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Report One Defendant
Ready to "Sing"
As Sedition Trial
Enters 14th Week
WASHINGTON —— Edward James
Smythe, one of the most vociferous
of the defendants on trial for sedi­
tion in Federal Court here, was ru­
mored ready to turn against his codefendants as the trial entered its
fourteenth week.
Noble and David J. Baxter, were sev­
ered from the case. The motions for
severance came from the Government
attorneys who pointed out that Bax­
ter's deafness is a hindrance to the
progress of the trial, and that the be­
havior of Noble, already serving a
five-year sentence for violating the
sedition laws of California, was in­
tended to delay the case. Justice Ed­
ward C. Eicher granted both motions.
Defense attorneys, in the mean­
time, reiterating charges made by
them earlier that the Judge was
a mistrial.
Henry H. Klein, Jewish attorney for
Col. Eugene N. Sanctuary, who has
endorsed his client's anti-Semitic sen­
timents, has been "missing" for sev­
eral days after submitting a motion
to withdraw from the case. He is re­
ported in New York, unmindful of
Judge Eicher's ruling that he can­
not withdraw.
Edward James Smythe was re­
leased on $1,000 bail. He has been
kept in jail throughout the trial be­
cause he could not raise the bail of
$10,000 which was demanded of him
because of his failure to report on
the day the trial opened. FBI agents
found him in a town near Canada
and brought him to Washington,
where he denied that he had planned
to "slip across the border."
Catholic Publication
Attacks Jew Hatred
CINCINNATI — "No true Catholic
can hate Jews," the Catholic Tele­
graph Register of this city declared.
The newspaper says:
"We cannot lay emphasis too
strongly on the fact that the Jews
are our brethren in Christ. No true
Catholic can hate Jews or any other
group in the whole human family, be­
cause they have all been redeemed
by the blood of Christ. All have be­
come brothers of the Divine Savior
of the human race. If Hitler had re­
mained a true Catholic, he would nev­
er have hated or persecuted the Jews.
He became the abnormal, inhuman,
degenerate creature that he is in so
far as he has departed from the prin­
ciples of the faith in which he was
baptized and the sanctions of the re­
ligion in which he was reared."
Broom Merchant Offers 23 Pints of Blood
David Luff, of 268 Dinwiddie Street, has set a noble
record for blood donation at the American Red Cross Blood
Bank. Through the use of variations oil the spelling of his
name he was able to give 18 pints between August 24, 1942,
and June 30, of this year, before Red Cross workers dis­
covered his identity. In addition he has made five donations
at the Montefiore Hospital.
A native of Romania, whose business is selling brooms,
43-year-old Mr. Luff has a son, Samuel J. Luff, who has
been stationed in India for the past two years with the Sig­
nal Corps. The boy enlisted when only 17 years old and had
just finished his junior year at Schenley High School.
Mr. Luff's own words eloquently express the obligation
all able-bodied Americans at home should feel: "I can't
fight, so I give my blood. While our boys over there suffer,
we make money over here. We should give blood. A pint
of blood is nothing to us."
Z.O.A. to Sponsor Weekly
National Radio Hook-Up
WASHINGTON — A coast-to-coast
weekly radio program, sponsored na­
tionally by the Zionist Organization
of America, and locally, in 100 cities,
by the local Zionist chapters, was an­
nounced by Z.O.A. headquarters here.
The stars scheduled to appear include
Eddie Cantor, Edward G. Robinson,
Joseph Cotton, Victor Jory, Joseph
Schildkraut, John Boles, Gene Kelly,
Spencer Tracy, Laird Cregar and
Walter Abel.
The weekly programs will present
dramatic stories of the accomplish­
ments of the Jews in Palestine. There
will be specific tributes to Hadassah,
the Jewish National Fund and the
Palestine Foundation Fund, for their
contributions to the development of
March of Time Films
Springfield Plan
NEW YORK —— A new March of
Time film, contrasting acts of hoodlumism and incitement to race hatred
by Gerald L. K. Smith with efforts
throughout the country following a
The film, entitled
"Americans All," deals at length
with methods by which racial and re­
ligious intolerance has been reduced
to a minimum in Springfield, Massa­
chusetts. These methods consist of
teaching tolerance in the schools.
Pastoral Letter Read In
German Pulpits Concludes:
"Hear O Israel"
NEW YORK—In unequivocal de­
fiance of the Nazis, "Hear O Israel"
were the opening words of the con­
cluding paragraph of a pastoral let­
ter recently read from Catholic pul­
pits in Germany. As reported by the
Office of War Information, the let­
ter, on "The Ten Commandments and
the Nation's Law of Life," contained
passages in defense of mixed mar­
riage and an attack on the confisca­
tion of property by the state, a meth­
od by which the Nazis have com­
pletely despoiled Europe's Jews.
Referring to the Sixth Command­
ment, the letter said:
"Every marriage, even the socalled racially mixed marriage, has,
as soon and in so far as it has been
properly concluded in accordance
with the laws of God and the Church,
a full claim to the divine protection
accorded by the Sixth Commandment
—and to the blessings—unity, sanc­
tity and indissolubility, and its nat­
ural fruit, progeny—which are prom­
ised therein. . . ."
"The Seventh and Tenth Com­
mandments: 'Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not even covet anything
that is thy neighbor's, guarantee
man's right to his property. The Holy
Father describes the meaning and
implications of these two Command­
ments in his Christmas message:
'When God blessed our forefathers,
He said to them: "Grow and multiply
and fill the earth and make it subject
to you.' " The dignity of man de­
mands the personal right to make use
of the good things of this world as
a normal and natural principle of
life. The basic claim to private own­
ership, for all so far as possible, ex­
presses this principle. ..."
American Jewish
Conference Proposes
Rescue Measures
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_ Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, K.Y.
NEW YORK — Warnings to Nazi
puppets in Hungary, efforts to secure
the co-operation of Yugoslav parti­
sans in aiding Jews to escape from
Hungary, and a plea to the Vatican
transmitted through the Apostolic
delegate urging Vatican intervention
with the people of Hungary to help
Hungarian Jews, were among the
measures "consistently urged" by the
Commission on Rescue of the Ameri­
can Jewish Conference, according to
an official statement by the Confer­
ence, which pointed out that some of
these measures have been imple­
July 21, 1944
Hungary Gets Pope's
Appeal, Protestant Bishop's
Ultimatum on Jews
NEW YORK—Pope Pius XII per­
sonally appealed to Regent Nicholas
Horthy and has instructed Primate
Seridi to intervene with Hungary's
Minister of the Interior, Laszlo Endre, in behalf of the Jews herded in
concentration camps and deported to
death in Poland. The Protestant
Bishops within Hungary have sent a
virtual ultimatum to Endre, serving
notice that if the persecutions of the
Jews are not stopped, pastorals will
be read from all pulpits denouncing
the government's anti-Jewish program.
These acts in behalf of trapped Hun­
garian Jewry are reported by Paul
Ghali, cabling the New York Post
from Berne, Switzerland.
Liberty Ship Named For
Benjamin Peixotto, Early
B'nai B'rith President
WASHINGTON — A Liberty ship
now under construction at the Beth­
lehem Fairfield Shipyard in Balti­
more has been named the S.S. Ben­
jamin Franklin Peixotto in honor of
Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, presi­
dent of B'nai B'rith from 1863 to
1866 and U. S. Consul-General to
Romania from 1870 to 1876. The
name was assigned to this ship in rec­
ognition of the sale of over $8,000,000 worth of War Bonds by the
Menorah Lodge of B'nai B'rith,
Swiss Churches Protest
WASHINGTON — The Council of
Churches of the Swiss Canton of
Zurich has denounced the 'terriffic
persecution of the Jews" in Nazi-oc­
cupied Hungary and revealed that the
Swiss Evangelical Church Association
had already "urgently" asked the
Swiss Government and the Interna­
tional Red Cross to "do everything in
their power for the salvation of those
Hungarian Jews who are still alive,"
it is reported by the Office of War In­
formation. The denunciation was con­
tained in a message read in all
churches in Switzerland under the
Council's jurisdiction and was pub­
lished in the newspaper Neue Zuericher Zeitung.
"Died for Jews' Freedom,"
U. S. Pilot's Last
CHICAGO—"I died for my coun­
try so that all of you can live in a
free world. Also remember that it's
for the freedom of us Jews. We have
been persecuted a long time now. It's
time it should stop, and it will with
this war."
Thus wrote Second Lieutenant
Ruble R. Mass, Flying Fortress co­
pilot, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Mass of this city, in a letter to
be sent only if he failed to return
from a mission. The letter was fol­
lowed by a telegram from the War
Department notifying them that their
son was missing in action over Ger­
Captured "German" Says
He's a Russian Jew
NEW YORK—A German prisoner
of war claiming to be a Russian Jew,
was captured in Normandy by the
Allied forces, the Associated Press re­
ports. When brought before an Amer­
ican Army officer in a war prisoner
enclosure and asked his nationality
and where he was from, the prisoner
answered, "I am a Russian Jew. I
was captured, and they put me in
the Russian battalion and sent me to
France. I've been waiting to get cap­
tured again ever since."