fooTprinT - Fondation Yves Rocher
fooTprinT - Fondation Yves Rocher
A C T I V I T Y R E P O R T To leave ve a positi t n i r p t foo © Erik Sampers 2 014 SuMMARy Editorial 4 Plant for the planet 6 Terre de Femmes 12 Photography, People & Nature 16 Plants & Biodiversity 18 Focus on Finances 20 Acknowledgements 21 2 3 édito A rare energy in service of biodiversity Life, this is here and now on Earth For the second time, the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France displays an activity report which indubitably testifies a rare energy, always implemented and unfolded, continuously renewed for individual or global actions. The Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France was founded nearly 25 years ago based on a family wish to return to the plant world a part of what we owe it. The meeting and support provided by Pierre Messmer and Gabriel de Broglie, chancellors of the Institut de France, brought independence and impetus to the Foundation. © Patrick Wallet Through its actions and its determination, the Yves Rocher Foundation – Institut de France strives for promoting the planet and preserving the plant world in more than fifty countries. Let us remember its commitment through two key actions: the program “Plant for the Planet” thanks to which fifty million trees have been planted - and the Terre de Femmes Award, that has acquired a French and international reputation and has already rewarded about 325 prize-winners since its creation. Among other missions of the Yves Rocher Foundation, I would like to mention cultural and environmental sponsorship, especially the support for photographers or events highlighting the state of our planet, but also the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of remarkable gardens. Many responsibilities are itemized in this activity report and reflect the precious commitment of the Foundation. Dear Jacques Rocher, know that it is with a firm belief, every year reinforced, that the Institut de France joins your actions and is proud to add its tradition of academic excellence to your generosity and your humanism. Gabriel de Broglie From the outset, at the contemporary French village of La Gacilly, to now all around the Word, our vocation is to take action to leave a positive footprint on the world. We have the deep conviction that the individuals can change the world. It turns out that environmental and biodiversity issues, yet essential for our future, are often little-known or even disregarded. The role of the Yves Rocher Foundation is precisely to focus on and to act in favour of biodiversity. We choose to do so through four sustainable programs by supporting committed women, who have created active communities; by planting trees here and elsewhere - action which symbolises rootedness; by preserving plant species, unique and vital to everyone; by suspending time, thanks to the enlightened view of the photographers. The 325 prize-winners of the Terre de Femmes Award, the 50 million planted trees by the end of 2015, the 50 countries in which these actions are carried out and the hundreds of supports are more than results, they are calls for continuing, for dreaming and for building. © Patrick Wallet By carrying the name of Yves Rocher, the Foundation extends the past and makes its contribution following the path of a visionary, who has sadly passed away and to whom we owe forever the becoming injunction : “To leave a positive footprint!” I here want to thank all the people committed by our side, the donors, the customers of Yves Rocher’s brand, the prizewinners of the Terre de Femmes Award and the planters of trees. Thank you for making every day our commitment for Nature more alive and stronger. To leave a positive footprint. Jacques Rocher Chancellor of the Institut de France President of the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France 4 Honorary President of the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France 5 THE MULTIPLE IMPACTS OF PLANTING THE YVES ROCHER FOUNDATION IS PRESENT ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT In particular in Brazil where 14,000 trees have been planted with the NGO Onda Verde. The objective: joining a large program of reforestation of the Mata Atlantica, oceanic rainforest which goes along the Brazilian East Coast. This forest, implanted in the state of Rio de Janeiro participates in the protection of water resources of the city whose massive development during the last decades deprives regularly the populations of the peripheral cities of drinking water. Mexico is undoubtedly the place of the Yves Rocher Foundation’s key intervention on the American continent. The Foundation works with the WWF Mexico on the planting of 3 million trees to preserve the of Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, in the state of Michoacán, located in the center of Mexico. The survival of the monarch butterfly depends on the conservation of its natural habitat, particularly of the Mexican forests where it hibernates and reproduces. The return of this forest, today protected, is crucial for the conservation of watershed, which is a water harvesting system for approximately 4 million inhabitants of Mexico City. It is a powerful stimulus for a progressive shift towards a sustainable forest economy: it is a new shape of economic relationship between the inhabitants and their forests. To leave ve a positi t n i r p t o fo Photo by Patrick Wallet, photojournalist. Portrait of a planter (Morocco, 2009) P L A N T F O R T H E P L A N E T The Yves Rocher Foundation made a commitment to plant 50 million trees by the end of 2015. With the worldwide planters’ community, this is the pledge of biodiversity. 2014 CLIMATE SUMMIT ACCELERATING THE ACTION KEY FIGURES 9 451 000 p lanted trees in 2014 © E. Sampers The 2014 year was marked by a consolidation of our action alongside our 31 partners in the 27 countries we operate. In France and throughout the world, the Yves Rocher Foundation takes action for supporting these projects which are mainly faces, first names, stories, passions and commitments related to love and to the attachment of everyone to their small piece of Earth. HAITI : TO FEED THE EARTH AND THE HUMAN BEINGS Haiti is one of the poorest countries and most severely deforested in the world. For economic, climatic, ecological and practical reasons, the introduction of the Mayan Walnut represents a real opportunity in Haiti. It is a nourishing tree coming from the CaribbeanCentral American region which produces very nutritive walnuts. Furthermore, this tree is «oxalogenic»:it stores the carbon in its roots in the form of limestone and so allows to fertilize acid or degraded soils. The Yves Rocher Foundation supports the project of the French Committee of the association Biomimicry Europa called «Arbres Sauveurs» (Saviour Trees), involving reforestation and agroforestry through the planting of 40,000 Mayan Walnuts. The Yves Rocher Foundation was invited by Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations SecretaryGeneral, to participate in the Climate Summit which was held in New York on September 23rd, 2014. The world leaders and representatives of the governments, of the financial world, of the companies and of the civil society were present. The objective: mobilizing the political willpowers to reach a significant legal agreement in 2015 during the COP 21 of the UNFCCC. On this occasion, the Yves Rocher Foundation became a signatory of the Statement of Forest Principles. 50 793 000 planted trees since the beginning of the program 5 major projects: Ethiopia (objective 20 million trees) India (objective 15 million trees) Mexico (objective 3,3 million trees) Russia (objective 5 million trees) France (objective 2 million trees) 6 7 THE YVES ROCHER FOUNDATION ALSO TAKES STRONG ACTION IN EUROPE In Portugal, with the NGO Quercus, the Yves Rocher Foundation planted 165,000 trees. These plantings contribute to the reconstruction of native forests in the areas where the plantings of resinous trees created fire risks, decreasing biodiversity and worsening soil erosion. In Romania, the Romanian NGO MaiMultVerde has planted 100,000 trees, from 2013 to 2015, and contributes to the restoration of the big green belt of Bucharest in the Comana National Park and along the Arges River. MOBILISATION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TREE PLANTING As planting a tree is vital for the planet as well as for the hearts of humans, the Foundation therefore organizes plantings with employees and customers of the brand throughout France. These are moments of friendly exchanges to discover the role of trees beside farmers and local associations. More than 300 people participated in these planting workshops. In Spain, the project of planting 2,800 trees within the natural park of the Caserio del Henares (regional Park in the suburb of Madrid) with the NGO Ardilla has been achieved. It is a significant example of the importance of trees in urban environment. In Czech Republic, the region of Kokorinsko is a real “green lung” for the capital. The place is weakened by human activity and deforestation, and suffered dramatically from the storms Kyrill and Emma in 2007 and 2008. For lack of means, a part of the forest has still not been restored, soils erosion occurs and the balance of the forest ecosystem is threatened. Jan Bercha is a committed professional forester. As a forest engineer, he created «Jan Bercha-Arboreta». True nature and forest lover, he contributed to plant nearly 500,000 trees across the country (among which 100,000 are financed by the Yves Rocher Foundation). Finally, in France, the partnership with the Afac-Agroforesteries network dedicated to the planting of 2 million trees continues. The Afac includes over thirty operators in France who lead programs of planting hedges or trees related to agroforestry systems. Note that the Yves Rocher Foundation is the main partner of this unique program. Indeed, these plantings represent 25 % of all the hedges planted in France every year. And the support provided by the Foundation enabled to foster the plea of Afac-Agroforesteries with the authorities which enabled to contribute to an evolution of the legislative context regarding the protection of the French hedges. This program interests the State within the framework of the new agricultural policy and the fight against soil erosion. The Yves Rocher Foundation extends its action on the African and Asian continents especially through two of its most significant programs: 17,000,000 trees have been planted in Ethiopia with the NGO Green Ethiopia and 15,000,000 in India with Isha Foundation. Nathalie Rousselet’s testimony, Manager of the Yves Rocher store of Plaisir (Yvelines) I am delighted because that takes place in Ile-de-France very close to our store. I am going to be able to share this experience with my customers. We really are all committed and united. I have already booked an appointment next year to continue to plant for the planet! THE HEDGE: AN ESSENTIAL ALLY OF BIODIVERSITY The Afac-Agroforesteries gathers and represents associations and field operators, communities, researchers, all aware of the major role that trees and hedges play in the ecology and the economy of rural territories. As a national-level spokes-organisation of trees and hedgegrows it is a source of proposals in the public debates which orientate their future on territories. By assembling the local structures which carry out activities of counselling, providing information and technical support for planting, managing and maintaining hedges and trees off-forest, Afac-Agroforesteries relies on over 25 years of experience in space arrangement thanks to field trees. © E. Sampers In Russia, since 2010, 5 million trees have been planted by WWF Russia in the vast region of Altai, situated along the border of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The planting of Siberian pines, Scots pines, Siberian fir trees and larches intends above all to protect and to restore the natural wealth which constitutes the Taiga. It is mainly a question of offsetting, partially, the losses following the fires that occurred in the first decade of the 21st century which destroyed more than 70,000 hectares of forest. DID YOU KNOW? The hedge fulfils five big functions: 1. Climate regulation: reduction of wind speed which mitigates heat and cold excesses, limitation of wind erosion, shad. NETHERLANDS: PLANTINGS AND AWARENESS-RAISING The farming sector in the Netherlands is developed and very intensive. Biodiversity has considerably decreased over the past decades and continues to diminish in spite of the public programs dedicated to preserving and restoring biodiversity. State investments are made in big projects concentrated in national parks and massive ecological corridors. One of the main causes of this diminution is the very strong decrease of the quantity and quality of hedges and trees. To fight against this alarming fact, the © P. Wallet Heg&Landschap association plants local species of hedges and trees. It has also established environmental education as one of its major work streams through raising awareness among school population, landlords, heritage management organisations and local organisations. 8 2. H ydraulic regulation: slowing down the water, supplying groundwater tables, limitation of water erosion, decontamination of runoff, flood prevention, preservation of humidity and increased rainfall, reduction of the late frosts risks. Hedges, by controlling meteorological variations and mitigating atmospheric events, secure better crop yields as well as livestock performance. 3. N atural balance, biodiversity preservation: creation of corridors which allow animals to move, provision of shelters for numerous animals. 4. T imber production: limitation of the energy bill, renewable energy production. 5. T he landscape: aesthetic aspect of trees which underline the relief, preservation of hiking trails. 9 PLANT FOR THE PLANET 50 MILLION PLANTED TREES Morocco Portugal France Mohammed VI Foundation for Research and Argan tree Preservation Quercus Afac-Agroforesteries 165,000 trees 2,000,000 trees Netherlands Germany Heg & Landschap Bergwaldprojekt 100,000 trees 80,000 trees ONF 30,000 trees 30,000 trees Romania Czech Republic MaiMultVerde Jan Bercha - Arboreta Canada 100,000 trees 100,000 trees The mountain’s friends Poland 1,500 trees Aeris futuro Spain Ukraine 300,000 trees Ardilla Ukraine I’m for you 200,000 trees 2800,trees Mexico WWF Mexico Russia 3,320,000 trees WWF Russia 5,000,000 trees China Guatemala Roots & Shoots Conservation International 100,000 trees 50,000 trees Haiti Thailand Biomimicry Europa Chulalongkorn University 40,000 trees 100,000 trees Vetenarians Without Borders 15,000 trees Kenya Ecuador 1,800 trees Reforest in Madagascar Brazil 14,000 trees Senegal Oceanium 5,000,000 trees 10 Ethiopia Green Ethiopia 20,045,000 trees 1,200,000 trees Man and the Environment 200,000 trees 11 Australia Aborna 20 000 trees © Patrick Wallet, Bryan Ham Madagascar 350,000 trees Onda Verde 15,000,000 trees Burkina Faso Baobab 29 70,000 trees Isha Foundation 250,000 trees Atayak Instituto Terra India Green Belt Movement A FRENCH AWARD AND AN INTERNATIONAL AWARD CHARGED WITH EMOTION t n i r p t o fo © V. Archeno To leave ve a positi In 2014, the projects rewarded in France and abroad permitted to highlight some alternative solutions to our traditional habits and modes of consumption. Jeannette Chiron, the 1st prize-winner of the Terre de Femmes Award, and her association Bolivia-Inti-Sud, have worked for several years on the development of Bolivian populations’ energy independence through solar cookers. Their slogan «The sun in the service of development» emphasizes on the sun: this available and free energy which we do not always know how to exploit. Christel Ferré, the 2nd prize-winner of the Terre de Femmes Award and her association A Fleur de Pierre, have developed a new plant for collective composting to deal with a part of the bio-waste produced in the city center of Digne-les-Bains. A simple and original idea which proves us that our waste is still an underestimated source of wealth. And finally, Emilie Varraud, the 3rd prize-winner of the Terre de Femmes Award and her association CPIE Bassin de Thau support fishermen, shellfish farmers and consumers regarding the implementation of a weekly sale within a local food network through the “Paniers de Thau” (Baskets of Thau) which provide local fishes and shells. A way of discovering new fishes, their rhythm of life and of creating social link: a meaningful alternative to the commercial fishing which empties our oceans. In 2014, the Yves Rocher Foundation also wished to better highlight the international prize-winners. An international ceremony was therefore organised, particularly to allow them to speak about their commitment, to share their experience on local problems which can also be faced in other parts of the globe. Silvia Hämmerle, prize-winner of the 2014 International Terre de Femmes Grand Prize, leads a project of reforestation and social integration in the Philippines (Photo by Benedikt Adler, on 2014) T E R R E D E F E M M E S Every day, women commit themselves to change the world. The Yves Rocher Foundation highlights the depth of their commitment to the environment. The prize-winners of the Terre de Femmes Award are the living testimony of the astounding mobilisation drives which are blooming throughout the planet. They also are the proof that nothing is inevitable and that solutions exist to respect our Planet. SPONSORSHIP OF UN WOMEN FRENCH NATIONAL COMMITTEE KEY FIGURES 24 awarded women 8 participating countries Russia Switzerland France Morocco Ukraine Germany Portugal Poland Sharing the values of universality conveyed by United Nations and convinced of the mobilising force of women, the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France became the first sponsor of the UN Women French National Committee. The Committee fervently defends women’s and girls’ rights and allows them to be better listened at world, regional and local levels. The Yves Rocher Foundation wishes to put an ever brighter spotlight on the women’s commitment. 12 Three Awards were also given. The “Prix du Public” (People’s Choice Award), chosen by the Internet users through an online vote, was attributed to Jeannette Chiron for her project of solar cookers in Bolivia. The International Jury’s favorite prize was given to Lanka Hortsink, 1st prize-winner of the Portuguese Terre de Femmes Award, for her work in favor of the free circulation of seeds. And lastly, the International Grand Prize was handed to Silvia Hämmerle, 1st prize-winner of the German Terre de Femmes Award. TERRE DE FEMMES INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIZE © B. Adler Silvia Hämmerle received the International Terre de Femmes Grand Prize for her project of sustainable reforestation and of people with disabilities’ integration in the Philippines through her association Life Giving Forest. Trees have developed on a 7-hectare protected site. The ecosystem recovers. Insects and animals reclaim the place. As for the beneficiaries, they also learn agroforestry. To diversify their income, at the feet of the trees, they plant coffee or citronella that they can then sell on the markets. Started about three years ago, this initiative is a success. The activity benefits around a hundred people and Silvia works to spread the project on two other sites (respectively 23.5 and 10 hectares) and hopes that it will inspire many other villages. 13 CEREMONIES SOURCES OF PRIDE AND COMMITMENT Every ceremony represents a unique occasion to highlight the prize-winners. It is also a good opportunity to meet people and exchange between environmental protection’s enthusiasts. In 2014, 24 prize-winners were rewarded. We present you here the key actions of these committed and inspiring women. Switzerland 1 prize-winner: Katja Hugenschmidt - Katja takes action in favor of an ecological urban development in the city of Basel. Katja has been involved since 1988 in the action committee Ökostadt Basel that she has presided since 1994. st 2nd prize-winner: Katharina Conradin - Katharina is involved in the protection of the Alpine world. 3rd prize-winner: Aniko Boehler - Aniko provides solutions to waste treatments located nearby the Toubkal National Park. Morocco 1st prize-winner: Faiza Hajji - Faiza has developed activities that generate income for women in Eastern Morocco. They use recycled plastic bags to create fashion accessories by using an innovative technique of weaving based on an Oriental traditional knowledge. 60 women now benefit from regular income. 2nd prize-winner: Mkika Karima - Mkika has created an environmental education incubator dedicated to young people in difficult circumstances. 3rd prize-winner: Fatiha Maaroufi - Fatiha has initiated environmental training workshops in educational institutions. Portugal 1st prize-winner: Lanka Horstink - Lanka fights for the free circulation of seeds, to promote the diversity of regional agricultural species, the interests of the small farmers as well as for the food safety of all the people. Lanka pleads in favor of an ecological agriculture where genetic manipulations and patents on plants and animals have no place. 2 prize-winner: Maria Jose Bastidas - Maria José takes action in favor of the conservation of mycological resources in the South of Alentejo. nd 3rd prize-winner: Isabel Soares - Isabel has developed the cooperative « Ugly fruits » to reduce food wastage. Germany Poland 1st prize-winner: Monika Joźwiak - For her activities to protect two lakes in the regions of Warmia and Mazuria. Monika wishes to involve the local community in the defence of nature. 2nd prize-winner: Kamila Musiałowicz - Kamila is involved in the creation of green spaces in large agglomerations. 3rd prize-winner: Beata Żarkowska- Korniluk - Beata is committed to create a heather meadow. Russia 1st prize-winner: Natalia Zavertkina - Natalia strives to implement vermicomposting in her son’s school. Her wish: raising the pupils’ awareness on the protection of the environment and recycling. 2nd prize-winner: Larissa Rossikhina - Larissa is involved in the preservation of the Lake Baikal area. 3rd prize-winner: Larissa Krasonova - Larissa has initiated actions to raise the general public’s awareness on the adverse effects of plastic bags. Ukraine 1st prize-winner: Silvia Hammerle - Silvia has initiated a project of sustainable reforestation in the Philippines where she carries out her activities for integrating people with disabilities. Sylvia’s goal is to use sustainable forestry as a means to struggle against poverty, for people with disabilities’ inclusion, for protecting the resources and for the creation of a unity between mankind and nature. 1st prize-winner: Olena Nalyvaiko, Natalia Melnyk - Olena and Natalia have developed a common project of school field trips to the countryside within their school. Their objective is to strengthen the children’s ecological consciousness by enhancing their knowledge of the state of the environment, and their participation in environmental protection activities. 2nd prize-winner: Christine von Weizsacker - Christine has been committed for several years to advocate in favor of the place of women during international negotiations dedicated to sustainable development. 2nd prize-winner: Inna Golovkova - Inna works to rehabilitate an industrial zone in the region of Donetsk. 3rd prize-winner: Denise Wenger - Denise studies porpoises and takes action to protect them. 14 3rd prize-winner: Olga Spektor - Olga is involved in the construction of 38 shelters for stray dogs. 15 Testimonies ACTIONS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC SPONSORSHIP OF THE « LA GACILLY PHOTO FESTIVAL » This 11th edition La Gacilly Photo Festival was focusing on American photography. How do American photographers sense their territory? What is their view on society and a weakening natural space? Some of the biggest names of American photography were presented: Ansel Adam, Steve Mc Curry, Nick Brandt … But also images of the NASA, among which the one of the first man on the Moon. Over 354,000 visitors attended, which means an increase of more than 15 % compared with 2013. THE HOUSE OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN LA GACILLY To leave ve a positi t n i r p t o fo Photo by Pierre de Vallombreuse, photographer committed to the cause of the indigenous peoples P H OTO G R A PY, P E O P L e & N AT U R E The Yves Rocher Foundation supports the committed photographers. From their perspectives, a whole world can be discovered, loved and protected. This year, once again, renowned photographers opened our eyes on the infinite beauty of our planet as well as on the dangers, the injustices and the excesses which jeopardise it. To foster the desire of every individual to take care of it. PASCAL MAITRE, SUPPORT FOR A COMMITTED PHOTOGRAPHER KEY FIGURES 5 supported photographical The Yves Rocher Foundation decided to support Pascal Maitre’s incredible work on baobabs. Six endemic species of these exceptional trees can be found on the island of Madagascar. Accompanied by researchers, Pascal Maitre went to see them on this island, where the biodiversity is breath-taking. He delivers a moving testimony about these mythical trees and the links which unite them to the populations. actions 2 exhibitions 450 000 v isitors 16 © D. Rolland The House of Photography in La Gacilly was inaugurated in May 2014. This establishment is a place dedicated to travels and testimonies. Every year, the Yves Rocher Foundation wishes to highlight two photographers. In 2014, two high-quality exhibitions with famous photographers were organised. One provided the opportunity to discover the remarkable work of Pascal Maitre on the artistic scene of Kinshasa entitled “Kinshasa magique, entre artistes, chaos et traditions» (“Magic Kinshasa, between artists, chaos and traditions») as well as the photo report called «Le Roi de Serengeti” (“King de Serengeti”) produced by Michael Nichols. « NATURE-RELATED PHOTO AWARD » NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Endowed with 10,000 €, this award is opened to the professionals and aims at supporting the achievement of a photographic project, then displayed in the Jardin des Plantes of Paris. This year, the rewarded photographer is Steeve Luncker for his impressive work entitled “Villes de l’extrême” («Cities of the extreme»). The Genevan artist chose to live a few days with the city-dwellers of the cities of Yakutsk (Russia), the coldest city, of Tokyo (Japan), the most populated city and of Ahvaz (Iran), the most polluted city. SUPPORTING THE ASSOCIATION « FRIENDS OF FRANS KRAJCBERG » In 2014, the Yves Rocher Foundation continued to provide support for the distribution of the work and the thought of Frans Krajcberg, in particular in the Espace Krajcberg, the genuine place for exhibiting the artist’s work and commitment in favor of the environment. Meetings and storytelling evenings continued to be organised and several hundreds visitors attended. THE HOUSE OF PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITS THE KING OF SERENGETI We often think, wrongly, that Africa abounds with lions. In reality, they are endangered because of conflicts due to the spreading of human communities. Now is the time for dialogue to find a way for the Africans to coexist with these big predators. Michael Nichols gathered information during a whole year about the precarious existence of these proud felines. This report was published in the August 2013 issue of the National Geographic Magazine and displayed for the first time during the latest “Visa pour l’Image-Perpignan» Festival. Michael Nichols originally started photography in the army, in the beginning of the Seventies. This specialist of wildlife photography - he dedicated nearly twenty years to the African elephants - is the founder of the Look3 Festival, held in Charlottesville, in Virginia. 17 SKILLS-BASED SPONSORSHIP AND EXCEPTIONAL PLACES In 2014, the Yves Rocher Foundation continued to support the work which has been carried out for several years in the Abbeys of Royaumont and Chaalis and the Manor of Kerazan. Since 2003, the Foundation has provided a double expertise to the Abbey of Chaalis: •O n the aromatic garden •O n the perfume-workshops, meant to invite the walkers to be led into the world of fragrances. Essential and absolute oils can be tested by every visitor, who creates his or her own Eau de Parfum. Furthermore, during the “Journées de la Rose” («Rose’s Days»), the Yves Rocher Foundation awarded a prize to the stand showing the most beautiful biodiversity. In 2014, it was the Leclerq plant nursery which was honoured. To leave ve a positi The Yves Rocher Foundation also had the pleasure to be associated with the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Royaumont Foundation, which included a highlight dedicated to the inauguration of the Experimental vegetables Garden. On that occasion, both Foundations celebrated ten years of collaboration. t n i r p t o fo During this ceremony, the triple sponsorship of the Foundation was underlined: financial support, provision of plants and expertise through the skills-based sponsorship. The support for the Jardin des Neuf Carrés (Garden of the Nine Squares) also continued as well as the maintenance of the current garden. Photo by Erik Sampers, 2014 P L A N T S & B I O D I V E R S I T Y The Yves Rocher Foundation is committed to protect the plant world and biodiversity. Our actions to protect endangered botanical species are diverse: support for gardens, scientific publications and testimonies during international conferences. Our wish: may everyone know that plants are an opportunity for our future. CHIMPANZEES, OUR SO CLOSE FRIENDS In October, the book “Les chimpanzés des monts de la lune” (“The chimpanzees of the mounts of the moon») came out. It was co-published by Belin and the National Museum of Natural History with the support of the Yves Rocher Foundation. «An exceptional human, scientific and photographic adventure! Imagine yourselves hidden in the heart of a rain forest. Within ten meters, wild chimpanzees. Their eyes cross yours. You see them eating figs and wild ginger, using tools, taking care of their babies. That is what Sabrina and Jean-Michel Krief have experienced for more than fifteen years. This beautiful book gives you the opportunity to discover their adventures». This is the description of this exceptional book which redraws 15 years of research and photos of Sabrina Krief’s, prize-winner of the 2009 Terre de Femmes Award. The connection with plants is there strong because Sabrina studies how chimpanzees use them to feed or treat themselves. This book is an introduction to the exhibition of Sabrina’s works which takes place in the National Museum of Natural History, in 2015. 18 The Yves Rocher Foundation still provides a skills-based and in-kind sponsorship for the maintenance of the gardens and the floral garden of the Manor of Kerazan, created in the spirit of the 19th century, in partnership with the students of the National Institute of Horticulture. UNESCO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE In September 2014, 300 participants coming from 60 different countries met in the UNESCO and in the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris, for an international conference on the following theme « Whitch botanists for the 21st century? Professions, stakes, opportunities ». The Yves Rocher Foundation contributed financially to the organisation of this conference and took part in reminding the role of companies, in connection with the botanists, local authorities, NGOs and foundations regarding the evolution of the mentalities to protect the plant world, in a context of global emergency. CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty adopted during the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, and of which the three main purposes are: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources. Last October, the Yves Rocher Foundation presented its actions in favor of the protection of the environment during the 12th Conference of the Parties of this UN convention held in Pyeong-Chang, in South Korea. More than 6,000 participants from all over the world were present: members of governments / Secretaries of State, NGOs (Preservation International, WWF, BirdLife), international organisations involved in the protection of biodiversity (UEBT, RESP…), and companies (Mane, EDF, Unilever…). This Conference of the Parties marks the coming into force of the Nagoya Protocol on access and benefit-sharing, signed in 2010 and ratified in July 2014 by more than 50 countries. 19 F O C U S O N F I N A N C E S A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S REVENUE Institut de France In-Kind and Skills-Based Sponsorship Total Donations € 1,546,000 € 1,016,000 € 2,562,000 Total Revenue € 1,546,000 € 1,016,000 € 2,562,000* Institut de France In-Kind and Skills-Based Sponsorship Total COST Plant for the Planet € 1,130,000 € 332,000 € 1,462,000 € 129,000 € 98,000 € 227,000 € 10,000 € 18,000 € 28,000 Photography, People & Nature € 141,000 - € 141,000 Operating and management costs € 136,000 € 569,000 € 705,000 € 1,546,000 € 1,016,000 € 2,562,000 Terre de Femmes Plants & Biodiversity Total cost DETAILS OF PROJECTS 57% Plant for the Planet 9% Terre de Femmes 1% Plants & Biodiversity 6% Photography, People & Nature 27% Operating and management costs TRANSPARENCE & RELIABILITY * T his amount integrates an in-kind and skills-based sponsorship certified by our statutory auditor Ernst and Young Audit. The accounts of the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France are validated by the Board of Directors and the Institut de France. DONATE TO THE YVES ROCHER FOUNDATION - INSTITUT DE FRANCE Individuals Companies the relief is donations give right to income tax reliefs up to 60% 66% of the donations made by companies up to 0,5% of their turnover.** of the paid donations up to a limit of 20 % of the taxable income.** **These provisions are specific to the French tax legislation 20 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gabriel de BROGLIE, Chancelor of the Institut de France Jacques ROCHER, Prospective Director of the Rocher Group Jean-Pierre BABELON, member of the Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres (Academy of Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres) Marianne BASTID-BRUGUIÈRE, member of the Académie des Sciences morales & politiques (Academy of Moral and Political Sciences) Michel CABOCHE, member of the Académie des sciences (Academy of Sciences) Christian DUMAS, member of the Académie des sciences (Academy of Sciences) Dominique MEYER, member of the Académie des sciences (Academy of Sciences) Jean-Philippe BEAU-DOUËZY, ecologist and environmental consultant Claude FROMAGEOT, Director of the Yves Rocher Foundation Sabrina KRIEF, Lecturer at the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle (National Museum of Natural History) Gaëlle ROCHER, Yves Rocher Foundation Jean ROUSSEAU, Executive Director of Carat TO THE MEMBERS OF OUR JURIES TERRE DE FEMMES Hervé BERTHO, Ouest France Isabelle BOURGEOIS, Avantages Sylvie BRAIBANT, TV5 Monde - Les Terriennes Anne-Cécile BRAS, RFI Dominique CAMPANA, ADEME Pauline CHABBERT, French Committee for UN Women Yolaine de la BIGNE, Néoplanète Éric de KERMEL, Terre Sauvage Stéphane DELLAZZERI, Top Santé Maïté DELMAS, Museum national d’Histoire naturelle (National Museum of Natural History) Natalia FRASCARIA, Agro Paris Tech Anne GASTINEAU, Mon Jardin & Ma Maison Laurence GILLOIS, UN Women Arnaud de MENIBUS, Entreprendre et + Éric MEYER, Géo Armelle THORVAL, Journal des Femmes Peggy PASCAL, 1st prize-winner of the French 2013 Terre de Femmes Award Noeline RAONDRY RAKOTOARISOA, Secretariat of the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) Gaëlle ROCHER, Yves Rocher Foundation TO OUR PARTNERS Chaalis Abbey Aeris Futuro Afac-Agroforesterie ANAHC Ardilla Baobab 29 Bergwaldprojekt French Committee for UN Women Mohammed VI Foundation Royaumont Foundation La Gacilly Photo Festival Green Belt Movement Green Ethiopia Isha Foundation Jan Bercha-Arboreta Les Amis de Franz Krajcberg (The Friends of Franz Krajcberg) MaiMultVerde Kerazan Manor Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (National Museum of Natural History) Quercus Reboiser à Madagascar (Reforest in Madagascar) U. I’m for you WWF - Russia WWF – Mexico 21 22 23 YVES ROCHER FOUNDATION TO LEAVE A POSITIVE FOOTPRINT. The Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France, was created in 1991 on Jacques Rocher’s initiative and leads concrete actions in favor of plant biodiversity, in order to transform our relationship with the Planet. To d a y, t h e Yv e s R o c h e r Fo u n d a t i o n m a k e s a commitment through four programs: : the «Terre de Femmes Award», the operation «Plant for the Planet», the photographic sponsorship and projects of botanical expertise. Trees feed the earth and those who plant them. The Yves Rocher Foundation takes actions for the planting of trees. The latter makes a commitment to plant 50 million trees by the end of 2015. Associated with the worldwide community of planters it is the pledge of biodiversity. Printed on 100% recycled paper web To leave ve a positi t n i r p t foo Support the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France* Send a cheque** to: Yves Rocher Foundation– Institut de France 7, chemin de Bretagne – 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux Using our website: Follow us on and * Following your donation, you will receive a tax receipt which will give you right to an income tax relief of 66 % for the individuals and 60 % for the companies, on the donations made up to 20 % of the taxable income. These provisions are applicable in France. ** To the Yves Rocher Foundation - Institut de France
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