UST`s e-LeAP: Jumpstarting an e-Learning Initiative for Thomasians
UST`s e-LeAP: Jumpstarting an e-Learning Initiative for Thomasians
UST’s e-LeAP: Jumpstarting an e-Learning Initiative for Thomasians Prof. Alberto A. Laurito and Asso. Prof. Ninia I. Calaca ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1 Overview ASAIHL Seminar 9 Introduction 9 What is e-LeAP? 9 Why the e-LeAP? 9 Was UST ready for the e-LeAP? 9 What are WECs and FOCs? 9 How did e-LeAP start? 9 Did e-LeAP work? 9 Where is e-LeAP now? 9 What’s ahead for e-LeAP? 9 Conclusion University of Santo Tomas, Manila 2 ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 3 What is e-LeAP? 9 9 9 It stands for the e-Learning Access Program, an e-learning initiative approved by the University Father Rector on August 9, 2002 and is now being implemented by the Ed-Tech Center. It aims to provide e-learning exposure to the Thomasian Community through Web-Enhanced Courses (WECs) or Fully Online Courses (FOCs). It is a fast track program, and its full implementation is expected by 2006. ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 4 Why the e-LeAP? 9 To enhance learning by extending the learning experience beyond the classroom – – – Posting of Course Information/Documents/ lecture notes/ assignments Collaboration Assessment 9 To avail of the World Wide Web as additional Resource for Learning 9 To encourage a continuing interaction among learners through the web 9 To facilitate Class Management 9 To build a community of e-learners ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 5 ♦ ( r e n r a e L ♦ ♦ e tr n u et mc u sr s t e S s s e As r u o C f o g ei n ec r a g P e D & d n s l a l i k s , S s n sn t o s n g i o oi t n e i i a t t r n i c u e s r l e t a a n r n v i e a i e d r E , L c T s f n l m d e e i e t ns a c s ( a i n r s s o e sf r i s n e e r e o g e yP ) i c a t t p s i t n a x n c s S e v r E a r i r e t p e e e d ck o a f f s i n n e e Mr C L sr a o e e r P c e k Sn ee e g c ga r e n d n tS e e ie p l d w te e d L i n c n g of a e n n en d t l i K o mo e s t l c c r a w e r - sf s i s f d o n r o ln l e e e e r s P SK UV Ss A ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 6 University of Santo Tomas, Manila ASAIHL Seminar ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ s r e hsks hcrer e e cak e Sn o a ho e r r c ega p r n a Si p p e o d A p L r e n A p g c e p idal t e i g Ac e s t e l r a a t w pf e s a er odr r e nne ut DSS KUV ♦ s i s y l a n A s d e e N g n i n n g r i a s e e L D f l o a n g o i n s i t e n c v o u i i t t r i c t d s en j n b o I OC t r o p p u S r e n r a e L d n a y h t a h p m E d n a n o i t a u l a v E ♦ r o t a t i l i c a F s a r e h c a e T ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ,) s . r c o t he c , nn t a e ,m s r e e c z i r n o a f n g i r e o r ee , c c ni a t c v a d r a p ♦ Figure 2. UST’s Conceptual Paradigm of e-Learning Was UST Ready for the e-LeAP? “Can we (UST) really start and sustain an e-learning system ?” ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 7 Was UST Ready for the e-LeAP? S ys te m Re adine s s Le arne r Re adine s s •• VIS VISION ION •• LEADERS LEADERSHIP HIP •• RES RESOURCES OURCES Ins titutio nal S uppo rt Fac ulty S uppo rt Figure 1. Key Issues in eLearning ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 8 UST’s Edge 9 9 9 9 Network Infrastructure Faculty Resources Student Access Learning Management System ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 9 Network Infrastructure 9 Adequate and affordable network bandwidth on demand 9 Timely access to equipment and software 9 Dedicated network staff ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 10 Faculty Resources 9 Large pool of potential course cartridge developers 9 Dedicated developers and the invaluable support of their classes in piloting the program ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 11 Faculty Support/Readiness 9 9 9 9 9 ASAIHL Seminar Existence of champions Retooling Program Access provision Multimedia-equipped classroom Openness to Change University of Santo Tomas, Manila 12 e-LeAP Organization at the Start 9 Program Director 9 Project Manager 9 Training and Development Manager 9 Content and Deployment Manager 9 Technology and Infrastructure Manager ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 13 Learner Readiness 9 Capability to participate: 9 9 9 ASAIHL Seminar Learners’ IT Competence Personal Access learner resistance – non-issue University of Santo Tomas, Manila 14 Student Readiness Profile of Respondents • more than 80% of the respondents are students • 52% female and 46% male • access BB at UST, home, and internet cafes • 85% have Personal Computers at home • 83% have internet connection at home ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 15 Student Access 9 External Campus Access 9 PCs at home, Internet Cafes around the campus and elsewhere 9 Internal Campus Access 9 EdTech (TomWeb Café, Multimedia Production Room), Library Internet access areas, Tomasino Multimedia Classrooms (250), Computer Laboratories 9 Coordination of University network Infrastructures of the USTETC and the STEPS (formerly USTCC) ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 16 Institutional Support/Readiness 9 Infrastructure development 9 Funding 9 Policy Support ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 17 Learning Management System Blackboard 6.0 Basic Edition (now V6.17 enterprise ed with community portal) vs Other LMS/ CMS/ LCMS ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 18 What are WECs/FOCs? 9 9 Web Enhanced Courses (WECs) are traditional courses supplemented by web content and interaction between the students and faculty. Fully Online Courses (FOCs) are stand alone courses with minimum face-to-face contact between the students and the faculty. ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 19 - Before eLeap: Series of training on Productivity Softwares and other Educational Technology media - During eLeAP: Summary of Trainings/Orientation Facilitated for eLeAP during Phase II ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 20 Trainings/Orientation Summary of Trainings/ Orientation Facilitated for eLeAP by the ELMT during Phase II Date # of Trained/ Oriented on e-LeAP Faculty 1 Boot WebCamp April 10 -11, 2003 60 2 e-Counseling Boot WebCamp April 21- 22, 2003 19 3 NSTP Facilitators March 1, 2003/ 41 Guidance Counselors NSTP Facilitators 3 April 2003 Deans and Administrators 4 Dean’s WebCamp (Part I) May 7, 2003 7 5 GradSchool Boot WebCamp May 16-17, 2003 6 NSTP Student Orientation June1--, 2003 7 Extreme WebCamp June 2-3, 2003 13 8 Deans’ WebCamp (Part 2) Sept. 6, 2003 13 GradSchool Faculty 13 Students 3,700 Course Developers Deans and Administrators IT Committee and IPEA Admin 9 It Committee and IPEA Sept.19, 2003 12 10 Librarians Sept. 20, 2003 14 11 e-LeA2P2 Sept. 27, 2003 10 12 EdTech Staff October 7, 2003 14 13 e-Guidance Counseling (Part 2) October 13, 2003 10 14 TomCat - Japan Project September 13, 2003 4 15 Special Extreme Web Camp for Developers Oct. 21, 22, 27, 2003 17 16 BB' s FUN November 5-6, 2003 39 17 Web Based Activities Seminar (WebQuest) January 26, 2004 20 18 Web Camp for Dominican Community January 24, 2004 8 19 Web Camp for Dominican Community January 31, 2004 8 20 Web Camp for Dominican Community February 7, 2004 7 21 GS Special Training January 21, 2004 2 Medical Doctors Dec 4, 5, 2003 Librarians Alumni EdTech Staff Guidance Counselors Japanese Visitors Developers Course Cartridge Users Course Developers Dominican Fathers Dominican Fathers Dominican Fathers GS Faculty Members 14 Medical Soctors 22 Total ASAIHL Seminar 4045 University of Santo Tomas, Manila 21 How did e-LeAP start? 9 Acquisition of a “new” BlackBoard 9 Development of a Project Implementation Plan 9 Identification of Pilot Courses 9 Identification of Faculty Developers 9 Training 9 Upgrading of Infrastructure 9 Development of Course Cartridges 9 Deployment of Course Cartridges 9 Evaluation of Deployed Course Cartridges ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 22 Did e-LeAP Work? 9 Course Site Evaluation 9 BlackBoard System Evaluation 9 Evaluation of Deployed Courses 9 Interview with the Faculty Members actually involved in the Pilot (Phase I) ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 23 Overall Rating D e l i v e ry o f t he c o urs e c o nt e nt v ia B B Not Applicable C l a s s ro o m i nt e g ra t io n Very Poor Poor Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair B la c kb o a rd S y s t e m C o nt e nt 0 1 2 3 4 Scale ASAIHL Seminar 5 6 Qualitative Rating 1.00 - 1.50 not applicable/ not provided 1.51 - 2.50 very inadequate/ very poor 2.51 - 3.50 inadequate/ poor 3.51 - 4.50 average/ fair 4.51 - 5.50 good/ satisfactory 5.51 - 6.00 very good/ very satisfactory University of Santo Tomas, Manila 24 Highlights of AY 2003 - 2004 • Fully On-line Courses • 38 Web –Enhanced Courses • 6,312 students • 32 trainings, conferences and seminars • 4,055 Thomasian oriented on Bb system • 2 Exemplary Papers at National e-Learning Conference • Notable Participation in Asia-Pacific and U.S. Blackboard Conferences ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 25 Highlights of AY 2004 -2005 • Two Fully On-line Courses in place • Additional 11 Web –Enhanced Courses developed • 22 WEC for development, including e-guidance • 15,826 enrolled users • 18 trainings held • Creation of Organizational sites • UST Planning 2004 • UST MidYear Planning 2004 • TQM Central • Edtech Quality Team • PAD Central • SWDB and Student Organization Sites ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 26 Where is e-LeAP Now? ASAIHL Seminar 9 Evaluation of Developed and Deployed Courses 9 Identification of New Courses 9 Identification of New Faculty Developers 9 Continuing Training for Developers 9 Course Cartridge Development and Deployment 9 Training for Course Cartridge Users 9 Customized Training for Professional Courses 9 Development of Other Blackboard Applications 9 Upgrading of Hardware 9 Target Number: 18, 000+ users by end of AY 2005-06 9 Extension Training for DOMNET schools University of Santo Tomas, Manila 27 Chart Showing Number of Actual eLeAP users 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 Series1 6000 4000 2000 0 2nd Sem AY 2002-03 ASAIHL Seminar 1st Sem 2nd Sem AY2003-04 1st Sem 2nd Sem AY 2004-05 University of Santo Tomas, Manila 28 Chart Showing the Percentage of General Courses Developed 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AY 2002-2003 ASAIHL Seminar AY 2003-04 University of Santo Tomas, Manila AY 2004-05 29 Chart Showing the Evaluation Results of the Implemented Courses 5 4 AY 2002-2003 3 AY 2003-04 AY 2004-05 2 1 0 AY 2002-2003 AY 2003-04 AY 2004-05 Legend: 1.0 – 1.5 – very inadequate/ very poor 1.6 – 2.5 - inadequate/ poor 2.6 - 3.5 – average/ fair 3.6 – 4.5 – much average/ satisfactory 4.6 – 5.0 – very much average/ very satisfactory ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 30 Chart Showing the Percentage of Faculty Members Involved in eLearning 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% AY 2002-2003 ASAIHL Seminar AY 2003-04 University of Santo Tomas, Manila AY 2004-05 31 e-LeAP Organization Now 9 Program Director 9 Project Manager 9 Training and Development Manager 9 Content and Deployment Manager 9 Technology and Infrastructure Manager 9 Pool of Course Site Developers 9 Pool of Educational Technology & E-learning Applications CoacHes (ETEACH) ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 32 This is eLeAP ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 33 What’s Ahead for e-LeAP? 9 Development of new courses 9 Deployment of Developed Courses 9 Planning of Next Batch of Major Courses/Faculty 9 More WebCamps/ Trainings 9 Development of Building Blocks 9 More Powerful BlackBoard Servers 9 Improved Access Systems 9 Other BlackBoard Applications ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 34 Conclusion 9 Global Status 9 Pioneer and Trend - Setter 9 Streamlined Operations 9 Globally Competitive Students/ Graduates 9 Enhanced Faculty 9 Lower Attrition Rate ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 35 Thank You! ASAIHL Seminar University of Santo Tomas, Manila 36
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