©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions
©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions
©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions Crazy Quilt Blocks Scrappy Instructions, Precut Fabric directions below For the stabilizer I use a thin flimsy one that stays on the block and a layer of tear away. I cut my fabrics in strips about 6 inches file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (1 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions The first sew of the design is an out line of the block. this will help you line up the fabric Look at the block one image, and it is numbered on how you sew Placing your first 2 fabrics good sides together, place along the line between part 1 and part 2 and sew the next line the machine will stop file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (2 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions Now carefully trim doe the excess fabric to about 1/4 inch Now fold over file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (3 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions and finger press the seam Now you can sew the next part which will go over that seam with a decorative stitch file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (4 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions once the first part is sewn I trimmed down the first fabric to the shape under it from the outline sew out leaving a seam allowance Now find the line between section 2 and 3 and place your next fabric good side down, file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (5 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions make sure it follows the outline of the join Sew the next line, it stops trim the seam and fold fabric back file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (6 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions and sew the decorative stitch Now onto the next step, sew file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (7 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions your seam, and trim fold back the fabric and sew the fancy stitch file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (8 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions repeat and repeat. I am just showing you file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (9 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions the steps to each new fabric piece Trim and sew out the decorative stitch file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (10 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions lifting the fabric so I can see the line of the next fabric placement I sewed the first line, file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (11 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions trimmed and folded over then did the decorative stitch file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (12 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions with all fabrics sewn in and decorative stitch sewn. the machine will sew out a line defining the block Remove the design from the hoop, you can now use that last out line of the file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (13 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions block as a gage to trim the block giving it a 1/4 inch seem from the out line finished block file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (14 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions Trim the back and front real neat and start tearing the one file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (15 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions layer of stabilizer off Finished Block file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (16 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions Precut Fabric directions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (17 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (18 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (19 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (20 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (21 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (22 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (23 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (24 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (25 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (26 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (27 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM ©Skeldale House, Crazy Quilt Blocks Instructions Finished Block with lace inserted etc 1997 © 2009 Skeldale House file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/09_skeldalehouse/crazy_quilt/crazy_quilt_blocks.html (28 of 28)5/28/2009 9:17:31 AM