First Generation - Luginbuel Funeral Home
First Generation - Luginbuel Funeral Home
Descendants of William COPELAND First Generation 1. William COPELAND was born about 1618 in England. He immigrated on 25 Oct 1650 to Middlesex Co., VA. Sir Thomas Lundsford was issued a land patent on the south bank of the Rappahannock River in Lancaster Co., VA on 24 Oct 1650 for 3,423 acres and for the transport of 65 persons including William & Mary Copeland. He was living on 6 Jun 1655 in Lancaster Co., VA. June 6,1655- Lancaster Co., VA- William Copeland, Order to him for 1000 lbs. tobacco in suit vs J. Phillips for nonappearance of Abra Moone(Lancaster Co., VA Court Orders, 1652-1655, pg 196) Aug. 6,1655-Lancaster Co., VA -William Copeland- Judgement confessed to him by Abra Moone for 2000 lbs. tobacco with 1 year interest. (Lancaster Co., VA Court Orders, 1652-1655, pg 208 Oct 25,1655- Lancaster Co., VA- William Copeland, says Mr. Kempe owes him 270 lbs tobacco. Mr. Tho. Greefoeth and Mr. Kemp to pay the costs of the suit. (Lancaster Co., VA-Cout Orders, 1652-1655,pg 211) Dec. 7,1655-Lancaster Co., VA- William Copeland, Security for Robt. Burton, guardian of Jo. Johnson and his brothers and sisters(Lancaster Co., VA Court Orders, 1662-1655,pg 231) He was blessed on 1 Jan 1671 in (Old) Rappahannock Co., VAEssex Co., VA. On Dec. 31,1673, this land was returend to the Dikes as William and Mary Copeland could not make payments (Essex Co., VA Deeds and Willisa 1699-1701, pg 51. He died before 10 Jun 1701 in Essex Co, VA. The Copeland line which originated in Virginia provided the proginitors for my family. It started with William and Mary Copeland, and settled in what is now Middlesex County (then Lancaster County), Virginia, on the south bank of the Rappahannock River prior to 1650. After 1616, every immigrant to Virginia earned a headright for the person who paid for his or her transportation. This was a right to patent 50 acres of land; 100 acres if he came by 1616. A land patent was issued to Sir Thomas Lanksford of Susses, England on October 24, 1650 for 3,423 acres "lying on a bay on the south side of the Rappahannock River" for the "transport of 65 persons," including himself and family members and William (#1) and Mary Copeland. Cavaliers & Pioneers Vo. I,II, & III- Patent Book No. 2 p.254 William Copeland (or Will as he was called) was known as a carpenter in the early years in Virginia. In 1655 he bought 537 acres of land "on the S. side of the Rappahannock River and on the N. side of Sunderland Creek, bordering land of Richard Lewis" from Daniel and Elizabeth Welsh. In March 9,1663 Will Copeland was appointed Constable of Lancaster County in the portion south of the Rappahannock, which became Middlesex County in 1673. Feb. 8,1664-Certificate to William Copeland for Transportation of Thomas Mann, William Dyer and Sarah Johnson Mar 8,1665,Patent Book 5, p.537-Mr. Jno Curtis, 250 acres, Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappahannock Riv. Beg. at land of Mr. Henry Corbin and against the land of William Copeland, running W. to land of Robert Price, thence W for the transfer of 5 persons. He was living there in 1688 Between 1607 and 1624 there were more than fifty sites occupied on both sides of the James River by individual settlers or plantations. Under the Charter of 1609, there were to be four political divisions called corporations or cities. Each city was to be a parish. These city[parishes were James City, Elizabeth City, Charles City, and Herico City. By 1634, these four had expanded to eight shires which now included these four and Warwick River(Warwick), Warrosquyoake(Isle of Wight), Charles River(York), Accomack. The parish development we are concerned with here is Charles River Parish, which had the 1 Descendants of William COPELAND following transformation: Charles River(1634-1643) York(1643) divided into three parishes: Gloucester(1651), New Kent(1654), and Lancaster(1651). Lancaster- sub divided into two parishes: Rappanannock in the years of 1656-1692 and Middlesex in 1669. In 1692, Rappahannock became know as Essex County. By 1721, much of Essex was divided into two addditional counties. These were Spotsylvania Co., in 1721, in 1734 Orange Co. Mary died about 1660. William COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 2 +3 +4 +5 +6 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Thomas COPELAND was born about 1835. James COPELAND (born about 1837). Nicholas COPELAND I (born about 1638). Ann COPELAND (born in 1641). William COPELAND (born about 1640). 2 Descendants of William COPELAND Second Generation 3. James COPELAND (William-1) was born about 1837. Anne WEATHERBOURNE was born 4. Nicholas COPELAND I (William-1) was born about 1638 in Scotland ?. He appeared in the census in 1702 in Essex Co, VA-Tax Titheable. John Copeland is also listed in Essex Co., VA He appeared in the census in 1704 in Essex Co, VAQuick Rent. He signed a will on 9 Oct 1712 in Essex Co, VA. He died on 17 Mar 1720 in Essex Co., VA. On 9/25/1665 Nicholas Copeland and William West are granted 1587 acres north of the Rappahannock, for transporting 12 persons to Virginia, adjoining the land of Capt. Weir and Thomas Hobson.(Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol.II, p.155,Nugent) March 8,1665 Lancaster Co., VA- Nicholas purchased 250 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock River, adjoining the land of Henry Corbin and against the land of William Copeland May 1,1672-(recorded)-Know all men that I, William Gibson, of the parish of Sittenbourne in the county of Rappahannock, for the certain sum of tobacco to me already paid have granted and sold unto Nicholas Copeland of the parish aforesaid his hiers and assigns a small parcel of land being part of the dividend wherein I now live between two branches and beginning at a marked white oak standing at the head of the one branch and running south=southwest by a line of marked trees to a red oak that standeth by the other branch a little below the place where the highway crosseth the said Copeland, his hiers and assignes forever from me and my heirs andassignes forever and from all person claiming the same under me and particularly from the dower of Mary, my now wife, and I do oblige myself to deliver up my right with my wife's right unto the said land unto him the said Copeland ,his heirs and assigns in open court within 2 months next ensuring the date hereof. December 27,1671. Wit: Thomas Parker and Richard Goode. Sighned William Gibson (Old Rappahannock County, VA, Deed Abstracts, Part I, 1672-1676, pg 22) Sept 29,1674- Essex Co., VA Nicholas Copeland granted land with James Andrews-567 acres on the southside of the Rappahannock River on the branches of Occupasee Creek on the south side of the main swamp, adjacent land of THomas Barber's land, near the Indian Path- Transport of 12 persons. Rappahonnock Co., VA (Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol.II, p.155,Nugent) April 21,1690 Rappahannock Co[now extinct]., VA- Nicholas purchases 145 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock River and on the north west side of Occupation Creek on the Potomac(Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol.II, p.343,Nugent) 1701, Jun 10 Court: Last Will & Testament of William Copeland, deceased. Nicholas Copeland, Richard Goode and Charles Atkinson of Essex Co., VA bond to Jno. Catlett, gentleman, for estate of William Copeland. Witnesses: Henry Goare, Salvatr. Muscoe, Thomas Snowden, Nicholas Copeland, Richard Goode and Charles Atkinson. Essex Co., VA. 1701, Aug 11 Land Transfer: Nicholas Copeland of Essex Co., VA to son and daughter, Charles and Anne Atkinson of Essex Co., VA, 100 acres on south side of Rappahannock River bounded by William Beasley, John Dower's land. After their death, land to granddaughter, Mary Atkinson, daughter of Charles and Ann Atkinson. Witnesses: William North and Thomas Ramsey. Anne, wife of Nicholas Copeland, relinquishes her dowry rights. Essex Co., VA 1704 Nicholas Copeland 300 acres (rent rolls) Essex Co., VA John Copeland 175 acres(English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records,des Cognets,L,Jr.,p.135) Jan. 6,1708-Nicholas Copeland mentioned in land sale on the Rappahannock June 1,1708- Essex Co., VA -Nicholas sells 1000 acres on the Rappahannock River Sept 8,1714, Nicholas of St. Ann's parish, sells Samuel Henshaw, in consideration of 30 acres sold by Henshaw and wife to Arthur Oneby, 30 acres in St. Ann's Parish on the West Side of Popoman Swamp,etc. Signed Nicholas Copeland(his N mard). Wit: John Man, his mark, Sam'll Biswell, JOhn Boughan. Ann Copeland, wife to Nicholas relinquished her dower rights. 3 Descendants of William COPELAND Recorded SEpt. 9,1714(Fleet,B. 1988, VA Colonial Abstracts, Vol11,p.97) Will page 138-139Will of Nickolis Copland of the county of Essex being very sick and weak in body,dated 9 Oct. 1712. Unto Ann, my beloved wife the devident of land where I now live and all my personable estate so long as she shall remain a widow. Unto my grandson Nickalis Copeland the devopment of land where I now live after my wife's decease. If he should dye without heirs, then my granddaughter Mary Brown. If she should dye without heirs to return to my grandson Charles Atkinson. Unto my grand daughter Mary Brown one hundred and seventy acres of land adjoining to the land of James Boulware. After my wife's decrease my personable setate shall be divided into three parts. One-third unto my grandson Nickolis Copland, one-third unto my grand daughter Mary Brown and the remainder to be equally divided amongst the rest of my grandchildren. Unto my daughter, Ann Phillips one shilling. My beloved wife Ann Copeland execatricks. Nickolis (N) Copland Presented 17 May 1720 in Court by Ann Copland. Proved by Samuel Stallord and Mary Williams. Judith WEST (daughter of William WEST) was living in 1665. mentioned in early deeds Nicholas COPELAND I and Judith WEST had the following children: +7 8 +9 +10 +11 i. ii. iii. iv. v. William COPELAND (born about 1656). Richard COPELAND was born about 1664 in Old Rappahannock Co., VA. He died before 1712. Jane COPELAND (born in 1668). Nicholas COPELAND Jr. (born about 1675). Ann COPELAND (born in 1676). Nicholas COPELAND I and Mary were married in 1695 in Essex Co, VA. Mary died in 1696 in Essex Co, VA. Nicholas COPELAND I and Ann were married 7/1698-1/1699 in Essex Co, VA. Ann was born 5. Ann COPELAND (William-1) was born in 1641. Richard WEST was born 6. William COPELAND (William-1) was born about 1640 in Scotland ?. He died in Essex Co, VA. William COPELAND and Grace were married on 15 Sep 1666 in Middlesex Co., VA. Grace was born William COPELAND and Grace had the following children: +12 +13 i. William COPELAND (born before 26 Mar 1667). ii. John COPELAND (born before 21 Mar 1669). 4 Descendants of William COPELAND Third Generation 7. William COPELAND (Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1656 in Old Rappahannock Co., VA. He signed a will on 28 Mar 1698 in Essex Co, VA. He died in 1701 in Essex Co, VA. This is the will of William Copeland, son of the Nicholas Copeland who died 1720 Essex Co. He died before his father. ESSEX COUNTY DEEDS & WILLS 1701-1703 P. 83 Will of WILLIAM COPELAND March ye 28th 1698. IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen I WILLIAM COPELAND of Essex County being sick & weeke of body but of perfect sence & memory thanks be to Almighty God doe make & constitute this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme as followeth: First I bequeath my Soule to God who gave itt & my body to the earth from whence itt was taken in hopes of Resurrection to everlasting life through the Merritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer. Item I give unto my two Daughters, MARY COPELAND and MARTHA COPELAND all and singular my Devedend of land which lyeth back in the FOREST formerly given to me by my loveing Honered Father, NICHOLAS COPELAND, to be equally devided between them to them and their heires forever, But if itt should please God that my two Daughters MARY COPELAND & MARTHA COPELAND should die before that they come to age or have heires lawfully borne of their owne bodyes that then my will is that my loveing Cousen JOHN COPELAND & my Loveing Cousen, NICHS: COPELAND, to have & to enjoy itt to them and to their heires forever onely saveing & excepting One hundred acres of ye sd Devidend of ye said land I give unto my loveing Cousen, MARY COPELAND, too her and her heires for ever Itm. I give unto my loveing Wife, MARGERY COPELAND all my personall Estate dureing her naturall life & if it shall please God that my Wife should dye before my too Daughters come to age that then Itm. My Will is that my personall Estate shall be equally devided betweene my too Daughters, MARY COPELAND and MARTHA COPELAND to them and to their heires forever Itm. My Will is that my honered & Loveing Father, NICHOLAS COPELAND, and my loveing Brother, NICHOLAS COPELAND JUNR., shall be & remaine my soale Executores of this my last Will & Testament Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of LODOWICK ROWZEE WILLIAM ( ) COPELAND RICHARD LEIGHTON WILLIAM ( I ) BOULLER Prov'd in Essex County Court ye 10th day of June 1701 by ye sd RICHD. LEIGHTON who likewise made Oath that he saw LOW:ROWZEE & WM. BOULLER, ye other witnesses thereto (who are since deced) set their names thereto & ye same is truely recorded KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that wee NICH: COPELAND & RICHD. GOODE & CHARLES ATKINSON of this County of Essex are firmely bound unto JNO: CATLETT Gent., President of the said County Court in the sum of One hundred pounds Sterl. this 10th day of June 1701 The Condicon of this obligacon is that if the above bound NICH: COPELAND who att a Court held for Essex County the day & yeare abovesd. obteyned a Probate of the Last Will & Testamt. of WM COPELAND deced shall doe & fullfill the said Will fully satiffie all Legatees as therein are expressed & doe performe whasoever the Law enjoynes in such cases, the above obligacon to be void, otherwise to remaine of full force Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us HENRY GOARE NICHOLAS (N) COPELAND SALVATR: MUSCOE RICHARD GOODE THO: SNODEN CHARLES ADKINSON Acknowledged in Essex County Court ye 10th day of June 1701 & truely recorded ****** Essex County VA Court Orders 1699-1702 Essex County Court 10th of June 1701 The Last Will & Testamt. of Wm. COPELAND deced was prov’d by the oath of Richard Leighton who further made oath that he saw Lodowic Rowzee & Wm Bowller the other witnesses thereto (who are since deced) set their names to ye sd Will & ordered to be recorded.... Probate of the Last Will & Testamt. of WILLIAM COPELAND deced is granted to NICHO: COPELAND his Father, one of the Exrs. therein named haveing given security according to Law.... The Bond for probate of WM COPELAND’s Will was acknowledged & ordered to be recorded. 1696, Nicholas deeded 567 acres to William (Old Rappahannock Co., VA, D-5,1666-1674, p.349) Ear mark of William Copeland, son of Nicholas-Old Rappahannock Co., VA 5 Descendants of William COPELAND Margery was born William COPELAND and Margery had the following children: +14 15 i. Mary COPELAND. ii. Martha COPELAND was born 9. Jane COPELAND (Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1668 in Old Rappahannock Co., VA. Daniel BROWN was born in 1655. He died before 1707 in Essex Co, VA. He had his estate probated on 18 Jan 1707 in Essex Co, VA. Essex Co., VA Will Book 13, 1707-1711, page 148. Dated 1/18/1797. -Will of Daniel Brown of Essex Co., being very sick and weak of body. To my eldest son,Abraham Brownm my old plantation through the old field bounding upon the line of Daniel Brown, Jr. by the ole mill path on the dividing branch-side of the middle branch near unto Mr. Thomas Edmondson's old field dividing the land of my sons Henry and Abraham Brown. Unto my son Henry Brown, my now dwelling plantation and all of my land lying between the dividing branch and the middle branch. Unto my son Francis brown, all the remainder of my land lying on the upper side of the middle branch. Unto my daughter, Sarah Boughan, land beginning at the bridge and so up the branch to a spring in Thomas Wood's old field to a dividing corner tree of Francis Browns, Sr., to the middle branch. Unto my son Abraham Brown one shilling Unto my daughter, Sarah Bougham one shilling Unto my son Henry Brown, one coe, when comes to the age of 21. Unto my son Francis Brown, one cow when he come of the age of 21. Unto my daughter, Mary Brown, three cows, upon her wedding day, and a young mare the same day. All the remainder upon my wife, Jane Brown, and all at her dease onto my daughter, Jane and Elizabeth Brown and appoint her my sole executrix; Wit: Henry Brown, Jane Brown, Alexander Younger Signed Daniel Brown Jane COPELAND and Daniel BROWN had the following children: 16 +17 +18 19 20 21 22 23 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Abraham BROWN was born Sarah BROWN. Mary BROWN. Daniel BROWN Jr. was born Henry BROWN was born Francis BROWN was born Jane BROWN was born Elizabeth BROWN was born John MILLS was born 10. Nicholas COPELAND Jr. (Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1675 in Essex Co., VA. He was living in Nov 1696 in Essex Co, VA. mentioned in court records He was living in 1704 in Essex Co, VA. quick rent-300 acres Nov. 10,1694 Bond L 20 Sterling, Nicholas Copeland as guardian of Jno Adkinson, orphan. Signed Nicholas (X) Copeland, Fra Smith Wit: Salvatore Muscoe, James Edmondson, Essex Co., VA(Fleet B.,1988, VA Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 11, p113) Aug 10,1696-'Mr. Meriwether, Please to put on the mark of my cattle and hogs which a fluer-de-lis in the left ear and a swallow forke in the right ear; yor friend Nicholas Copeland recorder; Test Francis Meriwether, Clerk Cur.(Essex Co., VA Part I of Deed and Will Book, 1695-1699, p59' May 16,1725- This indention between Nicholas Copeland of the Parish of St. Ann in County of Essex and Dorothy, his wife of one part and Anthony Scott of the parish of Drysdale in King and Gueen County, planter of ye other part witnesseth that the said Nicholas Copeland and Dorothy, his wife in consideration of sum of 40 pounds currency, money of Virginia: sold 6 Descendants of William COPELAND unto Anthony Scott in his actuall possession two plantation tracts of land with ye appurtenances whereon Nicholas Copeland and Ann Copeland now lives in ye Parish of St. Ann aforsid containg 200 acres relation being had to ye records of Essex County may more fully appear; In presence of Thomas Bridgeforth Nicholas Copeland John MacAlister Dorothy Copeland Jacob Laton At Court held for Essex County on ye 18th day of May 1725. This deed of lease and release admitted to record. Also ye same day the said Dorothy Copeland freely relinquished her right of dower to ye said land which is also admitted to record(Essex County Deed BK 18. pp 67-69) Dorothy RIPLEY (daughter of Richard RIPLEY and Elizabeth RAMSEY) was born Nicholas COPELAND Jr. and Dorothy RIPLEY had the following children: +24 +25 +26 +27 +28 +29 30 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William COPELAND (born in 1690). Nicholas COPELAND III (born in 1697). Peter COPELAND (born in 1700). Judith COPELAND (born in 1720). James COPELAND Sr. (born in 1720). Thomas COPELAND (born about 1720). John COPELAND was living in 1704 in Essex Co, VA. quick rent-175 acres 11. Ann COPELAND (Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1676 in VA. Ann COPELAND and Charles ADKINSON were married in 1699 in Old Rappahannock Co., VA. D&W Book 10, p.86 Charles ADKINSON (son of James ADKINSON and Mary BROWNE) was born about 1669 in VA. Ann COPELAND and Charles ADKINSON had the following children: +31 32 33 34 i. ii. iii. iv. Charles ADKINSON Jr. (born in 1695). Nicholas ADKINSON was born John ADKINSON was born Mary ADKINSON was born Ann COPELAND and Thomas PHILLIPS were married in 1712 in Essex Co, VA. W Book 3, p.139; Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock 7 Essex Co., VA Thomas PHILLIPS was born 12. William COPELAND (William-2, William-1) was born before 26 Mar 1667 in Middlesex Co, VA. He was christened on 26 Mar 1667 in Christ Church Parish in Middlesex Co., VA. He died before 28 Feb 1696 in Essex Co, VA. William COPELAND had the following children: 35 36 37 i. Nicholas COPELAND was born before 1696 in Essex Co, VA. ii. John COPELAND was born before 28 Mar 1696 in Essex Co, VA. iii. Mary COPELAND was born on 28 Mar 1696 in Essex Co, VA. 13. John COPELAND (William-2, William-1) was born before 21 Mar 1669 in Middlesex Co., VA. He was christened on 29 Mar 1669 in Christ Church Parish in Middlesex Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1702 in Essex Co, VA-Tax Titheable. He appeared in the census in 1704 in Essex Co, VA-Quick Rent. He died on 22 Nov 1736 in Essex Co, VA. Nov 13,1699, John Copeland and wife Elizabeth,daughter of Richard Dues, decreased against Thomas Norman, dismist & C.(Middlesex Co., VA Orders,1694-1705, p304) Jan 1700, John Copeland assigned him (Rice Curtis) another 100 acres on Dragon Swamp(Essex Co Deed Book 10,p5) John COPELAND and Elizabeth DUES were married before 1699 in Middlesex Co., VA. Elizabeth DUES (daughter of 7 Descendants of William COPELAND Richard DUES) was born Rebecca WOODNUTT died in 1735 in Essex Co, VA. John COPELAND and Rebecca WOODNUTT had the following children: +38 39 +40 +41 i. ii. iii. iv. Henry COPELAND (born in 1715). John COPELAND was born in 1720 in Essex Co, VA. He died in 1754 in Augusta Co. VA. Benjamin COPELAND (born in 1724). Thomas COPELAND (born about 1727). 8 Descendants of William COPELAND Fourth Generation 14. Mary COPELAND (William-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born BROWN was born 17. Sarah BROWN (Jane COPELAND-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born BOUGHAN was born 18. Mary BROWN (Jane COPELAND-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born John RUTHERFORD was born 24. William COPELAND (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1690 in VA. He died on 11 Nov 1789 in Chatham Co., NC. 3/1754 William to head a road crew to repair old road-Haw old fields to Cafe Fear River 4/1754 William in court- Orange County,NC 10/1754 William on grand jury- Orange County,NC 1755 Orange Co., NC tax list 8/4/1756- William commissioner of roads-Orange Co., NC 12/1756 William mentioned as road commissioner- Orange Co., NC 4/1757- William Commissioner of roads-Orange Co., NC 3/1757, William agent for Hugh Smith, constable Regulators Advertisement: Petition to Governor and Council issued May/1768. Complaint that the inhabitants of Orange Co., pay more taxes than other counties. Signed by : James Copeland, Richard Copeland, William Copeland,Sr., William Copeland, Jr., Nicholas Copeland, and Thomas Copeland Pg. 1 Court session of May, 1774 Matthew Davis was appointed oversee of the road in the room of William Copland, Sr. Deed Bk. B, pg. 126, 2 Dec., 1777 William Copland Sr., to William Branton, for 20 pds, 25 acres below New Hope Creek, being the tract of land whereon I now live. William Copland Sr. Witn: Thomas Branton William Copland James Copland pg. 56. Court session of Feb. 1778,Orange Co.,NC Deed from William Copland Sr. to William Branton proved by Thomas Branton. 9 Descendants of William COPELAND pg. 78, Court session of May, 1779,Orange Co.,NC William Copland records his mark, a Swallow fork in the right ear and a half moon under the right. July 4,1779 William Copeland purchased 275 acres on Shaddock's Creek Oct. 22,1779 William Copeland purchased 100 acres on Shaddock's Creek Oct. 22,1779 William Copeland purchased 124 acres on Shaddock's Creek Oct 22,1779 William Copeland purchased 75 acres on the Haw River Nov 11,1784 BK D pg 46 William Copeland purchased 125 acres on Shaddock's Creek for 65 shillings Nov 1, 1784 BK D pg 275 William Copeland purchased 275 acres on Shaddock's Creek for 135 shilling April 3,1786, William sells 25 acres of land on the Haw River to William Branton for 50 pds. 1/1787 Williams line is mentioned in a deed, laying on the fork of New Hope and Haw Rivers William Copeland Sr. Will, dated 11 Nov. 1789, no probate date Chatham Co., NC Record of Estates (1782-1799) Vol. 1, pg. 43(b), 44 NC State Archives film # C.022.50001 In the name of God amen I William Copeland Sr. of the County Chatham and State of North Carolina being week in body but of perfect mind and sound memory thanks be to god and calling to mind that it is appointed by the almighty Creator for all mortal man once to die therefore am Willing that what it hath pleased God to bestow on me as to temporal goods I give in the following manner and my soul I recommend into my saviours hands who redeemed by his precious blood and as to my body I recomend to the ground to be disantly buried at the discretion of my Executors after named nothing doubting but I shall receive it again at the last day by the mighty power of god. I promise I give and bequeath to my son Richard Copeland the use of the land and plantation whereon he now lives on during his natral life and his wives and he to pay the taxes yearly containing fifty acres from the meadow branch up new hop Creek and after their death to the heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever and in case no such heir to Richard Copeland son of John Copeland to him and his heirs forever Item I give and bequeath to my son John Copeland the use of that tract of land I now live on from the meadow branch down to the River during his and his wifes natrael life and he to pay up the taxes yearly Containing one hundred and twenty five acres and after their death to William Copeland son of John Copeland to him and his heirs forever only my Will is that my wife is to have the use of the old orchard & the field I now lend together with stock of every kind with all working tools and household furniture & and lastly I do nominate and appoint my Brother James and John Copeland to be Executors to this my last Will disanulling and revoking all other former Wills by me made heretofore In Witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this 11th of 10 Descendants of William COPELAND November 1789 Signed Wm. Copeland Signed Seald Published and delivered this to be my Will in presents of us James Langston James (his X mark) Langston Jnr France (her X mark) Hill A Copy Test John Ramsey C.C William COPELAND and Margerry LOTT were married in 1725. Margerry LOTT (daughter of Aaron LOTT) was born in 1701. William COPELAND and Margerry LOTT had the following children: 42 +43 +44 45 +46 +47 48 49 50 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Richard COPELAND was born Mary COPELAND (born in 1732). Charles COPELAND (born in 1734). Martha COPELAND was born in 1739. John COPELAND (born on 12 Feb 1743). William COPELAND Jr (born in 1742). Christian COPELAND was born in 1746. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1748. Grace COPELAND was born in 1750. 25. Nicholas COPELAND III (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1697 in VA. He was blessed on 23 Apr 1734 in Spotsylvania Co, VA-St. George Parish. He appeared in the census in 1739 in Orange Co., VA (Tax Titheables). He died in 1742 in Orange Co, VA. before the fall of 1742, In 1742 he was a Surveyor of the court in Orange Co., VA. 1717 Robert Bizwell, Estate Account- Payments made to Samuel Stallard, James Masters, EDward Howzee, Nicholas Copeland, Anne Hines, Edward Lickerring, Thomas Fenwick, Henry Dungun, John Boughan, John Hawkins, William THompson, Robert Parker, Mary Fletcher, Leonard Tarent, gent., Richard Gatewood, Nathan Fogg, Robert Jones, Mr. Robert Beverely, Eliza Ridgdell, John Cooke (for a coffin), Robert Brooke, Jr., Madame Edwards, John Bizwell. Signed by Jeremiah Biswell, 21 Oct. 1718 Proved by Jeremiah Bizwell Lived in Essex and Orange Co.,VA . Dec 20,1720. Thomas Comber and Keziah Comber both of Essex Co., VA to Charles Brown of same. For 300 pounds of tobacco. 60 acres of ours which lies between the main road and Popeman Swamp except that part which was bought of Nicholas Copeland. Witness Nicholas Copeland, Thomas Hinshaw, Samuel Biswell 10/2/1725- Larkin Chew of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA, Gent, to NICHOLAS COPELAND 16 pds sterling for 284 acres in Spotsylvania Co., VA. Witnesses: John Johnson,Robert King, John Chew 4/23/1734 Nicholas of St. George Parish recieved 350 acres in Spotsylvania Co.,VA April 6,1742, Nicholas x Copeland of Orange Co., VA to Benjamin Martin of Spotsylvania, Co., VA L20 currency for 100 acres in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co.--part of the land formerly bought by said Copeland of Larkin Chew, Witnesses,John Chew,Archibald McPherson, John Allen April 6,1742, Nicholas x Copeland of Orange Co., VA to John Sutton of Spotsylvania Co.,L20 currency for 100 acres in St. George Prish, Spotsylvania- formally purchased by said Copeland of Larkin Chew; Witnesses, John Chew, William Lindsey, Benjamin Martin Sept. 6,1764- John (X) Sutton and Elizabeth, his wife of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA to Edward Straughan of the 11 Descendants of William COPELAND same part and county..... part of a tract purchased by sd John Sutton of Nicholas Copeland (sic), wit: Larkin Chew, Thomas Powe, and Reuben Straughan Nicholas COPELAND III and Nancy Jane LOTT were married in 1719 in VA. Nancy Jane LOTT (daughter of Aaron LOTT) was born about 1700. Nicholas COPELAND III and Nancy Jane LOTT had the following children: +51 52 53 +54 +55 +56 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William COPELAND Sr. (born in 1720). Anne COPELAND was born about 1722 in Essex Co, VA. Elizabeth COPELAND was born about 1723 in Essex Co, VA. Nicholas COPELAND IV (born about 1724). Daniel COPELAND (born in 1725). Mary COPELAND (born about 1725). Dorothy RICKETTS was born Nicholas COPELAND III and Dorothy RICKETTS had the following children: +57 +58 +59 +60 +61 +62 +63 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Joseph COPELAND (born in 1728). Aggie COPELAND (born in 1730). Josiah COPELAND (born in 1732). Joel COPELAND (born in 1734). Valentine COPELAND (born about 1737). Martha "Patsy' COPELAND (born about 1737). James COPELAND (born in 1742). 26. Peter COPELAND (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1700 in Essex Co, VA. He died after 1754 in Spotsylvania Co, VA. Dec 2,1742- Wit: Peter Copeland (sic), Walter Clark, James Samuel, to deed of Henry Bartlett of Spotsylvania Co., and Sarah , his wife to Benjamin Watts of Caroline Co., -Justice of the Peace Carolina Co.,VA 1752 Will written 11/20/1753-Mar 5,1754 proven: witness of Will of George Reeves, recieved sword, belt, and silver cup Oct 4,1755; Witness Peter Copeland, James Martin, John Goodloe, John Daniel to deed of Benjamin (X) Watts and Mary, his wife of Spotsylvania to Jesse Harper of Caroline Co., VA Diana REEVES (daughter of REEVES) was born Peter COPELAND and Diana REEVES had the following children: +64 +65 +66 67 +68 69 +70 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Patience COPELAND (born about 1725). Peter COPELAND (born in 1728). Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1730). James COPELAND was born John COPELAND (born in 1735). Daniel COPELAND was born Richard COPELAND (born in 1745). 27. Judith COPELAND (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1720 in Middlesex Co., VA. John RIPLEY (son of Richard RIPLEY and Elizabeth RAMSEY) was born in 1690 in Essex Co, VA. August 19,1718, John Ripley being arrested at ye suit of Robert Elliot and not appearing is granted plaintant against John Ripley and Nicholas Copeland. Essex County, VA Court Orders, 1716-1723, Part 1, page 170 Judith COPELAND and John RIPLEY had the following children: 12 Descendants of William COPELAND +71 i. Richard RIPLEY. 28. James COPELAND Sr. (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1720 in Essex Co, VA. He was blessed on 19 Aug 1760 in Orange Co., NC- side of Haw river and both sides of Sticking Creek. William Copeland was chain carrier He was blessed on 2 Oct 1761 in Orange Co., NC. Patent Book 14, 3775 pg 375 . 275 acres above the Stinking Creek, joining the Haw both sides of the bends of the fork of said creek. Also included both sides of the thoroughfare.Surveyed 6/26/1761 W. Churton. CC William Copeland and John White [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: SL] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: SL] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: SL] He died on 30 Sep 1793 in Chatham Co, , NC. 11/11/1756 James Conner mentions deed next to James Copeland on Little River 3/1758 James appointed constable of Down the Haws toward the lower end of the county Regulators Advertisement: Petition to Governor and Council issued May/1768. Complaint that the inhabitants of Orange Co., pay more taxes than other counties. Signed by : James Copeland, Richard Copeland, William Copeland,Sr., William Copeland, Jr., Nicholas Copeland, and Thomas Copeland 7/10/1772- This maybe the James Copeland that received a pardon from Gov. Josiah Martin following the battle of Almance. 1790 Census District 84 Chatham Co[Hillsborough District] Will of James Copeland In the name of God, Amen. I James Copeland of the County of Chatham and the state of North Carolina planter Being sick and weak in Body, but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto god calling into mind the Mortality of My Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hand of almighty God that give it and My Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting But at the General Resurrection, I shall Receive the Same Again By the Mighty power of God and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless Me in this Life I Give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner and form - - First I give to my well Beloved wife Elizabeth all and Singular My Movable Estate Containing My house hold furniture to gather with My Stock of Every Kind of Bruits (Beasts?) and fowls and My Land that I Now Live uppon and all the lands that is Now in my position after all my Just Debts is paid During her Widow hood and then I give to my son John Copeland one hundred and sixty acres one hundred acres at the same Being part of a tract Entered By Me James Copeland for My Self and David Copeland and the other Sixty was______ Entered by me James Copeland for myself also I give to my son David Copeland after the widowhood of My Wife The sold tract that J. Haw live uppon Containing one hundred and twenty five acres also after the - - Widow hood of My Wife. I give and bequeath the Movable part of my property containing the house hold furniture and Stock of Every Kind to My well Beloved children 13 Descendants of William COPELAND By name Sillah Bryant, Daniel Copeland, Silvy Bryant, James Copeland, Liddy Branton, Elisabeth Lasator, Frankey Lasetor, Susanah Ellitt, William Johnston, Sarah McIver and Richard Johnston whom I own as my Children although Known By the Name of Johnston and McIver Sealley Copeland John Copeland Polley(Dolley?) Copeland David Copeland Anney Copeland Cloe Copeland I Likewise consitute Make and ordain Daniel Copeland and Thomas Branton My Sole Executors of this this my Last will and Testament and I Do hereby disalow Revoke and Disanull all --and Every other former Testaments Wills Legacies Bequests and Executors By Me in any wise Before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to Be My Last will and testament in Witness Whereof I the Said James Copeland Have hereunto set My hand and Seal this thirtyeth Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven --Hundred and Ninety Three Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the James Copeland seal Said James Copeland as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presents and in the Presents of Each other have hereunto Subscribed our Names Benjamin Gunter (seal) Richard Gunter (seal) Isac Bright his mark Chatham County Nov Term 1809 The execution of this last Will and Testament was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Benjamin Gunter and Richard Gunter and ordered to be recorded and is recorded in Book A pages 39 & 40 Test. Thomas Ragland CCC Elizabeth Martha was born about 1730. She died on 1 Mar 1823 in Chatham Co., NC. Minute Book-Pagan Creek.Marriage on p.101(Date of marriage not given Date on which 'liberty given to marry when they see fit' recorded on 11/17/1744 or 1745.May not be right James James COPELAND Sr. and Elizabeth Martha had the following children: +72 +73 +74 +75 +76 +77 +78 +79 +80 +81 +82 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Elizabeth Sillah 'Sylvania' COPELAND (born about 1757). Daniel COPELAND (born about 1758). Frances 'Franky' COPELAND (born in 1758). Sylvania 'Silva' COPELAND (born in 1761). James COPELAND Jr. (born about 1763). Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND (born in 1763). Lydia 'Liddy' COPELAND (born about 1765). Dorothy 'Dolly' COPELAND (born in 1771). Susannah COPELAND (born in 1772). John COPELAND (born on 1 Apr 1775). Sarah MCIVOR (born in 1776). 14 Descendants of William COPELAND +83 +84 85 xii. David COPELAND (born in 1779). xiii. Annie COPELAND (born in 1780). xiv. Chloe COPELAND was born in 1782 in Chatham Co, , NC. 29. Thomas COPELAND (Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1720 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1790 in wilkes Co [Morgan District-26]. March 20,1748, Nicholas purchased 640 acres in Bladen Co.,NC on both sides of the Haw River, including Nicholas Copeland's Own, Copeland's fathers and Thomas Copeland's improvements 4/20/1761 Thomas registered 700 acres in Orange Co., NC on Richaland Creek, which is the Waters of Rocky River , including the plantation that Thomas lives 10/2/1761- Granville Patent Book 14, 3792, pg 375; Thomas granted 225 acres in Orange Co., NC on both sides of the Richland Creek ( waters of Rocky River. Signed (mark); Witness: James Watson, Enoch Lewis; survey 6/26/1761, W. Churton [ Nicholas and James also recieved Grants on 10/2/1761 pg. 8, Court session of August, 1774 Peter Sinclar appointed overseer of the road from the Horse pen Lickspring to Blossingham Branch and the following hands Viz: Nimrod Burk, Thomas Stone, Thomas Copland, Thomas Riddle, Jeduthan Harper, Joseph Rossen, Edward Douglas, Hugh Daniel, James Harper, Henry Cook, Thomas Cook and Ephraim Cook, be subject to work on the same pg. 288, Nov. 8, 1784 HENRY and MARTIN CRUTCHFIELD to THOMAS COPLAND, for 40 pds., 100 Acres on the N. side of the old road that leads from HENRY CRUTCHFIELDS to Chatham court House, joining SOLOMON DIXON. HENRY CRUTCHFIELD MARTIN CRUTCHFIELD Wit: None shown Thomas COPELAND had the following children: 86 87 +88 89 +90 i. ii. iii. iv. Stephen COPELAND appeared in the census in 1790 in wilkes Co [Morgan District-26]. William COPELAND appeared in the census in 1790 in Wilkes Co [Morgan District-121]. Thomas COPELAND (born about 1740). Benjmaim COPELAND was born in 1743 in Spotsylvania Co, VA. He died about 1778 in Chesterfield Co., SC. v. Richard COPELAND Sr. (born in 1759). 31. Charles ADKINSON Jr. (Ann COPELAND-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1695 in Essex Co, VA. Mary LANDRUM was born in 1699 in Essex Co, VA. 38. Henry COPELAND (John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1715 in VA. He had his estate probated on 2 May 1821 in Albemarle Co., VA. He died in VA. Henry COPELAND and Ann MARTIN were married on 21 Jul 1761 in Goochland Co., VA. Ann MARTIN (daughter of Valentine MARTIN and Sarah HIX) was born in 1708 in Goochland Co., VA. She died in Albemarle Co., VA. Henry COPELAND and Ann MARTIN had the following children: +91 i. Willis COPELAND (born in 1767). 15 Descendants of William COPELAND +92 +93 +94 +95 96 97 +98 +99 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. William COPELAND. Martin COPELAND (born in 1776). Elizabeth COPELAND. Nancy COPELAND. Sally COPELAND was born Rody COPELAND was born Mildred 'Milly' COPELAND. John COPELAND (born in 1793). 40. Benjamin COPELAND (John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1724 in Essex Co, VA. He died on 20 Mar 1754 in Augusta Co. VA. Augusta and Frederick Counties were formed from Orange county. Frederick County was first to hold court and form a county government. Augusta County encompassed all of southwest virginia and West Virginia. Most of the area which later became West Virginia was known as 'West Augusta'. As settlement moved westward, other counties such as Fincastle were divided out of Augusta. When Fincastle was divided into Montgomery, Washington and Kentucky counties Fincastle became extinct. Dec. 15,1749-Augusta County Co., VA-Benjamin Copeland purchases 400 acres on the branch of the north fork of Shenandoah called Buffalo Spring Anne was born in 1728 in Isle of Wight Co., VA. Benjamin COPELAND and Anne had the following children: 100 101 +102 +103 +104 +105 +106 +107 i. Hannah COPELAND was born about 1740 in Augusta Co. VA. She died on 1 Nov 1791 in Garrod Co., KY. ii. Sarah COPELAND was born about 1745 in Augusta Co. VA. iii. Jacob John COPELAND (born about 1747). iv. James COPELAND (born about 1750). v. Ann COPELAND (born about 1750). vi. Mary COPELAND (born about 1751). vii. Benjamin COPELAND Jr. (born on 28 Mar 1752). viii. Samuel A. COPELAND (born in 1754). 41. Thomas COPELAND (John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1727 in Essex Co, VA. Chatham Co.,NC Deedspg. 381, Mar. 4, 1778 >Jeduthan Harper of Chatham Co., sells to William Johnston of ORANGE CO., NC, for 135 pds, 640 acres on the Hickory Mountain, land joins Thomas >Copeland, Henry Cook,... and includes the land and improvement where the said Jeduthan Harper at present resides which last mentioned place was sold >and conveyed by the said Jeduthan harper to the said William Johnston on the 11 Feb. 1777 and the said 640 acres being a tract of land granted to the >sd Jeduthan Harper by Richard Caswell, Esqr. by patent dated July 1, 1779 and numbered 70. > Jedn. Harper >Wit: >J. Luttrell >W. Kinchen He died after 1784 in Orange Co, , NC. Thomas COPELAND and Mary MURREY were married on 18 Nov 1749 in Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight Co., VA. Minute Book-Pagan Creek p.17 (minute book)-18th day of 11 month 1749. Mary MURREY was born 16 Descendants of William COPELAND Fifth Generation 43. Mary COPELAND (William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1732 in Essex Co, VA. She died in 1801 in Lincoln Co., GA. Mary COPELAND and James GRAVES were married in 1750 in VA. James GRAVES was born about 1730 in VA. He died about 1800 in Lincoln Co., GA. 44. Charles COPELAND (William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1734 in NC. Abigail HAAS was born in 1739. Charles COPELAND and Abigail HAAS had the following children: +108 i. Charles COPELAND (born in 1760). 46. John COPELAND (William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Feb 1743 in NC. He owned 200 acres on 19 Aug 1797 in Robeson Co., NC on Eastside of Raft Swamp. He signed a will on 28 Sep 1799 in robeson Co., NC. He died after 28 Sep 1799 in Robeson, NC. 2/28/1764- Cumberland Co., NC 200 acres on Northside of NW River 4/24/1767- 200 acres on Eastside of Cape Fear River 7/24/1785 Bladen Co., NC 600 acres on Raft Swamp 12/25/1786- Robeson Co., NC both sides of Raft Swamp-50 acres 7/26/1787-Robeson Co., NC both sides of Raft Swamp-100 acres 8/19/1798 Robeson Co., NC 200 acres Eastside of Raft Swamp Mary was born John COPELAND and Mary had the following children: +109 +110 +111 +112 +113 +114 +115 +116 +117 118 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1762). Christian COPELAND. Abigail COPELAND. Anna COPELAND. Ruth COPELAND. Mourning COPELAND. Rachel COPELAND. Sarah COPELAND (born on 18 Nov 1782). James COPELAND (born in 1783). John COPELAND was born never married 47. William COPELAND Jr (William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1742 in Chatham Co., NC. He served in the military in 1778 in NC Militia Chatham Co, Elisha Cain's Co. William COPELAND Jr had the following children: +119 i. William COPELAND (born in 1764). 51. William COPELAND Sr. (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1720 in Essex Co, VA. He was living in 1761 in Rowan Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1778 in Rowan Co., NC- Tax List Capt. Morris District. He was living in 1784 in Sullivan CO., TN. north side of the Holston River He appeared in the census in 1796 in Sullivan CO., TN. tax list as 300 acres William lived on 2nd Creek in Rowan Co., NC , Peter Dill of Rowan Co, lived on Abbotts Creek. James, his nephew was raised by William. According to the John Dill Bible dated 1820. James married Lydia Dill in 1769 in Salisbury. James is listed as son of Nicholas Copeland of Virginia and his bondsman in WM Copeland, his uncle. This would tie in the two Lott sisters. William was a signer of the State of Franklin petition 17 Descendants of William COPELAND Sarah 'Sally' LINDSEY (daughter of William LINDSEY and Jane CHEW) was born about 1720 in VA. She died in 1800 in Sullivan CO., TN. William COPELAND Sr. and Sarah 'Sally' LINDSEY had the following children: +120 121 122 +123 +124 i. Richard COPELAND (born about 1740). ii. William COPELAND Jr. was born about 1740 in Chatham Co, , NC. He was blessed on 1 Nov 1784 in Chatham Co. , NC on Shaddock's Creek. He appeared in the census in 1787 in Wilkes Co., NC. Tax List- Vannoy's District He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He was living in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. Regulators Advertisement: Petition to Governor and Council issued May/1768. Complaint that the inhabitants of Orange Co., pay more taxes than other counties. Signed by : James Copeland, Richard Copeland, William Copeland,Sr., William Copeland, Jr., Nicholas Copeland, and Thomas Copeland Had land in Jefferson Co.,TN near Joseph's iii. Cornelius COPELAND was born about 1750 in NC. He served in the military on 20 Apr 1777 in Rev War- 3rd SC Reg.. iv. James COPELAND. v. John D. COPELAND (born in 1762). 54. Nicholas COPELAND IV (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1724 in Essex Co., VA. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia-Captain John Birdsong. He died on 20 Sep 1773 in Chatham Co, NC. March 20,1748, Nicholas purchased 640 acres in Bladen Co.,NC on both sides of the Haw River, including Nicholas Copeland's Own, Copeland's fathers and Thomas Copeland's improvements. Thomas and James Copeland were chain carriers In Orange Co.,NC 1755 tax list: Nicholas,Sr;Nicholas, Jr; Joseph;;Richard;William. Found on internet under Orange Co.,NC archives. Granville Land Grants Vol.2(1748-1763)-Book 14, 3798, pg 381 Oct. 2, 1761..Nicholas Copeland 455 acres in Orange co. on both sides of Little creek [which is] the waters of Haw river, joining both forks..signed Nick Copeland, wit. Jas Watson and Richard COPELAND, and the Chain Carrier(surveyor's assistant) was Nichs COPELAND Jr. Note (Thomas and James also received land on 10/2/1761) Regulators Advertisement: Petition to Governor and Council issued May/1768. Complaint that the inhabitants of Orange Co., pay more taxes than other counties. Signed by : James Copeland, Richard Copeland, William Copeland,Sr., William Copeland, Jr., Nicholas Copeland, and Thomas Copeland Ruth LANDRUM was born about 1720 in Essex Co, VA. Nicholas COPELAND IV and Ruth LANDRUM had the following children: +125 126 127 128 i. Nicholas COPELAND V (born about 1740). ii. Christian COPELAND was born about 1753. iii. John COPELAND was born on 22 Apr 1754 in Susses Co., VA. He served in the military in 1776 in Rev. War. S40052, Enlisted in Orange Co.,NC fought with the NC line. Lived in Henry Co.,VA and Orange Co.,NC. John was a Sgt and received 1000 acres of land for 84 months of service in 10/14/1783 under Capt. Gamble and Col. Archibald Lythe. Applied for a pension in 11/19/1825 Davidson Co., TN and stated that he had no family. d. 11/10/1838. He died on 10 Nov 1838. iv. Charles COPELAND was born in 1757. 18 Descendants of William COPELAND +129 130 131 +132 v. Reuben COPELAND (born about 1750). vi. Mary COPELAND was born in 1752 in NC. She died in 1820 in SC. vii. Isham COPELAND was born about 1757 in Chatham Co, , NC. He served in the military in 1775 in Rev War-St. Barthomen's Parish. Fought in the Rev War, SC line. viii. Ruth COPELAND (born in 1760). Nicholas COPELAND IV and Cielia Emiline WORTHEN were married on 15 Apr 1756 in NC. Cielia Emiline WORTHEN was born Dorothy RIPLEY (daughter of Thomas RIPLEY and Mary STOUT) was born in 1727. of St. Anne, Essex Co., VA 55. Daniel COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1725 in Orange Co., VA. He served in the military on 23 Sep 1772 in NC militia Chatham Co., Cap Stephen Pool Co.. He died before 1790 in SC. Was in the Colonial Militia prior to the Rev. War and Chatham Co., Militia during the war. Daniel COPELAND and Dorothy 'Dolly' were married about 1750 in Chatham Co. , NC. Dorothy 'Dolly' was born in 1740 in Chatham Co, , NC. She appeared in the census in 1790 in SC. Daniel COPELAND and Dorothy 'Dolly' had the following children: +133 134 +135 +136 137 +138 139 +140 i. Mary COPELAND (born in 1752). ii. Moses COPELAND was born about 1755 in Chatham Co, , NC. He was living in Greenville Co., SC. iii. Isaac COPELAND (born in 1756). iv. John Jacob COPELAND (born about 1757). v. John R. COPELAND was born in 1759. He died on 26 Jul 1785 in SC. vi. James COPELAND (born about 1757). vii. Benjamin COPELAND was born in 1760 in Indian Creek, Cheraw District, SC. He died in 1860 in Davidson Co., TN. Fought in the Rev War, at seize of Charleston, SC under Col. Sumter; at the battles of Rocky Mount, Hanging Rock Watee, Cowpens, Guilford's Courthouse, and Dorchester. He received a pension in Davidson Co.,TN viii. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1765). 56. Mary COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1725 in Essex Co., VA. Will Book 4,p.402 Deed Book 14 (Rev.) p 55. William Whitefield and Mary Copeland, sister of Thomas. Mary COPELAND and William WHITEFIELD were married. William WHITEFIELD was born 57. Joseph COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1728 in Essex Co, VA. He served in the military on 25 Jan 1754 in NC Militia- James Farler's Co.. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia Chatham Co, Elisha Cain's Co. w/ William Copeland, Sr; William Copeland,Jr; Josiah Copeland, and Joel Copeland. Also Jacob Vann He served in the military in 1776 in Rev. War- North Carolina Line. Rec land grant(military warrent #786) in Davidson Co.,TN on March 17, 1785. Land was assigned to his son Stephen Copeland and given to Sutherlin Mayfield-640 acres-on July 5,1785[Recorded Vol. A: 1784-1787 Roll 1:Davidson Co.,TN] He was Primative Baptist in 1800 in Lower French Branch Church. He died on 11 Jun 1816 in Jefferson Co., TN. The first settlers in Orange Co., NC were mainly Quakers from Penn., where land was too expensive. They started moving to Orange Co.(Cane and Stinking Cane River area.), in the late 1740's. 1755 Orange Co.,NC Taxpayers list Joseph Copeland,Nicholas Copeland, Nicholas Copeland,Jr, and Richard Copeland. CHATHAM COUNTY,, NORTH CAROLINA. In 1753,there were only 1108 families in Orange 1757, there were 1595;1761,there were 2627;1765-3064, and 1767-3870. Following the Battle of Alamance, over 1500 families left in 1772. Most of the Copeland's were Regulators and moved after the Battle of Alamance. Chatham Co., NC was formed in 1771, during the Regulator uprisings. The town of Hillsborough was where the Old Trading Path crossed the Eno River. Pg. 383 Granville Land Grants Vol. 2-Book 14-Nov. 1758, actual survey Sept. 9, 1756 19 Descendants of William COPELAND Joseph Copeland was a surveyor helper(Chain Carrier) for land on Haw River, Orange co. for buyer Benja. Clements. Mar. 13,1759- Benjamin Clements sells Joseph Copeland 406 acres on the Haw River, Orange Co., NC Feb 8,1761 Joseph CC with William Churton, survey of land for Hickory MT and both sides of Dry Creek for William Martin in Orange Co., NC May 12,1761 Josiah Copeland sells Joseph Copeland 406 acres[ part of the Nicholas Copeland Plan] on the Haw River in Orange Co.,NC Granville Land Grants Vol. 2(1748-1763)-Joseph Copeland is listed in Patent book 12, Oct. 12,1761 Orange Co. as a CC (chain carrier, meaning he has helped the surveyor in a survey).Land Survey for Wm Martin Feb. 14,1764 Joseph Copeland sells Joseph Ricketts 243 acres Orange Co., NC Nov.13,1764 Joseph Copeland sells John Falsinor 243 acres in Orange Co.,NC Oct.13,1768 Joseph buys 121 acres on the northside of Haw River from John Falconer and Elizabeth, wife, for 5 shillings, this is part of 486 acres of Granville grant #246 to Benjamin Clemmons on Nov. 2,1758 in Orange Co., in the Parish of St.Matthews, including a island. Nov. 11,1755 survey by William Churton, CC Joseph Copeland. [ Benjamin Clemmons also obtained 210 acres in the Parish of St. Matthews on the New Hope Creek and Bush Creek, p.376 beginning at the mouth of Sugartree cut E, by a line of marked trees, n line to a corner 3 Black Jacks, W to branch to a marked pines to river, Sdown river to beginning] June 29, 1771 (P. 51) Thomas Blyth sold to Joseph Copeland - 52 pds. 122 a. on the North side of Haw River 'concluding an Island". Wit: William Copeland, John Blyth, Jacob Vaughn. Signed by: Thomas (X) Blyth. Oct. 1, 1771 (P.5) - Joseph Copeland sold to Thomas Tucker - 55 pds. 122 a. on the North side of Haw River,, concluding and island -it be in the land granted by deed to the said Joseph Copeland by Thomas Blyth bearing date 1771. Wit: William Copeland, Senr., John (x) Bohannon. Signed: Joseph (E) Copeland. 1772 Joseph Copeland is in the Chatham Co., Militia Feb. 18,, 1774 (P. 216) - Joseph Copeland and Sarah his wife to William Clark - 125 pds. - 27 1/2 a. - a tract of land granted to a certain Nicholas Copeland - - being one half of the survey granted to aforesaid Nicholas Plan - - being the land and Plantation whereon Josiah Copeland formerly lived. Wit: John Auld,, George Glasscock, George Herndon. Signed: Joseph Copeland (X), Sarah (S) Copeland. Feb. 1775 John Jones appointed constable in the room of John Sellers. Thomas Tucker and Joseph Copeland enter themselves as his security. June 1,1779 Joseph purchased 559 acres on the New Hope River and Beaver Creek March 31,1780 Joseph registers 559 acres in Chatham Co., NC, land joining Christine's Corner; Davises Corner; Whites line; and various courses of New Hope and the mouth of Beaver Creek In 1780-Joseph and his family headed to Tenn Feb 16,1780 Sullivan Co., TN -Joseph received Grant 521 #503 Entry 154 Book 71 pg279 [200 acres on Northside of the 20 Descendants of William COPELAND Holston River, registered 4/7/1790] March 3,1780 Sullivan Co., TN Joseph recieved Grant 522 #504 Entry 154 Bk 71 300 acres on the North side of the Holston River registed 4/7/1790 Oct. 7,1780, Zacheus fought with the Tennesseans, serving for his father, Joseph, in the battle of King's Mt. 1781 Sullivan Co.,TN Grant #521 Bk 15 pg 82 [300acres on the French Branch River] 1781 Sullivan Co., TN -Grant #533 Bk 15 pg83 [300 acres on the southside of the French Branch] ,this changed to Jefferson Co.,TN. On October 23,1782, Bryce Russell recieved Land Grant #110 of 640 acres on the north side of the Holston River, beginning at Joseph Copeland's line adjacent to land of James Blythe and cornered Joseph Roger's land. Sullivan Co Deed Book 1. p.50(reprinted in Watauga Association Vol 1 no.2(1972) p.40 Oct 27,1783 Green Co., TN Joseph registered Grant #025 entry 499 [640 acres on South side of the French Broad] Historical and Educational Development of Community Formerly, the 318 square miles now known as Jefferson County were included in those of Greene County. In 1783 the first settlers came to Jefferson County, and these included the following men and their families: Robert McFarland, Alexander Outlaw, Thomas Jarnigin, James Hill, Wesley White, James Randolph, Joseph Copeland, Robert Gentry, and James Hubbard. The first two men mentioned located in the area known now as Hamblen County. The last seven settled in what is now called Sevier County. About four miles above the mouth of the Chucky River and on the north side was the site chosen by Captain Jarnigin for his homestead. James Hill lived about a mile below Captain Jarnigin, and Wesley White settled immediately opposite Taylor's Bend. Robert Gentry located four miles above Dandridge, and Joseph Copeland seven miles above Dandridge on the south side of the French Broad River. note; White Pine, in near the Head Waters of Copeland Creek. After this period of settling during 1783, the population grew rapidly. Some very important events occurred during the decade following the year 1783. In 1785 the Franklin government divided the area then known as Greene into three distinct and separate counties. One of the new counties formed by this division was Caswell, which included the area now known as Jefferson and Sevier counties. Jefferson and Knox counties were created on June 11, 1792, by Governor Blount. March 7,1786 Joseph received Grant 103 #117 Entry 783 Bk 63 pg41 [649 acres on Mill Creek in Davidson Co., TN]. This land was assigend to Sutterling Mayfield Feb 19,1787 Joseph sells 559 acres on the eastside of the New Hope River to John White for 50 pds. June 23,1802 -Smith Co., TN We have some reason to believe that the marking of the boundary line of the county had reference to those parts of Smith County bounded by the newly formed county of Jackson and by Wilson County. Jackson County was formed in 1801, and there is no record previous to the above, so far as we have found, to indicate that the boundary line had been established. Moreover, the next item which reads as follows : "Ordered that William Jones be allowed the sum of fifty-six dollars as surveyor for running the boundary line between the counties of Smith and Wilson; and also between Smith and Jackson Counties, as provided by act of Assembly," shows that these were the two lines under consideration. Lewis MacFarland was, we think, a relative of Dr. Sam MaFarland, of the hospital at Lebanon, Tenn., which bears his name. Some early MaFarlands in Tennessee, including the following : "July 15, (1791) Issac Pennington and Milligen were killed, and McFarland was wounded, on the Kentucky Road." "Major McFarland, in 1792, Sept. 27th, was included in the group of officers to have in charge two regiments of men to fight Indians." His name was John McFarland. Again we read : "Colonel Doherty and Colonel McFarland, in direct disregard of the orders of the Territorial authorities, raised 180 mounted riflemen, with whom they invaded the Indian country." "But to provide for the worst, it was settled before hand, that each man, on discharging his piece (or gun), without stopping to watch the flight of the Indians, should make the best of jos way to Knoxville, lodge himself in the blockhouse, where 300 muskets had been deposited by the United States, and where two of the oldest citizens of the fort, John McFarland and Robert Williams, were left behind to run bullets and lead." This was in 1793. An earlier member of the same family was Robert McFarland. Of him we have the following record : "Jefferson County, as known at 21 Descendants of William COPELAND present, received its first settlers in this year (1783). These were Robert McFarland, Alexander Outlaw, Thomas Jarnigan, James Hill, Wesley White, James Randolph, Joseph Copeland, Robert Gentry and James Hubbard." We read also of Robert McFarland as Sheriff of Jefferson County,Tennessee, in 1792. Four years later he was still Sheriff. 8/31/1818-Joseph Copeland Grant #499. State of NC, John Armstrong required to layoff for Devereaux Guilliam 640 acres. Given 6/25/1784. Signed John Armstrong.,ET no. 652 to the heirs of Joseph Copeland . note: Joseph & family may have had to fight the Cherokee Indians for the right to live on the land, for the Cherokee were not confined to the Cumberland Plateau until the 2nd Treaty of Holston in 1791. By 1800, dozens of new settlers had come to the "Mountain District", Meanwhile, the movement West continued. In 1785, a highway was opened between Knoxville and Nashville, and hundreds of settlers passed through the area. Tennessee the Volunteer State 1769-1923: Volume 1 JEFFERSON COUNTY Jefferson County was erected on June 11, 1792, by Wm. Blount when governor of the Territory South of the River Ohio. It was formed from portions of Greene and Hawkins counties and was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson. The first settlers came in 1783. Among them were: Robert McFarland, Alexander Outlaw,Thos. Jarnagin, James Hill, Wesley White, James Randolph, Joseph Copeland, Robert Gentry, James Hubbard, Matthew Wallace, James Roddye, Richard Rankin, Thomas Snoddy, Parmenas Taylor, Hugh Kelso, Adam Meek, and George Doherty, most of whom were prominently identified with the early history of Tennessee. Joseph Copeland was one of the first settlers to come to Jefferson County, TN coming there in 1780 with eight other settlers. He settled seven miles north of Danridge on the South side of the French Broad (River). He later owned 640 acres of land. October 12, 1793 - Knoxville Gazette - (newspaper article) On the 3rd, , a party of Indians, consisting of 30, plundered the house of Mr. Copeland on the South bank of French Broad, the family only a few minutes before passed over to the North side and were eye witnesses to their number and depredation. JOseph is a DAR Patriot. He is listed in the Centennial Edition of the DAR Patriot index p.6663 as b.1740 d.1816, married to Sarah; Soldier in Continential Army of North Carolina. He served in the military in 1776 in the Rev War with the North Carolina Line. He receieved a land grant in Davidson Co., TN on March 17,1785. WILL OF JOSEPH COPELAND In the name of God, amen. the 10th day of August One Thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, I, Joseph Copland, of Jefferson County and State of Tennessee, being weakly in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to almighty God, therefor calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all my onst to die, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to buried in a decent Christian burial at the descretion of my Executers, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall recieve the same again by the mighty promist of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to help me with in this life. I desire first that all my lawfully debts should be paid, the rest I give, devise, and dispose in the following manner and form. Imprimis, I give and bequeth unto my dearly beloved wife, Sarah Copland, the third of three hundred acres of land, the lower end of my plantation, with all my moveable property estate as long as she continues my widow. Item: I give unto my beloved son Stephen Copland, the sum of five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved son Zacheus Copland, five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved son Rickety Copland, three hundred and forty acres of land, the upper end of the above said plantation. Item: I give unto my beloved daughter, Isabel, the sum of five shillings sterling. 22 Descendants of William COPELAND Item: I give unto my beloved daughter Susannah, five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved daughter, Elizabeth, five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved son, Nicholas Copland, five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved daughter, Mary, the sum of five shillings sterling. Item: I give unto my beloved son, Solomon Copland, three hundred acres of land, the lower end of the above mentioned plantation, to be enjoyed by him and his heirs forever with all my moveable estate, after my wife decease or marriage. I likewise constitute, make, and ordain my dearly beloved wife and my beloved friend, John Seahorn, my joint executers of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby alterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every former testaments, wills, legacies, bequeths, and executers by me and any way before named willed, and bequethed, ratifying, and confirming by this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness, whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said Joseph Copland as his last will and testament. Wit: George Graham, George Lewis, Reuben Dobkins State of Tennessee Jefferson County June sessions 1816 Then was the last will and testament of Joseph Copland, deceased, duly proven in Open Court by the oaths of George Graham and Reuben Dobkins, two of the subscribing witnesses to the same and ordered to be recorded. Joseph Hamilton, Clerk by his dep., Joseph Hamilton, Jr. Joseph COPELAND and Sarah Jane SEAHORN were married in 1755 in NC. Sarah Jane SEAHORN (daughter of Jacob SEAHORN (ZAHAUN)) was born in 1734 in Augusta Co. VA. She died after 1816 in Jefferson Co., TN. She was christened in Sehorn, Seehorn. Joseph COPELAND and Sarah Jane SEAHORN had the following children: +141 +142 +143 144 +145 +146 147 +148 149 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Col. Stephen COPELAND (born in 1756). Capt. Zacheus A. COPELAND (born on 4 Aug 1764). Rev. Ricketts COPELAND (born in 1768). Isabel COPELAND was born in 1770 in Chatham Co, NC. She died in 1821. Mary COPELAND (born on 13 Oct 1771). Solomon COPELAND Sr (born in 1772). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1775 in Chatham Co, , NC. Col. Nicholas COPELAND (born in 1780). Susannah COPELAND was born in 1777 in Chatham Co, , NC. 58. Aggie COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1730 in Essex Co, VA. She died in 1796 in Chatham Co, , NC. Aggie COPELAND and Capt. Samuel DARK I were married in 1749 in Chatham Co, , NC. Capt. Samuel DARK I (son of Joseph DARK) was born in 1722 in Bucks Co., PA. He died in 1796 in Chatham Co, , NC. Chatham Co.,NC Land Deeds >pg. 312, June 9, 1784 >SAMUEL DARK to WILLIAM DARK, for 130 pds., 135 acres, the land joining MATTHEW JONES land. > SAMUEL DARK > AGGE (X) DARK > ( her mark) >Wit: >ANDREW HEADEN >JOSEPH (X) DARK The Darks were Quakers Aggie COPELAND and Capt. Samuel DARK I had the following children: 23 Descendants of William COPELAND +150 +151 152 i. Samuel DARK (born in 1751). ii. OLiver DARK. iii. William DARK was born 59. Josiah COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1732 in Essex Co, VA. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia Chatham Co, Elisha Cain's Co. He appeared in the census in 1790 in chatham Co [Hillsborough District-88]. He died after 1800. Chatham Co.,NC Notes pg. 78, Court --session of May, 1779 William Copland records his mark, a Swallow fork in the right ear and a half moon under the right. Joel Copland records his mark a Swallow fork in the right ear and a flower deloou (fleur de lis) in the left ear. 1791 May 10 - A Deed of Gift by James Sellars of the County of Chatham, NC for and in consideration of the love and goodwill and affection which I bear to my beloved son Robin Sellars of Chatham County, NC, ... 150 acres on the head of the Ashcraft Branch. Boundry neighbors: James Sellers mentioned above, David Sellers; my son, John Sellers. Signed by James Sellers; witnesses: John Factman Harrison, Josiah Copeland, William Copeland. [Deed Book E:139] 1794 Jul 18 - 1791? 1793? A Deed of Gift by James Sellars of Chatham County, NC, for and in consideration of the love, goodwill and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving son Laird Sellars of Chatham County, NC, by these presents do absolutely give and grant unto said Laird Sellars all that one certain piece of land lying in Chatham County containing 125 acres on the Meadow Branch. Boundryeighbors: Isaac Sellars, Josiah Copeland, Williams, Bishop. Signed James Sellars. Witness: David Sellars. [Deed Book G:344-5] 1800 Sep 14 - Indenture made between Laird Sellars of Chatham County, NC, on the onepart, and Reubin Straughan, of the other part, witnesseth that said said Laird Sellars for and in consideration of the sum of 125 pounds paid by said Reubin Straughan dothsell one tract of land lying in Chatham County containing 125 acres on the Meadow Branch. Boundry neighbors: Isaac Sellars, Josiah Copeland, Williams, Bishop. Signed Laird Sellars. Witness: John Hackney. [Deed Book L:306] Deed-- May 1794-Josiah COPELAND Sr. to Thomas STOKES, 150 ac N of Haw Riverr, "land I now live on", survey taken up by James SELLARS, taken up by John ALEXANDER and will to his wife. Witness: Z. HARMAN, Jos BRANTLEY. (G:236) Deed-- Feb 1803--Thomas STOKES to Josiah COPELAND Jr. (M:407) Deed-- Oct 1804--Thomas STOKES to Josiah COPELAND. (M:499 Maybe two brothers: Josiah married to Sarah White and Joel married to Sarah Bilbrey. Note there are no Joel-named descendants in Overton. But there is the Joel Copeland Cemetery. Also 1790 NC census has Joel and Joel,Jr in Wilkes Co. 24 Descendants of William COPELAND and Josiah and Josiah,Jr in Chatham Co.,NC Josiah COPELAND and Margaret were married about 1760 in Chatham Co, , NC. Margaret was born Josiah COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: +153 +154 +155 +156 +157 +158 +159 +160 +161 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1760). William COPELAND (born about 1765). Josiah 'Josar' L. COPELAND Jr (born about 1768). Susan COPELAND (born about 1775). John COPELAND (born in 1776). Richard COPELAND (born on 19 Mar 1783). Rachel COPELAND (born in 1785). Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (born in 1786). James Richardson COPELAND (born in 1787). 60. Joel COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1734 in Chatham Co, , NC. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia Chatham Co, Elisha Cain's Co. He appeared in the census in 1787 in Wilkes Co., NC. 1 male >21<60 6 males <21 2 females He appeared in the census in 1790 in Wilkes Co [Morgan District-121]. He died in 1816 in Joel Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. 8/3/1780- Wake Co., NC- Joel Copeland and Nicholas Angel are BM for the marriage of Jonathan Standey and Margaret McCane May,26,1783 received 640 acres for 84 months service under Col. Archibald Lythe Sarah BILBREY (daughter of James BILBREY and Margaret) was born in 1734 in NC. She died about 1800 in Overton Co, TN. Joel COPELAND and Sarah BILBREY had the following children: +162 +163 +164 i. Joel COPELAND Jr. (born on 26 Jun 1766). ii. Alvina COPELAND (born about 1774). iii. Josiah COPELAND (born in 1775). 61. Valentine COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1737 in Spotsylvania Co, VA. He died after 1768 in Chatham Co., NC. Elizabeth was born 62. Martha "Patsy' COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1737. William RILEY died in 1824 in Orange Co, NC. 63. James COPELAND (Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1742 in Chatham Co., NC. He was living about 1760 in Stinking Creek, Orange Co., NC. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia-Captain John Birdsong. He was living in 1779 in Sullivan CO., TN. James received land warrant #2324 in Sullivan Co., TN, in the amount of 300 acres on December 3,1779 on the north Side of the Holston. Ner his property were Thomas Maxwell and John Yoakley. In 1786, James tried to sell his land to RUSSELL. This fell through, he sold his land to his brother, William and was witnessed by Joseph Copeland. He then moved with Archibald Dill to Pax Creek, Greensboro, SC He was living in 1786 in Rowan Co., NC. He was living about 1790 in Pax Creek, Greenville Co., SC. Deed Bk. D p. 240 Benjamin WEST from James COPLAND (COPELAND?) 1795 , 190 Acres , A Waters S. Tyger He was living in 1797 in Knox-Roane CO, TN. Signed on the creation of Roane Co., TN He was living on 14 Feb 1809 in Copeland Creek, Madison Co., Mississippi Territory. He was living on 26 Mar 1810 in Madison Co., AL. w/ Moses Poore He signed a will on 11 Sep 1811 in Mississippi Territory-Madison Co., AL. He died in Sep 1811 in Madison Co, AL. He had his estate probated in May 1812 in Mississippi Territory-Madison Co., AL. 25 Descendants of William COPELAND Raised by his brother, William, after his father's death. pg. 13, court session of Aug. 1774,Chatham Co.,NC Ordered that, James Copland be summoned by the Sheriff to bring Gabriel Jones and Elizabeth Jones orphans of William Jones, to the next court ot be held for this county to be dealt with as the law directs. Received land warrent #2324 Sullivan Co.,TN in the amount of 300 acres on December 3,1779 on the North side of the Holston. Near his property were Thomas Maxwell and John Yoakley. He sold his land to brother William and in 1786 James Coupland is living in Rowan Co.,NC, later moved to Greenville,South Carolina in 1786 with Archibald Dill.In 1797, he moved to the Knox-Roane County area. He signed on the Roane County creation petition in 1799. By 1809 he had moved to Mississippi Territory-Madison Co., AL, where he died. Most of his children & families moved to Wayne Co.,TN wherebrother, William's descendants had moved, earlier. He writes his will on Sept 11,1811 and dies before the end of the month. His will is proofed by May of 1812. James Copeland Will > >Deed Book A&B, pages 25&26, Huntsville (Madison County) ALA. > >Mississippi Territory Madison County September 12, 1811. >By the grace of God Amen. I, James Copeland, being in my right mind and >memory though in low state of health, think it expedient to make this my last >will and testament. I do therefore give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God >and my body to the ground to be decently buried. I do give and bequeath unto >my four daughters that are married one dollar to each. I give and bequeath >unto my son James Copeland one brown mare, and her colt and her two year old >horse or the price of said horse now sold to James Stevens. I also give him >my rifle gun, also one cow and calf, also one feather bed and furniture and >two spotted burrows and four blue ones three years old. I do give and >bequeath unto my beloved wife Lida my plantation and plantation tools for her >support during her lifetime and at her decease to be the property of my son >James Copeland to dispose of as he thinks proper. I do give and bequeath >unto my wife Lida all the rest of my horses, hogs and cattle and household >furniture, also all notes book or open accounts for the use of her support or >the paying of debts as the case may require and at her decease to dispose of >what may remain in her hands as she sees proper. I do therefore appoint my >two friends William Deupree and Enoch Berrry to execute my Last Will and >Testament, Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of us. > > John Copeland > >Sterling Jackson >Joseph Embry > >Proven in open court by the oath of the subscribing witnesses thereto >19th May 1812 W. H. Winston, Clk. >(Probate date) > >A-39 October 10, 1815 John Johnson in right of wife Lydia, heir of James >Copeland, Wiliam Helms, in right of wife Rachel, Benjamin Ellis in right of >wife Sarah, Willis Ellis in right of wife Polly, Sue James Copeland, Lyida >Copeland, Wm Dupree and Enoch Berry, administrators of James Copeland who >died September 1811. Lydia Copeland is executrix. Note: James signed his will on September 11, 1811 and died before the end of the month. It is not until May, 1812 that his 26 Descendants of William COPELAND will is proved in court and recorded in Madison County, Mississippi Territory, Deed Book A and B, page 25. The will is witnessed by Sterling Jackson and Joseph Embry. As a result of this problem in lateness of the will and the amount awarded to the four daughters(one dollar each) the four daughters sue the estate of James Copeland/ actually their husbands sue the estate on behalf of their wives. They are William Helms, Willis Ellis, Benjamin Ellis, and John Johnson. The suit is dismissed. Each daughter is mentioned by name in the suit. James COPELAND and Lydia DILL were married in Apr 1769 in Salisbury, Rowan Co., NC. Lydia DILL (daughter of Peter DILL and Lydia WELLBOURNE) was born on 3 May 1750. She died on 12 Feb 1830 in Wayne Co, TN. James COPELAND and Lydia DILL had the following children: +165 +166 167 +168 +169 +170 +171 +172 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Sarah COPELAND (born in 1770). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1774). Nancy COPELAND was born in 1775 in Rowan Co., NC. Rachel COPELAND (born in 1780). William COPELAND (born in 1785). Lydia COPELAND (born in 1787). James COPELAND Jr. (born on 19 Aug 1791). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1794). 64. Patience COPELAND (Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1725 in Spotsylvania Co, VA. GATEWOOD (son of John GATEWOOD) was born 65. Peter COPELAND (Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1728 in VA. He died on 13 Mar 1785 in Charles City Co., VA. 6/May 1757 Peter Copeland purchased land on Little Creek, and Neuse River 17 July 1767 Pittsylvania Tax , taken by Peter Copeland: Peter & Richard 14 Apr 1779-Peter and Elizabeth Copeland sold 350 acres to Anthony Billings 15 Apr 1779-Peter and wife Elizabeth sold 750 acres to Abraham Penn 21 Jul 1779-Peter Copland and Elizabeth sold 1000 acres to Robert Stockton Jul 1779-Peter Copland and Elizabeth sold 225 acres to John Cunningham 25 Jun 1779-Peter Copland and Elizabeth sold 600 acres to Thomas Jameson 6 Nov 1779-Peter Copland sold to Richard Copland 150 acres 27 Apr 1780-Peter Copland and Elizabeth (dower rights) sold land to Abraham Penn 19 Aug 1780-Peter Copland sold 100 acres to Danuel Jackson Feb. 1,1781-Pittsylvania- Peter purchased 300 acres on the Little Beaver Creek 12 Sep 1790. Charles Copland executor of Peter Copland, deceased of the city of Richmond to John Bird of Henry County for the sum of 10 pounds 27 Descendants of William COPELAND one shilling to him paid or to be pain by a certain Richard Copland sells and conveys 256 acres which said tract granted to Peter Copland by patent 1 Oct 1784 and is part of the land divided by the said Peter Copland by his last will and testament and to be sold for the payment of debts. Signed: Charles Colad, executor of Peter Coplandl. Wit: Richard Stockton, Thomas Bowlin, John Randels, Alexander McCullock. Proved Apr Ct. 1791Peter moved to Pittsylvania Co,VA in 1758 July 14,1769-Louisa Co., VA - Peter purchases 400 acres on the branch of Prittey's Creek adjoining Henry Haynes Feb 16,1771-Halifax Co., VA Peter purchases 153 acres on the Irwin River, beginning on the southside and adjoining the land of Pusey Aug 3.1771-Halifax Co., VA- Peter purchases 143 acres on both sides of Sycamore Creek Aug. 6,1778, Peter of Henry Co., VA purchased 80 acres from William Black and wife Elizabeth of Chesterfield Co., VA, in Orange Co., NC on the southside of the Eno River. July 14,1780-Pittsylvania Co., VA-Hugh Innes purchases 235 acres on James Daniels Mill Creek adjoing Peter,James, and Daniel Copeland's land Oct 1,1784-Henry Co., VA-Peter purchases 407 acres on the waters of Beaver Creek and adjoining his own land Oct 1,1784-Henry Co., VA-Peter purchases 310 acres on the branches of Beaver Creek Oct 1,1784-Henry Co., VA-Peter purchases 356 acres on the north side of Ready Creek Peter COPELAND and Elizabeth GATEWOOD were married in 1749 in VA. Elizabeth GATEWOOD was born in 1724 in VA. She died in 1787. Peter COPELAND and Elizabeth GATEWOOD had the following children: +173 +174 +175 +176 177 +178 179 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Richard Peter COPELAND (born in 1750). Clarissa COPELAND (born in 1752). Charles COPELAND (born in 1756). Betsy COPELAND (born in 1758). Colson COPELAND was born in 1760 in VA. He was living in DeKalb Co., GA. William Baldwin COPELAND (born in 1752). John COPELAND was born in 1760 in VA. He served in the military in 1780 in Rev War Private and Lieut under Capt. William Copeland and Gen. Henderson. See the Wilkes Co., GA Papers 1773-1833. Pay Bill of His Majesty's Troop of Rangers doing duty in the Ceded Lands under the command of Edward Barnard, commanding. 9-6-1773 to 3-5-1774. The same is true virtually through 3-6-1776--sometimes in quarterly payments, the last one an annual payment. John Copeland/Coopland/Copland is noted among these rangers based out of Wilkes County, Georgia throughout 1773-1776. 66. Elizabeth COPELAND (Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1730. Elizabeth COPELAND and Robert JORDAN were married on 10 Oct 1791 in Isle of Wight Co., VA. Marriages of Isle of 28 Descendants of William COPELAND Wight Co.,VA 1628-1800 p.89. Solemnized by Quakers. Robert JORDAN was born 68. John COPELAND (Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1735 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jasper Co. GA. John COPELAND had the following children: +180 181 182 +183 i. ii. iii. iv. Obediah COPELAND (born about 1750). William COPELAND was born in 1760. He appeared in the census in 1830 in DeKalb Co., GA. Colson COPELAND was born in 1765. He appeared in the census in 1830 in DeKalb Co., GA. John D. COPELAND (born about 1775). 70. Richard COPELAND (Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1745 in VA. He died in Overton Co, TN. 3/19/1762 Richard purchased 700 acres on Hickory Mountain Richard served in the Revolutionary War in North Carolina. He moved to Pittsylvania Co.,VA to Chatham Co.,NC to Overton Co.,TN with his sons. In 1818, he applied for a Revolutionary War Pension, at the age of 73, in Overton Co.,TN. The pension was granted in 6/9/1825 for $96/year and had received $849.33 by 1835. Richard recieved Grant 1319 #1603 Entry 103 BK 74 p.372 for 228 acres on the southside of Cumberland on 12/10/1790/ This was later assigned to John Brown. Anne was born Richard COPELAND and Anne had the following children: 184 185 186 i. Richard COPELAND was born about 1791. ii. William COPELAND was born about 1793. iii. John COPELAND was born about 1795. 71. Richard RIPLEY (Judith COPELAND-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Mary PATTERSON was born Richard RIPLEY and Mary PATTERSON had the following children: +187 i. Judith Patterson RIPLEY (born about 1750). 72. Elizabeth Sillah 'Sylvania' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1757 in Chatham Co., NC. ? BRYANT was born 73. Daniel COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1758 in Chatham Co, , NC. He was blessed on 14 Aug 1787 in Chatham Co., NC between Stinking Creek and Roberson's Creek. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Chatham Co[Hillsborough District-84]. Shows Daniel with 2 males under 16 and 4 females He was blessed in Feb 1793 in On the Haw River near New Hope Creek in Chatham Co., NC. Elizabeth was born Daniel COPELAND and Elizabeth had the following children: +188 189 +190 191 192 193 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Hugh COPELAND (born in 1786). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1787 in NC. Martha COPELAND (born in 1879). Ann COPELAND was born in 1790 in NC. Nicholas COPELAND was born in 1793 in NC. Zany COPELAND was born in 1799 in NC. 29 Descendants of William COPELAND 74. Frances 'Franky' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1758 in Chatham Co., NC. Frances 'Franky' COPELAND and Hardy LASATER were married in 1794 in Chatham Co., NC. Hardy LASATER (son of William LASATER and Kesiah WALTON) was born in 1752. He died in 1845. 75. Sylvania 'Silva' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1761 in Chatham Co., NC. She died in Cooper Co., MO. James Thomas O'BRYANT was born in 1760 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1800 in Chatham Co., NC. He was living in 1806 in Hopkins Co., KY. He died in 1829 in Hopkins Co., KY. Sylvania 'Silva' COPELAND and James Thomas O'BRYANT had the following children: 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 202 +203 204 205 206 ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Allen O'BRYANT was born in 1781 in Chatham Co. , NC. Celia O'BRYANT was born Sally O'BRYANT was born Rebecca O'BRYANT was born Frances O'BRYANT was born Polly O'BRYANT was born Reddick O'BRYANT was born in 1792. He died in 1879. James Turner O'BRYANT was born in 1792 in Chatham Co [Hillsborough District-84]. He died in 1859 in Boone Co., MO. founder of William Jewel College od Liberty, MO Jordan O'BRYANT was born in 1794 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died in 1858. Sylvania O'BRYANT (born in 1797). Thomas O'BRYANT was born Nancy O'BRYANT was born John O'BRYANT was born in 1808. 76. James COPELAND Jr. (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1763 in Essex Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Chatham Co [Hillsborough District-84]. STALLINGS was born 77. Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1763 in Chatham Co, NC. She died on 14 Jun 1845 in Franklin CO, TN. Will Book 1, 1808-876,pg232, Franklin Co., TN Hezekiah LASATER (son of William LASATER and Kesiah WALTON) was born in 1760 in Edgecomb Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Franklin Co., TN. Had 13 slaves He died on 2 Jun 1842 in Rock Creek, Franklin CO, TN. >Chatham Co.,NC Land deedspg. 309, Oct. 12, 1784 >WILLIAM GRIFFIN to HEZEKIAH LASSETER for 150 pds, 300 acres on Polk Berry creek, joining RICHARD PARKER, a tract of land the said WILLIAM GRIFFIN >bought from STEPHEN PARKER. > WILLIAM (X) GRIFFIN > ELESEBETH (X) GRIFFIN >Wit: >JOHN HOGAN Moved to Franklin in 1820's Will written11/9/1838, recorded June, 1842 Belonged to Baptist Church in Franklin Co., TN 30 Descendants of William COPELAND Served in the American Rev for less than 6 mo, according to census. Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND and Hezekiah LASATER had the following children: +207 +208 +209 +210 +211 +212 213 214 +215 +216 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Keziah LASATER. Nancy LASATER (born in 1783). William LASATER (born on 16 Feb 1786). Abner LASATER (born in 1788). Rebecca LASATER. Thomas J. LASATER. John LASATER was born in 1795. He died in 1832 in Franklin CO, TN. Hezekiah LASATER was born Elizabeth LASATER. Cloe LASATER (born in 1788). 78. Lydia 'Liddy' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1765 in Chatham Co, , NC. Thomas BRANTON was born 79. Dorothy 'Dolly' COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1771 in Chatham Co., NC. She was living in 1832 in IN. Daniel CUMMINS was born in 1765 in VA. He died in 1819 in Chatham Co., NC. Dorothy 'Dolly' COPELAND and Daniel CUMMINS had the following children: +217 i. Martha CUMMINS. 80. Susannah COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1772 in Chatham Co, , NC. ? ELLIOT was born 81. John COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Apr 1775 in Chatham Co., NC. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: SL] He appeared in the census in 1800 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Buchanan Co., MO. He died on 13 Dec 1873 in Old Sparta, Buchanan Co., MO. Moved from Chatham Co., NC to Franklin Co., TN to Buchanan Co., MO John COPELAND and Zana LASATER were married in 1800 in Chatham Co., NC. Zana LASATER (daughter of Abner LASATER) was born in 1777 in NC. She died before 1870 in Buchanan Co., MO. John COPELAND and Zana LASATER had the following children: +218 +219 +220 +221 +222 +223 +224 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Eli COPELAND (born in 1801). John COPELAND Jr. (born in 1804). Johnson COPELAND (born in 1804). Able COPELAND (born in 1808). Cinthia Lucille COPELAND (born on 14 Aug 1814). Frances A. COPELAND (born on 13 Apr 1816). Abner COPELAND (born on 27 Aug 1818). 82. Sarah MCIVOR (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1776 in Chatham Co, , NC. SEALY was born 83. David COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1779 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared 31 Descendants of William COPELAND in the census in 1850 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died about 21 Jan 1859 in Chatham Co, , NC. Will dated 1/21/1859 Chatham Co.,NC David COPELAND and Cloe LASATER were married in TN. Cloe LASATER (daughter of William LASATER and Kesiah WALTON) was born in 1788 in NC. David COPELAND and Cloe LASATER had the following children: +225 226 +227 228 229 +230 i. Levi COPELAND (born in 1805). ii. Ann COPELAND was born in 1820 in Chatham Co, , NC. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Chatham Co., NC. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Chatham Co., NC. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Chatham Co., NC. iii. Nicholas COPELAND (born in 1820). iv. Martha COPELAND was born in 1822 in Chatham Co, , NC. v. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1824 in Chatham Co, , NC. vi. Zany COPELAND (born in 1825). 84. Annie COPELAND (James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Chatham Co, , NC. Benjamin PYLAND was born in 1777 in Edgecomb Co, NC. Annie COPELAND and Benjamin PYLAND had the following children: +231 i. Chloe PYLAND (born in 1813). 88. Thomas COPELAND (Thomas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1740 in Spotsylvania Co, VA. He appeared in the census in 1790 in wilkes Co [Morgan District-26]. 20 April 1761 purchased 700 acres on Richland Creek, and Rocky River 2 Oct 1761 purchased 225 acres on Richland Creek Sarah was born 90. Richard COPELAND Sr. (Thomas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1759 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Chatham co [Hillsborough District-87]. He died on 6 Sep 1840 in Wayne Co, TN. Drew a Pension for service(Service Record # S39335) in the Revolutionary War in Wayne Co.,TN, in 1840 he was 81. Anne Nancy died on 20 Dec 1837 in Wayne Co, TN. 91. Willis COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1767 in VA. Jane ORG was born in 1771 in VA. Willis COPELAND and Jane ORG had the following children: +232 i. William COPELAND (born in Jan 1793). 92. William COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in Fredrick Co., VA. Living in FRederick CO.,VA in 1810 William COPELAND and Charity KIRBY were married on 28 Dec 1803. Charity KIRBY was born William COPELAND and Charity KIRBY had the following children: +233 i. Warner M. COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1802). 93. Martin COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1776 in Albemarle Co., VA. He was living in 1798 in Albemarle Co., VA. Bought land in 1798 Martin COPELAND and Nancy LOBBAN were married on 17 Nov 1795. Nancy LOBBAN was born in 1777 in VA. 32 Descendants of William COPELAND Martin COPELAND and Nancy LOBBAN had the following children: +234 i. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1798). 94. Elizabeth COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born Elizabeth COPELAND and John LOBBAN were married on 28 Dec 1789. John LOBBAN was born 95. Nancy COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born Nancy COPELAND and Issac MANSFIELD were married on 7 Jul 1801. Issac MANSFIELD was born 98. Mildred 'Milly' COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born Mildred 'Milly' COPELAND and William PAYNE were married on 4 Jul 1803. William PAYNE was born 99. John COPELAND (Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1793 in VA. Riddley COUSINS was born in 1800 in Goochland Co., VA. John COPELAND and Riddley COUSINS had the following children: +235 i. Richard COPELAND (born in 1825). 102. Jacob John COPELAND (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1747 in Rockingham Co, VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Garrod Co., KY. He died in 1822 in Orange Co, IN. May,23,1785-Lincoln Co., KYJacob Copeland purchases 400 acres on the northside of Duck River, adjoining ASil Davis's land Oct. 20,1789- Nelson Co., KY-James, Jacob , and George purchased 400 acres on the southside of Rolling Fork adjoining Joseph Bartlett Jacob John COPELAND and Annie HENTON were married in 1768 in Rockingham Co, VA. Annie HENTON was born in 1747 in Berks Co, PA. She died in 1822 in Orange Co, IN. Jacob John COPELAND and Annie HENTON had the following children: +236 +237 +238 +239 +240 +241 +242 +243 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Hannah COPELAND (born in 1769). Piercy COPELAND (born in 1770). John Washington COPELAND (born on 3 Feb 1771). Ann COPELIN (born in 1771). Thomas COPELAND (born on 4 Oct 1772). Mary COPELIN (born in 1775). Sarah 'Sally' COPELIN (born in 1787). Sarah COPELIN (born on 16 Jan 1791). 103. James COPELAND (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1750. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Christain Co., KY. He died in Mercer Co., KY. Martha JOHNSON was born VA. She died in Mercer Co., KY. James COPELAND and Martha JOHNSON had the following children: +244 +245 +246 +247 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary COPELIN (born on 12 Apr 1770). John COPELAND (born in 1775). Anney COPELIN (born about 1780). Ann COPELIN. 33 Descendants of William COPELAND 104. Ann COPELAND (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1750 in VA. John Andrew DAVISSON was born in 1746 in NJ. He died in 1782 in Harrison Co., VA. 105. Mary COPELAND (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1751 in Augusta Co. VA. James CURRY was born about 1740 in VA. He died in 1780 in Battle of King's Mt., SC. 106. Benjamin COPELAND Jr. (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 28 Mar 1752 in Augusta Co. VA. He died on 5 Sep 1834 in Harrison Co., VA(later became WVA). Dec 23,1786 Harrison Co., WV-Benjamin Copeland purchased 300 acres on Elihu's Run Waters of the Bushy Fork of Elk Creek S10464, VA line Rev War.. born in Rockingham Co.,VA moved to Harrison Co.,VA in 1770 living at Nutter's Fort,Harrison Co., VA when he applied,6/18/1833 Deborah SHINN was born in 1754 in VA. Benjamin COPELAND Jr. and Deborah SHINN had the following children: +248 +249 i. Ann COPELAND. ii. Benjamin COPELAND III (born on 17 Apr 1784). Benjamin COPELAND Jr. and Ann REESE were married in 1774 in VA. Ann REESE was born Benjamin COPELAND Jr. and Ann REESE had the following children: +250 +251 +252 253 254 +255 256 257 +258 +259 260 +261 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Lucretia COPELAND (born about 1786). Deborah COPELAND (born in 1787). Nancy COPELAND (born about 1790). Abigail COPELAND was born in VA. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in VA. William COPELAND (born about 1786). John COPELAND was born in VA. Rachel COPELAND was born Jacob COPELAND (born on 7 Dec 1777). Col. Issac COPELAND (born in 1780). Benjamin COPELAND was born on 17 Apr 1784 in Harrison Co., VA. Col. David COPELAND (born on 5 Dec 1786). 107. Samuel A. COPELAND (Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1754 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Franklin CO, KY. He died on 30 Aug 1821 in Shelby, Jefferson Co., IN. Samuel is on the 1810 Franklin Co.,KY census. He owned 1 slave in Woolford Co.,KY He was noted as the father of Shelby Twp,Jefferson Co.,IN. He was a member of the Baptist Church Samuel A. COPELAND and Delila PLUMMER were married on 27 Mar 1815 in Franklin Co., KY. Delila PLUMMER was born Samuel A. COPELAND and Delila PLUMMER had the following children: 262 i. Asa COPELAND was born Samuel A. COPELAND and Margaret were married about 1790 in VA. Margaret died in 1821 in Jefferson Co., IN. Samuel A. COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: +263 +264 +265 +266 i. ii. iii. iv. Sarah COPELAND (born in 1790). William D. COPELAND (born in 1791). Eliza 'Betsy' COPELAND (born in 1793). Thomas COPELAND (born on 19 May 1795). 34 Descendants of William COPELAND +267 +268 +269 +270 +271 +272 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. James COPELAND (born on 14 Apr 1797). John COPELAND (born on 22 May 1799). Wesley COPELAND (born on 7 Aug 1801). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born on 24 Aug 1803). Rachel COPELAND (born on 4 Jan 1805). Milton A. COPELAND (born on 15 Aug 1810). 35 Descendants of William COPELAND Sixth Generation 108. Charles COPELAND (Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1760 in NC. He died on 26 Nov 1836 in Vermillion Co., IL. Charles COPELAND and Hannah OSBORNE were married in Grayson Co., VA. Hannah OSBORNE (daughter of Enoch OSBORNE and Jane HASH) was born in 1763 in Richmond, VA. Charles COPELAND and Hannah OSBORNE had the following children: +273 +274 275 276 +277 +278 279 +280 +281 +282 +283 +284 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Anna COPELAND (born on 25 Apr 1786). Jane COPELAND (born on 1 Feb 1789). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1791 in Grayson Co., VA. Ruth COPELAND was born in 1793 in Grayson Co., VA. Andrew COPELAND (born in 1795). Mary COPELAND (born in 1797). Zachariah COPELAND was born in 1798 in Grayson Co., VA. Margaret COPELAND (born on 17 Feb 1799). Lydia COPELAND (born in 1801). Renah COPELAND (born in 1803). Jesse COPELAND (born on 2 Mar 1808). Jefferson COPELAND (born on 10 May 1810). 109. Elizabeth COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1762 in NC. She died in 1814 in GA. Mark BROOM was born Elizabeth COPELAND and Mark BROOM had the following children: +285 i. Abigail BROOM (born about 1790). Henry SIZEMORE was born 110. Christian COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Francis CALVIN was born 111. Abigail COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born David HOLMES was born 112. Anna COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Robert UPTON was born 113. Ruth COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Jonathan WATSON was born 114. Mourning COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born WIGGENS was born 36 Descendants of William COPELAND 115. Rachel COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born James HUMPRIES was born 116. Sarah COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Nov 1782 in NC. She died between 1802 and 1866. James CARTY was born on 11 Aug 1774. He died between 1803 and 1865. Sarah COPELAND and James CARTY had the following children: 286 +287 288 289 290 291 292 293 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Joseph CARTY was born on 20 Nov 1798. Elizabeth CARTY (born on 20 Mar 1801). Amy Ann CARTY was born on 25 Sep 1803. Joshua CARTY was born on 25 Jul 1806. Nancy CARTY was born on 11 Aug 1808. Arlotte CARTY was born on 20 May 1811. Califurnia CARTY was born on 18 Mar 1818. John I. C. CARTY was born on 5 Nov 1821. 117. James COPELAND (John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1783. Lucinda SANFORD was born James COPELAND and Sarah BAXLEY were married on 8 Apr 1801 in Robeson, Co., NC. Sarah BAXLEY was born James COPELAND and Sarah BAXLEY had the following children: 294 i. Samuel COPELAND was born 119. William COPELAND (William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1764 in Chowan Co, NC. He died on 26 Apr 1824 in Jackson Springs, Moore Co, NC. William served in the Revolutionary War Tabitha EDENS was born about 1764 in NC. William COPELAND and Tabitha EDENS had the following children: +295 +296 297 +298 +299 i. Abigail COPELAND (born in 1792). ii. Sallie COPELAND (born in 1794). iii. Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1796 in Jackson Springs, Moore Co, NC. She died in Copeland Cemetery, Jackson Springs, NC. iv. Nathan COPELAND (born in 1800). v. William COPELAND Jr. (born on 25 Oct 1801). 120. Richard COPELAND (William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1740 in VA. He died before 1777 in Chatham Co, , NC. Regulators Advertisement: Petition to Governor and Council issued May/1768. Complaint that the inhabitants of Orange Co., pay more taxes than other counties. Signed by : James Copeland, Richard Copeland, William Copeland,Sr., William Copeland, Jr., Nicholas Copeland, and Thomas Copeland 1771 arrested for inciting a riot 1771 @ Battle of Alamance , may have been killed or mortally wounded. He died shortly thereafter 5/31/1787 John Hawkins sold to John Person 200 acres on NE side of Mill Creek where Richard Copeland formally lived, nevertheless, his widow shall be permitted to enjoy her dower during her natural life in the plantation. Anne was born pg. 39, Court session of Aug., 1777 The Sheriff summons Anne Copland to bring William Copland her son, 37 Descendants of William COPELAND orphan of Richard copland, dec'd to the next court to be dealt with as the law directs. 2/12/1786 Anne Copeland sold 50 acres to Joseph Dark on the middle prong of Landrums Creek on the waters of Rocky River @ John Copeland's corner for 40 pds. Richard COPELAND and Anne had the following children: 300 i. William M. COPELAND was born about 1766 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died in 1810 in Shields Cem., Grainger Co., TN. Memeber of Big Pigeon Baptist Church in Cocke Co., TN 1801-1820. His daughter Rebecca and Elizabeth are mentioned with him. William is listed as original landholder. In Near Cosby, Cocke Co are still found Copeland Creek, Copeland Road and in the smokey mountains nearby is the Copeland Divide. Shorn creek is also nearby this area 123. James COPELAND (William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born James COPELAND had the following children: +301 i. James COPELAND (born in 1791). 124. John D. COPELAND (William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1762 in Chatham Co, , NC. He served in the military in 1778 in Rev. War- SC under Col. Pickens. He appeared in the census in 1796 in Sullivan CO., TN. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Wayne Co, TN. 2(10-16),1(18-26),1(<45)-m 020101 1(16-18),1(26-45)-f 00101 He died on 30 Sep 1844 in Wayne Co., TN. 11/9/1779 John Copeland of Chatham Co., sold 80 acres, joining John Landrum former corner to Jos. John Alston of Halifax Co., for 2500 pds. signed by John and Judith Copeland John enlisted in Chatham Co.,NC in July of 1781(Service Record # 2310). Pension rejected for less than 6 months service John was a Captain, commissioned on May 30,1807 in the Tennessee Militia. Sally was born in 1759. She died on 20 Dec 1837. John D. COPELAND and Sally had the following children: +302 +303 +304 +305 +306 +307 +308 +309 +310 +311 +312 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Jacob COPELAND (born between 1775 and 1794). Willis COPELAND (born about 1780). Sallie COPELAND (born about 1780). Catherine COPELAND (born in 1778). John COPELAND (born in 1781). Nancy COPELAND (born about 1783). Rev. William COPELAND (born on 12 Jul 1783). Richard COPELAND (born on 22 Nov 1787). Dorcas COPELAND (born in 1791). Simon COPELAND (born in 1800). Christine COPELAND (born in 1808). 125. Nicholas COPELAND V (Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1740 in Chatham Co, , NC. He was blessed on 3 Feb 1762 in Orange Co., NC on Great Creek. The great creek, which is the headwaters of Rocky River, below Round Top Mountain, including Iials Folly. Deed was entered and signed by James Watson for Nicholas Copeland, Jr. Aug 1787 Nicholas Copeland's Line on Rocky River near Kirk's Creek He served in the military in 1772 in NC MilitiaCaptain John Birdsong. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Chatham co [Hillsborough District-87]. He was living in 1800 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 1800 Census He was living in 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He died after 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 1810 census 2/3/1762 Nicholas, Jr. purchased 700 acres on Great Creek, Rocky River,Round Mountain, and Iliams Folly 38 Descendants of William COPELAND Court Session of Aug 1777-Chatham Co., NC, pg 44-Edward Waddill appointed overseer of the road from the courthouse to Harlands Creek and that his own hands, John Birdsong, Ambrose Georges, Richard Drakes, Lewis Ledbetters, Drury Harrington, William Clark, Roger Griffiths, NICHOLAS COPELAND, Jr., work thereon and that Mial Scurlocks and Thomas Roberson's hands assist to open the same. Nicholas COPELAND V and Dorothy RIPLEY were married. Dorothy RIPLEY was born Nicholas COPELAND V and Dorothy RIPLEY had the following children: +313 +314 +315 +316 +317 318 +319 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Ripley COPELAND (born in Mar 1761). Aaron COPELAND (born in 1762). Rev Absolem COPELAND (born on 20 Sep 1775). Nicholas COPELAND VI (born in 1780). Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (born in 1786). Joseph COPELAND was living in 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Nancy COPELAND (born about 1795). 129. Reuben COPELAND (Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1750 in Orange Co., NC. He served in the military in 1772 in NC Militia-Captain John Birdsong. He served in the military in 1779 in Rev War- SC Militia under Capt. Caldwell. 5/21/1779-7/1/1781 He died about 1820 in Perry Co., TN. Mary RIPLEY was born Reuben COPELAND and Mary RIPLEY had the following children: +320 +321 +322 +323 +324 325 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. +326 327 +328 +329 330 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Reuben COPELAND II (born about 1775). Moses COPELAND (born in 1776). John COPELAND (born in 1780). Ripley COPELAND (born about 1780). James 'Joab' Silas COPELAND (born in 1783). John COPELAND was born about 1787 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. He died before 10 Apr 1834 in TN. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born about 1790). Giles COPELAND was born in 1793 in NC. William COPELAND (born in 1794). Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND. Jemina COPELAND was born 132. Ruth COPELAND (Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1760. She died in July 26, 1784. Samuel DARK (son of Capt. Samuel DARK I and Aggie COPELAND) was born in 1751 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died in 1800 in Chatham Co, , NC. Ruth COPELAND and Samuel DARK had the following children: +331 332 i. Samuel A. DARK (born on 16 Jul 1768). ii. Thomas DARK was born was hung as a Torie 133. Mary COPELAND (Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1752 in Chatham Co. , NC. She died about 1820 in SC. Jacob VARN was born in 1748. He died in 1893 in SC. Mary COPELAND and Jacob VARN had the following children: +333 i. Mary VARN (born in 1856). 135. Isaac COPELAND (Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1756. He died in 1778. Christiane FENDER was born in 1752. Isaac COPELAND and Christiane FENDER had the following children: +334 i. Caleb COPELAND (born in 1773). 39 Descendants of William COPELAND +335 +336 +337 +338 +339 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Martha COPELAND (born in 1774). John Jacob COPELAND Sr. (born on 9 Jun 1775). George Isaac COPELAND (born on 8 Jan 1780). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born about 1781). John 'Jack' COPELAND (born in 1788). 136. John Jacob COPELAND (Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1757 in Chatham Co, NC. He served in the military on 4 Nov 1775 in Rev War- 2nd SC Militia. He served in the military in 1778 in Rev War- 2nd SC Reg.. He served in the military in 1779/80 in Rev War- 1st, 5th, 6th SC Militia. He was living in 1820 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He died on 12 Jan 1836 in Barnwell District, SC. Private in Blakes Co. 2nd SC line 1/1/1778. 1800 SC census in Barnwell,SC Elizabeth Ann 'Annie' HINTON died on 29 Sep 1839. John Jacob COPELAND and Elizabeth Ann 'Annie' HINTON had the following children: +340 341 +342 +343 +344 i. Isaac COPELAND (born on 8 Jan 1780). ii. Eliza COPELAND was born about 1782 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died on 15 Aug 1839 in Barnwell Co, SC. iii. Henry C. COPELAND (born in 1784). iv. Lydia COPELAND (born on 24 Sep 1785). v. Robert C. COPELAND (born about 1786). 138. James COPELAND (Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1757 in Chatham Co, , NC. He served in the military in 1775 in Rev War- St. Barthomen's Parish. w/ cousin James He served in the military on 12 Jan 1778 in Rev. War- 2nd SC Militia. He was living in 1790 in Effingham Co., GA. Acquired 200 acres in 1790. He was living in 1797 in Baldwin Co., AL. He died before 16 Mar 1804 in Baldwin Co., AL. 'Records of Effingham Co.,GA'In the records of Effingham County: Book "B" Misc Records Ordinary's Office Page 467:-James Copeland and wife Dorcas of Eff. Co., to William Johnston,planter of same. Deed dated July 20,1791, for 100 acres granted grantor July 12, 1790, lying on Sculls Creek, adj. Zachariah Coward. Wit: Drury Jones,Jos. Hardyman James fought in the Rev War., serving in the NC Militia. He received a land grant at the Three River Lake on the Tombigbee River in the MS Territory in 1797. 3/15/1804, Heirs of James,dec, 3 Rivers Land awarded in 1797. Jean Strickland's book "Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory, Washington and Baldwin Counties, Al Wills, Deeds and Superior Court Minutes, Book Five" where I found in the Old Baldwin County Deed Book "A" Microfilm #1838967, 1st section (abstracted by Jean) John Johnston, Chief Justice. Thomas Carson, Clerk: pages 10-11 "adjacent to the house of Wm. Copeland and the heirs of James Copeland." (8 Feb. 1811) On page 176-77...... "and 640 acres bought from the heirs of James Copeland. (dated 10 Apr. 1819) On page 14-15: Heirs of James Copeland to Robert Lewis. Widow, Dorcas Copeland: Polly,widow of James Reaves; Isham; Patsy Copeland received $640. for 640 acres on the west margin of Three Rivers Lake.... Signed Dorcas (X) Coplin, James Reaves, Isham Copelin, Patsy (X) Copelin. Dated 11 Nov. 1809. His claim here in Jackson was in 1812; and after the first fire, he may have brought deeds back in to be re-recorded, but by the time of the second and third fire (1874-75) he was most likely dead and the land was in the names of later children. "Jackson Courthouse Land District Records 1820-1847" which would give you the source for which to inquire of the National Archives for the file on this tract of land. Then, in my "Township Plat's Book" I have a map showing Isham Copelin as a land owner in Section 16 Township 3, Range 7. . 40 Descendants of William COPELAND This shows that they were evidently in Baldwin County, AL just before they moved across Mobile Co. to Jackson Co. MS . James COPELAND and Dorcas 'Docie' ROBERTS were married in 1780. Dorcas 'Docie' ROBERTS (daughter of George Washington ROBERTS and Nancy A. OLIVER) was born about 1760. Part-American Indian. Dorcas Copeland is listed on the 'Old St. Stephens Early settlers of the Tombigbee River List' James COPELAND and Dorcas 'Docie' ROBERTS had the following children: +345 +346 +347 +348 i. ii. iii. iv. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1780). Isabel COPELAND (born in 1797). Isham COPELAND (born in 1798). 140. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1765 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died before 1844 in Chatham Co, , NC. William RILEY died about 1844 in Orange Co., NC. 2/5/1842 signed, proofed 8/1844 Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and William RILEY had the following children: 349 350 351 352 353 354 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Samuel RILEY was born Copeland RILEY was born Warren RILEY was born William RILEY Jr was born Mary Ann 'Polly' RILEY was born Judson RILEY was born 141. Col. Stephen COPELAND (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1756 in Orange Co., NC. He served in the military on 26 Jul 1776 in 3rd Reg't SC, Rev War. He appeared in the census in 1790 in wilkes Co [Morgan District-26]. He appeared in the census in 1800 in Jefferson C0., TN-Tax Record. He appeared in the census in 1802 in Jackson Co., TN- Tax List. In Capt. Joseph Williams district He served in the military in 1812 in Copeland's Reg't, West Tn Militia. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 9 Jun 1833 in Roaring River Cem., Overton Co, TN. 'Known Military Record' In 1776, Stephen fought with the SC volunteers. In 1781 Stephen was a Lt. in the company of light horse rangers. Later promoted Captain during the Revolutionary War soldier. He served in General John Sevier's Etowah Campaign and in Col. George Doherty's Regt. 9-27 to 10-27 1793 against the Cherokees. Commissioned to Lt. Col. in Overton Co,TN. May 30,1807, and gathered 500 men to fight the Indians. Col. Copeland also fought with General Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. He served as a Colonel during the War of 1812 Indian Wars, under Capt. David Williams Infantry 3rd Regt. East TN Militia. >From the booklet titled "Overton County, Address of Albert V. >Goodpasture, delivered at Livingston, TN July 4, 1876" (An exact reprint of the original edition of 1877) by B.C. Goodpaster, 932 Caldwell Lane, Nashville 4, Tenn. 1954. Beginning on page 5 to 8, "First Settlers" "By the treaty of Holston, entered into by the United States and the Cherokee Nation in 1791, a district of the country was set 41 Descendants of William COPELAND apart for the Cherokee, the western boundary of which extended in a south-westerly direction from the south fork of the Cumberland River, where it intersects with the northern boundary of the State, to the ridge separating the waters of the Duck and Cumberland Rivers, forty-five miles above Nashville, which line passed through what is now Overton County, about two and a half miles east of the present town of Livingston. By an act of the General Assembly, in 1798, the line of the Indian reservation was made the western boundary of Sumner County, which in 1799, was reduced to its constitutional limits, and the new counties of Smith and Wilson were established: the former of which included all of that part of Overton county west of the reservation line under the treaty of Holston. Up to this time the Cherokee had been undisputed lord and monarch of all this section of country, but early in the spring of 1799, Col. Stephen Copeland, a representative of one of the old families of North Carolina, accompanied by his son Jo, who was afterwards known as Big Jo, left the good old county of Jefferson, to seek a home in the new country beyond the Indian line. Following an Indian trail over the dark ravines and precipitous cliffs of the Cumberland mountains, where the venomous serpent and ravenous beast kept their vigils by night, and by day, these fearless pioneers, laden with the scanty supplies which they had brought with them from Kingston, pursued their lonely journey. A beautiful cane-break in the valley of the roaring river arrested their attention, and recommended itself as a desirable location, and there on the farm where the widow Wilson now lives, they pitched their camp, and planted the first crop of corn that was ever grown in the limits of Overton county. While here Col. Copeland hunted many days and camped many nights with the famous Indian chief, Nettle Carrier, whom he always remembered as a kind and devoted friend, a generous and congenial companion, and a nobleman by nature. Nettle Carrier left his camp on the creek which now bears his name, during that summer, and was never seen more in his old hunting ground, though in 1813, as one of the chiefs and councilors of the Cherokees, he signed an authority for a turnpike company to open a road through the reservation. After they were done cultivating their crop, Col. Copeland and his son returned to Jefferson county for the rest of their family." "In the early part of same year, John Goodpasture and two other young men, whose names I am unable to recall, found their way from the old Dominion State to the then most inviting country, near where Hilham was afterwards located. They brought with them three horses and two cows, together with a little salt and meal, which they obtained at Kingston, and extemporized a home on Buffalo creek, near where Thos. J. Murphy now lives. There they raised a crop, and returned to Virginia for their families. Not long afterwards other immigrants settled in the north-eastern part of the county, among who were Ned Irons, a Mr. Biles, and Robert Hill, who located on what is now Iron's creek." "During the whole of this season these pioneers lived entirely without bread, and yet their fare was sumptuous. They were not long in being educated to the wild meats, and the buffalo, bear, elk, deer, and turkey were always at their command. They then found that bread could easily be dispensed with, dried venison, or "jerk," as it was called, taking its place. Big Jo Copeland used to relate, that when his father and himself stopped at Kingston on their return to East Tennessee, he called for some cornbread, thinking it would be a great luxury; but when brought, he found it so dry and harsh that he could not swallow it, whereupon he repared to his wallet and substituted "jerk." And Billy Upton, when his corn began to mature in the fall, made him a mortar and pestle, with which he manufactured a small quantity of meal, and gave it to his wife, anticipating a royal supper. When supper was announced, Billy was of course present, but seeing none of the new viand before him, he asked, "Wife, where is the bread?" The good lady with profound amazement and equal mortification, exclaimed, "The Lord have mercy, William, I clear forgot your bread!" "But they were not long to live on meat alone; bread followed close in the footsteps of civilization. When they returned in the fall of 1799, together with many others, among whom was our venerable fellow-citizen Hiram M. Allen, who when quite a youth, accompanied his father and settled on Flat creek, where he now lives, they found that nature had liberally responded to their demands, and yielded them a beautiful crop of corn. But as one of the inconveniences consequent upon the early settlement of a country, they were for a time forced to do their milling at Dixon's Springs, now in Smith county, at a distance of more than sixty miles. In the same fall the buffalo, as though he was conscious that his presence was no longer necessary to sustain the thrifty pioneer, retired, with his companion, the red man, still further from the approaching lights of civilization. From that time a host of immigrants found their way to this new settlement, and staked their fortunes upon its future destiny. Among these were the Seviers, Windles, Nelsons, Tottens, McDonalds, Mathews, and many other families which have shed luster, as well upon the name of the State, as that of the county. But Solomon Copeland, who immigrated to the world the same year, as the son of Col. Stephen Copeland, above all others, deserves particular mention in this connection, being the first born of his race in the bounds of Overton county." 'County Information' Overton County was considered Indian Territory until 1783 when the state of North Carolina passed an act erecting the county of Davidson which extended from the Cumberland Mountain to the Tennessee River. and from the Kentucky Line to the Duck River. In 1786 Davidson county was divided and Sumner County was formed which included the land that is now Overton County. 42 Descendants of William COPELAND In 1796 the state of Tennessee was formed. In 1801 the county of Jackson was formed from Sumner, this included the now Overton County. On September 12, 1806 the county known as Oveton was established. It included all of the land now known as Overton County and all of Fentress County, and a large part of Clay, Putnum, Cumberland, Morgan and Scott Counties Stephen was a member of the Roaring River Baptist Church. He gave land to build the 12 sided Roaring River Baptist Church. He is buried in the Roaring River Cemetery. 1806 meeting of Stockton Valley Association of United Baptist met at Roaring River Meeting House- John Raney and Stephen Copeland were representing Roaring River. 'Tennessee the Volunteer State 1769-1923: Volume 1' OVERTON COUNTY Overton County was erected in 1806 from a part of Jackson County and was named in honor of Judge John Overton, an intimate friend of Andrew Jackson. The earliest settlers were Col. Stephen Copeland and his son, "Big Joe" Copeland. Other early settlers were: John Goodpasture, father of the distinguished jurist, Judge Jefferson D. Goodpasture, Capt. Jesse Arnold, Capt. Simeon Hinds, father of the learned chemist and Teacher, Dr. J. I. D. Hinds, of Lebanon; Benjamin Totten, father of Judge A. W. O. Totten; Moses Fisk, Judge Alvin Cullom, Adam Huntsman, and some descendants of John Sevier. Stephen, Sr. & son Joseph 'Big Joe' were the first white settlers in Overton Co in the spring of 1795. He was granted 640 acres and chose to settle near the headwaters of the Roaring River. He did not know that the land laid out partly belonged, by treaty, to the Cherokees. He became good friends with local chief Nettle Carrier (tala-dane-gisks) and was allowed to stay. His son 'Big Joe' married Nettle Carrier's daughter, Hannah Thacker Ward.(questionable) Tennessee Land Transactions/Court Cases: 3/8/1780- Joseph Kinhead enters 400 acres on the south side of the Holston River on Bryce Russell's branch lying between David Hunter's, Joseph Roger's and Stephen Copeland, including the Stinking Creek, grant No.261 July 6,1785, Mill Creek in Davidson Co., TN-Stephen Copeland first found in the Overton area where he assigns 640 acres of land to Sutherlen Mayfield. This land was given to Joseph Copeland, Stephen;s father of Jefferson Co.,TN., for his service in the Continental Line during the Revolutionary War, military warrent #786, located March 17, 1785. This was registered March 7,1786 20 Feb 1798, Jefferson Co.,TN, Deed Book D,pp156-157-Stephen Copeland sells 20 acres to George Swingle. 15 Nov 1798, Jefferson Co.,TN, Deed Book D, pp.163-164- Gerrett Fitzgerald sells 100 acres to Stephen Copeland for $20. 1800 Smith Co., TN, Stephen is ordered by the courts to lay out a road from the Kentucky Line to the Duck Creek Tuesday, March 19, 1801 "Ordered that Hugh Lamb be appointed overseer of the road lately laid out from Stephen Copeland's to where the northern boundary of the State crosses Line Creek, to begin at said Copeland's to the head of Mill Creek, and that John Overturf be appointed overseer from the head of Mill Creek to the Cumberland River, and that Moses Fisk, Esquire, be appointed to furnish overseers with a list of hands. And that John Black be appointed overseer from Cumberland River to where the northern boundary of the State crosses Line Creek, and that all the hands living above the waters of Jennings' Creek on the north side of the Cumberland River work under said overseer." Two or three points in this are not clear. One is concerning Hugh Lamb. It is to hard make out whether this is the correct name, as the writing is hard to decipher. Whether this is correct will have to wait further action and more legible handwriting. Stephen Copeland lived somewhere in the present Clay County from the best information we have. We know that Line Creek leaves the present Macon County about a mile south of the present Gamabel (?), in the extreme northeast corner of the county. So this must have been one end of the road, and Copeland's home at the other end. We do not know where Mill Creek of the Cumberland is. According to the above item it appears that there was some sort of overlapping of overseers. It appears that the road wherever it began and wherever it ended, was somewhere north of the waters of Jennings' Creek, judging from the latter part of the Court's order. We know that 43 Descendants of William COPELAND Jennings' Creek rises in the east end of the present Macon County and that it drains a large area of hills and valleys. The next stream up the Cumberland above Jennings' Creek is known as Locke's Branch now, Brimstone is another creek, but we have no knowledge of Mill Creek of Cumberland River. "Ordered that John Overturf, John Black, Samuel Huff, Abraham Denton, and Stephen Copeland be appointed a Jury to view, mark and lay off a road leading from where the Kentucky Road intersects Line Creek, the nearest and best way to Captain Stephen Copeland's on Roaring River, and report same to our ensuing Court." Here we have another item about which all is not clear. We do not know where the Kentucky Road is or was, but we do know that some time ago we published a report of a group working on the road up Middle Fork of Goose Creek to where the Kentucky Road was intersected. We do know where Line Creek is. It flows down out of the present Clay County and crosses the Kentucky-Tennessee State Line about a mile south of the present Gamaliel, Ky. It rises at the very divide between the waters that flow north to Barren River and those that flow south to the Cumberland, an irregular and very crooked line a hundred miles long or even longer that begins near Portland, Tennessee and extends right through Lafayette, thence northeastward into Kentucky. So far as we can judge to attain the nearest and best way from Line Creek to the home of Copeland, which was on Roaring River, the new road would have run up the waters of Line Creek to the top of the Ridge or Highland Rim about the present Stiles Cross Roads, thence southeastward down Pine Lick to the present Whitleyville, thence to the Cumberland near where Gainesboro Bridge now stands, thence east to Roaring River, a quarter of a mile above the bridge, and on up Roaring River until Copeland's place had been reached. We confess that we do not know how far up the stream Copeland lived. Some of the Dentons have long lived in the vicinity of Gamaliel. The Overturf family, we believe. was among the earliest in Clay County. John Black is another "unknown" to us, although there were Blacks about Dixon Springs in the very early days. We might add that the Copeland family is rather numerous in the present Overton County. Dec 12, 1801 "Stephen Copeland, John Peyton, John Fitzgerald and James Taylor are appointed a jury to view, by the assent of the parties in the case of Sevier and Gordon against Alexander Suite, Aaron Robbins and John Livingston, to meet on the premises at such time and place as the Surveyor may appoint." Here we have another step taken by the Court in an effort to remedy a situtation which had developed on account of claims by Sevier and Gordon, dealers in land, that Suite, Robbins and Livingston were on the lands of the complainants. Stephen Copeland was an early member of a family now found in Overton and some of the other Upper Cumberland Counties. John Peyton was once a resident of Castalian Springs or vicinity, and was one of the men in the party that surprised horse-stealing Indians on the present Peyton's Creek, overpowered the rogues and recovered the horses, which incident gave the name to present Peyton's Creek. This occurred, we believe, in 1782. We have wondered many times at what point on Peyton's Creek this happening took place. The raid was made by the Indians about the present Cross Plains in Robertson County, and Peyton and others had trailed them to Peyton's Creek . The Indians, thinking themselves free from any danger of having been followed, had their stolen horses picketed out; and were lying around a warm fire when suddenly the white men came upon them. The Indians fled in disorder, abandoning their horses which were returned to their owners. Peyton's Creek, which rises in this county, took its name from the incident. If any reader of the paper knows where this event took place, please write us as fully as you can and we shall be more than glad to publish it. We suppose that the John Peyton referred to above, was the father of the Hon. Bailie Peyton, of the next generation, and a noted Tennessean. John was also a twin brother of Ephraim Peyton. The two brothers, with a third brother, Thomas Peyton, and Squire Grant and John Frazer, made up the party that was surprised by the Indians under a chief by the name of Hanging Maw, and lost their horses and surveying instrument on the present Defeated Creek in February, 1786, from which incident Defeated Creek took its name, as the whites were "defeated," fleeing in disorder in the night and each man "looking out for himself," until Castalian Springs was reached. John Fitzgerald is supposed to have been a citizen of the territory now embraced in Clay County. James Taylor is unknown unto the writer. The four men, Stephen Copeland, John Peyton, John Fitzgerald and James Taylor were to meet as a jury, we suppose, to settle the dispute between Sevier and Gordon on the one hand, and Alexander Suite, Aaron Robbins and John Livingston on the other. Sept 1800 . "Ordered that Robert Hill be appointed Overseer of the road leading from the 'Nothen' boundary of this State to the head of Mitchell's Creek, and that all the hands work under said Overseer, adjoining thereto, to cut out and work on the same, and that Jacob Bowen be appointed Overseer, from the head of Mitchell's Creek to Captain Copeland's and that the hands adjacent thereto, open and work on the same under said Overseer." Here we have an item in which the grammar is not very good, but we presume the average reader will understand. We suppose Mitchell's Creek is in the present Cay or Pickett 44 Descendants of William COPELAND County. Where Captain Copeland lived is not known, although there are members of both the Hill family and the Copeland family residing in that general vicinity. "Ordered that William Sullivan, Sr., be appointed Overseer of the road leading from Sullivan's Ferry to forks of said road, to where it meets Walton Road, and that all the hands living on Martin, Indian and Hurrican Creeks work under said Overseer on said road." By the fact that there was a William Sullivan, Sr., we are quite sure that there was a younger man of the same name. This family lived in the early history of Smith County in what is now Sullivan's Bend. The old Walton Road ran along the top of the high ridge occupied in part at the time by Chestnut Mound. Martin's Creek and the other two streams are in the general vicinity of the present Chestnut Mound. "Ordered that John McDaniel, Nathaniel Evins, John Morgan, Stephen Copeland and Simon Huddleston be appointed to view, mark and lay off a road leading from Mr. Blackburn's to Robert Elliot's on the 'nothen' boundary of the State, where the road out by Capt. Gordon's intersects it." Here we have another item about which we know next to nothing. Mr. Blackburn, as we have already sought to show, probably lived on the lower end of the present Roaring River or on a branch of that stream, one of which is called Blackburn's Fork. The road to be laid off evidently ran northward from some point in the present Jackson County. Whether Captain Copeland and Stephen Copeland were one and the same person does not yet appear from the records. It is not supposed that Captain Gordon and the George Gordon were one and the same man, for Captain Gordon, according to the above item, lived somewhere near the Kentucky-Tennessee line in what is now most probably Clay County, and George Gordon was an attorney who, in partnership with John Sevier, was a dealer in land. However, it was once reported to the writer that John Sevier once owned large areas of the present Pickett County. All this might mean that Captain Gordon and George Gordon were one and the same. If any reader knows the facts in this point, please communicate with me. Robert Elliott is another of whom we know absolutely nothing. Nathaniel Evins is another "unknown" to the writer. John Morgan is another of whom we know nothing. However, one of our great-great-greatgrandmothers was Judy Morgan, who became the wife of John Gregory, in North Carolina about 1775, and who came with her children to Smith County about 150 years ago lives. We have a brother, Thomas Morgan Gregory. We have been told we are related to General John Morgan, of the Southern Army. So our curiosity is aroused as to who this John Morgan was. Moreover, this is the first mention of the name, Morgan, that we have found in the perusal of the old records. White County, Tennessee April 15, 1807 John Wright ) to ) Deed conveyance 5000 acres land for $1500 Stephen Copeland) was this day proven in open Court by the oath of Thomas Matthews and James Winton, land on Camp Creek, a branch Camp Creek of the fallingwaters of Caney fork of the Cumberland River. Land was originally granted to Thomas Wade on Dec. 12,1796 by the State of North Carolina July 13,1807 p21 White Co., TN August 16,1810 Stepehn Copeland] vs in Debt Jacob Henry ] This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury of good and Lawful men towit:Robert Puckett, Washington Ledbetter, Henry Kittner, James Pearcy, James Cheshire, James markham, JosephRogers, John Puckett, Charles Graham, Jacob Anderson, James ledbetter, and Drury Ledbetter, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oaths do say, that the Defendant doth owe unto the Plantill $106 and they do assess the plantiff damages by occasion of the detention of said debt to $8.58, besides costs. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plantiff recover against the Defendant his Debt aforesaid, together with his Damages aforesaid in form aforesaid together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in Mercy 45 Descendants of William COPELAND 30 Dec 1811(registered), 15 Oct 1811- Jefferson Co.,TN, Deed Book K, pp.12-14-Stephen Copeland of Overton Co.,TN, sells 230 acres on the north side of the French Broad River above the mouth of Copeland's Creek in Jefferson Co.,TN., to Zacheus Copeland for $1500. This being part of the land conveyed by James Hubart and William T. Lewis to Stephen Copeland and pasrt of another tract conveyed by Garrett Fritzgerald to Stephen Copeland. Wit: Peter Eckle,John Copeland (son of Stephen) Dec Session 1811.'Land Deeds of Jefferson Co., TN., 1792-1814, page 247' 3 Jan 1812, 15 Oct. 1811, Jefferson Co.,TN, Deed Book K, pp.14-16, Stephen Copeland sells 90 acres of land on the north side of French Broad River on the north side of Copeland's Mill Creek adjacent the head of Boiling Spring in Jefferson Co.,TN, to Peter Eckel for $300. This being part of a tract conveyed by James Hubbart and William T. Lewis to Stephen Copeland. Wit: Zacheus and John Copeland. 'Land Deeds of Jefferson Co., TN., 1792-1814, page 247' (Overton County- Land Transactions) 1812 - 640 acres General district, block F., p.185, grant # 4459 1815 - 100 acres General District, block I, p.260, grant #6732 1815 - 50 acres, General District, block I, p.261, grant #6733 1815 -50 acres, Mountain District, block 5, p.44, grant #6733 1815 - 50 acres, General District, block I, p.262, grant #6734 1815 - 50 acres, Mountain District, block 5, p.45, grant #6734 1815 - 10 acres, General District, block I., p.263, grant #6735 1816 - 640 acres, General District, block M, p.350, grant #8889 1816 - 640 acres, Mountain District, block 6,p.392, grant #8889 1816 - 640 acres, General District, block M, p.351, grant #8890 1816 - 151.25 acres, General District, block M, p.352, grant #8891 1816 - 100 acres, General District, block M, p.358, grant #8892 1816 - 200 acres, Mountain District, block 6, p.401, grant #8893 1816 - 500 acres, General District, block M, p.359, grant #8893 Stephen and Heirs 1815 - 100 acres, Mountain District, block 5, p.43, grant #6732 1815 - 10 acres, Mountain District, block 5, p.46, grant #6735 1816 - 640 acres, Mountain District, block 6, p.393, grant #8890 1816 - 151.25, Mountain District, block 6, p.394, grant #8891 1816 - 100 acres, Mountain District, block 6, p.399, grant #8892 William C. Hubbs - 1850 Census - 1st Civil District "Near Coxbury, TN, on Eagle Creek, Benton Co., TN. William C. Hubbs born somewhere in TN in 1798. His wife Margara (or Margaret) was born in TN in 1803. They were the first Hubbs to come to west TN. He bought 40 acres sometime about 1820 on Eagle Creek and bought 216 acres from Stephen Copeland, joining the 40 acres in 1824. WM Hubbs had 455 acres in 1839 tax records. June 19,1833-In the John Caswell's application for a military pension, Stephen Copeland vouched his military serviceStephen said that John Caswell served as a voluntary ranger, private, from Sullivan Co., NC in 1780 for 15 months. John Caswell had joined a company of light horse commanded by Captain John Wood and Lt. Walter Greer and under Col. Shelby. He st out in March 1780 and returned in the summer of 1781.Stephen was a Lt. during the summer of 1781 and that he saw Caswell in service in the summer of 1781. This was filed after his death 46 Descendants of William COPELAND Col. Stephen COPELAND and Sarah Jane TOWNSEND were married about 1780. Sarah Jane TOWNSEND (daughter of John TOWNSEND) was born on 10 Nov 1766 in Augusta Co., VA. She died on 11 Aug 1866 in Overton Co., TN. Col. Stephen COPELAND and Sarah Jane TOWNSEND had the following children: +355 356 +357 +358 +359 +360 361 +362 +363 +364 i. Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND (born in 1780). ii. Nicholas 'Nich' COPELAND was born in 1783 in Chatham Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1802 in Jackson Co., TN- Tax List. in Capt. Jabz Fitzgerald Co. near James Richardson,William Richardson, Joseph Copeland, Stephen Mayfield and Joseph Copeland Nicholas was on the 1802 Fitzgerald District and 1803 Copeland District iii. Stephen COPELAND Jr (born in 1785). iv. Agnes COPELAND (born on 15 Apr 1788). v. Susan COPELAND (born in 1792). vi. Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1793). vii. John Townsend COPELAND was born in 1794 in Jefferson Co.TN. He died on 27 May 1835 in Michigan. viii. Mary COPELAND (born in 1795). ix. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (born in 1797). x. Solomon COPELAND (born in 1791). 142. Capt. Zacheus A. COPELAND (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Aug 1764 in Chatham Co, NC. He served in the military in 1780 in Rev. War-King's Mt., NC. He served in the military in 1813 in War of 1812. served as Capt. in East TN (Lillard's Reg't) He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jefferson C0., TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Jefferson Co., TN. He died in 1845 in TN. Will Settlement of Zacheus Copeland, dec. his son Hamilton is the Executer This document was found in the recently opened loose papers of the Dandridge Court house in Jefferson Co. TN. They are presently filed in the County Court documents of 1838. The file date is a mistake, the settlement is 12 March 1850. The mistake in filing is due to the 1838 date, at the beginning of the document which is the date of a TN state law. Zacheus must have died between Jan. 1844 and March 1845. Fact 1: Zacheus is mentioned in the records of the Lower French Broad Church as " missing and supposed to be dead" The microfilm of church records can be found at the Knoxville TN Historical Center (McClung collection). The church was renamed around 1850 and is filled as the Dandridge Baptist Church. Zacheus is located at new book page 157, item # 236. I have been told that this microfilm was transcribed into a book named Bicentennial History of the First Baptist Church of Tennessee, By Glen A. Toomey. I cannot confirm this however Zacheus is supposed to be in vol. 2. Other Copeland noted as being in the church is Joseph Copeland and wife Sarah (sehorn) Copeland 1800, Agnes Copeland, Elizabeth Copeland, Elender Copeland, William Copeland, all before 1805. Fact 2: Zacheus Will is mentioned in court minutes March 3, 1845. Dandridge TN. Minute Book 11, page 56, and again on page 117- probate document. (All underlined or missing words or not understood by me at this time) Will settlement: Dated 12 March 1850 State Of Tennessee Jefferson County In _______ to an Act of the Legislation of this state proposed at Nashville on the 22 of January 1838. I have proceeded to make a settlement with Hamilton Copeland Executer of Zacheus Copeland dec. and find him charged as follows to wit. In the first item of the Will the testator directs that after the payment of all just depts. And funeral expenses are paid. He giveth to Hamilton Copeland all his plantation on the North side of the French Broad River on which he himself & son Hamilton reside. Containing two hundred and thirty acres more or less to him and his heirs forever. On condition that he pays to Wm R. Copeland his brother the balance of the sum of three hundred dollars which he agreed to pay the said Wm R. for his interest in said land , to be paid on the final settlement of my estate. The proceeds of his plantation on the South of the French Broad River adjoining the land of Joseph W. Headrick & others, he gives to the following Legatees ________ to wit. The children of Joseph Copeland dec. including the three small by him and his last wife that now live with me, one equal share . To Susannah Sewell & her heirs, to Elizabeth Hill widow of John Hill 47 Descendants of William COPELAND dec. and her heirs, John Copeland & his heirs, Solomon Copeland & his heirs, the children of Dorothy ________ dec, William R. Copeland & his heirs, to be divided between them as follows. ________ to the children of Joseph Copeland by his last wife that now live with me one equal share. To Susannah Sewell &her heirs one equal share, to Elizabeth Hill and her heirs one equal share, John Copeland one equal share, Wm. R. Copeland, one equal share after deducting from his share the amount that is to be paid him by Hamilton Copeland. The land to be sold for not less than $3500. and _______ _______ may _______ _______ at the time of sale to be equally divided in the portions ________ _______ _______ _______ the forgoing Legatees. The executer reports that he received for rent of land South of the River. $100. Sold the Land for $3500. to Joseph W. Headrick for cash & the ______ _______ the last payment due 1st of January 1851 at which time _______ the will the fair distribution is to be made of said estate. ( in smaller print ) _____ _____ to Wm. R. Copeland. $100. 3500. 3600. 225. $3825. The executer is _______ to the following credits to wit as per _______ procedures to me. By 1 J. L. Tunnley Attn. Fee $5. 00 Taxes For 1845 $5.30 Clerk paid for bond _______ report 4.75 settlement fee. I have allowed the executer 4 percent 153.00 3825.00 - 168.05 $3656.95 Leaving a balance due of - - - - $3656.95 To be divided into seven parts, giving to each the sum of $522.42 The executer has the ______ of the following heirs to wit. Wm. R. Copeland $310.00 do do $219.45 $529.45 George Sewell $515.00 John Copeland $510.00 Elizabeth Hill by her Attn. James ?. Hill $35.00 do do do do do $ 513.00 Pricella Copeland heir to Joseph Copeland Adam and Elizabeth Chasteen heir to do do Thomas Polk heir to Solomon Copeland $5.00 $51.50 $51.50 Leaving a portion of the estate in the house of the executer to be paid to the heirs agreed to the provisions of the Will. With my hand at office in Dandridge the 12th day of March 1850. (signed) James Fuller Clerk of Jefferson County In Oct. 1780, Zacheus fought at the Battle of King's Mountain,NC,under Col. Shelby and Col Sevier where the overmountain men defeated the British,General Fergurson, starting the end of the Revolutionary War. He was a Captain in the Tennessee Militia during the War of 1812. 1 Oct 1831 -Deed Book S page 213; William B. Odneal of Jefferson Co., TN to Joseph W. Hedrick of the same $2000 parcel of land on the south side of the French Broad River and bounded as follows to wit. Beginning at the white oak of the corner to Z. Copeland with a line of Ricketts Copeland witnesses: Wm W. Hendrick, Wm Whailing, Washington Ordeal. 48 Descendants of William COPELAND Recorded 2 April 1832 (note William B. Odneal is the husband of Mary Snodgrass) S2470-Jefferson Co.,TN-He received a pension of $ 26.66/year starting in 8/13/1833. As of 1835, he was 70 years old and had received $79.98. S2470. A substitute for his father,Joseph Will Settlement of Zacheus Copeland, dec. his son Hamilton is the Executer This document was found in the recently opened loose papers of the Dandridge Court house in Jefferson Co. TN. They are presently filed in the County Court documents of 1838. The file date is a mistake, the settlement is 12 March 1850. The mistake in filing is due to the 1838 date, at the beginning of the document which is the date of a TN state law. Zacheus must have died between Jan. 1844 and March 1845. Fact 1: Zacheus is mentioned in the records of the Lower French Broad Church as " missing and supposed to be dead" The microfilm of church records can be found at the Knoxville TN Historical Center (McClung collection). The church was renamed around 1850 and is filled as the Dandridge Baptist Church. Zacheus is located at new book page 157, item # 236. I have been told that this microfilm was transcribed into a book named Bicentennial History of the First Baptist Church of Tennessee, By Glen A. Toomey. I cannot confirm this however Zacheus is supposed to be in vol. 2. Other Copeland noted as being in the church is Joseph Copeland and wife Sarah (sehorn) Copeland 1800, Agnes Copeland, Elizabeth Copeland, Elender Copeland, William Copeland, all before 1805. Fact 2: Zacheus Will is mentioned in court minutes March 3, 1845. Dandridge TN. Minute Book 11, page 56, and again on page 117- probate document. (All underlined or missing words or not understood by me at this time) Will settlement: Dated 12 March 1850 State Of Tennessee Jefferson County In _______ to an Act of the Legislation of this state proposed at Nashville on the 22 of January 1838. I have proceeded to make a settlement with Hamilton Copeland Executer of Zacheus Copeland dec. and find him charged as follows to wit. In the first item of the Will the testator directs that after the payment of all just depts. And funeral expenses are paid. He giveth to Hamilton Copeland all his plantation on the North side of the French Broad River on which he himself & son Hamilton reside. Containing two hundred and thirty acres more or less to him and his heirs forever. On condition that he pays to Wm R. Copeland his brother the balance of the sum of three hundred dollars which he agreed to pay the said Wm R. for his interest in said land , to be paid on the final settlement of my estate. The proceeds of his plantation on the South of the French Broad River adjoining the land of Joseph W. Headrick & others, he gives to the following Legatees ________ to wit. The children of Joseph Copeland dec. including the three small by him and his last wife that now live with me, one equal share . To Susannah Sewell & her heirs, to Elizabeth Hill widow of John Hill dec. and her heirs, John Copeland & his heirs, Solomon Copeland & his heirs, the children of Dorothy ________ dec, William R. Copeland & his heirs, to be divided between them as follows. ________ to the children of Joseph Copeland by his last wife that now live with me one equal share. To Susannah Sewell &her heirs one equal share, to Elizabeth Hill and her heirs one equal share, John Copeland one equal share, Wm. R. Copeland, one equal share after deducting from his share the amount that is to be paid him by Hamilton Copeland. The land to be sold for not less than $3500. and _______ _______ may _______ _______ at the time of sale to be equally divided in the portions ________ _______ _______ _______ the forgoing Legatees. The executer reports that he received for rent of land South of the River. $100. Sold the Land for $3500. to Joseph W. Headrick for cash & the ______ _______ the last payment due 1st of January 1851 at which time _______ the will the fair distribution is to be made of said estate. ( in smaller print ) _____ _____ to Wm. R. Copeland. $100. 3500. 3600. 225. $3825. 49 Descendants of William COPELAND The executer is _______ to the following credits to wit as per _______ procedures to me. By 1 J. L. Tunnley Attn. Fee $5. 00 Taxes For 1845 $5.30 Clerk paid for bond _______ report 4.75 settlement fee. I have allowed the executer 4 percent 153.00 3825.00 - 168.05 $3656.95 Leaving a balance due of - - - - $3656.95 To be divided into seven parts, giving to each the sum of $522.42 The executer has the ______ of the following heirs to wit. Wm. R. Copeland $310.00 do do $219.45 $529.45 George Sewell $515.00 John Copeland $510.00 Elizabeth Hill by her Attn. James ?. Hill $35.00 do do do do do $ 513.00 Pricella Copeland heir to Joseph Copeland Adam and Elizabeth Chasteen heir to do do Thomas Polk heir to Solomon Copeland $5.00 $51.50 $51.50 Leaving a portion of the estate in the house of the executer to be paid to the heirs agreed to the provisions of the Will. With my hand at office in Dandridge the 12th day of March 1850. (signed) James Fuller Clerk of Jefferson County Capt. Zacheus A. COPELAND and ? were married in 1783. ? was born Capt. Zacheus A. COPELAND and ? had the following children: +365 +366 +367 +368 +369 +370 +371 372 373 +374 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. John COPELAND. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1775). Solomon COPELAND (born in 1790). Susannah COPELAND (born in 1777). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1787). William Riley COPELAND (born about 1802). Hamilton COPELAND (born in 1802). James COPELAND was born in 1806 in TN. Dorothy COPELAND was born Elender COPELAND (born in 1810). 143. Rev. Ricketts COPELAND (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1768 in Chatham Co, NC. He died on 30 Sep 1844 in Otktibbeha Co, Miss.. Ricketts Copeland & Family in Alabama and Mississippi 1816, Limestone Co AL. "SCRAPS" RELATING TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF LIMESTONE COUNTY, by Dr. Thomas Stith Malone, From The Athens Post, 1867, reprinted by The Athens Newspaper in 1942 and 1943. Page 18 - "In 1816 Israel Walker, James Farris, Ricketts Copeland and Dr. John Nelson, all had appointments and preached in different portions of the county." Page 48 - "Rev. Ricketts Copeland - Of this gentleman I have been unable to get many particulars. I learn he labored in this county from 1816 to 1822 or 1823, and that he was an acceptable minister and well received in all of his 50 Descendants of William COPELAND appointments." 11 Feb 1818, Elk Co AL (Limestone Co. AL was first named Elk Co.)- Old Huntsville Land Office Records & Military Warrants, 1810-1854, compiled by Marilyn Davis Barefield, p. 109. Certificate or Warrant No. 451. Section 31, Township 5, Range 5W.161 acres 1820 Census, Limestone Co AL, p. 253. Rickets Copeland - 3M<21,1M>21; 5F<21,2F>21; Slaves=12. 6 Feb 1823, Madison Co AL, Marriage Book 3, p. 219. Branch Copeland marries Lina Atkins. 12 Mar 1824, Limestone Co AL, Record Book ___, p. 124. John McKinley vs Rickets Copeland. Rickets does not show. The court tells the plaintiff to recover of the defendant, ". . . the sum of $50.96 and $8.66 damages and the costs in this behalf expended." 9 Sep 1825, Madison Co AL, Deed Book D, Vol K, pp. 16-17. For $400, John Brahan and Mary Brahan his wife sell 161.25 acres of land (per Patent No. 928, dated 2 May 1824). Land is described as NE1/4 of Section 15, Township 18, Range 1E of the basin meridian. 28 Dec 1827, Madison Co AL, Deed Book L, pp. 289-290. Rickets Copeland and Polly his wife of Limestone County, Alabama, sell 80 acres of land in Madison County to Stephen L. Owen for 87 cents an acre. Land is described as South 1/2 of NE 1/4, Section 10, Township 4, Range 1 Part of the Basis Meredian. Witnessed by Wm. Withrow and Branch Copeland. Polly made her mark "X." 1830 Census, Limestone Co AL - Alabama Records, Vol 84. p.23 - Will.Copeland - 1M to 5, 1M 5-10, 1M 10-15 1M 30-40; 1F 30-40 p.26 - Wiley Copeland - 1M to 5, 1M 20-30; 1F 20-30 p.27 - Jesse Copeland - 1M to 5, 1M 5-10, 1M 30-40; 1F to 5, 1F 5-10, 1F 20-30 p.51 -*Richard Copeland - 1M 60-70; 1F 15-20, 1F 60-70 *Ricketts Copeland 6/23/1831 Ricketts purchased 161 acres in LImestone Co., AL 25 Mar 1835, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 12, p. 269. Oliver H. T. Reese sells 81.99 acres of land to Martin Copeland for $328. Land described as E1/2 of SW1/4, Section 1, Township 18, Range 15E. 31 Oct 1837 - Marriage, Death, and Legal Notices from Early Alabama Newspapers, 1819-1893, by Pauline Jones Gandrud, p. 324. "Land for sale in Big Cove (Madison County), subscriber having purchased land in Mississippi. JOS. COPELAND." 9 Apr 1838, Oktibbeha Co MS, Probate Record B,D&E, p. 623. Wiley M. Copeland of Oktibbeha Co. buys 82 acres of land for $165 from William E. Willis of the county of Lowndes. Land is described as N1/2 of SE1/4 of Section 1, Township 18, Range 15E. 28 Apr 1840, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book F, pp. 370-373. Joseph Copeland owes money to various people and banks in Madison County, Alabama, and must pay debts or sell land to pay. People mentioned in the Indenture are Joseph Copland & Wiley M. Copland (1st part); Jaben L. Drake (2nd part); and Ricketts Copland, Stephen L. Ewing, Andrew Drake, James McGaher, Moses Miller, Isaac Miller, and Peter Clinton (3rd part). All are in Madison County AL except Wiley M. Copland, who is living in Oktibbeha Co MS on land that is mentioned. 1 Jun 1840, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book F, pp. 420-422. Indenture by and between Jessee Copland (1st part) and Caswell L. Bray (2nd part) and William Perkins and William C. Gillespie (3rd part). 14 Sep 1841, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 2, p. 407. Article of agreement made and entered into between "...Joseph Copland...and Gilbert J. Copland son of the said Joseph..." to purchase land in Oktibbeha County from Daniel Ragsdale. Gilbert was to work with Joseph to pay half, then Gilbert would own half. Their land is sold to Joseah Stephenson on time for $2400. The agreement states that Joseph is about to leave the county and instructs Gilbert on how to settle his debts in Alabama and Oktibbeha County with Joseph's half of the money that comes in. Plus, Joseph is leaving 4 horses and all his 51 Descendants of William COPELAND household and kitchen furniture for Gilbert to sell and pay specific debts. 21 Mar 1842, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 2, pp. 699-70. Jessee Copland sells his inheritance from Ricketts Copland to James King, "...all the interest which he hath in the estate both real and personal of Rickets Copland deceased under the last will and testament of the said Rickets deceased as heir of the said Rickets deceased or may hereafter receive or fall to the Jessee Copland as heir of the said Rickets deceased...." 1 Apr 1843 - ALABAMA RECORDS, Volume 15, Madison County, "The Democrat," 1841-59, Compiled by Pauline Jones Gandrud, p. 63. "Oketibba County, Mississipppi; Attachment; Gilbert J. Copeland versus Branch J. Copeland." 21 May 1844, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 2, pp. 591-592. Jessee Copland and Sarah B. Copland his wife sell land to George Cousins for $800. Land is described as 80 acres located in E1/2 of NE1/4 of Section N__ Township 18 Range 15E. Witnessed by John C. Greer and Thomas Douglass. Sarah B. Copland was examined separately and apart from her husband, Jessee Copland, in Chickasaw County, MS. 30 Sep 1844, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 3, p. 98. Charlotta Evans, Republic of Texas, County of Sabine, appoints her brother-in-law, Hugh Mathurson, as her agent and attorney, and gives him full power to receive and manage any property due her from the estate of Ricketts Copeland, deceased. 5 Jul 1847, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Record 3, pp. 510-511. As executors of Ricketts Copland deceased, James Copland and Wiley Copland acknowledge receipt of $600 for land sold at public auction to the highest bidder, James P. Perkins. Land is described as E___ of the NE/4(?) of Section 35 Township 19 Range 15E. (Note: I'll try to fill in blanks later) 4 Dec 1854, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 11, pp. 402-403. Ambrose Eubands, Elizabeth Hacklman of Lowndes County, and Wm. H. Foot of Tippah County sell 40 acres of land for $200 to Wiley M. Copeland of Oktibbeha County. Land is described as the E1/2 of W1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 1, Township 18, Range 15E. 9 Oct 1856, Oktibbeha Co MS, Deed Book 12, p. 320. J.P. Perkins sells 40 acres of land for $400 to Will M. Copeland (also referred to as "Wm Copeland" and "said M. Copeland"). Land described as South part of the SE1/2 of SE1/4, Section 1, Township 18, Range 15E. Rev. Ricketts COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' were married about 1790 in TN. Mary 'Polly' was born Rev. Ricketts COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' had the following children: +375 +376 +377 +378 +379 +380 +381 +382 +383 +384 +385 +386 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. James W. COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1792). Charlotte COPELAND (born on 2 Jul 1794). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1796). Lucinda S. COPELAND (born in 1796). William COPELAND (born in 1798). Branch James COPELAND (born in 1802). Hamilton COPELAND (born in 1802). Wiley Martin COPELAND (born on 3 Apr 1804). Reubin COPELAND (born in 1805). Jesse COPELAND (born in 1808). Mary COPELAND (born in 1800). Allen COPELAND (born in 1816). 145. Mary COPELAND (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Oct 1771 in Chatham Co, NC. She died on 16 Jun 1851 in Overton Co, TN. Mary COPELAND and William C. 'Billy' ALLEN Sr. were married on 20 Mar 1793 in Jefferson Co., TN. William C. 'Billy' ALLEN Sr. (son of Joshua ALLEN) was born on 31 Mar 1772 in Shenandoah Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ Jefferson and nancy Goodpasture He died on 5 Nov 1859 in Overton Co, TN. Mary COPELAND and William C. 'Billy' ALLEN Sr. had the following children: 52 Descendants of William COPELAND +387 +388 +389 +390 +391 +392 +393 +394 +395 +396 +397 +398 399 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Hiram McGinnis ALLEN (born on 26 Jun 1794). Lydia ALLEN (born on 16 Aug 1796). Josiah I. ALLEN (born in 1798). Elizabeth Nancy ALLEN (born on 12 Mar 1800). Issac Campbell ALLEN (born on 25 Mar 1802). Nancy ALLEN (born on 15 May 1805). Rachel ALLEN (born on 9 Feb 1807). Sarah 'Sally' ALLEN (born on 17 Jan 1811). Christina ALLEN (born on 17 Apr 1813). John Seahorn ALLEN (born on 26 Jun 1814). William C. ALLEN (born on 17 Jul 1816). Stephen Copeland ALLEN (born on 12 Oct 1818). James ALLEN was born in 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1835 in Overton Co, TN. 146. Solomon COPELAND Sr (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1772 in Chatham Co, NC. He died in 1822 in Jefferson Co., TN. Solomon inherited land from his father,Joseph. In 1819, he deeded to Thomas Day,282 acres on the north side of the French Braod River for $800.00.This land was bounded one one side by Zacheus Copeland. In 1826, there are court records of land distribution by the heirs of Solomon deceased. All of the heirs were from Monroe,McMinn, and Jefferson Co. Solomon COPELAND Sr and Rebecca DAVIS were married on 24 Mar 1793 in Jefferson Co., TN. Rebecca DAVIS (daughter of John DAVIS and Jane Rebecca MILLS) was born Solomon COPELAND Sr and Rebecca DAVIS had the following children: 400 +401 +402 +403 +404 +405 +406 +407 +408 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1793. Rev. John G. COPELAND (born on 4 Mar 1795). William Riley COPELAND Sr. (born about 1796). Frances 'Fanny' COPELAND (born in 1797). Sarah COPELAND (born after 1799). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1801). Noah COPELAND (born in 1804). Solomon COPELAND (born in 1806). Jane COPELAND (born in 1806). Solomon COPELAND Sr and Jane HARRISON were married on 15 Dec 1823 in Roane CO, TN. Jane HARRISON was born Holding place. Records say she married a Solomon, who ?? Solomon COPELAND Sr and Jane HARRISON had the following children: +409 +410 +411 i. William COPELAND (born in 1813). ii. James COPELAND (born in 1826). iii. Milly Jane COPELAND. 148. Col. Nicholas COPELAND (Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Chatham Co, NC. He was blessed on 8 May 1816 in IL- Federal Sale. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., AR. 510(3m),10-15(1m),15-20(2m),40-50(1m) <5(1f),15-20(1f),40-50(1F) Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas JACKSON COUNTY–AOT OF CREATION–SEAT OF JUSTICE LOCATED–COUNTY STRUOTURES–OFFICIAL CATALOGUE–VOTES AND VOTE****S–THE WAR OF 1861-65–THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE–CHURCH DENOMINATIONS REPRESENTED–SCHOOL MATTERS OUTLINED–NAMES OF THE EARLY SETTLERS–THE COUNTY LOCATED–TOPOGRAPHY–STREAMS– TIMBER–SOIL–RESOUR****ES–PROPERTY VALUATION–RAILROADS–POPULATION–TOWNS AND VILLAGES– PERSONAL MEMOIRS. The settlement of the territory now composing Jackson County began some time prior to 1830, the date of 53 Descendants of William COPELAND its organization, but by whom or just when the first settlement was made can not be definitely stated. The following named persons who composed the first grand jury of the county were, as a matter of course, prominent pioneers here; Nicholas Copeland, Dudley Glass, Jesse Gray, Jacob Haggerton, Michael Haggerton, Silas T. Glass, Samuel Stokes, Joseph Haggerton, Elijah Bartley, Holloway Stokes, John Teague, John Flannery, Jacob Flannery, William Melton, John James, Martin Copeland, Martin Bridgeman and Redding Stokes, Some of these, perhaps, lived in that part of the county since cut off in the formation of Woodruff County. John Wideman, at whose house the first courts were held, the Copelands and Newton Arnold, were the first settlers in the neighborhood of what is now Irwin Station, on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad. George Hatch and a Mr. Daugherty were the first to locate at Newport. He was blessed on 29 Oct 1835 in Republic of Texas. Stephen Austin Registry- Nicholas was 55, a farmer from AR, registered his wife Dorcas and 3 children. He settled in the David G. Burnet Colony He appeared in the census in 1840 in Robertson Terr., Republic of Texas. T4428, S3645 He died in May 1845 in Leon Co., TX. He was buried in Burns/Biddle Cem., Navasto, Robertson Co., TX. Nicholas lived in Jackson Co.,AR in 1830. A letter to his daughter Sarah Describes his arrival in Texas in 1835. He sold his land in Jackson Co.,AR to James and Henry Means. Austin's Register records, he came to Texas with wife Dorcas and three Children and applied for land in Oct 1835. His Land grant is in what is now Madison Co.(890 acres) and Leon Counties,TX.(3716.32 acres).The land was 25 miles west of Col. R. Ferry on the Os river and e. of the Navasota River. He had 20 laborers. His personal Property was probated in Montogomery Co.,Tx, his real estate property was probated in Grimes and Leon Co.,TX. He is buried in Burns/Biddle Cemetery,Leon Co.,TX All sons were in service from 1836-1839 Col. Nicholas COPELAND and Tores Dorcas MATHES were married on 31 Jan 1797 in Jefferson Co., TN. Tores Dorcas MATHES (daughter of Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) and Elizabeth COPELAND) was born about 1780 in NC. She died before 1850 in Leon Co., TX. Col. Nicholas COPELAND and Tores Dorcas MATHES had the following children: +412 +413 +414 +415 +416 +417 +418 +419 +420 +421 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Isaac COPELAND (born about 1798). John L. COPELAND (born about 1799). Sarah COPELAND (born about 1802). Mark COPELAND (born about 1804). Lawrence COPELAND (born in 1805). Martin COPELAND (born in 1806). Tanner COPELAND (born about 1810). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1811). Richard COPELAND (born about 1815). William COPELAND (born in 1818). 150. Samuel DARK (Aggie COPELAND-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1751 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died in 1800 in Chatham Co, , NC. Ruth COPELAND (daughter of Nicholas COPELAND IV and Ruth LANDRUM) was born in 1760. She died in July 26, 1784. Samuel DARK and Ruth COPELAND had the following children: +331 332 i. Samuel A. DARK (born on 16 Jul 1768). ii. Thomas DARK. 151. OLiver DARK (Aggie COPELAND-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born moved to Christian Co., KY OLiver DARK and Amy HAYES were married in Christian Co, KY. Amy HAYES was born OLiver DARK and Amy HAYES had the following children: +422 i. Macajah DARK. 153. Elizabeth COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1760 in NC. Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born about 1750. He was living in 1799 in Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth COPELAND and Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) had the following children: 54 Descendants of William COPELAND +423 +424 +425 +426 i. ii. iii. iv. Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (born in 1770). James MATTHEWS (born in 1780). Tores Dorcas MATHES (born about 1780). Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS (born in 1796). 154. William COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1765 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1790 in chatham Co [Hillsborough District-88]. He was living in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. Bertha MORGAN was born William COPELAND and Bertha MORGAN had the following children: +427 i. John L. COPELAND (born in 1807). 155. Josiah 'Josar' L. COPELAND Jr (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1768 in OrangeCo, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1790 in chatham Co [Hillsborough District-88]. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. 1820 Census <10 -2M 16-18 - 1M 18-26 -2M 26-45 -2M 45+ -1M <10 -1F 10-16 -1F 16-26 -3 26-45 -1 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. M -1770-1780 F -1780-1790 He died after 1840 in Overton Co, TN. According to the will of John S. Copeland,his children are the only heirs at law to Josiah Copeland in 1848. Josiah L. Copeland died bef 1848 in Overton Co.,TN Hannah Jane SUTTON was born on 10 Nov 1776 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 11 Aug 1866 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Josiah 'Josar' L. COPELAND Jr and Hannah Jane SUTTON had the following children: +428 +429 +430 431 i. ii. iii. iv. Rev. John Sutton COPELAND (born in 1802). Nancy COPELAND (born on 14 Oct 1806). Mary COPELAND (born in 1821). Josiah Sutton COPELAND was born on 10 Aug 1826 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 Feb 1862 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-25th TN Inf., CSA. 156. Susan COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1775 in NC. Joseph STEWART Jr. (son of Joseph STEWART and Sarah GILBERT) was born on 15 Sep 1770 in Rowan Co., NC. He died in 1847 in Johnson Co., AR. Moved with his parents to Overton Co.,Tn, then Bledsoe Co.,Tn. He then sold his land in Overton in 1828 and moved to Arkansas. Susan COPELAND and Joseph STEWART Jr. had the following children: 432 433 i. Joseph STEWART III was born in 1801 in KY. ii. David Kimbrough STEWART was born on 11 Feb 1813 in Roaring Rivers, Overton Co., TN. He died on 23 Sep 1875 in Bell Co., TX. 157. John COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1776 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died before 1860 in Fentress Co., TN. 1836, john had land on the West Fork of Obeds River as did William Looper,SR9th district. 55 Descendants of William COPELAND Becca MCGUIRE was born in 1782 in TN. She died before 1860 in Fentress Co., TN. John COPELAND and Becca MCGUIRE had the following children: +434 +435 +436 +437 +438 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Juli Ann COPELAND (born in 1820). Agness 'Agga' COPELAND (born on 8 May 1821). Cornelius COPELAND (born in 1826). Issac Newton COPELAND (born on 27 Jun 1827). Patrick COPELAND (born in 1827). 158. Richard COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1783 in Wilkes Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Jan 1863 in Joel Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. Margaret Peggy HARTSAW (daughter of John Phillip HARTSAW) was born on 13 Jan 1785 in Chatham Co., NC. She died in 1863 in Overton Co, TN. Richard COPELAND and Margaret Peggy HARTSAW had the following children: +439 440 +441 +442 +443 +444 +445 +446 +447 +448 +449 +450 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (born on 10 Jan 1810). Phillip COPELAND was born in 1811 in Overton Co, TN. He died as infant in Overton Co, TN. Richard COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1811). Hannah 'Ann' COPELAND (born in 1812). Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 2 Oct 1814). William Trion COPELAND (born in 1815). Fredrick COPELAND (born about 1816). Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND (born in 1818). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1819). Sylvester 'Silas' COPELAND (born in 1822). Josiah Fort COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1823). Margaret COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1828). 159. Rachel COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in NC. She died in Overton Co, TN. John Dee WILSON died about 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He was born in NC. Rachel COPELAND and John Dee WILSON had the following children: +451 +452 +453 +454 +455 +456 457 458 459 +460 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. William WILSON (born in 1805). Thomas B. WILSON (born in 1808). Reuben Dee WILSON (born in 1809). Margaret Rebecca WILSON (born on 31 May 1810). Elizabeth WILSON (born in 1813). Alzada WILSON (born in 1815). Andrew WILSON was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. Elinor WILSON was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. Malvina WILSON was born in 1819 in Overton Co, TN. Minerva WILSON (born in 1823). 160. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in TN. She died about 1844 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND and Jacob W. SWALLOWS were married about 1807. Jacob W. SWALLOWS (son of Andrew SWALLOWS and Catherine KINDER) was born on 11 Feb 1786 in VA. He served in the military in 1814 in War of 1812Sgt. under Captain David Wiliam's Company, Col. S.Copeland's Reg't TN Militia. Served from Jan. 28-May 10, 1814. He was blessed in 1814 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. says that he was born 1795 in TN He died in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. ran a boarding house in Overton Co., TN Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND and Jacob W. SWALLOWS had the following children: 56 Descendants of William COPELAND +461 +462 +463 464 i. ii. iii. iv. +465 +466 +467 +468 +469 +470 471 472 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Sr. (born in 1808). Andrew SWALLOWS (born in 1810). Rueben C. SWALLOWS (born in 1819). Ann SWALLOWS was born in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Rachel T. SWALLOWS (born in 1821). Melinda SWALLOWS (born in 1823). Ruth SWALLOWS (born in 1829). Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS (born on 29 May 1830). Amanda SWALLOWS (born in 1831). Octavia SWALLOWS (born in 1831). Elizabeth SWALLOWS was born in 1834. Mitchell SWALLOWS was born in 1836 in Overton Co, TN. 161. James Richardson COPELAND (Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died in 1857 in Overton Co., TN. James moved to Overton in 1818. Elizabeth SWALLOWS (daughter of Andrew SWALLOWS and Catherine KINDER) was born on 18 Jan 1790 in VA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton County, Tennessee. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton County, Tennessee. She died in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. James Richardson COPELAND and Elizabeth SWALLOWS had the following children: +473 +474 +475 +476 +477 +478 +479 +480 +481 482 +483 +484 +485 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Phillip COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1807). Mark COPELAND (born on 25 Nov 1809). Margaret COPELAND (born on 24 Jun 1810). Jefferson Madison COPELAND (born on 9 Feb 1812). Catherine Oga COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1814). William COPELAND (born in 1820). Esau Silas COPELAND (born in 1821). James S. COPELAND (born in 1822). Andrew Jackson Carney COPELAND (born in 1824). Alcay COPELAND was born in 1827. John Matthew 'Molley' COPELAND (born on 24 Nov 1828). Gemina COPELAND (born in 1833). Nancy B. COPELAND (born on 13 Jun 1838). 162. Joel COPELAND Jr. (Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1766 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Wilkes Co [Morgan District-121]. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., TN. He died on 3 Jul 1836 in Saline Co., MO. Fought in the Rev War and moved to Arkansas. Joel was in Jackson Co., TN in 1830. Pension R2309 NC,applied 7/5/1836 in Saline Co.,MO.The pension was rejected, less than 6 months service. Matt Gwin,Ephraim McLain, and James Thailkill were witnesses Probably married first in NC Joel COPELAND Jr. and unknown were married about 1786 in Wake Co., NC. Unknown was born Joel COPELAND Jr. and unknown had the following children: 486 +487 +488 +489 i. Abraham COPELAND was born about 1785 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., TN. ii. Issac COPELAND (born in 1786). iii. Harrison COPELAND (born about 1790). iv. Thomas COPELAND (born in 1792). Joel COPELAND Jr. and Rebecka HUCHISON were married on 14 Sep 1798 in Blount Co., TN. Rebecka HUCHISON was born Joel COPELAND Jr. and Rebecka HUCHISON had the following children: 57 Descendants of William COPELAND +490 491 +492 +493 i. John COPELAND (born in 1798). ii. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1800 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., TN. iii. Ezekiel COPELAND (born about 1802). iv. Hezakiah COPELAND (born about 1813). 163. Alvina COPELAND (Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1774 in Chatham Co., NC. She died before 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Alvina COPELAND and Lawrence BILBREY were married in 1789 in Chatham Co., NC. Lawrence BILBREY (son of Thomas BILBREY and Sally SMITH) was born in 1770 in Chatham Co., NC. He died after 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Settled in 1812 on Matthews Creek of Roaring River in Overton Co.,TN Alvina COPELAND and Lawrence BILBREY had the following children: +494 +495 +496 +497 +498 +499 +500 +501 502 503 504 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. William BILBREY (born on 3 Nov 1790). Thomas BILBREY (born in 1792). John BILBREY (born on 5 Aug 1793). Nancy BILBREY (born in 1795). Henry Harrison BILBREY (born in 1815). James Carroll BILBREY (born on 31 Aug 1818). Miriah 'Polly' BILBREY (born in 1820). Sarah 'Sallie' BILBREY (born in 1820). Hannah BILBREY was born in 1820. Alvina 'Allice' BILBREY was born in 1825 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth BILBREY was born in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. 164. Josiah COPELAND (Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., TN. He died about 1850 in Benton Co., AR. Benton Co., AR Deed Book B., page 132 This indenture mande and entered into between Josiah Copeland and the first part and Daniel Copeland of the second part all of the County of Benton and State of arkansas. Witnesseth: I, Josiah Copeland of the firth part on this 4th day of April 1850 hath on this day bargained and sold by these presents do bargain and sell, release, convey, and confirm unto Daniel Copeland for ans in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, parcel of land lying and being situated in the county and state aforesaid being known and designated as the East half of the Northwest quarter of section No. Thirty two, in township No. Eighteen of range No. thirty thence West containing Eighty acres, Also the west half of the North East quarter of section No.THirty two in township no eighteen, North of range Thirty three West containing Eighty Acres; etc Attests J. Sexton, Jacob Sexton} Josiah Copeland, Seal Daniel Copeland, Jr. Josiah COPELAND had the following children: +505 +506 +507 +508 +509 +510 +511 +512 +513 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Daniel COPELAND (born in 1790). Hannah COPELAND (born on 9 Apr 1795). Josiah S. 'Little Joe' COPELAND (born on 26 Aug 1799). James C. COPELAND (born in 1801). Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND (born on 2 May 1803). Greene COPELAND (born in 1806). Jesse COPELAND (born in 1807). Newton William COPELAND (born about 1812). Nancy Margaret COPELAND (born on 14 Dec 1825). 165. Sarah COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1770 in Rowan Co., NC. She died after 1850 in Texas Co., MO. Sarah COPELAND and Benjamin ELLIS Jr were married in 1788 in Greenville District, SC. Benjamin ELLIS Jr (son of 58 Descendants of William COPELAND Benjamin ELLIS and Rachel PRESSMILL\PRESNELL) was born in 1763 in Rowan Co., NC. He died in 1851 in Texas Co., MO. Moved to Sumner Co.,TN for awhile then on to Texas Co.,MO. Sarah COPELAND and Benjamin ELLIS Jr had the following children: 514 +515 516 517 518 519 520 521 +522 523 524 525 526 527 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. William ELLIS was born in 1789. John Willis ELLIS (born on 13 Nov 1795). Benjamin ELLIS III was born in 1800. He died in 1880. Moses ELLIS was born on 6 Sep 1803. He died in 1867. Spencer Copeland ELLIS was born in 1805. He died in 1856. Doctor 'Dock' ELLIS was born on 4 May 1810. He died on 7 Jul 1898. Elijah David ELLIS was born on 2 Jul 1811. He died on 29 Jun 1859. Carrell ELLIS was born in 1813. Asa ELLIS (born on 6 Jul 1817). Malinda ELLIS was born in 1819. Mary ELLIS was born in 1821. James ELLIS was born in 1823. Joseph ELLIS was born in 1825. Stephen ELLIS was born in 1827. 166. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1774 in Rowan Co., NC. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Willis Pressmill ELLIS were married in 1798. Willis Pressmill ELLIS (son of Benjamin ELLIS and Rachel PRESSMILL\PRESNELL) was born on 5 Mar 1770 in NC. He died in 1871 in Macon Co., TN. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Willis Pressmill ELLIS had the following children: +528 529 530 531 532 533 534 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William E. ELLIS (born on 25 Jul 1799). John ELLIS was born on 21 Jan 1804. Willis Pressmill ELLIS Jr was born in 1805. James ELLIS was born on 24 Aug 1811. Grace ELLIS was born Louisa I. ELLIS was born Susanna ELLIS was born 168. Rachel COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Rowan Co., NC. She died in McMinn Co, TN. William HELLUMS was born about 1770. He died in 1840 in McMinn Co, TN. Will written 6/6/1840. and filed 10/5/1840. Rachel COPELAND and William HELLUMS had the following children: 535 +536 +537 +538 +539 540 541 +542 543 +544 +545 546 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Peggy C. HELLUMS was born Elizabeth HELLUMS. Dorcas HELLUMS. Sally HELLUMS. Lydia HELLUMS (born in 1810). Polly HELLUMS was born Nancy L. HELLUMS was born Rachel C. HELLUMS. Rebecca HELLUMS was born in 1781 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Warren Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in McMinn Co, TN. Living with Lydia x. Susannah HELLUMS. xi. Anne HELLUMS. xii. James HELLUMS was born 169. William COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in Rowan Co., NC. He was living in 1800 in Cocke Co., TN. He died about 1849 in Walker Co., GA. 59 Descendants of William COPELAND Polly Rebecca KING (daughter of Henry KING) was born in VA. William COPELAND and Polly Rebecca KING had the following children: 547 548 i. Rebecca COPELAND was born ii. Ellender COPELAND was born 170. Lydia COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in Greenville District, SC. Lydia COPELAND and John JOHNSON were married on 20 Jul 1805 in Roane CO, TN. William Hellums serves as bondsman John JOHNSON was born 171. James COPELAND Jr. (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Aug 1791 in Greenville District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Wayne Co, TN. 1 male (0-5),3 males (5-10), 2 males(10-15),1 male(20-30),1 male(30-40) 1 female(15-20),1 female(30-40) He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 18 Feb 1866 in Wayne Co, TN. 1830 Wayne Co.,TN 1 male (0-5) 3 males (5-10) 2 males (10-15) 1 female (15-20) 1 male (20-30) 1 male (30-40) 1 female (30-40) Buried on the family cemetery on what is called 'the old Webb Farm., located now in Hardin Co., TN. His mother and wife are buried there also. James COPELAND Jr. and Catherine Flora GILLIS were married on 19 Mar 1812 in Mississippi Territory-Madison Co., AL. Catherine Flora GILLIS (daughter of Daniel GILLIS and Nancy PATTERSON) was born on 29 Mar 1796 in NC. She died on 29 May 1883 in Wayne Co, TN. James COPELAND Jr. and Catherine Flora GILLIS had the following children: +549 +550 +551 +552 +553 +554 555 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 21 Jul 1812). Thomas S. COPELAND (born on 13 May 1815). Daniel G. COPELAND (born on 5 Sep 1817). James Dugal COPELAND (born on 5 May 1820). William J. COPELAND (born on 22 Oct 1822). Joseph Matthew COPELAND (born on 27 May 1825). Mary COPELAND was born in 1838 in Wayne Co, TN. 172. Joseph COPELAND (James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1794 in Rowan Co., NC. He was living on 13 Aug 1832 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in St. Clair Co., AL. Joseph COPELAND and Susanna Charolette MAXWELL were married on 17 Nov 1831 in Etowah Co., AL. Susanna Charolette MAXWELL (daughter of MAXWELL) was born in 1796 in Greenville, SC. She died before 1860 in St. Clair Co., AL. Joseph COPELAND and Susanna Charolette MAXWELL had the following children: +556 +557 +558 +559 +560 +561 562 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. John COPELAND (born in 1814). Jesse COPELAND (born about 1815). Wiley B. COPELAND (born in 1822). Freeman COPELAND (born in 1825). Richard Neely COPELAND (born in 1829). Lucinda Eveline COPELAND (born in 1835). Ruthy COPELAND was born in 1849 in St. Clair Co., AL. 60 Descendants of William COPELAND Joseph COPELAND and Maryline were married about 1858 in St. Clair Co., AL. Maryline was born in 1830 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. Joseph COPELAND and Maryline had the following children: 563 +564 +565 i. William COPELAND was born in 1859 in St. Clair Co., AL. ii. Rufus Franklin COPELAND (born on 14 Jul 1865). iii. Frances COPELAND (born in 1867). 173. Richard Peter COPELAND (Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1750 in VA. He was living about 1800 in Edgefield District, SC. He died on 5 Nov 1823 in Putnam Co.GA. July 5,1774-Pittsylvania Co., VA Richard Copeland purchases 900 acres on both sides of Snow Creek adjoining the land of James Cooley Richard's will Putnam CO.,GA 11/15/1823 Richard Peter COPELAND and Sarah 'Sallie' DUNN were married in 1775. Sarah 'Sallie' DUNN (daughter of Waters DUNN and Sarah GATEWOOD) was born in 1756 in VA. She died on 7 Dec 1790 in Putnam Co., GA. Richard Peter COPELAND and Sarah 'Sallie' DUNN had the following children: +566 +567 +568 +569 +570 +571 +572 +573 +574 +575 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Christy COPELAND (born on 4 Aug 1776). William Baldwin COPELAND (born on 2 Oct 1777). Richard 'Peter' COPELAND (born in 1778). Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1780). Baldwin 'Baldy' COPELAND (born on 15 Jan 1782). John Thomas COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1784). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1786). Mildred COPELAND (born on 10 May 1788). Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (born on 14 Sep 1790). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1792). 174. Clarissa COPELAND (Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1752 in VA. John GOODALL was born 175. Charles COPELAND (Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1756 in Carolina CO., VA. He died on 24 Nov 1836 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. Charles was an eminent VA lawyer. He saw service in the Rev. War as an army surgeon and was granted 4,000 acres of land in Muskigum Co.,OH for his service. He may have gone to Scotland to study law or medicine as his son-in-law Robert Nickolson did. Charles married Rebecca Nicholson the daughter of a merchant of Williamsburg,VA He moved from Charles City Co.,VA to Richmond,VA. He practiced law in the VA courts from 1790-1822. He deeded considerable land in Muskigum Co.,OH to two of his sons,Charles in 1711 and Peter 1819. After Rebecca died, he married Hennigham. They both died on the same day. Charles was the executor of his father,Peter's will,which was submitted to Charles City Court by Charles on April 17,1800 Charles COPELAND and Rebecca NICHOLSON were married on 4 Feb 1786 in VA. Rebecca NICHOLSON (daughter of Robert NICHOLSON and Mary WATERS) was born on 3 Aug 1766 in Williamsburg, VA. She died on 25 Jul 1800 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. Charles COPELAND and Rebecca NICHOLSON had the following children: +576 +577 +578 579 +580 +581 582 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary COPELAND (born on 16 Mar 1787). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in Sep 1788). Peter COPELAND (born on 22 Sep 1790). Margaret COPELAND was born on 20 Jul 1792 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. She died on 26 Dec 1811 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. She died in a theater fire v. Charles Robert COPELAND (born on 17 Feb 1794). vi. Alexander COPELAND (born on 12 Jul 1795). vii. William COPELAND was born on 8 Apr 1797 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. He died after 21 61 Descendants of William COPELAND +583 584 Oct 1860. viii. Robert COPELAND (born on 14 May 1799). ix. Rebecca COPELAND was born on 5 Jun 1800 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. She died on 20 Aug 1806 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. Charles COPELAND and Henningham C. BERNARD were married on 13 Oct 1808. Henningham C. BERNARD was born in 1760. She died on 24 Nov 1836 in Richmond Co., NC. 176. Betsy COPELAND (Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1758 in VA. Betsy COPELAND and Richard STOCKTON were married on 4 Jan 1781 in Henry Co., VA. Richard STOCKTON (son of Richard STOCKTON and Agnes ANTHONY) was born in 1745 in VA. Betsy COPELAND and Richard STOCKTON had the following children: +585 i. Elizabeth STOCKTON (born in 1783). 178. William Baldwin COPELAND (Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1752 in Charlotte Co., VA. He served in the military in 1780 in Rev War- S17889. maybe Capt. William Copeland under Gen.Henderson 1780-1782; Drew land lottery Early Co- 12/20/1830; and Rabun Co.- 1/23/1823; William of Pendleton Co., SC bought land in Jackson Co., GA on 12/2/1801.This line from Henry Co., VA movd to PendletonDistrict, SC; Ga and to Walker Co., AL He appeared in the census in 1785 in Amelia Co., VA. Five White souls He was living in Mar 1789 in not in Newberry Co., SC. Moses and Levi plantiff against William Copeland and Isaac West, dismissed William Copeland not living in Newberry, SC He appeared in the census in 1800 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Gwinnett Co., GA. Males; 000001 Females; 02401 He died in 1850 in DeKalb Co., GA. He was living in DeKalb Co., GA. Rebecca was born in 1758 in VA. She appeared in the census in 1850 in DeKalb Co., GA. William Baldwin COPELAND and Rebecca had the following children: +586 +587 +588 +589 590 +591 592 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Thomas COPELAND (born in 1790). Obediah Elijah COPELAND (born in 1800). Alexander COPELAND (born in 1804). Obediah COPELAND (born in 1807). Sandal B. COPELAND was born in 1808 in SC. Washington COPELAND (born in 1813). William COPELAND was born in 1814. 180. Obediah COPELAND (John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1750 in NC. He served in the military on 26 Mar 1779 in Rev. War- 6th SC under Col. Henderson. He died in GA. Elizabeth BUSH (daughter of John BUSH) was born about 1750. Obediah COPELAND and Elizabeth BUSH had the following children: +593 +594 +595 +596 i. ii. iii. iv. Obediah COPELAND Jr. (born about 1780). Unity COPELAND (born in 1780). Colson COPELAND (born about 1790). William COPELAND (born in 1792). 183. John D. COPELAND (John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1775 in NC. He was living in 1810 in Greene Co, GA. He died before 1830 in Greene Co, GA. 1849 received land in Headrights and Bounty Land Grants in Greene Co., GA,maybe son. He along with Obediah,John Dorsey and John Bush moved from Oglethrope Co.,to Greene Co.,GA about 1810. 1810 he is listed in Bush's district and taxed on 153 acres in Oglethrope Co.,GA John D. COPELAND and Nancy DORSEY were married on 16 Jan 1795 in Oglethrope Co., GA. Nancy DORSEY (daughter of Elias DORSEY and Susannah BUSH) was born about 1775 in Oglethorpe Co. GA. She appeared in the census in 1830 in Greene Co, GA. John D. COPELAND and Nancy DORSEY had the following children: 62 Descendants of William COPELAND +597 +598 +599 +600 +601 +602 +603 +604 +605 +606 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Frances COPELAND (born in 1796). Sally COPELAND (born in 1798). Mary COPELAND (born in 1800). Nancy Bush COPELAND (born in 1800). John D. COPELAND (born in 1802). Obediah COPELAND (born in 1806). Elizabeth 'Eliza' Bush COPELAND (born on 12 Aug 1807). Susanna D. COPELAND (born about 1809). Jasper Newton COPELAND (born about 1812). Elias Dorsey COPELAND (born in 1811). 187. Judith Patterson RIPLEY (Richard-5, Judith COPELAND-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1750 in Albemarle Co., VA. Charles THOMAS was born about 1745 in Albemarle Co., VA. 188. Hugh COPELAND (Daniel-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in NC. Charlotte was born in 1797 in NC. Hugh COPELAND and Charlotte had the following children: 607 608 609 610 611 612 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Hester COPELAND was born in 1827 in IN. John F. COPELAND was born in 1830 in IN. Hugh W. COPELAND was born in 1830 in IN. Martha COPELAND was born in 1834 in MO. Abner COPELAND was born in 1840 in MO. Asenath COPELAND was born in 1844 in MO. 190. Martha COPELAND (Daniel-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1879 in NC. William SANDERS was born Martha COPELAND and William SANDERS had the following children: 613 i. Martha SANDERS was born in 1807. 203. Sylvania O'BRYANT (Sylvania 'Silva' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1797 in Chatham Co, , NC. James Lane TAYLOR was born 207. Keziah LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Thomas MUSE was born 208. Nancy LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1783 in NC. She died in 1860. Labar JONES was born in 1780 in NC. He died on 14 Mar 1848. Nancy LASATER and Labar JONES had the following children: +614 615 i. Hezekiah JONES (born in 1807). ii. James A. JONES was born 209. William LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Feb 1786 in Chatham Co, NC. He died on 8 Oct 1846 in Franklin CO, TN. 63 Descendants of William COPELAND Sarah TUDOR was born 210. Abner LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1788 in Chatham Co, NC. He died in 1850 in Franklin CO, TN. Catherine Butcher LEE was born on 12 Feb 1791 in Cumberland Co., TN. She died in 1832. Abner LASATER and Catherine Butcher LEE had the following children: +616 +617 i. Martha E. LASATER (born in 1825). ii. Abner LASATER (born on 20 Mar 1820). 211. Rebecca LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born James CROTON was born 212. Thomas J. LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) died before 1845. Sarah WEAVER was born 215. Elizabeth LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born MARTIN was born 216. Cloe LASATER (Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1788 in NC. Cloe LASATER and David COPELAND were married in TN. David COPELAND (son of James COPELAND Sr. and Elizabeth Martha) was born in 1779 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died about 21 Jan 1859 in Chatham Co, , NC. Will dated 1/21/1859 Chatham Co.,NC Cloe LASATER and David COPELAND had the following children: +225 226 +227 228 229 +230 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Levi COPELAND (born in 1805). Ann COPELAND (born in 1820). Nicholas COPELAND (born in 1820). Martha COPELAND (born in 1822). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1824). Zany COPELAND (born in 1825). John MCCLURE was born Cloe LASATER and John MCCLURE had the following children: 618 619 620 i. Louiza MCCLURE was born ii. William MCCLURE was born iii. John H.N. MCCLURE was born 217. Martha CUMMINS (Dorothy 'Dolly' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Joel SULLIVAN was born 218. Eli COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in NC. 64 Descendants of William COPELAND Selia was born in 1803 in NC. Eli COPELAND and Selia had the following children: +621 +622 623 624 625 626 627 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Zana Lasater COPELAND (born in 1828). David COPELAND (born in 1826). William COPELAND was born in 1829 in NC. John COPELAND was born in 1831 in NC. Zana COPELAND was born in 1833 in AL. George COPELAND was born in 1835 in MO. Susan COPELAND was born in 1838 in TN. on the 1850 census with John and Zana, maybe a granddaughter 219. John COPELAND Jr. (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1804 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. Naomi was born in 1811 in NC. John COPELAND Jr. and Naomi had the following children: +628 629 630 631 i. ii. iii. iv. John W. COPELAND (born in 1834). Mary COPELAND was born in 1838 in Buchanan Co., MO. Catherine COPELAND was born in 1839 in Buchanan Co., MO. Jonathan COPELAND was born in 1846 in Buchanan Co., MO. 220. Johnson COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1804 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Ray Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Ray Co., MO. He died in 1862. Johnson COPELAND and Sarah E. MCGEE were married on 22 Dec 1827 in NC. Sarah E. MCGEE was born in 1810 in NC. She died after 1880. Johnson COPELAND and Sarah E. MCGEE had the following children: +632 +633 +634 +635 +636 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Henry McGee COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1829). Mary Ann COPELAND (born in 1842). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1843). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1847). Thomas Benton COPELAND (born on 30 Mar 1850). 221. Able COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. Piety was born in 1814 in NC. Able COPELAND and Piety had the following children: +637 638 639 640 641 i. Morgan COPELAND (born in 1828). ii. Johnson COPELAND was born in 1834 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Calaveras Co., CA. iii. John COPELAND was born in 1836 in TN. iv. Fanny COPELAND was born in 1837 in TN. v. F. M. COPELAND was born in 1844 in Buchanan Co., MO. 222. Cinthia Lucille COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Aug 1814 in Chatham Co., NC. She died on 24 Oct 1899 in Hiawatha, Brown Co., Kansas. Cinthia Lucille COPELAND and Josiah JONES were married on 13 Nov 1835 in Wilson Co., TN. James H. Jones ,bondsman Josiah JONES (son of Thomas JONES and Margaret) was born on 18 Nov 1809 in Charlotte Co., VA. Cinthia Lucille COPELAND and Josiah JONES had the following children: 642 643 644 i. Frances JONES was born in 1837. ii. Margaret JONES was born in 1839. iii. Francis Marion JONES was born in 1841. 65 Descendants of William COPELAND 645 646 647 iv. Perry JONES was born in 1845. v. Thomas Benton JONES was born in 1848. vi. David JONES was born in 1851 in Buchanan Co., MO. 223. Frances A. COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Apr 1816 in Chatham Co., NC. She died on 14 Aug 1898 in Rockhouse(Frazier), Platte Co., MO. Frances A. COPELAND and Green PATTERSON were married in 1838 in TN. Green PATTERSON was born on 14 Jul 1815 in TN. Frances A. COPELAND and Green PATTERSON had the following children: 648 649 +650 651 i. ii. iii. iv. Lucy Jane PATTERSON was born in 1838. Martin Van Buren PATTERSON was born in 1840. William Henry PATTERSON (born on 14 Apr 1845). John PATTERSON was born on 5 Sep 1856. 224. Abner COPELAND (John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Aug 1818 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Buchanan Co., MO. He died in 1905 in MO. Abner COPELAND and Mary WRIGHT were married on 9 Oct 1849 in Buchanan Co., MO. Mary WRIGHT was born in 1828 in NC. Abner COPELAND and Bethinia VOORHEES were married on 29 Feb 1892 in Buchanan Co., MO. Bethinia VOORHEES was born on 13 May 1846 in Sparta, Buchanan Co., MO. 225. Levi COPELAND (David-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1805 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Chatham Co, , NC. Levi lived near Stinking Creek, Chatham Co., NC Sallie HARTSO (daughter of Isaac HARTSO) was born in 1809 in NC. She died before 1850 in Chatham Co., NC. Levi COPELAND and Sallie HARTSO had the following children: 652 653 +654 655 +656 657 i. Mahala COPELAND was born on 26 Aug 1826 in Chatham Co., NC. She died on 16 Jun 1918 in Chatham Co., NC. She was buried in Gum Springs Baptist Church Cem., Chatham Co., NC. never married ii. Maryann COPELAND was born in 1831 in Chatham Co, , NC. iii. Nathan S. COPELAND (born in 1832). iv. Caroline COPELAND was born on 13 Feb 1836 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died on 13 Feb 1918 in Chatham Co., NC. She was buried in Gum Springs Baptist Church Cem., Chatham Co., NC. never married v. Malinda COPELAND (born on 10 Apr 1838). vi. Matilda COPELAND was born on 10 Apr 1838 in Chatham Co., NC. She died on 26 Feb 1918 in Gum Springs Baptist Church Cem., Chatham Co., NC. never married Levi COPELAND and Elizabeth HASKEL were married on 23 Jan 1859 in Chatham Co., NC. Elizabeth HASKEL was born 227. Nicholas COPELAND (David-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in Chatham Co, , NC. Jenett was born in 1820 in NC. Nicholas COPELAND and Jenett had the following children: 658 i. Emeline COPELAND was born in 1843 in Chatham Co, , NC. 230. Zany COPELAND (David-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in Chatham Co, , NC. 66 Descendants of William COPELAND Calvin CRUTCHFIELD was born in 1848 in Chatham Co., NC. 231. Chloe PYLAND (Annie COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1813 in NC. Elizabeth COPELAND was born 232. William COPELAND (Willis-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in Jan 1793 in VA. He died on 16 Aug 1870 in Racine, Racine Co., WI. William COPELAND and Rachael VARIAN were married on 13 Oct 1815. Rachael VARIAN was born on 4 Dec 1797 in NY. She died on 18 Mar 1886 in Racine, Racine Co., WI. William COPELAND and Rachael VARIAN had the following children: +659 660 661 662 663 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Willis COPELAND (born on 9 Nov 1816). Eliza COPELAND was born in 1820 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA. Martha J. COPELAND was born in 1824 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA. She died in 1914. Melinda COPELAND was born in 1829 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA. She died on 30 Jun 1919. Phebe COPELAND was born in 1837 in Cassapolis, Cass Co., MI. She died on 27 Oct 1889. 233. Warner M. COPELAND (William-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 7 Jun 1802 in Fredrick Co., VA. He died in Monroe Co., IN. Warner was in the 1830 IN census in Hancock CO., Sugar Creek TWP. In the 1860 census, in Morgan Co.,Monroe TWP Warner M. COPELAND and Elizabeth Mary BAILEY were married on 19 Oct 1824 in Union, Monroe CO., IN. Elizabeth Mary BAILEY (daughter of George BAILEY and Isabelle CHRISTY) was born on 3 Dec 1809 in Greenbrier Co, WVA. She died in Monroe Co., IN. Warner M. COPELAND and Elizabeth Mary BAILEY had the following children: +664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 +672 673 674 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. George M. COPELAND (born on 26 Jul 1826). Jane L. COPELAND was born on 31 Aug 1829 in IN.. Isabel COPELAND was born on 13 Mar 1831 in IN.. Eli F. COPELAND was born on 4 Dec 1834 in IN.. Elizabeth COPELAND was born on 6 Jun 1837 in IN.. Sarah Jane COPELAND was born on 28 Sep 1839 in IN.. Margaret COPELAND was born on 3 Feb 1842 in IN.. William W. COPELAND was born on 12 May 1844 in IN.. Charles Wesley COPELAND (born on 2 Jul 1847). Evaline Eliza COPELAND was born on 25 Apr 1850 in IN.. Elzina Delilah COPELAND was born on 5 Nov 1853 in IN.. 234. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Martin-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in VA. She died in 1874 in Monroe Co., WV. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Joshua CANTERBURY were married on 24 Dec 1818 in Greenbrier Co, VA. Joshua CANTERBURY was born on 11 Oct 1794 in Greenbrier Co, VA. He died on 22 Oct 1877 in Siclo Run, Monroe Co., WV. 235. Richard COPELAND (John-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hardeman Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Wayne Co., TN. Richard COPELAND and Juanita were married in 1867 in TN. Juanita was born in 1825. Richard COPELAND and Martha were married about 1848 in TN. Martha was born in 1823 in TN. Richard COPELAND and Martha had the following children: 67 Descendants of William COPELAND +675 676 +677 678 679 680 +681 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Robert L. COPELAND (born in Dec 1848). Sarah Jane COPELAND was born in 1853 in Hardeman Co., TN. Martin L COPELAND (born in 1856). Mary C. COPELAND was born in 1858 in Wayne Co., TN. Margaret A. COPELAND was born in 1859 in Wayne Co., TN. M COPELAND was born in 1860 in Hardeman Co., TN. Jesse Richard COPELAND (born in 1866). Mattie PENNINGTON was born in Apr 1854. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. living w/ Jesse R. Richard COPELAND and Mattie PENNINGTON had the following children: 682 i. Jennie COPELAND was born in 1885 in TN. 236. Hannah COPELAND (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1769 in Rockingham Co, VA. Hannah COPELAND and Samuel MONTGOMERY were married on 11 Jan 1791 in Lincoln Co., KY. Samuel MONTGOMERY was born 237. Piercy COPELAND (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1770 in Rockingham Co, VA. Piercy COPELAND and James ANDREWS were married on 24 Jul 1792 in Lincoln Co., KY. James ANDREWS was born 238. John Washington COPELAND (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 3 Feb 1771 in Rockingham Co, VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Mercer Co., KY. He died on 25 Aug 1837 in Hart Co., KY. John Washington COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' DOWNING were married on 31 May 1796 in Lincoln Co., KY. Mary 'Polly' DOWNING was born on 22 May 1778 in Bedford Co., VA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Hart Co., KY. She died on 12 Feb 1861 in Hart Co., KY. John Washington COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' DOWNING had the following children: +683 +684 685 686 687 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Benjamin COPELAND (born on 2 Apr 1798). Thomas COPELAND (born on 25 Jun 1799). Jacob COPELAND was born on 21 Jan 1801. He died on 20 Jun 1871. Mary COPELIN was born on 15 Nov 1803. She died on 8 Jul 1863. Ezekiel D. COPELAND was born on 28 May 1805 in Hart Co., KY. He died on 1 Mar 1864. 239. Ann COPELIN (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1771 in Rockingham Co, VA. Ann COPELIN and Alexander ANDREWS were married on 10 Mar 1792 in Lincoln Co., KY. Alexander ANDREWS was born 240. Thomas COPELAND (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 4 Oct 1772 in Rockingham Co, VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Garrod Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Orange Co, IN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Orange Co, IN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 15 Dec 1855 in Copeland Cemetery, Orange Co., IN. Thomas COPELAND and Nancy MONTGOMERY were married on 21 Dec 1795 in Lincoln Co., KY. Nancy MONTGOMERY was born Thomas COPELAND and Nancy MONTGOMERY had the following children: +688 i. Hannah COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1797). 68 Descendants of William COPELAND +689 +690 +691 +692 +693 +694 +695 +696 +697 +698 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Delilah COPELAND (born in 1799). Esther COPELAND (born in 1801). Issac COPELAND (born in 1802). Simon COPELAND (born on 7 Sep 1805). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1807). Elias COPELAND (born in 1809). Martha Matilda COPELAND (born on 10 Feb 1813). Robert Montgomery COPELAND (born on 22 May 1815). Rachel COPELAND (born on 12 Aug 1817). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1820). 241. Mary COPELIN (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Rockingham Co, VA. Mary COPELIN and Washington STRANGE were married on 5 Jun 1800 in Garrod Co., KY. Washington STRANGE was born 242. Sarah 'Sally' COPELIN (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in Booneville, KY. She died between 1860 and 1865 in Copeland Cemetery, Orange Co., IN. Sarah 'Sally' COPELIN and John 'Jack' WOLF III were married on 21 Mar 1809 in Garrod Co., KY. John 'Jack' WOLF III (son of John WOLF II and Elizabeth CORNWELL) was born in 1785 in Shenandoah Valley, VA. He died in 1858 in Paoli, Orange Co., IN. Sarah 'Sally' COPELIN and John 'Jack' WOLF III had the following children: +699 i. Nathan WOLF (born on 15 Jan 1811). 243. Sarah COPELIN (Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jan 1791 in Garrod Co., KY. She died in 1873 in Orange Co, IN. Sarah COPELIN and William HIATT were married on 28 Jan 1814 in Garrod Co., KY. William HIATT was born 244. Mary COPELIN (James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 12 Apr 1770 in Orange Co., VA. She died on 13 Sep 1852 in Brockman Cem., Johnson Co., IN. Mary COPELIN and Richard SHIPP were married on 26 Jan 1788 in Mercer Co., KY. Richard SHIPP (son of Richard SHIPP and Isobel) was born on 15 Apr 1768 in Culpepper Co., VA. He died on 14 Jun 1836 in Brockman Cem., Johnson Co., IN. Moved to KY in 1784. In 1810 they owned 665 acres in Green Co.,KY, moved to Johnson Co.,IN in1822. Mary COPELIN and Richard SHIPP had the following children: +700 +701 +702 +703 704 +705 +706 +707 +708 +709 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. John SHIPP (born on 27 Jan 1794). Elizabeth SHIPP (born on 23 Mar 1796). William SHIPP (born on 23 Jul 1798). Nancy SHIPP (born about 1799). James SHIPP was born on 5 Jan 1790. He died in Oct 1815. Annie SHIPP (born on 19 Feb 1792). Martha SHIPP (born on 30 Apr 1803). Austin SHIPP (born on 5 May 1805). Joseph SHIPP (born on 20 Jun 1813). Thomas SHIPP (born on 30 Oct 1805). 245. John COPELAND (James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Mercer Co., KY. He died in Orange Co, IN. John COPELAND and Sarah PIPES were married on 5 Mar 1795 in Mercer Co., KY. Sarah PIPES was born John 69 Descendants of William COPELAND COPELAND and Sarah PIPES had the following children: +710 +711 712 713 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary COPELIN (born in 1795). Elizabeth COPELIN (born about 1798). Lucinda COPELIN was born about 1810 in Mercer Co., KY. Julia COPELIN was born in 1812 in Mercer Co., KY. 246. Anney COPELIN (James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1780 in Mercer Co., KY. She died in Orange Co, IN. Anney COPELIN and John MCELROY were married on 20 Jan 1794 in Mercer Co., KY. John MCELROY was born 247. Ann COPELIN (James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born James WOODS was born 248. Ann COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born Ann COPELAND and Andrew DAVISSON were married on 7 Dec 1807 in Harrison Co., VA. Andrew DAVISSON was born 249. Benjamin COPELAND III (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1784 in VA. Benjamin COPELAND III and Nancy BARTLETT were married in 1807 in Harrison Co., VA. Nancy BARTLETT (daughter of Benjamin BARTLETT and Mary Ann Heath TIMBERLAKE) was born on 19 May 1789 in VA. Benjamin COPELAND III and Nancy BARTLETT had the following children: 714 715 716 717 718 719 +720 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Cynthia COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Prudie COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Nancy COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Alpheus COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Edward COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Issac COPELAND(COPLIN) was born Eliza Flora COPELAND(COPLIN) (born in 1821). 250. Lucretia COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1786 in VA. Lucretia COPELAND and george SCOTT were married in 1811. George SCOTT was born in 1786 in VA. 251. Deborah COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in VA. Deborah COPELAND and Gabriel WILKERSON were married on 10 May 1808 in VA. Gabriel WILKERSON was born in 1783 in VA. 252. Nancy COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1790 in Harrison Co., VA. Nancy COPELAND and Andrew DAVISSON were married about 1811 in VA. Andrew DAVISSON was born about 1786 in VA. 70 Descendants of William COPELAND 255. William COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1786 in VA. William COPELAND and Rebecca WILKERSON were married in 1811 in VA. Rebecca WILKERSON was born about 1790 in VA. 258. Jacob COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 7 Dec 1777 in VA. Margaret DAVISSON was born about 1781 in VA. 259. Col. Issac COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in VA. Col. Issac COPELAND and Prudence Izard DAVISSON were married on 5 May 1805 in Harrison Co., VA. Prudence Izard DAVISSON was born about 1784. 261. Col. David COPELAND (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 5 Dec 1786 in Harrison Co., VA. July 31, 1845-Harrison Co., WV-David Copeland purchases 99 acres partly in Marion City on the westerly side of Tygers valley River Col. David COPELAND and Mary CORBIN were married on 7 Sep 1809 in Harrison Co., VA. Mary CORBIN was born in 1788 in VA. Col. David COPELAND and Mary CORBIN had the following children: +721 i. Rachel COPELAND (born on 15 Oct 1821). Col. David COPELAND and Josinah MOUNT were married in 1798 in Harrison Co., VA. Josinah MOUNT was born in 1773 in Harrison Co., VA. Col. David COPELAND and Josinah MOUNT had the following children: 722 +723 724 725 726 727 728 +729 +730 +731 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Joseph M. COPELAND was born in 1778 in Harrison Co., VA. Elza COPELAND (born in 1780). Asa COPELAND was born in 1782 in Harrison Co., VA. John W. COPELAND was born in 1784 in Harrison Co., VA. Mary COPELAND was born in 1786 in Harrison Co., VA. Joshua COPELAND was born in 1786 in Harrison Co., VA. Jesse H. G. COPELAND was born in 1788 in Harrison Co., VA. Druzilla COPELAND (born in 1790). Elizabeth Ann COPELAND (born in 1792). Josina COPELAND (born in 1794). 263. Sarah COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in KY. She died after 1850. Sarah COPELAND and Hezekiah YOUNG were married on 13 Jun 1816. Hezekiah YOUNG was born Sarah COPELAND and Hezekiah YOUNG had the following children: 732 733 734 735 736 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Samuel YOUNG was born Joseph YOUNG was born Polly V. YOUNG was born Elizabeth YOUNG was born Rachel YOUNG was born 264. William D. COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1791 in Franklin Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jefferson Co., IN. 71 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary MACLIN was born in 1798 in KY. William D. COPELAND and Mary MACLIN had the following children: 737 738 739 740 741 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John W. COPELAND was born in 1831 in Jefferson Co., IN. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1833 in Jefferson Co., IN. Samantha COPELAND was born in 1835 in Jefferson Co., IN. Henry COPELAND was born in 1839 in Jefferson Co., IN. America COPELAND was born 265. Eliza 'Betsy' COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1793 in Franklin Co., KY. John WILLIAMS was born Eliza 'Betsy' COPELAND and John WILLIAMS had the following children: 742 743 744 i. George Madison WILLIAMS was born in 1817 in IN. ii. Samuel WILLIAMS was born in 1818 in IN. iii. Mary Jane WILLIAMS was born on 16 Apr 1820 in IN. She died on 7 Dec 1905 in IN. 266. Thomas COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 19 May 1795 in Franklin Co., KY. He died before 1850 in IN. Sally HOPPER (daughter of Moses HOPPER and Elizabeth) was born in 1810 in KY. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Jefferson Co., IN. Thomas COPELAND and Sally HOPPER had the following children: 745 +746 +747 +748 749 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Elizabeth COPELAND was born about 1817 in IN. John COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1819). Moses COPELAND (born on 10 Jun 1822). Small Wood 'Woodie' COPELAND (born on 24 Oct 1824). Elijah COPELAND was born in 1826 in IN. 267. James COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1797 in Franklin Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jefferson Co., IN. Elinor SKEEN was born James COPELAND and Elinor SKEEN had the following children: 750 +751 i. Rebecca COPELAND was born ii. Eleanor P COPELAND (born in 1823). James COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' PHILLIPS were married on 16 Sep 1824 in Jefferson Co., IN. Mary 'Polly' PHILLIPS was born in 1807 in KY. James COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' PHILLIPS had the following children: 752 +753 754 755 756 757 758 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Robert P. COPELAND was born on 16 May 1827 in IN. Allen Wiley COPELAND (born in 1830). Dr. William H. COPELAND was born in 1832 in IN. Elizabeth Ann COPELAND was born in 1834 in IN. Melissa J. COPELAND was born in 1837 in IN. Mary F. COPELAND was born in 1841 in IN. James M. COPELAND was born in 1847. 268. John COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 22 May 1799 in Franklin Co., KY. Sallie STEWART was born John COPELAND and Sallie STEWART had the following children: 759 760 i. Henry Vowel COPELAND was born on 3 Mar 1821 in Ripley Co., IN. He was living in 1840 in Andrew Co., MO. ii. Ann Eliza COPELAND was born on 1 Mar 1823 in Ripley Co., IN. 72 Descendants of William COPELAND 761 762 763 764 iii. iv. v. vi. Samuel S. COPELAND was born on 22 May 1825 in Ripley Co., IN. He died before 1888. Indiana Arnold COPELAND was born on 19 Aug 1829 in Ripley Co., IN. Amanda Melvina COPELAND was born on 6 Sep 1831 in Ripley Co., IN. John Wesley COPELAND was born on 20 Jan 1835 in Ripley Co., IN. He died in IO. Eleanor EVANS was born John COPELAND and Eleanor EVANS had the following children: 765 766 767 768 769 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Salathiel COPELAND was born on 9 Oct 1836 in Ripley Co., IN. Smith Winchester COPELAND was born on 14 Jul 1842 in Ripley Co., IN. James Thomas COPELAND was born on 18 Jun 1846 in Ripley Co., IN. Lloyd Taylor COPELAND was born on 25 Oct 1848 in Ripley Co., IN. William Perry COPELAND was born on 18 Oct 1850 in Ripley Co., IN. 269. Wesley COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 7 Aug 1801 in Franklin Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Andrew Co., MO. He died on 1 Apr 1851 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO. Wesley COPELAND and Melinda MITCHELL were married on 2 May 1822 in Shelby Co., KY. Melinda MITCHELL was born in 1804 in KY. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Andrew Co., MO. She appeared in the census in 1870 in platte co., mo. Wesley COPELAND and Melinda MITCHELL had the following children: 770 771 772 773 +774 775 776 +777 i. Rebecca Mitchell COPELAND was born on 20 Jan 1824 in Jefferson, IN. She died on 24 Dec 1852 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO. ii. Euphemia Bower COPELAND was born on 30 Jan 1826 in Ripley Co., IN. iii. James Morrison COPELAND was born on 2 May 1827 in Ripley Co., IN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Andrew Co., MO. iv. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND was born on 18 Jul 1834 in Ripley Co., IN. She died on 27 Jan 1852 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO. v. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 28 Apr 1833). vi. Eliza COPELAND was born in 1836 in Jefferson, IN. vii. Thomas COPELAND was born on 4 Oct 1837 in Jefferson, IN. He died on 16 Jan 1858 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO. viii. Nancy Ellen COPELAND (born on 27 May 1843). 270. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 24 Aug 1803 in Bourbon Co., KY. Daniel K. MITCHELL was born 271. Rachel COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 4 Jan 1805 in Franklin CO, KY. She died in IO. Henry Brevard HUKILL died in IO. 272. Milton A. COPELAND (Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 15 Aug 1810 in Decatur CO., IN. He served in the military in 1864 in Civil War-133th Co. H. Milton A. COPELAND and Susan KINCART were married on 24 Aug 1837. Susan KINCART was born Milton A. COPELAND and Elizabeth BOUDURANT were married on 10 Dec 1830 in Jefferson Co., IN. Elizabeth BOUDURANT was born 73 Descendants of William COPELAND Seventh Generation 273. Anna COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1786 in Grayson Co., VA. She died on 26 Jun 1858 in Decatur CO., IO. Anna COPELAND and William HALL were married in 1802. William HALL was born 274. Jane COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Feb 1789 in Hancock, TN. She died on 25 Apr 1869 in East Woodruff, ID. Jane COPELAND and James HOWELL were married in 1804 in TN. James HOWELL was born on 15 Nov 1784 in VA. He died on 13 Apr 1836 in Danville, IL. 277. Andrew COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Grayson Co., VA. Andrew COPELAND and Louisa JOHNSON were married on 23 Mar 1834. Louisa JOHNSON was born 278. Mary COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1797 in Grayson Co., VA. Mary COPELAND and Issac DAIL were married in 1817. Issac DAIL was born 280. Margaret COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1799 in Grayson Co., VA. Margaret COPELAND and Jesse MAGGIE were married in 1825. Jesse MAGGIE was born 281. Lydia COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in Grayson Co., VA. Lydia COPELAND and Joseph OSBORNE were married in 1820. Joseph OSBORNE was born 282. Renah COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1803 in Grayson Co., VA. Renah COPELAND and John SLOANE were married in 1825. John SLOANE was born 283. Jesse COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Mar 1808 in Bledsoe Co, TN. Jesse COPELAND and Orrita Aretta KEITH were married on 23 Jun 1831. Orrita Aretta KEITH was born 284. Jefferson COPELAND (Charles-6, Charles-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 May 1810 in Bledsoe Co, TN. He was blessed on 22 Nov 1834 in IL- Federal Sale. He was blessed on 6 Nov 1838 in IL-Federal Sale. 74 Descendants of William COPELAND Jefferson COPELAND and Louisa JOHNSON were married on 24 Mar 1824. Louisa JOHNSON was born 285. Abigail BROOM (Elizabeth COPELAND-6, John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1790 in NC. Marmaduke ETHERIDGE was born 287. Elizabeth CARTY (Sarah COPELAND-6, John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1801. Green B. GOGGIN was born Elizabeth CARTY and Green B. GOGGIN had the following children: +778 i. William GOGGIN. 295. Abigail COPELAND (William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792. Samuel KEY was born 296. Sallie COPELAND (William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1794. Asa SMITH was born 298. Nathan COPELAND (William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in Jackson Springs, Moore Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Moore Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Moore Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Moore Co, NC. Clarkey Jane DONLEY was born in 1829 in NC. Nathan COPELAND and Clarkey Jane DONLEY had the following children: 779 780 +781 782 783 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Louisa Clarkey COPELAND was born in 1852 in Moore Co, NC. Nathan M.M. COPELAND was born in 1853 in Moore Co, NC. Sarah Rebecca COPELAND (born on 30 Aug 1854). Tobitha COPELAND was born in 1862 in Moore Co, NC. John COPELAND was born in 1865 in Moore Co, NC. 299. William COPELAND Jr. (William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Oct 1801 in Jackson Springs, Moore Co, NC. He died on 31 Jan 1883 in Eagle Springs, Moore CO, NC. He was buried in Bensalem Cem., Eagle Springs, Moore Co., NC. William COPELAND Jr. and Mary Jane BAILEY were married on 16 Aug 1829 in Moore Co, NC. Mary Jane BAILEY (daughter of Benjamin BAILEY and Jane BLEDSOE) was born on 28 Feb 1802 in Moore Co., NC. She died on 25 Aug 1877 in Moore Co, NC. She was buried in Bensalem Cem., Eagle Springs, Moore Co., NC. William COPELAND Jr. and Mary Jane BAILEY had the following children: +784 785 +786 787 +788 +789 i. Tabitha COPELAND (born on 14 Nov 1830). ii. John Nathan COPELAND was born on 11 Dec 1832 in Chowan Co, NC. He died on 18 Jun 1864 in Battle of Petersburg, VA , Civil War. iii. William Baxter COPELAND (born on 24 Oct 1834). iv. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND died in 1837 in Moore Co, NC. She was born on 9 Oct 1837 in Moore Co, NC. v. Jane Abigail COPELAND (born on 20 Feb 1840). vi. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 9 Oct 1843). 75 Descendants of William COPELAND 301. James COPELAND (James-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1791 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Wayne Co, TN. He died before 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. Bought land from John Copeland in 1824 on Harden Creek. He sold it in 1836. Polly UNKNOWN was born James COPELAND and Polly UNKNOWN had the following children: +790 +791 792 793 794 795 796 797 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Rebecca COPELAND (born in 1817). Alexander Nickolas COPELAND (born in 1825). Louisa COPELAND was born Catherine COPELAND was born Minervia COPELAND was born Jane COPELAND was born in 1836. Malissa COPELAND was born in 1840. Mary COPELAND was born James COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' were married about 1832 in TN. Mary Ann 'Polly' was born in 1805 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. She died after 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. James COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' had the following children: 798 799 800 i. Elenor COPELAND was born in 1833 in TN. ii. Jane COPELAND was born in 1836 in Wayne Co, TN. She died in 1861 in Wayne Co, TN. iii. Malissa COPELAND was born in 1838 in Wayne Co, TN. 302. Jacob COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born between 1775 and 1794 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Wayne Co, TN. 2(>10),2(10-16),1(16-18),1(18-26),1(26-45)-m 221110 3(.10),1(10-16),1(18-26) -f 31010 Jacob COPELAND had the following children: 801 i. Cornelius COPELAND was born about 1810 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Independence Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Independence Co., AR. 303. Willis COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1780. He served in the military in 1812 in 1 Reg't(Metcalfe's) West TN Militia. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Wayne Co, TN. Willis COPELAND and Margaret Elizabeth DOBBS were married. Margaret Elizabeth DOBBS was born in Bedford Co., TN. Willis COPELAND and Margaret Elizabeth DOBBS had the following children: +802 +803 +804 +805 i. ii. iii. iv. Willis COPELAND (born in 1812). Wesley COPELAND (born in 1815). John COPELAND (born in 1818). William COPELAND (born in 1825). 304. Sallie COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1780 in NC. Sallie COPELAND and Henry CREWELL were married on 4 Apr 1797 in Jefferson Co., TN. Henry CREWELL was born 305. Catherine COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1778 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1840 in Washington Co., AR. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., AR. She died about 1866 in Washington Co., AR. Catherine COPELAND and Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) were married on 8 Aug 1797 in Jefferson Co., 76 Descendants of William COPELAND TN. Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (son of Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) and Elizabeth COPELAND) was born in 1770. He was living in 1799 in Overton Co., TN. He died in Washington Co., AR. Catherine COPELAND and Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) had the following children: +806 +807 +808 +809 810 i. ii. iii. iv. v. James MATTHEWS (born in 1798). Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS (born in 1799). John L. MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (born in 1811). Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (born in 1812). Commodore Rogers MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born 306. John COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1781 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Independence Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Independence Co., AR. John COPELAND and Margaret were married. Margaret was born in 1790 in TN. John COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: 811 812 813 814 815 +816 817 818 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1815 in TN. John COPELAND was born in 1821 in TN. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1827 in TN. Jane COPELAND was born in 1824 in TN. Harriett COPELAND was born in 1826 in TN. George COPELAND (born in 1828). Richard COPELAND was born in 1829 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Independence Co., AR. viii. Malvina COPELAND was born in 1831 in TN. 307. Nancy COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1783 in TN. Nancy COPELAND and Nathaniel GIST were married on 17 Apr 1798 in Jefferson Co., TN. Nathaniel GIST was born 308. Rev. William COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jul 1783 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Wayne Co, TN. Census 3(>10),1(10-16),1(26-45)-m 1(>10),1(10-16),1(18-26)-f He appeared in the census in 1850 in Reynolds Co., MO. He died after 1850 in Reynolds Co., MO. Rev. William COPELAND and Margery CARMACK were married in 1805 in Overton Co, TN. Margery CARMACK (daughter of Cornelius CARMACK and Barbara 'lettice' FITE) was born on 13 Jun 1785 in Washington Co., VA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Reynolds Co., MO. She died after 1860 in Reynolds Co., MO. Rev. William COPELAND and Margery CARMACK had the following children: +819 +820 +821 +822 +823 +824 +825 +826 827 828 +829 830 831 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Sarah 'Hill' COPELAND (born on 5 Sep 1807). Hasel COPELAND (born on 2 Feb 1809). Cornelius COPELAND (born on 12 Jul 1811). Jesse Richard COPELAND (born on 12 Jan 1813). Lettetia COPELAND (born on 15 Mar 1815). Tadoc Thorton COPELAND (born on 11 Mar 1817). Rev. Isaac COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1820). Jacob COPELAND (born on 28 Jan 1822). Retta COPELAND was born on 19 Mar 1824 in Wayne Co, TN. Eliza Anna COPELAND was born on 26 Dec 1826 in Wayne Co, TN. John Fletcher COPELAND (born on 2 Jun 1828). Syrina COPELAND was born on 11 Mar 1831 in Wayne Co, TN. Richard Browning COPELAND was born on 6 Jan 1833. He appeared in the census in 1860 in jasper co., mo. 77 Descendants of William COPELAND 309. Richard COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Nov 1787. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 11 Apr 1864 in Wayne Co., TN. Richard seved in the War of 1812. Richard COPELAND and Hannah GREER were married in 1807 in Overton Co, TN. Hannah GREER was born in 1792. She died on 23 Aug 1852 in Wayne Co, TN. Richard COPELAND and Hannah GREER had the following children: 832 +833 +834 +835 +836 +837 838 839 840 +841 i. Nancy C. COPELAND was born on 19 Feb 1809 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 20 Dec 1837 in Wayne Co, TN. never married ii. Mary Greer COPELAND (born on 5 Oct 1810). iii. Sarah H. COPELAND (born on 12 Apr 1813). iv. Catherine Matilda COPELAND (born on 25 May 1815). v. John M. COPELAND (born on 24 Jan 1817). vi. Amy Olive COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1820). vii. Benjamin S. COPELAND was born on 12 Oct 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 19 Sep 1838 in Wayne Co, TN. never married viii. William L. COPELAND was born on 25 Sep 1825 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 10 Aug 1834 in Wayne Co, TN. never married ix. Robert H. COPELAND was born on 4 Jul 1829 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 13 Sep 1840 in Wayne Co, TN. never married x. Richard M. COPELAND (born on 29 May 1831). 310. Dorcas COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1791. She died after 1870 in Wayne Co., TN. Dorcas COPELAND and Henry LEE were married in Sep 1808 in Overton Co, TN. Henry LEE (son of John LEE and Mary) was born in 1790. He died in 1874 in Wayne Co, TN. He served in the Tennessee Militia for 6 months during the War of 1812 in 1814. They sold all of their holdings in Overton Co.,TN in 1824. In February of 1825, he bought his first land in Wayne Co.,TN Dorcas COPELAND and Henry LEE had the following children: 842 +843 844 +845 846 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Henry Newton LEE was born John W. LEE (born on 8 Feb 1823). Nancy LEE was born James F. LEE. William Dillard LEE was born 311. Simon COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Madison Co., TN. Martha was born in 1801 in NC. Simon COPELAND and Martha had the following children: +847 +848 i. John COPELAND (born in 1818). ii. William L. COPELAND (born in 1829). 312. Christine COPELAND (John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in Overton Co., TN. William SHELTON was born in 1804 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1850 in Sumner Co., TN. Christine COPELAND and William SHELTON had the following children: +849 i. Eliza S. SHELTON (born in 1853). 313. Ripley COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Mar 1761 in Pittsboro, Gap, Chatham Co, NC. He served in the military on 10 Mar 1777 in Rev. War. Ripley served for 3 years. He 78 Descendants of William COPELAND enlisted as a Private in Captain Mathew Ramsey's Company, Lt. Col. Mebane's Battalion of the 9th North Carolina regiment commanded by Col. Thomas Clark on March 10,1777 at the age of 16. He was trained by Baron Von Steuben. Voluntering for service in Captain Bowman's company of Light Infantry under General Anthony Wayne, he participated in the surprise attck at Monmouth on June 28,1778. On July 15,1779, he was with General Wayne's troops when they stormed the fort on the Hudson at Stony Point at bayonet. They captured the fort without firing a weapon. He rejoined Col. Clark's regiment and returned south,where he was next reported in the garrison at Charleston, SC. He was honorably discharged on March 15,1789. He was also reported to have been at the Battle of Guilford's Court House and Valley Forge. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Cheraw District, SC. 1790 pg 47 1 male 16 and up H/H-Ripley- born 1761, age 29 1 male 16 years and under-William C.- born 1783, age 7 4 females- wife, Rachel- born 1762, age 28 1 female,dau, Elizabeth, born 1785, age,5 1 female, dau, Nancy- born 1787, age 3 1 female, dau., Rachel,born 1789, age 1 He appeared in the census in 1800 in Sumter Co., SC. 1800 Sumter District pg 609 1 male 26-45 Ripley b.1761, age 39 1 male 16-26, William, born 1783, age 17 1 male 10-16, Moses, born 1791, age 9 1 male under 10, B. Ripley, born1793, age 7 1 male under 10 reuben, born 1798, age 2 1 male under 10, Caleb, born 1798, 2 1 female 26-46 Rachel, born 1762, age 38 1 female 10-16 Elizabeth, born 1785, age 15 1 female 10-16, Nancy, born 1787, age 13 1 female under 10 Rachel, born 1789, age 10 1 female under 10, Sarah, born 1797, age 3 1 female under 10 Martha,1800, age 1 He appeared in the census in 1810 in Sumter Dist, SC. 1810, pg 208 1 male 45 and up Ripley, born 1761, age 49 1 male 16-26 Moses, born 1791, age 19 1 male 16-26 B. Ripley, b.1793, 17 1 male 10-16 Reuben, b,1795,15 1 male under 10 Elias, b.1802, 8 1 female 45 and up Rachel, b.1762, 48 1 female 16-26 Elizabeth, b.1785, 25 1 female 10-16 (maybe wife of Moses) 1 female 10-16, Rachel,1789, 20 1 female 10-16 Sarah, b.1797, 13 1 female under 10 Martha,1800, 10 1 female under 10 Mary, b.1804, 6 He appeared in the census in 1820 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 1820 Sumter Co., SC pg 113 1 male 45 & up Ripley, b.1761, 59 1 male 16-26 Elias, 1802, 18 1 female 45 & up Rachel,1762, 58 1 female 10-16 Mary,1804, 16 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Sumter Co, SC. 1 male 60-70 Ripley, 1761, 69 1 female 60-70 Rachel, 1762, 68 1 female 20-30 Mary, 1804, 26 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Sumter Co, SC. 1840 Sumter pg 46 1 male 70-80, Ripley, 1761, 79 1 female 70-80 Rachael, 1762, 78 1 female,50-60 DIL maybe 1 female 30-40 mary, 1804, 36 He died on 6 Jun 1843 in Bishopville, Cheraw District, SC. Wife's pension application He was buried in Bethany Baptist Church, Bishopville, Lee Co., SC. Ripley served in the Rev with NC from 1770-1780. Ripley received bounty land grant #039 Entry 71 for 36 months service of 274 acres on the north side of the Cumberland River in Davidson Co., TN on 10/14, 1783. This land was assigned to John Devers on 4/13/1790. Ripley served under Lt. Col Melbane's Company, the 1st NC Batt commanded by Col. Thomas Clarke. He answered the roll call 9/8/1778. Also in his company were Neil Copeland, James Lott, and John Christmas. Pension W-9811 on 10/10/1819 in Sumter,SC Ripley COPELAND and Rachel TUCKER were married on 17 Mar 1781 in Gilliford, NC. officiated by Rev. Ellison Davis, 79 Descendants of William COPELAND Baptist Minister Rachel TUCKER (daughter of TUCKER and COLEMAN) was born in 1762 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died after 1843 in Bishopville, Lee Co., SC. Applied for Rev War pension on 11/13/1845,age 83 She was buried in Bethany Baptist Church, Bishopville, Lee Co., SC. Ripley COPELAND and Rachel TUCKER had the following children: 850 +851 +852 +853 +854 +855 +856 +857 +858 +859 +860 +861 +862 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Caleb COPELAND was born in 1782 in SC. He died on 28 Jan 1889 in SC. William C. COPELAND (born in 1783). Moses COPELAND (born in 1785). Nancy COPELAND (born on 15 May 1787). Elizabeth 'Betsy' COPELAND (born in 1786). Rev Joseph Tucker COPELAND (born on 17 Aug 1788). B. Ripley COPELAND Jr. (born on 25 Jul 1793). Reuben C. COPELAND (born on 5 Aug 1795). Sarah COPELAND (born on 5 Jul 1797). Martha COPELAND (born in Jun 1801). Elias Ellzey 'Elley' COPELAND (born on 4 Feb 1802). Rachel 'Elly' COPELAND (born on 4 Feb 1802). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 3 Apr 1804). 314. Aaron COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1762 in Chatham Co, NC. Archibald , his son said that Aaron was born in MD on the 1880 census He appeared in the census in 1830 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He died on 9 May 1839 in Orangeburg, Chesterfield Co, SC. Quoted from the Darlington Flag,Vol.6,no.4,Fall 1994,p27- Farmer's Gazette and Cheraw Advertiser,29 May 1840, there appeared a notice addressed to the children of Aaron Copeland,decreased saying the they were entitled to a share in their father's estate. Listed Moses, Thomas,Elisha,James, and daughters Mary Swor and Dolly Cook. Served 2 or 3 enlistments in the Revolutionary War in SC 1777-1781.Aaron was drafted into Captain Benjamin HIcks Company of the SC Militia. He was 15 at the time. His parents tried to secure his release from the military as too young, his company was being whipped into shape by Baron DeKalb. His parents appealed to DeKalbs friend Gen. Lafayette. The general realized that the boy wanted to be in the Army and denied the parents. He served at Cheraw Hills in extreme NE part of the state close to NC and west of the PeeDee River in the spring of 1780. His job was to guard provisions that were being assembled for the Army that was under Gen. Gates to defeat the Bristish. He was honorably discharged by Captain John Wilson. He is seen again in military records in the fall of 1780 as part of Captain Thomas Allerbe's Company of Co. Murphy's Regiment, in camp with Marion's Partisan Rangers at High Hills of Santee. Once again in the spring of 1781 in the same camp with the company of Captain laudius Rogers. In the spring of 1781, he volunteered for service under Captain Joseph Howell in Col. Wade's Troop of Horse, supplied his own mount and equipment and marched from Chesterfield to Hinley's Ferry on the PeeDee and then to Beatty's Bridge on Drowning Creek, NC. He lost everything that he owned, and barely escaped with his life. He served in the militia with Col. Wade in Anson Co,NC for one month, and in Captain Pledger's Company in Marlboro Co,SC Final service records show him to be in Captain McGee's Company when Gen Greene, Sided by the men of Marion,Sumter and Pickens pushed the Bristish back into Charleston after the victory at Eutaw Springs(Sept. 8.1781) 1787 moved to North Orangeburg District,SC. 1790 moved to Chesterfield District,SC The actual grant received in Chesterfield County by Aaron has been recorded and reads as follows: "State of South Carolina. I do hereby certify for Aaron Copeland a tract of land containing four hundred fifty acres, surveyed for him 11th February, 1797, situate in Cheraw District, and hath shape, form, markings, buttings and boundaries as the above plat represents. Given under my hand this 6th day of March 1797. Bn. Waring Surveyor Gen. Erasamus Power, Deputy Surveyor." the plat showed the tract to have been located on Cedar and Thompson's Creeks, and to have been bounded by the lands of Ann Copeland, Edward Cane, Daniel Mc:----, Richard Graves, Archelam Melton and ----Melton, and the state lien. Nearby were the lands of his brother Ripley and those of Moses, probably a nephew. Applied for Rev War Pension 9/29/1835(73 Yrs old). Aaron COPELAND and Polly MELTON were married in 1784 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Polly MELTON (daughter of 80 Descendants of William COPELAND Isham MELTON) was born in 1770 in NC. She died in 1845 in Orangeburg, SC. Aaron COPELAND and Polly MELTON had the following children: +863 +864 +865 +866 +867 +868 +869 +870 +871 +872 873 +874 +875 +876 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. James Lott COPELAND (born in 1785). Jesse COPELAND (born in 1786). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1787). Moses COPELAND (born in 1790). Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND (born in Mar 1793). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1795). Dolly COPELAND (born in 1794). Miriam COPELAND (born in 1798). Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr (born in 1802). Thomas F. COPELAND (born on 19 Mar 1827). Joseph COPELAND was born in 1806 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Chesterfield Co., SC. xii. Mary COPELAND. xiii. Catherine COPELAND (born in 1810). xiv. Mary Caroline COPELAND (born on 1 Aug 1812). 315. Rev Absolem COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Sep 1775 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Calloway Co., KY. He died in Apr 1839 in Waidsboro, Calloway Co., KY. A farmer and minister of Primitative Baptist. He and his family left Chesterfield about 1800 and moved to Montgomery Co.,TN. In about 1822 he and his family moved to Calloway Co.,KY and lived near Soldiers Creek Baptist Church near Brewers,KY. Moved to IL for a time. In 1828 Elder Absolum preached the introductory sermon at Walnut Fork Church,Obion Association His churches were Old Salem, 1832 Trace Creek 1824, Soldier's Creek 1820, Old Bethel. all in KY Stewart County Selected Will Book Extracts 1812-1916 Volume A 142 Nancy Free, Absalom Copeland, Joseph Chester, admr. bond for Mathew Free; 5 Feb 1816 165 sale of Mathew Free; buyers incl. Nancy Free, Wesley Verhine, John Perry, Absalom Copeland, Jesse Gilbert Note: The above information extracted courtesy of Jim Long's website and STAMPER research. Will Book B,p.188 Will of Absalom Copeland,deceased, In the name of God,Amen. I,Absalom Copeland,being weak of body, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound and perfect mind and memory,blessed be Almighty God for the same,do make and publish my last will and testament un the manner and form following, that is to say,I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, sufficient part of my estate for her support during her life, and the balance to be equally divided between my children, and the part which will be coming to my granddaughter,Sarah Morris,to be left in the care of my son,Nicholas Copeland for her till she comes of age, and I do hereby appoint my son Nicholas Copeland and William Chester,excutors of this last will and testament,revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereto set my hand and seal this 21st day January in the year of our Lord 1837. Attest: James Riley N. Copeland Absalom Copeland 81 Descendants of William COPELAND 22nd day of April 1839,proven in court. Rev Absolem COPELAND and Sarah 'Sally' JONES were married about 1794 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Sarah 'Sally' JONES (daughter of Edward JONES and Rebecca GREEN) was born on 25 Dec 1778 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Marshall Co., KY. living with son,Nicholas She died on 24 Apr 1855 in Marshall Co., KY. I also have seen Sarah Short 12/25/1778-6/1/1849 by Kenneth Searles <>. Rev Absolem COPELAND and Sarah 'Sally' JONES had the following children: +877 +878 +879 +880 881 +882 +883 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 6 Jan 1795). Ann COPELAND (born about 1797). Mary COPELAND (born about 1800). Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND (born in 1804). Absalom COPELAND was born in 1805 in NC. John J. COPELAND (born on 13 Mar 1806). Nicholas J. COPELAND (born on 30 May 1809). Rev Absolem COPELAND and Sarah SHORT were married on 25 Mar 1798 in Graniger Co., TN. Sarah SHORT was born 316. Nicholas COPELAND VI (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Chatham Co., NC. He was living in 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He was living in 1815 in Montgomery Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Calloway Co., KY. He died in Calloway Co., KY. moved to Montgomery Co.,TN 18001810,after the Chickasaw Indians sold the land between the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River,Known as the Jackson Purschase, Nicholas and nine others (Reeves,Threat, McElrath families) moved to Calloway Co.,KY, where Gov Adair appointed Nicholas Sheriff and Magistrate. Member of Primitive Baptist Soldier Creek Church. Nicholas was administrator of Fredrick Threat estate in Christian Co., KY Martha THREAT (daughter of Fredrick THREAT) was born in 1782. Nicholas COPELAND VI and Martha THREAT had the following children: +884 +885 +886 887 i. ii. iii. iv. John COPELAND (born in 1795). Amos COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1803). Absalom II COPELAND (born in 1812). Wilson COPELAND was born in 1812 in TN. 317. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died on 19 Dec 1850 in Massac Co, Il. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND and Robert LITTLE were married on 5 May 1805 in Montgomery Co., TN. Robert LITTLE was born in 1785 in Hillsborough, Orange Co., NC. He died on 5 May 1843 in Massac Co, Il. 319. Nancy COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1795 in Chesterfield Co., SC. William THURMAN was born in 1793. He died in 1888 in SC. Nancy COPELAND and William THURMAN had the following children: +888 i. John A. THURMAN (born on 20 May 1827). 320. Reuben COPELAND II (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1775 in NC. He was living in Feb 1798 in Newberg, SC. appraised estate of Abel and Nancy Richardson He served in the military in 1812 in War of 1812. Pension-WC-3742 (widow's pension)-list marriage and sd-2/28/1852 Cherokee Co.,GA, served in Captain John Garretson's 7th NC Militia, commanded by Col. J.A. Pearson mustered in Salisburg, Nc on Feb. 1, 1814. He served 6 months and discharged August 1,1814 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Cherokee Co., GA. He died on 12 Apr 1852 in Cherokee Co., GA. He was buried in probably on the Weatherby place, Cherokee Co., GA. 1838 Reubeen sued JL Webb over the Newton Estate in Carroll Co., TN. 82 Descendants of William COPELAND On Oct. 22,1850, under the Act of Sept. 28, 1850, Reuben applied for Bounyt Land in Cherokee Co., GA . As a result of his military service, he received 80 acres(Warrant #4005 or #6005) which Mary later declaredpetition of March 29,1871, had been 'legally disposed of'. Warrant #358 was issued Feb. 12,1851 and sent to P.H. Bird, Canton, GA attorney for Reuben, and filed ther by Mr. Bird. Reuben COPELAND II and Mary BRANTON were married on 1 Aug 1800 in Lincoln Co., NC. Mary BRANTON (daughter of George BRANTON and Sussannah) was born in 1779 in Lincoln Co., NC. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Cherokee Co., GA. living with Abner Weatherby,SIL She died about 1871 in Cherokee Co., GA. She was buried in probably on the Weatherby place, Cherokee Co., GA. Mary was named in father, George's will On March 29,1871, at the age of 92, Mary applied for Widow's Bounty Land and Pension Claim, under the Act of Feb. 14,1871 (#1024). She received her 80 acres in Cherokee Co. Reuben COPELAND II and Mary BRANTON had the following children: +889 +890 +891 +892 +893 +894 +895 +896 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. John Alexander COPELAND (born in 1801). Daniel P. COPELAND (born in 1809). Daniel Green COPELAND (born on 15 Oct 1814). Frances COPELAND (born in 1818). Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in 1826). Sarah COPELAND (born about 1823). Susan COPELAND (born in 1825). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1827). 321. Moses COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1776 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Fulton Co., AR. Jane was born in 1800 in TN. Moses COPELAND and Jane had the following children: 897 898 899 900 901 902 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Rutha Louisa COPELAND was born in 1823 in TN. Creny COPELAND was born in 1823 in TN. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1833 in TN. Aaron COPELAND was born in 1832 in SC. James COPELAND was born in 1837 in AR. Catherine COPELAND was born in 1838 in AR. 322. John COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Greenville, SC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin Co., AL. His son, John's children are living with John and Mary,Elizabeth 16, William 18,Sarah 14,John 8,Susan 6, Leander 4 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Franklin CO, AL. Rev. Anderson Gwinn, son of James Wilson Copeland is living with John He died about 1865 in Burnstown Cem., Franklin Co., AL. Moved to Greenville,SC in 1786. Between 1820-1830 his family moved to GA,AL then to MS? Mary Elizabeth WEST (daughter of Benjamin WEST) was born in 1782 in SC. She died about 1855 in Burnstown Cem., Franklin Co., AL. John COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth WEST had the following children: +903 +904 +905 +906 +907 +908 +909 +910 +911 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. John COPELAND (born in 1801). Mary COPELAND. Auston Issac COPELAND (born in 1805). Richard COPELAND (born on 20 Aug 1809). Elisha COPELAND (born in 1809). Anderson COPELAND (born in 1812). Reuben COPELAND (born in 1814). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in Nov 1817). William C. COPELAND (born in 1823). 83 Descendants of William COPELAND 323. Ripley COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1780. He was living in 1820 in Hickman Co., TN. He was living in 1820 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. August 2,1813,Ripley is an Ensign in the 36th Regiment of Hickman Co., TN War of 1812 -1823 Ripley, plantiff sues Reuben Copeland, Patsy McAnaly, and Jemina Copland over the estate of father, Reuben Copeland Ripley COPELAND and Elizabeth EASLEY were married in Hickman Co., TN. Elizabeth EASLEY was born on 11 Oct 1783 in Hickman Co., TN. Ripley COPELAND and Elizabeth EASLEY had the following children: 912 913 +914 +915 i. Moses COPELAND was born about 1800. He was living in 1820 in Hickman Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. ii. Lewis COPELAND was born in 1800 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Montgomery Co., AR. living w/ James M. orphaned family iii. John COPELAND. iv. James Marion COPELAND (born in 1815). 324. James 'Joab' Silas COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1783 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Perry Co., TN. I find Kessiah living with her son, but not James. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Perry Co., TN. He died in 1866 in Perry Co., TN. I'm not sure of Joab's father. Hickman Co.,TN Joab is listed as Ensign with the 36th Regiment on June 3,1814, War of 1812 James 'Joab' Silas COPELAND and Dicy Kesiah MURPHY were married about 1804. Dicy Kesiah MURPHY (daughter of Bartholomew MURPHY) was born about 1782 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Perry Co., TN. living with James She died after 1860 in Perry Co., TN. James 'Joab' Silas COPELAND and Dicy Kesiah MURPHY had the following children: +916 +917 +918 +919 +920 +921 +922 +923 +924 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Silas COPELAND (born in 1806). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1807). Uriah COPELAND (born in 1807). James 'Jim' H. COPELAND (born in 1809). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1810). Millie COPELAND (born in 1815). Reuben Murphy COPELAND (born on 22 Nov 1820). Joab COPELAND (born in 1822). Dicy COPELAND (born on 23 Apr 1827). 326. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1790 in NC. Auswell GRIFFIN was born Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Auswell GRIFFIN had the following children: +925 i. Auswell GRIFFIN Jr.. 328. William COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1794 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Floyd Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Clarke Co., AR. Sarah was born in 1793 in SC. William COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: +926 927 +928 929 i. ii. iii. iv. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in 1819). Jesse COPELAND was born in 1827 in GA. Miles COPELAND (born in 1832). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1836 in GA. 84 Descendants of William COPELAND 930 v. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1841 in GA. 329. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND (Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born MCANALY was born 331. Samuel A. DARK (Ruth COPELAND-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jul 1768 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died on 1 Oct 1844 in Schuyler Co., IL. The Darks moved to ChristianCalloway Co., KY. Some moved on to western TN, Mo, IL and TX Mary BRYANT was born on 10 Mar 1774. She died on 17 Mar 1844 in Schuyler Co., IL. Samuel A. DARK and Mary BRYANT had the following children: +931 i. James DARK (born in 1794). 333. Mary VARN (Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1856 in SC. Peter R. RENTZ (son of RENTZ) was born in 1759. Mary VARN and Peter R. RENTZ had the following children: +932 +933 +934 +935 936 +937 +938 +939 +940 +941 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. John RENTZ (born in 1785). Charles Calvin RENTZ (born on 29 Mar 1788). Eve RENTZ (born in 1790). Isaac RENTZ (born in 1793). Joshua Thomas RENTZ was born in 1795 in SC. He died in 1848. George Washington RENTZ (born in 1796). Elizabeth RENTZ (born in 1798). Susan RENTZ (born in 1826). Jacob RENTZ (born in 1801). Ann Elizabeth RENTZ (born on 8 Jun 1823). 334. Caleb COPELAND (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1773 in Chatham Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in richland co., sc. Sarah was born in 1802. Caleb COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: 942 943 i. Mary COPELAND was born in 1838 in SC. ii. Allen COPELAND was born in 1840 in SC. 335. Martha COPELAND (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1774. She died in 1819. Martha COPELAND and Edmond SEXTON were married in 1819 in Barnwell Co, SC. Book BB pg 337 Edmond SEXTON was born Martha COPELAND and Edmond SEXTON had the following children: +944 +945 +946 i. Sylvia SEXTON. ii. Jency SEXTON. iii. Penelope SEXTON. 336. John Jacob COPELAND Sr. (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Jun 1775 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1800 in Winton 'Barnwell' District, SC. 140 acres He appeared in the census in 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died on 3 Nov 1853 in Barnwell Co, SC. Barnwell Plat Book 2:104 shows Jacob Copeland purchasing 193 acres near the Savannah Creek bounded by Jacob Copeland's own land, Leonard Sease, vacant land, and John Lightsey on 11/21/1809. John Lightsey and Jacob CC. Both married George Rizer's daughter. 1810 Barnwell lists Copeland, Sease, and Lightsey living next to each other. 85 Descendants of William COPELAND At his death, he owned 900 acres on Dry Vranch and 23 slaves. The administratos were John J, Jr and Issac D. Margaret SCHUBERT (daughter of Frederick SCHUBERT and Catherine) was born in 1770 in NC. She died in 1837. John Jacob COPELAND Sr. and Margaret SCHUBERT had the following children: +947 i. Nancy COPELAND (born about 1795). John Jacob COPELAND Sr. and Mary RISER were married before 1797. Mary RISER (daughter of George RISER and Francina COUNTS) was born in 1781 in SC. She died in 1858 in Barnwell Co, SC. She was buried in Mittie Copeland Cemetery, Erhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. John Jacob COPELAND Sr. and Mary RISER had the following children: +948 +949 +950 +951 +952 +953 +954 +955 +956 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. John Jacob COPELAND Jr. (born on 10 Dec 1797). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 6 Apr 1800). Jane COPELAND (born in 1803). Isaac David COPELAND (born on 1 Mar 1805). Eve Frances COPELAND (born in 1807). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born in 1810). Annie COPELAND (born in 1811). Sarah COPELAND (born on 10 Mar 1813). John George Franklin COPELAND (born in 1815). 337. George Isaac COPELAND (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Jan 1780 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died on 16 Mar 1842 in Barnwell Co, SC. Susan Lydia was born on 3 Apr 1780 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died on 10 Nov 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. George Isaac COPELAND and Susan Lydia had the following children: 957 958 i. Isaac COPELAND was born in 1828 in Barnwell Co, SC. ii. Jacob COPELAND was born in 1838 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Barnwell Co, SC. 338. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1781 in Chatham Co, , NC. John L. WEBB was born 339. John 'Jack' COPELAND (Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1788 in Chatham Co, , NC/SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 1850 Chesterfield census, listed John 'Jack' 62;Nancy,62, illiterate;Matilda,32;Minerva,29;Andrew J.,25;Mary,20;Sarah A.,14;John Johnson,12;Ellen Johnson11;William Sellers,1 He died before 1860 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Nancy COPELAND (daughter of Aaron COPELAND and Polly MELTON) was born in 1787 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died after 17 Nov 1870 in Chesterfield Co., SC. will was probated in 1870 Names mentioned in her will Jackson Copeland,Mary Nicholson,Elizabeth Thurman, and William Sellers(her grandson State of South Carolina} >Chesterfield County} > This is the last will and Testament of Nancy Copeland of the State and >County aforesaid. >First: It is my will and desire that my Executor herein after named pay all >my Just debts from the proceeds of my stock of cattle and hogs that I may >have one hand at the time of my death. > 86 Descendants of William COPELAND >Second: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Nicholson that part of my >land where she now lives Beginning on the road that leads from Chesterfield >Court house to Mt Croghan in Philip Rivers line and run with said road to the >cross fence in my plantation then with the said fence to where the path >crosses it going from Mary Nicholson to my house thence a straight line to >Deep Creek thence with said Creek to Philip Rivers line thence with said line >to the Beginning to her and her Bodily heirs forever. I also give and >bequeath to said Daughter, Mary Nicolson my Cupboard and one half of my >household and Kitchen furniture to her and her bodily heirs forever. > >Third: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Thurman one half of my >household and Kitchen furniture to her and her heirs forever. > >Fourth: I give and bequeath to my son Jackson Copeland and my Grandson >William Sellers all the Balance of my land in the state and county aforesaid >Beginning at the cross fence where Mary Nicolson line run on the road leading >from Chesterfield Court house to Mount Croghan thence Down the said road to >Deep Creek thence up said creek to where Mary Nicholson's line runs to the >creek thence along said line to the beginning to them and their heirs forever. > >Fifth: It is my will that the land given to my son Jackson Copeland and my >Grand son William Seller be Equally Divided between them. > >Sixth: I give and bequeath to my son Jackson Copeland all of my stock of hogs >and cows to him and his heirs forever. > >Seventh: I hereby nominate and appoint my son Jackson Copeland Executor to >this my last will and Testament hereby revoking, all others. > > Witness my hand and seal this the 17th day of November AD Eighteen >hundred and seventy. > Nancy x her mark Copland (Seal) >Signed Sealed acknowledged and published to be and contain the true Will and >Testament of the said Nancy Copeland signed in her presence and at her >request and the presence of each other. >s/ Joel Baker, s/ Philip Rivers, s/ Sebra Welsh John 'Jack' COPELAND and Nancy COPELAND had the following children: +959 +960 961 962 i. ii. iii. iv. +963 +964 +965 +966 +967 +968 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Amanda COPELAND (born in 1815). William COPELAND (born in 1818). Matilda COPELAND was born in 1818 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Minerva COPELAND was born in 1821 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died in Oct 1867 in Thurmond/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. never married Reuben C. COPELAND (born in 1823). Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1825). Mary Ann COPELAND (born about 1830). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 15 Feb 1830). Jonathan COPELAND (born in 1834). Sarah 'Tabitha' Ann COPELAND (born in 1836). 340. Isaac COPELAND (John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Jan 1780 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1800 in Winton 'Barnwell' District, SC. 276 acres He died on 16 Mar 1842 in Barnwell Co, SC. 87 Descendants of William COPELAND Unknown was born Isaac COPELAND and unknown had the following children: +969 +970 i. Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND (born in 1791). ii. Isaac COPELAND (born on 26 Feb 1798). 342. Henry C. COPELAND (John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1784 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Columbia Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Crawford Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Crawford Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Crawford Co., GA. 1820 Ga Land Lottery- Henry C. of Columbia Co., GA won land in Appling and Early Co., GA Louisa A. was born in 1810 in SC. Henry C. COPELAND and Louisa A. had the following children: +971 972 973 +974 i. ii. iii. iv. James COPELAND (born in 1828). W.P. COPELAND was born in 1833 in GA. C.H. COPELAND was born in 1837 in GA. Ann COPELAND. Henry C. COPELAND and Sarah HARVIN were married on 19 Nov 1846 in Thomas Co., GA. Sarah HARVIN was born 343. Lydia COPELAND (John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Sep 1785 in SC. Lydia COPELAND and John WATSON were married on 10 Mar 1802. John WATSON was born 344. Robert C. COPELAND (John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1786 in SC. He died on 14 Aug 1828 in Leon, FL. sold land to Jesse in Telfair Co.,GA in 1810 and repurchased it in 1820. Robert C. COPELAND and Elizabeth HADLEY were married on 12 Jan 1820 in montgomery, GA. Elizabeth HADLEY was born on 20 Jan 1800 in GA. Robert C. COPELAND and Elizabeth HADLEY had the following children: +975 +976 +977 +978 +979 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Eliza COPELAND (born in 1821). Anne M. COPELAND (born in 1822). Jane COPELAND (born in 1823). Henry COPELAND (born on 26 Jan 1825). Dr. Robert C. COPELAND Jr. (born on 22 Jul 1826). 345. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND (James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND and Samuel HENDERSON were married on 26 Aug 1803 in Oglethorpe Co. GA. Samuel HENDERSON was born 346. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in GA. James William REEVES was born Fought in the War of 1812 Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and James William REEVES had the following children: +980 +981 +982 +983 +984 +985 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Frances REEVES (born in 1807). John REEVES (born in 1809). George REEVES (born on 25 Mar 1811). Isham REEVES (born in 1813). William REEVES (born in 1818). Sarah REEVES (born on 19 Apr 1820). 88 Descendants of William COPELAND 347. Isabel COPELAND (James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1797 in GA. Peter HELVERSON (son of HELVERSON) was born in SC. Fought in the War of 1812 James stole a herd of pigs from his uncle. 'He and his brother Isham, JR took 15 of them ,loaded them on a cart and hauled them to Mobile' Life and times of James Copeland Isabel COPELAND and Peter HELVERSON had the following children: +986 i. Godfrey HELVERSON (born on 6 Feb 1816). 348. Isham COPELAND (James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in Bryan Co., GA. He was living before 1810 in Baldwin Co., AL. He served in the military in 1812 in Major Smoot's Battalion, MS District. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Jackson Co., MS. 10011/00101 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., MS. 421001/200001 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Jackson Co., MS. 1142101/0000001 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Mobile Co., AL. He died before 1860. Isham can also be found in the Jackson County, MS 1820 census #446 and 1830 census, 7 boys and 2 girls. The Washington Co 1808 tax rolls lists Dorcy Copeland on 640 acres on the Tombigby River. Those same acres are I believe the mentioned in "First Settlers of hte Mississippi Territory" 1804 Claims presented (Register B page 10. Claim is based on occupancy from 1797 filed by the heirs of James Copelin. Fought in the War of 1812, as Private,probably in AL in the Creek Wars. Isham obtained land in MS on the Pascagoala River near Cedar Creek. on March 3,1819(Ref: First Settlers of the Mississippi Territory) Isham COPELAND and Rebecca WELLS were married in 1817 in Pascagoula, MS. Rebecca WELLS (daughter of Henry WELLS and Helen STEWART) was born in 1798 in Bryan Co., GA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Hardin Co., TX. She died after 1860. Isham COPELAND and Rebecca WELLS had the following children: +987 +988 989 990 +991 992 993 +994 +995 +996 i. Henry COPELAND (born in 1818). ii. Martha Ellen COPELAND (born on 26 Mar 1820). iii. James COPELAND was born on 18 Jan 1823. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wetumpka, AL in jail. He died on 30 Oct 1857 in New Augusta, MS. THE OUTLAW-HUNG iv. Thomas COPELAND was born in 1825. v. John COPELAND (born in 1826). vi. William COPELAND was born in 1829 in Mobile Co., AL. vii. Isom COPELAND was born in 1829. viii. Lorenzo Dow COPELAND (born in 1836). ix. Isaac A. COPELAND (born in 1838). x. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in May 1840). 355. Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1802 in Jackson Co., TN- Tax List. in Capt. Jabz Fitzgerald's Co. Living nearby were James Richardson, William Richardson, Stephen Mayfield, and Nicholas Copeland He served in the military in 1812 in 3rd Reg't(Johnson's) East TN Militia. He served in the military in 1813 in War of 1812-3rd Corporal-2nd Regiment(Lillards East TN Volunteers. Sreved from 10/8/1813-2/8/1814 under Capt. Zacheus Copeland, uncle He served in the military in 1814 in 3rd Reg't (Bunch's Reg't) East TN Militia. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 27 Apr 1857 in Overton, Co, TN. ‘BIG JO’ COPELAND A HISTORY OF TENNESSEE & TENNESSEANS William Thos. Hale & Dixon L. Merritt Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago & NY, 1913 Vol. II, pages 345-347 A famous Tennessee strong man and hunter was Joseph COPELAND, better known locally as ‘Big JO,' who was living in Overton County until well into the nineteenth century. Of his descendants a leading book-seller of Nashville said in 1912: 'I 89 Descendants of William COPELAND never saw a COPELAND who was under six feet in height, and I lived for many years in the same county with them. All the sons of Big Jo had names ending with a ‘son,' as, Ellison, Madison, etc. My father wrote the last will and testament of Big JO'. Early in the spring of 1791, Col. Stephen COPELAND, of one of the old families of North Carolina, accompanied by his son Joseph, left Jefferson county for the Cumberland country. Following an Indian trail over the Cumberland mountains, they pursued their lonely journey, laden with a few scanty supplies, brought from Kingston. They camped in a valley in the present county of Overton, and planted a crop of corn. Colonel COPELAND hunted many days with an Indian chief, Nettle Carrier, whom he always remembered as a friend. Nettle Carrier left his camp on the creek that yet bears his name during summer, and was never seen in his old hunting grounds' again, though in 1813, as one of the Cherokee chiefs, he signed a paper authorizing a turnpike company to open a road through the Reservation. After having cultivated their crop, Colonel COPELAND and his son returned to their home for their family, and became the first settlers of what is know as Overton County, TN Joseph COPELAND was of gigantic size. Many stories are related of his exhibitions of strength. He was often known to reach over the fence and lift two hundred pound hogs out of the pen and put them on the scales. It is also said he could crack walnuts with his teeth, apparently as easily as others could Chestnuts. It was as a hunter that COPELAND made his widest local reputation, however. An indication of his prowess in this respect, it is a matter of history that in one winter he killed sixty-two grown bears. In Choosing a wife, he selected one six feet in height, and buxom. In her prime she weighed about three hundred pounds. In the year 1905, Mr. George B. Wilson of Bowling Green, Kentucky- a thoroughly reliable gentleman-related the following: “In 1882, I was traveling in the Cumberland mountains buying stock, and had some dealings with a family named COPELAND. They were descendants of Joe COPELAND, a pioneer. If my memory serves me right, they were living in either COPELAND Cove or Hartsaw Cove, on the head of the Roaring River in Overton County. I was at once amazed at the size of such members as I saw, and made inquiries of the others. They might have claimed to have in their veins the blood of the Anakin! There were seven brothers . The smallest member assisted me a few days hunting sheep and cattle. He was called ‘Little Ellis” COPELAND because the baby of the family, and, I suppose because he weighted only 360 pounds! The biggest brother,Harrison tipped the scales at 400 pounds, the mother something like a hundred pounds less. It may sound strange, but these giants were famous locally for running foot races. By the way, when one of our cattle once ran out into the woods. ‘Little Ellis’ insisted on pursuing it. He easily overtook it, getting over the ground much more rapidly than I could have done, and I was in my prime. Near the Anderson Christian store, they had a regular track for foot races, where the stakes were sometimes one hundred dollars. I was told that on one occasion one of the Copelands was given ten paces ahead of a man mounted on a good horse, and won the dash of one hundred yards”. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOSEPH COPELAND DEC'D OVERTON COUNTY TO STATE OF TENNESSEE In the Name of god amen, I Joseph Copeland of the County of Overton and State of Tennessee being now old and partly declining health and felling concious that my Earthly career will soon have wound to a close and now being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills. I will that after my death I be directly 1st, I give my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dirt from whence it came. 2ndly, I will that after my death I be deceantly buried and all my funeral expenses and just debts be paid out of my estate at which I may die passiified. 3 rdly, I give and bequeath unto my wife Hannah T. Copeland, who has been shares with me in the accumulation of my earthly goods, all of my estate,Real,personal and mined of every kind of which I die papepsed after payment of my debts as before provided for it is my intention hereby to create in my wife Hannah T. absolute estate in fee simple to my property with full power to sell same or dispose of it by gift will or otherwise as she may desire. 4thly I appoint my son James R. Copeland, my executor to execute and carry into effect this my last will & testament and it is my desire that my said Son James R. appraise and instruct my said wife Hannah T. in the management of her wordly affairs during her life. In witness whereas I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 13th day od December AD 1852 Attest J. D. Goodpasture Joseph Copeland George W. Copeland 90 Descendants of William COPELAND State of Tennessee Overton County June Term of the county court 1857 the last will and testament of Joseph Copeland deceased, was this day produced in open court and the due excecutuion thereof was fully proven by oaths of J.D. Goodpasture and George W. Copeland the subscribig witnesses thereto who after their being duly sworn depose and said that they was personally acquainted with Joseph Copeland the testator that they saw him execute the said will in their presents that he was of sound mind and disposing memory and a citizen of Overton County where upon it is ordered by the court the said will be filed and put upon Record. Attest William M. Pickett clerk The foregoing and above is the correct Registry of the last will and testament of Joseph Copeland dec'd and of the certificate therein and the same was registed on the 4th day of Sept AD 1857 and was filed on the 4th day of Sept 1857 at 8 o'clock AM in the filation book A page 85 James A. Richardson Register for Overton County James R. Copeland refused to act as executor and S.A. Copeland was appointed the executor and acknowledged said bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars. He was qualified as the law direct s and ordered that Letters of Administration with a copy of the will be given to him Nov 14,1812oseph purchasedLot #88 in the town of Sparta, White Co., TN for $100 from David Phelps Only connection that I have found between Stephen Copeland and Joseph is on July 15,1824, Stephen Copeland sells Joseph 1 negro slave and her 5 children. Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND and Hannah Thacker WARD were married on 15 Jan 1806 in Overton, Co, TN. Hannah Thacker WARD was born in 1790. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 16 Jan 1869 in Overton Co, TN. Also seen Richardson as last name She was the daughter of Chief Nettle Carrier.I do not know where she got her name, possibly from the sound of her Cherokee name or related to Nancy Ward b.1740, the Cherokee Indian Princess that saved and later married Brian Ward, the English trader. She may not be a Ward LAST WILL OF HANNAH T. COPELAND Dec'd In the name of God swear, I Hannah Thacker Copeland of Overton County, State of Tennessee, having lived to an advanced age and feeling well essured that I can live but a few years longer at most and in view of these facts, I do make this last will and testament. 1st It is my wish that my debts, if any, from which my funeral expenses be first paid out of my effects. 2. I give to my grand daughter, Lou Rinda Rains, one bed and furniture, one cow and calf, one horse, Saddle and bridle and one bed stead 3. It is my will that my tract of land on which I live be divided into five equal parts in value. I give my son Soloman Addison Copeland, the one-fifth of said land which includes the dwelling house,out houses and all; my will is that my son M. Wilkerson Copeland have the one-fifth of said land for and during his natural life, and at his death to be equally divided amongst his first wife's children. I give to my son William Ellison Copeland one fifth of said land, I give to my son Joseph Anderson Copeland's two children Sarafina & Franklin jointly one fifth of said land. I give to my daughter Louisa Rains one fifth of said land. The land to be divided is herein provided for unto five equal parts accordingly, quality and quantity and allotted to those whom it is willed as herein provided. 4. I will to my son Soloman Addison Copeland one bed and bed stead, one Bureau and one table. I hereby appoint Soloman Addison Copeland guardian for my two grand children Sarafina and Franklin Copeland and request him to act as such. Finally, I appoint my two sons William E. Copeland and Soloman Addison Copeland Executor of this last will and testament Signed Sealed Acknowledged Hannah T. Copeland (her mark) in our presence, March 6th,1866 J.D. Goodpasture H.M. Ray I, Hannah T. Copeland do make & publish this as a codical, or an addition to a former will made by me which is now in the possession of J.D. Goodpasture that it is my will & desire that the tract of land wherein my son W.E. Copeland now lives & 91 Descendants of William COPELAND for which I hold a deed of trust from my said son, be given to Roxina & Joseph May Copeland, the children of my said son & his wife Nancy J. Copeland, that as I convey in fee to the said Roxina & Joseph May Copeland, said deed of trust which is registered in the register's office of Overton Co.Tennessee . I desire no alteration to my said will . Attest A.F. Capps WM P. Spraul The within will or codical of H.T. Copeland deceased was fully proven in court by subscribing witness A.F. Capps and ordered to be recorded, this 5th July 1869 G.H. Smith, Clerk Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND and Hannah Thacker WARD had the following children: +997 +998 +999 +1000 +1001 +1002 +1003 1004 1005 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. James Richardson COPELAND (born on 10 Nov 1806). Louisa Jane COPELAND (born on 23 Mar 1809). Moses Wilkerson COPELAND (born on 18 Feb 1812). Stephen Harrison 'Mack' COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1817). Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND (born on 21 Aug 1821). William Ellison COPELAND (born on 14 Dec 1822). Solomon Addison COPELAND (born on 18 Aug 1824). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1825. Octavia COPELAND was born on 4 Aug 1828 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Aug 1830 in Overton Co, TN. 357. Stephen COPELAND Jr (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785. He served in the military in 1812 in 3rd Reg't (Copeland's) West TN Militia. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. 1820-(1 male) 16-26 maybe John Townsend Copeland 1 M- 1784-1804 1 M 1802-1804 3 F 1810-1820 1 F 1802-1804 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Jan 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Lovelady-Simms Cem.Pickens Co., TN. Stephen,JR fought under Col. Copeland and Capt. Williams, as adjutant to the Col. during the Creek War of 1812-14. His family received 640 acres on Matherus Creek. Deed Book 'P', 1814,p.56 & 57. 1812-640 acres, MTN district, Book 4,p.714 -land grant #4459 15 Jan 1813 State of Tennessee, #4459. By virtue of a duplicate warrant #731 dated 29 Jul 1799 for 640 acres, the original which issued to Caleb WINTERS on an entry dated 26 May 1795, in the office of Samuel BARTON, Entry Taker of preemption. There is granted by the State of Tennessee unto Stephen COPELAND, Jr., assignee of Caleb WINTERS, a tract of land containing 640 acres in Overton County in the 3rd district, south side of Cumberland River on a small river called Roaring River joining Phenix COX's preemption. Surveyed 28 Jul 1812 by James CHISUM. Signed by Willie BLOUNT, Governor, 16 Dec 1812. Aug 25,1833-Stephen,Jr. estate to settlement of Col. Stephen estate2.00 According to R. Neal Stephen and his wife Delila are buried in Simms Cem. back of Clyde Sells house in the Jones Chapel Community off the road between Bloomington and Jones Chapel. 92 Descendants of William COPELAND Delila VANN (daughter of William VANN) was born about 1800. She appeared in the census in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. b. 1790-1800 (1830) [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Delilia owed George W. Gardenhire $15.33 1/2. She rendered the the title claim to a tract of land whereupon she lives, lying in district No.5 upon the Waters of Mathews Creek, including the dwelling house and the Grist Mill on July 27th 1840. Anderson Key Constable, Riley Miller(Justice of Peace). [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Delilia owes George W. Gardenhire and Pleasant Armstrong $102.83 from 3/18/1839. She forfiets the right title claim to her dwelling,tract of land on the Mathews Creek and grist mill. Riley Miller(JP) and Anderson Key,constable She appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Mortimore Waters sued for $10.43 3/4,plus Debt Warrant $0.50 and Judgement,$0.25. Court orders Right title claim to dwelling ,tract of land on Mathews Creek, and Grist Mill. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] John Gardenhire sued Delilia for $18.22 1/2, plus Debt Warrant, $0.50, and Judgrment, $0.25. Riley Miller ordered her to forfiet the Right Title Claim to her dwelling , the tract of land on the Mathews Creek and the grist mill, which was her Dower as widow of Stephen Copeland, Jr. She died on 24 Nov 1847 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Lovelady-Simms Cem.Pickens Co., TN. Delila is rumored to be a Cherokee Indian (1830) b. 1802-1804 Stephen COPELAND Jr and Delila VANN had the following children: 1006 1007 +1008 +1009 +1010 1011 +1012 +1013 i. Agnes COPELAND was born on 15 Apr 1812 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1850 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Armanda COPELAND was born on 17 Jul 1816 in Overton Co, TN. She died in died young. iii. Martha 'Patsy' M. COPELAND (born on 8 Apr 1820). iv. William B. 'Bartlett?' COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1822). v. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born on 26 Jun 1824). vi. Stephen Cawood COPELAND was born on 28 Jun 1826 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1846 in Mexican War. at the time of his death "the absolute owner in Fee Simple of a tract or parcel of land in Overton County known and designated as lot No 1 in the division of the real estate of Stephen Copeland **Jnr** (Junior) deceased. vii. Thompson 'Thomas' Gardenhire COPELAND (born on 28 Dec 1830). viii. Martin Van Buren COPELAND (born on 14 Oct 1834). 358. Agnes COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Apr 1788 in TN. She died before 1860. Issac TAYLOR (son of George TAYLOR and Catherine) was born on 23 Aug 1783. He died in Fentress Co., TN. Agnes COPELAND and Issac TAYLOR had the following children: 1014 +1015 1016 +1017 1018 +1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Jerusey TAYLOR was born on 27 Aug 1808 in Overton Co., TN. Pleasant TAYLOR (born on 2 Feb 1810). Mahala TAYLOR was born on 12 Apr 1811 in Overton Co, TN. Leroy TAYLOR (born on 8 Oct 1812). Alred TAYLOR was born on 6 Feb 1814 in Overton Co, TN. Didama TAYLOR (born in 1815). Malinda TAYLOR was born on 3 Jun 1817 in Fentress Co., TN. George Washington TAYLOR was born on 5 Dec 1818 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1862 in Civil War-Sparta, TN. ix. Landen TAYLOR was born on 8 Nov 1820 in Fentress Co., TN. x. Evan TAYLOR was born 359. Susan COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1844 in Jasper.Marion Co., TN. Susan COPELAND and Thompson GARDENHIRE were married in 1810 in Overton Co., TN. Thompson GARDENHIRE (son of Jacob GARDENHIRE and Margaret Katherine THOMPSON) was born in 1786 in State of Franklin. He died on 3 Oct 1853 in Old Wheat Area, NC became Jasper, Marion Co., TN. Thompson was killed in Jasper by an escaped 93 Descendants of William COPELAND prisoner,whom he ,as a judge had put in prison. Matilda moved back to her original home in Trenton. 1840 census he and wife are in Marion Co.,TN. 1850 census he and Matilda are in Marion Co.,TN !NOTES: "Thompson was born in Loudon-Kingston Community of what was then Knox County, Tennessee, or perhaps it was still North Carolina. When he was 22 years old he moved with his parents to Oak Hill, Overton County, Tennessee. He married Martha "Susan" Copeland in about 1810. Susan was the daughter of Col. Stephen Copeland, a revolutionary soldier. Eleven children were born, 5 boys and 6 girls, in Oak Hill before Thompson moved to Jasper, Marion County, Tennessee in 1834. Three additional children were born between 1835 and 1840. The middle one was my gradfather, Thompson Verne, born in 1837. What happened to Martha has not been determined. However, she may have moved to Arkansas and remarried. Thompson married a second time to Matilda Medows. For some strange reason, five of the brothers, and two of the sisters migrated to Walnut Ridge area of Lawrence County, Arkansas about 1845. They joined their oldest brother, Jacob, who had moved to Arkansas in the mid 1930's directly from Overton County, TN. My grandfather and his younger sister, Louisa, were raised by their older sister Racheal, who married Wash Jackson, and are shown in that household in the 1850 census of Franklin County, Tennessee. Sometime in the 1850's the family moved to Lawrence County, Arkansas. My father, Jefferson Thompson was unaware of Thompson's second family. The 1850 Census of Marion County, Tennessee shows Thompson with four children and his wife Matilda. One child, Martin was from the previous marriage. After Thompson's death in 1853, Matilda moved back to her original home in Trenton, Dade County, Georgia. She is listed in the 1860 and 1870 census in Georgia and died in Trenton in 1877." (By Lawrence W Gardenhire) !NOTES: In a court case of 18 Apr 1825 held in circuit court of McMin County, Tennessee involving Thompson and his brother William, they are identified as "late of this county" which would indicated that they were not in McMinn County at the date of trial. They are accused of entering into a conspiracy against one William Dennis of McMinn County, accusing him of stealing some hogs in Overton County owned by Temp Upton. !NOTES: In a court case on 3 July 1841 district court in Pikeville, Bledsoe County, Tenneesee Thompson Gardenhire was accused of turning over property to his two son-in-laws, James M. Carrol and Edward Holloway in order to avoid paying bond indebtness. The land was 400 acres in Ocoe district which Thompson had entered and paid for, supposedly valuable land, and conveyed to James M Carrol, his son-in-law for $1500. It was also shown that Thompson owned and operated a valuable ferry property, across the Tennessee River. Carrol stated that he intermarried in the family on 24 March 1839. George W. Gardenhire, age 24, gave evidence, and stated that Thompson Gardenhire came into this county as well he could recollect in 1831 or 1832." (By Lawrence W. Gardenhire Susan COPELAND and Thompson GARDENHIRE had the following children: +1024 +1025 +1026 +1027 +1028 +1029 +1030 1031 +1032 +1033 +1034 +1035 +1036 +1037 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Jacob GARDENHIRE (born in 1811). Agnes GARDENHIRE (born on 12 Jul 1816). Elizabeth GARDENHIRE (born in 1815). Louisa GARDENHIRE (born on 4 May 1819). Racheal GARDENHIRE (born in 1820). George Washington GARDENHIRE (born in 1821). Daughter-7 GARDENHIRE (born about 1823). Daughter-8 GARDENHIRE was born about 1825 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. Benjamin L. GARDENHIRE (born on 16 Apr 1826). Felix Grundy GARDENHIRE (born on 23 Mar 1829). Jefferson G. GARDENHIRE (born in 1832). Martin Van GARDENHIRE (born in 1835). Thompson Verne GARDENHIRE (born in 1837). Louisa GARDENHIRE (born in 1841). 360. Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1793 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. W/ Frances,23;Lucinda,22;Isaac,17;Denton,14 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. She died after 1860 in Hiram Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. State of Tennessee ) Overton County ) ss (Tennepeo) On this 24th Day of February AD one Thousand eight Hundred and Fifty one personally appeared before me a Justice of the 94 Descendants of William COPELAND Peace within and for the County and state aforesaid Amelia POSTON aged fifty -nine years a resident of overton County in the State of Tennepeo who being duly sworn according to law declares that she is the widow of Richard Poston deceased who was a private in the Company Commanded by captain David Williams in the 3rd Regiment of Tennepeo Militia Commanded by Colonal Stephan Copeland in the war against the hostile Creek Indians that her husband was drafted in Overton County State of Tennepeo on or about the 20th day of January AD 1814 for the term of three months and containeed in actual service in said war for the term of three months and was honorable discharged at Fayetiville, Tennepeo which facts will appear upon the records of said Regement and Muster roll of said Company. She states that her husband received a certificate of discharge which is lost as misplaced so that she can not, command it. She further states that she was married to the said Richard Poston in Overton County state of Tennessee on as about the 15th day of December AD 1809 by one Stephen Copeland, a Justice of the Peace for said Overton County and that her name before her said marriage was Amelia Copeland that her said husband died in Pulaska County in the State of Misouri on the 30th Day of January AD 1843 and that she is still a widow. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the act paped September 28, 1850. She states that there is no public or private record of her said marriage as she knows of and she thus therefore relies upon the testemony of disenterested persons who knew her in the life time of her husband. her AMELIA X POSTON mark Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND and Richard POSTON Jr. were married on 15 Dec 1809 in Overton Co., TN by Stephen Copeland, JOP. Richard POSTON Jr. (son of Richard POSTON and Ann CAMPBELL) was born in 1790 in Washington Co., VA. He died on 30 Jan 1843 in Pulaski Co, MO. Served with Col. Copeland in the 3rd Regiment TN Militia with Capt. David Williams. He ran away from home after his father remarried a lady named Isabelle Whitely on April 18,1805 According to tradition Richard was left to take care of things while his father and new mother went to church. He took a horse,two daogs,a rifle, and $10.00 and heades to Kentucky. He then followed the Indian Trail and headed south to Col. Stephen Copeland's house in the Windle community of Overton Co.,TN. He and Amelia had 17 children. Richard and Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth and husband Mullin went to Pulaski Co.,MO with several families from Overton. Richard died shortly, before he could send for his wife. Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND and Richard POSTON Jr. had the following children: +1038 1039 +1040 +1041 +1042 1043 +1044 +1045 1046 1047 +1048 +1049 +1050 +1051 1052 1053 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. Agnes POSTON (born on 23 Mar 1810). Alexander Buchanan 'Buck' POSTON was born about 1811. died young Hiram POSTON (born on 15 Jul 1812). Elizabeth POSTON (born in 1813). William Campbell 'Camel' POSTON (born on 15 Sep 1815). Richard POSTON was born in 1816. Soloman 'Babe' POSTON (born in 1817). John Townsend POSTON (born in 1818). Decauter POSTON was born about 1821. died young William POSTON was born in 1822. Rhoda POSTON (born in 1823). Mary Ann POSTON (born about 1827). Frances 'Frankie' POSTON (born in 1827). Lucinda 'Lucy' POSTON (born in 1828). Issac Newton POSTON was born in 1833 in Overton Co, TN. 1850 Pulaski Co.,MO Issac is 24 living with Dan Murell 30, Mary Ann 24, Luaretia J. 2 and Jesse 24 xvi. Denton POSTON was born in 1836. 362. Mary COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Chatham Co, NC. Mary COPELAND and Stephen TOWNSEND were married about 1812 in Overton Co, TN. Stephen TOWNSEND (son of Joseph TOWNSEND and Susanna GARRETT) was born in 1787 in VA. He died on 5 Jan 1815 in New Orleans, LA, War of 1812. Battle of New Orleans -1/7/1815 He was a 3rd Sgt under Major General William Carrol, and Captain Wiley Huddlestone Mary COPELAND and Stephen TOWNSEND had the following children: 95 Descendants of William COPELAND +1054 i. Candis TOWNSEND (born on 7 Apr 1814). Mary COPELAND and Warner TAYLOR were married about 1818 in Overton Co, TN. Warner TAYLOR was born in 1785 in NC. Mary COPELAND and Warner TAYLOR had the following children: 1055 +1056 +1057 1058 1059 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Martha TAYLOR was born in 1820. Charles TAYLOR (born in 1823). Alexander TAYLOR (born in 1829). Mary TAYLOR was born in 1837. Lucy TAYLOR was born in 1837. 363. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1797 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND and William Henry DILLON were married about 1818 in Overton Co, TN. William Henry DILLON was born in 1790 in VA. 1850 Overton Co.,TN census, born in VA Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND and William Henry DILLON had the following children: +1060 +1061 +1062 +1063 +1064 +1065 +1066 +1067 +1068 +1069 +1070 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Ruth DILLON (born about 1820). Eave 'Eve' DILLON (born about 1822). Dr. Oswald 'Doc' DILLON (born in 1824). Stephen DILLON (born on 12 Apr 1821). Sarah DILLON (born in 1826). William Townes DILLON (born in 1826). Amanda 'Mandy' DILLON (born in 1828). George Washington DILLON (born on 13 Sep 1833). Samuel Bender DILLON (born on 29 Jul 1834). Joseph 'Joe' DILLON (born in 1836). Nancy Emily DILLON (born on 2 Oct 1840). 364. Solomon COPELAND (Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1791 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1845 in outside of TN. supposedly the first white male born in Overton Co.,TN Solomon COPELAND and Sarah TIPPET were married on 12 Jul 1819 in Roane CO, TN. Sarah TIPPET (daughter of Erasmus TIPPET and Lucy BIERLING) was born on 20 Aug 1800 in Roane CO, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. She died on 14 Feb 1880 in Stone Co., AR. Married by James Tippett, Baptist Minister Solomon COPELAND and Sarah TIPPET had the following children: +1071 1072 +1073 1074 1075 1076 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 1077 vii. 1078 viii. +1079 +1080 ix. x. Francis Marion COPELAND (born on 14 Jun 1820). Catherine COPELAND was born in 1825 in Roane CO, TN. Jasper COPELAND (born in 1826). Rhoda COPELAND was born about 1828 in TN. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1830 in TN. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1831 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. Clementine COPELAND was born in 1833 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. Caroline COPELAND was born in 1835 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. Van Buren COPELAND (born in 1836). William D 'Commodore' COPELAND (born in 1838). 365. John COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) served in the military in 1814 in war of 1812-Bunch's Reg't E. TN Militia. 96 Descendants of William COPELAND John COPELAND and Polly HOOD were married on 2 Nov 1806 in Jefferson C0., TN. Polly HOOD was born 366. Elizabeth COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Chatham Co, NC. She died on 12 Apr 1864 in Graves Co, KY. Elizabeth COPELAND and John M. HILL were married on 4 Jan 1809 in Jefferson Co., TN. John M. HILL was born 367. Solomon COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in TN. He died before 1850. 15 Feb 1819 - Deed Book Q p.448; Solomon Copeland of Jefferson Co., TN, to John Snodgrass of Cocke Co., TN ... $6000 .. the condition of the obligation i such that if the above bounden Solomon Copeland, Sr within one month after the last payment is made unto him the said Solomon Copeland Sr., of $3000 by him the said JohnSnodgrass, then the said Solomon Copeland, Sr. is to make a good and lawful right and title or cause it to be done unto a certain tract of land lying in Jefferson Co., TN, bounded as follows, to wit, upon the west by Zacheus Copeland, north by the French Broad East by Ricketts Copeland, South vacant land, it being originally entered in the name of Solomon Copeland, this Bond then to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law whereas I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15 Feb 1918 in the presence of us. (signed Solomon Copeland) State of Tennessee, Jefferson Co., TN., June Sessions 1824. Then was the within title bond presented in open court and the handwriting of the said Solomon being proven satisfactorily by Isaac Snodgrass it is ordered by court that said bond be admitted to record. Let it be registered. Family in Henry Co.,TN in 1850 Served in the House, 24th General Assembly,1841-1843; representing Henry Co.,TN,Democrat Mary was born in 1798 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Henry Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Henry Co., TN-9th district. She died after 1860. 1850 Henry Co.,TN census a Nancy Wren 74 living with Mary Solomon COPELAND and Mary had the following children: +1081 1082 +1083 +1084 i. ii. iii. iv. Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1815). Thomas COPELAND was born in 1822 in TN. In 1860 he was a Constable in Henry Co., TN. John COPELAND (born in 1831). Mary Ann COPELAND (born in 1836). 368. Susannah COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1777 in Chatham Co, NC. She died in TN. Susannah COPELAND and George SEWELL were married on 12 Oct 1808 in Jefferson Co.TN. George SEWELL was born 369. Joseph COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in TN. He served in the military in 1812 in War of 1812-3rd Reg. Johnson's E. Tn Militia. Joseph COPELAND and Rebecca MCMEAN were married on 2 Apr 1814 in Jefferson C0., TN. Rebecca MCMEAN was born Joseph COPELAND and Rebecca MCMEAN had the following children: 1085 +1086 i. Priscella COPELAND was born ii. Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 20 Apr 1827). 370. William Riley COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 97 Descendants of William COPELAND 1802 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jefferson C0., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Parks Co., IN. He died in Mt. Oliver, Catlin, IN. William Riley COPELAND and Lavina JACKS were married on 19 Apr 1827 in Jefferson Co., TN. Lavina JACKS was born on 28 Apr 1807 in NC. She died in Mt. Oliver, Catlin, IN. William Riley COPELAND and Lavina JACKS had the following children: +1087 +1088 +1089 +1090 1091 1092 +1093 +1094 1095 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Sarah Ann COPELAND (born in 1832). Mary Jane COPELAND (born about 1832). Amanda COPELAND (born in 1834). Catherine COPELAND (born in 1836). William COPELAND was born in 1838 in TN/IN. Henry COPELAND was born in 1840 in TN/IN. Thomas COPELAND (born in 1842). John COPELAND (born in 1844). James COPELAND was born in 1847 in TN/IN. 371. Hamilton COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jefferson C0., TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Jefferson C0., TN. living w/ father. Hendricks living next door He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jefferson C0., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jefferson Co., TN. Hamilton COPELAND and Margaret Mary IRWIN were married on 31 Jan 1827 in Washington Co, TN. Margaret Mary IRWIN was born in 1809 in TN. She died about 1849 in Jefferson Co., TN. also seen Margaret Hines Hamilton COPELAND and Margaret Mary IRWIN had the following children: 1096 +1097 +1098 +1099 1100 +1101 +1102 +1103 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Martha A. COPELAND was born in 1830. Jacob Hamilton COPELAND (born on 25 Jan 1831). James Anderson COPELAND (born in 1834). Joseph A. COPELAND (born in 1836). Hannah H. COPELAND was born in 1837. Mary E. COPELAND (born in 1841). Jerome B. 'Calvin' COPELAND (born in 1843). Catherine F. COPELAND (born in 1845). 374. Elender COPELAND (Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in Jefferson Co.TN. HEADRICK was born Elender COPELAND and HEADRICK had the following children: 1104 i. Sarah M. HEADRICK was born in 1849 in Jefferson Co.TN. 375. James W. COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Sep 1792 in Jefferson Co.TN. He served in the military in 1812 in War of 1812-Booth's 5th Reg't East TN Militia. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lowndes Co, MS. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Lowndes Co, MS. He died on 6 Feb 1865 in Lowndes Co, MS. He was buried in McBee Cemetery, Lowndes Co., MS. He was a well borer,farmer in MS. He also lived in Limeston/Madison Co.,AL and Oktibbeha Co.,MS near his father Ricketts. James W. COPELAND and Catherine were married in 1811 in Jefferson Co., TN. Catherine died in 1847 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. James W. COPELAND and Catherine had the following children: +1105 +1106 +1107 +1108 i. ii. iii. iv. Wiley Martin COPELAND (born on 5 Dec 1811). Mariah V. COPELAND (born on 8 Jul 1813). William 'Billy' A. COPELAND (born in 1816). Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (born about 1818). 98 Descendants of William COPELAND +1109 v. James P. COPELAND (born in 1818). James W. COPELAND and Margaret were married on 26 Oct 1848 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. Margaret was born in 1805 in VA. 376. Charlotte COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Jul 1794 in Jefferson Co.TN. She was living in 1845 in James C., on Pigeon Creek, Leon Co., TX. She died on 3 Apr 1887 in Bethesda Cem., , Leon Co., TX. Charlotte COPELAND and Thompson COWEN were married on 18 Sep 1810. They were divorced in 1817. Thompson COWEN (son of Andrew COWEN and Jane THOMPSON) was born He served in the War of 1812 under Captain Zachariah Copeland's Company ,Tennessee Militia. He was wounded at Niagara Fort by the accidental bursting of a cannon. Charlotte COPELAND and Thompson COWEN had the following children: +1110 1111 i. Mary Jane COWAN (born on 22 Oct 1812). ii. Nancy M. COWAN was born on 5 Jan 1815. Charlotte COPELAND and Thomas B. EVANS were married in 1820. Thomas B. EVANS died before 1845. Charlotte COPELAND and Thomas B. EVANS had the following children: +1112 +1113 +1114 1115 1116 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Dr. James C. EVANS. William M. J. EVANS (born on 13 Jul 1824). Lucienda E. EVANS (born on 23 May 1827). Thomas B. EVANS was born on 1 Jan 1831. Elvira E. EVANS was born on 2 Jan 1832. 377. Joseph COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1796 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Bradley Co., AR. Joseph owned land in Madison Co., AL in 181615-4-1E in the Big Cove Area. Moses Miller bought his land from Joseph in 1816. 10/31/1837 Joseph Copeland puts land for sale in Big Cove (Madison Co., AL), moving to MS Joseph COPELAND and Sarah MILLER were married on 29 Nov 1816 in Madison Co., AL. Sarah MILLER was born in 1792 in VA. Joseph COPELAND and Sarah MILLER had the following children: +1117 +1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Gilbert Jackson COPELAND (born in 1817). Wiley Martin COPELAND (born in 1820). Lucinda C. COPELAND was born in 1824 in AL. Mariah C. COPELAND was born in 1828 in AL. Mary Jane COPELAND was born in 1832 in AL. Salina L. A. COPELAND was born in 1834 in AL. Narcissa COPELAND was born in 1837 in AL. Artissa COPELAND was born in 1837 in AL. Stephen F. COPELAND was born in 1838 in AL. He died in 1916 in Smith Co., MS. Emanuel COPELAND was born in 1839 in AL. 378. Lucinda S. COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1796 in Jefferson Co.TN. Lucinda S. COPELAND and Hugh MATTHESON were married on 6 Oct 1832 in Tishimingo Co., MS. Hugh MATTHESON was born Lucinda S. COPELAND and Littleton WHITEHALL were married on 11 Oct 1822 in AL. Littleton WHITEHALL was born 379. William COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in TN. 99 Descendants of William COPELAND He was living on 23 Jan 1832 in Limestone Co. AL. He died in 1849 in Elk River, Madison Co., AL. 1/22/1832 William purchased 80 acres in Limestone Co., AL 5/31/1848 William purchased 40 acres in Limestone Co., AL William was murdered by a slave named Pleasant Milberry WHITFIELD was born William COPELAND and Milberry WHITFIELD had the following children: +1127 +1128 1129 i. Nathan W. COPELAND (born on 9 Aug 1829). ii. Wiley COPELAND (born in 1828). iii. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1831 in Limestone Co. AL. William COPELAND and Sarah STRANGE were married on 12 Oct 1847 in Limestone Co. AL. Sarah STRANGE appeared in the census in 1850 in Limestone Co. AL. William COPELAND and Sarah STRANGE had the following children: 1130 i. Sarah M. COPELAND was born in 1848 in Limestone Co. AL. She died on 1 Jun 1854 in White Co., TN. She was buried in Brock's Cove Cem., White Co., TN. 380. Branch James COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Bedford Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Madison Co., AL. He was living in 1850 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. Branch James COPELAND and Tsaluna Zulima ATKINS were married on 6 Feb 1823 in Madison Co., AL. Tsaluna Zulima ATKINS was born in 1803 in SC. Branch James COPELAND and Tsaluna Zulima ATKINS had the following children: 1131 1132 1133 +1134 1135 +1136 1137 +1138 +1139 +1140 1141 1142 1143 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Sophronia COPELAND was born in 1822 in AL. Eliza COPELAND was born in 1824 in AL. Julia COPELAND was born in 1826 in AL. Alexander COPELAND (born in 1828). Mary COPELAND was born in 1830 in AL. Amanda Jane COPELAND (born in 1832). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1834 in AL. Caroline 'Callie' COPELAND (born in 1836). Martha Jane COPELAND (born in 1837). James Branch COPELAND (born in 1839). Florenne COPELAND was born in 1841 in AL. Louisa COPELAND was born in 1843 in AL. Sandy COPELAND was born in 1845 in AL. 381. Hamilton COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Cocke Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jefferson C0., TN. Hamilton COPELAND and Mary R. were married on 5 Jun 1850 in Jefferson C0., TN. Mary R. was born in 1817 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Cocke Co., TN. Hamilton COPELAND had the following children: 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 +1149 1150 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Mahala COPELAND was born in 1827 in Cocke Co., TN. Tesslin COPELAND was born in 1831 in Cocke Co., TN. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1835 in Cocke Co., TN. Adeline COPELAND was born in 1836 in Cocke Co., TN. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1838 in Cocke Co., TN. Susan H. COPELAND (born in 1840). David COPELAND was born in 1842 in Cocke Co., TN. 100 Descendants of William COPELAND Hamilton COPELAND and Abigail RHINEHART were married on 7 Dec 1847 in Washington Co., TN. Abigail RHINEHART was born 382. Wiley Martin COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Apr 1804 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Rusk Co., TX. He died on 23 Jun 1858 in Turner-Wasson Cem., Rusk Co. TX. moved from Limestone Co.,AL to Oktibbeha Co.,MS about 1833 and to Rush Co.,TX abt 1847 Wiley Martin COPELAND and Nancy GREER were married in 1829. Nancy GREER was born on 24 Jan 1809 in KY. She died on 8 Apr 1875 in Turner-Wasson Cem., Rusk Co. TX. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Nancy GREER had the following children: +1151 +1152 +1153 +1154 +1155 1156 +1157 +1158 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. James Barnard COPELAND (born in 1832). Mary COPELAND (born in 1835). John Miller COPELAND (born on 17 Feb 1836). Martha COPELAND (born in 1838). Francis Marion COPELAND (born in 1840). Fletcher COPELAND was born in 1842 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 4 Feb 1845). Capt. William Cannon COPELAND (born on 3 Aug 1846). 383. Reubin COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1805 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin Co., AL. Reubin COPELAND had the following children: 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Josephine COPELAND was born in 1826 in AL. Marguerite S. COPELAND was born in 1836 in AL. Rubin COPELAND was born in 1838 in AL. William W. COPELAND was born in 1840 in AL. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1844 in AL. 384. Jesse COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Carroll Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Polk Co., AR. He died before 1870 in Polk Co., AR. Sarah Jane O'BANNION (daughter of Thomas O'BANNION and Millie TRAYLOR) was born on 13 Mar 1810 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Polk Co., AR. Jesse COPELAND and Sarah Jane O'BANNION had the following children: 1164 +1165 1166 +1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Matilda COPELAND was born in 1826 in Limestone Co. AL. Wiley Burton COPELAND (born in 1828). James Madison COPELAND was born in 1834 in MS. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in 1834). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1834 in Limestone Co. AL. Martha COPELAND was born in 1836 in MS. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND was born in 1838 in MS. Samantha COPELAND was born in 1840 in MS. Thomas Bannion COPELAND was born in 1843 in MS. John COPELAND was born in 1851 in TX. Futura COPELAND was born in 1864 in MS. 385. Mary COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in NC. Mary COPELAND and Peter PHILLIPS were married on 18 Aug 1827 in Guilford Co., NC. Peter PHILLIPS was born in 1805 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Cannon Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Limestone Co. AL. He was a Blacksmith in Limestone Co. AL. Mary COPELAND and Peter PHILLIPS had the following children: 101 Descendants of William COPELAND 1175 +1176 +1177 +1178 1179 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Benjamin Franklin PHILLIPS was born in 1828 in NC. Winnifred D. PHILLIPS (born in 1829). Martha F. PHILLIPS (born in 1831). Elizabeth Jane PHILLIPS (born in 1834). John PHILLIPS was born in 1838 in NC. 386. Allen COPELAND (Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1816 in MS. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., IL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Smith Co., TX. Carpenter Allen COPELAND and Nancy were married about 1834 in MS. Nancy was born in 1818 in TN. 1860 says 26,NC Allen COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 1180 +1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 i. ii. iii. iv. George Washington COPELAND was born in 1834 in TN. John T. COPELAND (born on 27 Dec 1837). Martha COPELAND was born in 1843 in TN. Newton J. COPELAND was born in 1848 in TN. He died on 7 Sep 1892 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. Newt was killed by posse escaping from custody near Blevna. Sept 14,1892, George, his brother, swore out a warrent against John Orman and Cyrus McFarland, charging them with murder. v. Sarah C. COPELAND was born in 1853 in MS. vi. William COPELAND was born in May 1860 in MS. 387. Hiram McGinnis ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1794. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 11 Jan 1885 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Hiram was a soldier under Gen Jackson and fought at the Battle of New Orleans Hiram McGinnis ALLEN and Elizabeth 'Betsy' BRYAN were married on 30 Aug 1813. Elizabeth 'Betsy' BRYAN (daughter of William BRYAN) was born in 1794. Aunt of Williams Jennings Bryan Hiram McGinnis ALLEN and Elizabeth 'Betsy' BRYAN had the following children: +1186 +1187 +1188 +1189 +1190 +1191 +1192 +1193 +1194 +1195 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Mary Ann 'Polly' ALLEN (born on 26 Jun 1814). William Robinson ALLEN (born on 25 Apr 1817). Andrew Jackson ALLEN (born on 10 Apr 1819). Abel Willis ALLEN (born on 20 Jan 1821). Josiah J. ALLEN (born on 15 Dec 1823). Margery ALLEN (born on 11 Feb 1826). Alston ALLEN (born on 15 Apr 1827). Nancy ALLEN (born on 1 Oct 1829). Issac Campbell ALLEN (born on 30 Jan 1831). Sarah Serena ALLEN (born on 5 Jul 1833). Hiram McGinnis ALLEN and Hannah Byrd GORE were married on 15 Nov 1835. Hannah Byrd GORE (daughter of Issac GORE and Ingober BYRD) was born on 5 Sep 1795 in Shehandoah Co., ., VA. She died on 11 Sep 1884 in Overton Co, TN. Hiram McGinnis ALLEN and Hannah Byrd GORE had the following children: 1196 1197 1198 i. John Henry ALLEN was born on 8 Apr 1838 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Arkley ALLEN was born on 10 May 1841 in Overton Co, TN. iii. James ALLEN was born in 1844 in Overton Co, TN. 388. Lydia ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Aug 1796 in Chatham Co., NC. She died in 1871. moved to Missouri in 1840 102 Descendants of William COPELAND Lydia ALLEN and Beverly TRAVIS were married on 11 Dec 1814 in Overton Co., TN. Beverly TRAVIS (son of Rev. TRAVIS and Lydia) was born in 1792 in GA. He died in 1845. Fought in the War of 1812 under Captain Williams and Col. Copeland. Lydia ALLEN and Beverly TRAVIS had the following children: +1199 +1200 +1201 +1202 +1203 +1204 +1205 1206 +1207 +1208 +1209 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. David TRAVIS (born in 1818). William TRAVIS (born in 1822). Elizabeth TRAVIS (born about 1825). Rachael TRAVIS (born about 1827). Hiram TRAVIS (born on 3 Feb 1829). Nancy TRAVIS (born in 1834). Thomas H. TRAVIS (born in 1834). Robert Peak TRAVIS was born in 1836. Samuel B. TRAVIS (born in 1836). Julia A. TRAVIS (born in 1839). Mary 'Polly' J. TRAVIS (born in 1842). Benjamin NICHOLS was born William MASTERS was born 389. Josiah I. ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. Josiah I. ALLEN and Sarah 'Sallie' DALE were married in 1825 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah 'Sallie' DALE (daughter of William DALE and Rachel IRONS) was born in 1804. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1870 in Cedar Co., MO. She was buried in Dale Cemetery, Bethany Co., MO. Sallie moved to Dade Co.,MO in 1850 with her family and slaves Josiah I. ALLEN and Sarah 'Sallie' DALE had the following children: +1210 1211 +1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. William ALLEN (born in 1829). Mary ALLEN was born in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1909. Rachael ALLEN (born in 1831). Eliza ALLEN was born in 1834 in Overton Co, TN. Hamilton ALLEN was born in 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1907. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' ALLEN was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. Zeda ALLEN was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. John ALLEN was born in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. 390. Elizabeth Nancy ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Mar 1800 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. She died after 1860. Benjamin NICHOLS was born William Carroll MASTERS (son of Hillery MASTERS and Mary DAVIS) was born on 26 Aug 1788 in Montgomery Co., MD. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jackson Co., TN. He died in 1860 in Jackson Co., TN. Elizabeth Nancy ALLEN and William Carroll MASTERS had the following children: +1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 i. Mounterville MASTERS (born in 1823). ii. Charlotte MASTERS was born in 1825. iii. Louisa MASTERS was born in 1830. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ Hiram Allen and family iv. Samuel H. MASTERS was born in 1832 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Modoc Co., CA. v. Jane MASTERS was born in 1834. vi. Palina MASTERS was born in 1836. 103 Descendants of William COPELAND 1224 vii. Elizabeth MASTERS was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. 391. Issac Campbell ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Mar 1802 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 12 Apr 1850 in Bloomington, Illinois. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. w/ Sarah,1805;Elizabeth,24;Benjamin,19;Sarah,16;Thomas,13;Rody, 10;Martha,7;Martilla,5;Tennessee,6;Winny,3 Issac Campbell ALLEN and Martha Patsy HOLMAN were married in 1823. Martha Patsy HOLMAN was born on 11 Nov 1804. She died on 8 May 1877. Issac Campbell ALLEN and Martha Patsy HOLMAN had the following children: 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 +1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. Susan ALLEN was born in 1823. Selena ALLEN was born in 1824. Elizabeth ALLEN was born in 1825. Jeremiah ALLEN was born in 1828. Benjamin ALLEN was born in 1831. William ALLEN was born in 1833. Sarah Ann ALLEN was born in 1836. Mary Jane ALLEN was born in 1836. Thomas ALLEN was born in 1837. Abner P. ALLEN was born in 1839. Rody ALLEN was born in 1840. Amos M. ALLEN (born on 10 May 1841). Martha ALLEN was born in 1843. James K. ALLEN was born in 1844. Martilla ALLEN was born in 1845. Tennessee ALLEN was born in 1846. Winny ALLEN was born in 1847. 392. Nancy ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1805 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy ALLEN and Jefferson GOODPASTURE were married in 1827 in Overton Co, TN. Jefferson GOODPASTURE (son of John GOODPASTURE and Margery BRYAN) was born on 13 May 1801 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Sep 1857 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy ALLEN and Jefferson GOODPASTURE had the following children: 1242 +1243 1244 +1245 +1246 +1247 +1248 +1249 +1250 i. Mary M. GOODPASTURE was born on 7 Dec 1828 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Aug 1857 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Francis Marion GOODPASTURE (born on 10 May 1830). iii. James GOODPASTURE was born on 11 Dec 1831 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Jun 1854 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Hannah Marena GOODPASTURE (born on 16 Mar 1833). v. Thomas C. GOODPASTURE (born on 28 Oct 1834). vi. Melinda Elizabeth GOODPASTURE (born on 23 Sep 1837). vii. Eliza E. GOODPASTURE (born on 23 Aug 1841). viii. Sarah C. GOODPASTURE (born in Sep 1843). ix. William GOODPASTURE (born in 1846). 393. Rachel ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Feb 1807 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 26 Feb 1847 in Harrison Co, MO. Rachel ALLEN and John W. BROWN were married on 2 Mar 1829. John W. BROWN was born on 16 Oct 1807 in TN. In 1841 he was a Sheriff in Harrison Co, MO. He died on 20 Oct 1847 in Harrison Co, MO. came to Harrison Co.,MO with John S. Allen in 1841, became first sheriff of Harrison Co.,MO Rachel ALLEN and John W. BROWN had the following children: 1251 i. Thomas McGinnis BROWN was born about 1830. He died on 26 Jan 1892 in CA. sheriff of 104 Descendants of William COPELAND 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Humbolt Co.,CA for 40 years Columbus N. BROWN was born on 28 Feb 1835. Minerva Jane BROWN was born on 20 Oct 1837. Francis Marion BROWN was born on 21 Sep 1840. Josiah BROWN was born on 20 Jan 1844. William Allen BROWN was born on 6 Dec 1846. 394. Sarah 'Sally' ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jan 1811 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 11 Mar 1856 in Bethany Co, MO. She was buried in Dale Cemetery, Bethany Co., MO. William James Alfred DALE (son of William DALE and Rachel IRONS) was born in 1806 in TN. He died in Harrison Co, MO. Sarah 'Sally' ALLEN and William James Alfred DALE had the following children: 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Jefferson DALE was born Allen DALE was born Mary E. DALE was born Rachel DALE was born Calisla DALE was born Campbell DALE was born John DALE was born Martha DALE was born Rilla DALE was born 395. Christina ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1813 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 14 Jan 1896 in Harrison Co, MO. She was buried in Allen Cemetery, Eagleville, Harrison Co., MO. Christina ALLEN and William M. FANCHER were married in 1832. William M. FANCHER (son of James FANCHER and Ruth WHITE) was born on 1 Mar 1807. He died in Aug 1883 in Kansas. Christina ALLEN and William M. FANCHER had the following children: +1266 +1267 +1268 +1269 +1270 +1271 1272 +1273 +1274 +1275 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Newton FANCHER (born in 1835). James FANCHER (born in 1836). Mary FANCHER (born in 1838). Martha FANCHER (born in 1840). Samuel FANCHER (born in 1842). Nancy FANCHER (born in 1843). William Polk FANCHER was born in 1845. William Scott FANCHER (born in 1847). Issac FANCHER (born in 1850). Jane FANCHER (born about 1853). 396. John Seahorn ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1814 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Dec 1893 in Bethany Co, MO. He was buried in Marian Cemetery, Bethany Co., MO. He was a shoemaker by profession. Later ordained as a minister of the Christain Church Moved to Harrison Co.,MO in 1841 w/ Thos Tucker, Robinson Allen, John Brown, Ephrian Stewart, Lawson Jennings, Flenar Travis , Willis Allen, and the Lue Revves families. John Seahorn ALLEN and Nancy CHILDRESS were married in 1835 in Illinois. Nancy CHILDRESS (daughter of Archibald CHILDRESS and Elizabeth NEWBERRY) was born on 4 Sep 1813. She died on 12 Sep 1897 in Harrison Co, MO. John Seahorn ALLEN and Nancy CHILDRESS had the following children: +1276 1277 +1278 i. Emeline ALLEN (born on 11 Mar 1837). ii. James Robinson ALLEN was born on 5 Nov 1839. He died on 26 Mar 1882. iii. Mary ALLEN (born on 9 Oct 1845). 105 Descendants of William COPELAND +1279 +1280 iv. Elizabeth ALLEN (born on 1 Sep 1849). v. Willard Cass ALLEN (born on 25 May 1852). 397. William C. ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jul 1816 in Overton Co, TN. He died after 1849 in CA. Went to CA during the gold rush no trace afterwards. William C. ALLEN and Temperance FLINT were married on 19 Oct 1842 in Davies Co., MO. Temperance FLINT was born William C. ALLEN and Temperance FLINT had the following children: +1281 +1282 +1283 i. John ALLEN. ii. Issac ALLEN. iii. Rachel ALLEN. 398. Stephen Copeland ALLEN (Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Oct 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Mar 1894 in Harrison Co, MO. He was buried in Miran Cemetery, Harrison Co., MO. Mary Ann MASTERS (daughter of Jesse Robert MASTERS and Hannah Byrd GORE) was born on 29 Dec 1822 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 6 Jun 1889 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. Stephen Copeland ALLEN and Mary Ann MASTERS had the following children: +1284 +1285 +1286 +1287 +1288 +1289 +1290 +1291 +1292 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Tennessee ALLEN (born in 1840). Calesta Elzada ALLEN (born in 1842). Louisa ALLEN (born in 1844). Anna Arsena ALLEN (born in 1847). Caroline Jane ALLEN (born on 10 Jan 1862). Issac ALLEN. Orville ALLEN (born on 5 Nov 1863). William J. ALLEN (born on 5 Nov 1863). Cora ALLEN. 401. Rev. John G. COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Mar 1795 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 16 Feb 1878 in St. James, Maries Co, Missouri. Rev John was six feet tall with black hair and blue eyes. He settled in Roane Co,TN before 1830. He was an ordained Methodist Minister before he married Sewell sisters. He was married to Susannah Sewell January 4,1816 in Jefferson Co,TN until her death before 1832. She could have had her first child no later than 15.They settled in Maries Co, near Safe,near St. James,Mo in late 1831-1832. They had seven children living to maturity. After her death , he went back to Tn to marry Anna Sewell in 1832. He and Anna had nine children. Ref:Traces of Our Heritage Copeland,Marlock,Morris,Jean Stratton Bird Rev. John G. COPELAND and Susannah SEWELL were married on 3 Jan 1816 in Jefferson Co., TN. Susannah SEWELL (daughter of Pleasant SEWELL and CATHERINE) was born in 1800 in Jefferson Co., TN. She died in 1831 in Maries Co, Missouri. Rev. John G. COPELAND and Susannah SEWELL had the following children: +1293 +1294 +1295 +1296 +1297 +1298 +1299 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. John COPELAND (born in 1817). James COPELAND (born about 1818). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 22 Mar 1818). Mary COPELAND (born in 1820). Pleasant COPELAND (born in 1822). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1824). Frances COPELAND (born on 11 Nov 1829). Rev. John G. COPELAND and Ann SEWELL were married on 12 Jun 1832 in Jefferson Co., TN. Ann SEWELL (daughter of Pleasant SEWELL and CATHERINE) was born in 1813 in TN. She died on 7 Aug 1889 in St. James Co, Missouri. Sister 106 Descendants of William COPELAND to Susannah Sewell Rev. John G. COPELAND and Ann SEWELL had the following children: +1300 +1301 +1302 +1303 +1304 +1305 +1306 +1307 +1308 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Emily Jane COPELAND (born in 1833). William Jasper COPELAND (born on 6 Feb 1837). Joseph Thomas COPELAND (born on 16 Nov 1840). Martin M. COPELAND (born in Feb 1842). Martha COPELAND (born on 8 Apr 1846). Rebecca A. COPELAND (born in 1847). Issac Newton COPELAND (born on 13 Jun 1848). Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (born on 13 Jan 1850). Francis Marion COPELAND (born on 13 Jan 1850). 402. William Riley COPELAND Sr. (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1796 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 22 Apr 1873 in Vaughan Cemetery, Maries Co, Missouri. William was the oldest of the five members of the family who came to Maries Co. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Taff, and they were married in Jefferson Co., TN William served with the East Tennessee Militia and was a private in Captain Elihu Millikan’s Company, Third Regiment, in the War of 1812. He was drafted into service at Knoxville on September 20,1814 and served seven months and 16 days. His muster-roll papers show that his pay was $8.00 per month, and he received a total of $60.26. In 1850, he applied for a land bounty based on his war service. At that time he was living in Osage Co. He furloughed at Fort Strother on his way home from service because of illness. I also have Jan 6, 1862 as his death. William Riley COPELAND Sr. and Martha Elizabeth TAFF were married on 23 Oct 1815 in Jefferson Co.TN. Martha Elizabeth TAFF (daughter of Peter TAFF) was born in 1796 in Jefferson Co., TN. She died in 1865 in Vaughan Cemetery, Maries Co, Missouri. William Riley COPELAND Sr. and Martha Elizabeth TAFF had the following children: +1309 +1310 +1311 +1312 +1313 +1314 +1315 +1316 +1317 +1318 +1319 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Rebecca COPELAND (born in 1816). Davis COPELAND (born on 28 Feb 1818). John Richard COPELAND Sr. (born on 26 Apr 1819). Sara Miller 'Sallie' COPELAND (born on 2 Apr 1822). Joseph COPELAND (born in Mar 1824). Peter COPELAND (born in 1825). Terney C. COPELAND (born about 1826). Solomon COPELAND (born in 1828). William Riley COPELAND Jr. (born in 1830). Callaway COPELAND (born in Feb 1834). Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1836). 403. Frances 'Fanny' COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1797. Frances 'Fanny' COPELAND and William ATKINSON were married on 9 Jun 1816 in Jefferson Co., TN. William ATKINSON was born Frances 'Fanny' COPELAND and Joseph BREEDEN were married on 4 Apr 1812 in Jefferson Co., TN. Joseph BREEDEN was born 404. Sarah COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born after 1799 in Jefferson Co., TN. She died in MO. 107 Descendants of William COPELAND William TAFF (son of Thomas TAFF) was born Sarah COPELAND and William TAFF had the following children: +1320 +1321 i. John TAFF (born on 7 Feb 1819). ii. Jeanette TAFF. Ezekiel BLANTON was born Sarah COPELAND and Ezekiel BLANTON had the following children: 1322 1323 +1324 +1325 i. Jasper BLANTON was born on 9 Aug 1842 in Maries Co., MO. He died on 31 May 1931 in St. James Soldier's Home, Phelps Co., MO. ii. John BLANTON was born iii. Amanda BLANTON. iv. Caroline BLANTON. 405. Joseph COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He died after 1850 in Vernon CO., MO. Joseph left Tn about 1831 or 1832 and settled along the Lower Maries Co,above Stony Poin not far from St. James,MO. He came with his brothers William,Solomon,Rev John, and his widowed sister Sarah Copeland Taff and her son John Taff. Martha was born Joseph COPELAND and Martha had the following children: +1326 +1327 i. Richard COPELAND (born in 1835). ii. Martin COPELAND (born in 1837). 406. Noah COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1804 in Jefferson Co.TN. Ruth was born Noah COPELAND and Ruth had the following children: +1328 +1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Jes Samuel COPELAND (born in 1832). William Issac 'Ike' COPELAND (born in 1834). Jim COPELAND was born Ellen COPELAND was born Elizabeth COPELAND was born Lyde COPELAND was born Richard COPELAND was born Sara COPELAND was born Mary COPELAND was born Cass COPELAND was born 407. Solomon COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 22 Aug 1873 in Vienna, Maries Co, Missouir. Solomon COPELAND and Malinda SAMPLE were married in 1827 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN. Malinda SAMPLE was born on 4 Apr 1809 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN. She died on 19 Feb 1879 in Vienna, Maries Co, Missouir. Solomon COPELAND and Malinda SAMPLE had the following children: +1338 +1339 +1340 +1341 +1342 +1343 +1344 +1345 +1346 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Leeva COPELAND (born in 1828). John Henry COPELAND (born on 19 Jun 1828). Eliza C. COPELAND (born on 30 Aug 1832). Noah C. COPELAND (born on 31 Dec 1834). France 'Fannie' COPELAND (born in 1841). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 14 Apr 1837). Jane COPELAND (born in 1837). Martha Ellen COPELAND (born on 28 Jan 1839). Joseph S. COPELAND (born in 1842). 108 Descendants of William COPELAND +1347 +1348 +1349 +1350 x. xi. xii. xiii. Martin COPELAND (born in 1843). Jehu 'Jake' COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1845). Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born on 2 Oct 1847). Charles COPELAND (born about 1850). 408. Jane COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806. She died about 1826 in MO. William SEWELL was born 409. William COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1813 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jackson Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jackson Co., AR. He died before 1870 in Jackson Co., AR. Sarah was born in 1817 in TN. She died before 1870. William COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 +1357 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1836 in AL. Nathan COPELAND was born in 1838 in AL. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1844 in AL. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1847 in AR. John COPELAND was born in 1849 in AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jackson Co., AR. living w/ Howard jackson vi. Hiram COPELAND was born in 1852 in Jackson Co., AR. vii. William COPELAND (born in 1854). 410. James COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Sullivan CO., IN. James COPELAND and Eliza SHERMAN were married about 1849 in IN. Eliza SHERMAN was born in 1830 in IN. James COPELAND and Eliza SHERMAN had the following children: 1358 1359 1360 i. John COPELAND was born in 1850 in Sullivan CO., IN. He died in 1863 in Sullivan CO., IN. ii. Leona COPELAND was born in 1851 in Sullivan CO., IN. She died in 1875 in Sullivan CO., IN. iii. George S. COPELAND was born in 1854 in Sullivan CO., IN. He died in 1897 in Sullivan CO., IN. 411. Milly Jane COPELAND (Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born ? HANDCOCK was born Leander DOYLE was born Milly Jane COPELAND and Leander DOYLE had the following children: 1361 1362 1363 1364 i. ii. iii. iv. William DOYLE was born Hugh DOYLE was born Nancy DOYLE was born Ellen DOYLE was born 412. Isaac COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1798 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1829 in AR. 1829 AR census shows 3 sons and one daught. He died in 1830 Isaac COPELAND and Nancy BRIDGEMAN were married on 19 Jun 1821 in Arkansas Co., AR. They were divorced in 1830 in AR. Nancy BRIDGEMAN (daughter of BRIDGERMAN) was born 413. John L. COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1799 in 109 Descendants of William COPELAND TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Lawrence Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Robertson Terr., Republic of Texas. 1 Poll0 S4748 He died in May 1847 in Leon Co., TX. Received Bounty Warrent 119 for 320 acres from Adjutant General on (/12/1846 for service from 4/12-7/12/1836) John L. COPELAND and Elizabeth Ann BURNS were married on 19 Sep 1841 in Brazos Co., TX. Elizabeth Ann BURNS was born in 1815 in MO. 414. Sarah COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1802. Sarah COPELAND and Martin BRIDGERMAN were married on 2 Sep 1819 in Gallatin Co., IL. Martin BRIDGERMAN (son of BRIDGERMAN) appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., AR. He died in Jan 1836 in Jackson Co., AR. Sarah COPELAND and Martin BRIDGERMAN had the following children: 1365 +1366 +1367 1368 1369 i. ii. iii. iv. John D. BRIDGERMAN was born Julia Ann BRIDGERMAN (born about 1824). Lurinda BRIDGERMAN (born on 12 Jun 1828). Mary Jane BRIDGERMAN was born in 1828 in Jackson Co., AR. She died between 1851 and 1859 in TX. v. Darcus BRIDGERMAN was born in 1829/30 in Jackson Co., AR. Sarah COPELAND and Eli SEALE were married in 1847 in TX. Eli SEALE was born about 1793 in SC. He died between 1851 and 1859 in Brazos Co., TX. 415. Mark COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1804 in TN. He died in 1839 in Robertson Co., TX. Mark lived in Jackson Co.,Ar and then moved to TX. He applied for land July 23,1835 and received a Spanish Land Grant. He died before August 1839, when Nicholas was granted letters of administration for the estate of Mark Copeland in Robertson Co.,Republic of Texas. However, the estate was never closed. After the death of Nicholas, George Toby was granted letters of administration May Term,1845 and Mark's brother John was granted letters of administration July Term,1845. John filed inventory for Mark Copeland,Nov,1845 Nancy COPELAND was born Mark COPELAND and Nancy COPELAND had the following children: +1370 1371 i. Mary COPELAND (born on 15 Oct 1826). ii. Nancy COPELAND was born about 1828. 416. Lawrence COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1805 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Robertson Co., TX. He died on 28 Apr 1845 in Robertson Co., TX. Isabell BURNS (daughter of James BURNS) was born in 1818 in AR. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Leon Co., TX. She died about 1856 in Burnsville, Robertson Co., TX. Lawrence COPELAND and Isabell BURNS had the following children: 1372 +1373 +1374 i. Isaac COPELAND was born in 1838 in AR. He died between 1861 and 1865 in Civil War. ii. Cynthia Ann COPELAND (born on 11 Dec 1841). iii. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born on 17 Mar 1844). 417. Martin COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806 in Illinois. He appeared in the census in 1829 in AR. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., AR. <5(2m),510(1m),10-15(1m),20-30(1m) <5(3F),5-10(1F),10-15(1F),20-30(1) He was blessed on 29 Oct 1835 in Republic of Texas. Stephen Austin Registry- Martin arrived in TX in 1835 from AR. He was a farmer, 29, wive's name was Susan and he had 6 children He appeared in the census in 1840 in Montgomery Terr., Republic of Texas. 1 Poll S177 50 cattle He died in 1855 in Robertson Co., TX. Martin and father Nicholas were on the first grand jury in Jackson Co.,AR . Austin's Register,Martin came to TX in 1835 with wife Susan and 6 children. . He received a certificate for a league and a laborof land (4/23/1838).Received Bounty Warrent 4421 for 320 acres from S. War on Nov. 14,1838 for service 9/10-12/10/1836. Martin was administer of John,his 110 Descendants of William COPELAND brother's estate. From: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas. Chicago: Goodspeed Publishers, 1889. The settlement of the territory now composing Jackson County began some time prior to 1830, the date of its organization, but by whom or just when the first settlement was made can not be definitely stated. The following named persons who composed the first grand jury of the county were, as a matter of course, prominent pioneers here; Nicholas Copeland, Dudley Glass, Jesse Gray, Jacob Haggerton, Michael Haggerton, Silas T. Glass, Samuel Stokes, Joseph Haggerton, Elijah Bartley, Holloway Stokes, John Teague, John Flannery, Jacob Flannery, William Melton, John James, Martin Copeland, Martin Bridgeman and Redding Stokes, Some of these, perhaps, lived in that part of the county since cut off in the formation of Woodruff County. John Wideman, at whose house the first courts were held, the Copelands and Newton Arnold, were the first settlers in the neighborhood of what is now Irwin Station, on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad. George Hatch and a Mr. Daugherty were the first to locate at Newport. Susan 'Louisiana' was born in 1800 in Illinois. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Robertson Co., TX. She died in 1860 in Robertson Co., TX. died of pneumonia Martin COPELAND and Susan 'Louisiana' had the following children: +1375 +1376 +1377 i. Lewis COPELAND (born in 1827). ii. Julian COPELAND (born in 1831). iii. Araminta 'Minty' COPELAND (born in 1835). 418. Tanner COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1810 in TN. She died in Leon Co., TX. Had acreage next to her father's in Leon TX on the South. of OS River and east of the Navasto River. Tanner COPELAND and William KERR were married in 1833 in Arkansas. William KERR (son of James H. KERR and Lydia DODSON) was born in 1810 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Grimes Co., TX. He died in Feb 1852 in Leon Co., TX. Tanner COPELAND and William KERR had the following children: 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Dorcas KERR was born in 1834 in CA. John KERR was born in 1836 in CA. Nancy KERR was born in 1838 in TX. Mary J. KERR was born in 1843 in TX. James KERR was born in 1847 in TX. Rachel KERR was born in 1849 in TX. 419. Joseph COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1811 in TN. He was living in 1834 in St. Francis Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Robertson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Leon Co., TX. He died in 1851 in Leon Co., TX. Received Bounty Warrent 2894 for 320 acres from S. War on 4/4/1838 for service 4/12-7/12/1836. 320 acres in Leon were patented to him on 9/30/1841, Patent #273,Vol. 1,Abstract 194. GLO File Rob BTY 100 Joseph COPELAND and Patsy KERR were married about 1830 in White Co., TN. Patsy KERR (daughter of James H. KERR and Lydia DODSON) was born Joseph COPELAND and Patsy KERR had the following children: 1384 +1385 1386 i. Sarah COPELAND was born about 1835 in TX. ii. Jeremiah COPELAND (born in 1836). iii. John COPELAND was born in 1840 in TX. 420. Richard COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1815. He died in Feb 1845 in Leon Co., TX. Richard COPELAND and Charlotte YOUNG were married on 30 May 1842 in Robertson Co., TX. Charlotte YOUNG was born Richard COPELAND and Charlotte YOUNG had the following children: 111 Descendants of William COPELAND 1387 i. Nicholas COPELAND died before Feb 1845 in Robertson Co., TX. He was born abt1843 in TX. Margaret STEWART (daughter of William STEWART) was born 421. William COPELAND (Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in AR. He was born in 1818 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Robertson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Robertson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Leon Co., TX. Eliza Jane GARCY (daughter of Catherine) was born in 1823 in IL. She was born in 1823 in IL. William COPELAND and Eliza Jane GARCY had the following children: 1388 +1389 1390 1391 i. ii. iii. iv. Martin M. COPELAND was born in Jan 1850 in TX. Noah COPELAND (born on 1 Oct 1855). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1858 in Leon Co., TX. Josephine COPELAND was born in 1860 in Leon Co., TX. William COPELAND and Laura RUDD were married on 30 Sep 1830 in Gallatin Co., IL. Laura RUDD was born William COPELAND and Laura RUDD had the following children: 1392 i. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1838 in TX. 422. Macajah DARK (OLiver-6, Aggie COPELAND-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Elizabeth DUDLEY was born 423. Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1770. He was living in 1799 in Overton Co., TN. He died in Washington Co., AR. Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) and Catherine COPELAND were married on 8 Aug 1797 in Jefferson Co., TN. Catherine COPELAND (daughter of John D. COPELAND and Sally) was born in 1778 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1840 in Washington Co., AR. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., AR. She died about 1866 in Washington Co., AR. Thomas Copeland MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) and Catherine COPELAND had the following children: +806 +807 +808 +809 810 i. ii. iii. iv. v. James MATTHEWS (born in 1798). Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS (born in 1799). John L. MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (born in 1811). Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (born in 1812). Commodore Rogers MATTHEWS (MATHIAS). 424. James MATTHEWS (Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in NC. He died on 9 Nov 1813 in Talladega, AL during the Creek Indian Wars. fighting w/ Col. Stephen Copeland James MATTHEWS and Sarah STEWART were married on 19 Dec 1802 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah STEWART (daughter of Joseph STEWART and Sarah GILBERT) was born in 1780 in Washington Co, TN. She died in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. James MATTHEWS and Sarah STEWART had the following children: +1393 +1394 1395 +1396 +1397 +1398 +1399 i. John MATTHEWS (born on 25 Sep 1803). ii. Sarah MATTHEWS (born on 20 Feb 1805). iii. Cynthia MATTHEWS was born in 1806 in Overton Co, TN. She died about 1806 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Lawrence MATTHEWS (born on 26 Nov 1807). v. Elizabeth 'Betsy' MATTHEWS (born on 4 May 1809). vi. Nancy MATTHEWS (born on 28 Oct 1811). vii. Dorcas MATTHEWS (born in Jun 1814). 112 Descendants of William COPELAND 425. Tores Dorcas MATHES (Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1780 in NC. She died before 1850 in Leon Co., TX. Tores Dorcas MATHES and Col. Nicholas COPELAND were married on 31 Jan 1797 in Jefferson Co., TN. Col. Nicholas COPELAND (son of Joseph COPELAND and Sarah Jane SEAHORN) was born in 1780 in Chatham Co, NC. He was blessed on 8 May 1816 in IL- Federal Sale. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Jackson Co., AR. 5-10(3m),10-15(1m),1520(2m),40-50(1m) <5(1f),15-20(1f),40-50(1F) Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas JACKSON COUNTY–AOT OF CREATION–SEAT OF JUSTICE LOCATED–COUNTY STRUOTURES–OFFICIAL CATALOGUE–VOTES AND VOTE****S–THE WAR OF 1861-65–THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE–CHURCH DENOMINATIONS REPRESENTED–SCHOOL MATTERS OUTLINED–NAMES OF THE EARLY SETTLERS–THE COUNTY LOCATED–TOPOGRAPHY–STREAMS– TIMBER–SOIL–RESOUR****ES–PROPERTY VALUATION–RAILROADS–POPULATION–TOWNS AND VILLAGES– PERSONAL MEMOIRS. The settlement of the territory now composing Jackson County began some time prior to 1830, the date of its organization, but by whom or just when the first settlement was made can not be definitely stated. The following named persons who composed the first grand jury of the county were, as a matter of course, prominent pioneers here; Nicholas Copeland, Dudley Glass, Jesse Gray, Jacob Haggerton, Michael Haggerton, Silas T. Glass, Samuel Stokes, Joseph Haggerton, Elijah Bartley, Holloway Stokes, John Teague, John Flannery, Jacob Flannery, William Melton, John James, Martin Copeland, Martin Bridgeman and Redding Stokes, Some of these, perhaps, lived in that part of the county since cut off in the formation of Woodruff County. John Wideman, at whose house the first courts were held, the Copelands and Newton Arnold, were the first settlers in the neighborhood of what is now Irwin Station, on the Batesville & Brinkley Railroad. George Hatch and a Mr. Daugherty were the first to locate at Newport. He was blessed on 29 Oct 1835 in Republic of Texas. Stephen Austin Registry- Nicholas was 55, a farmer from AR, registered his wife Dorcas and 3 children. He settled in the David G. Burnet Colony He appeared in the census in 1840 in Robertson Terr., Republic of Texas. T4428, S3645 He died in May 1845 in Leon Co., TX. He was buried in Burns/Biddle Cem., Navasto, Robertson Co., TX. Nicholas lived in Jackson Co.,AR in 1830. A letter to his daughter Sarah Describes his arrival in Texas in 1835. He sold his land in Jackson Co.,AR to James and Henry Means. Austin's Register records, he came to Texas with wife Dorcas and three Children and applied for land in Oct 1835. His Land grant is in what is now Madison Co.(890 acres) and Leon Counties,TX.(3716.32 acres).The land was 25 miles west of Col. R. Ferry on the Os river and e. of the Navasota River. He had 20 laborers. His personal Property was probated in Montogomery Co.,Tx, his real estate property was probated in Grimes and Leon Co.,TX. He is buried in Burns/Biddle Cemetery,Leon Co.,TX All sons were in service from 1836-1839 Tores Dorcas MATHES and Col. Nicholas COPELAND had the following children: +412 +413 +414 +415 +416 +417 +418 +419 +420 +421 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Isaac COPELAND (born about 1798). John L. COPELAND (born about 1799). Sarah COPELAND (born about 1802). Mark COPELAND (born about 1804). Lawrence COPELAND (born in 1805). Martin COPELAND (born in 1806). Tanner COPELAND (born about 1810). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1811). Richard COPELAND (born about 1815). William COPELAND (born in 1818). 426. Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS (Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1796 in GA. She died in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. John L. LEE (son of John LEE and Mary) was born in 1792 in Washington Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died before 1870 in Overton Co., TN. Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS and John L. LEE had the following children: 113 Descendants of William COPELAND +1400 +1401 +1402 +1403 +1404 +1405 1406 +1407 1408 1409 1410 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Mahalia LEE (born on 18 Aug 1813). Henry LEE (born in Feb 1815). Malachi LEE (born on 15 Apr 1816). Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE (born in 1818). Melinda LEE (born in 1820). Mary LEE (born on 22 Dec 1820). George Washington LEE was born in 1824 in Overton Co, TN. Lucinda LEE (born in 1825). James L. LEE was born about 1826 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1847 in Mexican War. Huntsman LEE was born in 1828 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 20 Jan 1849. Adam LEE was born in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 7 Jun 1853 in TN. 427. John L. COPELAND (William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in TN. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Jeremiah Maxwell sued John L. Copeland for $4.43 1/2. 7/5/1843. John L. agreed to pay $4.50 by 11/6/1843. Having no personnal property(but hiers in law of Stephen Copeland), the courts gave right of title to 10 acres,of land conveyed to Stephen,Jr Copeland by Solomon Copeland on 2/11/1825. Plus 100 acres conveyed to Stephen,Jr. by his father Stephen Copeland. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Pleasant Armstrong sued John L. Copeland on 6/3/1842 for $8.25 . John L was ordered to pay by 9/16/1843. Court ordered 10 acres,given to Stephn,Jr. by Solomon and 100 acres,given to Stephen,Jr by Stephen Copeland, be condemned on 2/28/1844 He was living in 1844 in Between Matthews Creek & Webb mill, near Adam Gardenhire, Overton Co., TN. On a road building team. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. I can not find this family He died on 30 Sep 1875 in John Mathews Creek, Overton Co, TN. John L. was probably down Josiah Copeland's line. If he followed the naming practices his father was William and mother was Bertha. There is a William with a son that fits in the 1820 census of Overton. John L. and Mary name a son Josiah, this name is not in Mary's family. John L. COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND were married about 1842 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (daughter of Stephen COPELAND Jr and Delila VANN) was born on 26 Jun 1824 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. w/ Nancy, Arminda, and Mary She died in 1890. John L. COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND had the following children: +1411 +1412 +1413 +1414 +1415 +1416 +1417 +1418 +1419 1420 +1421 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Stephen Leander COPELAND (born on 4 May 1843). Rev. William Morgan COPELAND (born on 3 Feb 1845). Bertha C. COPELAND (born on 26 Sep 1846). Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 10 Jul 1848). Josiah 'Sarl' Lambert COPELAND (born on 22 Aug 1850). James Townsend COPELAND (born on 7 Oct 1852). Nancy Delila COPELAND (born on 13 May 1854). John D. COPELAND (born on 27 Feb 1856). Armanda O. COPELAND (born on 17 Nov 1858). Samuel Vann COPELAND was born on 24 Feb 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Davidson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Davidson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Davidson Co., TN. He died on 26 Jan 1933 in Davidson Co., TN. He was buried in Lovejoy Cem., Livingston, Overton Co., TN. xi. Mary Isabell COPELAND (born on 16 Jul 1861). 428. Rev. John Sutton COPELAND (Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Overton Co, TN. In 1830 he was a Preacher in Roaring River Church, Overton Co., TN. He died in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. Feb. 2,1844,Land entry of John Neeley,Roaring River,6th district, on a tract of John S. Copeland's heirs. 1848 The following are the only heirs at law of John S. COPELAND, deceased, died 1842: James E. Copeland George W. Copeland 114 Descendants of William COPELAND Sarah S. (Copeland) and husband Lewis Bilbrey Nancy C. Copeland Josiah R. Copeland Eliza J. Copeland John S. Copeland (the last four are minors, guardian is George W. Copeland) The record further states that the above are also the only heirs at law of their grandfather, Josiah Copeland who also died in Overton County Estate of John Sutton State of Tennessee -To the 4th Circuit presiding in Livingston in said stte The petitionof Josiah R. Copeland, Nancy C. Copeland and Eliza Jane Copeland of Overton Co., against george Washington Copeland, james E. Copeland, Lewis Bilbrey and wife Sarah S. Bilbrey, and John S. Copeland, a minor of the same residence respectfully shows to his honor that they are the only hiers at law of John S. Copeland, desceased, that he died in said county in the year 1842; That he died possessed of several tracts of land lying in said county, containing seven hundred and fifty nine acres; That he died interstate; that the Circuit Court of said county dower was assigned the wifdow of said decedent, Eliza Copeland, out of tract of land lying in White Cove in district #6 of said county, containing two hundred and thirty one acres, that said decree was made at the FEB.Term of said court. That said widow Eliza Copeland died in the month of October, 1857; That by the decree of said Court at its June Term, 1848, the remaining lands of said John S. Copeland, deceased was partitioned among the heirs at law and the parties to this petition that tract partitioned to your petitioners Josiah R. Copeland, Nancy C. Copeland, and the minor defendant, John S. Copeland, said dowe tract; that the lot assigned petitioner Eliza Jane is part of the White Cove tract and this is close proximity to said dower tract; That petitioners nancy and Eliza are aged as follows: Nancy 26 years & Eliza 23; That defendant John is about 15 years old and that George W. Copeland is his guardian; that said dower tract would be manifestly injurious to these - they being poor and unable to make taxes therof. Said dower tract is bordered on the North by the lands of Anderson Reed: on the east by the lands of John and Nancy Copeland partitioned as foresaid: on the west by lands of John, Nancy, & Josiah Copeland: on the south by the lands of John Neely and William Winton. For a description of the boundaries references is made to the report of commissioners who assigned dower is aforesaid. Gardenhire & McHenry lawyers for the petitioners Sarah Elizabeth SEAHORN (daughter of John SEAHORN Jr. and Mary Polly GRAHAM) was born in 1800 in Jefferson Co.TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. She died in Oct 1857 in Overton Co., TN. Rev. John Sutton COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth SEAHORN had the following children: +1422 +1423 +1424 +1425 +1426 +1427 1428 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Rev. George Washington COPELAND (born on 9 Mar 1822). James E. COPELAND (born on 17 May 1823). Sarah 'Sally' Seahorn COPELAND (born on 25 Dec 1824). Nancy C. COPELAND (born on 23 Dec 1830). Eliza Jane COPELAND (born on 7 Jan 1834). Josiah R. COPELAND (born on 12 Sep 1832). John S. COPELAND was born in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1861. 429. Nancy COPELAND (Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Oct 1806 in Chatham Co., NC. She died about 1838 in Overton Co., TN. Nancy COPELAND and Lawrence Lard BILBREY were married on 14 Oct 1824 in Overton Co, TN. Lawrence Lard BILBREY (son of Isham Isaac Hansford BILBREY and Ruth SELLERS) was born on 27 Jun 1803 in Chatham Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 1 Jul 1876 in Lard Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co, TN. Nancy COPELAND and Lawrence Lard BILBREY had the following children: +1429 +1430 +1431 +1432 +1433 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Ruth Ann BILBREY (born on 20 May 1825). Isham Marion BILBREY (born on 24 Apr 1827). John Campbell BILBREY (born on 27 May 1828). Samantha Jane BILBREY (born on 26 Jan 1830). James H. BILBREY (born on 19 Mar 1831). 115 Descendants of William COPELAND +1434 1435 +1436 +1437 +1438 vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Stephen Decatur BILBREY (born on 7 Mar 1833). Fannie Ann Amida BILBREY was born on 14 Sep 1834 in Overton Co, TN. Josiah H. BILBREY (born on 28 Jan 1836). Nancy O. BILBREY (born on 26 Jul 1837). William Claiborne 'Clay' BILBREY (born on 17 Aug 1838). 430. Mary COPELAND (Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1848. Benjamin C. STEWART (son of David STEWART and Sarah LEE) was born in 1816 in Overton Co, TN. 434. Juli Ann COPELAND (John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in overton co., tn-14th District. living with Elizabeth Ballard, 67 Juli Ann COPELAND had the following children: 1439 i. Rebecca was born in 1851 in Fentress Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in overton co., tn-14th District. living with Anthony Looper, 55 and matilda,56, listed as servant Juli Ann COPELAND and Reuben HARGIS were married on 8 Nov 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Reuben HARGIS was born in 1802 in Persons Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Apr 1881 in Davis Cem., Overton Co., TN. Juli Ann COPELAND and Reuben HARGIS had the following children: +1440 1441 1442 i. Reuben HARGIS Jr. (born in 1862). ii. J. J. HARGIS was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Louis HARGIS was born in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. 435. Agness 'Agga' COPELAND (John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 May 1821 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Fentress Co., TN. 1850 FentressJohn,75,NC;Becca,68;Julian,30;Agga,28,Jackson,8;Issac, 16;Ruben Walker,54,NC She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. agga 62,1818 She died on 11 Jan 1900 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. Agness was never married to Willliam Looper. Many say that Agness was the daughter of ' Big Joe' but she is not mentioned in the Bible or their Wills. In 1850 Agga is living with John and Becca with son Andrew Jackson. James Richardson Copeland became the guardian of Andrew Jackson, this maybe where the confusion arises. William LOOPER Sr. (son of Joseph LOOPER and Mary MAGNESS) was born on 1 Aug 1797 in Pickens Co., S.C.. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 24 Aug 1883 in Sunk Cane, Overton Co., TN. He was buried in Three Forks Cem., Overton Co., TN. Had land in the 9th district,next ot John and Becca, who had Agga. Agness 'Agga' COPELAND and William LOOPER Sr. had the following children: +1443 i. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born on 12 Nov 1841). Agness 'Agga' COPELAND and Ruben WALKER were married after 1850 in Fentress Co., TN. Ruben WALKER (son of WALKER) was born in 1790 in Randolph Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-10th District. He died on 18 Apr 1876 in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Agness 'Agga' COPELAND and Ruben WALKER had the following children: +1444 +1445 +1446 +1447 i. ii. iii. iv. Nancy WALKER (born on 15 Nov 1852). Rebecca WALKER (born in 1856). Robert Ernest WALKER (born on 26 Aug 1858). Rufus WALKER (born on 25 Sep 1861). 116 Descendants of William COPELAND +1448 v. Julia Ann WALKER (born in 1865). 436. Cornelius COPELAND (John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Franklin Co., IL. He died before 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. Cornelius COPELAND and Melissa Elizabeth PETERSON were married about 1846 in TN. Melissa Elizabeth PETERSON was born in 1826 in TN. Cornelius COPELAND and Melissa Elizabeth PETERSON had the following children: 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 +1457 i. Polly A. COPELAND was born in 1847 in Jackson Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Franklin Co., IL. ii. Josiah C. COPELAND was born in 1848 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Franklin Co., IL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Fayette Co., IL. Cornelius, 7 is living with Josiah. iii. Jeremiah B. COPELAND was born in 1849 in Jackson Co., TN. iv. James P. COPELAND was born in 1854. v. Emily S. COPELAND was born in 1855 in Franklin Co., IL. vi. Elijah V. COPELAND was born in 1857 in Franklin Co., IL. vii. Robert B. COPELAND was born in 1858 in Franklin Co., IL. viii. William J. COPELAND was born in 1859 in IL. ix. Cornelius G. COPELAND (born in 1862). Mary was born in 1842 in IL. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. Cornelius COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 1458 i. Cornelius COPELAND was born in 1873 in IL. 437. Issac Newton COPELAND (John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jun 1827 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Tyrone, Franklin Co., IL. He died on 6 Feb 1902 in Mulkeytown, IL. Issac Newton COPELAND and Melinda SWALLOWS were married in 1851 in TN. Melinda SWALLOWS (daughter of Jacob W. SWALLOWS and Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND) was born in 1823. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. living with father, Jacob Issac Newton COPELAND and Melinda SWALLOWS had the following children: +1459 1460 +1461 1462 +1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. George Burgess COPELAND (born on 11 Oct 1845). Almarinda COPELAND was born in 1851 in Jackson Co., TN. He died in 1864. John C. COPELAND (born in 1853). Margaret COPELAND was born in 1855 in Jackson Co., TN. Addison COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1860). Issac N. COPELAND was born in 1861 in Jackson Co., TN. He died in 1863. Manda COPELAND was born in 1865 in TN. William C. COPELAND was born on 9 Oct 1867 in Jackson Co., TN. He died on 15 Jan 1912. Merry E. COPELAND was born on 28 Aug 1870 in Jackson Co., TN. Margaret F. COPELAND was born in 1874 in IL. 438. Patrick COPELAND (John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1827 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Franklin Co., IL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Tyrone, Franklin Co., IL. Patrick COPELAND and Mary C. BELL were married about 1847 in TN. Mary C. BELL was born in 1830 in TN. Patrick COPELAND and Mary C. BELL had the following children: 1469 1470 i. Ann Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1848 in Jackson Co., TN. ii. George C. COPELAND was born in 1849 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 117 Descendants of William COPELAND +1471 +1472 1473 1474 +1475 1476 iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. in Franklin Co., IL. Isaac West COPELAND (born in 1849). Maria COPELAND (born about 1852). James B. COPELAND was born in 1854. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1855 in Franklin Co., IL. Lucille 'Celia' COPELAND (born in 1857). Rebecca Jane COPELAND was born about 1859 in IL. Patrick COPELAND and Martha Ann BRASHERS were married on 11 Oct 1866 in Franklin Co., IL. Martha Ann BRASHERS was born 439. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Jan 1810 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 23 Dec 1885 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND and Bailey ALLRED were married about 1829 in Overton Co, TN. Bailey ALLRED (son of Jonathan ALLRED and Nancy WALKER) was born on 15 Jan 1806 in KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 11 Aug 1869 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND and Bailey ALLRED had the following children: 1477 1478 +1479 +1480 1481 1482 1483 +1484 1485 +1486 i. Richard ALLRED was born on 30 Aug 1830 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Aug 1843 in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. ii. Larkin Cox ALLRED was born on 5 Nov 1832 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Jan 1902 in Cub Mt. Cem., Overton Co., TN. He was a Blacksmith in Overton Co, TN. never married iii. Johnathan A. ALLRED (born on 25 Aug 1835). iv. Fredic Copeland ALLRED (born on 22 Dec 1838). v. Phillip ALLRED was born on 1 Apr 1841 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Aug 1924 in TX. vi. Frances 'Franky' C. ALLRED was born on 18 Aug 1843 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. She died on 12 Dec 1878 in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. never married vii. Margaret Ann ALLRED was born on 16 Apr 1846 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. viii. Nancy Jane ALLRED (born on 1 Aug 1848). ix. Robert Allen ALLRED was born on 2 Mar 1851 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 15 Feb 1862 in Overton Co, TN. x. William Davis ALLRED (born on 28 Jul 1861). 441. Richard COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Apr 1811 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 Jan 1865 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Richard COPELAND and Margaret Rebecca WILSON were married about 1831 in Overton Co, TN. Margaret Rebecca WILSON (daughter of John Dee WILSON and Rachel COPELAND) was born on 31 May 1810 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. w/Sarah; Overton; Tennessee; Robert She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 10 Jun 1896 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Richard COPELAND and Margaret Rebecca WILSON had the following children: +1487 +1488 +1489 1490 i. ii. iii. iv. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND (born on 13 Nov 1832). Rebecca COPELAND (born on 11 Feb 1836). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1838). Overton COPELAND was born on 15 Jun 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 7 Feb 1863 in Civil War-Co F, TN Cav., Col Oliver Hamilton's Bttn-CSA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 9 Aug 1890 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. "Last Will and Testament of Overton Copeland, Dec. I Overton Copeland of Overton Co, Tennessee, being advanced in age but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made: 118 Descendants of William COPELAND +1491 1492 v. vi. 1493 vii. 1494 viii. +1495 ix. 1st I will that all of my just debts be paid out of my means. 2nd I will all the remainder that I possess to be equally divided between James Robert and Tennessee Copeland. On testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal, This the 9th day of August 1890. Overton Copeland Witnessed by Tisher Lee R. T. Poston State of Tennessee } Overton County } I certify that the within and foregoing Will of Overton Copeland deceased was this day fully proven in open court and ordered to be certified, recorded and filed. This the 1st day of September 1890. R. L. Mitchell, Jr., Clerk. James Monroe COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1843). Tennessee COPELAND was born on 22 Oct 1845 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ sister Sarah Poston, wife of Lewis Poston She died on 21 Aug 1922 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. Hugh L. W. COPELAND was born on 9 Mar 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 12 Apr 1856 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. Mary E. COPELAND was born on 14 Aug 1851 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Dec 1860 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Robert Morris COPELAND (born on 11 May 1854). 442. Hannah 'Ann' COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1812 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 4 Oct 1902 in Madison Co, AK. Hannah 'Ann' COPELAND and William BOSWELL were married on 9 Aug 1832 in Livingston, Overton Co., TN. William BOSWELL (son of Samuel BOSWELL and Mary) was born in 1780 in VA. He died on 22 May 1860 in Madison Co, AK. Hannah 'Ann' COPELAND and William BOSWELL had the following children: 1496 1497 1498 +1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Permalia BOSWELL was born in 1834 in Overton Co, TN. Jasper BOSWELL was born in 1835 in Overton Co, TN. John BOSWELL was born in 1836 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas Granville BOSWELL (born on 10 Dec 1839). Maliscy BOSWELL was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth BOSWELL was born in 1844 in Overton Co, TN. Richard BOSWELL was born in 1846 in Overton Co, TN. Ellinder BOSWELL was born in 1848 in Overton Co, TN. 443. Mary Jane COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Oct 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Williamson Co., TX. She died on 26 Sep 1907 in Liberty Hill, Williamson Co, TX. She was buried in Perry Fam. Cem., Williamson Co., TX. Mary Jane COPELAND and Jefferson Madison COPELAND were married in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. Jefferson Madison COPELAND (son of James Richardson COPELAND and Elizabeth SWALLOWS) was born on 9 Feb 1812 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 19 Nov 1867 in Williamson Co, TX. He was buried in Perry Fam. Cem., Williamson Co., TX. Moved to Williamson,TX in 1851 Mary Jane COPELAND and Jefferson Madison COPELAND had the following children: +1504 +1505 +1506 +1507 i. ii. iii. iv. Jasper Newton COPELAND (born on 19 Aug 1834). Richard Marion COPELAND (born on 26 Nov 1836). Elmira Jane COPELAND (born on 18 Jul 1839). James Overton COPELAND Sr. (born on 1 Oct 1841). 119 Descendants of William COPELAND +1508 +1509 +1510 1511 +1512 +1513 1514 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Margaret Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 1 Jun 1844). Hannah Catherine COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1845). William Winnaby COPELAND (born in Oct 1848). Sarah A. COPELAND was born on 30 Sep 1849. Mary A. COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1851). Josiah 'Joe' Fletcher COPELAND (born on 5 Dec 1854). Martha Bullion COPELAND was born on 9 Aug 1857 in Williamson Co, TX. She died on 28 Sep 1867. 444. William Trion COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He died before 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Lucinda Cynthia was born in 1821 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. William Trion COPELAND and Lucinda Cynthia had the following children: +1515 1516 +1517 +1518 1519 +1520 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (born in 1843). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1846 in Overton Co, TN. Isaac Wesly 'Ike' COPELAND (born in Sep 1849). Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND (born on 24 Nov 1850). Catherine Sarah COPELAND was born in 1857 in Overton Co, TN. Tennessee A. COPELAND (born in 1862). 445. Fredrick COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1816 in Overton Co, TN. He died in AR. He died young by drowning Fredrick COPELAND and Mary were divorced in Overton Co, TN. Mary was born 446. Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Henry not shown She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND and Henry LEE were married on 19 Jan 1835 in Overton Co, TN. They were divorced about 1855 in Overton Co, TN. Henry LEE (son of John L. LEE and Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS) was born in Feb 1815 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1900 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND and Henry LEE had the following children: +1521 +1522 1523 +1524 +1525 +1526 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John Madison LEE (born on 3 Jun 1837). Margaret LEE (born in 1842). Frederick Copeland LEE was born in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He died in MO. Hanna Elizabeth LEE (born on 27 Dec 1845). Ellen LEE (born in 1849). M.Bethair LEE (born on 5 Apr 1851). 447. Nancy COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1819 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Jan 1896 in Overton Co, TN. Russell BILBREY (son of James BILBREY and Sarah Clarissa 'Clarcy' BILBREY) was born in Feb 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN-5th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1902 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy COPELAND and Russell BILBREY had the following children: +1527 +1528 +1529 i. Melissa Caroline BILBREY (born in 1840). ii. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY (born on 8 Oct 1841). iii. MirandaCatherine BILBREY (born in 1843). 120 Descendants of William COPELAND +1530 +1531 +1532 1533 +1534 +1535 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. James Knox Polk BILBREY (born on 4 Jan 1844). William Ishamel BILBREY (born on 24 Nov 1848). Lily Ann BILBREY (born in 1852). Sarah Elizabeth BILBREY was born in 1854 in Overton Co, TN. Andrew Johnson BILBREY (born on 25 Nov 1856). Mary Ellen BILBREY (born in 1860). 448. Sylvester 'Silas' COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 2 Feb 1863 in Civil War-25th TN Co. I. He was 38, AOL- May 27,1863-June 20, 1863; Deserted Aug. 28,1863 Silas Copeland intermarried with Dicy Phillips in the Spring of 1842. In Feb 1848 he is filing a petition for divorce. As usual, he has accused her of "repeated acts of adultery" and that she has intermarried with a fellow named Jessee Massingill in Campbell County! Sylvester 'Silas' COPELAND and Dicy PHILLIPS were married in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. They were divorced in Feb 1848 in Overton Co, TN. Dicy PHILLIPS was born Sylvester 'Silas' COPELAND and Nancy HICKS were married about 1852 in Overton Co, TN. They filed for divorce in Jul 1858 in Overton Co, TN. Silas filed for divorce, claimiing that after 2 months of marriage shedeserted him and left the county to unknown parts. She was guilty of repeated acts of adultery and fornication with a man unknown to Silas. The case was dismissed 1/1860 for want of prosecution(she did not answer the subpeona). Nancy HICKS was born 449. Josiah Fort COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jan 1823 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 10 Feb 1895 in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. Deed to Corinth United Methodist Church reveals that in 1857, Josiah was a trustee of the Corinth Academy and Corinth Methodist Church. He served in Glenn's Platoon,Co. B., Confederate Cavalry. Josiah was Postmaster at Corinth in 1889, was listed in 1893 still a trustee of his church. He owned and operated a general merchandise store in Corinth and also owned a similiar store in Hogansville,died interstate. He owned land in three counties and was living in a stone house at the time of his death. He left a widow and three minor children. Betty remarried within a year. Josiah Fort COPELAND and Margaret Ann Ester DEADWYLER were married on 18 Oct 1844 in Coweta Co., GA. Margaret Ann Ester DEADWYLER (daughter of Joseph P. DEADWYLER and Martha P. WEBB) was born on 20 Dec 1826 in Elbert Co., GA. She died about 1855 in Heard Co. GA. Josiah Fort COPELAND and Margaret Ann Ester DEADWYLER had the following children: +1536 +1537 +1538 i. Lasthenia Hasseltine COPELAND (born in 1846). ii. James Alexander COPELAND (born in 1849). iii. Martha Josephine COPELAND (born on 17 Jun 1852). Josiah Fort COPELAND and Nancy Pierce BROWN were married in 1856. Nancy Pierce BROWN (daughter of Christopher B. BROWN and Nancy) was born on 10 Feb 1832 in Heard Co., GA. She died on 24 Jul 1878. Josiah Fort COPELAND and Nancy Pierce BROWN had the following children: +1539 1540 1541 +1542 +1543 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Christopher Brown COPELAND (born in 1860). Mollie COPELAND was born in 1861. William Thomas COPELAND was born in 1862. Ruth Eliza COPELAND (born on 30 Mar 1867). Sallie Fannie COPELAND (born on 18 Oct 1871). Josiah Fort COPELAND and Elizabeth Fisher 'Betty' GLENN were married in Oct 1879 in Heard Co., GA. Elizabeth Fisher 'Betty' GLENN (daughter of William E. GLENN and Isabell WISDOM) was born in Apr 1853 in Stoney Point, Cumberland Co., VA. She died in 1934 in Nashville, TN. She was buried in Grantville Cemetery, Grantville, GA. Josiah Fort COPELAND and Elizabeth Fisher 'Betty' GLENN had the following children: 121 Descendants of William COPELAND 1544 +1545 +1546 i. Joseph COPELAND was born on 14 Jun 1881 in Heard Co., GA. He died on 5 Jan 1906. ii. Walter Wisdom 'Pete' COPELAND (born on 10 Apr 1883). iii. Elizabeth 'Bessie' COPELAND (born in Sep 1885). 450. Margaret COPELAND (Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1828 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 14 Jul 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas A. Wesley DAVIS (son of DAVIS) was born on 1 Mar 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Jul 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Margaret COPELAND and Thomas A. Wesley DAVIS had the following children: 1547 1548 +1549 1550 i. ii. iii. iv. Nancy DAVIS was born in 1848 in Overton Co., TN. George DAVIS was born in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. Josiah Jefferson DAVIS (born in 1854). Mary A. DAVIS was born on 19 Jul 1864 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 14 Jul 1881 in Overton Co, TN. v. Jesse H. DAVIS was born on 22 Jul 1867 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 8 Oct 1870 in Overton Co, TN. 1551 451. William WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1805 in NC. Samantha was born 452. Thomas B. WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in NC. Mary was born 453. Reuben Dee WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died about 1855 in Overton Co, TN. Martha W. LACKEY was born in 1813 in AL. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. w/son, Overton and daughter, Martha Jane She died in 1915 in Overton Co, TN. Reuben Dee WILSON and Martha W. LACKEY had the following children: +1552 1553 1554 1555 +1556 +1557 +1558 +1559 1560 1561 1562 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. William H. WILSON (born in 1834). Alzada WILSON was born in 1836 in Overton Co., TN. Melvina WILSON was born in 1836 in Overton Co., TN. John R. WILSON was born in 1840 in Overton Co., TN. Margaret WILSON (born on 13 Feb 1841). Ruben Alexander WILSON (born in 1843). Overton 'Obe' WILSON (born in 1844). Thomas Lackey WILSON (born on 2 Oct 1846). Richard WILSON was born in 1849 in Overton Co., TN. Nancy WILSON was born in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. Martha Jane WILSON was born in 1852 in Overton Co., TN. 454. Margaret Rebecca WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 31 May 1810 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. w/Sarah; Overton; Tennessee; Robert She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 10 Jun 1896 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. DODKINS was born 122 Descendants of William COPELAND Margaret Rebecca WILSON and Richard COPELAND were married about 1831 in Overton Co, TN. Richard COPELAND (son of Richard COPELAND and Margaret Peggy HARTSAW) was born on 11 Apr 1811 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 Jan 1865 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Margaret Rebecca WILSON and Richard COPELAND had the following children: +1487 +1488 +1489 1490 +1491 1492 1493 1494 +1495 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND (born on 13 Nov 1832). Rebecca COPELAND (born on 11 Feb 1836). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1838). Overton COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1840). James Monroe COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1843). Tennessee COPELAND (born on 22 Oct 1845). Hugh L. W. COPELAND (born on 9 Mar 1848). Mary E. COPELAND (born on 14 Aug 1851). Robert Morris COPELAND (born on 11 May 1854). 455. Elizabeth WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1813 in Overton Co, TN. Henry WEST was born Elizabeth WILSON and Henry WEST had the following children: +1563 i. Margaret WEST (born on 29 Mar 1848). 456. Alzada WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in Overton Co, TN. Michael PHILLIPS was born in 1816 in TN. 460. Minerva WILSON (Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823 in Overton Co, TN. FLEMING was born 461. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Sr. (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1894. Frances 'Frankie' HAMMOCK was born in 1812 in TN. She died in 1897. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Sr. and Frances 'Frankie' HAMMOCK had the following children: +1564 +1565 +1566 +1567 +1568 +1569 +1570 1571 1572 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Jacob William 'Jake' SWALLOWS (born on 6 Jun 1829). William V. SWALLOWS (born on 27 Oct 1833). Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS (born on 6 Nov 1835). Cassia 'Dicy' Clementine SWALLOWS (born in 1838). Andrew Jackson SWALLOWS (born in 1841). James W. SWALLOWS (born in 1844). Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Jr (born on 17 May 1848). Reuben SWALLOWS was born about 1850 in Overton Co, TN. John SWALLOWS was born about 1851 in Overton Co, TN. 462. Andrew SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Andrew SWALLOWS and Fanny were divorced in 1859 in Overton County, Tennessee. Fanny was born in 1810 in TN. Andrew SWALLOWS and Fanny had the following children: 123 Descendants of William COPELAND +1573 +1574 +1575 i. Issac R. SWALLOWS (born in 1832). ii. Granville Millard SWALLOWS (born in 1836). iii. John SWALLOWS (born in 1838). 463. Rueben C. SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1819 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Bethena C. DECK (daughter of Frederick DECK and Mary MCDONALD) was born in 1819 in Overton Co, TN. Rueben C. SWALLOWS and Bethena C. DECK had the following children: +1576 1577 +1578 1579 +1580 1581 1582 +1583 +1584 1585 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Issac Reuben SWALLOWS (born on 11 Oct 1839). Mary Ann 'Polly' SWALLOWS was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Ahi Dee SWALLOWS (born on 10 Mar 1844). Drakis E. SWALLOWS was born in 1846 in Overton Co, TN. James A. SWALLOWS (born in 1847). Margaret SWALLOWS was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. Arrisa SWALLOWS was born in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. Alfred P. SWALLOWS (born in 1852). John G. SWALLOWS (born in 1856). Rebecca SWALLOWS was born in 1858 in Overton Co., TN. 465. Rachel T. SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ Jacob, father She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-10th District. w/ Aminda,26; Ardelia, 22;Frankey,13;Albert,5;Sarah,3 She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She was arrested for prostitution. She filed a bastardy case in 1857 against Jesse Harris, probably for Ardelia Rachel and Polina ran a bawdy house. Rachel had three daughters, all had children but never married. Rachel T. SWALLOWS had the following children: +1586 +1587 i. Amanda A. SWALLOWS (born on 17 Nov 1843). ii. Frankie A. SWALLOWS (born on 15 Mar 1857). Jesse HARRIS (son of HARRIS and Rosanna) was born in 1836. Rachel T. SWALLOWS and Jesse HARRIS had the following children: +1588 i. Ardelia SWALLOWS (born in 1849). 466. Melinda SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. living with father, Jacob Melinda SWALLOWS and Issac Newton COPELAND were married in 1851 in TN. Issac Newton COPELAND (son of John COPELAND and Becca MCGUIRE) was born on 27 Jun 1827 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Tyrone, Franklin Co., IL. He died on 6 Feb 1902 in Mulkeytown, IL. Melinda SWALLOWS and Issac Newton COPELAND had the following children: +1459 1460 +1461 1462 +1463 1464 1465 1466 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. George Burgess COPELAND (born on 11 Oct 1845). Almarinda COPELAND (born in 1851). John C. COPELAND (born in 1853). Margaret COPELAND (born in 1855). Addison COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1860). Issac N. COPELAND (born in 1861). Manda COPELAND (born in 1865). William C. COPELAND (born on 9 Oct 1867). 124 Descendants of William COPELAND 1467 1468 ix. Merry E. COPELAND (born on 28 Aug 1870). x. Margaret F. COPELAND (born in 1874). 467. Ruth SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. listed w/ Ruth Swallows is her 2 year old son Rueben Swallows. Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND (son of Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND and Hannah Thacker WARD) was born on 21 Aug 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ Hannah , mother He served in the military on 5 Aug 1861 in Camp Myers, Overton Co., TN25th TN Co. H. - CSA. He was also in Camp Zollcoffers Camp, Overton Co.,TN , with the 25th Infantry Co H. Anderson received a disability discharge on 15 July 1862. Discharge papers say that he was 40 years old,6' 7', dark complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, and a farmer by occupation. He rejoined in Sept 1862 with the 8th Calvary. He received a discharge on April 7,1864. Later he reenlisteded again with the 8th TN Calvary. The 8th Tennessee Cavalry was initially organized in White County as independent partisan rangers on September 4, 1862, with 12 companies under the command of Colonel George G. Dibrell. The first muster was held near Sparta in September 1862, and consisted of 921 men, primarily farm workers from Jackson, Overton, Putnam and White counties. On October 8, the regiment marched from Sparta to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to join Brigadier General Nathan B. Forrest's Brigade. There it was reorganized into 10 companies and mustered into the CSA as the 8th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry. While at Murfreesboro, the regiment was equipped with 400 flintlock muskets and 600 sabres -- the only issue of arms ever made to it by the Confederate Government. Its first military assignment was to scout and establish pickets outside the city of Nashville. A skirmish at Neely's Bend, north of the city, was the first of several while stationed in that area. The 8th Tennessee Cavalry was involved in a remarkable number of battles and skirmishes throughout the Civil War and suffered considerable casualties. It fought in engagements ranging from west Tennessee into southern Virginia, through the Carolinas and into Georgia. The men fought not only on horseback, but frequently engaged the enemy dismounted and sometimes in hand-to-hand combat as happened at Chickamauga. Although it was regularly short of arms and supplies and its recruits usually had little or no training, the regiment earned a reputation for discipline and dependability. Writing after the war, General Dibrell wrote "that not a piece of artillery was ever lost when supported by the Eighth. Huggin's company of artillery used to say that they had no fear of going into battle when supported by the Tennessee cavalry brigade, of which the Eighth was a part." Its last engagement was at Beulah, NC on April 11, 1865. The next day, the regiment learned that rumors of Lee's surrender were true and marched to Greensboro, NC. From there, it helped escort President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet to Abbeville, SC where the command was dissolved. The 8th Tennessee, consisting of only 381 men, marched to Washington, Georgia and surrendered to the 4th Iowa Cavalry on May 3rd. The men were paroled on May 9, 1865, and returned to Tennessee. While camped in Polk County, the men were confronted by a squad of federal soldiers who brought them to the nearby city of Cleveland. They were placed under guard and individually searched for any item bearing the “U.S.” insignia. The regiment was allowed to leave later that evening, but not without enduring some harassment from a few of the local citizens. The 8th Tennessee entered Chattanooga the following day and suffered more humiliation. The provost-marshal, falsely claiming that he was under orders, confiscated the horses from those with the rank of private. After the parole of each soldier was inspected, the regiment, annoyed but in good spirits, continued its homeward journey on foot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------The 8th Tennessee Cavalry is sometimes referred to as the 13th Tennessee Cavalry. Indeed, the A. & I.G.O. recognized the unit by the latter designation. After the war, General Dibrell provided an explanation: When the regiment was mustered at Murfreesboro by Col. Charles Carroll it was the Eighth Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry, and it bore that name thereafter. Col. Carroll was captured before sending off his muster, and when received at Richmond the regiment was numbered the Thirteenth; but we never recognized that number, and it was not so known in the army. He died on 27 Jan 1865 in Augusta, GA. He was wounded during the Civil War fighting at Battle of Wainsboro,GA with 125 Descendants of William COPELAND Gores 8th Cav Co. E. He died in a hospital at Augusta GA. His physical said that he was 6'4" 'The Military Annals of Tennessee Confederate. First Series: Embracing a Review of Military Operations with Regimental Histories and Memorial Rolls. Eighth Tennessee Cavalry At Buck Head church Gen. Wheeler overtook the enemy again, charged and routed them. They destroyed the bridge over Buck Head Creek in their retreat, but we soon had it repaired by using the seats which we took from the church. The Tennessee brigade was then ordered to take the lead and move to the rear of the enemy. We crossed and, from the information, had moved, as we thought, to the rear of the enemy, when we turned to the road and struck the enemy's pickets. Charging them, we had a running fight for about half a mile, when we struck Gen. Kilpatrick's entire command, strongly fortified behind rail-works, with a very strong position, our approach to which was through a large field, without any protection whatever. They had selected and fortified this position to remain during the night. They poured volley after volley of small arms into us, and played upon us with several pieces of artillery; but we held the ground taken, and returned their fire, until reenforcements arrived upon our right, when Kilpatrick abandoned his works and beat a hasty retreat. We pursued him some distance, until the night getting very dark we gave up the chase and went into camp; but Kilpatrick did not stop until he got back to Gen. Sherman's infantry. In this day's fighting we were actively engaged from day light until nine or ten o'clock at night, the Eighth Tennessee sharing largely in the hard struggles of the day. They made the last charge upon the enemy's lines, meeting a perfect hail-storm of shot and shell from Kilpatrick's artillery, in which Houston Farley, Anderson Copeland, and others, were killed, and Capt. A. C. Dale and several others wounded. Dr. Jo. C. Evans's horse had his head torn off with a cannon-ball just as he had dismounted to throw a fence down for the charge. Capt. Mounce L. Gore led this last charge in person Ruth SWALLOWS and Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND had the following children: +1589 i. Rueben C. COPELAND (born in Oct 1848). 468. Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 May 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Pauline never married Solomon Copeland . She ran a bawdy house with her sister, Rachel.She was arrested w/America Low,Jemima McCormick, Winifred West, Elizabeth West and Sarah Baker for running a Bawby House in Overton on June 13th,1867 Solomon Addison COPELAND (son of Joseph 'Big Joe' COPELAND and Hannah Thacker WARD) was born on 18 Aug 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-6th District. S.A. 35;Elizabeth,17;Saraphrine,20;, and Franklin P,15 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Cumberland Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Cumberland Co., TN. He died on 29 Jun 1910 in Cumberland Co., TN. Overton County Court Minutes, April Term 1869: The petition of S. A. COPELAND, a citizen of Overton Co, TN, would respectfully state and show unto your Worshipful court the he is the illegitimate father of Elizabeth SWALLOWS, a girl of about 14 years of age, the daughter of Perlina SWALLOWS, a single woman, also a citizen of said county. Petitioner has had the custody, nurture and tuition of said Elizabeth for a number of years, has no family and is fully able to take care of said child. He therefore prays upon the court to legitimize said Elizabath and make her a lawful heir of Petitioner and that her name be changed from Elizabeth Swallows to Elizabeth Copeland and Petitioner is duty bound will ever pray. Subscribed & sworn to by S. A. COPELAND on this 5th day of April 1869 He applied for a pension in Cumberland Co.,TN (S7158) with the Company D.25th Infantry of TN private. Sarah A., widow applied after 1900 (W3658). He enlisted in 1861, with Col.Stanton. He was discharged in Mississippi in 1862, because he was over 35 years of age. Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS and Solomon Addison COPELAND had the following children: 126 Descendants of William COPELAND +1590 i. Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 30 Nov 1853). Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS and Ambrose GORE were married on 23 Mar 1856 in Overton Co, TN. They filed for divorce in Feb 1858 in Overton Co, TN. Ambrose charges her with adultery to Solomon Copeland. He later drops the divorce Ambrose GORE (son of Joseph GORE and Margaret 'Peggy' CARR) was born on 17 Jun 1836 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1878 in TN. Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS and Ambrose GORE had the following children: 1591 +1592 +1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 +1601 1602 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Sarah Jane GORE was born in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Elizabeth GORE (born in 1857). Ambrose GORE IV (born on 10 Aug 1858). Melinda Ann GORE was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. John F. GORE was born in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. William H. GORE was born in 1866 in Overton Co, TN. Joseph R. GORE was born on 8 Oct 1866 in Overton Co, TN. James H. GORE was born in 1869 in Overton Co, TN. Clara J. GORE was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Lucinda GORE was born in 1873 in Overton Co, TN. Franklin Lafayette GORE (born in 1874). S. Charles GORE was born in 1875 in Overton Co, TN. 469. Amanda SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in TN. She died in 1877 in Shiloh, Overton Co., TN. Charnel C. BILBREY (son of Benton BILBREY and Patience 'Pasha' BILBREY) was born on 18 Aug 1828 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Apr 1926 in Shiloh, Overton Co., TN. Amanda SWALLOWS and Charnel C. BILBREY had the following children: +1603 +1604 +1605 +1606 +1607 +1608 1609 +1610 +1611 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Isaac Benton BILBREY (born on 27 Jun 1850). William Hillary BILBREY (born on 1 Mar 1852). Sophina Jane BILBREY (born in Dec 1854). Mary Vestine BILBREY (born in 1858). Martha Mildred BILBREY (born on 6 May 1863). Frances Ann BILBREY (born on 17 Oct 1866). Tennessee BILBREY was born Eliza Clementine BILBREY (born on 30 Apr 1870). Patience Belle BILBREY (born on 30 Mar 1874). 470. Octavia SWALLOWS (Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. SHORT was born Octavia SWALLOWS and SHORT had the following children: 1612 i. Orlenas SHORT was born in 1848 in Overton Co, TN. 473. Phillip COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Sep 1807 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 9 Jun 1849 in Overton Co, TN. Phillip lived at Sinking Cane,Overton Co.,TN, and was a Justice of the Peace. He owned 500 acres valued at $8000, had 10 slaves that worked the farm with his sons. They lived in a log cabin with 2 rooms. Phillip also did the neighborhood blacksmith work and Obedience carded and spun flax. The negroes did the cooking and dish washing. The children went to school 3 months in the fall."Tennessee Civil War Veterans Questionaries of F. M. Copeland April 18,1922 Phillip COPELAND and Obedience 'Biddy' COX were married on 6 Mar 1828 in Overton Co., TN. Obedience 'Biddy' COX (daughter of Larkin COX and Nancy RAY) was born on 8 Oct 1812 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 6 Sep 1899 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, 127 Descendants of William COPELAND TN. living w/ grandson William Phillip COPELAND and Obedience 'Biddy' COX had the following children: +1613 1614 +1615 +1616 1617 1618 +1619 +1620 +1621 +1622 i. Larkin Cox COPELAND (born on 22 Jul 1829). ii. Richard H. COPELAND was born on 18 Jan 1831 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 11 Aug 1855 in Overton Co, TN. iii. George Andrew Jackson 'AJ' COPELAND (born on 16 Sep 1837). iv. Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 16 Dec 1834). v. Phillip Franklin COPELAND was born on 16 Feb 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. Slightly wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro. Detailed as blacksmith April 27,1863 He died on 12 Apr 1864 in Civil War. After the war his mother had him moved to the family Cem. in Overton vi. L. Josiah Sellers COPELAND was born on 27 Feb 1839 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 30 Jul 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. I. He died on 22 Jan 1862 in Civil War. died of fever in Monticello, KY vii. Bailey Allred COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1841). viii. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND (born on 6 Jul 1843). ix. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (born on 13 Feb 1846). x. Abraham Conaster Cox COPELAND (born on 7 Aug 1848). 474. Mark COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Nov 1809 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He was born in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. w/ Katherine,Harriett, and William He died on 29 Dec 1876 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Mark COPELAND and Catherine 'Katey' WEST were married about 1828 in Overton Co., TN. Catherine 'Katey' WEST was born on 3 Jun 1808 in TN. She died on 22 Nov 1875 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Mark COPELAND and Catherine 'Katey' WEST had the following children: +1623 +1624 1625 +1626 1627 1628 1629 +1630 i. ii. iii. iv. v. James 'Richardson' COPELAND (born in 1829). Harriett COPELAND (born on 19 May 1831). Mary COPELAND was born in 1832. Michael 'Mitchel' COPELAND (born in 1835). Thomas Jefferson COPELAND was born in 1836 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War- 25th TN Inf Co., D. He died on 10 Feb 1862 in @ Home in Overton Co., TN. vi. Barnabas 'Barney' COPELAND was born in 1841. He served in the military on 4 Sep 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. Furloughed from Olive Hospital @ LaGrange, GA-Oct 21, 1863 Gunshot wound right thigh- Sept. 20, 1863 POW @ Drury's Bluff-May 16,1864. Sent to Bermuda Hundred, VA; transferred to Ft. Monroe, VA; Transferred to PT. Lookout,MD;Transferred to Elmira, NY. Died Sept. 20,1864 of chronic diarrhea; Grave N0. 382 He died on 20 Sep 1864 in Elmira, NY prison-Civil War. fought with the 25th TN INF. Co D, wouunded at Chickamauga, recovered captured at Drewy's Bluff sent to Elmira Prison vii. Fanny COPELAND was born in 1845 in Overton Co, TN. viii. William Mark COPELAND (born on 11 May 1853). 475. Margaret COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jun 1810 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Oct 1868 in Burnet Co., TX. Margaret COPELAND and Rev. John Gilbert STEWART were married in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. Rev. John Gilbert STEWART (son of Samuel P. STEWART and Mary 'Polly' KITCHNER) was born on 13 Mar 1811 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 23 May 1875 in Burnet Co., TX. John moved from Overton Co.,TN in 1850 to Lawrence Co.,AR. He later moved to Gabriel Mills,TX and died in Mahomet,Burnett Co.,TX. He was a Christian Minister. Margaret COPELAND and Rev. John Gilbert STEWART had the following children: 128 Descendants of William COPELAND +1631 1632 +1633 +1634 +1635 +1636 +1637 +1638 1639 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Amanda STEWART (born on 11 Aug 1830). Polly A. STEWART was born on 9 Aug 1832 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Melissa STEWART (born on 28 Jun 1835). Christopher Columbus STEWART (born on 30 Nov 1837). John Americus STEWART (born on 28 Nov 1840). Benjamin Hansford STEWART (born on 22 Apr 1843). William Jefferson STEWART (born on 20 Oct 1846). Samuel Kitchner STEWART (born on 15 Oct 1848). James Copeland STEWART was born on 9 Aug 1853 in Lawrence, AR. 476. Jefferson Madison COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Feb 1812 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 19 Nov 1867 in Williamson Co, TX. He was buried in Perry Fam. Cem., Williamson Co., TX. Moved to Williamson,TX in 1851 Jefferson Madison COPELAND and Mary Jane COPELAND were married in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Jane COPELAND (daughter of Richard COPELAND and Margaret Peggy HARTSAW) was born on 2 Oct 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Williamson Co., TX. She died on 26 Sep 1907 in Liberty Hill, Williamson Co, TX. She was buried in Perry Fam. Cem., Williamson Co., TX. Jefferson Madison COPELAND and Mary Jane COPELAND had the following children: +1504 +1505 +1506 +1507 +1508 +1509 +1510 1511 +1512 +1513 1514 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Jasper Newton COPELAND (born on 19 Aug 1834). Richard Marion COPELAND (born on 26 Nov 1836). Elmira Jane COPELAND (born on 18 Jul 1839). James Overton COPELAND Sr. (born on 1 Oct 1841). Margaret Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 1 Jun 1844). Hannah Catherine COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1845). William Winnaby COPELAND (born in Oct 1848). Sarah A. COPELAND (born on 30 Sep 1849). Mary A. COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1851). Josiah 'Joe' Fletcher COPELAND (born on 5 Dec 1854). Martha Bullion COPELAND (born on 9 Aug 1857). 477. Catherine Oga COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Apr 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 5 Feb 1887 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Roaring River Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Catherine Oga COPELAND and William T. CANNON were married in 1838 in Overton Co., TN. from Overton Kin-J.F. Martin Family Bible William T. CANNON (son of Thomas CANNON and Martha 'Patsy' LEE) was born on 7 Dec 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Apr 1909 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Roaring River Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Catherine Oga COPELAND and William T. CANNON had the following children: 1640 +1641 1642 1643 +1644 1645 +1646 i. John S. CANNON was born in 1839 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 11 Aug 1860 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Squire Jasper Newton CANNON (born on 24 May 1841). iii. Celia Jane CANNON was born in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 22 Aug 1860 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Mary P. CANNON was born in 1845 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1845 in Overton Co, TN. v. Sarah Elizabeth CANNON (born on 6 Apr 1848). vi. James Temple CANNON was born in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1854 in Overton Co, TN. vii. Martha Elvira CANNON (born on 3 Sep 1854). 478. William COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. He died about 1852 in Overton Co, TN. 129 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary Ann JONES was born in Apr 1819 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-11th District-#142. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. living with Adeline Green, daughter William COPELAND and Mary Ann JONES had the following children: +1647 +1648 1649 1650 +1651 +1652 +1653 i. Martha L. COPELAND (born on 8 Jun 1839). ii. Margaret COPELAND (born in 1841). iii. John S. COPELAND was born in 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 5 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. H. Wounded in arm @ Battle of Murfreesboro, Dec. 31,1862 In hospital with dysentry @ Tunnel Hill, GA, July 2,1863 Rejoined Mar 4,1863; wounded @ Chickamauga, sent to hospital in Newnan, GA Sept 19,1863. Rejoined Jan. 22, 1864, Killed at the Battle of Drury's Bluff May 16,1864. He was 5'6", dark complexion, hazel eyes, and black hair He died on 16 May 1864 in Civil WarBattle of Drury's Bluff. iv. James C. COPELAND was born in 1846 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military between 1863 and 1865 in Civil War. fought with the 28th TN Inf, Co.,K He died in 1864 in Civil War. v. Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND (born on 12 Mar 1847). vi. Elvira 'Vina' COPELAND (born on 25 Jun 1849). vii. Adeline COPELAND (born on 13 Apr 1852). 479. Esau Silas COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Texas Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Burnet Co., TX. He died on 18 Jan 1891 in Lavaca Co., TX. Served in the CSA,CO I.,25th Inf . Bushwacked with James R. on there way home in 1865 Elizabeth Margaret BILBREY (daughter of James BILBREY and Sarah Clarissa 'Clarcy' BILBREY) was born in 1821 in Overton Co, TN. Esau Silas COPELAND and Elizabeth Margaret BILBREY had the following children: 1654 +1655 +1656 +1657 +1658 1659 +1660 +1661 i. James Silas COPELAND was born on 1 Nov 1842 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1863/64 in Civil War-Co.D, 25th Inf-SGT.. He died on 18 Jan 1865. Killed by Jayhawkers on the way home to Texas Co.,MO., from serving two years in the Mo. Confederate Army ii. Margaret COPELAND (born on 14 Nov 1844). iii. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (born on 28 Dec 1846). iv. Eliza COPELAND (born on 28 Mar 1849). v. William Columbus COPELAND (born on 14 Mar 1851). vi. Nancy COPELAND was born on 20 Jul 1854 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 30 Nov 1859 in MO. vii. John Preston COPELAND (born on 17 Jul 1856). viii. Lucinda Jane COPELAND (born on 18 Jul 1859). 480. James S. COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. He died on 15 Feb 1862 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy ALLRED was born in 1826 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. James S. COPELAND and Nancy ALLRED had the following children: +1662 1663 1664 +1665 +1666 +1667 +1668 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Dawson Huston COPELAND (born in 1847). Margaret E. COPELAND was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. Armata J. COPELAND was born in 1851 in Overton Co, TN. John B. COPELAND (born in Aug 1853). Larkin Andrew COPELAND (born on 4 Jan 1858). Joseph Jefferson COPELAND (born in 1859). Amanda Catharine COPELAND (born on 17 Oct 1861). 481. Andrew Jackson Carney COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William- 130 Descendants of William COPELAND 1) was born in 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. Discharged on certificate of disability. Pension #1044., Rejected, he died right after the application. 6'1" Fair complexion,Black Eyes and Black Hair. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died before 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Lavina PHILLIPS was born in 1824 in TN. Andrew Jackson Carney COPELAND and Lavina PHILLIPS had the following children: +1669 1670 +1671 +1672 1673 1674 +1675 +1676 i. James Calvin COPELAND (born in 1848). ii. Evander M. COPELAND was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1860 in Overton Co, TN. iii. James Carrol C. COPELAND (born on 18 Nov 1851). iv. Sarah P. COPELAND (born in 1855). v. Armilia COPELAND was born in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. vi. Delia Ann 'Tennessee' COPELAND was born in Oct 1859 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1954 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. vii. Martha P. COPELAND (born in 1863). viii. Alta D. COPELAND (born in 1867). 483. John Matthew 'Molley' COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 24 Nov 1828 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1865 in Civil War. fought with the 28th TN Inf Co F He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 17 Dec 1882 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. John Matthew 'Molley' COPELAND and Malvina SWAFFORD were married in 1855 in Overton Co., TN. Malvina SWAFFORD (daughter of Alexander SWAFFORD and Susannah) was born on 21 Jul 1834 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 2 Oct 1910 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Received a Civil War pension for Matthew's service W224 John Matthew 'Molley' COPELAND and Malvina SWAFFORD had the following children: +1677 +1678 1679 +1680 1681 1682 1683 +1684 +1685 +1686 i. Mary F. COPELAND (born in 1857). ii. Sarah Priley COPELAND (born in 1858). iii. James Jefferson COPELAND was born in Nov 1859 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. living with Albert and sister Elizabeth maybe in the house of Joe his brother in the 1920 census as Julian,50 iv. Elizabeth 'Liz' COPELAND (born on 14 Jul 1862). v. Harriett E. COPELAND was born in 1865 in Overton Co, TN. vi. Donan E. COPELAND was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1870 in Overton Co, TN. vii. Margaret COPELAND was born on 17 May 1870 in Overton Co, TN. viii. William 'Bill' C. COPELAND (born in 1873). ix. John Matthew COPELAND Jr (born in Aug 1876). x. Joe Tom COPELAND (born on 28 Nov 1879). 484. Gemina COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1833 in Overton Co, TN. Elijah GARRETT was born 485. Nancy B. COPELAND (James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jun 1838 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Oct 1910 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. Nancy B. COPELAND and Benjamin Franklin 'Frank' WILLIFORD were married on 28 Nov 1872 in Overton Co, TN. 131 Descendants of William COPELAND Benjamin Franklin 'Frank' WILLIFORD (son of Willie WILLEFORD and Zilla) was born in Jun 1852 in Hawkins Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy B. COPELAND and Benjamin Franklin 'Frank' WILLIFORD had the following children: +1687 i. William Madison 'Willie' WILLIFORD (born in 1873). 487. Issac COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in Wake Co., NC. Susannah BEASLEY was born in 1780 in Wake Co., NC. 488. Harrison COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1790 in NC. Harrison COPELAND and Polly STUART were married on 18 Feb 1818 in Wake Co., NC. Polly STUART was born Harrison COPELAND and Pheroby SCOTT were married on 31 Mar 1819 in Wake Co., NC. Pheroby SCOTT was born 489. Thomas COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in Wake Co., NC. Thomas COPELAND and Elizabeth EVANS were married on 2 Oct 1837 in Chatham Co. , NC. Elizabeth EVANS was born in 1810 in NC. Thomas COPELAND and Elizabeth EVANS had the following children: 1688 1689 i. Liddy COPELAND was born in 1840 in Wake Co., NC. ii. Fabius COPELAND was born in 1846 in Wake Co., NC. 490. John COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in TN. He was living in 1840 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Saline Co., MO. He died in Saline Co., MO. Mary A. GWINN (daughter of Almond GWINN and Neuraney MULLINS) was born in 1802 in AR. John COPELAND and Mary A. GWINN had the following children: +1690 +1691 +1692 +1693 +1694 +1695 +1696 1697 +1698 +1699 1700 1701 1702 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Charles C. COPELAND (born in 1819). Joel COPELAND (born in 1821). Auldman COPELAND (born in 1823). Catherine COPELAND (born in 1824). Jane COPELAND (born on 22 May 1830). Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (born in 1832). William COPELAND (born on 1 Oct 1834). Ruth COPELAND was born in 1836 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (born in 1837). Joel COPELAND (born in 1839). Ann COPELAND was born in 1839 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1841 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. Samuel COPELAND was born in 1844 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. 492. Ezekiel COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1802 in TN. He died after 1846 in Saline Co., MO. Ezekiel COPELAND and Catherine KELLY were married on 20 Apr 1846 in St. Louis Co., MO. Catherine KELLY was born 493. Hezakiah COPELAND (Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1813 in TN. 132 Descendants of William COPELAND He appeared in the census in 1850 in Bates Co., MO. Malinda GWINN (daughter of Almond GWINN and Neuraney MULLINS) was born in 1825 in TN. Hezakiah COPELAND and Malinda GWINN had the following children: 1703 1704 1705 1706 i. ii. iii. iv. David COPELAND was born in 1845 in AR. Rhoda COPELAND was born in 1847 in AR. Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1848 in AR. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1848 in MO. 494. William BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Nov 1790 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died on 16 Mar 1868 in William Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co, TN. Sarah Ann WEST (daughter of Stephen WEST and Mary BELK) was born on 11 Oct 1804 in TN. She died on 3 Dec 1883 in Overton Co, TN. William BILBREY and Sarah Ann WEST had the following children: +1707 1708 1709 +1710 1711 +1712 +1713 1714 +1715 +1716 +1717 1718 i. Alexander P. BILBREY (born on 8 Apr 1822). ii. George West BILBREY was born on 18 Oct 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 4 Sep 1919 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Stokley Rhion BILBREY was born on 18 Oct 1826 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Francis Marion BILBREY (born on 24 Nov 1827). v. Emily C. BILBREY was born on 24 Jan 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 23 Jul 1870. vi. Eliza Jane BILBREY (born on 2 May 1832). vii. Selina Frances BILBREY (born on 4 Nov 1834). viii. Celina D. BILBREY was born on 10 Jan 1837 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Nov 1875. ix. Martin Van Buren BILBREY (born on 4 Jul 1840). x. Felix Grundy BILBREY (born on 10 Dec 1842). xi. Alvin Cullom BILBREY (born on 16 Sep 1845). xii. John Calvin BILBREY was born on 22 Mar 1847 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. Drowned in a watering trough at the age of two 495. Thomas BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died in TN. Mariah was born in 1815 in TN. 496. John BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Aug 1793 in Chatham Co., NC. He died about 1846 in Overton County, Tennessee. Elizabeth was born in 1790 in , North Carolina. She died in Overton County, Tennessee. John BILBREY and Elizabeth had the following children: +1719 +1720 +1528 1721 i. ii. iii. iv. Benjamin Franklin 'Binom' BILBREY (born on 17 Feb 1819). William C. 'Little William' BILBREY (born on 12 Jan 1821). Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY (born on 8 Oct 1841). Ellen BILBREY was born about 1837 in TN, Tennessee. Line 6329 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 6330 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 27 FEB 1995 497. Nancy BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died after 1880. 133 Descendants of William COPELAND Fredrick HARTSAW (son of John Phillip HARTSAW) was born in 1789 in Chatham Co, , NC. Settled and named Hartsaw Cove Community of Overton Co.,TN Nancy BILBREY and Fredrick HARTSAW had the following children: +1722 +1723 +1724 +1725 i. ii. iii. iv. Martha HARTSAW (born in 1830). Hannah HARTSAW (born in 1832). Sarah C. 'Sallie' HARTSAW (born on 7 Jul 1835). Fredrick HARTSAW Jr (born in 1838). 498. Henry Harrison BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in Overton Co, TN. He died about 1865 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Henry Harrison BILBREY and Eliza BELK were divorced in Oct 1842 in Overton Co, TN. Eliza charged Henry with adultery and desertion Eliza BELK (daughter of Chamberlain BELK and Nancy BEALE) was born in 1816. She died in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. Henry Harrison BILBREY and Eliza BELK had the following children: +1726 1727 i. Chamberlain Belk BILBREY (born in Apr 1837). ii. Sarah C. BILBREY was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Henry Harrison BILBREY and Candis TOWNSEND were married about 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Candis TOWNSEND (daughter of Stephen TOWNSEND and Mary COPELAND) was born on 7 Apr 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Apr 1902 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Henry Harrison BILBREY and Candis TOWNSEND had the following children: +1728 1729 +1730 +1731 +1732 i. ii. iii. iv. v. William Henry BILBREY (born on 8 Apr 1841). Nancy E. BILBREY was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. Granville Findley BILBREY (born in Sep 1848). Martha Jane BILBREY (born on 16 Apr 1852). W.A. BILBREY (born on 24 Nov 1863). 499. James Carroll BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 31 Aug 1818. He died on 4 Mar 1900. H.E. was born in 1816. James Carroll BILBREY and H.E. had the following children: 1733 1734 1735 i. Martila BILBREY was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. ii. L.M. BILBREY was born in 1877 in Overton Co, TN. iii. S.L. BILBREY was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. 500. Miriah 'Polly' BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820. WILMOTH was born 501. Sarah 'Sallie' BILBREY (Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in Overton Co., TN. WILMOTH was born 505. Daniel COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in TN/NC. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Benton Co., AR. Male 30-40 1800-1810 Daniel Female 30-40 1800-1810 unknown wife Male 20-30 1810-1820 William C. Female(2) 15-20 1820-1825 Clarissa and Rebecca Male (2) 10-15 1825-1830 unk & james 134 Descendants of William COPELAND Female(2) 5-10 1830-1835 Nancy & Lucinda male 5-10 1830-1835 unk Female 0-5 1835-1840 Sally A. Male (2) 0-5 1835-1840 Jackson & Calvin He appeared in the census in 1850 in Benton Co., AR. Daniel,54,TN;Emeline,21,TN;James,20,AR;Nancy,15,AR;Lucinda,15,AR; jackson,14,AR;Sally A,11,AR;Martha J.,1,AR He appeared in the census in 1860 in Benton Co., AR. Daniel, 60,TN;Emeline,30,TN;Susan,9,ar;George,7;Francis,6;Thomas, 4;Puss,3;Hiram,5/12; Living next door is Jackson 20 He died after 1860 in Benton Co., AR. Ark Land patents; 3/10/1843- 80 acres Fayetteville, Benton Co., AR #4155 3/10/1843- 80 acres Fayetteville, Benton Co., AR #4158 11/15/1854-80 acres Fayetteville, Benton Co., AR #6074 7/1/1859-84 acres, fayetteville, Benton Co., AR #9487 AR Tax List D. Copeland, Benton Co., 1839 Daniel Copeland, Washington Co., 1836 David Copeland, Washington Co., 1836 David Copeland, Washington Co., 1836 David A. Copeland, Washington Co., 1836 William Copeland, Washington Co., 1836 William Copeland, Madison Co., 1837 William Copeland, Benton Co., 1839 In 1842 Daniel married Elizabeth and divorced her in 1844, abandoned him Daniel COPELAND had the following children: +1736 +1737 +1738 +1739 +1740 1741 +1742 1743 +1744 1745 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. David COPELAND (born in 1810). William C. COPELAND (born in 1815). Harriet B. COPELAND (born on 6 Jul 1817). Susan Clarissa COPELAND (born in 1820). Rebecca COPELAND (born in 1829). James COPELAND was born in 1830. Nancy COPELAND (born in 1835). Lucinda COPELAND was born in 1835 in AR. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in 1836). Sally A. COPELAND was born in 1839. Daniel COPELAND and Elizabeth were married in 1842 in Benton Co., AR. They were divorced in May 1848 in Benton Co., AR. Elizabeth was born Daniel COPELAND and Emeline R. were married about 1849 in Benton Co., AR. Emeline R. was born in 1830 in TN. She died in Benton Co., AR. Daniel COPELAND and Emeline R. had the following children: 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Martha Jane COPELAND was born in 1849 in Benton Co., AR. Susan COPELAND was born in 1851 in Benton Co., AR. George COPELAND was born in 1853 in Benton Co., AR. Francis COPELAND was born in 1854 in Benton Co., AR. Thomas COPELAND was born in 1856 in Benton Co., AR. Puss COPELAND was born in 1857 in Benton Co., AR. Hiram COPELAND was born in Feb 1860 in Benton Co., AR. 506. Hannah COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Apr 1795 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Feb 1870 in Overton Co, TN. 135 Descendants of William COPELAND Thomas BILBREY (son of Isham Isaac Hansford BILBREY and Ruth SELLERS) was born in 1795 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Hannah COPELAND and Thomas BILBREY had the following children: +1753 1754 1755 1756 +1757 +1758 1759 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Josiah E. BILBREY (born in Dec 1824). Cinty BILBREY was born in 1832 in Overton Co, TN. Melvina BILBREY was born in 1833 in Overton Co, TN. Tom BILBREY was born in 1836 in Overton Co, TN. Isham James BILBREY (born in 1828). Nancy BILBREY (born about 1827). Symatha BILBREY was born about 1841. 507. Josiah S. 'Little Joe' COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Aug 1799 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. next door Mary Mayfield and daughter Mahala.(0-00101) Josiah(000001-0)-190 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District-Livingston. He signed a will on 2 May 1873 in Overton Co, TN. p.326 He died on 9 May 1878 in Overton Co, TN. Josiah was buried on Tarheel Mountain(now Tower Hill) near Livingston Nickname was 'Little Joe' because 'Big Joe' was his cousin. Josiah built the courthouse in Livingston On page 201, Oct Term 1840, there is a case of Josiah S. Copeland vs. Stephen Mayfield for a debt owed. Josiah won the suit of $400 plus $14 in damages. In another case the President and Directors of the Bank of Tennessee won a suit against Stephen Mayfield, Josiah S. Copeland, James Poteet and David Griffith for $17.41. These records do not show why or for what the money was owed. 1868, Josiah sold 100 acres south of Livingstonand Burksville Rd to Thomas Rhea(Ray) Contractor for rebuilding the Livingston 1868. Thomas Rhea(Ray) was a brickmason, used by Josiah S. Copeland Josiah S. 'Little Joe' COPELAND and Mary MAYFIELD were married after 1830 in Overton Co, TN. Mary MAYFIELD (daughter of Stephen MAYFIELD and Bridgett GILMORE) was born in 1804 in Overton Co., TN. Mary is believed to be the first white woman born in Overton Co.,TN She had a illegitimate child,Mahala, by Josiah. They later married. Mary killed Ruth Dougherty, the girl friend of Josiah. Mary killed Ruth Dougherty, the girl friend of Josiah, while she was married to him. According to the trial,she had no other children after Mahala. She was convicted of manslaughter, but appealed,retried, won and was released. Ruth apparently, attacked Mary on the way to church with a stick. In the fight, Mary killed Ruth with her own knife. This murder did NOT take place on 8 Jan 1832 as reported in the "Overton County Roll Call" book of cemeteries. The date was 11 Feb 1844. Mary used a "certain knife of the value of one dollar" and stabbed Ruth three times in the breast. The "mortal wounds were the breadth of one inch and of the depth of six inches." Ruth died instantly. This was in the Bill of Indictment returned by the Grand Jury on the 29th Feb 1844. Witnesses before the Grand Jury were Ferdinand Daugherty, Alexander Daugherty, Mariah Eldridge, Polly Pharris and Matilda Daugherty. Josiah S. 'Little Joe' COPELAND and Mary MAYFIELD had the following children: 136 Descendants of William COPELAND +1760 i. Mahala L. COPELAND (born on 1 Jun 1818). 508. James C. COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in Maury Co., TN. He served in the military in 1835 in Mexican War-Capt. Moffit's Company, Yells Reg't. Fought @Cerro Gordo and Buena Vista He appeared in the census in 1850 in Pope Co., AR. w/ wife Sarah, 40 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Pope Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Dallas Co., AR. James C. COPELAND and Sarah WEBB were married on 9 Aug 1825 in Maury Co., TN. Sarah WEBB (daughter of Meredith Burton WEBB and Mary Elizabeth HAFLY) was born in 1803 in Shelby Co., KY. She died on 23 Oct 1872 in Pope Co., AR. James C. COPELAND and Sarah WEBB had the following children: 1761 1762 1763 +1764 +1765 +1766 +1767 1768 +1769 1770 1771 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. John W. COPELAND was born Elizabeth COPELAND was born Carolina COPELAND was born Newton William COPELAND (born in 1831). Pauline D. COPELAND (born in 1832). Sarah Jane COPELAND (born in 1835). Rev. James P. COPELAND (born on 8 May 1837). Meredith W. COPELAND was born in 1839 in AR. Minerva W. COPELAND (born in 1841). David M. COPELAND was born in 1845 in Pope Co., AR. He died before 1850 in Pope Co., AR. Harriett mary COPELAND was born in 1849 in AR. 509. Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 May 1803 in TN. She died on 20 Oct 1899 in Pea Ridge, Benton Co., AR. Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND and David Melton WOODS were married on 13 Nov 1825 in TN. David Melton WOODS (son of Samuel WOODS and Margaret HOLMES) was born Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND and David Melton WOODS had the following children: 1772 1773 +1774 +1775 +1776 i. John Milton WOODS was born on 5 Jun 1826 in TN. He died on 6 Feb 1887. ii. Nancy Matilda WOODS was born on 27 Mar 1828 in TN. She died on 14 Sep 1883 in Centerton, AR. iii. Samuel Newton WOODS (born on 7 May 1833). iv. David Calvin WOODS (born on 3 Mar 1835). v. Martha Melvina WOODS (born on 13 Aug 1839). 510. Greene COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Carroll Co, AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Carroll Co, AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Stone Co., MO. He died before 1880 in Carroll Co, AR. The Grand Jury just returned seven counts of "gaming" (gambling) against Green Copeland. Anthony C. Looper, was on the Grand Jury. June Term 1842, Circuit Court Greene COPELAND and Caroline Jane 'Cindy' COPELAND were married. Caroline Jane 'Cindy' COPELAND was born in 1808 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Carroll Co, AR. living w/ Harrison. TN,SC,SC Greene COPELAND and Caroline Jane 'Cindy' COPELAND had the following children: 1777 +1778 1779 +1780 i. ii. iii. iv. Ellender COPELAND was born in 1834 in TN. William A. COPELAND (born on 18 Feb 1837). John COPELAND was born in 1838 in TN. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1840). 137 Descendants of William COPELAND 1781 1782 +1783 +1784 +1785 v. Josiah Joseph L. COPELAND was born in 1842 in Carroll Co, AR. He was living in Green Co., MO. fought in the Civil War vi. Mariah COPELAND was born in 1844 in AR. vii. Francis marion COPELAND (born in 1848). viii. Green Taylor COPELAND (born in 1848). ix. Henry Harrison COPELAND (born in 1853). 511. Jesse COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1834 in Cass/Bartow Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Benton/Calhoun Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Benton Co., AR. He died in 1866 in AR. Nancy was born in 1802 in VA. Jesse COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 +1791 +1792 1793 +1794 1795 1796 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1826 in TN. James COPELAND was born in 1829 in TN. John COPELAND was born in 1829 in TN. Mahala COPELAND was born in 1831 in TN. Mary COPELAND was born in 1834 in GA. Alexander COPELAND (born in 1837). Joseph H. COPELAND (born on 24 Nov 1838). Issac COPELAND was born in 1839 in Benton/Calhoun Co., AL. He served in the military in 1863 in Civil War-1st AR Inf, Co F.. ix. Seaburn COPELAND (born in 1840). x. William COPELAND was born in 1843 in Benton Co., AR. xi. Jane E. COPELAND was born in 1846 in Benton Co., AR. 512. Newton William COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1812 in TN. I don't know about this one,but this is a holding point. Newton William COPELAND and Isabell KERR were married about 1834 in TN. Isabell KERR (daughter of Henry McNabb KERR and Catherine KILPATRICK) was born about 1815 in TN. Newton William COPELAND and Isabell KERR had the following children: +1797 +1798 i. Samuel William COPELAND (born in Sep 1835). ii. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born on 12 Nov 1841). 513. Nancy Margaret COPELAND (Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Dec 1825 in Overton Co, TN. She was born on 14 Dec 1825 in Overton County, Tennessee. She died on 12 Nov 1863 in Cooke Co., TX. She died on 12 Nov 1863 in Cooke Co., TX. Line 9554 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9555 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 Nancy Margaret COPELAND and John Couch BILBREY were married on 3 Apr 1849 in Overton Co., TN. John Couch BILBREY (son of Herrod 'Herd' BILBREY and Martha Patsy Nancy RAY) was born on 12 Apr 1829 in Overton Co, TN. He was born on 12 Apr 1829 in Spring Creek, Overton Co., TN. He was born about 1829 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died on 4 Jun 1907 in Stonewall Co., TX. He died on 4 Jun 1907 in Stonewall Co., TX. L Nancy Margaret COPELAND and John Couch BILBREY had the following children: 1799 +1800 +1801 +1802 1803 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Esau BILBREY was born in 1850 in Overton County, Tennessee. Martha Elizabeth BILBREY (born on 20 Jan 1850). Henry H BILBREY (born on 28 Dec 1853). Luther Myers BILBREY (born on 13 Feb 1856). Candance Adelias BILBREY was born on 14 Feb 1858. Line 9642 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: 138 Descendants of William COPELAND BIRT SOUR @@S49@@ Line 9644 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN 1804 Line 9645 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 4 JUN 1995 vi. John Vincent BILBREY was born on 19 Sep 1860. Line 9651 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT SOUR @@S49@@ 1900 - Texas Soundex, Dickens Co, Precinct #3 Vol ED S Ln Bilberry, J V head W Sep 1860 39 MO 31 54 12 16 -NE wife W Feb 1861 39 TN -LS son W Aug 1881 18 TX -EJ son W Dec 1882 17 TX -AR son W Aug 1885 14 TX -LD dau W Apr 1889 11 TX Line 9661 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN +1805 Line 9662 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 vii. William J BILBREY (born on 3 Jan 1863). 515. John Willis ELLIS (Sarah COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Nov 1795 in Sumner Co., TN. He died on 24 May 1863 in Dawson, Wright Co., MO. Rhoda JOHNSON was born John Willis ELLIS and Rhoda JOHNSON had the following children: 1806 1807 +1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Cecelia ELLIS was born in 1814. She died in 1900. Benjamin ELLIS was born in 1818. Susan Ann ELLIS (born in 1821). Gracie ELLIS was born in 1826. She died in 1896. Sarah ELLIS was born about 1828. John ELLIS was born in 1829. He died between 1861 and 1865. Mahala ELLIS was born in 1830. Mary Jane ELLIS was born in 1832. She died in 1917. John Willis ELLIS and Druzia Ann FLYNN were married about 1835. Druzia Ann FLYNN was born 522. Asa ELLIS (Sarah COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Jul 1817. He died on 20 Aug 1890 in Calif. Mary Ann 'Polly' ANSWORTH was born 139 Descendants of William COPELAND 528. William E. ELLIS (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jul 1799. He died on 29 Jan 1870 in Leon Co., TX. Ann died in Leon Co., TX. William E. ELLIS and Ann had the following children: +1814 i. Louisa ELLIS. 536. Elizabeth HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born FOWLER was born 537. Dorcas HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born BLAKELY was born 538. Sally HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born MCALLISTER was born 539. Lydia HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in TN. MAXWELL died before 1860. Lydia HELLUMS and MAXWELL had the following children: +1815 1816 i. Emily MAXWELL (born in 1826). ii. James M. MAXWELL was born in 1846 in TN. 542. Rachel C. HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born POE was born Rachel C. HELLUMS and John DILLARD were married on 25 Dec 1838 in McMinn Co, TN. John DILLARD was born 544. Susannah HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born BURKS was born 545. Anne HELLUMS (Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Anne HELLUMS and Ansil Isreal POE were married on 18 Oct 1838 in McMinn Co, TN. Ansil Isreal POE was born 549. Mary Jane COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 21 Jul 1812 in Madison Co, AL. George Washington HARRISON was born in 1810. He died in 1847 in Hardin Co., TN. Mary Jane COPELAND and George Washington HARRISON had the following children: 1817 1818 1819 i. Eliza HARRISON was born in 1831. ii. Joseph Taylor HARRISON was born on 12 Jan 1835. iii. Mary E. HARRISON was born in 1839. 140 Descendants of William COPELAND 1820 1821 1822 iv. Nancy Jane HARRISON was born in 1840. v. John Gillis HARRISON was born in 1844. vi. George Rucker HARRISON was born in 1846. Mary Jane COPELAND and John DUNCAN were married about 1855 in Hardin Co., TN. John DUNCAN was born in 1791. He died in 1867. Mary Jane COPELAND and John DUNCAN had the following children: 1823 i. Flora Annabelle DUNCAN was born in 1857. 550. Thomas S. COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 May 1815 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hardin Co., TN. He served in the military on 14 Jun 1862 in Civil War- 10th Regimental Inf Co G.-USA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1890 in Lutts, Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. living w/ son, William He died on 21 Feb 1904 in Whites Creek Cemetery, Hardin, TN. Fought as Pvt Co F,10th TN Inf,USA, enlisted 6/14/1862-5/20/1865 Thomas S. COPELAND and Elizabeth PATTERSON were married on 12 Aug 1833 in Lauderdale, AL. Elizabeth PATTERSON was born in 1817 in AL. She died about 1839. Thomas S. COPELAND and Elizabeth PATTERSON had the following children: +1824 +1825 1826 i. James B. COPELAND (born in 1834). ii. Daniel COPELAND (born in 1835). iii. Mary COPELAND was born in 1838 in Wayne Co, TN. daughter of Thomas and his first wife, living with James and Catherine in the 1850 census Thomas S. COPELAND and Martha A. QUALLS were married about 1843 in Wayne Co, TN. Martha A. QUALLS (daughter of Gater QUALLS) was born in 1823 in TN. She died on 3 Mar 1884 in Lutts Cemetery, Wayne Co, TN. Thomas S. COPELAND and Martha A. QUALLS had the following children: +1827 +1828 +1829 +1830 +1831 +1832 1833 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Jonathan B. COPELAND (born on 15 Jan 1845). Minerva Amanda COPELAND (born on 29 Mar 1847). Milly Ann COPELAND (born in 1850). Joseph Gills COPELAND (born in 1855). Hettie Louise COPELAND (born on 22 Feb 1857). William Thomas COPELAND (born in May 1860). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1866 in Hardin Co., TN. She died in 1880 in Hardin Co., TN. 551. Daniel G. COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Sep 1817 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He died about 1867 in Wayne Co., TN. Anabelle MCFADIAN was born in 1822 in NC. Daniel G. COPELAND and Anabelle MCFADIAN had the following children: 1834 1835 1836 1837 i. ii. iii. iv. James Neal COPELAND was born in 1847 in Wayne Co, TN. Mary COPELAND was born in 1849 in Wayne Co, TN. Nancy J. COPELAND was born in 1852 in TN. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1857 in Wheakly Co., TN. 552. James Dugal COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 May 1820 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 5 Apr 1905 in Wayne Co, TN. Josephine C. WILLIAMS was born in 1823 in TN. She died before 1860 in Wayne Co, TN. James Dugal COPELAND and Josephine C. WILLIAMS had the following children: 1838 i. Elizabeth Jane COPELAND was born in 1840 in Wayne Co, TN. 141 Descendants of William COPELAND +1839 +1840 1841 1842 +1843 1844 +1845 +1846 +1847 1848 +1849 +1850 +1851 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Eliza Eleanor COPELAND (born in 1842). Rachel Catherine COPELAND (born in 1844). Nancy Malinda COPELAND was born in 1846 in Wayne Co, TN. Sarah Annabelle COPELAND was born in 1849 in Wayne Co, TN. John Gillis COPELAND (born in 1863). Flora Mae COPELAND was born in 1866 in Wayne Co, TN. James Dugal COPELAND Jr. (born in 1865). William Brownlow COPELAND (born in 1867). Daniel Grady COPELAND (born in 1869). Arminda COPELAND was born Joseph Brown COPELAND (born on 25 Dec 1872). Neill S. COPELAND (born in 1876). Benjamin W. COPELAND (born in 1871). 553. William J. COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Oct 1822 in Madison Co, AL. He died about 1872 in Corinth, MS. Melissa MURPHY was born 554. Joseph Matthew COPELAND (James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 May 1825 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Wayne Co., TN. He died on 14 Jun 1889 in Wayne Co, TN. Sarah Way CYPERT was born on 22 May 1826 in TN. She died on 22 Aug 1893 in Wayne Co, TN. Wayne Co.,TN Bibles Joseph Matthew COPELAND and Sarah Way CYPERT had the following children: +1852 +1853 1854 1855 +1856 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Jemina Catherine COPELAND (born on 5 Apr 1845). Matthew Elihue COPELAND (born in Jan 1846). Mary COPELAND was born in 1847 in Wayne Co, TN. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1849 in Wayne Co, TN. Lydia Alice COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1858). 556. John COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1814 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in St. Clair Co., AL. He died about 1851 in St. Clair Co., AL. John COPELAND and Martha BAXTER were married about 1833 in AL. Martha BAXTER (daughter of Tilman BAXTER) was born on 9 Jul 1811 in TN. History of Baxter Family of DeKalb Co.,AL She appeared in the census in 1860 in Dekalb Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1870 in DeKalb Co, AL. She died on 1 Mar 1884 in Shiloh, AL. John COPELAND and Martha BAXTER had the following children: 1857 +1858 +1859 1860 1861 +1862 +1863 +1864 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Tillman R. COPELAND was born in 1834 in AL. Tennessee 'Tempa' COPELAND (born in 1834). Charolette COPELAND (born in 1838). Joseph COPELAND was born in 1840 in AL. Elizabeth COPELAND was born on 3 Jul 1843 in AL. She died in Shiloh cem., DeKalb Co., AL. Emily Jane COPELAND (born in 1844). Sellety Anna COPELAND (born in 1846). John C. COPELAND (born on 17 Dec 1851). 557. Jesse COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1815 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Benton co., AL. Jesse COPELAND and Rachel RICHEY were married in St. Clair Co., AL. Rachel RICHEY (daughter of Joseph RICHEY and Rachel) was born in 1820 in AL. Jesse COPELAND and Rachel RICHEY had the following children: 142 Descendants of William COPELAND 1865 1866 +1867 1868 i. ii. iii. iv. Joseph M. COPELAND was born in 1839 in AL. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1841 in AL. William Thomas COPELAND (born on 1 Jun 1843). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1847 in AL. 558. Wiley B. COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in Walker Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in moorehouse parish., LA. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-Co.C., Watkins BTTN-CSA. Joined @ Reserve, LA Paroled Monroe,6/10/1865. Living in Quachita Parish, LA He appeared in the census in 1870 in Morehouse Parish, LA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Richland Parish, LA. Wiley B. COPELAND and Mary CALVIN were married about 1843 in GA. Mary CALVIN was born in 1828 in GA. Wiley B. COPELAND and Mary CALVIN had the following children: 1869 +1870 +1871 +1872 1873 1874 +1875 +1876 +1877 +1878 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Calvin COPELAND was born in 1844 in Walker Co., GA. Samuel COPELAND (born in 1846). William COPELAND (born in 1849). Martha Jane COPELAND (born in 1851). Dotson COPELAND was born in 1852 in AL. He died before 1860 in AL. Richard COPELAND was born in 1856 in AL. Frances COPELAND (born in 1857). Amanda COPELAND (born in 1858). Margaret COPELAND (born in Dec 1860). Mary COPELAND (born in 1861). Martha VINSON was born in 1846 in SC. She died in 1886 in Richland Parish, LA. Wiley B. COPELAND and Martha VINSON had the following children: +1879 1880 +1881 1882 1883 +1884 i. Jesse Thomas. COPELAND (born in 1867). ii. Artissa COPELAND was born in 1869 in Richland Parish, LA. She died in 1941 in Jackson Parish, LA. iii. Louisiana COPELAND (born in 1872). iv. Henry COPELAND was born in 1876 in Richland Parish, LA. He died in 1896 in Richland Parish, LA. v. Wiley COPELAND was born in 1877 in Richland Parish, LA. He died after 1880 in Richland Parish, LA. vi. Mary Ella Victoria COPELAND (born on 29 Feb 1880). 559. Freeman COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in St. Clair Co., AL. He died about 1852. Freeman COPELAND and Susan BATTLES were married on 30 Sep 1845 in St. Clair Co., AL. Susan BATTLES (daughter of Archibald BATTLES and Amelia SOUTHERLAND) was born in 1830. She appeared in the census in 1860 in St. Clair Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Etowah Co. AL. living w/ son, James Freeman COPELAND and Susan BATTLES had the following children: +1885 1886 1887 +1888 1889 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Archibald COPELAND (born in 1844). Charolette COPELAND was born in 1848 in St. Clair Co., AL. Anna COPELAND was born in 1851 in St. Clair Co., AL. James F. COPELAND (born in 1863). Evaline COPELAND was born in 1865 in Etowah Co. AL. 560. Richard Neely COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in Morgan Co., AL. He died in Jun 1860 in St. Clair Co., AL. Died of consumption Richard Neely COPELAND and Susan Maryline HAFLEY were married on 3 Feb 1848 in St. Clair Co., AL. Susan 143 Descendants of William COPELAND Maryline HAFLEY was born on 7 Jul 1827 in TN. She died before 1860. She appeared in the census in 1860 in St. Clair Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. Richard Neely COPELAND and Susan Maryline HAFLEY had the following children: +1890 +1891 +1892 +1893 1894 1895 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William COPELAND (born in 1848). Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND (born in Apr 1850). James Cornelius COPELAND (born on 2 Mar 1853). Joseph COPELAND (born in 1852). Mark COPELAND was born in 1854 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. Neely COPELAND was born in 1859 in St. Clair Co., AL. 561. Lucinda Eveline COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in St. Clair Co., AL. John J. JORDAN was born 564. Rufus Franklin COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Jul 1865 in Attalla, Etowah Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in McLennan Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Limestone Co., TX. He died on 1 Jan 1938 in Hubbard Cem., Hubbard, Hill Co., TX. Rufus Franklin COPELAND and Luella WHITE were married on 20 Apr 1887 in Gadsden, Etowah co., AL. Luella WHITE was born in 1865 in AL. Rufus Franklin COPELAND and Luella WHITE had the following children: 1896 +1897 +1898 +1899 +1900 +1901 +1902 1903 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Mary Ann COPELAND was born in 1888 in Gadsden, Etowah co., AL. Charley COPELAND (born in 1891). Jesse Samuel COPELAND (born on 25 Jun 1893). Nora B. COPELAND (born in Aug 1895). Katie Estel COPELAND (born in 1897). Willie Lester COPELAND (born in 1902). Roxie lee COPELAND (born in 1905). Cecil COPELAND was born in 1908 in Limestone Co., TX. 565. Frances COPELAND (Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1867 in Etowah Co. AL. James Newton LITTLE was born 566. Christy COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Aug 1776 in VA. Christy COPELAND and Theodrick WEBB were married on 24 Oct 1789 in Franklin Co., VA. Theodrick WEBB was born 567. William Baldwin COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Oct 1777 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Harris Co, GA. He died on 9 Mar 1859 in Harris Co, GA. He was the first settler in Valley Plains,Harris Co.,GA. Justice of the inferior Court 1831-1833. He also lived in Clarke,Greene,Morgan Co.,GA. William Baldwin COPELAND and Elizabeth 'Betsy' DUNN were married on 12 May 1800 in Oglethrope Co., GA. Elizabeth 'Betsy' DUNN (daughter of Gatewood DUNN and Martha SWANSON) was born on 18 Apr 1784 in Henry Co., VA. She died in Oct 1836 in Harris Co., GA. William Baldwin COPELAND and Elizabeth 'Betsy' DUNN had the following children: +1904 i. Sarah COPELAND (born in 1801). 144 Descendants of William COPELAND +1905 +1906 +1907 +1908 +1909 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Peter Alexander COPELAND (born in 1802). Martha COPELAND (born on 5 May 1804). Baldwin COPELAND (born on 23 Mar 1807). William Baldwin COPELAND Jr. (born on 1 Oct 1810). Alexander COPELAND (born in 1815). William Baldwin COPELAND and Mary DUNN were married on 15 Dec 1839 in GA. Mary DUNN (daughter of Gatewood DUNN and Martha SWANSON) was born in 1777 in VA. 568. Richard 'Peter' COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1778 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Harris Co, GA. He died after 1850 in Harris Co, GA. Mary was born in 1787 in VA. Richard 'Peter' COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 1910 +1911 i. William COPELAND was born in 1811 in GA. ii. Alexander COPELAND (born in 1816). 569. Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in VA. Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Samuel SNOW were married on 18 Dec 1806 in Greene Co, GA. Samuel SNOW was born 570. Baldwin 'Baldy' COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jan 1782 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Henry Co., VA. He died about 1830 in VA. Elizabeth STOCKTON (daughter of Richard STOCKTON and Betsy COPELAND) was born in 1783 in VA. She died before 1860 in VA. Baldwin 'Baldy' COPELAND and Elizabeth STOCKTON had the following children: +1912 +1913 +1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. John COPELAND (born in 1803). William COPELAND (born on 20 Jan 1806). Thomas B. COPELAND (born in 1809). Jane COPELAND was born Mary COPELAND was born Elizabeth COPELAND was born Miranda COPELAND was born Susan COPELAND was born 571. John Thomas COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1784 in Henry Co., VA. He died on 20 Sep 1845 in Harris Co., GA. John migrated to GA via SC about 1798. He was a planter. His lands have since been acquired by University of GA. Robert Mosely served in the Rev. War from SC. John Thomas COPELAND and Penelope 'Polly" MOSELEY were married on 10 Apr 1806 in Putnam Co., GA. Penelope 'Polly" MOSELEY (daughter of Robert MOSELEY and Penelope TALLY) was born on 21 Feb 1788 in Edgefield District, SC. She died on 12 Sep 1844 in Eatonton, Putnam Co., GA. John Thomas COPELAND and Penelope 'Polly" MOSELEY had the following children: +1920 +1921 +1922 +1923 +1924 +1925 +1926 +1927 +1928 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Lucinda COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1807). Martha COPELAND (born on 23 Oct 1808). Simon Baker COPELAND (born on 15 Sep 1810). Alpheus Flournoy COPELAND (born on 3 Feb 1813). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1814). John Thomas COPELAND Jr (born on 16 Dec 1820). Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1823). William COPELAND (born on 17 Dec 1824). Robertus Marion COPELAND Sr. (born on 31 Mar 1828). 145 Descendants of William COPELAND 1929 x. Baldwin COPELAND was born on 13 Dec 1828 in Putnam Co., GA. 572. Elizabeth COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1786 in VA. She died in 1845 in GA. Elizabeth COPELAND and Edmond WEST were married in Aug 1802. Edmond WEST was born 573. Mildred COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 May 1788 in VA. She died on 8 Mar 1816 in GA. Jesse MOSELEY was born on 21 Mar 1784. 574. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Sep 1790 in VA. She died on 3 Dec 1847 in GA/TX. Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND and Daniel MOSELEY were married on 6 Mar 1809. Daniel MOSELEY was born 575. Nancy COPELAND (Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792. Must have been a child by another wife. Sarah died in 1790. Nancy COPELAND and William COOK were married on 9 May 1811 in Morgan Co, GA. William COOK was born 576. Mary COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Mar 1787 in Charles Co., VA. She died on 30 Nov 1845. Mary COPELAND and John Henry BROWN were married on 25 Sep 1806. John Henry BROWN was born 577. Elizabeth COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Sep 1788 in Charles Co., VA. She died on 10 Apr 1834 in Tallahasse, Florida. Elizabeth COPELAND and John PARKHILL were married on 31 Jan 1815. John PARKHILL was born 578. Peter COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1790 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. He died on 21 Jul 1821. Anne J SHEPARD was born 580. Charles Robert COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1794 in Henrico Co, VA. He died on 11 Feb 1879 in Muskigum Co., OH. Charles grew up in Richmond,VA . He moved to Ohio about 1814 and settled on a farm which his father had deeded to him in 1811. He built the first brick house in Madison TWP. They were Methodists. Charles Robert COPELAND and Evelina ADAMS were married on 25 Dec 1813 in Muskigum Co., OH. Evelina ADAMS (daughter of George ADAMS and Anna TURNER) was born in 1793 in Fauquier Co., VA. She died in 1878 in Muskigum Co., OH. Charles Robert COPELAND and Evelina ADAMS had the following children: 1930 1931 i. Rebecca COPELAND was born on 5 Oct 1815 in Muskigum Co., OH. She died on 13 Jan 1889 in OH.. ii. George COPELAND was born on 2 May 1817 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 17 Aug 1907 in 146 Descendants of William COPELAND +1932 +1933 +1934 1935 iii. iv. v. vi. 1936 vii. 1937 viii. +1938 1939 ix. x. 1940 xi. +1941 xii. OH.. Howard COPELAND (born on 6 Mar 1819). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 8 Mar 1821). Samuel COPELAND (born on 20 Feb 1823). Charles COPELAND was born on 19 Feb 1825 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 1 Jul 1828 in Muskigum Co., OH. Agnes COPELAND was born on 23 Mar 1827 in Muskigum Co., OH. She died on 7 Jul 1828 in Muskigum Co., OH. Anna COPELAND was born on 23 Mar 1827 in Muskigum Co., OH. She died on 3 Apr 1827 in OH. She died in 1827 in Muskigum Co., OH. James Summerfield COPELAND (born on 20 Aug 1829). Alexander COPELAND was born on 9 Nov 1831 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 21 May 1864 in OH.. Maria COPELAND was born on 4 Mar 1834 in Muskigum Co., OH. She died on 15 Mar 1920 in OH.. Henry M. COPELAND (born on 20 May 1837). 581. Alexander COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jul 1795 in Richmond, Henrico CO., VA. He died on 19 Jun 1841. ODEN was born 583. Robert COPELAND (Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 May 1799 in Richmond, VA. He died on 23 Nov 1865 in New Orleans, LA. He lived in New Orleans and was heavily in debt by 1836. He lived for a while in Baltimore,MD and may have died there Robert COPELAND and Sarah Ann LEECH were married on 13 Jun 1839. Sarah Ann LEECH was born Robert COPELAND and Sarah Ann LEECH had the following children: 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Maria COPELAND was born in 1840. Charles COPELAND was born in 1842. Edith COPELAND was born in 1844. Virginia COPELAND was born in 1846. Robert COPELAND Jr. was born in 1848. He died in 1885. 585. Elizabeth STOCKTON (Betsy COPELAND-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1783 in VA. She died before 1860 in VA. Baldwin 'Baldy' COPELAND (son of Richard Peter COPELAND and Sarah 'Sallie' DUNN) was born on 15 Jan 1782 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Henry Co., VA. He died about 1830 in VA. Elizabeth STOCKTON and Baldwin 'Baldy' COPELAND had the following children: +1912 +1913 +1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. John COPELAND (born in 1803). William COPELAND (born on 20 Jan 1806). Thomas B. COPELAND (born in 1809). Jane COPELAND. Mary COPELAND. Elizabeth COPELAND. Miranda COPELAND. Susan COPELAND. 586. Thomas COPELAND (William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in Pendleton, SC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Gwinnett Co. GA. Males 1001; Females 001 Thomas COPELAND and Margaret were married in 1818 in Gwinnett Co. GA. Margaret was born Thomas COPELAND 147 Descendants of William COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. J.N. COPELAND was born in 1821. William COPELAND was born in 1821. Matthew COPELAND was born in 1825. Silas S. COPELAND was born in 1828. Matilda COPELAND was born in 1836 in GA. John A. COPELAND was born in 1829. Wesley Thomas COPELAND was born on 21 Apr 1833 in GA. Rebecca COPELAND was born on 9 Jan 1833. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1838 in GA. THomas COPELAND was born in 1838. 587. Obediah Elijah COPELAND (William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in Pendleton, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in DeKalb Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Milton Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Milton Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Milton Co., GA. He died after 1880 in dekalb Co, ga. Sarah Rebecca JETT (daughter of James JETT and Rosana GREGORY) was born in 1799 in SC. Obediah Elijah COPELAND and Sarah Rebecca JETT had the following children: +1957 +1958 1959 +1960 +1961 +1962 1963 +1964 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Rosannah Minervia COPELAND (born on 29 Feb 1824). Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born in 1830). Eleanor COPELAND was born in 1833 in GA. Obediah Elijah COPELAND Jr. (born on 9 Jan 1834). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1838). Frances COPELAND (born in 1838). William Shallowford COPELAND was born in 1843 in GA. Rebecca Browning COPELAND (born in 1847). 588. Alexander COPELAND (William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1804 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Walker Co., AL. Alexander COPELAND and Sarah were married about 1856 in AL. Sarah was born in 1835 in AL. Alexander COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: 1965 1966 i. William COPELAND was born in 1857 in Walker Co., AL. ii. Peter COPELAND was born in 1859 in Walker Co., AL. 589. Obediah COPELAND (William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in SC. Obediah COPELAND and Leeann were married about 1840 in AL. Leeann was born in 1821 in AL. Obediah COPELAND and Leeann had the following children: +1967 +1968 1969 +1970 1971 +1972 1973 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William COPELAND (born in 1846). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1847). Anderson COPELAND was born in 1848 in Walker Co., AL. Andrew J. 'Andy' COPELAND (born in 1849). Rachel COPELAND was born in 1856 in Walker Co., AL. Nancy COPELAND (born in 1857). Arminda COPELAND was born in 1859 in Walker Co., AL. 591. Washington COPELAND (William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1813 in SC. 148 Descendants of William COPELAND Washington COPELAND and Patsy were married about 1846 in Walker Co., AL. Patsy was born in 1823 in AL. Washington COPELAND and Patsy had the following children: 1974 +1975 +1976 +1977 i. ii. iii. iv. Isiah COPELAND was born in 1847 in AL. James COPELAND (born in 1849). Andrew J. 'Andy' COPELAND (born in 1852). William COPELAND (born in 1854). 593. Obediah COPELAND Jr. (Obediah-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1780. He died in 1806 in Greene Co, GA. Obediah COPELAND Jr. and Susannah DORSEY were married on 19 Jan 1801 in Oglethorpe Co. GA. Susannah DORSEY (daughter of Elias DORSEY and Susannah BUSH) was born about 1780 in Oglethrope Co., GA. Obediah COPELAND Jr. and Susannah DORSEY had the following children: 1978 i. Obediah COPELAND was born in 1804 in Greene Co, GA. 594. Unity COPELAND (Obediah-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in VA. She died in Greene Co., GA. Unity COPELAND and Daniel DORSEY were married on 13 Nov 1808 in Henry Co., VA. Daniel DORSEY (son of Elias DORSEY and Susannah BUSH) was born in 1785 in VA. He died in Greene Co., GA. Unity COPELAND and Daniel DORSEY had the following children: 1979 1980 1981 1982 i. ii. iii. iv. Matthew Jackson DORSEY was born Susan O. DORSEY was born Elias D. DORSEY was born HS DORSEY was born 595. Colson COPELAND (Obediah-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1790. He was living in 1810 in Greene Co, GA. He served in the military in 1814 in Captain Thomas's Company, Artillery, GA Militia. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Dallas Co., TX. He appeared in the census in Wood Co., TX. Colson COPELAND and Mary 'Polly' SILVEY were married on 11 Nov 1807 in Oglethorpe Co. GA. Mary 'Polly' SILVEY was born Colson COPELAND and Martha RICHARDS were married on 1 Jul 1826 in Greene Co., GA. Martha RICHARDS (daughter of George RICHARDS and Lydia VINSON) was born in 1804. Caroline Clementine JONES was born in 1808 in GA. Colson COPELAND and Caroline Clementine JONES had the following children: +1983 +1984 +1985 1986 +1987 1988 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William COPELAND (born in 1822). Obediah COPELAND (born in 1824). James M. COPELAND (born in 1834). John N. COPELAND was born in 1832 in GA. William Jefferson COPELAND (born in 1841). Caroline COPELAND was born in 1841 in TX. 596. William COPELAND (Obediah-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chambers Co., AL. Farmer, Real Estate $800 William COPELAND and Nancy TALLY were married on 2 Jan 1816 in Greene Co, GA. Nancy TALLY was born in 1800 in TN. William COPELAND and Nancy TALLY had the following children: 1989 i. William COPELAND was born in 1831 in GA. 149 Descendants of William COPELAND 1990 1991 1992 ii. Nancy M. COPELAND was born in 1834. iii. Michael COPELAND was born in 1837 in Chambers Co., AL. iv. Matilda COPELAND was born in 1842 in Chambers Co., AL. 597. Frances COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1796 in Greene Co, GA. Frances COPELAND and Edmond LUCAS were married. Edmond LUCAS was born on 3 Apr 1790. He died on 21 Oct 1853 in Liberty Chapel, Attala Co., MS. 598. Sally COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798. Sally COPELAND and Stephen HIGHTOWER were married on 21 Dec 1815 in Greene Co, GA. Stephen HIGHTOWER was born 599. Mary COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in GA. Mary COPELAND and Mathew S. HIGHTOWER were married on 2 Oct 1821 in Greene Co, GA. Mathew S. HIGHTOWER was born 600. Nancy Bush COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in Greene Co, GA. She was living in 1850 in Attala Co. MS. She died in 1863 in Attala Co. MS. This information comes from the estate settlement of John and Nancy Copeland Nancy Bush COPELAND and Hardy BRIDGES were married on 17 Dec 1822 in Greene Co, GA. Hardy BRIDGES (son of John Hardy BRIDGES and Cherry POWELL) was born on 17 Dec 1801 in Wilkes Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He died in Jan 1854 in Attala Co. MS. Nancy Bush COPELAND and Hardy BRIDGES had the following children: +1993 +1994 +1995 +1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 +2001 +2002 +2003 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. John J. C. BRIDGES (born in 1824). Rebecca Dorsey BRIDGES (born in 1825). William Jasper BRIDGES (born on 21 Mar 1826). Sarah Ann Frances BRIDGES (born in 1829). Martha Ann BRIDGES was born in 1830 in Greene Co, GA. Elias Hardy BRIDGES was born in 1831 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 8 Sep 1864 in Civil War. Andrew Jackson BRIDGES was born in 1834 in Greene Co, GA. George Wiley BRIDGES was born in 1835 in Greene Co, GA. He died in 1864 in Civil War. Nancy BRIDGES (born in 1836). Mary Jane BRIDGES (born in 1838). Louisa Ellen BRIDGES (born about 1843). 601. John D. COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 22 Apr 1855 in Greene Co, GA. took over Nancy Dorsey Copeland's estate in 1833 Betsey Ann CREDILLE (daughter of Gray CREDILLE and Betsey) was born in 1808 in GA. She was born in 1818 in Greene Co, GA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Greene Co, GA. John D. COPELAND and Betsey Ann CREDILLE had the following children: 2004 2005 +2006 +2007 i. ii. iii. iv. Amariah H. COPELAND was born in 1831 in Greene Co, GA. Nancy Dorsey COPELAND was born in 1831 in Greene Co., GA. Obediah Gray COPELAND (born in 1833). William Henry COPELAND (born about 1836). 150 Descendants of William COPELAND 2008 +2009 +2010 +2011 +2012 2013 +2014 +2015 2016 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Nancy L. COPELAND was born in 1835. Reuben Wiley COPELAND (born on 20 May 1838). Miles G. COPELAND (born in 1839). Winifred A.. COPELAND (born on 31 Aug 1842). John Burton COPELAND (born in 1838). Thomas W. COPELAND was born in 1847 in Greene Co, GA. David E. COPELAND (born in 1849). Winnie F. COPELAND (born in 1851). Mary L. COPELAND was born in 1853 in Greene Co, GA. 602. Obediah COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Greene Co., GA. Obediah COPELAND and Sarah CREDILLE were married on 27 Mar 1830 in Greene Co., GA. Sarah CREDILLE (daughter of Gray CREDILLE and Betsey) was born in 1814 in GA. Obediah COPELAND and Sarah CREDILLE had the following children: 2017 +2018 2019 2020 2021 +2022 +2023 i. ii. iii. iv. ADaline COPELAND was born in 1830 in Greene Co, GA. John D. COPELAND (born on 6 Aug 1834). Mary A. COPELAND was born in 1837 in Greene Co, GA. William E. COPELAND was born in 1840 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Greene Co, GA. v. Sarah Ann E. COPELAND was born in 1843 in Greene Co, GA. vi. Henry G. COPELAND (born in 1845). vii. Edward Alexander COPELAND (born in 1849). 603. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Bush COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Aug 1807 in Greene Co, GA. She died on 24 Mar 1882 in Liberty Chapel, Attala Co., MS. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Bush COPELAND and John Alexander WASSON were married on 16 May 1833 in Greene Co, GA. FTM GA Marriage #226 shows 4/10/1833 John Alexander WASSON was born on 24 Oct 1807 in Iredell CO., NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 8 Oct 1880 in Liberty Chapel, Attala Co., MS. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Bush COPELAND and John Alexander WASSON had the following children: 2024 +2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. William J. WASSON was born in 1834 in Greene Co, GA. Matthew Daniel Dorsey WASSON (born in 1836). Nathan G. WASSON was born in 1838 in Greene Co, GA. James A. WASSON was born in 1842 in Greene Co, GA. Andsomida WASSON was born in 1844 in Greene Co, GA. David WASSON was born in 1846 in Greene Co, GA. Nancy E. WASSON was born in 1847 in Greene Co, GA. Cartwright WASSON was born in 1849 in Greene Co, GA. 604. Susanna D. COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1809 in GA. She was living in 1850 in Attala Co. MS. Susanna D. COPELAND and James BRIDGES were married on 26 Oct 1831 in Greene Co, GA. James BRIDGES (son of John Hardy BRIDGES and Cherry POWELL) was born on 10 Sep 1798 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 16 May 1878 in Liberty Chapel Cem., Attala Co., MS. Susanna D. COPELAND and James BRIDGES had the following children: 2032 2033 2034 2035 +2036 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Elizabeth BRIDGES was born in 1832 in Greene Co, GA. Nancy BRIDGES was born in 1836 in Greene Co, GA. Sarah BRIDGES was born in 1839 in Greene Co, GA. Anne Ellen BRIDGES was born in 1841 in Greene Co, GA. Henry Clay BRIDGES (born on 7 Apr 1843). 151 Descendants of William COPELAND 2037 vi. John BRIDGES was born in 1847 in Greene Co, GA. 605. Jasper Newton COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1812 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Greene Co, GA. He died in Nov 1863 in Ridge Grove Cem., Greene Co., GA. Jasper Newton COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth FURLOW were married on 28 Nov 1834 in Greene Co, GA. Mary Elizabeth FURLOW was born on 27 Sep 1814 in Greene Co., GA. She died in Oct 1897 in Ridge Grove Cem., Greene Co., GA. Jasper Newton COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth FURLOW had the following children: 2038 2039 2040 2041 i. ii. iii. iv. 2042 +2043 +2044 +2045 +2046 +2047 +2048 2049 +2050 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Sarah Isadora COPELAND was born in 1835 in Greene Co., TN. Thomas COPELAND was born in 1836 in Greene Co, GA. He died in 1864 in Civil War. John Wesley COPELAND was born in 1836 in Greene Co, GA. He died in 1865 in Civil War. James Obediah COPELAND was born in 1840 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 3 Jul 1863 in Civil War-Gettysberg, PA. Henrietta COPELAND was born in 1842 in Greene Co, GA. Albert H. COPELAND (born on 13 Jun 1845). Anna Virginia COPELAND (born on 30 Jan 1847). Jasper Newton COPELAND Jr. (born in 1848). Rowan Ward COPELAND (born in 1849). Mary N. COPELAND (born in 1851). Elizabeth R. COPELAND (born in 1853). Cornelia COPELAND was born in 1855 in Greene Co, GA. Cornelius E. COPELAND (born on 30 Mar 1860). 606. Elias Dorsey COPELAND (John D.-6, John-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1811 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Pike Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Pike Co., GA. Elias Dorsey COPELAND and Juday SANDERS were married on 21 Jul 1834 in Greene Co, GA. Juday SANDERS was born in 1815 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. living with Julia widow of Alexander Elias Dorsey COPELAND and Juday SANDERS had the following children: 2051 2052 2053 +2054 2055 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John COPELAND was born in 1836 in Greene Co, GA. William COPELAND was born in 1841 in Greene Co, GA. Jasper COPELAND was born in 1843 in Greene Co, GA. Emariah 'Emma' COPELAND (born on 13 Sep 1841). Frances COPELAND was born in 1848 in Greene Co, GA. 614. Hezekiah JONES (Nancy LASATER-6, Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1807. He died in Jan 1863 in Cherokee Co., TX. Jane J. ROHODESS was born 616. Martha E. LASATER (Abner-6, Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in TN. She died between 1870 and 1880 in TN. Stephen A. PYLAND was born between 1814 and 1817 in TN. Martha E. LASATER and Stephen A. PYLAND had the following children: 2056 i. Abner Franklin PYLAND was born in May 1850 in Franklin CO, TN. 617. Abner LASATER (Abner-6, Elizabeth 'Libby' COPELAND-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1820 in TN. He died on 26 Sep 1898 in Jefferson Co., KS. 152 Descendants of William COPELAND Abner LASATER and Matilda STRICKLAND were married on 4 Jul 1843 in Buchanan Co., MO. Matilda STRICKLAND was born 621. Zana Lasater COPELAND (Eli-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Wayne, Dioniphan Co., KS. He died after 1893 in Buchanan Co., MO. Zana Lasater COPELAND and Celia LEWIS were married on 15 Sep 1867 in Buchanan Co., MO. Celia LEWIS was born in 1831 in KY. Martha Jane MICHAEL was born in 1830 in TN. Zana Lasater COPELAND and Martha Jane MICHAEL had the following children: 2057 2058 i. Fannie COPELAND was born in 1870 in KS. ii. Fredie COPELAND was born in 1872 in KS. 622. David COPELAND (Eli-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in St. Louis Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in St. Louis Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1900 in St. Louis Co., MO. Isabella was born David COPELAND and Isabella had the following children: 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Alfred COPELAND was born Laura COPELAND was born Martha COPELAND was born Cora COPELAND was born Lavenia COPELAND was born died young Ella COPELAND was born Minnie COPELAND was born died young Essie COPELAND was born John COPELAND was born 628. John W. COPELAND (John-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Buchanan Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Buchanan Co., MO. Mary was born in 1848 in MS. John W. COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 i. Mary Jane COPELAND was born in 1859 in Indian Territory. She died before 1870 in Buchanan Co., MO. ii. William COPELAND was born in 1860 in MO. iii. Charles COPELAND was born in 1862 in MO. iv. John H. COPELAND was born in 1866 in MO. v. Dixie COPELAND was born in 1869 in MO. vi. Mary COPELAND was born in 1872 in MO. vii. Frederick COPELAND was born in 1874 in MO. viii. Gracie COPELAND was born in 1878 in MO. 632. Henry McGee COPELAND (Johnson-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Apr 1829 in Chatham Co., NC. He died on 12 Jun 1912 in sScotsburg, Douglas Co., OR. Henry McGee COPELAND and Ellen MCGONIGIL were married about 1849 in Ray Co., MO. Ellen MCGONIGIL was born in 1830 in IL. Henry McGee COPELAND and Ellen MCGONIGIL had the following children: 2076 i. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1852 in Ray Co., MO. 153 Descendants of William COPELAND 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Eli COPELAND was born in 1857 in Ray Co., MO. Cresina COPELAND was born in 1859 in Ray Co., MO. Cardilla COPELAND was born in 1863 in Ray Co., MO. Cand COPELAND was born in 1867 in Ray Co., MO. Royal COPELAND was born in 1870 in Ray Co., MO. 633. Mary Ann COPELAND (Johnson-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in MO. Mary Ann COPELAND and Henderson RONE were married about 1857 in Ray Co., MO. Henderson RONE was born in 1836 in MO. Mary Ann COPELAND and Henderson RONE had the following children: 2082 2083 2084 i. Elijah RONE was born in 1857 in Ray Co., MO. ii. Adaline RONE was born in 1858 in Ray Co., MO. iii. Christian RONE was born in 1860 in Ray Co., MO. 634. Sarah COPELAND (Johnson-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in MO. HUTCHINSON was born 635. Elizabeth COPELAND (Johnson-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in MO. HOTCHKISS was born 636. Thomas Benton COPELAND (Johnson-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Mar 1850 in St. Louis Co., MO. He died on 31 Oct 1919 in Douglas Co., OR. Thomas Benton COPELAND and Lillie Dale JONES were married on 31 Oct 1866 in Oakland, Douglas Co., OR. Lillie Dale JONES was born in 1866. She died in 1933. 637. Morgan COPELAND (Able-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Buchanan Co., MO. Margaret was born in 1831 in MO. 650. William Henry PATTERSON (Frances A. COPELAND-6, John-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1845. Mary MOUTRY was born William Henry PATTERSON and Mary MOUTRY had the following children: 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 +2093 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. John PATTERSON was born Sarah PATTERSON was born Mary PATTERSON was born Ora PATTERSON was born Lucy PATTERSON was born Edd PATTERSON was born Harvey PATTERSON was born Bessie PATTERSON was born James Allen PATTERSON (born on 21 Dec 1872). 654. Nathan S. COPELAND (Levi-6, David-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in Chatham Co, , NC. He served in the military on 20 Sep 1862 in Civil War 35th NC Inf Co., D. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Chatham Co, , NC. 154 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary Ann CLARK was born in 1846 in NC. Nathan S. COPELAND and Mary Ann CLARK had the following children: +2094 2095 +2096 2097 2098 2099 +2100 +2101 +2102 +2103 i. William Archie COPELAND (born in 1868). ii. Eli COPELAND was born in 1869 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died before 1880 in Chatham Co, , NC. iii. Lonnie Leonidas COPELAND (born on 8 Nov 1869). iv. Elizabeth 'Bettie' COPELAND was born in 1870 in Chatham Co, , NC. v. Charles S. COPELAND was born on 24 Jan 1871 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died on 23 Nov 1934. vi. Robert COPELAND was born in 1872 in Chatham Co, , NC. vii. Lee COPELAND (born in 1874). viii. John R. COPELAND (born in 1876). ix. Lucian S. COPELAND (born on 9 Jan 1880). x. Delphus S. COPELAND (born on 28 Oct 1885). 656. Malinda COPELAND (Levi-6, David-5, James-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Apr 1838 in Chatham Co, , NC. She died on 24 Feb 1918 in Chatham Co., NC. Malinda COPELAND and Robert Daniel HACKNEY Jr. were married on 14 Feb 1861 in Chatham Co. , NC. Robert Daniel HACKNEY Jr. (son of Rev. Robert Daniel HACKNEY and Mary) was born on 10 Sep 1840 in Chatham Co., NC. He died on 10 Sep 1917 in Chatham Co., NC. Malinda COPELAND and Robert Daniel HACKNEY Jr. had the following children: 2104 2105 i. James HACKNEY was born in 1862 in Chatham Co., NC. ii. Mary Frances HACKNEY was born 659. Willis COPELAND (William-6, Willis-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 9 Nov 1816 in Staunton, Augusta Co., VA. He died on 13 Jan 1899 in Beaver, Beaver Co., UT. Willis COPELAND and Amelia Andrew ANGIER were married on 24 Jul 1859 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. Amelia Andrew ANGIER was born on 18 Mar 1837 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. She died on 13 Mar 1915 in Beaver, Beaver Co., UT. Willis COPELAND and Amelia Andrew ANGIER had the following children: 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 i. Walter Willis COPELAND was born on 25 Mar 1862 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. He died on 7 Aug 1931 in Lakeside, Navajo Co., AZ. ii. Irene COPELAND was born on 5 Dec 1868 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. She died on 8 Oct 1897 in Pima, Graham Co., AZ. iii. Margaret COPELAND was born on 11 Jan 1875 in Beaver, Beaver Co., UT. She died on 11 May 1960 in Phoenix AZ. iv. Charlotte COPELAND was born on 1 Jul 1860 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. She died on 15 Nov 1861 in Springville, UT. v. Sarah COPELAND was born on 22 Jun 1864 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. She died on 11 Jul 1944 in Odgen, Weber Co., UT. vi. Albert M. COPELAND was born on 29 Jun 1866 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. He died on 4 Jul 1933 in Mesa, AZ. vii. Rachel Varian COPELAND was born on 5 Jul 1878 in Beaver, Beaver Co., UT. She died on 15 Oct 1960. viii. Henry 'Joseph' COPELAND was born on 27 Jul 1871 in Beaver, Beaver Co., UT. He died on 16 Jan 1937 in Phoenix AZ. 664. George M. COPELAND (Warner M.-6, William-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jul 1826. George M. COPELAND and Delilah M. HALL were married on 7 Nov 1847 in Shelby Co., IN. Delilah M. HALL was born George M. COPELAND and Delilah M. HALL had the following children: 2114 2115 i. Malissa J. COPELAND was born in 1849. ii. Lucretia COPELAND was born in 1850. 155 Descendants of William COPELAND 2116 2117 iii. Nancy E. COPELAND was born in 1853. iv. Mary E. COPELAND was born in 1855. 672. Charles Wesley COPELAND (Warner M.-6, William-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 2 Jul 1847 in Shelby Co., IN. He died on 18 Jan 1911 in Elliot, IA. Charles Wesley COPELAND and Martha Ann SHEARER were married on 13 Nov 1870 in Wapello CO., IA. Martha Ann SHEARER was born on 29 May 1845 in IN. She died on 3 Jan 1911 in Elliot, IA. Charles Wesley COPELAND and Martha Ann SHEARER had the following children: +2118 2119 +2120 2121 2122 +2123 i. Minnie Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 21 Aug 1871). ii. John Warner COPELAND died about 1873 in Wapello CO., IA. He was born on 3 Sep 1873 in Wapello CO., IA. iii. Myrtle May COPELAND (born on 27 Aug 1875). iv. Sarah F. COPELAND was born on 15 Sep 1879 in Wapello CO., IA. She died on 15 Sep 1879 in Wapello CO., IA. v. Charles Edgar COPELAND was born on 9 Feb 1881 in Wapello CO., IA. vi. Cora Jane COPELAND (born on 13 Jul 1883). 675. Robert L. COPELAND (Richard-6, John-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in Dec 1848 in Hardeman Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Titus Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Titus Co., TX. He died in Mt. Pleasant, Titus CO., TX. Robert L. COPELAND and Sarah DEBBY were married in 1891 in Hardin Co., TN. Sarah DEBBY was born in Nov 1877 in TN. Robert L. COPELAND and Sarah DEBBY had the following children: +2124 +2125 +2126 +2127 i. ii. iii. iv. Verna COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1892). Robert Claude COPELAND (born on 20 Feb 1896). Stella COPELAND (born on 9 Feb 1901). Celle T. COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1903). 677. Martin L COPELAND (Richard-6, John-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1856 in Hardeman Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Hardin Co., TN. Martin L COPELAND and Elener were married in 1892 in Hardin Co., TN. Elener was born in Aug 1877 in Hardin Co., TN. Martin L COPELAND and Elener had the following children: 2128 2129 +2130 2131 i. Lula COPELAND was born in Apr 1895 in Hardin Co., TN. ii. Parker H. COPELAND was born on 9 Aug 1899 in Hardin Co., TN. He died in 1947 in Caruthersville, MO. iii. Joseph COPELAND (born in 1905). iv. Ethel COPELAND was born in 1908 in Hardin Co., TN. 681. Jesse Richard COPELAND (Richard-6, John-5, Henry-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1866 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Hardin Co., TN. He died after 1930 in Hardin Co., TN. Jesse Richard COPELAND had the following children: 2132 i. Ella COPELAND was born in Jan 1894 in TN. Jesse Richard COPELAND and Josie were married about 1901 in Hardin Co., TN. Josie was born in 1880 in AL. Jesse Richard COPELAND and Josie had the following children: 2133 +2134 i. Timothy V. COPELAND was born in 1904 in Hardin Co., TN. ii. Cecil H. COPELAND (born in 1906). 156 Descendants of William COPELAND 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 iii. S.D. COPELAND was born in 1908 in Hardin Co., TN. iv. DOM COPELAND was born in 1911 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Hardin Co., TN. living w/ brother, Cecil v. Richard M. COPELAND was born in 1913 in Hardin Co., TN. vi. Glen C. COPELAND was born in 1915 in Hardin Co., TN. vii. V.C. COPELAND was born in 1918 in Hardin Co., TN. 683. Benjamin COPELAND (John Washington-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 2 Apr 1798 in Lincoln Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hart Co., KY. He died on 22 Oct 1878 in Hart Co., KY. Elizabeth was born in 1805 in KY. 684. Thomas COPELAND (John Washington-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jun 1799. He died on 27 Jan 1876. Thomas COPELAND and jane JEFFERIES were married in 1839 in Hart Co., KY. Jane JEFFERIES was born in 1823 in KY. Thomas COPELAND and jane JEFFERIES had the following children: +2140 2141 2142 2143 +2144 2145 +2146 +2147 2148 2149 i. John COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1840). ii. Mary Ann COPELIN was born on 25 Apr 1842 in Hart Co., KY. She died on 15 Jan 1875 in Hart Co., KY. iii. Sarah elizabeth COPELIN was born in 1843 in Hart Co., KY. iv. Benjamin C. COPELAND was born on 10 Apr 1845 in Hart Co., KY. He died on 2 Jan 1864 in Civil War. v. David J. COPELAND (born in 1846). vi. Jacob C. COPELAND was born on 13 Apr 1848 in Hart Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hart Co., KY. He died on 3 Aug 1915 in Hart Co., KY. vii. Thomas A. COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1850). viii. Ezekial F. COPELAND (born on 12 Mar 1853). ix. Melissa COPELIN was born in 1855 in Hart Co., KY. x. Nancy COPELIN was born on 25 Apr 1856 in Hart Co., KY. She died on 15 Jan 1875 in Hart Co., KY. 688. Hannah COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 5 Feb 1797 in Garrod Co., KY. She died on 4 Jan 1866 in Orange Co, IN. Hannah COPELAND and Richard BEESON were married in Orange Co, IN. Richard BEESON was born 689. Delilah COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1799 in Garrod Co., KY. Delilah COPELAND and Daniel SHERWOOD were married on 16 Dec 1819 in Orange Co, IN. Daniel SHERWOOD was born Delilah COPELAND and James KELLAMS were married on 7 Oct 1823 in Parke Co., N. James KELLAMS was born 690. Esther COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in Garrod Co., KY. Richard RICHARDSON was born 691. Issac COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Garrod 157 Descendants of William COPELAND Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Ozark Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Ozark Co., MO. He died on 14 Aug 1866 in Lize Friend Graveyard, Ozark, MO. Lived in KY,IND,and MO Issac COPELAND and Margaret were married in 1824. Margaret was born in 1806 in NC. Issac COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: +2150 +2151 +2152 +2153 2154 +2155 +2156 +2157 +2158 +2159 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Thomas COPELAND (born in 1825). Mary Jane COPELIN (born in 1827). John R. COPELAND (born in 1829). Nancy COPELIN (born on 22 Dec 1830). Elias COPELAND was born in 1833 in IN.. He died before 1866. Richard COPELAND (born in 1835). Rachel COPELIN (born in 1838). Lusana COPELIN (born in 1840). Elvira COPELIN (born in 1842). Margaret 'Hannah' COPELIN (born in 1844). 692. Simon COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 7 Sep 1805 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Paoli, Orange Co., IN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 2 Sep 1886 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. Simon and wife Nancy moved to Orange Co.,IN in 1841. Simon COPELAND and Syria GRISSON were married on 4 Jan 1824 in Orange Co, , NC. Syria GRISSON was born Simon COPELAND and Syria GRISSON had the following children: 2160 +2161 +2162 i. Ira N. COPELAND was born on 18 Feb 1829. He died on 29 Jan 1865 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. ii. Mary A. COPELAND (born in 1831). iii. Elisha Braxton COPELAND (born on 16 Apr 1834). Nancy COLLINS was born on 10 May 1815 in NC. She died on 17 Apr 1902 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. Simon COPELAND and Nancy COLLINS had the following children: +2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 i. James H. COPELAND (born in 1838). ii. Martha E. COPELAND was born on 8 Jul 1839. She died on 14 Jun 1844 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. iii. Cyrus COPELAND was born on 9 Dec 1844 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 2 Aug 1867 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. iv. William A. COPELAND was born in 1846 in Orange Co, IN. He died in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. v. Caroline COPELAND was born on 11 Jul 1848 in Orange Co, IN. She died on 19 Apr 1869 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. vi. Thomas F. COPELAND was born on 9 Nov 1850 in Orange Co., IN. He died on 2 Jul 1878 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. vii. Alexander COPELAND was born on 25 Jul 1854 in Orange Co., IN. He died on 14 Sep 1879 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. viii. Sarah Jane COPELAND was born on 22 Jul 1857 in IN. She died on 10 Jan 1876 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. ix. Julia A. COPELAND was born on 14 Aug 1860 in Orange Co., IN. She died on 6 Mar 1880 in Beech Grove Cem., Paoli, Orange Co., IN. 693. Nancy COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in KY. Nancy COPELAND and John CLEMENS were married on 15 Apr 1827 in Orange Co, IN. John CLEMENS was born 694. Elias COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in KY. 158 Descendants of William COPELAND He died about 1868. Elias COPELAND and Sarah MCCUNE were married on 10 Sep 1833 in Orange Co, IN. Sarah MCCUNE was born Elias COPELAND and Sarah MCCUNE had the following children: +2172 +2173 2174 +2175 2176 2177 2178 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Mary Ann COPELIN (born in 1833). John COPELAND (born in 1835). James COPELAND was born in 1840. He died on 14 Aug 1862 in Allen Co., KS. William COPELAND (born in 1841). Nancy Jane COPELIN was born in 1844. Sarah E. COPELIN was born in 1846. Benjamin Blackwell COPELAND was born on 1 Aug 1848 in Greene Co., IN. He died on 27 Aug 1920. Elias COPELAND and Mary KELLY were married on 6 Nov 1861 in Allen Co., KS. Mary KELLY was born 695. Martha Matilda COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 10 Feb 1813 in Orange Co, IN. She died on 11 Apr 1904 in Wayne Co., IL. Martha Matilda COPELAND and Jacob O. FEATHER were married on 5 Dec 1829 in Orange Co., IN. Jacob O. FEATHER was born 696. Robert Montgomery COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 22 May 1815 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 17 Oct 1877 in IL. Robert Montgomery COPELAND and Esther CLEMENTS were married on 6 Apr 1837 in Orange Co, IN. Esther CLEMENTS was born 697. Rachel COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 12 Aug 1817 in Orange Co, IN. She died on 1 Oct 1896 in Orange Co, IN. Rachel COPELAND and Reuben STOUT were married on 20 Dec 1840 in Orange Co, IN. Reuben STOUT was born Rachel COPELAND and John B. MAGILL were married on 20 Aug 1851 in Orange Co, IN. John B. MAGILL was born 698. Sarah COPELAND (Thomas-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1820. Sarah COPELAND and Walter ALSPAUGH were married on 17 Aug 1843 in Orange Co, IN. Walter ALSPAUGH was born 699. Nathan WOLF (Sarah 'Sally' COPELIN-6, Jacob John-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jan 1811 in Booneville, KY. He died on 3 Apr 1886 in Wayne Co., IN. Nathan WOLF and Nancy Agnes WOMACK were married in 1841 in Garrod Co., KY. Nancy Agnes WOMACK was born on 11 Mar 1818 in Bowling Green, Butler Co., KY. She died on 16 Nov 1900 in Wayne Co., IN. Nathan WOLF and Nancy Agnes WOMACK had the following children: 2179 i. John Alexander WOLF was born in 1842. 700. John SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jan 1794. He died in May 1853. 159 Descendants of William COPELAND Lucy SHAFFER was born Elizabeth BILBY was born 701. Elizabeth SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1796. She died on 8 Aug 1872 in Shelby Co., IN. Elizabeth SHIPP and Samuel SANDEFUR were married on 1 Aug 1814 in Green Co., KY. Samuel SANDEFUR was born 702. William SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 23 Jul 1798. He died on 21 May 1883. William SHIPP and Polly KELLY were married on 26 Oct 1820. Polly KELLY was born 703. Nancy SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1799. She died on 1 Mar 1883. WAGONER was born 705. Annie SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 19 Feb 1792. She died in Jan 1864. Annie SHIPP and Samuel HARDING were married in 1817. Samuel HARDING was born 706. Martha SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 30 Apr 1803. She died on 31 Mar 1864. Martha SHIPP and Tandy BROCKMAN were married on 21 Dec 1820. Tandy BROCKMAN was born 707. Austin SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 5 May 1805. Louisa FARNSWORTH was born 708. Joseph SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jun 1813. He died in 1852 in Frankfort, IN. Joseph SHIPP and Mary Ann BARNETT were married on 25 Dec 1832. Mary Ann BARNETT was born 709. Thomas SHIPP (Mary COPELIN-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 30 Oct 1805. Thomas SHIPP and Martha KELLY were married on 5 Mar 1831. Martha KELLY was born 710. Mary COPELIN (John-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Mercer Co., KY. Mary COPELIN and John G. PHILLIPS were married on 19 Aug 1816 in Mercer Co., KY. John G. PHILLIPS was born Mary COPELIN and John ULSE were married in 1840 in Oldham Co., KY. John ULSE was born in Oldham Co., KY. 160 Descendants of William COPELAND 711. Elizabeth COPELIN (John-6, James-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born about 1798 in Mercer Co., KY. Elizabeth COPELIN and David BURNETT were married on 11 Oct 1814 in Mercer Co., KY. David BURNETT was born 720. Eliza Flora COPELAND(COPLIN) (Benjamin-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1821. Eliza Flora COPELAND(COPLIN) and Stephen POWELL were married in 1840. Stephen POWELL was born in 1819 in Bridgeport, Harrison Co., WVA. He died on 7 Apr 1853 in Harrison Co., WV. 721. Rachel COPELAND (David-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 15 Oct 1821 in Harrison Co., VA. Jacob V. HICKMAN was born in 1817 in VA. 723. Elza COPELAND (David-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Harrison Co., VA. Manerva was born in 1776. 729. Druzilla COPELAND (David-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in Harrison Co., VA. John MASON was born in 1786 in VA. 730. Elizabeth Ann COPELAND (David-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in Harrison Co., VA. William HOPKINS was born in 1788 in VA. 731. Josina COPELAND (David-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1794 in Harrison Co., VA. John ELLIOT was born in 1790. 746. John COPELAND (Thomas-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 7 Jun 1819 in IN. He died on 22 Dec 1887. Elizabeth ROBBINS was born John COPELAND and Elizabeth ROBBINS had the following children: +2180 2181 +2182 +2183 2184 +2185 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William COPELAND. John COPELAND was born Sally COPELAND. Betty COPELAND. Thomas COPELAND was born Elizabeth COPELAND. 161 Descendants of William COPELAND 2186 +2187 +2188 2189 2190 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Matty COPELAND was born Margaret COPELAND. Jane COPELAND. Aaron COPELAND was born Elijah COPELAND was born 747. Moses COPELAND (Thomas-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 10 Jun 1822 in Jefferson Co., IN. Mary KISER was born Moses COPELAND and Mary KISER had the following children: +2191 2192 2193 2194 i. ii. iii. iv. Taylor S. COPELAND Sr. (born on 19 Mar 1849). Mary COPELAND was born Sarah COPELAND was born Woodie COPELAND was born 748. Small Wood 'Woodie' COPELAND (Thomas-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 24 Oct 1824 in IN. Mary FIRTH was born Small Wood 'Woodie' COPELAND and Mary FIRTH had the following children: 2195 2196 2197 i. Frank COPELAND was born ii. Willie COPELAND was born iii. Mae COPELAND was born 751. Eleanor P COPELAND (James-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1823. John H. WARFIELD was born 753. Allen Wiley COPELAND (James-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born in 1830 in Jefferson Co., IN. Allen Wiley COPELAND had the following children: 2198 i. Martin Walter COPELAND was born lived KS,CO, OK 774. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (Wesley-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 28 Apr 1833 in Ripley Co., IN. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND and Harvey M. CRANOR were married on 5 Jul 1854. Harvey M. CRANOR was born 777. Nancy Ellen COPELAND (Wesley-6, Samuel A.-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, William-2, William-1) was born on 27 May 1843 in Savannah, Andrew Co., MO. She died on 6 Feb 1860. SCOTT was born 162 Descendants of William COPELAND Eighth Generation 778. William GOGGIN (Elizabeth CARTY-7, Sarah COPELAND-6, John-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born Margaret LOVE was born William GOGGIN and Margaret LOVE had the following children: +2199 i. Elizabeth GOGGIN. 781. Sarah Rebecca COPELAND (Nathan-7, William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Aug 1854 in Moore Co, NC. She died on 11 Jul 1928 in Bethlehem Baptist CH. Cem., Moore Co., NC. Richard WILLIAMS was born 784. Tabitha COPELAND (William-7, William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Nov 1830 in Chowan Co, NC. She died in Rockingham, NC. John C. THOMAS was born in Richmond Co., NC. Tabitha COPELAND and Rev. A.S. NELSON were married in 1851. Rev. A.S. NELSON was born Tabitha COPELAND and Rev. A.S. NELSON had the following children: 2200 i. Walter B. NELSON was born in 1852. 786. William Baxter COPELAND (William-7, William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Oct 1834 in Chowan Co, NC. He died on 24 May 1909 in Eagle Springs, Moore CO, NC. He was buried in Bensalem Cem., Eagle Springs, Moore Co., NC. William Baxter COPELAND and Elizabeth COLE were married on 2 Jan 1860 in Moore Co, NC. Elizabeth COLE (daughter of Elisha COLE and Fannie RAWSON) was born on 8 Nov 1840 in Moore Co, NC. She died on 9 Jan 1928 in Eagle Springs, Moore CO, NC. She was buried in Bensalem Cem., Eagle Springs, Moore Co., NC. William Baxter COPELAND and Elizabeth COLE had the following children: +2201 +2202 +2203 2204 i. ii. iii. iv. +2205 +2206 2207 v. vi. vii. 2208 viii. +2209 +2210 ix. x. John Andrew Triplet COPELAND (born on 2 Nov 1860). Stokes Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (born on 2 Feb 1863). James Elisha Bledsoe COPELAND (born on 26 Apr 1866). Fannie Jane Elizabeth COPELAND was born on 10 Feb 1868 in Moore Co, NC. She died on 8 Jun 1870 in Moore Co, NC. Mary Tabitha Catherine COPELAND (born on 26 Jan 1870). William Baxter Phillips COPELAND (born on 10 Nov 1871). Peter George Washington COPELAND was born on 2 Nov 1873 in Eagle Springs, Moore CO, NC. He died between 1941 and 1945 in Eagle Springs, Moore CO, NC. Barbara Ann Mariah COPELAND was born on 10 Dec 1875 in Moore Co, NC. She died on 6 Jun 1891 in Moore Co, NC. Jesse Thomas Garfield COPELAND (born on 30 Jul 1879). Charles Bliss 'Doctor' COPELAND (born on 7 Sep 1881). 788. Jane Abigail COPELAND (William-7, William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Feb 1840 in Moore Co, NC. She died 2/29/1911 in Moore Co, NC. Daniel CAMPBELL was born 789. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (William-7, William-6, William-5, William-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was 163 Descendants of William COPELAND born on 9 Oct 1843 in Moore Co, NC. Seth COX was born 790. Rebecca COPELAND (James-7, James-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1817. George BRADSHAW was born in 1818 in Franklin Co., AL. Rebecca COPELAND and George BRADSHAW had the following children: 2211 i. James BRADSHAW was born in 1845 in AL. 791. Alexander Nickolas COPELAND (James-7, James-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Searcy Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Searcy Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Stone Co., AR. He died on 25 May 1901 in Alco, Stone Co., AR. Alexander Nickolas COPELAND and Susan MAYBERRY were married in 1849 in Wayne Co, TN. Susan MAYBERRY was born on 5 Mar 1826 in Landis, Stone Co., AR. She died on 23 Sep 1881 in Alco, Stone Co., AR. Alexander Nickolas COPELAND and Susan MAYBERRY had the following children: +2212 +2213 +2214 2215 2216 +2217 +2218 +2219 +2220 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 3 Jun 1850). Katherine COPELAND (born in 1853). Amanda COPELAND (born in 1855). Louisa COPELAND was born in 1856. Andre COPELAND was born in 1857. Alexander Nicholas COPELAND Jr. (born in 1859). Orain COPELAND (born in 1859). Ulysis S. Grant COPELAND (born in 1869). Nellie COPELAND (born in 1875). Alexander Nickolas COPELAND and Nancy Jane FREEMAN were married on 11 May 1881 in Big Flat, Stone Co., AR. Nancy Jane FREEMAN was born on 5 Aug 1865 in Tomahawk TWP, Searcy Co., AR. She died on 5 Mar 1926 in Landis, Searcy Co., AR. Alexander Nickolas COPELAND and Nancy Jane FREEMAN had the following children: +2221 +2222 +2223 +2224 +2225 2226 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Nora COPELAND (born on 3 Mar 1883). Iciphine Melissa COPELAND (born on 18 Aug 1884). Thomas Newton COPELAND (born on 3 Mar 1877). Joseph Frank COPELAND (born on 23 Nov 1889). Tolly Roscoe COPELAND (born on 1 May 1891). Melissa Millard COPELAND was born on 18 Jun 1893 in Alco, Stone Co., AR. 802. Willis COPELAND (Willis-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1812 in TN. Lucy was born in 1814 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Izard Co., Ar. Willis COPELAND and Lucy had the following children: +2227 +2228 2229 +2230 2231 2232 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Rev. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (born on 16 Sep 1837). Willis J. COPELAND (born in 1841). Jasper COPELAND was born in 1847. Rev. James Amos COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1849). Lucy Anna COPELAND was born in 1852 in TN. Louisa COPELAND was born in 1855 in AR. 803. Wesley COPELAND (Willis-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 164 Descendants of William COPELAND 1815 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Izard Co., Ar. He died after 1870 in Izard Co., Ar. A Private in Co.D Fristoe's MO Cav enlisted in Izard Co.,MO surrendered on May 11,1865 and paroled on June 5,1865. He had dark eyes,dark hair dark complexion and was 5'9" Spelled his name Copland Kizziah LINN was born in 1816. She died after 1870 in AR. Wesley COPELAND and Kizziah LINN had the following children: +2233 +2234 2235 2236 2237 +2238 2239 +2240 +2241 +2242 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Willis Newton COPELAND (born in 1832). James Albert COPELAND (born in 1839). William H. COPELAND was born in 1841 in Izard Co., Ar. Mary Jane COPELAND was born in 1843 in Izard Co., Ar. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1845 in Izard Co., Ar. John Wesley COPELAND (born in Nov 1848). Effy E. COPELAND was born in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. Robert Albert COPELAND (born in Dec 1852). Rev. Francis Marion COPELAND (born in Mar 1856). Marcus Dee Lafayette COPELAND (born on 21 Feb 1858). 804. John COPELAND (Willis-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He was living in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He died in 1861 in Civil War. John COPELAND and Sarah Jane HARDING were married in 1842. Sarah Jane HARDING was born in 1820 in TN. She died in 1865 in Mountain View, Stone Co., AR. John COPELAND and Sarah Jane HARDING had the following children: 2243 2244 +2245 +2246 +2247 2248 +2249 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Jennaran Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1841 in TN. Anderson COPELAND was born in 1845 in Izard Co., Ar. He died before 1880. John Wesley COPELAND (born on 22 Jan 1846). Augustus COPELAND (born in 1848). William Thomas COPELAND Sr. (born in Jan 1850). George COPELAND was born in 1856 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Lawrence Co, AR. vii. James Lewis COPELAND (born in Dec 1861). 805. William COPELAND (Willis-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Searcy Co., AR. William COPELAND and Elizabeth TAFT were married about 1852 in AR. Elizabeth TAFT was born in 1829 in TN. She died after 1880 in AR. William COPELAND and Elizabeth TAFT had the following children: +2250 +2251 +2252 i. Nancy Jane COPELAND (born in 1854). ii. John William COPELAND (born on 7 Jul 1856). iii. Willis Newton COPELAND (born on 9 Oct 1858). 806. James MATTHEWS (Catherine COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1798 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Itawamba Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Itawamba Co., MS. Sarah Jane TAYLOR was born in 1814 in GA. 807. Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS (Catherine COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1799 in Overton Co, TN. She was living in 1820 in Jackson Co., AL. She was living in 1830 in Benton Co., AR. 165 Descendants of William COPELAND Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS and Joel EPPERSON were married in 1818 in TN. Joel EPPERSON was born Elizabeth Ann MATTHEWS and Joshua ABBOTT were married about 1820 in AL. Joshua ABBOTT was born in 1800. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Washington Co., AR. 808. John L. MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (Catherine COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1811 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Washington Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., AR. Elizabeth was born in 1812 in GA. John L. MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) and Elizabeth had the following children: 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1832 in AL. Daniel MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1834 in AR. Mary MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1835 in AR. Andrew MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1836 in AR. Julean MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1839 in AR. Commodore MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1842 in AR. Archibald MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1845 in AR. Jehocile MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1848 in Washington Co., AR. 809. Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) (Catherine COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1812 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Washington Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., AR. Thomas MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) had the following children: 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1837 in AR. Eliza MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1840 in washinton co., ar. Elizabeth MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1842 in Washington Co., AR. Sarah MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1843 in AR. Robert MATTHEWS (MATHIAS) was born in 1848 in AR. 816. George COPELAND (John-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Independence Co., AR. George COPELAND and Nancy were married about 1856 in Independence Co., AR. Nancy was born in 1832 in KY. George COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 2266 2267 i. Anna COPELAND was born in 1857 in Independence Co., AR. ii. Virginia B. COPELAND was born in 1859 in Independence Co., AR. 819. Sarah 'Hill' COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Sep 1807 in TN. She died in 1850 in Reynolds Co., MO. HILL was born Sarah 'Hill' COPELAND and William Jordan HASTY were married about 1830 in Wayne Co., TN. William Jordan HASTY was born in 1807 in Wayne Co, GA. Sarah 'Hill' COPELAND and William Jordan HASTY had the following children: +2268 i. Marjorie HASTY. 820. Hasel COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Feb 1809 in Overton Co, TN. In 1860 he was a Constable in Reynolds Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in 166 Descendants of William COPELAND Reynolds Co., MO. Hasel COPELAND and Catherine ARNETT were married in Wayne Co, TN. Catherine ARNETT was born in 1809 in TN. Hasel COPELAND and Catherine ARNETT had the following children: +2269 +2270 +2271 +2272 2273 +2274 +2275 +2276 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. William Hugh COPELAND (born on 6 Jan 1832). Emaline COPELAND (born in 1835). James Francis COPELAND (born on 7 Feb 1837). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1839). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1842 in Wayne Co., TN. Elvira COPELAND (born in 1846). Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1848). George Henry COPELAND (born in Sep 1852). 821. Cornelius COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jul 1811 in Wayne Co., TN. He died in 1847 in Reynolds Co., MO. Ara BOYD was born Cornelius COPELAND and Ara BOYD had the following children: +2277 +2278 i. John W. COPELAND (born in 1833). ii. Francis Newton COPELAND (born on 9 Jan 1836). 822. Jesse Richard COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jan 1813 in TN. He died in 1849 in Old Copeland House, Wayne Co., TN. He was a Hunter in Head of the Green River, near Collinwood, Wayne Co., TN. Jesse Richard COPELAND and Catherine Matilda COPELAND were married on 26 Mar 1835. Catherine Matilda COPELAND (daughter of Richard COPELAND and Hannah GREER) was born on 25 May 1815 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., TN. She died on 11 Oct 1899 in Wayne Co, TN. Jesse Richard COPELAND and Catherine Matilda COPELAND had the following children: 2279 +2280 +2281 +2282 +2283 +2284 2285 i. William L. COPELAND was born on 1 Jan 1836 in Wayne Co, TN. He was born in 1850 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., TN. He served in the military on 10 Feb 1862 in Civil War- 3rd Regimental Inf Co B-USA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Wayne Co., TN. He died on 19 Feb 1903 in Wayne Co, TN. never married and was blinded by a tree chip, while cutting wood. ii. Henry W. COPELAND (born on 29 Sep 1837). iii. Benjamin Abbott COPELAND (born on 2 Nov 1839). iv. Robert Henderson (Henry) COPELAND (born on 22 Oct 1841). v. Jacob L. COPELAND (born on 20 Aug 1843). vi. Isaac C. COPELAND (born on 20 May 1844). vii. Margery COPELAND was born on 19 Sep 1847 in Wayne Co, TN. She died on 8 Mar 1848 in Wayne Co, TN. 823. Lettetia COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Mar 1815 in TN. SPROWLE was born 824. Tadoc Thorton COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Mar 1817 in TN. THORNTON was born 167 Descendants of William COPELAND 825. Rev. Isaac COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1820 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Reynolds Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Reynolds Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Reynolds Co., MO. He died on 20 Nov 1904 in Collinsville Cem., Grayson Co., TX. Elizabeth HARRISON was born in 1825 in TN. Rev. Isaac COPELAND and Elizabeth HARRISON had the following children: +2286 +2287 i. Charles Harrison COPELAND (born on 12 Sep 1846). ii. Jesse COPELAND (born in 1849). Mary Nancy was born in 1833 in MO. Rev. Isaac COPELAND and Mary Nancy had the following children: 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Lowell Lemuel COPELAND was born in 1853 in Reynolds Co., MO. Francis COPELAND was born in 1856 in Reynolds Co., MO. John COPELAND was born in 1860 in Reynolds Co., MO. Issac COPELAND Jr. was born in 1865 in Reynolds Co., MO. Sydney Luther COPELAND was born in 1869 in Reynolds Co., MO. 826. Jacob COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jan 1822 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., MO. Jacob COPELAND and Sally Taylor BARRY were married on 5 Apr 1846 in St. Francis Co.MO. Sally Taylor BARRY was born in 1822 in MO. She died on 30 Oct 1862 in MO. Jacob COPELAND and Sally Taylor BARRY had the following children: +2293 +2294 2295 +2296 +2297 +2298 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Wilson Marion COPELAND (born on 9 Jan 1847). William Hazel COPELAND (born on 9 Jan 1849). Margery Ann COPELAND was born on 27 Dec 1853 in St. Francis Co., MO. Jesse Milton COPELAND (born on 18 Sep 1855). Amos Lawrence COPELAND (born on 2 Dec 1857). Joseph Albert COPELAND (born on 4 Apr 1859). Jacob COPELAND and Lucinda SPROWLE were married on 26 Feb 1863 in Wayne Co., MO. Lucinda SPROWLE was born Jacob COPELAND and Lucinda SPROWLE had the following children: 2299 i. Oliva Jane COPELAND was born in Jan 1865 in Posey Co., IN. She died in Oct 1865 in Posey Co., IN. Jacob COPELAND and Jane R. Bozeman JAQUES were married on 31 Jul 1866 in Posey Co., IN. Jane R. Bozeman JAQUES was born Jacob COPELAND and Jane R. Bozeman JAQUES had the following children: 2300 i. Charles Jacques COPELAND was born on 1 Jun 1868 in Posey Co., IN. He died in 1939 in Denver, CO. Jacob COPELAND and Angeline H. SHANNON were married on 21 Jun 1870 in Posey Co., IN. Angeline H. SHANNON was born Jacob COPELAND and Angeline H. SHANNON had the following children: +2301 2302 i. Lettie May COPELAND (born on 18 May 1871). ii. Anna Retta COPELAND was born on 13 Jul 1872 in Posey Co., IN. She died on 7 Apr 1900 in Wabash Co., IL. Sarah WARREN was born 829. John Fletcher COPELAND (William-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was 168 Descendants of William COPELAND born on 2 Jun 1828 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 1 Dec 1882 in Reynolds Co., MO. John Fletcher COPELAND and Elizabeth were married about 1857 in Reynolds Co., MO. Elizabeth was born in 1840 in MO. John Fletcher COPELAND and Elizabeth had the following children: 2303 2304 i. Miram COPELAND was born in 1858 in Reynolds Co., MO. ii. Martin COPELAND was born on 23 Sep 1859 in Reynolds Co., MO. He died on 8 Jun 1891 in Reynolds Co., MO. 833. Mary Greer COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Oct 1810 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1892 in Wayne Co, TN. Jacob G. MORRIS (son of William MORRIS and Rebecca GRIMES) was born on 13 Feb 1808 in Dickson Co., TN. He died on 22 Aug 1887. 834. Sarah H. COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Apr 1813 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 19 May 1894 in Wayne Co, TN. Sarah H. COPELAND and William Issac MORRIS were married in 1832. William Issac MORRIS (son of William MORRIS and Rebecca GRIMES) was born on 20 Oct 1810 in Dickson Co., TN. He died on 14 Jun 1863 in Mt. Hope Church, Wayne Co., AR. 835. Catherine Matilda COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 May 1815 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Wayne Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., TN. She died on 11 Oct 1899 in Wayne Co, TN. Catherine Matilda COPELAND and Jesse Richard COPELAND were married on 26 Mar 1835. Jesse Richard COPELAND (son of Rev. William COPELAND and Margery CARMACK) was born on 12 Jan 1813 in TN. He died in 1849 in Old Copeland House, Wayne Co., TN. He was a Hunter in Head of the Green River, near Collinwood, Wayne Co., TN. Catherine Matilda COPELAND and Jesse Richard COPELAND had the following children: 2279 +2280 +2281 +2282 +2283 +2284 2285 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William L. COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1836). Henry W. COPELAND (born on 29 Sep 1837). Benjamin Abbott COPELAND (born on 2 Nov 1839). Robert Henderson (Henry) COPELAND (born on 22 Oct 1841). Jacob L. COPELAND (born on 20 Aug 1843). Isaac C. COPELAND (born on 20 May 1844). Margery COPELAND (born on 19 Sep 1847). 836. John M. COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jan 1817 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in jasper co., mo. He died on 7 Sep 1860 in Wayne Co., TN. Capt in Co.L Freeman's Regt MO Cav. Surrendered on the 11th of May 1865 and paroled at Jacksonport, AR on June 5,1865. He was 46,Dark Eyes, 6'1" and born in TN Moved to Jasper Co.,MO John M. COPELAND and Mary Ann HARDIN were married on 7 Jul 1842. Mary Ann HARDIN (daughter of Lewis HARDIN and Margaret HARPER) was born in 1826 in Lauderdale Co., AL. She died on 28 Oct 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. She was buried in Liberty Cem., Hardin Co., TN. John M. COPELAND and Mary Ann HARDIN had the following children: 2305 2306 +2307 2308 i. ii. iii. iv. William Price COPELAND was born in 1843 in TN. Nancy Ann COPELAND was born in 1844 in Wayne Co, TN. Benjamin Lewis COPELAND (born in 1846). Sarah Ann COPELAND was born in 1848 in Wayne Co, TN. 169 Descendants of William COPELAND 2309 +2310 2311 2312 v. vi. vii. viii. Hannah Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1850 in Wayne Co., TN. Richard N. COPELAND (born in 1855). Margaret COPELAND was born in 1857 in jasper co., mo. Samantha COPELAND was born in 1859 in jasper co., mo. 837. Amy Olive COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Apr 1887 in Copeland Cem., Wayne Co., TN. Amy Olive COPELAND and John P. HARDIN were married on 7 Jul 1842. John P. HARDIN (son of Lewis HARDIN and Margaret HARPER) was born in 1822 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He died on 11 Apr 1865 in National Cem., Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. 841. Richard M. COPELAND (Richard-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 May 1831 in Wayne Co, TN. He was living in 1857 in Jasper, CO., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in jasper co., mo. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Fannin Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Fannin Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Galveston CO., TX. He died after 14 Jun 1902 in Galveston CO., TX. A-09413 CSA Pension,TX , enlisted with CO A,11th MO Regiment in spring of 1862, until 1865. His oath is dated 6/14/1902 Minervia was born in 1833 in MS. Richard M. COPELAND and Minervia had the following children: 2313 2314 2315 2316 i. ii. iii. iv. Annie COPELAND was born in 1873 in Fannin Co., TX. Auston COPELAND was born on 9 Jan 1875 in Fannin Co., TX. John COPELAND was born in 1877 in Fannin Co., TX. Mary COPELAND was born in 1879 in Fannin Co., TX. 843. John W. LEE (Dorcas COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Feb 1823 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 26 Jan 1883 in Hampton Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary Jane WARTHEN was born on 6 May 1828. She died on 6 Jul 1898 in Hampton Cem., Overton Co., TN. John W. LEE and Mary Jane WARTHEN had the following children: +2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 +2323 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Henry Newton LEE. John LEE was born in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Joseph LEE was born in 1862 in Overton Co., TN. Emma LEE was born in 1864 in Overton Co., TN. Ben 'Benny' LEE was born in 1866 in overtin co., tn. Ulysses LEE was born in 1868 in Overton Co., TN. Lona Belle LEE (born in 1872). 845. James F. LEE (Dorcas COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Mahala was born James F. LEE and Mahala had the following children: 2324 2325 2326 2327 i. ii. iii. iv. Stephen LEE was born William Newton LEE was born Columbus LEE was born Samuel LEE was born 847. John COPELAND (Simon-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Madison Co., TN. John COPELAND and Elizabeth were married about 1839 in TN. Elizabeth was born in 1821 in TN. John COPELAND and Elizabeth had the following children: 170 Descendants of William COPELAND 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Julia COPELAND was born in 1839 in TN. John COPELAND was born in 1841 in TN. Ada COPELAND was born in 1843 in TN. James H. COPELAND was born in 1846 in TN. William T. COPELAND was born in 1848 in TN. 848. William L. COPELAND (Simon-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in TN. William L. COPELAND and Mary E. DICK were married on 19 Mar 1825 in Madison Co., TN. Mary E. DICK was born 849. Eliza S. SHELTON (Christine COPELAND-7, John D.-6, William-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1853 in Sumner Co., TN. Thomas B. LOWE was born in 1827 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. 851. William C. COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1783 in Chatham Co, , NC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He died on 2 Feb 1864 in Darlington, SC. He was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cem., Lee Co., SC. William C. COPELAND and Sarah FIELDS were married about 1811 in SC. Sarah FIELDS was born in 1793 in NC. She died before 1840 in Lee Co., SC. William C. COPELAND and Sarah FIELDS had the following children: +2333 +2334 +2335 +2336 +2337 +2338 +2339 2340 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Jane COPELAND (born on 10 Nov 1811). Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1821). James Madison COPELAND (born on 19 Feb 1822). Moses COPELAND (born in 1825). Reuben COPELAND (born in 1828). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1835). Mary COPELAND (born in 1838). S. COPELAND was born in 1839 in darlington co., sc. Eliza TERREL was born in 1783. William C. COPELAND and Eliza TERREL had the following children: +2341 i. William Davis COPELAND (born about 1840). 852. Moses COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in Cheraw District, SC. He served in the military in 1812 in Lieut.Col in Nixon's Reg't MS District. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: TL] He was living on 8 Dec 1815 in Greene Co, MS. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Wayne Co., MS. 1 male 26-45 Moses,1791, 29 4 males under 10 Ripley, 1815, 5 William, 1816, 4 Samuel, 1817, 3 unk 1 female 26-45 Elizabeth 3 female 10-16 1 female under 10 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Covington Co., MS. 40001/1301 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Covington Co., MS. 1 male 40-60, Moses,39 4 males 10-20 Ripley,15 William,14 Samuel,13 unk, 11 171 Descendants of William COPELAND 1 male under 10 James bargess,1824,8 1 female 40-60 Elizabeth 2 females under 10 Unk Unk [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: TL] In 1850 he was a Butcher in Mobile Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Mobile Co., AL. He died on 19 Oct 1852 in Spring Hill, Mobile Co., AL. I have also seen Elizabeth Brown as wife. Mollie his last wife reported that Moses was discharged from the army in 1812 and signed the petition for the Constitution of MS in 1815.On 10/10/1840 , he recieved 160 acres in St. Stephens Co.,AL Moses COPELAND and Elizabeth COLEMAN were married about 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Elizabeth COLEMAN was born in 1790 in SC. She died before 1835. Her last name may be Edwards. Moses COPELAND and Elizabeth COLEMAN had the following children: +2342 +2343 2344 +2345 +2346 2347 +2348 +2349 i. Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1810). ii. Ripley C. COPELAND (born in 1815). iii. Albert COPELAND was born in 1816 in MS. Founded Copeland,AL. First cousin of James the outlaw. According to the 'History of Washington Co.,AL' iv. Samuel Coleman COPELAND (born in 1816). v. William Wiley COPELAND (born in 1818). vi. Henry COPELAND was born in 1821 in MS. vii. Thomas Coleman COPELAND (born in 1821). viii. James Bargess COPELAND (born in 1824). Moses COPELAND and Elizabeth EDWARDS were married on 19 Dec 1835 in Washington Co., AL. Also seen Fulton Co.,AL They were divorced. Elizabeth EDWARDS was born in 1810 in GA. Moses COPELAND and Elizabeth EDWARDS had the following children: +2350 2351 +2352 2353 i. Drucilla Angel COPELAND (born in 1836). ii. Moses Edward COPELAND was born in 1839 in Walker Co., AL. He served in the military in 1862 in SGT-CO. K, 59th GA INF-CSA. He died on 1 Jan 1864 in Civil War-Nicholasville, Camp Nelson, KY. iii. Racheal Francis COPELAND (born on 11 Nov 1844). iv. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1848 in Mobile Co., AL. 853. Nancy COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1787 in Cheraw District, SC. She died after 1850 in Jones Co., MS. About 1818,they migrated with Reuben and other Sumter District,SC families to Covington Co.,MS Nancy COPELAND and Howell LEWIS were married about 1806 in Sumter Co, SC. Howell LEWIS (son of Howell LEWIS and Betsy COLEMAN) was born about 1782 in Granville Co., NC. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Claremont Co., Sumter District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Covington Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Jones Co., MS. He died after 1850 in Jones Co., MS. Howell Lewis is listed on 1810 US Census of Sumter Dist, SC with 1 fem. 16-26 and 1 male < 10 yrs. Nancy Lewis is named in the 1843 will of her father Ripley Copeland, Sumter Dist., SC. The 1850 US Census, Jones Co., lists Howell Lewis, 68; Nancy, 63; and youngest son, Elbert, 23. Nancy COPELAND and Howell LEWIS had the following children: 2354 2355 2356 +2357 2358 +2359 2360 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Isham LEWIS was born in 1809 in Sumter Co, SC. Martha LEWIS was born in 1811 in Sumter Co., SC. Moses LEWIS was born in 1815 in Sumter Co, SC. He died in 1873 in Wise Co., TX. John LEWIS (born in 1820). Mary LEWIS was born in 1823 in Jones Co., MS. Elias LEWIS (born on 30 Sep 1825). Howell LEWIS Jr. was born in 1826 in Jones Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Tipton Co., TN. 172 Descendants of William COPELAND 2361 viii. Elbert LEWIS was born in 1828 in MS. 854. Elizabeth 'Betsy' COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in Cheraw District, SC. She died before 1843 in SC. Alfred SCARBOROUGH was born Elizabeth 'Betsy' COPELAND and Alfred SCARBOROUGH had the following children: 2362 i. Jesse SCARBORO was born 855. Rev Joseph Tucker COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Aug 1788 in Cheraw District, SC. Between 1810 and 1860 he was a Pastor in Fork Hill Baptist Church, Lancaster Co., SC. He died on 22 Dec 1860 in Hanging Rock Methodist Church, Lancaster Co., SC. He was pastor of Fork Hill Baptist Church,Lancaster CO.,SC. He and wife were received by letter 12/1816-Deep Creek Baptist Church, Chesterfield Co.,SC Elizabeth Rachel was born on 21 Dec 1795 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Bethune, Kersaw Co., SC. She died on 13 May 1875 in Flat Rock, SC. Rev Joseph Tucker COPELAND and Elizabeth Rachel had the following children: 2363 +2364 2365 2366 +2367 2368 2369 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Joseph William D. COPELAND was born John T. COPELAND (born in 1820). Mary A. COPELAND was born Lucy W. COPELAND was born Daniel J. COPELAND (born in 1823). George B.P. COPELAND was born in 1829 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Bethune, Kersaw Co., SC. vii. Martha W. COPELAND was born 856. B. Ripley COPELAND Jr. (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jul 1793 in Cheraw District, South Carolina. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Sumter Co, SC. He died in 1888 in Sumter Co., SC. He was buried in Bethany Baptist Church, Bishopville, Lee Co., SC. B. Ripley COPELAND Jr. and Nancy Ann CHRISTMAS were married in 1816 in SC. Nancy Ann CHRISTMAS (daughter of Aaron CHRISTMAS and Martha J. 'Patsy' BAKER) was born on 15 May 1798 in Sumter Dist, SC. She died after 1870 in Lee Co., SC. She was buried in Bethany Baptist Church, Bishopville, Lee Co., SC. B. Ripley COPELAND Jr. and Nancy Ann CHRISTMAS had the following children: 2370 +2371 +2372 2373 +2374 +2375 +2376 2377 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. +2378 2379 ix. x. +2380 2381 xi. xii. Andrew Jackson COPELAND was born in 1816. Henry Daniel COPELAND (born on 15 Mar 1817). Martha B. COPELAND (born on 15 Nov 1818). Reuben COPELAND was born about 1819. Dorothy 'Dolly' COPELAND (born on 25 Mar 1820). Elizabeth Jane COPELAND (born on 2 Mar 1823). Lydia COPELAND (born on 18 Apr 1825). Ripley COPELAND was born on 28 Oct 1826 in SC. In 1850 he was a school teacher in Hot Springs , AR. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Hot Springs , AR. Living with Theophelus Thornton. John Marion COPELAND Sr (born on 16 Jul 1828). Nicholas W COPELAND was born on 2 Sep 1830 in Sumter Co., SC. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War- Co K., 23th SC Inf. CSA. He died on 24 Sep 1862 in Gordonville, GA. Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 13 Dec 1832). William Ervin COPELAND was born on 20 Nov 1834 in Lee Co., SC. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War- 5th MS Inf. CSA. He died in Jul 1864 in Jonesboro, GA-Civil War. William moved to Mississippi. He served in 5th MS Regiment of the CSA. His brother Joseph was killed 173 Descendants of William COPELAND +2382 2383 xiii. xiv. +2384 2385 xv. xvi. during the same battle at Jonesboro,GA Susan Dunn COPELAND (born on 10 Jan 1837). Joseph A. COPELAND was born on 15 Mar 1839 in Lee Co., SC. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War- 14th AL CSA. He died in Jul 1864 in Jonesboro, GA-Civil War. Robert James COPELAND (born on 26 Aug 1841). Eliza Ann COPELAND was born in 1843 in Lee Co., SC. 857. Reuben C. COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Aug 1795 in Sumter District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Covington Co., MS. 1 male 16-26; 1 female 1626; 1 female under 5 He was living in 1821 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Sumter Co, SC. 1 male 30-40; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 10-15; 2 females 5-10; 1 female under 5 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Pike Co., AL. In 1835, after Mary's father had died, Rueben moved with his sister, Rachel and husband Willoughy Baker to Pike Co., AL in 1835. 1840 Pike Co., AL Census-1 male 30-40; 1 female 30-40; 1 male 5-10; 1 male under 5; 1 female 15-20; 2 females 10-15; 1 female 5-10; 1 female under 5 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Conecuh Co., AL. He was living in 1855 in Smith Co., MS. living with daughters family Nathan Garner and Jehugh Knight. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Smith Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Smith Co., MS. He died on 14 Sep 1874 in Smith Co., MS. He was buried in Liberty Baptist Church Cem., Smith Co., MS. Reuben and is young wife Mary moved to Covington, MS with his sister and husband, Howell and Nancy Lewis. At this time this was the frontier. Reuben spent most of his time away from the house hunting and trapping, Mary was very young , she made money picking cotton to purschase a stamp. She wrote her father ands asked him to come and get her. In 1821, Reuben and his wife moved back to Sumter in an Ox wagon. Reuben C. COPELAND and Mary WOODARD were married in 1817 in Sumter Co., SC. Mary WOODARD (daughter of WOODARD and Nancy) was born on 25 Oct 1802 in NC. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Smith Co., MS. living with granddaughter, Martha Knighten Murray She died on 26 Sep 1897 in Smith Co., MS. She was buried in Liberty Baptist Church Cem., Smith Co., MS. Reuben C. COPELAND and Mary WOODARD had the following children: +2386 +2387 +2388 +2389 +2390 2391 +2392 +2393 +2394 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Nancy Matilda COPELAND (born on 17 Jun 1819). Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1821). Mary Matilda COPELAND (born on 8 Dec 1822). Susan Mahalia COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1833). Martha R. S. COPELAND (born on 20 Aug 1836). William Reuben A. Judson COPELAND was born on 16 Aug 1838 in AL. He died on 3 Mar 1864 in TN-Civil War. Exceuted for desertion in Franklin, TN. THis was after the Battle of Franklin, in which thousand of southerns were ordered to march into a union killing zone. Over 16,000 southerns deserted after that battle. vii. Stephen James Peyton Wyatt COPELAND (born on 27 Oct 1840). viii. Ripley Washington COPELAND (born on 19 May 1843). ix. John Q. Irving COPELAND (born on 22 Nov 1844). 858. Sarah COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Jul 1797 in Sumter Co, SC. She died before 1850 in Sumter Co, SC. William RANDOLPH was born in 1790 in SC. He died after 1850 in Sumter Co, SC. Sarah COPELAND and William RANDOLPH had the following children: 2395 2396 2397 i. Mary RANDOLPH was born in 1828 in Sumter Co, SC. ii. Martha RANDOLPH was born in 1829 in Sumter Co, SC. iii. William RANDOLPH was born in 1835 in Sumter Co, SC. 859. Martha COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Jun 1801 in Cheraw District, SC. She died on 28 Jan 1889 in Sumter Co, SC. She was buried in Mt. Elon Baptist Church Cem., Lee Co., SC. Martha COPELAND and William HUGGINS were married on 5 Feb 1818 in Sumter Co., SC. William HUGGINS was 174 Descendants of William COPELAND born on 28 Jan 1792 in Sumter Co, SC. He died on 7 Jun 1865 in Lee Co., SC. He was buried in Mt. Elon Baptist Church Cem., Lee Co., SC. 860. Elias Ellzey 'Elley' COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Feb 1802 in Sumter Dist, SC. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Sumter Co., SC. 1 male 20-30; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 15-20; 1 female under 5 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Sumter Co., SC. 1 male 30-40; 1 female 3040; 2 female 5-10;1 male 0-5; 1 female 5-10; q female 0-5; 1 female 0-5 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Sumter Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Bethune, Kersaw Co., SC. He died on 18 Sep 1881 in Kershaw Co, , SC. He was buried in Pleasant Hill Cem., Bethune, Kershaw Co., SC. Loranzo Annie BREWER was born on 6 Mar 1810 in SC. She died on 12 Jul 1855 in Kershaw Co, , SC. She was buried in Pleasant Hill Cem., Bethune, Kershaw Co., SC. Elias Ellzey 'Elley' COPELAND and Loranzo Annie BREWER had the following children: 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 +2404 2405 2406 +2407 +2408 i. Loranzo COPELAND was born on 6 Mar 1830 in Sumter Co, SC. ii. Margaret Harriett COPELAND was born on 12 Jun 1832 in Sumter Co., SC. She died on 2 Oct 1892. iii. Mary Jane COPELAND was born on 4 Apr 1834 in Sumter Co., SC. She died on 2 May 1909. iv. Laura P COPELAND was born on 9 Mar 1837 in Sumter Co., SC. He died on 18 Aug 1861. v. Rachel COPELAND was born on 20 Apr 1840 in Sumter Co, SC. She died in 1910. vi. Susan COPELAND was born on 24 Oct 1842 in Sumter Co, SC. She died on 13 Oct 1886. vii. Thomas Ripley COPELAND (born on 14 Jul 1845). viii. Druscilla 'Dolly' M.C. COPELAND was born on 1 May 1848 in Sumter Co., SC. She died on 17 Sep 1929. ix. Vermelle Pallistim COPELAND died on 8 Jul 185 in SC. She was born on 14 Feb 1853 in Bethune, Kersaw Co., SC. x. Edward Leroy COPELAND (born on 1 May 1858). xi. Lawrence Walter COPELAND (born on 9 May 1869). 861. Rachel 'Elly' COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Feb 1802 in Sumter Co, SC. She died after 1860 in China Grove, Pike Co., AL. Willoughby BAKER was born in 1788 in Sumter Co, SC. He was living in 1835 in Pike Co., AL. He died after 1870 in China Grove, Pike Co., AL. Rachel 'Elly' COPELAND and Willoughby BAKER had the following children: +2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 i. Rev. Abner BAKER (born on 17 Dec 1812). ii. Unk BAKER was born in 1814 in Sumter Co, SC. iii. Abigail BAKER was born on 4 Jun 1817 in Sumter Co, SC. She died on 1 Oct 1884 in Hacoda, Geneva Co., AL. iv. Loucinda R. BAKER was born in 1824. v. William BAKER was born in 1820. vi. Permelia BAKER was born in 1826. vii. Amelia S. BAKER was born in 1828. viii. Willoughby P. BAKER Jr was born in 1830. ix. Elizabeth BAKER was born in 1832. x. Jesse BAKER was born in 1835. 862. Mary Ann COPELAND (Ripley-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Apr 1804 in Sumter Co., SC. Auswell GRIFFIN was born Jackson BELL was born 175 Descendants of William COPELAND 863. James Lott COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in Chatham Co, NC. He appeared in the census in 1810 in Barnwell District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lowndes Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Echols Co, GA. He died in 1870 in Echols, Lowndes Co, GA. A company commanded by Captain Jesiah Walker in the South Carolina Militia, and formed art of the second Battalion under Major Oswald, had in their files that Corporal Lott Copeland enlisted July 12,1812. Records show that he never sought a pension. 1787 Moved to Orangeburg District(Now Barnwell county) as an adult. He purchsed 260 acres on Lemon Waters in Barnewell District in 1812. 200 acres of this he granted to Bright Rice and the other 60 to David Richardson. witnesses to the deed were William, Jabez, and Rebecca Dowling. in 1819 he purchased from his brother-in-law William Dowling 80 acres bounded on the north by lands of Benjamin Tarrant, on the west by Zachary Graham and on the south and east by his own lands. This deed was witnessed by Jabez L. Dowling and Sarah Rice. He constantly added to his land. At one time his slaves cultivated well over 500 acres. His home was not a mansion, but a large rambling home with many large rooms added over the years as family continued to grow. He was one of the first to advocate the advisability of crop rotation, and planting more than cotton. He raised several horses and loved to wager on them. Unlike some of his relatives he refused to involved in politics, even though he was often asked to let his name be nominated for various positions. Choosing instead to see to improving both the education system and the care of the enslaved negro himself. By age 50 all, both black and white, had taken to calling him Squire. At age 52, in 1837 he found himself ruined in Jackson's panic. His assets were claimed because he had endorsed notes for friends and they could not pay when they were called. So he left his plantation in 1843-1858 and moved his family to Troupoille, County Seat of Lowndes County, Georgia. The section they settled in is now Brooks County, Georgia. Military records received from the National Archives Trust Fund in Washington D.C. Lott Copeland served in the 2 Reg't ( 2 Batt'n, Oswald's ) South Carolina state Troops War of 1812 Lott served in Capt. Josiah Walker's Company of State Troops 2 Battalion Company Muster Roll for July 12, 1812 to Aug 12, 1812, Lott is Present Company Muster Roll Aug 12, 1812 to Oct 12, 1812, Lott is present Company Muster Roll 12 Oct 1812 to 18 Nov 1812, Lott is present Company Muster Roll 12 Oct 1812 to 18 Nov 1812 Lott is paid $8.77 for one month and 6 days service. Company Muster Roll 12 Aug 1812 to 12 Oct 1812 Lott is paid $14.66 for two months service. Company Muster Roll 12 July 1812 to 12 Aug 1812 Lott is $7.00 for one month service James Lott COPELAND and Ellender RICE were married in 1807 in Barnwell Co, SC. Book L pg 535 Ellender RICE (daughter of Aaron Adam RICE and Elender 'Elen RHODEN) was born on 16 Jul 1789 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died in 1822 in Echols, Lowndes Co, GA. James Lott COPELAND and Ellender RICE had the following children: +2419 +2420 +2421 2422 i. ii. iii. iv. 2423 +2424 +2425 +2426 v. vi. vii. viii. John Fletcher COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1807). Aaron Whetstone COPELAND (born in 1810). Jane COPELAND (born on 25 Aug 1812). Lucretia Christina COPELAND was born in 1813 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died on 5 Jul 1887 in Echols Co, GA. never married Thaney COPELAND was born in 1818 in Barnwell Co, SC. William Riley COPELAND Sr (born on 7 Aug 1819). Jefferson Daniel COPELAND Sr. (born in 1820). Margaret COPELAND (born on 23 Jan 1820). Susan GUESS (daughter of John GUESS and Sarah Rachel DAVIS) was born in 1804 in Lowndes Co, GA. She died in 1858 in Lowndes Co, GA. James Lott COPELAND and Susan GUESS had the following children: 176 Descendants of William COPELAND +2427 +2428 +2429 +2430 +2431 2432 +2433 +2434 +2435 2436 +2437 +2438 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. James Aquilla COPELAND (born in 1824). Rachael Marcella COPELAND (born on 9 Feb 1825). Sarah Adeline COPELAND (born on 15 Apr 1827). Narcissa COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1830). Eliza Ann 'Bessie' COPELAND (born on 4 Sep 1832). Alfred COPELAND was born in 1835. He died died young. Joseph COPELAND (born in 1836). Irwin COPELAND (born in 1835). Daniel Guess COPELAND (born on 18 Feb 1839). Edward COPELAND was born in 1841 in Echols Co, GA. He died on 10 May 1862 in McDowell, VA during the Civil War. Enlisted at Valdosta June 14,1861,Co. I,12th Ga Regt and mortally wounded at McDowell,VA xi. David Singleton COPELAND (born in 1843). xii. Levicia Ann 'Vicy' COPELAND (born on 27 Aug 1845). 864. Jesse COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in SC. He served in the military in 1813 in Lt. William Cooley's Co., McIntosh-Telfair Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Liberty Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Tattnall Co., GA. He died in 1847 in Tattnall Co., GA. Bought land from Robert Copeland in Telfair Co.,GA 1810. Won land lottery in Tattnall Co.,GA in Headrights and Bounty Land Grants 1835(180 acres) & 1840 (200 acres). 1820 Land lottery won land in Early Co.,GA Charlotte SURRENCY (daughter of Samuel SURRENCY and Elizabeth STAFFORD) was born in 1785 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Tattnall Co., GA. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Tatnall Co., GA. A. James Surrency became guardian of Jane, Carolin, and Sarah, after Jesse's death. Jesse COPELAND and Charlotte SURRENCY had the following children: +2439 +2440 +2441 +2442 +2443 +2444 +2445 +2446 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. James Jackson COPELAND (born in 1814). Mary COPELAND (born in 1817). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1821). Eliza COPELAND (born on 7 Aug 1827). Penelope COPELAND (born in 1830). Jane COPELAND (born in 1833). Caroline COPELAND (born in 1833). Sarah COPELAND (born on 27 Oct 1838). 865. Nancy COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1787 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died after 17 Nov 1870 in Chesterfield Co., SC. will was probated in 1870 Names mentioned in her will Jackson Copeland,Mary Nicholson,Elizabeth Thurman, and William Sellers(her grandson State of South Carolina} >Chesterfield County} > This is the last will and Testament of Nancy Copeland of the State and >County aforesaid. >First: It is my will and desire that my Executor herein after named pay all >my Just debts from the proceeds of my stock of cattle and hogs that I may >have one hand at the time of my death. > >Second: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Nicholson that part of my >land where she now lives Beginning on the road that leads from Chesterfield >Court house to Mt Croghan in Philip Rivers line and run with said road to the >cross fence in my plantation then with the said fence to where the path >crosses it going from Mary Nicholson to my house thence a straight line to 177 Descendants of William COPELAND >Deep Creek thence with said Creek to Philip Rivers line thence with said line >to the Beginning to her and her Bodily heirs forever. I also give and >bequeath to said Daughter, Mary Nicolson my Cupboard and one half of my >household and Kitchen furniture to her and her bodily heirs forever. > >Third: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Thurman one half of my >household and Kitchen furniture to her and her heirs forever. > >Fourth: I give and bequeath to my son Jackson Copeland and my Grandson >William Sellers all the Balance of my land in the state and county aforesaid >Beginning at the cross fence where Mary Nicolson line run on the road leading >from Chesterfield Court house to Mount Croghan thence Down the said road to >Deep Creek thence up said creek to where Mary Nicholson's line runs to the >creek thence along said line to the beginning to them and their heirs forever. > >Fifth: It is my will that the land given to my son Jackson Copeland and my >Grand son William Seller be Equally Divided between them. > >Sixth: I give and bequeath to my son Jackson Copeland all of my stock of hogs >and cows to him and his heirs forever. > >Seventh: I hereby nominate and appoint my son Jackson Copeland Executor to >this my last will and Testament hereby revoking, all others. > > Witness my hand and seal this the 17th day of November AD Eighteen >hundred and seventy. > Nancy x her mark Copland (Seal) >Signed Sealed acknowledged and published to be and contain the true Will and >Testament of the said Nancy Copeland signed in her presence and at her >request and the presence of each other. >s/ Joel Baker, s/ Philip Rivers, s/ Sebra Welsh John 'Jack' COPELAND (son of Isaac COPELAND and Christiane FENDER) was born in 1788 in Chatham Co, , NC/SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 1850 Chesterfield census, listed John 'Jack' 62;Nancy,62, illiterate;Matilda,32;Minerva,29;Andrew J.,25;Mary,20;Sarah A.,14;John Johnson,12;Ellen Johnson11;William Sellers,1 He died before 1860 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Nancy COPELAND and John 'Jack' COPELAND had the following children: +959 +960 961 962 +963 +964 +965 +966 +967 +968 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Amanda COPELAND (born in 1815). William COPELAND (born in 1818). Matilda COPELAND (born in 1818). Minerva COPELAND (born in 1821). Reuben C. COPELAND (born in 1823). Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1825). Mary Ann COPELAND (born about 1830). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 15 Feb 1830). Jonathan COPELAND (born in 1834). Sarah 'Tabitha' Ann COPELAND (born in 1836). 866. Moses COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1790. He served in the military in 1812 in 3rd Reg't(Rutledge) S.C. Stae Militia. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Fulton Co., AR. He died in AR. Sarah was born Moses COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: 178 Descendants of William COPELAND 2447 2448 +2449 2450 +2451 i. J. COPELAND was born ii. Ripley COPELAND was born in 1826 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Hot Springs , AR. iii. Aaron COPELAND (born in 1832). iv. Manderville COPELAND was born in 1839 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Fulton Co., AR. v. Avarilla COPELAND (born in 1841). 867. Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in Mar 1793 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He served in the military in 1814 in War of 1812-private under Captain John McNeil, Regiment of Col. Rutledge. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lincoln Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Lincoln Co, TN. He died on 24 Feb 1865 in Lincoln Co., TN. He was buried in Lynchburg, Moore Co., TN. John was a Minister and Elder,Primitive Baptist Church for 35 years. He served in the War of 1812 as Private in Captain John McNeil's Company, Colonel Rutledge's Regiment. He was a farmer. Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND and Sarah MASSEY were married in 1812. Sarah MASSEY (daughter of Ephraim MASSEY and Mary M. LINDSEY) was born in 1789 in SC. She died in May 1857 in Lynchburg, Moore Co., TN. Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND and Sarah MASSEY had the following children: +2452 2453 +2454 +2455 +2456 +2457 +2458 +2459 +2460 +2461 +2462 i. Richard Todd COPELAND (born on 22 Feb 1815). ii. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1817 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died aft1860 in Lincoln Co., TN. iii. Mary P. COPELAND (born on 16 Dec 1818). iv. George P. COPELAND (born in 1821). v. John Bunyon COPELAND (born in 1823). vi. Massey COPELAND (born on 21 Mar 1824). vii. Nicholas COPELAND (born in 1825). viii. William COPELAND (born in 1829). ix. Margaret J. COPELAND (born about 1830). x. Matilda COPELAND (born in 1831). xi. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1834). Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND and Rutha Sarah WATSON were married on 1 Jul 1858 in Lincoln Co., TN. Rutha Sarah WATSON was born in 1824 in Lincoln Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Lincoln Co, TN. living w/R.L.Gillespie She appeared in the census in 1880 in Moore Co, NC. living w RL Gillespie Rev. John Whetstone COPELAND and Rutha Sarah WATSON had the following children: +2463 2464 2465 i. Charles COPELAND (born in 1859). ii. F.L. COPELAND was born in 1863 in Lincoln Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Moore Co, TN. living w/ RL Gillespie iii. Nellie COPELAND was born in 1864 in Lincoln Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Moore Co, TN. She died. 868. Elizabeth COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died in 1842 in Tattnall, GA. Elizabeth COPELAND and Samuel Demere SURRENCY were married in 1812 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Samuel Demere SURRENCY (son of Samuel SURRENCY and Elizabeth STAFFORD) was born in 1792 in Cheraw District, SC. He died on 16 Feb 1866 in Tattnall, GA. He served as a Representative 1826-1828, and Senator 1829-1838 and 1853-1854. Elizabeth COPELAND and Samuel Demere SURRENCY had the following children: +2466 +2467 2468 +2469 i. ii. iii. iv. Robert C. SURRENCY (born on 5 Jun 1814). Penelope SURRENCY (born on 3 Feb 1816). Cornelius SURRENCY was born on 12 Jan 1818 in GA. Nancy SURRENCY (born on 13 Oct 1819). 179 Descendants of William COPELAND 2470 +2471 +2472 +2473 +2474 +2475 +2476 +2477 +2478 +2479 +2480 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. Charlotte SURRENCY was born on 16 Apr 1821. Sarah SURRENCY (born on 17 Feb 1823). Allen Powell SURRENCY (born on 7 Feb 1825). Elizabeth SURRENCY (born on 6 Dec 1826). Samuel D. SURRENCY (born on 19 Sep 1829). Henry Jackson SURRENCY (born on 31 Oct 1830). Caroline Matilda SURRENCY (born on 27 Apr 1832). Martha SURRENCY (born on 27 Apr 1832). Clementine SURRENCY (born on 29 Mar 1835). Emiline SURRENCY (born on 6 Jan 1837). Hampton West SURRENCY (born on 16 Dec 1838). 869. Dolly COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1794 in SC. Dolly COPELAND and Abraham COOK were married before 1840 in Cheraw District, SC. Abraham COOK was born 870. Miriam COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Miriam COPELAND and Henry Solomon STRICKLAND were married in 1814 in Tattnall Co., GA. Henry Solomon STRICKLAND was born in 1792 in GA. Miriam COPELAND and Henry Solomon STRICKLAND had the following children: 2481 i. Elizabeth STRICKLAND was born 871. Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Blount Co., AL. He served in the military on 4 Feb 1862 in Civil War- Co B, 28th AL Inf. Enlisted @ Murphee's Crossing, Blount Co., AL @ age of 57. He was discharged on July 3, 1862. He was paid by JF Shepard on July 5,1862 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Blount Co., AL. He died in 1880 in Blount Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Blount Co., AL. Says on 1880 census, that he was born in SC and both parents were born in MD applied for Aaron's Rev War pension on 7/5/1836 as sole surviving heir, was not allowed. The following is the Land Bounty Request submitted by Archibald Copeland ( born 1802 ) son of Aaron Copeland ( born 1762 in Chatham Co, NC, died 9 May 1832 in Orangeburg, Chesterfield Co, SC and married Polly Melton Top two lines not readable. On the fourteenth of May A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty three personally appeared before J. G. Craig Ordinary ____ _____ duly authorized to administer oath within and for the district and state aforesaid, Archibald Copeland aged fifty years a resident of Chesterfield District in the state of South Carolina, who being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the son and only living heir of the identical Aaron Copeland who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Thomas Ellerbe in the South Carolina Regiment and the Battalion commanded by Major _____ _____ as in the Revolutionary War. That his father the said Aaron was honorably discharged at the termination of the war, but if in ____the said discharge was afterwards destroyed by fire when his dwelling and all his property with ____ or four valuable horses was so consumed, and this 180 Descendants of William COPELAND deponent has ___ no ___ of ascertaining the exact time when he enlisted or drafted, for what time he was so enlisted or drafted or how long he served, and this deponent further says that he has been informed and believes that his said father intermarried with one Polly Melton deponents mother and the daughter of one Isham Melton of the district and the state aforesaid about the year 1784, that Aaron Copeland died about the year 1839 being survived his wife about six or seven years, leaving ten children of whom deponent is the sole survivor, all which facts as to the service of the said Aaron will NEXT TWO LINES UNREADABLE and said deponent further says that the said Aaron nor any one for him has never received any pay whatever from the government for his service but died while making preparations to present his application therefore. This deponent makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the pay bounty land extra pay pension and what ever else he may be entitled to in behalf of his said father's service under the Acts of Congress _____ from time to time for that purpose. Sworn to before me the day and year above written, signed and I hereby certify that I believe the said Archibald Archibald Copeland Copeland to be the son and sole heir of the identical Aaron Copeland who served as aforesaid and that he is of the age above stated J. C. Craig Ordinary C. D. Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr and Mary were married in 1826. Mary was born in 1812 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Chesterfield Co., SC. w/ son Archibald Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr and Mary had the following children: 2482 2483 +2484 2485 2486 +2487 2488 +2489 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. John COPELAND was born in 1833 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Laura COPELAND was born in 1836 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Easter COPELAND (born in 1837). William Archibald COPELAND was born in 1839 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Alice COPELAND was born in 1841 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Archibald Joshua COPELAND Jr (born in May 1848). Milley COPELAND was born in 1851 in GA. Martha COPELAND (born in 1856). Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr and Delila BURGESS were married on 28 Sep 1858 in Blount Co., AL. Delila BURGESS was born on 5 May 1825 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Blount Co., AL. living w/daughter Nancy Underwood She died after 1900 in Blount Co., AL. Archibald Joshua COPELAND Sr and Delila BURGESS had the following children: +2490 +2491 +2492 +2493 +2494 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Frances 'Fanny' COPELAND (born in 1860). Nancy COPELAND (born on 3 Mar 1863). William S. 'Bunk' COPELAND (born in 1864). John Wade COPELAND (born in 1868). John Edwin COPELAND (born in 1871). 872. Thomas F. COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born 181 Descendants of William COPELAND on 19 Mar 1827 in SC. In 1860 he was a Cooper in Cheraw, Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Cheraw P.O., Chesterfield Co., SC. He died in May 1863 near Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. Thomas , Sarah , Ellen, and Lafayette drown on a riverboat near Louisville, KY Sarah Ellen WHITE was born in 1828 in SC. She died in May 1863. Thomas F. COPELAND and Sarah Ellen WHITE had the following children: +2495 +2496 2497 2498 +2499 i. Joseph R. COPELAND (born in 1849). ii. James C. COPELAND (born on 28 Aug 1851). iii. Ellen COPELAND was born in 1853 in SC. She died in May 1863 near Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. iv. Lafayette COPELAND was born in 1855 in SC. He died in May 1863 near Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. v. Silas T. COPELAND (born in 1862). 874. Mary COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) died in Henry Co., TN. Mary COPELAND and SWOR were married before 1840 in Cheraw District, SC. SWOR died in Henry Co., TN. 875. Catherine COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Catherine COPELAND and John WHITE Sr were married in 1829. John WHITE Sr was born Catherine COPELAND and John WHITE Sr had the following children: 2500 2501 i. John WHITE Jr was born in 1831. ii. Laura WHITE was born in 1837. 876. Mary Caroline COPELAND (Aaron-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Aug 1812 in Orangeburg, Chesterfield Co., SC. She died in 1857 in Howell, GA. Mary Caroline COPELAND and Jesse Rue HOWELL were married in 1831 in Barnwell District, SC. Jesse Rue HOWELL was born on 23 Jan 1793 in Barnwell District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lowndes Co, GA. He died in Dec 1860 in Echols Co, GA. At the age of 40 he was granted a preacher's license. He was a Justice of the Peace in the 90th Dist,Lowndes Co.,GA. Mary Caroline COPELAND and Jesse Rue HOWELL had the following children: +2502 +2503 +2504 +2505 +2506 2507 +2508 2509 +2510 +2511 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Jesse Rue HOWELL Jr (born on 26 Dec 1833). Joseph L. HOWELL (born in 1835). James W. HOWELL (born in 1837). Harriet HOWELL (born in 1839). Ann HOWELL (born in 1841). William HOWELL was born in 1843. He died between 1861 and 1865 in Civil War. Charles F. HOWELL (born on 17 Mar 1850). Stephen R. HOWELL was born in 1852. He died in 1862. Isham D. HOWELL (born in 1854). Aaron W. HOWELL (born in 1855). 877. Elizabeth COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Jan 1795 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died on 17 Jul 1891 in Brewers, Calloway Co., KY. Elizabeth COPELAND and William CHESTER were married in 1815 in Clarksville, Montgomery Co., TN. William CHESTER (son of CHESTER) was born in Feb 1792 in NC. He served in the military in 1812 in KY Troops-PVT. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Stewart Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Calloway Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Calloway Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 20 Jul 1867 182 Descendants of William COPELAND in Calloway Co., KY. He was buried in Brewers Mill, Calloway Co., KY. Elizabeth COPELAND and William CHESTER had the following children: +2512 +2513 +2514 +2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John CHESTER (born on 17 Sep 1816). Zelphia A. CHESTER (born on 16 Jan 1820). Sarah CHESTER (born on 24 May 1823). Jacob CHESTER (born on 3 Oct 1825). William A. CHESTER was born on 18 Feb 1828. He died on 23 Jun 1909 in Marshall Co., KY. Joseph E. CHESTER was born on 29 Oct 1830 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 20 Apr 1959 in Marshall Co., KY. vii. Elizabeth CHESTER was born on 8 Dec 1836 in Calloway Co., KY. He died in 1838 in Marshall Co., KY. viii. James A. CHESTER was born on 10 May 1838 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 25 Feb 1863 in Civil War. 878. Ann COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1797. Ann COPELAND and Henry G. MORRIS were married on 22 Sep 1835 in Calloway Co., KY. Henry G. MORRIS was born 879. Mary COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1800. Reuben CUNNINGHAM was born 880. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1804 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died on 9 Jul 1894 in Marshall Co., KY. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND and Alexander MCMANUS were married on 8 Jan 1821 in Caldwell Co., KY. Alexander MCMANUS was born in 1794. He died on 14 Jun 1872. Martha 'Patsy' COPELAND and Alexander MCMANUS had the following children: +2520 +2521 +2522 +2523 +2524 +2525 2526 +2527 +2528 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Elizabeth MCMANUS (born in 1823). Ann MCMANUS (born in 1827). Hugh MCMANUS (born in 1828). George Washington MCMANUS (born on 7 Feb 1830). Sarah Jane MCMANUS (born in 1835). James A. MCMANUS (born in 1840). Nathaniel MCMANUS was born in 1843 in KY. He died in 1961 in Marshall Co., KY. Martha MCMANUS (born in 1847). Linn Boyd MCMANUS (born on 9 Sep 1849). 882. John J. COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Mar 1806 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Hunt Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hunt Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Hunt Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Cooke Co., TX. He was baptized in Feb 1886 in Rocky Mound Cemetery, Cooke Co., TX. He died on 11 Apr 1888 in Cooke Co., TX. John J. COPELAND and Sarah 'Sally' BOLAND were married in 1826 in Calloway Co., KY. Sarah 'Sally' BOLAND was born in 1808 in KY. She died after 1880 in Cooke Co., TX. also seen Sarah Irvan and Sarah Duncan John J. COPELAND and Sarah 'Sally' BOLAND had the following children: +2529 +2530 i. Martha COPELAND (born in 1828). ii. Mary COPELAND (born in 1832). 183 Descendants of William COPELAND +2531 +2532 +2533 2534 +2535 +2536 +2537 iii. iv. v. vi. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1833). Rebecca COPELAND (born in 1835). Hardin Emory COPELAND (born on 11 Dec 1837). Martin Van Buren COPELAND was born in 1839 in Calloway Co., KY. He served in the military between 1862 and 1864 in Civil War- 16th TX Cav. He died in 1864 in Civil War. vii. Elizabeth Louisa COPELAND (born in 1843). viii. James Boland COPELAND (born on 31 Aug 1844). ix. Sarah COPELAND (born in 1856). 883. Nicholas J. COPELAND (Absolem-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 May 1809 in Montgomery Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Marshall Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Marshall Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Marshall Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Marshall Co., KY. He died on 16 Jun 1884 in Marshall Co., KY. He was buried in Phillips Farm Cem., Marshall Co., KY. Nicholas J. COPELAND and Sarah KILLEN were married on 20 Nov 1828 in Caldwell Co., KY. Sarah KILLEN (daughter of William KILLEN) was born on 24 Jul 1806 in KY. She died on 16 Jun 1884 in Marshall Co., KY. She was buried in Phillips Farm Cem., Marshall Co., KY. Nicholas J. COPELAND and Sarah KILLEN had the following children: +2538 +2539 2540 +2541 +2542 +2543 i. William Henry COPELAND (born on 9 Aug 1829). ii. Serildah Ann COPELAND (born on 23 Jul 1832). iii. Cornelius J. COPELAND was born in 1836 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 22 Oct 1852 in Marshall Co., KY. died of typhoid fever Died of typhoid iv. Martha Jane COPELAND (born in 1844). v. Thomas Benton COPELAND (born in 1845). vi. Rebecca F. COPELAND (born in 1846). 884. John COPELAND (Nicholas-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1820 in Montgomery Co., TN. He died in KY. John COPELAND and Frances CHESTER were married in Calloway Co., KY. Frances CHESTER (daughter of CHESTER) was born John COPELAND and Frances CHESTER had the following children: 2544 +2545 +2546 2547 +2548 +2549 +2550 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Andrew COPELAND was born about 1815 in Montgomery Co., TN. James COPELAND (born in Dec 1817). William COPELAND (born about 1818). Martha COPELAND was born about 1824 in Calloway Co., KY. Jacob COPELAND (born in Oct 1825). Josephine COPELAND (born in Jan 1827). Levi COPELAND (born in 1828). 885. Amos COPELAND (Nicholas-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1803 in Chesterfield District, SC. He died on 11 Sep 1869 in Joseph stringer's farm-Marshall Co. near the line of Calloway Co., KY. According to to the 1870 Mortality, Amos died in Grayson Co.,TX of Debility Amos COPELAND and Mary Clearly SHORT were married on 17 Jul 1824. Mary Clearly SHORT (daughter of William SHORT and Delilah CLEARLY) was born on 21 Mar 1807 in Smith Co., TN. She died on 27 Feb 1854 in Calloway Co., KY. Amos COPELAND and Mary Clearly SHORT had the following children: +2551 +2552 +2553 2554 +2555 2556 i. ii. iii. iv. William S. COPELAND (born on 10 May 1825). John B. COPELAND (born on 25 Feb 1827). Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 21 Feb 1830). James COPELAND was born on 14 Jan 1832 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 1 Sep 1836 in Soldier Creek Cem.Marshall Co., KY. v. Joseph COPELAND (born on 7 Jan 1834). vi. Nicholas COPELAND was born on 26 Feb 1836 in Calloway Co., KY. He appeared in the census 184 Descendants of William COPELAND +2557 2558 2559 +2560 2561 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. +2562 xii. in 1860 in Claiborne Co., LA. He served in the military on 9 May 1861 in Civil War-Co I, 2nd LA inf-CSA. Joined in New Orleans. He died on 29 Nov 1863 in Paines Farm, VA. Pvt. Nicholas Copeland was wounded on 11/27/1863 at Paines Farm, VA and died two days later. Eliza E. COPELAND (born on 24 Dec 1838). Jane COPELAND was born on 28 Jun 1840 in Calloway Co., KY. She died on 1 Mar 1865. Nancy COPELAND was born on 13 Oct 1842 in Calloway Co., KY. She died in 1864. Richard Curd COPELAND (born on 21 Oct 1844). Wilson COPELAND was born on 4 Feb 1847 in Calloway Co., KY. He died on 30 Sep 1870 in KS. Wilson was blind according to the 1860 KY census Josiah Short COPELAND (born on 22 Jul 1848). Amos COPELAND and Sarah STROW were married on 15 Jan 1851 in Calloway Co., KY. Sarah STROW was born in 1808 in VA. She died in 1860 in Marshall Co., KY/near the Calloway Co. line. Amos COPELAND and Sarah STROW had the following children: +2563 2564 i. Mary COPELAND (born on 6 Sep 1851). ii. Euler Ethel COPELAND was born on 8 May 1853 in Calloway Co., KY. She died on 22 Jan 1896 in Mt. Carmel Cem., Calloway Co., KY. 886. Absalom II COPELAND (Nicholas-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1812 in Chesterfield District, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Hunt Co., TX. He died after 1860 in Hunt Co., TX. Absalom II COPELAND and Anna JONES were married on 24 Jan 1833 in Calloway Co., KY. Anna JONES was born I also have Anna Short? Absalom II COPELAND and Anna JONES had the following children: 2565 2566 2567 +2568 2569 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Isaac David COPELAND was born in 1833. Mary Ann COPELAND was born in 1835. Nicholas COPELAND was born in 1839. James Franklin COPELAND (born in 1842). Martha COPELAND was born in 1845. 888. John A. THURMAN (Nancy COPELAND-7, Nicholas-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 May 1827 in SC. He died on 24 Jun 1919 in Thurman/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. Elizabeth COPELAND (daughter of John 'Jack' COPELAND and Nancy COPELAND) was born on 15 Feb 1830 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died on 21 Nov 1901 in Thurman/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. 889. John Alexander COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Cherokee Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Cherokee Co., GA. John Alexander COPELAND and Fanny COPELAND were married on 11 May 1850 in Cherokee Co., GA. Fanny COPELAND was born in 1812 in NC. 890. Daniel P. COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Cherokee Co., GA. Daniel P. COPELAND and Malinda NORRIS were married in Nov 1836 in GA. Malinda NORRIS was born in 1814 in GA. She died in 1862 in GA. Daniel P. COPELAND and Malinda NORRIS had the following children: 2570 2571 2572 i. James COPELAND was born in 1836 in Cherokee Co., GA. ii. Catherine COPELAND was born in 1838 in Cherokee Co., GA. iii. Jane COPELAND was born in 1840 in Cherokee Co., GA. 185 Descendants of William COPELAND 2573 2574 2575 iv. Visa COPELAND was born in 1842 in Cherokee Co., GA. v. Mary COPELAND was born in 1845 in Cherokee Co., GA. vi. Elijah COPELAND was born in 1848 in Cherokee Co., GA. 891. Daniel Green COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Oct 1814 in Lincoln Co., NC. He was living in 1834 in Cherokee Co., GA. He served in the military on 1 Nov 1837 in Cherokee Indian Wars. Daniel enlisted near Marietta on 11/1/1837 for a term of one year. He was honorably discharged at Camp Call on June 1,1838 He appeared in the census in 1840 in Cherokee Co., GA. He served in the military on 15 May 1846 in Mexican War. Daniel served with the 91 'Canton Volunteers' of Cherokee Co., GA led by Captain Kennedy Gramling, were part of the 'Georgia Regiment of Volunteers'.They left for Texas on June 5,1846. He was discharged at Mobile, AL on July 1,1847. He fought in the battles of Vera Cruz and Matamoros. Only 60 'Canton Volunteers' returned. He 32, 5'81/2", dark eyes, dark hair He appeared in the census in 1850 in Gilmer Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chattooga Co., GA. He served in the military on 8 May 1861 in Civil War-Co F., 'Brown Riflemen' , 2nd Reg't GA Inf.. Daniel fought under Captain Dickerson. Daniel suffered greatly from rheumatism, complicated by exposure, and was given an honorable medical discharge on jan. 9,1862, near Manasass,VA He appeared in the census in 1870 in Russell Co., AL, Girard community across the Chattahoochee River from Columbus, GA. He was living in 1871 in Randolph Co., Al. He died in 1907 in Phoenix City, Russell Co., AL. He was buried in Pine Grove Cem., Phoenix City, Russell Co., AL. Daniel Green COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth 'Polly' WHELCHEL were married on 16 Oct 1837 in Hall Co., GA. Marriage is recorded in Gainesville, Hall Co., GA by William Hulsey, J.P. Marigae Book A, p 10 Mary Elizabeth 'Polly' WHELCHEL (daughter of John WHELCHEL and Mary TATE) was born in Sep 1817 in Union Co. SC. She served in the military on 14 Oct 1837 in Hall Co., GA. She died in 1904 in Anniston, AL. Daniel Green COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth 'Polly' WHELCHEL had the following children: +2576 +2577 +2578 2579 +2580 +2581 +2582 +2583 +2584 +2585 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. James Isom COPELAND (born on 17 Feb 1839). Nancy Jane COPELAND (born on 1 Apr 1841). Mary M. COPELAND (born in 1843). Sara Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1845 in Cherokee Co., GA. John Wesley COPELAND (born on 3 Sep 1847). Malinda C. COPELAND (born in 1849). Abigail Sophronia 'Abbie' COPELAND (born on 19 Jan 1852). Joseph Franklin 'Frank' COPELAND (born in 1854). Nathaniel Green COPELAND (born on 15 Feb 1856). Mattie Martha COPELAND (born in 1858). Daniel Green COPELAND and Nancy BAILEY were married on 10 Jun 1890. Nancy BAILEY was born on 5 Dec 1838 in Cocke Co., TN. She died in Feb 1897 in Girard, AL. 892. Frances COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in NC. Frances COPELAND and Isham JORDAN were married on 10 Nov 1841 in Murray Co., GA. Isham JORDAN was born about 1815. He served in the military in 1845 in Mexican War. He died on 5 Nov 1846. Frances COPELAND and Isham JORDAN had the following children: +2586 i. Elizabeth JORDAN (born in 1844). Frances COPELAND and Abner WEATHERBY were married on 25 Sep 1853 in Cherokee Co., GA. Book B, p 253 Abner WEATHERBY was born in 1801 in NC. He was blessed in Sep 1851 in Cherokee Co., GA. Became Guardian of Elizabeth after the death of Frances Frances COPELAND and Abner WEATHERBY had the following children: +2587 2588 i. Elvira WEATHERBY (born on 17 Jul 1858). ii. Ellen WEATHERBY was born 893. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 186 Descendants of William COPELAND was born in 1826 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Murray Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Cass Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Wise Co., TX. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Elizabeth JORDAN were married on 2 Dec 1845 in Cherokee Co., GA. Book A.,p136 Cherokee Co., GA Marriage Records Elizabeth JORDAN was born in 1827 in GA. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Elizabeth JORDAN had the following children: 2589 2590 +2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Reuben M. COPELAND was born in Apr 1850 in Ball Ground, Cherokee Co., GA. Mary COPELAND was born in 1851 in GA. John Marion COPELAND (born on 15 Oct 1855). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1859 in GA. Frances E. COPELAND was born on 8 Mar 1861 in GA. She died on 4 Jan 1923 in Parker Co., TX. vi. Margaret Melinda COPELAND died in 1846 in Azle, Parker Co., TX. She was born on 12 May 1864 in GA. vii. Martha L. COPELAND was born in 1866 in GA. She died after 1880 in Wise Co., TX. viii. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1876 in TX. 894. Sarah COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1823 in Cherokee Co., GA. Sarah COPELAND and Enos SWEAT were married on 26 Mar 1846 in Floyd Co., GA. Enos SWEAT was born 895. Susan COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in Cherokee Co., GA. She died in 1902 in Cherokee Co., GA. She was buried in Riverview Cem., Canton, Cherokee Co., GA. Susan COPELAND and William Daniel WELCHEL were married on 25 Aug 1842 in Cherokee Co., GA. William Daniel WELCHEL (son of John WHELCHEL and Mary TATE) was born in 1824 in Union Co. SC. He died in 1897 in Cherokee Co., GA. He was buried in Riverview Cem., Canton, Cherokee Co., GA. Susan COPELAND and William Daniel WELCHEL had the following children: +2597 +2598 2599 +2600 2601 +2602 2603 +2604 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Reuben Hiram WELCHEL (born in 1844). James Daniel WELCHEL (born on 30 Sep 1845). Hezekiah A. WELCHEL was born in 1849 in Cherokee Co., GA. William Daniel WELCHEL (born in 1852). Louel Mortimer WELCHEL was born on 25 Aug 1855 in Cherokee Co., GA. He died on 15 Feb 1929 in Cherokee Co., GA. vi. John A. WELCHEL (born on 22 Jun 1856). vii. Henry T. WELCHEL was born in 1860 in Cherokee Co., GA. He died in May 1921. viii. Susan Ann WELCHEL (born in 1868). 896. Elizabeth COPELAND (Reuben-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1827 in Cherokee Co., GA. Elizabeth COPELAND and John P. LONG were married on 8 Mar 1855 in Cherokee Co., GA. John P. LONG was born 903. John COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in Greenville, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin Co., AL. John COPELAND had the following children: +2605 2606 i. Richard COPELAND (born in 1820). ii. William COPELAND was born in 1822. 187 Descendants of William COPELAND 2607 2608 2609 2610 iii. iv. v. vi. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1834. John COPELAND Jr. was born in 1842. Susan COPELAND was born in 1844. Leander COPELAND was born in 1846. 904. Mary COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was living in 1846 in Montgomery Co., AL. She died in 1848 in harrison Co., TX. 1/4 Cherokee John WEST was born Mary COPELAND and John WEST had the following children: +2611 i. Mary WEST. 905. Auston Issac COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1805 in Greenville, SC. He was living on 16 Oct 1832 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He was living in 1834 in Cass Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in harrison Co., TX. He died in 1871 in TX. He was a Moravian missionary to the Cherokees and was tried and sentenced in 1831 in Gwinnet Co.,GA of being in the Cherokee territory without a passport. He died in 1871,Smyrna Cem.,Harleton,TX Sally MCDONNELL was born Auston Issac COPELAND and Lydia WILLIAMS were married on 18 Jul 1829 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Lydia WILLIAMS was born in 1806 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1860 in harrison Co., TX. Auston Issac COPELAND and Lydia WILLIAMS had the following children: +2612 2613 +2614 +2615 i. ii. iii. iv. John G. COPELAND (born in 1829). Ann COPELAND was born in 1834. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (born on 4 Mar 1836). Robert Goodloe COPELAND (born in 1843). 906. Richard COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Aug 1809 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Franklin Co., AL. He died on 8 Mar 1896 in Burnstown Cem., Franklin Co., AL. Richard COPELAND and Martha 'Patsy' LOVELACE were married on 7 Aug 1832 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Martha 'Patsy' LOVELACE was born on 13 May 1813 in SC. She died on 19 Jan 1878 in Burnstown Cem., Franklin Co., AL. Richard COPELAND and Martha 'Patsy' LOVELACE had the following children: +2616 +2617 2618 2619 2620 i. ii. iii. iv. v. +2621 2622 2623 +2624 vi. vii. viii. ix. George Washington COPELAND (born in 1835). John Hazel COPELAND (born in 1839). Emmaline COPELAND was born in 1840 in Franklin CO, AL. William A. COPELAND was born in 1842 in Franklin CO, AL. James R. COPELAND was born in 1842 in AL. He served in the military between 1862 and 1864 in Civil War-11th AL Cav. He died on 15 Jul 1864 in Civil War-Harrisburg, VA. Enlisted on Dec. 11,1862 at Tuscumbia Joseph Calvin COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1846). Mary Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1849 in AL. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1852 in AL. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (born in 1859). 907. Elisha COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in SC. He died about 1840 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Wilkes Co., GA. Males 1 (5-10); 2 (30-40); Females 1 (15-20) may not be a son of James and Lydia Elisha COPELAND and Agnes were married about 1824 in SC. Agnes was born in 1806 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Madison Co, AL. Elisha COPELAND and Agnes had the following children: 188 Descendants of William COPELAND 2625 2626 2627 +2628 +2629 2630 2631 2632 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Mary Ann COPELAND was born in 1824 in SC. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1825 in SC. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1827 in SC. John Charles COPELAND Sr. (born in 1828). Dr. Thomas Elisha COPELAND (born in 1825). Marthy Jane COPELAND was born in 1835 in AL. James West COPELAND was born in 1837 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Madison Co., AL. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War- 2nd MS Cav., CO., A, CSA. viii. William Elisha COPELAND was born in 1840 in Madison Co, AL. He appeared in the census in 1862 in Civil War- 5th MS Inf Co., E, CSA. 908. Anderson COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1812 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Washington Co., MS. Anderson COPELAND and Eliza HALL were married in Jan 1833 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Eliza HALL was born in 1815 in SC. Anderson COPELAND and Eliza HALL had the following children: 2633 2634 2635 2636 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary E. COPELAND was born in 1833 in AL. Jane E. COPELAND was born in 1839 in AL. William H. COPELAND was born in 1843 in MS. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1845 in MS. 909. Reuben COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1814 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin CO, AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Franklin CO, AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Franklin CO, AL. Margaret was born in 1820 in NC. Reuben COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: 2637 2638 2639 +2640 2641 2642 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1839 in AL. John COPELAND was born in 1841 in AL. Margaret COPELAND was born in 1845 in AL. Reuben COPELAND Jr. (born in 1847). William W. COPELAND was born in 1850 in Franklin CO, AL. Albert COPELAND was born in 1854 in Franklin CO, AL. 910. Elizabeth COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Nov 1817 in TN. Elizabeth COPELAND and Drury PARHAM were married on 17 Dec 1839 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Drury PARHAM was born on 7 Jan 1812. 911. William C. COPELAND (John-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in montgomery co., tx. He appeared in the census in 1880 in montgomery co., tx. Elizabeth DOWNING was born on 24 Feb 1826 in Madison Co., AL. She died on 27 Jul 1856 in Hardin Co., TN. William C. COPELAND and Elizabeth DOWNING had the following children: 2643 2644 +2645 +2646 2647 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1843. William COPELAND was born Mary COPELAND. Reuben Campbell COPELAND (born on 22 Nov 1849). Julua COPELAND was born in 1856 in Hardin Co., TN. 189 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary was born in 1835 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in montgomery co., tx. living w/ son, John William C. COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 2648 +2649 2650 2651 i. ii. iii. iv. Jimmantia COPELAND was born in 1859 in TX. John COPELAND (born in 1862). Campbell COPELAND was born in 1865 in TX. Susan COPELAND was born in 1868 in TX. 914. John COPELAND (Ripley-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was living in 1820 in Perry Co., TN. He died before 1834 in Perry Co., TN. John -indicted for perjury in Perry Co.,TN John COPELAND had the following children: 2652 i. Reuben COPELAND was born Joab was appointed Reuben's guardian in 1834 in Perry Co.,TN 915. James Marion COPELAND (Ripley-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Montgomery Co., AR. He died before 1860 in Montgomery Co., AR. Nancy Jane CAMPBELL was born in 1830. James Marion COPELAND and Nancy Jane CAMPBELL had the following children: +2653 +2654 +2655 +2656 +2657 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Calvin Monteville COPELAND (born on 5 Sep 1848). Naomi Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 18 May 1850). Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 19 Aug 1852). John Wesley COPELAND (born on 20 Jan 1855). James Gibson COPELAND (born on 20 Jun 1857). 916. Silas COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1806. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Perry Co., TN. He died before 1870 in Perry Co., TN. Silas was indicted for Assault and Battery with the intent to commit murder. Silas COPELAND and Martha were married about 1827 in Perry Co., TN. Martha was born Silas COPELAND and Martha had the following children: 2658 +2659 +2660 +2661 2662 +2663 2664 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. James Henry COPELAND was born in 1829 in Perry Co., TN. John R. COPELAND (born in 1832). James Burgess 'Bird' Monroe COPELAND (born in 1834). James Joab 'Joe' COPELAND (born on 3 Mar 1836). Martha COPELAND was born in 1837 in Perry Co., TN. Kesiah Frances COPELAND (born in 1839). Reuben COPELAND was born in 1841 in Perry Co., TN. 917. Sarah COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in NC/TN. Sarah COPELAND and Eli WHITE were married in 1822 in Williamson Co., TN. Eli WHITE (son of Jesse WHITE) was born in 1803 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died after 1864 in Blue Creek, White Cem., Humphreys Co., TN. Information from Boone White Sarah COPELAND and Eli WHITE had the following children: 2665 2666 2667 i. Mary Frances WHITE was born in 1825 in Hickman Co., TN. She died on 11 Dec 1869 in Humphrey Co., TN. ii. Rosanna WHITE was born in 1830 in Hickman Co., TN. She died in 1895 in Humphrey Co., TN. iii. William Copeland WHITE was born on 3 Jun 1831 in Hickman Co., TN. He died on 7 Jun 1907 in Humphrey Co., TN. 190 Descendants of William COPELAND 2668 2669 2670 iv. Nancy Aletta WHITE was born in 1833 in Hickman Co., TN. She died in 1858 in Humphrey Co., TN. v. Margaret WHITE was born in Feb 1840 in Hickman Co., TN. She died in 1912 in Humphrey Co., TN. vi. Amanda M. 'Cat' WHITE was born in 1842 in Humphrey Co., TN. She died in 1870 in Humphrey Co., TN. 918. Uriah COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Montgomery Co., AR. Jane was born in 1823 in TN. Uriah COPELAND and Jane had the following children: +2671 +2672 +2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. James COPELAND (born in 1826). Shelton COPELAND (born in 1831). Joel Francis COPELAND (born in 1834). George Washington COPELAND was born in 1836 in TN. Louisa COPELAND was born in 1839 in TN. Isabella COPELAND was born in 1841 in TN. Dicy E. COPELAND was born in 1843 in TN. Polly Nancy COPELAND was born in 1845 in AR. Joab COPELAND was born in 1849 in AR. 919. James 'Jim' H. COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in Hurricane Creek, Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1830 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in washinton co., tx. He died in 1870 in Washington Co., TX. He was buried in Jena Cem., Temple, Falls Co., TX. Anastasia Stacy WEBB was born in 1809 in TN. James 'Jim' H. COPELAND and Anastasia Stacy WEBB had the following children: 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 +2687 2688 +2689 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1831 in Perry Co., TN. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1834 in Perry Co., TN. Mary COPELAND was born in 1836 in Perry Co., TN. James COPELAND was born in 1839 in Perry Co., TN. Martha COPELAND was born in 1841 in Perry Co., TN. William COPELAND was born in 1843 in Perry Co., TN. Hugh COPELAND was born in 1845 in Perry Co., TN. Joab 'Joe' O. COPELAND (born on 16 Feb 1847). Dicy COPELAND was born in Nov 1849 in Perry Co., TN. Amalie E. 'Millie' COPELAND (born on 28 Feb 1851). 920. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810. She died in 1870. Oswell GRIFFIN (son of Auswell GRIFFIN Jr. and Elizabeth DABBS) was born 921. Millie COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815. John BUNCH was born in 1804. 922. Reuben Murphy COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Nov 1820 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Perry Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Caldwell Co., TX. He died on 30 Mar 1881 in Caldwell, TX. He was buried in Liberty Cem., Caldwell 191 Descendants of William COPELAND Co., TX. Reuben Murphy COPELAND and Rebecca LEDBETTER were married in 1842 in Perry Co., TN. Rebecca LEDBETTER was born on 30 Aug 1825 in TN. She died on 28 Dec 1869 in Perry Co., TN. She was buried in OLd Copeland Homestead Cem(now Qualls), near Linden, Perry Co., TN. Reuben Murphy COPELAND and Rebecca LEDBETTER had the following children: +2690 +2691 +2692 +2693 +2694 +2695 +2696 +2697 +2698 +2699 +2700 +2701 +2702 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Henry Wesson COPELAND (born on 27 Feb 1843). Uriah Reuben COPELAND (born on 16 Mar 1846). Ellison Taylor 'Jake' COPELAND (born on 5 Jun 1848). William Kendrick COPELAND (born on 25 Apr 1850). Milton Brown COPELAND (born on 30 Aug 1852). Calvin Barber COPELAND (born on 6 Feb 1854). Dicy Jane COPELAND (born on 4 Apr 1856). James Joab 'Joe' COPELAND (born on 30 Mar 1858). Mary Nancy COPELAND (born on 30 Aug 1860). Mack Marion COPELAND (born on 3 Feb 1863). Robert Thomas COPELAND (born on 5 Apr 1865). Reuben Pitts COPELAND (born on 28 Sep 1867). John Huston COPELAND (born on 6 Nov 1869). Reuben Murphy COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth BARBER were married on 4 Dec 1870 in Caldwell Co., TX. Sarah Elizabeth BARBER (daughter of John BARBER and Sarah) was born in 1842 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Caldwell Co., TX. She died in Aug 1919 in Liberty Cem., Caldwell Co., TX. Reuben Murphy COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth BARBER had the following children: +2703 +2704 +2705 +2706 i. ii. iii. iv. Sarah Elzadie'Zadie' COPELAND (born on 19 Apr 1872). Millie COPELAND (born on 22 Nov 1874). Peter COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1879). Murphy Clementine Mourning COPELAND (born on 3 Jun 1881). 923. Joab COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in St. Francis Co., MO. Sarah was born in 1821 in KY. Joab COPELAND and Sarah had the following children: 2707 2708 i. Wilson M. COPELAND was born in 1847 in MO. ii. William H. COPELAND was born in 1849 in MO. 924. Dicy COPELAND (James 'Joab' Silas-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Apr 1827 in Perry Co., TN. She died on 10 Jun 1862 in Searcy Co., AR. She was buried in Mainard Cem., Searcy Co., AK. Dicy COPELAND and William Dabbs GRIFFIN were married about 1842 in TN. William Dabbs GRIFFIN (son of Auswell GRIFFIN Jr. and Elizabeth DABBS) was born on 1 Dec 1823 in Perry Co., TN. He died on 24 Aug 1906 in Searcy Co., AR. He was buried in Mainard Cem., Searcy Co., AK. Dicy COPELAND and William Dabbs GRIFFIN had the following children: +2709 2710 +2711 +2712 2713 +2714 +2715 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Henry Jeralds GRIFFIN (born on 7 Dec 1847). Rebecca GRIFFIN was born in 1848 in Perry Co., TN. She died about 1850 in Perry Co., TN. Martha Jane GRIFFIN (born on 30 Oct 1850). Eli Marion GRIFFIN (born on 11 Jul 1852). John Bell GRIFFIN was born on 24 Apr 1854 in Searcy Co., AR. Mary Pernice GRIFFIN (born on 11 May 1856). Cornelius Brown GRIFFIN (born on 24 Apr 1858). 192 Descendants of William COPELAND 925. Auswell GRIFFIN Jr. (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Elizabeth DABBS was born Auswell GRIFFIN Jr. and Elizabeth DABBS had the following children: +2716 +2717 i. William Dabbs GRIFFIN (born on 1 Dec 1823). ii. Oswell GRIFFIN. 926. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (William-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1819 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Clarke Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Pike Co., AR. Farriby was born in 1834 in GA. She died in May 1880 in Clarke Co., AR. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Farriby had the following children: 2718 2719 +2720 +2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 i. Samuel COPELAND was born in 1836 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Hempstead Co., AR. ii. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1844 in GA. iii. Alexander COPELAND (born on 23 Jan 1847). iv. Daniel M. COPELAND (born in 1849). v. Emily Mary COPELAND was born in 1852 in GA. vi. Georgia COPELAND was born in 1862 in AR. vii. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND was born in 1863 in AR. viii. Martha COPELAND was born in 1868 in AR. 928. Miles COPELAND (William-7, Reuben-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in Floyd co. GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Clarke Co., AR. He died on 7 Dec 1862 in Civil War-Battle of Priarie Grove, AR. Caroline was born in 1828 in GA. Miles COPELAND and Caroline had the following children: 2726 2727 +2728 +2729 +2730 2731 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Mary E., COPELAND was born in 1850 in GA. William L. COPELAND was born in 1852 in Floyd co. GA. Jesse A. COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1853). John W. COPELAND (born in 1854). Thomas W. COPELAND (born in 1858). Samuel COPELAND was born in 1860 in AR. 931. James DARK (Samuel A.-7, Ruth COPELAND-6, Nicholas-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1794 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died in 1866/67 in West TN. Martha GATES was born in 1794. She died in 1846/47 in Marshall Co., TN. James DARK and Martha GATES had the following children: +2732 i. Issac Vernon DARK (born on 14 Jul 1818). 932. John RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in SC. He died about 1850 in SC. Sarah MORGAN was born in 1780. She died on 27 Feb 1852. 933. Charles Calvin RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 Mar 1788 in SC. He died on 2 Jan 1865 in SC. Anna Catherine BAMBERG was born on 1 Apr 1791. She died on 11 Mar 1855 in SC. Charles Calvin RENTZ and Anna 193 Descendants of William COPELAND Catherine BAMBERG had the following children: +2733 +2734 +2735 +2736 +2737 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Theziah 'Kessie' RENTZ (born on 17 Jan 1811). Margaret RENTZ (born on 27 Dec 1812). Peter William RENTZ (born on 6 Sep 1815). Eve RENTZ (born on 8 Apr 1817). Calvin RENTZ (born on 7 Nov 1835). 934. Eve RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1790 in SC. Walter HUGHES was born in 1812. 935. Isaac RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1793 in SC. Keziah was born in 1808. Isaac RENTZ and Keziah had the following children: +2738 2739 2740 2741 i. ii. iii. iv. Charles RENTZ (born in 1830). Adam RENTZ was born in 1832. Kesiah RENTZ was born in 1844. Isaac RENTZ was born in 1846. He died on 27 Jul 1861. 937. George Washington RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1796 in SC. He died on 28 Jun 1857 in Barnwell Co, SC. Jane COPELAND (daughter of John Jacob COPELAND Sr. and Mary RISER) was born in 1803 in SC. She died in 1870 in Barnwell Co, SC. George Washington RENTZ and Jane COPELAND had the following children: +2742 +2743 2744 +2745 +2746 +2747 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. James William RENTZ (born in 1828). Simon Peter RENTZ (born in 1830). George RENTZ was born in 1832 in SC. Mary Ann Margaret 'Peggy' RENTZ (born in 1834). Isaac Washington RENTZ (born on 17 Jun 1835). John W RENTZ (born on 8 Sep 1841). 938. Elizabeth RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1798. Robert HENDERSON was born in 1790. 939. Susan RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in SC. She died before 1880 in Colleton Co, SC. Hardy D. O'QUINN (son of Silas O'QUINN and Nancy CRUMMEY) was born on 16 Mar 1816 in Carter's Ford on Salkehatchie River, Colleton Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Colleton Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Colleton Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Broxson, Colleton Co, SC. He died about 1910 in Colleton Co, SC. Susan RENTZ and Hardy D. O'QUINN had the following children: +2748 +2749 +2750 +2751 i. ii. iii. iv. Florence W. O'QUINN (born in Jul 1844). Ann Savilla O'QUINN (born in 1845). Mary O'QUINN (born in 1847). John W. O'QUINN (born in Jul 1850). 194 Descendants of William COPELAND 940. Jacob RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in SC. Keziah was born in 1808. 941. Ann Elizabeth RENTZ (Mary VARN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Jun 1823 in SC. She died on 6 Sep 1898. Issac oliver POLK was born in 1822. He died on 5 Jun 1864. 944. Sylvia SEXTON (Martha COPELAND-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Michael HEIRS was born 945. Jency SEXTON (Martha COPELAND-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Nathan JORDAN was born 946. Penelope SEXTON (Martha COPELAND-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Lemuel THURSTON was born 947. Nancy COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1795 in SC. Abraham HIERS was born in 1795. Nancy COPELAND and Abraham HIERS had the following children: 2752 +2753 2754 i. Elizabeth HIERS was born on 12 Dec 1815 in SC. ii. Mary Ann HIERS (born on 12 Dec 1815). iii. Charles HIERS was born on 11 Apr 1817 in SC. 948. John Jacob COPELAND Jr. (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Dec 1797 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died on 12 Apr 1879 in Bamberg Co., SC. He was buried in Mittie Copeland Cemetery, Erhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. John Jacob COPELAND Jr. and Mary SHUBERT were married about 1830 in SC. Mary SHUBERT was born in 1810 in SC. She died in 1834 in SC. John Jacob COPELAND Jr. and Margaret Peggy BISHOP were married in 1835 in Barnwell Co., SC. Margaret Peggy BISHOP (daughter of George BISHOP and Molly) was born on 15 Mar 1808 in SC. She died about 1879 in Bamberg Co, SC. She was buried in Mittie Copeland Cemetery, Erhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. John Jacob COPELAND Jr. and Margaret Peggy BISHOP had the following children: +2755 +2756 +2757 +2758 +2759 +2760 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 5 Nov 1836). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 30 Dec 1838). Sarah Ann COPELAND (born on 26 Mar 1842). Rebecca Ann COPELAND (born on 30 Nov 1844). Jacob Lazarus COPELAND (born on 31 Jan 1845). Isaac George Franklin COPELAND (born on 6 May 1849). 195 Descendants of William COPELAND 2761 2762 vii. William F. COPELAND was born on 6 May 1849 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died before 1860 in Barnwell Co, SC. viii. Lucius Luther COPELAND was born on 9 Jul 1853 in Barnwell Co, SC. 949. Elizabeth COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Apr 1800 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died on 26 Oct 1878 in Bamberg Co., SC. She was buried in Peg-Leg Copeland Cemetery, Ehrhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. Elizabeth COPELAND and Jacob BISHOP were married on 7 Jan 1817 in Barnwell Co, SC. Jacob BISHOP (son of George BISHOP and Molly) was born on 25 Jun 1785 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died on 8 Apr 1852 in Bamberg Co., SC. He was buried in Peg-Leg Copeland Cemetery, Ehrhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. Elizabeth COPELAND and Jacob BISHOP had the following children: +2763 +2764 +2765 +2766 +2767 +2768 +2769 +2770 2771 2772 +2773 2774 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Hezekiah BISHOP (born on 3 Jun 1819). George William BISHOP (born on 4 Dec 1822). Jeremiah William BISHOP (born on 24 Apr 1824). Jacob Isaiah BISHOP (born on 2 Aug 1825). Oliver BISHOP (born on 25 Jun 1828). Susannah Elizabeth BISHOP (born on 11 Jan 1830). Adam BISHOP (born on 8 Feb 1834). Eve Ann BISHOP (born on 8 Feb 1834). Issac BISHOP was born on 21 Apr 1835. He died on 27 Dec 1848. Mary Ann BISHOP was born on 25 Apr 1838. She died on 14 Jun 1925. Joseph S. 'Josiah' BISHOP (born on 3 Apr 1840). John Malaachi BISHOP was born on 25 Apr 1843. He died on 1 Apr 1863. 950. Jane COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1803 in SC. She died in 1870 in Barnwell Co, SC. George Washington RENTZ (son of Peter R. RENTZ and Mary VARN) was born in 1796 in SC. He died on 28 Jun 1857 in Barnwell Co, SC. Jane COPELAND and George Washington RENTZ had the following children: +2742 +2743 2744 +2745 +2746 +2747 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. James William RENTZ (born in 1828). Simon Peter RENTZ (born in 1830). George RENTZ (born in 1832). Mary Ann Margaret 'Peggy' RENTZ (born in 1834). Isaac Washington RENTZ (born on 17 Jun 1835). John W RENTZ (born on 8 Sep 1841). 951. Isaac David COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Mar 1805 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died on 19 Oct 1891 in Bamberg Co, SC. He was buried in Mittie Copeland Cemetery, Erhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. Issac may have moved back and forth between Manassas,Prince William Co.,VA and Barnwell Co.,SC Isaac David COPELAND and Mary Eva PLATTS were married in 1832. Mary Eva PLATTS (daughter of John PLATTS and Susannah MOLE) was born on 1 Jan 1815 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died on 16 Jan 1897 in Barnwell Co, SC. Isaac David COPELAND and Mary Eva PLATTS had the following children: 2775 +2776 +2777 +2778 +2779 i. George Lazarus COPELAND was born on 7 Jan 1834 in Barnwell Co, SC. He died on 18 Mar 1852 in Erhardt, Bamberg Co, SC. He was buried in Mittie Copeland Cemetery, Erhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. ii. William Alfred COPELAND (born on 30 Apr 1836). iii. John Jacob COPELAND (born on 12 May 1837). iv. Levicia Ann 'Vicey' COPELAND (born in 1840). v. Jacob Henry COPELAND (born on 11 May 1842). 196 Descendants of William COPELAND +2780 +2781 +2782 +2783 +2784 +2785 +2786 vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Annie Eugenia COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1843). Josiah Isaac COPELAND (born on 5 May 1845). Francis 'Frank' Elzy COPELAND (born on 9 Feb 1847). David Christian COPELAND (born on 4 Nov 1849). Mary Susannah COPELAND (born on 9 Mar 1852). Laura Ann Ellen COPELAND (born on 3 Jun 1854). Henry Capers COPELAND (born on 18 Nov 1856). 952. Eve Frances COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1807 in Barnwell Co, SC. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Barnwell Co, SC. living w/ father She appeared in the census in 1860 in Barnwell Co, SC. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died in 1884 in Peg-Leg Copeland Cemetery, Ehrhardt, Bamberg Co., SC. Eve Frances COPELAND had the following children: +2787 2788 +2789 i. William Jefferson COPELAND (born in 1829). ii. John S. COPELAND was born in 1836 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Bamberg Co, SC. living w/ sister, Christianne He appeared in the census in 1910 in Bamberg Co, SC. living w/ sister, Christianne did not marry iii. Jacob Cornelius 'Peg Leg Jake' COPELAND (born on 10 Nov 1844). 953. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died in 1895 in Barnwell Co, SC. Thomas PULASKI was born in 1816. He died in 1882. They had four more children after the first ten, they all died young Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and Thomas PULASKI had the following children: +2790 +2791 +2792 +2793 +2794 +2795 +2796 +2797 +2798 2799 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Mary Elizabeth PULASKI (born on 20 Dec 1840). Amanda PULASKI. Sallie PULASKI. Ann PULASKI. Narcissus PULASKI. Eve PULASKI. Laura PULASKI. Joe PULASKI. Emily Louise PULASKI. Delilah PULASKI was born 954. Annie COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1811 in SC. She died in 1894 in Echols, Lowndes Co, GA. Annie COPELAND and William Francis FENDER were married in Barnwell Co, SC. BK 119 pg 4 William Francis FENDER (son of John FENDER and Ellen HARRISON) was born in 1809 in SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Lowndes Co, GA. He died on 13 Oct 1878. Annie COPELAND and William Francis FENDER had the following children: +2800 i. Caroline FENDER (born in 1840). 955. Sarah COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1813 in Barnwell Co, SC. She died on 6 Oct 1844 in Barnwell Co, SC. Sarah COPELAND and Jacob Levi FOLK SR. were married on 6 Nov 1834 in Barnwell Co, SC. Jacob Levi FOLK SR. (son of Jacob FOLK and Mary Elizabeth HOWARD) was born on 14 Mar 1815 in SC. He died on 27 Feb 1848 in Barnwell Co, SC. Sarah COPELAND and Jacob Levi FOLK SR. had the following children: +2801 +2802 i. Henry Capers FOLK (born in 1831). ii. Jacob Lazarus FOLK (born on 21 Nov 1837). 197 Descendants of William COPELAND 2803 +2804 iii. John Wesley FOLK was born on 18 Mar 1840. He died on 12 Oct 1840. iv. Jesse Cornelius FOLK (born on 20 Aug 1844). 956. John George Franklin COPELAND (John Jacob-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1815 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Barnwell Co, SC. a widower, living w/ son He died in Jan 1899 in Barnwell Co, SC. John George Franklin COPELAND and Elizabeth GRIMES were married on 10 May 1848 in Barnwell Co, SC. Elizabeth GRIMES was born in 1821. She died about 1855 in SC. Wife maybe Ann Morris John George Franklin COPELAND and Elizabeth GRIMES had the following children: +2805 i. Jacob Franklin 'Whitehead' COPELAND (born on 26 Mar 1849). Rebecca Ann MCMILLIAN was born in 1828. She died in 1863 in SC. John George Franklin COPELAND and Rebecca Ann MCMILLIAN had the following children: +2806 +2807 i. Martha Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 18 Feb 1857). ii. Hanson Rebecca 'Hattie' COPELAND (born on 14 Sep 1859). 959. Amanda COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815. John HUGHES was born 960. William COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chesterfield Co., SC. William COPELAND and Nancy SELLERS were married in 1847. Nancy SELLERS (daughter of Thomas 'Darley' SELLERS and Jane COPELAND) was born in 1820. William COPELAND and Nancy SELLERS had the following children: 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Frances COPELAND was born in 1844 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Mary COPELAND was born in 1846 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Dolly COPELAND was born in 1849 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Martha COPELAND was born in 1853 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1857 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 963. Reuben C. COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Choctaw Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Clebune Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Clebune Co., AL. He died before 1910 in Clebune Co., AL. moved to Choctaw Co.,AL abt 1860 Reuben C. COPELAND and Rosanna were married in 1847 in SC. Rosanna was born in 1828 in SC. Reuben C. COPELAND and Rosanna had the following children: 2813 2814 i. Jane COPELAND was born in 1847 in SC. ii. Thomas COPELAND was born in 1850 in SC. Reuben C. COPELAND and Nancy Jain GIBSON were married about 1857 in SC. Nancy Jain GIBSON was born in 1835. Reuben C. COPELAND and Nancy Jain GIBSON had the following children: 2815 2816 +2817 i. Nicholas COPELAND was born in 1857 in SC. ii. William COPELAND was born in 1862 in AL. iii. Abner AB COPELAND (born in 1863). 198 Descendants of William COPELAND +2818 2819 +2820 2821 2822 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Reuben T. COPELAND (born in 1864). Jackson COPELAND was born in 1868. Mary Elizabeth 'Betty' COPELAND (born in 1871). Matilda COPELAND was born in 1875. Nancy Jane COPELAND was born in 1879. Reuben C. COPELAND and Martha FOLLY were married about 1883 in AL. They were divorced about 1886 in AL. Martha FOLLY was born Reuben C. COPELAND and Martha FOLLY had the following children: 2823 2824 i. John COPELAND was born in 1884 in AL. ii. Malroy COPELAND was born in 1886 in AL. Reuben C. COPELAND and Julia CANNADY were married on 15 Jan 1888 in Cleburne, AL. Julia CANNADY was born in 1865 in AL. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Clebune Co., AL. Reuben C. COPELAND and Julia CANNADY had the following children: 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Baker COPELAND was born in 1890 in AL. Mattie COPELAND was born in 1892 in AL. Herbard Baber 'Bunk' COPELAND was born in 1894 in AL. Bessie COPELAND was born in 1896 in AL. Mary COPELAND was born in 1899 in AL. 964. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 11 Sep 1825 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Chesterfield Co., SC. He died on 27 Nov 1899 in Chesterfield Co., SC. probate roll NO. 627 Leviner 'Sis' ALLEN (daughter of Harde ALLEN) was born on 28 Mar 1848. She died on 2 Jun 1902 in Copeland/Thurmond Cem., Chesterfield Co., SC. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND and Leviner 'Sis' ALLEN had the following children: 2830 +2831 2832 2833 i. ii. iii. iv. Alice COPELAND was born in May 1870 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Jasper COPELAND (born in Sep 1874). Hattie COPELAND was born in 1876 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Cornelia COPELAND was born in 1879 in Chesterfield Co., SC. 965. Mary Ann COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1830. She died on 19 Feb 1890 in Thurmond/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. NICHOLSON was born 966. Elizabeth COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Feb 1830 in Chesterfield Co., SC. She died on 21 Nov 1901 in Thurman/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. John A. THURMAN (son of William THURMAN and Nancy COPELAND) was born on 20 May 1827 in SC. He died on 24 Jun 1919 in Thurman/Copeland Cem., Ruby, Chesterfield Co., SC. 967. Jonathan COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in SC. Mammie was born in 1835. 968. Sarah 'Tabitha' Ann COPELAND (John 'Jack'-7, Isaac-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 199 Descendants of William COPELAND was born in 1836 in Chesterfield Co., SC. Frank SELLERS was born Sarah 'Tabitha' Ann COPELAND and Frank SELLERS had the following children: 2834 i. William SELLERS was born 969. Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND (Isaac-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1791 in Chatham Co, , NC. He died on 15 Dec 1865 in Augusta, Richmond Co., GA. He was buried on 15 Dec 1865 in Old Yard of Magnolia Cem., Augusta, GA. Sounds like a good place to put him. This family moved to Barnwell,SC 1821 was living in Jefferson Co.,GA and won land in the lottery in Dooly Co.,GA Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND and Nancy TREUTLEN were married in 1810 in Chatham Co, , NC. Nancy TREUTLEN died in 1829. Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND and Nancy TREUTLEN had the following children: +2835 +2836 +2837 +2838 2839 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John Nelson COPELAND (born on 24 Oct 1811). Caroline COPELAND (born in 1827). Major McKay Massey COPELAND (born in 1825). Anna Jane COPELAND (born in 1829). Issac COPELAND was born about 1830 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Barbour Co., AL. Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND and Mary Ann JONES were married in 1830 in GA. Mary Ann JONES was born Rev. Massey McKay 'Mack' COPELAND and Aury RHODES were married in 1831 in GA. Aury RHODES was born in 1800 in SC. 970. Isaac COPELAND (Isaac-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Feb 1798 in Barnwell Co, SC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Talbot Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Barbour Co. AL. He died on 21 Sep 1869 in GA. Isaac COPELAND and Elizabeth Byington WILSON were married on 15 Jun 1823 in Baldwin Co., GA. Elizabeth Byington WILSON (daughter of Henry WILSON) was born on 19 Aug 1809. She died on 24 Apr 1895 in Troy, Pike Co., AL. Isaac COPELAND and Elizabeth Byington WILSON had the following children: 2840 +2841 2842 +2843 +2844 2845 +2846 +2847 +2848 +2849 2850 +2851 +2852 +2853 +2854 i. Isaac Seth COPELAND was born on 6 Nov 1824 in GA. He died in 1834 in GA. ii. Henry Wilson COPELAND (born on 29 Aug 1826). iii. John Thomas COPELAND was born on 25 Mar 1828 in GA. He died on 25 Oct 1872 in Mobile, AL. iv. Elizabeth Susan COPELAND (born on 29 Nov 1829). v. Charles Martin COPELAND (born on 17 Nov 1831). vi. Sarah Johusan COPELAND was born on 6 Jul 1833 in GA. vii. Mary Smith COPELAND (born on 18 May 1835). viii. Joseph A. COPELAND (born on 22 May 1837). ix. Isaac Seth COPELAND (born on 27 May 1839). x. Louisa Christina COPELAND (born on 17 Dec 1840). xi. Benjamin Robin COPELAND was born on 8 Apr 1842 in Talbot Co., GA. He died in 1864 in Troy, Pike Co., AL. xii. Henrietta Mariam COPELAND (born on 17 Jan 1844). xiii. Joshua Saule COPELAND (born on 15 Apr 1845). xiv. Hillard Amos Byington COPELAND (born on 6 Aug 1846). xv. David Grover COPELAND (born on 9 Jul 1850). Elizabeth was born in 1810 in GA. Isaac COPELAND and Elizabeth had the following children: 200 Descendants of William COPELAND 2855 2856 +2857 +2858 i. ii. iii. iv. Benjamin COPELAND was born in 1842 in GA. Joshua COPELAND was born in 1845 in AL. William Warren COPELAND (born on 26 Dec 1842). David C. COPELAND (born in 1849). 971. James COPELAND (Henry C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Crawford Co., GA. He died between 1862 and 1865 in Civil War. James COPELAND and Martha CHASSERAU were married about 1850 in GA. Martha CHASSERAU was born in 1832 in SC. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Thomas Co., GA. She died in 1879 in Grady Co., GA. James COPELAND and Martha CHASSERAU had the following children: +2859 +2860 +2861 +2862 +2863 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Azeleen COPELAND (born on 14 Dec 1850). James W. COPELAND (born in 1853). Susan COPELAND (born in 1855). George W. COPELAND (born on 14 Apr 1859). Theophilis S. COPELAND (born on 14 May 1859). 974. Ann COPELAND (Henry C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Ann COPELAND and James PONDER were married on 28 Jan 1847 in Thomas Co., GA. James PONDER was born 975. Eliza COPELAND (Robert C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in GA. BROWN was born 976. Anne M. COPELAND (Robert C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in GA. Anne M. COPELAND and James PONDER were married on 28 Jan 1847 in Thomas Co., GA. James PONDER was born on 3 May 1818. Anne M. COPELAND and Cicero H. YOUNG were married on 15 Nov 1854 in Thomas Co., GA. Cicero H. YOUNG was born Anne M. COPELAND and J.L. FINN were married about 1868 in Thomas Co., GA. J.L. FINN was born 977. Jane COPELAND (Robert C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823 in GA. She died before 1865 in Camden Co., GA. Jane COPELAND and Burwell Atkinson BROWN were married on 9 May 1844 in Thomas Co., GA. Burwell Atkinson BROWN was born in 1816 in GA. 978. Henry COPELAND (Robert C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jan 1825 in GA. He died on 18 Jun 1889 in Thomas Co., GA. Caroline BROWN was born in 1828 in Camden Co., GA. Henry COPELAND and Sarah C. HARVIN were married on 19 Nov 1846 in GA. Sarah C. HARVIN was born 201 Descendants of William COPELAND 979. Dr. Robert C. COPELAND Jr. (Robert C.-7, John Jacob-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Jul 1826 in FL.. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Thomas Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Thomas Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Thomas Co., GA. He died on 1 Jan 1883 in Copeland-Hayes Cem., Grady Co., GA. Dr. Robert C. COPELAND Jr. and Mary Elizabeth REYNOLDS were married on 28 Jun 1849 in Thomas, Ga. Mary Elizabeth REYNOLDS was born on 15 Dec 1826. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Thomas Co., GA. living w/ Henry C.,son Dr. Robert C. COPELAND Jr. and Mary Elizabeth REYNOLDS had the following children: 2864 2865 +2866 +2867 +2868 2869 i. Mary COPELAND was born in 1849 in Thomas Co., GA. He died before 1860 in Thomas Co., GA. ii. Robert W. COPELAND Jr. was born in 1852 in Fl. iii. Clarence E. COPELAND (born on 10 Oct 1874). iv. Henry Chandler COPELAND (born in 1858). v. Claude COPELAND (born in 1861). vi. Belle COPELAND was born in 1863 in Thomas Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Thomas Co., GA. living w/ Henry ,brother 980. Frances REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1807 in MS. She died on 15 Apr 1884 in George Co., MS. Thomas HOWELL was born in 1802. He died on 12 Nov 1866. 981. John REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809. He died before 1860. Sarah was born in 1812. 982. George REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 25 Mar 1811. He died on 1 May 1876. Mary Ann RYAN was born in Sep 1818. She died on 30 Mar 1911. 983. Isham REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1813. He died in 1865. Nancy Ann BILBO was born on 14 Jan 1808. She died in 1908. 984. William REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1818. Mary Emeline BYRD was born in 1819. She died in 1857. William REEVES and Mary Emeline BYRD had the following children: 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. John REEVES was born in 1838. George REEVES was born in 1840. James REEVES was born in 1843. Mary REEVES was born in 1845. Peter REEVES was born in 1846. Martha REEVES was born in 1847. Lyman R. REEVES was born in 1848. Jefferson REEVES was born in 1850. 202 Descendants of William COPELAND 2878 2879 2880 ix. Isom REEVES was born in 1851. x. Ellen REEVES was born in 1856. xi. Matt Carter REEVES was born in 1857. 985. Sarah REEVES (Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Apr 1820. She died on 6 Oct 1891. Sarah REEVES and Godfrey HELVERSON were married about 1839 in MS. Godfrey HELVERSON (son of Peter HELVERSON and Isabel COPELAND) was born on 6 Feb 1816. He died on 26 Feb 1893. Sarah REEVES and Godfrey HELVERSON had the following children: +2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Mary Ann HELVERSON (born on 19 Sep 1839). Richard HELVERSON was born in 1841. Peter HELVERSON was born in 1843. James HELVERSON was born in 1845. Jane HELVERSON was born in 1848. Sarah HELVERSON was born in 1849. Lucy HELVERSON was born in 1851. John HELVERSON was born in 1853. William HELVERSON was born in 1858. 986. Godfrey HELVERSON (Isabel COPELAND-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Feb 1816. He died on 26 Feb 1893. Godfrey HELVERSON and Sarah REEVES were married about 1839 in MS. Sarah REEVES (daughter of James William REEVES and Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND) was born on 19 Apr 1820. She died on 6 Oct 1891. Godfrey HELVERSON and Sarah REEVES had the following children: +2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Mary Ann HELVERSON (born on 19 Sep 1839). Richard HELVERSON (born in 1841). Peter HELVERSON (born in 1843). James HELVERSON (born in 1845). Jane HELVERSON (born in 1848). Sarah HELVERSON (born in 1849). Lucy HELVERSON (born in 1851). John HELVERSON (born in 1853). William HELVERSON (born in 1858). 987. Henry COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Mobile Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hardin Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Lafayette Co., FL. Henry COPELAND and Martha WATTS were married on 19 Jul 1848 in Mobile Co., AL. Martha WATTS was born in 1825. She died before 1870. Henry COPELAND and Martha WATTS had the following children: 2890 2891 2892 i. Mary Ann COPELAND was born in Jan 1850 in AL. ii. Thomas COPELAND was born in 1856 in MS. iii. Thersa COPELAND was born in 1859 in TX. 988. Martha Ellen COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Mar 1820 in Jackson Co., MS. She died on 12 Sep 1913 in Gulfport, MS. She was buried in Evergreen Cem., Ocean Springs, MS. Joseph TILLMAN (son of James TILLMAN) was born in 1810. He died in 1872. He was buried in Cedar Grove Baptist Church, Theodore, Mobile Co., AL. Martha Ellen COPELAND and Joseph TILLMAN had the following children: 203 Descendants of William COPELAND +2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 +2903 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Rebecca TILLMAN (born on 16 Apr 1838). William TILLMAN was born in 1836 in MS. He died in 1864 in Civil War. Jane TILLMAN was born in 1840 in MS. James TILLMAN was born in 1842 in MS. Joseph W. TILLMAN was born in 1846 in AL. John F. TILLMAN was born in 1847 in AL. Martha TILLMAN was born in 1848 in GA. Leonard W. TILLMAN was born in 1849 in MS. He died on 15 May 1923 in Gulfport, MS. Isom TILLMAN was born on 21 Jun 1854 in St. Elmo, Mobile Co., AL. He died on 21 Jul 1925 in Gulfcrest, Mobile Co., AL. x. George TILLMAN was born in 1856 in AL. xi. Preston TILLMAN (born in 1859). 991. John COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in St. Tammany Parish, LA. He served in the military in 1862 in CSA-4th FL. He died on 10 Feb 1863 in Civil War-Gate City Hospital-Atlanta, GA. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, GA. Dicy was born in 1827. She died on 30 Dec 1913 in Santa Rosa Co., FL. John COPELAND and Dicy had the following children: +2904 2905 2906 i. James Madison COPELAND (born about 1847). ii. Lou B. COPELAND was born on 17 May 1849 in Santa Rosa Co., FL. She died on 7 Oct 1928 in Santa Rosa Co., FL. iii. Moses B. COPELAND was born on 19 Dec 1855 in Santa Rosa Co., FL. He died on 13 May 1931 in Santa Rosa Co., FL. 994. Lorenzo Dow COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in St. Tammany Parish, LA. He served in the military in 1862 in CSA- 4th FL Inf, later joined tthe Union, 2nd Cav, Co. G, at Cedar Key. Enlisted 1862 in Tampa and appt. musician 6/9/1862. Discharged for disability 8/3/1862 Chattanooga. He was 5'2',dark skin,hazel eyes. Enlisted June 27,1864 at Cedar Key,FL with the 2nd Cav., Co. G. Promoted to CPL 2/2/1865, mustered out 11/29/1865 in Tallahassee. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Lafayette Co., FL. He died in Pleasnat Grove Cem., Old Town, Dixie Co., FL. Georgie A. was born in 1848 in Fl. Lorenzo Dow COPELAND and Georgie A. had the following children: 2907 i. Sallie COPELAND was born in 1869 in New Troy, Lafayette Co., FL. 995. Isaac A. COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in St. Tammany Parish, LA. He served in the military in 1862 in CSA- 4th FL Inf, later joined tthe Union, 2nd Cav, Co. G, at Cedar Key. Enlisted 1/24/1862 in Tampa, appt.5th Sgt 6/9/1862,discharged 9/16/1862 in Chattanooga. Had light skin,dark eyes,fair complexion and 5'10. Enlisted USA 6/27/1864, at Cedar Key,FL,promoted to CPL 7/1/1864. He mustered out og 2nd Cav,Co. G, on 11/29/1865 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Lafayette Co., FL. He died on 13 Apr 1875 in Copeland Cem, Old Town, Dixie Co., FL. Evaline was born in 1845 in GA. applied for and obtained a FL Civil War pension for Robert Williams, ART. unit,USD04230-Lafayett,FL in 1908 Isaac A. COPELAND and Evaline had the following children: 2908 i. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1870 in Lafayette Co., FL. 996. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Isham-7, James-6, Daniel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in May 1840 in St. Tammany Parish, LA. He served in the military in 1862 in CSA FL 4th INF, later joined the Union 2nd Cav. Co. G, in Cedar Key, FL. wounded in the thigh at Chickamauga,9/20/1863 and absent sick since 11/20/1863 204 Descendants of William COPELAND Enlisted with Co. G, 2nd Cav on 6/27/1864 and mustered out 11/29/1865 at Tallahassee. Had dark hair,hazel eyes, dark complexion and was 5'10 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Lafayette Co., FL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Lafayette Co., FL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Alachua Co., FL. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Alachua Co., FL. living with Simon and Martha Copeland Boyd 1880 County: Lafayette Copeland, A.J., birthplace: Louisiana, White, Male, 36. Copeland, Barbary C., wife, 24, birthplace: Georgia Copeland, R.C., daughter, 3, birthplace: Florida Henrietta, niece, 7, birthplace: Florida 1900 County: Alachua Copeland, Jacky A., white, b. May 1840, 60, birthplace: Georgia Copeland, Barbary C., wife, b. May 1845, 55, birthplace: Florida Boyd, Ellen, daughter, b. March 1882, 18, birthplace: Florida Boyd, Nettie, grand-daughter, b. March 1899, 10 mos., birthplace: Florida Faircloth, Henrietta, niece, b. March 1875, 25, birthplace: Florida 1910 County: Alachua Boyd, Simon P., white, 35, b. Florida Martha Ellen, wife, 28, b. Florida Sylvester J., son, 10, b. Florida Barbrie G., daughter, 9, b. Florida Marinda J., daughter, 7, b. Florida Leonard, son, 5, b. Florida Irwin C., son, 2, b. Florida Mavis, daughter, NR, b. Florida Cokeland, NR, FL, 66, b. Louisiana Barbara C. was born in 1845 in GA. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Barbara C. had the following children: 2909 +2910 i. R.C. COPELAND was born in 1877 in New Troy, Lafayette Co., FL. ii. Martha Ellen COPELAND (born in Mar 1882). 997. James Richardson COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Nov 1806 in Copeland Cove, Overton CO, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 5 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. H. He enrolled as a private in 25th Tennessee Infantry,Company H. at Livingston ,Overton Co.,TN on August 5,1861. He was elected Captain the same day. He was not reelected at the reorganization of the regiment on May 10,1862 and was discharged at that time. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Sep 1887 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. James served in the 28th and 32nd General Assemblies,1849-1851, and 1857-1859, representing Overton Co., as a Democrat. >A Century of Lawmaking, 1774-1873 >--------------------------------------------------------------------- -->Sen. Exec. Journal--WEDNESDAY, June 24, 1846. >--------------------------------------------------------------------- -->Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate of the United States of >America, 1789-1873 >WEDNESDAY, June 24, 1846. > >The following messages were received from the President of the United States, >by Mr. Walker, his secretary: > >Page 101 > >To the Senate of the United States: 205 Descendants of William COPELAND >I nominate the persons named in the accompanying list for appointment to the >offices set opposite their respective names, in the Quartermaster and >Commissary Departments, in accordance with the provisions of the act approved >June 18, 1846, entitled "An act supplemental to an act to provide for the >prosecution of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of >Mexico," and for other purposes. >JAMES K. POLK. >Washington, June 24, 1846. > >In the Commissary's Department. -------------------------------------------------------------------->Page 103 > >* Robert W. Powel, of Tennessee, to be assistant commissary with the rank >of captain. >* James R. Copeland, of Tennessee, to be assistant commissary with the rank >of captain. Chapter XXXVI The Evolution Of "Society" Everyday Life A letter written by J. R. Copeland, son of Joseph Jefferson Copeland, one of the first settlers in Overton County, Tennessee in 1791. Copied in part: " I was born in the year 1806. I was here in the days of hunting shirts, moccasins, and buckskin pants, all of which articles I have worn myself, when the rifle was the constant companion of the early settler when he left his domicile and entered the woods. I was here in the days of log cabins and puncheon floors, yes, and puncheon tables, for my first eating at table was upon a broad puncheon put upon legs, when our meals were all eaten off pewter plates by the best livers. And those who could not afford pewter and tin, old Solomon Alread turned them plates and bowls out of wood on the turning lathe. numbers of families used that kind of table ware. I was here when our mothers and sisters manufactured from the raw materials of cotton., wool and flax, all the wearing apparel of the family. Calico was very scarce, and our mothers used to vie with each other in making the prettiest cotton frock, and eyed each other very closely at church to see who had excelled. We had no buttons for our flax and cotton shirts. but our mothers wrapped some thread around a goosequill, slipped it off, and then worked it into a button with a needle. For our coats, when we had any, we made some button-shapes out of pieces of gourd and our mothers covered them with some of the material of the garment. As for pants buttons, not a little sole leather was used, but some had instruments for cutting them out of horn and drilling them. The old settlers enjoyed themselves well. They had plenty of hog and hominy. And, if any fell a little short, there was a great deal of hospitality in those days. Some of the best livers enjoyed a cup of coffee on Sunday mornings. Charles Sevier and James Dodson principally supplied the hats of the county, manufacturing them out of sheep's wool ans coon's fur. Josiah Copeland furnished the saddles-he made the trees and covered them. Some of the best farmers used to raise some wheat, and large fields of rye, and large flax patches, and when the harvest time came around, , all the neighbors were asked to come in on a certain day with thier families, and the men to bring their reap hooks. When assembled, the men went to the grain fields to reap down the grain, and the boys and girls, such as were able, repaired to the flax patches, each lad generally choosing some rosy-cheeked lass to pull flax by his side. At the close of the day, the work being ended, all the good cherer, and a big egg-nog would all up. If men had a falling out in them days, the knife or pistol was not thought of. It was entirely a fisticuff. If an individual or his friends were disposed to boast his manhood, it was not long until he had to fight somebody, just to see which can endure the most hard knocking, in a ring, with a man each to see that all went off in accordance with the code of honor of those days of the fisticuff." 206 Descendants of William COPELAND Sally HAYTER (daughter of Abraham HAYTER and Mary Ann 'Polly') was born on 18 Aug 1813 in VA. She died on 5 Apr 1904 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. James Richardson COPELAND and Sally HAYTER had the following children: +2911 +2912 +2913 +2914 +2915 +2916 +2917 +2918 +2919 +2920 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Clarinda COPELAND (born on 27 Oct 1834). Kate Harriette COPELAND (born on 8 Apr 1836). Octavia 'Tavia' Josephine COPELAND (born on 5 Jul 1840). Thomas Benton COPELAND (born on 15 Sep 1842). John Hayter COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1845). Joseph May 'Big Paw' COPELAND (born on 6 Mar 1848). Abram Horace 'Abe' COPELAND (born on 26 Nov 1850). Ann 'Annie' COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1853). Louisa Jane 'Lou' COPELAND (born in 1856). Sarah Marshall COPELAND (born on 12 Apr 1859). 998. Louisa Jane COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1809 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Cumberland Co., TN. She died in 1864 in TN. Louisa Jane COPELAND and John RAINS were married on 6 Mar 1829 in Overton Co., TN. They were divorced in 1852 in Overton Co., TN. John RAINS was born about 1800. He died. Louisa Jane COPELAND and John RAINS had the following children: 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. James M. RAINS was born in 1832 in TN. Barnetta RAINS was born in 1836 in TN. George Washington RAINS was born in 1841 in Cumberland Co., TN. Lou Rinda RAINS was born in 1844 in Cumberland Co., TN. Lean RAINS was born in 1846 in Cumberland Co., TN. Joseph Copeland RAINS was born in 1848 in Cumberland Co., TN. 999. Moses Wilkerson COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Feb 1812 in Overton, Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Sep 1871 in Overton, Co, TN. Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Nancy WEBB were married in 1833 in Overton, Co, TN. Nancy WEBB (daughter of John C. WEBB and Elizabeth WARD) was born on 20 May 1815 in Ashe Co., NC. She died in 1852 in Overton, Co, TN. Nancy died of the measles Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Nancy WEBB had the following children: 2927 +2928 2929 +2930 +2931 +2932 +2933 +2934 +2935 +2936 i. John Foster COPELAND was born on 1 Jul 1835 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Arthur, Indian Territory, OK. ii. Joseph Jahaziel 'Hasy' COPELAND (born on 25 Oct 1837). iii. Thomas Wilkerson COPELAND was born on 26 Jan 1839 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Feb 1864 in Rock Island, IL - Civil War Prison. Pvt in Co. A, 8th TN INF and 13th Cav (Gore's) Co A iv. Sarah Louisa COPELAND (born on 10 Mar 1841). v. Soloman Francis COPELAND (born on 31 Mar 1843). vi. James Granville COPELAND (born on 18 May 1845). vii. Burell Frances COPELAND (born on 25 Sep 1846). viii. Armilda A. COPELAND (born on 15 Jun 1854). ix. Mary Pernicia COPELAND (born in 1851). x. John C. COPELAND (born in 1852). Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' DECK were married in 1854. Mary Ann 'Polly' DECK (daughter of Allen DECK and Arminta) was born in 1827 in IL. She was born in 1833 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. w/ parents Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' DECK had the following children: 207 Descendants of William COPELAND +2937 +2938 +2939 2940 +2941 2942 i. ii. iii. iv. William Felix COPELAND (born on 10 Dec 1855). Uretha Jane COPELAND (born on 5 Jan 1859). Nancy Angeline 'Angie' COPELAND (born on 24 Mar 1861). Burnetta 'Nettie' COPELAND was born in 1862. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, OK. single living w/ sister Lou Watkins v. Eliza D. COPELAND (born in 1863). vi. Joseph D. COPELAND was born in Mar 1870 in Overton Co, TN. 1000. Stephen Harrison 'Mack' COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 11 Sep 1817 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1858 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth CARR (daughter of Thomas CARR and Rebecca TIPTON) was born in 1819 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 5 Mar 1893 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. Stephen Harrison 'Mack' COPELAND and Elizabeth CARR had the following children: +2943 2944 +2945 +2946 +2947 +2948 +2949 +2950 +2951 i. Emaline 'Eveline' COPELAND (born in 1842). ii. Clementine COPELAND was born in 1842. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. living w/Thomas, her brother She died on 31 Jul 1903 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. iii. Demetrius Calvin COPELAND (born in Mar 1843). iv. Lavender COPELAND (born in 1846). v. James Richardson COPELAND (born on 18 Apr 1850). vi. Thomas Carr COPELAND (born on 23 Feb 1849). vii. Joseph L. COPELAND (born in 1852). viii. Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 28 Jul 1854). ix. Emelic Mack COPELAND (born on 18 Dec 1856). 1001. Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 21 Aug 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ Hannah , mother He served in the military on 5 Aug 1861 in Camp Myers, Overton Co., TN-25th TN Co. H. - CSA. He was also in Camp Zollcoffers Camp, Overton Co.,TN , with the 25th Infantry Co H. Anderson received a disability discharge on 15 July 1862. Discharge papers say that he was 40 years old,6' 7', dark complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, and a farmer by occupation. He rejoined in Sept 1862 with the 8th Calvary. He received a discharge on April 7,1864. Later he reenlisteded again with the 8th TN Calvary. The 8th Tennessee Cavalry was initially organized in White County as independent partisan rangers on September 4, 1862, with 12 companies under the command of Colonel George G. Dibrell. The first muster was held near Sparta in September 1862, and consisted of 921 men, primarily farm workers from Jackson, Overton, Putnam and White counties. On October 8, the regiment marched from Sparta to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to join Brigadier General Nathan B. Forrest's Brigade. There it was reorganized into 10 companies and mustered into the CSA as the 8th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry. While at Murfreesboro, the regiment was equipped with 400 flintlock muskets and 600 sabres -- the only issue of arms ever made to it by the Confederate Government. Its first military assignment was to scout and establish pickets outside the city of Nashville. A skirmish at Neely's Bend, north of the city, was the first of several while stationed in that area. The 8th Tennessee Cavalry was involved in a remarkable number of battles and skirmishes throughout the Civil War and suffered considerable casualties. It fought in engagements ranging from west Tennessee into southern Virginia, through the Carolinas and into Georgia. The men fought not only on horseback, but frequently engaged the enemy dismounted and sometimes in hand-to-hand combat as happened at Chickamauga. Although it was regularly short of arms and supplies and its recruits usually had little or no training, the regiment earned a reputation for discipline and dependability. Writing after the war, General Dibrell wrote "that not a piece of artillery was ever lost when supported by the Eighth. Huggin's company of artillery used to say that they had no fear of going into battle when supported by the Tennessee cavalry brigade, of which the Eighth was a part." Its last engagement was at Beulah, NC on April 11, 1865. The next day, the regiment learned that rumors of Lee's surrender were true and marched to Greensboro, NC. From there, it helped escort President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet to 208 Descendants of William COPELAND Abbeville, SC where the command was dissolved. The 8th Tennessee, consisting of only 381 men, marched to Washington, Georgia and surrendered to the 4th Iowa Cavalry on May 3rd. The men were paroled on May 9, 1865, and returned to Tennessee. While camped in Polk County, the men were confronted by a squad of federal soldiers who brought them to the nearby city of Cleveland. They were placed under guard and individually searched for any item bearing the “U.S.” insignia. The regiment was allowed to leave later that evening, but not without enduring some harassment from a few of the local citizens. The 8th Tennessee entered Chattanooga the following day and suffered more humiliation. The provost-marshal, falsely claiming that he was under orders, confiscated the horses from those with the rank of private. After the parole of each soldier was inspected, the regiment, annoyed but in good spirits, continued its homeward journey on foot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------The 8th Tennessee Cavalry is sometimes referred to as the 13th Tennessee Cavalry. Indeed, the A. & I.G.O. recognized the unit by the latter designation. After the war, General Dibrell provided an explanation: When the regiment was mustered at Murfreesboro by Col. Charles Carroll it was the Eighth Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry, and it bore that name thereafter. Col. Carroll was captured before sending off his muster, and when received at Richmond the regiment was numbered the Thirteenth; but we never recognized that number, and it was not so known in the army. He died on 27 Jan 1865 in Augusta, GA. He was wounded during the Civil War fighting at Battle of Wainsboro,GA with Gores 8th Cav Co. E. He died in a hospital at Augusta GA. His physical said that he was 6'4" 'The Military Annals of Tennessee Confederate. First Series: Embracing a Review of Military Operations with Regimental Histories and Memorial Rolls. Eighth Tennessee Cavalry At Buck Head church Gen. Wheeler overtook the enemy again, charged and routed them. They destroyed the bridge over Buck Head Creek in their retreat, but we soon had it repaired by using the seats which we took from the church. The Tennessee brigade was then ordered to take the lead and move to the rear of the enemy. We crossed and, from the information, had moved, as we thought, to the rear of the enemy, when we turned to the road and struck the enemy's pickets. Charging them, we had a running fight for about half a mile, when we struck Gen. Kilpatrick's entire command, strongly fortified behind rail-works, with a very strong position, our approach to which was through a large field, without any protection whatever. They had selected and fortified this position to remain during the night. They poured volley after volley of small arms into us, and played upon us with several pieces of artillery; but we held the ground taken, and returned their fire, until reenforcements arrived upon our right, when Kilpatrick abandoned his works and beat a hasty retreat. We pursued him some distance, until the night getting very dark we gave up the chase and went into camp; but Kilpatrick did not stop until he got back to Gen. Sherman's infantry. In this day's fighting we were actively engaged from day light until nine or ten o'clock at night, the Eighth Tennessee sharing largely in the hard struggles of the day. They made the last charge upon the enemy's lines, meeting a perfect hail-storm of shot and shell from Kilpatrick's artillery, in which Houston Farley, Anderson Copeland, and others, were killed, and Capt. A. C. Dale and several others wounded. Dr. Jo. C. Evans's horse had his head torn off with a cannon-ball just as he had dismounted to throw a fence down for the charge. Capt. Mounce L. Gore led this last charge in person Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth GORE were divorced in Feb 1858 in Overton Co, TN. she charged him with abusive treatment February Term 1858 Sarah COPELAND vs. Joseph A. COPELAND - petition for Divorce They married 14 years ago in Overton County. They have 3 living children. He turned her out of the house, cursed and abused her. Called her "God d--d bitch," "God d--d Ethiopean." Charged her with adultery. She charged him with abusive treatment. He is a "hopeless sot and has been for many years." Sarah Elizabeth GORE (daughter of Henry GORE and Mary) was born in 1828. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living w/father, Henry and her 3 children,Sarahphine,Franklin P., and Mary. Also Ruben Swallows, later Rueben Copeland. An illegitimate child of her husband,Joseph and Ruth Swallows Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth 209 Descendants of William COPELAND GORE had the following children: +2952 2953 2954 +2955 +2956 i. Mary Frances COPELAND (born on 24 Aug 1844). ii. Elexus COPELAND was born on 24 Mar 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1858 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Alfonzo COPELAND was born on 30 Nov 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died before 1858 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Sarafina 'Sarah Fine' COPELAND (born on 20 Apr 1850). v. Franklin 'Frank' Pierce COPELAND SR. (born on 28 Dec 1853). Ruth SWALLOWS (daughter of Jacob W. SWALLOWS and Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND) was born in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. listed w/ Ruth Swallows is her 2 year old son Rueben Swallows. Joseph Anderson 'Andy' COPELAND and Ruth SWALLOWS had the following children: +1589 i. Rueben C. COPELAND (born in Oct 1848). 1002. William Ellison COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Dec 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. listed w/ wife, Nancy; daughter, Roxina, and Louisa,18 ? He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Jul 1885 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. He was a Captain I. Co.6th Infantry of TN September 1866 William E. COPELAND and his wife, Nancy Jane, suing William COLLINS and his wife, Polly Ann for slander. Polly Ann Elderidge Collins was spouting off about Jane's character and called her a "God damn hore" and God damn Bitch and then accused her of taking "medscin" to keep from having babies. Polly Ann COLLINS was also spreading the rumor that Nancy Jane had "striped start nakin" and went into the woods with "Eleson" They won the suit and $100.00. Feb Term 1870 Wm E. Copeland, Moses W. Wilkerson, S.A. Copeland& Louisa Rains vs Sarafine Copeland and Franklin P. Copeland... this causie came on finally to be heard on the report of the commissioners appointed by the Court of Overton County to partition (above mentioned) devises of Hannah T. Copeland deceased, a tract of nine hundred acres of land more or less, lying in Overton Co., TN civil district No. 6 bounded by the lands of A. Cullom, Wm Carr, Ance Christian and others, respectfully report that they have divided said land as folows, to Wm E. Copeland- 155 acres and 38 poles. Lot 1 bounded as follows, Christians, A. Lynn, John Tayes, Maxwell, near Richardson's spring. We also assign to S.A. Copeland lot No. 2 containing 111 3/4 acres.. also to S.A. Copeland lot No. 2 on the mountain at the Maxwell line to A. Lynn. We assign to Sarafine Copeland and F.P. Copeland lot No. 3 containing 118 1/2 William Ellison COPELAND and Nancy Jane WALKER were married on 3 Oct 1851 in White Co, TN. Nancy Jane WALKER (daughter of James Hill WALKER and Elizabeth D. SNODGRASS) was born on 8 Feb 1832 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ Joe May She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. living with Rosine Oakley, daughter She died on 17 Apr 1912 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. Maybe a Turner or Walker William Ellison COPELAND and Nancy Jane WALKER had the following children: 2957 +2958 +2959 i. Ned COPELAND was born in 1855 in Overton Co, TN. He died before 1860 in Overton Co., TN. ii. Roxina 'Sallie' COPELAND (born in 1853). iii. Joe May COPELAND (born on 1 Oct 1860). 1003. Solomon Addison COPELAND (Joseph 'Big Joe'-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Aug 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-6th District. S.A. 35;Elizabeth,17;Saraphrine,20;, and Franklin P,15 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Cumberland Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Cumberland Co., TN. He died on 29 Jun 1910 in Cumberland Co., TN. Overton County Court Minutes, April Term 210 Descendants of William COPELAND 1869: The petition of S. A. COPELAND, a citizen of Overton Co, TN, would respectfully state and show unto your Worshipful court the he is the illegitimate father of Elizabeth SWALLOWS, a girl of about 14 years of age, the daughter of Perlina SWALLOWS, a single woman, also a citizen of said county. Petitioner has had the custody, nurture and tuition of said Elizabeth for a number of years, has no family and is fully able to take care of said child. He therefore prays upon the court to legitimize said Elizabath and make her a lawful heir of Petitioner and that her name be changed from Elizabeth Swallows to Elizabeth Copeland and Petitioner is duty bound will ever pray. Subscribed & sworn to by S. A. COPELAND on this 5th day of April 1869 He applied for a pension in Cumberland Co.,TN (S7158) with the Company D.25th Infantry of TN private. Sarah A., widow applied after 1900 (W3658). He enlisted in 1861, with Col.Stanton. He was discharged in Mississippi in 1862, because he was over 35 years of age. Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS (daughter of Jacob W. SWALLOWS and Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND) was born on 29 May 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Pauline never married Solomon Copeland . She ran a bawdy house with her sister, Rachel.She was arrested w/America Low,Jemima McCormick, Winifred West, Elizabeth West and Sarah Baker for running a Bawby House in Overton on June 13th,1867 Solomon Addison COPELAND and Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS had the following children: +1590 i. Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 30 Nov 1853). Sarah Ann RAINS was born in 1839 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Cumberland Co., TN. Sarah Ann collected a widows pension for his Civil War efforts, Solomon Addison COPELAND and Sarah Ann RAINS had the following children: 2960 2961 2962 i. Flora COPELAND was born in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. maybe listed as Nancy Territa 21 in the 1880 Cumberland Co.,TN census. Addison and Sarah are living with here and dau Cora,1. ii. Issac Newton COPELAND was born in 1865 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in Oct 1869 in Overton Co, TN. 1008. Martha 'Patsy' M. COPELAND (Stephen-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Apr 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 30 Oct 1891 in Madison Co., AR. Middle intial maybe A or M. Thompson GARDENHIRE (son of George Alvin GARDENHIRE and Ann Rogers 'Polly' RATHER) was born in 1815 in KY. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Priairie TWP, Carroll Co., AR. He died in 1901 in Madison Co., AR. He and wife are on the 1840 Overton Co.,TN census. He and Martha are on the 1850 Carroll Co.,AR census. "Smith MATLOCK vs. Motion to Condemn Land Thompson GARDENHIRE Jacob SWALLOWS one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for the County of Overton this day produced in open court the following papers to wit State of Tennessee Overton County To any lawful officer of said County to execute - you are hereby commanded to summon Thompson GARDENHIER to appear before some acting Justice of the peace in and for said County to answer Smith MATLOCK in a Suit of Debt due by note under $150.00 Given under my hand 211 Descendants of William COPELAND and seal this the 15th day of January 1841 (signed) Riley MILLER J.P. upon the back of which aforesaid Warrant is the following endorsements to wit Execution on the 4th of Feb. 1841. Set for trial on the same day before Esquire Jacob SWALLOWS Walter ALLY const. (constable) Judgment on the within Warrant for ninety seven dollars and 30 cents for which execution may issue February the 4th 1841. (signed) Jacob SWALLOWS J.Peace On or before the Seventh of August next, I promise to pay Smith S. MATLOCK one hundred dollars for value Recd. (received) of him as witness my hand and seal this September the 12th 1838 Thompson GARDENHIRE mark & seal Franklin ASKINS seal upon the back of which aforesaid note is the following endorsements to wit - I forgive of this note fifteen dollars and seventy cents this October the 29th 1839 S. S. MATLOCK I rec.d three dollars of the within debt this 25th of Sept 1839 Walter ALLY Judgment on this note February the 4th 1841 Jacob SWALLOWS J.P. State of Tennessee Overton County To any lawful officer of said county - you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels lands and tenements of Thompson GARDENHIRE if to be found in your county you cause to be made the sum of ninety seven dollars and thirty cents and the cost to satisfy judgment that Smith MATLOCK received against the said GARDENHIRE before me the fourth day of February 1841. Jacob SWALLOWS J.Peace Upon the back of which aforesaid Execution is the following endorsements to wit - Bill of Cost, Debt and Interest $97.30 for serving Warrant Judgment and issuing execution .87 1/2 commission $3.89 Levy .50 no personal property found in my county levied on the undivided interest of the defendant in and to a tract of land of Six hundred and forty acres being on the Waters of Mathews Creek in Overton County adjoining the lands whereon John LEA David STEWART and Hiram POSTEN now live which belonged to Stephen COPELAND Junior deceased and upon which he lived and which descended to his heirs and the said defendant being one in right of his wife this February the 22nd 1841. Walter ALLY Constable And on motion of the plaintiffs attorney it is therefore considered by the Court that said tract of land be condemned for the satisfaction of said debt and cost and also the cost herein expended and it is ordered by the Court that an order of sale issue." June Term 1841, Page 244 Martha 'Patsy' M. COPELAND and Thompson GARDENHIRE had the following children: +2963 2964 +2965 2966 +2967 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Margaret Perlina GARDENHIRE (born in 1841). George Washington GARDENHIRE was born in 1844 in Overton Co, TN. Alvin Cullom 'Cull' GARDENHIRE (born on 17 Apr 1845). Evaline C. GARDENHIRE was born in 1848 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Ann 'Polly' GARDENHIRE (born in 1850). 212 Descendants of William COPELAND +2968 +2969 +2970 +2971 vi. vii. viii. ix. Stephen Calvin GARDENHIRE (born in 1853). Louise Leann GARDENHIRE (born on 14 Mar 1855). Sarah W. GARDENHIRE (born in 1857). Thompson Copeland 'Bud' GARDENHIRE (born in Mar 1860). 1009. William B. 'Bartlett?' COPELAND (Stephen-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 5 Feb 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1863 in 27th KY Inf, Co., G, USA. 1850 Ky census Simpson Co. William B.(farmer) was found with his family and T.G.(Thompson Gardenhire Copeland,19-Laborer. Lucinda was born in 1823 in Overton Co., TN. She died. William B. 'Bartlett?' COPELAND and Lucinda had the following children: 2972 2973 2974 i. S.V. COPELAND was born in 1844 in TN. ii. P.A.'Polly Ann' COPELAND was born in 1846 in TN. iii. S .M. COPELAND was born in 1849 in TN. 1010. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (Stephen-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1824 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. w/ Nancy, Arminda, and Mary She died in 1890. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and John L. COPELAND were married about 1842 in Overton Co, TN. John L. COPELAND (son of William COPELAND and Bertha MORGAN) was born in 1807 in TN. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Jeremiah Maxwell sued John L. Copeland for $4.43 1/2. 7/5/1843. John L. agreed to pay $4.50 by 11/6/1843. Having no personnal property(but hiers in law of Stephen Copeland), the courts gave right of title to 10 acres,of land conveyed to Stephen,Jr Copeland by Solomon Copeland on 2/11/1825. Plus 100 acres conveyed to Stephen,Jr. by his father Stephen Copeland. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Condemn] Pleasant Armstrong sued John L. Copeland on 6/3/1842 for $8.25 . John L was ordered to pay by 9/16/1843. Court ordered 10 acres,given to Stephn,Jr. by Solomon and 100 acres,given to Stephen,Jr by Stephen Copeland, be condemned on 2/28/1844 He was living in 1844 in Between Matthews Creek & Webb mill, near Adam Gardenhire, Overton Co., TN. On a road building team. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. I can not find this family He died on 30 Sep 1875 in John Mathews Creek, Overton Co, TN. John L. was probably down Josiah Copeland's line. If he followed the naming practices his father was William and mother was Bertha. There is a William with a son that fits in the 1820 census of Overton. John L. and Mary name a son Josiah, this name is not in Mary's family. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND and John L. COPELAND had the following children: +1411 +1412 +1413 +1414 +1415 +1416 +1417 +1418 +1419 1420 +1421 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Stephen Leander COPELAND (born on 4 May 1843). Rev. William Morgan COPELAND (born on 3 Feb 1845). Bertha C. COPELAND (born on 26 Sep 1846). Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 10 Jul 1848). Josiah 'Sarl' Lambert COPELAND (born on 22 Aug 1850). James Townsend COPELAND (born on 7 Oct 1852). Nancy Delila COPELAND (born on 13 May 1854). John D. COPELAND (born on 27 Feb 1856). Armanda O. COPELAND (born on 17 Nov 1858). Samuel Vann COPELAND (born on 24 Feb 1860). Mary Isabell COPELAND (born on 16 Jul 1861). 1012. Thompson 'Thomas' Gardenhire COPELAND (Stephen-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 28 Dec 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Simpson Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN-5th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1905 in Overton Co., TN. Fought in the Civil War 3rd TN Inf (Lillard's) Co. D. Captured and paroled at Vicksburg with Martin Van Buren Copeland, brother. He may have joined the 27th KY Inf Co. G USA Thompson 'Thomas' Gardenhire COPELAND and Lucinda HAMMOCK were married in 1851 in Overton Co, TN. Lucinda 213 Descendants of William COPELAND HAMMOCK was born on 10 Apr 1826 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Sep 1900 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. One of her children's death certificate says that she was a Hammock. I have also seen Bilbrey and Cannon Thompson 'Thomas' Gardenhire COPELAND and Lucinda HAMMOCK had the following children: +2975 +2976 +2977 i. Rev. Hilrey G. COPELAND (born on 2 Apr 1853). ii. Leander 'Lee' A. COPELAND (born on 11 Feb 1856). iii. Rev. Hardy COPELAND (born on 19 Mar 1863). 1013. Martin Van Buren COPELAND (Stephen-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Oct 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Meigs Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in McMinn Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Meigs Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Meigs Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1890 in Meigs Co., TN. widow at Breedenton,Meigs Co.,TN 1850 TN census,Martin was found in Jackson Co., with the family of Ezekial Vinsant b,1804,Malinda b.1807,Katherine b.1831, Nancy b.1834, Margaret b.1836, Gaberiller b.1842,Sarah b.1845, Cark A.E. b.1849.Could Malinda be a older sister Amanda? Wrong birthday. He fought in the Civil War as Martin V.( Pvivate) I Co 3rd MI (Lillard's). He was also a prisoner of war, captured and paroled at Vicksburg. He joined the 11th/12th TN Cav Co. B.-USA June of 1874, killed John Askew, son in law, in a knife fight over John abusing Van's daughter Amanda Martin Van Buren COPELAND and Sarah THOMAS were married on 7 Apr 1854 in Meigs Co., TN. Sarah THOMAS was born in 1838. She died between 1872 and 1876. Martin Van Buren COPELAND and Sarah THOMAS had the following children: +2978 +2979 +2980 +2981 +2982 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Amanda COPELAND (born in 1855). Lucreta 'Lori' COPELAND (born in 1859). Hugh COPELAND (born in 1861). Emma Valentine'Vollie' COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1868). Fannie Lee COPELAND (born on 22 May 1872). Martin Van Buren COPELAND and Mary Ann RHEA were married on 20 Nov 1876 in Rhea Co, TN. Mary Ann RHEA was born on 4 Aug 1842 in Rhea Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Meigs Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Meigs Co., TN. She died on 6 Oct 1926 in Meigs Co., TN. She was buried in Oct 1926 in Munford Smith Cem., Meigs Co., TN. Martin Van Buren COPELAND and Mary Ann RHEA had the following children: 2983 2984 i. Joseph Lord COPELAND was born on 6 Aug 1878 in Meigs Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Meigs Co., TN. living with mother, Mary He died on 23 Sep 1961 in Meigs Co., TN. He was buried in Munford Smith Cem., Meigs Co., TN. ii. Roxanna Z. COPELAND was born in 1879 in Meigs Co., TN. She died in 1920 in Meigs Co., TN. She was buried in Munford Smith Cem., Meigs Co., TN. 1015. Pleasant TAYLOR (Agnes COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Feb 1810 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Fentress Co., TN. He died on 6 May 1889 in Fentress Co., TN. He was a Blacksmith in Jamestown, Fentress Co., TN. Martha HAMLETT (daughter of Berriman HAMLETT) was born on 14 Jan 1812. She died on 28 Apr 1876. Pleasant TAYLOR and Martha HAMLETT had the following children: +2985 +2986 +2987 +2988 +2989 +2990 +2991 +2992 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Matilda TAYLOR (born in 1843). Catherine TAYLOR (born on 28 Apr 1839). Joseph Copeland TAYLOR (born on 21 Mar 1841). Diadama TAYLOR (born on 17 Nov 1843). Martha Jane TAYLOR (born in 1847). Berriman Hamlet TAYLOR (born on 27 Mar 1850). Amanda TAYLOR (born on 15 Jul 1852). James Pleasant TAYLOR (born on 8 Apr 1855). 1017. Leroy TAYLOR (Agnes COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was 214 Descendants of William COPELAND born on 8 Oct 1812 in Overton Co, TN. Operated a roadside tavern near Clarkrange, Fentress Co., TN. After his 1 st wife died, he remarried and moved to Cumberland Co., TN. He built 'Taylor's Chapel' Margaret CAMPBELL (daughter of Joseph CAMPBELL) was born Barbara BROYLES was born 1019. Didama TAYLOR (Agnes COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in Fentress Co., TN. Rev. James CAMPBELL (son of Joseph CAMPBELL) was living in 1850 in KS. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Nacogdoches Co. TX. 1024. Jacob GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1811 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. He died before 1855 in Lawrence Co., AR. Jacob GARDENHIRE and Martha WELCH were married in 1837 in Overton Co, TN. Martha WELCH was born Jacob GARDENHIRE and Martha WELCH had the following children: 2993 i. Thompson E. GARDENHIRE was born in 1852 in Lawrence Co., AR. Jacob GARDENHIRE had the following children: +2994 +2995 i. Jacob GARDENHIRE (born about 1750). ii. Adam GARDENHIRE. 1025. Agnes GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jul 1816 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Aug 1855 in Peatown, TX. Agnes GARDENHIRE and John WATSON were married in 1833 in Smith Co., TX. John WATSON was born on 1 Jan 1808 in Albemarle Co., VA. He died on 1 Jan 1900 in Boone Co., MO. 1026. Elizabeth GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She died in 1861 in Lawrence Co., AR. Edward B. HOLLOWAY was born 1027. Louisa GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 May 1819 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She died on 19 Jan 1893 in Ringgold, Catoosa Co., GA. Louisa raised Thompson Verne as shown in the 1860 Marion,Lawrence Co., AR Census Louisa GARDENHIRE and James M. CARROLL were married on 24 Mar 1839 in Marion Co., TN. James M. CARROLL was born 1028. Racheal GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1820 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She died in Lawrence Co., AR. Racheal raised Jefferson and Louisa, as shown in the Franklin Co.,TN 1850 census. They moved in the 1850's to Lawrence Co.,AR . Racheal GARDENHIRE and George Washington JACKSON were married in 1840 in TN. George Washington JACKSON was born 215 Descendants of William COPELAND 1029. George Washington GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. He died on 30 Sep 1902 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. George Washington GARDENHIRE and Mary Ann WEBB were married in 1844 in Marion Co., TN. Mary Ann WEBB was born George Washington GARDENHIRE and Mary Ann WEBB had the following children: +2996 +2997 +2998 +2999 3000 +3001 3002 +3003 +3004 +3005 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Aaron Brown GARDENHIRE (born on 17 Sep 1845). William Jerd GARDENHIRE (born on 27 Jan 1847). Abner Lansing GARDENHIRE (born on 21 Dec 1849). Elizabeth Tenessee GARDENHIRE (born in 1853). Mary GARDENHIRE was born in 1855 in TX. She was born in 1856. John Thompson GARDENHIRE (born in Jan 1858). James L. GARDENHIRE was born in 1857 in Kaufman.TX. Susan F. GARDENHIRE (born in 1861). Laura GARDENHIRE (born in 1865). George Walter GARDENHIRE (born on 22 Apr 1870). 1030. Daughter-7 GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1823 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. FORRESTER was born 1032. Benjamin L. GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1826 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 May 1883 in Lawrence Co., AR. Benjamin L. GARDENHIRE and Margaret CRISWELL were married on 19 Sep 1852 in Lawrence Co., AR. Margaret CRISWELL was born Amanda SWINK was born Sarah MITCHELL was born Margaret C. FREER was born 1033. Felix Grundy GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1829 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. He died on 24 Jan 1891 in Lawrence Co., AR. Felix Grundy GARDENHIRE and Mary MITCHELL were married on 17 Aug 1856 in Lawrence Co., AR. Mary MITCHELL was born 1034. Jefferson G. GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in Bledsoe Co., TN. He died on 13 Oct 1903 in Macedonia Cem., Stephens Co., TX. Elizabeth CALLAWAY was born 1035. Martin Van GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in Jasper Co., TN. He died in 1900 in Mulberry Canyon, AR. Martin Van GARDENHIRE and Elizabeth TALLEY were married on 22 Mar 1860 in Hunt Co., TX. Elizabeth TALLEY 216 Descendants of William COPELAND was born 1036. Thompson Verne GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837 in Jasper Co., TN. He died on 10 Nov 1878 in Minturn, AR. Thompson Verne GARDENHIRE and Nancy Ann COLBERT were married on 14 Jan 1863 in Lawrence Co., AR. Nancy Ann COLBERT was born 1037. Louisa GARDENHIRE (Susan COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841 in Jasper, TN. William VINCENT was born 1038. Agnes POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1810 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in 1903 in W.J. Matthews Cem., Overton Co., TN. Lawrence MATTHEWS (son of James MATTHEWS and Sarah STEWART) was born on 26 Nov 1807 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in W.J. Matthews Cem., Overton Co., TN. Agnes POSTON and Lawrence MATTHEWS had the following children: +3006 +3007 +3008 +3009 +3010 +3011 +3012 +3013 +3014 +3015 +3016 3017 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. William Jefferson MATTHEWS (born on 3 Feb 1831). Emily W. 'Milly' MATTHEWS (born on 18 Sep 1832). Sarah MATTHEWS (born in 1835). James Forrester MATTHEWS (born in 1837). John Simes MATTHEWS (born on 4 Apr 1840). Rhoda MATTHEWS (born in 1841). Richard D. MATTHEWS (born on 31 Jan 1842). Christopher Columbus MATTHEWS (born on 17 Dec 1844). Jeremiah 'Jerry' MATTHEWS (born in 1844). Thomas Stanford MATTHEWS (born on 11 Sep 1847). Lawrence Newton MATTHEWS (born on 23 Oct 1850). Stanford MATTHEWS was born on 25 Nov 1852 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried on 6 Mar 1904 in W.J. Matthews Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1040. Hiram POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jul 1812 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 25 Sep 1902 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Hiram Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mahalia LEE (daughter of John L. LEE and Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS) was born on 18 Aug 1813 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Jan 1893 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Hiram Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. Hiram POSTON and Mahalia LEE had the following children: +3018 +3019 +3020 +3021 +3022 +3023 +3024 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Zeddoc POSTON (born on 20 May 1835). Alzoa POSTON (born on 1 Sep 1837). Matilda POSTON (born on 20 Apr 1839). Mary Polly POSTON (born on 9 Sep 1840). Lewis H. POSTON (born on 28 Jun 1842). Richard Johnson POSTON (born on 2 May 1844). Huntsman 'Hi' POSTON (born on 11 Aug 1846). 217 Descendants of William COPELAND +3025 +3026 viii. Anna POSTON (born on 9 Apr 1848). ix. Clementine POSTON (born on 23 Jun 1850). 1041. Elizabeth POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1813 in Overton Co., TN. She died in 1887. Elizabeth POSTON and James Pierce PHILLIPS were married about 1834. James Pierce PHILLIPS was born in 1811 in NC. He died in 1878. Elizabeth POSTON and James Pierce PHILLIPS had the following children: +3027 3028 +3029 +3030 +3031 +3032 +3033 +3034 +3035 +3036 +3037 +3038 +3039 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Octavia PHILLIPS (born in 1830). Nancy PHILLIPS was born in 1833. Samantha PHILLIPS (born in 1836). Annie PHILLIPS (born in 1838). Elizabeth PHILLIPS (born in 1840). LeAnn PHILLIPS (born in 1841). William Campbell PHILLIPS (born in 1846). Francis PHILLIPS (born in 1848). Jane PHILLIPS (born in 1849). James Franklin PHILLIPS (born on 18 Mar 1852). Sarah PHILLIPS (born on 17 Apr 1854). Polly PHILLIPS (born in 1856). John Townsend PHILLIPS (born on 17 May 1856). 1042. William Campbell 'Camel' POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Sep 1815. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 7 Jan 1865 in Clay Co., TN. Killed by a man named Flatt, over a bill for 2 gallons of Whiskey. Harriett and daughter Elizabeth went to Clay Co to get the body in a wagon. He was buried by lantern. He was buried in Gore/Poston Cem., Jackson Co., TN. Jane Harriett MAXWELL (daughter of Thomas MAXWELL and Lettia 'Lettie' CARMACK) was born on 4 Feb 1820 in Overton Co., TN. She was born on 4 Feb 1820 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 23 Jul 1882. She was buried in Gore/Poston Cem., Jackson Co., TN. William Campbell 'Camel' POSTON and Jane Harriett MAXWELL had the following children: +3040 +3041 +3042 +3043 +3044 +3045 +3046 +3047 +3048 +3049 +3050 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. David Crockett POSTON (born on 12 May 1837). William A. POSTON (born on 7 Jan 1839). Charles POSTON (born on 15 Dec 1840). Elizabeth POSTON (born on 20 Dec 1842). Martha Jane POSTON (born on 2 Aug 1846). James POSTON (born on 12 Sep 1848). Deliah POSTON (born on 8 Jan 1850). Thomas M. POSTON (born on 5 May 1852). Andrew Jackson POSTON (born on 28 Jan 1854). Eliza Ann POSTON (born on 23 May 1859). George Washington POSTON (born in 1860). 1044. Soloman 'Babe' POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1817. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-6th District. He died about 1890. On January 24,1866, the Grand Jury indicted John Boles, Babe Poston, Towns Poston, Dick Poston, William Poston, Charles Poston, Forester Matthews, TRench Mcmormick, W.M. Davis,Henry Gordon,M. Gorgon, and Elias Williams for assault and battery Elizabeth Bess DUKE (daughter of Hiram DUKE and Cursey Kezziah FORKNER) was born in 1817 in NC. Soloman 'Babe' POSTON and Elizabeth Bess DUKE had the following children: 218 Descendants of William COPELAND +3051 3052 +3053 3054 +3055 +3056 3057 +3058 +3059 +3060 i. John Franklin POSTON (born on 30 Jan 1839). ii. Tod 'Towny' Townsend POSTON was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 1 Aug 1867 in Overton Co., TN-killed by William Daniel Read and George Gideon Read. fought in the Civil War and was wounded. iii. Richard T. 'Dick' POSTON (born on 8 Aug 1843). iv. William POSTON was born in 1845. moved to OK after the Civil War v. LeAnna 'Anna' S. POSTON (born on 22 Aug 1847). vi. Odecia 'Odesa' POSTON (born on 20 Sep 1848). vii. Minnesota POSTON was born in 1858 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. living with Robert Yelton She died in Jun 1932 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. never married viii. Issac Newton POSTON (born on 18 Jan 1851). ix. McClarkey Nebraska POSTON (born on 8 Apr 1855). x. Mary Martella 'Teal' POSTON (born on 17 Nov 1855). 1045. John Townsend POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1905 in John T. Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. He was a Blacksmith in Overton Co, TN. John Townsend POSTON and Melissa Sarah STEWART were married about 1846 in Overton Co, TN. Melissa Sarah STEWART (daughter of David STEWART and Sarah LEE) was born on 23 Feb 1829 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1895 in John T. Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. John Townsend POSTON and Melissa Sarah STEWART had the following children: +3061 +3062 3063 i. John N. POSTON (born on 30 Jan 1848). ii. Commodore Richard Tecumseh POSTON (born in 1850). iii. Minta POSTON was born in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. 1048. Rhoda POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823. Jeremiah 'Jerry' M. MAXWELL (son of Thomas MAXWELL and Lettia 'Lettie' CARMACK) was born in 1821 in TN. He was born in 1821 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Rhoda POSTON and Jeremiah 'Jerry' M. MAXWELL had the following children: 3064 i. Rilla MAXWELL was born in 1837 in Overton Co, TN. 1049. Mary Ann POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1827. moved to Pulaski, MO with her father. Dan MURRELL was born 1050. Frances 'Frankie' POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1827 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ mother, Emily and daughter, martha WILSON was born Frances 'Frankie' POSTON and WILSON had the following children: 3065 i. Martha POSTON was born in 1856 in Overton Co., TN. 1051. Lucinda 'Lucy' POSTON (Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in 1828 in Overton Co, TN. Camp UNDERWOOD died in Smith Co., TN. Lucinda 'Lucy' POSTON and Camp UNDERWOOD had the following 219 Descendants of William COPELAND children: 3066 3067 3068 3069 i. ii. iii. iv. Dallas UNDERWOOD was born Mary UNDERWOOD was born Raymond UNDERWOOD was born Lelia UNDERWOOD was born 1054. Candis TOWNSEND (Mary COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Apr 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Apr 1902 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Candis TOWNSEND and Henry HARRIS were married in 1832 in Overton County, Tennessee. They were divorced about 1835 in Overton Co., TN. Henry HARRIS was born Candis TOWNSEND and Henry HARRIS had the following children: +3070 i. Frankie HARRIS (born about 1833). Candis TOWNSEND and Henry Harrison BILBREY were married about 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Henry Harrison BILBREY (son of Lawrence BILBREY and Alvina COPELAND) was born in 1815 in Overton Co, TN. He died about 1865 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Candis TOWNSEND and Henry Harrison BILBREY had the following children: +1728 1729 +1730 +1731 +1732 i. ii. iii. iv. v. William Henry BILBREY (born on 8 Apr 1841). Nancy E. BILBREY (born in 1847). Granville Findley BILBREY (born in Sep 1848). Martha Jane BILBREY (born on 16 Apr 1852). W.A. BILBREY (born on 24 Nov 1863). 1056. Charles TAYLOR (Mary COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823. SUSAN was born in 1831. Charles TAYLOR and SUSAN had the following children: 3071 3072 i. Martha TAYLOR was born in 1847. ii. Lucy TAYLOR was born in 1849. 1057. Alexander TAYLOR (Mary COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829. NANCY was born in 1832. 1060. Ruth DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1820 in Overton Co, TN. JONES was born 1061. Eave 'Eve' DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1822 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. widow and living with brother Sam BEARD was born 1062. Dr. Oswald 'Doc' DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1824 in Overton Co, TN. 220 Descendants of William COPELAND Leah was born in 1826. Dr. Oswald 'Doc' DILLON and Leah had the following children: 3073 3074 i. Leona DILLON was born in 1849. ii. Sarah DILLON was born in 1850. 1063. Stephen DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 12 Apr 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 1 May 1906 in Dillon Cem., Overton Co, TN. Lou Vina 'Polly' SPICER was born on 27 Jul 1833 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 11 Jul 1926 in Dillon Cem., Overton Co, TN. Stephen DILLON and Lou Vina 'Polly' SPICER had the following children: 3075 +3076 3077 3078 3079 +3080 3081 3082 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. William DILLON was born in 1855 in Overton Co, TN. James Camel DILLON (born on 24 May 1859). Clarinda Laura DILLON was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. Susan Alice DILLON was born in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. Robert L. DILLON was born in 1869 in Overton Co., TN. John M. DILLON (born in 1875). Florence DILLON was born in 1878 in Overton Co, TN. Vina Lee DILLON was born on 29 Dec 1881 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Sep 1931 in Dillon Cem., Overton Co, TN. 1064. Sarah DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in Overton Co, TN. BEARD was born 1065. William Townes DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth was born in 1831. 1066. Amanda 'Mandy' DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in Overton Co, TN. LEDBETTER was born 1067. George Washington DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Sep 1833 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 10 Jan 1919 in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Armazinda BARRETT was born on 2 Feb 1839. She died on 10 Jan 1919 in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. George Washington DILLON and Armazinda BARRETT had the following children: +3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William Henry DILLON (born on 25 Jun 1865). A. L. DILLON was born in 1872 in Overton Co, TN. Margaret V. DILLON was born in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. Lou Ann DILLON was born in 1876 in Overton Co, TN. George Washington DILLON Jr. was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Dora DILLON was born in 1885 in Overton Co, TN. 1068. Samuel Bender DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, 221 Descendants of William COPELAND William-1) was born on 29 Jul 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 26 Feb 1913 in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Samuel Bender DILLON and Elizabeth KENDALL were married about 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth KENDALL was born on 7 May 1851. She died on 26 Jan 1918 in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Samuel Bender DILLON and Elizabeth KENDALL had the following children: 3089 +3090 i. Mary G. DILLON was born in 1868 in Overton Co, TN. ii. James R. DILLON (born on 4 Jan 1870). 1069. Joseph 'Joe' DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in Overton Co, TN. Lou HENSON was born 1070. Nancy Emily DILLON (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Oct 1840 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 15 Aug 1928 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy Emily DILLON and John Tipton CARR were married in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. John Tipton CARR (son of Thomas CARR and Rebecca TIPTON) was born on 7 May 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. C. wounded in thigh @ Battle of Murfreesboro. Joined June 7,1863, deserted Dec. 1, 1863 @ Knoxville, TN He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 3 Aug 1906 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy Emily DILLON and John Tipton CARR had the following children: 3091 3092 3093 3094 +3095 3096 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Joe CARR was born in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. Alvin CARR was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. George CARR was born in 1869 in Overton Co, TN. Permelia CARR was born in 1871 in Overton Co, TN. Sallie CARR (born on 29 Mar 1872). Overton CARR was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. 1071. Francis Marion COPELAND (Solomon-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Jun 1820 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Shelby Co., TN. Between 1855 and 1859 he was an Alderman in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Shelby Co., TN. He died on 7 Jan 1881 in Izard Co., Ar. Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas IZARD COUNTY–THE ARRIVAL OF THE SETTLERS–CIRCUIT AND PROBATE COURTS–MILITARY MEMOIRS– THE COUNTY FORMED–THE COUNTY SEAT LOCATED–PUBLIC BUILDINGS ERECTED–ELEOTION RETURNS–CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS–TOWNS AND VILLAGES–EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT–THE COUNTY BOUNDED–STATISTICS SHOWING ITS DESIRABILITY AS A PLACF OF RESIDENCE–POPULATION–BIOGRAPHY. page 920 Surveyors: William Clement, 1830-32; A. Adams, 1835-36; Jesse Adams, 1836-38; James Davis, 1838-40; William Seymour, 1840-42; J. M. Pugh, 1842-44; F. M. Copeland, 1844-46; R. [p.920] Decker, 1846-48: Cyrus Crosby, 1848-52; J. Byler, 1852-56; J. W. Rector, 1856-58: A. C. Hardin, 1858-62; J. W. Rector, 1862-64; J. C. Claiborne, 1866-68; R. Sanders, 1868-72: J. A. Claiborne. 1872-76; Joseph Hixon. 1876-80: Jacob Franks, 1880-82; J. A. Claiborne. 1882-88: E. L. Billingsley, present incumbent, elected in 1888. Francis Marion COPELAND and Elizabeth Venable WOODSON were married on 15 Jul 1842 in Henry Co., TN. Elizabeth Venable WOODSON was born on 9 Jun 1826 in Henry Co., TN. Francis Marion COPELAND and Elizabeth Venable WOODSON had the following children: 3097 3098 3099 i. Tennessee COPELAND was born on 9 Nov 1844. She died on 16 Mar 1846 in Izard Co., Ar. ii. Francis Lamar COPELAND Jr was born on 16 Jul 1848 in TN. He died on 4 Jun 1858 in Independence Co., AR. iii. Elizabeth Woodson 'Bettie' COPELAND was born on 4 Feb 1849 in TN. She died on 21 May 222 Descendants of William COPELAND 3100 3101 3102 iv. v. vi. 3103 3104 3105 vii. viii. ix. 1927. Leah Virginia COPELAND was born on 24 Jun 1854 in TN. Mollie Wilmouth COPELAND was born on 19 Apr 1856 in TN. She died on 1 Feb 1861. Hershel Porter COPELAND was born on 19 Sep 1858 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN. He died on 10 May 1918. Sarah Tippet 'Sallie' COPELAND was born on 2 Sep 1859 in TN. Charles Carroll COPELAND was born on 21 Aug 1860 in TN. William Walter COPELAND was born on 2 Jan 1862 in TN. He died on 2 Jul 1864 in Elmwood Cem., Memphis, TN. 1073. Jasper COPELAND (Solomon-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Shelby Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Franklin, Stone Co., AR. Jasper COPELAND and Lucy were married about 1859. Lucy was born in 1840 in TN. Jasper COPELAND and Lucy had the following children: 3106 i. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1860 in Shelby Co., TN. 1079. Van Buren COPELAND (Solomon-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Van Buren Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in clebune co., ar. Nancy was born in 1830 in TN. Van Buren COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 3107 3108 3109 i. Mary COPELAND was born in 1862 in Izard Co., Ar. ii. Amanda, COPELAND was born in 1865 in Izard Co., Ar. iii. Aminda COPELAND was born in 1867 in Izard Co., Ar. 1080. William D 'Commodore' COPELAND (Solomon-7, Stephen-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Izard Co., Ar. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Bell Co., TX. He died on 21 Apr 1879 in Bell Co., TX. Rhoda RIGGS (daughter of RIGGS and Rhoda) was born in 1852 in AR. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Bell Co., TX. William D 'Commodore' COPELAND and Rhoda RIGGS had the following children: 3110 3111 +3112 3113 +3114 +3115 3116 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Frances COPELAND was born in 1859 in AR. Florence COPELAND was born in 1865 in TX. Commodore COPELAND (born on 26 Feb 1869). Emma COPELAND was born in 1871 in Bell Co., TX. Charles S. COPELAND (born on 22 Aug 1873). Tilden COPELAND (born on 31 Dec 1875). William 'Bill' COPELAND was born in 1879 in Bell Co., TX. 1081. Elizabeth COPELAND (Solomon-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1815 in TN. Elizabeth COPELAND and George W. ROADS were married on 11 Jan 1832 in Henry Co., TN. George W. ROADS was born 1083. John COPELAND (Solomon-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in TN. Nancy was born in 1835 in IL. 223 Descendants of William COPELAND 1084. Mary Ann COPELAND (Solomon-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in TN. Mary Ann COPELAND and William E. HARPER were married on 3 Apr 1851 in Henry Co, TN. William E. HARPER was born 1086. Elizabeth COPELAND (Joseph-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Apr 1827 in GA. She died on 5 Sep 1898 in Altoga Cem., Collin Co., TX. Adam S. CHASTAIN Jr. was born in 1822 in SC. He died in 1881 in Ringgold, Catoosa Co., GA. 1087. Sarah Ann COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in TN/IN. Sarah Ann COPELAND and David LARKIN were married on 19 Oct 1851 in Parke Co., IN. David LARKIN was born 1088. Mary Jane COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1832 in TN/IN. Mary Jane COPELAND and James Harvey MAHAN were married on 5 Apr 1855 in Sullivan CO., IN. James Harvey MAHAN was born on 28 Nov 1836 in Sullivan CO., IN. He died in Highland Lawn Cem., Terre Haute, IN. 1089. Amanda COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in TN/IN. Amanda COPELAND and James A. WIMMER were married on 29 Dec 1853 in Parke Co., IN. James A. WIMMER was born 1090. Catherine COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in IN. She died in 1874 in Vigo Co., IN. Catherine COPELAND and Andrew Jackson NUGENT were married on 7 Jan 1858 in Parke Co., IN. Andrew Jackson NUGENT was born 1093. Thomas COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in TN/IN. Thomas COPELAND and Sarah Jane BAKER were married on 4 Nov 1866 in Parke Co., IN. Sarah Jane BAKER was born on 4 Nov 1866 in Park Co., IN. 1094. John COPELAND (William Riley-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1844 in TN/IN. John COPELAND and Francis TAYLOR were married on 12 Nov 1867 in Vigo Co., IN. Francis TAYLOR was born 1097. Jacob Hamilton COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jan 1831 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the 224 Descendants of William COPELAND census in 1870 in Jefferson Co., TN. He died on 14 Feb 1910 in Wilmont, Kansas. also seen middle name of Tipton Nancy Jane SCOTT was born on 11 Feb 1837 in TN. Jacob Hamilton COPELAND and Nancy Jane SCOTT had the following children: 3117 3118 3119 +3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 i. Margaret Prudence COPELAND was born in 1853 in Jefferson Co.TN. She died on 25 Dec 1932 in Wilmont, Kansas. ii. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND was born in Oct 1859 in Jefferson Co., TN. iii. Julia A. COPELAND was born in 1862 in Jefferson Co., TN. iv. Samuel Hamilton COPELAND (born on 1 Jul 1864). v. William Tipton COPELAND was born on 29 Dec 1866 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN. He died on 17 Feb 1888 in Wilmont, Kansas. vi. Robert H. COPELAND was born in 1869 in Jefferson Co., TN. vii. Elizabeth Jane COPELAND was born in 1873 in Jefferson Co., TN. viii. Manda Emily COPELAND was born in 1878 in Jefferson Co., TN. ix. Dora L. COPELAND was born in 1872 in Jefferson Co., TN. x. Shale COPELAND was born in 1864 in Jefferson Co., TN. 1098. James Anderson COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1834 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Cocke Co., TN. He died in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN. James Anderson COPELAND and Laytha(Scytha) E. GOANS were married on 11 Mar 1851 in Jefferson Co., TN. Laytha(Scytha) E. GOANS was born in 1832 in TN. James Anderson COPELAND and Laytha(Scytha) E. GOANS had the following children: 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 +3133 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Rebecca J. COPELAND was born in 1852 in Jefferson Co., TN. Scytha COPELAND was born in 1854 in Jefferson Co., TN. Mary E. COPELAND was born in 1859 in Jefferson Co., TN. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1863 in Jefferson Co., TN. Shadrach COPELAND was born in 1864 in Jefferson Co., TN. Julia COPELAND was born in 1867 in Jefferson Co., TN. James McMinn COPELAND (born in 1871). James Anderson COPELAND and Nancy PHILLIPS were married in 1847 in TN. Nancy PHILLIPS was born James Anderson COPELAND and Nancy PHILLIPS had the following children: +3134 i. William A. COPELAND (born in 1886). 1099. Joseph A. COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Jefferson Co., TN. He was described as Dark Hair and Gray Eyes in 1862 in Civil War. He served in the military on 1 Dec 1862 in Civil War-3rd TNCav, Co D. Joined 12/1/1862 Sevierville,TN; mustered into service at Murfreesboro,TN on 1/27/1863. Served until 6/16/1865. He was wounded on the 'Sultana' which caused blindness. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Campbell Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Laurel Co., KY. He died on 21 Mar 1906 in Fairston, Laurel Co., KY. was on the Sultana, a head injury caused him to go blind. He served with the Union during the Civil War Joseph A. COPELAND and Sarah Jane MCLANE were married on 24 Feb 1859 in Jefferson Co., TN. Sarah Jane MCLANE was born in 1834. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Knox Co, TN. living with James as Sarah Hopkins,72 Joseph A. COPELAND and Sarah Jane MCLANE had the following children: +3135 +3136 i. Cynthia Parathenia 'Theney' COPELAND (born in 1866). ii. James Harrison COPELAND (born on 24 May 1869). Joseph A. COPELAND and Elizabeth were married about 1855 in Knox Co, TN. Elizabeth was born Joseph A. COPELAND and Elizabeth had the following children: 225 Descendants of William COPELAND 3137 i. Nancy Jane COPELAND was born in 1856 in Jefferson Co., TN. Joseph A. COPELAND and Jullie Ann HUBBARD were married on 17 Dec 1880 in Campbell Co., TN. Jullie Ann HUBBARD was born Joseph A. COPELAND and Jullie Ann HUBBARD had the following children: 3138 3139 i. Caldonia COPELAND was born in 1882 in TN. ii. Maugerite COPELAND was born in 1884 in TN. Joseph A. COPELAND and Mollie MOZENGO were married on 2 Nov 1886 in Jacksborough, Campbell Co., TN. Mollie MOZENGO was born in 1861 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Laurel Co., KY. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Laurel Co., KY. Joseph A. COPELAND and Mollie MOZENGO had the following children: 3140 3141 3142 +3143 +3144 i. ii. iii. iv. v. William COPELAND was born in 1888 in TN. Dora Belle COPELAND was born on 4 Jan 1892 in Clinton, Anderson Co., TN. Solomon Zacria COPELAND was born on 8 Sep 1893 in Concord, Knox Co., TN. Birdie Disree COPELAND (born on 17 Apr 1895). George Washington COPELAND (born on 17 Apr 1898). 1101. Mary E. COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841. Mary E. COPELAND and George W. CLUFF were married on 27 Dec 1866 in Roane CO, TN. George W. CLUFF was born 1102. Jerome B. 'Calvin' COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in TN. He served in the military on 10 Sep 1862 in Civil War-1st Cav Co.F. later transferred to Co. L. His time expired 3/31/1865 Mattie Lillian RAGSDALE was born Jerome B. 'Calvin' COPELAND and Mattie Lillian RAGSDALE had the following children: +3145 i. Robert Clyde COPELAND (born on 10 Jul 1887). 1103. Catherine F. COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Zacheus A.-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1845. Catherine F. COPELAND and John David BELLEW were married on 4 Aug 1862 in Roane CO, TN. John David BELLEW was born 1105. Wiley Martin COPELAND (James W.-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Dec 1811 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 4 Jul 1865 in Leon Co., TX. Had a farm in Oktibbeha Co.,MS, near Starkville. In 1854, he moved to Leon Co.,TX. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Rachael Caroline EVANS were married about 1830. Rachael Caroline EVANS was born in 1811 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Leon Co., TX. She died on 19 Aug 1871 in Leon Co., TX. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Rachael Caroline EVANS had the following children: +3146 3147 +3148 3149 i. Julia COPELAND (born on 11 Aug 1836). ii. McDonald COPELAND was born on 4 Aug 1837 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-6th TX CAV. He died on 2 Nov 1862 in Civil War. iii. Mary C. 'Mollie' COPELAND (born on 30 Dec 1839). iv. Louvisa J. 'Aunt Vicey' COPELAND was born on 4 Jun 1840 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. She died on 18 Jan 1929 in Vanetia Cem., Leon Co., TX. 226 Descendants of William COPELAND +3150 +3151 +3152 3153 +3154 +3155 v. vi. vii. viii. Christopher Columbus 'Buddy' COPELAND (born on 4 May 1843). Felix Grundy COPELAND (born on 17 Jan 1844). Calipernia P. COPELAND (born on 15 Mar 1847). James Martin COPELAND was born in Jun 1850 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He died on 27 Sep 1857 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. ix. Maria M. COPELAND (born on 11 Mar 1852). x. Rachael Caroline COPELAND (born on 8 Jun 1854). 1106. Mariah V. COPELAND (James W.-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Jul 1813 in Jefferson Co.TN. She died on 4 Sep 1893 in Brushy Creek Cem., Leon Co., TX. Mariah V. COPELAND and James Baker WATSON Sr. were married on 8 Dec 1830 in Madison Co, AL. James Baker WATSON Sr. was born on 15 Mar 1803 in VA. He died on 8 Apr 1859 in Brushy Creek Cem., Leon Co., TX. Mariah V. COPELAND and James Baker WATSON Sr. had the following children: 3156 +3157 +3158 3159 +3160 +3161 +3162 +3163 +3164 i. Jesse Howard WATSON was born on 2 Oct 1831 in AL. He died on 7 Dec 1855 in Bethesda Cem., , Leon Co., TX. ii. James Baker WATSON Jr. (born on 28 Dec 1832). iii. Benjamin Franklin WATSON (born in Jan 1836). iv. William A. WATSON was born on 11 Oct 1839 in AL. He died on 1 Jul 1862 in Civil War. v. Marcus Lafeyette WATSON (born on 12 Jan 1844). vi. Virginia C. WATSON (born in 1846). vii. Ruff and Ready WATSON (born on 25 Apr 1848). viii. Martin J. WATSON (born on 4 Mar 1851). ix. Mahalia Texanna WATSON (born on 17 Feb 1856). 1107. William 'Billy' A. COPELAND (James W.-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1816 in Jefferson Co.TN. He was living in 1840 in Lowndes Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Leon Co., TX. He died in 1898 in Leon Co., TX. They settled in western Leon Co at Bowling on 150 acres of the L.B. Harris Survey where they farmed and raised sheep.. During the Civil War Billy took over the Wilson's store and cotton gin and was Post Master from Nov. 1860- Nov. 1866. On Dec. 23,1870, they deeded land to the community for school,church and masonic lodge. William 'Billy' A. COPELAND and Hannah CARTWRIGHT were married on 18 Mar 1841 in Lowndes Co, MS. Hannah CARTWRIGHT (daughter of John CARTWRIGHT and Martha) was born in 1821 in Smith Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Leon Co., TX. She died in 1898 in Leon Co., TX. William 'Billy' A. COPELAND and Hannah CARTWRIGHT had the following children: 3165 +3166 +3167 +3168 3169 +3170 +3171 3172 +3173 +3174 i. Issac Marion COPELAND was born about 1842 in Lowndes Co., MS. He served in the military on 26 Mar 1862 in Civil War-5th TX Inf, Co. C, Hood's Texas Brigade. On June 3, 1864 he suffered a head wound @ Cold harbor, VA. He was killed inaction on Charles city Road near White Oak Swamp, VA He died on 16 Aug 1864 in White Oaks Swamp, VA-Civil War. Issac was killed on August 16,1864, in a skirmish on Charles City Road near White Oak Swamp. A few months before on June 3,1864,he had suffered a head wound at Cold Harbor. ii. John Perry COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1843). iii. Stephen Warner COPELAND (born on 9 Sep 1845). iv. Mary COPELAND (born about 1847). v. David Lewis Lee COPELAND was born about 1850 in Lowndes Co, MS. She died in Aug 1860. vi. Maria Elizabeth COPELAND (born about 1853). vii. Julia A. COPELAND (born about 1854). viii. James COPELAND was born about 1855 in Leon Co., TX. He died died young. ix. Ella 'Nealy' Cornelia COPELAND (born on 9 Jul 1861). x. Lavicia Victoria 'Vicky' COPELAND (born on 13 Mar 1867). 1108. Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND (James W.-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1818 in Jefferson Co.TN. 227 Descendants of William COPELAND William THOMPSON was born 1109. James P. COPELAND (James W.-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Bradley Co., AR. He died in 1867 in Bradley Co., AR. Narcissa was born in 1829 in AL. James P. COPELAND and Narcissa had the following children: 3175 3176 3177 i. Caroline COPELAND was born in 1845 in Bradley Co., AR. ii. Maria COPELAND was born in 1847 in Bradley Co., AR. iii. Georgiann COPELAND was born in 1849 in Bradley Co., AR. 1110. Mary Jane COWAN (Charlotte COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 22 Oct 1812 in Jefferson Co.TN. She died on 22 Mar 1891 in Leon Co., TX. Mary Jane COWAN and Thompson J. MOORE were married on 20 Apr 1830 in Lowndes Co, MS. Thompson J. MOORE died in 1848 in TX. Mary Jane COWAN and Thompson J. MOORE had the following children: 3178 3179 3180 3181 +3182 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Thomas K. MOORE was born in 1834. Martin Van Buren MOORE was born in 1839. Rufus B. MOORE was born in 1841. Columbus MOORE was born in 1845. Margaret Charlotte Elizabeth MOORE (born in 1847). Mary Jane COWAN and Fletcher Bruce WILLIAMS were married on 28 Mar 1850 in Leon Co., TX. Fletcher Bruce WILLIAMS was born on 7 Nov 1826 in Nash Co., NC. He died on 2 Mar 1898 in Leon Co., TX. Mary Jane COWAN and Fletcher Bruce WILLIAMS had the following children: 3183 +3184 3185 i. Lucinda C. WILLIAMS was born on 20 Dec 1851 in Leon Co., TX. She died on 17 Dec 1852 in Leon Co., TX. ii. Samuel Wright WILLIAMS (born on 30 Nov 1853). iii. James Fletcher WILLIAMS was born 1112. Dr. James C. EVANS (Charlotte COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born Hettia C. was born Dr. James C. EVANS and Hettia C. had the following children: 3186 3187 3188 i. James T. EVANS was born in 1855 in Leon Co., TX. ii. William S. EVANS was born in 1857 in Leon Co., TX. iii. John B. EVANS was born in 1859 in Leon Co., TX. 1113. William M. J. EVANS (Charlotte COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jul 1824. William M. J. EVANS and Louisa were married about 1855. Louisa was born William M. J. EVANS and Louisa had the following children: 3189 3190 i. James A. EVANS was born in 1857 in Leon Co., TX. ii. Mary C. E. EVANS was born in 1859 in Leon Co., TX. 1114. Lucienda E. EVANS (Charlotte COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 23 May 1827 in AL. She died on 26 Dec 1912 in Leon Co., TX. Lucienda E. EVANS and Benjamin WYCHE were married in 1843 in Sabine Co., TX. Benjamin WYCHE was born 228 Descendants of William COPELAND 1117. Gilbert Jackson COPELAND (Joseph-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1817 in Madison Co., AL. He was living on 25 Feb 1837 in Madison Co, AL. In 1850 he was a Mule Driver in Matagoras Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Matagoras Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Matagoras Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Harris Co., TX. Gilbert Jackson COPELAND and Ana Jane DONATHAN were married on 19 Sep 1836 in Madison Co., AL. Ana Jane DONATHAN was born in 1821 in AL. Gilbert Jackson COPELAND and Ana Jane DONATHAN had the following children: 3191 3192 3193 i. William COPELAND was born in 1844 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. ii. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1847 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. iii. Artemia COPELAND was born in 1866 in TX. 1118. Wiley Martin COPELAND (Joseph-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Bradley Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Dallas Co., AR. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Narcissa were married about 1844. Narcissa was born in 1829 in AL. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Narcissa had the following children: 3194 3195 3196 i. Caroline COPELAND was born in 1845 in MS. ii. Maria COPELAND was born in 1847 in LA. iii. Georgianna COPELAND was born in 1849 in AR. Catherine was born in 1840 in GA. Wiley Martin COPELAND and Catherine had the following children: 3197 3198 3199 3200 i. ii. iii. iv. Ida COPELAND was born in 1868 in AR. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1872 in AR. William COPELAND was born in 1874 in AR. Eudora COPELAND was born in 1879 in AR. 1127. Nathan W. COPELAND (William-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Aug 1829 in Limestone Co., AL. In 1850 he was a Plantation Overseer in Limestone Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Limestone Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Limestone Co. AL. He died on 3 Aug 1865 in Grigsby Cem., Limestone Co., AL. Nathan W. COPELAND and Permilia Jane MURRAH were married on 21 Jul 1852 in Limestone Co., AL. Permilia Jane MURRAH was born on 3 Aug 1831. She died on 31 Jul 1853 in Murrah Cem., Limeston Co., AL. Nathan W. COPELAND and Permilia Jane MURRAH had the following children: 3201 i. Amelia COPELAND was born in 1853 in Limestone Co. AL. Nathan W. COPELAND and Caroline GRIGSBY were married on 1 Nov 1854 in Limestone Co., AL. Caroline GRIGSBY was born on 25 Sep 1833 in Limestone Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Limestone Co. AL. She died on 20 Nov 1896 in Grigsby Cem., AL. Nathan W. COPELAND and Caroline GRIGSBY had the following children: 3202 i. Edward W. COPELAND was born in 1856 in Limestone Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Limestone Co. AL. w/ mother 1128. Wiley COPELAND (William-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Clarke Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Polk Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Polk Co., AR. Wiley COPELAND and Mary were married about 1853 in TX. Mary was born in 1838 in TN. Wiley COPELAND and 229 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary had the following children: +3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. John Allen COPELAND (born on 28 Feb 1854). Mary COPELAND was born in 1856 in TX. James COPELAND was born in 1858 in AR. Hugh L. COPELAND was born in 1859 in AR. Jefferson COPELAND was born in 1862 in AR. Mandy COPELAND was born in 1865 in AR. Nannie COPELAND was born in 1865 in AR. Leander COPELAND was born in 1869 in AR. Wiley COPELAND was born in 1871 in AR. Florence COPELAND was born in 1873 in AR. Clark COPELAND was born in 1876 in AR. 1134. Alexander COPELAND (Branch James-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in AL. Lucinda was born in 1836. 1136. Amanda Jane COPELAND (Branch James-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in AL. Amanda Jane COPELAND and Radford W. HOBBS were married on 22 Jan 1857 in Madison Co, AL. Radford W. HOBBS was born 1138. Caroline 'Callie' COPELAND (Branch James-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1835 in Limestone Co., AL. She was born in 1836 in Madison Co., AL. Caroline 'Callie' COPELAND and Henry M. FLIPPO were married on 17 Apr 1856 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. Henry M. FLIPPO was born in 1833 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. 1139. Martha Jane COPELAND (Branch James-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837 in AL. Martha Jane COPELAND and John H. JOHNSON were married on 24 Sep 1853 in Giles Co., TN. John H. JOHNSON was born in Giles Co., TN. 1140. James Branch COPELAND (Branch James-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1839 in AL. Elizabeth Ann LITTLE (daughter of Hiram LITTLE and Caroline PRIDMORE) was born on 18 Aug 1841 in St. Clair Co., AL. 1149. Susan H. COPELAND (Hamilton-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1840 in Cocke Co., TN. Issac COOPER was born Susan H. COPELAND and Issac COOPER had the following children: 3214 i. Cordelia Ann COOPER was born 1151. James Barnard COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 230 Descendants of William COPELAND was born in 1832 in Limestone Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Rusk Co. TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Leon Co., TX. James Barnard COPELAND and Kissiah MOON were married on 16 Nov 1854 in Rusk Co. TX. Kissiah MOON (daughter of Reason MOON and Elizabeth Ann HUGHSON) was born on 19 Oct 1839 in MS. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Eastland Co., TX. She died on 27 Jan 1930 in Idalou, Lubbock Co., TX. James Barnard COPELAND and Kissiah MOON had the following children: +3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 +3220 +3221 i. ii. iii. iv. Wiley Lafayette COPELAND (born on 2 Nov 1855). Mary COPELAND was born in 1858 in Rusk Co. TX. Martha Leona COPELAND was born in 1859 in Rusk Co. TX. William Reason COPELAND was born on 17 Mar 1861 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 6 Dec 1873 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. v. James COPELAND was born on 2 Jul 1866 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 22 Mar 1868 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. vi. Martin Luther COPELAND (born on 8 Aug 1868). vii. Nettie Lucinda Benetta COPELAND (born in 1875). 1152. Mary COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. She died on 23 Feb 1864 in Rusk Co. TX. James Moses RICHARDSON was born on 5 Jul 1828 in Thomas Co., GA. He died on 30 May 1913 in Rusk Co. TX. Mary COPELAND and James Moses RICHARDSON had the following children: 3222 3223 i. Thomas Lafayette RICHARDSON was born ii. James Daniel RICHARDSON was born 1153. John Miller COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1836 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He was living in 1870 in Rusk Co. TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Rusk Co. TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Panola Co., TX. He died on 3 Jul 1902. Sarah Caroline WRIGHT was born in 1841 in TX. John Miller COPELAND and Sarah Caroline WRIGHT had the following children: 3224 +3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Henry COPELAND was born in 1875 in Rusk Co. TX. James Matthew COPELAND (born in 1876). Mary COPELAND was born in 1878 in TX. Nancy COPELAND was born in 1880 in Rusk Co. TX. John COPELAND was born in 1882 in Panola Co., TX. Effie COPELAND was born in 1885 in Panola Co., TX. 1154. Martha COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. Alfred CHURCHILL was born in 1829. He died on 8 Jul 1917. 1155. Francis Marion COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1840 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Panola Co., TX. He died before 1900 in Panola Co., TX. Francis Marion COPELAND and Mary Jane HILLON were married about 1866 in TX. Mary Jane HILLON was born in 1854 in TX. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Panola Co., TX. Francis Marion COPELAND and Mary Jane HILLON had the following children: 3230 i. West COPELAND was born in 1868 in TX. 231 Descendants of William COPELAND 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 ii. Alfred COPELAND was born in 1868 in TX. iii. John F COPELAND was born in 1871 in TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Panola Co., TX. iv. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1876 in TX. v. Lily COPELAND was born in 1880 in Panola Co., TX. vi. Beatrice COPELAND was born in 1886 in Panola Co., TX. 1157. Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 4 Feb 1845 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. She died on 23 Nov 1929 in Panola Co., TX. Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND and Albert Wiley DAVIS were married on 25 Sep 1862 in Delray, TX. Albert Wiley DAVIS was born on 2 Jan 1845 in Panola Co., TX. He died on 23 Nov 1929 in Panola Co., TX. 1158. Capt. William Cannon COPELAND (Wiley Martin-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Aug 1846 in Oktibbeha Co., MS. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Panola Co., TX. He died on 28 May 1910 in Strong Cem., Rusk Co., TX. Tobitha J. PRIOR was born on 16 May 1847. She died on 7 Jun 1918 in Strong Cem., Rusk Co., TX. Capt. William Cannon COPELAND and Tobitha J. PRIOR had the following children: +3236 3237 3238 3239 +3240 3241 +3242 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. James Wiley COPELAND (born on 1 Feb 1873). Nancy COPELAND was born in 1874 in Rusk Co. TX. Ada COPELAND was born in 1877 in Panola Co., TX. Martha COPELAND was born in 1880 in Panola Co., TX. William Cannon COPELAND Jr. (born in 1881). Lola COPELAND was born in 1883 in Panola Co., TX. Forrest Clyde COPELAND (born on 13 Jun 1888). 1165. Wiley Burton COPELAND (Jesse-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in Limestone Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Polk Co., AR. He served in the military in 1861 in Civil War in Co. D Fifth AR Cav. 'Newton's Cavary. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Polk Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Polk Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Polk Co., AR. He died on 11 Nov 1902 in Wickes, Polk Co., AR. He was buried in Daniel Cem., Wickes, Polk Co., AR. Barbara Ann CLINE was born in 1833 in TN. She died in 1866 in Polk Co., AR. Wiley Burton COPELAND and Barbara Ann CLINE had the following children: +3243 +3244 3245 +3246 +3247 +3248 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John COPELAND (born in 1854). Mary COPELAND (born in 1855). James COPELAND was born in 1857 in Polk Co., AR. Hugh COPELAND (born in 1859). Jefferson COPELAND (born in 1861). Frances COPELAND (born in 1865). Wiley Burton COPELAND and Mary Catherine BRAKE were married in 1868 in Polk Co., AR. Mary Catherine BRAKE was born on 2 Sep 1838 in Robertson Co., TX. She died on 20 Jan 1917 in Pickens, OK. She was buried in County Line Cem., Pickens, OK. Wiley Burton COPELAND and Mary Catherine BRAKE had the following children: 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. John A. COPELAND was born in 1854 in TX. Mary COPELAND was born in 1856 in TX. James COPELAND was born in 1858 in AR. Hugh L. COPELAND was born in 1859 in Polk Co., AR. Jefferson Davis COPELAND was born in 1862 in Polk Co., AR. Franicis M. 'Mandy' COPELAND was born in 1865. Julia 'Nannie' COPELAND was born in 1866 in Polk Co., AR. Julia 'Nannie' COPELAND died 232 Descendants of William COPELAND +3256 3257 +3258 +3259 +3260 viii. ix. x. xi. xii. young. Leander Andrew David COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1869). Wiley COPELAND was born in 1871 in Polk Co., AR. He died young. Florence Ella COPELAND (born on 22 Mar 1873). George Clark COPELAND (born in 1876). Albert Brown COPELAND (born on 25 Mar 1881). 1167. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Jesse-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in MS. Nancy was born in 1835 in MS. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 3261 i. Emiline COPELAND was born in 1856 in MS. 1176. Winnifred D. PHILLIPS (Mary COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1829 in NC. Winnifred D. PHILLIPS and James F. SORREL were married on 12 Dec 1852 in Limestone Co. AL. James F. SORREL was born 1177. Martha F. PHILLIPS (Mary COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in NC. Martha F. PHILLIPS and John D. WIMBERLY were married on 16 Oct 1856 in Limestone Co. AL. John D. WIMBERLY was born 1178. Elizabeth Jane PHILLIPS (Mary COPELAND-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in NC. Elizabeth Jane PHILLIPS and Jeremiah CANTERBURY were married on 12 Oct 1854 in Limestone Co. AL. Jeremiah CANTERBURY was born 1181. John T. COPELAND (Allen-7, Ricketts-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Dec 1837 in TN. He died on 12 Jan 1910. Julia A. was born on 29 Mar 1846. She died on 12 Jan 1910. 1186. Mary Ann 'Polly' ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1814. Mary Ann 'Polly' ALLEN and C. L. JENNINGS were married in 1840 in Harrison Co, MO. C. L. JENNINGS was born 1187. William Robinson ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1817. William Robinson ALLEN and Nancy TUCKER were married in 1839. Nancy TUCKER was born 1188. Andrew Jackson ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Apr 1819. 233 Descendants of William COPELAND Andrew Jackson ALLEN and Armanda HALL were married in 1840. Armanda HALL was born 1189. Abel Willis ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jan 1821 in Overton Co, TN. Abel Willis ALLEN and Arbella DUNKERSON were married in 1843. Arbella DUNKERSON was born 1190. Josiah J. ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 15 Dec 1823 in Overton Co, TN. Josiah J. ALLEN and Jane CARY were married in 1845. Jane CARY was born 1191. Margery ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 11 Feb 1826 in Overton Co, TN. Margery ALLEN and J. WORTHINGTON were married in 1845. J. WORTHINGTON was born 1192. Alston ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Apr 1827 in Overton Co, TN. Alston ALLEN and Emily DUNKERSON were married in 1851. Emily DUNKERSON was born 1193. Nancy ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Oct 1829 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Apr 1898 in Maxwell Cem., Overton Co., TN. Isaac Gore MASTERS (son of Jesse Robert MASTERS and Hannah Byrd GORE) was born on 26 Mar 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 1 Dec 1862 in Civil War-84th TN Inf, Co F. He appeared in the census in 1870 in overton co., tn-2nd District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 Jun 1918 in Maxwell Cem., Overton Co., TN. Nancy ALLEN and Isaac Gore MASTERS had the following children: +3262 +3263 +3264 +3265 +3266 +3267 +3268 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. James K. MASTERS (born on 25 May 1846). Jesse Isaac MASTERS (born on 20 Dec 1852). Serena MASTERS (born in 1855). Martha Josephine MASTERS (born on 10 Oct 1856). William Robinson MASTERS (born on 17 Nov 1858). Mary Ann MASTERS (born in 1861). Sorvena Almira MASTERS (born on 30 Aug 1863). 1194. Issac Campbell ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Jan 1831 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 23 May 1902 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Clarissa was born on 11 Oct 1827 in TN. She died on 10 Oct 1902 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Issac Campbell ALLEN and Clarissa had the following children: 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Gertrude ALLEN was born in 1856 in Overton Co., TN. Mary E. ALLEN was born in 1858 in Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth ALLEN was born in 1864 in Overton Co., TN. Martha ALLEN was born in 1866 in Overton Co., TN. Adalaid ALLEN was born in 1868 in Overton Co., TN. 234 Descendants of William COPELAND 1195. Sarah Serena ALLEN (Hiram McGinnis-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Jul 1833 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Serena ALLEN and John P. KING were married in 1852. John P. KING was born 1199. David TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. Leona HENSHAW was born David TRAVIS and Leona HENSHAW had the following children: 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 i. ii. iii. iv. v. William J. TRAVIS was born in 1847. Margaret TRAVIS was born in 1849. Kelly M. TRAVIS was born in 1852. John TRAVIS was born in 1855. Hester TRAVIS was born in 1858. 1200. William TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Harrison Co, MO. Rebecca Anne LOVE was born William TRAVIS and Rebecca Anne LOVE had the following children: 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. George TRAVIS was born in 1855. Charles TRAVIS was born in 1857. Mary I. TRAVIS was born in 1860. Frances TRAVIS was born in 1862. Thomas TRAVIS was born in 1864. John TRAVIS was born in 1866. May TRAVIS was born in 1871. 1201. Elizabeth TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born about 1825 in Overton Co, TN. She died about 1925. Joseph GILLSEPIE was born Delwood FIELD was born 1202. Rachael TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1827 in Overton Co, TN. Elkanah TIMMONS was born Thomas HAMMER was born 1203. Hiram TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Feb 1829 in Overton Co, TN. Hiram TRAVIS and Mary GILLESPIE were married on 30 Jan 1848. Mary GILLESPIE was born Hiram TRAVIS and Mary GILLESPIE had the following children: 3286 3287 3288 i. Amanda Jane TRAVIS was born ii. Lydia TRAVIS was born iii. Susan TRAVIS was born 235 Descendants of William COPELAND 3289 3290 3291 3292 iv. v. vi. vii. Beverly TRAVIS was born Elizabeth TRAVIS was born Butler TRAVIS was born George TRAVIS was born Elizabeth JACOBUS was born Hiram TRAVIS and Elizabeth JACOBUS had the following children: 3293 3294 3295 3296 i. ii. iii. iv. Carrie TRAVIS was born David TRAVIS was born Leona TRAVIS was born James TRAVIS was born 1204. Nancy TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Harrison Co, MO. Nancy TRAVIS and William ALEXANDER were married. William ALEXANDER was born 1205. Thomas H. TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834. Thomas H. TRAVIS and Cinthia Kathern ROBERTSON were married on 4 Aug 1853. Cinthia Kathern ROBERTSON was born Thomas H. TRAVIS and Cinthia Kathern ROBERTSON had the following children: +3297 i. William Beverly TRAVIS (born on 24 Jan 1855). 1207. Samuel B. TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1836 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Hennessey, OK. Hester SLATTEN was born 1208. Julia A. TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1839. Gibson ANSLEY was born 1209. Mary 'Polly' J. TRAVIS (Lydia ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in Overton Co, TN. Mathew TAYLOR was born 1210. William ALLEN (Josiah I.-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1904. William ALLEN and Martha ROBERT were married in 1848. Martha ROBERT was born William ALLEN and Martha ROBERT had the following children: +3298 3299 +3300 +3301 i. ii. iii. iv. Luceta ALLEN. John ALLEN was born Delice ALLEN. William ALLEN. 1212. Rachael ALLEN (Josiah I.-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was 236 Descendants of William COPELAND born in 1831. Alexander Campbell BENDER (son of Samuel BENDER and Mary Ann) was born 1218. Mounterville MASTERS (Elizabeth Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. Mounterville MASTERS and Sallie were married in 1850. Sallie was born on 19 Jan 1818. She died on 4 May 1911 in Clay Co, TN. Mounterville MASTERS and Sallie had the following children: +3302 +3303 i. Margaret MASTERS (born in 1854). ii. Bolivar C. MASTERS (born on 12 Sep 1855). 1236. Amos M. ALLEN (Issac Campbell-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 10 May 1841 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 9 Aug 1878 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary E. was born on 26 Apr 1843. She died on 28 Apr 1866 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1243. Francis Marion GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 May 1830 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died on 12 Dec 1900 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Francis Marion GOODPASTURE and Lydia L. THOMAS were married on 28 Jul 1868. Lydia L. THOMAS (daughter of James Byrd THOMAS and Deborah MASTERS) was born on 3 Apr 1842 in TN. She died on 9 Aug 1900 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. Francis Marion GOODPASTURE and Lydia L. THOMAS had the following children: +3304 3305 +3306 3307 3308 3309 i. ii. iii. iv. James Thomas GOODPASTURE (born on 5 May 1869). Florence GOODPASTURE was born on 14 Mar 1871 in Overton Co, TN. John Jefferson GOODPASTURE (born on 12 Oct 1873). Flora A. GOODPASTURE was born on 6 Nov 1876 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 19 Aug 1887 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. v. Albert B. GOODPASTURE was born on 14 May 1881 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 3 Sep 1885 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. vi. Herschel GOODPASTURE was born on 8 Jul 1878 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Apr 1924 in Old Flat Creek Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1245. Hannah Marena GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Mar 1833 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1890. Hannah Marena GOODPASTURE and Clinton MASTERS were married in 1855. Clinton MASTERS was born in 1836 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. 1246. Thomas C. GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 28 Oct 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 8 Jan 1862. Thomas C. GOODPASTURE and Adelade SMITH were married in 1859 in Overton Co, TN. Adelade SMITH was born Thomas C. GOODPASTURE and Adelade SMITH had the following children: 3310 i. James J. GOODPASTURE was born in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. 1247. Melinda Elizabeth GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Sep 1837 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Dec 1908. 237 Descendants of William COPELAND Melinda Elizabeth GOODPASTURE and Charles Porter WINTON were married in 1859. Charles Porter WINTON was born on 10 Jul 1835. He died on 18 Apr 1913. Melinda Elizabeth GOODPASTURE and Charles Porter WINTON had the following children: 3311 3312 +3313 3314 3315 +3316 i. William 'Will' Jefferson WINTON was born on 14 Oct 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Dec 1913. ii. Nancy Ann WINTON was born on 13 Apr 1862 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 17 Aug 1936. iii. Robert M. 'Bob' WINTON (born on 1 Sep 1864). iv. Isabel 'Belle' WINTON was born on 30 Sep 1869 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Jun 1963. v. Ferdinard D. 'Ferd' WINTON was born on 2 Feb 1872 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Aug 1892. vi. Quitman Hamilton WINTON (born on 1 Oct 1881). 1248. Eliza E. GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Aug 1841 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1865. Eliza E. GOODPASTURE and John W. TAYS were married in 1863. John W. TAYS died in 1864. Eliza E. GOODPASTURE and John W. TAYS had the following children: 3317 i. John W. TAYS was born in 1865. 1249. Sarah C. GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Sep 1843 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1890. Sarah C. GOODPASTURE and James COOPER were married on 28 Oct 1868 in Overton Co, TN. James COOPER died in 1870. Sarah C. GOODPASTURE and James COOPER had the following children: 3318 3319 i. Lillie May COOPER was born on 22 Aug 1869. ii. Albert Hamilton COOPER was born in Jun 1874. 1250. William GOODPASTURE (Nancy ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1846. He died before 1880 in Overton Co, TN. William GOODPASTURE and M.Bethair LEE were married on 18 Apr 1870 in Overton Co, TN. M.Bethair LEE (daughter of Henry LEE and Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND) was born on 5 Apr 1851 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Nov 1905 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. 1266. Newton FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835. Newton FANCHER and Rebecca STONE were married in 1859. Rebecca STONE was born 1267. James FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836. James FANCHER and Emma MELEECH were married in 1857. Emma MELEECH was born 1268. Mary FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838. Mary FANCHER and Thomas BEEK were married in 1857. Thomas BEEK was born 238 Descendants of William COPELAND 1269. Martha FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1840. Martha FANCHER and John SNIPES were married in 1856. John SNIPES was born 1270. Samuel FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842. Samuel FANCHER and Mary MCCOY were married in 1866. Mary MCCOY was born 1271. Nancy FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843. Nancy FANCHER and J.J. HOGAN were married in 1864. J.J. HOGAN was born 1273. William Scott FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in 1847. William Scott FANCHER and Sallie NEWLAND were married in 1878. Sallie NEWLAND was born 1274. Issac FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1850. Issac FANCHER and Hannah COIL were married in 1873. Hannah COIL was born 1275. Jane FANCHER (Christina ALLEN-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1853. Jane FANCHER and John BRAZZELL were married in 1867. John BRAZZELL was born 1276. Emeline ALLEN (John Seahorn-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Mar 1837 in IL. She died on 16 Jul 1922. Emeline ALLEN and William A. TEMPLEMAN were married on 9 Aug 1855. William A. TEMPLEMAN was born Emeline ALLEN and William A. TEMPLEMAN had the following children: +3320 +3321 +3322 +3323 +3324 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Rosa Aklin TEMPLEMAN (born about 1856). Bessie TEMPLEMAN (born in 1858). John Allen TEMPLEMAN (born in 1863). Harriet Frances TEMPLEMAN (born in 1865). Emma Martin TEMPLEMAN (born in 1870). 1278. Mary ALLEN (John Seahorn-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Oct 1845. She died on 30 Aug 1924. Dr. Robert Duncan KING was born 1279. Elizabeth ALLEN (John Seahorn-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 239 Descendants of William COPELAND was born on 1 Sep 1849. She died on 21 Jul 1934. James Montgomery ROBERTS was born 1280. Willard Cass ALLEN (John Seahorn-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 May 1852. He died in Sep 1892. Maude WILLIS was born 1281. John ALLEN (William C.-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Mona THOMAS was born 1282. Issac ALLEN (William C.-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Nancy GERE was born 1283. Rachel ALLEN (William C.-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Ben IMES was born 1284. Tennessee ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1840 in Harrison Co., MO. W.H. HILLMAN was born 1285. Calesta Elzada ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. James HAMILTON was born 1286. Louisa ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1844 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. Dr. George Washington NEWMAN was born 1287. Anna Arsena ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. Dr. D.T. JOHNSON was born 1288. Caroline Jane ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Jan 1862 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. She died on 17 Nov 1938 in Tonkawa, OK. 240 Descendants of William COPELAND Caroline Jane ALLEN and Thomas Huff GOODWIN were married on 19 Aug 1878. Thomas Huff GOODWIN was born 1289. Issac ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Ida MARSHALL was born 1290. Orville ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 5 Nov 1863 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. He died in 1888 in Harrison Co., MO. Orville ALLEN and Florence LOVELACE were married on 7 Mar 1880 in Harrison Co., MO. Florence LOVELACE was born 1291. William J. ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Nov 1863 in Bethany, Harrison Co., MO. He died in 1932 in Harrison Co., MO. Belle HICKMAN was born Elda CAMPBELL was born 1292. Cora ALLEN (Stephen Copeland-7, Mary COPELAND-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born James BODY was born ED WRIGHT was born 1293. John COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1817 in Maries Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in St. Clair Co., MO. He died after 1876 in Maries Co., MO. John COPELAND and Nancy were married about 1847 in Maries Co, Missouri. Nancy was born in 1824 in IL. John COPELAND and Nancy had the following children: 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Martha Jane COPELAND was born in 1848 in Maries Co, Missouri. James COPELAND was born in 1850 in MO. William COPELAND was born in 1855 in Maries Co, Missouri. George COPELAND was born in 1857 in Maries Co, Missouri. Mary COPELAND was born in 1859 in Maries Co, Missouri. Priscilla COPELAND was born in 1863 in MO. Lucy COPELAND was born in 1868 in St. Clair Co., MO. John COPELAND was born in 1870 in St. Clair Co., MO. 1294. James COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1818. Caswell BECKHAM was born 1295. Elizabeth COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Mar 1818 in TN. She died in 1849 in MO. 241 Descendants of William COPELAND Elizabeth COPELAND and John BERRY were married on 24 Dec 1846 in Crawford Co, MO. John BERRY was born 1296. Mary COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in TN. Mary COPELAND and John SULLIVANT were married on 5 Mar 1837 in Crawford Co, MO. John SULLIVANT was born Caswell BECKHAM was born Mary COPELAND and David A. TAFF were married on 9 Mar 1882 in Maries Co, Missouri. David A. TAFF was born 1297. Pleasant COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1822 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Crawford Co, MO. He died on 26 Aug 1871 in Maries Co, Missouri. Pleasant COPELAND and Elizabeth MATLOCK were married on 15 Feb 1844 in Crawford Co., MO. Elizabeth MATLOCK was born in 1825 in TN. She died in Mar 1865 in Maries Co, Missouri. Pleasant COPELAND and Elizabeth MATLOCK had the following children: +3333 +3334 +3335 +3336 +3337 +3338 +3339 3340 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Martin COPELAND (born on 20 Oct 1849). James COPELAND (born in 1850). Mary COPELAND (born on 26 Jan 1849). Barbara Ann COPELAND (born about 1855). Joseph COPELAND (born on 14 Apr 1855). Sarah COPELAND (born in 1860). Mary COPELAND (born in 1862). Pleasant COPELAND Jr. was born about 1864. Pleasant COPELAND and Nancy Pryor PREWETT were married in 1867 in Maries Co., MO. Nancy Pryor PREWETT was born on 14 Feb 1844 in Maries Co, Missouri. Pleasant COPELAND and Nancy Pryor PREWETT had the following children: +3341 +3342 i. Lucinda COPELAND (born in 1868). ii. John S. COPELAND (born on 14 Dec 1870). 1298. Sarah COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1824 in Maries Co., MO. She died in 1873 in Maries Co., MO. Sarah COPELAND and George Washington 'Wash' MATLOCK were married about 1842 in MO. George Washington 'Wash' MATLOCK was born in 1820 in Washington Co, TN. He died on 8 Feb 1894 in MO. Sarah COPELAND and George Washington 'Wash' MATLOCK had the following children: +3343 +3344 3345 3346 +3347 +3348 +3349 3350 +3351 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Edna MATLOCK. Sophonia MATLOCK. Henry MATLOCK was born James MATLOCK was born John MATLOCK. Arminta MATLOCK. Mary MATLOCK. William MATLOCK was born Sarah MATLOCK. 1299. Frances COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 242 Descendants of William COPELAND 11 Nov 1829 in Maries Co., MO. She died on 3 Jan 1917 in Maries Co, Missouri. Frances COPELAND and James Jenness PIECE were married on 20 Sep 1850 in Crawford Co., MO. James Jenness PIECE was born in 1824 in NC. 1300. Emily Jane COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1833 in TN. She died in Henry Co, MO. Emily Jane COPELAND and Anderson BECKHAM were married on 14 Mar 1850 in Crawford Co, MO. Anderson BECKHAM was born in 1828 in TN. He died in 1905 in Henry Co, MO. 1301. William Jasper COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Feb 1837 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Phelps Co, MO. He died on 18 Apr 1923 in Maries Co., MO. William Jasper COPELAND and Lucinda Malissa FERREL were married on 15 Oct 1858 in Phelps Co, MO. Lucinda Malissa FERREL was born in 1842 in MO. She died before 1880 in Phelps Co, MO. William Jasper COPELAND and Lucinda Malissa FERREL had the following children: 3352 3353 3354 3355 +3356 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Albert Warren COPELAND was born on 17 Jan 1863 in Maries Co, Missouri. Houston Eula COPELAND was born in Oct 1864 in Phelps Co, MO. Carrie COPELAND was born in 1866 in Phelps Co, MO. Lula COPELAND was born in 1867 in Phelps Co, MO. Charles Rufus COPELAND (born on 17 Oct 1870). Matilda COX was born in 1840. William Jasper COPELAND and Matilda COX had the following children: 3357 i. Charles COPELAND was born in 1873. 1302. Joseph Thomas COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Nov 1840 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Phelps Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Phelps Co, MO. He died on 4 Jan 1928 in Maries Co., MO. He was buried in Miles Cem., St. James Co., MO. Nancy Ann VAUGHAN was born in 1843. She died on 21 Dec 1903 in Phelps Co, MO. Joseph Thomas COPELAND and Nancy Ann VAUGHAN had the following children: +3358 +3359 +3360 +3361 3362 +3363 +3364 +3365 3366 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Francis Arthur 'Frank' COPELAND (born in 1866). John COPELAND (born in 1867). James COPELAND (born in 1869). William J. COPELAND (born in 1871). Joseph COPELAND was born in 1873 in Phelps Co, MO. Ann COPELAND (born in 1877). Vicie COPELAND (born in 1878). Martha Moll COPELAND. Chester COPELAND was born Joseph Thomas COPELAND and Hannah were married about 1904 in MO. Hannah was born in 1854. She died on 19 Jul 1918 in Phelps Co, MO. 1303. Martin M. COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Feb 1842 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Phelps Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Phelps Co, MO. 243 Descendants of William COPELAND Martin M. COPELAND and Lavona E. HAZZARD were married on 29 Sep 1864 in Phelps Co, MO. Lavona E. HAZZARD was born on 29 Apr 1846 in MO. She died on 27 Jul 1905 in Phelps Co, MO. Martin M. COPELAND and Lavona E. HAZZARD had the following children: +3367 3368 +3369 3370 +3371 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Laura COPELAND (born in 1866). Charles COPELAND was born in 1867 in Phelps Co, MO. William Thomas COPELAND (born in 1869). John W. COPELAND was born in 1879 in Maries Co, Missouri. Emma COPELAND (born in 1882). 1304. Martha COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Apr 1846 in Osage Co, MO. Rev. John MUSTAIN was born 1305. Rebecca A. COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in Osage Co, MO. She died in CA. Rebecca A. COPELAND and George CLUETT were married on 26 Feb 1871 in Phelps Co., MO. George CLUETT was born 1306. Issac Newton COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jun 1848 in Safe, MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Phelps Co, MO. He died on 20 May 1905 in Maries Co., MO. He was buried in Rock Springs Cem., Maries Co., MO. Issac Newton COPELAND and Sarah Ann BARNES were married on 13 Jan 1870 in Maries Co., MO. Sarah Ann BARNES was born on 28 May 1849 in Belle, MO. She died on 22 Jan 1892 in Miles Cem., St. James, MO. Issac Newton COPELAND and Sarah Ann BARNES had the following children: +3372 +3373 +3374 +3375 +3376 3377 +3378 +3379 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John William COPELAND (born on 3 Nov 1872). George Edmond COPELAND (born on 13 Mar 1871). Albert Adolph COPELAND (born on 24 Jan 1876). Charles Waldo COPELAND (born on 16 Aug 1878). Joseph Newton COPELAND (born on 25 Aug 1881). Samuel Arthur COPELAND was born on 29 Feb 1884 in Safe, Maries Co., MO. He died on 23 Mar 1964 in St. James, Phelps Co., MO. He was buried in Miles Cem., St. James, Maries Co., MO. Never married . When he traveled west, he said that he snuggled up to 'ant tattie' sack of potatoes vii. David Otto COPELAND (born on 2 Jun 1886). viii. Otis Oscar COPELAND (born on 15 Dec 1888). Issac Newton COPELAND and Cordelia MAXWELL were married on 27 Sep 1898 in Safe, Maries Co., MO. Cordelia MAXWELL was born on 10 May 1859 in AZ.. She died on 17 Jul 1940 in Safe, Maries Co., MO. Issac Newton COPELAND and Cordelia MAXWELL had the following children: +3380 +3381 +3382 i. Issac Jasper COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1899). ii. Mary Ellen COPELAND (born on 13 Feb 1902). iii. Benjamin Thomas COPELAND (born on 29 Mar 1902). 1307. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jan 1850 in Safe, MO. He died in 1908 in Maries Co, Missouri. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Arletha Paris FRITTS were married on 18 Jul 1875 in Maries Co., MO. Arletha Paris FRITTS (daughter of Phillip FRITTS) was born in 1856 in MO. She died after 1920 in MO. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Arletha Paris FRITTS had the following children: 244 Descendants of William COPELAND 3383 3384 3385 +3386 3387 3388 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Robert Marion COPELAND was born in 1876 in MO. Alfred COPELAND was born in 1878. Samuel Burton COPELAND was born in 1880. Rosa Nell COPELAND (born in 1884). William T. COPELAND was born in 1890. Christopher Columbus COPELAND was born in 1893 in MO. 1308. Francis Marion COPELAND (John G.-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jan 1850 in Maries Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 6 Jul 1918 in Fairview Cem., Phelps Co, MO. Francis Marion COPELAND and Frances A. FRITTS were married on 6 Apr 1869 in Safe, Maries Co., MO. Frances A. FRITTS was born on 18 Aug 1847 in Safe, Maries Co., MO. She died on 23 Jun 1924 in Fairview Cem., Phelps Co, MO. Francis Marion COPELAND and Frances A. FRITTS had the following children: 3389 +3390 3391 3392 +3393 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Joseph Henry COPELAND was born in 1870. Thomas COPELAND (born in 1873). John T. COPELAND was born in 1878 in MO. James COPELAND was born in Mar 1876 in MO. Lillie M. COPELAND (born in Nov 1886). 1309. Rebecca COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1816. She died about 1846. Rebecca COPELAND and William SHOCKLEY Sr were married on 15 Aug 1833 in Gasconade Co, Missouri. William SHOCKLEY Sr was born Rebecca COPELAND and William SHOCKLEY Sr had the following children: 3394 3395 +3396 +3397 +3398 i. ii. iii. iv. v. James SHOCKLEY was born Serena SHOCKLEY was born Louisa SHOCKLEY. Mary SHOCKLEY. Joseph SHOCKLEY. 1310. Davis COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Feb 1818 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died in 1880 in Hancock, Maries Co., MO. He was buried in Teeple Cemetery, Pulaski Co., MO. Lived along HWY 28,five miles south of Vienna,MO Davis COPELAND and Sybil Tackett STEWARD were married on 5 Jul 1855 in MO. Sybil Tackett STEWARD (daughter of James STEWART and ? TACKETT) was born on 20 Sep 1821 in MO. She died on 29 Jan 1865 in Maries Co, Missouri. Davis COPELAND and Sybil Tackett STEWARD had the following children: 3399 +3400 3401 +3402 3403 i. Nancy Melissa COPELAND was born in 1855 in Maries Co, Missouri. ii. William Davis COPELAND (born on 30 Mar 1858). iii. Joseph Marion COPELAND was born on 26 Mar 1860 in Maries Co., MO. He died in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. iv. Henderson Monroe COPELAND (born on 26 Jul 1862). v. Hanner Malinda COPELAND was born on 7 Nov 1864. She died on 15 Feb 1865. Davis COPELAND and Melinda MILLER were married about 1867 in Maries Co, Missouri. Melinda MILLER (daughter of David MILLER and Elizabeth HELTON) was born in 1826 in MO. Davis COPELAND and Melinda MILLER had the following children: +3404 i. Samuel Peter COPELAND (born on 12 Aug 1868). 245 Descendants of William COPELAND 1311. John Richard COPELAND Sr. (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Apr 1819 in Jefferson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 27 Oct 1876 in Maries Co, MO. He was buried in Visitation Cem., Vienna, Maries Co., MO. John Richard COPELAND Sr. and Mary America WISEMAN were married on 30 Dec 1838 in Gasconade Co, MO. Mary America WISEMAN (daughter of Oliver Davenport 'Porty' WISEMAN) was born on 12 Jan 1823 in Knox Co, TN. She died on 25 Aug 1895 in Maries Co, Missouri. John Richard COPELAND Sr. and Mary America WISEMAN had the following children: +3405 +3406 +3407 +3408 3409 +3410 +3411 +3412 +3413 +3414 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Francis Marion COPELAND (born about 1840). William Marcus COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1842). Albert Wiseman COPELAND (born on 17 Dec 1848). Calvin Columbus COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1846). Nina COPELAND was born in 1854 in Maries Co, Missouri. Mary Eliza Jane COPELAND (born in 1856). John Richard COPELAND Jr. (born on 16 Jan 1859). Telitha Tennessee COPELAND (born on 3 Aug 1861). Matilda H. COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1864). Myra D. COPELAND (born about 1868). 1312. Sara Miller 'Sallie' COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Apr 1822 in Jefferson Co., TN. She died on 6 Jan 1861 in Maries Co, Missouri. Sara Miller 'Sallie' COPELAND and Lytle LAMBETH were married on 2 May 1853 in Osage Co, MO. Lytle LAMBETH (son of Samuel LAMBETH and Mary 'Pop' MERRILL) was born on 14 Sep 1806 in Chatham Co, NC. He died on 31 Mar 1883 in Lambeth Cemetery, Maries Co, Missouri. Lytle resided in TN from 1828-1839. He appeared on the 1840 Gasconade Co.,MO census; 1850 Osage Co.,MO; and 1860,1870,1880 Maries Co.,MO census. The Lambeth Schoolhouse still stands in the 'Bend Area' of Maries Co.,MO. The Lambeth Assembly of God Church still holds services. He is buried at the Lambeth Cemetery. Sara Miller 'Sallie' COPELAND and Lytle LAMBETH had the following children: +3415 +3416 3417 +3418 +3419 +3420 i. Lucinda Jane LAMBETH (born on 14 Feb 1853). ii. Sarah Dyson LAMBETH (born on 12 May 1854). iii. May H. LAMBETH was born in Feb 1855 in Vienna, Maries Co, Missouir. She died in Feb 1856 in Vienna, Maries Co, Missouir. iv. Louis LAMBETH (born on 22 Aug 1856). v. Mary Elizabeth LAMBETH (born on 4 Jan 1856). vi. Matilda LAMBETH (born on 16 Nov 1860). 1313. Joseph COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Mar 1824 in Jefferson Co.TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Pulaski CO., MO. He died after 1880 in Maries Co., MO. Joseph COPELAND and Lydia Ann CARNES were married on 10 Apr 1845 in Osage Co, MO. Lydia Ann CARNES (daughter of Jehu CARNES and Nancy BURTON) was born in Oct 1824 in McMinn Co, TN. She died between 1875 and 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. Joseph COPELAND and Lydia Ann CARNES had the following children: 3421 +3422 +3423 +3424 +3425 +3426 +3427 +3428 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Henry A. COPELAND was born in 1846 in Maries Co, Missouri. Thomas Levi COPELAND (born in Oct 1849). James Melton COPELAND (born on 23 Jan 1852). Margaret Nancy COPELAND (born on 28 Feb 1854). Alice COPELAND (born about 1857). John W. COPELAND (born about 1860). Mary Jane COPELAND (born about 1862). William Jehu COPELAND (born in 1865). 246 Descendants of William COPELAND 1314. Peter COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in McMinn Co, TN. He died in 1875 in Maries Co., MO. Peter COPELAND and Nancy SHOCKLEY were married about 1868 in Maries Co, Missouri. Nancy SHOCKLEY (daughter of William SHOCKLEY) was born in 1849 in MO. Peter COPELAND and Nancy SHOCKLEY had the following children: 3429 +3430 +3431 +3432 i. ii. iii. iv. Harris COPELAND was born in 1869 in Maries Co, Missouri. Fannie COPELAND (born about 1871). Lottie COPELAND (born about 1873). Rosa COPELAND (born on 12 Feb 1874). 1315. Terney C. COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1826 in MO. Terney C. COPELAND and Martin DOILE were married on 20 Jan 1848 in Osage Co, MO. Martin DOILE was born 1316. Solomon COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828 in McMinn Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Osage Co, MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died in 1902 in St. James, Phelps Co, MO. Solomon COPELAND and Sarah Jane 'Ferely' VAUGHN were married on 2 Aug 1849 in Osage Co, MO. Sarah Jane 'Ferely' VAUGHN (daughter of VAUGHN) was born in 1829 in MO. She died in 1878. Solomon COPELAND and Sarah Jane 'Ferely' VAUGHN had the following children: +3433 +3434 +3435 +3436 +3437 +3438 +3439 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Martha Luella COPELAND (born in Oct 1853). John COPELAND (born about 1855). Callaway COPELAND (born about 1858). George Henry COPELAND (born about 1861). William J. COPELAND (born on 16 Apr 1864). Mary COPELAND (born about 1867). Amanda Melvina COPELAND (born on 28 May 1878). Solomon COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth were married about 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. Mary Elizabeth was born in 1845 in MO. She died in 1916 in Okemah, OK. 1317. William Riley COPELAND Jr. (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1830. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died in 1873 in Maries Co, Missouri. William Riley COPELAND Jr. and Rachael VAUGHN were married in 1853 in Maries Co., MO. Rachael VAUGHN (daughter of William 'PeeWee' VAUGHN) was born in 1832 in Maries Co, Missouri. She died in Maries Co, Missouri. William Riley COPELAND Jr. and Rachael VAUGHN had the following children: 3440 +3441 +3442 +3443 +3444 3445 +3446 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William COPELAND was born in 1853 in Maries Co, Missouri. James M. COPELAND (born in 1857). Nancy COPELAND (born in 1862). Robert George M COPELAND (born in 1864). Mary COPELAND (born in 1865). Lucinda COPELAND was born in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. Bertie COPELAND (born in 1872). 1318. Callaway COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Feb 1834. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Polk Co., 247 Descendants of William COPELAND MO. He died in Laclede Co, MO. Callaway COPELAND and Mary G. MARTIN were married in 1852. Mary G. MARTIN (daughter of John Y. MARTIN and Elizabeth) was born in 1839 in MO. Callaway COPELAND and Mary G. MARTIN had the following children: 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. James COPELAND was born in 1859 in Maries Co, Missouri. Mary COPELAND was born in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1866 in MO. Herman COPELAND was born in 1867 in MO. Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1870 in MO. Paralee COPELAND was born in 1874 in Polk Co., MO. Blanche COPELAND was born in 1878 in Polk Co., MO. 1319. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND (William Riley-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1836 in Maries Co, Missouri. John F. CARNES (son of Jehu CARNES and Nancy BURTON) was born in 1835. He died in 1871. Mary Elizabeth COPELAND and John F. CARNES had the following children: +3454 +3455 +3456 +3457 +3458 3459 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Lydia A. CARNES (born in 1856). Louisa E. CARNES. Mary P. CARNES. Jennie L. CARNES. Ida M. CARNES. Wortley CARNES was born in 1856. 1320. John TAFF (Sarah COPELAND-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Feb 1819 in TN. He died on 28 Feb 1884 in Maries Co., MO. Mahala ANDERSON was born John TAFF and Mahala ANDERSON had the following children: +3460 +3461 +3462 +3463 i. ii. iii. iv. Sarah TAFF (born on 10 May 1847). William S. TAFF. Annette TAFF. Minnie TAFF. 1321. Jeanette TAFF (Sarah COPELAND-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born James HELTON (son of Issac Sr HELTON) was born Jeanette TAFF and James HELTON had the following children: 3464 i. James HELTON Jr was born 1324. Amanda BLANTON (Sarah COPELAND-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born John Rile BRAZIER was born 1325. Caroline BLANTON (Sarah COPELAND-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Green M. BRAZIER was born 1326. Richard COPELAND (Joseph-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 248 Descendants of William COPELAND 1835 in MO. He served in the military in 1863 in Civil War-Mo. Light Art., 1st Field CSA. He died in 1864 in Civil WarAlton Prison. Nancy RUSSELL (daughter of James RUSSELL) was born Richard COPELAND and Nancy RUSSELL had the following children: +3465 3466 i. Casandra COPELAND (born on 1 Aug 1859). ii. Noah COPELAND was born about 1860 in MO. 1327. Martin COPELAND (Joseph-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Vernon Cem., Dekalb Co., AL. He died in Vernon CO., MO. Polly BRASHIER (daughter of S. T. BRASHIER) was born Martin COPELAND and Polly BRASHIER had the following children: 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Flora L. COPELAND was born in 1857 in Vernon CO., MO. Nancy P. COPELAND was born in 1861 in Vernon CO., MO. Felina E. COPELAND was born in 1863 in Vernon CO., MO. William Joseph COPELAND was born in 1865 in Vernon CO., MO. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1868 in Vernon CO., MO. 1328. Jes Samuel COPELAND (Noah-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832. Margie Mae DUVAL was born Jes Samuel COPELAND and Margie Mae DUVAL had the following children: +3472 +3473 3474 +3475 3476 +3477 +3478 +3479 +3480 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Eva COPELAND (born in 1855). A. Aubry COPELAND (born in 1857). Jerry COPELAND was born in 1859. Darcy COPELAND (born in 1861). Arvie COPELAND was born in 1863. Alice COPELAND (born in 1864). Vicie COPELAND (born in 1864). Lillian Irene COPELAND (born in 1914). Alta Lorene COPELAND (born in 1927). 1329. William Issac 'Ike' COPELAND (Noah-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834. Ida Mae FOUTCH was born in 1834. William Issac 'Ike' COPELAND and Ida Mae FOUTCH had the following children: 3481 +3482 +3483 +3484 3485 3486 3487 +3488 3489 +3490 3491 +3492 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Edward COPELAND was born in 1860. Cass COPELAND (born in 1862). Hugh COPELAND (born in 1864). Jim COPELAND (born in 1866). Ellen COPELAND was born in 1868. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1870. Lyde COPELAND was born in 1872. Cass COPELAND (born in 1874). Mary COPELAND was born in 1876. Sara Hanna COPELAND (born in 1878). Richard COPELAND was born in 1879. Alice Arbella COPELAND (born on 1 Aug 1880). Verna Rean CHOATE was born in 1854. Vol. 2 Cherokee By Blood- 1/4 Cherokee William Issac 'Ike' COPELAND and Verna Rean CHOATE had the following children: 249 Descendants of William COPELAND 3493 3494 +3495 3496 3497 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Virgil COPELAND was born in 1882. Charlotte E. COPELAND was born in 1883. Vol 2 Cherokee By Blood- 1/4 Cherokee Andrew Jack COPELAND (born in 1890). Anderson COPELAND was born in 1890 in Sequoyah District Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. Polly Ellen COPELAND was born on 9 Aug 1898 in Sequoyah District Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. She died on 23 Jul 1987 in Sallisaw, OK. Vol 2 Cherokee By Blood- 1/4 Cherokee 1338. Leeva COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828. Hugh L. M. DOYLE was born 1339. John Henry COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Jun 1828. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 11 Dec 1882 in MO. John Henry COPELAND and Nancy DOYLE were married on 3 Apr 1851 in Maries Co, Missouri. Nancy DOYLE was born in 1835 in MO. John Henry COPELAND and Nancy DOYLE had the following children: +3498 +3499 3500 +3501 +3502 +3503 +3504 +3505 3506 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. James Alexander COPELAND (born in 1852). John Henry COPELAND (born in 1855). Rachel COPELAND was born in 1857 in Maries Co, Missouri. W. N. 'Noah' COPELAND (born on 19 Jul 1859). Belle COPELAND. Martin N. COPELAND. Charles COPELAND (born in 1869). Emma COPELAND (born in 1871). Jasper COPELAND was born in 1876 in Maries Co, Missouri. 1340. Eliza C. COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Aug 1832 in Maries Co, Missouri. She died on 27 May 1905 in Maries Co, Missouri. Eliza C. COPELAND and Karl Ludwig Grump VON FREUDENSTEIN were married on 29 Aug 1858 in Maries Co, Missouri. Karl Ludwig Grump VON FREUDENSTEIN was born on 22 Jul 1831 in Castle Glenhauser in Hesse-Cassel. Eliza C. COPELAND and Karl Ludwig Grump VON FREUDENSTEIN had the following children: +3507 +3508 +3509 +3510 +3511 +3512 +3513 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. ? VON FREUDENSTEIN. Fannie Isabel VON FREUDENSTEIN. Mary VON FREUDENSTEIN. Solomon VON FREUDENSTEIN. Henry J. VON FREUDENSTEIN. Christian VON FREUDENSTEIN. William A. VON FREUDENSTEIN. 1341. Noah C. COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 31 Dec 1834 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in st.clair co., mo. He died on 31 Dec 1892. Noah C. COPELAND and Ruth DOYLE were married about 1858 in Maries Co, Missouri. Ruth DOYLE was born on 19 Jun 1843 in IL. She died on 10 Sep 1884. Noah C. COPELAND and Ruth DOYLE had the following children: 3514 +3515 3516 i. Mary COPELAND was born in 1858 in Maries Co, Missouri. ii. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in Jul 1859). iii. Elijah COPELAND was born in 1863 in Maries Co, Missouri. 250 Descendants of William COPELAND 3517 3518 3519 +3520 +3521 +3522 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Ellen COPELAND was born in 1865 in Maries Co, Missouri. Richard COPELAND was born in 1866 in Maries Co, Missouri. Casandra COPELAND was born in 1867 in Maries Co, Missouri. Solomon COPELAND (born on 23 Dec 1868). Jesse Samuel COPELAND (born on 10 Dec 1877). Alice D. COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1880). 1342. France 'Fannie' COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841 in Maries Co, Missouri. William H. HENSON (son of George Washington HENSON and Anna FANBUSH) was born in 1843 in KY. France 'Fannie' COPELAND and William H. HENSON had the following children: 3523 3524 3525 +3526 3527 +3528 +3529 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Jack HENSON was born Stephen HENSON was born Palestine'Pal' HENSON was born Eliza HENSON. Della May HENSON was born Lottie HENSON. Frank HENSON. 1343. Mary Ann COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1837 in Maries Co, Missouri. She died on 17 Jan 1917 in St. James, Phelps Co, MO. Mary Ann COPELAND and John Christian SENNE were married on 27 Dec 1857 in Maries Co, Missouri. John Christian SENNE was born on 27 Apr 1830 in Mannewitz, GER. He died on 24 May 1906 in St. James, Phelps Co, MO. Mary Ann COPELAND and John Christian SENNE had the following children: 3530 +3531 3532 +3533 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary SENNE was born Matilda Jane SENNE. Soloman Sherman SENNE was born Grace A. SENNE. 1344. Jane COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837. Leander DOYLE was born 1345. Martha Ellen COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jan 1839. She died on 14 Jul 1917 in Arlington, OK. Lee RUSSELL (son of Joseph RUSSELL and LOUISA) died on 3 May 1873. John G. MARTIN was born Martha Ellen COPELAND and John G. MARTIN had the following children: +3534 +3535 +3536 +3537 +3538 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Rachel MARTIN. Nancy MARTIN. Malinda MARTIN. Emeline MARTIN. Esther MARTIN. 1346. Joseph S. COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. Elizabeth Jane HICKMAN was born in 1842 in MO. Joseph S. COPELAND and Elizabeth Jane HICKMAN had the 251 Descendants of William COPELAND following children: +3539 +3540 +3541 3542 +3543 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Seamon COPELAND (born in 1870). Lyda Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1873). Lula Ella COPELAND (born in 1874). Wade COPELAND was born in 1878 in Maries Co, Missouri. Allie COPELAND. 1347. Martin COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. Lucinda WOODS (daughter of Samuel 'Major' WOODS) was born in 1846 in MO. Martin COPELAND and Lucinda WOODS had the following children: 3544 +3545 3546 i. John Edward COPELAND was born in 1866 in Maries Co, Missouri. ii. Mary Elizabeth 'Bessie' COPELAND (born in 1870). iii. William T. COPELAND was born in 1879 in Maries Co, Missouri. 1348. Jehu 'Jake' COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Apr 1845 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1870 in St. Clair Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 13 Jul 1920 in Maries Co, Missouri. He was buried in Fairview Cem., Miller, Maries Co., MO. Jehu 'Jake' COPELAND and Emily HENSON were married on 3 Nov 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. Emily HENSON (daughter of George Washington HENSON and Anna FANBUSH) was born on 29 Feb 1840 in Maries Co, Missouri. She died on 21 May 1925 in Maries Co, Missouri. She was buried in Fairview Cem., Miller, Maries Co., MO. Jehu 'Jake' COPELAND and Emily HENSON had the following children: 3547 +3548 3549 +3550 +3551 +3552 +3553 3554 i. Anselm P. COPELAND was born on 9 Aug 1865 in St. Clair Co., MO. died young ii. George Stephen COPELAND (born in 1867). iii. John L. COPELAND was born on 7 Mar 1870 in St. Clair Co., MO. He died on 10 Jan 1892 in MO. iv. Lucy COPELAND (born in 1871). v. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1872). vi. Bayless M. COPELAND (born in 1875). vii. Basheba COPELAND (born on 28 Jan 1878). viii. Marenna A. COPELAND was born on 7 Dec 1880 in Maries Co, Missouri. She died on 6 Feb 1900 in Maries Co, Missouri. 1349. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Oct 1847 in Maries Co, Missouri. He died on 11 Apr 1928 in Maries Co, Missouri. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Rachael Charlotte HOLMAN were married on 3 Nov 1870 in Maries Co, Missouri. Rachael Charlotte HOLMAN (daughter of J.A. HOLMAN and S.E.) was born on 8 Jun 1853 in IL. She died on 21 Jul 1940 in Maries Co, Missouri. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Rachael Charlotte HOLMAN had the following children: +3555 +3556 +3557 3558 3559 +3560 +3561 +3562 +3563 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Sarah Malinda COPELAND (born on 10 Mar 1873). Ola Virginia COPELAND (born on 18 Dec 1876). Mary T. 'Fannie' COPELAND (born in 1879). Solomon J. COPELAND was born in 1878 in Maries Co, Missouri. Davis COPELAND was born in 1879 in Maries Co, Missouri. Louisa Augusta 'Gussie' COPELAND (born in Jan 1881). Alex M. COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1883). Nettie A. COPELAND (born in Feb 1885). Jesse James COPELAND (born in Feb 1892). 252 Descendants of William COPELAND 1350. Charles COPELAND (Solomon-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1850. Lula FORESTER was born 1357. William COPELAND (William-7, Solomon-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1854 in Jackson Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jackson Co., AR. living w/ Howard jackson William COPELAND and Sarah THOMAS were married about 1875 in Jackson Co., AR. Sarah THOMAS was born in 1859 in AL. William COPELAND and Sarah THOMAS had the following children: 3564 3565 i. Ellen COPELAND was born in 1876 in Jackson Co., AR. ii. David COPELAND was born in 1880 in Jackson Co., AR. 1366. Julia Ann BRIDGERMAN (Sarah COPELAND-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1824 in Jackson Co., AR. She died in 1873 in Leon Co., TX. ELLINGTON was born Samuel BIDDLE was born in 1836. He died in 1901. 1367. Lurinda BRIDGERMAN (Sarah COPELAND-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1828 in Jackson Co., AR. She died on 25 Dec 1880 in Burnsville, Leon Co., TX. Isaac BURNS was born on 22 Nov 1819 in Paducah, AR. He died on 31 Jan 1886 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. Lurinda BRIDGERMAN and Isaac BURNS had the following children: +3566 3567 +3568 i. James Henry BURNS (born on 21 Jul 1850). ii. Charles Wesley BURNS was born on 4 Nov 1852. He died on 20 Apr 1905 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. iii. John Palmer BURNS (born on 9 May 1854). 1370. Mary COPELAND (Mark-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Oct 1826 in Jackson Co., AR. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Leon Co., TX. She died in 1861 in Burns Cem., Leon Co., TX. Mary came to Texas with her parents in 1835. Her son George,Jr was born after her husband's death in 1850. She married Felix Elam. She petitioned the Texas Court of Claims in 1860 for the land due her father. Her son George,Jr told his grandchildren that she told Bible stories during a Indian attack at the fort. She died as a result of childbirth in 1861. Her children were orphaned when her second husband was killed during the Civil War. Mary COPELAND and George Washington TOBY were married on 22 May 1842 in Robertson Co., TX. George Washington TOBY was born in 1817 in NY. He died in Feb 1850 in Leon Co., TX. George served in the Texas Army from 1/8/1837 to 4/10/1838, for which he received land certificate which he sold. He served 3 months in the Texas Rangers.He died of Pneumonia. Mary COPELAND and George Washington TOBY had the following children: 3569 3570 3571 +3572 i. Edward Mark TOBY was born on 6 May 1843 in Republic of Texas. ii. Nancy Lucinda TOBY was born on 25 Oct 1844 in Republic of Texas. She died on 18 May 1919 in Comanche Co., TX. iii. Maria Therrisia TOBY was born on 2 Oct 1847 in TX. iv. George Washington TOBY Jr. (born on 7 Jun 1850). Mary COPELAND and Felix ELAM were married on 24 Oct 1850 in TX. Felix ELAM was born on 23 Oct 1827 in TN. He died between 1861 and 1865 in Civil War. Mary COPELAND and Felix ELAM had the following children: 253 Descendants of William COPELAND 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Matilda Jane ELAM was born on 11 Jan 1852 in TX. She died on 30 Apr 1855. William Wade ELAM was born on 19 Nov 1853 in TX. He died on 21 Dec 1855 in TX. Martha Ann ELAM was born on 15 Jan 1857 in TX. She died on 3 Feb 1862 in TX. Allen ELAM was born on 5 Jul 1859 in TX. He died on 10 Jan 1861 in TX. Harvy ELAM was born on 1 Oct 1861 in TX. He died on 1 Oct 1861 in TX. 1373. Cynthia Ann COPELAND (Lawrence-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Dec 1841 in TX. She died on 9 Jul 1905 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. John R. PRUITT was born on 11 Dec 1841. He died on 12 May 1917 in Leon Co., TX. 1374. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Lawrence-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Mar 1844 in TX. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Leon Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 23 Feb 1885 in Leon Co., TX. He was buried in Burns/Biddle Cem., Navasto, Robertson Co., TX. Mary E. was born in 1845 in TX. She died before 1880 in Leon Co., TX. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Mary E. had the following children: 3578 3579 i. C. L. COPELAND was born in 1870 in Leon Co., TX. ii. Issac COPELAND was born on 17 Jul 1872 in Leon Co., TX. He died in 1891 in Burns/Biddle Cem., Leon Co., TX. Augusta Fritz HUTCHINS (daughter of Dr. J.C. HUTCHINS and Mary) was born in 1854 in TX. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Augusta Fritz HUTCHINS had the following children: 3580 3581 i. Cunning COPELAND was born on 9 Dec 1881 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 9 Jan 1888 in Bethesda cem., leon Co., TX. ii. Louis COPELAND was born on 12 Jul 1884 in Leon Co., TX. He died on 14 Jun 1885 in Burns/Biddle Cem., Leon Co., TX. 1375. Lewis COPELAND (Martin-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1827 in AR. Lewis COPELAND and Lualla NICHOLS were married on 7 Apr 1845 in Robertson Co., TX. Lualla NICHOLS was born about 1827. 1376. Julian COPELAND (Martin-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in AR. Julian COPELAND and John LANGFORD were married on 21 Aug 1851 in Robertson Co., TX. John LANGFORD was born in 1824 in AL. 1377. Araminta 'Minty' COPELAND (Martin-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in AR. She died between 1857 and 1859 in Robertson Co., TX. Araminta 'Minty' COPELAND and William KINSEY were married on 25 Oct 1852 in Robertson Co., TX. William KINSEY was born in 1825 in NC. Araminta 'Minty' COPELAND and William KINSEY had the following children: 3582 i. Elizabeth Jane KINSEY was born in 1857 in Robertson Co., TX. 1385. Jeremiah COPELAND (Joseph-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in TX. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Leon Co., TX. 254 Descendants of William COPELAND Susan was born in 1844 in TX. 1389. Noah COPELAND (William-7, Nicholas-6, Joseph-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Oct 1855 in Leon Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Madison Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Ft. Worth Co. TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Limestone Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Limestone Co., TX. He died on 16 Mar 1933 in Kirk Cem., Limestone Co., TX. Noah COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth DONAHOE were married on 23 Jun 1876 in Madison Co., TX. Mary Elizabeth DONAHOE was born on 16 Mar 1860 in TX. Noah COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth DONAHOE had the following children: +3583 +3584 +3585 +3586 +3587 +3588 +3589 +3590 3591 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. James Edward COPELAND (born on 24 Jan 1878). Lizabeth Belle COPELAND (born on 18 Jun 1880). William Burton COPELAND (born on 12 Nov 1882). John Wesley COPELAND (born in 1885). Clayton Franklin COPELAND (born on 24 Mar 1887). Henry A. COPELAND (born in 1893). Luther COPELAND (born in 1895). Baxter Ceserel COPELAND (born on 28 Apr 1898). Olive Thula COPELAND was born in 1899 in Madison Co., TX. 1393. John MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Sep 1803 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 15 Oct 1861 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Sarah SHOOKMAN was born on 16 Dec 1803 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 13 Aug 1891 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. John MATTHEWS and Sarah SHOOKMAN had the following children: +3592 +3593 +3594 +3595 +3596 +3597 +3598 3599 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Mary Melvina MATTHEWS (born on 29 May 1824). James W. MATTHEWS (born on 30 Dec 1825). Serena Catherine MATTHEWS (born on 16 May 1827). John Frank MATTHEWS (born on 5 Jul 1829). Nancy MATTHEWS (born on 27 Mar 1832). Salome R. MATTHEWS (born on 5 Jan 1833). Sarah Minerva MATTHEWS (born on 24 Apr 1835). Eliza MATTHEWS was born on 21 Mar 1837 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Jun 1901 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. 1394. Sarah MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Feb 1805 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1883. Williams G. ROBERTS was born in 1807 in VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah MATTHEWS and Williams G. ROBERTS had the following children: +3600 +3601 i. William C. ROBERTS (born in 1832). ii. John S. ROBERTS (born on 25 Feb 1832). 1396. Lawrence MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 26 Nov 1807 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in W.J. Matthews Cem., Overton Co., TN. Agnes POSTON (daughter of Richard POSTON Jr. and Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND) was born on 23 Mar 1810 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in 1903 in W.J. Matthews Cem., Overton Co., TN. Lawrence MATTHEWS and Agnes POSTON had the following children: 255 Descendants of William COPELAND +3006 +3007 +3008 +3009 +3010 +3011 +3012 +3013 +3014 +3015 +3016 3017 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. William Jefferson MATTHEWS (born on 3 Feb 1831). Emily W. 'Milly' MATTHEWS (born on 18 Sep 1832). Sarah MATTHEWS (born in 1835). James Forrester MATTHEWS (born in 1837). John Simes MATTHEWS (born on 4 Apr 1840). Rhoda MATTHEWS (born in 1841). Richard D. MATTHEWS (born on 31 Jan 1842). Christopher Columbus MATTHEWS (born on 17 Dec 1844). Jeremiah 'Jerry' MATTHEWS (born in 1844). Thomas Stanford MATTHEWS (born on 11 Sep 1847). Lawrence Newton MATTHEWS (born on 23 Oct 1850). Stanford MATTHEWS (born on 25 Nov 1852). 1397. Elizabeth 'Betsy' MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 May 1809 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Apr 1896. Peter FITE was born on 6 Jun 1808. He died on 19 Aug 1904. Elizabeth 'Betsy' MATTHEWS and Peter FITE had the following children: +3602 i. Winnie Caroline FITE (born on 17 Dec 1838). 1398. Nancy MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Oct 1811 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 2 Sep 1841. Caleb Witt COOPER (son of William COOPER and Sarah BORDEN) was born on 31 Oct 1810 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 6 Jul 1887 in IL. Nancy MATTHEWS and Caleb Witt COOPER had the following children: 3603 3604 3605 +3606 3607 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Sarah C. COOPER was born on 4 Aug 1832. Cynthia COOPER was born on 12 May 1834. Pirlina J. COOPER was born on 21 Apr 1836. Thomas R. COOPER (born on 27 Apr 1838). James Anderson COOPER was born on 20 Sep 1840. 1399. Dorcas MATTHEWS (James-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Jun 1814 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1853. Hiram PITTS was born 1400. Mahalia LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Aug 1813 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Jan 1893 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Hiram Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. Hiram POSTON (son of Richard POSTON Jr. and Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND) was born on 15 Jul 1812 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 25 Sep 1902 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Hiram Poston Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mahalia LEE and Hiram POSTON had the following children: +3018 +3019 +3020 +3021 +3022 +3023 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Zeddoc POSTON (born on 20 May 1835). Alzoa POSTON (born on 1 Sep 1837). Matilda POSTON (born on 20 Apr 1839). Mary Polly POSTON (born on 9 Sep 1840). Lewis H. POSTON (born on 28 Jun 1842). Richard Johnson POSTON (born on 2 May 1844). 256 Descendants of William COPELAND +3024 +3025 +3026 vii. Huntsman 'Hi' POSTON (born on 11 Aug 1846). viii. Anna POSTON (born on 9 Apr 1848). ix. Clementine POSTON (born on 23 Jun 1850). 1401. Henry LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in Feb 1815 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1900 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Henry LEE and Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND were married on 19 Jan 1835 in Overton Co, TN. They were divorced about 1855 in Overton Co, TN. Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND (daughter of Richard COPELAND and Margaret Peggy HARTSAW) was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. Henry not shown She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Henry LEE and Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND had the following children: +1521 +1522 1523 +1524 +1525 +1526 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John Madison LEE (born on 3 Jun 1837). Margaret LEE (born in 1842). Frederick Copeland LEE (born in 1843). Hanna Elizabeth LEE (born on 27 Dec 1845). Ellen LEE (born in 1849). M.Bethair LEE (born on 5 Apr 1851). Henry LEE and Jane Elizabeth VICTOR were married about 1855 in Overton Co, TN. Jane Elizabeth VICTOR was born in 1840 in TN. Henry LEE and Jane Elizabeth VICTOR had the following children: 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 i. Almada LEE was born in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Mahala LEE was born in 1858 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Mack M. LEE was born on 1 Nov 1859 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 10 Mar 1925 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. iv. Alta LEE was born in 1866 in Overton Co, TN. v. James W. LEE was born in 1873 in Overton Co, TN. 1402. Malachi LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Apr 1816 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 14 Mar 1870 in Overton Co., TN. Malachi LEE and Annie COX were married in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. Annie COX (daughter of Larkin COX and Nancy RAY) was born on 8 Feb 1822 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Jul 1915 in Overton Co, TN. 85 Years Ago July 22, 1915 to July 28, 1915 80 Years Ago In Overton County (from the files of the Overton County Library) Mrs. Lea Dead Mrs. Annie Lea died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Amy McCormick, at Henard last Thursday evening at the age of 93. Her mind was remarkably strong and she could read the newspaper without the aid of glasses. She was the widow of Malichi Lea, and of her twelve children, five survive her: G.W., J.H., and O.E. Lea, Amy McCormick and Rebecca Speck. 257 Descendants of William COPELAND Her remains were interred in the Bethlehem cemetery Friday afternoon Malachi LEE and Annie COX had the following children: 3613 +3614 +3615 +3616 +3617 3618 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. +3619 +3620 3621 3622 +3623 +3624 +3625 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. Nancy LEE was born in 1839 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 18 Feb 1858 in Overton Co., TN. Rebecka LEE (born on 20 Feb 1841). Obedience 'Biddie' LEE (born in 1842). Mary LEE (born on 20 Dec 1844). John Henry LEE (born on 29 Apr 1846). Larkin LEE was born on 4 Oct 1847 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 24 Apr 1848 in Overton Co., TN. Martilla LEE (born on 9 Mar 1848). Margaret LEE (born on 28 Sep 1850). Kenedy LEE was born in 1853. Anna LEE was born in 1855 in Overton Co, TN. George Washington 'Wash' LEE (born on 24 Sep 1856). Overton E. LEE (born in 1858). Epsy LEE (born in 1861). 1403. Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. a Martha Maxwell living in his house- He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died before Apr 1887 in Overton Co, TN. Malissa MAXWELL (daughter of MAXWELL and Martha MARSHALL) was born in 1822 in TN. She died in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE and Malissa MAXWELL had the following children: 3626 +3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 +3632 i. Tennessee LEE was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1899 in Reuben Wilson Cem., Overton Co., TN. ii. Ann Amelia LEE (born in 1843). iii. Josiah LEE was born in 1845 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Martha LEE was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. v. John LEE was born in 1848 in Overton Co, TN. vi. Rebecca LEE was born in 1851 in Overton Co., TN. vii. Sarah LEE (born on 14 Mar 1853). Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE and Frances Martha MAXWELL were married about 1863 in Overton Co, TN. Frances Martha MAXWELL (daughter of John MAXWELL and Margaret CARR) was born on 1 Apr 1837 in Overton Co., TN. Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE and Frances Martha MAXWELL had the following children: +3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 i. ii. iii. iv. Malissa LEE (born on 28 Mar 1864). Emma LEE was born in 1866 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas LEE was born in 1868 in Overton Co, TN. George W. LEE was born on 4 Mar 1870 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 15 May 1941 in Old Union Cem., Overton Co., Tn. v. Sarah LEE was born in 1878 in Overton Co, TN. 1404. Melinda LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1876 in TN. Issac C. COOPER (son of William COOPER and Sarah BORDEN) was born in 1820 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1886 in Overton Co., TN. 1405. Mary LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 22 Dec 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Nov 1897 in Macedonia Cem., Smith Co., TN. 258 Descendants of William COPELAND John Poole YELTON (son of Charles H. YELTON and Susannah ROGERS) was born in 1822 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Putnam Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Smith Co., TN. He died in Macon Co., TN. Mary LEE and John Poole YELTON had the following children: 3638 i. Robert Poole YELTON was born on 5 Oct 1847 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 6 Sep 1913 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. 1407. Lucinda LEE (Rebecca 'Molly' MATTHEWS-7, Elizabeth COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in TN. Stephen GARDENHIRE (son of Adam Jacob GARDENHIRE and Alsey TIPPET) was born in 1825 in Overton Co, TN. Lucinda LEE and Stephen GARDENHIRE had the following children: 3639 i. Alecie GARDENHIRE was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. 1411. Stephen Leander COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 May 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 30 Jun 1916 in Central State Hospital, Nashville, TN. Stephen Leander fought in the Civil War with the 8th Tn Inf.Co.F, CSA, under Capt. James J. Cullum and Col. John H. Anderson. He was wounded in the head(top of the head) at Perryville.KY; in the wrist joint and lodged in the elbow (lost the right arm above the elbow) at Chickamauga,GA; and in the head(Forehead) at the Battle of Atlanta. Filed for and received a Civil War pension. After his death, Bitha also filed and received a widow's pension. From his service record; On 5/24/1861, Stephen volunteered for the Tn Militia for 12 months. 5/29/1861, he changed to 8th Infantry Company F and fought in the Cheat Mountain Campaign. He was sent to Port Royal, SC 12/16/1862 and on 1/1/1862 fought at Port Royal Ferry. He deserted on 3/14/1862. He was sent a conscript notice on 9/2/1862,by orders of General Bragg. He returned to his unit on 10/1/1862 . On 10/8/1862 , he fought in the Battle of Murfreesboro,TN. His unit lost 306 out of 474. His pay as private was $11.00 per month. He fought at Franklin,TN on 9/19-20/1863. He fought at the Battle of Chickamauga,GA, where he was wounded in the arm and sent to Atlanta. He was on detached duty until Rocky Face 5/9/1864. On 12/1516/1864, he fought in Battle of Nashville,TN. He with 16,000 other Confederates deserted on 12/20/1864. He reenlisted 1/24/1865 as a SGT. He took the oath of allegience in Lincoln Co.,TN in 1865. He had to report to the Provost Marshall in Nashville, monthly and was treated like guerrilla.-(from his pension). He had lost his right arm up to his elbow and was wounded in the head twice during the war. He died in the Nashville Mental Hospital, with ileostomy. He was 6 feet tall, blue eyes and brown curly hair. After the War; He pumped water for stock at the soldiers home, delivered the mail (from Alton to Grey-three times a week in 1903-made $4.00 /mo), ran a grist mill for 2 years, and did little farming(at .25/day for a son on 60 acres of land). When he filed for his pension; He owned furniture worth $30.00 cow and calf -$15 and lived on one acre of land and home given to him by Laken ,his son[according to Doy Copeland]. Stephen Leander COPELAND and Tobitha 'Bitha' Ann LYNN were married on 29 Jun 1872 in Overton Co, TN. Tobitha 'Bitha' Ann LYNN (daughter of Washington 'Wash" LYNN and Matilda Arteda Alice HALL) was born on 27 Oct 1854. She died on 19 Mar 1926 in Miller Cem., Overton Co., TN. died of heart dropsy-12 district Stephen Leander COPELAND and Tobitha 'Bitha' Ann LYNN had the following children: +3640 +3641 +3642 +3643 +3644 +3645 +3646 3647 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Campbell Washington 'Camel' COPELAND (born on 13 Oct 1873). Albert Sidney 'Si' COPELAND (born on 2 Oct 1876). Arteda Alice COPELAND (born on 26 Sep 1879). Laken 'Lake' Lindsey COPELAND (born on 25 May 1881). John Millard COPELAND (born on 26 Oct 1883). Samuel Leander 'Lee' COPELAND (born on 23 Aug 1886). Camley Delilah 'Lela' COPELAND (born on 22 Apr 1888). Mattie Sibble COPELAND was born on 22 Jan 1892 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Dec 1922 259 Descendants of William COPELAND +3648 +3649 in Overton Co, TN. According to Bitha in the widow's Confedeate pension, Mattie became insane. ix. Priscella 'Prilla' Edna COPELAND (born on 23 Feb 1895). x. Dewey Thomas COPELAND (born on 23 Mar 1899). 1412. Rev. William Morgan COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Feb 1845. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Willow Grove, Clay Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Clay Co., TN. He died on 8 Dec 1922 in Mangum, OK. Served in the 8th Infantry,TN Co. F, during the Civil War, received a pension -S6268. On his pension filed in 1905 he states that he is 62, wife 36, 3 girls, 15,5,2, and 1 boy 6 yrs. Pension was not approved until 1911 Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Lydia Roxanne HOLT were married in 1865 in Overton Co., TN. Lydia Roxanne HOLT (daughter of James HOLT and Becky BROWN) was born in 1843 in KY. Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Lydia Roxanne HOLT had the following children: +3650 +3651 3652 +3653 +3654 +3655 3656 3657 +3658 +3659 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Lydia R.S. COPELAND (born on 18 Mar 1866). James William COPELAND (born in 1868). Martha V.B. COPELAND was born in 1869. Jonathan 'John' L. COPELAND (born in 1872). Polly R. COPELAND (born in 1874). Josiah L. COPELAND (born in 1878). Loula COPELAND was born in 1878 in Overton Co, TN. Alexander COPELAND was born in 1879. He died in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. not on the 1880 census ix. Cleobalus Morgan 'Balus' COPELAND (born on 21 Mar 1880). x. Baylor M. COPELAND (born in 1881). Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Helen GLIDEWELL were married in 1896 in TN. Helen GLIDEWELL was born Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Helen GLIDEWELL had the following children: 3660 i. Mary Alice COPELAND was born about 1897. She died about 1897. lived 6 months Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Hettie J. CONASTER were married in 1897 in Clay Co., TN. Hettie J. CONASTER (daughter of CONASTER and Zinna Edith) was born in Oct 1865 in TN. She died in Oct 1959 in Waverly Memorial Cem., Albany, Linn Co., OR. Rev. William Morgan COPELAND and Hettie J. CONASTER had the following children: +3661 3662 +3663 +3664 3665 3666 +3667 i. Clatus Paul COPELAND (born on 11 Nov 1898). ii. Gladis Pearl COPELAND was born on 11 Nov 1898 in Clay Co., TN. She died in 1900 in Clay Co., TN. a twin to Clatus Paul iii. Zemma Edith COPELAND (born on 22 Feb 1901). iv. Dixie COPELAND (born on 7 May 1903). v. Lula COPELAND was born on 21 Jun 1904 in Albany, Linn Co., OR. She died on 21 Jun 1904 in Albany, Linn Co., OR. vi. Winnie COPELAND was born in 1905 in Clay Co., TN. She died on 11 Nov 1915 in Clay Co., TN. vii. Champ Clark COPELAND (born on 10 Dec 1909). 1413. Bertha C. COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Sep 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 18 Sep 1923 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in T.J. Daniels Cem., Overton Co., TN. Bertha C. COPELAND and William Percy 'Pleasant' HOLT were married on 10 Oct 1868 in Overton Co, TN. William Percy 'Pleasant' HOLT (son of James HOLT and Becky BROWN) was born on 10 Aug 1846 in KY. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Clinton Co., KY. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-Union Army. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. gives his age as 30 He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ Rockey He died on 26 Aug 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in T.J. 260 Descendants of William COPELAND Daniels Cem., Overton Co., TN. fought for the Union Army Bertha C. COPELAND and William Percy 'Pleasant' HOLT had the following children: +3668 +3669 +3670 +3671 3672 +3673 +3674 +3675 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Ferriba Ann HOLT (born on 6 Jun 1871). William Percy HOLT (born on 16 Nov 1873). Adina 'Dinah' HOLT (born on 7 Jan 1876). Henriette HOLT (born on 8 Jun 1878). Allie HOLT was born on 28 Oct 1881 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 6 Mar 1965 in Overton Co., TN. vi. Martha 'Mattie' HOLT (born on 1 Jan 1883). vii. Elzie HOLT (born on 2 Aug 1886). viii. Rockie Loren HOLT (born in Mar 1889). 1414. Martha Ann COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Jul 1848. I'm not sure about this marriage Pryor WALLACE died in Greene Co., MO. 1415. Josiah 'Sarl' Lambert COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 22 Aug 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. called Issac L. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Pickett Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Pickett Co., TN. He died on 19 Dec 1924 in Copeland Graveyard, Pickett Co., TN. Josiah 'Sarl' Lambert COPELAND and Sarah Ann SPECK were married on 10 Sep 1874. Sarah Ann SPECK (daughter of Jacob SPECK and Mary 'Polly' GRIFFIN) was born on 4 Jul 1850 in KY. She died on 7 Aug 1925 in Copeland Graveyard, Pickett Co., TN. the death certificate says Speck, illegtimate child of Jacob Speck and Mary Griffin-Ralph Neal Josiah 'Sarl' Lambert COPELAND and Sarah Ann SPECK had the following children: 3676 +3677 +3678 +3679 +3680 +3681 i. Mary Etta COPELAND was born on 28 Mar 1878 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 18 Feb 1957 in Livingston, Overton Co., TN. She was buried in Copeland Cem., Picket Co., TN. Never Married ii. William Henry COPELAND (born on 8 Oct 1880). iii. John Delaney COPELAND (born on 2 Jul 1883). iv. Rev. Hiram Beaty COPELAND (born on 13 Apr 1886). v. James Martin COPELAND (born on 16 Aug 1890). vi. Peter Turney COPELAND (born on 24 May 1895). 1416. James Townsend COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Oct 1852 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 20 Mar 1879. James Townsend COPELAND and Mary Jane PIERCE were married on 31 Aug 1876 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Jane PIERCE was born James Townsend COPELAND and L.A. HILL were married on 19 Mar 1872 in Overton Co, TN. L.A. HILL was born 1417. Nancy Delila COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 May 1854 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1924 in TN. Nancy Delila COPELAND and Andrew Jackson CONNER were married on 26 Sep 1886 in Overton Co, TN. Andrew Jackson CONNER (son of Thomas Ned CONNER and Susan SELLS) was born on 5 Nov 1867 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 11 May 1932 in Old Bethel Cem., Overton Co., TN. died of paralysis Nancy Delila COPELAND and Andrew Jackson CONNER had the following children: 3682 i. Uriah CONNER was born in 1891 in Overton Co, TN. 261 Descendants of William COPELAND 1418. John D. COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Feb 1856 in Overton Co, TN. Mary CONNER was born not sure of this 1419. Armanda O. COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Nov 1858. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Armanda O. COPELAND and T.B. MILLER were married on 15 Jan 1887 in Overton Co, TN. T.B. MILLER was born in 1850 in TN. He died about 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Armanda O. COPELAND and T.B. MILLER had the following children: +3683 +3684 i. Pierce MILLER (born in Oct 1890). ii. Pearl MILLER (born in Jun 1892). 1421. Mary Isabell COPELAND (John L.-7, William-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jul 1861 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 25 Jun 1897 in Knox Co, TN. Mary Isabell COPELAND and Samuel A. WALLACE were married in 1883. Samuel A. WALLACE (son of Campbell George Washington WALLACE and Martha Pitts BROYLES) was born on 18 Jan 1859. He died on 15 Jul 1928 in Knox Co, TN. He was buried in Virtue Cem., Concord, TN. Mary Isabell COPELAND and Samuel A. WALLACE had the following children: +3685 +3686 +3687 +3688 3689 +3690 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John Campbell WALLACE (born in Jul 1884). William WALLACE (born in Apr 1887). Martha Jane 'Mattie' WALLACE (born on 14 Feb 1889). Mary Copeland 'Mollie' WALLACE (born in May 1892). James Baxter WALLACE was born on 1 Apr 1897 in Knox Co, TN. Joseph Lee WALLACE Sr. (born on 1 Apr 1897). 1422. Rev. George Washington COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 9 Mar 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co., TN-5th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 23 Sep 1896 in G.W.Copeland, Overton Co., TN. George was a Baptist Minister,Stockton Baptist Association County Court Records of Overton Co, TN 1847 Page 268, William H. TURNER Clerk of the County Court for said County tendered to Court the following reports of settlements made with the following persons to wit - with George CHRISTIAN Executor of the Will of Josiah COPELAND decd., , and with George W. COPELAND Guardian to the minor heirs of John S. COPELAND Rev. George Washington COPELAND and Ruth Townsend BILBREY were married on 9 Sep 1847 in Overton Co., TN. Ruth Townsend BILBREY (daughter of William BILBREY and Martha H. 'Patsy' TOWNSEND) was born on 6 Jan 1826 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Jun 1905 in George Washington Cem., Overton Co., TN. Rev. George Washington COPELAND and Ruth Townsend BILBREY had the following children: +3691 +3692 +3693 +3694 3695 3696 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Martha Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 2 Jul 1848). Nancy Adeline COPELAND (born on 1 Nov 1849). Susannah Jane COPELAND (born on 19 Feb 1851). Lilie Ann COPELAND (born on 27 Mar 1852). John Sutton COPELAND was born on 26 Sep 1854 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 21 Jul 1856 in Overton Co, TN. vi. Ruth COPELAND was born on 26 Sep 1854 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Jul 1856 in 262 Descendants of William COPELAND +3697 3698 vii. viii. +3699 +3700 +3701 3702 ix. x. xi. xii. +3703 3704 xiii. xiv. Copeland Cemetery, Pleasant Valley, Overton Co., TN. Mary Tennessee 'Polly' COPELAND (born on 13 Aug 1856). William Seahorn COPELAND was born on 8 Feb 1858 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co., TN. living with mother, Sarah, and Winnie He appeared in the census in 1910 in Putnam Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Monterey, Putnam Co, TN. Winnie is living w/ him He died on 25 Mar 1940 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in G.W.Copeland, Overton Co., TN. Lewis Jefferson COPELAND (born on 17 Jun 1860). Sarah Caroline COPELAND (born on 1 Dec 1861). Melissa Catherine 'Kate' COPELAND (born on 24 Jan 1864). Winnie Delina COPELAND was born on 20 Dec 1865 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1930 in Monterey, Putnam Co, TN. living w/ brother, William She died on 14 Jan 1956 in George Washington Cem., Overton Co., TN. did not marry Felix Beverage Franklin COPELAND (born on 27 Jan 1869). Neal COPELAND was born in 1871 in Overton Co, TN. 1423. James E. COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 May 1823 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1864 in Civil War. Applied for pension4400-Rejected. A conscript captured at Battle of Missionary Ridge. Taken to Rock Island,IL -1902 living with Laura, an invalid and Anderson. His commanding officer claimed that he was a no count and not injured during the war. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-1st District-Netherland. no wife listed He appeared in the census in 1880 in Putnam Co., TN. He died after 1902 in Cookville, Putnam Co., TN. He was a Saddler and farmer in Overton Co, TN. Mary was born in 1834. She died in 1869 in Overton Co, TN. James E. COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 3705 +3706 3707 +3708 3709 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Leean V. COPELAND was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. Anderson Beverage COPELAND (born in 1849). John Alonzo COPELAND was born in 1854 in Overton Co, TN. Laura M. COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1858). Mary C. COPELAND was born in 1861 in Overton Co, TN. 1424. Sarah 'Sally' Seahorn COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1824 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 5 Jun 1880 in Alpine Cove Cem., Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah 'Sally' Seahorn COPELAND and Lewis BILBREY were married on 25 Jun 1847 in Overton Co, TN. Lewis BILBREY (son of William BILBREY and Martha H. 'Patsy' TOWNSEND) was born on 25 Feb 1825 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 10 May 1871 in Alpine Cove Cem., Overton Co., TN. Sarah 'Sally' Seahorn COPELAND and Lewis BILBREY had the following children: 3710 +3711 3712 3713 i. ii. iii. iv. +3714 +3715 +3716 +3717 +3718 +3719 3720 v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Hannah BILBREY was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. Adelia Clementine BILBREY (born on 9 Dec 1849). Hilrey BILBREY was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. Eliza BILBREY was born in Jan 1850 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1860 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Emma BILBREY (born in 1852). Winifred E. BILBREY (born on 3 Jan 1855). Anson Quitman BILBREY (born in 1856). Martha Victoria BILBREY (born on 3 Jul 1858). Benson Fletcher BILBREY (born on 7 Mar 1858). Sarah A. BILBREY (born on 10 Feb 1862). Burr Lafayette BILBREY was born in May 1867 in Overton Co, TN. 263 Descendants of William COPELAND 1425. Nancy C. COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Dec 1830 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 18 Mar 1899 in Overton Co., TN. She was buried in J.C. Mullins Cem., Overton Co., TN. Lard H. HAMMOCK (son of Lard HAMMOCK and Polly) was born on 10 Dec 1840 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 1 Dec 1912 in Overton Co., TN. He was buried in J.C. Mullins Cem., Overton Co., TN. Nancy C. COPELAND and Lard H. HAMMOCK had the following children: 3721 3722 3723 3724 i. ii. iii. iv. Arricy HAMMOCK was born in 1863 in Overton Co., TN. Ellen HAMMOCK was born in 1868 in Overton Co., TN. Arnetta HAMMOCK was born in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. Thomas H. HAMMOCK was born in 1865 in Overton Co., TN. 1426. Eliza Jane COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Jan 1834 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 29 Mar 1916 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Fredonia Cem., Overton Co., TN. Jacob H. CRABTREE (son of Solomon CRABTREE and Tamer) was born in 1836 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. Eliza Jane COPELAND and Jacob H. CRABTREE had the following children: +3725 3726 3727 +3728 i. Mary Belle CRABTREE (born on 25 Oct 1864). ii. Martelia J. CRABTREE was born on 25 Aug 1868 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 30 Jul 1942 in Fredonia Cem., Overton Co., TN. iii. Arminda Louann CRABTREE was born on 3 Jun 1875 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 13 Oct 1948 in Fredonia Cem., Overton Co., TN. iv. Jesse CRABTREE (born on 23 Dec 1878). 1427. Josiah R. COPELAND (John Sutton-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Sep 1832 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 2 Jan 1909 in Good Hope Cem., Overton Co., TN. Catherine Parlee 'Kitty' HENSON (daughter of Beedy HENSON) was born on 29 Feb 1836 in TN. She died on 20 Mar 1909 in Good Hope Cem., Overton Co., TN. Josiah R. COPELAND and Catherine Parlee 'Kitty' HENSON had the following children: +3729 +3730 +3731 +3732 3733 3734 3735 +3736 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John G. COPELAND (born in Mar 1857). Anna Delian COPELAND (born in Feb 1860). Lou Eller COPELAND (born in 1863). Charley B. COPELAND (born on 18 Sep 1864). Jane H. COPELAND was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Good Hope Cem., Overton Co., TN. vi. Cornelia COPELAND was born on 13 Apr 1872 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 13 Apr 1872 in Good Hope Cem., Overton Co., TN. vii. William 'Willie' C. COPELAND was born on 5 May 1873 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Single, living with brother Charlie He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 23 Jun 1928 in Good Hope Cem., Overton Co., TN. viii. Maggie D. COPELAND (born in Aug 1877). 1429. Ruth Ann BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 May 1825 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Mar 1919 in TX. Samuel N. STEWART (son of Samuel P. STEWART and Mary 'Polly' KITCHNER) was born about 1820. 264 Descendants of William COPELAND 1430. Isham Marion BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Apr 1827 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1876 in AR. Isham Marion BILBREY and Harriett Delia CASPEON were married on 9 Mar 1854 in AR. Harriett Delia CASPEON was born in 1833. 1431. John Campbell BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 May 1828 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 12 Nov 1912 in AR. John Campbell BILBREY and Ruth DENTON were married on 9 Mar 1854 in AR. Ruth DENTON was born in 1825 in TN. She died in 1862 in AR. John Campbell BILBREY and Ruth DENTON had the following children: +3737 i. Martha Elizabeth BILBREY (born in 1850). Mary ALEXANDER was born 1432. Samantha Jane BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jan 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 26 Dec 1894 in Roaring River Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. William Matthew LANGFORD was born on 25 Apr 1831. He appeared in the census in 1890 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Roaring River Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. He served in the military 4/10/1863 to 8/7/1865 in Co E, 14th NEV Vol. USA-Civil War. Had Chronic Diarhea & Bronchitis 1433. James H. BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1831 in Overton Co, TN. Martha Elvira GENTRY (daughter of James GENTRY and Nancy) was born in 1830 in TN. James H. BILBREY and Martha Elvira GENTRY had the following children: +3738 +3739 i. John Lard BILBREY (born on 30 Jan 1856). ii. Mary Florence BILBREY (born on 14 Feb 1864). 1434. Stephen Decatur BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 7 Mar 1833 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 20 Jun 1921 in Putnam Co, TN. Martha H. MCNEAL was born in 1839 in Overton Co., TN. Martha Jane COOPER was born 1436. Josiah H. BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jan 1836 in Overton Co, TN. Captain in Company F CSA Harriett Delina ELDRIDGE was born Josiah H. BILBREY and Harriett Delina ELDRIDGE had the following children: +3740 i. Vernoy P. BILBREY (born in 1866). 1437. Nancy O. BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jul 1837 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1876 in AR. John GRAGG was born 265 Descendants of William COPELAND 1438. William Claiborne 'Clay' BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Josiah 'Josar' L.-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Aug 1838 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN6th District. He died on 28 Mar 1912 in Lexington Cem., Cleveland, OK. William Claiborne 'Clay' BILBREY and Sarah Louisa COPELAND were married about 1861 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Louisa COPELAND (daughter of Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Nancy WEBB) was born on 10 Mar 1841 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. living with William Ellison Copeland She died on 13 Mar 1902 in Passmore Cem., Stephens, OK. William Claiborne 'Clay' BILBREY and Sarah Louisa COPELAND had the following children: +3741 3742 3743 i. Frances BILBREY (born in 1862). ii. Nancy C. BILBREY was born in 1864 in TN. iii. Aneanna BILBREY was born in 1868 in TN. Elizabeth Delia HUSSY was born in Dec 1860. William Claiborne 'Clay' BILBREY and Elizabeth Delia HUSSY had the following children: 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Henry Lardie BILBREY was born on 3 Apr 1890 in TN. John Alford BILBREY was born on 29 Feb 1892 in TN. Mary Myrtle BILBREY was born in 1896 in TN. Benjamin Franklin BILBREY was born on 24 Oct 1898 in TN. William Joseph BILBREY was born in 1900 in TN. 1440. Reuben HARGIS Jr. (Juli Ann COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1920 in Hanging Limb Cem., Overton Co., TN. Reuben HARGIS Jr. and Tennessee A. COPELAND were married on 11 Feb 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Tennessee A. COPELAND (daughter of William Trion COPELAND and Lucinda Cynthia) was born in 1862. Reuben HARGIS Jr. and Tennessee A. COPELAND had the following children: 3749 3750 i. Bertie HARGIS was born in 1896 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Stella HARGIS was born in 1898 in Overton Co, TN. 1443. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 12 Nov 1841 in Copeland Cove, Overton CO, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ step-father,Ruben Walker and mother Agga He served in the military on 10 Nov 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. B. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 30 Mar 1923 in Alpine, Overton Co., TN. He was buried in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. Andrew was the illegitimate son of Agness and William Looper. He was placed under to custody of James Richardson Copeland, leadig many to think that Agness was the daughter of Joseph 'Big Joe'( her name is not found in Joseph's Bible). During the 1850 census,Agness and Andrew are found living with John and Becca Copeland in Fentress Co.,TN. John may have been a son of Col. Stephen Copeland. Andrew Jackson fought in the Civil War, with the 25th TN Inf.. He was discharged with chronic direahia in March 1,1862. Fought at Fishing Creek and Shiloh. He received a Pension as did his wife after his death. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Eliza Louisa BROWN were married in 1863 in Overton Co, TN. Eliza Louisa BROWN (daughter of John BROWN and Juda STOUT) was born on 22 Jun 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 24 Apr 1936 in Alpine, Overton Co., TN. She was buried in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. Received a pension for Andrew's service W7900. Had 7 children. In 1923 four were alive , imale and 3 female. Their ages were 57,59,56,54 Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Eliza Louisa BROWN had the following children: +3751 +3752 +3753 i. Alice Adeline COPELAND (born on 17 Mar 1864). ii. James Richardson COPELAND (born on 21 Jun 1865). iii. Malissa Eliza COPELAND (born on 15 Sep 1866). 266 Descendants of William COPELAND +3754 3755 +3756 +3757 iv. Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 8 May 1868). v. Sabe COPELAND was born on 15 Dec 1870 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 May 1873 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. vi. Juda W. COPELAND (born in Nov 1871). vii. John F. COPELAND (born on 9 May 1872). 1444. Nancy WALKER (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Nov 1852 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Sep 1924 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. William C. RAMSEY (son of Absloum RAMSEY) was born on 7 Feb 1845 in TN. He died on 4 Nov 1925 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Nancy WALKER and William C. RAMSEY had the following children: 3758 3759 3760 i. Columbus RAMSEY was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Charles RAMSEY was born in 1875 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Martha RAMSEY was born in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. 1445. Rebecca WALKER (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1855 in TN. She was born in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. Rebecca WALKER and John Henry DISHMAN were married on 21 Jul 1872 in Overton Co, TN. John Henry DISHMAN (son of Miles DISHMAN) was born in 1851 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1917 in hammock Cem., Overton co., tn. Rebecca WALKER and John Henry DISHMAN had the following children: +3761 +3762 i. Miles L. DISHMAN (born in 1875). ii. Rufus DISHMAN (born on 22 Feb 1878). 1446. Robert Ernest WALKER (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Aug 1858 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Jane SHELTON was born in 1868. 1447. Rufus WALKER (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Sep 1861 in Overton Co, TN. Delia CANTRELL (daughter of Jo CANTRELL and Samantha) was born in 1871 in Overton Co., TN. 1448. Julia Ann WALKER (Agness 'Agga' COPELAND-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1865 in Overton Co, TN. Julia Ann WALKER and David HAMMOCK were married on 14 Aug 1882 in Overton Co, TN. David HAMMOCK was born 1457. Cornelius G. COPELAND (Cornelius-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1862 in Franklin Co., IL. Cornelius G. COPELAND and Dora BISHOP were married on 9 Oct 1892 in Franklin Co., IL. Dora BISHOP was born in 1873 in Williamson Co., IL. 1459. George Burgess COPELAND (Issac Newton-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Oct 1845. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Tyrone, Franklin Co., IL. He died on 5 Oct 1905. 267 Descendants of William COPELAND George Burgess COPELAND and Martha Ann RAMSEY were married in 1866 in Gainesboro, TN. Martha Ann RAMSEY was born on 24 Sep 1844 in Jackson Co., TN. She died on 14 Jun 1921 in IL. George Burgess COPELAND and Martha Ann RAMSEY had the following children: +3763 +3764 3765 3766 i. ii. iii. iv. Jesse Isaac COPELAND (born in 1875). William Walter COPELAND (born on 12 Jul 1878). John Raiford COPELAND was born in 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. George Addison COPELAND was born on 1 Sep 1882 in Franklin Co., IL. 1461. John C. COPELAND (Issac Newton-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1853 in Jackson Co., TN. He died on 25 Nov 1953 in Jackson Co., TN. Janie was born in 1845. 1463. Addison COPELAND (Issac Newton-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jan 1860 in Jackson Co., TN. He died on 10 Jun 1945 in Mulkeytown, Franklin Co., IL. Addison COPELAND and Polly Amy FURLOW were married on 15 May 1893 in Franklin Co., IL. Polly Amy FURLOW was born on 31 Mar 1881 in Franklin Co., IL. Addison COPELAND and Polly Amy FURLOW had the following children: +3767 +3768 +3769 +3770 3771 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Elbert COPELAND (born on 1 May 1899). Bertha Mae COPELAND (born on 21 Mar 1903). Pearl Delma COPELAND (born on 29 Sep 1905). Ora Wilma COPELAND (born on 18 Aug 1910). Winfred COPELAND was born in 1912 in Mulkeytown, Franklin Co., IL. 1471. Isaac West COPELAND (Patrick-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1849 in Jackson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. Isaac West COPELAND and Rozella SICKENBARGER were married on 7 Jul 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. Rozella SICKENBARGER was born in 1859 in Franklin Co., IN. 1472. Maria COPELAND (Patrick-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1852. DAVIS was born 1475. Lucille 'Celia' COPELAND (Patrick-7, John-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1857 in Franklin Co., IL. Lucille 'Celia' COPELAND and John DAVIS were married on 3 Oct 1878 in Franklin Co., IL. John DAVIS was born in 1853 in TN. 1479. Johnathan A. ALLRED (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Aug 1835 in West Fork, Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 23 May 1921 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Cub Mt. Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary Ann (Polly) STOUT was born on 8 Jan 1837. She died on 22 May 1923 in Cub Mt. Cem., Overton Co., TN. Johnathan A. ALLRED and Mary Ann (Polly) STOUT had the following children: +3772 i. Sarah A. ALLRED (born in 1866). 268 Descendants of William COPELAND +3773 3774 +3775 +3776 3777 3778 ii. Baley F. ALLRED (born in 1868). iii. Winniford ALLRED was born on 14 Aug 1870 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Mar 1872 in Overton Co, TN. iv. Margaret Asenath ALLRED (born in 1872). v. Nancy Josephine ALLRED (born on 10 Mar 1875). vi. John Larkin ALLRED was born on 17 Dec 1877 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Dec 1881 in Cub Mt. Cem., Overton Co., TN. vii. James Whitney ALLRED was born in 1884 in Overton Co, TN. 1480. Fredic Copeland ALLRED (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Dec 1838 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. wounded @ Murfreesboro, He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Aug 1920. Fredic Copeland ALLRED and Rebecca COPELAND were married on 14 Sep 1876 in Overton Co, TN. Rebecca COPELAND (daughter of Richard COPELAND and Margaret Rebecca WILSON) was born on 11 Feb 1836 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Aug 1924 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Fredic Copeland ALLRED and Rebecca COPELAND had the following children: +3779 i. Bailey Frederick ALLRED (born on 26 Dec 1867). Martha FRANCE was born they were never married Fredic Copeland ALLRED and Martha FRANCE had the following children: +3780 i. William Bailey ALLRED (born on 28 Jul 1861). 1484. Nancy Jane ALLRED (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in TN. She was born on 1 Aug 1848 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. She died on 29 Oct 1880 in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Nancy Jane ALLRED and Granville Findley BILBREY were married on 5 Jan 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Granville Findley BILBREY (son of Henry Harrison BILBREY and Candis TOWNSEND) was born in Sep 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 May 1922 in Warren Co., TN. Nancy Jane ALLRED and Granville Findley BILBREY had the following children: +3781 3782 i. John H. BILBREY (born in 1876). ii. Lena BILBREY was born in 1880. William MILLER was born in 1856 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy Jane ALLRED and William MILLER had the following children: +3783 i. Sarah Ellen MILLER (born on 16 Oct 1880). 1486. William Davis ALLRED (Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jul 1861 in Overton Co, TN. Mary C. was born William Davis ALLRED and Mary C. had the following children: 3784 3785 i. John H.S. ALLRED was born in Jun 1897 in Fentress Co., TN. ii. Sevier V. ALLRED was born in Jun 1898 in Fentress Co., TN. 1487. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND (Richard-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 13 Nov 1832 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 12 Mar 1911 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND and William M. CARR were married on 6 Oct 1852 in Overton Co, TN. William M. CARR (son of Thomas CARR and Rebecca TIPTON) was born on 18 May 1828 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Aug 1868 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND and William M. CARR had the following 269 Descendants of William COPELAND children: +3786 +3787 +3788 +3789 +3790 +3791 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. James Columbus 'Tum' CARR (born on 13 Oct 1853). Sarah Parmelia CARR (born on 11 Dec 1859). Richard Thomas CARR (born on 9 Nov 1856). Overton Tipton 'OT' CARR (born on 6 Apr 1863). Robert Hilrey 'RH' CARR (born on 6 Jan 1866). Rebecca 'Willie' CARR (born on 7 Oct 1868). Elizabeth 'Eliza' Jane COPELAND and William CANNON were married about 1870 in Overton Co, TN. William CANNON was born 1488. Rebecca COPELAND (Richard-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Feb 1836 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Aug 1924 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Rebecca COPELAND and Fredic Copeland ALLRED were married on 14 Sep 1876 in Overton Co, TN. Fredic Copeland ALLRED (son of Bailey ALLRED and Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND) was born on 22 Dec 1838 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. wounded @ Murfreesboro, He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Aug 1920. Rebecca COPELAND and Fredic Copeland ALLRED had the following children: +3779 i. Bailey Frederick ALLRED (born on 26 Dec 1867). Rebecca COPELAND and Brinkley MAINORD were married about 1856 in TN. Brinkley MAINORD was born in 1815 in NC. He died in 1874 in TN. 1489. Sarah COPELAND (Richard-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838. Sarah COPELAND and Lewis H. POSTON were married on 11 Dec 1871 in Overton Co, TN. Lewis H. POSTON (son of Hiram POSTON and Mahalia LEE) was born on 28 Jun 1842 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. gives Lou S. 7/1836 He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 2 May 1916 in Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Sarah COPELAND and Lewis H. POSTON had the following children: +3792 +3793 i. O. H. POSTON (born on 2 Oct 1872). ii. Robert Frederick POSTON (born on 3 Apr 1879). 1491. James Monroe COPELAND (Richard-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Mar 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1865 in Civil War. fought with the 25th TN Inf Co B He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 2 Dec 1903 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Paralee DUKE (daughter of Hiram DUKE and Cursey Kezziah FORKNER) was born on 2 Nov 1838 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Mar 1909 in Rueben Wilson Cem., Overton Co., TN. never married James Monroe COPELAND and Paralee DUKE had the following children: +3794 +3795 +3796 i. Sarah Ann DUKE (born on 17 Mar 1862). ii. Robert S. DUKE (born on 23 Feb 1869). iii. Mack Overton DUKE (born on 11 Apr 1877). 1495. Robert Morris COPELAND (Richard-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 May 1854 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 23 Mar 1946 in Copeland 270 Descendants of William COPELAND Cem., Overton Co., TN. Robert Morris COPELAND and Susan E. DOCKERY were married in 1884 in Overton Co, TN. Susan E. DOCKERY was born on 5 Oct 1862 in TN. She died on 30 Mar 1937 in Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Robert Morris COPELAND and Susan E. DOCKERY had the following children: +3797 i. Fredrick C. 'Fed' COPELAND (born on 15 Mar 1885). 1499. Thomas Granville BOSWELL (Hannah 'Ann' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Dec 1839 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Carroll Co, AR. He died on 16 Mar 1919 in Ardmore, Carter Co., OK. Sarah Jane PHILLIPS was born on 12 Jun 1838 in Carroll Co, AR. She died in 1899 in Mayes Co., OK. Thomas Granville BOSWELL and Sarah Jane PHILLIPS had the following children: 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William R. BOSWELL was born in 1861 in Carroll Co, AR. Rosetty J. BOSWELL was born in 1866 in Carroll Co, AR. Joseph M. BOSWELL was born in 1868 in Carroll Co, AR. Alexander BOSWELL was born in 1869 in Carroll Co, AR. Amy R. BOSWELL was born in 1871 in Carroll Co, AR. Thomas B. BOSWELL was born in 1873 in Carroll Co, AR. Alfred B. BOSWELL was born in 1875 in Carroll Co, AR. 1504. Jasper Newton COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 Aug 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. w/ Tennseess,30; J.R.,23 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Williamson Co, TX. He died on 10 Nov 1897 in Williamson Co, TX. Jasper Newton COPELAND and Selina Fisk JACKSON were married on 8 Jun 1854 in TN. Selina Fisk JACKSON was born in 1830 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ Larkin and Amanda copeland She died on 21 Mar 1874 in Williamson Co, TX. Jasper Newton COPELAND and Selina Fisk JACKSON had the following children: +3805 +3806 +3807 3808 3809 3810 i. ii. iii. iv. James Jefferson Andrew COPELAND (born on 17 Feb 1857). Margaret Thatcher COPELAND (born on 28 Oct 1858). John Wesley Newton COPELAND (born on 17 Aug 1862). Woodrow Marion COPELAND was born on 29 Jan 1867 in Bethesda Cem., , Leon Co., TX. He died on 30 Sep 1867 in Williamson Co, TX. v. Samuel Marshall COPELAND was born on 4 Nov 1870 in Williamson Co, TX. He died on 5 Sep 1874 in Williamson Co, TX. vi. Selina Fisk COPELAND was born on 21 Mar 1874 in Williamson Co, TX. She died on 21 Mar 1874 in Williamson Co, TX. Jasper Newton COPELAND and Julia Margaret SHELL were married on 25 Nov 1875 in Williamson Co, TN. Julia Margaret SHELL was born in 1844 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Hardin Co., TX. living w/ William Hendrick, widower,son-in-law She died in 1929 in Lorenzo Cem., Crosby Co., TX. Also seen Shedd 1505. Richard Marion COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 26 Nov 1836 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Williamson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Lampasas Co., TX. He died after 25 Jun 1912 in Bell Co., TX. Came to TX in 1859. Worked at a tannery until the close of the war. TX pension rejected Richard Marion COPELAND and Burrila Catherine FIGHT were married on 20 Jul 1859. Burrila Catherine FIGHT was born in May 1836 in Wautauga Co., NC. She died in Williamson Co., TX. Richard Marion COPELAND and Burrila Catherine FIGHT had the following children: 271 Descendants of William COPELAND 3811 +3812 +3813 i. Joseph Jonah. COPELAND was born in 1863 in TX. ii. Sarah Adline 'Goldie' COPELAND (born in Oct 1868). iii. Rufus F.. COPELAND (born in 1870). 1506. Elmira Jane COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jul 1839 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 28 Oct 1867 in Williamson Co, TX. Elmira Jane COPELAND and Woodson PATRICK NEWTON were married on 15 May 1856. Woodson PATRICK NEWTON was born about 1839. Elmira Jane COPELAND and Woodson PATRICK NEWTON had the following children: 3814 3815 3816 i. James Jefferson PATRICK was born about 1860. ii. John M. PATRICK was born about 1860. iii. Mary PATRICK was born in 1862. 1507. James Overton COPELAND Sr. (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 1 Oct 1841 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Smith Co., TX. He died on 24 Dec 1910 in Van Zandt Co., TX. James Overton COPELAND Sr. and Julia Eliza PERRY were married on 21 Aug 1866 in Bastrop Co., TX. Julia Eliza PERRY (daughter of Benjamin PERRY and Eliza W. KIMBROUGH) was born on 27 Jul 1848 in Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL. She died on 30 Aug 1918 in Smith Co., TX. James Overton COPELAND Sr. and Julia Eliza PERRY had the following children: +3817 3818 3819 +3820 +3821 +3822 +3823 +3824 +3825 +3826 +3827 3828 i. Martha Ellen COPELAND (born on 1 Jun 1867). ii. Mary J. COPELAND was born on 16 Sep 1869 in TX. She died before 1880 in Williamson Co., TX. iii. Lasthena COPELAND was born on 18 Feb 1872 in TX. She died before 1880 in Williamson Co., TX. iv. Jasper Marion COPELAND (born on 9 May 1873). v. Benjamin Jefferson COPELAND (born on 23 Apr 1875). vi. Verlena Catheline COPELAND (born on 2 Feb 1877). vii. Laura Bethanar COPELAND (born on 3 Apr 1879). viii. Sarah Adaline COPELAND (born on 5 Sep 1881). ix. James Overton COPELAND Jr (born on 12 Jul 1883). x. Lou Alice COPELAND (born on 19 May 1885). xi. Margaret Effie COPELAND (born on 28 Nov 1888). xii. Edward COPELAND was born on 15 Aug 1896 in Williamson Co., TX. 1508. Margaret Elizabeth COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jun 1844 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 16 Apr 1926 in Liberty Hill Williamson Co, TX. Margaret Elizabeth COPELAND and James Wesley PERRY were married on 22 Mar 1862 in Williamson Co, TX. James Wesley PERRY (son of Benjamin PERRY and Eliza W. KIMBROUGH) was born on 11 Jan 1840 in Tallaposa Co, AL. He died on 22 Oct 1907 in Liberty Hill Williamson Co, TX. Margaret Elizabeth COPELAND and James Wesley PERRY had the following children: +3829 +3830 +3831 +3832 +3833 3834 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Olia Overton PERRY (born on 9 Aug 1865). Jefferson Madison PERRY (born in 1872). Lona Lee PERRY (born on 1 Sep 1874). Lula Ida PERRY (born on 28 Mar 1881). James Wesley PERRY Jr (born on 26 Sep 1872). Dorah Alice PERRY was born on 26 Mar 1879 in Williamson Co, TX. She died on 29 Aug 1891 in Williamson Co, TX. 1509. Hannah Catherine COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas- 272 Descendants of William COPELAND 2, William-1) was born on 7 Jun 1845 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Oct 1897 in TX. Hannah Catherine COPELAND and Benjamin Tichner PERRY were married on 11 Sep 1862 in Williamson Co, TX. Benjamin Tichner PERRY (son of Benjamin PERRY and Eliza W. KIMBROUGH) was born on 9 Jan 1844 in Montgomery Co., AL. He died on 1 Dec 1932 in McCulloch Co., TX. owned land in Burnet and Williamson co., TX Hannah Catherine COPELAND and Benjamin Tichner PERRY had the following children: 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Mary Eliza PERRY was born in 1865 in Williamson Co, TX. She died in 1929 in Alice, TX. Sarah C. PERRY was born in 1868 in Williamson Co, TX. Leondus Edward PERRY was born on 6 Aug 1869 in Williamson Co, TX. Margaret A. PERRY was born in 1872 in Williamson Co, TX. Edgar Orlando PERRY was born on 18 Oct 1875 in Williamson Co, TX. He died in Mar 1956 in Lampasas Co., TX. vi. Martha B. PERRY was born in 1878 in Williamson Co, TX. vii. Otha Bernice PERRY was born about 1879 in Williamson Co, TX. She died in Corpus Christi, TX. viii. Josephine PERRY was born about 1880 in Williamson Co, TX. 1510. William Winnaby COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in Oct 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Williamson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Williamson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Williamson Co., TX. He died in TX. William Winnaby COPELAND and Callie were married in 1869 in Williamson Co., TX. Callie was born in Sep 1850 in MS. William Winnaby COPELAND and Callie had the following children: 3843 3844 3845 3846 +3847 +3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1871 in Williamson Co., TX. Annie COPELAND was born in 1873 in Williamson Co., TX. James W. COPELAND was born in May 1874 in Williamson Co., TX. Emily COPELAND was born in 1876 in Williamson Co., TX. Gilbert B. COPELAND (born in Sep 1878). Arthur F. COPELAND (born in Jul 1881). Minnie B. COPELAND was born in Oct 1883 in Williamson Co., TX. Iva COPELAND was born in Apr 1884 in Williamson Co., TX. Jewel COPELAND was born in Sep 1889 in Williamson Co., TX. Ernest Wilbur COPELAND was born in May 1892 in Williamson Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Hall co., tx. 1512. Mary A. COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Apr 1851 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 6 Jun 1928 in Williamson Co, TX. Mary A. COPELAND and Adam G. MILLER were married on 6 Mar 1872 in Williamson Co., TX. Adam G. MILLER was born on 8 Jan 1835 in IN. He died on 31 Oct 1935 in Liberty Hill, Williamson Co, TX. Mary A. COPELAND and Adam G. MILLER had the following children: 3853 3854 3855 i. Hannah C. MILLER was born in 1873 in TX. ii. Samuel F. MILLER was born in 1875 in TX. iii. Synthia A. MILLER was born in 1878 in TX. Mary A. COPELAND and Joseph N. ANDERSON were married on 23 May 1869 in Williamson Co, TX. Joseph N. ANDERSON was born about 1851 in TX. 1513. Josiah 'Joe' Fletcher COPELAND (Mary Jane COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Dec 1854 in Williamson Co, TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Caldwell Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Williamson Co, TX. He died on 10 Nov 1913 in Williamson Co, TX. He was buried in Perry Fam. Cem., Williamson Co., TX. 273 Descendants of William COPELAND Josiah 'Joe' Fletcher COPELAND and Jenny Minerva SHEDD were married on 21 Jan 1881 in Williamson Co, TX. Jenny Minerva SHEDD (daughter of James SHEDD and Jane 'Jennie') was born on 22 Aug 1857 in TX. She died on 3 Mar 1944 in liberty hill cem., liberty hill, williamson co., tx. Josiah 'Joe' Fletcher COPELAND and Jenny Minerva SHEDD had the following children: +3856 +3857 +3858 +3859 +3860 +3861 +3862 +3863 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1882). Lenore Catherine COPELAND (born on 18 Jan 1883). Lawson Fletcher COPELAND (born on 25 Aug 1884). Richard Henry COPELAND (born on 16 Oct 1886). Orlanda Lacurtsie 'Lando' COPELAND (born on 25 Jan 1888). Frank Flando COPELAND (born on 4 Nov 1891). Timey E. COPELAND (born on 16 Dec 1893). Cynthia Alice COPELAND (born on 5 Mar 1900). 1515. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (William Trion-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 30 Jul 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. I. discharged under the Conscript Act of 1862; 5'5, blue eyes, and light hair He died on 17 Feb 1864 in Civil War--Battle of Raven Cliffs, Overton Co., TN. Melissa Caroline BILBREY (daughter of Russell BILBREY and Nancy COPELAND) was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN-5th District. Melissa and William M.,1, living w/ Russell and Mary Copeland Bilbrey. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND and Melissa Caroline BILBREY had the following children: 3864 i. William M. COPELAND was born in 1864 in TN. 1517. Isaac Wesly 'Ike' COPELAND (William Trion-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in Sep 1849 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. living with Elsie Allen He died on 5 Apr 1930 in Overton Co, TN. died from suicide-6th district He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ William E., son He was buried in copeland cem., overton Co, TN-Oak Grove. Isaac Wesly 'Ike' COPELAND and Ester 'Hettie' Ann NEELY were married on 14 Oct 1868 in Overton Co, TN. Ester 'Hettie' Ann NEELY (daughter of John NEELY) was born in Oct 1844 in VA. She died before 1920 in Overton Co, TN. Isaac Wesly 'Ike' COPELAND and Ester 'Hettie' Ann NEELY had the following children: +3865 +3866 +3867 +3868 +3869 +3870 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Mary M. COPELAND (born on 31 Jul 1869). Emmett G. COPELAND (born on 13 Jul 1871). Elliot F. COPELAND (born in 1874). Elza 'Elsie' Allen COPELAND (born on 8 Oct 1876). William E. 'Billy' COPELAND (born on 28 Jan 1878). Nannie M. COPELAND (born in Jan 1880). 1518. Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND (William Trion-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 24 Nov 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. Wife Sibanthey,37; Elbert,9; Augustus,19,head & wife Alpha 16 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 26 Jan 1933 in Lovejoy Cem., Livingston, Overton Co., TN. died of rheumatism- 9th district Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND and Mary STEPHENS were married on 10 Dec 1872 in Overton Co, TN. also have 10 Dec 1872 Mary STEPHENS (daughter of Nicholas STEPHENS and Jane THOMPSON) was born in 1853 in TN. She died on 13 Oct 1883 in Overton Co, TN. Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND and Mary STEPHENS had the following children: 274 Descendants of William COPELAND +3871 +3872 +3873 3874 i. ii. iii. iv. Isaac Hillery COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1872). Parlee A. COPELAND (born on 16 Jan 1873). Eva Minney COPELAND (born on 19 May 1875). Jain COPELAND was born on 24 Aug 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Jan 1882 in Overton Co, TN. Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND and Dicy C. JUDD were married on 15 Nov 1883 in Overton Co, TN. Dicy C. JUDD was born on 23 Oct 1867 in TN. She died on 8 Feb 1913 in Lovejoy Cem., Livingston, Overton Co., TN. Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND and Dicy C. JUDD had the following children: +3875 3876 +3877 +3878 3879 +3880 3881 +3882 3883 3884 +3885 i. Vinnie 'Rissy' A. COPELAND (born on 25 Sep 1884). ii. Sarah 'Sary' Bell COPELAND was born on 20 Mar 1886 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 2 Aug 1904 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Joe Mae COPELAND (born on 25 Jan 1888). iv. John C. COPELAND (born on 21 Jun 1890). v. William COPELAND was born on 4 Mar 1892 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Apr 1912 in Overton Co, TN. vi. Effie Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 9 May 1894). vii. Cora Lee COPELAND was born on 5 Aug 1896 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 4 Aug 1904 in Overton Co, TN. viii. Bob Carson COPELAND (born on 22 Oct 1898). ix. Henery COPELAND was born on 11 Mar 1901 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 Jan 1902 in Overton Co, TN. x. Benny Virgil COPELAND was born on 28 May 1903 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Jan 1904 in Overton Co, TN. xi. Elbert B. COPELAND (born on 19 May 1905). Sylvester V. 'Sil' COPELAND and Samantha WEEKES were married on 7 Nov 1914 in Overton Co, TN. Samantha WEEKES was born in 1883 in TN. 1520. Tennessee A. COPELAND (William Trion-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1862. Tennessee A. COPELAND and Reuben HARGIS Jr. were married on 11 Feb 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Reuben HARGIS Jr. (son of Reuben HARGIS and Juli Ann COPELAND) was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1920 in Hanging Limb Cem., Overton Co., TN. Tennessee A. COPELAND and Reuben HARGIS Jr. had the following children: 3749 3750 i. Bertie HARGIS (born in 1896). ii. Stella HARGIS (born in 1898). 1521. John Madison LEE (Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Jun 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 5 Mar 1915 in Carr Cem., Overton Co., TN. John Madison LEE and Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS were married on 12 Aug 1856 in Overton Co, TN. Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS (daughter of Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Sr. and Frances 'Frankie' HAMMOCK) was born on 6 Nov 1835 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 26 Jan 1921 in Carr Cem., Overton Co., TN. John Madison LEE and Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS had the following children: 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 i. Martha LEE was born in 1857 in Overton Co., TN. ii. W. Fred LEE was born in 1861 in Overton Co., TN. iii. I.B. LEE was born on 20 Jul 1864 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 8 Nov 1894 in bethleham cem., overton co., tn. iv. Andrew Forrest LEE was born on 26 May 1867 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 29 Apr 1942. v. Jacob McMinnis LEE was born on 7 Feb 1870 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 2 Nov 1946 in bethleham cem., overton co., tn. 275 Descendants of William COPELAND 1522. Margaret LEE (Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1839 in Overton Co, TN. She was born in 1842. Margaret LEE and John Franklin POSTON were married on 7 Jul 1863 in Overton Co, TN. John Franklin POSTON (son of Soloman 'Babe' POSTON and Elizabeth Bess DUKE) was born on 30 Jan 1839 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-Co. B, 25th TN Inf & Co. A, 8th TN Cav-CSA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 7 Jun 1914 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Margaret LEE and John Franklin POSTON had the following children: +3891 3892 +3893 +3894 3895 +3896 +3897 +3898 i. Martha E. POSTON (born on 13 Apr 1865). ii. Thomas M. POSTON was born on 25 Feb 1863 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 9 Dec 1901 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. iii. R. Francis Marion POSTON (born on 22 Jan 1866). iv. John William POSTON (born on 12 Dec 1867). v. Mary Belle POSTON was born on 21 Mar 1871 in Overton Co, TN. vi. James Overton 'Ode' POSTON (born on 2 Jan 1873). vii. Charles Albert POSTON (born on 14 Jun 1875). viii. Sallie POSTON (born on 5 Sep 1880). 1524. Hanna Elizabeth LEE (Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 27 Dec 1845 in Overton Co, TN. Hanna Elizabeth LEE and Richard T. 'Dick' POSTON were married in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. Richard T. 'Dick' POSTON (son of Soloman 'Babe' POSTON and Elizabeth Bess DUKE) was born on 8 Aug 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Jan 1924 in Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Hanna Elizabeth LEE and Richard T. 'Dick' POSTON had the following children: +3899 +3900 +3901 +3902 +3903 +3904 +3905 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Elonza 'Lonnie' POSTON (born on 22 Sep 1865). Sarah Elizabeth POSTON (born in 1868). William Edd POSTON (born on 5 Nov 1870). Ellen 'Ella' POSTON (born on 14 Jan 1873). Fred 'Fiddy' POSTON (born on 16 Sep 1875). John Bell POSTON (born on 2 Sep 1877). Joe Abner POSTON (born on 12 Nov 1879). 1525. Ellen LEE (Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1849. She died before 1880 in Overton Co., TN. Elias HEDRICK was born in 1845 in TN. 1526. M.Bethair LEE (Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Apr 1851 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Nov 1905 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. M.Bethair LEE and William GOODPASTURE were married on 18 Apr 1870 in Overton Co, TN. William GOODPASTURE (son of Jefferson GOODPASTURE and Nancy ALLEN) was born in 1846. He died before 1880 in Overton Co, TN. M.Bethair LEE and Marion H. DECK were married after 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Marion H. DECK (son of Frederick DECK Jr. and Catherine QUALLS) was born on 8 Jul 1832 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Livingston, Overton Co., TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Mar 1906 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. 1527. Melissa Caroline BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, 276 Descendants of William COPELAND William-1) was born in 1840 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN-5th District. Melissa and William M.,1, living w/ Russell and Mary Copeland Bilbrey. Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND (son of William Trion COPELAND and Lucinda Cynthia) was born in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 30 Jul 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. I. discharged under the Conscript Act of 1862; 5'5, blue eyes, and light hair He died on 17 Feb 1864 in Civil War--Battle of Raven Cliffs, Overton Co., TN. Melissa Caroline BILBREY and Andrew Jackson 'Jack' COPELAND had the following children: 3864 i. William M. COPELAND (born in 1864). William HARRIS was born in 1833 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Melissa Caroline BILBREY and William HARRIS had the following children: 3906 i. John HARRIS was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. 1528. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1834 in , Tennessee. She was born on 8 Oct 1841 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Apr 1920. She was buried in Shady Grove Cem., Overton County, Tennessee. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY and Benjamin Laken C. LEDBETTER were married about 1857 in Overton Co., TN. Benjamin Laken C. LEDBETTER (son of Jones LEDBETTER and Ann JONES) was born on 7 Jan 1838 in Overton County, Tennessee. He was born on 7 Jun 1838 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 10 Jan 1863 in Civil War-Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., TN-Stones Cem.. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY and Benjamin Laken C. LEDBETTER had the following children: +3907 3908 i. Nancy Elizabeth LEDBETTER (born on 29 Mar 1858). ii. George Dallas LEDBETTER was born about 1860 in , Tennessee. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY and Buckner LYNN were married about 1866 in Overton Co, TN. Buckner LYNN (son of William LYNN and Winifred 'Winny' LEDBETTER) was born on 20 Oct 1846 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN-6th District. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Parilla, sister living with him. His wife died in April He died on 26 Apr 1920 in Overton Co, TN. Mirinda Allica 'Rindy' BILBREY and Buckner LYNN had the following children: +3909 3910 i. William Harvey LYNN (born in 1867). ii. Margaret LYNN was born in Nov 1869 in Overton Co, TN. 1529. MirandaCatherine BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in Overton Co, TN. David WILSON was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. 1530. James Knox Polk BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Jan 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Jul 1928 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Polk Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co., TN. James Knox Polk BILBREY and Millie Jane SUTTON were married on 19 Jul 1863 in Overton Co, TN. Millie Jane SUTTON (daughter of William B. SUTTON and Nancy OAKLEY) was born on 11 Nov 1845 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Nov 1933 in Polk Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co., TN. She was buried in Polk Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co., TN. James Knox Polk BILBREY and Millie Jane SUTTON had the following children: +3911 +3912 +3913 3914 i. ii. iii. iv. Ica Etta BILBREY (born on 13 Aug 1864). Elmore R. BILBREY (born on 8 Sep 1867). Vestine BILBREY (born on 21 May 1869). Nancy F. BILBREY was born in 1871 in Overton Co., TN. 277 Descendants of William COPELAND 3915 3916 3917 +3918 +3919 v. Lowery BILBREY was born on 30 Jan 1874 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died on 8 Feb 1883 in Polk Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co., TN. vi. A. Lee BILBREY was born in 1877 in Overton County, Tennessee. vii. Ella Mae BILBREY was born on 19 Jul 1879 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 29 Apr 1977 in TN. viii. Shelby BILBREY (born in Feb 1882). ix. Hiram BILBREY (born on 18 Oct 1884). 1531. William Ishamel BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 25 Nov 1929 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. William Ishamel BILBREY and unknown were married about 1867 in Overton Co., TN. Unknown was born William Ishamel BILBREY and unknown had the following children: +3920 3921 i. William Mack BILBREY (born on 10 Oct 1868). ii. George Washington BILBREY was born in 1872 in Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth OAKLEY was born on 24 Oct 1854 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 13 Apr 1938 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. William Ishamel BILBREY and Elizabeth OAKLEY had the following children: +3922 3923 +3924 +3925 +3926 i. ii. iii. iv. v. James Andrew BILBREY (born on 22 Aug 1876). R. S. BILBREY was born in 1878 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy Ellen 'Nan' BILBREY (born on 12 Apr 1881). Flora Catherine BILBREY (born on 10 Aug 1884). George Albert BILBREY (born on 6 Apr 1890). 1532. Lily Ann BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1852 in Overton Co, TN. Lily Ann BILBREY and Rev. Hilrey G. COPELAND were married on 20 Jan 1888 in Overton Co, TN. Rev. Hilrey G. COPELAND (son of Thompson 'Thomas' Gardenhire COPELAND and Lucinda HAMMOCK) was born on 2 Apr 1853 in Overton Co, TN. In 1878 he was a Presbyterian Minister in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Pickett Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Pickett Co., TN. Lily Ann BILBREY and Rev. Hilrey G. COPELAND had the following children: 3927 +3928 +3929 i. Ella J. COPELAND was born ii. Mary Louise COPELAND (born in Nov 1888). iii. William 'Willie' T. COPELAND (born in Jul 1890). WILSON was born 1534. Andrew Johnson BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Nov 1856 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 17 Jan 1942 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Andrew Johnson BILBREY and Malinda Jane HARRIS were married on 17 Oct 1882 in Overton Co, TN. Malinda Jane HARRIS (daughter of John HARRIS and Malinda) was born on 27 Sep 1860 in Overton Co, TN. She died in Dec 1946 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Andrew Johnson BILBREY and Malinda Jane HARRIS had the following children: +3930 i. Mary Earnes BILBREY (born on 13 Apr 1888). 1535. Mary Ellen BILBREY (Nancy COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. George Washington MURPHY (son of Thomas W. MURPHY and Elizabeth) was born in 1857 in Overton Co, TN. 278 Descendants of William COPELAND 1536. Lasthenia Hasseltine COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1846 in GA. W.W. CAVENDER was born 1537. James Alexander COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1849 in Heard Co. GA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Heard Co. GA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Fulton Co., GA. Mittie Morton TRIMBLE (daughter of William TRIMBLE and Penelope) was born in 1840 in GA. James Alexander COPELAND and Mittie Morton TRIMBLE had the following children: 3931 3932 3933 i. Maggie COPELAND was born in 1870 in Heard Co., GA. ii. Lula COPELAND was born in 1876 in Heard Co., GA. iii. Forte COPELAND was born in 1878 in Heard Co., GA. 1538. Martha Josephine COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jun 1852 in Heard Co. GA. She died in Dec 1899 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. Martha Josephine COPELAND and Seaborn Thompson JOHNSON were married on 30 Jun 1874 in GA. Seaborn Thompson JOHNSON was born 1539. Christopher Brown COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1860 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Heard Co. GA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Heard Co. GA. He died in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. Minnie J. HOGAN was born in 1866 in GA. She died in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. Christopher Brown COPELAND and Minnie J. HOGAN had the following children: 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Mattie COPELAND was born in 1879 in Heard Co. GA. Hollan COPELAND was born in 1887 in Heard Co. GA. Marvin COPELAND was born in 1889 in Heard Co. GA. Hogan COPELAND was born in 1892 in Heard Co. GA. Herbert COPELAND was born in 1897 in Heard Co. GA. 1542. Ruth Eliza COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) died on 12 Aug 1843 in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. She was born on 30 Mar 1867 in GA. James Montgomery HURST (son of John Newton HURST and Lucretia Jane PACE) was born on 26 Sep 1861. He died in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. 1543. Sallie Fannie COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Oct 1871 in GA. She died in GA. NALL was born 1545. Walter Wisdom 'Pete' COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Apr 1883 in Heard Co., GA. He died on 19 Mar 1932. Walter Wisdom 'Pete' COPELAND and Johnnye Lee LESTER were married on 28 Dec 1913. Johnnye Lee LESTER was born 279 Descendants of William COPELAND 1546. Elizabeth 'Bessie' COPELAND (Josiah Fort-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Sep 1885 in Heard Co., GA. Joe SHACKLEFORD was born 1549. Josiah Jefferson DAVIS (Margaret COPELAND-7, Richard-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1854 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1928. Elizabeth Ellen SINGLETON was born in 1857. She died in 1916. Josiah Jefferson DAVIS and Elizabeth Ellen SINGLETON had the following children: 3939 3940 3941 i. Luara DAVIS was born in 1877 in Overton Co., TN. ii. Lucelle DAVIS was born in 1878 in Overton Co., TN. iii. Willy Ann DAVIS was born in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. 1552. William H. WILSON (Reuben Dee-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Minervia PRICHETT (daughter of Thomas PRICHETT and Mary) was born in 1829. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. w/Joseph and Johnnie She died in 1912 in Overton County, Tennessee. William H. WILSON and Minervia PRICHETT had the following children: +3942 +3943 +3944 +3945 3946 +3947 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Eliza WILSON (born in 1852). James Calvin WILSON (born on 15 Sep 1855). Mary Elizabeth WILSON (born on 4 Feb 1857). Martha Ann WILSON (born in 1859). Joseph L. WILSON was born in 1864 in Overton County, Tennessee. John R. WILSON (born on 6 Jun 1866). 1556. Margaret WILSON (Reuben Dee-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 13 Feb 1841 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 27 Aug 1881 in Reuben Wilson Cem., Overton Co., TN. William Huston RAY (son of William Huston RAY and Mary COPELAND) was born on 3 Oct 1837 in TN. He died on 3 Nov 1902 in Reuben Wilson Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1557. Ruben Alexander WILSON (Reuben Dee-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1843 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Hamilton Co., IL. Ann Amelia LEE (daughter of Cannada 'Kennedy' LEE and Malissa MAXWELL) was born in 1843 in TN. Ruben Alexander WILSON and Ann Amelia LEE had the following children: +3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Mary T. WILSON (born on 29 Apr 1866). Richard WILSON was born in 1868 in TN. Richard WILSON was born in 1868 in TN. S. Josiah WILSON was born in 1870 in IL. Canady Lee WILSON was born in 1873 in TN. B. Hattie WILSON was born in 1878 in TN. 1558. Overton 'Obe' WILSON (Reuben Dee-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1844 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 19 Jun 1928 in Reuben Wilson Cem., Overton Co., TN. Celina CRABTREE (daughter of Jeremiah Whitaker CRABTREE and Mahala SWALLOWS) was born on 1 May 1839 in 280 Descendants of William COPELAND Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Apr 1923 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. never married Overton 'Obe' WILSON and Celina CRABTREE had the following children: +3954 +3955 +3956 i. Delia CRABTREE (born on 14 Feb 1867). ii. Eliza CRABTREE (born on 10 Mar 1878). iii. Molly CRABTREE. 1559. Thomas Lackey WILSON (Reuben Dee-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Oct 1846 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Hamilton Co., IL. He died on 15 Mar 1925 in Mt. Zion Cem., Jefferson Co., IL. Sophronia was born in 1846 in IL. She died in 1925 in Mt. Zion Cem., Jefferson Co., IL. Thomas Lackey WILSON and Sophronia had the following children: 3957 3958 3959 i. William J. WILSON was born in 1871 in IL. ii. Olive M. WILSON was born in 1876 in IL. iii. James Overton WILSON was born in 1879 in IL. He died in 1903 in Mt. Zion Cem., Jefferson Co., IL. 1563. Margaret WEST (Elizabeth WILSON-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 Mar 1848 in TN. She died on 29 Apr 1914 in Popular Springs Cem., Overton Co., TN. Margaret WEST and Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND were married on 16 Mar 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND (son of William COPELAND and Mary Ann JONES) was born on 12 Mar 1847 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. daughter, Martha living at home He died on 19 Apr 1926 in Popular Springs Cem., Overton Co., TN. Margaret WEST and Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND had the following children: +3960 3961 +3962 3963 +3964 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John S. COPELAND (born in 1869). James COPELAND was born in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. Joseph 'Joe' Jackson COPELAND (born on 28 Apr 1881). Mary P. COPELAND was born in May 1892 in Overton Co, TN. Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 19 Feb 1895). 1564. Jacob William 'Jake' SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Jun 1829 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in overton co., tn-14th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 24 Nov 1900 in Swallows Cem., Overton Co., TN. Civil War joined 84th Tn Infantry Co., D on 12/15/1862 @McMinnville, TN. He deserted @Shelbyville, 1/21/1863 Rosy HARRIS (daughter of HARRIS and Rosanna) was born in Sep 1828. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. listed as Rosanah Harrison; Noah and Josiah have the name Hamilton She appeared in the census in 1860 in Putnam Co, TN. listed as Rosy Harris- children listed as Harris, Noah,14;Josiah, 11;Alvin,5;Mary,1; and Amanda Arnett,17 She appeared in the census in 1880 in Trousdale Co., TN. living w/ son, Joe Swallows and sons William Shoulders,14 and Josie Shoulders,12. probably never married. Listed w/ mother,Rosanah,52;Brothers, Jesse,14 and Samuel,12; and children, Noan,4 and Josiah 1. All listed with last name of Harrison. Jacob William 'Jake' SWALLOWS and Rosy HARRIS had the following children: +3965 +3966 +3967 +3968 i. ii. iii. iv. Noah S. SWALLOWS (born in 1846). Josiah 'Joe' SWALLOWS (born on 22 Dec 1848). Alvin Pinson SWALLOWS (born on 2 Sep 1854). Matilda Jane SWALLOWS (born in 1859). Anna Sarah BILBREY (daughter of Benton BILBREY and Patience 'Pasha' BILBREY) was born on 29 Oct 1826 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 5 Feb 1901 in Swallows Cem., Overton Co., TN. Jacob William 'Jake' SWALLOWS and 281 Descendants of William COPELAND Anna Sarah BILBREY had the following children: +3969 +3970 +3971 3972 +3973 +3974 i. ii. iii. iv. Frances 'Franka' Alice SWALLOWS (born on 27 Feb 1850). John Dee SWALLOWS (born on 8 Oct 1856). Martha Jane SWALLOWS (born on 14 Sep 1859). Nancy C. SWALLOWS was born on 13 Apr 1862 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 16 Sep 1891 in Swallows Cem., Overton Co., TN. v. Polly Ann SWALLOWS (born on 12 Mar 1865). vi. Jane Elizabeth 'Etta' SWALLOWS (born on 3 Apr 1868). 1565. William V. SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Oct 1833 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 20 Feb 1915 in Harris Chapel Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary 'Polly' Elizabeth was born in 1835 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Jackson Co., TN. William V. SWALLOWS and Mary 'Polly' Elizabeth had the following children: +3975 3976 +3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Alta SWALLOWS (born in 1855). Amanda A SWALLOWS was born in 1856 in Overton Co., TN. Jacob L. SWALLOWS (born in 1859). Nancy SWALLOWS was born in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. James SWALLOWS was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. M.A. SWALLOWS was born in 1871 in TN. Mary SWALLOWS was born in 1871 in TN. William V. SWALLOWS and Amanda OAKLEY were married on 7 Nov 1887 in Overton Co., TN. Amanda OAKLEY was born on 4 Jun 1866. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 5 Mar 1947 in Harris Chapel Cem., Overton Co., TN. William V. SWALLOWS and Amanda OAKLEY had the following children: 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Mary B. SWALLOWS was born in Sep 1888 in Overton Co., TN. Susan SWALLOWS was born in Aug 1891 in Overton Co., TN. Hinby SWALLOWS was born in Jan 1894 in Overton Co., TN. Alice L. SWALLOWS was born in Sep 1898 in Overton Co., TN. Martha SWALLOWS was born in 1899 in Overton Co., TN. 1566. Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Nov 1835 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 26 Jan 1921 in Carr Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS and John Madison LEE were married on 12 Aug 1856 in Overton Co, TN. John Madison LEE (son of Henry LEE and Virginia Jane 'Jennie' COPELAND) was born on 3 Jun 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 5 Mar 1915 in Carr Cem., Overton Co., TN. Mary 'Polly' Lowrey SWALLOWS and John Madison LEE had the following children: 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Martha LEE (born in 1857). W. Fred LEE (born in 1861). I.B. LEE (born on 20 Jul 1864). Andrew Forrest LEE (born on 26 May 1867). Jacob McMinnis LEE (born on 7 Feb 1870). 1567. Cassia 'Dicy' Clementine SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1887 in Terry Cem., Putnam Co., TN. Elzie L. SMITH was born in 1851 in TN. He died in 1905 in Terry Cem., Putnam Co., TN. 282 Descendants of William COPELAND 1568. Andrew Jackson SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Montgomery Co., AR. He died on 3 May 1908 in Batesville, AR. left family after the war and went to AR Andrew Jackson SWALLOWS and Elizabeth Catherine MOORE were divorced in 1881 in Overton Co, TN. Elizabeth Catherine MOORE (daughter of MOORE and Anna) was born on 11 Nov 1839 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ mother Anna Moore and two sons,William and Forest She appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Andrew Jackson SWALLOWS and Elizabeth Catherine MOORE had the following children: +3987 +3988 +3989 i. William Stanton SWALLOWS (born on 28 Dec 1861). ii. Andrew Forrest SWALLOWS (born on 25 Jun 1864). iii. Martha SWALLOWS (born in 1867). 1569. James W. SWALLOWS (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Brotherton Cem., Putnam co., TN. Anna POSTON (daughter of Hiram POSTON and Mahalia LEE) was born on 9 Apr 1848 in Overton Co, TN. James W. SWALLOWS and Anna POSTON had the following children: 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. James Edward SWALLOWS was born Isaac SWALLOWS was born Cook SWALLOWS was born Parazetta SWALLOWS was born Maude SWALLOWS was born Avo SWALLOWS was born 1570. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Jr (Issac Jefferson-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 May 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co, TN-5th District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 31 Aug 1938 in Monterey, Putnam Co, TN. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Jr and Amanda Permelia BYERS were married in Nov 1865 in Overton Co., TN. Amanda Permelia BYERS (daughter of Elias Harrison BYERS and Elizabeth KINNARD) was born on 25 Jun 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Dec 1932 in Putnam Co, TN. Issac Jefferson SWALLOWS Jr and Amanda Permelia BYERS had the following children: +3996 +3997 3998 3999 +4000 4001 4002 4003 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Sarah 'Sallie' Belle SWALLOWS (born on 18 Feb 1868). Eramus Howery SWALLOWS (born on 16 Jul 1869). Parris L. SWALLOWS was born on 6 Oct 1871 in Putnam Co, TN. William T. SWALLOWS was born on 3 Jul 1874 in Overton Co, TN. Laura Elizabeth Frances SWALLOWS (born on 24 Sep 1877). Issac N. SWALLOWS died on 12 Aug 1852 in TN. He was born on 17 Aug 1880 in Putnam Co, TN. vii. Joe L. SWALLOWS was born on 25 Oct 1883 in TN. He died on 16 Jan 1974 in Whitaker Cem., Monterey, Putnam Co., TN. viii. George Washington SWALLOWS was born on 18 Jun 1886 in TN. 1573. Issac R. SWALLOWS (Andrew-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in TN. He died in Jackson Co., TN. Elizabeth was born 1574. Granville Millard SWALLOWS (Andrew-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the 283 Descendants of William COPELAND census in 1880 in Taylor Co., KY. Margaret was born in 1853. She died before 1880 in KY. Granville Millard SWALLOWS and Margaret had the following children: 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Fansina SWALLOWS was born in 1855. Minerva SWALLOWS was born in 1859. John L. SWALLOWS was born in 1861 in TN. Martha SWALLOWS was born in 1869 in KY. EliJohm M. SWALLOWS was born in 1874 in KY. Ninna SWALLOWS was born in 1877 in KY. 1575. John SWALLOWS (Andrew-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1838 in TN. He died in Mulkeytown, Franklin Co., IL. Sarah was born in 1838. 1576. Issac Reuben SWALLOWS (Rueben C.-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 11 Oct 1839 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 15 Feb 1884 in Stoddard Co., MO. Sarah FRANKLIN was born Issac Reuben SWALLOWS and Sarah FRANKLIN had the following children: 4010 4011 4012 4013 i. ii. iii. iv. Richard M. SWALLOWS was born on 2 Feb 1863. Mary Ellen SWALLOWS was born in Feb 1868. Delila SWALLOWS was born Elijah Grant SWALLOWS was born on 8 Apr 1869. Mary Belle ORRENDER was born on 23 Jan 1853 in Laurel Co., KY. Issac Reuben SWALLOWS and Mary Belle ORRENDER had the following children: 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Sarah M. SWALLOWS was born on 1 Feb 1873. Reuben Henry SWALLOWS was born on 10 Feb 1875. James Emmett SWALLOWS was born on 3 Oct 1875. Catherine SWALLOWS was born on 5 Feb 1880. Charlie Anderson SWALLOWS was born on 5 Nov 1882 in Stoddard Co., MO. He died on 1 Mar 1962 in Stoddard Co., MO. 1578. Ahi Dee SWALLOWS (Rueben C.-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 21 Sep 1921 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Ahi Dee SWALLOWS and Martha Jane BILBREY were married on 5 Jun 1879 in Overton Co., TN. Martha Jane BILBREY (daughter of Henry Harrison BILBREY and Candis TOWNSEND) was born on 16 Apr 1852 in TN. She died on 8 Jan 1915 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Ahi Dee SWALLOWS and Martha Jane BILBREY had the following children: 4019 4020 i. Idumia SWALLOWS was born in 1868 in TN. ii. J.K. SWALLOWS was born in 1875 in Overton Co., TN. 1580. James A. SWALLOWS (Rueben C.-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. James A. SWALLOWS and Anne were married about 1865 in TN. Anne was born in 1852 in Overton Co., TN. James A. SWALLOWS and Anne had the following children: 284 Descendants of William COPELAND 4021 4022 i. Cassie SWALLOWS was born in 1866 in Overton Co., TN. ii. Lewis SWALLOWS was born in 1869 in Overton Co., TN. 1583. Alfred P. SWALLOWS (Rueben C.-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1852 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Franklin Co., IL. Mary was born in 1856 in TN. Alfred P. SWALLOWS and Mary had the following children: 4023 4024 i. William G. SWALLOWS was born in 1876 in IL. ii. Lucy H. SWALLOWS was born in 1880 in IL. 1584. John G. SWALLOWS (Rueben C.-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1856 in Overton Co., TN. Lucy LOCKMILLER was born in Mar 1856 in TN. John G. SWALLOWS and Lucy LOCKMILLER had the following children: +4025 4026 4027 +4028 4029 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Albert B. SWALLOWS (born on 17 May 1882). Riley SWALLOWS was born in 1884. Bertha SWALLOWS was born Frank SWALLOWS (born on 22 Aug 1886). Stella SWALLOWS was born 1586. Amanda A. SWALLOWS (Rachel T. SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Nov 1843 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ son, Albert She died on 23 Nov 1921 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Amanda A. SWALLOWS had the following children: +4030 4031 +4032 i. Albert SWALLOWS (born in 1865). ii. Sarah M. SWALLOWS was born in 1867 in Overton Co., TN. iii. Zora Byrd SWALLOWS (born on 25 Oct 1873). 1587. Frankie A. SWALLOWS (Rachel T. SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Mar 1857 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in overton co., tn-2nd District. She died on 20 Apr 1947 in Ruth's Chapel Cem., Overton Co., TN. did not marry William R. Masters William Robinson MASTERS (son of Isaac Gore MASTERS and Nancy ALLEN) was born on 17 Nov 1858 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Jan 1944 in Old Union Cem., Overton Co., Tn. Frankie A. SWALLOWS and William Robinson MASTERS had the following children: +4033 4034 i. Robert Lee SWALLOWS (born in 1872). ii. Maggie Truett SWALLOWS was born 1588. Ardelia SWALLOWS (Rachel T. SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1849 in Overton Co, TN. She died before 1880. Ardelia SWALLOWS had the following children: +4035 i. Robert 'Bob' Lee SWALLOWS (born on 22 Apr 1872). 1589. Rueben C. COPELAND (Ruth SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Oct 1848 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ his mother Ruth Swallows, and named Ruben Swallows He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ Sarah 285 Descendants of William COPELAND Gore(divorced from Joseph Copeland-father of Reuben) and her children. As in 1850 he is known as Ruben Swallows He appeared in the census in 1870 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN-6th District. Rueben and Abby living with uncle,William Ellison Copeland and family He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 Jul 1926 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. Rueben C. COPELAND and Alta 'Allie' Jane DECK were married on 13 Jan 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Alta 'Allie' Jane DECK was born in Mar 1852 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 10 Dec 1938 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. also seen Alta McDonald Rueben C. COPELAND and Alta 'Allie' Jane DECK had the following children: +4036 +4037 +4038 4039 i. ii. iii. iv. +4040 +4041 +4042 4043 v. vi. vii. viii. +4044 4045 ix. x. +4046 xi. Benjamin 'Bennie' Allen COPELAND (born in Oct 1871). Betsy F. COPELAND (born on 17 Mar 1872). Anderson Emmett COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1877). Eramus 'Ras' COPELAND was born in 1878 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1962 in Burksville, KY. Thomas Melton COPELAND Sr. (born on 1 Feb 1881). James 'Jim' F. 'Hoots' COPELAND (born on 29 Mar 1883). Ruthie Ann COPELAND (born on 9 Apr 1885). Emmett COPELAND was born on 8 Aug 1886 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 14 Jan 1924 in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Shearod Cross COPELAND (born on 26 Sep 1888). Malissa Bocelia COPELAND was born in Apr 1890 in Overton, TN. She died in 1975 in Liberty Cem, Overton Co., TN. Nancy Mahalia COPELAND (born on 12 Jun 1892). 1590. Elizabeth COPELAND (Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Nov 1853 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co., TN-6th District. living w/ Solomon Addison Copeland She died on 29 Aug 1900 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth COPELAND and George Washington MCCORMICK were married on 18 Sep 1870 in Overton Co, TN. George Washington MCCORMICK (son of Tench MCCORMICK and Catherine WEST) was born on 16 Dec 1849 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 Mar 1927 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth COPELAND and George Washington MCCORMICK had the following children: +4047 +4048 +4049 +4050 +4051 +4052 +4053 +4054 +4055 +4056 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Florence E. MCCORMICK (born on 7 Jun 1871). James Elbert MCCORMICK (born on 25 Mar 1873). Frank P. MCCORMICK (born on 21 Jan 1876). John B. "Bee" MCCORMICK (born on 3 Oct 1878). Hannah Thatcher MCCORMICK (born on 9 Mar 1881). Lousindia 'Rindy' MCCORMICK (born on 19 Oct 1883). Amanda Samantha 'Maggie' MCCORMICK (born on 18 Jun 1886). Shirley Addison MCCORMICK (born on 18 Feb 1889). Lee Thomas MCCORMICK (born on 14 Jun 1891). Sallie Vauda MCCORMICK (born on 23 Jul 1896). 1592. Mary Elizabeth GORE (Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1857 in Overton Co, TN. Solomon BAILEY was born in 1855 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. Mary Elizabeth GORE and Solomon BAILEY had the following children: 4057 4058 4059 4060 i. ii. iii. iv. Para BAILEY was born in 1895 in Overton Co, TN. Flora BAILEY was born in 1897 in Overton Co, TN. Zena BAILEY was born in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Julia BAILEY was born in 1903 in Overton Co, TN. 286 Descendants of William COPELAND 1593. Ambrose GORE IV (Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Aug 1858 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Apr 1938 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Ambrose GORE IV and Amelia Catherine RAMSEY were married on 31 May 1877 in Overton Co, TN. They were divorced in 1909 in Overton Co, TN. Amelia Catherine RAMSEY (daughter of Benjamin RAMSEY and Ellender 'Nellie' DISHMAN) was born on 18 May 1858 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1936 in Deck Cem., Overton Co., TN. Ambrose GORE IV and Amelia Catherine RAMSEY had the following children: +4061 +4062 +4063 +4064 +4065 +4066 +4067 +4068 4069 +4070 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Alima Louann GORE (born on 18 Apr 1878). Minda Emma GORE (born on 19 Aug 1880). Zura Eldora GORE (born on 27 Aug 1882). Edward Eldridge GORE (born on 31 Jul 1886). Arkley Benjamin GORE (born on 26 Jun 1888). Lonzy Earnest GORE (born on 17 Sep 1890). Elzy Waymon GORE (born on 5 Nov 1892). Cubert Tinsley GORE (born on 26 Jul 1895). Pearl Leona GORE was born on 23 Nov 1897 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Sep 1980. Ernal Naomi GORE (born on 12 Oct 1900). Ambrose GORE IV and Martha E. POSTON were married on 26 Jan 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Martha E. POSTON was born in 1862 in Overton Co, TN. 1601. Franklin Lafayette GORE (Adeline Paulina Rowena 'Selina' Ruth SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. Maggie D. COPELAND (daughter of Josiah R. COPELAND and Catherine Parlee 'Kitty' HENSON) was born in Aug 1877 in Overton Co, TN. Franklin Lafayette GORE and Maggie D. COPELAND had the following children: 4071 4072 4073 +4074 +4075 +4076 i. Roy GORE was born on 23 Feb 1916 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Dec 2001 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried on 30 Dec 2001 in Fredonia Cem., Overton Co., TN. ii. Bernard GORE was born iii. Bob GORE was born iv. Cora GORE. v. Louise GORE. vi. Opal GORE. 1603. Isaac Benton BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jun 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 2 Aug 1929 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Isaac Benton BILBREY and Virginia Jane ALLRED were married on 2 Dec 1872 in Overton Co, TN. Virginia Jane ALLRED (daughter of Theopolis ALLRED and Elizabeth STOUT) was born on 6 Jul 1849 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 2 Jul 1933 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Isaac Benton BILBREY and Virginia Jane ALLRED had the following children: 4077 +4078 +4079 +4080 +4081 4082 i. Amanda Elizabeth BILBREY was born on 17 Sep 1873 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 14 Aug 1962 in Overton Co., TN. ii. William Hilary BILBREY (born on 18 Dec 1876). iii. Sarah Ellen BILBREY (born on 23 Mar 1878). iv. Mary Belle BILBREY (born on 4 May 1881). v. Lila Ann BILBREY (born on 15 Jan 1884). vi. Andrew Peyton BILBREY was born on 6 Oct 1886 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 27 May 1889 in Overton Co., TN. 1604. William Hillary BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Mar 1852 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 4 Feb 1924 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. 287 Descendants of William COPELAND Sarah ALLRED (daughter of Theopolis ALLRED and Elizabeth STOUT) was born on 17 Jan 1852 in TN. She died on 3 Apr 1934 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. 1605. Sophina Jane BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Dec 1854 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 19 Jan 1931 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Rufus A. CANTRELL (son of J.S. CANTRELL and Matilda) was born on 24 Nov 1864 in Overton Co., TN. Sophina Jane BILBREY and Rufus A. CANTRELL had the following children: +4083 +4084 +4085 +4086 4087 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Lillie May CANTRELL (born on 10 Oct 1886). Martha A. CANTRELL (born in Apr 1889). Pasha Ellen CANTRELL (born on 12 Aug 1890). Isaac Chanel CANTRELL (born on 3 Jul 1893). Emma L. CANTRELL was born on 5 Feb 1898 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 29 Jun 1901 in Overton Co., TN. 1606. Mary Vestine BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1858 in Overton Co, TN. Alfred C. CANTRELL (son of J.S. CANTRELL and Matilda) was born in 1863 in Overton Co., TN. Mary Vestine BILBREY and Alfred C. CANTRELL had the following children: +4088 4089 +4090 4091 4092 +4093 i. ii. iii. iv. Vilona L. CANTRELL (born in Oct 1885). Irvin A. CANTRELL was born on 30 Jul 1890 in Overton Co., TN. Benjamin Hardy CANTRELL (born on 17 Sep 1892). Joseph T. CANTRELL was born on 7 Jul 1894 in Overton Co., TN. He died in Aug 1976 in Overton Co., TN. v. Ellen W. CANTRELL was born in Aug 1896 in Overton Co., TN. vi. Arkley Dow CANTRELL (born on 1 Oct 1898). 1607. Martha Mildred BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 May 1863 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 13 Sep 1952 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Martha Mildred BILBREY and Rev. John Walter SMITH were married on 12 Apr 1881 in Overton Co., TN. Rev. John Walter SMITH (son of Evander McKeevor SMITH and Sarah Easter WALLACE) was born on 8 Feb 1858 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 Jun 1947 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Baptist Missionary Martha Mildred BILBREY and Rev. John Walter SMITH had the following children: +4094 +4095 +4096 +4097 +4098 +4099 +4100 +4101 +4102 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Emma Lee SMITH (born on 21 Aug 1882). Flora May SMITH (born on 16 Mar 1884). Lester Wayne SMITH (born on 2 Mar 1888). Albert Curtiss SMITH (born on 5 Nov 1889). Covie Charnel SMITH (born on 16 Oct 1891). Bennie O. SMITH (born on 12 Nov 1893). Bertha Ann SMITH (born on 15 Dec 1900). Evander Felton SMITH (born on 6 May 1904). Gerstle Warren SMITH (born on 1 Oct 1908). 1608. Frances Ann BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Oct 1866 in TN. She died on 4 Sep 1951 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. John Valentine CANTRELL (son of Rev. William C. CANTRELL and Sarah Jane) was born on 8 Oct 1864 in TN. He died on 17 Dec 1922 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Frances Ann BILBREY and John Valentine CANTRELL had the 288 Descendants of William COPELAND following children: 4103 +4104 +4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 +4110 +4111 i. Eramus Mayford CANTRELL was born on 21 Aug 1885 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 26 Feb 1953 in Overton Co., TN. ii. Nora Lee CANTRELL (born on 26 Apr 1888). iii. Winnie Ellen CANTRELL (born on 11 Jul 1891). iv. Amanda Velma CANTRELL was born on 8 Mar 1894 in Overton Co., TN. She died in May 1895 in Overton Co., TN. v. Hilary Alvin CANTRELL was born on 28 May 1895 in Overton Co., TN. He died in Jan 1979 in Overton Co., TN. vi. Albert Clinton CANTRELL was born on 7 Jul 1898 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 28 Nov 1967 in Overton Co., TN. vii. James Benton CANTRELL was born on 1 May 1901 in Overton Co., TN. viii. Dewey Delton CANTRELL (born on 20 Sep 1903). ix. Zora Ann CANTRELL (born on 28 Oct 1906). 1610. Eliza Clementine BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Apr 1870 in TN. She died on 13 Jul 1916 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Eliza Clementine BILBREY and Rev. X. Reothal SMITH were married on 24 Jun 1888 in Overton Co., TN. Rev. X. Reothal SMITH (son of Evander McKeevor SMITH and Sarah Easter WALLACE) was born on 2 Nov 1867 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Feb 1951 in Falling Springs Cem, Overton Co., TN. Eliza Clementine BILBREY and Rev. X. Reothal SMITH had the following children: +4112 +4113 +4114 +4115 +4116 +4117 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Ova Doris SMITH (born on 16 Feb 1891). Bertie SMITH (born on 24 Jun 1889). Arvie SMITH (born on 9 Sep 1894). Elma D. SMITH (born on 11 Aug 1898). James Elbert SMITH (born on 9 Jul 1901). Louvenia Marie SMITH (born on 27 Jul 1904). 1611. Patience Belle BILBREY (Amanda SWALLOWS-7, Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Mar 1874 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 29 Mar 1939 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Patience Belle BILBREY and Thomas Quint CANTRELL were married on 28 Mar 1893 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas Quint CANTRELL (son of Rev. William C. CANTRELL and Sarah Jane) was born on 30 Nov 1868 in TN. He died on 14 Apr 1956 in shiloh cem., overton co., tn. Patience Belle BILBREY and Thomas Quint CANTRELL had the following children: 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 i. ii. iii. iv. v. 4123 4124 4125 4126 vi. vii. viii. ix. Maude E. CANTRELL was born in 1894 in Overton Co., TN. Claude Winton CANTRELL was born on 29 Jun 1896 in Overton Co., TN. Talmage CANTRELL was born on 7 Mar 1899 in Overton Co., TN. Leroy B. CANTRELL was born in 1901 in Overton Co., TN. Vittie Myrtle CANTRELL was born on 10 Oct 1902 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 8 Sep 1989 in Overton Co., TN. Ruthie M. CANTRELL was born in 1905 in Overton Co., TN. Dorothy M. CANTRELL was born in 1908 in Overton Co., TN. Eula A. CANTRELL was born in 1910 in Overton Co., TN. Temon P. CANTRELL was born on 3 Feb 1913 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 25 Apr 1977 in Overton Co., TN. 1613. Larkin Cox COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Jul 1829 in Overton Co, TN. In 1850 he was a Blacksmith in Overton Co, TN. In 1860 he was a Constable in Oak Hill, Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1865 in Civil War. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Oak Hill, Overton Co., TN-5th District. He appeared in 289 Descendants of William COPELAND the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1889 in TN. Amanda C. was born in 1835 in TN. She died before 1880 in Overton Co, TN. not on 1880 census Larkin Cox COPELAND and Amanda C. had the following children: +4127 +4128 +4129 i. George Washington COPELAND (born in Nov 1856). ii. James Larkin COPELAND (born on 23 Jan 1858). iii. Pauline E. COPELAND (born in 1867). 1615. George Andrew Jackson 'AJ' COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Sep 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 30 Jul 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. I. discharged under Conscript Act of 1862 He served in the military on 26 Apr 1863 in Civil War-25th TN Co.D. deserted July 7,1863 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 1 Jul 1893 in Christian Co., MO. He was buried in Ragsdale(Sunrise)Cem., Christian Co., MO. George Andrew Jackson 'AJ' COPELAND and Emeline Frances WALKER were married on 27 Feb 1857 in Overton Co, TN. Emeline Frances WALKER (daughter of Pleasant WALKER and Elizabeth HEDRICKS) was born on 7 Jun 1839 in TN. She died on 7 Apr 1892 in Christain Co., MO. George Andrew Jackson 'AJ' COPELAND and Emeline Frances WALKER had the following children: +4130 4131 +4132 +4133 +4134 +4135 +4136 +4137 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Elizabeth Obedience 'Biddie' COPELAND (born in Jan 1852). Malachi L. COPELAND was born in 1855 in Overton Co., TN. Anna L. COPELAND (born in 1856). Phillip Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (born in Feb 1858). Sarah Jane COPELAND (born on 11 Apr 1861). George Jefferson COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1863). Joseph 'Josiah' Franklin COPELAND (born on 28 Jul 1868). Nancy Jane COPELAND (born on 18 May 1872). 1616. Mary Ann COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Dec 1834 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 10 May 1897 in Walker Hollow Cem., Putnam Co., TN. James Daniel WALKER (son of William Stephen WALKER and Mary CONASTER) was born on 29 Mar 1830 in Bilbrey, White Co., TN. He died on 14 Feb 1907 in Walker Hollow Cem., Putnam Co., TN. Union prisoner of war camp at Ft. Delaware. Had spent a year on a 90 acre prison island at Ft Delaware. A horrible year in which 1/2 the 3000 rebel soldiers confined there died of starvation. dated 17 FEB 1865 Two months before end of civil War a Putnam countian, James D. WALKER, war prisoner, was released at Lexington KY. Sent by train from the prison island to Lexington. On 17 Feb 1865, release papers in pocket, James D. WALKER began the trek home. He did all his walking at night. Slept in the woods covered up with leaves in the daytime. That was to avoid renegade bands who took shots at almost everybody. The end of the war a matter of a few weeks away on 9 APR 1865. James D. WALKER, grandfather of Cordell WALKER, of the old Sparta Road was one of the lucky ones. Mary Ann COPELAND and James Daniel WALKER had the following children: +4138 +4139 +4140 +4141 +4142 +4143 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Robert Franklin WALKER (born on 22 Apr 1857). Phillip Copeland WALKER (born on 7 Feb 1861). Baily WALKER (born on 8 Apr 1863). Alex WALKER (born on 15 Oct 1865). Mary F. WALKER (born on 5 Aug 1872). John A. WALKER (born on 11 Dec 1873). 290 Descendants of William COPELAND 1619. Bailey Allred COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1841 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1864 in Civil War. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in White Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in White Co., TN. He died on 8 May 1928 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Wheeler Cem., White Co., TN. served in the 84th Tn Inf Co D during the Civil War Bailey Allred COPELAND and Ellender 'Nellie' LOOPER were married on 12 Jun 1864 in Overton Co, TN. Ellender 'Nellie' LOOPER (daughter of William 'Little Bill' LOOPER and Rebecca LOOPER) was born on 22 Jan 1841 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 14 Oct 1924 in White Co, TN. She was buried in Wheeler Cem., White Co., TN. Bailey Allred COPELAND and Ellender 'Nellie' LOOPER had the following children: +4144 +4145 +4146 i. William Richard COPELAND (born on 23 May 1865). ii. Mary Jane COPELAND (born on 2 Jan 1870). iii. Phillip Melvin COPELAND (born on 5 Nov 1882). 1620. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Jul 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military on 30 Jul 1861 in Civil War25th TN Co. I. discharged on disability; chaplain He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. divorced He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 20 Jan 1928 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co, TN. died of kidney problems He was a Free Will Baptist Preacher in Tyler Point Baptist Church. Fredic served in Co. I, 25th Tennessee Infantry in the Civil War. He enlisted at Oak Hill,TN in May 1861 in the Confederate Army. His training was at Camp Myers at Monroe,TN for about a year. His first battle was at Mill Springs,Kentucky under Crittendon. Later he contacted typhoid fever in Alabama,it lodged in his right leg, captured by the Federal Army and was discharged from Bragg's Army in 1863 at Tupelo,MS. He walked home, went back to farming and later became a minister.He filed for pension # S404 July 30,1891. Ordained as a Free Will Baptist preacher about 1903 and served at the Tyler Pt. Church. week of 11-10-1919 Fred Copeland, of Beaver Hill, spent part of last week with his son, County Clerk A.C. Copeland. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND and Rebecca WILSON were married on 5 Feb 1863 in Overton Co, TN. They were divorced about 1890 in Overton Co, TN. Rebecca WILSON (daughter of Moses WILSON and Celia HAYS) was born on 6 Jun 1844 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. divorced She died on 18 Dec 1928 in Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND and Rebecca WILSON had the following children: 4147 +4148 4149 +4150 +4151 +4152 +4153 4154 i. Joseph S. F. COPELAND was born on 2 Jun 1864 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 2 Nov 1886 in Copeland Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. never married ii. Archibald B. COPELAND (born on 6 Jan 1866). iii. Larkin COPELAND was born on 18 Apr 1872 in Overton Co, TN. He was a Teacher in Overton Co, TN. died at an early age iv. Abraham Cox COPELAND (born on 7 Jul 1874). v. Amanda Isabel COPELAND (born on 29 Oct 1876). vi. Irene Alva 'Rena' COPELAND (born on 10 Apr 1879). vii. William LaFayette 'Fate' COPELAND (born on 6 Mar 1882). viii. Lavernia 'Lucy' R. COPELAND was born on 3 Apr 1886 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Jul 1901 in Overton Co, TN. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND and Myhalia 'Hailey' E. CRABTREE were married before 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Myhalia 'Hailey' E. CRABTREE was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Rev. Fredrick Francis Marion COPELAND and Myhalia 'Hailey' E. CRABTREE had the following children: 4155 i. Oscar Frank COPELAND was born on 30 Nov 1901 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 13 Mar 1914 291 Descendants of William COPELAND in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. 1621. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Feb 1846 in Overton Co, TN. He served in the military between 1862 and 1865 in Civil War. fought with the 25th TN Inf Co. D He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 6 Sep 1874 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Jane Sarah COOPER were married on 10 Dec 1868 in Overton Co., TN. Jane Sarah COOPER (daughter of David COOPER and Nancy JOHNSON) was born on 13 Jan 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She was born in 1846 in TN. She died on 11 Aug 1898 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Jane Sarah COOPER had the following children: 4156 +4157 4158 4159 4160 i. Mattie L. COPELAND was born in 1869 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Thomas Edward COPELAND (born in Aug 1870). iii. Cora l. COPELAND was born on 1 Jan 1873 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1873. She died on 21 Dec 1873 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. iv. Jeff Lee COPELAND was born in Apr 1874 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. living with brother v. Nancy Bell COPELAND died in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. 1622. Abraham Conaster Cox COPELAND (Phillip-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 Aug 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Lived on Pike Rd. next to Abraham,Jr. He died on 29 May 1916 in Walker Cemetery, Sinking Cane, Overton CO., TN. Abraham Conaster Cox COPELAND and Henrietta L. WALKER were married in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. Henrietta L. WALKER (daughter of Andrew Jackson WALKER and Clementine Henrietta VERBLE) was born on 11 May 1856 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. w/ William,35; Herbert,26, Ola,28(daughter-inlaw); Genevia 2(granddaughter) She appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co, TN. living w/ William, son She died on 22 Jun 1944 in Walker Cemetery, Sinking Cane, Overton CO., TN. Abraham Conaster Cox COPELAND and Henrietta L. WALKER had the following children: +4161 4162 +4163 +4164 +4165 +4166 +4167 4168 i. Walter F. COPELAND (born on 28 Feb 1880). ii. William H. COPELAND was born on 28 Feb 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 17 Dec 1948 in Walker Cemetery, Rock Springs, Overton CO., TN. iii. Leara Clementine COPELAND (born on 12 Sep 1882). iv. James 'Jimmy' 'Jerry' COPELAND (born in Sep 1884). v. Perry A. COPELAND (born on 3 Dec 1887). vi. Robert O. COPELAND (born on 25 Oct 1890). vii. Herbert Calvin COPELAND (born on 29 Sep 1893). viii. Ina L. COPELAND was born on 23 Feb 1897 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 29 May 1979 in Walker Cemetery, Sinking Cane, Overton CO., TN. 1623. James 'Richardson' COPELAND (Mark-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Perry Co., IL. He died in 1863 in Vicksburg, MS. Moved to Illinois and fought for the Union Army Sarah POSTON (daughter of POSTON) was born in 1834 in TN. She was living in 1865 in Montgomery Co., IO. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Hamburg, Fremont Co., IO. w/ husband George Waltz and sons John,19, and Jake,9. She died in 1901 in Hamberg, IO. James 'Richardson' COPELAND and Sarah POSTON had the following children: +4169 4170 4171 i. Mark COPELAND (born in Feb 1850). ii. Tennessee COPELAND was born in 1852 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Henry COPELAND was born in 1854 in Overton Co, TN. He was living in 1900 in New York City, New York. 292 Descendants of William COPELAND +4172 +4173 4174 4175 iv. Harriett COPELAND (born in 1856). v. Lucinda COPELAND (born on 7 Apr 1858). vi. John COPELAND was born in 1860 in IL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Hamburg, Fremont Co., IO. He died in 1900 in Omaha, NE. does not appear on the 1850 or 1860 census with parents vii. Jake COPELAND was born in 1871 in IL. 1624. Harriett COPELAND (Mark-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 19 May 1831 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 23 Oct 1919 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Thomas Jefferson WILLEFORD (son of Willie WILLEFORD and Zilla) was born on 5 Jun 1845 in Hawkins Co., TN. He died on 23 Oct 1919 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Harriett COPELAND and Thomas Jefferson WILLEFORD had the following children: 4176 i. Ras Lee WILLEFORD was born 1626. Michael 'Mitchel' COPELAND (Mark-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He served in the military on 1 Aug 1861 in Civil War-25th TN Co. D. Retired 11/15/1863 He died on 13 Sep 1863 in Civil War-Battle of Chickamauga. The Military Annals of Tennessee Confederate. First Series: Embracing a Review of Military Operations with Regimental Histories and Memorial Rolls. Regimental Histories and Memorial Rolls. Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry After the resignation of these two officers the regiment was commanded by Col. John M. Hughes, promoted to this position from his Captaincy in Co. D. The regiment went from Tyner's Station to Battle Creek, and then to Bridgeport and to Stevenson, at the latter place capturing a large amount of ordnance and medical stores. Then back to Chattanooga; then on to Sparta; then via Lebanon, Ky., to Perryville--engaged in the battle at that place, having been placed in Brig.-gen. Bushrod Johnson's brigade. Then to Camp Dick Robinson; then to Crab Orchard; then through Cumberland Gap to Knoxville; then to Chattanooga, to Manchester, to Tullahoma, to Shelbyville, and to Murfreesboro. The Twentyfifth engaged in this bloody battle and lost heavily in killed and wounded, each soldier and officer bearing his part most manfully. Among the wounded was the gallant Lieut. Joel Windle. After this battle the Twenty-fifth fell back with the army to Tullahoma. Subsequently the regiment was in the battles of Fairfield, Beech Grove, Hoover's Gap; in this last lost heavily. The regiment afterward proceeded to Chattanooga, then to Loudon Bridge, then to Missionary Ridge, and while here was consolidated with the Seventeenth, Twenty-third, and Forty-fourth. The regiment engaged in the battle of Chickamauga. In this fight the Twentyfifth Regiment confronted in the Federal line a battery of four pieces of artillery, which it captured in the very face of death. Here the brave Capt. Kuhn, privates Howard and Mitchell Copeland fell, with many others; Lieut. Joel Windle having his sword-belt shot off. In this action the regiment captured six other pieces of artillery, making ten in all. After this battle the Twentyfifth was placed under Gen. Longstreet, who was sent with a large detachment toward Knoxville to operate against Gen. Burnside, who held that city. In this expedition Gen. Longstreet attacked Burnside at Loudon, driving him back toward Knoxville, capturing Lenoir's Station and large wagon-trains. He fough him again at Bean's Station, making similar captures; and again in Clinch Valley, capturing trains of wagons. On in hot pursuit for two miles he pressed him into Knoxville behind his fortifications, and laid siege to the place. He was soon forced to break up the siege by reason of the disaster to the Confederate arms at Missionary Ridge; and then determined to make an attack on Fort Sanders, a strong fort which commanded the roads leading into the city. In front of this fort were obstructions to the passage of the troops almost insurmountable--abatis and other contrivances over which the soldiers were forced to clamber under a most deadly fire; but they made their way through and over these obstructions, and some reached the fort and climbed up the works, and planted the Confederate colors upon the walls; yet they were unable to complete the capture, and were forced to retire, with a loss of seven hundred killed, wounded, and prisoners. The Twentyfifth participated in all these engagements, with its full share of valor and loss of life. Longstreet then fell back. Burnside, having been reenforced, pursued him to Bean's Station, where another hard fight occurred, Longstreet driving him to Russellville. Longstreet took a position at Rogersville, but finding his communication by railroad to Virginia cut off, he was forced to spend the winter in the mountains of North-eastern Tennessee. Here he remained through the cold and dreary winter, his men poorly clad, many of them barefooted, drawing their scanty rations from the wild mountains covered with snow, until about the middle of February, when his communication by rail with Virginia was reestablished, and he was permitted to withdraw his suffering troops from their inhospitable quarters, and to pitch their tents upon the old camping- 293 Descendants of William COPELAND ground near Richmond. Mary Ann 'Polly' MCCORMICK (daughter of Tench MCCORMICK and Catherine WEST) was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. Michael 'Mitchel' COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' MCCORMICK had the following children: +4177 i. Wilson Alythe COPELAND (born on 23 Jan 1860). 1630. William Mark COPELAND (Mark-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 May 1853 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 6 Feb 1941 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. William Mark COPELAND and Leitha Parmelia BILBREY were married in 1876 in Overton Co, TN. Leitha Parmelia BILBREY (daughter of Alexander P. BILBREY and Mary Melvina MATTHEWS) was born on 7 Oct 1856 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 14 May 1951 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. William Mark COPELAND and Leitha Parmelia BILBREY had the following children: +4178 +4179 +4180 +4181 +4182 +4183 +4184 +4185 +4186 +4187 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Sidney Pendleton COPELAND (born on 28 Jun 1876). Harriett Catherine COPELAND (born on 30 Oct 1878). Delia Ann COPELAND (born on 26 Nov 1880). Mary Tennie COPELAND (born on 20 Jun 1883). Fannie B. COPELAND (born on 19 Oct 1885). Elizabeth 'Eunice' Tine COPELAND (born on 26 Mar 1888). Mark A. COPELAND (born on 25 Jul 1890). Lou Emma COPELAND (born in 1893). Arkley B. COPELAND (born on 10 Mar 1896). Cora Edna COPELAND (born on 12 Mar 1900). 1631. Amanda STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 11 Aug 1830 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 17 Sep 1903 in Burnet Co., TX. James GREER was born Amanda STEWART and James GREER had the following children: 4188 +4189 +4190 4191 +4192 +4193 4194 4195 +4196 +4197 +4198 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Amelia A. GREER was born Margaret M. GREER. John C. GREER. Samuel W. GREER was born Charlotte J. GREER. Mary GREER. Amanda Catherine GREER was born Alice GREER was born Martha GREER. Nellie GREER. James Wilson GREER. 1633. Sarah Melissa STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jun 1835 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 16 Mar 1891. Boling B. PERRY was born Sarah Melissa STEWART and Boling B. PERRY had the following children: 4199 4200 4201 4202 i. ii. iii. iv. John Benjamin PERRY was born Martha A. PERRY was born William PERRY was born Thomas C. PERRY was born 294 Descendants of William COPELAND 4203 4204 4205 v. Boling B. PERRY Jr. was born vi. Margaret PERRY was born vii. Susan M. E. PERRY was born 1634. Christopher Columbus STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 30 Nov 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Mar 1915. He served in the Confederate Army Charlotte WILLIAMS (daughter of William Thomas WILLIAMS and Tabitha WILLIAMS) was born on 27 Jan 1836 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 5 Jan 1875. Christopher Columbus STEWART and Charlotte WILLIAMS had the following children: 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 i. John T. STEWART was born on 13 Jun 1859 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 19 Dec 1861 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Margaret T. STEWART was born in 1860 in Overton Co, TN. iii. Christoher Columbus 'Lum' STEWART Jr. was born on 19 Sep 1862 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 18 Dec 1938. iv. James Andrew STEWART was born in 1864 in Overton Co, TN. v. Mary Belle STEWART was born on 27 Aug 1866 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Aug 1955. Never Married vi. Johnnie T. STEWART was born on 13 Nov 1869 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 3 Dec 1949. vii. Flora STEWART was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. viii. Eugenia B. STEWART was born on 9 Jun 1871 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 3 Oct 1893. Mariah JOHNSON was born Christopher Columbus STEWART and Mariah JOHNSON had the following children: 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. William Franklin 'Frank' STEWART was born in 1875 in Overton Co, TN. Luther STEWART was born in 1877 in Overton Co, TN. Ada E. STEWART was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Americus Wilson 'Mack' STEWART was born in 1881 in Overton Co, TN. Ed STEWART was born in 1883 in Overton Co, TN. Viola J. STEWART was born on 24 Jun 1886 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 11 Jul 1964. 1635. John Americus STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1840 in Overton Co, TN. Ellen Armina OFERRELL was born John Americus STEWART and Ellen Armina OFERRELL had the following children: 4220 4221 i. Edward STEWART was born ii. May STEWART was born 1636. Benjamin Hansford STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Apr 1843 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 24 Mar 1932 in Burnet Co., TX. Benjamin Hansford STEWART and Missouri Hattie ALLISON were married on 30 Jun 1863. Missouri Hattie ALLISON was born on 10 Aug 1845 in Osceola , MO. She died in Feb 1928 in Burnet Co., TX. Benjamin Hansford STEWART and Missouri Hattie ALLISON had the following children: +4222 +4223 4224 +4225 +4226 +4227 i. Mary Ellen STEWART (born on 25 Apr 1864). ii. John W. STEWART (born on 21 Apr 1866). iii. Sarah Amanda STEWART was born on 28 Jul 1869 in Burnet Co., TX. She died on 31 Oct 1952 in Burnet Co., TX. iv. Charles H. STEWART (born on 28 Jul 1871). v. Lillie STEWART (born on 4 Jun 1875). vi. Albert C. STEWART (born on 6 Apr 1875). 295 Descendants of William COPELAND +4228 +4229 +4230 +4231 vii. viii. ix. x. Rose Ella STEWART (born on 23 Dec 1876). Josie STEWART (born on 15 Oct 1878). Homer STEWART (born on 30 Jun 1881). Harriet May STEWART (born on 19 Feb 1884). 1637. William Jefferson STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Oct 1846 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Catherine PERRY was born William Jefferson STEWART and Sarah Catherine PERRY had the following children: +4232 +4233 4234 +4235 +4236 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Boling Christopher STEWART. Armentia Frances STEWART. Luna STEWART died died young. Sarah Martha STEWART. John William STEWART. 1638. Samuel Kitchner STEWART (Margaret COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Oct 1848 in Overton Co, TN. Mary WILLMORE was born Samuel Kitchner STEWART and Mary WILLMORE had the following children: 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Sophronia STEWART was born Georgia Ann STEWART was born John STEWART was born Elam STEWART was born Arthur Bowman STEWART was born Learington STEWART was born Orrytis STEWART was born Charlsie STEWART was born Jesse STEWART was born Sidney A. STEWART was born Kennedy STEWART was born Samuel Kitchner STEWART and Mary WATSON were married on 12 Aug 1894. Mary WATSON was born Samuel Kitchner STEWART and Mary WATSON had the following children: 4248 i. Lizzie J. STEWART was born 1641. Squire Jasper Newton CANNON (Catherine Oga COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 May 1841 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 6 Jul 1922 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Squire Jasper Newton CANNON and Charlotte Temple YELTON were married on 26 Oct 1860 in Overton Co, TN. Charlotte Temple YELTON (daughter of Charles Louis YELTON and Edith NORRIS) was born on 12 Aug 1842 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 1 Nov 1900 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Squire Jasper Newton CANNON and Charlotte Temple YELTON had the following children: 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 i. A. L. CANNON was born in 1863 in Overton Co, TN. ii. William A. CANNON was born on 2 Jan 1867 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 15 Dec 1874 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. iii. Mary Alba Catherine CANNON was born on 14 Oct 1868 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 1 Nov 1874 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. iv. F. E. CANNON was born in 1870 in Overton Co, TN. v. J. Edward CANNON was born on 27 Jan 1872 in Overton Co., TN. He was born in 1872 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 22 Aug 1917 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. 296 Descendants of William COPELAND 4254 +4255 4256 4257 vi. vii. viii. ix. L.E. CANNON was born in 1875 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy 'Oga' CANNON (born on 25 Jan 1877). L. M. CANNON was born in 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Horace CANNON was born on 18 Mar 1887 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 18 Oct 1922 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. 1644. Sarah Elizabeth CANNON (Catherine Oga COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Apr 1848 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 11 Jun 1931 in Trenton, Gibson Co., TN. Sarah Elizabeth CANNON and Josiah Franklin MARTIN were married on 5 Oct 1865 in Overton Co., TN. Josiah Franklin MARTIN was born on 4 Jan 1846 in McMinn Co, TN. He died on 24 Jul 1932 in Evansville, Vanderburg Co., IN. He was buried in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. Sarah Elizabeth CANNON and Josiah Franklin MARTIN had the following children: 4258 4259 +4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 i. William Arthur MARTIN was born on 4 Mar 1868. He died on 13 Feb 1892. ii. Lenora May MARTIN was born on 31 May 1869 in Overton Co., TN. She died in Mar 1899 in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. iii. Valeria Ellis MARTIN (born on 5 Jun 1872). iv. Martha Idella MARTIN was born on 19 Apr 1877. v. John Leo MARTIN was born on 6 Mar 1880. vi. Annie Maud MARTIN was born on 4 Mar 1882. vii. Mary Estell MARTIN died on 1 Apr 1883 in KS. She was born 16/13/1882 in KS. viii. Lotta Rosa MARTIN was born on 4 Mar 1884. ix. Lela Ethel MARTIN was born on 24 Dec 1889 in TN. 1646. Martha Elvira CANNON (Catherine Oga COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Sep 1854 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 May 1928 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Martha Elvira CANNON and Reuben Jefferson FINLEY were married on 13 Oct 1872 in Putnam Co, TN. Reuben Jefferson FINLEY (son of Reuben Jefferson FINLEY Jr. and Henrieta Lora WALKER) was born on 9 Oct 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 11 Aug 1902 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Martha Elvira CANNON and Reuben Jefferson FINLEY had the following children: +4267 +4268 +4269 i. Charles Clements FINLEY (born on 13 Dec 1873). ii. Sally Mae FINLEY (born on 19 Dec 1876). iii. William Cannon FINLEY (born on 14 Jun 1882). John SPRULOCK was born 1647. Martha L. COPELAND (William-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Jun 1839 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Jan 1893 in Polk Co., MO. Martha L. COPELAND and George Washington BUCKNER were married on 8 Feb 1855 in Livingston, Overton Co, TN. George Washington BUCKNER (son of Pascal BUCKNER and Cynthia L. RASH) was born on 8 Apr 1833 in Washington Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Carroll Co, AR. He died on 18 Oct 1913 in Polk Co., MO. Martha L. COPELAND and George Washington BUCKNER had the following children: 4270 +4271 4272 +4273 +4274 +4275 4276 4277 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Margaret BUCKNER was born in 1856 in Carroll Co, AR. Julia A. BUCKNER (born on 13 Feb 1857). Mary A. BUCKNER was born on 1 Dec 1858 in Carroll Co, AR. Viola J. BUCKNER (born on 18 Aug 1860). Alta L. BUCKNER (born on 8 Jun 1862). James C. BUCKNER (born on 16 Sep 1868). William BUCKNER was born on 16 Sep 1868 in Bolivar, Polk Co., TN. Henry S. BUCKNER was born on 30 Sep 1869 in Bolivar, Polk Co., TN. 297 Descendants of William COPELAND 4278 4279 ix. George M. BUCKNER was born on 20 Jan 1870 in Bolivar, Polk Co., TN. x. Lila A. BUCKNER was born on 1 Jan 1872 in Bolivar, Polk Co., TN. 1648. Margaret COPELAND (William-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841 in Overton Co, TN. Margaret COPELAND and Charles Louis YELTON were married about 1864 in Overton Co., TN. Charles Louis YELTON (son of Charles H. YELTON and Susannah ROGERS) was born on 21 Feb 1819 in NC. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 21 Feb 1895 in Overton Co., TN. Margaret COPELAND and Charles Louis YELTON had the following children: +4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Willie Florence YELTON (born on 29 Oct 1864). D.E. YELTON was born in 1868 in Overton Co., TN. Charles YELTON was born in 1870 in Overton Co., TN. Ula E. YELTON was born in 1872 in Overton Co., TN. Effa YELTON was born in 1877 in Overton Co., TN. Walter YELTON was born in 1879 in Overton Co., TN. 1651. Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND (William-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Mar 1847 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN-2nd District. daughter, Martha living at home He died on 19 Apr 1926 in Popular Springs Cem., Overton Co., TN. Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND and Margaret WEST were married on 16 Mar 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Margaret WEST (daughter of Henry WEST and Elizabeth WILSON) was born on 29 Mar 1848 in TN. She died on 29 Apr 1914 in Popular Springs Cem., Overton Co., TN. Joseph David 'Dina' COPELAND and Margaret WEST had the following children: +3960 3961 +3962 3963 +3964 i. ii. iii. iv. v. John S. COPELAND (born in 1869). James COPELAND (born in 1874). Joseph 'Joe' Jackson COPELAND (born on 28 Apr 1881). Mary P. COPELAND (born in May 1892). Martha Ann COPELAND (born on 19 Feb 1895). 1652. Elvira 'Vina' COPELAND (William-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 25 Jun 1849 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 23 Oct 1926 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Elvira 'Vina' COPELAND and Thomas Jefferson STOCKTON were married on 10 Dec 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas Jefferson STOCKTON (son of Albert G. STOCKTON and Sarah 'Sallie' MAXWELL) was born on 6 Sep 1851 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 7 Jan 1928 in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. He signed a will on 19 Jan 1929. Date recorded Elvira 'Vina' COPELAND and Thomas Jefferson STOCKTON had the following children: +4286 +4287 +4288 +4289 +4290 +4291 +4292 +4293 +4294 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Ova Sarah STOCKTON (born on 16 Nov 1863). Mary Alice STOCKTON (born on 16 Sep 1869). Martha K. STOCKTON (born on 1 Jul 1874). Nanny STOCKTON (born on 25 Apr 1879). Thomas Oscar STOCKTON (born on 15 Aug 1881). Houston Albert STOCKTON (born on 5 Sep 1883). Cynthia STOCKTON (born on 1 Mar 1884). Winfred STOCKTON (born in Aug 1886). James Landon STOCKTON (born on 11 Feb 1890). 1653. Adeline COPELAND (William-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Apr 1852 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. mother,Mary living at the Green House She died on 30 Oct 1926 in Green Cem., Overton Co, TN. Information by Evelyn Moss 298 Descendants of William COPELAND Adeline COPELAND and Richard GREEN were married on 15 Dec 1875 in Overton Co, TN. Richard GREEN (son of THomas GREEN and Nancy Angeline CARROLL) was born on 1 Aug 1851 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 2 Jun 1934 in Green Cem., Overton Co, TN. Adeline COPELAND and Richard GREEN had the following children: 4295 4296 +4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Edmond GREEN was born in 1876 in Overton Co, TN. Ned GREEN was born in 1877 in Overton Co, TN. Linney GREEN (born on 28 Sep 1879). Frederick GREEN was born in Nov 1882 in Overton Co, TN. Minnie GREEN was born in Oct 1884 in Overton Co, TN. Cora M. GREEN was born in Jan 1887 in Overton Co, TN. James GREEN was born in Apr 1889 in Overton Co, TN. John W. GREEN was born in Feb 1891 in Overton Co, TN. 1655. Margaret COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 14 Nov 1844 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 29 Jan 1912 in Choate, Karnes Co., TX. Margaret COPELAND and George GORDON were married on 29 Jan 1871 in Burnet Co., TX. George GORDON (son of Alexander GORDON and Agness RICHARDSON) was born on 21 May 1834 in Dumfries, Scotland. He died on 27 Dec 1898 in Salem, Lavaca Co., TX. Margaret COPELAND and George GORDON had the following children: 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 +4310 i. Mary Melvine GORDON was born on 20 Nov 1871 in Burnet, TX. She died on 13 Oct 1877 in Burnet Co., TX. ii. James Gordon GORDON was born on 15 Aug 1873 in Burnet Co., TX. iii. Elizabeth Marilda GORDON was born on 2 Dec 1874 in Burnet Co., TX. iv. Agnes Eliza GORDON was born on 17 Dec 1877 in Gonzales Co., TX. She died on 26 Jun 1967 in Taft Cem., Taft, San Patrico Co., TX. never Married v. Lucinda Ellen GORDON was born on 17 Dec 1877 in Gonzales Co., TX. vi. George GORDON was born on 17 Aug 1880 in Gonzales Co., TX. vii. Cynthia GORDON was born on 25 Jun 1883 in Gonzales Co., TX. viii. Albert GORDON (born on 8 Sep 1885). 1656. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Dec 1846 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1885 in Galveston CO., TX. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND and Caleb M. STOKESBERRY were married on 15 Feb 1867 in TN. Caleb M. STOKESBERRY was born on 13 Oct 1847 in Platte, MO. He died on 9 Sep 1900 in Galveston CO., TX. Sarah 'Sally' COPELAND and Caleb M. STOKESBERRY had the following children: +4311 +4312 4313 +4314 +4315 +4316 4317 i. Issac Lawson STOKESBERRY (born on 9 Dec 1867). ii. John Riley STOKESBERRY (born on 2 Apr 1870). iii. Jacob Esau STOKESBERRY was born on 7 Jun 1872 in Galveston CO., TX. He died on 6 Jul 1872 in Galveston CO., TX. iv. William Abraham STOKESBERRY (born on 24 May 1874). v. Forrest Woods STOKESBERRY (born on 13 Nov 1876). vi. Annie elizabeth STOKESBERRY (born on 16 Dec 1878). vii. Lucy Jane STOKESBERRY was born on 21 Oct 1881. She died in 1884 in Galveston CO., TX. 1657. Eliza COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 28 Mar 1849 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 9 Jan 1933 in Burnet Co., TX. Eliza COPELAND and Joe H. ROBBINS were married on 10 Nov 1875 in Overton Co, TN. Joe H. ROBBINS was born 1658. William Columbus COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, 299 Descendants of William COPELAND William-1) was born on 14 Mar 1851 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Jan 1891 in Indian Reservation, OK. William Columbus COPELAND and Lucy BOATWRIGHT were married on 8 Oct 1873 in TN. Lucy BOATWRIGHT was born in 1853. She died in Indian Reservation, OK. William Columbus COPELAND and Lucy BOATWRIGHT had the following children: +4318 +4319 +4320 +4321 +4322 +4323 +4324 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Lonnie D. COPELAND (born on 21 Apr 1875). Maude Lee COPELAND (born on 28 Aug 1877). Mittie COPELAND (born in 1880). Lila COPELAND (born on 10 Oct 1887). Viola COPELAND (born in 1888). Floyd COPELAND (born in 1890). William Columbus COPELAND (born on 12 Aug 1892). 1660. John Preston COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jul 1856 in Johnson, AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Lavaca Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in karnes co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in karnes co., TX. He died on 11 Dec 1927. John Preston COPELAND and Nancy A. CASTELLOW were married on 18 May 1880. Nancy A. CASTELLOW was born John Preston COPELAND and Nancy A. CASTELLOW had the following children: +4325 4326 4327 +4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. William Abbie COPELAND (born on 18 Jan 1882). ADa COPELAND was born on 16 Oct 1883 in TX. Ida E. COPELAND was born on 13 Jul 1886 in TX. James P. COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1888). Addie COPELAND was born on 6 Jul 1893 in TX. Elton J. COPELAND was born on 4 Jul 1896 in TX. Ortha M. COPELAND was born on 2 Jan 1898 in TX. Holland COPELAND was born in Jan 1900 in TX. Laura Ann BELL was born in 1867 in TX. John Preston COPELAND and Laura Ann BELL had the following children: 4333 4334 i. Edna COPELAND was born in 1905 in karnes co., TX. ii. Glynn COPELAND was born in 1908 in karnes co., TX. 1661. Lucinda Jane COPELAND (Esau Silas-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jul 1859 in MO.. She died on 9 Jan 1919 in Yoakum, Lavaca Co., TX. Lucinda Jane COPELAND and John Ellison HAIRELL were married on 18 May 1880 in TX. John Ellison HAIRELL was born on 13 Feb 1857 in AL. He died on 18 Oct 1933 in County Line Cem., Lovaca Co., TX. Lucinda Jane COPELAND and John Ellison HAIRELL had the following children: +4335 +4336 +4337 +4338 4339 +4340 +4341 +4342 +4343 4344 4345 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. John Henley HAIRELL (born on 2 Aug 1881). Stephen Decatur HAIRELL (born on 10 Sep 1883). George Walter HAIRELL (born on 11 Sep 1885). Jesse HAIRELL (born on 29 Jan 1887). Edward E. HAIRELL was born on 4 May 1889 in Lavaca Co., TX. He died on 9 Apr 1963 in TX. Robert H. HAIRELL (born in 1886). Frank HAIRELL (born on 2 Apr 1893). Woody Forest HAIRELL (born on 29 Sep 1895). Vollie HAIRELL (born on 5 Jan 1898). Ollie HAIRELL was born on 5 Jan 1898 in Lovaca, TX. Otto HAIRELL was born on 5 Sep 1900 in Lovaca, TX. He died on 19 Dec 1978 in TX. 1662. Dawson Huston COPELAND (James S.-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1847 in Overton Co, TN. 300 Descendants of William COPELAND Dawson Huston COPELAND and Elizabeth GOODPASTURE were married on 25 Sep 1867 in Overton Co., TN. Elizabeth GOODPASTURE was born 1665. John B. COPELAND (James S.-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Aug 1853 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. living w/ mother, Nancy He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. S. Louvinia was born in Mar 1859 in TN. John B. COPELAND and S. Louvinia had the following children: 4346 4347 +4348 4349 4350 4351 +4352 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Hannah COPELAND was born in 1882 in Overton Co, TN. James J. COPELAND was born in Nov 1883 in Overton Co, TN. John M. Frank COPELAND (born in Aug 1885). Jesse W. COPELAND was born in Aug 1887 in Overton Co, TN. Callie COPELAND was born on 20 Nov 1895 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 28 Dec 1903 in John Vaughn Cem., Overton Co., TN. vi. Oda COPELAND was born in Mar 1897 in Overton Co, TN. vii. Nancy COPELAND (born in Sep 1900). 1666. Larkin Andrew COPELAND (James S.-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Jan 1858 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Putnam Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN. has his three sons and Clara,20 and Cleo,19 as daughters in law. He died on 20 Jan 1921 in Cookeville City Cem., Cumberland Co., TN. Frances Callie FERGUSON (daughter of Benjamin F. FERGUSON and Lutisha 'Tessie' GOODWIN) was born on 19 Oct 1869 in TN. She died on 1 Jun 1946 in Cookeville City Cem., Cumberland Co., TN. Larkin Andrew COPELAND and Frances Callie FERGUSON had the following children: 4353 +4354 +4355 i. Charlie L. COPELAND was born in Oct 1889 in Putnam Co, TN. ii. Robert H. COPELAND (born in May 1893). iii. Jennings Bryant COPELAND (born on 21 Aug 1895). 1667. Joseph Jefferson COPELAND (James S.-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1859 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Barren Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Barren Co., KY. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Barren Co., KY. Joseph Jefferson COPELAND and Sarah A DAVIS were married on 13 Apr 1883 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah A DAVIS was born in 1858. She died before 1910 in Barren Co., KY. Joseph Jefferson COPELAND and Sarah A DAVIS had the following children: 4356 4357 4358 i. Emmett COPELAND was born in 1886 in TN. ii. Issac N. Mitchell COPELAND was born in 1890 in TN. iii. Claudia COPELAND was born in 1894 in TN. Lular M. was born in 1871 in KY. Joseph Jefferson COPELAND and Lular M. had the following children: 4359 4360 i. Lucile COPELAND was born in 1907 in Barren Co., KY. ii. Joseph E. COPELAND was born in 1909 in Barren Co., KY. 1668. Amanda Catharine COPELAND (James S.-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Oct 1861 in Overton Co., TN. She died on 21 Feb 1925 in Putnam Co, TN. She was buried in Paran Methodist Church Cem., Rickman, Overton Co., TN. Amanda Catharine COPELAND and Issac F. GRAGG were married on 30 Oct 1880 in Overton Co., TN. Issac F. GRAGG was born 301 Descendants of William COPELAND 1669. James Calvin COPELAND (Andrew Jackson Carney-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Overton Co, TN-1st District-Netherland. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Simpson Co., KY. He died in 1887 in Simpson Co., KY. James Calvin COPELAND and Mary L. YELTON were married in 1866 in Overton Co., TN. Mary L. YELTON (daughter of Charles Louis YELTON and Edith NORRIS) was born on 30 Oct 1852 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Simpson Co., KY. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Simpson Co., KY. She died on 14 Jul 1947 in Sumner Co., TN. James Calvin COPELAND and Mary L. YELTON had the following children: +4361 4362 +4363 +4364 i. ii. iii. iv. Lockie A. COPELAND (born in 1868). James L. COPELAND was born on 16 Nov 1874 in Simpson Co., KY. William Thomas COPELAND (born on 16 Nov 1875). Charles Calvin COPELAND (born in 1877). 1671. James Carrol C. COPELAND (Andrew Jackson Carney-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Nov 1851 in Overton Co, TN. In 1900 he was a Supervisor of Sawmill in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 3 Jun 1930 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. Lettie Jane MAXWELL (daughter of Henry Simon MAXWELL and Mary Catherine EVANS) was born on 9 Dec 1853 in Hilham, Overton Co., TN. She died on 14 Jun 1914 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. James Carrol C. COPELAND and Lettie Jane MAXWELL had the following children: +4365 +4366 +4367 +4368 +4369 +4370 +4371 4372 +4373 +4374 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Andrew COPELAND (born in 1874). Ella Mae COPELAND (born on 19 Jul 1875). Simeon 'Sim' A. COPELAND (born on 8 Sep 1877). Katherine COPELAND (born in 1879). Ave COPELAND (born in Jun 1881). Martha A. COPELAND (born on 10 Sep 1883). Mary COPELAND. Nora D. COPELAND was born on 13 Jun 1888 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 3 Oct 1910 in TN. Comer 'Conmie' C. COPELAND (born in Jun 1891). Daisy Odell COPELAND (born in Oct 1894). 1672. Sarah P. COPELAND (Andrew Jackson Carney-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in 1855 in Overton Co, TN. She died in 1948 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. MILLER was born 1675. Martha P. COPELAND (Andrew Jackson Carney-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1863 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Martha P. COPELAND and William L. 'Fate' CARVILE were married on 2 Jul 1882 in Overton Co., TN. William L. 'Fate' CARVILE (son of John CARVILE and Sarah) was born in 1860 in TN. Martha P. COPELAND and William L. 'Fate' CARVILE had the following children: +4375 i. Nettie CARVILE (born on 2 Dec 1890). 1676. Alta D. COPELAND (Andrew Jackson Carney-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. Alta D. COPELAND and R.T. COFFMAN were married on 23 Nov 1887 in Overton Co., TN. R.T. COFFMAN was born in 1864 in TN. 302 Descendants of William COPELAND 1677. Mary F. COPELAND (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1857 in Overton Co, TN. Mary F. COPELAND and John R. GARRETT were married in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. John R. GARRETT (son of Jacob 'Jake' GARRETT and Frances MARTIN) was born in 1859 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. Mary F. COPELAND and John R. GARRETT had the following children: 4376 +4377 4378 4379 i. ii. iii. iv. Dorothy GARRETT was born in 1882 in Overton Co, TN. Jake 'Little Jake' GARRETT (born on 12 Mar 1887). Julia GARRETT was born in 1891 in Overton Co, TN. Sara GARRETT was born in 1896 in Overton Co, TN. 1678. Sarah Priley COPELAND (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1858 in Overton Co, TN. William C. 'Will' HUGHES was born on 14 Dec 1845 in TN. He died on 19 Dec 1917 in Campground Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1680. Elizabeth 'Liz' COPELAND (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) died on 2 Feb 1857 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. She was born on 14 Jul 1862 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co, TN. never married Elizabeth 'Liz' COPELAND had the following children: +4380 i. Albert C. COPELAND (born on 10 Mar 1889). 1684. William 'Bill' C. COPELAND (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1873 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co., TN. William 'Bill' C. COPELAND and Emma TERRY were married in 1907 in Overton Co., TN. Emma TERRY was born in 1890 in TN. William 'Bill' C. COPELAND and Emma TERRY had the following children: +4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Lona COPELAND (born in 1914). Melynn COPELAND was born in 1916 in Overton Co, TN. Jessie J. COPELAND was born in 1917 in Overton Co, TN. Thomas G. 'Tomas' COPELAND was born in 1919 in Overton Co, TN. Willie C. COPELAND was born in 1924 in Overton Co., TN. Charlie S. COPELAND was born in 1926 in Overton Co., TN. Mattie J. COPELAND was born in 1929 in Overton Co., TN. William 'Bill' C. COPELAND and Versa C. GEISLING were married on 10 Sep 1931 in Overton County, Tennessee. Versa C. GEISLING was born 1685. John Matthew COPELAND Jr (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Aug 1876 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Davidson Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Robertson Co., TN. He died in Nov 1954 in Adams Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. John Matthew COPELAND Jr and Hettie Ann ADAMS were married on 1 May 1899 in Overton Co, TN. Hettie Ann ADAMS was born in 1885 in TN. John Matthew COPELAND Jr and Hettie Ann ADAMS had the following children: 303 Descendants of William COPELAND 4388 4389 +4390 4391 +4392 4393 +4394 +4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Bertie S. COPELAND was born in 1900 in Overton Co, TN. Helen COPELAND was born in 1902 in Overton Co, TN. Pearl COPELAND (born in 1904). Rube COPELAND was born in 1907 in Overton Co, TN. Virgie COPELAND (born in 1909). Robert COPELAND was born in 1911 in Robertson Co., TN. John Lewis COPELAND. Margie COPELAND. Jean COPELAND was born Bonnie Fay COPELAND was born Kenneth Ray COPELAND was born Billie Joe COPELAND was born Katie Mai BOYD was born 1686. Joe Tom COPELAND (John Matthew 'Molley'-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1879 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co., TN-3rd District. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Overton Co., TN-3rd District. He died on 25 May 1951 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Concord Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1920 census says that Julian 50, b.1870 is his brother Joe Tom COPELAND and Martha E. DAILEY were married on 7 Feb 1904 in Overton Co, TN. Martha E. DAILEY (daughter of George DAILEY and Margaret HUGHES) was born on 18 Jan 1881 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 24 May 1952 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Concord Cem., Overton Co., TN. Joe Tom COPELAND and Martha E. DAILEY had the following children: +4400 +4401 +4402 +4403 +4404 +4405 +4406 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Clure D. COPELAND (born on 26 Feb 1905). Herman S. COPELAND (born on 11 Sep 1907). Lora M. COPELAND (born on 23 Jul 1911). Ora Myrtle COPELAND (born on 13 Oct 1915). Illa COPELAND (born on 4 Aug 1917). Cleve COPELAND (born on 14 Jun 1921). Cecil Vanous COPELAND (born on 26 Feb 1923). 1687. William Madison 'Willie' WILLIFORD (Nancy B. COPELAND-7, James Richardson-6, Josiah-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1873 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 10 Feb 1954 in Bristow, Creek Co., OK. William Madison 'Willie' WILLIFORD and Bulah Ann DAUGHERTY were married in 1897 in Collin Co., TX. Bulah Ann DAUGHERTY was born William Madison 'Willie' WILLIFORD and Bulah Ann DAUGHERTY had the following children: 4407 i. Alvin WILLIFORD was born in 1897 in Collin Co., TX. Mary Ann WILLIAMS was born in 1884. William Madison 'Willie' WILLIFORD and Mary Ann WILLIAMS had the following children: 4408 4409 i. Norman WILLIFORD was born in 1904. ii. Willie Edgar WILLIFORD was born on 5 Nov 1910 in Choctaw Co., OK. He died on 1 Aug 1969 in Fresno, Madera Co., CA. 1690. Charles C. COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1819 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Saline Co., MO. He died before 1860 in Saline Co., MO. Charles C. COPELAND and Eliza Ann HUFF were married on 10 Dec 1846 in Saline Co., MO. Eliza Ann HUFF was born in 1822 in MO. She died before 1860 in Saline Co., MO. Charles C. COPELAND and Eliza Ann HUFF had the following 304 Descendants of William COPELAND children: 4410 4411 4412 i. Medora Artemesia COPELAND was born in 1847 in MO. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. Charles and Ann are not listed ii. Mary A. COPELAND was born in 1849 in MO. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. charles and ann are not listed iii. John COPELAND was born in 1851 in Saline Co., MO. 1691. Joel COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Harrison Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Mercer Co., MO. Sarah Jane NICHOLS was born in 1822 in MO. Joel COPELAND and Sarah Jane NICHOLS had the following children: +4413 4414 +4415 +4416 4417 4418 4419 +4420 4421 +4422 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Thompson COPELAND (born in 1841). Robinson COPELAND was born in 1843 in MO. John H. COPELAND (born in 1844). Lafayette COPELAND (born in 1846). Sarah Ann COPELAND was born in 1848 in MO. Andrew Jackson COPELAND was born in 1849 in Harrison Co., MO. W.P.H. COPELAND was born in 1853 in MO. William M. COPELAND (born on 5 Mar 1858). Milton COPELAND was born in 1859 in MO. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1868). 1692. Auldman COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1823 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. Auldman COPELAND and Lucy A. GAULDING were married on 12 Jul 1846 in Saline Co., MO. Lucy A. GAULDING was born in 1825 in VA. Auldman COPELAND and Lucy A. GAULDING had the following children: +4423 4424 4425 i. James Boliver COPELAND (born in 1849). ii. William E. COPELAND was born in 1851 in Saline Co., MO. iii. John A. COPELAND was born in 1859 in Saline Co., MO. 1693. Catherine COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1824. Catherine COPELAND and Phidella E. MULLINS were married on 29 Jun 1844 in Saline Co., AR. Phidella E. MULLINS (son of Elijah MULLINS and Mary) was born 1694. Jane COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 May 1830 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. She died on 6 Feb 1912 in MO. Jane COPELAND and William Elmore MULLINS were married on 22 Oct 1846 in Saline Co., MO. William Elmore MULLINS (son of Elijah MULLINS and Mary) was born Jane COPELAND and William Elmore MULLINS had the following children: +4426 +4427 4428 +4429 +4430 +4431 +4432 4433 i. Chanie Ann MULLINS (born on 16 May 1848). ii. Mary MULLINS (born on 25 Dec 1849). iii. Martha E. MULLINS was born in Oct 1854 in Cainsville, Harrison Co., MO. She died on 11 Feb 1855 in Cainsville, Harrison Co., MO. iv. Charles Jefferson MULLINS (born in Feb 1856). v. Lucy MULLINS (born on 15 Sep 1858). vi. William Elmore MULLINS (born in Aug 1881). vii. Sis MULLINS (born in 1864). viii. Sweet MULLINS was born in 1886 in Cainsville, Harrison Co., MO. 305 Descendants of William COPELAND 1695. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in platte co., mo. He died before 1880 in platte co., mo. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Charity OLVIS were married about 1864 in Saline Co., MO. Charity OLVIS was born in 1850 in MO. Thomas Jefferson COPELAND and Charity OLVIS had the following children: 4434 4435 4436 i. John F. COPELAND was born in 1864 in platte co., mo. He appeared in the census in 1880 in platte co., mo. living w/ Wm Olvis ii. Robert Lee COPELAND was born in 1864 in platte co., mo. He appeared in the census in 1880 in platte co., mo. living w/ Wm Olvis iii. Joel COPELAND was born in 1869 in platte co., mo. 1696. William COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Oct 1834 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Saline Co., MO. He died on 15 Jan 1909 in good hope cem., saline co., mo.. Sarah H. was born in 1827. She died on 16 Jun 1846 in good hope cem., saline co., mo.. William COPELAND and Martha MOSES were married on 30 Aug 1865 in Saline Co., MO. Martha MOSES was born in 1844 in VA. William COPELAND and Martha MOSES had the following children: 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Arthur L. COPELAND was born in 1867 in MO. Luther COPELAND was born in 1869 in Saline Co., MO. Mary COPELAND was born in 1873 in Saline Co., MO. William COPELAND was born in 1876 in Saline Co., MO. Stella COPELAND was born in 1878 in Saline Co., MO. 1698. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837 in Propaly, Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1860 in platte co., mo. He appeared in the census in 1880 in platte co., mo. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND and Grace A. were married about 1857 in MO. Grace A. was born in 1841 in MO. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND and Grace A. had the following children: 4442 i. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1858 in platte co., mo. Amanda was born in 1831 in KY. Benjamin Franklin COPELAND and Amanda had the following children: 4443 i. Benjamin COPELAND was born in 1879 in platte co., mo. 1699. Joel COPELAND (John-7, Joel-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1839 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Saline Co., AR. Joel COPELAND and Sarah Jane OLVIS were married in 1861 in platte co., mo. Sarah Jane OLVIS was born in 1846 in MO. Joel COPELAND and Sarah Jane OLVIS had the following children: +4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. John W. COPELAND (born in 1863). Sarah COPELAND was born in 1865 in platte co., mo. THomas Jefferson COPELAND was born in 1869 in platte co., mo. Chariet COPELAND was born in 1872 in platte co., mo. Malinda COPELAND was born in 1875 in platte co., mo. William F. COPELAND was born in 1877 in platte co., mo. 1707. Alexander P. BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 306 Descendants of William COPELAND was born on 8 Apr 1822 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Oct 1892 in William Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co, TN. Alexander P. BILBREY and Mary Melvina MATTHEWS were married on 23 Apr 1843. Mary Melvina MATTHEWS (daughter of John MATTHEWS and Sarah SHOOKMAN) was born on 29 May 1824 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 7 Nov 1900 in William Bilbrey Cem., Overton Co, TN. Alexander P. BILBREY and Mary Melvina MATTHEWS had the following children: 4450 +4451 +4452 +4453 +4454 +4455 +4456 +4457 +4458 4459 +4460 +4461 i. Tennessee A. BILBREY was born on 17 Feb 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 7 Mar 1916 in Overton Co, TN. ii. Harriet Ellen BILBREY (born on 4 Sep 1845). iii. John Porter BILBREY (born on 2 Sep 1847). iv. Adelia Lobescake BILBREY (born on 9 Dec 1849). v. Landon LaFayette BILBREY (born on 1 Mar 1852). vi. Charity Jeanetta BILBREY (born on 27 May 1854). vii. Leitha Parmelia BILBREY (born on 7 Oct 1856). viii. George Butler BILBREY (born in 1858). ix. Orville A. BILBREY (born in 1861). x. Sarah Emma BILBREY was born on 13 Oct 1863 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 4 Jan 1890 in Overton Co, TN. xi. Landona V. BILBREY (born on 7 Apr 1866). xii. Fletcher Felix BILBREY (born on 23 Oct 1869). 1710. Francis Marion BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 24 Nov 1827 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Feb 1911 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Mary Catherine ELDRIDGE (daughter of Jesse ELDRIDGE and Elizabeth Riley 'Nancy' STEWART) was born in 1839 in TN. She died on 13 Jan 1908 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Francis Marion BILBREY and Mary Catherine ELDRIDGE had the following children: +4462 +4463 +4464 4465 4466 +4467 4468 +4469 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Jesse Vernantus BILBREY (born in Apr 1858). Lemuel L. BILBREY (born on 19 Jan 1860). Sarah B. BILBREY (born on 9 Mar 1862). Susan Selina BILBREY was born in 1865 in Overton Co, TN. Emma L. BILBREY was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Bailey Conaster BILBREY (born in Aug 1870). Arkley BILBREY was born in 1874 in Overton Co, TN. David Alastus BILBREY (born on 19 Jan 1880). 1712. Eliza Jane BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 May 1832 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 21 Jun 1905 in Old Nelson Cem., Overton Co., TN. Joe DECK was born on 29 Mar 1831 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 6 Nov 1905 in Old Nelson Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1713. Selina Frances BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 4 Nov 1834 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 2 Jun 1898. REEVES was born 1715. Martin Van Buren BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 4 Jul 1840 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 11 Jun 1921 in Old Nelson Cem., Overton Co., TN. Emma Jane POTTER was born on 31 Jul 1845. She died on 17 Mar 1909 in Old Nelson Cem., Overton Co., TN. Martin Van Buren BILBREY and Emma Jane POTTER had the following children: 307 Descendants of William COPELAND +4470 +4471 +4472 +4473 i. ii. iii. iv. Alta Helen M. BILBREY (born in 1864). William Caleb BILBREY (born on 3 Nov 1865). Josephine BILBREY (born on 31 Jan 1868). Dow Terry BILBREY (born on 31 Jul 1870). 1716. Felix Grundy BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 10 Dec 1842 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 22 Jul 1908 in Okalona Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Emeline Isabelle MOREDOCK (daughter of Thomas MOREDOCK and Elizabeth) was born on 5 Oct 1844. She died on 30 Jan 1883 in Overton Co, TN. Felix Grundy BILBREY and Emeline Isabelle MOREDOCK had the following children: +4474 +4475 i. Sidney Johnson BILBREY (born on 19 Dec 1871). ii. Ridley Timberlake BILBREY (born on 17 Oct 1874). Felix Grundy BILBREY and Sarah Jane JACKSON were married about 1884 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Jane JACKSON (daughter of Thomas H. JACKSON and Salome R. MATTHEWS) was born on 17 Nov 1861 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 8 Mar 1933 in Overton Co, TN. 1717. Alvin Cullom BILBREY (William-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Sep 1845 in Overton Co, TN. Laura POTTER was born 1719. Benjamin Franklin 'Binom' BILBREY (John-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1819 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died on 7 Aug 1872 in Putnam County, Tennessee. He was buried in Shady Grove Cem., Overton County, Tennessee. Margaret Ann O'NEAL was born on 3 Jun 1820 in , Virginia. She died on 13 Sep 1886 in Putnam County, Tennessee. She was buried in Shady Grove Cem., Overton County, Tennessee. Benjamin Franklin 'Binom' BILBREY and Margaret Ann O'NEAL had the following children: 4476 +4477 4478 4479 +4480 4481 +4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 i. Silas Felix BILBREY was born about 1840 in Putnam Co., TN. ii. Dr. Felix Hickman BILBREY (born on 10 Aug 1841). iii. Julia Ann BILBREY was born on 4 May 1843 in , Tennessee. She was buried in Jun 1921 in Bilbrey, Cemetery, Overton County, Tennessee. She died on 18 Jun 1921 in Livingston, Tennessee. iv. Parela Emeline BILBREY was born on 20 Dec 1844 in , Tennessee. She died on 8 Mar 1894 in , Tennessee. v. Hilary G. BILBREY (born on 20 Jan 1847). vi. James M. BILBREY was born on 15 Jun 1849 in , Tennessee. He died on 6 Sep 1922 in MONTEREY, Overton County, Tennessee. He was buried on 7 Sep 1922 in Bilbrey Cem., MONTEREY, Overton County, Tennessee. death Certificate vii. John M. BILBREY (born in 1851). viii. Arrissa Cathanda BILBREY was born on 13 Mar 1853 in , Tennessee. She died on 8 Feb 1929 in Putnam County, Tennessee. She was buried in Feb 1929 in Bilbrey, Cemetery, Overton County, Tennessee. ix. Florida C. BILBREY was born about 1855 in , Tennessee. x. William T. BILBREY was born on 8 Oct 1859 in , Tennessee. He died on 8 Oct 1879 in , Tennessee. xi. Narvesta L. BILBREY was born on 18 Jul 1861 in , Tennessee. She died on 1 Jun 1946 in , Tennessee. She was buried in Jun 1946 in Bilbrey, Cemetery, Overton County, Tennessee. 1720. William C. 'Little William' BILBREY (John-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jan 1821 in Overton Co, TN. He was born on 12 Jan 1821 in Overton County, Tennessee. He 308 Descendants of William COPELAND died on 14 Aug 1898 in Putnam County, Tennessee. He was buried on 16 Aug 1898 in Bilbrey Family, Cemetery, Putnam County, Tennessee. Nancy Melissa BILBREY (daughter of Benton BILBREY and Patience 'Pasha' BILBREY) was born on 13 Mar 1820 in Overton Co, TN. She was born on 13 Mar 1820 in Overton County, Tennessee. She died on 12 Oct 1901 in TN. She died on 12 Oct 1901 in Putnam County, Tennessee. She was buried on 13 Oct 1901 in Bilbrey Family, Cemetery, Putnam County, Tennessee. William C. 'Little William' BILBREY and Nancy Melissa BILBREY had the following children: +4487 +4488 +4489 +4490 +4491 +4492 +4493 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Surilda BILBREY (born on 12 May 1844). Dawson Jackson BILBREY (born on 28 Jul 1846). Permelia Asenath BILBREY (born on 28 Jul 1848). Logan Richardson BILBREY (born on 8 Jul 1850). Adelia Catherine BILBREY (born on 22 Aug 1852). Andrew Johnson BILBREY (born on 22 Mar 1854). Winifred Louisa BILBREY (born on 8 Jun 1860). 1722. Martha HARTSAW (Nancy BILBREY-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1830 in Overton Co., TN. Sinclair BILBREY (son of Benton BILBREY and Patience 'Pasha' BILBREY) was born in 1822 in Overton Co, TN. Martha HARTSAW and Sinclair BILBREY had the following children: +4494 +4495 +4496 +4497 +4498 4499 +4500 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. William J. BILBREY (born on 27 Nov 1861). Fredrick Benton BILBREY (born in 1867). Articlia BILBREY. Clerinda C. BILBREY (born on 17 Jul 1856). Arminda BILBREY. Nancy Jane BILBREY was born Adelia BILBREY (born on 15 Apr 1859). 1723. Hannah HARTSAW (Nancy BILBREY-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in TN. She was born in 1832 in Overton County, Tennessee. She died between 1860 and 1870 in Overton County, Tennessee. She died before 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Carter BILBREY (son of Isaac BILBREY and Clarcy Rebecca CARTER) was born in 1829 in Overton Co, TN. He was born in 1829 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died between 1860 and 1870 in Overton County, Tennessee. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died in 1924 in Overton Co, TN. Hannah HARTSAW and Carter BILBREY had the following children: +4501 +4502 +4497 +4503 +4504 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Alvin Turner BILBREY (born on 23 Jan 1849). Mary Jane BILBREY (born in 1854). Clerinda C. BILBREY (born on 17 Jul 1856). Ephraim B. BILBREY (born on 14 Nov 1857). Sarah BILBREY (born in 1859). 1724. Sarah C. 'Sallie' HARTSAW (Nancy BILBREY-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born on 7 Jul 1835 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 2 Jun 1921 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. John Frank MATTHEWS (son of John MATTHEWS and Sarah SHOOKMAN) was born on 5 Jul 1829 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 4 May 1906 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah C. 'Sallie' HARTSAW and John Frank MATTHEWS had the following children: 4505 +4506 4507 4508 i. ii. iii. iv. Martha MATTHEWS was born in 1855 in Overton Co, TN. George L. MATTHEWS (born on 21 Oct 1856). Anna Elizabeth MATTHEWS was born in 1859 in Overton Co, TN. Elva J. MATTHEWS was born in 1861. 309 Descendants of William COPELAND 4509 4510 4511 4512 v. vi. vii. viii. Harriett A. MATTHEWS was born in 1865 in Overton Co, TN. Frances A. MATTHEWS was born in 1867 in Overton Co, TN. Delind MATTHEWS was born in 1871 in Overton Co, TN. Joe M. MATTHEWS was born on 27 Feb 1875 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 9 Mar 1945 in Bethlehem Cem, Overton Co., TN. 1725. Fredrick HARTSAW Jr (Nancy BILBREY-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. He died before 1880 in Overton Co., TN. Mary FOSTER was born Antismey DECK (daughter of Frederick DECK Jr. and Catherine QUALLS) was born in 1838 in Overton Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. living with Louis Bilbrey,36 Fredrick HARTSAW Jr and Antismey DECK had the following children: +4513 i. Mary S. HARTSAW (born on 6 Mar 1858). 1726. Chamberlain Belk BILBREY (Henry Harrison-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas2, William-1) was born in Apr 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Aug 1906 in Bethsaida Cem., Overton Co., TN. Chamberlain Belk BILBREY and Adaline Jane ROBBINS were married on 20 Feb 1871 in Overton Co, TN. Adaline Jane ROBBINS (daughter of James ROBBINS) was born on 8 Sep 1847 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 19 Feb 1898 in Bethsaida Cem., Overton Co., TN. Chamberlain Belk BILBREY and Adaline Jane ROBBINS had the following children: 4514 +4515 +4516 +4517 +4518 4519 +4520 +4521 +4522 +4523 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Isaac Joyner BILBREY was born in Apr 1865 in Overton Co, TN. He died in OK. Andrew Jackson BILBREY (born in May 1870). Lewis Allen BILBREY (born on 8 Sep 1870). Sarah Arrissa BILBREY (born on 5 Mar 1873). James Floyd BILBREY (born on 13 Aug 1876). Eliza M. BILBREY was born on 7 Jan 1879 in Overton Co, TN. Mary Florence BILBREY (born on 8 Oct 1882). Etta Martella Tela BILBREY (born on 10 Apr 1885). Martha Elizabeth BILBREY (born on 10 Apr 1888). Marian A. BILBREY (born on 15 Sep 1890). 1728. William Henry BILBREY (Henry Harrison-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Apr 1841 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 21 Feb 1927 in Bethsaida Cem., Overton Co., TN. William Henry BILBREY and Sarah Jane RIDDLE were married on 28 Feb 1869 in Overton Co, TN. Sarah Jane RIDDLE was born in Jul 1851 in Putnam Co, TN. She died on 9 Mar 1911 in Warren Co., TN. William Henry BILBREY and Sarah Jane RIDDLE had the following children: +4524 +4525 +4526 4527 +4528 +4529 +4530 4531 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Joseph Finley BILBREY (born in Jan 1871). James Poster BILBREY (born in 1873). A. Vondora BILBREY (born in 1875). Lunoria U. BILBREY was born on 22 Sep 1877 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 23 Dec 1899. Candis L. BILBREY (born in Sep 1883). Ellie Verna BILBREY (born on 27 Mar 1885). Georgia D. BILBREY (born on 15 Sep 1907). Worley E. BILBREY was born on 2 May 1893 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 7 Aug 1915 in TN. 1730. Granville Findley BILBREY (Henry Harrison-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Sep 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 5 May 1922 in Warren Co., TN. Granville Findley BILBREY and Nancy Jane ALLRED were married on 5 Jan 1870 in Overton Co, TN. Nancy Jane ALLRED (daughter of Bailey ALLRED and Sarah 'Sallie' COPELAND) was born in 1847 in TN. She was born on 1 Aug 310 Descendants of William COPELAND 1848 in West Fork, Overton Co, TN. She died on 29 Oct 1880 in Allred Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Granville Findley BILBREY and Nancy Jane ALLRED had the following children: +3781 3782 i. John H. BILBREY (born in 1876). ii. Lena BILBREY (born in 1880). Granville Findley BILBREY and Martha were married about 1881 in Overton Co, TN. Martha was born in 1846. She died about 1900. Granville Findley BILBREY and Martha had the following children: 4532 +4533 i. Dela BILBREY was born in 1882. ii. Venoy Odie BILBREY (born in 1886). Granville Findley BILBREY and Emaline ST. JOHN were married on 1 Mar 1903. Emaline ST. JOHN was born Granville Findley BILBREY and Sarah MILLER were married in 1910. Sarah MILLER was born 1731. Martha Jane BILBREY (Henry Harrison-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1852 in TN. She died on 8 Jan 1915 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Martha Jane BILBREY and Ahi Dee SWALLOWS were married on 5 Jun 1879 in Overton Co., TN. Ahi Dee SWALLOWS (son of Rueben C. SWALLOWS and Bethena C. DECK) was born on 10 Mar 1844 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co., TN. He died on 21 Sep 1921 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Martha Jane BILBREY and Ahi Dee SWALLOWS had the following children: 4019 4020 i. Idumia SWALLOWS (born in 1868). ii. J.K. SWALLOWS (born in 1875). Alvin PHILLIPS (son of George PHILLIPS and Rebecca) was born in 1845 in Overton Co, TN. Martha Jane BILBREY and Alvin PHILLIPS had the following children: +4534 i. Martin Wheeler Phillips BILBREY (born on 18 Jan 1871). 1732. W.A. BILBREY (Henry Harrison-7, Alvina COPELAND-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1863 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 29 Jun 1945 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. Rebecca was born on 30 Mar 1867 in TN. She died on 15 Nov 1930 in PIne Ridge Cem., Overton Co., TN. 1736. David COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1810 in TN. He was living in 1840 in MO. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Benton Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Pope Co., AR. maybe the son of Josiah, not Daniel Amanda D. WILLIAMS (daughter of WILLIAMS and Sarah) was born in 1823 in MO. David COPELAND and Amanda D. WILLIAMS had the following children: 4535 4536 4537 i. James W. COPELAND was born in 1842 in AR. ii. David M. COPELAND was born in 1844 in AR. iii. Newton W. COPELAND was born in 1847 in AR. 1737. William C. COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in TN. He died about 1865 in Benton Co., AR. William C. COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' LACKEY were married in 1840 in AR. Mary Ann 'Polly' LACKEY (daughter of George Washington LACKEY and Elizabeth MODGLIN) was born in 1818 in IL. She died in 1877 in Fannin Co., TX. William C. COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Polly' LACKEY had the following children: 311 Descendants of William COPELAND +4538 4539 +4540 4541 +4542 +4543 +4544 +4545 +4546 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Josiah H. 'Joe' COPELAND (born on 24 Nov 1841). Cassandra COPELAND was born in 1842 in AR. Margaret Elizabeth 'Eliza' COPELAND (born in 1844). Texana COPELAND was born in 1846 in Fannin Co., TX. James Rose COPELAND (born on 15 Jul 1849). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 15 Jul 1849). Green Lackey COPELAND (born on 25 Feb 1851). Sarah Adeline COPELAND (born in 1854). William C. 'Bud' COPELAND Jr. (born on 10 Dec 1858). 1738. Harriet B. COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Jul 1817 in TN. She died in 1857 in Benton Co., AR. Harriet B. COPELAND and Ambrose Gore WILLIAMS were married on 21 Feb 1835 in Benton Co., AR. Ambrose Gore WILLIAMS (son of WILLIAMS and Sarah) was born on 26 Oct 1813 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 4 Nov 1902 in Coryell Co., TX. Harriet B. COPELAND and Ambrose Gore WILLIAMS had the following children: 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 +4553 4554 i. Samuel Newton 'Newt' WILLIAMS was born on 27 Mar 1836 in Benton Co., AR. He died on 7 Dec 1907 in Pond, Benton Co., AR. ii. Mary E. WILLIAMS was born on 13 Nov 1837 in Benton Co., AR. She died on 13 Nov 1857. iii. Addison Monroe WILLIAMS was born on 20 Feb 1840 in Newton Co., MO. He died on 30 Jan 1924 in Pauls Valley, OK. iv. Harvey V. WILLIAMS was born on 6 Aug 1842 in Newton Co., MO. He died on 9 Sep 1864. v. Narcissa Jane WILLIAMS was born on 26 Sep 1844 in Newton Co., MO. vi. Sarah A. WILLIAMS was born on 22 Sep 1847 in Benton Co., AR. She died on 8 Mar 1867. vii. James David WILLIAMS (born on 22 Aug 1849). viii. John Columbus WILLIAMS was born on 17 Feb 1852 in Benton Co., AR. He died in 1920 in Portland, Or. train Crash 1739. Susan Clarissa COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1820 in Overton Co, TN. James RUSSELL was born in 1815 in TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Benton Co., AR. Susan Clarissa COPELAND and James RUSSELL had the following children: 4555 4556 i. Susan RUSSELL was born in 1847 in AR. ii. Carlisle RUSSELL was born in 1848 in Benton Co., AR. 1740. Rebecca COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1829 in TN. She died in 1901 in Lincoln, Washington Co., AR. Rebecca COPELAND and Arthur E. NORWOOD were married about 1844. Arthur E. NORWOOD was born about 1825 in TN. He died. Rebecca COPELAND and Arthur E. NORWOOD had the following children: 4557 +4558 +4559 +4560 i. John NORWOOD was born about 1845 in AR. He died on 29 Jul 1864 in Ft Smith, AR. Was executed by the Union Army along with A.J. Copeland ii. Margaret Rebecca NORWOOD (born on 13 Jan 1851). iii. William M. NORWOOD (born on 11 Oct 1854). iv. Thomas W. NORWOOD (born in 1855). 1742. Nancy COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in Benton Co., AR. She died before 1870. Nancy COPELAND and William Henry HARRISON were married in Benton Co., AR. William Henry HARRISON (son of Malachi HARRISON and Nancy BAGGETT) was born in 1831 in Benton Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1870. Nancy COPELAND and William Henry HARRISON had the following children: 312 Descendants of William COPELAND 4561 4562 4563 4564 i. ii. iii. iv. John HARRISON was born James HARRISON was born Thomas HARRISON was born Nancy Elizabeth 'Lizzie' HARRISON was born 1744. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Daniel-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1836 in Benton Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Benton Co., AR. He died on 29 Jul 1864 in Ft Smith, AR. Executed with John Norwood by the Union Army Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Margaret were married about 1860 in Benton Co., AR. Margaret was born in 1842 in AR. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Margaret had the following children: 4565 i. Calvin COPELAND was born in Feb 1860 in Benton Co., AR. 1753. Josiah E. BILBREY (Hannah COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Dec 1824 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Overton Co., TN. He died in Overton Co, TN. He was living in Mill Creek Community, Overton Co., TN. Most of the land that Josiah owned is now under water from the Dale Hollow Dam Josiah E. BILBREY and Sarah NEWBERRY were divorced on 26 Jun 1845 in Overton Co., TN. Sarah NEWBERRY was born Mahulda 'Hilda' WILLIAMS (daughter of John WILLIAMS and Edith BILBREY) was born in 1824 in Overton Co, TN. Josiah E. BILBREY and Mahulda 'Hilda' WILLIAMS had the following children: 4566 4567 +4568 +4569 +4570 +4571 +4572 +4573 i. Thomas Ramsey BILBREY was born about 1848 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Overton Co, TN. died young ii. Alvin Henderson BILBREY was born in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He died in Overton Co, TN. Died young iii. John Wesley BILBREY (born in 1855). iv. James R. BILBREY (born in Aug 1862). v. Hillory Y. 'Dink' BILBREY (born in 1868). vi. Elvin 'El' BILBREY (born on 17 Oct 1870). vii. Palina Clementine BILBREY (born in Jan 1853). viii. Edith S."Edie" BILBREY (born on 16 Apr 1861). 1757. Isham James BILBREY (Hannah COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1828. He was born in 1835 in Overton Co, TN. He died in 1863 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in George Washington Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Louisa Elizabeth BROWN was born on 16 Jul 1838 in TN. She died on 15 Feb 1880 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in George Washington Copeland Cem., Overton Co., TN. Isham James BILBREY and Louisa Elizabeth BROWN had the following children: +4574 +4575 +4576 4577 +4578 4579 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. +4580 4581 +4582 +4583 vii. viii. ix. x. Margaret Melissa BILBREY (born on 26 Jul 1855). Andrew Jackson BILBREY (born in Jan 1857). Nancy Jane BILBREY (born in 1859). Maryann 'Polly' BILBREY was born in 1861 in Overton Co, TN. Martilia Malinda BILBREY (born on 2 Mar 1864). Louvena Catherine BILBREY was born on 8 Dec 1866 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 27 Jan 1921 in TN. Joseph Burr BILBREY (born in 1868). Sutton Gilliam BILBREY was born in 1871 in Overton Co, TN. Sidney Bainbridge BILBREY (born on 7 Jul 1873). Winnie Belle BILBREY (born on 3 Jul 1875). 313 Descendants of William COPELAND +4584 xi. Lula Missouri BILBREY (born on 10 Mar 1881). 1758. Nancy BILBREY (Hannah COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born about 1827 in TN. Aaron PITTS was born in 1820 in TN. 1760. Mahala L. COPELAND (Josiah S. 'Little Joe'-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jun 1818 in Overton Co, TN. She died on 20 Sep 1904 in Overton Co, TN. She was buried in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Mahala was illegitimate. Her father was Josiah Copeland. George Washington CARMACK was born on 6 Jun 1811 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Overton Co, TN. He died on 27 Jul 1899 in Overton Co, TN. He was buried in Cash Cemetery, Overton Co., TN. Mahala L. COPELAND and George Washington CARMACK had the following children: 4585 i. Alexander CARMACK was born in 1821 in Overton Co, TN. 1764. Newton William COPELAND (James C.-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1831 in TN. He served in the military in 1861 in Civil War-1st AR. Mtd Rifles. He died on 20 Aug 1861. Newton William COPELAND and Lucinda STRICKLAND were married on 28 Jul 1851 in Pope Co., AR. Lucinda STRICKLAND (daughter of John STRICKLAND) died in 1862. Newton William COPELAND and Lucinda STRICKLAND had the following children: +4586 4587 4588 i. William P. COPELAND (born in 1855). ii. Reuben L. COPELAND was born in 1859 in AR. iii. Newton william. COPELAND was born in 1861. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Pike Co, Ar. 1765. Pauline D. COPELAND (James C.-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1832 in AR. Pauline D. COPELAND and Parron JACKSON were married on 8 Oct 1851 in Pope Co., AR. Parron JACKSON was born 1766. Sarah Jane COPELAND (James C.-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in AR. Sarah Jane COPELAND and J.F.M. SCARLETT were married on 1 Jul 1858 in Pope Co., AR. J.F.M. SCARLETT was born 1767. Rev. James P. COPELAND (James C.-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 May 1837 in Pike Co., AR. In 1850 he was a Preacher in Wolf Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Pike Co., AR. He served in the military in 1863 in Civil War-1st AR Inf Co I. He fought in McNair's Brigade and particated in battles @Oak Hill, Elhorn,Corinth,Richmand,Perryville,Murfreesboro,Chickamauga(wounded thru theleft arm),Dug gap, and Resaca. After the war he moved to dallas Co. and later to Pike Co., AR and began preaching and faming. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Dallas Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Pike Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1910 in TX. He was pastor of Wolf Creek Baptist Church. He organized it in 1872 Rev. James P. COPELAND and Manerva CARUTHERS were married on 11 Jan 1857 in Pope Co., AR. Manerva CARUTHERS (daughter of Andrew N. CARUTHERS and Frances) was born in Dec 1840 in AR. Rev. James P. COPELAND and Manerva CARUTHERS had the following children: 314 Descendants of William COPELAND 4589 4590 +4591 4592 +4593 4594 +4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 i. Eudora COPELAND was born in Mar 1860 in Gumlog TWP, Pope Co., AR. She died before 1870 in Dallas Co., AR. ii. Mary Ann COPELAND was born in 1865 in AR. iii. James P. COPELAND Jr. (born in 1867). iv. John S. COPELAND was born in 1869 in Dallas Co., AR. v. William D. COPELAND (born in 1871). vi. Rebecca COPELAND was born in 1875 in AR. vii. Gus Garland COPELAND (born in 1877). viii. Sallie Ford COPELAND was born in 1879 in AR. ix. Hix H. COPELAND was born in Dec 1880 in AR. x. Minnie M. COPELAND was born in Jan 1883 in AR. xi. Patrick Henry COPELAND was born in 1885 in AR. 1769. Minerva W. COPELAND (James C.-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1841 in AR. Minerva W. COPELAND and George Allen READ were married on 1 Jan 1861 in Pope Co., AR. George Allen READ was born 1774. Samuel Newton WOODS (Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 7 May 1833. Minervia Jane MCMILLIAN was born 1775. David Calvin WOODS (Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Mar 1835 in Benton Co., AR. He died on 13 Dec 1874 in Pea Ridge, Benton Co., AR. David Calvin WOODS and Sicily Caroline WOODS were married on 22 Mar 1860 in Lawrence Co., MO. Sicily Caroline WOODS was born 1776. Martha Melvina WOODS (Elizabeth Kelsey COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Aug 1839 in Benton Co., AR. She died on 8 Mar 1877. Martha Melvina WOODS and John R. BROWNING were married on 16 Dec 1856. John R. BROWNING was born 1778. William A. COPELAND (Greene-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 18 Feb 1837 in Overton Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Carroll Co, AR. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Greene Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Logan Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Logan Co., AR. He died on 28 Jun 1901 in Cedar Grove Cem., Logan Co., AR. William A. COPELAND and Marinda Priscilla CHAPPELL were married about 1857 in Carroll Co, AR. Marinda Priscilla CHAPPELL was born on 15 Sep 1839 in Overton Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Logan Co., AR. living w/ son Charles She died on 20 Jan 1925 in Nubben Ridge Cem., Spiro, Leflore Co., OK. William A. COPELAND and Marinda Priscilla CHAPPELL had the following children: +4600 +4601 +4602 4603 4604 i. ii. iii. iv. Mary J COPELAND (born on 30 Oct 1857). John L.. COPELAND (born on 12 Nov 1859). Alfred McCullen COPELAND (born on 30 Nov 1862). Sarah A. COPELAND was born on 9 May 1865 in Polk Co., MO. She died in Sep 1876 in Logan Co., AR. v. James M. COPELAND was born on 11 Apr 1868 in Stone Co., AR. He died in Mar 1869 in Stone Co., AR. 315 Descendants of William COPELAND 4605 4606 +4607 4608 +4609 vi. Greene COPELAND was born on 28 Apr 1870 in Greene Co., MO. He died in Aug 1870 in Greene Co., MO. vii. Hilpy COPELAND was born on 12 Jul 1872 in Greene Co., MO. She died in Aug 1881 in Logan Co., AR. viii. Charles Houston COPELAND (born on 24 Apr 1875). ix. Rosa COPELAND was born on 15 Jan 1878 in Logan Co., AR. She died on 15 Jan 1895 in Logan Co., AR. x. Melissa Camestion COPELAND (born on 23 Mar 1880). 1780. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND (Greene-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1840 in TN. Henderson Wilson LASATER was born 1783. Francis marion COPELAND (Greene-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1848 in Carroll Co, AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Marion Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Marion Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1910 in boone co., ar. Elizabeth Jane was born in 1847 in TN. She died about 1900 in Marion Co., AR. Francis marion COPELAND and Elizabeth Jane had the following children: 4610 4611 4612 4613 i. ii. iii. iv. Eliza Jane COPELAND was born in 1874 in AR. Sarah COPELAND was born in 1876 in AR. William Henry Harrison COPELAND was born in 1879 in AR. Richard COPELAND was born in 1887 in Marion Co., AR. Francis marion COPELAND and Mary L. were married about 1903 in Marion Co., AR. Mary L. was born in 1871 in NC. 1784. Green Taylor COPELAND (Greene-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1848 in Carroll Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Wayne Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Wayne Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Wayne Co., MO. Perilee MORRIS was born in 1844 in TN. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Wayne Co., MO. Green Taylor COPELAND and Perilee MORRIS had the following children: +4614 +4615 i. James Lee COPELAND (born in 1874). ii. Ollie Mae COPELAND (born in 1881). Green Taylor COPELAND and Mandy J. ALEXANDER were married. Mandy J. ALEXANDER was born in 1838 in TN. Green Taylor COPELAND and Mandy J. ALEXANDER had the following children: 4616 i. Allen Wade COPELAND was born in 1864 in MO. 1785. Henry Harrison COPELAND (Greene-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1853 in Carroll Co., AR. In 1880 he was a Blacksmith in Osage TWP, Carroll Co., AR. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Carroll Co, AR. He died in Pendleton, OR. Henry Harrison COPELAND and Isabelle JOHNSON were married on 17 Oct 1880 in Carroll Co., AR. Isabelle JOHNSON was born 1791. Alexander COPELAND (Jesse-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1837 in Benton/Calhoun Co., AL. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-3rd MO Cav.-USA. He died in 1901 in Alco, AR. 316 Descendants of William COPELAND Alexander COPELAND and Ellen ABBOTT were married on 7 May 1861 in Benton Co., AR. Ellen ABBOTT was born 1792. Joseph H. COPELAND (Jesse-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1838 in Benton Co., AR. He died on 19 Apr 1929 in Cleveland, OK. He served in the military 1863-5/1865 in Civil War- Co. B, Chickasaw MTD Vol.. Joseph H. Copeland. #2347. States that he is age 76 (as of 21 August 1915) that he was born in Arkansas. He has lived in Oklahoma 41 years, and is now living in Lexington, Cleveland County, Oklahoma Larry Morris is affiant: Joseph H. Copland left home in 1863 and joined Company B, of a Texas unit under Captain Rodgers and was afterwards transferred to Company B. Chickasaw Mounted Battalion under General Cooper. He was in the Cavalry and was promoted to “High Private”. Margaret MORRIS was born on 5 Oct 1841 in AR. She died on 18 Nov 1900 in Cleveland, OK. Joseph H. COPELAND and Margaret MORRIS had the following children: 4617 +4618 4619 i. Lautence COPELAND was born on 21 Aug 1870 in Grayson Co., TX. She died on 24 Jan 1939 in Clovis, NM. ii. Kattie Lorene COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1874). iii. Hattie Lena COPELAND was born on 29 Oct 1876 in Grayson Co., TX. She died on 26 Jun 1950 in Edenburg, TX. Joseph H. COPELAND and Lizzie MANTOOTH were married on 20 Nov 1902 in Cleveland, OK. Lizzie MANTOOTH was born in 1856 in Indian Territory, OK. 1794. Seaburn COPELAND (Jesse-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1840 in Benton/Calhoun Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Benton Co., AR. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-Co F, 1st Ar Cav. He died about 1917 in Shiloh Cem., Dunklin Co., MO. Seaburn COPELAND and Matilda Jane WILLIAMS were married. Matilda Jane WILLIAMS was born on 13 Sep 1841 in AL. She served in the military in 1861 in Civil War-1st AR Cav.. Seaburn COPELAND and Matilda Jane WILLIAMS had the following children: 4620 i. William COPELAND was born 1797. Samuel William COPELAND (Newton William-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Sep 1835 in Memphis, Shelby Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Fannin Co., TX. He died in 1902 in Dodd City, Fannin CO., TX. Samuel William COPELAND and Mary Ann MCRAE were married on 5 Sep 1871. Mary Ann MCRAE (daughter of Malcolm Alexander MCRAE and Mary Ann WHISENHUNT) was born on 30 Dec 1853 in GA or AR. She was born on 30 Dec 1853 in GA. She died on 26 Jun 1898 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. She died on 26 Jun 1898 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. Samuel William COPELAND and Mary Ann MCRAE had the following children: 4621 +4622 +4623 +4624 4625 4626 4627 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Mauna Loa COPELAND was born on 30 Aug 1872 in Elwood, Fannin CO., TX. Newton Henry COPELAND (born on 1 Mar 1874). Walter Alexander COPELAND (born on 7 Oct 1880). Bertha Clarice COPELAND (born on 25 Aug 1882). Rosie Caroline COPELAND was born on 22 Sep 1886 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. She died in 1887. vi. Hugh Cleveland COPELAND was born on 21 May 1888 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. He died in Mar 1979 in Modesto, CA. vii. Arthur Byron COPELAND was born in 1890 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. He died in 1893 in Telephon, Fannin Co., TX. 1798. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Newton William-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) 317 Descendants of William COPELAND was born on 12 Nov 1841 in IN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Cooke Co., TX. He died on 1 Jun 1929 in Reck Cem., Durant, Bryan Co., OK. Mary Ann 'Mollie' WAY was born in 1842 in NC. She died in 1929 in Healdton, OK. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Mary Ann 'Mollie' WAY had the following children: 4628 +4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 +4635 4636 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. M.J. COPELAND was born in 1863 in IN. Sara Della COPELAND (born on 26 Apr 1864). Charles A. COPELAND was born in 1866 in IN. Sirus Linley COPELAND was born in 1868 in IL. William COPELAND was born in 1870 in IL. Simon P. COPELAND was born in 1872 in IL. Walter M. COPELAND was born in 1875 in IL. James Lee COPELAND (born on 5 Jan 1876). Alexander COPELAND was born in 1879 in Grayson Co., TX. 1800. Martha Elizabeth BILBREY (Nancy Margaret COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jan 1850 in Overton County, Tennessee. Line 9563 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9564 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 Livingston Severe BILBERY was born about 1839 in , Tennessee. He was born about 1839 in TN. 1850 - Free Inhabitants of District #5, Overton Co., TN, recorded 26 Sept 1850, page 44: 40 610 611 John Bilbry 43 M farmer Cacy 44 F TN Eliha 19 M TN Franklin 17 M TN Amanda 15 F TN Mandison 12 M Livingston 8 M TN TN Russel 6M TN Francis 4M TN Bonapart Hilrey 4M 1M $300 TN TN TN 1880 - Inhabitants of ED 85, Precinct #1, Lampassas Co., TX, recorded on sheet 20, page 298 (back) 45 175 184 Bilberry Livingston S W M 46 M Farmer - Martha E W F 36 M wife TN TN TN TN TN TN 318 Descendants of William COPELAND keep house - William J W M 19 S son TX TN TN - Mary C W F 8 S dau - Charlie H W M 7 S son TX TN TN - Mabry E W F 5 S dau TX TN TN TX TN TN cont. next page 1 175 184 - Louisa E Tinnin John W F 8/12 dau Sept TX TN TN W M 66 Farmer - May A TN - TN W F 54 wife - Maggie B AL - TN W F 19 dau - Sally W TX TN AL W F 15 dau TX TN AL - Mattie W F 14 dau TX TN AL - Robert Mu M 25 works on farm 1900 - Texas Soundex Stonewall Co., Precinct #3 Vol ED Sht Line Bilberry Martha E head W Jan 1850 - John H - Louanna E - Evert M TN 98 146 2 54 son Jan 1874 26 TX dau Dec 1879 20 TX son Nov 1883 16 TX Line 5287 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 5288 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 Martha Elizabeth BILBREY and Livingston Severe BILBERY had the following children: +4637 4638 4639 i. Ethel BILBREY. ii. Jeff BILBREY was born iii. William Isaac BILBREY was born in Jan 1863 in TX. He died on 2 Jan 1945 in , Texas. 1900 - Texas Soundex Bilbery Wm J. White Jan 1863 37 TX 319 Descendants of William COPELAND Stonewall Co., TX, Prct. 4, Vol. 98, ED 147, Sheet 5, Line 3 - Lou R. wife Apr 1869 31 TX Hunter M. son Mar 1887 13 TX Rosa E. dau Apr 1890 10 TX Alta V. dau Mar 1893 7 TX 1910 Inhabitants of Justice Precintc #7, Comanche Co., TX, Supervisor District 12, ED 15, sheet 4A, recorded 20 Arpil 1910, begin line 45 (p. 259): Yrs. m. b l. P F M 45 59 60 Bilbrey Charley husb M W 37 M 11 - Minnie wife F W 25 M 11 5 5 TX TX TX - Oscar son M W 10 - Alma dau F W 7 S TX TX TX - Bertha dau F W 4 S TX TX TX S - William son M W 10/12 S - Danford son M W 5 - Monroe son M W 10/12 S TX TX TX S - William M brother M W 38 Wd +4640 4641 4642 4643 +4644 +4645 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. TX TN TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TN TX Mary C BILBREY (born about 1872). Charles H. BILBREY was born in Jan 1873 in TX. He was born about 1873 in , Texas. John H BILBREY was born in Jan 1874 in TX. Mabry E BILBREY was born about 1875 in TX, Texas. Louanna E BILBREY (born in Oct 1879). Evert M BILBREY (born in Nov 1883). 1801. Henry H BILBREY (Nancy Margaret COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 28 Dec 1853 in , Tennessee. He died on 20 Jan 1873 in , Texas. Line 9601 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT SOUR @@S49@@ Line 9603 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9604 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 4 JUN 1995 Henry H BILBREY and Mary E. MCKENZIE were married on 7 Sep 1873 in Travis County, Texas. Mary E. MCKENZIE 320 Descendants of William COPELAND was born about 1855 in , Tennessee. Henry H BILBREY and Mary E. MCKENZIE had the following children: 4646 i. Columbus BILBREY was born about 1875 in TX, Texas. Line 8031 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 8032 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 11 MAY 1995 Line 8485 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 8486 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 14 MAY 1995 ii. Raleigh BILBREY was born about 1879 in , Texas. 4647 1802. Luther Myers BILBREY (Nancy Margaret COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 13 Feb 1856 in TN. Line 9610 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT SOUR @@S49@@ 1874 - According to CD-ROM #5, TX Marriage Records, an L. M. Bilberry married a Catharene White in Travis Co., TX in 1874. It is unclear if this record belongs to Luther Myers Bilberry (Bilbrey). 1880 - Inhabitants of Justice Precinct #1, ED 85, Lampassas Co., TX, recorded on sheet 20 (back of page 298): 41 174 183 Bilberry Luther M. W M 24 M farmer TN TN TN - Sarah J W F 17 wife M keep h TX TX TX - John V W M 19 brother S farming MO TN TN Berry John W. W M 26 boardr S work f TX TN TN this is "next door" to Livingston Bilberry 1900 Census TX Soundex Stonewall Co., Precinct # Vol ED Sheet Line Bilberry, Myers White Feb 1856 head 98 146 2 39 44 TN Sarah J wife Feb 1863 37 TX Evin son Jul 1886 13 Lillie D dau Sep 1893 6 Martha D Viola dau Sep 1897 3 dau Sep 1899 9/12 TX TX TX TX 321 Descendants of William COPELAND Line 9635 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9636 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 Line 7876 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: OCCU living in Lampassas Co., in 1880 1880 - Inhabitants of Justice Precinct #1, ED 85, Lampassas Co., TX, recorded on sheet 20 (back of page 298): 41 174 183 Bilberry Luther M. W M 24 M farmer TN TN TN - Sarah J W F 17 wife M keep h TX TX TX - John V W M 19 brother S farming MO TN TN Berry John W. W M 26 boardr S work f TX TN TN this is "next door" to Livingston Bilberry Line 7886 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 7887 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 3 JUN 1995 Sarah J ? was born about Feb 1863 in TX. Line 7894 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: OCCU living in Lampassas Co., in 1880 Line 7896 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 7897 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 3 JUN 1995 Line 9965 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9966 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 Luther Myers BILBREY and Sarah J ? had the following children: 4648 4649 i. Evin BILBREY was born in Jul 1886 in TX. Line 9974 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9975 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 ii. Lillie D BILBREY was born in Sep 1893 in TX. Line 9983 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9984 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 322 Descendants of William COPELAND 4650 4651 iii. Martha D BILBREY was born in Mar 1897 in TX. Line 9992 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 9993 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 iv. Viola BILBREY was born in Aug 1899 in TX. Line 10001 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 10002 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 1805. William J BILBREY (Nancy Margaret COPELAND-7, Josiah-6, Joel-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Jan 1863 in Cooke Co., TX. 1900 - 1900 Texas Soundex, Stonewall Co., Precinct #4 Vol ED S Ln Bilbery Wm J head Jan 1863 37 TX 98 147 5 3 - Lou R wife Apr 1869 31 TX - Hunter M son Mar 1887 13 TX - Rosa E dau Apr 1890 10 TX - Alta V dau Mar 1893 7 TX Lou R ? was born in Apr 1869 in TX. Line 10010 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 10011 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 William J BILBREY and Lou R ? had the following children: 4652 i. Hunter M BILBERRY was born in Mar 1887 in TX. Line 10019 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN 4653 Line 10020 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 ii. Rosa E BILBERRY was born in Apr 1890 in TX. Line 10028 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN 4654 Line 10029 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 iii. Alta V BILBERRY was born in Mar 1893 in TX. Line 10037 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHAN Line 10038 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: 323 Descendants of William COPELAND CHAN DATE 2 JUL 1995 1808. Susan Ann ELLIS (John Willis-7, Sarah COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1821 in Sumner Co., TN. She died in 1914. John BESS was born in Montgomery Co., AL. 1814. Louisa ELLIS (William E.-7, Mary Ann 'Polly' COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born Elias SIKES was born 1815. Emily MAXWELL (Lydia HELLUMS-7, Rachel COPELAND-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1826. John WARREN was born in 1822. 1824. James B. COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in Wayne Co, TN. He was living in 1862 in Searcy Co., AR. A member of the Peace Society James B. COPELAND and Indiana SHELTON were married about 1860 in Wayne Co, TN. Indiana SHELTON was born 1825. Daniel COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1835 in AL. He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War-AL-CSA under Captain Nathnal Holt Clanton. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Washington Co., TX. Widowed,Living with Rebecca's brother, W.J. Hatley He appeared in the census in 1900 in Milam Co., TX. Rebecca HATLEY was born Daniel COPELAND and Rebecca HATLEY had the following children: 4655 +4656 i. Joe D. COPELAND was born in 1882 in TX. ii. Frank W. COPELAND (born in 1887). Daniel COPELAND and Mary CHILDS were married in 1888 in Washington Co., TX. Mary CHILDS (daughter of James CHILDS) was born in 1862 in AL. Daniel COPELAND and Mary CHILDS had the following children: 4657 i. Myrtle COPELAND was born in 1888 in TX. 1827. Jonathan B. COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jan 1845 in Lutts, Wayne Co, TN. He served in the military in 1863 in civil War- Co. B2nd TN Mtd Inf. USA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Richland Co., LA. He appeared in the census in 1890 in Lutts, Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 1 Jan 1908 in Wayne Co, TN. Fought for the Union Army,Corporal in 2nd TN Mounted,Co B,. Applied for a Federal Pension 2/12/1884 Jonathan B. COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth SINCLAIR were married on 5 Jul 1865 in Lutts, Wayne Co., TN. Sarah Elizabeth SINCLAIR (daughter of William SINCLAIR and Mary OATES) was born on 15 Mar 1840 in Wayne Co, TN. She died on 11 Apr 1909 in Long Baptist Church Cem., NM. Jonathan B. COPELAND and Sarah Elizabeth SINCLAIR had the following children: +4658 4659 i. William Thomas COPELAND (born on 6 Aug 1866). ii. John Robert Jasper COPELAND was born on 9 Apr 1868 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Wayne Co., TN. living w/ parents He died in 1940 in Johnston, OK. never 324 Descendants of William COPELAND +4660 +4661 +4662 +4663 4664 iii. iv. v. vi. vii. married Benjamin Franklin COPELAND (born on 15 Oct 1870). Joseph Felix N. COPELAND (born on 25 Feb 1872). Cynthia Roxanna Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 6 Oct 1874). Mary Emma May COPELAND (born on 1 May 1875). Hugh COPELAND was born in 1887 in Wayne Co, TN. 1828. Minerva Amanda COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 Mar 1847 in Wayne Co, TN. She died on 6 Apr 1936. Minerva Amanda COPELAND and William R. WEBB were married on 6 Sep 1866 in Wayne Co, TN. William R. WEBB was born on 6 Oct 1845. He died on 2 Mar 1936. 1829. Milly Ann COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1850 in Wayne Co, TN. She died on 31 Aug 1874. Milly Ann COPELAND and John Wesley WHITAKER were married on 30 Dec 1868 in Wayne Co, TN. John Wesley WHITAKER was born on 17 Aug 1842. He died on 12 Nov 1889. 1830. Joseph Gills COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1855 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Richland Co., LA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. He died in 1916 in Hardin Co., TN. Martha Elizabeth was born in 1855. Joseph Gills COPELAND and Martha Elizabeth had the following children: 4665 4666 i. McChesney COPELAND was born in 1880 in Hardin Co., TN. ii. Elnore D. COPELAND was born in 1882 in Hardin Co., TN. Mary A. MCCARN was born on 6 Jan 1831. She died on 25 Oct 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. Joseph Gills COPELAND and Mary A. MCCARN had the following children: 4667 i. Lillian COPELAND was born in 1884 in Hardin Co., TN. Mattie I. ALEXANDER was born Joseph Gills COPELAND and Mattie I. ALEXANDER had the following children: 4668 i. John Elihugh COPELAND was born in 1886. He died before 1961. Joseph Gills COPELAND and Mary A. POINTS were married in 1901. Mary A. POINTS was born in 1871. She died in 1961. Joseph Gills COPELAND and Mary A. POINTS had the following children: +4669 i. Mae COPELAND (born in 1902). 1831. Hettie Louise COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 22 Feb 1857 in Wayne Co, TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. living w/ brother,William She died on 2 Feb 1925 in Lutts Cemetery, Wayne Co, TN. Hettie Louise COPELAND and Wylie Daniel MCGEE were married on 14 Aug 1875 in Wayne Co, TN. Wylie Daniel MCGEE (son of Samuel Washington MCGEE and Joanna WARD) was born on 20 Dec 1849. He died on 18 Nov 1926 in Lutts Cemetery, Wayne Co, TN. 1832. William Thomas COPELAND (Thomas S.-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in May 1860 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. 325 Descendants of William COPELAND William Thomas COPELAND and Anna Frances 'Franny' PERRY were married about 1880 in TN. Anna Frances 'Franny' PERRY (daughter of Isaac PERRY and Nancy FRANKS) was born on 10 Jun 1855 in Wayne Co., TN. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Wayne Co., TN. She died on 11 Oct 1948 in Lutts Cemetery, Wayne Co, TN. William Thomas COPELAND and Anna Frances 'Franny' PERRY had the following children: 4670 4671 +4672 i. Willie COPELAND was born in 1881 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. w/ sister Vina ii. Ada B. COPELAND was born in Dec 1883 in Hardin Co., TN. iii. Vina W. COPELAND (born on 20 Jul 1884). William Thomas COPELAND and Eliza J. MOORE were married about 1886 in Hardin Co., TN. Eliza J. MOORE was born in 1864 in TN. She died in 1951. William Thomas COPELAND and Eliza J. MOORE had the following children: +4673 +4674 +4675 +4676 4677 4678 4679 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Charlie R. COPELAND (born in 1887). Martha Viola COPELAND (born in 1889). Anna COPELAND (born in 1891). Emmaline COPELAND (born in 1896). Daniel B. COPELAND was born in 1899 in Hardin Co., TN. He died in 1931. Lillie Mae COPELAND was born in 1901. She died in 1919. Lihugh COPELAND was born in 1904 in Hardin Co., TN. He died in 1904 in Hardin Co., TN. 1839. Eliza Eleanor COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1842 in Wayne Co, TN. Joseph W. TACKETT was born 1840. Rachel Catherine COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1844 in Wayne Co, TN. Phillip TACKETT was born about 1835 in TN. He died in 1865 in Nashville, TN. 1843. John Gillis COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1863 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Hardin Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Hardin Co., TN. Victory was born in 1854 in GA. John Gillis COPELAND and Victory had the following children: +4680 +4681 4682 4683 4684 +4685 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Joseph E. COPELAND (born in 1881). Harry C. COPELAND (born in 1883). Rachel COPELAND was born in 1885 in Hardin Co., TN. Mary Ada COPELAND was born in 1890 in Hardin Co., TN. Lillie Bertha COPELAND was born in 1892 in Hardin Co., TN. William G. COPELAND (born in 1895). 1845. James Dugal COPELAND Jr. (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1865 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Wayne Co., TN. He appeared in the census in 1930 in Wayne Co., TN. James Dugal COPELAND Jr. and Leona were married about 1886 in Wayne Co., TN. Leona was born in 1869 in TN. James Dugal COPELAND Jr. and Leona had the following children: +4686 4687 i. William Mack COPELAND (born in 1887). ii. Nipsey COPELAND was born in 1891 in Wayne Co., TN. 326 Descendants of William COPELAND 4688 4689 4690 +4691 4692 4693 iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Flora COPELAND was born in 1893 in Wayne Co., TN. Mary P. COPELAND was born in 1899 in Wayne Co., TN. Vada COPELAND was born in 1901 in Wayne Co., TN. Ben COPELAND (born in 1903). Blaine COPELAND was born in 1907 in Wayne Co., TN. Wayne COPELAND was born in 1909 in Wayne Co., TN. 1846. William Brownlow COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in 1867 in Wayne Co., TN. William Brownlow COPELAND and Jane were married about 1891 in Wayne Co., TN. Jane was born in 1867 in TN. William Brownlow COPELAND and Jane had the following children: 4694 4695 4696 4697 i. ii. iii. iv. Carrol COPELAND was born in 1896 in Wayne Co., TN. Mary COPELAND was born in 1892 in Wayne Co., TN. Ollie COPELAND was born in 1898 in Wayne Co., TN. Lizzie COPELAND was born in 1900 in Wayne Co., TN. 1847. Daniel Grady COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1869 in Wayne Co., TN. Daniel Grady COPELAND and Catherine were married about 1891 in Wayne Co., TN. Catherine was born in 1865 in Wayne Co., TN. Daniel Grady COPELAND and Catherine had the following children: 4698 4699 4700 i. Flora COPELAND was born in 1892 in Wayne Co., TN. ii. Horace COPELAND was born in 1893 in Wayne Co., TN. iii. Elmer COPELAND was born in 1896 in Wayne Co., TN. 1849. Joseph Brown COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1872 in Wayne Co, TN. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Hill Co., TX. Lou Etta DAVIS was born in 1879 in MS. She died in Hillsboro, TX. Joseph Brown COPELAND and Lou Etta DAVIS had the following children: 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Hal B. COPELAND was born in 1900 in TX. Elvis COPELAND was born in 1902 in Hill Co., TX. Joseph Clyde COPELAND was born in 1904 in Hill Co., TX. Attrell COPELAND was born in 1907 in Hill Co., TX. Wayne Sterling COPELAND was born in 1909 in Hill Co., TX. D.G. COPELAND was born in 1914 in Hill Co., TX. 1850. Neill S. COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1876 in Wayne Co., TN. Neill S. COPELAND and Recer MCCAY were married on 26 Jan 1907 in Oklahoma City, OK. Recer MCCAY was born in 1877 in OK. 1851. Benjamin W. COPELAND (James Dugal-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1871 in Wayne Co., TN. Benjamin W. COPELAND and Mary were married about 1897 in Wayne Co., TN. Mary was born in 1871 in TN. Benjamin W. COPELAND and Mary had the following children: 4707 4708 i. Harris COPELAND was born in 1898 in Wayne Co., TN. ii. Edwin COPELAND was born in 1899 in Wayne Co., TN. 327 Descendants of William COPELAND Mary was born in 1871 in TN. 1852. Jemina Catherine COPELAND (Joseph Matthew-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 Apr 1845. Jemina Catherine COPELAND and R.H. Clay SIMS were married on 3 Aug 1863 in Wayne Co, TN. R.H. Clay SIMS was born 1853. Matthew Elihue COPELAND (Joseph Matthew-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in Jan 1846 in Wayne Co, TN. He died on 21 Apr 1904 in Los Angeles, L. A. Co., California. Matthew Elihue COPELAND and Camilla FORIES were married on 28 Sep 1871 in Wayne Co., TN. Camilla FORIES was born Matthew Elihue COPELAND and Zerilda Minerva PUCKETT were married on 22 Jan 1880 in Silverton, San Juan Co., CO. Zerilda Minerva PUCKETT was born Matthew Elihue COPELAND and Zerilda Minerva PUCKETT had the following children: 4709 4710 i. Matthew Adelbert COPELAND was born on 30 Dec 1880 in Silverton, San Juan Co., CO. He died on 8 Dec 1956 in Los Angeles, L. A. Co., California. ii. Ora Gwendolyn COPELAND was born on 22 Sep 1887 in Los Angeles, L. A. Co., California. She died on 11 May 1970 in Los Angeles, L. A. Co., California. 1856. Lydia Alice COPELAND (Joseph Matthew-7, James-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1858 in Wayne Co, TN. She died on 3 Jan 1936 in Wayne Co, TN. Lydia Alice COPELAND and Joseph LAY were married on 15 Nov 1873 in Wayne Co, TN. Joseph LAY was born 1858. Tennessee 'Tempa' COPELAND (John-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1834 in AL. Tennessee 'Tempa' COPELAND and Elisha BURT were married on 18 Dec 1865 in AL. Elisha BURT was born 1859. Charolette COPELAND (John-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1838 in AL. James Madison COUCH was born in 1840 in GA. He died in 1917. 1862. Emily Jane COPELAND (John-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1844 in AL. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Dekalb Co., AL. Emily Jane COPELAND had the following children: 4711 4712 4713 i. Susan was born in 1867 in AL. ii. Martha was born in 1871 in AL. iii. Ola was born in 1878 in AL. 1863. Sellety Anna COPELAND (John-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1846 in AL. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Dekalb Co., AL. Sellety Anna COPELAND had the following children: 328 Descendants of William COPELAND 4714 4715 i. Mollie was born in 1871 in AL. ii. Josa was born in 1879 in Dekalb Co., AL. 1864. John C. COPELAND (John-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Dec 1851 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Dekalb Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Dekalb Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Dekalb Co., AL. He died on 30 Nov 1917 in Shiloh cem., DeKalb Co., AL. Sara Jane 'Jennie' was born on 2 Dec 1848 in AL. She died on 23 Dec 1923 in Shiloh cem., DeKalb Co., AL. John C. COPELAND and Sara Jane 'Jennie' had the following children: 4716 4717 4718 4719 i. Reuben H. COPELAND was born on 2 Oct 1876 in AL. He died on 26 Jan 1890 in Shiloh cem., DeKalb Co., AL. ii. Margaret I. COPELAND was born in 1878 in AL. iii. Ada COPELAND was born in 1884 in AL. iv. India COPELAND was born in 1889 in AL. 1867. William Thomas COPELAND (Jesse-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jun 1843 in Madison Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Madison Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Madison Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Madison Co., AL. He died on 9 Jan 1905 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. He was a Conductor for Southern RR in Chattanooga, TN and Huntsville, AL. Margaret Maria HUGHES (daughter of Alfred HUGHES and Matilda MCGAHA) was born on 11 Dec 1844 in Madison Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Madison Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Madison Co., AL. She died on 12 Aug 1920 in Madison Co., AL. William Thomas COPELAND and Margaret Maria HUGHES had the following children: +4720 +4721 4722 4723 +4724 +4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Archibald COPELAND (born on 1 Oct 1865). Thomas Alfred COPELAND (born on 9 Oct 1869). Eva COPELAND was born on 25 Jun 1872 in Madison Co., AL. Effie COPELAND was born on 25 Jun 1872 in Madison Co., AL. Harry Ryan COPELAND (born on 22 Aug 1875). Oliver 'Ollie' COPELAND (born on 14 Aug 1878). Rosia COPELAND was born on 11 Nov 1880 in Madison Co., AL. Josie Lee COPELAND was born on 15 Sep 1885 in Madison Co., AL. Allie COPELAND was born on 5 Dec 1886 in Madison Co., AL. Tillie COPELAND was born on 7 Apr 1890 in Madison Co., AL. 1870. Samuel COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1846 in Walker Co., GA. He died about 1875 in LA. Samuel COPELAND and Phebe TILLMAN were married on 4 Feb 1869 in Richland Parish, LA. Phebe TILLMAN was born in 1850 in LA. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Richland Co., LA. Samuel COPELAND and Phebe TILLMAN had the following children: +4730 4731 +4732 i. Wiley COPELAND (born in 1870). ii. Darcy COPELAND was born in 1873 in Richland Co., LA. iii. Samuel COPELAND (born in 1874). 1871. William COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1849 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Richland Parish, LA. William COPELAND and Josephine EPPIHETTE were married on 2 Jul 1874 in Richland Parish, LA. Josephine EPPIHETTE was born in 1860 in LA. She died in 1913 in Ouchita Co., LA. William COPELAND and Josephine EPPIHETTE had the following children: 329 Descendants of William COPELAND +4733 i. Melmeda Ever COPELAND (born in 1872). 1872. Martha Jane COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1851 in AL. Martha Jane COPELAND and John Baptist BYARGEAN were married on 26 Mar 1874 in Richland Parish, LA. John Baptist BYARGEAN was born 1875. Frances COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1857 in AL. Frances COPELAND and James EPPINETTE were married on 1 Jan 1880 in Richland Parish, LA. James EPPINETTE was born 1876. Amanda COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1858 in LA. She died in 1933 in LA. Charles W. MOORE was born Paul OLIVEAUX was born 1877. Margaret COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in Dec 1860 in Richland Parish, LA. She died on 7 May 1905 in LA. King D. PORTER was born Joseph Johnson BENNETT was born 1878. Mary COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1861 in LA. THOMPSON was born 1879. Jesse Thomas. COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1867 in Richland Parish, LA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Richland Co., LA. Jesse Thomas. COPELAND and Emma UNDERWOOD were married in Apr 1888 in Richland Parish, LA. Emma UNDERWOOD was born Jesse Thomas. COPELAND and Emma UNDERWOOD had the following children: 4734 i. Mattie COPELAND was born in Jul 1891 in Richland Co., LA. Jesse Thomas. COPELAND and Margaret MARKE were married in 1892 in Richland Parish, LA. Margaret MARKE was born Jesse Thomas. COPELAND and Catherine DURHAM were married in 1896 in Richland Parish, LA. Catherine DURHAM was born in 1874 in LA. Jesse Thomas. COPELAND and Catherine DURHAM had the following children: 4735 4736 4737 i. Barney Caleb COPELAND was born in 1896 in Richland Co., LA. ii. Emma Agnes COPELAND was born in May 1899 in Richland Co., LA. iii. Fulton Wiley COPELAND was born in 1900 in Richland Co., LA. 330 Descendants of William COPELAND 4738 4739 iv. Alice Beatrice COPELAND was born in 1902 in Richland Co., LA. v. William Floyd COPELAND was born in 1906 in Richland Co., LA. 1881. Louisiana COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1872 in Richland Parish, LA. She died in 1900 in LA. Louisiana COPELAND and Thomas J. BROWN were married on 28 Mar 1897 in Richland Parish, LA. Thomas J. BROWN was born 1884. Mary Ella Victoria COPELAND (Wiley B.-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 Feb 1880 in Richland Parish, LA. She died on 11 Mar 1952 in Richland Parish, LA. Mary Ella Victoria COPELAND and Louis Edgar GOSPER were married on 17 Dec 1895 in Richland Parish, LA. Louis Edgar GOSPER was born Mary Ella Victoria COPELAND and Racin Hood EPPINETTE were married about 1901 in Richland Parish, LA. Racin Hood EPPINETTE was born 1885. Archibald COPELAND (Freeman-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1844 in AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Etowah Co. AL. Archibald COPELAND and martha THRASHER were married on 21 Feb 1887 in Etowah Co. AL. Martha THRASHER was born in 1847 in AL. Archibald COPELAND and martha THRASHER had the following children: 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Minnie COPELAND was born in 1875 in Etowah Co. AL. Etta COPELAND was born in 1882 in Etowah Co. AL. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1885 in Etowah Co. AL. Fannie COPELAND was born in 1893 in Etowah Co. AL. Oliv COPELAND was born in 1897 in Etowah Co. AL. 1888. James F. COPELAND (Freeman-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1863 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Etowah Co. AL. Delila was born in 1868 in AL. James F. COPELAND and Delila had the following children: +4745 4746 4747 4748 +4749 4750 4751 4752 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Allen COPELAND (born in 1889). Elizabeth COPELAND was born in 1890 in Etowah Co. AL. Emma COPELAND was born in 1891 in Etowah Co. AL. Adar COPELAND was born in 1893 in Etowah Co. AL. Howell COPELAND (born in 1895). Jesse COPELAND was born in 1899 in Etowah Co. AL. Bessie COPELAND was born in 1899 in Etowah Co. AL. Jennie COPELAND was born in 1910 in Etowah Co. AL. 1890. William COPELAND (Richard Neely-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1848 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Etowah Co. AL. He died in 1920 in Etowah Co. AL. William COPELAND and Martha HERRING were married on 24 Dec 1868 in Gadsden, Etowah co., AL. Martha HERRING was born in 1848 in AL. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Etowah Co. AL. William COPELAND and Martha HERRING had the following children: 4753 i. Sarah Jane COPELAND was born in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. 331 Descendants of William COPELAND 4754 +4755 4756 ii. Emma COPELAND was born in 1871 in Etowah Co. AL. iii. Allen COPELAND (born in 1875). iv. Allice COPELAND was born in 1877 in Etowah Co. AL. 1891. Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND (Richard Neely-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born in Apr 1850 in St. Clair Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Dekalb Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Denton Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Denton Co., TX. He died on 3 Jul 1919 in Oak Grove Cem., Aubrey, Denton Co., TX. Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND and Mary Emaline HARRIS were married on 8 Dec 1868 in St. Clair Co., AL. Mary Emaline HARRIS was born in 1845 in AL. She died about 1886 in AL. Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND and Mary Emaline HARRIS had the following children: +4757 4758 +4759 +4760 4761 4762 4763 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Joseph N. COPELAND (born in Jun 1869). Rutha Jane COPELAND was born on 11 Nov 1871 in Morgan Co., AL. John H. COPELAND (born on 4 Jul 1875). Andrew L. COPELAND (born in 1879). Emma COPELAND was born in 1882 in St. Clair Co., AL. Rosie COPELAND was born in 1885 in St. Clair Co., AL. Nina COPELAND was born in 1886 in St. Clair Co., AL. Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND and Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND were married on 27 Jul 1887 in DeKalb Co, AL. Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND (daughter of John Tyler COPELAND and Mary Elizabeth Della HEFNER) was born on 14 Aug 1866 in Dekalb Co., AL. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Denton Co., TX. She died on 18 Nov 1940 in Denton Co., TX. Pinkney F. 'Pink' COPELAND and Nancy Elizabeth COPELAND had the following children: +4764 +4765 4766 +4767 +4768 +4769 +4770 +4771 +4772 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Oscar Alexander COPELAND (born on 27 May 1888). Archie Lee COPELAND (born on 11 Nov 1891). Elmo COPELAND was born on 23 Sep 1893 in AL. He died on 23 Aug 1895. Virginia COPELAND (born on 7 Jun 1895). Freeman Eugene COPELAND (born on 23 May 1897). Etta E.D. COPELAND (born on 4 Jul 1899). Minnie COPELAND (born on 23 Aug 1900). Emma Leona COPELAND (born on 23 Jul 1903). Rosa Alvie COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1907). 1892. James Cornelius COPELAND (Richard Neely-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 2 Mar 1853 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Morgan Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Denton Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Denton Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Denton Co., TX. He died on 10 Dec 1920 in Denton, Denton Co., TX. He was buried in Oak Grove Cem., Aubrey, Denton Co., TX. James Cornelius COPELAND and Margaret CRAFT were married on 26 Jul 1874 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. Margaret CRAFT was born in 1855 in Morgan , AL. She died in 1882 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. James Cornelius COPELAND and Margaret CRAFT had the following children: +4773 4774 +4775 +4776 i. ii. iii. iv. Andrew Luther COPELAND (born on 17 Nov 1877). Hettie COPELAND was born in 1880 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. Heniette COPELAND (born on 11 May 1881). Jennettie COPELAND (born on 11 May 1881). James Cornelius COPELAND and Ada Frances BLALOCK were married in 1883 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. Ada Frances BLALOCK was born on 11 Feb 1866 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. She died on 14 Dec 1936 in Denton, TX. She was buried in Oak Grove Cem., Aubrey, Denton Co., TX. James Cornelius COPELAND and Ada Frances BLALOCK had the following children: 332 Descendants of William COPELAND +4777 +4778 +4779 4780 +4781 +4782 +4783 +4784 +4785 +4786 +4787 +4788 +4789 4790 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Novie COPELAND (born in 1883). Annie COPELAND (born on 20 Sep 1885). William Ladden COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1888). Nora COPELAND was born in 1889 in Denton Co., TX. Neely Amos 'Jack' COPELAND (born on 9 Jan 1891). Mary Della COPELAND (born on 15 Dec 1891). James Marvin COPELAND (born on 9 Jun 1893). Eugenia C. COPELAND (born on 20 Feb 1896). Dewey Allen COPELAND (born on 21 Dec 1898). Viola Blanche COPELAND (born on 1 Jan 1900). Cora Bell COPELAND (born on 1 Apr 1902). Ada Frances COPELAND (born on 29 Jun 1904). Katie Mae COPELAND (born on 11 Dec 1908). Willie COPELAND was born in 1909 in Denton Co., TX. 1893. Joseph COPELAND (Richard Neely-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1852 in Decatur, AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Etowah Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Etowah Co. AL. Joseph COPELAND and Emma were married about 1875 in Etowah Co. AL. Emma was born in 1860 in GA. Joseph COPELAND and Emma had the following children: +4791 i. Floyd C. COPELAND (born in 1876). 1897. Charley COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1891 in Gadsden, Etowah co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Limestone Co. TX. Babe CRIZZEL was born in 1899 in AL. Charley COPELAND and Babe CRIZZEL had the following children: 4792 4793 i. Christine COPELAND was born in 1918 in Limestone Co., TX. ii. Bailey M. COPELAND was born in 1920 in Limestone Co., TX. He died on 15 Dec 1930 in Leon Co., TX. 1898. Jesse Samuel COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jun 1893 in Gadsden, Etowah co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Limestone Co., TX. He died on 13 Jun 1947 in Praire Grove, Angelina Co., TX. Willie Estrellea PARSON was born in 1900 in NC. Jesse Samuel COPELAND and Willie Estrellea PARSON had the following children: 4794 4795 4796 i. Lerib COPELAND was born in 1916 in Limestone Co., TX. ii. Wilden COPELAND was born in 1917 in Limestone Co., TX. iii. Bailey COPELAND was born in 1920 in Limestone Co., TX. 1899. Nora B. COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) died in Jul 1865 in Hubbard Cem., Hubbard, Hill Co., TX. She was born in Aug 1895 in TX. J.A. BLACK was born 1900. Katie Estel COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1897 in West Station, TX. She died in 1969 in Praire Grove, Angelina Co., TX. Howard Miles PARSON was born 333 Descendants of William COPELAND 1901. Willie Lester COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1902 in TX. Ruby Pearl was born Willie Lester COPELAND and Opal Ometa PAGE were married on 23 Jul 1929. Opal Ometa PAGE was born 1902. Roxie lee COPELAND (Rufus Franklin-7, Joseph-6, James-5, Nicholas-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1905 in TX. She died in Jan 1928 in Hubbard Cem., Hubbard, Hill Co., TX. HOLMAN was born 1904. Sarah COPELAND (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1801 in NC. She died in 1836 in Putnam Co.GA. Sarah COPELAND and Francis Moore TRAMMELL were married on 25 Feb 1819 in Clarke, GA. Francis Moore TRAMMELL was born in 1795. He died in 1877. Sarah COPELAND and Francis Moore TRAMMELL had the following children: +4797 +4798 +4799 +4800 +4801 +4802 +4803 +4804 +4805 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. William Monroe TRAMMELL (born in 1820). Marcellus TRAMMELL (born in 1823). Elizabeth TRAMMELL (born in 1824). Dr. Pulaski Troup TRAMMELL (born in 1826). Martha F. TRAMMELL (born in 1827). Emilius C. TRAMMELL (born in 1829). Augustus TRAMMELL (born in 1831). Adrian O. TRAMMELL (born in 1833). Sarah A. TRAMMELL (born in 1835). 1905. Peter Alexander COPELAND (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1802 in Morgan Co., GA. He died in 1847 in Harris Co.GA. Peter Alexander COPELAND and Mary TUGGLE were married on 24 Nov 1825 in Greene Co, GA. Mary TUGGLE was born Peter Alexander COPELAND and Mary TUGGLE had the following children: +4806 +4807 4808 i. John Thomas COPELAND (born on 4 Oct 1829). ii. Mary Ann Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1835). iii. Pinckney COPELAND was born in 1837. He died in 1850. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Harris Co, GA. 1906. Martha COPELAND (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 5 May 1804 in Rockingham Co, NC. She died on 9 Mar 1881 in Harris Co, GA. She was buried in Copeland, Trammell Cem., Harris Co., GA. Martha COPELAND and Jesse MULLINS were married in 1826 in Harris Co, GA. Jesse MULLINS was born on 4 Feb 1801 in Rockingham Co, NC. He died in 1871 in Talbot Co., GA. He was buried in Copeland, Trammell Cem., Harris Co., GA. Martha COPELAND and Jesse MULLINS had the following children: +4809 i. Sarah Elizabeth MULLINS. 1907. Baldwin COPELAND (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1807. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Morgan Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 12 Aug 1880 in Greene Co, GA. Officer of Greene Co.,GA 1868-1872 Baldwin Bible 334 Descendants of William COPELAND Baldwin COPELAND and Sarah MATTHEWS were married on 30 May 1832 in Morgan Co., GA. Sarah MATTHEWS (daughter of Charles MATHEWS and Sarah FITZPATRICK) was born on 27 Jun 1814 in GA. She died on 27 Nov 1873 in Greene Co, GA. Baldwin COPELAND and Sarah MATTHEWS had the following children: +4810 +4811 +4812 4813 i. ii. iii. iv. 4814 v. +4815 4816 vi. vii. 4817 viii. Sarah Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 7 Mar 1833). Charles Matthews COPELAND (born on 5 Dec 1834). Frances Cornelia COPELAND (born on 3 Mar 1837). Louise Josephine COPELAND was born on 13 Sep 1839 in Morgan Co., GA. She died on 20 Aug 1840 in GA. Alexander Baldwin COPELAND was born on 2 Aug 1846 in Morgan Co., GA. He died on 4 Mar 1853 in Morgan Co., GA. Wallace Endora COPELAND (born on 26 Jan 1850). Zanna Isabel COPELAND was born on 2 Jun 1852 in Greene Co, GA. She died on 28 Aug 1852 in Greene Co, GA. William Baldwin COPELAND was born on 18 Aug 1858 in Greene Co, GA. He died on 2 Sep 1891 in Albany, GA. 1908. William Baldwin COPELAND Jr. (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Oct 1810. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Harris Co, GA. 39 years old and worth $8000 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Talbot Co., GA. He died in 1887 in Harris Co, GA. William Baldwin COPELAND Jr. and Ann 'Nancy' SWANSON were married on 20 Apr 1837 in Morgan Co., GA. Ann 'Nancy' SWANSON (daughter of John SWANSON Sr. and Elizabeth TUGGLE) was born in 1814 in GA. She died in 1893 in GA. William Baldwin COPELAND Jr. and Ann 'Nancy' SWANSON had the following children: +4818 +4819 +4820 +4821 4822 4823 +4824 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. John R. COPELAND (born in 1841). Julia F. COPELAND (born in 1844). William Baldwin COPELAND III (born on 7 Feb 1846). Mary L. COPELAND (born in 1848). Martha C. COPELAND was born in 1850 in GA. She died in 1857 in GA. Cornelia COPELAND was born in 1851 in GA. She died in 1857 in GA. Alexander F. COPELAND (born on 7 Feb 1856). 1909. Alexander COPELAND (William Baldwin-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1815 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Talbot Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Talbot Co., GA. He died before 1870 in Talbot Co., GA. Alexander COPELAND and Julia TUGGLE were married on 18 Apr 1837. Julia TUGGLE was born in 1815 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. Alexander COPELAND and Julia TUGGLE had the following children: 4825 4826 4827 4828 i. ii. iii. iv. William Leander COPELAND was born in 1844 in Greene Co, GA. Jasper COPELAND was born in 1843 in Greene Co, GA. Frances COPELAND was born in 1843 in Greene Co, GA. Elmyra COPELAND was born in 1845 in Greene Co, GA. Alexander COPELAND and Selina DAVIS were married on 10 Feb 1846 in Harris Co., GA. Selina DAVIS was born in 1831 in GA. Alexander COPELAND and Selina DAVIS had the following children: +4829 4830 4831 i. Sarah Eva COPELAND (born in 1850). ii. Martha COPELAND was born in 1852 in Talbot Co., GA. iii. Charles COPELAND was born in 1854 in Talbot Co., GA. 1911. Alexander COPELAND (Richard 'Peter'-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1816 in GA. 335 Descendants of William COPELAND Alexander COPELAND and Selina DAVIS were married on 10 Feb 1846 in Harris Co, GA. Selina DAVIS was born 1912. John COPELAND (Baldwin 'Baldy'-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1803 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hancock Co. GA. He died before 1870 in Hancock Co. GA. John COPELAND and Nancy WILLIAMS were married. Nancy WILLIAMS was born in 1810 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Hancock Co. GA. John COPELAND and Nancy WILLIAMS had the following children: +4832 4833 +4834 4835 +4836 4837 +4838 4839 4840 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Amariah Helen 'Emma' COPELAND (born on 25 Jul 1829). Sarabeth E. COPELAND was born in 1834 in Greene Co., GA. Jefferson F. COPELAND (born in 1835). James Madison COPELAND was born in 1837 in Greene Co, GA. Jasper J. COPELAND (born in 1839). William COPELAND was born in 1841 in Greene Co, GA. George Washington COPELAND (born in 1846). Nancy Odelia COPELAND was born in 1848 in Greene Co, GA. John W.J. COPELAND was born in 1850 in Greene Co, GA. He died before 1860 in Greene Co, GA. 1913. William COPELAND (Baldwin 'Baldy'-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jan 1806 in Franklin Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in pettis co., mo. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Cedar Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Marshall, Saline Co., MO. He died on 31 Mar 1888 in Mt. Zion Cem., Saline Co., MO. William COPELAND and Martha W. NEBLETT were married on 3 Jul 1827 in Franklin Co., VA. Martha W. NEBLETT died before 1840. William COPELAND and Martha W. NEBLETT had the following children: +4841 +4842 +4843 +4844 i. ii. iii. iv. Martha Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1826). Oliver B. COPELAND (born in 1828). William Neblett 'Nib" COPELAND (born in 1832). Mary J. COPELAND (born in 1835). William COPELAND and Elizabeth T. CORN were married on 2 Jan 1848 in Patrick Co., VA. Elizabeth T. CORN (daughter of Jesse CORN Jr. and Elizabeth BURNETT) was born on 31 Oct 1815 in Patrick Co., VA. She died on 30 Jul 1888 in Saline Co., MO. William COPELAND and Elizabeth T. CORN had the following children: +4845 4846 4847 +4848 +4849 +4850 +4851 i. Rev. John Boliver COPELAND (born on 15 Jul 1846). ii. Jesse T. COPELAND was born in Feb 1848 in Franklin Co., VA. He died in CA. iii. Robert William. COPELAND was born on 1 Aug 1850 in Franklin Co., VA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Saline Co., MO. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Coleman Co., TX. He died on 23 Sep 1940 in Loundon Cem., Kimble Co., TX. iv. Charles Oscar COPELAND (born in May 1852). v. James Sharp COPELAND (born on 5 Feb 1854). vi. Elizabeth Baldwin COPELAND (born in 1857). vii. Nancy V. 'Nannie' COPELAND (born on 8 Feb 1858). 1914. Thomas B. COPELAND (Baldwin 'Baldy'-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1809 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chambers Co., AL. Carpenter Doley was born in 1809. Thomas B. COPELAND and Doley had the following children: +4852 4853 4854 i. William COPELAND (born in 1830). ii. John COPELAND was born in 1833 in GA. iii. David COPELAND was born in 1835 in GA. 336 Descendants of William COPELAND +4855 +4856 4857 4858 4859 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Thomas Bailey COPELAND Jr. (born in 1837). Nathan COPELAND (born in 1838). Eramus COPELAND was born in 1844 in Chambers Co., AL. Charles COPELAND was born Dudley COPELAND was born in 1853 in TX. 1920. Lucinda COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Jan 1807 in Putnam Co., GA. She died on 22 Aug 1885 in Putnam Co., GA. Lucinda COPELAND and Paschel WARD were married on 10 Apr 1823 in GA. Paschel WARD died about 1852. Alpheus F. Copeland was administer of will Dec 30,1852. Alpheus F,John T. and Simeon B. made guardians of Oaschal E. Ward on 1/28/1853 Lucinda COPELAND and Paschel WARD had the following children: 4860 4861 +4862 4863 i. ii. iii. iv. Alfred WARD was born in 1831 in West Point, Troup Co., GA. Simeon WARD was born in 1838 in West Point, Troup Co., GA. Penelope WARD (born in 1845). Oashal E. WARD was born Lucinda COPELAND and George DARDEN were married about 1854. George DARDEN was born 1921. Martha COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 23 Oct 1808 in Putnam Co., GA. Martha COPELAND and Samuel Baker TURNER were married on 18 Nov 1824 in Morgan Co. GA Mg Bk p. 34. Samuel Baker TURNER (son of James TURNER Jr. and Elizabeth TRAMMELL) was born in 1795 in GA. He died about 1850 in Heard Co. GA (Estate Records Bk C 1840-1853 p. 449). Martha COPELAND and Samuel Baker TURNER had the following children: 4864 i. Samuel Wade TURNER was born in 1836 in (went to TX aft 1850). 1922. Simon Baker COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 15 Sep 1810 in Putnam Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chambers Co., AL. Farmer with 13 slaves, Real Estate $2000 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Pike Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Pike Co, AL. He died on 10 Feb 1885 in Brundage, Pike Co., AL. Simeon spent his early years in Putnam Co.,GA. By the late 1830's Simeon had migrated to Chambers CO.,AL,where he was a planter and slaveholder(owned 20 slaves in 1855 in Chambers Co.,AL). By the late1850's, he and Amarintha had migrated to Pike Co.,AL where they continued as planters. Simon Baker COPELAND and Amarintha Ann FEARS were married on 14 Oct 1840 in Chambers Co., AL. Married by Benjamin Lloyd,Hillard J. Thrash bondsman Amarintha Ann FEARS (daughter of Samuel B. FEARS and Polly M. BALLARD) was born on 12 Mar 1823 in GA. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Coffee Co., AL. living w/ son, John R. She died on 12 Dec 1903 in Pike Co., AL. Simon Baker COPELAND and Amarintha Ann FEARS had the following children: +4865 +4866 +4867 +4868 4869 i. ii. iii. iv. v. +4870 +4871 +4872 4873 vi. vii. viii. ix. +4874 +4875 x. xi. Mary Frances COPELAND (born on 10 Dec 1841). Martha Elizabeth COPELAND (born on 6 Dec 1842). Eugenius Washington COPELAND (born on 14 Feb 1847). William Oliver COPELAND (born on 26 Jun 1848). George Andrew COPELAND was born on 17 Nov 1851 in Chambers Co., AL. He died on 11 Jun 1865 in Pike Co, AL. John Rufus COPELAND (born on 28 May 1855). Keturah Adelle COPELAND (born on 27 Apr 1858). Ada Estelle COPELAND (born on 7 Jan 1861). Annie COPELAND was born on 24 Feb 1864 in Pike Co, AL. She died on 28 May 1865 in Brundage, Pike Co., AL. Samuel Baker COPELAND (born on 20 Mar 1866). Harvey Hill COPELAND (born on 10 Oct 1869). 337 Descendants of William COPELAND 1923. Alpheus Flournoy COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 3 Feb 1813 in Putnam Co., GA. He was living in 1838 in Wickerville, Chambers Co., AL. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Chambers Co., AL. Farmer,12 slaves,Real Estate $3000 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chambers Co., AL. He died on 6 Feb 1899 in Cusseta, AL. He was one of the earliest settlers of Chambers Co.,AL by 1838 when he was married. He and his brother migrated to Pike Co.,AL in 1857. In 1855, he had 16 slaves and guardian of 8 more Alpheus Flournoy COPELAND and Susannah Frances 'Jane' FEARS were married on 25 Oct 1838 in Chambers Co., AL. ML V1 #203 by John R. Himphries Susannah Frances 'Jane' FEARS (daughter of Samuel B. FEARS and Polly M. BALLARD) was born on 16 Jan 1821 in Jasper Co., GA. She died on 16 Nov 1894 in Chambers Co., AL. Alpheus Flournoy COPELAND and Susannah Frances 'Jane' FEARS had the following children: +4876 +4877 +4878 +4879 4880 4881 +4882 +4883 +4884 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Robert H. COPELAND (born in 1839). Mary Ann COPELAND (born on 19 Jan 1840). Indiana Augusta COPELAND (born on 6 Mar 1842). John Thomas COPELAND (born on 10 May 1844). Samuel R. COPELAND was born on 20 Oct 1847. He died on 3 Apr 1865. Endoral 'Donald' COPELAND was born on 8 Jul 1850. He died on 30 Nov 1872. Alonza 'Lonnie' Tyler COPELAND (born on 21 Nov 1852). Susie Anna COPELAND (born on 6 Jul 1855). Oliver Fears COPELAND (born on 12 Jul 1861). 1924. Elizabeth COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 1 Sep 1814 in Putnam Co., GA. Elizabeth COPELAND and Abner WARD were married on 7 Oct 1830. Abner WARD was born 1925. John Thomas COPELAND Jr (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 16 Dec 1820 in Putnam Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Stewart co., ga. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Chambers Co. AL. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Pike Co, AL. He died in Chambers Co., AL. He had 3 slaves in 1855. John T.,Alpheus and Simeon were appointed wards of Paschal Ward(dec), husband of Lucinda Copeland. in 1/28/1853. John Thomas COPELAND Jr and Amanda WILLIAMS were married on 2 Jan 1845. Amanda WILLIAMS was born John Thomas COPELAND Jr and Mary F. COX were married on 10 May 1847 in Muscogee Co., GA. Mary F. COX was born John Thomas COPELAND Jr and Mary F. COX had the following children: 4885 i. Frances C. COPELAND was born in 1849 in GA. Sara COX was born in 1831 in AL. John Thomas COPELAND Jr and Sara COX had the following children: 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Mary COPELAND was born in 1851 in AL. Eshsah COPELAND was born in 1854 in AL. James C. COPELAND was born in 1856 in AL. Shadie COPELAND was born in 1858 in AL. William R. COPELAND was born in 1860 in Pike Co., AL. 1926. Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jan 1823 in Putnam Co. GA (moved to Pike Co. AL in 1863). He appeared in the census in 1850 in Newton Co., GA. He died on 20 Jun 1901 in b Brundidge City Cem. Pike Co. AL. Fought in the REV WAR Oath of Allegiance in 1777. Joined Owen's Ruble's CO. Militia fought in March 1781, Battle of Guilford Court House,NC Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND and Louise S. TURNER were married in 1845. Louise S. TURNER (daughter of 338 Descendants of William COPELAND Greenberry TURNER and Rebecca MOSLEY) was born on 12 Oct 1825 in Newton Co., GA. She was born on 15 Dec 1825 in Newton Co. GA. She died in 1865 in Brundage, Pike Co., AL. She died on 3 Oct 1865 in b Brundidge City Cem. Pike Co. AL. Louise, wife of R.P. Copeland, my 2-great grandparents, died in 1865. She had had five children at that time. If Lenezer was the same person, and was born in 1825, that would have made Louisa 40 when she died, which may be about right. Louise S. (Turner) Copeland is buried in Brundidge, Al, and there's no mistaking the spelling of her name on her tombstone Louise (Turner) and her mother-in-law, Penelope Mosely. Penelope's father was Robert Mosel(e)y, born 1735, place and parentage unknown. He served in the Rev War from SC, enlisting in Mar 30, 1776 as a Corporal. He died in 1796 in the Edgefield District of SC. He had two wives:Mary (?) with whom he had 8 children, then to Penelope Talley with whom he had 8 more, including Penelope Moseley, who was my 3-great grandmother, married to John T. Copeland. One of Penelope's brothers married Mildred Copeland, and one married Mildred's sister, Sally Copeland. These two Copeland women were John T. Copeland's sisters. The two families were very "thickly" intermarried. I suspect that Green B. Turner's wife, Rebecca Mosely, was related to this Mosely family and that their daughter, Louise S. Turner, was a cousin to her husband, R.P. Copeland through his mother's line. source-Jerry Crumly---<> Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND and Louise S. TURNER had the following children: +4891 +4892 +4893 +4894 4895 +4896 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Hilliard Andrew COPELAND (born in 1846). John Greenberry 'Boss' COPELAND (born on 28 Aug 1848). William Richard COPELAND (born on 26 Nov 1852). Indiana Louise COPELAND (born on 5 Jul 1855). Mollie Cox 'Clayton' COPELAND was born on 11 Nov 1861 in Newton Co., GA. She died in 1870 in Brundage, Pike Co., AL. vi. Henry Olin COPELAND (born on 11 Nov 1861). Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND and Martha Ann 'Mollie' COX were married in 1865. Martha Ann 'Mollie' COX was born on 4 Jul 1839. She died in Sep 1923. Rev. Richard Peter COPELAND and Sara E. COX were married on 23 Sep 1851 in Putnam Co., GA. Sara E. COX was born 1927. William COPELAND (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 17 Dec 1824 in Putnam Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Harris Co, GA. He died in Aug 1887 in Harris Co., GA. William COPELAND and Mary Ann DAVIS were married on 15 Jan 1846. Mary Ann DAVIS was born in 1829 in GA. William COPELAND and Mary Ann DAVIS had the following children: +4897 +4898 i. Jonathan COPELAND (born in 1842). ii. William T. COPELAND (born in 1846). 1928. Robertus Marion COPELAND Sr. (John Thomas-7, Richard Peter-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 31 Mar 1828 in Stewart, GA. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Stewart co., ga. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Stewart co., ga. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Gonzales Co., TX. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Gonzales Co., TX. He died on 15 Jun 1905 in Gonzales Co., TX. He was a farmer,Primitive Baptist and a Chaplain in the Civil War Robertus Marion COPELAND Sr. and Sara Williams PERRY were married on 24 May 1849 in Stewart, GA. Sara Williams PERRY (daughter of John Gustavus PERRY and Cassandra HOLLOMAN) was born on 14 May 1834 in Stewart, GA. She 339 Descendants of William COPELAND died on 2 May 1906 in Gonzales Co., TX. Robertus Marion COPELAND Sr. and Sara Williams PERRY had the following children: +4899 +4900 +4901 4902 +4903 +4904 +4905 +4906 +4907 +4908 +4909 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. John A. COPELAND (born on 31 Mar 1850). William A. COPELAND (born on 6 Jan 1852). Richard Marion COPELAND (born on 12 Nov 1853). Willie H. COPELAND was born on 11 Aug 1855 in GA. He died on 27 Jul 1856 in GA. Penelope C. COPELAND (born on 17 Aug 1857). Early Williams COPELAND (born on 12 Sep 1859). Constance 'Fannie' B. COPELAND (born on 31 Aug 1861). Robertus Marion COPELAND Jr. (born on 26 Aug 1864). Sarah Lula COPELAND (born on 20 Oct 1866). Martha 'Mattie' Katherine COPELAND (born on 1 Sep 1869). Gustavus Hilton COPELAND (born in 1872). 1932. Howard COPELAND (Charles Robert-7, Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 6 Mar 1819 in Dresden, Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 1 Dec 1883 in Dresden, Muskigum Co., OH. He practiced law and a member of the Muskigum Co.,OH Bar in 1843. Howard COPELAND and Sarah DESHLER were married on 11 Aug 1859 in Columbus, OH. Sarah DESHLER (daughter of David W. DESHLER) was born Howard COPELAND and Sarah DESHLER had the following children: 4910 +4911 i. Howard Deshler COPELAND died in Railroad accident. ii. Howard COPELAND (born in 1869). 1933. Mary Ann COPELAND (Charles Robert-7, Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 8 Mar 1821 in Muskigum Co., OH. She died on 10 Sep 1904 in Granville, OH. Mary Ann COPELAND and Thomas Jefferson ROBINSON were married on 14 Sep 1852. Thomas Jefferson ROBINSON (son of James ROBINSON and Phoebe LETTS) was born in 1827. He died in 1898. 1934. Samuel COPELAND (Charles Robert-7, Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 Feb 1823 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 2 Apr 1896 in Dresden, Muskigum Co., OH. Samuel COPELAND and Barbara STINE were married in May 1866. Barbara STINE was born in Germany. She died in Muskigum Co., OH. Samuel COPELAND and Barbara STINE had the following children: 4912 +4913 +4914 +4915 +4916 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Fanny E. COPELAND was born in 1867 in OH. She died in 1870 in OH.. Flora COPELAND (born in 1870). Anna A. COPELAND (born in 1873). Gabriella COPELAND (born in 1876). Mary S. COPELAND (born in 1878). 1938. James Summerfield COPELAND (Charles Robert-7, Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William1) was born on 20 Aug 1829 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died on 11 Apr 1911 in Dresden, Muskigum Co., OH. James Summerfield COPELAND and Maria S. COX were married in May 1869. Maria S. COX was born in 1844. She died in 1911 in Dresden, Muskigum Co., OH. James Summerfield COPELAND and Maria S. COX had the following children: 4917 +4918 4919 4920 i. Edward H. COPELAND was born in 1870 in Madison, Muskigum Co., OH. He died in 1898 in Cock, GA. ii. Charles R. COPELAND (born in 1874). iii. William COPELAND was born in 1874 in Madison, Muskigum Co., OH. iv. James Summerfield COPELAND was born in 1879 in Madison, Muskigum Co., OH. He died in 340 Descendants of William COPELAND 1927 in OH. 1941. Henry M. COPELAND (Charles Robert-7, Charles-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 20 May 1837 in Muskigum Co., OH. He died in 1925 in OH.. Henry M. COPELAND and Juliet ADAMS were married on 29 Mar 1859. Juliet ADAMS was born 1957. Rosannah Minervia COPELAND (Obediah Elijah-7, William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born on 29 Feb 1824 in GA. She died on 12 Apr 1908 in Hot Springs , AR. Rosannah Minervia COPELAND and William P. CARPENTER were married on 28 Dec 1843 in dekalb Co, ga. William P. CARPENTER (son of George CARPENTER and Nancy HENDRICK) was born 1958. Andrew Jackson COPELAND (Obediah Elijah-7, William Baldwin-6, Peter-5, Peter-4, Nicholas-3, Nicholas-2, William-1) was born in 1830 in GA. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Milton Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Milton Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Milton Co., GA. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Milton Co., GA. daughter Elizabeth living with him Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Emily BRYAN were married about 1850 in DeKalb Co., GA. Emily BRYAN was born in 1833 in GA. Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Emily BRYAN had the following children: +4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 +4926 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Elizabeth COPELAND (born in 1851). William T. COPELAND was born in 1853 in Milton Co., GA. Elijah COPELAND was born in 1854 in Milton
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