hafeez makki


hafeez makki
Tazkiyah Academy
Student Handbook 2016-17
About Us………………………………………… 1
Tazkiyah Academy………………………… 1
Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed (db)………… 2
Our Teachers………………………………………3
What is English CIL?...........................................................5
Course Design and Aim……………………..5
Program Structure…………………………...6
Program Overview…..……………….…….…8
Program Schedule……………………………8
Course Policies…………………………..……..…..9
Attendance and Class Recordings..…………9
Skype Sessions………………………………10
LMS – What is LMS?................................................10
Books/ E-books……………………...………....10
Add/ Drop Period & Academic Calendar…..11
Tarbiyah and Tazkiyah……...……………….11
Student Support and Services…………...…..11
Frequently Asked Questions…………………..…12
Tazkiyah Academy
Tazkiyah Academy (for men) is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-political online educational institute dedicated to Islamic learning and spirituality, founded by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed. Our courses cover four distinct strands of Islamic learning – Quran,
Hadith, Jurisprudence and Spirituality – and draw on the rich scholarly tradition of the
Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama‟ah.
Courses from Tazkiyah Academy aim to meet the needs of the Muslim of today. From
the utilization of modern educational approaches in teaching classical Islamic texts to
contextualizing the rich scholarly tradition of Islam for the current times, Tazkiyah Academy is unique in its embrace of tradition and technology. Our programs are carefully designed to incorporate the schedules of different groups of working professionals and
students. All of our courses are free of cost.
Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed (db)
Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed is a qualified Islamic scholar and university academic in the field
of Islamic studies, specializing in Qur’an, Hadith, Law, History, Spirituality, and Ethics. He is currently a Doctoral Fellow in Islamic Intellectual History at the Berlin Graduate School.
Born and raised in Manhattan, he has a Bachelors from the University of Chicago and a Masters
from the University of Oxford. He also traveled and spent many years pursuing an intensive fulltime study of the classical disciplines of Islamic learning and was awarded formal certifications as
an ‘Alim and Mufti.
For the past 20 years, he has formally guided seekers on the spiritual path of becoming closer to
Allah (Swt) and regularly delivers talks and offers courses at universities, masjids, and institutions
of learning in countries across the UK, Europe, and South Africa.
The Shaykh has also established academies offering free education in classical Islamic learning and
spirituality through both live and online courses for men and women around the world.
Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed
Mufti Ishaaq Ebrahim Moosa
Mufti Ishaaq Ebrahim Moosa is a qualified Islamic scholar and Mufti . Born and raised in
Benoni in Johannesburg, South Africa, he completed his „Alim class at Madrassah Islamia
Azaadville and his Ifta course under Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb at Madrassah In'aamiyah
Camperdown .He has also travelled extensively through the Islamic world in pursuit of further studies and the company of honourable Shuyukh. He has been in the close company of
Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed, having also taken bayt to him.
He regularly delivers talks and offers hifdh ul Quran and one on one courses in classical Islamic learning.
Mufti Arshad Rawat
Mufti Arshad Rawat was born and raised in Stanger, South Africa. After memorizing the Holy Quran, he continued his pursuit ofIislamic education, graduating from Darul Uloom
Azaadville with formal authorization in Islamic sciences and thereafter specializing in legal
judgment (iftā‟) from the same illustrious institution. During this time, he also attended classes on the principles of Hadith studying various traditional texts on the subject. This was
followed by a BA Honors degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Johannesburg. He
also regularly delivers talks and courses in classical Islamic learning.
Ml. Irshaad Sedick
Ml Irshaad Sedick initiated his Islamic education at Darun Naim Institute of Higher Islamic
Learning. He furthered his education at the Dar al-„Ulum al-„Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah (DUAI)
in Strand, Western Cape under the guidance of Mufti Taha Karaan. He graduated from DUAI in 2011 and has been teaching at the institute, full time, since 2014. Ml Irshaad holds formal ijazat from a number of renown Islamic scholars (Sh Muhammad „Awamah, Ml Abdul
Hafeez Makki, Sh Muhammad Ya‟qubi Dimashqi, Sh Muhammad bin Yahya Ninowi, Sh
Salmaan al-Nadwi, Mufti Taha Karaan, Dr. Jonathan Brown).
Ustadh Ussama Ahmad Khan
Ustadh Ussama Ahmad Khan was born and raised in Punjab, Pakistan. He completed his undergraduate studies from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in 2013
studying management, economics, Islamic Studies and philosophy. In 2016, he completed
postgraduate studies from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
For over six years, Ustadh Ussama has pursued the classical uloom of deen learning Tafsir,
Hadith, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh and Arabic grammar from some of the most distinguished ulama
in Pakistan. He is in the advanced stages of the „Alimiyya degree. He has also remained in the
close company of Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed (db) for a number of years.
A. Course Design & Aim
English Classical Islamic Learning (ECIL) is a PRE-Alim program, designed to introduce
men to the classical methodology of Islamic knowledge and scholarship through a modern
educational approach. The philosophy of the course is distinct in its embrace of the entire
academic tradition of the Ahl-al Sunnah wal-Jama‟ah with respect for all scholars of Tafsir,
Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul al-fiqh. Moreover, ECIL highlights the importance of spiritual purification (tazkiyah) and inner reform (islah). We expect our students to not only learn the
knowledge of the Deen of Islam but also the feelings and haqeeqah of the knowledge.
The purpose of this online course is to provide an opportunity to study the major foundation modules of the 'Alim course online to those who are unable to study full-time the disciplines of Islamic learning live. Those who complete the program over the course of several years will have studied all of the texts and disciplines traditionally taught in the first
several years of the conventional “„Alim” course, However, being qualified and recognized
as an „Alim requires intensive formal study, and therefore, the last 1-2 years of the course
must be performed onsite, live, in person, with one of our recommended institutions in the
UK or South Africa. Furthermore, being qualified and recognized as an „Alim requires a
deep level of taqwa and tazkiyah that is only really obtained through live interaction and
suhbah with the mashaikh and auliyah, as well as senior scholars and ulema of our Ummah.
As the course progresses year-to-year, we will continually encourage students to develop
their spirituality and try to identify opportunities for them to do so.
B. Program Structure*
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Quran 101 Tajwid
Quran 201 Translation
Commentary of
Quran (
Juz 11-25)
Quran 301 Translation and
Commentary of Quran
( Juz 1-10)
Hadith 201 Riyad usSalehin
Hadith 301 Riyad us-Salehin
Quran 102 Translation and
Commentary of Quran
Juz 26-30)
Hadith 101 Zad at-Talebeen
Fiqh 101 Fundamentals of
Hanafi or Shafi‟i Fiqh (Fiqh
of Taharah, Salah, Sawm,
Zakah & Hajj)
Arabic 101 Sarf
Arabic 102 Nahw (Syntax)
Quran 302 Al Fawz Al Kabir
Fiqh 301 Hidayah Vol 1/
Fiqh 201 Mukhtasar al Shafi‟I Fiqh Text
-Quduri/Shafi‟I Fiqh
Fiqh 302 Fiqh of InheritanceSiraji
Arabic 201 Ilm usSeegha (Morphology)
Usul 301 Usul al-Shashi
Arabic 202 Hidayat un- Logic 101 Mantiq
Nahw (Syntax)
Rhetoric 101 Balagah
Literature 101 Qasas
Aqaid 101 Al Aqeeda
B. Program Structure*
Year 4
Year 5
Quran 401 Jalalyn Vol 1
Quran 501 Tafsir Al Bayzawi
Quran 402 Jalalyn Vol 2-3
Hadith 501 Nukhbatul Fikr
Hadith 401 Khayr ul-Usul
Hadith 503 Mishkat Vol 2
Hadith 402 Mishkat Vol 1
Fiqh 501 Hidayah Vol 3/Shafi‟I Fiqh Text
Fiqh 401 Hidayah Vol 2/Shafi‟I
Fiqh Text
Fiqh 502 Hidayah Vol 4/Shafi‟I Fiqh Text
Aqaid 201 Sharah Aqaid
*Please note that this curriculum is tentative and
Tazkiyah Academy reserves
the right to change it at any
**Last one to two years of
the ‘Alim program must be
completed onsite at a full
time Dar ul Uloom recommended by Tazkiyah Academy
C. Program Overview
Program Duration: 5-6 Years
Weekly Time Commitment: 10-12 hours/week in class (This is expected to increase in
advanced years of the program)
Program Cost: Free
d. Program Schedule
Classes Begin: August 14, 2016
Classes End: May 2017
Days: To be decided based on availability of enrolled students*
Timings: To be decided based on availability of enrolled students*
*Enrolled students will be asked to give their preferences for class timings. The administration will try to accommodate as many students as possible.
**Recordings will be available for those who find timings inconvenient.
A. Attendance and Class Recordings
Students will self-mark their attendance in their attendance sheets which will be provided to
them on the Learning Management System (LMS). Students will be given an attendance
guide and policy once they settle in the course. Attendance will not be marked in the first
two weeks as they will be add-drop weeks.
Once attendance marking starts, TAs and Coordinators will analyze the attendance sheets
daily for each student and provide the necessary feedback. This support team of TAs
provides consistent support to those students who are falling behind in maintaining
adequate attendance, by sending them reminder emails and by encouraging and
counseling them on how to keep up with the pace of the course.
The attendance sheets will be checked by teachers at the end of each week.
In order to take the “term exams” and eventually final exam, at least 80% attendance is
required for each subject.
Students who miss a class due to a genuine reason (e.g. class timings are overlapping with
their job or university timings or if they have applied for leave which is approved) will be
eligible to access class recordings. Each recording is available for a period of 2 weeks from
the day the class took place. After that, they are closed by the TAs. This policy applies to
self-paced students too.
b. Skype Sessions
All the students need to have a free Skype account through which they can communicate
with their teachers and TAs outside the class timings. Arabic recital sessions and Arabic text
reading sessions are usually held on Skype groups.
c. LMS – what is LMS?
LMS (Learning Management System) is the home of English CIL. It‟s an online portal to
exchange notes, class slides, reading material, news, feedback and find answers to queries
and confusions. It is the heart of student-student and student-teacher interaction.
Important news and announcements are posted on the Home page. Each core subject of
CIL program has its own course page, where class links, assignment and exam uploads and
submission folders are found.
e. Add Drop Period and Academic Calendar
First two weeks of the 1st term are considered as an add-drop period; this is a trial period to
get a feel of the learning environment. You are welcome to discuss any problems or issues
with the Student Services and Support team. Students who are convinced that they want to
drop out should do so within this time period by filling the Exit Form on the LMS.
Each term will have an updated academic calendar on LMS which will outline the study
period, for that term, exam days and holidays (such as Eid break and national holidays).
F. Tarbiyyah and Tazkiyyah
At Tazkiyah Academy, tazkiyah and tarbiyyah (spiritual & personal development) lie at the
heart of learning. Weekly online talks and personal time spent with the teachers will be a key
feature of the program that will enable students to get closer to Allah (swt).
I. Student Support & Services
English CIL comes with a team of teachers, TAs, and counselors to assist you in learning. This
assistance helps grow our students spiritually and supports them to withstand the day to day
crunch times. Students are encouraged to make use of the personal one-on-one support office
hours via phone, Skype, or personal meetings.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us at ecil@tazkiyahacademy.org if you have any queries or concerns.
Please also visit our Facebook page and website for regular updates.
1. Is there a fee for the course?
There is no fee for the course; however students have to purchase their own books or
make use of e-books.
2. Do I need to be expert in using computer and internet for taking this course?
You need to know basics about using a computer, earphones and internet to be able to
find your way into classes and LMS. Not being an internet expert shouldn‟t be a
deterrent, our teachers and students are always here to help you out.
3. I want to study an Islamic course to gain knowledge about our Deen but I am
not sure if I would be able to commit myself for entire 5 – 6 years. Can I enroll for
one year initially?
Yes. First step matters a lot. You can enroll and see if you can manage and wish to take
your studies with us forward. 5 – 6 years are recommended and we are here to assist you.
Otherwise, you can always consider coming back and join us where you left.
5. What if I’m not fluent in English?
It shouldn‟t be a problem. Being able to understand and articulate simple day to day
conversations in English should be enough for making the most out of our classes.