Inside: - Grayhawk Real Estate
Inside: - Grayhawk Real Estate
Grayhawk Flight June 2015 Inside: Grayhawk Elementary School Receives A+ Rating Caving Arizona What’s Trending in Grayhawk? #BVOGrayhawkSales LE LE LE A RS O F A RS O F 20121 N 76th St #1046 $366,000 SA OR F 20802 N Grayhawk #1031 LE SA OR $439,000 ING P 7469 E Phantom Way $725,000 Village at Grayhawk #1032 $290,000 Cachet at Grayhawk #1028 $325,000 LD Village at Grayhawk #2191 $314,900 7700 E Thunderhawk Rd Village at Grayhawk #2049 $315,000 LD SO Encore at Grayhawk #1130 $405,000 $446,000 SO LD SO ING 21056 N 72nd Place LD LD LD SO $399,900 SO SO Venu at Grayhawk #2352 $195,000 P 7779 E Nestling Way LD LD SO $679,000 D EN D EN F 7518 E Nestling Way SO $499,000 8235 E Angel Spirit Drive $566,000 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE* Our 100% Satisfaction GUARANTEE provides you the benefit of complete satisfaction, or we’ll sell your home for FREE!!* Over 700 homes SOLD in Grayhawk allows us to offer this exclusive guarantee! *certain conditions apply Interested in Buying or Selling? We Get Results. Call us today at 602-509-8818! David Van Omen Andrew Bloom PLATINUM LIVING Grayhawk HOA Board Member Inside... Features GRAYHAWK STAFF Michael Fee Community Manager Stacey Harvey Assistant Community Manager 12 Caving Arizona 18 Jenn Sheets Director of Communications Sprinkler System Checkup Sarah Van Duyne INSIDE SCOOP Manager’s Corner............. 4 Board Briefs...................... 6 Landscaping: Watering for Summer....... 8 Grayhawk A+.................. 11 Lifestyle Director In & Around Grayhawk....................... 16 Sage Advice.................... 22 Pam Heavrin Sip & Tell: Foosia, Asia Fresh.......... 24 Administrative Assistant Grayhawk Community Association Richard Dearo Maintenance Supervisor Phone (480) 563-9708 RSVP (480) 563-9839 Brent McDonald Fax (480) 563-9709 Capital Consultants Management Corporation 7940 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy. Suite 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Maintenance Assistant Talon Guardhouse/Roving Patrol (480) 502-7685 Raptor Guardhouse (480) 502-5078 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm On the Cover Life in Grayhawk Flight | 3 Manager’s Corner Most of you take great pride in the appearance of your home in Grayhawk, from the upkeep of the exterior of your home to the maintenance of your landscaping. However, it seems that in almost every neighborhood, there are one or two homeowners that do not share that same sense of pride in how their house and yard look. It is pretty easy to identify these properties when we are doing our inspections throughout the community. Unfortunately, many of these properties are habitual problems and only get “cleaned up” when the homeowners are notified of a maintenance concern by the association. During the summer months, the Grayhawk management team will be very diligent in the enforcement of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Design Guidelines within the Grayhawk community. Please keep in mind, however, that we truly believe that most of you want to abide by the covenants you agreed to when you first moved into the community. We understand that most of you inherently want to do what is necessary to keep your neighborhood beautiful and property values at their highest. Grayhawk Advertising The Grayhawk Community Association (GCA) offers advertising as a service to our community If you receive a “friendly reminder” letter from the association, please address the issue mentioned in the letter and feel free to contact the Grayhawk Community Association office if you have any questions or concerns about the notification. These letters are intended to help homeowners keep their property in compliance with the established covenants and guidelines. and does not support or endorse the products, persons or services advertised in the Flight. GCA shall not be held liable or responsible for any misleading or incorrect advertising. Please take a moment to inspect your home and your property to see if any potential CC&R violations or maintenance concerns exist and, if so, please take the time to correct any of these situations. Your neighbors will appreciate your efforts and so will we. On another note, during the summer months the Grayhawk Community Association and the Retreat Village Association will be working on a number of community maintenance projects throughout Grayhawk. These projects include the continuation of the common area wall and fence painting project which will take place in the Ridgecrest, Featherwind, Monterey Park, Pinnacle, and Montevina neighborhoods; crack-sealing and sealcoating Grayhawk Drive in the Talon and Raptor Retreat; replacing the remaining old mailboxes in the Ridgecrest and Coventry at Grayhawk neighborhoods; resurfacing the spa at the Crown Point Norte/Volare pool area; and repairs and maintenance to several playground areas and ramadas. We’ll talk again soon. Michael Fee Why Go Anywhere Else? Anyone can provide advice. At Edward Jones, our goal is to provide advice and guidance tailored to your needs. That’s why we live and work in your community. When it comes to your financial needs and goals, we believe you deserve face-to-face attention. You talk, we listen, and we get to know you. Portfolio and Retirement Plan Reviews Individual Retirement Accounts Education Savings Strategies Retirement Plan Rollovers and Consolidation Business Retirement Plans Mutual Funds For more information or to schedule a complimentary financial review, call or stop by today. Eric D Deaton Financial Advisor Grayhawk Community Manager . 9280 E Raintree Dr #101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-922-0290 MKT-1954D-A 4 | Flight Fixed Income Investments Member SIPC Community Meetings BOARD MEETINGS Board meetings are open to residents and we encourage you to attend. Your involvement does make a difference! Grayhawk Board of Directors Crown Point Board Meeting Call Stacey Harvey at 480-563-9708 for details. Edge Condominium Board Meeting Mon., June 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the Talon Room at the GCA office. Wed., June 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Edge Clubhouse. Call Associated Property Management at 480-941-1077 for details. Retreat Village Board of Directors Encore Board Meeting Mon., June 1 immediately following the GCA Board meeting in the Talon Room at the GCA office. Wed., June 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Encore Clubhouse. Call Ogden & Company at 480-396-4567 for more details. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Tesoro Condominium Board Meeting Communications Committee Call Jenn Sheets at 480-563-9708 for more information. Programs Committee Call Sarah Van Duyne at 480-563-9708 for more information. Landscape Committee Call Stacey Harvey at 480-563-9708 for more information. Operational Review Committee Next meeting scheduled on Mon., June 22 at 5:30 pm at the GCA office. Architectural Review Committee Tues., June 2 and 16 at 4:30 pm at the GCA office. Tues., June 16 at 6:00 pm at the GCA office Call Associated Property Management 480-941-1077 for details. Cachet at Grayhawk Condominium Board Meeting No meeting scheduled. Call First Service Residential at 480-551-4300 for details. Linda Shaw President Paul Alessio Vice President Barb Nelson Treasurer David Van Omen Secretary Margo Bellock Director Mon., June 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Tesoro Clubhouse. Call Brown Management at 480-339-8825 for details. Robert Mann Venu Condominium Board Meeting Director Call Associated Property Management at 480-941-1077 for details. Village at Grayhawk Condominium Board Meeting Director Martha Troy Retreat Village Association Board Members Thur., June 18 at 6:00 pm at the GCA office Call First Service Residential at 480-551-4300 for details. Arlene Smith Vintage Condominium Board Meeting Vice President No meeting scheduled. Call First Service Residential at 480-551-4300 for details. OTHER ASSOCIATIONS Avian Condominium Meeting Grayhawk Community Association Board Members President Ira Mallin Patrick Thompson Treasurer Mitchell Cooper Secretary Alan Fernandez Director VISION Grayhawk: a Sonoran Desert home to vibrant southwestern living with an uncommon commitment to community. MISSION STATEMENT Grayhawk Community Association strives to enhance quality of life and community strength through inclusion, participation and pragmatic stewardship of human, financial and environmental assets. Flight | 5 Board Briefs Grayhawk Master Association - Board of Directors Meeting Representatives from the Pinnacle Peak West Area Drainage Master Study presented information to the Board of Directors and residents in attendance regarding the Rawhide Wash, which runs through the western portion of Grayhawk. Project Manager Theresa Pinto explained that opinions on steps moving forward with this study varied. Many Scottsdale residents do not feel they should pay taxes to alleviate the financial burden of those who willingly moved into a flood plain. Others would like to see steps taken to alleviate the current requirement for flood insurance. There are three options currently being presented to the public. These options are taking no action, taking minimal action without construction of any new flood control structures, and building potential flood control mitigation structures which attempt to minimize flood risks. A meeting regarding this project will be held on May 11 at the Grayhawk Golf Club. New Business Linda Shaw introduced a request from a resident regarding the possibility of developing a pickleball court in Grayhawk. Resident Chris Buba stated that pickleball was a fast-growing sport and many residents may be interested in seeing a court in Grayhawk. The Board of Directors discussed various options. Due to the fact that the only current tennis courts owned and maintained in the community are in the Retreat Village, the Board CHANGING THE WAY FITNESS IS DONE! Come meet our team and experience Pulse Fitness with… 30 DAYS FOr $89 * Our 30 Day Personal Training Experience Includes: O Comprehensive Evaluation O Individualized Program Design O 4 Small Group Training Sessions O Unlimited Team Training O Unlimited Yoga & Cycle O Gym Membership We are locally owned and operated and excited to announce our expansion to better serve you. Our professional team uses a variety of innovative training techniques to help you meet and achieve your fitness goals. did not feel that converting a current tennis court was a good option. Only those residents who have access to the tennis courts in the Retreat would be able to use them. The possibility of retrofitting the basketball court in Ridgecrest was also discussed. Management will look into the logistics and contact Grayhawk’s legal counsel to determine if this would be considered a change of use of the common area and require approval of the association membership. A suggestion was also made to contact the City of Scottsdale and request that the tennis court at the Grayhawk Neighborhood Park be used for both tennis and pickleball. Development Committee David Van Omen reported that the committee did not meet. Operational Review Committee Martha Troy reported that the committee did not meet in April but will likely be meeting in May. Landscape Committee Arlene Smith reported that the committee is working to complete landscaping at the three remaining monuments. Funding for this project was approved in September of 2014. There are currently three erosion repair projects being submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. The Board voted and approved erosion repair at the following locations: • Along 76th Street south of Thompson Peak Parkway ($1,730) • Along Hayden Road north of Grayhawk Drive ($1,975) • Near Deer Valley Road and Scottsdale Road ($2,900) There are also 23 sidewalk panels that currently need repair. DLC replaces 10 sidewalk panels per year as part of their contract. Community Enhancement Committee Bob Mann reported that the community enhancement fund was currently at about $1.4 and that approximately $600,000 was taken into the fund each year. This fund is for future projects not covered through the operating budget. The goal of the community enhancement condominium program was to give a total of approximately $100,000 each year to condo association, or about $10,000 per condo association. Condominiums may fund all or a portion of a project with the funds, but there are specific guidelines for what projects can be covered as well as the submittal process. The application deadline for projects is February 1 of each year, and projects at submitted to the Community Enhancement committee in April, with the Board of Directors making a final vote in May. Programs Committee Sarah Van Duyne reported that she estimated that she handed out approximately 200 maps in the parking lot during the community Garage Sale. A total of 35 ladies attended Ladies Night Out at Pure Sushi and the restaurant went above and beyond what they had originally agreed to offer. 480-907-5900 | 19120 North Pima Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 *Some conditions apply. See club for details. 6 | Flight Board Briefs There were about 20 ladies at the M3V Nail Bar Spa Party, and everyone seemed to have a great time. Amid wind and a little rain, the Family BBQ did take place, however, the movie was cancelled and will be rescheduled. Upcoming events include the Scavenger Hunt and Luau. Communications Committee Jennifer Sheets reported that advertising numbers were up, and there has been a steady increase in social media participation by homeowners. Linda Shaw noted that one resident had submitted a committee application to serve on the Communications Committee. Architectural Review Committee Paul Alessio reported that the two Architectural Committee meetings in April had seven submittals with the outcome being four approvals, two disapprovals and one request for more information. Budget/Finance Committee Barb Nelson reported that the committee did not meet but was planning to meet in May with the auditor to review the draft of the 2014 GCA and RVA audited financial statements. Executive Committee Linda Shaw stated that the committee reviewed the proposed revisions to the Condominium Community Enhancement Program and recommended GCA Board approval of the revisions. A motion was made and approved to adopt the revisions to the Condominium Community Enhancement Program. The fourth condominium Board Presidents meeting was held on April 16 with six of the eight condominium Board Presidents in attendance. Each condominium Board President was asked to report on the current status of their project approved through the Condominium Community Enhancement Program. Other topics discussed included short term rentals, parking, the increase in the cost of flood insurance, and parking issues. Treasurer’s Report Barb Nelson reported that the Association was doing very and had collected approximately $14,000 in bad debt that had previously been written off. New Business A motion was made and approved to appoint Barb Nelson as the GCA Board Treasurer and chair of the Budget/Finance Committee. All committee member appointments were also approved. Management Report Michael Fee reported that the appropriate paperwork had been submitted regarding the proposed Dutch Brothers coffee slated to open in the Bashas’ Plaza. The new mailboxes in Pinnacle neighborhood will be installed on May 16-17. Also, Association Reserves is currently working on the reserve study updates for the Grayhawk Community Association, Retreat Village Association, and all of the neighborhoods with benefitted assessments. 602-799-5368 IN BUSINESS SINCE 2000 • No Trip Charges! COMP ETIT PRICIN IVE G • Saturday Appointments (No Extra Charge) • FREE Phone Estimates • Large Inventory of Parts on Hand • FREE Pool Tune-Up ($100 value with weekly service or repair ) Flight | 7 Landscaping Watering for Our Summer Heat By DLC Resources, Inc. Summer has arrived in the high desert and June is generally the hottest and driest month of the year. Just like you, plants and trees get thirsty when temperatures begin to rise. When summer monsoons arrive and the humidity increases (as well as the hope of rain), plants actually require less water. Ensure your home landscape is getting the water it needs now and you won’t be playing catch up later. To minimize waste and to get more water to the roots, we recommend watering at night whenever possible. Now is also a good time to provide supplemental water to cactus and other succulents if they are not already on a drip water system. Take special care to not overwater saguaros. Here are some helpful tips to assist you in getting the right amount of water where it needs to go: 1.Check that your water delivery system is functioning correctly by turning the system on and walking around your yard. Check your emitters to make sure they are watering what they are supposed to and where they are supposed to. 8 | Flight 2.Check on your irrigation controller to see if the watering schedule meets the needs of your landscape during the hot summer months. Sometimes the controller can default to a general schedule if you recently lost power. 3.Use a long screwdriver or piece of rebar to test the depth of how far your water is soaking into the ground. A screwdriver will move easily through most soil when it is wet, but will stop when it reaches dry soil. The roots of most shrubs are not more than 6” to 18” deep and even a large tree will have most of its roots within the first 24” of soil. For turf, getting moisture to a depth of 6” should be sufficient. For additional tips on how to use your irrigation system to manage your landscapes watering needs, continue reading at Get Ready For Monsoon Season With summer temperatures creeping into the triple digits, monsoon season is just around the corner. Summer monsoon storms offer much needed rain to our desert environment, but also pose the biggest weather related risk for trees. If not pruned and thinned properly, your trees are more likely to become the victim of high monsoon winds. Continue reading about how to prepare your trees for monsoon season here: monsoon-season-ready-or-not-here-it-comes/ Photos Thanks to Comerica Bank, Bloom and Van Omen with RE/MAX Platinum Living, Tavern Americana and DLC Resources for sponsoring the 2015 Family BBQ. Flight | 9 Because “never” happens all the time. That’s why I’m there. Jeremy Mueller Ins Agcy Inc Jeremy R Mueller, Agent 23341 N Pima Rd Suite D139 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Bus: 480-515-5223 There was a time you said you’d “never” get married and “never” have kids. And then? They became the things in life you never want to be without. Let me help you protect them. It’s why State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. ® 1501170 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL Proudly Serving Grayhawk Communities “We care about your concerns while you are away” Customized Home Watch Services Full Concierge Services Short Term Rental Transitions 480-272-8849 / 10 | Flight A+ Rating School office Closed June 4th - July 19th Grayhawk Elementary School Receives Prestigious A+ Rating By Carla Falcone, Coventry at Grayhawk Grayhawk Elementary School recently hosted a celebration for achieving the prestigious A+ School of Excellence Award™ from the Arizona Education Foundation. With the entire student body, faculty, staff, students, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) volunteers, and parents looking on as Arizona Educational Foundation Executive Director Bobbie O’Boyle presented school Principal Norm Pratt with the honorary distinction. Other notables in attendance included Paradise Valley School District (PVSD) Superintendent Dr. James Lee, PVSD Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Support Dr. Lillian Baribault, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Recruitment Dr. Karen Gasket, and Grayhawk PTO President Linda Keegan. This past winter Grayhawk Elementary submitted an application to the Arizona Education Foundation to be recognized as an A+ School of Excellence Awardee™. The program is a comprehensive school assessment that celebrates outstanding schools evaluated in the areas of student focus and support, school culture, active teaching and learning, community and parent involvement, leadership, and curriculum. The first step in the process is to complete an application, which covers every aspect of a school and its community. Through the Arizona Education Foundation, a selection panel including award-winning principals, teachers, and community leaders review the applications to determine if a school moves on to the second phase in the process. In late March Grayhawk Elementary School received notification that it had been selected for the next step, which was a two-day site visit. The field panel that visited the school included two principals and one teacher. The three spent time observing, interviewing, and evaluating the daily happenings at Grayhawk Elementary. The following month the school was notified of the Arizona Education Foundation’s results and that Grayhawk Elementary was to be named one of the 51 public schools to be granted the prestigious recognition. This is the first time Grayhawk Elementary has received this honor. Upon receiving the announcement, Principal Norm Pratt stated, “I am proud to announce that today I received notification that we have been recognized as an A+ School of Excellence™! This is a tremendous achievement and I am extremely proud of our staff, students, parents, and Back to School Breakfast August 7th First Day of School August 8th District offices remain open during the summer. Kindergarteners and new students are encouraged to enroll at Grayhawk Elementary as soon as possible. community. Thank you for supporting all of the great things that happen here at Grayhawk Elementary. It is truly a special place.” In addition to the distinction, the Arizona Foundation presented the school with a $500 check and banner that will proudly be on display for the students and community to enjoy. The Arizona Educational Foundation created the A+ School of Excellence™ Program in 1983. Its purpose is to identify and give recognition to outstanding Arizona public schools; to make available a comprehensive framework of key criteria for school effectiveness that can serve as a basis for participatory self-assessment and planning in schools; and to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices within and among schools based on a common criteria related to success. There are currently over 2,000 public schools in the state of Arizona. In the 2014-2015 school year only 51 public schools received this award, including Grayhawk Elementary. Flight | 11 Caving Arizona This summer, say goodbye to scorching temperatures and the baking sun, and hello to an underground world where stones grow and temperatures remain constant. Visit one of Arizona’s many spectacular caves! Speleologists (scientists who study caves) estimate that there may be more than 4,000 caves beneath the surface in Arizona. With well over 1,000 caves and karst features already documented in the state, Arizona is rich in speleological resources. From the large Lava Tubes of Northern Arizona, to the decorated limestone caves of Southern Arizona, our state contains some of the most beautiful and scientifically important caves in the nation. And since Arizona has such a variety of localized climates, from arid deserts to lush mountain forests; we also have a high diversity of caves types. Since much of Arizona is located in desert climates, many of the desert caves receive very little water input. This means that cave formations grow very slowly and are extremely susceptible to impact from visitors. In 1977, cavers and other interested parties were able to write and enact a cave protection law to help protect Arizona caves from damage. Since many Arizona caves are archaeological sites, a later statute offers further protection to these unique resources. 12 | Flight The statutes are 13-3702 and 13-3702.01 of the Arizona Criminal Code Title 13. Persons convicted under these statutes can be charged with fines up to $150,000! Suffice it to say it is not smart to dig in caves for pots, or to damage caves in any way. Just be sure to tread softly and practice “Leave No Trace” principles. Later generations will appreciate your consideration. Kartchner Caverns Kartchner Caverns, considered the crown jewel of Arizona caves, have been protected with state park designation since 1988, 14 years after Gary Tenen and Randy Tufts found them while exploring near the Whetstone Mountains. Tenen and Tufts kept the caves a secret for those 14 years! The caves were opened to the public in 1999, and well-trained park docents offer half-mile tours throughout the year. Two tours are offered. On the Rotunda/ Throne tour, guests discover the role that water plays in creating the caverns. They see the discoverers’ original trail, 45,000-yearold bat guano, delicate formations and “Kubla Khan,” the largest column formation in Arizona. Big Room tours are offered midOctober through mid-April and guests have a chance to marvel at the many strange and colorful formations, learn about the cave fauna, and experience the wonder of the cave’s discovery. Kartchner is a wet, living cave with water still percolating down from the surface and formations still growing. A bristling forest of stalactites, stalagmites, columns and crystals fills the soaring rooms. Pencilthin soda straws dangle from the ceiling, including the longest known one in the United States at 21 feet, 2 inches. Extraordinary precautions have been taken to preserve the cave’s delicate ecosystem. Introduction of outside air would upset the natural balance and dry out the cave. Visitors enter through a large steel door embedded into the hillside and then pass through a man-made tunnel and a series of airlocks. Tours for adults cost $23, $13 for ages 7-13. Children younger than 7 are free, but are not permitted on Big Room tours. The park also has an interactive museum, hiking trails, campground, picnic ramadas and the Bat Cave Cafe. Admission is $6 per vehicle, waived for visitors with cave-tour tickets. Details: On Arizona 90 about 9 miles south of Benson. Information: 520586-4100; Reservations: 520-586-2283; Caving Colossal Cave Colossal Cave, just twenty two miles southeast of Tucson, Arizona is one of the largest dry caves in North America. It maintains a pleasant seventy degrees Fahrenheit temperature yeararound. Located in the Rincon Mountains at an elevation of three thousand seven hundred feet, the entrance commands a panoramic view of the Sonoran Desert. The cave, which opened to the public in 1917, extends approximately 600 feet into the mountain and descends about 40 feet below ground. The 363 steps present a challenge to those with difficulty climbing stairs. It’s said that bandits used to hide in the cave between bank robberies, and many believe that loot is still hidden in the dark crevices of the cave. During the Great Depression, Colossal Cave became another success story of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Workers set up a large encampment on the ranch grounds and over a three-year period built walkways, handrails and lighting still in use today. They also constructed picnic ramadas and stone buildings that now serve as gift shop and offices. The adobe building that was its headquarters has been converted to a museum honoring the men of the CCC. The cave is not fully explored, but scientists estimate that there are at least thirty nine miles of natural tunnels inside the cavern. Due to the enormously complex three-dimensional maze, it took over two years to map the two miles of passageway that are fully explored. Tours cover a half-mile and last approximately 45 minutes. Cost is $13, $6.50 for ages 5-12, children 4 and under are free. Other ways to explore Colossal Cave include Ladder Tours, Candlelight Tours and Wild Cave Tours. Reservations are required for these outings. Admission to the park is five dollars per auto (up to six people, one dollar for each additional person in the same vehicle.) Details: 16721 E. Old Spanish Trail, Vail, about 20 miles east of Tucson. Take Interstate 10 east to Exit 279. Turn north and follow the signs for about 7 miles. 520-647-7275. Grand Canyon Caverns In 1927, a young woodcutter named Walter Peck was on his way to a poker game when he nearly fell into a hole. He returned the next day with his buddies to discover an immense cave. Peck bought the property, believing it to contain mineral wealth. When that proved false, he opened the caverns for tours. Today, the largest dry cave in the United States remains a visitor friendly experience, with an elevator that descends 200 feet and long, paved walkways with handrails. Guided tours last about 45 minutes and cover three-quarters of a mile, moving through chambers and tunnels. Guests will meet Gertie the Ground Sloth, a 15-foot-tall statue re-created from skeletal remains found in the cave. There’s also a large stockpile of food and water that was hauled in during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963. The rations, enough to support 2,000 people for two weeks, were never needed. But because of the cool, dry conditions of the cave the food remains edible today. The complex includes a topside motel, restaurant, RV park, riding stables and gift shop. Cave tours cost $19.95, $14 for 65 and older and $12.95 for ages 5-12. The Explorers Tour, $69.95, allows guests to don hard hats and nylon suits and crawl into undeveloped rooms. Details: 22 miles west of Seligman on Route 66 at mile marker 115. 928-422-3223, Coronado Cave Coronado Cave is located in the Coronado National Monument south of Sierra Vista. Park Rangers lead daily tours to this large, limestone cave found at the base of Montezuma Peak. Tour requires a 1-mile roundtrip hike and ability to scale down and up a 30-foot rocky slope. This is a more rugged cave adventure than the above mentioned caves. Coronado Cave became part of Coronado National Memorial in 1978, when the park expanded its boundaries. The cave may have been used by humans as a shelter and hideout by middle archaic people (up to 8,000 years ago) and more recently by Apaches, Mexican and European miners, and settlers (however, no archaeological evidence remains in the cave today). The cave is now one of the few open, undeveloped caves in southern Arizona. Coronado Cave is a large cavern 600 feet long and in most places about 70 feet wide. Details: Southern Arizona near the Mexico border; 520-3665515; Flight | 13 Calendar of Events 1 GCA & RVA Board Meeting 5:30 pm Talon Room 7 8 Family Movie Night 7 p.m. Grayhawk Greenbelt Tesoro Board Mtg. 7 p.m. Tesoro Clubhouse 14 15 Pinspiration Party 2 p.m. Pinspiration 21 2 28 29 4 6 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 Encore Board Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Encore Clubhouse Village Board Mtg. 6 p.m. Raptor Room 24 25 26 27 Phantom of the Opera 7:30 p.m. ASU Gammage 9 10 Edge Board Mtg. 7 p.m. Edge Clubhouse ARC Mtg. 4:30 p.m. GCA Office 16 23 Ladies Night Out 5 p.m. Morton’s Father’s Day 5 ARC Meeting 4:30 pm GCA Office Avian Board Mtg. 6 p.m. Raptor Room 22 3 Golf Outing 3:15 p.m. Grayhawk Golf Club 30 WHO TO CALL ROVING PATROL 502-7685 GRAYHAWK ASSOCIATION 563-9708 SCOTTSDALE POLICE 312-5000 RSVP FOR GRAYHAWK 563-9839 Flight | 15 In & Around Grayhawk Phantom of the Opera at ASU Gammage Thur., June 4 at 7:30 p.m. ASU Gammage Cameron Mackintosh’s spectacular new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s phenomenal musical success, The Phantom of the Opera, will come to Tempe as part of a brand new North American Tour. Critics are raving that this breathtaking production is “bigger and better than ever before.” The Grayhawk Community Association has a limited number of tickets for the show on Thursday, June 4 at 7:30 pm. Seats are in the Orchestra section Row 24 (seats 58 and 60), row 25 (46-58) and row 26 (seats 44-56) and the cost is $64.50 per ticket. RSVP by Monday, June 1 to 480-563-9839. Family Movie Night Sat., June 6 at 7 p.m. Grayhawk Greenbelt (78th Place/ 78th Way) We have good news! The family movie night has been rescheduled. Make plans to join us for food, drinks, a movie and time with neighbors and family. Hot dogs, chips and drinks (juice, soda, water) will be served at 7 p.m. and we’ll have popcorn during the movie. Coolers and additional food items are welcome. The movie will be starting promptly at 7:40 p.m. Please notice the location of the movie has been changed, we will not be in the Grayhawk Neighborhood Park. We are now holding the movie in the Grayhawk Greenbelt at 78th Place/ 78th Way near the GCA office. Please bring a blanket and/ or chair for your comfort. RSVP to 480-563-9839 by June 1. Dad’s Day Coloring Contest Mon., June 1 - Fri. June 12 Grayhawk Community Association Office 7940 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy. If you haven’t found that perfect gift for Dad this Father’s Day, let the GCA office help! We will have a children’s coloring contest for children ages 0-5 and 6-12. The winner of each age group will win a basket of goodies to give to dad for his special day. You will be able to pick up the coloring page at the Grayhawk Community Association office starting Monday, June 1 and have until Friday, June 12 to turn it back in. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The coloring sheet can also be downloaded on the GCA website at www.grayhawkcommunity. org The winners will also have their artwork displayed in the July issue of the Grayhawk Flight. Please write your name, address, and phone number on the bottom of the page before turning it in. Call 480-563-9839 with any questions. Creative Inspiration at Pinspiration Sun., June 14 from 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Pinspiration, 5410 E. High Street, Ste. 105, Phoenix Are you looking for a place to be with neighbors and friends and to get out of the summer heat? Imagine cold drinks, delicious snacks, flowing creativity, and most importantly… air conditioning!! At Pinspiration, you can enjoy painting, jewelry making, up- cycled decor projects, clay, children’s crafts, and more in a fun setting. Linger with friends over a glass of wine. Relax with no hassle, no mess and no excuses. Prices will vary depending on the project you choose to tackle. View the website and project menu ahead of time at: RSVP to 480-563-9839 by Monday, June 8. Ladies Night Out Tues., June 23 at 5 p.m. Morton’s Steakhouse 15233 N. Kierland Blvd (Kierland Commons) Enjoy wine with friends old and new among old world elegance in a contemporary atmosphere. Morton’s strives to exceed guests’ expectations through food, an award-winning wine list, great atmosphere and genuine hospitality. Come prepared to sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful evening with great Happy Hour specials. This is a great way to meet your neighbors. RSVP to 480-563-9839. 16 | Flight In & Around Grayhawk Grayhawk Golf Outings Thur., June 25, July 30, August 20 3:15 check-in, 4 p.m. shotgun start Grayhawk Golf Course, 8620 E Thompson Peak Pkwy Join us for a nine hole, 4 pm shotgun outing at the Grayhawk Golf Club. Cost is $40, which includes your first drink on the course. A second drink following golf will be sponsored by David Van Omen with RE/MAX Platinum Living and Roland Bennett with Peoples Mortgage. We max out at 36 people, so sign up quickly! RSVP to 480-563-9839 by 5 p.m. the Monday prior to the golf date. Keep up with GCA on Social Media We know everyone is different and that each of our residents wants to get their information in different ways. From flyers near your mailbox to the magazine you’re reading, we are working to give you as much information as we can in as many places as we can. If you’re short on time or just not in to paper, make sure you keep up with Grayhawk events and business through any of our social media channels: Grayhawk G o l f C l u b BLOCK PARTY TRAILER The Grayhawk Party Trailer has been an amenity for residents for many years. For just a $25 rental fee ($200 refundable deposit), residents are able to rent the trailer for use at their personal parties and events. For more information, contact Director of Communications Jenn Sheets at or 480-563-9708. GrayhawkAZ GrayhawkAZ GrayhawkAZ AZGrayhawk Have Us Bake HUB The Delicious Gift Home Baked | Home Delivered Cookies - Brownies - Cupcakes - Cakes Birthday - Thank You - Get Well - Corporate - Today Flight | 17 Fire Sprinkler Systems: Meet Your Personal Firefighter The City of Scottsdale is widely recognized as a leader in builtin automatic sprinkler systems. In 1985, the City passed an ordinance requiring every commercial and multi-family building to be outfitted with a complete fire sprinkler system. The ordinance also requires that single-family residences built after January 1, 1986, be fully outfitted with an approved fire sprinkler system. Sprinkler systems are also required in major remodeling projects. These systems have been credited with saving a number of lives locally and across the nation. In the 2001 study “A 15 Year Update on the Impact and Effectiveness of the Scottsdale Sprinkler Ordinance”, it was reported that the civilian fire fatality rate had been reduced by a minimum of 50% with at least thirteen lives saved as a result of built-in fire sprinkler protection. The average loss for a fire incident in a building protected with an automatic sprinkler system was over 90% less than the average loss for a structure fire incident without automatic sprinkler protection. One or two sprinkler heads controlled or extinguished the fire in 92% of the incidents. This statistic proves that a small amount of water applied early during a fire incident is more effective than the much larger amounts that are typically flowed by firefighters. These systems are effective only if they are maintained in working order. If you need help, Scottsdale’s firefighters will inspect your sprinklers for free and advise you of ways to develop a home safety plan. To schedule a safety inspection or for more information about fire sprinkler systems, call the Scottsdale Fire Department Fire and Life Safety division at 480-312-1855. Homeowners can also assist with keeping the system in working order. 18 | Flight System Maintenance Procedures For safety and to ensure the proper operation of the fire sprinkler system, remember the following: • Visually check the sprinkler system monthly. This check is to make certain that nothing obstructs the sprinklers that would interfere with their water spray pattern. • Do not hang anything from the sprinkler heads. • Do not paint the sprinkler heads. No overspray or paint splatters are acceptable. • Do not hit or tamper with the sprinkler heads. • Do not change the setting of the pressure relief valve because this has been preset at the factory. • Test your system or make certain your system is tested periodically to be sure it is working correctly. • The main drain valve should remain in the closed position. • Make certain that any replacement of the residential sprinklers is by a sprinkler contractor licensed or certified as competent. • In 2001, Omega Sprinklers issued a recall of its sprinkler heads. Although the deadline has passed to have the sprinklers replaced for free under the recall, owners of Omega sprinklers are encouraged to have their sprinklers replaced. • Don’t forget to regularly check smoke alarms. Fire Sprinklers Facts & Myths about Fire Sprinklers Automatic fire sprinkler systems have enjoyed an enviable record of protecting life and property for more than 100 years. However, there are still common misunderstandings about the operation and effectiveness of automatic fire sprinkler systems. “When a fire occurs, every fire sprinkler head discharges water.” Fact: Sprinkler heads are individually activated by heat. Residential fires are usually controlled with one sprinkler head. A 15-year study conducted in Scottsdale found that 2 or less sprinkler heads controlled more than 92 percent of the fires that occurred in protected properties. “Water damage from fire sprinklers will be more extensive than the fire damage itself.” “Fire sprinklers are designed to protect property but are not effective for life safety.” Fact: Water damage from a home fire sprinkler system will be much less than the damage caused by water from firefighting hoses or the smoke and fire damage if the fire continues unabated. Fact: Fire sprinklers provide a high level of life safety. The NFPA has no record of a multiple death fire in a public assembly, educational, institutional or residential building where the fire sprinkler system was properly operating. “A smoke alarm is enough protection from fire.” Fact: Smoke alarms save lives by providing a warning system but do nothing to extinguish a growing fire or protect those physically unable to escape on their own, such as the impaired, elderly or small children. Also, battery operated smoke alarms often fail to work because the batteries are dead or have been removed. “Home sprinklers are expensive.” Fact: Current estimates suggest that when a home is under construction, a home sprinkler system could cost about 1 percent of the total building price – that’s less than most upgrades like carpeting, fire places, covered patios and window treatments. “Residential sprinkler systems are ugly.” Fact: The traditional industrial-type sprinklers, as well as sprinklers for home use, have been redesigned to fit in with most decor. Recessed or flush mounted sprinkler heads are now very un-obtrusive and commonly installed in many residential and commercial structures. For more information, visit At El Dorado Private School, we offer a cutting edge approach to education. Our individualized curriculum gives each student the opportunity to progress at his or her own rate, allowing for accelerated learning and success. • 2 1/2 Year Olds through 8th Grade • New Apple Technology • Low student-teacher ratios • Before and After School Programs • Advanced individualized curriculum with accelerated classes • Specialized Art, Computer, Spanish, P.E. and Music Instruction 20624 N. 76th Street • Scottsdale, AZ 85255 • 480-502-6878 Visit our website at! Since 1970! Flight | 19 Arcadia Air Conditioning & Heating LLC After the sale, it’s the service that counts Service •Sales • Installation Mike Uchrin 480-282-1268 All Brands HVAC Since 1968 Military & Senior Discounts ROC #287117 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 20 | Flight Is your roof ready for the next rain? Contact us for a FREE roof evaluation. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1984 PHONE: 480-988-9250 WWW.PAYNESONS.COM SEE OUR REVIEWS ON: BETTER BUSINESS ANGIE’S LIST BUREAU RATING: A+ HOMEADVISOR LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED ROC: 194202 ROC: 138549B Flight | 21 Recipe Sage Advice By Mary Kebbekus, Peregrine Vistas Homeowner Hi, nice to meet all of you! I am a retired private chef, cooking teacher, and party consultant who still has a need to discuss all things food. So, welcome to my first article. Have a cooking question or recipe request? Maybe you want to know what to do with that gorgeous eggplant now that it is sitting in your refrigerator. I’d love to help - just email me at AZsageadvice@ Your question may be the next article. Herbs & Spices & Salts - oh my! I regularly get questions about them, so let us begin with one that has been in the news recently - cumin. Specifically, ground cumin. A bundle of ground cumin, and spice blends that contain it, was recalled for being contaminated with peanut shells. The shelves are now clear of the offending items. However, if you want to read more about this, just Google cumin recall. FYI - Penzey’s grinds their own spices, so they started with pure cumin seed. 22 | Flight Now for the fun stuff. How the heck do you pronounce it. Take your pick: KUHmihn or KOO-mihn. Cumin was widely popular in the ancient world and it even sat on Greek tables much like our salt and pepper does today. Medicinally speaking, it is touted as a digestive aid and immunity booster. It comes in three colors: amber (this being far and away the most common and readily available), and white or black (available in specialty stores). Recipes calling for cumin mean amber unless otherwise specified. Even if you haven’t used this wonderful spice on its own, you have undoubtedly had it in chili powders or curry blends where it adds an earthy, slightly bittersweet warmth. It plays well with lamb, chicken, beans, rice, eggplant, potatoes, and one of cumin’s favorites, carrots. Here is a quick, easy, and versatile way to explore: CUMIN CARROT SALAD 1 pkg (10-12 oz.) matchstick carrots 1/2 t. cumin 1/4 t. paprika Pinch of cinnamon 1 T fresh lemon juice 2 T olive oil 1 T honey 2 T chopped parsley Salt & Pepper to taste Whisk together cumin, paprika, cinnamon, lemon juice, olive oil, & honey. Toss with carrots. Add salt & pepper to taste. Garnish with parsley. May be eaten immediately or let marinate in the refrigerator for several hours. Mix it up - add cilantro, throw in a few raisins, how about a few garbanzo beans (chickpeas) or spice it up with a dash of cayenne. Photos Thanks to The Grayhawk Group with RE/MAX Fine Properties and Tavern American for sponsoring Wine, Dine and Win John’s Window Cleaning The Owners Clean Your Windows! (480) 201-6471 Mobile Re-Screening Specialists Type to enter text Power Washing Available 1-Story $115 2-Story $135 (Up To 30 Panes) Additional Panes 2.00 ea. Screens Cleaned 2.50 ea. Fans|Lt. Fixtures|Mirrors John’s Window Cleaning 1-Story $115 2-Story $135 (inside & out Up To 30 Panes) Mobile Re-Screening Specialists Power Washing Available Same Day Service (480) 201-6471 John’s Window Cleaning Why Go Anywhere Else? Anyone can provide advice. At Edward Jones, our goal is to provide advice and guidance tailored to your needs. That’s why we live and work in your community. When it comes to your financial needs and goals, we believe you deserve face-to-face attention. You talk, we listen, and we get to know you. Portfolio and Retirement Plan Reviews Individual Retirement Accounts Education Savings Strategies Retirement Plan Rollovers and Consolidation Business Retirement Plans Mutual Funds Fixed Income Investments For more information or to schedule a complimentary financial review, call or stop by today. Eric D Deaton Financial Advisor . 9280 E Raintree Dr #101 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-922-0290 Member SIPC The Owners Clean Your Windows! (480) 201-6471 Mobile Re-Screening Specialists Type to enter text Power Washing Available 1-Story $115 2-Story $135 (Up To 30 Panes) Additional Panes 2.00 ea. Screens Cleaned 2.50 ea. Fans|Lt. Fixtures|Mirrors MKT-1954D-A Flight | 23 Sip & Tell Sip and Tell Sue Lukenbill, Encore Resident Lately, I find myself torn between my love of sit-down-and-relax establishments and hurry-up-and-go joints. When I have the time, I love a good cocktail and multiple course meal just as much as the next gal. But I’ll be honest, more days that not I find myself rushing from one appointment to another, shopping for birthday gifts or getting just a few more items checked off my to-do list. When those days happen, I genuinely appreciate a good fast-casual restaurant. Inspired by Southeast Asian street-fare, Foosia, Asia Fresh is a “fresh, exotic, and healthy” fast-casual eatery where customers can watch their food being prepared Chipotle-style. The restaurant opened its doors on the southwest corner of Scottsdale Road and Thunderbird Road in mid-January. Foosia is owned by Scottsdalebased TIGA Restaurant Concepts and the food comes courtesy of Chef Bradley Borchardt, a culinary consultant who has worked with P.F. Chang’s China Bistro and Pei Wei Asia Diner. Michael Nemeth is the brainchild of Foosia, who also owns Lush Burger in Scottsdale and runs PrimeTime Athletics, a co-ed youth flag football league. It has been said that maybe that interest in sports inspired him to create this cafe with a menu of healthful Asian rice 24 | Flight and noodle bowls. And the flavors score big, time after time. Foosia’s food, described as “a modern twist on Asian street fare,” is prepared quickly and lets guests create dishes with ingredients such as cilantro and scallions, jasmine rice with coconut milk, and seasoned meats. I like that idea. It is kind of cool that you can build your own bowls with fresh, flavorful ingredients! The restaurant seems to attract customers of all ages, including kids, who get their own little bowl of customized yummy food. Part of the appeal is the chance to create your own meal. You step up to the counter and choose your own fresh ingredients to be assembled in your bowl. You’re in charge! The menu is simple and short, but easily customized. There are four basic choices as the foundation of your meal: jasmine rice, brown rice, chilled rice noodles or a bed of mixed greens. Next, you choose a protein: marinated steak, slow-roasted pork, grilled chicken, or shrimp. All of the proteins are dished from the assembly line, except for the shrimp, which is cooked to order. The protein is topped with your choice of steamed or wok glazed vegetables and your choice from a variety of additional toppings ranging from Chinese slaw to pickled chilies, Thai herb mix to Asian cucumbers. There are seven sauces to top your bowl with: Red, White, Blue Korean BBQ (deep, dark, spicy, sweet and mysterious), Okinawan Contact Numbers IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS Grayhawk Onsite Office480-563-9708 Capital Consultants Management Corporation 480-921-7500 Grayhawk Community Patrol 480-502-5078 Talon Guardhouse480-502-7685 Raptor Guardhouse480-502-5078 After Hours Answering Service 602-234-9288 UTILITIES Southwest Gas602-861-1999 Pineapple Pow (a sweet and fruity take on teriyaki), Holy Foobanero (habanero hot sauce enhanced with the tropical flavors of lemongrass, pineapple, and a touch of vinegar), Muay Thai Vinaigrette (savory yet punchy little sauce with notes of ginger, tamarind and lime), Two Nuts Walk Into A Bar… (Malaysian peanut sauce, rich with peanut, dark soy sauce, and coconut milk flavors), Foo Foo Mango-Lime (mango sauce cleverly paired with highly aromatic and palate cleansing kaffir lime), and Fooster Sauce (House Sriracha). Jennifer Sheets and I had a great time customizing our bowls. Since I am not really a rice person, I skipped the rice and opted for just the mixed greens. I added shrimp for the protein, the wok glazed vegetables and the Two Nuts Walk Into A Bar sauce. I topped it all with crispy wontons. Jennifer ordered brown rice and mixed greens, chicken, steamed veggies, pickled cucumbers, green onion, pickled Fresno chilies, Thai herb mix and the Muay Thai Vinaigrette. The restaurant serves desserts and fountain drinks and a variety of teas. They have wine and beer as well. In a nutshell, Foosia is an alternative to deep-fried fast food, and just as fast. I suggest that you take a peek at their outdoor dining room patio to see the more than 10 herbs and spices that they grow on site in raised bed gardens. The herbs and vegetables include everything from fresh-cut cilantro, mint, Thai basil, green and red onion, lime, snap peas, garlic, and other seasonal produce. In closing, Happy Father’s Day to all of you Dads. And everyone enjoy the month of June with all of its events and remember to smile. June 15 is the Power of a Smile Day! FOOSIA, ASIAN FRESH 13610 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily 480-389-1520 City of Scottsdale Water 480-312-5650 City of Scottsdale Solid Waste 480-312-5600 APS602-371-7171 Street Light Repair (SA/ ID prefix on pole) 602-371-7171 CITY OF SCOTTSDALE Non-Emergency Police Department 480-312-5000 Fire Department Main Phone 480-312-8000 Police or Fire Emergency 911 Parks and Recreation 480-312-2771 Street Light Repair (SS prefix on pole) 480-312-5483 SCHOOLS Grayhawk Elementary School 602-449-6600 Mountain Trail Middle School 602-449-4600 Pinnacle High School 602-449-4000 El Dorado Private School 480-502-6878 LIBRARIES Appaloosa 480-312-7557 Arabian480-312-6250 Mustang480-312-6050 Grayhawk Golf Club 480-502-1800 Boys and Girls Club, Thunderbirds 480-538-9547 Motor Vehicle Division 602-255-0072 Poison Control602-253-3334 US Post Office, Kachina Branch 480-513-2963 Southwest Wildlife480-471-9109 Flight | 25 Welcome and Congratulations We would like to congratulate two Grayhawk residents on their recent City of Scottsdale appointments. Paul Alessio, a resident of Coventry at Grayhawk, was appointed to the City of Scottsdale Planning Commission. Paul currently serves on the City of Scottsdale Development Review Board, the Grayhawk Community Association Board of Directors and the Grayhawk Architectural Review Committee. Paul Alessio Laraine Rodgers, resident of the Village at Grayhawk, was re-elected to the City of Scottsdale Library Commission. Laraine currently serves on the Grayhawk Communications Committee. Laraine Rodgers Congratulations to our own Grayhawk residents! WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD! Zainab Aljanabi Kennedy Kumar Lesley Pappas David Cichelli Erica Martens Juanita and Stanley Paulis Andrew and David Clark Nancy Milburn Jeffrey Sater and Bradlee Neuhaus John and Polly Cooke Amy Klock-Moss Yelena Devyatova Elaine Murray Sharon Hilf Daniel Janis Nielsen Akira and Kumiko Kawashima Glo Oshinkski Lucien and Joyce Klejbuk Agapito and Helen Panelo Douglas Spina Leonard Tulipano 26 | Flight Chad and Lindsay Wing and their sons Carson (4) and Decker (1 1/2) ARIZONA WILD DESERT LANDSCAPE Introducing AZWDL Property Services: ❒ Pool & Spa Service ❒ Pest Control ❒ House Cleaning ❒ Termite Extermination ❒ Pet Waste Removal ❒ Absentee Homeowners Service Customize and change your services based on your needs! Pay Only for the Services Requested, No Property Management Fee! We Accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover! ONE Point of Contact ONE Bill for Services Selected ONE Call Does it All! (Including the Scheduling of Landscaping Services) Arizona Wild Desert Landscape provides a wide range of services including standard maintenance, refurbishing designs in landscaping and hardscape, a full range of planting services (flowers, pots, bushes, trees), all irrigation needs, low voltage lighting services and pre- and post-emergent weed control. Flexible Scheduling • High-Quality Work • Fully Guaranteed (480) 575-0536 ARIZONA WILD DESERT LANDSCAPE Fax 480-575-0537 • • Resident-Owned and -Operated • Licensed, Bonded and Insured: ROC# 195280 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 3418 DATED MATERIAL. PLEASE DELIVER BY MAY 31. 7970 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 480.874.3937
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