Patterns-2014-3 - Arc of Onondaga


Patterns-2014-3 - Arc of Onondaga
Arc of Onondaga
IN THIS ISSUE: Arc Celebrates Par tnership
D u n k i n’ Ru n A r c R a c e A t h l e t e s I n Ta n d e m . . . . . . . . 3
D i s a b i l i t y E m p l oy m e n t Awa r e n e s s M o n t h . . . . . . . . . . 4
G i v i n g B a c k To T h e C o m m u n i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2014, Issue III
A Message From the Executive Director
This includes your support as well.
In this issue you hear from our
Annual Appeal chair, Arc sibling
and Foundation Board Member,
Kathleen Metallo-Mason on why
giving to Arc helped her brother for
four decades, as she asks you to
please consider a gift to the Arc of
Onondaga Foundation.
Board of Directors
Ellen Gutmaker
Dear Friends,
Athletes in Tandem, Inc., Bull & Bear
Pub, Microsoft, Redhouse, SEFCU,
TOPS Friendly Markets, Redhouse
and Vera House…these are just
a few of the many organizations
that Arc of Onondaga partners
with throughout the year, and all
of them are featured in this issue
of Patterns partnering alongside
of Arc and those we support with
developmental disabilities.
Partnership is at the cornerstone of
everything we do at Arc – whether
it’s giving back to other nonprofits or employing individuals in
integrated work settings – none
of us can succeed without the
support of others and we are
thankful for the support of our
community in Onondaga County.
Since 1951 Arc of Onondaga has
relied on the community – as a true
community based organization
we need our partners to continue
to realize our mission and vision
of helping individuals with
developmental disabilities so they
may achieve their fullest potential
for independence and inclusion in
our community.
Our other major fundraiser, the
21st Annual Achievement Awards
Dinner, is just around the corner
as well and is a great way for you
or your company to partner with
Arc of Onondaga Foundation
and financially support our mission
as we honor National Grid, Lena
Kochian, Dr. Art Vercillo and our
people of the year: Amy & Scott
Hays, a married couple both with
developmental disabilities.
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and
newest Arc of Onondaga supporter
said, “Our success has really been
based on partnerships from the
very beginning.” As the new
year begins we hope that you will
consider us one of your partners,
read about the many who have
joined forces with Arc, and give a
gift today.
James Cannon
First Vice President
Jeannine Nolan
Vice President
Christopher Centore
Mark Reid
Assistant Treasurer
Gordon Eyer
Chuck Seereiter
Carol Bullard
Joyce Carmen
Mark Harrington
Peggie Keib
Young Lee
James Moran
Chris Paronis
John Powers
Brian Pulvino
Klaus Schroder
Denise Stephens
Foundation Board of Directors
Sean K. Broderick
As always, your feedback is
welcome. Happy New Year!
Vice President
Donald McPherson
Mike Ferony
Mark P. Hettler
Juli Boeheim
Evelyn Carter
Todd Engel
William Fisher
Stephen D. Fournier
Ellen Gutmaker
Anthony Marrone
Kathleen Mason
Wanda Thompson, PhD
Kris Tucci
Dr. Arthur Vercillo
Robert J. Walsh
Ryan York
Dunkin’ Run Arc Athletes In Tandem
The Dunkin Run Arc Race forged a new alliance with Athletes in Tandem to afford the opportunity to have
eight Arc of Onondaga residents participate in our 5K and half-marathon. Athletes in Tandem, a non-profit
based in Boulder, Colorado, fosters relationships with athletes who have a disability to enhance their quality of
life by competing in triathlons, runs, swims and bicycle races.
Ten local runners volunteered to participate and were paired with our
individuals at a training run at Longbranch Park just a few days before the
Race. Adaptive jogging chairs were loaned to Arc Race from AiT, which
are specially made for people with disabilities. It seemed runners instantly
gravitated towards an athlete and a tandem group was made. After
meeting each other and testing out the equipment they took a short run
through the Park. The following day the runners and athletes along with
their families and Arc supporters shared a meal to further the connection they would need for Race day. Pat Judd, a volunteer runner in the
program and avid local racer, pushed Arc resident Ella Whaley in the half
Pat said, “My son Ryan and I ran with Ella and we all had a spectacular
time! It was not only a great experience to participate in the event but
means so much more when you can participate and support someone
with a disability. I have the picture of the three of us from the race on my
desk and is one of my favorite pictures of the year and one we gave to Ella when we visited her for Christmas.
We would love to run with Ella in 2015!”
Rachel Colella-Squire, director of Arc of Onondaga’s residential services said, “For the first time our individuals,
all of whom primarily rely on wheelchairs for the majority of their mobility, were given the opportunity to participate as runners in the Arc Race. This meant that they could participate in something they wouldn’t ordinarily
be a part of, and it was an amazing experience for them. The individuals and their families were extremely
happy and thankful that they were able to experience such an amazing event, not as a spectator, but as a
Due to the success of this program and how much our residents enjoyed the experience, Arc of Onondaga,
through various grant funding, is purchasing six of these adaptive jogging strollers so our residents and staff can
use them for three seasons during the year, and get even more therapeutic, mobile outdoor activity into their
day. The runners and athletes as well as
all the racers and spectators that day
were moved by the experience of seeing Arc residents compete in the Race
and connect our event to our mission so
Longtime local racer Melissa Vassenelli
said, “I’ve done so many half marathons
over the years, but running for a cause
I feel strongly about made this a very
special experience. I was able to see
what I was running for first hand which
made this race a true favorite, and one I
will be running in year after year.”
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) –a national campaign which
raises awareness about disability employment and
celebrates the diverse individuals with disabilities who
contribute to New York State’s workforce. The purpose of NDEAM is to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. At Arc
of Onondaga and our vocational division, Monarch,
we were able to celebrate in many different ways.
We were able to honor a very special young man,
Kahran McLean, who received the New York State
Industries for the Disabled Joslin Award which recognizes exceptional vocational and personal success
on Preferred Source New York State contractual jobs.
Kahran was recognized for being a conscientious
employee who always lends a helping hand to his fellow co-workers and who has mastered the needs and
demands of his job with great precision.
We were also able to celebrate with TOPS Friendly
Markets and Monarch’s Charles Burke who received
NYSARC’s Statewide Employer Recognition Award.
Both TOPS and Charles were honored at a ceremony
this past month in Albany. “He not only welcomes
every customer with a smile and a sincere greeting,”
said Mike Schreiber, assistant manager for TOPS when
referring to Charles, “but also goes out of his way to
do the same with his peer associates. He is what we
classify as an asset in this business.”
Arc of Onondaga and Monarch strive to assist individuals in achieving their fullest potential. Yet while
Arc supports and assists many individuals in inclusive
and integrated community employment settings, as
we have been recognized for during NDEAM, we also
recognize that this is neither realistic nor beneficial for
all of those we support. Our work centers also provide
meaningful work and social interaction opportunities
for people with developmental disabilities while providing a needed service to the business community.
Work centers not only offer valuable training opportunities to assist individuals in acquiring the skills
needed for competitive employment, they also
allow for those with more severe disabilities to have
meaningful work amongst peers.
Work and earning an income is rewarding, engaging and fulfilling for people of all abilities. Proposed
closure of sheltered workshops has come to the
legislative forefront in favor of fully integrated
employment settings. Arc of Onondaga believes
that all types of work opportunities for people with
disabilities are important and valuable, including
for those who depend on their jobs in our work
centers for their income, social, emotional and
cognitive well-being. Individuals with developmental disabilities are entitled to a range of employment opportunities to meet their needs, and it
is our responsibility and duty as community members to make sure those needs are met for some of
our most vulnerable citizens.
Celebrity Bartenders Support NDEAM with Arc
Thanks to the support of Bull & Bear Pub and four generous local celebs Arc of Onondaga raised
nearly $1,500 during Happy Hour last October! Lisa Chelenza of TK99, Krock’s Carsen, Fayetteville
Manlius High School Football Coach and former SU Running Back Damien Rhodes and Four Time All
American Lacrosse Player Ric Beardsley tended bar and donated 100 percent of the tips to Arc of
Onondaga Foundation.
Cascade Lacrosse donated a
Syracuse University authentic
Men’s Lacrosse helmet that
garned nearly $300!
Thanks to the nearly 100 people
who came and had a drink! Our
next Celebrity Bartending Series
will be held at Bull & Bear Pub in
March, during Developmental
Disability Awareness Month.
Annual Appeal
Dear Friend,
Last year I wrote to you about the many things I was thankful for. I had recently joined the Arc of Onondaga
Foundation Board of Directors to help raise awareness and funding for the organization that had helped my brother
and so many others with developmental disabilities thrive and flourish in our community. Joe, my brother,
was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He had been receiving Arc services
for nearly 40 years. As his Alzheimer’s began to progress, he began to require 24/7 care. Because of the years of
trusted supports and services with nurturing and caring staff Joe had already been receiving from Arc, we made the
decision to have him placed in an Arc group residence.
It was not soon after I wrote to you last year that Joe’s health began to fail. Instead of releasing him to a nursing
home facility, Arc was able to accommodate Joe’s ever-increasing needs by keeping him in the comfort of his home
surrounded by his friends. When his doctor appointments began to rise, an Arc staff always accompanied him, providing invaluable answers to all of the questions the physicians had. Arc of Onondaga remained committed to
integrating Joe in the activities of the other residents in the house. He was taken on outings and brought to
his day habilitation program for stimulation and socialization.
Joe passed in February 2014. In his last days in the hospital, Arc made difficult schedule changes, keeping a representative from his house at his bedside at all times. Continuous calls and special trips to the hospital, including
a visit from Arc’s executive director, brought us great comfort and reinforced what we had already known for the
past four decades: Joe had truly lived a rich, meaningful and inclusive life to his fullest potential. His
memorial was on the snowiest day of the year. The number of staff and board members who came out to pay their
respect was astounding, but perhaps even more touching were all of his housemates, who stayed the entire time to
grieve the loss of their very special friend. It meant the world to my family. We will never forget that moment.
The Arc of Onondaga Foundation spends tens of thousands of dollars every year on programs and services that support Arc’s mission of assisting individuals with developmental disabilities achieve their fullest potential.
In 2014, the Foundation funded a number of projects and items including enhanced sensory items and equipment
for five sites - both day and residential; a developmental disability resource room for individuals and their families;
a basketball hoop and pad for one of our residences; several day trips so that nearly 200 individuals could visit
Baltimore Woods; and the First Job employment curriculum to help individuals seeking new and integrated employment opportunities.
The outpouring of support Arc receives from the community is what helps our Foundation continue to raise crucial
funds for the people we serve, and your support is needed now more than ever. Arc continues to provide
programs and services to more individuals with ever tighter budgets, requiring near continuous change in how
our services and programs operate. However, despite being asked to do more with less, we continue to serve our
county’s most vulnerable citizens with services of the highest quality possible.
Your support is critical in ensuring that people of all abilities have the right to enriching and productive
lives - like my brother Joe had while being served by Arc of Onondaga. Please join me in giving a gift to the Arc
of Onondaga Foundation and help secure the programs and services Arc provides to those who rely on it for future
With gratitude,
Kathleen Metallo-Mason
Sibling and Arc of Onondaga Foundation Board Member
Legacy of Love Society
Diamond Circle: ($10,000 & up)
Mrs. Masue Bernholz
P. Drescher & Co.
Ms. Carol Ann Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. John Horsington
Mr. Klaus Schroder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Walsh
(list as of 12.15.14)
Platinum Circle: ($2,500 - $4,999)
Mr. Daniel Bingham & Ms. Gail
Mr. Raymond Hackbarth
Ms. Peggie Keib
Ms. Lauren Kochian
Dr. & Mrs. David Mason
Ms. Barbara Petitto
Mr. Jim Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Smith
Mr. Jarrod Shupe
Mrs. Carrie Fuller Spencer
Ruby Circle: ($5,000 - $9,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Broderick
Mrs. Joyce Carmen
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Eyer
Mr. & Mrs. William Fisher
Ms. Michelle Gillespie
Ms. Ellen Gutmaker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hettler
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marris
Mr. James Moran
Hon. Thomas Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nolan
Mr. Sydney Tenenbaum
Gold Circle: ($1,500-$2,499)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dabrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferony
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kochian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moran
Mrs. Sandra K. Radziwon
Dr. & Mrs. John Sanborn
Ms. Sharon Sullivan &
Dr. Paul Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. John Williams
Silver Circle: ($1,000-$1,499)
Mr. Stephen Fournier
Ms. Jessica Seals
Ms. Wanda Thompson, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. H. Weinstein
Bronze Circle: ($500-$999)
Ms. Tiffany Bird
Ms. Evelyn Carter, Wegmans
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Falcone
Mr. Chuck Fougnier, Oneida Nation
Mr. William A. Horsington
Mr. Mark Paciorek, DDS
Ms. Lynne Ryan
Ms. Carolyn Stark
Ms. Sheryl Wood
Members of the Legacy of Love Society demonstrate exceptional generosity and commitment
to supporting people with developmental disabilities served by Arc of Onondaga. Entry is made
with a minimum donation of $500 to the Annual Appeal. Membership is maintained by making
donations of $500 or more annually. Donations are cumulative in consecutive years. Members
receive special recognition as members, with lapel pins and invitations to all Arc events, including
exclusive donor events. For more information about Legacy of Love and Annual Appeal contact
Lauren Kochian in the development office at 476-7441 or
Please detach the below and send back in the envelope provided.
Arc of Onondaga Foundation - Annual Appeal Pledge Form
Diamond Circle - $10,000 & up
Leader - $250 - $499
Ruby Circle - $5,000 - $9,999
Advocate - $100 - $249
Platinum Circle - $2,500 - $4,999
Founder - $50 - $99
Gold Circle - $1,500 - $2,499
Supporter - up to $49
My Gift: $________
I have included Arc of Onondaga in my estate plans
Please invoice me
Enclosed check
Silver Circle - $1,000 - $1,499
Bronze Circle - $500 - $999
(as you wish for it to appear in print)
Zip Code:
I would like more information on giving a gift and receiving income for life
American Express
Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________ Card Number: ______________________________________ Exp: __________
Annual gifts of $500 or more entitles you to membership in the Legacy of Love Society. Included in any contribution is a complimentary membership in Onondaga County
NYSARC, Inc. Your membership is needed to send a message to legislators that the community supports Arc and its mission. Your name and address will not be shared
with other entities for purposes of solicitation. Please initial on the line following this paragraph to decline this free membership. ___________
Giving Back to Vera House
Giving Back to the Community is a committee of
Arc day hab individuals that meets monthly and
works constantly to give back to the community
in the same ways that the community gives back
to us. October was not only an important month
for Arc of Onondaga, as it was National Disability
Employment Awareness Month, but it was also
Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
In honor of this month, that brings much needed
awareness to violence against women and their
children, Arc partnered with Vera House, Inc. to
hold a towel drive throughout the month. Vera
House is always in need of various inkind donations and new or like new towels is tops on that
list. Families, staff and the individuals we support collected and donated hundreds of towels
through the support of the Giving Back committee to show its support for Vera House and those
it supports.
Mildred Winslow, programs and communications
associate for Vera House said, “We are sincerely
appreciative for your generous donation of bath
towels and tremendously grateful for your support of our organization. Towels are a critical need here at
Vera House. In addition to using them in our shelters, we also share them with our residents transitioning
to permanent housing. Many of these families coming from shelter often only have some clothing and a
few items from their previous homes. Your gift helps to provide them with some of the basic items to help
them get settled.”
Microsoft Grants Technology
In celebration of the Microsoft retail
store’s grand opening at Destiny USA
in Syracuse, Microsoft donated over
$500,000 in hardware and software to Arc
of Onondaga!
Nearly 100 staff and individuals supported
by Arc attended the grand opening and
ribbon cutting on November 13th where
executive director, Ellen Gutmaker,
accepted a donation that will be used
for updates, improvements and new
technology, including Xbox kinects, at
many of our sites throughout Central New
Over the last four years, Redhouse and Arc of Onondaga have invested heavily in creating a unique partnership that
promotes an inclusive and nurturing environment so artists of all abilities can perform in live theatre and other art forms.
Participants from Arc of Onondaga work alongside professional teaching artists and performers in workshops throughout the year, and are cast alongside professional actors and community members in the annual District Festival, a
theater festival hosted at The Redhouse each Spring.
With rehearsals and workshops already underway, this spring Arc of Onondaga will be performing in Suessical the Musical, premiering on the Redhouse MainStage in May 2015! More details to follow on the 2015 performances. Join us
to see how this unique opportunity has empowered individuals we support through the transformative impact of live
For more information please visit
Save the Date
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Arc of Onondaga Foundation’s
21st Annual
Achievement Awards Dinner
Toy Drives for Parkside
Thanks to the generous support of SEFCU and
its employees and the Skaneateles Middle
School, each of our pre-school students at
Parkside Children’s Center, an integrated
and inclusive pre-school, at Dr. King and HW
Smith Elementary Schools, received a gift this
holiday season as a part of their holiday festivities including special activities for students
and their families, Sing-A-Longs, and Cookie
Decorating, and gifts will be distributed at this
time. SEFCU is a longtime supporter of Arc of
Onondaga and according to Robert Tackman, SEFCU Branch Manager, “Our staff are
always excited to help bring the holiday spirit
to Parkside and other children in need and to
remind them they weren't forgotten.”
Skaneateles Middle School has donated toys to Parkside and others for many years through their
Student Council Holiday Shopping Spree where they give back to those in need. Parkside director, Lauren Merola, is always humbled by this effort, “Thanks to the generosity of the community
our students will all receive a thoughtful and educational gift for the holidays. The children, their
families and our staff are so appreciative of this gesture to ensure children of all abilities are remembered during this time of year.”
NYSARC Quill Awards
Arc of Onondaga won several awards at the NYSARC Annual Convention in Albany in October!
We are proud to announce 1st Place for Photography for the photo below.
We received 3rd place for the story that appeared in last December’s Patterns that accompanied this
photo, entitled “Giving My Brother a Voice”. Our latest marketing video, “Everyday at Arc” won 2nd
place in the Video category. To watch the video visit the About Arc page of our website,
Parkside at Dr. King & HW Smith
Universal Pre-K!
8:30 am- 2:30 pm
Morning & Afternoon Snack and Lunch Provided
To be eligible, children must live within the Syracuse City School
District and be 4 years-old by December 1, 2014.
For more information or enrollment please contact Lauren Merola
at 468-1632 ext. 2001 or
Registration is OPEN and ONGOING!
Non-Profit Org.
Arc of Onondaga
600 South Wilbur Avenue
Syracuse, New York 13204
US Postage
Syracuse, NY
Permit No. 3762
Executive Director
Ellen Gutmaker
Director of Marketing & Development
Patterns Editor
Lauren Kochian
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Patterns Editor
Christine Hall
Layout & Graphic Designer
Ulf Oesterle
Arc of Onondaga is an Equal Opportunity Employer
In 1951, a group of concerned parents got together to ensure that their children received the best educational and social services possible. Since
then, Arc of Onondaga has been providing quality programs for people with developmental disabilities of all ages. Arc of Onondaga is one of
the largest providers of services to people with developmental disabilities in Onondaga County serving thousands of individuals and their families
and employing 500 people. With nearly 40 different sites throughout Central New York, Arc provides a wide array of services including residential,
day, employment and clinical, and recreation programs. In addition to these supports and services, Arc operates two major subsidiaries: Parkside
Children’s Center, an integrated preschool and Monarch, a vocational program and outsourcing company with corporate partners throughout
the region.
Clinical Services
Horizons Clinic
Ext. 1167
Day Services
Day Habilitation
Senior Retirement
Community Outreach &
Family Support Services
Community Recreation Services
Corporate Guardianship
Medicaid Service Coordination
Respite Reimbursement
Community-Based Employment
Supported Employment
Transition to Career
Work Centers
Parkside Children’s Center
Day Care
Early Intervention - Home & Site Based
Evaluation Services
Family & Parent Support
Nursery School
School-Age Transition
Residential Services
Residence Living
Supportive Apartment Living
Ext. 1136
Administrative Offices
Office of the Executive Director
Development & Public Relations
Facilities & Operations
Human Resources
Information Technology
Safety / Transportation
Quality Assurance
Ext. 1122
Ext. 1103
Ext. 1162
Ext. 1152
Ext. 1173
Ext. 1177
Ext. 1155
Ext. 1127