March 2011 - Cowboy Sports News


March 2011 - Cowboy Sports News
19 & Under Girls BAW
Champion Samantha Little
16-19 TD Champion
Chase Williams
12 & Under Breakaway got
started with 101 eager
ropers. This was one of
the largest, toughest and
fastest roping of the
weekend and was pretty
much dominated by Cooper
Lee of Quitman, Ar. He
won the 1st Go with a
2.32, placed 3rd in the
second go with a 2.72,
won the 3rd Go with a
2.34, won the Short Go
with a 3.10, and won the
Average with a total of
10.48. Logan Cook won the
2nd Go with a time of
All Star Roping Champion
2.53. Cooper Lee took
Caleb Smidt
home the Cactus saddle
donated by The Perfect
Calf and a rope can for the fastest round started out with a fast time
calf. Wow, what a roping for of 2.56 turned in by Anglea
such a young age group!!!
Bartley of Emporia, KS. But the
With two days down and times in each round got even
two to go, Saturday morning faster when Harley Thomas
started off with 97 13-15 turned in a time of 2.31, and
Breakaway ropers. Everyone got Brandi Hollenbeck of Hutchinson,
a little piece of the pie when KS didn’t let that slow her down
Tanner Stec of Bassett, NE won when she roped her calf in 2.24
the first round with 2.03, Chance to win the 3rd go. Things just kept
Oftedahl from Pemberton, MN getting hotter when Samantha
captured the 2nd Go with a 2.03, Little won the Short Go with a
Mason Carter from Checotah, OK speedy time of 2.18 and cinched
won the 3rd Go with a blazing 2.0 the average with a total of 11.65
and also took home a rope can for to win the Cactus saddle sponsored
the fastest calf, but it was Clint by Joplin Stockyards and a
Kelley from Tahlequah, OK who Rockin Rope can for the fastest
won the Short Go and the Average calf.
with a total of 10.21 and took home
There’s no better way to
a beautiful fully tooled Paul start a cowboy’s day than to hear
Ammerman saddle sponsored by from Rev. Roger Myers as he
Willard Rope Co.
blessed us with his words at our
The 19 & Under Girls Cowboy Church Service. Then
Breakaway brought the day to a 125 of the toughest 16-19 calf
close, but not in a slow way. If ropers got things underway as
anyone ever said that girls can’t Chase
rope, they should have been Stephenville, TX got off to a fast
watching this roping. The first start when he won the 1st round
The Custom Hogg Saddle
Presented To Caleb Smidt
13-15 BAW Champion
Clint Kelly
champion high school
senior calf roper
donated by NEO college
and rodeo coach Kolby
Ungeheuer of Miami,
OK. A special thank you
to Kirby Kelly and WW
for supplying the roping
chute and arena set up,
Cinch for supplying all
of Rising Stars staff
with shirts for the
weekend, Quality Inn
of Duncan for donating
rooms and being our host
hotel, Boulet Boots for
donating certificates
12 & Under TD Fastest Calf
for free boots, and
& Short Go Winner Ty Harris
Ariat for donating bags
and additional prizes.
For the Rising Stars
with a time of 8.7. But things only
got faster as Shane Overby from Calf Roping producers, Chris Neal
Morton, MS roped and tied one in and Mark Holder, 2010 was truly
7.6 to win the 2nd Go, but the 3rd an eventful year. In a year when
Go was even more heated as things were so uncertain about the
Marty Yates won the round and future, they feel really blessed
the fastest calf rope can with 7.5 that the entries were up 107 more
seconds. But Chase Williams came than last year, the sponsorships
back to win the Short Go and the exceeded the past by leaps and
Average and took home the bounds, and the thanks and praise
custom Relentless fully tooled spoke louder than ever before.
Cactus saddle sponsored by None of it would have been
possible without all those who
Cactus Saddlery.
Additional prizes were participated in one way or
donated to the short go champions another. So to all the contestants,
of each roping by Embrace sponsors, suppliers, vendors,
Victory, rope cans to the fastest work crew, family members and
calf donated by Smith Brothers, the town of Duncan, they say a
custom spurs by Gordy Alderson heartfelt “THANK YOU” for your
went to reserve average champion continued support and dedication
in the 19 & under girls breakaway, to the Rising Stars Calf Roping.
Hooey Loop breakaways were Hope the Stars keep Rising for
given to all short go contestants you in 2011!!!!!
For complete results
in the breakaway, and Willard
strings were given to all tie down
short go contestants. A new award
this year for the 16-19 tie down
was a $1000 scholarship to the
Cowboy Sports News Page 61 - March 2011
Cowboy Sports News Page 62 - March 2011
For More Infor Call Bubba Miller At 936-662-2645
Cowboy Sports News Page 63 - March 2011
Jack Brooks Park
Galveston County Fairgrounds Covered Arena - Hwy 6
NPBR Sanctioned Bull Riding
April 8th & 9th
$2,000 Added Money
$75 Fees
Books Open April 4th, 7-9pm At 409-925-2680
Frontier Champion Trophy Buckle To Event Champion
APRIL 14th At 8pm CPRA Rodeo
Flying J Rodeo Company “Burnin’ Daylight Tour”
Slack After Performance
Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR
ADDED MONEY: $800/$100 per event
Fees: BB, SB, BR, GBR, GBK, SW, CR @ $70/TR @ $240 team
Non-members welcome w/$10 permit
BO: Monday, April 11th, RS: 5pm-10pm, TE: 6-10pm
Tuesday, April 12th, All events: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Enter @ 800-54-RODEO
APRIL 15th & 16th At 8pm - CPRA Rodeo
Flying J Rodeo Company “Burnin’ Daylight Tour”
Slack Friday after performance
Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR
ADDED MONEY: $4,800/$600 per event
Fees: BB, SB, BR, GBR, GBK, SW, CR @ $70/TR @ $240 team
Non-members welcome w/$10 permit
BO: Monday, April 11th, RS: 5pm-10pm, TE: 6-10pm
Tuesday, April 12th, All events: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Enter @ 800-54-RODEO
Perf info: May start with 1st section BR
Cowboy Sports News Page 64 - March 2011
The Original Bill Graff Calf Tying Dummy
Learn to tie and perfect the tie through repetition, physically
and mentally, with this calf-tying aid.
This very life-like dummy is made of solid wood construction.
It swivels in the middle and is covered with carpet. The legs are hand
shaped of carefully selected wood, attached to Bungee cords to add
resistance and bolted to the body to give it a natural feel.
All of these features have made the Bill Graff Calf-Tying Dummy
the most used Calf-Tying Dummy by all age groups and roping levels
from amateurs to professionals.
If you have the desire, this dummy has the best of the rest in
design, quality, price and results.
With more than 2,200 satisfied customers and the endorsements of National Senior Pro World Champions, Jeff Jones and Gordy
$100 Plus Shipping
Contact Bill Graff At:
42153 886th Rd.
Johnstown, NE 69214
877-762-5754 or
Bobby Jones Benefit
Bull Riding
April 16th - Florence, Texas
Keith’s Place - Starts At 4pm
$3,000 Added Money - $75 Fees
Call In April 11th From 6-10pm At 512-971-5672
3 Bull Team (Bull Rider Friendly)
Limited To 12 Teams - $350 Per Team
$1,000 Added Money
Plenty Of BBQ and Dance T
o Follow
Cowboy Sports News Page 65 - March 2011
Team Roping
The Hill Arena
Waller, Texas
April 5 th,12 th,19 th, &26th
Books Close 7: 00 p.m.
#10 Draw Pot
(Capped #6)
$100 man
Enter 1 draw 3 or draw all 4
May 3 rd,10th,17th & 24th
Books Close 7:00 pm
#12 Draw Pot
(Capped #7)
$100 man
Enter 1 draw 3 or draw all 4
Steers Furnished by:
Phillip Cattle Co.
FMI : (281)253-2923
2-S Productions
Cowboy Sports News Page 66 - March 2011
10th Annual Cheryl Krolczyk
Memorial Barrel Bash
Benefiting the Cheryl Krolczyk Memorial Scholarship Fund
May 1st • Washington County Fairgrounds • Brenham, Texas
Books Open at 9am • Exhibition 9:30am to 12:45pm $5 each or 3 for $12
Open 5-D With Added Money 1pm Sharp, $30 Fees, 70% Payback
Buckles To The Winners Of Each Division
Photography Services Provided By Momentous Digital
Cash Only Fees Please - Negative Coggins Required By Law
For More Information - Susan Newrones 713-725-8048
Cowboy Sports News Page 67 - March 2011
Cowboy Sports News Page 68 - March 2011
Is It Luck, Or Just A Good Work
Let’s talk about the
people you know that everytime
you turn around they are
winning something. They are
so lucky everytime they get a
chance to, they win. They
always draw the the slowest
one, they always have the best
run on the cattle, they always
have the best horse.
Has the thought ever
crossed your mind that the
person might study the start
and score so good his cattle are
always caught in the win zone.
The person might take
advantage of their first run,
catching the calf or steer
faster than the rerun on him
when he runs faster or the
roper scores worse.
They might provide
their horse with more “wet
blankets” than the average
person. They might take better
care of their horses feet or
teeth than the normal person
would and he might score more
than he has to and work with
his horse more, so he actually
works better than the others.
It’s called dedication
and hard work. Perfect practice
makes winners and luck comes
with the territory. Luck has
been called the head on
collission between preperation
and talent, hence winning.
Just because you have
a $200,000 rig, a $100,000
horse and all the ability in the
world doesn’t make you any more
likely to win than a person
without a practice pen, horse
or the ability is guaranteed to
I’ ve never seen a
winner that can’t show you
pictures or tell you stories of
hours and hours in the practice
pen, bleeding, sweating and
trying day after day to get
better and become a winner.
Talent and ability make it alot
easier to win, but without a
hard work ethic to push you to
be your best, you’ll never see
that talent rise to the best of
their capability. We have to
know going in that what we put
into our event is what we
normally get out of it. The more
you rope the dummy, the more
you work with your horse, the
more you flank and tie, the
better you will get in that
Never forget, noone
gets to the top or to the spot
they they aspire without
sacrifices and hours of time
spent working towards that
Practice. The more
you do it, the better you become
through it. Work ethic. Try
to put yourself in a strong solid
plan of it and see what rewards
you get in the end.
World Champion Bull
Rider Gary Leffew has always
said , “Remember, when you’re
not practicing, someone,
somewhere is practicing and
when you meet..... they will win!
Think on that for awhile.
Winners will always
find a way! They don’t find a
way because they are good at
finding things. They find a way
because they have prepared and
practiced for that moment.
When you nod your head or back
up into the box instinct has to
kick in. If you stop to think,
you just lost. You will never
get that instinct or that
muscle memory without the
hours and hours of hard work
and practice. You will never
put in those hours of hard work
and practice unless you develop
a strong work ethic and believe
in and want something so bad
that it makes you get out there
and do it.
Keep reachin’
Joe B.
PS: If you want to see kids with
a strong work ethic and the desire
to win then come on over to my
2nd Annual Joe Beaver Jr.
Superstars Shootout in Salado,
Texas, April 22-24, 2011. They’ll
be there!
Cowboy Sports News Page 69 - March 2011
A Couple Of PRCA Cowboys
Start 2nd Careers Teaching
Courtesy of the PRCA
Dan Mortensen, a sixtime world champion saddle bronc
rider and 2009 inductee into the
ProRodeo Hall of Fame, has
agreed to serve as interim rodeo
coach at Northwest College in
Powell, Wyo. Mortensen takes
over for Ryan Vander Pluym, who
resigned Feb. 7, barely six
months after being hired.
attended Northwest College and
competed on the Trapper rodeo
team before transferring to
Montana State, met with team
members Feb. 11 to begin the
transition. Mortensen will direct
the Trappers through five spring
competition dates and the College
National Finals Rodeo, if the team
“I got approached when
(former NWC rodeo coach Del
Nose) decided that he was going
to retire from the program,”
Mortensen told the Powell
Tribune. “They encouraged me to
replace him, but that wasn’t
something I was willing, or able,
to do at the time. A couple weeks
ago, I was contacted and asked
if I’d be willing to step in (as
interim coach), and I was happy
to do that.”
“To start with, with me
coming in from the outside, I just
need to find out where everyone
is at with their level. I want to
teach the sport of rodeo as a
whole. I think one-third of the
rodeo profession is your riding
ability, about one-third is mental
and that last third of it is the
business side.”
While Mortensen has
never coached previously, he has
helped out the program that gave
him his collegiate start by
providing instruction at campus
rodeo schools and clinics.
“I enjoy helping the
next generation of rodeo athletes
out,” Mortensen said.
Mark Kitchen, vice
president for college relations,
indicated no reason had been
provided for Vander Pluym’s
Further south Shannon
Frascht, who qualified as a team
roper for the Wrangler National
Finals Rodeo in 2006, has been
named the men’s and women’s
rodeo coach at his alma mater,
Northwestern Oklahoma State
University in Alva.
Frascht, a 1990 graduate of the
school, was selected from a list
of 26 applicants and began work
with the teams on Jan. 6.
“We are fortunate to
get a coach and person of
Shannon’s caliber to lead our
rodeo team,” athletic director Bob
Battisiti said. “Shannon will be a
Northwestern and our athletic
A member of the
Professional Rodeo Cowboys
Association since 1990, Frascht
(pronounced Frost) has career
highlights that include eight
Cowboy Sports News Page 70 - March 2011
Prairie Circuit year-end team
roping titles, along with wins in
the San Angelo (Texas) Stock
Show & Rodeo, the Kitsap County
Fair & Rodeo (Bremerton, Wash.),
the Rodeo of the Ozarks
(Springdale, Ark.), the Old Fort
Days Rodeo (Fort Smith, Ark.) and
the Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings,
Frascht qualified for
the 2006 Wrangler NFR with
fellow Oklahoman Nick Sartain,
and they placed in five rounds,
sharing first place in Round 5 and
winning the seventh round
outright with a time of 4.1
seconds. Frascht finished the
season ninth in the world
standings for team roping
“I am excited about the
challenge ahead,” Frascht said.
“(Former coach) Tim Kolb left us
with a good bunch of kids. We
hope to build on that and take the
rodeo program to another level.”
face, he seems like a regular
person. He doesn’t wear a crown,
or an Elvis cape, or guns like Roy
Rogers. But on the back of a good
horse with a rope in his hand, he
becomes Zeus, the thunder
rattling, lightning striking,
mythical god of the sizzling
twine-magic hand, two wraps and
a hooey.”
— Cowboy poet Baxter Black,
waxing rhapsodic about 14-time
World Champion Trevor Brazile.