Alumni Magazine - Fall-Winter 2014


Alumni Magazine - Fall-Winter 2014
A l u m n i
Sweet Harmony
Katie Olsen ’15 will pursue a
career that blends music and
psychology for healing.
Ma g a z i n e
A Message from Interim President Mary Lou Retelle
Mary Lou Retelle
Dear Alumni, Friends and Family,
Anna Maria College
Board of Trustees 2014-2015
2014-2015 Alumni Association
Board of Directors
During this time of transition, the support of the entire Anna Maria community has been
extraordinary and indicative of the core values that we associate with the College. Pride, excellence
and service abound and will prepare the way for the next phase of the College’s future leadership. The
connection to the alumni is an important one to consider in the years ahead and Anna Maria’s support
of you and your ideas is one at the core of that connection.
In July, we welcomed Paul A. DiPierro as Chair of Anna Maria’s Board of Trustees. He succeeds Sr.
Yvette Bellerose, SSA ’72, who leaves a legacy of eight years as Chair of the Board, having served with
excellence and uncompromised commitment. We thank Sr. Yvette for her outstanding service for
Anna Maria College and look forward to Mr. DiPierro’s strong leadership in the years ahead.
Anna Maria’s commitment to academic excellence, community service and support of students as
scholars and future citizens is well illustrated in the pages ahead. As AMC works toward selecting
its next leader, it remains focused on its students, alumni, supporters and, most importantly, the
institutional mission that has served this institution so well in the past 68 years. It is through our
alumni that this message is delivered far beyond the college campus – it is delivered around the world
through our exceptionally educated and socially aware graduates.
As alumni/ae, you have much to be proud of your alma mater. Through new offerings in academic
programs that highlight our faculty expertise and curriculum innovation, to community service
opportunities that are a hallmark of Anna Maria students, the College is moving forward to meet the
demands of a new class of students who will carry on the traditions of those who embrace the AMC
alumni status.
AMC pride is showcased in our new three year online degree program in Business Administration,
a Masters in Health Emergency Management and a lecture series sponsored by Edith Mooney
LaVigne ’63 that will stimulate discourse in our students and community. By diffusing our expertise
and knowledge through the curriculum, Anna Maria continues to progress in offerings that meet
social needs and showcase our strengths.
Outside of the classroom, AMC continues to showcase its commitment to service through a host
of community service opportunities. As students take advantage of this approach to service, they are
preparing themselves for a fulfilling and contributory life. Through Campus Ministry, academics and
athletics, students seek ways to help those less fortunate and live the mission of Anna Maria College
and the Sisters of Saint Anne.
In August, we welcomed the next class of students eager to contribute their talents and energy. Like
the classes before it, the Class of 2018 is ready to make a difference and move the College forward in
new directions. They have already begun to make a positive impact in the classroom, around campus
and in the community.
For those who attended the Fall Homecoming and Reunion weekend of events, we were happy to
hear of your successes—both personally and professionally and enjoyed hearing of your time at the
College. We hope you enjoy reading the Fall/Winter 2014 Alumni Magazine and look forward to your
continued support of your alma mater.
On behalf of the entire college community, I thank all alumni and friends who contributed so
generously to the future of Anna Maria College.
With all best wishes for a blessed Christmas season and good health and prosperity in the New Year.
Robert C. Appis ‘88G
Ogunquit, Maine
David Armstrong ’99, ’01G President
Joseph J. Bafaro
Worcester, Massachusetts
Annette Bibeau, SSA ‘57
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Rita M. DeRoy, SSA ‘68
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Joanne M. Dion, SSA
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Paul A. DiPierro, Chair
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Kimberly A. Kennedy ‘97G
Quincy, Massachusetts
Ursula Arello ’98G
Vice President
Jeffrey Raymond ’03
Vice President
Linda Buffone Ruda ’68
Alicia Lenahan ’89
Immediate Past President
Tiana Arvelo ’15*
Alyssa Balboni ’01
Christine Magliaro Baril ’89
Joan Metivier Bertrand ’78, ’81G
Rev. Paul D. Kennedy, DD
Holden, Massachusetts
Vincent Buffone ’11
Marion E. Krug ’67
Champaign, Illinois
Maureen Logan Coghlin ’57
Pauline A. Laurence, SSA ‘72
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Elisabeth Driscoll ’10G
The Power of Music to Heal
Anna Maria is top choice for
students learning the art and
science of music therapy.
Academic Excellence
New Three-Year Online
Business Degree
Matthew Denham ’14
Michelle Ushinski England ’05
Brian A. O’Connell, Esq.
Danielson, Connecticut
Ryan Josti ’11, ’12G
Elizabeth Ann Quinn ‘65, Vice Chair
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Dean Kochanowski ’11
Mary Guercio ’07
Introduction of New Academic
Majors and Masters Program
Katelin Kilgallon Cwieka ’07, ’08G
Rev. Richard F. Reidy
Worcester, Massachusetts
William Lane ’02
Mary Lou Retelle, ex-officio
Paxton, Massachusetts
Amy McCarthy ’02G
John J. Spillane, Esq.
Worcester, Massachusetts
Roberta McCarty O’Brien ’57
Edith Mooney LaVigne ’63
Lecture Series Announced
Katie Leahey ’06
Diane Mohieldin-Schwartz ’97G
Marguerite A. St. Amand, SSA ‘74
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Marjorie O’Reilly ’17*
Carolyn J. Stempler
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Lisa Saverese ’04
Maureen G. Wilkinson ‘90,
Secretary of the Board
Plainville, Massachusetts
Robert Carnegie ’81G
Jacqueline LeBoeuf, SSA ‘72, ‘08G
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Erik G. Wexler
Southborough, Massachusetts
Melissa Reynolds ’07
Presidential Search
Focus on Community
Campus Ministry carries forth
AMC’s decades-long commitment
to service.
Campus Notebook
Alumni Notes
Gifts to Anna Maria College
The Annual Honor Roll of Donors
George Sherrill ’97G
Patricia Recko Smith ’64
Claudette Renaud Sortino ’64
*Student Representative
Anna Maria College Administration
Interim President
Mary Lou Retelle
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Billye Auclair, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Success
Andrew Klein
Vice President for
Finance and Administration/CFO
David Rosati
Anna Maria College Alumni Magazine
is published by the Office of
Institutional Advancement.
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief and Director of the
Office of Institutional Advancement
Susan A. Wojtas
Managing Editor and Director of
College Relations
Tricia M. Oliver
For story ideas and other feedback,
Mary Lou Retelle
Interim President
Anna Maria College
casey: design+visual communication
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 1
Spotlight on Music Therapy
T appi n g
The Power
of Music
to Heal
Anna Maria College is a top choice for students to learn
the art of music therapy as it offers the oldest program
of its kind in New England. Current students like senior
Katie Olsen and recent graduates like Emily Field ’14
and Tamilyn Little ’14 share the important role that their
chosen major and career paths have in the lives of the
patients they treat.
Music Therapy is the use of music to achieve therapeutic goals in a variety of
settings, including hospitals, schools, mental health facilities and senior centers.
It can be used to build self-esteem, manage anxiety, reduce pain, improve
communication or to address a host of other conditions.
Dr. Lisa Summer, director of the Music Therapy program at AMC, says music’s
therapeutic power starts with its universal appeal.
“Almost everyone has a good relationship with music,” she says. “People use
music to relax, to get motivated, or to be inspired; it’s a natural resource in
everybody’s life and a natural way for people to bond together.
2 | Anna Maria College
Emily Field ’14 works as
a music therapist as part
of the pediatric palliative
care team at Notre Dame
Healthcare in Worcester.
Emily Field drawn to patient situations that most shy away from
While many musicians don’t succeed as
therapists because they have a singular
desire to perform, and entertain a crowd,
people like Emily Field are instead drawn
to the profession by its healing power.
Currently, Emily’s patience and sensitivity are key in her new job working with
the pediatric palliative care team at Notre
Dame Healthcare in Worcester. She helps
kids who are suffering from “life-limiting
illnesses,” from cancer to genetic diseases
to severe physical challenges. Instead of
visiting the patients in hospitals, she travels
to their homes to see them, involving the
family as much as possible.
What others may find difficult or
depressing, Emily finds her work with
sick children gratifying.
“My job is always interesting,” she says. “It
keeps me on my toes, always thinking.
I need to constantly stay in the moment
with my patients.”
Emily credits Anna Maria with not just
giving her a well-rounded education, but
with superb training in music therapy.
“AMC gave me all the preparation I could
ask for,” she says, noting she learned much
from her internships.
The essence of Emily’s work and music
therapy’s power as a whole comes to light
with one of Emily’s most poignant patient
stories with an extraordinary patient she
refers to as “Jane.”
Only nine years old, Jane was completely
immobile except for her eyes, tongue, and
left ring finger. She could hear but could
not speak, so there needed to be another
form of communication for Jane. “We communicated through music,” said Emily, who
worked closely with Jane for a year and a
half. “I tried to give her the sense that someone was listening to her and that she was
being heard.”
Whenever Emily came in the room,
Jane’s eyes would light up. Emily would
pull out her guitar and begin to sing to her.
Or she would encourage Jane to use her ring
finger to keep time with a tiny drum.
“We had an amazing relationship,” says
Emily. “I felt like I could see her smile
through her eyes.”
“I wouldn’t trade music therapy for
any job in the world,” she says. “It lets
me combine my two passions in life:
music and helping people.”
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 3
Spotlight on Music Therapy
Music Therapy student Katie Olsen
receives a voice lesson from AMC
Professor M. Peter Hart.
Olsen’s experiential training
sets her on the right path for
pediatric music therapy
A senior music therapy major from Wethersfield, CT, Katie Olsen is currently doing her
senior internship at Norwood Hospital in
Norwood, MA, where she leads music therapy groups for psychiatric patients ranging in
age from 16 all the way to 90.
It’s her job to help her patients manage
anxiety, build self-esteem and connect with
each other and the world around them. It’s a
tall task, so she starts with something small.
“We begin each group by checking in with
the patients to see how they’re doing. Then
we pass out sheet music, asking them which
song they’d like to sing,” she says, explaining
that after the song is over, “We ask the
patients if there was a line that was particularly meaningful to them, giving them a
chance to elaborate on how it affected them.”
It’s a process that may seem simple, but
has profound results.
One young man who was suffering from
suicidal thoughts, for example, arrived one
day feeling very low and depressed, “but the
songs gave him a chance to open up and
express himself. By the time he left, he was
in a much better place.”
After just a few months at her internship,
Katie has an early favorite as far as song
choices go.
“‘Let it be’ by the Beatles,” she says. “It
offers a lot of topics for people to talk about
and patients always find comfort in it.”
Katie’s ability to find what comforts her
patients has come in part from the unique
opportunities that AMC provides.
“Music Therapy is the best of everything
I’ve ever wanted to do,” says Katie. “Music
affects everyone and I get to use it in a positive way, which is ideal.”
Realizing that her dream job of being a
music therapist in a children’s hospital will
not make her millions, her motivation instead focuses on her chosen career’s impact.
“I’m in a profession where I’ll be helping
people for the rest of my life,” she said.
A leader on the Anna Maria campus,
Katie has served as an Orientation Coordinator and Admissions Ambassador, but her
studies have also inspired her to become a
leader within her field. As a junior, she
was elected President of the prestigious
NER-AMTAS organization (New England
Regional—American Music Therapy
Association of Students).
Katie explains that choosing Music
Therapy as a major was natural for her,
as it blended her interest in psychology
with her passion for music.
“The music therapy program here is extremely individualized,” she says. “You build
a great support system and you build off of
the other students’ skills.”
As with most majors at AMC, students
become very close with peers, including upperclassmen who have seen success as music
therapists. Olsen remains in close contact
with Emily Field ’14 and Tamilyn Little ’14
who are both putting music therapy’s healing power into action.
Translating the Theory into “Performance”
Dr. Lisa Summer makes sure her students hit all the right notes
What is it about music that makes it such
a powerful healing tool?
“Music is a great way of having people
come together and feel really connected,”
says Lisa Summer, Ph.D., director of
AMC’s Music Therapy program, “which
makes it a useful tool for people of
all ages, but especially children and
adolescents. Many of these kids feel very
alone, like no one understands them and
no one is listening. When they perform
music together, however, they have a
sense of belonging, like they’re part of
a team.”
The performance element, she notes,
is key.
“I always encourage students to create
live music with their patients instead of
relying on pre-recorded songs,” she says.
“For a group of children, for example,
the therapist might hand out drums to
everybody and create a strong beat, then
make up lyrics to fit.”
She offers an example: “We’re here,
we’re here, playing our drum. We’re here,
we’re here, we have no fear.”
Once the song gets going, the therapist
might call on one patient to have a solo,
then another patient.
“In the end, the children have a real
feeling of safety and belonging. They feel
like The Rolling Stones,” she explains.
To prepare Music Therapy students for
the real world, Lisa provides them with
much more than classroom learning.
“I try to make the program a very handson experience, preparing the students
for whatever situation they may face
in the real
world,” says
Lisa Summer.
“Every music
therapy class
is paired
with a field
placement, so the skills learned in class
are immediately used with clients in a
community setting.”
At the end of four years, students take
an exam to become board certified. The
“MT-BC” title enables them to work in
any clinical setting as Music Therapists,
putting the power of music to good use.
So what’s the ultimate message Dr.
Summer wants her students to get across
to their patients?
“It’s OK to be yourself,” she says.
Tami Little provides the gift
of music to those who are
coping with loss
Emily Field’s roommate at AMC, Tamilyn
Little, is also working with pediatrics
patients. Tami’s work, however, focuses on
bereavement. Tami now works as a music
therapist at Care Dimensions in Danvers, MA,
where she provides grief support for young
children who’ve suffered a serious loss, often
the death of a parent or sibling.
As she uses song and instruments to quell
the pain for children who have lost a loved
one, she credits her training and education at
AMC as preparing her well.
“Lisa Summer did a great job preparing
me for my career, giving me a wide variety of
experiences in different clinical settings,” she
explains. “My sophomore year, I worked with
patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia; my
junior year, I worked mainly with children
with special needs; and my senior year,
I worked with adolescents and adults in
psychiatric care.”
During her senior internship Tami led a
music therapy session in the same psychiatric
unit where Katie Olsen now interns at
Norwood Hospital.
“The patients were not happy,” she says of
the beginning of the session. “They did not
want to be in group therapy and were angry
and frustrated about being on a locked unit.”
So she took action—musically speaking.
“I asked the group to select a song and
someone chose ‘Hey Jude’ by the Beatles,”
she recalls. “Halfway through, many people
were not singing or participating. Then, all
ten people started singing and letting go of
their anger and frustration. By the time they
finished, nearly everyone in the room had
tears in their eyes.”
With the frustration and anger having been
dealt with, the group had a safe place in which
to talk and, as Tami says, “without the music
that might not have happened.”
Tami pulls from those early experiences
at AMC to guide her in her current role
in bereavement.
“Having a death in the family can be
extremely traumatic for young kids, especially
if they don’t understand the finality of it,” said
Tami, who says her “go-to” instrument is her
guitar. “I lead children through the grieving
process, helping them accept the fact that
their loved one has passed away.”
The meaningful work in Emily’s and Tami’s
early careers is a source of motivation for
Katie Olsen, who will graduate in the spring.
“I couldn’t imagine myself going into a
field without music,” said Katie, quite pleased
with her decision to pursue her career at Anna
Maria College.
Summer shares
expertise in Seoul
Over the summer, Dr. Lisa Summer
represented Anna Maria College
in several professional activities at
Ewha Womans University in Seoul,
South Korea. Ewha University has an
internationally recognized masters/
doctoral music therapy program and
is recognized as offering the first P.hD.
in music therapy in the country and
it is one of only approximately fifteen
music therapy doctoral programs in
the world.
Summer led two trainings in her
specialty: Guided Imagery and Music
Level 1 Training and Guided Imagery
and Music Level 3 Training for selected
masters and doctoral students. She
also gave a presentation for students,
professors and alumni entitled,
“Music: A Natural Resource for Health,”
which advocated music as self-care for
mental health professionals.
Summer is pictured in the front row,
fifth from the left.
Tamilyn Little ’14 uses music therapy
in her grief support work with young
children at Care Dimensions in
Danvers, MA.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 5
Academic Excellence
Academic Innovation
New Majors Debuted in the Fall 2014
This fall, Anna Maria College rolled out three exciting new on-ground majors.
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communication
The School of Business began offering a Bachelor of Science in
Marketing Communication. This major has an interdisciplinary focus
on business, marketing, social media, graphic design, web design,
communication, persuasion and writing. Marketing strategies in
the 21st century depend on the use of new/digital media, with social
media as the fastest-growing business tool. This major combines such
areas to prepare graduates for the ever-changing, highly competitive
field. The marketing communication major provides the theoretical
foundations as well as the creative, practical skills needed to persuade
and communicate in the process of marketing.
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Criminology
The School of Justice and Social Sciences now offers a Bachelor of
Science in Forensic Criminology. The new major provides students
with a specialized examination of the criminal justice system from
both sociological and scientific perspectives. While Criminal Justice
studies the breadth of criminal activities and its control through
policing and corrections, Forensic Criminology explores the depth
of crime, its causes and criminal motivation to address legal and
investigative questions. Through a focus on evidence and process,
students are challenged to assess systemic and societal responses to
various criminal populations and case studies. Courses, labs and field
experience combine to ready students for careers in criminal justice
and forensic investigations or to pursue further graduate studies.
Bachelor of Science in Health and Community Services
The School of Fire and Health Sciences now offers a Bachelor of
Science in Health and Community Services. The major is designed
for students interested in non-clinical roles within the healthcare
field. With the rapid changes in healthcare delivery, graduates from
the BS in Health and Community Services will be able to work as
important members of a healthcare team to guide patients through
a variety of complex systems such as in health plans, hospitals and
ambulatory care organizations, health and human services, public
health programs and medical offices. The new major also provides
students with an educational background to pursue graduate
studies in healthcare management, public administration and
social service fields.
For more details on the three new majors, visit
and select “Academics” on the main menu.
New Hybrid Master Degree to Launch in 2015
From Paxton to Rome
In July, Theology Professor Michael Lombardo, Ph.D. (far left) taught seven Anna Maria
College students in Rome, Italy as part of AMC’s Summer Study Abroad program.
6 | Anna Maria College
Anna Maria College will offer a new Master of Science in Health
Emergency Management beginning in January 2015. The graduate
program is the first of its kind as it provides health professionals
with the leadership, organization and communication skills to
take on elevated roles during health emergencies and disaster
events. Applicants for this interdisciplinary program are currently
being accepted.
“Given the growing number of natural and man-made mass
disasters and disease outbreak, the degree launch comes at a time
when the demand for it is high,” said Judith Kenary, R.N., M.B.A.,
Ed.D., dean of the School of Fire and Health Sciences at Anna Maria
College, who serves as the program’s director.
Kenary explains that the program was designed to have
far-reaching appeal, not only to draw national interest, but to
potentially attract global enrollment.
The interdisciplinary program uniquely integrates technology,
clinical practices and emergency and disaster medicine with
engineering, ethics and computation. Kenary explains that graduates
will be prepared to effectively plan and integrate a survivor-focused,
ethics-based collaborative community response to emergencies and
disaster events. The degree is designed for medical graduate students
and trained health professionals including physicians, nurses,
physician assistants, paramedics and EMTs.
The graduate program involves online coursework coupled with
three on-ground, hands-on simulations per year. The three, multi-day
simulation exercises will take place over an academic year at AMC’s
campus. The program curriculum includes 12, eight-week courses
delivered over six terms and the degree can be obtained in one year
provided students take two courses per term.
The Master of Science in Health Emergency Management is the
first hybrid program for Anna Maria, incorporating both online and
on-ground offerings for degree completion.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 7
Academic Excellence
Also New Online….
Introducing AMC’s New Three-Year Online Business Degree
Innovative model provides a more affordable bachelor’s degree in less time
A crowd of more than 100 assembled for the Oct. 15 event.
Large Crowd Turns Out
for Burn Demo
Paxton Fire Department begins to extinguish the non-sprinkler unit.
From Left: Student co-emcee Kolin Matthews, Professor Michael Matros, Dean
Judith Kenary, Acting Fire Science Director Everett Pierce and Student
co-emcee Christopher Koretski assemble before the demonstration.
8 | Anna Maria College
On Wednesday, October 15, a crowd of more than 100
students, faculty, staff and first responders from area
communities assembled for a live burn demonstration
in the freshmen parking lot at AMC.
The live burn was planned and executed by Professor
Michael Matros’ Fire Protection Systems students. The
goal of the demonstration was to illustrate the lifesaving difference sprinklers play when fire strikes.
It was made possible by a grant received from the Home
Fire Sprinkler Coalition.
“You are in a class right now,” said Dean of the
School of Fire and Health Science Judith Kenary as
she welcomed observers to the event.
In addition to the educational value to AMC Fire
Science students, the event also provided an opportunity
for Worcester Polytechnic Institute Fire Science
graduate students to conduct some post-burn analysis.
Members of the Paxton Fire Department were on
hand to extinguish the blaze in the non-sprinkler unit
and for standby during the blaze in the sprinkler unit.
Fire chiefs from Paxton, Shrewsbury, Spencer and
Worcester were on hand for the event. Many other men
and women associated with area departments were in
the crowd.
Anna Maria College introduces its new three-year online Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration degree. The degree’s accelerated model is the first of its kind, significantly reducing
the cost and time it takes to complete an undergraduate degree. Anna Maria College’s School of
Business will begin offering the program in January 2015.
“Earning a degree while paying only three years of tuition significantly increases affordability and
accessibility for many students,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs Billye Auclair, Ph.D. “This
high-quality option is designed for traditional high school graduates, as well as transfer students or
those beginning their undergraduate degrees following a hiatus after high school.”
The accelerated curriculum model allows students to take one course at a time for a five-week
period. All courses are 4.0 credits and only 30 courses are required for degree completion. Students
who enroll will take 10 courses a year. According to Auclair, the program’s rigorous pace is
appropriately balanced with a manageable focus on only one course at a time. Also, tutoring, faculty
advising and other available support services are critical for individuals to succeed in this three-year
online business program, as they are with all of AMC’s online and on-ground offerings.
“This innovative degree provides students with broad exposure to the crucial elements of business
as well as producing the skills that students need to succeed in the business world,” said AMC School
of Business Dean David Forsberg. “Given our program’s generalist approach, graduates will be well
positioned to excel in most industries or their own entrepreneurial endeavor.”
Students applying for this program are required to have earned no less than a 3.0 G.P.A. in high
school. Full-time students are eligible for federal financial aid.
For more information on Anna Maria College’s three-year online business degree, visit
AMC Nursing Program Receives Continued Accreditation
The undergraduate Nursing Program at Anna Maria College has received
official notice of its continued accreditation from the Accreditation
Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Program accreditation,
granted since 1989 for the college’s RN to BSN completion program, was most recently extended
to include the college’s traditional, four-year BSN program that launched in 2011.
The accreditation confirmation follows a site visit and thorough analysis of AMC’s educational
objectives and teaching standards and is valid through 2019.
“This important endorsement further emphasizes the caliber of AMC’s Bachelor of Science in
Nursing Program and the high standards employed by our talented Health Sciences faculty,” said
Billye Auclair, Ph.D., vice president for Academic Affairs at AMC.
Since 1979, AMC has offered its RN to BSN completion program for licensed nurses interested in
obtaining a bachelor’s degree. In 2011, the Nursing Program expanded to offer a four-year BSN to
meet the needs of traditional, pre-licensure students. Its inaugural class of approximately 50 students
is slated to graduate in spring 2015.
According to Carol Gabriele, D.N.P., M.A., R.N., C.N.E., director of AMC’s Nursing Programs and
25-year veteran of the nursing profession, “ACEN’s favorable findings strengthen our momentum
as we strive to educate and prepare undergraduates to perform as skilled and compassionate nursing
professionals in the dynamic field of healthcare.”
For more information on AMC’s Nursing Program, visit For more
information on ACEN’s accreditation process, visit
AMC’s Online Master of
Education in Curriculum
& Instruction
The new online Master of Education
in Curriculum and Instruction (M.Ed.)
from Anna Maria College provides
the core knowledge needed to create
engaging learning experiences — ones
that lead to enhanced performance
and outcomes among students with
diverse learning styles and capacities.
The master program allows
educational professionals to make the
most of their instructional capabilities
through educational technology.
Master degree recipients will go on
to further impact their classroom,
school and district with a combination
of cutting-edge strategies and digital
tools for curriculum and instruction.
To learn more about this new
online masters program, visit and select
“Academics” on the main menu and
“Online Programs” in the drop down
See the informational video on the
Master of Education in Curriculum
and Instruction featuring Dr. Christine
Holmes, dean of the School of
Education. You’ll also note new
informational videos on some of Anna
Maria’s other online offerings, which
• Bachelor of Science in Fire Science;
• RN to BSN completion program;
• Master of Business Administration;
• Master of Public Administration.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 9
Anna Maria College searches for its next leader
Leaving a Legacy
Chair of the Board Paul A. DiPierro
overseeing comprehensive process
Introducing the
Edith Mooney LaVigne ’63
Lecture Series Ö
Paul A. DiPierro
Author Julianna Baggott Slated as First Speaker
The generosity of the late Edith Mooney LaVigne ’63,
beloved Anna Maria College alumna and trustee,
lives on with the establishment of The Edith Mooney
LaVigne ’63 Lecture Series. Edith left this life leaving
a legacy of good works and service to her ever-grateful
family, friends and community.
Mrs. LaVigne’s family is pictured
prior to Anna Maria College‘s
2014 Commencement ceremony,
where she received a posthumous
honorary degree.
As announced in July 2014, the Presidential Search Committee was established
and R.H. Perry & Associates was selected as the search firm to assist in recruiting
and hiring the next president of Anna Maria College. Tasked with overseeing this
important process is Paul A. DiPierro, who began his term as chair of the AMC
Board of Trustees in July.
According to DiPierro, the search process will culminate with the appointment
of a new president in the spring of 2015. To keep the AMC community informed on
progress, updates and other key information has been and will continue to be posted
to a presidential search website
The page can be accessed by the listed URL or through the Anna Maria College
website by selecting “AMC Presidential Search” under the “About AMC” option
on the main menu.
The Presidential Search Committee enjoys broad representation from the Anna
Maria community. “I’m delighted to have the valued perspectives from alumni,
faculty, students, staff and trustees involved with this important decision,” said
DiPierro. Ursula A. Arello G ’98, director of Donor Relations & Stewardship at
Worcester Academy is the AMC Alumni representative. Other members of the
Committee joining Arello and DiPierro include:
•Emily A. Amodeo, Class of 2015, Student representative
•Billye W. Auclair, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Staff representative
Edith always remained true to her alma mater serving as a
generous supporter and benefactor of AMC. She and her family
continued this generosity, with a bequest to the College funding
an endowment to annually bring a contemporary author to Anna
Maria College to address the students and others in the Anna
Maria community. Edith graduated from Anna Maria College in
1963, the youngest of the three Mooney sisters who all attended the
College. She was a member of the Anna Maria College Board of
Trustees from 2001 to 2007 and then from 2009 until her passing
in August 2013. Anna Maria honored her with a posthumous
Honorary Doctor of Human Service at its 2014 Commencement.
•James K. Bidwell, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, School of Humanities,
Faculty representative
•Joanne M. Dion, SSA, Trustee representative
•Lisa Driscoll G ’10, Director, Human Resources, Staff representative
•Joan-Beth Gow, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Fire and Health
Sciences, Faculty representative
•Peter J. Miller, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Staff representative
•Elizabeth Quinn ’65, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, Trustee representative
•Carolyn J. Stempler, Trustee representative
The Edith Mooney LaVigne ’63 Lecture Series will debut on
April 15, 2015 with celebrated author Julianna Baggott. Baggott
has published 17 books, including novels for adults and younger
readers and poetry collections. Recognized in the New York Times,
Washington Post, The Boston Globe, NPR and other top-tier media,
Baggott’s works have been published in more than 50 overseas
editions. Baggott currently teaches Creative Writing at Florida
State University. In addition to her writing and commitment as a
professor, she and husband David Scott co-founded Kids in NeedBooks in Deed, a non-profit organization housed at the Florida
State University Foundation. Its focus is on literacy and providing
free books to underprivileged children in the Sunshine State.
10 | Anna Maria College
•Maureen G. Wilkinson ’90, Secretary, Board of Trustees,
Trustee representative
•Kay Prentiss, Executive Assistant to the Committee
Julianna Baggott
“Our goal, through the expertise and guidance of R.H. Perry, is to make this
process as transparent as possible. We appreciate the feedback the committee has
received so far and we look forward to continued input throughout the process
until the next president is selected,” said DiPierro.
Individuals with questions or suggestions throughout the search process are
encouraged to contact any member of the committee directly or through the web
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 11
Prior to her current role as Athletic Director at AMC, Habacker served as head Women’s
Basketball coach at Elms College in Chicopee since 2002, and as the college’s assistant director
of athletics/senior woman administrator since 2006. She also served as Elms’ interim director
of athletics during the 2011-2012 academic year. Habacker was named the 2012 New England
Collegiate Conference (NECC) Coach of the Year following Elms’ 2011-12 basketball season that
resulted in the program’s first-ever NECC tournament championship and subsequent National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III Championship berth. Prior to her tenure at Elms
College, Habacker was the head Women’s Basketball and Volleyball coach for five years at Clarkson
University in Potsdam, New York. She also spent two years once before at AMC as head Women’s
Volleyball coach. Habacker was a three-sport student athlete at Clark University. She played
volleyball, basketball and softball for the Cougars.
Q: What are some highlights of the fall
A: I have enjoyed watching all of our teams
Game ON!
Anna Maria College welcomed Laura Habacker (above, front-center) as its new Athletic Director in July.
The long-time head coach of Women’s Basketball and assistant athletics director at Elms College, is
AMC’s fifth administrator to serve in this position since the college’s athletic programs began in 1977.
Habacker recently shared her thoughts on leading the AMCATS’ 13 Division III athletic
programs for more than 300 student athletes at AMC.
Q: Since beginning as Athletic Director at Anna Maria College, what has surprised you the most?
A: I heard this often, so it should not have surprised me. The student athletes are just really nice men and
women. I would say the population in general at Anna Maria is that way. Walking across campus, I am
consistently greeted by smiles and waves. Doors are held open and offers of help are constant. You don’t find
that everywhere. Plus, our Athletics staff has gone above and beyond to support each other. I cannot recall one
AMC game at which we did not have another coach or team there to support another team. Our department is
the definition of team. It is a lot of fun to watch and be a part of.
Q: How have you found the athletes’ commitment to the game to be?
A: Unwavering. I see a great deal of traffic coming and going into our training area. Athletes are constantly
doing the rehab work to stay on the fields and courts. While observing many practices, the work ethic is very
high with both coaches and players. At both practices and games, athletes and coaches encourage and demand
great effort from each other.
12 | Anna Maria College
compete this fall. A favorite moment was
watching Women’s Tennis beat University of
St. Joseph (CT) to get to the Great Northeast
Athletic Conference (GNAC) semifinals. This
was a great match that came down to the last
singles match. Likewise, the Field Hockey
Semi-Final GNAC game at St. Joseph’s
College of Maine was a great win. AMC
had not beaten them before and St. Joseph’s
was the number one seed. In addition,
Women’s Volleyball made it into the GNAC
tournament for the first time in program
history—a huge accomplishment. Women’s
Soccer played an early game against Lasell,
the five-time champion of the league. AMC
held its own and is very close to making a
move in the GNAC. Also, Men’s Soccer had
a great league win over Albertus Magnus
College, followed by a great win over Rivier
University (NH). I had a chance to see Cross
Country compete at the UMass Dartmouth
Invitational, where AMC ran hard. It was
especially gratifying to watch the men’s and
women’s teams support each other and cheer
each other on. Although its record does not
reflect its players’ grit, the Football team
had a phenomenal last home game against
Mt. Ida College. The resilience displayed
by both the players and coaching staff is
men’s and women’s teams. The spring teams
are also working toward league success. Our
baseball team has done well in the past and
I see a continuation of that for this year.
Our softball and Men’s Lacrosse teams have
new coaches. Both coaches have a wealth of
experience and can build from past success
of the programs.
Q: Tell us a little about what we can expect
from the AMCATS over the next two to
three years?
A: My vision for the next two to three years
One, we want our student athletes to succeed
on the playing fields and in the classroom.
Two, we want them to secure great jobs and
come back and support our teams. Three,
our athletes will continue to be good citizens
and serve the community in a positive
way. These three will keep us focused on
our vision of competing for championships.
Then, we’ll have to figure out how we will
host four championships in one weekend or
how we will fit hundreds of fans in the gym
for championship games. I look forward to
that day and those challenges.
involves success. I define that in many ways.
Record Breakers
Four different female student-athletes
broke Anna Maria program records in
three different sports in the fall of 2014.
career shutouts in junior field hockey goaltender
Mary Kate Breen’s college career. She broke the
program record nine shutouts in the AMCATS’ 2-0
win against Bridgewater State on October 2.
career wins in singles play by senior women’s
tennis player Nicole Goudreau. With a 6-3, 6-2 win
at No. 2 singles on October 18 against Mount Ida,
Goudreau broke the previous record of 21 career
wins set last season by Emily Williamson ’14.
Q: What can we expect in the winter and
spring seasons?
A: The basketball season is underway. Both
teams have goals to succeed in their league
and have set up non-league schedules that
will prove to be challenging, yet beneficial
in helping those teams compete in the
conference. This impresses me. Often teams
will dial down their non-league schedule
to get wins; however our teams instead use
non-league games to provide a competitive
edge. I anticipate great years for both the
goals in a just three years by junior women’s field
hockey player Kylie Dalbec. She became the all-time
scoring leader in Anna Maria history with her 39 th career
goal by scoring all four tallies in a 4-3 overtime win
against Elms on September 16.
career assists by the volleyball team’s junior setter,
Samantha Parker. On October 11, Parker became the
first player in AMCAT history to reach the coveted 1,000
career assists mark. She also shattered the single-game
assists record of 33 with 44 assists in the AMCATS’ 3-2
win against MCLA on October 4.
Focus on Community
Carrying Forth
the Decades-long
Commitment to
Community Service
Fan Favorite: Campus Ministry Assistant &
Community Outreach Coordinator Emma Gallagher is
pivotal in linking Anna Maria students with volunteer
opportunities in the surrounding area communities or
across the nation. She was recognized in May 2014 at
the Academic Awards Night with the Robert F. Kennedy
Award, selected by students as the staff member who
most exemplifies the spirit of the AMC mission and
ideals set forth by the Sisters of Saint Anne.
14 | Anna Maria College
Also during the 2014 Academic Awards
Night, AMC Campus Ministry received much
recognition as a department. Students voted
Campus Ministry and its Homelessness
Awareness Week initiative as the campus
organization and program of the year,
respectively. Director of Campus Ministry
Rev. Manuel Clavijo and Emma Gallagher are
pictured here with the various awards.
A Break from the Typical
Meaningful service enhances students’ college experience
It’s spring break 2014 and many college students are sitting on the couch at home or
lying on a beach in Cancun. But Rachel Hardy ’15, Liz Haggerty ’16 and eighteen other
students are in Cherokee Nation territory in Oklahoma, digging a trench for electrical lines
at a church.
Rachel and Liz are part of an Anna Maria College
alternative spring break trip, organized by the office of
Campus Ministry, and digging a trench is just one of their
activities. Each day is spent volunteering on behalf of
local churches and the communities they serve, all while
learning about Cherokee culture.
This may not be the typical spring break experience,
but who needs typical when you can spend your time
improving lives, experiencing new cultures and making
“The friends I made on the Oklahoma trip changed
everything for me,” says Rachel. “There were people that
I hardly knew that I hang out with now all the time, and
we’re doing other trips together. I feel like I really found my
group of friends, the people I know are really going to be
there for me.”
Besides, it just feels good to help others.
“When you help people you get that warm, fuzzy feeling.
It’s something you can’t really describe, but it feels good,”
Liz explains.
This year when spring break 2015 comes around, 22
students will travel to Puerto Rico to pitch in at an
orphanage and men’s and women’s homeless shelters,
and, this summer, a group will head to Pennsylvania’s
Poconos Mountains to work at a combined food bank/soup
kitchen as well as a nursing home, while also making home
improvements to the Missions house they’ll be staying in.
And those are just the spring and summer break
Four days a week during the school year, under Campus
Ministry’s guidance, students head to afterschool programs
in Worcester. Every Wednesday, a group volunteers at the
American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, also in Worcester,
where cancer patients from around world reside during
treatment. On weekends, students can be found on retreats
at places like Camp Sunshine in Maine, where they bring
joy to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
Wherever they go, they have to be ready for anything,
as Rachel, Liz and the entire spring break 2014 group
discovered when they arrived in Oklahoma.
After flying 1,500 miles and driving a few hundred more
they reached the orphanage where they had been planning
to volunteer for a week, only to find that its director had
been asked to leave and, in the upheaval, the remaining
leadership had decided to restrict contact with outsiders.
In other words, they needed a new plan.
“Part of going on these trips,” notes Campus Ministry
Assistant & Community Outreach Coordinator Emma
Gallagher, who organized and led the trip, “is accepting
that the plan you have is never what you actually do.”
With the help of We Go Global, an inter-denominational
missions’ agency, the group from AMC linked with local
churches within the Cherokee Nation and found there was
plenty of work to go around. They helped one church
AMC students performed home repair projects as part of
their service in Oklahoma.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 15
Focus on Community
Anna Maria’s Heritage Steeped in Service from the Start
Alternative Spring Break students
assembled for a group photo in
the Cherokee Nation territory in
relocate, packing and moving its entire
clothing bank, collected and distributed
food donations at another church and, of
course, dug the aforementioned trench.
In addition to some serious sweat equity,
students from AMC also bring their faith
when they leave campus to volunteer.
“We don’t require any of our students to be
a particular faith, but something that’s really
important is an openness to faith discussion
and reflection,” explains Emma, adding
that each day of alternative spring break or
summer vacation starts with a Bible passage,
a quote or even a poem.
“It’s about not just going through the
motions,” she says. “When the day is over
we break into groups and ask each other,
How was the day for you? Why do you
think that’s true? The passage or quote from
the beginning of the day, did you see that
play out?”
Students say that expressing their faith is
also a way of communicating positivity to
those around them—both the people they
are serving and fellow students who may feel
intimidated in a new setting.
“I think it really opens people’s eyes, not
just about being lucky to have what we all
have, but it’s a way of showing that we are
all equals,” says Liz. “We treat everyone
equally and we want everyone to feel special.
We want people to feel comforted and not
pushed away.”
Not all Campus Ministry journeys involve
volunteering. Some are an opportunity to
plan new initiatives, such as when Chris
Koretski ’16 and four other students joined
Director of Campus Ministry Reverend
16 | Anna Maria College
was awakened in them, something ready
Manuel Clavijo—“Father Manny”—at the
to blossom.”
Conference of US Catholics in Spring Hill,
And what will they blossom into? For
Alabama in 2013.
these students, the sky is the limit. After all,
During meetings with 25 other college
they already began their college careers with
students and campus representatives from
a desire to help others.
around the country, the AMC group hatched
“Anna Maria has a lot of students who
an idea for Homelessness Awareness Week,
are committed to helping other people
which this year featured a campus sleep-out,
[in fields such as nursing, fire science and
a prayer service, a morning trip to serve
music therapy, for example],” notes Emma,
breakfast at a soup kitchen and an evening
with homeless speakers.
Of course, planning
an entire week of events
is hard work, but when
students like Chris
spend time and energy
recruiting other students
to join their cause,
they help bring a fresh
perspective to college life,
says Emma.
“College is a unique
Students and Director of Campus Ministry Father Manuel Clavijo
time where we’re
(second from right) pictured at the second annual Sleep Out
really encouraging
during Homelessness Awareness Week.
students to think about
“and these trips and experiences really give
themselves for the first time, to make their
them a way to see that their whole life can
own choices,” she explains, “but it’s also
be about service to other people, that the
important to get out of this individualized,
satisfaction and fulfillment they get is really
independent experience and integrate with
more than money can ever pay them.”
the community.”
Tutoring and mentoring children at
And when they do integrate, the effect can
afterschool programs in Worcester; traveling
be transformative.
to Oklahoma, Puerto Rico or Pennsylvania;
“Every single time I have gone on
or sleeping outside in the middle of
community service trips,” says Father
campus to experience what homelessness
Manny, “you see two different individuals:
feels like might not be part of the typical
an individual that’s eager to go and the
college experience, but they are part of a
person that returns renewed, recreated. It’s
meaningful one.
the same person but with something that
Anna Maria College students. From alternative
When today’s students leave campus to volunteer
spring break trips to places like Oklahoma to
down the street or across the country, they
volunteering at nearby afterschool programs and
become part of a tradition that dates back nearly
serving the AMC community through the campus
175 years. AMC’s modern face of service is
chapel, students are working hard to improve lives,
possible by the initial commitment to service
and carrying forth the commitment to service first
displayed so strongly by Anna Maria’s founders—
exemplified in the mid-19th century.
the Sisters of Saint Anne.
As Director of Campus Ministry Reverend
According to Sister Rollande Quintal, SSA ’62,
Manuel Clavijo says, “serving others is not only
dean of Mission Effectiveness and unofficial
“Serving others is not
an important element of Catholic teachings; it’s a
campus historian, the Sisters’ commitment began
only an important
human need.”
when the Bishop of Victoria, Canada asked them
element of Catholic
“One of the beauties of our service opportunities
to travel to the Yukon to open schools for the
teachings; it’s a
is that it’s not just for Catholic students. There’s
children of miners in the early 1850s.
human need.”
something about us as humans that goes beyond
But when they arrived in the Yukon, the Sisters
Director of
religious background, and we see this in their eyes,”
found only the miners themselves—men whose
Campus Ministry
he explains. “Students have in their hands the
wives and children had not yet joined them. So
Rev. Manuel Clavijo
fabrication of the world that they want to fix, and
the Sisters adapted. They provided spiritual
they discover through service that they are able to
guidance and comfort to those men who were so
accomplish some of that.”
far from home and family.
Like the Sisters of Saint Anne, traveling to the Yukon in the 1850s,
Later when the timing was right, the Sisters opened a number
today’s student volunteers are making a difference, and it doesn’t have
of schools—a process that would pave the way to the Sisters’ later
to end when their time at Anna Maria does.
founding of Anna Maria College to make higher education available
“We hope that in the future, with their degrees and their service
to “women of modest means.”
experiences, they will be able to affect some change in the world,” says
It’s not difficult to draw a line straight from the spirit of service
Reverend Clavijo.
exhibited by the Sisters of Saint Anne in the 1850s to that of today’s
A Perfect Match
Alexis Patterson, from Americus, Georgia, is a freshman forensic
criminology major at Anna Maria College. The story of how she
came to select Anna Maria College is unique.
In spring 2014, during AMC Campus Ministry’s first Alternative
Spring Break trip involving a week of mission work in Oklahoma,
AMC was introduced to Mary Ann and Mick Patterson, the host
couple. Throughout the week of the students’ mission work in
nearby Talequan, OK, the Pattersons became very close with the
AMC students.
According to the Pattersons, the AMC students’ level of
compassion and commitment to service stood out from the many
other groups they’ve hosted from across the nation throughout
their nearly 20 years as serving as missionaries.
During the Alternative Spring Break, the Pattersons’ youngest
daughter (Alexis) became close to the AMC students as well. Given
the strength of purpose and direction that the AMC students
Mick, Alexis and Mary Ann Patterson pictured following the
matriculation ceremony for the Class of 2018 held in August.
exhibited, the Pattersons began considering Anna Maria College
as a possible college for Alexis. A few weeks later, Alexis visited
the AMC campus and felt at home, and she ultimately decided on
AMC for her undergraduate education.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 17
Anna Maria Faculty Present at National, International Meetings
Welcome, Freshmen! Anna Maria Class of 2018 was pictured at AMCAT field on Move-In Day.
Three Faculty Receive Tenure Status
On Friday, October 24, Interim President Mary Lou Retelle announced
that the AMC Board of Trustees had voted to grant tenure to Drs. James
Bidwell, Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado and Richard Talbot. “We look
forward to many years of their contributions to AMC and our students,”
wrote Retelle in the announcement to the campus community.
Dr. James Bidwell
Dr. Richard Talbot
Dr. Jude Gonsalvez, assistant
professor at AMC and program
director for AMC Study
Aboard, presented two papers
at The Joint World Conference
on Social Work, Education
and Social Development
in Melbourne, Australia in
July. Gonsalvez’s papers were
entitled, “Use of the Five
Best Practices of Short Term
Study Abroad Programs in
Reshaping the Mission at a
Small Catholic College,” and
“Online Learning: Experiences
of Teaching and Learning
Introductory Social Work
Courses Online.”
Dr. Reginald Houze, AMC
instructor and director of
Music, presented “Ten Things
Your Band Won’t Know…
Unless YOU Teach Them”
at the 2014 National Music
Education In-Service
Conference held in Nashville,
TN in October. The annual
conference is presented by the
National Association for Music
Dr. Lisa LeBlanc, associate
professor and director of the
Honors Program at AMC,
presented at two conferences
last spring. LeBlanc presented
“Chaucer as Audience” at the
Medieval and Renaissance
Forum at Plymouth State
University in April and
“Chaucer’s Franklin’s Tale:
A Challenge Not Overcome”
at the International Medieval
Congress held at Western
Michigan State University
in May.
Dr. Barbara Driscoll
de Alvarado
Careers of Retiring Faculty celebrated at May event
In May, a reception was held to recognize the many
long-term contributions of retiring faculty members
Alice Lambert (Art), Mary Lynn Ritchie (Music),
Dr. Paul Russell (Humanities) and Bernie Wood
(Business). Members of the AMC campus community,
alumni and family and friends of the honorees, turned
out for the celebratory event, which featured remarks
from colleagues and gift presentations to all four
Pictured left to right are Vice President for Academic Affairs Billye Auclair; Alice
Lambert (emeritus); Dr. Paul Russell (emeritus); Bernie Wood; Mary Lynn Ritchie
(emeritus); and Interim President Mary Lou Retelle.
18 | Anna Maria College
Dr. James DiReda, assistant
professor at Anna Maria
College, presented his research,
“The Impact of Role Models on
Out-of-Treatment African
American Addicts,” at the
National Association of
Social Work Conference in
Washington DC in July. The
study was designed to examine
barriers to treatment, as well
as variables that influence
decisions of those participants
in the study. Dr. DiReda is
pictured here with conference
keynote speaker Robert Reich
(right), former U.S. Secretary of
Labor and 2002 Massachusetts
gubernatorial candidate.
Scoring More
Than Just a Win
On October 9, the Anna
Maria College Women’s
Volleyball team took on rival
Becker College in the annual
Dig Pink Rally. In addition
to an impressive win, the
team helped raise funds and
donations for the Side-Out
Foundation to support breast
cancer awareness.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 19
Refer an AMCAT
Be a Part of Shaping Anna Maria College’s Future
Pictured with the panel are (l-r) Interim President Mary Lou Retelle, artist Eliza Giroux,
Marie Lagasse Fabbri, Doris Sterner Buonomo and her husband Joseph Buonomo.
Founding Class Presents College Gift Honoring
Sisters of Saint Anne and First Faculty
The Founding Class of 1950 of Anna Maria College presented the College a stained
glass panel honoring the Sisters of Saint Anne’s pioneering spirit and the College’s
first faculty at a special Mass held in September. The dedication reads, “In 1946,
the Sisters of Saint Anne founded their first English-speaking college in the United
States in Marlborough, Massachusetts. The college would be named Anna Maria
College. With love and gratitude, the Class of 1950 honors and acknowledges the
Sisters’ pioneering spirit and the College’s first faculty. Under the leadership of Sister
M. Anne Eva Mondor, the faculty shaped the minds and spirits of their students in
faith, love and truth. The College’s first graduating class had the honor of sharing in
the Sisters’ trailblazing spirit and the journey of the first four years.”
Created by Eliza Giroux, daughter of Marie Lagasse Fabbri ’50, the stained glass
panel was modeled after the stained glass which graces the entrance of the Sisters of
Saint Anne convent in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The College seal reflects
the place and mission of Anna Maria College. The twenty maple leaves on the frame
represent the members of the charter class. Doris Sterner Buonomo and Marie
Lagasse Fabbri led the effort that made this beautiful gift possible. The panel graces
the altar of Madore Chapel.
Members of the
Founding Class of 1950
Know any prospective undergraduate students that would be a perfect fit
Florence Tormey Blouin
at Anna Maria College? We highly value your opinion and trust that your
Yvonne Bouchard
experience with AMC gives you insight on what type of student would
Doris Sterner Buonomo
Carolyn Clark
benefit from an Anna Maria education. Your recommendation is a powerful
Rose Marie Tanner Decenzo
tool that can influence prospective students to choose AMC to complete
Estelle Nolin Del Donno
Alice Desautels
Marie Lagasse Fabbri
of Admission and Financial Aid.
Patricia Carey Finnigan
Antoinette Bonvouloir Garceau
Patricia Brophy Gentile
Diane Chabot Kananen
Gwendolyn Rose Lohse
Catherine Cantwell Noonan
Rita O’Melia
Theresa Donahue Poirier
Elizabeth Hibbs Poirier
Jeanne Dustin Ritchie
Therese Perreault Sandini
Jane Trotta Seymour
20 | Anna Maria College
their bachelor’s degree. To recommend a student, contact Peter Miller, Dean
Phone: 508- 849-3360 | Email:
Mail: 50 Sunset Lane, Box O, Paxton, MA 01612
On Friday, October 17 and Saturday, October 18, Anna Maria
College welcomed back alumni and friends for a weekend packed
with reunions, athletic games and other celebratory events.
The Third Annual AMCAT 5K
Fun Run & Walk saw students,
alumni, AMC parents, friends,
and community members come
out to run and walk in support
of student scholarships.
Previously inducted members of the Saint Anne Society pose for a group photo during this
year’s induction ceremony and luncheon.
Alumni gather and enjoy tailgating during the Homecoming Football
game. A barbeque featuring family friendly activities was also held.
Special thanks
go out to the Class of 1964
for their 50th Reunion class
gift supporting Anna Maria
scholarships. A large crowd
was in attendance for their
induction into the Saint Anne
Society and other Reunion
activities held October 18.
The newest members to the Saint Anne Society, the Class of 1964, at this year’s induction
ceremony and luncheon.
Members of the Class of 2009 celebrated their Five-Year Reunion at the Perfect Game in Worcester, this past August.
Members of the Class of 1964 gather to celebrate
their 50th Reunion. The Class Reception and
Dinner were held in the AMC Art Gallery and
Payer Auditorium.
22 | Anna Maria College
Alumnae check out their 1964
yearbook during the Class
Reception and Dinner.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 23
A Message from AMC Alumni Association President
Taking the Lead
I had the pleasure of joining other runners (and walkers) for Anna Maria College’s
5K Fun Run & Walk held on Homecoming Weekend. I am not asking for applause
when I tell you that I ended up winning the “race,” but I mention it because it
allows for many metaphors.
Simply put, I take great pride in leading Anna Maria College’s 15,000-strong
Alumni Association as Alumni Board Chair. Whether it is participating in the
annual 5K, volunteering in an organized community service opportunity or
contributing to the Annual Fund, I receive great pleasure in having a role in our
alma mater’s continued success.
Having served as president of the Association for two years now, I’ve seen firsthand the powerful impact that Anna Maria College alumni have had on students.
As the next generation of AMC graduates forges its way into the workforce, some
of the strongest allies those young professionals and graduate students can have is
alumni. By sharing our advice and other insight, our collective wisdom continues
to help young AMC alumni pave their own way.
I thank those alumni who have joined me in making a financial contribution to
the Anna Maria College Annual Fund. I encourage those who haven’t done so yet
to consider a donation now. Every contribution helps and is appreciated.
I also encourage alumni to continue to offer their input through email
( or in person at an upcoming alumni event. We hope
to see many of you soon.
David G. Armstrong ’99, ‘01G
Anna Maria College Alumni Association
Anna Maria College
Annual Golf
June 15, 2015
7 Alumni Association Board Meeting
7 Alumni Basketball Game and Reception
11 Alumni Community Service Project
15 Edith Mooney Lavigne ’63
Lecture Series
23 AMC Student Play and
Pre-Play Reception
TBDAlumni Soccer Game
Cyprian Keyes Golf Club
284 East Temple Street
2 Alumni Association Board Meeting
Boylston, Massachusetts
5 Alumni and Senior Networking Event
15 Baccalaureate
Enjoy an afternoon of golf at the beautiful
Cyprian Keyes Golf Club in Boylston,
Massachusetts, while supporting Anna Maria
College students.
The Cyprian Keyes Golf Club is a Mark Mungeam-designed
16 Commencement at the
Hanover Theatre
15 AMC Annual Golf Tournament
at Cyprian Keyes Golf Club in
Boylston, MA
championship course which has received numerous
national recognitions and awards. This dramatic course
combines the beauty of nature with stimulating play. It is
20 Alumni Night at Fenway Park
the perfect intimate and comfortable setting to play with
friends and colleagues. $150 per player. In addition to the
Every Month
tournament’s events, each player receives the following
On the third Wednesday monthly, a Mass is
offered in honor of AMC alumni/ae. Masses
are held at AMC’s Madore Chapel at noon
on behalf of our Anna Maria alumni/ae, both
living and deceased. These Masses are held
throughout the academic year.
to be used any date after June 15, 2015:
• Complimentary Round of Golf
on the 18-Hole Course
• Complimentary Round of Golf
The Alumni Association
Board of Directors is
pictured prior to the
Fall Board meeting
held in September.
on the Par-3
• $5 Cyprian’s Restaurant Voucher.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available.
For additional information, please contact us
at 508-849-3341 or
24 | Anna Maria College
For More Information
For more information about AMC alumni
events, contact the Office of Institutional
Advancement at
or 508-849-3342.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 25
Travis Simpkins ’02 has been
featured in two publications this
year. In March, Worcester Magazine
ran an interview, “Two Minutes
with…Travis Simpkins.” In July,
Access Magazine (Worcester Art
Museum’s publication) ran a story
titled “Travis Simpkins- Avant garde
on duty.” Both articles focused on
Travis’ career as a professional
illustrator and portraitist and
his various contributions to and
association with the Worcester
Art Museum in Worcester, MA.
Alumni Notes
Ann (O’Sullivan)
Giambruno ’53 writes,
“My oldest grandson
married last September
(2013). They are now living
in Boston. His brother will
graduate from Santa Clara
next spring. His twin sisters start high
school in the fall. My son has twin boys
who start high school next fall.”
Louise (Cartier)
Lavigne ’57 and
her husband, Jerry,
were named King
and Queen of the
first Senior Prom at
Ledgewood Bay in
Milford, NH.
Michaline (Chomicz) Manno ’57 as a
Seton Associate of the Sisters of Charity,
participated in the Beatification of Sister
Miriam Teresa Mass at the Cathedral
Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, NJ.
Manno noted this was the first time a Mass
of Beatification was held in the United
States of America.
Ann Marie Shea ’61 appeared in the
Zeitgeist Stage (Boston) production of
Neighborhood Watch by Alan Ayckbourn,
under the direction of David Miller.
Joyce (Shiel) DeCesare ’63 was awarded
Diplomate status
in the American
Association. Diplomate
status is reserved for
those individuals who
are able to meet the
stringent requirements
of the American
Psychotherapy Association in the areas of
knowledge, skill, education, training and
experience in the therapeutic process.
DeCesare is a Licensed Professional
Counselor and Board Certified Professional
Counselor in private practice for fourteen
years in Middlebury, Connecticut. She was
the former Chairperson of the Guidance
Department at Crosby High School,
Waterbury, Connecticut.
26 | Anna Maria College
Joanne (Parnell) Mongeon ’64 recently
published a book, “St. Teresa of Avila:
A Journal,” which can be ordered from Similar to her publication,
“Chatting with Mother Mary,” Mongeon’s
new book offers reflections and discussion
questions based on quotes from
“St. Teresa’s Life, Way of Perfection,”
and “Interior Castle.”
Mary Bonina ’72
gave a reading of
her new memoir,
“My Father’s Eyes,”
in February, 2014 at
the Worcester Public
Library. Bonina is
currently working
on a novel.
Several members
of the Class of
1974 met at the
home of Judy
(LaForce) Keefe
in June. The
group shared
many memories
of AMC and
“lots of laughs.”
In attendance
were Deborah
(Howe) Gelinas,
Diane Spaulding ’76, Evelyn Salvadore
Franzen, Marybeth (Lally) Orr, Joan
Bevelaqua, Florence (Dupuis) Blissell,
Anne-Marie (Madore) Staffieri, Nancy
(Charest) Charon, and Diane (Foster)
Geraldine McQuoid ’74, ’77G is the
director of Infection Prevention and Control
at Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington,
MA. In the spring of 2014 she attended
an invitation-only seminar on Public
Reporting at the Center for Disease
Control in Atlanta, GA.
Let us know what you’ve
been up to! Submit a
Class Note by visiting
or send an email to
Anne (Donovan) Matthews ’83 joined
ProEx, a physical therapist owned private
practice specializing in orthopedics,
spine, and sports medicine, as a Front
Desk Specialist.
Dana Randall ’94 was presented with the
2014 Lt. Loman Rutherford Award from the
Worcester, MA Police Department. Randall
is a member of the Vice Squad and actively
involved with the department partnership
with the Clergy Youth Partnership Program.
Justina Lachapelle ’84 became the
Director of Development for Abby’s House
in Worcester, MA in December, 2013.
Lachapelle has worked in the non-profit
field for nearly three decades, working
primarily with agencies focused on at-risk
children and adolescents.
Nancy (Kenney) Larson ’87 was named
the new city planner for Concord, NH.
Donald Baril ’88 recently celebrated his
25th anniversary at Hanover Insurance Co.,
where he currently serves as a systems
Sharon Lamothe ’88 retired from pastoral
ministry. She received her BA in Psychology
from Anna Maria College; Masters of
Divinity from Andover Newton Theological
School in Newton, MA in 1992; and served
two American Baptist Churches--one in
Wales, MA for 10 years and one in Laconia,
NH for almost 12 years. Rev. Sharron
Lamothe is now working part-time for the
VNA Care Network in Worcester, MA as a
Hospice Chaplain. She and her husband,
Charles, celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary in July 2013 with the renewal
of their vows at First Baptist Church in
Worcester, MA. They have 3 children and
3 grandchildren.
Brian Nelson ’88 now works for Juniper
Networks in Westford, MA as a Senior
Operations Analyst/Chief of Staff - Business
Operations Planning.
Joye Ritchie-Greene ’89 was appointed
Principal of the newly amalgamated Mary,
Star of the Sea Catholic Academy effective
August 20, 2014. It is a comprehensive
Pre-K to grade 12 Catholic school under the
jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Nassau,
Bahamas and supervised by the Catholic
Board of Education
Michael Shaw ’95, ’02G was promoted
to lieutenant for Webster, MA Police
Department where he has worked for
17 years. Shaw also serves as commander
for CEMLEC regional SWAT team.
John Barbieri ’98 was named police
commissioner of Springfield, MA. Barbieri
was formerly the deputy chief.
Paul DeLeo ’98
and Jessica
DeLeo ’00, ’02G
welcomed another
boy to the family,
Jake Thomas, on
October 13, 2013.
Michael Fisher ’98 recently published his
second collection of poetry with Spuyten
Duyvil press, titled “Libretto for the
Exhausted World.” Michael Fisher holds a
B.A in English from Anna Maria College and
a MFA in Poetry from New England College.
He currently works as an adjunct professor
in the Worcester area. His book may be
purchased through Amazon or Spuyten
Duyvil’s web page.
Richard Menard ’99, ’14G was recently
ordained a permanent deacon to the
Roman Catholic diaconate in Worcester, MA.
Kristine (Planchiunas) Whittemore ’02
welcomed her daughter, Mollee Rose, on
September 3, 2013. Kristine is the Director
of Immanuel Lutheran Nursery School
in Holden. Her daughter joins a brother,
Andrew, age 4. Kristine lives in Worcester
with her husband and children.
Laure’l Connolly ’03 married Derek
Chamberlain on September 8, 2013.
Brian Borneman ’04 was promoted to
assistant chief of support services for the
Merrimack, NH Fire Rescue. He is in his 21st
year of working for the town of Merrimack.
Lisa Saverese ’04
recently got engaged
to Adam Burkitt
and is planning a
wedding for May 29,
Erika Bailey ’05
and her husband,
Nick, welcomed their
first child, Colton
Anthony Bailey, on
July 5, 2013.
Michelle (Ushinski)
England ’05 and her
husband, Josh, welcomed
their baby girl, River
Amelia, on September 10,
2014. She arrived at 9:33
p.m. and weighed 9.5 lbs.
Katelin Kilgallon ’07, ’08G was named the
Market Coordinator for the Canal District
Farmers Market in Worcester, MA. The
market operates year-round on Saturdays
from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Worcester’s thriving
Canal District and provides a variety of
produce, meat and fish from local farms
and handcrafts from local artisans.
Melissa Reynolds
’07 became engaged
to Kristian Johnson
on December 21,
2013. A fall wedding
is planned for 2015.
Kristian’s father,
Philip Johnson ’97G, received his degree
in Total Quality Management from AMC.
Shawna Underwood ’07 and Shane
Perry ’10 were married on September 13,
2014 on Nantucket.
Charles Borowy ’08 married Leyla Rawan ’10
on September 28, 2013.
Luke McFadden ’08 was unanimously
appointed the new chief of the Holbrook,
MA Fire Department in January, 2014.
Erin McInnes
’08, ’10G has
been working as a
mental health and
addiction therapist
since completing
her masters
in Counseling
Psychology. She
is certified as an
alcohol and drug
counselor, in addition to holding licenses
in two states for addiction counseling.
Erin became engaged to her boyfriend of six
years, Brian Sheridan ’11, they are planning
to have a winter wedding in January 2015.
Additionally, they bought their first house
and adopted a black lab mix puppy from a
local animal shelter.
Kevin Nivala ’08 was promoted to
Fire Chief of the Westminster, MA fire
department. Nivala had served as the
acting Fire Chief for several months and
was captain before taking on the temporary
Kayla Borkowski ’09 is working as a 6th
grade teacher in the Auburn, MA Public
School district. She is also finishing her
Masters of Education with a concentration
in History at Framingham State.
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 27
Alumni Notes
Christopher Cherry ’09 married Rachel
Lefevre in December, 2013.
Mallory (Whitney) Ellis
’09 is currently teaching
overseas in Dubai with
her husband. In July,
2013, they welcomed a
beautiful baby boy Liam
into the world. “He is
my pride and joy and life
wouldn’t be the same
without him in it.”
Kayla (Lepine) Wolf
’09 got married in 2012
and just had a baby boy,
Christopher Andrew
Wolf, Jr, in October, 2013.
Christine Griffin ’10 self-published a book
about divorce titled, “Divorce: So What,
Now What?” For more information on
the book and Ms. Griffin, check out
Kurtis Bixby ’11 is the new assistant
coach of the men’s basketball team at
the University of Maine at Farmington.
Michael Nockunas ’11, ’12G was named
the chief of university police at Worcester
State University.
Eric England ’09 got engaged to Sarah
Dryden ’12 and set the date of June 18,
2016 to get married.
Christopher McCluskie ’09 was sworn
in as a member of the Pawtucket, RI
Fire Department.
Timothy Henderson ’12 was sworn in as a
policer officer in Wayland, MA. Henderson
previously worked as a police intern in 2011
and was a police dispatcher for two years.
Kati-Jane Burdzel ’13 was accepted into
New York University Steinhardt School
of Music for Masters in Music Education
Program. She writes, “I am very blessed and
thrilled for this opportunity and wouldn’t
have achieved this far if not for the faculty
of AMC; especially the Music department
and their great and respected teachers.
I would like to express my thanks to all
the faculty of Anna Maria College and all
those of the Music Department for paving
a way for my future and giving the tools for
success for my future career.”
Graduate News
Business Administration
Mary Kay Elloian ’83G hosts the TV
and internet show, “The Legal Edition,”
a program on law and business. The show
can be seen throughout Massachusetts on
local cable channels as well as online at Guests of
the show include high-ranking officials and
experts in business, politics, science and
law. Topics range from business planning,
formation, development and legislation to
social responsibility, and the environment.
After graduating from AMC, Elloian
obtained a law degree. She writes, “It
was Anna Maria that helped me hone and
develop my business skills, which has served
me well in my present career path. That is
why an Anna Maria M.B.A. is so invaluable
to those pursuing the degree, as well as to
those who have already earned one.”
Youcef “Joe” Bellil ’90G was honored
with the Marie Feltin Award from the Boston
Center for Independent Living. The award is
given to people who promote accessibility
and independent living for those with
Robert Paulsen ’98G was promoted to
senior vice president at Middlesex Savings
Bank. He joined Middlesex Savings Bank
in 2008.
Maura McCaffrey ’00G has been named to
the Western New England University Board
of Trustees. McCaffrey is President and CEO
of Health New England.
Nathan Ritland ’09G married Tina Bisanti
in December, 2013.
Kristen (Darling) Russell ’09 and Craig
Russell ’09 welcomed the birth of their
twins, Keagan Warren Russell and Rylan
Darling Russell, on June 26, 2013.
Mikhala (O’Donnell) Majeau ’13
married her high school sweetheart,
Evan Majeau, and moved to Norfolk,
VA. Evan is an Aerographer’s Mate
in the United States Navy.
Paul Quaranto ’11G was elected as the new
Chief Executive Officer of Boston Mutual
Life in April, 2014. Quaranto joined Boston
Mutual in 1990.
Counseling Psychology
Mary Ann Skarani-Shunaman ’08G
was named employee of the month for
March, 2014 at Day Kimball Healthcare in
Connecticut. She is the primary therapist
at Day Kimball Hospital
Criminal Justice
William Carleton ’87G was named
lieutenant of the Danvers, MA police
department. Carleton joined the force in
1978 and became a full-time patrol officer
in 1984.
Robert Bettencourt ’90G was named
lieutenant of the Danvers, MA police
department. Bettencourt joined the force
in 1994 after serving 8 years in the
Peabody, MA police department.
George McNeil ’90G was named police
chief for Somerset, MA. McNeil was a police
lieutenant in Randolph, MA for 11 years and
joined the Randolph force in 1986.
Joseph D ‘Andrea ’91G was presented
with the 2014 Water Carrier Award from
the Worcester, MA Police Department.
D ‘Andrea recently completed 33 years
of service to the department.
Michael McDade ’96G was promoted to
lieutenant in the Burlington, MA police
department. McDade has been a Burlington
police officer since 1993.
David Cortese ’98G
was a candidate for
State Representative
in the 18th Worcester
District. This includes
the towns of Douglas,
Sutton, Webster, and
portions of Oxford.
He is married with
two school age children, and has a law
practice in Worcester. David retired from
the Massachusetts State Police after a
rewarding 27-year career.
Amy Fouracre ’02G was named the new
assistant principal for Chester Elementary,
Littleville Elementary, and Gateway Regional
Middle School in Huntington, MA.
Gerard Burke ’87G was elected chairman
of the Greylock Federal Credit Union board
of directors. Burke is the president and CEO
of Hillcrest Educational Centers and has
served on the board since 1999.
Fire Science
Thomas Bogart ’03G
was appointed to
instructional staff of the
University of Hawaii’s
National Disaster
Preparedness Training
Center (NDPTC),
where he will deliver
FEMA certified classes
throughout the USA and its territories. He
was also appointed to the instructional staff
of the U.S. Fire Administration’s National
Fire Academy.
Sheree Loftus ’84G, nurse scientist
and Parkinson outreach coordinator at
Beth Israel (New York, NY) department
of Neurology, was issue editor for the
January – March 2014 “Topics in Geriatric
Rehabilitation.” The journal publication
was focused on neuroplasticity. She also
published her own original research,
“Qi Gong to Improve Postural Stability
(QTIPS) for Parkinson Fall Prevention:
A Neuroplasticity Approach” within the
same publication.
Pastoral Ministry
Peter Nguyen ’14G was recently ordained
a permanent deacon to the Roman Catholic
diaconate in Worcester, MA.
Evan Brassard ’13G was unanimously
chosen as the town administrator for
Monson, MA. Brassard had held the position
of emergency management director for the
town since August, 2011.
Phillip Ludos ’13G
was hired as the city
manager for St. Clair
Shores, MI. “My MPA
degree from AMC
was certainly an
influencing factor in
that selection process.
I was the Assistant
City Manager for Saginaw Michigan while
pursuing my degree at AMC through the
on-line program, so thankful to AMC.”
Total Quality Management
Barbara (Kreiss) Santiano ’96G is now
working at MKS Instruments in Andover, MA
as Senior Quality Engineer.
Edith Eidson ’98G
was named Vice
President of Quality
Management and
Corporate Compliance
Officer for Fellowship
Health Resources, Inc.
Social networking is a great way to reconnect with classmates and maintain professional
contacts. AMC’s presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter gives you yet another avenue
to stay connected with classmates and faculty.
28 | Anna Maria College
Public Administration
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 29
Alumni Notes
In Memoriam
Condolences to
Jacqueline (Lareau) Loebenstein ’53
Joan (Magnan) Ruffa ’58
on the death of her husband
Carol (Kelleher) Farrell ’59
Jeanne R. Forget ’66
Sr. Rosemary Kay, SSA ’71
Linda (Einik) Zarrella ’72
Richard Cogswell ’79G
Carol (Lupisella) Woods ’82G
Lionel Lizotte ’84G
Julia Vigliotti ’84
James Anderson ’84G
Geraldine Ashworth ’85
Paula (Toupin) Schnare ’91, ’94G
Thomas LaCroix ’93G
Alice (Chenette) Hause ’59
on the death of her husband
Carol (Cosgrove) Quinn ’61
on the death of her sister
Barbara (Gallow) Lyman ’69
on the death of her mother-in-law
Marcia (Aucoin) Anderson ’70, ‘84G
on the death of her husband
Rosemary (Rossetti) DiPierro ’72
on the passing of her father-in-law
Julie (Logan) Jacobson ’85G
on the death of her son
Annemarie Souza ’94
on the death of her father
Danny Brewer ’97G
William Hurley ’98G
Katie Lovely ’00
The Passing of
a Dear Friend
Upon the passing of Sandra (Demerjian)
Darney ’63, her Anna Maria classmates
and friends thought there would be no
better way to memorialize her than to
make contributions to the Anna Maria
College Department of Education in
her honor.
Sandra (Demerjian) Darney ’63
Sandra, better known to her friends as
“Sena” was recognized for her excellence
as an educator with the “William Spratt
Award for Outstanding Massachusetts
Social Studies Teacher of the Year.” She
was predeceased by her husband Fred
and is survived by her children and their
spouses, grandchildren, brother and
many loyal friends.
Thank You
We thank the alumni, friends, parents, corporations and foundations, faculty, and staff
who made donations to the Annual Fund in the previous fiscal year. These gifts play a
tremendous role in helping Anna Maria to achieve great things. Each and every gift,
regardless of the amount, has an impact. Your generosity is crucial to financial aid,
attracting outstanding instructors, innovative programs, library resources, and campus
activities. We are deeply thankful for your support.
This list contains the names of all individuals, corporations, and foundations that made
gifts to Anna Maria College between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
*denotes a Member of the Board of Trustees
+denotes deceased alumni/ae.
Gifts of $10,000 and above
Maureen Logan Coghlin* 1957
Rosemary Rossetti DiPierro 1972
Edith Mooney LaVigne*+ 1963
Joseph* and June Bafaro
Edwin (Ted) Coghlin
Paul DiPierro*
Thomas LaVigne
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Anthony Arthur Foundation
Center For Child Care Careers and Family
Service of Central Mass.
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Estate of Edith Mooney LaVigne*+ 1963
Esther’s Dream
Fairlawn Foundation
George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
The Maureen Logan Coghlin Fund of the
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Lauring Charitable Foundation
Sisters of Saint Anne (Canada)
Sisters of Saint Anne (Marlborough, MA)
In honor of
Sr. Yvette Bellerose* 1972
Sr. Annette Bibeau* 1957
Sr. Rita DeRoy* 1968
Sr. Joanne Dion*
Sr. Pauline Laurence* 1972
Sr. Jacqueline LeBoeuf* 1972/2008G
Sr. Rollande Quintal 1962
Sr. Marguerite St. Amand* 1974
Members of Saint Marie Province
Stoddard Charitable Trust
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Robert Appis* 1988G
Joan Boivin Hunter 1972
30 | Anna Maria College
Mimi Besch Krug* 1967
Barbara Gallow Lyman 1969
Maureen Grady Wilkinson* 1990
Benjamin Lyman
John Spillane*
Erik Wexler*
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
J. J. Bafaro Inc.
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Catherine Sullivan Birtwell 1971
Carolyn Stempler*
Faculty and Staff
Jack* and Rose Calareso
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Estate of Yvonne Corporan
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Mirick O’Connell Attorneys at Law
Organization of American Kodaly Educators
Sage Dining Services
Sodexo, Inc & Affiliates
St. Vincent Hospital/Metro West Medical Center
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Laurence Aucella 1982
Paul and Mary Brough 1984G
Lynn McCarthy Butler 1986
Mary Tonna Cocaine 1975
Jean Mercier Cooney 1964
Marie Lagasse Fabbri 1950
Ann Dahlstrom Forsberg 1979G
Jean Gabaree-Lawler 1986
Pauline Raboin Gagne 1958
Katherine George 1966/1978G
Rosalie Rocheleau Grenon 1960
Linda Cartier Hart 1973
Janice Sullivan Higgins 1957
Kimberly Ragsdale Kennedy* 1997G
Jennifer Klein 2010G
Kathryn Harrington Pisk 1975
Elizabeth Quinn* 1965
Marguerite Ranucci 1971
Rena Richard 1955
Diana Marsh Rotelli 1981
Constance Galkowski Schultz 1958
Claudette Renaud Sortino 1964
Barbara Nolder Tremain 1965
Raymond Callebaut
James and Nancy Coghlin Sr.
John Conte
Rev. Paul Kennedy*
Brian O’Connell*
Faculty and Staff
Andrew Klein
Billye Auclair
Lorene Farrar
David Forsberg
Virginia Heslinga
Mary Lou Retelle
David Rosati
Susan Wojtas
Joanne Zannotti 1966
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Arbella Insurance Foundation
Boston Color Graphics
Congress Asset Management
Fred C. Church Insurance
GE Foundation
IBM Matching Grants Program
Leominster Credit Union
Marsh & McLennan Agency
People’s United Bank
St. Mary of the Hills Parish
Gifts of $500 to $999
Barry Ashton 1994
Douglas Barrus 1984
Doris Sterner Buonomo 1950
Norma Barbeau Burnett 1967
Robert Carnegie 1981G
Elizabeth Chickering 1974
Shawn Conway 1985
Sr. Rita DeRoy SSA* 1968
Joanne Engel 1967
Pamela VanOstrand Graves 1975/1981G
Linda Haeberle Hamm 1982
Lloyd Hamm Jr. 1981/1983G
Martha Baldwin Healey 1969
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 31
Andrew Hubacz 1982
Kelly Pereira Hubacz 1982
Sandra Hurley 1997G
William Hurley+ 1998G
Anne Jamieson 1985G
Maureen McGady Kelleher 1965
Denise Doherty Kelley 1970
Jean Kennedy 1984/1990G
Mary Ellen McNamara Kroll 1958
Patricia Daniels Lessard 1977/1987G
Marilyn Markarian 1975
Nicole Brennan McCarthy 1967
Jane McGuiggan 1966/1980G
Diane Cutroni Mohieldin-Schwartz 1997G
Lorelle Morrow 1973
Nancy Mrzyglod 1974
Charlene Lowell Nemeth 1970
Roberta McCarty O’Brien 1957
Lucille Kuklinski O’Connell 1961
Paul Quaranto 2011G
Claire Quintal 1952
Constance Martin Rutt 1955
Patricia Swistak 1965
Gail Szczurko Treffinger 1969
Frederica Williams 1994G
Friends and Parents
William Kelleher Jr.
Kirk and Amanda LaVigne
Lisa Maxwell
Henri and Marilyn Quintal
Pat and Joe Cusimano
Rev. Richard Reidy*
Faculty and Staff
Elisabeth Driscoll 2010G
Jude Gonsalvez
Paula Green
Roger Greene
Peter Miller
Catherine Prentiss
Susan Swedis
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Boston Area Kodaly Educators
Grafton Suburban Credit Union
Merck Parternership for Giving
Gifts of $250 to $499
Donna Madaga Andren 1977
Ursula Arello 1998G
David Armstrong 1999/2001G
Joan Metivier Bertrand 1978/1981G
Florence Tormey Blouin 1950
Gail Bowen 1998G
Grady Bowen 1998
Doris Brodeur 1972
Elizabeth Cosgrove Burrell 1969
Christina Callahan Hayes 1967
Maureen Moriarty Caplette 1957
Robert Carroll 1985G
32 | Anna Maria College
Nancy Charest Charon 1974
Martha Krom Chiarchiaro 1978/1985G
Carolyn Cowell 1983
Gail Parshley Crane 1964
Robert Desrosiers
Michelle Ushinski England 2005
Mary Flynn Faddick 1964
Robert FitzGerald 1985
David Fleming 2000
Maryclare Luby Forry 1967
Gail Frieswick 1984G
Marcia Stuart Fritz 1971
Scott Girard 1999
Eileen Gorman 1961
Marie Harrington Guman 1970
Gary Hoskin 1997/1998G
Doris Huard 1995/1998G
Dorothy Gasper Iorio 1964
Christine Coleman Kardokas 1965
Holly Kelley 1971
Margaret Kelly 1971
Suzanne Chapdelaine Kelly 1959
Katelin Kilgallon 2007/2008G
Kathleen Driscoll Larson 1968
Christa Leroux Lee 1982
Alicia Lenahan 1989
Arthur Martins 1995G
Amy McCarthy 2002G
Marie Paradis Meegan 1960
Brianne Morrow Miers 2008/2012G
Rita Desaulniers Molleur 1955
Garfield Morrison Jr. 1981
Rosemary McMahon Pellegrino 1964
Jeffrey Raymond 2003
Melissa Reynolds 2007
Nancy Roy 1965
Linda Buffone Ruda 1968
Dorothy McLaughlin Salmon 2001
Bhawesh Raj Sharma 2001
John Shea 1990G
Patricia Recko Smith 1964
Yasuko Johnson Tanaka 1976
Dennis Thompson 1979G
Faculty and Staff
Evelyn Ajemian
Alice Baron
Mark Collette
John Delaney
Michael Donnelly
Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado
Paul Erickson
Carol Gabriele
Patricia Gavin
Joan-Beth Gow
Christine Holmes
Alice Lambert 1987
Ray LeBoeuf
Yvonnie Malcolm 2014G
Elzbieta Sobocinski Manos 1986/1988G
Renee Markiewicz 2014
L. Michael McCartney
Joanne McDonnell
Michael Miers 2007
Sandra Pereira
Sr. Rollande Quintal SSA 1962
Paulette Remijan 1985
Doryl Rourke
Janice Ruggieri 2002
Jessica Stelmok Sabourin 2007G
Lisa Saverese 2004
Mary Ann Ulevich
Dennis Vanasse 1994
Barbara Zawalich 2007/2009G
Friends and Parents
Thomas and Anne Condon
Peter Dawson
Kevin Dayton
Lee and Mary Norris
Richard Zdrowski
Foundations, Corporations
and Organizations
CapTrust Advisors, LLC
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Commencement Photos, Inc.
Commerce Bank
Dayton & Sydney Wealth Strategies Group
Faith Baptist Church
Liberty Mutual Insurance
New England Office Supply, Inc.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Peoples Bank Matching Gifts Program
United Way of Central Mass.
Worcester Business
Development Corporation
AMCAT Circle
Gifts of $100 to $249
Danielle Abbott 1964
Isau Adebimpe 1984G
Paula Jean Alexandrowicz 1971
Lucy Oulohojian Almasian 1953
Mary Lou O’Brien Anderson 1965
Janet Marois Arcieri 1959
Paul Armitage 1992G
Valerie Roberts Avore 1966
Cathy Babiec 2012G
Cynthia Baker 1988
Susan O’Hearn Bamerick 1965
Deacon Joseph Baniukiewicz 1988/2005G
Beverly Banks 1966
Christine Magliaro Baril 1989
Donald Baril 1989
Donald Beal 1980G
Maryann Michaelson Berger 1969
Sylvia Gregoire Berthiaume 1960
Elise Boyer Beverly 1972
John Bianchi 1990G
Lucille Boucher Blejwas 1990G
Regina Boisclair 1966
Ann-Marie Farley Bond 1966
Alaine Turskey Boucher 1975
Bruce Bousquet 1980G
Francis Brennan 2002G
Camille Brillon 1969
Sr. Margaret Brown RSM 1957
Shirley Zak Brownstein 1984G
Vincent Buffone 2011
Gerald Buono Jr. 1986G
Kevin Burr 2002
Karen Byrne 1966
Robert Callahan 1983G
Vivian Beauregard Cardinal 1972
Janice Doran Carlow 1988
Deborah Robertson Caronna 1980
Kathleen Sheehan Casey 1971
Victor Champagne Jr. 1986G
Karen Goucher Chelotti 1969
Brent Christopherson 2013
Ellen Hussey Clark 1959
Katherine Clarke 1977G
Marilyn Cocozza Trillo 1970
Robert Cole 1996G
Geraldine Friel Collins 1967
Anita Lanciaux Collins 1960
Mary Smith Collins 1968
Dennis Collins Jr. 1999
James Colton III 1989
Philip Condon 1980G
Joseph Connery Jr. 1985
Carol Botens Consigli 1963
William Cope Sr. 1982
John Cosmo 2008
Sharon Gilhooley Costine 1993
James Cottle 1985G
Amelia Martins Coviello 1963
Kathleen Minehan Cowan 1963
Thomas Culliney 1982G
Dianne O’Coin Cummings 1967
Diane Tammi Cushing 1977
Mary Jane Horton Dacri 1968
Samuel Dambrocia 1979
Mary Davey 1971
Lori Iamonaco Davitt 1977
Joyce Shiel DeCesare 1963
Estelle Nolin Del Donno 1950
Catherine Riordan Delaney 1957
Rosemary Cherhoniak Delaney 1973
Gina Deschaine-Stone 1980
Robert Desto 1986G
Alan Doherty 1986G
William Doogan 2001
Gail Cole Drake 1973
Elizabeth Drake 1969/1984G
Lisa Drescher Judd 1986
Janice Reidy Dubuque 1964
Anne Durgin 1993G
Christina Dymek-Thompson 1970
Lawrence Edwards 1984G
Mary Burke Fallon 1960
Mary Ziccardi Farrell 1973
Constance Favreau 1984/1999G
Elizabeth Campbell Feher 1964
Mary Jane Flaherty 1980/1985G
Alumni, family and friends gathered in August for the annual Anna Maria night at Fenway.
Ethel Dube Fleming 1966
Larry Flowers 2000G
Joanne Lamoureux Foley 1963
Rosemary Hallinan Foley 1976
Teresa Harrington Foley 1971
James Fowlie Sr. 1983G
Ann Niedzwiecki Frazier 1985
Constance Fugere 1976
Albert Gallagher 1985/1988G
Kathleen Gallagher 1971
Antoinette Bonvouloir Garceau 1950
Maria Gugliemetti Gardner 1967
Shirley Sisti Geoffrion 1956
Elizabeth Cronin George 1965
Ann Marie O’Sullivan Giambruno 1953
Marianne Curran Girouard 1967
Colleen Powers Glaser 1975
Jose Gonsalves 1983G
Stacy Graiko 1992
Maureen Lane Grandmont 1973
Winifred Barron Griffin 1961
Donna Mary Grout 1961
Elaine Guay 1965
Lesley Weber Gustafson 1979/1982G
James Hall 1980G
Lois Hall 1981G
Gloria Zarrella Hand 1955
Lianne McCallum-Dixon Hanlon 1974
Carol Harding 1955
Kathleen Hardwick 1983G
Katherine Stumpf Harper 1973
Peter Harrington 2008/2010G
Carol Kavanaugh Harvey 1964
Deborah Sauro Hayes 1998
Kevin Hayes 1998
M. Diane Garnett Hendricken 1980G
Michael Hoar 1999/2000G
Marguerite LaBrie Houde 1956
David Houghton 2000
Ashley Hubacz 2011
Denise Doyle Hughes 1966
Richard Hutzenbiler 1980G
Theresa Emmons Jackman 1973/1978G
Anne Jette 1997
Peronneau Johnson 1979G
Patrick Jones 2012G
Marlene Gramling Katz 1973
Claudette Chagnon Keevan 1967
Susan Power Kelly 1963
Patricia Kelly-Bedard 1976
Ruthanne Lynch Keto 1970
James Klich 2013
Donna Varney Kraus 1981
Frances Kroll 1985G
Steven Kwederis Jr. 1983G
Carol Carignan Lachance 1969
Jane Ellen West LaCroix 1964
Anne Laliberte 1962
Dean Landry 1985
Lynne Stanley Landry 1987
Gerald Latham 1982G
Katie Leahey 2006
Francyne Lefemine 1998G
Assegedch Legesse 2006
Luther Legg 2006
Lucille Chenette LeMieux 1958
Linda Viscosi Limoli 1970/1980G
Jane Lovett 1965
Natalie Koziara Lozoski 1966
Susan Luba 1971
James Machado 1999
Ann Marie Rossetti Malvey 1964
Michaline Chomicz Manno 1957
LaWanda Manor 1974
Lois Mason 1973
Todd Matta 1996G
Gail Wilson McAfoos 1985G
Elaine Calandruccio McDonald 1967
Elizabeth Hoey McDonough 1984G
Gail Riordan McGrail 1961
Janice Cormier McGuire 1963
Mary Foley McKinnon 1961
Dorothy Dowd McMahon 1961
Geraldine McQuoid 1974/1977G
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 33
Carol Barre Messina 1963
Joan Metras 2002G
Stephen Metras 2008G
Suzanne Smith Milani 1978/1991G
Leslie Mattie Milewski 1973
Malissa O’Rourke Miot 1989
Suzanne Marin Morin 1960
Julia Morrison 1983
Scott Morrison 1996G
Nancy Zalneraitis Muise 1973
Arlene Laflash Murray 1969
Birgit Nelson 1977G
Cindy Smith Nelson 1963
Julie Anne Ledoux Nolan 1964
Judith Sullivan Noone 1968
Linda Breau Norman 1970
Jane Eacmen O’Hearn 1971
Kathleen Roach Ohlson 1966
Kathryn Oliver 1979
Glen Ollis 2006
Margaret Olson 1983G
Patricia Flaherty Olson 1962
Patricia Osimo 1990
Catherine Pappas 1988/1999G
Phyllis Pearson 1979G
Mary Jane Curran Pelletier 1973
Richard Pierce 2009G
Yvette Bourdelais Pietrangelo 1963
Leocadia Linga Pietrewicz 1967
Joyce Catalini Porter 1964
Patricia Hurley Precobb 1962
David Profit 2010G
Paul Proko 1982G
Gerard Proulx 1984G
Cecile Quintal 1961
Mary Flynn Regan 1962
Pauline Cloutier Reil 1964
Claudette Emond Rice 1971
Catherine Richard 1989
Matthew Richards 1992G
Georgene Riedl 1970
Brenda Andle Rohan 1964
Elaine Gravel Rosmond 1963
Constance Rossi 1957
Jeannine Boivin Sacco 1962
Ann Cronin Sadler 1956
Shirley Saffy 1962
Linda Forchielli Sauer 1968
Christine Parenteau Saulnier 1961
Patricia Sclafani-Hinkley 1973
Shawn Secondini 2013
Mary Sekurski 1985
Marie-Anne Bergeron Seymour 1965
Ann Marie Shea 1961
George Sherrill 1997G
Janice Silva 1957
Susan Donohue Simitis 1968
Cristina Ruffolo Singer 1979
Bonita Singlevich 1996
Alexandra Sanchez Smith 1988
Richard Smith 1976G
34 | Anna Maria College
Barbara Kittredge Spugnardi 1965
Sandra Staney 1997
Carol LoConto Stanton 1965
Nicole Stevens 1990
Jean Aldinger Stewart 1984G
Maryanne Kerrigan Stewart 1962
M. Lynne Curran Strid 1972
Elaine Szul 1973
Elizabeth Cattaneo Tantillo 1984G
Gina Oliva Tarolli 1983
Barbara Synnott Teller 1959
Phyllis Beaudry Tomaiolo 1965
Jeannine Savage Trahan 1959
Lindsey Ngo Tran 2003
Ashleigh Wall 2010
Johanna Walsh 2001G
Edward Wardzala 1979G
Sylvia Arduini Warner 1955
Claire Weber 1988
Mary Ann Meredith Welsch 1981/2004G
Patricia White 1972
Doris Powers Whitworth 1969/1978G
Bernadette Pipczynski Wyman 1964
Amy Russell Yantorno 1989
Charlene Zimkiewicz 1980G
Friends and Parents
Mary and Michelle Abbott
Tracy Allen-Calder
Melinda Anderson
Michael and Dianne Blau
Patricia A Brigham
Patricia Brigham
Juan Chavez
John and Darlene Collins
Marianne Connelly
G. Richard and Mary Danner
Scott Demers
Fran DeQuinzio
Bernadette DiBiase
Kristine and Kevin Donnelly
Diane Dyberg
Kevin and Carol Early
Joseph EarlyJr.
Craig Ennis
Jacqueline Finn
Stephen Finn
Sandy Flowers
Mark and Jan Fuller
Sarita and Mary Gibney
Francis Grey
Ronald and Carol Gwozdz
Gerald and Rachel Jones
Kevin and Peggy Jones
William Jones
Dennis Kane
Stephen Kerins
John and Ellen Kettle
James and Suzanne Ksansnak
John Kurkulonis
Margaret and James LaMothe
Stephen Lawson
Greg and Mary Levasseur
Kathleen Magoon
Donald and June Maloney
Linda Masterman
Paul and Barbara McDermott
Linda McGuirk
Peggy McNair
Farrell Mead
Russ Miller
James and Karen Patenaude
Norma and Richard Patterson
Jaccina Pierre
Brenda Price
Edward and Carol Reller
Al Rezendes
Robert and Donna Secondini
Paul and Amy Thompson
Barbara Tilson
Rev. Msgr. Edmond Tinsley
Jay and Constance Tracy
Robert and Mary Uek
Herbert and Jean Varnum
Marion Veale
Faculty and Staff
Katrin Aback
Elizabeth Bonneau
Kathleen Brule
Karin Ciance
Marie Clemente
Wendy Cleveland
Jean Desto
Nancy Dowd
Wesley Dunham
Janet Bourgeois Gemborys 1969
Bruce Gilmore 2001G
Irene Irudayam
Judy Johnson
Richard Kalinowski
Lisa LeBlanc
Michael Lombardo
Norma Mann
Andrew McCarthy
Mary-Kate McMaster
John Medbury
Anthony Penny
Patricia Petursson 2010/2013G
Everett Pierce 2009G
Mark Savasta 2002/2006G
Susanne Shays 2005G
Jason Silvestri 1997/2007G
Vincent Sinagra
Richard Talbot
Douglas Tripp
Julienne Ugalde
Susan Wallace
Barbara Warren
Eleanor Wasilak
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
Boys & Girls Club of Worcester
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation
Hyannisport Club Ladies 18 Hole Group
Erwin T. Koch Trust
Law Office of David A. Trottier
North Shore Community College/Student
Financial Services
O’Connor, Maloney & Company, P.C.
St. Mary of the Sacred Heart Parish
GIFTS of $1 to $99
Kathleen Airoldi 1984
Claudia Aitken 1984G
Christopher Andrade 2003/2004G
Carol Kingston Andrus 1971
Janet Gravel Angelico 1975
Claire Angers 1961
Iris Anorga-Cook 1964
Pamela Anzaldi 1979
Patricia Borci Archambeault 1969
Catherine Flanagan Armata 1963
James Arnold 2007
Marilyn Atchue 1984
Lorraine Sledziewski Bachand 1966
Erika Cannavino Bailey 2005
Marguerite Giguere Bartlett 1981G
Barbara Alexandrovich Beauregard 1979/1987G
Suellen Holly Beeman 1966
Margaret Belanger 1970
Michael Belmont 1982G
Linda Bendoris 1971/1981G
Denise Picard Benoit 1984/1998G
Joseph Berardino 1984G
Linda Drumm Bertucci 1973
John Bianchi 1981G
Robert Bianchi 1986G
Therese Biggs 1957
Robert Black 2013
W. Lee Blackburn 1983G
Bruce Blais 1978
Kathleen Blake 1976
Thomas Bogart 2003G
John Bosselman III 1984G
Claire Guerin Bouchard 1965
Elaine Boudreau 1978G
Marcelline Finn Boutselis 1970
Karen Boyea-Karp 2000G
Eric Braxton 2001G
Tara Brennan 2009G
Denise Beaudet Brogna 1965
Mary Eileen Martin Brosnan 1962
Charlotte Guay Brown 1960
Danielle Brown 2004
Emily Sadoski Buch-Hague 1961
Donald Buck 1990
Kevin Bugingo 2011G
Joan Crimmin Burke+ 1960
Jill Gardella Butke 1968
Robert Buyniski 1985G
John Camerota 1998
Besmir Caraj 2013G
Clifford Cardin 2013
Sarah Carlson 2005G
Kent Carlson 2000
Christine Carmody 1997G
Carol Carty 1999G
Judith Cassanelli 1972
Ernest Cassell 1984
Karen Murphy Cavan 1971
Patricia Ann Winnick Cayer 1976
Leanne Campbell Chabior 1978/1982G
Richard Chabior 1978
David Chaisson 1985G
Edward Charlton III 1994G
Mary McMahon Chappell 1988G
Discell Charlton Jr. 1998G
Lillian Chenell 2000
Cecily Ryan Christensen 1976
Susan Christmas 1967
Christina Zaiko Claffey 1965
Elena Maglione Coffey 1969/1982G
Pamela Cole 1985G
Sherrilyn Morrill Coletti 1977/1980G
Fotis Colocousis 1988G
Margaret Briand Como 1960
Marilyn Murphy Conners 1969
Thomas Conners 1989G
Colleen Connolly 2013G
Edward Conrad 1979G
Brian Conrad 2013
Winifred Coonan 1982/1992G
Madeline Jaksina Coppenrath 1965
Janine Corneau 1978
Beth Palmerino Cournoyer 1971
Helen Morris Courtemanche 1974
Nancy Perkins Cox 1967
Richard Crowley 1981G
Ellen Culbert-Johnston 1998G
David Cullen 1990
Thomas Cullinane 1980G
Charleen Dahlin 1964
Carol Lafleur Daley 1961
Joseph D’Andrea 1991G
Julie Carlantuono D’Andrea 1975/1980G
Kathleen Phillips Davidson 1987
Katherine Davitt 1977G
Barbara Day 1976G
Susan Mowry DeCapua 1975
Carol Poirier DeCubellis 1957
Eugene Delgaizo 1981G
Dianne Demers 1985/2010G
Harold Dennen 1982G
Mary Dennen 1984G
Raymond Dery 1994G
John Desalvia 1985
Michelle LaPlante Desilets 1969
Rachelle Gauthier Desrochers 1967
Stephen DiGiovanni 2006/2008G
David Dockstader 2004G
Monica Cervini Doherty 1956
Brendan Doherty 1998G
Brian Doherty 2006G
Yvette Faucher Dombrowski 1964
Nancy Donohue-Berthiaume 1972/1977G
Eleanor Cronin Doon 1960
Barbara Drake 1984G
Joyce Cournoyer Dresser 1969
Joan Goodrow Dubois 1966
Lisa Dufault 2012
Sandra Duguay 2008G
Geraldine Troio Dumas 1969
Barbara Dunderdale 1994G
G. William Dunderdale 1994G
Laurie Dunleavy 1995G
Steven Dupre 2007
Holly Lovejoy Earl 1978/1983G
Maureen Egan 1956
Amanda Elinoff 2001
Lisa Ellis 1998
Michael Ellsworth 1991G
Sheila Donoghue Ethier 1965
Priscilla Farnsworth 1973
Carol Kelleher Farrell 1959
Kent Farrenkopf 2000/2010G
Linda Fazio 2000G
Dolores Deslauriers Fell 1961
Alan Feltham 1977G
Todd Fenniman 1992
James Fernando 1983G
Charlene Shomphe Ferretti 1972
Richard Finnegan 1996G
Deborah Martin Fiore 1986
Lawrence Fisher 1995G
Pauline Foreman 2006
Helen McKeon Fournier 1972
Linda Narris Friberg 1969/1998G
John Furey Jr. 1979G
J. Bruce Gabriel 1982G
Thomas Gaffney 1990G
Jeannine LeVangie Gallant 1974
Daniel Gallivan 2000
Andrew Gargano 2000
Melisa St. Jacques Gargano 2000
Angela Santa Lucia Gartz 1962
Judith Garvey 1983G
David Gavin 1992
Janice Walendziak Gearan 1974/1982G
T. Anne Gray Gemme 1958
Patricia McGee Gendron 1966
Teresa Gentile 2009
Mary Shea George 1982
Jennifer George 2013
Michael Gerry 1986G
Joseph Giblin 2009
Lisa Gillum 1991G
Jeremiah Goodwin 1997G
Beverly Ann McDermott Gorman 1953
Kevin Goudreau 1987/1990G
Shari-Ann Tateronis Goudreau 1988
John Grazioso 1992G
Carol Green 1987G
Michael Green 1977G
Maurice Guarini 1982G
Marjorie Guerin 1959
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 35
Michele Guerin 1975
Paul Guevin III 1988
Eric Gustafson 2004G
Lizbeth Dzaugis Gustavson 1985G
Scott Haley 1999
Margaret Smith Handlin 1966
Richard Hanlon 1985G
Maureen Gerrits Havey 1984
Sean Havey 1983/1985G
Paul Hayes Jr. 1984
David Hebert 1982G
Susan Gleason Hebert 1976
Janet Sullivan Hedlund 1968
Anne Hedstrom 1992G
Ann Swift Heffernan 1966
Jane Bonczek Heiser 1965
Ernest Henry 1989G
Pablo Hernandez 1990
David Heroux 1996/1998G
Shirley Hinckley 1983G
Frances Crowley Hirst 1964
Judith Hirvonen-Lajoie 1961
Ann Rempelakis Horton 1971
Kevin Horton 1982G
Diane Lorentzen Howard 1970
Laura Howard 2002
Stephen Hughes 1978G
Dawn Whitaker Hurley 1989
James Hurley 1996G
Dorothy McKiernan Iaccarino 1984G
Judith Siekierski-Walshak Igelman 1965
Cheryl Dupont Izyk 1972
David Jacek 1983G
Marie Maloney Johnson 1975
Bernadette Boudreau Johnson 1970
Elizabeth Hutchins Johnson 1981
Robert Johnston 2003G
Deborah Pare Joinville 1974
Deborah Villa Joslyn 1996/2005G
Anne Marie Joubert 1971
Stephen Kandrotas 1981G
David Karakeian 1992
Susan Ghelli Karkheck 1990
Christine Greene Keenan 1964
AMC Donates Computers, Keyboards
to Worcester East Middle School
In October, Anna Maria College donated four used iMac computers, two Roland
musical keyboards and sheet music to the music program at Worcester East Middle
School. AMC Director of Music Reginald Houze and Chief Information Officer
Michael Miers ’07 were pleased to answer the donation request of AMC alumnus
Michael Castro ’13, who began as a music teacher at the school in August.
“We really appreciate the equipment donation as it provides the students with
better, hands-on tools to see, hear and actually produce musical arrangements as
part of their learning,” said Castro.
Nearly 800 sixth, seventh and eighth graders attend Worcester East Middle
School, located on Grafton St. in Worcester.
Students (seated, left to right) Joan Njane, Lordina Shalom and Cristina Velazco
join (standing, left to right) Miers, Castro, Houze and Dr. Rose Dawkins, principal,
Worcester East Middle School.
36 | Anna Maria College
John Kelleher 1984G
Daniel Kelly 1999
Edward Kelly 1987G
Lisa Antonetti Kelly 2000/2002G
Linda Kikutis Kropp 1996G
Mary-Ann Matys Kirklauskas 1988G
Carol Jean Knight 1983
Elizabeth Zingarelli Knott 1969
Joan Roy Knox 1972
Mary Burke Koonmen 1961
Sheila Cassily Koot 1966
Karen Koprowski 1980G
Francis Kozaczka 1982G
Daniel Kristoff 2008
Mel Kwatowski 2000
Sherri Landry 2003G
Gerard Lanoue 1979G
David Larson 1988
Nancy Kenney Larson 1987
Mark Laverdure 1991G
Kathy Lazarovich 1989G
Cynthia Lebel 1998G
Ralph Leblanc 1995/1997G
Jeanne Leclerc 1961
Christine Oates Lehane 1968
Sr. Muriel Lemoine SASV 1973
John Lenihan 1996G
Walter Lennon 1976G
Claire McIntyre Lent 1964
Lori Hughes Lindemann 2000G
Sally Curran Loman 1960
Anneleen Lajoie Loughlin 1981
Janice Christenson Lundberg 1967
Catherine King Lunde 1970
Daniel Macconnell 2005G
J. Kevin Macdonald 1990G
Neil Macleod 1984G
Phyllis Madigan 1964
Steven Maher 1990G
Elizabeth Bradley Maiorano 1973
Kathleen Beddia Malatras 1975
Ann Marie Proulx Mandeville 1973
Louise Marsello 1964
Doris Martel Hernacki 1970
Donna Massingale 2013
Joyce Wilk Mastroianni 1959
Judith McAllister 1962
Daniel McCarthy 1999G
Susan McCauley 1963
Renee McCue-Hall 1985G
Barbara McDonald 1985G
Edward McDonald 1981G
Richard McDonald 1998G
David McGarrigle 1988
Joanne Smith McGinn 1978
Richard McGlynn 1981G
Robert McGuire 1999/1999G
Francis McKenna Jr. 1980
Beverly Collins McKenna 1964
Brian McKenna 1985G
Myrna Cheung Medina 1958
Renee Merolli 1979/1988G
Rev. Linda Whitney Michel 1996
Taylor Mills 2002G
Ellen Kent Mora 1958
Frances Moran 2000G
Marolyn Moriarty 1986G
Theresa Morin-Doyle 1987G
Yole Morocco-Foley 1968
Greta Morris 1982G
Diane Bergeron Morris 1974
Renee Malboeuf Morse 1972
Neal Mullane 2010
Vanda Kormanski Mullins 1966
Cheryl Wright Murphy 1971
Joseph Murphy 1986G
Joseph Murphy Jr. 1984G
Lawrence Murphy 1995
Barbara McKiernan Murphy 1979
William Myles 2009
Jo Ann Nally 1968
Martha Dickinson Neal 1970/1979G
Jane Wentworth Neale 1976
Susan Gaudet Neville 1970
Kathleen Weldon Newcomer 1965
Richard Newton 1984G
Joseph Nixon Jr. 1980G
William Noke 2008
Catherine Cantwell Noonan 1950
Mary Sheridan Notaro 1974
Frances Nugent 1976G
Donna DiDomenico Nye 1980
Cynthia Oatley 1987
Ann O’Connell 1965
Mary McKeon O’Connell 1984
Maureen Chojnacki O’Higgins 1963
Lois O’Leary 1989G
Margaret O’Malley 2000G
Eda Oteri 1990G
John Paciorek 1985/1988G
Barbara Zirkle Palanzo 1985
David Papagni 1988G
Elizabeth Parks 2008
Robert Paulsen Jr. 1998G
Roger Peixinho 1988G
Donna Dombrowski Pelczar 1984G
Susan Peltier 1994G
Francis Penny Jr. 1979G
John Perchard III 2004/2004G
Gary Perras 1989G
James Pervier 1994/1995G
Michael Peterson 1981G
Nina Phalen 1977
Lydia Pirro 1954
Cynthia Houde Pontbriant 1963
Teresa Popek 1981G
Virginia Powell-Brasier 1971
David Powers Sr. 2003G
Joseph Powers 1981G
Margaret Hallinan Prendergast 1965
Jeffery Pringle 1991G
Francis Prisco 1985G
Sr. Janet Provost SSJ 1961
Edyta Puczydlowska 2010
Robert Pugh 1999G
Irene Condon Purcell 1963
Cynthia Correia Quarella 1972
Edward Quinn 1983G
Timothy Quinn 2013
Frances Rabidou 1986G
Kenneth Rabidou Jr. 1983G
Julianne Mansueti Rabschnuk 1962
Julie Racette 1999
John Reno 1979G
James Ricci 1986G
Lori Richardson 2004G
Alfred Ricko 1983G
William Riley IV 1985G
Mary Riordan 1978G
Michael Rivard 1976G
Marguerite Morin Roache 1972
Nancy Roberge 1987G
Pauline Turcotte Rogers+ 1971
Suzanne Hopfe Rohrbacher 1982
Susan Roney-O’Brien 1989G
Tammy Plouffe Roscoe 1989
Laurence Rose 1987G
David Roy 1988
Elaina Loiacano Roy 1991
George Ryan 1981G
Elizabeth Sabaj 1976
Patricia Jean Sadin 1967/1992G
Frank Salamone 1988
Mark Saunders 1995G
David Schnell Jr. 2001G
Marcia Scully 1997/1998G
Patricia Secino 2009
Barbara Bonetti Selinger 1969
Jayne Senecal 2000
Ronald Senez 1985
Diane Servant 1974
Jean Severson 1979G
Barbara Desjardins Seymour 1960
Annette Simoneau Shaw 1961
Cynthia Shipp Sheehan 1970
Donna LaPrade Shepard 1969
William Shepard 2000G
Janet Minty Shirazi 1983/2001G
Sheila Walsh Shrewsberry 1963
Virginia Ray Shumsky 1971
Maureen Kelley Siedlecki 1970
Pamela Sigel 1996/2002G
Arlene Kaskan Sjosten 1965
Anne Smith 1984/1988G
Stephanie Smith 1988
Cecile DeRoy Solitro 1972
Sally Spalding 1984
Shirley Uryniak Spiewak 1969
D. Lyn MacDonald Stevens 1975
Christopher Stewart 2002G
Mary Manning Stone 1988G
Donna Sullivan 1984G
Grace Sullivan 2000G
Joan Brosnan Sullivan 1969
Judith Supernor Berlane 1962
John Szivos 1990G
Joanne Szlyk 1976
Anna Szymczak 2013G
Lucille Talbot 1993G
Patricia Reilly Tamulis 1969
Dianne Stines Tarka 1972
M. Jeanne Tasse 1955
Martha McDonough Tassinari 1963
Elizabeth Ludy Taylor 1963
Colleen O’Day Terrill 1988
Diana Testa-Place 1965
Forrest Thorpe III 2005
Jessica Hagopian Thorpe 2005
Timothy Tobin 1985G
Jesus Torres 2011
Judith L’Ecuyer Toscano 1961
Cheryl Eckland Trimby 1985
Mary Darmody Troxel 1984G
Thomas Tuniewicz 1982G
Jay Uva 2011
Steven Veach 1990G
Richard Vigneault 1980G
Lorraine Brady Vrionis 1968
Janice Consoletti Wagner 1967
Anne Walsh 1984
Mary Ellen Stoyko Walsh 1969
Francis Warner 2012
Patricia McNamee Warshaw 1979
Dianne Farr Wawrzusin 1981
Nancy Wegimont 1968
Virgil White 2013G
Caroline Yuoska Wilczynski 1980
Mary Doyle Williams 1968
Wendy Wilson 1994
Anthony Wolski 1991G
Mary Carberry Wood 1970
Carol Richie Woodman-Vadenais 1975
James Woodruff 1996G
M. Louise Woodruff 2000G
Frederick Young 1984G
Margaret Enright Zytkiewicz 1963
Friends and Parents
Julian Aliperta
David and Susan Amaral
Linda Babraitis
Charlotte Beary
Paul and Kristin Bernier
Michael Bibbey
Joann Bond
Kathy and Lenny Bonn
Charles Bouchard
Mary-Ellen Boyle
Michael and Mary Broadhurst
H. Eugene and Susanne Burns
Thomas and Mary Calise
Nancy Callan
Patricia Caprera
Cheryl Charves
Peggy and Leon Christoforo
Leonard Clayton
Anne Courtney Clough
Rosemarie Colao
Ann Connolly
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 37
Lynne Connor
Robert Cruz
Arthur Day
Morgan Donovan-Hall
Fran D’Orazio
George and Jane Doyle
Nicole Dunham
Charles Dunham Jr.
Nancy Dupre
Michael Dzierzeski
Alice Dzierzeski
Joan Fletcher
Ruth Fririhio
Thomas and Carole Frizzell
Dan Gentile
Catherine and Edward Goehring
Cheryl Gottlieb
Kyle Haggerty
Jackie Hardy
Lester and Nancy Hatch
Lisa Hunter
Scott Jackson
Joan and William Jordan
Barbara Kalosky
Mary Kelly-Keegan
Paula Kiley
John Kiosses
Christine Knoll-Finn
Kenneth Kobus
Kenneth and Linda Lafleche
Judith Lombardo
Erika Love
Russell and Bettejane Manoog
William Maradei
Scott and Denise Matthews
Carol Matthews
John McGoldrick
Anna McGrath
Theresa McLennan
William Meier III
Joanne Menice
John Mercier
Tammy Miller
Marie Miniham
Joseph Morin
Patricia Neher
Kirsten Nelson
Joy Nichols
Daniel O’Donoghue
Lawrence and Marjorie Ohs
John O’Reilly
Beth Pavlis
Vincent Petrillose
Christine Piehl
Jay and Maria Powers
Nancy Pymento
Jeanne Reichelt
Selena Reyes
Victor and Rosemary Rimkus
Sheila Roy
Jack and Cindy Roy
Joseph Ruder
38 | Anna Maria College
Kathleen Ryan
Rita Sarpong
Thomas and Carol Ann Sawyer
Lisa Sciacca
Glenn Scudder
Allinton Silcott
Dorothy Simonds
JoAnn Slaga
Linda Sloan
Michelle Spriggs
Patricia Sullivan
Olivia Tarleton
Elaine Vousboukis
Lisa Washek
Robert and Shirley Whitelaw
Mary Woulas
Thomas and Ethel Zocco
Faculty and Staff
Nancy Adams
Linda Aronson
Claudia Barron
Patricia Bartzak
Chris Bettano
James Bidwell
Sara Boucher
Lisa Braunig
Ernest Brooks 2014
Pamela Brunelle
Eric Carlson
Arne Christensen
Altin Cici
Rev. Manuel Clavijo
Michele Coakley
Stephanie Craite
Kathleen Dellostritto
Daniel Deluca
Colleen DiGiovanni 2008
Joshua Doolittle
Adam Duggan
Colin Foley
Jennifer Harney
W. Gary Hayward
Deborah Hill 2014G
Karen Hubert
Michael Janda
David Keller
Thomas Kellner
Raimonda Kovi
Nesti Kovi
Kirstie Leonard
Cecile Lewis
William Lynch
Patricia Marsh
Frances McCarthy 2014
Brittany McKay
David McNamara
Yvette Medina
Ann Marie Mires
Pamela Mongiat
Carla Morrissey
Karen Morrissey
Ann Murphy
Brian O’Brien Sr.
Richard Onanian
Olga Papadopoulos 2010G
Kathleen Pastore
Krisanthi Prifti
Will Ricard
Robert Ritchie
Jane Rogers
Eva Ryan
Jenny Sangster
Elizabeth Seymour
John Shliapa
Samantha Shomo
Matthew Simpson
Judith Sparanges
Katrina Steinberg 2014G
Manny Suarez
Lisa Summer
Kyle Thomsen
Stanley Vieira
James Welsh
Dianne White
Janice Wilbur
Stephanie Williams 2012/2014G
Jeffrey Wood
Bernard Wood
Dan Zawalich
Tim Zawalich
Corporations, Foundations
and Organizations
AIG Matching Grants Program
Abby Kelley Foster House, Inc.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Our Lady of the Lake
Pleasant View Nursery
Protector Group Insurance Agency
Verizon Foundation
Vernon Police Association
Worcester Country Club
2014 Golf Sponsors
Presidential Sponsor
J.J. Bafaro, Inc.
Registration Sponsor
Saint Vincent Hospital
Box Lunch Sponsor
Egg & I
Cart Sponsor
Sodexo Campus Services
AMCAT Sponsors
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Mirick, O’Connell, DeMallie & Lougee, LLP
SAGE Dining Services
Boston Color Graphics
Congress Asset Management
Leominster Credit Union
Marsh & McLennan Agency, New England
Green Sponsor
Fred C. Church Insurance
Hole Sponsors
Grafton Suburban Credit Union
People’s United Bank
Tee Sponsors
CapTrust Advisors
Commerce Bank
Commencement Photos, Inc.
Liberty Mutual Insurance
New England Office Supply
“The Golden Girls”
Janet Goldrick
Jane Lovett 1965
Elizabeth Quinn 1965
Whalley Computer Associates
Worcester Business Development
In Memory of James Chelotti
Karen Goucher Chelotti 1969
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betty Lou)
Conte 1957
John Conte
In Memory of Margaret Cooney
Creamer 1960
Mary-Ellen Boyle
Jean Mercier Cooney 1964
John Conte
Thomas Cullinane 1980G
Fran D’Orazio
Diane Dyberg
John Mercier
North Shore Community
College/Student Financial Services
Victor and Rosemary Rimkus
In Memory of Sandra Demerjian
Darney 1963
Catherine Flanagan Armata 1963
Carol Botens Consigli 1963
Kathleen Minehan Cowan 1963
Joyce Shiel DeCesare 1963
Angela Santa Lucia Gartz 1962
Susan McCauley 1963
In Memory of Mary Ann Ferri 1977
Nina Phalen 1977
In Memory of Gail Smith Harlow 1959
John Kiosses
In Memory of Edith Mooney LaVigne 1963
Abby Kelley Foster House, Inc.
Boys & Girls Club of Worcester
Michael and Mary Broadhurst
H. Eugene and Susanne Burns
Thomas and Mary Calise
Edwin and Maureen Logan Coghlin 1957
Lynne Connor
Carolyn Cowell 1983
George and Jane Doyle
Kevin and Carol Early
Mark and Jan Fuller
Sarita and Mary Gibney
Rosalie Rocheleau Grenon 1960
Ronald and Carol Gwozdz
Lester and Nancy Hatch
Janet Sullivan Hedlund 1968
Hyannisport Club Ladies 18 Hole Group
Gerald and Rachel Jones
William Jones
John and Ellen Kettle
James and Suzanne Ksansnak
John Kurkulonis
Kenneth and Linda Lafleche
Kirk and Amanda LaVigne
Stephen Lawson
Donald and June Maloney
Russell and Bettejane Manoog
Linda Masterman
Paul and Barbara McDermott
Patricia Neher
O’Connor, Maloney & Company, P.C.
Lawrence and Marjorie Ohs
Pleasant View Nursery
Cynthia Houde Pontbriant 1963
Protector Group Insurance Agency
Irene Condon Purcell 1963
Arlene Kaskan Sjosten 1965
Linda Sloan
Paul and Amy Thompson
Jay and Constance Tracy
Robert and Mary Uek
Herbert and Jean Varnum
Robert and Shirley Whitelaw
Worcester Country Club
Mary Woulas
Thomas and Ethel Zocco
In Memory of Doreen
Marszalkowski Malloy 1975
Kathryn Harrington Pisk 1975
In Memory of Ray and Dot McQuoid
Geraldine McQuoid 1974/1977G
In Memory of Dick Spugnardi
Barbara Kittredge Spugnardi 1965
In Memory of Kiwi and Slinky
Donna DiDomenico Nye 1980
In Memory of Sr. John of Mt. Carmel
Georgene Riedl
In Memory of Dr. Louise Soldani 1953
Maureen Grady Wilkinson* 1990
In Memory of Dorothy and Frank Veach
Steven Veach 1990G
In Honor of Ted and Maureen Logan
Coghlin 1957
James and Nancy Coghlin Sr.
In Honor of Dr. Mary Epstein
Michael and Dianne Blau
In Honor of Robert Carnegie 1981G
In Honor of AMC 2014 Retirees:
Alice Lambert 1987, Mary Lynn Ritchey,
Paul Russell, Bernie Wood
Collen Connolly 2013G
Bruce Gilmore 2001G
Paul Quaranto 2011G
Elizabeth Quinn* 1965
John Shea 1990G
Members of the Legacy Society have
made a planned gift to the College.
Planned gifts include bequest commitments,
life insurance policies, charitable gift a
nnuities, trusts and gifts of real estate or
other tangible property.
For more information on making a planned gift
to AMC, or if you have already included AMC in
your estate plans, please call 508-849-3298 or
Danielle Abbott 1964
Elizabeth Chickering 1974
Walter Dzieniszewski
Katherine George 1966/1978G
Ann Marie O’Sullivan Giambruno 1953
Eric Gustafson 2004G
Carol Harding 1955
Martha Harding 1957
Suzanne Chapdelaine Kelly 1959
Gail Riordan McGrail 1961
Elizabeth Quinn* 1965
Richard Radesky 1998G
Rena Richard 1955
Madelaine St. Amand 1963/1985G
Mary Doyle Stankus 1971/1990G
Maureen Grady Wilkinson* 1990
For the 2014-2015 academic year the following
AMC faculty and staff have pledged their
financial support of the College. We thank the
individuals listed below for their dedication to
our students, our campus, and our mission.
Katrin Aback
Evelyn Ajemian
Billye Auclair
Alice Baron
James Bidwell
Elizabeth Bonneau
Lisa Braunig
Allen Brown
Arne Christensen
Wendy Cleveland
John Delaney
Jean Desto
James DiReda
Michael Donnelly
Nancy Dowd
Elisabeth Driscoll 2010G
Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado
Wesley Dunham
Paul Erickson
Lorene Farrar
Alan Feltham 1977G
Cristina Finn
David Forsberg
Fall/Winter Alumni Magazine | 39
Carol Gabriele
Emma Gallagher
Patricia Gavin
Janet Gemborys 1969
Bruce Gilmore 2001G
Jude Gonsalvez
Joan-Beth Gow
Ronni Grzych-Wanat
Christine Holmes
Karen Hubert
Judy Johnson
Andrew Klein
Alice Lambert 1987
Ray LeBoeuf
William Lynch
Yvonnie Malcolm 2014G
Norma Mann
Elzbieta Manos 1986/1988G
Renee Markiewicz 2014
Patricia Marsh
Andrew McCarthy
Joanne McDonnell
Michael Miers 2007
Peter Miller
Karen Morrissey
Ann Murphy
Carol Myles
Brian O’Brien Sr.
Tricia Oliver
Richard Onanian
Sandra Pereira
Patricia Petursson 2010/2013G
Everett Pierce 2009G
Edward Power 2012G
Catherine Prentiss
Sr. Rollande Quintal, SSA 1962
Mary Lou Retelle
David Rosati
Doryl Rourke
Janice Ruggieri 2002
Jessica Sabourin 2007G
Lisa Saverese 2004
Elizabeth Seymour
Susanne Shays 2005G
Samantha Shomo
Lisa Storey
Susan Swedis
Richard Talbot
Dennis Vanasse 1994
Susan Wallace
Barbara Warren
Eleanor Wasilak
Janice Wilbur
Susan Wojtas
Terrence Young
Barbara Zawalich 2007/2009G
40 | Anna Maria College
AMC Board of Trustees 2014-2015
Robert C. Appis ‘88G
Egg and I, Inc.
Ogunquit, Maine
Brian A. O’Connell, Esq.
Manager of Business Services
Killingly Public Schools
Danielson, Connecticut
Joseph J. Bafaro
President, J.J. Bafaro, Inc.
Mechanical Contractors
Worcester, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Ann Quinn ‘65,
Vice Chair
Retired Superintendent
Old Rochester Regional School District
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Annette Bibeau, SSA ‘57
Provincial Secretary
Sisters of Saint Anne
St. Marie Province
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Rev. Richard F. Reidy
Vicar General
Diocese of Worcester
Worcester, Massachusetts
Rita M. DeRoy, SSA ‘68
Sisters of Saint Anne
St. Marie Province
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Mary Lou Retelle, ex-officio
Interim President
Anna Maria College
Paxton, Massachusetts
Joanne M. Dion, SSA
Province Co-Leader
Sisters of Saint Anne
Marlborough, Massachusetts
John J. Spillane, Esq.
Spillane & Spillane, LLP
Worcester, Massachusetts
Paul A. DiPierro, Chair
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Marguerite A. St. Amand, SSA ‘74
Sisters of Saint Anne
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Kimberly A. Kennedy ‘97G
Assistant VP, Operations
Arbella Insurance Group
Quincy, Massachusetts
Carolyn J. Stempler
Carolyn and June Designs, Inc.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Rev. Paul D. Kennedy, DD
Holden, Massachusetts
Erik G. Wexler
Chief Executive Officer
Tenet Healthcare – Northeast
Southborough, Massachusetts
Marion E. Krug ’67
MetriTech, Inc.
Champaign, Illinois
Pauline A. Laurence, SSA ‘72
Province Co-Leader
Sisters of Saint Anne
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Jacqueline LeBoeuf, SSA ‘72, ‘08G
Wellness Counselor
Sisters of Saint Anne
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Maureen G. Wilkinson ‘90,
Secretary of the Board
Vice President, Community Education/
CRA Officer
Harbor One Bank
Plainville, Massachusetts
Is your
Make your contribution to
the Annual Fund today and
be included in next year’s
annual report.
Show your
AMC pride.
Take a selfie with the AMCAT below.
Then, post it on the Anna Maria Alumni FACEBOOK page:
Your gift to the Anna Maria College Annual Fund
supports AMC’s Tradition of Excellence.
• An academically rigorous, career-focused
liberal arts-based education within a
community of support and respect.
• Scholarships for 99 percent of our students;
37 percent of Anna Maria’s students are
the first generation in their family to
attend college.
• Thirteen NCAA Division III athletic programs.
• A small student-faculty ratio that provides
a highly personalized learning experience
on-ground or online.
When foundations and corporations determine
whether or not to make a grant to Anna Maria,
alumni participation in the Annual Fund is a key
measure. Every gift at every giving level counts in
the participation rate and will make the difference
between Anna Maria receiving a grant or not.
All postings prior to February 14, 2015
will be eligible to win a $100 Visa gift card.
If your name is not listed, please consider joining
your classmates before December 31. Your
contribution for today’s students will be recognized
in next year’s annual report.
Ways to Give
Call us: 508-849-3341
Mail: Use the enclosed envelope.
Anna Maria College
50 Sunset Lane-Box K
Paxton, MA 01612
Non-profit Org.
US Postage
Permit No. 150
Worcester, MA
Anna Maria College
50 Sunset Lane
Paxton, MA 01612
Thank You
E very G ift C ounts
Your gifts made possible four
Alumni Association Senior
Scholarship awards to deserving
members of the Class of 2015.
Scholarship recipients include
Music Education major Ashley
Steinhaus from Westford, MA;
Criminal Justice major Michael
Joseph from Windsor, CT; English
and Business major Sloane Perron
from New Braintree, MA; and
Nursing major Colleen Ryder from
West Boylston, MA.
Stay in touch. Stay informed.