Geotechnical Exhibits 10-18
Geotechnical Exhibits 10-18
KA-06-29 Lb Lb Vb KA-06-28 DH-22.5 N NPA Te Sa SECTIO Sa 5 0-1.5' Type 1A Levee Fill 1.5-7' Type 2 Levee Fill NEWPORT 2 DH-22-1 NEWPORT 1 ra m ent KA-06-25 SE-TP9 KA-06-24 Sac So SE-TP10 DH-22 SE-CPT9 Lb SE-CPT3 SE-TP11 KA-06-23 SE-CPT10 SE-CPT7 SE-CPT4 SE-CPT6 SE-CPT11 So NOTE: Potential levee fill areas, soil survey lines, and soil types developed by Blackburn Consulting 2010. SE-TP12 Sources: Imagery-NAIP 2009; Levee Miles-DWR 1990; Levee Fill Areas, Soil Survey Line and Type-Blackburn Consulting 2010 } Levee Improvement Program Southport Early Implementation Project Project Manager M. V EC C H IO, HD R Designed Checked A. ARNOLD, HDR Drawn B. JONES, HDR S-23 NW-31 W-28 C-1 or D-1 00 oad 0-2' Type 1 Levee Fill 2-7' Type 2A Levee iv er en R LM3 So 250+ Mk SECT Te Lin d ION N PB KA-06-26 oR Vb Lb G:\028_147518_Southport_EIP\map_docs\mxd\Geotech\G-13 Site Map Newport Borrow Site.mxd | November 2010 KA-06-27 SE-B1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA January, 2004) Sage and Approximate monitoring well location (WKA January, 2004) Kleinfelder SE-TP1 Approximate test pit location (WKA February, 2004) Borings SE-CPT1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA May, 2005) Approximate soil boring location Kleinfelder (KA-06-05) Approximate boring location (Previous Sudies) Kleinfelder (DH-19) Approximate boring location Raney Geotechnical (December, 2006-January 2007) Approximate boring location (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) LNWI - Southport Previous Boring (Espana August, 2001) Gravity Sewer Boring Location (West Sacramento FM). (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) Borings Cone Penetration Test or Dilatometer Test, (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) } Sage Boring (June 2010) Borrow Site Sage Test Pit (June 2010) Soil Survey Line and Soil Type Wa Sage CPT (June 2010) Type 1 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 1A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) Type 2 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 2A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) ROWs and Easements Parcels 150+00 Proposed ROW and Parcels Project Stationing X_Sec_Line LM2 Levee Miles (DWR, 1990) Site Map, Newport Borrow Site Exhibit G-13 Project Num: 453318-147518-028 December 2010 0 500 1,000 Feet SCALE: 1" = 1,000' P1 4 3 YC 6 11 10 IO N 12 YA 16 24 E3 22 28 P3 34 32 E4 33 27 41 30 39 36 35 44 42 46 P4 47 Sa Wa Mn CT Checked A. ARNOLD, HDR Drawn B. JONES, HDR S-23 NW-31 W-28 C-1 or D-1 21 S-8 D-6 S-37 26 D-7 S-7 NW-29 DH-19.5 B-1 S-38 La KA-06-05(RANEY)0+00 5 S-6 SBT-2 L M S-23 S-39 S am ac r ento 100+00 er Riv 7 D-8 KA-06-04 DH-19-2 4 Sources: Imagery-NAIP 2009; Levee Miles-DWR 1990; Levee Fill Areas, Soil Survey Line and Type-Blackburn Consulting 2010 } M. V EC C H IO, HD R Designed Vb Ld 45 ION NOTE: Potential levee fill areas, soil survey lines, and soil types developed by Blackburn Consulting 2010. Project Manager Lb 9 S-5 S-4 NW-30 S-40 YB C-13 KA-06-03 48 S-41 P5 C-14 S-22 DH-19-1 D-10 E6 S-3 KA-06-02 50 S-42 49 SBT-1 C-15 NW-31 C-16 DH-19 W S-2 KA-06-01 LM7 S-44 S-1 S-21 .8 SE 43 Rk 40 38 37 E5 YARBROUGH 1 19 31 29 Lb 15 20 25 Lb Vb 14 13 18 23 La Ld E2 8 Wa Sa 17 1-7' Type 2A Levee 7 SEC CT TION SE Gregory Ave. P2 2 So Vb Wa 1 Da v Ld is R oad G:\028_147518_Southport_EIP\map_docs\mxd\Geotech\G-15 Site Map Yarbrough Borrow Site.mxd | November 2010 D eep Water Sh ip C ha n n el Ld 5 E1 Levee Improvement Program Southport Early Implementation Project Ld Vb SE-B1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA January, 2004) Sage and Approximate monitoring well location (WKA January, 2004) Kleinfelder SE-TP1 Approximate test pit location (WKA February, 2004) Borings SE-CPT1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA May, 2005) Approximate soil boring location Kleinfelder (KA-06-05) Approximate boring location (Previous Sudies) Kleinfelder (DH-19) Approximate boring location Raney Geotechnical (December, 2006-January 2007) Approximate boring location (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) LNWI - Southport Previous Boring (Espana August, 2001) Gravity Sewer Boring Location (West Sacramento FM). (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) Borings Cone Penetration Test or Dilatometer Test, (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) } Sage Boring (June 2010) Borrow Site Sage Test Pit (June 2010) Soil Survey Line and Soil Type Wa Sage CPT (June 2010) Type 1 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 1A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) Type 2 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 2A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) ROWs and Easements Parcels 150+00 Proposed ROW and Parcels Project Stationing X_Sec_Line LM2 Levee Miles (DWR, 1990) Site Map, Yarbrough Borrow Site Exhibit G-15 Project Num: 453318-147518-028 December 2010 0 1,000 2,000 Feet SCALE: 1" = 2,000' Rk P4 47 E6 49 W Wa 0-2' Type 1 Levee Fill 4-7' Type 2A Levee CT C-16 DH-19 S-2 KA-06-01 S-1 S-21 2 SEC TIO NS 1 RC D Sa 00+0 0 S-44 SD CS Sa SRCSD 1 NOTE: Potential levee fill areas, soil survey lines, and soil types developed by Blackburn Consulting 2010. Sources: Imagery-NAIP 2009; Levee Miles-DWR 1990; Levee Fill Areas, Soil Survey Line and Type-Blackburn Consulting 2010 } M. Rob ertson , Bla ckb urn NW-31 South Cross Levee SR G:\028_147518_Southport_EIP\map_docs\mxd\Geotech\G-18 Site Map SRCSD Borrow Site.mxd | November 2010 N IO R. Lo kte ff , B l ack bur n Drawn S-3 C-15 SRCSD 2 SE Checked S-42 0-1' Type 1 Levee Fill 1-5' Type 2A Levee Project Manager B. Cr a wf or d , B la ckb ur n S-22 C-14 D-10 50 Sa Ma Levee Improvement Program Southport Early Implementation Project M. V EC C H IO, HD R S-41 46 Mn Designed C-13 P5 48 Sa cra m ent o R iv e r D eep Water Sh ip C ha n n el S 40 S-23 NW-31 W-28 C-1 or D-1 SE-B1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA January, 2004) Sage and Approximate monitoring well location (WKA January, 2004) Kleinfelder SE-TP1 Approximate test pit location (WKA February, 2004) Borings SE-CPT1 Approximate soil boring location (WKA May, 2005) Approximate soil boring location Kleinfelder (KA-06-05) Approximate boring location (Previous Sudies) Kleinfelder (DH-19) Approximate boring location Raney Geotechnical (December, 2006-January 2007) Approximate boring location (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) LNWI - Southport Previous Boring (Espana August, 2001) Gravity Sewer Boring Location (West Sacramento FM). (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) Borings Cone Penetration Test or Dilatometer Test, (Espana, August 2001, August 2002) } Sage Boring (June 2010) Borrow Site Sage Test Pit (June 2010) Soil Survey Line and Soil Type Wa Sage CPT (June 2010) Type 1 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 1A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) Type 2 Levee Fill (Potential) Type 2A Levee Fill (Potential, Lower Confidence Level) ROWs and Easements Parcels 150+00 Proposed ROW and Parcels Project Stationing X_Sec_Line LM2 Levee Miles (DWR, 1990) Site Map, SRCSD Borrow Site Exhibit G-18 Project Num: 453318-147518-028 December 2010 0 500 1,000 Feet SCALE: 1" = 1,000'
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