

Newsletter of the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia
September 2011
Letter from the Director................. 1
Management................................. 2
Research and scholarships .......... 2
New publications .......................... 3
Seminars and conferences ........... 7
News............................................. 8
The Observatory ......................... 13
Irasec partners............................ 14
Irasec in the media ..................... 14
Internet figures............................ 15
Since I became the Director of Irasec in 2008, my main priority
has been to strengthen the Institute’s involvement within
university networks working on Southeast Asia, by adapting
Irasec’s management in accordance with its committees (the
piloting and scientific committees and the laboratory council).
Part of Irasec’s research team has changed. Christian Culas
(based in Hanoi) and Rémy Madinier (Jakarta) have left the
Institute. Joining the team are Vatthana Pholsena (from the
Department of Southeast Asian Studies at NUS, based in
Singapore) and Nathalie Fau (who is to join a Malay think tank
and shall be based in Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta). Despite these
changes, Irasec is still going strong thanks to its network of
associate researchers and collaborators throughout eleven
Southeast Asian countries. An increasing number of these
researchers are Southeast Asian natives (Thailand, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia,
Burma, Laos and Timor-Leste). In addition, more researchers
have been contacting us, notably from Europe, Canada and
East Asia.
The current challenge faced by the Institute in this time of
uncertainty in the field of French research is to strive to
support the training of tomorrow’s specialists, those who
are language and fieldwork trained, who are experts in
their field and who have a profound knowledge of their
cultural areas. These last few years, a cause for worry has
been the increasing number of French trained and funded
researchers being drawn into foreign institutes, notably in
Asia (Singapore, Hong Kong, Canberra, etc.), due to the lack
of opportunities in France. This is
where Irasec’s role, responsibility
and future lies vis-à-vis the state of
French research on Southeast Asia,
through its various annual fieldwork
scholarships and its medium to long
term financed research programmes
( I r a s e c ’s d i s c u s s i o n p a p e r s ,
occasional papers and books).
Finally, Irasec is also working towards fighting against
the cultural chasms that affect our system all too often:
the partitioning of university subjects, the growing divide
between researchers and other observers of Asia (journalists,
diplomats, analysts), and, more generally, between the
academic sphere and the private one. Irasec is a research
institute that undertakes a highly reactive fieldwork approach
in deciphering the movements of societies. Moreover, its
work is aimed towards the general public, rather than being
confined to researchers alone. Irasec is proud of the diversity
of its audience. This year, Irasec will be celebrating its tenyear anniversary. Our new objective for the following decade
will continue to be the strengthening of the scientific quality of
our work, of our partnerships with the best universities, think
tanks and editors, in order to keep analyzing the challenges
faced by these newly formed Nation-States, where history is
still in the making.
Benoît de Tréglodé
Management and Research
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
In order to strengthen the dialogue with our colleagues in
France who specialize in Southeast Asia, Irasec has devised
a new three-tiered management system, which includes
the piloting committee, the scientific committee and the
laboratory council.
In France, members of the piloting committee and the
scientific committee meet in Paris each year. The last meeting
was held on 28 October 2010 at CHAC at the University of
Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) thanks to an invitation from
Professor Hugues Tertrais.
In Southeast Asia, the laboratory council convenes once
a year to collectively discuss the overall direction of the
Institute (publications, associate researchers, scholarship
awards) with head CNRS researchers from our satellite
offices (Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta and Singapore). The
last meeting was held on 2 May 2011 in Bangkok.
Piloting Committee
Bénédicte Brac de La Perrière (CNRS – Case)
Stéphane Dovert (MAEE)
Guy Faure (CNRS-IAO)
Christophe Jaffrelot (CNRS – Ceri)
Christian Lechervy (MAEE)
Jean-François Sabouret (CNRS)
Benoît de Tréglodé (Irasec)
Marie-Sybille de Vienne (Inalco)
Scientific Committee
Jean Baffie (CNRS – Irsea)
Romain Bertrand (CNRS – Ceri)
Sophie Boisseau du Rocher (Asia Center)
Christian Culas (CNRS – Irasec)
Nathalie Fau (Diderot-Paris VII – Irasec)
Alain Forest (Diderot-Paris VII)
Yves Goudineau (EFEO)
William Guéraiche (American University of Dubai)
Jacques Ivanoff (CNRS – Irasec)
Rémy Madinier (CNRS – Irasec)
Vatthana Pholsena (CNRS – Irasec)
Emmanuel Poisson (Diderot-Paris VII)
Hugues Tertrais (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne)
Laboratory Council
Its members include Director Benoît de Tréglodé, Deputy
Director Jérémy Jammes, and three researchers from CNRSIRASEC (Jacques Ivanoff in Bangkok, Nathalie Fau in Kuala
Lumpur-Jakarta and Vatthana Pholsena in Singapore). The
last meeting was held with Christian Culas (Hanoi), Rémy
Madinier (Jakarta), Vatthana Pholsena (Singapore), Jacques
Ivanoff (Bangkok), Jérémy Jammes and Benoît de Tréglodé.
Irasec henceforth systematically relies on those present in
the committee to have manuscripts published by the Institute
anonymously examined by experts.
Programmes and Scholarships
There are 7 main topics in Irasec’s interdisciplinary
- China and Southeast Asia
- Borders and Ethnicity
- Religious Issues in Southeast Asia
- Migration
- Security Issues
- Changes in the élite communities of Southeast Asia
- Illicit Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Irasec encourages ties between its own research programmes
and those of CNRS researchers by holding congresses and
by producing common publications and special editions in
university journals.
Three New Fieldwork Scholarships from
Irasec: Call for Applications
Irasec is offering three scholarships (doctorate and postdoctorate) to support fieldwork in Southeast Asia from
1 November 2011. These scholarships are given on a
6-month basis and are not subject to renewal. The Irasec
scholarship can go up to €6,000, which includes a €830
research scholarship each month and a plane ticket from
Paris to Southeast Asia (up to €1,000).
These scholarships are open to doctoral and postdoctoral students who are under 35 years of age. They
must be French nationals and must be students in the
following disciplines: Political Science, Anthropology,
Economics, Geography, Contemporary History, Sociology
and International Relations.
The suggested research project must be relevant to
the 7 aforementioned main topics. Applications will be
evaluated and selected by Irasec’s laboratory council.
The student will conduct his/her personal research project
with the Institute’s scientific and logistical support. In
return, the candidate’s fieldwork is to be published as an
Irasec occasional paper (either as an individual or as part
of a team).
September 20 11 - I ss ue # 7
In an effort to encourage the work of our various locally
present researchers, Irasec strives to support them by
- Short-term fieldwork scholarships for doctoral students (and
post-doctoral in 2011-2012)
- Fieldwork funding in Southeast Asia for French and
Southeast Asian researchers (52 French, Asian and European
researchers currently have research contracts with Irasec).
- Funding or co-funding for publications in France (Les Indes
savantes, CNRS Editions, Presses de l’ENS, La découverte,
etc.), locally and internationally (in English – NUS Press,
ISEAS, White Lotus, Silkworm Books and I.B. Tauris-United
Dictionnaire des Khmers
rouges (Dictionary of
the Khmer Rouge)
Solomon Kane, Les Indes
savantes-Irasec, 2011, 544 p.
(new revised and augmented
Between 1975 and 1979,
nearly two million people died
in Cambodia, either as direct or
indirect victims of the authorities
of Democratic Kampuchea, also
known as the Khmer Rouge
regime. This dictionary, which includes nearly 700 entries and
a large amount of iconography, provides what is necessary
to achieve an objective understanding this dark age in the
history of humanity. Here, Solomon Kane gives us an insight
into the anatomy of Khmer Rouge totalitarianism.
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2011.
Les événements majeurs
de l’année (Southeast
Asia 2011: Major Events)
Arnaud Leveau and Benoît
de Tréglodé (eds.), Les Indes
savantes-Irasec, 2011, 410 p.
By providing a retrospective
outlook on the major events of
2011, this book helps one to better
understand the great challenges
of 2011 in a region inhabited by nearly 600 million people,
who are the interface between the great Asian centres more
than they ever have been before. This book is the result of
fieldwork conducted throughout the year by over a dozen
French and Asian researchers and experts, providing a
pertinent and contemporary understanding of complex,
dense and dynamic Asian news developments.
Passage sur le
Mékong (Passage
over the Mekong)
Guy Lubeigt and Jérôme
Ming, Tuk-Tuk ÉditionsIrasec, 2011, 128 p.
These images, taken by
photographer Jérôme Ming,
show the diversity of the
various landscapes that surround the Mekong. However,
this long sweet journey is not safe from the threats to the
rich heritage of the countries through which the Mekong
River runs. In a time where environmental issues are of
great concern, Guy Lubeigt (CNRS) makes an alarming yet
salutary observation on the conservation challenges faced by
the architectural jewels of Southeast Asia.
Thaïlande contemporaine
(Contemporary Thailand)
Stéphane Dovert and Jacques
Ivanoff (eds.), Les Indes
savantes-Irasec, 2011, XLVIII624 p. (new revised and
augmented edition)
Through an analysis of the
country’s historic and economic
fundamentals, and an observation
of its educational system
and its latent cultural forces,
Contemporary Thailand adopts a
critical, modern and original approach to understanding what
has shaped Thailand into becoming a unique and contrasting
country. This monograph compiles the work of 21 authors
who discuss freely how this national ideology is structured,
thus enabling a re-evaluation of the complex issue of Thai
identity in the face of globalization.
Septembre 2011 - Numéro 7
The End of Innocence.
Indonesian Islam and the
Tempations of Radicalism
Andrée Feillard and Rémy
Madinier, NUS Press-KITLVUniversity of Hawaii Press,
2011, 336 p. (updated English
translation of La fin de
Indonesia is the biggest Muslim
country in the world, and is
often referred to as a model for
religious harmony. The authors distance themselves from
such interpretations, which are often hollow assumptions
derived from essentialist theories. Instead, André Feillard
and Rémy Madinier rethink the evolution of Indonesian Islam
within the broader context of the archipelago’s recent history.
Here, the authors develop a rigorous analysis of the roots
and causes of “radical temptation”, deciphering its ideology
and mechanisms, thus revealing how it has been politically
Alternatives agricoles
en Thaïlande.
De la riziculture
à la globalisation
(Thailand’s Agrobusiness
Achievements: from
Rice Agriculture to
Roland Poupon, Irasec–Kailash,
2010, 420 p.
Once again, famine has become
a worrying global issue according
to forecasters. Rural poverty appears to be preventing the
peasantry from entering the modern world. With this in mind,
how could we could we not take into account the high surplus
oriented Thai agricultural model, capable of adapting itself
to the new production and trade conditions of agricultural
commodities? By adopting a holistic and interdisciplinary
approach (economics, history, geography and agronomy),
Roland Poupon traces the roots of the initial
genesis of Thai food supply chains and the
transition from subsistence rice agriculture to the
globalization of trade.
New Dynamics between China
and Japan in Asia. How to Build
the Future from the Past?
Guy Faure (ed.), World Scientific, 2010, 350 p.
This book is a study of ties between China and
Japan and their Asian counterparts. It does not
therefore directly treat bilateral relations between
these powers, as these already constitute the subject of
many other studies. A lengthy perspective has been taken
into account in order to recall past legacies, some of which
are still painfully contentious, and to record evolutions in
attitudes and strategies vis-à-vis Asian countries.
of Thailand’s
The Policy Challenges
Patarapong Intarakumnerd and
Yveline Lecler (eds.), Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 2010,
XIV-332 p.
Competitiveness of a country
requires continuous upgrading and,
sometimes, major transformation.
Thailand is at the crossroad. It can
no longer pursue a strategy based on low-cost advantages,
but its capability achievements are still too low to become
an advanced economy. This book points out weaknesses
of Thailand’s national innovation system or education and
suggests how the country should develop new capabilities to
survive and prosper in the globalized and fiercely competitive
Coming soon
Malaisie, un modèle de développement
souverain ? (Malaysia: a Model for
Sovereign Development?)
Elsa Lafaye de Michaux, Presses de l’ENS (Lyon)
Nay Pyi Taw. Une résidence royale pour
l’armée birmane ? (Naypyidaw : a Royal
Home For the Burmese Military ?)
Guy Lubeigt, Les Indes savantes (Paris)
Brunei de la thalassocratie à la rente
(Brunei: from Thalassocracy to Profit)
Marie-Sybille de Vienne, Éditions du CNRS (Paris)
An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy (ed.), I.B. Tauris (London)
Burma: the Isolation Tropism
Renaud Égreteau and Larry Jagan, NUS Press
Networks of Power and
Influence in Singapore
Michael D. Barr, I.B. Tauris (London)
Septembre 2011 - Numéro 7
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2012. Les événements majeurs
de l’année (Southeast Asia 2012: Major Events)
Jérémy Jammes and Benoît de Tréglodé (eds.), Irasec – Les
Indes savantes (Paris)
Atlas Asie du Sud-Est (Atlas of Southeast Asia)
Hugues Tertrais, Autrement (Paris)
The Roots of Violence in Southern Thailand
Jacques Ivanoff, White Lotus (Bangkok)
Philippines contemporaines
(Contemporary Philippines)
William Guéraiche (ed.), Les Indes savantes (Paris)
Carnets de l’Irasec - Occasional papers
(Free download at
Policies of the Thai
State towards the
Malay Muslim South
Arnaud Dubus and Sor
Rattanamanee Polkla, “Irasec
Occasional Paper”, No. 16, 2011,
108 p.
Malaisie contemporaine (Contemporary Malaysia)
Sophie Lemière (ed.), Les Indes savantes (Paris)
Timor Leste contemporain
(Contemporary Timor-Leste)
C. Cabasset, F. Durand and B. de Araujo Corte Real (eds.),
Les Indes savantes (Paris)
Bois de Rose (Rose Wood)
Pierre Le Roux, undetermined publisher
Du Champa au salafisme. Musulmans du
Viêt Nam et du Cambodge (From Champa to
Salafism: Muslims of Vietnam and Cambodia)
Agnès De Féo, undetermined publisher
Les politiques environnementales en Asie du SudEst (Environmental Policies in Southeast Asia)
Olivier Ferrari and Dominique Bourg (eds.), undetermined
Laos, Société et pouvoir (Laos:
Society and Power)
Vanina Bouté and Vatthana Pholsena (eds.), undetermined
Les trajectoires littorales de l’hégémonie birmane
(The Coastal Routes of Burmese Hegemony)
Maxime Boutry, undetermined publisher
Peuples de frontière (Frontier Peoples)
Jacques Ivanoff, undetermined publisher
Le foncier au Cambodge (Land
Ownership in Cambodia)
Adeline Carrier, undetermined publisher
Norms and Practices
in Contemporary
Rural Vietnam. Social
Interaction between
Authorities and People
Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh , Nguyen
Van Suu and Christian Culas,
“Irasec Occasional Paper”, No. 15,
2010, 138 p.
Informal Trade and
Underground Economy
in Myanmar. Costs
and Benefits
Winston Set Aung, “Irasec
Occasional Paper”, Observatory
series, No. 4, 2011, 92 p.
Informal and Illegal
Movement in the GMS.
Costs and Benefits of
Informal Networks for
Goods and People
L y n n T h i e s m e y e r, “ I r a s e c
Occasional Paper”, Observatory
series, No. 3, 2010, 144 p.
Septembre 2011 - Numéro 7
Coming soon
Mobiliser les Viêt Kiêu. Stratégies, enjeux et effets du nationalisme transnational du Viêt Nam
(Mobilizing the Viet Kieu: the Strategies, Challenges and Effects of Transnational Nationalism in Vietnam)
Christophe Vigne
The politics of silence: Myanmar NGO’s between Ethnic, Religion and Politics
Lois Desaine
Le Pendekar Banten. L’essor de l’organisation dynastique bantenoise (Indonésie) depuis
la Reformasi (Pendekar Banten: the Rise of Bantenese Dynastic Organization since Reformasi)
Gabriel Facal
Foyers pandémiques en Asie du Sud-Est : le médicament vétérinaire en
question (Pandemic Sources in Southeast Asia: Rethinking Veterinary Medicine)
Odile Le Minor — Observatory Series (in partnership with the World Health Organization for Animal)
The State of Medicine Quality in the Mekong Subregion
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin — Observatory Series
Notes de l’Irasec - Discussion Papers
(Free download at
The Council of Indonesian Ulama (Majelis Ulama
Indonesia, MUI) and Religious Freedom
Syafiq Hasyim, Discussion Paper, No. 12
Évolution du rôle du yuan en Asie orientale. La guerre
des monnaies aura-t-elle lieu ? (The Evolution of the Yuan’s
Role in East Asia: the Beginning of a Currency War?)
Catherine Figuière and Laëtitia Guilhot, Discussion Paper, No. 11, 2011, 25 p.
State Building, Infrastructure Development
and Chinese Energy Projects in Myanmar
James O’Connor, Discussion Paper, No. 10, 2011, 22 p.
Political Development in Sabah, 1985-2010.
Challenges in Malaysian Federalism and Ethnic Politics
Arnold Puyok, Discussion Paper, No. 9, 2011, 30 p.
The Flowering of Islamic Thought.
Liberal-Progressive Discourse and Activism in Contemporary Indonesia
Suratno, Discussion Paper, No. 8, 2011, 28 p.
« Il est facile d’aller à Phnom Penh, mais difficile d’en revenir » Cartographie des flux de mobilité prostitutionnelle entre la province
vietnamienne d’An Giang et le Cambodge (“It’s easy to get to Phnom
Penh, but hard to get back from” – a Mapping of Prostitution mobility
flows between the Vietnamese province of An Giang and Cambodia)
Nicolas Lainez, Discussion Paper - Observatory Series, No. 7, 2010, 35 p.
Seminars and Conferences
Septembre 2011 - Numéro 7
Event Focus – Conferences
In partnership with the Alliance Française and the French Institutes of Phnom Penh and Hanoi (and soon Singapore, Kuala
Lumpur and Jakarta), Irasec is co-organizing a series of conferences open to public debate.
Through this project, in which we hope to gather between 50 and 120 people, news on current research will be made
accessible to French and foreign citizens with the participation of:
- Roland Poupon: “The Reds Movement: Sham or Growth?” (Bangkok)
- Guy Lubeigt: “Naypyidaw: the Royal Capital of the Burmese Junta” (Bangkok)
- Jacques Ivanoff, Oliver Ferrari and Arnaud Leveau: “Thailand: the Roots of a Crisis” (Bangkok)
- Rémy Madinier: “Indonesian Islam: Religious Renewal, Radical Temptation and Secularization” (Bangkok)
- Sophie Boisseau du Rocher: “Southeast Asia Today: Caught in a Trap?” (Hanoi)
- Adeline Carrier: “Phnom Penh Since the Days of Socialism” (Phnom Penh)
- etc.
Roundtable discussion on “Economy, Money and
Development in Southeast Asia”, organized with the
French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC,
Hong Kong), held at Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok)
on 10 September 2010 by Olivier Ferrari (Irasec Associate
“Identity and Construction in Borderlands” Workshop,
5-7 November 2010, by Jacques Ivanoff (CNRS-Irasec),
during the Second International Conference of the Asian
Borderlands Research Network: Enclosure, Interaction and
Transformation (IIAS, CESD), held in Chiang Mai (Thailand).
Maxime Boutry and Olivier Ferrari also participated in this
Mekong Health Congress, 24-27 January 2011,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In cooperation with the Pharmacy
Department of the Phnom Penh University of Health Sciences,
the Pharmacy Department of Aix-Marseille University 2 and
the Pierre Fabre Foundation, the Observatory organized and
co-led a session on counterfeit medicine at the Phnom Penh
University of Health Sciences.
Workshops on “Evangelical Activities in Southeast
Asia: the State of Research”, coordinated by Jérémy
Jammes and Pascal Bourdeaux (École Pratique des Hautes
Études, Paris). During the two workshops held at the
31st Conference of the International Society of the Sociology
of Religions (Aix-en-Provence), our Deputy Director
presented his paper “A Space of Conversion and Protestation
in Process: Utopian Discourses in Evangelical Churches
(Central Vietnam and Northeastern Cambodia)”.
Launch of an Irasec seminar at the Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, under the
supervision of Vatthana Pholsena, on the works of French
researchers on Southeast Asia. Sophie Lemière (Irasec
Associate researcher) will present her work on Malaysia on
13 October 2011.
Focus: Conferences on Dangerous Counterfeit Products
In association with the Alliance Française / French Cultural Centres / French Institutes, the Observatory of Illicit Trafficking
(MAEE-FSP Project) is organizing conferences for the general public, aimed at raising awareness on counterfeit products
as health and security risks among citizens and civil society.
The first conference was held in Bangkok on 13 and 25 May 2010, in partnership with PReMA NGO and the Alliance
Française. The second took place on 10 December 2010 in Vientiane (Laos), in association with the French Language
Centre. The third was held on 6 April 2011 in Phnom Penh at the French Cultural Centre. The fourth will take place
on 18 October 2011 in Hanoi, in partnership with the French Institute and the Franco-Vietnamese Law Centre. These
conferences are held in French, with live interpreting in English and in the host country’s national language, and gather
around 60 to 100 people, some of which are students.
News - Head Office
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
Benoît de Tréglodé - Director
He co-edited L’Asie du Sud-Est 2011. Les événements
majeurs de l’année (Southeast Asia 2011: Major Events)
with Arnaud Leveau, published by Les Indes savantesIrasec, 2011. In this book, he co-wrote the article “Viêt Nam,
une année à l’ombre du Congrès” (“Vietnam: A Year in the
Shadow of the Congress”), pages 309-331.
He published: “La vie des morts. Recomposition d’une
lignée vertueuse dans le Viêt Nam d’Hô Chi Minh” (“The Life
of the Dead: Recreating a Virtuous Lineage in Ho Chi Minh’s
Vietnam”) in a special edition of the journal Communisme
(Nanterre) on Vietnam, edited by Christopher E. Goscha,
University of Quebec at Montreal. It will be published in the
fall of 2011.
He is finalizing the English translation of Heroes and
Revolution in Vietnam (preface by Christopher E. Goscha,
University of Quebec at Montreal, translated by Claire Duiker)
for NUS Press (Singapore). Publication expected in the first
quarter of 2012.
Jérémy Jammes 1 - Deputy Director
Conference « Spirit-mediumship Face to Modernity:
Caodaism and the Treatment of Spirits in Vietnam and
Abroad » on 24 February 2011 at the Asian Research Institute
in Singapore.
He co-organized, with Pascal Bourdeaux (from the École
Pratique des Hautes Études), two workshops on “Evangelical
Activities in Southeast Asia” (International Society of the
Sociology of Religions, Aix-en-Provence, 30 June to 4 July
2011). Both scholars are working together to publish a
collection of works on this topic (expected in 2013).
He published the following articles:
- “Divination and Politics and Religious Networks in Southern
Vietnam: from the ‘Temple of the Three Doctrines’ (Tam
Tông Miêu) to Caodaism” (Social Compass, vol. 57, No. 3,
September 2010, p. 357-371).
- “L’État vietnamien face à la religion Cao Đài : procedures
punitives et réponses des fidèles du Saint-siège de Tây Ninh”
(in Arnaud Brotons, Yannick Brunneton and Nathalie Kouamé
(eds.), État, Religion, Répression dans l’histoire de l’Asie
orientale (XIIIe-XXIe siècles), éditions Karthala, Paris)
- (with Alain Candille) “Cambodge : l’exécutif durcit le ton” (in
A. Leveau and B. de Tréglodé (eds.), L’Asie du Sud-Est 2011,
Les Indes savantes-Irasec, 2011, p. 131-154).
With Pascal Bourdeaux, he coordinated a special edition
of the journal Péninsule on “Religions du Vietnam (XVIIIeXXI e s.). Ésotérisme traditionnel et nouvel occultisme”
(Religions of Vietnam. 18th-21st c. Traditional Esotericism and
New Occultism) (No. 60, Nov. 2010, 305 p.)
Christian Culas - CNRS
Norms and Practices in Contemporary Rural Vietnam:
Social Interaction Between Authorities and People,
Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyan Van Suu and Christian
Culas, “Irasec Occasional Paper” No. 15, 2010.
« Développement durable ou développement
pragmatique: les politiques environnementales et leurs
applications dans les montagnes du Nord du Viêt Nam »
in Politiques environnementales en Asie du Sud- Est. Enjeux,
pratiques et ideologies (Environmental Policies in Southeast
Asia: Challenges, Practices and Ideologies), edited by Olivier
Ferrari (Irasec Associate Researcher) and Dominique Bourg
(IPTEH, University of Lausanne). Publication expected in
Workshop on “How is the Economic Transition
Experienced and Perceived by the Population?” Dialogue and
Complementarity Between the Quantitative and Qualitative”
(in French), with Jean-Pierre Cling, François Roubaud and
Mireille Razafindrakoto), Les Journées de Tam Đao 2010,
Summer Sciences Social University, 16-25 July 2010.
Co-organized the workshop ”Anthropology and
Development in Vietnam” (in French) with Nguyen Van
Suu during the Anthropology and Development Summer
University from 9 to 29 August 2010, at the Hanoi University
of Social Sciences, with the support of the French Agency for
Development and the Ford Foundation.
1. Jérémy Jammes replaced Arnaud Leveau in September 2010 as Deputy Director. Arnaud Leveau is currently living in Seoul, where
he is completing his PhD in History on the relations between South Korea and Southeast Asia (Institut d’Asie Orientale – Ecole Normale
Superieure de Lyon, under the supervision of Guy Faure).
N e w s - C N R S - I ra s e c Re s e a r c h e r s
“Ethnic Markets and Autonomous Development Process.
A Comparison between Luang Phrabang (Laos) and SapaBac Ha (Vietnam)”, First International Conference: Research
and Training in Anthropology in Vietnam: From transition to
International Integration, Hanoi University of Humanities and
Social Sciences, 20-21 October 2010.
Intervention on “An Evaluation of the Living Conditions
of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: An Economic and SocioAnthropological Approach” (in French, with Benoît Massuyeau,
Mireille Razafindrakoto and François Roubaud). Workshop on
“Creating and Managing Ethnicities in Southeast Asia” (with
Tran Hong Hanh and Grégoire Schlemmer), Les Journées de
Tam Dao 2011, Regional Summer Social Sciences University,
15-23 July 2011.
Jacques Ivanoff - CNRS
Thaïlande contemporaine (Contemporary Thailand)
(with Stéphane Dovert), Les Indes savantes, 2011, 624 p.
« Les périphéries “utiles” », in Moussons, No. 17, 20111, p. 25-44.
“A New Vision of Ethnic History Through the Drawings
Collected by Hugo Bernatzik” (collaboration with Thierry
Lejard and Christian Coiffier), in Drawing as Universal
Language, Wien New York, transfer edition from Springer (to
be published end 2011).
September 20 11 - I ss ue # 7
“From the founding epic to the millenarian unknown: The
Moken answer to contemporary history”, 20-22 January
2011, during the seminar Songs of Memory? An international
conference on Epics and Ballads held at Ateneo University of
Manila (Philippines).
In 2010, he shared his research findings at international
seminars, notably at the Burma Studies Conference, during
the Moving Frontiers of Burma workshop. These papers will
be published in a special edition of the journal Moussons, the
panel of which was co-organized at the Asian Borderlands
seminar (IIAS, CESD) in November 2010 (Chiang Mai,
Participated in the roundtable discussion on Nomadic
Societies in the 21st Century: Adaptation Processes and the
Future (in French) at the Quai Branly Museum on 9 June
2011 (with Serge Bahuchet, Pierre Bonte, Jean-Pierre Digard,
Charles Stépanoff).
He is the head scientific researcher on a project proposal
from the National Centre for Scientific Research. Entitled
GLOBASE: Globalization/Democratization: Compatible
Times? The experience of Southeast Asian Societies (in
French), this proposal was submitted in January 2011 for
the Call for Projects “Module III. Programmes transversaux.
Métamorphose des sociétés. Sous programme 2 :
Globalisation et gouvernance”.
Vatthana Pholsena - CNRS
“De la négociation à la guerre. Climax écologiste
et réalité socioculturelle : la transmission des
savoirs et la régulation de l’information”, in Politiques
environnementales en Asie du Sud-Est. Enjeux, pratiques
et idéologies, (Environmental Policies in Southeast Asia:
Challenges, Practices and Ideologies), edited by Olivier
Ferrari (Irasec Associate Researcher) and Dominique Bourg
(IPTEH, University of Lausanne). Publication expected in
“Life under bombing in Southeastern Laos (1964-1973)
Through the Accounts of Survivors in Sepon”, in “The
Experience of War: Four Sino-Indochinese Perspectives”,
European Journal of East Asian Studies, special issue
co-edited with Christopher E. Goscha, Vol. 9 (2), 2010,
p. 267-290.
He and journalist Arnaud Dubus are in charge of the
“Thailand” chapter in J. Jammes and B. de Tréglodé (eds.),
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2012 (Southeast Asia 2012), Les Indes
savantes-Irasec (to be published beginning 2012).
“U.S. rapprochement with Laos and Cambodia:
A Response”, in “Special Focus: America Re-engages
Southeast Asia”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 32 (3),
2010, p. 460-466.
Focus – In Memory of Georges Condominas
Georges Condominas, the Director of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (School of High Studies in Social
Sciences) and an anthropologist working on Southeast Asia, passed away on 17 July 2011. He was 90 years old.
Two of Irasec’s researchers have written pieces in memory of his work and his person. Jérémy Jammes’s appeared in
Revue Perspectives ( and Jacques Ivanoff’s in Sciences au Sud
These texts echo those written by Yves Goudineau (Le Monde du 24 juillet 2011), Nicole Revel and Richard Pottier, which
are available on the Réseau Asie website (
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
N e w s - C N R S - I ra s e c Re s e a r c h e r s
Laos. Un pays en mutation (Laos: A Country in
Transition), Paris, Éditions Belin, Collection « Asie Plurielle »,
expected fall 2011.
“Bilan de l’année au Laos” (“Laos: A Year in
Summary”), in J. Jammes et B. de Tréglodé (eds.), Asie du
Sud-Est 2012 (Southeast Asia 2012), Les Indes savantes,
forthcoming in 2012.
“The transformative impacts of the U.S. bombing of
Laos” on 25 February 2011 during the Journées d’étude
organized by the University of Quebec at Montreal on: “Civils
et combattants à l’épreuve de la guerre en Chine et en
Indochine - Approches socio-culturelles”.
“Economic integration and social exclusion in the
border area of Sepon/Lao Bao (East-West Corridor)”,
14-17 December 2010, in Vientiane (Laos) during ANR
Transiter’s Southeast Asia regional seminar on “Transnational
Dynamics and Territorial Recompositions in Southeast Asia:
the Greater Mekong Subregion and the Straits of Malacca”,
co-organized by the National Economics Research Institute of
the Ministry of Planning and Investment (Vientiane, Laos) and
by the Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE, UPR CNRS-EHESS).
Rémy Madinier - CNRS
The End of Innocence? Indonesian Islam and the
Temptations of Radicalism, co-written with Andrée Feillard,
NUS Press-KITLV-University of Hawaii Press, SingaporeLeiden-Hawaii, 2011, 336 p. (updated English translation of
La fin de l’innocence).
The Politics of Agama in Java and Bali, co-edited with
Michel Picard, Routledge (London-New York), 2011, 238 p.
« Indonésie: l’enlisement de l’élan réformateur », in
A. Leveau and B. de Tréglodé (eds.), Asie du Sud-Est 2011.
Les événements majeurs de l’année (Southeast Asia 2011:
Major Events), Les Indes savantes - Irasec, Paris, 2011,
p. 155-176.
« Espoirs abangan : les Catholiques et l’Islam javanais,
1808-1945 », in Bernard Heyberger and Rémy Madinier
(eds.), L’Islam des marges : mission chrétienne et espaces
périphériques du monde musulman, XVI e - XX e siècles,
Karthala, 2011, pp. 231-265.
“The Specificity of Indonesian Islam as an Issue
for Religious and Political Mobilizations”, 24-26 January
2011, during the international seminar “Is Indonesian Islam
different? Islam in Indonesia in an international comparative
perspective” organized by the Leiden University (Netherlands)
in cooperation with the PPIM, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Bogor.
Organized François Burgat’s (CNRS) conference on,
“The prospect of Democracy in the Middle East”, Yogyakarta
Islamic University, 9 June 2011.
Irasec’s Laboratory Council met in Bangkok on 26 May 2011
where they finalized the new team of associate researchers.
Audrey Baron-Gutty
L’Islam des marges : mission chrétienne et espaces
périphériques du monde musulman, XVIe - XXe siècles
(Islam on the Margins: Christian Missions and the
Frontiers of the Muslim World), co-edited with Bernard
Heyberger, Karthala, 2011, 288 p.
She is a contributor in the national monograph Thaïlande
Contemporaine (Contemporary Thailand - in French,
Stéphane Dovert and Jacques Ivanoff (eds.), Les Indes
savantes, June 2011).
Coordinating Islam and the 2009 Indonesian elections,
political and cultural issues: the case of the Prosperous
Justice Party (PKS), Najib Kailani, Rémy Madinier, AhmadNorma Permata (eds.), “Irasec Occasional Paper” No. 12,
Bangkok, 2010, 96 p.
In the fall of 2011, she will hold an ATER position at
Sciences Po Lyon. She will be lecturing on international
relations and Asian economics. She will also be in charge
of a research development project in humanities and social
sciences at Lyon’s Institut d’Asie Orientale.
Since 2010, he has been coordinating the project
Indonésie contemporaine (Contemporary Indonesia),
national monograph, (publication expected in 2012).
“Les ursulines à Java : un siècle d’éducation
catholique (1856–1956)”, in Archipel, 81, 2011, pp. 47-81.
“The Catholic Politics of inclusion: A Jesuit tale in
Central Java in early 20th Century”, in Rémy Madinier and
Michel Picard (eds.), The Politics of Agama in Java and Bali,
Routledge (London-New York), 2011.
In November 2001, she will be defending her PhD thesis
on “Political Paradigms and the Evolution of Educational
Institutions: a Non-Western Case: Thailand” (thesis
supervisor: Yveline Lecler), at the University of Lyon II / IEP
Lyon and IAO.
News - Associate Researchers
Maxime Boutry
He is currently working on the book Les trajectories
littorales de l’hégémonie birmane (The Coastal Routes of
Burmese Hegemony – in French), a project derived from an
Irasec programme (expected 2012).
He coordinated a workshop on “The ‘Moving’ Frontiers
of Burma” during the Burma Studies Conference at the
University of Marseille, 6-9 July 2010. He is currently working
on a special edition of the journal Moussons (No.17) on this
topic. He also participated in a conference on the topic of
borderland identity constructions at the Asian Borderlands
Seminar (IIAS, CESD) in November 2011 in Chiang Mai
Christine Cabasset-Semedo
She published the chapter on Timor-Leste in A. Leveau
and B. de Tréglodé (eds.), Southeast Asia 2011, Les Indes
savantes, 2011, pp. 289-307.
She is currently co-editing Irasec’s national monograph
Timor-Leste contemporain (Contemporary Timor-Leste – in
French, with Frédéric Durand and Benjamin de Araujo Corte
She is in charge of the chapter on Timor-Leste in
J. Jammes and B. de Tréglodé (eds.), Southeast Asia 2012,
Les Indes savantes-Irasec, expected in 2012.
She participated in several conferences, notably “The
Situation in Timor-Leste Today”, held on 7 July 2010 at
the French National Assembly, France-Timor Friendship
Parliamentary Group, and “Timor-Leste Independence:
Back on the Resistance Strategies and on the International
Perception of the ‘Timor Problem’” (7-9 December 2011,
during the “State Secession and Separatism in Europe and
Asia” Seminar at the University of Macau, Hong Kong Baptist
Renaud Egreteau
He published Histoire de la Birmanie contemporaine: le
pays des prétoriens (History of Contemporary Burma: the
Country of Praetorians – in French, Fayard, Paris, 2010). He
also published chapters in books and journal articles, such
- “Burmese Indians in Contemporary Burma: Heritage,
Influence and Perceptions Since 1988” in Asian Ethnicity,
12 (1), 2011, pp. 33-54.
- “Birmanie: ‘Birmanisation’” in Joao Medeiros (ed.), Le
Mondial des Nations, Paris, Editions Choiseul, 2011,
pp. 260-282.
He is co-editing Burma: The Isolation Tropism, which is
due to be published in 2012 by NUS Press.
September 20 11 - I ss ue # 7
“India’s Unquenched Ambitions in Burma”, in Lowell
Dittmer (ed.), Burma or Myanmar? The Struggle for National
Identity, World Scientific, 2010, pp. 295-325.
“Normative Europe Meets the Burmese Garrison State:
Processes, Policies, Blockages and Future Possibilities” (coauthor with David Camroux), in Cheesman, N., Skidmore, M.
and Wilson, T. (eds.), Ruling Myanmar: From Cyclone Nargis
to National Elections, Singapore, ISEAS Publications, 2010,
pp. 267-293.
He organized several workshops at international
conferences, namely:
- Burma Studies Conference (University of Marseille,
6-9 July 2010, on “Debating ‘Indophobia’ in Burma: Historical
Perspective and Contemporary Salience”).
- Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies
(AAS, Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 March – 3 April 2011, on
“Democracy Burdens: the Politics of Burmese Diasporic
Networks in Asia”).
Other conferences he participated in:
- “Perceptual Gaps: Exploring Mutual Political (Mis)Perceptions
Among Chinese and Indian Elites” (International Seminar
on Emerging China-India Cross-Cultural Interactions and
their Implications, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
3 September 2010).
- “Gems, Diaspora, and the (Relative) Impact of International
Sanctions on Burma” (2011 ANU Myanmar/Burma Update
Conference, Australian National University, Canberra
(Australia), 16-17 May 2011).
- “Democratization from within or without? Assessing
India’s Democratizing Influence in and on Burma/Myanmar”
(Myanmar 2011: Governance, Development, and Dialogue,
University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, 20-22 June 2011).
Olivier Ferrari
He is currently writing and co-editing, with Dominique Bourg
from the University of Lausanne, a book on Les politiques
environnementales en Asie du Sud-Est (Environmental
Policies in Southeast Asia), a project derived from an Irasec
programme (expected 2012).
He co-organized the roundtable discussion on “Ecology,
Money and Development in Southeast Asia” with Alice
Dubot, for Irasec and the French Centre for Research on
Contemporary China, held at Chulalongkorn University
(Bangkok) on 10 September 2010.
He participated in the Asian Borderlands Seminar (IIAS,
CESD) in November 2010 (Chiang Mai, Thailand).
Between 2009 and 2010, he was one of the board
members for the Irasec supported exhibition “Chao Lay:
Ethnic Dynamism and Cultural Revitalization” at the Princess
Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Center.
Scholarship Awards
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
Nicolas Lainez
He wrote “It’s easy to get to Phnom Penh, but hard to
get back from” – a Mapping of Prostitution mobility flows
between the Vietnamese province of An Giang to Cambodia
(in French), Discussion Paper - Observatory Series, No. 7,
2010, 35 p.
She participated in a special edition of the journal Espace
Politique, coordinated by Jacques Ivanoff and Anne-Lise
Sauterey, with her article “Du Triangle d’or au Quadrangle
économique: Acteurs, enjeux et défis des flux illicites
transfrontaliers dans le Nord-Laos” (expected end 2011).
She discussed “‘Small is interesting’: Lessons from Laos
for the Overseas Chinese Studies” at the annual conference
of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Honolulu,
31 March – 3 April 2011.
She will defend her PhD thesis, “From Communism to
Neo-Liberalism: the Role of Chinese Networks in State
Transformation in Laos” (thesis supervisor: Françoise Mengin)
on 2 December 2011 at Sciences Po (Paris).
He coordinated a special edition of the Journal of
Vietnamese Studies entitled “Commodified Bodies:
Vietnamese Women from Indochina to Today” on the topic of
human trade in Vietnam (expected in 2012).
Recently, he participated in the following conferences:
- “Forcing Issues: Re-thinking and Re-Scaling Human
Trafficking in the Asia-Pacific Region”, Asia Research Institute
and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences-Migration Research
Cluster (National University of Singapore), Singapore,
4-5 October 2010.
- “Globalization in Asia Perspectives and Prospects for the
Second Decade of 21st Century”, Graduate Institute of Asian
Studies, Tamkang University, Taipei (Taiwan), 29-30 October
- “Globalization, Human Rights and Mobility: Exploring the
Gender Trope”, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS),
Singapore, 22-23 November 2010.
- “Debt, Sale of Virgins and Sexual Economic Exchange
in the Mekong Delta: Power Negotiations Between Mother
and Daughter” (French), general seminar “Southeast Asia:
Pluridisciplinary Approaches”, Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE,
UMR 8170/CNRS-EHESS), Paris (France), 16 December
He is preparing an international workshop on debt,
interdependence and mobility at the University of Chicago
Center in Paris. It will be held in January 2012 and is expected
include the participation of 15 renowned researchers.
Sophie Lemière
She co-wrote From the Mosque to the Ballot Box. An
Introduction to Political Islam in Malaysia, with Delphine
Allès (Irasec scholarship awardee 2010-2011) and Malay
researchers, “Irasec Occasional Paper”, No. 14, 2010, 108 p.
She wrote “Malaysie, l’année du kriss” in A. Leveau and B.
de Tréglodé (eds.), Southeast Asia 2011, Les Indes savantes,
2011, pp. 199-218.
She is currently coordinating the national monograph
Contemporary Malaysia (in French, Irasec programme,
expected to be published in French and English).
Danielle Tan
She wrote the chapter “Réformes néolibérales et
perpétuation du régime communiste en RDP lao. Les fauxsemblants de la ‘démocratie de marché’”, in A. Leveau and B.
de Tréglodé (eds.), Southeast Asia 2011, Les Indes savantes,
2011, pp. 177-197.
Delphine Allès (until January 2012)
A doctoral student in International Relations, Delphine Allès
is associated with the International Studies and Research
Centre, Sciences Po, and is an associate researcher at the
Institute of Strategic Research of the Ecole Militaire. Having
obtained a Research Masters in International Relations from
Sciences Po in 2007 and an ATER at the Political Studies
Institute of Bordeaux, her thesis focuses on the role of the
religious factor in Indonesia and Malaysia’s international
integration (thesis supervisor: Bertrand Badie).
Gabriel Facal (until June 2012)
A doctoral student in the Anthropology of Sports at the
University of Provence (Aix-Marseille I), he is attached to
the Research Institute on Southeast Asia (IRSEA). Gabriel
Facal has namely published “Reflexivity-Intelligence Motor
Interaction in Martial Arts: the Case of the Penca Initiation
Ritual in Banten (Indonesia)” (Staps, No. 89, De Boeck
University, March 2010).
Alban Sciascia (until February 2011)
Alban Sciascia began his PhD thesis in Political Science
in October 2008 at the Institut d’Asie Oriental (IAO). His
supervisor is Guy Faure and his topic is “Winning Hearts and
Souls: the Indirect Approach in the Fight Against Terrorism,
the American Example in Southeast Asia”.
Christophe Vigne (until February 2011)
Christophe Vigne is a doctoral student at the University of
Paris VII. He is working on “Vietnamese Emigration Policies
Since 1986”. He began his thesis in October 2005 under the
supervision of Alain Forest (University of Paris VII).
Interns / The Obser vator y
September 20 11 - I ss ue # 7
Marie Aberdam (July – August 2010)
She studies Khmer at the Institute of Oriental Languages
and Civilizations (INALCO). She holds a Masters degree
from the University of Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne’s Center
for the History of Contemporary Asia. She is currently doing
research on the history of modern Cambodia (1945-1970).
Stéphane Landowski (September 2010)
After having attended Hypokhâgne and Khâgne, Stéphane
Landowski enrolled at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure to
study History. He then joined the University of Paris I to write
a thesis on Thai-Burmese Border Challenges. He now works
in a production company as a literary director, enabling him to
intertwine literature and film. His thesis will be left incomplete
as of now.
Stéphanie Martel (Spring 2011)
Stéphanie Martel is pursuing a Research Masters degree
in Political Science, majoring in Contemporary Asia at the
Institut d’Asie Oriental (CNRS/ENS-LSH and University of
Lyon II). She did her internship at the Observatory of Illicit
Trafficking, where she wrote on the state of illicit trafficking
in 2010 and did a study on the relationship between drug
trafficking and counterfeit medicine.
Kristian Sutherland (January - March 2011)
Kristian Sutherland specialized in Southeast Asia at the
School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of
London (SOAS). He focused on Government and Politics
of Southeast Asia. He also studied Thai language. Since his
internship, he has continued to work on Irasec’s publications
in English from his base in London.
Marie de Rugy (June – July 2011)
A graduate of the School of High Commercial Studies
(HEC) and a Masters degree holder in History from the
University of Paris Nanterre, Marie de Rugy did research on
the construction of Indochinese territory in the second half
of the 19th century, by examining the relationship between
exploration and colonization. She hopes to continue her work
through a PhD.
Illicit Crossborder Flows Programme
Seven research studies were launched in 2009 and 2010
on the topic of borders and illicit crossborder flows. Two of
these were finalized and published in 2010-2011:
- Informal and Illegal Movement in the Upper Greater
Mekong Subregion: Costs and Benefits of Informal
Networks for Goods and People, Lynn Thiesmeyer (October
- Informal Trade and Underground Economy in Myanmar:
Costs and Benefits, Winston Set Aung (July 2011)
Two books are being finalized:
- An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia: The Illegal
Trade in Arms, Drugs, People, Counterfeit Goods and
Resources, Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy (ed.) (expected 2012)
- Les portes de l’illégalité, Jacques Ivanoff, Thierry Bejard,
Olivier Ferrari, Maxime Boutry (expected 2012)
Counterfeit Programme
Two research projects were launched in 2010:
- Foyers pandémiques en Asie du Sud-Est ? Le
medicament vétérinaire en question, (Pandemic Sources
in Southeast Asia: Rethinking Veterinary Medicine), Odile
Le Minor, Observatory Series (in partnership with the World
Organization for Animal Health), expected in October 2011.
- The State of Medicine Quality in the Mekong Subregion,
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin in partnership with Mahidol
University, expected in 2012.
Quiterie de Vernou
(September –December 2011)
She is a Research Masters student in the History of
International Relations at the Centre for the History of
Contemporary Asia (CHAC-Sorbonne). She did a study on
rubber tree plantations in Vietnam from 1954 to 1975, and
their role during the Vietnam War. To complete her degree,
she will be studying the development of rubber tree cultivation
in Thailand.
Par t n e r s / M e d i a
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
Some of Irasec’s research programmes have received financial support from the following companies and institutions, for
which we are grateful:
French and foreign media in which Irasec has been mentioned in previous months.
AFP, BBC, Courrier International, Diplomatie, France Culture, France 24, Géostraté, International Mail, Latitude
France, La Croix, La Vanguardia, La Voix Eco, L'Express, Le Figaro, Le JDD, Le Petit Journal, Le Monde, Le Monde Diplomatique,
Le Nouvel Observateur, Le Parisien, Le Point, Le Soir, Le Temps, RFI, RTL, The Daily Star, The Time, 20 Minutes
ABS-CBS News,, Reuters
Kuwait Times
Agence Angola Presse,
Transaction d'Algérie,
Asia Top News, Cao Trao Nhan Ban, Gavroche, Hmong News, Huong Viet,, Kompas, Koran Jakarta, Luong Tam
Cong Giao, Macau Daily Times, New Sabah Times, Nguoi Viet Nam Yeu Nuoc, Quang Ngai Nghia Thuc, Taipei Times,, The China Post, The Independent Online Information Laos, The Jakarta Globe, The Philippines Daily Inquirer,
The Standard, The Straits Times,, VietInfo, VietlandNews, Yeuvietnam
September 20 11 - I ss ue # 7
Internet Figures
Total Number of Monthly Downloads (Occasional Papers and Discussion Papers), since March 2009
18 000
16 000
14 000
12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000
4 000
2 000
10 11 12
10 11 12
Total Number of Downloads (Occasional Papers and Discussion Papers) by Title
Policies of the Thai State towards the Malay Muslim South (OP 16, 2011)
Norms and Practices in Contemporary Rural Vietnam (OP 15, 2010)
From the Mosque to the Ballot Box (OP 14, 2010)
Thaïlande - Aux origines d'une crise (OP 13, 2010)
Islam and the 2009 Indonesian Elections, Political and Cultural Issues (OP 12, 2010)
Education, Economy and Identity (OP 11, 2009)
Des catastrophes naturelles au désastre humain (OP 10, 2010)
Timor-Leste (OP 9, 2009)
Le Viêt Nam dans l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OP 8, 2009)
Back to the Old Habits (OP 7, 2008)
Occasional Papers
Femmes prostituées dans le Sud de la Thaïlande (OP 6, 2008)
The Resurgence of Sea Piracy in Southeast Asia (OP 5, 2008)
Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation into Southern Thailand (OP 4, 2007)
Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Initiative (OP 3, 2007)
L'Etat et les Médias en Thailande pendant la transition politique (OP 2, 2007)
Zones grises des communautés chinoises en Asie du Sud-Est (OP 1, 2007)
Informal Trade and Underground Economy in Myanmar (OPO 4, 2010)
Informal and Illegal Movement in the GMS (OPO 3, 2010)
La Monnaie des frontières (OPO 2, 2009)
Perceptions of Borders and Human Migration (OPO 1, 2009)
Évolution du rôle du yuan en Asie orientale (DP 11, 2011)
State Building, Infrastructure Development and Chinese Energy Projects in Myanmar (DP 10, 2011)
Political Development in Sabah, 1985-2010 (DP 9, 2011)
The Flowering of Islamic Thought (DP 8, 2011)
Mobilité prostitutionnelle et représentations (DP 7, 2010)
Discussion Papers
Du Triangle d’or au Quadrangle économique (DP 6, 2010)
The Hegemony of an Idea (DP 5, 2009)
Timor-Leste (DP 4, 2009)
Anti-trafficking Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia (DP 3, 2008)
L’impact des catastrophes naturelles sur la résolution des conflits en Asie (DP 2, 2008)
La décentralisation indonésienne (DP 1, 2008)
1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 20 000 21 000 26 000 27 000 28 000 29 000 30 000
Top Ten Most Downloaded Works
From the Mosque to the Ballot Box (OP 14, 2010)
Thaïlande - Aux origines d'une crise (OP 13, 2010)
Timor-Leste (OP 9, 2009)
Education, Economy and Identity (OP 11, 2009)
Des catastrophes naturelles au désastre humain (OP 10, 2010)
Le Viêt Nam dans l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OP 8, 2009)
The Resurgence of Sea Piracy in Southeast Asia (OP 5, 2008)
La Monnaie des frontières (OPO 2, 2009)
Perceptions of Borders and Human Migration (OPO 1, 2009)
Informal and Illegal Movement in the GMS (OPO 3, 2010)
1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 20 000 21 000 26 000 27 000 28 000 29 000 30 000
Se p t e mb er 201 1 - Issu e # 7
The Irasec Catalogue
Our complete catalogue is available for download in PDF format from our
website, in the “Download” tab.
Director: Benoît de Tréglodé
Deputy Director: Jérémy Jammes
Observatory Coordinator: Anne-Lise Sauterey
Newsletter Editorial Assistant: Marie de Rugy
Layout : Mikaël Brodu
Irasec, 29 Sathorn Tai Rd, Bangkok 10120 Thaïlande
Tél : + 66 (0) 26 27 21 80 / Fax : +66 (0) 26 27 21 85
Contact : Jérémy Jammes (
Internet Website: