drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling
drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling
GEOMECHANICS DRILLABILITY IN HARD ROCK DRILL AND BLAST TUNNELLING By Dipl.-Geol. Dr. Kurosch Thuro and o. Univ.-Professor. Dr. phil. Georg Spaun Usually the main subject in preliminary site investigations prior to tunnelling projects is the prediction of tunnel stability. During the last years in conventional drill and blast tunnelling, problems have occured also connected with the accurate prediction of drillability in hard rock. The drillability is not only decisive for the wear of tools and equipment but is - along with the drilling velocity - a standard factor for the progress of excavation works. The estimation of drillability in predicted rock conditions might bear an extensive risk of costs. Therefore an improoved prediction of drilling velocity and bit wear would be desireable. The drillability of a rock mass is determined by various geological and mechanical parameters. In this report some major correlations of specific rock properties as well as geological factors with measured bit wear and drilling rates are shown. Apart from conventional mechanical rock properties (unconfined compressive and tensile strength, Young's modulus) a new property for toughness refering to drillability has been introduced: the specific destruction work WZ. This new property makes it possible to understand better the connection between drilling velocity and the main mechanical rock character. As well as mechanical rock properties the influences of geological parameters on drillabillity have been the main topic of a recently published dissertation (THURO 1995, 1996). Parameters of drillability Drillability is a term used in construction to describe the influence of a number of parameters on the drilling rate (drilling velocity) and the tool wear of the drilling rig. The interaction of the main factors is illustrated in Fig. 1. geological parameters Rock & Rock Mass machine parameters influence on choice ditions also depend on the geological history, containing weathering, hydrothermal decomposition and the structure of discontinuities. Together they build the basic parameters for drillability. mineral mineral composition micro fabric equivalent quartz content porosity rock elastic/plastic behaviour mechanical rock properties destruction work compressive strength Young's modulus tensile strength ratio of of σu/σt rock density rock mass rock mass conditions discontinuities anisotropy spacing of discontinuities weathering hydrothermal decomposition Fig. 2: Geological parameters: General view of the characteristics of mineral, rock and rock mass. According to rock conditions the corresponding drilling rig will be choosen. The machine parameters are depending on the drilling method: In underground excavation the rotary percussive drilling is standard, providing maximum performance under most circumstances. Parameters are the technical specifications of the drill hammer, flushing system and the design of the drilling bit. Typical tunnelling rigs consist of a diesel-hydraulic tramming carrier, carrying up to three booms with hydraulic drifter feeds and rock drills. For example the COP 1238 (15 kW impact power) and the COP 1440 (20 kW impact power, both made by Atlas Copco) are the most popular hydraulic rock drills in use on the marked today. Fig. 3 shows typical button bits used in underground excavation in rotary percussive drill rigs. Drilling Rig percussive drill hammer power transfer drilling bit rock mass conditions mechanical rock properties drilling velocity tunnelling performance Drillability wear of drilling tools drilling bit wear excavation system & logistics operation & maintenance of the tunnelling rig Working Process Fig. 1: Illustration of the term „drillability“ and the main influencing parameters. First of all, the geological parameters generate the specific characteristics of rock material and rock mass (Fig. 2). These characteristics may be at least partly put into figures with the help of mechanical rock properties. But rock mass con- Fig. 3: Typical button drill bits of various manufacturers with 6 - 9 buttons and different flushing systems mainly used in hard rock. The drilling bit is the part of the rig which carries out the crushing work. The bit consists of a carrier holding the actual drilling tools: buttons of hard metal (wolframcarbide with a cobalt binder, MOHS´ hardness 9½). Possible sorts of Both authors are members of Department of General, Applied and Engineering Geology, Technical University of Munich. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 1 THURO & SPAUN: Drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling Button Types spherical (semi-) ballistic conical (ballistic) quartzphyllite 105 100 95 drilling rate [%] button types and their main characteristics are shown in Fig. 4. The shape of the button and the design of the bit (geometry and arrangement of buttons, flush holes and draining channels) have a severe influence on bit wear and drilling performance. For example, using ballistic 9-button bits, a maximum penetration performance has been obtained in quartzphyllite of the Innsbruck area. In Fig. 5 drilling rates relative to the average of the quickest bit type are plotted comparing 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-button bits. 90 85 80 Characteristics 75 70 m "non aggressive" shape m minimum drilling rates m low bit wear m excavation mainly by impact 6 x 45 s Drilling performance at the Inntaltunnel/Innsbruck 9 x 45 s 9 x 45 b Often it is a matter of time dependent expenses rather than the pure cost of materials that increase the construction costs of a tunnel. So first of all it is of high interest, how drilling velocity may influence heading performance. Taking the Inntaltunnel as an example in Fig. 6 two excavation classes have been compared to show how net drilling time at the tunnel face raises the whole time for drilling one entire round. In the crown heading a 3-armed Atlas Copco Rocket Boomer H 185 was used with COP 1440 hydraulic rock drills mounted. From excavation class III to class IVb the drilling time decreases nearly at the same ratio as the net drilling time. Therefore the share of drilling is reduced Excavation Class III Excavation Class IVb miscellaneous 3% support miscellaneous support 31% 24% 10% 37% drilling 27% drilling 18% 15% 21% 14% charging transport charging transport Comparison of Excavation Class III & IVb III IV 2,3 m/min 3,0 m/min drilling depth 3,0 m 2,4 m excavation depth 2,7 m 2,2 m 78 sec 48 sec drilling velocity net drilling time 105 min 68 min charging 59 min 53 min round length 6,5 h 6,3 h drilling time (round) One of the most striking tunnelling projects in Austria was the 12.7 km long Inntaltunnel nearby Innsbruck. During running excavation works of the Inntaltunnel, poor drilling and blasting conditions have been recorded over long distances. Drillability of the rock mass has been determined by foliation of the Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit and by its geotechnical character. 8 x 45 b Fig. 5: Drilling rates in quartzphyllite depending on type of button and drilling bit. 9 x 45 b = 9 button type, ∅ 45 mm, b - ballistic (s - spherical). m "very aggressive" shape m maximum drilling rates m high bit wear m excavation mainly by shearing / cutting The third main factor influencing drillability is the working process itself. First of all smooth operation and permanent maintenance of the tunnelling rig is contributing to successful drilling performance. Secondly, a high penetration rate at the tunnel face is not automatically leading to a high performance of the heading as will be demonstrated in the following case study of the Inntal tunnel. So it is a matter of understanding the entire excavation system before applying expertise to the investigation of drillability. 8 x 45 s button bits m "aggressive" shape m moderate drilling rates m moderate bit wear m excavation mainly by shearing / cutting Fig. 4: Button types of drilling bits used for rotary percussive drilling and their main characteristics. 7 x 45 s rounds per day 3,7 rounds/day difference in percent based on excavation class IVb heading performance -40 -20 10,0 m/day 0 20 3,8 rounds/day 8,4 m/day 40 difference in % Fig. 6: Excavation class III and IVb in the Inntaltunnel. Effects of decreasing net drilling time on the entire drilling of one round. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 2 GEOMECHANICS Drilling rates and mechanical rock properties Nevertheless net drilling times are a result of changed drilling velocities in different rock types. But what are the changed drilling velocities based on? To get information on this point, drilling rates have been measured periodicaly during running excavation works and cores have been taken out of the rock mass to get mechanical rock properties of representative sections (SPAUN & THURO 1994). In this way drilling progress could be connected with some main rock parameters. Two of the most frequently used rock properties are the unconfined compressive strength and the tensile strength. But the correlation between drilling rate and compressive strength as well as tensile strength of the tested rock types was rather poor (Fig. 7, Fig. 8). These rock properties were not likely to describe the toughness of the rock material. To get further on this point it is necessary to get a better understanding of the crushing mechanism at the bottom of a borehole. COP 1440 - 20 kW very high 4,0 drilling rate [m/min] Coming from studies by high-speed photography and analysis of thin sections of rock below the area of disc cutter tools of TBM´s, three main destruction mechanisms could be detected (OZDEMIR et al. 1977, WANG et al. 1978, BLINDHEIM 1979). Those results can be generalised and transfered on the crushing process below the buttons of a drilling bit (Fig. 9). rotation drilling bit button 3 rotation button 1 3 2 1 crushed rock powder 2 2 2 radial cracks 10 mm 3 detached fragments Fig. 9: Crushing process in rotary percussive drilling. Destruction mechanism under the bit buttons. drilling velocity 5,0 high 3,0 medium 2,0 low 1,0 y=a+b·ln x yσ(n-1)=0,76 m/min n=20 R2=20% very low 0,0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 unconfined compressive strength UCS [MPa] Fig. 7: Drilling rate correlated with unconfined compressive strength. The quality of the correlation is very poor. drilling velocity 5 COP 1440 - 20 kW very high 4 drilling rate [m/min] Crushing process underneath a drilling bit penetration approximately by one third (27% to 18%, Fig. 6). The extension of drilling time had no real influence on the length of one round in class III, because support works were less extensive than in class IVb. high 3 medium 2 low 1 y=a+b·ln x yσ(n-1)=0,58 m/min n=20 R2 =54% very low 0 0 2 4 6 8 indirect tensile strength TS [MPa] 10 12 Fig. 8: Drilling rate correlated with indirect tensile strength. The quality of the correlation is rather poor. Around the contact of the button a new state of stress is induced in the rock, where four important destruction mechanisms can be distinguished: 1) Under the bit button a crushed zone of fine rock powder is formed (impact). 2) Starting from the crushed powder zone, radial cracks are developed (induced tensile stress). 3) When stress in the rock is high enough (respectively if enough cracks exist ±parallel to the bottom of the borehole), larger fragments of the rock can be sheared off between the button grooves (shear stress). 4) In addition to the mechanisms above stress is induced periodical (dynamic process). Looking at the drilling mechanism it is obvious, that besides compressive and tensile strength (percussive process) and shear strength (bit rotation) the elastic characteristics of rock material will be of crucial importance. To be precise, the bit is always drilling through pre-cracked rock (see MÜLLER-SALZBURG 1963: 104) and we have to devote a great deal of our time with the post-failure behaviour of rock to get closer to the crushing mechanism below the drilling bit. Monitoring destruction work With other words, a new property is needed, describing both brittleness/toughness of rock and the quantity of energy necessary to build new surfaces (cracks) in rock. To get this newly defined rock property, the deformation process of a rock sample under unconfined compression is studied in Fig. 10. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 3 THURO & SPAUN: Drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling "brittle" marble Something similar to the destruction work has been established several times in literature: The Coefficient of Rock Strength CRS (PAONE, MADSON & BRUCE 1969), failure post-failure-section pre-failure-section point the Rock Impact Hardness Number RIHN (RABIA & BROOK 1980, 1981), and the Swedish Brittleness Test failure point (SELMER-OLSEN & BLINDHEIM 1970), all based on the Protodyakanow impact test (PROTODYAKANOW 1962), perform a method, where a rock sample is crushed by a weigth (represents a definite destruction work) and the obtained grain size is a measure for brittleness. The only destruction work disadvantage is, that this sort of rock property is not a Wz = σ d ε real physical quantity but an index value lacking a physical unit. Very similar to the destruction work is the specific strain ε energy es introduced by HUGES (1972). It may be Fig. 10: Stess-strain curve of a brittle marble without and a typical phyllite with described as the specific work in the stress-strain curve a distinctive post-failure behaviour under unconfined compression. until the failure of the sample occures during unconfined compression. In this property, however, is missing Especially in the rock types of the Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit the post-failure section of the curve and thus the main point (quartzphyllite, sericite-chlorite-phyllite, carbonateof the newly defined quantity. (quartz)-phyllite) samples showed a distinctive post-failure Returning to our example of the Inntaltunnel, the debehaviour during unconfined compression (class I behastruction work WZ proved as a highly significent parameter vior). In contrast to the phyllites the marbles indicated a tyfor correlation with the drilling performance. Fig. 12 shows pical brittle behaviour with no post-failure section at all the mean values of drilling rates recorded in 20 different (class II behavior). Whereas in phyllites drilling conditions tunnel sections of the Inntal tunnel compared with the dewere poor, submitting low drilling rates, the marbles were struction work of the rock material belonging to them. The quite easy to drill, providing high drilling performance. It is diagramm indicates the close correlation between drilling obvious, that the area under the envelope of the stress-strain velocity and destruction work. diagram of the phyllite sample is much larger than the area of the marble sample (Fig. 10) - so why not connect those drilling velocity 5 results? From the physical sight, the envelope curve is notCOP 1440 - 20 kW marbles very high hing else but the energy (or work), required for destruction 4 of the rock sample. sericite-chlorite-phyllite high The newly defined rock property has been determined 3 as the specific destruction work (in short: destruction work) quartz phyllites medium WZ [kJ/m³] and gives the possibility to compare rock mate2 rials refering to brittleness/toughness using drills or cutters. sericite-chlorite-gneisses low Whereas the YOUNG´s modulus submits the gradient carbonite phyllites 1 (derivation) of the linear section, the destruction work is estimated out of the area under the stress-strain-envelope y=a+b·ln x yσ =0,17 m/min n=20 R =96% very low 0 (integral, Fig. 11). As a product of both - stress and strain 0 50 100 150 200 250 destruction work represents the work of shape altering indestruction work Wz [kJ/m3] cludung the post failure section. "tough" phyllite drilling rate [m/min] stress σ σ 2 (n-1) pre-failure section A B Fig. 12: Drilling rate correlated with destruction work. The quality of the correlation is very good. post-failure section C σu D Applying expertise to other projects stress σ Youngs modulus destruction work E=δσ/δε WZ = σdε δσ δε strain ε Fig. 11: Stess-strain curve with a distinctive post-failure behaviour of the sample. Determination of Young´s modulus E and specific destruction work WZ. But not only in foliated rock mass the specific destruction work has turned out as a suitable rock property for monitoring drilling rates. As can be seen in Fig. 13 a large variety of rocks were tested, showing a high significant correlation graph. The rock material plotted in this diagram includes clay-siltstones, sand- and limestones, conglomerates, marls, marbles, schists and different cristalline rocks derived from seven tunnel projects in Germany and Austria. The destruction work has proved as a highly significant parameter for the evaluation of net drilling rates in drill and blast tunnelling and therefore is the most important mechanical rock property for the investigation of drillability. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 4 GEOMECHANICS drilling velocity 5 COP 1440 - 20 kW very high dip angle of 90 high foliation 75 3 100 60 medium 2 80 low standard deviation 1 y=a+b·ln x yσ(n-1)=0,33 m/min n=64 R2=85% very low 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 destruction work [kJ/m3] destruction work [%] drilling rate [m/min] 4 60 30 40 15 20 Fig. 13: Drilling rate plotted against destruction work. The quality of the correlation is very good. As can be seen in Fig. 14, drilling rates are especially dependent on the impact power of the rock drill. There is a distinct improvement of drilling performance from the COP 1238 (15 kW) to the COP 1440 (20 kW) resulting in up to 40% higher penetration rates. 45 0 0 Fig. 15: Correlation between destruction work and the orientation of foliation for a quartzphyllite with flat and smooth (continuous line) respectively uneven, undulating discontinuities (broken line). drilling velocity 5 COP 1440 - 20 kW very high dip angle of 90 3 medium 2 low 1 very low COP 1238 ME - 15 kW 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 destruction work [kJ/m3] Fig. 14: Drilling rate plotted against destruction work for both rock drills. There is a distinct improvement of drilling performance from the 15 kW to the 20 kW type. Influence of anisotropy Of course, rock properties and drilling rates are also highly dependent on the orientation of weakness planes related to the direction of testing or drilling. In the following figures (Fig. 15 - Fig. 18) the correlations between rock properties and the orientation of foliation for a quartzphyllite with flat and smooth discontinuities (continuous line) and a quartzphyllite with uneven, undulating sericite-chlorite-partings (broken line) are shown. The striking point is, that whereas the highest values of destruction work are gained parallel to foliation, the unconfined compressive strength is higher perpenticular to the discontinuities - and vice versa. In both cases, the minimum is located between 45° and 60°. This is set in advance by the geometry of the sample (length to diameter ratio 2 : 1). foliation 75 high 100 unconfined compressive strength [%] drilling rate [m/min] 4 80 60 45 60 30 40 15 20 0 0 Fig. 16: Correlation between unconfined compressive strength and the orientation of foliation for a quartzphyllite with flat and smooth (continuous line) respectively uneven, undulating discontinuities (broken line). Regarding indirect tensile strength, the minimum values are obtained parallel to foliation, presuming that in this case real stresses turn up perpendicular to both foliation and force direction (Fig. 17). By an angle of 45°, stresses are pure shear stresses and the test turns out to be a shear test along a forced gap. It is certainly for this reason that the diagram of drilling rates looks quite the same (Fig. 18) but velocity is high, where tensile strength is low. In Fig. 19 a mathematical model is given to describe the behaviour of both drilling and shear (tensile) strength. As supposed, strength and drilling rate are connected with the geometry of induced stress. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 5 THURO & SPAUN: Drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling To understand the connection between stress field and drilling rates one has to study the destruction process down the borehole once again (Fig. 20 and Fig. 21). dip angle of foliation 90 compressive/tensile stress 75 tensile strength [%] 100 60 shear stress 80 shear stress 45 60 30 40 15 20 0 0 Fig. 17: Correlation between tensile strength and the orientation of foliation for a quartzphyllite with flat and smooth (continuous line) respectively uneven, undulating discontinuities (broken line). testing arrangements UCS dip angle of 75 100 60 drilling rate [%] 80 45 60 30 40 15 20 0 0 Fig. 18: Correlation between drilling rate and the orientation of foliation for a quartzphyllite with flat and smooth (continuous line) respectively uneven, undulating discontinuities (broken line). high tensile stress low tensile stress 100 100 75 75 50 50 graph equation y = a + b·cos x 90 75 drilling rate [%] indirect tensile strength [%] drilling rate 25 tensile strength 25 60 45 UCS TS Fig. 20: Drilling process according to different orientations of discontinuities (foliation). foliation 90 TS 30 15 0 dip angle of foliation Fig. 19: Drilling rate and tensile strength plotted against the orientation of foliation. When the direction of drilling is right-angled to the orientation of foliation, rock material is compressed right-angled but sheared parallel to it (Fig. 21/1). Although cracks will develop radial to compression, the cracks parallel to the bottom of the borehole will be used for chipping. Usually in this case the highest drilling velocities are obtained because of the favourable schist orientation. Drilling is controlled by the shear strength of the foliated rock material. The minimum destruction work causes large sized chips and a maximum drilling performance. If the drilling axis is oriented parallel to foliation, compression also is parallel but shear stress is right-angled (Fig. 21/3). It should be clear, that less cracks will develop for reasons of higher strength right-angled to the weakness planes. Drilling is controlled by the tensile strength parallel to the foliation producing small sized fragments and minimum drilling performance. Generally, drilling is controlled by the dip angle of foliation (Fig. 21/2), submitting medium sized fragments during the crushing process. Drilling performance is - by geometrical reason - mainly a cosine function of the dip angle. Anyway, it is for sure, that in the parallel case, rock properties are the highest and drilling rates are low. In addition blasting conditions are often related with drilling. So if the tunnel axis is parallel to the main foliation, drilling and blasting conditions suppose to be very poor. In the case of the Inntaltunnel the consequences were a lower heading performance and higher drilling expenses than expected. In comparison with the crushing process under a TBM disk cutter (WANNER 1975), the process underneath a button drill bit is completely different in foliated rock. In contrast to rotary percussive drilling, TBM penetration rates are a maximum when foliation is ± diagonal to the tunnel axis. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 6 penetration GEOMECHANICS rotation drilling bit rotation 1 crushed rock powder 2 cracks, rigth-angled to foliation button button 1 Drilling is controlled by shear strength 1 1 penetration 2 ¦ minimum destruction work ¦ large sized fragments ¦ maximum drilling performance Low values of destruction work have been obtained in rock where quartz-feldsparmouldings often were cut through or dislocated by internal folding. The result is a spongy fabric with the possibility to absorb high distortions but not as tough as the structure described above. Of course there are a lot of other geological parameters strongly influencing drilling performance - not possible to be discussed in this paper - such as spacing of discontinuities, hydrothermal decomposition, status of weathering and porosity of the micro fabric. Drilling bit wear In the second place, the wear of drilling equipment may be a severe factor of costs in tunnelling. As a leading parameter, the wear button button of drilling bits has been examined in different rock types. Other tools such as drifter 2 Drilling is controlled by the dip angle of foliation rods, couplings and shank adapters have a ¦ medium sized fragments 1 life-span in average ten times the one of 1 ¦ drilling performance is a button bits. cos-function of the dip angle 2 An important hint for surveying abrasivity of rock is the analysis of worn-out drilling bits. Bit wear occures in six basic forms, generally combined according to rock mass conditions: 1) Button wear. Wear of the hard metal rotation rotation drilling bit buttons according to high abrasivity of the rock, such as granite, gneiss or ambutton button phibolite. 3 Drilling is controlled 2) Steel wear: Wear of the steel calibre in by tensile strength diameter as a result of chip grinding in ¦ 1 maximum destruction work 1 ¦ small sized fragments weak and moderate strong rock with ¦ minimum drilling performance 2 high abrasivity, such as sandstones, schists, weathered and decomposed 0 5 10 mm rock. Fig. 21: Physical destruction process in foliated rock. Crushing mechanism below the bit buttons depending on the dip angle. 3) Button damage: Breaking of drill buttons because of high shear stress. If the As a further result of anisotropy, problems may occure drifter rod becomes stuck or fixed according to jointing, when drilling direction is ± diagonal to the tunnel axis: hard components or steel support, severe damage of the When the angle between drilling and tunnel axis is acutebuttons may result. angled, drifter rods are deviated into the dip direction of foliation, if obtuse-angled, into the normal direction of fo4) Total button removal: By the same reasons of button liation. In any case, drill tracks may be seen as curvatures damage buttons may break out as a whole. and produce distinct borehole deviation. 5) Total wear out: When parts of hard metal or entire Structure and texture of rock material and their influbuttons are chipped off, frequently those rotating pieces ence on rock properties are discussed in detail by - too big to be removed by flushing - rip out more butHOWARTH & ROWLANDS (1987). Though the effect on detons leading to a total wear-out of the button bit. struction work is much greater than supposed. Mechanical 6) Steel shaft damage: Damage of the steel shaft below rock properties of the Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit are severely the buttons by reasons of steel quality or severe force. dominated by the elastic-plastic behaviour of rock material. In consequence it is possible to make a statistical analysis For example high values of destruction work have been of worn out tools to gain an impresson of the grinding efmeasured in rock material showing a tight and laminated fect of rock fragmentation. micro fabric and high grade of interlocking between quartzOf course, the range of tool wear can be measured by feldspar-mouldings and mica layers. In addition, mica conrecording the quantity of worn-out button bits refering to sisted mainly of biotite, giving evidence of a higher grade their total drilling length - the so called "life-span" of the of metamorphism within the low grade (greenschist) zone. bit. Life-span is reported in boremeters per bit [m/bit]. drilling bit rotation penetration rotation Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 7 THURO & SPAUN: Drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling Fig. 23: Wear characteristic of drill bits used in rock belonging to the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit". Drilling bit wear in the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit" Fig. 22 gives an impression of the wide variety of the rock types contained in the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit". Commonly quartzphyllites, sericite-chlorite-phyllites and gneisses are put together under the term "quartzphyllite". "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit" sericite-chloritephyllite quartzphyllite 27% 25% 10% 15% 10% 4% sericitechlorite-gneiss 4% 6% graph equation y=a+b·ln x greenschist 9 carbonate-phyllite quartz marble 8 marble Fig. 22: Rock types contained in the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit" and the composition of samples taken from the Inntal tunnel. In Fig. 23 an example for a statistical analysis is given showing the wear characteristic of drill bits used in rock belonging to the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit". In fact, this wear statistic is something like a fingerprint of the examined rock. In quartzphyllites and associated rock types steel wear is dominating compared to the marbles, where total button removal comes first. 6 5 4 3 2 standard deviation = ½ 1 n=24 R2=95% 0 1 quartzphyllites, serizitechlorite-phyllites & gneisses 10 100 1000 Rosiwal abrasiveness (3) button damage (2) steel wear Fig. 24: Correlation between MOHS hardness and ROSIWAL abrasiveness. quartz "quartzphyllite" 46% 24% quartz 7 Mohs hardness carbonatequartzphyllite It is clear, that tool wear is a result of the mineral content harder than steel, especially quartz (MOHS´ hardness = 7). To include all minerals, the equivalent quartz content is determined - meaning the entire mineral content refering to the abrasiveness/hardness (after ROSIWAL 1896, 1916) of quartz (ROSIWAL abrasiveness = 100). Therefore each mineral share is multiplied with its relative abrasiveness/hardness to quartz (quartz = 100%). An appropriate correlation between MOHS hardness and ROSIWAL abrasiveness is given in Fig. 24. Taking the average mineral content of quartzphyllites (Fig. 25), the equivalent quartz content is approximately 46% and thus is slightly higher than the pure quartz content of 42%. 42% feldspar 10% (4) total button removal 7% 12% 6% 22% (5) total wear-out (1) button wear sericite 24% (6) steel shaft damage (2%) chlorite biotite 2% carbonate pyllites, marbles & quartz marbles (4) total equivalent quartz content equ=45,5% (3) button button removal Fig. 25: Average mineral content of quartzphyllites, sericite-chloritephyllites and -gneisses ("quartzphyllite") and derived equivalent quartz content. damage 36% 16% 12% 20% 15% (5) total wear-out (1) button wear (6) steel shaft damage (1%) carbonate 3% (2) steel wear In Fig. 26 the bit life-spans of rock types contained in the "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit" are correlated with their equivalent quartz contents. It is obvious that bit wear raises with increasing equivalent quartz content. The expected relation is also detected when plotting the properties of other rock material into the diagramm (Fig. 27). For sandstones and decomposed rock other correlations than discussed here have been found (THURO 1995, 1996). Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 8 GEOMECHANICS Bit Wear limestone, marl, conglomerates, phyllites, marbles 2500 very low y=a+b·ln x yσ(n-1)=144 m/bit n=22 R2=95% bit life-span [m/bit] 2000 low 1500 standard deviation moderate 1000 high 500 very high extreme high 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 equivalent quartz content [%] Fig. 26: Bit life-span of "Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit" rock types and corresponding equivalent quartz content. Fig. 27: Bit life-span of limestone, marl, conglomerates, together with phyllites and marbles and corresponding equivalent quartz content. Not suitable for sandstones and decomposed or weathered rock. Classification of drillability Finally a classification of drillability is given, contributing up-to-now experience. First of all, a drillability classification should rely on values easyly obtained on the site. Secondly, the parameters should be expressive and provide a good resolution of drilling rate and wear characteristic. The system proposed here is based on net drilling velocity, measured at the tunnel face and drilling bit wear recorded as the bit life-span. To get an impression how wide values of bit wear and drilling rates may vary, mean values of different rock types or homogeneous areas derived from seven tunnel projects have been taken for the diagrams of Fig. 28. The investigations have been carried out using 15 kW and 20 kW borehammers (Atlas Copco COP 1238 ME and COP 1440). The matrix is based on the experience, that high drilling rates (3 - 4 m/min) and low bit wear (1500 - 2000 m/bit) should be described as "fair" drillability. Conclusion An investigation program is submitted, which should help to improve the estimation of rock drillability in planning future tunnel projects. First of all, with the discovered correlation charts for mechanical and petrographic rock properties, it should be possible to predict drilling rates and bit wear for the examined rock types in a satisfactory manor. Besides rock properties - the main thing in preliminary site investigation is - first of all simple and basic geological mapping. This sounds rather simple. But it is extremely necessary to keep in mind all the parameters possibly influencing drilling performance. Therefore it is very important to prepare all rock and soil descriptions in a suitable way, engineers are able to understand. Fig. 28: Classification diagram for two rock drills (COP 1238 - 15 kW and COP 1440 20kW) enclosing drilling rate and bit wear. Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 9 THURO & SPAUN: Drillability in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling Investigation Program anisotropy spacing of discontinuities weathering hydrothermal decomposition 1. preliminary site investigation engineering geological mapping rock & soil description and classification quantitative description of discontinuities on basis of IAEG and ISRM standardization 2. mechanical rock properties sampling out of drilling cores if possible, out of an investigation tunnel destruction work compressive strength Young's modulus tensile strength ratio of of σu/σt rock density / porosity ð influence of anisotropy or other factors 3. petrographic description mineral composition micro fabric equivalent quartz content degree of interlocking Fig. 29: Proposal of an investigation program, which should help to improve the estimation of rock drillability in planning future tunnel projects. For that reason we would like to finish this paper with the words of Priscilla P. NELSON (1993: 261): „Whatever the reasons, it is clear, that neither geology alone, laboratory and field testing alone, experience alone nor equipment design and operation expertise alone can get an engineer to the point where underground excavation is a clearly defined engineering process. Integration of all these knowledge bases is required to raise the level of engineering contribution to underground construction, and the entire excavation system must be understood before applying engineering expertise to the solution of expected or developing problems.“ RABIA, H. & BROOK, N. (1980): An empirical equation for drill performance prediction. - 21st Symp. on Rock Mech. Univ. Missouri-Rolla, May, 103-111. RABIA, H. & BROOK, N. (1981): The effects of apparatus size and surface area of charge on the impact strength of rock. - Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 18., 211-219. ROSIWAL , A. 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THURO & SPAUN: DRILLABILITY IN HARD ROCK DRILL AND BLAST TUNNELLING Die Bohrbarkeit des Gebirges wird durch unterschiedliche geologische und felsmechanische Parameter bestimmt. In diesem Beitrag werden die wesentlichen Abhängigkeiten zwischen den spezifischen Materialeigenschaften von Gestein und Gebirge und den meßbaren Parametern Bohrkronenverschleiß und Bohrgeschwindigkeit aufgezeigt. Neben den konventionellen felsmechanischen Kennwerten (Druck, Zugfestigkeit und Elastizitätsmodul) wurde ein neues Maß für die Zähigkeit bezüglich der Bohrbarkeit von Gesteinen eingeführt: die spezifische Zerstörungsarbeit Wz. Die neue Auswertemethode ermöglicht es, den ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Netto-Bohrgeschwindigkeit und den felsmechanischen Eigenschaften eines Gesteins besser als bisher nachzuvollziehen. Im Verlauf des bergmännischen Tunnelvortriebs erwies sich das Gebirge des Inntaltunnels über weite Strecken als schwer bohrbar und ebenso als schwer sprengbar. Die Bohrbarkeit des Gebirges wurde zum einen durch die Schieferung des Innsbrucker Quarzphyllits bestimmt, zum anderen durch seine geotechnischen Eigenschaften. In diesem Beitrag werden Bohrkronenverschleiß und Bohrgeschwindigkeit in Abhängigkeit der wesentlichen geologischen und felsmechanischen Parameter diskutiert. Es werden felsmechanische Kennwerte des Innsbrucker Quarzphyllits und bohrtechnische Daten in Abhängigkeit von der Schieferungsrichtung vorgestellt und die Bedeutung des Mikrogefüges nachgewiesen. Abschließend wird ein Vorschlag für ein Untersuchungsprogramm unterbreitet, welches bei künftigen Vorerkundungen für Tunnelund Stollenprojekte helfen soll, Gestein und Gebirge im Hinblick auf die Bohrbarkeit besser zu erfassen. The drillability of a rock mass is determined by various geological and mechanical parameters. In this report some major correlations of specific rock properties as well as geological factors with measured bit wear and drilling velocity are shown. Apart from conventional mechanical rock properties (compressive and tensile strength, Young's modulus) a new property for toughness/brittleness referring to drillability has been introduced: the specific destruction work WZ. This new method makes it possible to understand better the connection between drilling velocity and the main mechanical rock character. During running excavation works of the Inntaltunnel, poor drilling and blasting conditions have been recorded over long distances. Drillability of the rock mass has been determined by foliation of the Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit and by its geotechnical character. In this paper bit wear and drilling velocity in correlation with main geological and mechanical properties are discussed. Rock properties and and drilling datas of the Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit are shown in correlation of shist foliation. Besides, the importance of the criystalline microstructure could be proved. Authors Kurosch Thuro, Dipl.-Geol. Dr.rer.nat Georg Spaun, o.Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine, Angewandte und IngenieurGeologie, Technische Universität München Lichtenbergstraße 4, D-85747 Garching e-mail: thuro@geo.tum.de Felsbau 14 (1996) Nr. 2 11