjoy an excellent work-life balance. There
is a constant workload at TMF allowing for
plenty of hands on experience. Each day is
different, allowing exposure to a variety of
technical areas that I expect to enhance my
overall technical skill sets”.
responsible for the maintenance and defect
rectification on all weapon types. As to be
expected, the maintenance standards are
extremely high and the quality assurance
process is rigorous. All TMF procedures for
maintenance and maintenance administration
are detailed and precise. I have gained a
greater appreciation in keeping documentary
evidence accurate for inspections, which are
frequently initiated.”
PO Brown also adds “My posting to TMF
has been extremely rewarding and a
pleasant experience. I have felt privileged
to take on a role representing Navy, working
alongside the APS staff at TMF. I would
recommend a posting to TMF to others
as it presents a valuable opportunity to
broaden their experience, make a positive
contribution at TMF and allow for technical
mastery to be developed. This posting also
provides the opportunity to work away from
a predominantly uniformed workforce and
interact with our APS equivalents. I would
be a willing volunteer for future postings to
If you are professional, tenacious and resilient
and interested in a posting to TMF as part
of your ET career plan, TMF can offer you a
varied and interesting job that will assist in
your professional development. All enquires
should be directed to your Career Manager
at NPCMA WEST, via your Divisional Staff.
Able Seaman Electronics Technician Anthony Zdjelarevic
uses a piston ring expander to adjust a piston ring from
the engine section of a MK48 Heavyweight torpedo.
Recently four ABETSM billets were re-located
to TMF and these positions were quickly
filled. ABETSM Fruscke goes on to say “I
started my posting at TMF in January 2016,
following a sea posting to HMAS Sheean.
At TMF I am required to work alongside
our aviation and civilian counterparts, in all
areas of torpedo and EHCTV maintenance.
I have been involved in the repair of systems
down to component level and performed
repairs on circuit cards, instead of sending
the item away for repair by contractor or
manufacturer. This work is achieved utilising
extremely strict standards and procedures
to ensure that all TMF policies are adhered
to. I have set myself some fairly high goals
for my posting to TMF. I want to leave this
position being the best technical sailor that I
can be, knowing that my depth of technical
knowledge has improved vastly, during my
An additional two SM billets are planned to
be established in FY2016/17, these being for
Inventory Control (LS ML-SC SM) and Stock
Control (AB ML-SC SM). There is a further
intention to create additional technical and
logistic SM positions over the next few years.
My work at the TMF entails breaking down
Mk48 exercise weapons, to the lowest
replaceable level and re-building the engine
section, including functional and vacuum
tests. It takes roughly a week to build up an
engine and 3-4 days to break down the whole
weapon. After posting off HMAS Rankin and
coming to this facility I have embraced the
Navy and Air Force personnel in the Torpedo Maintenance.
EDITION 2, 2016
I joined the RAN almost 30 years ago, and
in that time I have amassed quiet a few
memories of my time in the service, good,
bad and ugly.
However, one of favourite recollections is
also one of my first. At 24, after working
for almost 10 years in various jobs ranging
from storeman to undertaker I decided to do
something different with my life, so I joined
the Navy in 1989.
I originally joined as a Clearance Diver, but
due to medical issues I found myself in the
situation where I could be stuck as blocks
party (which back then meant cleaning toilet
blocks and vacuuming floors) for a year and
then possibly being able to start another dive
course or change rate to another category.
In mid May, we pulled into Souda Bay,
Crete, and during our time there I managed
to get a day off (Day off, you’re a Part III
not a tourist), with another Part III, ‘Chook’
Fouler. So in the spirit of adventure we
decided to abandon the town and head for
the hills. We secured the use of a couple of
40cc motorised bikes and left the coastal
plane (small flat bit) and ventured up into the
mountainous regions of Crete.
Able Seaman Aviation Technician Avionics Matthew Dockrill conducts a routine inspection between the after body and
fuel cell of a MK48 Heavyweight torpedo.
By POCISSM I.F. Crouch
Now before I joined the Navy I did not even
know we had submarines, but decided that
it was just the challenge I wanted. As a result
six months later I found myself as a Part III
baby Underwater Controller (UC) on HMAS
Oxley on the Gallipoli Deployment around the
Another Able Seaman recently posted to
TMF is ABETSM Zdjelarevic who states “I
have been working at TMF for approximately
five months and thoroughly enjoy it.
Something I will
never forget …..
After several hours, we found ourselves going
through this little half horse town (this place
was not even big enough to be called a one
horse town). As we went down the main
(only) road of the town we were surprised
to see and old man standing in the middle
of it as we roared flat out (about 25 kph)
into town. He just stood there, watching us
and as we parted around him, me to one
side, Chook to the other, he stopped us by
pivoting as we went passed and with each
of his hands plucked us off the bikes, held
us aloft and carried us into an official looking
building and released us.
W ith a gnarled hand and a booming
voice, “SIT” he admonished us. So rather
apprehensively we sat wondering exactly
what obscure laws we had broken and
exactly how much trouble were we in. As he
appraised us and I him, I was not so sure we
had done anything wrong and it turns out I
was correct.
POCISSM Ian Crouch is presented a Certificate of Appreciation for 25 years service in the Royal Australian Navy by
the COMSUB CAPT Matt Buckley, CSC, RAN.
Stavros was his name, he was 76 years old
and he was the Mayor, Police Chief, and
various other sundry jobs in his little town
(the name of which is sadly lost to memory.)
He was also, during the occupation of Crete
during the war, a resistance fighter.
“You Aussie yes?” was his next statement,
(I think), his English was almost non existent
and our Greek was even worse, but we
did manage to assure him of our country
of origin. “Good” he boomed and retreated
to the rear of the Café/Courthouse/Police
station which seem to be his place of work
and well as his home, and returned with a
platter of goat, several local cheeses and a
clear liquid called as best as I can recollect
as Rakki.
We spent the next several hours being wined
and dined by Stavros. Funnily enough, as the
Rakki flowed the language barrier descended
into an area somewhere between ancient
Mesopotamian and Double Dutch and we
seemed to be able to understand each other
easily and he told us his story.
During THE war he was attached to a partisan
unit that also had two Australians that had
been left behind during the evacuation. They
spent several years raising hell against the
for three days before they could shake
pursuit and get to a doctor.
The others wanted to leave him, but ‘Bill’
would not leave a mate behind.
Stavros then took a photograph down from
the wall; it was a group of around a dozen
men in ragged clothes and brisling with
guns. He pointed out himself and Bill, and
explained to us that he was the last of his
group and when he passed none would
remember ‘Bill’ or what he had done; now
someone would.
Next to his photo in a new frame there was
another photo, obviously the front page of
one of the local papers that showed the
Oxley and taking about it being the first
Australian Submarine to visit Crete. He took
that down too, opened it up and asked us
to sign it, so he would have something to
remember his new Aussie mates by.
It was an amazing afternoon, spent with an
amazing old man who taught us the spirit of
the ANZAC’s was alive and well in the hearts
of the people of Crete half a century after
the fact.
I often wonder does that signed picture of
the Submarine still hang on the wall next to
those brave men.
During an operation that went pear shaped
Stavros had been injured severely. His Aussie
friend ‘Bill’ carried him around the mountains
EDITION 2, 2016
I told you I was joining
the Navy ….
The Odd things
Submariners do for Fun
By POML-SSM Kerry Cousins
By CPOMTSM Andy Keay
It was after ANZAC Day in Sydney 13 years
ago that I told my father I was going to join
the Navy, he is ex Navy and spent 20 years
in the service. Needless to say he did not
believe me, so, as many who know me would
not see me shy from a challenge; from that
point on it was game on!
Well it finally happened, after 44 years in
full time Defence service I’d managed to
convince the Navy to allow me to indulge in
some of this flexible working arrangement –
also known as Reserve Diary Days.
So the question is what do I do now that I
don’t have to worry about how much yearly
leave I have accrued, while still being a
contributing member of SUBFOR and the
wider Navy?
Having raced through the application process
I joined Recruit School as an Officer Steward
on 29 Sep 2003. My first interaction with
Submarines was when one of the boats
conducted a port visit to Sydney where I
managed to have a tour of HMAS Rankin.
I remember walking up to Capt Buckley
who was XO at the time, and giving him
the charriest salute you’ve ever seen. I was
immediately hooked and made the big move
to Perth in August 2005 to start my career as
a steward in submarines.
Well for some it’s a chance to spend more
time with family or support your local ESO1
– Hmm kids are all grown up and off doing
their own thing and I probably don’t need any
extra temptation to sit in an Ex Service club
telling warries, so that’s probably not me; or
you can go and indulge in something that’s
your real passion in life!
HMAS Rankin was my first submarine posting
as a ‘Part 3’ and I qualified for my Dolphins
on 10 August 2005 on HMAS Dechaineux.
I then served on HMAS Collins followed
closely by HMAS Farncomb. I left the west to
go to Fleet Headquarters in June 2007 where
I was lucky enough to be Fleet Commanders
valet for RADM Nigel Coates for two years.
I then took some time off to have my
daughter, Hailey. Hailey is now seven and
during the last seven years I have been
posted to FLSE - SUBS and completed
a two year posting to HMAS Sheean. As
a mother who had not spent more than a
week away from her daughter this was a
little daunting however, I had a great support
system of family and friends as-well as the
Command team and COB onboard.
I have recently been promoted to Petty Officer
and was fortunate enough to have been
posted to Training Authority-Submarines as
the Submarine Qualification Team Leader.
My team and I under the direction of Warrant
Officer Mark Budden, (‘Buds’) and Chief
Petty Officer John Farrell are responsible
for the trainees during their submarine sea
qualification phase.
EDITION 2, 2016
As a team, we liaise with the Submarines to
provide the best training opportunities for
the trainee’s including sea days, alongside
duties and training opportunities so they
can complete their Collins Class Submarine
Sea Qualification Task Book. On completion
of their task books, trainees are then
given various scenario based assistance
in preparation for their board, which is
held at the Submarine Training Systems
Centre (STSC). Once qualified the sailors are
presented with their Dolphins at an award
ceremony followed by a BBQ at STSC. We
are also responsible for all divisional matters
which has been a massive learning curve
for myself as I have always been the sole
steward either on boats or as a valet.
In the 5 months I have been here at STSC
so far, we have awarded 44 trainees of
varying rates and rank their dolphins. I feel
privileged to be involved in the process and
enjoy seeing the trainee’s progress from
completion of Initial Collins Class Course to
being awarded their dolphins and becoming
part of the family. I cannot think of any other
career I would want to have and I am thankful
for the paths that have recently been afforded
to Maritime Logistic Submariners.
For me this passion is cycling in some exotic
foreign location and if you can add some type
of positive benefit to the local population, then
so much the better. Researching the available
cycling destinations and tour options I settled
on a tour run by an Australian company
based in Hanoi in Vietnam. The ride basically
ticked all my boxes in that the distance was
reasonable, some 540Km over seven days of
riding on rural Vietnamese roads (more about
those roads later), the location was exotic
and included a presentation of a brand new
bicycle to an underprivileged Vietnamese
school child.
For those of us who do not know, the
Socialist State of Vietnam does not provide
free education for its people. The average
cost of educating a child currently runs about
5 million Vietnamese Dong (VND)/ per six
months of schooling. When you consider
that the average wage in Vietnam equates
to 1.5 – 4 million VND per month and most
Vietnamese families have more than one
child, this imposes a significant strain on the
income of an average family. Therefore to be
considered “underprivileged” in Vietnamese
society generally means that your parents are
low paid manual workers or that one or both
of your parents are deceased.
ESO – Ex - Serviceman’s Organisation.
Henderson – A suburb near Rockingham in Western Australia.
Top Gear – A popular BBC TV motoring show.
Even with this significant financial obstacle in
the way, attendance by Vietnamese children
at school is nearly 99%, as their families’ view
education as a way out of the poverty trap.
So to receive a brand new bicycle (valued at
$50 AUD) is a significant boost to a family
that probably earns less a year than I spend
on bicycle spare parts! It also enables the
child to transit faster between the home and
the school, therefore enabling them to fulfil
their family obligations without impacting their
ability to attend school.
So with logistics all sorted, wife in agreement
to come along as a non cyclist we arrived
in Hanoi in late March 2016. The first thing
noticeable about Hanoi is that it was 18
degrees, overcast and not a single jungle
looking palm tree in sight. Time to run out
and buy that jacket I left behind!
Once settled in to the hotel it was time to
learn the Vietnamese road system. Firstly,
being a former French colony they drive
on the wrong side of the road. Or more
appropriately, ride motorbikes on the wrong
side of the road. However it is all done with
that French flair and seems to work quite
well, even though no one actually seems
to know what the road rules are. While this
“learning to cross a road” may seem trivial
to most tourists, when you are expected to
climb aboard a bike and cross 8 converging
lanes into a large roundabout flooded with
motor bikes the next day, getting a handle
on how the locals do things takes on a whole
other meaning!
The next day arrived and it was off for our
first ride around Hanoi and the surrounding
country. The road system around Hanoi
is generally well maintained, if somewhat
confusing, however we weren’t here to
simply ride the tourist routes. Off we went
along service roads that make Mews Road in
Fremantle look like a German autobahn! But
the whole experience was worth it, including
the roundabout adventure as well as crossing
over the road/rail bridge designed by M. Eiffel
that survived the attention of American B52
aircraft during the war. Ride one completed
if a little shaken but not stirred!
The next section of the ride took us to the
old imperial city of Hue and a morning visit
to the citadel, before an easy afternoon cycle
around the local district. Unfortunately, part
of this easy ride consisted of a section along
Highway One. Imagine cycling up the coast
road to Henderson2 with semi trailers and 40
seater buses overtaking each other on the
hills or blind corners and then you get the
idea. Time for some refreshment and a swim
in the hotel pool!
Next morning brought the start of the serious
cycling, with that nights destination the small
town of Lan Co and the approaches of Hai
Van pass. Not a great distance from Hue by
highway, but as I said we weren’t here to ride
the easy route. Six hours later and 60+ Km of
rural road in 35 degree heat and sunshine we
arrived in Lan Co. Time for some refreshment
and a swim in the pool! Although with Hai
Van pass, one of my personal challenges,
first up in the morning most opted for an
early night.
Hai Van pass – Top Gear3 describes it as “a
deserted ribbon of perfection” - deserted
except for motorbikes and cows! From a
cyclists perspective the reality is 10 Km of
8 – 10% switchbacks with no chance of a
break until you reach the summit. One hour
20 minutes (at the one hour point I began
questioning why I was doing this for fun!! )
after leaving Lan Co the old French watch
towers finally came into view. Probably one of
the slowest ride times I’ve ever done, but I’d
made the top without stopping. Now for the
payoff, 50+Km/hour going down the other
side dodging tour buses and trucks (and
motorbikes) coming up, all on Vietnamese
EDITION 2, 2016
roads! Yippee, Da Nang and China Beach
never looked so good. One item ticked off
the bucket list! Well at least until I do it again
next year.
After a couple of nights break in “Cui Dai
Beach” and “Hoi An” - old town, and allowing
for some retail therapy, it was off again. First
by boat transfer to a fishing village – which
I’m sure was simply to remind us that we
were in Asia – where we then remounted the
bikes for the trip to the town of Tam Ky. It was
in Tam Ky where we would present the bikes
to the school children.
The general idea of this tour is that it runs
through parts of Vietnam that rarely see
westerners. Tam Ky as a town didn’t actually
exist until the Government of Vietnam
decided to create an administrative centre
some 20 years ago. As such westerners and
in particular tourists are extremely rare here.
The town is typical of Socialist Government
constructions – large wide boulevards,
parks full of patriotic art work and loads of
government buildings, all a bit reminiscent
of Russell precinct in Canberra. Needless to
say we were somewhat surprised to arrive
at what appeared to be a copy of a 1930’s
French villa, the headquarters of the Red
Cross in this area. Very Vietnamese!
one had overcome their individual adversity
to become a high achiever in school and in
their community.
In the case of the young lady I presented
with a bike, her mother worked 16 hours a
day as a market seller, while her father was a
construction labourer. Given that WHS4 isn’t
a real big issue in Vietnam, his outlook for a
long life isn’t all that great. Couple that with
the thought that these types of workers are
poorly paid for long hours and no welfare
system, then you get the picture of what real
poverty is like.
Bearing in mind that the girl is only 13 years
of age, when she spoke about herself she did
so in flawless English. This from a girl who
lives in a 3rd world country where English
isn’t yet widely spoken, then you get the idea
of the drive to achieve these children have.
There is a point here that some Australian
children should take notice of!
As previously mentioned, the point of
donating the bikes is so that the journey
to and from school can be made more
efficiently. Most of these children don’t have
the luxury of going home to play with the X
box or spend time surfing the net. These kids
go home to work. Whether it’s in the family
rice field or at the family business, they go
home to work to help support their family!
There is also one up side to cycling to school
in Vietnam. Anybody who has ever been
caught on the roads of rural Vietnam at
school change time, very quickly realises that
the ride home for the children is their biggest
social event of the day. It’s the time when
they actually get to be children! I tell you what
– there ain’t no road rage against cyclist’s in
rural Vietnam. The whole experience of being
caught amongst hundreds of well behaved,
polite children does give us older blokes
hope for the future!
WHS - Work Health and Safety.
EDITION 2, 2016
The following day it was off again, however
the happy euphoria of the previous afternoon
was soon to be tempered by a history lesson.
The ride also takes in the My Lai – Son My
Memorial from what the Vietnamese call the
American War and we call the Vietnam War.
To say that a visit to this memorial leaves you
with a profound feeling of sadness would be
an understatement. Those of us who are old
enough to remember what occurred here in
1968 will not need reminding of one of the
more darker points of the war. For those
that are too young to know what happened
I’ll leave the explanation to Dr Google or Mr
Wikipedia. Needless to say the rest of the
afternoon ride was completed in a somewhat
sombre mood.
Over the following two days we cycled an
average of 100 Km per day. Did I mention
the state of rural roads in Vietnam? The
event culminated with an ascent of Fish
Pass, another of these wonderful 8-10%
switchback climbs, with the ride completing
at the junction with Highway 1.
Waiting for us were eight Vietnamese school
children in immaculate school uniforms and
Mr. Chairman.
Our Vietnamese guide asked each of the
children, who ranged in age from 6 to 14, to
give a brief overview of themselves. Without
a doubt each child’s story was one of loss
or hardship. Most had lost one parent, with
one actually having lost both. However each
that most restaurants are closed by 1930.
As such an early night was enjoyed by all;
another reason why tourists don’t generally
visit here.
With the official part of the ride over and all
the participants feeling that we had actually
achieved something worthwhile, it was off to
the hotel for some refreshment and a swim
in the pool. Unfortunately with Tam Ky being
a government town in the Socialist mould,
nightlife was somewhat restricted to the point
Then it was off to the (mainly) Russian tourist
town of Nha Trang, located on the shores of
beautiful Cam Ranh Bay. During the Cold
War era this part of Vietnam was home to a
large part of the Soviet Far East Fleet. Today
however there is nothing left to remind the
average tourist of this part of recent historical
events. The whole bay area is now under
going a vast transformation into Vietnam’s
version of the Gold Coast, particularly with a
view to attracting english speaking tourists.
There are however still four Aeroflot flights
direct to Moscow daily and you are still given
restaurant menu’s written in both Vietnamese
and Russian – makes for an interesting time
when ordering a meal!
With that and after the obligatory beach
party, where we taught the Vietnamese
Doctor how to play beach cricket, it was off
to HCM or as it’s commonly called Saigon.
Our arrival in a city I could only describe as
Sydney on steroids, signalled the end of
what had been a demanding but ultimately
satisfying experience. A satisfying experience
I will be repeating next year, as the challenge
is now set to do the whole journey in a faster
time, while also being a year older.
Ultra Man “Styr labs Badwater 135”
By CMDR Dave Graham
Today I am an Ultra Runner in the true sense
of the word. I have not always been an ultrarunner, in fact I’ve not always been a runner,
more an occasional jogger who thought he
was a runner. That has all changed. Today
I am standing at the start of the Badwater
Ultra-marathon in Death Valley, Nevada. It is
2300 and already 44 Degrees Celsius. The
moon has just risen, there is a light wind
behind my back, I am 85 meters below sea
level, I make note that is below safe depth.
I have 217km ahead of me to the finish line
(think Fremantle to Busselton). The finish is at
8500 feet, 1200 feet higher than the summit
of Kosciuszko. I am relaxed and comfortable
with the task ahead of me. It’s just running
after all, simple, one foot in front of the other.
Which strikes me as odd given Badwater is
touted as the toughest foot race on earth.
Time to find out.
Unbeknownst to me the journey to Badwater
began 10 years ago. In command of patrol
boat I wanted to keep fit, so I decided, much
to the crew’s amusement, to run 5km every
afternoon around the deck. It was not easy,
I was overweight and running on a moving
deck is a challenge at the best of times. I
ran my first half-marathon in 2008, followed
by a marathon in short order. I was hooked.
I lost weight, I felt fitter and my resilience
improved, as did my ability to handle stress
and demands of being at sea and long hours
I’ve since made it my mission to run and race
whenever I can, wherever I may find myself.
I’ve been fortunate to race in the US, UK,
France, Italy, South Africa, Nepal and New
You don’t just wake up and decide to race
Badwater. The race is by invitation and only
100 applicants are accepted each year.
This was my year. I thought I had enough
runs on the board (37 ultra-marathons
and 30 marathons) to be competitive. The
application is similar to applying for a job,
it took me an hour to complete and then it
was in.
To be successful at Badwater you need
the training in your legs, the right mental
preparation and exposure to heat (given
temperatures on race day exceed 50 C). I
committed to running at least 160km each
week. I immersed myself in race reports,
Dave Crossing the Finishing line – Job Done!!
maps and developed a strategy with my crew
that would not only get me over the finish
line, but within the top 20 finishers in under
30 hours. As a submariner we have that
ability to think outside the box, to commit to
that which would leave others behind. I often
reflected on my training and experience in
submarines as I prepared to run this race.
It is 80 percent in your head. The physical
act is easy. The mental task for a race of this
proportion is epic.
the Deputy Director Submarine Personnel in
Submarines Branch in Canberra. Aside from
his SM career Dave has also served as, CO
of an ACPB (winning the Kelly Shield), in the
UK Sea training Group on exchange, as XO
Creswell, and Secretary to COMAUSFLT.
Dave is currently on CO Desig course before
assuming command of a Major Fleet Unit.
I don’t consider myself a particularly gifted
athlete, more likely just stubborn and I don’t
give up. In reality I have learned how to tame
my ego, control my thoughts and really
focus on a task. Running extreme endurance
events has taught me about myself. It started
with an easy 5 km around a ship. I know
many ultra-runners that started at Park Runs.
It’s never too late. As someone once said:
“do yourself a favour”, go for a run. You’ll
get fit, enjoy the camaraderie with other like
minded folk and your resilience will increase;
all good traits in dealing with life and the
demands of serving (in submarines) at the
forefront of our nation’s strategic deterrent.
Dave gained his Submarine Qualification
in 1997 on HMAS Collins, his career in
submarines included postings to HMAS
Waller (twice), HMAS Farncomb, HMAS
Sheean and as the commissioning XO in
HMAS Rankin. More recently he served as
A true challenge.
EDITION 2, 2016
Growing up a poster
child for Defence
The start of an
exciting journey
By Tamara Robinson
By LEUT Dhananjay Gangurde
It’s a scenario most Defence families can
relate to—a child saying good-bye to a
parent who is heading off on deployment.
But this farewell was caught on camera and
a poignant moment between a little boy and
his dad became an iconic image for Defence.
My name is LEUT Dhananjay Gangurde
or ‘DJ’ to my friends (in fact pretty much
everybody as its easier to say!), and I am
currently posted to Training AuthoritySubmarine up at the Submarine Training
and Systems Centre as a Submarine Marine
Engineer Officer under training.
Jack Dennis was just four years old when the
image was snapped of him farewelling his
submariner father, who at that time was Able
Seaman Jamie Dennis, as Jamie departed
from Fleet Base West.
I was born in Mumbai where my family still
remain and, before moving to Brisbane
in 2006, I did a degree in Mechanical
Engineering. I went on to achieve a Masters
of Mechanical Engineering from the University
of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane and spent
some time working in Townsville.
“All I remember is that I felt sad because I
knew I wouldn’t see Dad for a while,” said
But his mother, Chief Petty Officer Karen
Dennis, has clear memories of the occasion.
“We were on the wharf farewelling Jamie,
when he squatted down to put his forehead
on Jack’s and said 'Cookie, you are going to
be the man of the house while I am away, so
I need you to look after your mum and your
sisters. Can you do that for me?’”
Jack and his parents, Jamie and Karen, at Fleet Base West. Photo by Chief Petty Officer Damian Pawlenko.
apply to join the Navy as
a helicopter pilot.
It was a very special moment and one she
has never forgotten.
Karen said, “I am very
p ro u d o f J a c k i n h i s
aspiration to become a
Navy Pilot and I’ll support
him in whatever way I can
to help make his dream
come true.” 
“I love that photo because I know what his
father said, and that it gave Jack strength
after his dad went away for months,” said
With two parents as serving members in
the Navy, Jack and sisters Jaide, Demi and
Jessi have had many opportunities to say
“I really miss Mum and Dad when they have
to go away for a long time, especially when I
was younger,” said Jack.
And those separations may well have
influenced Jack’s future career path.
“Hearing Mum and Dad talk about places
they go to while away makes me envious. I
want to join the Navy so I can travel around
the world too.”
EDITION 2, 2016
Prior to joining the Navy, I had a professional
career as an acoustics engineering consultant
working with an environmental consultancy
company. I worked on a number of acoustic
projects including such diverse areas as
environmental and occupational noise
impact assessments, underwater fauna noise
surveillance, and aircraft noise. Although I
spent a couple of years doing great work
which I enjoyed, I really wanted a career in
Whilst at Uni I knew I was interested in a
career in Navy and, now an Australian citizen,
I applied to join in 2013. I knew this move
would mean a drastic change in my career
and lifestyle and this would be no ordinary
job, but a job that could take me to new
places. A role that would keep me involved
in fitness and sports, provide training and
advance my engineering skills, and offer me
a dynamic and challenging environment to
learn and work, including the gateway into
the Submarine service.
“But, as I have grown up, I am able to cope
better with the separation.”
Eleven years after the photo that made him
a poster child on Defence publications, Jack
is now 15. He plans to finish year 12 and
I still remember, growing up as a kid, being
fascinated by many extreme engineering
projects. Rockets, space shuttles, satellites,
the space station, bridges, submarines,
fighter planes were some of the things that
always intrigued me. I always believed “If it’s
bold; it’s beautiful” and any projects that I
thought were bold had my attention. I was
amazed by people that challenged limits
and succeeded and I wanted to be a part of
something similar. Maybe that’s one of the
reasons why I once dreamt of becoming an
The image of four-year-old Jack has been in use throughout Defence Community
Organisation for the past 10 years. Photo used with permission.
If you are looking at joining the Navy or the
Defence Force in general, below are some
points you may find helpful
with the recruiting process.
1.R e m e m b e r i t ’ s a
professional job
interview. Dress smartly
and present yourself in a
professional manner for
all recruiting interviews.
2.Know the trade or job
you are applying for. I
recommend talking to
defence personnel
within the same areas
that interest you. You can
check the defence jobs
website or contact your
nearest Defence Force
Recruiting (DFR) Centre.
3.Have an understanding
of the basic training
requirements and career
Lieutenant Gangurde onboard HMAS Arunta during their visit to
Busan, Republic of Korea.
4.Have a broad knowledge of defence
force general activities, nationally and
internationally. I recommend watching
the news and checking defence service
newspapers at the DFR.
And remember - achieve and maintain a
good fitness level!
I headed down to HMAS Creswell in
February 2014 for my Initial Military Training
where I learnt about the Navy in general
and how to march amongst kangaroos
on the Quarter Deck! From there it was
HMAS Cerberus for the Engineer Officer
Application Course (EOAC) where I met
LEUT McCowan (now the MEO on HMAS
Dechaineux) who was a great source of
advice on submarines. Although recruited
as a Direct Entry Submarine Engineer I still
had to undergo selection training which I
successfully completed in February 2015 just
one year after joining the Navy.
The Submarine Selection Course consists
of health and psychological assessments,
and provide members with information on
the Submarine lifestyle at the Submarine
Selection Course (SSC) that allows you
to make an informed decision. As it’s a
specialist force and can be more demanding
you need to understand the impact it may
have on your personal life and the benefits
of being a qualified submariner. Australian
Submarines consist of highly advanced
engineering designs and systems which is
what attracted me personally. Submarines
operate deep underwater, and therefore
does not offer lot of room for errors. To
operate in such an environment submariners
are provided with intensive training, which
in turn advances their professional growth.
All these factors, is what I believe makes
the Submarine Force the most professional
arm of the Navy, and I knew I wanted to be
a part of it.
I still had other hurdles to get over and
having finished EOAC in late 2014 I was
posted to HMAS Arunta as an Assistant
Marine Engineer Officer to achieve my
MEO CC which I attained in April this year.
I have recently completed the Initial Collins
Class Course (ICCC), the 1st phase of
Submarine Training, and am now well into the
Submarine Officer Training Course (SMOTC)
which will finish in early 2017. From there it
will be off to my first submarine to gain my
‘Dolphins’, an award I am very much looking
forward to. Of course it won’t stop there….I
will then have to work towards my MEO CQ
hopefully sometime in mid 2018 and then a
posting as an MEO….and then….perhaps for
another article. 
EDITION 2, 2016
All part of the team A little bit about CPO
Select Ferguson, USN
Wow, That
Went Quickly
By WOMTSM C.R. Garner, AM
By CPO William Montey Ferguson
William Montey Ferguson is my name. Now a
Chief Select in the United States Navy after a
long 10 and a half years. I never did imagine
myself in this position. I actually didn’t have a
plan at all for after high school. I was really just
making it all up as time went by. My father and
my brother were the ones that really pushed me
into the military. Even when the week came that
I was to leave for boot camp I tried to get out
of it. Boot camp was nothing like I expected it
to be after seeing so many military war movies.
The amount of folding clothes a specific way
and cleaning to a ridiculous detail was the
biggest surprise I had. I always told myself
the military would be great because I wouldn’t
have to clean so much anymore but that turned
out to be exactly the opposite. As boot camp
ended we did have a great weekend to spend
in Chicago, exploring a new place for the first
time since I joined up. It was also the first time
we got to see all the women in boot camp able
to do their hair and makeup which was a drastic
change from what we had seen during the 2
months of training. It was a great ending to
the 2 months that turned me into a completely
different person and the start of a new life.
I left for the airport after that weekend in full
dress blues on a cold day. It was me and 4
others all transferring to the submarine base
in Groton, Connecticut for our training to be
submariners. Not one of us had any idea what
we would actually be doing when we got there.
It was 1 long year of schools before any of us
ever made it onto a submarine. We took a tour
of a boat halfway through our courses and it
was like a whole new world down there. It was
a very much smaller world. There was a stigma
that I remember going around as we all went
through our courses. It seemed that everyone
who had a red notebook was getting kicked out
1 by 1. Weather it was for a car accident, heath
issues or getting caught drinking underage. It
got to the point where the guys either changed
the color of their notebooks or just got a new
one and transferred all the notes over. After
that it seemed that everyone left finished the
courses just fine.
As we came to the end of our courses everyone
was excited and nervous about what was to
come and where we would all be stationed.
I stayed in Connecticut as I had met a girl a
few months earlier that I would ultimately ask
to marry me after we had been together for
a while. I was transferred to the USS Miami
SSN 755 for my first tour. My first experiences
EDITION 2, 2016
on my part would only be self serving. So,
were Oberon class submarines (O boats)
better than the Collins Class submarines
(CCSMs) and which one would I prefer to
serve on? Tough question. Both have their
pluses and minuses, but I still maintain the aft
mess of an O boat is the best place to live on
an Australian submarine, although the ‘figure
of eight’ motion on the surface in rough
weather took a little while to get used to.
there were great. All the men I was working
with were very helpful and my first Chief soon
went off to his next tour and was advanced to
Master Chief in only 14 years. It was a great
thing to see for us to get motivated with our
careers and working hard. It was only a few
weeks after we left on deployment when my
wife asked me for a divorce. It turned my life
upside down very quickly and the added stress
of that on top of dealing with everyone getting
on me for my submarine qualifications made
my first deployment pretty rough. I guess in
the end having things start out so hard just
made everything else seem a little easier as it
all came up.
I spent 4 years on the USS Miami involved in
2 deployments, the second of those lasting 8
months and being extremely rewarding with the
experiences we had. I was able to visit most
of the larger European countries and we were
the first U.S. submarine to pull into Israel in
over 10 years. Other than the stresses of being
unqualified and going through a divorce my time
on the Miami gave me tons of life experiences
and ultimately gave me the building blocks that
made me the sailor I am today.
A very happy CPO Select Ferguson on
hearing the good news.
I transferred off the USS Miami to the
schoolhouse for 6 months where I had a great
time and met some of the best friends I have
had. Out of the five of us, three have made
Chief in the last 2 years. For the other two, one
is working as a civilian contractor, and the last
is eligible for Chief next year. With all the trouble
we used to get ourselves into I never thought
we would end up being some of the leaders in
the submarine force. I stay proud that I was able
to work with every one of them.
I was very on the edge of leaving the Navy as
the end of my second enlistment grew near.
The plan was to get out and find a civilian job
if I was not advanced to chief in less than 10
years. When the time came I was not eligible for
the exam and was about to get out. I told my
leaders that I would only re-enlist if I received
orders to Europe or Australia. Surprisingly,
Australian orders came up and I was selected
for them just a few months from the end of my
contract. Being excited about that and making
me stick to my word I reenlisted for another
6 years. I went through a few schools and
am now stationed on the HMAS Dechaineux
on Garden Island, just outside of Fremantle,
Australia. My time here has been excellent so
far, and I look forward for what is yet to come.
My next tour was spent in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
on the USS Charlotte. I was not impressed with
my division or parts of the crew when I got there.
Being brought up on a boat in Connecticut
being extremely prideful of the command and
always being held to a ridiculously high standard
the relaxed nature of a boat in Hawaii really
threw me off. I went from being a mid level
worker on the USS Miami to a top performer
on the Charlotte. I spent 4 and a half years on
the USS Charlotte being very proud of leaving
the boat at the peak of personnel performance.
The men started as a low level crew when I got
there and was transformed into the top crew on
the waterfront winning the Weapons Excellence
“W,” and stated as the best Sonar Division on
the waterfront by the Squadron Commodore.
I have had great Chiefs and I have had terrible
Chiefs. The good thing about both sides is what
I learn from all of them. I have learned what to
do to be a great Chief and I have learned the
things that I should never do as a Chief. Every
experience, good and bad, has formed me into
who I am today: Chief Select Ferguson. I look
forward to training my men to be leaders and
teaching our junior officers how to be the best
leaders for their men. I am headed to the next
chapter and only hope I can be as good as
the Chiefs who got me here. My inspirational
leaders are EMCM James Grant, CMDCM Rory
Wohlgemuth, STSCS Raj Sodhi and STSCS
Jay Kenny. Thanks for all the help getting me
to where I am and I will do my best to be a
great Chief! 
Now that’s a presento!
As I prepare to leave SUBFOR for a
posting as Ships Warrant Officer on HMAS
Toowoomba, I have been asked to reflect
on three topics. My career in submarines;
my perspective on the future; and what do
I plan to take with me from submarines into
the broader Fleet as a SWO.
My career in submarines. I know I have
enjoyed most of it, disliked some of it,
and have been challenged by all of it. The
challenge and the chance to do something
different are the two reasons I chose and
continued to pursue a career in submarines.
And, I suspect, two of the main reasons
many others choose a submarine career.
The main highlight has been the chance to
serve with like-minded people contributing to
something that is more than the sum of its
individual parts; the low-lights are personal
and I will keep them to myself. I will let others
be the judge of the success or otherwise of
my submarine career, any further comment
What does the future hold for Australian
Submarines? Challenge and opportunity.
The efforts of many people in the Submarine
Enterprise have borne fruit in many different
positive ways. This has been reflected in
the 2016 Defence White Paper and the
decision to build a fleet of twelve replacement
submarines. The challenges will be many and
varied, but the opportunities will fantastic and
I am a little jealous of the personnel who will
serve in the new class. Now, when are we
going to name them?
What I will take with me. Many things, but
the most important thing is any organisation
is only as good as its personnel, and
the personnel are only as good as the
organisation allows them to be. Seems
a circular statement and it is, a feedback
loop if you like. A bad organisation will
generate bad personnel who will make the
organisation worse, which will lead to even
worse personnel, moral, performance, etc.
On the other hand, a good organisation will
generate good personnel who will make the
organisation better, etc. So, that is what I
will take with me; if I want good personnel
I need to provide a quality organisation and
leadership that gives them the trust, training,
time and space to do their jobs and live their
lives to the best of their ability. All the rest will
build on that simple foundation.
I wish you and yours all the best.
Editors note: WOMTSM Garner qualified
as a submariner on 22 May 1987, and has
since served in HMAS Submarines Ovens,
Onslow, Otway, Collins (Commissioning
Crew), Rankin, Sea Training Group, COLLINS
SPO, and Submarine Force Headquarters,
he commences his tenure as Ship’s Warrant
Officer HMAS Toowoomba on 29th August
2016. 
EDITION 2, 2016
Like Brother like Sister
like Father ….
Photos Courtesy LS Dave Croft
Submariner brother and sister, Ben and Rhiannon Webb.
Gough Recently
My interest in the Royal Australian Navy was
first discovered during the late years of high
school, when I was younger and still trying
to find a sense of direction in life. Originally
I had overlooked the jobs in submarines,
being more focused on the surface fleet. I
hadn’t yet been introduced to the world of
submariners and its boundless opportunities
until one day when I had read an article online
about just how unique the life of a submariner
is. It was then that my curiosity drove me to
join the Navy as a direct entry submariner,
2 years ago. Ever since then it’s been an
incredible journey of constantly learning
and being exposed to the unique working
environment that is a Collins class submarine.
Submariners through and through, the family tradition continues with brother and sister
joining in their father, Warren Webb’s footsteps in this specialised career.
The two newest submariners grew up in the Rockingham Area, not far from the home
of the Australian Submarine Force. 20 year old SMNML-SSM (UT) Rhiannon Webb
is currently posted to HMAS Waller and is the older of the two with younger brother
ABAWASM Ben Webb posted to HMAS Farncomb.
Submariner - AB Ethan Gough.
I was lucky enough to experience more sea
time then usual as a trainee submariner which
allowed me to see first hand how challenging
and rewarding the life of a submariner can
be. During my training phase I posted onto
HMAS Rankin which is an experience that I
will never forget, as it was the first time I had
ever gone to sea on a submarine. At first it
was daunting, until the crew of the submarine
put my mind at ease and helped me get use
to routines and responsibilities that were
involved. It was an amazing experience
being out at sea and I would jump onto the
opportunity to get back out there.
EDITION 2, 2016
Commanding Officers
By LCDR Brad Francis, XO HMAS Rankin
HMAS Rankin had the pleasure of hosting
Australia’s Senior Perisher Survivor, Mike
Hickie, DSC for a Commanding Officer’s
Luncheon whilst alongside Fleet Base East
on the 4th of March. A graduate of the 1948
Submarine Command Course (Perisher),
Mike was accompanied by friend and carer,
Joan Wilson, OAM, herself a widow of past
submarine commander, Don Wilson.
Also invited, but unable to attend was Huw
Gethin-Jones, OAM, who completed Perisher
in the United Kingdom in 1953 (Mike and
Huw were shipmates in the Royal Navy) and
commanded submarines in the Royal Navy
before retiring in Australia. He is the Second
Senior Perisher Survivor in Australia.
Mike served in the Atlantic and Pacific
theatres in submarines during WW2 earning
his DSC for action in the Java Sea in 1945
whilst XO of HMS Taciturn. He commanded
RN submarines after the war before
transferring to the RAN in 1966. He retired
after a variety of appointments in the RAN in
1983 at 61 years of age.
Mr Warren Webb isn’t too far from the pair and is still associated with the submarine
capability in more ways than one. Warren currently works for ASC as an instructor within
the Submarine Training and Systems Centre and is also an active reservist; therefore
maintaining his links with the uniformed side of the capability as well.
From One Boat to another.
After a lot of hard work and dedication I have
recently received my submarine qualification
and am now focused on becoming a qualified
marine technician. Being able to wear the
dolphins gives me a sense of incredible pride
knowing I’m now part of one of the most
unique working platforms in the world; and
this is only the first step in my career in the
Royal Australian Navy.
Dining in style onboard Rankin.
Mike and Joan were hosted onboard
Rankin by Chief of Staff Fleet Command,
CDRE Luke Charles-Jones, Commanding
Officer Farncomb, CMDR Ian Bray and
Commanding Officer Rankin, CMDR Doug
Theobald. After an enjoyable lunch, Mike
and Joan were shown around the submarine
by the XO with both guests negotiating all
compartments with ease and Mike showing
that he still had what it takes to swing off the
Mike Hickie, DSC, departs Rankin.
CMDR Doug Theobald with Joan and Mike.
EDITION 2, 2016
Well and truly part
of our community
A story that needs to be told
By WONPCSM(ex) Terry Rowell
Upon arrival in UK we commenced our
submarine training at HMS DOLPHIN which
at the time was the home of the RN 1 st
Submarine Squadron. DOLPHIN is situated
in the South of England, much warmer
than the North or the dreaded coolness of
Scotland. Our training was divided into 3
parts; part 1 which was the general course
comprising of general submarine knowledge,
compartments, tanks, systems etc. The
general course was 4 weeks in duration
and was generic for all trainees. During the
general course we completed the “Tank”.
We all looked forward to “the tank” but
with a little trepidation for the deepest runs,
where buoyant ascents were made from
the compartment known as the “submarine
section” which was 30M in depth. Some
years down the track the Royal Navy ceased
runs from the submarine section and reverted
to runs from the 18M lock which then made
this ascent the deepest requirement.
Introducing Chaplain Stephen Hutchison;
his current posting is with the Australian
Submarine Force & Fleet Support Unit as
Chaplain under the Commanding Officer
HMAS Stirling, CAPT B Delamont. He is
responsible for Pastoral Care, Spiritual & Well
being of members at Fleet Base West.
L-R CMDR Richard Salazar USN, medal recipient ETR1(SS) Jared Stauffer and CAPT Shane Harris, USN.
Like all of the USN personnel posted to the RAN Submarine Force, (as part of the
Personnel Exchange Programme) Australia becomes their home, and interacting with the
community is also “just one of those things”.
Well, for ETR1(SS) Jared Stauffer, his efforts and participation within the community has
been officially recognised.
Jared was presented with the US Navy’s Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
for contributing over 200 hours of his time to the Riding for the Disabled Association at
Oakford in Perth Australia. His love of horses and desire to help people came together in
this activity, enabling a mutually satisfying outcome for all.
Congratulations on your achievement.
Chaplain Stephen Hutchison.
Having recently moved from Melbourne,
CHAP Hutchison now resides in Rockingham,
re-establishing his social network and life he
leaves his Friends, Parents, brothers and
their families behind.
CHAP Hutchison has a passion for people
to reach their fullest potential, with his easy
going nature he has the ability to quickly form
trusted relationships and assist our members
with any issues they maybe facing.
Coming into his own CHAP Hutchison
believes his entire life has shaped him to be
who he is today and that he was born for
this very cause, to be a Chaplain. CHAP
Hutchison says; “To be a Chaplain in the
Royal Australian Navy has been the biggest
privilege I have ever had the pleasure of
accepting, it has been hard work, but
rewarding, I have shed tears, but had lots of
laughter, I give my all to support our Defence
Force, they deserve that support and I take
that mandate very seriously”
It is with great pleasure that we welcome
Stephen to our community.
United States Navy Submariner, ETR1(SS) Jared Stauffer (centre) being presented with the US Navy’s Military
Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal by Commander Submarine Force Captain Matt Buckley, CSC, RAN, (left)
with CMDR Richard Salazar, USN, at a ceremony held at the Submarine Force Headquarters.
EDITION 2, 2016
Please remember that the Chaplains are
there to offer assistance and support. If
needed, they can be contacted through the
local Base Chaplains Office or after hours,
through the Officer of The Day or by phoning
Hi folks, my name is Terry and Andrew has
asked me to write a small passage for the
Trade. Some of you will know me from my
time in boats. For those that don’t know
me some of the things that I write may be
of interest as it will be not so recent history
and perhaps not known and certainly not
discussed by submariners of the Collin’s era.
Firstly, about me, I discharged from the Navy
in Jan 2011 as a WONPC having completed
47 years, 39 in the PNF and 8 as a reservist
on CFTS, within those periods I served 33
years in Oberon’s from Jan 67 to Dec 2000,
and then 2001 to 2011 as a Reservist on
CFTS back in General Service (Gens) as
the submarine coxswain category had been
On completion of part 1 we commenced
part 2 which was our branch course. As an
Underwater Weapons (UW) sailor my part
2 was 2 weeks in duration. Some may say
“what is this guy talking about”, what is a
UW? The UW branch was phased out in
1998 or 1999 but submarines used to fire
weapons very frequently and at the time
there was a call for them. We also made
up the required numbers as a scheme of
compliment (SOC) which for an Oberon was
65 without trainees.
When sailors of my era volunteered for
submarines we would not know a submarine
from a Royal Marine and the motivation was
the prospect of serving with the Royal Navy
which meant we had all the ports in the UK
and Europe at our fingertips. I mentioned
this as we did not have the luxury of the
current submarine selection course that is
available now, so we went in blind. For us it
was going to be an adventure of a lifetime,
the challenges that lay ahead were not really
a consideration.
On completion of our part 2 we were in most
instances posted directly to a submarine for
part 3 sea training. If you were lucky you
were posted to an “A” class or “T” class
boat, these boats were old but useful, how
old? Well O class were preceded by P class
which were preceded by A class which
were preceded by T class, T Class were a
stretched version of a WW2 submarine. Why
then would you prefer an old A or T? simple,
they were not considered fully operational so
there running periods were a lot less than P
and O’s plus they frequently operated in the
Mediterranean where P and O’s rarely went.
Lastly but certainly not least their home port
which was at Faslane in Scotland.
Up until early 1967 we travelled to the UK
by passenger liner, so this was our first
motivation to volunteer. After 1967 volunteers
were flown to the UK, hardly a hardship.
Our part 3 was considerably different to
the present part 3. Our first 4 weeks were
spent entirely in our own part of ship, that is,
greenies in the motor room, stokers in the
donk shop and in my case the forends which
was the weapon stowage compartment on
an Oberon. After that we had a further 12
weeks to complete our task books. Our
task books were regularly checked by the
coxswain to make sure we were pulling our
weight. No down time such as movies or
afternoon sleeps until you qualified. When
you had completed the task book we fronted
up for our part 3 exam. This involved a walk
through by the Chief Tiff, the Chief Greenie,
the Coxswain on escape and the Jimmy on
duty watch requirements, about 3 hours in
total. If we passed, we were then awarded
our Dolphins.
In most cases we stayed on an RN boat
until it was time to join our own Australian
boat which were “in build” in Scotland. Some
blokes such as potential Chief Tiff’s, XO’s
and others may have spent 5 or more years
on an RN boat before joining their Australian
boat. This meant that when you joined an
Australian boat no one was a part 3 and the
“first eleven” had assorted years learning
the ropes on an RN boat. Example an AB
stoker did time on an RN boat and with that
experience then became the designated LS
stoker for an Australian boat.
I spent 12 months on HMS OLYMPUS as an
AB then joined HMAS OTWAY as an AB for
her delivery voyage to Australia. We came
home via West and South Africa, however
each of the other boats transiting to Australia
took different routes. OTWAY was the first
Australian warship to visit South Africa
since WW2. OXLEY had preceded OTWAY
by 12 months. OVENS and ONSLOW
followed OTWAY at 12 month intervals with
ONSLOW being the last of the first 4 boats
arriving home at our Australian base, HMAS
PLATYPUS, mid 1970.
The running periods were full on, everyone
got to “play” with us and the type of running
was varied. Clockwork mouse with Gens,
Anti Submarine exercises with the Fleet Air
Arm, exercises with the Air Force, exit and
re-entry with the Commandoes, SSX’s, TFX’s,
etc. Then we had the usual deployments,
Up Top, Rim Pacs and New Zealand for the
sound range.
There was plenty of sea time for everyone.
One such reason was that promotion to the
next rank required sea time, so if you were
promoted to LS you had to go back to sea
EDITION 2, 2016
as a LS to be assessed before you could be
promoted to PO. We had our welfare cases
that were allergic to diesel and salt water but
overall most guys in the Squadron pulled
their weight.
Eventually the Squadron built up to 6 boats
with the arrival of ORION in 78 and OTAMA
in 79. The work load didn’t diminish though.
At this time the RAN was classified as an
anti-submarine (AS) Navy so there was
plenty of time spent in the exercise areas
off Jervis Bay. Additionally, although we
now had 6 boats, one was tasked with
“operational patrols” so that did not help with
the reduction in other activities.
With the arrival of ORION in 78 the Squadron
set up a Submarine Sea Training Group, we
were years ahead of the general service in
this regard. As a sailor who saw crews post
work-up before and after the SSTG program
was instigated I can say that pre-SSTG we
were kidding ourselves in regard to damage
The Squadron moved on and in 1986 we
continued to sever ties with the RN by
ceasing to send personnel to the UK for
Submarine Escape Training. In 1989 the
Submarine Escape Training Facility (SETF)
was commissioned in HMAS STIRLING. I am
proud to say that I was the commissioning
Senior Instructor for the SETF. In later years
the SETF was handed over to civilians to
By now preparations were under way to
relocate OBERON’s to STIRLING and
to decommission PLATYPUS. OXLEY
was homeported to STIRLING in 1988.
PLATYPUS decommissioned in 1999. The
last Oberon, HMAS OTAMA decommissioned
in 2000.
Of course by now the Collins program
was in full swing and HMAS COLLINS
commissioned in 1996.
the disestablishment of the fixed wing Fleet
Air Arm occurred and the Aircraft Carrier
HMAS MELBOURNE was decommissioned
and not replaced. In the late seventies the
introduction of the Sail-Struc System was
first implemented and in 1979 HMAS OXLEY
was the first submarine to have a SOC under
the Sail-Struc system.
I close now with the obvious, the Navy
when I left in 2011 is not the same Navy
I joined in 1964 as a 15-year-old Junior
Recruit. However, I am cognisant that since
time began it has been stated the current
generation have got it easy compared to the
generation before, but my guess is that the
truth is really just the “difference in times”.
In 1984 the woman at sea program was fully
integrated and from this time all new female
recruits were required a sea service obligation.
In 1985 the official disestablishment of the
WRANS occurred, up to this point in time,
amongst other things, females had to leave
the service if they chose to get married. Also
the amalgamation of the Coxswain and Naval
Police categories occurred. The DFDA (1982)
was implemented, the Act superseded
the Naval Discipline Act and the Manual of
Naval Law. In 1987 the commissioning of
the RAN SETF took place and submariners
no longer travelled to the RN SETT in the UK
for escape training.
Yours Aye, Terry Rowell OAM
In 1996 HMAS COLLINS commissioned. In
1999 the disestablishment of the submarine
coxswain category occurred and the duties
to be superseded by the COB. In 2000
the last Australian Oberon class submarine
HMAS OTAMA was decommissioned.
The model for the administration of the
Navy has changed too many times for me
to recall. However, I do recall in the 60’s we
had a Naval Board and the Senior Officer
responsible for running the Fleet was the
Flag Officer Commanding the Australian Fleet
(FOCAF). We had 3 or 4 Commodores unlike
today where there are 30 plus Commodores.
These 60’s Commodores were promoted
from the rank of Captain to occupy positions
such as Naval Officer Commanding West
Australia (NOCWA) and generally did not go
on to further promotion. Rear Admirals were
promoted directly from the rank of Captain.
Note: One Man’s Navy is my autobiography.
It covers my 47 years in the RAN highlighting
my 33 years in submarines. In the book I’ve
tried to convey what the life of a submariner
was like during the Oberon period in the
RAN. The book approaches the subject on
a human scale rather than just a technical
or strategic level. It also covers my few
years prior to Boats and after the submarine
coxswain branch was disestablished and my
return to General Service.
Any ex Oberon sailor will find this book
covers many of the significant periods of the
RAN’s submarine service development from
the 60’s through to the end of the Oberon
era. Many will recall the stresses and strains
of workups, training in UK, separation from
loved ones and all the activities that made
the Oberon’s both challenging as well as
rewarding on a personal level, not to mention
the times we were able to let our hair down.
One of the
first at the
Training and
June 2016 marked 25 years since Wendy
Jackson joined ASC in Western Australia.
Wendy was one of ASC’s original staff
members at the Submarine Training and
Systems Centre (STSC) and was part of
the team who established our successful
Submarine Training Services contract with
RAN. The team at the STSC marked the
occasion with a morning tea in recognition of
Wendy’s service. Congratulations Wendy!
Congratulations on the 25 Years Wendy !
As submariners we all sing from the same
hymn book and I am sure submariners of
the COLLINS class era will be able to enjoy
and relate to the book as submariners, albeit
from a different era.
The book will retail from $29.95 and details
of purchase can be obtained at my email
address rowellterry357@yahoo.com.au. All
proceeds after costs will go to the Submarine
Association of Australia.
In my case, during my service I had seen
many changes in the RAN. In 1965 the
term Ratings was abolished and changed
to Sailors when referring to members. In
1967 HMAS OXLEY was commissioned in
Scotland and heralded the reformation of
the submarine arm into the RAN. In 1968 I
witnessed the hauling down for the last time
of the Royal Navy White Ensign that the RAN
had sailed under since the inception of our
Navy, and the hoisting of the new Australian
White Ensign that we still sail under today.
Prior to 1968 all equivalent ranks were
paid the same; that is a LS Gunnery sailor
received the same pay as a LS Electrician. A
CPO Medic received the same pay as a CPO
“Tiffy”. In 1968 sailors pay was restructured.
It has been modified several times over the
years, the new system was called group
pay and remains today. In the mid-seventies
EDITION 2, 2016
Staff and Guests in attendance for Wendy’s morning tea.
EDITION 2, 2016
Changing Over
By LEUT Cameron Eadie
Looking for a challenge and an opportunity to
up skill whilst making a valuable contribution
to the Submarine Squadron? Do you like
the idea of overseas exchanges and are you
concerned you are approaching the end
of your wick in regards to sea postings?
Or maybe you harbour a secret desire to
command your own submarine? Then
change over to MWOSM could be the career
path for you.
Both myself, LEUT Eadie formerly a
CPOEWSM and LEUT Sakova formerly a
POMEDSM took the plunge to the dark side
to see if we had what it takes to survive.
Maritime Warfare Officer training, known
as the Junior Warfare Application Course
(JWAC) involves extended periods of
classroom tuition conducted at HMAS
Watson, followed by periods at sea to
consolidate your practical skills. JWAC
training is broken into four phases each
taking from 3-12 months to complete.
The pace of the course is intense, and
dependant upon your level of aptitude, long
hours of study may be required. Throughout
the periods at sea, aboard both minor
and major war vessels, you are under the
constant scrutiny of your command team
in preparation for your first major milestone,
Phase III Fleet board and award of your
Navigational Watchkeeping Certificate. Whilst
it may sound slightly less than fun, there
were plenty of periods to take it all in and
enjoy the “small boat” lifestyle and culture.
Fishing, diving and hiking the remote islands
of North Queensland were amongst the
many highlights. The period spent on Minor
War Vessels prepared us well for Phase III
Fleet board, and provided fantastic insight
into other arms of the Navy outside the
submarine squadron.
Phase IV Bridge Simulation training,
conducted at HMAS Watson is one of the
most intense six month periods of our careers
to date. The learning curve is steep and
unrelenting however the skills and knowledge
you acquire will serve you well upon returning
to the submarine, understanding why a
skimmer operates the way she does can only
be beneficial. Upon completion of Phase IV
and reward of the Bridge Warfare Certificate,
returning to HMAS Stirling for SM Officers
course was a welcome relief.
All in all, the change over to commissioned
officer from senior sailor can be a very
challenging experience, however the
rewards and new opportunities presented
are numerous and varied. Already, LEUT
Sakova has served aboard USS Blueridge
deploying to China and I have had the
amazing opportunity to exchange to the
US for six months aboard USS Columbia
during her latest Westpac deployment.
These opportunities simply did not exist in
our previous respective categories.
The new skills we have acquired over the
past four years will serve us well during our
Junior Warfare Officer postings and beyond.
The colleagues and friends we have made
throughout the Fleet will form the basis of
strong network of Warfare professionals
representing all facets of the RAN.
If you want to know more about
commissioning as a Submarine Maritime
Warfare Officer feel free to either contact
myself or LEUT Sakova for further details.
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EDITION 2, 2016
Need to contact
Defence Community Organisation?
Missing the good old days of being part of the Submarine Force? Interested in testing the waters again? Need to find some
Reserve Days back amongst the boats; or even back in the Permanent Navy? Read on and Stay Connected ……
For advice, support or local community information,
call our all-hours Defence Family Helpline on
1800 624 608
Developed for Defence by Defence, ForceNet is a secure digital platform that connects current Australian Defence Organisation
(ADO) members (with a current PMKeyS profile) outside of the Defence Protected Network (DPN) via desktop, laptop, tablet
and smart phones.
With similar functionality to social media applications, ForceNet has been built to support a broad Defence community so that
it can be secure, accessible, informed and engaged.
Through ForceNet you will be able to access Defence services and information, UNCLASSIFIED information posted from the
DPN, stay in touch with colleagues and find Defence jobs/opportunities anytime, anywhere you have access to the internet.
ForceNet is available to current serving members of the Australian Defence Force as well as Reservists and Defence APS.
Run by Defence Community Organisation,
the Helpline is the best way to access the programs
and services that we offer to help Defence families
manage the military way of life.
Please ensure your Alternate (Personal) Email Address and mobile phone details are up to date via PMKeyS Self Service
Home Portal prior to proceeding with registering for ForceNet.
Discover the many different employment
opportunities available for Defence
The Helpline is available 24-7 and is staffed by qualified
human services professionals including social workers and
You can also email the Helpline at
ForceNet is a secure e-portal that
provides access to Defence services
and information online. It is approved by
Defence for use up to FOUO and other
Distributing Limiting Markers.
Stay up to date with the latest activity
happening in your Unit, Squadron or Ship.
EDITION 2, 2016
Need more information?
Connect to the ForceNet Website at
EDITION 2, 2016
French culinary – Close up
In the interest of Safety
Always proactive and never missing an opportunity to hone their skills, members from Dechaineux recently took advantage of some of their
non-sea time to partake in A Motorcycle Rider Skills refresher course. The riders took the opportunity to attend a locally run RAC Training day
where they partook in theory and practical activities. A large number of people now ride motorcycles as a cost effective way of commuting
as well as for leisure activities. The skill of riding a motorcycle is one that can always be enhanced by practice and revision.
Images and Story by LSIS Lee-Anne Mack
The all-Australian Chef’s Exchange Program is a worldrenowned public relations initiative which allows military and
restaurant chefs to exchange culinary delights and kitchens
for a day. In this instance, Naval Chefs from the French ship
Tonnerre (L 9014), Royal Australian Navy Chefs, and a head
chef Shannon Whitmore from a local restaurant Kent Street
Deli were offered the unique opportunity and cooked together
in the Ships Galley.
The day started with reflecting on experiences and reiterating awareness and observation skills. Later in the day the members took to their
wheels and practiced emergency braking, slow riding, “U-turns” as well as emphasising correct posture to assist in reducing fatigue. An
overarching organisational commitment, to this and similar activities, shows the high regard that Navy has for the safety and the welfare of
its people. Not only was it beneficial, but it also showed another way to have fun at work.
Amphibious assault helicopter carrier Tonnerre, berthed at
Fleet Base West, Garden Island, WA, on the 20 May 16, while
La Fayette-class frigate, FNS Guepratte, berthed in Fremantle
as part of their annual training cruise.
The Cooks and Chefs Exchange Program is simple, fellow
colleagues swap jobs for a few hours, a day or days. Chefs
share and learn from each other and get to experience new,
innovative and sometimes enlightening ways of cooking. It’s
good for growth and offers the military Chef’s a chance to
learn or mentor.
More than a hundred respected restaurants, resorts and
hotels from Japan, Belgium, Norway, Singapore, New
Zealand, Canada, Bahrain, Korea, Australia and Guam have
participated in the Chef and Cooks Exchange Program during
its 18-year history.
(L-R) POML- CSM Shayne Curby, Master Lecoules and Head Chef from local
Rockingham restaurant, Kent Street Deli, Shannon Whitmore, after a Master Class
onboard Ie Tonnerre.
At the track – Members of Dechaineux with a few of their bikes.
Community Engagement
Photo Caption
Obviously a photo for “discussion and comment”
If you have a suitable caption for the Photo, please send it to:
The best three captions (as judged by a panel of Subject
Matter Exerts) will be published in the next issue of The
POML-SC Paul Graham with French sailors.
Tonnerre, berthed at Fleet Base West, Garden Island, WA.
EDITION 2, 2016
HMAS Stirling Community Engagement hosted eighteen students from the Clontarf Foundation in May 2016. The foundation encourages troubled indigenous youth to improve their
education, discipline, life skills, self esteem and employment prospects through a variety of programs including visits to ‘work sites’ where students can witness different careers first
hand. The students were from several Clontarf campuses around metropolitan Perth including Mandurah, Kwinana, Cannington and Bentley. They visited the Fleet Base West (FBW)
Armoury for a small arms weapons display, Fleet Support Unit-West for a tour of the Engineering and Electrical workshops and finally the FBW Gymnasium for a tour and game of
volleyball against some willing Navy members. The visit culminated with a barbeque at Camp Markham which was prepared and cooked by volunteers from Submarine Headquarters.
The Submarine Force has previously been involved with the positive work of the Clontarf Foundation through Rankin’s visit to Esperance in 2015 where a charity football game was held.
EDITION 2, 2016
HMAS Dechaineux
Exmouth Expedition
By POETSM Stephen Willcox
of power each, consuming a whopping 28000L
of diesel fuel every day. The nearby pier allowed
the station to be refuelling and stored by sea
with a ship that arrives only twice a year. This
was also the outlet of the water cooling system
used by the transmitter. An impressive amount
of fish was seen to congregate in the warmed
water. Unfortunately recreational fishing is no
longer allowed there as was in the past. We
left the station in awe of the tremendous scale
of the place.
Next was a short informative visit to the
Potshot Memorial. This site commemorates
the involvement of the Western Australian coast
during World War II. An advance base was set
up in the Exmouth Gulf consisting of an airfield
and an anti-aircraft battery. Allied Submarines
used the area as a refuelling and Forward
Operating Base during that time.
Our final visit for the day was the Learmonth
Solar Observatory. This facility is jointly
managed by the United States Air Force and
the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. We were
shown various optical telescopes, parabolic dish
antennae and associated sensitive monitoring
equipment. The observatory is part of a world
wide network which gathers data on solar
activity and radio wavelengths. High frequency
communications are most commonly affected
by solar disturbances.
The Exmouth Expedition Team - Front row (L to R) POETSM Willcox, CPOETSM Slywa, ABETSM Turner,
LSETSM Bromley, LSETSM O’Grady, Rear row (L to R) ABML-SSM Reddacliff, POCISSM Namata,
ABCISSM Avis, POETSM Wheelhouse, CPOETSM Rackstraw, ABCISSM Schultz.
One merry week in May, members of the
HMAS Dechaineux WEE, CIS and Catering
departments travelled to Exmouth in Western
Australia for the purpose of visiting the Very
Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitting Station and
Solar Observatory.
enjoyed a honky tonk meal at Cadillac’s Country
and Western Restaurant. CPO Rackstraw’s
pronunciation of their Danger Dog was
especially memorable.
Eleven personnel departed HMAS Stirling on
a chilly Monday morning full of excitement
and anticipation. Two Ford Territories and a
powerful Toyota Camry Hybrid were packed full
of camping gear and other essential supplies.
Only one slight detour was needed as CPO
Slywa returned forgotten car keys that were
left in his pocket to his wife. A quick lunch at
Dongara allowed everyone to stretch legs, have
lunch, refuel and rotate drivers. The roadside
diner’s homemade pies were delicious, with
everyone having their fill. Our team then carried
on to Carnarvon Caravan Park where we spent
the night. The locals welcomed us with wide
eyes as we relaxed and enjoyed the local sights.
On Wednesday morning we gathered at Naval
Communication Station Harold E. Holt and
were given a guided tour of the VLF site. This
included the transmitter building, power plant
and pier. The very long wavelength of VLF allows
radio frequency transmissions to propagate
below the surface of the ocean and provide
communications with submarines. To achieve
the large distances required, a 1 Megawatt
transmitter is used. This is an enormous amount
of power. The station consists of a 2.2 km wide
antenna of 13 towers in total, surrounding a
387m high centre tower. Buried in the ground
below the antenna array is 386km of bare
copper wire. This provides an enhanced ground
plane to act as a reflecting surface for radio
waves and thus better transmission properties.
After a hearty breakfast of egg and bacon
sandwiches, we continued our trek. Extended
driving the day before allowed a visit to Coral
Bay where we enjoyed a spot of snorkelling
in the clear waters. A business owner told
us that we were lucky to have arrived in such
good weather. The reef was only metres from
the beach and was home to many species
of tropical fish and marine life. We arrived
in Exmouth fresh and stress free. The local
oversized tourist wildlife provided us with
a few photo opportunities. That night, we
It was like entering a Doctor Who set as
we were shown the massive transmitting
components within the transmitter building.
To eliminate corona effect, which causes
arcing and sparking due to the extreme power
produced huge helix inductors were supported
by wooden frames. Even the nuts and bolts
were made of wood. It was like Land of the
Giants as we walked through massive electronic
components like amplifiers and switches. The
power plant consisted of 6 diesel engine driven
generators, capable of producing 3 million watts
EDITION 2, 2016
Thursday morning we arose early to transit to
Geraldton for our last overnight stay. The camp
that night was set up in record time before
AB Turner used his Thai language skills to our
advantage as the group enjoyed a night out at
a local Thai restaurant. An early night followed
as all were plumb tuckered out and ready to
return home the next day.
Having completed the last part of our journey,
we arrived back at Stirling on Friday afternoon.
After all equipment used was cleaned and
stowed, farewells were said and the deed was
The enjoyable week allowed us to bond in a
relaxed environment away from work. The whole
educational experience will allow members to
work better together in the future as a cohesive
group during high tempo operations with a
much better appreciation of the technical
wizardry that enables delivery of our Submarine
Bob (Tug) Wilson’s Walk for
Kids with Cancer Reaches half
a million dollars!
The success of “Bob (Tug)
W i l s o n ’s Wa l k f o r K i d s
with Cancer” has reached
another milestone.
On 12th May 2016, attended
by Carol Wilson, her
daughter Kim Hinkley, son
Stuart Wilson, grandchildren
Mikayla & Sam Hinkley
and held at the Australian
National Maritime Museum
(home of HMAS Onslow)
the “Bob (Tug) Wilson’s Walk
for Kids with Cancer” was
awarded Benefactor for
raising over $250,000 over
“4 Walks” to June 2015.
All this was all in aid of The
Cancer Centre for Children
at The Children’s Hospital at
The 2016 walk raised in
excess of $253,000.00 with
748 walkers, for The Cancer
Centre for Children, taking
the overall total since 2008
to over $500,000.00.
Left to right: Stuart Wilson, Carol Wilson, Samuel Hinkley, Kim Hinkley and Mikayla Hinkley.
Carol summarises the
success of the fundraising
in a few words “When I think
about it, Bob didn’t think we
would raise $25,000.00 in
2008 let alone half a million
dollars over 5 walks. He
would be looking down with
a big smile on his face that
we have kept “His Walk”
This caps off a significant
year for Carol and the team,
with Bob and Carols 50th
wedding Anniversary on the
7th of May and Carols 70th
birthday celebrated on the
17th of June.
Someone has to do it.
Left to right: Dr. Luciano Dalla-Pozza, Head, Cancer Centre for Children, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Prof. Christine Bennett
AO, Chair, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, Kim Hinkley, Stuart Wilson, Carol Wilson, Dr. Michael Brydon OAM, Chief Executive,
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network.
EDITION 2, 2016
Targa West 2016 City of Perth Special Stage.
LSAWASM Glen Renshaw has been enjoying
his career as an Acoustic Warfare Analyst
Submariner for over 20 years and during
his career has enjoyed travelling with Navy
both overseas on deployment as well as
on local operations. First joining up in 1994
and qualifying on O’Boats in 1995 and then
qualifying on Collins Class in 2000, he has
worked in many roles including the Combat
System Trainer at STSC and as Training CoOrdinator for SMSQ Trainees for 3 years.
Glen now works at SAAC within SUBFOR,
but is looking forward to returning to sea in
the near future.
During his downtime he has taken up
Motorsport in the form of Tarmac Targa
Rallying where he has represented the
Navy for the last 4 Years. His enjoyment of
motorsport his been his drive to compete in
a large number of the Targa Series of events.
His love of Holden’s is why he chose to drive
a 2008 Holden VE SSV Ute in Tarmac Rally’s.
Even though this is an unusual type of Vehicle
to race in a Tarmac Rally which is mainly
dominated by Mitsubishi Evo’s, Porsches,
GTRs and WRX’s he does not let this sway
him and drives the Renshaw Racing ute to
the absolute max with great results.
Backed by Navy including Submarine
Recruiting and Defence Force Recruiting LS
Renshaw represents the Navy in a positive
light in the public eye by participating in PR
events such as Maritime Day Fremantle,
Walk to Work Day, HMAS Stirling Open Day
as well as numerous visits to HMAS Stirling
with the ute to engage with current serving
members. LS Renshaw enjoys engaging
with the public and letting both big kids
and the little kids hop in a Race Car and
EDITION 2, 2016
see what its all about. During the PR Events
Navy PR material is dispersed to the public
and LS Renshaw informs personnel about
how a career in the Royal Australian Navy is
rewarding and fulfilling.
LS Renshaw races with Co-Driver Krystle
McDonald who has the important job of
calling Navigation notes on stages that are up
to 16km long in Targa South West and Targa
West, and over 50km long in Targa Tasmania.
Krystle, being Ex-Navy, is an integral part of
the team and her professionalism and skill is
an important component that keeps the team
safe and fast.
Renshaw Racing ute recent achievements
• Winners of Targa South West Muscle Car
• 4th outright in Competition Modern
• Winners of Targa West 2016 Muscle Car
• 10th Outright in Competition Modern (out
of 31 Entrants)
The Renshaw Racing ute has proven to be a
force to reckon with and the professionalism
and integrity of the team is why these results
have been achieved.
Renshaw Racing Ute is a small team which
is made up of 5 personnel. They prepare
and maintain the Renshaw Racing ute
themselves to an obviously professionally
high standard; the same high standards
they have been taught to achieve in Navy.
This is paramount when it comes to safety
as the ute can achieve speeds in excess of
250km/h on some stages. They ensure that
a rigorous maintenance routine is adhered
Targa West 2016 1st Place Modern Muscle.
Targa West 2016 Winners Modern Muscle Car.
Renshaw Ute Engine Build.
Targa West 2016 Official Start in Perth City.
to and no shortcuts are made that could
jeopardise safety, again something the navy
has installed in the team from early in their
individual careers.
This year during Targa West a small
contingent of SUBFOR personnel supported
Renshaw Racing Ute at Mundaring (WA).
They setup a Navy display with personnel
wearing Navy shirts and handing out Navy
promotional material. “It was great to have
fellow navy personnel there to support us” LS
Renshaw said,” Its all part of being a Team”
he added.
The next step for the Renshaw Racing Team
is to enter Targa Tasmania in 2017 - April
24th to April 29th. This event is the pinnacle
of Tarmac Rally’s in Australia and pushes
the teams and cars to the extreme in the 6
days of rallying. It holds a special part for the
Renshaw Racing team as Day 2 is on the
25th April, ANZAC Day, and the team will
also be looking at running ANZAC Livery on
the ute for this event.
Noting that racing doesn’t come cheap
and their budget for Targa Tasmania is in
the vicinity of $30,000 to complete, they
could not compete without the help of their
sponsors. Fleet Network, Powerflo Solutions,
Uneeda Tyre & Smash Repairs, John Fowler
Autosport, West Oz Signs, Australian Military
Bank, Sovereign Motorsports and TAW
Performance Centre and Cylinder Heads.
Renshaw Racing are always looking for
sponsors to join the team, so if you know
anyone that would like to back a Professional
front running team, don’t hesitate to contact
LS Renshaw.
SUBFOR Representation.
Pre Event Scrutineering.
EDITION 2, 2016
Still rocking the boat
Ahead of their 2016 Perth Show, Iron Maiden
drummer Nicko McBrain and singer Bruce
Dickinson caught up with long time friend CMDR
Pete Foster and his daughter Rachel. Sporting
Australian Submarine ball caps reaffirms the
bands link with the submarine community.
Albany and the ANZACs –
the launching place of a legend
By LEUT Kara Wansbury
Cheered on by 4000 personnel lining York
street in Albany for the second year in a row
the crew of HMAS Dechaineux marched
proudly in the Anzac Day parade over 100
years since the first convoy departed there
with the soldiers who would go on to birth
the Anzac legend.
Bruce has a strong affiliation with submarines,
with a set of RN ‘Dolphins’ pinned to the lapel
of the iconic red soldiers’ jacket worn on stage
for the bands song ‘The Trooper’. The Dolphins
were presented to him by the Royal Navy
Submariners after he spent several days at sea
in a Vanguard Class SSBN.
The location of Albany is important to the
legend of the Anzac because over 100
years ago the convoy of Australian and New
Zealand troops departed from Albany for the
battlefields of World War I.
Back in 2011, on the bands last visit, Nicko
and guitarist Janick Gers toured HMAS Waller,
(story - The Trade Edition 2, 2011) with the visit
featuring in their released book ‘Flight 666’
chronicling the bands two world tours.
New PT Gear
Led by Executive Officer, LCDR Justin Cloney
the crew were surprised at the sense of pride
they felt from the crowd.
“The crowds lined the streets, and they felt
so close, cheering as you march past and
I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming
sense of pride to not only be there but to
also represent HMAS Dechaineux, said Able
Seaman Stevie Boynes-Butler.
The day began, as it did all around the
country with a dawn service, held at the
Desert Mounted Corps Memorial on Mt
Clarence overlooking the Ataturk Channel.
Ataturk Channel, named in 1985 through a
reciprocal arrangement with Turkey is the
entrance to Princess Harbour, Albany. As part
of the arrangement the Turkish government
named the site of the beach landing in 1915,
Anzac Cove.
The historical nature of the day was a sombre
experience for Able Seaman Boynes- Butler.
“As I stood quietly at the dawn service
with the sun rising and the rain pouring
down, everyone was still and utterly silent
and I knew everyone was thinking about
the same thing. The thanks we owe for
the lives we live knowing that it could have
been so different had our men not been so
fearless, so unselfish, so heroic. We owe
everything to them and I am so lucky I got to
acknowledge that on Anzac Day in the City
of Albany, the last port of call for so many
soldiers; some who never returned.”
Dechaineux crew after gunfire breakfast in Albany.
ultimate price for our way of life today, to
consider how we would feel being called on
to fight for our country and the overwhelming
fear that they must have felt,” he said.
Able Seaman Mitchell was in Albany last
year however he was on duty and unable
to march so he enjoyed marching this year
he said.
“But ANZAC Day to me isn’t just about
remembering those men who fought in
World War I but also the ones that continue
to fight to ensure we are able to live our lives
in safety and that is why I am so proud to
have marched in the Parade,” ABEWSM
Mitchell said.
Dechaineu crew marches down the main street in Albany.
AE2 which lies in the Dardenelles not far
from Gallipoli and its sailors was something
ABEWSM James Mitchell recalled as he
marched with his fellow crew mates.
Members of SUBFOR Displaying the new PT gear.
EDITION 2, 2016
“ANZAC Day to me is a about taking time
to remember the soldiers who payed the
XO Dechaineux salutes wreaths at dawn service.
Torpedo Officer, LEUT Brendan Witt leads Navy
Association in Albany.
EDITION 2, 2016
15th Birthday
By LEUT Kara Wansbury
Dechaineux at anchor.
The sixty personnel of HMAS Dechaineux
took a moment alongside to celebrate the
15th anniversary of the boat’s commissioning
on 23 February this year. Berthed at
Diamantina Wharf, the commanding officer
along with the youngest member of the
crew, Seaman Van Der Heyden blew out the
candles before personnel enjoyed the cake
on the forward casing.
It was an important time to commemorate all
of the individual and collective achievements
that have taken place in Dechaineux over the
years said Commander Robin Dainty, RAN.
“The hundreds who have crewed Dechaineux
since the beginning have travelled almost
200,000 nautical miles. That is 8 times
around the world. I would propose there
has probably been a thousand hours closed
up at Harbour Stations over the years too,”
Commander Dainty said.
Named after Captain Emile Dechaineux,
commanding officer of HMAS Australia who
died at Leyte Gulf from wounds suffered from
a Kamikaze attack; the boat has strong links
to Tasmania having been granted the right of
Freedom of Entry by the City of Launceston,
EDITION 2, 2016
Captain Dechaineux’ s birthplace. The boat
has exercised this privilege once since
first doing so on 26 May 2001. The link to
Tasmania is further strengthened with a
rendition of a Tasmanian tiger on the boat’s
official badge along with a motto proposed
by the Dechaineux family.
Manager of Navy Badges, Paul Burnett said
the family of Captain Dechaineux initially
proposed ‘Fearless Friend – Ferocious Foe’
as the motto.
“Captain Dechaineux was renowned for
fairness and compassion towards his men
and for his bravery and dedication which is
why the family settled on that phrase as the
motto. However due to a requirement for
less characters it was shortened to ‘Fearless
and Ferocious’ and approved by the family,”
he said.
Home-ported in 2001 to Western Australia,
Dechaineux has spent almost 31,000 hours
underway. Interestingly, last year during an
exceptionally high tempo period the boat
was at sea for one sixth the total time spent
underway and travelled one sixth its overall
“Last year we had an exceptional crew, that
achieved the aim and it did that with focus
and dedication to the job. I am immensely
proud of all we achieved and when we pulled
into our home port in December last year it
certainly felt like we had sailed that far.
“This year doesn’t seem to be letting up
either; we started with weekly running, a
successful but busy docking period, the
last of the four month long intermediate
dockings. Our focus and main rate of effort
now is achieving successful Unit Readiness
prior to Exercise Black Carillion and a
deployment to New Zealand International
Naval Review in Auckland. The team is tight
and well prepared for all to come and I am
looking forward to the remainder of the year’s
program,” Commander Dainty said.
On the bridge.
Dechaineux Beach volley ball team - FCP Sports Day.
Over the course of her fifteen years
Dechaineux has had eight commanding
officer’s and 16 navigating officer’s.
EDITION 2, 2016
story of the
Coles Review
By LEUT Daniel Nixon
said: “We as a crew have made some very
positive steps forward and well on our way
to achieving MSE in late July. From where we
started it’s encouraging to see the progress
we’ve made since turning up to the door step
of ASC in January, and look forward to sailing
from Adelaide as a worked up crew.”
Farncomb will soon be putting to sea for the
first time with her new crew and working
towards an exciting program later in the year,
with ports visits programmed to Sydney,
Hobart, Melbourne and Esperance, where
Farncomb will conduct her Freedom of Entry
to the Shire of Esperance.
The 23rd of May marked a momentous
occasion for the Submarine Arm with the
return of HMAS Farncomb to the Fleet after
a successful full cycle docking. Farncomb is
the first of the Collins class to operate under
the new operational cycle of 10 years in
operation and 2 in dock. Not only was the
occasion a validation of the new maintenance
cycle, but delivery of an upgraded Farncomb
as the fifth SM in Fleet Service also marked
a key milestone in the increased availability
and lethality of our Submarine Force as the
national strategic deterrent capability.
Leaving the dock.
At a ‘clear lower deck’ for the crew of
Farncomb, Commander Submarine Force,
CAPT Matt Buckley, CSC, announced that
in the past calendar year Training Authority
– Submarines had trained a record number
of new submariners. Many of those freshly
qualified have joined with the experienced
members of Farncomb under the seasoned
eye of CMDR Ian Bray, RAN who was this
year awarded his Federation Star for 40
years’ service and his fourth posting as a
Submarine Commanding Officer. CMDR
Bray said of his 40 years RAN service: “I
joined as a 17 year old sailor and I’d do
it all again in a heart beat. The RAN has
been a wonderful career and particularly the
Submarine Service.”
With the delivery of Farncomb to the fleet
and standing up the fifth submarine crew,
the Force has achieved a key outcome from
the Coles Review and increased the number
of active Submarines. This ‘Five Boat Force’
is also a positive indicator towards the
effectiveness of the Submarine Workforce
Growth Strategy. It assists in Navy’s capacity
to train new personnel to serve in Submarine
Force where they will operate state of the art
equipment with an increasing operational
tempo and presence in the Indo-Pacific
At the AE2 Mess Dinner.
EDITION 2, 2016
Dechaineux Netball Team - FCP Sports Day.
The crew are excited for the upcoming
running period which will put the boat
through her paces prior to full operational
status in early 2017. AB AWASM Cowling
Commander Submarine Force, CAPT Matt Buckley,
CSC, presenting CMDR Ian Bray, CO Farncomb, with
the Federation Star.
WEEO LEUT M. Lee and MEO LEUT F. Visser carrying
out planning activities.
In the control room, HMAS Farncomb.
CO HMAS Farncomb breathing on EABS.
Members of support party during a Damage Control
HMAS Farncomb during a debrief post exercise.
Crew members at work in the Propulsion Control
EDITION 2, 2016
HMAS Rankin –
AE1 Service
HMAS Rankin,
ANZAC Dawn Service
By LEUT Dionette Sakova
On Thursday 14 Apr 2016 HMAS Rankin
conducted a memorial service for the 35
men lost onboard HMAS AE1 on 14 Sep
1914. Rankin conducted the service whilst
transiting past the Duke of York Islands near
Rabaul (Papua New Guinea) which is the
approximate location of where AE1 sunk with
all hands lost.
In the morning twilight of ANZAC Day, 2016 the Commanding
Officer (CMDR Doug Theobald, RAN) and crew of HMAS Rankin
gathered on the Northern shoreline of Guam to honour the
heroism, tenacity and the resilience of the ANZAC’s.
The morning was still, the ocean calm and the tourists were still
tucked in their bed as CMDR Theobald commenced the service.
LSMTSM Hunt followed with the Naval Prayer and ABEWSM Eru
read Ephesians 6:10 (Armour of God ).
The service was planned to take place early
in the morning but poor weather delayed
the crew gathering on the casing until 1130.
CMDR Theobald began by welcoming the
Ships Company then invited LSMTSM Hunt
to begin the service with the naval prayer.
ABEWSM Schell then delivered the story
of AE1. He spoke of the poor weather
and visibility, the confined waters she was
operating in and the confusion as to her
whereabouts during the operation. To follow,
ABEWSM Eru shared the passages he had
personally chosen for the occasion ‘Jonah’s
Prayer’ and ‘Faith Brings Joy’. LSCISSM
Perez laid a sprig of rosemary into the
ocean in remembrance of the 35 British,
Australian and New Zealander crew, forever
on eternal patrol, while the ships company
joined LSMTSM Hunt in The Lords Prayer to
complete the service.
CMDR Theobald explained some of the
challenges any submarine would have faced
operating in the area; currents, reefs and
channels are just a few, all encountered
without the use of modern navigational
equipment. Following the service a seafood
lunch was enjoyed on the casing completed
with a swimex completing the occasion.
The crew used information from the “Find
AE1” Website (www.findAE1.org.au) a notfor-profit company which is actively searching
for AE1’s location.
EDITION 2, 2016
LCDR Francis spoke of the events in the lead up to and on the
morning of April 25th 1915. He spoke of HMAS AE2, one of our
two early submarines. On the eve of the Gallipoli assault and
against all odds, AE2 penetrated the heavily mined Dardanelles.
Over the course of several days and ran amok in the Sea of
Marmara before surfacing due to mechanical damage. The crew
were captured as POWs but had done their job as the first allied
submarine to make it through. The chaos and damage they
caused in that short period is the most important achievement in
Australia’s submarine history.
He reminded the crew of Rankin of the lives those men gave in
the name of our nation and that as servicemen and women we
carry part of that ANZAC tradition on with us.
By Jay Schell
Thoughts flickered occasionally back to home where we knew
thousands of people, including our families and fellow submariners
were also gathered at Dawn Services across both Australia and
New Zealand. The Last Post was played followed by a minute of
silence. As the sun rose a recording of Reveille broke the silence,
completing the ceremony.
Our search will never end
Few choose to be a mariner,
to live life out at sea.
Even fewer choose to be submariners still,
where we are all, at Poseidon’s plea.
For those brave men whom home was AE1,
we take off our hats and raise our glass high,
to salute you, on what you have done.
As you fought so valiantly beneath the Bismarck sea,
“Just another patrol you thought”
But that was not meant to be…
35 souls onboard your vessel, gone to the oceans grip.
Your brothers searched but sadly still,
you lay in the deepest of crypts.
Though you are lost, just waiting to be found,
your story will not be forgotten,
while us, your brothers, are still around
Through the dolphins on our chest.
Your memory will, live on
EDITION 2, 2016
It “is” just cricket
Rankin back
from the long haul
By LCDR Brad Francis
On the final leg of their North East Asian
Deployment, Rankin took on the local Darwin
team for a “24 overs” a side match at the
picturesque Gardens grounds on Sunday
26 Jun 16.
the CO, CMDR Doug Theobald, Rankin put
up a good showing, with the OPSO LEUT
Michael Power punishing the opposition
attack. However, runs came a little too
easily for the Taverners who edged ahead
in the final overs to clinch the match. Rankin
generously loaned the Taverners our USN
watch leader, LT Roger Terry to shore up the
oppositions batting order, however it wasn’t
enough to get the desired result.
Whilst unseasonably warm, even by Darwin
standards, both teams made it through the
overs with regular refreshment breaks in a
well fought contest. Led onto the ground by
Originating in a tavern at lords cricket ground
in 1950, the Taverners were set up by cricket
loving professionals as a charity to support
cricket for young people. The Australian
HMAS Rankin took on the Northern Territory
branch of the Australian Lord’s Taverners for
a game of cricket during a recent port visit
to Darwin.
Lords Taverners spawned from the English
branch in 1982 and focuses on raising
money to support disadvantaged and/or
handicapped young people and provide
them with opportunities to play sport.
By LEUT Dionette Sakova
During the lunch break, the CO presented the
Chairman of the Northern Territory Branch,
Michael Martin OAM, with a ships plaque and
a donation from the welfare fund to assist in
Taverners and their charitable works.
The day was enjoyed by all and many thanks
to CEO of NT Cricket, Troy Watson for
organising the event.
CO Rankin is piped as he walks off the gangway.
It’s certainly been a long time but HMAS
Rankin has finally returned to the home port
of the Australian Submarine Force at HMAS
Stirling after a nine month deployment.
Although not a typical sunny Perth day, spirits
were not dampened as families of the crew
listened to the band and admired the formed
SUBFOR platoon while waiting for Rankin
to come alongside. Among the welcoming
guests were Acting Fleet Commander,
Commodore Luke Charles-Jones,
Commander Submarine Force Captain Matt
Buckley, CSC and Acting Commanding
Officer HMAS Stirling Commander Milton
and sea-ride opportunities. Taking the long
way home, Rankin then headed to, Guam,
Kobe (Japan) and Kure (Japan) for a very
successful Theatre deployment to Northeast
Asia. In addition to their operational Theatre
roles Rankin participated in Exercise Pacific
Reach, the International Submarine Escape
and Rescue Exercise, operating out of South
Korea and exercised with USN and JMSDF
Submarines. Finally, just to complete their
Originally departing Fleet Base West after
involvement in the Submarine Escape and
Rescue Exercise, Black Carillon in October
2015, Rankin has been away for a total of
267 days. Initially taking the southern route
to Fleet Base East, Rankin provided some of
the less frequently visited southern ports of
Australia an opportunity to catch a glimpse
of a Collins Class submarine.
Rankin’s achievements have been numerous.
This included operating out of Fleet Base
East for an extended four month period,
supporting Fleet Exercises Ocean Master
and DIPEX (with the new Seahawk MH60R)
and providing the broader Fleet with visit
EDITION 2, 2016
CMDR Doug Theobald, shakes hands with Commander Submarine Force, CAPT Matt Buckley, with the Chief of Staff
- Fleet Command, CDRE Luke Charles-Jones looking on.
EDITION 2, 2016
Top of the
“Engineering” Class
long loop of the Western Pacific , a visit to Darwin to re
Australianise and vote in the 2016 Federal election, prior her
final run down the west coast of Australia to FBW, home for
the approx 60 sailors and officers.
This extended period of high level activity has enabled Rankin
to qualify numerous sailors and officers as submariners
and additionally provide the opportunity for on the job
continuation training for many others. Rankin’s role as one
of the submarines deploying into the Indo-Pacific Theatre
in 2016 underscores a resurgent Submarine Force now
comprising five boats in service with the Fleet Commander.
This busy program and time away has been challenging for
the crew as well as families. A controlled and steady rotation
of Rankin’s personnel has provided opportunity for respite
as well as enabling members to spend some time with
family especially over the Christmas period. This approach
contributed to the success of this deployment as well as
assisting in maintaining high levels of morale.
SMNMTSM Jarrod Ellicott is welcomed home by his girlfriend Emily and his family,
who had flown over from the east coast for his return.
‘The 2015 recipient is
HMAS Sheean’
Commanding Officer HMAS Rankin, CMDR Doug Theobald,
commented on the performance of the crew during this
expended period. “There have been trying times, as to be
expected during long periods away from home, but the team
jelled and performed exceptionally throughout the duration”
he said.
Captain Matt Buckley, CSC, said “This has been the longest
single deployment for a Collins Class submarine and
Rankin has achieved all key mission objectives, including
a number of firsts for Navy. I am extremely proud of the
efforts of Rankin’s CO and ship’s company and am very
thankful for the enduring support of their family and friends.
This deployment underscores the ongoing success of our
Submarine Enterprise and our capacity to deliver a potent
national strategic deterrent capability.”
Being the first of our boats
to receive this award, the
inscription reads:
EDITION 2, 2016
RADM S Mayer (FC), LCDR S Miller (MEO) and CPOMTSM W Preston
(DMEO) after presentation of Australia Cup onboard HMAS Sheean
whilst in Gage Roads off Fremantle, April 2016.
“HMAS Sheean has demonstrated a highly proactive and innovative approach to operational
platform systems engineering throughout 2015. Their preparation for a challenging Indian
Ocean Deployment was meticulous with ship’s staff working collaboratively with Submarine
Enterprise partners over the course of the intermediate docking to deliver the highest levels
of material readiness. Throughout their deployment the Engineering Department actively
managed a number of significant defects through sound practices to assure platform
system capability in the area of operations. A consistent forward leaning and innovative
team, the achievements of HMAS Sheean are commendable and in keeping with the finest
traditions of the Royal Australian Navy.”
CPO Robert Stewart is welcomed home by his wife Peta and children, Ailee (6),
Matthew (4) and Ashlyn (6 months),
HMAS Rankin comes along side Diamantina Pier.
The Australian Fleet Awards
are presented annually to the
highest performing Fleet Units,
Establishments and Flights
across a variety of disciplines
and skills. The Australia Cup
is awarded to the Fleet Unit
that has achieved the highest
standard of Marine Engineering
efficient and serviceability.
The Award Certificate.
Congratulations Sheean.
HMAS Sheean Marine Engineering Department upon return to Australia 2015.
EDITION 2, 2016
A View of the
‘Submarine Enterprise’
from a Submarine Crew
It’s mid afternoon and 1 st watch is on.
HMAS Waller has recently emerged from
an extensive refit and is now at depth in
the WAXA conducting equipment trials. A
number of systems have already been tested
extensively and are performing as expected.
A defect had already been identified on one
key system during the refit and the current
trial is putting the components to the test.
Several parameters are being monitored
however it is already clear that one parameter
in particular is not meeting its specification.
It’s March 2016 and there is a lot more that
Waller needs to achieve before leaving the
Australian station and heading east to Hawaii
to represent the RAN and the Submarine
Force at RIMPAC.
In the weeks that followed some tough
decisions were made which ultimately
resulted in Waller heading as far east as
Adelaide for an emergency docking at ASC’s
dockyard at Outer Harbour to address
the system defects indentified during the
licensing process.
The nature of the task to be undertaken
was complex and not normally performed
outside of Full Cycle Docking periods.
Before Waller arrived the ASC workforce
was already committed to HMA Ships Collins
(just commencing FCD) and Farncomb,
just completing FCD that was preparing
to proceed to sea. From April until June
Waller was on the hardstand at ASC-N
with shift workers supporting the Defect
Rectification Period (DRP) nearly around the
clock. Waller emerged from the DRP ahead
of the challenging schedule not as a matter
of course, but as a result of a clear and
common goal combined with a considerable
time investment and a coordinated effort
from the Enterprise. As of mid August,
Waller is preparing to sail from FBW for
a revised program. It is now that we can
look back on Waller’s time in Adelaide with
some objectivity and appreciation for what
If there is one factor not to be overlooked it is
the importance of the personal relationships
that were formed early in the DRP and
maintained throughout. ASC SA proved not
to be a faceless organisation, instead a team
of motivated people. And the crew of Waller
the same. Relationships were developed at
EDITION 2, 2016
every level, and at every level were equally
important to the success of the DRP: from
the spirited conversations between CMDR
Richard Lindsey (CO) and Mr Andy Cann (GM
CCSM Delivery), to the questionable banter
between ABMTSM Joshua Day and Mr Andy
Curtis (ASC Engineer).
The immediate benefit of these relationships
was communication – a free flow of
information, ideas and expectations. There
was a common goal, a shared raison d’être,
and the effect was palpable. This was perhaps
most evident in the day to day working
relationships between Waller’s engineers,
LCDR William McDougall, LEUT Wes North
and LEUT Matt Tabulo, and the ASC Boat
Manager Mr Shannon Dainait. ASC also
noted that beyond this, the contribution of
Waller’s Engineering team was instrumental
in assessing technical and schedule risk
which assisted in decision making throughout
the DRP. The goal was clear: get Waller
back to sea in a seaworthy condition and
everything that was done was done with a
view to achieving this goal. Simply put: as
perceived or otherwise, the schedule was
never delayed unnecessarily and work was
conducted safely and efficiently. And as a
result, the ATP-DRP concluded two weeks
ahead of a realistic schedule.
It was not just ASC that supported Waller
during the ATP-DRP. Other Enterprise
organisations were also on hand and for
the most part brought their full resources
to bear on the problem of getting Waller
back to sea in minimal time. Waller’s Naval
Representative (NR), Mr Wayne Gilligan,
spent considerable time in Adelaide, away
from his desk at the Collins SPO at HMAS
Stirling, and his support and facilitation
of the repairs and subsequent emergent
work, including some challenging URDEFs
on unrelated systems, was appreciated by
all. Submarine Certification Group (SCG)
also proved critical to the DRP assisting
in SUBSAFE Re-Entry Controls (RECs)
and system and equipment isolations.
Waller’s crew commented favourably on
SCG’s ability to act as a sounding board
and as a liaison between Navy and ASC,
aiding in communication and translating
Navy’s requirements to ‘ASC speak’.
Finally, with Farncomb alongside preparing
to sail, their assistance was appreciated
and commendable. Farncomb provided
both stores and personnel to aid in defect
investigation and rectification.
Getting Waller to sea and proving her as
a Seaworthy mission system was a clear
priority, however it was important not to
ignore the morale of our Ship’s Company.
While in Adelaide, the majority of the crew was
accommodated in transit accommodation
at RAAF Base Edinburgh – an hour from
Outer Harbour and Adelaide city. Despite
the isolated living conditions, the uncertain
and changing program, and the dwindling
expectation of deploying to RIMPAC or
other exercises out of Hawaii, the crew
maintained an exceptional level of morale.
This was due in no small part to leadership
within the ranks. The positive effect that a
number of influential Junior Sailors had on the
attitude and outlook of the crew can not be
understated or underappreciated. A number
of personnel remarked that in many ways it
would have been easier to be at sea. Having
daily contact with home without being able
to provide physical support – being so close,
but so far – proved challenging. Working
hours were long and days off were few and
far between, and so every effort was made to
provide respite where possible and a number
of group activities were organised. The DRP
was challenging, and while some challenges
are enjoyable, the crew is happy to put the
DRP behind them and progress Waller’s
program for the remainder of 2016.
Waller emerged from the unscheduled
docking ready to proceed to sea and fulfil
any tasking or commitments required of her.
Of course if there was a choice, none of
this would have happened – however what
has been shown during the ATP-DRP is the
ability of the Enterprise to support, adapt and
deliver, and most importantly, bounce back
to achieve the aim.
EDITION 2, 2016
For more information contact the
Submarine Recruiting Team at
EDITION 2, 2016
Follow us on Facebook at
EDITION 2, 2016
Unheard We Work, Unseen We Win
The Trade
Rudyard Kipling
hey bear, in place of classic names,
Letters and numbers on their skin.
They play their grisly blindfold games
In little boxes made of tin.
Sometimes they stalk the Zeppelin,
Sometimes they learn where mines are laid,
Or where the Baltic ice is thin.
That is the custom of “The Trade.”
ew prize-courts sit upon their claims.
They seldom tow their targets in.
They follow certain secret aims
Down under, Far from strife or din.
When they are ready to begin
No flag is flown, no fuss is made
More than the shearing of a pin.
That is the custom of “The Trade.”
he Scout’s quadruple funnel flames
A mark from Sweden to the Swin,
The Cruiser’s thund’rous screw proclaims
Her comings out and goings in:
But only whiffs of paraffin
Or creamy rings that fizz and fade
Show where the one-eyed Death has been
That is the custom of “The Trade.”
heir feats, their fortunes and their fames
Are hidden from their nearest kin;
No eager public backs or blames,
No journal prints the yarn they spin
(The Censor would not let it in! )
When they return from run or raid.
Unheard they work, unseen they win.
That is the custom of “The Trade.”