SRS rules and regulations


SRS rules and regulations
Super Retriever Series
Rules and Regulations
Retriever Trials
SRS Super Dock
Retriever Trials
The Super Retriever Series
In 1999, ESPN created the ESPN Great Outdoor Games. If you don’t remember the Great Outdoor
Games it was an combination of many outdoor sports such as Timbersports, Bass Fishing, Fly Fishing,
Dog Agility, Fly Ball, Big Air Dogs, Shooting sports, Archery and Retriever Trials.
The retriever trials were made up of 12 competitive teams. Handlers with their dogs were invited to participate in a hybrid retriever trial game held in Lake Placid, New York in July of 2000. The hybrid game
would consist of a number of tests that would include combinations of trials, tests and hunting scenarios.
The teams would be judged on marking, memory, line, and blind manners as well as control.
In the fall of 2001, the first qualifier for the Great Outdoor Games would be developed and its name would
be the Super Retriever Series. The 1st, 2nd or 3rd placement in a qualifier would receive an invite to the
ESPN Great Outdoor Games. By 2005 ESPN changed their programming format and discontinued the
games and that year the Super Retriever Series Crown Championship was established.
The Super Retriever Series is a hybrid game to find just what it states...
The Super Retriever... The retriever that can do it all… in the field, during a test, in a hunting situation
and a handler to take them there and do it as a team.
Retriever Trials
Coming together is a beginning...
Keeping together is progress...
Working together is a success...
Retriever Trials
Table of Contents
SRS Event Descriptions ........................................................................ page 6
SRS RETRIEVER TRIALS Event Rules and Regulations. ................................................... page 8
Running Rules ............................................................................. page 12
Basic Rules ................................................................................... page 13
Point System ................................................................................ page 14
SRS Club Rules and Information ............................................. page 16
SRS Team Medley Rules ........................................................... page 18
SRS Crown Championship Rules ............................................ page 19
SRS ORGANIZATIONAL BODY ...................................................... page 20
Retriever Trials
The Super Retriever Series
Event Descriptions
SRS Classic Events
Classic events are a combination of Retriever Trials and the Super Dock collectively. Classic events are
brought in by a city or city organization and most but not all are televised. The Retriever Trials will consist
of Pro/AM as separate divisions with 4 hybrid series.
The Super Dock will hold Super Elite, Super Fly Pro, Amateur Fly, Junior Fly, Senior Fly and Mini flyers. It
also has a vertical jump referred to as Super V. New in 2014, the dock will add a relay race to be called The
Raider Run and The Super Dog Triathlon, a timed event in Fly, V and Raider Run. We also have fun jumps
at the pool so we encourage all to come out, bring your own dog and have a good time.
SRS Club Event
The SRS Club event is a Retriever Trial held by current or combined retriever club and/or group. A portion
of the proceeds will benefit the club. This club / group may also sell sponsorships to help with their event
SRS Team Medley
The Team Medley is a team of 4 dogs - 4 handlers (4x4) . Handlers can be on more than one team, but not
more than 3. All 4 dogs must run every testing scenario. If a dog becomes unable to run for any reason
that dog will receive a zero/0 at the completion of his/her scheduled run. 3 total series that will include a
variation of a Field trial, Hunt test or/and Hunting Savvy. Same rules apply for 2x2 Team Medley event.
SRS Super Dock Events
The Super Dock will hold Super Elite, Super Fly Pro, Amateur Fly, Junior Fly, Senior Fly and Mini flyers. It
also has a vertical jump referred to as Super V. New in 2014, the dock will add a relay race to be called The
Raider Run and The Super Dog Triathlon, a timed event in Fly, V and Raider Run.
SRS Crown Championship
The SRS Crown Championship is held like a Classic event and is a combination of Retriever Trials and the
Super Dock events for those that qualified throughout the year from all of the SRS events. The winner will
receive the prestige name of Crown Champion within the Retriever Trials, and all Super Dock events. 1st,
2nd and 3rd places are recognized and 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at the Crown Championship will be invited
back the following year to defend their Championship title.
Retriever Trials
The Super Retriever Series
You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
Retriever Trials
SRS Event Rules and Regulations
All decisions made by the SRS Board of Directors, Flyway director and Running Rules Director will be
final in all matters. The governing body of officials may make a change to these rules when the safety of a
team or the integrity of a specific test or the Super Retriever Series is in question.
Competitor’s Meeting
All competitors are required to attend the Competitor’s meeting prior to the beginning of the competition.
At this meeting, the handlers will receive the running order and will be required to sign an indemnity and
liability waiver. Handlers are encouraged to “question” any and all rules at this time. If you are unable to
attend the Handler meeting you must call a committee member or the Event Chair/Marshall of the event.
Please note: Competitor’s when visiting a community or a visiting a SRS club community there has been a
lot of time and planning put forth to hold an event. Please respect the host hotels, meetings and or dinners
that have be set up for you because it does make a difference for the folks working hard to put this event all
together and also to carry it into a second year.
Dress Code
• All handlers should wear attire suitable for a national television audience whether televised or untelevised.
• Handlers will wear tan in all testing scenarios unless specified by the judges.
• If a “white coat” is used by the judges in the field in a marking and/or blind scenario, then it is at the
handler’s discretion to also use a “white coat/shirt” while handling in that scenario.
• If handlers are required to operate from a “blind” (boat blind, ground blind, or stationary blind) then
hunting camouflage should be worn by the handlers during that series. Patterns typically used in a “snow
environment” will not be allowed, unless it falls within the proper scenario.
• Handlers may have to wear black and or tan in certain testing scenarios.
• All caps and hats must be harmonious with the sporting lifestyle.
• If you and your retriever are be tested in standing water then waders or hip boots are recommended.
Retriever Trials
SRS Event Rules and Regulations
• Both Professionals and Amateurs will run the exact same tests together and scored within their own division. The Professionals will only compete against the Professionals and
the Am’s will only compete against the Am’s. Amatuers will run 5th in the first series and no sooner.
• Professional entry fee is $225.00.
• Amateur entry fee is $125.00.
• SRS will carry a 6 dog per handler entry.
• All dogs must have either a HRCH, FC, AFC, QAA or MH title. If you feel that your dog is still at a competitive level please contact a committee member for approval.
• Professional handlers will have a cut off deadline listed on the entry registration. Under no circumstance
will SRS allow a late entry. If a dog comes into season you may switch out that dog with a vetenarian slip
presented on site for the in seasoned female or if there is an injury. The note must have a veterinarian
address and phone number listed and must be signed by the Vetenarian. If you have registered a dog that
qualified for the Crown Championship in a prior event, then you may substitute a replacement dog.
• An Amateur handler may have a late entry based on unknowing work schedules, etc. If running order is
made prior to your entry, you will go 5th from the top of the running order for Series 1.
The approach to the SRS should be looked at as 2 events that take place in one weekend. The team
goal should be to make it through the first event of series 1 and 2 , to make the top 12. The Second
event consists of the Semi Final and Final round.
Top 1st-3rd Pro & AM at any event will advance to the Crown Championship. Overall points winner will
also advance to the Crown Championship. If dog and handler are already qualified in the top 3 or overall
winner from another event, the next best dog and handler will go to the Crown Championship.
• Series 1 and Series 2 are a combined scored event. Scores will be accumulated for these first 2 series. The
top 12 Pro teams and the top 12 Amateur teams of the two series event with the lowest scores will advance
to the Semi Final/Finals event. A tie at the 12th position will advance based on 1st series score. If it continues to be tied, both in that position will go. If you have more than 1 team that qualifies for the Semi Final
event you may only take your top 2 teams based on the lowest score to the Semi Final Event or Series 3. If
either of these dogs are already qualified for the Crown Championship, then you may pick your next dog to
go to Semi- Finals Event.
• The Semi Final (Series 3) Finals (Series 4) Scored wll pick up from prevoius series and continue to be a
combined score. The Semi Final Series will finish, and the top 6 Pro teams and top 6 Amateur teams with
the lowest scores will make the cut to the Top 6. A tie at the 6th position will advance based on previous
combined score of 1st 2nd & 3rd Series. If it continues to be tied, both will go. You may take 2 teams, your
top teams based on the lowest score to the Final round or Series 4. Lowest score determines the winner. In
the case of a tie, a single series run off will be used to determine a winner in a Final round.
Retriever Trials
SRS Event Rules and Registration
• If more than one dog gets qualified for the Semi Finals or Final series, you may only take up to 2 dogs to
the Semi Final series and 2 dogs to the Final series. The team with the better score will be the team that
will advance to the Semis (Series 3) and to the Finals (Series 4) in the case in the Semi Finals / Finals Event.
NOTE: SRS is currenlty looking at the Crown becoming once again a televised event, the producer may make the decision to start both the 3rd and 4th Series from zero and NOT combine with Series 1and Series 2. SRS will however
acknowledge the overall winner.
• A random running order with influence will be generated automatically 5 days prior to the event. “Influence” simply describes the fact that we will take multiple dog handlers into consideration while creating the
running order.
• The top 3 Professionals and top 3 Amateurs from each qualifier will advance to the Crown Championship
in a “SRS Classic” and an SRS Club Format. This rule does not apply to a SRS 2x2 or 4x4 Team event, in
which case for every 10 teams, 1 team will go to the Crown Championship.
• Overall Point winner from a SRS Classic or SRS Club Format will advance to the Crown Championship.
• SRS Club formats must have at least 25 entries total (Pro/AM) to have a SRS club event.
• SRS 2x2 formats must have at least 10 teams to have an event.
• SRS 4x4 formats must have at least 10 teams to have an event.
• Crown Championship will have a $225.00 entry fee. 90% will go back towards the payout and combined
with the SRS qualifying dollars accumulation. SRS Crown Championship Dollars will payout 1st through
3rd Place. Ribbons will be given to 1st through 4th place.
Amateur Qualifications
• Handler must not receive monetary compensation for retriever training.
• Handler cannot have been a professional retriever trainer within the last year from the start date of the
event they are competing in.
• A professional retriever trainer may not be listed as owner or partial owner of a dog in the Amateur competition.
An Amateur handler may handle up to two other dogs other than his own retrievers, provided that the retriever(s) are owned by an amateur. If this is the first time your dog is running this event, please have proof
of ownership on hand incase there is any question what so ever.
Special considerations may be made with the approval from the 5 member SRS Running Rules Committee.
If you have a question regarding Amateur Status, please contact the Running Rules Committee Chair.
Retriever Trials
SRS Event Rules and Registration
Judges & Judge Requirements
SRS judges must be looked upon as knowledgeable and trustworthy and be in good standing in the hunting
and retriever communities. There will be 2 judges for all SRS Events and one Event Chairman (SRS Marshall) There will be 3 Judges for the SRS Crown Championship.
Scratch Policy
Entry fees will be refunded only if you can provide a vetenarian note to the marshal or other official prior
to the competition.
Classic Event Fees & Payout
• SRS membership fee will be applied at the beginning of each year or upon entry on your first event.
• Pro - $45.00 (1 year membership fee)
Amateur $25.00 (1 year membership fee)
• Owners will pay the $25.00 Amateur fee for their dog registered under the pro (1 year Membership Fee).
• There will be a handling fee of $5.00 on all Memberships.
• Each member will receive an ID Card with Owner/Dog listed ( to be renewed each year ) and SRS swag
that will consist of SRS apparel or SRS sponsored swag. Each Pro’s Kennel will be included on the SRS
website and recommended within social media.
• Non SRS members can run for an additional $40.00 fee for each dog entry.
• Pro’s - $225.00 entry fee - Payout top 6 positions - 80% payout. Payout purse will not exceed $12,500.00.
10% Crown Championship payout. Ribbons will be given to the Semi-finalist or Top 12.
• Amateur - $125.00 entry fee - payout top 6 positions - 80% payout. 10% Crown Championship payout.
Payout purse will not exceed $7,500.00.
Classic payout will consist of 1st - 40%, 2nd - 20%, 3rd - 15%, 4th - 10%, 5th - 9%, 6th - 6% of total purse.
• Crown Championship will have a $225.00 entry fee. 90% will go back towards the payout and combined
with the SRS qualifying dollar pool. SRS Crown Championship Combined dollar amount will payout 1st
through 3rd Place in Pro and 1st Place in Amateur.
• Crown Payout will consist of 1st – 70%, 2nd – 20%, 3rd – 10%. The Top Amateur in the Crown Championship will be gifted with sponsor donations.
Retriever Trials
SRS Running Rules
The Super Retriever Series Retriever Trials are judging a team’s ability
to do the following :
1. Handle any test, trial and/or realistic hunting scenario
2. Marking and memory
3. Line/Blind Manners
4. Control
All Series will be a Hybrid of HRC/AKC Hunt test and AKC Field Trials combined.
All Handlers will be required to wear Tan Shirts and Khaki pants. Nice Jeans will be acceptable.
You should bring a white coat or camo jackets in the event that the judges decide that this is required. You
should also have hip boots and or waders on hand.
Every SRS event may or may not have the following types of series or a combination of the following types
of series.
1. “Trial Like Scenario”. Handlers may be asked to wear white/ black coats at the line and bird boys will be
relatively exposed to both retriever and handler before each mark is thrown. No less than 75% of the marks
will be “marked” with an attention getting shot.
2. “Hunt Test Like Scenario”. Handlers may have to wear black or tan. Marks may or may not be accompanied with an attention getting “call” or “shot”. Distances should be taken into consideration and marks
exceeding 175 yards are encouraged to be accompanied by an attention getter. Judges may require a handler
to use a shotgun with or without a primer. No poppers will be shot within 10 feet of a retriever in any series,
although the use of primers at the line is encouraged in hunt test scenarios.
3. A “Hunting Savvy Scenario”. Handlers will wear attire harmonious with the hunting environment. This
does include camouflage shirts/jackets. The judges will determine and announce what the handling attire
will be upon delivery of the tests mechanics to the handlers. Decoys, blinds, boats, guns and extremely realistic scenarios are strongly encouraged. You should have waders, hip boots and all hunting attire you would
normally use.
Each event will contain a minimum of 4 testing scenarios. All series will be the Judges choice. Due to any
weather conflicts or unforeseen circumstances the 4th series can be eliminated with approval of the SRS
Event Chairman.
All events have the option to use real ducks or cock pheasants at their discretion. There will be no mixing
of artificial training birds and/or real birds in an event. All televised events will use artificial birds, The
Crown Championship will use artificial birds.
Judges’ decisions are final.
Retriever Trials
Basic Rules
• Retriever will walk at heel, off lead, to and from the line or as instructed by the judges.
• Handler will signal when ready before the test begins, unless the judges’ instructions are different.
• Handler should refrain from touching his or her dog after they remove the lead.
• Hand, voice or whistle commands may be used by the handler at any time.
• Handler will be allowed to point out the guns in “trial like” scenarios only.
• Training aids will not be permitted on the grounds with the exception of leads, leashes and flat buckled
• Upon completion of each run (if designated) the team will proceed to honor the following retriever. The
honor dog and handler are still under judgment and may be scored accordingly.
• The use of hand, excessive voice or whistle commands will not be permitted while honoring.
• The handler is encouraged to communicate with the judges before the test begins regarding any unclear
• When gun handling, it’s paramount to use the gun as if it were loaded. Be safe.
• Bitches in season are not allowed on the grounds.
• Should a competitor bring a female in season to the line, they will be disqualified, forfeit their entire entry
fee, and will be suspended for the remainder of the SRS season.
Basic points are accumulated on a 2, 5 and 10 point scale. If additional or non-traditional scoring is to be
used by the judges, every handler should be clearly notified prior to the start of that series. (Often times
judges may determine that an infraction is so severe that if committed, the handler should be dropped immediately or the infraction will result in extreme penalty points.)
In the event of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances the judges will make a decision to drop from 4 series to 3 in order to complete the competition within the time frame of the event.
Scores will be revealed to the competitor during the event except for the Final Series.
Retriever Trials
Point System
10 Point Faults
• Avoidance - A handler does not attempt to challenge the test set forth by the judges.
• Controlled Break - A retriever leaves before showing steady.
• Handle to the Area - A retriever must be handled to the area of the fall.
• Unsafe Gun Handling - Handler uses gun in a manner that threatens the safety of those around him/her – upon second warning the team will be dropped.
5 Point Faults
• Excessive Creeping - Retriever moves across the line before being cast
• Cast Refusals - Retriever must improve their position to the target whether a mark or blind retrieve. All
casts will be preceded by a “sit whistle.”
• Whistle Refusal - Retriever does not respond to handler’s sit whistle. All casts other than a “come-in whistle” will be preceded by a “sit whistle”.
• Excessive Verbal Commands - handler speaks in a intimidating manner towards the retriever.
• Excessive Vocalization - A retriever is expected to remain reasonably quiet at the line.
• Unsteady - A retriever is expected to remain still--other than repositioning to view a mark.
• Retrievers are also expected to walk closely and calmly at heel to the line.
• Leaving the Area of Fall - Once the retriever has made the Area of Fall/AOF, the retriever is expected to
hunt within the AOF until the bird has been picked up.
• Popping - A retriever turns to the handler for help prior to a whistle being blown.
• NO GO or Re-Cast - Retriever has a “no-go”, and must be sent or recast again - upon second refusal team
will be automatically dropped.
• Refusal to deliver to hand, the 3rd refusal will result in a disqualification.
• Unnecessary Disturbance of Cover - This penalty may also be applied if a retriever is out of sight for an
extended period of time
• Wandering – Allowing your retriever to wander/hunt outside the area of fall.
Retriever Trials
Point System
2 Point Faults
• Handling Box Violation - Handlers are expected to handle the retriever from within the boundaries of the
box, blind or boat when instructed by the judges.
• Poor Line - A retriever’s line to a mark or blind is untrue. Judges are heavily encouraged to adapt a “wait
and see” approach to scoring lines to marks.
• Whistles - every whistle before a bird has been picked-up with the exception of a “come in” whistle. (Which
shall be judged as a cast)**(All casts will be preceded by a “sit whistle”) Each and every penalty may be applied
in succession depending on the severity of the error.
Automatic Disqualification
• Uncontrolled break
• A retrieve of a poison bird out of order
• Not delivering bird to hand - this means the bird thrown as a Mark or planted as a Blind.
• Sportsmanship unbecoming - If you have been unsportsmanlike, a warning letter may be issued.
3 warning letters from the SRS will result in an automatic membership dismissal from the SRS .
SRS Scenarios
This is the SUPER RETRIEVER SERIES. It is a combination of series to find just that…
THE SUPER RETRIEVER - A SRS Event is a hybrid event. We have nothing set in stone on distances.
There are no parameters on where a bird will fall in hunting scenarios, so there are no parameters on where
birds will fall within SRS.
• The longest mark ever in a SRS was a true 585 yard mark.
• Short birds at 3 feet.
• The SRS has thrown at least one “quint” - 5 birds without a delay. We have had just about everything imaginable at one point or another. Judges are encouraged to test in a fun, yet challenging scenario and provide
tests that could potentially happen in a hunting environment. A SRS judge should strive to showcase the
very best of the best the retriever world offers.
Retriever Trials
Super Retriever Series Club Rules and Information
A SRS Club event can be held by a club or formed group. This club or group will decide the type of event
it wishes to hold, i.e. owner/handler, Pro/AM, Amateur only, 4x4 or 2x2 Team event, etc.
The Club must fill out an SRS Club Request form completely and must be at least 60 days in advance. The
Committee will approved and turn it over to an Event Chairman. It is preferable and easier on a Club to
have this planned out in advance. SRS suggests at least 6 months to properly plan out a successful event.
You will receive a complete packet of information, rules, scoring program and judges tablets for scoring.
The first event will be viewed as a SRS preliminary event and must be attended by an SRS approved Event
Chairman. An Event Chairman is described as a combination of Marshall, Judge and Event organizer all
in one.
SRS will supply an Event Chairman at $150.00 a day, unless an approved volunteer chair is found for your
event. This will consist of 3 days for a 2 day event. If event lasts or is scheduled for more than 2 days fee
for event chair will adjust accordingly.
All expenses are supplied by the club for Event Chairman. This will include travel to and from SRS Club
event location, lodging and food expenses. (Travel scheduled early is a saving factor.)
The Club must have someone who can electronically keep score on a provided SRS excel score sheet. The
Event Chair will check off each day and send to Officials for posted online and in Social Media. Once
the event is complete all information from the event will be given to the Event Chairman to officially post
where applicable.
SRS Club events must have at least 25 combined pro/am entries to hold an event. If this is a team event
then it must consists of at least 10 teams.
SRS Club events will receive Crown Championship places for 1st and 2nd in the Pro and in the Amateur
Divisions. If the club has over 50 combined entries, SRS will grant 1st through 3rd placements for the
Crown in Pro and in Amateur.
SRS Club events will hold a limit of 70 dogs unless club feels that can handle more and still keep the integrity of the SRS Club event rules.
Entry fees for a SRS Club Event will be anywhere from $100.00 to $225.00 based on the Club decision.
This event will consist of 4 hybrid series.
SRS Club event will have an open dog entry based on the decision of the Club and approval of the SRS
rules committee.
Club events have the option to use real ducks or cock pheasants at their discretion. There will be no mixing
of artificial birds and/ or real birds in an event.
Retriever Trials
SRS Club entries will hold entries online at starting Jan 1, 2014 Event entry will
be closed 1 weeks prior to the scheduled event.
Professional handlers will have a cut off deadline listed on the entry registration. Under no circumstance
will SRS allow a late entry. If a dog comes in season or is injured you may switch out a dog with a Vetenarian note. The note must explain reasons of withdrawl, have a veterinarian address, phone number listed
and be signed off by the vetenarian. If you have registered a dog that qualified for the Crown Championship in a prior event, then you may substitute a replacement dog.
An Amateur handler may have a late entry based on an unknown work schedule etc. If running order is
already made, you run no later than 5th from the top of the current running order if he/she so pleases.
A computer generated running order will be processed at Hunt Secretary with influence to the club for
printing. (With influence: handlers with multiple dogs will be dispersed evenly through all series.) Once
the 1st Series is complete running order will start based on the highest score. It will run higest to lowest
score giving the best score last run. Amateurs will start no sooner than the 5th run if he/she so pleases.
giving them a few runs to watch first.
SRS Club Event Dollars
40 % payback to the Club (unless the club wishes to put a percentage into a charity or to add to the competitor payout.
40 % payback to the Competitor teams (minimum payback to top 3, maximum payback to top 6 in Pro and
in Amateur.)
10 % payback to SRS Crown Championship pot.
10% payback to the SRS.
SRS Club event official announcement must be made on the SRS website 60 days prior to the event and
must be approved by the SRS running rules committee in writing prior to announcement. You must fill out
the SRS Club Event Request and it must be complete .
SRS Club events will never take place during the following events.
• AKC Master National
• AKC National Open / AKC National Am
SRS Club Information Forms can be downloaded from the Website.
• SRS Club Information Form (PDF)
• SRS Club Example Information Form (PDF)
Retriever Trials
SRS 4x4 Team Medley / Rules
All regular Retriever Trials rules apply to this event.
Below are the running rules for the 4x4 event . The 2x2 Team Medley may vary on entry fee, all else below will apply.
All rules stated below will be in effect for any 2014 SRS Team Medley. All decisions made by the SRS
Flyway director and/or SRS officials will be final in all matters. The Series officials may make a change to
these rules when the safety of a team or the integrity of a specific test or the Super Retriever Series is in
Who: 4 dogs - 4 handlers. (Handlers/dogs may be on 1 team and 1 team only-All 4 dogs must run
every testing scenario. If a dog becomes unable to run for any reason that dog will receive a zero/0 at the
completion of his/her scheduled run. He/she will not be removed from the competition.
4x4 - 4 handlers, 4 dogs, 2 will be professional trainers and 2 will be amateurs.
2x2 - 2 handlers , 2 dogs and will consist of 1 pro and 1 amateur.
Each dog/handler on the winning team earns invitation to the SRS Crown Championship.
Entry Fee: $500.00 per handler/ dog - $2000.00 per team and is non-refundable - 10 team limit.
Once one teammate has registered your team captain will email SRS with the rest of the team.
Include handler name and dog name. You will also at that time give your team name. (Please email Team
Name to the Event Chair in your area.)
Prize Money: Winner takes 75% of the entry...25% goes to the SRS for expenses. (If SRS club event SRS Officials will help decide the entry fee, breakdown of expenses and payout.)
What: 3 total series. Hybrid and combinations of Field Trial, Hunt Test and Hunting Savvy. High
score total at the end of the series will result in a winner. A tie will be decided by a single mark and/or
blind at the judge’s discretion. One dog from each team will be picked by each team to run that particular
Each Handler and Dog will run together with their teammates present. (This means that 3 members of the team will accompany the teammate/dog to and at the line.)
Team Captain should be appointed and given to the SRS/Judges prior to event.
10. Scores will be announced following the completion of run, but is up to the Judge’s discretion
whether to do so or not. Running order will be established by SRS/Judges choice at the beginning of each
series. Failure to appear for the drawing will result in that/those teams running first.
Retriever Trials
Crown Championship Rules
To qualify for the Crown, a retriever or Super Dock team must finish in the Top 3 at one of the SRS Qualifying events during the year. Handlers are not allowed to replace an injured or otherwise unavailable dog
in the Crown Championship.
Additionally, the 1st through 3rd place team from each event from the previous year’s Crown Championship will be invited back to participate. All rules from the current year apply to the Crown Championship.
Crown Championship will have a $225.00 entry fee. 90% will go back towards the payout and combined
with the SRS qualifying dollar pool. SRS Crown Championship Combined dollar amount will payout 1st
through 3rd Place in Pro and 1st Place in Amateur.
Crown Payout will consist of 1st – 70%, 2nd – 20%, 3rd – 10%, and invites to the next years SRS Crown
Championship. First Place Amateur will receive sponsor gifts, and an invite back to the SRS Crown Championship the next year.
SRS Team of the Year - Sponsored payout only•
Should start at the beginning of a season if applicable.
•Teams must advance to the second series in order to receive points for an event.
• All teams that do not qualify for the third series will receive points based on their finish in the first series.
• Teams that do not qualify for the fourth series will receive points based on their finish in the third series with ties
resolved using time for the third series and then scores from the combined first and second series.
• A tie at the end of the qualifying events will result in a one series run-off at the Crown Championship.
• There is no minimum number of events that must be run.
• Teams must advance to the second series to receive points.
• Teams that do not qualify for the third series will receive points based on their score in the first series.
• First place points for each event will be determined by the number of dogs registered.
SMN 6/22/2014
Retriever Trials
Super Retriever Series Organizational Body
Considerations for the good of the Sport may be made by submitting a letter to the SRS Running Rules
If you have a question regarding rules or amateur status please contact the committee at You email will be directed to the appropriate member or the organizational body.
National Event Director will oversee the Flyway Directors and Event Chairs. If for any reason the Flyway Director or event chair cannot answer or handle a problem the National Director will handle it or
bring it to the board to be handled. TO BE CONTINUE.... As we build the Organizational Body.....
Retriever Trials
National Rules Director – The National Rules Director will handle all Rules and the National Running
Flyway Directors – Flyway Directors (FD) will handle all SRS Club requests and make sure it is sent in to
Shannon to verify dates and get approval from the BOD. The FD should make sure this request is complete before turning it in. Once approved the FD will assign an Event Chair to the event . The FD will
assist the event chair if event chair has any issues he/she cannot handle during the event. Flyway Director will help in assisting the Event Chair in making sure that they have everything they need for their
upcoming SRS Club event. Scores and any other information should be collected from the Event Chair or
the club secretary and sent into Shannon Nardi or have them sent directly to her. The FD will also help
out if a Classic event is scheduled in their appointed Flyway.
Event Chairs – In the past this position was filled with a SRS Marshall. An event chair is a Marshall as
well as the “SRS Guy In Charge”. He is responsible for Marshalling, overseeing judges, and event coordination and organization. The event chair will make sure that the Judges are setting tests and series
that are equally fair based on the hybrid of the game. The event chair must be SRS Savvy in setting up
tests and knowing how to place birds that will test a dog’s ability. He will help guide the judges who may
be first timers to the SRS game. He makes sure that the judges are judging everything that can possibly
be missed while accumulating faults during the test/series. He is the Judges eyes as well as the Handlers
ears. If any handler has a problem he should approach the Event Chair first and the event chair will take it
to the judges. In some cases a club may not require a Event Chair and this is will be decided by the Flyway Director. The Flyway Director will make sure that the Club has a person that is qualified to act as an
Event Chair. If this is the case an official SRS Event Chair will be assigned to this event and be on call
should any questions or issues arise during the event. The event chair will make sure that all information
and scores are delivered to either the Flyway Director or Shannon Nardi.
Retriever Trials
Dancin Dog Productions, L.L.C.
2 Patricia Ln
Little Rock, AR 72205
T h e
S u p e r
R e t r i e v e r
S e r i e s
E s t . 2 0 0 1