Fordson TRADE MARK TRACTOR Parts List .. . -MOTOR NUMBER HERE Instructions for Ordering Parts.. 1-Always give number of Tractor; it is stamped on the motor on the right-hand side. ~-Always give number and name of each part ordered . · 8-Speoify whether shipments are to be forwarded by mail, express or freight. · · 4-0rders for parts should be written separately from correspondence pertaining to other matters. 6-Parts should be ordered from Dealer. 66 Tractor Plate No. 1 Part No. Name of Part. Year. REAR AXLE. 81 81B 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 88B 89 89B 810 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 S19 820B •s21c 822C 825 826 .. Rear axle shaft .. 1917-26 .. 1926-27 Rear axle shaft and Jear Rear ·axle housing- right or left 1917-Z'l Rear azle housing cap screw .. 1917-27 Rear azle housing gasket 1917-27 Rear axle housing roller bearing 1917-27 Rear axle roller bearing sleeve .. 1917-27 Rear axle shaft bearing conr 1917-27 Rear axle shaft felt 1917-22 Rear axle shaft felt 1922-27 Rear axle shaft felt retainer 1917-22 Rear azle shaft felt retainer 1922-27 Rear axle housing plug . . 1917-27 Di1ferential gear . . .. 1917-26 1917-26 Di1ferential gear look ring-per pair Di1ferential pinion spider .. 1917-27 . . 1917-27 Difterential pinion .. 1917-27 Difterential housing . . 1917-27 Differential housing bolt . . Difterential housing bolt nut 1917-27 .. 1917-27 Differential housing ball-bearing .. 1920-27 Worm gear--bronze-51 teeth .. Worm-deep splined-steel-3 lead 1922-27 1917-27 Worm shaft thrust roller bearing Worm nut .. 1917-27 .. 1917-27 Worm shaft thrust roller bearing race • Beginning with Tractor 263810. . DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 67 Price.. £ •• d •• •• e• •• •• a •• ••• • •• •a• •1 • 1 1! • •• •ou•• •• 51! • •-,. ••• 1 15 a 10 5 6 4 • 10 0 4 0 I 0 i 0 0 0 5 1 1! 0 6 11! 4 4 ~15 ~1! 4 0 ,, I Tractor Plate No. 2 Part No. Name of Part. Year. FRONT AXLE. BS1 BS2 SS3 854 S65 . 858 857 BS8 859 880 S81 882 883 864 885 888 887 888 889 S70 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 S80 881 88S SlOO SlOt •stos •sto3 •s1o4 •sto5 stoe 810'7 S108 tS120 tS121 St22. £ 8. d. Front axle-with bushing 1917-27 Front axle trunnion .. 1917-27 Front axle trunnion bushing 1917-27 Radius rod- with bushing 1917-27 Radius rod bushing 1917-27 1917-27 Radius rod pin . . Radius rod bolt . . .. .. 1917-27 Radius rod bolt nut-order 2598 1917-27 SPINDLE BODY. . .. .. 1917-27 Spindle body bushing (per pair) .. . 1917-27 Spindle pin .. .. .. 1917-27 .. .. 1917-27 Spindle pin washer Front wheel dust ring . . .. 1917-27 Spindle pin grease cup-order 2579 1917-27 Spindle felt. . .. 1917-19 Spindle felt retainer 1917-19 Spindle washer 1917-27 Spindle nut .. .. .. . . 1917-27 SPINDLE ARM- FRONT- RIGHT- ASSEMBLY 1917-27 SPINDLE ARM- FRONT-LEFT- ASSEMBLY 1917-27 Svfndle arm bushing 1917-27 Spindle arm washer-order S67 1917-P/'1 Svindle arm ·nut-order S68 1917-27 Spindle connecting rod . . 1917-27 Spindle con. rod yoke pin 1917-27 Spindle arm ball . . .. . , 1917-27 Spindle ·arm ball nut-order 858 • . 1917-27 STEERING GEAR CON. ROD ASSEMBLY 191':'-27 Steering gear con. rod . . 1917-27 Steering gear con. rod cap 1917-27 Steering rear con. rod cap. bolt 1917-27 Steering gear con. rod cap bolt nut 1917-27 WHEELS. I'RONT WHEEL ASSEMBLY Prout wheel hub cap Prout wheel spindle bearing outside cup Front wheel spindle bearing outaide cone and roller .. Front wheel IPindle bearinc- l.naide cup Front wheel spindle Maring i.naide cone and roller -:.. Front wheel spJndle wuher ... Front wheel ball beariq-4)utaide l'ront wheel ball bearin~inaide . . .. REAR WHEEL ASSEMBLY-RIGHT-leu baahU.. .. REAR WHEEL ASSEliiBLY-LEl1'T- lesa bushing Rear whee) hub cap screw 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 5 17 8 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 6 0 5 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 7 0 15 0 0 3 5 6 0 4 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 12 8 0 1 8 0 0 5. 0 0 5 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 4 18 0 0 1 8 0 3 8 1917-27 1917-27 0 8 0 8 0 4 1917-27 1919-27 1817 1917 1 3 8 1917-27 13 3 9 1917-27 1917-27 13 3 9 0 1 6 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 68 Price. 0 13 0 0 0 17 8 8 8 Tractor Plate No. 3 Part Ko. 8128 8124 8126 8128 Name of Part. Rear. wheel Rear wheel Rear wheel Rear wheel WHEELS (conl) bushing . cleat- right . . cleat-left cleat rivet .. Year. .. 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 ;Price. £ 8 . d. 1 8 0 8 0 8 0 0 a ••• • Beginning with Tractor No. 32764. Tractor Plate No. 4 S150 S151 •s152 tS153 8154 . 8155 S156 S157 S158 S159 S160 . 8161 8162B S168 S164 KEROSENE TANK. KEROSENE TANK A.S SEMBLY-Order S.186 1917-24 Keroaene tank ca~rder 2901B 1917-27 Kerosene tank strap assembly . . .. 1917-27 Kerosene tank strap-rear assembly .. 1917-22 Kerosene tank strap lining . . 1917-27 Kerosene tank strap rivet--order 1058 1917-27 Kerosene tank strap look washer-order 8078C 1917-27 1917-27 Kerosene tank strap nut Sediment bulb assembly~rder 2902B .• 1917-24 1917-24 Sediment bulb fiange--order 2051X 1917-24 Sediment bulb fiange gasket-order 2094X 1917-24 Sediment bulb pet cock-order 3079 . . Kerosene feed tube .. · .. .. 1917-24 1917-24 Kerosene feed tube pack nut-ord(!r S.163 Sediment bulb pack nut-order 2925 1917-24 Sediment bulb pack nut-packing-order 2913 1917-24 • Two required on tractors with breather on dash. t Used only on tractors without breather on dash. DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 69 o o 0 5 5 a a 0 11 o o a 0 2 • Name of Part. ·Part No. Ye&i'. £ s. d. GASOLINE TANK. S178 *S178 S179 GASOLINE TANK-CAST IRON Gasoline tank cap-order 2901B Gasoline tank plug .. .. .. Gasoline tank plug gasket-order S160 Price. .. 1917-25 1917-24 1917-25 1917-25 0 18 6 o· 2 a "-~ /~i9iT~ "' S·l96 5·194. S181 · S181B 8182 S183 81.84 S185 . t8186 S187 8188 8189 8190 S191B S191C S191D 8192 'S193 8194 s1g5 S1 6 S197 8198 ~ S·l95 Tractor Plate No. 5 . ~ . 1917-25 Gasoline tank pet cock:_order 8161 .. Gasoline feed tube 1917-21 1922-25 . Fuel fee.d tube-short Gasoline feed tube pack nut-orde:t 2925 1922-25 Gasoline. tank cap screw 1917-27 Gasoline tank screw lock washer . 1917-27 1917-23 Auxiliary gas tank plug .. Fuel valve (two way) .. 1922-24 ... 1924-27 Fuel tank assembly ·Fuel tank filler plug and gasket assembly-order . 2901B 1917-27 Fuel tank · filler plug gasket .. 1924-27 1924-27 Gasoline tank elbow · 1924-27 Gasoline tiUlk feed tube .. . Fuel feed tube (used with S186 and 81000) 1924-27 Fuel feed tube (used with S186 and SllOO) 1924-25 Fuel feed tube (used with 81100) 1925-27 ·sediment bulb assembly .• · •. 1924-27 1924-27 Sediment bulb screen· retainer 1924-27 Sedim~nt bulb screen assembly 1924-27 Sediment bulb valve handle .. 1924-27 Sediment bulb valve ·packing Sediment bulb valve set nut-order 5134 1924-27 . . . 1924-27 Sediment bulb valve ·pack nut .. .. S·l98 0 1 5 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 1 0 5 4 8 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 12 . 2 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 0 l 0 5 t Beginning with Tractor No. .393410. When replacing old style fuel tank also {=' . supply 1 8190. MOTOR. ENGINE . ASSEMBLY '(See Wustra\ion) 191'i-27 75 *8199 Cylinder 1917~27 18 *8200 40 Cylinder assembly 1917-27 *S200F 1917-26 3 8201 · . Cylinder head .. 1928-27 3 Cylinder head .. .• SS01B Cylinder. head-high oompresaion 1917-27 3 82010 Cylinder head cap screw 1917~27 0 8202 , Cylinder head gasket 1917-26 0 tS208 Cylinder head gailket .. .. 1926-27 0 S203B Cylinder head water connection gas~et .. 1917-27 0 8204 · Cylinder plug 1917-27 0 B205 • Not subject to regular discount. f. When unable to obtain part number use S203B. .. ... .. . .. DEMAND GENillNE FORD PARTS 70 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 6 7 6 7 tf 0 6 5 0 5 0 1 3 0 3 8203 Part No. Tractor Plate No. 6 Name of Part. Year. MOTOR (cont.) . 8206 8206B l8207 8207B 8208 8209 8210 8211 8218 Cylinder oil pipe . . . . 1917-25 Cylinder oil pipe . . 1926-27 Cylinder front cover . . 1917-26 1926-27 . Cylinder front cover Cylinder front cover bolt .. . . 1.917-P:/ Cylinder front cover bolt not-order 8167 1917-27 Cylinder front cover drain cock . . 1917-27 Cylinder front cover felt 1917-P:/ . . 1917-25 Cylinder front cover cap screw-'-Order 8182 Cylinder front cover screw lock washer-orderS183 1917..25 Cylinder front cover gasket . . 1917-P:/ t When unable to obtain part number 8207, use S207B. DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 71 Price. £ 0 0 4 4 0 d. 2 0 8. 1 12 12 0 6 0 0. 6 0 8 ·7 0 0 6 0 0 6 Part No. Year. Name of Part. Price. MOTOR (cont.) £ 8. d. PISTON COMPLETE 1 1 0 1917-27 · Piston complete-.005"' O.S. 1 1 0 1917-27 Piston complete-.1-32" 0:8. 1 1 0 1917-27 1 1 0 1917-27 Piston complete-.037" O.S. Piston pin .. 1917-27 0 7 0 0 1 3 1917-27 Piston ring .005* O.S. 0 1 3 Piston ring-standard 1917-27 0 1 3 Piston ring 1-32" 0.8. 1917-27 Piston ring .oar o.s. 0 1 3 1917-27 CON. ROD ASSEMBLY (does not include 8228) . 1917-27 1 8 0 1917-27 Con. rod cap bQlt 0 1 5 Con. rod cap bolt nut 1917-27 0 1 0 1917-27 Con. rod clamp screw 0 1 5 8228 Con. rod shim-brass ~ 003... ~ . . 1917-27 0 0 .1 8224 Con. rod emergency shim-buss .0015... 1917-2'7 0 0 1 8225 CRANK SHAFT . . .. 9 12 6 1917-27 8226 1917-27 . 0 7 0 Crank shaft time gear .. 8227 Crank shaft key-order 3548 1917-27 8228 0 7- 0 Crank shaft bearing cap 1917-27 8229 Crank shaft bearing No. 3 1917-27 0 9 0 8280 Crank shaft bearing cap pin . . 1917-27 0 0 .1 S231 Crank shaft bearing cap screw .. 0 1 0 1917-27 8232 Crank shaft bearing cap emergency shim 0 0 1 1917-27 8233 CAM SHAFT .. . .. .. 1917-27 2 17 6 S234 Cam shaft kev- order 8228 1917-27 ' 1917-27 0 10 8 Cam shaft gear 8236 0 0 6 1917-27 Cam shaft gear shim 8236B o· o 11 1917-27 Cam shaft nut-.large 8237B Cam shaft nut-small-order 3220 1917-27 8238 Cam shaft time gear ·rivet-order 3207 1917-27 8239 Cam shaft time gear cap-order 3206 1917-27 8240 Valve push rod 0 2 6 . . 1917-27 8241 Valve-intake and exhaust 1917-27 0 3 3 82420 Valve-intake and exhaust- t.-64' 0.8. Stem, 8242D 1-64' O.S. Head 0 3 8 1917-27 Valve-intake and exhaust- 1-64* O.S. Stem, 8242E .. . . 1917-27 i*O.S. Head o a ·3 Valve spring cover screw 1917-25 0 0 6 8243 Valve bushing .. .. 1917-27 o 1 ·o 8244 . 1917-27 Valve spring 0 0 11 8245 Valve spring seat . . . . . 19'17-23 0 0 3 8246 • . . 1923-27 Vain spring seat . . •8246B 0 . 0. 4 .. .1917:.23 Valve spring seat pin . . . 0 0 1 8247 1923-27. · Valve spring 'seat retainer-per pair 0 0 4 •8247B .. .. 1917-27 Valve spring · cover 8248 0 .' 9 0 Valve sDrin~t · cover gasket 1917-27 o ·o 10 8249 .. 1917·27. CRA)fl( CASE . . t S260 5 19 8 Crank cue 1928-27 · 5 1! 8 826GB 1917-27 Crank case bolt-order 8208 Crank cue bolt nut-order 8157 ' 1917-Pf'/ Crank case pet cook · . . 1917-Pf'/ 8258 0 ·1 5 Crank case drain plug .. · 1917-27 8254 0 1 0 1917-27 Crank case drain plug casket-8707 Crank case pipe pluc-order 810 . . 1917-27 0 0 5 Crank case gasket- per pair 1917-27 8267 8258 Breather cover uaembly. . .. 1917-22 0 1 8 1993-25 Breather cover assembly-order 3068 . . t8258B 8259 1917-22 Breather strainer . . 0 0 4 '7 OU ftller 1923-27 tS260 0 4 8 ~OU ftller gauze assembly 1928-27 :8261 0 1 8 1923-27 OU ftller leU 8162 0 0 5 0 0 8 8268 Oil ftller screw 1923-Pf'/ OU ftller cover · 1928-27 0 0 4 8284 on ftller hinge spring 1923-27 0 0 5 t 8266 ~ flller hinge pin 1928-2'7 t 8288 0 . 0 1' • Used with •teel valve. t When unable to obtain pari number 8260, use 8860B. · t Used with tractors breather on dub. . · COMlllUTATOR. 8278 Com. case with ftbre-order 8221 · · . . .. : 1917-27 o 4 e 8277 Com. look nu~rder 8210 .. 1917-27 8278 Com. brush anembly-order 3165 1917-25 8279 Com. case sprinc . . 1917-27 0 0 8 Com. case s~ri:lg etod . . .. 8280 1917-27 0 1 0 Com. spring stud nut-order 8167 . . 1917-27 S214 '"8215 8216 8216B 8217 8218 8218B S219 8219B 8220 8221 8222 .. 1 72 , Name of Pari. Pad No. 8!82 81828 8288 8284 8286 Com. Com. Com. Com. Com. COMMUTATOR (cont.) control rod .. control rod . . leU retainer assembly felt retainer washer felt PrieL Year. £ 1917·24 1924-27 1924-27 1924-25 1924-26 8. d . •• • 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 I Tractor Plate No. 8 MAGNETO. 8800 8301 8802 8803 8304 8805 •8soa 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8313 MAGNETO COIL ASSEMBLY . . 1917-27 Magneto con support shim 1917-27 Magneto coU support screw 1917-27 PRIMARY CONTACT ASSEMBLY-order 3260B 1917-27 Primary insulator lock nut-order 8261B .. 1917-27 Ply wheel . . . 1917-27 Fly wheel magnets (16 per set)-order 8276B specify for tractor .. .. 1917-27 Fly wheel magnet clamp-order 3277 1917-27 Fly wheel magnet clamp screw .. 1917-27 1917-27 Fly wheel magnet su~port-order 3267 Fly wheel magnet bot . • .. .. 1917-27 Ply wheel magneto washer-order 3255 1917-27 Fly wheel ball-bearing-order S107 1917-27 Fly wheel stud 1917-27 Fly wheel stud nut-order S18 1917-27 . 3 0 0 5 •• 0 1 •• ' 0 e 4 0 0 a 0 ! • 0 TRANSMISSION. TRANSMISSION HOUSING 1917-27 12 15 • Transmission housing gasket 1917-27 · o • a Transmission housing plate 1917-22 1 8 0 Transmission housin« plate 1922-27 1 I I Transmission houaiu plate guket . • 1917!"27 0 I I Transmission housing plate pin .. . . 1917-27 0 0 u Transmission housing plate cap screw-order S302 1917-27 Transmission housing bolt-order S208 1917-27 Transmission housing bolt nut-order 8157 . . 1917-?f'l Transmission housing plug-order 810 1917-?f'l Transmission housing cap screw-order 8182 1917-27 8336B Transmission drive shaft .. . . 1923-?f'l 3 11 8 8336 Transmission shaft bevel gear . . 1917-27 1 I 8 8337 Ttanamission drive shaft nut 1917-'n 0 I 4 8338 Transmission shaft-upper .. . .. 1917-?f'l 1 1i 0 8338B Transm.ission shaft- upper (specjal ratio) 1925-27 1 11 t 8339 Transmission shaft-lower 11ssembly . . 1917-27 2 11 0 8340 Transmission pinion-splined 1917-27 1 1 0 • Sold in sets only. t Not subJect to regular discount. t Used only with S!lC. t8325 8326 8327 :ss27B 8328 8329 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 73 .S~342 . [_ _.s·3Sl Tractor Plate No. 9 Part No. 8340B 8341 8342 . 8842B 8848 8848B 83430 8844 83440 8345 Name of Pari. TRANSMISSION (cont.) Transmission pinion-spljned (special ratio) ·Transmission pinion reverse (plain) . .' .. .. Transmission gear-low . . TransmJsaion gear-low (special ratio). • Tranamiasion gear-larce (shallow aplined) TransmJsaion cear--largt (deep apllned) (used ·with 821 C) . .. .. TranamJsaion gear-large (special · ratio) Transmission reverse idler with bushing Tranamisaion reverse idler with bushing Transmission housing plate oil ..hield . . Year. £ 1925-27 . . 1917-P// . 1917-27 . . 1925·27 . . 1917-22 oDJY ·1923·27 1925·27 . . 1917·23 · 1923-27 1917-27 DEl'riAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 74 Price. 8. d 1 5 0 1· 5 0 1 15 0 1 16 0 2 17 0 2 17 ' 0 2 17 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Part No. 8846 8846B 8847 8847B 8848 8849 8860 8861 8862 8868 8864 8866 IW6 Name ol Part. Price. Year. TRAN8liUSSION (cont.) revene idler shalt 1917-22 revene idler shalt 1923-27 reverse idler bushing 1917-23 revene idler bushing .. 1924-27 revene idler collar .. 1917-22 shaft ball bearing-small 1917-27 shalt ball bearing-large .. 1917-27 D.8. and large gear ball bearing 1917-27 .• •. .. •• . . 1917-27 screw 1917-27 gasket .. .. . . 1917-27 reverse idler shaft cotter pin (per dOJS.) . . 1917-22 Drawbar cap extensfon .. . . 1923-27 Transmission Transmission Transmiaaion Transmiuion Transmission Transmission Transmission Transminion Drawbar oap Drawbar cap Drawbar cap Transmiasion £ 8. d . 0 4 I 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 2 2 0 ~ 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 1 6 18 0 18 0 0 • 0 • 0 l;i~~--~:, .---;1 5·364 S·36S Tractor Plate No. 10. 8360 8361 S362 ' 8363 S364 S365 8366B S367B s3as BRAKE. Transmission plate reverse idler and brake assy. 1923-27 Brake shaft 1923-27 Brake spring ·. . .. 1923-27 1923-27 Bra)[e spring retainer nut Brake adjusting screw 1923-27 Brake plate pin 1923-27 Brake plate-stationary 1923-27 Brake plate revolving 1923-27 Brake hub . . 1923-27 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'1 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 • 6 6 • 9 3 1 0 8 0 0 0 6 I 1 0 0 0 6 1 9 0 4 3 Tractor Plate No. 11. 83'15 8376 8377 ·8879 8880 8381' 8882 GEAR 8HIFI'ER. GEAR SIDFTER ASSEMBLY .. Gear shifter plate Gear shifter plate gasket . . .. .. Gear shifter plate cap screw-order 8. 182 Gear shifter lever Gear shifter lever ball Gear shifter lever ball pin Gear shifter lever ball retainer .. .. .. 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-?,7 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 75 0 0 0 0 0 Part No. ....._,. 8883 S88"4 8885 8888 S387 8388 8889 8391 Year. Name of Part. Price. £ s. d. GEAR SmFTER (cont.) Gear shifter lever ball retainer pin Gear 'sh~r--upper .. .. Gear shifter--lower Gear shifter shaft Gear shifter shaft pin .. Ge·a r shifter plunger .. . Gear shifter plunger spring ... ' Gear shifter plate cap-order 8254 Gear shifter mterlock .. .. • .. . 0 8 8 3 0 1 0 1 3 3 1917-27 1917.-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 · 1917-27 . 1917-27 1917-27 1917-'J!'I 1917-'J!'I 1917-27 1917-'}// 1917-27 1917-'J!'I 1917-27 1917-27 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 1 0 3 Tractor Plate No. 12. _./ 8400 8401 8402 8403 · 8404 8405 8408 8407 8408 8409 841.0 CLUTCH. · CLUTCH ASSEMBLY .. . Clutch housing- front Clutch housing- rear assembly .. Clutch housing cap screw Clutch housing cap screw nut Clutch plate driver Clutch plate driven Clutch spring Clutch drive drum and keys Clutch driven drum ring-per pair Clutch driven drum nut .. .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 3 12 0 0 1 1 1 5 0 3 Tractor Plate No. 13. _, ;.-.:- SW· S428· S427 8428 S429 S430 S431 8432 STARTING CRANK. STUTING CRANK ASSEMBLY Starting crank •. .. .. Starting crank handle-order 3901 .• Starting crank handle pin-order 3902 Starting .crank handle spriilg.,...-order 3909 Starting crank spring Starting crank spaoer Starting pin .. 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 0 8 8 0 5 0 ·0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 8 DASH. 1917-22 a 17 8 Dash · with liDing S451 '. 4-4 0 1923-25 •s451B . Dash with lining .. 4 4 0 1917-27 Dash with liniD~r . . tS4510 0 0 5 · Dash cotton lining 1917-27 8452 . • B"dnnfng wfth No. 276288. t AJso nunlY one each of S492B, 8493B, S282B, and 8493D when replacing previous type Dash .not having lenition switch. . DEMAND GE~ 78 FORD PARTS Tractor Plate No. 14. Part No. S455 8456 S457 S459B S461 S462 8463 S464 S465 Name of Part. DASH (cont.) Dash split rhet -order S155 Dash cap screw-order 8353 Dash gasket CLUTCH LEVER BRACKET ASSEMBLY Clutch lever bracket Clutch lev~r bracket 1Jolt--1>tder S30£ Clutch lever Clutch lever pin--1>rder S75 Clutch release plate Clutch pedal . Clutch pedal cam .. Clutch pedal cam retainer- per pair Clutch pedal pin . . .. .. Year. Price. £ s. d . 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 . . 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 ' 1917-27 1917-27 0 0 5 112 0 0 9 0 0 17 6 0 6 0 12 0 8 0 0 8 8 3 0 15 0 7 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 3 STEERING GEAR. S475 8476 S477 S477B 8478 S479 8480 8481 8482 S483 S484 8485 8486 S487 S488 S488B S488C S488D S489 S489B 8490 8491 S492 8492B. 8493 8493B 8493C 8493D 8494 8495 8496 8497 8497B S497C S497D STEERING WHEEL ASSEMBLY Steering wheel rim Steering wheel rim screw Steering wheel lock washer Steering wheel spider Steering shaft .. .. .. Steering shaft grease cup-order 2845 . . Steering shaft nut Steering sector . Steering sector pin Steering pinion .. Steering arm- rear Throttle control handle Throttle control lever connection Throttle control rod Throttle control rod and cover assembly Throttle control rod assembly Throttle control rod Throttle control rod lever Throttle control rod lever Throttle control rod lever pin Spark control rod Spark control rod support Spark control rod support Spark control rod lever . , Spark control rod levet .• Spark control rod bracket Spark control rod bracket Con. rod and priming rod plunger spring Control rod spring retainer Control rod spring retainer pin Priming rod .. Priming rod (used with S606B) . • Priming rod (used with S1000) Priming rod (used with SllOO .. . . 1917-27 1917-27 1917-Z'l 1920-27 1917-Z'l 1917-27 1917-Z'l 1917-Z'l 1917-Z'l 1917-27 1917-Z'l 1917-Z'l 1917-27 1917-27 1917-21 1922-27 1922-27 1922-27 1917-27 . . 1922-27 .. . 191'7·27 1917-27 1917-23 1924-27 1917-24 1917-27 1924 1924-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-tz/ . 1917·20 1921-25 1924-Z'l . . 1925-Z'l DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 77 0 8 8 7 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 0 5 14 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 1 5 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 0 8 8 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 6 0 0 4 S·41t'!' S·488·8 · s~ S·488·0 5·491 .0 S·493 ~ S·493·0 5·493·8 :» rtiY'fi~~ 5·494 ·-0 S·495 5·499 ·8 5'·497 '~--------------·----~ 5·497· 8 S·SOO . Part No. 8497E 8498 8498B 8489 8499B 8600 8601 8602 8108 5)1 S·SOI Tractor Plate No. 15 Name of Part. .s·so3 Year. STEERING GEAR (cont.) Priming rod- front-(used with 81000) Priming rod plunger Priming rod- front-bracket (used with 81000) Needle valve adjusting rod .·· Needle valve adjusting rod ~· Throttle control rod yoke Throttle control cover assembly Throttle control rod spring · .. Throttle control rod friction dlso .. S·S02 5·498 . Price. £ 1924-27 1917-25 1925-27 -1917-21 1922-27 1917-21 1922-27 1922-27 1922-27" s. d. 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 RADIATOR. sus SU7B 8628 8621 8681. 86U 8633 8684 8635 Radiator top tank and lining . . •• 1917-27 Radiator top tank cover (replaces 8627 and 8530) 1917-27 Radiator cover bolt · . . .. .. . . 1917-27 Radiator cover bolt nut , . 1917-27 Radiator cover ring .. 1917-27 Radiator tank cap screw .. .. 1917-27 Radiator top tank stud . . 1917-27 Radiator top tank stud nut-order 8404 .. 1917-27 Radiator top t&n'k rlvet-orde!' 8US5 .. 1917-27 Radiator top tank cotton lining-order 8154 1917-27 DEMAND GENuiNE FORD PARTS 78 3 17 9 0 3 0 0 1 5 0 o· 6 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 6 Part No. 8536 8538 8540 8541 8542 8643 8544 8545 8548 . 8547 8548 ., 8549 Year. Nnme of Part. Radiator Radiator 8182 Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Radiator Price. RADIATOR (cont.) top tank connection . . .. • . 1917-27 top tank connection oap screw-order .• •• '. •• •• • • 1917-27 tank cap aorew . . .. 1917-27 tank oap screw nut-order 8404 1917-27 core assembly . . . 1917-2'7 overfiow tube and eland 1917-27 strip-front 1917-27 strip-rear •• ' 1917-27 side member · :. 1917-27 bottom tank 1917-2'7 bottom tank spacer . . 1917-27 bottom tank oap aorew 1917-27 tank .gasket •. .. 1917-27 top tank gasket 1917-27 £ 8. d 1 1 0 .. 0 0 8 6 16 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 14 017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 c 0 0 2 8 6 8 ".I .. .r·a.. . . . .. . .. ~~ . . x.r I . ~...... ··- -·~~ --,:;.1~"~·~, . .. . . . . . . . Tractor Plate No. 16 8550 8551 8552 8563 8654 Radiator bottom tank gasket 1917-27 Radiator fin .. .• 1917-27 Radiator header-bottom 1917-27 Radiator header-top . . . 1917-27 Radiator tube-small .. 1917-27.. Radiator connection bolt---order S208 . . 1917-27 Radiator connection bolt nut---<nder 8157 1917-27 Radiator connection lock washer-order 8156 1917-27 Radiator !"' lock washer--order S183 • • . . 1917-27 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 5 4 0 0 8 0 3 8 *"' . FAN. S575 8576 S578 S579 S580 8581 .. FAN ASSEMBLY Fan shaft Fan shaft nut-order 858 Fan shaft retainer Fan blade assembly Fan pulley . . Fan pulley gasket .. 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-2'7 1917-27 1917-27 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 79 2 12 & 0 8 e 0 2 0 4 0 7 0 0 0 3 0 2 Tractor Plate No. l'i' Pari No. Name of Part. Year. FAN (coni. ) 8582 8583 8584 8585 :::586 8589 8590 8591 Fan pulley dust ring Fan pulley plug-order 3980 Fan .drive pulley .. Pan drive pulley pin Fan screw . . Fan ball bearing Fan washer Fan bolt 1920-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 . . 1917-27 . . 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 · Price. £ 8. d 0 0 9 o 8. 6 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 11 0 0 0 6 o ·s 8 HOLLEY VAPORIZER. S600B 8601 8601B 8602 S602B 8608 S608B 8604C 8605 8608 8807 S608 S809 S610 S811 S812 S618 8614 8815 S616 S818B 8617 8618 8619 8620 862GB 882! S823B S628C S824 S824B S625 . S8!5B S628 S628B S627 S828 8628B 8629 VAPORIZER ASSEMBLY . · 1917-25 :llher chamber assembly . . 1917-21 M!Ier chamber assembly . . 1922-25 IIJ.Ier chamber 1917-21 IIJ.Ier chamber . . . 1922-25 Mizer chamber cover .. .• 1917-21 Mizer chamber cover assembly . • 1922-25 IIJ.Ier chamber cover screw-order S628B 1917-21 Mizer chamber to manifold cap screw- old number 8604B . . .. 1917-25 .. Mizer chamber cover gasket 1917-25 Mixer chamber gasket . . 1917-25 AIR VALVE .. 1917-25 Air valve guide 1917-25 1927-25 Throat choke tube Throat retainer screw 1917-21 Shifter valve . . 1917-21 ShJtter valve button 1917-21 Shifter valve plunger .. · 1917-21 Shifter valve spring .. . . .1917-21 Shifter valve cover . . 1917-21 STRANGLING THROTTLE LEVER AND VALVE .. 1917-26 ASSEMBLl .. .. .. Strangling throttle lever and rod "uaembly 1922-25 Strangling throttle plate . . 1917-25 Strangling throttle plate pin 1917-25 Throttle lever assembly • . 1917·21 Throttle plate 1917-21 Throttle plate .. .. .. 1922-25 Throttle plate pin-order 8618 . . 1922-25 .. •. . . 1917-25 Vapor tube pack nut Vapor tube packing 1917-25 Vapor tube bushing •. . . 1917-25 Float chamber uaembly . . 1917-21 Float chamber assembly . . 1922-25 Float chamber 1917-21 Float chamber 1922--25 rloat chamber cover 1917-21 Float chamber cover 1922-25 Float chamber cover spring . . 1917-21 Jloat chamber cover sorew 1917-21 I!'l~t chambor -cover ilor~w 1922-r:5 Float oh.a mber cover spacer . . 1917-21 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 80 5 5 0 2 2 0 1 12 0 0 17 6 0 14 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 8 6 2 2 10 0 1 9 0 1 0 0 8 6 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 1 6 0 8 6 0 1 10 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 1 15 0 1 8 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 8 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 o o a 0 0 3 0 ~ S-E-03 . s.eoz 5-610 5·611 ,0 ~-60~6 6 ' ~~ 5-EI2 5-603 6 · C~~ e ,_'" 5 605 S·606 @ S·615 5-617 S-6lOB ~ S-625 S-6ZSB "-; 5·633 •• · S.-6l6 5-6Z4 ..~~ ~ S·6'l6 8 S·~Z7 a,; . ~6 fJ 5·635 ~ 2 S-641 S-640 G s-6356 ~ 5·643 ~~5-632 .L 5·631 ~· 5·6318 \i' S-638 o~ _ 5 644 5·639 B • .:tJ ~ 5·650 . { 0 9 I ~ S-M8B S-677 I :J 5·666 S-163 l S·676C Qj 5·693 ~ ~ 5·681 ~ ...a 8630 8631 8631B 8632 S632B 8633 Tractor Plate No. J.S Name of Part. HOLLEY VAPORIZER (cont.) Float chamber welch ping .. Float .. Float .. .. .. .. Float lever and clamp screw .. .. Float lever and screw . . .. .• Float lever pin .. - · 5·698 ----t " G<'ia 5·699 Year. Price. £ s 1917-21 1917-21 1922-26 1917-21 1922-25 1917-21 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 81 - S-696 $-695 S·68Z Part No. ~-~,....-·- d. 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 s 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 Part No. S633B 8634 8634B 8635 8635B 8636 8637 8638 8639 S639B 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8647 S648 8648B S649B 8650 8652B 8653 8654 8655 8656 8657 8658 8659 8660 8661 8662 8662B 8664 8885 8688 8889 8870 8671 8672 8673 8674 8675 8876B 86760 8677 8878 8679 8881 8881B 8682 8883 8884 8685 8686 8687 8888 8689 8890 8691 8692 8893 SaM SeN 8698 8897 se98 8699 Na~e of Part. Year. HOLLEY VAPORIZER (cont.) Float valve lever pin 1922-25 Float valve 1917-21 Float valve-order 6220 . . ·1922-25 Float valve seat . . 1917-21 Float valve seat 1922-25 1917-21 Adjusting needle point and valve assembly Adjusting needle point spring . . 1917-21 1917-21 Adjusting needle bushing Adjusting needle point assembly 1917-21 Adjusting needle head and block assembly 1922-25 Adjusting needle pilot 1917-25 High and low speed nozzle 1917-21 .. .. 1917-21 Nozzle gasket Nozzle plug 1917-21 1917-21 Nozzle plug gasket Drain plug-order 6218 . . 1917-25 1917-25 Pipe plug-t'•--order 8583 Float chamber gasket 1917-21 1917-21 MANIFOLD AND STUD ASSEMBLY .. . . 1922-25 Manifold and stud assembly Manifold stud 1917-25 Manifold outlet 'lnd studs 1917-21 Exhaust manifold outlet studs-order S649B 1917-21 1917-27 Manifold outlet stud nut Vaporiser to cylinder stud 1917-27 1917-27 Vaporiser to cylinder stud nut-order 2549 Manifold gland 1917-27 Manifold lock washer 1917-25 Manifold gasket . . 1917-27 1917-21 SHUNT VALVE LEVER ASSEMBLY Shunt valve lever stud 1917-21 Shunt valve lever stud nut 1917-21 Shunt valve lever shims 1917-21 EXHAUST SHUNT VALVE ASSEMBLY 1917-21 Shunt valve and pilot assembly 1922-25 Exhaust tube fiange 1917-21 Exhaust tube :. 1917-27 Exhaust tube bracket 1917-21 Exhaust tube bracket cap screw-order S538 1917-21 Exhaust tu~ bracket cap screw nut-order 8404 1917-21 1917-21 Mixer chamber stud-short 1917-21 Mixer chamber stud- long Float chamber stud 1917-21 1917-21 Mixer eh&I!lber stud nut-order 3934 . . Mixer chamber stud lock washer-order 48060 .. 1917-21 Float chamber stud nut-order 2503F 1917-24 · Float chamber stud nut lock washer 1917-24 1917-23 Vapor tube complete Vapor tube .. t923M24 Fuel inlet elbow- order 6222 1917-25 Fuel inlet elbow pack nut- order 8163 1917-25 1917-23 Gasoline shut off cock 1917-23 Gasoline shut off cock pack nut-order 8183 1917-23 Mixer chamber plug-order 6211 Mixer chamber elbow 1917-23 Throat retaining screw 1917-25 Shunt valve latch 1917-25 Throttle plate screw 1917-25 Shunt valve latch pin 1917-25 1917-25 Adjusting Deedle nut Float chamber throat screw 1917-25 1917-25 Manifold outlet and stud assembly Float chamber throat 1917-25 Float chamber cap screw 1917-25 1922-27 Mb:er chamber governor nange cover Mixer chamber governor nange cover gasket . . 1922-27 Mixer chamber governor nange cover screw . • 1922-27 Adjusting needle gasket . . 1917-2lS Throttle stoj) lever plate 1922-25 Throttle rod .. .. 1922-25 Throttle stop screw 1917-25 1922-25 Throttle stop lever and rod assembly Throttle sto~ lev-.,r rlate stnd . . 1922-27 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PAR'fS 82 Price. £ 8. d. 0 0 3 0 2 10 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 3 4 0 2 10 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 1 0 1 0 5 3 0 3 0 0 3 2 12 6 2 2 0 0 0 9 0 10 6 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 3 2 7 0 5 3 8 2 3 0 8 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 9 o· o 8 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 7 3 5 2 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 3 2 1 9 5 1 5·691 5·699 5·692 5·695 nm,;;;; .,Jijl 5·1003 r---~ 5·1002 'I .l ,I 5·1008 ;~~ ' ~--~- ,. 5·1006 , II I I \ 5·1010 5·1016 I 5·1020 B 1, ~ S·I024A I I II s-lo3o l ./ \ S-1026 rw- ? S·f031 f '· S·I024B S·t032 "' IQ I i'11 5·1038 ~ r--. ~ \ <01 -~ 5·1028 ~ 5·1033 4 5·1029 t-2 5·1034 r=:-, 5 ·1039 .. 5·1040 5·1035 ' ~· 5·1041 ~~ 0 za: ' . 5·1045 -nt'( S-1043 ~ S-1047 . 5·1048 5·1046 .- S -1049 1 ( S-1027 -...;:;w; 5·1037 s-1042 .......--. ' ~~ l 5·1036 5·1023 S·IOf8 ~ -{ s~1os3 s-to54 5·1050 · - - - - - - - - --- I Tractor Plate No. 19 Part No. Name of Part. KINGSTON VAPORISER. S1000 S1001 81002 81003 81004 81005 .. VAPORISER ASSEMBLY Vaporiser assembly less carburetor .. MANIFOLD AND STUD ASSEMBLY . . Manifold stud Booster .. .. .. .. Carburettor connection assembly £ . . 1924-27 . . 1924-27 1924-27 . . 1924-27 . . 1924-27 . . 1924-27 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 83 Price. Year. 8. d. 5 5 0 8 17 6 1 3 6 0 0 8 0 3 6 0 17 8 Part No. 81006 81007 81008 81010 81015 81016 81017 81018 81020 81020B 81022 81023 81024 81024B 81026 81027 81028 81029 81030 81031 81032 81033 81034 81035 81036 81037 81038 S1039 81040 81041 81042 81043 81044 81045 S1046 81047 81048 81049 S1050 S1051 81052 S1053 S1054 81055 S1056 S1057 S1058 Name of Part. Year. KINGSTON VAPORIZER (cont.) 1924-27 Carburetor connection assembly Throttle disc . . 1924-27 Throttle disc staple 1924-27 Throttle stop lever plate-order S695 1924-27 ~ Throttle stop lever and rod assembly 1924-27 Throttle stop lever plate stud-order S699 1924-27 Mixer chamber governor fiange cover-order 8691 1924-27 Mixer chamber governor fiange cover gasket.. .. .. order S692 . . 1924-27 llizer chamber governor fiange cover screworder S693 .. .. .. . . . 1924-27 CARBURETOR ASSEMBLY 1924-27 Carburetor body assembly (used with S1020B and S1024B) .. .. .. .. 1924-27 Strangling throttle lever and rod assembly 1924-27 Strangling throttle disc . . .. .. 1924-27 8tranglinll: throttle disc staple-order 81008 1924-27 Low speed needle head and stem assembly . . 1924 Low speed needle head and stem assemblY 1924-27 Low speed needle bead nut .. .. 1924 High speed needle and bead assembly 1924 High speed needle stem binder post 1924 High speed needle stem binder post 1924-27 High speed needle . stem binder post nut-order S1022 . . .. .. .. .. . . 1924 Fuel cup 1924-27 Fuel cup gasket- upper 1924-27 nel cup gasket- lower . . 1924-27 Fuel cup clamp nut 1924-27 Float assembly .. 1924-27 Air valve . . .. .. .. 1924-27 Air valve shaft and plug assembly 1924-27 Air valve stop assemblY . . .. . • 1924-27 Drain valve assembly 1924-27 Drain valve body clamp nut 1924-27 Drain valve nut . . .. . . 1924-27 Gasoline inlet elbow-order 8189 1924-27 Float valve seat . . 1924-27 1924-27 Float valve needle assembly Float valve lever pin (per doz.) 1924-27 Venturi .. .. .. 1924-27 Intake manifold fioater 1924-27 1924-27 Screw for fastening Venturi Carburetor connection to mani!old gasket 1924-27 Carburetor connection to manifold cap screw 1924-27 Carburetor connection to carburetor cap screw 1924-27 Carburetor connection to carburettor cap screw nut-order 3934 1924-27 Carburetor connection to carburetor gasket 1924-27 Strainer bodv 1924 Strainer gasket . . 1924 Strainer post . . 1924 Strainer screen 1924 Strainer cap 1924 Strainer cap gasket 1924 Heat valve lever . . 1924-27 Heat valn disc . • · 1924-27 Heat valve staple · · 1924-27 Venturi look screw gasket . . 1924-27 Price. £ s. d. 0 13 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 4 3 1 15 0 0 17 6 0 1 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 1 1 1 6 6 9 5 6 5 0 3 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 5 8 6 10 5 0 0 6 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 9 3 9 5 6 6 0 0 8 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 5 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 3 HOLLEY VAPORISER. 81100 81101 81101B 81102 S1102B Sl103 Sl104 Sll04B 81105 81106 81107 81108 VAPORISER COMPLETE 1925-27 FLOAT CHAMBER ASSEMBLY 1925-27 Float chamber assembly 1925-27 J'loat chamber and plug assembly 1925-26 Float chamber and plug usembly 1926-27 Fuel passage plug-order 8687 . . .. 1925-27 Float chamber cover and bracket assembly 1925-26 Float chamber cover and bracket assembly 1926-27 Drain valve plug and handle assembly- order 6216 1925-27 Adjuafuls neadlo asaembly .. . . 1926-27 Float valve aasem bly- order S634B . . H~25-27 Adjusting needle seat assemblY . . . . 1925-27 DEMAND GENUlNE FORD PARTS 84 1 15 0 1 15 0 0 15 0 0 4 6 0 8 6 0 2 2 0 1 0 , , .-.; . , ·, - - \ - :,_, - 'p ' . s:jt3e q; - 7 ·'5·1139 . ·. Js·l.,14t': .~ .· Tractor Plate No. 20 Part No. ----·--81109 81110 81111 81112 81113 81114 81116 81116 81117 81118 81119 81120 81121 81122 81123 81124 81125 81126 81127 81128 81129 81130 81131 81132 Name of Part. Year. Price. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -----·- - ~ . ;, HOLLEY VAPORIZER (cont.) Float and lever assembly .. Adjusting needle seat plug gasket-order 6205 . . Float lever pin- order. S633B . . Float chamber cover screw-order S628 Float valve seat-order S635B . . Float chamber cover gasket Adjusting needle bushing Adjusting needle seat plug .. MIXER CHAMBER ASSEMBLY .. Strangling lever and rod assembly Air valve shaft assembly . .. T".nrottle lever and rod assembly-order 8698 Mixer chamber primer 88llemblY Strangling throttle plate pin· Throttle plate screw-order S684 . Throttle stop lever plate--order S696 . . Throttle stop lever plate stud-order 8699 Air valve . . Air valve shaft retainer screw • . Mixer chamber plug Mixer chamber plug-order S1116 Strangling throttle lever stop screw .. Throttle plate .. Strangling throttle plate . .. Governor nange cover -order 8691 .. Governor nange cover screw-order S692 .. Governor nange cover gasket-order 8693 . . £ s. 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 · 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1926-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1925-27 1926-27 1925-27 1925-27 DEMAND GENlnNE FORD PARTS 85 (l , 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 9 0 9 1 18 6 0 2 6 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 6 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 4 Part No. 81138 81137 81138 81189 81140 81141 81142 81148 81144 81145 81148 81147 81148 81149 81150 81151 81152 8700 S700B S701 8702 8703 8704 8706 8707 8708 8709 8709B 8710 8710B 87100 8711 8714 8715B 8718 8717 8718 8719 Name of Part. HOLLEY VAPORIZER (cont.) MANIFOLD AND STUD ASSEMBLY 1925·2'7 litter to manifold screw lock washer-order 48080 . . .. .. 1925-27 Stud nut (order 8625B) . . . . 1926-2'7 Vapor outlet tube 1926-27 Vapor ouUet tube nut . . .. . . 1926-27 Manifold vaporiaing plate bushing 1926-27 Manifold cover . . .. .. 1926-27 Float chamber se!rew 1926-27 Fuel jet •. .. . . 1925-27 llrtixer chamber to manifold screw 1925-27 1926-27 Mixer chamber to manifold gasket Manifold (lOver pl~te bushing 1926-27 Manifold vaporising plate . . 1925-27 Manifold cover plate . . 1925-27 . . 1925-27 Primary air tube . . Float chamber gasket 1925-27 Manifold cover stud 1925-27 Exhaust pipe flange stud-order S649B . . 1925-27 AIR WASHER. AIR WASHER ASSEMBLY AIR WASHER ASSEMBLY (used with S186) Air washer bulb .. .. .. .. . Air washer cover .. Air washer cover gasket Air washer baffie plate .. Air washer drain plug-order S254 Air washer tube flange .. Air washer plug gasket .. Price. Year. 1917-24 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 Tractor Plate No. 21 Air washer tube flange gasket . . • . 1917-27 Air washer tube small . . .. .. . . 1917-21 Air washer tube-small (beginning with Tractor No. 218300} .. .. .. .. . . 1922-27 Air washer tube-large . . . . 1917-25 Air washer tube-Kingston .. 1924-27 Air washer tube-(used with 81100) 1925-27 Air washer tube felt collar .. .. . . 1917-27 Air washer cover cap screw-order 8538 . . 1925-27 Air washer cover cap screw nut-order 8404 1925-27 Air washer Dance cap screw . . .. . . 1917·27 Air washer bowl cap screw-order 8182 (used on Tractors without breather on dash) . . . . 1917-27 Air washer bowl screw (used in tractors havfnc breather on dash} 1928-27 Air washer cap screw . . .• .. . . 1917-27 Air washer float assembly .. .. . • 1917·27 Air washer elbow plug--<Jrder 8019B . . . . 1924-25 Air washer filler plug-rubber (for use on air washer when threads are worn so 8254 cannot be used} . . . . 1917-27 88 £ s. d. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 g 2 0 0 9 8 9 0 8 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 9 2. 6 2 10 2 10 0 2 0 9 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 2 0 0 11 0 0 0 10 0 2 6 0 8 8 0 0 3 0 o 0 8 .. 1 10 0 1 5 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 6 0 10 8 0 1 4 r: Part No. Name of Part. SPARK COIL. 8725 S725B 87268 87PJ'/ 8728 S728B 8729 •8780 •8781 8782 Price. Year. £ COIL . . 1917-24 COIL . . 1917-27 Coil boz with cover .. . . 1917-28 Coil boz cover (old stJle)-order 5004 (used on . Tractors up to 81807) .. .. . . 1917-18 Coil boz cover 1919-24 Coll boz cover assembly 1924-27 Coil boz terminal sleeve 1917-27 Coil switch assembly-order 5010 1917-18 . • 1917-18 Coil switch lever-order 5006 CoU unit-order 5007 1917-27 d. 8. 4 10 0 4 17 e 116 0 0 8 0 6 0 0 3 8 8 Tractor Plate No. 22 8788-4 8787 8788 •8789 8740 8741 8746 8747 8748 8749 Coil vibrator bridge and vibrator armature with contact ~oint-order 5008C . . .• • • 1917-27 Coil boz s ud .. .. .. .. . . 1917-27 Coil boz stud nut .. .. .. . . 1917-27 1917-27 Coil boz cap screw-order 8714 Coil boz cap screw nut . . .. 1917-23 Coil boz cover gasket-order 5004C 1924-27 Coil boz washer . . .. .. 1918-27 Ignition switch terminal . . .• .. 1924-27 Ignition switch terminal bolt nut-order 5184 1924-27 Ignition switch terminal block . . .. 1924-27 Ignition switch insulating spacer 1924-27 • Used on Tractors up to number 31807. ~o----------~ S·7SO S·7Sl·B . . 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 6 6 0 4 0 ~--~------ ... _________ ....."l ~C> S·7SZ·8 "?? 5·753 -. I uc• _ . • .........,..._..-.--.en S·754 S·7SS Tractor Plate No. 23 WIRING. 8750 S751B 8752 S752B 8753 8754 8755 Spark plug wire-No. 1 and 2 cylinders . . 1917-27 Spark plug wire-Nos. 3 and 4 cylinders-order 5027 . . 1917-27 Magneto to coil wire-Ujed with 8725 . . 1917-24 Magneto to con wire-used with S725B-order 5026 1924-27 Commutator wire assembly (four way cable) 1917-27 Commutator cable support . . 1917-27 Magneto to switch wire assembly . . 1924-27 DEMAND GE~ 87 FORD PARTS 0 0 11 0 0 ll 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 Tractor Plate No. 24 Part No. S77li 8778 8777 8777B S777C S779 S780 Name of Part. SEAT. .. .. .. SEAT Seat spring .. Seat spring bolt and nut Seat spring bolt .. .. .. Seat spring bolt nut~rder 1114B .. Seat spring bolt lock washe~rder S183 Seat spring cap screw . . .. Seat spring cap screw lock washer Year. Price. £ s. d . .. .. 1917-28 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 . . 1917-27 1917-27 . . 1917-27 . . 1917-27 0 1 0 0 0 3 .. 0 0 8 8 o 7 a 0 0 8 0 0 3 FOOT BRACKET. S790 8791 FOOT BRACKET Foot bracket gasket .. .. Foot bracket cap screw--order S182 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 0 8 0 9 3 Tractor Plate No. 25 TOOLS. 8800 8803 8804 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812B Tooi boz assembly 1917-27 Tool box cap screw-order 8243 1917-27 Tool box washe~rder 8li48 1917-27 Pliers-order 1903X 1917-27 Wescott wrench .. 1917-27 Combination spark plug and crank case bolt wrench~rder 2335 .. 1917-P// Wrench for n-• & -1• nut 1917-27 Wrench for /r. cap screw . . 1917-27 Rear wheel wrench 1917-27 .. Rear wheel bar 1917-27 Front hub cap wrench . . 1917-27 Valve seat reamer 1917-27 011 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 4 7 8 ,4 0 8 8 0 0 0 7 8 1 2 0 0 0 0 12 8 6 2 8 0 8 BELT PULLEY ATTACHMENT. ~s9oo S901 S902 8903 8904 S905 8908 8907 Pulley attachment oomplete Pulley drive cear and shaft Pulley drive gear housing . Drive pulley assembly Drive pulley bushing .. Drive pulley lett washer Drive pulleY felt retainer Pulley drive paoking assembly . Pulley drive gear nut--order 888 Pulley drive gear washer-order S87 . . .. Pulley drive gear bearlng-·-outside--order 831SO Pulley drive gear bearing-inside-order S108 • Kot tub)eot to regular dlaoount. 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1924-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 DEMAND GENUINE BORD PARTS 88 0 0 8 8 11 0 9 2 0 ..---- _. ._ ...... ___ I 0 5·907 Tractor Plate No. 26 Pari No. Name of Part. £ s EXTENSION RIMS. S910 8911 8912 S916 S916 Pri~. Year. EXTENSION RIM ASSEMBLY COMPLETE with bolts. nuts. washers and spacers lor attaching Eztension rim cleat Eztension rim bolt Enension rim bolt nut-order S157 .. Eztflnsion rim bolt lock washer-order S156 Enension rim spacer nut Eztension rim cleat rivet 1917-27 19l7-IJ17 1917-27 1917-IJ17 1917-27 1917-27 1917-27 6 d 5 0 0 1 10 0 0 ' ' 0 0 0 2 0 . TRACTOR COVER. S920 Tractor cover (canvas) . . 1917-IJ17 1 12 0 192G-IJ17 192G-27 192G-27 0 • 3 0 0 8 GROUSER. 8926 8926 sm GROUSER . Grouser bolt Grouser bolt nut 0 0 2 5·960 L--- - - - - - - ----Tractor Plate No. 27 FENDERS. •8931 •S932 8933 S934 S936 Fender-right Fender-left .. Fender iron- right Fender iron- left . . .. .. .. '. Fender iron to dash bolt- long .. '. Fender iron to dash bolt-short-order S208 Fender iron to dash bolt nut-order 8167 • lfot subject to regular diseount. 1924-27 1924-27 1924-27 1924-27 1924-27 1924-IJ17 1924-27 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 89 I 6 17 0 6 17 0 0 0 0 15 ' 16 ' 0 6 Part No. 8938 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8943B 8944 8945 894'i' 8948 8949 8950 l 8960 l 8961 f 8962 t t f 8965 : t Price. Year. Name of Part. FENDERS (cont.) Fender iron to dash bolt look washer-order 30780 . .. 1924-27 . . . .. . . 1924-27 Pender ule bracket .. .. . . 1924-27 Fender ule bracket clamp 1024-27 Fender axle bracket clamp nut-order 1089 Pender step .. .. 1924-27 1924-27 Pender step bolt-order 6062 .. 1924-27 Fender step to support bolt .. .. 1924-27 Fender step bolt nut-order 3811B Fender step bolt lock washer-order 2849G 1924-27 Fender support-right 1924-27 Pender support- left .. .. .. 1924-27 Fender support bolt-long .. .• 1924-27 .. 1924-27 Fender support bolt-short-order 6049 0 1924-27 Pender support bolt nut-order 8674 .. Pender support bolt lock washer--order 8945 1924-27 Fender step block 1924-27 Fender adapter .. 1924-27 Adapter cap screw-short .. 1924-27 Adapter cap screw- long-order 8208 1924-27 .. 1924-27 Adapter ca~ screw washer-order 3078C .. 1924-27 Adapter bo t-order 8936 .. ., .. Adapter bolt nut-order 8167 . . Adapter bolt lock washer-order 30780 Used when installlng fenders on Tractors without breather on . .. .. £ 8. d. 0 8 9 0 2 9 0 6 4 0 0 3 0 12 6 0 12 6 0 0 8 0 0 6 1 6 0 0 0 2 dash. COTTER PINS. f" Factory No. Name. 1r• :.r cotter pin .. .. .. -/r' :.r " cotter pin-order 33213ESX 3-32' :.r t • cotter pin-order 33213GSX 3-32" :.r 1" Cotter pin-order 33213DSX 3-32' % cotter pin .. .. i' :.r t' cotter pin-orde~ 33213PSX i ' :.r 1" cotter pin-order 3.'l213B8X l' % cotter pin-order 1094 .. 5-32" :.r 2" cotter \)in . . -l" :.r l l" cotter pm . . -l" z 2i .. cotter pin . . x 2• cotter pin (see 8355j '1'7992 T544 '1753 T421 P1834 T614 u· T82 TT328 u· *• .. Pl592 P1871 Pl693 P2476R PRICE. Per Doz. Per Gross. ld. 9d. ld. 9d. &d. 6d. 6d. 91.. 6/6/-· 5/7/ 1$ I •. DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 90
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