Calcarea fluorica: Calc fluor Elasticity of Connective Tissue vascular


Calcarea fluorica: Calc fluor Elasticity of Connective Tissue vascular
Nature Nurtures With Small
Doses Of Homeopathic Remedies
Welcome everyone!
Tanya Renner,
Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative, LLC
© 2014 Teleosis School
Welcome to learning about cystitis with the NCH Homeopathy Academy of
Moms program!
This material is offered for educational purposes only. Nothing
herein is intended as medical advice nor is any claim made that the
comments or opinions expressed herein are approved by any
government department or agency. Whenever dealing with a health
issue consult a qualified health care provider.
Simple Cystitis:
Time to take control
Common Symptoms
 Feeling under-the-weather, irritable and fatigued
 Discomfort in lower abdomen and pelvic area
 Burning sensation in bladder and/or urethra
 Strong, persistent urge to urinate
 Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
 Passing cloudy dark urine or urine with
blood, mucous or sediment
 Strong-smelling urine
 Accidental wetting
Alarming Symptoms:
Seek Immediate Medical Care
A little anatomy
Contact a medical
provider immediately,
when there is
 Back or side pain
 Fever and chills
 Nausea and vomiting
 You are concerned
Simple Self-Care
Eliminate sweets
Avoid tight fitting pants
Eliminate scented products
Natural Support
Teach proper wiping
Drink Cranberry & Blueberry Juice
Wear loose, breathable clothing
Alkalizing Foods & Cell Salt Nutrient
Naturally Alkalizing Foods
& Herbal Support
Help from an amazing
cell salt,
Nat phos 6x
Think like a homeopath
What do we do with the common
symptoms of cystitis?
What do we do with the unique
symptoms of cystitis?
Think like a homeopath:
What are the unique symptoms?
Cold, blustery day
Wet cold feet
Burning pain, better heat?
Was warm, now chilly
Think like a homeopath:
What is unique about your cystitis?
 What does your cystitis feel like?
 Where and how are symptoms expressed? What
makes the symptoms feel better or worse?
 When is the pain most severe, before, during or
after urination?
 When and how did the cystitis start?
Nux vomica & Pulsatilla
Nux vomica
 Constant urging and full sensation, but only small, unsatisfying
amounts are passed, as if interfered w/ by spasm
 Pain in urethra and/or bladder, before or during urination .
 Better: Warmth or warm bathing. Urination better standing.
 Worse: Anger/Coffee/Alcohol
 Urge for bowel movement accompanies urge to urinate.
 Irritable, snappy, demanding
 Pain increases every moment urge is postponed . Urging begins
“af ter just a drop has collected”. Pain is irregular. Urination
flows in spurts as if interrupted by spasm. Sharp pain af ter
 Involuntary dribbling from coughing, sneezing, laughing
 Better: fresh air
 Worse: cold-wet weather, cold-wet feet or overheating
 Clingy and manipulates to get suppor t
Time For A Case
It’s so painful, my bladder never completely empties. I
feel anxious when I sit on the toilet, because I know the
pain will be worse during urination. This is pretty
embarrassing…I need to get into a warm bath or shower to
help the urine flow. The warmth seems to relax my
muscles. Nux vom
Another Case
No capacity to hold back
Involuntary dribbling
from coughing,
sneezing, laughing,
Sudden Urges
Circumstances surrounding cystitis also
lead us to consider specific remedies.
Aconite: Symptoms develop suddenly after exposure to
cold and windy weather or fright.
Arnica: After forceps or difficult delivery
Borax: Cystitis with yeast overgrowth in small children.
(Mom may have had yeast overgrowth at time of delivery.)
Candida albicans: Urinary candidiasis (yeast) often
associated with antibiotic treatment, old age, pregnancy
and the use of urinary catheters. (May be asymptomatic.)
Staphysagria: Cystitis develops after mechanical injury
from sports or medical procedure. Also a remedy for
honey-moon cystitis.
Sometimes it can help to alternate a well
indicated remedy with histaminum.
A tip from British homeopath, Hillary Dorrian:
“In cases of unbearable burning in the bladder and
urging, yet unable to pass but a few drops of urine,
consider alternating a well indicated remedy like
Cantharis…with Histaminum, when the well indicated
remedy doesn’t work on it’s own.”
Help from our gemmotherapy friends.
Cowberry, Vaccinum vitis
Juniper, Juniperus
You’ve selected a remedy, now what
about the potency and dosing?
More Sensitive: 30x or 12C
More Robust: 30C
 Require less meds/herbs than
the average person
 Need to avoid various foods
 Are sensitive to changes in
the environment
 Cannot tolerate confrontation
or are af fected by the moods
of others
 Know you’re sensitive and/or
people comment on how
sensitive you are
 Tolerate meds, herbs and
fragrances well
 Eat a wide range of healthy
foods without dif ficulty
 Are able to enjoy any kind of
weather without discomfort
 Express a wide range of
emotions easily and
appropriately and don’t get
sucked into others’ emotions
 Enjoy a stable mood and high
energy throughout most days
What does the potency
number & letter mean?
This material is offered for educational purposes only. Nothing
herein is intended as medical advice nor is any claim made that
the comments or opinions expressed herein are approved by
any government department or agency. Whenever dealing with
a health issue consult a qualified health care provider.
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© 2014 Teleosis School
Teleosis Homeopathic