- New Direction Christian Church


- New Direction Christian Church
Dr. Stacy L. Spencer, Senior Pastor
Laschandra M. Brooks
Marketing & Communications Director
Joyce E. McKinney
New Direction Executive Team
Brandi Heard, Derwin Sisnett
Dr. Kelvin E. Turner, Glenda Yancey
Keisha Gross - Parenting Principles
Tasha Palmer - Cultural Happenings
Shabrenda Davis, Glenda Yancey,
Chris Evans - Cover shot
Entice Advertising & Graphic Design, LLC
New Direction Christian Church
NDCC Hickory Hill
6120 Winchester Road, Memphis, TN 38115
NDCC Collierville
114 Hwy. 72 East, Collierville, TN 38018
NDCC Hickory Hill: (901) 433-3871
NDCC Collierville: (901) 316-0330
24-Hour Prayer Line: (901) 849-PRAY
Toll-Free: (877) 686-6322
N2NewDirection.org • StacySpencer.org
The COMPASS staff would love to hear from you
with questions, comments or concerns. Address
correspondence, including your full name,
address and daytime phone number to
COMPASS, 6120 Winchester Road, fax (901)
433-3871 or COMPASS@N2NewDirection.org.
© 2008. New Direction Christian Church. All rights reserved.
Keep Moving Forward..................................3
Parenting Principles...................................19
Cultural Happenings...................................16
The Crisis of Hip Hop & the Church.............6
Fitness on a Budget......................................8
Taking Our Community Back......................14
Takes Center Stage
at New Direction
Recipes from our Members........................20
Single in the City.........................................23
Surviving the Storm....................................24
Cover Photo
New Direction stands strong as a
symbol of God’s miraculous power hours
after the fatal tornado touches down
only blocks away.
A Letter from Our Pastor
Keep Moving Forward
Happy Resurrection Day!
Can you believe we are celebrating
Easter already? It is no accident that
we’ve released COMPASS on Easter.
This issue marks the rebirth of our magazine. Our goal is to inform, inspire and
entertain you with spiritual, community
and Christian lifestyle content.
In this issue, Pastor Turner sheds light
on our re-energized marriage ministry.
The divorce rates in this country are
continuing to climb. Some researchers
report statistics as high as 50% of
marriages end in divorce. As alarming
as those figures are, there is hope.
Couples who reported they attended
church together once a week or more
have relatively lower divorce rates,
according to a 2004 General Social
Survey. Married couples, I strongly
encourage you to become a part of our
thriving ministry. Rhonda and I are so
committed to marriages that we are
facilitating a four-week class in May, 40
Nights of Great Sex, exclusively for
married couples as a part of our
Leadership Institute. See the COMPASS
ad for more details.
Also, in this issue, we have a story, The
Crisis of Hip Hop & The Church, where
our UNCUT volunteer,
Heard, probes the
question are Hip
The subject intrigues me as a true fan of
Hip Hop, from the old school rhymes of
Public Enemy, Curtis Blow, and LL Cool J
to the new school flavor of Kanye West
and Common. I believe the question is
“Are Hip Hop and the Church failing to
reach our young people?” At New
Direction, we believe we have the answer
with the real, relevant and raw ministry
of UNCUT. Check out the story on page 9.
Finally, we couldn’t do COMPASS without
the story, Surviving the Storm sharing
how we survived the February 5th tornado that ripped through our Hickory Hill
Until, the next COMPASS issue,
Dr. Stacy L. Spencer
Senior Pastor
Dr. Spencer and
Rhonda were happy to
welcome actress,
Kerry Washington
to New Direction.
I Silenced God
and He Eventually Silenced Me
Laschandra M. Brooks, Editor-in-Chief
In fact, it wasn’t until Pastor Spencer
introduced and strongly encouraged (in
his own special way) journaling during
our weekly staff meetings that I began to
tune out distractions to hear God’s voice.
Many of the scriptures I’d read countless
times before. However, the scriptures
began to take on different meanings
using the SOAP model (Scriptures,
Observation, Application and Prayer).
God began to speak louder with each
journal encounter. I began to understand
how I’d allowed outside distractions to
totally consume my spirit and silence His
voice. In the span of less than a year; my
grandmother suffered a stroke, I began
graduate school, ended a quasi-relationship and worked non-stop. I literally
detached from God in His presence.
Here I was working for the church
and was on the brink of burnout.
for t it was
“I plrato me whisasing.”
revea I was m
God silenced the one thing I took pride in
… my talent – my creative voice – to get
my attention. Months passed and I still
had nothing to write from my heart.
Then, one day, I woke up unusually early.
I prayed for God to reveal to me what it
was I was missing. He simply replied, me.
1 Kings 8:28: Yet give attention to your
servant's prayer and his plea for mercy,
O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the
prayer that your servant is praying in
your presence this day.
weeks, I contemplated what to
share in this issue’s column. Despite
numerous attempts to write something
… anything, I sat staring at a blank
computer screen. I was having a serious case of writers’ block. I began to
wonder if I was losing, what many
writers describe as, my creative voice.
A serious case of doubts began to set in
especially since the previous columns
came so easy. I wondered if I’d shared
all I had to share.
2 Chronicles 34:27: Because your heart
was responsive and you humbled yourself before God when you heard what he
spoke against this place and its people,
and because you humbled yourself before
me and tore your robes and wept in my
presence, I have heard you, declares the
I now understand my voice is God’s voice
and without Him there is nothing to say.
I’m beginning to put everything in proper
perspective thanks to what I call God’s
personal prescription for peace.
Prayer and daily devotion using the
NDCC Journal. When I journal and spend
quality time with God, I’m more centered
and less agitated. It is never too late for
you to start. Pick up your free copy from
the NDCC Welcome Center. You can
download the reading schedule on the
NDCC website under the Resources tab
at www.N2NewDirection.org
Be intentional about having balance.
Sounds easy, but for hyper Type A personalities, like myself, rest can sometimes
seem like the death of productivity.
Pastor Spencer teaches taking frequent
breaks actually allows us to become more
productive as our minds are allowed to
Accountability Circle. Shout-outs to
Joyce, Keisha, Shabrenda, and Denise.
These ladies are my prayer warriors.
When I begin to take myself too seriously,
each in their own loving way, aren’t afraid
to tell me to get a grip and they remind
me – it’s not about me but all about God.
Exercise. Honestly, I’m still working on
this one. LOL. Seriously, I know when I
take time to simply take a brisk walk I
release endorphins, which stimulate
brain activity, creativity and positive
I can’t promise you these four steps will
be your exact prescription for peace. But,
with all certainty, I can tell you if you
seek God first, He will tell you exactly
what you need.
Brandi Heard, UNCUT Volunteer
when did you fall in love with
Hip Hop?” This is the most famous line
from the 2002 hit movie Brown Sugar.
But if we flip this question and relate it
to Christianity, then, we would ask
“when did I fall in love with the church?”
Both Christianity and Hip Hop are facing
a crisis; many feel the church and Hip
Hop are dead. Especially, when you consider the dwindling numbers of young
people actively involved in church or
when you consider what some characterize as the “commercialization” of Hip
Hop. New Direction Christian Church has
the answer for critics and naysayers with
the launch of UNCUT, where Hip Hop
and the church live on in a powerful way.
to the people who are often left behind,
just as church is the communication
headquarters to The Holy Trinity. The
challenge is to reach those in a culture
where the image of God and the church
have only been seen through slammed
doors, where they have been rejected
because of their situations, their dress, or
their speech. Why do most in inner city
neighborhoods run to drugs, prostitution,
crime, and gang violence? It is because
they have not been embraced by the
camaraderie, the love, and the saving
grace that the church should offer versus
the immediate “love” that the streets offer.
Hip Hop is the language of a culture that
some feel often sheds a negative light.
But if you take a closer look at “real”
Hip Hop music, you will find that it tells
the true, explicit stories that are central
to our culture. The church must embrace
Hip Hop because it is the communicator
UNCUT seeks to evangelize and reach
those who listen to the voice of Hip Hop
and want to be saved. We tackle the explicit stories of real people on the streets with
real struggles, raw situations, and relevant revelations. If something is uncut, it
means that it is not altered in form.
6:00 pm Saturdays
at NDCC Hickory Hill
This is how The Word of God should be delivered: in raw form and not doctored, pure
unadulterated GOSPEL. The question today for UNCUT is, “how do you reach a
culture that is not searching to be found? A culture that is being called ‘Dead’, a
culture that is UNAWARE of its problem, UNFOUND in its conviction, and
UNFILLED in its purpose. The answer is giving them a life-changing experience that
brings them face to face with themselves. An experience that is so RAW, that you can’t
help but to check yourself while walking out the door,” said Pastor Broderick
Connesero, Lead Pastor, UNCUT.
Come and get the UNCUT experience 6:00 pm Saturdays at 6120 Winchester Road in
the Chapel. Free transportation is available for those who may need it, by calling (901)
333-6891. To learn more the about the UNCUT Movement, log on to N2NewDirection.org
and click the ministry tab or log on the myspace.com/uncutministry.
Fitne$$ on a Budget
Low-cost ideas for shaping up
Gym memberships can be expensive.
But there are other options for getting in shape. If the only thing keeping
If you'd rather not
spend a penny on
exercise equipment,
use ordinary household items for various upper and lower body exercises.
you from starting a fitness program is
the cost of a gym membership, here's
good news. You don't need to join a gym
to take exercise seriously. Plenty of lowcost alternatives can help you get fit
without breaking your budget.
Canned goods: Many canned goods can
serve double duty as hand weights.
Take advantage of everyday opportunities. You don't necessarily need special
equipment for a cardiovascular workout.
With a little planning, activities you take
for granted can become part of your exercise routine.
Milk or water jugs: Fill empty milk or
water jugs with water or sand and secure
the tops with duct tape. To adjust the
weights as your fitness level changes,
simply add more water or sand. If you
wonder how much weight you're lifting,
simply weigh the jug on your household
• Step it up. Take a brisk walk every day,
whether it's a path through your neighborhood or laps in a local mall. Take the
stairs instead of the elevator — or make a
full workout of climbing the stairs. Sneak
in extra steps whenever you can by parking farther away from your destination.
Potatoes: A 5- or 10-pound bag of potatoes
can provide added resistance for various
Step Stool: Even a low, sturdy step stool
can become exercise equipment if you use
it for step training — an aerobic exercise
resembling stair climbing.
• Make a workout of household chores.
Mow the lawn, weed the garden or rake
the leaves. Even indoor activities such as
vacuuming and scrubbing count as a
workout if you increase your heart rate.
Exercise can do you a world of good. But
it won't if you focus more on the trappings than on the actual physical activity. Don't get caught up in memberships
or purchases you can't afford. Concentrate
on your fitness goals — and how to achieve
them without breaking your budget.
• Join in the fun. If you have children,
don't just watch them play. Join them for
a game of tag or kickball. Walk them to
the park. Dance. Take a family bike ride.
Consider modest
investments if you're
looking for fitness
bargains, these
inexpensive exercise
products may be a
good bet:
•Resistance bands
•Exercise videos
Marriages Take Center Stage
at New Direction
Left to Right: Tori and Sheri Holt stand with
Elders Deborah and Larry Smith at
Celebration of Marriages Event
Dr. Kelvin Turner, Executive Pastor
“Simply divine” and “We needed this night out” were sentiments echoed by couples who
attended the Celebration of Marriages event in December. The evening of elegance
included dinner, dancing and allowed couples to connect with others in a fun and
relaxed atmosphere. Couples enjoyed friendly competition with games and door prizes.
“I can’t wait until the next event as Larry and I thoroughly enjoyed the time together.
But most of all, the evening allowed us a chance to meet other NDCC couples whom we
see Sundays or Tuesdays, but never get a chance to connect with,” said Deborah Smith.
The Celebration of Marriage event signaled a rebirth for the ministry which seeks to
proactively strengthen the five-fold pillars of New Direction’s Marriage Ministry: The
Wedding Ministry, Marital Counseling, Marriage Mentoring, Marriage Ministry
Enrichment Classes and Marriage Ministry Activities.
The Wedding Ministry helps couples prepare
for their wedding day through our in-house wedding coordinator, and to ensure that couples have
signed up for the proper support and counseling.
To learn more, call the Wedding Ministry Line at
(901) 333-6878.
Marital Counseling includes pre-marital and
marital assessments from couples trained to
serve as marriage coaches through the Life
Innovations, Inc. Additional and more intense
counseling is available as needed through our pastoral staff and our Life Change Counseling Center
at (901) 334-5378.
Marriage Mentors is a 2008 initiative.
Experienced married couples will serve as mentors
meeting with newly married couples on a quarterly
basis for the first two years of marriage. The
course curriculum and qualifications for mentors is
currently under development.
Marriage Ministry Enrichment Classes are offered
through the New Direction Leadership Institute. The
first class, “Speak to My Heart”, serves as an overview
for six corresponding courses designed to expose married couples and those contemplating marriage to
God’s purpose, plan and passion for a wholesome marriage that lasts a lifetime.
The enrichment courses offered includes:
“Can We Talk” – Marriage and Communication;
“Dropped Calls” – Marriage and Conflict Resolution;
“Roaming Charges” - Marriage and Money Matters;
“You’re Breaking Up” - Marriage and Growing Apart;
“The Family Plan” – Marriage and the Extended
Family; and “Strong Signal” - Marriage and Romance.
Marriage Ministry Activities offer quarterly fellowship
activities that foster healthy and wholesome marital fellowships. Activities included on the 2008 calendar
include game nights, skate nights, a Marriage Ministry
cruise and much more.
For additional information, pay attention
to the New Direction eNews, or contact
Dr. Kelvin Turner at
turner.kelvin@n2newdirection.org or call
(901) 433-3871.
Dr. Kelvin and Karen Turner
enjoy the festivities.
Sundays in April
NDCC Hickory Hill: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
NDCC Collierville: 9:15 a.m.
Pre-Order the Entire Series TODAY!
CD Series: $25 and DVD Series: $45
Special Pre-Order pricing requires
a 50% deposit at the time the order is placed.
Dr. Spencer’s new series, “Connect
Four” will help you understand:
• The Power of Connection
• Everybody Can’t Go
• Can’t You Pray With Me?
Dr. Stacy L. & Rhonda Spencer
New Direction Leadership Institute presents:
40 Nights of Great Sex - For Married Couples Only*
Wednesdays beginning May 7th - 6:30 p.m.
NDCC Collierville, 114 Hwy 72 East
An Exclusive, Real Talk 4 week class taught by
Dr. Stacy L. & Rhonda Spencer
Married Couples will learn practical lessons through candid open dialogue
on how to experience deeper intimacy with Christ and each other.
Limited childcare provided
*No Cost, but registration and marriage verification required
To register, contact Lisa Minter at minter.lisa@n2newdirection.org
Taking Our Community
Using Community Development
as a Catalyst for Social Change
By Derwin Sisnett,
Executive Director
Power Center Community
Development Corporation
The Hickory Hill community has seen
the dissolution of businesses and social
initiatives in a short period of time as
evidenced by abandoned parking lots of
prominent store chains that once commanded a plethora of customers on a
daily basis. The Power Center
Community Development Corporation
(Power Center CDC), founded in 2004
by Board Chairman Dr. Stacy L.
Spencer and Power Center CDC board
members, has been a life preserver for
the community and it is now in a position to bring Hickory Hill back to its
vibrant state.
The Power Center CDC has established
several programs and initiatives in its
effort to restore the economic, educational, and social foundation of Hickory
Hill. The Power Center Entrepreneurial
Institute (PCEI), one of the Power
Center CDC’s first economic initiatives,
has graduated quite a few business
owners, many of whom are currently
operating successful businesses in
Hickory Hill. In addition to its economic
efforts, the Power Center CDC has
maintained a strong presence in local
middle schools and high schools through
social and educational outreach programs led by Bridgett Bowman,
Educational Outreach Specialist and
Maurice Mosby, Arts Outreach
In December, the Power Center CDC
hosted a Town Hall meeting at New
Direction Christian Church where Dr.
Stacy L. Spencer, Shelby County Mayor
A.C. Wharton, Shelby County
Commissioner Steve Mulroy, and several other prominent figures in the
Memphis community led an open discussion with concerned members of the
community about the alarming state of
Hickory Hill. It is no secret that
Hickory Hill has faced social, economic,
and educational challenges in recent
years. However, the turnout by both
concerned citizens and community
leaders at the Town Hall meeting was
a positive indication that Hickory Hill
is on its way back to prominence.
The Power Center CDC offers social
alternatives for area youth to
complement its academic enrichment
programs. ARTISTIC-FLO, a social
outreach program, uses theatre, song,
and dance to connect to the dynamic
character of area high school and
middle school-aged youth. The first
phase of ARTISITIC-FLO began in
January with an explosive music
workshop for the community and has
already gained local acclaim via
Unison, the choral component of
Instrument, which opened for
Universoul Circus last August.
Though the Power Center CDC offers
academic alternatives for Hickory Hill,
the establishment of a school is essential to its efforts to restore the educational foundation of the community.
Last month the Memphis City Schools’
Board of Commissioners approved the
charter for Power Center Academy.
Established by the Power Center CDC,
Power Center Academy will be a charter middle school that will service students in Hickory Hill and surrounding
areas beginning this summer. Power
Center Academy will be unique in that
its curriculum will incorporate entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and
community service, three components
that are vital to the resurgence of
Hickory Hill.
The Power Center CDC will continue to
harness positive change in Hickory Hill
through its partnerships with local
businesses, local and state government
agencies, private foundations, and global corporations. What will take place in
Hickory Hill will be tantamount to the
Harlem Renaissance that occurred in
the early 20th century.
In order to truly take the community
back, community members, businesses,
and organizations such as the Power
Center CDC need to continue working
together. It is through these collective
efforts that Hickory Hill will once
again thrive.
Ha p p e n i n g s
Columnist, Tasha Palmer, scours Memphis and
Hot Tickets
beyond, to bring COMPASS readers the latest in
A Night of Hope with Joel & Victoria
fashion, gadgets and entertainment.
Osteen, FedEx Forum, April 6th.
Doors at 6 p.m.
Meet the Browns
Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett, Lance
Gross, and David & Tamela Man
In theaters in March
Ballet Memphis presents Fashion
Connections at the Cook
Convention Center – May 13th.
Mama! I Want to Sing
Lynn Whitfield, Ciara and Patti LaBelle
In theaters in October 2008.
Steve Harvey Comedy Concert with
Mo’Nique, Desoto Civic Center,
October 18. Tickets on sale.
Martha Munizzi’s Change the World
in stores April 1
Ce Ce Winans’ The Kingdom Come
– in stores April 8
Books - Christian Fiction
First Mates
by Cecelia Dowdy
Available Now
T. P. Mobb – in stores in April
Tye Tribbett’s Stand Out – in
stores May 6
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Too Little Too Late by Victoria
Christopher Murray
Available in June
Jean Finder -- Need help finding the best jeans for your shape? Visit www.zafu.com. It's FREE!
Inspirational videos - GodTube.com
Dr. Spencer uses Tyler Perry's hit movie, Why Did I Get Married, as inspiration
to teach singles and married couples how to rediscover all of
the reasons why God wants you to be married.
April Tuesday Night Together Bible Study
NDCC Hickory Hill: 6:30 p.m.& NDCC Collierville: 6:45 p.m.
Pre-Order the Entire Series Today!
$40 for CD Series • $50 for DVD Series
To learn more, contact SLS Customer Care at 333-6881
Special Pre-Order pricing requires a 50% deposit at the time the order is placed. Offer expires April 15,
2008. Regular product prices: CD series - $45 and DVD series - $60. Promotional offers may not be combined with any other offers.
By Keisha Gross, Columnist
Planning the Perfect
Birthday Party
for Your Child
As parents of three children, my
husband, Marcus and I, are always
trying to think of creative party
ideas that celebrate each child’s
individuality. In fact, we are in the
midst of planning Kloe’s first birthday, so I thought I would share a
few common planning tips we are
using; as well as, other tips that
have been shared with us through
the years.
4. Choose a good party time.
The best party times are......1:00 - 3:00
p.m. or 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. For little ones try
10:00 -11:30 a.m. to work around nap
The Invitation Equation:
Child's age + 1 = Happy Kids
For children under 8 years old,
invite as many children as the
child's age plus one. Some parents choose to add 1 or 2 to this
equation. Only you can know
your limits. Of course, as your
child gets much older the formula
will need revision.
Birthday Party
Planning Basics
1. Plan your party 4-5 weeks in advance.
Allow plenty of time for on-line shopping, cake orders and enlisting any
friends or family you may want to help.
Party Favors
In choosing party favors, it's better to
spend more creativity than money. Give a
wonderful thank you item/items that
reflects the party theme; a flower pot and
seeds for a garden party, modeling clay
for an art party. You can even send the
kids home with a treasure they've made
during the party. The birthday child
should hand out the favors. This will
remind her or him to say thank you.
2. Pick a theme.
Whether it's an elaborate royal kingdom
theme or something easier, like your
child's favorite color, selecting a theme
will help you organize your thoughts.
You'll then plan all of your party supply
purchases, party games and decorations
around that theme.
Above all else, remember, the birthday
party is about your child and his or her
guests having fun and celebrating
another year of life.
3. Don’t sweat the little details.
Children remember what they did at a
party, much more than what they ate,
what the plates and napkins looked like
or whether the house was spotless.
Joyce E. McKinney, Managing Editor
COMPASS asked two of our valued volunteers to share their favorite recipes.
Martha’s Meant to
be Cheese Danish
Shared by Mrs. Rose Pollard,
Hospitality Ministry
2 pkg. (8 rolls each) refrigerated crescent rolls
16 oz. Cream cheese, softened
1-1/2 cup sugar, divided
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 stick butter or margarine, melted
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a
13x9 baking dish. Unroll one can of
rolls and press into bottom of dish,
pressing perforations together to form a
flat sheet of dough. Ease edges of
dough slightly up sides of dish.
Combine cream cheese, 1 cup of the
sugar, the egg and vanilla. Spread over
crescent roll dough. Unroll remaining
can of crescent rolls and place over
cream cheese mix, pinching perforations together. Press edges together to
seal. Combine melted butter, remaining
1/2 cup sugar, the cinnamon and
pecans. Spread evenly over top layer of
crescent roll dough. Bake about 30
minutes or until golden. To serve, cut
into rectangles. Makes 16 servings.
Creole Turkey Burger
Shared by Terri Burton, Stacy L.
Spencer Ministries
Source: The Biggest Loser Cookbook
1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Creole mustard
1 tablespoon egg substitute
1 tablespoon Ian’s Whole Wheat Panko
Breadcrumbs or finely crushed Wasa
Light Rye Crispbread
1/4 pound Jennie-O Turkey Store Extra
Lean Ground Turkey
1/2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning
1 whole-grain or whole-wheat hamburger bun
1 leaf green leaf lettuce
1 sliced tomato
In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise and mustard. Stir to mix. Set
aside. In a second small bowl, combine
the egg substitute and bread crumbs or
crushed crispbread. Add the turkey and
seasoning. With clean hands or a fork,
mix well. Shape the mixture into a patty
that is about 1/2” wider than the bun.
Set a medium non-stick skillet over
medium heat until it is hot enough for a
spritz of water to sizzle on it. Place the
patty in the pan. Cook for two minutes
per side, or until browned. Reduce the
heat to medium and cook until it is no
longer pink. Lay the bun halves, cut
sides down, in the pan next to the patty.
Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until toasted.
Place the bun bottom on a serving plate.
Top with the patty, lettuce, and a tomato. Spread the reserved mayonnaise
mixture over the inside of the bun top.
Flip onto the burger. Serve immediately.
Makes 1 serving.
If you have a favorite recipe you would like to share with our COMPASS
readers, email your recipe listing ingredients and instructions to
COMPASS@N2NewDirection.org. Be sure to include name, contact
information and the source if not your personal recipe.
Living in an overly stimulated and immediate gratification
society, single Christians are faced with so many temptations.
COMPASS asked our single members how they cope and succeed
Glenda Yancey, Marketing Coordinator
as spiritually, healthy Christians.
“As a single person, I
now realize that I’m so
much more valuable
than before and I can’t
carry on with business
as usual. I must look
at situations, especially those regarding
dating and mate selection, through a
keen spiritual eye.”
-Quaneshia Hunt-Jones
“Dr. Spencer's sermons have given me the
courage and motivation to walk as a
virtuous, single woman.
Looking at the congregation
and seeing so many
people who are just like
me, I know that I can
keep fighting because I
am not alone.”
-LaToya Moseley
“I’ve learned that
being single is not a
curse and that truth be
told, it may be better
to embrace this stage
instead of rushing into
meaningless relationships.”
“Being single and listening to Pastor Spencer
has really helped me to
grow as a young man.
I’m alright with being
single and understand
that it is ok. Now I can
allow God to help me find my wife at a pace
that I’m okay with.”
-Tommie Hampton
-Rachi Hawthorne
“The Network” Empowerment Weekend
April 4th – 5th
April 4th: “The Root” - A live music and poetry experience
for the soul featuring Epiphany.
NDCC’s Hickory Hill Chapel, from 7-9 pm
April 5th: “The Network” - An empowerment workshop designed to edify the mind,
body, heart and soul of Christian singles featuring Hallelujah 95.7 FM Radio
Personality, Christy Taylor from 8am - 1:30pm in the Children’s Building.
COST: $15 for the entire weekend
To learn more, contact Pastor Broderick Connesero at
Connesero.Broderick@N2NewDirection.org or (901) 433-3871.
Laschandra M. Brooks, Editor-in-Chief
The Hickory Hill community is still recovering
from the February 5th tornado described as
one of the worst tornadoes to hit the area in
decades. Twisters hop-scotched through neighborhoods and commercial districts, whipsawing buildings into twisted heaps with winds up
to 170 mph. Three Hickory Hill area employees and one Fayette county motorist lost their
lives. Now, weeks later, people are wondering if
Hickory Hill will ever be the same.
Apparently, he is not alone in his love for this
community. Only days after the tornado hit,
hundreds of NDCC members rolled up their
sleeves to serve and minister to the Power
Center’s neighbors. Many volunteers spent
hours cleaning up the enormous amount of
debris scattered across the church parking lot.
Others removed debris from Winridge
Elementary and along Winchester. Soul Café
and New Direction joined forces to serve the
residents still without power, police officers and
emergency workers attending to the severe
damage to the Hickory Ridge Mall. Chef Willie
Singelton and his cooking crew whipped up
homemade delicious chicken noodle soup and
sandwiches while NDCC volunteers greeted
and served residents and workers.
The tornado has given many outsiders greater
ammunition to write Hickory Hill off as a loss.
Many national chains are boarding up only to
move a few blocks east. For every boarded up
or abandoned building, Dr. Spencer sees endless possibilities. “I believe God birthed New
Direction in Hickory Hill to restore power,
hope and economic viability,” said Spencer.
“God can change any situation no matter how
bleak it may seem to others.”
The Life Change Counseling Center staff and
volunteers provided on-site counseling and
assessed community needs. As volunteers were
about to end the day, they received word that
many residents were afraid to leave their homes in
fear of their homes being looted. Volunteers
quickly mobilized, packed lunches and delivered;
not only food, but encouragement and prayer to
weary residents and exhausted workers who
couldn’t leave their post. “This is one of the reasons I love New Direction,” said Victor Bailey,
NDCC volunteer. “After working most of the day
our members were understandably tired; yet,
we didn’t hesitate to come to the aid of our
New Direction’s commitment to restoring the
community continued weeks after the tornado.
Associate Pastor Morris Fuller organized volunteer crews from New Direction, Germantown
Baptist, Christ United Methodist and others to
clean up and rebuild the hardest hit areas.
“Serving others is what ministry is all about,”
said Fuller. “Hickory Hill is our home, so we
will be working long after all of the TV crews
and spectators are gone.”
COMPASS compiled these pictures of the
tornado and its aftermath. Thank you, Jesus, for
Your saving grace.
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