Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya
Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya
Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor (lggS} Financial Staternents For the year ended 3t December 201 5 INDEX PAGE CONTENTS STATETYIENTS BY THE SOGIETY OFFICERS 1-2 BALANCE SHEET STATE[ilEf,ff OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMET,T OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEME}ITS Statement hy Officerc We, being of Sociefi tre officers primarily responsible for &e accounting recods and financial management of PERSATUAN ALUMN!, SEKOLAH MENENGAH ASSUNTA, PEIAL|NG JAYA, SE|-ANGOR (1999), do solarnly and sincerely declare that the Balance Sheet Shtement of lncome and Expendifure, and Stabment of Receipts and Payments bgether wi& &e nobs set out on page 7 are properly drawn up and so as b give a true and fair vie*y of he stab of affairs of fte Society for the year ended 3l Decernber20l5. President Vice President furhr^-,^ . r r t. r r r t r.. r r.. -..0.. r r r r rr. r r r..rr.rr i .,/,r. r t. r r.. RAZLIN DAT,UINA bt ABDUL RAAIK Secretary Date: lf h{A0-ctJ Kuala Lumpur 1l $^ Ib mnniffiiii tTreasurer Statement By Honorary Auditorc: We have reviewed all murce doorments, together with the bank statements, for the period 'l$ Januay 2015 to 31't December 2015. The Balarree Sheet, lrpome and Expenditure Account and Rmipts and Payments Account have been prepared breed on proper munting rnethods and show a true and fair viesv of the state of ffairs and financial results of the Socie$ for the financial year ended 31 Deember 2015. 0w Name: Gon rc a No: % l% 5*030{- Name lo -b{ 4^{ : Yk( 8q L( J l/c No: b1 tto1"o? -So1 { Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor (lggg) Balance $heet As At 31 December 2015 NOTE 2015 2014 RM RM FIXED ASSETS Laptop - at cost (purchased in 2012) 6 Accumulated Depreciation - Laptop b 1,964.00 (1,964.00) 1,964.00 (1,473.00) 491.00 Porhble Sound System - at cost (purdrased in 2014) 479.00 Accumulated Derpreciation (23e.001 478.00 (119.50) 239.00 358.50 239.00 849.50 Total Assets at HBV CURREI,IT AS$EIS Cash ln Hand 480,00 500.00 Cash ln Bank 23,548.83 24,595.54 24028.93 25,095.54 20.00 320.00 25,625.04 23,098,22 CURREHT LIABILITIES Sundry Creditors n Er AssErs Represented By: Accumulated Surplus Uf Current Year Deficit I Surplus Accu mu lated Surplus cff The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements t1,377.2U 2,526.92 Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor {1999} Stdement of lncome and Expenditure for the Year Ended 31 December 2015 20.15 2014 RM RM r &rVvv.vv qqn on L,680.00 3,371,00 4,970.00 745.00 555.00 INCOME Subscriptions atd Annual Frtembership Fees AA Merchandise Sales Breakfast With Teachers Yesteryear Picnic 7,215.00 Repayment of Advanre to Bio account 5,000.00 5r646.m 19,420.00 Sundry Donations Receiued 404.95 50.00 Partial Refund of Advertisement 500.00 OTHER IHCOiiE RECEIYED f0ffl IffCOil,IE 904.95 50.0o 6,550.95 19,470.00 LESS EXPENDITURE 5.2L Bank Charges 230.00 230,00 1,000.00 850.00 300.00 450.00 50.00 50.00 Printing & Stationery 756.25 9.00 Refreshments 377.60 1,683.88 Computer - Website Donations Gifts & Bouquets PO Box Rental 100.00 NGO - NCWO subscription 2,250.00 4,450.00 Breakfast With Teachers 400.00 463.00 Big Sister, Litfle Sister Visit 254.00 Merchandise - T-shirtsl car decals 300.00 3,440.80 Yesteryear Picnic 38"60 Postage 1,055.00 1,056.00 300.00 300.00 Repairs - Sr Enda s Room (Chapel) L,150.00 Advertisements - SK & SMK school magazines Depreciation - Laptop / Portable Sound System 610.50 1,800.00 610.50 Thinking Pool maintenance (one off) 300.00 Sr Enda Expenditure Assunta Alumni Members Management system EXPEffD'TURT OYTR 16,943.L8 7,928.16 TOTALEXPET'TDITURE $Jcffif ffi {1,377.21} 2,526.82 re Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor ({999} Statement of Receipts and Payments forthe Year Ended 31 December 2015 NOTE 2015 2014 RM RM BALAHCE AS AT 01 JAI,IUARY Cash ln Hand 500.00 Cash iln Bank 24,595.54 z- J-r\)J 25,095.54 2?.,116.22 Subscriptions and Annual Memhership Fees 1,530.00 1,580.00 AA Merchandise Sales 3,371.00 4,870.00 745.00 655.00 258.20 )1 aEa1).\)n? tE- RECEIPTS Breakfast With Teachers Yesteryear Picnic 7,215.00 Repayment of Advance to Bio account 5,000,00 5,646.00 L9,420.00 404.95 50,00 OTHER CASH RECEIT'ED Sundry Donations Receiued Partial Refund of Advertisement IOT{L RECEPTS 500.00 20.00 904.95 70.00 6,550.95 19,490.00 31,646.49 4L,605.22 LE$S PAYNI|EHTS Bank Charges Computer - Website Donations Gifts & Bouquets PO Box Rental 5.21 230.00 230.00 1,000.00 850.00 300.00 450,00 50.00 50.00 Printing & Stationery 7s6,25 9.00 Refreshments 377.60 1,693.99 NGO - NCUVO subscriptions Merchandise - T-shirts / Car Decals 100.00 2,250.00 4,450,00 Breakfast With Teachers 400.00 463.00 Big Sister, Little Sister Visit 254.00 Yesteryear Picnic 300.00 3,440,90 Fantastic 55 Tea-A-Tete Sr Enda Expenditure 1,056.00 Advertisements - SK & SMK school rnagazines Assunta Alumni Members Management system 1,800"00 600.00 Porhble Sound System Repairs - Sr Enda's Room {Chapel) Postage Thinking Pool maintenance (one off) TOTAL PTY}'EIYTS s 1,056.00 479.00 1,150.00 38.60 300.00 7,617.66 L6,510.69 Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Ass$nta Petaling Jaya, Selangor {Igs}} Statement of Receipts and Payments forthe Year Ended 31 December 2015 NIOTE BAT.A}ICE A$ Ca$ ln l'land Ca$ ln Bank 2015 2$1.S RHI RM 3{ DECEIilBER 480.00 500.00 23,548.83 24,595.54 Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan {1 $$g} Notes b fte financial staEmenb 31 December 2015 Surnmary of significant accounting policies 1. a. b. Accounting convention The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and comply with approved acmunting standards in Malaysia lncorne Recognition lncome from fees and subscriptions are recognized on a cash basis 2. Annual Subscriptions The amount collected in the year 2015 induded Advance Subsoiprtions amounting to RM 1010 3, Merchandise New AA merchandise for 2015 includes redmigned T-shirts, Road Tax Decals 4. AssunhAlumni ltlernberc ManaganentSyshm {AAMS} Cost incuned in 2015 is for maintenance of the system. 5. Comparativefigurm Certain ccxnparative figures hare been reclassified in orderto conform with currmtyear presentation. 6. Fixed Assets Laptop at cost Accumulated Deprcciation @25o/o per annum RM 1964 ( 1964 ) RMO Net Book Value (NBV) The laptop was purchased in 2012 cost Portable Sound System at Accumulated Depreciation @ 25% per Net Book Value RM 478.00 annum {NBV} The Portable Srund Systmr \nas purchased in 2014 7t ,I ( 239.00 RM 23930 ) Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor tlggg} Financial $tatements For the year ended 31 December Biography Account 201 5 INNEX CONTENTS PAGE STATEMEMTS BY THE SOCIEI'Y OFFICERS 1-2 BAI.ANCE SHEET STATEMEMT OF IilICOME AND EXPEHDITURE OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS STATEMEhTT NOTES TO THE FINAHCIAL STATE$JIE}TTS Stabment by Officers of Society lllle, being the officers primarily responsibh for the accounting records and financial man4ement of PERSATUAN ALUMNI, SEKOLAH MENENGAH ASSUNTA, PETALING JAYA, SEIANGOR (1999), do solarnly and sincerely dedare that he Balance Shee( Shtement of lncome and Expendifure, and Statement of Receipb and Payrnenb bgether with the nobs set out on page 6 are properly drawn up and so c to give a true and fair vierv of tre state of affairs d $e Society for tre year ended 3l Decsnber20l5. >1,*4J, iiEiioRAii iroruA r-ioKitre President e: 1I YEE r\ 1l , Secretary l1 r-rAB-C t"l l^l Kuala Lumpur LIU PECK Vice President RAZLIN DAITUINA bt ABDUL RAEIK Date: J"M IilARIADIHE- ROZARIO Treasurer U $tatement By Hmorary Auditorc: We have reviewed all murce doanmentq together with ffxe bank statementq for the period 1s January 2015 to 31$ December 2015. The Balance Sheet, lncorne ffid Exfnditure Aomunt and Receipts and Paymots Amunt have been pepared bmed on proper accounting rnelhods and $ron a true and fair view of the state of affairs and financial results of &e Socb$ for the finacid yea erded 31 Decembs 2015. y*f su H { llC No : ("1/, 01- 07- $l tr Name' a Persatuan Alumni $ekolah Menengah Assunta {2} Petaling Jaya, Selangor {lggg} Balance Sheet As At 31 December 2015 NOTE 2015 RM 20L4 RM CURRENT A$SETS Cash ln Hand Cash ln Bank 45,235.70 47,002.50 Stodr of Books in hand 2L3A4.27 24,395.09 66,540.97 71,397.69 Sundry tlebtor - BORDERS @ @ CURREHT LIABILITIES 2,000.00 Provision for Taxation ,VEf ISSEIS @ 2,000.00 @ Represented By: "'/ Accumulded Surplus blf 69,397.69 96,393.95 Gurrent Year tleficit t4,946.7U {16,996.17} Accumulated $urplus cJf The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta {2} Petaling Jaya, Selangor (1999) Statement of lncome and bqenditure for the Year Ended 31 December NOTE 2015 2015 2_0r.4 RM RM NCOIIIE Donations Received - Members Donations Received - Non-Members Book Sales 734,70 540.00 l-70.00 1,,274.7O L70.00 10,220.00 8,018.00 11,494.70 8,188.00 OTHER INCOIIE RECEIYED Sales - DVDs rorft rf{cotilE 15.00 1Lstxl.?0 &188.00 LESS EXPEHDITURE Bank Charges 4.62 Design costs / proo{s 17.50 500.00 Proofs printing Postage coets 422.30 Author's Honoraria 10,000,00 Honoraria to Sr Enda Miscellaneous eygenses 5,000.00 28.00 Printing & Stationery Donations Advertisements - SMK school magazine 104.89 10,000.00 250.00 Photographs Cost of Gratis books Cost of Books Sold L,300.00 200.00 Painting - gallery rlnall damaged during launch SIN Bio Tour - St Regis Hi-Tea 134.90 650.00 2,570.68 765.26 765.95 2,3L5.55 1,510,93 Repayment of Advance to Bio account 5,000.00 Taxation provision IOIff EXPETIJD,TURE 16,355.41 25,184.17 SURPTUS OF fl(PEfiIDITURE OTIER INCO'ilE {4S46.71} (14996.17) Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta t2) Petaling Jaya, Selangor ({999} Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended 31 December 201 5 201s 20r.4 RM RM NOTE BAI.ANCE AS AT O1 JANUARY Cash iln Bank 47,002.60 77,349.99 RECEIPTS Donations Received - Members 734.7fi Donations Received - Non-Members 540.00 L70.00 L,274".74 170.00 10,220.00 8,018.00 Book Sales Sundry lncome Salm - DVDs L5.00 Debtor - BORDERS rorfl RrcrlPr,s 1,872.00 11,509.70 L0,060.00 58,512,30 87,409.89 LE$S PAYMENTS Bank Charges 4.62 17.50 Design cost 500,00 Editing / Proofs cost Printing proofs Printing 17,500.00 Reprint Rights 422.30 Postage costs Author's Honoraria 134.90 10,000.00 5,000.00 Honoraria - Sr Enda Miscellaneous expenses 28.00 Printing & Stationery 104,89 SIN Bio Tour - St Regis Hi-Tea 2,570.69 Advertisements - SMK school magazine 250.00 1,300.00 Photographs 200.00 Painting - gallery wall damaged from launch 650.00 Repayment of Advance to Bio amount 5,000.00 Donations 10,000.00 TOTAL PAYf,fETlJIS 13,275.60 @ 40,407.29 @ BALANCE AS 31 DECEHBER Cash ln Hand Cash ln Bank 45,236.r0 @ 47,002.U0 @ Persatuan Alumni Sekolah Menengah Assunta Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan (1 9$$I Nobs b hefinancialshhmenb 31 December 2015 1. Summaryof significantaccounting policies a. b. Accountingconvention The financial statements have been prepared under the historicd cost conventim and cunply with approved acmunting standards in Malaysia lncome Recognition lncome from Sales of 2. he books is recognized on a cash basis Book Sales Book Sales consist of Sales fom: Members Non-members 3. 7824 24$A Donations Donations were given to Tadika Fatima, SEWO and SMK Assunta Symphonic Band. 4. Sbckof Bools Balance of Books at cost is nett of cost of Bmks Sold and Gratis Books given away. Unit cost of each book indudes printing costs, design and editing costs. 5. Taxation Provision for Ta< is calculated on sales to non-members and Borders sales. 6. Comparafive figures Certain comparafue figures have been reclassified in order to conform with cunentyear presentation. 6/
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