PLN150612 - Landscape Plans.
PLN150612 - Landscape Plans.
PLANTING SCHEDULE (GROUND LEVEL) FINISHES SCHEDULE Cade 13T1 Finish Granite Tiling EAC Exposed aggregate concrete CP Cylindrical Planter Description Suooller 30mm Mick Raven' flamed charcoal granite pavers 1200 0 400mm modules. or custom ore as indicated lad on Aides tile affinitive with 3mm wide fans, exposed edges to he mitered with a 3mm arris, Ardex premix grout in colour to match stone with booster **eve. Expansion joints at 4 metre maximum ntervela and against all wall Interfaces comprising Abeffiax foam though full thickness of slab and sealed with Aides caulking compound In colas to match stone. Eco Outdoor - Brisbane swm.eenoutdoornoMAIIJ Phone - (07) 3034 6444 Symbol Plant 02 liatmarr Blend exposed aggregate concrete compnsing black oxide applied at rate of 13.5kg per cubic metre valh only 7mm blue metal aggregate. Control Minis In lovahons indicated comprising 6mm wide, 30mm deep saw cuts. Apply wet-look penetrative sealer Mentor-re Premix Phone 9584 2663 03 C I, Sr T1 ondrical planters in two dimensions (Size 1800rnm diameter, 40Ornm high) comprising 10mrn Mick rolled aturnirium panels, Cirrus Electro 'Black Ace' powder coat finish Dulus protective Coatings (wv( A' Common Name Actneca srnithr 'Forest Flame Acer pelmaturn 'Dissect= Sec"Ye. Arthropodiam ormatum Clone innate 13elgan Hybrid Sarcoosoca confusa Tmchelospennum asratffium Compact Lilly Pity Japanese Maple Tree Rock Lily Broad Leaf Cana Swaetbox Ground Cover Star Jasmine Ranee planter vottl Enrgreen lodge planing al PCITI011a 4711. TOMO Flora' (Compact Lel), PAW Pot Sias Quantity 40cm 100011 20cm 20cm 20cm 14an 16 01 24 20 30 68 Planted lielgtit 120crn 180an Man 20cm Nan 15an Ranted Maintained Maintlined Width Height Width 60an 200 cm 120cm 4000m Man 250an 20cm 60cm 70an 20cm Nan 50an 25als 50an Wan 20crn 25an 501m Aran peen.. Morten mama., a0Ornrn hap rameo cyan:local planer nano Dosech,m vtndis' (Japanese Maple) uncle, plantar mm rrachoosperreurn auaecum (Ora.. Cover Star &same) ti S:esceari ly OJIy1L.noer ra■ ter scc DM swept ot AnttopecAor dAilIcen (Rock Lay). Curia emu. .0010anNyliare(Boad Leal Chyle). Sarcocaca conk. (Soso Bo) 1200171■ 11 ■ 11.18IV and 900mrn domain rased reek.. eater Seakee:11ned hood black gran e Cnve, Star Rased planter with Evelo011a planting el ACT!. snow caveat (ComPaCIL,Ily Pely).nder Trachelosperrnum 0•180:11111 Creep Star Amemit Metal screen and pate reser to arcNtect further GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE I 100 product 247.249 JOHNSTON STREET, ABBOTSFORD TP 01 (REV r.sont PACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP PTY. LTD. tau GROUND FLOOR PLAN WITH PLANTING AND FINISHED SCHEDULES date A) 01.02 is mato 1 100 @Al ern.. JM Jack Mono Design Landscape 8 Cansbuceon Po Box 124 South Yarra Victoria Australia 3141 T +61 3 9866 5550 F +61 3 9866 5540 M 0409 109 000 E jack@jackmerloclasign corn www lackmerlodesign corn FINISHES NclieLIULL Code FbAsh TS Timber Slatted Cladang TD Timber Decking MC Metal Claddeg OFC Off-Form Concrete Deltalotion 32 x 32mm dressed Grey Ironbark vertical batten fencing comprising 6mm thick compressed fibre cement sheet panels fixed to stud frames and pre-palnted in black bean attaching battens apply 4-5 coats of 'Etleck Ash' stain. 140 x 32mm dressed Grey Ironbark boards fixed using hex-head countersunk stainless steel decking boards in accordance with Australian Timber Industry standards. Apply 3-4 casts of Cutek clear oil to all sides of boards prior to to stallabon Nominally 6mm thick aluminium sheeting, Dui= Electra Stack Ace' powder coat finish Supplier N/A Reinforced off-form concrete walls, seating etc constructed to profiles / dimensions as detailed and in N/A N/A N/A accordance with structural engineering specifications. Concrete mix to compnse Brighton Lite cement and white washed sand with only white quartz aggregate. exposed edges to have 3-4mm erns. Ekon/moo hence planting 01Acmsaa 'Far. Fame' (Comm:IL* Decor Stone Phone - 9888 91388 Supplier LP Loose Pebbles 'Info black' 50 - 70rnm diameter loose pebbles 1 I Mean Mph alfatern commte bench seat Propnknobas Olennedla Alba' White Indian Hewtearn) Not Ili ECM Screen to awnpryke double aced 3242nan -Messed Grey Cont. timber Panama 11" Evergreen hedge planets of Amara meta Teed Mane' (Comm:IL* PI)t A1(04) THCXY) TD 'MEIER TCCn 9LRk2e WI Acme. amino 'Forest Flame - — (Compact Lily Pay) Screen lo comprise double wad 3242mm wearied Grey Imobark Umber batleme Sweep to con.. Wel.wed32a32mm dressed Grey Ircobark tomer banana oases high offacem canon. bench re Tanor deck to comp.. ol 140 Seen cheesed Grey Ironbark Ombra cleclung boards Coat to 3-4 coats of Cutek clear al sealer Rased meat planter gen., sent Magnolia grenadier. Sri May (Compact Evergreen Magnolia) under planted with Rrteptnolepre Otermcolta Alba. (White Indian Hawthorn) Sewn b caaplw dabs eked32e32nen dewed Gm Ironlerk babe Gear - --I 200mm dame.. 600mm Neb ceIndrkel metal*Ms planted with Hirnalayacatama comets 'Napalm Slue' (Dwarf Clomping Bamboo, 720nm Mgr, remarry rind pknar Sow wen garniture panels DOA'S.* Am' pewds cose fresh LEVEL 02 PLAN SCALE 1 : 100 PLANTING SCHEDULE (LEVEL 02) Symbol Plant Common Name Pot Mee uentity Planted 14siohl MOW Maintained Maintained Height mail Width Al Aanena smithil forest Flame' Convect IJIN PIP/ 40an 35 12000 80cm 180an 100cm HI MI Himalayacalamus porcetus *Nepalese Blue' Magnolia granditiora 'St Mary' Dwarf Clumping Bamboo Compact Evergreen Iftnoits 25an 120c11 200an 40an 120cm 180cm 350am 80an 180cm RI Rhaphiolepis intennedia 'Alba' White Indian Hawthorn 20cm 08 30 221 20an Man 50cm 50an T1 Trachelospemtum asiaticum Ground Cover Star Jasmine 14CM 03 15an 20an 25crn 50cm 50cm Proisc1 247-249 JOHNSTON STREET. ABBOTSFORD TP 02 dant PACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP PTY. LTD. H. LEVEL 02 PLAN WITH PLANTING AND FINISHES SCHEDULES 010216 Jack Mono Design Undeceive iConstruction 1 100 @Al drawn JM Po Box 124 South Yarra Victoria Australia 3141 dale (REV. A) 50+45 -1 +61 3 9866 5550 F .01 3 9866 5540 M 0409 109 000 c jackmehodesign corn 011t Rimig, al Rephioleple Inlemula Al& (16/11M Mein Herdharel eablreionlans (Lord Home gad MO and Treerraloopermum selelleum (Gerard cow Sam Aware) Al 1-11 POT A F IORC r 6gt2) 01031 (Camped Owe Myra.) under Famed eel Rcensirkers olIdnelis 'Mee lagoon. (Semi Rearm Roomy) L 1101, 160Ornm demister. 660mm nign rimed whorls.) Men" Moral wan LegeiDooae Mau lieu, (Compact ❑ege Mmmtel leRim P"M" wet Ross...mos ofildnelle Blue Lagoa,' (sew Proem* Rosemary) 1800mm dram:cr. SeOrnrn Iph rayed cOnonca panty planted warn Lawn... no. Load (Compact Crepe Myrtle) under &Yea wan Rosmartnus office., Blue Legarsi (Bern Proc.. Reeve,' iMidern summer Mean NO used cylre lca. panty planted MTh Legend:row. intr. Ls* ICOmPrset Crape Myrtle) under planted wen Romero,. offlunses Mere LeRoy, (Sens Prostrate Rosemary) —1500erm diameter. TeOrnm nigh rand orlinerlest Wean ptlinree won Lageresmerele Mao Wen T1(11) R2122) - I TF I ,01 .3r .1 1 1500.nrn damete,/finn n Mph mind cyllndrIcel —e utnnty punted mth lagentroorrie Beam lama 11(01, -- 01.10 15 (come", Dego Parer) miler pried wit Hosmannve decinele Blot Lamer (Semi R2115) - "n2 P'"W"""'") I POT B 1-- 0. Samosa ol Raoteroletninlermsder•Aka• 0/Ovie Imbed (ireveurn). Dimes robrormen• (Lord MOW. Me Ids) and Tfachelnpaernum 900mm trgh mead booth oath nlegrated Electrolux herby'. and Mao loss steel Net ix;rpd selaticurn (Ground Cone Sat Jrn LEVEL 06 - SECTION A - A SCALE 1 : se 16Orrnm diameter 060.nmfl0fll)IsedC)t5110 planter innted wan lagers/menu nice I pan' (,piped Crepe Myrtle) under pls.-dad *eh Reernennus offirrnees Blue Lagoon' (San Proctrate Rosecary) 13011 GT2 1500cm diameter. 7130mm tigh raised warning Prantrn planted me, lagernonse new law' (Compact Ospe MOO Levier manied with 0111 RW1.9. of Raphiolepts intennedla 'Ate' (Wlole Indian Hawearnr, Dimas rononsomana (lord Kowa NW Iris) and 1' rschelespertman assabant (Ground Cover Sur Jasmine) 360mm WI oft-ram concrete bench seat; rased planter iGT1: Rosmannus rink:India Blue lagoon. (Semi Pretense Rosemary) I GT1 TC IGT1 —Evergreen sawn hedge gaming of Amen. seethe 'Forest Nero' (n pled Lay Pay) Pie plantings of Rapt-kneel Innnowes Ate Mans Imam Hawthorn), Dines rennecniane (Lott Howe Yard Ins) and Tradelospermurn aWde7E(5n (Ground Cone Star Incline) 0300I/ 1,090 prantmg of Acmona smith. 'Forest Flame. (Compact Orly Flay) 1600nen diameter. 760nre rya raised pandrical -painter planted Mel Legeratraerrie Indies Uperr LEVEL 05 PARTIAL PLAN SCALE 1 100 (Carped CMS" 6616" I under pianied vet Roamadnus dachas Bide Lagoon' (Sent Prostrate Rosemary) FINISHES SCHEDULE Code Finish GT1 Granite Idea ) Wall Cladding GT2 PS Granite Tiling POffielain Sheeting FChi gh oft-brm moosr beach meet / mind planter Off-Form Canaille I GT21— TF I- Supplier Description Cog plendrus of Raphedeper innmedat (White Mein Hawthorn). Mates robin:Ionia. Mold Home Wed Ida) end Trechelospennurn man (Grimed Comm Ste Jeanine) 30mm thick Raven' flamed charcoal granite pavers, 1200 0 400mm modules, or custom size as indicated. Eco Outdoor - Brisbane www.ecooutdoorcornau laid on Arden tile adhesive with 3mm wide joins, exposed edges to be mitered with a 3mm wms. Arden premix grout in colour to match stone with booster additive. Expansion parts at 4 metre maximum in tervals Phone - (07) 3034 6444 and against all wall interfaces comprising Abelftex foam though full thickness of slab and sealed with Arden caulking compound in colour to match stone 30mm thick 'TOrkulte' flamed granite pavers, 1200 0 40Ornm modules, or custom size as Indicated. To be laid on 13uzon' height adjustable p189110 pedestals with 5mm gaps. Laid on pedestal system - to be laid on Buzon. height adjustable gestic pedestals wrth 5mm gaps, Laminam Sena Fib' 6mm thick dark charcoal porceiain sheebng. To be cut frorn 3000 x 1000mm sheets, exposed edges to be mitered with a 3mm arcs. OFC PS Reinforced off-form concrete walls. seating etc. constructed to profiles I dimensions as detailed and in accordance with structural engineering specifications. Conaste mix to comprise Brighton Lite cement and LEVEL 06 - SECTION B - B SCALE 50 Eno Outdoor - Brisbane wancecooutdooncomau Phone - (07) 3034 6444 ECo Outdoor - Brisbane Phone - (07) 3034 6444 N) A white washed sand with only white quartz aggregate, exposed arlges to hen 3-4nan anis. Synthetic Turf Signature 30' - synthetic turf Medium pile 30mm premium quality synthetic turf, laid on elevated trafficable galvanised steel moon grating on Suzan' height adjustable pedestals.. CP Cylindrical Planter Cylindrical planters in two dimensions (Size A - 180Ornm diameter. 700mm high, Size 8 - 1500rnm diameter. 700mm high,Size C - 1350mm diameter, 800mm high,Size D - 1200rnm diameter, 900rin high) comprising 10mm thick rolled aluminium panels. Duke Electro 'Black Ace' powder coat finish TC Timber Batten Ceiling Ceiling lined with 32 x 32ran dressed Grey ironbark battens with Etnim gaps. Cutek dear oil finish Timber Decking 140 x 32mm dressed Grey Iron boards fixed using hex-head countersunk stainless steel decking boards in accordance with Australian Timber Industry standards. Apply 3-4 coals of Cutek dear al to all sides of boards poor to installation Te TO Tuff Turf Artificial Grass www.tufflurtcorn-a Phone -1800 996 326 Dulux Protective Coabngs (www.duluxprotecUveccetings.contau) N)A T SCHEDULE PLANTING SCHEDULE (LEVEL 05) Symbol Plant Al D1 L1 R1 R2 ti Acrnena Wahl Venni Flame* Oates robinwoniane L.agerstroemle indica Wen' Rhaphiolepis intemiele 'Alba' Roemesinue offickialis Slue Lagoon' Trathe{oapernkan atealicum Name Common Name Pot Sim Quantity Planted Haight Ccmpect Lilly Pity Lord Howe Wild iris Compact Crepe Strife 40011 20cm =it 06 23 04 120cm 30an 300an White Indian Hawthorn Semi Prostrate Rosemary Ground Cover Star Jasmine 20an 18 20an 17cm 14an 76 23 20cm 15crn Planted Illointainad pAohneirod Width Height ma to 60an 160cm 100an 200n 70cm 50cm 200cm 400on 400crn 20an 501m 50cm 20cm 30an tlOcm 20an 25an 50an Size Shape Finish Daum Black POT A. D 1800mm diameter, 660mm high raised cylindncal planter fabricated from 10mm thick aluminum POT 8, C 1500mm diameter, 760mm high raised cylindrical plater fabricated from 10mm NCI( aluminum Ace powder Quantity 02 coat finial Clulux Black Ace' powder coat finish 02 LEVEL 06 - SECTION C - C SCALE 1 . 50 60.6.0 247-249 JOHNSTON STREET. ABBOTSFORD TP 03 (REV. A) tea o 1 02 "0 elleet PACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP PTY. LTD. ion @Ai Jack Marto Design Landscape & Construction box 1,"•• T +61 3 9866 5550 F +61 3 9866 5540 M 0409 109 000 — me", South Yana Victoria F jacklaackmerlodesign mm LEVEL 05 PLAN AND SECTIONS WITH PLANTING AND FINISHES JM Australia 3141 SCHEDULES PLANTING SCHEDULE (LEVEL 10) 11:100mrn demon, MOrran NO mated cylindncal Omar plmeml wileLageralmernla Indica 1-Pan' (COM.. Crepe HYrae) and. Ilanfed wrle Roamer.. alai:Inas Slue Lagoon. (Semi Preatrala CP 02(39) rwC R1(2111 Al 01 L1 M1 N1 R1 01(33) Si S1 Ti T1 T2 Deft ptantrps of Radvolme. weennedef Wee' (White melt. Hawthorn). Demi rolomortene (Lod Ho. W1a ins)and Trachelospertnum awaecum (Ground Cover Star Jasnune) Planted HeigM Planted Maintained Maintains Width HelgM Width 30cm 300an Boom Man 200cm 30an 33 03 16 Garden Catmint 14an 18 15cm 15e9 White Indian Hawthorn Semi Prostrate Rosemary Conon Lavender Pink Agapanthus Ground Cover Star Jasmine 20cm 17cm 14 20cm 14crn 33 99 06 10 39 20cm 20an 20cm 20cm 15cm 20an 20cm Common Name Symbol Plant POT A 1(01) 'Dieter robinsoniana lagerstrnerna indma 'Lean Murray. pan.culata ' Nepets 0 '0455e011 ,Rnaphiolepis mterreeda Alba' osrearinus oft cinalls 'Blue Lagoon' Santonna charnaecypanss0s Tulbaghia snolacea Trachelosuennurn 30.1.111c)1•1 Pot Size Quantity Lord Howe Wild Iris Compact Crepe Myrtle Orange Jessamine 20an 300I1 09 40cm 120an 30cm 50cm 30cm 80an 40an 25an 20em 20cm 20an PS PO R2(151 I 50Ornm darnel., hph reeled cylindrical prim planted with Lagerslemnia mdice (Compact Crepe Hyde) under plenied wen Rosman/me offklnida 'Slue Lagoan* (Sem Pros.* Rommury) r B -I ■ Mutraya particulate JeeMtrem) El I POT C • Finish Shape Slam Name 1800mm derma, tIMI teased sundial L I(01) Omer Planted wItt 621221 Legerstmense tndlea I Comp.! Crepe Meths) under planted seth Rosmenrus olfinnalta Sloe Lagoon. (Semi Nedra% Mammary) Quantity Deux Beek POT D 1800mm diameter, 810mm high raised cylindrical planter fabricated from 10mm thick aluminum. POT A, C ' AO5' powder coat finnan 02 Dulux 'Black POT B 1500mm diameter. 910mm high raised cylindrical planter fabricated from 10mm thick aluminum. Ace' powder own finish POT 0 1800mm diameter, 810mm high raised cylindrical planter fabricated from 10mm thick aluminum. Ace' powder coat finiish Duke Seek S 1 es) Removable mesh kite ampler of 120 x — 30rnm. 3mm gauge esheriest Fresh frames sop Dula Watt Blace peredertoal brash Cantracbr to scums eatable mesa N1(18) 0.21401 - R115) LC AJ Nadel modem crrnImang Ow 0114 n..40 Tuteghia enlaces (Pink Agepenthus). Sanlollna chammayperiases (Cotton Lavender), Nesse lasseni (Cereal Calmat) end ReerMfalue 04565504. Ws. Lagoon' (Sem Proem* %smart —11100min denser. 300rtirn NO mime 0050110•1 senor *rad with Lagsnearnia indica tem. !Cara! Ceps Myrlis) ones planted .en Romerinus alliineis Use Lagoon. (Semi ',meanie licameary) LEVEL 10 PLAN 01 01 SCALE 1 : 1194 3001-nrntsgrt raised 14000110 damete■ cyfndrical planter planted with Lagersamme Indica Lean' (Compact Crepe Nlydel under planted wart Rownannus ofhonalia Woo Lagoon. (Sens Prostrate Rosemary) 1500n151 diameter. 4000et WI Mad cyllndocat planter *read w4h Laganarnealla indica lean' (Carped Owe Myrile)uoJer planted with Ramada. Mara. Mug Lagoon' (Semi Proalmils Mammy) RI 52 SI =Me11111111111111111110111 - Herbal garden comprising low dna plantings or Tulbagtia Wolaoss (Pkre Agasenthus). SenIclim chameecyperlsaus (Cotton Leander), Nepeta s fasseni (Garden Calmint) and Rearm/mos &kindle 14.1 Lagoon' (Sena Prostrate Rosemary) 36099 hph concrete tenth seat din platengs al Raphiolapos Memel. 'Alta— (While Indian Newelorn) Dimes robinsonaina (Lord Howe Wad Ins) and Trathetespormurn arta:torn (Ground Cover Star .wsmtne) —Olt plurally al Ron II4. a Inleneeda'Abil 051■ 11. Mein hentiorn). Delss rselnsonersi (Lad Hoe VAI0 Tmcheimplanurn (Grand Cam Sr Jambs) LEVEL 10 • SECTION B • B LEVEL 10 - SECTION A - A SCALE 1 1 BO SCALE 1 50 FINISHES SCHEDULE Cede Finish GT1 Granite Tiling / Wall Cladding 012 Granite Tiling PS Porcelain Sheeting Desolation Slallidlaf 30mm thick 'Iodise' flamed granite pavers, 1200 x 400mm modules, or custom size as indicated. laid on Ardex tole adhesive with 3mm wide )oins, exposed edges to be mitered with a 3mm ass, Ardex premix grout in colour to match stone with booster addthve. Expansoon joints at 4 metre maximum intervals and aganst all wall interfaces comprising Abelflex foam Morph full thickness of slab and sealed with Ardex caulking compound in odour to match stone. 30Mr11 truck 'Raven' named charcoal granite pavers, 1200 x 400mm modules. or custom 81.5 es indcatod. To be laid on '540606' height adjustable pleas pedestals with 5mm gaps. laid on pedestal system - to be laid on 'Baton' height aclustable plastic pedestals with 5mm gaps, Eco Outdoor - Brisbane yyy,,,,,,,,,k100,,,,,,,,, Phone - (07) 3034 5444 Eco Outdoor - Brisbane anwr.ecooutdoor.cornau Phone - RD 3034 6444 Eco Outdoor - Brisbane Lamlnam 'Brine Ho' 5mm Mick dark charcoal porcelain sheeting. To be ad from 3000 x 1030mm sheets, exposed edges to be mitered with a 3mm erns. Phone - (07) 3034 8444 Off-Form Concrete Reinforced off-form concrete walls, seating etc. constructed to profiles I dimensions as debated and in accordance with sbucturai engineering specificabons. Concrete mix to comprise Brighton Lite cement and white washed sand with only white quartz aggregate, exposed edges to have 34mm erns. IN Lawn Rhizornatous Tell Fescue' instant turf laid on graded and compacted sera), loam base Slrathayr (ph - 1800 822 455) CP Cylindrical Planter Cylindrical planters in two dimensions (Size A - 1800mm diameter, 700mm high, Sze 8 - 1500mm diameter, 700rmi high,Size C - 1350mm diamekr, 800mm high,Size 0 - 1200mm diameter, 930mm high) comprising 10mm thick rolled aluminium panels, Deux Bach° Slack Ace' powder coat finish Oulux Protective Ccetings ( CT Compacted Tappings 50mm thick layer of compacted Tynong Toppings' with 75mm Mick compacted crushed rock sub base OFC N /A Daisy's Garden Supplies - Ashaixd Phone - (03) 9807 9293 Website - 32 x 32mm dressed Grey frontier* vertical batten fencing comprising 6mm thick compressed fibre cement steel panels tied b stud frames and pre-painted in black Drat planhngs of Raphtolope internee:WNW (White Wain Hawthorn) Chews rot:montane Gera Howe Wad Ids) and Irachelospertnurn Mete= (Ground Cover Star Jasmine) — kierester 'model 1050' Universal Wood Inbuil are — Herbed garden cornonsmg low doll plantings of -lutbagne mews., (Pink Apepanthus). Santehna charm...wanes= (Gotten Lavender). dace lo be tnstalted nn arsarlance with WOO x lessens (Garden Gramm!) and 005/narin140 carbonate Skis manufacturer's speaftcabons LagoOn1 (Semi Prostrate Rosemary) LEVEL 10 - SECTION C C SCALE 1 50 TD Timber Slatted Cladding before attaching battens, apply 4-5 coats of Stack Ash' stain. N/A WF Webforge Climber Mesh Watiforge galvanised steel mesh panels, face-fixed lo 100 x 50rnm rectangular hollow section galvarised steel posts with 40 x 40 x 5mm angles to lop and bottom edges. Black powder coat finish Webkcge MelbOUrne Phone - (03) 8551 2414 Website - WVAV.WebfergB.coMau TC Timber Batten Ceiling Ceiling lined with 32 x 32mm dressed Grey ironbark Wiens with 8nrn gap. Cutek dear oil finish. N/A Pinesst 247-249 JOHNSTON STREET, ABBOTSFORD client PACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP PTY. LTD. chs. TP 04 (REV. A) 01.02,1s too ii0A1 &mon LEVEL 10 PLAN AND SECTIONS WITH PLANTING AND FINLSHES SCHEDULES JM Jack Mono Design Landscape & Consnucdon T r-61 3 9866 5550 F .61 3 9866 5540 To Box 124 M 0409 109 000 South Yarra Victoria Australia 3141 E www.jackmerlodesign.corn aC glgre_ 50an 50an 60an 60an 40cm 50an --Massed plantings of Dews erbboteenuana (Lord Howe Wed Ins) and Tracheisesperrnum awaseurn (Ground Cove,Star —Pergole b comp. with Pan 200 x 50mrn dressed Gtey tree..t posts/teams wet Louvrelee automated shade loons panels set 6...en A7 segue beams 180C.nm drone. 36Ornm AO rased cOnencal planter gamed wen LacJorsacesraa indica Wen' Cooped Crepe Myrtle, uredr planted wits Rosmannus othonalts13tue Lagoon' (Serni Prostrate Rosemary) 1500mm dorneter. 360rern togn ',Used overdoes/ pane, planted onel. Lagersenernia mOica tip.' (Compact Crepe Myroe) under — Papule lo compose with Win 200 • SOrnm dressed Grey Conharl. scostreernsikell [fine, *meter gelvanssed abet rode between for we WNW. (OrnonmsIM &ape) Pergola to comprise wide I. 200 0 5Cenro dons. Grey Imola.. posleteame with Leonel..c aubrnated shade louvre panels set .Iweern progoke beam planted wit, Rownannus offleinalis Blue Lagoon' (Semi Prostrate Rosemary) PDX %23 ULMER ) S-rE115 HALLOW LEDOE ••••••,/, 1 TD SWIMMING POOL (3.2)(23314ETRFS • 131150) Corernmsal stainless steel hart.. /eg' to architectural dr.egs In. fun., details Pergola to amen so Yath Nen 20l1 r 50,. dressed Grey ironed., postsbearrts web lemre charneto galvanised steci rods tetswen for VI. nortera (Ornamental Gayer) — and Owings d Ftaphiolepo nonrated). *Abe Miele Nam Nositiom). Deus nblteonMns good Nom MIW ie)and Trschelospertmsn siafeao (Gmend Cam Star Jaermnel — 1000nn hen /ranee. glass balustrade 0016 10 mm poi. cononuous akennum cappng rail. Chau Varir ft mote' pow.. Wel Rosh — - Commercial stemless steel barbecue rarer to anintecturel charm, for runner details SECTION A - A SCALE 1 . 50 FC PLANTING SCHEDULE (ROOF LEVEL) 011-form concrete can eleveled bench seel oath ouster. DI L I. R' R2 11 v1 POT C 1500n. derneler. 360mrn hen Resod e.t.d.-a/ planter planted with Lagers... melee lipari (Cooped Crepe My.) order planted onto Roarnann. off6anato Blue Lagoon' (Semi Prostrate Rosemary) Common Name Symbol Plant Dietes robinsOniane Lagerstroemia irides Upon' Rhaphioleple interrnedla 'Aber Rosmarinus officinalis Slue Lagoon' Tracheilospermum afeaticum Vitls Maws Lord Howe Wild his Compact Crepe Myrtle White Indian Hawthorn Semi Prostrate ROSSMO, Ground Cover Star Jasmine Ornamental Grape Pot Wee Quantity 20cm 3005 20cm 17cm Morn 25cm 142 03 86 30 180 04 Plaided Height 306m 300CM 20cm 20cm 15c5 60ron Planted MalMalned Makitakied Width Height Width 20015 200cm 20015 20cm 20015 20crn 70... 400cm 50crn 30cm 25021 300crn . . 16SOnvn diameter 360rnm nigh raced CylntloCall planre,planted ones lagurstnentio --Pergola to contorts, ono) Van KO* SOrnm dnnseol Grey (aortas posts:teams one 16mrn dame.. gananead Meol rods between for Vida umbra (Portman.] Grape) 50015 400cm 50015 8001M 50cm 400cm indica than' (Compact Crepe Myrtle) under planted wimp Rosma... °lona. Blur Lagoon' (Senn Prostrate Rosemary) 1(160mm doseneher. 130nen high mated gird** planter plan. Min Lagerelrosalie Mice Lem' (Compact Crepe Myrtle) woe plow ion Rcemannus comae Slue Lagoon' (Seen No a. Rosman.) Drift phalange of Raphiolepie (W. Indian Havdhom), Phase tobineeniane (Lord ftwe Wild Iris) and Trachelospermurn awaticom (Ground Caw Sea Jesnine) RL 00 46 yr- TS Awi 18C0rnm diameter, 360mm regh noised cylinder:WO.. (Comma Owe planted yath Lagersenernia ills Myrtle) under planted onto Rosman. orlortalis Slue Lego°,(Sens Prostrate Rosemary) FINISHES SCHEDULE Code Finish GT1 Granite Tiling i Wall Cladding GT2 Granite Tiling SWUM° POOL 0.2 X 21SISSIME8 ) PARTIAL PLAN - ROOF TERRACE SCALE 1 . ISO Supplier Description 30rnm thick Tortoise' flamed granite pavers, 1200 x 400mm modules, or =dome sine as ondrcaled. laid on Max tile adhesive with 3mm wide joins, exposed edges to be mitered with a 3non ems, Amex premix grout in colour to match stone wIth booster additive. Expansion joints at 4 metre maximum Intervals and agairrn all wall interfaces comprising Abelflex foam though full thickness of slab and sealed with Ardex caulking compound in colour to match stone Eco Outdoor - Brisbane www.ecooutdoor.tionsu Phone - (07) 30316444 30rnm thick 'Tortoise' flamed charcoal granite pavers, 1200 x 400mm rnoduies, or custom size as indicated. To be raid on 'Buzon' height adjustable plastic pedestals with 5mm gaps. laid on pedestal system - to be laid on 'Buzon' height adjustable plastic pedestals with Soongaps, Eco Outdoor - Brisbane www.ecooutdoorconLau Phone - (07) 3034 6444 Leminam 'Brine Filo' 6mm thick dark charcoal porcelain sheetirg. To be cut from 3000x 1000mm sheets. exposed edges to be mitered with a 3mm aerie. Eco Outdoor - Brisbane Wene.ecooutdoor.corn au Phone - (07) 3034 6144 PS Porcelain Sheeting OFC Off-Form Concrete Reinforced off-form concrete walls, seadng etc. constnicted to profiles I dimensions as detailed and in accordance with structural engineering specifications. Concrete mix to comprise Brighton Lite cement and white washed sand with only white Quartz aggregate, exposed edges to have 34mm ants. LN Lawn Rhizomatous Tall Fescue' instant turf laid on graded and compacted sandy loam base Stralhayr (ph - 1800 622 456) CP Cytindrical Planter Cylindrical planters in two dimensions (Size A - 1800mm diameter, 7DOmm high, Size 6 - 1500mm diameter, 700mm hogh,Size C - 135Orrun diameter, 800mm high,Size 0 - 1200mm diameter, 900mm high) conprising lOmm thick rolled aluminium panels, Dulux Elect° 'Black Ace' powder coat finish Dubs Protective Coatings ( TS Timber Slatted Clacking 32 x 32mm dressed Grey Ironbark vertical batten fencing cornoising 6mm thick compressed fibre cement sheet panels fixed to stud frames and pre-painted in black before attaching battens, apply 4-5 coals of Blade Ash' stain. N / A TC Timber Batten Calling Ceiling lined with 32 x 32mm dressed Grey tronbark battens with Bmm gaps. Cutek dear dl finish —Cornswell Ammo Ned lerbscus. ofr nsentscosi drawings la fuller delis —Timber deck bmtpWd140x Swan dmmodel ONO hobs* anger decking bowls Cat n 14 cads Cult* dadmaks . Deft plantings of Replaoleost ...del la., (Paote indan )lewthan) Dotes rotansoniana Ron] lease Wild Ins) and Trachalospecourn asetteurn (Ground Cover Stet Jasmene) • ---,Tint. daybeds SECTION B - B SCALE 1 50 Pstgola to comprise with twin 200 x Span tressed Grey Sartain sesta/beams won Louvre...notes shade Wm . row. set Woven — Finale to ccemthe TOW !Ms 200 s SOmen Wessel Only Irtebot postubsatre with ttlown diameter corxerned steel we bawls kr VIM Milers (Omomemi Grape) pergola beers NIA N/A POT SCHEDULE Name POT A POT B POT C Size 1800mm diameter, 700mm Ngh raged Cylindrical planter fabricated from 10mm thick aluminum. 1650mm diameter, 800mm high raised cylindncv planter fabricated from Rimm thick aluminum. 1600mm diameter. 900mm high raised CylindriCal planter fabricated from 10rnm thick aluminum. Shape Finish p Dulux Slack Ace' powder coat finish L Ditties 'Black Ace' powder coal finish Dulux Slack Ace' powder coat finish Gusset* 01 01 1000mon legit frameless glass b usoSe. wrth 10 non coma corenums akar.. wore rye Oulux Duit Brogue paw*, mai snip, SECTION C - C SCALS I 01 pre.. 247-249 JOHNSTON STREET, ABBOTSFORD eltent TP 05 (REV. A) PACE DEVELOPMENT GROUP PTY. LID. Oars Jack Mello Design 0, '0 2 ,F, scale Landscape & Construction T F South Yarra Victoria Australia 3141 M 0109 109 000 E jack@jackrnettodesign corn vex.", jackmarlodesign coo I 100gal MO drawn ROOF TERRACE PLAN AND SECTIONS WITH PLANTING AND FINISHES .1,,,1 SCHEDULES +61 3 9866 5550 +61 3 9866 5540 M77