Annex B Map of Plan and Projects Proposed in the Master Plan List
Annex B Map of Plan and Projects Proposed in the Master Plan List
Annex B Map of Plan and Projects Proposed in the Master Plan List of Maps B-1 Location Map B-2 Upazila Map B-3 Base Map B-4 Existing Land Use Map B-5 Proposed Land Use Map B-6 Proposed Traffic and Transportation Map B-7 Proposed Drainage Plan Map B-8 Map of Proposed Plan for Urban Services NOTE - (Map B-1) Location Map shows the Pourashava’ geographical point and boundary in national map. It presents national highway, railway and river. - (Map B-2) Upazila Map explains connection between the Pourashava and surrounding land. It shows road network and major socioeconomic Infrastructures such as market, growth center, school, hospital, mosque and etc. - (Map B3) Base Map illustrates the Pourashava boundary with Ward boundary. - (Map B-4 and B-5) Existing Land Use Map and Proposed Plan Use Map shows about land use pattern of current and future status 20 years later. The Chapter ‘Land use Zoning Plan and Development Control’ in Part B of the Master Plan gives background and detail of these maps. By comparing these two maps, it can be easy to get to know the direction of urban development of this Pourashava. - (Map B-6) Proposed Traffic and Transportation Map describes communication related projects proposed in Transportation and Traffic Management Plan, Part B of the Master Plan. The code close to the project, like RD-4 indicates project code in the Master Plan. The code can be found in the chapter for Transportation and Traffic Management Plan of the Master Plan and also the Annex A of this report. - (Map B-7) Proposed Drainage Plan Map explains rainwater drainage related project proposed in Drainage and Environmental Management Plan, Part B of the Master Plan. The code close to the project, like D-18 denotes project code in the Master Plan. The code can be found in the chapter for Drainage and Environmental Management Plan of the Master Plan and also the Annex A of this report. - (Map B-8) Map of Proposed Plan for Urban Services presents projects for urban facility, like bus terminal, market, dumping ground and others, proposed in Plan for Urban Services in the Master plan. The code shown beside each facility is linked to project code in the Master Plan. The code can be found in the chapter for Plan for Urban Services of the Master Plan and also the Annex A of this report. MAP: B-1 . LOCATION MAP BANGLADESH 0 47,500 95,000 190,000 Meters Nilphamari 44,000 66,000 88,000 Meters Legend Rail Line NANDAIL Thakurgaon 11,000 22,000 International Boundary Nandail Pourashava Panchagarh 0 Lalmonirhat National Highway Kurigram River Line Rangpur Dinajpur Zila Boundary BAY O F BE NGA L Gaibandha Mymensingh Zila Joypurhat Sherpur Jamalpur Naogaon Sunamganj Netrakona Bogra Nawabganj Sylhet Mymensingh Nandail Thana/Upazila Nandail Pourashava NANDAIL Rajshahi Sirajganj Natore Kishoreganj Tangail Gazipur Pabna Kushtia Meherpur Rajbari Habiganj Narsingdi Manikganj Rajbari Dhaka Narayanganj Brahamanbaria Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Master Plan, UTIDP Map: B-2 90°30'0"E 90°35'0"E 90°40'0"E 90°45'0"E 90°50'0"E UPAZILA MAP 24°40'0"N UPAZILA NANDAIL 24°40'0"N LEGEND Administrative Boundary } } } International Boundary District Boundary DISTRICT MYMENSIGH Upazila Boundary Union Boundary Mauza Boundary Municipal Boundary UPAZILA ISWARGANJ Administrative Headquarters To Iswarganj Kurati New Bazar T $ z T # $ 24°35'0"N O L D z # UPAZILA ISWARGANJ Chamta Bazar B T $ Kanarampur Bazar R z # A Betagair H z # M A P U T T $ z # z # %$ ^ T Char Sreerampur Bazar z # R TI U P M H A B R E V z # A G z Beerkamatkhali (North) Bazar# G# z z# |G z # # z # þ z # T $ z # z # Beerkamatkhali (South) Bazar Nandail $ T þ$ T G z Hemganj Bazar# NANDAIL z # zc # Y# T T $ $Balala Bad Bazar | # zPachani Bazar Bazar# z G Kalenga # z # T $ T $ T $ TGorastan Bazar $ z # |# # $ T y þ# | # z Moazzempur # z ^ Kaliapara Bazar % T $ Kalasarker Bazar z # z$ # T z # G Barodigirpar G T $ z # Chandpur Bazar z T# $ y$ # T z #$ TLangarpar Bazar T $ z Sherpur Langarpar Bazar Sherpur School Bazar # { # S # Nandail Bazar # z { # y # z # z # Achargaon $ T G z # z # Mia Hossain Bazar T $ y # Gangail Bazar z # T z $ # Ulohati Bazar T $ z$ # T z # z # T $ UPAZILA Upazila Road (Pucca) Upazila Road (Katcha) Bonahati Bazar Union Road (Pucca) o ilr T a To Tarail Union Road (Katcha) %$ ^ zT # #$ z T G Village Road A (Pucca) TPachdarilla Bazar $ Village Road A (Katcha) Village Road B (Pucca) z # Musuli Bazar z$ # T z # T $ | ## z Village Road B (Katcha) Kaliganj Bazar T #Jamtola Bazar $ Targhat Bazar z # z z # G UPAZILA TARAIL T $ y z G # S ## yBazar z # Busarbaper# Singrul Bazar DISTRICT KISHORGANJ Abdullahpur Bazar Lailar Bazar G z # T $ Ichamoti Bazar y # | # T# $ þ$ z# z T þ $ $ Sherpur# T# T Tawal Bazar z |# T $ z # Sangramkhali Bazar z T $ z Kalasarker # # | # ^ % Treemohoni Bazar z T $ þ T $ Singrail $ T T # $ | # T $ Musuli z TPachruki Bazar $ Sialdara Bazar z # $ T T $ ^$ G Abaldani Bazar G T % T Rajabaria Bazar Hatshera Bazar zþ $ # z Bazar # # Boraghat Bazar Dilalpur Bazar |New T # $ z Baropara # z T# $ z $ # z Kharua Bazar G # # z zG $ # T z $ # z # T $ | # z # Kamarerchar Bazar T T | | # T $ ^ % þ z # z # T $ Jamtola Bazar y # þ z # y # # z Chalkmoti Bazar z # # | T G $ z Haripur Bazar $# T T $ G z # Borilah Bazar z y # # Janata Bazar T $ GBazar G þ T # Kalir Bazar z Kharua $ Nogon Bazar | # z # # y # zBonagram # UPAZILA KISHORGANJ SADAR T $ z S # T $ Dewanganj Bazar z Bakchanda Bazar # DISTRICT KISHORGANJ z # Jahangirpur T $ Lagorcar Bazar Botpur Bazar S ## To Kishoreganj Sadar z# |þ z # Vandar Bazar GAFFARGAON T# $ T $ $ T| z # ^ % z # yþ # T$ $ y # Seed Store Bazar T Bazar zBuar$ # z # TT $ Kalian Bazar z # UPAZILA HOSSAINPUR z # T $ DISTRICT KISHORGANJ z # z # z Bazar # Shurati T $ Zila Road Rajgati Amtoli Bazar Union Regional Highways UPAZILA KENDUA DISTRICT NETROKONA Nandail Road Bazar Darilla Goeshpur Bazar G z # T $ þ # z # z z Bazar# # z Udlar T $ Upazila National Highways Sondail Shajahan Bazar z # # | z ## | S # District Physical Infrastructures G z #Gangail # z z$ # T # z Nandail Chawrasta Bazar T $ þ$ T z # Dhargaon Bazar G z # K jri T o sh n a g 24°30'0"N UPAZILA TRISHAL z # z # # Y $ T Shaildara Bazar z # z # zG # z # G # y # | z z # G y Chandipasha# # T $ z # ^ Bashati Bazar % T þ$ z # z G # Sabar Bazar #þ z G z # Kurati (Old) Bazar T $ z # z # 24°35'0"N z # T #$ y G z # Railway Network Embankment Natural Features Wide River with Sandy Area Small River/ Khal Water Bodies Forest 24°30'0"N z y # # [ % Sondail Bazar Hill Socio-Economic Infrastructures S # T $ Growth Centre Rural Market c x % ^ % G þ { # | # z # y # T $ T $ à Police Station Upazila Health Complex Family welfare Centre Community Clinic Post Office College High School Primary School Madrasa Mosque Ashrayan/Abasan Settlement Disclaimer : Information / theme contained in this map sheet is only for internal use of Local Government Engineering Department. Information / theme of this map sheet is not authoritative for any other use. N 1 0 24°25'0"N 24°25'0"N SCALE 2 2 Kilometers R.F. 1: 1,25,000 Compiled from : LGED Upazila Base Maps 1994-95, Landsat TM 1998, GPS Survey 1999 and Field Checking in 2010 Projection : Lambert's Conformal Conic PREPARED BY : GIS UNIT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 90°30'0"E 90°35'0"E 90°40'0"E 90°45'0"E 90°50'0"E MAP: B-3 . BASE MAP 0 260 520 1,040 1,560 2,080 Meters Legend Boundary Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary Ward No.01 Mouja Boundary # Nandial Pourashava Existing Road Network Existing Landuse Ward No.09 Agriculture Nandail Ward No.02 Circulation Network Commercial Activity Chandipasha Extension Jhalua Community Service Education & Research Ward No.03 Governmental Services Pourashava Bhaban Ward No.04 Ward No.08 # * Manufacturing and Processing Activity Mixed Use Bhati Dasalia Non Government Services Recreational Facilities Ward No.05 Residential Ward No.07 Achargaon Service Activity Transport and Communication Urban Green Space Amodabad Ward No.06 Vacant Land Water Body Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Proposed Draft Plan, Preparation of Pourashava Master Plan under UTIDP MAP: B-4 . EXISTING LAND USE MAP 0 220 440 880 1,320 1,760 Meters Legend Boundary Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary Ward No.01 # Nandai Pourashava Existing Road Network Existing Landuse Agriculture Circulation Network Ward No.09 Commercial Activity Ward No.02 Community Service Education & Research Extension Governmental Services Industrial Ward No.03 Miscellaneous Pourashava Bhaban Ward No.04 Ward No.08 # * Mixed Use Non Government Services Open Space Ward No.05 Recreational Facilities Residential Ward No.07 Restricted Area Utility Services Ward No.06 Transport & Communication Water Body Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Proposed Draft Plan, Preparation of Pourashava Master Plan under UTIDP MAP: B-5 . PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN MAP 0 265 530 1,060 1,590 2,120 Meters Legend Boundary Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary Ward No.01 # Nandai Pourashava Existing Road Network Proposed Landuse Agricultural Zone Circulation Network Commercial Zone Ward No.09 Community Facilities Ward No.02 Education and Research Zone Government Office Extension Health Services Industrial Zone (General) Ward No.03 Pourashava Bhaban Ward No.04 Ward No.08 # * Industrial Zone (Heavy) Miscellaneous Mixed Use Zone Open Space Ward No.05 Recreational Facilities Residential Zone (Rural/Low Densed) Ward No.07 Residential Zone (Urban) Transportation Facilities Urban Deferred Ward No.06 Utility Services Waterbody Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Proposed Draft Plan, Preparation of Pourashava Master Plan under UTIDP MAP: B-6 . PROPOSED TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN 0 237.5 475 950 1,425 1,900 Meters Legend Boundary # Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary Nandail Pourashava Proposed Road Network Total WR-03 WR-0 5 LR-03 (1st Phase) LR0 LR-05 LR-04 SR-01 WR-01 2 WR-02 Ward No.01 LR- 0 7 WR-09 Bus Stand n £ h LR-06TS-01 Ë É Bus Terminal g LR- 3 6 5 TS-04 g 9 Ward No.08 LR- 2 Ë É LR- 31 LR-31 ) SR-06 ) LR- 24 LR-33 PR-02 BR-06 $ ) LR-27 Education and Research Zone Industrial Zone (General) Government Office Health Services Industrial Zone (Heavy) Miscellaneous ) SR- 0 5 Ward No.07 g £ n Ë É Mixed Use Zone Open Space Recreational Facilities Residential Zone (Rural/Low Densed) Residential Zone (Urban) -22 WR ) WR 21 R15 W Ward No.06 BS TS-03 LR-22 WR-23 4 SR- 0 LR-21 WR-24 SR- 03 P-0 $ 2 18 WR - 19 BC-07 BR-02 ê$ ! O Community Facilities LR-30 BR-05 4 LR - 5 8F LR- 3 4 ) FP -0 3 ü Æ R- 2 $ ) WR-16 LR-17 PA -04 S WR-26 Ward No.05 WR-25 Agricultural Zone Circulation Network BR-04 BR-03 Truck Terminal Tempo/ Rickshaw Stand Commercial Zone 3 LR- WR-1 BC-02 BC-04 2 5 LR- 2 LR-14 FP-0 Parking Area ! Roundabout O $ Bridge ê Culvert Proposed Landuse LR-28 ! Oê $ ! O -12 WR-17 5 LR- 35 BC-01 ê # * BC-06 BC-05 ê êê ê $ 3 ! O BR-07CD Pourashava Bhaban SR-02 LR-16 CD02 W R LR-30 6 Ward No.04 BC-03 1 LR- SR- 2 9 1 3 8 WR-06 LR-18 g Ë É PR SR-37 7 FP-0 1 CD-0 2 LR- SR -0 TS-02 -0 WR-0 LR- 10 3 Ward No.03 $ WR-07 LR-12 BT dË h É TT g Ë É BR-01 WR-1 WR-10 C 01 D- d 2 LR- 3 WR-11 Extension ü Æ Ward No.09 LR-08 Ward No.02 Primary Road Secondary Road Local Road Central Divider Footpath Proposed Transport Facilities LR-33 Ë É LR-09 Total Road Network under Master Plan ) LR- 0 1 Transportation Facilities Urban Deferred Utility Services Waterbody LR-23 Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Master Plan, UTIDP MAP: B-7 . PROPOSED DRAINAGE NETWORK AND OUTFALL PLAN 0 240 480 960 1,440 1,920 Meters Legend Boundary Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary -0 TD 1 Nandail Pourashava # 0 Proposed Transport Network % 2 Proposed Drainage Networks PD-01 Ward No.01 Total 1 % 2 PD-03 PD- 0 4 1 SD0 TD- 0 4 TD- 03 Commercial Zone Community Facilities % 2 SD10 Pourashava Bhaban % 2 # * 33 %10 2 13 2 TD-22 04 SD - 27 24 29 TD-19 14 SD0 7 TD- 1 7 30 20 17 % 2 Recreational Facilities Residential Zone (Rural/Low Densed) Residential Zone (Urban) Utility Services Waterbody 19 % 2 % 2 Miscellaneous Urban Deferred 18 % 2 Industrial Zone (Heavy) Transportation Facilities 8 SD- 0 Ward No.06 TD- 1 8 15 TD-20 Ward No.07 % 2 Health Services Mixed Use Zone 9 SD- 0 21 % 2 2 2 PD- 10 Open Space %282 2 % % 2 % 2 2 % 2 TD-16 16 % %15 Government Office Ward No.08 % 2 6 SD- 0 TD-12 8 5 SD- 0 TD-13 TD-11 23 %22 9 %12 %11 % 2 2 % 2 2 31% Industrial Zone (General) 6 TD-21 8 TD2 TD-27 3 7 6 Education and Research Zone 14 SD- 11 % %2 2 TD- 09 06 PD- Ward No.05 TD - Circulation Network 26 TD-25 PD0 Agricultural Zone 45 PD-09 TD-23 - 24 TD TD-06 Drainage Outfall Proposed Landuse % 2 SD -0 TD- 05 Ward No.04 Ward No.09 SD- 1 2 PD-05 2 %32 2 TD - Ward No.03 PD-07 34 % 2 %2 % 2 % 2 TD-08 % 2 Tertiary Drain SD- 1 3 3 % 2 Ward No.02 Extension 25 Secondary Drain TD-30 2 % 2 -0 SD Primary Drain PD-02 TD- 0 2 (1st Phase) Total Drainage Network under Master Plan Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Master Plan, UTIDP MAP: B-8 . PROPOSED URBAN SERVICES PLAN 0 265 530 Pourashava Boundary Ward Boundary Nandail Pourashava Proposed Road Network Proposed Landuse Agricultural Zone Mixed Use Zone Circulation Network Ward No.01 Open Space Commercial Zone Recreational Facilities Residential Zone (Rural/Low Densed) Residential Zone (Urban) Transportation Facilities Community Facilities I * Education and Research Zone PT-02 Hos Industrial Zone (General) PS-05 Government Office ñ ò PS v NP-01 ® Ú HS-01 $ % TS-01 ÜË g PS-01 Ñ É I *PT-03 PS ñ ò NM-01 Health Services ST C S ÷ ø £ n Ê G" ( ø ÷ TT BT dË h É [ ¾ Z g Ë É I * IZ-02 [ ¾ Z i I IZ-01 WTS-03 { ¨ © TS-02 PT-04 NM-02 Ward No.04 Ü Ñ HS-02 WTS-01 { ¨ © YDC CC I * PA . ² ² WM ? Ward No.05 ü Æ i I WDG R ² ³ LPP L PS-02Ward No.06 PT-05 OH [ J NM-04 RZ i I CP HS-03 Ú $ % Ü Ñ PT-06SM WTS-02 I *I < { ¨ © } ¨ © PS ò ñ g I * Ë ÉNo.08 Ward # * #Ë m É ³ ² TS-04 PT-08 Pourashava Bhaban POFS Bus Stand h Bus Terminal Ë É GYED Ward No.03 Waterbody Proposed Facilities NP-02 Ú $ % Utility Services Miscellaneous Ward No.09 i I Extension Urban Deferred Industrial Zone (Heavy) Ward No.02 Ñ Ó 2,120 Legend # PT-01 1,590 Meters Boundary I * 1,060 PS-04 PS ò ñ i I PT-07BS Ë ÉTS-03 Ward No.07 g I * n £ PS-03 ñ ò PS NM-03 Ú Central Park $ % Ñ College Ó ? Community Centre ² Ê Central Eidgah ( " General Industrial [ Zone Z ¾ G Graveyard ø ÷ m Fire Service Station Ë É [ ¾ Z Ü Ñ v ® Heavy Industrial Zone High School Hospital L Land for Poor ³ ² People J Old Home [ ü Parking Area Æ # Pourashava Office PS Primary School ñ ò I * Public Toilet ( ! Slaughter House R Resettlement Zone ³ ² S ÷ ø I < g Ë É Super Market d Truck Terminal } ¨ © I Market i { ¨ © Ú $ % . ² Neighbourhood Park Stadium Tempo/ Rickshaw Stand Waste Disposal Ground Waste Transfer Station Youth Development Centre Nandail Pourashava, Nandail Upazila, Mymensingh District. Master Plan, UTIDP
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