orange county circle of friends travel
orange county circle of friends travel
A U W n e o s gt M t A n tin ach al n Cen edic ahe u e t i H B sp ter al im Ho N SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 N Int La er Pa Ho comm lma spi un tal ity TY OR CO GE e rovl G n ta rde ospi a G H Dear Members, Recently members visited the Cabrillo Ranch in Ventura and glimpsed early California history while touring an incredible Victorian home. It was our second historic home tour this year and they are very popular trips with our members. Our visit to the Cabrillo Ranch in August We are continuing the series in November with a tour of The Gamble House in Pasadena. Designed by Greene and Greene in 1908 it is a National Historic Landmark fully preserved to its original splendor. This trip is open to family and friends. Please take time to read our travel pages we are sure you will find a trip you will enjoy. I hear it from our members and I say it myself “Where has the time gone?”, and “How can it be September already”? Well folks, it’s true, we are heading into fall and all the holidays when we love to spend time with family and friends. Why not share OCCOF “fun” and “friendships” with your 50+ family and friends who are not members yet? As members we know how enriched our lives are by belonging to such a wonderful club! Your Executive Board of Directors invites you to give the Gift of Friendship with a reduced Gift Membership of $15 (for new members only!) until the end of the year. New members will meet nice people, travel to exciting destinations and enjoy a variety of activities. Give the gift they’ll thank you for all year long! (See Page 19 for application) Wishing you beautiful days and peaceful nights, Candace Bartsch Director OC Circle of Friends Orange County Circle of Friends Member Information Circle of Friends Administrative Offices Closed on Fridays, Holidays and during special events/meetings Mailing 17772 Beach Blvd. Address: Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Location: Huntington Beach Hospital First Floor Parking: Reserved spaces located on South side of hospital Phones: 714-843-5061, 714-843-5092 Membership Membership is so exclusive, it takes 50 years to join. Membership fees are $20.00 per person or $35.00 per year for a couple, per year. Make checks payable to Circle of Friends, complete enrollment form inside this publication and mail or bring check and form to Orange County Circle of Friends Administrative Offices. Welcome! Membership Benefits ● Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Travel Team Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Travel Team The travel team is ready to assist you with any questions, or sign you up for any of the Circle of Friends trips. Look for us at the General Meetings. Reservations can be mailed or taken to the Administrative Office. If you have a special request or tour suggestion, please let us know. All suggestions are reviewed. Call or Mail to the Office: RSVP for an event, general information, inquiry regarding an event, membership card, change of name, address or phone, notification of a deceased member. Orange County Circle of Friends Continue to Collect ● ● ● ● ● Used cell phones Used eye glasses Pop top tabs for Ronald Mc Donald House in support of community organizations. (No cat food tabs, they are metal). Gently used magazines are appreciated for use in the hospital waiting rooms. Stop by the office to browse our book shelves to trade or borrow current paperback books. Newsletter Publication Candace Bartsch, Editor Sue Jansen, Asst. Editor Requests 714-843-5596 or Electronic Newsletter 2 ● ● ● One free meal daily for spouse or significant other staying with patient at HBH or WAMC: while at HB Hospital - stop by OC COF office M-Th, see the cafeteria cashier Fri., Sat. & Sun.; while at WA Medical Center see PBX Operator Educational Seminars Social Events Travel Discounted Meals Enjoy dining in the Huntington Beach Hospital cafeteria or the West Anaheim Medical Center cafeteria. Members are entitled to discounted dinner meals. Must wear current badge. Monthly General Meetings Most months the Orange County Circle of Friends host General Meetings open to all Members. Several times yearly we offer other events in place of the General Meetings. These meetings may be held in various locations. Watch the newsletter for announcements and sites. Please RSVP according to the announcement for that event. Medical Seminars/Health Fairs Watch the newsletter for information on local seminars, health fairs, and/or physician or community guest speakers. Sunshine Needs Notify Administration office to report members’ illnesses, deaths, and special events such as 50th+ Anniversaries. OCCOF 2014 Executive Board Director - Candace Bartsch President - Jennie Hutchison Vice President Membership - Dorothy Dupont Vice President Programs - Fran Guerena Vice President Ways & Means - Wayne McMullen Secretary ~ Recording - Barbara Girard Secretary ~ Correspondence - Bonnie Weberg Treasurer ~ Recording - Debra Westen Treasurer ~ Reporting - Sigrid Cochran Travel ~ Coordinator - Grace Brown Amount enclosed $21 x _____ = ______. Signature______________________________________________ Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Thanksgiving Luncheon Meadowlark CountryCelebration Club 16782 Graham St, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Menu: (Located Between Heil Ave. and Warner Ave.; Bolsa Chica St and Springdale St.) Meadowlark Country Club Mixed Winter Greens with Cranberries and Feta Cheese, Served with Balsamic Vinaigrette 16782 Graham St, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (Located Between Heil Ave. and Warner Ave.; Bolsa Chica St and Springdale St.) Sliced Roasted Relish thenside T h a n k s Turkey g i v iwith n g Sage LStuffing, u n c hCranberry eon C e land e bGravy r a ton io Menu Green Bean Almandine ~ Glazed Sweet Potatoes ~ Various Artisan Rolls and Butter Mixed November Winter Greens with Cranberries and Feta Cheese, Served witham Thursday, 6, - 11:30 3:00 pm Pumpkin Pie2014 ~ Coffee, Decaf, Hot or IcedBalsamic Tea - Vinaigrette Sliced Roasted Turkey with Sage Stuffing, Cranberry Relish and Gravy on the side Green Bean Almandine ~ GlazedSt, Sweet Potatoes ~ Various Artisan and Butter 16782 Graham Huntington Beach, CA 92649Rolls ~~~~Musical Entertainment by Peggie Perkins~~~~ (Located Between Heil Ave. and Warner Ave.; Bolsa Chica St and Springdale St.) Meadowlark Country Club Menu: Pumpkin Pie ~ Coffee, Decaf, Hot or Iced Tea ~~~~Musical by Peggie Perkins~~~~ Mixed Winter Greens withEntertainment Cranberries and Feta Cheese, Served with Balsamic Vinaigrette Tickets: $21.00 per person - includes meal, tax, gratuity, entertainment and prizes. $21.00 per person includes meal, gratuity, and prizes. his special dayBean isTickets: for O range C- ounty Ctax, ircle ofentertainment Friends hapter M embers on Green Almandine ~ Glazed Sweet Potatoes ~ Various Artisan C Rolls and Butter Sliced Roasted Turkey with Sage Stuffing, Cranberry Relish and Gravy on the side T his day is forOC O range ounty C irclebyofmail F riends M embers only. Tickets are special now available in the Circle ofCFriends Office, order (received by October Pumpkin Pie ~ Coffee, Decaf, Hot or Iced Tea 20th) Entertainment And~~~~Musical at the General Meetings Advance Sales Only (No ticketsby soldPeggie at the door.) Perkins~~~~ NO REFUNDS ~ All Sales Final. Tickets are now available in the OC Circle of Friends Office, by mail order (received by October 20th) Deadline buy(No tickets is October 21,NO 2014. And at the General Meetings Sales-to Only ticketstax, sold at the door.) REFUNDS ~ All Sales Final. Tickets: $21.00 Advance per person includes meal, gratuity, entertainment and prizes. Please note there is no assignedDeadline seating due to the dining room table arrangements, if you wish to sit with to buy tickets is October 21, 2014. note please there is make no assigned dueparty to theisdining roombefore table arrangements, you wish to sit withThank you! SpecificPlease friends, sureseating all your present entering theif banquet room. This special day is for Orange County Circle of Friends Chapter Members only. Specific friends, please make sure all your party is present before entering the banquet room. Thank you! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tickets are now available in the OC Circle of Friends Office, by mail order (received by October 20th) And at the General Meetings Orange Advance Sales Only (No tickets Thanksgiving sold at the door.) NO REFUNDS ~ All Sales Final. County Friends Celebration Orange County Circle Circle ofofFriends Thanksgiving Celebration Deadline to buy tickets is October 21, 2014. Ticket Order Form by October 20, 2014. TicketMail Mail Order Form duedue by room October 20, 2014. Please note there is no assigned seating due to the dining table arrangements, if you wish to sit with Advance sales onlyparty $21.00 per person, no refunds, all salesallfinal. Advance only $21.00is per person, no refunds, sales final. Specific friends, please make suresales all your present before entering the banquet room. Thank you! Mail or drop off to: OC Circle of Friends, Thanksgiving, 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mail or drop off to: OC Circle of Friends, Thanksgiving, 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Orange County Circle of Friends Thanksgiving Celebration Name__________________________________________ Telephone ( ) Ticket Mail Order Form due by October 20, 2014. Code final. Name__________________________________________ Telephone ( sales ) Advance sales only $21.00 per person, no refunds, Area all Mail or drop off to: OC Circle of Friends, Thanksgiving, 17772 Beach Blvd.Area Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________ Code Street Address Apt/Space # City State Zip Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________ Name__________________________________________ Telephone ( ) Number of Tickets Requested__. If ordering tickets for other members, include their names here: Street Address Apt/Space # City Area Code State Zip _________________________, ______________________, ___________________, _____________________ Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________ NumberAmount of Tickets Requested__. for other members, Street Apt/Space # City include their names here: State Zip enclosed $21 xAddress _____If=ordering Signature______________________________________________ Number of Tickets Requested__. If ordering tickets for other members, include their names here: _________________________, ______________________, ___________________, _____________________ _________________________, ______________________, ___________________, _____________________ Amount enclosed $21x x_____ _____ = = ______. ______. Signature______________________________________________ Amount enclosed $21 Signature______________________________________________ 3 Orange County Circle of Friends Member Programs Arts and Crafts Crafts and Special Projects The craft group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 2 pm in the West Anaheim Community Room. They prepare wonderful tray favors for patients, table decorations, and special projects. Bring scissors with you. Ideas and samples are always welcome. “Crafts” meet weekly on Tuesday morning at 9 am to learn and create various craft projects. “Special Projects” meet the second Wednesday of the month at 9 am to make tray favors for hospital patients. Both classes meet at Huntington Beach Hospital in the lower level classrooms. Everyone is welcome. September 26, 2014 October 24, 2014 Dennis Jensen, Attorney At Law, is available to assist you with legal questions. There is NO fee for the initial 15-minute consultation; if further legal services are needed, fees will be determined. All appointments are held at Huntington Beach Hospital, Conference Room #2 on the lower level. To schedule a required appointment, call the Administration Office at (714) 843-5061. Limited to two times annually. Do you love to play games? Join the Bunco group on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Mondays. Meet at Huntington Beach Hospital in the Cafeteria area from 3 - 5 pm. Check Calendar. Attorney Services Offered Bridge Players Every Friday at 9 am at Coco’s Restaurant on the corner of Golden West St. & Bolsa Ave. All members of Circle of Friends are welcome, but we need to schedule players each week. So first timers, please call the office and ask staff to give your name and phone number to the chairman, so that she can contact you and arrange a partner for you. If you have a partner, fine, but she still needs to schedule you into a table. Please RSVP to the office by Wednesday of that week. Dominos Members meet Wednesday at 2 pm and play dominos in the cafeteria area of West Anaheim Medical Center. Bunco Happy Hookers / Knotty Crafters If you are interested in knitting or crocheting projects such as lap robes for patients, baby caps, or helmet liner beanies for the troops then this is your group. No meetings but instructions and yarn are available. Please call the office and we will forward your name to the chairpersons who will contact you. Donations of yarn are always accepted. Line Dancing Join a fun group of friends and learn line dancing from Sandra, a Circle of Friends Member. Most Mondays at 9 am in the WAMC Community Room. (see calendar) RSVP to (714) 843-5061. Open to all members. Walk the Park Tuesday & Thursday Huntington Central Park at 8 am Enter via Central Park Drive and meet at the picnic shelter. OC Circle of Friends Members Celebrated their June and July Birthdays 4 Orange County Circle of Friends Member Programs Movies: Movies: Two Twolocations locationsmonthly monthly Please PleaseRSVP RSVP714-843-5061 714-843-5061 NON-STOP NON-STOP September9,9,2014 2014@ @Noon Noon September WAMCCommunity CommunityRoom Room(Up (UpStairs) Stairs) WAMC Or Or September10, 10,2014 2014@ @1:00 1:00PM PM September HBH Lower Level Classroom HBH Lower Level Classroom Rated PG13: 13:Intense Intensesequences sequencesofofaction actionand andviolence, violence,some some Rated PG language, sensuality and drug references language, sensuality and drug references 1 hr. 47 min. Directed by: Jaume Collet-Serra 1 hr. 47 min. Directed by: Jaume Collet-Serra Liam Neeson stars in this airborne thriller about an Air Liam Neeson stars thisthe airborne thriller an him Air as a Marshal racing toin stop villain who hasabout framed Marshal racing to stop the villain who has framed him as a hijacker during a non-stop flight from New York to London. hijacker during a non-stop New York London. From the moment we firstflight meet from Air Marshal Billto Marks From the moment we first Airare Marshal Marksthe (Neeson), it's apparent hismeet nerves frayed Bill he enters (Neeson), apparent his nerves arebound frayedforheLondon. enters the crowdedit's terminal to board a plane Marks crowded terminal to board plane London. Marks eventually ends up seated anext to bound nervousfor flyer Jen (Julianne eventually endsbegins up seated next toeasier nervous flyer (Julianne Moore), who to breathe once she'sJen seated near a Moore), who begins to breathe easier oncealtitude, she's seated near a window. Later, as the plane hits cruising Marks receivesLater, a mysterious text message stating that a passenger window. as the plane hits cruising altitude, Marks on the flight will be killed 20 minutes $150 million receives a mysterious textevery message stating unless that a passenger on deposited a secure bank implicates theisflight will into be killed every 20 account. minutes Marks unless $150 million in what a deadly hostage crisisimplicates unfolding at is himself deposited into abecomes secure bank account. Marks 30,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean. As the passengers begin himself in what becomes a deadly hostage crisis unfolding at to turn on Marks he attempts to clear his name and protect the 30,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean. As the passengers begin passengers by any means possible. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi to turn on Marks he attempts to clear his name and protect the passengers by any means possible.M~IN Jason STILL E Buchanan, Rovi STILL MINE October 8, 2014 @ Noon WAMC Community Room (Up Stairs) October 8, 2014 @ Noon Or WAMC Community Room (Up Stairs) October 20, 2014 @ 1:00 PM HBH Lower Or Level Classroom October 20, 2014 @ 1:00 PM Rated PG: Drama HBH Lower Level Classroom 1 hr. 42 min. Directed By: Michael McGowan Rated PG: Drama In his first lead role after decades of playing supporting 1 characters, hr. 42 min. Directed By:gives Michael James Cromwell a tourMcGowan de force performance STILL an exquisitely crafted deeply affecting Ininhis first MINE, lead role after decades of and playing supporting love storyJames about Cromwell a couple ingives their atwilight on true characters, tour deyears. force Based performance events and laced with wry humor, STILL MINE tells the in STILL MINE, an exquisitely crafted and deeply affecting heartfelt tale of Craig Morrison, who comes up against the love story about a couple in their twilight years. Based on true system when he sets out to build a more suitable house for his events and laced with wry humor, STILL MINE tells the ailing wife Irene. Although Morrison uses the same methods heartfelt tale of Craig Morrison, who comes up against the his father, an accomplished shipbuilder, taught him, times system when he sets out to build a more suitable house for his have changed. He quickly gets blindsided by local building ailing wife Irene. Although Morrison uses the same methods codes and bureaucratic officials. As Irene becomes hisincreasingly father, an ill accomplished shipbuilder, taught him, times - and amidst a series of stop-work orders have changed. He quickly gets localand building Craig races to finish the house.blindsided Hauled intobycourt facing codes and bureaucratic officials. As Irene becomes jail, Craig takes a final stance against all odds in a truly increasingly - and(c)amidst series of stop-work orders inspirationalillstory. SamuelaGoldwyn Craig races to finish the house. Hauled intoRick court and facing Cast: James Cromwell, Geneviève Bujold, Roberts, Julie jail, CraigCampbell takes a Scott, final stance against odds in a truly Stewart, Jonathan Potts, ~allRovi inspirational story. (c) Samuel Goldwyn Cast: James Cromwell, Geneviève Bujold, Rick Roberts, Julie Stewart, Campbell Scott, Jonathan Potts, ~ Rovi Please at the the appointed appointed times times so so that thatorders ordersmay may Please arrive arrive at be at the the same same time time *Restaurant *Restaurant Phone Phonenumbers numbers be placed placed at are for directions only* only* Thank You in in advance advance for foryour yourpromptness. promptness. Brunch Brunch Bunch, Bunch, Fridays, Fridays,9:00 9:00a.m. a.m. September 5 Sunny’s Family Family Restaurant, Restaurant, 7148 Edinger, 7148 Edinger, HB, HB, 714-841-9934 714-841-9934 12 Kathy Mays, 12 Kathy Mays, 6622 Lakeview 6622 Lakeview Dr, Dr, HB, HB, 714-842-7700 714-842-7700 19 Denny’s, 18477 Beach Blvd., 19 Denny’s, 18477 Beach Blvd.,HB, HB,714-842-2112 714-842-2112 26 Mile Square Clubhouse, 26 Mile Square Clubhouse, 10401 Warner, FV, 714-962-5541 10401 Warner, FV, 714-962-5541 October October 3 Sunny’s Family Restaurant 3 Sunny’s Family Restaurant 7148 Edinger, HB, 714-841-9934 7148 Edinger, HB, 714-841-9934 10 Pelican Isle, 16400 PCH, 562- 592-3221 10 Pelican 16400Sunset PCH, Beach, 562- 592-3221 (Peter’s Isle, Landing,) (Peter’s Landing,) Sunset 17 IHOP, 15122 Golden West,Beach, Wm, 714-895-3611 17 IHOP, 15122 Golden West, Wm, 714-895-3611 24 Marie Callender’s 24 Marie 16390 Callender’s Beach Blvd., Wm 714-847-6600 16390 BeachClubhouse Blvd., Wm 714-847-6600 31 Mile Square 31 Mile Clubhouse 10401Square Warner, FV, 714-962-5541 10401 Warner, FV, 714-962-5541 Lunch Bunch, Fridays, 1:00 p.m. (PleaseBunch, RSVP Fridays, to 714-843-5061) Lunch 1:00 p.m. September (Please RSVP to 714-843-5061) 5 Black Angus, September 7111 Beach Blvd., BP, 714-670-2012 5 Black Angus, 19 7111 Daltons, Beach Blvd., BP, 714-670-2012 9575 Valley View, Cypress, 714-229-8101 19 Daltons, 17 Olive Garden 3:30 p.m. 6874Supper KatellaClub, Ave., Tuesdays, Cypress, 714-894-1330 October 9575 Valley View, Cypress, 714-229-8101 3 Acapulco Restaurant October 12765 Beach Blvd., Stanton, 714-895-4444 317 Acapulco Restaurant Olive Garden 12765 Beach Blvd.,Cypress, Stanton,714-894-1330 714-895-4444 6874 Katella Ave., September Supper Club, Tuesdays, 2 Outback, 549 Westminster Mall,3:30 Wm,p.m. September 714-890-0130 Kung Pao549 Bowl, 6840 Edinger, HB, 29 Outback, Westminster Mall, Wm, 714-842-7262 714-890-0130 MarketPao Broiler, HB, 916 Kung Bowl,20111 6840 Brookhurst, Edinger, HB, 714-963-7796 714-842-7262 23 Market BJ’s Restaurant, 16060 Brookhurst, Beach Blvd.,HB, HB, 16 Broiler, 20111 714-842-9242 714-963-7796 30 BJ’s Sunny’s, 7148 Edinger, 714-841-9934 23 Restaurant, 16060 HB, Beach Blvd., HB, 714-842-9242 October 7 Lazy Dog,7148 16310 Beach HB, Blvd., Wm 30 Sunny’s, Edinger, 714-841-9934 714-500-1140 October 14 Sizzler, 9480Warner Ave, FV 714-842-2844 721 Lazy 16310 Beach Blvd., WmHB, Olive Dog, Garden, 116811 Beach Blvd., 714-500-1140 714-848-1499 14 9480Warner 714-842-2844 28 Sizzler, Chili’s, 17071 Beach Ave, Blvd.,FV HB, 714-841-6545 21 28 Olive Garden, 116811 Beach Blvd., HB, 714-848-1499 Chili’s, 17071 Beach Blvd., HB, 714-841-6545 5 Orange County Circle of Friends Member Programs Orange Orange County County Circle Circle of of Friends Friends General General Meetings Meetings at at UFCW UFCW Union Union Hall Hall 8530 8530Stanton StantonAve., Ave.,Buena BuenaPark Park(at (atCrescent) Crescent)Please PleasePark Parkin inback backon onthe theEast Eastside sideof ofthe thebuilding building Doors Doorsopen openat at1:00 1:00pm pmfor forour ourSocial SocialHour Hourand andthe theMeetings Meetingsbegins beginsat at2:00 2:00pm pm Open Open to to all all Members Members ~~ Reservations Reservations are are required required ~~ Guest Guest fee fee $5.00 $5.00 ~~ Thursday, Thursday, September September 11, 11, 2014 2014 at at 2:00 2:00 pm pm E En ntteerrttaaiin nm meen ntt bbyy:: M Maarraa JJooyyccee C Ch haap peell Mara started out on the Broadway stage when she was 12 years old, in such shows as “Grease” Mara started out on the Broadway stage when she was 12 years old, in such shows as “Grease” with with JJohn ohn TTravolta, ravolta, ““Jesus Jesus CChrist hrist SSuperstar”, uperstar”, SSweet weet CCharity,” harity,” aand nd HHello ello DDolly” olly” wwith ith CCarol arol CChanning. hanning. She’s She’s ppreformed reformed wwith ith oother ther ggreat reat sstarrs tarrs llike ike CCarol arol LLawrence, awrence, BBarbra arbra SStresisand tresisand && JJoan oan RRivers. ivers. Mara has preformed through out the United States and Europe and met her husband while they Mara has preformed through out the United States and Europe and met her husband while they were were bboth oth pperforming erforming oon n aa ccruise ruise sship. hip. End End of of Summer Summer White White Elephant Elephant Sale Sale We’ve We’ve had had so so much much fun fun at at our our previous previous White White Elephant Elephant Sale Sale we we thought thought we’d we’d do do itit again. again. Bring Bring an an item item in in aa SEALED SEALED plain plain bag. bag. Each Each bag bag sells sells for for $1.00 $1.00 Join Join the the fun fun for for another another White White Elephant… Elephant… never never or or lovingly lovingly used used items items only!!! only!!! August August and and September SeptemberBirthday’s Birthday’sRecognized Recognized~~Refreshments, Refreshments,prizes prizesand andfun fun R.S.V.P. R.S.V.P. (714) (714) 843-5061 843-5061 ~~ No No later later than than September September 4, 4, 2014 2014 Thursday, Thursday, October October 9, 9, 2014 2014 at at 2:00 2:00 pm pm T he e C Co om me ed dy y o off M Ma ar rtty y R Ro ossss Th They They call call him him the the “Wrinkled “Wrinkled Rebel” Rebel” but but if if that’s that’s true, true, he he says says he’s he’s “going “going down down fighting.” fighting.” Marty Marty started started his his stand-‐up stand-‐up comedy comedy career career late late in in life, life, so so he he may may have have to to take take a a nap nap before before the the fight. fight. Marty Marty wwaited aited uuntil ntil hhe e wwas as aalmost lmost eeligible ligible ffor or SSocial ocial SSecurity ecurity bbefore efore ttaking aking tto o tthe he sstand-‐up tand-‐up sstage tage sso o “I could fully experience the misery of getting old“ ,he says. “The truth is everyone ages but no “I could fully experience the misery of getting old“ ,he says. “The truth is everyone ages but no one one ttells ells yyou ou wwhat hat yyou’re ou’re iin n ffor or wwhen hen yyou’re ou’re ““freakin’ freakin’ oold” ld” sso o tthat’s hat’s M Marty’s arty’s m mission”. ission”. Join u s f or s ome l aughs a nd a v iew o f t hings t o c ome o r… a t rip d own m Join us for some laughs and a view of things to come or… a trip down memory emory llane! ane! COSTUME COSTUME CONTEST CONTEST Best, Scariest, Funniest Funniest and and Judge’s Judge’s Choice Choice Best, Scariest, October OctoberBirthday’s Birthday’sRecognized Recognized~~Refreshments, Refreshments,prizes prizesand andfun fun R.S.V.P. R.S.V.P. (714) (714) 843-5092 843-5092 ~~ No No later later than than October October 2, 2, 2014 2014 6 Orange County of Friends Member Programs OrangeCircle County Circleof ofFriends Friends Orange County Circle HBElks ElksLodge Lodge GeneralMeetings MeetingsatatHB General 7711 Talbert, (West of Beach Blvd.) Huntington Beach 7711 Talbert, (West of Beach Blvd.) Huntington Beach Doors open at 12:30 pm for our Social Hour and the Meeting begins at 1:30 pm Doors open at 12:30 pm for our Social Hour and the Meeting begins at 1:30 pm Open to all Members ~ Members Reservations are required ~ Guest fee $5.00 ~ Open to all Members ~ Members Reservations are required ~ Guest fee $5.00 ~ Monday,September September15, 15,2014 2014atat1:30 1:30pm pm Monday, ta en cq nn t et re tr a i ni n mm en t tbb yy : :J J aa cq i i BB oo ww ee EE Jacqi earned a degree in Theatre Arts at UCLA and was a winner in the Carole Burnett Awards. Ms Jacqi earned a degree in Theatre Arts at UCLA and was a winner in the Carole Burnett Awards. Ms Bowe has starred on screen, television and stage, has tap-danced with Gregory Hines and Sammy Bowe has starred on screen, television and stage, has tap-danced with Gregory Hines and Sammy Davis Jr., performed with Tim Conway, traveled with the national tour of "A Chorus Line". She Davis Jr.,produced performedand with Tim in Conway, with the national tourofofHollywood "A Chorusand Line". Sheand wrote, starred two webtraveled series comedies, "Our Lady Vine" wrote, produced and starred in two web series comedies, "Our Lady of Hollywood and Vine" and "Life Boat Coaches." She has been featured in television and film and starred in a half-hour comedy "Life Boat Coaches." She has been featured in television and film and starred in a half-hour comedy pilot. Her solo show, Emotional Garage Sale, with charming characters, original music and comedy pilot. solo show, Emotional Garage Sale, with charming characters, comedy hasHer received rave reviews. Bowe studied improvisation at Second Cityoriginal and the music Bang and Theater. has received rave reviews. Bowe studied improvisation at Second City and the Bang Theater. End of Summer White Elephant Sale End of Summer White Elephant Sale We’ve had so much fun at our previous White Elephant Sale we thought we would do it again. We’ve had so much fun an at our White Elephant webag thought we $1.00 would do it again. Bring itemprevious in a SEALED plain bag.Sale Each sells for Bring an item in a SEALED plain bag. Each bag sells for $1.00 Join the fun for another White Elephant… Join the fun for another White Elephant… never or lovingly used items only!!! never or lovingly used items only!!! August and September Birthday’s Recognized ~ Refreshments, prizes and fun August and September Birthday’s Recognized ~ Refreshments, prizes and fun R.S.V.P. (714) 843-5061 ~ No later than September 8, 2014 R.S.V.P. (714) 843-5061 ~ No later than September 8, 2014 Monday,October October20, 20,2014 2014atat1:30 1:30pm pm Monday, m M TT hh eeCC oo m ee dd yy oo f fM aa rr tt yyRR oo ss ss They call him the “Wrinkled Rebel” but if that’s true, he says he’s “going down fighting.” Marty They call him the “Wrinkled Rebel” but if that’s true, he says he’s “going down fighting.” Marty started his stand-‐up comedy career late in life, so he may have to take a nap before the fight. started his stand-‐up comedy career late in life, so he may have to take a nap before the fight. Marty waited until he was almost eligible for Social Security before taking to the stand-‐up stage so Marty waited until he was almost eligible for Social Security before taking to the stand-‐up stage so “I could fully experience the misery of getting old“ ,he says. “The truth is everyone ages but no “I could fully experience the misery of getting old“ ,he says. “The truth is everyone ages but no one tells you what you’re in for when you’re “freakin’ old” so that’s Marty’s mission”. one tells you what you’re in for when you’re “freakin’ old” so that’s Marty’s mission”. Join us for some laughs and a view of things to come or… a trip down memory lane! Join us for some laughs and a view of things to come or… a trip down memory lane! COSTUMECONTEST CONTEST COSTUME Scariest,Funniest Funniestand andJudge’s Judge’sChoice Choice Best,Scariest, Best, October Birthday’s Recognized ~ Refreshments, prizes and fun October Birthday’s Recognized ~ Refreshments, prizes and fun R.S.V.P. (714) 843-5061 ~ No later than October 13, 2014 R.S.V.P. (714) 843-5061 ~ No later than October 13, 2014 7 Medical Seminar @ Huntington Beach Hospital 17772 Beach Blvd. ~ Huntington Beach ~ Lower Level Classrooms Don’t become a victim of Medicare fraud…learn how to protect yourself & your Medicare benefits When: Thursday, September 25, 2014 Time: 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Speaker begins promptly at 12:15 pm Where: Lower Level classrooms at Huntington Beach Hospital Enter through the Main Lobby RSVP: Call Circle of Friends Office 714-843-5061 by September 22, 2014 A light lunch will be served. Non-Members are welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When: Thursday, October 30, 2014 Time: 11:30am to 1:30pm. Speaker begins promptly at 12:15 pm Where: West Anaheim Medical Center Community Room (Not handicapped accessible you will need to climb two short levels of stairs) Enter through Main Lobby RSVP: Call circle of Friends Office 714-846-561 by October 27, 2014 A light lunch will be served. Non-Members are welcome California Health Associates-Senior Medicare Patrol program is dedicated to empowering seniors to prevent healthcare fraud. Our work includes referring potential fraud to the Medicare fraud investigators, as well as outreach work throughout California. You will learn about: Latest Scams affecting seniors The importance of checking your Medical Summary Notice How to protect, detect and report suspicious behavior and/or potential fraud Presented by Karen Fazio, MSG Karen began a twenty year career at a Holistic Health Practitioner by focusing much of her time and efforts on helping individuals manage stress and physical pain. Karen developed and taught a variety of health and wellness focused workshops and seminars that were held in various settings. Karen had always enjoyed serving as a resource for older adults and after caring for her own parents when they became ill, she became aware of places where there were gaps in service. As a result, she was motivated to purchase and operate an in home care and assistance agency (Right at Home), from 2007-2010. Karen is passionate about contributing to her community through education, consulting, advocacy, health promotion and support. Karen is a Gerontologist and teaches in the Health Science and Gerontology Department at California State University Fullerton. In addition, she provides education and advocacy for the Council on Agings’FAST program and is the Special Projects Manager for Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). She recently published her first book titled: Care, Grieve, Grow: Caring for your Aging Parents While Caring for Yourself. 8 Orange County Circle of Friends Executive Board 2015 Nominations Form It is time to nominate a slate of candidates for the 2015 Orange County Circle of Friends Executive Board. By laws state that there shall be a Director (who shall be a permanent officer), one (1) President, three (3) Vice Presidents as listed below, two (2) Secretaries as listed below, and two (2) Treasurers as listed below. These officers shall be elected by the membership annually. Officers may run for 2 consecutive terms in any office. Our new name and By Laws became effective June 2013 which means we are on year one of our current Executive Board. If they so choose, they are eligible for re-election. Any current member interested in running for office may submit his or her own name. Any member may submit the name of a current Orange County Circle of Friends member if they feel the member would be a valuable asset to the club. Each nominee will be contacted to determine his or her interest and acceptance in serving on the 2015 Executive Board. Call the office for detailed position responsibilities. September 18, 2014 is the deadline for accepting nominations! You may only nominate officers if you are a member in good standing. Membership will be verified. Drop the form in the ballot box in the OC Circle of Friends Office, at the September General Meetings or mail to...Orange County Circle of Friends 17772 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Orange County Circle of Friends 2015 Executive Board Nominations Form Deadline to return: Delivered or postmarked no later than September 18, 2014. Invalid if unsigned. This form may be used by two members living at the same address. Insert nominee’s name in space(s) provided. President Vice President Programs Vice President Membership Vice President Ways and Means Correspondence Secretary Recording Secretary Recording Treasurer Reporting Treasurer Signature (required)__________________________________________________________________ Signature (required)__________________________________________________________________ 11 A Little Bird Told Me ........ A Little Bird Told Me……… Get Well Wishes for improved health to our friends Bernice A., Phyllis B., Lorraine C., Sigrid C., Janice E., Laura F., Robert F., Betty G., Margaret H., Sally K., Joseph L., Pat L., Sheri L., Mary K., Honey-Lynn M., Helen P., Don S., Jo S., Patsy T., Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Joseph Komatz, Jackie Ruppel and Bunnie Severson Recipe for the Fall Ingredients: 1 ½ -2 lb Fresh Salmon fillet ¼ C Butter, or olive oil 1 Onion 1 Lemon Salt & Pepper Garlic Powder Chili Powder Dried Dill “Grilled Salmon!” Directions: Preheat grill to 300 degrees. Rinse salmon fillet and pat dry. Cut into spatula-sized pieces. Coat the salmon liberally with butter or olive oil and season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder and dill. Slice onion horizontally and separate into rings. Slice the lemon horizontally, remove seeds. Place the onion rings and lemon slices on the salmon. Lightly oil the grill and cook the salmon, about 12 minutes, skin side down, until you can see the white fat of the salmon developing on the surface and edges of the fillet, and the fish flakes easily. When cooked, the meat will separate easily from the skin. Serves 4 to 8 ! It’s Not What It Used To Be “One of my great grandkids asked me the other day, “What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?” I answered, “We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up, all the food was slow.” “C’mon, seriously, where did you eat?” “It was a place called home,” I explained. “My mother cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.” By this time, the kid was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. And some other things, like some parents never owned their own homes, wore Levis, set foot on a golf course, traveled out of the country or had a credit card. In their later years they had something called a revolving charge card, good only at Sears. Or SearsRoebuck. There’s no Roebuck any more. Maybe he died. My parents never drove me to soccer practice; we never heard of soccer. I had a bicycle and it had only one speed, slow. We had no television in our house until I was 11, but my grandparents had a 10-inch black and white TV. Some folks had a lens taped to the front of the TV to make the picture look larger. We didn’t have a car until I was 15. Before that, the only car in the family was my grandfather’s Ford. I never had a phone in my room. The only phone in the house was in the parlor and it was on a party line. Before you dialed, you had to listen to hear if anyone was already on the line. Milk was delivered to our front door every day. All newspapers were delivered by young boys and all boys delivered newspapers. I did, six days a week. Cost 7 cents each and I got to keep 2 cents. Had to get up at 4:00 every morning and on Saturday I had to collect the 42 cents from my customers. My favorite customers always gave me 50 cents and told me to keep the change. My least favorite were the ones who were never home on collection day. If YOU grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren or even great grandchildren. Growing up now sure is different! “Don’t let your worries get the best of you. Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.” The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose; but mosquitoes come close. Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the door forever. Some minds are like concrete; thoroughly mixed up and permanently set. He who angers you, controls you! You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him/her. “May the most you wish for be the least you get.”…..Irene Dates to Remember Sept/Oct 2014 September 1 Labor Day September 2 VJ Day September 11 Patriot’s Day September 19 POW/MIA Recognition Day September 21 Peace Day st September 22 1 Day of Fall September 24 Rosh Hashanah September 28 Gold Star Mother’s Day October 3 Yom Kippur October 13 Columbus Day (Observed) October 31 Halloween 12 ORANGE COUNTY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS TRAVEL Phantom & Folklore in Ventura ~ Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Bring your Family and Friends on this new 2014 trip just in time for Halloween! Rumor has it that Ventura’s Gold Coast is riddled with more than its fair share of ghosts! Tales of supernatural encounters abound and you are about to embark to explore some of the sites where phantoms are said to dwell!!! Will you see a ghost? Will you hear a whispering spirit? Maybe…but fear not…a passenger has yet to be lost! The fun begins with a morning drive north to the Gold Coast. We’ll be joined by a local storyteller who will guide you on your journey into the unknown. O u r “ g h o s t t o u r ” b e g i n s a t C i t y H a l l a n d f r o m t h e r e y o u ’ l l v i s i t t h e h a u n t e d C e m e t e r y P a r k , Olivas Adobe, Ortega Adobe, Tavern Inn and Belle Maggorri. Lunch, mid-day at the Pierpont Inn in Ventura ( w h e r e g h o s t s t o r i e s a n d s i g h t i n g s a b o u n d ) includes a salad, rolls & butter, grilled chicken breast, potatoes, vegetables, dessert & beverage. Your trip includes: Deluxe round-trip transportation, driver’s gratuity, step on guide & gratuity, lunch, tax & tip. Cost: $100 ~ Deadline: Call for Availability ~ Depart: 7:30 am ~ Return Approx: 5:30 pm Laughlin Fall Getaway ~ Monday to Wednesday, October 27- 29, 2014 Join us for our new fall trek to the Colorado River. Hop aboard a deluxe motor-coach journeying to the Riverside Resort and Hotel in Laughlin and have a great time with “Friends”! On the way enjoy bingo and returning we will show a movie. As always we will stop at Barstow Station for lunch on your own both directions. We will enjoy the hospitality of the Riverside Resort with a 2-NIGHT hotel accommodation overlooking the beautiful Colorado River. Enjoy gambling, discount outlet shopping within walking distance, new release movies in the eight screen movie theatre and fun with friends. Included for your pleasure are 1-breakfast buffet and your choice (1) of breakfast, lunch or dinner buffet. Trip Includes: Deluxe motor-coach round trip transportation with movies, games and fun! 3-DAYS AND 2- NIGHTS at the Riverside Resort, 1-BREAKFAST, 1BUFFET of choice, 2-NIGHT hotel accommodations Riverside Resort and Hotel, taxes, bag portage and driver gratuities included. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS TRIP NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE FOR US TO ENJOY THE INVITATION ONLY LUAU AND HOLIDAY PARTIES OFFERED EACH YEAR. YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS TRIP ENSURES WE CAN OFFER OUR OTHER FUN TRIPS TO LAUGHLIN! Cost: $130 (single +25) ~ Deadline: Call for Availability ~ Depart: 8 am ~ Return Approx: 6 pm Millionaires Row and So Much More ~ Thursday, November 13, 2014 Family and friends are welcome to join members on this trip! (Originally a Mystery Trip but we wanted our members who love home tours not to miss this one! A mystery no more!) Pasadena at the turn of the last century was an elegant place to retire and David and Mary Gamble commissioned their dream home in 1908. The Gamble House in Pasadena, California, is an outstanding example of American Arts and Crafts style architecture. The house and furnishings were designed by Greene and Greene in 1908 for the Gambles of the Procter & Gamble Company. The house is a National Historic Landmark. Join us for an hour long docent led tour of the house and grounds fully preserved and lovingly restored to its original splendor. Next enjoy a driving tour along Orange Grove Boulevard which is one of several exclusive residential districts in Pasadena, and has been a home for the rich and famous since the early 20th century. Because of the number of landmark mansions, the street earned the name Millionaire's Row, an appropriate sobriquet considering that the estates that once lined this spacious boulevard and the surrounding neighborhood read like a Who's Who of American consumer products. Our next stop will be Chado Tea Room, located in downtown Pasadena, with one of the largest selections of Specialty Teas and exclusive tea accessories. Chado is a tea lovers' paradise. we will enjoy a Luncheon Tea of soup, tea sandwiches, scones with cream, fresh fruit, jams, cookies, cakes and of course a selection of teas. On our way home we will stop at Galco’s Soda Pop Shop. Devoted to the art of soda pop, Galco’s features more than 750 flavors of soda at its Los Angeles store. Huell Howser’s visit to Galco’s was voted a fan favorite episode and now you can see for yourself and find that soda you remember from your youth…they are certain to have it. Trip includes: roundtrip motor-coach transportation, docent led morning tour of Gamble House, luncheon tea with tax and gratuity included, driving tour and stop at Galco’s, driver’s gratuity, printed itinerary, Cost: $105 ~ Deadline: October 16, 2014 ~ Depart: 7:30 am ~ Return Approx: 4 pm Viejas Casino ~ Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Enjoy a relaxing motor-coach ride down to Viejas Casino in Alpine California. Located about 30 minutes from San Diego, the casino has 250,000 sq. feet of gaming space. They are pleased to welcome every type of player to their beautiful San Diego casino, from beginners to seasoned veterans. You will find Slots, Table Games, Poker and Bingo (11 am matinee). As a 50+ guest you will enjoy the benefits of Golden Tuesdays which include discounts at restaurants and drawing opportunities. Eligible guests will receive $5 Free Play Cash with five points of play— AND can win up to $5,000 on the Prize Wheel every Tuesday! That’s right: five winners will be selected for each drawing at 11am, 2pm and 5pm! The Viejas Outlet Center is located across the street from the casino. Viejas Outlets features the best in San Diego Shopping, with over 45 of America’s most popular names in apparel, accessories, footwear, house wares —and more! Receive a VIP Discount Book as a member of the V-Club. Please take your required valid photo ID with you and please submit V-Club Card number on the reservation form. Cost: $15 ~ No Refunds ~ Deadline: November 6, 2014 ~ Depart: 8 a.m. ~ Return Approx: 5:30 p.m. 13 ORANGE COUNTY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS TRAVEL “Christmas in Laughlin”~ 3 Days/2 Nights Sunday to Tuesday, December 7- 9, 2014 Begin the holiday season spending it with “friends” with a three-day stay at the Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino. Your trip begins with fun and games aboard your deluxe motor coach, join in Bingo, a holiday sing-along and special prize drawings. We always stop at Barstow Station for lunch on your own. You’ll spend 2-nights at the Riverside Resort & Casino Hotel where there is always something for everyone. Your stay includes admission to the exclusive Holiday Party in the Star View Room overlooking the beautiful Colorado River. Enjoy live entertainment and a Special Champagne Holiday Buffet with dancing and prizes. Your trip will also include 1 breakfast buffet and 1 choice of buffet per guest. Looking for something different to do? Try one of this options...The holiday season comes to life in the Anaheim Ballet's production of The Nutcracker. The Nutcracker ballet is a cornerstone of seasonal family entertainment and tradition. December 7, 2014 Ticket Price: $30.00 Show Time: 7:00 PM contact OCCOF office if you are interested and we will purchase tickets as a group. Don’t forget the Outlet Mall right across the street for your last minute Christmas shopping! On our return we will show a recently released holiday movie and another stop in Barstow. Trip Includes: Deluxe motor-coach round trip transportation with movies, games, contests and fun! 2-nights Riverside Resort accommodation & taxes, bag portage, Holiday Party, one breakfast buffet & one choice of buffet per person, driver’s gratuity Cost: $130 (SGL +$25) ~ Deadline: October 24, 2013 ~ Depart: 8 a.m. ~ Return Approx: 6 p.m. Colorful Songs of Broadway ~ NEW YEAR’S EVE MATINEE ~Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Family and friends are welcome to join members on this trip! Welcome in the New Year with family and friends at the beautiful Almansor Court located just south of Pasadena. This fabulous Broadway Musical Revue is presented by a very dynamic group of singers and comedians from stage and screen that will light up the room with songs and clever dialogue. The show includes musical selections from a variety of popular Broadway hits. The singers will perform choreographed solos, duets and group numbers in colorful costumes while you enjoy lunch. Your three-course served luncheon includes salad, Honey Baked Chicken, vegetables, rolls/butter, wine, dessert, coffee, iced tea. A Champagne Toast will ring in the New Year with other’s around the world. Your trip includes: Deluxe round-trip transportation, driver’s gratuity, musical performance, lunch, tax & tip. Cost: $116 ~ Deadline: November 24, 2014 ~ Depart: 10:30 am ~ Return Approx: 5 pm Havasu Balloon Festival ~ Friday – Tuesday, January 16-20, 2015 rd Visit the 3 Annual Havasu Balloon Festival at Lake Havasu, Arizona where you will view dramatic eye candy in the sky with delightful balloon ascensions, colorful skydivers and magical balloon glows in the evening dusk. Day One: Depart Orange County and arrive for 4- nights at the Edgewater Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV where you will check in and enjoy your evening exploring the casino on your own. Day Two: we depart for Kingman, AZ and a self-guided tour of the “Route 66 Museum” and then a guided tour of the Mohave Museum. After a brief return to our hotel we will depart at 4:30 pm for the Havasu Balloon Festival to view the “Balloon Glow” As the evening sun sets, a stunning photographic event will unfold when the Balloons are inflated after dark and left on the ground to glow like giant Chinese lanterns. This is our fantastic and picturesque "Night Glow." You will enjoy entertainment, visit food vendors and return to your hotel. Don’t stay up too late because on Day Three: Depart at 6am to see the “Balloon Mass Ascension”. Over 50 balloons will be drifting over The London Bridge. If the winds are right, you may see the balloons dip their baskets ever so lightly into Lake Havasu for what's called a 'Splash & Dash', a spectacular sight to see! Once the balloons are inflated and launched, spectators will witness a photographer's dream - an array of color and beauty. You will have time to visit the festival, purchase lunch on your own or choose to take a balloon ride before we return to the hotel for an afternoon and evening at leisure. Day Four: Wake to enjoy a complimentary breakfast at the hotel and spend the morning and early afternoon as you choose and meet at 2:30 pm to take a 90-minute river cruise on the beautiful Colorado River followed by a complimentary dinner buffet. Evening spent as you desire. Day Five: Start the day with a complimentary breakfast at the hotel before we depart for home at 10am with a stop for lunch on your own before arriving back in Orange County with wonderful memories and pictures to share. Don’t miss this fun trip! Trip includes: Deluxe roundtrip transportation, 4-night hotel accommodations, taxes and bag portage included, Balloon Festival “Ascension” and “Glow”, 90- min. River Cruise, 2-museum visits, 2- breakfasts, 1-dinner and driver’s gratuity, Cost: $305 (SGL+$49) ~ Deadline: December 4, 2014 ~ Depart: 8:00 am ~ Return Approx: 5:30 pm Don’t miss the bus… Travel with us!!! 14 ORANGE COUNTY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS TRAVEL Billy Elliott @ La Mirada Theatre ~Saturday, January 31, 2015 Family and friends are welcome to join members on this trip! Billy Elliot the Musical is a musical based on the film Billy Elliot. The unforgettable music is by Elton John, and the book and lyrics are by Lee Hall, who wrote the film's screenplay. The plot revolves around motherless Billy, who trades boxing gloves for ballet shoes. The story of his personal struggle and fulfillment are balanced against a counter-story of family and community strife caused by the UK miners' strike (1984–1985) in County Durham, in North Eastern England. Filled with sensational choreography and a powerful storyline, in 2008 Billy Elliot won ten Tony Awards and ten Drama Desk Awards, including, in each case, Best Musical. La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, now in its fourth decade, has been hailed by the LA Times as "one of the best Broadway-style houses in Southern California." This beautiful, state-of-the-art theatre has been producing quality productions for its audiences since 1977 and recently the winner of the Los Angeles Ovation Award for 2012-13 "Best Season of the Year," Prior to the matinee performance you will enjoy a delicious luncheon at North Woods Inn well known in the area for excellent food and service. Select the entre of your choice, Fish & Chips, Pepper Steak Sandwich or Corned Beef Sandwich served with chips, beverage and dessert. Your trip includes: Deluxe roundtrip transportation, driver’s gratuity, reserved Orchestra seats performance, lunch, tax & tip included. Cost: $130 ~ Deadline: December 18, 2014 ~ Depart: 10:30 am ~ Return Approx: 6 pm Dear Members, We are so excited to offer you these excellent trip/travel opportunities. Please note we want our trips to make you as comfortable as possible and allow you to have no worries about the details and spend the time enjoying yourself. Our drivers, servers and step on guide’s gratuities are always included in the trip price and our meal locations are always a minimum of 3 stars, more often 4 stars. If you have questions or concerns following a trip, please let us know ASAP. Please remember to fill out your reservation forms completely, send a separate check for each trip and indicate which pick-up location you will be using. If you have family or friends traveling with you please indicate that on your form, as we will provide a temporary name tag the day of the trip. Signatures are always required on every reservation form. We look forward to having you travel with us! Near or far we are here to assist you. Thank you, Grace, Travel Coordinator, Candace, Director OCCOF and our great Travel Team! OCCOF Members were guests in the Winners Circle at Los Alamitos Race Course June 2014 15 OC CIRCLE OF FRIENDS & PREMIER WORLD DISCOVERY PRESENT Premier World Discovery and OCCOF Extended Travel Opportunities 2015 ****Please CALL or stop by the office for a full itinerary and reservation form**** GARDENS & MANSIONS (Featuring New Orleans/Cajun Country) 7 DAYS April 12-‐18, 2015 Tour Highlights •3 Nights in the French Quarter •French Quarter Walking Tour •Steamboat Natchez Cruise •Café du Monde •Court of Two Sisters Dinner •New Orleans School of Cooking •New Orleans City Tour •Longue Vue Gardens & House •Baton Rouge •Natchez Area Tour •Antebellum Mansion Visits (2)•Bayou Cruise •Vermillionville •Jean Lafitte Cultural Center •Avery Island -‐ Tabasco Factory •Pont Breaux’s Farewell Dinner Inclusions •Roundtrip Airfare•10 Meals: 6-‐Breakfasts & 4-‐Dinners•Professional Tour Director •Motor-‐coach Transportation •Admissions per Itinerary •Sightseeing per Itinerary •Baggage Handling •Hotel -‐ Airport Transfers •Cancellation Waiver $195 Accommodations 6 Nights First Class Hotels •3 Nights -‐ Maison Dupuy or Bienville House Hotel, New Orleans •1 Night -‐ Natchez, Mississippi •2 Nights -‐ Hilton Lafayette, Lafayette $2289 per person double (+$625 single supplement)$495 deposit due with reservation Final payment due January 27, 2015 BEST OF ENGLAND AND LONDON 8 DAYS April 20-‐27, 2015 (Featuring 6 Nights in Windsor) Tour Highlights •6 Nights at One Hotel in Windsor •London City Tour •Changing of the Guard •Stratford-‐ Upon-‐Avon •Anne Hathaway’s Cottage •Shakespeare’s Birthplace •Oxford •Salisbury • Salisbury Cathedral •Stonehenge Inclusions •Roundtrip Airfare •Int’l Air Departure Taxes/Fuel Surcharges •8 Meals: 6-‐Breakfasts & 2-‐Dinners •Professional Tour Director •Motorcoach Transportation •Hotel Transfers •Admissions per Itinerary •Comprehensive Sightseeing •Baggage Handling• Cancellation Waiver $195 Accommodations •6 Nights Accommodations Mercure Windsor Hotel, Windsor, UK Optional -‐2-‐night PARIS Post Tour Extension $895 (+$250 single) $3349 per person double (+$600 single supplement)$760 deposit due with reservation Final payment due February 4, 2015 EAST COAST ISLAND, THE HAMPTOMS & THE BIG APPLE SEPTEMBER 6 DAYS SEPT. 13-‐18, 2015 Tour Highlights •3 Nights at the Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino •The Hamptons •Montauk Point Lighthouse •Sag Harbor •New York City Tour •Top of the Rock •Times Square •9/11 Memorial •Block Island Ferry •Block Island Tour •Mystic Seaport •Mystic Horse Drawn Carriage Tour Inclusions •Roundtrip Airfare •Air Departure Taxes / Fees •Professional Tour Director •Sightseeing per Itinerary •Admissions per Itinerary •7 Meals: 5 -‐ Breakfasts & 2 – Dinners •Hotel/Airport Transfers •Motor-‐coach Transportation •Baggage Handling; •Cancellation Waiver $195 Accommodations 5 Nights First Class Hotels ~3 -‐ Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino, CT~2 -‐ Hyatt Place East End, Riverhead (Long Island), $2289 per person double (+$625 single supplement)$495 deposit due with reservation Final payment due June 30, 2015 PRAGUE & HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DANUBE 11 DAYS October 11-‐21, 2015 A chartered River Cruise experience featuring 7 nights aboard the Amadeus Royal Tour Highlights •Shore Excursions & Land Tours •Passau Tour •Vienna Tour •Bratislava Tour •Budapest Tour •Durnstein Tour & Melk Abbey Visit •Onboard Lectures •Onboard Entertainment: Hungarian Folklore Show & Viennese Quartet •Welcome & Farewell Dinners Inclusions •Roundtrip Airfare •22 Meals (9-‐B, 6-‐L, 7-‐D) •Local Wine with Dinners •PWD Tour & Cruise Manager •Ship Staff •Baggage Handling •Int’l Air Taxes/Fuel/Fees & Port Charges •Hotel, Airport & Ship Transfers •Cancellation Waiver $350 Accommodations •2 Nights Hotel – Prague •7 Night Cruise -‐ Outside Cabin•2 Days – Prague •2 Days – Vienna •2 Days – Budapest Optional Excursions •Salzburg •Szentendre & Esztergom •Hungarian Farm •Schoenbrunn Palace •Prague Dinner Show $850 deposit (includes$350 waiver)due with reservation ~ Final payment due July 10, 2015 Category E -‐ Haydn Deck $4749 pp dbl •Category D -‐ Haydn Deck $5049 pp dbl •Category C -‐ Strauss Deck $5349 pp dbl •Category B -‐ Strauss Deck $5449 pp dbl •Category A -‐ Mozart Deck $5649 pp dbl •Category AA -‐ Mozart Deck $5849 pp dbl •Suite -‐ Mozart Deck $6549 pp dbl • Single Supplements -‐ Cat E&D $1500, •Cat C&B $2000, Cat A & AA $2500 *(all cabins on a space available basis) 16 Office staff only: Received:_______________ Processed: _____________ Incomplete: ____________ Initial:____________ September/October 2014 TRAVEL RESERVATION FORM CALL (714) 843-5092 Please mail completed Travel Reservation Form with a SEPARATE CHECK for EACH TRIP made out to OC Circle of Friends. Mail or bring to: Orange County Circle of Friends Administrative Office Attn: Travel Team 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 **Incomplete forms will be returned. A current Circle of Friends Membership Name badge and emergency card are required for all passengers** For casinos, if you DO NOT have a casino card please indicate in the space provided and the casino will provide one for you. TRIP NAME (F&F = Family/Friends) DATE Phantom & Folklore (F&F) Laughlin Fall Getaway PRICE PER PERSON # OF PERSONS $ ENCLOSED SIGN UP DEADLINE 10/22/14 $ 100 X ____________ = $ ___________ Call for availability 10/27-29/14 $ 130 (Sgl. + 25) X ____________ = $ ___________ Call for availability Millionaires Row & More! (F&F) 11/13/14 $105 X ____________ = $ ___________ 10/16/14 Viejas Casino 11/18/14 $ 15 (no refunds) X ____________ = $ ___________ 11/6/14 Member Casino Card#___________ Birth Date _________ Member Casino Card# ____________Birth Date ________ Christmas in Laughlin 12/7-9/14 $130 (Sgl. +25) X ____________ = $ ___________ 10/24/14 $ 116 X ____________ = $ ___________ 11/24/14 $ 305 (Sgl. + 49) X ____________ = $ ___________ 12/4/14 Billy Elliott @La Mirada (F&F) 1/31/15 $ 130 X ____________ = $ ___________ Pepper Steak Sandwich or Corned Beef Sandwich______ Menu selection: Fish & Chips, Fish & Chips, Pepper Steak Sandwich or Corned Beef Sandwich______ 12/18/14 Colorful Songs of Broadway (F&F) 12/31/14 Havasu Balloon Festival 1/16-20/15 NAME ____________________________________________________________________ PICK-‐UP POINT: WAMC _________ HBH ________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________ SPACE OR APT. # _________________ CITY ________________________________ ___ZIP _____________ PHONE ___________________________ CELL ________________________ NAME ___________________________________________________________________ PICK-‐UP POINT: WAMC _________ HBH ________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________ SPACE OR APT. # _________________ CITY ________________________________ ___ZIP _____________ PHONE ___________________________ CELL ________________________ *Special Requests (based on a MEDICAL need) will be considered on an individual trip by trip basis by the Travel Dept. Please list your medical need EVERY time you travel with OCCOF. We regret we cannot accommodate all requests. Please be specific. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Name badges and emergency cards are required for all trips, a fee may be charged for replacements** SIGNATURE OF EACH TRAVELER IS REQUIRED~ NON-MEMBER GUESTS SIGNATURE REQUIRED (submit additional copies of this form if necessary) Thank You I, (we) __________________________________________________in exchange for transportation being furnished to and from any of the above mentioned events, on the above noted dates in 2014/2015 as part of an Orange County Circle of Friends outing (the “Event (s)”), release and forever discharge Prime Healthcare Services, The Prime Healthcare Foundation, Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center, Huntington Beach Hospital, La Palma Intercommunity Hospital and West Anaheim Medical Center and the Orange County Circle of Friends as well as their respective officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, of all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses which I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Event (s), including any liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses that may arise out of the transportation provided as a part of the Event (s), and including injuries which may be suffered by me before, during or after the Event (s). I understand that this waiver includes any claims based on negligence, action or inaction of any of the above parties. I understand that Orange County Circle of Friends, reserves the right to decline or accept any person as a member of the tour, or to require any participant to withdraw from the tour at any time when such action is determined by the Director of Circle of Friends or Travel Department representative to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the tour group or of the individual participant. Additionally, I allow permission for, and authorize the use of, my name and photograph to be used for promotions by any of the above parties. Your acceptance of the above and original signature is required to complete travel arrangements. _________________________________ Signature (required) _________ Date _________________________________ Signature (required) _________ Date 17 TAPE HERE TAPE HERE BE SURE TO SEAL BOTH EDGES PLEASE FOLD HERE BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO 94 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE HUNTINGTON BEACH HOSPITAL 17772 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-9932 Orange County Circle of Friends Travel BE SURE TO SEAL BOTH EDGES PLEASE FOLD HERE FIRST 18 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES Orange County Circle of Friends Membership Enrollment Form To join, mail or Bring to: OC Circle of Friends Administrative Offices, 17772 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Huntington Beach Hospital ~ Beach Blvd. at Newman, First Floor of Hospital My General Meeting site of choice is: ____ UFCW Union Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., (East of Beach Blvd.,) Buena Park ____ HB Elks Lodge 7711 Talbert, (West of Beach Blvd.,) Huntington Beach The Prime Healthcare Hospital I live closest to is: ___ Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center, ___ Huntington Beach Hospital, ___ La Palma Intercommunity Hospital, or ___ West Anaheim Medical Center Member 1: For Single Membership: o New o Renewal First Name _____________________________________ Middle Initial _______ Last Name _____________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________ Apt/Space # ___________ City ______________________________________ State ______ Zip Code __________ Telephone (_______)________________ Date of Birth __________/__________/__________ Age__________ q Male Gender: q Female q I will be accessing the newsletter via the hospital website. Please do not mail hard copy. E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ First name desired on membership badge ____________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name __________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________ Telephone (_______)______________________________ Alternate phone number (_______)__________________________ How did you hear about us? _________________________________________________________________________________ Signature(s) Required Below Member 2: For Dual Membership: (must be at same address as member above) q New q Renewal First Name _____________________________________ Middle Initial _______ Last Name _____________________________ Date of Birth __________/__________/__________ Age__________ E-mail Address __________________________________________________ Gender: q Male q Female Telephone (_______)____________________ First name desired on membership badge ______________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name __________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________ Telephone (_______)______________________________ Alternate phone number (_______)__________________________ Are you interested in volunteering? q Yes q No How did you hear about us? _________________________________________________________________________________ q Single Membership q One-year $20 q Two-year $35 q Dual Membership (members must be at the same address) q Two 1 -year memberships $35 q Two 2-year memberships $60 Gift Membership - New Members Only q One year $15.00 (Disc. Exp. 12/31/14) Given by: ____________________________________________ Enrollment processing and receipt of membership materials may take 4-6 weeks. Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. Orange County Circle of Friends (OC COF) reserves the right to cancel any event, offer, or membership. In exchange for participating in the OC COF Event, I release, Prime Healthcare Services, The Prime Healthcare Foundation, Garden Grove Hospital, Huntington Beach Hospital, La Palma Intercommunity Hospital, West Anaheim Medical Center, and Orange County Circle of Friends of all liabilities, which I may have against them in any way connected with my participation in the Event. Additionally, I allow permission for, and authorize the use of, my name, photograph, voice, or quotes, to be used for promotions by any of the above parties. ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Signature of Member 1 (Required) Signature of Member 2 (Required) (Office use only) (Office use only) Date Recv’d _____________ Date Processed _____________ Renewal Date ______________ Date Entered ______________ Initials _________________ Initials ____________________ Initials ___________________ 19 CO Int La er Pa Ho comm lma spi un tal ity e rov n G ital e rd sp Ga Ho A U W est A M n Ce edic ahe nt al im er N TY OR GE ton ing nt each tal u H B spi Ho N Postmaster: Please deliver by August 28, 2014 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 213 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA Orange County Circle of Friends 17772 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Or Current Resident We love to LUAU in Laughlin…with FRIENDS !
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