newsletter ~ august, 2015
newsletter ~ august, 2015
NEWSLETTER ~ AUGUST, 2015 ~ TOM CRUISE VISITS PEACH STATE On June 28th, a scene from the upcoming movie “Mena” starring Tom Cruise was filmed on Peach State Airport in Williamson, Georgia. The movie is about Barry Seal, a hustler and pilot unexpectedly recruited by the CIA to run one of the biggest covert operations in U.S. history. Seal was later killed by Columbian hit men. The scene filmed at Peach State was set in the late 1950’s and portrays a young Barry Seal who was enthused about airplanes. Seal was a member of the Civil Air Patrol where he learned to fly in Mena, Arkansas. The Civil Air Patrol building on Peach State Airport was used as a background for the scene. Several shots were filmed using Ron Alexander's Piper J-3 Cub being flown by a stunt pilot. They were recreating scenes of the young Seal learning to fly and first soloing an airplane. A number of period airplanes were parked nearby to provide a realistic background. Tom Cruise was not in this scene. However, he chose to visit the airport and Candler Field Museum because of his interest in airplanes. Cruise is an accomplished pilot owning and flying several aircraft. Airport owner Ron Alexander said that Cruise viewed and discussed several of the airplanes that were being used for the film. Ron stated “he is a true aviation enthusiast and knows a lot about antique aircraft.” Movie director Doug Liman and Cruise were flown into the Griffin-Spalding Airport Sunday afternoon and driven to Peach State Airport. Liman remained throughout most of the afternoon directing the scene. Tom Cruise was on-site for about 2 hours. Filming was completed about 9 PM and the group then dined at Barnstormer’s Grill located on Peach State Airport. This is not the first visit to Peach State by a noted actor. Harrison Ford visited the airport and restaurant on 3 occasions during his filming of the movie “42”. Ford is also a known aviation enthusiast. Museum member Richard Epton with his new friend "Tom Cruise". Filming a scene in front of the Civil Air Patrol building at Peach State Aerodrome. Director Doug Liman is on the left with the hat on his head. Another scene using a young actor to portray Barry Seal. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH PROGRAM UPDATE By Jim Hoak, Youth Program Manager The Candler Field Museum - Aviation Youth Program has experienced much growth since our first shop session on December 4, 2013. We started the dis-assembly of a Piper J-3 that first evening, and now several of our thirty current students have flown that airplane for over a total of fifty hours.Two students have actually soled the J-3 and some others are about to get their shirt tails cut off soon. What a great way to learn basic "stick and rudder" skills. When we moved into the Doug Davis Hangar early this year, we thought we would have plenty of space for the projects we had in work at the time. Wrong! Currently, the flying J-3 resides in the obvious place just inside of the hangar doors, always ready to take one of the students and an instructor aloft. The rest of the hangar is filled with the five other projects which are all in work. Soon, our Aeronca 7AC Champ will join the Cub as one of our flying classrooms for the hard working students. It too will occupy space in the hangar. So much is going on that sometimes it is hard to see the actual progress on the airplanes. There is the PA-18 Super Cub N167T, actually one of the Civil Air Patrol ( CAP ) Tango Cubs of 1950, which is now "on the gear". A new Boot Cowl arrived recently and will be fitted along with engine mount and instrument panel. We plan to have that airplane out and flying later in the year. Our Kinner Bird quietly awaits it's turn to have the students and mentors to give it all the attention that it deserves. Then there is the WACO GC-1A Glider fuselage section, which will be a non-flying museum display, that is soon to be covered. Recently we were fortunate to receive a neat surprise from the National EAA organization in the form of a Sonex Sport Trainer quick build kit. This is an all metal Light Sport kit aircraft which will allow the students to learn some metal working skills to go with all the fabric covering and rib stitching they have been doing. This project is in the early stages with building the flight controls the focus at this time. One can see that this Aviation Youth Program has become a great part of the overall activities of the Candler Field Museum. The great mentoring and teaching of our dedicated volunteer mentors has attracted some very motivated students. Along with the students come their families who also become involved in some of the other museum activities. Aviation activities of all kinds are occurring at the Candler Field Museum. Jim Hoak Nick Johns installing the tailwheel on the Piper Super Cub assisted by Jacob Gates and Randy Coile. This airplane should fly by the end of this year. Picture courtesy of Bill Rial. During AirVenture 2015, the Vintage Aircraft Association sponsored a youth forum conducted by youth and for youth who are interested in aviation careers. The forum was very well attended and the four young people did a great job answering questions and presenting their individual stories. If you have an interest in antique airplanes I encourage you to join the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association. You can do so by clicking here! The Youth Program is always in need of adult volunteers. You do not have to be an A & P mechanic to work with us. We have several who volunteer each session. If you would like to help out please contact Ron Alexander or Jim Hoak at the email addresses below. or If you would like to donate money to the program please CLICK HERE and designate your donation to the Youth Program. OSHKOSH 2015 TRIP Again this year a number of us loaded up on the Candler Field Express and headed north to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for AirVenture 2015. We had a great trip. Here is a picture of the Candler Field Express alongside the Flabob Express in the Vintage area at Oshkosh. The new Vintage Plaza was dedicated during the week. EAA President Jack Pelton along with Vintage Aircraft Association President Geoff Robison presided over the dedication. Please go to the VAA facebook page and "like" it. Your will enjoy the postings. CLICK HERE to go to the facebook page. National Civil Air Patrol Commander Major General Joseph R. Vazquez visited with us in the DC-3. Night airshow - picture courtesy of Steve Noll. Youth Member Randy Coile expresses how we all felt on the way home. UPDATE FROM FLABOB AIRPORT News from Riverside, CA The DC-3 "Flabob Express" also traveled to Oshkosh for AirVenture 2015. They first flew from California to Geneseo, NY for the warbird event there and then on to Oshkosh. The Flabob Express providing shade for airshow viewers. DC-3 mechanic Joe Garcia fixing a prop problem prior to the trip home. Departing Oshkosh for the trip home. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON FLABOB PLEASE CLICK HERE. MORE VINTAGE DAY PICTURES Waco hopping rides. Picture by John Willhoff. OX-5 engine that will soon be overhauled. Picture by John Ellis. This picture needs no caption - by John Willhoff. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND NEXT YEAR'S EVENT ON JUNE 4, 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUSEUM FACEBOOK PAGE Please CLICK HERE and LIKE the Candler Field Museum facebook page. We now have OVER 1,400 followers on facebook. Each time you log on you will see news about the museum. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ LOCAL STEARMANS PARTICIPATE IN AIRSHOW Four Stearmans including local pilots Jim Ratliff, Vic Syracuse, and John Laughter flew a pass down Pensacola Beach prior to the Blue Angels Beach Airshow on July 11th. The fourth pilot was Carey Hardin from Starkville, MS. They were there to participate in the Veteran's Flight event that took place just prior to the airshow. That event offered Stearman rides to WWII pilots. CLICK HERE for a link to a video on this event. PICTURE FROM THE PAST Great picture of Roscoe Turner - supplied by museum member Clark Schadle. CANDLER FIELD FLYING CLUB Our good friends Scott Guyette and Jon Tennyson have visited Candler Field Museum on several occasions. They have shot numerous video segments on flying throughout the world including several that have been filmed at Peach State. They are currently developing a DVD site called "Flying on Demand". They advertise their website as aviation TV - anytime - anywhere - any device. Here is a video they shot at Peach State a couple of years ago featuring the flying club. CLICK HERE TO VIEW FLYING CLUB VIDEO CLICK HERE TO VIEW FLYING ON DEMAND WEBSITE For more information on the Candler Field Flying Club please CLICK HERE. NEW WEBSITE BARNSTORMER'S GRILL NOW HAS A NEW WEBSITE CLICK HERE TO VIEW DOWNLOAD OUR NEW APP FOR YOUR CELLPHONE AND RECEIVE SPECIALS AND OTHER INFORMATION. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SUNDAY BUFFET Join us each Sunday for a great buffet served from 11 AM until 3 PM. You will not be disappointed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CFM Board of Directors Ron Alexander, Chairman Regina Alexander Jon Goldenbaum William Hammond Brian Karli John Kuck John Laughter, Jr. Glen Marsh Jack Smith Doug Warner Advisory Board members: Scott Coile – Youth Program representative James Hoak - EAA Chapter 468 representative Williams Reynolds – Civil Air Patrol representative ************************************************************************** Candler Field Museum, Inc. is a Georgia Non-Profit Corporation, and qualifies under IRS code 501(c)(3) as a charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible. Please consider becoming a supporting member and a regular donor to this worthwhile organization. You may contribute in person, by mail, or CLICK HERE TO DONATE OR TO JOIN THE MUSEUM. Like Us on FaceBook! Candler Field Museum - - Copyright 2011. Phone 770-467-9490 - Located on Peach State Aerodrome , 349 Jonathan's Roost Road, Williamson, Georgia 30292
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