product catalogue 2005/2006 - Neby Hi
product catalogue 2005/2006 - Neby Hi
Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 1 The Rotel Co. Ltd. Rotel Group France B&W Group Finland Oy Bunzan-Shinsen-Bldg. 4F 10-10 Shinsen-Cho Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150 Japan Tel: +81 (0) 3 5458 5325 Fax: +81 (0) 3 5458 5310 e-mail: 75 rue Louis Arnal ZAC des Prés Secs 69380 Lozanne France Tél: 04 37 46 15 00 Fax: 04 72 54 38 16 email: Uudenmaankatu 4-6, 00120 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 (0)20 7430075 Fax: +358 (0)20 7430077 e-mail: Rotel Europe Dale Road, Worthing West Sussex BN11 2BH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1903 221 763 Fax: +44 (0) 1903 221 525 e-mail: Rotel U.K. B&W Group UK Dale Road, Worthing West Sussex BN11 2BH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1903 221500 Fax: +44 (0) 1903 221501 e-mail: Rotel Deutschland B&W Group Germany GmbH Kleine Heide 12 D-33790 Halle/Westfalen Tel.: +49 (0) 5201 – 87170 Fax: +49 (0) 5201 – 73370 e-mail: Printed in the E.U. English PU14253 B&W B&W Group (Schweiz) GmbH Rotel España B&W Group España, S.A. Camí Can Calders, 22 Apartado de Correos 252 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain Tel: +34 93 589 47 22 Fax: +34 93 589 24 70 e-mail: Rotel Netherlands Brugwachter, 9 3034 KD Rotterdam Holland Tel: +31 (0) 10 413 4422 Fax: +31 (0) 10 213 3155 e-mail: Ifangstrasse 5 8952 Schlieren Switzerland Tel: +41 43 433 6150 Fax: +41 43 433 6159 e-mail: NV Van der Heyden Audio Brusselbaan 278 Erembodegem 9320 Belgium Tel: +32 53 214915 Fax: +32 53 781901 e-mail: For a full list of Rotel distributors worldwide go to PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2005/2006 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 2 EXCEPTIONAL SOUND. NO EXCEPTIONS. The products you are about to discover in these pages – DVD and CD players, preamplifiers, surround sound processors, TABLE OF CONTENTS power amplifiers, receivers and more – are unique. They come from a high performance home theatre and high fidelity components. We use the word “manufacture” advisedly. We make everything from core components to complete products ourselves. In our own factories. Under our own control. Is this important? Rotel Amplifiers, Designed for the Real World 4 The Power Supply 5 Extremely. Among other things, this integration gives us the opportunity to select everything that goes into a Rotel product. Even down to what we call “board level” parts – the semiconductors and Power Amplifiers 6-9 passive circuit elements that distinguish merely competent designs from extraordinary ones. This is an essential part of Surround Sound Processors 10-11 DVD Players 12-13 Surround Sound A/V Receivers 14-17 Stereo Power Amplifiers 18-19 Stereo Pre-Amplifiers 20-21 Tuner, CD Player, Stereo Integrated Amplifiers 22-23 ‘02 Series 24-29 Back Panels 30-31 our Balanced Design Concept. Balanced Design Concept is a disciplined synthesis of physics, electronics and mechanical engineering, guided by our firm belief that the best need not be the most costly. Balanced Design begins with basic circuits conceived by an international team of award-winning engineers. It includes an exhaustive evaluation of every part used in these circuits to determine not just which one will do... but which one will do best. Balanced Design also means that we verify every choice we make with the most critical and sensitive laboratory instrument available anywhere --- the human ear. That’s why our team of trained critical listeners evaluate every prototype, and then collaborate in fine-tuning basic designs until they fully meet Rotel’s demanding standards. Balanced Design combines both hard science and experienced intuition to bring you closer to the source…any source, be it music or movies…and to let you hear without compromise exactly what the artists intended you to hear. Nothing more. And certainly nothing less. Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 3 ROTEL AMPLIFIERS DESIGNED FOR THE REAL WORLD THE POWER SUPPLY Of all audio components, the amplifier has Furthermore, real music is quite unlike the arguably the toughest job. It must provide steady state tones typically used for mea- a common interface for a diverse range of surement purposes. Music is dynamic, a source products, including CD, DVD-A, SACD mix of chords, crescendos and instrumental players and MM/MC phono cartridges. On transients that may peak for just a few mil- the other side of the divide, the amplifier is liseconds. Once again, Rotel amplifiers are also forced to wrestle with the unpredictable designed to accommodate these peaks, demands of a loudspeaker. In some instanc- delivering huge increases in clean power well es, the two roles are seemingly incompat- beyond their rated specification. ible, as the amplifier caresses millivolt Take the RB-1050 as an example. Modestly source signals while delivering many tens rated at 70W/8 ohm, it will actually deliver of volts and, potentially, as many amperes 125W under dynamic, music-like conditions, of current to maintain a rock solid power increasing to 225W, 375W and 470W into output. tougher 4, 2 and 1 ohm loads. This is an The success of this balancing act depends exceptional performance for a ‘mere’ 70W largely on power supply design and circuit amplifier and helps explain why our amplifi- layout, especially the ground plane. It is our ers typically sound louder and more dynamic custom-built transformers, multiple supply than competing products with a notionally regulators and symmetrical topologies of all similar specification. Rotel amplifiers that provide the foundation But high dynamic power, and therefore high of a performance that’s realised in our high- dynamic current, is of little benefit without current, complementary power amp stages. great linearity. Many manufacturers claim Our published specifications are very con-ser- bold figures for ‘peak or instantaneous cur- vative, and reflect a maximum continuous rent’ without specifying the duration of the power output that the amplifier will comfor- peak or how distorted the signal. After all, an tably maintain. In reality, of course, loud- spe- amplifier that can deliver 20A of current at akers do not behave like the 8 ohm or 4 <1% distortion cannot fairly be compared to ohm test loads used for measurement. They another that suffers 10% or more at comprise reactive (capacitive and inductive) same output. Our RB-1050 will deliver elements that force the voltage and current 470W/1ohm with 10msec peaks at less to become out of step as the impedance than 1% distortion, that’s nearly 22A of clean swings as high as 50 ohms or more before current from our least powerful model! plunging to 2 ohms, or even less, at differ- Rotel amplifiers: high value audio engineer- ent frequencies. ing designed to tackle the real world, not just This ability to grapple with almost any the lab bench. speaker load, no matter how difficult, sets Rotel amplifiers apart from the mainstream. You will no doubt notice that we spend a lot of time in this brochure describing Rotel’s approach to power supply design. Here’s why. A power supply is the heart of any home entertainment component. It pumps, if you will, proper amounts of current at just the right voltage so that all the active circuits in your amplifier, DVD player, surround sound processor, etc., can do the job they were designed to do. Power supplies aren’t black magic. They’re comparatively simple to design, but good ones, however, are costly. That’s why few manufacturers describe theirs – an accurate picture might be more embarrassing than enlightening. At Rotel, we take the opposite approach. We talk about our power supplies because we’ve already done our homework and built the manufacturing infrastructure we need. For example, we design and manufacture our own transformers in-house. Why? Because a transformer, that critical transition between AC power from the mains and the rest of your component, must have enough current capability to satisfy your component’s active circuitry. And it must accurately “step down” the mains voltage to levels that are useable by subsequent circuit stages. Making our own transformers gives us a three-fold advantage over the com- the petition. First, we don’t need to shop for a “good enough” product made by someone else. Second, we can schedule production so that the right transformer is available just as the component it was designed for is ready to receive it. Lastly, we don’t have to factor in some other company’s profit margin when we price our products. Given that the transformer is often the single most expensive part of a component, that’s an enormous advantage. For one thing, it means we can use higher quality capacitors – BHC Slit Foils, Aerovox T-Networks, for example – to store and provide the instantaneous current delivery that improves a Rotel component’s ability to deliver the full dynamics of even the most demanding music selection or soundtrack. Rotel products simply reproduce sound with greater fidelity to what we know is “real.” Of course, there are other parts to a power supply – rectifiers and voltage regulators, to name but two. These are chosen and configured with the same meticulous care we lavish on any other part of a Rotel component. So the next time someone doesn’t describe a power supply properly, you can ask yourself “What are they hiding?” Or, you can simply buy a Rotel. 5 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 4 Power Amplifiers Stereophile Guide To Home Theatre, December 2001 John J. Gannon, RMB-1075 Review “...the RMB-1075 didn’t just deliver the goods - it had a major league windup.” “It’s another of Rotel’s best buys in multichannel amplifiers, and one of the best buys in this category, period.” The Perfect Vision, May/June 2000 Neil Gader, RMB-1095 Review “Effortless” RMB-1048 RMB-1066 RMB-1075 RMB-1095 Rotel’s RMB-1048 is the perfect solution for a The RMB-1066 multi-channel power amplifier is This multi-channel power amplifier delivers 120 Producing a full kilowatt (1000 watts!) of output channel, the RMB-1095 is nothing wide range of audio applications. Able to deliver an enormously flexible unit intended primarily for watts (all channels driven), thanks to a power sup- power, Rotel’s RMB-1095 is a stunning realisation if not a great buy. For a 5.1 system, in excess of 8 x 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms use in surround systems and home audio distribu- ply composed of a generous 1,500 VA toroidal of Rotel’s capabilities in amplifier design. It is, for it’s unbeatable.” (65 watts into 4 ohms), it is a natural choice for tion. The power supply and output circuits are transformer and eight 10,000 µf British-made all intents and purposes, a multi-channel version distributed audio or multi-zone use. Use one ampli- configured for exceptional reserve capability and Slit Foil capacitors. 20 output devices, each of of the RB-1080 stereo power amplifier already What Hi-Fi fier to provide music to four stereo pairs, or eight stability. In six channel mode, the RMB-1066 which is rated for 130 watts and 15 amperes of recognised as one of the finest amplifiers availa- May 2003 Supertest 5* Winner single channels of speakers with individual level delivers 60 watts RMS each (20 Hz to 20 kHz @ current capability, make full use of the supply’s ble at any price. Rated at 200 watts per channel RMB-1075 controls per pair. You can also add another amplifi- 0.03% THD into 8 ohms). In five channel mode potential. The RMB-1075’s generous headroom (all 5 channels driven into 8 ohms, 20 Hz – 20 "The power amp is a chunky 17kg er for additional sub-zones to enjoy music in every (one channel quiescent), power increases to 70 and state-of-the-art signal-to-noise measurements kHz, less than 0.03% THD), the RMB-1095’s unit powered by a massive 1500VA room of the house. Alternatively, the RMB-1048 watts RMS, each measured by the same demand- ensure unsullied reproduction of the most dynam- power supply is built around two Rotel made 1.2 makes a great home theatre amplifier for today’s ing standards. Amplifier pairs can be bridged to ic as well as the most delicate sonic nuances. kVa toroidal transformers. Eight British made latest formats such as 6.1. The RMB-1048 is develop 150 watts x 3 for almost half a kilowatt Complete with gold plated phono and DB-25 input BHC Slit Foil capacitors each with over 15,000 µf a rugged, smooth performer with a high current of output power. Three rear panel switches (one connectors, the RMB-1075 is ideally suited for of energy storage, combine with thirty 150 watt, power supply. Additional features include front two-way and two three-way) make bridging easy either home theatre applications or bi-amped sys- 15 amp output devices for uncompressed repro- panel level controls, an internal input link, daisy and also link the inputs via internal “daisy chain” tems optimised for music reproduction. Separate duction of the most dynamic source material. A chain outputs and 12 volt trigger. connections with a single source, thus simplifying 12 volt trigger input and output jacks make this sophisticated ”over current” protection circuit with system wiring. Buffered line level outputs allow amplifier well suited for fully integrated systems front panel LED indicators guards against poten- multiple amplifiers to “daisy chain” from a single with total remote control capability. tially harmful operating conditions. Special source. Input level controls, strategically placed “current absorbers” minimise turn-on surges between front panel heat sink fins and an exten- while gold plated balanced XLR and single-ended sive 6 LED indicator array ease system adjust- phono inputs provide easy connection to a variety ment and monitoring. 12 volt trigger operation of controller/preamplifiers. Heavy rear casters and a detachable IEC power cord directly address assist in placing the amplifier. demanding custom installation requirements, while custom brass speaker terminals provide full contact power transfer. RMB-1048 RMB-1066 RMB-1075 “At only $400 per individual watt/ transformer and capable of 120W RMB-1095 per channel, with plenty of slam and dynamic ability ensured by the use of 130W/15A output devices Model Power Configurations Watts/Channel all channels driven, unbridged, 8 ohm load, 20 to 20k Hz, 0.03% THD THD (20-20,000Hz) cont. rated power one-half rated power one watt per channel IM Distortion (at rated ower,60Hz:7kHz = 4:1) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Input Sens. / Impedance Frequency Response S/N Ratio (IHF A) Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) RMB-1048 8 x 40 watts 40 watts RMB-1066 6 x 60 watts 60 watts RMB-1075 5 x 120 watts 120 watts RMB-1095 5 x 200 watts 200 watts for each channel." Home Cinema Choice May 03 5* review 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.05%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.05%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.05%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum — — 0.03%, maximum 150 1.0V / 22 kohms 15-100 kHz (±1dB) 116dB 700 watts 433 x 121 x 428mm 17¹/₈ x 4³/₄ x 16⁷/₈" 109 mm, 4.3" 12.2 kg / 27 lbs 150 1.5V / 22 kohms 15-100 kHz (±1dB) 116dB 700 watts 433 x 121 x 428mm 17¹/₈ x 4³/₄ x 16⁷/₈" 109 mm, 4.3" 11.8kg / 26 lbs 180 1.0V / 33 kohms 15-100kHz (+0.5dB, -3dB) 115dB 800 watts 433 x 189 x 380mm 17¹/₈ x 7¹/₂ x 15" 176 mm, 6.9" 17kg / 37.4 lbs 400 1.5V / 33 kohms 15-100kHz (+0.5, -3dB) 116dB 800 watts 433 x 237 x 380mm 17¹/₈ x 9³/₈ x 15” 221 mm, 8.7" 34kg / 75 lbs RMB-1095 "Rotel RMB-1095 real 5 star, THX alta specified mulit-channel amp. Rated a massive 200W RMS per channel. Will satisfy even the most power hungry home cinema fan." 7 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 5 RMB-1077 7-channel Digital Power Amplifier RMB-1077 7-channel Digital Power Amplifier Digital amplifier technology has come of age! Key to the remarkable new RMB-1077’s design are two proprietary technologies. Rotel’s Controlled Oscillation Modulation (COM) underpins entirely new levels of efficiency, stability, and effectiveness from a switching-type digital power supply, while Rotel’s, Multivariable Enhanced Cascade Control (MECC) circuit topology creates a “smart” amplifier in which the power supply and the actual amplifying circuits work cooperatively to boost efficiency to a most impressive 90%. The new RMB-1077 power amp is a very slim, rack-mount component just under 3 inches tall, while delivering no less than 700 watts - seven fully independent channels of 100W each. This unprecedented combination lends the new Rotel unbeatable appeal for high-performance, seven-channel power in custominstallation home theatres, or wherever super efficient, ultra compact, multi-channel power is required. With the RMB-1077 we’re looking at the future of audio amplifiers. Digital technologies and ‘smart’ power-supply design have finally evolved to the point where they can yield an amplifier that rivals and even outpaces the performance of traditional, brute-force, ‘copper-and-capacitors’ designs.” The result is a seven-channel, 27/8” tall power amplifier that is Model Audio Power Configurations(FTC) Watts/Channel (all channels driven) far less massive than many two-channel preamplifiers, yet offers a stable, dynamic, musical, full-bandwidth 100W from each channel. The RMB-1077 is ideal for all home-theatre configurations and with 12-volt trigger facilities for automated system integration and a detachable IEC standard power cord, the RMB-1077 integrates easily into any system. Total Harmonic Distortion Continuous Rated Power One-Half Rated Power One Watt per Channel Power Output (4 ohms, 0.09% THD) Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz:7 kHz 4:1) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Amp Gain Input Sensitivity/Impedance Frequency Response Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) RMB-1077 7 x 100 Watts 100 watts, with 20kHz filter, 8 ohm load, 20Hz - 20kHz, 0.03% THD) Power Requirements: Europe USA Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) < 0.03% < 0.03% < 0.03% 200 Watts < 0.03% 400 27.4dB 1.2 V / 8.3k ohms 10Hz - 80kHz (±3dB) 105 dB Panel Height (for rack mounting) Weight (net) 230 Volts, 50 Hz 120 Volts, 60 Hz 400 Watts 70 Watts - Idling 3 Watts - Standby 432 x 72 x 415 mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 16³/₈ inches 60 mm 2³/₈ inches 7.8 kg / 17.2 lb 9 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 6 RSP-1098 Surround Sound Processor/Preamplifier RSP-1068/RSP-1098 Surround Sound A/V Preamp/Processor RSP-1068 A/V Tech Rotel’s RSP-1098 surround sound processor/preamplifier offers outstanding performance with startling simplicity. It is June 2005 truly unique, as even a cursory look at its front panel will tell you. You’ll find an integral LCD color monitor flanked by just Paul Miller “As it stands ... the RSP-1068 has a power switch, two knobs and six miniature pushbuttons. These elements let even technophobes enjoy the RSP-1098’s no obvious or immediate exceptional performance; yet allow more sophisticated users a level of control, system customization and convenience competition. If you want to simply beyond the capabilities of lesser processors. upgrade to a separates based The power supply is built around Rotel-made dual toroidal transformers and special low-ESR storage capacitors for a rock- home cinema system, then Rotel’s solid source of operating current and superb isolation between digital and analogue sections. The RSP-1098 uses new RSP-1068 represents the most modular construction borrowed from the computer industry. The benefits from this carefully spaced array of individual affordable, performance-based choi- circuit cards are better isolation and performance free of the crosstalk and noise inevitable with less sophisticated ce available” designs. The RSP-1098 can accommodate up to eight assignable digital audio inputs (five coaxial and three optical) in addition to RSP-1068 eight A/V analogue inputs, each with composite and S-video capability. Outputs include eight main audio outputs, four Ultimate A/V digital audio (two coaxial, two optical), one tape out, zone 2 out (with video), and three A/V outputs all with composite July 2004 RSP-1098 RSP-1068 and S-video connections. The world of high definition video won’t challenge the RSP-1098’s four component video inputs, Robert Deutsch signal paths, and switching ICs. In addition, composite and S-video input signals can be processed through a transcoder “Rotel has come up with another great product at an affordable circuit to output all Component Video signals. The result is superb system flexibility and outstanding performance. price” RSP-1068 Surround Sound processor Model Video Decodable Digital Input Signal RSP-1098 Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Prologic IIx, DTS, DTS_ES, DTS96/24, LPCM (up to 192K), HDCD, MP3, MPEG Multi-channel Model Video Decodable Digital Input Signal RSP-1068 Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Prologic IIx, DTS, DTS_ES, DTS96/24, LPCM (up to 192K), HDCD, MP3, MPEG Multi-channel RSP-1098 Home Theatre December 2003 Steve Guttenberg Rotel’s RSP-1068 processor combines flexibility, superior performance, and easy operation. Flexibility begins with Frequency Response enough inputs and outputs to easily accommodate the most demanding system configurations. You can connect up to Signal to Noise Ratio Input Impedance Output Impedance Output Level eight sources, five of them video-based. In addition, there are five assignable digital audio inputs, 3 coaxial and 2 3 Hz - 10 MHz, ± 3 dB (Composite, S-Video) 3 Hz - 100 MHz, ± 3 dB (Component Video) 45 dB 75 ohms 75 ohms 1.0 Volt Frequency Response Signal to Noise Ratio Input Impedance Output Impedance Output Level 3 Hz - 10 MHz, ± 3 dB (Composite, S-Video) 3 Hz - 100 MHz, ± 3 dB (Component Video) 45 dB 75 ohms 75 ohms 1.0 Volt optical. There’s also a direct analogue stereo mode that bypasses all digital processing. The RSP-1068 includes inputs and switching / transcoding for five composite, five S-, and three component video sources. Custom ID capability lets you program the front panel display so it precisely confirms all of your A/V input selections. Advanced microprocessors from Crystal Semiconductor handle Dolby Digital (complete with dynamic range adjustments), Dolby Digital EX, DTS, and Dolby Pro Logic IIx decoding. The RSP-1068 also automatically detects and decodes DTS ES, DTS ES Discrete and Matrix, DTS 24/96, HDCD, and MP3 encoded audio. There’s also DTS Neo:6 mode for cinema sound and music. Six other DSP modes (Music 1-4, 5 CH Stereo, and 7 CH Stereo) complement traditional two-channel stereo operation to make the RSP1068 more than suitable for any source. An adjustable subwoofer crossover and “on the fly” centre, surround and subwoofer level adjustments mean you can adjust the RSP-1068’s response to perfectly match your preferences. General Power Consumption: Power Requirements (AC) <0.05% <0.05% 10 Hz - 120 KHz, ± 3 dB 10 Hz - 95 KHz, ± 3 dB 95 dB 92 dB 200 mV/100K ohms ± 6 dB at 50 Hz / 15 KHz 1.0 V / 1K ohm an RS-232 port, 12-volt trigger outputs, discrete on/off remote control command codes, multi-source/multi-zone Dimensions (W x H x D) operation with composite video, group delay settings, and a fully programmable universal remote control. Last – but Weight (net) certainly not least – is Rotel’s most salient point: Sound quality. Exacting care in parts selection, circuit design, and Front Panel Height (for rack mount) 150 mm / 5.9" particular attention to the power supply complete with Rotel-designed and built toroidal transformers result in clearly audible superiority. up there with the very best components you can buy.” “ I have to admit that assessing a pre/pro’s Audio Total Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz :7 kHz) Frequency Response Analogue Bypass Digital Input Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) Analogue Bypass Digital Input 0 dBFs (Dolby Digital, dts) Input Sensitivity/Impedance Line Level: Contour (LF / HF) Preamp Output Level/Impedance 70 watts, 230 volts, 50 Hz (CE version) 115 volts, 60 Hz (USA version) 433mm x 165mm x 421mm, 17¹/₈ x 6¹/₂ x 16⁵/₈” 15.7 Kg / 34.6 lbs Upgradeable software ensures “future proofing”. The RSP-1068 integrates into advanced custom-designed systems with “The sound, by the way, is right Audio Total Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz :7 kHz) Frequency Response Analogue Bypass Digital Input Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) Analogue Bypass Digital Input 0 dBFs (Dolby Digital, dts) Input Sensitivity/Impedance Line Level: Contour (LF / HF) Preamp Output Level/Impedance General Power Consumption: Power Requirements (AC) <0.008 % <0.008 % 10 Hz - 120 KHz, ± 3 dB 10 Hz - 95 KHz, ± 3 dB 95 dB 92 dB 200 mV/100K ohms ± 6 dB at 50 Hz / 15 KHz 1.0 V / 1K ohm time, but the RSP-1098’s sound immediately grabbed my heart.” RSP-1098 Sound & Vision October 2003 Daniel Kumin “This is one high-end preamp/ Weight (net) 40 watts, Standby 6 watts 230 volts, 50 Hz (CE version) 115 volts, 60 Hz (USA version) 433 x 121 x 334 mm 17 ¹/₈” x 4 ³/₄” x 13 ¹/₈” 7.6 Kg / 16.75 lbs Front Panel Height (for rack mount) 109 mm / 4.29” Dimensions (W x H x D) sound quality usually takes some processor that deserves close inspection by serious home theatre builders and A/V dreamers alike.” 11 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 7 DVD Players RDV-1060 Hi Fi News October 2003 “If Rotel’s range of separates is mopping up the market, then this RDV-1060 makes it a clean sweep…this model offers excellent build quality.” RDV-1060 Hi Fi News October 2003 RDV-1050 “ Described as ‘gorgeous’ and ‘luxurious’ the RDV-1060 drew us further into every DVD-A in our selection... It’s an organic player in a field of GM crops.” RDV-1060 Hi-Fi+ Alan Sircom Dec. 2003 "...the basic DVD picture was extremely precise and focussed, even on RDV-1060 RDV-1050 DVD / Audio Video Player RDV-1060 DVD / Audio Video Player the rudimentary composite video setting, its colourful, vibrant picture is vivid and fresh....But this is also The RDV-1050 gives all the disc-reading flexibility you could wish for: DVD-V Rotel’s new RDV-1060 single-disc DVD-A player is as remarkably flexible as better at DVD-Audio replay than any for movies, DVD-A for superb high-resolution audio, even recordable discs it is singularly affordable. player at double the price and des- like DVD-R and DVD-RW. Video CD, SVCD, and JPEG format photo discs The advanced optical transport system reads DVD-A, DVD-V, CD, CDR, CD- erves to be used and loved by aren’t left out either, nor are conventional music CDs and your favorite CD- RW, CD-V, and MP3 encoded discs. A high-rigidity disc platform means fewer R/RW discs – even those holding MP3 and WMA encoded music files! data errors, less correction, and better sound quality. Three advanced Cirrus Any product’s performance begins with its power supply and the RDV-1050 Logic/Crystal Semiconductor 24-bit/192 kHz digital-to-analogue converters is no exception. An advanced pulse circuit and individually regulated supply handle the often difficult “domain transition” with aplomb. stages generate optimal voltages. On the video side, the RDV-1060 complements any home theatre system Critical audio and video D/A converters are all wideband designs usually with composite, SCART, S-video and component video outputs fed by a high- reserved for players many times the RDV-1050’s price. speed 12-bit video digital-to-analogue converter. In addition, the RDV- Features include variable and slow search, 6-step zoom play, strobe play, 1060’s progressive video capability (NTSC and PAL) provides superlative and resume functions. Plus, you’ll find optical and coaxial digital audio out- picture quality for even very large screen home theatre systems. puts for easy connection to any system. The RDV-1060 is also designed to make full use of today’s multizone Video outputs include composite, SCART, S-video and component video. demands. Indeed, the bi-directional RS-232 data port ensures compatibility Adaptive Geometrical Chroma Mapping reduces unwanted picture artifacts with virtually any whole-home control system. A 12 volt trigger input and rear while Digital Direct Progressive Scan (NTSC and PAL) lets you watch the panel IR (infrared) jacks make the RDV-1060 the perfect player for the high- best picture your monitor is capable of producing. est performance systems. audio buffs." Specifications Video Characteristics Readable discs: RDV-1050 Digital Out: DVD AUDIO, DVD VIDEO, DVD-R (Video format), DVD-RW (Video format/VR format), DVD-RAM (Video format), SVCD, Video CD, Audio CD (CD-DA), MP3/WMA format, JPEG, CD-R/RW (CD-DA, SVCD, Video CD, MP3/WMA format, JPEG) Audio Characteristics Frequency response: Dynamic range: Video format: Video output COMPONENT (pin jack): VIDEO OUT (pin jack): S-VIDEO OUT (S jack): NTSC 480i (Interlaced scan)/480p (Progressive scan) selectable. PAL 576i (Interlaced scan)/576p (Progressive scan) selectable, Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) PB/PR Output: 0.7 Vp-p (75 ohm) 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) Y Output 1.0 Vp-p C Output 286 mVp-p C Output (PAL): 300 mVp-p (75 ohm) 500 Lines 65 dB Horizontal resolution: Signal to noise ratio: Audio output Analogue Out (pin jack): 2.0 Vrms (10 k ohm) Wow and flutter: Total harmonic distortion: General Characteristics Power requirements: Power consumption: Weight: Dimensions (W x H x D): Front Panel Height (feet removed/for rack mount) Optical –21 dBm to –15 dBm (peak) Coaxial 0.5 Vp-p (75 ohm) CD (at 44.1 kHz) 2 Hz to 20 kHz DVD (at 48 kHz) 2 Hz to 22 kHz DVD (at 96 kHz) 2 Hz to 44 kHz DVD (at 192/176.4 kHz) : 2 Hz to 88 kHz (4 Hz to 20 kHz for DTS and Dolby Digital bitstream signals) 16 bit: more than 98 dB 20 bit: more than 100 dB 24 bit: more than 100 dB Unmeasurable (less than ± 0.002%) Less than 0.006% AC 110 V – 240 V, 50-60 Hz 16 W (Power On), 2 W (Standby mode) 5.6 Kg (11.2 lbs) 433 x 92 x 340 mm 17 ¹/₁₀” x 3 ³/₅” x 13 ¹/₅” 80 mm/3.15” Specifications Video Characteristics Readable discs: Video format: Video output COMPONENT (pin jack): VIDEO OUT (pin jack): S-VIDEO OUT (S jack): Horizontal resolution: Signal to noise ratio: Audio output Analogue Out (pin jack): Digital Out: Audio Characteristics Frequency response: RDV-1060 DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, Audio CD, Video CD, SVCD, MP3, JPEG in CD-R/RW, DVD-/+R For both PAL & NTSC discs, the scanning mode can be selected Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) PB/PR Output: 0.7 Vp-p (75 ohm) 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) C Output (NTSC): 286 mVp-p (ohm) C Output (PAL): 300 mVp-p (75 ohm) 500 Lines 65 dB Dynamic range: Wow and flutter: Total harmonic distortion: General Characteristics Power requirements: Power consumption: Weight: Dimensions (W x H x D): Front Panel Height (feet removed/for rack mount) 16 bit: more than 100 dB 20 bit: more than 110 dB 24 bit: more than 110 dB Unmeasurable (less than ± 0.002%) 16 bit: less than 0.0018% 20/24 bit: less than 0.0012% AC 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz 26 W 5.1 kg / 11.2 lbs 433 x 92 x 334 mm 17 ¹/₁₀” x 3 ³/₅” x 13 ¹/₅” 80 mm/3.15” 2.0 Vrms (220 ohms) Optical: –21dBm to –15dBm (Peak) Coaxial: 0.5 Vp-p (75 ohm) CD (at 44.1 kHz): 2 Hz to 20 kHz DVD (at 48 kHz): 2 Hz to 22 kHz DVD (at 96/88.2 kHz): 2 Hz to 44 kHz DVD (at 192/176.4 kHz): 2 Hz to 88 kHz (4 Hz to 20 kHz for DTS and Dolby Digital bitstream signals) 13 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 8 RSX-1067 Surround Sound A/V Receiver The RSX-1067 is the definitive home theatre surround-sound receiver. It gets all the elements right with a high capacity power supply built around a massive toroidal transformer to deliver precise amounts of voltage and current to all active circuitry. The payoff is in real performance – in both brute power and in the sonic subtleties important to the most discerning audiophile. When driving a multi-channel speaker array, for example, the RSX-1067 delivers 100 high-current watts from each of its seven amplifiers. Does 5.1 satisfy your surround needs? Then use the remaining two channels for audio in a second room! The RSX-1067 has enough inputs and outputs to meet almost any system configuration. Custom ID capability lets you program the front panel display for instant source identification. Assignable digital inputs let you match the RSX-1067 to your chosen roster of sources. For the audio purist there’s even a mode that bypasses all digital processing. You’ll even find 30 AM/FM presets for instant access to your favorite radio stations. Advanced microprocessors from Crystal Semiconductor handle Dolby Digital (complete with dynamic range adjustments), Dolby EX, DTS and Dolby Pro Logic IIx decoding. The RSX-1067 automatically detects and decodes DTS ES, DTS ES Discrete, HDCD, and MP3 encoded audio and provides several music modes for optimum enjoyment of all sources. Jitter and ripple-free digital-to-analogue conversion ensures the highest sound quality. Multi-zone, multi-source audio and HDTV video capability? Of course. Thanks to high performance video switching (with bandwidth over 200MHz!), the RSX-1067 handles three component video sources and provides a component video output for high resolution monitoring. Furthermore, internal video transcoding capability means all video sources, even those with just composite and S-video outputs, will look their best. The RSX-1067 boasts a full complement of convenience features, too. You can specify both turn-on and maximum volume settings, specify volume control tracking or “speed,” select group delay to accurately synch video and audio. You’ll benefit from an advanced, comprehensive, yet simple-to-use speaker set-up menu to tailor your system exactly to your specifications. For custom installations, the RSX-1067 includes a RS-232 interface, three assignable 12 volt trigger outputs, discrete on/off remote control command codes, rear panel IR inputs, and a detachable AC power cord. The fully programmable RR-1050 remote control is standard. Model Audio Continuous Amplifier Power (Number of channels driven) Continuous Amplifier Power (two channels driven) Total Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz:7 kHz) Frequency Response Analogue Bypass Digital Input Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) Analogue Bypass Digital Input 0 dBFs (Dolby Digital, dts) Input Sensitivity/Impedance Contour (LF / HF) RSX-1067 100 watts/ch (20-20k Hz, <0.05% THD, 8 ohms) (Seven Channel Driven) 120 watts/ch (1kHz, <1.0% THD, 8 ohms, DIN) <0.05 % <0.05 % 10 Hz - 120 KHz, ± 3 dB 10 Hz - 95 KHz, ± 3 dB 95 dB 92 dB Line Level: 200 mV/100K ohms ± 6 dB at 50 Hz / 15 KHz Preamp Output Level/Impedance Decodable Digital Input Signal Video Frequency Response Signal to Noise Ratio Input Impedance Output Impedance Output Level FM Tuner Usable Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio (at 65 dBf) Harmonic Distortion (at 65 dBf) Stereo Separation (1 kHz) Output level Antenna Input 1.0 V / 1K ohm Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, DTS, DTS_ES, DTS96/24, LPCM(up to 192K), HDCD, MP3, MPEG Multichannel, Dolby PLIIx 3 Hz - 10 MHz, ± 3 dB (Composite, S-Video) 3 Hz - 100 MHz, ± 3 dB (Component Video) 45 dB 75 ohms 75 ohms 1.0 Volt 14.2 dBf 70 dBf 0.03% 45 dB 1V 75 ohms unbalanced AM Tuner Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio Output level Antenna Input General Power Consumption: Power Requirements (AC) Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (net) Front Panel Height (for rack mount) 500 uV/m 40 dB 500 mV Loop Antenna 990 watts, Idling power 130 watts, Standby 19 watts 115 volts, 60 Hz (USA version) 230 volts, 50 Hz (CE version) 433 x 189 x 400 mm 17¹/₈ x 7¹/₂ x 15³/₄” 24.8 kg / 54.56 lbs 176 mm / 7” 15 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 9 RSX-1056 Surround Sound A/V Receiver The RSX-1056 is Rotel’s most affordable surround sound receiver but certainly doesn’t sacrifice performance or features! The high current amplifier section puts a full 75 watts RMS per channel at your sonic disposal (that’s with all five channels driven simultaneously from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with no more than 0.05% THD!). In the real world, this is far more power than you’ll find in other products that provide only two-channel ratings. Of course, superb power supply design helps here as does careful parts evaluation and selection. But that‘s simply part of Rotel’s Balanced Design heritage. Concerned about future needs? A larger room, for example? Or, an eventual move to full 7.1 surround capability? The RSX-1056 features a “Redirect” option that handles all of this with the simple addition of a two-channel amplifier for the front channels. How’s that for an “enjoy now and enjoy more later” approach? Rotel hasn’t forgotten convenience either. The RSX1056 provides analogue and digital connections for up to seven additional components. The RSX-1056 even allows you to re-label inputs, assign inputs, perform advanced bass management and equalise channels. Advanced microprocessors from Crystal Semiconductor handle Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, DTS, DTS ES Discrete and Matrix, DTS 24/96, DTS Neo:6 and Dolby Pro Logic IIx decoding and provide several music modes for your enjoyment, too. Three component inputs and internal video transcoding let you see the best picture possible regardless of your source. The RSX-1056 is perfect for custom installations. There’s an RS-232 interface, multi-room, multisource with composite video, three assignable 12 volt trigger outputs, discrete on/off remote control command codes, rear panel IR inputs, and a detachable AC power cord. The fully programmable RR-1050 remote-control is standard. Model Audio Continuous Amplifier Power (Number of channels driven) Continuous Amplifier Power (two channels driven) Total Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz:7 kHz) Frequency Response Analogue Bypass Digital Input Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) Analogue Bypass Digital Input 0 dBFs (Dolby Digital, dts) Input Sensitivity/Impedance Contour (LF / HF) RSX-1056 75 watts/ch (20-20k Hz, <0.05% THD, 8 ohms) (Five Channel Driven) 100 watts/ch (1kHz, <1.0% THD, 8 ohms, DIN) (Two Channels Driven) <0.09 % <0.05 % 10 Hz - 120 KHz, ± 3 dB 10 Hz - 95 KHz, ± 3 dB 95 dB 92 dB Line Level: 200 mV/100K ohms ± 6 dB at 50 Hz / 15 KHz Preamp Output Level/Impedance Decodable Input Signal Video Frequency Response Signal to Noise Ratio Input Impedance Output Impedance Output Level FM Tuner Usable Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio (at 65 dBf) Harmonic Distortion (at 65 dBf) Stereo Separation (1 kHz) Output level Antenna Input 1.0 V / 1K ohm Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Prologic IIx, DTS, DTS_ES, DTS96/24, LPCM (up to 192K), HDCD, MP3, MPEG Multichannel 3 Hz - 10 MHz, ± 3 dB (Composite, S-Video) 3 Hz - 100 MHz, ± 3 dB (Component Video) 45 dB 75 ohms 75 ohms 1.0 Volt 14.2 dBf 70 dBf 0.03% 45 dB 1V 75 ohms unbalanced AM Tuner Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio Output level Antenna Input General Power Consumption: Power Requirements (AC) Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (net) Front Panel Height (for rack mount) 500 uV/m 40 dB 500 mV Loop Antenna 450 watts, Standby 8 watts 115 volts, 60 Hz (USA version) 230 volts, 50 Hz (CE version) 433 x 162 x 421mm 17¹/₈. x 6¹/₂ x 16⁵/₈” 17.2 Kg / 37.8 lbs 150 mm / 5 9/10” 17 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 10 Stereo Power Amplifiers Hi Fi Choice, June 2001 RB-1070 Review “This is a transparent and forthright amplifier that shines a revealing light on what’s going on in the music.” Suono, April 2001 RB-1070 Review “This amplifier has a great presence and has a tendency to put all instruments where they belong. The voice has a rare beauty seldom found at this price”. RB-1050 RB-1070 RB-1080 RB-1090 Ideal for demanding custom installations, the ultra- The latest interpretation of a classic Rotel award- The RB-1080 rests close to the pinnacle of Rotel’s The RB-1090 stands as the premier example of stable RB-1050 combines audiophile sound quality winning power amplifier, the RB-1070 continues the two channel power amplifier offerings. Power output Rotel’s award-winning prowess in amplifier design. and “bullet-proof” circuitry. A multi-mode amplifier, tradition of oversized toroidal transformer and high (200 watts per channel into 8 ohms) is extraor- Essentially two separate amplifiers sharing only the RB-1050 develops 70 watts per channel for ste- capacity power supply. In addition, Symmetrical dinary. The Rotel-made toroidal transformer feeds a chassis and power cord, the RB-1090 delivers reo reproduction. Individual sensitivity adjustments Signal Trace circuit topology assures the precise separate power supplies for each channel. British- 380 watts per channel into conventional 8 ohm and “auto on” signal sensing circuitry allows use interchannel timing clues necessary for pinpoint made BHC Slit Foil storage capacitors provide quick loudspeaker loads and a prodigious 700 watts per with a variety of distribution devices or processors. stereo reproduction. At 130 watts per channel, the charge/discharge times for instantaneous response channel into demanding 4 ohm loads. Buffered line level outputs allow multiple ampli- fiers RB-1070 is more than capable of meeting the chal- to the most demanding signal peaks. Damping fac- Each of the RB-1090’s two totally independent to “daisy chain” from a single source. The lenges of even the least efficient loudspeakers. An tor, at 1,000, shows this amplifier’s unparalleled power supplies is based on a large (1.25 kVA) Rotel toroid-based power supply and high damping factor internal bridge option provides truly prodigious 330 ability to lock onto the most difficult speakers to made, multiple-secondary toroidal transformer and ensure precise control of virtually all speakers. 12 watt output capability. Front panel LED status indica- precisely control diaphragm motion and give you four 22,000 µf British-made Slit Foil storage capaci- volt trigger jacks and a detachable AC cord make tors show power, protection, and bridged mode for superior sound quality. Heavy duty dual binding tors. This enormous reservoir feeds an output this amplifier ideal for remote operated distributed instant system analysis. A separate input and out- posts encourage the use of the most advanced stage of enormous current capability. The result is audio systems. A front panel LED array shows put for 12 volt trigger signals and detachable AC speaker cables while switchable balanced (XLR) truly prodigious output, making the RB-1090 more clipping and protection modes for quick system cord increase this amplifier’s flexibility by allow-ing and unbalanced (RCA) inputs provide extraordinary than able to meet the worst speaker-induced tor- analysis. total integration with even the most complex remo- system configuration flexibility. Front panel heat ture tests. The RB-1090 is stable down to 2 ohms te-controlled systems. sinks add a strikingly dramatic look. Separate and delivers peak power in excess of 1,500 watts inputs and outputs for 12 volt trigger signals and per channel under these demanding conditions. a detachable AC cord make this amplifier well suit- Is power alone enough justification for this ampli- ed for custom-installed systems with total remote fier? No, the RB-1090’s real worth lies in its flex- ibi- control capability. lity and sound quality. With both balanced (XLR) and single-ended (RCA) inputs and dual sets of heavy duty “biwire-ready” binding posts, the RB1090 easily interfaces with an encompassing range of system components. RB-1050 Stereophile Magazine, March 2002 RB-1070 RB-1080 Review “…the N800 ($16,000 B&W Loudspeakers) made it clear how good an amplifier the Rotel was…” Stereophile, January 2000 Robert Deutsch, RB-1090 Review “…it reminded me of amplifiers from Rowland and YBA – pretty good company for a $2,000 amplifier.” RB-1080 RB-1090 “…it’s worth considering even if your equipment budget can stretch to include one of the high-priced Model Power Configurations Watts/Channel all channels driven, unbridged, 8 ohm load, 20 to 20k Hz, 0.03% THD THD (20-20,000Hz) cont. rated power one-half rated power one watt per channel IM Distortion (at rated ower,60Hz:7kHz = 4:1 ) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Input Sens. / Impedance Frequency Response S/N Ratio (IHF A) Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) RB-1050 2 x 70 watts 70 watts RB-1070 2 x 130 watts 130 watts 1 x 330 watts (bridged mono) RB-1080 2 x 200 watts 200 watts RB-1090 2 x 380 watts 380 watts 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.01%, maximum 0.02%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 0.01%, maximum 0.02%, maximum 0.03%, maximum 500 1.0V / 33 kohms 10-100kHz (±1dB) 116dB 250 watts 433 x 92 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₈" 80 mm, 3.1" 8.1kg / 17.86 lbs. 500 1.0V / 33 kohms 4 - 100kHz (+0.5dB, -3dB) 120dB 400 watts 433 x 121 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 4³/₄ x 13¹/₈" 109 mm, 4.3" 10.2kg / 22.4 lbs. 1000 1.5V / 32 kohms 15-100 kHz (+0,5dB, -3dB) 116dB 550 watts 433 x 140 x 380mm 17¹/₈ x 5¹/₂ x 15" 127 mm, 5.0" 16.7kg / 36.8 lbs. 1000 1.8V / 33 kohms 10-100 kHz (±1dB) 125dB 800 watts 433 x 237 x 380mm 17¹/₈ x 9³/₈ x 15” 221 mm, 8.7" 37.9kg / 83.6 lbs. super amps.” 19 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 11 Stereo Pre-Amplifiers RC-1070 RC-1090 / RB-1080 The Absolute Sound Optimized for the real-world audiophile who demands flexibility November / December 2001 - and sound quality at an affordable price, the RC-1070 pream- pli- Anna Logg fier delivers an extraordinary level of satisfaction. Featuring “I am listening to a great Chesky traditional Rotel engineering prowess, this unit features a power CD - Monty Alexander’s Caribbean supply based on a custom-made toroidal transformer. The RC- Circle played very loudly, and I 1070 provides six line-level inputs in addition to a carefully engi- could swear I was in a jazz club, neered phono input for moving magnet and high output moving except that it’s not dark and coil cartridges. A convenient contour control allows easy and RC-1070 repeatable timbre adjustments. With two sets of main outputs, there’s no cigarette smoke.” a 12 volt trigger jack, and a Rotel-system remote-control for both the preamplifier and a companion Rotel CD, tuner, or DVD player, the RC-1070 brings the flexibility and sound quality of RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES: Rotel separates within easy reach. RSS-900 Speaker Selection Box Rotel’s RSS-900 provides a simple solution for multi-room sound. Simply wire the speaker outputs of your receiver or power amplifier to the speaker inputs of the RSS-900 and you can then connect up to five additional pairs of loudspeakers. A simple, but high quality rocker switch on the front panel turns on and off the additional speakers. RC-1090 The RC-1090 is the latest expression of Rotel’s continuing dedication to providing the finest components for traditional two channel music reproduction. Beginning with a custom Rotel RC-1090 made toroidal transformer, the low output impedance power supply makes extensive use of the new ultra-fast T-Network capacitors. Circuits for each channel follow Symmetrical Circuit Trace strategy to ensure precise timing, pinpoint imaging, and accurate soundstaging. Rigorous parts selection includes metal foil resistors, polystyrene, and polypropylene signal capacitors. The output stage is particularly noteworthy for its high current, low impedance design which provides substantial current reserves for driving even the most difficult interconnect/ amplifier combinations. Flexibility? The RC-1090 boasts eight inputs, including a low noise, high overload MM/MC phono stage and a balanced input with XLR connectors. A centrally located information display provides instant system status checks. Separate Listen and Record selectors provide additional capability. Balanced XLR outputs supplement the industry-standard RCA connections and make the RC-1090 an ideal match for all high performance amplifiers. A programmable remote control, RS-232 interface, two 12 volt trigger outputs, a detachable AC cord and discrete on/off remote control command codes compliment the 1090’s exceptional performance. RC- Model THD(20-20kHz) IM Distortion Input Sens. / Impedance Phono (MC) Phono (MM) Line level inputs Phono Overload (MC/MM) Output Sens. / Impedance Frequency Response Phono input Line Level Input Tone Control Bass Treble S/N Ratio (IHF A) Phono (MC) Phono (MM) Line Level Input Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) RC-1070 0.006% 0.006% @ 1v out RC-1090 0.004% 0.004% @ 1v out — 1.2 mV /68 K ohms 150 mV / 24 K ohms - / 70 mV 1V / 100 ohms 250 mV / 100 ohms 2.5 mV / 47 K ohms 150 mV / 18 K ohms 16 mV / 160 mV 1V / 100 ohms 20-20k Hz (±0.5dB) 4-100k Hz (+0, -3dB) 20-20k Hz (±0.2dB) 4-100k Hz (±0.5dB) +3 dB or +4 dB at 100 Hz +3 dB at 10 KHz — — 70 dB 95 dB 10 watts 430 x 92 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₈" 80 mm, 3.1" 5.4 kg / 11.9 lbs 70 dB 75 dB 100 dB 13 watts 433 x 125 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 4⁷/₈ x 13¹/₈” 109 mm, 4.3" 7.8 kg / 17.2 lbs RLC-1050 AC Line Filter & Power Sequencer The RLC-1050 line filter and sequencer is a must for all systems. There are 12 “universal” a/c sockets (1 unswitched) to connect and protect your valuable components from voltage spikes and RF noise. 21 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 12 Tuner, High Resolution CD Player, Stereo Integrated Amplifiers RA-1062 Hi Fi Choice, August 2003 “If they don’t know it yet, then Rotel’s RA-1062 is an amp that its peers will grow to hate. It is solidly and reliably constructed, offers a generous assortment of features and delivers a powerful, purposeful and crisp sound that pushes all the emotive buttons. All this and more, but at a price that RT-1080 RCD-1072 represents a slap in the face to its competition.” RT-1080 Tuner RCD-1072 High Resolution CD Player RA-1062 Stereo Integrated Amplifier RA-1070 Integrated Amplifier The RT-1080 AM/FM tuner is the perfect RF sour- scious high performance in a single disc CD player regarded RA-1060. The design team spent hun- and unusual convenience highlight the RA-1070 ce for a custom-installed system, thanks to is still available – and still outperforming many so- dreds of hours evaluating individual component Integrated Amplifier. directional RS-232 computer-style interface, dual called “audiophile” DVD players. performance from input to output. Chief among Substantial power (100 watts RMS x 2) and a antenna inputs, and total remote control capability. Utilising circuit configurations originally developed these improvements is the UK designed and manu- damping factor of 400 assure precise control of Sound quality comes from the same attention to for Rotel’s reference class components, this afford- factured T-Network power supply capacitor. These the most demanding loudspeakers. The high capa- detail that distinguishes every Rotel: custom- able unit redefines your sonic expectations. The premium grade components follow the tradition of city power supply features a Rotel-built wound transformers, high grade power supply segmented power supply features a large toroidal our Slit Foil capacitors by incorporating tiny perfora- zed toroidal transformer and British-made BHC slit parts, refined audio circuits carefully designed to transformer for minimal power supply “sag” as well tions in the capacitor foil to reduce distortion. foil capacitors for exceptionally fast reveal all the subtleties FM broadcasts can bring. as reduced hum emissions. High quality rectifiers, Even more significantly, the T-Network capacitor the demanding peaks found in today’s sources. The RT-1080 also includes RDS (Radio Data tight tolerance voltage regulation and low-ESR has multiple connections that effectively create The RA-1070 allows connection of up to eight sour- System) enhancements to make FM broadcast- storage capacitors make sure that all circuits several smaller capacitors within a single larger ce components including a high quality MM phono ing even more enjoyable.* RDS lets you see your always operate as their designers intended. The body and thus ensure far lower voltage intermodu- input, five additional line level inputs and two inde- favorite station’s call letters, for example, and the critical analogue stage uses meticulously selected lation between input and output. pendent tape monitor circuits. type of program material they’re broadcasting. parts in a “minimalist” circuit environment to ensu- The result is a striking portrayal of musical subtle- It also features discrete On/Off codes, 12 volt Thirty (30) direct access presets allow you to pro- re the finest sound quality. ties supported by a deep, well defined and accu- triggers, an RS-232 interface, two preamplifier out- gram your favorite stations for quick recall. A vari- The RCD-1072 uses the same over-scan disc rate bass-line. puts, speaker switching and a headphone jack ety of tuning modes and built-in compensation for mechanism once reserved only for premium priced The RA-1062 includes a MM phono stage with along with system remote control. US and European FM broadcast standards make players. The remarkable new Burr-Brown PCM- inputs for Tuner, Tape 1 and 2, CD, and Aux. A 12 this tuner truly universal. 1732 IC provides advanced digital filtration, HDCD volt trigger, IR remote input, speakers A & B selec- * RDS functions determined by your local radio stations. decoding, and precise D/A conversion. A coaxial tor, headphone output, balance control and con-tour digital output supplements the high current analo- switch round out the features of this superbly gue outputs. A high-density FL display, complete capable integrated amplifier. a bi- programming capability, remote control, and a 12 volt trigger complete the picture. The RCD-1072 proves conclusively that cost-con- The RA-1062 is the evolution of Rotel’s highly Extraordinary sound quality, remarkable flexibility, RA-1062 RA-1070 oversiresponse to Model FM tuner Usable Sensitivity: 50dB Quieting Sensitivity: RT-1080 12.2 dBf 20.2 dBf (mono) 45.3 dBf (stereo) Signal to Noise Ratio 75 dBf (mono) (at 65 dBf): 72 dBf (stereo) Harmonic Distortion 0.2% (mono) (at 65 dBf): 0.3% (stereo) Frequency Response: 10 Hz-15 kHz, ± 3 dB Capture Ratio: 2.0 dB Alternate Channel Selectivity: 47 dB (± 400 kHz) Spurious Response Ratio: 90 dB Image Rejection Ratio: 80 dB IF Rejection Ratio: 80 dB AM Suppression Ratio: 55 dB Stereo Separation 40 dB/45 dB/35 dB (100Hz/1 kHz/10 kHz): Output level: 1.2V Antenna Input: 75 ohms unbalanced AM Tuner Usable Sensitivity: 300 µV/m Selectivity: 25 dB Harmonic Distortion: 0.5% Image Rejection Ratio: 45 dB Signal to Noise Ratio: 48 dB Output level: 165 mV Antenna Input: Loop Antenna General Power Consumption: 10 watts Power Requirements (AC): 230 volts, 50 Hz (European version) 115 volts, 60 Hz (USA version) Weight: 4.7 Kg / 10.4 lbs Dimensions (W x H x D): 430 x 92 x 340 mm 17¹/₈” x 3⁵/₈” x 13¹/₈” Model Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise Intermodulation Distortion Frequency Response (± 0.5 dB) Channel Balance Phase Linearity Channel Separation Signal to Noise Ratio Dynamic Range Digital to Analogue Converters Speed Accuracy, Wow & Flutter Output Impedance Digital Output Load Impedance Power Requirements USA Version European Version Power Consumption Dimensions (W, H, D) Front Panel Height (for rack mount) Weight (net) RCD-1072 0.0045% @ 1kHz Model Continuous Power Output 0.0045% @ 1kHz 20-20kHz Total Harmonic Distortion (20Hz-20kHz) Intermodulation Distortion (60 Hz : 7 kHz, 4:1) Frequency Response Phono Input Line Level Inputs Damping Factor (20-20,000 Hz, 8 ohms) Line Input Sensitivity / Impedance Tone Control Bass Treble Line Input Overload Phono (MM) Sensitivity / Impedance Input (Phono) Overload Preamplifier Output / Impedance Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF “A” weighted) Power Requirements USA: EC: Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) ± 0.5 dB 0.5 degree > 98 dB @ 1kHz > 100dB > 96 dB 18 bit equivalent, multi-level Delta-Sigma DAC with 8x oversampling digital filter and HDCD Quartz Crystal Precision 100 Ohms 0.5 Volt, Peak to Peak 75 Ohms AC 115V, 60 Hz AC 230V, 50 Hz 20 Watts 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₈” 433 x 92 x 337mm 3 5/32”, 80 mm 5.8 kg / 12.8 lbs Front Panel Height Weight (net) RA-1062 60 watts/channel (20-20 kHz, < 0.03%, 8 ohms) < 0.03% at rated power, 1/2 power, or 1 watt < 0.03% at rated power, 1/2 power or 1 watt 20Hz-15kHz, ±0.2dB 10Hz-100kHz, +1, –3dB 150 160 mV / 24 kOhms + 3dB or + 4dB at 100 Hz +3dB at 10kHz 5V 2.4mV /47 kohms 170 mV 1V / 470 ohms >95 dB 115 Volts, 60 Hz 230 Volts, 50 Hz 300 Watts 433 x 92 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₈” 80mm / 3 3/16” 7.8 kg / 17.2 lbs Model Watts/Channel all channels driven, unbridged, 8 ohm load 20 to 20kHz, 0.03% THD THD (20-20,000Hz) cont. rated power one-half rated power one watt per channel IM Distortion (rated power) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Input Sens. / Impedance Phono (MM) Line level inputs Frequency Response Line Level Input Phono input Tone Control Bass Treble S/N Ratio (IHF A Network) Phono (MM) Line level inputs Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) RA-1070 100 watts/ch 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.05%, max 400 1.2mV / 68 kohms 150 mV / 33 kohms 4-100kHz (+/- 3db) 20-20kHz (+/- 0.5dB) + 3dB or + 4dB at 100Hz +3dB at 10kHz 70 dB 102 dB 400 watts 433 x 121 x 334mm 17¹/₈ x 4³/₄ x 13¹/₈" 109 mm, 4.3" 9.1 Kg / 20 lbs 23 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 13 ‘02 Series Preamplifier, Power Amplifier ‘O2 Series What Hi-Fi? December 2002 Group Test Winner If one phrase describes Rotel’s elegant new 02 Series components, that phrase is “passion- “[In the RA-01] you have an amp ate restraint.” The 02 Series speaks directly to your passion for music with components with all the performance needed that reflect our passion for accurately recreating it in your home. to set new standards at the price” Each model benefits from the intelligent restraint inherent in superior human engineering. You’ll see clean, uncluttered design executed in sand-blasted anodised aluminum and fin- RA-02 EISA Award Winner - ished in either striking satin silver or rich black. You’ll enjoy inviting controls that intuitively lead you into the music you value most. You’ll hear highly refined stereo performance that conveys both a composition’s spirit and a performance’s soul. Every component in the 02 Series is yet another benchmark in Rotel’s 44 year tradition of excellence. Each highlights the audible benefits of our award-winning Balanced Design philosophy, a disciplined synthesis of physics, electronics and mechanical engineering, guided RC-03 by our firm belief that the best need not be the most costly. European Amplifier of the Year 2003 - 2004 Meticulously tuned to meet the most demanding sonic standards, each 02 Series compo- “The remote controlled RA-02 is nent will bring you as close to music’s inspirational power as the art allows. And 02 Series the latest twist on a long proven components combine to form an entire system that virtually defines the phrase “sonic syn- staple: ‘traditional’ 2-channel high ergy.” Indeed, you can combine 02 Series components in various ways to configure a system fidelity at an affordable price from that precisely matches your needs.” audiophile veterans Rotel. Behind RC-03 Preamplifier an attractive facade that matches This extraordinarily flexible preamplifier has everything you’ll need for precise system con- other 02 Series components, trol either at the RC-03 itself or from across a room with its comprehensive system remote carefully chosen electronic components transcend a modest power control capability. The purist circuit paths, superb examples of “minimalist” design, provide RB-03 the ultimate in sonic accuracy and musicality. Inputs include five line-level sources and a MM rating with exceptional dynamics, phono input, all buffered by high current IC’s from the standard-setting Burr-Brown company. definition and transparency. The Following our tradition of Balanced Design, power supply and analogue circuit parts come RA-02 is clear proof that Rotel’s from an array of internationally acclaimed suppliers to provide outstanding low-noise, low classic sound lives on”. distortion operation. A headphone jack allows private listening. The RC-03’s 12 volt trigger outputs permit transparent remote turn-on and turn-off of its matching power amplifier and other 02 Series components. RB-03 Power Amplifier A superb example of international design prowess, the RB-03 stereo power amplifier ben- Model Total Harmonic Distortion (20Hz - 20KHz) Preamp Output / Impedance Dimensions (W x H x D) efits from both robust engineering and the subtle touches that denote true craftsmanship. Weight (net) The Rotel-manufactured high capacity toroidal transformer and British-made slit-foil capacitors combine for instantaneous reproduction of the most demanding musical transients. Power, at 70 watts per channel RMS, is more than adequate for virtually any application. An internal RC-03 <0.004% 1.0V / 100 ohms 435 x 72 x 342 mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 13¹/₂” 4.3 kg / 9.46 lbs Model Continuous Power Output (20-20 kHz, < 0.03%, 8 ohms) Bridged Mono Power Output (20-20 kHz, < 0.1%, 4 ohms) Total Harmonic Distortion (20Hz-20kHz, 8 ohms) Input Impedance/Sensitivity Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (net) RB-03 70 watts/ch 180 watts (200 watts at 1kHz) < 0.03% 33 k Ohms/1.0 volt 435 x 92 x 342 mm 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₂” 7.5 kg / 16.54 lbs bridge network increases power output to 180 watts (x 1) and allows easy system upgrading by simply adding a second RB-03 if desired, to enjoy the dynamics inherent in a system developing 360 watts of power in total. 25 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 14 ‘02 Series: Tuner, CD Player, Integrated Amplifiers RA-03 Integrated Amplifier The RA-03 70 watt RMS x 2 integrated amplifier epitomises the best of 02 Series design and technology combining as it does the pre-amplifier section and functionality of the award winning RA-02, with the power amplifier section of the critically acclaimed RB-03 power amplifier. Its circuit board layout employs techniques critical to achieve audiophile sound quality, utilizing components selected for both their technical and sonic qualities and featuring newly sourced American made low noise-resistors. The RA-03 employs electronic protection circuits that automatically shut the amplifier down to protect your system in the event of overheating or improper speaker cable connections. The RA-03 comes with a 02-Series “complete system” remote control making your system as easy to use as it is to enjoy. RA-02 Integrated Amplifier A thoroughly modern classic, the RA-02 adds the convenience of remote control to one of the most praised integrated amplifier circuits ever developed. Power output (40 watts RMS x 2) is more than adequate for all but the largest rooms. High damping factor assures positive loudspeaker control. In addition to a high efficiency Rotel custom-made toroidal transformer, the power supply includes low-ESR British-made capacitors specifically designed for enhanced resolution. A system remote control, infrared repeater connections, A/B speaker terminals, five line-level inputs and a MM phono input, independent Listen/Record selectors, headphone jack, and a 12 volt trigger that provides remote turn-on/turn-off of components complete this exceptional product. RA-01 Integrated Amplifier This integrated amplifier traces its lineage directly to the famed RA-820, Rotel’s signature entry into what was then a radical new product class – the “affordable high end” component. Indeed, the RA-01 redefines the relationship between value and performance with circuits executed with a rare level of care and precision. The RA-01 provides fatigue free musical fulfillment from up to five line-level sources and one MM phono cartridge. Of course, the RA-01 features a very stable power supply built around a Rotel manufactured toroidal transformer and high quality storage capacitors for instant response to the quickest musical peaks. Premium quality A/B speaker terminals, tone defeat, a headphone jack, and a 12 volt trigger for simple turn-on/turn-off of other components add to this integrated amplifier’s flexibility. RA-03 What Hi-Fi? Sound And Vision RA-03 Group Test Winner May 2005 issue RCD-02 RCD-02 CD Player What Hi-Fi? September 2002 The RCD-02 single disc CD player will redefine your sonic expectations. Utilizing circuits originally developed for reference-class CD players, the RCD-02 uses a sophisticated over-scanning disc mechanism and a remarkable Burr-Brown IC that provides advanced digital filtration, HDCD decoding, and D/A conversion. The analogue stage combines the advantages of “minimalist” design with meticulous parts selection. The power supply features a Rotel manufactured highly efficient transformer and quick response storage capacitors for detailed, revealing, yet non-fatiguing sound. A coaxial digital output supplements the analogue outputs. Full programming capability, IR, 12 volt trigger and remote control complete the picture. RT-02 Tuner The RT-02 FM/AM tuner combines outstanding sound quality and convenience. In keeping with Rotel tradition, the RT-02 includes custom-wound transformers, high grade power supply parts and refined circuitry. The RT-02 will bring in clear signals even under demanding conditions. Thirty presets allow quick recall of your favorite stations. The RT-02 also includes RDS (Radio Data System) enhancements* so you can see your favorite station’s call letters, the type of program material, as well as search for other stations carrying similar programming. An IR and 12 volt trigger input add to the tuner’s versatility. The RT-02 is the height of listening convenience and enjoyment. * RDS functions determined by your local radio stations. “The Rotel is one of those players RA-02 RCD-02 that can’t help but bring a smile to the face – it’s a breath of fresh air.” RA-02 Hi Fi Choice September 2002 “It may not look like the Rotel’s of old but it’s lost none of their RA-01 RT-02 charm and if you’re serious about music the RA-02 will show you the fun side.” Model Watts/Channel all channels driven, unbridged, 8 ohm load 20 to 20kHz, 0.03% THD THD (20-20,000Hz) cont. rated power one-half rated power one watt per channel IM Distortion (rated power) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Input Sens. / Impedance Phono (MM) Line level inputs Input Overload Phono Line level Frequency Response Line level input Phono input Tone Control Bass Treble S/N Ratio (IHF A Network) Phono (MM) Line level inputs Power Requirements USA version European version RA-03 70 watts/ch Power Consumption Working Idle Stand-by Dimensions (W x H x D) 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 180 2.5mV / 47 kohms 150mV / 24 kohms 180mV 5V 10-100kHz (+/- 1dB) 20-15kHz (+/- 0.3dB) ±6dB (100Hz) ±6dB (10KHz) 80 dB 100 dB 115 volts, 60 Hz 230 volts, 50 Hz Front Panel Height Weight (net) Model Watts/Channel all channels driven, unbridged, 8 ohm load 20 to 20kHz, 0.03% THD THD (20-20,000Hz) cont. rated power one-half rated power one watt per channel IM Distortion (rated power) Damping Factor (8 ohms) Input Sens. / Impedance Phono (MM) Line level inputs Frequency Response Line level Input Phono input 220 watts 36 watts 3.7 watts 435 x 95 x 342mm 17¹/₈ x 3⁵/₈ x 13¹/₂” 80 mm, 3¹/₁₆” 7.7kg / 17 lbs Tone Control Bass Treble S/N Ratio (IHF A Network) Phono (MM) Line level inputs Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) ±6dB (100Hz) ±6dB (10KHz) 80 dB 100 dB 220 watts 435 x 72 x 342mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 13¹/₂” 60 mm, 2.4" 5.9 kg / 13 lbs RA-02 40 watts/ch 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 0.03%, max 180 2.5mV / 47 kohms 150mV / 24 kohms 10-40kHz (+/- 1dB) 20-15kHz (+/- 0.3dB) Model Continuous Power Output (20-20 kHz, < 0.03%, 8 ohms) Total Harmonic Distortion (20Hz - 20kHz) RA-01 40 watts/ch Premp Output / Impedance Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (net) 1V / 470 Ohms Model Disc Capacity Frequency Response Amplitude Linearity Phase Linearity Signal / Noise Ratio Dynamic Range Channel Separation (1kHz) THD + Noise (at 1kHz) IM Distortion Max Audio Line Output Digital Output Level (coax) Digital Output Impedance Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight RCD-02 1 20-20k Hz (±0.5dB) ±0.05dB ±0.5° >100dB >96dB >98dB 0.0045% 0.0045% 2VRMS 0.5Vpp 5V/75 Ohms 20 Watts 435 x 72 x 342mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 13¹/₂” 60 mm (2³⁄₈") 5 kg / 11 lb < 0.03% at rated power 1/2 power or 1 watt 435 x 72 x 342mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 13¹/₂” 5.9 kg / 13 lbs Model Audio Output Level Frequency Response FM S/N Ratio (@65dB) FM Usable Sens. (75) RT-02 FM 50db Quieting (75) mono stereo FM Harmonic Distortion (65dBF/1kHz) FM Capture Ratio Alt Chan. Selectivity Spurious Response Ratio IF Rejection Ratio Stereo Separation (100Hz/1kHz/10kHz) AM Sensitivity AM Selectivity Power Consumption Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height Weight (net) 20.2 dB 45.3 dB 0.2% (mono) 0.3% (stereo) RA-02 Hi Fi + Product of the year 2003 2.0 dB 47 dB (±400 kHz) 90 dB “Convincing hi-fi is all about balance, 80dB 40 dB/45 dB/35 dB producing budget gear that actually 500 µV/m 25 dB 10 watts 435 x 72 x 342mm 17¹/₈ x 2⁷/₈ x 13¹/₂” 60 mm, 2.4" 3.9 Kg / 8.6 lbs and Rotel, past masters at delivers music have hit pay-dirt with the RA-02.” RT-02 Hi-Fi Choice June 2003 "A good, practical model with decent sound under any conditions." 1V 10-15k Hz (±3dB) 73 dB (mono), 70 dB (stereo) 14.2 dB 27 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:16 Página 15 RSDX-02 DVD Receiver The RSDX-02 includes classic Rotel performance, features and styling in an attractive, compact chassis that can fit anywhere space is at a premium. The RSDX-02 is a surround-sound receiver with a built-in DVD player that can also handle CD’s and MP3 discs for the ultimate in movie and music convenience. All movie surround formats are supported including Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro-Logic IIx, DTS. RSDX-02 follows Rotel’s Balanced Design philosophy with solid engineering and premium component selection incorporated throughout to maintain the highest possible performance. The RSDX-02 is rated at 80 watts RMS (FL, FR, Center, RL, RR at 8 ohms, 20Hz – 20kHz) to ensure realistic playback dynamics of all your favorite action movies. The tuner section provides 30 presets to offer instant access to preferred radio stations. The included RR-1070 remote gives easy armchair control of all functions. '02 Series: RDV-03 DVD player, RSX-03 A/V Receiver, RSDX-02 DVD Receiver RDV-03 RSX-03 Model Video Readable Discs TV Monitor Compatibility Disc Compatibility Video Mode Video Output Component (Pin jack output) Video Out (Pin jack) RDV-03 DVD player & RSX-03 A/V receiver Why just watch a movie? Why not experience it to the full with sound that puts you where the action is? Movie-lovers canalso enjoy the extraordinary performance of Rotel's award-winning 02 Series of audio products in their home theatre. The RSX-03 AV receiver's advanced multi-channel audio circuits, combined with the latest in processing technology, deliver a performance that will stop you in your tracks. Rotel’s Balanced Design Concept combines advanced circuit board layout, comprehensive parts evaluation, and extensive listening tests for superior sound and long-term reliability. Partner it with the exceptional, progressive-scan-generated picture quality of the Rotel RDV-03 DVD player for sound and vision that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The RDV03 is a multipurpose player equipped to handle video and audio discs in a wide range of formats including DVD-Video, Audio CD, Video CD, SVCD, MP3, WMA, and JPEG. Model Audio Continuous Amplifier Power (5 channels driven) Total Harmonic Distortion Intermodulation Distortion (60Hz : 7kHz) Frequency Response Analog bypass Digital output Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF A-weighted) Analog bypass Dolby Digital, dts Input Sensitivity/Impedance Preamp Output Level/Output Impedance Model Amplifier Output Power, Stereo Operation: Output Power, Surround operation: RSDX-02 RDV-03 DVD video, DVD-R (video format), DVD-RW (video format), SVCD, VIDEO CD, AUDIO CD (CD-DA), CD-R/RW (CD-DA, SVCD, VCD, MP3/WMA format, JPEG) PAL NTSC or PAL discs Interlaced or Progressive scan Y: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) PB/PR: 0.7 Vp-p (75 ohm) 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) RSX-03 40W per channel (20 - 20kHz, <0.05% THD, 8 ohms) 50W per channel (1Khz, <1.0% THD, 8 ohms, DIN) <0.09% <0.05% 10Hz - 120kHz, ±3dB 10Hz - 95kHz, ±3dB 95dB 92dB, 0dBFs Line Level: 200mV/100K ohms 1.0V/1K ohm RSDX-02 80W per channel, min. RMS, 8 ohms, 40 Hz – 20 kHz with no more than 0.8% total harmonic distortion. 80 W per ch, min. RMS, 8 ohms at 1 kHz, with no more than 0.8% total harmonic distortion. Audio Audio Input Sensitivity/Impedance (1 kHz): 240 mV/47 kOhm TV, TAPE/CDR, STB, VCR: Audio Input (DIGITAL IN): 0.5 V(p-p)/75 ohms Coaxial: –21 dBm to –15 dBm (660 nm ±30 nm) Optical: Linear PCM, Dolby Digital, and DTS (with Digital formats: sampling frequency–32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz) S-Video Out (S jack) RGB Output Horizontal Resolution Signal to Noise Ratio Y Output: 1.0 Vp-p (75 ohm) C Output: 286 mVp-p (75 ohm) 0.7 Vp-p (75 ohm) 500 lines 65 dB Audio Output Analog Out (pin jack) Digital Out 2.0V rms (10K ohms) Optical: -21dBm to -15dBm (peak) Coaxial: 0.5 Vp-p (75 ohm) Audio Characteristics Frequency Response CD (at 44.1kHz): 2Hz to 20kHz DVD (at 48kHz): 2Hz to 22kHz DVD (at 96/88.2kHz): 2Hz to 44kHz DVD (at 96kHz): 2Hz to 44kHz Tone (bass/treble) Decodable Digital Input Signals ±10dB at 50Hz/15kHz Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, DTS, DTSES, LPCM (up to 96K), HDCD, MP3, MPEG Multi-channel Video Frequency Response Signal to Noise Ratio input Impedance Output Impedance Output Level 3Hz - 10MHz, ±3dB 45dB 75 ohms 75 ohms 1.0 volt FM Tuner Usable Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio (At 65 dBf) Harmonic Distortion (at 65 dBf) Stereo Separation (1 kHz) 14.2dB 70dB 0.03% 45dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio (’66 IHF/’78 IHF): Frequency Response: Tone Control: Video Video Input Sensitivity/Impedance (1 kHz): Composite video: S-Video: (Y: luminance): S-Video: (C: chrominance): RGB video (SCART): Video Output Level/Impedance (1 kHz): Composite video: S-video (Y:luminance): S-video (C:chrominance): RGB video: Color System: Horizontal Resolution: TV, TAPE/CDR, STB, VCR: 87 dB/67 dB TV, TAPE/CDR, STB, VCR: 20 Hz to 20 kHz (±1 dB) Bass (100 Hz): ±10 dB Treble (10 kHz): ±10 dB 1 V(p-p)/75 ohm 1 V(p-p)/75 ohm 0.286 V(p-p)/75 ohm 0.7 V(p-p)/75 ohm Dynamic Range Wow and Flutter Total Harminoc Distortion Power Requirements Power Consumption Power On Stand-by Weight Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height (not including feet) Output Level Antenna Input AM Tuner Sensitivity Signal to Noise Ratio Output Level Antenna input General Power Consumption Power Requirements (AC) Weight Dimensions (W x H x D) Front Panel Height (not including feet) Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N): Synchronise: FM tuner (IHF) Tuning Range: AM tuner Tuning Range: General Power Requirements: Power Consumption: 2 W (in standby mode) Dimensions (W x H x D): Weight: 1 V(p-p)/75 ohm 1 V(p-p)/75 ohm 0.286 V(p-p)/75 ohm 0.7 V(p-p)/75 ohm PAL 500 lines or more 16 bit: more than 98dB 20 bit: more than 100dB 24 bit: more than 100dB Immeasurable (less than ±0.002%) 16 bit: less than 0.008% 20/24 bit: less than 0.008% AC 230V, 50Hz 12W 2W 4.0Kg (8.8 lb) 435mm x 92mm x 316mm 17.14” X 3.63” x 12.45” 80mm (3.15”) 1V 75 ohms unbalanced 500uV/m 40dB 250mV Loop antenna 250W / 78W (idle) / 44W (stand-by) 230V, 50Hz (CE version) 11.2Kg, 5.4 lb 435 x 121 x 410 17.2” x 4.8” x 16.4” 109mm (4.3”) 63 dB Negative 87.5 MHz to 108.0 MHz 522 kHz to 1629 kHz AC 230 V, 50Hz 180 W 435 mm x 118 mm x 415mm 17¹/₈” x 4⁵/₈” x 16³/₈” 9.7 kg / 21.4 lbs 29 Catálogo INGLES 2005/06 7/2/06 12:17 Página 16 Back Panels RSP-1098 Surround Sound Processor RSP-1068 Surround Sound A/V Preamp/Processor RSX-1067 Surround Sound A/V Receiver RSX-1056 Surround Sound A/V Receiver Warranties may vary from market to market. Please contact your local distributor for details. Your statutory rights are not affected. Rotel retains the right to alter the design specifications of the products without notice if for whatever reason they deem the changes to be necessary. Design and production by Digital Arts & Sciences, Inc. Written by TechniCom Corporation. Copyright © 2004 Rotel Europe. All rights reserved. Information contained here may not be reproduced in whole or in part without our express written permission. 31
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