INSIDE - City of Carpinteria


INSIDE - City of Carpinteria
City Directory
Public Works
Community Development
Parks & Rec. Info
From the
Summer in Carpinteria is a special
time of year at City Hall. In addition to
welcoming many part-time employees
that help us deliver summer programs at
the beach and community pool, the City
Council’s adoption of the annual budget
ushers in the new fiscal year, (July 1, 2016
through June 30, 2017).
Approved by the Council on June 13,
the budget serves multiple purposes. As
the City’s financial plan, it shows where
revenues come from and how they will be
spent. As a policy document, the budget
serves to prioritize identified projects,
programs and services. As an operating guide, the budget describes how the
City is organized and what measures
are used to understand the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.
Finally, the budget is a communications
tool, developed, considered and adopted
through a public process, published in
a form intended to be transparent and
understandable, and, ultimately, allowing
for the City Council and community to
ensure that resources are being allocated
as necessary to address near-term community goals.
This year’s $16.7 million budget includes $4.7 million in capital and major
maintenance project spending, which
is funded by grants and other revenue
sources dedicated to these purposes. The
budget allocates funds for street pavement
maintenance, sidewalk repair, and work
related to both the replacement of the
Carpinteria Avenue Bridge over Carpinteria Creek and Caltrans’ replacement of the
Linden and Casitas freeway interchanges,
which includes the extension of Via Real
to Casitas Pass. Work is also funded for
the Rincon Trail project and a community
garden on 5th Street adjacent to the Amtrak
platform. The Rincon Trail will provide a
pedestrian/bicycle connection from the
Carpinteria Bluffs to Rincon County Park,
including a bridge over the railroad tracks.
The community garden is grant funded
and is expected to be a part of a network
of gardens and a community gardening/
agriculture education program.
The budget also includes funding for
important planning work to update both
the City’s General Plan policies and zoning regulations. The General Plan is the
City’s primary planning policy document
and represents the community’s collective vision for preserving and improving
quality of life. The work to update these
documents includes public outreach and
opportunities for community members to
participate in the update process.
The annual budget process also helps
to illuminate where funding is falling
short of meeting needs. In particular,
there exists a growing backlog of street
and park maintenance for which the budget, based on available revenues, can only
address in part. Funds dedicated for street
and park maintenance receive funding
from revenue sources with fixed rates that
have not changed in over twenty years.
These funds are losing ground annually to
inflationary pressure on expenses.
The City is committed to initiating
a dialogue with the community about
options for adequately addressing these
important maintenance needs as a part
of its long-term financial planning work.
Public outreach associated with the longterm financial plan is scheduled for later
this year. We invite you to stay tuned and
participate in this important process that
aims to ensure a stable financial future for
critical community services.
The budget can be found on the City’s
website at To learn
more about City revenues and expenses,
log on to,
a cloud-based platform for sharing and
comparing City financial information.
Friends of the Carpinteria Library
Selected as City’s Summer 2016
Outstanding Community Partner
The Friends of the Carpinteria Public
Library has been selected as the City’s
Summer 2016 Outstanding Community
Partner award recipient for outstanding
service and contribution to the community
of Carpinteria.
Formed forty-nine years ago, on May 23,
1967, the Friends of the Carpinteria Public
Library (Friends) has been a supporter of
Carpinteria’s Branch Library since its inception. Generally stated, the Friends mission
is to support the Carpinteria Branch Library
in meeting the needs of the community.
Over the years the Friends has provided
funding support of the Carpinteria Branch
Library for a variety of purposes including,
more recently, technology upgrades, assisting in maintaining a student homework
center and the library’s established hours of
operation, replacing computers, remodeling
of the multi-purpose room, and replacement of the carpet throughout the library.
The long term goal of the Friends is to be
able to renovate, remodel and expand the
Carpinteria library.
The Friends are able to provide monetary
support of the library through operation
of their used bookstore (located at 5103
Carpinteria Avenue), their several hundred
members, and numerous fund raising events
each year. They also have an active grant
writing program.
Additionally, all of the books at the
Bookstore are donated and all the work
at the store is undertaken by their vast
group of dedicated volunteers. Because
their expenses are very low, the majority of
the money they raise directly supports the
Carpinteria library. The Friends have been
an integral financial supporter of the library
and have, in recent years, increased their
contributions. This year it is currently anticipated they will contribute over $80,000.
If you are interested in learning more about
the Friends of the Library you can contact
them by email at or by
picking up a Friends brochure at either the
Library or used Bookstore. The City is fortunate to have such a
dedicated community organization and
congratulates the Friends of the Carpinteria
Library as the Summer 2016 Outstanding
Community Partner.
New Accessible Beach Access
Pathway System
Each summer the City places a seasonal
boardwalk on the sand to improve access to the
shoreline. This year the City is using a new access
path system that is easier to install and allows for
more flexibility based upon beach conditions. The
access pathway will be in place until the fall and
reinstalled each spring. In addition, the City offers
an all-terrain wheel chair that can be checked out
free of charge at the Carpinteria Beach Store located at the end of Linden Avenue on the
sand. Call (805) 566-9482 for beach store hours or additional information.
City Employment Opportunities
The City of Carpinteria is seeking applicants for the following open positions:
• Assistant Planner – Full time
• Public Works Maintenance Worker – Part time
• Pool and Beach Lifeguards – Part time/Seasonal
• Pool and Beach Cashier – Part time/Seasonal
For detailed information, visit the City’s website at
To be considered for the above positions, applicants must submit a completed City
employment application form, available at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013 or the City’s website. Email your employment application and resume to A personal interview will be scheduled for the most qualified
applicants to determine final eligibility. An equal opportunity employer.
City’s Summer Host Program
The 2016 HOST season is in full swing on Linden Avenue. Staffed by volunteers,
the downtown kiosk is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday from 10am - 4pm during the summer months. The kiosk also has extended hours on the evenings of First
Friday events.
Always with a smile, the HOSTs greet Carpinteria visitors, residents and business
owners in the Downtown “T” District. They are there to answer questions about the
Carpinteria Valley and provide information on a variety of activities. Our HOSTS
have created a welcoming environment, showcasing the friendly and inviting nature
of Carpinteria. Stop in, say hi, and see what’s new!
To join the HOST program or for more information, contact Mimi Audelo at or 805-755-4401.
Gregg Carty, Mayor
Fred Shaw, Vice Mayor
Al Clark
Wade Nomura
Brad Stein
City Hall (805) 684-5405
David Durflinger, (805) 755-4400
City Manager
Fidela Garcia, (805) 755-4403
City Clerk
Arlene Balmadrid, (805) 755-4404
Human Resources Administrator/
Risk Manager
Kevin Silk, (805) 755-4450
Assistant to the City Manager
Mimi Audelo, (805) 755-4401
Volunteer & Emergency Services
Steve Goggia, (805) 755-4414
Community Development Director
(805) 880-3409
Building Inspector
Silvia Echeverria, (805) 755-4408
Code Compliance Supervisor
Charlie Ebeling, (805) 880-3402
Public Works Director/
City Engineer
Linden Avenue and Casitas Pass Road Interchanges Project
update – Caltrans recently awarded the project construction contract
to Security Paving Company. Construction is expected to occur from
Fall 2016 to 2020. The project consists of replacing both the Linden
Avenue and Casitas Pass Road US 101 overcrossings, reconfiguring
the northbound on- and off-ramps at Casitas Pass Road, extending
the northbound Linden Avenue on-ramp, replacing the US 101
freeway bridges over Carpinteria Creek and extending Via Real
to Casitas Pass Road and to Linden Avenue. The project will also
include new retaining walls, sound walls, traffic signals and drainage
structures. The following new and/or replacement facilities will be
owned by the City:
• Via Real Extension from the Carpinteria Creek area to Casitas
Pass Road
• Via Real Extension from Vallecito Road to the Ogan Road/Via
Real/US 101 Northbound On-Ramp Roundabout
• Two Traffic Signals (Three new Traffic Signals will be owned by
• Via Real Bridge over Carpinteria Creek
• Via Real/Ogan Road/US 101 Northbound On-Ramp Roundabout
• Storm Drains (50 new roadway Drainage Inlets and approximately
2,000 feet of new underground Storm Drain Piping)
• Street Lighting
• Landscaping, Vegetated Bio-Swales and Street Trees
Ash Avenue Improvements Project – This project will include
walkway, parking area and storm drain improvements in the Beach
Area from 4th Street to Sandyland Road. Construction is expected
to begin in Fall 2016.
Interested in Volunteering?
Carpinteria business TE Connectivity collected more than 100
lbs of trash during a creek cleanup in June. Are you or your
organization interested in our volunteer opportunities? If so,
contact Erin Maker at (805) 880-3415.
Paul Medel, (805) 755-4443
Public Works Supervisor
John Thornberry, (805) 755-4448
Administrative Services Director
Properly disposing of hazardous materials is important in
helping to ensure a healthy environment.
Monique Epley, (805) 880-3406
Finance Supervisor
Matt Roberts, (805) 755-4449
Parks and Recreation Director
Lt. Mike Perkins, (805) 755-4438
Sheriff’s Department • (805) 681-4100
911 if an emergency
Linden Avenue Improvements Completed - This recently completed project included the replacement of street trees, curb, gutter
and sidewalk at 507 and 973 Linden Avenue. This work is a part of
the phased renovation of downtown improvements.
Suggestions and comments welcome.
Contact City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave.
(805) 755-4450
Kevin Silk, Chair
Steve Goggia, Silvia Echeverria,
Ann Meyer, Charlie Ebeling
Arlene Balmadrid
Carpinteria Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Update –
Design and environmental review work will continue in 2016. City
Council updates, Architectural Review Board presentations and
neighborhood community meetings will continue to be held throughout the design and planning process. Construction is expected to
begin in early 2018.
Keep the following numbers handy:
Emergency 911
Sheriff’s Department
(805) 681-4100 (24/7)
Carpinteria Fire District
(805) 684-4591
Animal Control
(805) 755-4418 (M-F)
Code Compliance
(805) 755-4413 (Weekends)
Carpinteria Valley Water District
(805) 684-2816
Carpinteria Sanitary District
(805) 684-7214
So. Calif. Edison Co.
(800) 655-4555
The Gas Company
(800) 427-2200
Verizon Telephone
(800) 483-1000
Red Cross
(805) 687-1331
ABOP Recycling Facility at City Hall
ABOP is an acronym for Antifreeze, Batteries, Oil, and Paint,
used to describe materials that are
collected, at no charge, for recycling
throughout the year. Carpinteria City
residents can bring in the following
materials for recycling:
• Anti-freeze*
• Batteries
• Motor oil and oil filters*
• Latex and oil based paints*
The ABOP collection facility is located at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, and is open every second and fourth Saturday
of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The only exceptions
are in November and December when the facility is open only the
second Saturday of each month. Used oil and oil filters can be
brought to the same City Hall location, Monday through Friday,
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The recycling facility also accepts small household electronics, compact fluorescent light bulbs and thermostats
containing mercury.
*Please note, there is a five gallon maximum on each
liquid and a three item maximum on small household
Please remember….
…when disposing of light bulbs regular incandescent light
bulbs can be thrown in the trash can (not the recycling container);
however mercury vapor, fluorescent and other gas filled tubes
cannot go in the trash or recycle cans. For additional disposal
or recycling information please call Erin Maker at (805) 880-3415
Green Business Academy
to Kickoff Workshops
Main School Sidewalk Improvements Project – This project includes the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk along northbound
Walnut Avenue from Seventh Street to Sixth Street and westbound
Want to green your operations and become recognized as a CerSixth Street from Walnut Avenue to Palm Avenue. The project will
Green Business? Join the next Green Business Academy by
complete pedestrian access around the former school. Construction
to a kickoff workshop on Wednesday, July 20th from 3-5pm,
is expected to be completed in August.
hosted by the Chumash Employee Resource Center 585 McMurray
Road, Buellton or Thursday, July 21st from 3-5pm hosted by the
CMC Rescue 6740 Cortona Drive, Goleta. Directly after the July
21st workshop there will be a Green Business Program mixer at M
Report graffiti in Progress to 911
Special Brewery in Goleta.
Report all other graffiti to the
The Academy is part of the Green Business Program of Santa
Graffiti Hotline at 684-5405 ext. 555
Barbara County. For more information visit or
call/email 805/729-3472,
New Businesses in Carpinteria!
Keep an eye out for these new businesses recently opened or coming soon to Carpinteria.
The Nugget Bar and Grill at 5096 Carpinteria recently opened. The new restaurant’s menu
includes burgers, sandwiches, salads, steaks, chops, seafood and pasta. Gonzo Cycles, a bike sales and repair shop is soon to open at 4859 Carpinteria Avenue. The Downtown will be getting a new Italian deli later this summer, specializing in homemade Italian take-out. Guichos Eatery will be located at the northwest corner of Linden
Avenue and Ninth Street.
Summer Check List for Property
Listed below are a few summer-time property maintenance tips to help keep your neighborhood and property
looking its best.
• Trim and maintain all landscaping and cut any dead
trees and vegetation away from your home.
• Remove any junk and debris that may have collected
in the backyard or is in public view in the front yard.
• Store any unused, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative
motor vehicles in your garage.
• Remove any graffiti on your property within ten days.
To report graffiti in the public right of way call (805)
• Remember, parking of trailers, campers, and boats in the front yard is not permitted,
except for 48 hours within any consecutive 30-day period.
• Store your refuse containers on private property, preferably out of the public view.
The GranVida Senior Living Community located at 5464 Carpinteria Avenue is now taking
reservations. The community includes 55 assisted living apartments and secure memory care
suites for 22 residents. Thirteen Carpinteria residents have already secured their apartments
which are planned to be open this winter. A dusty shoes tour is being scheduled for late fall.
If you need more information on a code matter contact the Code Compliance Supervisor, Silvia Echeverria at (805) 755-4408, she can answer questions you may have about a
possible code issue in your neighborhood and how to get it resolved.
Memorial Park Improvements Planned
Summer Protection
for Pets in Vehicles
Memorial Park is scheduled to receive a new playground funded by a state Department
of Housing and Community Development grant. The new playground will feature swings
and equipment for two age groups. The project includes updates to playground accessibility,
safety and play quality. A picnic area and shade pergola adjoined to the playground are also
being considered. Construction of the project is scheduled for the Spring of 2017. If you are
interested to know more and provide input, contact the Parks Department (805) 755-4449.
Community Garden Progresses
Work continues to progress on the Carpinteria Community Garden Park. Coordination
of the installation of utilities and the ordering of project furnishings are underway. The
project features 100 raised bed planters to be made available to the public for vegetable
growing. In addition, 40 fruit trees, a grape vine arbor, and park amenities will be installed
onsite. Growing vegetables locally is better for the environment, more healthful and can
save money. If you are interested in participating in the Garden Park you can contact the
Parks Department at (805) 755-4449.
Pets can suffer from heatstroke, suffocation and
death when left in a vehicle on a hot day. A parked
car can exceed temperatures of 90 degrees inside, and
up to 160 degrees when parked in the sun. Below are
some tips to protect your pet during the hot summer
months should you find it absolutely necessary to leave
your pet in your vehicle.
• Never leave your animal in a car in the direct sun,
always find a shady spot to park and roll down several windows. Leave water in the car.
• Leave your name and the address of where you will be while you are gone on the dashboard, in case of an emergency.
• Do not leave the car running, and do not leave the air-conditioning on as it may fail and
emit hot air. If animals have only overheated air to breathe they can collapse, suffer brain
damage, or die of heatstroke.
If you return to your car and and your pet is showing signs of heat exhaustion such as
restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, dark tongue, rapid pulse, fever, vomiting, glazed eyes,
dizziness, or lack of coordination, give the animal water and place a cold towel or ice pack
on its head, neck and chest. Call your veterinarian if necessary.
Dog Owners, Please Remember…
Back row: Scott Coffman, Dan Flynn, Marsha Callender, Gaby Edwards, Bryan Mootz,
Cameron Schunk, Richard Evans, Robert Kovach, Suzette Chafey, Janice Katz, Misty
Russell. Front row: Megan Landry, Mimi Audelo, Marian Kadota, Hillary Blackerby, Gayle
Robinson, Lyhn Phung, Dave Durflinger, Peter Wahl.
Community Members Receive
Emergency Response Training
Congratulations to Carpinteria’s Spring Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Graduates! After twenty hours of training that included putting their new knowledge to
work during a devastating earthquake drill, these new grads are now equipped with the skills
to help their families and neighbors during a disaster. During the graduation ceremony, City
Manager Dave Durflinger and Battalion Chief Robert Kovach presented certificates to our
new CERT volunteers.
The Carpinteria CERT Program has trained over 250 volunteers in basic disaster response
skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical
operations. Through this training, CERT volunteers are better prepared to serve as a crucial
resource capable of handling several emergency roles right after a disaster.
If you would like to learn more about the Carpinteria CERT program and future classes,
contact Mimi Audelo at or 805-755-4401.
City Invites Input on Hazard
Mitigation Plan Update
The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires all local
governments to create a plan that identifies risks and ways to minimize damage from natural and manmade disasters in order to qualify
for federal mitigation funds in the future. This plan identifies the primary natural hazards
of risk and presents measures to increase resiliency throughout the City of Carpinteria.
The City is inviting the public to review and comment on the City’s local multi-jurisdiction
Hazard Mitigation Plan 2016 update and is participating with Santa Barbara County in this
process; it is anticipated that the plan will be available for review in August.
The public will be able to download the updated plan at
in the near future. Hard copies will also be available at City Hall. For additional information
regarding the comment process please contact Mimi Audelo at (805)755-4401 or mimia@ Your input is invaluable to increasing disaster resiliency in our community.
 Dogs are not allowed on the beaches from Linden Avenue to Ash
Avenue, and on the beach at the California State Park.
 Dogs must be kept on leashes no longer than six (6) feet in length
when out in public spaces. Retractable leashes must not be extended more
than six feet.
 If you suspect that your pet has ingested a poison or a toxic substance, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(ASPCA) has a 24-hour hotline where you can speak directly with a
Veterinarian or Toxicologist at the Animal Poison Control Center, 1-888426-445 or 1-800-548-2423.
Deputies Serve Community on Foot
and Bike Patrols
The Sheriff ’s Office,
working in partnership with
the City of Carpinteria, has
a long tradition of providing
additional deputies to serve
the community during the
summer season. This summer the additional service
will focus predominantly
in the downtown business
district on weekends, during
late afternoon and evening
hours when activity levels
peak. We encourage everyone to say hello and meet the deputies while they are out and about. The deputies are always
happy to answer questions and meet members of the community.
Boogie Boards, Inner Tubes,
Kayaks & SUPs
Kayak/SUP Rentals and
Private lessons at Ash Ave.
Kayak Rentals are available weekends and week day
afternoon through Labor Day. Cost is $15 per hour*
per person (children under $12 years $10 per hour*
and must be accompanied by a paying adult) First
come, first served weekends starting at 10:00 am at Ash
Avenue on the beach. All rentals include lifevest, paddle
and helmet.
We sell T-shirts, Sand Toys, Postcards, Sunscreen,
Beach Umbrellas, Beach Bags, and Carpinteria
Located on the Sand
at Linden & the Beach
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Memorial Day - Labor Day
(805) 566-9482
Private Lessons (surfing, sailing, SUP or kayak) can be
arranged by appointment. Availability is limited. Cost is
$40* per hour per person.
All Proceeds Benefit
City Youth Recreation Programs
Call the pool 805-566-2417 to schedule
or email
All minors, under 18 yrs. must be
accompanied and supervised by an adult.
Reservations are required for all private lessons and
must be made one week in advance.
Your purchases help keep youth program costs down.
We appreciate your business!
*Prices subject to change
Learn to Swim
at the Community Pool
Ages 8 and up
Cost: $175.00 (5 day session)
Class size 3 person minimum
Participants must be registered one week prior to session date
Knowing how to swim is an important skill that can save a life!
Summer Group Lessons
$45 / 1 week
or $80 / two weeks
M-F from 11am-1pm
June 13 - August 19
Various levels available
Children must be
4 years old or older
Each Lesson is 30 minutes
Swimming is a great way to keep fit, is
low impact, and is an activity that can
continue for a lifetime. It is also a great
way to make friends and have fun too!
The City offers swim lessons for all ages
including adults.
Children that have participated in the
third grade or middle school swim
programs could truly benefit from
additional lessons this summer. For more
information contact Community Pool
(805) 566-2417 or
Beginner and intermediate surfers will learn surfing safety, technique and etiquette
from certified lifeguards who are also experienced surfers. Wetsuits and surfboards
are available to program participants. Email or call the
pool (805) 566-2417 for more information.
Session #4
Session #5
Session #6
Session #7
Session #8
Session #9
11 - July 15
18 - July 22
25 - July 29
1 - Aug. 5
8 - Aug. 12
15 - Aug. 19
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
1:30 pm-4:30 pm
Private and Semi-private lessons may be arranged one week in advance and cost
$40 per student.
19th Annual
Carpinteria Triathlon
Sunday, September 25
Family Night
at the Pool
Grab the kids, challenge your friends to a water polo game, or simply go for a swim;
Friday Family Night has something for everyone. The pool will offer water polo,
lap and recreational swimming. Please mark the following dates on your summer
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
July 22th and August 12th
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied
by an adult age 18 or older.
Olympic Distance
1.5K Swim | 40K Bike | 10K Run
7:30 AM
Sprint Distance
0.5K Swim | 15K Bike | 5K Run
8:00 AM
The Carpinteria Triathlon is a benefit event for the City’s Parks & Recreation
youth programs. Proceeds will help to provide scholarships and additional
equipment for programs such as Junior Lifeguards and our ocean recreation programs.