2014 Tributes from the Heart Newsletter


2014 Tributes from the Heart Newsletter
t Camp Boggy Creek,
we appreciate every
donation we receive
to further our mission. We
are especially touched by
the hundreds of gifts from
many of our faithful donors
who choose to show their love
and respect of their family
members and friends by
making a donation to camp in
their name.
This new publication is
designed to highlight all
of the special tribute gifts
that Camp Boggy Creek has
received over the past year.
On the following pages we
are pleased to share the
names of the 2014 honorary
and memorial gift recipients
with each donor’s name listed
below the honoree’s name.
As you review this newsletter,
we hope that it will bring to
mind fond memories of loved
ones and the times spent with
the special people in your life.
And thanks to your thoughtful
gift, more children with
serious illnesses were able to
attend camp free of charge.
“It’s not that the children say, ‘Thanks
for a wonderful time.’ It’s that they say,
‘Thank you for changing my life.’”
— Paul Newman
Paul Newman*
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf*
Gracia B. Andersen*
Lawrence J.* and Florence A.* De George
Theodore J. Forstmann*
Juanita* and F. Browne* Gregg
David and Francie Horvitz
Jim* and Jan Moran
The Family of Jennifer Masi
Bruce O. Rossmeyer*
Elizabeth Turner Campbell*
*In memoriam
Wendy Durden
Board Chair
G. Thomas Ball
Vice Chair & Secretary/Council
Shelly Church
June Clark
J. Powell Brown
J. Patterson Cooper
Jane Diange
Cary D’Ortona
Roseann Duran
Hugh Durden
Diane Holm
Kimberly Johnson
Greg Kaiser
Brian Lee
Lucia Lopez
Richard J. Lydecker
Dave Pickens
Deborah Spielman
Thomas P. Warlow, III
(AUGUST 13, 1922 – OCTOBER 10, 2014)
Camp Boggy Creek Founder,
F. Browne Gregg was a
visionary and innovator with
extraordinary business acumen.
His love for engineering and
construction lead him to become
one of Florida’s most recognized
Mr. Gregg was the driving
force behind Florida Crushed
Stone, which he founded in
1971. He was a decorated pilot
in the United States Army
Air Corps, being promoted to
Captain in 1945 after receiving
the Silver Star. He flew over 37
air missions and received five
additional commendations.
Browne enjoyed family
gatherings and outdoor
activities such as hunting,
fishing, and water skiing. He
was an avid snow skier and
was known for his annual
ski trips to Colorado with
family, friends and business
Browne was also known
for giving back to the
community. He first learned
about the Camp in 1996
through his good friend,
Whit Palmer. At that
time, Whit was Chairman
of the Board of Camp
F. Browne Gre
Boggy Creek. Browne
gg (left) and W
hit Palmer (rig
was impressed by the
mission and touched by
the children who benefitted
disciplined and accomplished
from the programs. He and
corporate leader with many
his wife, Juanita, affirmed
remarkable achievements during
their commitment to help
his career. One of the many
Florida’s children with serious
qualities, though, that I admired
illnesses by becoming Founders
about him was his tenderness,
and making a significant
especially for children.”
contribution to Camp. Whit
shared the following remarks
Browne is remembered as a war
regarding his good friend:
hero, innovator, entrepreneur,
“Looking back on Browne’s
and leader. In addition to his
talent, the one thing that
professional and business
stands out in my mind was
talents, he left a great legacy
his tenaciousness. I don’t care
of caring. He loved his family
how tough things got....and
dearly and had a soft spot in his
there were many times, he’d
heart for children struggling
never give up. He was a very
with serious illnesses.
Browne and
Juanita Gregg
Camp Boggy Creek is
forever grateful for Browne’s
commitment to Camp and he
will always be remembered for
his kindness and compassion
for our campers.
Each year in October, Camp
Boggy Creek hosts a Day of
Remembrance to celebrate and
remember all those who made a
difference in a camper’s life and
for whom a heartfelt memorial
gift was given.
SHARE our mission with others, especially with
families who could benefit from our Camp.
In 2014, more than 300
individuals were recognized as
their name was read during the
Remembrance Day Reading
of Names. Many friends and
family members joined Camp
staff and volunteers to reflect
and remember their loved
ones. Guests were invited to
inscribe their loved ones’ names
on stones which were placed
in a special rock garden. For
information about the 2015 Day
of Remembrance scheduled for
Wednesday, October 21, 2015,
please contact Sharon toll-free at
866-462-6449, ext. 634 or email
VOLUNTEER by serving as a camp counselor,
assisting with events or providing medical care.
GIVE by funding a campership, engaging your
corporate giving program or making an additional
LEAVE A LEGACY. One of the most effective but
simplest ways you can support Camp Boggy Creek
is by including a gift in your will, also known as a
charitable bequest. Here are some of the benefits of
bequest giving:
1. Y
ou can Leave a Legacy to the
thousands of seriously ill children
we serve every year!
2. A
bequest is free of federal estate tax.
ou can still benefit your heirs with specific gifts.
3. Y
bequest may produce estate tax savings.
4. A
bequest allows you to support Camp without
5. A
impacting your life today.
For more information on how you can
Leave a Legacy to Camp Boggy Creek,
please contact Lisa Hicks at 352-483-4124
or Lhicks@campboggycreek.org.
(Gifts received from January 1 - December 31, 2014)
Jeanne Allison
Mr. Michael Allison
Grace Amicucci
Oneida Electric
David Aranow
Mrs. Florette Aranow
Ms. Judith Aranow
Chris Bottiglieri
Mrs. Karen Bottiglieri
Don Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Borst
Ms. Eleanor L. Davis
Eric Bourne
Ms. Tina Narr
Howard Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Luber, DO
Robert J. Bowles
Mrs. Mary Anne Bowles
Tom Cooke
Mrs. Wendy A. Birkner
Mrs. Kim Hindman
Richard Aranow
Mrs. Florette Aranow
Arthur C. Boynton
Mrs. Irene H. Boynton
Joseph C. Arborio
Ms. Judith A. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dillard
Pat Breeding
Mrs. Betty C. Russell
Mike Armstrong
Ms. Nancy J. Armstrong
Marian Aureli
Mrs. Betty K. Ellert
Joan Balter
Ms. Joan Ziniel
Fenton Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kautz
Melissa E. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil E. Piveral
Beloved Mother
Rabbi and Mrs. Arnold Miller
Agnes A. Boehringer
Ms. Barbara A. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Walters
Fred Boehringer
Ms. Barbara A. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Walters
Steve Brennan
Miss Leanne T. Smith
Dorothy Broadwater
Mr. Scott Penny
Margaret M. Brochhagen
Ms. Mary Joslin
Arthur Brown
Ms. Sheri Brown
Arthur O. Burt
The Villages NASCAR Fan Club
Betty Buschhorn
Mr. Laurence Wallace
Tiffany Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bearss
Ms. Gail Downs
Mr. Curtis W. Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kuypers
Mr. John Moden
Andrea R. Costain
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Damaso Pasalodos
Robert Couture
Marc and Sharon Couture
Conrad Cramer
Mrs. Janice Stagliano
George Dapper
Mrs. Sandra Rossmeyer
Erica Davey
Ms. Linda Davey
Alicia G. Davis
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Lawrence J. & Florence A. De George
International Society of Palm
Beach, Inc.
Belle DeKoff Shouse
Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Hamric
Mrs. Cynthia Lopez
Shell DeSimone
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deitz
Calvin Boggess
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Farr
Misty Caccamise
Community United Methodist Church
Robert DeVries
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Arthur C. Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cook
Camp Boggy Creek Campers
Ms. Robin Jay
Virginia DiFederico
Mr. and Mrs. Mike G. Rozos
Leah P. Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cook
Sutton Elizabeth Carter
Craig and Libby McLean
Kenneth M. Drupiewski
Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Swanson
Selma Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kaye
Joseph Castro
Mrs. Arlene Castro
Steve Boggs
Dr. Daniel Bagner
Prof. Regina Bussing
Mr. Eugene Dunne
Dr. Elizabeth MacKenzie
Doris Cheyne
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Louise Dubrowski
Mr. Raymond J. Dubrowski
Ms. Deborah Dubrowski
Ms. Mary Dubrowski, RN
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Philip E. Bostian
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Drummond
Childhood cancer victims
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
Betty Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Borst
Carl Early
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Thornton
Cade Eckley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kimble
Mary D. Topping
2014 Tributes from the Heart
Evelyn Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Shell
Joseph Gurtis
Mr. Matthew B. Gurtis
George Ellert
Mrs. Betty K. Ellert
Ida Goldstein
Ms. Rosalia Abrams
Ms. Helene Friedland
Mr. Ed Goerges
Carole Schermer and Richard Probst
Ms. Barbara K. Zimmt
Daniel Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. David Mann
Barbara Evans
Mr. Edward M. Johns
Thomas H. Everett
Mrs. Lois N. Everett
Pesh Farinas
Ms. Vicki Brail
Dewey Fasteneay
Mr. Clarence L. Van Waardhuizen
Kyle Fernstrom
Mrs. Heather Border
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Church
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitaker
Edward R. Fleming
Ms. Marianne Vangel
Colleen Fletcher
Pinellas Electric Motor Repair, Inc.
Eileen Flynn
Mary Flynn and John Reiser
Gloria Foss
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
General John Foss
Robert Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Schultz, Jr.
Anthony and Michelle Francia
Biaggio and Jamie Cangiano
William Garon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Luber
Marie Gerarde
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bergholtz
Nans Ghumman
Ms. Ayesha Bullock
Martin Gildemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Murrell
Antoinette Giovinco
Mrs. Pamela Cintron
Robert Goldsmith
Mrs. Adele S. Flower
Ronald Hemmings and Alan Berkey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
Mrs. Adelle Kendis
Mr. Stan Priesand
Mrs. Marjorie G. Reuven
2014 Tributes from the Heart
Jesse D. Greene
Mrs. Marlene M. Farinas
F. Browne Gregg
Mr. Timothy Bray
Ms. Kitty Bryan
Mrs. Peggy W. Bryson
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Burnsed, MD
Mrs. Ruth Ann Byrd
Ms. June Clark
Mr. Clell Coleman III
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. George
Ms. Dorothy Glanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gregg, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gregg III
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Huff
Mr. Bryan Huff
Mrs. Eunice Jackson
Mr. Larry King
Mr. Richard Lindgren
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield M. Palmer, Jr.
Mrs. Lynn Burnsed Reeves, Esq.
Ms. Lillian Skillbred
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Stewart, Jr.
Mrs. Jennice Strimenos
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Weaver
Mr. William J. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Wood
BCG Terminal Funding Co.
Collier, Jernigan & Goedert, PA
Dave Lowe Realty, Inc.
Doggibags, Inc.
Husebo Advertising & Public
Relations, Inc.
Robert Harbin
Mr. and Mrs. Mike G. Rozos
Stella Harman
Dr. Eloise M. Harman
Thomas W. Harman
Mr. Mark Harman
Gladys Harris
Ms. Tina Tiede
Donna Hart
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hart
Ann F. Heard
Mrs. Faye S. Bigam
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godwin
Mrs. Teresa Popp
Mr. Stephen Szabo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Weller
James Heidt
Mrs. Corinne R. Heidt
Ed Hiepe
Optimist Club of St. Petersburg
Marcella Hoak
Mr. Robert M. Hoak
Robert J. Hohman
Mrs. Mary Parrish
Lisa Holter
Mr. Christopher Holter
Teresa May Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Berse
William Horvitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Billingsley
Jeannie Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hoskins, Jr.
John L. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Berse
Edna Husted
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Anita Grillo
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Luber
James L. Hutchinson
Carol Sue Daniel
Otha L. Gross
Dr. James F. Aycock
Ashley Jacobs
Miss Maureen Kane
Ms. Suzanne W. McKee, BSN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Meisinger
Carl Grozan
Ms. Nancy Grozan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Winfree
Schell Acoustical & Drywall, Co.
Ms. Jayne Stillman
Ms. Vivian E. Sugar
Ms. Trish Tang
Mrs. Dina Tarro
Mrs. Lori True
Ms. Marilyn T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Janet E. Langford
Mr. Jackson L. Langford
DyAnne Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pritt
Christy Keirnan
Luke Johnson
Mrs. Beverly Brown
Ms. Patricia D. Knowles
Mrs. Mary Parrish
Connie Kelley
Dr. Sue E. Griffis
Ann Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kautz
Michael Leone
Ms. Ann Fowler
Ms. Dolores Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Meyers
Mrs. Marian Sager
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis S. Tarsches
South Florida Wealth Management, LLC
Frances L. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Swanson
Veronica Lessard
Ms. Diane M. Lessard
Joanne Kennedy
Ms. Mary Borsari
Mr. Mark Mendzela
Mrs. Katherine Kennedy Mendzela
Ms. Sally Mendzela
Shirley Levine
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borsetti
Charles E. Jennings
Mr. Charles E. Jennings
Joan Jirsa
Ms. Joan Ziniel
Olof Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Swanson
Violet Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hatch
Everett Judson
Ms. Nancy E. Judson
Sarah E. Judson
Ms. Nancy E. Judson
Edith Karafin
Benjamin Karafin and Lea M. Toledo
Jacqueline Karrh
Mrs. Debbie Albeck
Ms. Sara M. Crombie
Cuhaci & Peterson Architects, LLC
Mrs. Stefanie F. Delano
Mr. David J. Donnellan
Mrs. Suzanne Duggan
Mr. David J. Edwards
Mrs. Diana Fohrman
Miss Florence M. French
Mr. Aubrey S. Garrison
Glow Audio
Mr. Gary Gottlieb
Ms. Lynette Green
Ms. Michelle S. Guercio
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Guillen
Ms. Patti H. Hansen
Mr. William H. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson
JSR Design Group, Inc.
Ms. Lisa Kaye
Mr. Stephen Kosowsky
Mrs. Shari Lindgren
Ms. Oksana Maslak
Mrs. Noreen Payne
Ms. Alia Payne
Mr. Yusaf Shirazi
Ms. Melody A. Spano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Keirnan
Dick Kettell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kettell
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Susan L. Kettell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kettell
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Merle Kilker
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Seabrook
Joseph Kilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kilpatrick
Ms. Janith T. Kilpatrick
Michael Klemm
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kilpatrick
Ms. Janith T. Kilpatrick
Virginia K. Kondziela
Ma jor and Mrs. Robin B. Glaser
Diane Kurras
Mr. Herbert L. Kurras
Lewis F. Laird
Ms. Susan L. Robinson
Gary R. Lamborn
Mr. Ivan D. Cooper and
Dr. Susan A. Cooper
Mrs. Lois N. Everett
Mrs. Judith M. Lamborn
Rhona Landorf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pomerantz
Mary Leban
Mrs. Rose Mary Culp
H. F. Lee
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart
Michael Lewis
Speech-Language Specialist
Victoria Liedka
Ms. Amanda N. Taylor
Brian W. Ligon
Mr. and Mrs. Hal W. Dubendorff
Sarah Lopez
Dr. Ami Claxton
Charles Lubeck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lubeck
Mrs. Loretta M. Lubeck
Christopher C. MacLeod
Ms. Karen MacLeod
Janet Ma jester
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Berse
Joseph Malinowski
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Rose Manzo
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Irene O. Marks
Mrs. Marlene M. Farinas
Mom-Mom Marks
Ms. Michelle L. Craven
Charles M. Marshall
Mr. Chuck E. Marshall
James Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin
2014 Tributes from the Heart
T. Craig Martin
Mrs. Carolee Martin Brink
Ms. Tina Narr
Tim Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mattson
Mr. Stephen D. Mattson
Mrs. Mary E. Mattson
Mrs. Trudie Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Stutin
Mrs. Karen M. Swanson
Stephanie and Filip Verley
Alfredo Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Handy
Alan Orris
Mrs. Heidi Orris
Elizabeth McKeon
Ms. Tina Tiede
Robert P. Palmer
Mrs. Virginia M. Bennett
Ms. Judith Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kahn
Ms. Patricia Lagoni
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Langway
Mrs. Mary T. Martin
Mrs. Nancy E. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Shores
Ms. A. Joyce Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Watkins
Mrs. Jane Weise
B A Roberts, Inc.
The Storage Place of Avon Park, Inc.
Peter McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Teagno
Evan J. Parry
Mr. and Mrs. Mike G. Rozos
Carmen G. Mendez
Marta Mayol
Jeanne A. Patout
Ms. Barbara Landry
Donald Metz
Mr. James D. Metz
Stacey Patraka
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Goldstein
Jude L. Miller
Ms. Trina Miller
Jardine C. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Cianciola
Mrs. Barbara K. Perkins
Joan Mazaltis
Mrs. Vanessa Campbell
Joseph McElroy
Ms. Janine Payton
Milton S. Miller & Icy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Burland
Pete V. Piacenti
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart Ms. Jackie Boykin and
Mr. Dale Miller
Mr. Michael Whitewolf
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schwab
Gail Pike
Monte Moniz
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Ms. Monica Campbell
Frank Piparo
Carmine & Ruth Montano
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
Ms. Kim Montano
USA, Ret.
James M. Moran
Laverne Prugger
Mr. and Mrs. Alexus M. Michelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Berse
Lindsay Morse
Mrs. Brenda Morse
Alex J. Ramos
Mrs. Amanda Ford
Paul L. Newman
Mr. Timothy Hilliard
Jackie Ray
Ms. Tina Tiede
Avis Nickse
Women’s Club at Country
Club Manor
Shane Ray
Mr. Donald B. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Craig K. Brown
Mrs. Joan Dagon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Duffy
Ms. Betty J. Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Greer K. McBryde
Arthur P. Niedland
Mr. Alan Parrish
Kathleen O’Brien
Ms. Sarah F. Gurtis
2014 Tributes from the Heart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Mrs. Betty Pond
Ms. Mary S. Roach
Judy Redhead
Mr. Kevin Baker
Carol Rembold
Women’s Club at Country Club Manor
Joseph Rice
Marc and Sharon Couture
Meagan D. Rickman
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ewing
Mrs. Katharine Heidacher
Mr. Bruce D. Langhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nix
Ms. Patricia A. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Orzechowski
Mr. Jason Richey
Mr. Pete Schenkel
Saputo Dairy Foods
Paul Rieckhoff
Mrs. Lisa Knapp
Marvin P. Rishin
Mrs. Edythe Rishin
Angela Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Seabrook
Kent M. Robinson
Mr. Louis Alterman
Herbert Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kuperberg
John Rosetti
Mr. Barry E. Rosetti
Bruce Rossmeyer
Ms. Jackie Boykin and
Mr. Michael Whitewolf
Ms. Mandy Rossmeyer Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Catalanello
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faherty
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kreiger
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Novia
Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Rossmeyer
Back and Body Wellness Center, Inc.
Marquis George Mac Donald
The Ulm Foundation
Sally & Nils
Mr. Matthew B. Gurtis
Daniel Sarmiento
Mr. James Rujimora
Bob Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Merkow
Clark Whitworth
Mrs. Elynor W. Whitworth
Michael Scherker
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scherker
Mrs. Shirley Tayne
Jason D. Strauser
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Strauser
Mrs. Jennie A. Treadway
Ray G. Wiethren
Mr. Mike Wiethorn
Kelsey Schiefen
Ms. Nancy Diego
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harhay
Marvine and Scott Moore
Mr. Thomas Quinn
GE Foundation Matching Gifts
Hayley Suggs
Mr. James Rujimora
Henry Schiller
Mrs. Anna M. Schiller
H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Elliott Seabrook
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Seabrook
Suzanne Seabrook
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Seabrook
Mary Seiderer
Mr. George L. Seiderer
Belle D. Shouse
Ms. Cynthia Roberts
Ms. Mary Yankaskas
Alfred Tayne
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scherker
Howard J. Tayne
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scherker
Mrs. Shirley Tayne
Peter Teagno
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Donald Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Durden
Elizabeth Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Smith
Bill Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Carol R. Wimble
Ms. Constance J. Dusckas
Zachary P. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson
Dongxiang Yi
Mr. Jianqi Zeng
Vern Torkelson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bailer
Jimmy Youmans
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Farr
Dave Trimble
Mrs. Judith M. Lamborn
Jeff Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Mike G. Rozos
Charlene Utera
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Germano
John Skillman
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Steve Van Ostran
Mrs. Virginia M. Bennett
Mrs. Nancy E. Palmer
Coleen Skinner
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phalen
Kirby L. Vidrine
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Lyn Smith
Slingerlands, Inc.
Robert A. Wiley
Mr. Robert A. Wiley
Georgia Witherspoon
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Doyle Tumbleson
Mrs. Barbara Tumbleson
Elaine Smith
Mr. James Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Liebert
Ms. Jean Pittman
Mr. Mike Seder
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith
Mr. Frank L. Smith
Mr. Russell Smith
Ms. Marjorie A. Smith
Ms. Hui Zhan
Doris Wiley
Mr. Robert A. Wiley
Ronan Thompson
Ms. Chelsea Morgan
Arthur K. Shumate
Mrs. Carole A. Shumate
Deloris J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Farr
Arlie J. Wilbur
Mr. John Rorabaugh
Maddie Wahl
Ms. Elizabeth A. McKenzie
Avery Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pritt
Douglas Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Bowman
Parker Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mason
Edward J. Weaver
Mrs. Helen J. Hill Weaver
Jack G. Whitted
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
2014 Tributes from the Heart
(Gifts received from January 1 - December 31, 2014)
Avery A. Algere
Ms. Adreaion S. Algere
William Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borsetti
Mr. Eric Relkin
Dr. Trevor Resnick
Bettie Armstrong
Ms. Nancy J. Armstrong
Jana Carrington
Mrs. Kathleen Hartig
Sara Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krueger
Gale S. Bass
Ms. Barbera Dode Schmidt
Sofie Carsella
Mrs. Carolyn McCully
Ms. Shannon McCully
Douglas Dillon
Mr. Marcelo Blanco
Arthur Batti
Mr. Arthur Batti
Melissa Bennasar
Ms. Silvana Gianfrancesco
Payton Besaw
Ms. Shannon Krause
William B. Blanchard
Ms. Angela Jones
Jackie Boykin
Ms. Cara E. Anderson
Alicia and Michael Rafter
Paul H. Bradfield
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Bradfield
Lilly Brown
Mr and Mrs. Andrew L. Butts
Heath Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Giovanni Buscemi
Mr. Robert Buscemi
Tiffany Butler
Karen and David Grant
Mrs. Thea Hein-Mathen
Mrs. Jessie B. Magee
Mrs. Brooke E. Tucker
Brandon J. Buz
Ms. Jamie Floer
Camp Boggy Creek Campers
Mr. Patrick J. Best
Ms. Regina Brady
Mr. Jorge de la Osa
Mrs. Diana DiPesa
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Mr. Robert H. Gebaide
Mr. and Mrs. David Grant
Mr. Robert J. Kline
Mr. Andres Mosquera
Julie and Jason Pierami
Mrs. Leda Santiago
Private Wealth Management
at Heathrow
Samantha Campos
Ms. Amy Bailey
10 2014 Tributes from the Heart
Robert A. Ceo
Mrs. Regina Barnes-Harr
Anne Chaffee
Ms. Jeanne Watkins
Tiffany Charney
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Troutman
June Clark and Allen Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Warlick, Jr.
Warren Clarke
Ms. Nancy Clarke
Mrs. Isabel Stevens
Brian E. Code
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Lauren Coffee Powell
Mr. Robert M. Hoak
Kerry K. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borsetti
J. Patterson Cooper
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Jennifer Copeland
Mrs. Jamie Lazzaro
Michael Cottle
Mr. Rick Mann
Katherine Cox
Ms. Linda Davey
Caden Cubbedge
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Cubbedge
Gail Curry
Ms. Bunny Parish
Eric Danskine
Mr. James Sloane
Lawrence F. De George
International Society of
Palm Beach, Inc.
Brooklyn Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Dean
Patricia Dean
Patricia and Bruce McNichol
Katie Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster
Lauren Doubleday
Melanie and Patrick Doubleday
Roseann Duran
Mrs. Elizabeth Brockelman
Hugh M. Durden
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Etheridge III
Mr. Robert Mayes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Paul III
Wendy Durden
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Howell, II
Reuben J. Dvorkin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pearl
Peter Edmonds
Mr. Bob DeWolf
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Pierce
James Emery
Mrs. Cheryl Gardner
Margaret Emond
Mr. Fred Van Der Meulen
Victor Fernandez
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Mary H. Flynn
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Jeremy A. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Foley
Robert Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Schultz, Jr.
Memo Gidley
Mr. John Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Gertner
Mr. Richard Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pew
Mr. Randy Pobst
SunTrust Sports & Entertainment
Whitney Goldstein
Mr. Brad Thomas
Steven I. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kaye
Michael Goodwin
Ms. Vickie Miller
Mr. Paul Peters
Jo D. Harder
Ms. Lindy Griffith
John R. Hart
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Maria Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Smith, Jr.
James Haskins
Mrs. Kathleen Hartig
Kevin Haviland
Mr. and Mrs. George Huber
Melissa Hedden
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Halle, Neely and Ben Heilman
Mrs. Diane LaCombe
Gladys Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Jonathan Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Linda Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Phil Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Tracie Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Brianna M. Hissam
Ms. Carolyn Cote
Diane M. Holm
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart
Molly Homich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mueller
Miss Emma van der Sanden
Cassandra Honour
Marvine and Scott Moore
Gary Hopkins
Mr. Jeffrey Merkel
Lynn Horne
Mr. Ralph Schmedlock
David W. Horvitz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan L. Baker
Ms. Alina Codin
Mrs. Michelle Lynn Donaghue
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
Mrs. Teresa L. Garber
Ms. Deborah Lollar
Ms. Shelley Marciano
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Roth
Mr. John R. Sheridan, Jr.
Eugenia and Virgil Teca
River Oaks Foundation, Inc.
Ted C. Hunter
Mr. John S. Rosenberg
Dale S. Hutchison
Deborah and Larry Thornton
Lori J. Hutchison
Deborah and Larry Thornton
International Order of the Rainbow
Chief Patrick Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Foster
Mrs. Maria Smith
Miss Renee Stoodt
Mr. Kyle Brown
Lea Jarnberg
Ms. Valerie N. Jarnberg
Jesus Christ
Mrs. Cheryl A. Barnier
Kimberly Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cooper
Gavin Jones
Mr. Robert J. Kline
Pamela Jones
Mr. Kevin M. Jones
Thea Kaiser
Ms. Caroline Kaiser
Jacqueline Karrh
Mrs. Karen Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ritter
Mark Kennedy
Mrs. Maureen Kennedy
Lukas Kesler
Mr. and Ms. Sonnie B. Mottern
Kelley Kilpatrick
Ms. Tracey S. Corn
Gayle C. King
Mr. David C. King
Knights of Columbus #1675
Lake County Assembly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Antos
Knights of Columbus Council #10853
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Antos
Knights of Columbus Council #13300
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Antos
Knights of Columbus Council #5644
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Antos
Knights of Columbus Council #8120
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Antos
Richard Kopf
Ms. Ann Kershner
Andrew Krupitsky
Marcia and Malvin Krupitsky
Marion L. Kubler
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Donnell
Cecelia Labbato
Mrs. Vanessa Campbell
Kimberly Lamborn
Mr. Ivan D. Cooper and
Dr. Susan A. Cooper
Mrs. Lois N. Everett
Mrs. Judith M. Lamborn
Nancy Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lau
Anastasia Livigni-Ponzio
Ms. Suzanne Graham
Jordan M. Loeb
Ms. Ellen Gartenberg
Brandon Logan
Mrs. Pamela G. Logan
Preston Logan
Mrs. Pamela G. Logan
Martine Long
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hawk
Melissa Long
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Gabriella Losasso
Mr. Ronald J. Losasso
Claire Maiocco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maiocco
Barbara Mandigo
Mrs. Michele Plotts
2014 Tributes from the Heart
Vincent Marino
Ms. Alice Harrington
Mr. Mark A. Martin
Elijah Maroulis
Ms. Steffini Bumgarner
Mr. Clint Carbonneau
Mr. Jeffrey J. Cousins
Dr. Gul Dadlani
Dr. Hank Graybeal
Mrs. Kieu Lyn Ha
Mrs. Kimberly M. Hicks
Mr. James B. McLean
Ms. Lindsay Montross
Mr. Bob Wunderlich
Mrs. Patricia Zaro
BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy
Jan M. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Alexus M. Michelson
Carol Peters
Mr. Walter J. Luby III
Kerry Morrissey
Ms. Leah Miles and
Mr. Brendan Prokop
Julia Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Chistopher Kintzele
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Pauls
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Peterson
Mr. Ethan C. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Zimecki
Robert C. Muellman
Mr. Sean D. Gerrard
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Hayes
Mr. Walter P. Mack III
Mrs. Elizabeth W. McCollum
Cory L. Mulligan
Mrs. Mary Corujo
Mr. Edwin Dossett
Lia Phagan
Ms. Julie Conlin
Ryan Pino
Ms. Tanyia Pino
Jarrod Mulligan
Ms. Cory L. Mulligan
Ellen S. Plotsky
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Nora K. Mask
Crawford Tire Service, Inc.
Alexandra Murphy
Susan K. Timmins
Luke Powledge
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Nancy Mathis
Mrs. Alice Schmalz
Benjamin Murphy
Susan K. Timmins
Becky Prevost
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster
Fr. James Murphy
Mr. James Rujimora
Mason Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Bowman
James G. Mattfeld
Ms. Barbara Berthiaume
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wolf
Riley Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mazur
Ryder McClain
Mrs. Julie Gibson
Jerry McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Teresa McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
David Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lau
Leah Miles
Mr. Rick Gayle
Mrs. Stephanie Iverson
Mrs. Margo E. Kohlhoff
Mrs. Becky Morris-Recker
Ian O. Miller
Ms. Elizabeth Pearl
Gregory Milzcik
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Yeakel
Lynne Moeller
Ms. Beverly Byerts
John Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
12 2014 Tributes from the Heart
Christina Narr
Philip Rieckhoff
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart Mrs. Lisa Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Nenad Lakinski
Sang Roberson
Gracie Newman
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster
Mrs. Dolores N. Landrum
Arthur Niedland
Mr. Alan Parrish
Walter C. Noel
Mr. Brian Culley
Scott Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Steven O’Leary
Palm Beach Gardens Cardiac Rehab
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mills
Whitfield M. Palmer
Ms. June Clark and Mr. Allen Stewart
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James R. Ellis,
USA, Ret.
David Parsons
Mr. Andrew R. Keel
Ryan Pasecky
Ms. Ellen Carson
Craig A. Patrick
Mr. Chuck Patrick
Richard Payne
Deborah and Larry Thornton
Bella Rodriquez-Torres
Ms. Mary Dubrowski, RN
Keith Schoening
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Schoening
Victoria Vagasy
Mr. Thomas Vagasy
Jayda Rose
La Femmes Cabane Locale 1621
Steve Schultz
Ms. Colleen Larson
Kayden Valdes
Mrs. Kathryn Morrell
Daniel Rosenfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Burt Golumbic
Garth A. Schweizer
Ms. Sarah F. Gurtis
Lewis Rosenfeld
Jeanne and William Phillips
John J. Scolaro
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wilt
Carolyn Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Glen G. Rubin
Laura Sealy
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lake, Jr.
Kenneth A. Valdes
Ms. Joan Gordon
Mrs. Sandra Stanfield
Mrs. Joan F. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon F. Watt
Ari Rubinsztain
Mrs. Sylvia Rubinsztain
Colton Seybert
Mrs. Laura Austria
Casey Rutman
Mr. David Burton
Carole A. Shumate
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gerhard
Seth Rutman
Mr. Neil Jacobs
Auburn Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoblick
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith
Jannet Schaefer
Mrs. Marla K. White
Erin Schenk
Mrs. Julie Schenk
Kelsey Schiefen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McWaters
Joyce H. Schoening
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Schoening
Lee Smits
Mrs. Louise McKinney
Kay Spitzer
Mrs. Sandra Manning
David B. Steele
Mr. Harold M. McLeod
Kristopher Steinsiek
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Steinsiek III
Isabel Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Clarke
Nancy Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Clarke
Allen Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Warlick, Jr.
E. D. Swanson
Mrs. Suzanne S. Keppel
Evie Tanner
Mr. Ian Howe
Samantha Jo Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Craig D. Thompson
Mrs. and Dr. Linda Thompson
Laurie Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Harold Vigue
Dr. Jim Vigue
Margaret Vizzi
Ms. Devaney Fort
Brandon Vogt
Kathleen Vogt
Isaiah Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Douglas
Ms. Jane W. McElyea
Quentin Waid
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Early, Jr.
Thomas P. and Megan Warlow
A. Friends’ Foundation Trust
Edgar A. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Virginia Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hinkle
Tracy Webb
Ms. Patricia E. Flynn
Jody A. Wesgate
Ms. Patricia Horsting
Barbara L. Westley
Janet and Bob Szczechowiak
Clay Whitney
Pipeline Mechanical, Inc.
Brenda Wiens
Ms. Melanie Faust
Dorcas Tomasek
Kimberly Lamborn
Brittany Winkel
Mr. Rick Thomas
Connie Treloar
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Foster
Michael Zahn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zahn
United States Veterans
Veterans Memorial Post No. 347
American Legion
2014 Tributes from the Heart 13
(Gifts received from January 1 - December 31, 2014)
Melvin D. Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Abel
Zachary Abrams
Mrs. Beth F. Abrams
Vera J. Arborio
Ms. Judith A. Carter
Mrs. Sallie Dillard Wallace
Brodeur Family
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Brodeur
Camp Boggy Creek Campers
Mr. Thomas M. Miner
Sofie Carsella
Dr. Hillary Knepper
Michelle M. Church
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thomas
Patricia Dean
Patricia and Bruce McNichol
Alex Dixon
Dr. Juli Dixon
Charles Duva
Mr. William C. Sacks
Jens Edholm
Mr. Mike Burr
David Fischer
Mr. Bruce M. Fischer, D.C., P.A.
Jo Fleming
Ms. Jo Ann T. Guise
Jordyn Gasowski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gasowski
Michael Goodwin
Mr. Todd Alvis
Ms. Kelly Brouillet
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Carter III
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cosmo
Mrs. Kristin Ducote
Mr. Michael Dunn
Mr. Michael Dusinski
Mr. Romel Evangelista
Mr. Richard Ewick
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Goodwin
Ms. Abby Goodwin
Mr. Aaron Hirsch
Mr. Christopher Holter
Ms. Diane Marotta
Ms. Vickie Miller
Mrs. Diana Mims-Reid
Ms. Katherine W. Mitchell
Mr. Oswaldo Negri, Jr.
Mr. Paul Peters
14 2014 Tributes from the Heart
Mrs. Monica Surrency
Mr. Ricky Taylor
Mr. Peter von Moltke
Mr. Steve Zongker
Rebel Rock Racing
Charles Hambrook
Mrs. Susan Janaro
Larry Hoag
Ms. Christi Hoag
Kercher Family
Mr. and Mrs. William Kercher III
Kira Kovacs
Ms. Kira Kovacs
Werner E. Kruck
Ms. Carla Kruck
Christopher Lau
Mrs. Elizabeth Lau
Taylor Lauritano
Goldeelox Creations
Arnold Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosenberg
Norm Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosenberg
Daniel B. Lipps
Miss Doris Ann Brennan
Jason Mayberry
Ms. Pamela Schlemmer
Alexandra Murphy
Susan K. Timmins
Alyssa Paul
Ms. Elizabeth Lunsford
Marshall Pruett
Ms. Vickie Miller
Odin Rahn
Mr. Shawn D. Rahn
Donna Robins
Rabbi and Mrs. Arnold Miller
Tom Rolloff
Ms. Colleen Larson
Kelsey Schiefen
Ms. Lois Ambrose
Frederick Seymour
Mr. Mark Seymour
Ron Shapo
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosenberg
Susan Sirlin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. McDougle
Ted Steinman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosenberg
Brian Stinson
Mr. James Stinson
Janet L. Szczechowiak
Mrs. Barbara L. Westley
Roma Zuk
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Zuk
Ted Zuk
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Zuk
30500 Brantley Branch Rd.
Eustis, FL 32736
352-483-0589 fax
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Wendy Durden
Theodore J. Forstmann* l attitude. Vice Chairman
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G. Thomas Ball
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David and Francie Horvitz
Jim* and Jan Moran
The Family of Jennifer Masi
Bruce O. Rossmeyer*
Elizabeth Turner Campbell*
*In memoriam
Shelly Church
June Clark
J. Powell Brown
Linda Chen
Jane E. Diange
Lawrence F. De George
Roseann Duran
Hugh Durden
Diane Holm
Kimberly Johnson
Greg Kaiser
Brian Lee
Lucia Lopez
Richard Lydecker, Esq.
Dave Pickens
Thomas P. Warlow, III
Elli Zimmerman
30500 Brantley Branch Road | Eustis, FL 32736
campboggycreek.org | 866.462.6449

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