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ritz hospitality - Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. Online!
R ITZ H OSPITALITY Your Travel & Entertainment Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 www.ritzhospitalitymag.com 800.4CHOICE | ChoiceHotels.com IDAHO "," UTAH Comfort Inn-Lewiston Comfort Suites-Clackamas Clarion Suites-St. George NEW MEXICO ÝiÀVÃiÊ,ÊUÊÀiiÊ Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌ Ê7ÊUÊ -}Ê,ÃÊUÊ`ÀÊ*ÊUÊ7 À« Comfort Inn & Suites-Socorro Rodeway Inn-Gresham ÀiiÊÕÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊÀiiÊ7ÊUÊ-ÕÌiÃqÀ`}i] VÀÜ>Ûi]ÊÀÉ>À`]Ê vviiÊ>iÀ]Ê>ÀÊÀÞiÀ "ÕÌ`ÀÊi>Ìi`Ê*ÊUÊÌÊ/ÕLÊUÊÝiÀVÃiÊ, ÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀÊUÊ >LiÊ/6ÊÜÉ"ÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊ Ó£ÓnÊnÌ ÊÛi°ÊUÊiÜÃÌ]ÊÊnÎxä£ Óän®ÊÇnnää £ÓxÊÀÌ>}iÊ,`°Ê 7ÊUÊ-VÀÀ]Ê ÊnÇnä£ xÇx®ÊnÎn{{ää £xÓÊ-ÊViÞÊÛi°ÊUÊ >V>>Ã]Ê",ÊÇä£x £ÓÎÊ-°Ê>Ê-Ì°ÊUÊ->ÌÊiÀ}i]Ê1/Ên{ÇÇä xäήÊÇÓÎÎ{xä {Îx®ÊÈÇÎÇäää ÀiiÊ Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊ7ÊUÊVÀÉÀ`}i]Ê>ÀÊÀÞiÀ EÊÀÉ>À`ÊÊÊ,ÃÊUÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÊ i>ÀLÞ >LiÊ/6ÊÜÉ" ÓÎÓÎÊ °°Ê£n£ÃÌÊÛi°ÊUÊÀià >]Ê",ÊÇä£x xäήÊ{Ó{äää Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌÊ `ÀÊ*ÊEÊ-«>ÊUÊÝiÀVÃiÊ,Ê ÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊUÊÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀÊ Rodeway Inn-Salem ÎÎ{äÊÃÌÀ>Ê7>ÞÊ °°ÊUÊ->i]Ê",ÊÇÎäx xäήÊÎÎÈäää Econo Lodge-St. George {ÈäÊ°Ê-Ì°ÊiÀ}iÊÛ`°]ÊUÊ-Ì°ÊiÀ}i]Ê1/Ên{ÇÇä {Îx®ÊÈÇÎ{nÈ£ "ÕÌ`ÀÊ*ÊEÊÌÊ/ÕLÊUÊÝÌi`i`Ê Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊ vviiÊ>iÀ]ÊÀ`}i]ÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊEÊ>ÀÊÀÞiÀÊÊÊ ,ÃÊUÊ"ÃÌiÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌ ÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀÊUÊ ÃiÊ*ÀÝÌÞÊ/Ê1Ì> ÊÌÌÀ>VÌÃÊ Rodeway Inn & Suites Landmark Inn £ÈnÊ °Ê>Ê-Ì°ÊUÊ>L]1/Ên{xÎÓ {Îx®ÊÓxÈ£{Ç -iÊÀiiÊUÊÀiiÊ7ÊUÊÀiiÊ*>À}ÊUÊ"ÕÌ`ÀÊ*Ê `ÊÌÊ/ÕLÊ7>ÌiÀÊ-`iÊUÊ,ivÀ}iÀ>ÌÀÊEÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊÊ Ê,à Hotel properties listed are individually owned and operated by independent franchisees of Choice Hotels International, Inc. Just one stay and you’ll see what makes us SUPER! ARIZONA FLAGSTAFF/CONFERENCE CENTER/NAU/DOWNTOWN 602 W. Rte. 66 Flagstaff, AZ (928) 774-4581 www.flagstaffsuper8.com Indoor pool & hot tub Walking distance to Convention Center/NAU & downtown WICKENBURG Hwys. 89 & 93 1021 N. Tegner St. Wickenburg, AZ (928) 684-0808 OREGON PENDELTON 601 S.E. Nye Ave. Pendleton, OR (541) 276-8881 THE DALLES I-80 Exit 84 609 Cherry Heights Rd. The Dalles, OR (541) 296-6888 WASHINGTON FERNDALE/ BELLINGHAM AIRPORT I-5 Exit 262 5788 Barrett Rd. Ferndale, WA (360) 384-8881 Experience the Old West! With nearly 2,400 locations, low rates and freebies like high-speed internet and our signature SuperStart® breakfast, Super 8® makes any destination SUPER! Be sure to visit super8.com. $OO6XSHUORFDWLRQVDOVRRōHUIUHHFRōHHLQ\RXUURRPOREE\DQGZKHQ\RXõUHRQWKHURDGFKLOGUHQXQGHUVWD\IUHH XSJUDGHGEDWKZLWKKDLUGU\HUDGMXVWDEOHVKRZHUKHDGFXUYHGVKRZHUURGDQGPXFKPXFKPRUH Plus, enroll in our free-to-join Wyndham Rewards® loyalty program and earn Guaranteed Rewards with each and every TXDOLŎHGVWD\ SUPER8.COM l 1.800.800.8000 l Follow us on Facebook. l All Super 8 hotels are independently owned and operated. RITZ H OSPITALITY Magazine Fall/Winter Edition 2015 What’s Inside Accommodations & Dining Recreation Community PAGE 8 PAGE 12 Valley City, North Dakota ................................. 8 Days Inn West Yellowstone, Montana ............ 12 Welcome to Beulah, North Dakota ................ 10 Ocean Terrace Condominiums ...................... 24 Yankton! What a Discovery ........................... 12 Glendive, MOntana – Welcome to our little corner of Big Sky Country! .................... 15 Glen Rose, Texas ........................................... 16 Why Canyon Lake? ........................................ 17 Pecos, Texas – The Hot Spot for adventure in Far West Texas .................... 18 The Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerce would like to invite YOU to come visit us! .................................... 19 Attractions & Entertainment PAGE 21 Springs of Healing ......................................... 21 Albuquerque, New Mexico ............................. 23 Departments Publisher Information ...................................... 6 Advertiser Index ............................................ 29 Marketplace .................................................. 30 PAGE 9 Fargo Air Museum ........................................... 9 Museum of Geology – South Dakota School of Mines and Technology .............................. 14 PAGE 20 Prehistoric Museum, USU Eastern ................ 22 Veterans Memorial Museum Saratoga/Platte Valley ................................... 20 “They Shall Not Be Forgotten” ...................... 25 Welcome To Ontario, Oregon ........................ 26 La Pine Country ............................................. 26 COVER Boise Train Depot. Photo by: David Madsen. 4 R itz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com COMFORT IN THE CAPITAL CITY The Red lion Hotel Boise Downtowner is conveniently located just blocks from the heart of downtown Boise and the idaho state Capitol. the hotel has easy access to I-84 and is minutes away from Boise Airport, Boise State University, Boise Town Square Mall and the many attractions in and around Boise. 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Operations Robert Davis rdavis@ritzfamilypublishing.com Sales Manager David Larsen david@ritzfamilypublishing.com Office Manager Angie Hawkins angie@ritzfamilypublishing.com Secretary Brenda Stoner brenda@ritzfamilypublishing.com 33 West Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 509.623.9727 UÊ7>}ÊÃÌ>ViÊÌÊ,ÛiÀvÀÌÊ*>À] ÊÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÃ]Ê- ««}]Ê8]Ê Ê ÊÊ/ i>ÌÀi]Ê>`Ê/ iÊ ÛiÌÊ iÌiÀ UÊ «iÌ>ÀÞÊ"/ÊÀi>v>ÃÌ UÊÀiiÊ`ÀÊi>Ìi`Ê«>À} UÊÌiÃÃÊ, UÊ «iÌ>ÀÞÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊÌiÀiÌ UÊ viÀiViÊ, UÊÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀ UÊ Ê"«iÀ>Ìi`Ê>Õ`ÀÞ UÊÌÊ/ÕLÊ-ÕÌià UÊÀ`}iÊ>`ÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊ,à £°nää°7iÃÌiÀ®ÊÊNÊÊiÃÌ7iÃÌiÀ°V /Ê7",½-Ê,-/Ê "/Ê ® Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. www.ritzfamilypublishing.com Corporate Office Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. 714 N Main Street Meridian, ID 83642 Sales For all sales inquiries, call toll free 1(800) 330-3482 or 1(208) 955-0124 sales@ritzfamilypublishing.com Subscriptions For a subscription or to change your existing address, call toll free: 1(800) 330-3482 or 1(208) 955-0124 info@ritzfamilypublishing.com Printed By Owyhee Publishing, Homedale, ID Copyright© 2015. All rights reserved. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this publication, however, the publisher does not assume responsibility for omissions or typographical errors. The publisher does not assume responsibility or is liable for the contents of any advertising herein. Publisher’s liability for errors in an advertisement is limited to a correct insertion in the next publication. In the event of a misprint, the publisher must be informed of such error prior to printing of the next publication. >V ÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÁÊLÀ>`i`Ê ÌiÊÃÊ`i«i`iÌÞÊ Üi`Ê>`Ê«iÀ>Ìi`°Ê^Óä£xÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê V°ÊÊÀ} ÌÃÊÀiÃiÀÛi`° 6 R itz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com 800.4CHOICE | ChoiceHotels.com COLORADO ,- Econo Lodge-Pueblo West ÇÇÊ-°Ê,>`ÀÊÀ°ÊUÊ*ÕiLÊ7iÃÌ]Ê "Ên£ääÇ Ç£®Êx{Ç{ää Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊ`ÀÊ*ÊEÊ-«>ÊUÊÝiÀVÃiÊ,Ê ÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌÊUÊÊ,Ê vvii KANSAS Comfort Suites-Salina Ç£xÊ7Ê-V }Ê,`°ÊUÊ->>]Ê-]ÊÈÇ{ä£ Çnx®Ê{ä{È{{ ÀiiÊÌÊ Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌÊUÊ`ÀÊ *ÊEÊ->Õ>ÊUÊÌiÃÃÊ,ÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞ ,ÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊEÊ,ivÀ}iÀ>ÌÀÊUÊ£ää¯Ê Ê-} Rodeway Inn-Larned näÓÊ°Ê£{Ì Ê-Ì°ÊUÊ>ÀÀi`]Ê-ÊÈÇxxä ÈÓä®ÊÓnxÓÎää 79" Ascend Collection-Norfolk Lodge & Suites Comfort Inn-Evansville/Casper £ääÊ,ÃÊEÊ-ÕÌiÃÊUÊÓÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÃÊ>ÀÊEÊÀ]ÊiÊ }®ÊUÊÀiiÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊÕvviÌÊ>`Ê vviiÊUÊÀiiÊ -«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌÊUÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊ>VÌiÃÊUÊÀiiÊ7ii`>ÞÊ iÜë>«iÀÊUÊ"ÛiÀÊÓÈ]äääÊ-µ°ÊÌ°ÊvÊiiÌ}Ê-«>ViÊ ÜÜÜ°ÌLiÀi ÌiðV «iÌ>ÀÞÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊ>ÀÊUÊ`ÀÊ*ÊEÊ7 À« ÝiÀVÃiÊ,ÊUÊiiÌ}Ê,ÊUÊÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀ *iÌÊÀi`Þ Comfort Inn-Omaha at the Zoo Rodeway Inn & Suites Pronghorn Lodge {ÓääÊ7°Ê ÀvÊÛi°ÊUÊ Àv]Ê ]ÊÈnÇä£ {äÓ®ÊÎÇÎnÎÎ ÓÓäÊ-°Ê£ÎÌ Ê ÕÀÌÊUÊ"> >]Ê ÊÈn£än {äÓ®ÊÎ{Ónäää -Õà iÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊÜÌ ÊÃVÕÌÃÊEÊÀ>ÛÞÊUÊÌiÃà ,ÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊUÊ`ÀÊ*ÊUÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊÌiÀiÌÊ >LiÊ/6ÊÜÉ"ÊUÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊEÊ,ivÀ}iÀ>ÌÀ ÊÊ,à Óx]ÊÝÌÊ£nxÊUÊÓÈÊÀ>ViÊ-Ì° Û>ÃÛi]Ê79ÊnÓÈÎÈ ÎäÇ®ÊÓÎÇn£ää £xäÊ>ÃÌÊ>Ê-Ì°ÊUÊ>`iÀ]Ê79ÊnÓxÓä ÎäÇ®ÊÎÎÓÎ{ä ÜÜÜ°«À} À`}i°V Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊÌÊ/ÕLÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌ ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÊ"ÃÌiÊÃVÕÌÊÌÊÀi>v>ÃÌ® ÎÓ»Ê>ÌÊ-VÀiiÃÊ7É"ÊUÊÝiÀVÃiÊ, ÀiiÊ Ì°ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ «ÞÉv>ÝÊUÊ>Õ`ÀÞ À`}i]Ê vvi>iÀ]Ê>ÀÊÀÞiÀÊÇÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊÊÊ,ÃÊ Ài>ÌÊiÊÕV«>ÊÀ«ÀÌ]ÊÜ}]Êv]Ê/iÃ] à }ÊEÊ-Ü}Ê i>ÀLÞ Hotel properties listed are individually owned and operated by independent franchisees of Choice Hotels International, Inc. Valley City, North Dakota U nique to the typically flat lands of North Dakota is the mile wide 300 foot deep glacial meltwater trench called the Sheyenne River Valley. Found only an hour west of North Dakota’s largest city (Fargo) on I-94, it is a short trek to Valley City to take in the beauty of a natural river valley and enjoy the history and beauty of the region. The Sheyenne River Valley National Scenic Byway, a 63 mile drive, showcases the area with 28 interpretive panels. You can explore the history, geography, geology, nature and take in the stories of the Norwegian immigrants that developed the valley. Begin in Valley City at the Rosebud Visitor Center and view the one of a kind 1881 Northern Pacific Super- Sodbuster Days. You can experience farming with horse drawn equipment. North of the byway, travel to Cooperstown to visit Oscar Zero, a cold war missile site. Go down into the missile intendent’s railcar. Specialty shops sprinkle Valley City and you can enjoy the City of Bridges tour. Fort Ransom, a village south on the byway, hosts silo and see how our military lived during those dramatic times. Come and enjoy the beauty and hospitality of RH eastern North Dakota! Buckboard Inn (701) 872-4794 Continental Breakfast, Cable TV, A/C, Clean Quiet Comfortable Rooms. Dining & Shopping Nearby. 7IRELESS)NTERNETs0ET&RIENDLY -ILES&ROM4HEODORE2OOSEVELT0ARK (WY)%XITs"EACH.$ AmericInn Lodge & Suites Lakeville s&REE(OT(OME3TYLE"REAKFAST s&REE(IGH3PEED)NTERNETs'UEST,AUNDRY s"USINESS#ENTERs-EETING2OOM s)NDOOR(EATED0OOL(OT4UB s+IDS3TAY&REEANDUNDER +ENYON!VE ,AKEVILLE-. Toll Free Resv.: (800) 634.3444 (952) 892.5422 www.americinn.com 8 R itz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Fargo Air Museum "Located just off I-29 interstate, The Fargo Air Museum is an easily accessed pet friendly, must-stop location. North Dakota's premiere aviation destination, the Fargo Air Wright Brothers' flyer the Smithsonian Institute has ever seen.” A “flying” museum, many of the airplanes occasionally take to the sky, a unique feature not found in the vast majority Museum is home to aircraft of all eras - from the modern Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance drone with an impressive 100 foot wingspan to the "most accurate recreation of a of the nation's air museums. Displaying more than just its many aircraft, military memorabilia and exhibits, the Fargo Air Museum also houses one of the midwest's largest Aviation libraries. Call ahead to book your privately guided tour or choose to explore both aircraft hangars and discover it all on your own. Educational day-camps, speakers and seminars can also be found for flight fans of all ages to enjoy. The museum also is home to an extensive gift shop featuring toys, jewelry, clothing, home decor, books, dvds and much more, ensuring you'll to find the perfect gift for any aviation enthusiast. The Fargo Air Museum is a fantastic choice for a unique venue for corporate & private events and has quickly become a local favorite for hosting wedding ceremonies and receptions. Located across the street from the Fargodome Stadium, the Museum is surrounded with dining opportunities and is conveniently just moments away from the Fargo's Hector International Airport. The Fargo Air museum can be found at 1609 19th Ave N, Fargo North Dakota and reached by phone at 701-293-8043. For more information, please visit www.fargoairmuseum.org and “Like” it on facebook to keep current on all upcoming events and RH exhibits." AmericInn Lodge & Suites Tofte - Lake Superior 7231 W Hwy 61 Tofte, MN 55615 Toll Free Reservations: (800) 634.3444 (218) 663.7899 www.americinn.com www.ritzhospitalitymag.com R itz H o sp i ta l i t y M a g a z ine 9 Welcome to Beulah, North Dakota L ocated on the south shore of Lake Sakakawea, Beulah is a bustling community with a lot to offer visitors. You will find everything you need to make your stay comfortable. Beulah offers adventure for everyone, including golfing, the beautiful Lake Sakakawea, unique energy & mine tours, museums, recreational facilities, a new water park that provides fun for the whole family, dining to suit all tastes, and friendly service throughout our community. You will find culture and history throughout the area that provides recreational opportunity and adventure for the entire family. Explore the unique wildlife museum which hosts trophy’s from all over the world, the history of Mercer County can be discovered at the Historical Museum where the exhibits trace back time to the early settlers and their lives. Lake Sakakawea is located just minutes away from Beulah and offers a wide range of water-based recreational activities and facilities. Beulah Bay and Skyview Junction LLC Cenex Station Dakota Waters Resort provide a full range of amenities and services for both camping and fishing enthusiasts. RH 6 Fully Equipped Luxurious Cabins Excellent for Summer & Winter Get-A-Ways Fishing Haven • Hunting Paradise Family Reunions • Romantic Weekends Girls Get-A-Ways • Corporate Retreats Truck Stop • Hunting & Fishing Licenses • Deli Food • Soft Ice Cream Pizza & Subs • Broasted Chicken Video Lottery 18 Miles East of Brookings at Hwy Jct. 13 & 14 Elkton, SD 57026 (605) 542-4961 (888) 345-4961 10 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine (701) 252-5100 8280 31st St. S.E. Jamestown, ND 58401 info@lakeviewmeadow.com www.lakeviewmeadow.com www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Mercer County Fair July 7-10, 2016 Dakota Walleye Classic July 22 & 23, 2016 - $12,000 1st Place www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 11 Yankton! What a Discovery A snapshot at every turn, discover why Yankton is always in season. Close your eyes. Picture yourself in Yankton. What do you see? Perhaps it’s summer time and you are laying in your boat– your toes dipping into the cool refreshing water of Lewis and Clark Lake as a gentle breeze relieves you from the bright sun. Or you are relaxing by a campfire with the soothing sound of waves in the distance. Possibly you are driving by the Missouri National Recreational River past the beautiful fall foliage or maybe it’s spring when things are in full bloom. Maybe you’re driving through the city discovering the exquisite and unique shops in Historic Downtown Yankton. It might be winter, and you’re enjoying a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate after a day of sledding, cross country skiing or snow angels. There are many snapshots of Yankton and every visitor to this recreational haven has their own no matter what season they come to visit. Spring, summer, fall and winter - Yankton is always in season. Miles of outdoor recreational opportunities greet visitors to Yankton every year, where it be biking along the AuldBrokaw Trail, taking a stroll on the historic Meridian Bridge or kayaking down the Missouri River. We are a destination steeped in history, alive with arts and culture and rich in recreational pursuits. While summer is a popular time to visit, take advantage of Yankton year-round, it’s an ideal getaway for any season. Yankton invites you to take your own snapshot, and create memories to last a lifetime. To receive a free activity guide, visit us online at www. visityanktonsd.com, e-mail visityankton@yanktonsd.com, call (800) 888-1460 or stop by the Yankton Area Visitors Center at 803 E. 4th St. in Yankton today. RH allyellowstone.com – Days Inn West Yellowstone, Montana D ays Inn West Yellowstone is America’s favorite summer base camp and winter hideaway destination. Base camp your next spring, summer, fall or winter adventure in the heart of West Yellowstone, Montana–the closest access to Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. Days Inn West Yellowstone offers the best accommodations in town from our deluxe to our standard rooms with many amenities to make every guest feel at home. Our Trapper’s Family Restaurant offers a delicious, hearty breakfast to start your day off. Don’t forget to bring your swim trunks! Days Inn West Yellowstone offers an indoor pool with a 100 foot water slide along with hot tubs to relax in after a hard day of exploring all of the natural wonders around us. Summer time, West Yellowstone is known for its “blue Ribbon trout Streams” in the surrounding area. You can always try your hand at fly-fishing in Yellowstone National Park, Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, or the Madison and Gallatin Rivers. Just ask our front desk staff and they can help you select a fly-fishing guide. We have some of the best in the world just 2 blocks away! Winter time, Days Inn West Yellowstone works with 12 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine Traveler’s Snowmobile Rentals providing top-of-the –line Polaris snowmobile rentals, guided tours and snowmobile/ room packages. We offer a variety of snowmobile adventures from “soft” to “heart pounding”. Explore the back country on groomed snowmobile trails that begin right in town. Enjoy one or more days from a snowmobile taking in breath taking views. See sights you’ve never seen before other than on post cards. View the ghost trees on Two Top or play in the open fields blazing new trails. Take those once in a lifetime photos. Travel down the surrounding 400 miles of groomed and mapped snowmobile trails in the National Forests next to Yellowstone National Park. After a day of activities, you can enjoy the IMAX Theater or the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. They are only a few blocks away–a nice evening stroll. No matter the season, Days Inn West Yellowstone can help bring your adventure to life. We can arrange for the many outdoor adventures available in Yellowstone Country–no matter which of the four seasons you choose to visit. Call us at RH 1-800-548-9551. One call does it all. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Full Menu Featuring s3TEAKSs'RILLED#HICKENs&ISH s3EAFOODs""12IBSs"EST"URGERS "UFFALO7INGS)N4OWN The "Historic" Park Motel Dine In Our Restaurant Or In The Full Service Lounge With A Sports Bar Atmosphere! LUNCH & DINNER SERVED 7 DAYS A WEEK Reservations Always Welcome! (605) 945-0485 East Hwy. 34 & Truck Bypass 3#LEVELANDs0IERRE3$ Wonders await outside Yellowstone’s gate… Stay and snowmobile with Travelers Snowmobile Rentals. Guided tours and independent rentals available … Make your deep powder dreams come true. Book your sledding adventure today! 1-800-548-9551 301 Madison Ave. West Yellowstone, MT 59758 www.allyellowstone.com www.ritzhospitalitymag.com A Spanish Colonial Revival building, with a simple style, the Park Motel is located along the Lincoln Highway and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 803 Hwy 30 | Denison, IA 51442 | 712.263.4144 www.theparkmotel.com West Yellowstone i>ÕÌvÕÊ,ÃÊUÊ/ÜÊÌÊ/ÕLà Indoor Pool With 100 ft. Water Slide ÀiiÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊÌiÀiÌÊUÊ vviiÊ-iÀÛVi -}Ê,ÃÊUÊÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞ /ÜÊ viÀiViÊ,ÃÊUÊ1-Ê/`>ÞÊ>Þ /À>««iÀ½ÃÊ>ÞÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>Ì Across the street from Travelers Snowmobile Rentals 406-646-7656 Îä£Ê>`ÃÊÛi°ÊUÊ1-Ê££ÊEÊ1-ÊÓä West Yellowstone, MT 59758 Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 13 Museum of Geology South Dakota School of Mines and Technology E xplore the world through Geology! Geology is a fascinating and broad science, which incorporates almost all of the other sciences! At the Museum of Geology, you’ll find extensive exhibits focusing on Paleontology – the study of ancient life, and Mineralogy – the study of minerals, including gems, crystals, and the rocks they form. Our displays are engaging and accessible to those of any age! The Museum of Geology is located on the campus of the esteemed South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The Museum opened its doors in 1885, and has been collecting and displaying new specimens ever since. FREE Admission! Preserving the Past, Protecting the Future A world-renowned collection of thousands of fossil and mineral specimens from the Black Hills and around the World. Hours Summer - Memorial Day to Labor Day M-F 9-5; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 12-5 Open Holidays Winter - Labor Day to Memorial Day M-F 9-4; Sat. 10-4 Closed Sundays and Holidays 501 E. St. Joseph St. Rapdi City, SD 57701 (605) 394-2467 http://museum.sdsmt.edu Bellevue | Papillion | La Vista | Gretna | Springfield | Offutt AFB 14 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine Come and see our fascinating mounted skeletons of dinosaurs, mammals, marine reptiles, and fish! Dozens of rare fossils from the White River Badlands are arranged in age-specific dioramas. Our mineral displays include the Hall of South Dakota Minerals, meteorites, gold, and a fluorescent mineral room that’s sure to fascinate. See our unique specimens from as far away as Antarctica. We also feature a brand new exhibit on the history of the Museum in honor of our 125th Anniversary in 2010. It features items from the Museum’s past including the Gold Medal diploma won at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair and the flag actually flown on the 1940 National Geographic Expedition. Learn about the Museum’s past, present and future with this insightful display. Don’t miss the gift shop with a wide selection of toys, books, jewelry, mineral specimens, geology tools, and apparel. Free Admission, donations are always welcome! Guided tours are available for groups. Please call ahead to schedule, for more information and hours (605-394-2467). RH http://museum.sdsmt.edu www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Welcome to our little corner of Big Sky Country! Follow us on for Glendive News & Events T he Glendive Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture welcomes you to our little corner of Big Sky Country! Glendive, a thriving community that still offers that smalltown hospitality, is tucked between the Yellowstone River and the Badlands. Come see the part of Montana that offers a much different landscape than the Western part of this beautiful state. Come and enjoy... Makoshika State Park, Dawson County Fair, fishing, hunting, boating, hiking, tennis, mountain biking, folf course, rifle and trap shooting, fossil digs, rodeos and more! Glendive Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture 808 North Merrill Avenue Glendive, MT 59330, United States 406-377-5601 chamber@midrivers.com We are the proud home of Makoshika State Park which is Montana’s largest state park with just over 11,000 acres of primitive terrain and is home to many dinosaur fossils. We welcome you to walk the same trails once roamed by the mighty dinosaurs. Bring your camera to capture the wildlife that call this oasis home such as eagles, turkey, vultures and deer. Once your hike in the park is over, head over to the historic Bell Street Bridge. No longer open to motorized traffic, this is a wonderful way to view the infamous Yellowstone River by strolling at your own pace across this ¼ mile bridge. If you’d like to learn more about Glendive’s history, take a trip in time at the Frontier Gateway Museum. They boast items from clothing to farm equipment to photos from eras gone by. If that doesn’t take you far enough back into time, visit one of the area’s dinosaur museums. Ever wonder what a 38-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex looks like? Well, here’s your chance! Visit the Makoshika Dinosaur Museum and be amazed by the giant that once roamed the earth. Next stop should be the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum, the largest of its kind, where you will find many full size dinosaur and fossils exhibited and ready to be enjoyed by all! If you want to get a glimpse of what farm life is all about, you’ve come to the right place! Glendive is considered the agricultural hub of Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota! Head down any country road and see the farms & ranches that Eastern Montana is known for. For more information on the area, please stop in and visit us at the Glendive Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture and we will be more than happy to help make your visit here as enjoyable as possible! Enjoy your time in Glendive…where RH good people are surrounded by badlands! www.ritzhospitalitymag.com www.glendivechamber.com See Website for our Weekly & Monthly Promotions Off I-90, Exit 510 Crow Agency, MT 59022 (406)638-4249 apsaalookenightscasino.com Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 15 Glen Rose, Texas W elcome to Glen Rose, Texas! Your adventure is here! It doesn’t matter when you come, any time of the year is a great time to visit Glen Rose. There is so much to do and see, it is the perfect place for a family vacation or a weekend getaway. The premiere art and science museum of South Texas. Events | Exhibits | Collections Hours of Operation: Mon: Closed Tues-Wed-Fri-Sat: 9am - 5pm Thur: 9am - 8pm Sun: 1pm - 5pm 1900 Nolana, McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-0123 | imasonline.org 16 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine Glen Rose is known as the “Dinosaur Capital of Texas” and for good reason. Dinosaur Valley State Park contains some of the best preserved dinosaur tracks in the world. Another dinosaur attraction is Dinosaur World. It is Texas’s largest attraction dedicated to dinosaurs. Dinosaur World features life size recreations in the forms of statues and animatronics. It also has a museum, fossil dig and Boneyard playground. Other top attractions include: Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, a world renowned wildlife preserve featuring over a thousand threatened and endangered species from around the world, free roaming on 1,700 acres, it’s a mini Africa in Texas! The Promise is a musical play about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Come see the Gospel come to life before your eyes and listen to the award winning musical score performed by a cast and crew of over 200. Performances are Friday and Saturday nights in September and October. If golf is your game plan to play a round at the top rated Squaw Valley Golf Club. Golf Digest Magazine gave Squaw Valley’s beautiful 36 holes of championship golf a 4 ½ out of 5 stars. Go shopping in our historic Courthouse Square. Watch a rodeo or equestrian event at the Somervell County Expo Center. Explore one of our museums. Experience one of our festivals like the Paluxy Bluegrass Festival held the first weekend of April and October. Dine out at one of our many local owned or chain restaurants. Or just get some fresh air by going biking, swimming, hiking, or horseback riding. So make sure to book your getaway at one of our bed & breakfasts, cabins, hotels, campgrounds or RV parks. Hope to see you soon! Glen Rose Convention & Visitors Bureau: 1505 N.E. Big Bend Trail, Glen Rose, TX 76043; (254) 897-3081 or 1-888RH 346-6282. www.glenrosetexas.net www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Why Canyon Lake? I ’ve heard it said a number of times that it’s all about location, location, location. Being centrally located an hour’s drive between San Antonio and Austin, TX. Canyon Lake is certainly no exception to this statement with all its natural beauty, historic places and unique people. In the summer with the Guadalupe River flowing in and out of Canyon Lake, this area has always been known as the Water Recreation Capital of Texas. But now this area is also being known as a year round destination for good reason. Canyon Lake and the Guadalupe River.... “The Water Recreation Capital of Texas!” s3CENIC$RIVE0ARKS4RAILS s"OATING+AYAKING&ISHING s2ESTAURANT,ODGING260ARKS s(ISTORIC!TTRACTIONS7ILDLIFE In the fall, the brilliantly reds, gold’s and orange colors inspire the artist in everyone with a palette of colors that even the Catskills, the Great Smoky Mountains, and the Ozarks would envy. Now, imagine yourself in a small sailboat on a blue/ green water lake with a pleasantly cool breeze covering your body as your eyes take in the color of the surrounding Hill Country with the lone Bald Eagle circling above. Just as easily, you could find yourself in some waders in the middle of the Guadalupe River testing your fly rod skills against the rainbow trout waiting just below the surface. Spring time at Canyon Lake is another season of color with many species of wildflower. Texas bluebonnets, Engelmann’s daisy and Indian paintbrush along with other early bloomers give way to the later blooming but equally brilliant Mealy blue sage, Plains black-foot daisy, Coreopsis, Indian blanket, Mexican hat, just to name a few. This is a time of year when the dust is wiped from camera and video equipment and the family vehicle is readied for a road trip to capture the color of these spring season. The summer months at Canyon Lake bring a different appeal. This season lends itself high energy activities such as swimming, diving, snorkeling, water skiing, wake boarding and tubing. If you’d rather slow things down a bit then seek the services of one of the many river outfitters to tube the Guadalupe. With 23 boat ramps, two marinas, bed & breakfasts and plenty of camping parks, you should be able to find a spot and activity that scratches your outdoor recreation itch. The Guadalupe River and Canyon Lake, at least in my opinion, is a crown jewel of the Texas Hill Country. It’s a place that brings a sense of peace and well being to visitors. It’s a place where memories are made with family and friends. It’s a place to observe, develop and enhance an appreciation of nature. It’s a place where strangers can become friends and friends become family. We encourage you to give Canyon Lake a visit so that you can experience what many already RH know and love. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Canyon Lake Area Chamber of Commerce 830-964-2223 | 800-528-2104 www.CanyonLakeChamber.com Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 17 Pecos, Texas The Hot Spot for adventure in Far West Texas As home to The World's First Rodeo, we have heritage of western hospitality and a reputation for fun. We invite you to come and visit a hot spot in adventurous Far West Texas. Annual Events Jan: Reeves County Jr. Livestock Show March: Texas Proud in Pecos May: Annual Toro Diablo Bull Riding Relay For Life June: Golden Girl of the Old West Revue Little Miss Cantaloupe Pageant Old Timer's Reunion West of The Pecos Rodeo July: Night In Old Pecos/Cantaloupe Festival & Food Show Aug: Annual Cantaloupe Fly-In Sept: 16 de September Festival Oct: County Fall Fair & Livestock Show County Sheriff's Posse BBQ Coo-Off Dec: Annual Christmas Parade Christmas Lighting & Fireworks T here in the heart of West Texas sits the community of Pecos with a friendly western smile waiting to invite you to come in find the true cowboy in you. With its rich history of cowboys and rodeo, Pecos has one of the best historical attractions in West Texas, the West of the Pecos Museum. Over 50 rooms occupying three floors of western heritage, artifacts and West Texas lore can be found in it describing the proud history that is the roots of this Pecos community and the surrounding area. Speaking of preserving history, just a couple of blocks south of the West of the Pecos Museum there is a place that exists just for the auto historians. www.pecsotx.com Visit our Facebook Page Pecos Area Chamber of Commerce/CVB Niobrara Chamber of Commerce 3-AINs"OXs,USK79 s,53+ LUSKCHAMBEROFCOMMERCE YAHOOCOMsWWWLUSKWYOMINGCOM 18 • Ritz Hospitality Magazine The Memory Lane Car Museum takes you back in time with their excellent antique auto collection for your enjoyment. With Pecos also known as Home of the World’s First Rodeo there is a certain pride in wearing cowboy boots on an everyday basis. Back in 1883, on Independence Day, local cowboys with great skill decided to compete in the world’s first Rodeo right there in Pecos! Now, annually cowboys from all over gather in the historical Buck Jackson Arena to compete in Rodeo action for that coveted recognition four exciting nights in the West of the Pecos Rodeo. What a site it is! Visitors from all over the world travel to this laid back, friendly community to celebrate Rodeo heritage. And speaking of cowboys, located in the Pecos Area Chamber of Commerce/ CVB is the Texas Rodeo Hall of Fame where cowboys from Pecos and the area have been inducted in recognition for their Rodeo accomplishments. While you are out in the west drop in for a visit, spend some time and walk away with your own RH western smile, compliments of Pecos, Texas. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com The Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerce would like to invite YOU to come visit us! P erryton, Texas. A small town community with big-city spirit! Located in the Northeastern Texas Panhandle, we are the Wheatheart of the Nation! Perryton is a proud community that strives to be the best and provide the best. We tell our visitors that what makes Perryton unique is something that can’t be purchased, it’s the people! The people of Perryton are generous, caring, and very hospitable to everyone they meet. Which is why Perryton doesn’t just satisfy tourists, it creates a culture of loyal customers who keep returning to Perryton based on the quality of products and customer service they receive. Too often towns of our sized are plagued by empty storefronts and boarded windows, but not Perryton. Our Main Street, much like our community, is full of life! People are often awed by the beauty of our Downtown Main Street and astounded by the spectrum of goods we have to offer. Whether searching for furniture, flowers, or food, Perryton truly has something for everyone! For more information on Perryton, please visit www.perryton.org, www.ptnchamber.com, or contact the Chamber of Commerce at 806-435-6575 or at ptnchamber@gmail.com. RH We hope to meet you soon! Perryton Something for Everyone! Shop the many retail stores on Main Street Golf at the 18 hole municipal course Visit The Museum of the Plains Wheatheart of the Nation Celebration in August Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerce 2000 S Main, Perryton, TX 79070 Phone: 806-435-6575 E-mail: ptnchamber@gmail.com www.perryton.org Where Fun, History, and Science Come Together! “Where History Meets Hospitality” Located on Historic Rt 66 Tulsa’s Best Boutique Hotel 26 Uniquely Themed Rooms On-Site Lounge, Restaurant, and Full-Service Spa Listed on the National Register of Historic Places %TH3TREETs4ULSA/+s WWWTHECAMPBELLHOTELCOM www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Visit Clinton... Route 66 and so much more! Home of the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum Route 66 Festival and the Hub City Market! Clinton Chamber of Commerce 580.323.2222 www.ClintonOK.org Visit Clute! We have something for everyone. 21 miles of beaches, deep sea and bay fishing, dive park, golf, award winning museums, planetarium, art gallery, plays and musicals, and much more. Check out: www.GoClute.com for more information or call: 1-888-GOCLUTE Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 19 Saratoga/ Platte Valley By: Stacy Crimmins, Executive Director I Shoshone Cultural Center Arts & Crafts 90 Ethete Rd. • Ft. Washakie 82514 n the pristine Platte Valley, you will find areas where you can hike without crowds, hear creeks rushing by, smell the scent of evergreens, or listen to aspens sway in the wind. Want more? Immerse yourself in the free hot pool, where legend has it that these waters were enjoyed by ancient Indian tribes. Platte River. These rivers boast some of the best Blue Ribbon trout fishing anywhere. Travel the boardwalk at the StorerSaratoga Lake Wetland Project, nesting habitat to many bird species and adjacent to the popular Saratoga Lake. While in the area, you can tour the National Fish Hatchery. Photo by: Leigh Taylor (Located at Fort Washakie School) Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. & Sun. by appt. Complete Selection of Beadwork The final resting place of Sacajawea, the famous Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis & Clark Expedition of 1804-1806. E-mail: glendatrosper@hotmail.com (307) 332-9106 (307) 332-3595 Winding through the town of Saratoga is the Upper North Platte River. The Encampment River flows through Riverside and feeds into the 20 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine The Town of Encampment has a rich mining history, and at the Grand Encampment Museum, you can relive the past through colorful exhibits and authentic cabins. Displays and dioramas at the Saratoga Museum also illustrate times gone by, offering interpretive presentations as well as a beautiful outdoor pavilion. Shopping the Valley is a unique opportunity with specialty shops to fill every need. Whether looking for something special for you, your family or your horse, you’ll find it here. The breathtaking Sierra Madre and Snowy Range Mountains majestically surround the Valley. Ideal for hiking, camping and wildlife gazing in the summer, these mountains are also perfectly suited for wintertime cross country skiers and snowmobilers with over 300 miles of groomed trails. For more information about the Platte Valley and our community events, visit www.saratogachamber.info or call 307-326-8855. RH www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Springs of Healing T hermopolis, Wyoming. The World’s Largest Mineral Hot Spring is located in Hot Springs State Park. A boardwalk leads you over terraces formed by the hot water. Pools offer swimming, soaking, and sliding in the hot mineral water. There are at least 27 different minerals in the water; making it healthful to drink. The Wind River flows through the Wind River Canyon south of town. 2500 feet high canyon walls reveal formation for each major era of the earth’s formational development. Drive the canyon or Old West Wax Museum offers the history of wax museums. The Lawrence Barbed Wire display is the third largest collection of barded wire and related tools in the United States. Dancing Bear Folk Center houses the biggest collection of Marbles west of the Mississippi. Visit the Railroad Room. The Teddy Bear Den displays more than 250 bears from around the world. The folk center includes a working textile studio with spinning wheels, looms, quilting frames, and historical textiles. BEST WESTERN Canyon De Chelly Inn 100 Main St. on Rt. 7, Chinle, AZ 86503 928.674-5874 | 800.327.0354 `ÀÊ*ÊÜÉ-Õ`iVÊUÊ->Õ> ÌiÃÃÊEÊÕÃiÃÃÊ iÌiÀÊUÊvÌÊ- « Restaurant Onsite 1.800.Western® | BestWestern.com /Ê7",½-Ê,-/Ê HOTEL CHAIN® >V ÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÁÊLÀ>`i`Ê ÌiÊÃÊ`i«i`iÌÞÊ Üi`Ê>`Ê«iÀ>Ìi`°Ê^Óä£5ÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê Inc. All rights reserved. BEST WESTERN Space Age Lodge 401 E. Pima, Gila Bend, AZ 85337 928.683.2273 | 866.683.7722 ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÊEÊvÌÊ- «ÊUÊ*ÊUÊ-«> À`}iÊUÊ-«ii`ÊÌiÀiÌÊUÊ vviiÊ>iÀ Pets Welcome 1.800.Western® | BestWestern.com /Ê7",½-Ê,-/Ê "/Ê ® Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently Üi`Ê>`Ê«iÀ>Ìi`°Ê^Óä£xÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê V°ÊÊÀ} ÌÃÊÀiÃiÀÛi`° BEST WESTERN PLUS Territorial Inn & Suites 415 S. Bloomfield Blvd. Bloomfield, NM 87413 | 505.632.9100 Indoor Pool & Hot Tub ÝiÀVÃiÊEÊiiÌ}Ê,ÊUÊÌÊÀi>v>ÃÌ enjoy a white water rafting trip. Look for bighorn sheep, deer, elk and bald eagles. The Wind River changes names at the Wedding of the Waters and becomes the Big Horn River. The river flows lazily through Thermopolis and Hot Springs State Park. The Wyoming Dinosaur Center and Dig Sites has a world-class museum, gift shop, working dig sites and a complete modern preparation laboratory. Interpretive dig site tours allow visitors to watch as scientists remove fossils from burial sites. Dig For A Day and Kids Digs are available. Hot Spring County Museum and Cultural Center includes the cherry wood bar from the Hole-In-The-Wall Saloon, a hangout for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; a country schoolhouse, family collections and one of the nicest Indian artifact collections in the state. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Northwest of Thermopolis is located the Legend Rock Petroglyphs site. The work of three different prehistoric cultural groups, the site includes at least 283 pictures on 92 rock panels. Sports enthusiast will find big game, small game and bird hunting in the county. Enjoy hiking, photo safaris, rock hunting and animal watching. For a taste of “wild animals” stop by the Safari Room at the Holiday Inn of the Waters. On display are mounted animals from all over the world. The Big Horn River and Wind River offer blue ribbon trout fishing and Boysen Reservoir is the sportsperson’s dream. Thermopolis offers a beautiful ninehole golf course. Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 768, Thermopolis, WY 82443, (800) SUN-N-SPA, or RH www.thermopolis.com 1.800.Western® | BestWestern.com THE WORLD’S LARGEST HOTEL CHAIN® >V ÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÁÊLÀ>`i`Ê ÌiÊÃÊ`i«i`iÌÞÊ Üi`Ê>`Ê«iÀ>Ìi`°Ê^Óä£xÊiÃÌÊ7iÃÌiÀÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê V°ÊÊÀ} ÌÃÊÀiÃiÀÛi`° BEST WESTERN CottonTree Inn 2221 W. Spruce, Rawlins, WY 82301 307.324-2737 | 800.662.6886 1.800.Western® | BestWestern.com THE WORLD’S LARGEST HOTEL CHAIN® Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated. ©2015 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved. R itz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine • 21 Prehistoric Museum, USU Eastern P rice, Utah –Visit one of only five accredited museums in the state of Utah and the only accredited museum located east of the Wasatch Front. The Prehistoric Museum is also a state and federal repository. Explore informative and entertaining interpretative exhibits, some of which include hands-on and bilingual elements, about local archaeology, paleontology, and geology. Cell phone tours enhance the visitor experience with additional information. The Hall of Archaeology contains the world-renowned Pilling Figurines, some of the most complete and ornate Fremont figurines in existence, the Huntington Mammoth, hailed as one of the most pristine examples of a Columbian mammoth to date, a Fremont pithouse, and a Ute tipi that the visitor can enter to experience Ute life. The Hall of Paleontology is host to a veritable parade of real bone and cast skeletal mounts; the museum offers unique and original finds such as the Utahraptor, Animantarx, Gastonia burgei, Allosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Stegosaurus and much more. . The museum has many real bone and cast skeletons from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The collection also contains many dinosaur tracks removed from local coal mines, dinosaur eggs, and other fossils. See what’s shaking at the Earthquake Monitor exhibit, showing earthquake activity from around the world in real-time. You will see a spectacular geological component in the Hall of Paleontology that adds another interesting and informative aspect to the museum. Hands-on geological displays allow the visitor to touch and learn as you experience life 300 billion years in the making. The museum has Observation Labs, where visitors can see the processes of curation and fossil preparation as well as speak with a preparator in a one-on-one setting. Children love the Discovery Area, a place to unearth dinosaur bones or play in a pithouse replica. This area is also full of other hands-on activities: coloring pages, games, puppets and more. The museum also offers an art gallery with different exhibitions throughout the year. The Prehistoric Museum is home to the famed Utahraptor who is waiting to greet you in the lobby. The Prehistoric Museum is open year-round Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. closed Sundays. Holiday closures include: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. Please call 800-817-9949, or visit the website usueastern.edu/museum for admission RH rates and other information. www.fairlys.com 208.342.7777 800.246.7879 2301 Main St. Boise, ID 83702 22 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Albuquerque, New Mexico F rom its birthplace in historic Old Town in 1706, Albuquerque has grown from small pueblos and Spanish farms to one of the Southwest’s premier metropolitan centers. Albuquerque is New Mexico’s largest city with just over 750,000 residents. Built on the diversity of Spanish culture and Native American tradition, Albuquerque is home to world class cultural events, unique attractions, a vibrant heritage, 16 museums, shopping, outdoor recreation, spectacular hot air ballooning, and championship golf courses. Experience New Mexico’s rich cultural history as you hike among the ancient cliff dwellings and petroglyphs to learn about the lifestyles and beliefs found in the area’s earliest civilizations. Albuquerque is the gateway to Pueblo Indian culture. Learn about the state’s 19 Indian pueblos at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Indian dances, artist demonstrations and bread baking take place at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center every weekend. Experience living cultural traditions on a guided tour of Acoma Pueblo just 45 minutes west of Albuquerque. Albuquerque is a four-season destination with 310 days of sunshine per year. This provides visitors with endless possibilities for outdoor activities under a clear blue sky. A hot-air balloon ride in the “hot air balloon capital of the world” is unlike any other experience; balloon rides are offered throughout the year. Get a bird’s eye view of the Rio Grande Valley by riding the Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway from 6,500 feet to more than 10,000 feet. Once at the top, hit the trails for hiking and exploring. Take in a view of more than 11,000 square miles on a clear day. The climate and high desert landscape are ideal for hiking, biking and golfing. Set out for a hike along one of many trails winding through the Cibola National Forest on Sandia Peak or challenge yourself with a ride on a mountain bike over the rugged terrain. Road biking is also abundant in the area with numerous trails linking throughout the city. Combine the milehigh elevation and varied landscape of central New Mexico with warm sun, low humidity and very affordable green fees, and you have a fantastic golf destination. With more than 15 golf courses in the metro area, golfers of every skill level will enjoy a picturesque round of golf in Albuquerque. For the authentic New Mexican experience, be sure to sample some chile. New Mexico’s state question, “Red or Green?” refers to the type of chile you prefer. Add some spice into your life and order “Christmas style” and you’ll get both red and green chile on your plate. Albuquerque offers a variety of dining options from a quaint and casual atmosphere to an elegant fine dining ambiance. Take a piece of New Mexico home with you – an authentic art piece that is. Albuquerque offers an array of Southwestern art from hand-made pottery and jewelry to tin work, paintings and rugs. For more information, visit www.visitalbuquerque.org RH www.ritzhospitalitymag.com s"EAUTIFUL,ANDSCAPESs'ORGEOUS7EATHERs(ISTORIC'HOST4OWNSs!RT#OMMUNITIES s9EAR2OUND!CTIVITIESs0HOTO/PPORTUNITIESs"IRDING(ABITATS For more information, contact: Lordsburg - Hidalgo County Chamber of Commerce sLORDSBURGCOC AZNEXNET 206 Main Street, Lordsburg, NM 88045 ,ORDSBURG(IDALGO#OUNTYNET £ÓäÊ >ÞÊ ÀViÊÀÊUÊ-i`>]Ê< Ph: 928.284.9327 ÜÜÜ°,i`}>Ûi,iÃÀÌ°iÌ ÞÊ>ÊÌ >ÌÊ-i`>Ê >ÃÊÌÊvviÀt -Ü}ÊUÊ}ÊUÊii«Ê/ÕÀÃÊUÊ->v>À 6iÀ`iÊ >ÞÊ,>À>`ÊÝVÕÀÃÊUÊ- ««} Visit the El Camino Real international Heritage Center, Historic San Miguel Mission, Hammel Museum, Fort Craig, Historic Magdalena and the Historic Plaza. Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center 217 Fisher Ave., Socorro, NM 87801 (575) 835-8972 www.socorronm.gov Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 23 Ocean Terrace Condominiums O cean Terrace Condominiums is located in the quiet south end of Lincoln City, Oregon. Located 65 feet above the sand, with one of the most spectacular views on the Oregon Coast, we are the perfect spot to relax while you are exploring the area. Each 1 bedroom unit at Ocean Terrace is individually owned so no two rooms Located near Washington State University next to the beautiful Bill Chipman Palouse Trail, where visitors can enjoy hiking, biking and walking. Quality Inn Paradise Creek 1400 S.E. Bishop Blvd., Pullman, WA 99163 (509) 332-0500 800.4CHOICE | choicehotels.com are alike, each has its’ own unique décor. We are sure you will find the perfect unit for you, whether it’s a romantic get-a-way or a family vacation. All ocean view units have fully equipped kitchens, living room, and full bath. Non-view units have either full equipped kitchens or efficiency kitchens. There are DVD players as well as internet access in all units. We also have an indoor heated swimming pool, saunas, pool table, table tennis and beach access from the property. We are a smoke-free establishment and we do not allow pets on the premises. At Ocean Terrace Condominiums we pride ourselves in making sure this is an establishment where you can come relax, and bring the whole family. We have barbeques and picnic tables for those fun family dinners, or a romantic dinner under the setting sun. We are sure that you will find what you are looking for, and we will do our best to ensure that you have a great vacation at Ocean Terrace Condominiums. RH Mention ad #1409 when reserving, for a special check-in gift! 24 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Veterans Memorial Museum Chehalis, WA “They Shall Not Be Forgotten” T he Veterans Memorial Museum, located in Chehalis, WA, began in 1997 at a storefront in Chehallis, WA. From this humble beginning through perseverance and the help of membership moneys and donations, they were able to open their new facility in 2005. This facility, featuring a 9,000 square foot main gallery, 85 display cases and hundreds of displays honoring our veterans, is visible from Interstate 5 just off Exit 77. The museum also features a military history reference library with thousands of volumes. There is also a gift shop and a “USO” where you can enjoy a cup of coffee and converse with local veterans. Many veterans returning from war bury emotions deep inside their minds and hearts and do not learn how to reconcile with them until 20 to 50 years later. Unfortunately some never are able to come to grips with these emotions. One of the major goals of the Veterans Memorial Museum is to sponsor events such as these to help the HEALING process begin. Desert War Veterans Day On June 25th they will be honoring the veterans of the Desert War. The guest speaker will be a Global War on Terrorism Purple Heart recipient. Civil War Battle and Remembrance On the July weekend of the 23th-24th they will continue their recognition of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War. They will be having another large battle and encampment not far from the Museum. These are really exciting events as you watch the battle unfold, learn about life in the 1860’s from the living historians and learn about the featured battle. Vietnam Veterans Day On the August 6th the Veterans Memorial Museum will continue its recognition of the veterans of the Vietnam War. The guest speaker for this year’s event will be a USAF Air Force Cross recipient. Visit the Veterans Memorial Museum The museum is open year round Tuesday-Saturday from 10AM to 5PM, and from June 1st through Labor Day in September, it is also open on Sundays from 1PM to 5PM. All of the museum’s programs are intended to HONOR those who serve or have served our country. The freedom our citizens and our County currently have is a direct result of the millions of American servicemen and women who have served their country in peace and war! For more information, call (360)740-8875 or visit their webRH site at www.veteransmuseum.org. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Massive 20,500 Sq. Ft. Museum Open Year Round from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tues.-Sat. Also, from June 1st through Labor Day Weekend 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday June 25, 2016 Desert War Veterans Day July 23-24, 2016 Civil War Battle and Remembrance August 6, 2016 Vietnam War Veterans Day 376ETERANS7AYs)%XIT Chehalis, WA 98532 For Information Call: www.veteransmuseum.org Ellensburg Quality Inn & Conference Center Welcome to Ellensburg’s only full service hotel. UÊ£äÈÊÌiÊ,ÃÊUÊÕ}i UÊiiÌ}Ê,ÃÊUÊ>µÕiÌÊ>VÌià UÊ`ÀÊ-Ü}Ê* UÊÕiÃÌÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊUÊÝiÀVÃiÊ, The Quality Inn and Conference Center is conveniently located in the center of the state, one block north of Interstate 90 at exit 109. 1700 Canyon Rd – Ellensburg, WA 98926 509-925-9800 E-mail: frontdesk@ellensburginn.com www.ellensburginn.com Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 25 Welcome To Ontario, Oregon O ntario is nestled on the lush banks of the Snake River and is proud to be the first Oregon city you encounter when traveling west from the Idaho border. Once you enter the uniquely rugged landscape of the Treasure Valley, you will come to understand why many people never want to leave. Those who choose to live here understand the meaning and importance of a quality, family oriented lifestyle. Thus, the community reflects the energy, distinction, and diversity of the surrounding geography. Ontario is the kind of laid-back town you dream about when you want to get away from the hectic schedule of a busy, big city lifestyle. It is a town where you will find the people are genuine, authentic, friendly, and down to earth. It is a town with a fascinating history, rich traditions, and a diverse population. Ontario boasts a myriad of recreational activities for all ages, interests and skill levels within driving distance from its downtown area. Here you can enjoy mountain biking, hiking, golfing, camping, sport fishing, bird watching, kayaking, river rafting, horseback riding and much more. Ontario is situated only two hours from four separate ski resorts including the world renowned Tamarack Ski Resort in Cascade Idaho. You can not only downhill ski to your heart’s content, but also snowmobile, cross country ski and ice skate as well. There are also 61 acres of lush parks within the city, so there are many opportunities to just enjoy the landscape. Ontario is known for its wonderful annual Winter Wonderland Christmas Parade - the largest Christmas Parade in our region. It is held on the first Saturday of December, although the weather may be cold, the people of Ontario are warm and friendly. We invite you to join us to watch the wonderful Christmas Parade and enjoy the mix of local entries of floats, marching bands, dignitaries and of course the big guy himself Santa Clause! Ontario is a city full of things to do, places to see, and four distinct and beautiful season’s, so anytime you choose to visit will be the perfect time. Visit us on our web site at RH www.ontariochamber.com La Pine Country W elcome to La Pine! La Pine is surrounded by some of the world’s greatest geological features, forests, lakes and fast running streams and rivers. As a visitor we want you to get comfortable with the ‘Outdoors at your Front Door’. There are 2.5 million acres of forest, seven wilderness areas, six rivers, 157 lakes, and 1600 miles of trails and the unique landscape of the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. There are also great annual events to go see. The Newberry Monument was designated in 1990. Over 50,000 acres available for your exploration and enjoyment. Drive to the top of 8,000’ Paulina Peak, over-looking the Newberry Caldera, Paulina and East Lake! The Lava Lands Visitor’s Center/ Lava River Cave & Lava Cast Forest - about 15 minutes north of La Pine on Highway 97. The Outback Scenic Highway - Highway 31 takes you from La Pine into the Great Basin where you can see and explore the fascinating Fort Rock formation, Hole in the Ground and Crack in the Ground. Continuing, you go through Silver Lake, Summer Lake, and Paisley to Lakeview. Each town offers a different perspective of mountains, hills, flat lands, forests and streams. The Cascade Lakes National Scenic Byway - A 66 mile drive from Mount Bachelor, Broken Top and alpine lakes south through the Deschutes National forest to Crescent Lake. South and North Twin Lakes - just 20 minutes west of La Pine. Enjoy camping at South Twin Resort featuring a lodge, restaurant and boat rentals. Things to do in La Pine: Join us for Frontier Days and La Pine Rodeo on July 4th weekend and Jade’s Jazz Festival in August. Activities include Rock Hounding, Hiking Trails and Horse Trails, Boating. Fishing and Hunting, Wildlife, Water Falls, Camping, Lakes, Streams and Rivers, Mountain Biking, Snowmobiling, Snow Shoeing, Warm/Hot Springs, Obsidian Flow, Geological Formations, Archeology, History, Mountains and the High Desert! RH Camping on the Snake River! We have facilities for RV & tent campers and rental cabins available. Enjoy the outdoors with biking, hiking, river activities, rock climbing, bird watching and more. Come Join us in Southern Idaho! 274 Highway 25, I-84 Exit 216 ,Declo, ID 83323 Toll Free: (800)777-9121 Phone: (208) 654-2133 %-AILNANCY VILLAGEOFTREESRVRESORTCOMsvillageoftreesrvresort.com 26 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Economy Inn Of Hermiston (RECENTLY RENOVATED) 4RUCK0ARKINGs-ICRO&RIDGES )N2OOM#OFFEEs!LARM#LOCK2ADIO (AIR$RYERSs&REE,OCAL#ALLS 0ETS7ELCOME Free Continental Breakfast RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Fall Creek Resort & Marina Full service bar, restaurant, hotel, and campground located just off the Anderson Ranch Reservoir in Fall Creek, Idaho. Year-round accommodations for hunters, snowmobilers, campers, boaters, off-road riders, and outdoor recreationists. 263ITESW(OOKUPSs2OOMS $UMP3TATIONs3HOWERSs7I&I!CCESS s&AX 3&ALL#REEK2D&ALL#REEK)$ .ORTHSTs(ERMISTON/2 2%34&/2,%33 www.fallcreekresortandmarina.com 2ESV (208) 653-2242 fallcreekresortandmarina@facebook.com Ontario BEST WESTERN Rama Inn 1818 Basin St. S.W., Ephrata, WA 98823 509.754.7111 www.bestwestern.com/ramainn Rest with the Best of Ephrata 1.800.Western® | BestWestern.com THE WORLD’S BIGGEST HOTEL FAMILY® Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated. ©2015 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved. MAKAH CULTURAL & RESEARCH CENTER Features ancient Makah artifacts, full-scale replica of a longhouse, dioramas, & museum store with art and basketry from Makah artists. Open daily 10 am - 5 pm "AYVIEWs.EAH"AY7! sWWWMAKAHCOM OREGON www.ontariochamber.com www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 27 How to Become a Beacon of Positivity and Change Kimber L Russell A *°"°ÊÝÊ£ÎnÊUÊ>}i]ÊÊnÎÈ£ÈÊUÊÓänÎnnÈ ÜÜÜ°wÀiLÀ`i°V COPIES PRINTING FAX Ç£{Ê ÀÌ Ê>ÊUÊ*°"°ÊÝÊxxÈ iÀ`>]Ê`> ÊnÎÈnä * i\Ê208-888-5682ÊUÊ>Ý\Ê208-288-1946 i\ÊÓnÎÎxÈÇÊUÊ>\Ê}Ài}J`iÀ«ÀÌiÀðiÌ www.modernprinters.net located in the Adirondack Mountains of NY State open mid-May to mid-October Contact Ken and Linda Nelson at: 315 - 357 - 4111 Nelcott@telenet.net P.O. Box 357 Inlet, New York 13360 *°"°ÊÝÊÓ{{ÊUÊÃi]ÊÊnÎÇäÇ www.valleycorvettes.org 28 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine s a manager, one must understand who they are, what they represent, how they fit in with the culture of their community and company, as well as what motivates them. In return, we must challenge those who follow us to learn, embrace, and act upon the roads of development that led us to knowing what our purpose is in life personally and professionally. As a leader and manager there must be a collaboration and connection within a team. Being able to guide and develop individuals personally and professionally allows for deep relationships that yield efficiency, dedication, honesty, and growth. Managers and leaders must acknowledge that the world is ever-changing and that we all have something to learn each and every day. Diversity and inclusion is what make relationships work; however, the foundation of leadership and work relationships stem from the acknowledgement that we are purposeful, that we are worthwhile, and that we value one another. These foundations are then fostered and grown by the giving and receiving of new skills, abilities, knowledge, and problem solving tendencies. Actionable items that lead to finding out who your employees are and what drives them can be completed in five easy and efficient steps. One- Have each team member complete a bucket list. In an open and comfortable environment, allow them to share. This allows management as well as employees to embrace similarities and differences of activities and relations to personality types. Two- Promote work/life balance by encouraging team members to check items off of the list. Three- Lead by example and get out in the world, check off some items, and make a difference. Four- Don’t let the passion die. Revisit the list every few months and add to it. Share with those closest to you to ensure that you are growing both personally and professionally. Five- Forget the excuses, forget the what-ifs, and forget what doesn’t help us grow. Hindrance is the worst enemy in creating and implementing change. As a manager it is essential for one to lead by example. By implementing the five actionable items listed above and choosing to be present and engaged, managers promote a positive attitude while inside and outside the office. Not only does an employee need to rely on the strength of the manager but they also need to rely on the power of the manager’s positivity and attitude. “If I don’t do it, someone else will.” This simple phrase will always keep the manager and employee in the frame of mind that no one is irreplaceable and ninety-eight percent of change and productivity stems from a positive attitude. Attitudes are contagious; ensure that, as the manager or team leader, you are spreading an attitude that will do “good” and increase RH productivity, culture, cohesiveness, and trust. www.ritzhospitalitymag.com Advertiser Index ADVERTISER WEBSITE 180 Tattoo Al’s Oasis Alice Chamber of Commerce AmericInn Lodge & Suites Lakeville AmericInn Lodge & Suites of Tofte Apsaalooke Nights Casino Ascend Collection Norfolk Lodge & Suites Best Western Canyon De Chelly Best Western Cottontree Inn Rawlins Best Western Plus Spokane Best Western Plus Territorial Inn & Suites Best Western Rama Inn Ephrata Best Western Space Age Lodge Beulah Convention & Visitors Bureau Black Water Creek Ranch Bosco’s Italian Restaurant Brews Brothers Pub Broken Bow Cabin Lodging Buckboard Inn C’s Bed & Breakfast Candlewood Suites Cheyenne Canyon Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Cedar Shores Clarion Suites St. George Clinton Chamber of Commerce Clute Visitors Bureau Comfort Inn & Suites Socorro Comfort Inn at the Zoo Omaha Comfort Inn Evansville Comfort Inn Lewiston Comfort Suites Clackamas Comfort Suites Salina Days Inn West Yellowstone EconoLodge Pueblo West EconoLodge Saint George Economy Inn of Hermiston Fairly Reliable Bob’s Fall Creek Resort & Marina Fargo Air Museum Firebird Raceway Fort Chadbourne Glen Rose Visitor Center Glendive Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture Golden Hub Motel Historic Park Motel Hiway Motel & Sports Shop Holiday Motel - Boise International Museum of Art & Science Jake’s Good Times Place Lakeview Meadow Jamestown Lazy G Motel Lordsburg – Hidalgo County Makah Cultural Center www.alsoasis.com www.americinn.com www.americinn.com apsaalookenightscasino.com 27 11 17 8 9 15 www.choicehotels.com www.bestwestern.com www.bestwestern.com www.bestwestern.com 7 21 21 6 www.bestwestern.com www.bestwestern.com/ramainn www.bestwestern.com www.visitbeulah.com www.blackwatercreekranch.com www.brewsbrothersonline.com brokenbowcabinlodging.com www.candlewoodsuites.com 21 27 21 11 30 20 31 30 8 30 30 www.ritzhospitalitymag.com PAGE ADVERTISER www.CanyonLakeChamber.com 17 www.cedarshore.com 11 www.clarionhotel.com 2 www.ClintonOK.com 19 www.GoClute.com 19 www.comfortinn.com 2 www.comfortinn.com 7 www.comfortinn.com 7 www.comfortinn.com 2 www.comfortsuites.com 2 www.comfortsuites.com 7 www.daysinn.com 13 www.econlodge.com 7 www.econlodge.com 2 27 www.fairlys.com 22, 30 www.fallcreekresortandmarina.com 27 www.fargoairmuseum.org 9 www.firebirdonline.com 28 www.fortchadbourne.org 30 www.glenrosetexas.net 16 www.glendivechamber.com goldenhubmotel.com www.theparkmotel.com imasonline.org www.lakeviewmeadow.com www.lazygmotel.com LordsburgHildagoCounty.net www.makah.com 15 30 13 30 30 16 13 10 30 23 27 WEBSITE Missouri River Lewis & Clark Interpretive Modern Printers Mt. Baker Lodging Inc. Museum of Geology Nelson’s Cottages Niobrara Chamber of Commerce Ocean Terrace Condominium Ontario Chamber of Commerce Pecos Area Chamber Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerce Pickles Place Prehistoric Museum USU Eastern Quality Inn Ellensburg Quality Inn Paradise Creek Red Agave Resort Red Lion Hotel Boise Downtowner Rodeway Inn & Suites Landmark Inn Rodeway Inn Gresham Rodeway Inn Larned Rodeway Inn Pronghorn Lodge Rodeway Inn Salem Rosemount Museum Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce Sarpy County Visitors Center Shoshone Cultural Center & Arts Skyview Junction LLC - Cenex Station Socorro Heritage & Visitors Center Sternberg Museum Super 8 Bellingham Airport/Ferndale Super 8 Casper West Super 8 Flagstaff Super 8 Florence/Canon City Super 8 Hardin Super 8 Laramie Super 8 Pendleton Super 8 Powell Super 8 Sioux Falls Super 8 The Dalles Super 8 Tulsa/Downtown Super 8 Wickenburg The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art The Campbell Hotel The Grey Gull Timber Inn Tobacco Garden Campground Town of Van Horn Trails West Motel Travelers Snowmobile Rentals Valley City CVB Valley Corvettews Veterans Memorial Musuem Village of Trees RV Resort Windmill Inn Motel & RV Park Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce PAGE mrb-lewisandclarkcenter.org www.modernprinters.net www.mtbakerlodging.com museum.sdsmt.edu www.nelsonscottages.com www.luskwyoming.com www.oceanterrace.com www.ontariochamber.com www.pecsotx.com 20 28 24 14 28 18 24 27 18 www.perryton.org usueastern.edu/museum www.qualityinn.com www.qualityinn.com www.redagaveresort.com www.redlion.com www.rodewayinn.com www.rodewayinn.com www.rodewayinn.com www.pronghornlodge.com www.rodewayinn.com 19 27 22 25 24 23 5 2 2 7 7 2 30 www.saratogachamber.info www.gosarpy.com www.socorronm.gov sternberg.fhsu.edu www.super8.com www.timberlinehotels.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.powellsuper8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com www.super8.com 20 14 20 10 23 18 3 32 3 32 32 32 3 32 32 3 32 3 www.roswellamoca.org www.thecampbellhotel.com www.thegreygull.com www.tobaccogardens.com www.trailswestmotelnd.com www.allyellowstone.com www.hellovalley.com www.valleycorvettes.org www.veteransmuseum.org villageoftreesrvresort.com www.windmillinns.com www.visityanktonsd.com 30 19 30 26 30 30 30 13 8 28 25 26 30 13 Ritz H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 29 M arketplace accommodations accommodations Broken Bow Cabin Lodging 8041 N US Hwy. 259, Broken Bow, OK (580) 494-7368 brokenbowcabinlodging.com Luxury log cabins for summer vacations. Luxuries you will find at a top flight resort. accommodations Candlewood Suites Cheyenne 2335 Tura Pkwy., Cheyenne, Wy 82001 sWWWCANDLEWOODSUITESCOM &ITNESS2OOMs"OARD2OOMs7I&Is#ABLE 3ATELLITEs&REE,AUNDRYs&ULL3IZE+ITCHENS 1UEEN"EDSs0ETSW$EPOSITs3MOKING2MS accommodations Golden Hub Motel 810 4th St. S.E., Crosby, ND 40 rooms with TV, WiFi, refrigerator, microwave. Pet friendly. Ample parking. sGOLDENHUBMOTELCOM auto sales accommodations Hiway Motel & Sport Shop 310 10th St., Plummer, ID 83851 (208) 686-1310 www.thegreygull.com 16 Rooms, $45-$70, open all year, cable/satellite TV, non-smoking, pets ok. accommodations HOLIDAY MOTEL 5416 Fairview Ave. Boise, ID 83706 Take Curtis Exit off I-84 Behind Alden-Waggoner Funeral Home On Fairview Between Orchard & Curtis 3PECIAL7EEKLY2ATESs&REE,OCAL#ALLSs0ETS!LLOWED #ABLE#INEMAX("/s-ICROWAVES2EFRIGERATORS (208) 376-4631 Lazy G Motel 123 Hayden St., W. Yellowstone, MT 1801 W Broadway, Van Horn, TX 432-283-2682 Popular stop for travelers. Crossroads of The Texas Mountain Trail. Windmill Inn Motel & RV Park www.windmillinnlynden.com (307) 347-9388 Town of Van Horn Trails West Motel Hwy 2 West, 111 - 1ST St., NW, Devils Lake, ND 58301 (701) 662-5011 Reservations Only: (800) 453-5011 Email: twmotel@midconetwork.com www.trailswestmotelnd.com 72 Rooms, Continental Breakfast, Wireless Internet, Handicap Accessible, Weekly Rates Available AAA - AARP - Senior - Military Discount www.lazygmotel.com 1000 Howell Ave., Worland, WY 82401 community community Located in the heart of Washington’s finest resort community. Individually owned condos. Five different floor plans, outside pool & hot tub, indoor sauna. Dogs only. 8022 Guide Meridian Rd. Lynden, WA 98264 C’s B&B -AIN3Ts"OISE)$ 360-289-3381 (406) 646-7586 7IRELESS)NTERNETs3ATELLITE46s&REE 0ARKINGs/PEN*AN&EB-AY-ID/CT bed bed&&breakfast breakfast www.fairlys.com Óän°Î{Ó°ÇÇÇÇÊUÊnää°Ó{È°ÇnÇ The Grey Gull 651 Ocean Shores Blvd NW Ocean Shores, WA, 98569 5NITSs&ULL"REAKFASTBY!RRANGEMENT .ON3MOKINGIN(OUSEs!CCEPTS3ERVICE!NIMALS 3EMI(ANDICAP!CCESSIBILITYs.O#REDIT#ARDS (360) 354-3424 campground Tobacco Garden Campground 26 Miles N. on Hwy. 1806 701-842-4199 Full Service Restaurant, C-store, bait and Tackle Shop, 70 Campsites, 2 Log Cabins, Gas, Picnic Shelters, Wireless Internet www.tobaccogardens.com lodging your ad here Blackwater Creek Ranch The Marketplace Works! .&ORK(WYs#ODY79 s www.blackwatercreekranch.com Located 15 miles from east entrance of Yellowstone National Park. Enjoy lawn games, horseback riding, fishing or just relaxing. Call 1-800-330-3482 to talk to one of our representatives and get the marketplace working for your business. museum museum Fort Chadbourne Rosemount Museum Established in 1852 and abandoned in 1867. Visitor center/museum displays artifacts from the site. Built Between 1891-1893 Visit One Of The Best Examples Of The Victorian Era. 409 East College Boulevard, Roswell, NM 88201 An eclectic collection of more than 450 works by former fellows of the Roswell Artist-In-Residence Program. Closed Sundays, Mondays, Major Holidays & All January Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekends 1-5 p.m. www.roswellamoca.org Military Frontier Fort 651 Fort Chadbourne, Bronte, TX 76933 325.743.2555 www.fortchadbourne.org 30 R i t z H o spi ta l i t y M a g a z ine 419 W. 14th St. • Pueblo, CO 81003 Museum Open Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (719) 545-5290 The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art 575.623.5600 www.ritzhospitalitymag.com />>G=C@ Seven Days A Week!!! 4:00 – 8:00 P.M. Monday – Saturday and All Day Sunday!!! rs e e B 3 ! 2 p a T on stic, e m o s, D o r Mic rts! o p m I Located in the Northgate Shopping Center 6928 W. State • Boise, ID 83703 Just one stay and you’ll see what makes us SUPER! COLORADO FLORENCE/CAÑON CITY 4540 State Hwy. 67 Florence, CO (719) 784-4800 WYOMING CASPER/WEST I-25 Exit 188B S on Poplar 3838 CY Ave. Casper, WY (307) 266-3480 www.timberlinehotels.com MONTANA HARDIN 201 W. 14th St. Hardin, MT (406) 665-1700 Ample oversized vehicle parking OKLAHOMA TULSA/DOWNTOWN/EAST 3211 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK (918) 660-8080 SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS/I����/��TH ST. 2616 E. 10th St. Sioux Falls, SD (605) 338-8881 LARAMIE I-80 Exit 310 1987 Banner Rd. Laramie, WY (307) 745-8901 POWELL 845 E. Coulter Ave. Powell, WY (307) 754-7231 Toll-free direct (866) POW-SUP8 www.powellsuper8.com Indoor Pool & Spa – Expanded Breakfast Business Center – Guest Laundry With nearly 2,400 locations, low rates and freebies like high-speed internet and our signature SuperStart® breakfast, Super 8® makes any destination SUPER! Be sure to visit super8.com. $OO6XSHUORFDWLRQVDOVRRōHUIUHHFRōHHLQ\RXUURRPOREE\DQGZKHQ\RXõUHRQWKHURDGFKLOGUHQXQGHUVWD\IUHH XSJUDGHGEDWKZLWKKDLUGU\HUDGMXVWDEOHVKRZHUKHDGFXUYHGVKRZHUURGDQGPXFKPXFKPRUH Plus, enroll in our free-to-join Wyndham Rewards® loyalty program and earn Guaranteed Rewards with each and every TXDOLŎHGVWD\ SUPER8.COM l 1.800.800.8000 l Follow us on Facebook. l All Super 8 hotels are independently owned and operated.
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