Annual Performance Plan 2014 - Department of Public Enterprises
Annual Performance Plan 2014 - Department of Public Enterprises
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014/2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Minister’s Foreword5 Glossary6 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 9 1 UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 10 1.1 Performance Delivery Environment10 1.2 Organisational Environment13 Economic Overview10 2 16 REVISIONS TO LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES OVERVIEW OF BUDGET AND MTEF ESTIMATES 17 Relating expenditure trends to strategic outcome oriented goal 20 PART B: PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS 29 3 3.1 Expenditure estimates17 4.PROGRAMMES30 4.1 PROGRAMME 1 - ADMINISTRATION30 4.1.1 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 for Administration 31 4.1.2 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Administration for 2014/15 32 4.1.3 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF 35 4.2 PROGRAMME 2 - LEGAL & GOVERNANCE 38 4.2.1Strategic Objective Annual Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/15 38 Over the MTEF period the programme will ensure effective shareholder oversight of state owned companies by: • Providing legal services and coordinate governance systems • Facilitate the implementation of all legal aspects of transactions that are strategically important to the department and state owned companies • Ensuring that financial and operational risk management processes are embedded throughout the department as and when required, over the medium term • Addressing constraints on state owned companies’ contract negotiations and management to improve commercial competence and contribute to economic growth and development on a regular basis • Providing assistance on developing and negotiating shareholder compact framework annually in terms of Public Finance Management Act (1999) • Providing guidance on approriate delegation frameworks between the SOC boards and executive management on a regular basis 38 38 38 38 38 38 4.2.3Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/1540 4.2.4 Quarterly Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/15 40 4.2.5 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF 40 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P3 4.3 PROGRAMME 3 - PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 42 Energy and Broadband Enterprises comprises: 43 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 43 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Energy and Broadband Enterprises for 2014/1544 MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES47 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 47 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Manufacturing Enterprises for 2014/15 48 Quarterly targets for financial year 2014/15 49 TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES 50 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Transport Enterprises 51 for 2014/1552 Quarterly targets for Transport Enterprises for 2014/15 53 ECONOMIC IMPACT AND POLICY ALIGNMENT 55 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 56 Programme Performance Indicators & Annual Targets for Economic Impact & Policy Alignment for 2014/1556 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS58 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Strategic Partnerships 58 for 2014/1559 Quarterly targets for strategic partnerships for 2014/15 60 4.3.2 61 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS65 5 LINKS TO THE LONG-TERM INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER CAPITAL PLANS 66 7 STATE OWNED COMPANIES REPORTING TO THE DEPARTMENT 66 7.1 Alexkor 67 6 CONDITIONAL GRANTS 66 7.2 Broadband Infraco69 7.3 Denel69 7.4 Eskom 70 7.5 Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) mention that PBMR is now with Eskom 71 7.6 South African Forestry Company71 7.7 South African Airways72 7.8 South African Express Airways73 7.9 Transnet73 PART D: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS75 8 P4 ANNEXURE E76 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER This Annual Performance Plan is the detailed articulation of what the Department of Public Enterprises is undertaking to achieve, in the first instance, in the current fiscal year and what it hopes to achieve over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period. The performance plan arises from the Department’s Five-Year Strategic Plan which, in turn, is informed by the National Development Plan and its effective Five-Year implementation plan, the MediumTerm Strategic Framework of the Fifth Democratic Administration. In the past month, the programme of action contained in these seminal plans has tasked this portfolio with, inter alia, acting with the utmost urgency to accelerate the pace of developing and executing the following critical mega-initiatives: • Overcome the constraint on growth and the recruitment of investment arising from the undersupply of electricity. The scale and innovative nature of these initiatives need to be a game-changer for the economy. • Find ways to finance significant levels of additional electricity generation capacity without excessive tariff increases which would harm growth. • Accelerate the pace of delivery of the StateOwned Companies’ infrastructure build programme and use it to drive sustainable and inclusive growth. been underway for a few months now. However, I happy to report that the interventions and activities contained in this Annual Performance Plan have set in place all the necessary building blocks to allow it to rise to these challenge immediately. In general, the Department’s raison d’etre is to support the Minister, as the Shareholder Representative, to obtain the best possible outcomes for the State, the fiscus and, hence, all citizens, from the eight Stateowned Companies in its remit. What is promised in this Annual Performance Plan leaves me with a sense of being well-supported in fulfilling that role. In this light, it gives me great pleasure to table the Annual Performance Plan for the 2014/2015 fiscal year for the Department of Public Enterprises. Ms Lynne Brown, MP Minister Given that the fiscal year is already underway, I am a latecomer to the unfolding of this APP which has DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P5 OFFICIAL SIGN-OFF It is hereby certified that this Annual Performance Plan was developed by the management of the Department of Public Enterprises under the guidance of Mr Tshediso Matona, Director-General, and was prepared in line with the current Strategic Plan of the Department of Public Enterprises. It accurately reflects the performance targets which the Department of Public Enterprises will endeavor to achieve given the resources made available in the budget for the 2014/2015 financial year. Mr Gcina Hlabisa Signature: Date: 21/08/2014 Director: Strategic Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Ms Sandy Hutchings Signature: Date: 21/08/2014 Chief Financial Officer Ms Yoliswa Makhasi Signature: Date: 21/08/2014 Deputy Director-General: Corporate Management Mr Tshediso Matona Signature: Date: 21/08/2014 Director-General Approved by: Ms Lynne Brown, MP Signature: Date: 21/08/2014 Minister P6 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 GLOSSARY Below is a glossary of acronyms used in the Department of Public Enterprises AFDB African Development Bank AGM Annual General Meeting BB-BEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment CAPEX Capital Expenditure CFO Chief Financial Officer CS Corporate Services CSDP Competitive Supplier Development Programme DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries DCT Durban Container Terminal DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DG Director-General DDG Deputy Director-General DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DM Deputy Minister DMR Department of Mineral Resources DOC Department of Communications DOD DOE Department of Defence Department of Energy DOT Department of Transport DPE Department of Public Enterprises DRDLR Department of Rural Development & Land Reform DTI Department of Trade and Industry EDI Electricity Distribution Industry EE Economic Equity EIA Environmental Impact Assessments EMP Environmental Management Plan ExCo Executive Committee FET Further Education and Training FOSAD Foundations of Security Analysis and Design FSN Full Services Network HR Human Resources ICASA Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ICT Information and Communication Technology IGR Inter-Governmental Relations IP Intellectual Property DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P7 IPO Initial Public Offering IPP Independent Power Producers IRP Integrated Resource Plan ISMO Independent System and Market Operator EIPA Economic Impact Policy Alignment JV Joint Venture KLF Komatiland Forests KPIKey Performance Indicator LTTS Long Term Turnaround Strategy MISS Minimum Information Security Standards MOU Memorandum of Understanding MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework MYPD Multi- Year Price Determination NCPM National Corridor Performance Measurement NDP National Development Plan NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council NERSA National Energy Regulator NT National Treasury PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act PBMR Pebble Bed Modular Reactor PFMA Public Finance Management Act PPP Public-Private Partnerships PSJV Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture PSP Private Sector Participation R&D Research and development RMC Richtersveld Mining Company SAA South African Airways SAAT South African Airways Technical SAFCOL South African Forestry Company Ltd SAQA SAX South African Qualification Authority South African Express Airways SCM Supply Chain Management SIP Strategic Integrated Projects SLA Service Level Agreement SOC State Owned Companies SSA State Security Agency TNPA Transnet National Ports Authority TOR Terms of Reference TFR Transnet Freight Rail WACS West Coast Submarine Cable P8 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 PART A STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 1. UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Performance Delivery Environment In 2013/14, the government formally adopted the National Development Plan (NDP) as an overarching framework that must inform and shape the programmes of government departments including State Owned Companies (SOC). This coincided with the end of the administration term, which meant that the realignment of the Departmental Plans could only be done during the first year of the new administration in the 2014/15 financial year. The 2014/15 to 2018/19 administration period represents the first phase of implementation of the NDP. In the 2013/14 financial year, the Department embarked on a comprehensive planning process to assess the performance of the Department over the previous administration period and begin to define the priorities for the new administration period. Reflection on the Department’s performance clearly showed that the delivery of infrastructure projects and refocusing of state entities to support government outcomes such as industrialisation and transformation will remain crucial in the new administration period. The continued lacklustre economic performance will require sustained implementation of policy initiatives identified in the previous administration. This will include increased oversight on SOC to ensure that their investment and operational activities support the developmental objectives contained in the NDP and other government policies such as the New Growth Path (NGP) and Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP). Reflection on the past 5 years (2009 – 2014) depicted an increased role of the SOC in the economy through the implementation of the build or capacity expansion programme. During this period, Transnet launched its Market Demand Strategy that substantially increased their infrastructure expenditure over the next seven years from R110 billion to R300 billion. Furthermore, Eskom continued with the capacity expansion programme with the Return to Service (RTS) programme being concluded and work at the 3 main construction sites i.e. Medupi, Kusile and Ingula progressing. The turnaround plan for Denel began to yield results and refocusing of the SAFCOL and Alexkor Strategies continued. The turning around of the aviation entities also gained traction through increased government support and focus on improving governance. ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Over the past 20 years, the South African economy has grown significantly and has built a new layer of middle class that drove economic expansion between 2004 and 2007. This section focuses at the economic outlook and how the Department expects this to evolve over the MTEF as well as the policy framework that seeks to achieve a step change in the level of economic growth. The growth rate over the past 10 years has been mixed. Between 2003 and 2007, the economic growth averaged 4.8 percent and 2.2 percent between 2008 and 2012. The growth between 2003 and 2007 was largely supported by strong consumption growth and global demand that increased demand for South African commodities. P 10 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 PERCENTAGE CHANGE IN GDP 2003-2012 Source: Stats SA GDP data, 2013 The high unemployment rate remains a major challenge that threatens to erode the economic progress that has been made since 1994. While the economy created over 3 million jobs between 1994 and 2012, this has not been sufficient to reduce the stubbornly high unemployment rate. The economy has been unable to create new job opportunities at a high rate, and this has resulted in the unemployment rate remaining above 23 percent. Between July 2013 and September 2013, the economy created 308 000 jobs, recuperating all the jobs lost during the economic crisis between 2008 and 2009. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 2008-2013 Source: Stats SA Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 2013 Investment in the economy by the public corporations has remained buoyant over the past years. This has played a crucial role to limit the impact of the global economic slowdown and pushing the economy towards an investment driven growth path. Investment by public corporations in particular Eskom and Transnet has played a crucial role in crowding in private sector investment and boosting demand for supplier industries. Investment by public corporations increased from R22.6 billion in 2003 to R134.9 billion in 2012. The increases in investment between 2008 and 2012 reflected the counter cyclical policy approach adopted by government. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 11 demand for supplier industries. Investment by public corporations increased from R22.6 billion in 2003 to R134.9 billion in 2012. The increases in investment between 2008 and 2012 reflected the counter cyclical policy approach adopted by government. Investment by Transnet and Eskom remained dynamic between 2003 and 2012. Transnet investment increased from R7.8 billion in 2003 to R27.5 billion in 2012. This was essential in increasing the infrastructure Investment by Transnet Eskom remained between 2003 and 2012. Transnet Investment investment capacity of the economy and improved theand efficiencies in dynamic the freight logistics systems. by Eskom increased from R7.8 billion in 2003 to R27.5 billion in 2012. This was essential in increasing the infrastructure has also played an important roleofinthe averting theimproved rolling the blackouts that werelogistics last experienced capacity economy and efficiencies in the freight systems. Investmentin byJanuary 2008, Eskom has also played an important role in averting the rolling blackouts that were last experienced in although the system remains tight. Thus, the drive bythethe publicdrive sector January 2008, although theinvestment system remains tight. Thus, investment by the has publicplayed sector hasa fundamental played a fundamental role in reflecting government’s commitment towards an investment driven role in reflecting government’s commitment towards an investment driven economic growth path. economic growth path. 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 Government Public Corpora;ons Private sector 200000 100000 0 Source: SARB, 2014 Source: SARB, 2014 The 20 Year Review shows that progress has been made in the transformation of South Africa from an apartheid dispensation to a democratic society that seeks to promote cohesion and transformation. The economic assessment over the 20 year period showed progress that has been made in economic transformation and rebuilding of the South African economy. The Strategic Plan (2014/15 – 2018/19) of the Department recognises the challenges that currently exist in the transformation of the South Africa economy and seeks to leverage state ownership in the economy to accelerate transformation. Over the MTSF period, growth is expected to recover to just over 3 percent level but there are still strong downward risks that continue to persist. In this regard, shareholder management will be informed by a need to ensure that the build or expansion programmes are leveraged to support higher growth levels. The 20 Year Review shows that progress has been made in the transformation of South Africa from an apartheid dispensation to a democratic society that seeks to promote cohesion and transformation. The economic assessment over the 20 year period showed progress that has been made in economic transformation and rebuilding of the South African economy. The Strategic Plan (2014/15 – 2018/19) of the Department recognises the challenges that currently exist in the transformation of the South Africa economy and seeks to leverage state ownership in the economy to accelerate transformation. Over the MTSF period, growth is expected to recover to just over 3 percent level but there are still strong downward risks that continue 11 to persist. In this regard, shareholder management will be informed by a need to ensure that the build or expansion programmes are leveraged to support higher growth levels. 2014/15 – 2018/19 STRATEGIC PLAN SOC The Department has concluded the Strategy development process. The Strategic Plan defines 6 Strategic objectives that will inform the formulation of priority programmes and allocation of budget to these key programmes over the MTSF period. The 6 objectives are: • Review the shareholder oversight management function to ensure alignment of SOC to developmental outcomes • Promote good governance • Build internal capacity to enhance the Department’s ability to execute its strategic plan and fulfil its mandate • Stabilise the SOC looking at strengthening of balance sheets and funding options • Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs • Leverage SOC procurement spend to support industrialisation, transformation and skills development The strategy will be implemented under the new administration which commenced post the 2014 election. This APP is informed by the Strategic Plan of the Department that outlines the strategic objectives that would need to be achieved in the new administration period. In this regard, the Strategy is informed by the long term aspirations outlined in the National Development Plan. The annual plans of the different programmes P 12 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 have been defined by these objectives. This allows the Department to focus on fewer projects that will directly contribute to the achievement of these objectives. The constrained fiscal framework requires the Department to explore additional mechanisms to support the expansion plans of SOC. The shareholder related functions will be executed such that the achievement of the outcomes outlined in the NDP is supported. 1.2 Organisational Environment In the 2011/12 financial year, the Department underwent a process to review its establishment to ensure that it was properly structured and capacitated to carry out its mandate. From this process, it was clear that additional human resources were required to ensure that the Department is appropriately and sufficiently capacitated. Extensive engagement with the Department of Public Service and Administration and National Treasury was undertaken to explore options to capacitate the Department in light of the constrained fiscus and the need to increase capacity within government to oversee the build programme. In 2012/13 National Treasury approved an additional 12 critical posts and a further 17 posts over the MTEF to augment the capacity of the Department. The assessment of the Department’s capability to deliver on the new Strategic Plan shows that there is a need to boost the capacity of the Department. Given the constrained fiscal environment, the Department needs to employ innovative solutions to augment its capacity and develop a talent pool sufficient to respond to the future human resource requirements of the Department. In this regard, the following has been prioritised. • Expansion of the graduate programme to ensure a talent pool that the Department can tap into to fill critical positions • Enhancement of the training programmes that will ensure improvement of skills for the levels below SMS • Continued marketing of the Department as an employer of choice for young talent • Development and implementation of the talent management strategy In order to improve organisational efficiency, the Department is engaging in a comprehensive business mapping process. This will ensure that the current processes within the Department are streamlined to improve productivity and efficiency. The focus will be on eliminating duplications, streamlining approval processes within the organisation, identification of strategic processes crucial for oversight and gradual automation of these processes. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 13 Organisational Structure Minister Public Enterprises Deputy Minister Public Enterprises Director-General Public Enterprises Programme 1 Administration Programme 2 Legal and Governance Programme 3 Portfolio Management and Strategic Partnerships Corporate Management Energy and Broadband Enterprises P 14 Manufacturing Enterprises Strategic Partnerships DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Economic Impact and Policy Alignment Transport Enterprises OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMMES PROGRAMME 1 - ADMINISTRATION Ministry Management Corporate Services Chief Financial Officer Human Resources Communications Minister Deputy Minister Director-General Corporate Management Security and Facilities Management Information Management and Technology Chief Financial Officer Human Resources Communications Strategic Planning, M and E Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Inter-Governmental and Stakeholder Relations Inter-Governmental and Stakeholder Relations Internal Audit Internal Audit Office Accommodation Office Accommodation PROGRAMME 2 - LEGAL AND GOVERNANCE Management Legal Governance PROGRAMME 3 - PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Energy and Broadband Enterprises Management Broadband Infraco Eskom Manufacturing Enterprises Management Denel Alexkor SAFCOL Transport Enterprises Management Transnet South African Airways and South African Express Airways Economic Impact and Policy Alignment Management Environmental Policy Alignment Economic Policy Alignment Transformation, Skills and Youth Development Strategic Partnerships Management Project oversight Funding Mechanisms Supplier Relationships DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 15 2. REVISIONS TO LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES As the shareholder Ministry, on behalf of Government, the Department’s mandate continues to evolve to ensure that SOC within its portfolio are clearly directed towards the prioritised outcomes in order to serve the Government’s strategic objectives. This evolution is underpinned by an overarching shareholder management process aimed at providing enduring strategic rationale for the SOC. Expansion of the role of the SOC within the current economic management framework has required the Department to introduce measures to ensure that SOC contribute to the following: • Promotion of economic growth by facilitating development of new industrial capabilities through supplier development and expansion of local content particularly in the build programme; • Expansion of training and skills development programmes to support the Government to develop skills required by the economy; • Achievement of minimum standards of universal service and affordability for key services such as rail, broadband and electricity, and • The correction of past social injustice. PENDING COURT CASES One of the major shareholder risks is litigation. This risk is, in most cases, inherent to the Minister because, inevitably, when SOC are sued, the Minister is in most cases cited as a defendant. Over-time, the Department has improved on cooperative arrangements and stakeholder relations to minimise and mitigate against the risk of being joined in as a party to SOC litigation. These efforts have paid off and to date, there are few cases where the Minister is cited as a party. However, because SOC are separate juristic personalities, there are a number of pending court cases against Alexkor, Eskom, Transnet and SAA. The cases are at different stages of litigation and legally the details thereof cannot be disclosed as they are still sub judice. P 16 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 3. OVERVIEW OF BUDGET AND MTEF ESTIMATES 3.1 Expenditure estimates Table 1 Department of Public Enterprises 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Administration 88,192 108,635 115,367 131,032 Legal and Governance 14,653 19,518 23,477 Portfolio Management and Strategic Partnerships 437,156 217,962 Total for Programmes 540,001 Rand thousand Programmes Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund Total 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline 131,032 152,123 160,528 158,286 22,338 22,338 23,967 25,536 26,885 1,228,205 140,769 140,769 83,696 93,260 100,451 346,115 1,367,049 294,139 294,139 259,786 279,324 285,622 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 540,001 346,115 1,367,049 294,139 Adjusted Appropriation Change to 2013 Budget Estimate Revised Estimate 294,139 259,786 279,324 285,622 (57,250) - - - 160,148 185,060 195,661 234,450 234,450 255,617 275,620 281,721 Compensation of employees 83,058 96,158 105,327 131,887 131,887 149,574 159,527 169,945 Salaries and wages 78,165 96,158 105,327 131,887 131,887 149,574 159,527 169,945 Social contributions 4,893 - - - - - - - 77,090 88,902 90,334 102,563 102,563 106,043 116,093 111,776 79 131 866 1,064 1,064 810 817 823 3,482 1,778 1,962 3,649 3,649 2,515 2,667 2,825 308 362 444 983 983 1,055 1,113 1,174 Audit cost: External 2,580 4,117 1,908 1,294 1,294 2,200 2,300 2,400 Bursaries: Employees 917 629 393 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,054 1,110 1,144 1,136 1,341 1,867 1,867 949 996 1,045 Economic classification Current payments Goods and services Administrative fees Advertising Assets less than the capitalisation threshold Catering: Departmental activities DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 17 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Communication (G&S) 2,431 3,260 3,741 3,439 3,439 3,645 3,961 4,173 Computer services 3,035 2,726 3,078 3,102 3,102 3,974 4,188 4,410 Consultants and professional services: Business and advisory services 26,809 26,815 22,995 29,981 29,981 37,551 43,673 35,229 Consultants and professional services: Legal costs 5,419 2,396 430 2,000 2,000 3,166 3,282 3,402 Contractors 1,780 1,012 2,250 2,304 2,304 1,476 1,941 2,059 Agency and support / outsourced services 2,857 2,542 4,110 3,552 3,552 3,979 4,067 4,246 26 60 32 415 415 312 326 341 Fleet services (including government motor transport) 349 765 805 1,302 1,302 1,108 1,168 1,232 Inventory: Clothing material and accessories - - - 14 14 - - - Inventory: Food and food supplies - 122 113 199 199 - - - Inventory: Fuel, oil and gas - - 21 - - - - - 30 85 64 50 50 - - - Inventory: Medical supplies - 1 8 - - - - - Inventory: Medicine - - 2 - - - - - 49 24 25 19 19 - - - Consumable supplies - - 34 2 2 708 747 787 Consumable: Stationery, printing and office supplies 1,555 2,028 2,693 3,186 3,186 1,361 1,502 1,607 Operating leases 2,814 1,720 1,814 684 684 1,790 1,887 1,986 Rand thousand Entertainment Inventory: Materials and supplies Inventory: Other supplies P 18 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Revised Estimate 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline 5,435 6,884 9,137 8,100 8,100 8,472 8,918 9,380 Travel and subsistence 12,185 24,329 23,499 26,522 26,522 24,977 26,515 28,308 Training and development 1,645 2,386 1,624 2,238 2,238 2,004 2,112 2,223 Operating payments 1,161 1,655 3,618 2,006 2,006 1,491 1,278 1,350 Venues and facilities 1,000 1,939 3,327 3,591 3,591 1,500 1,581 1,666 237,990 156,978 118,638 57,405 57,405 100 105 111 Public corporations and private enterprises 237,296 156,255 118,313 57,250 57,250 - - - Other transfers to public corporations 237,296 156,255 118,313 57,250 57,250 - - - Households 694 723 325 155 155 100 105 111 Other transfers to households 694 723 325 155 155 100 105 111 Payments for capital assets 3,169 4,071 2,742 2,284 2,284 4,069 3,599 3,790 Machinery and equipment 3,169 3,922 2,649 2,284 2,284 4,069 3,599 3,790 Transport equipment 1,821 1,411 - 608 608 3,356 2,853 3,005 Other machinery and equipment 1,348 2,511 2,649 1,676 1,676 713 746 785 - 149 93 - - - - - Payments for financial assets 138,694 6 1,050,008 - - - - - Total economic classification 540,001 346,115 1,367,049 294,139 294,139 259,786 279,324 285,622 Rand thousand Property payments Transfers and subsidies Software and other intangible assets 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation Detail of transfers and subsidies 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Recipient Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 694 723 93 100 - - 134 694 723 227 Revised Estimate 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline 100 100 105 111 55 55 - - - 155 155 100 105 111 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate Rand thousand Gifts and donations Employee social benefits Total DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 19 Relating expenditure trends to strategic outcome oriented goal The spending focus over the medium term will continue to be on strengthening and expanding the Department’s capacity to carry out its oversight role in relation to the state owned companies, and improving internal efficiencies and the functioning of the Department. Support for the achievement of the NDP goals will form the central part of the oversight function. To this end, the personnel establishment is expected to increase over the medium term to 265 posts, including 6 graduates and 30 interns. At the end of 2013/14 financial year, the Department had a vacancy rate of 2.8 percent. The strong recruitment drive implemented by the Department between the 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years is expected to increase expenditure on compensation of employees, which, at 54.6 per cent, is the largest spending item of the Department’s budget over the medium term. To carry out the Department’s high level stakeholder interactions, intergovernmental and coordinating activities and general oversight role of the government’s investment in state owned companies, personnel travel extensively domestically and internationally; and the Department relies on the services of consultants who conduct highly technical research in the transport, manufacturing, energy and broadband sectors. As a result, travel and subsistence and consultants are the largest spending items in goods and services, and spending on these items is projected to increase over the medium term. Between 2010/11 and 2013/14, certain SOC, such as Denel and Broadband Infraco, received non-periodic recapitalisation payments, which explains the significant fluctuation in spending in the Portfolio Management and Strategic Partnerships programme over this period. Spending in the programme is expected to decline significantly over the medium term as no recapitalisations are contemplated. Achievements with regard to outcomes announced by the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation In relation to Government’s 12 Outcomes, the Department is primarily contributing to creating an efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network (Outcome 6), which forms the basis of the delivery agreement signed in October 2010. This delivery agreement forms the core of the performance agreement between the President and the Minister. Furthermore, the Department, through the activities of its SOC, contributes to other outcomes such as decent employment through inclusive growth, skills development and rural development. The following is the Department’s contribution towards achieving the outcomes that have been prioritised by government: 3.1 Creating an efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network (Outcome 6) The past MTSF was adopted during the recession. One of the key objectives was to stabilise the economy and place it on a different growth trajectory. At the centre of this objective was: implementation of the capital expenditure programme that would address the capacity constraints experienced by the economy during high growth periods between 2005 and 2007; to act as a stimulus to jump-start the economy. In this regard, Eskom’s build programme, as well as the Transnet capital expenditure programme, formed the core of the government’s infrastructure investment strategy. The progress that has been made to accelerate infrastructure investment in the economy is highlighted below. P 20 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Eskom Funding of the build programme up to 2018 Funding of the build programme emerged as one of the major challenges with roll-out of the build programme in the electricity sector. This is as a result of tariffs not being sufficient to cover operational costs as well as provide a reasonable return on investment to allow the utility to fund investment in additional generating capacity. Over the past five years, the Department has supported Eskom to secure tariff adjustments that will support its financial sustainability as well as provision of guarantees to keep the financing cost lower. As at 31 March 2014, R271.6 billion (90.5%) of the R300 billion borrowing programme had been secured. The R300 billion borrowing programme is based on the original funding requirements as at April 2010 and covers the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2017. It should be noted that additional funding requirements, including those resulting from the lower than expected MYPD 3 tariff determination, are not included in this borrowing programme. The drawdowns for the year ending 31 March 2014 against the R300 billion funding plan is R44.7 billion, bringing the cumulative amount that has been drawn to execute the build programme to R188.7 billion. Additional funding for the period until 31 March 2018, as a result of the MYPD3 decision amounts to R301 billion which still needs to be secured. Progress on delivery of build programme (Medupi, Kusile, Ingula, Transmission Lines and Renewable Projects) Eskom spent R58.2 billion on capital expenditure in 2013/14, reflecting a sustained increase in the capital expenditure in support of Government outcomes. The following are the key achievements of the build programme: • Eskom completed the return-to-service project during the reporting period. All three power stations (Camden, Grootvlei and Komati) are fully operational. The last unit of this project – Komati Power Station’s Unit 3 – was commissioned in September 2013. This brought the total amount of generating capacity for return-to-service added to the grid since 2005 to 3 731MW. This has been one of the factors that have played a crucial role in averting the collapse of the national electricity grid. • The refurbishment projects have made good progress, despite the ongoing challenge of outage constraints. All the Kriel units have now been refurbished, with the final unit (Unit 5) being synchronised on load on 15 March 2014. Furthermore, three of the six Matla units have been refurbished, with the third unit (Unit 5) synchronised on load on 25 March 2014. Delays were experienced at Duvha due to outage movements. • As at 31 March 2014, Medupi had a day variance of 24.48 days (within the target of 30 days late variance). Eskom remains on track for synchronisation during the second half of 2014. Commissioning of the first unit has started and Eskom is working with contractors to ensure that agreed schedules and processes are adhered to. Key challenges include finding solutions for the control systems. • Kusile achieved a day variance of 12.9 days (within the target of 30 days late variance). The station is scheduled for synchronisation by the end of 2015. The key challenge is finding a solution for control systems to avoid a repetition of the delays experienced at Medupi. Four medium term contracts have been signed for coal supply to Kusile Power Station during the commissioning phase. The conclusion of long term coal and limestone supply agreements for Kusile Power Station remains a focus area. • Work continues at Ingula, but the tragic incident that cost the lives of six contractors has affected the schedule. The delay has been estimated at 18 months. At the end of the reporting period, Ingula had a day variance of 11.6 days (within the target of 30 days late variance). Work to install turbines and generators will begin soon. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 21 Construction of the 100MW Sere Wind Farm is progressing well, with 69% of the tower foundations and 17% of the turbines completed. • Approximately 811km of power lines and 3 790MVA of sub-station capacity were also commissioned during the course of the year. • Mega Generation Projects reported construction progress as follows as at 31 March 2014” Medupi - 60%; Kusile - 30%; Ingula - 72%; and Sere Wind Farm - 47%. IPP contracts that have been signed The electricity industry is undergoing reforms targeted at: enhancing participation of the private sector; attracting additional investment to address current capacity challenges; enhance the use of renewable energy. The first project under the Department of Energy (DOE) renewable independent power producers (RE-IPP) programme was connected to the grid on 27 September 2013 and the first IPP was commissioned on 15 November 2013. A total of 467.3MW is currently available to the system from these Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The DOE approved an additional 1 457MW, pursuant to the third window submissions. No contracts have yet been signed for this capacity. Further PPAs, totalling 1 005MW, for DOE Peaker Plants were entered into on 3 June 2013 and became effective on 29 August 2013 (DOE Peaker Programme). Commissioning of these plants is expected during the 2015/6 financial year. Transnet Transnet Capital Investment Five Years Review Division(s) 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Total TE 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.3 1.0 3.9 TNPA 3.2 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.2 9.8 TPT 2.4 0.7 1.5 2.2 1.6 8.4 TPL 3.1 6.1 4.5 2.8 3.4 19.9 (O.4) (0.3) (0.9) 1.1 0.2 (0.3) 18.4 21.5 22.3 27.4 32.5 122.1 TFR Other Total capex 9.7 12.5 14.8 18.3 25.1 80.4 The 2014/15 financial year is the third year of Transnet’s roll-out of the Market Demand Strategy (MDS) that is underwritten by a rolling capital programme worth over R300bn. In the past five years, Transnet has invested over R120bn in infrastructure and capital projects, most of which has been committed to the rail business. This is crucial to enhance the efficiency of the logistics system and to reduce the cost to move goods, which will contribute to the overall competitiveness of the economy. Key projects executed by the company over the past five years included the following: GFB locomotives During the 2013/14 financial year, Transnet awarded a R50 billion contract for acquisition of 1 064 locomotives (599 new dual-voltage electric locomotives and 465 diesel locomotives) – this makes it the largest locomotive acquisition contract in the history of South Africa. Not only will this acquisition of locomotives enable Transnet to increase its rail volume capacity, but the procurement process has been structured in such a way as to allow for maximisation of localisation benefits. The transaction is expected to boost the country’s manufacturing capacity while also transforming the rail industry. P 22 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Nine of the 95 electric locomotives were delivered in the 2013/14 financial year. Local assembly of the locomotives commenced on 4 February 2014 at Transnet Engineering in Koedoespoort. The remaining 23 of the 43 Class 43 diesel locomotives were received in the 2013/14 financial year. Iron ore line expansion up to 60,0mt The last 26 of the 32 locomotives needed to facilitate the increase in iron ore capacity to 60,0mt were tested and accepted into operations during the 2013/14 financial year. The pre-feasibility study to expand capacity from 61mt to 82,5mt has been completed. Phase 1D (being the addition of a 3rd tippler and associated rail works) has been approved by the Transnet Board of Directors, at a cost of approximately R1,6 billion. The 3rd tippler will ensure that 60mt can be exported on a sustainable basis, as the existing two tipplers currently do not allow for any down time. Coal line expansion up to 81,0mt Infrastructure work required to expand the coal line from 68mt to 81mt commenced during the 2013/14 financial year. The work is expected to gain momentum during the 2014/15 financial year, with construction of the consolidation yards at Saaiwater and Blackhill yards. Durban Container Terminal (DCT) Transnet has commenced with the reconstruction and deepening of seven steel sheet piled berths at Maydon Wharf, in the Port of Durban. Construction of the first berth was successfully completed and is now fully operational. The contract for the remaining six berths was awarded recently and on-site construction is expected to commence in the near future . Durban Dig-Out Port The Durban International Airport (DIA) site acquisition from ACSA was concluded during the 2012/13 financial year at a total cost of R1,85 billion. The DIA site is proposed to be developed into a dig-out port to address demand requirements in the container, liquid bulk and automotive sectors up to 2040. Cape Town Container Terminal Expansion of the Cape Town Container Terminal aims to increase capacity from 0.9 million TEUs to 1,4 million TEUs to address growth in demand for containers in the Western Cape region. The capital project to deepen berths and increase container handling capacity to 900 000 TEUs has been completed. Consideration is now being given to increasing the container handling capacity to 1, 4 million TEUs. Ngqura Container Terminal The Nqgura Container Terminal was launched in 2012. The port is positioned as a trans-shipment hub and a gateway for container traffic into Southern Africa. The second phase A of the project, to expand capacity from 800 000 TEUs to 1.5 million TEUs, has commenced and is expected to be completed during the 7 year MDS period. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 23 New Multi-Product Pipeline (NMPP) Significant progress has been made on the NMPP with favourable weather conditions having enabled accelerated construction work to take place. The project has, however, faced some challenges with regard to industrial action and tank construction work. In spite of these challenges, the project is expected to be completed during 2015. Ports productivity Durban During the period under review, ship turnaround time was slightly below the target of 59, largely due to inclement weather. The gross crane moves per hour (GCH) on Pier 1 and Pier 2 are below target, with Pier 1 at 24 moves (target is 28) and Pier 2 at 25 moves (target is 30). Anchorage waiting time was also below target, at 57 hrs (target is 46). Infrastructure upgrades are being implemented to improve functioning of the port. Cape Town The ship turn-around time was 29,6hrs better than the set target of 30hrs. The gross crane moves per hour were better than target, at 34 moves against a target of 32. Anchorage waiting time was below target at 57 hrs (target was 46 hrs). Average ship turn-around time in Cape Town and Durban improved from the previous year. The Port of Durban improved anchorage waiting time from the previous year, which is important for customer satisfaction. Cape Town’s performance was marginally lower than in the previous year. Volumes Transported by Rail Transnet has continued to move volumes above 200 mt per annum, despite the lacklustre performance of the economy. During the period under review, 210.43 mt were showing a 1.3% increase in volumes compared to the previous financial year. The volume growth was attributable to the following: • General freight (GFB) volumes of 88mt reflected a positive growth of 6% compared to the previous year. • Export coal volumes of 68.2mt were 11% below budget and 1% below the previous year. • Export iron ore volumes of 54.3mt were 12% below budget and 3% below the previous year. The 8.4% shortfall on the budgeted volume of 229.72mt was mainly due to export coal and export iron ore. Key reasons for the deviation of a 19mt (88.4%) shortfall on total rail volumes were as follows: • A 7.3mt shortfall on export iron ore due to customer production problems and a decline in export iron prices due to slow global economic growth. • The 8.8mt export coal volume shortfall was partly due to a decline in export coal prices, customer related equipment failure, as well as internal and external operational constraints (such as locomotive failure and power failure, including RBCT cable failure and cable theft). • The GFB sector accounted for the remaining shortfall of 3.2mt. A range of factors affected volume performance, including slow domestic growth, industrial strikes, customer loading and offloading challenges and wet weather conditions. P 24 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Migration of transportation of coal from road to rail The coal business under-achieved on its annual target of 95.151mt. The actual achievement for coal was 83,13mt in 2014, which represents a 12.6% under-achievement. Road to rail migration efforts are as follows: • Freight Rail’s market development initiatives target retention and growth of traditional rail customers in the mining and heavy manufacturing sectors (e.g. export coal and iron ore), including companies that beneficiate mining commodities. Other major customers are in the fuel, chemicals, agricultural and timber sectors. • The business is targeting new customers in the FMCG, textile and light manufacturing industries, where there are opportunities for ‘rail friendly’ commodity types to be shifted from road to rail. • The rail migration programme that focuses on Eskom coal is progressing well in support of the road to rail programme. GFB Productivity On-time train departures improved by 24% compared to the previous year and by 5% compared to budget; this was due to diligent monitoring and follow-up on the root causes of deviations. On-time arrivals also improved by 4.5% compared to the previous year, but declined by 31% compared to budget, partly due to en-route system-failures. Diligent monitoring and follow-up on the root causes of departure and arrival problems will continue. The gradual delivery of 43 Class diesel locomotives for General Freight and focused attention on operational efficiency and volume growth resulted in an 8% improvement in asset utilization, compared to both the prior year and budget. 3.2 Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive growth The Department was identified as one of the contributors required to support implementation of the outcome 4 delivery agreement. Infrastructure investment was identified as one of the job drivers in the NGP. The industrial capabilities that exist within SOC such as Denel are being leveraged to support the development of advanced manufacturing in the South African economy, in line with IPAP. Denel The turnaround of Denel has been crucial to preserve advanced industrial capabilities within the State’s portfolio. The company has continued to support the needs of the South African Defence Force, which has played a crucial role in developing capability to secure other markets. In June 2013, the company reported a R21 billion order book, which increased to R30 billion by December 2013. This will enable the business to meet its plan of doubling revenues to R8 billion by 2018/19. One significant order secured by the SOC in the 2013/14 financial year was a R10 billion contract by the South African Department of Defence to produce 238 Hoefyster infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) for the South African Army. The programme is critical in maintaining the country’s advanced defence manufacturing capabilities. Importantly, 70% of the components for the vehicles will be developed and manufactured in South Africa, with 2 000 jobs to be created at Denel and in the related South African defence industry. In 2013/14 Denel revived its space and satellite capabilities, after entering into a collaborative relationship with the South African National Space Agency (SANSA). This will not only ensure that the country’s space and DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 25 satellite capabilities are enhanced, but will provide local industry with the opportunity to tap into the growing and strategic global space and satellite industry. The SOC has delivered and supported the deployment of the Rooivalk combat support helicopter in combat operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The deployments were done under the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission (MONUSCO) and have proven to be a game changer in peace enforcement operations. Localisation and transformation The Department has continued to monitor implementation of the Supplier Development Plans of both Eskom and Transnet. Furthermore, the Department has incorporated localization targets into the shareholder compacts of these entities; to ensure that their procurement expenditures advance the industrialization programme of Government. The proportion of both components and services sourced locally by these SOC has gradually increased since the introduction of the Competitive Supplier Development Programme (CSDP). In the 2013/14 financial year, Transnet achieved 92% local content procurement as a percentage of total spend. This is an exceptionally good performance for the year, especially if you take into consideration that the local content target was only 70% of total spend. Transnet also exceeded the supplier development target by achieving 37% commitment of contract value to be invested in the country: the target was only 35%. Transnet’s performance in regard to supplier development would have been significantly higher if the SOC was not bound by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA). Engagement with National Treasury on the PPPFA is ongoing in order to find a solution that will allow SOC to maximize their procurement spend. BBBEE spend amounted to 94% of Total Measurable Procurement Spend (TMPS); this was against a target of 70%. Spend on Black Women Owned and Black Youth Owned remains low. The Department is, however, continuing to engage Transnet to find ways to improve spend on these two groups. 3.3 Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path SOC within the DPE portfolio committed to support the National Skills Agenda through implementation of various skills initiatives, with a specific focus on scarce and critical skills. These initiatives include alignment of skills development programmes to the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) and National Skills Accord in support of the New Growth Path (NGP) and the National Development Plan (NDP). To ensure alignment to these interventions, the Department has established partnerships with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Economic Development Department (EDD) and the Department of Trade and Industries (DTI). This is crucial to ensure that the skills development capacity of SOC is leveraged to develop core and critical skills to meet the economy’s requirements. The commitments made by SOC and partnerships with relevant government departments has resulted in the enhancement of provisioning of scarce and critical skills by SOC to address skills gaps within SOC, as well as closing the national scarce and critical skills gaps. Thus SOC’ alignment to the National Skills Accord focuses on the following commitments: • Commitment 1: Expand the level of training using existing facilities more fully. • Commitment 2: Make internships and placement opportunities available within workplaces. • Commitment 5: Improve funding of training and the use of funds available for training and incentives. • Commitment 8: Improve the role and performance of FET Colleges. P 26 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 These commitments have been translated to form part of the targets that are included in the shareholder compacts concluded with the Executive Authority. In the 2013/14 financial year, and in line with the National Skills Accord, SOC collectively committed to enrol 2 764 new artisan trainees of which: 1 040 trainees were to be enrolled at Eskom; 1 550 were to be enrolled at Transnet; and the remainder were to be enrolled at South African Airways, South African Airways Express (SAX), Alexkor and SAFCOL. Transnet’s enrolment includes 1000 additional artisan trainees funded through the R175 million from the National Skills Fund (NSF) to be trained over a period of three years, which will optimise their training facilities in addressing the national skills gaps and with a special focus on supporting SIPs. To this end, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was concluded between the Department and the DHET in October 2013. Other commitments made by SOC include: training of technicians and engineers supported through bursary schemes and internship programmes; enrolment for training of cadet pilots; and training of learners in scarce and critical skills in areas such as train drivers at Transnet, energy field workers at Eskom, forestry workers at SAFCOL and airport crew members at both SAA and SAX. In addition, Eskom has also committed to ensuring that at least 2 500 matriculants and 2 500 graduates in the pipeline are trained in artisan trade skills and supported in work experiential learning programmes through Eskom and its supplier network. As at 31 March 2014, a total of 2 109 new artisan trainees were enrolled at SOC in the Department’s portfolio, of which: 1 569 artisans were enrolled at Transnet; 94 new artisan were enrolled at Eskom; 306 new artisan trainees enrolled at Denel (237 of the trainees enrolled for training through Denel Technical Academy partnerships with private companies); 147 artisan trainees enrolled at SAA; 36 artisan trainees enrolled at SAX; 4 and 6 artisan trainees enrolled at Alexkor and SAFCOL, respectively. A total of 459 technician trainees (Transnet – 339; Eskom – 100; Denel – 12; Broadband Infraco – 6; SAFCOL - 2) and 367 engineering trainees (Transnet – 138; Eskom – 179; Denel – 41; Broadband Infraco – 4; and SAFCOL - 4) were enrolled in various programmes supported through bursary schemes and internship programmes. Other SOC scarce and critical skills enrolments include 55 new cadet pilots enrolled for training at SAA (34) and SAX (21), with 2 176 new learners enrolled in sector specific scarce and critical skills learning programmes to address sector skills shortages. In addition, Eskom has enrolled 172 matriculants in artisan trade skills and 195 graduates in various work experiential learning programmes within Eskom and its supplier network. Thus, as at March 2014, Eskom and its suppliers had 2 718 matriculants and 1 607 graduates in the pipeline, who are being trained and placed in various learning programmes. 3.4 Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all Alexkor The SOC has delivered on government obligations to the Richtersveld community, with a R120 million upgrade of the Alexander Bay Township infrastructure (roads, electrical and water reticulation and waste water treatment) being completed on 31 March 2013 and the town’s registration confirmed on 22 November 2013. This means that the town, which was previously a mining compound, is one of the new towns in South Africa and part of the Richtersveld Local Municipality. The value of property in the town that will be transferred to the community is estimated at R200 million. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 27 The jointly-owned mine, which had previously seen its diamond production decrease substantially due to the land restitution process, has seen an improvement in carat production from 35 000 carats to over 50 000 carats. This has been on the back of a newly commissioned R50 million processing plant at Muisvlak near Port Nolloth, which has created 200 jobs for the community. During the period under review, the Minister approved the strategy for the SOC to become a diversified mining company; this will include coal supply in support of the national energy security imperative. The Department is working closely with the SOC to ensure success of the strategy and significant projects will be announced in 2014/15. SAFCOL In 2012/13, the Department revised the SOC mandate to enable product diversification and further vertical integration. The SOC will announce the new corporate strategy within the ambits of the revised role in 2014/15. As at the end of the financial year, SAFCOL spent R6,591 million on socio-economic development initiatives. This represents 3.3% of the Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) - a significant achievement compared to the Shareholder Compact (SHC) target of 1%. SAFCOL continues to create jobs in communities surrounding its plantations through the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP). SAFCOL completed 11 socio-economic development initiative projects during the 2013/14 financial year. Details of the completed projects are as follows: • Emhlabaneni Primary School (classroom and ablution block) • Esihlengeni Combined School (supplied 20 new computers and installed table tops, ICT burglar proofing and electrical work) • Mayflower Disability Centre (retaining walls and burglar proofing) • Dinethemba and Daviddale ECD centres (wash basins and ablution blocks) • Tshitavhadulu Community Hall (new building) • Mantjolo Market Stalls (market stalls and ablution facility) • Ntabamhlophe Primary School (3 ablution blocks) • Thathe-Vondo Guest House (renovations) • Leroro Shelter (burglar proofing) • Diepdale Youth Centre (site establishment has been completed and excavation of trenches is 90% complete) • Desk Manufacturing Project (industrial machines and tools have been procured) P 28 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 PART B PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS 4. PROGRAMMES 4.1 PROGRAMME 1 - ADMINISTRATION Purpose: Provides strategic management, direction and administrative support to the Department, which enables the Department to meet its strategic objectives Programme Overview: The programme includes the Ministry, the Office of the Director-General and Support Services. The programme is currently made up of the following sub-programmes: Ministry; Management; Corporate Services; Chief Financial Officer; Human Resources; Communications; Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; InterGovernmental and Stakeholder Relations; Internal Audit and Office Accommodation. Office of the Director-General is responsible for Corporate Management. Corporate Services is responsible for: Security and Facilities Management – Provide a safe and secure environment and internal administration and facilities services to internal customers. Information Management and Technology – IT infrastructure and support, Records Management and Library Services. Office of the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for Financial Management Services to ensure compliance with the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999) and Treasury Regulations; and efficient and effective supply chain management services Human Resources is responsible for assisting line management to implement operational excellence and developing the Human Capital potential in the department. Communications is responsible for repositioning the DPE as an activist shareholder; make the DPE brand relevant and meaningful to ordinary South Africans; impact media relations and media communication; and improve employee engagement. Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is responsible for co-ordination, management and oversight of outcomes based performance reporting of the Department; implementation of performance monitoring and evaluation processes for individual programmes and business units as a mechanism for measuring delivery of our strategic objectives; and reporting to various stakeholders. Inter-Governmental and Stakeholder Relations is responsible for coordination, support and provision of advice to the Minister, Deputy Minister, Director-General and the Department on matters related to the Intergovernmental, International and Stakeholder Relations. Internal Audit is responsible for the preparation of a three year strategic plan and a one year internal audit plan based on its assessment of key risks for the Department, in consultation with and for approval by the Audit Committee Office Accommodation is for the devolution of funds from the Department of Public Works for the DPE premises P 30 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 4.1.1 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 for Administration Office of the Director-General • Provide strategic direction and leadership to the Department. Corporate Services • Information Management and Technology • Security and facilities management Office of the Chief Financial Officer • Sound financial management policies and practices • Efficient and effective Supply Chain Management function Human Resources • Development of staff and succession planning. • High performance culture. • Effective, efficient and timeous recruitment and selection to ensure an adequately capacitated department. • Skills development programme. • Communications • Provide strategic Communication support that aligns with DPE goals and objectives to the executive leadership and the Department. • Provide internal communication services, based on departmental mandate to ensure awareness, understanding and acceptance on strategic and operational priorities of the department. • Provide strategic stakeholder support on matters that are important to the department. • Adhere to Government’s communication protocol, policy guidelines, and align with the strategic priorities contained in the Government Communication Strategy. Inter-Governmental Relations • Foster closer relations and co-operation between DPE and other departments to advance the DPE mandate and objectives. • Manage DPE International Relations’ responsibilities ensuring alignment to South Africa’s Foreign Policy. • Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relations with strategic stakeholders. • Support the BRICS programme that relate to the State Owned Companies Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation • Co-ordination, management and oversight of outcomes based performance reporting; performance monitoring and evaluation and reporting to stakeholders • Oversee the strategic planning within the Department and ensure its alignment to Medium Term Strategic Framework priorities • Development and implementation of tools to support outcome based planning, monitoring and reporting • Strengthen SOC performance review tools and system • Provide secretariat support to the Department’s governance structures Internal Audit • Provide independent and objective assurance and consulting Internal Audit services designed to add value and improve the Department’s operations. • Assist the Department to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 31 Office Accommodation • Management of devolution of funds from the Department of Public Works for the DPE premises. 4.1.2 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Administration for 2014/15 Programme 1 is a support function and its primary focus is to create an organisational environment necessary to achieve the objectives outlined in Department’s Strategic Plan and APP. In the 2014/15 financial year, the programme will focus on improving processes and systems within the Department and capacitation of the Department, as the mandate of the Department continues to evolve and expand. In the 2014/15 financial year, the focus will be on achieving the following: • Continued strengthening of financial management tools to return to a clean audit opinion • Implementation of the Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Policy • Payment of invoices within 30-days. • Alignment of individual performance to organisation performance and implementation of talent management processes • Strengthening of the human resource function within the Department to ensure that the vacancy rate is kept below 10 percent. • Implementation of the Department’s communication strategy including improving engagements with provinces and other stakeholders. • Improvement in IT governance • Expansion of the Public Sector Participation Programmes to improve engagements with ordinary South Africans Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Business Process Mapping concluded initiate BPM project and map prioritised processes Mapping of as is completed Conduct work studies, gap analysis and benchmarking Review DPE structure in line with the work study, gap analysis and benchmarking report. Independent assessment concluded Develop TORs, RFQ process, Appointment of service providers Draft and sign -off of project plan, Conduct assessment Produce ICT Assessment report Implementation of recommended plans Approved communication plan Review of the current communication plan Communication plan approved Quarterly Quarterly monitoring of monitoring of implementation implementation 1.1 Promote good governance HUMAN RESOURCES 1.1.1 Business Process Mapping Quarterly INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1.1.2 IT Independent Quarterly assessment COMMUNICATIONS 1.1.3 P 32 Communication plan Quarterly DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th STRATEGIC PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 1.1.4 Service Delivery Improvement Plan Quarterly Approved Service Delivery Improvement Plan Completion of the SOC Satisfaction Survey New Service Delivery Improvement Plan Approved Quarterly monitoring Quarterly monitoring 1.1.5 SOC performance review standards Quarterly SOC Performance review standards - Standard SOC financial ratios identified SOC financial performance index developed Application of the performance index in SOC financial performance review 1.1.6 Development Quarterly 3 Year Evaluation Plan Approved 3 Year Evaluation Plan - List of projects to be part of the Evaluation Plan identified Funding proposals submitted to DPME 1 project funded OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1.1.7 Payment within 30 days (Compliance with Treasury Regulations 8.2.3) Monthly Payment of correct invoices within 30 days 3 monthly reports on the 30 days payment of service providers 3 monthly reports on the 30 days payment of service providers 3 monthly reports on the 30 days payment of service providers 3 monthly reports on the 30 days payment of service providers 1.1.8 Reporting PFMA s40 (4)(c) Annual Submission of 12 monthly management reports to DG and Minister and National Treasury 15th of each month 3 x monthly management report 3 x monthly management report 3 x monthly management report 3 x monthly management report 1.1.9 Contract Management Annual Contract management policy Approved contract management policy Monitoring of renewal date and capturing of new contracts on the system Monitoring of renewal date and capturing of new contracts on the system Monitoring of renewal date and capturing of new contracts on the system INTER-GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 1.1.10 Annual Plan for the Public Participation programme Quarterly Public ParticiDevelopment pation engage- and approval ments of PPP annual plan and calendar 4 PPP engagements held. Quarterly reporting on commitments 4 PPP engagements held. Quarterly reporting on commitments 4 PPP engagements held. Quarterly reporting on commitments 1.1.11 Provincial engagements Quarterly 4 provincial engagements Two provincial engagements held. Quarterly reporting on commitments One provincial engagement held. Quarterly reporting on commitments One provincial engagement held. Quarterly reporting on commitments Approved Plan for provincial engagements DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 33 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.2 Build internal capacity to enhance Department’s ability to execute its strategic plan and fulfil its mandate HUMAN RESOURCES 1.2.1 Human Resources Plan Quarterly Approved Human Resources Plan Review existing HR Plan based on DPSA guidelines 1.2.2 Attraction and Quarterly retention policy Attraction and Capabilities retention policy and competenapproved cies defined in line with the DPE Strategic Plan 1.2.3 DPE Competency Model Approved DPE Competency Model Quarterly Assessment of the Strategic Plan Capability requirements HR plan half yearly implementation report submitted to DPSA before 30 September 2014 Conduct work studies, gap analysis and benchmarking Review DPE structure in line with the work study, gap analysis and benchmarking report. Review demand and supply of human resources based on the Department’s capability and competency requirements Annual HR Plan report submitted to DPSA. Draft Retention Policy and identification of core and critical skills completed Attraction and Implementaretention policy tion plan approved Draft compeCompetency catalogue and tency model proficiency levels identified Consultation with stakeholders and approval of the competency model 1.3 Support transformation initiatives within the Department 1.3.1 Internal DPE Transformation plan Quarterly Approved internal transformation framework Transformation Committee established Operationalize and train committee members transformation plan developed and Approved Transformation plan implementation 1.3.2 Implementation of the Performance Management policy Annual Roll out of the new performance management policy Workshop employees on the new policy Implement quarterly reward and recognition for high performers Implement Performance Management policy Implement Performance Management policy 11% vacancy rate 10% vacancy rate Moderate and payout individual performance incentives 1.3.3 P 34 Current vacancy rate reduced Annual 10% vacancy rate 14% vacancy rate DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 12% vacancy rate 4.3.1 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF Expenditure Estimates Table 2: Administration Expenditure estimates - Table 2: Administration 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 25,766 31,861 30,036 31,375 31,375 34,799 36,595 38,612 5,198 8,240 4,173 10,346 10,346 18,180 24,238 15,187 21,443 23,920 28,334 26,545 26,545 29,437 27,837 29,253 Chief Financial Officer 9,557 11,171 10,074 9,834 9,834 11,725 12,417 13,032 Human Resources 9,877 9,499 12,698 18,189 18,189 19,753 21,006 22,077 Communications 7,929 13,050 12,840 10,727 10,727 12,042 10,103 10,369 Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation - - 3,379 4,850 4,850 5,625 6,729 7,075 Intergovernmental Relations - - 1,772 7,158 7,158 7,657 8,109 8,509 Internal Audit 3,009 4,285 3,276 4,250 4,250 4,823 4,976 5,202 Office Accommodation 5,413 6,609 8,785 7,758 7,758 8,082 8,518 8,970 88,192 108,635 115,367 131,032 131,032 152,123 160,528 158,286 Current payments 84,235 103,835 112,390 128,593 128,593 147,954 156,824 154,385 Compensation of employees 42,657 51,287 56,714 66,372 66,372 70,972 75,533 79,333 Rand thousand 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate 2014/15 2015/16 Revised Baseline Revised Revised Baseline Baseline 2016/17 Sub-programmes Ministry Management Corporate Services Total Economic classification Salaries and wages 39,240 51,287 56,714 66,372 66,372 70,972 75,533 79,333 Social contributions 3,417 - - - - - - - Goods and services 41,578 52,548 55,676 62,221 62,221 76,982 81,291 75,052 79 131 718 261 261 810 817 823 Administrative fees 3,482 1,771 1,883 3,649 3,649 2,515 2,667 2,825 Assets less than the capitalisation threshold Advertising 308 362 442 983 983 1,055 1,113 1,174 Audit cost: External 2,580 4,117 1,908 1,294 1,294 2,200 2,300 2,400 Bursaries: Employees 917 629 393 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,054 1,110 Catering: Departmental activities 981 974 1,147 1,483 1,483 835 877 920 Communication (G&S) 2,054 2,864 3,344 2,639 2,639 2,759 3,026 3,188 Computer services 3,035 2,726 3,078 3,102 3,102 3,974 4,188 4,410 Consultants and professional services: Business and advisory services 1,847 3,237 2,325 7,456 7,456 20,901 21,726 12,321 Consultants and professional services: Legal costs 716 96 - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 35 Expenditure estimates - Table 2: Administration 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 1,941 2,059 2,281 2,199 3,558 2,397 2,397 3,979 4,067 4,246 20 57 30 355 355 252 264 279 349 765 805 1,261 1,261 1,108 1,168 1,232 Inventory: Food and food supplies - 122 113 199 199 - - - Inventory: Fuel, oil and gas - - 21 - - - - - 30 61 63 50 50 - - - - 1 3 - - - - - 49 24 25 19 19 - - - - - 34 2 2 708 747 787 Consumable: Stationery, printing and office supplies 1,553 2,021 2,616 3,120 3,120 1,361 1,502 1,607 Operating leases 2,814 1,720 1,814 363 363 1,790 1,887 1,986 Property payments 5,435 6,884 9,137 8,100 8,100 8,472 8,918 9,380 Travel and subsistence 8,621 16,418 14,838 17,108 17,108 16,392 17,690 18,733 Training and development 1,259 1,932 1,068 1,990 1,990 2,004 2,112 2,223 Operating payments 1,031 1,078 2,352 1,938 1,938 1,491 1,278 1,350 Venues and facilities 358 1,376 1,831 1,150 1,150 900 949 999 Transfers and subsidies 694 723 227 155 155 100 105 111 Households 694 723 227 155 155 100 105 111 Other transfers to households 694 723 227 155 155 100 105 111 Payments for capital assets 3,169 4,071 2,742 2,284 2,284 4,069 3,599 3,790 Machinery and equipment 3,169 3,922 2,649 2,284 2,284 4,069 3,599 3,790 Transport equipment 1,821 1,411 - 608 608 3,356 2,853 3,005 Other machinery and equipment 1,348 2,511 2,649 1,676 1,676 713 746 785 - 149 93 - - - - - 94 6 8 - - - - - 88,192 108,635 115,367 131,032 131,032 152,123 160,528 158,286 Rand thousand Contractors Agency and support / outsourced services Entertainment Fleet services (including government motor transport) Inventory: Materials and supplies Inventory: Medical supplies Inventory: Other supplies Consumable supplies Software and other intangible assets Payments for financial assets Total P 36 1,779 983 2013/14 2,130 Adjusted Appropriation DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 2,302 Revised Estimate 2,302 2014/15 2015/16 Revised Baseline Revised Revised Baseline Baseline 1,476 2016/17 DETAIL OF TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES Recipient 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Rand thousand Gifts and donations Employee social benefits Total 694 723 93 100 100 100 105 111 - - 134 55 55 - - - 694 723 227 155 155 100 105 111 Performance and Expenditure Trends for Administration The spending focus over the medium term will be on supporting the Department in playing its oversight role over SOC by providing administrative support to the minister, and corporate and human resource services to the Department. The programme will also focus on improving the Department’s efficiency and productivity by reconfiguring its business, which will enable it to carry out its mandate; and will put in place a three-year rolling evaluation plan to assess the impact of programmes that have been implemented by the Department and the state owned companies. Thus over the medium term, the bulk of the programme’s allocation will be spent on compensation of employees, who provide technical and administrative support to the Department. Spending on this item is projected to grow following the reconfiguration. This will result in the number of personnel increasing from 138 in 2013/14 to 141 in 2016/17. The increase in expenditure on compensation of employees between 2010/11 and 2013/14 was due to additional funding for improved conditions of service and to fund the increase in the number of personnel needed to take up roles in the Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and intergovernmental Relations sub programmes, which deal with international and intergovernmental issues and performance monitoring and evaluation processes for individual programmes. Directly related to the growth in personnel is an increase in expenditure on goods and services. Within this, significant items are consultants and professional services. These provide the specialist expertise required particularly in the transport, manufacturing, energy and broadband sectors. Over the medium term, expenditure on consultants is expected to increase due to the reassignment of consultants from the Portfolio Management and Strategic Partnerships programme to this Administration programme, following the reorganisation of the department programmes. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 37 4.2 PROGRAMME 2 - LEGAL & GOVERNANCE Purpose: Provides legal services and corporate governance systems, as well as facilitates the implementation of all legal aspects of transactions that are strategically important to the Department and SOC, and ensures alignment with Government’s strategic intent. The sub-programmes in this programme are as follows: • Management comprises the office of the deputy director general, which provides strategic leadership and management of the programme personnel. The sub-programme has a staff complement of 2 and 82.07 per cent of the budget is used for compensation of employees. • Legal - internal legal services and support to oversight of the SOC. The unit provides legal services, including transaction and contract management support to the Department as well as work specifically related to the commercial activities of the sector teams in respect of the SOC within their oversight. The sub-programme has a staff complement of 12 and 62.5 per cent of the budget is used for compensation of employees whilst the balance of the budget is used on goods and services which includes, expert legal advice and normal operational expenditure. • Governance – develops and manages effective corporate governance and shareholder management systems for the Department and its portfolio of SOC. This includes: Risk Management - identifies reports and monitors both the operational and shareholder risks including but not limited to SOC specific and cross cutting risks; Compliance - Ensures that the Department eestablishes and implements systems and processes to ensure the department and its SOC comply with legislative, regulatory and supervisory requirements in line with international best practice. 4.2.1 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/15 Over the MTEF period the programme will ensure effective shareholder oversight of state owned companies by: • Providing legal services and coordinate governance systems • Facilitate the implementation of all legal aspects of transactions that are strategically important to the department and state owned companies • Ensuring that financial and operational risk management processes are embedded throughout the department as and when required, over the medium term • Addressing constraints on state owned companies’ contract negotiations and management to improve commercial competence and contribute to economic growth and development on a regular basis • Providing assistance on developing and negotiating shareholder compact framework annually in terms of Public Finance Management Act (1999) • Providing guidance on appropriate delegation frameworks between the SOC boards and executive management on a regular basis Advising the Minister regularly on the appointments of board of directors including remuneration, preparations for AGMs, conducting annual reviews of ownership policies P 38 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 4.2.2 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator Audited/ Actual performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2.1 Review oversight function to ensure alignment of SOC to developmental outcomes 2.1.1 Aventura Deregistration Addressed litigation matters and the Annual General Meeting The approach to the winding-up process reviewed and approved. The Department had the AFS for 2010/11 audited and secured the Master’s directive on the provision of security requirements. The Aventura Board resolution secured in May 2012 to liquidate the company. Lodge of relevant documentation with the registrar of companies Liquidation process initiated and appointment of a liquidator by the Master of the High Court Bill to repeal the Overvaal Resorts Act developed Repeal of the Overvaal Resorts Act, 1993 initiated and submit legislation to Parliament Implementation 2.1.2 Resolution of the 20% state shareholding in Namaqualand Mines - - - - Agreement on the disposal of the 20% state shareholding 2.1.3 Government Shareholder Management Bill (CTSM) - - - Presidential Review Committee on State Owned Enterprises Report Issued by Presidency including recommendations Bill tabled at Draft Bill approved by Parliament and ratified Cabinet into law - Approved Risk Enterprise Risk Management Framework Feasibility Report on Modelling Implementation Implementation 2.2 Promote good corporate governance 2.2.1 Risk modelling tool - - Implementation Implementation DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 39 4.2.3 Quarterly Targets for Legal and Governance for 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 3rd 2nd 4th 2.1 Review shareholder oversight function to ensure alignment of SOC to developmental outcomes Draft Bill developed 2.1.1 Deregistration of Aventura Quarterly Draft Bill to repeal the Overvaal Act 127 of 1993 Assist the Liquidator to prove creditor’s claims and transfer of assists Transfer of initiated Transfer of assets completed (confirmation from the liquidator received) 2.1.2 Resolution of the 20%State Shareholding in Namaqualand Mines Quarterly Agreement on the disposal or housing of the 20% shareholding in Namaqualand Mines Agreement on the warehousing of the 20% state’s shareholding complete eval- Commence uation of the negotiations 20% stake on the disposal approach Agreement on the disposal approach sent to the Minister of Mineral Resources for ratification 2.1.3 Government Shareholder Management (GSM) Bill Quarterly GSM Bill - Development of project plan in line with instruction from Presidency Implementation of project deliverables as per project plan (in line with progress as per Q2) Implementation of project deliverables as per project plan - Assessment of Maturity of SOC Risk Management Practices (Interviews/ Consultation with SOC Risk Officers Assessment of Maturity of SOC Risk Management Practices (Interviews/ Consultation with SOC Risk Officers Compile and issue a report with recommendations to the Minister 2.2 Promote good corporate governance 2.2.1 Risk modelling tool Quarterly Feasibility report on risk modelling tool 4.2.4 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF Expenditure Estimates Table 3: Legal and Governance Rand thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 2013/14 1,581 1,822 2,252 2,089 2,089 2,826 2,999 3,158 10,340 12,775 13,370 11,789 11,789 12,919 13,737 14,461 2,732 4,921 7,855 8,460 8,460 8,222 8,800 9,266 14,653 19,518 23,477 22,338 22,338 23,967 25,536 26,885 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Subprogrammes Management Legal Governance Total P 40 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 14,653 19,518 23,450 22,338 22,338 23,967 25,536 26,885 Compensation of employees 6,453 13,206 14,111 15,429 15,429 18,198 19,459 20,486 Salaries and wages 6,145 13,206 14,111 15,429 15,429 18,198 19,459 20,486 Rand thousand 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Economic classification Current payments Social contributions 308 - - - - - - - Goods and services 8,200 6,312 9,339 6,909 6,909 5,769 6,077 6,399 Administrative fees - - 148 - - - - - Advertising - - 41 - - - - - Assets less than the capitalisation threshold - - 2 - - - - - Catering: Departmental activities 51 54 74 71 71 24 24 27 Communication (G&S) 79 78 124 125 125 204 215 226 Consultants and professional services: Business and advisory Services 2,404 422 4,322 2,924 2,924 1,450 1,529 1,610 Consultants and professional services: Legal costs 4,557 2,300 430 2,000 2,000 2,166 2,282 2,402 - 28 84 - - - - - 576 343 552 705 705 - - - Contractors Agency and support / outsourced services Entertainment 6 1 2 8 8 14 15 15 Inventory: Materials and supplies - 24 - - - - - - Inventory: Medical supplies - - 2 - - - - - Consumable: Stationery, printing and office supplies - 2 74 1 1 - - - Operating leases - - - 5 5 - - - 402 2,547 2,753 775 775 1,831 1,928 2,030 Training and development Travel and subsistence 34 120 170 191 191 - - - Operating payments 48 275 325 24 24 - - - Venues and facilities 43 118 236 80 80 80 84 89 Transfers and subsidies - - 27 - - - - - Households - - 27 - - - - - Other transfers to households - - 27 - - - - - Payments for capital assets - - - - - - - - Payments for financial assets - - - - - - - - 14,653 19,518 23,477 22,338 22,338 23,967 25,536 26,885 Total DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 41 DETAIL OF TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES Recipient 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome 2013/14 Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Rand thousand Employee social benefits - - 22 - - - - - Employee social benefits - - 5 - - - - - Total - - 27 - - - - - Performance and Expenditure Trends The spending focus over the medium term will be on increasing the programme’s capacity to provide legal services and transaction and contract management support; and on facilitating the creation of a legislative framework for the department’s mandate to ensure compliance with applicable legislation and enhance corporate governance procedures by state owned companies. As a result, the Legal and Governance sub programmes receive the bulk of the programme’s allocation over the medium term. In line with the laws governing state owned companies, the Minister of Public enterprises is obliged to exercise care in carrying out these responsibilities. Specialist corporate legal expertise is frequently required to assist on issues including proposals by state owned companies, and the assessment of contractual obligations and transactions. Spending on consultants who provide legal services decreased between 2010/11 and 2013/14 as the internal capacity to perform this function increased. However, due to an increase in transaction services, contractual arrangements and governance arrangements, spending on legal costs is expected to increase over the medium term. Over the medium term, 74.5 per cent of the programme’s budget is allocated to spending on compensation of employees, with the number of personnel projected to increase from 19 in 2013/14 to 27 posts in 2016/17. The projected increase in the establishment and its effect on compensation of employees is a continuation of the trend observable between 2010/11 and 2013/14. There were 3 vacancies as at 30 November 2013 due to the scarcity of skills in these sector specific areas. However, these vacancies are in the process of being filled. 4.3 PROGRAMME 3 - PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Purpose: to align the corporate strategies of the SOC with Government’s strategic intent, as well as monitoring and benchmarking their financial and operational performance and capital investment plans. To align shareholder oversight with overarching Government’s economic, social and environmental policies as well as building of focused strategic partnerships between the SOC, strategic customers, suppliers and financial institutions. The sub-programmes in this programme are as follows: • Energy and Broadband Enterprises – Includes Eskom, PBMR and Broadband Infraco. • Manufacturing Enterprises - Includes Denel, Alexkor and SAFCOL. • Transport Enterprises - Includes South African Airways (SAA), South African Express (SAX) and Transnet. • Economic Impact and Policy Alignment – aligns SOC with overarching government economic, social and environmental policies. P 42 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 • Strategic Partnerships – has evolved from the work of the Chief Investment and Portfolio Manager (CIPM) and aims to ensure SOC commercial sustainability and attainment of desired strategic outcomes and objectives by SOC. Energy and Broadband Enterprises comprises: • Management comprises the office of the Deputy Director-General which provides strategic leadership and management of the programme personnel. • Eskom - shareholder management and oversight of the Eskom business, including the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity with particular emphasis on ensuring security of supply. To also provide strategic financial and transactional analysis of Eskom businesses as well as monitoring of its capital investment programme. Additionally, provide oversight of the implementation of the PBMR care and maintenance programme to preserve intellectual property and assets. • Broadband Infraco - shareholder management and oversight of Broadband Infraco and monitoring of the implementation of its investment programme, as well as strategic financial and transactional analysis including interfacing with investors and strategic stakeholders across the sector. Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Over the MTEF period the sub-programme will ensure the following: • Strengthen the department’s oversight role by ensuring the alignment of strategic intent in relation to the state owned companies’ role in achieving government objectives in the energy and information and communication technology sector on an ongoing basis. • Contribute to the enhancement of the performance of state owned companies by: - Evaluating corporate plans to determine whether state owned companies’ performance aligns with agreed key performance indicators, and providing advice and guidance to their boards on an ongoing basis. - Monitoring the implementation of corporate plans and shareholder compacts quarterly - Assessing shareholder and enterprise risk quarterly and advising boards on areas of concern. Eskom • Support the security of electricity supply by: - Examine Eskom’s maintenance plans, operational practices, electricity generation and distribution efficiency, and its reserve margins on an ongoing basis. - Ensuring that Eskom supplies electricity by monitoring, evaluating and engaging with Eskom on system security and the new build programme to alleviate constraints on an ongoing basis. - Monitoring the rollout of the capital investment programme to ensure it is delivered on time, is of appropriate quality and within budget. • Ensure the legal and regulatory compliance of Eskom by regularly engaging with relevant stakeholders such as the department of Energy, Environmental Affairs and Water Affairs and with the National Energy Regulator of South Africa regarding policies and regulations affecting Eskom. • Reduce Eskom’s dependence on funding from the fiscus by monitoring cost escalations for its capital investment programme and operations in order to cost effectively roll out the build programme. • Exercise oversight to ensure that Eskom’s capital investment support local suppliers industries by monitoring the implementation of the competitive supplier industries by the company’s quarterly reports to assess progress. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 43 Broadband Infraco • Support Broadband Infraco in securing government as an anchor client after the fanalisation of the information, communication and technology strategy and the broadband implementation plan, thus contributing to its long term sustainability, which will reduce reliance on government for recapitalisation of the company. Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Energy and Broadband Enterprises for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator 2010/11 Audited/Actual performance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 3.1 Ensure effective shareholder oversight and monitoring of Eskom and Broadband Infraco 2016/17 3.1.1 Approved Corporate Plans aligned to Department and Government Developmental Objectives Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Obtain assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans 3.1.2 Analysis of annual report Annual Report Assessments produced before the AGMs. Annual Report Assessments produced before the AGMs. Annual Report Assessments produced before the AGMs. Draft Annual Report Assessments completed Draft Annual Report Assessed. Draft Annual Report Assessed. Draft Annual Report Assessed. 3.1.3 Minister’s address in preparation of the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs 3.1.4 Strategic Intent Statement Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed 3.1.5 Negotiation and approval of shareholder compact Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Shareholder Compacts approved Approved Shareholder Compacts. Approved Shareholder Compacts. Approved Shareholder Compacts. 3.1.6 Assessment of quarterly reports Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed P 44 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Programme performance indicator 2010/11 3.1.7 Financial and Technical assessment of PFMA Applications Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted 3.2 Stabilise our SOC looking at strengthening their balance sheets and funding options 3.2.1 Funding for BBI Transfer of R138.6 million for capital and operational cost - - - Secure funding for BBI - - 3.2.2 MYPD 3 - - - NERSA decision on MYPD3 application MYPD 3 Implementation Implementation 3.2.3 Position paper on the 10 year tariff path - - - Position paper on the 10 year tariff path - 3.3 Driver economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 3.2.4 Assessment of Eskom Capex Program - - Independent review study of the Eskom’s CAPEX completed Quarterly Assessment of Eskom CAPEX program Review and update Review and update Quarterly targets for financial year 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1 Ensure effective oversight and monitoring of Eskom and Broadband Infraco 3.1.1 Analysis of Eskom and BBI Corporate Plans Annual Assessed Corporate Plan Decision Memo on the assessment of the Corporate Plan submitted - - 3.1.2 Analysis of Annual reports Annual Draft Annual report assessed - - - Assessment of the draft annual report completed DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 45 3.1.3 Minister’s addresses in preparation of the AGMs 3.1.4 Annual Minister’s addresses submitted for the AGMs - Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs - - Strategic Intent Annual Statement (SIS) Strategic Intent Statement developed - Strategic Intent Statement issued - - 3.1.5 Negotiation and approval of shareholder compact Annual Approval of 2015/16 Shareholder Compact - Engagement with SOC on the compact initiated Identification of KPAs and KPIs for Minister’s approval Approved 2015/16 Shareholder Compacts 3.1.6 Assessment of Eskom and BBI quarterly reports Quarterly 4 quarterly reports assessed Quarterly report (Q4) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q1) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q2) assessed and investor brief developed Quarterly report (Q3) assessed and investor brief developed Quarterly Assessment of PFMA applications All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted Progress of report on the participation and project based funding - Assessment of operational and financial key areas Monitoring Road to rail migration 3.1.7 Assessment of PFMA applications 3.2 Stabilise our SOC looking at strengthening of balance sheets and funding options 3.2.1 Funding for BBI Quarterly Secure funding for BBI - - Submission of guarantee application for BBI 3.2.2 MYPD 3 Quarterly Brief Cabinet on Eskom financial challenges Decision Memo on the Business Productivity Program Draft a joint cab memo with National Treasury Shareholder’s loan to equity - - 3.2.3 Position paper on the 10 year tariff path Quarterly Position paper on the 10 year tariff path Engagements government departments and SOC to define the scope Review modelling of various tariff and demand scenarios to determine the optimal tariff Position paper on 10 year tariff path - 3.3 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 2.3.1 P 46 Assessment of Eskom Capex Program Quarterly Quarterly assessment of Eskom CAPEX program Assessment memo on Eskom Capex Program DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Assessment memo on Eskom Capex Program Assessment memo on Eskom Capex Program Assessment memo on Eskom Capex Program Manufacturing Enterprises • Management comprises the office of the Deputy Director-General which provides strategic leadership and management of the programme personnel. •Denel – Shareholder management and oversight of Denel’s financial performance and strategy implementation. • Alexkor – Shareholder management and oversight of Alexkor including review of Alexkor’s strategy to enhance financial sustainability, and overseeing the implementation of the Richtersveld Deed of Settlement. • SAFCOL- shareholder management and oversight including forestry management, timber harvesting, timber processing and related activities, both domestically and internationally as well as oversight of the entity’s restructuring. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Over the MTEF period the sub programme will: • Ensure continuous alignment between shareholder strategic intent and the objective of state owned companies in the defence, mining and forestry sector by annually reviewing their enterprise strategies and mandates in the context of industry and sectorial policy shifts, and alert their boards and enterprises to material deviations. • Support the state owned companies in delivering on their outcome as set out in the shareholder compacts and corporate plan by benchmarking key performance measures annually and analysing quarterly and annual reports in order to assess the extent of progress • Collaborate with other state owned companies to contribute to achieving the national economic development objectives. Denel • Oversee the development of a long term growth strategy to achieve financial stability and growth of manufactured export products. • Leverage off the company’s advanced manufacturing capability through securing work packages in support of the industrialisation drive aligned with industrial policy action plan. Alexkor • Monitoring the implementation of Alexkor’s strategy to promote financial sustainability and monitor the implementation of the pooling and sharing joint venture turnaround strategy to ensure increased production and promote financial stability of joint venture. South African Forestry Company • Oversee the formulation and implementation of the SAFCOL corporate strategy, within the forestry sector over the medium term. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 47 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Manufacturing Enterprises for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets performance 2010/11 2013/14 2011/12 2012/13 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 3.1 Ensure effective shareholder oversight of Denel, SAFCOL and Alexkor 3.1.1 Approved Corporate Plans aligned to Department and Government developmental objectives Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Obtain assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans 3.1.2 Analysis of annual reports Annual Report assessment produced before the AGMS Annual Reports assessment produced before the AGMS Annual Reports produced before the AGMs Draft Annual Report assessed Draft Annual Report Assessed Draft Annual Report Assessed Draft Annual Report Assessed 3.1.3 Minister’s address in preparation of Annual General Meeting (AGM) Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Minister’s main address issued at AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at AGMs 3.1.4 Strategic Intent Statement (SIS) Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed 3.1.5 Negotiation and approval of shareholder compact Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Shareholder Compacts approved Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts 3.1.6 Assessment of quarterly reports Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed 3.1.7 Financial and Technical assessment of PFMA Applications Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes. Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes. Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes. Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes. All received PFMA application assessments submitted All received PFMA application assessments submitted All received PFMA application assessments submitted Monitor implementation Monitor implementation 3.2 Stabilise our SOC looking at strengthening their balance sheets and funding options 3.2.1 P 48 Monitor the Implementation of Alexkor’s Strategy - - - DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Draft Strategy developed by Alexkor Alexkor Strategy approved by the Shareholder to ensure sustainability of the company Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets performance 3.2.2 2010/11 - 2013/14 Review SAFCOL’s New Strategy 2011/12 - 2012/13 Study on state ownership in the forestry sector completed Draft Strategy submitted by the company to the shareholder 2014/15 2015/16 Submission Implemenof SAFCOL’s tation of Strategy to interventions the shareholder for approval 2016/17 Implementation of interventions 3.3 Leverage SOC procurement spend to support industrialisation and transformation 3.3.1 South Africa’s MRO Services Hub - - - - Technical capability assessment of the 3 entities concluded (SAA, SAX and Denel) Structure for the MRO agreed begin integration and monitor implementation Quarterly targets for financial year 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets 2014/15 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1 Ensure effective oversight and monitoring of Denel, Alexkor and SAFCOL 3.1.1 Analysis OF SAFCOL, Denel and Alexkor’s Corporate Plans Annual Assessed Corporate Plans Decision Memo on the assessment of Corporate Plans submitted - - - 3.1.2 Analysis of SAFCOL, Denel and Alexkor’s Annual reports Annual Annual reports assessed - Assessment of draft annual reports completed - - 3.1.3 Minister’s addresses in preparation of the AGMs Annual Minister’s addresses submitted for the AGMs - Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs - - 3.1.4 Strategic Intent Statement (SIS) Annual Strategic Intent Statement developed - Strategic Intent Statement issued - - 3.1.5 Negotiation and approval of shareholder compacts Annual 2015/16 Shareholder compacts approved - Engagement with SOC on the compact initiated Identification of KPA and KPI for Minister’s approval. Approved 2015/16 shareholder compact DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 49 Performance indicator Reporting Period 3.1.6 Quarterly Quarterly Assessment of SAFCOL, Denel and Alexkor’s quarterly reports Annual targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 4 quarterly reports assessed Quarterly report (Q4) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q1) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q2) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q3) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Assessment of PFMA applications All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted 2014/15 • Assessment of operational and financial key areas 3.1.7 Assessment of PFMA applications Quarterly targets 3.2 Stabilise SOC looking at strengthening of balance sheets and funding options 3.2.1 Monitor the implementation of Alexkor’s strategy Quarterly Monitor the Implementation of Alexkor Strategy Monitoring the implementation of the strategy (through the assessment of quarterly reports) Monitoring the implementation of the strategy (through the assessment of quarterly reports) Monitoring the implementation of the strategy (through the assessment of quarterly reports) Monitoring the implementation of the strategy (through the assessment of quarterly reports) 3.2.2 Review SAFCOL’s new strategy Quarterly Submission of SAFCOL’s Strategy to the shareholder for approval - Submission of Corporate Strategy by SAFCOL Assessment and approval of the Corporate Strategy Monitor the implementation of the strategy Develop a benchmarking framework Decision support for the roadmap 3.3 Leverage SOC procurement spend to support industrialisation and transformation 3.3.1 South Africa’s MRO Services Hub Quarterly Technical capability assessment of the 3 entities concluded (SAA,SAX, and Denel) Consultation (internally and externally) Finalisation of the MOU Finalisation of the MOA Finalisation of the TORs TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES Purpose: to align the corporate strategies of Transnet, South African Airways (SAA) and South African Express Airways (SAX) with Government’s strategic intent and to monitor and benchmark their financial and operational performance. The programme comprises of the following sub programmes • Management comprises the office of the Deputy Director-General which provides strategic leadership and management of the programme personnel. • Transnet - shareholder management and oversight of Transnet which includes the capital expansion programme and the effective operation of Transnet and its business units. P 50 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 • SAA and SAX shareholder management and oversight of SAA and SAX as well as monitoring SAA’s transformation into a commercially successful national carrier that will contribute to the development of trade and tourism domestically and the rest of Africa, and overseeing the establishment of SAX as a regional carrier with a focus on the African market. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 Over the MTEF the sub programme will: • Ensure the alignment of the corporate strategies of Transnet, SAA and SAX with government’s strategic intent and ensure that these state owned transport companies remain competitive, financially sustainable, and deliver an optimal service to the economy. • Support Transnet, SAA and SAX in delivering their outcomes by identifying appropriate benchmarks and key performance measures for their respective shareholder compacts and corporate plans and assess their performance on a quarterly and annual basis. • Create an enabling environment for transport enterprises and ensure an appropriate balance between the enterprises’ interests, sustainability and developmental objectives by engaging with policy departments and relevant regulators at least once every quarter to discuss and resolve areas of misalignment; and inform boards of Transnet, SAA and SAX accordingly. • Implement the national corridor performance measurement system, over the medium term, which will identify inefficiencies in the logistics systems in South Africa; contribute to increased competitiveness; ensure an appropriate modal split between road, rail, and pipeline services ensure effective utilisation of existing logistics infrastructure and identify those areas that legitimately qualify for investment and upgrade. • Contribute to and facilitate the national transport policy formulation, as and when required, to achieve improvements in passenger and cargo movements. Transnet • Provide oversight of Transnet’s implementation of the market demand strategy to optimise the economic impact of infrastructure investment on the economy by monitoring the rollout of Transnet’s capital expenditure programme on quarterly and annual basis to assess any significant deviations from corporate plans and potential cost overruns and time delays on major capital projects; and taken necessary action when there are deviations. • Ensures that Transport’s operates an efficient, competitive and responsive transport and logistics systems by: - Reviewing the logistics cost in the economy and finalising the methodology o measure Transnet’s contribution to transport costs as a percentage Gross Domestic Product; this will be completed in March 2016 - Overseeing the introduction of multiple private rail operators on the branch line network to revitalise the rail network , and quantifying the operational efficiency of freight corridors to realise socioeconomic benefits by March 2015 - Monitoring the implementation of the competitive supplier development programme to leverage off Transnet’s locomotive fleet procurement for the development of local railway supplier industries by evaluating progress towards achieving localisation targets in the Transnet quarterly and annual reports. South African Airways and South African Express Airways • Monitor and assist with the implementation of SAA Long Term Turnaround Strategy (LTTS) and SAX 20:20 Vision, on an ongoing basis. • Provide strategic guidance as and when required to strengthen the financial positions of SAA and SAX to ensure their long-term sustainability. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 51 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Transport Enterprises for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator 2010/11 Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2011/12 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2012/13 2013/14 5.1 Effective shareholder oversight of SAA, SAX and Transnet 5.1.1 Approved Corporate Plans aligned to Department and Government Developmental Objectives Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Approved Corporate Plans Obtain assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans Assessed Corporate Plans 5.1.2 Analysis of Annual Report Annual Report assessment produced before the AGMs Annual Report assessment produced before the AGMs Annual Report assessment produced before the AGMs Draft Annual Report assessment completed Draft Annual Report assessed Draft Annual Report assessed Draft Annual Report assessed 5.1.3 Minister’s address in preparation of the Annual General Meeting (AGMS) Strategic Intent Statements issued at the AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at the AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at the AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at the AGMs Minister’s address issued at the AGMs Minister’s address issued at the AGMs Minister’s address issued at the AGMs 5.1.4 Strategic Intent Statement (SIS) Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statements issued at AGMs Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed Strategic Intent Statement developed 5.1.5 Negotiation and approval of Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts Approved Shareholder Compacts 5.1.6 Assessment of quarterly reports Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed Quarterly report assessed 5.1.7 Financial and Technical assessment of PFMA Applications Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister within required timeframes All received PFMA applications assessments submitted All received PFMA applications assessments submitted All received PFMA applications assessments submitted Monitor implementation Monitor implementation 5.2 Stabilise SOC looking at strengthening of balance sheets and funding options 5.2.1 P 52 Monitor the Implementation of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision - - - DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 LTTS supported by the shareholder and presented to Cabinet Quarterly monitoring of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision Programme performance indicator 2010/11 5.2.2 Review Funding requirement for SAA and SAX Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 - - Approval of the guarantees to support the airlines Approval of the LTTS and 20:20 Strategy Funding requirements for SAA and SAX defined Monitor implementation Monitor implementation 5.3 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on SIPs 5.2.3 Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme 5.2.4 Quarterly assessment of the airlines fleet renewal programme - - - - Quarterly assessment of the airlines fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airlines fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airlines fleet renewal programme 5.2.5 Whole-ofstate policy review - - - - Whole-ofstate policy review - - • Fly South Africa policy • Transit visa • Airlift strategy alignment with Tourism with Tourism strategy Quarterly targets for Transport Enterprises for 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets 2014/15 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5.1 Ensure effective oversight and monitoring of Transnet, SAA and SAX 5.1.1 Analysis of Transnet, SAA and SAX Corporate Plans Annual Assessed Corporate Plan Decision memo on the assessment of Corporate Plan submitted - - 5.1.2 Assessment of Annual Reports Annual Annual report assessed - Assessment of the draft annual report completed (SAA and SAX) - Assessment of the draft annual report completed (Transnet) DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 53 Performance indicator Reporting Period 5.1.3 Minister’s addresses in preparation of the AGMs Annual 5.1.4 Strategic Intent Statement (SIS) 5.1.5 Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Minister’s addresses submitted for the AGMs Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs (Transnet) Minister’s addresses issued at the AGMs (SAA and SAX) - - Annual Strategic Intent Statement developed - Strategic Intent Statement issued - - Negotiation and approval of shareholder compacts Annual 2015/16 Shareholder compacts approved - Engagement with SOC on the compact initiated Identification of KPAs and KPIs for Minister’s approval Approved 2015/16 Shareholder Compact 5.1.6 Assessment of Transnet, SAA and SAX quarterly reports Quarterly 4 quarterly reports assessed Quarterly report (Q4) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q1) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q2) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary Quarterly report (Q3) assessed and investor brief developed when necessary 5.1.7 Assessment of PFMA applications Quarterly Assessment of PFMA applications All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted All received PFMA application assessment submitted Quarterly monitoring of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision Quarterly monitoring of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision 5.2 Stabilise our SOC looking at strengthening of balance sheets and funding options 5.2.1 Monitor the implementation of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision Quarterly Monitor the Implementation of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision Quarterly monitoring of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision Quarterly monitoring of the SAA LTTS and SAX 20:20 Vision 5.2.2 Review Funding requirement for SAA and SAX Quarterly Funding requirements for SAA and SAX defined Review of funding requirements for SAA and SAX Submission to National Treasury developed for recapitalisation of the Airlines 5.3 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 5.3.1 Quarterly assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Quarterly Quarterly investment programme assessments Quarterly investment programme assessments Quarterly investment programme assessments Quarterly investment programme assessments Quarterly investment programme assessments 5.3.2 Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme Quarterly Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme Quarterly assessment of the airline’s fleet renewal programme P 54 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Performance indicator Reporting Period 5.3.3 Annually Whole-of-state policy review Annual targets 2014/15 Whole-of-state policy review • Fly south Africa policy • Transit visa • Airlift strategy alignment with Tourism strategy Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th DPE and state owned airlines position paper on the whole – of-state policy DPE and state owned airlines position paper on the whole – of-state policy - - ECONOMIC IMPACT AND POLICY ALIGNMENT The sub-programme has been realigned from a function as a consulting facility (previously in Programme 6: Joint Project Facility) and its purpose is to align Shareholder oversight of SOC in relation to overarching government economic, social and environmental policies, and implement strategic interventions to contribute towards achievement of national objectives in support of economic growth and transformation. This sub-programme comprises: • Management - comprises of the Office of the Deputy Director General, which provides strategic leadership, and management of the programme and special projects (i.e property disposal) • Environmental Policy Alignment - oversee alignment and implementation of SOC Strategically Important Developments (SIDs) with special focus on Eskom’s and Transnet’s Build Programmes. Oversight and alignment of the Climate Change Policy Framework for SOC in support of national policies and the green economy. • Economic Policy Alignment - focuses on appropriate macro-economic modeling and research to enhance the links between industrial policy, macro-economic policy and the role of the SOC. Economic modeling will be outsourced to relevant institutions to determine the impact of SOC investment and operations on the economy including the impact on customers and suppliers. • Transformation, Skills and Youth Development - focuses on the provision of scarce and critical skills by the SOC in support of the National Skills Agenda the New Growth Path (NGP) and the National Development Plan (NDP) as well as optimizing the SOC skills training facilities through National Skills Funding amongst others. The unit’s mandate includes overseeing the alignment and implementation of SOC transformation agenda in support of national policies and the New Growth Path Framework with focus on: Job creation; Youth development and development of targeted groups (i.e. women, people with disabilities, cooperatives, etc); Broad–Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), Employment Equity (EE) and disposal of non-core property. The activities and outputs of this sub-programme entails systematic coordination and partnerships with the relevant government Departments with primary mandate on the above as well as other key stakeholders. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 55 Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 1. Oversee and supervise processes to conduct macro-economic modelling, research and impact evaluation to ensure SOC contribution towards economic growth Enhance alignment between national industrial policy, macro-economic policy and the role of SOC as well as monitor implementation. 2. Oversee processes to ensure that SOC comply with the environmental laws and optimise the impact of SOC on the reduction of carbon emissions and development of a green economy, while supporting SOC business needs. 3. Oversee alignment and implementation of SOC economic and social transformation agenda in support of national policies and economic growth, with specific focus on skills development, job creation, procurement/BBBEE and corporate social investments targeted at designated groups (youth, women, PWD and co-operatives, etc) Programme Performance Indicators & Annual Targets for Economic Impact & Policy Alignment for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2010/11 2013/14 2014/15 2011/12 2012/13 2015/16 2016/17 6.1 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 6.1.1 Transet’s pricing structure assessment - - - - Impact assessment reports on Transnet Pricing Structure on logistical costs Monitor progress of the adjustments Monitor progress of the adjustments 6.1.2 Monitor the Streamlining of environmental processes (EIAs, WUL,WA and AEL through MoU structures) - - Quarterly monitoring of the applications Quarterly monitoring of the applications Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs applications on Dashboard Quarterly monitoring of the applications Quarterly monitoring of the applications 6.2 Leverage SOC developmental and transformation interventions to support socio-economic objectives 6.2.1 Approved Transformation Framework and Guidelines - - - Draft framework Transformation strategic Framework and Guideline approved Monitoring implementation Monitoring Implementation 6.2.2 Developed Transformation measurement tool - - - Transformation measurement tool Transformation measurement tool developed Monitoring implementation Monitoring implementation P 56 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2010/11 2013/14 2014/15 2011/12 2012/13 2015/16 2016/17 6.2.3 Defined transformation indicators the shareholder compacts - - Transformation indicators incorporated in shareholder compacts Transformation indicators incorporated in shareholder compacts SOC Transformation indicators incorporated in shareholder compacts and Corporate Plan defined SOC Transformation indicators incorporated in shareholder compacts SOC Transformation indicators incorporated in shareholder compacts 6.2.4 SOC contribution to transformation monitored and assessed - - Reports on SOC contribution to transformation Reports on SOC contribution to transformation Transformation implementation monitored and assessed Transformation implementation monitored and assessed Transformation implementation monitored and assessed Quarterly targets for Economic Impact and Policy Alignment for 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets 2014/15 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7.1 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 7.1.1 Transnet pricing structure assessment Quarterly Impact assessment reports on Transnet Pricing Structure on logistical cost - Best practice review and stakeholder engagements Draft pricing structure and assess impact of the pricing structure Validate pricing structure and submit proposal to the shareholder 7.1.2 Monitor Quarterly Streamlining of environmental processes (EIAs, WUL, WA and AEL through MoU structures) Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs & EIAs applications on Dashboard Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs & EIAs applications on Dashboard Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs & EIAs applications on Dashboard Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs & EIAs applications on Dashboard Analysis of SOC quarterly WULs & EIAs applications on Dashboard 7.2 Leverage SOC developmental and transformation interventions to support socio-economic objectives Develop TORs for Transformation framework and Guidelines internal procurement process 7.2.1 Quarterly Approved Transformation Framework and Guidelines Transformation strategic Framework and Guideline approved 7.2.2 Quarterly Developed Transformation measurement tool Draft Transformation measurement tool developed Facilitation of the Stakeholder Consultation process by appointed services provider Finalise and undertake approval process of Transformation Framework AND Guidelines Review SOC shareholder compacts KPIs against the Framework. - - Develop a draft measurement tool and check lists DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 57 Performance indicator Reporting Period 7.2.3 Defined Quarterly Transformation indicators in the Shareholder compact 7.2.4 SOC conQuarterly tribution to Transformation monitored and assessed Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 1st 2nd 3rd 4th SOC socio-economic indicators in Shareholder Compacts and Corporate Plans defined - Engage SOC to define socio-economic indicators in the Shareholder Compacts Conclude engagement process and incorporate final indicators into the Compacts Inputs on the approval process of the Compacts Reports on SOC transformation contribution Quarterly assessment reports Quarterly assessment reports Quarterly assessment reports Quarterly assessment reports STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS The sub-programme drives the building of strategic relationships between SOC and key customer and supplier sectors to transform the sectoral and social composition of the economy. The sub-programme comprises of the following components • Management comprises the office of the Deputy Director-General which provides strategic leadership and management of the programme personnel. • Project Oversight - definition of catalytic investments to be driven by DPE and oversight of project implementation from pre-feasibility to completion, including the design of relevant compacts. • Funding Mechanisms - development of innovative funding structures and design of associated compacts with relevant partners. • Strategic Relationships - development of overarching procurement leverage policies; oversight of SOC fleet procurement design and implementation, and development and implementation of capability building programmes and institutions. Strategic Objective Annual Targets for 2014/15 1. Oversight of catalytic project implementation from pre-feasibility to completion, including the design of relevant compacts. 2. Implementation of innovative funding structures and design of associated compacts with relevant partners. 3. Oversight of Eskom’s and Transnet’s implementation of the Competitive Supplier Development Programme; oversight of Transnet’s locomotive fleet procurement design and implementation, and development and implementation of Executive Leadership Programme. P 58 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets for Strategic Partnerships for 2014/15 Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 2010/11 2013/14 2014/15 2011/12 2012/13 2015/16 2016/17 6.1 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 6.1.1 DPE MOA with DBSA - - - Establishment of the Steering Committee to evaluate projects Projects Evaluation by the Steering Committee Projects Evaluation by the Steering Committee Projects Evaluation by the Steering Committee 6.1.2 Funding strategy for SOC - - - - Funding proposals for key infrastructure projects that are part of the SIPs Monitor implementation and project evaluations Monitor implementation and project evaluations 6.1.3 Private sec- tor participation concept framework - - Draft private sector participation framework Approved private sector participation framework Monitor implementation Monitor implementation 6.1.4 Implementation of the Africa Strategy - - - Establishment Africa Stratof the Steeregy Project ing CommitPipeline tee Update project pipeline and monitor implementation Update project pipeline and monitor implementation 6.1.5 Coal Mining Fund - - - - Quarterly monitoring on the establishment of the Fund Monitor on a quarterly basis expenditure and projects funded by the Fund Monitor on a quarterly basis expenditure and projects funded by the Fund 6.1.6 Project Management Office - - - Project Management Office Structure approved Operational PMO within the Department Quarterly reports on SIPs within the portfolio of SOC reporting to the Department Quarterly reports on SIPs within the portfolio of SOC reporting to the Department 6.2 Leveraging SOC procurement spend programmes to support industrialisation and transformation 6.2.1 Strategic SOC customer sector forum – Oil and Gas and Boat Repair - - - - Proposals on service offering improvements by Transnet monitor progress Monitor progress DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 59 Programme performance indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance Medium-term targets 6.2.2 Strategic SOC customer sector forum – Automotive 2010/11 - 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Monitor progress Monitor progress 6.2.3 DPE-SOC industrialisation and localisation forum - - - Approved supplier development plans and Forum established Quarterly meeting of the DPE-SOC industrialization and localization forum Quarterly meeting of the DPE-SOC industrialization and localization forum Quarterly meeting of the DPE-SOC industrialization and localization forum - - - Proposals on service offering improvements by Transnet 2016/17 Quarterly targets for strategic partnerships for 2014/15 Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual targets 2014/15 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6.1 Drive economic infrastructure investment to enhance the capacity of the economy with emphasis on the SIPs 6.1.1 DPE MOA with DBSA Quarterly Establish steering committee for the review of key infrastructure projects for funding Establish the secretariat functions to support the steering committee and its activities Schedule quarterly meeting to review and refer projects to DBSA for funding Schedule quarterly meeting to review and refer projects to DBSA for funding Schedule quarterly meeting to review and refer projects to DBSA for funding 6.1.2 Funding strategy for SOC Quarterly Funding proposal for key infrastructure projects that are part of SIPs Assessment of funding requirements of SIPs projects that are lead by SOC in the Department’s portfolio Assess SOC equity and debt requirements Proposals on the Common Borrowing Authority and infrastructure bond Begin consultation with National Treasury and private sector and agree implementation plan with SOC 6.1.3 Private sector participation concept framework Quarterly Draft Private sector participation framework Appoint specialist team to design the guidelines for private sector participation Consultation with SOC on the concept and approach Consultation with SOC on the concept and approach Agreement reached with SOC on the application of the private sector participation framework 6.1.4 Implementation of the Africa Strategy Quarterly Establishment of the Steering Committee Set up the Project pipeline developed coordination structure and updated (steering committee) to drive Africa strategy Update project Update project pipeline pipeline 6.1.5 Coal Mining Fund Quarterly Quarterly monitoring of the establishment of the fund Review and advice on the structuring of the Coal Mining Fund Monitor progress on a quarterly basis on the establishment of the fund P 60 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Participation in the engagement with the private sector on the positioning of the fund Monitor progress on a quarterly basis on the establishment of the fund Performance indicator 6.1.6 Reporting Period Project Management Office Annual targets Quarterly targets 2014/15 Quarterly Operational PMO within DPE 1st 2nd 3rd PMO Structure implemented Recruitment of key staff initiated Monte Carlo Dashboard simulations development and probability training of the staff PICC Quarterly Reports submitted PICC Quarterly Reports submitted PICC Quarterly Reports submitted PICC Quarterly Reports submitted 4th 6.2 Leverage SOC procurement spend to support industrialisation and transformation 6.2.1 Strategic SOC customer sector forum – Oil and Gas and Boat Repair Quarterly 6.2.2 Strategic SOC customer sector forum – Automotive 6.2.3 DPE – SOC industrialisation and localisation Forum Quarterly Proposals on service offering improvements by Transnet Oil and Gas and Boat Repair service requirements defined Gap analysis undertaken on the service requirements of the industry and services currently provided by Transnet Value proposition to meet industry requirements Submission of the proposals to the shareholder for consideration Proposals on service offering improvements by Transnet Develop TORs for the review of Transnet services against industry requirements Obtain approval of TOR and commission the study Proposals on service improvements developed based on the study Oversee implementation of the proposals Quarterly meetings of the Forum Quarterly meetings of the Forum Quarterly meetings of the Forum Quarterly meetings of the Forum Quarterly meetings of the Forum 4.3.2 Reconciling Performance Targets with the Budget and MTEF Table 4: Portfolio Management and Strategic Partnerships 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Energy and Broadband Enterprises 170,857 56,488 13,944 17,731 17,731 17,708 21,082 22,032 Manufacturing Enterprises 225,595 123,423 1,178,268 72,896 72,896 18,131 17,975 18,796 Transport Enterprises 19,077 18,752 20,030 20,089 20,089 24,297 25,038 24,089 Economic Impact and Policy Alignment 10,134 11,744 9,990 19,139 19,139 13,286 14,054 14,637 Strategic Partnerships 11,493 7,555 5,973 10,914 10,914 10,274 15,111 20,897 Total 437,156 217,962 1,228,205 140,769 140,769 83,696 93,260 100,451 Rand thousand Subprogrammes Economic classification Current payments 61,260 61,707 59,821 83,519 83,519 83,696 93,260 100,451 Compensation of employees 33,948 31,665 34,502 50,086 50,086 60,404 64,535 70,126 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 61 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Salaries and wages 32,780 31,665 34,502 Adjusted Appropriation Social contributions 1,168 - Goods and services 27,312 Administrative fees - Rand thousand 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Estimate Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline 50,086 50,086 60,404 64,535 70,126 - - - - - - 30,042 25,319 33,433 33,433 23,292 28,725 30,325 - - 803 803 - - - Advertising - 7 38 - - - - - Assets less than the capitalisation threshold - - - - - - - - Catering: Departmental activities 112 108 120 313 313 90 95 98 Communication (G&S) 298 318 273 675 675 682 720 759 Consultants and professional services: Business and advisory services 22,558 23,156 16,348 19,601 19,601 15,200 20,418 21,298 Consultants and professional services: Legal costs 146 - - - - - - - Contractors 1 1 36 2 2 - - - Agency and support / outsourced services - - - 450 450 - - - Entertainment - 2 - 52 52 46 47 47 Fleet services (including government motor transport) - - - 41 41 - - - Inventory: Clothing material and accessories - - - 14 14 - - - Inventory: Materials and supplies - - 1 - - - - - Inventory: Medical supplies - - 3 - - - - - Inventory: Medicine - - 2 - - - - - Consumable: Stationery, printing and office supplies 2 5 3 65 65 - - - Operating leases - - - 316 316 - - - Travel and subsistence 3,162 5,364 5,908 8,639 8,639 6,754 6,897 7,545 Training and development 352 334 386 57 57 - - - Operating payments 82 302 941 44 44 - - - Venues and facilities 599 445 1,260 2,361 2,361 520 548 578 P 62 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Rand thousand Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Adjusted Appropriation Transfers and subsidies 237,296 156,255 118,384 237,296 156,255 118,313 Public corporations and private enterprises 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Estimate Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline 57,250 57,250 - - - 57,250 57,250 - - - Public corporations 237,296 156,255 118,313 57,250 57,250 - - - Other transfers to public corporations 237,296 156,255 118,313 57,250 57,250 - - - Households - - 71 - - - - - Other transfers to households - - 71 - - - - - Payments for capital assets - - - - - - - - Payments for financial assets 138,600 - 1,050,000 - - - - - Total 437,156 217,962 1,228,205 140,769 140,769 83,696 93,260 100,451 DETAIL OF TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Recipient Audited outcome Audited outcome Audited outcome Adjusted Appropriation Revised Estimate Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Revised Baseline Denel (Pty) Ltd 181,296 116,255 118,313 57,250 57,250 - - - Alexkor Ltd 36,000 - - - - - - - Pebble Bed Modular Reactor 20,000 40,000 - - - - - - Employee social benefit - - 71 - - - - - Total 237,296 156,255 118,384 57,250 57,250 - - - Rand thousand Performance and expenditure trends The spending focus over the medium term will be on enhancing the capacity to boosting the department’s capacity to oversee strategic infrastructure projects. This includes training staff and developing new project management tools to improve oversight of the current build programme. Because of the need to provide effective oversight to the state owned companies spending on compensation of employees increased over the medium term. The increase in the number of personnel from 90 in 2013/14 to 97 in 2016/17 is attributed to additional approved and funded posts, which come into effect in 2014/15 to strengthen the strategic oversight function of the department on infrastructure projects. As at 30 November 2013 there were 4 vacancies due to new positions created, which will be filled by 2014/15. The department makes use of consultants for specialised services in transport, manufacturing, energy and broadband sectors, which, notwithstanding the increased capacity in the department is still a necessity. Due to realignment of functions expenditure on goods and services is expected to decrease over the medium term. In the Energy and Broadband Enterprises and Manufacturing Enterprises sub programmes, expenditure deceased significantly between 2011/12 and 2013/14, and is expected to decrease over the medium term due to once-off recapitalising payments in 2012/13 to the state owned companies. Between 201/11 and 2012/13, a total of R473.2 million was paid to Denel for claims under an indemnity agreement, while Denel DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 63 received a further R700 million in 2012/13 for recapitalising the entity. In 2010/11, R36 million was paid to Alexkor to establish a joint venture with the Richtersveld community under and out of court settlement for land claims. A further R350 million was allocated to the entity in 2012/13 to address liabilities in terms of the deed of settlement and other obligations. Between 2010/11 and 2011/12 a total of R60 million was transferred to the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor company to comply with statutory requirements for the decommissioning and dismantling of the fuel development laboratory and implementation of the care and maintenance programme. Broadband Infraco received R138.6 million for capital and operational costs; this is reflected as a payment for financial assets during 2010/11. P 64 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 PART C LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 5. LINKS TO THE LONG-TERM INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER CAPITAL PLANS Not Applicable 6. CONDITIONAL GRANTS Not Applicable 7. STATE OWNED COMPANIES REPORTING TO THE DEPARTMENT 7.1 Alexkor Alexkor reported better results for the year ended 31 March 2011 than the previous year’s performance. Alexkor achieved revenue of R195.9 million in 2010/11, and this a 19.5% increase from the R163.9 million achieved in the previous year. Alexkor recorded a gross operating profit of R11.3 million, its first gross operating profit since 2005/06. Net profit for the year amounted to R84.2 million. The improved performance is mainly as a result of higher carat production (13.3% higher carat production achieved compared to the previous year) coupled with better cost management. The Settlement Agreement reached between Alexkor, Government and the Richtersveld Community in the matter of the Richtersveld Community’s land claim against Alexkor and the State entails, inter alia, that Alexkor transfer its land mining rights to Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC).The parties agreed to form a Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture (PSJV) between Alexkor and the Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC) as follows: • Alexkor will remain the holder of its marine mining rights and RMC will remain the holder of its land mining rights; • Alexkor and RMC will respectively put their marine mining rights and their land mining rights under the full control of a Joint Board of the Joint Venture for purposes of mining both the marine mining resources and the land diamond resources. Alexkor and the Richtersveld Mining Company are each entitled to appoint, remove and replace three (3) members of the Joint Board, who shall be duly authorised to represent that party in respect of all matters relating to the pooled operations • Alexkor will have a beneficial interest of 51% in the PSJV and the Richtersveld Community, through RMC, will hold a 49 % interest The commencement of the PSJV was subject to the fulfilment of a number of suspensive conditions namely that: • RMC and Alexkor must obtain the required approvals to implement the pooling transaction from the Competition Authorities under the Competition Act, 1998; all on an unconditional basis or under circumstances where any conditions attached to any of such approvals, that such conditions are reasonably acceptable to Alexkor and the RMC. The Competition Commission subsequently advised that the transaction was not notifiable; • The Land Claims Court grants an order confirming or noting the Deed of Settlement and, to the extent necessary, the terms, provisions and conditions of the PSJV. The Land Claims Court made the DoS an order of court on 9 October 2007; • The existing Environmental Management Plan of Alexkor be amended as contemplated in the Deed of Settlement. Alexkor’s revised EMP was submitted to the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in November 2008; and P 66 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 • The land mining rights are transferred to RMC with the permission of the Minister of Minerals and Energy, as contemplated in clause 8.2 of the Deed of Settlement. The Notarial Deed of Cession of the Alexkor land mining right (transferring Alexkor’s land mining right to RMC) was registered by the Mineral and Petroleum Titles Registration Office on 6 April 2011. All the suspensive conditions for the PSJV to come into effect have been fulfilled. Effectively what this means is that given that Alexkor has transferred its land mining rights to the Richtersveld Mining Company, and that the PSJV has now come into effect, Alexkor’s operations in Alexander Bay now fall under the control of the Joint Board of the PSJV. In terms of the Deed of Settlement, Alexkor and RMC is each entitled to appoint, remove and replace three members of the Joint Board, who shall be duly authorised to represent that party in respect of all matters relating to the pooled operations. The Joint Board has overall supervision of the operations of the pooled operations and will prepare a development plan in order to upgrade the land and sea diamond resources at Alexander Bay. An amount of R200 million was allocated to the PSJV, which will be expended both with respect to the land and sea operations, for the establishment of a viable mining operation. Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the Deed of Settlement signed with the. Alexkor’s agricultural and maricultural assets have been transferred to the community. All Alexkor, State and Northern Cape Provincial land has been transferred, except for the properties in Alexander Bay Township. These properties will be transferred to the community soon after the upgrade of the township’s civil and electrical engineering services to municipal standards. The township upgrade project is expected to be completed in June 2012. The Deed of Settlement has considerably changed the landscape of Alexkor and its strategic outlook. Alexkor currently has the following outstanding obligations and liabilities: 1. Environmental rehabilitation liability at Alexander Bay mine: R256.7 million; 2. Payment to Richtersveld Property Holding Company to secure Alexkor’s right of occupation of the transferred residential properties for a period of 10 years: R45 million; 3. Post-retirement medical aid liability: R58.4 million. Given that the PSJV has now come into effect, Alexkor’s operations in Alexander Bay will fall under the control of the Joint Board of the PSJV. Alexkor’s only source of revenue to fund its obligations and liabilities is revenue from the 51% interest in the profits of the PSJV operations. It is not expected that the mining operations under the PSJV will generate positive returns within the first three years, as the PSJV will first embark on exploration. Alexkor’s financial resources are currently insufficient to meet its obligations and liabilities. Alexkor must therefore actively seek opportunities to procure new mining ventures to secure new revenue streams beyond the Alexander Bay, and independent of the PSJV operations. This will ensure Alexkor’s future growth and sustainability and enable the company to effectively address its historical obligations and liabilities. In pursuance of this new strategy, Alexkor will be guided by Government’s policy objectives. Alexkor will also explore opportunities for downstream beneficiation, to contribute to the creation of new jobs, development of requisite skills, investment in research and development, economic growth, sustainable development and cost-effective support for the broader policies of government. As these opportunities will undoubtedly require funding, it will be important to explore different funding mechanisms and sources available for the new mining ventures, so as not to depend entirely on the fiscus to fund Alexkor’s growth opportunities. The new business ventures will bolster the sustainability of the company and contribute to the broader developmental objectives of Government. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 67 7.2 Broadband Infraco Broadband Infraco SOC Limited is a state SOC in the telecommunications sector, intended to improve market efficiency in the long distance connectivity segment by increasing available long distance network infrastructure and capacity to stimulate private sector development and innovation in telecommunications services and content offerings, as well as to provide long distance national and international connectivity to previously under serviced areas. The value proposition of the Company is that the existing National Backhaul can and should be leveraged in an expanded manner in that a wider range of services more aligned with large operators can be offered. This value proposition is fully supported by the Government which is evidenced by the appointment of Broadband Infraco as the coordinating agent of the Strategic Integrated Project 15 (SIP 15) as part of the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) which is chaired by the President of RSA. SIP 15 deals with “Expanding Access to Communications Technology” which seeks to ensure 100% broadband coverage to all households by 2020 through a creation of several layers of connectivity across the country by establishing core Points of Presence (POPs) in district municipalities, extend fibres and radio networks across provinces linking districts, establish POPs, fibres and radio connectivity at local level, and further expanding the network into deep rural areas. Apart from the said national imperatives, there is also the critical role that the Company plays in consolidating International, Regional and Provincial connectivity. Pursuant to achieving the above value proposition and the mandate, the Company made strong strides as recorded in its 2011/12 financial year highlights: • The Company turned cash positive, posting R52.1 million generated from operations, for the first time in Broadband Infraco’s history. • The company received an unqualified audit recovering from the last year’s (2010/11) qualified audit opinion. • Managed service revenues continue to grow with the customer base increasing from 3 last year (2010/11) to 7 this year (2011/12) and the company worked hard to improve network integrity to meet customer expectations. • Segment commissioning of the West Africa Cable system (WACS) was completed in March 2012, with interconnection to the terrestrial network on track for completion in early 2012/13. • The Company has successfully expanded maintenance activities on the 12 750 km fibre footprint to twelve sites across South Africa with 110 Points of Presence (POPs) established nationally of which 55 of these are in under-serviced areas. However in order for the company to entirely fulfil its mandate, investment is required to revitalise the network, expand metro access to enable connectivity to other Information Communications Technology (ICT) operators as well deliver on the mandate of expanding broadband access to all. Also the regulatory aspects of Broadband Infraco will need to be unlocked with regards to the licensing of the company. The individual Electronic Communications Network Services (i-ECNS) license issued to Broadband Infraco, means that the company is able to execute most of its mandate and selected business model, by providing network services to the majority of its intended customers (i.e. limited to other ECNS/ECS licensed operators or licensed exempt entities). However, because of the restrictions included in the definition of Electronic Communications Services (ECS), Broadband Infraco may not provide services directly to end users or to unlicensed State entities since it lacks the ECS license. P 68 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 7.3 Denel Although Denel has made some progress since the company embarked on a turn-around strategy in 2005, the solvency position of Denel continues to pose serious challenges. Nonetheless, the turnaround strategy has seen a noticeable reversal of the downward spiral in the fortunes of Denel. Since 2005, when the company posted a loss of R1.6 billion, Denel has steadily reduced its losses and recorded a R111 million profit in the 2010/11 financial year. Denel’s Aerostructures business remains a challenge to the entire Denel group as it continues to be the major contributor to Denel’s losses. This is largely as a result of the A400M contract concluded with Airbus Military which is not commercially viable. A framework for the resolution of DSA has been developed and is underway. The framework included internal restructuring and renegotiation of the Airbus A400M work package contracts. The 28% improvement in the performance of the Aerostructures business in the previous year was an encouraging sign that the company is beginning to turnaround, mainly due to the ongoing restructuring in the business. Whilst the trading losses in the other trading entities have been reduced, some of Denel’s business entities remain financially challenged. A more robust turn-around plan; one that pursues financial recovery and stability through improvements in its operational and financial performance needs to be developed to secure the company’s long term viability. The current mandate of Denel is to: • Provide the Department of Defence (DoD) with key strategic defence equipment and services in an efficient and sustainable manner; • Contribute towards the building of a dynamic defence-related industrial cluster; • Act as a catalyst for advanced manufacturing in the broader economy and; and • Earn export revenue. In the main, the current mandate of Denel is still relevant as it points to the company being a strategic state asset that provides the DoD with key strategic defence equipment and services. However, Denel’s current defence-related strategy is not optimally aligned with the DoD’s strategic defence requirements. A structured mechanism will thus be required in order to effect the necessary re-alignment of Denel’s defence-related strategies with those of the DoD. Globally, cutbacks in defence budgets may be seen in the lower turnover figures for companies specializing in defence. The reduction in orders for the defence industry has been reflected by a contraction of activity and has led to an unsustainable rise in production costs due to reductions in economies of scale. Shrinking defence budgets have resulted in the scaling back of certain procurement programmes, with lower economies of scale and increasing unit costs. In addition to this first source of cost increases, the defence industry is subject to the general phenomenon of increases in Research and Development (R&D) spending (and hence overheads). When combined, these two trends lead to an increase in unit costs of such magnitude that they can no longer be covered solely by military budgets. There is thus a need to re-think Denel’s strategic direction going forward. Given the downward trends in domestic defence spending, Denel must increasingly rationalize defence production, while concentrating on its competitive strengths. Denel must pare back its product lines, collaborate with other firms that have complementary technological assets, and focus on poles of excellence where it enjoys a technical or market advantage. Denel needs to limit its dependence on defence work and expand its market share in commercial areas, as well as exploring new markets for its product offerings. In the current environment, those companies whose economic survival depends on a narrow range of military products will be exposed to sharp fluctuations in procurement, putting them at risk of going out of business. The more a firm is diversified into the civil sector, the better it can survive slowdowns in military or commercial sales; assuming, of course, that both markets do not decline simultaneously. Denel must diversify by developing civil spin-offs of its core military technologies. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 69 The ability to offer products to both civilian and military markets also holds out the prospect of restructuring production operations to benefit from joint expenditure and various synergies. Diversification into civilian sectors will make up for the drop in military budgets and exploit technological dynamics. One further trend that Denel and the country may have to consider is increased collaboration on military programmes to contain escalating R&D costs. The success achieved in the A-Darter programme with Brazil provides the country with a blueprint. This will assist both Denel and the country to continue improving capabilities whilst containing costs. The advanced industry results in networks of skills and technologies being created in order to deliver the high technology products and/or services. During this process, the newly created skills and knowledge are provided free of charge to other firms in related industries. The process of ‘learning by doing’ is one of the most effective ways of learning and innovating as it is aims at building tacit knowledge – the most difficult type of knowledge to generate and transfer. The development of new knowledge and skills by the advanced industry is analogous to what occurs at a university. However, in an advanced industry the skills development and learning is not restricted to graduate level as it also takes place at the unskilled and artisan level. In addition to skills and technology development, a commercial product is being produced which creates revenue and a sustainable learning environment. Denel will be expected to accelerate its efforts towards skills-development and transformation. The company must generate skills across the full spectrum, ranging from artisan level to engineers and highly skilled technologists. 7.4 Eskom Eskom generates 95 per cent of the electricity used in South Africa and 45 per cent of the electricity used in Africa. Eskom’s reserve margin has been steadily declining since 1999 as a result of increasing demand, increases in maintenance backlogs, and under-investment in the new generation capacity required to meet rising demand. This was particularly acute in January 2008, when the reserve margin dropped to alarmingly low levels (3.6 percent commercially available), which resulted in extensive load shedding that impacted the economy negatively, and diminished investor confidence in Eskom’s ability to provide reliable electricity supply. Eskom has since introduced a recovery plan, which includes securing enough primary energy (coal stockpile to 42 days level). This has resulted in the average reserve margin increasing to over 10 percent commercially available. Additionally, Eskom has since 2004 been undertaking a capacity expansion (build) programme to ensure the secure and reliable supply of electricity. Completed projects between 2005/06 and 2011/12 include the return to service and construction of three power stations. As a result, Eskom installed and commissioned 5 381MW of additional generating capacity into the system and installed and strengthened 3 531 km of transmission networks. The focus for 2012/13 includes securing the balance of the required funding to complete the new build programme; monitoring the rollout of this programme improving operational and maintenance performance to ensure security of supply; assessing the role of Eskom in the implementation of the IRP 2010, and developing the appropriate investment plan for Eskom’s future build programme. Over the five-year period from 2011/12 to 2017/18, the cost of Eskom’s build programme is estimated at R453 billion. Eskom plans to deliver additional 11 699MW of capacity into the system and to install 1 169 km of transmission network by 2017/18. Eskom continues on its profitability path, recording a net profit after tax of R8.4 billion for the 2010/2011financial year, following a net profit of R3.6 billion in the 2009/10 financial year. The operating profit for the year was R16.4 billion while in 2009/10 it was R4.8 billion. The 139% increase in profitability can be attributed mainly to the tariff increases in the 2010/11 financial year, rather than sales volume. P 70 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 - Cabinet approval was obtained for Eskom to be granted R174 billion additional guarantees, bringing the total guarantee framework to R350 billion. As a result of the Government Support Package, Eskom was able to issue a US$ bond and raise R12 billion, without utilising a Government guarantee. Eskom’s funding plan to 2017 has been finalised, and 70% of the funding has been secured. 7.5 Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) mention that PBMR is now with Eskom The PBMR project was initially set up as a nuclear architect engineering company focused on the design and licensing of a standardised nuclear heat supply system and pebble fuel. It was established in 1999 to develop and market small scale, high temperature reactors locally and internationally. The company has not been able to acquire additional investment into the PBMR project, nor has it been able to acquire a customer, despite revising its business model in 2008/09, since Government’s last funding allocation in 2007, of which the last transfer was made in 2009/10. The company’s business model was subsequently revised in May 2009 and the company’s main focus will be the preservation and maintenance of intellectual property and assets. In the light of the PBMR’s participation, a consortium in the United States Department of Energy’s next generation nuclear programme which did not materialise, Cabinet approved that the company be placed into care and maintenance to protect its intellectual property and assets, while ensuring that no additional funding will be required from Government. The Department of Public Enterprises will therefore be monitoring the implementation of this transition. No further funds have been committed by Government, except for R20 million, which was provided in the adjustments budget and which was disbursed in 2010/11, and a further R40 million disbursement in 2011/12. These funds were allocated to ensure that the necessary provision for the statutory requirement for decommissioning and dismantling the fuel development laboratory is met by the company. During 2011/12, the Department commissioned a retrospective review of the PBMR project, as part of the winding down of PBMR in line with Cabinet decision. The focus for 2012/13 includes assessing the recommendations of the retrospective reviews, and monthly and quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the care and maintenance strategy. 7.6 South African Forestry Company South African Forestry Company (SAFCOL) manages and develops commercial forests. The company’s activities include forestry management and timber harvesting and processing. The company’s main subsidiary, Komatiland Forests, operates in Mpumalanga, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique. Softwood saw timber is sold in South Africa and soft and hardwood saw timber and pulp wood in Mozambique. Komatiland Forests has an 80 per cent shareholding in the Mozambican forestry company, Indùstrias Florestais de Manica (IFLOMA), while the remaining 20 per cent is held by the Mozambican government through its Instituto de Gestão das Participações do Estado. The company plays an important role in rural development, and various enterprise development projects have been initiated to contribute to poverty alleviation in the rural areas in which it operates. In 2007, the Minister of Public Enterprises extended the disposal of the company by five years to 2011/12 to allow for the resolution of the land claims lodged with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, since 61 per cent of South African Forestry Company land is subject to land claims, with the understanding that shareholder value would be preserved in the interim. However, the company’s operations and revenue have been severely impacted by the prevailing economic conditions over the past two years. The company reported a net loss of R468.9 million in 2009/10, yet has since seen improvements, with the net loss of DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 71 R79.1million in 2010/11, SAFCOL managed to turnaround the previous two year’s results by generating cash from operations of R73m and posting a net profit of R205m for the 2011/12 financial year. Government is currently re-examining the privatisation of Komatiland Forests and the future role of the South African Forestry Company, in the context of the developmental state. While the Department is carrying out its own review, the Presidency is conducting a broader review of State Owned Enterprises across all spheres of Government. The department will be engaging closely with the Presidential Review Committee on the implications for the company, as well as other key stakeholders such as the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. Thereafter, a joint proposal will be submitted to Cabinet for consideration. 7.7 South African Airways South African Airways (SAA) is South Africa’s national air carrier which operates a full service network in the international, regional and domestic markets, from its head office at OR Tambo International Airport. Following the 2009/10 appointment of a new board of directors and a new Chief Executive Officer, SAA continues to build on the successes achieved from the restructuring exercise where savings of R2.5 billion were achieved over an 18-month period to March 2009. The airline achieved a net profit of R398 million in 2008/09, profits of R323 million in 2009/10 and profits of R649 million in 2010/11 financial years, respectively. The sustained profits were as a result of strict cost control and lower hedging losses that have reduced over the period from R1.564 billion in 2008/09 financial year to R970 million in the 2009/10 financial year, and R202 million in 2010/11 financial year. The repayment of R1.567 billion in September 2009 following the recapitalisation of SAA by government also led to savings in interest payment of about R100 million per annum. Despite the improvements in profitability there are still challenges with cash generation. This follows reduced forward sales as a result of the slowdown in the world economy. The decline in the cash position resulted in a request for government support in 2009 when government provided a R1.6 billion going concern guarantee. The provision of this guarantee was based on certain commitments made by SAA, to ensure that the achievements made with the 2007-09 restructuring exercise were sustained. The department and National Treasury are jointly monitoring the implementation of the commitments although these were recently revised in 2011 in consideration of current economic circumstances. To date, SAA has only utilised R437 million for Air Traffic Liability guarantee from the R1.6 billion guarantee from National Treasury. This indicates that SAA has additional guarantee of R1.163 billion to utilise should the need arise. In the 2010/11 financial year SAA achieved twenty of the thirty four Key Performance Indicators. In addition, there have been significant improvements in procurement processes and compliance with the PFMA. The legacy agreement for the purchase of Airbus A320 aircraft was satisfactorily resolved in the 2009/10 financial year by rescheduling the delivery dates of the aircraft from 2010 to 2013. Delivery of the first aircraft under the contract will be in middle of 2013. SAA is developing a financing plan which as industry practice requires should be in place at least 6 months before the first delivery. The worsening market conditions in the airline industry, has required government to provide additional support to the Airline to ensure that it continues to function as a going concern. For the period ahead, the focus will be to ensure the finalisation of the turnaround plan as part of the guarantee requirement and its sustained implementation, implementation of the fleet acquisition programme, consolidate SAA’s Route Network in the African market, and establish South African Airways Technical as an African Maintenance Repair Overhaul centre of excellence. These will seek to ensure consistent generation of bottom line profits to strengthen the airline’s balance sheet. The filling of critical posts, in particular, the appointment of the CEO will also be prioritised by the shareholder. P 72 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 7.8 South African Express Airways South African Express Airways (SAX) was established in 1994 and transferred to the Department of Public Enterprises in 2008/09. It operates regional and domestic flights from OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, serving secondary routes in South Africa and the continent. SAX operates regional routes to Botswana, Namibia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mozambique. It also provides a feeder air service that connects with the South African Airways network. The airline’s joint venture with a local partner in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Congo Express, which began in February 2010 as part of the implementation of the African hub strategy, was dissolved in September 2010. This was subsequent to efforts to address the financial and operational performance having failed to improve the joint venture prospect. Lessons learnt from the failed operations in DRC will be used in all future implementation of the African hub strategy. SAX has been consistently generating profits in the last six years which in turn strengthened its balance sheet. The financial position improved from accumulated losses of R228 million in the 2006/07 financial year to accumulated profits of R288 million by 2009/10 financial year. However due to recent economic slowdown the airline has not been able to sustain similar levels of profit generation. Most significantly, the operation of aged aircraft, most of which are over 15 years of age, resulted in high maintenance cost and disruption in flight schedules due to regular breakdown, and this affected the performance of the airline. Fortunately SAX has now commenced with a fleet replacement programme, and the first six new aircraft were received in the second half of the 2011/12 financial year. SAX expects to receive the remaining 18 aircraft over the next two years. There were allegations of irregularities at SAX in the 2011/12 financial year, which may have arisen over several years back. The investigations have been concluded resulting to the restatement of 2010/11 financial results. The focus over the MTEF period will be to expand SAX operations in the African market, and to strengthen the airlines balance sheet through generation of profit and cash flow to fund the fleet renewal programme. 7.9 Transnet Transnet’s mandate is to assist in lowering the cost of doing business in South Africa, enabling economic growth and ensuring security of supply by providing appropriate port, rail and pipeline infrastructure in a cost-effective and efficient manner, within acceptable benchmarks. Transnet has relentlessly focussed on improving service levels and customer responsiveness over the past five years. Significant investments have been made in infrastructure and equipment to improve the condition of assets in order to support the drive for greater operating efficiencies, service levels and customer responsiveness. For the first six months ended 30 September 2011, Transnet posted an impressive set of financial results as ongoing efficiencies, productivity improvements and the growth in volumes were driven by the increased capital expenditure programme. Export iron ore volumes increased significantly by 21.5% to 24.9Mt (2010: 20.5Mt) due to improvements in operational efficiencies, and additional capacity created through the capital investment programme. Export coal volumes improved only marginally by 2.6% to 31.3Mt, primarily due to the extended period during which the line was shut down during the first quarter, as well other operational challenges faced by the business. DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 73 Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) recorded a 6.3% increase in general freight volumes and reported an impressive 25.3% improvement in containers transported by rail, thereby reducing the number of trucks on the roads. Management focus is now on on-time departures and arrivals for the general freight business and export coal line. For the GFB, a 24-hour, seven days national command centre has been introduced and manned by TFR executives to plan, resource and manage the movement of trains across the country. This initiative is already yielding positive results. At the ports, the Pier 1 Container Terminal at the Port of Durban recorded and impressive leap in productivity with gross crane moves per hour (GCH) – a key measure of productivity for container terminals – improving to an internationally acceptable average of 28 GCH compared to 23GCH achieved in the prior period. The New Multi-Product Pipeline (NMPP) is a strategic investment to secure the supply of petroleum products to the inland market over the long term. This line will replace the old Durban-Johannesburg pipeline, which is running at full capacity and nearing the end of its economic life. Some of the benefits of the new multiproduct pipeline include (when fully operational) a reduction in congestion on the roads, and a reduction in carbon emissions from road transportation of petroleum products. The NMPP construction is progressing according to the revised plan, and Transnet Pipelines successfully commissioned the Kendall-Watloo, Jameson Park-Alrode and Alrode-Langlaagte sections of the pipeline on 31 May 2011. Construction of the pipeline and pump stations are now complete, and the focus will be aimed at completing the construction of the coastal and inland terminals. The financial performance for the six months ending 30 September 2011 reported improved profits and cash flows.Net profit from continuing operations for the period was R2.3 billion, which represents an increase of 33.5% per cent compared to R1.7 billion up to 30 September 2010. This was mainly due to an increase in revenue. Revenue increased by 20.3per cent to R22.4 billion (30 September 2010: R18.7 billion). The growth in revenue is mainly due to the 7.1% weighted average growth in volumes, as a result of strong growth in iron ore and container volumes. Cash generated from operations increased by 25.6 per cent to R10 billion (2010: R7.9 billion), demonstrating the company’s ability to generate strong and sustainable cash flows. The cash-interest cover ratio has decreased to 3.1 times from 3.4 times compared to the same period in 2009/10, due to an increase in net finance costs, which is a consequence of the capital expenditure programme. This ratio, however, remains above the target of a minimum of 3 times. Transnet is planning to borrow approximately R33 billion over the next five years to fund the rolling five year capital expenditure programme. The Group commenced the financial year with a cash balance of R10.9 billion. Consequently only an amount of R1.9 billion was raised during the six months ended 30 September 2011. The capital expenditure for the six months ended 30 September 2011 (excluding capitalised borrowing costs) was R9.5 billion. R5 billion of the total capital expenditure was invested in expanding the current infrastructure and equipment, while R4.5 billion was invested in maintaining the existing capacity. P 74 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 PART D ANNEXURE E ANNEXURE E This annexure provides description of technical indicators and how these will be measured. It does not include all the indicators in the APP of which some are self-explanatory. PROGRAMME 1 Indicator Payment of invoices within 30 days of receipt of invoice Short definition In terms of Section 8.2.3 of the Treasury Regulations all invoices must be paid within 30 days of receipt of invoice, or in the case of civil claims, from the date of settlement court judgement. Any invoices in dispute are excluded from this requirement. Purpose/importance Compliance with TR 8.2.3 Source/collection of data Invoices received from suppliers directly or via units Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Compliance Calculation type None Reporting cycle Monthly report to DG for submission to National Treasury by the 7th of every month. New Indicator None Desired Performance No invoices paid later than 30 days from date of receipt of invoice. This however is the desired outcome – in some cases payment may be delayed due to, amongst others, supplier having changed banking details and not notified Finance, unit does not submit timeously (recourse is warning ito FOSAD resolution after DG has taken all circumstances into account), systems are down and no payments can be effected. When there are instances of late payment an explanatory memo is sent to the DG with the monthly report. Indicator responsibility Office of the CFO – Director: Financial Management PROGRAMME 3 1. OVERSIGHT OF STATE OWNED COMPANIES The oversight role of the SOC is applicable to Denel, SAFCOL, Alexkor, Eskom, Infraco, Transnet, SAA, SAX Indicator Assessment of SOC Corporate Plan by business units Short definition Corporate plan demonstrates the SOC Board understanding of its shareholder’s goals, the SOC business & of how the SOC will achieve the shareholder’s objectives outlined in the shareholder compact Purpose/importance Implementation details on the attainment of key performance measures P 76 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Source/collection of data Approved Corporate Plan by the SOC Board Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Achievement of the planned objectives Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport Indicator Approved SOC Shareholder Compacts by the Shareholder Short definition Documents the mandated key performance measures & indicators to be attained by the SOC in delivering the desired outcomes & objectives as agreed between the SOC Board & Shareholder Purpose/importance Monitor the key performance indicators to be attained by the SOC Source/collection of data Approved Shareholder Compacts by the Shareholder and SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Attainment of the key performance indicators as outlined in the compact Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport, Energy and Manufacturing Indicator Assessment of SOC Quarterly Reports by business units Short definition Report that accurately provide information regarding achievement of quarterly targets of the SOC Purpose/importance Provide performance feedback on the set of quarterly targets Source/collection of data Approved quarterly reports by the SOC Boar Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 77 New Indicator None Desired Performance Achievement of the set of quarterly targets Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport, Energy and Manufacturing, EIPA Indicator Annual General Meetings (AGM) Short definition Gathering of the SOC Directors and shareholder as required by law to be held each calendar year Purpose/importance Provides a platform for the shareholder to comment on the performance of the company and communicate strategic objectives that must inform the business activities of the company Source/collection of data The Notice of the Annual General Meeting & the Annual Financial Statements (“AFS”) should be submitted 15 business days before the AGM Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Interaction with SOC Boards Indicator responsibility Chief Director: Governance Indicator Assessment of SOC Annual Reports by business units Short definition The annual report provides the shareholders and potential investors with information on how the company has been performing and how it expects to grow in the future. Purpose/importance To record the activities and provide a report on performance of the SOC during a particular financial year Source/collection of data Approved Annual Report by the SOC Boar Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Evaluate the performance of a public entity after the end of the financial year Indicator responsibility DDG: Legal, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, EIPA and SP P 78 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Indicator Financial and Technical assessment of PFMA Applications Short definition Shareholder approval for Section 54 application in terms of the PFMA Purpose/importance Rigorous assessment of PFMA applications with appropriate recommendations to Minister Source/collection of data Section 54 Applications from SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Assessment of applications within 30 days of receipt by business units Indicator responsibility DDG: Legal, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing 2. LEGAL AND GOVERNANCE Indicator Title Government Shareholder Management (GSM) Short definition Legislative and regulatory framework to provide for the legislative environment within which SOC operate Purpose/importance To create a legislative framework on the shareholder oversight function Source/collection of data Government gazette Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Government Shareholder Management Bill Indicator responsibility DDG: Legal DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 79 Indicator Title Deregistration of Aventura Short definition Implementation and monitoring of the deregistering of Aventura Purpose/importance To assess the deregistration process of Aventura and ensure that it meet all the statutory requirements. Source/collection of data Reports submitted by the board of Aventura. Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Tabling of the Bill to repeal the Overvaal Resorts Act in Parliament Indicator responsibility Legal and Governance Indicator Title Risk Modelling Tool Short definition Assessment and monitoring of risks affecting performance of SOC Purpose/importance Measures to mitigate risks Source/collection of data SOC Risk Officers Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Feasibility report on risk modelling tool Indicator responsibility Chief Risk Officer 3. INDUSTRY IMPACT 3.1 Energy and Broadband Enterprises Indicator MYPD 3 Short definition Engagement to develop an MYPD3 response strategy Purpose/importance To ensure reliable and efficient electricity supply Source/collection of data SOC and other sources Method of calculation None P 80 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annually New Indicator None Desired Performance Response on MYPD 3 Indicator responsibility DDG: Energy 3.2 Manufacturing Enterprises Indicator Monitoring of Alexkor Strategy Short definition Realignment of Alexkor’s role Purpose/importance Strategy to ensure sustainability of the company Source/collection of data SOC and other sources Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired Performance Alexkor implementation of the strategy Indicator responsibility DDG: Manufacturing Indicator SAFCOL Strategy Short definition Realignment of SAFCOL role Purpose/importance Strategy to ensure sustainability of the company Source/collection of data SOC and other sources Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired Performance SAFCOL Corporate strategy Indicator responsibility DDG: Manufacturing DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 81 Indicator South Africa’s MRO service Hub Short definition Assessment of technical capabilities of the aviation sector Purpose/importance Roadmap on SAA, SAX and Denel aviation Source/collection of data SOC and other sources Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired Performance Study on the technical capabilities of SAA, SAX and Denel Indicator responsibility DDG: Manufacturing 3.3 TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE Indicator Title Short definition Ministerial task team to monitor the implementation of the SAA Long Term Turnaround Strategy (LTTS) and SAX 20:20 Vision Monitor the implementation of the strategies according to the developed integrated project plan Purpose/importance To assess the State Aviation operating approach Method of calculation None Type of indicator Process indicator Reporting cycle Quarterly Desired performance Strategy of the airlines implemented Source/collection of data SAA and SAX Data limitations None Calculation type None New Indicator None Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport Indicator Title Assessment of the Transnet’s investment programme Short definition Delivery of the investment programme on time and within budget Purpose/importance Quarterly assessment of Transnet investment programme Source/collection of data Transnet Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None P 82 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Oversight monitoring of the Transnet build programme Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport Indicator Title Assessment of the airlines fleet renewal programme Short definition Delivery of the investment programme on time and within budget Purpose/importance Quarterly assessment of the airlines investment programme Source/collection of data SAA and SAX Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Oversight monitoring of the airline fleet programme Indicator responsibility DDG: Transport 3.4 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Indicator Title Project Management Office Short definition Establishment of the PMO to assist in the monitoring of key strategic infrastructure development projects Purpose/importance Improve the impact of the build programme on the domestic economy and improvement in industrial capabilities Source/collection of data SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annual New Indicator None Desired performance Enhanced capacity to oversee large infrastructure projects Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 83 Indicator Title Implementation of the Africa Strategy Short definition Rollout of Africa Strategy - Pipeline of projects Purpose/importance Coordinating mechanism and pipeline management for South Africa investments Source/collection of data SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Implementation of the Africa Strategy Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships Indicator Title Funding Strategy Short definition Plan that outlines funding Purpose/importance Secure funding for major investment projects that go beyond SOC balance sheet capacity Source/collection of data Internal and SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Qualitative indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annual New Indicator None Desired performance Funding proposals on the SIPs Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships Indicator Title Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework Short definition Framework that seeks to outline the role of the private sector in the infrastructure development Purpose/importance Guide private sector participation Source/collection of data Internal and SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Qualitative indicator P 84 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annual New Indicator None Desired performance Improved investment into infrastructure to support economic development Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships Indicator Title Coal Mining Fund Short definition Strategic advice on the Coal mining fund proposal and structuring Purpose/importance Advise on the Coal Mining Fund Source/collection of data Internal and SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annual New Indicator None Desired performance Monitoring of the Coal Mining Fund Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships Indicator Title Strategic SOC customer sector forum – Oil and Gas and Boat Repair Short definition Requirements of oil and gas sector and boat repair industries to build a competitive platform in South African ports Purpose/importance Improvement of service offering by Transnet Source/collection of data SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Proposals on the service offering improvements by Transnet Indicator responsibility DDG: Strategic Partnerships DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 85 3.5 Economic Impact and Policy Alignment (EIPA) Indicator Title Economic Model Short definition Oversee process to conduct macro-economic modelling, research and impact evaluation and ensure SOC contribute to New Growth Path Purpose/importance Assessment of impact of SOC investment and operation activities Source/collection of data Internal and SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Qualitative indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Annual New Indicator None Desired performance Developed economic model to assess impact of SOC investment Indicator responsibility DDG: EIPA Indicator Title Transnet Pricing Structure Short definition Conduct Impact of Transnet pricing structure on logistics Purpose/importance Assessment of Transnet pricing structure Source/collection of data SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Transnet pricing structure Indicator responsibility DDG: EIPA P 86 DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 Indicator Title Transformation indicators Short definition Development of key transformation performance indicators Purpose/importance Identification of key socio economic indicators to be included into the shareholder compact Source/collection of data SOC Method of calculation None Data limitations None Type of indicator Process indicator Calculation type None Reporting cycle Quarterly New Indicator None Desired performance Key socio economic indicators identified Indicator responsibility DDG: EIPA DPE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2014-2015 P 87 RP165/2014 ISBN: 978-0-621-42817-9 Suite 301, Infotech Building, 090 Arcadia Street, 0083, Private Bag X15 Hatfield 0028 Pretoria Tel: 012 431 1000 Fax: 086 501 2624 Cape Town Tel: 021 469 6760 Fax: 021 461 1741